An Understated Dominance Chapter 1301 to Chapter 2422 - English Version Translated by NAZMUL

English Version Translated by NAZMUL

An Understated Dominance is a Urban novel for men, telling a story of Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. "An Understated Dominance" delves into themes of ambition, power and the price of success. The novel explores the complexities of relationships and so on.
Chapter 1969: The golden tree vine was continuously growing back

At this moment, a few hundred meters away, Dustin, who was at the rear of the group, discreetly sheathed the Azure Sky Sword. Sensing Miguel's danger, he intentionally stayed at the back and swiftly swung his sword.

This silent and unnoticeable strike effortlessly severed the golden tree vine into two, rescuing Miguel from imminent danger.

Dustin's decision to intervene was driven by a combination of camaraderie among fellow travelers and the utility he saw in Miguel. As Margaret mentioned, various powerful forces had entered the oasis, and until they found the Dragon Energy source, it was unwise for Dustin to reveal his identity. Miguel's presence, being a Martial Arts Master, could help them deal with many troubles, acting as a deterrent against numerous lesser adversaries.

Considering these factors, Dustin had made that timely sword strike. Although the golden tree vine was formidable, it was only at the level of a Martial Arts Master, unable to withstand a strike from a top-tier Grandmaster.

In the midst of the battlefield, when the golden tree vine was cut, both the silver and gray tree vines began to tremble.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

With a series of breaking sounds, all the tree vines crazily attacked Miguel. The relentless assault covered the sky, leaving no room for evasion.

Without time to think, Miguel immediately picked up his dual blades from the ground, circulated his Grandmaster inner energy, and began slashing the attacking tree vines.

The golden tree vine was fast, powerful, and extremely tough, making it difficult to breach. However, the ordinary tree vines, whether gray or silver, posed no threat to Miguel. Even with his injuries, he could easily handle them.

Just when Miguel thought he was safe, the following scene made his face turn pale, and his heart trembled.

He noticed that the golden tree vine, which had been cut, didn't die immediately. After spraying a considerable amount of golden fluid, the wound on the golden tree vine began to visibly heal at an astonishing speed. Moreover, the severed part at the end was rapidly regenerating.

Its formidable vitality was chilling.

"How is this possible?!"

Miguel's pupils contracted, and he lost his composure.

A moment ago, a powerful expert had intervened and cut the golden tree vine with a sword, saving him from imminent danger. However, he didn't expect that instead of dying, the golden tree vine was continuously growing back.

Once the golden tree vine healed and returned to its original state, wouldn't he be in great trouble again?

Thinking of this, Miguel immediately sounded the retreat.

Now, with his injuries, he no longer had the capital to continue the fight. He had to withdraw immediately.

"Get out of my way!"

Miguel roared, and his dual blades erupted with numerous blade energies, shooting out in all directions like a storm.

Any tree vine that came close was cut into several segments by the fierce blade energies. The remnants of the tree vines rained down like a shower, covering the ground.

Within a radius of five meters from Miguel, it became a complete death zone. Any creature approaching would be shredded into pieces.

Miguel, while launching attacks, sprinted forward. The Grandmaster inner energy in his body surged like tidal waves, with no concern for consumption.

Every tree vine blocking his path was instantly torn apart.

Miguel was well aware that he must break through the encirclement in one go; otherwise, when the golden tree vine recovered, it would be too late to escape.

After a frantic battle, Miguel finally broke out of the encirclement and rendezvoused with the main force in front.

The tree vines did not pursue; they seemed to be out of attack range. After a frenzy of attacks, the gray and silver tree vines, protecting the golden tree vine, slowly retracted into the ground.

Everything became calm and quiet, as if nothing had happened.

However, the scattered remnants of tree vines on the ground and the lifeless bodies of humans spoke of the fierce battle that had just taken place.

"That was close! Finally escaped!"

Miguel wiped the sweat from his forehead, taking a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he didn't linger in the fight; otherwise, once trapped, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

"Senior Miguel is indeed formidable. With his strength alone, he killed all those tree vine monsters, and they fled in disarray. Truly admirable!"

"No wonder Senior Miguel, the renowned Desert Dragon, lives up to his reputation!"

"Thanks to Senior Miguel's timely help; otherwise, we would have suffered heavy casualties!"
As the crisis subsided, everyone gathered around, praising Miguel from all directions.

They had hastily escaped, not witnessing what had happened. When they turned back and saw the golden tree vine severed into two, and Miguel, wielding dual blades, slaughtering the surroundings, they were in awe.


Hearing the praise from those around him, Miguel couldn't help but show a strange expression. He couldn't decide whether to be happy or sad.

Others didn't know, but he was well aware. If not for the intervention of a powerful expert, he would have become a dead body by now.

The ability to effortlessly cut the golden tree vine with a sword indicated the expert's strength, far surpassing his own. He even dared to speculate that this mysterious figure might be a Grandmaster!

However, the problem was that in this wilderness, without anyone else around, how could such a powerful expert suddenly appear? Could that person be hiding among them?

Thinking of this, Miguel's heart tightened, and he scanned the surroundings, trying to find the high-level expert he imagined.

However, looking around, all he saw were unfamiliar faces, some of them young and others older, but none appeared to be even close to the strength displayed by the sword-wielding expert.

Could it just be a coincidence?

Did a passing high-level expert happen to save him with a casual strike?

"Senior Miguel, what's wrong with you? Your expression seems a bit off," asked Adriel strangely.

"It's nothing. I just consumed too much energy a moment ago, feeling a bit tired. I'll be fine after a short rest," Miguel shook his head, then suddenly asked, "Oh, by the way, did anyone among you provide support with a sword just now?"
Chapter 1971: Duck Sect

"Black Scorpion Team, can you figure out the background of those two groups ahead?" Margaret did not directly intervene but observed the situation and inquired about the details.

"The larger group, judging from their attire, seems to be from the Illusion Sea Alliance," Jackson carefully examined and quickly identified the clue.

"Illusion Sea Alliance? What's their background?" Margaret asked for more information.

"They are one of the six powerful factions beneath the top three sects in the southwest: the Wandering Dragon Sect, the Gold Blade Sect, and the Flying Snow Sect. However, Illusion Sea Alliance is different from ordinary major factions; they have a somewhat extreme style, and their reputation is not very good. People inside the alliance come from all walks of life, and their actions can be quite questionable," Jackson explained with narrowed eyes.

Upon hearing this, Adriel, standing nearby, couldn't help but snort coldly. "Hmph! In other words, Illusion Sea Alliance is a group of morally corrupt and low-character warriors forming an alliance. They talk about righteousness on the surface but secretly engage in robbery and pillaging. They are a bunch of scoundrels in the martial world!"

"I see." Margaret nodded and then asked again, "What about the people being besieged, who are they?"

"They are wearing elegant clothes, with no obvious symbols. I can't identify them," Jackson shook his head.

Ordinary disciples of sects usually wore uniform clothing when traveling. This helped in gaining recognition when making a name for themselves.

"Wait a moment! Senior Brother, don't you think those people look familiar?" At this point, a disciple from the Gold Blade Sect suddenly spoke up. "That woman in red clothes seems to be Senior Sister Aria from the Duck Sect!"

"Duck Sect?"

Adriel raised his eyebrows, looked again, and after a careful examination, his expression suddenly changed. He exclaimed, "It really is Aria!"

"Sis, do you have friends among them?" Margaret asked tentatively.

"More than friends. That woman in red, Senior Sister Aria, is my senior brother's fiancée!" The Gold Blade Sect disciple dropped a bombshell.


The shocking statement drew the attention of everyone.

Encountering each other in this desolate place was indeed an unusual coincidence.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, but today I must intervene to save them!" After confirming their identities, Adriel didn't hesitate and directly unsheathed his blade. Pointing forward, he said, "Gold Blade Sect disciples, follow me!"

With these words, he charged ahead.

"My apologies, Miss Margaret. I have to go." Following his senior brother's lead, the Gold Blade Sect disciples drew their blades and joined the battle.

Illusion Sea Alliance's reputation was already quite bad, and as righteous cultivators, they were already discontent with them. Now, bullying the fiancée of their senior brother in such a manner was like poking a hornet's nest.


Seeing their senior brother taking the lead, the Gold Blade Sect disciples didn't hesitate at all and immediately joined the fight.

The Illusion Sea Alliance's reputation had been low to begin with, and as righteous cultivators, they couldn't stand idly by. Bullying the fiancée of their senior brother was a provocation they couldn't ignore.

"Miss Margaret, the Gold Blade Sect and Duck Sect have always been on good terms, and the two sects often engage in intermarriages. Adriel's fiancée is Senior Sister Aria" Jackson explained briefly.


Margaret nodded, then made a hand gesture, instructing, "Team One, Team Two, move in and provide support immediately."


Upon receiving the order, the two guard squads unsheathed their blades and joined forces with the disciples of the Gold Blade Sect, confronting the enemy.

The sudden reinforcements caught the members of the Illusion Sea Alliance off guard.

Just when victory seemed assured, an unexpected counterattack emerged.

"Who are you people? How dare you meddle in our affairs? Do you have a death wish?" A thin middle-aged man within the Illusion Sea Alliance camp loudly rebuked.

"You're bullying the weak with your strength. If I find it unbearable, I'll intervene. If you have any sense, you better scram; otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!" Adriel shouted defiantly.

"You audacious fools! Do you even know who we are? We are members of the Illusion Sea Alliance!" the middle-aged man exclaimed.

"Illusion Sea Alliance? So what? Do you think we, the Gold Blade Sect, fear you?" Adriel retorted angrily.

"What? You're from the Gold Blade Sect?" The middle-aged man's pupils constricted, and his expression became solemn.

The Gold Blade Sect was one of the top three sects in the southwest, with influence surpassing that of the Illusion Sea Alliance.

Under normal circumstances, Illusion Sea Alliance wouldn't dare to provoke the Gold Blade Sect openly.

However, in the current situation, they were unwilling to let go of the treasure they had just discovered.

"Elder Leo, judging from the symbols on their attire, they should indeed be disciples of the Gold Blade Sect," a member of the Illusion Sea Alliance said quietly.

"Since you know who we are, you better leave now!" Adriel warned.

"The Illusion Sea Alliance and the Gold Blade Sect have always maintained a peaceful coexistence. Why are you interfering with us and making enemies with our Illusion Sea Alliance?" The middle-aged man asked solemnly.

"Humph! You just surrounded disciples of the Duck Sect, who are allies of the Gold Blade Sect. If you want to deal with the Duck Sect, it means making enemies with the Gold Blade Sect!" Adriel declared with a strong presence.

"Alright! Considering the face of your Gold Blade Sect, I can let them go, but..."

With a sudden shift in tone, the middle-aged man added, "They must return the treasure they just snatched from us!"

"You're spouting nonsense!"

Hearing this, a red-clad woman among the besieged group spoke up, "That treasure clearly belongs to our Duck Sect. It's you, the Illusion Sea Alliance, who are shameless and trying to steal it!"

This woman was none other than Aria, a senior disciple of the Duck Sect and also Adriel's fiancée.

"Stop the nonsense!"

An impatient member of the Illusion Sea Alliance shouted, "You have two choices: either hand over the treasure, or we'll dismember you all!"
Chapter 1972: No different from those despicable people

"Insolent! What do you think you are? How dare you spout such arrogant words!"

Seeing his fiancée being threatened, Adriel couldn't help but erupt in anger.

He initially intended to settle the matter peacefully and avoid unnecessary conflicts.

However, the members of the Illusion Sea Alliance were too audacious, disregarding even the Gold Blade Sect, openly trying to seize the treasure. It was simply too much.


The Illusion Sea Alliance member was about to speak, but the middle-aged man raised his hand to stop him and said, "Gentlemen, treasures are external possessions and are insignificant compared to one's life. You all understand this principle, don't you?"

"So what if we understand?" Adriel squinted his eyes.

"Since you understand, then you should hand over the treasure," the middle-aged man said calmly. "As the saying goes, losing some wealth can prevent a disaster. Once we have the treasure, we will leave immediately and won't cause any trouble for you. What do you think?"

"You're dreaming!"

Upon hearing this, Aria shouted, "Even if I die, I won't hand the treasure over to you despicable people!"

With these words, the middle-aged man's face instantly darkened.

Behind him, the Illusion Sea Alliance members revealed fierce expressions, sharpening their blades.

"Elder Leo! Why bother talking so much with them? Just kill them all!"

"Right! We have the numbers. Are we afraid of these little nobodies?"

"Killing and robbing is not new to us; there's no need to be reserved!"

Members of the Illusion Sea Alliance were clamoring, ready to act.

In their eyes, both Adriel and Aria were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

If they cooperated and handed over the treasure, the Illusion Sea Alliance might spare them.

However, if they resisted, death awaited them.

"Elder Leo, why do you hesitate because of the Gold Blade Sect? We outnumber them significantly. As long as we kill them all cleanly, who would suspect us?" a member of the Illusion Sea Alliance whispered.

Upon hearing this, Elder Leo frowned, clearly affected by the suggestion.

He had been hesitant due to concerns about the Gold Blade Sect's influence. However, in this remote area with no one around, they could get away with whatever they did.

So, as long as they killed everyone to cover their tracks, there would be no repercussions.

Thinking of this, Elder Leo straightened his chest, and his eyes became exceptionally cold. "I'll give you one last chance. Hand over the treasure immediately, and I might spare your lives. Otherwise, you'll bear the consequences!"

"Dream on!"

Hearing this, Aria glared and said, "We, the Duck Sect, won't give in to despicable people like you!"

The members of the Illusion Sea Alliance behind Elder Leo revealed even more menacing expressions, ready to attack.


Upon receiving the order, dozens of Illusion Sea Alliance members immediately surrounded and attacked. In this desolate place, they had no qualms about killing.

"Aria! Let me handle this!"

Seeing the Illusion Sea Alliance members making a move, Adriel took the lead, fearlessly charging into the fight.

Even if it wasn't his fiancée in danger, he wouldn't stand idly by when witnessing unjust acts.


The disciples of the Gold Blade Sect followed closely, undaunted by the numerical disadvantage.

"Senior Sister! Let us go and support!"

Several disciples from the Duck Sect were about to join the fray, but Aria raised her hand to stop them. "Wait! We've just exhausted a lot of energy, and some of us are injured. Now is not the time to drag everyone down. Let's leave this place first."

"What? Leave?"

Upon hearing this, the Duck Sect disciples were dumbfounded. The allies from the Gold Blade Sect were bravely fighting for them, and now they were suggested to retreat. Wasn't that betraying their comrades?

"Senior Sister, Senior Brother Adriel is standing up for us. Is it appropriate for us to just leave like this?" a female disciple from the Duck Sect frowned.

"What's inappropriate about it? We are significantly weakened right now. Charging in will only result in unnecessary casualties. It's better to seize this opportunity to retreat, preserve our strength, and seek revenge later." Aria had an air of indifference.

"Senior Sister, the Gold Blade Sect has a good relationship with us. If Senior Brother Adriel and the others are in danger, how can we turn a blind eye?" Another disciple couldn't bear it.

If it weren't for Adriel stepping in to help just now, they would probably have been killed by the Illusion Sea Alliance already. Now, Adriel was facing all the pressure for them.

If they stood idly by and did nothing, how would they be any different from those despicable people?

"Senior Brother Adriel has shown great righteousness. I will always remember it. However, we must prioritize the overall situation. In our current situation, joining the fight won't help at all; instead, it might get us killed. The best choice is to retreat!" Aria explained with a serious expression. "As the saying goes, 'Preserve the green hills; no worry about firewood.' After we get through this, bring the treasure back to our sect, and I will make sure to avenge Senior Brother Adriel!"


Hearing this, several Duck Sect disciples looked at each other strangely.

What was the use of seeking revenge when everyone was dead?

"Senior Sister, Senior Brother Adriel is your fiancé!" A female disciple from the Duck Sect frowned.

"So what?"

Aria's face turned cold as she said sternly, "I've said it: prioritize the overall situation. Now, retreat immediately. Anyone who disobeys my order, don't blame me for turning hostile!"

After saying this, Aria turned around and ran without any hesitation.

Several Duck Sect disciples hesitated but eventually bit the bullet and left.

"Aria! You all go quickly! I'll hold them off for you..."

While Adriel was in the midst of the battle, he still cared about the safety of Aria and the others.

However, when he turned around to check, he found that there was no one behind him...
Chapter 1973: You're really confused


Watching the figures in the distance fleeing for their lives at an incredible speed, Adriel couldn't help but be stunned.

He really didn't expect that Aria and the others would run so decisively.

Even from beginning to end, they didn't even say hello.

Even in a retreat, shouldn't they at least give a heads-up?

What is this now? Betraying teammates?

"Brother Adriel risked his life to rescue, but disciples of the Duck Sect turned and fled. They are truly a group of ungrateful people!"

Not far away, Jackson, hiding in the shadows, couldn't help but shake his head with disdain on his face.

"Heartless indeed. It seems that Brother Adriel's fiancée is not of good character."

"Poor Brother Adriel, because of a few ungrateful people, he ended up getting involved."
The crowd was buzzing with discussions.

It's said that the Gold Blade Sect and the Duck Sect are close friends, and Adriel and Aria have an engagement.

Normally, in the face of danger, the two should work together to resist the enemy and create a heroic story.

But what happened?

Aria turned around and sold Adriel without hesitation.

This ruthlessness is truly chilling.

"Senior Brother! It seems that Senior Sister Aria and the others have already escaped. What should we do now?"

As they fought, the disciples of the Gold Blade Sect quickly noticed something was wrong, and their faces turned ugly one by one.

They risked their lives for the disciples of the Duck Sect, only to find out that they didn't even say hello and fled first, leaving them behind to fight alone.

For anyone, this kind of betrayal and abandonment is unacceptable.

"At this point, there's no choice. Let's fight with them!"

Adriel gritted his teeth and fought even more fiercely.

"Hey! Are you disciples of the Gold Blade Sect stupid? They've already sold you, and you're still fighting here. Is it worth it?" A middle-aged man couldn't help but curse.

Dealing with such a group of dazed youths was really unlucky.

"Stop talking! If you want to fight, let's fight for real!" Adriel shouted.

"Damn! They are a bunch of lunatics!"

The middle-aged man scolded while instructing the people around him, "You two, lead your teams to chase that woman back. The treasure is still in her hands, don't let her escape!"


The two men responded, leading a dozen members of the Illusion Sea Alliance, quickly chasing in the direction where the disciples of the Duck Sect had disappeared.

The remaining members of the Illusion Sea Alliance continued to besiege the disciples of the Gold Blade Sect.

Even though more than a dozen people had left, the Illusion Sea Alliance still had an absolute numerical advantage.

Fortunately, Adriel and his group were formidable, fighting fiercely.

For a while, the members of the Illusion Sea Alliance didn't dare to push too hard.

Of course, mainly in their eyes, the disciples of the Gold Blade Sect were already trapped, and there was no need to risk their lives.

Using a tactic of attrition with their overwhelming numbers was the most prudent choice.

"Brother Adriel and the others are struggling. Everyone, go support them!"

Seeing that the disciples of the Gold Blade Sect were in danger, Margaret no longer held back and immediately gave the order to attack.

In an instant, nearly a hundred people rushed out, charging towards the battlefield ahead.

The sudden turn of events threw the members of the Illusion Sea Alliance into disarray.

"What's going on? Where did these people come from?"

"Damn! They seem to be reinforcements from the Gold Blade Sect!"

"Ah, another force is coming. We're really unlucky today!"

Members of the Illusion Sea Alliance cursed and complained, exceptionally discontent.

They only wanted to seize the treasure from the Duck Sect, but unexpectedly, a group of disciples from the Gold Blade Sect appeared first, followed by another group of unknown origin.

Now, not only did they fail to gain any advantage, but they also lost several brothers in the process.

"Elder Leo! What do we do now? These people are well-trained and obviously not easy to deal with!" someone urgently asked.

"What can we do? They have the numbers and the advantage, so the best course of action is to retreat!" the middle-aged man replied impatiently.

As long as the green hills are preserved, there will be firewood to burn. Since there's no profit here, there's no need to risk their lives.

"Retreat! Quickly retreat!"

Upon receiving the command, members of the Illusion Sea Alliance didn't hesitate and fled immediately.

Before leaving, they even tossed a bunch of smoke bombs for cover.

In terms of escaping, they were professionals.

"Don't pursue a fleeing enemy!"

Margaret stopped the guards who were ready to chase.

Her goal was to save people, and there was no need to complicate things further.

"Brother Adriel, are you okay?" Margaret asked as she approached.

"Just a few minor injuries, it's nothing," Adriel said, glancing at the cuts on his arm without much concern.

He had taken the lead, bearing most of the pressure, but fortunately, his strong abilities held up.

"Someone! Bandage Brother Adriel!" Margaret called for medical personnel to treat the wounded.


At this moment, a distant scream suddenly reached their ears.

"Not good! Aria is in danger!"

Adriel's expression changed, forgetting about his own wounds. He lifted his sword, ready to rush to support.

"Senior Brother!"

A disciple of the Gold Blade Sect immediately blocked his way, saying, "Those people from the Duck Sect are ungrateful. Do you still want to help them? Don't forget, they just abandoned us and fled on their own. Even if they face danger now, it's their own fault!"

"Words can't be said like that. The disciples of the Duck Sect may have retreated to avoid involving us in their troubles," Adriel tried to argue.

"Senior Brother! Don't be foolish! They obviously don't care about our lives!" a disciple of the Gold Blade Sect retorted.

For anyone with a sense of loyalty and gratitude, such betrayal and abandonment were unforgivable.

Even if they wanted to escape, they should have at least informed them beforehand.

"We'll talk about this later. Right now, Aria is in danger, and I can't stand by and watch!" Adriel felt anxious, pushing away his junior, then wielding his sword, he rushed toward the source of the sound.

"Senior Brother! You're really confused!"

Several disciples of the Gold Blade Sect gritted their teeth, looking frustrated.

Unfortunately, they had no choice but to drag their injured bodies and follow quickly.

Although they hated Aria's betrayal, they couldn't just watch their senior brother face the danger alone.
Chapter 1974: Another force

Adriel and his group rushed towards the sound, and as soon as they arrived, they saw Aria surrounded by members of the Illusion Sea Alliance.

Several disciples of the Duck Sect had already fallen in a pool of blood, leaving only Aria struggling alone.

She was already injured, and with great exhaustion, the outcome was clear once she was surrounded.

"Brothers! This woman is as beautiful as a flower and as graceful as jade. It would be a shame to kill her. Capture her alive, and we can have some fun today!" shouted the leader of the group, his eyes gleaming as he focused on Aria's graceful figure.

"No problem!"

A group of Illusion Sea Alliance members grinned, their faces full of malice.

The senior sister of the Duck Sect was a well-known beauty in the martial world. If they could taste a bit of her, it would be worth risking their lives to come here.

"You shameless scum! I'll kill you all!" Aria, infuriated and embarrassed, swung her Duck blades fiercely, each move lethal.

But at this moment, she was alone and exhausted, unable to break through. She could only be mocked and played with.

"Hahaha... Keep struggling! The more you struggle, the more excited I get!"

"Come on! Come closer!"

The leader teased with his moves while making provocative remarks. Occasionally, he would make a not-too-small wound on Aria to wear her down.

He had been in the Illusion Sea Alliance for many years and played with many women, but encountering a thorny rose like her was quite rare.

Having this opportunity, he was determined to thoroughly enjoy himself today.

"Beasts! You're asking for death!"

Watching his fiancée being toyed with and mocked, Adriel, who had just arrived, instantly erupted in anger.

"Senior Brother Adriel, save me!"

Seeing Adriel, Aria seemed to have found a savior. Her face lit up, and she quickly shouted for help.

"Damn it! It's you, the troublemaker again!"

The leader of the group spat on the ground, his face dark as he shouted, "Elder Leo didn't kill you, and now it's my turn to deal with you. Brothers, let's slaughter this kid together!"

With a wave of his hand, he immediately led a group of Illusion Sea Alliance members to attack.

"Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish..."

At that moment, a large number of crossbow bolts were shot from a distance. They accurately hit the members of the Illusion Sea Alliance after passing over Adriel and the others.

For a moment, the members of the Illusion Sea Alliance screamed in pain.

Some fell heavily wounded, while others died on the spot.

In just one round of coordinated shooting, nearly half of the Illusion Sea Alliance members were casualties.

"What the hell is going on? Where did these hidden arrows come from?" The leader, filled with shock and anger, shouted.

"Guild Master, could it be reinforcements from the Gold Blade Sect?" someone panicked.

"Reinforcements?" The leader's face changed, and he urgently said, "Not good! Retreat!"

It was only at this moment that he finally realized why Adriel and the others hadn't died and had instead broken through the encirclement to come to their aid.

As it turned out, there was another force secretly assisting them.

"Retreat! Quick retreat!"

Seeing the dead bodies on the ground, the remaining members of the Illusion Sea Alliance didn't dare to hesitate; they turned and fled.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

From a distance, another round of coordinated shooting occurred. Numerous crossbow bolts rained down like a storm, directly covering the retreating Illusion Sea Alliance members.


Chapter 1976: A treasure trove

Several disciples of the Gold Blade Sect were displeased with Aria's actions, but out of consideration for Adriel's face, they ultimately endured it.

Under Adriel's protection, Aria safely integrated into the group.

"Aria, let me introduce you. This is Miss Margaret, beautiful and kind-hearted. Just now, it was thanks to Miss Margaret's intervention that the Illusion Sea Alliance members were driven away, and we were safe," Adriel said, guiding Aria forward and providing a brief introduction.

"Thank you, Miss Margaret," Aria bowed slightly and expressed gratitude, saying, "I owe you my life. When I return to my sect, I will surely report this to the elders and express my gratitude!"

"Miss Aria, no need to be polite," Margaret said with a faint smile. "You are Senior Brother Adriel's fiancée, so you are our friend. Helping each other is only natural."

"Miss Margaret, regardless, we owe you a favor, both the Gold Blade Sect and the Duck Sect," Adriel clasped his hands together.

The Illusion Sea Alliance was not a group of good people, and Margaret had taken a risk by intervening.

Adriel deeply remembered this favor.

"Aria, this person next to Miss Margaret is Brother Dustin. Young and talented, powerful in martial arts. Even defeated Marcel, the second disciple of the Wanderer Dragon Sect," Adriel introduced Dustin.

"Oh? To defeat Marcel, the second disciple of the Wanderer Dragon Sect, Brother Dustin is indeed formidable!" Aria bowed her head and expressed admiration. "Seeing Brother Dustin's youth, I wonder which sect he hails from?"

The person before her was handsome and imposing, a truly rare handsome man.

"No sect, no faction. A first-stage wanderer," Dustin said lightly.

"That's good. Our Duck Sect needs young talents like Brother Dustin. Brother Dustin, would you be interested in joining us?" Aria asked with a sincere expression.

Being able to defeat Marcel indicated that Dustin's strength was not inferior to Adriel's.

At such a young age, having such cultivation was a great achievement. If they could recruit him into their sect, it would be a significant gain.

Of course, the main reason was that he looked really handsome, the type she liked.

"I'm used to being free and unbound, not interested in joining any sect," Dustin declined.

"Brother Dustin, traveling alone in the martial world makes one vulnerable. If we, the Duck Sect, offer protection, it would be different. With Brother Dustin's talents, once you join the Duck Sect, you will surely be highly regarded!" Aria tried to persuade him.

"Humph! If even I can't convince this kid, what's your Duck Sect?" Miguel, who was standing nearby, unexpectedly spoke up.

He had been resentful about Dustin rejecting the offer to be his disciple.

"Who is this..."

Aria glanced over, slightly frowning, but she didn't erupt.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce him. This is Senior Miguel, also known as Desert Dragon," Adriel quickly reminded.

"What? Desert Dragon Miguel? One of the top five experts in the southwest?" Aria's pupils contracted, showing surprise.

Desert Dragon, Miguel, was indeed a powerful martial arts master.

His strength was a few points higher than their sect leader's.

However, it was rumored that Miguel, the Desert Dragon, was elusive, rarely seen, and it was strange for him to appear here and associate with these people.

"What's the matter? Any problem?" Miguel glanced at her with an indifferent expression.

"Junior Aria pays respects to Senior Miguel!" Aria immediately bowed, showing respect. "My master has spoken highly of Senior Miguel's extraordinary martial arts. Today, being able to witness Senior Miguel's demeanor is truly a great fortune for me."

"Heh... you're quite articulate, little girl." Miguel's expression softened.

Flattery worked, no matter how aware one was of its intention.

"My words are true. My master holds Senior Miguel in great esteem as well. If Senior Miguel has time, perhaps you could visit our Duck Sect as a guest," Aria extended an invitation.

"We'll see when the time comes," Miguel replied casually.

"Miss Aria, when the Illusion Sea Alliance attacked your Duck Sect just now, it seemed to be for some treasure. I wonder what treasure you found here. How about showing it to us?" Jackson suddenly spoke.

Earlier, the Illusion Sea Alliance members fought desperately, all for the treasure in the possession of the Duck Sect.

He was quite curious to know what it was that made the disciples of the Duck Sect risk their lives and refuse to part with it.

"Treasure? What treasure?" Aria pretended not to know.

"Miss Aria, speaking like this is pointless. We all saw the situation just now. If it wasn't for some treasure, why would the Illusion Sea Alliance attack you?" Jackson said meaningfully.

"Indeed, Miss Aria, we just want to broaden our horizons. We won't snatch your treasure. You're not so petty, are you?" The short-haired woman from the Black Scorpion Squad added sarcastically.

"You're making jokes. It's not that I won't show it to you; it's just that the treasure is not with me right now. So, I can't bring it out at the moment," Aria shook her head.

The principle of not revealing wealth was something she understood well. If she disclosed the treasure, it might attract the attention of some unscrupulous individuals.

"Miss Aria, if the treasure that made your sect fight so hard to protect is not with you, what if it gets lost? How would you handle that?" Jackson said with a hidden meaning.

"The treasure is already hidden. No one can find it. I will reveal it when the reinforcements from the Duck Sect arrive. If you want to see it, you can wait a few days," Aria smiled.

"Miss Aria, if the treasure you fought so hard to protect isn't with you, I'm afraid it's not that safe," Jackson insinuated.

"Aria, how about I send you back? This place is dangerous," Adriel suddenly spoke.

The disciples of the Duck Sect had been killed, and Aria was injured. It was dangerous for her to stay here alone.

"Senior Brother Adriel, I appreciate your kindness, but I can't leave for now," Aria shook her head.

"Why?" Adriel was curious.

"Because I've discovered a treasure trove!" Aria dropped a bombshell.
Chapter 1975: A hint of a smile flashed across her lips

The screams echoed one after another.

Except for the leader, who had outstanding strength and managed to block all the crossbow bolts, the rest of the Illusion Sea Alliance members lay in a pool of blood.

"Damn it! You dare to kill members of our Illusion Sea Alliance? You wait, this matter isn't over today!" The leader, with a sinister expression, spat out these harsh words and hastened his escape.

"Senior Brother Adriel, don't let him get away!" Aria immediately shouted.

"You scoundrel! Where do you think you're going?"

Without hesitation, Adriel chased after him, engaging in a fierce battle with the leader.

As the leader of the Illusion Sea Alliance, the man had considerable strength, but compared to Adriel, a talented martial artist of the Gold Blade Sect, he fell short.

After dozens of exchanges, risking the danger of being cut by the opponent's blade, Adriel finally knocked the leader to the ground.

With a long knife pressed against the man's neck, he immobilized him.

"Hero! Don't... don't kill me. I know I was wrong."

"I have an 80-year-old wife and a newborn child. I beg you to spare my life. I promise to turn over a new leaf in the future!"

The leader panicked, pleading for mercy.

"Hmph! If you had known today, why act like this in the first place?" Adriel said coldly.

"In the martial world, one's choices are not always one's own. I was forced into this situation!" the leader cried, his face full of sorrow. "Hero! As long as you spare my life, I can offer all the treasures I've obtained!"


Just as Adriel was about to say something, a flash of a blade appeared, and a long knife suddenly pierced through the man's chest.

The one who struck was Aria!

"Senior Brother Adriel, why waste time talking to such a shameless person? Just finish him off!" Aria said with a cold expression, seemingly not satisfied. She added a few more cuts to the man's body until he completely stopped moving.

Adriel frowned slightly but didn't say anything.

The Illusion Sea Alliance members had brought trouble upon themselves, and their deaths were deserved.

"Senior Brother Adriel, thank you. Thanks to your timely intervention, I was saved from danger," Aria said, retracting her knife and expressing gratitude with a smile towards Adriel.

It had to be admitted that Aria was very beautiful, and her exceptional demeanor. Just a simple smile from her dispersed all the previous unpleasantness Adriel had felt.

"It's nothing, just a small effort," Adriel replied with a smile.

"Humph! Senior Sister Aria, our Senior Brother risked his life to save us, and you, on the other hand, left without saying a word, escaping on your own. Is that appropriate?" a disciple of the Gold Blade Sect said with a cold expression.

Although others didn't speak, their expressions were not favorable either.

Clearly, they were all quite displeased with Aria's behavior of abandoning them.

"Please don't misunderstand, everyone. The reason I withdrew earlier was that I was exhausted and had no strength to help. Staying there would have made me a burden to you all. In order not to distract you, I made the painful decision to leave. There was no other meaning behind it," Aria explained with a righteous appearance.

"So, we should be grateful to you?" the Gold Blade Sect disciple said sarcastically.

"This junior brother is speaking too harshly. The Gold Blade Sect and the Duck Sect have always had a good relationship, assisting each other as a matter of course. If I did anything wrong, please forgive me," Aria said, bowing deeply and showing sincerity.


The Gold Blade Sect disciple was about to speak, but Adriel raised his hand to interrupt, saying, "Enough! What's in the past is in the past. As long as Aria is safe, that's what matters."

"Thank you, Senior Brother Adriel, for your understanding!" Aria nodded slightly and expressed gratitude, but a hint of a smile flashed across her lips as she lowered her head.
Chapter 1977: These people were quite easy to deceive

"Treasure? What treasure?!"

As soon as this statement was made, everyone became alert.

They had entered the oasis with the intention of finding treasure, but until now, there had been no harvest, and some lives were lost in the process.

Now, hearing the word "treasure," they naturally became excited.

"In fact, I planned to explore this treasure land after our sect's reinforcements arrived," Aria said, hesitating deliberately.

"Lady Aria! Time waits for no one. By the time the elite forces of the Duck Sect arrive, someone might have already seized that treasure land!" Jackson urged anxiously.

Having a chance to find treasure was rare, and they were unwilling to miss it.

"Yeah, Lady Aria, we are all in the same boat now. Why not be straightforward? We can search for treasure together, and when we find something, we can split it evenly. How about that?" A short-haired woman added her support.

"I can tell you, but we need to agree in advance. The treasure land was discovered by our Duck Sect. If we find any treasures, our sect must get half, and the rest can be divided among you. What do you think?" Aria laid out her conditions.

The treasure land was fraught with danger, and even with the strength of the Duck Sect, the losses would be substantial if they attempted to seize it.

So, she deliberately brought up the topic to pique the interest of these people and find a group of expendable individuals to scout the way.

If it succeeded, that would be great. Half of the treasures would be enough to make the Duck Sect prosperous.

If it failed, she wouldn't lose much. It was a risk-free deal.

"What? You want to take half for yourselves?" Jackson frowned, "Lady Aria, isn't that too much? There are so many of us, and you're just one person. How can we divide the treasures if you take half?"

"Exactly! This is a typical case of making outrageous demands without doing anything," the short-haired woman expressed her discontent.

Asking for half the treasures without contributing anything seemed excessively greedy.

"Everyone, you can't see it this way. I am the only one who knows about this treasure land. Normally, I could just wait for one or two days until our sect members arrive and collect all the treasures inside. I'm telling you this because you just saved me. We, the Duck Sect, asking for half is already quite generous," Aria said calmly.

Her intention was clear – she could have taken all the treasures for herself, but she was willing to let half go, considering the assistance they provided.


At her words, members of the Black Scorpion Squad looked at each other.

Although somewhat dissatisfied, they didn't know how to refuse her.

After all, they needed Aria to lead the way to ensure a safe passage.

"Miss Margaret, what's your opinion?" Jackson turned to Margaret, throwing the problem to her.

In the end, Margaret was the leader of this team, and both Miguel and Adriel had to give her some face.

"I came here for only one treasure. I'm not interested in the rest. As long as Miss Aria lets me choose first, I can give up the remaining treasures willingly," Margaret said calmly.

"No problem!" Aria readily agreed.

She could see that Margaret had a significant influence in the team, and as long as the other party compromised, her plan could proceed smoothly.

"Senior Miguel, what about you?" Jackson turned his head to look at Miguel.

Although Margaret was the leader of the team, the most powerful person present was Miguel, the Desert Dragon. His decision would influence the entire situation.

"I'm a lone wolf, not interested in many treasures. If there's something I like, I'll just pick two items casually, and the rest can go to you all," Miguel said nonchalantly, but he kept a keen eye on the situation.

No one knew what was inside the treasure land. If he could pick two exceptional treasures first, it would undoubtedly give him an advantage.

"Since Senior Miguel and Miss Margaret have agreed, I see no reason to refuse. Let's go with this plan," Jackson reluctantly nodded.

Although somewhat unwilling, the Black Scorpion Squad was outnumbered, and he had no say in the matter. He could only go along with it.

"Good! You are all straightforward people. It's settled then!" Aria revealed a smile, secretly pleased.

These people were quite easy to deceive. She had managed to settle things with just a few words.

"Miss Aria, time is of the essence. Let's go to the treasure location as soon as possible. We don't want to have more dreams than the night can hold," Jackson urged.

During the day, the oasis was relatively safe. However, at night, various monsters became exceptionally active, posing a real and imminent danger.

"Follow me, everyone."

Without wasting time, Aria took a pill and started leading the way.

The group marched forward, making stops along the way. After about three hours, they finally reached the vicinity of their destination.

It was a lake hidden within a dense forest.

The lake was vast, with seemingly bottomless depths and mist swirling above it, making it hard to see clearly.

The surroundings of the lake were eerily quiet, to the point of being unnerving.

Looking around, there was no sign of any living creatures—no insects, fish, birds, or beasts. Only a deathly silence prevailed.

At first glance, it resembled a frozen scene.

Only when a gentle breeze swept through, concentric ripples would appear on the lake's surface.


The moment they approached the lake, the heaven’s eye gem on Dustin's body seemed to sense something. It began to vibrate slightly and emitted a faint glow.

Such a clear reaction from the celestial eye indicated that there might be some extraordinary treasures near the lake.

Perhaps the dragon source energy they were searching for was right here!
Chapter 1978: The treasures are hidden at the bottom of this lake

"What's going on?"

Dustin's abnormality quickly caught the attention of Margaret beside him.

"The Heavenly Eye Gem has sensed something," Dustin replied in a low voice.

"Hmm?" Margaret's eyes lit up, and her entire heart tightened. "Is it the Dragon Source Energy?"

"It's hard to say," Dustin shook his head slightly.

The Heavenly Eye Gem does respond to some treasures, but it can't accurately determine what the treasure is. So he couldn't be sure if what was hidden near the lake was really the Dragon Source Energy.

The only thing he could confirm was that whatever made the Heavenly Eye Gem react so strongly was definitely not ordinary.

"Regardless, I want to personally confirm it. Be prepared for anything and don't overlook any clues," Margaret said seriously.

If there really was Dragon Source Energy nearby, she was determined to get her hands on it no matter what.

"Understood," Dustin nodded and didn't say much, instead starting to carefully examine the surroundings.

The sensing of the Heavenly Eye Gem continued.

Moreover, the closer they got to the lake, the more intense the vibration became.

From this, it could be inferred that the treasure should be hidden in the lake.

However, the lake was large, covered in mist, and the water was unfathomable. Finding the treasure in it was not an easy task.

"Aria, is this the treasure you mentioned? Why does it look so ordinary?" Adriel looked around and seemed a bit puzzled.

Around here, apart from the lake and various plants, there was nothing particularly special.

If anything, the skeletons of some animals by the lake looked a bit eerie.

"Miss Aria, could you have chosen the wrong place? There's just a lake here; where's the treasure?" Jackson squinted slightly, looking a bit displeased.

He had initially thought there might be a mountain of treasures piled up, only to see just a lake, feeling like he had wasted his time.

"Everyone, please be patient. This is indeed a treasure land; it's just not apparent yet," Aria said confidently.

"What do you mean? Is there something more here?" Jackson asked.

"That's right!"

Aria nodded and continued, "During the day, the lake is calm, but at night, things change."

"How do they change? Can treasures pop out on their own?" Jackson said dismissively.

"You guessed it right; the treasures are hidden at the bottom of this lake!"

Aria said with a half-smile, "The terrain here is peculiar. At night, the lake water will reverse, creating a ebbing tide phenomenon. At that time, the true face of the lake bottom will be completely revealed."

"Oh? There's such a thing?"

Jackson raised an eyebrow, instantly becoming interested.

No wonder there were no apparent clues on the surface; the treasures were hidden at the lake bottom.

"Little girl, how do you know this so clearly?" Miguel asked casually.

"In response to Senior Miguel's question, I was fortunate to witness such a spectacle last night, which is why I am so sure," Aria replied truthfully.

Last night, while leading disciples of the Duck Sect in search of treasures, they happened to pass by this lake. Fortunately, she saw the strange sight of the lake water reversing.

Most importantly, there was a massive palace-like structure at the lake bottom, radiating colorful lights and clearly hiding many treasures.

Unfortunately, there were too many monsters around the lake last night, and she didn't dare to take the risk, so she had been waiting for the right opportunity.
Chapter 1979: Let's wait a bit longer

Unexpectedly, as dawn broke, the lake water filled the entire lake again, completely burying the palace.

Unable to ascertain the situation inside the lake, she didn't rashly dive in.

"Little girl, are you sure there are treasures hidden beneath this lake?" Miguel asked again.

"Absolutely certain, I can swear to it!" Aria said with unwavering confidence.

"Good, then we'll wait here. When it's night time, we'll see what secrets the lake bottom holds," Miguel nodded.

"Senior Miguel, why wait until night? Exploring the lake now might be better," Jackson suggested.

Everyone knew that night time was when monsters were most active. Even though everything seemed calm now, once it got dark, various monsters might appear around the lake, making it dangerous.

"The lake is deep, and we can't see the bottom at a glance. Going down now, we won't even be able to distinguish directions, let alone find treasures," Miguel calmly replied.

"Senior Miguel, to be frank, my team members are seasoned warriors, skilled in various abilities. In terms of diving, they have extensive experience. Going down in advance to assess the situation is entirely feasible," Jackson said proudly.

The members of their Black Scorpion Squad, while not outstanding in terms of combat power, were experts in survival. Otherwise, Margaret wouldn't have paid them a hefty sum to lead the way.

"Oh? Is that so?" Miguel raised an eyebrow, smiling. "If your people can really find the treasure location, I can decide to give you a bit more of the loot!"

"Thank you, Senior Miguel!"

Upon hearing this, Jackson couldn't help but show a pleased expression. This was exactly what he wanted.

His Black Scorpion Squad didn't have a clear advantage in front of these elite disciples from various sects.

"If we don't take some risks, how can we get our hands on the treasures?"

"Scorpion Team, based on what I see, let's wait a bit longer," Margaret suddenly spoke, "No one knows what's hidden at the bottom of this lake. Diving recklessly can be very dangerous."

On the shore, if they encountered any monsters, there was still a chance to escape. Under the lake, if they ran into trouble, there would be no way out.

"Miss Margaret, please rest assured. My team members all have more than five years of diving experience and are familiar with the underwater conditions. I believe they can handle any unexpected situations," Jackson said confidently.

He had his own motives for insisting on this approach. In a normal distribution of treasures, his Black Scorpion Squad wouldn't get much. If they explored in advance, they could easily keep some treasures for themselves, making them the ultimate winners.

"Since Team Scorpion is so confident, please go ahead," Aria said with a half-smile.

"Bull! Take two people with you to explore. Report immediately if anything happens," Jackson turned and signaled a burly bald man behind him.

The man nodded, quickly understanding the meaning.

"You two, follow me!"

The burly bald man selected two members of the Black Scorpion Squad and walked straight toward the lake.

Upon reaching the lake, the three of them took off their clothes, put on goggles, held their machetes in their mouths, and with a splash, they plunged into the lake.

Completely disappearing from sight.
Chapter 1980: Pitch-black giant monster fish

After the bald and sturdy man entered the water, the rolling water splashes gradually subsided.

Onlookers stood by the lake, silently waiting, each with their own thoughts.

The lake was very quiet, with emerald green water and low visibility; you couldn't see any fish or shrimp inside, which was obviously abnormal.

Time passed slowly, and soon, five minutes had gone by.

The lake surface remained calm, without any ripples.

The three individuals who had entered the water earlier seemed to have disappeared without a trace, as if they had sunk without causing a single ripple.

"It's been about five minutes since they went down, right? Why haven't they come up yet? Could they be in danger?"

"It's unlikely. If there were monsters underwater, the three of them would have struggled, but now there's no movement at all, which proves they haven't encountered any danger."

"Could it be a strong undercurrent that drowned them?"
People looked at the calm lake surface, speculating and discussing various possibilities.

While the physical fitness of martial artists is superior to that of ordinary people, their breath-holding time is generally around five to six minutes. In the case of vigorous activity, this time can be significantly reduced.

The three individuals who had just entered the water had no diving equipment, only wearing goggles. Now, after five minutes, there was still no sign of them, which was indeed strange.

"Scorpion Team, how long can your team members stay underwater?" Margaret suddenly asked.

"Normally, about eight minutes," Jackson replied.

"It's been six minutes now. If they don't come up soon, there might be danger," Margaret said, checking the time.

She couldn't see the situation underwater and couldn't be sure whether the members of the Black Scorpion Squad had encountered danger or found a treasure.

When the eight-minute time limit arrived, if there was still no movement from the three individuals, it would be considered a sacrifice.

"Miss Margaret, I believe in my team members. They must be fine!" Jackson remained confident.

In his view, the Bull and the others most likely found a treasure and were currently hiding it. Once they secured the treasure, they would naturally resurface.


Just as everyone was eagerly waiting, a head suddenly emerged from the water, creating a splash of water.

It was none other than the bald and sturdy man!

"Splash, splash!"

Two more splashes followed, and the other two members of the Black Scorpion Squad also successfully surfaced.

"They're coming out! They're coming out!"

People's eyes lit up, and they became excited.

"Captain! We found something!" The bald man took off his goggles, wiped the water off his face, and laughed loudly. "I saw an underwater palace at the bottom of the lake, extremely luxurious and spectacular. There must be a lot of treasures hidden inside!"

"Underwater palace?"

This statement caused a commotion in the crowd.

A structure referred to as a palace was clearly not ordinary; it might be some ancient ruins. Often, these ruins contained various rare treasures.

As long as they could get their hands on one or two items, it would be enough to live comfortably for several lifetimes.

"Haha... This is great! There really are treasures at the bottom of the lake!"

"It seems that what Miss Aria said is true; this is indeed a treasure trove!"

"Brothers! Why are you still standing there? Hurry up, take off your clothes, and dive in for the treasure!"
After confirming the situation, the people on the shore became excited.

They were eager, rubbing their hands in anticipation.

"Brother! You did a great job. After this is done, Senior Miguel will definitely reward you generously!" Jackson laughed.

The underwater palace was discovered by the Black Scorpion Squad, and no matter how you looked at it, it was their credit.

"Thank you, Senior Miguel!" The Bald man respectfully bowed.

"No need for these formalities. I always keep my word. If you dare to take the lead, I will definitely give you more treasures," Miguel said with a faint smile.

People were in high spirits due to the good news, and after all the commotion, they finally found a treasure.

"All members of the Black Scorpion Squad, follow orders, everyone into the water!" Jackson commanded.

"Gold Blade Sect disciples, follow me!"

Seeing this, Adriel didn't hesitate at all and took the lead to run into the water.

He had a mission to fulfill and couldn't slack off.

Just as everyone was excited and preparing to dive for the treasure, a sudden change occurred.

In the center of the lake, a huge fish fin suddenly appeared.

The fin emerged from the water, about three meters high, resembling a small sailboat, and it moved at an incredible speed. As soon as it appeared, it headed straight for the Bald man and the other two.

Silent and without causing any disturbance.

"Scorpion team! Quickly, get ashore!" Jackson's sharp eyes quickly spotted the anomaly and immediately warned.

If the fin was three meters high, how large would the fish hiding under the water be?

"Captain, what's wrong?" The Bald man and the others hadn't noticed anything unusual behind them and looked puzzled.

"Behind you! Be careful behind you!" Jackson pointed to the central position of the lake with his hand.

"Behind?" The Bald man and the others were slightly stunned, then turned their heads in unison.

At the same time, the rapidly gliding fish fin seemed to sense something. It suddenly sank and disappeared without a trace, leaving only ripples like circles spreading across the water.

"Captain, did you see it wrong? There's nothing behind us." The Bald man looked left and right, a bit puzzled.

"Quit the nonsense! Get ashore!" Jackson frowned, feeling uneasy.


Seeing Jackson looking serious, the Bald man and the others didn't dare to hesitate and immediately swam towards the shore.


At that moment, a monstrous creature suddenly emerged from behind the three, creating a spray of water.

It was a pitch-black giant monster fish.

The monstrous fish was over ten meters long, with sharp teeth, eyes like lanterns, and fins like steel blades.

As it burst out of the water, it leaped several meters high. In the horrified gazes of the onlookers, it swallowed a member of the Black Scorpion Squad in one bite.

Then, with a "boom," it plunged back into the lake, disappearing without a trace.
Chapter 1981: School of monstrous fish

From the appearance of the monstrous fish to the swallowing of the Black Scorpion Squad member and its descent back into the lake, the entire process happened so quickly that the onlookers didn't react in time.

The Black Scorpion Squad member who was eaten didn't even have time to scream; he just disappeared without a trace.

Water splashed, and bright red blood gushed out from the lake bottom.


The Bald man and another Black Scorpion Squad member were directly shocked.

They widened their eyes, looked around in confusion, their faces filled with horror.

What just happened?

Where did their comrade go?

And what was the meaning of the gushing blood from the lake bottom?

"Why are you still standing there? Run!" Jackson shouted hoarsely after a moment of shock.

"Run... Run!" The Bald man and the other Black Scorpion member, as if awakening from a dream, didn't have time to think. They frantically kicked and swam towards the shore at the fastest speed.

At this moment, the people who were preparing to dive into the water were also stunned by the sudden change.

Although they didn't see it clearly just now, they could be sure that there was danger in the lake.

The massive shadow that flashed by, the disappeared Black Scorpion Squad member, and the churning blood water were enough to indicate that there was a monster in the water!


Just as the Bald man and the other were swimming desperately, the monstrous fish once again leaped out of the water, creating surging waves.

This time, the monstrous fish's speed was even faster. It directly attacked from behind, biting towards the head of the second Black Scorpion member.


The Black Scorpion member, as if sensing something, turned around, only to see a blood-gaping mouth descending from above, instantly swallowing him.

The piercing scream abruptly stopped in the water.

Apart from the churning blood water, not even a fragment was left behind.

"What the hell!"

The Bald man was scared out of his wits, his hands and feet paddling in the water like a motor, trying to swim back to the shore.

On the shore, even though facing a monster, Jackson had the strength to fight.

However, in the water, his movements were restricted, and his strength greatly diminished. Faced with a gigantic fish capable of swallowing a person in one bite, there was no room for resistance.

"Damn it! You dare to treat my brother as food? Watch me kill you!"

Jackson, on the shore, was furious. He directly pulled out an AK rifle and aimed at the direction behind the Bald man.

As long as the monster dared to show up again, he would fill it with bullets, turning it into a hornet's nest.


Two seconds later, water splashed, and the monstrous fish once again shot out of the water, biting towards the struggling Bald man.


Gritting his teeth, Jackson directly pulled the trigger.


A burst of gunfire echoed, bullets pouring out like rain, most of them hitting the monstrous fish. However, contrary to Jackson's expectations, the bullets didn't penetrate the fish's scales but produced crisp sounds like hitting metal, along with sparks splattering.

No penetration at all.


Seeing this scene, Jackson was dumbfounded.

He truly didn't expect that the scales of this monstrous fish would be so tough, resisting bullets like they were hitting iron armor.

This is terrifying!

"Captain! Save me!"

The Bald man roared in unwillingness.

However, the monstrous fish showed no mercy, opening its bloodthirsty mouth and biting fiercely towards the Bald man.

"Beast! Get away from me!"

The Bald man roared, pulling out a knife from his waist and fiercely hacking at the fish's head with all his strength.


The blade struck the monstrous fish's scales, sparking a shower of sparks, but it didn't harm it in the slightest. Taking advantage of the momentum of its attack, the monstrous fish directly swallowed the Bald man.

The Bald man, with a robust physique much larger than an average person, wasn't swallowed whole. Instead, the fish left his legs outside.

Through the gaps in the monstrous fish's sharp teeth, the anguished screams of the Bald man could be clearly heard.

Harsh and filled with fear.


The monstrous fish lifted its head, opened its bloodthirsty mouth again, and tossed the Bald man into its belly.

After devouring three people, the monstrous fish didn't leave immediately. Instead, it silently hovered about ten meters from the shore, as if waiting for prey to come to it.

At this point, the people were too shocked to say anything.

The excitement and joy from before had completely disappeared, replaced by fear and dread.

Three formidable warriors were eaten like snacks by this monstrous fish, making it incredibly horrifying.


Losing three brothers, Jackson was burning with anger. He continuously fired his gun towards the water, venting his fury.

Bullets were shot into the lake like they were free, creating splashes of water, but they had no effect whatsoever.

"Damn it! Luckily, we didn't dive just now; otherwise, we would have been done for!"

"Who would have thought? We believed the lake was safe, but it turns out there's such a monster hidden here."

"I have to say, those three were really unlucky. They were actually eaten alive, not even leaving behind a corpse. Just thinking about it gives me the chills."


Watching the gradually fading blood on the lake's surface, people couldn't help but whisper, a mix of fear and relief.

"Look! What's that?!"

At this moment, a man suddenly pointed towards the depths of the lake.

Following the direction of his finger, everyone was left stunned and trembling with fear.

In the depths of the lake, numerous massive fish fins, resembling sailboats, emerged successively from the water.

Initially, there were only three to five.

Soon, it increased to three to five dozen.

Gradually, it became three to five hundred.

In the end, countless fins formed a dense, uncountable mass.

These monstrous fish seemed to have smelled the scent of blood, waking up one after another and rapidly gathering.

In just a few minutes, the mist-covered lake was already filled with monstrous fish.

Looking at the astonishing number of monstrous fish, everyone was shocked.

One monstrous fish was difficult to deal with, so what kind of horror would a gathering of over a thousand monstrous fish bring?

If they had all dived just now, by now, they would have become a feast for this school of monstrous fish.
Chapter 1982: You don't know how to lie

Jackson was dumbfounded.

Staring at the densely packed group of strange fish, the inner rage that had been burning within him seemed to have dissipated at some point.

In its place was sheer horror.

He had never dreamed that in this seemingly calm lake, there were so many monstrous creatures that preyed on humans.

If he had known earlier, he would never have let his team members take the risk of going into the water.

"Indeed, danger lurks everywhere!" Aria sighed theatrically.

In fact, she had known about the strange fish at the bottom of the lake long ago.

Last night, she had witnessed two mutated giant wolves being torn apart and devoured by these strange fish.

The reason she hadn't warned anyone earlier was simply to maximize her own gains.

After all, the more people died, the fewer there would be to share the treasures with her in the end.

"So many strange fish, we can't go into the water at all. Let's wait until the tide recedes at night," Margaret said without much elaboration, immediately directing her guards to set up camp nearby.

The Heavenly Eye Gem had already sensed something; perhaps the Dragon Source Energy was hidden at the bottom of the lake. At this moment, she had no intention of leaving.

"I'll take a nap. Wake me up when it's time," Miguel yawned, then leaped onto the trunk of a large tree, where he began to sleep soundly.

With his cultivation, going underwater was not impossible, but it wasn't necessary. On land, he could exert his full strength, while in the water, he would be constrained and vulnerable. In case they encountered some formidable aquatic creature, it would be like shooting themselves in the foot.

"Aria, your injury hasn't fully healed. Let's rest over there for a while," Adriel called out and, before Aria could sit down, he took off his own coat and placed it under her, behaving like a considerate man.

Aria responded with a smile, indifferent. However, her gaze occasionally flickered towards Dustin.

Compared to Adriel, she was more curious about Dustin's identity.

After all, with her looks, she was always pursued wherever she went. Any man, whether a young talent or a high-ranking official, couldn't help but take a few more glances at her, eventually getting entranced and unable to extricate themselves.

But Dustin was an exception.

Since they met, he hadn't looked at her even once, as if she didn't exist.

This made her, who had always been proud, somewhat uncomfortable, but at the same time, it added a bit more curiosity.

Was this guy really not interested in her, or did he have no inclination towards women?

I have to find an opportunity to test him.

"Captain, senior brother is dead, and more than half of our remaining team members are lost. What should we do now?" The short-haired woman from the Black Scorpion Squad frowned, her expression particularly solemn.

Their Black Scorpion Squad originally had more than ten people, but ever since entering this eerie oasis, their team members had been continuously lost.

Now, including her, the entire Black Scorpion Squad had only five members left.

They hadn't obtained the treasure yet, and losing more than half of their team members made it particularly difficult to accept.

"Next, we must act low-key and avoid attracting attention!" Jackson said in a deep voice.

After experiencing several dangerous situations, he had already figured it out.

This place is extremely dangerous, and one careless move could cost lives.

Compared to treasure hunting, the top priority now is survival.

Preserving lives is crucial before considering the treasures.

Otherwise, even if one were to obtain the treasure by chance, they might not be able to escape from this eerie oasis.

As time passed, dusk approached.

At this moment, a rustling sound suddenly came from the trees by the lake.

"Who's there?!"

The closest, Adriel, was the first to sense something abnormal and immediately drew the sword from his waist.

Upon seeing this, the others became alert.

"It's us!"

Along with a loud voice, two forces, one from the left and one from the right, slowly emerged from the bushes.

The force on the left, consisting of about a dozen people, all dressed in green, carried precious swords and looked imposing.

The leader was a man with a hooked nose, accompanied by a girl with a ponytail.

The arrivals were disciples of the Flying Snow Sect.

The force on the right had more than twenty people, all dressed in yellow, also carrying swords.

Judging from their momentum, they seemed to surpass the disciples of the Flying Snow Sect.

The newcomers were disciples of the Wanderer Dragon Sect.

"Enzo? Marcel?"

Seeing the leaders of the two groups, Adriel couldn't help but furrow his brows slightly.

Enemies often meet on a narrow path. He hadn't expected to encounter members of the Wanderer Dragon Sect and the Flying Snow Sect here.

Moreover, judging from the situation, it seemed that the two major sects had formed an alliance.

It was indeed troublesome.

"Adriel, didn't expect this, huh? We meet again," Enzo said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes, crossing his arms and holding a sword, looking somewhat mocking.

"Why are you here?" Adriel said with a cold expression.

"Of course, we're here for treasure hunting," Enzo said with a meaningful smile. "I heard that there are many treasures hidden under this lake, so we specially came here to try our luck."

"Humph! Nonsense! There are no treasures here," Adriel categorically denied.

"No treasures? Then why are you staying here?" Enzo retorted.

"We're tired from the journey. Can't we take a rest here?" Adriel said impatiently.

"Adriel, you're still the same. You don't know how to lie," Enzo shook his head and sneered. "To be honest, I've had my eye on you for a while. I've been secretly following your every move. Everything you've done, I've seen it all. Did you really think you could deceive me? Don't kid yourself!"

Since leaving the Deserted Village, he had dispatched a skilled tracker to follow Margaret's team.

Because he was well aware that the other party held the most detailed information.

As long as he followed Margaret's team, sooner or later, he would find the treasure.

Sure enough, after tailing them for so many days, he finally had a harvest.

"You are truly despicable!"

Adriel gritted his teeth, almost unable to resist drawing his sword.

They were risking their lives for treasure hunting, and unexpectedly, they were being used as pawns by others.
Chapter 1983: Survival of the fittest

"Despicable and shameless? Hehehe..."

Enzo shook his head with a smile. "Adriel, as the chief disciple of the Gold Blade Sect, I'm quite disappointed to hear such words from you. I'm truly let down by you."

Watching Adriel's embarrassed expression, he couldn't help but feel delighted.

"Senior Brother Enzo, it's first come, first served. We've occupied this place, so you'd better look for another one," Aria couldn't help but speak up.

The more people searching for treasure at the lake, the less advantageous it was for her. If they couldn't compete or were beaten to the treasure, her efforts would be in vain.

"Oh? It's Senior Sister Aria from the Duck Sect. You've become even more beautiful after two years," Enzo said with a sly smile.

"Thank you for the compliment, Senior Brother Enzo," Aria smiled slightly. "Senior Brother Enzo, my Duck Sect was the first to discover this place. Can you give this junior sister some face?"

"Senior Sister Aria, it's not that I won't give you face, but this is a mission from the sect, and I can't help it," Enzo said. Suddenly changing the topic, he continued, "Of course, if the Duck Sect is willing to befriend the Flying Snow Sect and agree to Senior Sister Aria's engagement to me, I can consider making a concession."

Upon hearing this, Aria couldn't help but furrow her brows slightly, but she quickly returned to normal.

It was rather Adriel beside her who, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, instantly flared up, cursing, "Enzo! What the hell do you mean? Are you deliberately disgusting people? Believe it or not, I'll chop you into pieces!"

All the major sects in the southwest knew that the Gold Blade Sect and the Duck Sect had formed an alliance, and Aria was his fiancée.

Enzo's words were clearly intended to humiliate.

"Chop me into pieces? Hehehe..."

Hearing this, Enzo laughed, glancing up and down, mocking, "Adriel, look at your current appearance. Can you still compete with me?"

"Even if I'm injured, dealing with you is more than enough!"

Adriel was furious, preparing to step forward with his sword.


Aria immediately reached out to stop Adriel, saying calmly, "Senior Brother Adriel, they have more people and a stronger force. Going up like this will only put you at a disadvantage."

If it were just the Flying Snow Sect, it would be okay, but the problem was that the Wanderer Dragon Sect was watching from the side.

Even though Adriel was formidable, he couldn't possibly contend with the elite disciples of two major sects.

"This guy is really annoying!"

Adriel gritted his teeth, looking indignant.

"Senior Brother Enzo, don't waste time with them. Let's discuss the matter at hand," the stern-faced Marcel spoke up at this moment.

Damn it, at a crucial moment for treasure hunting, he was still thinking about pursuing women. He really couldn't distinguish between priorities.

"Senior Brother Marcel, calm down. I'll go up and negotiate now."

Enzo smiled slightly, then walked slowly to Margaret and said, "Miss Margaret, since you are the leader of this team, we intend to discuss a deal with you."

"Oh? What deal?" Margaret remained calm.

"We came here for treasure hunting; there's no need for hostility. From what I see, why don't we cooperate and make money together?" Enzo said with a smile that wasn't really a smile.

"How do you propose we cooperate?" Margaret didn't reject outright.

"It's very simple. Since there are three factions here, we can search for treasure together. After obtaining the treasures, we can split them into three shares, and no one will lose out," Enzo said with a smile.

In the past, he wouldn't have bothered suggesting such an arrangement, but now, with Margaret's team being numerous and the Desert Dragon Miguel dealing with threats, forcefully taking the treasures wasn't realistic. Hence, cooperation was the best option.

"Split into three shares?" Margaret raised an eyebrow. "So you mean one share for the Flying Snow Sect, one for the Wanderer Dragon Sect, and one for us?"

"That's right," Enzo nodded.

"And what about the Gold Blade Sect and the Duck Sect?" Margaret asked.

"Combining the Gold Blade Sect and the Duck Sect, they only have a few people. What qualifications do they have to share the treasures?" Enzo sneered with disdain, deliberately glancing at Adriel with a provoking air.

"What the hell are you saying?"

Adriel stared and shouted, "What does your Flying Snow Sect think you are? Why look down on our Gold Blade Sect?"

"I'm just stating the facts," Enzo said with a sneer. "Look at the people around you. What role can they play? What qualifications do they have to contend with our Flying Snow Sect?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Dare to say our Gold Blade Sect is no good? Have the guts to fight me!"

Adriel cursed angrily.

"Jumping clown, I can't be bothered to deal with you."

Enzo shook his head, then turned to Margaret and said, "Miss Margaret, what do you think?"

"I think it's not very suitable," Margaret said calmly. "If we're going to share, we should all share equally. How can we favor one over the other?"

She understood Enzo's intentions. On the surface, it seemed like cooperation, but in reality, it was an attempt to sow discord and divide their internal forces.

However, such tactics were beneath her.

"Miss Margaret, it's a survival of the fittest world. The fittest will survive. If we can give you a share, it's already the greatest concession we can make. It's impossible to share with others!" Enzo's face became serious.

In this world of survival of the fittest, neither the Gold Blade Sect nor the Duck Sect had the qualifications to be on equal footing with them under the current circumstances.

He couldn't accept such an outcome.

"If that's the case, then let's not talk about it."

Margaret immediately rejected the proposal.


Enzo frowned, his expression turning dark. "Miss Margaret, the Flying Snow Sect and the Wanderer Dragon Sect are the top two sects in the southwest. If you become our friend, it will bring you countless benefits and no harm. However, if you choose to be our enemy, there's only one dead end!"

"You should weigh the consequences yourself!"

At this point, it was a blatant threat.
Chapter 1984: The treasures at the bottom of the lake are about to be revealed

"Are you threatening me?" Margaret asked calmly.

"You can understand it as... advice," Enzo said with a meaningful smile. "Miss Margaret, those who recognize the current situation are wise. You're a smart person, and I believe you should know how to choose."

In the southwest, the three major sects were highly respected. Among them, the Wanderer Dragon Sect was universally recognized as the first, followed by the Flying Snow Sect in second place, and the Gold Blade Sect in third.

With the combined power of the Flying Snow Sect and the Wanderer Dragon Sect, they could easily dominate the region. Looking across the entire southwest territory, who dared to confront them directly?

"Sorry, I'm afraid to disappoint you. I stick to what I said. Either we share equally, or there's no deal," Margaret's tone remained unchanged.

"Hmm?" Enzo's face darkened, and he said sharply, "You wench! Don't offer a toast only to drink a forfeit!"


Margaret's captain of the guard was furious, drawing his sword menacingly. Disrespecting their lady was a line they wouldn't allow to be crossed.

Once the captain moved, dozens of elite guards unsheathed their swords, displaying a restless demeanor.

"Young Master Enzo, it's better to choose your words wisely. Otherwise, once my subordinates act impulsively, they can do anything," Margaret's eyes turned cold.

"Fine! Very well!"

Enzo gritted his teeth and said ominously, "It seems you haven't realized the severity of the situation. Offending both our Flying Snow Sect and the Wanderer Dragon Sect, do you know what consequences you'll face?"

"I don't offend others unless provoked. If someone provokes me, I will retaliate," Margaret said without changing her expression.

"Hmph! I think you won't understand until you see the coffin!" Enzo was angered. Just as he was about to erupt, he was stopped by Marcel beside him, who raised his hand to signal for calm. "Brother Enzo, stay calm. Let me handle this matter."

Marcel approached, stared arrogantly at Margaret, and said, "Miss Marcel, to be frank with you, the experts of our Wanderer Dragon Sect and Flying Snow Sect are on their way and will join us soon. If you cooperate with us now, not only will you be safe, but you may also gain some treasures. On the contrary, if you insist on being our enemy, it's like a moth throwing itself into the fire, seeking its own destruction!"

"As far as I'm concerned, you are the ones unrelated to me. Why should I abandon my friends and choose to cooperate with a bunch of unrelated people like you?" Margaret retorted.

"If you don't cooperate with us, do you think you can successfully seize the treasure today?" Marcel narrowed his eyes.

"Whether or not we can find the treasures depends on each individual's ability," Margaret replied nonchalantly.

"So, you're not going to cooperate?" Marcel's expression gradually turned cold as he glanced at Miguel, who was pretending to sleep on a tree, and said loudly, "Senior Miguel, what are your intentions?"

Of all the people present, he could ignore everyone else, but Miguel was an exception. As a martial arts master and one of the top five strong individuals in the southwest, Miguel ranked high in both strength and reputation.

Unless absolutely necessary, even the Wanderer Dragon Sect wouldn't want to openly clash with such a powerful figure.

"I have no interest in your previous grudges. Anyway, I will choose three items from the treasures at the bottom of the lake first. The rest, you can distribute among yourselves. It has nothing to do with me."

Miguel lay on the tree trunk, hands behind his head, legs crossed, adopting an indifferent posture as if the matters at hand didn't concern him.

"Good! With Senior Miguel's words, I can rest assured!" Marcel nodded. Internally, he was already calculating, and his gaze swept back to Margaret. "Miss Margaret, did you hear that? Now that you've lost your backing, how do you plan to contend with us?"

As long as Miguel didn't intervene, the elite members of the Wanderer Dragon Sect and Flying Snow Sect were more than enough to handle these small fry. Of course, some casualties were inevitable.

"Even if Senior Miguel doesn't take action, you people won't gain any advantage," Margaret said casually.


Holding a knife, Adriel stepped forward and shouted, "With the Gold Blade Sect and Duck Sect here, we won't allow you to act recklessly!"

Several disciples of the Gold Blade Sect followed suit, their eyes watchful. Though their numbers were not large, their momentum was by no means inferior.

Mainly due to Margaret's bold and honorable behavior, she had earned their respect. For the sake of their interests, she dared to confront the Wanderer Dragon Sect and Flying Snow Sect head-on, a courage that was truly admirable.

As women, there was simply no comparison between Margaret and Aria in this regard.

"Brother Marcel, it seems negotiations are impossible. Let's just attack!" Enzo lowered his voice. "Adriel is already injured and not to be feared. As long as we join forces to deal with that guy Dustin, the rest of these lackeys are not worth mentioning!"

Upon hearing this, Marcel licked his lips, a glint of fierceness in his eyes. Miguel had made it clear he wouldn't interfere, so the biggest threat to them now was Dustin, who had defeated them before.

But as long as he and Enzo joined forces, dealing with Dustin should not be a problem.

At this moment, the sky gradually darkened. Both sides were on edge, ready to strike at any moment.


Marcel, with a dark expression, slowly unsheathed his treasure sword. Just as he was about to give the order to attack, a sudden change occurred.

From the depths of the lake, a large number of water splashes suddenly erupted.

"Gulong, Gulong..."

The water splashed continuously, emitting a loud sound. From this central point, ripples spread rapidly in all directions, gradually converging into waves.


At this moment, accompanied by a loud roar, a dazzling white light suddenly shot out from the bottom of the water, piercing the sky.

This white light seemed to be a pillar connecting heaven and earth, dazzling and awe-inspiring.

As soon as it appeared, it illuminated the entire lake as if it were daytime.

After the white light appeared, a huge vortex formed where the water splashed, and it continued to expand.

The vortex spun faster and larger, and a large amount of lake water was drawn into it.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, the lake water began to recede at a visible speed.

In just a few minutes, it had contracted by more than ten meters.

"Look! The tide is receding! The treasures at the bottom of the lake are about to be revealed!" Aria pointed to the center of the lake, both surprised and delighted.
Chapter 1980: Pitch-black giant monster fish

After the bald and sturdy man entered the water, the rolling water splashes gradually subsided.

Onlookers stood by the lake, silently waiting, each with their own thoughts.

The lake was very quiet, with emerald green water and low visibility; you couldn't see any fish or shrimp inside, which was obviously abnormal.

Time passed slowly, and soon, five minutes had gone by.

The lake surface remained calm, without any ripples.

The three individuals who had entered the water earlier seemed to have disappeared without a trace, as if they had sunk without causing a single ripple.

"It's been about five minutes since they went down, right? Why haven't they come up yet? Could they be in danger?"

"It's unlikely. If there were monsters underwater, the three of them would have struggled, but now there's no movement at all, which proves they haven't encountered any danger."

"Could it be a strong undercurrent that drowned them?"
People looked at the calm lake surface, speculating and discussing various possibilities.

While the physical fitness of martial artists is superior to that of ordinary people, their breath-holding time is generally around five to six minutes. In the case of vigorous activity, this time can be significantly reduced.

The three individuals who had just entered the water had no diving equipment, only wearing goggles. Now, after five minutes, there was still no sign of them, which was indeed strange.

"Scorpion Team, how long can your team members stay underwater?" Margaret suddenly asked.

"Normally, about eight minutes," Jackson replied.

"It's been six minutes now. If they don't come up soon, there might be danger," Margaret said, checking the time.

She couldn't see the situation underwater and couldn't be sure whether the members of the Black Scorpion Squad had encountered danger or found a treasure.

When the eight-minute time limit arrived, if there was still no movement from the three individuals, it would be considered a sacrifice.

"Miss Margaret, I believe in my team members. They must be fine!" Jackson remained confident.

In his view, the Bull and the others most likely found a treasure and were currently hiding it. Once they secured the treasure, they would naturally resurface.


Just as everyone was eagerly waiting, a head suddenly emerged from the water, creating a splash of water.

It was none other than the bald and sturdy man!

"Splash, splash!"

Two more splashes followed, and the other two members of the Black Scorpion Squad also successfully surfaced.

"They're coming out! They're coming out!"

People's eyes lit up, and they became excited.

"Captain! We found something!" The bald man took off his goggles, wiped the water off his face, and laughed loudly. "I saw an underwater palace at the bottom of the lake, extremely luxurious and spectacular. There must be a lot of treasures hidden inside!"

"Underwater palace?"

This statement caused a commotion in the crowd.

A structure referred to as a palace was clearly not ordinary; it might be some ancient ruins. Often, these ruins contained various rare treasures.

As long as they could get their hands on one or two items, it would be enough to live comfortably for several lifetimes.

"Haha... This is great! There really are treasures at the bottom of the lake!"

"It seems that what Miss Aria said is true; this is indeed a treasure trove!"

"Brothers! Why are you still standing there? Hurry up, take off your clothes, and dive in for the treasure!"
After confirming the situation, the people on the shore became excited.

They were eager, rubbing their hands in anticipation.

"Brother! You did a great job. After this is done, Senior Miguel will definitely reward you generously!" Jackson laughed.

The underwater palace was discovered by the Black Scorpion Squad, and no matter how you looked at it, it was their credit.

"Thank you, Senior Miguel!" The Bald man respectfully bowed.

"No need for these formalities. I always keep my word. If you dare to take the lead, I will definitely give you more treasures," Miguel said with a faint smile.

People were in high spirits due to the good news, and after all the commotion, they finally found a treasure.

"All members of the Black Scorpion Squad, follow orders, everyone into the water!" Jackson commanded.

"Gold Blade Sect disciples, follow me!"

Seeing this, Adriel didn't hesitate at all and took the lead to run into the water.

He had a mission to fulfill and couldn't slack off.

Just as everyone was excited and preparing to dive for the treasure, a sudden change occurred.

In the center of the lake, a huge fish fin suddenly appeared.

The fin emerged from the water, about three meters high, resembling a small sailboat, and it moved at an incredible speed. As soon as it appeared, it headed straight for the Bald man and the other two.

Silent and without causing any disturbance.

"Scorpion team! Quickly, get ashore!" Jackson's sharp eyes quickly spotted the anomaly and immediately warned.

If the fin was three meters high, how large would the fish hiding under the water be?

"Captain, what's wrong?" The Bald man and the others hadn't noticed anything unusual behind them and looked puzzled.

"Behind you! Be careful behind you!" Jackson pointed to the central position of the lake with his hand.

"Behind?" The Bald man and the others were slightly stunned, then turned their heads in unison.

At the same time, the rapidly gliding fish fin seemed to sense something. It suddenly sank and disappeared without a trace, leaving only ripples like circles spreading across the water.

"Captain, did you see it wrong? There's nothing behind us." The Bald man looked left and right, a bit puzzled.

"Quit the nonsense! Get ashore!" Jackson frowned, feeling uneasy.


Seeing Jackson looking serious, the Bald man and the others didn't dare to hesitate and immediately swam towards the shore.


At that moment, a monstrous creature suddenly emerged from behind the three, creating a spray of water.

It was a pitch-black giant monster fish.

The monstrous fish was over ten meters long, with sharp teeth, eyes like lanterns, and fins like steel blades.

As it burst out of the water, it leaped several meters high. In the horrified gazes of the onlookers, it swallowed a member of the Black Scorpion Squad in one bite.

Then, with a "boom," it plunged back into the lake, disappearing without a trace.
Chapter 1981: School of monstrous fish

From the appearance of the monstrous fish to the swallowing of the Black Scorpion Squad member and its descent back into the lake, the entire process happened so quickly that the onlookers didn't react in time.

The Black Scorpion Squad member who was eaten didn't even have time to scream; he just disappeared without a trace.

Water splashed, and bright red blood gushed out from the lake bottom.


The Bald man and another Black Scorpion Squad member were directly shocked.

They widened their eyes, looked around in confusion, their faces filled with horror.

What just happened?

Where did their comrade go?

And what was the meaning of the gushing blood from the lake bottom?

"Why are you still standing there? Run!" Jackson shouted hoarsely after a moment of shock.

"Run... Run!" The Bald man and the other Black Scorpion member, as if awakening from a dream, didn't have time to think. They frantically kicked and swam towards the shore at the fastest speed.

At this moment, the people who were preparing to dive into the water were also stunned by the sudden change.

Although they didn't see it clearly just now, they could be sure that there was danger in the lake.

The massive shadow that flashed by, the disappeared Black Scorpion Squad member, and the churning blood water were enough to indicate that there was a monster in the water!


Just as the Bald man and the other were swimming desperately, the monstrous fish once again leaped out of the water, creating surging waves.

This time, the monstrous fish's speed was even faster. It directly attacked from behind, biting towards the head of the second Black Scorpion member.


The Black Scorpion member, as if sensing something, turned around, only to see a blood-gaping mouth descending from above, instantly swallowing him.

The piercing scream abruptly stopped in the water.

Apart from the churning blood water, not even a fragment was left behind.

"What the hell!"

The Bald man was scared out of his wits, his hands and feet paddling in the water like a motor, trying to swim back to the shore.

On the shore, even though facing a monster, Jackson had the strength to fight.

However, in the water, his movements were restricted, and his strength greatly diminished. Faced with a gigantic fish capable of swallowing a person in one bite, there was no room for resistance.

"Damn it! You dare to treat my brother as food? Watch me kill you!"

Jackson, on the shore, was furious. He directly pulled out an AK rifle and aimed at the direction behind the Bald man.

As long as the monster dared to show up again, he would fill it with bullets, turning it into a hornet's nest.


Two seconds later, water splashed, and the monstrous fish once again shot out of the water, biting towards the struggling Bald man.


Gritting his teeth, Jackson directly pulled the trigger.


A burst of gunfire echoed, bullets pouring out like rain, most of them hitting the monstrous fish. However, contrary to Jackson's expectations, the bullets didn't penetrate the fish's scales but produced crisp sounds like hitting metal, along with sparks splattering.

No penetration at all.


Seeing this scene, Jackson was dumbfounded.

He truly didn't expect that the scales of this monstrous fish would be so tough, resisting bullets like they were hitting iron armor.

This is terrifying!

"Captain! Save me!"

The Bald man roared in unwillingness.

However, the monstrous fish showed no mercy, opening its bloodthirsty mouth and biting fiercely towards the Bald man.

"Beast! Get away from me!"

The Bald man roared, pulling out a knife from his waist and fiercely hacking at the fish's head with all his strength.


The blade struck the monstrous fish's scales, sparking a shower of sparks, but it didn't harm it in the slightest. Taking advantage of the momentum of its attack, the monstrous fish directly swallowed the Bald man.

The Bald man, with a robust physique much larger than an average person, wasn't swallowed whole. Instead, the fish left his legs outside.

Through the gaps in the monstrous fish's sharp teeth, the anguished screams of the Bald man could be clearly heard.

Harsh and filled with fear.


The monstrous fish lifted its head, opened its bloodthirsty mouth again, and tossed the Bald man into its belly.

After devouring three people, the monstrous fish didn't leave immediately. Instead, it silently hovered about ten meters from the shore, as if waiting for prey to come to it.

At this point, the people were too shocked to say anything.

The excitement and joy from before had completely disappeared, replaced by fear and dread.

Three formidable warriors were eaten like snacks by this monstrous fish, making it incredibly horrifying.


Losing three brothers, Jackson was burning with anger. He continuously fired his gun towards the water, venting his fury.

Bullets were shot into the lake like they were free, creating splashes of water, but they had no effect whatsoever.

"Damn it! Luckily, we didn't dive just now; otherwise, we would have been done for!"

"Who would have thought? We believed the lake was safe, but it turns out there's such a monster hidden here."

"I have to say, those three were really unlucky. They were actually eaten alive, not even leaving behind a corpse. Just thinking about it gives me the chills."


Watching the gradually fading blood on the lake's surface, people couldn't help but whisper, a mix of fear and relief.

"Look! What's that?!"

At this moment, a man suddenly pointed towards the depths of the lake.

Following the direction of his finger, everyone was left stunned and trembling with fear.

In the depths of the lake, numerous massive fish fins, resembling sailboats, emerged successively from the water.

Initially, there were only three to five.

Soon, it increased to three to five dozen.

Gradually, it became three to five hundred.

In the end, countless fins formed a dense, uncountable mass.

These monstrous fish seemed to have smelled the scent of blood, waking up one after another and rapidly gathering.

In just a few minutes, the mist-covered lake was already filled with monstrous fish.

Looking at the astonishing number of monstrous fish, everyone was shocked.

One monstrous fish was difficult to deal with, so what kind of horror would a gathering of over a thousand monstrous fish bring?

If they had all dived just now, by now, they would have become a feast for this school of monstrous fish.
Chapter 1982: You don't know how to lie

Jackson was dumbfounded.

Staring at the densely packed group of strange fish, the inner rage that had been burning within him seemed to have dissipated at some point.

In its place was sheer horror.

He had never dreamed that in this seemingly calm lake, there were so many monstrous creatures that preyed on humans.

If he had known earlier, he would never have let his team members take the risk of going into the water.

"Indeed, danger lurks everywhere!" Aria sighed theatrically.

In fact, she had known about the strange fish at the bottom of the lake long ago.

Last night, she had witnessed two mutated giant wolves being torn apart and devoured by these strange fish.

The reason she hadn't warned anyone earlier was simply to maximize her own gains.

After all, the more people died, the fewer there would be to share the treasures with her in the end.

"So many strange fish, we can't go into the water at all. Let's wait until the tide recedes at night," Margaret said without much elaboration, immediately directing her guards to set up camp nearby.

The Heavenly Eye Gem had already sensed something; perhaps the Dragon Source Energy was hidden at the bottom of the lake. At this moment, she had no intention of leaving.

"I'll take a nap. Wake me up when it's time," Miguel yawned, then leaped onto the trunk of a large tree, where he began to sleep soundly.

With his cultivation, going underwater was not impossible, but it wasn't necessary. On land, he could exert his full strength, while in the water, he would be constrained and vulnerable. In case they encountered some formidable aquatic creature, it would be like shooting themselves in the foot.

"Aria, your injury hasn't fully healed. Let's rest over there for a while," Adriel called out and, before Aria could sit down, he took off his own coat and placed it under her, behaving like a considerate man.

Aria responded with a smile, indifferent. However, her gaze occasionally flickered towards Dustin.

Compared to Adriel, she was more curious about Dustin's identity.

After all, with her looks, she was always pursued wherever she went. Any man, whether a young talent or a high-ranking official, couldn't help but take a few more glances at her, eventually getting entranced and unable to extricate themselves.

But Dustin was an exception.

Since they met, he hadn't looked at her even once, as if she didn't exist.

This made her, who had always been proud, somewhat uncomfortable, but at the same time, it added a bit more curiosity.

Was this guy really not interested in her, or did he have no inclination towards women?

I have to find an opportunity to test him.

"Captain, senior brother is dead, and more than half of our remaining team members are lost. What should we do now?" The short-haired woman from the Black Scorpion Squad frowned, her expression particularly solemn.

Their Black Scorpion Squad originally had more than ten people, but ever since entering this eerie oasis, their team members had been continuously lost.

Now, including her, the entire Black Scorpion Squad had only five members left.

They hadn't obtained the treasure yet, and losing more than half of their team members made it particularly difficult to accept.

"Next, we must act low-key and avoid attracting attention!" Jackson said in a deep voice.

After experiencing several dangerous situations, he had already figured it out.

This place is extremely dangerous, and one careless move could cost lives.

Compared to treasure hunting, the top priority now is survival.

Preserving lives is crucial before considering the treasures.

Otherwise, even if one were to obtain the treasure by chance, they might not be able to escape from this eerie oasis.

As time passed, dusk approached.

At this moment, a rustling sound suddenly came from the trees by the lake.

"Who's there?!"

The closest, Adriel, was the first to sense something abnormal and immediately drew the sword from his waist.

Upon seeing this, the others became alert.

"It's us!"

Along with a loud voice, two forces, one from the left and one from the right, slowly emerged from the bushes.

The force on the left, consisting of about a dozen people, all dressed in green, carried precious swords and looked imposing.

The leader was a man with a hooked nose, accompanied by a girl with a ponytail.

The arrivals were disciples of the Flying Snow Sect.

The force on the right had more than twenty people, all dressed in yellow, also carrying swords.

Judging from their momentum, they seemed to surpass the disciples of the Flying Snow Sect.

The newcomers were disciples of the Wanderer Dragon Sect.

"Enzo? Marcel?"

Seeing the leaders of the two groups, Adriel couldn't help but furrow his brows slightly.

Enemies often meet on a narrow path. He hadn't expected to encounter members of the Wanderer Dragon Sect and the Flying Snow Sect here.

Moreover, judging from the situation, it seemed that the two major sects had formed an alliance.

It was indeed troublesome.

"Adriel, didn't expect this, huh? We meet again," Enzo said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes, crossing his arms and holding a sword, looking somewhat mocking.

"Why are you here?" Adriel said with a cold expression.

"Of course, we're here for treasure hunting," Enzo said with a meaningful smile. "I heard that there are many treasures hidden under this lake, so we specially came here to try our luck."

"Humph! Nonsense! There are no treasures here," Adriel categorically denied.

"No treasures? Then why are you staying here?" Enzo retorted.

"We're tired from the journey. Can't we take a rest here?" Adriel said impatiently.

"Adriel, you're still the same. You don't know how to lie," Enzo shook his head and sneered. "To be honest, I've had my eye on you for a while. I've been secretly following your every move. Everything you've done, I've seen it all. Did you really think you could deceive me? Don't kid yourself!"

Since leaving the Deserted Village, he had dispatched a skilled tracker to follow Margaret's team.

Because he was well aware that the other party held the most detailed information.

As long as he followed Margaret's team, sooner or later, he would find the treasure.

Sure enough, after tailing them for so many days, he finally had a harvest.

"You are truly despicable!"

Adriel gritted his teeth, almost unable to resist drawing his sword.

They were risking their lives for treasure hunting, and unexpectedly, they were being used as pawns by others.
Chapter 1983: Survival of the fittest

"Despicable and shameless? Hehehe..."

Enzo shook his head with a smile. "Adriel, as the chief disciple of the Gold Blade Sect, I'm quite disappointed to hear such words from you. I'm truly let down by you."

Watching Adriel's embarrassed expression, he couldn't help but feel delighted.

"Senior Brother Enzo, it's first come, first served. We've occupied this place, so you'd better look for another one," Aria couldn't help but speak up.

The more people searching for treasure at the lake, the less advantageous it was for her. If they couldn't compete or were beaten to the treasure, her efforts would be in vain.

"Oh? It's Senior Sister Aria from the Duck Sect. You've become even more beautiful after two years," Enzo said with a sly smile.

"Thank you for the compliment, Senior Brother Enzo," Aria smiled slightly. "Senior Brother Enzo, my Duck Sect was the first to discover this place. Can you give this junior sister some face?"

"Senior Sister Aria, it's not that I won't give you face, but this is a mission from the sect, and I can't help it," Enzo said. Suddenly changing the topic, he continued, "Of course, if the Duck Sect is willing to befriend the Flying Snow Sect and agree to Senior Sister Aria's engagement to me, I can consider making a concession."

Upon hearing this, Aria couldn't help but furrow her brows slightly, but she quickly returned to normal.

It was rather Adriel beside her who, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, instantly flared up, cursing, "Enzo! What the hell do you mean? Are you deliberately disgusting people? Believe it or not, I'll chop you into pieces!"

All the major sects in the southwest knew that the Gold Blade Sect and the Duck Sect had formed an alliance, and Aria was his fiancée.

Enzo's words were clearly intended to humiliate.

"Chop me into pieces? Hehehe..."

Hearing this, Enzo laughed, glancing up and down, mocking, "Adriel, look at your current appearance. Can you still compete with me?"

"Even if I'm injured, dealing with you is more than enough!"

Adriel was furious, preparing to step forward with his sword.


Aria immediately reached out to stop Adriel, saying calmly, "Senior Brother Adriel, they have more people and a stronger force. Going up like this will only put you at a disadvantage."

If it were just the Flying Snow Sect, it would be okay, but the problem was that the Wanderer Dragon Sect was watching from the side.

Even though Adriel was formidable, he couldn't possibly contend with the elite disciples of two major sects.

"This guy is really annoying!"

Adriel gritted his teeth, looking indignant.

"Senior Brother Enzo, don't waste time with them. Let's discuss the matter at hand," the stern-faced Marcel spoke up at this moment.

Damn it, at a crucial moment for treasure hunting, he was still thinking about pursuing women. He really couldn't distinguish between priorities.

"Senior Brother Marcel, calm down. I'll go up and negotiate now."

Enzo smiled slightly, then walked slowly to Margaret and said, "Miss Margaret, since you are the leader of this team, we intend to discuss a deal with you."

"Oh? What deal?" Margaret remained calm.

"We came here for treasure hunting; there's no need for hostility. From what I see, why don't we cooperate and make money together?" Enzo said with a smile that wasn't really a smile.

"How do you propose we cooperate?" Margaret didn't reject outright.

"It's very simple. Since there are three factions here, we can search for treasure together. After obtaining the treasures, we can split them into three shares, and no one will lose out," Enzo said with a smile.

In the past, he wouldn't have bothered suggesting such an arrangement, but now, with Margaret's team being numerous and the Desert Dragon Miguel dealing with threats, forcefully taking the treasures wasn't realistic. Hence, cooperation was the best option.

"Split into three shares?" Margaret raised an eyebrow. "So you mean one share for the Flying Snow Sect, one for the Wanderer Dragon Sect, and one for us?"

"That's right," Enzo nodded.

"And what about the Gold Blade Sect and the Duck Sect?" Margaret asked.

"Combining the Gold Blade Sect and the Duck Sect, they only have a few people. What qualifications do they have to share the treasures?" Enzo sneered with disdain, deliberately glancing at Adriel with a provoking air.

"What the hell are you saying?"

Adriel stared and shouted, "What does your Flying Snow Sect think you are? Why look down on our Gold Blade Sect?"

"I'm just stating the facts," Enzo said with a sneer. "Look at the people around you. What role can they play? What qualifications do they have to contend with our Flying Snow Sect?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Dare to say our Gold Blade Sect is no good? Have the guts to fight me!"

Adriel cursed angrily.

"Jumping clown, I can't be bothered to deal with you."

Enzo shook his head, then turned to Margaret and said, "Miss Margaret, what do you think?"

"I think it's not very suitable," Margaret said calmly. "If we're going to share, we should all share equally. How can we favor one over the other?"

She understood Enzo's intentions. On the surface, it seemed like cooperation, but in reality, it was an attempt to sow discord and divide their internal forces.

However, such tactics were beneath her.

"Miss Margaret, it's a survival of the fittest world. The fittest will survive. If we can give you a share, it's already the greatest concession we can make. It's impossible to share with others!" Enzo's face became serious.

In this world of survival of the fittest, neither the Gold Blade Sect nor the Duck Sect had the qualifications to be on equal footing with them under the current circumstances.

He couldn't accept such an outcome.

"If that's the case, then let's not talk about it."

Margaret immediately rejected the proposal.


Enzo frowned, his expression turning dark. "Miss Margaret, the Flying Snow Sect and the Wanderer Dragon Sect are the top two sects in the southwest. If you become our friend, it will bring you countless benefits and no harm. However, if you choose to be our enemy, there's only one dead end!"

"You should weigh the consequences yourself!"

At this point, it was a blatant threat.
Chapter 1984: The treasures at the bottom of the lake are about to be revealed

"Are you threatening me?" Margaret asked calmly.

"You can understand it as... advice," Enzo said with a meaningful smile. "Miss Margaret, those who recognize the current situation are wise. You're a smart person, and I believe you should know how to choose."

In the southwest, the three major sects were highly respected. Among them, the Wanderer Dragon Sect was universally recognized as the first, followed by the Flying Snow Sect in second place, and the Gold Blade Sect in third.

With the combined power of the Flying Snow Sect and the Wanderer Dragon Sect, they could easily dominate the region. Looking across the entire southwest territory, who dared to confront them directly?

"Sorry, I'm afraid to disappoint you. I stick to what I said. Either we share equally, or there's no deal," Margaret's tone remained unchanged.

"Hmm?" Enzo's face darkened, and he said sharply, "You wench! Don't offer a toast only to drink a forfeit!"


Margaret's captain of the guard was furious, drawing his sword menacingly. Disrespecting their lady was a line they wouldn't allow to be crossed.

Once the captain moved, dozens of elite guards unsheathed their swords, displaying a restless demeanor.

"Young Master Enzo, it's better to choose your words wisely. Otherwise, once my subordinates act impulsively, they can do anything," Margaret's eyes turned cold.

"Fine! Very well!"

Enzo gritted his teeth and said ominously, "It seems you haven't realized the severity of the situation. Offending both our Flying Snow Sect and the Wanderer Dragon Sect, do you know what consequences you'll face?"

"I don't offend others unless provoked. If someone provokes me, I will retaliate," Margaret said without changing her expression.

"Hmph! I think you won't understand until you see the coffin!" Enzo was angered. Just as he was about to erupt, he was stopped by Marcel beside him, who raised his hand to signal for calm. "Brother Enzo, stay calm. Let me handle this matter."

Marcel approached, stared arrogantly at Margaret, and said, "Miss Marcel, to be frank with you, the experts of our Wanderer Dragon Sect and Flying Snow Sect are on their way and will join us soon. If you cooperate with us now, not only will you be safe, but you may also gain some treasures. On the contrary, if you insist on being our enemy, it's like a moth throwing itself into the fire, seeking its own destruction!"

"As far as I'm concerned, you are the ones unrelated to me. Why should I abandon my friends and choose to cooperate with a bunch of unrelated people like you?" Margaret retorted.

"If you don't cooperate with us, do you think you can successfully seize the treasure today?" Marcel narrowed his eyes.

"Whether or not we can find the treasures depends on each individual's ability," Margaret replied nonchalantly.

"So, you're not going to cooperate?" Marcel's expression gradually turned cold as he glanced at Miguel, who was pretending to sleep on a tree, and said loudly, "Senior Miguel, what are your intentions?"

Of all the people present, he could ignore everyone else, but Miguel was an exception. As a martial arts master and one of the top five strong individuals in the southwest, Miguel ranked high in both strength and reputation.

Unless absolutely necessary, even the Wanderer Dragon Sect wouldn't want to openly clash with such a powerful figure.

"I have no interest in your previous grudges. Anyway, I will choose three items from the treasures at the bottom of the lake first. The rest, you can distribute among yourselves. It has nothing to do with me."

Miguel lay on the tree trunk, hands behind his head, legs crossed, adopting an indifferent posture as if the matters at hand didn't concern him.

"Good! With Senior Miguel's words, I can rest assured!" Marcel nodded. Internally, he was already calculating, and his gaze swept back to Margaret. "Miss Margaret, did you hear that? Now that you've lost your backing, how do you plan to contend with us?"

As long as Miguel didn't intervene, the elite members of the Wanderer Dragon Sect and Flying Snow Sect were more than enough to handle these small fry. Of course, some casualties were inevitable.

"Even if Senior Miguel doesn't take action, you people won't gain any advantage," Margaret said casually.


Holding a knife, Adriel stepped forward and shouted, "With the Gold Blade Sect and Duck Sect here, we won't allow you to act recklessly!"

Several disciples of the Gold Blade Sect followed suit, their eyes watchful. Though their numbers were not large, their momentum was by no means inferior.

Mainly due to Margaret's bold and honorable behavior, she had earned their respect. For the sake of their interests, she dared to confront the Wanderer Dragon Sect and Flying Snow Sect head-on, a courage that was truly admirable.

As women, there was simply no comparison between Margaret and Aria in this regard.

"Brother Marcel, it seems negotiations are impossible. Let's just attack!" Enzo lowered his voice. "Adriel is already injured and not to be feared. As long as we join forces to deal with that guy Dustin, the rest of these lackeys are not worth mentioning!"

Upon hearing this, Marcel licked his lips, a glint of fierceness in his eyes. Miguel had made it clear he wouldn't interfere, so the biggest threat to them now was Dustin, who had defeated them before.

But as long as he and Enzo joined forces, dealing with Dustin should not be a problem.

At this moment, the sky gradually darkened. Both sides were on edge, ready to strike at any moment.


Marcel, with a dark expression, slowly unsheathed his treasure sword. Just as he was about to give the order to attack, a sudden change occurred.

From the depths of the lake, a large number of water splashes suddenly erupted.

"Gulong, Gulong..."

The water splashed continuously, emitting a loud sound. From this central point, ripples spread rapidly in all directions, gradually converging into waves.


At this moment, accompanied by a loud roar, a dazzling white light suddenly shot out from the bottom of the water, piercing the sky.

This white light seemed to be a pillar connecting heaven and earth, dazzling and awe-inspiring.

As soon as it appeared, it illuminated the entire lake as if it were daytime.

After the white light appeared, a huge vortex formed where the water splashed, and it continued to expand.

The vortex spun faster and larger, and a large amount of lake water was drawn into it.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, the lake water began to recede at a visible speed.

In just a few minutes, it had contracted by more than ten meters.

"Look! The tide is receding! The treasures at the bottom of the lake are about to be revealed!" Aria pointed to the center of the lake, both surprised and delighted.
bbaggi and anyone else that does this, as previously mentioned if all you have to say is 👍 in your reply. just click 👍Like on nazmul's posts. this way it creates less clutter in the thread. and it doesn't give us false hope that an update has been posted.
Yes they got to know his Identity when Hector was killed and both sisters were held hostage but it was also Obvious that the Kirin wanted his kept a secret.
I believe the writer also deliberately kept the story in that line for some future BOMBSHELL.
Everyone knw but natasha & her sister dont know that he is kirin. May be writter want to keep that as secret to engaging the story. But fact is writter lost the path in the desert. Simply dragging the story. It will take another 1000 epsd to come out from the desert.

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