An Understated Dominance Chapter 1301 to Chapter 2422 - English Version Translated by NAZMUL

English Version Translated by NAZMUL

An Understated Dominance is a Urban novel for men, telling a story of Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. "An Understated Dominance" delves into themes of ambition, power and the price of success. The novel explores the complexities of relationships and so on.
Chapter 1984: The treasures at the bottom of the lake are about to be revealed

"Are you threatening me?" Margaret asked calmly.

"You can understand it as... advice," Enzo said with a meaningful smile. "Miss Margaret, those who recognize the current situation are wise. You're a smart person, and I believe you should know how to choose."

In the southwest, the three major sects were highly respected. Among them, the Wanderer Dragon Sect was universally recognized as the first, followed by the Flying Snow Sect in second place, and the Gold Blade Sect in third.

With the combined power of the Flying Snow Sect and the Wanderer Dragon Sect, they could easily dominate the region. Looking across the entire southwest territory, who dared to confront them directly?

"Sorry, I'm afraid to disappoint you. I stick to what I said. Either we share equally, or there's no deal," Margaret's tone remained unchanged.

"Hmm?" Enzo's face darkened, and he said sharply, "You wench! Don't offer a toast only to drink a forfeit!"


Margaret's captain of the guard was furious, drawing his sword menacingly. Disrespecting their lady was a line they wouldn't allow to be crossed.

Once the captain moved, dozens of elite guards unsheathed their swords, displaying a restless demeanor.

"Young Master Enzo, it's better to choose your words wisely. Otherwise, once my subordinates act impulsively, they can do anything," Margaret's eyes turned cold.

"Fine! Very well!"

Enzo gritted his teeth and said ominously, "It seems you haven't realized the severity of the situation. Offending both our Flying Snow Sect and the Wanderer Dragon Sect, do you know what consequences you'll face?"

"I don't offend others unless provoked. If someone provokes me, I will retaliate," Margaret said without changing her expression.

"Hmph! I think you won't understand until you see the coffin!" Enzo was angered. Just as he was about to erupt, he was stopped by Marcel beside him, who raised his hand to signal for calm. "Brother Enzo, stay calm. Let me handle this matter."

Marcel approached, stared arrogantly at Margaret, and said, "Miss Marcel, to be frank with you, the experts of our Wanderer Dragon Sect and Flying Snow Sect are on their way and will join us soon. If you cooperate with us now, not only will you be safe, but you may also gain some treasures. On the contrary, if you insist on being our enemy, it's like a moth throwing itself into the fire, seeking its own destruction!"

"As far as I'm concerned, you are the ones unrelated to me. Why should I abandon my friends and choose to cooperate with a bunch of unrelated people like you?" Margaret retorted.

"If you don't cooperate with us, do you think you can successfully seize the treasure today?" Marcel narrowed his eyes.

"Whether or not we can find the treasures depends on each individual's ability," Margaret replied nonchalantly.

"So, you're not going to cooperate?" Marcel's expression gradually turned cold as he glanced at Miguel, who was pretending to sleep on a tree, and said loudly, "Senior Miguel, what are your intentions?"

Of all the people present, he could ignore everyone else, but Miguel was an exception. As a martial arts master and one of the top five strong individuals in the southwest, Miguel ranked high in both strength and reputation.

Unless absolutely necessary, even the Wanderer Dragon Sect wouldn't want to openly clash with such a powerful figure.

"I have no interest in your previous grudges. Anyway, I will choose three items from the treasures at the bottom of the lake first. The rest, you can distribute among yourselves. It has nothing to do with me."

Miguel lay on the tree trunk, hands behind his head, legs crossed, adopting an indifferent posture as if the matters at hand didn't concern him.

"Good! With Senior Miguel's words, I can rest assured!" Marcel nodded. Internally, he was already calculating, and his gaze swept back to Margaret. "Miss Margaret, did you hear that? Now that you've lost your backing, how do you plan to contend with us?"

As long as Miguel didn't intervene, the elite members of the Wanderer Dragon Sect and Flying Snow Sect were more than enough to handle these small fry. Of course, some casualties were inevitable.

"Even if Senior Miguel doesn't take action, you people won't gain any advantage," Margaret said casually.


Holding a knife, Adriel stepped forward and shouted, "With the Gold Blade Sect and Duck Sect here, we won't allow you to act recklessly!"

Several disciples of the Gold Blade Sect followed suit, their eyes watchful. Though their numbers were not large, their momentum was by no means inferior.

Mainly due to Margaret's bold and honorable behavior, she had earned their respect. For the sake of their interests, she dared to confront the Wanderer Dragon Sect and Flying Snow Sect head-on, a courage that was truly admirable.

As women, there was simply no comparison between Margaret and Aria in this regard.

"Brother Marcel, it seems negotiations are impossible. Let's just attack!" Enzo lowered his voice. "Adriel is already injured and not to be feared. As long as we join forces to deal with that guy Dustin, the rest of these lackeys are not worth mentioning!"

Upon hearing this, Marcel licked his lips, a glint of fierceness in his eyes. Miguel had made it clear he wouldn't interfere, so the biggest threat to them now was Dustin, who had defeated them before.

But as long as he and Enzo joined forces, dealing with Dustin should not be a problem.

At this moment, the sky gradually darkened. Both sides were on edge, ready to strike at any moment.


Marcel, with a dark expression, slowly unsheathed his treasure sword. Just as he was about to give the order to attack, a sudden change occurred.

From the depths of the lake, a large number of water splashes suddenly erupted.

"Gulong, Gulong..."

The water splashed continuously, emitting a loud sound. From this central point, ripples spread rapidly in all directions, gradually converging into waves.


At this moment, accompanied by a loud roar, a dazzling white light suddenly shot out from the bottom of the water, piercing the sky.

This white light seemed to be a pillar connecting heaven and earth, dazzling and awe-inspiring.

As soon as it appeared, it illuminated the entire lake as if it were daytime.

After the white light appeared, a huge vortex formed where the water splashed, and it continued to expand.

The vortex spun faster and larger, and a large amount of lake water was drawn into it.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, the lake water began to recede at a visible speed.

In just a few minutes, it had contracted by more than ten meters.

"Look! The tide is receding! The treasures at the bottom of the lake are about to be revealed!" Aria pointed to the center of the lake, both surprised and delighted.
I'm fucking getting bored without Natasha , she is the best character in the novel. I will stop reading it if it continued like this after 25 more chapters. I can't bear it now. Fucking torture. BTW , I'm relieved from torture of Dahlia and her mother , they r the worst.
I'm fucking getting bored without Natasha , she is the best character in the novel. I will stop reading it if it continued like this after 25 more chapters. I can't bear it now. Fucking torture. BTW , I'm relieved from torture of Dahlia and her mother , they r the worst.
But why do everybody hate Dahlia everything she did was to protect Dustin
Since she don't know much about Dustin it's natural for her to complain out of fear whenever Dustin has problem with the wealthy
And as for Natasha ,he met Dustin through a wealthy man and somehow he knows more about Dustin than Dahlia
Dahlia and Dustin's problem is because of Dustin keeps alot of secrets
But why do everybody hate Dahlia everything she did was to protect Dustin
Since she don't know much about Dustin it's natural for her to complain out of fear whenever Dustin has problem with the wealthy
And as for Natasha ,he met Dustin through a wealthy man and somehow he knows more about Dustin than Dahlia
Dahlia and Dustin's problem is because of Dustin keeps alot of secrets
How could she marry Dustin for 3 years without knowing anything about him. That shows how unserious Dahlia is. Dustin prove on countless occasion yet Florence and Dahlia never took him serious
It's lagging very badly due to the inconsistent posting. Only one or two chapters per day or none at all for weeks or months. It's really a disaster. The thrill in reading this novel is almost lost.
But why do everybody hate Dahlia everything she did was to protect Dustin
Since she don't know much about Dustin it's natural for her to complain out of fear whenever Dustin has problem with the wealthy
And as for Natasha ,he met Dustin through a wealthy man and somehow he knows more about Dustin than Dahlia
Dahlia and Dustin's problem is because of Dustin keeps alot of secrets
The problem is not about Dustin keeps secret , real problem is she never trusted Dustin , despite having married for 3 yrs. For her if he is doing something then it will cause trouble. That's still fine , but despite looking at situations where Dustin Single handedly solved problem , according to her its nothing , doesn't even matter to her , just careless. Her behavior just can't be bearable. And most importantly despite knowing how rude, arrogant her Mother and brother is(of course dead now) , she still supports them, knowing their worst kind of behaviour .
How could she marry Dustin for 3 years without knowing anything about him. That shows how unserious Dahlia is. Dustin prove on countless occasion yet Florence and Dahlia never took him serious
she is such a confused lady that, one day she starts loving Dustin, one day she starts hating him, one day she asks help from him, one day she just fights with Dustin over some stranger who suddenly becomes greater in her eyes and Dustin is just nobody, one day she just gets ready to marry with some pervert who is totally stranger for her and met just 2 days back, what should I say to such nonsensical lady??? Now I'm confused !!! 😂😂😂😂
The problem is not about Dustin keeps secret , real problem is she never trusted Dustin , despite having married for 3 yrs. For her if he is doing something then it will cause trouble. That's still fine , but despite looking at situations where Dustin Single handedly solved problem , according to her its nothing , doesn't even matter to her , just careless. Her behavior just can't be bearable. And most importantly despite knowing how rude, arrogant her Mother and brother is(of course dead now) , she still supports them, knowing their worst kind of behaviour .
The problem isn't Dahlia it's Florence and when it comes to love Dahlia truly loves Dustin even to the extent that she don't think she can live without him
But why do everybody hate Dahlia everything she did was to protect Dustin
Since she don't know much about Dustin it's natural for her to complain out of fear whenever Dustin has problem with the wealthy
And as for Natasha ,he met Dustin through a wealthy man and somehow he knows more about Dustin than Dahlia
Dahlia and Dustin's problem is because of Dustin keeps alot of secrets
She was married to him for 3 years. She didn't care enough to get to know him then. She went on to divorce him stating that he was not worthy enough for her due to her mother and brother. Then when she saw that Natasha, the steel lady was interested in him, she wanted him back as she felt he was a hot commodity now. That's just plain narcissistic behaviour. Even after that Dustin still had feelings for her. But everything there was an issue, she would turn on him without even asking him for an explanation. Even after he proved he was in the right multiple times she never trusted him to do the right thing or make the right choices. That's why we hate her.

Now compare that with Natasha who always had Dustin's back, trusted his abilities completely even though she did not completely know his capabilities. She even supported him on the spot even when he "killed" her cousin in front of everyone. That's a woman who truly loves Dustin. Ultimately she willingly sacrificed her life for him.

Dhalia does not deserve him. She's a narcissistic controlling woman with no trust in him. The author had to wipe her memories to try to redeem her. That's how bad she was.

Natasha is the best possible candidate for him and he also loves her. The next best would be Scarlett and Margaret. Shiela used to be good for him but she also chose the same path as Dhalia. It would be great if he Dhalia and her family never show up again.

The problem isn't Dahlia it's Florence and when it comes to love Dahlia truly loves Dustin even to the extent that she don't think she can live without him
She doesn't truly love him. If she did she wouldn't have divorced him and would have had his back. She never supported him.

She only wanted him when she saw that Natasha was interested in him. Typical Narcissistic behaviour. To her he was just another achievement.

Natasha is the one who truly loves him.
She doesn't truly love him. If she did she wouldn't have divorced him and would have had his back. She never supported him.

She only wanted him when she saw that Natasha was interested in him. Typical Narcissistic behaviour. To her he was just another achievement.

Natasha is the one who truly loves him.
Natasha saw some specialties in Dustin. She read Dhalia Profile why she got high position in just 3 years. She noticed it was Dustin behind it. So she kept eye on Dustin further.

Dhalia loved Dustin without knowing anything about him. She always cared when he fought because he was ordinary person for her. She got bitten to death but didn't told anything about Dustin. She committed suicide. We can't say much about their divorce as we don't know the story earlier. Novel just started here.

Some people will prefer Dhalia, and some will prefer Natasha. But writer have put great effort in both characters.

I personally would love Dhalia character more if her mom and Julie appearance were less with Dhalia.
The problem isn't Dahlia it's Florence and when it comes to love Dahlia truly loves Dustin even to the extent that she don't think she can live without him
Divorcing wasn't Florence's decision. It was her decision.
She doesn't truly love him. If she did she wouldn't have divorced him and would have had his back. She never supported him.

She only wanted him when she saw that Natasha was interested in him. Typical Narcissistic behaviour. To her he was just another achievement.

Natasha is the one who truly loves him.
Right!! It is more of Jealousy than Love for Dustin.
I'm fucking getting bored without Natasha , she is the best character in the novel. I will stop reading it if it continued like this after 25 more chapters. I can't bear it now. Fucking torture. BTW , I'm relieved from torture of Dahlia and her mother , they r the worst.
actually I would love for Dustin to do something... fight... mess with more sects... something. he's like nonexistent at the moment
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actually I would love for Dustin to do something... fight... mess with more sects... something. he's like nonexistent at the moment
But he is not even doing that. That's why its so boring. He is actually doing nothing , its just Talking , Talking and Talking of other characters.
Natasha saw some specialties in Dustin. She read Dhalia Profile why she got high position in just 3 years. She noticed it was Dustin behind it. So she kept eye on Dustin further.

Dhalia loved Dustin without knowing anything about him. She always cared when he fought because he was ordinary person for her. She got bitten to death but didn't told anything about Dustin. She committed suicide. We can't say much about their divorce as we don't know the story earlier. Novel just started here.

Some people will prefer Dhalia, and some will prefer Natasha. But writer have put great effort in both characters.

I personally would love Dhalia character more if her mom and Julie appearance were less with Dhalia.
If Dhalia couldn't figure out he was capable after 3 years of marriage, then it just shows the she never loved him. The fact that she could ask for divorce shows that completely.

Dustin always protected her even after the divorce. Do you really think he never stood up for her or protected her in the 3 years they were married? A story starts always somewhere and the readers can infer what happened before from the way the characters behave. Dhalia has never believed in him before the divorce which we can infer and never believed in him after the divorce which is clear in the story. Her love is based more on jealousy than true love. she only wanted him after she saw that he was valued by someone who was superior to her. If Natasha was not present she wouldn't have wanted to get back with him.

BTW, I'm not saying she didn't care about him. But there's more to romantic love than just caring about someone. It also requires trust, belief, communication and much more. At the moment of her suicide she did truly believe that she loved him. But she did not believe in him still. She did not want to get to know him. She just wanted him. He was a trophy to her by that point. So even if Dustin had gotten together with her at that point it was of no use as it would only turn bitter again.

Her amnesia is a new start for her. The author knew he couldn't whitewash her without it. Her behaviour hasn't been too bad now. Main reason is she wants to know more about him. Let's see how it goes. But honestly I still don't have high hopes for her especially cause of her family. Unless the author wants to kill them or give the whole damn family amnesia.

My ultimate wish is that Florence can see Dustin rise to the top of the world and regret her decisions.
It’s very simple:
You’re supposed to trust and support your spouse.
Daliah ALWAYS took everyone else’s side AGAINST Dustin and she never trusted/believed him.
That alone is enough reason for her and Dustin to never be together again.
And it looks like Dustin FINALLY - after being an idiot so many times - realised this and let Daliah go.
Daliah divorcing Dustin was the best thing to happen to him.
Chapter 1985: So many people came

Everyone was shocked by the scene before them.

A soaring white light rose into the sky, a massive vortex in the center of the lake, and the lake water shrinking in reverse flow.

All signs indicated that a major change was taking place.

The tense atmosphere between the previously confrontational parties was now completely drawn to the anomaly in the lake.

Everyone was secretly anticipating the revelation of treasure.


The vortex in the center of the lake spun faster and the affected area continued to expand. The reversed lake water poured into the vortex, disappearing from sight.

In the short time it took for an incense stick to burn, the majority of the lake had dried up.

And at the bottom of the lake, a palace-like structure was finally revealed to everyone.

The palace was large, entirely black, covered in moss, and had an ancient and dark style. It stood quietly, resembling a dormant primordial behemoth, giving off a tremendous sense of oppression.

"There really is treasure here! Fantastic!"

Seeing the palace, everyone became excited.

Judging by the scale of the palace, its original owner must have been incredibly wealthy, perhaps an influential aristocrat from ancient times.

Such a dignitary undoubtedly possessed numerous treasures.

Enough to make them rich.


At this moment, the Heavenly Eye Gem on Dustin's body vibrated even more intensely.

From this, it could be inferred that inside the palace, there must be priceless treasures.

Another stick of incense burned.

The water in the entire lake had completely disappeared, revealing a dark riverbed.

At this moment, a massive opening appeared in the middle of the riverbed.

Below the opening was a turbulent underground river.

Clearly, the lake water and the monsters in the lake had all been swept into the underground river.

Looking around, the entire lake resembled a colossal sinkhole.

In this sinkhole, apart from the proudly standing black palace, many animal skeletons remained.

Large and small, densely packed, and in peculiar shapes.

It looked particularly eerie.

At this moment, due to the soaring pillar of light, forces from all directions were drawn towards it. Various teams, from different directions, began to approach the lake.

These were all treasure-hunting teams. Because the pillar of light was too conspicuous, anyone entering the oasis would be alerted.

Some who were close arrived at the scene in advance, while others farther away were still on their way.

Although they didn't know what had happened, the sudden appearance of such an anomaly couldn't help but arouse curiosity.

So, within the short time of two incense sticks burning, around the lake, more than a dozen forces had gathered.

Among them were exploration teams, martial sects, official forces, and even foreign powers.

It was a diverse and comprehensive assembly.

"Damn! So many people came? This is trouble!"

Enzo scanned the surroundings and became alert.

Their original plan was to persuade Margaret to explore the river together. After success, they would seize the opportunity to eliminate the others and monopolize the treasure.

But now, with so many sudden competitors, it seemed unlikely that they could easily take possession of the treasure.

"The Thousand Birds Gate Sect, Shadow Sect, Ice Wind Sect, Carefree Sect... Forces from the southwest, west, and northwest have almost all arrived!" Adriel frowned, his expression somewhat grave.

Dealing with multiple factions from the Wanderer Dragon Sect and Flying Snow Sect was already challenging. Now, with major forces from the southwest, west, and northwest converging, it undoubtedly added insult to injury to the overall situation.

To seize the treasure, it seemed they would have to fight their way out.

"Miss Margaret, it's too late for regrets now. From now on, we must each face our own fate!" Marcel's face darkened.
Chapter 1986: Don't let them enter the palace

For no apparent reason, so many forces suddenly appearing completely disrupted his plans.

"It's getting more and more lively."

Miguel raised an eyebrow and finally jumped down from the tree.

It seemed like today he couldn't stay on the sidelines.

"Senior Brother Adriel, the situation is getting more chaotic. Let's wait and see for now. Let them fight it out. When they are engaged in a life-and-death struggle, we can take advantage of the situation."

Aria huddled next to Adriel, speaking in a low voice.

Given her current situation, engaging in a direct conflict with these forces would undoubtedly be seeking death. But she was unwilling to give up, so she could only bide her time and try to gain some benefits when the opportunity arose.

"I understand. Stand behind me later. I will make sure to protect you!"

Adriel vowed earnestly.

Now, combining the forces of the Gold Blade Sect and the Duck Sect, there were only a few people. They were indeed in a weak position.

Going against the current tide would not be a wise move.

"Brothers! There's treasure! Hurry, go grab it!"

At this moment, someone shouted.

The previously tense situation was instantly shattered.

Two forces simultaneously took action, jumping onto the river bed and rushing towards the palace in the center from the left and the right.

It was clear they intended to seize the initiative and be the first to grab the treasure.

With wolves outnumbering the prey, being a step slow might mean getting nothing at all.

Those lacking patience couldn't resist.

"Damn! We can't let them take the lead. Charge forward!"

With the lead of the first two forces, the entire situation became chaotic.

One force after another surged forward, continuously rushing toward the entrance of the palace.

No one knew how much treasure there was, and each grabbed what they could.

If they continued to wait and watch, they might end up with nothing.

"Brother Marcel! What should we do? If these guys snatch a large amount of treasure, our previous efforts will be in vain!"

Enzo tightened his fists, unable to contain his anxiety.

Although they had initially considered reaping the benefits without getting involved, the current situation looked far from optimistic.

Hundreds and thousands of people were rushing into the palace, grabbing treasures and dispersing in chaos. How could they handle this?

"Damn it! No more waiting! Let's snatch the treasures!"

After hesitating for a few seconds, Marcel couldn't hold back any longer. He led the disciples of the Wanderer Dragon Sect and surged forward.

"Disciples of the Flying Snow Sect, follow me!"

Enzo followed closely, fearing being left behind.

"Miss Margaret! Let's take action too, or it'll be too late!"

Seeing Margaret still motionless, Jackson grew anxious.

If all the treasures were snatched away, their previous efforts would be in vain.

"Don't rush. Let them fight first."

Margaret calmly spoke, her eyes showing no signs of disturbance.

At this moment, it was crucial to remain composed. The more anxious one became, the more likely mistakes were to happen.

"Miss Margaret, I understand your intention to wait, but the current situation is too chaotic. If we don't act soon, we might end up with nothing in the end," Jackson continued to persuade.

"Be patient. I have my own considerations."

Margaret remained calm.

Hearing this, Jackson felt anxious but had no choice.

With only five members left in the Black Scorpion Squad and no large force from Margaret to cover them, rushing forward might result in gaining nothing and putting themselves in danger.

"Quick! Stop them! Don't let them enter the palace!"

"Damn it! They dare block our way to wealth? Kill them!"

"Brothers, let's fight them!"

As various forces approached the palace, they began to engage in fierce battles, each trying to prevent the others from entering.

The sounds of shouting, screaming, and fighting echoed continuously.

For a moment, dead bodies littered the ground, and blood flowed like a river.
Chapter 1986: Don't let them enter the palace

For no apparent reason, so many forces suddenly appearing completely disrupted his plans.

"It's getting more and more lively."

Miguel raised an eyebrow and finally jumped down from the tree.

It seemed like today he couldn't stay on the sidelines.

"Senior Brother Adriel, the situation is getting more chaotic. Let's wait and see for now. Let them fight it out. When they are engaged in a life-and-death struggle, we can take advantage of the situation."

Aria huddled next to Adriel, speaking in a low voice.

Given her current situation, engaging in a direct conflict with these forces would undoubtedly be seeking death. But she was unwilling to give up, so she could only bide her time and try to gain some benefits when the opportunity arose.

"I understand. Stand behind me later. I will make sure to protect you!"

Adriel vowed earnestly.

Now, combining the forces of the Gold Blade Sect and the Duck Sect, there were only a few people. They were indeed in a weak position.

Going against the current tide would not be a wise move.

"Brothers! There's treasure! Hurry, go grab it!"

At this moment, someone shouted.

The previously tense situation was instantly shattered.

Two forces simultaneously took action, jumping onto the river bed and rushing towards the palace in the center from the left and the right.

It was clear they intended to seize the initiative and be the first to grab the treasure.

With wolves outnumbering the prey, being a step slow might mean getting nothing at all.

Those lacking patience couldn't resist.

"Damn! We can't let them take the lead. Charge forward!"

With the lead of the first two forces, the entire situation became chaotic.

One force after another surged forward, continuously rushing toward the entrance of the palace.

No one knew how much treasure there was, and each grabbed what they could.

If they continued to wait and watch, they might end up with nothing.

"Brother Marcel! What should we do? If these guys snatch a large amount of treasure, our previous efforts will be in vain!"

Enzo tightened his fists, unable to contain his anxiety.

Although they had initially considered reaping the benefits without getting involved, the current situation looked far from optimistic.

Hundreds and thousands of people were rushing into the palace, grabbing treasures and dispersing in chaos. How could they handle this?

"Damn it! No more waiting! Let's snatch the treasures!"

After hesitating for a few seconds, Marcel couldn't hold back any longer. He led the disciples of the Wanderer Dragon Sect and surged forward.

"Disciples of the Flying Snow Sect, follow me!"

Enzo followed closely, fearing being left behind.

"Miss Margaret! Let's take action too, or it'll be too late!"

Seeing Margaret still motionless, Jackson grew anxious.

If all the treasures were snatched away, their previous efforts would be in vain.

"Don't rush. Let them fight first."

Margaret calmly spoke, her eyes showing no signs of disturbance.

At this moment, it was crucial to remain composed. The more anxious one became, the more likely mistakes were to happen.

"Miss Margaret, I understand your intention to wait, but the current situation is too chaotic. If we don't act soon, we might end up with nothing in the end," Jackson continued to persuade.

"Be patient. I have my own considerations."

Margaret remained calm.

Hearing this, Jackson felt anxious but had no choice.

With only five members left in the Black Scorpion Squad and no large force from Margaret to cover them, rushing forward might result in gaining nothing and putting themselves in danger.

"Quick! Stop them! Don't let them enter the palace!"

"Damn it! They dare block our way to wealth? Kill them!"

"Brothers, let's fight them!"

As various forces approached the palace, they began to engage in fierce battles, each trying to prevent the others from entering.

The sounds of shouting, screaming, and fighting echoed continuously.

For a moment, dead bodies littered the ground, and blood flowed like a river.
Well, two chapters in two days isn't it at all. It means one to dwell on a story without an end at sight. It doesn't really make sense wasting precious time to be following up two chapters a day.
But why do everybody hate Dahlia everything she did was to protect Dustin
Since she don't know much about Dustin it's natural for her to complain out of fear whenever Dustin has problem with the wealthy
And as for Natasha ,he met Dustin through a wealthy man and somehow he knows more about Dustin than Dahlia
Dahlia and Dustin's problem is because of Dustin keeps alot of secrets
100% true, but Dahlia isn't smart like Natasha, clearly Dustin has escaped and even saved her in situations that an average man could be able to deduce that Dustin isnt simply like she thinks. Man Dustin always showed no fear when facing rich people Dahlia should have noticed like Natasha did
But he is not even doing that. That's why its so boring. He is actually doing nothing , its just Talking , Talking and Talking of other characters.
talking? I think he's said less than 20 words since they have been in the oasis... exactly boring... but I'll still read on... 😅
But why do everybody hate Dahlia everything she did was to protect Dustin
Since she don't know much about Dustin it's natural for her to complain out of fear whenever Dustin has problem with the wealthy
And as for Natasha ,he met Dustin through a wealthy man and somehow he knows more about Dustin than Dahlia
Dahlia and Dustin's problem is because of Dustin keeps alot of secrets
Not really. She literally had a new bf every few weeks and picked them/believed them over Dustin every time. Even after he saved Dahlia from getting murdered, r*ped, or tortured, (most of the time from the guys she picked over him) she would still go get a new bf the next day and start the repetitive cycle over again. That's why so many hate her.
Her storyline is legit:
1) Find random new bf with money, side with him over Dustin, help him publicly humiliate Dustin
2) new bf would then drug her and drag her to a hotel to r*pe or torture, Dustin would show up last second to save her
3) she would be nice to Dustin for a day
4) visit his clinic to square up and claim she would compete with Natasha for Dustin...
5) Then within a week find another bf and start back at step 1.
talking? I think he's said less than 20 words since they have been in the oasis... exactly boring... but I'll still read on... 😅
I am saying Talking of other characters , Dustin actually not even talking , except one odd sentence here or there.

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