An Understated Dominance Chapter 1301 to Chapter 2422 - English Version Translated by NAZMUL

English Version Translated by NAZMUL

An Understated Dominance is a Urban novel for men, telling a story of Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. "An Understated Dominance" delves into themes of ambition, power and the price of success. The novel explores the complexities of relationships and so on.
Chapter 1951: A large number of sand rats

The next day, early in the morning.

Before the day had fully brightened, Dustin was suddenly awakened by the sound of footsteps outside his tent.

He immediately turned over and got up, remaining vigilant in the darkness.

Soon, Brody's voice came, "Miss, something's wrong outside!"

Brody stood outside the tent to report, not daring to enter.


Hearing the commotion, Margaret slowly opened her eyes, slid out of her sleeping bag, and put on her outer clothes. She asked, "Brody, what's going on?"

"I just conducted a routine check and saw a large number of sand rats around the camp. I followed their activity tracks and found that our stockpile of supplies has been destroyed by the sand rat swarm," Brody said anxiously.


Upon hearing this, Margaret's expression instantly turned serious. She quickly opened the tent and walked out, saying, "Didn't I arrange for people to take turns guarding? Why did we still encounter a sand rat attack?"

"I don't know what happened. When the problem occurred, it was already too late," Brody said with a mournful face.

"Let's go, go take a look!"

Margaret didn't say much and immediately rushed to the location of the stockpile.

This time, to be cautious, she had brought various survival supplies and used a significant number of camels for transport.

Before nightfall, she had ordered the guards to keep a close watch, but she didn't expect that the supplies would be in trouble after just one night's sleep.

When Margaret and a few others arrived at the storage location of the supplies, they found thousands of sand rats running amok.

Food, water, and various supplies were scattered all over the ground.

Some members of the security team were vigorously driving away the sand rat groups around them.

However, these sand rats seemed to have no fear of humans at all and continued to plunder various types of food.

Seeing this, Margaret couldn't help but furrow her brow.

Sand rats are naturally timid and cautious, so it's rare for them to boldly steal human food.

The most critical issue was that the sand rat swarm not only had a large number but also seemed to be in a frenzy, making it impossible to drive them away.

Most of the survival supplies she had brought were already destroyed.

If it weren't for Brody's early discovery, the sand rat swarm would likely have looted all the supplies before daybreak.

"These damn beasts! How dare they steal our stuff? Kill them all!" Brody cursed in frustration after receiving the order.

Upon hearing the command, the members of the security team didn't hesitate. They took out their weapons and began hunting down the sand rats.

With the sound of gunfire and the clashing of weapons, one sand rat after another fell into a pool of blood.

Seemingly frightened, the previously ruthless sand rat swarm finally began to scatter and flee.

In a short while, they disappeared without a trace, leaving behind hundreds or thousands of sand rat corpses.

However, for the sand rat swarm, this loss was negligible.

Due to the gunfire, everyone in the camp had already been awakened.

When they saw the chaos on the ground, everyone's faces turned particularly grim.

On their journey, they had encountered various troubles like sandstorms, quicksand areas, venomous snakes, and scorpions. However, they had been fortunate enough to emerge unscathed, thanks to thorough preparations and minimal losses.

But now, a sudden rodent disaster had destroyed most of their supplies.
Chapter 1952: The timing

This was undoubtedly a devastating development.

"Miss Margaret! How could this happen? Where did these sand rats come from?" Jackson stepped forward and asked.

"Captain Jackson, shouldn't I be asking you that question?" Margaret's tone was indifferent. "You have been to the Death Desert multiple times, and you are familiar with the environment here. You also selected the camping site last night. Didn't you know that this place has sand rat swarms?"

"Miss Margaret, I truly didn't expect this to happen," Jackson hastily explained. "Normally, sand rat swarms only appear at the edges of the Death Desert, and they have fixed activity areas. The location we chose is nowhere near the sand rat swarm's range, and we shouldn't have encountered an attack."

"Miss Margaret, accidents can happen. When entering the Death Desert, you should be prepared for all sorts of unforeseen circumstances. Our captain did his best, and nobody expected a sand rat swarm here. If you want to blame someone, blame your own people for not guarding the supplies properly," the short-haired woman from the Black Scorpion Squad spoke up.

"She's right!"

A burly bald man nearby chimed in, "The ones who were supposed to guard the supplies are your subordinates. If something went wrong, don't put the blame on us."

"Brody, who were the ones guarding the supplies tonight? Bring them all here," Margaret spoke coldly.


Brody acknowledged and left quickly.

It didn't take long for him to return with a team of members and reported, "Miss, tonight, these five were on duty."

"What happened? Why didn't you notice the problem in time?" Margaret's tone remained calm, but it was also icy.

This mission was of utmost importance, concerning the fate of the Dragonmarsh. She would not tolerate any negligence from her subordinates.

"Miss, we... we fell asleep," the team leader confessed with a guilty expression.

"Asleep?" Margaret raised an eyebrow. "All five of you fell asleep?"

"Yes," the team leader replied with his head lowered. "We don't know what happened, but shortly after nightfall, we felt extremely fatigued and dozed off. This attack by the sand rat swarm is our negligence, and we willingly accept punishment."

With that, the five of them knelt on the ground, looking as if they were ready to face the consequences.

As military personnel, when their negligence caused irreparable losses, they could only atone with their lives.

"This matter is suspicious, and not all the blame lies with you," Margaret said with a thoughtful expression, her brow slightly furrowed.

The elite team she brought with her this time was well-trained and capable of staying awake for three days and nights without any issues. While it could be explained if one person had slacked off and fallen asleep, it was highly unlikely that all five of them would do so simultaneously.

What was more peculiar was that as soon as these five individuals fell asleep, the sand rat swarm launched their attack. The timing was remarkably coincidental.

It was so coincidental that it made her suspect if someone might be tampering with things in the shadows.

"Brody, take a few teams and carefully investigate the surroundings. Look for any anomalies. Remember, leave no stone unturned!" Margaret immediately issued the order.


Brody responded promptly and directed his team to begin searching the area.

From her tone, Brody's team understood that this matter was not straightforward.

"Miss, we found something!"

After about the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, Brody returned, holding a pile of black objects in his hands.
Chapter 1953: Absolutely stunning

"Miss, this is what we found around the camp site, and it has a peculiar odor that attracted the sand rats," Bordy said as he held a bunch of black objects and approached Margaret and the others.

These black objects were about the size of soybeans and seemed to be some kind of bait, emitting a distinctive fishy smell.

"What is this?" Margaret asked, intrigued.

She leaned in to smell it, finding the scent somewhat pungent.

"It should be a mixture of food and medicine. I just tested it, and the odor it emits can quickly attract sand rats. So, the destruction of our supplies was not accidental; someone deliberately sabotaged it," Bordy explained.

"So, someone intentionally plotted this rather than it being a mere accident?" Margaret quickly arrived at her conclusion.

It was evident that this bait, designed to attract sand rats, was not naturally occurring.

"Very likely," Bordy nodded and replied, "These black objects were scattered around our stored supplies, clearly meant to draw the sand rat swarm. Coupled with our guards mysteriously falling asleep, likely due to being drugged, it's reasonable to suspect foul play."

"Someone has been following us all the way, taking advantage of our relaxed guard to destroy our supplies, leaving us with no way out. The mastermind behind this is quite ruthless!" Margaret narrowed her eyes, her gaze filled with a chilling resolve.

She couldn't fathom who she might have offended, but she was being targeted repeatedly. First, it was the poisoning incident at the hotel, and now this sabotage, making it impossible to turn a blind eye.

"You idiots! If I find out who's responsible, I'll skin them alive!" Jackson cursed with clenched teeth.

"The world is treacherous, and the hearts of people are wicked. Our route has been well concealed, so how could an outsider know?" Dustin pointed out the key issue.

They had left in the middle of the night, and they had even encountered a sandstorm on the way. If there was anyone tailing them, they should have lost the tail by now. The fact that they faced this situation was highly suspicious.

"Are you suggesting there might be a mole among us?" Margaret's brow raised as she quickly grasped the implications.

"While not certain, it's highly probable; otherwise, it's hard to explain," Dustin nodded.

"Landslide-like!" Bordy concurred. "These black objects were scattered near our stored supplies, clearly meant to attract the sand rat swarm. When combined with our guards suddenly falling asleep, most likely due to being drugged, it's a reasonable deduction that someone is up to no good."

"Brother Dustin, you don't suspect us, do you?" Adriel was the first to speak up to prove his innocence. "We disciples of the Gold Blade Sect always act with integrity and would never engage in such despicable activities. If you don't believe us, feel free to search our tents!"

"Brother Adriel, don't be so agitated. I naturally trust your integrity," Dustin said with a faint smile.

"Hmph! If it were up to me, I wouldn't engage in such foolish activities. If I wanted revenge, I would use force directly. There's no need for these lowly tactics!" Miguel said, crossing his arms and sneering.

With his reputation as a Martial Arts Grandmaster, if he wanted to commit a crime, no one present could stop him.

"Dustin, these are just your speculations. If you have no evidence, it's best not to spread baseless rumors and sow discord!" Jackson said with a displeased expression.

"Right! In a situation like this, we should be united and work together instead of suspecting each other. Otherwise, we might fall into the enemy's trap!" the short-haired woman chimed in.

"I'm just speculating; we shouldn't harbor ill intentions, but we must remain vigilant," Dustin said calmly.

Using a sand rat swarm to destroy their supplies was a discreet and secure tactic, and it had to be admitted that the mastermind behind it was highly skilled.

"Everyone, now is not the time to assign blame. Let's think about how to recover our losses," Bordy began to mediate.

"Bordy, how much usable supplies do we have left at the moment?" Margaret suddenly asked.

"Miss, I just had someone count it, and the remaining supplies are enough for us to survive for three days," Bordy sighed lightly.

Their original supplies were sufficient to last a month in the Death Desert. Now, after the sand rat swarm attack, they had very little left.

"Three days?" Margaret furrowed her brow slightly. "Supplies are too scarce. We have to return to this area, which isn't enough for a round trip."

"Miss, what do we do now?" Bordy cautiously inquired.

"Select two elite squads, retrace the original route to the nearby village to purchase supplies. When you've gathered enough, come and meet us in the oasis. I'll leave marks along the way," Margaret quickly made a decision.

Time was running out, and various factions were all searching for the oasis. If the main force returned and collected supplies, it would be too late. They had no choice but to split up and act.

As long as Bordy could collect supplies quickly and arrive in a timely manner, they wouldn't have to worry about uncontrollable variables due to a shortage of supplies.

"Miss, I've taken my men with me. What about your safety?" Bordy hesitated.

"It's not a problem. With Mr. Dustin here, no one can harm me. Go and get it done as soon as possible," Margaret said calmly.


Bordy glanced at Dustin and ultimately nodded.

Although others didn't know Dustin's identity, he was well aware that with a grandmaster like Dustin at her side, there shouldn't be any major safety issues.

In the end, under Margaret's orders, Bordy led two elite squads and dozens of camels, retracing their steps.

"Everyone, this is not a good place to linger. Pack your things and let's get moving quickly," Margaret ordered.

Now that it was still early in the day, with the temperature relatively mild, it was the best time to travel. Otherwise, if they waited until the sun was high, the scorching heat would make the journey extremely challenging.

The main force moved on with occasional breaks, and they had been traveling for nearly a day. They finally arrived at their destination at dusk.

When everyone laid eyes on the oasis for the first time, they were left speechless, profoundly moved by the breathtaking sight.

Two words filled their minds.

Absolutely stunning!
Guys for you think dalia and her family plus Abigail will be back in the novel co, I miss that Dali's mum alogancy
Guys for you think dalia and her family plus Abigail will be back in the novel co, I miss that Dali's mum alogancy
I really don’t care if Daliah comes back unless it is to see and find out that Dustin is the new prince/king (he was a prince all along) and is marrying Natasha (or Margaret).
Just to see her reaction…
Chapter 1954: A place of refreshing coolness

Everyone walked together, and all they saw was a desolate land.

Wherever they went, there was nothing but sand, devoid of any signs of life.

However, what they were witnessing now was an entirely different extreme.

Looking ahead, there was a lush expanse of greenery, filled with flowers, grass, and trees. It was a vibrant and lively scene, teeming with life.

From a distance, it resembled a massive forest, with no end in sight.

If this were in a rainforest area, such a sight wouldn't be surprising.

But now, the group found themselves in the midst of a deadly desert, surrounded by a harsh environment where nothing could grow. Suddenly, they were confronted with this thriving oasis.

The impact on their hearts was beyond words.

The oasis in front of them seemed like a completely different world from where they stood.

One side was lifeless and covered in yellow sand; the other side was full of vitality, with lush green trees.

"My goodness! I never thought there could be a place like this in the deadly desert!"

"What kind of oasis is this? It's clearly a forest!"

"Surrounded by green trees, fragrant grass, and falling petals, it's truly a paradise on earth!"


Looking at the beautiful scenery ahead, the group couldn't help but exclaim in amazement.

The oases they had encountered before were mostly small groves.

Within the groves, there might be a pond, some flowers, trees, insects, fish, and birds, but nothing more.

However, the oasis standing before their eyes now looked more like a forest, stretching endlessly with luxuriant growth.

It was truly a marvel.

"Captain, when we entered the deadly desert last year, there wasn't this oasis, right? I can't believe such a significant change happened in just a year," said the short-haired woman from the Black Scorpion Squad, marveling at the abundant flowers, grass, and trees. Normally, it would take at least a decade or more for plants to grow so tall."

"Perhaps it's due to tectonic movements that led to underground rivers flooding, creating such a phenomenon," Jackson offered his explanation.

However, this explanation was clearly lacking in convincing power.

Even if we set aside the harsh conditions of the deadly desert, lush vegetation like this couldn't possibly exist, no matter how abundant the rainfall and sunlight were.

In the midst of the desert, a forest appearing out of nowhere blatantly defied common sense.

"What a treasure trove of wind and water!" exclaimed Adriel, his eyes gleaming. "There must be many treasures hidden inside!"

He had been skeptical of Titus's words before. However, witnessing this strange sight, he was now convinced for the most part.

"There might indeed be many treasures, but there are certainly dangers too. Be extremely careful when you go inside," Margaret reminded them.

"We have a large group and many experts among us. Even if we encounter danger, I believe we can overcome it safely," Adriel said optimistically.

With the Desert Dragon Miguel in charge of security, safety was undoubtedly guaranteed.

If necessary, they could just avoid trouble and hide for a couple of days. Adriel had already informed the Elders and Protectors of the Gold Blade Sect, and they would arrive soon. By that time, even if they faced formidable monsters, dealing with them would be a piece of cake.

"Everyone, while it's still dark, let's go in and explore the path," Miguel said eagerly. After uttering these words, he took the lead and walked into the oasis forest.

"Let's go."

Margaret didn't say much, leading the majority of the team closely behind Miguel.

Soon, the group of nearly a hundred people ventured into the oasis in high spirits.

As soon as they entered the oasis, they felt the heat dissipate from their bodies, replaced by a refreshing coolness.

A gentle breeze brushed their faces, carrying a special floral fragrance, making them feel relaxed and at ease.

Having endured several days in the desert, suffering greatly, they suddenly found themselves in a place filled with the fragrance of flowers and the sound of bird song.
Chapter 1955: Life Prolong Fruit

That feeling was as if they had entered a heavenly paradise on earth.

As they walked deeper into the oasis, almost everyone had smiles on their faces.

Dustin followed closely behind Margaret, his gaze vigilant, scanning the surroundings.

Although this place seemed calm, it concealed hidden dangers.

In the unseen underground and within the large trees, there were venomous insects and snakes.

However, because the sun had not set yet, these poisonous creatures were hiding in the shadows.

Once night fell, it would be their hunting time.

"Look! What is that?!"

While walking, a man from the Black Scorpion Squad suddenly exclaimed, pointing towards a certain spot.

Everyone followed his finger and saw three fruit trees amidst the dense vegetation.

These three fruit trees were lush with leaves and laden with bright red fruits.

Each fruit was crystal clear and exceptionally beautiful. When sunlight shone on them, they emitted a radiant ruby-like luster, looking extremely extraordinary.

"This, this, this... Could it be Life Prolong Fruit?!" someone exclaimed in astonishment.

"What? Life Prolong Fruit? Is it that treasure that can enhance cultivation and prolong life?!"

"Oh my goodness! So many Life Prolong Fruits! We're rich!"


Upon seeing the Life Prolong fruits on the trees, everyone became excited.

It's worth noting that Life Prolong Fruit had astonishing value and was a rare treasure for martial artists.

The spiritual energy contained within it was no less than that of Black Spiritual Crystals, and it also had the effects of strengthening the body and prolonging life.

In the martial arts world, Life Prolong Fruits were considered priceless treasures.

As soon as they appeared, they would be bought at a high price by others.

A single Life Prolong Fruit was already precious enough. However, now there were hundreds, even thousands of them laid out before their eyes. How could one not feel excited?

"Hurry! Hurry and pick the Life Prolong Fruits!" Jackson reacted quickly, commanding his subordinates to climb the trees and harvest the fruits.

They had come here seeking wealth, and as long as they packaged and took these Life Prolong Fruits with them, it would be enough to secure their fortune for a lifetime.

"If I were you, I wouldn't be so impulsive," Dustin spoke suddenly.

"What do you mean? Are you suggesting you want to hog them all for yourself?" Jackson's eyes turned cold.

Blocking someone's path to wealth was akin to killing their parents. If Dustin dared to stop them from picking the fruits, they would inevitably have to fight.

"Just offering you a piece of advice," Dustin said calmly. "This oasis is home to many birds and animals. Think carefully, if these fruits were edible, would they still be hanging there until now?"

"Hmph! Stop fearmongering. I think you just want to keep all the spoils for yourself!" Jackson said with a stern face.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you," Dustin said, uninterested in arguing further.

"Pick the fruits!" Jackson gave the command.

Immediately, seven or eight members of the Black Scorpion Squad discarded their heavy equipment and quickly climbed up the trees, collecting the Life Prolong Fruits as fast as they could.

"We're getting rich! We're getting rich!" The members of the Black Scorpion Squad were extremely excited, holding bags in one hand and continuously picking Life Prolong Fruits with the other.

"Senior Brother! If we don't act now, they will harvest all the Life Prolong Fruits," a disciple from the Gold Blade Sect couldn't contain his impatience.

"Take action!" Adriel hesitated for a few seconds and finally gave the order.

However, just as the disciples from the Gold Blade Sect were preparing to harvest the fruits, a sudden change occurred.
Chapter 1955: Life Prolong Fruit

That feeling was as if they had entered a heavenly paradise on earth.

As they walked deeper into the oasis, almost everyone had smiles on their faces.

Dustin followed closely behind Margaret, his gaze vigilant, scanning the surroundings.

Although this place seemed calm, it concealed hidden dangers.

In the unseen underground and within the large trees, there were venomous insects and snakes.

However, because the sun had not set yet, these poisonous creatures were hiding in the shadows.

Once night fell, it would be their hunting time.

"Look! What is that?!"

While walking, a man from the Black Scorpion Squad suddenly exclaimed, pointing towards a certain spot.

Everyone followed his finger and saw three fruit trees amidst the dense vegetation.

These three fruit trees were lush with leaves and laden with bright red fruits.

Each fruit was crystal clear and exceptionally beautiful. When sunlight shone on them, they emitted a radiant ruby-like luster, looking extremely extraordinary.

"This, this, this... Could it be Life Prolong Fruit?!" someone exclaimed in astonishment.

"What? Life Prolong Fruit? Is it that treasure that can enhance cultivation and prolong life?!"

"Oh my goodness! So many Life Prolong Fruits! We're rich!"


Upon seeing the Life Prolong fruits on the trees, everyone became excited.

It's worth noting that Life Prolong Fruit had astonishing value and was a rare treasure for martial artists.

The spiritual energy contained within it was no less than that of Black Spiritual Crystals, and it also had the effects of strengthening the body and prolonging life.

In the martial arts world, Life Prolong Fruits were considered priceless treasures.

As soon as they appeared, they would be bought at a high price by others.

A single Life Prolong Fruit was already precious enough. However, now there were hundreds, even thousands of them laid out before their eyes. How could one not feel excited?

"Hurry! Hurry and pick the Life Prolong Fruits!" Jackson reacted quickly, commanding his subordinates to climb the trees and harvest the fruits.

They had come here seeking wealth, and as long as they packaged and took these Life Prolong Fruits with them, it would be enough to secure their fortune for a lifetime.

"If I were you, I wouldn't be so impulsive," Dustin spoke suddenly.

"What do you mean? Are you suggesting you want to hog them all for yourself?" Jackson's eyes turned cold.

Blocking someone's path to wealth was akin to killing their parents. If Dustin dared to stop them from picking the fruits, they would inevitably have to fight.

"Just offering you a piece of advice," Dustin said calmly. "This oasis is home to many birds and animals. Think carefully, if these fruits were edible, would they still be hanging there until now?"

"Hmph! Stop fearmongering. I think you just want to keep all the spoils for yourself!" Jackson said with a stern face.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you," Dustin said, uninterested in arguing further.

"Pick the fruits!" Jackson gave the command.

Immediately, seven or eight members of the Black Scorpion Squad discarded their heavy equipment and quickly climbed up the trees, collecting the Life Prolong Fruits as fast as they could.

"We're getting rich! We're getting rich!" The members of the Black Scorpion Squad were extremely excited, holding bags in one hand and continuously picking Life Prolong Fruits with the other.

"Senior Brother! If we don't act now, they will harvest all the Life Prolong Fruits," a disciple from the Gold Blade Sect couldn't contain his impatience.

"Take action!" Adriel hesitated for a few seconds and finally gave the order.

However, just as the disciples from the Gold Blade Sect were preparing to harvest the fruits, a sudden change occurred.
Grandmaster Nazmul, thank you
Chapter 1955: Life Prolong Fruit

That feeling was as if they had entered a heavenly paradise on earth.

As they walked deeper into the oasis, almost everyone had smiles on their faces.

Dustin followed closely behind Margaret, his gaze vigilant, scanning the surroundings.

Although this place seemed calm, it concealed hidden dangers.

In the unseen underground and within the large trees, there were venomous insects and snakes.

However, because the sun had not set yet, these poisonous creatures were hiding in the shadows.

Once night fell, it would be their hunting time.

"Look! What is that?!"

While walking, a man from the Black Scorpion Squad suddenly exclaimed, pointing towards a certain spot.

Everyone followed his finger and saw three fruit trees amidst the dense vegetation.

These three fruit trees were lush with leaves and laden with bright red fruits.

Each fruit was crystal clear and exceptionally beautiful. When sunlight shone on them, they emitted a radiant ruby-like luster, looking extremely extraordinary.

"This, this, this... Could it be Life Prolong Fruit?!" someone exclaimed in astonishment.

"What? Life Prolong Fruit? Is it that treasure that can enhance cultivation and prolong life?!"

"Oh my goodness! So many Life Prolong Fruits! We're rich!"


Upon seeing the Life Prolong fruits on the trees, everyone became excited.

It's worth noting that Life Prolong Fruit had astonishing value and was a rare treasure for martial artists.

The spiritual energy contained within it was no less than that of Black Spiritual Crystals, and it also had the effects of strengthening the body and prolonging life.

In the martial arts world, Life Prolong Fruits were considered priceless treasures.

As soon as they appeared, they would be bought at a high price by others.

A single Life Prolong Fruit was already precious enough. However, now there were hundreds, even thousands of them laid out before their eyes. How could one not feel excited?

"Hurry! Hurry and pick the Life Prolong Fruits!" Jackson reacted quickly, commanding his subordinates to climb the trees and harvest the fruits.

They had come here seeking wealth, and as long as they packaged and took these Life Prolong Fruits with them, it would be enough to secure their fortune for a lifetime.

"If I were you, I wouldn't be so impulsive," Dustin spoke suddenly.

"What do you mean? Are you suggesting you want to hog them all for yourself?" Jackson's eyes turned cold.

Blocking someone's path to wealth was akin to killing their parents. If Dustin dared to stop them from picking the fruits, they would inevitably have to fight.

"Just offering you a piece of advice," Dustin said calmly. "This oasis is home to many birds and animals. Think carefully, if these fruits were edible, would they still be hanging there until now?"

"Hmph! Stop fearmongering. I think you just want to keep all the spoils for yourself!" Jackson said with a stern face.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you," Dustin said, uninterested in arguing further.

"Pick the fruits!" Jackson gave the command.

Immediately, seven or eight members of the Black Scorpion Squad discarded their heavy equipment and quickly climbed up the trees, collecting the Life Prolong Fruits as fast as they could.

"We're getting rich! We're getting rich!" The members of the Black Scorpion Squad were extremely excited, holding bags in one hand and continuously picking Life Prolong Fruits with the other.

"Senior Brother! If we don't act now, they will harvest all the Life Prolong Fruits," a disciple from the Gold Blade Sect couldn't contain his impatience.

"Take action!" Adriel hesitated for a few seconds and finally gave the order.

However, just as the disciples from the Gold Blade Sect were preparing to harvest the fruits, a sudden change occurred.
Thanks a lot Grandmaster Nazmul..👍👍👍
It's been long since he's away from kirin gang and Nicholson family. I think they will come back it will be too long if he have to collect all the dragon veins
Well ! It's possible but then who knows if one or more of the dragon veins could be in Milsburg and the other cities he's been to which may bring about reuniting or a form of surprise along the line.
Chapter 1955: Life Prolong Fruit

That feeling was as if they had entered a heavenly paradise on earth.

As they walked deeper into the oasis, almost everyone had smiles on their faces.

Dustin followed closely behind Margaret, his gaze vigilant, scanning the surroundings.

Although this place seemed calm, it concealed hidden dangers.

In the unseen underground and within the large trees, there were venomous insects and snakes.

However, because the sun had not set yet, these poisonous creatures were hiding in the shadows.

Once night fell, it would be their hunting time.

"Look! What is that?!"

While walking, a man from the Black Scorpion Squad suddenly exclaimed, pointing towards a certain spot.

Everyone followed his finger and saw three fruit trees amidst the dense vegetation.

These three fruit trees were lush with leaves and laden with bright red fruits.

Each fruit was crystal clear and exceptionally beautiful. When sunlight shone on them, they emitted a radiant ruby-like luster, looking extremely extraordinary.

"This, this, this... Could it be Life Prolong Fruit?!" someone exclaimed in astonishment.

"What? Life Prolong Fruit? Is it that treasure that can enhance cultivation and prolong life?!"

"Oh my goodness! So many Life Prolong Fruits! We're rich!"


Upon seeing the Life Prolong fruits on the trees, everyone became excited.

It's worth noting that Life Prolong Fruit had astonishing value and was a rare treasure for martial artists.

The spiritual energy contained within it was no less than that of Black Spiritual Crystals, and it also had the effects of strengthening the body and prolonging life.

In the martial arts world, Life Prolong Fruits were considered priceless treasures.

As soon as they appeared, they would be bought at a high price by others.

A single Life Prolong Fruit was already precious enough. However, now there were hundreds, even thousands of them laid out before their eyes. How could one not feel excited?

"Hurry! Hurry and pick the Life Prolong Fruits!" Jackson reacted quickly, commanding his subordinates to climb the trees and harvest the fruits.

They had come here seeking wealth, and as long as they packaged and took these Life Prolong Fruits with them, it would be enough to secure their fortune for a lifetime.

"If I were you, I wouldn't be so impulsive," Dustin spoke suddenly.

"What do you mean? Are you suggesting you want to hog them all for yourself?" Jackson's eyes turned cold.

Blocking someone's path to wealth was akin to killing their parents. If Dustin dared to stop them from picking the fruits, they would inevitably have to fight.

"Just offering you a piece of advice," Dustin said calmly. "This oasis is home to many birds and animals. Think carefully, if these fruits were edible, would they still be hanging there until now?"

"Hmph! Stop fearmongering. I think you just want to keep all the spoils for yourself!" Jackson said with a stern face.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you," Dustin said, uninterested in arguing further.

"Pick the fruits!" Jackson gave the command.

Immediately, seven or eight members of the Black Scorpion Squad discarded their heavy equipment and quickly climbed up the trees, collecting the Life Prolong Fruits as fast as they could.

"We're getting rich! We're getting rich!" The members of the Black Scorpion Squad were extremely excited, holding bags in one hand and continuously picking Life Prolong Fruits with the other.

"Senior Brother! If we don't act now, they will harvest all the Life Prolong Fruits," a disciple from the Gold Blade Sect couldn't contain his impatience.

"Take action!" Adriel hesitated for a few seconds and finally gave the order.

However, just as the disciples from the Gold Blade Sect were preparing to harvest the fruits, a sudden change occurred.
Thank you Grandmaster Nazmul. Break the realms once more... At least ten fold😊😊 in seclusion 💪💪
Chapter 1955: Life Prolong Fruit

That feeling was as if they had entered a heavenly paradise on earth.

As they walked deeper into the oasis, almost everyone had smiles on their faces.

Dustin followed closely behind Margaret, his gaze vigilant, scanning the surroundings.

Although this place seemed calm, it concealed hidden dangers.

In the unseen underground and within the large trees, there were venomous insects and snakes.

However, because the sun had not set yet, these poisonous creatures were hiding in the shadows.

Once night fell, it would be their hunting time.

"Look! What is that?!"

While walking, a man from the Black Scorpion Squad suddenly exclaimed, pointing towards a certain spot.

Everyone followed his finger and saw three fruit trees amidst the dense vegetation.

These three fruit trees were lush with leaves and laden with bright red fruits.

Each fruit was crystal clear and exceptionally beautiful. When sunlight shone on them, they emitted a radiant ruby-like luster, looking extremely extraordinary.

"This, this, this... Could it be Life Prolong Fruit?!" someone exclaimed in astonishment.

"What? Life Prolong Fruit? Is it that treasure that can enhance cultivation and prolong life?!"

"Oh my goodness! So many Life Prolong Fruits! We're rich!"


Upon seeing the Life Prolong fruits on the trees, everyone became excited.

It's worth noting that Life Prolong Fruit had astonishing value and was a rare treasure for martial artists.

The spiritual energy contained within it was no less than that of Black Spiritual Crystals, and it also had the effects of strengthening the body and prolonging life.

In the martial arts world, Life Prolong Fruits were considered priceless treasures.

As soon as they appeared, they would be bought at a high price by others.

A single Life Prolong Fruit was already precious enough. However, now there were hundreds, even thousands of them laid out before their eyes. How could one not feel excited?

"Hurry! Hurry and pick the Life Prolong Fruits!" Jackson reacted quickly, commanding his subordinates to climb the trees and harvest the fruits.

They had come here seeking wealth, and as long as they packaged and took these Life Prolong Fruits with them, it would be enough to secure their fortune for a lifetime.

"If I were you, I wouldn't be so impulsive," Dustin spoke suddenly.

"What do you mean? Are you suggesting you want to hog them all for yourself?" Jackson's eyes turned cold.

Blocking someone's path to wealth was akin to killing their parents. If Dustin dared to stop them from picking the fruits, they would inevitably have to fight.

"Just offering you a piece of advice," Dustin said calmly. "This oasis is home to many birds and animals. Think carefully, if these fruits were edible, would they still be hanging there until now?"

"Hmph! Stop fearmongering. I think you just want to keep all the spoils for yourself!" Jackson said with a stern face.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you," Dustin said, uninterested in arguing further.

"Pick the fruits!" Jackson gave the command.

Immediately, seven or eight members of the Black Scorpion Squad discarded their heavy equipment and quickly climbed up the trees, collecting the Life Prolong Fruits as fast as they could.

"We're getting rich! We're getting rich!" The members of the Black Scorpion Squad were extremely excited, holding bags in one hand and continuously picking Life Prolong Fruits with the other.

"Senior Brother! If we don't act now, they will harvest all the Life Prolong Fruits," a disciple from the Gold Blade Sect couldn't contain his impatience.

"Take action!" Adriel hesitated for a few seconds and finally gave the order.

However, just as the disciples from the Gold Blade Sect were preparing to harvest the fruits, a sudden change occurred.
You've done well Nazmul. At the end, you've ended more consistent than others. Congratulations to you.
Guys for you think dalia and her family plus Abigail will be back in the novel co, I miss that Dali's mum alogancy
Dahlia and her family can just go die...🤬 especially her mom. everytime Dustin meets them I wish he just shoot a silver needle between their eyes...

Natasha on the other hand... I hope she makes an appearance soon 😍
Chapter 1956: Red insects

A member of the Black Scorpion Squad hanging from a tree had just picked the first Life Prolong fruit and was about to pick the second one.

Suddenly, their arm trembled as if something had stung them.

Looking down, they discovered a red insect on the palm, its sharp mouthparts piercing the skin and swiftly burrowing into the flesh.

The Black Scorpion Squad member was startled and tried to swat it away but was a fraction too slow.

In the blink of an eye, the red insect burrowed into their arm, devouring the flesh and laying eggs frantically.


A sharp pain surged through them, and the Black Scorpion Squad member couldn't help but scream, falling from the tree.

Their arm's skin began to rot visibly, and countless red insects wriggled and squirmed in the decaying flesh, creating a horrifying sight.

"Help me! Please, help me!"

The Black Scorpion Squad member writhed in agony on the ground, their body rapidly withering, skin wrinkling, and face sunken.

In just a few breaths, the once muscular man had turned into a skeletal figure, resembling a corpse.

"What's happening?!"

Witnessing this, everyone's faces turned pale.

No one expected that someone who was perfectly fine moments ago would deteriorate so rapidly.

The emaciated appearance made it seem as though all the blood in their body had been drained.

"Look at his hand!"

Someone pointed to the Black Scorpion Squad member's arm.

Their entire arm had rotted away completely; most of it consisted of bare white bones, interspersed with a multitude of red insects between the bones and flesh.

These red insects multiplied at an unbelievable speed; as soon as they laid eggs, new insects would hatch out.

During this momentary distraction, half of the Black Scorpion Squad member's body had already been overrun by the red insects, a truly gruesome sight.

"Save me... save me..."

The Black Scorpion Squad member's cries for help gradually turned into feeble moans.

He attempted to reach out for help, but his remaining hand was also devoured by the swarm of red insects.

In less than two minutes, a living, breathing adult man had been completely transformed into a pile of bones.

"What... what are those insects? Where did they come from?"

"Oh my god! He was perfectly fine, and now he's been eaten like this?"

Witnessing the horrifying scene before them, everyone felt their scalps tingle with fear and their hearts tremble with horror.

They had no idea what was happening, only that the Black Scorpion Squad member had fallen from the tree and was then completely consumed by the swarm of red insects.


Just as everyone was still in shock and confusion, another member of the Black Scorpion Squad was struck. They fell from the tree, suffering a fate similar to the previous victim – their arm was invaded by unknown red insects, too.

With the second person affected, more quickly followed – the third, fourth, fifth...

In the blink of an eye, all the members of the Black Scorpion Squad who had climbed the tree to pick fruits had fallen to the ground.

Each one of them wailed in pain.

"Ah! My hand! There are insects! Insects burrowed into my body!"

"Captain! Captain, please save me!"


The Black Scorpion Squad members cried out, screamed, begged for help, writhing in agony on the ground. The pain of being devoured by countless insects was unbearable for ordinary people.

"Quick! Cut off their arms!"

Xue Feng's face changed color, and he quickly directed his two trusted subordinates to assist.

Given the rapid reproduction speed of those red insects, within two minutes, these affected individuals would be consumed to the bones.

He didn't have time to think about strategies now. To save the lives of his team members and prevent further harm, he had to sever their arms to stop the red insects from spreading throughout their bodies.

Without hesitation, Jackson and his companions rushed forward with their knives, swiftly cutting off the contaminated arms.

Once severed, the arms were quickly devoured by the red insects, leaving only bones behind.

Seeing the densely packed red insects, Jackson and his companions felt a chill down their spines.

If they had been a few seconds late, all the team members would have perished here.

"Medics! Quickly bandage their wounds!"

Margaret reacted swiftly, commanding her subordinates to bandage the injured individuals.

Although survival resources were scarce, medical supplies were abundant.

"Captain! How could this happen? Where did these strange poisonous insects come from?" a bald strong man said, his face filled with fear.

"It's the Life Prolong fruit!" Margaret said solemnly. "Everyone who came into contact with the Life Prolong fruit got infected. We can conclude that there's something peculiar about these Life prolong fruits!"

"Life Prolong fruit?" Jackson furrowed his brow slightly and walked to a team member. He opened the bag containing the Life Prolong fruit and was instantly horrified. He took several steps back.

The once translucent and clear Life Prolong fruit had cracked open at some point, and the crimson flesh was swarming with tiny red insects.

The flesh of the Life Prolong fruit had unexpectedly become a breeding ground for these red insects!

"Quick! Dispose of all the Life Prolong fruits! There are insects inside! Don't touch them with your hands!"

Realizing the situation, Jackson shouted urgently, immediately directing his two trusted subordinates to use the back of their knives to throw the fruits away from a distance.

No one expected that these valuable Life Prolong fruits would conceal so many strange poisonous insects.

For a moment, no one dared to approach them, especially the disciples of the Gold Blade Sect, who looked as if they had narrowly escaped a calamity.

Fortunately, they had fallen behind and hadn't hurried to pick the fruits; otherwise, their fate would have been the same as the Black Scorpion Squad members.

Some might lose their arms, and others might lose their lives!

After being bandaged, the bleeding from the severed arms was finally stopped.

However, losing their dominant hands meant a significant setback for the Black Scorpion Squad members. Not to mention searching for treasures, their future livelihoods would be challenging.

Watching their comrades die and suffer, Jackson's face turned particularly grim.

But now, regret was useless; it was too late to turn back.
Chapter 1957: Your people, your decision

A moment later, all the injuries of the Black Scorpion Squad members had been treated. However, due to their severed arms, their combat abilities and mobility were significantly reduced, and even self-defense became difficult.

" Jackson, do you want me to arrange for your men to be sent back?" Margaret glanced at the members of the Black Scorpion Squad and quickly turned her gaze to Jackson. They had not been in the oasis for long, and there was still a chance to leave. If they continued deeper, there might be no turning back.

"Captain! We're fine! It's just severed arms, nothing serious!"

"That's right! We've faced even more dangerous situations; this injury is nothing!"

"Captain! Trust us, we can definitely complete the mission!"


Feeling that they were about to be dismissed, the members of the Black Scorpion Squad began to speak up, asserting that they were capable.

They knew very well that if they turned back now, all the treasures they had obtained in the oasis would be lost to them. Although the rewards for this mission were substantial, when divided among everyone, it wouldn't be enough for their retirement.

Especially in their current state, having lost their arms, they needed to find more treasures and accumulate wealth to live out the rest of their lives securely.

So, they were unwilling to leave like this.

"Miss Margaret, my brothers here have been through countless battles and have extensive experience. They have long been prepared for the possibility of death. These minor injuries won't hold them back. I can guarantee that they won't drag us down!" Jackson said seriously.

He naturally understood his brothers' intentions.

Although this oasis was very dangerous, it also hid a lot of treasures. The saying goes that wealth comes from risks, and they couldn't afford to miss this opportunity to make a fortune. After years of risking their lives, most of them had already entertained thoughts of retirement.

Once they successfully completed this mission, they would earn enough money to live comfortably in their later years.

Having come this far, none of them were willing to give up.

"Very well, they are your people. You make the decision. If there's nothing else, let's continue," Margaret without saying much, giving the order to proceed.

Everyone had their own choices, and she had no right to interfere.

Before leaving, Margaret instructed her subordinates to make a sign with a warning message.

The sign warned future arrivals not to touch the Life Prolong fruits, stating that there was a danger to their lives.

Whether anyone would believe it or not was beyond her control.

After going through a tumultuous event, the team set off once again.

However, this time, compared to before, everyone became much more cautious.

No one dared to touch anything easily, no matter what they encountered.

After walking a few kilometers, the sky finally darkened.

The night was cold, with a biting chill that made people shiver.

To avoid accidents, Margaret had no choice but to order the team to set up camp on the spot and build defensive fortifications to prevent wild beasts from invading.

Fortunately, the team had many members, and they quickly cleared the area around them and set up numerous animal traps.

On the outer perimeter, they even dug a trench to store oil. In case of danger, they could immediately ignite the oil for defense and to drive away fierce beasts.

Although most of the members in the team were elite warriors and were not afraid of ordinary wild animals, the oasis was too mysterious, forcing them to be cautious.

After setting up the camp, most people retreated into their tents to keep warm. Only two patrol teams remained, circling the campsite, vigilant against any unforeseen circumstances.

As night fell, the entire oasis came to life. Insects chirped, birds called, and various animals roared, creating a cacophony of sounds. The ground trembled, and all sorts of strange movements and noises emerged, creating a stark contrast to the daytime silence.

It was at this moment that everyone realized the terror of this oasis. What they experienced during the day was just the tip of the iceberg; only now, under the cover of night, did the true nature of the oasis reveal itself.

Inside a certain tent, Dustin and Margaret sat across from each other, warming themselves by the fire and sipping tea.

"We have entered the oasis. Has your Heavenly Eye sensed anything?" Margaret broke the silence first. She had asked for Dustin's assistance not only because of safety concerns but also because he possessed the Heavenly Eye, which could penetrate illusions, decipher formations, and be used for treasure hunting. Whenever a treasure approached within a certain distance, the Heavenly Eye would sense it.

"In the southeast and northwest directions, there are faint sensations, but they are not very clear. Moreover, they don't match the description of the Dragon Vein Energy you provided," Dustin said lightly after taking a sip of tea.

Faint sensations could mean two possibilities: either the distance was too great, or the treasure was not significant enough. Of course, treasures like the Black Spiritual Crystal and the Life Prolong fruits wouldn't even qualify for the Heavenly Eye's attention.

"In that case, we have to continue deeper," Margaret nodded. She didn't expect to find traces of the Dragon Vein Energy within a day. However, considering their current situation, the sooner they completed the mission, the safer they would be.

"To be honest, I have a bad feeling. Finding the Dragon Vein Energy this time might not be easy," Dustin said casually.

"If it were easy, I wouldn't have asked for your help," Margaret said calmly. "The Dragon Vein Energy is related to the fate of the nation. No matter what difficulties we encounter, I must retrieve it."

"You're the boss; you call the shots," Dustin shrugged.

Having promised to help, he would naturally assist to the best of his ability.


Just as the two were chatting, a signal representing danger suddenly sounded. Immediately after, there was a roar of a fierce beast.


The roar echoed, causing a commotion throughout the campsite. Everyone picked up their weapons and rushed out of their tents, ready to face the unknown danger.

"What's going on?" Margaret frowned slightly. When she and Dustin went out to take a look, they coincided with the captain of the guards who hurriedly approached.

"Miss, an unknown creature is approaching. Please stay in the tent for now!" the captain of the guards said.

"Creature?" Margaret raised an eyebrow. "Let's go. Take me to see!"

"Miss, there might be danger!" the captain hesitated.

"With Mr. Dustin here, I'm not afraid of being harmed," Margaret said confidently.

Without further ado, she walked directly toward the source of the sound.

She wanted to see what kind of creature would dare to attack the camp at night.
Chapter 1957: Your people, your decision

A moment later, all the injuries of the Black Scorpion Squad members had been treated. However, due to their severed arms, their combat abilities and mobility were significantly reduced, and even self-defense became difficult.

" Jackson, do you want me to arrange for your men to be sent back?" Margaret glanced at the members of the Black Scorpion Squad and quickly turned her gaze to Jackson. They had not been in the oasis for long, and there was still a chance to leave. If they continued deeper, there might be no turning back.

"Captain! We're fine! It's just severed arms, nothing serious!"

"That's right! We've faced even more dangerous situations; this injury is nothing!"

"Captain! Trust us, we can definitely complete the mission!"


Feeling that they were about to be dismissed, the members of the Black Scorpion Squad began to speak up, asserting that they were capable.

They knew very well that if they turned back now, all the treasures they had obtained in the oasis would be lost to them. Although the rewards for this mission were substantial, when divided among everyone, it wouldn't be enough for their retirement.

Especially in their current state, having lost their arms, they needed to find more treasures and accumulate wealth to live out the rest of their lives securely.

So, they were unwilling to leave like this.

"Miss Margaret, my brothers here have been through countless battles and have extensive experience. They have long been prepared for the possibility of death. These minor injuries won't hold them back. I can guarantee that they won't drag us down!" Jackson said seriously.

He naturally understood his brothers' intentions.

Although this oasis was very dangerous, it also hid a lot of treasures. The saying goes that wealth comes from risks, and they couldn't afford to miss this opportunity to make a fortune. After years of risking their lives, most of them had already entertained thoughts of retirement.

Once they successfully completed this mission, they would earn enough money to live comfortably in their later years.

Having come this far, none of them were willing to give up.

"Very well, they are your people. You make the decision. If there's nothing else, let's continue," Margaret without saying much, giving the order to proceed.

Everyone had their own choices, and she had no right to interfere.

Before leaving, Margaret instructed her subordinates to make a sign with a warning message.

The sign warned future arrivals not to touch the Life Prolong fruits, stating that there was a danger to their lives.

Whether anyone would believe it or not was beyond her control.

After going through a tumultuous event, the team set off once again.

However, this time, compared to before, everyone became much more cautious.

No one dared to touch anything easily, no matter what they encountered.

After walking a few kilometers, the sky finally darkened.

The night was cold, with a biting chill that made people shiver.

To avoid accidents, Margaret had no choice but to order the team to set up camp on the spot and build defensive fortifications to prevent wild beasts from invading.

Fortunately, the team had many members, and they quickly cleared the area around them and set up numerous animal traps.

On the outer perimeter, they even dug a trench to store oil. In case of danger, they could immediately ignite the oil for defense and to drive away fierce beasts.

Although most of the members in the team were elite warriors and were not afraid of ordinary wild animals, the oasis was too mysterious, forcing them to be cautious.

After setting up the camp, most people retreated into their tents to keep warm. Only two patrol teams remained, circling the campsite, vigilant against any unforeseen circumstances.

As night fell, the entire oasis came to life. Insects chirped, birds called, and various animals roared, creating a cacophony of sounds. The ground trembled, and all sorts of strange movements and noises emerged, creating a stark contrast to the daytime silence.

It was at this moment that everyone realized the terror of this oasis. What they experienced during the day was just the tip of the iceberg; only now, under the cover of night, did the true nature of the oasis reveal itself.

Inside a certain tent, Dustin and Margaret sat across from each other, warming themselves by the fire and sipping tea.

"We have entered the oasis. Has your Heavenly Eye sensed anything?" Margaret broke the silence first. She had asked for Dustin's assistance not only because of safety concerns but also because he possessed the Heavenly Eye, which could penetrate illusions, decipher formations, and be used for treasure hunting. Whenever a treasure approached within a certain distance, the Heavenly Eye would sense it.

"In the southeast and northwest directions, there are faint sensations, but they are not very clear. Moreover, they don't match the description of the Dragon Vein Energy you provided," Dustin said lightly after taking a sip of tea.

Faint sensations could mean two possibilities: either the distance was too great, or the treasure was not significant enough. Of course, treasures like the Black Spiritual Crystal and the Life Prolong fruits wouldn't even qualify for the Heavenly Eye's attention.

"In that case, we have to continue deeper," Margaret nodded. She didn't expect to find traces of the Dragon Vein Energy within a day. However, considering their current situation, the sooner they completed the mission, the safer they would be.

"To be honest, I have a bad feeling. Finding the Dragon Vein Energy this time might not be easy," Dustin said casually.

"If it were easy, I wouldn't have asked for your help," Margaret said calmly. "The Dragon Vein Energy is related to the fate of the nation. No matter what difficulties we encounter, I must retrieve it."

"You're the boss; you call the shots," Dustin shrugged.

Having promised to help, he would naturally assist to the best of his ability.


Just as the two were chatting, a signal representing danger suddenly sounded. Immediately after, there was a roar of a fierce beast.


The roar echoed, causing a commotion throughout the campsite. Everyone picked up their weapons and rushed out of their tents, ready to face the unknown danger.

"What's going on?" Margaret frowned slightly. When she and Dustin went out to take a look, they coincided with the captain of the guards who hurriedly approached.

"Miss, an unknown creature is approaching. Please stay in the tent for now!" the captain of the guards said.

"Creature?" Margaret raised an eyebrow. "Let's go. Take me to see!"

"Miss, there might be danger!" the captain hesitated.

"With Mr. Dustin here, I'm not afraid of being harmed," Margaret said confidently.

Without further ado, she walked directly toward the source of the sound.

She wanted to see what kind of creature would dare to attack the camp at night.
Is getting really frustrating now. Just 2-3 chapters a day can be damn frustrating to read.
Chapter 1954: A place of refreshing coolness

Everyone walked together, and all they saw was a desolate land.

Wherever they went, there was nothing but sand, devoid of any signs of life.

However, what they were witnessing now was an entirely different extreme.

Looking ahead, there was a lush expanse of greenery, filled with flowers, grass, and trees. It was a vibrant and lively scene, teeming with life.

From a distance, it resembled a massive forest, with no end in sight.

If this were in a rainforest area, such a sight wouldn't be surprising.

But now, the group found themselves in the midst of a deadly desert, surrounded by a harsh environment where nothing could grow. Suddenly, they were confronted with this thriving oasis.

The impact on their hearts was beyond words.

The oasis in front of them seemed like a completely different world from where they stood.

One side was lifeless and covered in yellow sand; the other side was full of vitality, with lush green trees.

"My goodness! I never thought there could be a place like this in the deadly desert!"

"What kind of oasis is this? It's clearly a forest!"

"Surrounded by green trees, fragrant grass, and falling petals, it's truly a paradise on earth!"


Looking at the beautiful scenery ahead, the group couldn't help but exclaim in amazement.

The oases they had encountered before were mostly small groves.

Within the groves, there might be a pond, some flowers, trees, insects, fish, and birds, but nothing more.

However, the oasis standing before their eyes now looked more like a forest, stretching endlessly with luxuriant growth.

It was truly a marvel.

"Captain, when we entered the deadly desert last year, there wasn't this oasis, right? I can't believe such a significant change happened in just a year," said the short-haired woman from the Black Scorpion Squad, marveling at the abundant flowers, grass, and trees. Normally, it would take at least a decade or more for plants to grow so tall."

"Perhaps it's due to tectonic movements that led to underground rivers flooding, creating such a phenomenon," Jackson offered his explanation.

However, this explanation was clearly lacking in convincing power.

Even if we set aside the harsh conditions of the deadly desert, lush vegetation like this couldn't possibly exist, no matter how abundant the rainfall and sunlight were.

In the midst of the desert, a forest appearing out of nowhere blatantly defied common sense.

"What a treasure trove of wind and water!" exclaimed Adriel, his eyes gleaming. "There must be many treasures hidden inside!"

He had been skeptical of Titus's words before. However, witnessing this strange sight, he was now convinced for the most part.

"There might indeed be many treasures, but there are certainly dangers too. Be extremely careful when you go inside," Margaret reminded them.

"We have a large group and many experts among us. Even if we encounter danger, I believe we can overcome it safely," Adriel said optimistically.

With the Desert Dragon Miguel in charge of security, safety was undoubtedly guaranteed.

If necessary, they could just avoid trouble and hide for a couple of days. Adriel had already informed the Elders and Protectors of the Gold Blade Sect, and they would arrive soon. By that time, even if they faced formidable monsters, dealing with them would be a piece of cake.

"Everyone, while it's still dark, let's go in and explore the path," Miguel said eagerly. After uttering these words, he took the lead and walked into the oasis forest.

"Let's go."

Margaret didn't say much, leading the majority of the team closely behind Miguel.

Soon, the group of nearly a hundred people ventured into the oasis in high spirits.

As soon as they entered the oasis, they felt the heat dissipate from their bodies, replaced by a refreshing coolness.

A gentle breeze brushed their faces, carrying a special floral fragrance, making them feel relaxed and at ease.

Having endured several days in the desert, suffering greatly, they suddenly found themselves in a place filled with the fragrance of flowers and the sound of bird song.

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