An Understated Dominance Chapter 967 to 1370 - Translated by Jungal2000

Translated by Jungal2000
“An Understated Dominance” follows the intertwined lives of Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys as they navigate the complex interplay of power, relationships, and personal growth. Set against the backdrop of a vibrant city, the novel explores how these two individuals assert their influence in subtle yet impactful ways, ultimately redefining their understanding of dominance and its consequences.
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Chapter 1141 The Showdown

Nakamura was encircled by a multitude of skilled ninja, forming a formidable force that would pose a considerable challenge even to the most elite assassins among the General's fighters. While Dustin possessed considerable strength, he couldn't dispatch them all in an instant.
"Enough talking! If you want to ensure your daughter's safety, move quickly and assist!" Dustin pressed.

"I'll assist you!" Lily acted first, darting forward to begin the process of unwinding the ropes. The Dragon-Binding Rope was tightly wound, impervious to brute force; they had to meticulously untangle it.


At this moment, Nakamura's final countdown fell, and he grinned maliciously. "Since you won't drop your weapons, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

With that, he raised his sword and struck directly at Shiela's arm.


Caden roared, fighting through the pain to rush forward, but he was quickly stopped by the ninja from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix.


In this critical moment, a silver needle shot out, accurately striking Nakamura's sword.


The sound of metal clashing echoed.

Nakamura's sword was knocked from his grasp and flew through the air, spinning before crashing to the ground, producing a burst of sparks.

"Who's there?!" Nakamura was both surprised and furious, quickly retreating behind Shiela. Simultaneously, he waved his hand, instructing the ninja to stand in front of him to prevent any sneak attacks.

"It's you!" Nakamura stuck half of his head out from behind Shiela's shoulder, smiling. "Mr. Dustin, the Murray family is wishing to kill you in various ways, and yet you still want to help them? Is it worth it? If you join our Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, I guarantee wealth, honor, and endless enjoyment for you!"

"I'm not assisting the Murray family. I'm doing this solely because I can't tolerate you," Dustin retorted candidly. "You mongrels from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix dared to act recklessly on Dragonmarsh's territory. When I see one, I'll kill one."

"So, does that mean there's no room for negotiation between us?" Nakamura's expression darkened.

"In your present condition, you have no leverage for negotiations," Dustin retorted.

With that, Dustin swiftly unraveled the Dragon-binding Rope and stowed it away. This valuable item was scarce and could prove useful later.

"Hold on! I still have a hostage! If you take one step closer, I'll snap her neck!" Nakamura reached out, clutching Shiela's throat and shouting frantically.

"Nakamura! Please, stop! Don't harm my daughter!" Caden cried out.

"Dustin, heed him! If anything befalls Shiela, your life will be the price!" Vivian's group chanted in unison.


In that instant, a silver needle suddenly streaked through the air, whizzing past Shiela's ear and, with calculated precision, striking Nakamura squarely in the forehead.

Nakamura shivered all over, his face contorting in terror.

In the next second, his head exploded with a resounding "bang," resembling a bursting watermelon.

Chapter 1142 Clash of Titans

As they watched the decapitated body of Nakamura, the scene suddenly fell silent.

Caden shouts came to an abrupt halt.

Vivian, Chase, and their group were also left dumbfounded.

Everything happened so suddenly that they were all a bit slow to react.

Nakamura had hostages and a large number of skilled ninja protecting him.

In this situation, it was astonishing that Dustin could still achieve a one-hit kill!


Nakamura's headless body crashed to the ground.

Shiela, looking bewildered, was grabbed by the shoulder by Dustin and thrown out of the encirclement, landing in the Murrays, thus averting the crisis.


Seeing his grandson's lifeless body, Yamamoto's face contorted, and he erupted in rage: "You dare to kill my grandson? I'll tear you to pieces! Kill him, kill him, kill him—kill him for me!"

As he gave the order, a large number of ninja experts immediately swarmed forward.

All kinds of hidden weapons, poisoned darts, and throwing knives were continuously launched.

A dense barrage, like a torrential downpour, made it impossible to defend against.

While the projectiles were flying, the ninja displayed their skills; some leaped high into the air, leaving behind iron wire nets, while others emerged from underground for a surprise attack.

For a moment, Dustin felt like a target of multiple attacks, and he was surrounded by an overwhelming onslaught.

"Quick, go support him! Wipe out the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix ninja!" General Murray immediately issued the order.

The elite assassin team cultivated by the General's fighters didn't hold back either and rushed into battle.

Soon, another melee erupted.

However, this time, the situation was completely different.

The General's assassin team was already formidable, and with Dustin's assistance, they were like tigers with wings. In no time, they routed the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix ninjas.

"Well done!"

Seeing this, everyone was invigorated and excited.

"Damn it!"

Yamamoto cursed angrily, unable to hold back any longer. He stomped his wooden clogs and turned into a blur, charging straight into the battlefield.

With consecutive strikes of his palms as fast as lightning, each strike killed one of the black-clad assassins.


General Murray was furious, about to join the fray when his body suddenly shivered, and he spewed out another mouthful of blood, nearly collapsing.

His injuries were too severe, and now he had no strength left to continue fighting.

"Uh-oh! If we keep going like this, we might lose!" Lily exclaimed, her face tense.

Yamamoto had completely turned the tide.

"Yamamoto is a Sword Saint” (Sword Master) of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, and his strength is overwhelmingly powerful. Now that Father is seriously injured, no one can stop him. We can only temporarily withdraw from the battlefield," Caden said with a solemn expression.

"Temporarily withdraw? Are you saying... we should abandon the General's Mansion?" Lily furrowed her brow.

"Keeping us alive is important; we will have a chance to regroup. We can have a chance to comeback if we preserve our lives first," Caden replied.

"You're right, but how can we leave? Father won't agree to be a fleeing soldier," Lily shook her head.

"I don't care what means you use, even if you have to knock him unconscious, you must take Father away quietly," Caden insisted.

He was well aware that as long as his father was safe, the General's Mansion could be rebuilt quickly.

"Alright, I'll try," Lily nodded, reluctantly agreeing.

"Wait! If we leave, what about Dustin and the others?" Shiela suddenly spoke up.

At this moment, on the battlefield ahead, Dustin and his group were fighting desperately, and the situation was dire.

"We don't have time to think about that now. Dustin just saved me, and I can't leave him to fend for himself!" Shiela said, her brows furrowing.

"Silly girl!" Caden was frantic. "People must look out for themselves. We're all in danger now. If we don't leave soon, we won't be able to escape!"

"No! I can't leave!" Shiela shook her head. "Dustin just saved me, and I can't abandon him to escape alone!"

"Stubborn!" Caden was growing anxious. "Dustin and the others can't hold out much longer. If we don't leave now, we'll be trapped soon!"

Chapter 1143 The Ultimate Duel

With that, he grabbed Shiela's wrist and forcefully pulled her away.

"No! I won't go! Let go of me!" Shiela began to struggle frantically.

She already owed Dustin once and didn't want to owe him again. Otherwise, she'd never find peace in her life.

"Shiela, your dad is right. Time is running out, we need to go quickly!"

"Yes, Shiela! Lives are at stake; don't be stubborn!"

"Even if Dustin dies, as long as we survive, it's an honor for him to sacrifice for the General!"

At this moment, Chase and Vivian, along with others, also tried to persuade her.

If they could use Dustin's life to ensure their safety, it would be a tremendous advantage.

"You can leave if you want, but I won't!" Shiela remained stubborn and refused to listen.

"Stubborn girl!"

Caden was infuriated, and he slapped his daughter, scolding her, "You can't be hard-headed now! You must listen to me today! Get someone to drag her away!"

Shiela was dazed, her face in her hands, feeling bewildered.

Chase and Vivian exchanged glances and then both grabbed Shiela's arms, forcibly pulling her outside.

Meanwhile, on a battlefield-turned-ruins:

Both sides continued to battle, and both suffered heavy casualties.

Bodies fell one by one, and the battle was intense.

"Step aside, all of you! You're no match for him; let me deal with him!"

Seeing the General's assassin team fighting so fiercely and courageously, Dustin couldn't help but feel moved and quickly shouted.

Even though the General's fighters were innate experts, they were powerless against Yamamoto, a martial arts master. But due to the melee, Dustin couldn't unleash his full power, or else he might accidentally kill them.

So, he had them disperse to avoid unintended casualties.

"You all step back too! I want to kill this kid with my own hands!"

Yamamoto waved his hand, and the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix ninjas scattered.

Soon, the chaotic battle turned into a duel between the two.

"Has Dustin gone mad? He's challenging Yamamoto one-on-one? Does he want to die faster?"

Vivian looked back with a puzzled expression.

"Hmph! He's utterly overestimating himself! Yamamoto is one of the top ten Sword Saints of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, and his strength is unmatched. Dustin challenging Yamamoto is like a moth flying into the flames!"

Chase shook his head, showing a look of disdain.

"This kid is really foolish! During the melee, Yamamoto was holding back, and now, without any restraints, he's even more dangerous. He probably won't last a single move!" Caden said, clearly frustrated.

They could have bought more time, but Dustin insisted on acting like a hero.

Once he was killed, their chances of escaping would diminish significantly.

"You fool! You killed my grandson and ruined my plans. Today, I'll skin you alive!"

Yamamoto slowly drew his katana from his waist, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

Even though his opponent was much younger, he wouldn't show any mercy.

"I'll send you to hell!"

Yamamoto shouted angrily, stomped his wooden clogs, and rushed forward, raising his katana high and swinging it fiercely toward Dustin's head.

Even before the blade reached him, the sharp sword aura had already torn the ground apart, leaving a deep mark.

"It's over... This kid is finished."

Seeing this, everyone shook their heads in pity.

Yamamoto's full-powered strike was something very few could withstand.

"Sky Sword!"

Dustin extended his hand with a wave.


Suddenly, a black ancient sword shot out from the ruins like a black lightning bolt, piercing straight through Yamamoto's chest.

Chapter 1144 Shocking Turn of Events


The Sovereign Sky Sword transformed into a black lightning bolt, after piercing through Yamamoto's chest, it returned to Dustin's hand.

Blood slowly flowed down the blade, gathering at the tip before dripping onto the ground, creating tiny blood splatters.


Yamamoto's body trembled, and he dropped from the sky, his knees hitting the ground heavily.

He remained motionless in a kneeling position.

The entire scene fell into sudden silence.

All sound seemed to vanish, and you could hear a pin drop.

Whether it was the General's figthers, the guests, or the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix ninjas, everyone stood there in stunned silence.

Their faces were marked with shock.

They couldn't believe it. Yamamoto, the formidable Sword Saint of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, had been impaled by a single strike from Dustin.

The entire process happened so suddenly, without any warning, that no one had reacted in time.

They only saw a black lightning bolt flash, and then the mighty Yamamoto knelt down.


Yamamoto lowered his head, his face filled with disbelief.

At this moment, he had a massive hole in his chest, and he could even see the scenery behind him through that hole, including the shocked face of General Murray.

This perspective was strange and somewhat eerie.

"Why? Why can you... hurt me?" Yamamoto forced out these words with a raspy voice.

General Murray was severely injured and had lost his combat strength. Normally, he should have been invincible here.

He never expected such a turn of events.

"Why? Go ask the King of Hell..."

Dustin didn't waste any words. He walked forward and raised his hand, swiftly beheading Yamamoto.


When Yamamoto's head fell, everyone finally woke up from their daze, and the scene erupted with unprecedented shock.

"Dead... He's dead? Am I seeing this right? This kid actually killed Yamamoto?!"

"Oh my god! This is the Sword Saint of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, a top-tier martial arts master, and he was just killed with a single strike! Isn't this too unbelievable?!"

"What's this kid's background? How can he be this terrifying? He's like a monster!"

"A single strike to kill the Sword Saint of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix? Is this guy even human? When did our provincial city produce such a freak?!"

After a brief moment of silence, the entire scene exploded with astonishment.

The looks directed at Dustin were like he was a monster, filled with shock and disbelief.

They had thought that disaster was imminent for the General's family today, and they had even prepared to make a run for it.

But in the end, at the critical moment, Dustin had actually turned the tide and killed Yamamoto with a single strike.

Now, they were at a loss, especially Chase and Vivian's group, who were having a hard time accepting this.

They couldn't comprehend how Dustin could be this powerful.

Wasn't he just a lowly insurance salesman?

Wasn't he a nobody without any background?

Why? Why could he defeat the Sword Saint of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix?

Could it be that Dustin had been hiding his true abilities all along?

Had they only seen the surface, just a disguise?

If that were the case, the consequences would be quite severe.

A person who could kill the Sword Saint of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix with a single strike would be respected and revered everywhere they went, no matter where they were.

Chapter 1145 Victory and Acknowledgment

Even the various official institutions had to treat him with the utmost respect. Without exaggeration, given Dustin's age and the strength he had displayed, he could easily stand shoulder to shoulder with the old general in the future. Such a young prodigy was someone they would need to look up to for their entire lives.

The biggest problem was that they had previously shown contempt and disdain for Dustin, even resorting to harsh words. If he were to seek revenge, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Thinking about this, Chase, Vivian, and their group felt a shiver down their spines and deep regret. On one hand, they regretted offending Dustin, and on the other hand, they regretted their own foolishness for not recognizing the treasure sooner.

If they had built a good relationship with Dustin in advance, rising to success in the future would have been effortless.

"Well done, young man. You hid your abilities so well that I didn't see through it at all," General Murray sighed in relief after the shock had passed. Although the General's fighters had a strong foundation, it couldn't withstand this continuous onslaught. Fortunately, Dustin had turned the tide; otherwise, the General's mansion might have become a river of blood.

"We won... Bro Dustinin won! We don't need to escape!" Shiela cheered with tears of joy. However, Caden wore a somewhat complicated expression, torn between happiness and worry. While it was worth celebrating that the General's household had survived, Dustin's outstanding performance and their past conflicts left him unsure of how to face the situation.

"Kill all the remnants of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, leave no one alive!" After slaying Yamamoto, Dustin didn't stop. He swung the Sky Sword and, with the General's personnel, began to massacre the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix's ninjas. Without Yamamoto, these ninjas were defenseless and were quickly slaughtered, crumbling like a house of cards.

This deadly game that had been set up for five years ultimately ended in the General's tragic victory. Although they eliminated the invaders, the General's family had suffered significant losses. They had not only expended a considerable amount of elite strength but also affected many guests, who were all part of the General's network, spanning various industries. With such losses, it would take several years to fully recover.

The only thing worth celebrating was that General Murray emerged unscathed. As long as he lived, the General's Mansion would not fall and would eventually regain its former glory; it was only a matter of time.

After the battle ended, the official forces from the provincial city began to arrive. Numerous soldiers swarmed in to escort and clean up the scene.

It was only at this point that the suspended hearts of the people finally fell.

"Young man, thanks to you this time, or else this old life of mine would have been in jeopardy," General Murray approached Dustin and expressed his gratitude.

"General, no need to be so polite. It was just a small effort," Dustin replied with a slight smile, not wanting to take too much credit. After all, he still owed General Murray a favor for the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom matter, and he considered it even now.

"I really couldn't tell. I didn't expect you to be this powerful. You're no less impressive than your mother back in the day," General Murray said with satisfaction.

"General, you're too kind," Dustin replied humbly before taking out a pill and handing it over. "This is a Gemiphen I refined, and it works wonders for treating internal injuries. General, you can give it a try."

"Oh? Is that so?" General Murray was curious. After inspecting the pill, he swallowed it without hesitation. In no time, he wore an astonished expression and praised, "Indeed, it's a miraculous elixir! The meridians I had just blocked and the stagnant internal energy (qi) and blood are now all unobstructed. It's truly amazing!"

"I didn't expect you to be not only extraordinary in martial arts but also a master in alchemy and medicine. You truly excel in both literary and martial arts!" General Murray chuckled. "If only a talented young man like you could become my grandson-in-law."

With this remark, Shiela, who had just approached, blushed instantly.
Chapter 1141 The Showdown

Nakamura was encircled by a multitude of skilled ninja, forming a formidable force that would pose a considerable challenge even to the most elite assassins among the General's fighters. While Dustin possessed considerable strength, he couldn't dispatch them all in an instant.
"Enough talking! If you want to ensure your daughter's safety, move quickly and assist!" Dustin pressed.

"I'll assist you!" Lily acted first, darting forward to begin the process of unwinding the ropes. The Dragon-Binding Rope was tightly wound, impervious to brute force; they had to meticulously untangle it.


At this moment, Nakamura's final countdown fell, and he grinned maliciously. "Since you won't drop your weapons, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

With that, he raised his sword and struck directly at Shiela's arm.


Caden roared, fighting through the pain to rush forward, but he was quickly stopped by the ninja from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix.


In this critical moment, a silver needle shot out, accurately striking Nakamura's sword.


The sound of metal clashing echoed.

Nakamura's sword was knocked from his grasp and flew through the air, spinning before crashing to the ground, producing a burst of sparks.

"Who's there?!" Nakamura was both surprised and furious, quickly retreating behind Shiela. Simultaneously, he waved his hand, instructing the ninja to stand in front of him to prevent any sneak attacks.

"It's you!" Nakamura stuck half of his head out from behind Shiela's shoulder, smiling. "Mr. Dustin, the Murray family is wishing to kill you in various ways, and yet you still want to help them? Is it worth it? If you join our Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, I guarantee wealth, honor, and endless enjoyment for you!"

"I'm not assisting the Murray family. I'm doing this solely because I can't tolerate you," Dustin retorted candidly. "You mongrels from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix dared to act recklessly on Dragonmarsh's territory. When I see one, I'll kill one."

"So, does that mean there's no room for negotiation between us?" Nakamura's expression darkened.

"In your present condition, you have no leverage for negotiations," Dustin retorted.

With that, Dustin swiftly unraveled the Dragon-binding Rope and stowed it away. This valuable item was scarce and could prove useful later.

"Hold on! I still have a hostage! If you take one step closer, I'll snap her neck!" Nakamura reached out, clutching Shiela's throat and shouting frantically.

"Nakamura! Please, stop! Don't harm my daughter!" Caden cried out.

"Dustin, heed him! If anything befalls Shiela, your life will be the price!" Vivian's group chanted in unison.


In that instant, a silver needle suddenly streaked through the air, whizzing past Shiela's ear and, with calculated precision, striking Nakamura squarely in the forehead.

Nakamura shivered all over, his face contorting in terror.

In the next second, his head exploded with a resounding "bang," resembling a bursting watermelon.

Chapter 1142 Clash of Titans

As they watched the decapitated body of Nakamura, the scene suddenly fell silent.

Caden shouts came to an abrupt halt.

Vivian, Chase, and their group were also left dumbfounded.

Everything happened so suddenly that they were all a bit slow to react.

Nakamura had hostages and a large number of skilled ninja protecting him.

In this situation, it was astonishing that Dustin could still achieve a one-hit kill!


Nakamura's headless body crashed to the ground.

Shiela, looking bewildered, was grabbed by the shoulder by Dustin and thrown out of the encirclement, landing in the Murrays, thus averting the crisis.


Seeing his grandson's lifeless body, Yamamoto's face contorted, and he erupted in rage: "You dare to kill my grandson? I'll tear you to pieces! Kill him, kill him, kill him—kill him for me!"

As he gave the order, a large number of ninja experts immediately swarmed forward.

All kinds of hidden weapons, poisoned darts, and throwing knives were continuously launched.

A dense barrage, like a torrential downpour, made it impossible to defend against.

While the projectiles were flying, the ninja displayed their skills; some leaped high into the air, leaving behind iron wire nets, while others emerged from underground for a surprise attack.

For a moment, Dustin felt like a target of multiple attacks, and he was surrounded by an overwhelming onslaught.

"Quick, go support him! Wipe out the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix ninja!" General Murray immediately issued the order.

The elite assassin team cultivated by the General's fighters didn't hold back either and rushed into battle.

Soon, another melee erupted.

However, this time, the situation was completely different.

The General's assassin team was already formidable, and with Dustin's assistance, they were like tigers with wings. In no time, they routed the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix ninjas.

"Well done!"

Seeing this, everyone was invigorated and excited.

"Damn it!"

Yamamoto cursed angrily, unable to hold back any longer. He stomped his wooden clogs and turned into a blur, charging straight into the battlefield.

With consecutive strikes of his palms as fast as lightning, each strike killed one of the black-clad assassins.


General Murray was furious, about to join the fray when his body suddenly shivered, and he spewed out another mouthful of blood, nearly collapsing.

His injuries were too severe, and now he had no strength left to continue fighting.

"Uh-oh! If we keep going like this, we might lose!" Lily exclaimed, her face tense.

Yamamoto had completely turned the tide.

"Yamamoto is a Sword Saint” (Sword Master) of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, and his strength is overwhelmingly powerful. Now that Father is seriously injured, no one can stop him. We can only temporarily withdraw from the battlefield," Caden said with a solemn expression.

"Temporarily withdraw? Are you saying... we should abandon the General's Mansion?" Lily furrowed her brow.

"Keeping us alive is important; we will have a chance to regroup. We can have a chance to comeback if we preserve our lives first," Caden replied.

"You're right, but how can we leave? Father won't agree to be a fleeing soldier," Lily shook her head.

"I don't care what means you use, even if you have to knock him unconscious, you must take Father away quietly," Caden insisted.

He was well aware that as long as his father was safe, the General's Mansion could be rebuilt quickly.

"Alright, I'll try," Lily nodded, reluctantly agreeing.

"Wait! If we leave, what about Dustin and the others?" Shiela suddenly spoke up.

At this moment, on the battlefield ahead, Dustin and his group were fighting desperately, and the situation was dire.

"We don't have time to think about that now. Dustin just saved me, and I can't leave him to fend for himself!" Shiela said, her brows furrowing.

"Silly girl!" Caden was frantic. "People must look out for themselves. We're all in danger now. If we don't leave soon, we won't be able to escape!"

"No! I can't leave!" Shiela shook her head. "Dustin just saved me, and I can't abandon him to escape alone!"

"Stubborn!" Caden was growing anxious. "Dustin and the others can't hold out much longer. If we don't leave now, we'll be trapped soon!"

Chapter 1143 The Ultimate Duel

With that, he grabbed Shiela's wrist and forcefully pulled her away.

"No! I won't go! Let go of me!" Shiela began to struggle frantically.

She already owed Dustin once and didn't want to owe him again. Otherwise, she'd never find peace in her life.

"Shiela, your dad is right. Time is running out, we need to go quickly!"

"Yes, Shiela! Lives are at stake; don't be stubborn!"

"Even if Dustin dies, as long as we survive, it's an honor for him to sacrifice for the General!"

At this moment, Chase and Vivian, along with others, also tried to persuade her.

If they could use Dustin's life to ensure their safety, it would be a tremendous advantage.

"You can leave if you want, but I won't!" Shiela remained stubborn and refused to listen.

"Stubborn girl!"

Caden was infuriated, and he slapped his daughter, scolding her, "You can't be hard-headed now! You must listen to me today! Get someone to drag her away!"

Shiela was dazed, her face in her hands, feeling bewildered.

Chase and Vivian exchanged glances and then both grabbed Shiela's arms, forcibly pulling her outside.

Meanwhile, on a battlefield-turned-ruins:

Both sides continued to battle, and both suffered heavy casualties.

Bodies fell one by one, and the battle was intense.

"Step aside, all of you! You're no match for him; let me deal with him!"

Seeing the General's assassin team fighting so fiercely and courageously, Dustin couldn't help but feel moved and quickly shouted.

Even though the General's fighters were innate experts, they were powerless against Yamamoto, a martial arts master. But due to the melee, Dustin couldn't unleash his full power, or else he might accidentally kill them.

So, he had them disperse to avoid unintended casualties.

"You all step back too! I want to kill this kid with my own hands!"

Yamamoto waved his hand, and the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix ninjas scattered.

Soon, the chaotic battle turned into a duel between the two.

"Has Dustin gone mad? He's challenging Yamamoto one-on-one? Does he want to die faster?"

Vivian looked back with a puzzled expression.

"Hmph! He's utterly overestimating himself! Yamamoto is one of the top ten Sword Saints of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, and his strength is unmatched. Dustin challenging Yamamoto is like a moth flying into the flames!"

Chase shook his head, showing a look of disdain.

"This kid is really foolish! During the melee, Yamamoto was holding back, and now, without any restraints, he's even more dangerous. He probably won't last a single move!" Caden said, clearly frustrated.

They could have bought more time, but Dustin insisted on acting like a hero.

Once he was killed, their chances of escaping would diminish significantly.

"You fool! You killed my grandson and ruined my plans. Today, I'll skin you alive!"

Yamamoto slowly drew his katana from his waist, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

Even though his opponent was much younger, he wouldn't show any mercy.

"I'll send you to hell!"

Yamamoto shouted angrily, stomped his wooden clogs, and rushed forward, raising his katana high and swinging it fiercely toward Dustin's head.

Even before the blade reached him, the sharp sword aura had already torn the ground apart, leaving a deep mark.

"It's over... This kid is finished."

Seeing this, everyone shook their heads in pity.

Yamamoto's full-powered strike was something very few could withstand.

"Sky Sword!"

Dustin extended his hand with a wave.


Suddenly, a black ancient sword shot out from the ruins like a black lightning bolt, piercing straight through Yamamoto's chest.

Chapter 1144 Shocking Turn of Events


The Sovereign Sky Sword transformed into a black lightning bolt, after piercing through Yamamoto's chest, it returned to Dustin's hand.

Blood slowly flowed down the blade, gathering at the tip before dripping onto the ground, creating tiny blood splatters.


Yamamoto's body trembled, and he dropped from the sky, his knees hitting the ground heavily.

He remained motionless in a kneeling position.

The entire scene fell into sudden silence.

All sound seemed to vanish, and you could hear a pin drop.

Whether it was the General's figthers, the guests, or the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix ninjas, everyone stood there in stunned silence.

Their faces were marked with shock.

They couldn't believe it. Yamamoto, the formidable Sword Saint of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, had been impaled by a single strike from Dustin.

The entire process happened so suddenly, without any warning, that no one had reacted in time.

They only saw a black lightning bolt flash, and then the mighty Yamamoto knelt down.


Yamamoto lowered his head, his face filled with disbelief.

At this moment, he had a massive hole in his chest, and he could even see the scenery behind him through that hole, including the shocked face of General Murray.

This perspective was strange and somewhat eerie.

"Why? Why can you... hurt me?" Yamamoto forced out these words with a raspy voice.

General Murray was severely injured and had lost his combat strength. Normally, he should have been invincible here.

He never expected such a turn of events.

"Why? Go ask the King of Hell..."

Dustin didn't waste any words. He walked forward and raised his hand, swiftly beheading Yamamoto.


When Yamamoto's head fell, everyone finally woke up from their daze, and the scene erupted with unprecedented shock.

"Dead... He's dead? Am I seeing this right? This kid actually killed Yamamoto?!"

"Oh my god! This is the Sword Saint of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, a top-tier martial arts master, and he was just killed with a single strike! Isn't this too unbelievable?!"

"What's this kid's background? How can he be this terrifying? He's like a monster!"

"A single strike to kill the Sword Saint of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix? Is this guy even human? When did our provincial city produce such a freak?!"

After a brief moment of silence, the entire scene exploded with astonishment.

The looks directed at Dustin were like he was a monster, filled with shock and disbelief.

They had thought that disaster was imminent for the General's family today, and they had even prepared to make a run for it.

But in the end, at the critical moment, Dustin had actually turned the tide and killed Yamamoto with a single strike.

Now, they were at a loss, especially Chase and Vivian's group, who were having a hard time accepting this.

They couldn't comprehend how Dustin could be this powerful.

Wasn't he just a lowly insurance salesman?

Wasn't he a nobody without any background?

Why? Why could he defeat the Sword Saint of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix?

Could it be that Dustin had been hiding his true abilities all along?

Had they only seen the surface, just a disguise?

If that were the case, the consequences would be quite severe.

A person who could kill the Sword Saint of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix with a single strike would be respected and revered everywhere they went, no matter where they were.

Chapter 1145 Victory and Acknowledgment

Even the various official institutions had to treat him with the utmost respect. Without exaggeration, given Dustin's age and the strength he had displayed, he could easily stand shoulder to shoulder with the old general in the future. Such a young prodigy was someone they would need to look up to for their entire lives.

The biggest problem was that they had previously shown contempt and disdain for Dustin, even resorting to harsh words. If he were to seek revenge, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Thinking about this, Chase, Vivian, and their group felt a shiver down their spines and deep regret. On one hand, they regretted offending Dustin, and on the other hand, they regretted their own foolishness for not recognizing the treasure sooner.

If they had built a good relationship with Dustin in advance, rising to success in the future would have been effortless.

"Well done, young man. You hid your abilities so well that I didn't see through it at all," General Murray sighed in relief after the shock had passed. Although the General's fighters had a strong foundation, it couldn't withstand this continuous onslaught. Fortunately, Dustin had turned the tide; otherwise, the General's mansion might have become a river of blood.

"We won... Bro Dustinin won! We don't need to escape!" Shiela cheered with tears of joy. However, Caden wore a somewhat complicated expression, torn between happiness and worry. While it was worth celebrating that the General's household had survived, Dustin's outstanding performance and their past conflicts left him unsure of how to face the situation.

"Kill all the remnants of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, leave no one alive!" After slaying Yamamoto, Dustin didn't stop. He swung the Sky Sword and, with the General's personnel, began to massacre the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix's ninjas. Without Yamamoto, these ninjas were defenseless and were quickly slaughtered, crumbling like a house of cards.

This deadly game that had been set up for five years ultimately ended in the General's tragic victory. Although they eliminated the invaders, the General's family had suffered significant losses. They had not only expended a considerable amount of elite strength but also affected many guests, who were all part of the General's network, spanning various industries. With such losses, it would take several years to fully recover.

The only thing worth celebrating was that General Murray emerged unscathed. As long as he lived, the General's Mansion would not fall and would eventually regain its former glory; it was only a matter of time.

After the battle ended, the official forces from the provincial city began to arrive. Numerous soldiers swarmed in to escort and clean up the scene.

It was only at this point that the suspended hearts of the people finally fell.

"Young man, thanks to you this time, or else this old life of mine would have been in jeopardy," General Murray approached Dustin and expressed his gratitude.

"General, no need to be so polite. It was just a small effort," Dustin replied with a slight smile, not wanting to take too much credit. After all, he still owed General Murray a favor for the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom matter, and he considered it even now.

"I really couldn't tell. I didn't expect you to be this powerful. You're no less impressive than your mother back in the day," General Murray said with satisfaction.

"General, you're too kind," Dustin replied humbly before taking out a pill and handing it over. "This is a Gemiphen I refined, and it works wonders for treating internal injuries. General, you can give it a try."

"Oh? Is that so?" General Murray was curious. After inspecting the pill, he swallowed it without hesitation. In no time, he wore an astonished expression and praised, "Indeed, it's a miraculous elixir! The meridians I had just blocked and the stagnant internal energy (qi) and blood are now all unobstructed. It's truly amazing!"

"I didn't expect you to be not only extraordinary in martial arts but also a master in alchemy and medicine. You truly excel in both literary and martial arts!" General Murray chuckled. "If only a talented young man like you could become my grandson-in-law."

With this remark, Shiela, who had just approached, blushed instantly.
Maraming salamat master 🫡
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A special shout-out to my fellow Filipinos who are stuck in this story with me. (Is that a good thing or a bad thing?) 😄

Looking forward to getting to know you better!

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Chapter 1146: Ordinary Friend

General Murray's words were clearly intentional. On one hand, he genuinely admired Dustin. Being exceptional both in martial and scholarly pursuits with a bright future ahead and a good character, such a young prodigy was scarce in the entire Dragonmarsh. If Dustin could become his grandson-in-law, it would provide a safeguard for the General's family in the future.

On the other hand, he had taken his granddaughter, Shiela, into consideration. She possessed a kind heart and a somewhat naive disposition, easily susceptible to deception, and in need of strong support and protection. Dustin undoubtedly appeared as the ideal choice. When the two of them were together, they seemed like a perfect match.

In the present moment, Shiela stood in silence behind them, not uttering a word. Her pretty face sported a faint flush, revealing a blend of shyness and eager anticipation. She was awaiting Dustin's response, hoping to hear the answer she longed for.

"Thank you for your generous words, General, but someone like me, a commoner, is not deserving of Miss Shiela," Dustin courteously declined.

"Young man, I am well aware of your background. There is no need for such formality. I will ask you directly: do you hold any affection for my granddaughter, Shiela?" General Murray inquired once more.

"General, Miss Shiela and I are simply regular friends, nothing more," Dustin replied resolutely.

"Just ordinary friends?" General Murray raised his eyebrows. Why did those words sound somewhat awkward? Weren't they treating each other like siblings before? Why did it suddenly become distant?

Upon hearing the phrase "just ordinary friends," Shiela's expression froze, her eyes reflecting disappointment.

"Young man, would you not reconsider?" General Murray seemed somewhat reluctant.

He was willing to go to great lengths to ensure his granddaughter's happiness.

"General, trying to force something won't make it genuine. Let's simply set aside the matter," Dustin firmly shook his head, his gaze resolute.
"Sigh... Very well, I won't interfere in the affairs of you young people," General Murray finally relented.

"Dustin, Bro Dustin..."

Unable to contain her emotions, Shiela called out.

"Yes?" Dustin turned to look at her with a hint of confusion. "Miss Shiela, is there something else?"

"Bro Dustin, I misunderstood you before. I'm truly sorry, and I sincerely apologize to you," Shiela said, her face filled with guilt as she bowed deeply while speaking.

"Miss Shiela, you haven't done anything wrong, and I've never blamed you. There's no need to apologize," Dustin shook his head, feeling no resentment.

Some things were not about right or wrong; it was purely a matter of trust. Shiela had made her choice, and he had no complaints.

"Bro Dustin, can we still meet in the future?" Shiela held onto her clothes, feeling nervous and hopeful.

"If fate allows, we will meet again. Farewell," Dustin replied with a faint smile and walked out of the General's Mansion.

"Bro Dustin..."

Watching his departing figure, Shiela felt a deep sense of emptiness in her heart, as if something important was slowly slipping away.

"Girl, what exactly happened between you two?" General Murray couldn't help but ask curiously.

"I..." Shiela hesitated for a moment and eventually recounted the whole story briefly.

Listening to this exchange, General Murray couldn't help but feel exasperated. "Child, how could you be so easily misled? Can't you differentiate between truth and falsehood? You accepted those unfounded accusations without any doubt and slandered someone who was genuinely trying to assist you. You... you... you truly infuriate me!"

"Grandfather, I acknowledge my mistake. Is there anything I can do to make amends?" Shiela asked softly.

Chapter 1147: Goodbye Friend and Hello Trouble


General Murray sighed deeply. "The more exceptional a person, the more likely they are to be proud. Rebuilding trust can be an uphill battle. You've already made your choice regarding your friends, and even if he doesn't hold it against you, things won't go back to the way they were."

"What should I do then?" Shiela started to feel anxious.

"Let it be. Time has the power to mend even the deepest wounds. Perhaps, in the future, you'll have an opportunity to cross paths again," General Murray said, shaking his head.

Despite his words, he knew deep down that certain things couldn't be repaired. Once a rift had formed in a relationship, no matter how hard you tried to mend it, that divide would persist.


After leaving the General's Mansion, Dustin drove back to the Zypher Lodge.

As soon as he entered the Lodge's gate, he saw Cornelius running towards him in a fluster.

Cornelius was sweating profusely as he ran, and he called out urgently, "Master Dustin! Something terrible has occurred! It's a major issue!"

"Hmm?" Dustin furrowed his brows at the news. "Why are you so worked up? Please, provide me with all the details."

"It's... it's about The Goddess of War!" Cornelius said, gasping for breath.

"What's the matter with her? You've encountered her before, haven't you? Why are you so agitated?" Dustin raised an eyebrow, initially thinking it was a minor concern.

After going through numerous trials and tribulations, it was difficult for him to become overly concerned about such matters.

"Also... also..." Cornelius stuttered, "It's not just The Goddess of War. Miss Natasha is here too, and they've already met!"

"What?" Dustin was taken aback, his composure wavering. "Why didn't you mention that earlier?"

"I... I just did," Cornelius replied, looking somewhat puzzled.

Moments ago, Dustin had appeared confident and resolute in his speech, but now he found himself feeling somewhat flustered.

"What's the current situation? Are they in conflict with each other?" Dustin asked urgently.

He knew Scarlet had a fiery temper, and that worried him. She wouldn't hesitate to engage in a physical altercation if provoked.

"They haven't come to blows, but they're definitely not getting along," Cornelius replied, his anxiety evident in his voice.

"Where are they now?" Dustin inquired again.

"They're in the reception hall," Cornelius replied truthfully.

"Let's go! Follow me to see them!" Dustin said urgently.

Cornelius had no choice but to follow him.

In the reception hall.

Natasha sat in the main seat, leisurely sipping tea.

Scarlet sat in the secondary seat, engrossed in reading a military strategy book.

Members of the Kirin Gang's high-ranking executives stood on both sides, not daring to make a sound, creating an oppressive atmosphere in the hall.

"Miss Scarlet, may I ask how long you've known Dustin?" Natasha was the first to break the silence.

"I've known him since childhood," Scarlet replied indifferently.

"Oh? So, you and Dustin are childhood sweethearts?" Natasha raised an eyebrow.

"Not only that, but we also have an engagement," Scarlet said calmly.

"An engagement? Heh... in this day and age, is that still meaningful?" Natasha chuckled.

"Our families have been friends for generations, and there's a longstanding marriage arrangement between us. Doesn't that hold any meaning?" Scarlet retorted with a touch of frost in her voice.

"Is it meaningful to you, or is it meaningful to Dustin?" Natasha countered with a sly smile.

"How can you be so sure Dustin won't agree to it?" Scarlet challenged.

"Because I'm Dustin's woman," Natasha declared proudly.

"What? You're not even close to being worthy of him," Scarlet shook her head.

"Whether I'm worthy or not isn't something you get to decide," Natasha replied with a self-assured smirk.

"I warn you, stay away from him, or I'll kill you," Scarlet said coldly.

"Oh, really? I find that hard to believe."

As Natasha spoke, a longsword named Vortexstrike was suddenly pressed against her throat.

Chapter 1148: Just joking

"You say that again?"

Scarlet's expression turned icy as she held her sword with one hand, its tip pressed against Natasha's throat. With a slight forward movement, she could end Natasha's life in an instant.

Natasha, seeing the sharp blade so close to her neck, couldn't help but furrow her brows. She hadn't expected Scarlet to be so impulsive, drawing her sword at the slightest provocation. It was clear that this wasn't a mere threat; another provocative word could result in her demise.

It seemed that she had encountered a formidable opponent.


Just as they were locked in a standoff, Dustin suddenly rushed in.

"Dustin, you're here?" Upon seeing him, Scarlet immediately sheathed her sword, her previous coldness replaced by a friendly smile, like that of a neighbor's little sister.

"Scarlet, what were you doing just now?" Dustin frowned, showing some displeasure.

"It's nothing, I was just joking with Miss Natasha," Scarlet replied with a smile.

"Joking?" Dustin turned his gaze to Natasha and asked in a soft voice, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I was just a bit bored, so I wanted to see Miss Scarlet's sword. She simply handed it to me," Natasha smiled.

These words surprised Scarlet. She had thought that Natasha might report the incident, but unexpectedly, she had come to her rescue.

"It's good that nothing happened. Swords and blades have no eyes. Be careful in the future. I don't want any harm to come to either of you. Do you understand?" Dustin's gaze, as he said the last three words, shifted to Scarlet, carrying a hint of warning.

"Okay, I understand," Scarlet lowered her head like a scolded student.

If anyone else saw this, they would probably be shocked. After all, who in the Dragonmarsh would dare to reprimand The Goddess of War in this manner?

"Dustin, come with me for a moment," Natasha suddenly put on a professional fake smile and then walked out of the reception hall.

Dustin's eyelids twitched, feeling a sense of unease for no apparent reason. But there was no avoiding this, so he followed her reluctantly.

The two of them walked to a secluded spot, and Natasha suddenly stopped and turned around. Her smile grew even brighter.

However, the more she smiled, the more Dustin felt uneasy, sensing a hidden agenda behind her words.

"Natasha, what do you want to ask? Just ask, I have nothing to hide," Dustin said nervously.

Natasha chuckled, giving Dustin's shoulder a friendly pat. "No need to be jumpy; I'm not about to devour you," she reassured him, flashing a warm smile. "So spill the beans. Who's this Miss Scarlet? She sounds like quite the character."

Dustin leaned in, sharing the scoop. "Well, Scarlet's actually part of the Spanner clan over in Stonia, and folks call her the 'Goddess of War' in Dragonmarsh."

Natasha's eyes widened in surprise. "Scarlet? The Goddess of War?" She was genuinely taken aback. "I never saw that coming."

She'd definitely heard of the Goddess of War before. Scarlet was Stonia's pride and joy, a standout among the younger generation, holding an enviable position at the apex of the Dragonmarsh hierarchy.

Natasha's curiosity was piqued even further. "What's the deal between you two? Why did she come looking for you?" She had always known Dustin was something special, but a connection to someone like Scarlet had taken her by surprise.

Dustin sighed, revealing the family tie. "She's my sister. She still sees me through the lens of our childhood, and change doesn't come easy for her. But I'm hopeful that over time, she'll come to see things as they truly are."

Natasha's tone took on a hint of jealousy. "So, you two really were childhood sweethearts?" She pressed further, a touch of bitterness in her voice. "And that engagement she mentioned, is that for real?"

"What engagement? It's just a childhood pact; it's not something serious," Dustin shook his head, emphasizing the lack of real commitment. "The ties between our families have faded since my mother passed away, and I genuinely see her as nothing more than a sister. There's no romantic spark there."

Natasha, with a tinge of jealousy, remarked, "Sister? But it seems like she doesn't quite share that sibling sentiment. She's stunning; can you really resist her allure?"

Dustin's response was heartfelt. "Even if she's beautiful, she can't hold a candle to you."

A pleased grin spread across Natasha's face. "Well, I didn't expect you, the unflappable man, to be such a charmer."

"I'm just speaking the truth," Dustin affirmed.

Natasha's grin widened. "Haha, okay, you passed the test," she declared, her mood lightening. "I won't blame you for whatever went down with Scarlet, but be cautious. That girl seems to lean heavily on you. Mishandle it, and things could go south."

While Natasha had never met Scarlet in person, she knew of her reputation. Scarlet was renowned as a ruthless and unforgiving female warlord who wouldn't hesitate to take lives. Since her rise to fame, she'd been a lone wolf, showing no favoritism, not even to the royal family.

Yet, today, in Dustin's presence, Scarlet had acted more like a fangirl. She not only cooperated without hesitation but also showed hints of nervousness and fear, as if she dreaded disappointing Dustin.

Being a woman herself, Natasha could sense that Scarlet was deeply infatuated with Dustin, perhaps to an obsessive extent. People with naturally reserved and unemotional dispositions often became completely consumed by love when it struck. If Dustin were to inadvertently hurt her, it could push her over the edge.

"She's like a sister to me, and it's going to remain that way. It might take some time for her to accept the reality," Dustin stated plainly.

Natasha nodded thoughtfully. "I hope so too."

"Hey there, Bro Dustin, are you guys done with your chat?" Scarlet's voice echoed from a distance. She had been waiting patiently in the reception hall for quite some time and couldn't resist coming out.

Dustin turned to her, concerned. "What's up?"

"I'm starving," Scarlet admitted, patting her empty stomach.

"Well, since Miss Scarlet here is hungry, how about we head out for a bite to eat? There's a new restaurant in town, and it's the perfect chance to give it a try," Natasha suggested with a cheerful grin.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's go grab a meal," Dustin agreed, then called the others to join in. They all hopped into their cars and left the Lodge in search of some good food.

However, as soon as they left the Zypher Lodge, two business cars secretly followed them.

Chapter 1149: VIPs

Half an hour later, at the entrance of Celestial Heights Restaurant.

Two luxury cars slowly came to a stop, and the doors opened, with Dustin and his group getting out one after another.

Celestial Heights Restaurant was a newly opened high-end restaurant known for its excellent ambiance, service, and food. It had gained a good reputation, attracting many dignitaries and celebrities.

Due to their prior reservation, Dustin and his group were quickly escorted to the second floor by a high-level female server.

The second floor was the VIP area, with regular VIP guests seated in the main hall, separated by screens between the tables. For even higher-ranking VIPs, there were private rooms available, providing a more exclusive environment and service.

"Miss Harmon, please follow me," a high-level female server in white led them with a smile. Eventually, they arrived at the entrance of Room No. 3.

Just as they were about to enter the restaurant, a woman in a sharp black professional suit suddenly blocked their path. Pinned to her chest was a badge that read "Assistant Manager."

"Hold on! This room is already occupied. Please find another available room for our guests," the female assistant manager declared.

"Evelyn, are you sure you've got this right? Room No. 3 was reserved ahead of time for these guests," the server in a crisp white uniform questioned, puzzled by the situation.

"We've got a bit of a situation here. Some VIPs are on their way, and they specifically requested Room No. 3. It needs to be vacated immediately!" The female assistant manager's tone was firm and no-nonsense.

"Evelyn, isn't this against the rules? The guests have already made a reservation, and changing rooms at the last minute is not a good explanation," the white-clad female server said hesitantly. "Besides, all four of the Platinum rooms are already occupied, and there are no rooms left."

"If there are no Platinum rooms available, can't you just give them a Diamond room? Why all the fuss?" The female assistant manager sounded noticeably impatient, her words barely above a whisper.

Dustin, with his keen hearing, caught every word.

"Evelyn, you know the Diamond rooms are a far cry from the Platinum ones. The guests probably won't accept that," the white-clad server replied in hushed tones. "Besides, they've paid for a Platinum room; it wouldn't be fair to offer them a Diamond one."

"Enough of this! Let me handle it," the female assistant manager declared with a tight-lipped expression before approaching Dustin and his group, putting on a forced smile. "Dear guests, there was a little hiccup on our end. Room No. 3, the Platinum room, is temporarily unavailable. Would you mind moving to the other side? We have several Diamond rooms available for your selection."

"Half an hour ago, we had already made a reservation, and now you say it's unavailable. Isn't it a bit too late for that?" Dustin said calmly.

Dustin could understand if there were valid reasons for the change, but it was becoming evident that they were being treated unfairly. Both parties were paying customers, so why the unequal treatment?

"This gentleman, our restaurant has its policies. I hope you won't create any complications," the female assistant manager insisted with a strained smile.

Dustin arched an eyebrow. "Am I the one creating complications, or is it you who plans to give away our reserved room to someone else?" He spoke with a hint of skepticism. "If I heard correctly just now, that's your intention, isn't it?"

The female assistant manager frowned, momentarily taken aback, but quickly composed herself. "Well, since you've overheard, let me clarify. We've had some high-profile guests arrive at Celestial Heights Restaurant, and they specifically requested Room No. 3. I hope you can understand, and we'll make sure everything is satisfactory."


Chapter 1150: Not So VIPs

Dustin found the situation somewhat amusing. "Is this the level of service that Celestial Heights Restaurant prides itself on? You're asking us to change rooms for no apparent reason, and you can't even extend a bit of courtesy? What's the intention here? Are you trying to mistreat your customers?"

Being asked to switch rooms without a valid explanation made it difficult for them to enjoy their meal.

The assistant manager's impatience was starting to show. "Sir, what exactly do you want? Are you looking for compensation? Fine, if you agree to change rooms, I'll personally arrange a fruit platter as a goodwill gesture. Will that satisfy you?" She said this with a look of disdain on her face.

Dustin responded with a frigid tone, "Firstly, I have no interest in any compensation, and secondly, are you offering us a fruit platter as a way to make amends? Do you take us for beggars?" In a restaurant, customer service was paramount, and this woman's treatment was far from acceptable.

"Sir, I suggest you refrain from causing any trouble. Our restaurant has its policies, and if you're unhappy with them, you're free to leave. I won't force you to stay!" The assistant manager's irritation was clearly on display.

With business thriving at the restaurant, losing a few customers wouldn't make much of a dent.

Dustin couldn't help but mock the situation. "Really? You're ready to kick us out over a few words? Celestial Heights Restaurant certainly doesn't mince words!" He continued speaking as he brushed past the assistant manager, entered Room No. 3, and took a seat. "I'm dining here today, and let's see who can actually make me leave!"

"You... You're just causing trouble for no reason!" The assistant manager was now seething with anger. "You're not welcome here. I'm warning you; leave immediately, or I'll call security!"

"Go ahead and call them. I'd love to see how this situation unfolds. How do you plan to manage your establishment then?" Dustin calmly poured himself a cup of tea.

"You disgrace! You have no shame! Get out of here right now!" The assistant manager was beside herself. "People like you aren't welcome here."

"This gentleman, do you want to reconsider your decision?" she added with a sly smile.

Dustin's eyes narrowed, and he spoke with firm resolve. "Let me make one thing clear: I won't leave of my own accord. If you want me gone, you'll have to use force."

Before the assistant manager could react, a sharp, resounding slap echoed through the room.


Natasha had delivered a powerful slap to the assistant manager's face, leaving her momentarily stunned and clutching her stinging cheek.

With a cold and commanding demeanor, Natasha continued, "Do you think you're something special? How dare you act with such arrogance here?" Her presence exuded a queen-like authority, imposing and unyielding.

"You... How could you even think of hitting me?" The assistant manager's eyes widened in disbelief.

Her boyfriend held the reins at Celestial Heights Restaurant, a man of wealth and influence with connections among high-ranking officials. In these restaurant walls, no one dared to show her disrespect.

And now, this woman had not only disrespected her but actually struck her?

It was absolutely outrageous!

"What's the issue? You got a problem with that?" Natasha responded unapologetically.

"You... You all just wait! I'll make sure you pay for this!" The assistant manager issued her threat as she began to turn and depart.

However, Scarlet suddenly reached out and grabbed her by the throat, effortlessly lifting her off the ground. She asked Dustin with a serious expression, "Big Bro Dustin, do you want me to kill her?
Chapter 1146: Ordinary Friend

General Murray's words were clearly intentional. On one hand, he genuinely admired Dustin. Being exceptional both in martial and scholarly pursuits with a bright future ahead and a good character, such a young prodigy was scarce in the entire Dragonmarsh. If Dustin could become his grandson-in-law, it would provide a safeguard for the General's family in the future.

On the other hand, he had taken his granddaughter, Shiela, into consideration. She possessed a kind heart and a somewhat naive disposition, easily susceptible to deception, and in need of strong support and protection. Dustin undoubtedly appeared as the ideal choice. When the two of them were together, they seemed like a perfect match.

In the present moment, Shiela stood in silence behind them, not uttering a word. Her pretty face sported a faint flush, revealing a blend of shyness and eager anticipation. She was awaiting Dustin's response, hoping to hear the answer she longed for.

"Thank you for your generous words, General, but someone like me, a commoner, is not deserving of Miss Shiela," Dustin courteously declined.

"Young man, I am well aware of your background. There is no need for such formality. I will ask you directly: do you hold any affection for my granddaughter, Shiela?" General Murray inquired once more.

"General, Miss Shiela and I are simply regular friends, nothing more," Dustin replied resolutely.

"Just ordinary friends?" General Murray raised his eyebrows. Why did those words sound somewhat awkward? Weren't they treating each other like siblings before? Why did it suddenly become distant?

Upon hearing the phrase "just ordinary friends," Shiela's expression froze, her eyes reflecting disappointment.

"Young man, would you not reconsider?" General Murray seemed somewhat reluctant.

He was willing to go to great lengths to ensure his granddaughter's happiness.

"General, trying to force something won't make it genuine. Let's simply set aside the matter," Dustin firmly shook his head, his gaze resolute.
"Sigh... Very well, I won't interfere in the affairs of you young people," General Murray finally relented.

"Dustin, Bro Dustin..."

Unable to contain her emotions, Shiela called out.

"Yes?" Dustin turned to look at her with a hint of confusion. "Miss Shiela, is there something else?"

"Bro Dustin, I misunderstood you before. I'm truly sorry, and I sincerely apologize to you," Shiela said, her face filled with guilt as she bowed deeply while speaking.

"Miss Shiela, you haven't done anything wrong, and I've never blamed you. There's no need to apologize," Dustin shook his head, feeling no resentment.

Some things were not about right or wrong; it was purely a matter of trust. Shiela had made her choice, and he had no complaints.

"Bro Dustin, can we still meet in the future?" Shiela held onto her clothes, feeling nervous and hopeful.

"If fate allows, we will meet again. Farewell," Dustin replied with a faint smile and walked out of the General's Mansion.

"Bro Dustin..."

Watching his departing figure, Shiela felt a deep sense of emptiness in her heart, as if something important was slowly slipping away.

"Girl, what exactly happened between you two?" General Murray couldn't help but ask curiously.

"I..." Shiela hesitated for a moment and eventually recounted the whole story briefly.

Listening to this exchange, General Murray couldn't help but feel exasperated. "Child, how could you be so easily misled? Can't you differentiate between truth and falsehood? You accepted those unfounded accusations without any doubt and slandered someone who was genuinely trying to assist you. You... you... you truly infuriate me!"

"Grandfather, I acknowledge my mistake. Is there anything I can do to make amends?" Shiela asked softly.

Chapter 1147: Goodbye Friend and Hello Trouble


General Murray sighed deeply. "The more exceptional a person, the more likely they are to be proud. Rebuilding trust can be an uphill battle. You've already made your choice regarding your friends, and even if he doesn't hold it against you, things won't go back to the way they were."

"What should I do then?" Shiela started to feel anxious.

"Let it be. Time has the power to mend even the deepest wounds. Perhaps, in the future, you'll have an opportunity to cross paths again," General Murray said, shaking his head.

Despite his words, he knew deep down that certain things couldn't be repaired. Once a rift had formed in a relationship, no matter how hard you tried to mend it, that divide would persist.


After leaving the General's Mansion, Dustin drove back to the Zypher Lodge.

As soon as he entered the Lodge's gate, he saw Cornelius running towards him in a fluster.

Cornelius was sweating profusely as he ran, and he called out urgently, "Master Dustin! Something terrible has occurred! It's a major issue!"

"Hmm?" Dustin furrowed his brows at the news. "Why are you so worked up? Please, provide me with all the details."

"It's... it's about The Goddess of War!" Cornelius said, gasping for breath.

"What's the matter with her? You've encountered her before, haven't you? Why are you so agitated?" Dustin raised an eyebrow, initially thinking it was a minor concern.

After going through numerous trials and tribulations, it was difficult for him to become overly concerned about such matters.

"Also... also..." Cornelius stuttered, "It's not just The Goddess of War. Miss Natasha is here too, and they've already met!"

"What?" Dustin was taken aback, his composure wavering. "Why didn't you mention that earlier?"

"I... I just did," Cornelius replied, looking somewhat puzzled.

Moments ago, Dustin had appeared confident and resolute in his speech, but now he found himself feeling somewhat flustered.

"What's the current situation? Are they in conflict with each other?" Dustin asked urgently.

He knew Scarlet had a fiery temper, and that worried him. She wouldn't hesitate to engage in a physical altercation if provoked.

"They haven't come to blows, but they're definitely not getting along," Cornelius replied, his anxiety evident in his voice.

"Where are they now?" Dustin inquired again.

"They're in the reception hall," Cornelius replied truthfully.

"Let's go! Follow me to see them!" Dustin said urgently.

Cornelius had no choice but to follow him.

In the reception hall.

Natasha sat in the main seat, leisurely sipping tea.

Scarlet sat in the secondary seat, engrossed in reading a military strategy book.

Members of the Kirin Gang's high-ranking executives stood on both sides, not daring to make a sound, creating an oppressive atmosphere in the hall.

"Miss Scarlet, may I ask how long you've known Dustin?" Natasha was the first to break the silence.

"I've known him since childhood," Scarlet replied indifferently.

"Oh? So, you and Dustin are childhood sweethearts?" Natasha raised an eyebrow.

"Not only that, but we also have an engagement," Scarlet said calmly.

"An engagement? Heh... in this day and age, is that still meaningful?" Natasha chuckled.

"Our families have been friends for generations, and there's a longstanding marriage arrangement between us. Doesn't that hold any meaning?" Scarlet retorted with a touch of frost in her voice.

"Is it meaningful to you, or is it meaningful to Dustin?" Natasha countered with a sly smile.

"How can you be so sure Dustin won't agree to it?" Scarlet challenged.

"Because I'm Dustin's woman," Natasha declared proudly.

"What? You're not even close to being worthy of him," Scarlet shook her head.

"Whether I'm worthy or not isn't something you get to decide," Natasha replied with a self-assured smirk.

"I warn you, stay away from him, or I'll kill you," Scarlet said coldly.

"Oh, really? I find that hard to believe."

As Natasha spoke, a longsword named Vortexstrike was suddenly pressed against her throat.

Chapter 1148: Just joking

"You say that again?"

Scarlet's expression turned icy as she held her sword with one hand, its tip pressed against Natasha's throat. With a slight forward movement, she could end Natasha's life in an instant.

Natasha, seeing the sharp blade so close to her neck, couldn't help but furrow her brows. She hadn't expected Scarlet to be so impulsive, drawing her sword at the slightest provocation. It was clear that this wasn't a mere threat; another provocative word could result in her demise.

It seemed that she had encountered a formidable opponent.


Just as they were locked in a standoff, Dustin suddenly rushed in.

"Dustin, you're here?" Upon seeing him, Scarlet immediately sheathed her sword, her previous coldness replaced by a friendly smile, like that of a neighbor's little sister.

"Scarlet, what were you doing just now?" Dustin frowned, showing some displeasure.

"It's nothing, I was just joking with Miss Natasha," Scarlet replied with a smile.

"Joking?" Dustin turned his gaze to Natasha and asked in a soft voice, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I was just a bit bored, so I wanted to see Miss Scarlet's sword. She simply handed it to me," Natasha smiled.

These words surprised Scarlet. She had thought that Natasha might report the incident, but unexpectedly, she had come to her rescue.

"It's good that nothing happened. Swords and blades have no eyes. Be careful in the future. I don't want any harm to come to either of you. Do you understand?" Dustin's gaze, as he said the last three words, shifted to Scarlet, carrying a hint of warning.

"Okay, I understand," Scarlet lowered her head like a scolded student.

If anyone else saw this, they would probably be shocked. After all, who in the Dragonmarsh would dare to reprimand The Goddess of War in this manner?

"Dustin, come with me for a moment," Natasha suddenly put on a professional fake smile and then walked out of the reception hall.

Dustin's eyelids twitched, feeling a sense of unease for no apparent reason. But there was no avoiding this, so he followed her reluctantly.

The two of them walked to a secluded spot, and Natasha suddenly stopped and turned around. Her smile grew even brighter.

However, the more she smiled, the more Dustin felt uneasy, sensing a hidden agenda behind her words.

"Natasha, what do you want to ask? Just ask, I have nothing to hide," Dustin said nervously.

Natasha chuckled, giving Dustin's shoulder a friendly pat. "No need to be jumpy; I'm not about to devour you," she reassured him, flashing a warm smile. "So spill the beans. Who's this Miss Scarlet? She sounds like quite the character."

Dustin leaned in, sharing the scoop. "Well, Scarlet's actually part of the Spanner clan over in Stonia, and folks call her the 'Goddess of War' in Dragonmarsh."

Natasha's eyes widened in surprise. "Scarlet? The Goddess of War?" She was genuinely taken aback. "I never saw that coming."

She'd definitely heard of the Goddess of War before. Scarlet was Stonia's pride and joy, a standout among the younger generation, holding an enviable position at the apex of the Dragonmarsh hierarchy.

Natasha's curiosity was piqued even further. "What's the deal between you two? Why did she come looking for you?" She had always known Dustin was something special, but a connection to someone like Scarlet had taken her by surprise.

Dustin sighed, revealing the family tie. "She's my sister. She still sees me through the lens of our childhood, and change doesn't come easy for her. But I'm hopeful that over time, she'll come to see things as they truly are."

Natasha's tone took on a hint of jealousy. "So, you two really were childhood sweethearts?" She pressed further, a touch of bitterness in her voice. "And that engagement she mentioned, is that for real?"

"What engagement? It's just a childhood pact; it's not something serious," Dustin shook his head, emphasizing the lack of real commitment. "The ties between our families have faded since my mother passed away, and I genuinely see her as nothing more than a sister. There's no romantic spark there."

Natasha, with a tinge of jealousy, remarked, "Sister? But it seems like she doesn't quite share that sibling sentiment. She's stunning; can you really resist her allure?"

Dustin's response was heartfelt. "Even if she's beautiful, she can't hold a candle to you."

A pleased grin spread across Natasha's face. "Well, I didn't expect you, the unflappable man, to be such a charmer."

"I'm just speaking the truth," Dustin affirmed.

Natasha's grin widened. "Haha, okay, you passed the test," she declared, her mood lightening. "I won't blame you for whatever went down with Scarlet, but be cautious. That girl seems to lean heavily on you. Mishandle it, and things could go south."

While Natasha had never met Scarlet in person, she knew of her reputation. Scarlet was renowned as a ruthless and unforgiving female warlord who wouldn't hesitate to take lives. Since her rise to fame, she'd been a lone wolf, showing no favoritism, not even to the royal family.

Yet, today, in Dustin's presence, Scarlet had acted more like a fangirl. She not only cooperated without hesitation but also showed hints of nervousness and fear, as if she dreaded disappointing Dustin.

Being a woman herself, Natasha could sense that Scarlet was deeply infatuated with Dustin, perhaps to an obsessive extent. People with naturally reserved and unemotional dispositions often became completely consumed by love when it struck. If Dustin were to inadvertently hurt her, it could push her over the edge.

"She's like a sister to me, and it's going to remain that way. It might take some time for her to accept the reality," Dustin stated plainly.

Natasha nodded thoughtfully. "I hope so too."

"Hey there, Bro Dustin, are you guys done with your chat?" Scarlet's voice echoed from a distance. She had been waiting patiently in the reception hall for quite some time and couldn't resist coming out.

Dustin turned to her, concerned. "What's up?"

"I'm starving," Scarlet admitted, patting her empty stomach.

"Well, since Miss Scarlet here is hungry, how about we head out for a bite to eat? There's a new restaurant in town, and it's the perfect chance to give it a try," Natasha suggested with a cheerful grin.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's go grab a meal," Dustin agreed, then called the others to join in. They all hopped into their cars and left the Lodge in search of some good food.

However, as soon as they left the Zypher Lodge, two business cars secretly followed them.

Chapter 1149: VIPs

Half an hour later, at the entrance of Celestial Heights Restaurant.

Two luxury cars slowly came to a stop, and the doors opened, with Dustin and his group getting out one after another.

Celestial Heights Restaurant was a newly opened high-end restaurant known for its excellent ambiance, service, and food. It had gained a good reputation, attracting many dignitaries and celebrities.

Due to their prior reservation, Dustin and his group were quickly escorted to the second floor by a high-level female server.

The second floor was the VIP area, with regular VIP guests seated in the main hall, separated by screens between the tables. For even higher-ranking VIPs, there were private rooms available, providing a more exclusive environment and service.

"Miss Harmon, please follow me," a high-level female server in white led them with a smile. Eventually, they arrived at the entrance of Room No. 3.

Just as they were about to enter the restaurant, a woman in a sharp black professional suit suddenly blocked their path. Pinned to her chest was a badge that read "Assistant Manager."

"Hold on! This room is already occupied. Please find another available room for our guests," the female assistant manager declared.

"Evelyn, are you sure you've got this right? Room No. 3 was reserved ahead of time for these guests," the server in a crisp white uniform questioned, puzzled by the situation.

"We've got a bit of a situation here. Some VIPs are on their way, and they specifically requested Room No. 3. It needs to be vacated immediately!" The female assistant manager's tone was firm and no-nonsense.

"Evelyn, isn't this against the rules? The guests have already made a reservation, and changing rooms at the last minute is not a good explanation," the white-clad female server said hesitantly. "Besides, all four of the Platinum rooms are already occupied, and there are no rooms left."

"If there are no Platinum rooms available, can't you just give them a Diamond room? Why all the fuss?" The female assistant manager sounded noticeably impatient, her words barely above a whisper.

Dustin, with his keen hearing, caught every word.

"Evelyn, you know the Diamond rooms are a far cry from the Platinum ones. The guests probably won't accept that," the white-clad server replied in hushed tones. "Besides, they've paid for a Platinum room; it wouldn't be fair to offer them a Diamond one."

"Enough of this! Let me handle it," the female assistant manager declared with a tight-lipped expression before approaching Dustin and his group, putting on a forced smile. "Dear guests, there was a little hiccup on our end. Room No. 3, the Platinum room, is temporarily unavailable. Would you mind moving to the other side? We have several Diamond rooms available for your selection."

"Half an hour ago, we had already made a reservation, and now you say it's unavailable. Isn't it a bit too late for that?" Dustin said calmly.

Dustin could understand if there were valid reasons for the change, but it was becoming evident that they were being treated unfairly. Both parties were paying customers, so why the unequal treatment?

"This gentleman, our restaurant has its policies. I hope you won't create any complications," the female assistant manager insisted with a strained smile.

Dustin arched an eyebrow. "Am I the one creating complications, or is it you who plans to give away our reserved room to someone else?" He spoke with a hint of skepticism. "If I heard correctly just now, that's your intention, isn't it?"

The female assistant manager frowned, momentarily taken aback, but quickly composed herself. "Well, since you've overheard, let me clarify. We've had some high-profile guests arrive at Celestial Heights Restaurant, and they specifically requested Room No. 3. I hope you can understand, and we'll make sure everything is satisfactory."


Chapter 1150: Not So VIPs

Dustin found the situation somewhat amusing. "Is this the level of service that Celestial Heights Restaurant prides itself on? You're asking us to change rooms for no apparent reason, and you can't even extend a bit of courtesy? What's the intention here? Are you trying to mistreat your customers?"

Being asked to switch rooms without a valid explanation made it difficult for them to enjoy their meal.

The assistant manager's impatience was starting to show. "Sir, what exactly do you want? Are you looking for compensation? Fine, if you agree to change rooms, I'll personally arrange a fruit platter as a goodwill gesture. Will that satisfy you?" She said this with a look of disdain on her face.

Dustin responded with a frigid tone, "Firstly, I have no interest in any compensation, and secondly, are you offering us a fruit platter as a way to make amends? Do you take us for beggars?" In a restaurant, customer service was paramount, and this woman's treatment was far from acceptable.

"Sir, I suggest you refrain from causing any trouble. Our restaurant has its policies, and if you're unhappy with them, you're free to leave. I won't force you to stay!" The assistant manager's irritation was clearly on display.

With business thriving at the restaurant, losing a few customers wouldn't make much of a dent.

Dustin couldn't help but mock the situation. "Really? You're ready to kick us out over a few words? Celestial Heights Restaurant certainly doesn't mince words!" He continued speaking as he brushed past the assistant manager, entered Room No. 3, and took a seat. "I'm dining here today, and let's see who can actually make me leave!"

"You... You're just causing trouble for no reason!" The assistant manager was now seething with anger. "You're not welcome here. I'm warning you; leave immediately, or I'll call security!"

"Go ahead and call them. I'd love to see how this situation unfolds. How do you plan to manage your establishment then?" Dustin calmly poured himself a cup of tea.

"You disgrace! You have no shame! Get out of here right now!" The assistant manager was beside herself. "People like you aren't welcome here."

"This gentleman, do you want to reconsider your decision?" she added with a sly smile.

Dustin's eyes narrowed, and he spoke with firm resolve. "Let me make one thing clear: I won't leave of my own accord. If you want me gone, you'll have to use force."

Before the assistant manager could react, a sharp, resounding slap echoed through the room.


Natasha had delivered a powerful slap to the assistant manager's face, leaving her momentarily stunned and clutching her stinging cheek.

With a cold and commanding demeanor, Natasha continued, "Do you think you're something special? How dare you act with such arrogance here?" Her presence exuded a queen-like authority, imposing and unyielding.

"You... How could you even think of hitting me?" The assistant manager's eyes widened in disbelief.

Her boyfriend held the reins at Celestial Heights Restaurant, a man of wealth and influence with connections among high-ranking officials. In these restaurant walls, no one dared to show her disrespect.

And now, this woman had not only disrespected her but actually struck her?

It was absolutely outrageous!

"What's the issue? You got a problem with that?" Natasha responded unapologetically.

"You... You all just wait! I'll make sure you pay for this!" The assistant manager issued her threat as she began to turn and depart.

However, Scarlet suddenly reached out and grabbed her by the throat, effortlessly lifting her off the ground. She asked Dustin with a serious expression, "Big Bro Dustin, do you want me to kill her?"
Chapter 1146: Ordinary Friend

General Murray's words were clearly intentional. On one hand, he genuinely admired Dustin. Being exceptional both in martial and scholarly pursuits with a bright future ahead and a good character, such a young prodigy was scarce in the entire Dragonmarsh. If Dustin could become his grandson-in-law, it would provide a safeguard for the General's family in the future.

On the other hand, he had taken his granddaughter, Shiela, into consideration. She possessed a kind heart and a somewhat naive disposition, easily susceptible to deception, and in need of strong support and protection. Dustin undoubtedly appeared as the ideal choice. When the two of them were together, they seemed like a perfect match.

In the present moment, Shiela stood in silence behind them, not uttering a word. Her pretty face sported a faint flush, revealing a blend of shyness and eager anticipation. She was awaiting Dustin's response, hoping to hear the answer she longed for.

"Thank you for your generous words, General, but someone like me, a commoner, is not deserving of Miss Shiela," Dustin courteously declined.

"Young man, I am well aware of your background. There is no need for such formality. I will ask you directly: do you hold any affection for my granddaughter, Shiela?" General Murray inquired once more.

"General, Miss Shiela and I are simply regular friends, nothing more," Dustin replied resolutely.

"Just ordinary friends?" General Murray raised his eyebrows. Why did those words sound somewhat awkward? Weren't they treating each other like siblings before? Why did it suddenly become distant?

Upon hearing the phrase "just ordinary friends," Shiela's expression froze, her eyes reflecting disappointment.

"Young man, would you not reconsider?" General Murray seemed somewhat reluctant.

He was willing to go to great lengths to ensure his granddaughter's happiness.

"General, trying to force something won't make it genuine. Let's simply set aside the matter," Dustin firmly shook his head, his gaze resolute.
"Sigh... Very well, I won't interfere in the affairs of you young people," General Murray finally relented.

"Dustin, Bro Dustin..."

Unable to contain her emotions, Shiela called out.

"Yes?" Dustin turned to look at her with a hint of confusion. "Miss Shiela, is there something else?"

"Bro Dustin, I misunderstood you before. I'm truly sorry, and I sincerely apologize to you," Shiela said, her face filled with guilt as she bowed deeply while speaking.

"Miss Shiela, you haven't done anything wrong, and I've never blamed you. There's no need to apologize," Dustin shook his head, feeling no resentment.

Some things were not about right or wrong; it was purely a matter of trust. Shiela had made her choice, and he had no complaints.

"Bro Dustin, can we still meet in the future?" Shiela held onto her clothes, feeling nervous and hopeful.

"If fate allows, we will meet again. Farewell," Dustin replied with a faint smile and walked out of the General's Mansion.

"Bro Dustin..."

Watching his departing figure, Shiela felt a deep sense of emptiness in her heart, as if something important was slowly slipping away.

"Girl, what exactly happened between you two?" General Murray couldn't help but ask curiously.

"I..." Shiela hesitated for a moment and eventually recounted the whole story briefly.

Listening to this exchange, General Murray couldn't help but feel exasperated. "Child, how could you be so easily misled? Can't you differentiate between truth and falsehood? You accepted those unfounded accusations without any doubt and slandered someone who was genuinely trying to assist you. You... you... you truly infuriate me!"

"Grandfather, I acknowledge my mistake. Is there anything I can do to make amends?" Shiela asked softly.

Chapter 1147: Goodbye Friend and Hello Trouble


General Murray sighed deeply. "The more exceptional a person, the more likely they are to be proud. Rebuilding trust can be an uphill battle. You've already made your choice regarding your friends, and even if he doesn't hold it against you, things won't go back to the way they were."

"What should I do then?" Shiela started to feel anxious.

"Let it be. Time has the power to mend even the deepest wounds. Perhaps, in the future, you'll have an opportunity to cross paths again," General Murray said, shaking his head.

Despite his words, he knew deep down that certain things couldn't be repaired. Once a rift had formed in a relationship, no matter how hard you tried to mend it, that divide would persist.


After leaving the General's Mansion, Dustin drove back to the Zypher Lodge.

As soon as he entered the Lodge's gate, he saw Cornelius running towards him in a fluster.

Cornelius was sweating profusely as he ran, and he called out urgently, "Master Dustin! Something terrible has occurred! It's a major issue!"

"Hmm?" Dustin furrowed his brows at the news. "Why are you so worked up? Please, provide me with all the details."

"It's... it's about The Goddess of War!" Cornelius said, gasping for breath.

"What's the matter with her? You've encountered her before, haven't you? Why are you so agitated?" Dustin raised an eyebrow, initially thinking it was a minor concern.

After going through numerous trials and tribulations, it was difficult for him to become overly concerned about such matters.

"Also... also..." Cornelius stuttered, "It's not just The Goddess of War. Miss Natasha is here too, and they've already met!"

"What?" Dustin was taken aback, his composure wavering. "Why didn't you mention that earlier?"

"I... I just did," Cornelius replied, looking somewhat puzzled.

Moments ago, Dustin had appeared confident and resolute in his speech, but now he found himself feeling somewhat flustered.

"What's the current situation? Are they in conflict with each other?" Dustin asked urgently.

He knew Scarlet had a fiery temper, and that worried him. She wouldn't hesitate to engage in a physical altercation if provoked.

"They haven't come to blows, but they're definitely not getting along," Cornelius replied, his anxiety evident in his voice.

"Where are they now?" Dustin inquired again.

"They're in the reception hall," Cornelius replied truthfully.

"Let's go! Follow me to see them!" Dustin said urgently.

Cornelius had no choice but to follow him.

In the reception hall.

Natasha sat in the main seat, leisurely sipping tea.

Scarlet sat in the secondary seat, engrossed in reading a military strategy book.

Members of the Kirin Gang's high-ranking executives stood on both sides, not daring to make a sound, creating an oppressive atmosphere in the hall.

"Miss Scarlet, may I ask how long you've known Dustin?" Natasha was the first to break the silence.

"I've known him since childhood," Scarlet replied indifferently.

"Oh? So, you and Dustin are childhood sweethearts?" Natasha raised an eyebrow.

"Not only that, but we also have an engagement," Scarlet said calmly.

"An engagement? Heh... in this day and age, is that still meaningful?" Natasha chuckled.

"Our families have been friends for generations, and there's a longstanding marriage arrangement between us. Doesn't that hold any meaning?" Scarlet retorted with a touch of frost in her voice.

"Is it meaningful to you, or is it meaningful to Dustin?" Natasha countered with a sly smile.

"How can you be so sure Dustin won't agree to it?" Scarlet challenged.

"Because I'm Dustin's woman," Natasha declared proudly.

"What? You're not even close to being worthy of him," Scarlet shook her head.

"Whether I'm worthy or not isn't something you get to decide," Natasha replied with a self-assured smirk.

"I warn you, stay away from him, or I'll kill you," Scarlet said coldly.

"Oh, really? I find that hard to believe."

As Natasha spoke, a longsword named Vortexstrike was suddenly pressed against her throat.

Chapter 1148: Just joking

"You say that again?"

Scarlet's expression turned icy as she held her sword with one hand, its tip pressed against Natasha's throat. With a slight forward movement, she could end Natasha's life in an instant.

Natasha, seeing the sharp blade so close to her neck, couldn't help but furrow her brows. She hadn't expected Scarlet to be so impulsive, drawing her sword at the slightest provocation. It was clear that this wasn't a mere threat; another provocative word could result in her demise.

It seemed that she had encountered a formidable opponent.


Just as they were locked in a standoff, Dustin suddenly rushed in.

"Dustin, you're here?" Upon seeing him, Scarlet immediately sheathed her sword, her previous coldness replaced by a friendly smile, like that of a neighbor's little sister.

"Scarlet, what were you doing just now?" Dustin frowned, showing some displeasure.

"It's nothing, I was just joking with Miss Natasha," Scarlet replied with a smile.

"Joking?" Dustin turned his gaze to Natasha and asked in a soft voice, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I was just a bit bored, so I wanted to see Miss Scarlet's sword. She simply handed it to me," Natasha smiled.

These words surprised Scarlet. She had thought that Natasha might report the incident, but unexpectedly, she had come to her rescue.

"It's good that nothing happened. Swords and blades have no eyes. Be careful in the future. I don't want any harm to come to either of you. Do you understand?" Dustin's gaze, as he said the last three words, shifted to Scarlet, carrying a hint of warning.

"Okay, I understand," Scarlet lowered her head like a scolded student.

If anyone else saw this, they would probably be shocked. After all, who in the Dragonmarsh would dare to reprimand The Goddess of War in this manner?

"Dustin, come with me for a moment," Natasha suddenly put on a professional fake smile and then walked out of the reception hall.

Dustin's eyelids twitched, feeling a sense of unease for no apparent reason. But there was no avoiding this, so he followed her reluctantly.

The two of them walked to a secluded spot, and Natasha suddenly stopped and turned around. Her smile grew even brighter.

However, the more she smiled, the more Dustin felt uneasy, sensing a hidden agenda behind her words.

"Natasha, what do you want to ask? Just ask, I have nothing to hide," Dustin said nervously.

Natasha chuckled, giving Dustin's shoulder a friendly pat. "No need to be jumpy; I'm not about to devour you," she reassured him, flashing a warm smile. "So spill the beans. Who's this Miss Scarlet? She sounds like quite the character."

Dustin leaned in, sharing the scoop. "Well, Scarlet's actually part of the Spanner clan over in Stonia, and folks call her the 'Goddess of War' in Dragonmarsh."

Natasha's eyes widened in surprise. "Scarlet? The Goddess of War?" She was genuinely taken aback. "I never saw that coming."

She'd definitely heard of the Goddess of War before. Scarlet was Stonia's pride and joy, a standout among the younger generation, holding an enviable position at the apex of the Dragonmarsh hierarchy.

Natasha's curiosity was piqued even further. "What's the deal between you two? Why did she come looking for you?" She had always known Dustin was something special, but a connection to someone like Scarlet had taken her by surprise.

Dustin sighed, revealing the family tie. "She's my sister. She still sees me through the lens of our childhood, and change doesn't come easy for her. But I'm hopeful that over time, she'll come to see things as they truly are."

Natasha's tone took on a hint of jealousy. "So, you two really were childhood sweethearts?" She pressed further, a touch of bitterness in her voice. "And that engagement she mentioned, is that for real?"

"What engagement? It's just a childhood pact; it's not something serious," Dustin shook his head, emphasizing the lack of real commitment. "The ties between our families have faded since my mother passed away, and I genuinely see her as nothing more than a sister. There's no romantic spark there."

Natasha, with a tinge of jealousy, remarked, "Sister? But it seems like she doesn't quite share that sibling sentiment. She's stunning; can you really resist her allure?"

Dustin's response was heartfelt. "Even if she's beautiful, she can't hold a candle to you."

A pleased grin spread across Natasha's face. "Well, I didn't expect you, the unflappable man, to be such a charmer."

"I'm just speaking the truth," Dustin affirmed.

Natasha's grin widened. "Haha, okay, you passed the test," she declared, her mood lightening. "I won't blame you for whatever went down with Scarlet, but be cautious. That girl seems to lean heavily on you. Mishandle it, and things could go south."

While Natasha had never met Scarlet in person, she knew of her reputation. Scarlet was renowned as a ruthless and unforgiving female warlord who wouldn't hesitate to take lives. Since her rise to fame, she'd been a lone wolf, showing no favoritism, not even to the royal family.

Yet, today, in Dustin's presence, Scarlet had acted more like a fangirl. She not only cooperated without hesitation but also showed hints of nervousness and fear, as if she dreaded disappointing Dustin.

Being a woman herself, Natasha could sense that Scarlet was deeply infatuated with Dustin, perhaps to an obsessive extent. People with naturally reserved and unemotional dispositions often became completely consumed by love when it struck. If Dustin were to inadvertently hurt her, it could push her over the edge.

"She's like a sister to me, and it's going to remain that way. It might take some time for her to accept the reality," Dustin stated plainly.

Natasha nodded thoughtfully. "I hope so too."

"Hey there, Bro Dustin, are you guys done with your chat?" Scarlet's voice echoed from a distance. She had been waiting patiently in the reception hall for quite some time and couldn't resist coming out.

Dustin turned to her, concerned. "What's up?"

"I'm starving," Scarlet admitted, patting her empty stomach.

"Well, since Miss Scarlet here is hungry, how about we head out for a bite to eat? There's a new restaurant in town, and it's the perfect chance to give it a try," Natasha suggested with a cheerful grin.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's go grab a meal," Dustin agreed, then called the others to join in. They all hopped into their cars and left the Lodge in search of some good food.

However, as soon as they left the Zypher Lodge, two business cars secretly followed them.

Chapter 1149: VIPs

Half an hour later, at the entrance of Celestial Heights Restaurant.

Two luxury cars slowly came to a stop, and the doors opened, with Dustin and his group getting out one after another.

Celestial Heights Restaurant was a newly opened high-end restaurant known for its excellent ambiance, service, and food. It had gained a good reputation, attracting many dignitaries and celebrities.

Due to their prior reservation, Dustin and his group were quickly escorted to the second floor by a high-level female server.

The second floor was the VIP area, with regular VIP guests seated in the main hall, separated by screens between the tables. For even higher-ranking VIPs, there were private rooms available, providing a more exclusive environment and service.

"Miss Harmon, please follow me," a high-level female server in white led them with a smile. Eventually, they arrived at the entrance of Room No. 3.

Just as they were about to enter the restaurant, a woman in a sharp black professional suit suddenly blocked their path. Pinned to her chest was a badge that read "Assistant Manager."

"Hold on! This room is already occupied. Please find another available room for our guests," the female assistant manager declared.

"Evelyn, are you sure you've got this right? Room No. 3 was reserved ahead of time for these guests," the server in a crisp white uniform questioned, puzzled by the situation.

"We've got a bit of a situation here. Some VIPs are on their way, and they specifically requested Room No. 3. It needs to be vacated immediately!" The female assistant manager's tone was firm and no-nonsense.

"Evelyn, isn't this against the rules? The guests have already made a reservation, and changing rooms at the last minute is not a good explanation," the white-clad female server said hesitantly. "Besides, all four of the Platinum rooms are already occupied, and there are no rooms left."

"If there are no Platinum rooms available, can't you just give them a Diamond room? Why all the fuss?" The female assistant manager sounded noticeably impatient, her words barely above a whisper.

Dustin, with his keen hearing, caught every word.

"Evelyn, you know the Diamond rooms are a far cry from the Platinum ones. The guests probably won't accept that," the white-clad server replied in hushed tones. "Besides, they've paid for a Platinum room; it wouldn't be fair to offer them a Diamond one."

"Enough of this! Let me handle it," the female assistant manager declared with a tight-lipped expression before approaching Dustin and his group, putting on a forced smile. "Dear guests, there was a little hiccup on our end. Room No. 3, the Platinum room, is temporarily unavailable. Would you mind moving to the other side? We have several Diamond rooms available for your selection."

"Half an hour ago, we had already made a reservation, and now you say it's unavailable. Isn't it a bit too late for that?" Dustin said calmly.

Dustin could understand if there were valid reasons for the change, but it was becoming evident that they were being treated unfairly. Both parties were paying customers, so why the unequal treatment?

"This gentleman, our restaurant has its policies. I hope you won't create any complications," the female assistant manager insisted with a strained smile.

Dustin arched an eyebrow. "Am I the one creating complications, or is it you who plans to give away our reserved room to someone else?" He spoke with a hint of skepticism. "If I heard correctly just now, that's your intention, isn't it?"

The female assistant manager frowned, momentarily taken aback, but quickly composed herself. "Well, since you've overheard, let me clarify. We've had some high-profile guests arrive at Celestial Heights Restaurant, and they specifically requested Room No. 3. I hope you can understand, and we'll make sure everything is satisfactory."


Chapter 1150: Not So VIPs

Dustin found the situation somewhat amusing. "Is this the level of service that Celestial Heights Restaurant prides itself on? You're asking us to change rooms for no apparent reason, and you can't even extend a bit of courtesy? What's the intention here? Are you trying to mistreat your customers?"

Being asked to switch rooms without a valid explanation made it difficult for them to enjoy their meal.

The assistant manager's impatience was starting to show. "Sir, what exactly do you want? Are you looking for compensation? Fine, if you agree to change rooms, I'll personally arrange a fruit platter as a goodwill gesture. Will that satisfy you?" She said this with a look of disdain on her face.

Dustin responded with a frigid tone, "Firstly, I have no interest in any compensation, and secondly, are you offering us a fruit platter as a way to make amends? Do you take us for beggars?" In a restaurant, customer service was paramount, and this woman's treatment was far from acceptable.

"Sir, I suggest you refrain from causing any trouble. Our restaurant has its policies, and if you're unhappy with them, you're free to leave. I won't force you to stay!" The assistant manager's irritation was clearly on display.

With business thriving at the restaurant, losing a few customers wouldn't make much of a dent.

Dustin couldn't help but mock the situation. "Really? You're ready to kick us out over a few words? Celestial Heights Restaurant certainly doesn't mince words!" He continued speaking as he brushed past the assistant manager, entered Room No. 3, and took a seat. "I'm dining here today, and let's see who can actually make me leave!"

"You... You're just causing trouble for no reason!" The assistant manager was now seething with anger. "You're not welcome here. I'm warning you; leave immediately, or I'll call security!"

"Go ahead and call them. I'd love to see how this situation unfolds. How do you plan to manage your establishment then?" Dustin calmly poured himself a cup of tea.

"You disgrace! You have no shame! Get out of here right now!" The assistant manager was beside herself. "People like you aren't welcome here."

"This gentleman, do you want to reconsider your decision?" she added with a sly smile.

Dustin's eyes narrowed, and he spoke with firm resolve. "Let me make one thing clear: I won't leave of my own accord. If you want me gone, you'll have to use force."

Before the assistant manager could react, a sharp, resounding slap echoed through the room.


Natasha had delivered a powerful slap to the assistant manager's face, leaving her momentarily stunned and clutching her stinging cheek.

With a cold and commanding demeanor, Natasha continued, "Do you think you're something special? How dare you act with such arrogance here?" Her presence exuded a queen-like authority, imposing and unyielding.

"You... How could you even think of hitting me?" The assistant manager's eyes widened in disbelief.

Her boyfriend held the reins at Celestial Heights Restaurant, a man of wealth and influence with connections among high-ranking officials. In these restaurant walls, no one dared to show her disrespect.

And now, this woman had not only disrespected her but actually struck her?

It was absolutely outrageous!

"What's the issue? You got a problem with that?" Natasha responded unapologetically.

"You... You all just wait! I'll make sure you pay for this!" The assistant manager issued her threat as she began to turn and depart.

However, Scarlet suddenly reached out and grabbed her by the throat, effortlessly lifting her off the ground. She asked Dustin with a serious expression, "Big Bro Dustin, do you want me to kill her?"
If i'm 2 guess right the vips who wanted the same room might be D. Nicholason nd entourage... I love Scarlet's character... Thanks for the uploads 👍👌
Chapter 1146: Ordinary Friend

General Murray's words were clearly intentional. On one hand, he genuinely admired Dustin. Being exceptional both in martial and scholarly pursuits with a bright future ahead and a good character, such a young prodigy was scarce in the entire Dragonmarsh. If Dustin could become his grandson-in-law, it would provide a safeguard for the General's family in the future.

On the other hand, he had taken his granddaughter, Shiela, into consideration. She possessed a kind heart and a somewhat naive disposition, easily susceptible to deception, and in need of strong support and protection. Dustin undoubtedly appeared as the ideal choice. When the two of them were together, they seemed like a perfect match.

In the present moment, Shiela stood in silence behind them, not uttering a word. Her pretty face sported a faint flush, revealing a blend of shyness and eager anticipation. She was awaiting Dustin's response, hoping to hear the answer she longed for.

"Thank you for your generous words, General, but someone like me, a commoner, is not deserving of Miss Shiela," Dustin courteously declined.

"Young man, I am well aware of your background. There is no need for such formality. I will ask you directly: do you hold any affection for my granddaughter, Shiela?" General Murray inquired once more.

"General, Miss Shiela and I are simply regular friends, nothing more," Dustin replied resolutely.

"Just ordinary friends?" General Murray raised his eyebrows. Why did those words sound somewhat awkward? Weren't they treating each other like siblings before? Why did it suddenly become distant?

Upon hearing the phrase "just ordinary friends," Shiela's expression froze, her eyes reflecting disappointment.

"Young man, would you not reconsider?" General Murray seemed somewhat reluctant.

He was willing to go to great lengths to ensure his granddaughter's happiness.

"General, trying to force something won't make it genuine. Let's simply set aside the matter," Dustin firmly shook his head, his gaze resolute.
"Sigh... Very well, I won't interfere in the affairs of you young people," General Murray finally relented.

"Dustin, Bro Dustin..."

Unable to contain her emotions, Shiela called out.

"Yes?" Dustin turned to look at her with a hint of confusion. "Miss Shiela, is there something else?"

"Bro Dustin, I misunderstood you before. I'm truly sorry, and I sincerely apologize to you," Shiela said, her face filled with guilt as she bowed deeply while speaking.

"Miss Shiela, you haven't done anything wrong, and I've never blamed you. There's no need to apologize," Dustin shook his head, feeling no resentment.

Some things were not about right or wrong; it was purely a matter of trust. Shiela had made her choice, and he had no complaints.

"Bro Dustin, can we still meet in the future?" Shiela held onto her clothes, feeling nervous and hopeful.

"If fate allows, we will meet again. Farewell," Dustin replied with a faint smile and walked out of the General's Mansion.

"Bro Dustin..."

Watching his departing figure, Shiela felt a deep sense of emptiness in her heart, as if something important was slowly slipping away.

"Girl, what exactly happened between you two?" General Murray couldn't help but ask curiously.

"I..." Shiela hesitated for a moment and eventually recounted the whole story briefly.

Listening to this exchange, General Murray couldn't help but feel exasperated. "Child, how could you be so easily misled? Can't you differentiate between truth and falsehood? You accepted those unfounded accusations without any doubt and slandered someone who was genuinely trying to assist you. You... you... you truly infuriate me!"

"Grandfather, I acknowledge my mistake. Is there anything I can do to make amends?" Shiela asked softly.

Chapter 1147: Goodbye Friend and Hello Trouble


General Murray sighed deeply. "The more exceptional a person, the more likely they are to be proud. Rebuilding trust can be an uphill battle. You've already made your choice regarding your friends, and even if he doesn't hold it against you, things won't go back to the way they were."

"What should I do then?" Shiela started to feel anxious.

"Let it be. Time has the power to mend even the deepest wounds. Perhaps, in the future, you'll have an opportunity to cross paths again," General Murray said, shaking his head.

Despite his words, he knew deep down that certain things couldn't be repaired. Once a rift had formed in a relationship, no matter how hard you tried to mend it, that divide would persist.


After leaving the General's Mansion, Dustin drove back to the Zypher Lodge.

As soon as he entered the Lodge's gate, he saw Cornelius running towards him in a fluster.

Cornelius was sweating profusely as he ran, and he called out urgently, "Master Dustin! Something terrible has occurred! It's a major issue!"

"Hmm?" Dustin furrowed his brows at the news. "Why are you so worked up? Please, provide me with all the details."

"It's... it's about The Goddess of War!" Cornelius said, gasping for breath.

"What's the matter with her? You've encountered her before, haven't you? Why are you so agitated?" Dustin raised an eyebrow, initially thinking it was a minor concern.

After going through numerous trials and tribulations, it was difficult for him to become overly concerned about such matters.

"Also... also..." Cornelius stuttered, "It's not just The Goddess of War. Miss Natasha is here too, and they've already met!"

"What?" Dustin was taken aback, his composure wavering. "Why didn't you mention that earlier?"

"I... I just did," Cornelius replied, looking somewhat puzzled.

Moments ago, Dustin had appeared confident and resolute in his speech, but now he found himself feeling somewhat flustered.

"What's the current situation? Are they in conflict with each other?" Dustin asked urgently.

He knew Scarlet had a fiery temper, and that worried him. She wouldn't hesitate to engage in a physical altercation if provoked.

"They haven't come to blows, but they're definitely not getting along," Cornelius replied, his anxiety evident in his voice.

"Where are they now?" Dustin inquired again.

"They're in the reception hall," Cornelius replied truthfully.

"Let's go! Follow me to see them!" Dustin said urgently.

Cornelius had no choice but to follow him.

In the reception hall.

Natasha sat in the main seat, leisurely sipping tea.

Scarlet sat in the secondary seat, engrossed in reading a military strategy book.

Members of the Kirin Gang's high-ranking executives stood on both sides, not daring to make a sound, creating an oppressive atmosphere in the hall.

"Miss Scarlet, may I ask how long you've known Dustin?" Natasha was the first to break the silence.

"I've known him since childhood," Scarlet replied indifferently.

"Oh? So, you and Dustin are childhood sweethearts?" Natasha raised an eyebrow.

"Not only that, but we also have an engagement," Scarlet said calmly.

"An engagement? Heh... in this day and age, is that still meaningful?" Natasha chuckled.

"Our families have been friends for generations, and there's a longstanding marriage arrangement between us. Doesn't that hold any meaning?" Scarlet retorted with a touch of frost in her voice.

"Is it meaningful to you, or is it meaningful to Dustin?" Natasha countered with a sly smile.

"How can you be so sure Dustin won't agree to it?" Scarlet challenged.

"Because I'm Dustin's woman," Natasha declared proudly.

"What? You're not even close to being worthy of him," Scarlet shook her head.

"Whether I'm worthy or not isn't something you get to decide," Natasha replied with a self-assured smirk.

"I warn you, stay away from him, or I'll kill you," Scarlet said coldly.

"Oh, really? I find that hard to believe."

As Natasha spoke, a longsword named Vortexstrike was suddenly pressed against her throat.

Chapter 1148: Just joking

"You say that again?"

Scarlet's expression turned icy as she held her sword with one hand, its tip pressed against Natasha's throat. With a slight forward movement, she could end Natasha's life in an instant.

Natasha, seeing the sharp blade so close to her neck, couldn't help but furrow her brows. She hadn't expected Scarlet to be so impulsive, drawing her sword at the slightest provocation. It was clear that this wasn't a mere threat; another provocative word could result in her demise.

It seemed that she had encountered a formidable opponent.


Just as they were locked in a standoff, Dustin suddenly rushed in.

"Dustin, you're here?" Upon seeing him, Scarlet immediately sheathed her sword, her previous coldness replaced by a friendly smile, like that of a neighbor's little sister.

"Scarlet, what were you doing just now?" Dustin frowned, showing some displeasure.

"It's nothing, I was just joking with Miss Natasha," Scarlet replied with a smile.

"Joking?" Dustin turned his gaze to Natasha and asked in a soft voice, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I was just a bit bored, so I wanted to see Miss Scarlet's sword. She simply handed it to me," Natasha smiled.

These words surprised Scarlet. She had thought that Natasha might report the incident, but unexpectedly, she had come to her rescue.

"It's good that nothing happened. Swords and blades have no eyes. Be careful in the future. I don't want any harm to come to either of you. Do you understand?" Dustin's gaze, as he said the last three words, shifted to Scarlet, carrying a hint of warning.

"Okay, I understand," Scarlet lowered her head like a scolded student.

If anyone else saw this, they would probably be shocked. After all, who in the Dragonmarsh would dare to reprimand The Goddess of War in this manner?

"Dustin, come with me for a moment," Natasha suddenly put on a professional fake smile and then walked out of the reception hall.

Dustin's eyelids twitched, feeling a sense of unease for no apparent reason. But there was no avoiding this, so he followed her reluctantly.

The two of them walked to a secluded spot, and Natasha suddenly stopped and turned around. Her smile grew even brighter.

However, the more she smiled, the more Dustin felt uneasy, sensing a hidden agenda behind her words.

"Natasha, what do you want to ask? Just ask, I have nothing to hide," Dustin said nervously.

Natasha chuckled, giving Dustin's shoulder a friendly pat. "No need to be jumpy; I'm not about to devour you," she reassured him, flashing a warm smile. "So spill the beans. Who's this Miss Scarlet? She sounds like quite the character."

Dustin leaned in, sharing the scoop. "Well, Scarlet's actually part of the Spanner clan over in Stonia, and folks call her the 'Goddess of War' in Dragonmarsh."

Natasha's eyes widened in surprise. "Scarlet? The Goddess of War?" She was genuinely taken aback. "I never saw that coming."

She'd definitely heard of the Goddess of War before. Scarlet was Stonia's pride and joy, a standout among the younger generation, holding an enviable position at the apex of the Dragonmarsh hierarchy.

Natasha's curiosity was piqued even further. "What's the deal between you two? Why did she come looking for you?" She had always known Dustin was something special, but a connection to someone like Scarlet had taken her by surprise.

Dustin sighed, revealing the family tie. "She's my sister. She still sees me through the lens of our childhood, and change doesn't come easy for her. But I'm hopeful that over time, she'll come to see things as they truly are."

Natasha's tone took on a hint of jealousy. "So, you two really were childhood sweethearts?" She pressed further, a touch of bitterness in her voice. "And that engagement she mentioned, is that for real?"

"What engagement? It's just a childhood pact; it's not something serious," Dustin shook his head, emphasizing the lack of real commitment. "The ties between our families have faded since my mother passed away, and I genuinely see her as nothing more than a sister. There's no romantic spark there."

Natasha, with a tinge of jealousy, remarked, "Sister? But it seems like she doesn't quite share that sibling sentiment. She's stunning; can you really resist her allure?"

Dustin's response was heartfelt. "Even if she's beautiful, she can't hold a candle to you."

A pleased grin spread across Natasha's face. "Well, I didn't expect you, the unflappable man, to be such a charmer."

"I'm just speaking the truth," Dustin affirmed.

Natasha's grin widened. "Haha, okay, you passed the test," she declared, her mood lightening. "I won't blame you for whatever went down with Scarlet, but be cautious. That girl seems to lean heavily on you. Mishandle it, and things could go south."

While Natasha had never met Scarlet in person, she knew of her reputation. Scarlet was renowned as a ruthless and unforgiving female warlord who wouldn't hesitate to take lives. Since her rise to fame, she'd been a lone wolf, showing no favoritism, not even to the royal family.

Yet, today, in Dustin's presence, Scarlet had acted more like a fangirl. She not only cooperated without hesitation but also showed hints of nervousness and fear, as if she dreaded disappointing Dustin.

Being a woman herself, Natasha could sense that Scarlet was deeply infatuated with Dustin, perhaps to an obsessive extent. People with naturally reserved and unemotional dispositions often became completely consumed by love when it struck. If Dustin were to inadvertently hurt her, it could push her over the edge.

"She's like a sister to me, and it's going to remain that way. It might take some time for her to accept the reality," Dustin stated plainly.

Natasha nodded thoughtfully. "I hope so too."

"Hey there, Bro Dustin, are you guys done with your chat?" Scarlet's voice echoed from a distance. She had been waiting patiently in the reception hall for quite some time and couldn't resist coming out.

Dustin turned to her, concerned. "What's up?"

"I'm starving," Scarlet admitted, patting her empty stomach.

"Well, since Miss Scarlet here is hungry, how about we head out for a bite to eat? There's a new restaurant in town, and it's the perfect chance to give it a try," Natasha suggested with a cheerful grin.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's go grab a meal," Dustin agreed, then called the others to join in. They all hopped into their cars and left the Lodge in search of some good food.

However, as soon as they left the Zypher Lodge, two business cars secretly followed them.

Chapter 1149: VIPs

Half an hour later, at the entrance of Celestial Heights Restaurant.

Two luxury cars slowly came to a stop, and the doors opened, with Dustin and his group getting out one after another.

Celestial Heights Restaurant was a newly opened high-end restaurant known for its excellent ambiance, service, and food. It had gained a good reputation, attracting many dignitaries and celebrities.

Due to their prior reservation, Dustin and his group were quickly escorted to the second floor by a high-level female server.

The second floor was the VIP area, with regular VIP guests seated in the main hall, separated by screens between the tables. For even higher-ranking VIPs, there were private rooms available, providing a more exclusive environment and service.

"Miss Harmon, please follow me," a high-level female server in white led them with a smile. Eventually, they arrived at the entrance of Room No. 3.

Just as they were about to enter the restaurant, a woman in a sharp black professional suit suddenly blocked their path. Pinned to her chest was a badge that read "Assistant Manager."

"Hold on! This room is already occupied. Please find another available room for our guests," the female assistant manager declared.

"Evelyn, are you sure you've got this right? Room No. 3 was reserved ahead of time for these guests," the server in a crisp white uniform questioned, puzzled by the situation.

"We've got a bit of a situation here. Some VIPs are on their way, and they specifically requested Room No. 3. It needs to be vacated immediately!" The female assistant manager's tone was firm and no-nonsense.

"Evelyn, isn't this against the rules? The guests have already made a reservation, and changing rooms at the last minute is not a good explanation," the white-clad female server said hesitantly. "Besides, all four of the Platinum rooms are already occupied, and there are no rooms left."

"If there are no Platinum rooms available, can't you just give them a Diamond room? Why all the fuss?" The female assistant manager sounded noticeably impatient, her words barely above a whisper.

Dustin, with his keen hearing, caught every word.

"Evelyn, you know the Diamond rooms are a far cry from the Platinum ones. The guests probably won't accept that," the white-clad server replied in hushed tones. "Besides, they've paid for a Platinum room; it wouldn't be fair to offer them a Diamond one."

"Enough of this! Let me handle it," the female assistant manager declared with a tight-lipped expression before approaching Dustin and his group, putting on a forced smile. "Dear guests, there was a little hiccup on our end. Room No. 3, the Platinum room, is temporarily unavailable. Would you mind moving to the other side? We have several Diamond rooms available for your selection."

"Half an hour ago, we had already made a reservation, and now you say it's unavailable. Isn't it a bit too late for that?" Dustin said calmly.

Dustin could understand if there were valid reasons for the change, but it was becoming evident that they were being treated unfairly. Both parties were paying customers, so why the unequal treatment?

"This gentleman, our restaurant has its policies. I hope you won't create any complications," the female assistant manager insisted with a strained smile.

Dustin arched an eyebrow. "Am I the one creating complications, or is it you who plans to give away our reserved room to someone else?" He spoke with a hint of skepticism. "If I heard correctly just now, that's your intention, isn't it?"

The female assistant manager frowned, momentarily taken aback, but quickly composed herself. "Well, since you've overheard, let me clarify. We've had some high-profile guests arrive at Celestial Heights Restaurant, and they specifically requested Room No. 3. I hope you can understand, and we'll make sure everything is satisfactory."


Chapter 1150: Not So VIPs

Dustin found the situation somewhat amusing. "Is this the level of service that Celestial Heights Restaurant prides itself on? You're asking us to change rooms for no apparent reason, and you can't even extend a bit of courtesy? What's the intention here? Are you trying to mistreat your customers?"

Being asked to switch rooms without a valid explanation made it difficult for them to enjoy their meal.

The assistant manager's impatience was starting to show. "Sir, what exactly do you want? Are you looking for compensation? Fine, if you agree to change rooms, I'll personally arrange a fruit platter as a goodwill gesture. Will that satisfy you?" She said this with a look of disdain on her face.

Dustin responded with a frigid tone, "Firstly, I have no interest in any compensation, and secondly, are you offering us a fruit platter as a way to make amends? Do you take us for beggars?" In a restaurant, customer service was paramount, and this woman's treatment was far from acceptable.

"Sir, I suggest you refrain from causing any trouble. Our restaurant has its policies, and if you're unhappy with them, you're free to leave. I won't force you to stay!" The assistant manager's irritation was clearly on display.

With business thriving at the restaurant, losing a few customers wouldn't make much of a dent.

Dustin couldn't help but mock the situation. "Really? You're ready to kick us out over a few words? Celestial Heights Restaurant certainly doesn't mince words!" He continued speaking as he brushed past the assistant manager, entered Room No. 3, and took a seat. "I'm dining here today, and let's see who can actually make me leave!"

"You... You're just causing trouble for no reason!" The assistant manager was now seething with anger. "You're not welcome here. I'm warning you; leave immediately, or I'll call security!"

"Go ahead and call them. I'd love to see how this situation unfolds. How do you plan to manage your establishment then?" Dustin calmly poured himself a cup of tea.

"You disgrace! You have no shame! Get out of here right now!" The assistant manager was beside herself. "People like you aren't welcome here."

"This gentleman, do you want to reconsider your decision?" she added with a sly smile.

Dustin's eyes narrowed, and he spoke with firm resolve. "Let me make one thing clear: I won't leave of my own accord. If you want me gone, you'll have to use force."

Before the assistant manager could react, a sharp, resounding slap echoed through the room.


Natasha had delivered a powerful slap to the assistant manager's face, leaving her momentarily stunned and clutching her stinging cheek.

With a cold and commanding demeanor, Natasha continued, "Do you think you're something special? How dare you act with such arrogance here?" Her presence exuded a queen-like authority, imposing and unyielding.

"You... How could you even think of hitting me?" The assistant manager's eyes widened in disbelief.

Her boyfriend held the reins at Celestial Heights Restaurant, a man of wealth and influence with connections among high-ranking officials. In these restaurant walls, no one dared to show her disrespect.

And now, this woman had not only disrespected her but actually struck her?

It was absolutely outrageous!

"What's the issue? You got a problem with that?" Natasha responded unapologetically.

"You... You all just wait! I'll make sure you pay for this!" The assistant manager issued her threat as she began to turn and depart.

However, Scarlet suddenly reached out and grabbed her by the throat, effortlessly lifting her off the ground. She asked Dustin with a serious expression, "Big Bro Dustin, do you want me to kill her?"
Wow… love this episode… cant wait for the for the next chapter… thank you master your the best 🫡
Chapter 1137: The Echoes of Revenge

The explosion sent guests sprawling, with some suffering severe injuries and others meeting an instant demise.

In the horrifying aftermath of the blast, the entire banquet hall was transformed into a flattened wasteland.

The air resounded with cries of anguish, and bloodied remnants were strewn about.


General Murray, his face a portrait of anguish, paid no mind to his own injuries. He urgently rushed to the heart of the explosion amidst the wreckage, desperately searching.

Yet, his relentless quest only unveiled the shattered remnants of Harrison.

The explosion had obliterated Harrison into an unrecognizable mass.

The most intact part was a half-bloodied, blurred head.

" Harrison! My dear son!"

General Murray held the broken remains, tears streaming uncontrollably. "Why? Why did you do this? Why did you act so recklessly? Why?"

He couldn't fathom, nor could he accept, that Harrison had resorted to such an extreme measure.

For revenge, he had even forsaken his own life.

General Murray was overcome by anguish, regret, anger, but above all, despair.

His most cherished son was gone, and his most promising successor was lost.

The entire General's residence lay in ruins.

And the cause of all this devastation traced back to a woman's gambit five years ago, a scheme that had sown the seeds of this catastrophe.

This... was the embodiment of a heart driven by ruthless vengeance!

Just as General Murray sobbed, holding his son's lifeless body, a ghostly figure suddenly crept near.

With astonishing speed, utterly silent, and drowned by the surrounding wails, the figure remained undetectable.

"General, watch out!"

Dustin, having just looked up, witnessed the scene and immediately shouted a warning.


Before the words could leave his lips, the figure struck General Murray with a thunderous blow to his back.


General Murray spat out a mouthful of blood, hurtling over ten meters before crashing heavily to the ground.

The recent explosion, combined with the shock of his son's death, had shattered his mental defenses, leaving him severely vulnerable. He had no chance to react to the sudden assault.

"Who... who are you?"

General Murray struggled to his feet, a whirlwind of shock and anger churning within him.

The assailant's attack had been ruthless and overwhelmingly powerful, shattering the majority of his meridians and leaving him in a critically weakened state.

"Hehehe... Old friend, after all these years, we meet again," a hoarse laugh accompanied the appearance of a short, elderly man in traditional Japanese attire, emerging from the lingering smoke and dust.

His wooden clogs resonated with a distinct "clang-clang-clang" as he advanced.

"Tatsuharu Yamamoto?"

Upon closer scrutiny, General Murray's countenance grew even darker. "So, it's you, you old dog!"

The newcomer was none other than Tatsuharu Yamamoto, the patriarch of the Tatsuharu Family and one of the ten Sword Saints of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix.

"Old friend, despite the years apart, it seems you still remember me," Tatsuharu Yamamoto smiled, but his eyes betrayed a chilling coldness.

"Hmph! I'd recognize you even if I were reduced to ashes. Tell me, after I crippled your legs thirty years ago, do you dare to set foot on Dragonmarsh's territory now?"

"When it comes to the events of thirty years ago, I remember them vividly. I couldn't bear that humiliation, which is why I've come for revenge today," Tatsuharu Yamamoto smirked. "Of course, I'm a generous person. I won't let you leave this world alone. I'll wipe out your entire family, and your loved ones will accompany you in death. How's that for a surprise?"

Chapter 1138: The Revelations of Vengeance

"Yamamoto, you old schemer! Do you truly believe you can cause chaos here?" General Murray gradually straightened his posture, his gaze brimming with lethal intent. "Thirty years ago, I could knock you into the dirt, and I'm just as capable of it today."

"Old friend, don't overestimate yourself. You might deceive others, but you can't deceive me," Yamamoto sneered, shaking his head. "After years of warfare, your body is littered with scars, and with the recent explosion and my full-strength blow, you're gravely wounded. I doubt you can even stand steadily now."

"If you doubt me, go ahead and try," General Murray challenged, assuming a defensive posture.

Tatsuharu Yamamoto assessed him from head to toe, refraining from an immediate attack. Instead, he persisted in taunting, "Old friend, how does it feel? Losing your son must be devastating, isn't it? For the past five years, I've covertly invested significant effort in grooming him, but it appears it wasn't sufficient."

"So, it was you, you old schemer, who orchestrated all of this!" General Murray clenched his teeth, his breathing becoming rapid. "There are reasons for grievances, and you could have come after me. But why drag my son into this?"

"Hehehe... To confront you directly would be too difficult, so I had to exploit your weaknesses. Your youngest son, Harrison, was your biggest weakness." Yamamoto grinned. "Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention something. Harrison's wife, the woman who hung herself in the General's residence five years ago, she—she was my daughter!"

"You... What did you say?" General Murray trembled, finding it hard to believe.

"How does it feel? Quite a surprise, isn't it?" Tatsuharu Yamamoto laughed even more joyfully. "To get back at you, I deliberately had my daughter get close to your son, entangling him in a love affair. When the time was right, I ordered my daughter to hang herself, setting up the stage for your father and son to turn against each other. This plan was just too perfect!"

"You despicable wretch!" General Murray seethed. "For the sake of revenge, you didn't spare even your own daughter. Have you no humanity left?"

"What does a daughter matter? In our Kingdom, women are treated as commodities, expendable at any moment. My daughter willingly sacrificed herself for my revenge scheme; it was a matter of honor. Besides, she succeeded and fulfilled her purpose." Yamamoto remained callous and indifferent.

To achieve great things, one must be ruthless.

What did it matter if he lost a daughter?

"You despicable scum! I'll kill you!" General Murray's eyes bulged, and he lunged forward, delivering a palm strike towards Yamamoto.

Yamamoto's eyes narrowed, and he retaliated with a palm strike of his own.

The iron palms of the two grandmasters clashed in mid-air.


A thunderous explosion reverberated.

Fierce energy erupted, and a shockwave of internal energy (Qi) burst forth from the point of collision, violently knocking down those unfortunate souls nearby, causing them to crash heavily onto the ground and cough up blood.


Yamamoto was pushed back by the collision, sliding more than ten meters away, leaving deep marks on the ground from his feet.

In contrast, General Murray, after retreating two steps, stabilized his stance.

The difference in strength was clear.


As General Murray prepared to strike again, his body suddenly shuddered. With a violent "wretch," he spat out a large mouthful of blood.

His entire body wobbled, and he nearly fell to the ground.

Already severely injured, forcing his internal energy (Qi) had only worsened his condition.


Seeing this, Yamamoto couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Old friend, it seems you're no longer capable."

Fortunately, the opponent had been injured earlier; otherwise, he might not have been able to withstand that last strike.

"You vile and shameless creature!" General Murray clenched his teeth, feeling his energy and blood churning, rendering him weak all over.

Chapter 1146: Ordinary Friend

General Murray's words were clearly intentional. On one hand, he genuinely admired Dustin. Being exceptional both in martial and scholarly pursuits with a bright future ahead and a good character, such a young prodigy was scarce in the entire Dragonmarsh. If Dustin could become his grandson-in-law, it would provide a safeguard for the General's family in the future.

On the other hand, he had taken his granddaughter, Shiela, into consideration. She possessed a kind heart and a somewhat naive disposition, easily susceptible to deception, and in need of strong support and protection. Dustin undoubtedly appeared as the ideal choice. When the two of them were together, they seemed like a perfect match.

In the present moment, Shiela stood in silence behind them, not uttering a word. Her pretty face sported a faint flush, revealing a blend of shyness and eager anticipation. She was awaiting Dustin's response, hoping to hear the answer she longed for.

"Thank you for your generous words, General, but someone like me, a commoner, is not deserving of Miss Shiela," Dustin courteously declined.

"Young man, I am well aware of your background. There is no need for such formality. I will ask you directly: do you hold any affection for my granddaughter, Shiela?" General Murray inquired once more.

"General, Miss Shiela and I are simply regular friends, nothing more," Dustin replied resolutely.

"Just ordinary friends?" General Murray raised his eyebrows. Why did those words sound somewhat awkward? Weren't they treating each other like siblings before? Why did it suddenly become distant?

Upon hearing the phrase "just ordinary friends," Shiela's expression froze, her eyes reflecting disappointment.

"Young man, would you not reconsider?" General Murray seemed somewhat reluctant.

He was willing to go to great lengths to ensure his granddaughter's happiness.

"General, trying to force something won't make it genuine. Let's simply set aside the matter," Dustin firmly shook his head, his gaze resolute.
"Sigh... Very well, I won't interfere in the affairs of you young people," General Murray finally relented.

"Dustin, Bro Dustin..."

Unable to contain her emotions, Shiela called out.

"Yes?" Dustin turned to look at her with a hint of confusion. "Miss Shiela, is there something else?"

"Bro Dustin, I misunderstood you before. I'm truly sorry, and I sincerely apologize to you," Shiela said, her face filled with guilt as she bowed deeply while speaking.

"Miss Shiela, you haven't done anything wrong, and I've never blamed you. There's no need to apologize," Dustin shook his head, feeling no resentment.

Some things were not about right or wrong; it was purely a matter of trust. Shiela had made her choice, and he had no complaints.

"Bro Dustin, can we still meet in the future?" Shiela held onto her clothes, feeling nervous and hopeful.

"If fate allows, we will meet again. Farewell," Dustin replied with a faint smile and walked out of the General's Mansion.

"Bro Dustin..."

Watching his departing figure, Shiela felt a deep sense of emptiness in her heart, as if something important was slowly slipping away.

"Girl, what exactly happened between you two?" General Murray couldn't help but ask curiously.

"I..." Shiela hesitated for a moment and eventually recounted the whole story briefly.

Listening to this exchange, General Murray couldn't help but feel exasperated. "Child, how could you be so easily misled? Can't you differentiate between truth and falsehood? You accepted those unfounded accusations without any doubt and slandered someone who was genuinely trying to assist you. You... you... you truly infuriate me!"

"Grandfather, I acknowledge my mistake. Is there anything I can do to make amends?" Shiela asked softly.

Chapter 1147: Goodbye Friend and Hello Trouble


General Murray sighed deeply. "The more exceptional a person, the more likely they are to be proud. Rebuilding trust can be an uphill battle. You've already made your choice regarding your friends, and even if he doesn't hold it against you, things won't go back to the way they were."

"What should I do then?" Shiela started to feel anxious.

"Let it be. Time has the power to mend even the deepest wounds. Perhaps, in the future, you'll have an opportunity to cross paths again," General Murray said, shaking his head.

Despite his words, he knew deep down that certain things couldn't be repaired. Once a rift had formed in a relationship, no matter how hard you tried to mend it, that divide would persist.


After leaving the General's Mansion, Dustin drove back to the Zypher Lodge.

As soon as he entered the Lodge's gate, he saw Cornelius running towards him in a fluster.

Cornelius was sweating profusely as he ran, and he called out urgently, "Master Dustin! Something terrible has occurred! It's a major issue!"

"Hmm?" Dustin furrowed his brows at the news. "Why are you so worked up? Please, provide me with all the details."

"It's... it's about The Goddess of War!" Cornelius said, gasping for breath.

"What's the matter with her? You've encountered her before, haven't you? Why are you so agitated?" Dustin raised an eyebrow, initially thinking it was a minor concern.

After going through numerous trials and tribulations, it was difficult for him to become overly concerned about such matters.

"Also... also..." Cornelius stuttered, "It's not just The Goddess of War. Miss Natasha is here too, and they've already met!"

"What?" Dustin was taken aback, his composure wavering. "Why didn't you mention that earlier?"

"I... I just did," Cornelius replied, looking somewhat puzzled.

Moments ago, Dustin had appeared confident and resolute in his speech, but now he found himself feeling somewhat flustered.

"What's the current situation? Are they in conflict with each other?" Dustin asked urgently.

He knew Scarlet had a fiery temper, and that worried him. She wouldn't hesitate to engage in a physical altercation if provoked.

"They haven't come to blows, but they're definitely not getting along," Cornelius replied, his anxiety evident in his voice.

"Where are they now?" Dustin inquired again.

"They're in the reception hall," Cornelius replied truthfully.

"Let's go! Follow me to see them!" Dustin said urgently.

Cornelius had no choice but to follow him.

In the reception hall.

Natasha sat in the main seat, leisurely sipping tea.

Scarlet sat in the secondary seat, engrossed in reading a military strategy book.

Members of the Kirin Gang's high-ranking executives stood on both sides, not daring to make a sound, creating an oppressive atmosphere in the hall.

"Miss Scarlet, may I ask how long you've known Dustin?" Natasha was the first to break the silence.

"I've known him since childhood," Scarlet replied indifferently.

"Oh? So, you and Dustin are childhood sweethearts?" Natasha raised an eyebrow.

"Not only that, but we also have an engagement," Scarlet said calmly.

"An engagement? Heh... in this day and age, is that still meaningful?" Natasha chuckled.

"Our families have been friends for generations, and there's a longstanding marriage arrangement between us. Doesn't that hold any meaning?" Scarlet retorted with a touch of frost in her voice.

"Is it meaningful to you, or is it meaningful to Dustin?" Natasha countered with a sly smile.

"How can you be so sure Dustin won't agree to it?" Scarlet challenged.

"Because I'm Dustin's woman," Natasha declared proudly.

"What? You're not even close to being worthy of him," Scarlet shook her head.

"Whether I'm worthy or not isn't something you get to decide," Natasha replied with a self-assured smirk.

"I warn you, stay away from him, or I'll kill you," Scarlet said coldly.

"Oh, really? I find that hard to believe."

As Natasha spoke, a longsword named Vortexstrike was suddenly pressed against her throat.

Chapter 1148: Just joking

"You say that again?"

Scarlet's expression turned icy as she held her sword with one hand, its tip pressed against Natasha's throat. With a slight forward movement, she could end Natasha's life in an instant.

Natasha, seeing the sharp blade so close to her neck, couldn't help but furrow her brows. She hadn't expected Scarlet to be so impulsive, drawing her sword at the slightest provocation. It was clear that this wasn't a mere threat; another provocative word could result in her demise.

It seemed that she had encountered a formidable opponent.


Just as they were locked in a standoff, Dustin suddenly rushed in.

"Dustin, you're here?" Upon seeing him, Scarlet immediately sheathed her sword, her previous coldness replaced by a friendly smile, like that of a neighbor's little sister.

"Scarlet, what were you doing just now?" Dustin frowned, showing some displeasure.

"It's nothing, I was just joking with Miss Natasha," Scarlet replied with a smile.

"Joking?" Dustin turned his gaze to Natasha and asked in a soft voice, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I was just a bit bored, so I wanted to see Miss Scarlet's sword. She simply handed it to me," Natasha smiled.

These words surprised Scarlet. She had thought that Natasha might report the incident, but unexpectedly, she had come to her rescue.

"It's good that nothing happened. Swords and blades have no eyes. Be careful in the future. I don't want any harm to come to either of you. Do you understand?" Dustin's gaze, as he said the last three words, shifted to Scarlet, carrying a hint of warning.

"Okay, I understand," Scarlet lowered her head like a scolded student.

If anyone else saw this, they would probably be shocked. After all, who in the Dragonmarsh would dare to reprimand The Goddess of War in this manner?

"Dustin, come with me for a moment," Natasha suddenly put on a professional fake smile and then walked out of the reception hall.

Dustin's eyelids twitched, feeling a sense of unease for no apparent reason. But there was no avoiding this, so he followed her reluctantly.

The two of them walked to a secluded spot, and Natasha suddenly stopped and turned around. Her smile grew even brighter.

However, the more she smiled, the more Dustin felt uneasy, sensing a hidden agenda behind her words.

"Natasha, what do you want to ask? Just ask, I have nothing to hide," Dustin said nervously.

Natasha chuckled, giving Dustin's shoulder a friendly pat. "No need to be jumpy; I'm not about to devour you," she reassured him, flashing a warm smile. "So spill the beans. Who's this Miss Scarlet? She sounds like quite the character."

Dustin leaned in, sharing the scoop. "Well, Scarlet's actually part of the Spanner clan over in Stonia, and folks call her the 'Goddess of War' in Dragonmarsh."

Natasha's eyes widened in surprise. "Scarlet? The Goddess of War?" She was genuinely taken aback. "I never saw that coming."

She'd definitely heard of the Goddess of War before. Scarlet was Stonia's pride and joy, a standout among the younger generation, holding an enviable position at the apex of the Dragonmarsh hierarchy.

Natasha's curiosity was piqued even further. "What's the deal between you two? Why did she come looking for you?" She had always known Dustin was something special, but a connection to someone like Scarlet had taken her by surprise.

Dustin sighed, revealing the family tie. "She's my sister. She still sees me through the lens of our childhood, and change doesn't come easy for her. But I'm hopeful that over time, she'll come to see things as they truly are."

Natasha's tone took on a hint of jealousy. "So, you two really were childhood sweethearts?" She pressed further, a touch of bitterness in her voice. "And that engagement she mentioned, is that for real?"

"What engagement? It's just a childhood pact; it's not something serious," Dustin shook his head, emphasizing the lack of real commitment. "The ties between our families have faded since my mother passed away, and I genuinely see her as nothing more than a sister. There's no romantic spark there."

Natasha, with a tinge of jealousy, remarked, "Sister? But it seems like she doesn't quite share that sibling sentiment. She's stunning; can you really resist her allure?"

Dustin's response was heartfelt. "Even if she's beautiful, she can't hold a candle to you."

A pleased grin spread across Natasha's face. "Well, I didn't expect you, the unflappable man, to be such a charmer."

"I'm just speaking the truth," Dustin affirmed.

Natasha's grin widened. "Haha, okay, you passed the test," she declared, her mood lightening. "I won't blame you for whatever went down with Scarlet, but be cautious. That girl seems to lean heavily on you. Mishandle it, and things could go south."

While Natasha had never met Scarlet in person, she knew of her reputation. Scarlet was renowned as a ruthless and unforgiving female warlord who wouldn't hesitate to take lives. Since her rise to fame, she'd been a lone wolf, showing no favoritism, not even to the royal family.

Yet, today, in Dustin's presence, Scarlet had acted more like a fangirl. She not only cooperated without hesitation but also showed hints of nervousness and fear, as if she dreaded disappointing Dustin.

Being a woman herself, Natasha could sense that Scarlet was deeply infatuated with Dustin, perhaps to an obsessive extent. People with naturally reserved and unemotional dispositions often became completely consumed by love when it struck. If Dustin were to inadvertently hurt her, it could push her over the edge.

"She's like a sister to me, and it's going to remain that way. It might take some time for her to accept the reality," Dustin stated plainly.

Natasha nodded thoughtfully. "I hope so too."

"Hey there, Bro Dustin, are you guys done with your chat?" Scarlet's voice echoed from a distance. She had been waiting patiently in the reception hall for quite some time and couldn't resist coming out.

Dustin turned to her, concerned. "What's up?"

"I'm starving," Scarlet admitted, patting her empty stomach.

"Well, since Miss Scarlet here is hungry, how about we head out for a bite to eat? There's a new restaurant in town, and it's the perfect chance to give it a try," Natasha suggested with a cheerful grin.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's go grab a meal," Dustin agreed, then called the others to join in. They all hopped into their cars and left the Lodge in search of some good food.

However, as soon as they left the Zypher Lodge, two business cars secretly followed them.

Chapter 1149: VIPs

Half an hour later, at the entrance of Celestial Heights Restaurant.

Two luxury cars slowly came to a stop, and the doors opened, with Dustin and his group getting out one after another.

Celestial Heights Restaurant was a newly opened high-end restaurant known for its excellent ambiance, service, and food. It had gained a good reputation, attracting many dignitaries and celebrities.

Due to their prior reservation, Dustin and his group were quickly escorted to the second floor by a high-level female server.

The second floor was the VIP area, with regular VIP guests seated in the main hall, separated by screens between the tables. For even higher-ranking VIPs, there were private rooms available, providing a more exclusive environment and service.

"Miss Harmon, please follow me," a high-level female server in white led them with a smile. Eventually, they arrived at the entrance of Room No. 3.

Just as they were about to enter the restaurant, a woman in a sharp black professional suit suddenly blocked their path. Pinned to her chest was a badge that read "Assistant Manager."

"Hold on! This room is already occupied. Please find another available room for our guests," the female assistant manager declared.

"Evelyn, are you sure you've got this right? Room No. 3 was reserved ahead of time for these guests," the server in a crisp white uniform questioned, puzzled by the situation.

"We've got a bit of a situation here. Some VIPs are on their way, and they specifically requested Room No. 3. It needs to be vacated immediately!" The female assistant manager's tone was firm and no-nonsense.

"Evelyn, isn't this against the rules? The guests have already made a reservation, and changing rooms at the last minute is not a good explanation," the white-clad female server said hesitantly. "Besides, all four of the Platinum rooms are already occupied, and there are no rooms left."

"If there are no Platinum rooms available, can't you just give them a Diamond room? Why all the fuss?" The female assistant manager sounded noticeably impatient, her words barely above a whisper.

Dustin, with his keen hearing, caught every word.

"Evelyn, you know the Diamond rooms are a far cry from the Platinum ones. The guests probably won't accept that," the white-clad server replied in hushed tones. "Besides, they've paid for a Platinum room; it wouldn't be fair to offer them a Diamond one."

"Enough of this! Let me handle it," the female assistant manager declared with a tight-lipped expression before approaching Dustin and his group, putting on a forced smile. "Dear guests, there was a little hiccup on our end. Room No. 3, the Platinum room, is temporarily unavailable. Would you mind moving to the other side? We have several Diamond rooms available for your selection."

"Half an hour ago, we had already made a reservation, and now you say it's unavailable. Isn't it a bit too late for that?" Dustin said calmly.

Dustin could understand if there were valid reasons for the change, but it was becoming evident that they were being treated unfairly. Both parties were paying customers, so why the unequal treatment?

"This gentleman, our restaurant has its policies. I hope you won't create any complications," the female assistant manager insisted with a strained smile.

Dustin arched an eyebrow. "Am I the one creating complications, or is it you who plans to give away our reserved room to someone else?" He spoke with a hint of skepticism. "If I heard correctly just now, that's your intention, isn't it?"

The female assistant manager frowned, momentarily taken aback, but quickly composed herself. "Well, since you've overheard, let me clarify. We've had some high-profile guests arrive at Celestial Heights Restaurant, and they specifically requested Room No. 3. I hope you can understand, and we'll make sure everything is satisfactory."


Chapter 1150: Not So VIPs

Dustin found the situation somewhat amusing. "Is this the level of service that Celestial Heights Restaurant prides itself on? You're asking us to change rooms for no apparent reason, and you can't even extend a bit of courtesy? What's the intention here? Are you trying to mistreat your customers?"

Being asked to switch rooms without a valid explanation made it difficult for them to enjoy their meal.

The assistant manager's impatience was starting to show. "Sir, what exactly do you want? Are you looking for compensation? Fine, if you agree to change rooms, I'll personally arrange a fruit platter as a goodwill gesture. Will that satisfy you?" She said this with a look of disdain on her face.

Dustin responded with a frigid tone, "Firstly, I have no interest in any compensation, and secondly, are you offering us a fruit platter as a way to make amends? Do you take us for beggars?" In a restaurant, customer service was paramount, and this woman's treatment was far from acceptable.

"Sir, I suggest you refrain from causing any trouble. Our restaurant has its policies, and if you're unhappy with them, you're free to leave. I won't force you to stay!" The assistant manager's irritation was clearly on display.

With business thriving at the restaurant, losing a few customers wouldn't make much of a dent.

Dustin couldn't help but mock the situation. "Really? You're ready to kick us out over a few words? Celestial Heights Restaurant certainly doesn't mince words!" He continued speaking as he brushed past the assistant manager, entered Room No. 3, and took a seat. "I'm dining here today, and let's see who can actually make me leave!"

"You... You're just causing trouble for no reason!" The assistant manager was now seething with anger. "You're not welcome here. I'm warning you; leave immediately, or I'll call security!"

"Go ahead and call them. I'd love to see how this situation unfolds. How do you plan to manage your establishment then?" Dustin calmly poured himself a cup of tea.

"You disgrace! You have no shame! Get out of here right now!" The assistant manager was beside herself. "People like you aren't welcome here."

"This gentleman, do you want to reconsider your decision?" she added with a sly smile.

Dustin's eyes narrowed, and he spoke with firm resolve. "Let me make one thing clear: I won't leave of my own accord. If you want me gone, you'll have to use force."

Before the assistant manager could react, a sharp, resounding slap echoed through the room.


Natasha had delivered a powerful slap to the assistant manager's face, leaving her momentarily stunned and clutching her stinging cheek.

With a cold and commanding demeanor, Natasha continued, "Do you think you're something special? How dare you act with such arrogance here?" Her presence exuded a queen-like authority, imposing and unyielding.

"You... How could you even think of hitting me?" The assistant manager's eyes widened in disbelief.

Her boyfriend held the reins at Celestial Heights Restaurant, a man of wealth and influence with connections among high-ranking officials. In these restaurant walls, no one dared to show her disrespect.

And now, this woman had not only disrespected her but actually struck her?

It was absolutely outrageous!

"What's the issue? You got a problem with that?" Natasha responded unapologetically.

"You... You all just wait! I'll make sure you pay for this!" The assistant manager issued her threat as she began to turn and depart.

However, Scarlet suddenly reached out and grabbed her by the throat, effortlessly lifting her off the ground. She asked Dustin with a serious expression, "Big Bro Dustin, do you want me to kill her?"

Hello there!
Very interesting. Thanks.
1151 n
Chapter 1141 The Showdown

Nakamura was encircled by a multitude of skilled ninja, forming a formidable force that would pose a considerable challenge even to the most elite assassins among the General's fighters. While Dustin possessed considerable strength, he couldn't dispatch them all in an instant.
"Enough talking! If you want to ensure your daughter's safety, move quickly and assist!" Dustin pressed.

"I'll assist you!" Lily acted first, darting forward to begin the process of unwinding the ropes. The Dragon-Binding Rope was tightly wound, impervious to brute force; they had to meticulously untangle it.


At this moment, Nakamura's final countdown fell, and he grinned maliciously. "Since you won't drop your weapons, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

With that, he raised his sword and struck directly at Shiela's arm.


Caden roared, fighting through the pain to rush forward, but he was quickly stopped by the ninja from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix.


In this critical moment, a silver needle shot out, accurately striking Nakamura's sword.


The sound of metal clashing echoed.

Nakamura's sword was knocked from his grasp and flew through the air, spinning before crashing to the ground, producing a burst of sparks.

"Who's there?!" Nakamura was both surprised and furious, quickly retreating behind Shiela. Simultaneously, he waved his hand, instructing the ninja to stand in front of him to prevent any sneak attacks.

"It's you!" Nakamura stuck half of his head out from behind Shiela's shoulder, smiling. "Mr. Dustin, the Murray family is wishing to kill you in various ways, and yet you still want to help them? Is it worth it? If you join our Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, I guarantee wealth, honor, and endless enjoyment for you!"

"I'm not assisting the Murray family. I'm doing this solely because I can't tolerate you," Dustin retorted candidly. "You mongrels from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix dared to act recklessly on Dragonmarsh's territory. When I see one, I'll kill one."

"So, does that mean there's no room for negotiation between us?" Nakamura's expression darkened.

"In your present condition, you have no leverage for negotiations," Dustin retorted.

With that, Dustin swiftly unraveled the Dragon-binding Rope and stowed it away. This valuable item was scarce and could prove useful later.

"Hold on! I still have a hostage! If you take one step closer, I'll snap her neck!" Nakamura reached out, clutching Shiela's throat and shouting frantically.

"Nakamura! Please, stop! Don't harm my daughter!" Caden cried out.

"Dustin, heed him! If anything befalls Shiela, your life will be the price!" Vivian's group chanted in unison.


In that instant, a silver needle suddenly streaked through the air, whizzing past Shiela's ear and, with calculated precision, striking Nakamura squarely in the forehead.

Nakamura shivered all over, his face contorting in terror.

In the next second, his head exploded with a resounding "bang," resembling a bursting watermelon.

Chapter 1142 Clash of Titans

As they watched the decapitated body of Nakamura, the scene suddenly fell silent.

Caden shouts came to an abrupt halt.

Vivian, Chase, and their group were also left dumbfounded.

Everything happened so suddenly that they were all a bit slow to react.

Nakamura had hostages and a large number of skilled ninja protecting him.

In this situation, it was astonishing that Dustin could still achieve a one-hit kill!


Nakamura's headless body crashed to the ground.

Shiela, looking bewildered, was grabbed by the shoulder by Dustin and thrown out of the encirclement, landing in the Murrays, thus averting the crisis.


Seeing his grandson's lifeless body, Yamamoto's face contorted, and he erupted in rage: "You dare to kill my grandson? I'll tear you to pieces! Kill him, kill him, kill him—kill him for me!"

As he gave the order, a large number of ninja experts immediately swarmed forward.

All kinds of hidden weapons, poisoned darts, and throwing knives were continuously launched.

A dense barrage, like a torrential downpour, made it impossible to defend against.

While the projectiles were flying, the ninja displayed their skills; some leaped high into the air, leaving behind iron wire nets, while others emerged from underground for a surprise attack.

For a moment, Dustin felt like a target of multiple attacks, and he was surrounded by an overwhelming onslaught.

"Quick, go support him! Wipe out the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix ninja!" General Murray immediately issued the order.

The elite assassin team cultivated by the General's fighters didn't hold back either and rushed into battle.

Soon, another melee erupted.

However, this time, the situation was completely different.

The General's assassin team was already formidable, and with Dustin's assistance, they were like tigers with wings. In no time, they routed the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix ninjas.

"Well done!"

Seeing this, everyone was invigorated and excited.

"Damn it!"

Yamamoto cursed angrily, unable to hold back any longer. He stomped his wooden clogs and turned into a blur, charging straight into the battlefield.

With consecutive strikes of his palms as fast as lightning, each strike killed one of the black-clad assassins.


General Murray was furious, about to join the fray when his body suddenly shivered, and he spewed out another mouthful of blood, nearly collapsing.

His injuries were too severe, and now he had no strength left to continue fighting.

"Uh-oh! If we keep going like this, we might lose!" Lily exclaimed, her face tense.

Yamamoto had completely turned the tide.

"Yamamoto is a Sword Saint” (Sword Master) of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, and his strength is overwhelmingly powerful. Now that Father is seriously injured, no one can stop him. We can only temporarily withdraw from the battlefield," Caden said with a solemn expression.

"Temporarily withdraw? Are you saying... we should abandon the General's Mansion?" Lily furrowed her brow.

"Keeping us alive is important; we will have a chance to regroup. We can have a chance to comeback if we preserve our lives first," Caden replied.

"You're right, but how can we leave? Father won't agree to be a fleeing soldier," Lily shook her head.

"I don't care what means you use, even if you have to knock him unconscious, you must take Father away quietly," Caden insisted.

He was well aware that as long as his father was safe, the General's Mansion could be rebuilt quickly.

"Alright, I'll try," Lily nodded, reluctantly agreeing.

"Wait! If we leave, what about Dustin and the others?" Shiela suddenly spoke up.

At this moment, on the battlefield ahead, Dustin and his group were fighting desperately, and the situation was dire.

"We don't have time to think about that now. Dustin just saved me, and I can't leave him to fend for himself!" Shiela said, her brows furrowing.

"Silly girl!" Caden was frantic. "People must look out for themselves. We're all in danger now. If we don't leave soon, we won't be able to escape!"

"No! I can't leave!" Shiela shook her head. "Dustin just saved me, and I can't abandon him to escape alone!"

"Stubborn!" Caden was growing anxious. "Dustin and the others can't hold out much longer. If we don't leave now, we'll be trapped soon!"

Chapter 1143 The Ultimate Duel

With that, he grabbed Shiela's wrist and forcefully pulled her away.

"No! I won't go! Let go of me!" Shiela began to struggle frantically.

She already owed Dustin once and didn't want to owe him again. Otherwise, she'd never find peace in her life.

"Shiela, your dad is right. Time is running out, we need to go quickly!"

"Yes, Shiela! Lives are at stake; don't be stubborn!"

"Even if Dustin dies, as long as we survive, it's an honor for him to sacrifice for the General!"

At this moment, Chase and Vivian, along with others, also tried to persuade her.

If they could use Dustin's life to ensure their safety, it would be a tremendous advantage.

"You can leave if you want, but I won't!" Shiela remained stubborn and refused to listen.

"Stubborn girl!"

Caden was infuriated, and he slapped his daughter, scolding her, "You can't be hard-headed now! You must listen to me today! Get someone to drag her away!"

Shiela was dazed, her face in her hands, feeling bewildered.

Chase and Vivian exchanged glances and then both grabbed Shiela's arms, forcibly pulling her outside.

Meanwhile, on a battlefield-turned-ruins:

Both sides continued to battle, and both suffered heavy casualties.

Bodies fell one by one, and the battle was intense.

"Step aside, all of you! You're no match for him; let me deal with him!"

Seeing the General's assassin team fighting so fiercely and courageously, Dustin couldn't help but feel moved and quickly shouted.

Even though the General's fighters were innate experts, they were powerless against Yamamoto, a martial arts master. But due to the melee, Dustin couldn't unleash his full power, or else he might accidentally kill them.

So, he had them disperse to avoid unintended casualties.

"You all step back too! I want to kill this kid with my own hands!"

Yamamoto waved his hand, and the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix ninjas scattered.

Soon, the chaotic battle turned into a duel between the two.

"Has Dustin gone mad? He's challenging Yamamoto one-on-one? Does he want to die faster?"

Vivian looked back with a puzzled expression.

"Hmph! He's utterly overestimating himself! Yamamoto is one of the top ten Sword Saints of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, and his strength is unmatched. Dustin challenging Yamamoto is like a moth flying into the flames!"

Chase shook his head, showing a look of disdain.

"This kid is really foolish! During the melee, Yamamoto was holding back, and now, without any restraints, he's even more dangerous. He probably won't last a single move!" Caden said, clearly frustrated.

They could have bought more time, but Dustin insisted on acting like a hero.

Once he was killed, their chances of escaping would diminish significantly.

"You fool! You killed my grandson and ruined my plans. Today, I'll skin you alive!"

Yamamoto slowly drew his katana from his waist, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

Even though his opponent was much younger, he wouldn't show any mercy.

"I'll send you to hell!"

Yamamoto shouted angrily, stomped his wooden clogs, and rushed forward, raising his katana high and swinging it fiercely toward Dustin's head.

Even before the blade reached him, the sharp sword aura had already torn the ground apart, leaving a deep mark.

"It's over... This kid is finished."

Seeing this, everyone shook their heads in pity.

Yamamoto's full-powered strike was something very few could withstand.

"Sky Sword!"

Dustin extended his hand with a wave.


Suddenly, a black ancient sword shot out from the ruins like a black lightning bolt, piercing straight through Yamamoto's chest.

Chapter 1144 Shocking Turn of Events


The Sovereign Sky Sword transformed into a black lightning bolt, after piercing through Yamamoto's chest, it returned to Dustin's hand.

Blood slowly flowed down the blade, gathering at the tip before dripping onto the ground, creating tiny blood splatters.


Yamamoto's body trembled, and he dropped from the sky, his knees hitting the ground heavily.

He remained motionless in a kneeling position.

The entire scene fell into sudden silence.

All sound seemed to vanish, and you could hear a pin drop.

Whether it was the General's figthers, the guests, or the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix ninjas, everyone stood there in stunned silence.

Their faces were marked with shock.

They couldn't believe it. Yamamoto, the formidable Sword Saint of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, had been impaled by a single strike from Dustin.

The entire process happened so suddenly, without any warning, that no one had reacted in time.

They only saw a black lightning bolt flash, and then the mighty Yamamoto knelt down.


Yamamoto lowered his head, his face filled with disbelief.

At this moment, he had a massive hole in his chest, and he could even see the scenery behind him through that hole, including the shocked face of General Murray.

This perspective was strange and somewhat eerie.

"Why? Why can you... hurt me?" Yamamoto forced out these words with a raspy voice.

General Murray was severely injured and had lost his combat strength. Normally, he should have been invincible here.

He never expected such a turn of events.

"Why? Go ask the King of Hell..."

Dustin didn't waste any words. He walked forward and raised his hand, swiftly beheading Yamamoto.


When Yamamoto's head fell, everyone finally woke up from their daze, and the scene erupted with unprecedented shock.

"Dead... He's dead? Am I seeing this right? This kid actually killed Yamamoto?!"

"Oh my god! This is the Sword Saint of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, a top-tier martial arts master, and he was just killed with a single strike! Isn't this too unbelievable?!"

"What's this kid's background? How can he be this terrifying? He's like a monster!"

"A single strike to kill the Sword Saint of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix? Is this guy even human? When did our provincial city produce such a freak?!"

After a brief moment of silence, the entire scene exploded with astonishment.

The looks directed at Dustin were like he was a monster, filled with shock and disbelief.

They had thought that disaster was imminent for the General's family today, and they had even prepared to make a run for it.

But in the end, at the critical moment, Dustin had actually turned the tide and killed Yamamoto with a single strike.

Now, they were at a loss, especially Chase and Vivian's group, who were having a hard time accepting this.

They couldn't comprehend how Dustin could be this powerful.

Wasn't he just a lowly insurance salesman?

Wasn't he a nobody without any background?

Why? Why could he defeat the Sword Saint of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix?

Could it be that Dustin had been hiding his true abilities all along?

Had they only seen the surface, just a disguise?

If that were the case, the consequences would be quite severe.

A person who could kill the Sword Saint of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix with a single strike would be respected and revered everywhere they went, no matter where they were.

Chapter 1145 Victory and Acknowledgment

Even the various official institutions had to treat him with the utmost respect. Without exaggeration, given Dustin's age and the strength he had displayed, he could easily stand shoulder to shoulder with the old general in the future. Such a young prodigy was someone they would need to look up to for their entire lives.

The biggest problem was that they had previously shown contempt and disdain for Dustin, even resorting to harsh words. If he were to seek revenge, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Thinking about this, Chase, Vivian, and their group felt a shiver down their spines and deep regret. On one hand, they regretted offending Dustin, and on the other hand, they regretted their own foolishness for not recognizing the treasure sooner.

If they had built a good relationship with Dustin in advance, rising to success in the future would have been effortless.

"Well done, young man. You hid your abilities so well that I didn't see through it at all," General Murray sighed in relief after the shock had passed. Although the General's fighters had a strong foundation, it couldn't withstand this continuous onslaught. Fortunately, Dustin had turned the tide; otherwise, the General's mansion might have become a river of blood.

"We won... Bro Dustinin won! We don't need to escape!" Shiela cheered with tears of joy. However, Caden wore a somewhat complicated expression, torn between happiness and worry. While it was worth celebrating that the General's household had survived, Dustin's outstanding performance and their past conflicts left him unsure of how to face the situation.

"Kill all the remnants of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, leave no one alive!" After slaying Yamamoto, Dustin didn't stop. He swung the Sky Sword and, with the General's personnel, began to massacre the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix's ninjas. Without Yamamoto, these ninjas were defenseless and were quickly slaughtered, crumbling like a house of cards.

This deadly game that had been set up for five years ultimately ended in the General's tragic victory. Although they eliminated the invaders, the General's family had suffered significant losses. They had not only expended a considerable amount of elite strength but also affected many guests, who were all part of the General's network, spanning various industries. With such losses, it would take several years to fully recover.

The only thing worth celebrating was that General Murray emerged unscathed. As long as he lived, the General's Mansion would not fall and would eventually regain its former glory; it was only a matter of time.

After the battle ended, the official forces from the provincial city began to arrive. Numerous soldiers swarmed in to escort and clean up the scene.

It was only at this point that the suspended hearts of the people finally fell.

"Young man, thanks to you this time, or else this old life of mine would have been in jeopardy," General Murray approached Dustin and expressed his gratitude.

"General, no need to be so polite. It was just a small effort," Dustin replied with a slight smile, not wanting to take too much credit. After all, he still owed General Murray a favor for the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom matter, and he considered it even now.

"I really couldn't tell. I didn't expect you to be this powerful. You're no less impressive than your mother back in the day," General Murray said with satisfaction.

"General, you're too kind," Dustin replied humbly before taking out a pill and handing it over. "This is a Gemiphen I refined, and it works wonders for treating internal injuries. General, you can give it a try."

"Oh? Is that so?" General Murray was curious. After inspecting the pill, he swallowed it without hesitation. In no time, he wore an astonished expression and praised, "Indeed, it's a miraculous elixir! The meridians I had just blocked and the stagnant internal energy (qi) and blood are now all unobstructed. It's truly amazing!"

"I didn't expect you to be not only extraordinary in martial arts but also a master in alchemy and medicine. You truly excel in both literary and martial arts!" General Murray chuckled. "If only a talented young man like you could become my grandson-in-law."

With this remark, Shiela, who had just approached, blushed instantly

Chapter 1146: Ordinary Friend

General Murray's words were clearly intentional. On one hand, he genuinely admired Dustin. Being exceptional both in martial and scholarly pursuits with a bright future ahead and a good character, such a young prodigy was scarce in the entire Dragonmarsh. If Dustin could become his grandson-in-law, it would provide a safeguard for the General's family in the future.

On the other hand, he had taken his granddaughter, Shiela, into consideration. She possessed a kind heart and a somewhat naive disposition, easily susceptible to deception, and in need of strong support and protection. Dustin undoubtedly appeared as the ideal choice. When the two of them were together, they seemed like a perfect match.

In the present moment, Shiela stood in silence behind them, not uttering a word. Her pretty face sported a faint flush, revealing a blend of shyness and eager anticipation. She was awaiting Dustin's response, hoping to hear the answer she longed for.

"Thank you for your generous words, General, but someone like me, a commoner, is not deserving of Miss Shiela," Dustin courteously declined.

"Young man, I am well aware of your background. There is no need for such formality. I will ask you directly: do you hold any affection for my granddaughter, Shiela?" General Murray inquired once more.

"General, Miss Shiela and I are simply regular friends, nothing more," Dustin replied resolutely.

"Just ordinary friends?" General Murray raised his eyebrows. Why did those words sound somewhat awkward? Weren't they treating each other like siblings before? Why did it suddenly become distant?

Upon hearing the phrase "just ordinary friends," Shiela's expression froze, her eyes reflecting disappointment.

"Young man, would you not reconsider?" General Murray seemed somewhat reluctant.

He was willing to go to great lengths to ensure his granddaughter's happiness.

"General, trying to force something won't make it genuine. Let's simply set aside the matter," Dustin firmly shook his head, his gaze resolute.
"Sigh... Very well, I won't interfere in the affairs of you young people," General Murray finally relented.

"Dustin, Bro Dustin..."

Unable to contain her emotions, Shiela called out.

"Yes?" Dustin turned to look at her with a hint of confusion. "Miss Shiela, is there something else?"

"Bro Dustin, I misunderstood you before. I'm truly sorry, and I sincerely apologize to you," Shiela said, her face filled with guilt as she bowed deeply while speaking.

"Miss Shiela, you haven't done anything wrong, and I've never blamed you. There's no need to apologize," Dustin shook his head, feeling no resentment.

Some things were not about right or wrong; it was purely a matter of trust. Shiela had made her choice, and he had no complaints.

"Bro Dustin, can we still meet in the future?" Shiela held onto her clothes, feeling nervous and hopeful.

"If fate allows, we will meet again. Farewell," Dustin replied with a faint smile and walked out of the General's Mansion.

"Bro Dustin..."

Watching his departing figure, Shiela felt a deep sense of emptiness in her heart, as if something important was slowly slipping away.

"Girl, what exactly happened between you two?" General Murray couldn't help but ask curiously.

"I..." Shiela hesitated for a moment and eventually recounted the whole story briefly.

Listening to this exchange, General Murray couldn't help but feel exasperated. "Child, how could you be so easily misled? Can't you differentiate between truth and falsehood? You accepted those unfounded accusations without any doubt and slandered someone who was genuinely trying to assist you. You... you... you truly infuriate me!"

"Grandfather, I acknowledge my mistake. Is there anything I can do to make amends?" Shiela asked softly.

Chapter 1147: Goodbye Friend and Hello Trouble


General Murray sighed deeply. "The more exceptional a person, the more likely they are to be proud. Rebuilding trust can be an uphill battle. You've already made your choice regarding your friends, and even if he doesn't hold it against you, things won't go back to the way they were."

"What should I do then?" Shiela started to feel anxious.

"Let it be. Time has the power to mend even the deepest wounds. Perhaps, in the future, you'll have an opportunity to cross paths again," General Murray said, shaking his head.

Despite his words, he knew deep down that certain things couldn't be repaired. Once a rift had formed in a relationship, no matter how hard you tried to mend it, that divide would persist.


After leaving the General's Mansion, Dustin drove back to the Zypher Lodge.

As soon as he entered the Lodge's gate, he saw Cornelius running towards him in a fluster.

Cornelius was sweating profusely as he ran, and he called out urgently, "Master Dustin! Something terrible has occurred! It's a major issue!"

"Hmm?" Dustin furrowed his brows at the news. "Why are you so worked up? Please, provide me with all the details."

"It's... it's about The Goddess of War!" Cornelius said, gasping for breath.

"What's the matter with her? You've encountered her before, haven't you? Why are you so agitated?" Dustin raised an eyebrow, initially thinking it was a minor concern.

After going through numerous trials and tribulations, it was difficult for him to become overly concerned about such matters.

"Also... also..." Cornelius stuttered, "It's not just The Goddess of War. Miss Natasha is here too, and they've already met!"

"What?" Dustin was taken aback, his composure wavering. "Why didn't you mention that earlier?"

"I... I just did," Cornelius replied, looking somewhat puzzled.

Moments ago, Dustin had appeared confident and resolute in his speech, but now he found himself feeling somewhat flustered.

"What's the current situation? Are they in conflict with each other?" Dustin asked urgently.

He knew Scarlet had a fiery temper, and that worried him. She wouldn't hesitate to engage in a physical altercation if provoked.

"They haven't come to blows, but they're definitely not getting along," Cornelius replied, his anxiety evident in his voice.

"Where are they now?" Dustin inquired again.

"They're in the reception hall," Cornelius replied truthfully.

"Let's go! Follow me to see them!" Dustin said urgently.

Cornelius had no choice but to follow him.

In the reception hall.

Natasha sat in the main seat, leisurely sipping tea.

Scarlet sat in the secondary seat, engrossed in reading a military strategy book.

Members of the Kirin Gang's high-ranking executives stood on both sides, not daring to make a sound, creating an oppressive atmosphere in the hall.

"Miss Scarlet, may I ask how long you've known Dustin?" Natasha was the first to break the silence.

"I've known him since childhood," Scarlet replied indifferently.

"Oh? So, you and Dustin are childhood sweethearts?" Natasha raised an eyebrow.

"Not only that, but we also have an engagement," Scarlet said calmly.

"An engagement? Heh... in this day and age, is that still meaningful?" Natasha chuckled.

"Our families have been friends for generations, and there's a longstanding marriage arrangement between us. Doesn't that hold any meaning?" Scarlet retorted with a touch of frost in her voice.

"Is it meaningful to you, or is it meaningful to Dustin?" Natasha countered with a sly smile.

"How can you be so sure Dustin won't agree to it?" Scarlet challenged.

"Because I'm Dustin's woman," Natasha declared proudly.

"What? You're not even close to being worthy of him," Scarlet shook her head.

"Whether I'm worthy or not isn't something you get to decide," Natasha replied with a self-assured smirk.

"I warn you, stay away from him, or I'll kill you," Scarlet said coldly.

"Oh, really? I find that hard to believe."

As Natasha spoke, a longsword named Vortexstrike was suddenly pressed against her throat.

Chapter 1148: Just joking

"You say that again?"

Scarlet's expression turned icy as she held her sword with one hand, its tip pressed against Natasha's throat. With a slight forward movement, she could end Natasha's life in an instant.

Natasha, seeing the sharp blade so close to her neck, couldn't help but furrow her brows. She hadn't expected Scarlet to be so impulsive, drawing her sword at the slightest provocation. It was clear that this wasn't a mere threat; another provocative word could result in her demise.

It seemed that she had encountered a formidable opponent.


Just as they were locked in a standoff, Dustin suddenly rushed in.

"Dustin, you're here?" Upon seeing him, Scarlet immediately sheathed her sword, her previous coldness replaced by a friendly smile, like that of a neighbor's little sister.

"Scarlet, what were you doing just now?" Dustin frowned, showing some displeasure.

"It's nothing, I was just joking with Miss Natasha," Scarlet replied with a smile.

"Joking?" Dustin turned his gaze to Natasha and asked in a soft voice, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I was just a bit bored, so I wanted to see Miss Scarlet's sword. She simply handed it to me," Natasha smiled.

These words surprised Scarlet. She had thought that Natasha might report the incident, but unexpectedly, she had come to her rescue.

"It's good that nothing happened. Swords and blades have no eyes. Be careful in the future. I don't want any harm to come to either of you. Do you understand?" Dustin's gaze, as he said the last three words, shifted to Scarlet, carrying a hint of warning.

"Okay, I understand," Scarlet lowered her head like a scolded student.

If anyone else saw this, they would probably be shocked. After all, who in the Dragonmarsh would dare to reprimand The Goddess of War in this manner?

"Dustin, come with me for a moment," Natasha suddenly put on a professional fake smile and then walked out of the reception hall.

Dustin's eyelids twitched, feeling a sense of unease for no apparent reason. But there was no avoiding this, so he followed her reluctantly.

The two of them walked to a secluded spot, and Natasha suddenly stopped and turned around. Her smile grew even brighter.

However, the more she smiled, the more Dustin felt uneasy, sensing a hidden agenda behind her words.

"Natasha, what do you want to ask? Just ask, I have nothing to hide," Dustin said nervously.

Natasha chuckled, giving Dustin's shoulder a friendly pat. "No need to be jumpy; I'm not about to devour you," she reassured him, flashing a warm smile. "So spill the beans. Who's this Miss Scarlet? She sounds like quite the character."

Dustin leaned in, sharing the scoop. "Well, Scarlet's actually part of the Spanner clan over in Stonia, and folks call her the 'Goddess of War' in Dragonmarsh."

Natasha's eyes widened in surprise. "Scarlet? The Goddess of War?" She was genuinely taken aback. "I never saw that coming."

She'd definitely heard of the Goddess of War before. Scarlet was Stonia's pride and joy, a standout among the younger generation, holding an enviable position at the apex of the Dragonmarsh hierarchy.

Natasha's curiosity was piqued even further. "What's the deal between you two? Why did she come looking for you?" She had always known Dustin was something special, but a connection to someone like Scarlet had taken her by surprise.

Dustin sighed, revealing the family tie. "She's my sister. She still sees me through the lens of our childhood, and change doesn't come easy for her. But I'm hopeful that over time, she'll come to see things as they truly are."

Natasha's tone took on a hint of jealousy. "So, you two really were childhood sweethearts?" She pressed further, a touch of bitterness in her voice. "And that engagement she mentioned, is that for real?"

"What engagement? It's just a childhood pact; it's not something serious," Dustin shook his head, emphasizing the lack of real commitment. "The ties between our families have faded since my mother passed away, and I genuinely see her as nothing more than a sister. There's no romantic spark there."

Natasha, with a tinge of jealousy, remarked, "Sister? But it seems like she doesn't quite share that sibling sentiment. She's stunning; can you really resist her allure?"

Dustin's response was heartfelt. "Even if she's beautiful, she can't hold a candle to you."

A pleased grin spread across Natasha's face. "Well, I didn't expect you, the unflappable man, to be such a charmer."

"I'm just speaking the truth," Dustin affirmed.

Natasha's grin widened. "Haha, okay, you passed the test," she declared, her mood lightening. "I won't blame you for whatever went down with Scarlet, but be cautious. That girl seems to lean heavily on you. Mishandle it, and things could go south."

While Natasha had never met Scarlet in person, she knew of her reputation. Scarlet was renowned as a ruthless and unforgiving female warlord who wouldn't hesitate to take lives. Since her rise to fame, she'd been a lone wolf, showing no favoritism, not even to the royal family.

Yet, today, in Dustin's presence, Scarlet had acted more like a fangirl. She not only cooperated without hesitation but also showed hints of nervousness and fear, as if she dreaded disappointing Dustin.

Being a woman herself, Natasha could sense that Scarlet was deeply infatuated with Dustin, perhaps to an obsessive extent. People with naturally reserved and unemotional dispositions often became completely consumed by love when it struck. If Dustin were to inadvertently hurt her, it could push her over the edge.

"She's like a sister to me, and it's going to remain that way. It might take some time for her to accept the reality," Dustin stated plainly.

Natasha nodded thoughtfully. "I hope so too."

"Hey there, Bro Dustin, are you guys done with your chat?" Scarlet's voice echoed from a distance. She had been waiting patiently in the reception hall for quite some time and couldn't resist coming out.

Dustin turned to her, concerned. "What's up?"

"I'm starving," Scarlet admitted, patting her empty stomach.

"Well, since Miss Scarlet here is hungry, how about we head out for a bite to eat? There's a new restaurant in town, and it's the perfect chance to give it a try," Natasha suggested with a cheerful grin.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's go grab a meal," Dustin agreed, then called the others to join in. They all hopped into their cars and left the Lodge in search of some good food.

However, as soon as they left the Zypher Lodge, two business cars secretly followed them.

Chapter 1149: VIPs

Half an hour later, at the entrance of Celestial Heights Restaurant.

Two luxury cars slowly came to a stop, and the doors opened, with Dustin and his group getting out one after another.

Celestial Heights Restaurant was a newly opened high-end restaurant known for its excellent ambiance, service, and food. It had gained a good reputation, attracting many dignitaries and celebrities.

Due to their prior reservation, Dustin and his group were quickly escorted to the second floor by a high-level female server.

The second floor was the VIP area, with regular VIP guests seated in the main hall, separated by screens between the tables. For even higher-ranking VIPs, there were private rooms available, providing a more exclusive environment and service.

"Miss Harmon, please follow me," a high-level female server in white led them with a smile. Eventually, they arrived at the entrance of Room No. 3.

Just as they were about to enter the restaurant, a woman in a sharp black professional suit suddenly blocked their path. Pinned to her chest was a badge that read "Assistant Manager."

"Hold on! This room is already occupied. Please find another available room for our guests," the female assistant manager declared.

"Evelyn, are you sure you've got this right? Room No. 3 was reserved ahead of time for these guests," the server in a crisp white uniform questioned, puzzled by the situation.

"We've got a bit of a situation here. Some VIPs are on their way, and they specifically requested Room No. 3. It needs to be vacated immediately!" The female assistant manager's tone was firm and no-nonsense.

"Evelyn, isn't this against the rules? The guests have already made a reservation, and changing rooms at the last minute is not a good explanation," the white-clad female server said hesitantly. "Besides, all four of the Platinum rooms are already occupied, and there are no rooms left."

"If there are no Platinum rooms available, can't you just give them a Diamond room? Why all the fuss?" The female assistant manager sounded noticeably impatient, her words barely above a whisper.

Dustin, with his keen hearing, caught every word.

"Evelyn, you know the Diamond rooms are a far cry from the Platinum ones. The guests probably won't accept that," the white-clad server replied in hushed tones. "Besides, they've paid for a Platinum room; it wouldn't be fair to offer them a Diamond one."

"Enough of this! Let me handle it," the female assistant manager declared with a tight-lipped expression before approaching Dustin and his group, putting on a forced smile. "Dear guests, there was a little hiccup on our end. Room No. 3, the Platinum room, is temporarily unavailable. Would you mind moving to the other side? We have several Diamond rooms available for your selection."

"Half an hour ago, we had already made a reservation, and now you say it's unavailable. Isn't it a bit too late for that?" Dustin said calmly.

Dustin could understand if there were valid reasons for the change, but it was becoming evident that they were being treated unfairly. Both parties were paying customers, so why the unequal treatment?

"This gentleman, our restaurant has its policies. I hope you won't create any complications," the female assistant manager insisted with a strained smile.

Dustin arched an eyebrow. "Am I the one creating complications, or is it you who plans to give away our reserved room to someone else?" He spoke with a hint of skepticism. "If I heard correctly just now, that's your intention, isn't it?"

The female assistant manager frowned, momentarily taken aback, but quickly composed herself. "Well, since you've overheard, let me clarify. We've had some high-profile guests arrive at Celestial Heights Restaurant, and they specifically requested Room No. 3. I hope you can understand, and we'll make sure everything is satisfactory."


Chapter 1150: Not So VIPs

Dustin found the situation somewhat amusing. "Is this the level of service that Celestial Heights Restaurant prides itself on? You're asking us to change rooms for no apparent reason, and you can't even extend a bit of courtesy? What's the intention here? Are you trying to mistreat your customers?"

Being asked to switch rooms without a valid explanation made it difficult for them to enjoy their meal.

The assistant manager's impatience was starting to show. "Sir, what exactly do you want? Are you looking for compensation? Fine, if you agree to change rooms, I'll personally arrange a fruit platter as a goodwill gesture. Will that satisfy you?" She said this with a look of disdain on her face.

Dustin responded with a frigid tone, "Firstly, I have no interest in any compensation, and secondly, are you offering us a fruit platter as a way to make amends? Do you take us for beggars?" In a restaurant, customer service was paramount, and this woman's treatment was far from acceptable.

"Sir, I suggest you refrain from causing any trouble. Our restaurant has its policies, and if you're unhappy with them, you're free to leave. I won't force you to stay!" The assistant manager's irritation was clearly on display.

With business thriving at the restaurant, losing a few customers wouldn't make much of a dent.

Dustin couldn't help but mock the situation. "Really? You're ready to kick us out over a few words? Celestial Heights Restaurant certainly doesn't mince words!" He continued speaking as he brushed past the assistant manager, entered Room No. 3, and took a seat. "I'm dining here today, and let's see who can actually make me leave!"

"You... You're just causing trouble for no reason!" The assistant manager was now seething with anger. "You're not welcome here. I'm warning you; leave immediately, or I'll call security!"

"Go ahead and call them. I'd love to see how this situation unfolds. How do you plan to manage your establishment then?" Dustin calmly poured himself a cup of tea.

"You disgrace! You have no shame! Get out of here right now!" The assistant manager was beside herself. "People like you aren't welcome here."

"This gentleman, do you want to reconsider your decision?" she added with a sly smile.

Dustin's eyes narrowed, and he spoke with firm resolve. "Let me make one thing clear: I won't leave of my own accord. If you want me gone, you'll have to use force."

Before the assistant manager could react, a sharp, resounding slap echoed through the room.


Natasha had delivered a powerful slap to the assistant manager's face, leaving her momentarily stunned and clutching her stinging cheek.

With a cold and commanding demeanor, Natasha continued, "Do you think you're something special? How dare you act with such arrogance here?" Her presence exuded a queen-like authority, imposing and unyielding.

"You... How could you even think of hitting me?" The assistant manager's eyes widened in disbelief.

Her boyfriend held the reins at Celestial Heights Restaurant, a man of wealth and influence with connections among high-ranking officials. In these restaurant walls, no one dared to show her disrespect.

And now, this woman had not only disrespected her but actually struck her?

It was absolutely outrageous!

"What's the issue? You got a problem with that?" Natasha responded unapologetically.

"You... You all just wait! I'll make sure you pay for this!" The assistant manager issued her threat as she began to turn and depart.

However, Scarlet suddenly reached out and grabbed her by the throat, effortlessly lifting her off the ground. She asked Dustin with a serious expression, "Big Bro Dustin, do you want me to kill her?"
Next boss mayat ag basa
I can't help but wonder what Cornelius was doing while his master was tangled up in that rope. It's kind of strange that the author didn't mention him joining in the fight, given his martial arts expertise. Did the author just, like, forget that Cornelius was there at General Murray's birthday bash with Dustin? 🤔
hahahaha chapter 1148 is very funnyy 😂😂 dustin might have some big trouble handling scarlet and natasha 🤣 thankyou jungal for the updatess !! cant wait for moreee chapter 😁
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