An Understated Dominance Chapter 1301 to Chapter 2422 - English Version Translated by NAZMUL

English Version Translated by NAZMUL

An Understated Dominance is a Urban novel for men, telling a story of Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. "An Understated Dominance" delves into themes of ambition, power and the price of success. The novel explores the complexities of relationships and so on.
I hope the author remember the Heirloom that Dustin's father gave to Florence that was secretly sold by Julie! We need justice!
I have always wondered about that too. Julie sold the heirloom. I can't wait for the story to go back to Natasha and Dahlia.
Chapter 1934: Power cut off

The night fell quickly.

Inside the village in the desert, various forces gathered, including noble sects and unscrupulous factions, renowned martial arts masters, and infamous villains.

People of all kinds and backgrounds mingled together.

Despite their different identities and positions, everyone shared the same goal to find treasures in the oasis.

As a result, when the village became overcrowded, friction and conflicts began to arise.

The unscrupulous individuals would secretly kill and rob, while the righteous would use the opportunity to eliminate their competitors in the name of eradicating evil.

After nightfall, a bloody and chaotic situation began to spread throughout the village.

Some people met untimely deaths before they even embarked on their treasure-seeking journey.

At this moment, in the hotel near the village entrance, several people, including Dustin, Margaret, Adriel, Miguel, and Jackson, were examining a map drawn by Titus.

The map was rather hastily drawn, and without careful examination, it was difficult to understand.

The main reason for this difficulty was that the map was drawn from memory by Titus and might not be entirely accurate.

"What is this map supposed to represent? I can't make heads or tails of it!" Adriel scratched his head in frustration.

"I'm not the one for figuring out this kind of stuff. I'm only responsible for fighting," Miguel, sitting to the side, replied while sipping his drink.

He detested trouble.

"If the starting point of the map is the Deserted Village, then we have to find the oasis, which is at least a day's journey away. Along the way, we'll have to pass through two hazardous areas." Margaret pointed to the rough map, explaining as she observed it. "Here is the quicksand gathering area, and you need to be extremely cautious when passing through, or you might sink and suffocate. As for this place, the weather conditions are even worse, with ground temperatures exceeding seventy degrees. If we're unlucky, we might encounter a sandstorm."

"Really? You can understand this map?" Adriel was genuinely surprised.

"Before coming here, I researched the topography of the Death Desert and combined it with the map Titus drew. I can roughly deduce the location of the oasis," Margaret replied.

"I have to admit, in some aspects, women are more meticulous in their thinking. Unlike us, clueless men who stumble around without a plan," Adriel sincerely praised.

Although he was here to search for treasures on behalf of his sect, he hadn't made detailed preparations before coming. He was basically taking it step by step.

But Margaret was different; she had a professional team and specialized knowledge. Every step was meticulously planned, as if any unforeseen circumstances were within her control.

A woman who could lead such a large team was truly extraordinary.

"Since we've understood the map, when do we set off?" Miguel suddenly asked.

"The environment in the Death Desert is harsh, and for safety reasons, we can't use vehicles. So, before we depart, we need to prepare a sufficient number of transportation tools—camels. I've already contacted the village chief, Mario, and offered to purchase a large number of camels at double the market price. If everything goes smoothly, we should have it arranged tonight. If not, we should be fully prepared by tomorrow," Margaret explained.

Calculating the time, there should be results soon.

"Sizzle sizzle..."

While the group was discussing, the light bulb overhead suddenly began to flicker intermittently.

After a few seconds, the light bulb went out abruptly, leaving the room in darkness.

"What's going on? Did the power go out?"

The group stepped out of the room to find that the entire hotel was pitch black, clearly experiencing a power outage. Complaints were coming from other rooms around them.

"What's going on here? This place doesn't even have electricity!"

"This hotel is trash. I want a refund!"

"Where's the boss?"

At this moment, the hotel was filled with a chorus of complaints. After all, the room prices here were several times higher than those outside. The poor conditions, coupled with the power outage, made the guests particularly displeased.

"Dear guests, please be patient. There seems to be an issue with the village's electrical circuit. The village chief has sent someone to repair it, and I believe it will be resolved soon."

"Before that, I will have the waitstaff bring two candles to each room for your use."

The voice of the hotel manager came over the hotel's intercom.

Although the guests were not pleased, there wasn't much they could do at this point. They had to endure the inconvenience.

After a short while, a middle-aged woman entered Dustin and the others' room, carrying a homemade lantern.

"Dear guests, I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting. I'll light the candles for you."

The middle-aged woman first smiled apologetically, then took two candles from her bag and placed them in opposite corners of the room.


As she struck a match, the candles were lit, and a faint yellowish light quickly illuminated most of the room. It wasn't as bright as the light bulb, but it was enough to see by.

"Auntie, thank you for your help," Adriel said with gratitude.

"It's something I should do. Since you're busy, I won't disturb you any longer."

The middle-aged woman smiled, holding her lantern and preparing to leave.


Dustin suddenly blocked the doorway, gazing coldly at the middle-aged woman and asked, "Who told you to do this?"


The middle-aged woman was puzzled. "Guest, what do you mean? I don't quite understand."

"The candles, who gave them to you?" Dustin pressed.

"Oh, you mean this? It was arranged by the hotel manager. He was concerned that without electricity, you wouldn't be able to see and it might be inconvenient, so he had two candles sent to each room," the middle-aged woman explained.

As soon as she finished speaking, Dustin made a sudden move, grabbing the middle-aged woman by the neck, lifting her off the ground. He stared at her with cold eyes and questioned, "I'll ask you one more time, who was it? If you dare to hide anything, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Seeing Dustin's actions, everyone in the room was baffled. They couldn't make sense of what was happening.

What's going on? Is this guy going crazy?
Chapter 1936: Unusual behavior

Five minutes later.

Jackson returned to the room, sweat pouring down his face, and reported to Margaret, "Miss Margaret, you were right. Most of our people have been poisoned. Luckily, we had the antidote you provided, or it would have been troublesome!"

"No one died, right?" Margaret asked.

"A few are seriously injured, unable to move, but fortunately, their lives are not in danger," Jackson replied.

"That's good," Margaret sighed in relief.

However, her eyes showed a hint of coldness.

She never provoked others easily, but she was not one to swallow her pride either.

The perpetrator used such sinister and despicable means to harm people; she would not easily forgive them.

"Jackson, select a few brothers, investigate thoroughly, and find out who is behind this. Inform me immediately if there are any updates," Margaret instructed.


Jackson acknowledged and turned to leave once again.

Just now, members of his Black Scorpion team were also poisoned. He was equally furious about the mastermind behind the scenes.

"Miss, something's wrong! There's trouble at the village chief's place!"

At this moment, Brody, Margaret's trusted steward, hurriedly walked in.

"Trouble? What happened?" Margaret raised an eyebrow.

"A while ago, the village chief called, asking me to come over to receive the camels and pay the final installment. But when I arrived, I found the village chief's house in a mess, with numerous casualties. Titus from the Five Elements Clan suddenly went mad; he started killing people and was exceptionally fierce, impossible to stop," Brody said in a panic.

"How could this happen? Wasn't Titus fine recently?" Margaret furrowed her brows.

"I don't know the details, but this incident has alarmed various forces in the village," Brody said.

"Let's go, we need to see what's happening!"

After a few seconds of contemplation, Margaret decisively left the room with her people.
At this moment, at the center of the village.

Hundreds of young men, armed with weapons, were besieging a disheveled man.

The man's eyes were bloodshot, veins bulging on his face, his muscles swollen like a raging beast, looking particularly terrifying.

This man was none other than Titus from the Five Elements Sect.

But Titus at this moment was not the sickly figure from before. He was vigorous, immensely strong, and completely out of control.

Anyone who approached him would have their limbs torn apart, shredded into pieces.

In just a few minutes, more than a dozen broken bodies lay beneath his feet, the ground stained with blood.

"Die, die, die! All of you, die!" Titus kept roaring, his mouth emitting beast-like growls.

Strange black patterns appeared on his body at some point.

These patterns were extremely bizarre, resembling earthworms, spreading and extending from Titus's chest.

Wherever the black patterns passed, Titus's skin and bones would be greatly strengthened.

Despite his madness, Titus's strength had increased significantly.

For a while, no one could stop him.

"Quick! Tie him up!"

Village Chief Mario stood at a distance, loudly commanding the young men of the village.

These young men were part of the security team he had formed, specially trained and guided by experienced instructors. They were considered elite.

Dealing with ordinary bandits was a piece of cake for them.

However, today they suffered losses at the hands of Titus. In a short amount of time, more than ten people were killed or injured.

"Use the golden wire net!"

The captain of the security team made a quick decision and immediately ordered someone to bring a large golden wire net, which they collectively used to cover Titus.

"Monsters! All of you are monsters! I'll kill you all!"

Trapped within the golden wire net, Titus struggled frantically. His immense strength dragged more than ten people along as he ran.

"Quick! Charge together!"

Under Mario's command, hundreds of people rushed forward, gripping the golden wire net tightly, attempting to restrain Titus's movements.

Some people even pulled out wooden stakes and nailed the golden wire net to the ground.

"Roar! Roar!!"

Titus let out inhuman roars.

After the combined efforts of over a hundred people and the sturdy golden wire net, they finally managed to temporarily trap Titus.

"That was close!"

Mario breathed a long sigh of relief, his forehead covered in sweat without him realizing it.

After going berserk, Titus's strength greatly increased, making him extremely difficult to deal with. If it weren't for the precious golden wire net, they might not have been able to capture him today.

"Village Chief, what happened?"

At this moment, Margaret and her group finally arrived at the scene.

"Miss Margaret, you came at just the right time," Mario wiped the sweat from his forehead and hurriedly said, "I don't know what happened to Titus. He suddenly went mad and injured many of us. If it weren't for our rigorous training and excellent equipment, we wouldn't have been able to handle him."

"How did Titus turn into this?" Margaret glanced over and furrowed her brows slightly.

Inside the golden wire net, Titus's eyes were bloodshot, his face twisted in a ferocious expression.

Especially his massive and robust body was completely different from before.

If Titus was around 1.7 meters tall before, now he was close to 2 meters!

His muscles were bulging, and black patterns covered his skin.

In some places, scales even grew, making him look like a monster.

"Could it be related to the poisoning earlier?" Mario cautiously asked.

"It shouldn't be,"
Dustin, who was standing nearby, immediately denied, "I personally treated Mario's illness, and I've already cleaned the poison inside his body. There shouldn't be any hidden dangers left."

"That's strange," Mario frowned, thoughtful, "He was perfectly fine before. How did he suddenly go mad?"

"Village Chief, did Titus exhibit any unusual behavior after we left?" Margaret suddenly asked.

"Unusual behavior?"

Mario thought carefully and then shook his head, saying, "It seemed like there was nothing unusual. After you left, Titus went back to his room and slept. There was nothing special during that time. It wasn't until just before the incense stick burned out that I sent someone to bring him food, and that's when I found out he had gone crazy."

"Dustin, what do you think?" Margaret turned her head.

"Titus's body underwent a mutation. His strength has multiplied, but this kind of enhancement is extremely deadly. If it continues, Titus might explode and die," Dustin said with a serious expression.

"Not good! The golden wire net is about to break!"

At this moment, a cry of alarm suddenly erupted from the crowd.
Chapter 1936: Unusual behavior

Five minutes later.

Jackson returned to the room, sweat pouring down his face, and reported to Margaret, "Miss Margaret, you were right. Most of our people have been poisoned. Luckily, we had the antidote you provided, or it would have been troublesome!"

"No one died, right?" Margaret asked.

"A few are seriously injured, unable to move, but fortunately, their lives are not in danger," Jackson replied.

"That's good," Margaret sighed in relief.

However, her eyes showed a hint of coldness.

She never provoked others easily, but she was not one to swallow her pride either.

The perpetrator used such sinister and despicable means to harm people; she would not easily forgive them.

"Jackson, select a few brothers, investigate thoroughly, and find out who is behind this. Inform me immediately if there are any updates," Margaret instructed.


Jackson acknowledged and turned to leave once again.

Just now, members of his Black Scorpion team were also poisoned. He was equally furious about the mastermind behind the scenes.

"Miss, something's wrong! There's trouble at the village chief's place!"

At this moment, Brody, Margaret's trusted steward, hurriedly walked in.

"Trouble? What happened?" Margaret raised an eyebrow.

"A while ago, the village chief called, asking me to come over to receive the camels and pay the final installment. But when I arrived, I found the village chief's house in a mess, with numerous casualties. Titus from the Five Elements Clan suddenly went mad; he started killing people and was exceptionally fierce, impossible to stop," Brody said in a panic.

"How could this happen? Wasn't Titus fine recently?" Margaret furrowed her brows.

"I don't know the details, but this incident has alarmed various forces in the village," Brody said.

"Let's go, we need to see what's happening!"

After a few seconds of contemplation, Margaret decisively left the room with her people.
At this moment, at the center of the village.

Hundreds of young men, armed with weapons, were besieging a disheveled man.

The man's eyes were bloodshot, veins bulging on his face, his muscles swollen like a raging beast, looking particularly terrifying.

This man was none other than Titus from the Five Elements Sect.

But Titus at this moment was not the sickly figure from before. He was vigorous, immensely strong, and completely out of control.

Anyone who approached him would have their limbs torn apart, shredded into pieces.

In just a few minutes, more than a dozen broken bodies lay beneath his feet, the ground stained with blood.

"Die, die, die! All of you, die!" Titus kept roaring, his mouth emitting beast-like growls.

Strange black patterns appeared on his body at some point.

These patterns were extremely bizarre, resembling earthworms, spreading and extending from Titus's chest.

Wherever the black patterns passed, Titus's skin and bones would be greatly strengthened.

Despite his madness, Titus's strength had increased significantly.

For a while, no one could stop him.

"Quick! Tie him up!"

Village Chief Mario stood at a distance, loudly commanding the young men of the village.

These young men were part of the security team he had formed, specially trained and guided by experienced instructors. They were considered elite.

Dealing with ordinary bandits was a piece of cake for them.

However, today they suffered losses at the hands of Titus. In a short amount of time, more than ten people were killed or injured.

"Use the golden wire net!"

The captain of the security team made a quick decision and immediately ordered someone to bring a large golden wire net, which they collectively used to cover Titus.

"Monsters! All of you are monsters! I'll kill you all!"

Trapped within the golden wire net, Titus struggled frantically. His immense strength dragged more than ten people along as he ran.

"Quick! Charge together!"

Under Mario's command, hundreds of people rushed forward, gripping the golden wire net tightly, attempting to restrain Titus's movements.

Some people even pulled out wooden stakes and nailed the golden wire net to the ground.

"Roar! Roar!!"

Titus let out inhuman roars.

After the combined efforts of over a hundred people and the sturdy golden wire net, they finally managed to temporarily trap Titus.

"That was close!"

Mario breathed a long sigh of relief, his forehead covered in sweat without him realizing it.

After going berserk, Titus's strength greatly increased, making him extremely difficult to deal with. If it weren't for the precious golden wire net, they might not have been able to capture him today.

"Village Chief, what happened?"

At this moment, Margaret and her group finally arrived at the scene.

"Miss Margaret, you came at just the right time," Mario wiped the sweat from his forehead and hurriedly said, "I don't know what happened to Titus. He suddenly went mad and injured many of us. If it weren't for our rigorous training and excellent equipment, we wouldn't have been able to handle him."

"How did Titus turn into this?" Margaret glanced over and furrowed her brows slightly.

Inside the golden wire net, Titus's eyes were bloodshot, his face twisted in a ferocious expression.

Especially his massive and robust body was completely different from before.

If Titus was around 1.7 meters tall before, now he was close to 2 meters!

His muscles were bulging, and black patterns covered his skin.

In some places, scales even grew, making him look like a monster.

"Could it be related to the poisoning earlier?" Mario cautiously asked.

"It shouldn't be,"
Dustin, who was standing nearby, immediately denied, "I personally treated Mario's illness, and I've already cleaned the poison inside his body. There shouldn't be any hidden dangers left."

"That's strange," Mario frowned, thoughtful, "He was perfectly fine before. How did he suddenly go mad?"

"Village Chief, did Titus exhibit any unusual behavior after we left?" Margaret suddenly asked.

"Unusual behavior?"

Mario thought carefully and then shook his head, saying, "It seemed like there was nothing unusual. After you left, Titus went back to his room and slept. There was nothing special during that time. It wasn't until just before the incense stick burned out that I sent someone to bring him food, and that's when I found out he had gone crazy."

"Dustin, what do you think?" Margaret turned her head.

"Titus's body underwent a mutation. His strength has multiplied, but this kind of enhancement is extremely deadly. If it continues, Titus might explode and die," Dustin said with a serious expression.

"Not good! The golden wire net is about to break!"

At this moment, a cry of alarm suddenly erupted from the crowd.
Chapter 1935: Poisonous candles

"Guest... I... I don't know what you're talking about. Please, let me go; I can't breathe."

The middle-aged woman was suspended in the air, her face turning red, and she struggled in vain, but it had no effect. In Dustin's grip, she was as fragile as a little chick, at risk of losing her life at any moment.

"Dustin, what are you doing?" Adriel furrowed his brow, puzzled.

It didn't seem like the action of a just and righteous person to assault an innocent civilian.

"Dustin! Have you gone mad? The lady kindly brought us candles, and you're hurting her. Have you no humanity left?" Jackson rebuked with righteous indignation.

On the other hand, Miguel continued to sip his drink nonchalantly, as if he were an outsider.

As for Margaret, she wore an expression of confusion but didn't speak. She knew that Dustin had a reason for what he was doing.

"This woman is a threat; she intended to harm us," Dustin said, his gaze cold as he continued to hold the middle-aged woman by the neck.

"Dustin, why do you think she wants to harm us? What's the evidence?" Adriel inquired.

"That's right! She's just a simple village woman; what evil intentions could she have? I think you're just trying to pick a fight!" Jackson declared.

He had disliked Dustin from the beginning and was seizing this opportunity to suppress him further.

"Those candles are poisoned. Inhale the fumes for over three minutes, and you'll feel dizzy and disoriented; over five minutes, and you'll suffocate to death. Tell me, does she not have evil intentions?" Dustin retorted, turning to look at Jackson as he questioned him.

Upon hearing this, the middle-aged woman's pupils constricted, and a look of fear briefly crossed her face.


Jackson didn't believe a word of it and continued to argue, "It's just two candles. How could they be poisoned? You're just overly suspicious!"

"If you believe they're not poisoned, you can come closer and take a sniff. Let's see if you survive," Dustin responded coldly.

"You..." Jackson clenched his teeth, wanting to retort but not daring to risk his own safety.

Largely because Dustin's resolve was so unwavering, it was difficult for anyone to doubt him.

"These candles are indeed suspicious," Adriel admitted, showing his straightforward nature. He approached one of the candles, sniffed it carefully, and quickly felt dizzy. He extinguished the candle and simultaneously activated his internal energy to protect himself from the potential poison.

"Even if the candles are poisoned, it doesn't necessarily mean it was this lady's doing. She might have been used by someone else," Jackson defended himself, his face tinged with unease.

"If it's not her doing, then who was it?" Dustin coldly replied.

"Hey! I warn you not to make baseless accusations!" Jackson's complexion changed.

Although he hadn't poisoned the candles, he had entertained the idea, so he felt a bit guilty.

"If it's not you, then you better shut up and stop interfering with my questioning," Dustin warned.

"Guest, I... I don't know anything, and it's not my business," the middle-aged woman stammered in fear.

The middle-aged woman continuously shook her head, feigning innocence.

"What's the matter? Do you think I'm easy to fool?" Dustin suddenly grabbed the woman's wrist, turned her hand over, and said coldly, "Look at your hands, they have thick calluses at the base of the fingers, the kind that is left by someone who wields a knife for years. If you were just a waitress, where would you get such thick calluses?"

With these words, the woman's face finally changed.

She hadn't expected Dustin's observation skills to be so keen. Not only did he immediately detect the poison in the candles, but he also easily saw through her disguise.

This guy in front of her, who was barely in his twenties, was more difficult to deal with than an old pro.

"I'll ask one more time. Who ordered you to poison us?" Dustin asked, exerting pressure on the woman's wrist. She turned green and had difficulty breathing.

A sense of impending doom washed over her.

"I'll tell... I'll tell..."

Before she could finish, a sudden rush of wind sounded from outside the window.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

A large number of concealed weapons rained down through the window.

It was like a sudden storm, with indiscriminate attacks.

"Be careful!"

Dustin's heart tightened, and he released the middle-aged woman, turning to shield Margaret. His body shuddered, and a protective aura appeared out of nowhere, preventing all the concealed weapons from entering.

However, Dustin soon realized something was wrong. He turned around and found that the middle-aged woman had been killed by the concealed weapons. She had died on the spot.

Clearly, those concealed weapons were not meant to target him but were intended to silence her.

It was evident that the other party had been well-prepared.

"It seems that tonight's power outage was deliberate," Adriel said with a serious tone. "Fortunately, Dustin discovered it in time, or we could have been in grave danger."

"We just arrived in the village and haven't offended anyone. Who could be so ruthless?" Jackson's face showed his unease.

"Two possibilities: either someone has evil intentions, planning to kill or rob people, or it's a deliberate act of revenge," Adriel said, reminding Dustin, "Dustin, you've offended Marcel from the Wanderer Dragon Sect. You need to be careful; tonight's incident might be related to him."

"I'll be cautious," Dustin nodded.

Whether it was Marcel from the Wanderer Dragon Sect or Enzo from the Flying Snow Sect, he didn't hold them in high regard. If these people insisted on causing trouble, he wouldn't mind dealing with them directly.

"Jackson, I have a bottle of detoxification pills here. To be safe, you should have our people take one," Margaret said as she handed a bottle of pills to Jackson.

"No problem," Jackson responded, then left.

As expected, as Margaret had anticipated, anyone who had lit the candles in their rooms had been poisoned.

The person who had poisoned them intended to eliminate them entirely.
joy coming at time ! thank you Nazmul
Chapter 1934: Power cut off

The night fell quickly.

Inside the village in the desert, various forces gathered, including noble sects and unscrupulous factions, renowned martial arts masters, and infamous villains.

People of all kinds and backgrounds mingled together.

Despite their different identities and positions, everyone shared the same goal to find treasures in the oasis.

As a result, when the village became overcrowded, friction and conflicts began to arise.

The unscrupulous individuals would secretly kill and rob, while the righteous would use the opportunity to eliminate their competitors in the name of eradicating evil.

After nightfall, a bloody and chaotic situation began to spread throughout the village.

Some people met untimely deaths before they even embarked on their treasure-seeking journey.

At this moment, in the hotel near the village entrance, several people, including Dustin, Margaret, Adriel, Miguel, and Jackson, were examining a map drawn by Titus.

The map was rather hastily drawn, and without careful examination, it was difficult to understand.

The main reason for this difficulty was that the map was drawn from memory by Titus and might not be entirely accurate.

"What is this map supposed to represent? I can't make heads or tails of it!" Adriel scratched his head in frustration.

"I'm not the one for figuring out this kind of stuff. I'm only responsible for fighting," Miguel, sitting to the side, replied while sipping his drink.

He detested trouble.

"If the starting point of the map is the Deserted Village, then we have to find the oasis, which is at least a day's journey away. Along the way, we'll have to pass through two hazardous areas." Margaret pointed to the rough map, explaining as she observed it. "Here is the quicksand gathering area, and you need to be extremely cautious when passing through, or you might sink and suffocate. As for this place, the weather conditions are even worse, with ground temperatures exceeding seventy degrees. If we're unlucky, we might encounter a sandstorm."

"Really? You can understand this map?" Adriel was genuinely surprised.

"Before coming here, I researched the topography of the Death Desert and combined it with the map Titus drew. I can roughly deduce the location of the oasis," Margaret replied.

"I have to admit, in some aspects, women are more meticulous in their thinking. Unlike us, clueless men who stumble around without a plan," Adriel sincerely praised.

Although he was here to search for treasures on behalf of his sect, he hadn't made detailed preparations before coming. He was basically taking it step by step.

But Margaret was different; she had a professional team and specialized knowledge. Every step was meticulously planned, as if any unforeseen circumstances were within her control.

A woman who could lead such a large team was truly extraordinary.

"Since we've understood the map, when do we set off?" Miguel suddenly asked.

"The environment in the Death Desert is harsh, and for safety reasons, we can't use vehicles. So, before we depart, we need to prepare a sufficient number of transportation tools—camels. I've already contacted the village chief, Mario, and offered to purchase a large number of camels at double the market price. If everything goes smoothly, we should have it arranged tonight. If not, we should be fully prepared by tomorrow," Margaret explained.

Calculating the time, there should be results soon.

"Sizzle sizzle..."

While the group was discussing, the light bulb overhead suddenly began to flicker intermittently.

After a few seconds, the light bulb went out abruptly, leaving the room in darkness.

"What's going on? Did the power go out?"

The group stepped out of the room to find that the entire hotel was pitch black, clearly experiencing a power outage. Complaints were coming from other rooms around them.

"What's going on here? This place doesn't even have electricity!"

"This hotel is trash. I want a refund!"

"Where's the boss?"

At this moment, the hotel was filled with a chorus of complaints. After all, the room prices here were several times higher than those outside. The poor conditions, coupled with the power outage, made the guests particularly displeased.

"Dear guests, please be patient. There seems to be an issue with the village's electrical circuit. The village chief has sent someone to repair it, and I believe it will be resolved soon."

"Before that, I will have the waitstaff bring two candles to each room for your use."

The voice of the hotel manager came over the hotel's intercom.

Although the guests were not pleased, there wasn't much they could do at this point. They had to endure the inconvenience.

After a short while, a middle-aged woman entered Dustin and the others' room, carrying a homemade lantern.

"Dear guests, I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting. I'll light the candles for you."

The middle-aged woman first smiled apologetically, then took two candles from her bag and placed them in opposite corners of the room.


As she struck a match, the candles were lit, and a faint yellowish light quickly illuminated most of the room. It wasn't as bright as the light bulb, but it was enough to see by.

"Auntie, thank you for your help," Adriel said with gratitude.

"It's something I should do. Since you're busy, I won't disturb you any longer."

The middle-aged woman smiled, holding her lantern and preparing to leave.


Dustin suddenly blocked the doorway, gazing coldly at the middle-aged woman and asked, "Who told you to do this?"


The middle-aged woman was puzzled. "Guest, what do you mean? I don't quite understand."

"The candles, who gave them to you?" Dustin pressed.

"Oh, you mean this? It was arranged by the hotel manager. He was concerned that without electricity, you wouldn't be able to see and it might be inconvenient, so he had two candles sent to each room," the middle-aged woman explained.

As soon as she finished speaking, Dustin made a sudden move, grabbing the middle-aged woman by the neck, lifting her off the ground. He stared at her with cold eyes and questioned, "I'll ask you one more time, who was it? If you dare to hide anything, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Seeing Dustin's actions, everyone in the room was baffled. They couldn't make sense of what was happening.

What's going on? Is this guy going crazy?
Chapter 1936: Unusual behavior

Five minutes later.

Jackson returned to the room, sweat pouring down his face, and reported to Margaret, "Miss Margaret, you were right. Most of our people have been poisoned. Luckily, we had the antidote you provided, or it would have been troublesome!"

"No one died, right?" Margaret asked.

"A few are seriously injured, unable to move, but fortunately, their lives are not in danger," Jackson replied.

"That's good," Margaret sighed in relief.

However, her eyes showed a hint of coldness.

She never provoked others easily, but she was not one to swallow her pride either.

The perpetrator used such sinister and despicable means to harm people; she would not easily forgive them.

"Jackson, select a few brothers, investigate thoroughly, and find out who is behind this. Inform me immediately if there are any updates," Margaret instructed.


Jackson acknowledged and turned to leave once again.

Just now, members of his Black Scorpion team were also poisoned. He was equally furious about the mastermind behind the scenes.

"Miss, something's wrong! There's trouble at the village chief's place!"

At this moment, Brody, Margaret's trusted steward, hurriedly walked in.

"Trouble? What happened?" Margaret raised an eyebrow.

"A while ago, the village chief called, asking me to come over to receive the camels and pay the final installment. But when I arrived, I found the village chief's house in a mess, with numerous casualties. Titus from the Five Elements Clan suddenly went mad; he started killing people and was exceptionally fierce, impossible to stop," Brody said in a panic.

"How could this happen? Wasn't Titus fine recently?" Margaret furrowed her brows.

"I don't know the details, but this incident has alarmed various forces in the village," Brody said.

"Let's go, we need to see what's happening!"

After a few seconds of contemplation, Margaret decisively left the room with her people.
At this moment, at the center of the village.

Hundreds of young men, armed with weapons, were besieging a disheveled man.

The man's eyes were bloodshot, veins bulging on his face, his muscles swollen like a raging beast, looking particularly terrifying.

This man was none other than Titus from the Five Elements Sect.

But Titus at this moment was not the sickly figure from before. He was vigorous, immensely strong, and completely out of control.

Anyone who approached him would have their limbs torn apart, shredded into pieces.

In just a few minutes, more than a dozen broken bodies lay beneath his feet, the ground stained with blood.

"Die, die, die! All of you, die!" Titus kept roaring, his mouth emitting beast-like growls.

Strange black patterns appeared on his body at some point.

These patterns were extremely bizarre, resembling earthworms, spreading and extending from Titus's chest.

Wherever the black patterns passed, Titus's skin and bones would be greatly strengthened.

Despite his madness, Titus's strength had increased significantly.

For a while, no one could stop him.

"Quick! Tie him up!"

Village Chief Mario stood at a distance, loudly commanding the young men of the village.

These young men were part of the security team he had formed, specially trained and guided by experienced instructors. They were considered elite.

Dealing with ordinary bandits was a piece of cake for them.

However, today they suffered losses at the hands of Titus. In a short amount of time, more than ten people were killed or injured.

"Use the golden wire net!"

The captain of the security team made a quick decision and immediately ordered someone to bring a large golden wire net, which they collectively used to cover Titus.

"Monsters! All of you are monsters! I'll kill you all!"

Trapped within the golden wire net, Titus struggled frantically. His immense strength dragged more than ten people along as he ran.

"Quick! Charge together!"

Under Mario's command, hundreds of people rushed forward, gripping the golden wire net tightly, attempting to restrain Titus's movements.

Some people even pulled out wooden stakes and nailed the golden wire net to the ground.

"Roar! Roar!!"

Titus let out inhuman roars.

After the combined efforts of over a hundred people and the sturdy golden wire net, they finally managed to temporarily trap Titus.

"That was close!"

Mario breathed a long sigh of relief, his forehead covered in sweat without him realizing it.

After going berserk, Titus's strength greatly increased, making him extremely difficult to deal with. If it weren't for the precious golden wire net, they might not have been able to capture him today.

"Village Chief, what happened?"

At this moment, Margaret and her group finally arrived at the scene.

"Miss Margaret, you came at just the right time," Mario wiped the sweat from his forehead and hurriedly said, "I don't know what happened to Titus. He suddenly went mad and injured many of us. If it weren't for our rigorous training and excellent equipment, we wouldn't have been able to handle him."

"How did Titus turn into this?" Margaret glanced over and furrowed her brows slightly.

Inside the golden wire net, Titus's eyes were bloodshot, his face twisted in a ferocious expression.

Especially his massive and robust body was completely different from before.

If Titus was around 1.7 meters tall before, now he was close to 2 meters!

His muscles were bulging, and black patterns covered his skin.

In some places, scales even grew, making him look like a monster.

"Could it be related to the poisoning earlier?" Mario cautiously asked.

"It shouldn't be,"
Dustin, who was standing nearby, immediately denied, "I personally treated Mario's illness, and I've already cleaned the poison inside his body. There shouldn't be any hidden dangers left."

"That's strange," Mario frowned, thoughtful, "He was perfectly fine before. How did he suddenly go mad?"

"Village Chief, did Titus exhibit any unusual behavior after we left?" Margaret suddenly asked.

"Unusual behavior?"

Mario thought carefully and then shook his head, saying, "It seemed like there was nothing unusual. After you left, Titus went back to his room and slept. There was nothing special during that time. It wasn't until just before the incense stick burned out that I sent someone to bring him food, and that's when I found out he had gone crazy."

"Dustin, what do you think?" Margaret turned her head.

"Titus's body underwent a mutation. His strength has multiplied, but this kind of enhancement is extremely deadly. If it continues, Titus might explode and die," Dustin said with a serious expression.

"Not good! The golden wire net is about to break!"

At this moment, a cry of alarm suddenly erupted from the crowd.
Grandmaster Nazmul, I really want to appreciated you for your hard work and dedication...
I have a favour to ask for by the way,,, please can I get the links to the Chinese version you translate from
I think after this arc, Margaret is going to fall for Dustin, but Dustin is indifferent and will treat her like he does with Scarlet
Chapter 1937: The deadly marksman

"Bad news! The golden wire net is breaking!"

Suddenly, a cry of alarm rang out.

Everyone turned to look, and they saw that Titus, who had been trapped in the golden wire net, had grown even larger in size.

His entire body was covered in black patterns.

His teeth had become sharp, his nails had turned into blades, his eyes had changed from red to black, and he roared like a wild beast.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Titus's roars grew louder, and his expression became increasingly ferocious.

His back slowly bulged, and he began to tear the tightly stretched golden wire net one strand at a time.


Titus roared again.

With his sharp-nailed hands, he grabbed the golden wire net and tore it apart.


The tough golden wire net was torn in half, revealing a large gap.

The young men who were holding the golden wire net were thrown to the ground due to inertia.

"It's bad! This madman is about to break free!"

"Quick! We need to find a way to restrain him!"

The people were in a state of panic, quickly pulling out ropes and trying to tie up Titus, preparing to immobilize him.


Titus roared to the sky, and his massive body shook violently.

With a series of cracking sounds, the thick ropes, one after another, broke apart, proving to be completely ineffective at restraining him.

"We can't stop him! Everyone, run!"

The young men from the village were taken aback and quickly dropped their weapons, turning to flee for their lives.

The memory of Titus's recent rampage was fresh in their minds, and once he got close, there was no way out.

Against such a seemingly invulnerable and incredibly strong monster, they were completely powerless.

"Bunch of cowards! Let me handle this!"

At that moment, a man in green robes suddenly soared into the air from the crowd, positioning himself in front of Titus.

The man in green robes held a long spear, had a tall stature, and his robes fluttered without any wind, exuding an astonishing presence. He appeared quite extraordinary.

"Look! It's Atticus!"

"Atticus? Is he the deadly marksman who dominates the southwest?"

"That's right! I heard Atticus is only thirty years old and has already reached the pinnacle of the innate realm. His spear skills are unmatched, making him a genius that various sects are vying for!"

"This is great! I didn't expect even Atticus to be here. Now we have a chance!"

The appearance of the man in green, Atticus, brought smiles to many faces in the vicinity, as if they had found their savior.

In the southwestern region, there were many formidable experts, and Atticus was a renowned martial artist in the martial world.

With such a skilled martial artist on their side, they believed that subduing Titus should not be a difficult task.

"Titus! You've been indiscriminately killing innocents. It's against all principles. Surrender immediately, or don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Atticus pointed his long spear forward, his voice stern.


Titus didn't respond with words but unleashed a beastly roar.

Then, he crouched on all fours and suddenly lunged toward Atticus with great ferocity.

"You're asking for death!"

Atticus's gaze turned icy, and he was no longer polite. He held his spear with both hands and thrust it forward with tremendous force.

In an instant, shadows and gusts of wind filled the area.

Sharp spear glimmers, like venomous snakes, descended upon Titus relentlessly.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

As expected, the spear strikes landed firmly on Titus's body.
Chapter 1937: The deadly marksman

"Bad news! The golden wire net is breaking!"

Suddenly, a cry of alarm rang out.

Everyone turned to look, and they saw that Titus, who had been trapped in the golden wire net, had grown even larger in size.

His entire body was covered in black patterns.

His teeth had become sharp, his nails had turned into blades, his eyes had changed from red to black, and he roared like a wild beast.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Titus's roars grew louder, and his expression became increasingly ferocious.

His back slowly bulged, and he began to tear the tightly stretched golden wire net one strand at a time.


Titus roared again.

With his sharp-nailed hands, he grabbed the golden wire net and tore it apart.


The tough golden wire net was torn in half, revealing a large gap.

The young men who were holding the golden wire net were thrown to the ground due to inertia.

"It's bad! This madman is about to break free!"

"Quick! We need to find a way to restrain him!"

The people were in a state of panic, quickly pulling out ropes and trying to tie up Titus, preparing to immobilize him.


Titus roared to the sky, and his massive body shook violently.

With a series of cracking sounds, the thick ropes, one after another, broke apart, proving to be completely ineffective at restraining him.

"We can't stop him! Everyone, run!"

The young men from the village were taken aback and quickly dropped their weapons, turning to flee for their lives.

The memory of Titus's recent rampage was fresh in their minds, and once he got close, there was no way out.

Against such a seemingly invulnerable and incredibly strong monster, they were completely powerless.

"Bunch of cowards! Let me handle this!"

At that moment, a man in green robes suddenly soared into the air from the crowd, positioning himself in front of Titus.

The man in green robes held a long spear, had a tall stature, and his robes fluttered without any wind, exuding an astonishing presence. He appeared quite extraordinary.

"Look! It's Atticus!"

"Atticus? Is he the deadly marksman who dominates the southwest?"

"That's right! I heard Atticus is only thirty years old and has already reached the pinnacle of the innate realm. His spear skills are unmatched, making him a genius that various sects are vying for!"

"This is great! I didn't expect even Atticus to be here. Now we have a chance!"

The appearance of the man in green, Atticus, brought smiles to many faces in the vicinity, as if they had found their savior.

In the southwestern region, there were many formidable experts, and Atticus was a renowned martial artist in the martial world.

With such a skilled martial artist on their side, they believed that subduing Titus should not be a difficult task.

"Titus! You've been indiscriminately killing innocents. It's against all principles. Surrender immediately, or don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Atticus pointed his long spear forward, his voice stern.


Titus didn't respond with words but unleashed a beastly roar.

Then, he crouched on all fours and suddenly lunged toward Atticus with great ferocity.

"You're asking for death!"

Atticus's gaze turned icy, and he was no longer polite. He held his spear with both hands and thrust it forward with tremendous force.

In an instant, shadows and gusts of wind filled the area.

Sharp spear glimmers, like venomous snakes, descended upon Titus relentlessly.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

As expected, the spear strikes landed firmly on Titus's body.
Chapter 1938: A single spear stirs the world

He was driven back repeatedly by the continuous strikes, roaring relentlessly.

Titus had gone berserk and didn't use his internal energy to protect himself; instead, he relied on his physical strength to endure the assault.

As a result, under the fierce spear strikes from Atticus, Titus was pierced all over, covered in blood.

Just when everyone thought Titus was about to fall with serious injuries, a shocking scene unfolded.

Titus seemed to be impervious to pain. He didn't seem to care about his wounds at all. After a furious roar, he charged at Atticus again, fearless of death.

What was even more terrifying was that the wounds on Titus's body were visibly healing at a rapid pace.

His incredible regenerative abilities were simply astounding.

"Hmph! You don't shed a tear until you see the coffin! Watch me defeat you with a single spear thrust!"

Seeing Titus charge again, Atticus didn't hold back anymore. He vigorously shook his long spear, instantly releasing a radiant silver light that illuminated the surroundings.

"A single spear stirs the world!"

Atticus's eyes narrowed, and he swiftly pulled back his long spear before thrusting it forward.


There was a resounding boom.

The silver spear in Atticus's hand suddenly shone brightly, transforming into a silver dragon that roared as it charged at Titus.

This strike was fast and ruthless, with incredible power, as if it could destroy everything.

"What a magnificent spear technique! What a terrifying spear technique!"

"So, this is the power of the deadly marksman? Truly formidable!"

"With this strike, no one can stop him. Titus is likely to meet his end!"

As they watched the silver dragon spear unleashed by Atticus, the onlookers were filled with astonishment.

Although they had heard of Atticus's reputation, they had rarely seen him in action. Now, with the strike "A single spear stirs the world," they finally realized the formidable strength of Atticus, the deadly marksman.


Faced with Atticus's attack, Titus remained unyielding, charging straight at him.


There was a loud explosion.

Atticus's silver long spear fiercely pierced through Titus's abdomen. The sharp tip of the spear penetrated from the abdomen and emerged from the back, skewering his entire body.

However, the strange thing was that the blood on the spear wasn't red but black.

"Back off!"

Atticus shouted loudly, holding his spear with both hands, quickly pushing forward against Titus. Then, with a "thud," he pinned Titus's entire body to a tree.


Titus roared repeatedly, struggling madly, but he was hanging on the tree with his feet suspended, unable to find any leverage. He could only thrash about in impotent rage.

It's worth mentioning that even with his abdomen pierced, Titus still seemed full of vitality.

"Atticus, the deadly marksman, truly lives up to his reputation. He's amazing. He took down this madman in just two moves!"

"We're lucky to have Atticus; otherwise, we'd be in danger!"

"Atticus is incredible!"

Seeing Titus restrained, the people couldn't help but feel elated and began to praise him.

Just a while ago, over a hundred people were unable to control Titus, but with Atticus's intervention, it was a piece of cake.

His incredible strength was truly admirable.

"Subduing a madman is no big deal. I used less than five percent of my strength just now," Atticus said proudly.

To him, defeating a berserk attacker who lacked defense wasn't an accomplishment worth celebrating.

Of course, even if Titus hadn't gone mad, Atticus's strength would have easily suppressed him.

"Brother Atticus, watch out behind you!"

Just as Atticus was enjoying the flattery from those around him, one of his friends suddenly exclaimed.


Atticus instinctively turned around, only to see a cold glint sweeping toward him, heading directly for his neck.
Chapter 1939: A petty trick


When Atticus turned around, he saw a cold glint coming straight at him.

The speed was astonishing, and a faint bloody scent could be detected in the air.

The person behind the attack was none other than Titus!

After being pinned to the tree, Titus struggled in vain. Finally, he grabbed the spear shaft with both hands and pulled his body forward about half a meter.

When he got close to Atticus, he thrust a palm at Atticus's neck.

His sharp nails were like steel blades, with a strikingly high level of lethality.

"A petty trick!"

In response to the sudden attack, Atticus coldly snorted and didn't take it seriously at all. He counterattacked with a punch.


There was a loud explosion.

Titus's attack cut through Atticus's protective inner energy, and with it, his entire wrist was severed on the spot.

Blood spurted out instantly.


Staring at his severed hand that fell to the ground, Atticus was momentarily stunned before letting out a chilling scream.

He never dreamt that Titus's nails were so sharp, almost like divine weapons, easily breaking through his protective inner energy.

"My hand! My hand!"

Atticus held his bleeding stump, shocked and angry, but more so, panicking.

He had thought that subduing Titus would be easy, but to his surprise, their confrontation resulted in his own hand being severed like tofu.

This sudden shock left him disoriented.


Without giving Atticus any time to react, Titus swung his sharp claws again, cutting the spear shaft and breaking free from his restraints.

Then, roaring and howling, he charged at Atticus once more.

"Don't... don't come any closer! Get away!"

Atticus, terrified, lost his composure and turned to flee.

Faced with the extreme pain and the sight of his severed hand, he had no courage left for a stand-off.

Under the excruciating pain, his first instinct was to escape.

He regretted boasting earlier and should have simply killed Titus with a single spear thrust to avoid this.

Who would have expected that this guy, in his madness, would have no sense of pain and would be willing to fight to the death?

It was truly terrifying!


Seeing Atticus running away, Titus naturally didn't let him go. He continued to roar and chase after him.

"Someone! Quickly stop this madman!"

Titus yelled as he ran, occasionally looking back.

Soon, he was horrified to find that Titus was faster than him, charging like a tank.

Wherever he passed, he left a trail of destruction.

Seeing this menacing scene, who would dare to intercept him?

People scattered in all directions, afraid of becoming collateral damage.

"Save me! Someone, please save me!"

As he felt Titus closing in, Atticus screamed in terror, his appearance disheveled.


At this moment, Titus had already caught up and, in one swift motion, slashed Atticus's clothes. Deep bloodstains marked Atticus's back.


Atticus screamed in agony once more.

Due to inertia, he stumbled and fell to the ground, covered in dirt and humiliation.


Titus showed no mercy, pouncing on Atticus like a wild beast. He aimed his sharp fangs at Atticus's neck.

Atticus instinctively reached out to block the attack, but Titus bit down on his arm, tearing off a large chunk of flesh.

Atticus's face contorted in pain, and his cries echoed through the night.

At this point, he had been reduced to a horrifying appearance, filled with terror as he struggled desperately to fend off Titus's attacks.

Just as Atticus was on the brink of being torn to shreds, a figure suddenly appeared, seizing Titus by the throat and flinging him away like a sandbag, causing him to crash into a large tree.

The person who intervened was none other than Dustin!

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

Atticus lay on the ground, frantically flailing his arms and legs, appearing extremely panicked. It wasn't until he realized that there was no one on top of him that he finally reacted.

As he stared, he saw Titus lying on the ground about ten meters away, with a stranger standing next to him.

"Can you still stand? If you can, stay away."

Dustin spoke in a calm tone but kept a sharp gaze fixed on Titus.

He had observed the situation closely and understood that Titus was no ordinary madman. His speed, strength, defense, and even his regenerative abilities had all been greatly enhanced. His limbs, skin, and senses had all undergone various degrees of transformation. At this moment, there was nothing human left in him.

"Damn it! Why didn't you act sooner? Don't you know I almost died just now?"

After regaining his senses, Atticus's first reaction was not gratitude, but anger and accusations.


Dustin furrowed his brow slightly, looking down at the man lying on the ground and showing some confusion. "What did you just say?"

"I said you almost killed me!" Atticus yelled, not expressing any gratitude. "If it weren't for you being so slow to act, I wouldn't have suffered such severe injuries. Look at all this blood, it's all your fault!"

"Are you out of your mind? I saved your life, and you're blaming me?" Dustin's face turned cold.

He had never encountered such a repugnant person, someone who not only didn't know how to show gratitude but also turned the situation around and blamed him for his actions.

"What's wrong with blaming you? Did I say something wrong?" Atticus shouted angrily. "You clearly had the ability to intervene earlier and save me from this severe injury, but you chose to wait until I was already gravely wounded to show your benevolence. Your actions were clearly malicious!"

"You have a problem with your brain? I saved your life, and you're turning it around to accuse me?" Dustin couldn't believe the ingratitude he was witnessing.

Atticus's ungratefulness was beyond his comprehension. He had not only failed to show any gratitude but had also accused him of malicious intent.

"What are you mumbling about? Did I say something wrong?" Atticus was full of anger and vented it all at Dustin. "You clearly had the ability to intervene and save me earlier, but you waited until I was gravely injured to show your kindness. Your actions were clearly malicious!"

Hearing this, Dustin couldn't help but burst into laughter.

This kind of person, who repaid kindness with ingratitude, was truly disgusting. Not only did he fail to repay his debt, but he also turned around and accused the person who saved him.

"What's the matter? Why aren't you saying anything now? Are you feeling guilty because I've exposed your ugly actions?" Atticus sneered.

"Yes, yes, you've exposed my ugly actions. Now deal with the person in front of you," Dustin replied, rolling his eyes.

At this moment, Titus had already stood up again, and his pitch-black eyes were fixed on Atticus with a fierce expression.
Chapter 1939: A petty trick


When Atticus turned around, he saw a cold glint coming straight at him.

The speed was astonishing, and a faint bloody scent could be detected in the air.

The person behind the attack was none other than Titus!

After being pinned to the tree, Titus struggled in vain. Finally, he grabbed the spear shaft with both hands and pulled his body forward about half a meter.

When he got close to Atticus, he thrust a palm at Atticus's neck.

His sharp nails were like steel blades, with a strikingly high level of lethality.

"A petty trick!"

In response to the sudden attack, Atticus coldly snorted and didn't take it seriously at all. He counterattacked with a punch.


There was a loud explosion.

Titus's attack cut through Atticus's protective inner energy, and with it, his entire wrist was severed on the spot.

Blood spurted out instantly.


Staring at his severed hand that fell to the ground, Atticus was momentarily stunned before letting out a chilling scream.

He never dreamt that Titus's nails were so sharp, almost like divine weapons, easily breaking through his protective inner energy.

"My hand! My hand!"

Atticus held his bleeding stump, shocked and angry, but more so, panicking.

He had thought that subduing Titus would be easy, but to his surprise, their confrontation resulted in his own hand being severed like tofu.

This sudden shock left him disoriented.


Without giving Atticus any time to react, Titus swung his sharp claws again, cutting the spear shaft and breaking free from his restraints.

Then, roaring and howling, he charged at Atticus once more.

"Don't... don't come any closer! Get away!"

Atticus, terrified, lost his composure and turned to flee.

Faced with the extreme pain and the sight of his severed hand, he had no courage left for a stand-off.

Under the excruciating pain, his first instinct was to escape.

He regretted boasting earlier and should have simply killed Titus with a single spear thrust to avoid this.

Who would have expected that this guy, in his madness, would have no sense of pain and would be willing to fight to the death?

It was truly terrifying!


Seeing Atticus running away, Titus naturally didn't let him go. He continued to roar and chase after him.

"Someone! Quickly stop this madman!"

Titus yelled as he ran, occasionally looking back.

Soon, he was horrified to find that Titus was faster than him, charging like a tank.

Wherever he passed, he left a trail of destruction.

Seeing this menacing scene, who would dare to intercept him?

People scattered in all directions, afraid of becoming collateral damage.

"Save me! Someone, please save me!"

As he felt Titus closing in, Atticus screamed in terror, his appearance disheveled.


At this moment, Titus had already caught up and, in one swift motion, slashed Atticus's clothes. Deep bloodstains marked Atticus's back.


Atticus screamed in agony once more.

Due to inertia, he stumbled and fell to the ground, covered in dirt and humiliation.


Titus showed no mercy, pouncing on Atticus like a wild beast. He aimed his sharp fangs at Atticus's neck.

Atticus instinctively reached out to block the attack, but Titus bit down on his arm, tearing off a large chunk of flesh.

Atticus's face contorted in pain, and his cries echoed through the night.

At this point, he had been reduced to a horrifying appearance, filled with terror as he struggled desperately to fend off Titus's attacks.

Just as Atticus was on the brink of being torn to shreds, a figure suddenly appeared, seizing Titus by the throat and flinging him away like a sandbag, causing him to crash into a large tree.

The person who intervened was none other than Dustin!

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

Atticus lay on the ground, frantically flailing his arms and legs, appearing extremely panicked. It wasn't until he realized that there was no one on top of him that he finally reacted.

As he stared, he saw Titus lying on the ground about ten meters away, with a stranger standing next to him.

"Can you still stand? If you can, stay away."

Dustin spoke in a calm tone but kept a sharp gaze fixed on Titus.

He had observed the situation closely and understood that Titus was no ordinary madman. His speed, strength, defense, and even his regenerative abilities had all been greatly enhanced. His limbs, skin, and senses had all undergone various degrees of transformation. At this moment, there was nothing human left in him.

"Damn it! Why didn't you act sooner? Don't you know I almost died just now?"

After regaining his senses, Atticus's first reaction was not gratitude, but anger and accusations.


Dustin furrowed his brow slightly, looking down at the man lying on the ground and showing some confusion. "What did you just say?"

"I said you almost killed me!" Atticus yelled, not expressing any gratitude. "If it weren't for you being so slow to act, I wouldn't have suffered such severe injuries. Look at all this blood, it's all your fault!"

"Are you out of your mind? I saved your life, and you're blaming me?" Dustin's face turned cold.

He had never encountered such a repugnant person, someone who not only didn't know how to show gratitude but also turned the situation around and blamed him for his actions.

"What's wrong with blaming you? Did I say something wrong?" Atticus shouted angrily. "You clearly had the ability to intervene earlier and save me from this severe injury, but you chose to wait until I was already gravely wounded to show your benevolence. Your actions were clearly malicious!"

"You have a problem with your brain? I saved your life, and you're turning it around to accuse me?" Dustin couldn't believe the ingratitude he was witnessing.

Atticus's ungratefulness was beyond his comprehension. He had not only failed to show any gratitude but had also accused him of malicious intent.

"What are you mumbling about? Did I say something wrong?" Atticus was full of anger and vented it all at Dustin. "You clearly had the ability to intervene and save me earlier, but you waited until I was gravely injured to show your kindness. Your actions were clearly malicious!"

Hearing this, Dustin couldn't help but burst into laughter.

This kind of person, who repaid kindness with ingratitude, was truly disgusting. Not only did he fail to repay his debt, but he also turned around and accused the person who saved him.

"What's the matter? Why aren't you saying anything now? Are you feeling guilty because I've exposed your ugly actions?" Atticus sneered.

"Yes, yes, you've exposed my ugly actions. Now deal with the person in front of you," Dustin replied, rolling his eyes.

At this moment, Titus had already stood up again, and his pitch-black eyes were fixed on Atticus with a fierce expression.
Haha if he us capable he could deal with Titus by himself🤣 let see how he manage this
Chapter 1939: A petty trick


When Atticus turned around, he saw a cold glint coming straight at him.

The speed was astonishing, and a faint bloody scent could be detected in the air.

The person behind the attack was none other than Titus!

After being pinned to the tree, Titus struggled in vain. Finally, he grabbed the spear shaft with both hands and pulled his body forward about half a meter.

When he got close to Atticus, he thrust a palm at Atticus's neck.

His sharp nails were like steel blades, with a strikingly high level of lethality.

"A petty trick!"

In response to the sudden attack, Atticus coldly snorted and didn't take it seriously at all. He counterattacked with a punch.


There was a loud explosion.

Titus's attack cut through Atticus's protective inner energy, and with it, his entire wrist was severed on the spot.

Blood spurted out instantly.


Staring at his severed hand that fell to the ground, Atticus was momentarily stunned before letting out a chilling scream.

He never dreamt that Titus's nails were so sharp, almost like divine weapons, easily breaking through his protective inner energy.

"My hand! My hand!"

Atticus held his bleeding stump, shocked and angry, but more so, panicking.

He had thought that subduing Titus would be easy, but to his surprise, their confrontation resulted in his own hand being severed like tofu.

This sudden shock left him disoriented.


Without giving Atticus any time to react, Titus swung his sharp claws again, cutting the spear shaft and breaking free from his restraints.

Then, roaring and howling, he charged at Atticus once more.

"Don't... don't come any closer! Get away!"

Atticus, terrified, lost his composure and turned to flee.

Faced with the extreme pain and the sight of his severed hand, he had no courage left for a stand-off.

Under the excruciating pain, his first instinct was to escape.

He regretted boasting earlier and should have simply killed Titus with a single spear thrust to avoid this.

Who would have expected that this guy, in his madness, would have no sense of pain and would be willing to fight to the death?

It was truly terrifying!


Seeing Atticus running away, Titus naturally didn't let him go. He continued to roar and chase after him.

"Someone! Quickly stop this madman!"

Titus yelled as he ran, occasionally looking back.

Soon, he was horrified to find that Titus was faster than him, charging like a tank.

Wherever he passed, he left a trail of destruction.

Seeing this menacing scene, who would dare to intercept him?

People scattered in all directions, afraid of becoming collateral damage.

"Save me! Someone, please save me!"

As he felt Titus closing in, Atticus screamed in terror, his appearance disheveled.


At this moment, Titus had already caught up and, in one swift motion, slashed Atticus's clothes. Deep bloodstains marked Atticus's back.


Atticus screamed in agony once more.

Due to inertia, he stumbled and fell to the ground, covered in dirt and humiliation.


Titus showed no mercy, pouncing on Atticus like a wild beast. He aimed his sharp fangs at Atticus's neck.

Atticus instinctively reached out to block the attack, but Titus bit down on his arm, tearing off a large chunk of flesh.

Atticus's face contorted in pain, and his cries echoed through the night.

At this point, he had been reduced to a horrifying appearance, filled with terror as he struggled desperately to fend off Titus's attacks.

Just as Atticus was on the brink of being torn to shreds, a figure suddenly appeared, seizing Titus by the throat and flinging him away like a sandbag, causing him to crash into a large tree.

The person who intervened was none other than Dustin!

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

Atticus lay on the ground, frantically flailing his arms and legs, appearing extremely panicked. It wasn't until he realized that there was no one on top of him that he finally reacted.

As he stared, he saw Titus lying on the ground about ten meters away, with a stranger standing next to him.

"Can you still stand? If you can, stay away."

Dustin spoke in a calm tone but kept a sharp gaze fixed on Titus.

He had observed the situation closely and understood that Titus was no ordinary madman. His speed, strength, defense, and even his regenerative abilities had all been greatly enhanced. His limbs, skin, and senses had all undergone various degrees of transformation. At this moment, there was nothing human left in him.

"Damn it! Why didn't you act sooner? Don't you know I almost died just now?"

After regaining his senses, Atticus's first reaction was not gratitude, but anger and accusations.


Dustin furrowed his brow slightly, looking down at the man lying on the ground and showing some confusion. "What did you just say?"

"I said you almost killed me!" Atticus yelled, not expressing any gratitude. "If it weren't for you being so slow to act, I wouldn't have suffered such severe injuries. Look at all this blood, it's all your fault!"

"Are you out of your mind? I saved your life, and you're blaming me?" Dustin's face turned cold.

He had never encountered such a repugnant person, someone who not only didn't know how to show gratitude but also turned the situation around and blamed him for his actions.

"What's wrong with blaming you? Did I say something wrong?" Atticus shouted angrily. "You clearly had the ability to intervene earlier and save me from this severe injury, but you chose to wait until I was already gravely wounded to show your benevolence. Your actions were clearly malicious!"

"You have a problem with your brain? I saved your life, and you're turning it around to accuse me?" Dustin couldn't believe the ingratitude he was witnessing.

Atticus's ungratefulness was beyond his comprehension. He had not only failed to show any gratitude but had also accused him of malicious intent.

"What are you mumbling about? Did I say something wrong?" Atticus was full of anger and vented it all at Dustin. "You clearly had the ability to intervene and save me earlier, but you waited until I was gravely injured to show your kindness. Your actions were clearly malicious!"

Hearing this, Dustin couldn't help but burst into laughter.

This kind of person, who repaid kindness with ingratitude, was truly disgusting. Not only did he fail to repay his debt, but he also turned around and accused the person who saved him.

"What's the matter? Why aren't you saying anything now? Are you feeling guilty because I've exposed your ugly actions?" Atticus sneered.

"Yes, yes, you've exposed my ugly actions. Now deal with the person in front of you," Dustin replied, rolling his eyes.

At this moment, Titus had already stood up again, and his pitch-black eyes were fixed on Atticus with a fierce expression.
This side of the country is full of arrogant people
Chapter 1940: Spear King


Titus roared low, and some unknown black sticky substance overflowed from its mouth. Coupled with its ferocious face and sharp fangs, the whole figure looked like a demon.

After exchanging glances with Titus, Atticus couldn't help but shiver in fear, his legs turning weak.

"Hey! You there! Where are you going? Hurry, save me!"

Seeing Dustin turning away, Atticus panicked instantly and started shouting.

The madness displayed by Titus earlier had completely crushed his courage to fight. Even just a glance now made him tremble with fear.

"Aren't you quite powerful? Didn't you suspect my intentions? Well then, I won't meddle anymore. You can fend for yourself," Dustin said coldly.

Some people just don't appreciate kindness. He shouldn't bother with someone ungrateful like this. Whether he lives or dies has nothing to do with Dustin.

"Stop! I command you to stop! Chase away that lunatic in front of you!" Atticus shouted repeatedly.

However, Dustin seemed oblivious, continuing to move forward as if he hadn't heard a word.

"Hey! Do you even know who I am? I am Atticus, the Death-Defying Spear. My master is one of the top five powerhouses in the Southwest, Skyler, the Spear King! If you dare let me die today without saving me, my master will never let you off!" Atticus attempted to use words as a threat.

In the entire Southwest, there were few who dared to disrespect his master.

"What? Spear King Skyler? He's one of the top three powerful figures in the entire Southwest!"

"I didn't expect Atticus's master to be Skyler. No wonder Atticus has been so prominent these years, and no one dares to provoke him."

"I heard Skyler is extremely aggressive and fiercely protective of his disciples. If his disciple dies here, I wonder if he will vent his anger on us."

People watching from afar started discussing fervently.

The reputation of Spear King Skyler even surpassed that Sand Dragon Miguel in the Southwest.

In the entire Southwest region, he was an unrivaled existence.

If Atticus was indeed Skyler's disciple, the situation was far from simple.

"With Skyler's personality, he'll definitely kill first and ask questions later."

"Brother Dustin..."

At this moment, Adriel suddenly stepped forward, his face serious as he warned, "Spear King Skyler is incredibly powerful. Even Senior Miguel has to be cautious around him. If Atticus dies mysteriously, you might find yourself in trouble."

"It's not like I killed him. Why should I care?" Dustin replied nonchalantly.

"That's true, but Skyler is unreasonable and fiercely protective of his disciples. If he finds out you didn't save Atticus, he won't spare you," Adriel said.

Although he couldn't stand Atticus's despicable behavior, he had to consider the other party's background. Even Gold Blade Sect wouldn't want to easily offend Spear King Skyler.

"How about it? Feeling scared now?" Atticus immediately sneered triumphantly when Dustin halted. "If you're afraid, come over here and protect me. If something happens to me, every one of you here will accompany me to the grave!"

His words caused a commotion in the crowd.

No one expected Atticus to be so domineering, threatening everyone's lives with his own safety.

The problem was, his words were not baseless. Given Spear King Skyler's strength, he could definitely fulfill this threat.

"Spear King Skyler? Is he really that formidable?" Dustin asked, his expression unchanged.

"Of course! Look at the entire Southwest region. My master is at least in the top three. Do you still doubt his strength?" Atticus glared and retorted.

"If your master is that powerful, then let him come and save you," Dustin said, folding his arms and stepping aside, adopting a bystander's expression.

"You—!" Atticus's face froze, his voice heavy. "Kid! Do you really want to challenge me? If you provoke my master, you'll wish you were dead!"

"Oh, and what difference would that make?" Dustin remained unfazed.
Chapter 1941: Just in time

"You damn—"

Atticus was about to erupt when suddenly, a wild beast-like roar echoed from the front.

Glancing over, he saw Titus fiercely pouncing towards him.

Using both hands and feet, it swiftly ran, leaving deep, claw-like marks on the ground with every step.

Its sharpness was akin to a steel blade.

"Someone, please help me! Don't let this monster get close!" Atticus's face turned pale, panic-stricken.

Due to his severe injuries, he lacked the strength to even stand up, only managing to drag his broken body backward desperately.

"What the hell are you standing there for? Do something!" Atticus turned abruptly, his face contorted with fury as he shouted at Dustin.

However, Dustin remained unmoved, just watching silently.

"Brother Dustin, don't be impulsive. Atticus must not die!" Adriel, standing nearby, grew anxious.

"It's none of my concern," Dustin still remained indifferent.

"Fine, seems like I have to intervene!" Seeing Dustin's stubbornness, Adriel shook his head helplessly. He had to personally draw his sword to rescue Atticus.

Atticus's strength surpassed his own by a significant margin. Even if Adriel wasn't sure if he could subdue Titus, he was even less certain if he could handle Titus.


Attracted by the scent of blood, Titus ignored everything and pounced on Atticus again.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!" Atticus screamed in terror, using his hands to shield his face. His pants were soaked, a clear sign of his fear.

The formidable Death-Defying Spear had been scared into urinating himself.

"Evil beast! Stop your madness!"

Just as Atticus was about to be torn to pieces, Adriel intervened just in time, standing in front of Atticus and engaging in a bloody battle with Titus.

Titus's physical abilities had been greatly enhanced, and in a head-on confrontation, Adriel was completely outmatched.

Fortunately, Titus had lost its sanity, attacking without any strategy, not even utilizing its true energy. This gave Adriel an opportunity.

Leveraging his agile body and the precious sword in his hand, Adriel barely managed to restrain Titus.

However, Titus felt no pain, no exhaustion. Regardless of the multiple injuries it sustained, it remained lively and energetic, practically invincible.

Continuing the stalemate, once Adriel exhausted his strength, defeat was only a matter of time.

"Quick, someone! Carry Atticus away!" While dealing with Titus's fierce attacks, Adriel directed Gold Blade Sect disciples to rescue Atticus.

"Save him!"

The disciples of Gold Blade Sect acted swiftly. Seeing their senior brother holding back Titus, they immediately moved Atticus to a safe place and even provided healing medicine.

However, after being rescued, Atticus not only showed no gratitude but also roared angrily at Dustin, "Kid! You dare harm me? You're damn finished! Your whole family is finished! When my master arrives, I will definitely dismantle you into pieces! I'll slaughter all your friends here and feed them to the dogs!"

"Is that so?" Dustin's eyes turned cold, his voice icy. "Too bad, you don't have the chance anymore."

"You damn—" Atticus was about to shout again when a black light suddenly flashed, piercing through his neck.

Atticus's body stiffened, his eyes widened.

The next moment, his head fell to the ground.

He died with resentment in his heart!
Chapter 1941: Just in time

"You damn—"

Atticus was about to erupt when suddenly, a wild beast-like roar echoed from the front.

Glancing over, he saw Titus fiercely pouncing towards him.

Using both hands and feet, it swiftly ran, leaving deep, claw-like marks on the ground with every step.

Its sharpness was akin to a steel blade.

"Someone, please help me! Don't let this monster get close!" Atticus's face turned pale, panic-stricken.

Due to his severe injuries, he lacked the strength to even stand up, only managing to drag his broken body backward desperately.

"What the hell are you standing there for? Do something!" Atticus turned abruptly, his face contorted with fury as he shouted at Dustin.

However, Dustin remained unmoved, just watching silently.

"Brother Dustin, don't be impulsive. Atticus must not die!" Adriel, standing nearby, grew anxious.

"It's none of my concern," Dustin still remained indifferent.

"Fine, seems like I have to intervene!" Seeing Dustin's stubbornness, Adriel shook his head helplessly. He had to personally draw his sword to rescue Atticus.

Atticus's strength surpassed his own by a significant margin. Even if Adriel wasn't sure if he could subdue Titus, he was even less certain if he could handle Titus.


Attracted by the scent of blood, Titus ignored everything and pounced on Atticus again.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!" Atticus screamed in terror, using his hands to shield his face. His pants were soaked, a clear sign of his fear.

The formidable Death-Defying Spear had been scared into urinating himself.

"Evil beast! Stop your madness!"

Just as Atticus was about to be torn to pieces, Adriel intervened just in time, standing in front of Atticus and engaging in a bloody battle with Titus.

Titus's physical abilities had been greatly enhanced, and in a head-on confrontation, Adriel was completely outmatched.

Fortunately, Titus had lost its sanity, attacking without any strategy, not even utilizing its true energy. This gave Adriel an opportunity.

Leveraging his agile body and the precious sword in his hand, Adriel barely managed to restrain Titus.

However, Titus felt no pain, no exhaustion. Regardless of the multiple injuries it sustained, it remained lively and energetic, practically invincible.

Continuing the stalemate, once Adriel exhausted his strength, defeat was only a matter of time.

"Quick, someone! Carry Atticus away!" While dealing with Titus's fierce attacks, Adriel directed Gold Blade Sect disciples to rescue Atticus.

"Save him!"

The disciples of Gold Blade Sect acted swiftly. Seeing their senior brother holding back Titus, they immediately moved Atticus to a safe place and even provided healing medicine.

However, after being rescued, Atticus not only showed no gratitude but also roared angrily at Dustin, "Kid! You dare harm me? You're damn finished! Your whole family is finished! When my master arrives, I will definitely dismantle you into pieces! I'll slaughter all your friends here and feed them to the dogs!"

"Is that so?" Dustin's eyes turned cold, his voice icy. "Too bad, you don't have the chance anymore."

"You damn—" Atticus was about to shout again when a black light suddenly flashed, piercing through his neck.

Atticus's body stiffened, his eyes widened.

The next moment, his head fell to the ground.

He died with resentment in his heart!
Good one and I am waiting for the other chapters
Chapter 1940: Spear King


Titus roared low, and some unknown black sticky substance overflowed from its mouth. Coupled with its ferocious face and sharp fangs, the whole figure looked like a demon.

After exchanging glances with Titus, Atticus couldn't help but shiver in fear, his legs turning weak.

"Hey! You there! Where are you going? Hurry, save me!"

Seeing Dustin turning away, Atticus panicked instantly and started shouting.

The madness displayed by Titus earlier had completely crushed his courage to fight. Even just a glance now made him tremble with fear.

"Aren't you quite powerful? Didn't you suspect my intentions? Well then, I won't meddle anymore. You can fend for yourself," Dustin said coldly.

Some people just don't appreciate kindness. He shouldn't bother with someone ungrateful like this. Whether he lives or dies has nothing to do with Dustin.

"Stop! I command you to stop! Chase away that lunatic in front of you!" Atticus shouted repeatedly.

However, Dustin seemed oblivious, continuing to move forward as if he hadn't heard a word.

"Hey! Do you even know who I am? I am Atticus, the Death-Defying Spear. My master is one of the top five powerhouses in the Southwest, Skyler, the Spear King! If you dare let me die today without saving me, my master will never let you off!" Atticus attempted to use words as a threat.

In the entire Southwest, there were few who dared to disrespect his master.

"What? Spear King Skyler? He's one of the top three powerful figures in the entire Southwest!"

"I didn't expect Atticus's master to be Skyler. No wonder Atticus has been so prominent these years, and no one dares to provoke him."

"I heard Skyler is extremely aggressive and fiercely protective of his disciples. If his disciple dies here, I wonder if he will vent his anger on us."

People watching from afar started discussing fervently.

The reputation of Spear King Skyler even surpassed that Sand Dragon Miguel in the Southwest.

In the entire Southwest region, he was an unrivaled existence.

If Atticus was indeed Skyler's disciple, the situation was far from simple.

"With Skyler's personality, he'll definitely kill first and ask questions later."

"Brother Dustin..."

At this moment, Adriel suddenly stepped forward, his face serious as he warned, "Spear King Skyler is incredibly powerful. Even Senior Miguel has to be cautious around him. If Atticus dies mysteriously, you might find yourself in trouble."

"It's not like I killed him. Why should I care?" Dustin replied nonchalantly.

"That's true, but Skyler is unreasonable and fiercely protective of his disciples. If he finds out you didn't save Atticus, he won't spare you," Adriel said.

Although he couldn't stand Atticus's despicable behavior, he had to consider the other party's background. Even Gold Blade Sect wouldn't want to easily offend Spear King Skyler.

"How about it? Feeling scared now?" Atticus immediately sneered triumphantly when Dustin halted. "If you're afraid, come over here and protect me. If something happens to me, every one of you here will accompany me to the grave!"

His words caused a commotion in the crowd.

No one expected Atticus to be so domineering, threatening everyone's lives with his own safety.

The problem was, his words were not baseless. Given Spear King Skyler's strength, he could definitely fulfill this threat.

"Spear King Skyler? Is he really that formidable?" Dustin asked, his expression unchanged.

"Of course! Look at the entire Southwest region. My master is at least in the top three. Do you still doubt his strength?" Atticus glared and retorted.

"If your master is that powerful, then let him come and save you," Dustin said, folding his arms and stepping aside, adopting a bystander's expression.

"You—!" Atticus's face froze, his voice heavy. "Kid! Do you really want to challenge me? If you provoke my master, you'll wish you were dead!"

"Oh, and what difference would that make?" Dustin remained unfazed.

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