An Understated Dominance Chapter 1301 to Chapter 2422 - English Version Translated by NAZMUL

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English Version Translated by NAZMUL

An Understated Dominance is a Urban novel for men, telling a story of Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. "An Understated Dominance" delves into themes of ambition, power and the price of success. The novel explores the complexities of relationships and so on.

Charlie Wade

Oct 10, 2023
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i think it was when dustin went to a hotel and was framed for someone's death then aaron came and fought him and in the fight his tattoo was also revealed so he recognised him as the prince of west lucozia kirin. then Adam spanner came to clear up the mess and something like that
Ohh, its him, now I remember, his sister was killed and framed it on Dustin. Thank you mate for mentioning this matter, I was wondering were did I miss it, now I got the point.

Charlie Wade

Oct 10, 2023
Reaction score
This story is becoming interesting each passing day. Too bad we have to wait slowly for the author to update the chapters
And the author seemed to making it too delayed approach, he omits some days, now he even didn't post everyday basis, he is upto his will. Its sad to say, but we can't control it or protest our eagerness anywhere. (Nb:- author mentioned by me is its original author who ever it is, not our profound nazmul )


Immortal Great Grandmaster
Platinum Villager
Sep 15, 2023
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Chapter 2341: Master's orders

"Have you met?"

Upon hearing these words, Violet and her sister glanced at Aaron, then simultaneously fixed their gaze on Dustin, their expressions tinged with curiosity and doubt.

Could it be that they were acquaintances?

"Young Master Aaron is renowned across the land. How could someone insignificant like me have the opportunity to meet him? Perhaps Young Master Aaron finds me familiar because I have a common face," Dustin's expression remained calm, though a few ripples stirred within him.

The face he wore now was the result of a disguise, vastly different from his original appearance.

Moreover, upon seeing Aaron, he had deliberately concealed his aura, revealing no flaws.

Unexpectedly, the other's perception was so keen that with just a glance, he sensed something amiss.

"It seems I have mistaken you for someone else."

After staring intently at Dustin for two seconds, Aaron finally smiled slightly, "But Dr. Dustin is not insignificant. To receive such high praise from Violet and Lily, there are few in the world who could match it. I believe that with Dr. Dustin's talent, you will soon be renowned."

Though the person before him seemed ordinary, he gave Aaron a sense of profound mystery.

He had a premonition that this Dr. Dustin was not simple.

"Thank you for your kind words, Young Master Aaron. I hope that day comes," Dustin responded politely.

As the two were speaking, Gavin suddenly walked out of the villa.

Seeing the scene before him, he was momentarily stunned and then frowned slightly, especially upon seeing Aaron.

A trace of hatred flashed in his eyes.

However, when Aaron's gaze swept over, Gavin immediately put on a smile and warmly approached.

"Aaron, when did you arrive? Why didn't you notify me in advance? I would have arranged a proper welcome," Gavin said, smiling as he walked up, appearing very familiar.

"Master sent me to deal with some scoundrels attempting to harm the World Martial Arts Sect," Aaron responded straightforwardly.

"Regarding the assassins last night, I have already ordered an investigation. I believe there will be results soon, so you need not worry," Gavin said with a smile.

"Senior Brother, it's not about whether I worry, but about fulfilling Master's orders."

Aaron said indifferently, "Moreover, Senior Brother, your actions seem inappropriate. Under your protection, Violet was first poisoned, then attacked. If not for a benefactor's rescue, she might have been killed. Master is very dissatisfied with this, so he sent me specifically to protect Violet and Lily's safety."

These words already carried a tone of blame.

Gavin's failure to protect them was a dereliction of duty, and according to the sect's rules, he was sure to be punished.


Immortal Great Grandmaster
Platinum Villager
Sep 15, 2023
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Chapter 2342: Your task is complete

"Recent events were indeed due to my momentary oversight, but I promise, it won't happen again," Gavin forced a smile.

As the senior brother, being publicly reprimanded by Aaron was undoubtedly a blow to his pride. However, due to Aaron's status, he had no choice but to swallow his anger.

"Senior Brother, your task is complete. Return to the sect with the enforcement team and report to Master," Aaron said impassively.

"What?" Gavin frowned, "Aaron, it isn't appropriate for me to leave now. I have many unfinished tasks, and besides, I am supposed to represent our sect in the martial arts tournament."

"No matter what tasks you have, put them aside for now. As for the tournament, I will handle it. There's no need for you to worry. Please," Aaron stepped aside, gesturing with one hand to invite Gavin to get into the car.

Seeing the enforcement team ahead, staring intently, Gavin narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling an inexplicable sense of unease. If he left now, all his previous plans and schemes would come to nothing.

Having come this far, he was unwilling to give up.

"Aaron, are you trying to take all the credit?" Gavin's tone was somewhat displeased. "You and I have always minded our own business. Now, just because I made a small mistake, you're disregarding our camaraderie and kicking me when I'm down. Isn't that a bit too much?"

"Brother Gavin, regarding last night's incident, Senior Brother did his best. You can't blame him. The enemy was insidious and unpredictable," Violet hurriedly tried to smooth things over, sensing the situation was turning sour.

After all, they were fellow disciples. They would see each other often in the future, and there was no need to strain their relationship too much.

"Yes, Brother Aaron, Senior Brother has been diligent and has never slacked off. Could you let this go?" Lily also pleaded.

Negligence could be a minor or a major offense. If Gavin were to return to the sect with the enforcement team, he would surely face punishment. However, if Aaron showed leniency, the situation would be entirely different.

"Violet, Lily, this is Master's order. There's nothing I can do," Aaron shook his head.

"I'll speak to Father and ensure you won't be put in a difficult position," Violet quickly offered.

"Violet, it's not as simple as you think. Rules are rules. If you make a mistake, you must accept the punishment. No one is exempt," Aaron shook his head again.

"Brother Aaron..."

Violet was about to say more, but Aaron raised his hand to stop her and then looked at Gavin coldly, "Senior Brother, my patience is limited. I'll ask you one last time: will you get in the car yourself, or should I make you?"

The last sentence carried a clear threat.


Immortal Great Grandmaster
Platinum Villager
Sep 15, 2023
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Chapter 2343: To be executed on the spot to uphold the rules

Aaron's words made Gavin's face darken.

He hadn't expected the person in front of him to be so unfeeling, showing no respect for him as the senior disciple.

"Aaron, don't go too far!"

Gavin said with a grim face, "I am the senior disciple of World Martial Arts Sect. Watch your tone!"

"Senior brother, I've been polite enough to you. Don't make things difficult for me." Aaron said coldly.

"Difficult? Hmph! I think you're just settling personal scores under the guise of public duty!" Gavin said in a hostile tone.

"Senior brother, stop wasting time. It's meaningless. You must make a choice today." Aaron remained unmoved.

"What if I refuse to go with the enforcement team?" Gavin asked, squinting his eyes.

"Then don't blame me for taking action against you!" Aaron said coldly.

"You're outrageous!" Gavin instantly flew into a rage. "Aaron, don't think that just because you have some strength, you can flaunt it here. If it comes to a fight, I may not lose to you!"

"You can try." Aaron said expressionlessly.

"You're really pushing me too far!" Gavin gritted his teeth.

"Alright, alright, both of you say less!"

Seeing the situation becoming increasingly tense, Violet immediately stepped between them and started to mediate, "We're all fellow disciples, why resort to fighting each other? Aaron, give me some face and let this matter go today. I'll call my father later and ask him to rescind his order."

"Violet, it's not that I'm heartless, but Gavin's crime is unforgivable. Master has issued a strict order to detain him for trial. If he resists, he can be executed on the spot to uphold the rules!" Aaron's words were resolute.


As soon as he said this, both Violet and Lily's expressions changed dramatically.

To be executed on the spot to uphold the rules.

These eight words carried an entirely different weight.

Typically, only disciples who had committed heinous crimes would face such severe punishment.

The problem was, Gavin had only been negligent in his duty as a guard. Even if accountability was pursued, given his status, it would at most be a verbal warning or a few lashes.

Why had her father issued such a severe order as if dealing with a felon?

At this moment, not only were the two sisters shocked, but Gavin, the person involved, was also in turmoil inside.

If he had done nothing, he would naturally not be worried.

But he had a guilty conscience. Hearing Aaron's words, his first reaction was that Jeffrey might have already suspected something.

Had his collusion with the Hall of Priests and betrayal of the sect been completely exposed?

But thinking it through, it didn't seem likely.

He had always been careful, having only met Noel once. Most of the time, they communicated through encrypted phone calls.

Under normal circumstances, he shouldn't have been exposed.

What was going on?

"Aaron, you're not joking, right? How could father issue such a strict order?" Violet frowned, finding it hard to believe.


Immortal Great Grandmaster
Platinum Villager
Sep 15, 2023
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Chapter 2344: I will reveal your ugly deeds myself

"That's right, Aaron. Even if Senior Brother has been negligent, it's only a minor fault that deserves a small punishment, nothing this severe," Lily also found it incomprehensible.

At first, they thought that Aaron had brought the enforcement team to ensure their safety.

Now they realized that the enforcement team was here specifically to arrest Gavin.

But they didn't understand why Gavin, who seemed to have done nothing, would face such a severe punishment.

"Master must have his reasons for issuing such an order. As for why, you can ask Gavin yourselves about what he's done." Aaron stared intently at Gavin, his eyes full of coldness.

"Senior Brother..."

Violet and Lily turned their puzzled and confused gazes to Gavin.

"No... I didn't do anything!"

Gavin shook his head repeatedly, then suddenly pointed at Aaron and shouted angrily, "It must be you! You've been sowing discord in front of Master, deliberately slandering me. You're a despicable and shameless hypocrite!"

"Gavin, at this point, you're still trying to deny it?"

Aaron said coldly, "If you confess now and reform, considering our fellowship, I can plead with Master to lighten your punishment. But if you continue to be obstinate, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"Nonsense! What crime could I have committed? I've lived my life with integrity and honesty. Stop spouting such nonsense!" Gavin shouted, but his confidence was clearly wavering.

"Gavin, I intended to spare you some dignity in front of Violet and Lily, but since you remain so stubborn, today, I will reveal your ugly deeds myself!"

As Aaron spoke, he suddenly took out his phone and played an audio recording.

Soon, Gavin's voice could be heard from the phone.

"Hello! What are you doing? I provided you with the address, sent out the top experts, and even pretended to be crazy to give you the opportunity. And what happened? You couldn't even manage a kidnapping. The Hall of Priests is utterly incompetent!"

"Young Master Gavin, today's incident was purely accidental. It was our misjudgment in using people that led to the failure of the plan. We indeed cannot shirk the responsibility, but rest assured, we will try our best to make amends and will not make any more mistakes."

"Make amends? How? After this incident, the two sisters will be even more cautious, and they've already sought help from the sect. More powerful experts will arrive tomorrow to guard them. Kidnapping them then will be nearly impossible!"

"Young Master Gavin, please remain calm. We have already made arrangements. You just need to participate in the competition as usual. On the day of the finals, we will create a major incident to throw the whole of Infernal Mountain into chaos. Then, we can implement the kidnapping plan."

"A major incident? What kind of incident?"

"Sorry, that's confidential. We cannot disclose it for now. Please understand."

"Fine, I'm not interested in your secrets. But don't forget our agreement."

"Don't worry, Young Master Gavin. Once the plan succeeds, we will fully support you in becoming the leader of World Martial Arts Sect!"


Martial Arts Master
Sep 19, 2023
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Chapter 2344: I will reveal your ugly deeds myself

"That's right, Aaron. Even if Senior Brother has been negligent, it's only a minor fault that deserves a small punishment, nothing this severe," Lily also found it incomprehensible.

At first, they thought that Aaron had brought the enforcement team to ensure their safety.

Now they realized that the enforcement team was here specifically to arrest Gavin.

But they didn't understand why Gavin, who seemed to have done nothing, would face such a severe punishment.

"Master must have his reasons for issuing such an order. As for why, you can ask Gavin yourselves about what he's done." Aaron stared intently at Gavin, his eyes full of coldness.

"Senior Brother..."

Violet and Lily turned their puzzled and confused gazes to Gavin.

"No... I didn't do anything!"

Gavin shook his head repeatedly, then suddenly pointed at Aaron and shouted angrily, "It must be you! You've been sowing discord in front of Master, deliberately slandering me. You're a despicable and shameless hypocrite!"

"Gavin, at this point, you're still trying to deny it?"

Aaron said coldly, "If you confess now and reform, considering our fellowship, I can plead with Master to lighten your punishment. But if you continue to be obstinate, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"Nonsense! What crime could I have committed? I've lived my life with integrity and honesty. Stop spouting such nonsense!" Gavin shouted, but his confidence was clearly wavering.

"Gavin, I intended to spare you some dignity in front of Violet and Lily, but since you remain so stubborn, today, I will reveal your ugly deeds myself!"

As Aaron spoke, he suddenly took out his phone and played an audio recording.

Soon, Gavin's voice could be heard from the phone.

"Hello! What are you doing? I provided you with the address, sent out the top experts, and even pretended to be crazy to give you the opportunity. And what happened? You couldn't even manage a kidnapping. The Hall of Priests is utterly incompetent!"

"Young Master Gavin, today's incident was purely accidental. It was our misjudgment in using people that led to the failure of the plan. We indeed cannot shirk the responsibility, but rest assured, we will try our best to make amends and will not make any more mistakes."

"Make amends? How? After this incident, the two sisters will be even more cautious, and they've already sought help from the sect. More powerful experts will arrive tomorrow to guard them. Kidnapping them then will be nearly impossible!"

"Young Master Gavin, please remain calm. We have already made arrangements. You just need to participate in the competition as usual. On the day of the finals, we will create a major incident to throw the whole of Infernal Mountain into chaos. Then, we can implement the kidnapping plan."

"A major incident? What kind of incident?"

"Sorry, that's confidential. We cannot disclose it for now. Please understand."

"Fine, I'm not interested in your secrets. But don't forget our agreement."

"Don't worry, Young Master Gavin. Once the plan succeeds, we will fully support you in becoming the leader of World Martial Arts Sect!"
Hoo the rat has hidden its self besides the cat's milk

Let me get my sword and tailsman to finish off that peeping grass Gavin


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Jan 7, 2024
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Chapter 2344: I will reveal your ugly deeds myself

"That's right, Aaron. Even if Senior Brother has been negligent, it's only a minor fault that deserves a small punishment, nothing this severe," Lily also found it incomprehensible.

At first, they thought that Aaron had brought the enforcement team to ensure their safety.

Now they realized that the enforcement team was here specifically to arrest Gavin.

But they didn't understand why Gavin, who seemed to have done nothing, would face such a severe punishment.

"Master must have his reasons for issuing such an order. As for why, you can ask Gavin yourselves about what he's done." Aaron stared intently at Gavin, his eyes full of coldness.

"Senior Brother..."

Violet and Lily turned their puzzled and confused gazes to Gavin.

"No... I didn't do anything!"

Gavin shook his head repeatedly, then suddenly pointed at Aaron and shouted angrily, "It must be you! You've been sowing discord in front of Master, deliberately slandering me. You're a despicable and shameless hypocrite!"

"Gavin, at this point, you're still trying to deny it?"

Aaron said coldly, "If you confess now and reform, considering our fellowship, I can plead with Master to lighten your punishment. But if you continue to be obstinate, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"Nonsense! What crime could I have committed? I've lived my life with integrity and honesty. Stop spouting such nonsense!" Gavin shouted, but his confidence was clearly wavering.

"Gavin, I intended to spare you some dignity in front of Violet and Lily, but since you remain so stubborn, today, I will reveal your ugly deeds myself!"

As Aaron spoke, he suddenly took out his phone and played an audio recording.

Soon, Gavin's voice could be heard from the phone.

"Hello! What are you doing? I provided you with the address, sent out the top experts, and even pretended to be crazy to give you the opportunity. And what happened? You couldn't even manage a kidnapping. The Hall of Priests is utterly incompetent!"

"Young Master Gavin, today's incident was purely accidental. It was our misjudgment in using people that led to the failure of the plan. We indeed cannot shirk the responsibility, but rest assured, we will try our best to make amends and will not make any more mistakes."

"Make amends? How? After this incident, the two sisters will be even more cautious, and they've already sought help from the sect. More powerful experts will arrive tomorrow to guard them. Kidnapping them then will be nearly impossible!"

"Young Master Gavin, please remain calm. We have already made arrangements. You just need to participate in the competition as usual. On the day of the finals, we will create a major incident to throw the whole of Infernal Mountain into chaos. Then, we can implement the kidnapping plan."

"A major incident? What kind of incident?"

"Sorry, that's confidential. We cannot disclose it for now. Please understand."

"Fine, I'm not interested in your secrets. But don't forget our agreement."

"Don't worry, Young Master Gavin. Once the plan succeeds, we will fully support you in becoming the leader of World Martial Arts Sect!"
Finally, he's evil plot was revealed and he's going down with it.

Anyone who's power hungry and is ready to do anything to get it, will eventually be put to a severe doom.

Over Ambitious people no dey last

Donovan Power

New member
Sep 17, 2023
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Finally, he's evil plot was revealed and he's going down with it.

Anyone who's power hungry and is ready to do anything to get it, will eventually be put to a severe doom.

Over Ambitious people no dey last
I believe this expose was the handiwork of Dustin and Margaret as they had already planned to uncover who poisoned the girl .


Immortal Great Grandmaster
Platinum Villager
Sep 15, 2023
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Chapter 2345: You can know a person's face but not their heart

Aaron's recording was very clear.

The conversation between Gavin and the chief deity of the Divine Hall, Noel, was completely revealed without missing a single word.

After listening, Violet and her sister were completely stunned, their eyes wide open in disbelief.

As for Gavin, he was even more shocked, standing there as if struck by lightning.

He never imagined that his conversation with Noel last night would be recorded by someone.

Could it be that Noel betrayed him?

But how was that possible?

Their interests were now tied together, Noel had no reason to betray him.

At this moment, Gavin's expression was uncertain, his mind a tumultuous sea of shock.

Besides confusion, he felt more panic.

Now the ironclad evidence was there, his betrayal of the sect had been exposed. What should he do?

"Gavin, do you have anything to say now?" Aaron said coldly.

In fact, the sect had long noticed Gavin's odd behavior and had preemptively installed a bug on him, just in case.

The result proved that the sect's suspicion was correct; Gavin was indeed secretly colluding with the Divine Hall and betraying the sect.

"Senior Brother, I didn't expect the one framing me to be you?"

Violet looked at Gavin with a face full of shock: "We've grown up together since childhood, like siblings. I don't understand, why would you do this?"

"I..." Gavin was at a loss for words.

"Senior Brother! The sect has treated you well, always focusing on nurturing you. I can't believe you would collude with external enemies and betray the sect. It's simply ungrateful, I really misjudged you!" Lily was furious.

Although she had previously suspected there might be a traitor among them, she had never doubted Gavin.

Their relationship spanned more than a decade, it was not an exaggeration to describe it as familial.

However, the recent recording completely shattered her illusions.

Gavin's actions perfectly echoed the old saying, "You can know a person's face but not their heart!"

"Gavin, come back to the sect with me and confess to Master. If you honestly admit your mistakes, considering the many years of bond, Master should spare your life," Aaron spoke again.

"Go back?"

Gavin's eye twitched, a hint of ferocity flashed in his eyes: "With things as they are, how can I go back? Betraying the sect, even if the death penalty is waived, I would still face severe punishment. At the least, my cultivation would be abolished, at the worst, I'd be imprisoned for life! If I go back with you, my life is over!"

"You have no choice now, don't force me to take action." Aaron's face was expressionless.

As he spoke, master-level qi began to slowly gather in his palm.

If Gavin dared to resist or flee, he would immediately subdue him.

"Catch me? It's not that easy!"

Gavin gritted his teeth and suddenly raised his hand to strike.


Immortal Great Grandmaster
Platinum Villager
Sep 15, 2023
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Chapter 2346: I'll fight for it

A cloud of black poison mist instantly erupted from his sleeve, enveloping Aaron.

"Brother Aaron, watch out!" Violet's face changed color.

"Hmph! Stubborn fool!"

Aaron snorted coldly, not dodging or evading, and struck out with a powerful palm.

The terrifying master-level qi evaporated the poison mist entirely and continued its momentum towards Gavin.

However, at this moment, Gavin suddenly flashed behind Violet and grabbed her throat, threatening, "Aaron! If you dare make a move, I'll kill her immediately!"


Seeing this, Aaron's expression changed, and he quickly withdrew his hand, shouting, "Gavin! Release Violet now, you're only making things worse for yourself!"

"Let her go? Do I still have a chance to live?"

Gavin's face twisted with a sinister expression as he held Violet and began to slowly retreat, "Move aside! All of you, move aside! If anyone comes near, I'll take her down with me!"

The enforcement team, who had just started to act, stopped immediately in fright.

They could ignore other people's lives, but they couldn't disregard Violet's safety.

"Gavin! Are you crazy? How dare you hold my sister hostage?" Lily was furious.

"Yes! I'm crazy! But you all drove me to this madness!"

Gavin growled through gritted teeth, "I've risked my life for the sect for many years, and what did I get in return? Nothing! Instead, Aaron, who joined the sect years after me, gained the master's love and trust. Even all of you revolve around him every day!


I am the senior brother of World Martial Arts Sect! I am the future successor of the sect! I am the revered prodigy!

Why did Aaron steal all my glory and honor the moment he appeared?

I'm not convinced! I'm unwilling! I refuse to be trampled underfoot for the rest of my life!

Since you won't give me what I want, I'll take it myself! I'll fight for it!

So what if I collude with the Divine Hall and betray the sect? Victory belongs to the winner!

As long as I achieve my goals, I'll use any means necessary!

Anyone who dares to stop me will die!!"

By the end, Gavin was practically shouting.

The madness on his face grew even more intense.

His grip on Violet's throat tightened due to his overwhelming emotions.

Violet's face turned red, her breathing became labored, and she couldn't even speak.

"Gavin! Calm down! Don't hurt Violet, we can discuss any conditions!"

Seeing the dire situation, Aaron quickly tried to soothe Gavin's emotions, fearing that in a moment of madness, he would snap Violet's neck.


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Jan 7, 2024
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Chapter 2345: You can know a person's face but not their heart

Aaron's recording was very clear.

The conversation between Gavin and the chief deity of the Divine Hall, Noel, was completely revealed without missing a single word.

After listening, Violet and her sister were completely stunned, their eyes wide open in disbelief.

As for Gavin, he was even more shocked, standing there as if struck by lightning.

He never imagined that his conversation with Noel last night would be recorded by someone.

Could it be that Noel betrayed him?

But how was that possible?

Their interests were now tied together, Noel had no reason to betray him.

At this moment, Gavin's expression was uncertain, his mind a tumultuous sea of shock.

Besides confusion, he felt more panic.

Now the ironclad evidence was there, his betrayal of the sect had been exposed. What should he do?

"Gavin, do you have anything to say now?" Aaron said coldly.

In fact, the sect had long noticed Gavin's odd behavior and had preemptively installed a bug on him, just in case.

The result proved that the sect's suspicion was correct; Gavin was indeed secretly colluding with the Divine Hall and betraying the sect.

"Senior Brother, I didn't expect the one framing me to be you?"

Violet looked at Gavin with a face full of shock: "We've grown up together since childhood, like siblings. I don't understand, why would you do this?"

"I..." Gavin was at a loss for words.

"Senior Brother! The sect has treated you well, always focusing on nurturing you. I can't believe you would collude with external enemies and betray the sect. It's simply ungrateful, I really misjudged you!" Lily was furious.

Although she had previously suspected there might be a traitor among them, she had never doubted Gavin.

Their relationship spanned more than a decade, it was not an exaggeration to describe it as familial.

However, the recent recording completely shattered her illusions.

Gavin's actions perfectly echoed the old saying, "You can know a person's face but not their heart!"

"Gavin, come back to the sect with me and confess to Master. If you honestly admit your mistakes, considering the many years of bond, Master should spare your life," Aaron spoke again.

"Go back?"

Gavin's eye twitched, a hint of ferocity flashed in his eyes: "With things as they are, how can I go back? Betraying the sect, even if the death penalty is waived, I would still face severe punishment. At the least, my cultivation would be abolished, at the worst, I'd be imprisoned for life! If I go back with you, my life is over!"

"You have no choice now, don't force me to take action." Aaron's face was expressionless.

As he spoke, master-level qi began to slowly gather in his palm.

If Gavin dared to resist or flee, he would immediately subdue him.

"Catch me? It's not that easy!"

Gavin gritted his teeth and suddenly raised his hand to strike.
Human can be cute facially but their heart maybe absolute evil 😈

Gavin is their president here lol 😆 😂


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Jan 7, 2024
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Chapter 2346: I'll fight for it

A cloud of black poison mist instantly erupted from his sleeve, enveloping Aaron.

"Brother Aaron, watch out!" Violet's face changed color.

"Hmph! Stubborn fool!"

Aaron snorted coldly, not dodging or evading, and struck out with a powerful palm.

The terrifying master-level qi evaporated the poison mist entirely and continued its momentum towards Gavin.

However, at this moment, Gavin suddenly flashed behind Violet and grabbed her throat, threatening, "Aaron! If you dare make a move, I'll kill her immediately!"


Seeing this, Aaron's expression changed, and he quickly withdrew his hand, shouting, "Gavin! Release Violet now, you're only making things worse for yourself!"

"Let her go? Do I still have a chance to live?"

Gavin's face twisted with a sinister expression as he held Violet and began to slowly retreat, "Move aside! All of you, move aside! If anyone comes near, I'll take her down with me!"

The enforcement team, who had just started to act, stopped immediately in fright.

They could ignore other people's lives, but they couldn't disregard Violet's safety.

"Gavin! Are you crazy? How dare you hold my sister hostage?" Lily was furious.

"Yes! I'm crazy! But you all drove me to this madness!"

Gavin growled through gritted teeth, "I've risked my life for the sect for many years, and what did I get in return? Nothing! Instead, Aaron, who joined the sect years after me, gained the master's love and trust. Even all of you revolve around him every day!


I am the senior brother of World Martial Arts Sect! I am the future successor of the sect! I am the revered prodigy!

Why did Aaron steal all my glory and honor the moment he appeared?

I'm not convinced! I'm unwilling! I refuse to be trampled underfoot for the rest of my life!

Since you won't give me what I want, I'll take it myself! I'll fight for it!

So what if I collude with the Divine Hall and betray the sect? Victory belongs to the winner!

As long as I achieve my goals, I'll use any means necessary!

Anyone who dares to stop me will die!!"

By the end, Gavin was practically shouting.

The madness on his face grew even more intense.

His grip on Violet's throat tightened due to his overwhelming emotions.

Violet's face turned red, her breathing became labored, and she couldn't even speak.

"Gavin! Calm down! Don't hurt Violet, we can discuss any conditions!"

Seeing the dire situation, Aaron quickly tried to soothe Gavin's emotions, fearing that in a moment of madness, he would snap Violet's neck.
How I wish Dustin can send severe silver niddle to immobilise Gavin and render him useless, to safe Violet.

Just that Dustin is not cultivating with the virgin sect. I really don't understand him. 😕


Martial Arts Master
Sep 19, 2023
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Chapter 2346: I'll fight for it

A cloud of black poison mist instantly erupted from his sleeve, enveloping Aaron.

"Brother Aaron, watch out!" Violet's face changed color.

"Hmph! Stubborn fool!"

Aaron snorted coldly, not dodging or evading, and struck out with a powerful palm.

The terrifying master-level qi evaporated the poison mist entirely and continued its momentum towards Gavin.

However, at this moment, Gavin suddenly flashed behind Violet and grabbed her throat, threatening, "Aaron! If you dare make a move, I'll kill her immediately!"


Seeing this, Aaron's expression changed, and he quickly withdrew his hand, shouting, "Gavin! Release Violet now, you're only making things worse for yourself!"

"Let her go? Do I still have a chance to live?"

Gavin's face twisted with a sinister expression as he held Violet and began to slowly retreat, "Move aside! All of you, move aside! If anyone comes near, I'll take her down with me!"

The enforcement team, who had just started to act, stopped immediately in fright.

They could ignore other people's lives, but they couldn't disregard Violet's safety.

"Gavin! Are you crazy? How dare you hold my sister hostage?" Lily was furious.

"Yes! I'm crazy! But you all drove me to this madness!"

Gavin growled through gritted teeth, "I've risked my life for the sect for many years, and what did I get in return? Nothing! Instead, Aaron, who joined the sect years after me, gained the master's love and trust. Even all of you revolve around him every day!


I am the senior brother of World Martial Arts Sect! I am the future successor of the sect! I am the revered prodigy!

Why did Aaron steal all my glory and honor the moment he appeared?

I'm not convinced! I'm unwilling! I refuse to be trampled underfoot for the rest of my life!

Since you won't give me what I want, I'll take it myself! I'll fight for it!

So what if I collude with the Divine Hall and betray the sect? Victory belongs to the winner!

As long as I achieve my goals, I'll use any means necessary!

Anyone who dares to stop me will die!!"

By the end, Gavin was practically shouting.

The madness on his face grew even more intense.

His grip on Violet's throat tightened due to his overwhelming emotions.

Violet's face turned red, her breathing became labored, and she couldn't even speak.

"Gavin! Calm down! Don't hurt Violet, we can discuss any conditions!"

Seeing the dire situation, Aaron quickly tried to soothe Gavin's emotions, fearing that in a moment of madness, he would snap Violet's neck.
Dustin is soon appearing behind Gavid after a pleading look from Margret and by then I will lock my phone to consetrate and read it clearly in action


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Jan 7, 2024
Reaction score
Dustin is soon appearing behind Gavid after a pleading look from Margret and by then I will lock my phone to consetrate and read it clearly in action
I hope that happens 😕, that guy can be so unpredictable


Immortal Great Grandmaster
Platinum Villager
Sep 15, 2023
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Chapter 2347: Ungrateful beast

"What's there to discuss at this point? Fall back! Everyone, fall back!"

Gavin roared continuously, signaling everyone to retreat.

It was clearly impossible for him to return to the sect and confess his crimes. His only hope of survival now was to hold Violet hostage and seek refuge with Divine Hall.

"Gavin, you can't escape. Let Violet go, and I promise to give you a way out."

Aaron frowned, his expression grave.

If it were a one-on-one fight, he was confident he could kill Gavin in an instant. But now, with Gavin holding a hostage, he couldn't take the risk. If Violet were injured, he would be the sinner.

"Senior Brother, repent while you still can. Don't make more mistakes."

Violet, looking pained and with a hoarse voice, urged, "If you stop now and confess voluntarily, I can plead with my father to be lenient."

"Mistake? What mistake have I made?"

Gavin snarled, "If a person doesn't look out for themselves, they will be condemned by heaven and earth. Everything I've done is for my own future, to rise above others. What mistake is there in that? If there is a mistake, it's yours! You all favor Aaron. No matter how hard I try, you all turn a blind eye! Since you're so blind, I'll make you regret it!"

"Senior Brother, is power and status really that important to you? More important than family and friendship?" Violet asked, frowning.

"Family and friendship are nothing! As long as I can ascend to the sect leader's seat, I can sacrifice everything, including all your lives!" Gavin shouted.

"Gavin! You ungrateful beast!"

Lily couldn't help but scold, "If it wasn't for my father taking pity on you and taking you in, you'd have starved on the streets. It was my father who gave you a second life, treated you as his own, taught you skills, and nurtured you. But you? For your ambition, you betrayed the sect, betrayed my father, and even harmed your fellow disciples. Are you even human?!"

Gavin was an orphan. When her father was traveling the world, he found him severely ill and unconscious, so he took him home to treat him and made him his disciple, caring for him diligently. But no one expected this so-called disciple to be such an ungrateful wretch.

"Shut up with your preaching!"

Gavin yelled furiously, "Yes! Jeffrey did save me, but over the years, I've risked my life for him. The debt has been repaid. Now he owes me, not the other way around!"

"Fine! Even if you don't owe Master, don't owe the sect, what about Violet? She's always treated you like a brother, with respect. Why are you hurting her now?!" Aaron questioned.

"I have no choice! It's you all who forced me!"


Immortal Great Grandmaster
Platinum Villager
Sep 15, 2023
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Chapter 2348: A grim fate

Gavin, with a fierce expression, said, "If I can leave here, Violet will naturally be safe. But if any of you dare to stop me, then I'll die with her!"

As he spoke, he became more agitated, showing a determination to perish together.

"Don't get excited, I'll let you go!"

Seeing the situation take a turn for the worse, Aaron quickly agreed, "As long as you don't hurt Violet, I can let bygones be bygones. But if Violet is in any danger, I will chase you to the ends of the earth!"

At this moment, capturing Gavin was no longer important. What mattered was ensuring Violet's safety.

"Enough talking! Everyone, back off!"

Gavin shouted as he retreated, holding Violet hostage.

The surrounding enforcement team didn't dare approach and scattered to avoid provoking him.

"You! Come here and drive!"

Gavin randomly pointed to a disciple of the World Martial Arts Sect.

The person was momentarily stunned, then looked at Aaron, uncertain of what to do.

"Do as he says," Aaron nodded.

"Yes!" the person replied, stepping forward to act as the driver. After all, with Aaron covering him, he wouldn't be held responsible.

"Hahaha... think you can catch me? Not so easily!"

Seeing everyone keeping their distance and himself about to get into the car, Gavin laughed loudly, feeling triumphant.

However, just as he loosened his grip on Violet's throat to get into the car, Aaron suddenly moved. He raised his hand sharply, and a dart shot out, aiming directly at Gavin's forehead.

If the dart hit, it would kill him instantly.

Aaron took this risk because he knew that if Gavin took Violet to the Divine Hall, she would surely meet a grim fate.

"Aaron! How dare you!"

As the dart shot out, Gavin immediately sensed it.

His attention had been on Aaron the whole time. Though he had relaxed a bit, he noticed Aaron's every move.

Facing the dart, he didn't dare catch it head-on and quickly sidestepped to avoid it.


The powerful dart grazed Gavin's ear and then, with a "bang," blasted a big hole in the wall behind him.

Seeing this, Gavin's eyelids twitched, but it was accompanied by rage.

"Aaron! You've forced me to this!"

Gavin gritted his teeth, his face twisted in madness.

Under the horrified gazes of the onlookers, he suddenly struck Violet's head with his palm, intending to take her down with him.


Aaron's face changed dramatically.

But he was too far away, and it was too late to stop it.


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Jan 7, 2024
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Chapter 2348: A grim fate

Gavin, with a fierce expression, said, "If I can leave here, Violet will naturally be safe. But if any of you dare to stop me, then I'll die with her!"

As he spoke, he became more agitated, showing a determination to perish together.

"Don't get excited, I'll let you go!"

Seeing the situation take a turn for the worse, Aaron quickly agreed, "As long as you don't hurt Violet, I can let bygones be bygones. But if Violet is in any danger, I will chase you to the ends of the earth!"

At this moment, capturing Gavin was no longer important. What mattered was ensuring Violet's safety.

"Enough talking! Everyone, back off!"

Gavin shouted as he retreated, holding Violet hostage.

The surrounding enforcement team didn't dare approach and scattered to avoid provoking him.

"You! Come here and drive!"

Gavin randomly pointed to a disciple of the World Martial Arts Sect.

The person was momentarily stunned, then looked at Aaron, uncertain of what to do.

"Do as he says," Aaron nodded.

"Yes!" the person replied, stepping forward to act as the driver. After all, with Aaron covering him, he wouldn't be held responsible.

"Hahaha... think you can catch me? Not so easily!"

Seeing everyone keeping their distance and himself about to get into the car, Gavin laughed loudly, feeling triumphant.

However, just as he loosened his grip on Violet's throat to get into the car, Aaron suddenly moved. He raised his hand sharply, and a dart shot out, aiming directly at Gavin's forehead.

If the dart hit, it would kill him instantly.

Aaron took this risk because he knew that if Gavin took Violet to the Divine Hall, she would surely meet a grim fate.

"Aaron! How dare you!"

As the dart shot out, Gavin immediately sensed it.

His attention had been on Aaron the whole time. Though he had relaxed a bit, he noticed Aaron's every move.

Facing the dart, he didn't dare catch it head-on and quickly sidestepped to avoid it.


The powerful dart grazed Gavin's ear and then, with a "bang," blasted a big hole in the wall behind him.

Seeing this, Gavin's eyelids twitched, but it was accompanied by rage.

"Aaron! You've forced me to this!"

Gavin gritted his teeth, his face twisted in madness.

Under the horrified gazes of the onlookers, he suddenly struck Violet's head with his palm, intending to take her down with him.


Aaron's face changed dramatically.

But he was too far away, and it was too late to stop it.
So Dustin was just looking, doing nothing, that guy can be so unpredictable


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Jan 7, 2024
Reaction score
This is where he steps in. He doesn't meddle in others business unless it is absolutely necessary. Just like Shrek 😁
If anything happens to Violet, I will personally deal with Dustin, and don't beg me to forgive him that time, ok lol 😆 😂 😄


Immortal Great Grandmaster
Platinum Villager
Sep 15, 2023
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Chapter 2349: Sister, run

As Violet was about to be killed with a single palm strike, a silver needle suddenly shot out in the critical moment.


The silver needle was fast and fierce, and before anyone could react, it accurately hit Gavin's wrist.

The tremendous impact forced Gavin to step back several steps.

Especially in the arm that was hit, a piercing pain spread, causing his body to tremble uncontrollably.

For a moment, he couldn't muster any strength at all.

"Damn it!"

Gavin, furious, yanked out the silver needle from his wrist, and the intense pain finally started to subside a bit.

"Sister, run!" Lily shouted in alarm.

Violet, snapped out of her daze, didn't hesitate and immediately began to run at full speed.

"Where do you think you're going!"

Regaining his composure, Gavin was relentless. With a powerful step, his entire body turned into a blur, pouncing towards Violet.

Even if he were to die, he would take someone down with him.

"Bastard! How dare you!"

Aaron, eyes filled with rage, leaped out instantly and struck a palm at Gavin from a distance.


The air burst out with a loud bang.

Behind Aaron, a gigantic deity-like phantom suddenly appeared, exuding a majestic and overwhelming aura.

The released pressure weighed down on everyone like Mount Tai.

As Aaron struck out with his palm, the deity phantom behind him mimicked the same action.

In an instant, energy raged, sand and stones flew.

A substantial golden palm shadow, like a cannonball, blasted towards Gavin.

At this moment, Aaron was determined to kill, holding nothing back.

"The Four Elephant Celestial Technique?!"

Seeing the golden palm shadow, Gavin's face changed dramatically.

As a disciple of the World Martial Arts Sect, he naturally knew how terrifying the Four Elephant Celestial Technique was.

Years ago, Jeffrey used this very skill to expand the World Martial Arts Sect's influence and dominate the seas.

He didn't expect Jeffrey to pass the Four Elephant Celestial Technique to Aaron.

Moreover, judging by Aaron's aura, it was evident that he had fully mastered it.

There was no time to think. As the golden palm shadow approached, Gavin immediately activated his entire body’s qi, creating a protective shield on his body surface, and crossed his arms over his chest in a defensive stance.


A loud explosion.

The palm shadow struck Gavin's protective qi solidly.

In an instant, Gavin's whole body flew back like a sandbag, soaring over ten meters away, crashing heavily into the garden's rockery.


Another loud noise.

The rockery shattered into pieces, and Gavin continued to slide another seven or eight meters on the ground before finally stopping.


Gavin opened his mouth, spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

He lay on the ground, unable to get up.


Immortal Great Grandmaster
Platinum Villager
Sep 15, 2023
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Chapter 2350: Any last words

At this moment, Gavin's face was ashen, his clothes in tatters, and his arms covered in blood, making him look particularly disheveled.

He knew Aaron was strong, but he hadn't expected him to be this strong.

He was, after all, a martial arts master, ranking at least in the top three among the elite disciples of the World Martial Arts Sect. In his view, even if he was not as strong as the top-ranked Aaron, he shouldn't be too far behind.

But now he realized he was wrong, very wrong.

His strength was insignificant in front of Aaron.

With just one move, the opponent had severely injured him.

The gap between their strengths was like an insurmountable chasm.


Why was it like this?

He asked himself if he had not worked hard enough, had not fought desperately enough, but why was he still inferior to Aaron?

After years of painstaking cultivation, not only had he failed to catch up with Aaron, but the gap between their strengths had only grown wider. Why?

"Surround him!"

As Gavin lay on the ground, gravely injured, the surrounding enforcement team members immediately swarmed around him, encircling him.

Swords and knives were pointed at him, their gazes fierce and watchful.

However, they did not dare to act rashly because, despite his severe injuries, Gavin was still a martial arts master.

Even in a desperate counterattack, he could take a few of them down with him.

"Sister, are you alright?"

Seeing Violet narrowly escape, Lily couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"I'm fine, thanks to Brother Aaron."

Violet swallowed hard, clearly still shaken.

She hadn't expected Gavin to be so ruthless, willing to die with her.

Aaron glanced at Violet, and after ensuring she was unharmed, he walked towards Gavin with a grim expression.

Seeing Aaron approach, the enforcement team members immediately made way for him.

"Any last words?"

Aaron stood over Gavin, looking down at him with cold indifference.

"Aaron, I was wrong. I know I was wrong. I'll return to the sect with you and plead for forgiveness. Please spare my life!"

Gavin begged for mercy, blood dribbling from his mouth, his demeanor utterly humble, devoid of his previous arrogance.

He could tell that Aaron was genuinely intent on killing him.

"Before you took Violet hostage, you did indeed have a chance. Considering our same sect, I would have pleaded for mercy on your behalf with our master. But now, it's too late for everything!"

Aaron's face was cold, his tone icy: "You personally destroyed your chance, cutting off your path. For committing such heinous crimes, today, you will undoubtedly die!"

With that, Aaron didn't hesitate. He struck Gavin's head with a powerful palm.


A loud explosion.

Gavin's head exploded like a watermelon hit by a cannonball, shattering on the spot.


Tribulator - Disciple of Virgin Sect
Gold Villager
Nov 21, 2023
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Thank you GM Nazmul bro for the update.

pedot guapo buyag

Martial Arts Master
Sep 10, 2023
Reaction score
thank you very much IGM Nazmul for the wonderful updates.. more pls...🙏🙏🙏❤️IMG_20240607_040521.jpg
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