An Understated Dominance Chapter 1301 to Chapter 2422 - English Version Translated by NAZMUL

English Version Translated by NAZMUL

An Understated Dominance is a Urban novel for men, telling a story of Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. "An Understated Dominance" delves into themes of ambition, power and the price of success. The novel explores the complexities of relationships and so on.
Chapter 1955: Life Prolong Fruit

That feeling was as if they had entered a heavenly paradise on earth.

As they walked deeper into the oasis, almost everyone had smiles on their faces.

Dustin followed closely behind Margaret, his gaze vigilant, scanning the surroundings.

Although this place seemed calm, it concealed hidden dangers.

In the unseen underground and within the large trees, there were venomous insects and snakes.

However, because the sun had not set yet, these poisonous creatures were hiding in the shadows.

Once night fell, it would be their hunting time.

"Look! What is that?!"

While walking, a man from the Black Scorpion Squad suddenly exclaimed, pointing towards a certain spot.

Everyone followed his finger and saw three fruit trees amidst the dense vegetation.

These three fruit trees were lush with leaves and laden with bright red fruits.

Each fruit was crystal clear and exceptionally beautiful. When sunlight shone on them, they emitted a radiant ruby-like luster, looking extremely extraordinary.

"This, this, this... Could it be Life Prolong Fruit?!" someone exclaimed in astonishment.

"What? Life Prolong Fruit? Is it that treasure that can enhance cultivation and prolong life?!"

"Oh my goodness! So many Life Prolong Fruits! We're rich!"


Upon seeing the Life Prolong fruits on the trees, everyone became excited.

It's worth noting that Life Prolong Fruit had astonishing value and was a rare treasure for martial artists.

The spiritual energy contained within it was no less than that of Black Spiritual Crystals, and it also had the effects of strengthening the body and prolonging life.

In the martial arts world, Life Prolong Fruits were considered priceless treasures.

As soon as they appeared, they would be bought at a high price by others.

A single Life Prolong Fruit was already precious enough. However, now there were hundreds, even thousands of them laid out before their eyes. How could one not feel excited?

"Hurry! Hurry and pick the Life Prolong Fruits!" Jackson reacted quickly, commanding his subordinates to climb the trees and harvest the fruits.

They had come here seeking wealth, and as long as they packaged and took these Life Prolong Fruits with them, it would be enough to secure their fortune for a lifetime.

"If I were you, I wouldn't be so impulsive," Dustin spoke suddenly.

"What do you mean? Are you suggesting you want to hog them all for yourself?" Jackson's eyes turned cold.

Blocking someone's path to wealth was akin to killing their parents. If Dustin dared to stop them from picking the fruits, they would inevitably have to fight.

"Just offering you a piece of advice," Dustin said calmly. "This oasis is home to many birds and animals. Think carefully, if these fruits were edible, would they still be hanging there until now?"

"Hmph! Stop fearmongering. I think you just want to keep all the spoils for yourself!" Jackson said with a stern face.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you," Dustin said, uninterested in arguing further.

"Pick the fruits!" Jackson gave the command.

Immediately, seven or eight members of the Black Scorpion Squad discarded their heavy equipment and quickly climbed up the trees, collecting the Life Prolong Fruits as fast as they could.

"We're getting rich! We're getting rich!" The members of the Black Scorpion Squad were extremely excited, holding bags in one hand and continuously picking Life Prolong Fruits with the other.

"Senior Brother! If we don't act now, they will harvest all the Life Prolong Fruits," a disciple from the Gold Blade Sect couldn't contain his impatience.

"Take action!" Adriel hesitated for a few seconds and finally gave the order.

However, just as the disciples from the Gold Blade Sect were preparing to harvest the fruits, a sudden change occurred.
Chapter 1956: Red insects

A member of the Black Scorpion Squad hanging from a tree had just picked the first Life Prolong fruit and was about to pick the second one.

Suddenly, their arm trembled as if something had stung them.

Looking down, they discovered a red insect on the palm, its sharp mouthparts piercing the skin and swiftly burrowing into the flesh.

The Black Scorpion Squad member was startled and tried to swat it away but was a fraction too slow.

In the blink of an eye, the red insect burrowed into their arm, devouring the flesh and laying eggs frantically.


A sharp pain surged through them, and the Black Scorpion Squad member couldn't help but scream, falling from the tree.

Their arm's skin began to rot visibly, and countless red insects wriggled and squirmed in the decaying flesh, creating a horrifying sight.

"Help me! Please, help me!"

The Black Scorpion Squad member writhed in agony on the ground, their body rapidly withering, skin wrinkling, and face sunken.

In just a few breaths, the once muscular man had turned into a skeletal figure, resembling a corpse.

"What's happening?!"

Witnessing this, everyone's faces turned pale.

No one expected that someone who was perfectly fine moments ago would deteriorate so rapidly.

The emaciated appearance made it seem as though all the blood in their body had been drained.

"Look at his hand!"

Someone pointed to the Black Scorpion Squad member's arm.

Their entire arm had rotted away completely; most of it consisted of bare white bones, interspersed with a multitude of red insects between the bones and flesh.

These red insects multiplied at an unbelievable speed; as soon as they laid eggs, new insects would hatch out.

During this momentary distraction, half of the Black Scorpion Squad member's body had already been overrun by the red insects, a truly gruesome sight.

"Save me... save me..."

The Black Scorpion Squad member's cries for help gradually turned into feeble moans.

He attempted to reach out for help, but his remaining hand was also devoured by the swarm of red insects.

In less than two minutes, a living, breathing adult man had been completely transformed into a pile of bones.

"What... what are those insects? Where did they come from?"

"Oh my god! He was perfectly fine, and now he's been eaten like this?"

Witnessing the horrifying scene before them, everyone felt their scalps tingle with fear and their hearts tremble with horror.

They had no idea what was happening, only that the Black Scorpion Squad member had fallen from the tree and was then completely consumed by the swarm of red insects.


Just as everyone was still in shock and confusion, another member of the Black Scorpion Squad was struck. They fell from the tree, suffering a fate similar to the previous victim – their arm was invaded by unknown red insects, too.

With the second person affected, more quickly followed – the third, fourth, fifth...

In the blink of an eye, all the members of the Black Scorpion Squad who had climbed the tree to pick fruits had fallen to the ground.

Each one of them wailed in pain.

"Ah! My hand! There are insects! Insects burrowed into my body!"

"Captain! Captain, please save me!"


The Black Scorpion Squad members cried out, screamed, begged for help, writhing in agony on the ground. The pain of being devoured by countless insects was unbearable for ordinary people.

"Quick! Cut off their arms!"

Xue Feng's face changed color, and he quickly directed his two trusted subordinates to assist.

Given the rapid reproduction speed of those red insects, within two minutes, these affected individuals would be consumed to the bones.

He didn't have time to think about strategies now. To save the lives of his team members and prevent further harm, he had to sever their arms to stop the red insects from spreading throughout their bodies.

Without hesitation, Jackson and his companions rushed forward with their knives, swiftly cutting off the contaminated arms.

Once severed, the arms were quickly devoured by the red insects, leaving only bones behind.

Seeing the densely packed red insects, Jackson and his companions felt a chill down their spines.

If they had been a few seconds late, all the team members would have perished here.

"Medics! Quickly bandage their wounds!"

Margaret reacted swiftly, commanding her subordinates to bandage the injured individuals.

Although survival resources were scarce, medical supplies were abundant.

"Captain! How could this happen? Where did these strange poisonous insects come from?" a bald strong man said, his face filled with fear.

"It's the Life Prolong fruit!" Margaret said solemnly. "Everyone who came into contact with the Life Prolong fruit got infected. We can conclude that there's something peculiar about these Life prolong fruits!"

"Life Prolong fruit?" Jackson furrowed his brow slightly and walked to a team member. He opened the bag containing the Life Prolong fruit and was instantly horrified. He took several steps back.

The once translucent and clear Life Prolong fruit had cracked open at some point, and the crimson flesh was swarming with tiny red insects.

The flesh of the Life Prolong fruit had unexpectedly become a breeding ground for these red insects!

"Quick! Dispose of all the Life Prolong fruits! There are insects inside! Don't touch them with your hands!"

Realizing the situation, Jackson shouted urgently, immediately directing his two trusted subordinates to use the back of their knives to throw the fruits away from a distance.

No one expected that these valuable Life Prolong fruits would conceal so many strange poisonous insects.

For a moment, no one dared to approach them, especially the disciples of the Gold Blade Sect, who looked as if they had narrowly escaped a calamity.

Fortunately, they had fallen behind and hadn't hurried to pick the fruits; otherwise, their fate would have been the same as the Black Scorpion Squad members.

Some might lose their arms, and others might lose their lives!

After being bandaged, the bleeding from the severed arms was finally stopped.

However, losing their dominant hands meant a significant setback for the Black Scorpion Squad members. Not to mention searching for treasures, their future livelihoods would be challenging.

Watching their comrades die and suffer, Jackson's face turned particularly grim.

But now, regret was useless; it was too late to turn back.
Chapter 1957: Your people, your decision

A moment later, all the injuries of the Black Scorpion Squad members had been treated. However, due to their severed arms, their combat abilities and mobility were significantly reduced, and even self-defense became difficult.

" Jackson, do you want me to arrange for your men to be sent back?" Margaret glanced at the members of the Black Scorpion Squad and quickly turned her gaze to Jackson. They had not been in the oasis for long, and there was still a chance to leave. If they continued deeper, there might be no turning back.

"Captain! We're fine! It's just severed arms, nothing serious!"

"That's right! We've faced even more dangerous situations; this injury is nothing!"

"Captain! Trust us, we can definitely complete the mission!"


Feeling that they were about to be dismissed, the members of the Black Scorpion Squad began to speak up, asserting that they were capable.

They knew very well that if they turned back now, all the treasures they had obtained in the oasis would be lost to them. Although the rewards for this mission were substantial, when divided among everyone, it wouldn't be enough for their retirement.

Especially in their current state, having lost their arms, they needed to find more treasures and accumulate wealth to live out the rest of their lives securely.

So, they were unwilling to leave like this.

"Miss Margaret, my brothers here have been through countless battles and have extensive experience. They have long been prepared for the possibility of death. These minor injuries won't hold them back. I can guarantee that they won't drag us down!" Jackson said seriously.

He naturally understood his brothers' intentions.

Although this oasis was very dangerous, it also hid a lot of treasures. The saying goes that wealth comes from risks, and they couldn't afford to miss this opportunity to make a fortune. After years of risking their lives, most of them had already entertained thoughts of retirement.

Once they successfully completed this mission, they would earn enough money to live comfortably in their later years.

Having come this far, none of them were willing to give up.

"Very well, they are your people. You make the decision. If there's nothing else, let's continue," Margaret without saying much, giving the order to proceed.

Everyone had their own choices, and she had no right to interfere.

Before leaving, Margaret instructed her subordinates to make a sign with a warning message.

The sign warned future arrivals not to touch the Life Prolong fruits, stating that there was a danger to their lives.

Whether anyone would believe it or not was beyond her control.

After going through a tumultuous event, the team set off once again.

However, this time, compared to before, everyone became much more cautious.

No one dared to touch anything easily, no matter what they encountered.

After walking a few kilometers, the sky finally darkened.

The night was cold, with a biting chill that made people shiver.

To avoid accidents, Margaret had no choice but to order the team to set up camp on the spot and build defensive fortifications to prevent wild beasts from invading.

Fortunately, the team had many members, and they quickly cleared the area around them and set up numerous animal traps.

On the outer perimeter, they even dug a trench to store oil. In case of danger, they could immediately ignite the oil for defense and to drive away fierce beasts.

Although most of the members in the team were elite warriors and were not afraid of ordinary wild animals, the oasis was too mysterious, forcing them to be cautious.

After setting up the camp, most people retreated into their tents to keep warm. Only two patrol teams remained, circling the campsite, vigilant against any unforeseen circumstances.

As night fell, the entire oasis came to life. Insects chirped, birds called, and various animals roared, creating a cacophony of sounds. The ground trembled, and all sorts of strange movements and noises emerged, creating a stark contrast to the daytime silence.

It was at this moment that everyone realized the terror of this oasis. What they experienced during the day was just the tip of the iceberg; only now, under the cover of night, did the true nature of the oasis reveal itself.

Inside a certain tent, Dustin and Margaret sat across from each other, warming themselves by the fire and sipping tea.

"We have entered the oasis. Has your Heavenly Eye sensed anything?" Margaret broke the silence first. She had asked for Dustin's assistance not only because of safety concerns but also because he possessed the Heavenly Eye, which could penetrate illusions, decipher formations, and be used for treasure hunting. Whenever a treasure approached within a certain distance, the Heavenly Eye would sense it.

"In the southeast and northwest directions, there are faint sensations, but they are not very clear. Moreover, they don't match the description of the Dragon Vein Energy you provided," Dustin said lightly after taking a sip of tea.

Faint sensations could mean two possibilities: either the distance was too great, or the treasure was not significant enough. Of course, treasures like the Black Spiritual Crystal and the Life Prolong fruits wouldn't even qualify for the Heavenly Eye's attention.

"In that case, we have to continue deeper," Margaret nodded. She didn't expect to find traces of the Dragon Vein Energy within a day. However, considering their current situation, the sooner they completed the mission, the safer they would be.

"To be honest, I have a bad feeling. Finding the Dragon Vein Energy this time might not be easy," Dustin said casually.

"If it were easy, I wouldn't have asked for your help," Margaret said calmly. "The Dragon Vein Energy is related to the fate of the nation. No matter what difficulties we encounter, I must retrieve it."

"You're the boss; you call the shots," Dustin shrugged.

Having promised to help, he would naturally assist to the best of his ability.


Just as the two were chatting, a signal representing danger suddenly sounded. Immediately after, there was a roar of a fierce beast.


The roar echoed, causing a commotion throughout the campsite. Everyone picked up their weapons and rushed out of their tents, ready to face the unknown danger.

"What's going on?" Margaret frowned slightly. When she and Dustin went out to take a look, they coincided with the captain of the guards who hurriedly approached.

"Miss, an unknown creature is approaching. Please stay in the tent for now!" the captain of the guards said.

"Creature?" Margaret raised an eyebrow. "Let's go. Take me to see!"

"Miss, there might be danger!" the captain hesitated.

"With Mr. Dustin here, I'm not afraid of being harmed," Margaret said confidently.

Without further ado, she walked directly toward the source of the sound.

She wanted to see what kind of creature would dare to attack the camp at night.
Chapter 1958: The black leopard-like creature

At this moment, on the edge of the camp.

Two elite squads are standing ready, their gazes fixed firmly on the darkness ahead.

There, the roars of wild beasts are getting closer, accompanied by the rumbling of their charge.

At this time, most of the people in the camp have already gathered, preparing to face the unknown monsters.

"Protect the lady!"

When Margaret steps forward, the captain of the royal guards immediately assembles his men, protecting her in case of any danger.

"Brothers! Draw your swords!"

Excitement and nervousness fill Adriel as he commands the disciples of the Gold Blade Sect to form a formation at the front.

Although he often sparred with martial artists from the martial world, he had never before battled monsters, and he couldn't help but feel some anticipation and a few nerves about the unknown.

"Stay vigilant! Act when the time is right!"

Jackson and the members of the Black Scorpion Squad stand slightly farther back.

They have well-rounded abilities, but when it comes to raw combat strength, they naturally can't compare to the disciples of the Gold Blade Sect.

"Don't make a big deal out of it."

Miguel holds a warm jug of wine and lazily leans against a tree, appearing somewhat indifferent.

As a Grandmaster of martial arts, he naturally carries a corresponding level of arrogance.

Ordinary monsters are not worthy of him taking action.

However, he is a bit curious about how many strange and unique things are hidden within this mysterious oasis.


Just as everyone stands ready, a wild beast's roar suddenly rings out.

Following it, a creature that resembles a deer but isn't quite a deer and a horse but isn't quite a horse bursts out of the darkness.

This creature has two horns on its head, scales all over its body, a tail like a steel whip, sharp teeth in its mouth, and looks exceptionally fierce and intimidating.

"Set on fire!"

The captain of the royal guards gives the command, and the outermost area is set ablaze.

As the roaring flames rise, the entire camp area becomes as bright as day.

The original cold is quickly dispelled, and the surroundings become warm.


The sudden wall of fire startles the creature that resembles a deer and a horse. It lets out a neigh and lifts its front hooves, not daring to advance any further.

The fear of fire is almost instinctual for most wild animals.

"Hah! It scared me for a moment. I thought it was really tough, but it can't even get past the fire wall. Typical appearance not matching its abilities."

"It does look intimidating, but it can't even cross a fire wall. It's all show and no substance."

"This creature is so peculiar. If we capture it alive, we should be able to sell it for a lot of money, right?"

"That's right! Capture it alive and sell it!"

The people start to get excited and discuss how valuable this rare species would be if they could auction it in the underground market.

Its value would surely surpass that of any natural treasures.


As they are discussing, another monster charges out from the darkness.

This monster resembles a leopard but is exceptionally large, twice the size of the deer-horse creature. It has black fur all over its body, and in the light of the fire, it shimmers as if covered in black armor.

As soon as the black leopard-like creature appears, it opens its bloodthirsty mouth and bites fiercely into the neck of the deer-horse creature.

Its massive body easily pins the deer-horse creature to the ground and starts tearing at its prey with frenzy.


The deer-horse creature lets out a pathetic cry, wildly kicking its four hooves and swinging its dual horns on its head, attempting to break free.

However, no matter how it struggles, it can't escape the black leopard-like creature's savage attacks.

There's a significant size difference between the two, and with a single swipe of its claw, the black leopard-like creature can keep the deer-horse creature's head pinned to the ground, rendering it immobile.


As the cries weaken, the deer-horse creature gradually stops struggling, and blood flows all around it.

The black leopard-like creature pays no attention to the onlookers and starts feasting on its prey in public.

The scent of blood begins to quickly spread.

"What... What is this thing?"

"Damn! It looks really fierce!"

As they watch the ferocious and savage black leopard-like creature, the people widen their eyes, expressing both surprise and fear.

First, it's the creature's enormous size, larger than even a tiger, standing at nearly three meters tall, and it exudes a tremendous sense of dominance just by standing there.

Second, the creature's aggression is astonishing. When it pounced earlier, it was as fast as lightning, making it difficult for people to defend against.

Moreover, its sharp claws and fangs can easily tear through the scales of the deer-horse creature. If it were a person, a single swipe would likely result in being torn to shreds.

Initially, they thought the camp had been invaded by the deer-horse creature. However, they've now realized that it was being pursued, with an even more powerful predator following it.

"Miss, what should we do? Should we capture it alive or hunt it down?" the captain of the royal guards cautiously asks.

This black leopard-like creature, if captured alive and brought back to Stonia, would unquestionably be a marvel.

The only issue is that this creature is extremely fierce and has incredible combat abilities. Killing it would be easy, but capturing it alive might result in some of their comrades getting injured.

"No need to worry. If it leaves on its own after its meal, we'll consider it as if nothing happened," Margaret calmly replies.

She initially thought it was a monster attacking the camp, but she has now realized that it was a predator hunting for food.

This is the natural order of the oasis, and as long as it doesn't threaten the safety of the team, she prefers not to interfere.

"This exotic beast is excellent. I'm going to capture it to use as a mount!"

Suddenly, laughter rings out.

The people turn to see Miguel, who is carrying a jug of wine and is walking forward with enthusiasm.

His eyes are gleaming, showing his clear interest in the black leopard-like creature.

"Senior Miguel, this creature is incredibly fierce. Are you sure about this?" Adriel cautiously asks.

"What? Do you think I can't subdue it?" Miguel raises an eyebrow, showing some displeasure.

"It's not that," Shi Hao quickly shakes his head and clarifies, "Senior Miguel, with your incredible strength, subduing an exotic beast would be a walk in the park. However, the thing is, wildness is hard to tame. I'm afraid that taking this thing with us may cause a lot of trouble."

"Quit the nonsense! I don't care about any trouble. I've decided on this exotic beast, and no one can take it from me!" Miguel's tone is very assertive.

If he could make such a majestic exotic beast his mount, his name as the Desert Dragon would surely become known far and wide!
Chapter 1959: A terrifying display of intelligence

"Since Senior Miguel insists, I won't say more," Adriel says, seeing that his advice is not being heeded.

For such an unheard-of exotic beast, once it's revealed to the world, it will undoubtedly cause a sensation.

As for what will happen in the end, no one knows.

"Little girl, I want to capture this exotic beast alive. Can I borrow your Dragon-Binding Rope?" Miguel suddenly turns to Margaret.

With his level of cultivation, defeating this exotic beast is simple, but subduing and taming it would take some time.

Regular ropes would be ineffective against a creature of this size.

Only the Dragon-Binding Rope, a treasure, could bind such an exotic beast.

"Senior Miguel, since you've asked, I naturally won't refuse," Margaret gestures for the captain of the royal guards to bring the Dragon-Binding Rope, and then hands it to Miguel.

"Thank you, little girl. Today, I, Miguel, will owe you one. If you encounter any trouble in the future, don't hesitate to find me!" Miguel's mood is quite good after receiving the rope.

Just as he is about to approach the exotic beast, a sudden change occurs.

The black leopard-like creature, which had been feeding, seems to sense something and suddenly becomes alert, lifting its head.

Its emerald green eyes look left and right, and its steel-like black fur slightly stands on end, displaying a stance as if it's facing a formidable enemy.


At this moment, the ground in front suddenly explodes, creating a massive crater.

Following that, a sandy-yellow giant python bursts out of the hole.

This giant python is as thick as a water tank, and it stretches more than ten meters in length. Its entire body is covered in scales, glistening like metal.

From a distance, it looks like a locomotive.

"Oh my god!"

This unexpected turn of events startles everyone.

The black leopard-like creature was already terrifying enough, but now, an even more frightening giant python has emerged.

How many monsters are hidden in this place?


The yellow giant python, bursting from the ground, lets out a piercing hiss and charges toward the black leopard-like creature.


The black leopard-like creature, not to be outdone, roars and charges head-on at the giant python.

The two exotic beasts quickly engage in a fierce battle.

The advantage of the black leopard-like creature lies in its speed, sharp claws and fangs, and its agility in movement.

On the other hand, the giant python has the advantage of its enormous size, incredible strength, and high defense.

The black leopard-like creature's attacks mainly involve biting and slashing before retreating after each strike, avoiding prolonged combat.

As for the giant python, it mainly uses its body to slam or its tail to strike.

The two exotic beasts engage in a back-and-forth battle.

On the surface, the black leopard-like creature seems to have the upper hand because each of its attacks leaves several wounds on the giant python.

In contrast, the giant python, due to its bulky body, appears somewhat clumsy and can't gain the upper hand against the black leopard-like creature.

"Hahaha... it looks like my mount is still superior!" Seeing this scene, Miguel can't help but burst into laughter, feeling even more delighted.

If he can tame this exotic beast as his mount, he will undoubtedly become incredibly prestigious when he goes out in the future.

"The python hasn't fully exerted its power yet. It's hard to say who will win. The deer may die at the hands of the hunter; it's difficult to predict," Dustin calmly remarks.

The black leopard-like creature may seem ferocious, often lunging forward to strike with its claws.

However, its attacks are largely ineffective against the well-armored giant python with its thick skin and scales.

"Young man, it seems like you need to practice your observation skills. It's so obvious that even I can see it. I guarantee that in less than three minutes, that giant python will be in full retreat!" Miguel confidently declares.

"Is that so? Then let's watch and see," Dustin smiles faintly and doesn't say much.

The battle between the two exotic beasts intensifies.

Wherever they go, destruction follows.

Even the defensive structures in front of the camp have been heavily damaged.

These defenses are sufficient against ordinary beasts, but they are completely inadequate against powerful exotic beasts like these.

To avoid collateral damage, everyone has to keep their distance.


As the battle rages on, the black leopard-like creature seems to have found an opening and suddenly bites the giant python on the neck.

Then it starts tearing frantically, attempting to deliver a fatal blow.

The giant python appears to have been prepared for this. When it is bitten on the neck, it suddenly turns around and spews a black poison mist from its mouth.


In the blink of an eye, the poison mist completely engulfs the black leopard-like creature.

The black leopard-like creature cries out in agony and dares not continue to tear. Instead, it turns and flees.

However, after being poisoned, its speed noticeably slows down.

Seizing the opportunity, the giant python strikes it with a heavy whip-like tail.

The black leopard-like creature is instantly flung more than ten meters away, crashing into two large trees before coming to a stop.

Just as it shudders and tries to stand up, the giant python swiftly slithers over and coils around the black leopard-like creature's body, then slowly tightens its grip.

It's evident that it intends to use its immense strength to strangle the black leopard-like creature to death.


Faced with the threat of death, the black leopard-like creature howls and struggles incessantly.

However, its body is already bound, and it can't move.

It can only helplessly watch as the giant python slowly compresses its body, gradually squeezing the air out of it.

Three minutes later.

The black leopard-like creature has completely lost its breath.

In this life-or-death struggle, it has been defeated.

The disparity in size and strength left no room for error.

Once the giant python had an opportunity, it meant becoming food.

"How could this happen? My mount actually lost?" Miguel frowns, his face showing displeasure.

He had thought the black leopard had a sure victory, but it was defeated by the giant python in the blink of an eye.

While the giant python is more formidable, it is not suitable to be a mount.

He can't ride a snake when he goes out, right?

That would look ridiculous!

"This giant python probably already possesses some level of intelligence and understands how to use tactics," Margaret remarks in amazement.

She has just realized that the giant python hadn't been using its full strength initially but had been feigning weakness, waiting for the right moment.

When the black leopard believed it had seized an opportunity, it had unknowingly fallen into the giant python's trap.

The true strength of the giant python wasn't its incredible power but its ability to deploy a hidden poison mist.

It's truly a terrifying display of intelligence!
Chapter 1950: I'm not going to eat you

The weather at night was very cold, with a chilling wind that made faces ache. However, during the day, it became scorching hot, as if being roasted over a fire. It was so hot that you could fry an egg on a rock in less than a minute. In this extreme environment with rapid temperature fluctuations, ordinary people couldn't endure it. Even with ample supplies, they could only meet their basic survival needs. The true test was one's willpower and the ability to withstand the harsh conditions.

Dustin, Margaret, and their group followed the map provided by Titus, moving steadily along the way. They traveled from nightfall to dawn, and then from dawn to night. Due to the large number of people, their progress was not particularly fast. However, they were well-prepared, and with their elite team, they could quickly handle any minor problems they encountered.

Night fell, and the moon was obscured by dark clouds, with the wind howling.

Margaret led the group and chose a suitable location to set up camp. After such a long journey, everyone was physically and mentally exhausted, and they needed a good rest to regain their strength. Once the tents were set up, Margaret ordered the chefs to start cooking.

With two top-notch chefs and a dozen assistants, they quickly got to work. After the exhausting desert journey of the past few days, a delicious meal and a few sips of wine felt like a treat.

In a large tent, Dustin, Margaret, Jackson, and a few others sat around, discussing their next steps. Due to the cold weather, they had also lit a campfire inside the tent.

"Miss Margaret, so far, our progress has been quite smooth," Jackson began.

"If everything goes well, we should reach the outskirts of the oasis tomorrow afternoon," Jackson said. "But it's worth mentioning that it's a frequent area for sandstorms, so we need to be cautious."

"I understand. Thank you for your hard work, Black Scorpion Expedition Team. You can go and rest for now," Margaret nodded in response.

"Goodnight, Miss Margaret," Jackson replied with a nod before leaving. Although he was reluctant, he had no choice but to say goodnight and exit the tent.

"Tonight, you can sleep here, Dustin. We've prepared a spot for you," Margaret suddenly suggested, sipping her tea.

"Huh?" Dustin was taken aback. "A man and a woman sharing the same room, is that appropriate?"

"What's inappropriate about that? I'm not going to eat you," Margaret rolled her eyes. "Besides, you're my personal bodyguard, and you should always be ready to protect me. I'm a defenseless woman, and what if something happens at night?"

"A defenseless woman?" Dustin couldn't help but smirk. "You may look delicate, but you're a true female grandmaster, not to mention your mastery of various mystical arts. You could probably take on many master-level warriors, not to mention a common fighter."

"Enough, don't dwell on it. Go to sleep; we have to get up early tomorrow," Margaret said, undressing and revealing her graceful figure. She quickly crawled into her sleeping bag and closed her eyes to rest.

Dustin was left with no choice but to make do for the night, contemplating the absurdity of the situation.
I wonder🤔 if Margaret is still wearing her veil 👰 while sleeping 😴
This book is taking a total different trend, pls let the author go back to the original trend where Natasha, Dahlia, Florence and witch queen play their roles. I can't wait to see reActions😇😇😩😫
Chapter 1959: A terrifying display of intelligence

"Since Senior Miguel insists, I won't say more," Adriel says, seeing that his advice is not being heeded.

For such an unheard-of exotic beast, once it's revealed to the world, it will undoubtedly cause a sensation.

As for what will happen in the end, no one knows.

"Little girl, I want to capture this exotic beast alive. Can I borrow your Dragon-Binding Rope?" Miguel suddenly turns to Margaret.

With his level of cultivation, defeating this exotic beast is simple, but subduing and taming it would take some time.

Regular ropes would be ineffective against a creature of this size.

Only the Dragon-Binding Rope, a treasure, could bind such an exotic beast.

"Senior Miguel, since you've asked, I naturally won't refuse," Margaret gestures for the captain of the royal guards to bring the Dragon-Binding Rope, and then hands it to Miguel.

"Thank you, little girl. Today, I, Miguel, will owe you one. If you encounter any trouble in the future, don't hesitate to find me!" Miguel's mood is quite good after receiving the rope.

Just as he is about to approach the exotic beast, a sudden change occurs.

The black leopard-like creature, which had been feeding, seems to sense something and suddenly becomes alert, lifting its head.

Its emerald green eyes look left and right, and its steel-like black fur slightly stands on end, displaying a stance as if it's facing a formidable enemy.


At this moment, the ground in front suddenly explodes, creating a massive crater.

Following that, a sandy-yellow giant python bursts out of the hole.

This giant python is as thick as a water tank, and it stretches more than ten meters in length. Its entire body is covered in scales, glistening like metal.

From a distance, it looks like a locomotive.

"Oh my god!"

This unexpected turn of events startles everyone.

The black leopard-like creature was already terrifying enough, but now, an even more frightening giant python has emerged.

How many monsters are hidden in this place?


The yellow giant python, bursting from the ground, lets out a piercing hiss and charges toward the black leopard-like creature.


The black leopard-like creature, not to be outdone, roars and charges head-on at the giant python.

The two exotic beasts quickly engage in a fierce battle.

The advantage of the black leopard-like creature lies in its speed, sharp claws and fangs, and its agility in movement.

On the other hand, the giant python has the advantage of its enormous size, incredible strength, and high defense.

The black leopard-like creature's attacks mainly involve biting and slashing before retreating after each strike, avoiding prolonged combat.

As for the giant python, it mainly uses its body to slam or its tail to strike.

The two exotic beasts engage in a back-and-forth battle.

On the surface, the black leopard-like creature seems to have the upper hand because each of its attacks leaves several wounds on the giant python.

In contrast, the giant python, due to its bulky body, appears somewhat clumsy and can't gain the upper hand against the black leopard-like creature.

"Hahaha... it looks like my mount is still superior!" Seeing this scene, Miguel can't help but burst into laughter, feeling even more delighted.

If he can tame this exotic beast as his mount, he will undoubtedly become incredibly prestigious when he goes out in the future.

"The python hasn't fully exerted its power yet. It's hard to say who will win. The deer may die at the hands of the hunter; it's difficult to predict," Dustin calmly remarks.

The black leopard-like creature may seem ferocious, often lunging forward to strike with its claws.

However, its attacks are largely ineffective against the well-armored giant python with its thick skin and scales.

"Young man, it seems like you need to practice your observation skills. It's so obvious that even I can see it. I guarantee that in less than three minutes, that giant python will be in full retreat!" Miguel confidently declares.

"Is that so? Then let's watch and see," Dustin smiles faintly and doesn't say much.

The battle between the two exotic beasts intensifies.

Wherever they go, destruction follows.

Even the defensive structures in front of the camp have been heavily damaged.

These defenses are sufficient against ordinary beasts, but they are completely inadequate against powerful exotic beasts like these.

To avoid collateral damage, everyone has to keep their distance.


As the battle rages on, the black leopard-like creature seems to have found an opening and suddenly bites the giant python on the neck.

Then it starts tearing frantically, attempting to deliver a fatal blow.

The giant python appears to have been prepared for this. When it is bitten on the neck, it suddenly turns around and spews a black poison mist from its mouth.


In the blink of an eye, the poison mist completely engulfs the black leopard-like creature.

The black leopard-like creature cries out in agony and dares not continue to tear. Instead, it turns and flees.

However, after being poisoned, its speed noticeably slows down.

Seizing the opportunity, the giant python strikes it with a heavy whip-like tail.

The black leopard-like creature is instantly flung more than ten meters away, crashing into two large trees before coming to a stop.

Just as it shudders and tries to stand up, the giant python swiftly slithers over and coils around the black leopard-like creature's body, then slowly tightens its grip.

It's evident that it intends to use its immense strength to strangle the black leopard-like creature to death.


Faced with the threat of death, the black leopard-like creature howls and struggles incessantly.

However, its body is already bound, and it can't move.

It can only helplessly watch as the giant python slowly compresses its body, gradually squeezing the air out of it.

Three minutes later.

The black leopard-like creature has completely lost its breath.

In this life-or-death struggle, it has been defeated.

The disparity in size and strength left no room for error.

Once the giant python had an opportunity, it meant becoming food.

"How could this happen? My mount actually lost?" Miguel frowns, his face showing displeasure.

He had thought the black leopard had a sure victory, but it was defeated by the giant python in the blink of an eye.

While the giant python is more formidable, it is not suitable to be a mount.

He can't ride a snake when he goes out, right?

That would look ridiculous!

"This giant python probably already possesses some level of intelligence and understands how to use tactics," Margaret remarks in amazement.

She has just realized that the giant python hadn't been using its full strength initially but had been feigning weakness, waiting for the right moment.

When the black leopard believed it had seized an opportunity, it had unknowingly fallen into the giant python's trap.

The true strength of the giant python wasn't its incredible power but its ability to deploy a hidden poison mist.

It's truly a terrifying display of intelligence!
Nazmul please can you start posting this novel too,trust me it is the best i have came across so far


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1961 is available on other sites... What happen to our master he's now getting late updates...
Chapter 1960: The black giant eagle

"Senior Miguel, it seems that the Dragon Binding Rope in your hands is of no use now," said Dustin, his expression a mix of amusement and sarcasm.

The Dragon Binding Rope might work against the bound Black Panther creature, but it was completely ineffective against the yellow giant python.

Or perhaps, there was simply no way to approach it.

"This beast! How dare it kill my mount? I must kill it!" Miguel couldn't bear the humiliation.

Just as he was about to take action and slay the yellow giant python, a sudden change occurred.

A massive shadow passed overhead, high up in the sky, catching everyone's attention.

The shadow belonged to a huge eagle, its body pitch black, its feathers like steel, with wings stretching over ten meters when fully extended.

At first glance, it looked like a passenger plane.

The eagle was incredibly fast, descending rapidly from the high altitude, covering several hundred meters in the blink of an eye.

Wherever it passed, a fierce wind roared, trees toppled, and sand and stones flew.


The gust of wind stirred up by the giant eagle made everyone sway, struggling to maintain their balance.


With a long cry, the black giant eagle suddenly pounced towards the yellow giant python, its two enormous claws, resembling steel, grabbed at it.


Seeing it couldn't dodge in time, the yellow giant python quickly opened its mouth and sprayed a black poisonous mist.

However, the black giant eagle seemed to have anticipated this, and in the instant the poison mist was released, its enormous wings shook violently.

A powerful hurricane instantly dispersed the poison mist.

Seizing this opportunity, the black giant eagle's claws fiercely gripped the yellow giant python's body.

The sharp claws, half a meter long, easily pierced through the python's scales, delving deep into its flesh.

In intense pain, the yellow giant python thrashed and struggled, but it couldn't break free from the grip.


The black giant eagle let out another long cry, rapidly flapping its wings, creating surges of fierce hurricanes. Its massive body immediately lifted off the ground, taking the yellow giant python with it, swiftly ascending into the sky.

The yellow giant python attempted to resist, but the black giant eagle used its long beak to peck violently at its head, creating a massive hole in an instant.

After a few convulsions, the yellow giant python fell completely still.

The black giant eagle, holding its prey, elegantly flew away.

The entire process happened so quickly that none of the people present had time to react.

Who would have expected such a turn of events?

They had thought the python was the ultimate victor, the apex predator standing atop the food chain. Little did they know that the once imposing python would become the prey of the black giant eagle in the blink of an eye.

As the saying goes, the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind.

In this oasis, the roles of hunter and prey were constantly shifting.

One moment you were the hunter, and the next moment, you could become the hunted.

When the black panther hunted the dear-horse creature, it had not anticipated being targeted by the python. Similarly, when the python hunted the black panther, it had not expected that a more powerful giant eagle was lurking above in the sky.

In just a few minutes, everyone witnessed the brutal laws of the jungle.

Here, no creature was safe.
Chapter 1961: His final words

One moment of carelessness could lead to a tragic fate.

The recent series of struggles was the best example.

"Oh my God! The python from just now was killed just like that?"

"The python was formidable, but unfortunately, it encountered its natural enemy."

"It's too terrifying! Even such a powerful python was instantly killed. Aren't we even more in danger?!"

As they looked at the mess on the ground, the people, amidst their shock, felt a deep sense of unease.

This place was incredibly cruel and dangerous.

At any moment, they could become prey for the exotic beasts.

And most likely, they would die without a clear reason.

At this moment, they finally understood why Titus had been driven insane with fear earlier.

Facing such a dangerous and terrifying place, even a normal person couldn't endure it.

Moreover, it was only the first half of the night. No one knew if even more powerful monsters would appear in the second half of the night.

"It seems this place is even more dangerous than we anticipated," sighed Adriel softly, his face filled with seriousness.

"It's said that fortune favors the bold. If it's not dangerous, how could those rare treasures be within our reach?" Miguel remained calm.

With his strength, he could easily handle even the black giant eagle they had just encountered, so he had nothing to worry about.

"What we fear is having a treasure hunt but not being able to enjoy the spoils," Adriel shook his head.

Fortunately, they were a large group, and they had Miguel, a martial arts master, with them.

If it were a lone disciple from the Gold Blade Sect venturing in alone, they might suffer heavy losses if they encountered some terrifying monster.

"Everyone, this place is not suitable for a long stay. Quickly pack your things and leave here. Let's find another hiding place," warned Margaret.

The commotion just now might attract other monsters. Moreover, the scent of blood here is strong. The longer we stay, the more dangerous it becomes.

For safety's sake, they must change their location.

"What are you all standing around for? Didn't you hear Miss Margaret's words? Move immediately!" Adriel shouted.

He directed the disciples of the Gold Blade Sect to start packing their belongings.

"Damn it! If I knew it was this dangerous, I would have left during the daytime!" someone in the group lamented, expressing regret.

"Enough of these pessimistic words. With Big Brother here, with Senior Miguel here, and with so many experts around, we can definitely return safely!" another man in a yellow robe spoke up, trying to console the others.

However, as his words fell, a sharp vine suddenly shot out from the ground with lightning speed, directly piercing through his chest.

The vine entered from his back and came out through his chest, smooth and unhindered, as if cutting through tofu.


The man in the yellow robe trembled all over and froze on the spot.

He stared wide-eyed, looking down at the vine that had pierced through him, his face filled with disbelief.

What just happened?

Where did this vine come from?

The man in the yellow robe stiffly turned his head, attempting to get a clear look at the thing that had attacked him.

But the next moment, a series of sounds of flesh being torn apart echoed, and more vines shot out, puncturing him all over.

The man's head tilted, and he died on the spot.

Even in death, he never expected that his words just moments ago would become his final words.
Chapter 1962: Regret came too late


Another man, looking at the man in the yellow robe pierced by the vines, was completely dumbfounded. He stood there in a daze, unable to react for a moment.

The person who was just laughing and talking, how did he suddenly die?

"Drip... Drip... Drip..."

The body of the man in the yellow robe was lifted high by the vines. Blood continuously sprayed out from his body and was swiftly absorbed by the vines. It was evident that the withered vines, after consuming the fresh blood, became fuller and shinier, with a faint layer of blood color coating their surface.

While the vines absorbed the blood, the body of the man in the yellow robe began to rapidly shrivel up at a visible speed.

In just a few breaths, the man in the yellow robe had completely turned into a dried-up corpse!

"Help... someone, help! There's a monster!"

It wasn't until this moment that the other man woke up as if from a dream, starting to scream and run for his life.

He didn't even care about the fallen knife on the ground.


Just as the man turned to flee, another vine shot out from the ground with lightning speed, piercing through his head like a javelin.

The vine penetrated from the back of his head, coming out from his mouth, pinning him to the ground.

The man widened his eyes, his face filled with horror, dying with his eyes open.

If he had known it was this dangerous, he wouldn't have come here for treasure hunting.

Unfortunately, regret came too late.

"Enemy attack!"

Seeing two disciples from the Gold Blade Sect killed, the people around immediately reacted. They drew their weapons, ready for a fight.

After draining the blood of the two disciples from the Gold Blade Sect, the vines seemed unsatisfied. They immediately attacked other warriors, resembling octopus tentacles, agile and flexible.

"Dare to kill my brother? I'll damn well kill all of you!"

Seeing his fellow sect members killed, a burly man instantly flew into a rage and immediately drew his sword, attacking without any fear.


The burly man roared, wildly swinging his large sword.

Sharp sword Internal Energy shot out, cutting the nearby vines into pieces.

The burly man's swordsmanship was exquisite, leaving no openings as he swung his sword. While on the offensive, he also managed to maintain his defense.

After he severed the two vines, the remaining vines changed direction and attacked him.

The vines were fast and powerful, but relatively fragile. While they could deal significant damage in a sneak attack, facing a martial arts expert head-on, they were easily cut apart.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

The burly man kept swinging his sword, launching continuous attacks.

A web of white sword internal energy formed in front of him, slicing all the incoming vines into sections.

"Amazing swordsmanship!"

Seeing this scene, many people showed surprise and admiration. The burly man was obviously one of the best among the Gold Blade Sect disciples.

Not only was he incredibly strong, but his swordsmanship was also impeccable, without any flaws.

He steadily and methodically cut down all the vines, remaining unscathed from start to finish.

His strength surpassed most of the people present.

No wonder he dared to take the lead; he had the corresponding confidence.


The burly man roared, and his steel sword swept through, severing the last vine from its roots.

Finally, he sheathed his sword and took a deep breath.

Although he managed to cut down all the vines after attacking aggressively, he had also expended a great deal of energy. His internal energy was struggling to keep up after the intense onslaught.
Chapter 1963: The silver vine

"Hmph! These damn things dare to attack my brother! I'll burn you all to ashes with fire!"

Seeing the severed vines still wriggling around, not completely dead, the burly man's anger flared up. He immediately picked up a nearby torch, ready to burn everything down.

"Sixth Junior Brother! Watch your back!"

At this moment, Adriel, who was some distance away, seemed to have spotted something and immediately shouted a warning.


The burly man felt a sense of danger and quickly turned around. He saw a silver vine, like a long spear, thrusting towards him.

The previous vines had been dull gray, appearing ordinary.

But this vine was silver, thicker, tougher, and faster.

"Courting death!"

The burly man's wrist turned, and his steel sword fiercely slashed at the silver vine, attempting to split it in half.


At the moment when the steel sword collided with the vine, sparks flew, accompanied by the sound of metal hitting metal.

The silver vine's attack came to a halt, but the burly man was pushed back two steps from the impact.

"So tough?"

The burly man's eyelids twitched as he glanced at his steel sword. He noticed a nick in the spot where he had just struck. In other words, the silver vine's hardness exceeded that of his sword.

What kind of vine was this? It was clearly a divine weapon!


Without giving the burly man time to react, the silver vine struck again.

Its speed was as fast as a silver lightning bolt.

The burly man didn't dare to underestimate it and immediately raised his sword to block.

Thus began an intense battle between the man and the vine.

Despite the burly man's fierce swordsmanship and frequent attacks, he couldn't cut through the silver vine at all.

Even with his full strength, the burly man could only shake the silver vine.

After a series of fierce clashes, the silver vine remained undamaged, while the burly man's sword was now full of nicks, almost falling apart.


After another powerful collision, the burly man's sword finally couldn't bear the strain and broke into pieces.

"Sixth Junior Brother! Retreat quickly!"

Seeing the situation turning dire, Adriel immediately shouted and rushed over, prepared to assist the burly man.

"Hmph! I refuse to believe I can't handle you!"

The burly man's face was full of defiance. He dropped his broken sword and grabbed the silver vine with both hands.

Soon, a tug of war ensued between the man and the vine.

Both sides struggled like they were playing a game of tug of war.

The silver vine desperately tried to retract while the burly man exerted force to pull it outwards.

For a moment, neither side could gain the upper hand.

"Get up!"

Gritting his teeth, the burly man stomped the ground, instantly channeling his qi throughout his entire body. His muscles swelled, veins bulged, his face turned crimson, and his eyes started to bleed.

Under the burly man's immense strength, the silver vine was gradually pulled out bit by bit.

"Sixth Junior Brother! Well done!"

Seeing this, Adriel's face lit up with joy. He drew his own sword, ready to cut the silver vine while it was still restrained.

However, at that moment, a sudden change occurred.


Just as the burly man struggled to pull, another silver vine shot out from the ground, piercing through the burly man's chest at lightning speed.

After the second silver vine emerged, it was followed by a third, fourth, fifth...

In the blink of an eye, over a dozen silver vines broke through the soil, stabbing the burly man's body from all directions, leaving him covered in wounds.
Chapter 1963: The silver vine

"Hmph! These damn things dare to attack my brother! I'll burn you all to ashes with fire!"

Seeing the severed vines still wriggling around, not completely dead, the burly man's anger flared up. He immediately picked up a nearby torch, ready to burn everything down.

"Sixth Junior Brother! Watch your back!"

At this moment, Adriel, who was some distance away, seemed to have spotted something and immediately shouted a warning.


The burly man felt a sense of danger and quickly turned around. He saw a silver vine, like a long spear, thrusting towards him.

The previous vines had been dull gray, appearing ordinary.

But this vine was silver, thicker, tougher, and faster.

"Courting death!"

The burly man's wrist turned, and his steel sword fiercely slashed at the silver vine, attempting to split it in half.


At the moment when the steel sword collided with the vine, sparks flew, accompanied by the sound of metal hitting metal.

The silver vine's attack came to a halt, but the burly man was pushed back two steps from the impact.

"So tough?"

The burly man's eyelids twitched as he glanced at his steel sword. He noticed a nick in the spot where he had just struck. In other words, the silver vine's hardness exceeded that of his sword.

What kind of vine was this? It was clearly a divine weapon!


Without giving the burly man time to react, the silver vine struck again.

Its speed was as fast as a silver lightning bolt.

The burly man didn't dare to underestimate it and immediately raised his sword to block.

Thus began an intense battle between the man and the vine.

Despite the burly man's fierce swordsmanship and frequent attacks, he couldn't cut through the silver vine at all.

Even with his full strength, the burly man could only shake the silver vine.

After a series of fierce clashes, the silver vine remained undamaged, while the burly man's sword was now full of nicks, almost falling apart.


After another powerful collision, the burly man's sword finally couldn't bear the strain and broke into pieces.

"Sixth Junior Brother! Retreat quickly!"

Seeing the situation turning dire, Adriel immediately shouted and rushed over, prepared to assist the burly man.

"Hmph! I refuse to believe I can't handle you!"

The burly man's face was full of defiance. He dropped his broken sword and grabbed the silver vine with both hands.

Soon, a tug of war ensued between the man and the vine.

Both sides struggled like they were playing a game of tug of war.

The silver vine desperately tried to retract while the burly man exerted force to pull it outwards.

For a moment, neither side could gain the upper hand.

"Get up!"

Gritting his teeth, the burly man stomped the ground, instantly channeling his qi throughout his entire body. His muscles swelled, veins bulged, his face turned crimson, and his eyes started to bleed.

Under the burly man's immense strength, the silver vine was gradually pulled out bit by bit.

"Sixth Junior Brother! Well done!"

Seeing this, Adriel's face lit up with joy. He drew his own sword, ready to cut the silver vine while it was still restrained.

However, at that moment, a sudden change occurred.


Just as the burly man struggled to pull, another silver vine shot out from the ground, piercing through the burly man's chest at lightning speed.

After the second silver vine emerged, it was followed by a third, fourth, fifth...

In the blink of an eye, over a dozen silver vines broke through the soil, stabbing the burly man's body from all directions, leaving him covered in wounds.
Hmmmmm, this story has lost it flair.
Chapter 1963: The silver vine

"Hmph! These damn things dare to attack my brother! I'll burn you all to ashes with fire!"

Seeing the severed vines still wriggling around, not completely dead, the burly man's anger flared up. He immediately picked up a nearby torch, ready to burn everything down.

"Sixth Junior Brother! Watch your back!"

At this moment, Adriel, who was some distance away, seemed to have spotted something and immediately shouted a warning.


The burly man felt a sense of danger and quickly turned around. He saw a silver vine, like a long spear, thrusting towards him.

The previous vines had been dull gray, appearing ordinary.

But this vine was silver, thicker, tougher, and faster.

"Courting death!"

The burly man's wrist turned, and his steel sword fiercely slashed at the silver vine, attempting to split it in half.


At the moment when the steel sword collided with the vine, sparks flew, accompanied by the sound of metal hitting metal.

The silver vine's attack came to a halt, but the burly man was pushed back two steps from the impact.

"So tough?"

The burly man's eyelids twitched as he glanced at his steel sword. He noticed a nick in the spot where he had just struck. In other words, the silver vine's hardness exceeded that of his sword.

What kind of vine was this? It was clearly a divine weapon!


Without giving the burly man time to react, the silver vine struck again.

Its speed was as fast as a silver lightning bolt.

The burly man didn't dare to underestimate it and immediately raised his sword to block.

Thus began an intense battle between the man and the vine.

Despite the burly man's fierce swordsmanship and frequent attacks, he couldn't cut through the silver vine at all.

Even with his full strength, the burly man could only shake the silver vine.

After a series of fierce clashes, the silver vine remained undamaged, while the burly man's sword was now full of nicks, almost falling apart.


After another powerful collision, the burly man's sword finally couldn't bear the strain and broke into pieces.

"Sixth Junior Brother! Retreat quickly!"

Seeing the situation turning dire, Adriel immediately shouted and rushed over, prepared to assist the burly man.

"Hmph! I refuse to believe I can't handle you!"

The burly man's face was full of defiance. He dropped his broken sword and grabbed the silver vine with both hands.

Soon, a tug of war ensued between the man and the vine.

Both sides struggled like they were playing a game of tug of war.

The silver vine desperately tried to retract while the burly man exerted force to pull it outwards.

For a moment, neither side could gain the upper hand.

"Get up!"

Gritting his teeth, the burly man stomped the ground, instantly channeling his qi throughout his entire body. His muscles swelled, veins bulged, his face turned crimson, and his eyes started to bleed.

Under the burly man's immense strength, the silver vine was gradually pulled out bit by bit.

"Sixth Junior Brother! Well done!"

Seeing this, Adriel's face lit up with joy. He drew his own sword, ready to cut the silver vine while it was still restrained.

However, at that moment, a sudden change occurred.


Just as the burly man struggled to pull, another silver vine shot out from the ground, piercing through the burly man's chest at lightning speed.

After the second silver vine emerged, it was followed by a third, fourth, fifth...

In the blink of an eye, over a dozen silver vines broke through the soil, stabbing the burly man's body from all directions, leaving him covered in wounds.
When will this forest movement be over, it's even better they take us to Florence and Dahlia than staying over 100 chapters in the Forest 😆😆😆
I am also eagerly waiting for this forest saga to get over so that we could get back to Natasha, Dahlia, Scarlet, Florence, Julie, Shiela and the other girls' drama, especially after knowing the true identity of the Logan!
Chapter 1963: The silver vine

"Hmph! These damn things dare to attack my brother! I'll burn you all to ashes with fire!"

Seeing the severed vines still wriggling around, not completely dead, the burly man's anger flared up. He immediately picked up a nearby torch, ready to burn everything down.

"Sixth Junior Brother! Watch your back!"

At this moment, Adriel, who was some distance away, seemed to have spotted something and immediately shouted a warning.


The burly man felt a sense of danger and quickly turned around. He saw a silver vine, like a long spear, thrusting towards him.

The previous vines had been dull gray, appearing ordinary.

But this vine was silver, thicker, tougher, and faster.

"Courting death!"

The burly man's wrist turned, and his steel sword fiercely slashed at the silver vine, attempting to split it in half.


At the moment when the steel sword collided with the vine, sparks flew, accompanied by the sound of metal hitting metal.

The silver vine's attack came to a halt, but the burly man was pushed back two steps from the impact.

"So tough?"

The burly man's eyelids twitched as he glanced at his steel sword. He noticed a nick in the spot where he had just struck. In other words, the silver vine's hardness exceeded that of his sword.

What kind of vine was this? It was clearly a divine weapon!


Without giving the burly man time to react, the silver vine struck again.

Its speed was as fast as a silver lightning bolt.

The burly man didn't dare to underestimate it and immediately raised his sword to block.

Thus began an intense battle between the man and the vine.

Despite the burly man's fierce swordsmanship and frequent attacks, he couldn't cut through the silver vine at all.

Even with his full strength, the burly man could only shake the silver vine.

After a series of fierce clashes, the silver vine remained undamaged, while the burly man's sword was now full of nicks, almost falling apart.


After another powerful collision, the burly man's sword finally couldn't bear the strain and broke into pieces.

"Sixth Junior Brother! Retreat quickly!"

Seeing the situation turning dire, Adriel immediately shouted and rushed over, prepared to assist the burly man.

"Hmph! I refuse to believe I can't handle you!"

The burly man's face was full of defiance. He dropped his broken sword and grabbed the silver vine with both hands.

Soon, a tug of war ensued between the man and the vine.

Both sides struggled like they were playing a game of tug of war.

The silver vine desperately tried to retract while the burly man exerted force to pull it outwards.

For a moment, neither side could gain the upper hand.

"Get up!"

Gritting his teeth, the burly man stomped the ground, instantly channeling his qi throughout his entire body. His muscles swelled, veins bulged, his face turned crimson, and his eyes started to bleed.

Under the burly man's immense strength, the silver vine was gradually pulled out bit by bit.

"Sixth Junior Brother! Well done!"

Seeing this, Adriel's face lit up with joy. He drew his own sword, ready to cut the silver vine while it was still restrained.

However, at that moment, a sudden change occurred.


Just as the burly man struggled to pull, another silver vine shot out from the ground, piercing through the burly man's chest at lightning speed.

After the second silver vine emerged, it was followed by a third, fourth, fifth...

In the blink of an eye, over a dozen silver vines broke through the soil, stabbing the burly man's body from all directions, leaving him covered in wounds.
It's going to be a long ride in the forest
I know it’s only a novel but…
I’m just wondering why they haven’t even begun to figure it out yet…?
Even Dustin, normally very smart and shrewd still keeps asking futile questions like “could this be related to the oasis…?
What Margaret is looking for is right here at the oasis.
It’s affecting the level of cultivation of every living creature in the oasis (animals, plants, insects), and that’s why everything is bigger and deadlier…
The real question is, how’s this going to affect THEM when they come out of the oasis - I mean, this is what killed Titus in the end: being exposed to this abnormally elevated levels of cultivation force…
And yet, they’re still acting like they have no idea what’s happening…
I know it’s only a novel but…
I’m just wondering why they haven’t even begun to figure it out yet…?
Even Dustin, normally very smart and shrewd still keeps asking futile questions like “could this be related to the oasis…?
What Margaret is looking for is right here at the oasis.
It’s affecting the level of cultivation of every living creature in the oasis (animals, plants, insects), and that’s why everything is bigger and deadlier…
The real question is, how’s this going to affect THEM when they come out of the oasis - I mean, this is what killed Titus in the end: being exposed to this abnormally elevated levels of cultivation force…
And yet, they’re still acting like they have no idea what’s happening…
Just be patience.
Chapter 1964: This is no oasis; it's hell

A silver tree vine, already very difficult to deal with.

However, no one expected that in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen equally powerful silver tree vines emerged.

The burly man was pierced into a bloody mess with countless wounds as he simply blinked.

"How could this be..."

The burly man stared in disbelief.

He thought that the silver tree vine he was dealing with was the most formidable skill of the monster, but it turned out to be just a warm-up.

What kind of monster is this, and why is it so powerful?

More than a dozen silver tree vines, like tentacles, lifted the burly man into the air, and then suddenly exerted force.


The burly man's body was instantly torn to pieces.

Large amounts of blood sprayed out, falling to the ground along with the fragments.

Unlike the previous blood extraction, the behavior of the silver tree vines this time seemed more like a display of dominance.


Adriel was furious, his eyes widened.

Watching his sixth junior brother being torn into pieces alive, he had completely lost his sanity at this moment.

Without caring, he rushed forward with his knife.

"Die for me!"

Adriel roared, swinging his long knife incessantly.

Sharp white knife energy, like a raging storm, swept towards the silver tree vines.

"Clang clang clang..."

Accompanied by a series of golden iron clashes.

Under Adriel's fierce attack, more than a dozen silver tree vines were actually forced to retreat step by step.

In terms of cultivation, knife techniques, and weapons, Adriel was far superior to the burly man who had been dismembered.

Every blow contained powerful true energy.

The originally extremely tough silver tree vines were quickly showing cracks under Adriel's relentless onslaught.

"Senior Brother! We'll help you!"

The other disciples of the Gold Blade Sect didn't hesitate and immediately rushed to assist Adriel in fighting the silver tree vines.

They were all elite members of the Gold Blade Sect, and their training and coordination made them work together seamlessly, relieving some of the pressure on Adriel.

"Beast! I'll uproot you!"

With the help of his junior brothers, Adriel's attack became even more fierce.

Before, he had to consider his own safety while attacking, which had made him somewhat restrained.

Now, he had no worries and just kept attacking fiercely, leaving his back to his junior brothers.

Adriel's knife techniques were very precise. If one strike didn't cut the silver tree vines, he would follow with two, three, four strikes, repeatedly inflicting damage on the same spot.

Although the efficiency was low, it was very effective.

As expected, with Adriel going all out, he soon gained the upper hand.

One by one, the silver tree vines began to be cut off.

After a few minutes, all the silver tree vines were broken.

The broken parts on the ground bounced around without stopping, demonstrating their formidable vitality.

"Pant... Pant..."

Adriel was panting heavily, drenched in sweat.

These silver tree vines were incredibly tough, and every strike required him to exert his full strength to inflict damage.

So, in just a few minutes, he had consumed most of his energy.

Fortunately, all the silver tree vines had been dealt with. If another dozen had emerged, he might not have been able to handle them.

"Senior Brother, are you okay?" one of the Gold Blade Sect disciples asked with concern.

"I'm fine," Adriel shook his head and quickly commanded, "Quickly, burn all these vines to prevent any surprises!"


Several Gold Blade Sect disciples responded and immediately went to fetch some oil.

However, the next moment, a despair-inducing scene unfolded.

"Thud, thud, thud, thud..."

With a muffled sound, the ground began to shake.

Countless gray tree vines suddenly burst from the soil, reaching into the sky.

Their numbers were countless, in the thousands, and beyond!

As soon as these gray tree vines appeared, they enveloped the entire camp.

It was as if they had wrapped everyone inside like dumplings.

From a distance, it looked like a massive birdcage!

"Thud, thud, thud..."

The ground shook again, and a large number of silver tree vines suddenly shot out from the ground.

At a glance, there were hundreds of them!


Seeing this scene, Adriel was struck dumb, standing there in shock, his face filled with horror.

Cutting more than a dozen tree vines had already drained his strength.

Now, facing hundreds of silver tree vines and tens of thousands of gray tree vines, how could he resist? How could he protect himself?

At this moment, it wasn't just Adriel who was shocked.

Including all the Gold Blade Sect disciples, all the Black Scorpion Squad members, and even Margaret's bodyguards, they were all terrified by the scene before their eyes.

They couldn't have dreamed that there would be so many tree vines.

They had all witnessed the battle of the Gold Blade Sect disciples just now.

Although gray tree vines were relatively fragile, their speed and power made them dangerous, and a single slip could result in being pierced.

As for silver tree vines, there was no need to say anything. Their speed and attack power had increased exponentially, and they were incredibly tough, making them almost invulnerable to blades and swords.

Dealing with gray tree vines required extreme caution, and dealing with silver tree vines was even more perilous.

This was under the assumption that there were only a few tree vines.

However, now, the countless tree vines that covered the entire area were beyond imagination.

Once they launched an attack, the only outcome waiting for them was death!

The only difference was the speed at which they would meet their demise.

"How could this happen? Why are there so many tree vines?"

"We're done for! We're all going to die!"

"This is no oasis; it's hell!"
Watching the thousands of tree vines around them, most of the people had given in to despair.

They wailed and were terrified.

At this moment, they were like fish on a chopping board, awaiting their fate.

"Everyone, don't panic! Organize your forces immediately and prepare to break out!" Margaret quickly spoke out, attempting to calm everyone's emotions.

However, as her words fell, there was a resounding "thud."

A golden tree vine, as thick as a water tank and resembling a gigantic python, suddenly burst from the ground and soared into the sky.

This golden tree vine emitted a terrifying surge of spiritual power, making it more than a hundred times more powerful than the silver tree vines.

After emerging from the ground, the golden tree vine overlooked the crowd from above, like a king looking down on his subjects!
Chapter 1965: The golden tree vine

"What... what is this thing?!"

Staring at the towering golden tree vine in the sky, everyone was in shock beyond words.

The gray and silver tree vines were already awe-inspiring.

But when compared to the thick and long golden tree vine, they were nothing in comparison.

If the gray tree vines were soldiers and the silver tree vines were generals, then the golden tree vine was the king commanding them all.

It didn't need to take any action, just standing there was enough to fill people with dread.

"I have a bad feeling about this. This golden tree vine might be even more powerful than all the silver tree vines combined!"

"What do we do now? How can we deal with this?"

"Are we all going to die here today?"

At this moment, whether it was the disciples of the Gold Blade Sect, members of the Black Scorpion Squad, or Margaret's bodyguards, everyone felt like they were facing a formidable enemy and was filled with fear and anxiety.

The number of tree vines was just too overwhelming for them to handle.

"Don't panic, we still have Senior Miguel here. He can definitely deal with these things!" someone suddenly spoke up.

As this was said, everyone's eyes turned to Miguel.

Each person seemed to grasp onto this statement as if it were a lifeline, their faces filled with hope.

"Yeah! With Senior Miguel here, what are a few tree vines to us?"

"That's right! Senior Miguel is a desert dragon, a powerful martial arts master. Even if these tree vines are formidable, Senior Miguel can easily cut them down."

"This is great! Now we have a chance!"

Miguel's presence brought a sense of calm to everyone.

Almost forgotten in the chaos, they had a martial arts master of tremendous power in their team.

Regardless of the origin of these tree vines, they were no match for a martial arts master.

"Senior Miguel, the situation is critical, and we can only rely on you now," Adriel stepped forward and respectfully greeted Miguel with a fist salute.

Given his abilities, dealing with a dozen or so silver tree vines had already pushed him to the limit. In the current situation, only Miguel had the power to turn the tide.

"There are thousands of tree vines here. Even for me, it would be overwhelming to handle them all," Miguel said calmly.

If he were to handle all the tree vines by himself, he'd end up exhausted. Besides, that golden tree vine was obviously no ordinary plant, and he wasn't sure about its unique characteristics.

"Senior Miguel, it's unlikely that we can cut off all the tree vines, and even if we could, we'd suffer heavy losses. So, our best option is to break out of this situation," Margaret spoke seriously. "To minimize casualties, we need you to deal with the golden tree vine and restrain some of the silver tree vines, buying our team as much time as possible. As long as we break free, you can retreat at any time without risking a deadly battle."

"That's right!" Adriel nodded vigorously. "Senior Miguel, you only need to delay for us as long as it takes to brew a pot of tea!"

"I can agree to your request, but the question is, what's in it for me?" Miguel suddenly asked.

With his level of cultivation, he could easily leave everyone behind and escape on his own. Why should he bother dealing with these peculiar tree vines that offered him no benefit?

"Benefits?" Adriel was taken aback, not quite understanding. "Senior Miguel, aren't we allies? Allies should share both prosperity and adversity, shouldn't they?"

Chapter 1966: Break through

Miguel raised an eyebrow and said, "First, let's make it clear that we are just traveling companions, each taking what we need. We can't be considered allies. Furthermore, even if we were allies, who stipulated that we must share good fortune and adversity?"

"Uh, well..."

Adriel was left speechless by Miguel's words.

It seemed that the rumors about him in the martial world were not wrong – Miguel was quite temperamental.

"Senior Miguel, if you have any conditions, please feel free to ask. As long as we can do it, we won't refuse," Margaret responded quickly.

It was clear that Miguel intended to demand some benefits in exchange for his help.

"Great!" Miguel smiled slightly at Margaret's response. "I can help you get out of this dangerous situation, but the price is that you have to give me the Dragon-Binding Rope."

"What? You want the Dragon-Binding Rope?"

Upon hearing this, Adriel furrowed his brow.

The Dragon-Binding Rope was a priceless treasure capable of restraining a martial arts master. Miguel's demand at this critical moment was clearly taking advantage of their predicament.

A martial arts master should not stoop to such actions, and it was disappointing to see him do so.

"What? Not willing?" Miguel asked calmly. "Young lady, the Dragon-Binding Rope, no matter how good it is, is just an external object. Would you not use it to save the lives of all your people?"


Dustin was about to speak but was interrupted by Margaret, who raised her hand and said, "Very well, I agree. As long as you help us escape, I will gladly hand over the Dragon-Binding Rope."

"Hehehe... Smart young lady, I like doing business with clever people the most. It's a deal!" Miguel instantly wore a smile.

The Dragon-Binding Rope was an extremely valuable treasure with significant utility for Miguel. If he could acquire it, it would serve as a powerful trump card against formidable adversaries in the future.

"Senior Miguel, we are counting on you from here," Margaret said with a fist salute.

"Just a few tree vines, I haven't taken them seriously. Watch how I destroy them!" Miguel, filled with determination, drew his weapons. They were two crescent-shaped sabers with curved handles, unique in design but exceptionally sharp.

"You evil creatures! Retreat immediately!" Miguel shouted and charged straight at the golden tree vine, wielding his dual sabers.

"Why give away the Dragon-Binding Rope to him? It's not something to be casually gifted," Dustin couldn't help but speak.

Although Margaret had vast resources, a treasure like the Dragon-Binding Rope was not so easily acquired.

"The situation is unclear right now, and you can't reveal your strength. Besides, it's just one Dragon-Binding Rope. I can afford to give it away," Margaret replied casually.

They had only just entered the oasis, and various factions would come to vie for it in the future. If Dustin were to expose his strength too early, he would easily become a target of aggression. To ensure the overall situation, sacrificing one Dragon-Binding Rope was a small price to pay.

"Alright, you're the boss, and your decision stands," Dustin didn't insist further.

Margaret had his own plans, and Dustin's role was merely to assist. He didn't need to worry about the other details.

"Everyone! Form up and prepare to break through!" Seeing that Miguel had already engaged the golden tree vine, Margaret made a swift decision, quickly directing the others to form a defensive formation and then leading them to charge forward.
It seems the characters in this part of the story doesn't have much importance in the main story. Seems most of them going to die before completing this adventure. and yet they play the major part not Dustin or Margaret
It seems the characters in this part of the story doesn't have much importance in the main story. Seems most of them going to die before completing this adventure. and yet they play the major part not Dustin or Margaret
The writer is confused....
Chapter 1966: Break through

Miguel raised an eyebrow and said, "First, let's make it clear that we are just traveling companions, each taking what we need. We can't be considered allies. Furthermore, even if we were allies, who stipulated that we must share good fortune and adversity?"

"Uh, well..."

Adriel was left speechless by Miguel's words.

It seemed that the rumors about him in the martial world were not wrong – Miguel was quite temperamental.

"Senior Miguel, if you have any conditions, please feel free to ask. As long as we can do it, we won't refuse," Margaret responded quickly.

It was clear that Miguel intended to demand some benefits in exchange for his help.

"Great!" Miguel smiled slightly at Margaret's response. "I can help you get out of this dangerous situation, but the price is that you have to give me the Dragon-Binding Rope."

"What? You want the Dragon-Binding Rope?"

Upon hearing this, Adriel furrowed his brow.

The Dragon-Binding Rope was a priceless treasure capable of restraining a martial arts master. Miguel's demand at this critical moment was clearly taking advantage of their predicament.

A martial arts master should not stoop to such actions, and it was disappointing to see him do so.

"What? Not willing?" Miguel asked calmly. "Young lady, the Dragon-Binding Rope, no matter how good it is, is just an external object. Would you not use it to save the lives of all your people?"


Dustin was about to speak but was interrupted by Margaret, who raised her hand and said, "Very well, I agree. As long as you help us escape, I will gladly hand over the Dragon-Binding Rope."

"Hehehe... Smart young lady, I like doing business with clever people the most. It's a deal!" Miguel instantly wore a smile.

The Dragon-Binding Rope was an extremely valuable treasure with significant utility for Miguel. If he could acquire it, it would serve as a powerful trump card against formidable adversaries in the future.

"Senior Miguel, we are counting on you from here," Margaret said with a fist salute.

"Just a few tree vines, I haven't taken them seriously. Watch how I destroy them!" Miguel, filled with determination, drew his weapons. They were two crescent-shaped sabers with curved handles, unique in design but exceptionally sharp.

"You evil creatures! Retreat immediately!" Miguel shouted and charged straight at the golden tree vine, wielding his dual sabers.

"Why give away the Dragon-Binding Rope to him? It's not something to be casually gifted," Dustin couldn't help but speak.

Although Margaret had vast resources, a treasure like the Dragon-Binding Rope was not so easily acquired.

"The situation is unclear right now, and you can't reveal your strength. Besides, it's just one Dragon-Binding Rope. I can afford to give it away," Margaret replied casually.

They had only just entered the oasis, and various factions would come to vie for it in the future. If Dustin were to expose his strength too early, he would easily become a target of aggression. To ensure the overall situation, sacrificing one Dragon-Binding Rope was a small price to pay.

"Alright, you're the boss, and your decision stands," Dustin didn't insist further.

Margaret had his own plans, and Dustin's role was merely to assist. He didn't need to worry about the other details.

"Everyone! Form up and prepare to break through!" Seeing that Miguel had already engaged the golden tree vine, Margaret made a swift decision, quickly directing the others to form a defensive formation and then leading them to charge forward.
Just as they say, "too much of a thing is bad." I can add here that too much of a thing is soared.
In the writer's attempt to prolong this story, he has ended watering the substance and turning it to a substandard story.
As long as i care, he can dwell his entire life writing on the forest.
The story has lost it flair, tension, suspense and everything associated with a fantastic story.
So i can succinctly say, "Adieu The underestimated Dominance story."

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