An Understated Dominance Chapter 1301 to Chapter 2422 - English Version Translated by NAZMUL

English Version Translated by NAZMUL

An Understated Dominance is a Urban novel for men, telling a story of Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. "An Understated Dominance" delves into themes of ambition, power and the price of success. The novel explores the complexities of relationships and so on.
Chapter 1950: I'm not going to eat you

The weather at night was very cold, with a chilling wind that made faces ache. However, during the day, it became scorching hot, as if being roasted over a fire. It was so hot that you could fry an egg on a rock in less than a minute. In this extreme environment with rapid temperature fluctuations, ordinary people couldn't endure it. Even with ample supplies, they could only meet their basic survival needs. The true test was one's willpower and the ability to withstand the harsh conditions.

Dustin, Margaret, and their group followed the map provided by Titus, moving steadily along the way. They traveled from nightfall to dawn, and then from dawn to night. Due to the large number of people, their progress was not particularly fast. However, they were well-prepared, and with their elite team, they could quickly handle any minor problems they encountered.

Night fell, and the moon was obscured by dark clouds, with the wind howling.

Margaret led the group and chose a suitable location to set up camp. After such a long journey, everyone was physically and mentally exhausted, and they needed a good rest to regain their strength. Once the tents were set up, Margaret ordered the chefs to start cooking.

With two top-notch chefs and a dozen assistants, they quickly got to work. After the exhausting desert journey of the past few days, a delicious meal and a few sips of wine felt like a treat.

In a large tent, Dustin, Margaret, Jackson, and a few others sat around, discussing their next steps. Due to the cold weather, they had also lit a campfire inside the tent.

"Miss Margaret, so far, our progress has been quite smooth," Jackson began.

"If everything goes well, we should reach the outskirts of the oasis tomorrow afternoon," Jackson said. "But it's worth mentioning that it's a frequent area for sandstorms, so we need to be cautious."

"I understand. Thank you for your hard work, Black Scorpion Expedition Team. You can go and rest for now," Margaret nodded in response.

"Goodnight, Miss Margaret," Jackson replied with a nod before leaving. Although he was reluctant, he had no choice but to say goodnight and exit the tent.

"Tonight, you can sleep here, Dustin. We've prepared a spot for you," Margaret suddenly suggested, sipping her tea.

"Huh?" Dustin was taken aback. "A man and a woman sharing the same room, is that appropriate?"

"What's inappropriate about that? I'm not going to eat you," Margaret rolled her eyes. "Besides, you're my personal bodyguard, and you should always be ready to protect me. I'm a defenseless woman, and what if something happens at night?"

"A defenseless woman?" Dustin couldn't help but smirk. "You may look delicate, but you're a true female grandmaster, not to mention your mastery of various mystical arts. You could probably take on many master-level warriors, not to mention a common fighter."

"Enough, don't dwell on it. Go to sleep; we have to get up early tomorrow," Margaret said, undressing and revealing her graceful figure. She quickly crawled into her sleeping bag and closed her eyes to rest.

Dustin was left with no choice but to make do for the night, contemplating the absurdity of the situation.
Thank u nazmul
Chapter 1951: A large number of sand rats

The next day, early in the morning.

Before the day had fully brightened, Dustin was suddenly awakened by the sound of footsteps outside his tent.

He immediately turned over and got up, remaining vigilant in the darkness.

Soon, Brody's voice came, "Miss, something's wrong outside!"

Brody stood outside the tent to report, not daring to enter.


Hearing the commotion, Margaret slowly opened her eyes, slid out of her sleeping bag, and put on her outer clothes. She asked, "Brody, what's going on?"

"I just conducted a routine check and saw a large number of sand rats around the camp. I followed their activity tracks and found that our stockpile of supplies has been destroyed by the sand rat swarm," Brody said anxiously.


Upon hearing this, Margaret's expression instantly turned serious. She quickly opened the tent and walked out, saying, "Didn't I arrange for people to take turns guarding? Why did we still encounter a sand rat attack?"

"I don't know what happened. When the problem occurred, it was already too late," Brody said with a mournful face.

"Let's go, go take a look!"

Margaret didn't say much and immediately rushed to the location of the stockpile.

This time, to be cautious, she had brought various survival supplies and used a significant number of camels for transport.

Before nightfall, she had ordered the guards to keep a close watch, but she didn't expect that the supplies would be in trouble after just one night's sleep.

When Margaret and a few others arrived at the storage location of the supplies, they found thousands of sand rats running amok.

Food, water, and various supplies were scattered all over the ground.

Some members of the security team were vigorously driving away the sand rat groups around them.

However, these sand rats seemed to have no fear of humans at all and continued to plunder various types of food.

Seeing this, Margaret couldn't help but furrow her brow.

Sand rats are naturally timid and cautious, so it's rare for them to boldly steal human food.

The most critical issue was that the sand rat swarm not only had a large number but also seemed to be in a frenzy, making it impossible to drive them away.

Most of the survival supplies she had brought were already destroyed.

If it weren't for Brody's early discovery, the sand rat swarm would likely have looted all the supplies before daybreak.

"These damn beasts! How dare they steal our stuff? Kill them all!" Brody cursed in frustration after receiving the order.

Upon hearing the command, the members of the security team didn't hesitate. They took out their weapons and began hunting down the sand rats.

With the sound of gunfire and the clashing of weapons, one sand rat after another fell into a pool of blood.

Seemingly frightened, the previously ruthless sand rat swarm finally began to scatter and flee.

In a short while, they disappeared without a trace, leaving behind hundreds or thousands of sand rat corpses.

However, for the sand rat swarm, this loss was negligible.

Due to the gunfire, everyone in the camp had already been awakened.

When they saw the chaos on the ground, everyone's faces turned particularly grim.

On their journey, they had encountered various troubles like sandstorms, quicksand areas, venomous snakes, and scorpions. However, they had been fortunate enough to emerge unscathed, thanks to thorough preparations and minimal losses.

But now, a sudden rodent disaster had destroyed most of their supplies.
Chapter 1952: The timing

This was undoubtedly a devastating development.

"Miss Margaret! How could this happen? Where did these sand rats come from?" Jackson stepped forward and asked.

"Captain Jackson, shouldn't I be asking you that question?" Margaret's tone was indifferent. "You have been to the Death Desert multiple times, and you are familiar with the environment here. You also selected the camping site last night. Didn't you know that this place has sand rat swarms?"

"Miss Margaret, I truly didn't expect this to happen," Jackson hastily explained. "Normally, sand rat swarms only appear at the edges of the Death Desert, and they have fixed activity areas. The location we chose is nowhere near the sand rat swarm's range, and we shouldn't have encountered an attack."

"Miss Margaret, accidents can happen. When entering the Death Desert, you should be prepared for all sorts of unforeseen circumstances. Our captain did his best, and nobody expected a sand rat swarm here. If you want to blame someone, blame your own people for not guarding the supplies properly," the short-haired woman from the Black Scorpion Squad spoke up.

"She's right!"

A burly bald man nearby chimed in, "The ones who were supposed to guard the supplies are your subordinates. If something went wrong, don't put the blame on us."

"Brody, who were the ones guarding the supplies tonight? Bring them all here," Margaret spoke coldly.


Brody acknowledged and left quickly.

It didn't take long for him to return with a team of members and reported, "Miss, tonight, these five were on duty."

"What happened? Why didn't you notice the problem in time?" Margaret's tone remained calm, but it was also icy.

This mission was of utmost importance, concerning the fate of the Dragonmarsh. She would not tolerate any negligence from her subordinates.

"Miss, we... we fell asleep," the team leader confessed with a guilty expression.

"Asleep?" Margaret raised an eyebrow. "All five of you fell asleep?"

"Yes," the team leader replied with his head lowered. "We don't know what happened, but shortly after nightfall, we felt extremely fatigued and dozed off. This attack by the sand rat swarm is our negligence, and we willingly accept punishment."

With that, the five of them knelt on the ground, looking as if they were ready to face the consequences.

As military personnel, when their negligence caused irreparable losses, they could only atone with their lives.

"This matter is suspicious, and not all the blame lies with you," Margaret said with a thoughtful expression, her brow slightly furrowed.

The elite team she brought with her this time was well-trained and capable of staying awake for three days and nights without any issues. While it could be explained if one person had slacked off and fallen asleep, it was highly unlikely that all five of them would do so simultaneously.

What was more peculiar was that as soon as these five individuals fell asleep, the sand rat swarm launched their attack. The timing was remarkably coincidental.

It was so coincidental that it made her suspect if someone might be tampering with things in the shadows.

"Brody, take a few teams and carefully investigate the surroundings. Look for any anomalies. Remember, leave no stone unturned!" Margaret immediately issued the order.


Brody responded promptly and directed his team to begin searching the area.

From her tone, Brody's team understood that this matter was not straightforward.

"Miss, we found something!"

After about the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, Brody returned, holding a pile of black objects in his hands.
Chapter 1953: Absolutely stunning

"Miss, this is what we found around the camp site, and it has a peculiar odor that attracted the sand rats," Bordy said as he held a bunch of black objects and approached Margaret and the others.

These black objects were about the size of soybeans and seemed to be some kind of bait, emitting a distinctive fishy smell.

"What is this?" Margaret asked, intrigued.

She leaned in to smell it, finding the scent somewhat pungent.

"It should be a mixture of food and medicine. I just tested it, and the odor it emits can quickly attract sand rats. So, the destruction of our supplies was not accidental; someone deliberately sabotaged it," Bordy explained.

"So, someone intentionally plotted this rather than it being a mere accident?" Margaret quickly arrived at her conclusion.

It was evident that this bait, designed to attract sand rats, was not naturally occurring.

"Very likely," Bordy nodded and replied, "These black objects were scattered around our stored supplies, clearly meant to draw the sand rat swarm. Coupled with our guards mysteriously falling asleep, likely due to being drugged, it's reasonable to suspect foul play."

"Someone has been following us all the way, taking advantage of our relaxed guard to destroy our supplies, leaving us with no way out. The mastermind behind this is quite ruthless!" Margaret narrowed her eyes, her gaze filled with a chilling resolve.

She couldn't fathom who she might have offended, but she was being targeted repeatedly. First, it was the poisoning incident at the hotel, and now this sabotage, making it impossible to turn a blind eye.

"You idiots! If I find out who's responsible, I'll skin them alive!" Jackson cursed with clenched teeth.

"The world is treacherous, and the hearts of people are wicked. Our route has been well concealed, so how could an outsider know?" Dustin pointed out the key issue.

They had left in the middle of the night, and they had even encountered a sandstorm on the way. If there was anyone tailing them, they should have lost the tail by now. The fact that they faced this situation was highly suspicious.

"Are you suggesting there might be a mole among us?" Margaret's brow raised as she quickly grasped the implications.

"While not certain, it's highly probable; otherwise, it's hard to explain," Dustin nodded.

"Landslide-like!" Bordy concurred. "These black objects were scattered near our stored supplies, clearly meant to attract the sand rat swarm. When combined with our guards suddenly falling asleep, most likely due to being drugged, it's a reasonable deduction that someone is up to no good."

"Brother Dustin, you don't suspect us, do you?" Adriel was the first to speak up to prove his innocence. "We disciples of the Gold Blade Sect always act with integrity and would never engage in such despicable activities. If you don't believe us, feel free to search our tents!"

"Brother Adriel, don't be so agitated. I naturally trust your integrity," Dustin said with a faint smile.

"Hmph! If it were up to me, I wouldn't engage in such foolish activities. If I wanted revenge, I would use force directly. There's no need for these lowly tactics!" Miguel said, crossing his arms and sneering.

With his reputation as a Martial Arts Grandmaster, if he wanted to commit a crime, no one present could stop him.

"Dustin, these are just your speculations. If you have no evidence, it's best not to spread baseless rumors and sow discord!" Jackson said with a displeased expression.

"Right! In a situation like this, we should be united and work together instead of suspecting each other. Otherwise, we might fall into the enemy's trap!" the short-haired woman chimed in.

"I'm just speculating; we shouldn't harbor ill intentions, but we must remain vigilant," Dustin said calmly.

Using a sand rat swarm to destroy their supplies was a discreet and secure tactic, and it had to be admitted that the mastermind behind it was highly skilled.

"Everyone, now is not the time to assign blame. Let's think about how to recover our losses," Bordy began to mediate.

"Bordy, how much usable supplies do we have left at the moment?" Margaret suddenly asked.

"Miss, I just had someone count it, and the remaining supplies are enough for us to survive for three days," Bordy sighed lightly.

Their original supplies were sufficient to last a month in the Death Desert. Now, after the sand rat swarm attack, they had very little left.

"Three days?" Margaret furrowed her brow slightly. "Supplies are too scarce. We have to return to this area, which isn't enough for a round trip."

"Miss, what do we do now?" Bordy cautiously inquired.

"Select two elite squads, retrace the original route to the nearby village to purchase supplies. When you've gathered enough, come and meet us in the oasis. I'll leave marks along the way," Margaret quickly made a decision.

Time was running out, and various factions were all searching for the oasis. If the main force returned and collected supplies, it would be too late. They had no choice but to split up and act.

As long as Bordy could collect supplies quickly and arrive in a timely manner, they wouldn't have to worry about uncontrollable variables due to a shortage of supplies.

"Miss, I've taken my men with me. What about your safety?" Bordy hesitated.

"It's not a problem. With Mr. Dustin here, no one can harm me. Go and get it done as soon as possible," Margaret said calmly.


Bordy glanced at Dustin and ultimately nodded.

Although others didn't know Dustin's identity, he was well aware that with a grandmaster like Dustin at her side, there shouldn't be any major safety issues.

In the end, under Margaret's orders, Bordy led two elite squads and dozens of camels, retracing their steps.

"Everyone, this is not a good place to linger. Pack your things and let's get moving quickly," Margaret ordered.

Now that it was still early in the day, with the temperature relatively mild, it was the best time to travel. Otherwise, if they waited until the sun was high, the scorching heat would make the journey extremely challenging.

The main force moved on with occasional breaks, and they had been traveling for nearly a day. They finally arrived at their destination at dusk.

When everyone laid eyes on the oasis for the first time, they were left speechless, profoundly moved by the breathtaking sight.

Two words filled their minds.

Absolutely stunning!
Chapter 1942: I'll cross that bridge


Atticus's head fell to the ground, bouncing like a ball, rolling a few times before coming to a stop at the feet of several disciples from the Gold Blade Sect.

In his widened eyes, there was shock, disbelief, and astonishment.

Until his death, Atticus had never anticipated that his head would be severed by Dustin, not by the crazy Titus.

Why? Why did this happen?

He was the renowned Death-Defying Spear, a disciple of the Spear King Skyler, with a prestigious background and a limitless future.

This journey into the deadly desert was meant for finding treasures and improving his cultivation to become famous throughout the world.

He was supposed to have a smooth and victorious path as the main character, sweeping aside all obstacles and becoming the object of envy and reverence for everyone.

Why? Why did he fall in this small village?

"I won't accept this!"

"I won't accept it!"

Atticus roared in his heart but couldn't produce a sound.

His glorious life flashed before his eyes like a revolving lantern. He had exceptional talent since he was a child, and he had encountered numerous strokes of luck. No matter what he did, everything came naturally to him without any hindrance.

According to his master, Skyler, with his martial talent, he was destined to break into the World-Shaking Rankings and become one of the top experts admired by everyone.

How wonderful and desirable that was.

However, now, everything had turned into nothing but a bubble.

It turns out, he wasn't the main character; he wasn't destined by fate; he could die too.

In this deep regret, Atticus's consciousness gradually faded into darkness...


Looking at Atticus's severed head, several Gold Blade Sect disciples were completely dumbfounded.

They had just barely saved Atticus from the tiger's mouth, and in the blink of an eye, his body and head had been separated.

What was going on?

Several people turned back in astonishment and saw that the black sword in Dustin's hand was dripping with blood.

It was quite obvious that the killer was this person in front of them.

"You... You actually killed Atticus?"

"Brother Dustin! You've really stirred up trouble this time!"

"Atticus is a disciple of the Spear King Skyler. By killing him, you're challenging Skyler. Even if you flee to the ends of the earth, Skyler won't let you go!"

Several Gold Blade Sect disciples were in a panic, talking all at once.

They had never expected Dustin to be so audacious, daring to kill even Skyler's disciple. If Skyler became furious, there would undoubtedly be bloodshed.

"Haven't you heard what he just said? He was about to kill me. Am I supposed to let him celebrate the New Year with us?" Dustin calmly responded.

Atticus had already harbored murderous intent, and someone like that, who would retaliate at the slightest opportunity, had to be dealt with swiftly, or there would be more trouble in the future.

As for this so-called Spear King Skyler, Dustin didn't even consider him.

"Brother Dustin, as a friend of our eldest senior brother, I'll give you a piece of advice: escape as soon as you can. Once the Spear King Skyler arrives, your life will be in grave danger!" one of the Gold Blade Sect disciples advised.

"No need to worry. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it," Dustin replied nonchalantly.

The several Gold Blade Sect disciples exchanged glances and shook their heads, sighing.

In the end, Dustin was just too young; he didn't understand the terror of the Spear King Skyler.

Skyler was a powerful martial arts master, capable of crushing mountains and splitting rocks with a single strike. Killing a cultivator like Dustin, a mere innate martial artist, would be as simple as squashing an ant.

"Dustin, I admire your boldness. I'll say it again: as long as you become my disciple, I can ensure your safety," at this moment, Miguel stepped forward and extended another invitation.

"I appreciate your kind offer, Senior Miguel, but I can handle this minor issue on my own," Dustin replied, not taking the offer to heart.

"Is that so? Well, I'll be watching," Miguel said without pressing the matter further.
Chapter 1943: Dragon-Binding Rope

Dustin's repeated refusals left Miguel somewhat dissatisfied, but he was also a proud individual and not one to pester someone.

He believed that when it came to a matter of life and death, Dustin would surely compromise.

"Don't just stand there. Go help your eldest senior brother," Dustin said, turning his head to the several Gold Blade Sect disciples and reminding them.

At this moment, Adriel and the demon Titus were engaged in a fierce battle.

However, as their energy waned, Adriel's speed and strength clearly slowed down, while Titus continued to fight with unwavering determination, seemingly tireless.

If they continued like this, Adriel would eventually be defeated.

"Quick! Support Eldest Senior Brother!"

The several Gold Blade Sect disciples exchanged glances and were about to draw their knives and rush forward.

"Wait! Use this!"

At this moment, Margaret suddenly took out a golden rope and tossed it to one of the Gold Blade Sect disciples.

This golden rope was exceptionally tough, with a subtle shimmer on its surface, making it look extraordinary.


Seeing the golden rope, Miguel's pupils constricted, and he exclaimed in surprise, "Young lady, is this... the Dragon-Binding Rope?"

"Senior Miguel has a keen eye," Margaret nodded, not denying it.

"What? The Dragon-Binding Rope?"

At this revelation, the several Gold Blade Sect disciples showed astonishment.

Anyone with a bit of knowledge in the martial world understood the value of the Dragon-Binding Rope.

It was a renowned treasure in the martial world, extremely rare. The Dragon-Binding Rope was nearly indestructible, impervious to cutting or burning. Even martial arts grandmasters couldn't break free if ensnared by it.

However, the Dragon-Binding Rope was extremely scarce, and within the entire martial world, there were only a handful of them.

Moreover, its possessors were all top experts from major martial sects.

They hadn't expected that an unknown woman would possess such a treasure.

Who exactly was she?

"Don't just stand there, help your eldest senior brother," Margaret urged.

"Oh, right, right..."

The several Gold Blade Sect disciples, as if waking from a dream, didn't hesitate any longer. They immediately rushed forward with the Dragon-Binding Rope and soon had the demon Titus securely bound.

Though Titus was immensely powerful, he had no resistance against the Dragon-Binding Rope, which could ensnare martial arts grandmasters.

Once bound, no matter how he struggled or roared, it was futile.

"Tie him!"

The Gold Blade Sect disciples pulled together and hoisted Titus onto a tree, leaving him with no leverage to move.

"That was close!"

Seeing this, Adriel couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He had clearly felt his strength waning, and continuing the fight could have posed a risk to his life.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Tied in mid-air, Titus kept struggling and roaring.

His facial veins bulged, and his physique swelled once again, with his muscles on the verge of bursting. Cracks appeared all over his body.

At first glance, he looked like an inflated balloon.

"Oh no! He's going to self-destruct! Get back!"

Adriel's expression changed, and he quickly retreated with the Gold Blade Sect disciples.

However, just as they retreated halfway, there was a deafening explosion. Titus's body suddenly burst open.

A terrifying energy wave, with the explosion point as its center, swept in all directions.

Wherever it passed, there were howling gusts of wind, flying dust, and a cataclysmic force, unstoppable.
Chapter 1953: Absolutely stunning

"Miss, this is what we found around the camp site, and it has a peculiar odor that attracted the sand rats," Bordy said as he held a bunch of black objects and approached Margaret and the others.

These black objects were about the size of soybeans and seemed to be some kind of bait, emitting a distinctive fishy smell.

"What is this?" Margaret asked, intrigued.

She leaned in to smell it, finding the scent somewhat pungent.

"It should be a mixture of food and medicine. I just tested it, and the odor it emits can quickly attract sand rats. So, the destruction of our supplies was not accidental; someone deliberately sabotaged it," Bordy explained.

"So, someone intentionally plotted this rather than it being a mere accident?" Margaret quickly arrived at her conclusion.

It was evident that this bait, designed to attract sand rats, was not naturally occurring.

"Very likely," Bordy nodded and replied, "These black objects were scattered around our stored supplies, clearly meant to draw the sand rat swarm. Coupled with our guards mysteriously falling asleep, likely due to being drugged, it's reasonable to suspect foul play."

"Someone has been following us all the way, taking advantage of our relaxed guard to destroy our supplies, leaving us with no way out. The mastermind behind this is quite ruthless!" Margaret narrowed her eyes, her gaze filled with a chilling resolve.

She couldn't fathom who she might have offended, but she was being targeted repeatedly. First, it was the poisoning incident at the hotel, and now this sabotage, making it impossible to turn a blind eye.

"You idiots! If I find out who's responsible, I'll skin them alive!" Jackson cursed with clenched teeth.

"The world is treacherous, and the hearts of people are wicked. Our route has been well concealed, so how could an outsider know?" Dustin pointed out the key issue.

They had left in the middle of the night, and they had even encountered a sandstorm on the way. If there was anyone tailing them, they should have lost the tail by now. The fact that they faced this situation was highly suspicious.

"Are you suggesting there might be a mole among us?" Margaret's brow raised as she quickly grasped the implications.

"While not certain, it's highly probable; otherwise, it's hard to explain," Dustin nodded.

"Landslide-like!" Bordy concurred. "These black objects were scattered near our stored supplies, clearly meant to attract the sand rat swarm. When combined with our guards suddenly falling asleep, most likely due to being drugged, it's a reasonable deduction that someone is up to no good."

"Brother Dustin, you don't suspect us, do you?" Adriel was the first to speak up to prove his innocence. "We disciples of the Gold Blade Sect always act with integrity and would never engage in such despicable activities. If you don't believe us, feel free to search our tents!"

"Brother Adriel, don't be so agitated. I naturally trust your integrity," Dustin said with a faint smile.

"Hmph! If it were up to me, I wouldn't engage in such foolish activities. If I wanted revenge, I would use force directly. There's no need for these lowly tactics!" Miguel said, crossing his arms and sneering.

With his reputation as a Martial Arts Grandmaster, if he wanted to commit a crime, no one present could stop him.

"Dustin, these are just your speculations. If you have no evidence, it's best not to spread baseless rumors and sow discord!" Jackson said with a displeased expression.

"Right! In a situation like this, we should be united and work together instead of suspecting each other. Otherwise, we might fall into the enemy's trap!" the short-haired woman chimed in.

"I'm just speculating; we shouldn't harbor ill intentions, but we must remain vigilant," Dustin said calmly.

Using a sand rat swarm to destroy their supplies was a discreet and secure tactic, and it had to be admitted that the mastermind behind it was highly skilled.

"Everyone, now is not the time to assign blame. Let's think about how to recover our losses," Bordy began to mediate.

"Bordy, how much usable supplies do we have left at the moment?" Margaret suddenly asked.

"Miss, I just had someone count it, and the remaining supplies are enough for us to survive for three days," Bordy sighed lightly.

Their original supplies were sufficient to last a month in the Death Desert. Now, after the sand rat swarm attack, they had very little left.

"Three days?" Margaret furrowed her brow slightly. "Supplies are too scarce. We have to return to this area, which isn't enough for a round trip."

"Miss, what do we do now?" Bordy cautiously inquired.

"Select two elite squads, retrace the original route to the nearby village to purchase supplies. When you've gathered enough, come and meet us in the oasis. I'll leave marks along the way," Margaret quickly made a decision.

Time was running out, and various factions were all searching for the oasis. If the main force returned and collected supplies, it would be too late. They had no choice but to split up and act.

As long as Bordy could collect supplies quickly and arrive in a timely manner, they wouldn't have to worry about uncontrollable variables due to a shortage of supplies.

"Miss, I've taken my men with me. What about your safety?" Bordy hesitated.

"It's not a problem. With Mr. Dustin here, no one can harm me. Go and get it done as soon as possible," Margaret said calmly.


Bordy glanced at Dustin and ultimately nodded.

Although others didn't know Dustin's identity, he was well aware that with a grandmaster like Dustin at her side, there shouldn't be any major safety issues.

In the end, under Margaret's orders, Bordy led two elite squads and dozens of camels, retracing their steps.

"Everyone, this is not a good place to linger. Pack your things and let's get moving quickly," Margaret ordered.

Now that it was still early in the day, with the temperature relatively mild, it was the best time to travel. Otherwise, if they waited until the sun was high, the scorching heat would make the journey extremely challenging.

The main force moved on with occasional breaks, and they had been traveling for nearly a day. They finally arrived at their destination at dusk.

When everyone laid eyes on the oasis for the first time, they were left speechless, profoundly moved by the breathtaking sight.

Two words filled their minds.

Absolutely stunning!
This story is becoming boring. Maybe due to short releases or unnecessary diversionary routes to keep the story alive. If i say it is becoming annoying, iam right.
Chapter 1953: Absolutely stunning

"Miss, this is what we found around the camp site, and it has a peculiar odor that attracted the sand rats," Bordy said as he held a bunch of black objects and approached Margaret and the others.

These black objects were about the size of soybeans and seemed to be some kind of bait, emitting a distinctive fishy smell.

"What is this?" Margaret asked, intrigued.

She leaned in to smell it, finding the scent somewhat pungent.

"It should be a mixture of food and medicine. I just tested it, and the odor it emits can quickly attract sand rats. So, the destruction of our supplies was not accidental; someone deliberately sabotaged it," Bordy explained.

"So, someone intentionally plotted this rather than it being a mere accident?" Margaret quickly arrived at her conclusion.

It was evident that this bait, designed to attract sand rats, was not naturally occurring.

"Very likely," Bordy nodded and replied, "These black objects were scattered around our stored supplies, clearly meant to draw the sand rat swarm. Coupled with our guards mysteriously falling asleep, likely due to being drugged, it's reasonable to suspect foul play."

"Someone has been following us all the way, taking advantage of our relaxed guard to destroy our supplies, leaving us with no way out. The mastermind behind this is quite ruthless!" Margaret narrowed her eyes, her gaze filled with a chilling resolve.

She couldn't fathom who she might have offended, but she was being targeted repeatedly. First, it was the poisoning incident at the hotel, and now this sabotage, making it impossible to turn a blind eye.

"You idiots! If I find out who's responsible, I'll skin them alive!" Jackson cursed with clenched teeth.

"The world is treacherous, and the hearts of people are wicked. Our route has been well concealed, so how could an outsider know?" Dustin pointed out the key issue.

They had left in the middle of the night, and they had even encountered a sandstorm on the way. If there was anyone tailing them, they should have lost the tail by now. The fact that they faced this situation was highly suspicious.

"Are you suggesting there might be a mole among us?" Margaret's brow raised as she quickly grasped the implications.

"While not certain, it's highly probable; otherwise, it's hard to explain," Dustin nodded.

"Landslide-like!" Bordy concurred. "These black objects were scattered near our stored supplies, clearly meant to attract the sand rat swarm. When combined with our guards suddenly falling asleep, most likely due to being drugged, it's a reasonable deduction that someone is up to no good."

"Brother Dustin, you don't suspect us, do you?" Adriel was the first to speak up to prove his innocence. "We disciples of the Gold Blade Sect always act with integrity and would never engage in such despicable activities. If you don't believe us, feel free to search our tents!"

"Brother Adriel, don't be so agitated. I naturally trust your integrity," Dustin said with a faint smile.

"Hmph! If it were up to me, I wouldn't engage in such foolish activities. If I wanted revenge, I would use force directly. There's no need for these lowly tactics!" Miguel said, crossing his arms and sneering.

With his reputation as a Martial Arts Grandmaster, if he wanted to commit a crime, no one present could stop him.

"Dustin, these are just your speculations. If you have no evidence, it's best not to spread baseless rumors and sow discord!" Jackson said with a displeased expression.

"Right! In a situation like this, we should be united and work together instead of suspecting each other. Otherwise, we might fall into the enemy's trap!" the short-haired woman chimed in.

"I'm just speculating; we shouldn't harbor ill intentions, but we must remain vigilant," Dustin said calmly.

Using a sand rat swarm to destroy their supplies was a discreet and secure tactic, and it had to be admitted that the mastermind behind it was highly skilled.

"Everyone, now is not the time to assign blame. Let's think about how to recover our losses," Bordy began to mediate.

"Bordy, how much usable supplies do we have left at the moment?" Margaret suddenly asked.

"Miss, I just had someone count it, and the remaining supplies are enough for us to survive for three days," Bordy sighed lightly.

Their original supplies were sufficient to last a month in the Death Desert. Now, after the sand rat swarm attack, they had very little left.

"Three days?" Margaret furrowed her brow slightly. "Supplies are too scarce. We have to return to this area, which isn't enough for a round trip."

"Miss, what do we do now?" Bordy cautiously inquired.

"Select two elite squads, retrace the original route to the nearby village to purchase supplies. When you've gathered enough, come and meet us in the oasis. I'll leave marks along the way," Margaret quickly made a decision.

Time was running out, and various factions were all searching for the oasis. If the main force returned and collected supplies, it would be too late. They had no choice but to split up and act.

As long as Bordy could collect supplies quickly and arrive in a timely manner, they wouldn't have to worry about uncontrollable variables due to a shortage of supplies.

"Miss, I've taken my men with me. What about your safety?" Bordy hesitated.

"It's not a problem. With Mr. Dustin here, no one can harm me. Go and get it done as soon as possible," Margaret said calmly.


Bordy glanced at Dustin and ultimately nodded.

Although others didn't know Dustin's identity, he was well aware that with a grandmaster like Dustin at her side, there shouldn't be any major safety issues.

In the end, under Margaret's orders, Bordy led two elite squads and dozens of camels, retracing their steps.

"Everyone, this is not a good place to linger. Pack your things and let's get moving quickly," Margaret ordered.

Now that it was still early in the day, with the temperature relatively mild, it was the best time to travel. Otherwise, if they waited until the sun was high, the scorching heat would make the journey extremely challenging.

The main force moved on with occasional breaks, and they had been traveling for nearly a day. They finally arrived at their destination at dusk.

When everyone laid eyes on the oasis for the first time, they were left speechless, profoundly moved by the breathtaking sight.

Two words filled their minds.

Absolutely stunning!
The perpetrator of the sand rat is no other than the captain.
Chapter 1944: Black Spiritual Crystal

Out of nowhere, there was a sudden explosion that startled everyone.
Chapter 1947: A black evil aura

Given that Titus had already undergone a transformation into a beast, what else was impossible?

"Even if the Black Spiritual Crystals are formed from Titus's flesh and blood, what's the problem? You mentioned not living for more than three days; what's that about?" Adriel asked another question.

"Because the Black Spiritual Crystals have been contaminated," Dustin explained with a serious expression. "You all saw Titus's condition earlier, how he went berserk without reason, lost his humanity, and experienced bodily mutations. Under these circumstances, the Black Spiritual Crystals formed from his flesh and blood couldn't possibly be without problems."

"Dustin, this is a serious matter, and just having conjectures might not be very convincing. Do you have any evidence?" Adriel questioned.

They had just collected eight rather substantial Black Spiritual Crystals, and it was quite a harvest for them. If the Black Spiritual Crystals couldn't be used, it would be a significant loss. So without concrete evidence, he found it hard to accept this conclusion.

"In each Black Spiritual Crystal, there is a trace of malevolence. It's difficult to discern from the outside. Only by refining the spiritual energy inside can you observe some clues," Dustin explained. He extended his hand, placing his Black Spiritual Crystal in his palm for everyone to see. Then he used his other hand to gently tap the crystal.


With a crisp sound, the fingernail-sized Black Spiritual Crystal instantly shattered. Simultaneously, a dense spiritual energy gushed forth.

Dustin was prepared and bent his finger slightly to create an invisible energy shield, containing the gushing spiritual energy in a bundle.

The spiritual energy was milky white, very rich, and billowed like clouds and mist. If absorbed entirely, it would be extremely beneficial for a martial artist's cultivation.

"Take a closer look, what's hidden within this spiritual energy?" Dustin reminded them.

Adriel and the others stared intently and couldn't help but contract their pupils.

To their astonishment, within the milky white spiritual energy, there was a strand of black aura. This black aura was deeply hidden and surrounded by the milky white spiritual energy, making it difficult to detect unless one looked closely.

Fortunately, Dustin had guided all the spiritual energy out. If this strand of black aura had been concealed within the Black Spiritual Crystal, it would have blended seamlessly with the crystal's color, making it nearly impossible to notice.

"What is this black aura?" Adriel tentatively asked.

"This is the evil aura I mentioned, and it's the cause of Titus's madness," Dustin explained.

"It looks rather unremarkable. Can such a small trace of evil aura have such a significant impact?" Adriel moved closer, trying to examine it more closely.

"Don't underestimate it. This is its calm state. Once it encounters a stimulus, it will change," Dustin warned.

With that, Dustin's fingers slowly tightened, causing the energy shield to compress and change shape. Subsequently, the black aura inside, sensing a threat, became agitated. It began to rampage and constantly assaulted Dustin's energy shield, attempting to break free.

After a few unsuccessful attempts, the black aura suddenly expanded and rapidly consumed the surrounding milky white spiritual energy. Its momentum was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

In just a few breaths of time, all the milky white spiritual energy was devoured and completely assimilated. What remained in front of everyone was no longer a dense white spiritual energy but a black evil aura, filled with death and destruction.

Especially when the shockwave of energy hit, many martial artists were thrown into disarray, screaming in pain.

Fortunately, Adriel and the others ran fast; otherwise, if they were closer to the explosion, it could have severely injured them.

When the dust settled, people looked around and found that the village chief's house had been leveled to the ground, with debris and ruins scattered everywhere.

And Titus, along with the large tree it was hanging from, had completely disappeared, leaving only a tangled dragon rope lying quietly on the ground.

In addition, there was now a layer of black crystals all over the ground, densely packed like pebbles, scattered all around.

Dustin saw it clearly; these were the things that had splattered out when Titus's body exploded.

They had a bloody smell, most likely transformed from blood, but the blood of a normal person is liquid, while Titus's blood before his death had turned into solid, crystal-like form.

It was indeed quite bizarre.

Dustin considered himself well-traveled, but everything that had happened to Titus today had exceeded his understanding.

First, he went inexplicably crazy, then his physical qualities increased twofold, and he seemed impervious to pain, unafraid of life or death, like a mad beast.

Most crucially, Titus's body had undergone a remarkable transformation.

His teeth became sharp, his nails turned into blades, and black scales even appeared on his skin, making him nearly invulnerable.

In total, Titus no longer resembled a human; he looked more like a monster!

Now, these black solid crystals were clear evidence of that.

What on earth had caused Titus to change in this way?

When he checked Titus's body earlier, everything was normal. So, why, in just a few hours, had such a profound transformation occurred?

Could it be that he had overlooked something?

Dustin furrowed his brow slightly, lost in thought.

Though he didn't understand the exact reason, he had a hunch that Titus's transformation into a beast was somehow related to the enigmatic oasis.

Unfortunately, with Titus now deceased, there was no way to investigate further.

Just as the rumors had suggested, anyone who entered the oasis either went missing or died.

Up to this point, there had been no exceptions.

"Could these things be the legendary Black Spiritual Crystals?" Margaret picked up a piece of the black crystal from the ground, her beautiful eyes filled with surprise.

"What? Black Spiritual Crystals? Are you sure?" Hearing this, Miguel became instantly alert.

Black Spiritual Crystals were a type of crystal infused with spiritual energy, which martial artists could directly absorb and convert into their own cultivation.

There were similar crystals in the martial world, but they were all quite rare and didn't compare to the effectiveness of Black Spiritual Crystals.

Not to exaggerate, but if you were to put this small piece of Black Spiritual Crystal in Margaret's hand up for auction, it would be worth a fortune!

The crucial point was that there wasn't just one, but they were scattered all over the ground, numbering in the hundreds or even thousands.

The value of these crystals was beyond estimation.

If they were all absorbed, it would be enough to propel a martial artist at the peak of the innate stage directly into the realm of a martial master!

So even Miguel, who was already a martial master, couldn't help but get excited when he heard the words "Black Spiritual Crystals."

"I've had a Black Spiritual Crystal before; I shouldn't be mistaken." Margaret held the black crystal and examined it carefully. After a moment, she added, "However, the one in my hand has some slight differences compared to the Black Spiritual Crystal I obtained before."

"It doesn't matter; as long as it's a Black Spiritual Crystal, I can sense a strong spiritual energy fluctuation inside it!"
Chapter 1944: Black Spiritual Crystal

Out of nowhere, there was a sudden explosion that startled everyone.

Especially when the shockwave of energy hit, many martial artists were thrown into disarray, screaming in pain.

Fortunately, Adriel and the others ran fast; otherwise, if they were closer to the explosion, it could have severely injured them.

When the dust settled, people looked around and found that the village chief's house had been leveled to the ground, with debris and ruins scattered everywhere.

And Titus, along with the large tree it was hanging from, had completely disappeared, leaving only a tangled dragon rope lying quietly on the ground.

In addition, there was now a layer of black crystals all over the ground, densely packed like pebbles, scattered all around.

Dustin saw it clearly; these were the things that had splattered out when Titus's body exploded.

They had a bloody smell, most likely transformed from blood, but the blood of a normal person is liquid, while Titus's blood before his death had turned into solid, crystal-like form.

It was indeed quite bizarre.

Dustin considered himself well-traveled, but everything that had happened to Titus today had exceeded his understanding.

First, he went inexplicably crazy, then his physical qualities increased twofold, and he seemed impervious to pain, unafraid of life or death, like a mad beast.

Most crucially, Titus's body had undergone a remarkable transformation.

His teeth became sharp, his nails turned into blades, and black scales even appeared on his skin, making him nearly invulnerable.

In total, Titus no longer resembled a human; he looked more like a monster!

Now, these black solid crystals were clear evidence of that.

What on earth had caused Titus to change in this way?

When he checked Titus's body earlier, everything was normal. So, why, in just a few hours, had such a profound transformation occurred?

Could it be that he had overlooked something?

Dustin furrowed his brow slightly, lost in thought.

Though he didn't understand the exact reason, he had a hunch that Titus's transformation into a beast was somehow related to the enigmatic oasis.

Unfortunately, with Titus now deceased, there was no way to investigate further.

Just as the rumors had suggested, anyone who entered the oasis either went missing or died.

Up to this point, there had been no exceptions.

"Could these things be the legendary Black Spiritual Crystals?" Margaret picked up a piece of the black crystal from the ground, her beautiful eyes filled with surprise.

"What? Black Spiritual Crystals? Are you sure?" Hearing this, Miguel became instantly alert.

Black Spiritual Crystals were a type of crystal infused with spiritual energy, which martial artists could directly absorb and convert into their own cultivation.

There were similar crystals in the martial world, but they were all quite rare and didn't compare to the effectiveness of Black Spiritual Crystals.

Not to exaggerate, but if you were to put this small piece of Black Spiritual Crystal in Margaret's hand up for auction, it would be worth a fortune!

The crucial point was that there wasn't just one, but they were scattered all over the ground, numbering in the hundreds or even thousands.

The value of these crystals was beyond estimation.

If they were all absorbed, it would be enough to propel a martial artist at the peak of the innate stage directly into the realm of a martial master!

So even Miguel, who was already a martial master, couldn't help but get excited when he heard the words "Black Spiritual Crystals."

"I've had a Black Spiritual Crystal before; I shouldn't be mistaken." Margaret held the black crystal and examined it carefully. After a moment, she added, "However, the one in my hand has some slight differences compared to the Black Spiritual Crystal I obtained before."

"It doesn't matter; as long as it's a Black Spiritual Crystal, I can sense a strong spiritual energy fluctuation inside it!"
Chapter 1945: Recklessly absorbing them might lead to madness

Miguel's face lit up with joy. At this moment, he didn't care about appearances and immediately started picking up the crystals from the ground.

These were treasures worth a fortune, and whether they sold them or used them personally, it was a great choice.

"Black Spiritual Crystals! These are actually Black Spiritual Crystals?!"

"Brothers! Grab them quickly!"

At this moment, many people recognized the black crystals on the ground, and they all rushed to grab them.

Even those who didn't understand their value, seeing everyone else grabbing them, joined the looting party without hesitation.

"I saw this Black Spiritual Crystal first; give it to me!"

"Nonsense! It's in my hand now, so it belongs to me. If you don't agree, we can fight!"

"Damn it! Who dares to snatch it from me? I'll kill them!"

Where there's interest, there's conflict.

When they learned of the value of the Black Spiritual Crystals, various factions began fighting frantically, exemplifying the law of the jungle where the strong prey on the weak.

The powerful could get several pieces, while the weak could only pick up some scraps.

If both sides were strong and unwilling to back down, they would engage in violent conflict, resulting in injuries and bloodshed in a matter of minutes.

"People will do anything for wealth, and birds will die for food," Margaret muttered as she watched the scene of chaos around her.

In just a few minutes, what had seemed relatively peaceful had already resulted in significant casualties.

"Where there's an opportunity for gain, there's the potential for conflict."

At that moment, two men suddenly approached Margaret, one from the front and one from the back, cornering her.

"Hey! You there! Hand over the Black Spiritual Crystals, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Their eyes were locked onto the Black Spiritual Crystals in Margaret's hand.

"Seeking death!"

Seeing this, several of Margaret's personal guards immediately drew their swords and confronted the approaching men. They were all high-level martial artists, so dealing with these small-time thugs from the martial world was a piece of cake.


Margaret raised her hand to halt her guards' actions, then casually tossed the Black Spiritual Crystals in her hand to the two men. "You want it, here you go."


As the Black Spiritual Crystals landed in their hands, the two men exchanged surprised glances. It was unexpected that Margaret would so easily hand over these valuable items, catching them off guard.

"I gave you the stuff, so what are you waiting for? Hurry and leave." Margaret sounded a bit impatient.

"Let's go."

The two men didn't waste any time. After snatching the Black Spiritual Crystals, they immediately fled, disappearing without a trace.

Staying at the scene at this time would only attract the attention of more factions.

"Miss, they were just two petty thieves; we could have easily dealt with them. Why spare them?" one of the guards asked, somewhat puzzled.

"They're not good people, but it doesn't hurt to give it to them," Margaret replied casually.

In truth, there was something she hadn't mentioned earlier. These Black Spiritual Crystals were not exactly the same as the ones she had obtained before. While they contained rich spiritual energy, there was also a hint of malevolence. Recklessly absorbing them might lead to madness, turning individuals into raging beasts and potentially self-destructing, much like what happened to Titus.
Chapter 1946: you won't live for more than three days

"Miss Margaret, were those two guys just now robbing your Black Spiritual Crystals? I'll go after them immediately and get them back for you!" This was Adriel, who had noticed the unusual situation and was ready to take action.

"Adriel, there's no need to chase them!" Margaret stopped him and explained, "I gave it to them myself; I have no use for that thing."

"Huh?" Adriel was momentarily stunned, paused, and turned back, questioning, "Miss Margaret, those are Black Spiritual Crystals, highly valuable to martial artists; they can enhance your cultivation. Even if you don't need them, you can sell them for a considerable amount."

"I'm not short of money." Margaret smiled faintly.

"Oh..." Adriel was at a loss for words for a moment, not knowing how to respond. He had almost forgotten that the woman in front of him was a wealthy heiress with treasures like the Dragon-Binding Rope. A couple of Black Spiritual Crystals didn't mean much to her.

But the problem was, she wasn't short of money, and I am short of money!

You don't need those Black Spiritual Crystals; why not give them to me? I can owe you a favor, instead of just tossing them away like pebbles. It's such a waste.

"Adriel, it's not that I'm treating the treasures carelessly, but these Black Spiritual Crystals seem a bit off," Margaret continued to explain, "Take a closer look at the Black Spiritual Crystals in your hand. Do you notice anything unusual?"

"Unusual?" Adriel picked up a piece of Black Spiritual Crystal and examined it closely for a while but found nothing. He was puzzled, "What's unusual about it? The spiritual energy inside is rich, and it can be directly absorbed for cultivation; it should work fine."

"Adriel, if you use this thing for cultivation, I'm afraid you won't live for more than three days."

At this moment, Dustin slowly approached with a Black Spiritual Crystal about the size of a u clenched in his hand.

"You've also noticed?" Margaret showed no surprise.

She expected Dustin, with his superior strength and proficiency in various arts, to recognize the anomaly.

"What are you two talking about? Why won't you live for more than three days?" Adriel looked from one to the other, baffled.

"Adriel, have you considered where these Black Spiritual Crystals come from?" Dustin didn't provide a direct answer but posed a question in return.

"Well... should they be things that fell from Titus's body?" Adriel replied somewhat uncertainly.

After Titus's explosion, these Black Spiritual Crystals appeared out of thin air. Everyone was busy grabbing them, and no one had time to think about their source.

"These Black Spiritual Crystals are indeed related to Titus, but they are not his personal belongings. They are the result of his flesh and blood crystallizing," Dustin dropped a bombshell.

"What? Are you saying that these Black Spiritual Crystals are formed from Titus's flesh and blood?" Adriel was taken aback.

"That's one way to put it," Dustin nodded, continuing, "You might want to look around and see if there are any remnants of Titus after the explosion."

Adriel scanned the area, and indeed, he couldn't find any traces of Titus's remains. Normally, even in the case of self-explosion, there would be some leftover body parts. Why were there no remains of Titus?

Could it be that the Black Spiritual Crystals in their hands were really formed from Titus's flesh and blood?

At first, it seemed too bizarre, but upon further consideration, it didn't appear as far-fetched as it initially sounded.

Chapter 1944: Black Spiritual Crystal

Out of nowhere, there was a sudden explosion that startled everyone.

Especially when the shockwave of energy hit, many martial artists were thrown into disarray, screaming in pain.

Fortunately, Adriel and the others ran fast; otherwise, if they were closer to the explosion, it could have severely injured them.

When the dust settled, people looked around and found that the village chief's house had been leveled to the ground, with debris and ruins scattered everywhere.

And Titus, along with the large tree it was hanging from, had completely disappeared, leaving only a tangled dragon rope lying quietly on the ground.

In addition, there was now a layer of black crystals all over the ground, densely packed like pebbles, scattered all around.

Dustin saw it clearly; these were the things that had splattered out when Titus's body exploded.

They had a bloody smell, most likely transformed from blood, but the blood of a normal person is liquid, while Titus's blood before his death had turned into solid, crystal-like form.

It was indeed quite bizarre.

Dustin considered himself well-traveled, but everything that had happened to Titus today had exceeded his understanding.

First, he went inexplicably crazy, then his physical qualities increased twofold, and he seemed impervious to pain, unafraid of life or death, like a mad beast.

Most crucially, Titus's body had undergone a remarkable transformation.

His teeth became sharp, his nails turned into blades, and black scales even appeared on his skin, making him nearly invulnerable.

In total, Titus no longer resembled a human; he looked more like a monster!

Now, these black solid crystals were clear evidence of that.

What on earth had caused Titus to change in this way?

When he checked Titus's body earlier, everything was normal. So, why, in just a few hours, had such a profound transformation occurred?

Could it be that he had overlooked something?

Dustin furrowed his brow slightly, lost in thought.

Though he didn't understand the exact reason, he had a hunch that Titus's transformation into a beast was somehow related to the enigmatic oasis.

Unfortunately, with Titus now deceased, there was no way to investigate further.

Just as the rumors had suggested, anyone who entered the oasis either went missing or died.

Up to this point, there had been no exceptions.

"Could these things be the legendary Black Spiritual Crystals?" Margaret picked up a piece of the black crystal from the ground, her beautiful eyes filled with surprise.

"What? Black Spiritual Crystals? Are you sure?" Hearing this, Miguel became instantly alert.

Black Spiritual Crystals were a type of crystal infused with spiritual energy, which martial artists could directly absorb and convert into their own cultivation.

There were similar crystals in the martial world, but they were all quite rare and didn't compare to the effectiveness of Black Spiritual Crystals.

Not to exaggerate, but if you were to put this small piece of Black Spiritual Crystal in Margaret's hand up for auction, it would be worth a fortune!

The crucial point was that there wasn't just one, but they were scattered all over the ground, numbering in the hundreds or even thousands.

The value of these crystals was beyond estimation.

If they were all absorbed, it would be enough to propel a martial artist at the peak of the innate stage directly into the realm of a martial master!

So even Miguel, who was already a martial master, couldn't help but get excited when he heard the words "Black Spiritual Crystals."

"I've had a Black Spiritual Crystal before; I shouldn't be mistaken." Margaret held the black crystal and examined it carefully. After a moment, she added, "However, the one in my hand has some slight differences compared to the Black Spiritual Crystal I obtained before."

"It doesn't matter; as long as it's a Black Spiritual Crystal, I can sense a strong spiritual energy fluctuation inside it!"

Chapter 1944: Black Spiritual Crystal

Out of nowhere, there was a sudden explosion that startled everyone.

Especially when the shockwave of energy hit, many martial artists were thrown into disarray, screaming in pain.

Fortunately, Adriel and the others ran fast; otherwise, if they were closer to the explosion, it could have severely injured them.

When the dust settled, people looked around and found that the village chief's house had been leveled to the ground, with debris and ruins scattered everywhere.

And Titus, along with the large tree it was hanging from, had completely disappeared, leaving only a tangled dragon rope lying quietly on the ground.

In addition, there was now a layer of black crystals all over the ground, densely packed like pebbles, scattered all around.

Dustin saw it clearly; these were the things that had splattered out when Titus's body exploded.

They had a bloody smell, most likely transformed from blood, but the blood of a normal person is liquid, while Titus's blood before his death had turned into solid, crystal-like form.

It was indeed quite bizarre.

Dustin considered himself well-traveled, but everything that had happened to Titus today had exceeded his understanding.

First, he went inexplicably crazy, then his physical qualities increased twofold, and he seemed impervious to pain, unafraid of life or death, like a mad beast.

Most crucially, Titus's body had undergone a remarkable transformation.

His teeth became sharp, his nails turned into blades, and black scales even appeared on his skin, making him nearly invulnerable.

In total, Titus no longer resembled a human; he looked more like a monster!

Now, these black solid crystals were clear evidence of that.

What on earth had caused Titus to change in this way?

When he checked Titus's body earlier, everything was normal. So, why, in just a few hours, had such a profound transformation occurred?

Could it be that he had overlooked something?

Dustin furrowed his brow slightly, lost in thought.

Though he didn't understand the exact reason, he had a hunch that Titus's transformation into a beast was somehow related to the enigmatic oasis.

Unfortunately, with Titus now deceased, there was no way to investigate further.

Just as the rumors had suggested, anyone who entered the oasis either went missing or died.

Up to this point, there had been no exceptions.

"Could these things be the legendary Black Spiritual Crystals?" Margaret picked up a piece of the black crystal from the ground, her beautiful eyes filled with surprise.

"What? Black Spiritual Crystals? Are you sure?" Hearing this, Miguel became instantly alert.

Black Spiritual Crystals were a type of crystal infused with spiritual energy, which martial artists could directly absorb and convert into their own cultivation.

There were similar crystals in the martial world, but they were all quite rare and didn't compare to the effectiveness of Black Spiritual Crystals.

Not to exaggerate, but if you were to put this small piece of Black Spiritual Crystal in Margaret's hand up for auction, it would be worth a fortune!

The crucial point was that there wasn't just one, but they were scattered all over the ground, numbering in the hundreds or even thousands.

The value of these crystals was beyond estimation.

If they were all absorbed, it would be enough to propel a martial artist at the peak of the innate stage directly into the realm of a martial master!

So even Miguel, who was already a martial master, couldn't help but get excited when he heard the words "Black Spiritual Crystals."

"I've had a Black Spiritual Crystal before; I shouldn't be mistaken." Margaret held the black crystal and examined it carefully. After a moment, she added, "However, the one in my hand has some slight differences compared to the Black Spiritual Crystal I obtained before."

"It doesn't matter; as long as it's a Black Spiritual Crystal, I can sense a strong spiritual energy fluctuation inside it!"
Chapter 1953: Absolutely stunning

"Miss, this is what we found around the camp site, and it has a peculiar odor that attracted the sand rats," Bordy said as he held a bunch of black objects and approached Margaret and the others.

These black objects were about the size of soybeans and seemed to be some kind of bait, emitting a distinctive fishy smell.

"What is this?" Margaret asked, intrigued.

She leaned in to smell it, finding the scent somewhat pungent.

"It should be a mixture of food and medicine. I just tested it, and the odor it emits can quickly attract sand rats. So, the destruction of our supplies was not accidental; someone deliberately sabotaged it," Bordy explained.

"So, someone intentionally plotted this rather than it being a mere accident?" Margaret quickly arrived at her conclusion.

It was evident that this bait, designed to attract sand rats, was not naturally occurring.

"Very likely," Bordy nodded and replied, "These black objects were scattered around our stored supplies, clearly meant to draw the sand rat swarm. Coupled with our guards mysteriously falling asleep, likely due to being drugged, it's reasonable to suspect foul play."

"Someone has been following us all the way, taking advantage of our relaxed guard to destroy our supplies, leaving us with no way out. The mastermind behind this is quite ruthless!" Margaret narrowed her eyes, her gaze filled with a chilling resolve.

She couldn't fathom who she might have offended, but she was being targeted repeatedly. First, it was the poisoning incident at the hotel, and now this sabotage, making it impossible to turn a blind eye.

"You idiots! If I find out who's responsible, I'll skin them alive!" Jackson cursed with clenched teeth.

"The world is treacherous, and the hearts of people are wicked. Our route has been well concealed, so how could an outsider know?" Dustin pointed out the key issue.

They had left in the middle of the night, and they had even encountered a sandstorm on the way. If there was anyone tailing them, they should have lost the tail by now. The fact that they faced this situation was highly suspicious.

"Are you suggesting there might be a mole among us?" Margaret's brow raised as she quickly grasped the implications.

"While not certain, it's highly probable; otherwise, it's hard to explain," Dustin nodded.

"Landslide-like!" Bordy concurred. "These black objects were scattered near our stored supplies, clearly meant to attract the sand rat swarm. When combined with our guards suddenly falling asleep, most likely due to being drugged, it's a reasonable deduction that someone is up to no good."

"Brother Dustin, you don't suspect us, do you?" Adriel was the first to speak up to prove his innocence. "We disciples of the Gold Blade Sect always act with integrity and would never engage in such despicable activities. If you don't believe us, feel free to search our tents!"

"Brother Adriel, don't be so agitated. I naturally trust your integrity," Dustin said with a faint smile.

"Hmph! If it were up to me, I wouldn't engage in such foolish activities. If I wanted revenge, I would use force directly. There's no need for these lowly tactics!" Miguel said, crossing his arms and sneering.

With his reputation as a Martial Arts Grandmaster, if he wanted to commit a crime, no one present could stop him.

"Dustin, these are just your speculations. If you have no evidence, it's best not to spread baseless rumors and sow discord!" Jackson said with a displeased expression.

"Right! In a situation like this, we should be united and work together instead of suspecting each other. Otherwise, we might fall into the enemy's trap!" the short-haired woman chimed in.

"I'm just speculating; we shouldn't harbor ill intentions, but we must remain vigilant," Dustin said calmly.

Using a sand rat swarm to destroy their supplies was a discreet and secure tactic, and it had to be admitted that the mastermind behind it was highly skilled.

"Everyone, now is not the time to assign blame. Let's think about how to recover our losses," Bordy began to mediate.

"Bordy, how much usable supplies do we have left at the moment?" Margaret suddenly asked.

"Miss, I just had someone count it, and the remaining supplies are enough for us to survive for three days," Bordy sighed lightly.

Their original supplies were sufficient to last a month in the Death Desert. Now, after the sand rat swarm attack, they had very little left.

"Three days?" Margaret furrowed her brow slightly. "Supplies are too scarce. We have to return to this area, which isn't enough for a round trip."

"Miss, what do we do now?" Bordy cautiously inquired.

"Select two elite squads, retrace the original route to the nearby village to purchase supplies. When you've gathered enough, come and meet us in the oasis. I'll leave marks along the way," Margaret quickly made a decision.

Time was running out, and various factions were all searching for the oasis. If the main force returned and collected supplies, it would be too late. They had no choice but to split up and act.

As long as Bordy could collect supplies quickly and arrive in a timely manner, they wouldn't have to worry about uncontrollable variables due to a shortage of supplies.

"Miss, I've taken my men with me. What about your safety?" Bordy hesitated.

"It's not a problem. With Mr. Dustin here, no one can harm me. Go and get it done as soon as possible," Margaret said calmly.


Bordy glanced at Dustin and ultimately nodded.

Although others didn't know Dustin's identity, he was well aware that with a grandmaster like Dustin at her side, there shouldn't be any major safety issues.

In the end, under Margaret's orders, Bordy led two elite squads and dozens of camels, retracing their steps.

"Everyone, this is not a good place to linger. Pack your things and let's get moving quickly," Margaret ordered.

Now that it was still early in the day, with the temperature relatively mild, it was the best time to travel. Otherwise, if they waited until the sun was high, the scorching heat would make the journey extremely challenging.

The main force moved on with occasional breaks, and they had been traveling for nearly a day. They finally arrived at their destination at dusk.

When everyone laid eyes on the oasis for the first time, they were left speechless, profoundly moved by the breathtaking sight.

Two words filled their minds.

Absolutely stunning!
Chapter 1950: I'm not going to eat you

The weather at night was very cold, with a chilling wind that made faces ache. However, during the day, it became scorching hot, as if being roasted over a fire. It was so hot that you could fry an egg on a rock in less than a minute. In this extreme environment with rapid temperature fluctuations, ordinary people couldn't endure it. Even with ample supplies, they could only meet their basic survival needs. The true test was one's willpower and the ability to withstand the harsh conditions.

Dustin, Margaret, and their group followed the map provided by Titus, moving steadily along the way. They traveled from nightfall to dawn, and then from dawn to night. Due to the large number of people, their progress was not particularly fast. However, they were well-prepared, and with their elite team, they could quickly handle any minor problems they encountered.

Night fell, and the moon was obscured by dark clouds, with the wind howling.

Margaret led the group and chose a suitable location to set up camp. After such a long journey, everyone was physically and mentally exhausted, and they needed a good rest to regain their strength. Once the tents were set up, Margaret ordered the chefs to start cooking.

With two top-notch chefs and a dozen assistants, they quickly got to work. After the exhausting desert journey of the past few days, a delicious meal and a few sips of wine felt like a treat.

In a large tent, Dustin, Margaret, Jackson, and a few others sat around, discussing their next steps. Due to the cold weather, they had also lit a campfire inside the tent.

"Miss Margaret, so far, our progress has been quite smooth," Jackson began.

"If everything goes well, we should reach the outskirts of the oasis tomorrow afternoon," Jackson said. "But it's worth mentioning that it's a frequent area for sandstorms, so we need to be cautious."

"I understand. Thank you for your hard work, Black Scorpion Expedition Team. You can go and rest for now," Margaret nodded in response.

"Goodnight, Miss Margaret," Jackson replied with a nod before leaving. Although he was reluctant, he had no choice but to say goodnight and exit the tent.

"Tonight, you can sleep here, Dustin. We've prepared a spot for you," Margaret suddenly suggested, sipping her tea.

"Huh?" Dustin was taken aback. "A man and a woman sharing the same room, is that appropriate?"

"What's inappropriate about that? I'm not going to eat you," Margaret rolled her eyes. "Besides, you're my personal bodyguard, and you should always be ready to protect me. I'm a defenseless woman, and what if something happens at night?"

"A defenseless woman?" Dustin couldn't help but smirk. "You may look delicate, but you're a true female grandmaster, not to mention your mastery of various mystical arts. You could probably take on many master-level warriors, not to mention a common fighter."

"Enough, don't dwell on it. Go to sleep; we have to get up early tomorrow," Margaret said, undressing and revealing her graceful figure. She quickly crawled into her sleeping bag and closed her eyes to rest.

Dustin was left with no choice but to make do for the night, contemplating the absurdity of the situation.

Chapter 1944: Black Spiritual Crystal

Out of nowhere, there was a sudden explosion that startled everyone.

Especially when the shockwave of energy hit, many martial artists were thrown into disarray, screaming in pain.

Fortunately, Adriel and the others ran fast; otherwise, if they were closer to the explosion, it could have severely injured them.

When the dust settled, people looked around and found that the village chief's house had been leveled to the ground, with debris and ruins scattered everywhere.

And Titus, along with the large tree it was hanging from, had completely disappeared, leaving only a tangled dragon rope lying quietly on the ground.

In addition, there was now a layer of black crystals all over the ground, densely packed like pebbles, scattered all around.

Dustin saw it clearly; these were the things that had splattered out when Titus's body exploded.

They had a bloody smell, most likely transformed from blood, but the blood of a normal person is liquid, while Titus's blood before his death had turned into solid, crystal-like form.

It was indeed quite bizarre.

Dustin considered himself well-traveled, but everything that had happened to Titus today had exceeded his understanding.

First, he went inexplicably crazy, then his physical qualities increased twofold, and he seemed impervious to pain, unafraid of life or death, like a mad beast.

Most crucially, Titus's body had undergone a remarkable transformation.

His teeth became sharp, his nails turned into blades, and black scales even appeared on his skin, making him nearly invulnerable.

In total, Titus no longer resembled a human; he looked more like a monster!

Now, these black solid crystals were clear evidence of that.

What on earth had caused Titus to change in this way?

When he checked Titus's body earlier, everything was normal. So, why, in just a few hours, had such a profound transformation occurred?

Could it be that he had overlooked something?

Dustin furrowed his brow slightly, lost in thought.

Though he didn't understand the exact reason, he had a hunch that Titus's transformation into a beast was somehow related to the enigmatic oasis.

Unfortunately, with Titus now deceased, there was no way to investigate further.

Just as the rumors had suggested, anyone who entered the oasis either went missing or died.

Up to this point, there had been no exceptions.

"Could these things be the legendary Black Spiritual Crystals?" Margaret picked up a piece of the black crystal from the ground, her beautiful eyes filled with surprise.

"What? Black Spiritual Crystals? Are you sure?" Hearing this, Miguel became instantly alert.

Black Spiritual Crystals were a type of crystal infused with spiritual energy, which martial artists could directly absorb and convert into their own cultivation.

There were similar crystals in the martial world, but they were all quite rare and didn't compare to the effectiveness of Black Spiritual Crystals.

Not to exaggerate, but if you were to put this small piece of Black Spiritual Crystal in Margaret's hand up for auction, it would be worth a fortune!

The crucial point was that there wasn't just one, but they were scattered all over the ground, numbering in the hundreds or even thousands.

The value of these crystals was beyond estimation.

If they were all absorbed, it would be enough to propel a martial artist at the peak of the innate stage directly into the realm of a martial master!

So even Miguel, who was already a martial master, couldn't help but get excited when he heard the words "Black Spiritual Crystals."

"I've had a Black Spiritual Crystal before; I shouldn't be mistaken." Margaret held the black crystal and examined it carefully. After a moment, she added, "However, the one in my hand has some slight differences compared to the Black Spiritual Crystal I obtained before."

"It doesn't matter; as long as it's a Black Spiritual Crystal, I can sense a strong spiritual energy fluctuation inside it!"
Chapter 1949: Ready to explore the Oasis

One hour later, in the hotel room, Adriel entered with a pile of Black Spiritual Crystals and placed them all on the table.

"Miss Margaret, these are the Black Spiritual Crystals I managed to collect. I've counted, and roughly about 70% have been acquired. The remaining 30% of Black Spiritual Crystals either cannot be contacted or their owners refuse to sell," Adriel explained.

Initially, he didn't want to squander Margaret's money, so he tried to persuade people who possessed Black Spiritual Crystals by explaining the seriousness of the situation. Regrettably, his words were not believed by anyone. Even after mentioning the reputation of the Gold Blade Sect, it had no effect. In fact, most people thought he was a swindler driven by jealousy and greed, using such despicable tactics to deceive Black Spiritual Crystals.

Left with no other choice, he had to resort to Margaret's plan of purchasing the Black Spiritual Crystals at a high price, which dispelled the doubts of most people. However, there were still some skeptics who refused to sell, even after all the effort he put into persuading them.

It seemed that it was true that you can't talk sense into someone who is determined to resist.

"Adriel, you've done your best. We've done what we could, and the rest is up to fate," Margaret replied without any surprises.

From the beginning, she didn't expect to save everyone, but she acted out of a sense of patriotism and love for her fellow citizens, doing what was within her power.

"I have just run errands. It's not a big deal. On the other hand, Miss Margaret, you've spent a lot of money," Adriel felt a bit ashamed.

He had thought that he could convince some people using his reputation, but he realized that he had been overly optimistic. People only responded to self-interest, and he was unable to sway them.

"Money is just material wealth; it doesn't mean much. Saving one life is worth it," Margaret said, not concerned about the expenses.

"Miss Margaret, there's one more thing," Adriel seemed to recall something and continued, "When I was buying the Black Spiritual Crystals, I heard a rumor that these crystals were taken out of the Oasis by Titus. Various forces coming to the Deserted Village to seek fortune have already started taking action. They rushed into the Death Desert overnight, ready to explore the Oasis."

"Oh? I didn't expect them to act so quickly," Margaret raised an eyebrow, quite surprised. She thought that various forces would wait and survey the situation before entering the Death Desert for treasure hunting. However, the appearance of the Black Spiritual Crystals has ignited everyone's desires, and even the smaller factions can't wait any longer. After all, being the first to enter the Oasis means a chance to obtain more treasures. In the face of great profits, danger no longer seemed significant.

"Miss Margaret, when do you plan to take action?" Adriel asked tentatively.

Unknowingly, he had started treating Margaret as the central figure.

"Sooner is better," Margaret replied. She then looked at Brody, who was standing at the door, and asked, "Brody, are the camels and everything ready?"

"I've already paid the final installment to the village chief, and the camel team is prepared," Brody replied, bowing his head.

"Very well. Inform everyone to get some rest at the hotel for two hours. We'll set off at dawn," Margaret issued the command.

"Yes!" Brody acknowledged and left.

Two hours later, a long line of camels, carrying various supplies, ventured into the Death Desert. The day and night in the Death Desert were entirely two different extremes.
Chapter 1945: Recklessly absorbing them might lead to madness

Miguel's face lit up with joy. At this moment, he didn't care about appearances and immediately started picking up the crystals from the ground.

These were treasures worth a fortune, and whether they sold them or used them personally, it was a great choice.

"Black Spiritual Crystals! These are actually Black Spiritual Crystals?!"

"Brothers! Grab them quickly!"

At this moment, many people recognized the black crystals on the ground, and they all rushed to grab them.

Even those who didn't understand their value, seeing everyone else grabbing them, joined the looting party without hesitation.

"I saw this Black Spiritual Crystal first; give it to me!"

"Nonsense! It's in my hand now, so it belongs to me. If you don't agree, we can fight!"

"Damn it! Who dares to snatch it from me? I'll kill them!"

Where there's interest, there's conflict.

When they learned of the value of the Black Spiritual Crystals, various factions began fighting frantically, exemplifying the law of the jungle where the strong prey on the weak.

The powerful could get several pieces, while the weak could only pick up some scraps.

If both sides were strong and unwilling to back down, they would engage in violent conflict, resulting in injuries and bloodshed in a matter of minutes.

"People will do anything for wealth, and birds will die for food," Margaret muttered as she watched the scene of chaos around her.

In just a few minutes, what had seemed relatively peaceful had already resulted in significant casualties.

"Where there's an opportunity for gain, there's the potential for conflict."

At that moment, two men suddenly approached Margaret, one from the front and one from the back, cornering her.

"Hey! You there! Hand over the Black Spiritual Crystals, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Their eyes were locked onto the Black Spiritual Crystals in Margaret's hand.

"Seeking death!"

Seeing this, several of Margaret's personal guards immediately drew their swords and confronted the approaching men. They were all high-level martial artists, so dealing with these small-time thugs from the martial world was a piece of cake.


Margaret raised her hand to halt her guards' actions, then casually tossed the Black Spiritual Crystals in her hand to the two men. "You want it, here you go."


As the Black Spiritual Crystals landed in their hands, the two men exchanged surprised glances. It was unexpected that Margaret would so easily hand over these valuable items, catching them off guard.

"I gave you the stuff, so what are you waiting for? Hurry and leave." Margaret sounded a bit impatient.

"Let's go."

The two men didn't waste any time. After snatching the Black Spiritual Crystals, they immediately fled, disappearing without a trace.

Staying at the scene at this time would only attract the attention of more factions.

"Miss, they were just two petty thieves; we could have easily dealt with them. Why spare them?" one of the guards asked, somewhat puzzled.

"They're not good people, but it doesn't hurt to give it to them," Margaret replied casually.

In truth, there was something she hadn't mentioned earlier. These Black Spiritual Crystals were not exactly the same as the ones she had obtained before. While they contained rich spiritual energy, there was also a hint of malevolence. Recklessly absorbing them might lead to madness, turning individuals into raging beasts and potentially self-destructing, much like what happened to Titus.
Chapter 1946: you won't live for more than three days

"Miss Margaret, were those two guys just now robbing your Black Spiritual Crystals? I'll go after them immediately and get them back for you!" This was Adriel, who had noticed the unusual situation and was ready to take action.

"Adriel, there's no need to chase them!" Margaret stopped him and explained, "I gave it to them myself; I have no use for that thing."

"Huh?" Adriel was momentarily stunned, paused, and turned back, questioning, "Miss Margaret, those are Black Spiritual Crystals, highly valuable to martial artists; they can enhance your cultivation. Even if you don't need them, you can sell them for a considerable amount."

"I'm not short of money." Margaret smiled faintly.

"Oh..." Adriel was at a loss for words for a moment, not knowing how to respond. He had almost forgotten that the woman in front of him was a wealthy heiress with treasures like the Dragon-Binding Rope. A couple of Black Spiritual Crystals didn't mean much to her.

But the problem was, she wasn't short of money, and I am short of money!

You don't need those Black Spiritual Crystals; why not give them to me? I can owe you a favor, instead of just tossing them away like pebbles. It's such a waste.

"Adriel, it's not that I'm treating the treasures carelessly, but these Black Spiritual Crystals seem a bit off," Margaret continued to explain, "Take a closer look at the Black Spiritual Crystals in your hand. Do you notice anything unusual?"

"Unusual?" Adriel picked up a piece of Black Spiritual Crystal and examined it closely for a while but found nothing. He was puzzled, "What's unusual about it? The spiritual energy inside is rich, and it can be directly absorbed for cultivation; it should work fine."

"Adriel, if you use this thing for cultivation, I'm afraid you won't live for more than three days."

At this moment, Dustin slowly approached with a Black Spiritual Crystal about the size of a fingernail clenched in his hand.

"You've also noticed?" Margaret showed no surprise.

She expected Dustin, with his superior strength and proficiency in various arts, to recognize the anomaly.

"What are you two talking about? Why won't you live for more than three days?" Adriel looked from one to the other, baffled.

"Adriel, have you considered where these Black Spiritual Crystals come from?" Dustin didn't provide a direct answer but posed a question in return.

"Well... should they be things that fell from Titus's body?" Adriel replied somewhat uncertainly.

After Titus's explosion, these Black Spiritual Crystals appeared out of thin air. Everyone was busy grabbing them, and no one had time to think about their source.

"These Black Spiritual Crystals are indeed related to Titus, but they are not his personal belongings. They are the result of his flesh and blood crystallizing," Dustin dropped a bombshell.

"What? Are you saying that these Black Spiritual Crystals are formed from Titus's flesh and blood?" Adriel was taken aback.

"That's one way to put it," Dustin nodded, continuing, "You might want to look around and see if there are any remnants of Titus after the explosion."

Adriel scanned the area, and indeed, he couldn't find any traces of Titus's remains. Normally, even in the case of self-explosion, there would be some leftover body parts. Why were there no remains of Titus?

Could it be that the Black Spiritual Crystals in their hands were really formed from Titus's flesh and blood?

At first, it seemed too bizarre, but upon further consideration, it didn't appear as far-fetched as it initially sounded.
Chapter 1947: A black evil aura

Given that Titus had already undergone a transformation into a beast, what else was impossible?

"Even if the Black Spiritual Crystals are formed from Titus's flesh and blood, what's the problem? You mentioned not living for more than three days; what's that about?" Adriel asked another question.

"Because the Black Spiritual Crystals have been contaminated," Dustin explained with a serious expression. "You all saw Titus's condition earlier, how he went berserk without reason, lost his humanity, and experienced bodily mutations. Under these circumstances, the Black Spiritual Crystals formed from his flesh and blood couldn't possibly be without problems."

"Dustin, this is a serious matter, and just having conjectures might not be very convincing. Do you have any evidence?" Adriel questioned.

They had just collected eight rather substantial Black Spiritual Crystals, and it was quite a harvest for them. If the Black Spiritual Crystals couldn't be used, it would be a significant loss. So without concrete evidence, he found it hard to accept this conclusion.

"In each Black Spiritual Crystal, there is a trace of malevolence. It's difficult to discern from the outside. Only by refining the spiritual energy inside can you observe some clues," Dustin explained. He extended his hand, placing his Black Spiritual Crystal in his palm for everyone to see. Then he used his other hand to gently tap the crystal.


With a crisp sound, the fingernail-sized Black Spiritual Crystal instantly shattered. Simultaneously, a dense spiritual energy gushed forth.

Dustin was prepared and bent his finger slightly to create an invisible energy shield, containing the gushing spiritual energy in a bundle.

The spiritual energy was milky white, very rich, and billowed like clouds and mist. If absorbed entirely, it would be extremely beneficial for a martial artist's cultivation.

"Take a closer look, what's hidden within this spiritual energy?" Dustin reminded them.

Adriel and the others stared intently and couldn't help but contract their pupils.

To their astonishment, within the milky white spiritual energy, there was a strand of black aura. This black aura was deeply hidden and surrounded by the milky white spiritual energy, making it difficult to detect unless one looked closely.

Fortunately, Dustin had guided all the spiritual energy out. If this strand of black aura had been concealed within the Black Spiritual Crystal, it would have blended seamlessly with the crystal's color, making it nearly impossible to notice.

"What is this black aura?" Adriel tentatively asked.

"This is the evil aura I mentioned, and it's the cause of Titus's madness," Dustin explained.

"It looks rather unremarkable. Can such a small trace of evil aura have such a significant impact?" Adriel moved closer, trying to examine it more closely.

"Don't underestimate it. This is its calm state. Once it encounters a stimulus, it will change," Dustin warned.

With that, Dustin's fingers slowly tightened, causing the energy shield to compress and change shape. Subsequently, the black aura inside, sensing a threat, became agitated. It began to rampage and constantly assaulted Dustin's energy shield, attempting to break free.

After a few unsuccessful attempts, the black aura suddenly expanded and rapidly consumed the surrounding milky white spiritual energy. Its momentum was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

In just a few breaths of time, all the milky white spiritual energy was devoured and completely assimilated. What remained in front of everyone was no longer a dense white spiritual energy but a black evil aura, filled with death and destruction.
Chapter 1948: Unusual events are often caused by unusual factors

"How... how can this be?" Everyone was shocked as they looked at the black aura in Dustin's hand.

Moments ago, everything was fine, and now, all the spiritual energy had been devoured. Could such a tiny trace of evil aura be this powerful?

"I didn't expect this thing to be so terrifying. I've truly broadened my horizons today," Adriel commented, appearing somewhat apprehensive.

Fortunately, Dustin had warned them in time. Otherwise, if Adriel had absorbed the spiritual energy from the Black Spiritual Crystals, he would have taken the evil aura into his body, leading to potential disaster. When the evil aura erupted, he might have become even more like Titus.

"It's a pity. This was such a good treasure, and it got contaminated by evil. What a waste!" Adriel sighed deeply, throwing all the Black Spiritual Crystals he had grabbed onto the ground and crushing them under his feet to prevent the evil aura from harming anyone.

"Unusual events are often caused by unusual factors. Titus's fate should be related to the oasis. We need to be cautious from now on," Dustin advised.

While Dustin was speaking, he suddenly clenched his hand, causing the black evil aura to explode and disperse completely.

After dealing with the Black Spiritual Crystals in his hand, everyone's eyes turned to Miguel.

Miguel had been the first to grab the Black Spiritual Crystals and now held over forty of them, each the size of an egg and of good quality. In total, they were of staggering value.

"What are you all looking at me for?" Miguel furrowed his brow.

"Senior Miguel, these Black Spiritual Crystals contain evil aura within them. You can't absorb them; you should destroy them," Adriel advised.

"Destroy them? Are you joking? Do you know how valuable these Black Spiritual Crystals are?" Miguel sounded displeased. He couldn't fathom destroying the precious treasures he had acquired through so much effort.

"Senior Miguel, we're looking out for your best interests. If you absorb the spiritual energy from the Black Spiritual Crystals, you may end up like Titus, going mad and ultimately self-destructing," Adriel earnestly tried to persuade him.

"Yes, Senior Miguel, while the Black Spiritual Crystals are excellent, your life is more important. There's no need to risk it for these external items," several junior disciples of the Gold Blade Sect chimed in.

"Now, Senior Miguel, you're not thinking of selling these Black Spiritual Crystals to someone else, are you?" Adriel raised an eyebrow, looking somewhat skeptical. "You're a respected and esteemed figure, highly regarded by many. You wouldn't do something harmful to others, would you?"

"How... how could I? Am I that kind of person?" Miguel immediately retorted. His voice sounded confident, but deep down, he felt a bit unsure.
Chapter 1949: Ready to explore the Oasis

One hour later, in the hotel room, Adriel entered with a pile of Black Spiritual Crystals and placed them all on the table.

"Miss Margaret, these are the Black Spiritual Crystals I managed to collect. I've counted, and roughly about 70% have been acquired. The remaining 30% of Black Spiritual Crystals either cannot be contacted or their owners refuse to sell," Adriel explained.

Initially, he didn't want to squander Margaret's money, so he tried to persuade people who possessed Black Spiritual Crystals by explaining the seriousness of the situation. Regrettably, his words were not believed by anyone. Even after mentioning the reputation of the Gold Blade Sect, it had no effect. In fact, most people thought he was a swindler driven by jealousy and greed, using such despicable tactics to deceive Black Spiritual Crystals.

Left with no other choice, he had to resort to Margaret's plan of purchasing the Black Spiritual Crystals at a high price, which dispelled the doubts of most people. However, there were still some skeptics who refused to sell, even after all the effort he put into persuading them.

It seemed that it was true that you can't talk sense into someone who is determined to resist.

"Adriel, you've done your best. We've done what we could, and the rest is up to fate," Margaret replied without any surprises.

From the beginning, she didn't expect to save everyone, but she acted out of a sense of patriotism and love for her fellow citizens, doing what was within her power.

"I have just run errands. It's not a big deal. On the other hand, Miss Margaret, you've spent a lot of money," Adriel felt a bit ashamed.

He had thought that he could convince some people using his reputation, but he realized that he had been overly optimistic. People only responded to self-interest, and he was unable to sway them.

"Money is just material wealth; it doesn't mean much. Saving one life is worth it," Margaret said, not concerned about the expenses.

"Miss Margaret, there's one more thing," Adriel seemed to recall something and continued, "When I was buying the Black Spiritual Crystals, I heard a rumor that these crystals were taken out of the Oasis by Titus. Various forces coming to the Deserted Village to seek fortune have already started taking action. They rushed into the Death Desert overnight, ready to explore the Oasis."

"Oh? I didn't expect them to act so quickly," Margaret raised an eyebrow, quite surprised. She thought that various forces would wait and survey the situation before entering the Death Desert for treasure hunting. However, the appearance of the Black Spiritual Crystals has ignited everyone's desires, and even the smaller factions can't wait any longer. After all, being the first to enter the Oasis means a chance to obtain more treasures. In the face of great profits, danger no longer seemed significant.

"Miss Margaret, when do you plan to take action?" Adriel asked tentatively.

Unknowingly, he had started treating Margaret as the central figure.

"Sooner is better," Margaret replied. She then looked at Brody, who was standing at the door, and asked, "Brody, are the camels and everything ready?"

"I've already paid the final installment to the village chief, and the camel team is prepared," Brody replied, bowing his head.

"Very well. Inform everyone to get some rest at the hotel for two hours. We'll set off at dawn," Margaret issued the command.

"Yes!" Brody acknowledged and left.

Two hours later, a long line of camels, carrying various supplies, ventured into the Death Desert. The day and night in the Death Desert were entirely two different extremes.
Chapter 1942: I'll cross that bridge


Atticus's head fell to the ground, bouncing like a ball, rolling a few times before coming to a stop at the feet of several disciples from the Gold Blade Sect.

In his widened eyes, there was shock, disbelief, and astonishment.

Until his death, Atticus had never anticipated that his head would be severed by Dustin, not by the crazy Titus.

Why? Why did this happen?

He was the renowned Death-Defying Spear, a disciple of the Spear King Skyler, with a prestigious background and a limitless future.

This journey into the deadly desert was meant for finding treasures and improving his cultivation to become famous throughout the world.

He was supposed to have a smooth and victorious path as the main character, sweeping aside all obstacles and becoming the object of envy and reverence for everyone.

Why? Why did he fall in this small village?

"I won't accept this!"

"I won't accept it!"

Atticus roared in his heart but couldn't produce a sound.

His glorious life flashed before his eyes like a revolving lantern. He had exceptional talent since he was a child, and he had encountered numerous strokes of luck. No matter what he did, everything came naturally to him without any hindrance.

According to his master, Skyler, with his martial talent, he was destined to break into the World-Shaking Rankings and become one of the top experts admired by everyone.

How wonderful and desirable that was.

However, now, everything had turned into nothing but a bubble.

It turns out, he wasn't the main character; he wasn't destined by fate; he could die too.

In this deep regret, Atticus's consciousness gradually faded into darkness...


Looking at Atticus's severed head, several Gold Blade Sect disciples were completely dumbfounded.

They had just barely saved Atticus from the tiger's mouth, and in the blink of an eye, his body and head had been separated.

What was going on?

Several people turned back in astonishment and saw that the black sword in Dustin's hand was dripping with blood.

It was quite obvious that the killer was this person in front of them.

"You... You actually killed Atticus?"

"Brother Dustin! You've really stirred up trouble this time!"

"Atticus is a disciple of the Spear King Skyler. By killing him, you're challenging Skyler. Even if you flee to the ends of the earth, Skyler won't let you go!"

Several Gold Blade Sect disciples were in a panic, talking all at once.

They had never expected Dustin to be so audacious, daring to kill even Skyler's disciple. If Skyler became furious, there would undoubtedly be bloodshed.

"Haven't you heard what he just said? He was about to kill me. Am I supposed to let him celebrate the New Year with us?" Dustin calmly responded.

Atticus had already harbored murderous intent, and someone like that, who would retaliate at the slightest opportunity, had to be dealt with swiftly, or there would be more trouble in the future.

As for this so-called Spear King Skyler, Dustin didn't even consider him.

"Brother Dustin, as a friend of our eldest senior brother, I'll give you a piece of advice: escape as soon as you can. Once the Spear King Skyler arrives, your life will be in grave danger!" one of the Gold Blade Sect disciples advised.

"No need to worry. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it," Dustin replied nonchalantly.

The several Gold Blade Sect disciples exchanged glances and shook their heads, sighing.

In the end, Dustin was just too young; he didn't understand the terror of the Spear King Skyler.

Skyler was a powerful martial arts master, capable of crushing mountains and splitting rocks with a single strike. Killing a cultivator like Dustin, a mere innate martial artist, would be as simple as squashing an ant.

"Dustin, I admire your boldness. I'll say it again: as long as you become my disciple, I can ensure your safety," at this moment, Miguel stepped forward and extended another invitation.

"I appreciate your kind offer, Senior Miguel, but I can handle this minor issue on my own," Dustin replied, not taking the offer to heart.

"Is that so? Well, I'll be watching," Miguel said without pressing the matter further.
Chapter 1943: Dragon-Binding Rope

Dustin's repeated refusals left Miguel somewhat dissatisfied, but he was also a proud individual and not one to pester someone.

He believed that when it came to a matter of life and death, Dustin would surely compromise.

"Don't just stand there. Go help your eldest senior brother," Dustin said, turning his head to the several Gold Blade Sect disciples and reminding them.

At this moment, Adriel and the demon Titus were engaged in a fierce battle.

However, as their energy waned, Adriel's speed and strength clearly slowed down, while Titus continued to fight with unwavering determination, seemingly tireless.

If they continued like this, Adriel would eventually be defeated.

"Quick! Support Eldest Senior Brother!"

The several Gold Blade Sect disciples exchanged glances and were about to draw their knives and rush forward.

"Wait! Use this!"

At this moment, Margaret suddenly took out a golden rope and tossed it to one of the Gold Blade Sect disciples.

This golden rope was exceptionally tough, with a subtle shimmer on its surface, making it look extraordinary.


Seeing the golden rope, Miguel's pupils constricted, and he exclaimed in surprise, "Young lady, is this... the Dragon-Binding Rope?"

"Senior Miguel has a keen eye," Margaret nodded, not denying it.

"What? The Dragon-Binding Rope?"

At this revelation, the several Gold Blade Sect disciples showed astonishment.

Anyone with a bit of knowledge in the martial world understood the value of the Dragon-Binding Rope.

It was a renowned treasure in the martial world, extremely rare. The Dragon-Binding Rope was nearly indestructible, impervious to cutting or burning. Even martial arts grandmasters couldn't break free if ensnared by it.

However, the Dragon-Binding Rope was extremely scarce, and within the entire martial world, there were only a handful of them.

Moreover, its possessors were all top experts from major martial sects.

They hadn't expected that an unknown woman would possess such a treasure.

Who exactly was she?

"Don't just stand there, help your eldest senior brother," Margaret urged.

"Oh, right, right..."

The several Gold Blade Sect disciples, as if waking from a dream, didn't hesitate any longer. They immediately rushed forward with the Dragon-Binding Rope and soon had the demon Titus securely bound.

Though Titus was immensely powerful, he had no resistance against the Dragon-Binding Rope, which could ensnare martial arts grandmasters.

Once bound, no matter how he struggled or roared, it was futile.

"Tie him!"

The Gold Blade Sect disciples pulled together and hoisted Titus onto a tree, leaving him with no leverage to move.

"That was close!"

Seeing this, Adriel couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He had clearly felt his strength waning, and continuing the fight could have posed a risk to his life.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Tied in mid-air, Titus kept struggling and roaring.

His facial veins bulged, and his physique swelled once again, with his muscles on the verge of bursting. Cracks appeared all over his body.

At first glance, he looked like an inflated balloon.

"Oh no! He's going to self-destruct! Get back!"

Adriel's expression changed, and he quickly retreated with the Gold Blade Sect disciples.

However, just as they retreated halfway, there was a deafening explosion. Titus's body suddenly burst open.

A terrifying energy wave, with the explosion point as its center, swept in all directions.

Wherever it passed, there were howling gusts of wind, flying dust, and a cataclysmic force, unstoppable.
Chapter 1941: Just in time

"You damn—"

Atticus was about to erupt when suddenly, a wild beast-like roar echoed from the front.

Glancing over, he saw Titus fiercely pouncing towards him.

Using both hands and feet, it swiftly ran, leaving deep, claw-like marks on the ground with every step.

Its sharpness was akin to a steel blade.

"Someone, please help me! Don't let this monster get close!" Atticus's face turned pale, panic-stricken.

Due to his severe injuries, he lacked the strength to even stand up, only managing to drag his broken body backward desperately.

"What the hell are you standing there for? Do something!" Atticus turned abruptly, his face contorted with fury as he shouted at Dustin.

However, Dustin remained unmoved, just watching silently.

"Brother Dustin, don't be impulsive. Atticus must not die!" Adriel, standing nearby, grew anxious.

"It's none of my concern," Dustin still remained indifferent.

"Fine, seems like I have to intervene!" Seeing Dustin's stubbornness, Adriel shook his head helplessly. He had to personally draw his sword to rescue Atticus.

Atticus's strength surpassed his own by a significant margin. Even if Adriel wasn't sure if he could subdue Titus, he was even less certain if he could handle Titus.


Attracted by the scent of blood, Titus ignored everything and pounced on Atticus again.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!" Atticus screamed in terror, using his hands to shield his face. His pants were soaked, a clear sign of his fear.

The formidable Death-Defying Spear had been scared into urinating himself.

"Evil beast! Stop your madness!"

Just as Atticus was about to be torn to pieces, Adriel intervened just in time, standing in front of Atticus and engaging in a bloody battle with Titus.

Titus's physical abilities had been greatly enhanced, and in a head-on confrontation, Adriel was completely outmatched.

Fortunately, Titus had lost its sanity, attacking without any strategy, not even utilizing its true energy. This gave Adriel an opportunity.

Leveraging his agile body and the precious sword in his hand, Adriel barely managed to restrain Titus.

However, Titus felt no pain, no exhaustion. Regardless of the multiple injuries it sustained, it remained lively and energetic, practically invincible.

Continuing the stalemate, once Adriel exhausted his strength, defeat was only a matter of time.

"Quick, someone! Carry Atticus away!" While dealing with Titus's fierce attacks, Adriel directed Gold Blade Sect disciples to rescue Atticus.

"Save him!"

The disciples of Gold Blade Sect acted swiftly. Seeing their senior brother holding back Titus, they immediately moved Atticus to a safe place and even provided healing medicine.

However, after being rescued, Atticus not only showed no gratitude but also roared angrily at Dustin, "Kid! You dare harm me? You're damn finished! Your whole family is finished! When my master arrives, I will definitely dismantle you into pieces! I'll slaughter all your friends here and feed them to the dogs!"

"Is that so?" Dustin's eyes turned cold, his voice icy. "Too bad, you don't have the chance anymore."

"You damn—" Atticus was about to shout again when a black light suddenly flashed, piercing through his neck.

Atticus's body stiffened, his eyes widened.

The next moment, his head fell to the ground.

He died with resentment in his heart!
Chapter 1940: Spear King


Titus roared low, and some unknown black sticky substance overflowed from its mouth. Coupled with its ferocious face and sharp fangs, the whole figure looked like a demon.

After exchanging glances with Titus, Atticus couldn't help but shiver in fear, his legs turning weak.

"Hey! You there! Where are you going? Hurry, save me!"

Seeing Dustin turning away, Atticus panicked instantly and started shouting.

The madness displayed by Titus earlier had completely crushed his courage to fight. Even just a glance now made him tremble with fear.

"Aren't you quite powerful? Didn't you suspect my intentions? Well then, I won't meddle anymore. You can fend for yourself," Dustin said coldly.

Some people just don't appreciate kindness. He shouldn't bother with someone ungrateful like this. Whether he lives or dies has nothing to do with Dustin.

"Stop! I command you to stop! Chase away that lunatic in front of you!" Atticus shouted repeatedly.

However, Dustin seemed oblivious, continuing to move forward as if he hadn't heard a word.

"Hey! Do you even know who I am? I am Atticus, the Death-Defying Spear. My master is one of the top five powerhouses in the Southwest, Skyler, the Spear King! If you dare let me die today without saving me, my master will never let you off!" Atticus attempted to use words as a threat.

In the entire Southwest, there were few who dared to disrespect his master.

"What? Spear King Skyler? He's one of the top three powerful figures in the entire Southwest!"

"I didn't expect Atticus's master to be Skyler. No wonder Atticus has been so prominent these years, and no one dares to provoke him."

"I heard Skyler is extremely aggressive and fiercely protective of his disciples. If his disciple dies here, I wonder if he will vent his anger on us."

People watching from afar started discussing fervently.

The reputation of Spear King Skyler even surpassed that Sand Dragon Miguel in the Southwest.

In the entire Southwest region, he was an unrivaled existence.

If Atticus was indeed Skyler's disciple, the situation was far from simple.

"With Skyler's personality, he'll definitely kill first and ask questions later."

"Brother Dustin..."

At this moment, Adriel suddenly stepped forward, his face serious as he warned, "Spear King Skyler is incredibly powerful. Even Senior Miguel has to be cautious around him. If Atticus dies mysteriously, you might find yourself in trouble."

"It's not like I killed him. Why should I care?" Dustin replied nonchalantly.

"That's true, but Skyler is unreasonable and fiercely protective of his disciples. If he finds out you didn't save Atticus, he won't spare you," Adriel said.

Although he couldn't stand Atticus's despicable behavior, he had to consider the other party's background. Even Gold Blade Sect wouldn't want to easily offend Spear King Skyler.

"How about it? Feeling scared now?" Atticus immediately sneered triumphantly when Dustin halted. "If you're afraid, come over here and protect me. If something happens to me, every one of you here will accompany me to the grave!"

His words caused a commotion in the crowd.

No one expected Atticus to be so domineering, threatening everyone's lives with his own safety.

The problem was, his words were not baseless. Given Spear King Skyler's strength, he could definitely fulfill this threat.

"Spear King Skyler? Is he really that formidable?" Dustin asked, his expression unchanged.

"Of course! Look at the entire Southwest region. My master is at least in the top three. Do you still doubt his strength?" Atticus glared and retorted.

"If your master is that powerful, then let him come and save you," Dustin said, folding his arms and stepping aside, adopting a bystander's expression.

"You—!" Atticus's face froze, his voice heavy. "Kid! Do you really want to challenge me? If you provoke my master, you'll wish you were dead!"

"Oh, and what difference would that make?" Dustin remained unfazed.
Chapter 1938: A single spear stirs the world

He was driven back repeatedly by the continuous strikes, roaring relentlessly.

Titus had gone berserk and didn't use his internal energy to protect himself; instead, he relied on his physical strength to endure the assault.

As a result, under the fierce spear strikes from Atticus, Titus was pierced all over, covered in blood.

Just when everyone thought Titus was about to fall with serious injuries, a shocking scene unfolded.

Titus seemed to be impervious to pain. He didn't seem to care about his wounds at all. After a furious roar, he charged at Atticus again, fearless of death.

What was even more terrifying was that the wounds on Titus's body were visibly healing at a rapid pace.

His incredible regenerative abilities were simply astounding.

"Hmph! You don't shed a tear until you see the coffin! Watch me defeat you with a single spear thrust!"

Seeing Titus charge again, Atticus didn't hold back anymore. He vigorously shook his long spear, instantly releasing a radiant silver light that illuminated the surroundings.

"A single spear stirs the world!"

Atticus's eyes narrowed, and he swiftly pulled back his long spear before thrusting it forward.


There was a resounding boom.

The silver spear in Atticus's hand suddenly shone brightly, transforming into a silver dragon that roared as it charged at Titus.

This strike was fast and ruthless, with incredible power, as if it could destroy everything.

"What a magnificent spear technique! What a terrifying spear technique!"

"So, this is the power of the deadly marksman? Truly formidable!"

"With this strike, no one can stop him. Titus is likely to meet his end!"

As they watched the silver dragon spear unleashed by Atticus, the onlookers were filled with astonishment.

Although they had heard of Atticus's reputation, they had rarely seen him in action. Now, with the strike "A single spear stirs the world," they finally realized the formidable strength of Atticus, the deadly marksman.


Faced with Atticus's attack, Titus remained unyielding, charging straight at him.


There was a loud explosion.

Atticus's silver long spear fiercely pierced through Titus's abdomen. The sharp tip of the spear penetrated from the abdomen and emerged from the back, skewering his entire body.

However, the strange thing was that the blood on the spear wasn't red but black.

"Back off!"

Atticus shouted loudly, holding his spear with both hands, quickly pushing forward against Titus. Then, with a "thud," he pinned Titus's entire body to a tree.


Titus roared repeatedly, struggling madly, but he was hanging on the tree with his feet suspended, unable to find any leverage. He could only thrash about in impotent rage.

It's worth mentioning that even with his abdomen pierced, Titus still seemed full of vitality.

"Atticus, the deadly marksman, truly lives up to his reputation. He's amazing. He took down this madman in just two moves!"

"We're lucky to have Atticus; otherwise, we'd be in danger!"

"Atticus is incredible!"

Seeing Titus restrained, the people couldn't help but feel elated and began to praise him.

Just a while ago, over a hundred people were unable to control Titus, but with Atticus's intervention, it was a piece of cake.

His incredible strength was truly admirable.

"Subduing a madman is no big deal. I used less than five percent of my strength just now," Atticus said proudly.

To him, defeating a berserk attacker who lacked defense wasn't an accomplishment worth celebrating.

Of course, even if Titus hadn't gone mad, Atticus's strength would have easily suppressed him.

"Brother Atticus, watch out behind you!"

Just as Atticus was enjoying the flattery from those around him, one of his friends suddenly exclaimed.


Atticus instinctively turned around, only to see a cold glint sweeping toward him, heading directly for his neck.
Chapter 1939: A petty trick


When Atticus turned around, he saw a cold glint coming straight at him.

The speed was astonishing, and a faint bloody scent could be detected in the air.

The person behind the attack was none other than Titus!

After being pinned to the tree, Titus struggled in vain. Finally, he grabbed the spear shaft with both hands and pulled his body forward about half a meter.

When he got close to Atticus, he thrust a palm at Atticus's neck.

His sharp nails were like steel blades, with a strikingly high level of lethality.

"A petty trick!"

In response to the sudden attack, Atticus coldly snorted and didn't take it seriously at all. He counterattacked with a punch.


There was a loud explosion.

Titus's attack cut through Atticus's protective inner energy, and with it, his entire wrist was severed on the spot.

Blood spurted out instantly.


Staring at his severed hand that fell to the ground, Atticus was momentarily stunned before letting out a chilling scream.

He never dreamt that Titus's nails were so sharp, almost like divine weapons, easily breaking through his protective inner energy.

"My hand! My hand!"

Atticus held his bleeding stump, shocked and angry, but more so, panicking.

He had thought that subduing Titus would be easy, but to his surprise, their confrontation resulted in his own hand being severed like tofu.

This sudden shock left him disoriented.


Without giving Atticus any time to react, Titus swung his sharp claws again, cutting the spear shaft and breaking free from his restraints.

Then, roaring and howling, he charged at Atticus once more.

"Don't... don't come any closer! Get away!"

Atticus, terrified, lost his composure and turned to flee.

Faced with the extreme pain and the sight of his severed hand, he had no courage left for a stand-off.

Under the excruciating pain, his first instinct was to escape.

He regretted boasting earlier and should have simply killed Titus with a single spear thrust to avoid this.

Who would have expected that this guy, in his madness, would have no sense of pain and would be willing to fight to the death?

It was truly terrifying!


Seeing Atticus running away, Titus naturally didn't let him go. He continued to roar and chase after him.

"Someone! Quickly stop this madman!"

Titus yelled as he ran, occasionally looking back.

Soon, he was horrified to find that Titus was faster than him, charging like a tank.

Wherever he passed, he left a trail of destruction.

Seeing this menacing scene, who would dare to intercept him?

People scattered in all directions, afraid of becoming collateral damage.

"Save me! Someone, please save me!"

As he felt Titus closing in, Atticus screamed in terror, his appearance disheveled.


At this moment, Titus had already caught up and, in one swift motion, slashed Atticus's clothes. Deep bloodstains marked Atticus's back.


Atticus screamed in agony once more.

Due to inertia, he stumbled and fell to the ground, covered in dirt and humiliation.


Titus showed no mercy, pouncing on Atticus like a wild beast. He aimed his sharp fangs at Atticus's neck.

Atticus instinctively reached out to block the attack, but Titus bit down on his arm, tearing off a large chunk of flesh.

Atticus's face contorted in pain, and his cries echoed through the night.

At this point, he had been reduced to a horrifying appearance, filled with terror as he struggled desperately to fend off Titus's attacks.

Just as Atticus was on the brink of being torn to shreds, a figure suddenly appeared, seizing Titus by the throat and flinging him away like a sandbag, causing him to crash into a large tree.

The person who intervened was none other than Dustin!

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

Atticus lay on the ground, frantically flailing his arms and legs, appearing extremely panicked. It wasn't until he realized that there was no one on top of him that he finally reacted.

As he stared, he saw Titus lying on the ground about ten meters away, with a stranger standing next to him.

"Can you still stand? If you can, stay away."

Dustin spoke in a calm tone but kept a sharp gaze fixed on Titus.

He had observed the situation closely and understood that Titus was no ordinary madman. His speed, strength, defense, and even his regenerative abilities had all been greatly enhanced. His limbs, skin, and senses had all undergone various degrees of transformation. At this moment, there was nothing human left in him.

"Damn it! Why didn't you act sooner? Don't you know I almost died just now?"

After regaining his senses, Atticus's first reaction was not gratitude, but anger and accusations.


Dustin furrowed his brow slightly, looking down at the man lying on the ground and showing some confusion. "What did you just say?"

"I said you almost killed me!" Atticus yelled, not expressing any gratitude. "If it weren't for you being so slow to act, I wouldn't have suffered such severe injuries. Look at all this blood, it's all your fault!"

"Are you out of your mind? I saved your life, and you're blaming me?" Dustin's face turned cold.

He had never encountered such a repugnant person, someone who not only didn't know how to show gratitude but also turned the situation around and blamed him for his actions.

"What's wrong with blaming you? Did I say something wrong?" Atticus shouted angrily. "You clearly had the ability to intervene earlier and save me from this severe injury, but you chose to wait until I was already gravely wounded to show your benevolence. Your actions were clearly malicious!"

"You have a problem with your brain? I saved your life, and you're turning it around to accuse me?" Dustin couldn't believe the ingratitude he was witnessing.

Atticus's ungratefulness was beyond his comprehension. He had not only failed to show any gratitude but had also accused him of malicious intent.

"What are you mumbling about? Did I say something wrong?" Atticus was full of anger and vented it all at Dustin. "You clearly had the ability to intervene and save me earlier, but you waited until I was gravely injured to show your kindness. Your actions were clearly malicious!"

Hearing this, Dustin couldn't help but burst into laughter.

This kind of person, who repaid kindness with ingratitude, was truly disgusting. Not only did he fail to repay his debt, but he also turned around and accused the person who saved him.

"What's the matter? Why aren't you saying anything now? Are you feeling guilty because I've exposed your ugly actions?" Atticus sneered.

"Yes, yes, you've exposed my ugly actions. Now deal with the person in front of you," Dustin replied, rolling his eyes.

At this moment, Titus had already stood up again, and his pitch-black eyes were fixed on Atticus with a fierce expression.

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