An Understated Dominance: By Marina Vittori​

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys have been married for three years. After Dahlia achieves rapid success, she decides to end her marriage with Dustin, viewing him as a burden. Little does she know that all her accomplishments were actually thanks to him.

My wife is a CEO, she always hates me for being lazy and wants to divorce me. But she doesn't know that her success is bestowed by me.

“Dustin, here is the divorce agreement prepared by Ms. Nicholson. All you need to do is sign them.”

In the president’s office of the Quine Group, the secretary, Lyra Blaine, placed a piece of A4 paper on the table. A man sat opposite her, dressed in plain clothing.

“Divorce? What do you mean?”

Dustin Rhys was taken aback.

“Do you not understand what I’m saying? Your marriage with Ms. Nicholson is over. You’re not even on the same level anymore. Your existence is nothing but a smear on the president’s reputation!”

Lyra pulled no punches as she spoke.

“A smear on her reputation?” Dustin frowned. “Is that how she thinks of me?”

Back when they first got married, the Nicholson family was in ruinous debt. He was the one who helped them when they were at their lowest point. Now that they were rich, Dahlia Nicholson was ready to just kick him out.

“Something like that.” Lyra poked her chin toward the magazine on the table. A photo of a beautiful woman was printed on the front page. “Look at the headline on this magazine, Dustin. Ms. Nicholson’s net worth has hit one billion in the course of just three years, a feat no short of a miracle. She’s now the most desired woman in Swinton! With all this, she’s destined for greatness. But you, you’re just a regular joe. You don’t deserve her at all. I hope that you’ll see some sense and do the right thing.”

When Dustin remained silent, Lyra frowned.

“I know you’re not happy with this, but this is reality,” she continued. “You might have helped Ms. Nicholson when she was in trouble, but she has repaid you for everything you’ve done for her over the last three years. In fact, you’re the one who owes her now!”

“Is our marriage just a business deal to her, then?” Dustin took a deep breath to suppress the emotions within. “If she wants to divorce me, let her speak to me herself.”

“Ms. Nicholson is very busy. She doesn’t need to trouble herself with such trifling matters.”

“Trifling matters?” Dustin was stunned. Then he laughed bitterly. “Is that so? Is divorce a trifling matter to her? She can’t even find the time to speak to me. Truly, she’s that unattainable now!”

“Dustin, don’t delay this any longer.” Lyra pushed the divorce agreement toward him again. “Just sign here and you’ll get a car and a house as compensation. On top of that, you’ll also get eight million dollars. This is more than what you’ll be able to earn in your lifetime!”

“Eight million dollars is a lot, but…I don’t need it. I will sign the divorce papers if she comes personally. Otherwise, I won’t sign anything,” Duston said coldly.

“Don’t go too far, Dustin!” Lyra slammed her hand on the table. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you. With all her power and resources, Ms. Nicholson can divorce you easily. It’s only because she appreciates her past relationship with you that she’s allowing you to keep your dignity intact. Don’t provoke her!”

“My dignity?” Dustin was a little amused by that. She didn’t even want to speak to him directly to divorce him. What kind of dignity was that? Moreover, if she really did appreciate their relationship, then why was she threatening him now?

“I don’t think we have anything else to talk about, then.”

Unwilling to argue, Dustin stood up and made to leave.

“Dustin Rhys! You—”

Just as Lyra was about to lose her cool, a curvy woman in a long black dress walked in. Her skin was as white as snow, and her features were delicate. Her lofty aura and curvaceous figure made her look like a goddess right out of a painting.

“You’re finally here.”

Dustin felt complicated emotions when he saw the beautiful woman. They had been married for three years, during which they treated each other with care and respect. But this was how it ended. He still didn’t know what he had done wrong.

“I’m sorry for being late, I was caught up with something else.”

Dahlia Nicholson sat down. Her expression was as impassive as ever.

“You certainly are busy, if you need your secretary to help you deal with your divorce,” Dustin said.

Hearing this, Dahlia frowned slightly. However, she did not explain herself. Instead, she said, “Since you’re here, let’s get straight to the point. Let’s end this on a pleasant note. I’m sorry I have to do this to you, so you can have the car and the house, plus eight million dollars as alimony. How does that sound?”

At that, she placed a card on the table.

“Do you really think our relationship can be measured by money?” Dustin asked.

“Too little? That’s alright. Let me know what you want. I’ll give you anything within my power,” Dahlia said placidly.

“I don’t think you understood me. Let me rephrase my question. Are money and power that important to you?” Dustin was truly bewildered.

Dahlia went over to the windows and looked out over the city. There was determination in her eyes when she said, “To me, yes, they’re very important.”

“You’ve earned enough to feed yourself for the rest of your life. Why do this?”

“Dustin, that’s where you and I diverge in philosophy. You’ll never understand what I really want.” Dahlia shook her head in disappointment.

They weren’t just incompatible in status and power; they were also incompatible in their principles. Most importantly, she did not see any hope for the future in him.

“You’re right. How would I know what you’re thinking?” Dustin laughed bitterly. “All I know is to cook for you when you’re hungry, prepare your coat when it’s cold out, and carry you to the hospital when you’re sick.”

“There’s no point in going into this now.” Dahlia’s expression held complicated emotions, but it was soon covered up by determination.

“You’re right.” Dustin nodded without any emotion. “I heard that you’ve been close with the heir of the Nolan family. Is it because of him?”

Dahlia was about to deny it when she gave it a second thought. In the end, she nodded.

“You can say that.”

“Okay. I hope you’re happy with him.” Dustin smiled and signed the divorce agreement without any more hesitation. All he felt now was disappointment. Ironically, today was also their wedding anniversary. There was cruel humor in divorcing him on the day they had gotten married.

“I don’t want the money, I just want that crystal necklace back. My mother left it to me before she died so that I can give it to my wife.”


Dahlia nodded and gave him the crystal necklace.

“From today onward, we will have nothing to do with each other!”

Dustin put on the necklace and left. He had no more gentleness in his expression; all that was left was distant aloofness.

“Did I do the right thing, Lyra?” Dahlia asked hesitantly.

Even though she was the one who asked for the divorce, she didn’t feel happy at all when it was finalized.

“Of course you did!” Lyra nodded. “You have the right to pursue happiness. Dustin does not deserve you at all. He’ll only bring you down with him. You’re destined to be the most powerful woman in Swinton!”

Dahlia did not answer her. As she watched Dustin leave, she felt as if she was losing something precious.
Chapter 163

“Hahaha!” Dustin was so infuriated that he laughed out loud when he saw the guards rush in.

Anyone would have assumed that such a prestigious family would at least put in some effort to uphold their reputation. Who would have guessed that they would act so shamelessly?

Not only did they go back on their word, they even betrayed someone who had offered them help in their time of need! And now that things didn’t go their way, they resorted to violence and threats. How tyrannical and despicable!

“Caden Murray! Are you about to repay kindness with ingratitude?” Dustin’s gaze frosted over, and an imposing air came over him.

“Young man, you’d be smart to back off now. Ten million dollars is enough to last you a lifetime. You better not get greedy!” Caden warned.

People in his position were only interested in what benefited them. Naturally, he would place connections with the Horst family above an unknown doctor like Dustin.

“Am I being greedy, or are you the one taking advantage of me? Do you really think that I’m an easy target whom you can mess around with however you please?” Dustin retorted sharply.

“Uncle Caden, let’s not waste time on this scumbag! Just throw him out and get rid of this eyesore!” Xavier got impatient.

He was green with envy at how Sheila had called Dustin ‘kind sir. She had never addressed him as such!

“I’ll give you one last chance, lad. Take this money and leave, and I’ll pretend that nothing has ever happened today.” Caden gave his ultimatum.

“And I’m giving you your last chance too. Give me the Gozoraberry, or you’ll be sorry!” Dustin threatened authoritatively.

“Hah! You’re really making things hard for everyone, aren’t you?”

Finally, Cader could hold it in no longer. He exchanged a look with Xavier. “Throw him out! Do whatever you like. Just make sure that he doesn’t die.”

“No problem! Tie him up and throw him out! Break his legs if he resists!” Xavier sneered as he waved the guards over.

“Yes, Sir!” The guards rushed up at his command.

“Insolent bastards!” Dustin seethed. He met the guards head–on. With just a few simple swings of his arm, he delivered slap after slap to the guards‘ faces was a

They cried out as they were sent sprawling across the lounge. None of them was a match for Dustin.

“Huh?” Caden and Xavier were surprised at what they saw. They had not expected that a mere doctor like him would be so skilled in combat techniques!

“So it turns out that he’s a practitioner of the martial arts! No wonder he has the guts to behave so pompously!

“Xavier scoffed as he slowly took off his coat.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve loosened up. Well, let’s have some fun today, shall we?” With that, Xavier got ready to attack.

“Hold it right there!” Lily, Sheila, and a few other people burst in hastily.

“Caden, what’s going on? Dustin saved Sheila! Why are you guys attacking him?” Lily questioned.

"This is none of your business, Lily. Bring Sheila back to her room to get some rest.” Caden frowned.

He had brought Dustin to the lounge because he didn’t want his wife and daughter to see what they were doing.

But in the end, they still caught wind of things and came over.

“Is this because of the Gozoraberry, Caden? We made Dustin a promise! Why are you backing out on your words? If word got out, how do you think it’s going to affect our reputation?” Lily got the picture the instant she saw the red box.

“What would a woman know? Get out!” Caden was ashamed, but he lashed out at Lily with his frustration.

“Dad! You’ve always told me to be an honest person, but what are you doing now?”

Sheila took a step forward and demanded, “Dustin just saved my life, but not only are you not grateful towards him, but you’ve also resorted to using violence against him. Since when were you so unreasonable?”

Caden’s expression changed when he heard her words. He couldn’t care less about what others thought about him, but he couldn’t disregard how his daughter saw him.

He had always kept his dirty deeds hidden from his daughter. It was unfortunate that he was caught red- handed today.

“Sheila, Uncle Caden had nothing to do with this. I was the one who wanted the Gozoraberry.”

Xavier stood up to take the blame. I’m just one step away from advancing my skills to the next level, and a Gozoraberry is exactly what will give me the extra push to help me progress. That’s why I shamelessly requested it from Uncle Caden.”

“Even so, you should not have resorted to violence!” Sheila scowled.

“Sheila, you don’t understand! I had planned to buy the Gozoraberry from him for 10 million dollars, but not only did this fella here reject my proposal, he even insulted me! I really couldn’t take it!” Xavier argued indignantly.

“I don’t care! Since you’ve agreed to give Dustin the Gozoraberry, then you can’t just back out at the eleventh hour!” Sheila reached out, snatched the box from Xavier’s hands, and passed it to Dustin.

“You…” At a loss, Xavier could only look to Caden helplessly.

Caden looked none too pleased, but in the end, he only shook his head. He had an image to keep in front of his daughter, so they could only let it slide.

“Dustin, I’m really sorry that you were startled. My father wasn’t in the right state of mind for a while back there. I apologize on his behalf for offending you. I hope you’ll find it in you to forgive him.” Sheila said apologetically.

Seeing the sincerity in her gaze, Dustin was appeased. It was true that Caden was despicable, but he had to admit that Lily and Sheila were both very understanding and reasonable.

“Mr. Rhys, please have the Gozoraberry. From now on, the Murrays are indebted to you!” Lily said.

“Please do not feel indebted to me. All I ask is that Mr. Murray would not take revenge on me,” Dustin remarked lightly.

“No, he won’t! My father’s not like that!” Sheila shook her hand and turned to look at Caden, throwing him a threatening glance.

Caden had no other choice but to nod. “What happened today was just a misunderstanding, please don’t take offense.”

“If that is the case, thank you. I have other arrangements made, so I’ll be taking my leave now.” Dustin turned to leave.

“Dustin, will we meet again?” Sheila suddenly asked.

“We’ll leave that to fate.” Dustin walked out the door with a wave.

Before he got out the door, he heard a low voice by his ear saying. “You’re lucky Sheila came in the nick of time, you scoundrel. She just saved your sorry ass!”

“You’re the one who lucked out that Sheila came when she did. Otherwise, you’d be a dead man by now.”

Dustin left with a scoff.
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Chapter 164

When Dustin returned to Peaceful Medical Center, he found a silver Bentley parked right at the entrance.

He walked in to see a lady with a beguiling face. Her shapely figure and enchanting temperament, matched with her bewitching smile, made her nothing less than a top–tier seductress.

“What brings you here, Ms. Harmon?” Dustin was slightly startled. Though they were already familiar with cach other, he still found her stunning every time he saw her.

“Why to see you, of course. You’re such a busy person, and you rarely ever come to see me. Surely you can’t forbid me from coming here to meet you?” Natasha said begrudgingly.

“That’s not what I meant. Right, how’s it going with Immortunol? Are its effects as expected?” Dustin changed. the topic awkwardly.

“It’s much better than expected! I’ve come here especially to thank you. Immortunol has way better effects than Eternumax. I believe that once Immortunol is launched, the big bucks will start rolling in in no time.” Natasha smiled.

“Is that so? That’s great!” Dustin smiled too.

“Here. Have a look at the contract.” Natasha pulled out a document from her bag and handed it to him.

“What contract?” Dustin looked at her quizzically.

“You came up with the prescription for Immortunol. I can’t take advantage of your labor. Let’s just take this as a collaboration between us. All future profits from Immortunol will be split evenly.” Natasha pushed the
contract toward him.

“I don’t think there’s a need for that, Ms. Harmon. I have no use for Immortunol. I’d be happy just knowing that it’s of help to you.” Dustin shook his head.

“Are you daft? You’re rejecting money? I’m giving it to you, so just take it. I might lose sleep over it if you don’t.

Natasha rolled her eyes.

“Well, alright…” Dustin saw no way around it when she put things that way. He could only nod and sign the papers.

“Oh, that’s right, I have another present for you,” Natasha suddenly exclaimed.

“A present? What is it?” Dustin was curious.

“Close your eyes first.” Natasha looked like she was hiding a secret.

“Oh.” Dustin closed his eyes without giving it too much thought.

The next second, he caught a whiff of a pleasant fragrance.

All of a sudden, he felt warm lips on his..

Dustin froze instantly. He was so stunned that he felt like he’d been struck by lightning. Had Natasha just stolen a kiss from him?

He reflexively pulled back, but a pair of arms were hooked around his neck, and he failed to break free.

The alluring fragrance at such close proximity caused his mind to go blank.

At the same time, a Mercedes–Benz had just pulled up at the entrance. The car door opened, and out came a beautiful woman with an elegant bearing.

It was Dahlia. She had come to apologize to Dustin.

She had mulled things over for an entire day and night and came to the conclusion that she should apologize to him. It would be hard to bring herself to say it, but it was absolutely necessary.

So she drew a deep breath, mustered up all the courage she had, and pushed the door open.

“Dus-” She had barely opened her mouth to call out to him when she saw a scene that she likely would notforget.

She froze on the spot for a moment.

After some time, Natasha, whose cheeks were flushed, finally let go of Dustin when he ran out of breath.

Though she was a strong and independent woman, this was the first time Natasha had ever done something like this, to steal a kiss from another person.

“That’s my first kiss. It’s my gift to you.” Natasha smiled charmingly, her eyes full of tenderness and affection. She looked immensely seductive with her flushed face.
Chapter 165

Dustin ran his fingers over his lips, savoring the fragrance that still lingered. He blushed.

How embarrassing to have a kiss stolen in broad daylight!

“Hmph!” A disdainful scoff came from the door.

When Dustin looked up, all he saw was a familiar figure walking away indignantly.

After she got in the car, Dahlia stepped on the gas and disappeared down the road in the blink of an eye.

“Was that—Dahlia?” Natasha asked teasingly.

“Looks like it.” Dustin nodded blankly.

“Aren’t you going after her to explain what she just saw?” Natasha lifted a brow.

“What’s there to explain? We’re divorced! It’s not like I’m cheating on her.” Dustin stood his ground.

“You’ve got a point there.” Natasha smiled.

“You’re mine now, why would you need to explain to anyone else?” She thought to herself.

As they were conversing, another car pulled up at the entrance.

The car door opened, and in came a paunchy man. It was Malcolm Shane. He took in his surroundings as he entered.

“Hey, isn’t this Dr. Shane? Why is he here?” Natasha was amazed.

Dr. Malcolm Shane was a big name across the nation, and he was considered one of the best in the field of acupuncture. No matter where he went, he was always highly sought after by the rich and powerful.

“Mr. Rhys! So it’s true that you’re here!” Malcolm’s gaze quickly fixed on Dustin the moment he came in the door. He beamed brightly.

“Dr. Shane, it’s such an honor to have you here. May I know what brought you here today?” Dustin was puzzled.

“Mr. Rhys, the treatment you performed with the venomous insect was truly an eye–opener! It’s also the reason I’m here today. I’d like to seek your advice and guidance on the matter. I hope you can impart some of your wisdom.” Malcolm humbly sought knowledge from Dustin.

Even Natasha was astounded.

The great Dr. Shane, a leading figure in the medical field, was here to seek advice and knowledge from Dustin? Were her eyes playing tricks on her?

She knew how proficient Dustin was in his medical skills, but to have Dr. Shane ask for his guidance was still a shocker.

“Dr. Shane, you’re flattering me. You’re my senior, with many more years of experience under your belt. I’m not fit to offer you any advice, but I’ll do my best to help you wherever needed.” Dustin waved his hand repeatedly.

For someone of Malcolm’s stature to come to him for advice was enough proof of his sincerity.

Any other person in his position would never find it in them to humble themselves enough to seek guidance from someone like Dustin.

“Don’t be modest, Mr. Rhys. Your medical skills are one of a kind. I’m ashamed of my inadequacy, especially regarding methods of the mystic arts. I really admire it.” Malcolm hesitated.

“If you’re interested in that, I have a book here that might be of help.”

Dustin went to a drawer and pulled out a yellowed ancient manuscript. “This manuscript here records various methods of how the mystic arts can be used for medical purposes. You can study it if you wish.”

“Awesome! I’m really grateful, Mr. Rhys!” Malcolm was elated. He took the manuscript and started flipping through it.

The more he read, the more excited he got. The knowledge recorded was so profound and unfathomable that he completely lost himself in it.

“Dr. Shane, Dustin gave you a book, are you not going to return the favor?” Natasha teasingly prompted. Dustin might be generous, but as his future wife, she could not let people take advantage of him.

“Ah, right! I nearly forgot.”

Malcolm patted himself all over and finally produced a set of golden needles. “Mr. Rhys, these golden needles are made of mystical gold. They’re exceptionally durable and impervious to fire and water. I’ve had them for 10 years. They’re considered rarities, I hope you’ll accept them.”


“Thank you, Dr. Shane!” Before Dustin could reject them, Natasha had already received them with a smile.

Golden needles made of mystical gold! These are the objects of countless doctors‘ dreams! They were practically a treasure! She saw no reason to reject them!
Chapter 166

Malcolm was surprised that Natasha actually accepted the needles so readily. Was she not going to at least act modest by declining his offer?

“Before I forget, Dr. Shane, since you have a keen eye for valuables. I have something I’d like you to help me evaluate.” Natasha requested after accepting the golden needles.

“Oh? What is it? Please let me have a look,” Malcolm said confidently.

“Here.” Natasha showed him a green pill.

Malcolm took the pill from her and nodded with satisfaction after having a good look at it. “This crystal clear pill has a bright luster to it, and it gives off a distinct fragrance. From the looks of it, it’s quite remarkable!”

“What good judgment, Dr. Shane!” Natasha gave him a thumbs up.

“This pill is called Immortunol. It can enhance a person’s beauty, promote longevity, and has anti–aging effects. If you’re not worried that we’ve spiked it, you may give it a try, Dr. Shane.”

“So what if it’s spiked? What fear have I of poison?” Malcolm smiled proudly and swallowed the Immortunol right then and there.

The moment he popped it in, he felt a cool and refreshing sensation enter his bloodstream, reaching his limbs.

For a moment, Malcolm felt a charge running through him. He was instantly rejuvenated as an inexplicable sense of clarity washed through his entire being.

The palpable feeling that all his exhaustion had been swept away caused him to feel much more energized.

And most importantly, it was not just a momentary sensation. After the medical constituents entered his bloodstream, they continued to fuel him with vitality.

He was sure that if the pill was taken for an extended period, it would significantly transform a person.

“Brilliant! This is downright brilliant! It’s a treasure in itself!” When he perceived just how exceptional

Immortunol was, he had nothing but praise for it.

“Young lady, where did you get this Immortunol from? Do you have more of it? Would it be possible for you to sell me a few?” Malcolm’s eyes lit up.

He rarely got so worked up over things, but he really could not hold back his excitement. The effects he experienced from taking Immortunol were too amazing!

Even the Vitalitum that Dr. Watkins gave him could not compare to this precious pill!

“Dr. Shane, Immortunol is still in the production stage. We’re not ready to sell it to the public yet, but if you like it, I can give you some.” Natasha smiled.

“Hahaha! What a generous young lady! If you don’t mind me asking, who is the genius who produced Immortunol? I would really appreciate it if you could introduce me to him.” Malcolm beamed happily.

“Dr. Shane, the brain behind it all is right in front of you.” Natasha smiled suggestively.

“Do you mean, Mr. Rhys is the one who produced Immortunol?” Malcolm’s eyes widened.

It was important to note that healing skills and producing pharmaceutical products were two different skill sets.

Though they might look like branches from a similar field of study, the fact was that there was a world of difference between the two.

Being adept in medical skills didn’t guarantee that one had the skills to produce medicine, and vice versa.

His difference in expertise from Dr. Watkins was the greatest example of that. He was proficient in medical skills, whereas Dr. Watkins was adroit in producing medicine.

It was extremely rare to find someone who was seasoned in both fields, and all the existing masters were at least in their seventies.

To have a youngster in his twenties be so skilled in both fields was unheard of. It was unimaginable!

“I just lucked out and found a prescription formula, that’s all.” Dustin smiled.

“You’re being too modest, Mr. Rhys. Even with a prescription formula, it would be no easy feat to produce such superb medicine. You have exceptional talent, Mr. Rhys! It’s an honor to have met you today, and I’m deeply impressed!” At that, Malcolm bowed deeply to Dustin.

He was so skilled in both treating patients and producing medicine at such a young age. He was truly a genius!

“You flatter me, Dr. Shane.” Dustin immediately reached out to hold him up.

“I wonder if you’d be interested to collaborate with us. Dr. Shane?” Natasha asked out of the blue.

“Collaborate? How so?” Malcolm’s curiosity was piqued.

“You’re a giant in the medical profession, and that makes you a symbol of authority. If you’d be willing to promote Immortunol, I’m sure that it would boost sales.” Natasha explained with a smile.

Malcolm had connections, and he was also a person of high importance in the medical industry. To have someone like him endorsing Immortunol would guarantee a steady stream of high–ranking officials and nobility chasing after it.

“You really have a mind for business, young lady. But tell me, why should I agree to it?” Malcolm wasn’t one to be fooled.

“As long as you agree to it, not only will we give you Immortunol for free year–round, but you will also get priority supply to it. You’ve just had a taste of it, you should know very well how effective it is. You’d be saving a lot of lives by agreeing to it. This is an incredibly meritorious and beneficial deed! As someone of your high moral standing and reputation, surely you wouldn’t want such a precious treasure to go unnoticed, am I right?” Natasha coaxed persuasively.

“It really does sound like a good deal. Alright, I’ll work with you just this once then.” Malcolm nodded. thoughtfully.

After all, he had received the ancient manuscript from Dustin. This was the least he could do to repay him.

“Thank you, Dr. Shane! We appreciate it. Oh, Immortunol will be officially launched in two days. Please come and give us some moral support then!” Natasha smiled.

“Sure!” Malcolm agreed heartily, unaware that he had agreed to something that he might regret in the future.

Over in a mansion with a lake view.

“How is it, Mr. Wangley? Do we have the results yet?” Quentin stood up to welcome the white–browed man.

He had lost sleep for the past two days because of Eternumax. After much consideration, the best way out was to join forces with the Hummers‘.

“Mr. Harmon, Sir Hummer has agreed to join forces, but only under one condition.” The old man picked up a cup of tea and drank it hastily.

“What condition?” Quentin asked impatiently.

“Sir Hummer hopes that you’ll take this opportunity to put pressure on Natasha from all sides and force her to step down from her position,” Mr. Wangley explained.

“Hahaha! That is exactly what I intend to do!” Quentin laughed aloud.

He had always been overshadowed by Natasha, ever since they were children, so the family had never placed any importance on him.

Now that Eternumax had been lost, the family bore their grudges. If he grabbed hold of this opportunity to recover the family’s losses and prove his worth, there was a high chance that he might take over Natasha’s position!

“Mr. Harmon, the Hummers‘ have agreed to join forces, but we still need money to buy Eternumax. How many boxes are you planning to purchase?” Mr. Wangley queried.

"The more the better, of course! Put in all the money we have on hand, and if that’s not enough, then go around and borrow some more!” Quentin decided boldly.

“Isn’t that a little too risky?” Mr. Wangley doubted his decision.

“How is it risky? We have the market research report for Eternumax, and it shows very promising results! Countless millionaires are after it. So if we stock up on it now and sell it at a high price in the future, we’ll surely make a huge profit!” Quentin laughed exuberantly.

The return will always be proportionate to the investment made.

By then, his worth would have increased ten to twentyfold. Wouldn’t he be the one to call the shots in the family?

Even Natasha Harmon would have to submit to him then!
Chapter 167

Two days later, the Hummers‘ held the official press conference for the launch of Eternumax at the Hillview Hotel.

News about it had spread for several days, and with the Hummers‘ unceasing effort to promote it, there was a great deal of discussion surrounding it. Such an amazing drug with beautifying properties that could also improve longevity drew the attention of countless people.

So the press conference, which was grandly decorated, bustled with activity. There was a never–ending stream of guests that made their way in.

Right around noon, a silver Bentley pulled up at the entrance of the Hillview Hotel. When the car door opened. Natasha slowly made her way out of the car, her arms around Dustin’s.

As always, she was the center of attention wherever she went. It was hard for anyone to take their eyes off her shapely figure and alluring face.

Dustin, who was clad in a three–piece suit, seemed to have gone through a thorough makeover. He looked handsome and suave, and carried himself with great poise.

“Natasha, why are you here?” Quentin and Mr. Wangley caught sight of them and approached.

“If you can be here, then so can I.” Natasha answered nonchalantly.

“We’re here because we received an invitation from Sir Hummer. Did you receive an invitation too?” Quentin asked with a faint, sardonic smile.

Of course, he knew that Edwin would never have given Natasha an invitation.

“I’m not here for Edwin’s press conference, so naturally, I do not need an invitation.” Natasha shrugged.

“If you’re not here for the press conference, then why are you here?” Quentin didn’t quite get the idea.

“Oh, it totally slipped my mind to inform you that I’m having a press conference for a new drug launch today too. Same day and location as Edwin Hummer’s, but his is on Basement Level 3, while mine’s on the third floor. I’ve made sure to steer clear of him.” Natasha dropped the shocking news on him.

“What? You’re having a press conference too?” Quentin was startled.

He had sent men to keep an eye on Natasha for the past few days, and they had not reported any action on her end.

Why was she suddenly having a press conference? And at the same date and location as Edwin’s! Was that not a blatant sign of provocation?

“Natasha Harmon! What exactly are you up to? You have nothing to your name, so where on earth do you get your courage to challenge Edwin Hummer?” Quentin was equally shocked and suspicious.

“This isn’t something that you should be worried about, Quentin. If you’ve got time to spare, you should consider more for yourself,” Natasha said casually.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Quentin frowned.

“I heard that you’ve purchased Eternumax in bulk, and plan to resell it at a higher price to earn some quick cash?” Natasha asked.

“So what if I have? You can’t forbid me from making money just because you refuse to do so!” Quentin argued.

“Just because we’re from the same family, I’d advise you to do yourself a favor and sell off those Eternumax at a low price before the press conference starts. If you don’t, you’ll lose everything you have before you evenknow it!” Natasha smiled profoundly.

“Utter nonsense! Eternumax is selling like hotcakes right now! There are a whole lot of people out there who are willing to pay good money for it and yet are unable to get their hands on them! I think that’s just your jealousy talking!” Quentin scoffed.

“It’s up to you to heed my advice.” Natasha couldn’t be bothered to tell him more. She hooked her arm around Dustin’s, and they both made their way into the hotel.

“Hmph! She really doesn’t know where she stands!” Quentin sneered as he watched them leave. From the way he saw it, Natasha was simply trying to complicate the situation in a final attempt to save herself.

As time went on, more and more people of the elite class entered Hillview Hotel. The Hummer’s press conference was filled with distinguished guests and was brimming with activity and excitement.

The Harmons‘ press conference, however, painted a completely different picture. It was one of desolation and emptiness, with hardly any attendees. Apart from the staff and several bodyguards, there was basically no one else present.

But Natasha wasn’t bothered by the low turn–up. She sat there with Dustin, leisurely sipping on wine.

“Natasha! What are you up to?” Two people rushed in. It was Jessica and Ruth.

“Why would you hold a press conference so suddenly without any prior preparation! Are you messing around?” Jessica demanded the moment she walked in.

“I know what I’m doing.” Natasha said calmly.

“You know what you’re doing? What do you mean you know what you’re doing? Have you seen the Hummers‘ press conference? The place is jam–packed with people! And look at what you have here? Not a person in sight! If word got out about this, what would people out there think about us Harmons?” Jessica exclaimed out of frustration.

Not only was the prescription formula for Eternumax stolen, but Natasha was also publicly challenging the Hummers at such a critical moment when she should have kept a low profile and laid low for the time being!

Wasn’t she just inviting humiliation upon herself? How ridiculous!

“Natasha, I don’t get it. You have always been one to make plans in advance and are always in control of the situation, why have you made such a foolish move today?” Ruth was puzzled.

Since they had Immortunol, all Natasha needed to do was advertise and give it some publicity, and they would easily be able to go against the Hummers!

So out of everything that she could have done, why did she pick the course of action that was most arduous and least promising?

“Let’s not get all worked up. Here, have a seat and something to drink. You’ll find out soon enough.” Natasha was still full of confidence.

“Hmph! I’d like to see what tricks you have up your sleeves! Jessica huffed as she sat down.

Right now, all she hoped for was that nobody would show up. At least then, no one would spread the news about this. If any word about the press conference got out, Harmon Pharmaceuticals would end up as a laughing stock.

“Hmm Is this the Harmons‘ press conference? Why don’t I see anyone here at all?” Just then, an obese elderly man walked in, his face full of doubt.

“Dr–Dr. Shane?” Jessica was so astonished.

Dr. Shane was a person who rarely appeared in public. What was he doing here?

After all, Dr. Shane was someone who would even disregard a prime minister’s invitation if he so wished.

“Dr. Shane, what brings you here?” Jessica immediately got up to welcome him.

However, he did not even spare her a glance and walked right past her.

He jogged enthusiastically over to Dustin with a huge smile on his face. “Mr. Rhys! You’re here too! That ancient manuscript that you gave me was absolutely wonderful. It’s just that there is some information in there that I’m struggling to grasp. Do you think you could shed some light on them, please?”

Jessica was struck dumb on the spot.

A legendary figure in the medical field, the great Dr. Shane, was actually seeking advice from a poor fellow like Dustin. What? What on earth was going on
Chapter 168

Jessica was frozen on the spot and struggled for words when she saw how humbly Malcolm was seeking guidance from Dustin.

She had never once thought that the arrogant and haughty Dr. Malcolm Shane had such a side to him.

And most importantly, the person from whom he was modestly seeking advice was the boy toy, Dustin Rhys. It was mind–boggling indeed.

“I don’t think I’m fit to give you any advice, Dr. Shane, but I’d gladly help wherever I can. We can both share our thoughts. Dustin smiled.

“Sure, we can do that. Now, have a look here…” Malcolm took out the ancient manuscript and immediately dove into it. He started pointing out some of the areas that he had trouble understanding.

“Oh, this is actually quite simple. Take this for example: Put a hundred different insects into a jar, and let them fight among themselves. After a month, open up the jar, and by then there will only be one remaining insect. The rest of them would have been eaten up by this surviving insect, and this will be the poisonous insect that you’re after. Such a poisonous insect is usually used to cure other poisons in a method known as counteracting poison with another poison.

“As for this, it tells us how to neutralize the poisonous insect’s venom. So what you need to do is smoke the licorice herb until it turns black, then combine it with some soybeans and extract the juice. Once the patient consumes the juice, it will neutralize the venom of the poisonous insect. But of course, this is only applicable to the venom of common poisonous insects. And this here. Dustin spoke eloquently on all the topics that Malcolm had questions about, and he managed to give him all the answers he needed.

After hearing what Dustin had to say, Malcolm felt enlightened. “Hahaha! You really are talented! I’m so impressed, and I’ve learned so much from you today!”

Malcolm was practically dancing with joy. He looked nothing like an expert or a person of status.

“What-..” Jessica watched bewildered. Was this really the haughty Dr. Shane who was constantly contemptuous of others? With how he was behaving, he looked more like a schoolboy!

Also, what was this mystic art that they were going on about? Would a renowned doctor like Dr. Shane actually take interest in something like that?

“Dr. Shane, if you have any other questions, you can discuss them with Dustin some other time. As for now, we need to talk about the press conference.” Natasha interrupted them when she saw how excited they were over their discussion.

“Oh, right… Malcolm realized that his behavior was slightly inappropriate.

He nodded and said, “Just let me know what you need me to do, young lady.”

“There’s nothing you need to do. Just sit up there on the stage, and if you see anyone you recognize, you may greet them,” Natasha replied with a smile.

“Is it that simple?” Malcolm could not believe his ears.

“Yep, it’s that simple.” Natasha nodded.

“That’s no problem at all!” Malcolm went and took his seat on the stage and continued reading through the ancient manuscript.

“Natasha, so what if you managed to invite Dr. Shane here? Do you think this will suffice to go against Edwin Hummer?” Jessica asked in all earnestness.

Though it was true that she was awestruck by Malcolm’s presence, that did not mean that he had the means to help the Harmons win this battle against the Hummers.

In the end, what mattered most in this competition between the two families was the quality of their product.

“We’ll find out soon enough.” Natasha did not explain any further. With a glance at her wristwatch, she turned to Dustin and nodded. He immediately got the signal and pulled out his phone to make a call.

At the same time, over at the Hummers‘ press conference…
Chapter 169

Looking at the crowd in the hall, Edwin couldn’t help but smile broadly.

As expected, everything was going smoothly. Once the product launch was done by today, Eternumax’s reputation would be spread far and wide!

When that time came, his aim wouldn’t be limited to Swinton but to market Eternumax throughout the thirteen cities of the South!

“Sir Hummer! Congratulations on your launch!” Quentin and his men came up to Edwin, whose face was beaming.

“Oh, it’s Mr. Harmon. Please, have a seat,” Edwin said pleasantly.

“Sir Hummer, Eternumax is really a precious herb! Everyone has been talking about how great it is. Look at the crowd here after hearing about its effects! It’s already become so popular that people are coming in droves!” Quentin flattered.

“If the product is good, customers will naturally return. Mr. Harmon, you also stocked up quite a bit, it seems like you’re going to make a big profit this time.” Edwin smiled.

“It’s all thanks to you, Sir Hummer. We’re all working together to get rich!” Quentin laughed heartily.

“Oh, by the way, have you heard any news from Natasha?” Edwin asked suddenly.

Quentin’s lips curled into a playful smirk. “Speaking of which, there is a bit of news. I just heard that Natasha was going to hold a press conference at the same time and place as you.”

“Oh? Is she trying to provoke me? But how come I didn’t know about this?” Edwin was surprised.

“Not only you, but I don’t think anyone in Swinton knows about it. I’ve already checked into it, and her press conference has no one in attendance! What a joke!” Quentin sneered.

“If there is no one there, then what’s the point of her holding a press conference?” Edwin asked.

“She probably was frustrated by you, that’s why she intentionally pulled this stunt to try and stir up trouble. But now it seems like it’s just backfiring on her.” Quentin replied.

“Heh! I never expected Natasha to resort to such a foolish move. Does she really think that she can restore everything just by relying on the Harmon family’s reputation? How naive!” Edwin shook his head.

In his heart, he couldn’t help but look down on Natasha. Natasha Harmon, the so–called queen of the business world, didn’t seem so impressive after all.

"Sir Hummer, how about we go over and witness the mockery for ourselves?” Quentin extended an invitation.

“I have many important guests coming later, so I can’t leave for now. You go ahead, and please say hello to Natasha for me,” Edwin replied calmly.

“Okay, I’ll go have some fun then. I’ll let you know the details later, Quentin said and left without further ado.

Soon, Quentin and Mr. Wangley arrived at the Harmon family’s press conference. When they walked in, they found the hall empty, with only a few people present.

“Cousin, I didn’t expect you to really hold a press conference. But why is no one here? What the hell are you doing?” Quentin teased as he walked in.

“Did you not come here? Aren’t you a human?” Natasha replied coldly.

Quentin’s lips twitched, but he continued sarcastically, “I see it’s really empty here. Should I bring some friends over to liven up the atmosphere?”

Despite his words, the sneer on his lips could not be concealed.

“Thank you for your kindness, but it’s unnecessary. My guests will arrive soon,” Natasha smiled faintly.

“Cousin, I think you shouldn’t be too stubborn. How can you compete with Edwin with such a poor showing? In my opinion, I think you should just admit your defeat,” Quentin said with a smirk.

“Well, it seems like you’re having a lot of fun!” Ruth piped in angrily.

“Ruth, I’m doing this for your sister’s own good. Rather than making an embarrassment of ourselves, we should stop our losses while we can. Like me, I’ve bought a ton of Eternumax so that I can make a fortune later.” Quentin said confidently.

“You bought the Eternumax? How many did you buy?” Ruth was surprised and asked tentatively.

“I invested all my money and took out many loans to purchase the stocks. This time, I’m going to make a killing!” Quentin raised his chin proudly, waiting for them to rain praise on his intelligence and prowess.

After hearing this, Ruth slapped her forehead and sighed. “It’s all over!”

Eternumax was complete garbage!

It was pure stupidity for Quentin to buy so much Eternumax, moreover with money that he didn’t have!

What an idiot Quentin was!
Chapter 170

“What do you mean? Can’t you speak more clearly? I’m about to make it big!” Quentin rolled his eyes.

With the popularity of Eternumax, making a fortune was in the bag. These guys really lacked business acumen!

“Sis, did you not remind our cousin not to buy Eternumax? Ruth turned her head and looked at Natasha.

“I did remind him, but he didn’t listen. I couldn’t do anything about it. Natasha shrugged.

“While there’s still time, quickly sell all your Eternumax, even if it’s at a low price. It’s better than getting nothing back.” Ruth advised.

“Sell at a low price? Are you talking nonsense? This is an opportunity for me to multiply my net worth by ten times. How could I give up so easily?” Quentin frowned.

“Cousin, I don’t think you can increase your net worth by that much. You are more likely to go bankrupt. Don’t you know that my sister has developed a new drug called Immortunol?” Ruth shook her head helplessly.

“What Immortunol? I’ve never heard of it.” Quentin sneered.

“Immortunol has the same benefits as Eternumax, but its medicinal properties far surpass those of Eternumax. Besides, it’s even cheaper. Just think about what would happen once this drug hits the market.” Ruth analyzed.

“Hmph! Nonsense! There’s no such drug in this world that can compare to Eternumax. Do you think I’m stupid? Quentin didn’t believe it at all..

“It’s true! I’ve tried it myself!” Ruth insisted anxiously.

Quentin interrupted coldly. “That’s enough! Ruth, I always thought of you as an innocent child who would never lie. I did not expect that you would lie to help your sister!”

“Hmph! If you don’t believe me, then forget it!” Ruth snorted and turned away without another word.

It’s impossible to change his mind. She had said everything she needed to say, and if he refused to listen, it was not her fault.

“You guys are better off thinking about how to bring more people here to liven up the atmosphere instead of worrying about my affairs. Look at this press conference, it’s as empty as a ghost town. What an embarrassment!” Quentin’s face was cold as he spoke sarcastically.

“Who said we don’t have any guests? Look, there they are!” Natasha suddenly pointed her chin toward the door.

The others followed her gaze. Several people dressed in luxurious clothing walked in, turning around as if they were looking for something.

“Excuse me, is Dr. Shane here?”

“We heard that Dr. Shane has developed a medicine called Immortunol, which could maintain youthfulness and increase longevity. Is it true?”

“Of course it’s true. Look, Dr. Shane is sitting on the stage.” Natasha smiled and stood up.

“Oh?” The group looked closely and their faces lit up with joy.

“It’s really Dr. Shane! It seems like we’ve come to the right place!”

“You’re right! I didn’t believe it at first when I heard the rumors, but it turned out to be true!”

They spoke excitedly to each other. After all, it was extremely difficult to meet a highly skilled expert like Dr. Shane, who was often elusive and rarely seen.

“Dr. Shane?” Quentin was startled and turned back in surprise.

On the stage, there was a fat old man who was reading a book.

He hadn’t paid much attention before, but upon closer inspection, he realized that the old man was none other than the famous miracle doctor, Dr. Malcolm Shane!

What’s going on? Did Natasha actually invite Dr. Shane Quentin mulled it over as more guests streamed in. People were crowding into the hall to see the renowned Dr. Shane.

Many of them were initially skeptical and curious; however, once they saw that it was really him, their hearts were convinced.

Even without saying a word, just having Dr. Shane sit there was the best advertisement for Immortunol.

“Is it possible? Could Immortunol really be better than Eternumax?” At first, Quentin was able to remain calm but as more guests arrived, he couldn’t help but feel nervous.

After a short while, the empty hall had become lively.

“It’s about time, let’s begin,” Natasha ordered the butler to bring out all of the Immortunol that had been prepared.

With a smile, she stepped onstage and stood beside Dr. Shane.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the highlight of our press conference today is this new drug, Immortunol! This is a miraculous medicine jointly developed by Harmon Pharmaceuticals and other medical experts, including Dr. Shane. Not only does this medicine improve one’s longevity, but it also has anti–aging and health–promoting benefits, making it suitable for people of all genders and ages. As for its effects, you’ll know after trying it. Your opinion is what matters.” Natasha did not waste time and briefly introduced the Immortunol before having the butler distribute it to all of the guests.

Without question, each person who was present in the hall received a pill. When everyone took the Immortunol, the entire hall erupted in excitement.

“Oh my god! The effect of Immortunol is amazing, isn’t it?”

“You’re right! Just after taking one, my whole body is filled with energy! I have never felt so young!”

“My goodness! Honey, your face seems to be whiter and more radiant; even your dark circles have disappeared!”

Everyone was enthusiastically discussing the mind–blowing effects of the drug.

Initially, many had turned up due to Dr. Shane’s reputation. However, now they were completely convinced by the apparent effects of the Immortunol!

“I don’t believe this drug could be so incredible! Seeing everyone’s positive response, Quentin scoffed angrily and stuffed an Immortunol into his mouth.

At that moment, he was dumbstruck.

The indescribable sense of warmth spread throughout his body, strengthening his muscles and boosting his energy. This drug was really out of this world!

“H–how could this be?” Quentin widened his eyes in disbelief. He had initially thought that Natasha was just bluffing.

He didn’t expect that in just a few days, Natasha had actually developed a new medicine.

In addition, the effects of Immortunol far exceeded those of Eternumax!

Realizing this, Quentin suddenly turned pale and turned to Mr. Wangley.

“Mr. Wangley! Hurry up and sell the Eternumax at a low price! Sell them all! Don’t leave a single one! If we don’t sell them right now, we’re done for!”
Chapter 171

At the Hummer family’s press conference, the once bustling hall began to slowly empty out.

Initially, everyone was talking about Eternumax, but gradually the conversation switched to another topic.

“Hey, have you heard? The Harmon family also held a press conference to launch their product, Immortunol. They partnered up with Mr. Shane, and its effects are incredible! It’s said to be the best supplement ever developed!”

“Is it true? Can it compare to Eternumax?”

“Eternumax is garbage compared to Immortunol! To tell you the truth, my friend’s grea aunt just ate one pill of Immortunol, and she jumped out of her wheelchair!”

“Are you exaggerating?”

‘Don’t believe me? Let’s go and see for yourself!”

As news of Immortunoll spread, more and more people left to gather at the Harmon family’s press conference. In contrast, the number of people at the Hummer family’s conference dwindled. Gradually, Edwin finally realized that something was wrong.

“Butler, what’s going on? Why did the number of our guests suddenly decrease so much?” Edwin asked.

“I don’t know, it’s strange.” The butler was puzzled by the situation.

“What are you standing there for? Go and find out!” Edwin snapped.

“Yes, sir!” The butler dared not hesitate and ran out in a hurry.

He returned after a moment, sweating profusely. “Sir Hummer! Something terrible happened! Natasha is holding a press conference to launch a new product called Immortunol. Those missing guests have all gone over to their conference!”

“What? We’ve been going all out on marketing and promotion. How could Natasha have the ability to steal my clients?” Edwin’s face darkened.

“It’s because of Dr. Shane! It’s said that Immortunol was developed by the Harmon family and Dr. Shane, so people are flocking to it!” The butler wiped away his sweat.

“Dr. Shane? Let’s go and take a look for ourselves!” Edwin frowned.

At this moment, he couldn’t suppress his curiosity any longer.

Eternumax was the result of years of research by the Harmon family, and it was top secret. Even if it was Dr. Shane, he couldn’t develop a new medicine comparable to Eternumax in just a few days!

When Edwin arrived, he was shocked by the scene before him. He realized that the Harmon family’s press conference was far more lively than his own.

All the bigwigs and celebrities had turned up. Most importantly, everyone who had tried Immortunol gave it high praise.

Edwin was curious and stopped a young man, who was passing by. “Young man, did you try the Immortunol?”

“Yes, I did. What’s wrong?” The young man nodded.

“What do you think of the effects of the medicine?”

“What do I think about it? Of course, I feel like I’m on top of the world!‘

“Is it really that powerful? How does it compare to Eternumax?”

“Eternumax? No one would eat that now!” The young man chuckled.

Edwin froze, his eyes twitching frantically. Unwilling to accept it, he asked several more people in succession.

They all said the same thing.


“How could a new medicine like Immortunol compare to Eternumax?”

Edwin frowned deeply, still unconvinced.

As he looked around at the people praising Immortunol, he couldn’t help feeling a little annoyed.

After thinking for a moment, Edwin whispered a few words to his butler, who nodded and left immediately.

As time passed, the conference at the Hummer family gradually quieted down.
Chapter 172

Meanwhile, the atmosphere at the Harmon family’s press conference became increasingly lively.

Just when Natasha thought that everything was going smoothly, a scream suddenly rang out from the crowd.

Everyone turned to look. An old man had suddenly collapsed to the ground, convulsing and foaming at the mouth. Within moments, he was unconscious.

“Dad! What’s wrong with you? Please get up!” Cried a middle–aged man next to him, panic–stricken.

“I’m a doctor, let me take a look!” A bald man quickly stepped forward to check the old man’s breathing and pulse. With a sigh, he shook his head. “He’s already dead.”

“Dead?” Everyone was shocked by the news.

“How could this happen? He seemed perfectly fine just a moment ago.”

“Who knows? He looked energetic: it’s so strange that he died suddenly.”

“Could it be a heart attack?”

Whispers and murmurs of suspicion filled the air.

“It can’t be! My dad couldn’t have died! We made sure he had regular checkups, and he was always healthy!”

The middle–aged man sobbed.

“It looks like he might have been poisoned. Did he eat anything earlier?” The bald doctor asked.

“We didn’t eat anything today. The middle–aged man trailed off before suddenly remembering something.

Wait! My dad took Immortunol earlier, and now he is dead! The medicine must be toxic!”

“Toxic?” Everyone was shocked to hear this. After all, they had all taken the same medicine earlier.

“How could this be?” Natasha frowned.

Having such an incident during the press conference was not a good sign. Regardless of whether the old man’s death was related to Immortunol, it would have a huge impact on Harmon Pharmaceutical’s reputation.

Once the label “toxic” was attached to Immortunol, it would not be able to sell at all.

“It’s all because of you! It’s all your fault! You killed my father by selling fake medicine! You owe me his life!” The middle–aged man stood up and roared at Natasha.

He rushed forward to attack her but was stopped by the Harmon family’s bodyguards.

“The cause of your father’s death is not clear yet. Whether it is related to Immortunol still needs further investigation,” Natasha said sternly.

“There’s nothing more to investigate! Everyone saw it clearly just now. My father was healthy before he took your medicine. After taking it, he suddenly died!” The man shouted.

“My father was killed by you! You wicked businesswoman! You look my father’s life!” He kneeled beside the body, crying bitterly.

“My poor father, you died in vain! I’m sorry that I couldn’t avenge your death. I hope that they will get divine retribution from the heavens!”

It was a heart–wrenching sight that moved everyone to tears.

At that moment, everyone turned to Natasha. Their gazes had changed from ones of respect to ones of scorn.

“Natasha! I never knew you were such a despicable person. For the sake of profit, you would actually sell fake medicine!” Quentin jumped to his feet and accused her loudly.

“Stop talking nonsense. Immortunol is not poisonous. Natasha frowned.

"Then how do you explain the old man’s sudden death after taking your medicine?” Quentin pressed.

“Natasha was at a loss for words.

“The old man’s death has nothing to do with Immortunol,” Dustin spoke up. He had been watching from the side all along.

“Who are you to say that the medicine is not at fault?” Quentin retorted coldly.

“I can show you that the medicine had nothing to do with his death. If you don’t believe me, I can ask the old man personally.” Dustin stepped forward with a calm expression.
Chapter 173

“Ask the old man?” Quentin first looked stunned, then his face darkened.

“Punk! Do you think I’m an idiot? The old man is already dead; how could you ask him anything?”

“He may be dead, but his body is still warm. Coincidentally, I have a way to bring the dead back to life.” Dustin smiled faintly.

“Nonsense! Do you think you’re a god? Bring the dead back to life? Why don’t you say you know how to fly?” Quentin sneered.

“Who is this young man? How dare he speak so arrogantly?”

“Yeah! Even Dr. Shane wouldn’t dare say that he could bring the dead back to life. This kid is really too conceited!”

“In my opinion, he just wants to show off in front of Ms. Harmon and impress her.”

In response to Dustin’s words, the people around him were filled with scom.

The old man was already dead, how could he bring a dead person back to life? Wasn’t he spouting nonsense?

“Whether it’s nonsense or not, we’ll find out soon enough.” Dustin didn’t explain further and walked up to the old man.

“Hey! What are you doing? I’m warning you don’t mess around with me! My father’s body is still warm, so no one can touch him. I’ve reported this to the authorities, and the police will be here soon!” The middle–aged man looked wary.

“Don’t be so agitated, I just want to take a look at your father. Maybe I can give you the justice you deserve!” Dustin said.

“I don’t even know who you are, why should I let you examine him?” The middle–aged man shouted.

“Mr. Rhys is the chief physician of Harmon Pharmaceuticals. If your father really had an accident because of ingesting Immortunol, we are willing to take full responsibility,” Natasha spoke up.

Although she didn’t know what Dustin was going to do, she supported him unconditionally.

“If he’s a doctor, then let him take a look.”

“If it’s really Immortunol that killed him, we can testify for you!” Many others chimed in as well.

Dustin piped up when he saw the man’s hesitation, “What, do you want your father to die under such vague circumstances?”

“Alright! I look forward to seeing what tricks you can play!” The middle–aged man gritted his teeth and stepped

Dustin squatted down and examined the body brielly. “There’s no breath or pulse. It seems like this old man is truly dead. Since the deceased is foaming at the mouth, it appears to be a case of death due to poisoning.”

“Listen! Did you all hear that? Even the Harmon family’s physician said it was death by poisoning! My father was poisoned to death by Immortunol!” The middle–aged man shouted.

As soon as the people heard his claims, their faces were filled with shock. They started pointing fingers at Natasha and whispering in hushed voices, their eyes full of suspicion.

“Dustin! What nonsense are you talking about?! Did you even do a proper examination? You are obviously trying to throw the Harmons” under the bus!” Jessica hissed under her breath.

She couldn’t help but suspect that Dustin was a spy planted by the Hummer family. In such a critical moment, he actually said that the old man died of poisoning.

Wasn’t he just adding fuel to the fire?

“Cousin, it seems like your little boyfriend here has rocks in his head. With his statement, he is confirming that you did sell fake medicine, which caused someone’s death!” Quentin almost laughed out loud.

Could such stupid people actually exist? He was just making matters worse!

“What an interesting development…” Edwin smirked to himself as he stood among the crowd.

He couldn’t believe that Dustin would add insult to injury. This was more than what he expected!

“Based on your reactions, I believe you all trust what I said, right?” Dustin stared directly at the man.

“We believe it! Of course, we believe it! You are an honest and upright man by publicly exposing the dark side of the Harmon family!” The middle–aged man nodded vigorously.

While he was praising Dustin, the man couldn’t hide the faint smile on his lips. Although his smile quickly disappeared, it was still caught by Dustin.

“Now that you believe me, I’m going to save your father,” Dustin declared with a cheeky smile.

“Save? My father is already dead; how can you save him?” The middle–aged man was stunned.

“I have my ways,” Dustin said.

All of a sudden, he slapped the old man’s face. There was a loud crack as the old man’s dentures flew out and fell directly into someone’s glass.

Before everyone could react, Dustin continued slapping the old man until his cheeks were swollen and his nose was bleeding.

“Hey! Are you crazy? Why are you hitting my father?” The man’s face turned as pale as a sheet.

“I’m trying to save your father. This is a secret technique that can bring people back from the dead. You shall see for yourself soon,” Dustin said as he slapped the old man a few more times, increasing the intensity.

The old man’s head swelled up like a balloon from Dustin’s assault. Tears were flowing down his cheeks.

“Stop it! You lunatic, stop it!” The middle–aged man was furious and rushed forward to hit Dustin, but Dustin pushed him away easily.

“Is this guy a real doctor? I’ve never seen such a way of saving people before.”

“What bizarre technique is this? He’s clearly just beating up a dead body!”

“Is he insane? How could the doctor beat up the old man so violently when he is already dead?”

“The doctor’s character is corrupt! The Harmon family is completely rotten to the core! What is the world coming to?”

In response to Dustin’s absurd behavior, the crowd began condemning him, filled with righteous indignation. The deceased should be respected!

Beating up a corpse like this was simply inhumane!

“This guy’s crazy! He’s beating up my father’s corpse! The Harmon family killed my father, and now they are treating his body with disrespect! Is there anyone who can help me?” The middle–aged man slumped on the ground, crying bitterly.

“Dustin, stop it!” Jessica’s face turned pale.

“He’s gone mad! This guy is out of his mind!” Quentin shook his head.

“What’s going on?” Ruth was stunned.

“This is getting more and more interesting.” Edwin gloated.

Just as everyone thought that Dustin had gone insane, there was suddenly a cry of surprise from the crowd.

“Hey, I think I just saw the dead man’s finger move!”

“Did you see it too? I thought I was seeing things.”

“Not only did his fingers move, but look! Tears are flowing out of his eyes too.”

Incredulous, the crowd noticed something strange about the dead body.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. Could slapping someone’s face really bring them back from the dead?

“He’s pretty resilient.” Dustin sneered as he stopped the assault.

“It seems like I need to go all out to wake him up. Ruth, bring me my knife, the one I used to slaughter pigs. I would have to make a cut on his head to bring him back to life.”

As soon as these words were spoken, the ‘corpse” on the ground couldn’t bear it any longer and sat up with a scream.
Chapter 174

When the old man suddenly sat up, all the guests were startled. Some of the women screamed frantically, losing their composure.

“It’s a zombie!”

Shocked to the core, the crowd scattered in all directions. No one expected that the motionless corpse would suddenly spring to life. It was such a terrifying moment!

“Dad? Y–you’re not dead?” The middle–aged man pretended to be shocked.

“Yes, I’m not dead.” The old man gave a forced smile and was His voice was slurred as his dentures were knocked out. Combined with his swollen cheeks, the old man a comical sight.

“Oh my god! This young man could even revive the dead! How could this be?”

“No words could express my amazement right now!”

“What a strange way to treat people! Are medical techniques nowadays getting more straightforward?”

Staring at the old man, who was obviously alive and kicking, there was pandemonium in the hall. Some of the onlookers were shocked, and some were curious.

“Hey, I saved your father’s life! Is it too much to ask for you to show some gratitude?” Dustin smirked.

“You bastard! Even if my father survived this ordeal, it’s because of his good luck! It doesn’t change the fact that Immortunol is poisonous!” The middle–aged man was livid.

“That’s right! I almost died after eating your medicine. Now, I’m still feeling sore all over!” The old man gritted his teeth and looked resentful.

After enduring such a fierce beating, he couldn’t let Dustin go without extorting sufficient compensation.

“Oh? Where else do you feel uncomfortable? Let me have a look.” Dustin stepped forward.

In fright, the old man backed away repeatedly. “What are you doing? I’m warning you, stay away from me!”

“Don’t be nervous! Your illness is not fully cured yet, as you have just regained consciousness. Here, let me diagnose you for a complete recovery, just in case.” Dustin smiled.

“Dustin, the knife you wanted is here!” At that moment, Ruth ran over excitedly. In her hand was a large kitchen knife that she somehow managed to find.

“Perfect timing. Although it’s bigger than what I’m used to, it’s just right to crack open a skull” Dustin took the kitchen knife and swung it around.

“Crack open my skull?!” Hearing this, the old man trembled all over. “Son, let’s not waste any more time! I think I need to go to the hospital for a full examination right away!”

“Oh, right! Of course, we have to go to the hospital first!” Seeing the unfavorable situation, the middle–aged man quickly helped the old man to his feet and tried to run away Inconspicuously.

“Did I say you could go?” Dustin took a step forward and grabbed the old man by his hair, pulling him back.

“I always treat my patients to the best of my ability, even after their deaths.” How can I ignore it when you are so sick?” With that, he started brandishing the kitchen knife back and forth.

“Don’t, don’t! I’m not sick, I’ve already recovered!” The old man shivered in fright.

“Don’t be stubborn: your illness is life–threatening. Everyone witnessed it just now.” Dustin said earnestly.

“That’s right, old man. If you’re sick, you should seek treatment as soon as possible. You shouldn’t refuse his good intentions!” Someone piped up.

“That’s right, this young man is highly skilled in medicine. You should trust him. Nothing bad will happen.” The others agreed and began to persuade the old man.

“I’m fine; I’m really fine.” The old man shook his head frantically, tears streaming down his face.

“Lie down and don’t move. Let me see where to make the first incision,” Dustin ordered, pinning the helpless old man down.

“Let him go immediately! You’re committing murder!” The middle–aged man panicked and tried to stop Dustin. but was held back by several bodyguards.

“According to my diagnosis, you are in grave condition! Let’s start by cracking your skull open, and then we will move on to cutting your abdomen…” Dustin trailed off, lifting his knife to strike.

“Wait! I’m not sick, I’m really not! Someone paid me to pretend to be dead!” Realizing his life was at stake, the old man finally revealed the truth with a wail.

“He was paid off?”

“Pretended to be dead?”

As soon as everyone heard this, their faces went red with fury and outrage.

“What a bunch of scammers! How dare you have the audacity to cause trouble here?”

“I can’t believe I felt sorry for you just now. It turns out that you’re all liars!”

“Young man, just chop them up. Trash like them deserves to die!”

After learning the truth, the crowd erupted into chaos. Some of them even threatened to get physical.

“Tell me, who put you up to this?” Dustin held his knife to the old man’s neck.

“I don’t know, we were just paid to do this. We don’t know anything else.” The old man shook his head.

“Please spare us, we won’t do this again.” The middle–aged man spoke up, frightened for his life.

They were just scoundrels who preyed on the weak. Once their true identities were exposed, they lost all their courage.

“Take these troublemakers away!” At Natasha’s command, the two were quickly taken away.

She didn’t need an answer. She already knew who was behind all this.

“Useless idiots!” In the crowd, Edwin snorted coldly and left.

He knew he had lost today. All his schemes had come to nothing.

“It’s over, we’re done for.” Quentin’s face was pale with despair. The initial glimmer of hope was instantly dashed in the blink of an eye.

If Immortunol was successfully launched, how could he sell his Eternumax?

He had put in his entire fortune!

“Dustin, how did you know that the old man was pretending to be dead? I saw that he wasn’t breathing.” Ruth couldn’t help but ask out of curiosity.

“That old man was using a technique called Breath–holding; that’s why he could pretend to be dead. I’m familiar with many of these tricks used by scammers everywhere, it’s not even worth mentioning.” Dustin replied with a faint smile.

“Oh, I see. It’s a good thing you figured it out, or else things would have gone terribly today!” Ruth patted her chest in relief.

“Mr. Rhys, you are indeed amazing. You exposed the deception of those two ruffians effortlessly! My admiration for you is immeasurable!” At that moment, Malcolm came over to flatter Dustin.

Just sitting there quietly wasn’t really his thing.

“Dr. Shane, he just stumbled upon the solution by chance. How can you lower yourself to his level?” Jessica gave Dustin a cold glance before smiling at Dr. Shane. “If it weren’t for your help in developing Immortunol, the Harmon family would be in huge trouble! You are the biggest hero of the day!”

“What are you talking about? Who said I developed the Immortunol?” Malcolm frowned.

“What?” Jessica was momentarily stunned. She exclaimed, “Who else has the ability to do that besides you?”

“You really have no eye for talent! The mastermind behind Immortunol is none other than Mr. Rhys beside you!" Malcolm rolled his eyes.

“What?” At this revelation, Jessica was instantly dumbfounded.
Chapter 175

After a stormy event, the Harmon family’s press conference ended successfully.

On the other hand, the influential Hummer family’s press conference ended in dismal failure.

The emergence of Immortunol dealt a huge blow to the sales of Eternumax. Compared to another medicine with better efficacy and a cheaper price, Eternumax was regarded as garbage.

The Hummer family’s Eternumax couldn’t be sold at all. In the end, they were stuck with piles of rotting inventory. The meticulous game planned by Edwin was a complete failure.

Although this disaster was unable to weaken the Hummer family’s foundation, it still caused them heavy losses.

After the press conference, Dustin was about to say goodbye when he was stopped by Ruth at the door, “Dustin, I need a favor from you.”

“What is it?” Dustin asked suspiciously.

“I’m going to a reunion with some of my classmates later, can you come with me and be my bodyguard?” Ruth was very straightforward.

“The Harmon family has so many bodyguards, why do you need me? I’m not interested,” Dustin refused.

“How can those men compare to you? Well, to be honest with you, there’s a really annoying guy among my classmates who’s been pursuing me. I told him I have a boyfriend, but he doesn’t believe me. That’s why I need you to come along.” Ruth pouted.

“In conclusion, you’re just using me as an excuse! That makes me even less interested.” Dustin shrugged.

“Hey! I consider you a friend, and you won’t even help me with this small matter? Where’s your loyalty?” Ruth had a displeased expression on her face.

“What do you mean? Don’t talk nonsense! Dustin’s expression changed as he looked around nervously.

“Don’t pretend you didn’t hear me!” Ruth crossed her arms smugly.

Dustin opened his mouth to explain, but Ruth interrupted him. “I don’t care! If you don’t help me out, I’ll tell my mom!”

“What?” Dustin nodded in alarm. “Alright, alright. I’ll just keep you company. Are you happy now?”

He didn’t expect this little girl to resort to such a move. He really had to admire her persistence.

“That’s more like it!” Ruth smirked and pulled Dustin out the door.

It was the evening at the Phoenix Karaoke, in a private room.

Sheila sat on the sofa listlessly, propping her chin on her hands.

Before her, a group of young men and women were singing and rapping, having a great time.

"Sheila, you said you were bored out of your mind in the villa. I took a huge risk to bring you out, but why are you still being mopey?” Claudia, who was sitting next to her, couldn’t help feeling puzzled.

Ever since her illness was cured, Sheila, who was usually lively and cheerful, seemed to be acting weird.

These past two days, she had no appetite and seemed to wander around mindlessly.

“Maybe my body hasn’t fully recovered yet,” Sheila lazily replied.

“Is that so?” Claudia looked skeptical.

“Sheila, can I ask you something?” At that moment, a young man suddenly cut in with a bright smile. “Did you inform Ruth about this gathering? I haven’t been able to contact her lately.”

“Of course I did. We’re all good friends, how could I leave her out?” Sheila nodded.

“That’s great. It’s been a while since I’ve last seen Ruth, I wonder how she is doing?” The young man smiled in relief.

“Nigel I advise you to give up on Ruth. She’s not interested in you.” Sheila was very straightforward.

“Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Maybe one day, Ruth will be moved by my true feelings.” Nigel wasn’t perturbed at all.

“True feelings? Nigel you seem to have a new girlfriend every month. It’s possible that you change girlfriends as frequently as someone changes clothes.” Claudia sneered.

“Claudia! Don’t talk nonsense, I’m a loyal person!” Nigel looked embarrassed.

“Okay, okay! You’re loyal, you’re not a playboy.” Claudia didn’t bother to argue.

Her duty was to protect Sheila. She had no interest in the love affairs of these young men and women.

Just as they were talking, the door to the private room suddenly opened.

Ruth, who was dressed luxuriously, entered the room, followed closely by Dustin.

“Ruth, you’re finally here! Please, have a seat!” Nigel was overjoyed when he saw Ruth arrive. He quickly poured Ruth a glass of juice, fawning over her.

“Dustin?” Sheila exclaimed and stood up suddenly..

Her overreaction took Claudia by surprise. Why was she so energetic all of a sudden?

Following her gaze, Claudia noticed Dustin standing there. She couldn’t help furrowing her brows. Could it be that Sheila liked him?

“Dustin, why are you here?” Sheila greeted him with joy, to the point of ignoring Ruth’s presence.

“Ms. Murray?” Dustin was slightly surprised. What a coincidence! He didn’t expect to meet her here.

“Sheila, do you two know each other?” Ruth stared at the both of them in astonishment.

“I had fallen ill two days ago. It was Dustin who saved me!” Shella smiled sweetly.

“Is that so? As fate would have it, both of you have met again!” Ruth had a meaningful smile on her face as well.

“Yes, it must be destiny!” Sheila nodded energetically. She completely forgot about being bored.

“Ruth, who is this guy? I haven’t seen him around before.” Nigel narrowed his eyes and stared at Dustin with an unfriendly expression.

Two beautiful women were both fussing around Dustin and being so affectionate with him.

This made Nigel green with envy.

“Oh, I forgot to introduce him. This is my boyfriend, Dustin.” Ruth raised her chin proudly.

“Boyfriend?” Upon hearing this, Nigel’s face darkened,

As for Sheila, the happiness she had shown earlier was instantly replaced by disappointment and sadness.

Who knew that Dustin had already been taken by her good friend?
Chapter 176

“Ruth, when did you get a boyfriend? Why wasn’t I informed?” Nigel’s face turned ugly as he stared at Dustin with hostility.

“Do I need to report to you when I have a boyfriend? You really think too highly of yourself.” Ruth rolled her eyes. She had already rejected Nigel multiple times, but he just wouldn’t give up and continued to pester her.

“I’m just worried that you might be deceived. There are a lot of con artists these days who use their good looks to cheat people out of their wealth.” Nigel said in a mocking tone.

“That’s not true! Dustin is not a con man!” Sheila quickly defended him.

When everyone fixed their gazes on her, Sheila realized that she had spoken out of turn and immediately shut her mouth.

“Ms. Murray, what’s with the sachet on your neck?” Dustin suddenly noticed something unusual.

“Is there a problem?” Sheila picked up the sachet and examined it.

“Throw it away. It’s a little suspicious.” Dustin shook his head.

“Hey, what do you mean? This aromatic sachet can calm the mind and improve sleep. How suspicious can it be?” Claudia was displeased.

“I’m just telling the truth, Dustin replied calmly.

“If you’re not sure, then shut up and stop being a smart aleck!” Claudia didn’t mince her words.

“Claudia!” Sheila pouted in annoyance.

“Alright, alright. It’s just a sachet. What’s there to argue about? Come on, let’s sit down and enjoy ourselves.”

Ruth pulled Sheila to sit down beside her and started chattering away. Dustin was left feeling a little left out.

Claudia glared at him and turned away in a huff. For some reason, she always felt uneasy around Dustin.

“Claudia, who is this guy anyway?” Nigel narrowed his eyes at Dustin.

“He’s nothing special, just a doctor from the countryside. If you really want to know about him, he’s skilled in the use of obscure hidden weapons,” Claudia said coldly.

“I thought he was some big shot. Turns out, he’s just a doctor. Hey, you there! Don’t blame me for not warning you, you won’t fit in our circle. If you have some brains, you’ll leave on your own initiative!” Nigel sneered with

“That’s right, a burn like you doesn’t deserve to be Ruth’s boyfriend, let alone compete with Mr. Lincoln!” Another girl dressed in yellow taunted Dustin.

“Oh, so what?” Dustin remained expressionless.

“So, you better have some self–awareness. Don’t embarrass yourself. Do you see the Patek Philippe watch on Mr. Lincoln’s wrist? You’ll never earn that much money in your lifetime!”

“Oh, so what?”

“It seems like you still can’t comprehend Mr. Lincoln’s background. Let me educate you then. Mr. Lincoln’s family dabbles in real estate located within Millsburg, owning assets worth several billion dollars. Their family’s network is spread throughout the marketplace and the underworld.” The girl in yellow said arrogantly.

“Oh, so what?”

“Not only does Mr. Lincoln have a strong family background, but he’s also extremely outstanding. He graduated from Oxford University and earns millions of dollars every year. Besides that, he has practiced martial arts since a young age. Due to his natural talents, he was invited to be a member of the Martial Arts Association. He’s truly accomplished in both literature and martial arts!”

“Oh, so what?”

“With Mr. Lincoln’s identity and abilities, he is in the spotlight wherever he goes. A loser like you can never compare to him!”

“Oh, so what?”

“Hey, can’t you say anything else?”

“Oh, so what?” The girl in yellow rolled her eyes. Her face turned red with anger and disgust. It was so damn infuriating to talk to this guy!

“Punk, you’ve got a sharp tongue, but what good does it do? You will always be inferior to me in every way. In the face of my complete dominance, sweet talk and flattery will get you nowhere!” Nigel sneered.

“Oh, so what?” Dustin retorted.

“You…” Nigel’s mouth twitched, feeling annoyed.

Damn it, why was this punk repeating the same sentence over and over again?

Couldn’t they have a decent conversation?

Just as they were talking, they were interrupted by a commotion outside the door.

“Stop right there! This place has been booked for another event. Everyone who is not involved, please leave-!”

“Surround them! Don’t let anyone escape!”

Amidst curdling screams and cries, the door to the private room burst open.

A group of masked assassins dressed in black rushed in with an imposing aura. The bodyguards guarding the door were all taken out.

“Who are you people? Who let you in? Get out!” The girl in yellow stood up angrily.

“Fuck you!” The assassins‘ leader slapped her and sent her flying.

“What arrogance! How dare you have the audacity to stir up trouble here?” Nigel jumped up in a rage.

“Our target is Sheila Murray. Anyone who is not involved, get out of here!” The assassins‘ leader shouted.

“What?” Claudia frowned, on high alert. Judging from their attire, these assassins were most likely the same ones who ambushed them a few days ago.

“Bastards, who do you think you are, demanding to hand Sheila over? If you don’t want to die, get the hell out of here!” Nigel’s gaze was ferocious.

“What, are you trying to save the damsel in distress?” The assassins‘ leader eyed Nigel carefully.

“So what if I do?” Nigel puffed out his chest.

“You foolish idiot! Kill him!” The leader ordered his men without hesitation.

“Yes, sir!” The other assassins drew their swords and attacked Nigel.

“How dare you show off such petty tricks in front of me?” Nigel laughed coldly.

He rushed towards the assassins and gave them a roundhouse kick in the guts. His attack was swift and vicious. In a matter of seconds, he had defeated all of the assassins.

After finishing them off, he struck a confident pose.

“Oh my god! Mr. Lincoln is amazing!”

Everyone’s spirits were lifted upon seeing his victory. Some of the girls couldn’t help but scream with adoration on their faces.

“These punks are no match for me! Nigel turned around and flashed a handsome smile to his fans.

However, at the next second, a fist the size of a sandbag hit him square in the face.

Nigel was caught by surprise. The attack caused him to become disoriented and his nose to bleed profusely.

Nigel’s high spirits were short–lived.
Chapter 177

“You attacked out of turn!” Nigel held his bleeding nose and scowled at the assassins” leader.

Damn it, he didn’t even have a chance to show off in front of Ruth! Where were his manners!

“It’s your fault for getting distracted in battle! Are you tired of living?” The leader sneered.

“Scumbag, you are getting on my nerves! I’ll give you one last chance to kneel and beg for mercy, otherwise. I will roundhouse kick you in the arse! Nigel glared at him viciously.

As he threatened, Nigel leaped into the air and did a somersault, looking quite impressive.

“Arrogant fool!” The assassins‘ leader’s eyes were cold as he and his remaining men rushed toward Nigel at once.

“Be careful, Mr. Lincoln!” The girls exclaimed in shock.

“Don’t overestimate yourself!” Nigel reared fearlessly as he took a step back to perform his special move.

He spun around like a spinning top, attacking the assassins ferociously.

His kicks were merciless and deadly; anyone who got close to Nigel was knocked down easily like dominoes. Even the assassins‘ leader could not withstand Nigel’s attacks and was blown off his feet.

In just a minute, all the assassins were defeated.

For that moment, Nigel seemed unrivaled and invincible!

“Wow, Nigel is amazing!”

“Oh my goodness, his fighting technique is cut of this world!”

“As expected of Mr. Lincoln, he is truly a terrifying martial artist! Looking at the number of assassins were lying incapacitated on the ground, everyone started complimenting Nigel. Their eyes were shining as they rained praise on their hero.

“This victory is not worth mentioning. They are just small fries!” Nigel stood with his hands behind his back, feigning nonchalance.

However, he couldn’t help but steal a glance at Ruth while he spoke, with a haughty expression on his face.

“Mr. Lincoln, you were incredible! You make all of us feel safe just by having you around! Any girl would be lucky to have you as a boyfriend!” The girl in yellow held her hands to her chest, looking up at Nigel with admiration.

“You’re flattering me.” Nigel smiled modestly.

“It’s only natural for a man to protect a woman. I’m not like some coward who hides at the back and relies on women for protection. That’s really pathetic!” Nigel looked at Dustin intentionally to prove his point.

“Hey, you! Didn’t you have a sharp tongue? Why are you not saying anything now? Are you dumb?‘ The girl in yellow sneered, her face full of disdain.

“If you ask me, someone here is all talk and no action. Most of the time, he is as arrogant as a peacock. However, when things go wrong, he is the first person to flee.”

“Ruth, now it’s obvious which choice is better, right? If it weren’t for Mr. Lincoln, we wouldn’t have been able to fight against these vicious people.”

“That’s right! When looking for a boyfriend, we should find a real man like Mr. Lincoln! As for the guy next to you, you should forget about him, What’s the use of having a cowardly and timid man around?”

At that moment, everyone was gossiping about the two of them.

Nigel proved his bravery and strength, while Dustin did nothing like a coward. Comparing the two, it was clear who was better.

“Dustin, why didn’t you do anything just now?” Listening to the harsh comments of those around her, Ruth couldn’t help but frown.

She knew that Dustin was skilled in martial arts, although not necessarily stronger than Nigel. However, dealing with a few petty assassins shouldn’t be a problem.

“These small fries don’t interest me.” Dustin said nonchalantly.

“Small fries? You may be a coward, but your words are quite the opposite!”

“Just admit that you are pathetic. How dare you find excuses for yourself?”

“He only knows how to talk big, but he’s actually just a coward!”

“What a wimp, disgusting loser!” Remaining silent would have been better for Dustin, as anything he said only led to contempt.

“Punk, it’s obvious that you don’t have the guts nor the ability to fight. Why pretend to be tough? If you kneel down and beg. I might teach you a few moves so you won’t wet yourself from fear the next time.” Nigel. sneered.

“If you’re so capable, then take down those two behind you first.” Dustin pointed his chin to the door.

Nigel turned around in surprise and saw that there were indeed two more people.

Both of them were bald, one dressed in green and the other in black. They were muscular and burly men, with fierce eyes and bulging biceps.

“Oh! Who are these two men who don’t fear death?” Nigel smirked scornfully.

“Was it you who injured our men?” The bald man in green spoke first.

“Yes, it’s me. What are you going to do about it? What, do you want to have a laste of my roundhouse kick too Nigel replied arrogantly.

“Roundhouse kick? Heh, trash!” The green baldy sneered.

“Fool! How dare you look down on me? Today, I’ll let you witness my special move, the Whirlwind Kick!” As Nigel spoke, he leaped into the air.

Whirling around, he kicked up a fierce tornado that looked very impressive. The girls around him were dazzled by his moves.

“Mr. Lincoln, go for it!”

“Take them down!” Full of admiration, they cheered Nigel on.

Gathering his strength, Nigel smashed a powerful blow into the bald man’s skull. A muffled sound was heard.

However, the bald man in green was unscathed by the attack. He didn’t even move a muscle, just slightly tilted his head.

On the other hand, Nigel’s bones were fractured, and his whole body went numb.

“You-!” Nigel was stunned, his face full of disbelief.

Even when he attacked using his full power, he still couldn’t break his opponent’s defense. In contrast, his leg was shattered by the reaction force.

What kind of monster was this that popped out of nowhere?

“Whirlwind Kick? Is that all?” The bald man in green sneered and grabbed Nigel’s leg.

He flung Nigel up into the air, smashing into the ceiling.

After that, his body fell to the ground, flattened like a mere bug.

Before Nigel could get up, a deafening sound was heard as the bald man slammed Nigel’s face deeper into the ground, causing the floor to crack.

Blood spurted out from his mouth and nose, and he couldn’t even scream in agony. His body was severely injured, with countless fractures all over.

“You’re not even worth my time!” The bald man in green sneered with an expression of disdain.

When they saw Nigel lying motionless on the ground, everyone was stunned. Their eyes widened in shock.
Chapter 178

There was pin–drop silence in the private room.

At a loss for words, everyone was aghast at what had happened. No one expected the twist of events.

Just a minute ago. Nigel was their hero, flaunting his strength and skills, but now he was lying helplessly on the ground like a dead dog.

How could this bald guy be so powerful?

“H–how dare you hurt me? Do you know who I am? I’m Nigel Lin—”

“Shut the hell up!” With a crack, the bald man stepped on Nigel’s leg and broke it.

Nigel wailed in pain, with cold sweat appearing on his forehead.

“If you’ve got the nerve, tell me your names!” Nigel gritted his teeth, his eyes flashing with rage.

“Listen up! My name is Brent Garcia, and this is my brother, Wade Garcia!” The bald man in green announced loudly.

“Brent Garcia, Wade Garcia? Could it be…are you guys the Four Scoundrels?” Nigel’s pupils shrank in fear.

“The Four Scoundrels!” Everyone was shocked at the revelation.

The Four Scoundrels was a notorious group of merciless and vicious outlaws that terrorized the Southern province.

These ruffians were infamous for their ruthlessness, and they would stop at nothing to achieve their goals!

Wherever they went, destruction and calamity followed. Countless elites in the Southern province were terrified of the Four Scoundrels, living in constant fear and anxiety.

After learning the identities of the two men, all the girls panicked.

“This is bad!” Claudia furrowed her brows.

The Four Scoundrels were all martial artists with incredible internal energy. Brent and Wade were said to be even stronger than Thor.

It was already difficult enough to deal with one person.

Now, there were two of them at the same time, undoubtedly making things worse. If she were alone, she might still have a chance to escape.

The problem was that she had to protect Sheila as well. With her previous injuries, Claudia had no chance of winning if she had to go up against two villains simultaneously.

“Brent! I’m warning you, everyone here Is of elite status. You’d better not mess around!” Nigel shouted bravely.

“Who cares if we cause trouble? You’re nothing but a plece of shit!” Brent kicked Nigel forcefully, sending him flying into the crowd.

Amidst the screaming and chaos, Claudia suddenly sprang into action!

She drew her dagger and lunged like a cheetah toward Brent’s throat, hoping to take out one of the two opponents.

In a fair fight, she knew that she was no match for either of them.

By taking out one person, her chances of winning would significantly increase! Although it was a good plan, Brent was no fool.

As the dagger came at him, he quickly dodged aside and slammed his shoulder into Claudia’s chest.

She grunted and staggered back, but before she could regain her footing, Brent punched her again with tremendous force.

Desperately, Claudia lifted her arm to block the blow. There was a loud thud as Claudia was thrown back once more.

Her arm hanging limply, she spat out a mouthful of blood. Her internal injuries had opened up again.

“Ms. Doyle, if you were at full strength, you might be able to put up a fight with me for a few rounds. In this state, however, I suggest you surrender,” Brent sneered at her.

Claudia’s face darkened, and she rushed at nim again with her dagger.

After they exchanged blows for a few rounds, Claudia was punched heavily in the stomach.

She fell to the ground, unable to stand on her feet.

“It’s over, it’s all over!”

“Even Mr. Lincoln and Ms. Doyle were defeated. Who else can stop them?”

“What should we do? I don’t want to diel”

Seeing Claudia defeated, the girls were on the verge of tears. Their last glimmer of hope was now gone.

“Wade, take Ms. Murray away. I want to have some fun with the beautiful ladies here first,” Brent said with a wicked grin.

“Listen up all of you. If you don’t want to die, take off your clothes. Otherwise, you’ll have to bear the consequences of inciting my anger!” As soon as he spoke, all the girls turned pale with fear.

Were they going to be violated by this pervert?

“Ms. Murray, come with me.” Wade, the bald guy in black, stepped forward and approached Sheila.

“Stop right there!” Suddenly, Ruth grabbed a fruit knile and stood in front of Sheila.

“I’m warning you, don’t come any closer, or Ill stab you!”

“Get lost!” Without saying another word, Wade swung his hand toward Ruth.

The energy gathered around Wade’s hand was strong enough to whip up a wind around them.

At the crucial moment, a hand suddenly reached out and grabbed Wade’s wrist. Wade’s palm was frozen, inches from Ruth’s face.

“You can bully the others, but you can’t touch these two,” Dustin said calmly.

“How dare you meddle in other people’s business? You’re asking for it!” Wade’s expression turned ugly, and he raised his other fist to strike at Dustin’s head.

Dustin snorted lightly and made the first move. He punched Wade in the chest, his moves as quick as lightning.

With a dull thud, an invisible beam of energy pierced through Wade’s back, shattering a wine bottle several feet away.

Wade shuddered and slumped to the ground, unconscious.

“Wade!” Brent’s face contorted with anger.

“How dare you hurt my brother? I’ll send you to hell!” He charged forward like a wild bull and threw a punch directly at Dustin’s face.

Dustin caught his fist with one hand and squeezed it gently. With a loud crack, the bones in Brent’s fist shattered. Blood and flesh splattered everywhere.

Before he could register the pain. Dustin grabbed his collar and slammed him hard against the wall like a sandbag, creating a gaping hole.

Brent hung helplessly on the wall, bleeding profusely and unable to move.

“I wanted to have a decent conversation with you guys, but you had to resort to violence.” Dustin patted the dirt off his clothes indifferently, as if defeating both of the bald guys was a trivial matter.

Everyone present was dumbfounded was stunned at Dustin’s nonchalance, including Sheila, Claudia, and Nigel.

Dustin managed to defeat both of them with just two moves.

It was unthinkable that two of the invincible Four Scoundrels would be trounced and beaten up by a thin, frail guy like Dustin.

Were they dreaming?

Was he the cowardly and useless guy they were making fun of before?
Chapter 179

“H–how was this possible?!” Nigel gasped, his mouth wide and his face full of disbelief.

He finally witnessed how formidable the Four Scoundrels were in person. Either one of them could quickly snuff him out.

It was perhaps fate that an expert like himself had been crippled by a doctor they looked down upon. Such a thing was practically unheard of!

“How is this guy so powerful?” Claudia’s eyes widened in shock and bewilderment.

Initially, she had assumed that Dustin was an unsavory character who only knew how to resort to using dirty tricks up his sleeve, so she hadn’t expected him to be so skilled in martial arts.

He was miles better than her!

He wielded such strength at such a young age, too. She was frozen on the spot once the revelation hit her that she was no longer a goddess among men.

“Dustin’s way too cool!” Sheila cheered as her eyes sparkled.

After exchanging glances with one another, the rest of the girls also started looking at him in a different light.

Not used to everyone’s starstruck gazes on him, Dustin walked up to Brent before asking. “Tell me, who sent you here?”

“Today’s my day of reckoning anyway, so kill me all you want!” Brent screamed through gritted teeth.

“It’s not like killing you guys will do me any good anyways. As long as you’re willing to talk, I’ll let you all live to see another day.” Dustin said.

“I’ll die either way if I reveal anything!” Brent replied solemnly.

“You’re referring to the spider venom in your stomach, right?” Dustin asked with raised eyebrows. He then pulled out a golden needle and stabbed it directly into Brent’s abdomen,

Immediately, a bulge was seen on Brent’s abdomen. The bulge began moving violently as if something inside him was fighting for their lives.

A few exhales later, the writhing stopped, and the bulge could no longer be seen moving.

When Dustin pulled out the golden needle, it was now stained with a sliver of blackish liquid.

“The venom is gone. You should be able to speak now,” Dustin said flatly.

“H–how did you do that?” Brent gasped, and his expression Immed lately turned into one that was fearful and horrified.

That was because the Four Scoundrels had actually been controlled by someone who led them venom all this time. The mere thought of resistance could inflict pain that was worse than death on the host.

They had tried various ways to get rid of the venom, but not only did none of them have the slightest effect, they even aggravated the pain.

However, the person in front of him had gotten rid of the spider venom in his body with a mere needle.

These kinds of miraculous means were simply unheard of!

“I’m skilled in the art of poisons and venom, so if you wish to regain your freedom, you need to be honest and tell me everything.” Dustin stated indifferently.

After hesitating for a long while. Brent finally compromised, saying, “Fine, I’ll tell you the truth, but you must promise to spare the both of us,”

Which sensible human would choose death over life?

“Done.” Dustin nodded his head.

“To be honest with you, the person who ordered us to kidnap you was- Before Brent could finish his sentence, the doors to the room were forcefully kicked open.

Xavier rushed hastily inside the room with a group of elite guards. He scanned the room and quickly found Brent.

“It’s the Four Scoundrels again! Prepare to die!” Without waiting for the crowd to react. Xavier bashed Brent’s skull in with his fists.

He was swift and brutal. Now, his hands were drenched in blood.

“Huh?” Dustin narrowed his eyes.

Did Xavier just kill him to silence him?

“Sheila! Claudia! Are you guys alright?” Right after killing Brent. Xavier immediately turned around and asked Sheila and Claudia while wiping the blood off his hands.

“We’re fine. It was a good thing Dustin came to our aid just now.” Sheila forced a smile.

“Dustin?” Xavier asked as he suddenly turned his head to look at the man.

“What are you doing here? Xavier asked with a condescending gaze.

“What a coincidence.” Dustin replied indifferently.

“What do you mean, ‘what a coincidence? You were there the last time Sheila got ambushed, and you’re here yet again, so how can this be a coincidence?” Xavier scoffed, glaring down at Dustin.

“Your point exactly?” Dustin shot back.

“I suspect that you colluded with the Four Scoundrels to come up with a plan to get close to Shella!” Xavier accused.

“I can assure you it’s not like that- Sheila spoke up before being interrupted by Xavier again.

“Don’t be fooled, Sheila! We don’t know where this guy is from or what his intentions are. Thus, he must be interrogated thoroughly for your safety. Apprehend this man for me at oncel”

At his command, the group of elite guards proceeded to cock their guns.

“Stop! I was the one who brought Dustin here, so I can guarantee that he isn’t a bad guy!” Ruth stepped forward, attempting to mediate the situation.

“Whether he’s a bad guy or not, we’ll know once we catch him!” Xavier retorted.

“Hey, do you still have any sense left in that brain of yours? Can’t you see that you’re being cruel by apprehending an innocent person?” Ruth was getting annoyed with Xavier’s stubbornness.

“Who are you to talk sense to me? Get lost!” Xavier screamed before lifting his hand to give Ruth a hard slap across her face, causing her to stagger and fall to the ground.

Everyone could see five visible, bright red fingerprints on her face.

“Huh?” Dustin gasped as his expression sank. His eyes flashed with anger.

“Are you crazy, Xavier? Why did you hit my friend?!” Sheila scolded Xavier while helping Ruth up.

“I was thinking about your safety, Sheila. I refuse to spare anyone who acts even remotely suspicious! Even if I have to be a villain today, I’ll make sure to get rid of every threat to you! Arrest that punk! Kill him on the spot if he dares to put up a fight!”

At Xavier’s order, all the elite guards attacked Dustin at once.

Dustin merely let out a cold snort and started gesturing with his hands. “Phew! Phew! Phew!”

Golden needles shot out from his hands and accurately navigated their way to the various acupuncture points on the bodies of the guards.

In no time at all all of the guards seemed to be bound by a spell of some sort, as they stood frozen in place, unable to move.

“Do you want to die?!” Xavier shrieked as a scowl appeared on his face. He then immediately fished out his gun and fired at Dustin’s chest.

However, with a mere flick of a finger, Dustin swiftly sent two needles flying into the air. One needle landed on Xavier’s shoulder, and another landed on his neck.

His body instantly stiffened as his arms and legs became paralyzed, and this made it difficult for him to move a bit.

“W–what kind of sorcery is this?” Xavier cried, his face full of shock.

He was one of the top martial artists out there, so how could he be rendered immobile by two tiny golden needles just like that?

“Not only are you not that skilled or powerful, you still have the audacity to show up here and start hurling insults and beating the shit out of people? Dustin asked with an icy stare as he slowly approached him.

“Rhys! You’d better let go of me if you know what’s good for you, if not, I’ll make sure that you never leave here alive!” Xavier sneered fiercely.

“You dare threaten me? This is for speaking out of turn!” Dustin scoffed as he lifted a hand to slap Xavier’s face.

He then gave him another slap. “This is for cursing me!”

After that, he gave him a harsh third slap. “This is for your audacity to even lay a linger on a woman!”

The slapping continued non–stop for a while. Dustin showed no mercy as he kept delivering blow after blow onto Xavier’s face. He delivered a slap after every sentence he uttered.

The atmosphere in the room became tenser and tenser by the second.

“And this is for your stupid fucking face!” Dustin roared as he delivered the most powerful slap he could muster, smashing Xavier to the ground.

Everyone in the whole room became dead silent for a moment!
Chapter 180

Everyone in the room was flabbergasted as they stared at Xavier, who’d been mercilessly battered and bruised.

No one had expected Dustin to be so bold as to slap Xavier. Everyone knew that the Horst family was among the five most powerful families in the Southern province.

They were the top of the top! They were essentially untouchable!

As an immediate heir, he was the rising star of the Horst family.

So, no matter where he went, he’d have the stars laid out at his feet.

No one had ever dared to humiliate him in public like this, much less slap him like a maniac so many times.

Was this guy batshit crazy?

“Y–you dare hit me?” Xavier asked rhetorically. The corners of his eyes started twitching as he tried to put on a fierce expression.

“I’m not just going to beat you, I’m going to make sure you can never use your hands ever again!” Dustin snorted and proceeded to stomp on his wrist, breaking it.

“Argh!” Xavier wailed in pain as he broke out in a cold sweat, his expression twisted.

It was a pity that he couldn’t even move a muscle at the moment.

“Stop! Have you lost your mind, Rhys? Do you have any idea who Xavier is? How dare you hurt him?” Claudia shouted angrily at Dustin.

“I don’t care who he is. Anyone who dares mess with me will get a beating from me,” Dustin replied flatly.

“Didn’t he just slap you, Ruth? Come here and give him ten slaps for me!”

“Okay!” Ruth exclaimed and started adjusting her shirtsleeves before going up to Xavier and slapping the shit
l out of him.

“How dare you hit me! How fucking dare you hit me! I’ll beat your ass up!” Ruth cursed with gritted teeth while venting her anger as she continued slapping him.

“Stop!” Claudia yelled in rage and immediately stepped in to put a stop to everything.

“Get lost!” Dustin sneered and slapped her after, sending her flying into the air.

“Y–you dare hit me too?” Claudia whimpered while covering her face as if she were in disbelief.

“Don’t you think you deserve it? Dustin let out a snort.

“I saved your life on more than one occasion, and this is how you repay me? You didn’t say a word when Xavier framed me, and you also acted as if nothing had happened when Ruth got slapped. So, why is it that you’re turning against us after seeing Xavier get beaten up? Are all of the families who practice martial arts always this vengeful? Dustin snapped at Claudia.

“I-“Claudia stuttered as her face turned bright red. She was stunned and speechless after being bombarded with a series of valid accusations.

This even caused Sheila to be at a loss for words, as she simply did not know what she should do now. On one hand, there was the savior of her life, and on the other, a long–time friend.

After getting caught up in the middle, she was at a loss for words.

“I’m done with him, Brother–in–law!” Ruth announced after she finally came to a stop. Her hands had become numb from all the brutal slapping.

As for Xavier, his face had long since swollen enough to resemble a pig’s head. He felt dizzy all over, as he didn’t get any chance to catch his breath the whole time.

“I don’t care what you say. The fact that you laid a finger on Xavier means that you’re now an enemy of the Horst family. I’m afraid no one will be able to save your asses if you don’t state your case right now!” Claudia shrieked.

Despite everything, the Doyle family had been friends with the Horst family for generations, so she couldn’t possibly stand up for mere outsiders now.

“You want us to state our case, right? Fine, I’ll grant you your wish,” Dustin said and suddenly turned to face

Sheila before continuing. “May I know if the sachet in front of your chest is a gift from Xavier, Miss Murray?”

“I–I’m not sure. All I know is that Claudia gave it to me.” Sheila said with her head lowered.

“What if I told you it was from Xavier?” Dustin continued to probe.

Claudia felt that she had nothing to hide, so she immediately shot back, “Xavier had to beg an expert to procure this sachet, and he had me deliver it to Sheila afterward. It was said to aid in one’s sleep and nourish the soul, so why are you finding fault in this?”

“It was said to aid in one’s sleep and nourish the soul? What a load of crap!” Dustin snickered before snatching the sachet off her chest and throwing it into a glass of wine.

“Gurgle gurgle.” The sound of bubbles could be heard as the sachet suddenly started expanding in size, as if hinting that there was something inside.

Immediately after, a thin, red–colored snake slithered out of the sachet and began thrashing about wildly in the wine.

“W–what is that?!“.

“It’s a snake! My goodness, it’s a snake!”

“How horrifying! How can there be a snake inside the sachet? What if it bites someone?”

A sea of horrified looks could be seen almost immediately from the crowd. More and more started to murmur among themselves at the sight before them as their hearts raced with fear.

“How could this be?” Claudia gasped and didn’t know how to react to this.

“Do you know what this is, Miss Murray?” Dustin probed while pointing at the small red snake.

Sheila remained frozen on the spot as she shook her head, still reeling from her shock.

“This is called a Serpent Love Charm and it can be used to confuse people’s minds. Once the snake enters one’s body, the charm will slowly take effect until the host completely falls head over heels for someone. The host’s heart could even stop beating after that!” Dustin explained plainly.

“That was a “Serpent Love Charm“?”

Everyone in the room was stunned after they heard this.

Even Claudia started feeling a little uneasy after hearing that. She did not expect that there would be a Serpent Love Charm inside the sachet.

“I’ve only heard stories about it before, but I didn’t know that such a thing even existed in our world!”

“Utterly ridiculous, right? To think that he put a Serpent Love Charm on her so that he could manipulate her feelings toward him. How shameless!”

“So, Miss Doyle, do you still think that this sachet can aid in one’s sleep and nourish their soul?” Dustin asked sarcastically.

“Well-..” Claudia frowned, and her gaze subconsciously shifted to Xavier. She couldn’t believe what was happening in front of her right now.

“Stop listening to his nonsense!” Xavier spoke in defense immediately after coming back to his senses.

“What the fuck is a Serpent Love Charm? I’ve never heard of this in my life! This sachet was gifted to me by someone else! I’m the victim too here!”

“That’s right! Even if there was a Serpent Love Charm in the sachet, that doesn’t prove that Xavier was the one who put it there. For all we know, some bigshot could’ve set him up!” Claudia roared.

“Yeah! Xavier’s always been an upright and honest person, so he would never stoop this low!” Nigel and the others also backed her up.

“Him? ‘Honest‘ and ‘upright‘? You’ve got to be kidding me!” Dustin snickered.

“The Serpent Love Charm only works if there is a pair of snakes, one female, and one male snake. Now that the female snake has appeared, we’re only missing the male snake. Since you all still don’t believe me, allow me to show you!” With that, he waved one hand and sent two needles flying toward the arca between Xavier’s chest and abdomen.

His body spasmed as a pained expression took over his face. Soon after, he spat out a dark, black liquid. And thrashing around inside the black liquid was a thicker, reddish snake.

The crowd was dumbfounded the moment they witnessed this!
Chapter 181

“S–so that was a charm after all?”

Everyone at the scene was frozen in place as they stared at the red snake that Xavier vomited.

One by one, their faces showed looks of disbelief. No one could’ve ever imagined that the esteemed heir of the Horst family, who had a bright and promising future ahead of him, had stooped this low just to court someone.

“Xavier, I never thought you’d be like this!” Claudia yelled angrily in shock.

Who knew that she’d be the one who would be deceived by trusting him too much in the end? She almost became an accomplice in his schemes too!

“–” Xavier was at a loss for words as his face turned pale.

The truth was already laid bare for all to see, so even if he still insisted on denying it, his attempts would be absolutely futile.

“Hmph. It’s a good thing Dustin has a good eye to see through your evil schemes. Otherwise, Sheila would’ve fallen right into your trap!” Ruth spat, her expression full of contempt.

She hated despicable and shameless men like him the most, the type who was incapable of landing a girl for himself, and yet insisted on using unorthodox methods to do so. Absolutely disgusting!

Sheila said nothing to all of this and merely looked at Xavier with disgust and a heightened sense of awareness.

“Yeah, so what if I gave her the charm? The only reason I did that was because I liked Sheila so much! I assure you that I’m the only person who’s the best match for Sheila in the entirety of South City, so much so that Uncle Caden already treats me like his son–in–law! I only did this to expedite the marriage between both of our families, so what’s so wrong with that?” Xavier roared, clearly irritated.

“Ugh, you’re such a hypocrite! It still doesn’t change the fact that you had to stoop so low to get what you want. You’re disgusting!” Ruth spat on the ground.

“What do you know? What I have is true love for Sheila, a love that can’t be compared with anyone else!” Xavier retorted angrily.

“True love? If it really was true love as you proclaimed, why’d you have to kidnap Miss Murray in the first place?” Dustin snorted.

“What the fuck are you talking about, kid?” Xavier scowled.

“Miss Murray had been attacked twice, and your timing was right on the dot, which meant that someone secretly tipped you off. And as for the Serpent Love Charm and the Spider Venom you put inside the Four

Scoundrel’s bodies, they both came from the same person. So, I’ve concluded that you have close ties to the Four Scoundrels,” Dustin explained as a matter of factly.

“What a load of bullshit!” Xavier yelled in response.

“If you really did nothing wrong as you claimed, then would there still be any need to kill the man off just now?

Dustin threw the question back.

“I–I was just worried about Sheila’s safety, which is why I struck him with my full power!” Xavier explained stubbornly.

“Is that so? We still have a survivor here, so what say we call them up to ask them their side of the story?” Dustin said before picking up a badly injured Wade with one hand.

It was a good thing Wade was still semi–alive and not completely out of the picture yet.

“That’s enough! Everything ends here, right now!” Claudia shouted all of a sudden.

“Didn’t you want me to state my case just now? Why the change of mind now?” Dustin snickered.

“You’d better quit it now if you know what’s good for you, Dustin! Tearing each other apart like this won’t benefit anyone. Besides, this matter should be kept between the three of us and our families. We’ll come up with the best way to deal with this, so we certainly don’t need any outsiders butting into our business now!” Claudia roared at Dustin.

The Murray family, Doyle family, and Horst family had always been longtime friends. The three families were basically married to one another as their interests were intertwined. If one of them went down, then the rest would go down together too.

Thus, if the scandal got out today, then it wouldn’t just be the Horst family’s reputation that would be damaged, but the Murray family and the Doyle family too.

Therefore, even if it were at Sheila’s awkward expense right now, they had to cease all questioning. immediately.

“Wait, this guy’s rotten to the core, and yet you still insist on helping him? Have you ever considered Sheila’s feelings?” Ruth yelled back in frustration.

“Shut up, you don’t have the right to butt into our business!” Claudia spat in disgust.

“Why you-” Just as Ruth was about to explode in fury again, Dustin stopped her by putting his hand in front of her. “Just let it go already. She’s right; it’s their own steaming heap of shit to take care of. It has nothing to do with us.”

“But what about Sheila?” Ruth frowned. The two of them had a good thing going, so she did not want her best friend to suffer like this.

“I’ll be fine, Ruth. I’ve decided to leave this matter in the hands of my father,” Sheila said as she forced out at smile.
Chapter 182

Even though she said that, she secretly knew that her father would take Xavier’s side out of his great fondness for him.

When one was born into a wealthy family, joy wasn’t as much of a significant consideration as the family’s interests.

“Alright. We all know how much Uncle Caden adores you, so he definitely wouldn’t let you suffer,” Ruth replied and she no longer pressed her for answers.

“Let’s go back home and take a nice nap, Ruth,” Dustin yawned. After retrieving all of his golden needles, he spun around and was about to leave when a voice piped up again.

“Running away already?” Xavier taunted, his expression now full of furious rage and his gaze scorching.

He immediately pounced on Dustin while he wasn’t paying attention and stabbed him with a knife!

“Just die already!” Xavier roared as he pushed the tip of the blade into Dustin’s back.

“Behind you!” Ruth and Sheila shrieked in horror,

Everyone else at the scene was also stunned by Xavier’s sudden attack. No one expected that he’d launch a sneak attack against Dustin.

“Oh?” Dustin hummed as his footsteps came to a halt. He then slowly turned his back to meet Xavier’s crazed gaze. “You want to kill me?”

“So what if you die? I can kill trash like you whenever I want!” Xavier laughed maniacally as he used more force to push the blade further inside.

But it was soon after that he realized that something was off. It was strange to him that he couldn’t seem to push the knife in any further as he tried to put more force behind it.

“Since you explicitly said that you’re cut for my blood, then don’t blame me for being merciless,” Dustin grabbed Xavier by the neck and lifted him off the ground.

“Urgh!” Xavier gasped for air as his face turned red. He struggled to break free from Dustin’s grasp as he flailed his legs wildly in the air.

“Dustin! Release him right now!” Claudia commanded, her face aghast, after feeling an urge to kill him.

“He wants to kill me though? Are you saying I should just stand here and let him kill me?” Dustin turned his head sideways, his gaze was as cold as ice.

“I don’t care about that! You just can’t hurt Xavier, no matter what. Otherwise, you’ll be making yourself an enemy of all three of our families!” Claudia threatened,

“That’s right! Just let go of Xavier already! Or else, you won’t like it when I’m angry!” Nigel echoed.

“Mr. Horst is not someone you can mess with, Dustin. Just admit you’re wrong, and who knows, you might just receive his forgiveness,”

“Can’t you look at the situation and adapt? Just let Mr. Horst stab you with a knife to let off steam, and all of this will be over. As long as you dare put up a fight, you and your family will be faced with calamity in the future!”

“Yeah! In this world, it is useless to rely on strength alone. The most important thing is still power, so just kneel down to Xavier and admit your mistakes already. It’s not anything shameful if it’ll help you make it out of here alive, you know.”

The crowd erupted in a flurry of scoldings toward Dustin.

Although they all knew that Xavier was in the wrong, they understood that he was still the one with absolute power. At this stage, it wasn’t important who was right or wrong.

“Heh, you hear that, Rhys? I’m not someone you can simply cross, you know. So what if you can fight? You’re just a puny martial artist, after all. One word from me, and your entire family goes poof! Kneel and bow down to me right now. Who knows–if you manage to appease me, I might even spare your puny life!” Xavier sneered and believed that he already had this in the bag.

“What makes you so sure that I don’t dare to kill you?” Dustin asked, amused.

“Do you, though? If you do so much as touch a single hair on my head, I’ll have your whole bloodline wiped out! Come on then, kill me! Aren’t you the one who kept saying they were so powerful? Then kill me if you have the balls! I want to see if you have the balls to-!” Xavier shouted profusely, taking it to the extreme, until he was rudely interrupted by a violent smack by Dustin, which decimated his neck.

He died instantly!
Chapter 183

“Why don’t you get a better brain in your next life.” Dustin spat as he looked at Xavier’s corpse. And with one swift motion, he threw his dead body to the side with one hand, as if it were trash.

Xavier’s body landed with a “thump” near Claudia and the other’s feet.

Xavier’s face was riddled with fear and disbelief. Even up to his death, he didn’t understand why Dustin dared to make a move on him.

Everyone gasped, petrified, as they stared at the corpse beneath their feet. Every single one of them was frozen in place and was at a loss for how to respond to the scenario in front of them..

To think that an heir from an affluent family, who was also the pride of an entire city, had his life taken from him just like that?

How was this remotely possible After a brief silence, everyone at the scene erupted into a frenzy of chatter.

“Are you out of your mind, Dustin?! D–d–did you actually just kill Xavier?” Claudia shouted with a face full of shock, looking at Dustin as if he were a maniac.

The action of Dustin killing Xavier was akin to a peasant killing a king. It was simply treacherous and heartless!

“You’ve done it this time, bastard! You’ve really done it this time!”

“Since you were the one who killed Xavier, no matter where you go in this world from now on, you’ve got nowhere to hide!”

“The Horst family would surely want to exact their revenge on you, your entire family, and your friends after this. Everyone whom you’ve ever loved will be a target of the Horst family now, and they’ll follow all of you to your graves!” Nigel hissed frantically.

“He’s insane! This guy’s truly gone off his rockers!”

“The Horst family comes from a long line of martial artists, and their influence spans the entirety of South City.

They have countless disciples under their wing, so the fact that you committed such a heinous act means that you made yourself an enemy of said countless disciples too!”

“Do you even know what you did? How dare you kill Mr. Horst? Even God can’t protect you now!”

The crowd was in an uproar. No one had expected that Dustin would be so bold as to kill someone. Did he want to die so badly?

“As long as you don’t cross me, I won’t do the same back to you, but if you do, then I’ll return the favor. This Horst wanted to take my life, so how could I let him live?” Dustin’s expression remained stoic.

“You’re fucking insane! You madman! You’ll definitely regret this!” Claudia roared; she was still in shock at the turn of events. She shot him a look as if she were looking at a dead man.

“I never regret anything I do. If the Horst family wants revenge, just tell them that they’re free to come to me anytime.” Dustin snapped before turning around to leave.

“Hey, wait for me! You were so cool tonight, Brother–in–law, but Xavier’s not some small fry, you know. I doubt if things are going to end well after killing him. But you shouldn’t worry, with the Harmon family’s help, I’m sure we can take care of this matter for you!” Ruth exclaimed before running up to catch up to him.

“Don’t bother. I was the one who dealt the killing blow, so I shouldn’t be afraid if his family wants to get back at me. Even if we end up fighting again, who knows which side will emerge as the victor this time around?” Dustin was unconcerned.

“Are you for real? You don’t need to put up a front, you know!” Ruth said while eyeing him suspiciously.

The Horst family, while slightly inferior to the Harmon family in terms of power, was still a force to be reckoned. with in the city.

While Dustin had great power himself, he was up against an affluent family that had been here for years. Thus, it would seem like a single person was unable to fight against such a powerful force.

“You’ll find out soon enough.” Dustin let out a soft chuckle and refused to reveal too much.

As soon as the two of them left, the room erupted into chaos once again.

“Quick! Notify the Horst family immediately!”

“To think that that madman dared to kill Mr. Horst. We’ll make sure he pays the price for it!”

Inside the council chamber at Fallridge Haven, Caden was drinking tea with a middle–aged man.

“I need to apologize to you about the Gozoraberry, Sir Gabriel. Unfortunately, the gem isn’t in my possession right now, so I can’t give it to you at the moment,”

“Oh, what happened?” Gabriel Horst asked with a puzzled look.

The Gozoraberry was said to aid one in their quest to become a high–level martial artist. After hearing about this piece of news, he jumped at the first chance to obtain it for himself.

“Two days ago, this punk named Dustin got lucky and managed to cure Sheila’s illness, so he was rewarded with a Gozoraberry,” Caden explained.

“How can a mere brat have such a valuable item in his possession?‘ Gabriel spat as he narrowed his eyes, his gaze annoyed.

“I thought the same thing. Although I was the one who gave it to him, it doesn’t mean you can’t get it back,” Caden insinuated.

“You’re too kind. Since you can’t be the one who takes it back from him, allow me to take care of this,” Gabriel grinned.

“That would be the best course of action for now. However, try not to Involve the Murray family, I don’t want anyone gossiping about this,” Caden replied.

“Consider it done! This won’t be the first time I’m killing someone just to get something I want, so I’ll make sure that everything is done discreetly so that no one ever finds out about this,” Gabriel plotted as an evil glint flashed across his eyes.

Every man was considered innocent until a bounty was put on their head. How could a mere background character with no influence on his name possess such a valuable treasure?

He definitely deserved to die..

“Sir Gabriel! Something terrible has happened!” A guard from the Horst family suddenly interrupted the two of them with a panicked look.

Because he ran too fast, he tumbled onto the ground after losing his balance. His movements made Gabriel furrow his brows.

“You fool! What are you panicking for?” Gabriel snapped at the guard.

“I-“The guard wanted to say something but stopped himself.

“Spit it out! What the hell is going on?” Gabriel snapped, confused.

"Sir! Something terrible has happened! M–Mr. Horst has been killed!” The guard wailed as he fell to his knees.

“What?! What the hell are you talking about? My son seemed fine not long ago, so how is he dead now?”

Gabriel shrieked and shot out of his chair, his face full of horror.

“But it’s true, Mr. Horst had his neck broken, and his corpse is outside as we speak!” The guard cried.

“That’s impossible! Absolutely impossible!” Gabriel spat and frantically shook his head in utter disbelief.

However, when they carried Xavier’s corpse into the room, Gabriel felt as if he’d been struck by lightning, and his face turned pale as a sheet.

“Who?! Who the hell did this?!” Gabriel yelled frantically after reeling from his shock. His eyes turned bloodshot, and he started acting like a rabid beast. Such senseless violence!

Such madness!

“I–it was done by a guy called Dustin Rhys.” The guard managed to sputter out.

“Dustin Rhys, you fucking dog! How dqre you kill my son? I’ll break your body into pieces! I’ll tear you to shreds! “Gabriel roared while gnashing his teeth, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

“Pass on the order! Use up all your resources to search the entire city if you must! We must find that bastard at al costs!”
Chapter 184

After sending Ruth home, Dustin returned to the Peaceful Medical Center.

However, he couldn’t help but frown the moment he opened the doors to the building. The place looked as if it had been ransacked. It was a mess.

Boxes of medicine were scattered all over the place, and Dahlia, who had been rushing here and there the whole time, had on a face that was drenched in sweat.

“Diarhica, Where did he put the Diarhica? Dahlia mumbled to herself with a prescription in hand.

After looking around for a while, she finally saw a box of Diarhica that had been stored in a medicine cabinet high above the ground. Since it was out of her reach, she could only retrieve it by stepping on a stool.

“What are you doing?” Dustin asked coldly.

Dahlia was startled by his question and lost her balance on the stool, Seeing as she was about to fall to the ground, Dustin instinctively grabbed hold of her before that could happen.

It felt as if he was carrying something precious in his arms, as a nice smell wafted into his nostrils.

After propping her up on her feet, he immediately without a moment of hesitation and let go of her.

“You’re back already?” Dahlia asked as her expression lit up for a brief moment before she quickly snuffed it out.

“Where did you go in the middle of the night? How come you didn’t pick up my calls?”

“I just went out for a bit and didn’t bother checking my phone. What are you doing here?” Dustin answered back with indifference. He assumed that she wasn’t the type to take the initiative to search for him, especially with her arrogant attitude.

“I just so happened to pass by and saw Mr. Jones passed out at the entrance, so I helped him get inside.” Dahlia explained.

“He passed out? What happened?” Dustin asked with a frown.

“I heard that his house had been ransacked by thieves, and after fighting them off, he got severely injured in the process. I think you should head inside to take a look at him,” Dahlia urged.

Dustin said nothing more as he immediately complied with her request.

Sure enough, he saw Gregory Jones lying on the bed with a pale complexion. Inside the steel basin under his bed was a pool of contaminated blood.

When he went up to him to check his pulse, he immediately frowned. Gregory’s Celestial Decay seemed to be getting worse.

It was also getting worse at a faster rate than he had expected.

“You’re back already, kid?” Gregory asked as he slowly opened his eyes. He had a nonchalant expression on his face.

“I guess this condition is back again, but since that Dahlia girl gave me some medicine just now, I should be fine now.” Gregory explained.

“What the hell happened here?” Dustin asked as his brows furrowed deeply.

To curb his Celestial Decay, he had specially placed several seals on Gregory’s body. But now he could see that the seals had been loosened. This indicated that Gregory had been forced to use his true energy.

“Not long ago, a few scums arrived at the medical center and started blabbering about arresting you and talking about taking this Gozoraberry or something from you. Naturally, I refused to tell them anything and even beat their asses before they fled. However, I didn’t know that by doing that, I’d be using my true energy. which would cause all of my old wounds to reopen. I really fucking don’t know what to say!” Gregory huffed.

To think that ten years ago, he could’ve easily taken care of all of those scum with a flick of a finger. It seemed that his age had finally caught up to him!

“Oh right, before they fled, they left you a note. Take a look at it yourself.” Gregory added before pulling out a blood–stained sheet of paper.

“What?” Dustin gasped after reading the paper over. Two lines of words were written on it.

“Meet me at the Horst Dojo at 10 pm! Remember to bring the Gozoraberry as well. If you don’t show up, we’ll get rid of your entire family!” were the words that were written on the paper.

After he finished reading it, Dustin crumpled the paper into dust with one hand.

It was fairly obvious that this was the work of the Horst family.

He didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, but since they were the ones looking for trouble in the first place they couldn’t blame him if he decided to play along.

“Anyway, it was a good thing that Dahlia girl came in clutch at the right time. Otherwise, I would’ve been in serious danger by now!” Gregory let out a small sigh.

Although the scoundrels didn’t manage to scratch him, his internal injuries were quite bad. So, if it weren’t for Dahlia’s timely treatment, his life would’ve been in jeopardy.

“Thanks.” Dustin muttered as he turned around to look at Dahlia with a complex look on his face.

“You’re welcome. Mr. Jones has always been good to me, so I felt that it was only right that I returned the favor,” Dahlia replied while wiping off her sweat.

“Regardless, I should still thank you for everything. Anyway, I have places to be again, so I’ll have to trouble you to take care of Gregory here,” Dustin said.

“Where are you headed to this time?” Dahlia frowned.

“To get my revenge!” Dustin declared.

At night, in the commander’s room at South City’s military headquarters, a handsome young general was analyzing his battle formations on a sand table.

Standing behind him were several female lieutenants, all of whom merely stood guard as they allowed him to do his thing.

All of their gazes were filled with admiration and worship towards the man.

One must know that the person in front of them was actually the youngest commander of Dragonmarsh!

Paired with the Goddess of War, Scarlet Spanner, they were known as the rising stars of the Spanner family!

Not even thirty years old, he held power over hundreds of thousands of troops, he’d won hundreds of battles, achieved countless merits, and was definitely worthy of the title God of War indeed!

No one was more capable in the entirety of Dragonmarsh than him!

He was known as the “National Warrior“!

At that moment, his phone started ringing. He’d received a call from an unfamiliar number.

Adam Spanner raised his eyebrows slightly at this, as he thought that it was a bit strange.

“Hello, is this Adam Spanner?” A familiar voice asked him the moment he answered the call.

“Who are you? How dare you call this commander by his name? The nerve-

“This is Dustin Rhys speaking” Adam instantly froze on the spot and didn’t know how to respond. He immediately swallowed his words back down.

After staying silent for a while, he finally mustered the courage to reply in a stiff manner, “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Mr. Troublemaker. I thought you died in a ditch somewhere, I even brought flowers to visit your grave every year.”

“Stop talking shit. I need you to do something for me.” Dustin snapped.

“Hey, watch your tone! I’m the commander of an army now, not some puny mafia character you can brutally beat up!” Adam whispered.

“Oh, so what do you want me to do?” Dustin taunted in reply.

“I want you to give me more respect. Like when you ask me to do something for you, you need to word it in a way that sounds like you’re pleading. You could, like, butter them up a little first,” Adam said while dusting the badges on his shoulder pad.

It seemed to Dustin that he was still as arrogant as ever.

“Forget I said anything: I’ll go find someone else,” Dustin spat, as he wasn’t in the mood to play games with him.

“D–don’t hang up on me yet!” Adam responded, all startled, before continuing with a face that was all smiles,” Look at you, can’t you take a joke? Honestly, you get mad at everything I say. You know how it is between us: if you have anything on your mind, you know that you can just tell me!

“What was I thinking? You’re the commander and military god of the Dragonmarsh army now, after all. So, how could I possibly trouble you with this? Perhaps it’d be better to just find someone else.” Dustin trailed off.

“No need to bother with that, Dustin! It would be an honor for me to do something for you. Just take it as your granting a favor for me, alright? Please give me a chance: I promise to do a good job for you!” Adam begged in a panicked tone.

After waiting for so fucking long, he finally obtained a chance to show his strength. How could he let go of this opportunity so easily?

“Ha! Since you’re the one doing the begging now, I’ll give you a chance, as I can sense your sincerity through the phone,” Dustin said.

“Thanks a lot, Dustin!” Adam thanked him with a huge grin on his face.

This display of his soft side caused a few female officers near him to stare at him in disbelief. All of their eyes were wide with shock, and they all looked as if they’d seen a ghost.

Was this really their usual death stare and stoic commander?

Who exactly was the person on the other side of the phone?

How did they manage to make an esteemed military officer act so meekly like this?
Chapter 185

At Fallridge Haven.

“Father! Please help Dustin; otherwise, he’ll die!” Sheila begged on her knees.

“Hmph! You have the audacity to request assistance for him?! He is responsible for Xavier’s death! That is the gravest of offenses! The Horst army has already assembled all of Swinton’s finest warriors! No one can save him now!” Caden spoke with a frigid tone.

“Father! Dustin has rescued me on numerous occasions. Please help him, for my sake!” Sheila pleaded, tears streaming down her face.

Ever since she returned to Fallridge Haven, she hadn’t stopped begging his father for his help. That was because only her father could go against the Horst army.

“It is exactly because he’s saved you that I refrained from taking his life!” Caden retorted coldly.

“Father! I will do as long as you save Dustin!” Sheila begged on all fours. Soon, her knees started to bruise.

“You fool! You have no idea what you’re doing!”

Caden slammed the table as he stood up. “Do you want me to cross the Horst family for a nobody? Have you no care about what might happen to the rest of us?!”

“I don’t care about the others! I just know that Dustin saved me, and I must repay him!” Sheila said with tearful eyes.

“You“’re being foolish and naive! Claudia! Bring her downstairs and keep an eye on her. She is not allowed to leave Fallridge Haven!” Caden was fuming.

“Yes, sir!” Claudia replied as she dragged Sheila away.

“Claudia! Please, help me, would you?” Sheila’s eyes were swollen red from her tears.

“Dummy, it’s not worth it for a stranger.” Claudia sighed.

She could see that Sheila had fallen for Dustin. However, this love was destined to fail. She was from a rich family, and he was just an ordinary guy with no background. They were worlds apart.

“Claudia! Let me call Grandpa. As long as he agrees, Dustin will be saved!” Sheila begged.

“Sheila, General Murray has no longer been concerned with these matters. Your father is the one in charge of everything now.” Claudia shook her head.

“No matter what, I must give it a try. I won’t give up!” Shella said, full of stubbornness.

“Alright then I hope you don’t regret it.” Claudia could only pass her phone to Sheila.

From her standpoint, Sheila was wasting her energy. General Murray was one of the highest–ranking generals in Swinton.

Ten years ago, he had already retired and passed down all his responsibilities to Caden. Unless his family is threatened, he would never show his face. It was impossible for him to put in such great effort for such a small matter.

10.00 pm, at Swinton Horst Dojo.

Gabriel, dressed in heavy armor, stood stoically within the ring, his fierce expressions sending chills down the spines of any who dared to meet his gaze.

Behind him loomed the elite members of the Horst family, their presence commanding respect and fear alike. As far as the eye could see, there were hundreds of them stretching across the horizon, a formidable force to be reckoned with.

In the crowd. Nigel was whispering to a group of people.

“Mr. Lincoln, do you think that Rhys fellow would show up tonight?” The girl in a yellow shirt asked.

“Hmph! Even if he doesn’t dare to show up, he’s still dead meat! The only difference is whether he dies alone or with his entire family!” Nigel laughed coldly.

The Horst family reigned supreme at the apex of the martial arts world, their wealth and power placing them among the elite in Millsburg. How can a nobody from the countryside be able to fend against them?

“He’s a fool who deserved death for crossing the Horst family!”

“Sure, he may bask in the glory for a few seconds, but eventually, he’ll have to face the consequences of his actions!”

A few people in the group shook their heads, waiting for the showdown to begin.

“Hey! I think someone’s coming!”

At that moment, someone from the crowd shouted.

Everyone looked over and noticed a silhouette slowly approaching them.
Chapter 186

“That fellow really dared to come? He really doesn’t treasure his life!”

“Your bravery is commendable. But showing up here is a foolish move!”

The crowd erupted into an uproar, with a variety of expressions on their faces.

“Dustin Rhys is it?!” A guard from the Horst family took a step forward, his voice booming with authority.

“That’s me.” Dustin replied, unfazed.

“So, you’re the one who killed my son, Xavier?” Gabriel’s fierce gaze remained fixed on Dustin, his expression. stern and unyielding.

“Yes.” Dustin nodded once again.

“Kneel down!” Gabriel roared.

“Kneel? You’re not worthy of such respect.” Dustin retorted.

Dustin added, “Horst, I’ll give you a chance. Hand over the people who trespassed at Peaceful Medical Center and apologize to Gregory. Then, I’ll spare your life.”

The crowd went wild at his statement.

“Holy shit! Is he out of his mind? He’s still acting so brazen even when his life is at stake?”

“Having killed Xavier, he dares to demand an apology from Sir Gabriel! He’s wild!”

“Those who are ignorant are the ones who are fearless. This guy has no idea who he just crossed.”

The crowd murmured as they pointed at Dustin.

“Punk! Do you know what you’re saying? You are the one who is trapped now! If you don’t want to suffer a painful death, hand over the Gozoraberry and beg for forgiveness on your knees. Otherwise, you will be erased from this world!” Gabriel’s face darkened, and his voice became cold and ominous.

“I may not have the Gozoraberry, but I still have my life. If you think you’re capable of taking it, then come and get it. Dustin motioned with his finger.

“Great! How absolutely fantastic! Since you don’t value your life, then don’t blame me for what happens next! Guards! Cut off this insolent punk’s limbs! I want his head on a stick as revenge!”

Soon after his orders, a few guards rushed towards him, trying to get a head start.


With a loud stomp of his foot, the ground beneath Dustin shattered, sending debris flying across the room in all directions.

As the debris flew across the room, some of it moved with such force that it struck the guards like bullets, causing them to stumble and fall to the ground.

Within a matter of seconds, a few of the guards had fallen to the ground, groaning in pain as they clutched their wounds.

“Go! All of you!” Gabriel thundered, his voice filled with anger and frustration.

“Kill him!”

At Gabriel’s command, a large number of guards charged toward Dustin, their weapons raised and their faces filled with fury.

The guards surrounded Dustin like a tidal wave.

“Hmph! This punk is dead meat! The members of Horst dojo are all elites. He won’t be able to fend them off no matter how skilled he is!” Nigel laughed.

“I can’t wait to see him defeated.” The girl in yellow laughed along with him.

“He’s not even running after being surrounded by that many guards. Does he plan to fight all of them alone? Hahaha! Does he think he’s Superman?”

The group of people laughed as they mocked Dustin, waiting for a good show.

Yet, in a few moments, their smiles were frozen in place. As the fight began, the match took a completely different turn from what they had expected.

Dustin was unstoppable and invincible!

One, two, three-

Ten, twenty, thirty…

In just two minutes, more than half of the guards from the Horst family had fallen. Till that moment, no one could match Dustin’s level of combat.

The whole scene was a massacre!

Dustin alone was slaughtering the bunch of them.

“H–he’s on another level!”
Chapter 187

Ten minutes later.

The entire Horst Dojo was filled with pained groans.

Dustin stood amidst the crowd, emanating a presence akin to that of a god or demon. His presence was awe- inspiring, commanding, and intimidating.

A few people in the audience were stunned. They stared with widened eyes as if they saw a ghost.

Everyone was taken aback by Dustin’s strength. Single–handedly, he had managed to sweep through the entire Horst dojo!

It should be noted that these warriors were the elite of the dojo, capable of facing ten opponents alone.

Yet, in the span of a few minutes, all of them were taken down. This was too absurd!

“Fuck! He’s that strong? He’s on an entirely different level!”

“My goodness, where did this demon come from?!”

Nigel and the others were stunned speechless, especially a few girls who covered their mouths in shock.

Dustin alone faced off against a hundred soldiers, slaughtering people from all directions.

It was truly unbelievable!

"The Horst dojo is nothing.” Dustin stood proudly as his gaze landed on Gabriel.

“I have to admit, kid, you’re pretty good. I underestimated you earlier.” Gabriel took off his coat, revealing his muscular body and long sword at his waist.

“But it ends here. Today, I’ll personally take your life!” As he spoke, he slowly drew his long sword, and a cold light flashed around him.

“Sir Gabriel is unleashing his full strength. This kid is doomed!” Nigel became excited at the sight.

“Have you heard of the Hundred Immortals?”

“Of course! The Hundred Immortals is a combat power ranking list in the martial world, In Dragonmarsh, there are millions of martial arts practitioners, but only one hundred can make it onto the Hundred Immortals. These one hundred individuals are all the cream of the crop, the most outstanding top–tier experts!”

Nigel arrogantly lifted his head and said, “Good to know. Let me tell you, he is one of the top ten of the Hundred Immortals.”

“What? Top ten of the Hundred Immortals?” The others were all shocked at the news.

They knew that Gabriel was powerful, but they never expected him to be ranked so high on the Hundred Immortals list.

It was extremely difficult to even make it onto the list, and even more so to become one of its top members. Any one of the top ten could easily sweep through all the martial arts dojos in Swinton.

“It seems that I underestimated Sir Gabriel’s terrifying power. He truly is a martial art master born into a martial arts family!”

“This poor guy, he actually provoked Sir Gabriel, He’s looking for death!” The onlookers were all full of surprise and pity, looking at Dustin as if he were already dead.

“I heard that Sir Gabriel’s sword is faster than a bullet, and no one can block it. Is it true?” The girl in yellow suddenly asked.

“Of course it’s true! Sir Gabriel’s sword is famous for its speed, especially his ultimate move. ‘Eclipse Strike“. Whenever he uses it, no one has ever escaped alive!” Nigel spoke boastfully.

“Wow, that’s amazing! I wonder if we’ll have the chance to witness Sir Gabriel’s ultimate move today?” The girl in a yellow dress looked on with anticipation and admiration.

“Quick, look! Sir Gabriel is about to make his move!”

As the crowd discussed, on the stage. Gabriel’s aura became more imposing, exuding an intense and sharp pressure.

“Kid, it’s an honor to die by my sword!” Gabriel declared.

“Now, let me show you what it means to break all laws with a single sword strike!” With a single step, Gabriel leaped high off the stage.

Upon landing, he crouched slightly, gathering energy before springing forward like an arrow and hurtling towards Dustin.

“Eclipse Strike!” Gabriel roared, unleashing his ultimate move. Instantly, the air was filled with the glint of the sword and the howling of the wind.

“Here it comes, Sir Gabriel’s most powerful sword strike!”

“No wonder it’s his ultimate move! It’s so cool!”

“No one can survive the ‘Eclipse Strike‘!”

The crowd shouted in admiration and shock.

Gabriel and his sword merged into a rainbow of light, piercing straight toward Dustin’s chest.

Right when it seemed like a killing blow was about to land, a light “ding” sound was heard.

Suddenly, two fingers appeared out of nowhere, gripping the sword. With a simple twist, the sword snapped in half.


The wind ceased, and the light dispersed.

“Huh?!” Gabriel was stunned. He stood in place, a little lost on what to do.

“My famous move was actually blocked just like that? And with just two fingers?” He thought.

“How is this possible?!” cried Nigel, his face turning pale.
Chapter 188


When the last slap fell, Gabriel was completely disfigured, with a crooked nose, a twisted mouth, and half of his teeth falling out, looking extremely miserable.

He collapsed on the ground, completely powerless. He never expected Dustin to be so strong, to the point where he couldn’t even fight back throughout the whole fight.

He could only passively take the beating without any resistance. With this kind of strength, Dustin might even well be in the top three of the Hundred Immortals.

“D–did I see it right? Sir Gabriel was actually defeated? And so miserably?”

“Who is this guy? What kind of monster is he?” After a long silence in the martial arts gym, there was finally some sound.

However, no one responded because the facts were already laid out in front of them.

Gabriel had indeed lost and was completely crushed throughout the entire fight.

The so–called top ten of the Hundred Immortals and his so–called “Eclipse Strike“, his “ultimate” move, had become a joke at this moment.

Dustin’s strength was far beyond everyone’s imagination. With just a slap, he could render Gabriel completely powerless.

“Who are you?” Gabriel sat on the ground, his face twisted with fear.

How could there be such a powerful person in a small place like Swinton, and more importantly, one so young? This was simply abnormal!

“Who I am doesn’t matter. What matters is, will you still be able to survive after this?” Dustin looked down at him coldly.

Upon hearing this, Gabriel first froze, then burst out laughing maniacally, his face distorted. “Kid! I admit you are strong–even exceptionally talented! But the problem is, you are just one person, and behind me stands the entire Horst family!

“The disciples of the Horst family are well into the thousands, spread throughout the seventeen provinces of Swinton! Will you be able to defeat ten, a hundred, or even thousands of them? If you dare to kill me today, you will become the public enemy of the entire Horst family. By then, you will face countless warriors‘ relentless pursuit, day and night! You should weigh the consequences yoursell!”

After hearing these words, Nigel and the others, who were initially shocked and confused, immediately came back to their senses.

“That’s right, so what if Dustin is so powerful? He was still only a human being who has weaknesses and flaws. The Horst family was a wealthy and powerful family in the capital with tons of skilled warriors, some even stronger than Gabriel himself. Once these strong warriors learn of the news and gather up, it would be easy to crush him.” The crowd thought.

“A person who acts recklessly will always remain so, and can never attain the heights of true strength!” Nigel shook his head and retained his calm smile.

“Exactly! No matter how powerful he is, he is still an ant in front of the great Horst family. He’ll be crushed easily! The girl in the yellow dress followed up in agreement.

“In this world, it is not strength that matters but power and connections. This kid will ultimately face death!” After realizing this, the group of people couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement about Dustin’s impending doom.

“Are you so confident that the Horst family can protect you?” Dustin looked at Gabriel with a meaningful smile on his lips.

“What, do you still want to challenge the entire Horst family with your own strength?” Gabriel sneered, with a condescending look on his face.

“Challenge? You are overestimating yourself a little. Give the Horst family a call and ask if they can protect you. Do they even dare to protect you?” Dustin sneered.

“Huh?” Gabriel narrowed his eyes and, after confirming that the other party was not joking, immediately took out his phone.

However, the dozens of missed calls on it made him frown slightly. He felt a sense of unease in his heart. He took a deep breath and dialed the number back.

As soon as the call was connected, his father’s roar came from the other side.

“Gabriel! Where the hell have you been? Your phone has been unreachable! You despicable animal! What the hell have you done? Our entire family has been ruined by you! If I had known this would happen, I should have strangled you to death earlier! So that you wouldn’t bring disaster to our whole family!” His father’s angry rant immediately stunned Gabriel,

After a while, Gabriel tentatively asked, “Dad, what happened exactly?”

“You still have the nerve to ask what happened? It’s all your fault! It’s all because of you, you despicable animal! Our entire family has been banned from killing by the military! Do you know who issued the kill ban order? It was Adam Spanner! It’s the God of War, Adam Spanner! One of the twin stars of the Spanner family and the youngest chief commander in Dragonmarsh! If the God of War personally takes action, what the hell have you done to offend him?!”

As he listened to his father’s shouting in his ear, Gabriel felt as if he had been struck by lightning and stood there stunned! God of War? Adam Spanner? Kill Ban?

H–how could this be possible?

“Die! Just go and die! No one can protect you! And no one dares to protect you! Only when you die can the Horst family survive!” His father’s voice came through the phone again.

Gabriel stood there, at a loss. His face was full of disbelief.

How could the world–renowned God of War, Sergeant Spanner, suppress the Horst family? Who could request Sergeant Spanner to intervene?

“So? Do you still think that the Horst family will stand up for you?” Dustin’s indifferent voice sounded.

“W–was it you?! Was this…all your doing? W–who are you? Why would even Sergeant Spanner stand up for you?!” Gabriel trembled all over, raised his head, and looked at Dustin in horror.

He couldn’t believe it. How could such a deity–like person be hiding in a small place like Swinton?

“You don’t deserve to know who I am. Now, I’ll give you a chance to take your own life, so that you can still save your family. As he spoke, Dustin kicked the broken sword on the ground toward Gabriel.

“Take…my own life?” Looking at his broken sword, Gabriel was stunned; his face was ashen, and his eyes were filled with despair.

Then, in front of a group of people with shocked, astonished, and unbelieving eyes, Gabriel picked up the sword and directly severed his own neck.

In an instant, his head rolled off and blood spattered on the ground.

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