The Protector (The Return of God Of War)

In Erudia, a private jet landed at North Hampton Airport, where all international flights experienced an eight-hour delay because of it.
At the private passageway were five men in suits and leather shoes, standing as straight as a javelin.

Every now and then, they would raise their wrist to look at the time, for a big shot was coming to town.
The upper-class society of North Hampton had learned about his arrival, but no one had the capability to get an inch closer to the private passageway.
Even the richest man in North Hampton who came to pay homage was chased away.
Finally, there were movements coming from the passageway.

“God of War!!!” the mass cried out, their eyes filled with awe and veneration at the sight of the undefeatable legend of Erudia.
He, who was dubbed the God of War, was the one and only five-star war God in the history of Erudia.
Once, he’d inflicted a crushing defeat on the strongest battalions in eighteen countries. He was an overbearing and formidable man.
He who overwhelmed the world with his unparalleled power had even created the Five Great Wars Regiment, Cavalry Regiment, and many more.

Setting foot on his homeland, Levi Garrison was overcome with emotions.
Once upon a time, he used to be an orphan who was abandoned on the streets of North Hampton and then adopted by the Garrison family.
However, the Garrison family had never been fond of him.
His adoptive parents, who had a tendency to beat and scold him, treated him like an outsider.
As for the outsiders, they treated him as a nobody.
But he didn’t care a stiver. He had always been proud of his surname since he was a child, and he strived to bring glory to this family when he grew older.
At last, Levi had established Levi Group, the largest dark horse in North Hampton’s business community.
With billions of assets, it ranked among the forefront of North Hampton, pushing the declining Garrison family to the top.
However, not only did the Garrison family showed no signs of appreciation, they even harbored dissatisfaction towards him. Jealous of his success, they regarded him as a thorn in their flesh and coveted Levi Group.
No matter his wealth and power, unless they were in control, he was just an outsider in the Garrison family’s eyes.
Eventually, on Levi’s wedding night, the Garrison family plotted a frame-up against him by getting him drunk before tossing him onto his sister-in-law’s bed. They wanted to create the illusion that he was doing something untoward to her and was caught in bed by his brother and adoptive parents.
That night, the Garrison family had brutally broken his limbs and left him on the road like a wild dog.
Not only was he handicapped, but he also had to take the flak for something he didn’t commit.
From an upstart in the business world, he had become the target of disdain overnight.
And the next day, he had been punished for several crimes and sentenced to six years in prison.
He could never forget the ruthless and sinister faces of everyone in the Garrison family and the ridicule of his friends, classmates, and business partners.
More so, he could never forget the disappointment on his newly wedded wife, Zoey’s face.
He had regarded the Garrison family as his home and devoted himself to the family.
Yet, they treated him like trash.
It felt as if a knife was being twisted in his heart every time he thought about this.
How he hated the Garrison family!
But who would have thought that Levi had been secretly transferred away from prison to join the military?
In a few years, he dominated the military world and became the one and only five-star God of War.
Now that he came back, the Garrison family ought to stay on their toes.
“How’s it going, Azure Dragon?” Levi asked.
Azure Dragon, the commander of the Five Great Wars Regiment, took a step forward and said respectfully, “Sir, I’m afraid your wife, Ms. Zoey Lopez will remarry at ten o’clock tonight!”
Ever since Zoey’s husband was sent to prison on their wedding night, she had been living like a widow.
Only God knew how much pressure she was put under.
And right now, the person Levi couldn’t wait to see the most was Zoey.
After a moment of hesitation, Azure Dragon continued, “To add on, Sir, the Garrison family is holding a successful listing celebration banquet at the Crystal Palace Hotel tonight! Many people had invited the God of War just now, including the Garrison family, but I didn’t accept nor refuse directly.”
“What time?” Levi asked tersely.
“Eight o’clock, Sir.”
“Okay. Tell the Garrison family I will attend the banquet!”
Since the time for the two events didn’t clash, Levi gladly accepted the invitation.
The celebration banquet for the public listing of Garrison Group was held at North Hampton’s Crystal Palace Hotel.
With the help of Levi Group, they had become a rich and powerful family in one fell swoop.
The hall was bustling with noise and excitement, and sounds of glasses clinking could be heard ringing in the air every now and then.
“God bless the Garrison family,” said Joseph, the head of the Garrison family. “The younger generations are the stars among men. Garrison Group is now listed and has become an upstart in North Hampton!”
Joseph’s three sons and daughter welcomed their guests with bright smiles on their faces.
The younger generation of the Garrison family was all the smugger and prouder because, after today, the Garrison family would become a powerful family, and they would become one of the top rich kids.
Most of the guests who attended today’s banquet were from the top circle in North Hampton.
“Garrison, do you know what happened today?! Your celebration party is nothing compared to that.” They were gossiping about the major event that had happened today.
“Yeah! I heard that a big shot has arrived in North Hampton!”
“The richest man in North Hampton wanted to meet him but was shooed away. Apparently, he’s not qualified enough!”
“So? Jesse Nielsen had been waiting for five hours in advance at the airport!”
Joseph nodded. “Yes, I know about that too. I even sent someone to invite this big shot to the celebration party!”
“No way! Why would this big shot attend such a party?”
No one believed it.
In fact, as an upstart, Joseph was just trying his luck.
“Dad!” shouted Jaycob, the second eldest son of the Garrison family could be seen running over. “The big shot has accepted our invitation to attend our celebration banquet! He’s on the way!”
“Jesus! God has indeed blessed the Garrison family!”
Everyone in the Garrison family could barely conceal their delight as this was their chance to reach the sky in a single bound.
The grandchildren of the Garrison family gathered together, sunshine flooding their souls.
Levi’s brother, Bryan, and sister-in-law, Victoria, smiled. “Well, it all starts with Levi’s imprisonment that the Garrison family is at where we are today…”
“Right, speaking about Levi, do you guys know today’s the day that kid gets out of prison?!” somebody asked abruptly.
“Really? Isn’t that bad luck? Why did he have to be released on such a big day?!”
“Please, please, please don’t come back! He’s the Garrison family’s biggest disgrace!”
Victoria’s lips tugged into a sneer. “Speaking of which, Levi is the crowning glory of the Garrison family’s status today.”
“That’s what he’s supposed to do!” Bryan said. “He should contribute to the Garrison family for raising him, an orphan! His multi-billion Levi Group means nothing. To put it bluntly, he’s just a dog raised by the Garrison family!”
Someone gave a chortle. “As a matter of fact, I’ve been interested in Levi’s wife for a long time now. She’s still widowed, and I’m so going to marry her!”
The man’s remark caused gales of laughter.
“Everyone, stop what you’re doing. I have an important announcement to make,” Joseph said and went on to announce that the big shot was coming.
A thunderous applause was heard.
But when the applause had died down, there was still someone clapping.
The sound was loud and clear, approaching from afar.
On the red carpet, a man came clapping, looking bold and energetic.
His stride gave off a majestic and imposing aura, which made the mass hold their breaths.
“It’s Levi!” Bryan and Victoria exclaimed.
Suddenly, all eyes were riveted on him.
“I forgot this little brat got out of jail today!” Levi’s adoptive parents spoke in unison.
Ignoring the astonished gazes darted at his way, Levi walked step by step towards Joseph.
“A little bird told me that the company is now listed. How are you feeling, Joseph? Are you happy?”
Levi flashed him a meaningful smile.
“How dare you show up here, you insolent brat! And what did you just call me?” Joseph’s fury sprang to life.
“Who let him in? Didn’t you know he just got out of prison? How inauspicious!”
Bryan rose to his feet. “What the hell are you doing here, Levi?”
Levi sized him up. “Why can’t I be here?”
“Well, for starters, you’re an orphan! The Garrison family has raised you, but you were ambitious and ungrateful. You had inordinate ambitions for your sister-in-law, and you wanted to take possession of the Garrison family! You’d even tried to kill your parents when things go south! Have you no conscience? Do you have any sense of morality left in your heart?”
“You’ve lost your reputation in North Hampton, and everyone knows that. Have you no shame to have the brass neck to come round here?”
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Chapter 921 A Dream Come True
“Go with your son, Emma. Thank you for your hard work,” affirmed the team leader.
Levi then gave the man an earnest glance to show him his gratitude.

“Let’s go, Mom.”
The son supported his mother, and the two were ready to go home along with Zoey and Sylas.
Emma was surprised to see such a beautiful woman with them.

“This is Zoey, your daughter-in-law.” introduced Levi with a smile.
“I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through, Emma!” Zoey’s eyes had already reddened from all her crying.
After briefly introducing Sylas to Emma, they returned to the courtyard.
Emma had dreamt of seeing her son again for nearly thirty years, and she was willing to die for it no less. However, she also understood that she could never leave Margo City.
She never expected anyone to find her, much less to see her son again.
Still, her dream came true, and her son appeared before her very two eyes. He had even brought her daughter-in-law along.
The tears never stopped flowing down Emma’s face on their way home, but they were tears of joy.
“Levi, how did you know that I was here?” asked Emma curiously, for she was certain that the Garrisons had made it impossible for anyone to have found her.
“I received some help.”
On the way home, the mother felt like she had a multitude of questions to ask her son.
When Emma returned to the courtyard and saw the tombstone, her face turned grim. “Levi, don’t mind this.”
Emma then covered the engraving on the tombstone with her body.
“It’s okay, Mom. You don’t have to do that. I know that my name is on it.”
The mother’s face fell because she would rather have kept her son in the dark about it.
After getting inside the house, Emma wanted to serve her guests. Nonetheless, Zoey stopped her.
“Allow me to do so.”
“I’m so happy, Levi! Not only has my dream come true, rather, you’ve also found yourself such a kind and beautiful wife. Now, I can die without regrets.”
“You still have a good life ahead of you, Mom. I’ll make sure that you become the happiest mother in the world!” promised Levi as he held his mother’s hands tightly.
“Seeing you is enough for me,” responded Emma with a smile.
“Mom, have you ever thought of leaving?”
“I can’t do that. Didn’t you see the tombstone? They’ll kill you if I leave this place.”
“Are they using that rock to keep you here?”
“No. They’ve also got people watching me, and they’ll never allow me to step foot out of Margo City.”


Chapter 922 Nobody Bullies My Mother
Emma continued, “It’s not just Margo City. For almost thirty years, I was only allowed to move within this block. They warned me that if I ever stepped out of the boundary, I’d receive a serious beating.”

Levi widened his eyes so much that they could almost drop out. “What? You were only allowed to move within this block for almost thirty years?”

What’s worse than being imprisoned in a city for almost thirty years is being confined to a single block. Those ruthless scumbags!
“Yes. The Garrisons had ordered the people in Margo City to imprison me here. To make it foolproof, they deliberately narrowed the range down to just this block.” Emma sighed.
When Levi heard her words, rage pulsed through his veins, and a murderous intent flashed across his eyes.
“Emma, have you been a sanitation worker all these years?” The thought of it broke Zoey’s heart.
“Yes. They control everything that I do, including my job. I was only allowed to be a sanitation worker because they’d wanted me to struggle,” replied Emma with a nod, who then smiled at the tearful Zoey. “I was fine, though. On top of my salary, scavenging around was enough to help me get by.”
Even so, everybody else could see how things really were, for it was impossible to forget seeing what Emma was willing to do for fifty.
“But your health…” Zoey choked before she could finish.
“It’s nothing. As long as I continue to take my medications, I’ll be fine. The pain does get a little worse during cloudy and rainy days, though,” explained Emma casually.
Still, her sickness made her look at least twenty years older than she was.
Momentarily, Emma suddenly remembered something. “You guys had better leave now. You shouldn’t stay here for too long.”
“Why?” asked Levi and Zoey in confusion.
“They’re always watching me. For almost thirty years, nobody was allowed to enter this courtyard or even talk to me. That was why I didn’t have to lock the door. Nobody would dare to come by. If they find you here, you’ll all be in danger. There might even be a serious beating.”
In a panic, Emma tried to hurry the three out, but Levi would not budge.
“It’s okay, Mom. Nobody will lay a finger on you while I’m around.”
Levi sneered. “Nobody bullies my mother!”
“We’re no match for these people, so please just go! They’ll see you!” begged Emma anxiously.


Chapter 923 Beat Her Up A Lot
Emma was well aware that she was constantly being watched, so it was only a matter of time before her son and his companions were spotted.
“Just go!”

Emma even pushed her son to get him to leave.
Emma’s face fell when she heard the door opening.
“Oh, no! They’re here!” exclaimed Emma with a pale face.

“Hey, old swine! Someone’s here with you, aren’t they? Did you forget the rules? How dare you bring outsiders home with you!” threatened a voice from outside.
Seeing how terrified his mother was, Levi realized how she was treated before.
“What do we do now?”
Emma was as anxious as a mouse in a cattery.
“We’ll be fine, Mom. You have me now,” assured the son.
“Let’s go and check it out.” Levi and the others then went out to the yard to meet a few fierce-looking young men.
“So, you really do have people here, you old swine! Are you trying to get beaten up?” sneered the group leader.
Seeing how his mother had shrunk behind him in terror, Levi was infuriated. “Do you guys beat her up a lot?”
“We do. So what? She’s nothing but an old piece of trash,” ridiculed the leader before the other men laughed. Unfortunately, none of them realized the severity of Levi’s rage.
“Get yourself over here and kneel before me, you old swine! You’ve broken the rules, so that means that it’s time for a beating!” shouted the man.
Emma was so frightened that she trembled all over; it was evident that she had been beaten up before.
There was no way that her frail and sickly body could take such a beating.
“Hiding, are we? I’ll drag you out if I have to!”
The man then rushed toward Levi to grab Emma.
Levi slapped his hand onto the man’s wrist to grab hold of it.
“What the… “ The man tried to break free, but it was to no avail.
“Release me before I beat you up too,” threatened the young man.
A cold glint flashed across Levi’s eyes before he lifted his leg to kick the young man. The thug was soon sent tumbling backward.
“Get them! Get all of them!” roared the young man as blood dripped out of his mouth.
The other men rushed forward, but Sylas took care of them all with only a few kicks and punches.
Emma’s jaw dropped when she saw how powerful her son and his companions were.
The men got back up before threatening, “So, you’ve got yourself some help to leave Margo City, huh? We’ll see about that, Emma. You’re not out of the woods yet!”
“No, that’s not it. I… I’m not going to leave Margo City,” denied Emma immediately.
“Then, how would you explain this? There’s no denying it. Just you wait!” shouted the men before retreating.


Chapter 924 In This Together
“It’s all over now. Get as far away as possible, and don’t ever return. Seeing you once more is enough for me. I have no other regrets.”
Emma had completely broken down. “If you don’t leave now, they’ll return to kill you.”

She was not to contact the outside world, much less allow anyone to find her. That was the rule.
She was told that anyone who found out about her existence would be killed, and that was how the Garrisons ensured that nobody would ever find her.
“To tell you the truth, I came here to take you away with me, so pack your things. We’re leaving, Mom.”

Emma could not believe what she had just heard. I hadn’t even dared to leave this block, why would I leave the city?
She had been imprisoned in that city for nearly thirty years, and the invisible shackles on her had become part of her.
Even in her dreams, she could not escape the purgatory. I don’t have the courage to do it.
Anything but leaving Margo City!
“I understand what you’re trying to do for me, but the Garrisons have set the rule that I’m not to step out of this city, ever! If I do, they’ll kill you. You saw the tombstone, right? That’s for you!” Tears were already dropping like rain from Emma, but the idea amused Levi.
“Nobody can kill me. Not yet anyway.”
The man had survived the battlefield for six years, and no matter how bad things got, he would always come back alive. Thus, why the heck would I be afraid of the Garrisons? Besides, a small place like Margo City doesn’t scare me.
“Listen to me, Mom. One way or the other, I’m going to get you out,” insisted Levi.
“Do you know who’s keeping me here? He’s the most powerful man in the city, The King of Margo City himself! The Garrisons got the man to imprison me for nearly thirty years. He’s practically the city itself! He has eyes all over the place and he knows exactly who is in his city.”
Emma continued to dissuade her son. “I know that you’re an extraordinary man, but you’re no match for The King of Margo City, let alone the Garrisons. Levi, listen to me and leave now!”
Even Zoey was starting to worry for her husband. How is Levi going to fight against all of these people?
“Levi, maybe we should leave first and come up with a plan later,” suggested Zoey.
“You do that, Zoey, but I’m staying,” insisted Levi.
“No. We’re all in this together!”


Chapter 925 Kill Them All
Emma grew anxious as she wondered what to do about the hard-headed couple.

Several cars arrived at the courtyard, and dozens of men stepped out of them.
“Emma, you old swine! I’d heard that you’d gotten yourself some help to escape Margo City. Oh my, the audacity this woman has!”

Shivers traveled down Emma’s spine when she heard the voice.
It was Erwin, the son of Amos Braus, The King of Margo City.
Amos had already delegated his son to watch over Emma because he wanted the Garrisons to recognize Erwin
This would be a great help to his son’s future.
When Erwin heard that Emma was trying to escape, he quickly brought a group of men over.
“So it’s true.” Erwin sneered at Levi and the rest.
“Didn’t you use to kneel whenever I arrived, Emma? What’s changed? Grown a pair, have you?” Erwin continued to sneer as anger flooded through Levi’s veins.
I’ll ensure that these people shall pay for what they have done to my mother for the past twenty years!
“I’m sorry, Mr. Braus. I’ll do it right now.”
Emma was about to kneel before the man, but Levi stopped her.
“Don’t, Mom. You shall bow to no one.”
“Mom? So this is your son?” Shocked, Erwin shifted his focus to Levi. “This is Levi Garrison? Tell me, old swine, how did this bastard find you?”
Erwin was surprised because he always heard his father promising the Garrisons that nobody would know that Emma was in Margo City, especially not those who were close to her.
Never did they expect Emma’s son to have found her.
If the Garrisons were to find out about this, their family alone would be ruined, if not massacred.
Erwin perspired all over at the thought of it.
“Well done, Levi. I didn’t expect you to have stumbled upon this place,” admitted Erwin after taking a deep breath.
“Emma, you should know the rules. Whoever knows about you and your location will be killed, let alone your son. He’ll never walk out of here alive because we can’t have the world know of your true identities.”
A murderous glint flashed in Erwin’s eyes before he coldly ordered, “Kill all three of them!”
If it were the usual, Erwin would have captured a beauty like Zoey for his own enjoyment.
However, there was too much at stake then.


Chapter 926 Breaking The Rules
When Emma and Zoey heard that Erwin wanted them killed, both of them panicked.
“Please spare my son, Mr. Braus. I’d never said that I wanted to leave Margo City.

Heck, I wouldn’t even leave this courtyard!” begged Emma after kneeling before the man.
“Mom, what are you doing?”

Levi quickly helped his mother up.
“What if he spreads the information that you’re here or goes to the Garrisons? I can’t allow that to happen. My father would never allow it! Killing them is the only way to avoid complications,” insisted Erwin.
“Kill me if you have to, but please let my son live!”
Emma stood determinedly before her three guests.
“You’ve broken the rules, Emma. They’ll have to die.”
With a wave of his hand, dozens of Erwin’s men rushed inside with shiny daggers in their hands.
“Close your eyes, Mom. You too, Zoey,” instructed Levi.
The two women did as they were told, and the frightening noises that followed only made them more afraid to open their eyes.
After a while, silence fell upon the scene. Afraid that something had happened to Levi, the two finally opened their eyes, only to see the other men lying motionlessly on the ground.
Staring at the unscathed Levi, Erwin was dumbfounded.
The man could not believe his eyes when he witnessed Levi crushing his men effortlessly. How can someone who had grown up an orphan be this powerful?
“Tell The King of Margo City that I’ll be waiting for him here. He kept my mother here for nearly thirty years, didn’t he?
I want him to watch as I walk away with her,” commanded Levi calmly.
Erwin was stupefied by how arrogant Levi was.
Why would he want to do it in front of my father, The King of Margo City?
Levi glanced at the tombstone. “This is what you’ve used to keep my mother here for more than twenty years. I’m going to destroy it today.”
Levi broke the tombstone into pieces with a strong kick while Erwin and Emma watched on with widened eyes.
It had been almost thirty years since the Garrisons had erected the tombstone there, and it was finally destroyed that day.
Its destruction was a challenge to the Garrisons and the rules that they had set for the past few decades.
Erwin was so horrified that he quickly took off to find The King of Margo City.
“We’re in trouble now, Levi! The Garrisons will never let us get away with destroying the tombstone,” stated Emma.


Chapter 927 The Ancient Family Of Erudia

“It’s simple, Mom. Nobody will erect a tombstone for me while I’m alive. Anyone who tries to do so will die,” responded Levi with a smile.
“You’re too young to fully understand what you’re up against, Levi. You have no idea how powerful the Garrisons are.” Emma shook her head helplessly.

“Is that so? I’d like to see it for myself.”
Since Phoenix was unable to gain access to their information, Levi was curious to find out.
“Did you know that the prominent families in Erudia are century-old, while the ancient ones are millennia-old? The Garrisons happened to be the most powerful family of them all, and they were known as The Head of Erudia!”
Over the years, the Garrisons had gradually hidden themselves to the point that even their identities’ had become top secret. Still, those who knew anything about powerful families knew that the Garrison family was the most powerful in Erudia.
“The Joneses were considered a prominent family in South Hampton, but when compared to the Garrisons, we’re nothing. Because of the inferior blood that runs in my veins, I’m not worthy of being part of the Garrison family. They refused to allow me to stay with your biological father, let alone allow you to be born,” continued Emma.
“The Head of Erudia, huh? Interesting,” responded Levi with a smile.
No wonder the files on the Garrisons were SSSSS-level classified. I didn’t know that they were so powerful.
The corners of Levi’s mouth lifted higher as he smirked.
Too bad for them, the confidentiality of my files is SSSSSS-level, a level higher than theirs. So what if they are the most powerful ancient family in Erudia? They’re no match for me.
“What the most powerful ancient family says shall go. They allowed me to give birth to you, but in exchange, I was to be imprisoned here. You’d broken the rules when you’d destroyed the tombstone, and they won’t take it lightly.”
Emma was in despair because she knew that the Garrisons would never allow any of them to leave Margo City.
Not to mention, letting the world know that Levi was a Garrison.
They had every reason to make the four disappear from the face of the earth.
I don’t mind dying, but I don’t want to see my son being killed. I’d only just met him.
The thought was enough to bring Emma to tears once again.
Zoey was almost as frightened as her mother-in-law when she heard about the Garrisons.
Even the Joneses of South Hampton submit to them, so how can we hope to fight against a family that is so powerful?
They’ll probably merely have to lift a finger to obliterate us.
Zoey shuddered when she thought of how superior the Garrisons were.
To her, it was like a battle between gods and mortals.
Zoey then glared at Levi before she scolded him, “Levi, you’re far too impulsive! You may not care about yourself, but you’ve endangered your mother. Why can’t we just think of another solution?”


Chapter 928 The One Who Imprisoned My Mother
Emma could not help but agree with Zoey because her daughter-in-law was right about her son being impulsive.
I’m happy that my son is capable, but he has to learn how to pick his fights.

“Now that the tombstone has been destroyed, it wouldn’t make a difference even if I stayed, so let’s get out of here before The King of Margo City arrives!” requested Emma.
“We’re in no hurry, Mom,” responded Levi with a smile.

Both Emma and Zoey were stunned by Levi’s response.
What is Levi thinking? He’s the one who wanted me to leave with him earlier. Now that I’ve agreed, why are we not leaving?
“Don’t worry. We will leave eventually, but I have a score to settle first,” assured Levi when he noticed how confused the two seemed.
“I’ll make them pay for what they’d done to you for over twenty years, so we’ll wait for them here.”
“The past doesn’t bother me. What’s important to me is your safety. Trust me, you wouldn’t want to face The King of Margo City. Let’s just leave!”
“Sylas, get them out of here,” ordered Levi after forcing his mother and wife into the car.
Sylas then quickly drove away, leaving Levi alone.
Before long, The King of Margo City arrived with a dozen cars and several trucks, as hundreds of men stepped out of the vehicles.
As the title suggested, the man was the king of the city, and he could summon hundreds to the courtyard with a raise of his arm.
When The King of Margo City, Amos, and his son arrived, they only saw a calm-looking man.
The man, with his hands behind his back, looked as though he was waiting for them.
“Where’s Emma that old swine?” shouted Amos.
“She probably took off. We just spotted a car outside,” answered Erwin.
“Father, let me go after her.”
“No. I have eyes all over Margo City. They won’t get away,” stated Amos coldly before entering the courtyard to stare at Levi. “So, you’re Emma’s bastard son?”
Without a hint of emotion, Levi remained silent.
“Weren’t you an orphan who was abandoned to the streets? How did you find this place?”
Amos was curious as to how Levi had done it.
“Answer my father, you bastard! Are you dumb?” roared Erwin.
“You’re not worth it.”
The arrogant answer stunned Amos, who never expected anyone to speak to him in such a manner.
“So you’re The King of Margo City? The one who’d imprisoned my mother for almost thirty years?” asked Levi.
Amos laughed out loud before replying, “That’s right. I’m the one who’s kept that old swine here.”


Chapter 929 Reward For Killing Levi
“The Garrisons only wanted me to keep the old swine in Margo City. It was me who decided to imprison her in this city block, forbidding anyone from socializing with her. I also made her clean the sewers and deliberately raised the prices for the medications to torture her.”

The man seemed to enjoy remembering how Emma had suffered. “You may not have seen it before, but it was amazing to watch her writhe in agony during the rainy days. I’ll never forget the sight. There’s only so much a person can take before they succumb to the pain.”
Levi’s face darkened as he clenched his fists.

“Are you even a human being? Do you have a conscience?” asked Levi coldly.
Amos laughed once more. “Calm down, boy. You should blame your mother because this is what happens to people who have offended the Garrisons. I could have treated her a lot worse, you know?”
Erwin agreed, “It’s true. I only give her a casual beating once every three days and a serious one, once every five days.”
“The old swine can really take a beating, can’t she? She’s still alive after all of these years. What a miracle!”
Listening to their conversation, Levi tried his best to hold back his tears. These heartless animals!
“Look at how upset he is. I think that he wants to kill us.”“Look at how scary his face is.”
The men ridiculed Levi for being angry and had a good laugh for themselves.
Levi then smiled with a murderous intent.
“I’m guessing that everyone present had a hand in bullying my mother, right?” asked Levi coldly.
“That’s right. Every single one of us has hit your mother before. So what?”
Then, Amos and all his men continued to laugh.
“Good. I just needed to hear you say it because you’ll all pay for hurting my mother!” promised Levi before his mouth curved into a disturbing smirk.
He had not had a good fight since he had gotten back from the front line of the warzone.
Even taking Assassin 47 was a breeze.
Today’s going to be different because these people will suffer my wrath. How unfortunate for them to have met the God of War!
“Make us pay? Who do you think you are?”
“Look around. You’re outnumbered!”
Once again, the men laughed as though Levi had made a fool of himself.
“I’ve heard that he’s skilled at fighting. Let’s put that to the test. Seize him!” ordered Amos as dozens of men rushed forward.
“The Garrisons will reward me for killing this boy.”
Amos laughed in excitement.


Chapter 930 The Horrifying Side Of Levi

The King of Margo City was sure that his dozens of elites would have no problem in regard to dealing with Levi.
“Kill him!”
The men gave it their all to take Levi’s life.
Thud! Thud! Thud!

The next moment, Amos froze in terror because he had witnessed the impossible.
The men that he had sent to kill Levi were driven back as if they had been hit by a truck.
Thump! Thump! Thump!
One by one, the men fell to the ground with blood gurgling in their mouths.
Their bodies twitched and squirmed before coming to a halt.
The men merely passed out because of their broken ribs. Levi thought that the bone fractures were punishment enough for them and that there was no need to kill them.
Amos and his remaining men were dumbfounded at the sight that lay before them.
How can he be that powerful?
“We’ve underestimated him, father. We need to send everyone over,” suggested Erwin.
“Go! All of you!”
At Amos’ command, hundreds of men broke through the courtyard walls and doors to swarm in like locusts.
“You’re vastly outnumbered! Let’s see how long it’ll take before my men tire you out.”
Amos looked at Levi and cackled.
“Let’s see how good you are.” Then, as though they were getting ready for a good show, Erwin lit some cigarettes for his father and himself before leaning casually against a car.
Due to the crowd, the two could not actually bear witness to how the battle was going, but they believed that Levi would die from exhaustion if he had not been beaten to death.
The father and son merely had to wait for the result.
A minute later, they started to notice their men backing away from the courtyard.
Peeping through a gap in the crowd, the two were surprised to see a mountain of fallen men in the courtyard.
The men were only backing away because there was hardly any space left inside.
There are people everywhere on the ground, and some are even stacked up upon others.
Levi must have defeated them all! Nevertheless, how is that possible?
The two were so horrified that they both dropped their cigarettes as they began to break into a cold sweat.
Then, they finally spotted Levi, the God of War himself.
Wherever the God of War went, people were bound to drop like flies.
Like a powerful weapon, the man could break bones just by swinging his iron fists.
The invincible God of War had no problem in defeating hundreds of Amos’ men.
Horror! It’s pure horror!
The situation that unfolded next was rather unbelievable.


Chapter 931 My Mother Got Lucky
Like a cannon, Levi shot his right fist into a man and sent him flying toward the crowd. It was as if the man had been hit by a sports car with five hundred horsepower.

Crack! Crack! Crack!
In an instant, more than thirty men were sent flying as the sound of bones cracking filled the air.
Those who were hit by Levi either had broken ribs, broken backs, or broken legs.

None of them walked away without a bone fracture because Levi’s punches were unbelievably powerful.
Amos was stupefied at the sight.
How can someone be this terrifying?
Levi put on a show as he cruelly beat up hundreds of men, making them wail helplessly.
Instead of killing those men, Levi crippled them as punishment for hurting his mother.
Levi sighed with relief as he dusted off his hands.
Around him were people laying over all the place, stacked up like mountains.
While Levi stood there with his chest puffed, the Brauses froze with their mouths wide open.
The two had trouble believing what they had just witnessed.
Is he even human?
He just crippled almost six hundred men by himself.
These men will be bedridden for a year!
Erwin slipped from the car and sat down helplessly on the ground.
This is just too frightening. I’ve never seen anyone this good.
“You’re next!”
Step by step, Levi walked toward the two.
“We… We’re sorry! You should know that we’ve actually treated your mother fairly. We never… We never gave her a hard time,” stuttered Erwin.
“That’s funny. Didn’t you just tell me about how you used to torture her?” Levi sneered.
Amos smiled apologetically before responding, “We… We were merely kidding. Why would we torture your mother? We wanted nothing but the best for her.”
“It’s true. We’ve been good to her. Just think about it, Mr. Garrison. It’s been nearly thirty years. How could she have survived if we weren’t good to her?” reminded Erwin.
“She would have passed away a long time ago if we’d tortured her, but she’s alive and well. That proves that we’ve been nice to her,” added Amos with a smile.
“That’s because she got lucky! She was strong!” roared Levi suddenly, which scared the living daylights out of the Brauses.
“Why don’t you take a guess at what I’m about to do to you guys,” suggested Levi with a smirk.


Chapter 932 Going Against The Garrisons
The Brauses knew well that Levi’s smirk could only mean trouble for them.
“Please spare us, Mr. Garrison! We were only following orders.”
“We’re no different than dogs!”

The two quickly begged Levi for his forgiveness.
“The masters may be despicable, but the dogs aren’t any better.”

A murderous glint suddenly flashed across Levi’s eyes before he grabbed Amos by the collar and lifted the man off the ground.
Amos kicked his legs in the air as his face quickly turned red from suffocation.
Levi punched Amos on the ribs, and immediately, the sound of bone cracking could be heard.
The punch had completely fractured the man’s ribs.
“Argh!” Amos cried out in agony.
The other side of his rib cage was broken too.
Next was his breastbone, which collapsed after it was struck.
Another punch landed on his nose, and Amos’ face was sunken in.
Levi smashed every bone in the man’s body, including his arms and legs.
The King of Margo City had bone fractures all over his body.
His bones were so smashed up that they were almost powder-like.
Amos passed out eight times during his beating.
He would wake up when Levi’s punches landed on him before passing out again, and he continuously screamed with pain.
“Now, it’s your turn!”
Levi threw Amos aside before picking Erwin up.
Like what he had done to the man before, Levi broke Erwin’s bones, one by one, with his punches.
Erwin was weaker than his father. The son passed out thirteen times and screamed even louder.
The two went through hell at Levi’s hands and could only lie motionlessly on the ground because all of their bones were broken.
“Compared to what my mother has been through, this is mercy. I should have simply killed you,” stated Levi calmly.
The Brauses looked at Levi with fear because they knew that the man would continue to haunt them in their dreams.
“You’re only alive because I need you to send the Garrisons a message,” explained Levi.
“Tell them that Levi Garrison’s back and that nobody is to imprison my mother. I’ll kill anyone who tries to do so! One more thing. Tell them that I’ll pay them a visit soon. The most powerful ancient family in Erudia is now my enemy!”


Chapter 933 We Will Not Bow To An Orphan
“I… I admit that you’re powerful, but you’re nothing… Nothing compared to the Garrisons.”
It took every bit of strength in Amos to force out those words.

They’re the most powerful ancient family in Erudia, The Head of Erudia!
There’s no way that one man can overthrow a millennia-old ancient family.

They’ll never bow to a bastard like Levi.
“That’s also why I didn’t kill you. I want you to witness how I crush the Garrisons,” explained Levi calmly.
He then stomped on the ground with both of his feet, causing the house that had imprisoned Emma for nearly thirty years to collapse and turn into billows of smoke.
After that, Levi turned to leave the place.
He had finally destroyed his mother’s decades-old prison that day and undermined the Garrison’s authority.
Glancing at Levi’s back, the Brauses scoffed, “You can’t escape the Garrisons. You’ll see eventually.”
At that moment, Sylas had already left Margo City.
Although there were obstacles along the way, they were nothing that she could not handle.
On top of that, Zoey had powerful allies watching over her, like the fully-recovered Hades.
Most of the obstacles along their way were already taken care of.
“What happened to my son? Please. We have to go back,” begged Emma in tears.
Zoey was also worried about leaving Levi alone.
“Don’t worry. Mr. Garrison is fine,” assured Sylas confidently.
She was somewhat regretful that she did not get to see the God of War in all of his glory.
“Sylas, you seem to have a lot of faith in Levi.”
It was by women’s intuition that Zoey noticed how Sylas had changed her attitude toward Levi.
Sylas used to see Levi as her enemy, but she has since changed and she now seems to revere him.
The same thing happened to Iris.
Somewhere along the line, she began to treat Levi differently, as if he was a changed man.
Like Sylas, she’d put a lot of faith in Levi and had seemed to revere him too.
What happened to the both of them?
Zoey was starting to get paranoid and thought that everyone was hiding something from her.
“Mr. Garrison is not a reckless man,” explained Sylas.
At that point, a call came in from Levi, so Zoey and Emma finally heaved a sigh of relief.
“He wants us to return to South City without him. He’ll meet us there.”
Zoey then asked Sylas to continue driving.
“Emma, the border is just up ahead. When we pass it, you will have finally stepped out of Margo City,” uttered Zoey as she looked sympathetically at Emma.
What a poor woman!
She’s been imprisoned here for half her lifetime.
“No! I can’t do it!” exclaimed Emma suddenly when she was reminded by Zoey.
“If I step out of Margo City, we’ll be doome


Chapter 934 Live And Die Together
“What’s wrong, Emma?” asked Zoey in confusion.

“I will have broken my vow if I leave! The Garrisons will surely kill Levi! I know better than anyone just how powerful they are. You may not know this, but the Garrisons had sent a servant to silence the entire South Hampton.

The servant made sure that everyone in the city said nothing of me. He was merely a servant to the Garrison family, and he alone was enough to frighten an entire city! Imagine what the entire family can do!”
When Zoey and Sylas heard that, they both took a deep breath, for they had a new understanding of the Garrisons’ strength.
If their servant was powerful enough to control the entire South Hampton, it’s hard to imagine how much more powerful the Garrison family is.
“The King of Margo City was nothing to the Garrisons. He’s not even worthy of being their guard dog. That’s why I can’t leave this city.
For Levi’s sake, I insist on staying here!”
Emma then quickly got out of the car.
“You can’t do this, Emma! I know Levi. He’ll never give you up, not even if he has to go against the Garrisons or die trying. He won’t let you walk you away like this.”
Zoey immediately stopped Emma, who pessimistically responded, “I don’t want anything bad to happen to the both of you. It doesn’t matter how hard we try, we’ll never beat the Garrisons.”
“That’s fine with me. From the day I married Levi, I’ve sworn to be by his side no matter what. We will live and die together! Whatever comes, we’ll get through it together!”
“Good girl! Levi is blessed to have a wife like you.”
Emma was moved by her daughter-in-law’s words.
When they reached South City, Zoey immediately brought Emma to barbershops and beauty salons in the malls to give her mother-in-law a makeover.
“Emma, we’ll get the best doctors to treat you, and you’ll be in the pink of health again,” promised Zoey as she held Emma’s arm.
The three were about to enter a barbershop when a car suddenly drove toward them.
Then, Meredith, Robert, and the others stepped out of the car.
“What are you doing, Zoey?” asked Meredith coldly.
“Grandpa, Grandma, let me introduce you to… “
Before Zoey could finish, Meredith interrupted, “There’s no need for that. We know who this is. She is Levi’s mother, isn’t she?”
Meredith glanced at Emma with disgust.
She looks older than I’d thought.
Not only does she look dirty, rather, but she also reeks.
“Let go of her now! She’s filthy!” commanded Meredith.


Chapter 935 Stay Away From Her

Self-conscious, Emma lowered her head and dared not to look at the well-dressed Meredith.
Nearly thirty years of hardship had taken its toll on the woman. Emma went from being a rich girl to a lowly old woman.

Thinking about her son was the only thing that kept her alive.
Otherwise, she would have already killed herself.
Feeling inferior after what Meredith had said, Emma subconsciously moved her arm and kept her distance from Zoey.
“Grandma, this is Levi’s mother, but she’s also my… “
Meredith interrupted her granddaughter once again, “Are you trying to tell me that she’s your mother-in-law?
You and Levi are divorced, so that man has nothing to do with you anymore, much less his filthy mother. Just look at how dirty she is! And the horrible smell! How can you be related to a beggar like her?”
Meredith’s words only further deprecated Emma’s self-esteem.
She knew that she was only a liability to her son and daughter-in-law, regardless of her identity or other aspects.
“Grandma! How can you say that?” exclaimed Zoey.
“Do you even know what you’re doing, Zoey? Have you no idea who you are? You’re the director of the Oriental Star Group, and your net worth is more than ten billion! You’re even in charge of a fifty-billion project! Let me also remind you that you’re the granddaughter of the prominent Black family.
How can you stand next to a beggar? To make things worse, she’s the mother of your Ex-husband! Are you not ashamed of yourself?”
Meredith did not give her granddaughter a chance to speak. “You’re a famous entrepreneur in this city.
People look at you as you walk down the street, and paparazzi stalk you. Imagine if they’d caught you walking around with a beggar. It’ll ruin both you and your company. Not to mention the Black family! Have you not thought of these consequences?”
“Your Grandma is right. Our family may not be of noble descent, but we’re respected in South City. We’ll let go of what happened between you and Levi, but we’ll never agree to you hanging out with his filthy mother! Now come with us!” chimed in Robert, who then forced his granddaughter into the car.
“You too, Sylas!”
Meredith pushed Sylas to the car herself, and there was nothing that Sylas could do about it.
After all, she did not want to argue with Meredith, so she secretly texted Levi.
“If I see you disturbing my granddaughter again, I’ll kick you out of South City, you beggar!” threatened Meredith before leaving.
Left alone in a strange place, Emma felt as though her surroundings were spinning around her.


Chapter 936 The Tragedy Of A Wrong Match
Emma began to regret leaving Margo City.

Not only have I upset the Garrisons, but I’ve also affected Zoey’s life and business. Possibly even her relationship with Levi!
Zoey’s family was right in keeping their distance from me.

That way, the Garrisons won’t go after them.
Looking around, Emma only felt increasingly self-conscious and afraid.
I’ll probably be doing everyone a favor if I’d just killed myself.
Just when Emma was considering suicide, she heard her son’s voice.
“Levi, your wife… “
“I know, Mom. Don’t blame yourself. No one despises my mother!”
Afterward, Levi gave his mother a makeover, which caused her to look much younger than before.
Although traces of her age and the hardship that she went through could not be removed, Levi believed that things would only get better for his mother from thereon forth.
The son promised to never allow his mother to suffer again.
“Mom, do you want to go to South Hampton?” asked Levi. Surprisingly, Emma shook her head.
Bad things have happened to people around me. The Jones family was almost ruined because of me.”
“Then, we’ll stay in South City for now. After Zoey and I get married again, we’ll move to North Hampton.”
Levi did not want his mother to be in danger, so he brought her back to the Warzone compound.
Emma was relieved to see the compound again.
She would have been uncomfortable if she were to stay in a big manor.
Looking at the compound, Emma was smart enough to figure out why Zoey’s grandparents had wanted nothing to do with her or her son. Zoey had a net worth of tens of billions, while Levi was evidently worth much less.
Zoey would make a wonderful daughter-in-law, but she’s out of our league. This kind of mismatched marriage can only end in tragedy.
Emma harbored such thoughts to herself.
Isn’t that what happened to my own marriage?
The Joneses were not worthy of the Garrisons, and hence, my tragedy.
I should dissuade Levi from marrying Zoey because I know that it’s not going to end well.
At the compound, the Azure Dragon and his gang knelt before Emma when they found out who she was.
“Oh, there’s no need for such courtesy! Please get up.” Emma chuckled.
“They are family to me, Mom. You’ll be safe here with them. Nobody’s going to bully you when they’re around,” assured Levi.
As comforting as that sounded, Emma was not convinced that any of them could stop the Garrisons.
If only it were that easy.


Chapter 937 Get Rid Of Them
Little did Emma know that kneeling before her was the Five Great Wars Regiment.
Other than the God of War himself, no one else could match them.

In fact, the Cavalry Regiment was also hiding in the dark and ready to pounce.
With those warriors around, nobody would dare to attack the compound.

On the other side, Meredith had Zoey kneel on the ground back at home as punishment.
“You’ll only get up when you admit to your mistake!”
Rage flowed through Meredith like lava.
“What’s going on, Mom? What did Zoey do?” asked Aaron and Caitlyn as they hurried over.
“You’ll never guess who she’d gone out with today. It was Levi’s filthy mother!” shouted Meredith as she glared at the two.
“Isn’t Levi an orphan? How would he have a mother?”
The couple looked at each other in bafflement.
“You two really don’t know, do you? Levi’s no orphan because his mother is alive. It’s a shame that she turned out to be a beggar, though. The woman looked older than me! The wrinkles on her were horrifying! She was dirty and smelly like someone who had just crawled out of the sewer,” complained Meredith.
“I think that she is a sanitation worker. I noticed the uniform that she was wearing,” added Robert.
“Zoey was walking around with that beggar on a bustling street. If the paparazzi took a photo of that, Zoey would be in big trouble. Besides, she’s already divorced from Levi, so who is she to go shopping with the man’s mother?” continued Meredith furiously.
Aaron and Caitlyn were upset as well when they heard that. “You’re in the wrong here, Zoey. Why did you go out with Levi’s mother? Didn’t we tell you to stay away?”
“Levi was never a capable man. You’re way out of that kept man’s league! And now, he’s even brought his beggar of a mother along. The two of them are trying to live off of you!”
“Levi’s filthy mother must have heard about you. That’s why she’s deliberately trying to take advantage of you.”
The couple exchanged looks before Zoey finally voiced out, “Mom! Dad! It’s not what you think it is! She’s not that kind of person.”
Zoey wanted to tell them the truth about Emma so badly, but it did not seem like a good idea.
“I don’t care what kind of person she is, and I have no interest in finding out either.”
“We have only one thing to tell you. From now on, you and Levi are over. You’ll have nothing to do with that man anymore. Even if our family has to exhaust every resource and call in all favors, we’ll make sure that the two of you are separated!”
“Or, we’ll simply drive Levi and his mother out of Quebec,” threatened Robert and Meredith in unison.
The Blacks were hellbent on separating Zoey and Levi, no matter the cost.


Chapter 938 One Man Against A City

Zoey was stunned, for she never expected her parents and the entire Black family to oppose her marriage.
“You will kneel until you learn your mistake!”
Meredith glared daggers at Zoey.

“Hurry up and admit that you’re wrong, Zoey. Apologize to your Grandma,” ordered Caitlyn and Aaron.
“I’ve done nothing wrong,” insisted Zoey.
“Then, you shall continue to kneel. Let’s see how long you can keep this up,” responded Meredith angrily.
She never had any problems in regard to controlling the other young ones in the family.
Zoey was the only one who was always rebelling against her grandmother, and that was why Meredith felt that her authority was challenged.
Meanwhile, in Margo City, Amos and his men were being carried away by family members because nobody could move.
It did not take long before the one handling Amos heard of what happened.
Amos only knew that the man’s name was Caleb and that he was a servant to the Garrisons.
Caleb was the servant who had rampaged through the entire South Hampton, silencing the city overnight.
Amos was unable to imagine just how powerful the Garrisons were, seeing that their servant could do that much to a city.
The man trembled all over when his phone rang.
“Do you know what you’ve done, Amos?” asked a cold voice.
“I… I do.”
Amos was so frightened that he could almost cry.
“You’d better have a good explanation for Emma’s absence in Margo City. Even her courtyard was laid to waste!”
“To tell you the truth, Emma’s bastard son came for her, and he was insanely powerful. My men were crippled and so was I. Mr. Garrison, you have to avenge us. He had even said that he was not afraid of your family and that he’ll be seeing you soon.”
Amos exaggerated the incident, in hopes of getting the Garrisons to avenge him, but Caleb merely laughed in response.
“That bastard thinks that he can challenge the most powerful ancient family in Erudia? He’s not even worthy of being my opponent, let alone the entire Garrison family. Heck, he’s not even worth mentioning to the Garrisons.”
Levi thought that the Garrisons would hear about him when he instructed Amos to send the message, but little did he know that he had not earned a mention yet.
The man’s appearance was not even worth mentioning to the Garrisons. Such news had merely reached the family’s servant.
“Since Emma has broken the rules, the Garrisons no longer have to abide by the agreement.
Levi and his mother are nothing but a nuisance to the family, so the only way to deal with them is to kill them!” exclaimed Caleb as a murderous intent flashed across his eyes.
Amos almost cheered out loud.


Chapter 939 Is This Your Mother
“Even the servant despises Levi, let alone the Garrison family. What makes him think that he has a chance against the Garrisons?” Erwin gritted his teeth in anger.

The man was not exaggerating because the Garrisons were indeed unbelievably powerful.
In the Brauses’ opinion, no matter how powerful Levi was, he would not be able to do a thing about the Garrisons.
Going against the most powerful ancient family would only get the man killed.

The Brauses were about to celebrate when they heard Caleb’s voice. “This will be the last mistake that you’ll ever make.”
Suddenly, the Brauses’ heads exploded.
A prominent family like the Garrisons would never have allowed the Brauses to live. They had always been decisive in tying up loose ends, and they would never tolerate mistakes.
Seeing what happened with Emma, they had to contain the situation.
“But… “
There was a deathly silence in Amos’ eyes.
Even with his bones broken, Amos thought that he could at least live, but things did not turn out as he expected.
That night, anyone who knew about Emma disappeared along with the Brauses.
On the other side, Zoey had knelt for a full day but still believed that she did nothing wrong, so Meredith decided to stop the corporal punishment. After all, Zoey was the hope and future of their family.
Meredith and her husband then had a discussion with Zoey’s parents. “Let’s find Levi and his mother.
Then, we’ll drive them out of Quebec so that Zoey will never see them again.”
“I believe that this will work. We should also buy them off.”
Aaron and Caitlyn immediately agreed with the suggestion before heading off to the Warzone compound with Meredith and Robert.
Levi was surprised to see them there. “What brings you here?”
“Where’s your mother, Levi? Call her out,” ordered Meredith.
“What’s going on, Levi?”
Emma stepped out when she heard the commotion.
Both Aaron and Caitlyn grimaced when they caught sight of how weak and old Emma was. They soon realized that Meredith was not exaggerating at all.
What a disgrace!
Having her with us would be an insult to the family!
This ugly-looking thing shall never be our in-law!
Levi was bad enough, but his mother is even worse!
We were right to insist on the divorce.
Mother really does know best!
This time, we’ll make sure that Zoey doesn’t end up with Levi again.
“So, this is your mother, Levi?” asked Aaron.
“That’s right. What about it?”
Suddenly, Aaron burst out laughing.


Chapter 940 Get Out Both Of You
Levi was puzzled, but the sensitive Emma could tell that Aaron was mocking her.
The mother felt terrible for bringing shame upon her son.

“Aren’t you an orphan? Seeing as such, why would you have a filthy… I mean, is this a joke?” inquired Aaron.
Levi shook his head. “I’m not joking. This is my mother.”
“So, you’ll live with your mother?” chimed in Caitlyn.

“She’s my mother. Of course, she has to stay with me.”
“You’re a good son, but have you thought about your future?” asked Aaron seriously.
“What does that mean?”
“Didn’t you say that you’d wanted to marry Zoey and have a grand wedding? Now that you’ve found your mother, are you planning to have her stay with you and Zoey?”
Aaron was trying to control his anger.
“Of course! Zoey’s already met my mother, and they had no problem getting along. I don’t see why we can’t live together.”
“I don’t think so!” roared Aaron suddenly.
“Do you know what people say about you?
Almost everyone at Morris knows that you’re a deadbeat. Are you and your mother planning to live off of Zoey for the rest of your miserable lives?”
Caitlyn then chimed in, “Are you going to bring your father home with you too? Do you seriously think that Zoey owes your family that much?
Supporting you wasn’t enough? Now, she has to support your parents too?”
“We wouldn’t complain if they’d at least looked decent, but just look at your mother! She’s nothing but a disease-carrying old hag!”
“You’ve brought shame to Zoey. What has she done to deserve this?”
Under the couple’s barrage of insults, Emma broke down in tears.
I’m nothing but a liability to my son!
“Besides, Zoey’s the star entrepreneur of Quebec. Her net worth will reach fifty billion, if not hundreds of billions, in the future. She’ll be one of the elites in the upper class while your mother will remain a lowly sanitation worker. You and your family are not worthy of Zoey!” voiced Meredith.
“People will make fun of us for having in-laws like you!” added Robert.
Emma trembled all over when her worries actually came true.
She knew that her son could never be with Zoey because their relationship could only end in a tragedy.
“So what? What exactly are you guys here for?” asked Levi with a smile.
Aaron and Caitlyn were acquainted with Levi, so it was hard for them to be straightforward with the man.
“We want you and your mother to leave Quebec!” Meredith sneered.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 941
“You need to realize that you’ll never be with Zoey! You’re not worthy, so we won’t let you have her.”

“Not only that, but you also have to leave Quebec. Having you here will only affect Zoey, so we want both you and your mother to leave.”

Seeing how straightforward Meredith was, Robert quickly added, “Of course, we’ll make it worth your while. You’ll receive fifty million and you’ll be assigned jobs in real estate. That should be enough to last you a lifetime. Our only condition is that you leave Zoey alone.”
Aaron took a deep breath while Caitlyn sighed. “We’re friends, right? Hence, please do this for Zoey and us.”
“You should take the offer, Levi,” urged Emma with mixed feelings.
Meredith and the others were surprised to find that Emma was not a gold-digger like they had expected her to be. They never expected her to agree with them.
“I’ll be honest with you, Levi. Zoey’s a nice girl, but she’s out of your league. It’ll only end in tragedy. Just look at what happened to me.”
Emma had also wanted to keep Zoey safe from the Garrisons, and asking Levi to let go of her was the only way.
“Did you hear that, Levi? You should listen to your mother. You may have a big mouth, but it’s time to face your reality,” snickered Meredith.
Levi gazed deeply into his mother’s eyes as he began to think to himself.
You may think that I’m out of Zoey’s league, but that’s only because you don’t know how powerful I’ve become.
There’s no one in Erudia that can match me.
With a wave of her hand, Meredith signaled Jennie to hand a check and other things over to Emma.
“We don’t need such things or your pity!”
Levi stopped Jennie in her tracks.
“You should know that I go wherever I please. I’m in charge of my own fate! I will not let go of Zoey because we’re truly in love with each other. Nobody can come between us.”
Levi made his intentions crystal clear.
As long as Zoey loves me, no one can separate us.
The God of War was afraid of no one.
“Do you still call yourself a man? Are you not ashamed of yourself for clinging onto Zoey like that? Even your mother has asked you to let go of her, so stop bothering Zoey!” shouted Jennie furiously.
“Stay out of my business,” responded Levi after glaring at the woman.


Chapter 936 The Tragedy Of A Wrong Match
Emma began to regret leaving Margo City.

Not only have I upset the Garrisons, but I’ve also affected Zoey’s life and business. Possibly even her relationship with Levi!
Zoey’s family was right in keeping their distance from me.

That way, the Garrisons won’t go after them.
Looking around, Emma only felt increasingly self-conscious and afraid.
I’ll probably be doing everyone a favor if I’d just killed myself.
Just when Emma was considering suicide, she heard her son’s voice.
“Levi, your wife… “
“I know, Mom. Don’t blame yourself. No one despises my mother!”
Afterward, Levi gave his mother a makeover, which caused her to look much younger than before.
Although traces of her age and the hardship that she went through could not be removed, Levi believed that things would only get better for his mother from thereon forth.
The son promised to never allow his mother to suffer again.
“Mom, do you want to go to South Hampton?” asked Levi. Surprisingly, Emma shook her head.
Bad things have happened to people around me. The Jones family was almost ruined because of me.”
“Then, we’ll stay in South City for now. After Zoey and I get married again, we’ll move to North Hampton.”
Levi did not want his mother to be in danger, so he brought her back to the Warzone compound.
Emma was relieved to see the compound again.
She would have been uncomfortable if she were to stay in a big manor.
Looking at the compound, Emma was smart enough to figure out why Zoey’s grandparents had wanted nothing to do with her or her son. Zoey had a net worth of tens of billions, while Levi was evidently worth much less.
Zoey would make a wonderful daughter-in-law, but she’s out of our league. This kind of mismatched marriage can only end in tragedy.
Emma harbored such thoughts to herself.
Isn’t that what happened to my own marriage?
The Joneses were not worthy of the Garrisons, and hence, my tragedy.
I should dissuade Levi from marrying Zoey because I know that it’s not going to end well.
At the compound, the Azure Dragon and his gang knelt before Emma when they found out who she was.
“Oh, there’s no need for such courtesy! Please get up.” Emma chuckled.
“They are family to me, Mom. You’ll be safe here with them. Nobody’s going to bully you when they’re around,” assured Levi.
As comforting as that sounded, Emma was not convinced that any of them could stop the Garrisons.
If only it were that easy.


Chapter 937 Get Rid Of Them
Little did Emma know that kneeling before her was the Five Great Wars Regiment.
Other than the God of War himself, no one else could match them.

In fact, the Cavalry Regiment was also hiding in the dark and ready to pounce.
With those warriors around, nobody would dare to attack the compound.

On the other side, Meredith had Zoey kneel on the ground back at home as punishment.
“You’ll only get up when you admit to your mistake!”
Rage flowed through Meredith like lava.
“What’s going on, Mom? What did Zoey do?” asked Aaron and Caitlyn as they hurried over.
“You’ll never guess who she’d gone out with today. It was Levi’s filthy mother!” shouted Meredith as she glared at the two.
“Isn’t Levi an orphan? How would he have a mother?”
The couple looked at each other in bafflement.
“You two really don’t know, do you? Levi’s no orphan because his mother is alive. It’s a shame that she turned out to be a beggar, though. The woman looked older than me! The wrinkles on her were horrifying! She was dirty and smelly like someone who had just crawled out of the sewer,” complained Meredith.
“I think that she is a sanitation worker. I noticed the uniform that she was wearing,” added Robert.
“Zoey was walking around with that beggar on a bustling street. If the paparazzi took a photo of that, Zoey would be in big trouble. Besides, she’s already divorced from Levi, so who is she to go shopping with the man’s mother?” continued Meredith furiously.
Aaron and Caitlyn were upset as well when they heard that. “You’re in the wrong here, Zoey. Why did you go out with Levi’s mother? Didn’t we tell you to stay away?”
“Levi was never a capable man. You’re way out of that kept man’s league! And now, he’s even brought his beggar of a mother along. The two of them are trying to live off of you!”
“Levi’s filthy mother must have heard about you. That’s why she’s deliberately trying to take advantage of you.”
The couple exchanged looks before Zoey finally voiced out, “Mom! Dad! It’s not what you think it is! She’s not that kind of person.”
Zoey wanted to tell them the truth about Emma so badly, but it did not seem like a good idea.
“I don’t care what kind of person she is, and I have no interest in finding out either.”
“We have only one thing to tell you. From now on, you and Levi are over. You’ll have nothing to do with that man anymore. Even if our family has to exhaust every resource and call in all favors, we’ll make sure that the two of you are separated!”
“Or, we’ll simply drive Levi and his mother out of Quebec,” threatened Robert and Meredith in unison.
The Blacks were hellbent on separating Zoey and Levi, no matter the cost.


Chapter 938 One Man Against A City

Zoey was stunned, for she never expected her parents and the entire Black family to oppose her marriage.
“You will kneel until you learn your mistake!”
Meredith glared daggers at Zoey.

“Hurry up and admit that you’re wrong, Zoey. Apologize to your Grandma,” ordered Caitlyn and Aaron.
“I’ve done nothing wrong,” insisted Zoey.
“Then, you shall continue to kneel. Let’s see how long you can keep this up,” responded Meredith angrily.
She never had any problems in regard to controlling the other young ones in the family.
Zoey was the only one who was always rebelling against her grandmother, and that was why Meredith felt that her authority was challenged.
Meanwhile, in Margo City, Amos and his men were being carried away by family members because nobody could move.
It did not take long before the one handling Amos heard of what happened.
Amos only knew that the man’s name was Caleb and that he was a servant to the Garrisons.
Caleb was the servant who had rampaged through the entire South Hampton, silencing the city overnight.
Amos was unable to imagine just how powerful the Garrisons were, seeing that their servant could do that much to a city.
The man trembled all over when his phone rang.
“Do you know what you’ve done, Amos?” asked a cold voice.
“I… I do.”
Amos was so frightened that he could almost cry.
“You’d better have a good explanation for Emma’s absence in Margo City. Even her courtyard was laid to waste!”
“To tell you the truth, Emma’s bastard son came for her, and he was insanely powerful. My men were crippled and so was I. Mr. Garrison, you have to avenge us. He had even said that he was not afraid of your family and that he’ll be seeing you soon.”
Amos exaggerated the incident, in hopes of getting the Garrisons to avenge him, but Caleb merely laughed in response.
“That bastard thinks that he can challenge the most powerful ancient family in Erudia? He’s not even worthy of being my opponent, let alone the entire Garrison family. Heck, he’s not even worth mentioning to the Garrisons.”
Levi thought that the Garrisons would hear about him when he instructed Amos to send the message, but little did he know that he had not earned a mention yet.
The man’s appearance was not even worth mentioning to the Garrisons. Such news had merely reached the family’s servant.
“Since Emma has broken the rules, the Garrisons no longer have to abide by the agreement.
Levi and his mother are nothing but a nuisance to the family, so the only way to deal with them is to kill them!” exclaimed Caleb as a murderous intent flashed across his eyes.
Amos almost cheered out loud.


Chapter 939 Is This Your Mother
“Even the servant despises Levi, let alone the Garrison family. What makes him think that he has a chance against the Garrisons?” Erwin gritted his teeth in anger.

The man was not exaggerating because the Garrisons were indeed unbelievably powerful.
In the Brauses’ opinion, no matter how powerful Levi was, he would not be able to do a thing about the Garrisons.
Going against the most powerful ancient family would only get the man killed.

The Brauses were about to celebrate when they heard Caleb’s voice. “This will be the last mistake that you’ll ever make.”
Suddenly, the Brauses’ heads exploded.
A prominent family like the Garrisons would never have allowed the Brauses to live. They had always been decisive in tying up loose ends, and they would never tolerate mistakes.
Seeing what happened with Emma, they had to contain the situation.
“But… “
There was a deathly silence in Amos’ eyes.
Even with his bones broken, Amos thought that he could at least live, but things did not turn out as he expected.
That night, anyone who knew about Emma disappeared along with the Brauses.
On the other side, Zoey had knelt for a full day but still believed that she did nothing wrong, so Meredith decided to stop the corporal punishment. After all, Zoey was the hope and future of their family.
Meredith and her husband then had a discussion with Zoey’s parents. “Let’s find Levi and his mother.
Then, we’ll drive them out of Quebec so that Zoey will never see them again.”
“I believe that this will work. We should also buy them off.”
Aaron and Caitlyn immediately agreed with the suggestion before heading off to the Warzone compound with Meredith and Robert.
Levi was surprised to see them there. “What brings you here?”
“Where’s your mother, Levi? Call her out,” ordered Meredith.
“What’s going on, Levi?”
Emma stepped out when she heard the commotion.
Both Aaron and Caitlyn grimaced when they caught sight of how weak and old Emma was. They soon realized that Meredith was not exaggerating at all.
What a disgrace!
Having her with us would be an insult to the family!
This ugly-looking thing shall never be our in-law!
Levi was bad enough, but his mother is even worse!
We were right to insist on the divorce.
Mother really does know best!
This time, we’ll make sure that Zoey doesn’t end up with Levi again.
“So, this is your mother, Levi?” asked Aaron.
“That’s right. What about it?”
Suddenly, Aaron burst out laughing.


Chapter 940 Get Out Both Of You
Levi was puzzled, but the sensitive Emma could tell that Aaron was mocking her.
The mother felt terrible for bringing shame upon her son.

“Aren’t you an orphan? Seeing as such, why would you have a filthy… I mean, is this a joke?” inquired Aaron.
Levi shook his head. “I’m not joking. This is my mother.”
“So, you’ll live with your mother?” chimed in Caitlyn.

“She’s my mother. Of course, she has to stay with me.”
“You’re a good son, but have you thought about your future?” asked Aaron seriously.
“What does that mean?”
“Didn’t you say that you’d wanted to marry Zoey and have a grand wedding? Now that you’ve found your mother, are you planning to have her stay with you and Zoey?”
Aaron was trying to control his anger.
“Of course! Zoey’s already met my mother, and they had no problem getting along. I don’t see why we can’t live together.”
“I don’t think so!” roared Aaron suddenly.
“Do you know what people say about you?
Almost everyone at Morris knows that you’re a deadbeat. Are you and your mother planning to live off of Zoey for the rest of your miserable lives?”
Caitlyn then chimed in, “Are you going to bring your father home with you too? Do you seriously think that Zoey owes your family that much?
Supporting you wasn’t enough? Now, she has to support your parents too?”
“We wouldn’t complain if they’d at least looked decent, but just look at your mother! She’s nothing but a disease-carrying old hag!”
“You’ve brought shame to Zoey. What has she done to deserve this?”
Under the couple’s barrage of insults, Emma broke down in tears.
I’m nothing but a liability to my son!
“Besides, Zoey’s the star entrepreneur of Quebec. Her net worth will reach fifty billion, if not hundreds of billions, in the future. She’ll be one of the elites in the upper class while your mother will remain a lowly sanitation worker. You and your family are not worthy of Zoey!” voiced Meredith.
“People will make fun of us for having in-laws like you!” added Robert.
Emma trembled all over when her worries actually came true.
She knew that her son could never be with Zoey because their relationship could only end in a tragedy.
“So what? What exactly are you guys here for?” asked Levi with a smile.
Aaron and Caitlyn were acquainted with Levi, so it was hard for them to be straightforward with the man.
“We want you and your mother to leave Quebec!” Meredith sneered.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 941
“You need to realize that you’ll never be with Zoey! You’re not worthy, so we won’t let you have her.”

“Not only that, but you also have to leave Quebec. Having you here will only affect Zoey, so we want both you and your mother to leave.”

Seeing how straightforward Meredith was, Robert quickly added, “Of course, we’ll make it worth your while. You’ll receive fifty million and you’ll be assigned jobs in real estate. That should be enough to last you a lifetime. Our only condition is that you leave Zoey alone.”
Aaron took a deep breath while Caitlyn sighed. “We’re friends, right? Hence, please do this for Zoey and us.”
“You should take the offer, Levi,” urged Emma with mixed feelings.
Meredith and the others were surprised to find that Emma was not a gold-digger like they had expected her to be. They never expected her to agree with them.
“I’ll be honest with you, Levi. Zoey’s a nice girl, but she’s out of your league. It’ll only end in tragedy. Just look at what happened to me.”
Emma had also wanted to keep Zoey safe from the Garrisons, and asking Levi to let go of her was the only way.
“Did you hear that, Levi? You should listen to your mother. You may have a big mouth, but it’s time to face your reality,” snickered Meredith.
Levi gazed deeply into his mother’s eyes as he began to think to himself.
You may think that I’m out of Zoey’s league, but that’s only because you don’t know how powerful I’ve become.
There’s no one in Erudia that can match me.
With a wave of her hand, Meredith signaled Jennie to hand a check and other things over to Emma.
“We don’t need such things or your pity!”
Levi stopped Jennie in her tracks.
“You should know that I go wherever I please. I’m in charge of my own fate! I will not let go of Zoey because we’re truly in love with each other. Nobody can come between us.”
Levi made his intentions crystal clear.
As long as Zoey loves me, no one can separate us.
The God of War was afraid of no one.
“Do you still call yourself a man? Are you not ashamed of yourself for clinging onto Zoey like that? Even your mother has asked you to let go of her, so stop bothering Zoey!” shouted Jennie furiously.
“Stay out of my business,” responded Levi after glaring at the woman.

Beautiful story

Levi laughed boisterously. “Aren’t you Joneses from a noble bloodline? Why are you on your knees now? I honestly feel like whipping you, just to see how you would bleed.”

Throughout his life, the Joneses had claimed that their bloodline was noble, as they repeatedly called him a bastard, whose blood was tainted by a lower-class clan.

Levi had always felt repulsed by such a saying.
Suddenly, a sob was heard.
Westley’s grandson, Aiden, cried instantly out of fear.
Just a moment ago, he was the one who had talked to Levi about having noble blood.
“Aren’t you guys crazy proud? Why are you bowing down to a bastard like me now, huh?” mocked Levi with a grin.
“We were wrong! Please forgive us.”
Over a thousand members of the Jones family were on their knees now, fervently begging for mercy.
They banged their heads on the floor to beg, so much so that their heads were bleeding soon after.
All they had asked was for, was for Levi to show mercy to their kids. They had simply wanted their bloodline to survive.
Everyone turned silent in the next second.
They were waiting for Levi to come to a verdict.
Mia suddenly spoke up. “Levi, please show us some mercy. Won’t you give everyone an easier punishment? We are a family, after all…”
Levi grinned and promised, “Alright, I’ll go easy on them for your sake.”
Levi then turned to Michael and asked, “Michael Jones, will you confess to your crimes and accept your punishments?”
“Yes, I confess! And I’ll accept any punishment, even the death penalty.”
“I am not interested in your life. However, I do want you to forgo your position as the head of the family. Mia will take over your position from today onwards, and no one is to complain about it!”
All it took was one word from Levi, to take Michael’s position away and hand it over to his least favorite granddaughter.
As far as Michael was concerned, that was worse than death.
Unfortunately, that was the God of War’s order, and Michael had no choice but to obey.
The other members of the Jones family stared on, in utter astonishment.
Mia Jones, the one who has always been bullied by the family, is the new head of the family?
No one could accept that, but they had no choice but to comply.
Mia was flabbergasted as well.
Me? As the head of the family?
“Mia, I’ve investigated you, and you are strategic, smart, and hardworking. You have everything it takes to do this. Also, you can continue to be kind, despite your new position. I will help you in chasing all of the darkness away,” promised Levi before he turned to Tyler and the rest, “All three of you had hired assassins to kill me and that alone was enough to subject you to death sentence. However, I will spare you and instead, sentence you to life in prison!”

Quite a few people vomited blood at that moment.
Karma arrived too swiftly, and their punishment was worse than death itself.
“Anson Jones, you had faked your identity and had claimed to be a King of War. For that, I will rescind your right to be a member of the Jones family. You are on your own now,” added Levi before he continued, “Westley Jones, you had tried to ambush me using dirty tricks, so you must be punished as well. You will donate half of your estate to charity, and I will have my people monitor everything. So, don’t bother trying to get out of it. The rest of the family members will have to donate as well, and I will monitor everything.”

What happened next was that Levi had begun to punish every sinner within the family.
They were fortunate, because Levi wasn’t a bloodthirsty monster.
If he were, more than half the Joneses would be dead.
Levi suddenly recalled something, and he couldn’t help ask, “By the way, why did all of you call me a bastard?”


“Huh? That…”

All of the Joneses were scared out of their minds.

Are we going to be further punished?
“No, no, we were wrong, please forgive us!” pleaded Michael, who was on the verge of crying.
If only I had taken the boy in as my grandson… Things would’ve been so great. Why didn’t I treasure that opportunity?
“I am simply asking you a question! My mother is your daughter, Emma Jones, but you had called me a bastard, so my biological father must have been the one whom you had hated, right?” asked Levi.
Levi had always been curious about that.
It made sense that the others would call him a bastard, but even the Joneses had called him that.
That part was strange.
After all, my mom is a member of the Jones family after all.
Michael scanned his surroundings before asking, “God of War, can we speak privately?”
Michael had thought that there were too many people around.
“Okay,” agreed Levi.
Both men walked to a secluded corner after that.
“God of War, I will now tell you a bit about your mother. She was the most talented and powerful amongst the rest of my children, and I spared no expense, to train her to become the next head of the family. I set everything up for her and had even arranged her marriage, but she went to Oakland City right before her wedding and returned pregnant, with you. I was so furious that I had almost killed her…”
Michael paused when he reached that part of the story. He snuck a peek at Levi, and when he saw that the latter wasn’t angry, he continued, “I asked her who the father was, but she refused to say anything, not even after I had laid a hand on her. The wedding I had arranged for her was about to take place when her suitor learned that she was pregnant! Rumor spread across the entire city. Everyone knew that your mother had fallen pregnant out of wedlock and that the father of her child was not her fiancé. Hence, they called the baby a bastard. She had brought shame to the family, and I had chased her out of the family, in a fit of anger. That is why the Joneses view you as their enemy. This isn’t about you. They are angry at your mother.”
Levi then asked, “Tell me, was my mother okay with you arranging her marriage?”
“She wasn’t thrilled… Okay, she wasn’t happy about it at all. She had said that she had wanted to fight for her own happiness and marry someone whom she loved. She had also claimed that she was willing to forgo everything, even her life, to be with your father,” murmured Michael.
“Then she is not at fault! You are,” growled Levi cruelly.
How is it wrong to fight for her own happiness? Why do the others think that it’s right to call her a b*tch for that? Furthermore, how does that make her son a bastard?
Levi’s heart stirred.
He finally understood that his mother had her reason for not looking for him.
Her life had been terrible, and she was no better off than he was.
“Is my mother still alive?”


Initially, Levi wasn’t concerned about his birth parents at all.

They didn’t come looking for him, so he pretended that they didn’t exist either.

Everyone could have acted like the strangers that they were meant to be.
After hearing his mother’s sorrowful tale, Levi became touched and soon, his heart was stirred.
They had their reasons for abandoning me!
That made Levi curious about his parents.
“Yeah, she’s alive, but her life is worse than death,” replied Michael.
My mother is living in a terrible condition?
Levi’s eyes darkened.
He endured his hardship and rose to the top, but his mother might not have been able to do as he had.
In fact, she might still be suffering right now!
Michael’s words gripped Levi’s heart, and it ached.
“A life worse than death? What is that supposed to mean?” demanded Levi.
“We had thought that your birth father was merely an ordinary man and that your mother had gotten in bed with a random stranger to get pregnant, to disrupt the wedding. As it turned out, your birth father was a powerful man as well! The Joneses were not a match against him, in fact, even the most powerful family in South Hampton, the Goel family, was mere ants to him. Even now, all we know, is that he is from Oakland City and that his surname is Garrison,” claimed Michael as he sighed.
“Huh? Even you can’t learn anything about him?” blurted Levi, who was rather delighted to hear about it.
The Jones family was pretty prominent, yet they couldn’t even get much information about the guy.
Is my birth father really that powerful? I should have Phoenix look into the matter and see just how powerful he is.
“Keep talking,” ordered Levi.
“Not long after I’d chased your mother out of the family, an elite fighter visited the Joneses and killed over a hundred of our men. As it turned out, he had just arrived to warn me not to contact your birth mother ever again. He said that if I had done so, the entire family would have been annihilated too. He also ordered us to keep the news about your mother’s pregnancy a secret. We were not to let anyone else find out about it. What’s strange, is that after that night, South Hampton lost all traces of your mother’s existence. It was as if she was never here in the first place!” shared Michael sadly.
Hmm… He can cover up a trending rumor within a night. That is pretty impressive.
“My birth father did all that?” asked Levi.
“Yes, or to be more accurate, your birth father’s family did that. Their motive was simple. Your birth father’s family was too powerful, and as far as they were concerned, your mother was no different from an unworthy villager. She would have simply brought shame to their family if she had married into it. I still remember the exact message that individual had sent both me and your mother,” explained Michael as he laughed mockingly at himself.
“He said… Emma Jones, you are from a horrid bloodline and you are not worthy of my son or my family. You will never be my daughter-in-law, so you can forget all about it! Also, the child in your womb is nothing but a bastard. Giving birth to him will merely taint my family’s legacy.”



Michael sensed a horrifying aura, as soon as he had finished speaking.

Levi was furious.
Bloodline again? What freaking noble bloodline is this now? Also, how do they even divide humans? I don’t give a sh*t about all the other countries, but everyone in Erudia is born equal! Everyone has a head and two arms, don’t we? What? They have an extra one or something? And how is their blood nobler? It’s not like they bleed gold! Freaking hell, I will murder every idiot who talks about bloodlines from now on!
“Continue,” instructed Levi.
“It was obvious that your birth father’s family were discriminated against your mother and they had refused to allow her to marry into the family. It didn’t matter that she was pregnant at the time. They refused to let her join the family, and they certainly weren’t going to recognize the child as one of their own. Your birth father’s family only had one mission after that; and that was to make your mother experience a miscarriage. They refused to allow the child to be born because, as far as they were concerned, the tainted bastard had no right to live,” relayed Michael.
Levi chuckled.
Oh, so I was almost killed before I was born, huh?
“What happened next? Why didn’t my mom get an abortion?” asked Levi.
“Your mom begged them to let you live and fought to give birth to you. She had even claimed that she was willing to kill herself so that you could live. All she ever wanted was for them to let you live. Your birth father’s family later requested for your mom to kneel in front of their house for three continuous days. Only then did they agree to spare both you and your mother’s life.”

Levi felt tears swirling in his eyes when he heard that part of the story.
Every parent loved their child, and they would not abandon their child unless they didn’t have a choice in the matter.
There is no such thing as a heartless parent. Hell, even a cruel tiger won’t eat its own cub.
At that moment, Levi understood that his mother had never abandoned him. It was quite the opposite. She sacrificed everything for him.
Evidently, his mother’s greatest gift to him was his life and making sure that he had survived.
She would even sacrifice her life just so I could live.
“Mother…” murmured Levi as his lips trembled. He then asked, “What happened next?”
“Your mother actually knelt in front of the house, and the Gods showed no mercy. It rained heavily for three whole days, and your mother was drenched the entire time. She persisted and survived through it, but her body had also reached its limit,” shared Michael, who was also tearing up, as he recalled the painful past. Despite everything, she was still his daughter.
“After that incident, she was left with dozens of medical complications that couldn’t be completely treated. She aged a decade within three days, and her muscles would ache, every time it rained. The doctor said that the trauma her body had endured had shortened her life span by about thirty years…” admitted Michael, who couldn’t keep going.
“Mother!” blurted Levi as he clenched his fists.


A pregnant lady had kneeled under the heavy rain for three continuous days!

How strong did she have to be, to kneel for so long under those circumstances?

She had gone through all of that, just to protect her child.
That was unimaginable and unbelievable.
A weak woman would turn strong when she became a mother.
That was just how a mother was.
She was merely an ordinary mother amongst the thousands of mothers on Earth.
It seemed that parents could transform into heavenly angels when their kids were threatened.
A parent would keep the sky afloat just to shelter their children. There are no gods in this world, but there are plenty of regular parents who would do anything for their children.
Michael wiped his tears aside and continued, “In the end, your birth father’s family kept to the end of their bargain, to allow both you and your mother live, but they had one condition.”
“Huh? What was it?” asked Levi.
“You were allowed to be born, but your mother must not have been one who would raise you. Instead, you were to be abandoned, to the street, and your mother was not to contact you at all. Their reasoning was simple. The kid must not have been traced back to their family. They had cut the ties from the source so that you would remain nothing but an orphan, abandoned by both of your parents. Your mother had to agree to their terms so that you could live. After giving birth to you, she abandoned you at a random spot. We didn’t think that you’d end up on the streets of North Hampton, adopted by members of the Garrison family who had lived there.”
“Mother…” whispered Levi as he clenched his fists.
He stomped his foot in anger, and the marble floor under their feet had cracked. The spider-web-like pattern spread across the floor, until every inch was practically shattered. The scary bit was that over a hundred men could stand on the floor without damaging it, but Levi’s stomp had managed to do as such.
The mere sight of Levi’s strength surprised Michael and the others.
Is he even human?
Levi was touched to know that his mother did so much just so he could live.
It could be said that she had dedicated her entire life to him.
They hadn’t seen each other in decades, but that only happened so he could merely survive.
He truly believed that his mother was living in a random corner of the Earth, missing him dearly, everyday.
She must miss her birth son a lot, especially after such a long while.
“What happened to my mother afterwards? I’m guessing that the Garrison family of Oakland City wouldn’t have allowed her to leave that easily?” asked Levi.
“You’re right about that. To keep your identity a secret, they had to remove all traces of your existence, and the same goes for your mother. The Garrison family hated loose ends. What if your mother showed up at the family manor one day or suddenly decided to announce her existence? The Garrison family didn’t want that to happen, and they refused to risk it!” informed Michael.
“So? What did they do?” demanded Levi as he held his breath.
Michael replied, “They imprisoned your mother and allowed her to rot there. To make matters worse, she was imprisoned for life and she was not allowed to take one step out of that place!”

The garrison family deserves to be wiped from the earth

“Zoey, I’ve decided to bring you along while I get my mother. What are your thoughts on this?” asked Levi.

“But… “ Zoey blushed because this meant that she was going to meet her mother-in-law. Seeing as such, she was nervous about it. “Okay. I’ll accompany you.”

Levi nodded as he smiled. “Get ready then. We’ll be setting off tomorrow.”
Phoenix was able to deduce where Emma was currently being held; she was in Margo City, a small city located in the center of North Hampton, South City, and South Hampton.
Having never thought of such a place, Klaus and the Joneses were brought to shame, in view of the fact that the woman they had wanted to kill lived just less than an hour’s drive away from them.
Levi was equally as surprised to discover that his biological mother had been nearby all along.
As for the Garrison family’s background, Phoenix had informed Levi that the information was SSSSS-level classified.
This meant that it was only a level lower than the information on Levi himself.
Authority was required to gain access, so there were only two ways to get information.
Levi could either acquire the required authority from Oakland City or gain access to the information by force. Unfortunately, none of those options would work for Levi.
Due to some deep-seated issues, Levi would never contact Oakland City to make such a request.
On the other hand, if he were to access Haunted by force, he would surely be spotted. That’s going to cause a lot of problems. It’s not that I can’t solve them, rather, it’s that I can’t afford to be distracted by petty things like that right now.
“Continue your investigation. I’m sure that you’ll find a way.” Levi’s idea was merely to take things slowly for the moment. The Garrison clan will definitely find out when I get my mother back! When it comes to such, they’ll reveal themselves to me, so I’m in no hurry at all.
At night, Zoey made all of the necessary arrangements as she put Iris in charge of her work, for she expected her business in Margo City to take her a few days.
At that moment, Levi received a call from Mia.
“I’ve heard that Osborn and The Three Musketeers are planning to deal with you. Nevertheless, we can’t be certain as to how or when they’re going to strike. You’d better be careful,” warned Mia.
“Don’t worry, Mia. They’ll find that it’s not that easy to get rid of me. By the way, I’ll pick your aunt up in a few days, so you should come to see her and your sister-in-law too.”
Levi smiled while Zoey blushed when she overheard the conversation.
Zoey was as nervous as she was excited to meet Levi’s family. I think that we’ll be very happy together from now on.
The next day, Levi and Zoey set off for Margo City early in the morning.
Sylas was their driver, and it took them about an hour before they reached the small city.


Chapter 917 The Tomb of Levi Garrison

Upon stepping out of the car, Levi took a deep breath as he looked at the word “Oakland” that was engraved on a stone monument beside the road.

At that point, the furious man mumbled to himself, “So, this is where my mother has been imprisoned for nearly thirty years?” What a cruel thing it is to have imprisoned someone here for the rest of their life. It’s almost like binding a person by invisible shackles, forever reminding them that they’re incarcerated and that they would rather die. How could the Garrisons have been this ruthless? How could my biological father have married another woman while his wife was suffering in such a place? Does the man not have a conscience? Heck, is he even a man at all?
Conscious of the fact that Levi was rather tempted to smash the stone monument, Zoey soon uttered, “Don’t overthink it. I know that it’s unfortunate that Emma met a scumbag, but we can give her a better life from now on. We’ll make it up to her.”
“Okay, but he won’t be getting away with this! I shall find him!” promised Levi angrily, causing Zoey to be frightened by his response.
“Why can’t we just live a good life with Emma? Why do you insist on going against the man? As you’ve mentioned before, his family is so powerful and influential that even a royal family like the Joneses are forced to obey them. Making that man your enemy is practically suicide!”
Zoey had heard from Levi about how powerful the Garrisons were, so she was certain that Levi would be no match for them.
Hence, Zoey was worried that Levi would die trying to do the impossible while hoping to avenge his mother.
“I am aware that the Garrisons are powerful. So what? I’m not afraid of them,” muttered Levi softly. “Let’s go!”
Sylas then drove them to the courtyard that Phoenix had found.
Thinking that the place would be bigger, Levi was surprised when he discovered that it was merely a small place with tattered gates and cracked walls.
In the courtyard was a small house estimated to be around twenty to thirty square meters.
Left exposed, some of the bricks inside the cracked walls of the house had already fallen out.
If an earthquake of magnitude four or five were to happen, the house would surely collapse.
At only a few square meters large, the yard was surprisingly smaller than the house.
Other than some plants, in the middle of the yard stood a tombstone engraved with Levi’s name.
The Garrisons threatened Emma that if she stepped out of Margo City, they would complete the engraving to “Tomb of Levi Garrison.”


It would have been hard for anyone to have missed the tombstone in such a small yard; hence, Emma was constantly reminded not to leave Margo City.

The tombstone was not just a reminder of the Garrisons’ threat. To Emma, seeing the tombstone was like seeing Levi, so nothing made her happier than spending her time thinking about her son in front of it.

Hence, Levi felt infuriated as he gazed upon the tombstone along with his mother’s prison.
Zoey and Sylas shivered when they sensed that Levi was about to explode with rage.
As a member of royalty in South Hampton, my mother was supposed to enjoy a luxurious life! Nonetheless, she was imprisoned here by that scumbag! Seeing as such, how could I not be furious about it?
“Let’s have a look inside.”
The door was unlocked so Levi got it open easily.
Although it was dilapidated, the yard was rather tidy as the flowers only served to make it cozier.
Holding back his anger for the eyesore of a tombstone, Levi approached a room and knocked on its door, only to find that there was no response.
He entered the small room and found it to be neat and clean.
There was nothing else in the room other than a table, a bed, and a cabinet.
Levi could avow just how miserable his mother was for the past few decades, seeing the old clothes that were hanging on the drying rack. The clothes were so old that the colors had faded from them.
While Levi was seething, tears rolled down Zoey’s face when she caught sight of such a scene.
The next moment, the three noticed a photo frame on the bedside. They were shocked by the photo that was kept inside it.
It displayed the image of a good-looking couple who were holding a child together; the pair looked like a match that was made in heaven.
Levi had heard from Michael that Emma was the most beautiful woman in South Hampton when she was younger.
Levi’s eyes blazed with hatred as his eyes fell on the man in the photo. This is the irresponsible man who should be held accountable for my mother’s imprisonment. He is the reason that I grew up an orphan!
Levi was surprised to find that his mother had kept the photo because it meant that she still missed the man. She has no idea that he has married someone else, having children with another woman.
“I’ll make him pay!”
The photo evoked nothing but hatred in Levi; nonetheless, he wasn’t aware that Emma had begged and kowtowed to have had the photo taken.
Emma wanted a memento of the man, so he agreed and requested that she should never share the photo with anyone else. Otherwise, his identity would be exposed.


Chapter 919 Meeting His Biological Mother

Wishing for her son to gain control over the Garrison family, Emma hoped that her son would make something out of himself. Hence, she gave Levi his first name. Unfortunately, the Garrisons forbade him from carrying their family name because they saw him as a bastard who did not deserve it.

Levi was supposed to be a Jones, but Emma begged once more for her son to be able to keep his biological family’s last name, and at long last, the biological father agreed.
This was the only request from Emma that the man had ever agreed to.
A sharp glint flashed across Levi’s eyes; he swore to avenge his mother, uninformed of the fact that he had almost lost the right to become a Garrison.
“It seems that Emma was sick,” stated Zoey. She had found some medication in the cabinet.
Levi momentarily remembered that his mother had knelt at the Garrisons’ for three consecutive days when she had borne him.
It was raining back then, which only served to deteriorate Emma’s health.
Levi’s eyes turned red as he imagined his mother being in pain and agony. I should have discovered this sooner! My mother would not have had to suffer for this long if it were otherwise!
“Where else could my mother be, if not at home?” asked Levi.
“She’s probably working to support herself, seeing that she lives alone. Though, the money that she earned must have gone to these medications.”
Levi could not imagine how his mother had survived on her own upon hearing the heartbreaking truth that Zoey had pointed out.
“Let’s search for her!”
Levi asked Phoenix to look up his mother’s occupation and workplace while searching around the courtyard with Zoey and Sylas.
They searched through an entire block but it was to no avail.
A garbage truck was rumbling nearby as a group of workers was actively trying to unclog the sewer. Unfortunately, no matter how far in they inserted the tube, they found that they could not remove the clog.
Seeing as such, the job would now have to be done manually, but unfortunately, there were no volunteers.
“Anyone willing to do it will get fifty as their reward,” offered the team leader.
All of the workers shook their heads in refusal; the sewer was far too smelly and dirty.
“I’ll do it.”
At that moment, a woman in sanitations raised her hand to volunteer.
“Good! Deal with the clog and you’ll get your fifty, Emma,” promised the team leader to the woman.
Levi and Zoey widened their eyes at their mind-blowing discovery.


Chapter 920 Tears Of Men

That’s Emma? The two turned to gaze at the woman in shock. Soon, Levi received a message from Phoenix: Emma Jones has been working as a sanitation worker.

The hacker even sent him a photo, to which Levi compared to the woman across from him. It’s the same person. That is my mother, Emma Jones!
Emma was only in her fifties, but her hair had already turned gray. Her face was as wrinkled as a seventy-year-old woman.
She was so skinny that it looked as though a gust of wind could blow her away.
Time and illness had not been kind to Levi’s mother.
Looking at Emma’s miserable state, Zoey could not help but cry.
Levi was not faring any better either, for tears had started to flow down his face.
As a man, it was only natural for him to have cried over someone whom he held so dear to him.
When Emma heard that she would be rewarded with fifty, joy flashed across her face. With that money, I can finally get myself some qualitied pain medications.
Emma put her gloves on, readying herself to go down into the sewer to unclog it.
The sudden shout shocked the workers, who all turned around to glance at the source of the voice.
Bewildered, Emma did the same, wanting to find out who shouted.
“Mom!” shouted Levi once again before he rushed over to his mother.
Emma was stunned when she realized that the man was calling out to her. Did he mistake me for someone else?
However, like a bolt from the blue, Emma suddenly recognized the familiar face when Levi approached her.
It looked at least half as similar to the face of the man whom she had loved so much. There’s no mistaking this face. This is my son!
When Levi reached his mother, he wrapped his arms around her tightly.
“I’m so sorry, Mom!” shouted Levi.
Dumbfounded, Emma looked at Levi in disbelief before she asked in a shaky voice, “Are you… Are you really Levi?”
“Yes, it’s me!”
Levi knelt before his mother and kowtowed to her. “I’m sorry, Mom! I should have found you sooner.”
Emma could no longer contain herself as she burst out into tears. “You’re really Levi! My son! My sweet boy!”
The mother also knelt to embrace her son as the two sobbed in each other’s arms.
Minutes passed before Levi helped his mother up. “Let’s go home, Mom.”
“Not yet, Levi. I’m still at work.”
“You don’t have to work anymore. I’ll take care of you,” promised the son.
Emma approached the team leader and bowed to him. “My son is here, so I’d like to take a leave. Thank you, Sir.”
Witnessing how lowly his mother had seemed, Levi could feel the tears rolling down his face once more.

What a story 😢😢😢

Chapter 936 The Tragedy Of A Wrong Match
Emma began to regret leaving Margo City.

Not only have I upset the Garrisons, but I’ve also affected Zoey’s life and business. Possibly even her relationship with Levi!
Zoey’s family was right in keeping their distance from me.

That way, the Garrisons won’t go after them.
Looking around, Emma only felt increasingly self-conscious and afraid.
I’ll probably be doing everyone a favor if I’d just killed myself.
Just when Emma was considering suicide, she heard her son’s voice.
“Levi, your wife… “
“I know, Mom. Don’t blame yourself. No one despises my mother!”
Afterward, Levi gave his mother a makeover, which caused her to look much younger than before.
Although traces of her age and the hardship that she went through could not be removed, Levi believed that things would only get better for his mother from thereon forth.
The son promised to never allow his mother to suffer again.
“Mom, do you want to go to South Hampton?” asked Levi. Surprisingly, Emma shook her head.
Bad things have happened to people around me. The Jones family was almost ruined because of me.”
“Then, we’ll stay in South City for now. After Zoey and I get married again, we’ll move to North Hampton.”
Levi did not want his mother to be in danger, so he brought her back to the Warzone compound.
Emma was relieved to see the compound again.
She would have been uncomfortable if she were to stay in a big manor.
Looking at the compound, Emma was smart enough to figure out why Zoey’s grandparents had wanted nothing to do with her or her son. Zoey had a net worth of tens of billions, while Levi was evidently worth much less.
Zoey would make a wonderful daughter-in-law, but she’s out of our league. This kind of mismatched marriage can only end in tragedy.
Emma harbored such thoughts to herself.
Isn’t that what happened to my own marriage?
The Joneses were not worthy of the Garrisons, and hence, my tragedy.
I should dissuade Levi from marrying Zoey because I know that it’s not going to end well.
At the compound, the Azure Dragon and his gang knelt before Emma when they found out who she was.
“Oh, there’s no need for such courtesy! Please get up.” Emma chuckled.
“They are family to me, Mom. You’ll be safe here with them. Nobody’s going to bully you when they’re around,” assured Levi.
As comforting as that sounded, Emma was not convinced that any of them could stop the Garrisons.
If only it were that easy.


Chapter 937 Get Rid Of Them
Little did Emma know that kneeling before her was the Five Great Wars Regiment.
Other than the God of War himself, no one else could match them.

In fact, the Cavalry Regiment was also hiding in the dark and ready to pounce.
With those warriors around, nobody would dare to attack the compound.

On the other side, Meredith had Zoey kneel on the ground back at home as punishment.
“You’ll only get up when you admit to your mistake!”
Rage flowed through Meredith like lava.
“What’s going on, Mom? What did Zoey do?” asked Aaron and Caitlyn as they hurried over.
“You’ll never guess who she’d gone out with today. It was Levi’s filthy mother!” shouted Meredith as she glared at the two.
“Isn’t Levi an orphan? How would he have a mother?”
The couple looked at each other in bafflement.
“You two really don’t know, do you? Levi’s no orphan because his mother is alive. It’s a shame that she turned out to be a beggar, though. The woman looked older than me! The wrinkles on her were horrifying! She was dirty and smelly like someone who had just crawled out of the sewer,” complained Meredith.
“I think that she is a sanitation worker. I noticed the uniform that she was wearing,” added Robert.
“Zoey was walking around with that beggar on a bustling street. If the paparazzi took a photo of that, Zoey would be in big trouble. Besides, she’s already divorced from Levi, so who is she to go shopping with the man’s mother?” continued Meredith furiously.
Aaron and Caitlyn were upset as well when they heard that. “You’re in the wrong here, Zoey. Why did you go out with Levi’s mother? Didn’t we tell you to stay away?”
“Levi was never a capable man. You’re way out of that kept man’s league! And now, he’s even brought his beggar of a mother along. The two of them are trying to live off of you!”
“Levi’s filthy mother must have heard about you. That’s why she’s deliberately trying to take advantage of you.”
The couple exchanged looks before Zoey finally voiced out, “Mom! Dad! It’s not what you think it is! She’s not that kind of person.”
Zoey wanted to tell them the truth about Emma so badly, but it did not seem like a good idea.
“I don’t care what kind of person she is, and I have no interest in finding out either.”
“We have only one thing to tell you. From now on, you and Levi are over. You’ll have nothing to do with that man anymore. Even if our family has to exhaust every resource and call in all favors, we’ll make sure that the two of you are separated!”
“Or, we’ll simply drive Levi and his mother out of Quebec,” threatened Robert and Meredith in unison.
The Blacks were hellbent on separating Zoey and Levi, no matter the cost.


Chapter 938 One Man Against A City

Zoey was stunned, for she never expected her parents and the entire Black family to oppose her marriage.
“You will kneel until you learn your mistake!”
Meredith glared daggers at Zoey.

“Hurry up and admit that you’re wrong, Zoey. Apologize to your Grandma,” ordered Caitlyn and Aaron.
“I’ve done nothing wrong,” insisted Zoey.
“Then, you shall continue to kneel. Let’s see how long you can keep this up,” responded Meredith angrily.
She never had any problems in regard to controlling the other young ones in the family.
Zoey was the only one who was always rebelling against her grandmother, and that was why Meredith felt that her authority was challenged.
Meanwhile, in Margo City, Amos and his men were being carried away by family members because nobody could move.
It did not take long before the one handling Amos heard of what happened.
Amos only knew that the man’s name was Caleb and that he was a servant to the Garrisons.
Caleb was the servant who had rampaged through the entire South Hampton, silencing the city overnight.
Amos was unable to imagine just how powerful the Garrisons were, seeing that their servant could do that much to a city.
The man trembled all over when his phone rang.
“Do you know what you’ve done, Amos?” asked a cold voice.
“I… I do.”
Amos was so frightened that he could almost cry.
“You’d better have a good explanation for Emma’s absence in Margo City. Even her courtyard was laid to waste!”
“To tell you the truth, Emma’s bastard son came for her, and he was insanely powerful. My men were crippled and so was I. Mr. Garrison, you have to avenge us. He had even said that he was not afraid of your family and that he’ll be seeing you soon.”
Amos exaggerated the incident, in hopes of getting the Garrisons to avenge him, but Caleb merely laughed in response.
“That bastard thinks that he can challenge the most powerful ancient family in Erudia? He’s not even worthy of being my opponent, let alone the entire Garrison family. Heck, he’s not even worth mentioning to the Garrisons.”
Levi thought that the Garrisons would hear about him when he instructed Amos to send the message, but little did he know that he had not earned a mention yet.
The man’s appearance was not even worth mentioning to the Garrisons. Such news had merely reached the family’s servant.
“Since Emma has broken the rules, the Garrisons no longer have to abide by the agreement.
Levi and his mother are nothing but a nuisance to the family, so the only way to deal with them is to kill them!” exclaimed Caleb as a murderous intent flashed across his eyes.
Amos almost cheered out loud.


Chapter 939 Is This Your Mother
“Even the servant despises Levi, let alone the Garrison family. What makes him think that he has a chance against the Garrisons?” Erwin gritted his teeth in anger.

The man was not exaggerating because the Garrisons were indeed unbelievably powerful.
In the Brauses’ opinion, no matter how powerful Levi was, he would not be able to do a thing about the Garrisons.
Going against the most powerful ancient family would only get the man killed.

The Brauses were about to celebrate when they heard Caleb’s voice. “This will be the last mistake that you’ll ever make.”
Suddenly, the Brauses’ heads exploded.
A prominent family like the Garrisons would never have allowed the Brauses to live. They had always been decisive in tying up loose ends, and they would never tolerate mistakes.
Seeing what happened with Emma, they had to contain the situation.
“But… “
There was a deathly silence in Amos’ eyes.
Even with his bones broken, Amos thought that he could at least live, but things did not turn out as he expected.
That night, anyone who knew about Emma disappeared along with the Brauses.
On the other side, Zoey had knelt for a full day but still believed that she did nothing wrong, so Meredith decided to stop the corporal punishment. After all, Zoey was the hope and future of their family.
Meredith and her husband then had a discussion with Zoey’s parents. “Let’s find Levi and his mother.
Then, we’ll drive them out of Quebec so that Zoey will never see them again.”
“I believe that this will work. We should also buy them off.”
Aaron and Caitlyn immediately agreed with the suggestion before heading off to the Warzone compound with Meredith and Robert.
Levi was surprised to see them there. “What brings you here?”
“Where’s your mother, Levi? Call her out,” ordered Meredith.
“What’s going on, Levi?”
Emma stepped out when she heard the commotion.
Both Aaron and Caitlyn grimaced when they caught sight of how weak and old Emma was. They soon realized that Meredith was not exaggerating at all.
What a disgrace!
Having her with us would be an insult to the family!
This ugly-looking thing shall never be our in-law!
Levi was bad enough, but his mother is even worse!
We were right to insist on the divorce.
Mother really does know best!
This time, we’ll make sure that Zoey doesn’t end up with Levi again.
“So, this is your mother, Levi?” asked Aaron.
“That’s right. What about it?”
Suddenly, Aaron burst out laughing.


Chapter 940 Get Out Both Of You
Levi was puzzled, but the sensitive Emma could tell that Aaron was mocking her.
The mother felt terrible for bringing shame upon her son.

“Aren’t you an orphan? Seeing as such, why would you have a filthy… I mean, is this a joke?” inquired Aaron.
Levi shook his head. “I’m not joking. This is my mother.”
“So, you’ll live with your mother?” chimed in Caitlyn.

“She’s my mother. Of course, she has to stay with me.”
“You’re a good son, but have you thought about your future?” asked Aaron seriously.
“What does that mean?”
“Didn’t you say that you’d wanted to marry Zoey and have a grand wedding? Now that you’ve found your mother, are you planning to have her stay with you and Zoey?”
Aaron was trying to control his anger.
“Of course! Zoey’s already met my mother, and they had no problem getting along. I don’t see why we can’t live together.”
“I don’t think so!” roared Aaron suddenly.
“Do you know what people say about you?
Almost everyone at Morris knows that you’re a deadbeat. Are you and your mother planning to live off of Zoey for the rest of your miserable lives?”
Caitlyn then chimed in, “Are you going to bring your father home with you too? Do you seriously think that Zoey owes your family that much?
Supporting you wasn’t enough? Now, she has to support your parents too?”
“We wouldn’t complain if they’d at least looked decent, but just look at your mother! She’s nothing but a disease-carrying old hag!”
“You’ve brought shame to Zoey. What has she done to deserve this?”
Under the couple’s barrage of insults, Emma broke down in tears.
I’m nothing but a liability to my son!
“Besides, Zoey’s the star entrepreneur of Quebec. Her net worth will reach fifty billion, if not hundreds of billions, in the future. She’ll be one of the elites in the upper class while your mother will remain a lowly sanitation worker. You and your family are not worthy of Zoey!” voiced Meredith.
“People will make fun of us for having in-laws like you!” added Robert.
Emma trembled all over when her worries actually came true.
She knew that her son could never be with Zoey because their relationship could only end in a tragedy.
“So what? What exactly are you guys here for?” asked Levi with a smile.
Aaron and Caitlyn were acquainted with Levi, so it was hard for them to be straightforward with the man.
“We want you and your mother to leave Quebec!” Meredith sneered.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 941
“You need to realize that you’ll never be with Zoey! You’re not worthy, so we won’t let you have her.”

“Not only that, but you also have to leave Quebec. Having you here will only affect Zoey, so we want both you and your mother to leave.”

Seeing how straightforward Meredith was, Robert quickly added, “Of course, we’ll make it worth your while. You’ll receive fifty million and you’ll be assigned jobs in real estate. That should be enough to last you a lifetime. Our only condition is that you leave Zoey alone.”
Aaron took a deep breath while Caitlyn sighed. “We’re friends, right? Hence, please do this for Zoey and us.”
“You should take the offer, Levi,” urged Emma with mixed feelings.
Meredith and the others were surprised to find that Emma was not a gold-digger like they had expected her to be. They never expected her to agree with them.
“I’ll be honest with you, Levi. Zoey’s a nice girl, but she’s out of your league. It’ll only end in tragedy. Just look at what happened to me.”
Emma had also wanted to keep Zoey safe from the Garrisons, and asking Levi to let go of her was the only way.
“Did you hear that, Levi? You should listen to your mother. You may have a big mouth, but it’s time to face your reality,” snickered Meredith.
Levi gazed deeply into his mother’s eyes as he began to think to himself.
You may think that I’m out of Zoey’s league, but that’s only because you don’t know how powerful I’ve become.
There’s no one in Erudia that can match me.
With a wave of her hand, Meredith signaled Jennie to hand a check and other things over to Emma.
“We don’t need such things or your pity!”
Levi stopped Jennie in her tracks.
“You should know that I go wherever I please. I’m in charge of my own fate! I will not let go of Zoey because we’re truly in love with each other. Nobody can come between us.”
Levi made his intentions crystal clear.
As long as Zoey loves me, no one can separate us.
The God of War was afraid of no one.
“Do you still call yourself a man? Are you not ashamed of yourself for clinging onto Zoey like that? Even your mother has asked you to let go of her, so stop bothering Zoey!” shouted Jennie furiously.
“Stay out of my business,” responded Levi after glaring at the woman.

Can't Levi punish these idiots 😠😠😠
Grandmaster Skye, the resources are finished. We need fresh one for cultivation
Grandmaster Skye, the resources are finished. We need fresh one for cultivation
Yeah Master Skye.. I need to build my own regiment so that i will be easily crush people i hate most.. Hence new chapters needed.. LOL
I'm really impressed with this story
And also somehow it seems the story is about to come to an end. I really hope so, there is no need for all this authors trying to prolong the novel by filling with baseless stories. Why can't they be more proud of writing different numerous interesting stories than tucking themselves with just one story.
My 2 fav stars Mr White and Mr Levi love these guys cos they authentic and consider the next

Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 942
Robert and Meredith then stormed off and were determined to drive Levi and his mother out of the city.

“No matter what, Levi will never be good enough for you, so don’t even think about marrying him!” shouted Zoey’s parents when they got back home to her.

Zoey already knew what they had done, and she wanted so badly to reveal Levi’s relationship to both the Joneses and the Garrisons.
However, that would probably only make things more complicated, seeing that the Blacks were terrified of the Garrisons.
Zoey could not help but feel sorry for Levi and his mother.
Not only did they have to deal with the Garrisons, rather, but they also had the Blacks breathing down their necks.
What should I do about this?
Zoey got anxious when Meredith and the others started to discuss how they would drive Levi and his mother out.
“Levi’s good at fighting, so we have to get someone better if we want them out.”
Meanwhile, Emma was crying. “I’m so sorry for the trouble that I’ve caused, Levi. You wouldn’t have had any problem in marrying Zoey if it weren’t for me. Now, we’ll both be chased off.”
“I won’t allow it!” stated Levi furiously.
“You’re safe here, Emma. We’ll make sure of it,” promised Azure Dragon, Kirin, and their comrades.
Not even the president himself can do a thing to Emma while we’re around.
However, Emma still seemed worried.
This is just the beginning.
Getting kicked out of this city is nothing compared to what the Garrisons are going to do to us.
That night, it was quiet as usual at the Joneses’ residence.
The council members of the Jones family were having a discussion in the meeting hall.
Leading the group was Mia, with the ever-helpful Michael by her side.
Suddenly, a loud rumbling sound came from the yard, and the earth shook beneath their feet.
“What’s going on?”
Everyone quickly rushed out to the yard, only to catch sight of a figure standing there.
The figure sank its feet into the ground and left deep footprints on the yard.
It turned out that the figure’s footsteps were the cause of the rumbling.
Michael was scared stiff when he saw the person.
Twenty-eight years ago, that same person killed all the elites in the Jones family and silenced the entire South Hampton, stopping all information from getting out.
Now, he’s returned!
Reminded of the horror, Michael immediately fell to his knees.
“You’ve honored us with your presence, my lord!”
It was Caleb, the servant of the Garrison family, who had arrived.
His cold eyes fell on Michael before he shouted, “How dare you tell that bastard of where Emma was!”


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 943
“There must be some mistake! I did no such thing. I don’t even know where she was kept!”

Michael panicked as he knelt before the furious servant who could easily destroy his family.

“If you didn’t tell him, how did the bastard find out?”
Caleb did not think that Levi was capable of such a feat.
“Who are you calling a bastard? You’d better mind your manners,” rebuked a cold female voice.
It was Mia, who would not tolerate anyone calling Levi a bastard.
Michael and the others were stupefied by how she had spoken to the man who took on the entire South Hampton.
Caleb then shifted his focus to Mia. “Who are you?”
“Levi’s my brother, and I won’t allow you to insult him. Besides, you don’t get to speak ill of him.”
Mia kept her eyes fixed on Caleb.
Levi’s the invincible God of War!
Nobody insults him!
“You’d dare to speak to me in such a tone? Aren’t you afraid that I’ll kill you?” asked Caleb after sizing the woman up.
Caleb’s body exuded a murderous aura so terrifying that the color drained from Mia’s face.
Suffocating because of her fear, Mia clawed at her throat as though an invisible pair of hands were choking her.
Faced by death itself, Mia could not help but break out into a cold sweat.
Caleb cackled before asking, “What are you going to do if I call Levi a bastard again?”
Even though Mia had difficulty breathing, she forced herself to respond, “I… I will stop you. I’m not… Not afraid of you.”
“You’ve got guts! I like that. I’ll spare you for now because I want you to watch me when I kill that bastard,” stated Caleb coldly.
“He’s going to kill you instead. Do you think you can take on my brother? Dream on! Not even the entire Garrison family can beat him, let alone a servant like you!” shouted Mia with every bit of strength in her.
She had complete faith in Levi even before she knew about his identity, and she was certain that he could beat anyone with his iron fists.
Caleb suddenly cackled because he found it amusing that someone would have such faith in the bastard.
Has this woman lost her mind?
Or is she just not thinking straight?
“So he wants to fight the Garrisons? Then let me tell you of the true strength of the Garrison family… “
When Caleb was done sharing the information on the Garrison family, there was dead silence at the scene.
The Joneses always knew that the Garrisons were powerful, but they never knew just how powerful the family was until that moment itself.
“Do you still think that your brother stands a chance against the Garrisons?”


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 944
Mia had a determined expression on her face. “I’ve told you this before. Provoking my brother would be a grave mistake on your end!”

“Sure, sure. Just you watch-I’ll deliver his head to you soon!” Caleb laughed.

Initially, he had plans to exterminate the Joneses that very night.
However, his plans changed with Mia’s appearance.
He wanted the ignorant, innocent lass to witness just how powerful he was-just how fearsome the Garrison family was.
He also wanted her to see just how powerless her brother was when compared to the most powerful ancient family in Erudia.
When Caleb arrived at Greenfield Mansion, the place in which The Three Musketeers were, a funeral was being held, much to his surprise.
He was soon made aware of what happened.
A cold look appeared in Caleb’s eyes. “What? Emma’s child killed Klaus Gonzales in front of Osborn in the Peace Hotel? That b*stard!”
“He’s too arrogant and powerful!”
“We’re discussing how to get rid of him…”
The Three Musketeers wanted to weep but failed to shed a tear.
Although The Three Musketeers and Osborn were nothing in Caleb’s eyes, he had already subjugated them once twenty years ago.
However, they were talking about South Hampton’s strongest presence, after all.
To think that a lowly orphan could do all of this? That’s terrifying!
“Well, he has the blood of the Garrison clan flowing through him, after all. While he is a lowly commoner, that doesn’t mean that he’s weak!”
Caleb chalked Levi’s power up to him having the Garrison clan’s blood running through him, negating the latter’s own efforts and merits in the progress.
“It’s no surprise then that he’s so exceptional. He would only be more powerful if we’d given him more resources,” The Three Musketeers remarked, flabbergasted.
“Yes, that’s right! If we allow him to continue to do as he pleases, there will come a great calamity, posing much threat to the family!”
“Therefore, I will kill him myself!” Coldness radiated from Caleb’s eyes.
Originally, he had planned to send The Three Musketeers to get rid of Levi, because if he had done it himself, he would have risked revealing his identity.
Although he was merely a servant, he was rather invaluable.
Hence, someone like Levi had no right to be granted the honor of getting killed by him.
However, his interest was piqued once he caught news of just how powerful Levi was.
Killing a prodigy would grant him a great sense of achievement.
“If you’re the one who’s going to kill him, then he’s just as good as dead already!”
“After some investigating, we’ve found out that he’s currently at South City.”
The Three Musketeers grinned widely.
Klaus will finally be avenged.
That night, Emma had a horrible nightmare.
The servant, Caleb, who once had the whole of South Hampton under his thumb, had come to kill both her and Levi.
In the nightmare, she saw Levi getting stabbed in front of her very two eyes.
She woke up with a start.
When she opened her windows to get some air, she realized that it was not a dream.
It was real!
Caleb’s really here!


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 945
On the wall of the Warzone compound, a shadow was cast.

Emma knew all too well who that shadow belonged to; it was Caleb.

The Garrison family had sent someone in their inner ranks.
“Come on out, Emma and her commoner son!”
That one sentence enveloped the entire courtyard in silence.
At this moment, the military dogs started barking.
It turned out that they had not even noticed Caleb until he had spoken.
Emma fell to the ground in fear.
Now that Caleb’s here, we’re all as good as dead.
I don’t care if I die.
All I care about is Levi. He cannot die!
“Sleep well, mom.” Levi’s voice rang out while he shut the windows.
The next moment, Levi and Azure Dragon appeared in the courtyard.
“Hmm, not bad! That’s to be expected of the b*stard with our noble blood flowing in his veins! It’s no wonder the peasants all want to climb to nobility! Having noble blood sure is great. Just a little will change the entire course of your life!” Caleb laughed coldly.
In the most powerful families, bloodlines and statuses were extremely important.
For example, Caleb used to have a different first and last name, but when he became a servant of the Garrison family, he was given his current name.
He was extremely honored, and immediately tossed his old name aside.
To him, his new name was a status symbol.
“How insolent! You’re merely a servant, yet you dare to talk to my boss in this manner?” Black Tortoise warned in a low muffled voice.
“You sure are capable, punk, to have been able to chase us down all the way to Oakland City! Nonetheless, this is a mistake on your part!”
“I came to kill both you and your mother today!” Caleb shouted coldly.
As soon as they heard that he was here to kill Levi, they all started laughing.
Is he an idiot?
“Do you have a death wish?”
White Tiger had a ruthless smile on his face.
He was excited to finally have a worthy opponent.
“No, let me do it!” Levi stepped forward.
He had heard from his mother that the Garrison family did not care about her at all. For nearly thirty years, the one who controlled her was Caleb, the servant, while The King of Oakland City was his dog.
Therefore, it could be said that Caleb was the one who had brought suffering upon his mother.
I must kill him myself!
“Phoenix, hand me a knife!”
Phoenix handed him a military knife with his name carved on it.
“Interesting, to think that someone who served would challenge me! I wouldn’t have thought that a worthless b*stard like you would’ve served the country!”
As expected, Caleb was extremely skilled in combat- one could tell from his mannerism and his choice of weapon.
“You sure are insightful!” Levi laughed and walked toward Caleb with deliberate footsteps.
“You think you can kill me? What an idiot!” Caleb laughed coldly.
He drew a long knife slowly, and it shone with a pale blue light.
Over twenty years ago, he had conquered South Hampton using this very knife.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 946
“Getting killed by me should be an honor!” Caleb charged forward as soon as he said that.

He was so fast that human eyes could not keep up with him, and it seemed as though he was teleporting.

He was ten times as fast as the King of Assassins.
There were about ten meters of distance between them, but he crossed that in a flash of an eye.
“He’s so swift!” Azure Dragon and Kirin exclaimed.
Even on the battlefield, there were not many people who could rival this speed.
Caleb swung his knife with such force that it created a gust of wind so strong that it seemed to have created a forcefield.
However, he did not expect Levi to be swifter than him.
The two of them passed each other and stood still for ten seconds.
Levi blinked.
He was unscathed.
Meanwhile, blood flowed down Caleb’s neck.
He widened his eyes in shock.
To think that I would meet my end because of a b*stard like him?
His lifeless body fell to the ground.
If word got out that Caleb was killed by Levi in just a few seconds, many people’s jaws would have dropped to the floor in shock.
“Haha, boss, to think that after having not fought in such a long time, you’ve only gotten stronger.” White Tiger laughed heartily.
“As expected of the most powerful ancient family in Erudia- even a mere servant is so powerful!” Azure Dragon analyzed.
“That’s right! It’s a common saying that the people of Erudia are not to be underestimated.”
“What a shame that the Garrison family had met such a monster on the battlefield!”
Upon handing the knife back to Phoenix, Levi uttered indifferently, “Send his body back! I’m officially declaring war on the Garrison family!”
In the room, Emma was still trembling.
“Mom, everything’s fine now. Get some sleep.” Levi smiled.
“Huh? What happened to Caleb?” Emma was both anxious and fearful.
“He’s been taken care of. You’re going to be safe from now on,” Levi comforted her.
Emma was astonished.
He’s so powerful that he could even kill Caleb?
Have I been underestimating him?
Could it be that he actually does have the capabilities to go against the Garrison family?
That’s not possible.
No matter how powerful he is, he can’t go against the Garrison family.
They’re legendary- I would liken their power to that of a dragon.
In the past, Levi’s power could be likened to that of an ant, but even now that he became stronger, he’s still nothing more than a sparrow.
How could a mere sparrow defeat a dragon?
The Garrison family is way too powerful!
What should we do next?
Once they get news of Caleb’s death, the Garrison family will come knocking for sure.
Soon enough, they’ll send over someone who is even more powerful than Caleb!
Will Levi be able to defeat that person?
If the Garrison family were to come, the only thing I can do is to plead for them to spare us.
I’ll agree to anything that they’ll suggest.
If worst comes to worst, I’ll die for Levi. After all, I have a valuable secret in my hands.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 947
When Caleb’s body was sent back to South Hampton, Osborn and The Three Musketeers were at a loss for words.

Caleb’s dead?

Judging from the state of his wound, he was defeated in mere seconds.
Caleb was a legendary presence who conquered South Hampton by himself twenty years ago. To think that he’s been killed!
Try as they might, they could not wrap their heads around it.
Someone as powerful as him was defeated in mere seconds?
If word gets out, the world will be shaken!
That Levi- he’s so powerful despite being a mere servant.
The fear that the mention of his name brought was remembered vividly, even to this day.
“Just… Just how powerful can he be?” The Three Musketeers began to panic.
Their previous unquenchable thirst for revenge dissipated in an instant.
Besides, who would even dare to take revenge? Nobody would unless they have a death wish.
“Our top priority is to send Caleb back!” Ritchie exclaimed.
“Nevertheless, where do we send him? It’s not like we have that many connections,” Perseus pressed forth.
When compared to the Garrison clan, they were not even as good as whimpering dogs.
“Mr. St-Jacques, we can only count on you. You have many connections.” The Three Musketeers looked toward Osborn.
He shook his head. “Even so, I don’t have connections with the most powerful ancient family in Erudia. I don’t even have the right to kneel at their door!”
The Three Musketeers sighed in defeat.
The Garrison clan is way too powerful.
To think that even Osborn isn’t acquainted with them!
“However, I do know of a patriarch of one of the Garrison clan’s branch families- Jonah Garrison,” Osborn admitted.
Amongst all the families, there were regular families too; they were called royal families.
Above them, there were imperial families.
It may have been a bit of an exaggeration, but it could be said that, in the past, they would be equivalent to the relatives of the emperor.
Of course, that was simply a metaphor.
And “imperial family” was, after all, just a title.
Not only did they reach the top using terrifying strength, but they also had hundreds of years of heritage and experience under their belts.
Normally, the imperial families would reign for five hundred years, or even more than a thousand years. Hence, the sheer power of a family that had maintained its status for that long could only be imagined.
Yet, the Garrison family was merely a branch family of the Oakland City Garrison clan.
That was the sheer strength of the Garrison clan.
“Alright, seeing as such, let’s send Caleb to the Haven Garrison clan so that they’ll know about this as well!” The Three Musketeers agreed in unison.
“Hopefully, they’ll send someone really powerful this time to take care of that punk!”
“My anger will never cease!” Osborn shouted.

At this moment, the Black family was wracking their brains on how to get rid of Levi and Emma.
“Sending someone to chase them out should be reserved as the last alternative! Does anyone have any better ideas?” Meredith asked.
Logan turned toward her and grinned. “Grandma, I have an idea! Let’s do this…”
After he revealed his plan, Meredith immediately started applauding. “That’s good!”
“Logan’s idea is great! With this, we’ll definitely be able to chase them out!” Everyone in the room had a smile on their face.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 948
Logan’s plan was simple.

It was to restrict every aspect of Levi and Emma’s lives, making their lives in the city unbearable.

That way, they would willingly leave on their own.
“Grandma, let’s put this plan into action immediately!” Logan exclaimed. Just watch, Levi! I’ll make it so that you and that wh*re of a mother of yours can’t do anything in South City!
A few days passed, and Emma had gradually gotten used to life in South City.
After she made breakfast for Levi in the morning, she went to the market nearby to buy fresh meat and vegetables for dinner.
After she picked out the vegetables, she handed them to the stall owner.
He was just about to weigh them when he got a good look at Emma’s face.
“No, I can’t sell these to you!” He immediately took them back.
“Huh?” Emma was startled.
That was strange.
Why would he not sell them to me?
However, she did not let it get to her and went to the stall next to it.
To her surprise, she was met with the same response. “Leave!” The stall owner chased her away.
She noticed that the other stall owners acted as if they had seen a ghost whenever they laid their eyes upon her, and they all avoided her like the plague.
It was at this moment that she realized that something was wrong.
She walked to the other end of the market, far away from where she was.
“I’m not selling these today!” Yet another stall owner yelled as soon as he saw her.
She was puzzled. “Aren’t they buying it?” She pointed at the other customers at the stall. “So why can’t I?”
“You’re right. I can sell my vegetables to anyone, just not you! Go away! Don’t disrupt my business!” The stall owner chased Emma away forcibly.
Emma wandered around the market, exasperated.
She tried to buy from the stall owners again, but nobody was willing to sell anything to her, no matter whether it was vegetables, meat, or other goods.
It was as if she had been shut out by the entire city.
Everyone avoided her as soon as they saw her.
She tried going to another market, but the result was still the same.
Nobody was willing to sell a single thing to her.
It was the same even at the supermarket.
This time, they would not even let her in.
At this point, she realized that someone was behind all of this.
She tried going to other places.
The shopping mall, the restaurant, the hotel- none of them let her in.

It was as if she was on some kind of blacklist- for everyone in the city.
She could not even board a bus or taxi.
It seemed as though someone had made it so that it would be impossible for her to go about her life in the city.
It was a cloudy day, and her illness was already acting up.
She wandered around aimlessly on the streets while bearing with the pain.
Gradually, the terrible pain built up, leaving her forehead full of sweat.
Her knees buckled and she could not even walk.
With great difficulty, she finally found a pharmacy and hurriedly entered it.
She grabbed some medicine to alleviate her symptoms.
“Get out! You’re not welcome here!”


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 949
Emma was just about to exit the pharmacy when someone shoved her from behind.

She staggered and fell onto the ground.

The pain from both her fall and her illness made her eyes spin.
However, she did not give up and continued to search for other pharmacies.
She visited four or five other pharmacies, but the result was still the same.
They did not even let her set foot in the door.
In the sixth pharmacy, the owner was slightly more kindhearted than the rest.
“Just leave! I’m sure that you’ve already visited all of the pharmacies in South City. No one will sell the medicine to you! You should go to another city! Don’t blame it on us, okay? We have no choice in the matter.”
Emma finally gave up.
Someone’s deliberately making life difficult for me.
Even all the shops in the city are in on this.
Especially the pharmacies.
The pharmacies were the most important to her.
She could survive for a few days without food, but not without her medicine.
She would die from the pain.
I’ll persuade Levi to leave this city when I get back.
And to stop troubling Zoey.
I know that I’m a bearer of ill luck.
Anyone who comes into contact with me will surely have misfortune befall them.
This time, it was my son and daughter-in-law.
As she walked back, she felt her head spinning.
She fell onto the ground with a thump.
When she woke up, Phoenix was by her side.
“Aunt Emma, what’s happened?” Phoenix was so anxious that she was on the verge of tears.
Emma told her everything that had happened.
“Phoenix, please help me to persuade Levi to leave South City!” she begged.
“What? They all shut you out and refused to sell anything to you?” Phoenix was about to explode from anger.
We’re talking about the God of War’s mother here!
To think that she would be treated this way!
Phoenix brought Emma to the market to see what would happen, and sure enough, she was chased out of every shop.
Phoenix wanted to take care of the matter right then and there but decided that it was better to inform Levi of it first.
Hence, she brought Emma to the hospital and used acupuncture to temporarily ease her pain.
Very soon, Levi arrived, panting from having rushed to the hospital as soon as he heard what had happened.
“What’s going on? The pharmacies refused to sell you medicine?” Levi demanded.
“Yeah, it’s not just the pharmacies, either. All the other stores have Aunt Emma on their blacklist too. They won’t sell anything to her!” Phoenix uttered in a low, muffled voice with her head down.
“The Black family? Just you wait!” Levi was increasingly furious.
His mother was his Achilles’ heel, and the Black family knew that.
He wanted to laugh.
The whole city’s tormenting my mother, huh?
She’s already so old and frail, and now they want to treat her like this?
She’s done nothing wrong!


Very soon, Emma’s medicine was delivered to their doorstep, courtesy of Alfie.

The medical department of the Dragon Legion had all kinds of medicine available.

“Huh? Weren’t we shut out by the entire South City? How have we gotten the medicine?” Emma asked, puzzled.
“Mom, don’t worry about it and just take it. What happened today is just a trivial matter for me,” Levi replied.
Big, hearty bouts of laughter rang out in the Black family courtyard.
“Haha, did you know, Grandma? Levi’s mother fainted from pain!”
“Restricting where she can get medicine is equivalent to restricting her very survival! This way, I’ll say that we don’t even have to control the other markets!” Logan and Jennie laughed.
They were behind everything that had happened that day.
There was no merchant who would dare to go against their demands.
They were overjoyed, especially upon seeing Emma in great pain. They had even filmed it with their phones and went around displaying the humiliating video for everyone to see.
“Haha, they’ll definitely be gone from South City within three days!” Logan uttered.
“That’s right. If this continues, even if Levi’s mother doesn’t die by hunger, she’ll die from pain!” Meredith followed.
“Levi’s a worthless wretch, too- he won’t do something until his back’s against the wall. It would have been so easy for him to have just taken the fifty million and left when we’d offered it, but no- he had to force us to take things into our own hands!”
“Isn’t it so pathetic that they’re going to have to leave on their own accord now? He’s not getting a single cent!”
“If he has the guts to go against the Black family, then he had better be prepared for how we’d fight back!”
Everyone in the room burst out laughing.
“What are you doing? What are you looking at?” At this moment, Zoey walked in.
“Nothing!” Everyone hurriedly avoided her as they hid the phone.
“This has to do with Levi and his mother, right?” Zoey asked coldly.
Meredith admitted to it. “Yes, you’re right. We’re going to chase them out of Quebec so that there’ll be no one here to cause you any more trouble.”
“What? I never agreed to this!” Zoey was astonished.
“You don’t have to concern yourself with this! They’ll get out of here on their own accord within three days,” Jennie and Logan explained.
“You can’t stop us unless you sever all your ties with your parents and the rest of the Black family,” Meredith announced bluntly.
All Zoey did was to look at them with anger in her eyes, because they were right- there was nothing that she could do.
However, there was no way that she would merely sit and watch the disaster unfold.
“Oh, Levi… To think that we were still worried about how to stop him and Zoey from getting together. We didn’t expect that he would have brought that wh*re of a mother with him. Isn’t that just giving us a golden opportunity?” Meredith smirked.
Zoey glared at her and went back to her room.
Having enacted punishment on Levi and his mother, the Black family was in over their heads.
That night, something big happened in South City without their knowledge.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 951
Chapter 951 My Son Is As Powerful As A God
The next day, all the shops that had chased Emma out received a stern warning.
Some were even forced to shut down.

The reason was simple- not only did they disrespect the basic rights of consumers, rather, they had also gone as far as to insult and use physical force upon one of their customers.
There was not a single person who was not shocked by this unexpected turn of events; the Black family was especially shocked.

Upon receiving the news, Logan immediately contacted the relevant people in charge.
He got a very simple answer- the previous day, someone had filmed the store owners refusing to serve Emma and had used that to file a report against them.
This caused not only Logan, but the whole Black family to become furious.
Just when we were celebrating how well this plan had worked out for us, we’ve received news that it was reported?
Of course, they would never have thought that Levi was the one behind all of this.
All they could do was complain about what good luck Levi had, which was something that seemed to be happening rather often these days.
In the morning, Levi told Emma that he was going to take her somewhere.
While she was doubtful, she followed him anyway.
It turned out to be the market that she had visited yesterday.
“Oh, you’re here! I’ll pick out the freshest vegetables for you!”
“Please come here, I’ll sell you the best meat and I’ll even throw in some freebies!”
“You’re finally here! I’ve prepared these medicinal herbs for you!”

The stall owners who had turned her away yesterday seemed to have done a complete one-eighty.
Not only did they now want to sell their goods to her, but they also wanted to give her freebies as well.
Levi brought Emma to many other places.
The store owners were all overjoyed to see her and were willing to sell their goods to her.
When they got to the pharmacy that Emma had visited the previous day, the owner bent his head deeply in apology.
After all, it was a much bigger deal for a pharmacy to have refused service- in the worst-case scenario, the customer may suffer a fatality from not being able to obtain the necessary medicine.
“Levi, this…” Emma was shocked.
Yesterday, I was met with disdain from everyone and was shut out by the entire city.
And now, I feel like as though I am some kind of celebrity.
“See, Mom? I told you that you could trust me. All these are but trivial matters to me.” Levi smiled.
Emma spaced out.
No, it’s a good thing that my son is powerful.
She sucked in a deep breath. Overwhelmed by her sudden realization, impulsive thoughts such as bringing him to the Garrison family popped up in her consciousness.
Just you wait- I’ll show you that my son isn’t a worthless commoner- his power is on equal terms with the Garrison family!
However, she knew that this was all just an overinflated desire of hers.
No matter how strong Levi is, he will never be able to take down the Garrison family.
It’s foolish to think that Levi’s measly twenty years’ worth of training would be enough to rival the sheer power of the Garrison family, which has countless generations of heritage under its belt.
At this moment, to their disbelief, Zoey pulled up.
“Aunt Emma, let’s go. I’ll take you somewhere.” Zoey smiled mysteriously.
Levi felt rather suspicious. What does she have in mind?


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 952
Chapter 952 Zoey Got Slapped
Very soon, they reached a top-tier neighborhood.

By this time, Levi had already understood Zoey’s intentions.
She definitely bought a house for Mom.
When they got off the car, as predicted, Zoey had brought them toward a neat row of manors.
They were all elaborately renovated and were ready to be moved into immediately.

“Mom, I bought this house for you. You’ll live here from now on!” Zoey beamed. “Also, I’ve hired a nanny to take care of you.”
As soon as Emma heard that, she burst into tears.
I have such a good daughter-in-law.
To think that she would buy me a house- a manor, even!
“No, no. There’s no need to worry about me. I’m alright with staying with Levi. This is way too expensive,” Emma refused.
“How could I allow that when he can’t take even take care of people?
Besides, this house is close to my office, so it’s convenient for us to visit you.” Zoey smiled.
She had spent twenty million on this manor.
While her net worth was high, most of it was invested in her company.
She only had a couple of millions in hand, and buying the manor had cost her half of that.
“Mom, Zoey means well, so just accept it!” Levi smiled. “And she’s right- the location is great.”
He had wanted to buy his mother a big house himself, but Zoey beat him to it.
“Levi, Mom shouldn’t have to head back. You should go and bring her things here,” Zoey instructed.
Try as she might, Emma could not turn Zoey down, so she had no choice but to accept the manor.
Very soon, the nanny had arrived.
She was a gold-standard nanny selected very carefully by Zoey.
During her free time, she was even able to accompany Emma to go shopping.
“Zoey, we owe you too much. Levi will make it up to you,” Emma admitted, touched.
Zoey laughed, saying, “I’m just asking for him to cause less trouble for me.”
Looking at the peaceful, harmonious scene before him, Levi felt extremely blessed.
He decided to bring Morris’ parents over in a couple of days.
When they heard that his mother was back, they wanted to see her.
When the old folks gathered together, they could keep each other company and keep each other from getting lonely.
Besides, Levi’s circumstances allowed for this luxury.
At night, Zoey reached home and was about to enter the house when she was stopped by Meredith and the other members of the Black family.
“Grandpa, Grandma, what’s going on? And Dad, Mom, what are you all doing?” Looking at the group in front of her, Zoey was confused.
“Do you even know what you’ve done?” Meredith asked coldly.
“What?” Zoey asked.
“How could you say that? You’d bought a manor for Levi and his mother! How could you?”
“And you’d even hired a nanny at such a high price! Do you want to go with Levi?” Meredith shouted.
“It’s not that big of a deal. She’s Levi’s mother, so she’s my mother, too,” Zoey replied stubbornly.
All of a sudden, Zoey was slapped harshly across her face.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 953
Chapter 953 Get Stronger
Caitlyn was the one who hit Zoey.

She stared at the latter and yelled furiously, “Your mom? I’m your only mom!”
Zoey was flabbergasted to be slapped so suddenly and stared at her mother in disbelief.
That was the first time someone had ever hit her since she was born.

“Zoey, you’re such a disappointment!” Her father, Aaron sighed.
“Why would you be so stupid as to buy a house for Levi’s mom? What on Earth was going through your head?”
“Are you intending to leave the Lopez family and the Black family? You want to live with Levi and his family from now onward?”
Everyone was taking turns to reprimand the woman.
Zoey covered her face with her hands, feeling extremely aggrieved.
She did not think she had done anything wrong.
“Let me tell you this. If you are going to treat Levi’s mother as your own mom, don’t call me mom anymore!”
“Go and be with them if you wish! We will sever all ties from today onward! My stance is very clear!”
After she finished speaking, Caitlyn walked out and slammed the door, leaving Zoey standing there, looking absolutely stunned.
The younger ones in the Black family were all trying to persuade Zoey to change her mind. “Zoey, we can’t be too easygoing when it comes to marriage matters.
As a member of the Black family, we should marry someone of comparable status. Besides, it’s you, the hope of both the Lopez and Black families.”
That was indeed the truth.
The main reason for the families’ wrath was that Zoey was their greatest hope. Naturally, her marriage would be a serious affair to them.
Judging by the current situation, Zoey clearly knew that she had only two ways out. Her first option was to become so strong that she would no longer be subject to the control of both families – she will be able to do whatever she wanted.
The second was for Levi to come up with a big surprise during their wedding, something big and grand enough to shut the mouths of the families up.
Otherwise, both the Lopez and Black families would continue to object to her union with Levi.
However, Zoey quickly dropped the second idea; she wasn’t sure if she could count on Levi to deliver on his word.
It was easier for her to become stronger than to depend on Levi to do anything to stop her families’ objections.
It was perfect that Morris Group had launched a major technology project recently, and Zoey decided to speak to Iris and request to be in charge of the project.
As long as that particular project proceeded smoothly, Zoey’s career would be elevated to the next level. Her net worth would surely skyrocket.
By then, she would be free to do anything she wanted and not be trapped in the current situation where she had to be subject to her families’ scrutinizes.
Zoey was the type of person who acted on her words.
She immediately contacted Iris and asked to be in charge of that project.
To her surprise, her friend agreed to her request readily.
“Sure, it’s yours then. You’ll have free rein.”
Don’t you need to consider anything? This is a project that is worth hundreds of billions, Iris!”
Zoey was bewildered by the other woman’s carefree attitude towards the project.
“Indeed it is, and you’re now in charge of the project,” Iris replied.
Well, your husband is the boss of Morris Group, so everything is already yours. Whatever request you have will certainly be granted.
“But this is such an important project. Shouldn’t you have a discussion with the rest before coming to a decision instead of handing it to me straight away?”
Zoey asked in shock.
“Trust me, no one will object to this decision! If you don’t believe me, I can call them right now to ask!”
Iris then personally rang each of the higher-ups and asked for their opinions on the project being handed over to Zoey.
“Ms. Lopez would like to handle that project?
I’m totally for it!”
“Oh, Ms. Lopez wishes to do so? I don’t have any comments then!”
Iris carried on calling the board members, and each one of them agreed instantly when they heard that it was Zoey who wanted the project.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 954
Zoey looked totally perplexed; the whole thing felt like a dream to her.
Weren’t the higher-ups of Morris Group supposed to be the crème de la crème?
Is this how a project that’s worth hundreds of billions supposed to be handled?

Why did they agree to it once they heard my name?
What’s the meaning of such readiness?
Ever since those people found out that Levi was the boss, Zoey had immediately risen to the top of their priority list.

She was now their lady boss after all!
“Iris, I didn’t expect your influence in the company to be so strong! They only agreed to it because of you, right?”
The only reason Zoey could think of for the higher-ups’ willingness was that she was Iris’ friend. She thought it was on that account that they trusted her with the project.
“Why would I have such influence… “
They only agreed because you’re our lady boss. I’m merely your employee.
Meanwhile, Emma was busy boiling chicken soup at their new house. She intended to deliver it to Levi and Zoey when lunchtime arrived.
Just then, someone rang the doorbell.
The nanny opened the door and asked, “Who are you looking for?”
“Is Emma Jones in?”
Emma rushed out of the kitchen immediately. The people standing at the door were Zoey’s parents, grandma, and a few of their other relatives.
“Oh, hello! It’s so nice to see all of you. Come on in!” the woman welcomed them all in a friendly manner.
“Ha! Seems like you are already seeing yourself as the owner of this place, aren’t you?” Caitlyn yelled suddenly.
“Huh… “ Emma was shocked at that sudden outburst.
“The house was bought by my daughter. Who gave you the right to stay here?” Zoey’s mother glared at Emma.
“Zoey bought this place for… for me… “ the latter mumbled.
“Who do you think you are? Why would she buy it for you?”
“I… “ Emma was stumped.
It didn’t seem right to say that Zoey was her daughter-in-law.
After all, her son and Zoey were still officially divorced. No matter how she looked at the situation, it indeed seemed as if she and Zoey were completely unrelated.
It did seem that Zoey had no reason to buy her a house.
“See! She can’t even come up with a proper explanation!
That’s because Zoey is not related to her in any way! I suspect she cheated my daughter into buying her this house!” Caitlyn sneered.
Meredith agreed with her right away, saying, “Yup! Our Zoey is kind and innocent. She definitely fell into your trap!”
“This house is worth tens of millions.
Why would Zoey buy such an expensive house for a stranger? Anyone with just a bit of common sense would know what happened. Surely, Zoey was duped!”
“There are too many wicked people around these days!”
After everyone shared their views on the matter, their accusatory gazes landing on Emma.
Aaron then berated, “Come clean this instance! How did you manage to swindle Zoey?
If we find evidence of you doing so, we’ll ensure that you serve jail time!”
“Yup! If you don’t tell us what happened, we’ll get someone to investigate the matter and send you straight to jail!”
Everyone began hurling threats at poor Emma.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 955
The woman tried to explain herself anxiously, “I did not cheat her! I really didn’t! You guys have misunderstood the entire situation. If you don’t believe me, you can check with Zoey directly!”
“Ha! You think it would be helpful to ask her since she has already fallen for your trick?

I see that you’re indeed a cunning woman!” Meredith shot a look of contempt at Emma.
“Hey, excuse me? Who are you guys? You are causing a disturbance to us! Can you please leave?” The nanny, Nancy, was unable to tolerate their behavior any longer.

“Who the hell are you? You have no right to speak!” Meredith glared at Nancy and chided her.
“Besides, do you even know who bought this house? My daughter did! I’m her dad, and she is her mom!” After Aaron stated his relationship to Zoey, Nancy did not dare speak her mind any further.
“Emma Jones, you have to give us an explanation today.
How did you trick my daughter into buying this house for you? We are going to make your life really difficult if you refuse to say anything!” Caitlyn proclaimed coldly.
The woman and her entourage had already set their minds on teaching Levi and his mother a good lesson.
“I did no such thing! Zoey really bought it for me on her own accord. I didn’t cheat her into doing anything. Please believe me… “
Emma was in such a deep state of panic that she almost burst into tears.
“I’m her biological mother, yet she did not even buy an ordinary house for me, not to mention a villa like this. You’re just an outsider.
Do you think it’s normal for her to buy you such a nice villa to stay in?”
Emma was at a loss for words; she did not know how to reply to Caitlyn’s accusation.
In fact, she herself was not able to explain why Zoey had done such a thing for her.
“Well, say something! Explain it to us!”
Caitlyn and the rest glared at Emma, sizing her up.
The latter could only purse her lips and say, “There’s nothing I can tell you! I can’t think of a reason why Zoey would buy me this villa, but the truth is that I had never conned her into buying it!”
“Haha! So you do know that it’s ridiculous for Zoey to buy a house for you?
Then why are you so shamelessly staying here?”
“Emma, don’t you feel guilty staying here? Or are you enjoying it very much?”
“I’ve never met someone as thick-skinned as you. Not only are you staying in someone else’s house, but you’re also even boiling chicken soup?
Do you really think you’re some rich madam?”
Members of the Black family started throwing all sorts of insults at Emma.
“Why? Why are you looking at me with such a murderous expression? Do you want to hit me? Since you’re staying in my daughter’s house, you should be bowing and thanking me instead.
But here you are with the actual nerve to glare at me?” Caitlyn yelled.
“Emma Jones, do you really think you can continue staying here? It’s my daughter’s house, so we have every right to chase you out of here!”
“Pack up all your rubbish and scram immediately! You’re not welcomed here! It’s our house. You have no right to stay here!”
Meredith and the rest chased Emma away.
The nanny could no longer stand the way Emma was being treated and stepped forward to question, “Does Ms. Lopez know about this?”
“We are her parents. Do we even need to inform her of such a trivial matter? Anyway, you will have to leave together with this shameless b*tch as well!” Caitlyn roared; she could not wait to chase those two women away.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 956
Emma smiled when she heard that.
She knew that things were not as simple as they seemed.
However, she did not expect trouble to start right from the first day they moved in.
Zoey was a good woman, and her family was not at fault.

Emma only blamed herself for being a burden to Levi. Her presence in his life did not benefit him at all – it only brought him trouble and ridicule.
“Why are you still standing here like an idiot?

You should be packing your things right now!”
Meredith was itching to throw Emma and Nancy out of the house that very instant.
After a long moment, the two women began to pack their belongings.
“Scram immediately!”
In the midst of the yelling from the crowd, Emma headed to the kitchen and packed the chicken soup she had boiled into two separate containers.
“I’ve been boiling this chicken soup for a long time.
I want to bring it to Zoey as a way of expressing my gratitude towards her,” Emma said.
However, Logan suddenly stepped forward and snatched the containers from her.
The man then proceeded to pour the soup into the drain.
“You’re still thinking of harassing Zoey? I bet your real intention is to plead with her. Let me tell you that that’ll be impossible!” Logan said harshly.
Jennie concurred. “He’s right. Besides, do you think Zoey would actually drink the soup that’s been boiled by you? Anything made by you will surely be disgusting, seeing as to how you’re so dirty. I’m sure she’ll spit it out after trying one scoop of it!”
“Hurry up and leave! Zoey would not drink something so filthy!” Caitlyn gave Emma an angry stare.
In the end, Emma and Nancy were tossed out of the house.
Logan slammed the door shut once the both of them were outside.
“Ha! We’ve finally managed to chase that annoying woman away. It feels so good!” Aaron laughed.
Meredith frowned and replied unhappily, “Not entirely; her scent is still lingering in the house. Quickly, open the windows to allow the revolting smells to dissipate!”
“I must say, Zoey sure has good tastes in houses!”
Both Logan and Jennie were very satisfied with Zoey’s housing choice.
“How about this, Grandma shall make the decision to let the both of you have this villa!
As for Aaron and Caitlyn, you two would be able to stay anywhere you want to next time at the rate Zoey’s net worth is soaring.”
Meredith gifted the villa to Logan and his wife right away.
“Sure, we don’t mind that arrangement. As long as it’s not Levi’s mom staying here!”
Aaron and Caitlyn’s target was solely Emma. They did not actually care about owning the villa at all.
“Thank you, Grandpa, Grandma, Aunt Caitlyn, and Uncle Aaron.”
Logan was delighted to receive such a luxurious villa as a gift out of the blue.
Meanwhile, Emma and Nancy had already reached the entrance of the estate. They bumped into Levi there.
“Mom, Aunt Nancy, what’s going on?” Levi asked.
“Mr. Garrison, you probably aren’t aware of this, but Zoey’s parents have chased us out!”
Emma had not intended to tell her son about it, but Nancy had spilled the beans upon seeing the man.
“What? Come, let’s head back together! This is outrageous!”
Levi dragged the two women back to the villa with him.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 957
Even though Emma was extremely reluctant to return to the place, she could not win against Levi.
Levi was, in fact, overwhelmed with guilt as it was already the second time his mom had to endure such suffering ever since she moved in with him.

The man had planned to change the entire team of security guards to his subordinates so that no one would be able to get near his mother again, not to mention hurting her.
Ding-dong! Ding-dong!

Members of the Black family had puzzled expressions on their faces when they heard the doorbell ring.
“Logan, go open the gate and see who’s outside.”
Once Logan opened the door, a furious bellow was heard. “Who gave you all the audacity to chase my mom out?”
Most of the Blacks jumped in shock when they heard that voice.
“It’s Levi!”
The next moment, they saw Levi walking in with Emma.
“We chased your mom away. What’s wrong with that?” Logan replied haughtily.
“This is my mom’s house. Who gave you the right to chase her out?” Levi said coldly.
“This is your mother’s house? My foot! This house was bought by Zoey. What has it got to do with your mom?” Jennie shouted angrily.
Logan smiled and added, “Well, this villa belongs to me now. Grandpa and Grandma have already gifted it to me.”
Robert and Meredith nodded and said, “Yup, this villa is now Logan’s. Your mom has got nothing to do with it.”
“Ha! And who do you think you are? Who gave you the right to give Zoey’s house to someone else?” Levi asked.
Meredith let out a curt laugh and replied, “Levi, do you hear how unreasonable you’re being now? You and Zoey have already divorced. Her assets are not linked to you in any way. However, we are her family, and that gives us the right to handle her assets.”
“If that’s the case, I’ll inform Zoey about it immediately!”
When Levi took out his phone to ring Zoey, Meredith and the others’ expressions changed instantly.
It would complicate matters if Zoey knew about the situation.
After Levi told the woman what had happened, Zoey arrived at the villa shortly after.
“Dad, Mom, what did you guys do? I bought this house for Aunt Emma. Why did you chase her away?” Zoey was enraged.
“That won’t do! Why would you buy a villa for her when you two are unrelated? You’ll be the butt of the joke if word gets around. If that happens, you’ll bring shame to the family!” Her father’s stance was firm.
Zoey let out a helpless smile and replied, “Fine then, what do you guys want in order for Aunt Emma to continue staying here?”
Meredith shot a glance at Levi before answering, “Since you asked, I’ll let you know what I think. That woman can stay in this villa only if Levi pays you back for the house!”
“Grandma, aren’t you intentionally making things difficult by saying that?”
Zoey grew anxious.
The villa was priced at more than twenty million! Where was Levi going to find the money to pay her?
“If Levi can’t afford that, his mom will not have the right to stay here!”
“That’s right, a pauper shouldn’t be staying in a villa,” everyone else agreed coldly.
“Sure, I’ll pay! It’s just a mere twenty million anyway.”


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 958
Everyone was stunned when they heard that; they stared at Levi blankly.
Did he just say that amount is a mere twenty million?

“Very well! It sounds like twenty million is peanuts to you. I want you to show us that money right now!”
Meredith was infuriated by Levi’s attitude.
“No problem! I’ll transfer the money to Zoey right away!”

Levi then transferred twenty million to Zoey under the watchful gazes of the people present.
“What? He really just did that! How does he have so much money?”
Once the transfer was completed successfully, everyone looked at Levi in disbelief.
It seemed entirely unreal to them for a ruffian like Levi to have so much money.
If he could easily pay twenty million, it meant that what he had was way more than that amount.
However, Zoey did not find it surprising.
After all, Levi was one of the Joneses, and it was not entirely impossible that he had such large amounts of money.
Even though the man had not earned the money himself, it had helped them solve the problem at hand.
“Fine, Levi Garrison. You’re really something! But Zoey, you are not allowed to transfer the money back to him!”
In the end, Meredith and the rest had no choice but to leave the villa, feeling totally defeated.
Logan and Jennie were the most upset among the group as they had lost the villa they had deemed as theirs.
After the whole ordeal, Emma could continue staying there without any worry.
Besides, the entire security team had already been changed to Levi’s men.
As such, his family would be safe from then onward.
No one would be able to get near Emma, not to mention bully her in any way.
Levi’s mother unpacked her belongings and placed them back into her room again.
She specially positioned her family photo beside her bed.
Levi picked up the photo frame and said, “Mom, just throw this away.”
“No!” She snatched it back immediately and hugged it close to her.
“This is my only memento. I have to keep it.”
The man pursed his lips and replied, “Mom, do you still miss that man?”
Emma did not answer her son’s question directly, but the answer was clear from the look in her eyes.
His dad was definitely still in her heart; she did not regret any of her past choices.
“You miss him so much, but he does not think about you at all. After settling matters with you, he went back to Oakland City and married another woman immediately.
They even have a child who’s only two years younger than me.” Levi finally told his mom the truth.
When his mother heard that, she was shocked to her core.
Emma’s eyes were filled with disbelief as she said, “What?
He married someone else? And they even have a child together?”
She was absolutely astounded.
She retreated a few steps subconsciously and almost staggered to the floor.
“He told me that I’ll be the only woman he loves in his entire life. It was his family who insisted on locking me up. He was not powerful enough to go against them. He vowed that he would not marry anyone else; he had vowed and that his bride would only be me!
Because of that vow, I have been waiting for him all these years. I have always dreamed that he would come for me one day and marry me officially.”
Emma was sobbed uncontrollably as she spoke.
“Turns out that it was just my wishful thinking. He’s been lying to me all this while! How could he marry someone else right after I left!”
She was crying hysterically and was feeling utterly miserable.
When Levi heard what his mom said, he clenched his fists tightly, rage pulsing through his veins.
He couldn’t believe that it was how a man from Erudia’s number one ancient family behaved.
That sort of conduct felt more like it was from a hooligan who was full of lies.
Noble blood?
What a joke!
It’s the greatest joke of the century!
Because of his selfish promise, Levi’s mom had waited for him in vain for more than twenty years.
And that man?
He got married to someone else long ago.
The man should not have made a promise if he did not intend to keep it.
This bastard deserves to die a thousand times!
A murderous glint shone in Levi’s eyes.
“Don’t worry; your good days are coming to an end soon! After Zoey and I get married, it will be doomsday for the Garrison family.”


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 959
Zoey pursed her lips as she listened to Levi rant.
Her blood was boiling as well, and she wished she could punch that bastard right at that instant.

She wanted to interrogate that heartless man and ask him why he had done such a cruel thing to Emma.
But who was he?
He was the heir of the most powerful family in Erudia, and his presence was akin to a mythical dragon roaming in the sky.
Not to mention interrogating him, it wouldn’t even be possible to meet him face to face.

So what if Levi was the most prominent character locally?
He was still no match for Erudia’s first ancient family!
Besides, Levi was a nobody.
Being a member of the Jones family was his most prestigious identity, but even a servant of the Garrison family could easily crush the Joneses.
It was just not possible for him to challenge the Garrison family and seek justice for his mother!
Revenge did not seem to be within their reach in this lifetime.
They should simply strive to have a peaceful life and be contented with venting to each other whenever they needed to.
“Mom, what’s his name?” Levi asked.
“Tyrone Garrison!” Emma recited that man’s name through gritted teeth.
“Alright. I’ll remember it! That name shall be disgraced very soon!” Levi said coldly.
Meanwhile, early in the morning in Haven, the body of Caleb, a servant of the Garrisons, was laid at the entrance of the imperial Garrison family.
It turned out that Osborn had brought him there.
Osborn met Jonah, the head of the imperial Garrison family from Haven, and told him what happened.
“Mr. Garrison, I don’t have any connections to the Garrison family in Oakland City, so I could only send him here,” Osborn explained.
Jonah was in deep thought for a while before saying, “That bastard has grown to be so formidable that he was even able to kill Caleb? Caleb was an elite who was sent by Oakland City’s Garrison family to guard the South. The fact that he was the only person who was sent there is telling of his abilities.”
“Exactly! Who would have imagined a bastard to be so powerful!” Osborn was unable to wrap his head around the whole situation as well.
After all, the reputation of Peace Hotel was now ruined.
“For the honor of the Garrison family, that mother-and-son pair must die! If word gets out that they are still alive, it will only bring shame to our family! Oakland City’s Garrison family does not need to know about this matter. A bastard like him is not worthy of their attention. Leave it to me to settle it.”
Jonah spun his two legendary pearls in his palms and shouted towards the gate, “Gather our men immediately.
We’re setting off to South City to kill Emma Jones and her bastard son!”
“What? Sir, you’re heading there personally?” Osborn was surprised.
He had initially thought Jonah would send an expert assassin to get rid of Levi and Emma.
He had not expected the head of the imperial family to attend to the matter personally.
“Mr. Garrison, is Levi Garrison that big of a threat to you?” he asked, unable to contain his shock.
Jonah chuckled and replied, “Of course not, he’s just a small fry!
Why would I feel threatened by him? He is definitely not important enough for me to deal with him personally.”
Osborn was a smart man; he immediately understood what Jonah meant. “Could it be that Mr. Garrison has other matters to attend to at South City?”
“Yes, that’s right. I’ve heard a while back that the God of War has returned to South City with the Five Great Wars Regiment. I had planned to go there earlier on and was already making preparations. This is the perfect opportunity for me to make the trip,” Jonah shared.
“Does Mr. Garrison have a history with the God of War?” Osborn asked.
“Yes, indeed. Kirin, the King of War, is under the God of War. He is the benefactor of our Garrison family in Haven. Three years ago, if it weren’t for him, our entire family would have perished overseas,” Jonah sighed as he recalled what had previously happened.
That year, Jonah had led several other key members of Haven’s Garrison family to take part in an overseas collaboration.
However, they were ambushed there and were almost wiped out.
Kirin was the one who had saved them.
As such, the Garrison family from Haven began treating Kirin as the family’s benefactor from then on.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 960
Osborn smiled in realization. “Oh, I see! You can also take this chance to meet the God of War! Other people might not be granted an audience with the general, but he will definitely want to meet you.”
“Yes, that’s what I intend to do.

I have always wanted to meet the God of War in person! I’ve heard that he’s also a Garrison. Do you think he could be one of the Garrisons from Oakland City?”
Jonah had that suspicion when he heard ‘Garrison’ was the God of War’s last name.
The man had even tried to search the files for more information.

However, the God of War’s files were classified SSSSSS – a confidentiality level even higher than that of Oakland City’s Garrison family. Hence, Jonah was not able to find out anything.
Osborn immediately replied, “Yup, I think that’s highly likely!
A God of War who is a Garrison, other than the Garrison family, the number one ancient family, no other family would be able to have such a formidable descendant!”
“Yeah, it can’t be wrong! The Garrison family has produced countless talents.
For a twenty-something-year-old man to be a Five-Star God of War, he must be from the Garrison family.”
Jonah was very confident in his guess.
“Oh yeah, it seems like that bastard is quite powerful now. Bring more men along. Get some fighters from the Tang Sect as well,” Jonah ordered.
The corners of Osborn’s lips curled up when he heard that the martial arts experts from the Tang Sect would also be going.
Tang Sect was a legend.
It was also one of the ancient families and was known for its usage of secret weapons and other martial arts techniques.
Tang Sect was still in existence during modern times, though they lived in seclusion, away from the crowd. As such, ordinary people wouldn’t have heard of their existence.
There were many other martial arts experts in the Sect who were employed by the powerful families in Haven.
Out of all the numerous families, the Garrison family was served by the most number of experts from Tang Sect.
Word was that those experts from Tang Sect were all highly skilled and ruthless assassins.
As such, Osborn was relieved, knowing that no matter how formidable Levi was, he wouldn’t stand a chance against those fighters from Tang Sect.
The Garrison family was ready to leave by the next day and soon set off for South City.
Knowing that the Garrison family from Haven had arrived at South City, all of the city’s powerful and noble families got ready to welcome them. Even the upper echelons from neighboring cities had also joined in, including the royal families from South Hampton, which were under the leadership of the Goel family.
Each family had sent out a welcome party to receive the Garrisons, and the streets were lined with colorful welcome banners.
That was the kind of reception that only an imperial family would get to enjoy.
Once news got out that the Garrison family was visiting, hundreds of powerful families gathered to welcome them.
Even though the Garrison family from Haven was an imperial family, it was merely a division of the Garrison clan in Oakland City.
If Oakland City’s Garrison family arrived at South City, the welcome party would definitely consist of tens of thousands of other clans.
Such a welcome ceremony would only be fit for the head of all the powerful and noble families – Erudia’s number one ancient family, the Garrison family.
Right then, the aisles of the street were already crowded with people who were kneeling on the ground, worshiping the Garrisons.
It was their way of welcoming them in order to show respect for the imperial family.
Jonah sat in his car, very satisfied with what he saw outside the window.
“Hmm, this is quite a ceremony. Look, the Garrison family is God-like to the people! Whenever anyone hears our family name, they drop to their knees and worship us.”
The next moment, he changed the topic and said, “The prestigious name of the Garrison family holds weight globally. If the public finds out that the heir of the Garrison clan from Oakland City has a bastard child and an ex-lover here, our reputation would be ruined!
It would be so shameful for us! Therefore, it is of utmost importance that these two people disappear from the face of the Earth! They remain a threat to the Garrisons as long as they are alive.”
His eyes shone with killing intent as he spoke.
“Dad, where should we go now? Should we kill Levi and his mom first? Or should we head off to look for the King of War, Kirin, first?” Jonah’s eldest son, Seamus, asked.
“Of course we’ll pay a visit to Kirin first. How can that bastard be compared to the King of War?” Jonah snorted.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 961
Trembling in fear, Seamus said, “Dad, you’re right! My priorities are all messed up. We can always finish off Levi anytime we like!”
His father replied agitatedly, “I’m glad you finally realize your mistake, boy. Don’t be intimidated by Levi just because he killed Caleb. Caleb was at most just a servant of our family! You guys are really a disgrace to the Garrison family to be scared of Levi!”

The youngsters of the Garrison family from Haven all kept their eyes downcast guiltily like a bunch of kids who had just broken something valuable in the house.
They felt embarrassed to be intimidated by Levi, who was just an illegitimate child of their family.

“Levi doesn’t deserve to be treated so seriously by us! He’s clearly not that important!” Fenton, Jonah’s favorite grandson, emphasized in a cold voice.
Jonah was pleased to hear those words. “You guys should learn from Fenton. That’s how a man from our family is supposed to behave!
If the Garrison clan from Oakland City know how intimidated you lot are by Levi, I don’t think I will be able to put up with the embarrassment!”
“Master, we’ve found out where Kirin resides in. We can visit him right away,” the butler informed Jonah.
“Great! I can’t wait to meet him!” Jonah guffawed.
Soon, Jonah and his family arrived at the Warzone compound.
Azure Dragon and the rest were still staying there, although Levi had moved out.
The commotion of the Garrisons’ arrival soon caught their attention.
Assuming that the Garrisons were there to look for their trouble, Azure Dragon and the others strutted out of the building, all the while exuding a murderous aura.
“What are you lot doing here? Are you here to pick up a fight with us?” White Tiger, who looked ready for a combat, confronted them.
White Tiger was excited to find quite a number of skilled fighters in the middle of Jonah’s entourage.
All the fighters were experts in their fields who were evidently stronger than Caleb. The man had visited the compound last time and was easily killed by White Tiger and his entourage.
“It’s been such a long time since I come across so many admirable skilled fighters!” White Tiger remarked with a chuckle.
“Kirin, you’re the benefactor of our family! It’s an honor to finally meet you,” Jonah boomed.
With the help of his sons and grandsons, Jonah walked up to Kirin and got down on his knees.
Meanwhile, the rest of his family knelt on the ground around him in front of Kirin.
“We, the Garrison family from Haven, are here to pay respect to our benefactor – Kirin!”
The Garrison family from Haven’s eyes were brimming with gratitude as they spoke.
Without Kirin’s help back then, the entire Garrison family in Haven would not have existed.
In the meantime, Osborn was flabbergasted by such a sight.
He was shocked to see a family as powerful as the Garrison family kneeling down humbly in front of the Five Great Wars Regiment.
If the Garrisons were acting that way in front of the Five Great Wars Regiment, Osborn dreaded to imagine how much more powerful and authoritative the God of War must be.
“Mr. Jonah Garrison! It’s been three years since we last met each other.” Kirin immediately approached the man and helped him to his feet.
All the Garrisons were elated to see that Kirin still remembered them.
“Kirin, I rushed here as soon as I heard you gracing the South City with your presence. I wonder who these gentlemen are?” Jonah glanced at the other members of the Five Great Wars Regiment, curious.
“Let me introduce them to you! This is Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and Phoenix…”
Kirin introduced his peers to the Garrison family.
With his back hunched, Jonah shook hands with the rest of the Five Great Wars Regimen in an ingratiating manner.
Men from the Five Great Wars Regiment who’ve been the right-hand men of the God of War for ages!
They are famous for being ruthless and merciless on the battlefield.
I can’t believe I’m meeting them all in one go now!
This is huge!
Although Jonah was the head of an imperial family, he still needed help from groups like the Five Great Wars Regimen to bolster his force.
Not only Jonah needed their aid – even the Garrison clan based in Oakland City would have to take the Five Great Wars Regiment seriously too.
If the group decided to pay the Garrison clan a surprise visit, the family would have no choice but to invite them in cordially.
“Would I have the honor to meet the God of War too?” Jonah asked, anticipation written all over his face.
Everyone in the Garrison family was desperate for a chance to meet the God of War.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 962
Kirin answered his question with a pleasant smile, “Of course you can meet the God of War. In fact, he’s a pretty friendly and approachable guy.”
“Is that so?” Jonah, as well as his family members, looked thrilled upon hearing what the man said.

Meeting the God of War in person was probably the greatest wish of everyone from the prominent families.
An idea struck Kirin, prompting him to ask Jonah, “Mr. Garrison, I bet there’s something else that inspired you to come all the way here. Care to enlighten me?”

The latter replied with a breezy smile, “Meeting you is, of course, my top priority. However, you’re right – I’m here to run some unimportant errands.”
“Unimportant errands? What sort of errands would that be?” Kirin asked curiously.
Sounding somewhat stiff, Jonah answered, “I’m going to deal with a traitor of our family. In fact, it’s too trivial a matter to be worth discussing with all of you here.”
“Oh, it’s a domestic affair. In that case, we’ll leave you to it then.”
Kirin and the rest of the Five Great Wars Regiment couldn’t be bothered with the Garrison family’s troubles.
Then, Kirin invited Jonah and his family inside the Warzone compound.
His friendly gesture took them all by surprise.
After all, few people in the world had the honor to be welcomed into the Warzone compound by the Five Great Wars Regiment themselves.
In the meantime, Levi moved to stay with his mother’s place for the time being.
Emma had been enjoying quite a peaceful stay in South City so far. However, something had been nagging at the back of her mind – she had a feeling someone would come after them soon after Caleb had failed to kill Levi and her.
That was a danger they could avoid only via death.
“Ms. Jones, I was told that the Garrison family from Haven have come to this city. The streets outside are crowded with businessmen and tycoons who are eager to welcome their arrival. Is Mr. Garrison related to them? He does share their surname.” Nancy, who had just come back from the market, prattled on.
“Say what? The Garrison family is here?” Emma’s heart gave a lurch after listening to what the nanny said.
At last, the situation she had worried about the most had come.
Although Levi had fought his way to become the most powerful and influential figure in South City, he was still a nobody in the presence of the Garrison family from Haven, not to mention the Garrison clan based in Oakland City, which was the most powerful of all imperial families.
Yet, the woman’s face still shone with determination.
No matter what happened, she would do all she could to protect Levi and keep him out of harm’s way.
Jonah and his family left the Warzone compound later that night.
“Mr. Garrison, I’m sure you will get to meet the God of War tomorrow,” Kirin promised.
“That’s great! I’ve prepared some gifts for him and his mother. I hope they will like them!”
As soon as Jonah learned that the God of War’s mother was here too, he had immediately dispatched some of his men to make a trip back to Haven to pick a gift for her.
The gifts would reach them by the end of that day.
“Mr. Garrison, that’s very kind of you,” Kirin commented with a smile.
Soon, the Garrison family headed back to the villa they were going to stay in during their time in South City.
“Has anyone found out where Levi and his mother live?” Jonah asked the rest of his family.
“Yes, we have. They’re staying somewhere not too far away from here, and everything is under our control at the moment,” answered Seamus.
“Well, there’s no rush to deal with them now. After we meet the God of War tomorrow, we can finish them off the night before we return to Haven.”
Putting on a stern expression, Jonah glared at his sons and growled, “What’s wrong? Are you guys still scared of Levi, the useless bastard?”
It was obvious that Jonah did not take Levi seriously.
In his opinion, the man was just like one of the ants crawling on the ground that he could kill easily by stepping on it.
Why are all my sons and grandsons so scared of the bastard?
Why do they all see him as a threat?
Levi is clearly a nobody. What makes him so special?
“As my sons and grandsons, how can all of you be so timid and useless?
I’ve told you guys this over and over again – we can finish Levi and his mother off very easily! Haven’t I made myself clear?” Jonah seethed.
“Dad, you’re right! Levi Garrison is a nobody in the presence of our family!” Seamus shouted vehemently.
“That’s more like it! Now, we should focus our attention on preparing the meeting with the God of War tomorrow!” Jonah instructed.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 963
Emma woke up early the next morning to prepare breakfast for Levi and Zoey.
As she had no idea how long such peaceful and happy days would last, she decided to enjoy every day like it was the last.
While they were having their breakfast, Zoey asked Levi, “Are you heading out later?”

“Yes. Kirin told me someone wants to see me, so I have to head out.”
He had no idea who Kirin wanted him to meet.
Despite that, he still decided to be there for his subordinate’s sake.

“Okay. Let’s talk tonight after you’re back then,” Zoey proposed, her face flushing with embarrassment.
“Sure, that shouldn’t be a problem.”
Meanwhile, the gifts prepared for the God of War and his mother had arrived from Haven.
All the gifts were nicely kept in three exquisite wooden boxes.
After making sure that the gifts were to his satisfaction, Jonah broke into a contented smile.
Every member of the Garrison family from Haven dressed up to the nines before they set off to the Warzone compound.
To show their utmost respect to the God of War, they made their way to the destination on foot.
All the tycoons of the city couldn’t help but be astonished when they saw the Garrisons walking along the streets.
Jonah, as well as his family, arrived at the Warzone compound in the morning.
“Mr. Garrison, Boss will be late. Please do wait for him patiently,” Kirin informed.
“Sure! It’s our honor to wait for the God of War!” Jonah laughed heartily.
Seamus chimed in, “Exactly. Few people in the world have such an honor to wait for him. At least I’ve never heard of anyone having the honor before!”
For Jonah and his entire family, it was an esteemed honor to be awaiting Levi’s arrival.
They were more than willing to wait for days – or even months – to meet him.
Will we become the talk of the town after word spreads around about our meeting with the God of War?
About an hour later, Levi finally arrived.
Jonah and his entourage were stunned to see him.
Firstly, they thought Levi looked too young to be the God of War.
Secondly, the man looked too much like a commoner for him to be someone as prominent as the God of War.
Levi was dressed casually, so he looked no different from a commoner when he was not in action.
Could he possibly be the God of War?
It was only when the Five Great Wars Regimen greeted Levi did Jonah and the rest of his family believe him to be the God of War.
“Are they all here to meet me?” Levi asked.
“It’s our utmost honor to meet you, God of War!”
Jonah, as well as his sons and grandsons, knelt down in front of Levi in unison.
“Boss, please allow me to introduce to you the head of the Garrison family from Haven, Jonah Garrison! He and I go way back,” Kirin shared.
“The Garrison family from Haven?” Levi scoffed.
I’m almost sure that they’re related to the Garrison clan from Oakland City.
“Yes! Esteemed God of War, I’m Jonah Garrison of the Garrison family from Haven!”
With his head pressed firmly against the ground, Jonah couldn’t resist but ask, “God of War, is it true that you share our surname?”
Levi nodded his head. “You’re right. I am indeed a Garrison.”
All at once, Jonah and his family members heaved out a sigh of relief.
All of them felt euphoric to have their speculation verified by the man himself.
In their opinions, the God of War must be one from the Garrison clan in Oakland City or other major branches of the family, considering that he was talented enough to become such a prominent figure.
Jonah and his family were pleased with the prospect of being considered as the God of War’s relatives.
How could they not be elated upon hearing that piece of news?
Jonah swallowed hard before looking up at Levi with anticipation in his eyes. “God of War, would you be kind enough to answer one more question from me?”
“Go ahead,” Levi answered.
“If I’m not mistaken, I suppose you are one of the greatest talents produced by the Garrison clan in Oakland City. It’s because they’re the only ones who have enough resources to train you into becoming such a skillful fighter.”
Although Jonah emphasized that it was nothing but his presumption, the man sounded very sure about what he said.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 964
Everyone from Jonah’s family couldn’t wait to hear Levi’s confirmation.
If Levi were indeed someone from the Garrison clan in Oakland City, the situation would be very beneficial to them all.

They had to rely on the Garrison clan in Oakland City for support as they were just a small branch of the Garrison family
Now that they were lucky enough to have a chance to establish a connection with the God of War, their future seemed bright in their eyes.

“The Garrison clan from Oakland City? Haha! They aren’t worthy to have a descendant as great as me!”
Levi’s answer drove Jonah and his family to despair.
The God of War isn’t related to the Garrison clan from Oakland City? What?
How’s that possible?
Other than the Garrison clan in Oakland City, which branch could possibly have the resources to train him?
Jonah could not think of any other Garrison branch who could be capable of nurturing a descendant like Levi.
Just like them, the branches in Northeast City, Northwest City, and Chillshire could never have had the resources to train their descendants into someone like Levi despite them being an imperial family.
You aren’t from the Garrison clan in Oakland City? How can that be? I can hardly believe other branches of our family have the resources to train you!”
The eyes of Jonah and his family went wide in shock, all filled with utter disbelief.
They did not think other branches of their family had what it took to train someone like the God of War.
“You guys are wrong to think that Boss ever relied on anyone to achieve his success.
Just like everyone else, Boss started out at the bottom and slowly worked his way up to become the God of War through sheer hard work,” Kirin quickly explained.
Levi glanced at Jonah and the rest of his family before announcing, “Listen to me very carefully – I’m not related to any branch of the Garrison family, especially the Garrison clan in Oakland City.”
Jonah and the others gasped in shock at his bold statement.
How could someone from an ordinary background be the God of War of Erudia?
Those who were born into rich and powerful families did not think those who came from poor families stood a chance at achieving success.
In their opinion, someone from a poor background could never be a match for those from rich and powerful families; it was because they could never have the same education, resources, and connections the latter could have.
Those from poor families, who managed to achieve something, would be quickly eliminated by those who come from rich and powerful families.
Therefore, Jonah and his family found it hard to believe that the God of War actually came from a poor family.
“Well, please get up. We’ll talk then,” Levi urged.
“Thank you for gracing us, God of War!”
Jonah and the rest of his family rose to their feet and followed Levi to his room.
“Are you guys a branch of the Garrison clan in Oakland City?” the latter asked.
“Yes, that’s correct.”
Levi flashed him a meaningful smile as he asked, “I suppose you guys are here to carry out another mission then?”
The air in the room froze as soon as he posed that question.
Everyone, including Kirin, gaped at Levi in utter astonishment.
How does he know we have a mission?
With that doubt in mind, Jonah experienced a mixture of feelings, his eyes brimming with disbelief.
The rest of the Garrison family were left stupefied; they knew the God of War was referring to their plan to kill Emma Jones and her son.
Jonah took a deep breath to calm his nerves.
I’m surprised at how fast words travels. How is even the God of War aware of our intention to kill that b*tch and her son?
Bad news spreads like wildfire indeed.
Now that even the God of War is aware of our plan, I bet the news will become widespread in a jiffy.
By the time that happens, those in Oakland City will become the laughing stock of the entire country!
As a branch of their family, sure enough, our family will be implicated too!
It will be hard to live with that kind of embarrassment.
In order to prevent the disastrous situation, Jonah made up his mind to kill Emma and his son as soon as he could and tie up any loose ends.
Jonah had actually planned to execute the plan the night before they returned to Haven.
However, he changed his mind, deciding to play safe and not delay things any further.
Jonah looked up at Levi and replied somewhat reluctantly, “Yes, we’re here to get rid of a traitor of our family!”


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 965
Levi broke into a smile which grew wider and slowly turned into a sneer in response to Jonah’s answer.
They’re really here to kill me.
I knew they weren’t only here to visit the God of War!

“A traitor? I heard from the grapevine that he is quite a prominent skilled fighter. You guys better summon more help to handle him!” Levi chuckled.
Levi’s answer only cemented Jonah’s opinion that the God of War had already discovered everything there is to know about Emma and her son.

Even the God of War knows that Levi is a tough nut to crack. I bet our family has become the laughing stock of the town right now because of that bastard and his mother!
“God of War, thanks for your concern. However, please don’t worry about us. I’m sure we will be able to finish them both off!”
A dangerous glint flickered in Jonah’s eyes when he said that.
“Well, I’ll wait for your good news then.” Levi nodded.
Jonah’s eyes gleamed with hope at once.
Does the God of War also want to get rid of Emma and her son?
Wait, of course he does. After all, he is one of the Garrisons too!
I bet he couldn’t tolerate the scandal Emma and her son have brought upon the Garrison family!
No matter what, there is no reason to keep the both of them alive!
I’ll be there myself later tonight to make sure the two of them are killed!
“By the way, we’ve prepared some gifts for you, your mother, and your wife. We really hope you like them!”
Jonah beckoned his sons to bring the gift boxes over.
“What does this mean?” Levi questioned with a sharp edge in his tone.
Kirin came to Jonah’s rescue by saying, “Boss, please accept their gifts! I’m sure Mr. Garrison means nothing but goodwill!”
Levi smiled in amusement.
He had never received gifts offered to him by any other people.
Yet, he couldn’t see the reason why he should not accept the gifts from Jonah and his family, considering that they were there to kill him.
Why shouldn’t I take their gifts?
“Sure.” Levi agreed to accept the gifts readily.
Jonah delightedly presented the gifts to him one by one.
The first box contained shiny armor made of a special metal.
“God of War, this armor was made according to a combination of traditional and modern techniques.
What makes it stand out is its sturdiness. It can protect its wearer from knives, swords, and even bullets. It’s much better than an ordinary bulletproof vest because it can withstand high temperatures. This armor is perfect for you. You can wear it on the battlefields,” Jonah elaborated.
Levi picked the armor up and examined it.
Indeed, the craftsmanship was fabulous.
“I like this,” he commented.
Feeling thrilled, Jonah moved on to the second box to reveal red, wild ginseng.
“God of War, here’s some red ginseng for your mother! It’s a herb famous for its immense benefits for health.”
“This is great. I’ll keep it too,” Levi responded.
Jonah, who tried hard to subdue the excitement coursing in his blood, continued to open the third box. “This is a topaz pendant for your wife! Please send my greetings to your mother and your wife on my behalf!”
Levi accepted all the gifts happily. “You’re really great at choosing gifts. I love them all!” he commented with a friendly smile.
“If there’s nothing else, I’ve got to go now. I hope your mission of eliminating the traitor goes well later,” Levi said with a barely noticeable smirk on his face.
Jonah and his family were ecstatic as the God of War had not only accepted their gifts – but he also even showed care and interest in their mission.
It seemed to them that they had successfully built a strong bond with the God of War through this trip.
It was not hard to imagine what a promising and prosperous future they could have!
With the bond with the God of War, they might get to act with more backbone the next time they interacted with those in Oakland City next time.
“Kirin, we shall not disturb you guys any further then.”
In a buoyant mood, Jonah brought the rest of the family back to the villa.
Immediately, the man started preparing for the mission to finish off Emma and her son later that night. He was determined to make sure that their plan allowed no loopholes.
“Emma and her son will soon be unable to see the rising sun of the next morning!” Jonah sneered.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 966
Jonah had a clear idea of who he needed to implement his plan.
He recruited six skilled fighters from Tang Sect, all of them masters in wielding concealed weapons.

In addition to that, he dispatched eighteen top skilled fighters trained by the Garrison family to guard all exits of the neighborhood, giving Levi no chance to escape.
Last but not least, he and the rest of the family would be supervising everything from outside the neighborhood to deal with emergencies.

“Levi Garrison, I can’t believe even the God of War sees you as a skilled fighter too. Tonight, I’m going to witness you in action with my own eyes!”
Jonah looked forward to the violence that would be unleashed.
Meanwhile, Levi brought the gifts he had received from Jonah back home.
He was overjoyed to receive the red ginseng, as that was what his mother needed the most at the moment.
In order to cure Emma’s illness, he had sent some of his men on a search for rare and precious medicinal herbs over the past two days.
Much to his pleasant surprise, he received red ginseng from the Garrisons right at his doorstep.
The red ginseng, if used properly, could cure his mother of her chronic illness, boost her health, and even help her achieve longevity.
To be more precise, the red ginseng could help with his mother’s skin condition too.
In short, the red ginseng was a very timely gift.
After consulting Fredrick, Levi prepared a soup with red ginseng for Emma.
When Zoey got back home, Levi casually passed her the topaz pendant.
“Someone sent us a gift each. This is yours,” he said.
Zoey, who did not know much about jade, kept the topaz pendant away like it was just an ordinary jade pendant.
It was unbeknownst to her that that topaz pendant was actually a priceless item – the rarest of its kind.
After all, the Garrison family would never give out anything shabby as gifts.
Anyone who knew something about jade would have to pick their jaws up from the ground when they saw the topaz pendant Zoey had received from the Garrison family.
Zoey would only realize the real value of the topaz pendant sometime later.
“Hey, didn’t you say you had something to discuss with me?”
Levi remembered the woman telling him that that morning.
“Yes. Let’s talk in the bedroom.”
The man couldn’t help but be curious when she dragged him into their bedroom surreptitiously.
“I suppose you know that I’m handling a project worth a hundred billion right now,” Zoey began.
“Yes, I know about it.”
It went without saying that Levi knew about the project. Zoey was working at the company owned by him, after all.
Of course you’re free to grab any project you like. You’re the wife of the boss!
“When the project is officially launched, my net worth will soar, and I’ll be free from the control of both the Lopez family as well as the Black family. By then, I’ll have the freedom to make decisions in my life, like getting married to you,” Zoey said.
Only then did Levi understand why she was so eager to be in charge of the project.
Solemnly, the woman stared at him. “Just to be safe, I need to do something extra to make sure my parents and Grandma have no chance to stop us from marrying each other.”
“I actually don’t think that’s necessary because I will be able to settle all the problems.”
Levi had intended to announce his true identity to Zoey’s family at their wedding ceremony.
He believed the Lopez family and the Black family would not have any objections against their marriage once they learned about his true identity.
She cast a fleeting glance at him and snapped, “No way. You’re unreliable!”
Looking resigned, he was rendered speechless.
He knew that Zoey still assumed he was depending on the Joneses up until now.
In her opinion, he was a useless guy. Someone who was not capable of solving the issues she was facing at the moment.
“I’ve already come up with a plan which can ensure they have no grounds to object to our marriage!”
Zoey smiled craftily before quickly lowering her head to hide the embarrassment on her face.
“What’s this brilliant plan of yours?” he asked, curiosity written all over his face.
“We… We…” Zoey stammered, having a hard time revealing her plan.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 967
Levi scratched his head, looking puzzled.
“What exactly is on your mind?”

Despite him being the God of War, who had vast experience on the battlefields, he knew nothing about relationships.
Therefore, he had no idea how to gaug

e what was on Zoey’s mind.
The woman shot him a glare. “You really can be such a blockhead sometimes. I’m thinking about getting pregnant!”
“Huh? Oh, I-I see…” It finally dawned upon him what she was thinking about.
So, her getting pregnant is her plan!
That’s quite brilliant, actually.
As soon as she’s pregnant, her family will have no choice but to accept our marriage.
“As long as I’m pregnant, there’s nothing the Lopez family and the Black family can do to stop us from marrying each other. On top of that, I’ll be getting so rich at that time that they will no longer be able to exert any more control on me!
I’ll be free to decide who I’d like to marry, and no one will be able to stop me from doing that!” Zoey announced agitatedly.
Yet, Levi had his reservations. “It’s not very appropriate, is it?”
“Why do you think so?”
“You know that I’m a very conservative man. I’ve always wanted to give you the best of everything, and I respect you a lot. I really think we should think about getting a child after we remarry each other. Right now, we’re officially still a divorced couple.”
“Zoey, getting pregnant at this juncture will do nothing but tarnish your reputation, and that’s the last thing I want to see!
It pains me to see you suffer something like that as you’ve had gone through more than your share of hardships during these years. So, why don’t we only think about having a child after we remarry each other?” Levi tried to convince Zoey earnestly.
The latter was touched by his words.
“Levi, you’re indeed the nice I’ve always thought you to be! I’m so glad because it means that all the effort I’ve made so far for you are worthwhile! Listen to me – having a kid is the only way we can get rid of my family!” Zoey insisted with tears welled up in her eyes.
She did not mind going through some hardships upon seeing how much Levi cared about her.
“Alright, I’ll do as you say.”
Levi beamed at her reply.
He had always wanted to have a kid with her.
However, he dared not propose that idea, considering he had owed her too much over the past six years.
“We can’t do anything frisky tonight. I’ll be busy later,” Levi spoke all of a sudden.
He was not in the mood to spend time with Zoey in bed because Jonah and his family were coming to kill him soon.
“Who said we’re going to do it tonight?”
the woman shot him a supercilious glance.
Levi suddenly felt himself heat up and quickly walked out of the mansion to let the breeze cool him down.
With one wave of his hands, someone materialized from the darkness.
“How can I help you, God of War?”
“Tell everyone guarding the neighborhood to retreat immediately!”
Soon, the heavily guarded neighborhood became defenseless after all Levi’s men had left on his order.
The action was necessary. Levi was worried that Jonah’s men might not be able to get through the line of defense.
As the sky grew darker, Levi sipped on his cup of tea, enjoying the cool breeze outside the manor.
At the same time, Jonah and all his men had gathered outside Levi’s neighborhood.
“Everyone, it’s time we get to work! We have to kill Emma Jones and her son at all costs tonight!” Jonah commanded.
Six skilled fighters from Tang Sect, as well as eighteen skilled fighters from the Garrison family, crept their way into the neighborhood. They soon vanished into the darkness.
Dozens of skilled fighters were dispatched by Jonah to guard the surroundings of the neighborhood. They were to make sure no one was able to escape.
They had found out Levi’s address ages ago, so they were quite familiar with the layout of the neighborhood after meticulously studying it.
The eighteen skilled fighters from the Garrison family were entrusted with the task to guard all the exits of the neighborhood. They were to ensure that Levi would not be able to run away.
Meanwhile, the six skilled fighters from Tang Sect were tasked to kill Levi and his mother.
While Levi was examining a stain on his shirt in front of the main gate of the mansion, the six skilled fighters from Tang Sect started closing in on him from less than fifty meters away.
“That’s Levi Garrison! Kill him!”
After making sure the man they saw was indeed Levi, the six skilled fighters launched their attack on him.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 968
Swish, swish, swish…
The rustling sound of something moving in the air at a rapid speed could be heard.
Up to a hundred concealed weapons swooped down at Levi dangerously at one go.

The skilled fighters from Tang Sect were aiming to kill Levi with a single strike.
They were very sure that their concealed weapons would be able to kill the man, leaving his body filled with holes.

Much to their consternation, sparks flew and the sound of metal on metal could be heard.
“What is this sorcery? Is he wearing armor? Let’s give it another go!”
The skilled fighters from Tang Sect reacted promptly by launching another round of attack on Levi without further ado.
Yet, the same thing happened this time – their weapons were unable to pierce through Levi’s armor.
“Damn it! He’s wearing the Golden Armor! It’s one of our creations!” One of them let out an exclamation after taking a closer look at the armor Levi was wearing.
“It can’t be! How did he get his hands on the Golden Armor?”
“The thing he’s wearing looks very much like it, though.”
“We’ve failed our mission! Retreat immediately!”
The six skilled fighters immediately retreated after a brief discussion.
Levi broke into a smile as he broke into a smile.
I must say, this Golden Armor is indeed fantastic!
If Black Tortoise were here, he would have gotten injured by the concealed weapons.
Even though Black Tortoise’s skin is impenetrable to ordinary weapons and bullets, he is defenseless to the weapons used by the fighter of Tang Sect.
This Golden Armor Jonah gifted me is even better than all the bulletproof vests I’ve been wearing!
Levi couldn’t help but marvel at how sturdy the Golden Armor was.
The fighters, who were guarding the exits, were horrified to see the fighters from Tang Sect running away from Levi’s manor.
“You guys should remain here,” they told the eighteen skilled fighters.
Outside the neighborhood, Jonah looked very much at ease. “I guess Levi and his mother have already been killed by now. I have a lot of confidence in the skilled fighters from Tang Sect.”
At that juncture, the six skilled fighters he mentioned made a beeline for where Jonah was standing.
“What went wrong?”
Judging from their pale faces, Jonah knew their mission had gone awry.
“Mr. Garrison, this is bad. Levi Garrison
is wearing armor that looks very much like the Golden Armor – a creation of our sect! He can’t be hurt by our concealed weapons at all!”
Another man from Tang Sect chimed in, “If my judgment is correct, he is indeed wearing a Golden Armor!”
How could something like this happen?”
Soon, a person popped up in Jonah’s mind. It was the God of War whom they had gifted a Golden Armor earlier that day.
Yet, they did not reckon that there existed any association between Levi and the God of War.
One of them was the God of War of the country, whereas the other was the bastard of the prestigious Garrison family.
It seemed extremely unlikely that the two could have any connection.
There was only one plausible reason that could explain the situation – Levi just so happened to be wearing something that looked extremely similar to a Golden Armor.
Indeed, it was human nature to avoid what they feared and try to convince themselves that the things they feared did not exist.
“Levi really is a force to be reckoned with. No wonder even the God of War thinks highly of him. I think he’s wearing some sort of flexible body armor; that’s probably what’s protect him from some weapons.”
“Come on, let’s go and check him out ourselves! If assassination doesn’t work, we should launch a frontal attack on him then! Let’s see how he’s going to defend himself this time!”
Jonah, together with all the skilled fighters, charged toward Levi’s manor.
The eighteen skilled fighters guarding the exits began advancing on the manor too.
Meanwhile, Levi was still sitting leisurely at the gate of the mansion.
Just then, silhouettes of Jonah’s people emerged from the darkness.
“Levi Garrison, today is your doomsday! You are going to die a horrible death this time!”
At Jonah’s command, the eighteen skilled fighters charged at Levi in unison.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 969
The Garrison family had spent a fortune on training the eighteen skilled fighters who had never acted together before that day.
They were confident that their joined forces would be capable of finishing off anyone.
Exuding a murderous aura, the skilled fighters closed in on Levi.

The blades of their swords swept past the icy air toward Levi.
Levi allowed them to slash his body with the swords, not doing anything to defend himself.

To the utter dismay of the skilled fighters, only a dull thud was produced when the blades landed on Levi’s body as their swords failed to cut through him
“Mr. Garrison, did you see that? He’s wearing a powerful armor that can protect him from the swords!” one of the skilled fighters from Tang Sect pointed out.
The eighteen skilled fighters tried attacking Levi again and again, but their efforts were futile.
The blades of their swords only ended up being dented.
What kind of armor is Levi Garrison wearing?
His armor must be very strong because our swords are powerful enough to pierce through bulletproof vests made with the most advanced techniques.
“I have a feeling that Levi is wearing the Golden Armor. If he wasn’t, there’s no way he’ll be able to last this long,” Seamus whispered to his father.
“He’s really something!” Jonah tried to catch a glimpse at what Levi looked like, but he couldn’t see the man’s face clearly. He was standing too far away.
Suddenly, a sinister glint shone in Levi’s eyes while the eighteen skilled fighters were attacking him.
“It’s my turn now…”
As soon as Levi spoke, he flew into action, sending the skilled fighters flying some distance away by forcefully kicking them one by one.
The eighteen skilled fighters suffered from his attacks, tossed around as if they were mere figurines.
Soon, all of them slumped on the ground quite far away from Levi.
It was a mind-blowing sight. The Garrison family from Haven could not believe their eyes.
They knew the eighteen skilled fighters well enough to know that they were all extremely talented. The combative power of one of them was equal to the total combative power of ten men like Caleb.
Yet, none of them had been a match for Levi.
“Kill him! Slaughter him now!”
“We have to get rid of Levi tonight, or he will go on to become a great disgrace to our family! Now that even the God of War is aware of his presence, we have to kill him to spare ourselves from the embarrassment!”
Panic-stricken, Jonah dispatched all his men, ordering a full-blown attack on the man at once.
In an instant, a hundred skilled fighters were charging toward Levi.
The man approached them one step at a time.
He allowed them to strike blows after blows at him, not bothering to dodge or fight back.
Levi knew he was well protected by the Golden Armor; he would not be harmed no matter how they tried to hurt him.
The skilled fighters soon discovered something bizarre.
Regardless of how they swung their blades, all strikes were directed by an invisible force, making all blows land on only Levi’s body.
They could never seem to reach the more vulnerable body parts of his, like his neck or his head.
While Levi could withstand their attack without getting hurt, all of them were vulnerable to his attack.
The ground Levi walked past was filled with the fighters who had collapsed.
In the end, none of the skilled fighters dared to go near Levi, considering that he was literally invincible.
There was nothing much all of them could do at the moment.
Eventually, Levi forced them to retreat about one hundred meters.
He was moving closer to Jonah and his family and would reach them soon.
“T-This can’t be happening…”
The eyes of Jonah and his family were filled with utter disbelief when they saw the skilled fighters being defeated by Levi so effortlessly.
How can that bastard be such a prominent fighter?
Why does he seem invincible?
Although Levi stood meters away from them, they still could not make out his face because the surroundings were dimly lit.
“Kill him! Finish him off now!” Jonah bellowed at the top of his lungs.
At that moment, Jonah was seized by a spasm of fear seeing that Levi was only meters away from him.
The latter commented with a hearty laugh, “Jonah, I must say this Golden Armor from you is really as fabulous as you put it! I’m giving it a score of ten out of ten after trying it out with real weapons just now!”
Upon hearing his comment, Jonah and his family looked as though they had been struck by lightning.
That voice certainly rings a bell…
What did he say just now? A gift from us?
Realization slowly dawned upon Jonah and his entire family.
When did we ever give Levi a Golden Armor?
Damn it! Could he be…
Jonah and his family were mortified when they finally realized the truth.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 970
Jonah was left gob smacked. He felt as though his head was going to explode, and his eyeballs were going to pop out of their sockets any minute.
Levi received a Golden Armor from me?

Didn’t I gift that to the God of War earlier today?
Could Levi possibly be the God of War? How could he be such a prominent figure?
While Jonah went lost in his own thoughts, Levi had already made his way right in front of them.

The Garrisons turned to face Levi and what greeted them was a face they had seen earlier that day.
Isn’t this man the God of War?
Having met during the day, the two parties encountered each other again, albeit in a much more awkward manner.
“Jonah, I really love this Golden Armor from you! It’s so much better than the usual bulletproof vests I’ve been wearing.”
Levi flashed the group a good-natured smile.
For some reason, Jonah and his family felt as though their legs just turned into jelly.
One after another, they collapsed onto the ground and knelt before Levi.
The skilled fighters standing around them were left at a loss.
.”What are you lot waiting for? Get down on your knees right now!” Jonah snarled
Immediately, all the skilled fighters were on their knees too.
Levi let out an amused laugh. “Why are you guys kneeling in front of me? Come on, kill me now! Jonah Garrison, aren’t you here to kill me?”
The man he directed his question to was left speechless.
At that moment, everyone in the Garrison family from Haven was made aware of one thing – Levi Garrison was the God of War!
That was certainly a staggering discovery to them.
No wonder the man had been reluctant to admit to the fact that he was one of the Garrisons. No wonder he did not take the Garrison clan in Oakland City seriously.
No wonder he knew about the other purpose of their visit to South City…
No wonder he tipped them off by saying that the bastard of their family was a tough nut to crack and advising them to bring more men with them.
As it turned out, Levi was the God of War!
At that moment, the Garrisons from Haven realized they had made a serious misjudgment.
If Levi were indeed a useless man, how could he have killed Caleb?
How could he have brought his mother back with him?
How could he have destroyed that tombstone?
On top of that, they had made a fool out of themselves by happily telling Levi all about their plan to kill him earlier that day.
After so much hassle, the bastard they had planned to kill turned out to be the God of War.
“We were wrong! God of War, we’ve made a very grave mistake!”
Jonah was scared out of his wits, and his body was drenched in a cold sweat.
He could not believe they had just tried to kill the God of War!
If what they did was known by the army of the Erudia, his entire family would be massacred.
They had really made a grave mistake this time.
“Aren’t you guys an imperial family?
Isn’t the blood that runs in you guys a noble one? Is it appropriate of you to kneel in front of a bastard like me?” Sarcasm was evident in Levi’s tone.
“God of War, it’s our honor to get down on our knees in your distinguished presence!” Jonah was eager to butter the man up.
“Are you trying to say that I deserve to be mercilessly killed by you guys if I am not the God of War?”
Jonah and his family were startled when they heard Levi suddenly raise his voice.
“Isn’t the reason why you guys have been trying so hard to hunt my mother and I down because you guys see us as a disgrace to the Garrison family?
Don’t you guys think that the blood that runs in me is so filthy that I will only bring nothing but an embarrassment to the family?” The man yelled furiously.
“This…” Jonah was left stumped because it was true that they had thought of Levi and his mother that way.
In their opinion, bastards did not deserve to exist in this world.
“I really wonder what makes you guys think you’re superior to me. Is the blood that runs in you guys? Does that make you think of yourselves as nobler than us? Or is it just because you guys are part of the Garrison family?”
“Now that I’m the God of War, am I finally be good enough to deserve some respect from you? From an orphan, I fought hard and worked my way up to achieve success.
Has anyone from your distinguished family achieved something like that?”
“What about Tyrone Garrison? Isn’t he the successor to the head of your family? Out of Tyrone and I, who do you think deserves more respect?” Levi nearly growled at them.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 971
With a note of awkwardness in his voice, Jonah responded, “God of War, of course, you deserve more respect. Tyrone is nothing compared to you!”
Jonah spoke only the truth.

No matter how powerful and influential the Garrison clan and Tyrone Garrison were, the God of War was still way out of their league.
“If that’s the case, what gives him the right to look down on me and call me a bastard? Do he and his family have the right to treat me in such a disrespectful manner?”

“No, of course, they don’t! They have no right to be so rude to you!” Jonah replied eagerly.
At the same time, the man was so terrified – his body was shaking.
“How dare they even think of killing me? Do they have what it takes to do that?” Levi scoffed.
“Very well. You guys are free to send as many men as you like to kill me. I can easily handle them all!”
Jonah and his family quickly offered several bows to plead for Levi’s mercy. “God of War, please spare our lives! We made a mistake by trying to kill you! We didn’t know you were the God of War!”
The entire family pressed their heads against the ground so hard that their foreheads started bleeding.
Jonah looked like he was on the brink of passing out.
“We will accept any request you make as long as you spare our lives!” he implored in a fit of panic.
He knew his entire family would be annihilated if they incurred the God of War’s wrath.
They should not have made their way over to South City.
Never in their wildest dreams did they imagine Levi, the bastard, to turn out to be the God of War.
With a disdainful smile, Levi gave his verdict.
“Get lost! I’m not going to kill you guys today! None of you are worth my effort, and your blood will only dirty my hands! The gifts from you lot do offer some compensation, though. They are quite to my liking!”
Jonah and his family let out a sigh of relief when they realized that they would not be killed on the spot.
They were glad that they had sent Levi some gifts earlier that day – that gesture had seemingly successfully saved their lives.
“Will you guys be able to reach Tyrone Garrison?” Levi asked them out of the blue.
“Y-Yes, we can…” Jonah replied.
“Very well, go back and tell Tyrone that my mother and I are still alive and kicking! Ask him to wait for me as I might decide to visit him anytime when I am in a foul mood!”
“But don’t you dare reveal my identity to him.
For the hard work, I’ll reward you guys with a huge gift,” Levi instructed.
In quivering voices, the Garrisons responded in unison, “Alright, we’ll convey your message to Tyrone!”
“Get lost now then!”
As soon as Levi allowed them to go, all of them immediately made a run for their lives.
However, Jonah and his sons did not leave right away.
Instead, they approached Kirin and explained everything to him.
“You guys are incorrigible!” Kirin was livid.
No wonder Boss already knew what they were up to earlier today!
They came here to kill Boss!
“There’s nothing left to be said now. From today onward, I will have nothing to do with you guys! If you dare pull something like this again in the future, I will be the first to punish you!” Kirin snapped angrily.
Jonah and his family made their trip back to Haven that night.
They knew they had to lie low during the days that followed if they wished to survive.
“Dad, should we inform the Garrison clan about this? Should we tell them the truth?” Seamus questioned.
“No, we shouldn’t tell them anything! Judging from the God of War’s tone, there must be a feud between him and the Garrison clan! Do we want to get implicated by their clash?” Jonah seethed.
“No, we don’t! After all, they don’t take us seriously – they see us as a bunch of nobodies!”
Everyone nodded in agreement.
“Make a phone call to Tyrone for me now. I’m going to convey the message to him, and then I’ll leave him to settle the mess himself!”
Just as Jonah was going to dial Tyrone’s number, he received a call from the Garrison clan.
“Dad, someone from the Garrison clan is calling. Seems like they’ve gotten a sniff of what happened already!” Seamus exclaimed.
“Pass me the phone.”
Jonah picked up the call. “Hello…”
An aged and feeble voice came from the other end.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 972
“Jonah Garrison?” said the elderly man in a cool tone.
Jonah’s expression took a sharp turn, and he spoke respectfully, “Greetings, Mr. Edward.”
Jonah’s change in attitude showed just how powerful the other party truly was.

The person speaking to him wasn’t even a high-ranking member of the Garrison clan.
It was a mere servant who had more influence than Caleb.

Edward was the personal attendant who had been assigned to take care of Levi’s biological father, Tyrone Garrison. In fact, the man had been working by Tyrone’s side ever since Tyrone was born.
It could be said that Edward was responsible for dealing with every single matter regarding Tyrone.
Moreover, the man wasn’t just Tyrone’s bodyguard – he was also the latter’s right-hand man.
That was the reason that Edward held incredible power within the Garrison clan, even though he wasn’t a member of the family.
Even the master of the Garrison family in Haven had to bow down to him.
They were simply not on the same level.
The Garrison clan of Oakland City was too powerful; even a servant was seen as royalty.
“How did things go? Has everything been settled?” Edward inquired.
Obviously, Edward had already known all about Levi and Emma, despite it being a secret.
Still, given the power of the Garrison clan, it was just a matter of time before they learned all about it, anyway.
Jonah was a little hesitant to reply.
Edward’s tone turned stern immediately. He demanded, “What? Don’t tell me you failed? Jonah Garrison, you are the head of the
Garrison clan from Haven! How could you have been bested by a bastard? The Garrison family and I are so disappointed in you. Seriously, what’s the point of keeping trash like you around? All you do is embarrass the Garrison clan!”
Jonah grew upset after being scolded by him.
He’s the freaking God of War! No one can deal with someone like that.
“Why are you staying quiet? Are you discontent? Well, tough luck! There’s no point in being discontent. My gosh, you can’t even kill a bastard. You lot really are nothing but trash,” growled Edward.
“There’s a reason I couldn’t kill him. It doesn’t mean the Garrison family of Haven is weak. We’re certainly not the trash you claim us to be!” yelled Jonah angrily.
“Fine, then tell me what that reason is,” said Edward in an amused tone.
“The reason is that this whole ordeal doesn’t have much to do with me, anyway, so I don’t want to do anything about it. Satisfied?” scoffed Jonah.
“Hah! That is nothing but an excuse coming from a useless man. Well then, I will personally deal with the matter for Master Tyrone. You’ll see how easy it is to kill that b*tch and that bastard!” growled Edward.
Jonah grinned and replied, “In that case, allow me to deliver a message from Levi to Tyrone. He said he and his mother are leading a good life now, but he tells Tyrone to be patient, for there will come a day when they knock on the Garrison family’s door.”
Jonah knew that, as far as the Garrisons from Oakland City were concerned, the extended family members were nothing more than mutts.
Even a mere servant was allowed to insult the extended family.
That poor treatment made Jonah upset, and he suddenly wanted to see Levi crush the Garrison clan in Oakland City.
“What? Did that bastard really say that?” demanded Edward, who was obviously furious. After that, the man added, “You’re actually delivering a message for that bastard? My gosh, Jonah, you really are an embarrassment to the Garrisons. You’re worse than a scoundrel!”
“Go ahead and diss us all you like. I’ll sit back and watch how miserable your attempt to kill him will be.”
There was no way Jonah would warn Edward about Levi’s power after being insulted so thoroughly by the man like that.
“Jonah Garrison, just you wait, you useless piece of shit!
I will report this to the higher-ups soon, and the Garrison family of Haven will definitely be disowned!”
After saying his piece, Edward hung up furiously.
“He is really too much!”
Jonah smashed his phone onto the floor out of anger.
He later looked into the distance and murmured, “Why do I get the feeling that he has the ability to crush the Garrison clan in Oakland City?”


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 973
“How is that possible? So what if he is the God of War? There’s no way he can do anything to the Garrison clan. The clan spent the past thousand years building a firm foundation!” said Seamus, who didn’t believe in Levi.
“We’ll have to wait and see then.”

On the other side of the line, Edward was still waiting in the Northern region.
The man looked grouchy.
“Trash. Utter trash! They can’t even kill a bastard, so how can they be allowed to call themselves a part of the Garrison clan?” he fumed.

“That’s right! The Garrison clan has plenty of members in Erudia, but none of them are of any use. Stupid trash! They’re not worthy of being a part of the Garrison clan, even if they bear the same surname!”
A few others chimed in and gave their two cents as well.
“What do we do next, Edward? Should we deliver Levi’s message to Master Tyrone?” someone asked daringly.
“No! We can’t let this matter affect Master Tyrone at a crucial moment like this. We have to deal with everything in secret,” informed Edward grimly.
“The Succession Ceremony is right around the corner, and Master Tyrone is about to be named the head of the Garrison clan. If news about that b*tch and bastard gets out at a time like this, trouble will most definitely follow.”
“Moreover, if Master Tyrone becomes the new head of the Garrison clan, we will become the most powerful servants within the clan.
Such a matter will affect our future as well!” chimed another member.
Edward’s eyes shone with eccentricity as he said, “Exactly! As the servants, it is our duty to protect Master Tyrone and help him become the next head. We shall kill anyone who threatens his position, be it Levi Garrison or Emma Jones. As for how we’ll go about doing that… Well, I have a great idea.”
Edward’s lips curved into a cruel smile.
Tyrone had long craved the position of the head of the Garrison clan.
The man once said that he would forgo everything and be as cruel as he needed to be to claw his way up to that position.
That was why the act of abandoning Emma and Levi meant nothing to him.
Compared to the position as the head of the Garrison clan, Emma and Levi were nothing.
Edward received a call at that moment.
The call was from Damien – Tyrone’s legitimate son.
He was the son Tyrone had with his wife, whom he married after he abandoned Levi and Emma.
Edward and the others had been there at every stage of Damien’s life.
Hence, they knew just how cruel the man really was.
Tyrone alone was a heartless and merciless being, but Damien somehow managed to be ten times worse than his father.
The man will definitely be a force to be reckoned with in the future.
“Edward, I’ve learned about everything. My dad is on the verge of succeeding in obtaining the position as the head of the Garrison clan. You know what will happen if those two show up at a time like this, don’t you?” sneered Damien.
“We know what to do, Mr. Damien.
We will definitely kill your brother, Levi Garrison, and his mother,” replied Edward was quick to speak, and he accidentally used the wrong term in the process.
“He is not my brother! That man is nothing but a bastard, and he is not worthy to be called my brother.
I will soon be the successor to the most prominent family in Erudia, and he will stay a useless bastard. I’m warning you right now. Damien Garrison does not have a brother. I am my father’s only son. Do you hear me? Kill them! You must kill both that bastard and his mother. Do not let them survive,” Damien barked endlessly on the other end of the line.
All it took was one word from Edward to infuriate Damien.
As far as Damien was concerned, calling Levi his brother was a huge insult.
Damien regarded himself as the heir of two noble bloodlines, whereas Levi was nothing but a bastard with mixed blood. His blood is tainted, and he’s inferior! How can they compare a noble being like me to that… thing?
“If you fail to crush those two, you will be the ones I kill,” threatened Damien grimly.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 974
Edward and the others present were scared senseless.
The former, in particular, realized that he had made a mistake and that the only way out of it was to kill Levi Garrison.
“By the way, Levi sent a message over, Mr. Damien.”

Edward later told Damien everything Jonah had told him.
The latter was infuriated when he heard the message. “What? That bastard wants to come over and walk into our home?”
“I think so. I’m guessing he refused to let go of this rare opportunity after learning about his family background.

He will do anything to get into the family and force the Garrison clan to recognize him as a member,” suggested Edward.
“That is ridiculous! He wants to join the Garrison clan? Who does he think he is? He is nothing but a bastard, so he can dream on.
The Garrison clan is the best of the best, and we don’t take in useless bastards like that. No way am I going to let that bastard be a member of our family and be listed in our family tree. Not a chance in hell!” Damien shouted.
“I don’t think he will let this opportunity go so easily, Mr. Damien. He already knows who he is, and he knows that his life will be elevated once he is recognized by the family.”
“He can forget about ever stepping foot in the Garrison clan home! Hell, even thinking about kneeling before us and our ancestors is a privilege he is not worthy of,” roared Damien cruelly.
Both of them misunderstood Levi’s intention.
They assumed that the man would be begging to be admitted into the family and be recognized as one.
However, when Levi said he would be visiting the Garrison family home, he meant that he would be kicking the door down and bringing chaos.
“And that is why you have three days. He must die in three days! That bastard has been breathing for too long as it is, and that itself is a huge enough insult to the entire Garrison clan.”
Damien was furious and murderous when he thought about the so-called brother he had never met before.
“Understood. I promise it will be done discreetly.”
Edward took off that very night, and he brought his men with him to South Hampton.
The Garrison clan had an enormous base in the city – it was practically the economic pillar of South Hampton.
However, it operated in the dark, so no one knew about it.
Even the most prominent family in South Hampton, the Goel family, was unaware of its existence.
All outsiders knew was that there was a company named Pinnacle Group.
They didn’t realize that it was one of Tyrone’s companies and that he used it to manage the Garrison clan’s assets in the South.
It turns out that the company was under Caleb’s management.
Zoey had been busy working on the new project those few days.
Unfortunately, Iris came running that day, telling her that the project had hit a snag.
At first, they didn’t have any competitors, allowing Morris Group to take over easily. Everything had been set in stone and ready.
However, a large-scale company popped out of nowhere that day, and it threatened to snatch the project away in the most domineering way.
Iris had rushed over to inform Zoey about it.
“Which company are we talking about?” asked the latter curiously.
“It’s a company called Pinnacle Group from South Hampton. It popped out of nowhere, but its powers are incredible. The company basically controls South Hampton’s economy, and Morris Group is definitely not its competitor,” replied Iris.
Zoey investigated Pinnacle Group right away.
The company’s information had never been a secret, but it was a little difficult to learn about them.
She spent some time on it and eventually discovered something.
“The company is owned by Tyrone Garrison… That name sounds familiar. Where have I heard this name before?” she murmured before she recalled who the man was, and a chill ran down her spine. She then let out a gasp. “Wait, Tyrone Garrison… Isn’t he Levi’s biological dad?”


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 975
Competing against the Garrison clan? What chance do we really have of winning if we do such a thing?
Zoey’s first instinct was to give up.
After all, what were the chances of her actually succeeding? Especially if they already had it out for her.

Iris’ secretary walked into the office at that moment to deliver a message.
The woman turned pale upon hearing Zoey’s words. She then informed, “Pinnacle Group’s person-in-charge will be here this afternoon. I’m guessing they are here to talk about the project. You should attend that meeting.”

Zoey took a few deep breaths.
So what if Tyrone owns the company? So what if the Garrison clan is ridiculously powerful? I’m the one who got the project first. I will not let Pinnacle Group take it away from me!
Levi examined Zoey closely during lunch and commented, “What’s wrong? You look troubled.”
“It’s nothing. I’m just dealing with some issues from work.”
She never told him about the issue with Pinnacle Group.
She worried that unnecessary mayhem would ensue if he knew about Tyrone’s advances.
It’s probably a better idea to keep quiet. After all, there is no way a puny enterprise like ours can deal with a corporate giant like that.
That afternoon, a number of luxurious, black cars drove up.
The people from Pinnacle Group had arrived.
Zoey personally welcomed them.
The ones in charge were a woman and two men. Their assistants were following close behind, and all of them were obviously out for blood.
“Zoey Lopez? So it really is you!” said the woman before she chuckled aloud.
“And you are…”
The woman had on a pair of sunglasses, so Zoey could not recognize her.
The latter trembled, and her eyes shone with surprise when the woman took her sunglasses off. She then mumbled, “I-it’s you!”
“You remember me? Aw, I thought you’d forgotten all about me,” replied the woman as a stunning grin appeared on her face.
“Y-you’re the person-in-charge of Pinnacle Group?”
“Thanks to you. I’ve been well after you guys chased me out of North Hampton, and I am now the vice president of Pinnacle Group!” The woman smiled.
That woman was Lyndsay Granger, Zoey’s ex-BFF and senior.
She was the one who brought Zoey into the field and was, in a way, the one who taught Zoey most of what she knew.
Lyndsay had cared for her in every way.
However, she later discovered that it was all a lie.
Lyndsay had only been nice to her to get close to Levi.
At the time, the man had already founded Levi Group, and his career was taking off at an incredible speed.
Lyndsay’s greed slowly showed itself soon after.
She continuously hurt Zoey from behind the scenes and created a number of illusions to make Levi misunderstand Zoey.
Lyndsay’s worst scheme in her quest to separate the couple was having her men drag Zoey into a hotel, where they almost raped her.
When Levi learned about all that, he chased Lyndsay out of North Hampton.
Hence, the two women were now enemies.
That made Lyndsay an eyesore for Zoey.
The latter scoffed and said, “Then I guess there is no need to enter the building. Our company does not welcome vile b*tches.”
“What is that supposed to mean, Zoey Lopez? I am Pinnacle Group’s representative. How dare you turn Pinnacle Group away!” growled Lyndsay.
In the end, Zoey had no choice but to lead all of them into the building.
Once they got inside the meeting room, Zoey immediately said, “Let’s get to the point, shall we? I’m busy.”
Lyndsay grinned and replied, “We’re here about the project. We heard your company has already accepted it.”
“That’s right. The project has already been taken. You guys have no shot at obtaining it anymore. You can’t exactly steal it now, can you?” Zoey stated firmly.
Lyndsay smiled. “We’re actually here to steal that project.”
The woman then stood and looked her up and down before adding, “Zoey, I’m sure you’ve learned all about what Pinnacle Group is capable of. I am here on behalf of the company and am commanding you to give it up. Hand the project over to us!”


Domineering, arrogant, and blatant cruelty.

That was Pinnacle Group’s style.

Lyndsay and the others knew just how powerful the force supporting Pinnacle Group was, so they did not refrain from making demands.
They had never been afraid of anyone because of that knowledge.
In fact, the entire southern region would know about Lyndsay if Pinnacle Group’s motto wasn’t to stay in the dark and to control everything from behind the scenes.
Zoey was taken aback by the woman’s direct and domineering words.
They’re going to snatch it away just like that? And she’s daring enough to command me without a hint of shame! They have no right to do such shitty things.
She had been tempted to give the project up when she learned that Pinnacle Group was after it.
However, that option had become one she would never opt for when she laid eyes on Lyndsay.
Why should I give up?
“Sorry, but you are not my boss. You don’t have the authority to command me to do anything. Moreover, our company has already gotten the project. You guys can’t snatch it away even if you want to!” scoffed Zoey.
“And who told you that you already have the project?” Lyndsay asked cruelly.
“Our client, of course. We’ve already met and discussed everything. The project belongs to Oriental Star Group, and you guys are too late. Please leave.”
Zoey had just discussed the terms with the client – she had even paid the deposit.
It was then that Lyndsay let out a small smile.
“Oh, the project belongs to you? Have you signed the contract then?”
“I…” blurted Zoey, who was somewhat stunned. She later added, “Regardless, I have already paid the deposit. If the client goes back on his word, he will have to pay for the legal damages.”
Zoey held her head high as she glared at Lyndsay.
The former suddenly received a call at that moment – it was from the client.
The client was willing to pay three times the legal damage to terminate their collaboration with Morris Group.
“Feel free to continue competing for the project, though. At first, there weren’t any viable competitors against Morris Group, but one showed up recently,” informed the other party via the phone.
The project was more scientific in nature, so Pinnacle Group wasn’t exactly equipped to be too involved.
Getting the other party to cancel the collaboration was the most Pinnacle Group could do.
As a result, Zoey was in fair competition against Tyrone’s company.
“So? Are you still certain that the project is yours?”
Lyndsay crossed her arms and asked arrogantly.
“You…” growled Zoey. She was fuming at that moment.
She had known Pinnacle Group to be powerful, but she hadn’t expected them to have such a strong influence. It was strong enough to get the client to breach the contract. They did all that just to get to us.
However, the more unreasonable Pinnacle Group was, the more Zoey wanted to fight.
She wanted to get back at her competitor if nothing else.
“You’ve seen what we’re capable of. Are you sure you want to go against us?” taunted Lyndsay with a smile.
“We’ve investigated you, Ms. Zoey Lopez. Oriental Star Group won’t even make it to our radar if it doesn’t have Morris Group backing it up. As far as we are concerned, Oriental Star Group is nothing but a powerless maggot,” said a representative of Pinnacle Group.
Everyone else chuckled tauntingly.
Lyndsay grinned and added, “It’s even less of a deal when we don’t even give a shit about Morris Group. Just hand the project over without making a fuss, Zoey. There’s actually something in it for you if you do so. Moreover, going against us will only destroy you. It might even get you killed.”
“Are you threatening me?” Zoey questioned sharply, her expression turning grave.
Lyndsay feigned innocence and claimed, “How could that possibly be a threat? I am simply… giving you some suggestions as your BFF. You’ll get something great out of it.”
“My BFF? I don’t have friends like you! Don’t bother putting up an act in front of me,” Zoey gritted out.
“Haha, you just wait and see then. Not only will this project be ours, but your company will also soon belong to us,” announced Lyndsay before she laughed aloud.
Pinnacle Group was already planning on acquiring a few sizable enterprises, and both Oriental Star Group and Morris Group were already on their list.
“Oh my, how arrogant of you.”


A voice rang up at that moment, and everyone turned to see Levi strolling into the conference room.

“You! Levi Garrison!”

Lyndsay gritted her teeth, revealing her nasty nature as soon as she spotted the man.
Levi had been cruel in chasing Lyndsay out of the city after her evil plan was exposed.
“Acquiring Oriental and Morris? Dream on, woman!” scoffed Levi.
When Levi first heard that Pinnacle Group was there to cause trouble, he looked into the company. He was surprised to see that it belonged to his biological father, Tyrone.
He had rushed over immediately after.
As suspected, a meeting was ongoing.
Shameless vixens like Lyndsay are thriving in Pinnacle Group. Guess that proves what a terrible company Pinnacle Group really is.
“Your Oriental and Morris? Hahaha..” Lyndsay let out a boisterous laugh.
Levi stared at her like he was looking at a lunatic.
“How shameless of you to say that, Levi Garrison. Oriental Star Group belongs to Zoey and might, in a way, be yours. However, what does Morris Group have anything to do with you?” scoffed Lyndsay.
“I’m going to be frank with you all. We’re definitely acquiring Morris Group, and Oriental Star Group is going down with it!” someone from the side chirped.
Pinnacle Group had always operated from the dark, and Tyrone was the sole reason it was making itself known at that moment.
Tyrone was about to inherit the position as the head of the Garrison clan in Oakland City.
To achieve that, he needed to earn the approval of every member of the Garrison clan.
That was why he needed ridiculously amazing achievements on his resume.
The man owned corporations all over Erudia that all operated from the shadows. Now was the moment they needed to show themselves to the world. He needed to expand their operations ten folds within a short frame of time.
Pinnacle Group, which was under Lyndsay, was tasked with acquiring Morris Group and other sizable enterprises.
“Okay, we’ll see who comes out on top,” Levi replied sweetly with a smile.
Tyrone wishes to acquire my company? Hah! Dream on, old man. There’s no saying which company will end up acquiring the other.
“So, Zoey, are you sure you’re not going to back down?” asked Lyndsay.
“I’m very sure!”
“Okay, just you wait then. I’ll defeat you mercilessly, and after I acquire your company, I will force you to get on your knees!”
Lyndsay and the others walked away proudly after saying their piece.
Zoey bit her lip lightly before she turned to Levi and asked, “So you’ve learned about everything?”
“Yeah. You didn’t need to hide anything from me, though. Tyrone and I are bound to meet eventually,” he replied.
She nodded.
That actually makes sense.
She then thought about how they were about to go to war with Tyrone’s company.
“Pinnacle Group is too powerful. It’s the secret entity controlling everything in South Hampton. I’m not confident about going against it.” She sighed.
She had only been that persistent earlier because she was at odds with Lyndsay.
However, the difference in their power was too great in an actual war.
“Why are you worried? They don’t get to cause mayhem in our territory,” commented Levi; he didn’t see Pinnacle Group as a threat at all.
“I’m not a coward, but Pinnacle Group is too strong. Even Morris Group has no shot against it,” replied Zoey exasperatedly.
The difference in the strength of the two companies was too much, and it was not something that hard work and determination could make up for.
“So, are you giving up on that project?” Levi asked.
“No way! I’ll be sure to fight for it,” Zoey declared firmly.
She thought about how the project would elevate herself and make it so that neither the Lopez nor the Black families could control her anymore.
That thought alone pumped Zoey up.
“You can work on other projects if you want to let this one go. Just inform Iris about it,” said Levi.
You’re the boss. All you have to do is say the word, and you can get another project.
“Levi, that project values over a hundred billion. There aren’t many projects like that out there. We can’t just pick and choose to switch as we please.”


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 978
Zoey stared at Levi incredulously.

How could he change the project so casually?

This is a project worth hundreds of billions.
Has he gotten too used to being a lay about?
How could he make everything sound so casual?
Little did she know that it only took one sentence from her to change a project.
The Pinnacle Group owned a large building in South City, which Lyndsay and the other senior management members returned to.
“It’s simple. Just get rid of this hundred billion technology project first. We can then chip away at Morris Group bit by bit!”
Lyndsay and the others had already planned out the annexation in detail.
They were in deep discussion when the door to the conference room was suddenly pushed open.
Seven people walked in.
An old man dressed in a green suit was leading the group. His imposing mannerism combined with the murderous aura he emitted made everyone present hold their breaths.
“W-welcome, M-Mr. Edward, thank you for honoring us with your presence. W-we apologize for…”
The few senior management members of Pinnacle Group immediately knelt down in his presence.
“Kneel immediately!”
Trembling with trepidation, Lyndsay and the rest all got on their knees.
The Garrison clan imposed very strict rules on their members; they were expected to kneel the moment any of them met a person of high ranking.
Otherwise, it would be considered as a show of disrespect, which was akin to a straight path to hell.
Jayden Yolander, the current leader of Pinnacle Group, understood that this meant that something big was about to happen.
Someone of Edward’s level would not appear even once in thirty years.
Therefore, for him to make an appearance meant that something big was about to happen.
“I heard that you all have done quite well, seeing as to how you already have South Hampton’s economy under your control. Continue your expansion and fight to acquire all the property in the South. This will be of incredible help to Master Tyrone once he secures his position as the leader of the Garrison clan!” Edward proclaimed loudly.
“Understood. We’re now planning to acquire Morris Group that is basking in the limelight right now. This will definitely be an added advantage to us,” Jayden informed.
He then asked bravely, “Are you here for that bastard, Mr. Edward?”
“Indeed I am. He has already become a snake in the grass, and I have to get rid of him personally!” Edward replied coldly.
“Which bastard?”
Lyndsay and the rest were all puzzled by his remark.
“Of course I will let you know who he is! He’s actually right here. He’s Levi Garrison…”
Edward told them the gist of everything.
Lyndsay flew into a rage when she heard that the man Edward was referring to was Levi. “People like him should have been killed a long time ago!”
“Oh, would you mind elaborating further on why you’re so angered?” Edward asked her curiously.
“Levi is an unscrupulous, materialistic, and insidiously cunning person! I think he will definitely make use of his position as an Oakland City Garrison to do something… I know his character very well! I have no doubt that he will use himself and his mother to threaten the Garrison clan!”
Edward turned furious. “Indeed, once a bastard, always a bastard! So what if he has noble blood running through his veins? Clearly, he’s a bastard who’s unworthy of belonging in our family. How can such a despicable person call himself a Garrison when he is filled with nothing but deep-rooted shamelessness?”
Edward felt that Levi had become a huge invisible threat.
“Die, the bastard must die!” the former shouted vehemently.
“Mr. Edward, how do you propose we deal with him? Will you be personally handling it?” Jayden asked.
Would it be overkill to have Edward deal with it directly?
“It is not appropriate for me to do such a thing as it could impact Master Tyrone negatively if people notice it,” Edward replied firmly.
“Now, you go ahead and release a kill order on the dark web. Whoever kills Levi Garrison and Emma Jones within one day will be rewarded with three billion!”


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 979
Lyndsay inhaled sharply when she heard that.

Three billion just to take Levi’s wretched life?

Isn’t that being overly generous?
How could Levi the low life be worth that much?
She was not the only one who felt that the price for Levi’s head was a little too high.
Nonetheless, this was Edward’s command, and it was imperative that Jayden follows through.
The man immediately released this information on the dark web.
Swiftly, numerous elite fighters and assassins heeded the call.
The top fighters outside of Erudia could not do anything but watch enviously as the deadline was way too short for them to make a trip for the mission.
They could barely reach Erudia in time, let alone kill Levi.
Suddenly, all the elite fighters of Southern Erudia had gathered enthusiastically.
Nobody had any time to lose.
After all, three billion was being offered!
“Mr. Edward, within thirty minutes, around one hundred top assassins have heeded the call. The number is still growing!”
Jayden smiled in glee as he reported to Edward.
“Alright, no matter how much of a genius Levi Garrison is, he will not escape this time!”
In comparison to Jayden, Edward was completely calm.
The latter was suddenly reminded of Jonah Garrison, so he gave the man a call.
“You better watch out, Jonah, you piece of trash. You’re going to see how Levi is going to die in one day.”
Stunned, the other man on the line immediately shouted, “Edward, listen to me and get yourself back to Oakland City as quick as you can! Tell Tyrone about this and let him handle it. Don’t get yourself involved in this.”
“Haha, why should I do that? Should I be afraid of him? I can handle something small like this on my own. Why would I need to trouble Master Tyrone?”
Edward was full of confidence.
He could not imagine what kind of ability Levi would possess in order to survive under such extreme conditions.
“Fine, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“Hmph, all of you useless good-for-nothings! And you dare call yourselves Garrisons?”
Jonah let out a bitter laugh. “Another ignoramus.”
Edward completely disregarded the man’s words, merely viewing him as a useless coward.
Moreover, what waves could a bastard like Levi raise?
Lyndsay was the happiest of them all when she found out that Levi was about to die.
The woman still held a deep grudge over how Levi had driven her out of the city six years ago. Revenge had always been on her mind.
She had the intention to kill both Levi and Zoey, and the opportunity was being presented itself before her right now.
After Levi died, she wished to torture Zoey to death.
The workers of Morris Group finished their work when night fell.
Levi and Zoey were about to head home when they saw Lyndsay waiting for them.
“What’s the matter? Old friends can’t come looking for each other? Are you two actually going to ignore me like this?”
Lyndsay sniggered.
“Can we help you?” Levi asked coldly.
“I’m here to deliver a piece of bad news.”
Lyndsay couldn’t help but chuckle in anticipation at seeing the look on their faces.
Levi was baffled. She’s here to tell me what?
“Zoey, please give us a moment. I’ve something to say to him!”
Levi patted Zoey lightly in assurance and the woman walked to one side.
“Alright. What sort of news are you here to tell me?” Levi asked.
“You’re about to die!”
Lyndsay stared at Levi, a ferocious expression playing on her face.
“You will not live to see tomorrow morning’s sun! I’ve been waiting for this day to come for a very long time. It’s a pity that you’ll be unable to watch how I’ll torture Zoey after your death. Don’t worry though, she will surely come and keep you company in hell!”
Lyndsay then let out a loud laugh maniacally.
“I’m about to die? Hahaha…”
Upon seeing Levi laugh, Lyndsay looked at him, confused.
Wasn’t… wasn’t he afraid of death?
“I’m telling you, you are definitely going to die soon, despite who you may be!”
She gritted her teeth in anger.
With a deepened smile, the man said, “Let’s have a bet, shall we? I bet that I will still be alive tomorrow! Just you wait and see!”


“Alright, if I see you alive tomorrow, I’ll kneel in front of you right here, at your company entrance!”

Lyndsay agreed to the bet he proposed right away.

She knew about the plans that had been set in motion and also knew that Edward was the one overlooking the fight.
There was no way Levi will be able to avoid death.
This was why she was able to engage in the bet.
Levi then approached Zoey from behind.
The latter asked curiously, “Why was Lyndsay look for you?”
“She says she wants to kneel in front of me tomorrow…” Levi answered nonchalantly.
The woman stared at him with astonishment. “Oh? Has Lyndsay gone mad? She actually wants to kneel in front of you?”
“She might have just found her conscience! We shall wait to watch her kneel tomorrow.”
Zoey was still befuddled by the whole situation. “That’s strange. Why would she suddenly say such an absurd thing?”
After dinner that night, Levi left the manor.
From what Lyndsay had told him, he knew that the Garrison clan was about to take action on him.
The matter was no longer about the different branch families. It was definitely the Garrison clan from Oakland City.
Hence, he needed to do some preparation to counter their attacks.
Levi soon arrived at the warzone compound.
“Phoenix, run a check on all the strangers that have entered South City today and sieve out all the targets!” Levi commanded.
“Alright, but there is a certain level of difficulty here. I will need to activate the Iron Brigade’s Skynet in order to run such a check.”
Phoenix frowned.
Levi nodded. “Alright, I’ll grant you the access authority!”
The Iron Brigade’s Skynet would aid Phoenix’s investigation as it covered every corner of the city.
This would mean that the elite fighters, who had come into the city to murder Levi, had nowhere to hide. They were all covered by this Skynet.
“At the same time, get the Cavalry Regiment ready. When Phoenix confirms the targets, Azure Dragon, get rid of every one of them!”
“Yes, Sir!”
Azure Dragon nodded.
After giving all the instructions, Levi headed home to accompany his mother and Zoey as if nothing had happened.
Meanwhile, at Golden Plaza.
Edward and Jayden, together with the rest of them, were paying constant close attention to the situation.
Lyndsay was very concerned about this particular matter, so she had requested to stay.
“Mr. Edward, up till now, three hundred and eighty-eight elite fighters have arrived! The numbers are growing, and it is expected to grow till five hundred before twelve o’clock!”
Jayden chuckled quietly. “Five hundred elite fighters? No matter how powerful he claims to be, Levi won’t know what hit him!”
“All of them are top assassins! He will have no chance at survival!” Edward growled coldly.
This was because they had purposely set a prerequisite when they released the mission on the dark web – only top elites were allowed to take up this mission.
Levi was about to be assassinated by the top five hundred elite fighters.
Lyndsay was extremely excited to hear of such plans.
Death will surely claim Levi, even if the man has ten lives!
How could he place such a bet saying that he will survive the attacks?
Hah, what a joke!
Levi Garrison, you still want me to kneel before you?
That won’t ever happen!
You will never have such an opportunity in this lifetime!
I will not give it to you!
Finally, twelve o’clock arrived.
“How many people have now gathered?” Edward questioned.
Damien had already pressed him about the situation once.
It seemed like the Garrison clan of Oakland City was growing anxious about the matter.
“There’s currently a total of five hundred and thirty-eight people! The reward is abundant, so people are rushing to make their way here!” Jayden informed gleefully.
“Alright, let them begin their hunt!” Edward commanded.
The leader of Pinnacle Group immediately released the command in the dark web: Commence action!
“Levi, don’t blame me for killing you. Bastards simply have no place in this world!”
A chilly glare flashed across Edward’s eyes.
Once the command aired, people began hunting Levi Garrison, roaming every corner of South City for him.
Many fixed their eyes on Levi’s residence, planning to target him there.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 981
Levi was already serenely asleep in his bed.

He knew nobody would be able to get close to his manor that night.

At the warzone compound, Phoenix was busy controlling a few computers. There were dense red dots on the map above.
The red dots indicated their targets – the elite fighters who had heeded the Garrison clan’s call to assassinate Levi.
“They have started to take action!”
Through the Skynet surveillance, all the assassins were clearly seen moving towards the city center.
“Alright, let the Cavalry Regiment begin action!” Phoenix ordered.
“On top of that, there are other people who are still trying to get into South City!” she informed.
“Leave that matter to us! From now on, we will not allow anyone to enter the city.”
Azure Dragon and Kirin, together with their team, soon began to take action, keeping all the elite fighters from entering the city to join the hunt.
Amongst these elite fighters, the speediest team had to be the Southeastern Tigers. These three brothers had been practicing martial arts since they were young and were incredibly skilled.
They made their way near Levi’s manor very quickly.
“We’re the first to arrive here. Once we kill Levi and his mother, the reward of three billion will be ours.”
With excitement in their eyes, the Southeastern Tigers rushed into the manor.
However, at the very next moment, two figures appeared in front of them.
The two of them were Lionfang Knights.
In an instant, the Southeastern Tigers lost their consciousness and fell onto the ground…
More assassins soon emerged around the manor. The moment they attempted to enter the residence, a few more figures appeared before them.
They all shared one similarity – they were all Lionfang Knights.
One by one, they disappeared.
For each assassin that popped up, another would definitely vanish.
The number of assassins who arrived was rising rapidly…
One hundred…
Two hundred…
Five hundred….
Five hundred thirty eight…
In the end, more than five hundred people had disappeared – none of them had managed to get close to the manor.
Once all the assassins had been taken care of, eighteen figures around the manor dissipated immediately.
The Cavalry Regiment had completed their mission.
At the Golden Plaza.
Jayden and the rest could not help feeling a little anxious.
“It’s already been half an hour. Why has there been no news at all?”
They began pacing up and down the room.
Lyndsay was not present there. She had left when she found out that the elite fighters were headed to kill Levi.
“Mr. Edward, should I send someone there to check what’s going on?” Jayden asked worriedly.
“There is no need for that. Such big movements will only attract attention. We cannot reveal our identities,” Edward cautioned.
“Can’t you all have a little patience? What are you afraid of? You think Levi did not die? That’ll be impossible!”
Edward shot daggers at all of them.
So, everyone continued waiting with bated breath.
However, another hour soon passed, and something had yet to happen.
By now, Edward could no longer maintain his calm composure.
How could five hundred elite fighters take so long to kill Levi and his mother?
Something must have gone wrong…
Someone analyzed the situation and insinuated, “Let’s wait a little longer. There could have been a conflict when they were fighting over the job. After all, the killer gets three billion. Anyone would fight for this!”
“That’s true! Out of more than five hundred people, there will only be one person or one team that will end up with that three billion. They must all be fighting to murder Levi right now!”
Edward agreed with such an analysis.
Hence, everyone continued waiting.
However, another hour passed with no news being reported.
Edward was growing increasingly impatient.
“Oh no, oh no…”
At that moment, someone ran in bearing bad news.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 982
“What happened?” Edward immediately questioned.

“The experts have vanished inexplicably, all five hundred thirty-eight of them! It’s as if they were never even here!”

Everyone felt as if they had been struck by lightning when they heard this piece of shocking news.
“What? They all vanished? Every single one of them?”
Edward was in shock and disbelief, just like everyone else around him.
“That’s right! It’s too strange! Everyone actually disappeared! On top of that, there was no sign of fight nor struggle at the scene. None of them actually reached Levi’s residence. They just vanished into thin air…” the person reported in a hurry.
“How is that even possible? Five hundred over elite fighters disappearing into thin air? That’s clearly not possible!”
Jayden was shocked to the core.
Edward took a deep breath before he spoke. “Someone must have taken action against them! Otherwise, how can one explain the disappearance of more than five hundred elite fighters? Such an occurrence is simply absurd!”
Everyone was just as confused as him. “But who has the ability to make more than five hundred elite fighters suddenly disappear without a trace? Such a feat is clearly impossible!”
“Yes, who could possess such abilities and power? It definitely can’t be Levi; he doesn’t have such strong abilities!”
Levi was the first person they eliminated from their list of possible suspects.
Edward suddenly thought of something and asked, “Has there been someone prominent who arrived here not too long ago?”
“Come to think of it, Mr. Edward, there is indeed someone prominent here. The God of War is here, and he has apparently killed a number of prominent figures,” Jayden told him.
“Then, it must have been the God of War who noticed these elite fighters. With his power, he can definitely make more than five hundred people disappear instantly!” Edward contemplated out loud.
“In this case, is Levi really that lucky? Did the God of War actually save his life?” Jayden exclaimed helplessly.
Edward was suddenly reminded of Jonah’s warning.
The latter had already warned him not to take action.
“What could the Garrison family of Haven find difficult about killing a bastard? How can that be possible? I guess Jonah and the rest have already met the God of War.”
Everything soon made sense to Edward.
“Yes, that’s possible. I heard that Jonah was once saved by Kirin, who reports to the God of War. Hence, it’s only logical that he would not dare to do anything under their watchful eye!”
Jayden affirmed Edward’s speculation.
Edward slammed his hands on the table violently.
“That’s to say, as long as we are here, we will not be able to kill Levi?” Edward snarled.
“It seems like it! Whatever we do will be observed by the God of War, and there is no way of escaping his scope.”
“How can one bastard be so lucky?” Edward sneered.
Damien had said that the rest of them would have to die if the bastard did not.
“Think of a way to get Levi and his mother out of here. Get them to a place where we are not under the sight of the God of War!” Edward ordered as he tried to keep the tone of exasperation out of his voice.
“Yes, sir!”
“Oh yes, Mr. Edward, I’ve heard that the God of War is also a Garrison. Could he be one of the Garrisons of Oakland City? Apart from the Garrison clan of Oakland City, no other Garrison branch has the ability to produce a superior talent like this!”
Jayden could not help but ask.
“Oh yes, when the God of War appeared out of nowhere, we assumed that he was a Garrison talent! However, after we investigated, we found out that it was not so! Both the Grand Master and Master Tyrone wishes he were a Garrison too!”
“If the God of War belongs to the Garrison clan of Oakland City, our position will surely be further elevated!”


Edward was hopeful as well.

The Grand Master, Kenny Garrison, Tyrone’s father, who was also Levi’s supposed grandfather, had once said that if they were ever to meet the God of War, the man was to be their god-grandson.

They shared the same last name anyway; their positions and ranks also perfectly matched.
“Come on, if this bastard had even one-tenth of the God of War’s powers, would the Garrison clan need to kill him? Master Tyrone and even the Grand Master himself would need to plead for him to return to the family!”
Edward sighed.
Jayden allowed himself to smile. “How could you say such a thing, Mr. Edward? How could you compare a bastard to the God of War? There is no point of comparison between the two of them at all!”
“That’s true. The bastard is miles and miles beneath the God of War!”
Edward’s eyes scanned the room before he said, “Think about how we can get the two of them out of there!”
To which Jayden replied, “Mr. Edward, I have an idea!”
“Out with it then!”
“Mr. Edward, you could use the Garrison clan of Oakland City’s name to issue a command to the South Hampton’s Joneses. You could instruct them to bring Emma Jones home and reinstate her identity as a Jones. With that, Emma and Levi will definitely leave for the Jones residence. By then, won’t they be ready for slaughter?”
Jayden chuckled menacingly after he shared his thoughts.
Edward nodded in satisfaction, saying, “Brilliant! We will go with what you have proposed then!”
He then added, “I will arrange for a group of top assassins to lie in ambush throughout their journey. The moment Levi appears in South Hampton, they will instantly decimate him.”
That night itself, Edward brought his men to the Jones residence in South Hampton.
“Michael, since Emma has been freed, reinstate her identity! This is an order from the Garrison clan!”
Edward delivered his command directly.
Michael, the head of the Joneses, did not think too much about such an order.
When he heard that he was allowed to bring Emma home, he was very emotional and immediately agreed to do so.
The next day.
Everything went about as normal among Levi’s family; it was as if nothing had happened.
However, a huge earthquake had occurred last night…
Zoey and Emma were completely ignorant about it.
“Zoey, you should head to work first. I have something to do here,” Levi informed.
He then headed to the warzone compound to find out more about last night’s situation.
Lyndsay was hiding in a dark corner in front of the Morris Group building, observing her surroundings the entire time she was there.
She was camped out there to confirm Levi’s death.
She had resorted to such measures as Jayden had not cared to update her on anything.
“Oh? Only Zoey is here. And she’s walking in such a hurry? Levi is definitely dead!”
Lyndsay almost laughed out loud.
Her most hated enemy was finally dead!
“Levi, take a look at how I will torture Zoey now!”
Lyndsay laughed once more before she put on her shades and walked towards the entrance of Morris Group.
“I’m here for Zoey!”
She walked into Zoey’s office with an air of arrogance. “Oh, you’re still in the mood to come to work, Ms. Lopez? Why don’t I see you crying?”
Such a statement made Zoey very confused.
What’s up with Lyndsay?
Is there something wrong with her?
She said she wanted to kneel in front of Levi yesterday, and here she is today, spouting strange things.
What’s wrong with her?
“Are you alright?” Zoey asked.
“I’m just here to see you. Mentally, you’re a lot stronger than I expected you to be. And here I was expecting you to collapse. Or do you actually not love Levi nor care about him at all?”
Lyndsay was intrigued by how the other woman behaved; it was as if nothing had happened.
“What do you mean I don’t care about him? Of course I love him.”
Zoey was getting more and more befuddled.
What is she even doing here?
At that very moment, the office door opened, and in walked Levi.
Lyndsay screamed out loud when she saw him.



Zoey grew even more confused.

Why on earth is Lyndsay spouting nonsense?
“Do I look like a ghost to you?”
Levi chuckled at her question.
Lyndsay gawked at the man with a frightened and incredulous expression.
“She’s acting really weird. Why does she keep talking gibberish?”
Zoey’s beautiful brows furrowed slightly, and bewilderment glinted in her big, round eyes.
“She’s here to kneel before me.”
With that, Levi dragged the terrified woman out of the office and to the front of the company’s entrance.
Only then did Lyndsay slowly regain her composure.
“You… You’re not dead?” she asked in disbelief.
“I told you I wouldn’t die, didn’t I?” Levi chuckled.
The woman hurriedly sent a text to seek confirmation on the matter, and Jayden soon verified that Levi’s death did not occur as planned.
“How are you still alive? It should’ve been impossible!”
She couldn’t wrap her head around this fact.
“Why do you say so? Did you send someone to murder me?”
The grin on Levi’s face grew even wider as he spoke.
“No, no… I should actually get going…”
Turning around, Lyndsay tried to scurry away.
“Hold on. Did I say you could leave?”
Levi’s voice echoed in her ears.
“What? How can you stop me from leaving? What are you trying to do?” she retorted fearlessly.
I’m not scared of him. He’s just an illegitimate bastard who’s going to lose his life anytime.
“Do you still remember our bet yesterday?”
His words made Lyndsay’s expression fall. Yet, the woman gritted her teeth, denying it. “Our bet? What bet are you talking about? I don’t know a thing about it.”
“Besides, you’re not qualified to have ever placed a bet with me,” she added.
“You said it right here yesterday evening. You told me that if I’m still alive today, you’ll kneel before me now,” Levi stated slowly, enunciating every word.
“No way! No such thing happened! Why would I agree to such a lame bet?” Lyndsay denied adamantly.
“Move aside! I’m leaving!”
She attempted to shove him out of the way, but he caught ahold of her and said, “I’ll let you go only if you kneel to me.”
Levi’s voice was ice cold and intimidating.
Lyndsay’s face flushed in embarrassment.
Of course I remember the bet. But there’s no way I’m going to kneel to this bastard! That’ll be the humiliation of a lifetime! I’m the vice president of the Pinnacle Group and a prominent figure under the Garrison clan of Oakland City. According to the norms in the upper echelons of society, I’m nobler than the others because of my close association with the Garrison clan. It’ll be so embarrassing if I kneel before a lowly illegitimate son like him. So there’s no way I’m going to admit it.
“You claimed that there’s a bet between us. Do you have any proof of it?” she asked, continuing to insist that she had nothing to do with whatever bet the man was talking about.
Only Levi and I were here yesterday, so I’m sure he has no proof.
Levi burst into mocking laughter.
“You want proof? I have it.”
He took his phone out and played a recording of what Lyndsay had said yesterday.
Her voice sounded from the phone speakers, and it was clear that she had indeed said she would kneel to Levi if he wasn’t dead.
“You… You…”
Never had she thought that he would have recorded their conversation.
She wasn’t aware of the fact that Levi actually made a habit of keeping pieces of evidence whenever he was dealing with cunning people like her.
“What else do you have to say? Kneel before me now,” he sneered at her.
Lyndsay shot him a death stare and said, “So what if you have proof? The recording must be fake! Even if it’s real, I was only joking. How dare you ask me to kneel? Dream on! Never in your lifetime will you be qualified for me to kneel before you. It’ll be impossible for you to make me do such a thing!”
Lyndsay continued to insist on leaving shamelessly.
Levi scowled. Alright. I guess there’s only one way to handle a scoundrel like her.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 985
The only way for me to get my point across would be me hitting her.


Crisp and loud, a tight slap landed on Lyndsay’s cheek.
She was dumbstruck by the sudden blow he had landed on her, so she stared at Levi in utter disbelief.
“How dare you slap me?”
“I only did so because you refused to kneel before me.”
Levi then gave her another slap.
Within seconds, the woman’s reddened face swelled up severely.
“I’ll hit you once more if you don’t get on your knees.”
“Are you going to kneel or not?”
Just when he was about to slap her for the fourth time, Lyndsay fell heavily to her knees with a thud in front of him, begging with a whimper, “I… I will kneel now… Don’t hit me anymore…”
Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud…
She knelt before Levi ten times.
In the meantime, the employees of the Morris Group looked at the two with curiosity in their eyes.
Even Zoey and Iris were watching the scene play out.
“Iris, what’s going on? Why would the arrogant Lyndsay Granger kneel in front of Levi? This is unbelievable!” Zoey exclaimed.
A secretary beside them agreed, “You’re right. Lyndsay is the vice president of Pinnacle Group. Why would she do this?”
Iris only gave the woman an awkward smile without saying a word.
Because he’s the omnipotent boss of Morris Group.
Staring at the scene downstairs, Zoey was intrigued by Levi, the enigmatic man.
He sure is a man of mystery.
Levi stood at the company’s entrance and flashed Lyndsay half a smile. “You wouldn’t have gotten slapped if you had just been honest and knelt before me.”
The woman scuttled away hastily once she finished kneeling to him.
Her eyes were full of hostility and resentment as she left in a hurry.
Six years ago, he chased me out of North Hampton, and that moment was the biggest shame in my life. Now, he made me go through such terrible humiliation again.
Her hatred toward him began to grow even stronger.
“Just you wait, Levi Garrison. I won’t let you off the hook for this!” she growled at him through gritted teeth.
However, Levi couldn’t care less about her and her threats. “You couldn’t stand against me six years ago, let alone now.”
Lyndsay rushed over to ask Jayden about Levi, and the latter gave her a straightforward answer, telling her that she had no right to enquire about the matter.
It was late at night when Levi reached home.
He saw Emma oozing delight and excitement when he stepped into his house.
“Mom, what made you so happy?” he asked.
“Levi, your grandpa has asked me to head back to the Jones residence. He’s going to reinstate me as the daughter of the Jones family and rewrite my name on the family register in our family’s ancestral shrine,” his mother replied with much enthusiasm.
The woman didn’t have many wishes. Returning to the Jones family was one of them.
Nevertheless, Levi’s brows knitted together at his mother’s words.
The Joneses never mentioned this before. Why do they want to reinstate Mom all of a sudden?
He let out a snicker as a wave of realization hit him.
This must be an order from the Garrison clan. Michael must have thought the Garrison clan has decided to let bygones be bygones and thinks that they’ve stopped going against mom and I. Little does he know that this is just a scheme of theirs. The Garrison clan is trying to lure us out of here so that they can kill us on the way to the Jones residence or in South Hampton.
Michael came to pick Emma up himself the next day.
The father-and-daughter duo delightedly chatted for a while upon seeing each other.
Emma asked inquisitively, “Dad, did the Garrison clan really ask you to reinstate me as your daughter? Does this mean they won’t pursue the matter anymore?”
Michael let out a light laugh while nodding his head. “That’s for sure. I believe they will stop holding you accountable. That’s why I’m allowing you to come back home.”
She shed tears of joy at the news.
“Finally, my son and I are safe. We can now live in peace.”
Levi chose not to debunk the scheme too early. I’m okay with it as long as mom is happy.


“Mr. Garri… Levi, let’s head off then.”

Thankfully, Michael reacted quickly enough not to address Levi wrongly.

“Sure, let’s get moving.”
Soon, a large convoy of the Jones family’s luxurious cars could be seen headed to South Hampton.
This time, Michael had employed the most impressive homecoming etiquette because of the guilt he felt toward his daughter and Levi’s status.
In the car, Emma could barely contain her eagerness to head home.
The Garrison clan has finally overlooked the grudges between us. Hence, I can now live a worry-free life with dignity.
The moment the convoy of luxurious cars departed, Edward was notified right away.
“Alright, we should get going too. It’s time to send Levi a great gift,” Edward said with a sneer.
The Jones family’s cars soon crossed the border into South Hampton, heading toward the suburbs, where the Jones residence was located.
Emma had fallen asleep on the way there.
Gazing at the woman, Levi made a vow in his heart. Mom, I’ll protect your dream and hopes. There’s no way I’ll let the Garrison clan harm us.
On the other hand, Emma’s father was engrossed in his grand plans for his family.
With his mother around, Levi had no choice but to accept this man as his grandpa.
As a result, the future of the Jones family seemed secured.
The convoy of cars screeched to a stop abruptly.
“What’s going on?” Michael immediately shouted, demanding answers.
A group of fighters dressed in black appeared on both sides of the road with murderous looks on their faces.
Michael got out of the car and saw a few familiar faces, including Edward’s.
“Mr. Edward, what is the meaning of this?”
The man was baffled by what he saw.
“Hahaha! The God of War was present in the vicinity of Levi and his mom’s place, so it was inconvenient for us to make any moves against the two. That’s why we lured them out. Thanks to you, we now have a golden opportunity to seize them.”
Edward let out a sinister laugh.
Only then did Michael realize that he had been fooled.
I was wondering why the Garrison clan chose to let go of the enmity out of the blue. They even allowed Emma to join the Jones family again. Turns out that it was just a scheme to lure Levi out to his death.
Moments later, Emma got out of the car too, and she shuddered the second she laid eyes on Edward.
I can never forget this man. After all, he’s Tyrone Garrison’s butler.
“Ms. Jones, we meet again. It’s been thirty years,” Edward said with a smile.
However, his tone soon turned vicious. “It’s a shame that I’ll have to bid farewell to you when we’ve just met.”
Emma gave him a bitter smile. “Why can’t you guys let my son and I off?”
“Hahaha… No way! You and that bastard don’t deserve to live! How can you not understand this even after thirty years?”
Edward laughed out loud scornfully at her.
“What about Tyrone? Can he really bear to kill me and his own flesh and blood?” the woman questioned exasperatedly.
Edward only sniggered in response. “His own flesh and blood? Master Tyrone has only one son – Damien Garrison. Olivia Garcia is his only wife.”
“Who are you two in the eyes of Master Tyrone? Does he even know you? Stop humiliating yourself! You’ll never be able to marry into the Garrison clan!”
Edward’s insults were like a sharp blade that was stabbing Emma’s heart over and over again.
The immense heartache made her feel as if her heart was bleeding.
“You, together with that bastard you gave birth to, will vanish forever today! Master Tyrone will not be troubled anymore.”
The man broke into a fit of laughter after speaking.
“Do you mean we’re going to die?” Levi asked suddenly.
“Are you the bastard?” Edward asked him in return, his eyes ablaze with anger.
Levi sneered in an icy voice, “If my mom wasn’t beside me now, you would’ve been dead after you said such things.”


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 987
He refused to show the violet and murderous side of him in front of his mother. Otherwise, these people would’ve been long dead.

Emma stared intently at her son, and a pang of terror washed over her once she caught a glimpse of brutality in him.

Levi’s words briefly stunned Edward and his men.
“How arrogant! You actually think you can kill Mr. Edward? That’s ridiculous!”
“How dare a bastard like you be so boastful? You’re digging your own grave!”
Edward’s men retorted in anger.
Unexpectedly, Edward grinned instead of growing mad. “That’s the difference between Mr. Damien and this bastard. Mr. Damien proves himself with his ability, but this bastard is all bark and no bite. The two of them are worlds apart.”
Right then, Michael warned him coldly, “Mind your language, Edward! You despicable old coot.”
Edward and his men could not believe what they had just heard from the head of the Joneses.
“What? Michael, how dare you talk back to us? You sure have got a lot of nerve.”
All this while, a mere servant like Caleb was sufficient to oppress the entire Jones family. Michael used to be too timid to utter a word in the presence of the Garrison clan.
But he had the guts to shout at Edward today.
His behavior was totally unacceptable in their eyes; they didn’t know that the man was completely unafraid of them now.
Michael smirked. Why should I be afraid when Levi is here?
“Damn you, Michael! How dare you speak to me that way! Believe it or not, I can get rid of the entire Jones family with only a few words!” Edward shrieked in rage.
Michael’s heart skipped a beat at the man’s threat.
Caleb alone – not to mention Edward – had the capability to wipe out the Jones family.
Such a feat was a piece of cake for them; they were way too powerful.
“I don’t believe you! The Garrison clan has always been haughty in Oakland City, and now you’re behaving atrociously everywhere else! Do you really think no one is able to stand against you?” Michael refuted.
“Are you really going to side with the bastard and his mom against our family?”
Edward shot daggers at him.
“Yes! So what if we go against you? We’re not afraid at all!” Mia, the head of the Joneses, suddenly declared.
“Yes! No one can touch my daughter and grandson as long as I’m around. Not only will I protect them, but I’ll reinstate them. She’s my daughter and a part of the Jones family!” Michael bellowed firmly.
Edward was enraged by his words. Wherever he went, everyone had revered; no one had dared to oppose the Garrison clan.
The Joneses were the first.
They had actually outrightly challenged the majestic Garrison clan.
According to the rules set by the Garrison clan in Oakland City, all the Joneses had to be slaughtered for this act alone.
“Fine! You and your family are out of your minds for wishing to go against the Garrison clan. You lot indeed have balls of steel!” Edward growled.
He then sneered, “Do you really want to protect the mother-and-son duo? How are you going to do that? Or does the Jones family have what it takes to save them? What a joke!”
The man waved his hand, and dozens of fighters showed up instantly.
He had brought these highly skilled fighters from the Garrison clan along with him. Every one of them was comparable to Caleb.
There was no way out for the Joneses today.
“I’ll protect them even if it costs my life!”
Michael went all out, not just for his family’s sake, but also for Levi to see his determination.
“You can’t protect the Jones family!”
Edward was merciless.
“What if we join him?”
A voice suddenly rang out.
At the next second, countless figures emerged from the woods on both sides of the road.
About a thousand of them appeared on each side – a large crowd forming behind and in front of them.
The men surrounded the place in no time.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 988
Such a massive formation startled everyone, including Edward and his fighters.

Never had they expected there to be so many men waiting in ambush.

Despite their unparalleled capabilities, Edward and his fighters couldn’t help panicking on the inside.
The Joneses were taken aback by such a sight, but they soon snapped back to their senses and were over the moon when they recognized the faces of some of those men.
Among the crowd stood an old man – he was no one other than Xabian.
Xabian stepped forward and bellowed, “Xabian Goel and the top hundred prominent families from South Hampton are here to welcome Ms. Jones.”
The rest of the men gathered around him followed his lead and shouted, “Welcome home, Ms. Jones!”
Their deafening voices shook everyone present to the core.
Meanwhile, Emma gaped at them in astonishment and disbelief.
What’s going on here?
Xabian cast a glance at Michael. “What are you waiting for? Take Ms. Jones home now.”
Snapping out of his trance, Michael glanced at Edward, hinting to Xabian that the latter and his fighters were still in his way.
Squinting his eyes slightly, Xabian said in a cold voice, “Who dares stand in the way of the top hundred prominent families from South Hampton?”
“Yes! Who dares stop us from welcoming them home?” the others followed and yelled.
This is ridiculous!
Fury spiked within Edward at the sight of the huge crowd.
I thought the Joneses were the only ones who had the audacity to resist the Garrison clan. But now, even the top hundred prominent families from South Hampton are on Emma’s side. Are they trying to challenge our authority?
“Hold on. Don’t you dare leave!”
With a dignified expression, Edward scanned through Xabian and his men. “The Garrison clan demands Emma Jones’ and her son’s lives to be taken. Do you understand?”
“Leave now! No outsider is allowed to meddle in this matter, especially peasants like you,” someone from the Garrison clan reprimanded.
Hearing that, Xabian chuckled. “Firstly, South Hampton is our territory. Secondly, Ms. Jones is under our protection, so one shall touch her.”
“That’s right! None of you can oppress us in our territory!”
“Michael, take them away! I’ll see who dares to stop you from leaving. We don’t go around stirring up trouble, but we’re not cowards. We’ll go all out to fight against anyone who provokes us!”
Xabian was adamant in his decision, undaunted by the fighters that were glaring his way.
The attitude of the top hundred prominent families enraged the members of the Garrison clan.
Since when does the Garrison clan from Oakland City have no authority here? Are these people mad? How dare they resist us and meddle in our affairs?
“Xabian, have you thought this through? Are you sure you want to poke your nose into the Garrison clan’s affairs?” Edward scowled.
“Yes, I’m sure. Whoever lays a hand on Ms. Jones and Mr. Garrison will be considered our enemy. We’ll fight with all we have even if we’re no match for you! So what if you’re members of the Garrison clan? We’re not afraid of you! We’ll not let you off since you’re causing havoc in our territory.”
Xabian squared them up, showing the resolution of the prominent families to war to the knife.
Edward was now smoldering with rage.
There’s surely a bunch of lunatics if they’re crazy enough to cross the Garrison clan!
The Jones family’s cars began on their journey once again, ignoring Edward and his fighters, who were bottling up their wrath while watching them leave.
The fighters clutched their weapons tightly, prepared to pounce on and kill Levi and his mom on Edward’s command.
Thump! Thump! Thump!
The entire place was in pin-drop silence; everyone’s racing heartbeats were almost audible.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 989
A fight was about to break out as the tense atmosphere enveloped every one of them.

If the Garrison clan made the first move, the top hundred prominent families would not back down, even if such actions would cost them their lives.

The Garrison clan fighters were still waiting for Edward’s command.
However, the man didn’t utter a word even after the Jones family’s cars disappeared out of their sight.
What’s happening? Has Mr. Edward given up? Are we not going to kill them?
The fighters were baffled.
Why should the Garrison clan fear these men from South Hampton? Back then, even Caleb could handle them single-handedly.
Staring at Edward, Xabian said, “Give it a try. I don’t mind sacrificing my life fighting against you.”
All the men on Xabian’s side glared at the fighters, ready for a fight to the death.
In the end, Edward didn’t give the killing command, allowing the Jones family’s cars to drive away.
“Retreat!” Xabian instructed, and the top hundred prominent families left in unison.
Soon, only Edward and his fighters were left standing there.
“Mr. Edward, why didn’t you give us the command to kill them?”
Puzzled, his men questioned him.
Edward heaved a sigh. “I don’t understand why the top hundred prominent families stood up for Emma. What makes them so determined to do so? They didn’t relent, even after we warned them.”
The others couldn’t understand why that had happened either. “We have nothing to fear, Mr. Edward. They only had a few thousand men. It wasn’t a threat to us at all.”
“Yes, I’m aware of that. But if we chose to start a fight, both of us would’ve gotten hurt badly. After all, there are only dozens of men with us now. They outnumbered us greatly. Besides, the news will get about if we make a big deal out of this.” Edward analyzed the situation and broke it down for the fighters to understand.
“You’re right. If we pushed them over the edge, they might tell the whole Erudia about our deeds.”
“But are we just going to endure their disrespect?”
Edward sneered, “What else can we do? Kill them? Do you think that is possible? Let’s head back first. We need to strategize our next move.”
This time, the Garrison clan had lost miserably.
We could’ve killed them without breaking a sweat, but the prominent families from South Hampton saved them. Something is not right. Back then, Caleb alone could oppress the entire South Hampton, but the people are now willing to risk their lives to protect the mother-and-son duo. There must be something fishy going on.
Meanwhile, the Jones family’s cars had arrived at the Jones residence.
Emma was still in a state of bewilderment.
Why did the prominent families in South Hampton protect me? They even had the nerve to go against the Garrison clan.
Before she could piece the pieces together, she found herself in front of the ancestral shrine.
There was a set of complicated procedures to go through in accordance with the family law. Nevertheless, Michael couldn’t wait any longer to write his daughter’s name on the family register.
He couldn’t help shooting a few glances at Levi.
However, the latter simply stroked Mia’s head and said, “Make it simple.”
Mia nodded in agreement. “Right, let’s make it simple.”
After getting approval from both Levi and the head of the family, Michael simplified the procedures.
Before the last step of the reinstatement, Emma called out to Michael, causing everyone to turn and look at her with perplexed expressions.
“Father, are you sure about reinstating me?” she asked.
“Yes, I’m positive.”
Her father nodded firmly.
“But the Garrison clan has yet to agree to this. If you do it, you’re going against them, and they’ll certainly place the blame on us. Aren’t you or the Joneses scared?” she asked.
“Don’t worry. I’ve already thought it through. How can I let my daughter and grandchild be orphaned and homeless? I’ll fight against the Garrison clan if they ever blame us. I’ll do whatever it takes to reinstate you.”
Levi nodded in agreement. “Why should we be afraid of the Garrison clan?”


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 990
Hearing Levi’s comforting words, Michael felt assured that he was making the right decision.

Whatever happens, he’ll be here to back us up.

“I’m going to reinstate Emma Jones as a part of the Jones family in front of our ancestors today…”
Soon, the rituals ended, and Emma’s name was on the family register once again.
The woman had been waiting for this day for way too long.
Tears of joy escaped her eyes once the ritual was completed.
I thought my life was over. But much to my surprise, I reunited with my son and was reinstated as a part of the Jones family. I’ll be happy even if I die now. Yet, my biggest wish is to declare in front of the Garrison clan that my son isn’t a bastard, but a supreme ruler, whom all of you must look up to. However, that’s out of the question, as the Garrison clan is too powerful. No matter how competent Levi is, his thirty years of accomplishments are nothing compared to the Garrison clan, which has built a strong foundation over a few thousand years.
After Emma’s reinstatement, the Joneses from all over Erudia called to congratulate her.
Emma felt as if she was dreaming.
When she used to get into trouble, all the other extended families, other than the Jones family in South Hampton, shunned and cut ties with her right away.
Why are they congratulating me this time? I don’t get it. From Elder Goel’s attitude to the prominent families’ actions, everything just seems so odd.
Never had she thought that things had turned out this way because of her son.
At night, Emma finally had a reunion dinner with her family after thirty long years.
Meanwhile, Edward and his men were still lingering somewhere in South Hampton.
They dared not go back without killing Levi and his mother.
Damien would probably end their lives if they headed back empty-handed and bearing no good news.
“We can’t find out why Xabian did such a thing even after knowing that it’s the Garrison clan’s affair.”
After hours of searching, Edward and his men had managed to find nothing, not even one clue.
“Could it be because of Levi? That man seems mysterious to me.”
Someone voiced out their suspicion.
“Levi? You think that’s actually possible? I won’t need to kill him if he has the authority to command the top hundred prominent families in South Hampton. If that’s truly the case, Master Tyrone will bring him home,” Edward refuted coldly.
“That’s true. The bastard can’t be that powerful.”
Everyone nodded.
Just then, a call from Damien came.
“Edward, how’s everything going? Is it settled? Three days should have been more than enough for you to carry out your task.”
The man’s rough voice sounded on the other side of the phone.
“Mr. Damien, I…”
Edward was silent for fear of angering Tyrone’s son.
“You’ve got to be kidding me. Haven’t you killed that bastard?”
Edward shuddered at his voice.
“Mr. Damien, please allow me to explain…”
“No! I don’t want any excuses from you! How is it that you haven’t killed him? You worthless piece of shit!”
His reprimand sent shivers down Edward’s spine.
The man knew Damien’s way of doing things better than anyone else. The latter was a vicious and ruthless psycho who could take someone’s life without so much as batting an eye.
Imagining the consequences scared the daylights out of Edward.
“Mr. Damien, there’s been a change in the situation. Perhaps we should rethink the decision of killing Levi,” he suggested carefully.
“What? Why can’t we kill that bastard? Are you out of your mind?” Damien roared.
“Mr. Damien, something happened when…”
“Do you want me to kill that bastard myself?”
“No, Mr. Damien. You shouldn’t need to handle such a small matter yourself.”
“Small matter? It’s been three days, but that bastard’s still alive! And yet, here you are, telling me that it’s a small matter?”
Damien then paused briefly, curious. “Is that bastard really that strong and tenacious? Is it really so hard to kill him?”


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 991
“He’s just so lucky. He managed to escape our attacks unharmed every time we tried anything.”

Edward then went on to explain everything that had happened.

“Hmm. Logically, the bastard should’ve been starved to death much earlier. Yet, this lowlife lives longer than I expected.”
Damien abruptly changed the subject. “But it’ll be such a disgrace that the Garrison clan can’t even kill a bastard. Do you know that? You’ve ruined our family’s reputation! Kill Levi and his mom, or you’ll die! By hook or by crook, you must get this done. Do you understand me? Kill whoever from South Hampton tries to stop you too! If anyone of them spread the news, massacre the entire city! Spare no one who knows about the past incident.”
His violent voice echoed on the other side of the phone.
Edward gasped in shock.
Massacre the entire South Hampton?
“Mr. Damien, at least a few thousand people in South Hampton already know about this. Do you really want us to kill them all?”
His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard.
“Yes, kill them all! No one shall know about this! Plus, those people in South Hampton are a lost cause anyway,” Damien instructed resolutely.
How brutal! Mr. Damien is way crueler than his father and grandmother. A man like him is surely meant to do great things. He will certainly be more accomplished than Master Tyrone.
“I got it, Mr. Damien. We’ve only one night to do this as Levi and his mom will be going back tomorrow,” Edward informed.
“Alright. Kill them at all costs! I know our family has many fighters in the South. I’m now giving you the authority to mobilize them,” Damien told him.
Two hundred fighters gathered in front of Edward at midnight.
The Garrison clan had been secretly training and keeping these men at various places in the South.
Such training was to ensure the influence of the most powerful ancient family across the whole of Erudia. It was also a backup for any unforeseen circumstances.
“Kill them all!” Edward ordered.
“Xabian Goel, none of you will be able to escape this tonight. You shall all rot in hell! This is the price you shall pay for going against the mighty Garrison clan!”
A glint of malice flashed across Edward’s gaze.
The fighters were soon on the move, aiming to slaughter everyone in South Hampton.
It showed how influential the Garrison clan was.
Anyone who messed with them had a death wish.
In the Edburg Manor.
Emma was busy catching up with her family while Levi stood outside, puffing away at a cigarette.
Just then, Ezra called from the West Warzone.
“Boss, I think I’ll be able to make it to your wedding because the mission will be ending earlier than expected,” he informed excitedly.
“Great, I’ll be waiting!”
It’s great that Ezra can attend my wedding.
“I’ll be coming with Wyatt from the North, Rogier from the South, and Colton from the East. Someone from each of the Nine Warzones must attend your wedding. Despite our status, you’re still our boss and master. Hence, we can’t be absent,” Ezra continued enthusiastically.
I’m going to attend the boss’ wedding together with the Commander-In-Chief of the Nine Warzones. We have to be there to witness the most important moment in our boss’ life.
“Okay, I’ll be sure to prepare a ton of wine for you guys.”
At that thought, Levi grew more eager for his wedding day to come.
“By the way, boss, there’s one more thing…”
Before he could finish his sentence, however, Levi interrupted him. “Hold on. Something’s not right.”
He had sensed something unusual happening around him.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 992
Tension quickly escalated when some fighters appeared around Edburg Manor.

“Mr. Garrison, it seems like there are many of them,” Shadow from the Jones family noted as he came closer to Levi.

Over on the phone, Ezra’s voice rang loud and clear in Levi’s ears. “Boss, did you bring anyone along?”
“No, I came alone,” Levi replied.
“Come on, there’s no need to tackle these scums on your own. By the way, as I said, I’m done with the Beasts. They’re now at South Hampton. As for the Amethyst Guards of the West, they are on the way back with the Beasts. I’ll ask them to go over to assist you,” Ezra reported.
“Good. I was just wondering if I’ll have to dirty my hands getting rid of these people,” Levi replied with an approving nod.
The Amethyst Guards of the West were known for striking fear in their enemies. Every single member of the group had impeccable skills – they were on par with the Beasts.
Outside the Edburg Manor, a good two hundred fighters besieged the building; they were all ready to break their way in.
“Make sure you spare no one, especially those on the list!” A commanding voice rang out from the multitude.
Just as the two hundred Garrison clan fighters were about to launch the attack, shadows fleeted across their view, and the ambiance chilled.
The smell of death pervaded the air as the fighters saw members of the Amethyst Guards and the Beasts appearing before them.
Their gazes hardened as they moved around, eyeing the two hundred men, looking like predators waiting for an opportunity to dig their blood-thirsty fangs into their prey.
Fighters from the Garrison clan shuddered at the sight and began to cluster together.
“What should we do?” someone whispered.
Everyone was reluctant to make the first strike.
The fighters had definitely not foreseen such formidable enemies from South Hampton.
And it was not just one of them they had to fight — there was a whole group of them ready for battle.
They were fighting against the entire coalition of the Beasts and the Amethyst Guards—how could they not feel afraid?
“Kill them! Protect the God of War!”
With a shout of command, the Beasts and the Amethyst Guard charged towards their enemies like a pride of roaring lions.
In no time, the two sides clashed in a fierce and intense fight.
The Beasts and the Amethyst Guards fought like animals with an insatiable appetite, slaughtering fighters of the Garrison clan without showing the slightest mercy.
Never had those fighters seen anything like that.
The coalition fought like madmen. Every blow they dealt was fatal, and every step they took was calculated.
It was obvious that they were well-trained – the team worked together seamlessly.
In the face of such relentless opponents, the fighters from the Garrison clan crumbled in less than five minutes.
Some of them collapsed while some of them fled.
“Go after them! Don’t lose any of them!”
The Beasts and the Amethyst Guards pursued their enemies like wolves hunting down headless sheep.
In no time, the fighters from the Garrison clan were nailed down and brought back.
Even in their defeat, they still had not wrapped their heads around who they were fighting against.
Not far away, Levi stood watching the bloody commotion from above as his lips curved in a proud smile.
As expected, the Amethyst Guards never let me down.
Their fighting capability is indisputable.
As for the Beasts, they’ve gotten more skilled with more experience. They instill fear wherever they go.
“Make sure you don’t lose any of them!” Levi shouted an order.
“Roger that!” the Amethyst Guards and the Beasts cried out in unison.
Over on the other side, Edward sat deep on his couch with his legs crossed. He hummed a tune leisurely, anticipating good news.
He had sent out the best fighters he had, so there was no way anything could go wrong.
“There will be a bloodshed in South Hampton tonight,” he jeered.
“This is what you get for crossing the Garrison clan! Now you know we mean business if you ever go against us!”
A smug smile spread across his face as he crossed his hands before his chest.
Edward and his company jerked at the loud noise that was coming from the outside. The gate of the residence was knocked down, and the glass windows were in pieces.
A few hundred men in black battle suits planted themselves right in front of the unguarded residence.
Sensing an intrusion, Edward and the others got on their feet as their blood ran cold.
Edward rushed outward and questioned, “Who are you?”
“Surrender yourselves! Or we’ll strike!” the group warned.
The butler smirked and pursed his lips. “Surrender? Do you even know who I am? There’s nothing you can do to us!”


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 993
Edward and the others showed no signs of retreat in the face of the Beasts and the Amethyst Guards.

After all, they were members of the Garrison clan from Oakland City. No one would dare do anything to them.

Everyone from the family stood unfazed as they stood guard over their residence.
“We don’t care who you are! Seize them all!”
The Beasts and the Amethyst Guards stormed in at the command.
Although Edward and the others were skilled fighters, they were no match for the Beasts and the Amethyst Guards. They dropped to the ground in no time.
“Do you know what sort of crime you’re committing? We’re the Garrison clan from Oakland City! Tyrone Garrison is the family’s heir and I’m his personal attendant! Let me go and I’ll spare you!” the butler yelled at the top of his voice, trying to affright the enemies.
Before Edward could utter another threat, one of the fighters from the Beasts kicked him in forcefully in the face.
“Do you think we care about who you are in the Garrison clan?” a voice followed.
The only order the Beasts and the Amethyst Guards received was to protect the God of War.
They were not asked to kneel to anyone—regardless of which family they were from.
They would do anything to eliminate anyone who had plans to kill the God of War.
“Who are you people?” Words seethed through Edward’s mouth as he stumbled and recovered from the blow.
He guessed that these people must be related to Levi, but he had no idea who they were.
But the Beasts and the Amethyst Guards did not answer his question. Instead, they bound them and brought them to a rugged warehouse, where all the defeated fighters from the earlier confrontation were all locked up.
When Edward saw the injured and wounded fighters he had sent out there, he instantly knew that his plan had failed.
They had lost to their enemies.
Who are these people? Think, Edward! Wait… They’re all wearing the same uniform… This can only mean one thing…
Edward’s blood froze, and he looked around in fear.
Just as he wrapped his head around who the group of men was, the door swung opened, and a familiar figure appeared at the entrance of the warehouse.
Why does this person look familiar?
Edward poked his head out to get a closer look.
Levi Garrison? It’s actually Levi Garrison! What? How?
Is this all his doing?
No way… This is impossible!
Terror gripped Edward, and he started stuttering. “You… Why… How…”
“You want to know my identity?” Levi finished his sentence for him.
“Those fighters who subdued you are all my men. And yes, just in case you’re wondering, I’m the one who stopped the top 100 prominent families in South Hampton. I’m also why the five hundred skilled fighters you gathered on the dark web went missing.”
Levi’s answers to all the burning questions boiling in Edward’s mind hit him like a bolt from the blue.
When did this bastard become so powerful?
I bet he didn’t achieve all these on his own.
After all, he’s just a bastard who has Garrison’s blood running in his veins.
Why am I even surprised?
“Master Levi! Your servants are so glad to see you again! I always knew you would do something great one day!”
Knowing full well that he could not afford to get on Levi’s bad side, Edward instantly changed his tone, even going as far as calling Levi “Master.”
“Yes, Master Levi! We’re so happy for you! We can’t wait to share the good news with Master Tyrone and the Grand Master!” the other servants quickly flocked over and agreed.
“Really? You guys don’t seem very happy though,” Levi sneered as he looked at the butler from the corner of his eyes.
“Give me a chance to explain myself, Master Levi. The whole family was against you last time because we didn’t know you would achieve something this great. But lo and behold, you’re a man of impressive accomplishments now. This is a pleasant surprise for all of us! You’ve surpassed a lot of the Garrisons, and the whole family is extremely proud of you! I’m sure they will invite you back to the family in the most honorable fashion possible!”
Edward paused and surveyed Levi’s face before he carefully continued, “I’m sure Master Tyrone and the Grand Master will welcome you with open arms if I share this piece of good news with them! You’ll return with the greatest honor!”
“Welcome me back to the family? Who do you think the Garrison clan is? They are not worthy of me,” Levi rejected crudely.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 994
Everyone was dumbfounded. No one could believe what they had just heard come out of Levi’s mouth.

The Garrison clan is not worthy of you? Who do you think you are?

Not a single person in Erudia dares mention the name of Oakland City’s Garrison clan without holding their breath.
“Master Levi, I’ll admit you’re a man of capability. The fact that you managed to catch me speaks a lot about your ability. But you shouldn’t insult the family like this. Ultimately, the Garrison clan is still a powerful family. Even among the younger generation of the clan, there is easily a handful of them who are far better than you. Take Mr. Damien for example – he’s way better than you are in every way. He’s humble although he’s capable,” Edward reminded Levi.
“Yeah. Master Levi, humility is a virtue. A humble man goes a long way! Besides, given the clan’s enormous resources and extensive connections, we’re sure you’ll achieve something greater if you return to the clan!” the other servants agreed.
“Bullshit!” Levi stared at them with a contemptuous glare.
“Humility? Keep your advice for the Garrison clan! The family is powerful? What a joke. Don’t even talk about the younger generation of the clan—the entire family is no match for me!”
Levi straightened his back and cocked his head as he stood his ground before the servants, his gaze hard and unyielding.
The Beasts and the Amethyst Guards stood upright in an assertive position at the voice of the God of War.
The two groups knew the man came in second to none.
Levi was the one and only in the whole of Erudia. Never had there been anyone like him—and there would never be.
He was the only Five-Star God of War.
The man was way out of the league of the youngsters from the Garrison clan.
Edward’s body shook subtly as he sensed the shift in the atmosphere.
He soon got lost in Levi’s commanding aura, which compelled him to revere the man standing before him.
“Yes, Master Levi, we know you’re powerful like no other. We are at your mercy. Please, let us go so we can bring the good news home. The family will definitely await your glorious return,” Edward begged.
The other servants trailed their gaze towards Levi, looking at him imploringly.
“Oh? So you guys are not interested in killing me anymore?” Levi questioned.
The butler flashed him a servile smile and shook his head nervously. “Of course not! I’m sure the family will give you a warm welcome! You’re a great asset to our family!”
“What about my mother?” Levi asked coldly.
“Ms. Jones is your mother, so how can we not treat her with respect? Things might indeed be a little awkward since Master Tyrone is already married, but I’ll try my best to persuade him. I’m sure he’ll allow Ms. Jones to come back. As long as you agree to return, there’ll always be a place for your mother in the family,” Edward replied.
The man believed that he had made a proposal good enough to leave no room for rejection.
Once Levi agreed to come back, he would have a place in the Garrison family—the most prominent family in Erudia—the Head of Erudia!
There was no way Levi would turn this offer down.
Levi would be able to clear Emma’s name and give the woman a legitimate place in the Garrison clan.
“Master Levi, please let us go. I’m sure your mother will be happy to hear that the family is finally acknowledging her. Doesn’t she want to marry Master Tyrone? All this is not impossible! You only need to let us go. Now that you’ve made a name for yourself, your mother will definitely regain her place in the family. This is a chance to help her realize her dream!” Other servants chimed in, trying to convince Levi.
They were taking every opportunity they could to free themselves; they knew Emma Jones would be their best shot to move Levi.
However, the man was clearly not buying it. His face remained unperturbed as he looked at them in a detached manner. Yet Edward was not planning on budging either. “Master Levi, I’m sure you don’t want to live in the shadow of the past anymore. This is a golden opportunity for you to undo that shameful title of a bastard. All you need to do is say yes—and I will make sure you become a legitimate member of the Garrison clan!”


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 995
Levi burst out laughing upon hearing their solemn advice and desperate pleas.

In front of him, the butler and the other servants exchanged startled looks in complete silence.

They knew Levi was mocking them. Before long, Edward finally spoke up, “Master Levi, are you doubting what I just told you? I’m dead serious. If you let us go, we’ll guarantee your glorious return, and your mother will regain her status. The Garrison clan will never let go of someone as powerful as you are!”
“I’m not doubting you—I just find your stupidity amusing. I’ve never taken the Garrison clan seriously, so why would I covet a place in the family? Also, I don’t know where you got the idea from, but my mother couldn’t care less about the Garrison clan. Marrying Tyrone Garrison? Who does he think he is? He doesn’t deserve my mother—the entire Garrison family doesn’t deserve her!”
Levi’s voice bellowed in the spacious warehouse as he recalled the shame and pain he and his mother had gone through all those years.
Edward and the others shook their heads in disbelief when they heard what he had to say.
Did you just say Tyrone Garrison doesn’t deserve Emma Jones?
The Garrison family is the most prestigious family in all of Erudia. You should be thankful you have Garrison blood in your veins! This noble bloodline carries thousands of years of an ancient legacy.
The Garrison family doesn’t deserve Emma Jones? Who is she?
She’s from a mere royal family in South Hampton!
She’s nothing compared to the Garrison family! She’s despicable in our eyes!
She’s the one who is not worthy of the Garrison family!
You must have lost your mind to say something this ridiculous!
But just as they thought that that was all he had to say, Levi let off a scoff and continued dispassionately. “You said this is an opportunity for me to give my mother a better life? It’s exactly because I want a better life for her that I won’t allow the Garrison clan to ever come near her again. The family doesn’t deserve her, and neither does Tyrone Garrison.”
Opposite him, Edward’s jaw dropped at Levi’s impudence. The others frowned and squinted their eyes, appalled by how the latter had butchered the family’s honor.
Geez, I can’t believe you have no regard for the Garrison family.
Yes, you’re indeed much more powerful now, but your accomplishments amount to nothing compared to the family!
Who do you think you are? Your position in the family is only slightly higher than a mere butler; you’re in no way close to the important figures in the family!
So don’t even dream about comparing yourself to the entire Garrison family!
Edward’s patience was wearing thin under Levi’s constant bashing. “Don’t be too arrogant. You’ll regret it when you see a glimpse of what the Garrison family can actually do!”
“Ha! I can’t wait to see that!” Levi ridiculed.
Edward’s glare intensified, and his blood boiled as he faced the haughty man.
He could not wait to let him experience what the Garrison family was capable of.
“Master Levi, I dare you to let me go. I’ll show you what the Garrison family can do! You will regret not joining us when we extend an olive branch!” the butler challenged.
“Well, I don’t mind sparing your worthless life. I only need you to bring Tyrone and the others a message—they won’t even have a chance to regret not killing me when I eventually set foot near the Garrison family.”
A confident smile broke across Levi’s face as he drilled his gaze into Edward’s fierce glare; the butler did not shun his stare.
“I’ll make sure your insolent remarks reach their ear. It’s time you start counting down to your death!”
Edward’s smirk disappeared as his face contorted in pain. Levi had pushed him to the ground and broken all of his limbs.
Before the other servants could react, they were also pinned to the ground.
Agonizing shrieks echoed through the warehouse as the servants groaned in unbearable pain.
“I’ll let you all go, but everyone will have to crawl back!” Levi sneered as he looked at the bunch of crippled servants who were now wallowing in a pool of their own blood.
It would be difficult for them to crawl their way back judging from their injury—but they did not have to—because the servants were all thrown out of South Hampton like stray dogs at the end of the day.
As Edward struggled to move, his phone rang, and a clear voice came through. “Is he gone?” Damien demanded.
“Mr. Damien, we’re good as dead. Levi is not as useless as we thought he was!” the butler replied, his voice almost breaking in tears.
“What? That bastard was able to do something to you lot?” Damien questioned, his tone betraying his disbelief.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 996
“Yeah! He’s the one behind everything that has happened recently! We thought he simply got lucky, but it turns out that he has a trick or two up his sleeves!” Edward said while panting in excruciating pain.

Damien refused to believe what he had just heard from the butler. “Are you sure? He’s just an orphan! He doesn’t have any connections and resources. It’s impossible that he’s the one behind all this! I can’t believe he managed to defeat you!”

“I’m just as surprised as you are, Mr. Damien. But remember that the man still has Garrison’s blood in him. He’s bound to do exceptional things! As long as he has our bloodline, he’ll definitely shake up the world one day!” Edward tried registering the gravity of the problem to his skeptical master.
“True that. He’s a Garrison, after all. How bad can someone from our family turn out to be? Even a Garrison bastard is better than an average person,” Damien conceded.
To people like him who grew up in a prominent family, they had always attributed success to one’s bloodline.
It was never a matter of individual effort whenever someone did well in life.
Thus, it was natural for them to give credit to the Garrisons instead of acknowledging Levi’s own capability.
“I’m sure Father and Grandpa will welcome him back to the family after they find out about his success. Yes, everyone in the family has great achievements, but we won’t say no to another genius like him joining us. There are still ways in which the bastard can be of service to the family,” Damien noted.
The younger generation in the Garrison clan was talented and competent, and they were at the very least, top fifty in Erudia. All of them were deserving of the family name.
The fact that Levi could outdo them meant that he was not to be underestimated at all.
“Mr. Damien, he might be accomplished, but he’s too arrogant for his own good. He has no regard for the Garrison family—not even you or Master Tyrone! He even wanted me to convey a message to Master Tyrone. He said we would regret it when he made his way to the Garrison family’s residence!” Edward complained.
Over on the other end, Damien slammed his fist on the table. “Come again? What did he say? Sure enough, a bastard’s always a bastard. He might share our noble blood, but he’s obviously unrefined! I shouldn’t have expected something good to come out of a bastard who grew up in a questionable environment. He’s nothing compared to us! And since he has no respect for the family, I can only say it’s his loss. He won’t go far with his haughty attitude. His pride and his narrow-mindedness will be his undoing!” Damien shouted into the phone.
Damien nodded his head weakly at the man’s outburst. “I agree, Mr. Damien. His pride is way bigger than his accomplishments. He needs to know that South Hampton is just a small part of the world!”
Hearing this, the other man chuckled in pride. “Of course. He’ll shut up once he’s seen what Oakland City’s Garrison clan can do with his own eyes. This bastard needs to broaden his horizon instead of being so full of himself. Wait till he faces someone more powerful than himself.”
“What should we do then, Mr. Damien? Should we still kill him?” Edward asked.
“No. Given his ability now, he won’t be a shame to the family anymore. We shall spare him for now,” Damien replied.
“Then what should we do about him, Mr. Damien?”
A slight pause came from the other side before Damien finally spoke, “Since he’s so egoistic and treats the family as a joke, I’ll teach him a lesson myself!”
The butler’s eyes glistered in hope when he heard Damien was handling this himself.
Edward had had enough of Levi Garrison and his conceited attitude. Now that Tyrone’s son was getting involved directly, someone could finally avenge what Levi had done to him.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 997
“Aha! That’s why that bastard has the guts to challenge us. He’s Morris Group’s boss!” Damien exclaimed after doing some digging into Levi’s background.

He finally understood why Levi had the guts to be so obnoxious.

Although few people knew Levi was the head of Morris Group, it did not take the Garrison clan long to obtain that piece of information.
Hearing the name, Edward widened his eyes in surprise. “Morris Group? Even Triple Group in Keerea is no match for that company! It practically dominates everything.”
“Well, it’s true that Morris Group has got some substance. But that doesn’t mean Levi can take the Garrison family lightly. Father’s Pinnacle Group in South Hampton is far superior! I’ll tell the company to acquire Morris Group. I bet Levi Garrison will come begging on his knees in no time. This will be the price he has to pay for messing with the Garrison family!” Damien let out a confident laugh as he imagined Levi begging for mercy.
The next day, Levi and his mother began their journey home along with the Beasts and the Amethyst Guards.
Levi was deep in thought, thinking about the encounter he had yesterday. A frown settled on his brows. Before long, he finally broke the silence. “Mother, do you miss him?”
Emma was startled by his sudden question. She turned towards her son reluctantly, trying to think of how she should answer in an appropriate manner.
“Do you still want to marry Tyrone? The family will finally accept you after all these years,” Levi continued.
“No. I don’t harbor unrealistic expectations like that anymore. That’s no longer what I care about,” she replied firmly as she looked at Levi in the eyes.
“What do you care about then?” he asked.
A warm and gentle smile slowly spread across her face.
“Well, it’s not anything important that you need to know.”
“Come on, Mom. I will try my best to make your dream come true!” he insisted.
“I hope you can stand in front of the Garrisons one day and proudly tell them that you’re my son—and that you’re a man worthy of their respect!”
But she quickly regretted what she said when she saw her son’s solemn expression. “You don’t have to get all stressed out about it, Levi. This is just a thought I have, don’t take it too seriously.”
The last thing she wanted was to pressurize her son and make things difficult for him.
She knew how difficult and dangerous such an action could be for Levi.
But that was not what her son thought. “No, Mom. You will live to see that day. I promise,” Levi pronounced.
Yet, Emma knew he was just trying to make her feel better. She knew better than to set her expectations too high.
Besides, Levi was not even thirty yet. He still had a long way to go before he could actually do something substantial.
It was impossible that someone of his age would earn the respect of the Garrison family.
When they arrived, Zoey was already waiting for them. She had put aside work to pick Emma up.
“How’s the prep coming along?” Levi asked when he saw the woman.
“We’re almost done. We’ll go over and bid for the project tomorrow,” she replied.
He nodded approvingly and let out a small smile. “Remember to be careful of Lyndsay Granger. She’s not an easy character.”
“Don’t worry; I already have it all planned out. Iris and I will travel separately tomorrow,” Zoey assured.
“That’s great. All the best for tomorrow then.”
Levi knew Zoey must have made adequate preparation, but he was still worried that something unexpected would pop up.
Over at Golden Plaza, Jayden hung up the phone after a long call.
“Do you know who just called me? Damien Garrison! The actual Mr. Damien!” he exclaimed at the top of his voice.
Around him, everyone looked at him enviously.
Damien was well known to be the potential next heir of the Garrison clan.
It must be an urgent matter for a man of his standing to actually call Jayden.
“What did Mr. Damien say?” Lyndsay asked as she scooted closer to Jayden.
“Mr. Damien wanted one thing done—we are to crush Morris Group as soon as possible,” the latter replied.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 998
“That’s good news. We’re competing for a project with them tomorrow anyway. That’ll be our first chance,” Lyndsay commented.

Jayden nodded, rolling his eyes schemingly. “Exactly. Make sure you deal with them accordingly. I don’t want anything to go wrong tomorrow.”

Lyndsay and the other council members exchanged cunning glances with each other, and sinister smiles curved on their lips. “Don’t worry. They won’t even make it to the venue tomorrow.”
The big day soon arrived. Sylas and her team escorted Zoey and Oriental Star Group’s council members as they headed for the venue.
“Sylas, make sure nothing happens to anyone. Someone might try and stop us on the way,” Zoey reminded before they departed.
The woman refused to allow the same thing to happen again. She had once been held up by her competitor when she was on her way to the venue and had missed the bidding event because of that incident.
She had been fooled once; she would not fall into the same trap again.
“Ms. Lopez, rest assured that everything will be okay. We will make sure everyone arrives safely,” Sylas replied calmly.
In no time, Oriental Star Group’s convoy departed for the venue.
To ensure nothing would happen, Iris took a different route towards the destination.
No one else in the company knew about it except for Zoey.
Although everything had been meticulously planned out, Zoey still had a premonition of imminent danger as she sat in the car.
Her eyelids kept twitching, and she could not hold it in any longer—she needed to double-confirm everything.
“Sylas, could you check and see if everything is fine out there?”
“Everything looks fine,” her bodyguard answered after surveying the surroundings.
Suddenly, a vendor on a trishaw came out of nowhere. One of the cars did not manage to stop in time, running into it at full force.
The collision sent the vendor flying three to four meters away before the man finally hit his head against the cold tar road. The grey road was soon stained red as blood gushed out of the man’s body.
The whole Oriental Star Group fleet pulled the emergency brake – everyone was stupefied.
Zoey’s face turned pale—something had happened just as she expected.
She knew Pinnacle Group would not let her off the hook that easily.
“Is everyone okay?” Zoey turned around frantically, checking to see if anyone was hurt. Their schedule had been affected because of the accident, and Pinnacle Group managed to have their way, but Zoey did not want anything to happen to anyone, be it friends or foes.
Everyone got out of the car, and some people rushed towards the vendor lying on the ground.
Sylas checked the man’s pulse and her frightened gaze slowly trailed towards Zoey.
“Ms. Lopez… He’s gone…”
Zoey’s steps faltered, her knees going weak at the news.
She could not believe Pinnacle Group would kill someone in order to stop her.
Did they really plan all this?
How cruel can those people get?
This was not the first time a competitor had targeted her, but no one had ever gone to such length to get in her way.
Pinnacle Group was the first to do so.
“Somebody help! They just hit someone! And the man is now dead!” a passerby shouted.
Soon, a huge crowd hurried over, encircling Zoey and the others. They had come forward with kitchen knives, ready to get revenge on behalf of the man.
“You’re not getting away with this! We will make sure you pay for it!” the angry men shouted.
“It wasn’t our fault! He’s the one who came out of the junction all of a sudden! He’s the one who ran into us!” Zoey tried to explain the situation.
However, her pleas only made the situation worse; she had angered them all even more.
There were no surveillance cameras around that area, and it so happened that the trishaw had rushed out at the car dashcam’s blind spot.
There was no proof to whatever she claimed.
“Bullshit! We saw everything with our own eyes. You guys hit him! Don’t blame a dead man for what you did!” one of the men yelled.
“Yeah! We’re all witnesses! You won’t get away with this!” another cried out.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 999
Sylas’ blood ran cold at the sight of those furious men.

This is all my fault.

I clearly saw that man there. But I didn’t expect him to dash out just like that! Gosh, what should I do?
“Ms. Lopez… What should we do now…” she asked in a frail voice.
Her mind went blank; she could not think of any way of getting them out of this mess.
“There’s nothing we can do. This was all premeditated. They did it to keep me away from the event,” Zoey stated with a resigned sigh.
The only thing she was concerned about now was that an innocent man had lost his life because of the strife between Pinnacle Group and her.
If she knew that all this would come at the expense of a man’s life, she would have given up on this project readily.
But she also knew that Iris would still make it to the event.
She and Iris had foreseen something bad happening, and they already had a bulletproof plan laid out.
Even if Zoey did not make it to the venue, Iris would still be there.
“You guys have nothing to worry about. I won’t run away. I’ll settle this properly,” Zoey told the crowd.
After all, this man had died because of her. She took it on herself to look into the accident.
Meanwhile, a car sped by along a road in the suburb.
Iris cried out when she was informed that something had happened to Zoey.
The woman had been on the way using another route when she got news of the incident.
The car she was seated in braked to halt when a few men in black suddenly appeared before her, blocking her way in the middle of the road.
“Ms. Anabelle, I’m sorry, but we have to cut your trip short. Don’t worry; it’ll only take two hours, that’s if you cooperate with us,” one of them said as he leaned closer to the car window.
Iris knew exactly what they were up to.
It went without saying that all they wanted was to stop her from bidding for the project.
The fact that these people had found out about her route surprised her.
Now that these men were in her way, it was impossible for her to get herself out of this.
The only thing she could do was to do as they demanded.
“I’m so sorry, Zoey.” Iris sighed.
Over at the venue, all the council members from Pinnacle Group had already gathered in a timely manner.
Jayden and Lyndsay held their heads high as they looked around. The event was about to commence.
Many big companies had convened after knowing that the project was open for bid.
Jayden approached some of the heads, putting up a smug smile. “You guys won’t stand a chance against us today. Pinnacle Group will win the project. All of you’d better back off. Try us, and you’ll end up dead!”
He was rude and overbearing—yet there was nothing those people could say.
Jayden was from Pinnacle Group; no one had the guts to challenge that company.
Since they were here at the event just for the sake of it, there was no need for them to incur the wrath of Pinnacle Group unnecessarily.
“Mr. Yolander, Ms. Granger, we’ve handled Zoey and Iris as instructed. They won’t be able to make it,” an assistant reported.
A smirk crafted Jayden and Lyndsay’s faces when they received the news.
There was no way a small company like Morris Group could threaten Pinnacle Group.
It was foolish for Morris Group to think that they stood a chance to win.
“Did you leave any traces?” Lyndsay asked.
“No. No one will be able to track it back to Pinnacle Group. Also, we’ve blocked all the roads, so no one from Morris Group will reach this place,” the assistant added with a sly smile.
Beside him, Lyndsay nodded as an evil smile broke out on her face. “Now that I think of it, it’s actually not a bad idea for Morris Group to come. They can well amuse us if they’re humiliated here today. But, oh well, they can’t even make it here now. What a pity.”
“Yeah, they’ll lose the project to us even if they came. It’s just a matter of time before Morris Group belongs to us!” Jayden agreed.
Just as the two were busy talking about taking Morris Group down, Yale Freeman, the person in charge of the project, walked over.
“Mr. Yolander, Ms. Granger, we’re about to start. Shall we take a seat?” he inquired politely.
Jayden shot the man an innocent smile and asked, “Oh, aren’t we still waiting for Morris Group?”
Yale gestured to invite them in as he cleared his throat. “Actually, Morris Group met with an accident when they were on their way. I don’t think they’ll be able to make it.”
Just as Jayden and Lyndsay were about to walk in, a deafening noise rang out from above, causing everyone to tilt their heads towards the sky.
“Quick! Look up! Look at the sky!” someone exclaimed in shock.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 1000
A choppy noise resounded through the place as a few private helicopters hovered in the sky.

The rotor blades spun incessantly, and the sound grew louder as time passed.

Everyone looked up and squinted their eyes at the sight of the helicopters flying in weird patterns in the sky.
It turned out that those helicopters were making a skywriting.
“Morris Group?” Everyone was surprised when they saw what was written in the sky.
Are these helicopters from Morris Group?
Jayden and Lyndsay exchanged worried looks as they watched everything play out before their eyes.
They had done all they could to stop Morris Group from reaching the venue, but never in their wildest imagination would they expect them to arrive in private helicopters.
The private helicopters pitched forward and finally got ready to descend, creating ripples of strong winds as the pilots lowered the machines on the ground.
Everyone tried standing their ground, lowering their heads as the helicopters got closer. The wind sent all the dust blowing in their faces, and people were forced to close their eyes as the wind got more forceful.
Many began taking refuge and sought shelter as the wind intensified.
Ironically, Jayden, who claimed to have noble blood, was the first to flee. In fact, he was crawling away like a coward because he knew he would die if he didn’t get away quickly.
His jaw dropped when he saw workers of Morris Group descend from the sky.
His men had blocked all roads leading to the venue—yet he had still miscalculated.
Morris Group had flown people in private helicopters to get to the venue.
Once the helicopters landed and positioned themselves in front of the place, Levi and Kirin came down and walked towards the disheveled lot.
“Levi… Levi Garrison…” Lyndsay mumbled in disbelief.
“He’s Levi Garrison? Mr. Damien told me he’s the man who owns Morris Group. But regardless, Mr. Damien has told us that he’s a nobody. Morris Group will be ours soon,” Jayden scoffed.
Lyndsay did not answer him. Hatred and spite sparked in her eyes as her glare traced him. “Levi Garrison… Things are gonna get interesting.”
“Just in time!” Levi exclaimed as he stood before the crowd.
However, Yale did not seem happy to see him.
The man personally preferred entrusting the project to Pinnacle Group; he knew he could not afford to get on the wrong side with that company.
Now that Morris Group had arrived, Yale was caught in a difficult position.
But the bidding process still had to go as planned. “Alright, since everyone’s here, let’s get started!”
Yale led everyone in.
Behind Levi, Jayden and Lyndsay came close enough so he could hear them.
“You’d better stop before things turn ugly. You have no idea who you’re going up against. Pinnacle Group is not a company you can mess with!” Jayden warned.
“We will acquire Morris Group in no time. It’s useless to compete with us!” Lyndsay added as she tried to keep up with Levi’s pace.
However, Levi’s nonchalance enraged her. “Did you hear me? Give up now! It’s for your own good! I know you’re Morris Group’s boss, but don’t overestimate yourself. The enemy you’re facing is much stronger than you think, and the world is much bigger than your tiny brain can imagine!”
Jayden also interjected, “I heard that you have no regard for the Garrison family. Don’t be childish! You’ve only seen a tiny bit of what they’re capable of. You need to be realistic. Stop being so arrogant!”
Levi stopped abruptly at the entrance of the venue and shifted his contemptuous gaze towards them.
“I think y’all should stop here. There’s no way you guys are getting in,” he stated.
Jayden and Lyndsay’s eyes widened in astonishment as they stared at him. Everyone who heard him all turned around in bewilderment.
“What? Who are you to bar us from entering?” Lyndsay interrogated.
In front of them, Yale halted his step and walked over.
He knew Levi had no right to stop Jayden and Lyndsay.
“Kirin, keep an eye on them. Make sure they stay away,” Levi ordered in a domineering tone as he looked at the two from the corner of his eyes.


Levi wouldn’t allow anyone to question anything he said.

Nevertheless, Yale, Jayden, and everyone else present was startled.

Lyndsay immediately asked, “Levi, who are you to bar us from entering?”
How dare he bar us from entering even when we’re not stopping him from going in?
Jayden then said, “Mr. Freeman, you’re the person in charge of the project. Can he actually bar us from entering? I mean, shouldn’t you be in charge of everything here?”
Yale glanced at Levi before he replied, “You’re right. Mr. Garrison, I think there’s been some misunderstanding. Since you’re only a tender, I’m afraid you can’t bar anyone from entering.”
“What I say goes! Your word means nothing against mine!”
Levi entered the hall as soon as he finished speaking.
Unperturbed by his outburst, Jayden, Lyndsay, and the rest began to head into the hall but were all stopped by Kirin.
“All of you are not allowed to enter!”
“What if we want to go in anyway?” Jayden retorted.
“Restrain them!”
Once Kirin gave the command, a few personnel came up and restrained them.
As such, the whole lot did not have the chance to participate in the tender event.
It wasn’t difficult to guess the outcome – Morris Group had obtained the project.
After all that had happened, the people in the hall dared not to offer a price.
Jayden and Lyndsay were exasperated as they couldn’t do anything until the tender event ended.
Levi Garrison is even more overbearing than us!
We only obstruct other tenders to buy ourselves time, at the very most.
However, that man dared to bar us from participating in the tender event directly!
“Levi Garrison, just you wait! We will never let off for this!” Jayden yelled and glared at Levi resentfully.
“Well, here I am, waiting.” Levi smiled coldly.
Meanwhile, Zoey had finished settling all of her matters, and Iris had been released.
“We’re not ruthless enough compared to them!” Zoey sighed.
She was no match for those from Pinnacle Group, who would resort to every possible means to achieve their missions, no matter any lives were at stake.
She had lost the project – her plan had failed.
Without achieving success, the Lopez and Black families will continue to belittle me. In that case, will they still stop me from marrying Levi? It’s not enough to only depend on having a baby…
Zoey heaved a long sigh.
At that moment, Iris came to her office and handed a document to her.
After flipping through the document, Zoey was puzzled. “Oh? We obtained the project?”
“Iris, didn’t someone stop you from entering the tender event? How could you have obtained the project?” Zoey couldn’t figure out what had happened.
“They stopped me, including the men whom I secretly sent to the event. However, the boss successfully obtained the project by himself this time!” Iris explained.
“What? We got this project because of the boss again?”
“That’s right.”
“Who even is the boss? Why did he go to great lengths to help me?”
Zoey was flummoxed.
“Why are you bothered by it? After all, we got our hands on the project in the end.”
Iris rolled her eyes at her best friend. It’s because you’re the boss’s wife!
After recollecting herself, Zoey immediately went looking for Levi.
Once the woman owned the project, her wealth would instantly skyrocket.
As such, she had amassed enough bargaining chips to negotiate with the Lopez and Black families.
Grandma can’t control me anymore when I’m seen as successful!
No one can stop the two of us once I get pregnant!
Levi’s time hasn’t come yet, but it doesn’t matter because I am successful now.
“Zoey, why do you look so emotional?” Levi asked.
“Can we decide on our wedding date? I’ve checked the calendar, and there will be an auspicious day one and a half months later. Do you think we should get married then?” she asked, wanting to get his opinion on things.
“Alright. Let’s set a date. I will give you a wedding of which the world has never seen before.”


Exactly a month later, the bridal chamber that Levi designed was completed.

It’s time to give Zoey a perfect wedding.

To him, their wedding will be perfect as long as his mother, sister, and brother attended it.
He vowed to tell Zoey the truth about who he really was on their wedding day.
I want to tell her about the truth by myself. I want her to know that her husband is Erudia’s God of War!
Then, I will hold her hand and overlook the world like an emperor with his empress!
“We should also make early preparation to get pregnant before our wedding!” Zoey added bashfully.
“Certainly. In that case, we shouldn’t go home today!” Levi put on a sly smile.
“Sounds good.”
Levi and Zoey didn’t return to their homes that night.
After a night of intimacy, both of them grew to cherish each other more.
The two of them were finally together after going through ups and down for ten years.
From that moment onwards, no one would be able to separate them from each other.
They would eventually be able to build a family of three.
When Iris saw Zoey the next day, the former stated curiously, “Zoey, something seems different about you…”
“Oh? What’s different about me?” the other woman asked while her face turned red.
“I can’t pinpoint it, but you seem to be more feminine now,” Iris explained.
That remark made Zoey lower her head and blush even more.
“Since you and Levi have decided on the wedding date, I’m sure you both plan to have children soon, right?”
Zoey didn’t respond to her question. She merely glanced at her friend and chided, “Iris, you should get a boyfriend as soon as possible. Aren’t you fond of the boss? Just court him already!”
Iris was taken aback upon hearing that.
Well, I do hope to court the boss, but he’s Levi! How could I possibly do that to you?
“The boss isn’t single.” Iris flashed her a smile.
“Oh? Wasn’t he single some time ago? How did he get a girlfriend so soon?” Zoey asked, surprised.
“Yes, everything happened very fast. Speaking of which, aren’t you going to marry Levi soon?”
The good news spread like wildfire. Soon, everyone in the company had heard the news of Zoey and Levi deciding on their wedding date.
Zoey’s curiosity was piqued when she saw how thrilled all her workers were.
Why does everyone seem so excited about it? Is Levi really a respected figure in the company?
After all, Zoey used to hear complaints about Levi all the time.
It’s strange…
Miles way, the Black family caught wind of the news.
“So, the wedding date of Zoey and Levi Garrison has been fixed? As her grandpa and grandma, why weren’t we informed about this?”
Meredith and Robert were shocked upon hearing about the wedding.
“We had no idea about it either…” the rest murmured.
Robert immediately made a phone call to Harry to ask about it.
However, the latter also wasn’t aware of it.
When Meredith contacted Caitlyn and Aaron, the answers she received were the same.
Both of them were clueless about it too.
“How could outsiders know about it when even her parents aren’t aware of the wedding date yet? Zoey has gone overboard!” Meredith grew infuriated with them all.
“Come back as soon as possible. Your daughter is going to marry someone soon,” she yelled into the phone.
Not long after that, Aaron, Caitlyn, and Harry gathered at the Black family’s manor.
Everyone seemed to be confused about what was going on.
Has the marriage between Zoey and Levi Garrison really been fixed?
The news spread widely even before the family was informed…
“Look at how your daughter behaves! You two weren’t even aware of her marriage! Humph! She doesn’t respect you as parents, nor does she treat us as her elders! I mean, is she planning to disregard us once and for all?” Meredith scolded.
“What an unfilial daughter she is!”
Aaron heaved a sigh helplessly. At this moment, he and Caitlyn were greatly embarrassed.
“How do you tolerate her? I can’t take it anymore!”


Meredith, Robert, and Harry were all exasperated.

Meanwhile, Zoey’s parents were indignant at the sudden news.

Immediately, they called Zoey and asked, “We heard you have decided on your wedding date. Is that true?”
To which their daughter replied composedly, “It’s true, I’ve discussed it with Levi. I was planning to give you a call to inform you tonight.”
“Why have you not discussed your wedding date with us? Do you even treat us as your parents? Do you even respect the elders in the Lopez and Black families?”
“Are you planning to ditch your mother? Oh right, I guess Levi’s mother is your new mother now. In that case, who am I to you?” Caitlyn scowled, almost smashing the phone out of anger.
Zoey hurriedly explained, “Mom, I’m already an adult. I can make my own decisions now. I’ll discuss certain things with you all when it’s necessary. However, I can make most decisions on my own.”
“Since marriage is a life-changing event, how can you decide on it all by yourself? Besides, all of us don’t agree to your marriage to Levi Garrison again!”
Caitlyn continued on without listening to her daughter, “Also, why don’t you listen to your grandpa and grandma? They will gladly arrange your marriage for you!”
“Mom, why should all of you decide everything for me? I understand that you’re afraid of Grandpa and Grandma, but they hold no authority over me. Besides, I won’t be manipulated by anyone else because I have enough bargaining chips now,” Zoey said.
“Come home as soon as possible to discuss with us! If you don’t home, Grandpa and Grandma will look for you by themselves!”
As such, Zoey and Levi had no choice but to go to the Black family’s manor.
The atmosphere was rather tense in the meeting room; everyone had on grim expressions.
“Kneel!” Meredith commanded coldly.
“Grandma, what do you mean by that?” Zoey asked.
“I’m asking you to kneel before me! Do you not understand? Both of you have to kneel as well!” Meredith fixated her gaze on Levi when she yelled.
“Why should we kneel? You must at least give us a reason,” Levi said.
“Aren’t you aware of your wrongdoing? How could you decide on your marriage all on your own? You even decided on the wedding date without consulting all of us!”
Zoey’s grandmother trembled violently with anger.
The next moment, Zoey explained smilingly, “I can make my own decisions. I don’t have to trouble all of you about this trivial matter. On that day, all of you only have to attend the wedding and enjoy the ceremony,”
“Bullshit! Did we agree on such an arrangement?” Meredith couldn’t help but blurt a curse.
“Grandma, I have to get it straight – Any decisions about my wedding have to be decided by me!” Zoey immediately retorted.
“That will happen only when you’re competent enough!” Meredith sneered.
“I am competent enough, and the Lopez and Black families can’t tell me what to do anymore. Here, take a look by yourselves!”
As soon as she finished, Zoey threw a document on the table in front of Meredith.
All her family members were taken aback after they took the document and read through it.
“What? Zoey, are you really that wealthy now?” Meredith asked; the shock she felt was evident in her voice.
“Yes. Under such circumstances, can I make my own decisions?” Zoey questioned.
Meanwhile, everyone in the room was startled and lost in thought.
“I have something else to tell you all. I’m bearing Levi a child now. Therefore, all of you can never separate us!”
The woman nearly threw everyone into a fit as the news had come like a bolt from the blue.
After ten minutes, her parents and grandparents eventually recollected themselves and reluctantly accepted the fact.
“My god! What have we done?” Aaron heaved a sigh.
Meanwhile, Meredith glanced at Levi and said, “Your wedding has to be a grand ceremony. I will agree to it on one condition… His mother cannot attend the wedding! I can’t allow her presence to dishonor the Black family!”


Immediately, the rest added, “That’s right. The grand wedding will certainly become a popular topic among the people in the entire South. Won’t we be embarrassed if his mother attends the wedding?”

“Exactly. We mean no offense, but both the Lopez and Black families have to maintain our reputations!” Harry agreed.

“Look, Zoey. Everyone agrees to the condition I’ve set!” A triumphant smile appeared on Meredith’s face.
Aaron suddenly interjected, “As your father, I have to list down some conditions too!”
Everyone looked at Aaron in bewilderment.
“Your marriage is unavoidable because you two have already become husband and wife. So, I will agree to it. However, Levi has to marry into our family!” the man commanded coldly.
“Marry into your family?” Levi was stunned by his demand.
How can I, the God of War, marry into someone’s family?
At the same time, Zoey was startled too.
Why should he marry into our family?
“That’s right. You have to marry into our family if you want to marry my daughter. It’s not easy to marry into our family, though. There are several conditions you will have to obey!”
“Firstly, after marrying into our family, you will have to change your last name to Lopez. From now on, you’re not Levi Garrison but Levi Lopez! I don’t want you to mention your original name under all circumstances!”
“Secondly, after marrying into the Lopez family, you must follow all rules set by the Lopez family without protest. I don’t want to hear a “No” from you, not even once!”
“Thirdly, your daily routine will be arranged by the Lopez family. You’ll have to report who you meet with every day and how much money you’ve spent!”
“You’ll also have no right to say a word on important occasions, such as our family meetings. You can only speak when we allow you to do so!”
Aaron spelled out ten extremely harsh rules in total.
Harry and Meredith backed him up almost instantly. “Sounds great! Aaron has come up with many good ideas. You’re to marry into our family. Also, you will have to follow all the rules from that day onward. Otherwise, you can never marry Zoey!”
The main reason they had listed those rules was because Zoey had so much wealth now. They believed that Levi should not be allowed to marry her so effortlessly.
Since they couldn’t stop the marriage, they looked for other ways to make up for their “loss.”
Their thought process was as simple as Aaron’s – Zoey is wealthy, so they feel embarrassed and dishonored to see Levi marrying her.
Hence, they hoped to reduce the negative impact on Zoey and the Lopez and Black families by having Levi marry into the family.
“Furthermore, there has to be a ceremony when he marries into our family! He must first kneel and bow before the head of the Lopez family in our family’s manor. Then, he must kneel and bow again before our ancestors in the ancestral shrine!” Harry added.
“Yes! There has to be a grand ceremony since Levi is marrying into the Lopez family. The Black family agrees to this suggestion!” Meredith and Robert fully supported the idea in unison.
Meanwhile, Caitlyn said sobbingly, “My precious daughter has to marry a poor lad in the end! I really can’t accept it!”
“Caitlyn, we can’t do much about it. Now, what we can do is to make sure that he marries into our family!”
All of them let out a heavy sigh.
Zoey had thought that she could control everything; she didn’t expect things to turn out in such a way!
Are they treating me like a tool? What’s so wrong with Levi? Why are they doing this to him?
Levi might not be a prominent figure like he was before, but he’s sincere about me and is willing to sacrifice his life for me. That’s what I love about him!
“Sweetie, don’t utter a word! If you respect me as your father, Levi must marry into our family! Otherwise, the wedding will be called off!”
The man then glanced at Levi and continued, “So, Levi, are you willing to marry into the Lopez family?”
Everyone present shifted their gaze toward the man in question.


Zoey wished that Levi would pretend to agree to the conditions to avoid any trouble.

She was ready to deal with the problems afterward once he pretended to agree.

She made a promise to herself – she would not make Levi embarrassed.
As such, the man definitely wouldn’t have to obey the rules.
“Of course I don’t agree! It’s still acceptable if you only want me to marry into your family. But to make me change my last name? No way! I’m Levi Garrison for the rest of my life, and no one can ever change my last name!” Levi retorted coldly.
My mother gave me this name. No one can ever change it!
Everyone was startled at how Levi sounded so resolute.
“In that case, are you also saying you don’t want to marry Zoey?” Meredith asked immediately.
“I certainly want to marry her!” Levi replied smilingly.
“Marry into our family if you want to marry her then. Otherwise, the marriage is out of the question!” Aaron firmly stated.
“Let me get this straight. Firstly, I’m going to marry Zoey. Secondly, I won’t change my last name nor marry into your family. Thirdly, my mother must attend our wedding.”
Levi spelled out his thoughts resolutely – he didn’t allow anyone to question him.
All the members of the Lopez and Black families froze for a moment.
How dare he talk to us in such a manner?
“Levi Garrison, do you think you have the right to speak here? Are you aware of who you are? Zoey is worth about a hundred billion. Do you think you really deserve her?” Zoey’s father yelled furiously.
They felt that the marriage was totally unfair. After all, Zoey was way out of Levi’s league in terms of social status and wealth.
In other words, the two were from two different worlds and not meant to be together.
The Lopez and Black family had felt that it was a huge loss to let Zoey marry Levi from the very beginning.
To them, their relationship was practically identical to the one in the movie Beauty and the Beast.
Unexpectedly, Levi put on a smile and asserted, “To tell you the truth, I do deserve her!”
At this moment, his imposing look was engraved on Zoey’s heart. It was as if the high-spirited Levi Garrison whom she met six years ago had finally returned.
Zoey knew that everything the man was about to say was right.
Nonetheless, she foresaw Levi explaining that they were a good match in terms of social status.
After all, as Tyrone Garrison’s son and the Jones family’s grandson, he certainly deserved her hand in marriage.
However, deep in her heart, she also hoped that Levi could be as successful as her, making them a perfect match.
She wished Levi to regain his success and be as powerful as he was six years ago.
“You deserve her? Hahaha…”
The next moment, everyone in the room burst out in laughter.
How could you possibly deserve her? Zoey is way more successful than you! You don’t even deserve to be a maid who takes care of her shoes!
“In which aspect do you deserve to be with her? Are you kidding us? Levi, do you have the slightest idea about your own status?”
Amused, Logan Zachs stared at Levi like an idiot.
Much to everyone’s surprise, the latter only chortled in response.
Levi was the one-and-only God of War, who commanded the army of Erudia like a monarch.
Putting that identity aside, as the boss of Morris Group, he still deserved to be with her.
Moreover, apart from Zoey’s own effort, she was only successful because Levi had helped her on many occasions.
It could be said that Zoey had only come this far because of the help Levi gave to her!
In that case, why don’t I deserve to be with her?
“Rest assured that I will reveal my true identity to Zoey during the wedding! On that day, all of you will keep your mouths shut once you are aware of my identity,” Levi retorted.
He began imagining their change of attitude once they knew who he really was as he spoke.
“Hahaha! Your true identity? Are you kidding me? Do you think we don’t know who you are?”
Everyone burst into mocking laughter.
“This brat wants to shock us to our core? Impossible!” Meredith shot Levi a look full of disdain.
After glancing at everyone in the room, Levi announced, “In that case, I will tell you a secret!”


“A secret?”

All of them were startled at first, but they soon glanced at him curiously.

Zoey looked at Levi curiously. Does he have a secret?
Levi said smilingly, “I actually wasn’t in jail for the past six years!”
Indeed, this was a startling revelation to everyone in the hall.
All of them looked at him in disbelief; they used to think Levi had been imprisoned for six years.
However, it turned out that they were very, very wrong.
Stunned and surprised, everyone wondered what had actually transpired.
Meanwhile, Zoey was more flabbergasted than the rest.
No wonder they didn’t allow me to visit him three months after he supposedly went into jail.
She hadn’t visited Levi in prison for several consecutive years because she had not been allowed to enter.
All her doubts were cleared. I couldn’t see Levi because he wasn’t even in prison!
“You… You weren’t in prison?” Aaron’s teeth ground as he spoke.
“I was acquitted not long after I was jailed. They soon found out that I had been framed by the Garrison family and their dirty tricks.” Levi smirked.
Meanwhile, Zoey, who was equally shocked by his revelation, asked sobbingly, “Where were you the past six years? Why didn’t you come back?”
Apart from Zoey, everyone in the room had the same doubt.
If Levi wasn’t in prison for the past six years, where was he?
The man shifted his gaze toward Zoey and replied lovingly, “I can’t tell you right now. I’m only planning to reveal it to you on our wedding day!”
He paused for a moment and added, “But I can promise you that I deserve to be with you. I can give you everything you desire! I will make you the happiest woman who is admired by everyone else in the world!”
A rush of excitement washed over Zoey when she heard that.
Perhaps Levi will surprise me.
She began to look forward to their wedding more than ever.
Upon hearing Levi speak so firmly, everyone stopped ridiculing him and began to take what he said seriously.
He gazed at everyone slowly and asserted blandly, “Once I reveal my identity, none of you will dare impose any rules on me! Wait and see during our wedding if you don’t believe me!”
After pondering over the situation for quite some time, Aaron glanced at him and replied, “Alright! I’ll wait until the wedding to find out who you really are. I’ll withdraw the rules I’ve set if you really do deserve Zoey. However, heavy punishment awaits you if you have lied to us.”
“I agree. We shall make life difficult for you in the future if you lied to us!”
The other family members began to threaten him mercilessly.
After leaving the Black family’s manor, Zoey asked in a low voice, “Did you really tell them the truth just now?”
“Of course, everything I said is true! I was never jailed!” Levi replied with a grin on his face.
“Alright, I will wait until you tell me everything!”
Deep in her heart, Zoey increasingly looked forward to their big day.
Lately, the woman was busier than ever because she had to work and handle the project worth one hundred billion. She also had to prepare for her wedding.
Apart from all that, she also had to take part in shooting for a TV drama.
Fortunately, Damon, the vice president of Oriental Star Group, assisted her in many ways to minimize her workload, including dealing with reporters and visitors who came.
If not for him, Zoey would be overwhelmed with all sorts of tasks.
“Mr. Trudon, I’m truly sorry for all the troubles lately!”
Damon didn’t mind helping her, so he flashed her a smile to put her at ease. Due to many trivial problems, he frequently went in and out of Zoey’s office and even looked for her after office hours.
Meanwhile, Jayden, Lyndsay, and the others were having a meeting in Golden Plaza.
“Zoey Lopez is about to get married soon. Hehe, I hope she and Levi Garrison will like the gift that we’ve specially prepared for her!”
Lyndsay added smilingly, “It will be how things end for anyone who goes against Pinnacle Group!”
A chilly glare flashed across Jayden’s eyes.
Ever since Levi took away the project, they had held a grudge against him. They refused to let him off the hook for what he’d done to them.


Time flew by, and Zoey and Levi had stayed in the hotel for many days.

After more than ten days, Zoey suddenly said to him, “My period hasn’t…”

“Oh? Really?” Levi asked excitedly.
“I’ll go to the hospital to do a pregnancy test later. Sylas will join me, so you don’t have to come with me,” she said.
Actually, Zoey had already secretly taken a pregnancy test at home; she knew she was pregnant.
Nevertheless, she would be relieved only after she went through the proper pregnancy test in the hospital.
“Okay, I’ll wait for your good news then!”
Levi actually wished to go along with her. However, after giving it a thought, he felt that it was better to wait for her news because he was too nervous.
Zoey and Sylas soon arrived at the hospital for a pregnancy test in the afternoon.
“Why do I feel like someone is following us?”
Sylas instinctively felt something unusual in the air, but the woman didn’t manage to notice anything out of place when she turned around.
There was no one behind them, save for a few patients who wore face masks passing by.
“Sylas, you’re being oversensitive.”
Zoey headed into the ward for her test.
After a long time of waiting, the test result was out in the evening.
“Congratulations, Ms. Lopez! You’re indeed pregnant!” the doctor told her the result smilingly.
Tears of joy escaped Zoey’s eyes upon hearing his confirmation. We’re going to have a baby after going through ups and downs together for almost ten years.
After obtaining the test result, she rushed back to the company with Sylas excitedly.
Just as she was about to share the good news with Levi and Iris, her secretary came up to her and said nervously, “Ms. Lopez, this doesn’t look good. We’re in big trouble!”
“What’s going on?” Zoey asked, totally perplexed.
The secretary pushed a notebook in front of her.
Zoey read the content and was flabbergasted.
A headline on the screen read: Bombshell: President of Oriental Star Group Zoey Lopes is Pregnant! Who is the baby’s Father?
“What’s going on? How on earth did the media get the news and reveal it right after we obtained the pregnancy result?” Sylas was at a loss for words,
Zoey’s heart sank.
She instantly knew that someone wanted to target her.
It’s a set-up! Someone must have orchestrated it!
Zoey had recently become a popular figure, attracting a lot of public attention.
Thus, it was no surprise when the news of her pregnancy immediately became a hot topic as soon as it was released.
A minute after this newspaper revealed the news, hundreds of newspapers began reporting on it as well.
In no time, Zoey’s pregnancy became the hottest news in every newspaper.
Almost everyone in North Hampton, South Hampton, and different regions in the South was aware of the news.
Zoey’s popularity continued to increase as time went by.
Ten minutes after the news was released to the public, many newspapers began digging for news into another related aspect – the identity of the unborn baby’s father.
Zoey and Levi had divorced for a long time; they weren’t related in any way anymore.
There had been no single scandal about Zoey throughout the six years when Levi was in jail.
Levi has never touched Levi.
Zoey had been seen going in and out of a hotel lately. The woman had even bought medicine for herself from a nearby pharmacy.
After listing down many reasons, the reporters deduced that the baby was definitely not Levi’s.
On the other hand, Zoey was pregnant after she and Levi divorced.
Therefore, they could only come up with two conclusions.
First, it was a fact that Zoey was pregnant before marrying anyone. After all, even her pregnancy test result had been revealed.
Second, Zoey could probably have a long-term secret relationship, and it existed when she was still Levi’s wife.
The two conclusions spread like wildfire as soon as the reporters wrote about them, and the netizens’ comments were blowing up.
As such, Zoey seemed to be doomed. Everything was spiraling out of her control.


The media were still trying to find out who the father was.

Soon, the secret would come to light.

Even the paparazzi and private detectives were also investigating this case in secret.
With that, Zoey’s pregnancy became the talk of the town.
Who is the father of her child?
Upon reading the news in the media, Zoey was thunderstruck. Her face instantly turned pale.
Sylas exploded. “Someone is trying to stir up trouble!”
We all know Zoey well!
Yes, she’s pregnant, and without a doubt, the child she carries is Levi’s!
What’s with all these rumors?
Zoey knew who the mastermind was, but it was too late for her to control the damage now.
Upon receiving the news, Iris rushed over.
“Bad news, Zoey. We’re surrounded by journalists and paparazzi! They must have come for you. The office is not a safe place for you anymore. You got to go!” Iris suggested.
“All right. I’ll find a place to hide.”
With Sylas’ help, Zoey managed to leave the building without being noticed by the journalists and paparazzi.
Initially, they thought of taking shelter in the company’s condominium, but by the time they arrived, members of the press were already waiting for them at the entrance.
“We can’t go to the villa either. I’m sure there will be people there as well!” Zoey analyzed.
“Let’s go to my place then!”
Sylas then brought Zoey to her condominium.
Just when Sylas was about to drive into her neighborhood, she noticed that a group of people emerged.
“They’re here! They’re here! Let’s get hold of them!” A group of paparazzi started snapping photos of Zoey and Sylas in the car.
After they had successfully entered the building, Damon called.
“I heard you’ve gone into hiding, but I need you to sign a few documents urgently. Where can I find you?”
Damon sounded anxious.
“All right. Come and find me at…”
Half an hour later, Ebone Beard, the most experienced paparazzi of the bunch, shouted, “Look! Here comes our target. Stay focused!”
These paparazzi were known for exposing the private lives of celebrities and wealthy people.
They all gathered here after receiving a tip-off.
At first, they did not believe it but were convinced that the information they received was real after seeing Zoey.
Soon, a black car arrived and parked right in front of the Sylas’ condominium.
A man in a suit then got out of the car. He was wearing a cap and even had a mask on.
Zoey was taken aback by Damon’s look when she saw him. “Why are you dressed like this?”
“Better to be safe than sorry. Please sign these documents as soon as possible!”
Damon then passed all the documents to Zoey.
Without hesitation, Zoey dropped her signatures on all the documents.
Little did she know, it was all a scheme, and she had unknowingly fallen into the trap.
After collecting all the documents from Zoey, Damon turned around with a smirk.
He then left the place in his car.
Ebone asked, “Have you all gotten the shots?”
“Yes, we got them. So this man is the father of Zoey’s child? Unbelievable!”
“Looking at the way he dressed, he must be her lover.”
Ebone said with a smile, “Sort everything out, do some research on that man, and send the pictures out to the media. We’re going to be rich soon!”


“We’ve got updates on the man! His name is Damon Trudon, the vice president of Oriental Star Group, and he’s Zoey’s right-hand man. He’s thirty-nine years old and a father to two kids!”

One of the men burst out laughing.

Ebone sneered, “Useless woman. She must have been having an affair with this man for quite some time now, and she’s even pregnant with his child!”
“Shame on her! How could she hook up with a married man who already has two kids?”
“Let’s expose her! Everyone should know what kind of woman she is!”
The paparazzi were very excited.
Ebone let out a cold snort. “Zoey Lopez is doomed!”
He had not been so ecstatic in years.
Not only could he make a quick buck out of this scandal, but he could also destroy someone who sat on top of the social pyramid.
What a great feeling!
An hour had passed when the media released the groundbreaking news simultaneously. They claimed that they had identified the father of Zoey’s child!
To everyone’s surprise, the man was Damon!
The news also provided extensive background details about him: Damon Trudon is Zoey Lopez’s vice president. They have been working closely for the past six months and have spent a lot of time together. Not only is Damon thirty-nine years old, but he is also a father to two children.
In other words, Zoey was a homewrecker!
The news reports also published quite a number of photos and videos as evidence.
First of all, the media released photos and videos that showed Damon and Zoey walking into a building during work.
Next, they showed proof that Damon and Zoey entered a hotel at about the same time. They even included a list of items both of them spent on when they were there.
The news reports then went on to explain how Zoey went into hiding and had a private meeting with Damon in a condominium. They also included a video of Damon walking into the building with a cap and a mask on.
Last but not least, the media released another video of Zoey undergoing a body checkup at a hospital this morning. The same man who had a cap and a mask on was also present in the clip.
All the evidence gave the impression that Zoey was carrying Damon’s child.
There was no way she could deny their relationship as he accompanied her to the hospital for her prenatal care visit.
Zoey was utterly dumbfounded.
It was apparent that Damon was involved in this scheme, and he definitely played a crucial role in it.
Getting Zoey to sign those documents was just an excuse for him to shoot the video.
No wonder Sylas felt as if someone had been following us, so she was right. Apparently, Damon was at the hospital too!
I should have been more alert.
The social media was soon awash with criticism, and netizens started calling Zoey a shameless b*tch and a homewrecker.
The news spread like wildfire on the internet, especially the videos.
There were even fake and edited videos circulating the social media. However, many netizens believed what they saw without verifying their veracity.
After all, people had the tendency to regard what they saw as reality.
Upon receiving the news, Iris immediately contacted Zoey. “This is bad! We can’t find Damon anymore. We’ve been tricked!”
At this point, how could Zoey defend herself when all the evidence the media presented was against her?
“You need to move to a new place soon since they know where you are now.”
Just when Zoey and Sylas were about to leave, they noticed that a group of people had surrounded the building.


There was no way they could escape from the building anymore.

“What do we do now?” Sylas asked.

“I’ll give Levi a call.”
She got through to Levi on the phone. “Darling, something terrible happened!”
Levi did not know what was going on as he was still at home. “What is it?”
When Levi checked his phone, he was stunned by what he read.
Did all this happen in just one morning?
“Where are you? I’ll go and get you now!”
Levi sped to Sylas’ condominium and noticed that a large group of paparazzi and journalists were swarming into the building.
Hence, he immediately called Azure Dragon, who then came and expelled the crowd.
Levi finally managed to enter the building and find Zoey. He then brought her to the Warzone compound.
To him, that was the safest place for Zoey.
Yet, the fact that Zoey went into hiding caused the rumors about her to blow out of proportion.
At the Black family’s manor, Meredith got so mad that she nearly fainted.
“What? Levi is not the father of Zoey’s baby? The baby belongs to another married man?”
It had not been easy for Meredith to accept that Zoey was carrying Levi’s child.
Needless to say, this rumor further fueled her anger toward Zoey.
How do you expect me to sit quietly and watch this happen?
“Mom! How could you not trust Zoey?”
Aaron and Caitlyn immediately defended their daughter.
“I want to trust her too, but there’s all this evidence against her! How do you expect me to trust her based on my gut feeling?” Meredith roared.
“That’s right. Some of the evidence might be fake, but most of them are real! Even the guy involved has fled!” Robert said.
“Why is this happening to our family? I don’t even have the courage to face the public anymore!”
“She’s a disgrace to the Lopez and Black families!”
“I’ll not hesitate to give her a slap if she dares to step into this house!”

“I don’t care what you say, but I have faith in my daughter. She must have been framed!”
Meanwhile, a group of journalists gathered in front of the office building that Morris Group and Oriental Star Group co-owned.
Noelle Sinsler, another vice president of Oriental Star Group, addressed the matter before the media, “On behalf of Oriental Star Group, I apologize for the problems caused, and we’ll take full responsibility for the scandal!”
“Zoey Lopez’s personal life has always been a mess. Though she’s divorced, she doesn’t actually have a clean breakup with her ex-husband. Besides this, she has been hitting on our young male talents from the entertainment department. But there was nothing we could do at that time because she’s our president. We sincerely hope that the public could accept our apology!”
Having said that, Noelle bowed to the camera.
The act of Noelle making a public apology on behalf of Oriental Star Group was equivalent to admitting that Zoey was indeed a homewrecker.
In no time, the media released another news article with the headline: Oriental Star Group comes clean about the Zoey-Damon affair and the truth behind her pregnancy.
Once again, the scandal became one of the trending topics on social media.
All the employees looked at Noelle in shock. Hasn’t she always been a low-profile person? Why did she bash Zoey all of a sudden?
They were taken aback by the sudden change in her behavior.
“What’s wrong with you? Why are you doing this to Zoey?”
Iris immediately stepped in and interrupted her.
Noelle responded with a cold snort, “I’m absolutely embarrassed by what my boss has done. She should be ashamed of herself! Besides, the evidence is conclusive. What else have you got to say?”
Noelle then turned around and looked at the rest. “Zoey Lopez doesn’t deserve to lead the company anymore. She should step down and leave the company!”
“How dare you!” Iris’ eyes glowed with a towering rage.


At this point, Noelle finally revealed her ambition.

Oriental Star Group had recently secured a project that would rake in one hundred billion, so the company had a bright future ahead.

Once Zoey is out of the way, I shall become the next president, and everyone will have to listen to me!
In the meantime, there was a commotion in front of the office building.
It was Damon’s family.
His wife, parents, brothers, and relatives were all gathered outside.
At least a hundred people arrived in several cars, and they wanted to barge into the building to settle scores with Zoey.
Some of them came with wooden clubs, and some even had knives in their hands.
If it were not for Seth and his men, these rowdies would have intruded the building.
“Where is that b*tch? Ask her to come out now!”
“Come out, you slut! You’re doomed!”
“Just you wait! I’ll kill you!”

Damon’s family went on threatening and cursing Zoey at the entrance of the building.
Of course, the media went into a frenzy and started taking photos and videos of the chaos as much as they could.
Some even started live-streaming on the spot.
Once again, the pictures and videos of the hullabaloo made it to the trending topics on social media.
With that, the scandal continued to take the internet by storm.
Even Damon’s wife came out and accused Zoey of destroying her family.
That homewrecker seduced my husband! It’s all her fault!
“Let us in! We need to teach that b*tch a lesson!”
“We want to kill that shameless woman!”
“She’s the most promiscuous woman of the century!”
Damon’s parents and in-laws were among the first to force their way through.
At this point, Seth and his men could no longer stop them from entering the building.
Out of nowhere, Noelle went up and said, “Please accept our apology. I totally understand how you feel, but Zoey has gone into hiding. We don’t even know where she is now!”
“Gone into hiding? I’ll hunt her down if it’s the last thing I do!”
It was as if Damon’s family members were possessed by demons.
Iris exclaimed, “Who are you to apologize to them? You don’t even know a single thing!”
Noelle took the opportunity and pointed at Iris. “This woman is Zoey’s best friend. She should know where that b*tch is!”
The crowd instantly charged toward Iris.
“Tell us where she is right now!”
Morris Group’s office building descended into another round of havoc.
It was so chaotic that the entire company could not operate as usual anymore.
“We’ll not leave unless you tell us where Zoey is! Don’t you dare to run away from us too!”
Damon’s family stopped everyone from leaving.
Meanwhile, at Golden Plaza.
Lyndsay let out a satisfied laugh after reading the news on the internet. “This is the price you need to pay for securing the one hundred billion project.”
Jayden nodded in agreement. “This is the end for Zoey Lopez!”
He then asked, “So how’s Damon?”
“I’ve hidden him at a place they would never find out.” Lyndsay laughed.
“Great! Not only did we destroy Zoey, but we also managed to deliver a blow to Morris Group’s business. This will bring us a step closer to the acquisition of their company!”
Meanwhile, the turn of events had caused the color to drain from Levi’s face.
Levi, who was going through the online news with Azure Dragon and his men, said in a cold voice, “What else can we do now?”
“Let’s go and find Damon! I heard he’s in hiding now,” Kirin said.
All of a sudden, Azure Dragon exclaimed, “Look! It’s Damon!”
A video of Damon popped up on social media, and in the video, he admitted to having an extramarital affair with Zoey.


The video clip emerged as a surprise on all the online news portals.

The person who spoke in the video was none other than Damon.

The video was divided into two parts.
Damon first admitted that he was in a relationship with Zoey and that he was the father of her baby. According to him, she even forced him to leave his wife and threatened him with their unborn baby.
He even went into great detail about what happened in the office when they were working together.
In the second half of the video, Damon apologized to his family and owned up to all his wrongdoings in between sobs.
Toward the end, he swore that he would leave Zoey.
All in all, he presented himself as the victim of this scandal, as if Zoey were the one who forced him into submission.
The video cut through Zoey’s heart like a sharp blade, pushing her deeper into the abyss.
Netizens started lambasting Zoey even more intensely after the release of the video.
They were all convinced that Damon had been the victim of Zoey’s abuse all along.
After watching the video, Levi smashed the tablet.
“Azure Dragon!”
Azure Dragon and his men stepped forward.
“Find Damon Trudon first, then seize all the paparazzi and bring them to me! I want all the keyboard warriors and the people in charge of the newspaper publishers and online news portals here as well! And find the mastermind behind this scheme! I will personally deal with the culprit!”

“You have one day to bring these people to me! They must all appear in front of me before sunrise!”
Levi was truly infuriated.
How dare they bully Zoey? These people are testing my patience.
He knew who was behind all this, and he would not let them off easily anymore!
The masterminds must have kept their identities a secret and tried to target me. After all, Pinnacle Group knows about my identity.
They carried their plan so discreetly that even Morris Group was unable to find out who the culprit was.
However, unbeknownst to them, Levi Garrison also had a secret identity—he was the God of War!
To him, dealing with these people would be a piece of cake!
“All right!” Azure Dragon and his men responded unanimously.
Justice would be served that night, and Zoey would be free from all these accusations!
Everyone waited for Phoenix, who was the world’s best elite hacker, to carry out the investigations.
In just a short while, she managed to locate those people and their information.
“Damon Trudon has recently received one billion in his bank account. He has also frequented the hotel that you and Ms. Lopez were staying in to mislead the public into believing he was there to meet her. The person who provided all the photos and videos of Damon and Ms. Lopez working together was Noelle Sinsler, another vice president of Oriental Star Group. She has also received five hundred million in her account.”
“The people who shot the pictures and videos of the private meetings between Damon and Ms. Lopez were a group of paparazzi led by Ebone Beard. As for the keyboard warriors, they were hired by Times Group to tarnish Ms. Lopez’s reputation, and the company’s person-in-charge is Floyd Henderson. A total of fifty-eight media companies and forums was involved in disseminating the news!”
“Apart from that, all the newspaper publishers in both North Hampton and South Hampton also intentionally played up this scandal in their news reports! Last but not least, the ultimate mastermind is Pinnacle Group, and the key figures who orchestrated all this are Jayden and Lyndsay.”
“Great. Capture all these people and bring them to me before sunrise!”
A murderous glint flashed across Levi’s bloodshot eyes as if he were ready to go on a killing spree.


The Southern Daily New was the largest newspaper publisher in the South.

At that moment, the whole publishing house was working overtime, and the atmosphere was hectic.

The exposé of Zoey generated so much buzz that they could barely cope.
The revenue from just these two days alone was more than enough to cover them for months.
As the first reporter who broke the news about the scandal, Ryan Danaher was currently surrounded by a lot of people.
Previously, he was only a low-ranking staff member at the Southern Daily News.
Ever since he exposed Zoey’s scandal, his status rapidly rose in the company.
All the senior managers at the newspaper had personally met with him.
Even rival media companies were trying to poach him over.
Moreover, his female colleagues were all giving him subtle hints.
Those ladies used to be beauties who wouldn’t bat an eyelid at him, but now, they were all throwing themselves at him.
It made Ryan feel ecstatic.
If not for the mysterious man who delivered the information to me, I wouldn’t even dare to dream of such a day.
“Ryan, since we’re going to finish work late, why don’t you stay outside for tonight?” his female supervisor asked suggestively as she passed him a keycard to a room.
When he saw her seductive expression, the lust within him was set ablaze.
She has treated me harshly all this while. But today, even she has to submit and offer herself to me.
The thought of an impending night of passion caused Ryan to have his head in the clouds.
At that very moment, someone kicked open the office door.
The man who stormed in was White Tiger.
“Which of you is Ryan Danaher?” White Tiger demanded.
“That’s the twenty-fourth person who has come looking for Ryan. He’s so famous now that everyone wants a piece of him.”
All his colleagues look at him enviously.
“Ryan, someone from another major company is here to see you,” someone shouted.
Ryan stood up and declared haughtily, “I am Ryan. State your business quickly. Otherwise, just come back tomorrow as I’m going off for the day.”
White Tiger didn’t reply as he closed the distance between them.
Suddenly, White Tiger grabbed Ryan’s collar and slammed him onto the office table, causing the table to split in half.
Ryan screamed in pain as his back broke from the impact.
Everyone present was shocked by what had just occurred.
White Tiger then dragged the bloodied Ryan out of the office, just like a lifeless dog.
From another corner, Azure Dragon also dragged the person in charge of the publisher out.
Meanwhile, Ebone’s paparazzi team was hiding in a dilapidated basement.
“Ebone, we have received our money, so why are we hiding in here? We should be out drinking to celebrate!”
A few of his subordinates were starting to become restless.
“That’s right. We will be fine.”
Ebone warned them with a grim expression, “No, just to be safe, we have to stay in hiding. After all, our enemy is someone powerful.”
“Fine. We will continue to hide then since no one is going to find this place.”
Ebone couldn’t help but smile.
They made a lot of enemies due to their line of work.
If they didn’t hide properly, it would be easy for them to lose their lives.
The basement they were in was very secluded. He had used it for hiding during the last thirteen years, and no one had ever found it.
One of his subordinates protested, “Ebone, I have a feeling that something is amiss. Why don’t we hide somewhere else?”
He felt a strong sense of dread.
“Bullsh*t, no one has found this place in thirteen years. It will be no different today.”
Ebone gave him a hard slap.
Suddenly, the door to the basement was blasted to smithereens.


The next instant, a huge man with bulging muscles came in.

He was so tall that he had to lower his head to enter.

“W-Who are you?”
Ebone panicked as he was overwhelmed by an impending sense of danger.
Without uttering a word, Black Tortoise sent Ebone flying with a forceful kick.
Ebone spewed blood upon impact as he felt his spine break.

In the end, Black Tortoise dragged Ebone and his men out and left.
All over the South, similar scenes were playing out where reporters and paparazzi were being taken away.
At Times Group in South Hampton.
Floyd put both his legs on his office desk, humming a song.
The scandal involving Zoey, which the Times Group orchestrated, netted them a profit of seven hundred million.
Furthermore, it continued to increase as time went by.
“Hahaha, in just half a day, we have made half a year’s worth of profit!” Floyd laughed heartily.
As a public relations company that thrived on scandals, all Floyd’s profits were made from exploiting the suffering of others.
Throughout his career, he had destroyed many celebrities and prominent families with his company’s underhanded methods.
“Zoey, although you are innocent, it’s a pity that you have gotten in the way of someone else,” Floyd mumbled to himself with a smile while holding Zoey’s picture.
Ding dong!
At that moment, he received an email which he opened out of curiosity.
The contents were simple. It ordered him to publish the truth about Zoey’s scandal and make a public apology to her. Otherwise, he would have to bear the consequences.
When he saw the email, Floyd was amused.
“Publish the truth? No way! Am I supposed to give up the seven to eight hundred million that I have just earned? How dare you threaten me? Hmph! It looks like I have to redouble my efforts and utterly destroy Zoey,” Floyd sneered.
In fact, he wasn’t the only one who received the email. More than fifty other media companies received it too.
However, most of their management teams shared Floyd’s attitude toward the matter.
They weren’t afraid of threats. In fact, they were outraged by it and intensified their efforts in slandering Zoey.
Very soon, all of them received another email.
It demanded them to disclose the truth and make a public apology in an hour. Or else, trouble would come knocking.
“Hahaha…” Floyd burst into laughter.
“What? Zoey can’t solve her problem? Is that why she’s resorting to threats?”
Floyd immediately published the two emails, claiming that Zoey was threatening him.
He also intensified the attacks against Zoey and stepped up the insults, further inflaming the scandal.
And just like that, he earned another hundred million.
After all, his company relied a lot on the publicity generated by scandals. The more controversial it was, the higher the profits.
Therefore, the two emails became a tool in hyping the controversy.
The other media companies followed suit by disclosing the emails.
They were all as delighted as Floyd was.
“Come and threaten me again. The more threats you make, the more I profit from them.” Floyd laughed heartily.
Everyone else in the office were also laughing.
In fact, they were hoping to receive another email, eagerly waiting to work overtime.
Very quickly, the one hour deadline passed.
Floyd stood up with a smirk. “Didn’t you give me a deadline of one hour? Now that it has passed, what are the consequences? Didn’t you promise I would have to bear them?”
“Mr. Henderson, they’re all bark without any bite. What sort of consequences could there be?”
Everyone laughed haughtily again.
Floyd walked to the French window of his office and looked out at the cityscape from the fiftieth floor.
“Where are the consequences?” he screamed aloud.
Suddenly, the window broke into pieces.


As Floyd stared at the broken window, he was too shocked to even react when the flying glass shards from the impact cut his face.

More than ten men swung into his office located on the fiftieth floor.

It was Kirin leading a squad of Beasts.
Floyd could barely imagine how they even entered.
We are located fifty stories high!
“You… Who are you…”
Floyd’s lips trembled while his face turned ashen.
“Do you think we sent you the emails for nothing? Why do you insist on not publishing the truth and apologizing?” Kirin sneered.
“I… I…”
When Floyd saw what had just unfolded before him, he knew his enemy was not someone to mess with.
“Didn’t we say that you have to bear the consequences?” Kirin sneered.
“What are you trying to do? You want our company to publish the truth and apologize when Zoey did all those despicable things? Why should we?”
The others were visibly upset.
“What’s going on? Are you playing dumb? You expect me to believe that you’re not aware of the truth regarding Ms. Lopez?” Kirin asked with a grim expression.
The few of them were visibly panicking as they clearly knew what the truth was.
“Of course, it’s Zoey seducing a married man and becoming his mistress,” the few of them sneered.
Kirin didn’t reply as he sent Floyd flying with a thunderous kick.
Floyd landed a few meters away and crashed into an office desk, breaking it. Covered in blood, he howled in pain just like a pig being slaughtered.
“What about now? Are you going to confess?” Kirin asked again.
Thump! Thump!
Everyone else dropped to their knees in front of Kirin and pleaded, “We admit our mistake! Someone wanted to malign Ms. Lopez, and we were just following orders…”
“Take them away!” Kirin’s eyes flashed with a cold glint.
Following that, the same thing happened to the other media companies.
They were all filled with arrogance before the Beasts and Amethyst Guards stormed their office. Anyone who was involved was taken away.
That night, Lyndsay and Jayden didn’t sleep as they were busy fanning the flames of Zoey’s scandal.
They wanted to destroy Zoey’s reputation completely by morning.
“Hmm? What’s going on? Why is everyone stopping?”
Lyndsay was surprised when she noticed that all the media companies were no longer publicizing the scandal.
With her suspicions raised, she quickly called her contacts but couldn’t reach any of them.
“Did something happen to them?”
Lyndsay’s heart began to race.
“Does Levi have the capability to capture them? That should be impossible as there’s no way he can find out who did it,” she remarked.
It was four o’clock.
There was a large group of men kneeling in front of Levi. All of them were involved in publicizing the scandal.
Their faces were all bruised and swollen.
Levi sneered, “Who can tell me the truth?”
All of them remained silent.
“Very well, we have a bunch of stubborn fools here.”
Levi laughed before a cruel smile appeared on his face.
He raised his leg and sent Ebone flying with a devastating kick.
Ebone fell onto the ground with blood gushing out of his mouth while his body twitched violently.
“I’ll confess!”
“Me too!”

Everyone was shocked by what they saw and volunteered to spill the beans.
“Now that everyone is gathered, where is Damon?” Levi asked.
“He is in hiding, and we’re still searching for him.”
Azure Dragon and the others lowered their heads in regret.
“Go! Find him as soon as possible!” Levi roared.


“I remember! There’s one more place that we haven’t searched,” Azure Dragon suddenly exclaimed.

They had searched every corner of the city except for one—the Morris Group.

Azure Dragon hurried there immediately and found Damon as expected.
After returning to the Morris Group, he hid in the warehouse.
To him, the most dangerous place had become the safest one.
Soon, Damon was brought before Levi along with Noelle.
“Levi, what are you planning to do? Let me tell you, it was Zoey who seduced me, so I had nothing to do with it!” Damon bluffed.
Levi was outraged when he heard those words.
He couldn’t believe that Damon had the guts to slander Zoey despite being in his presence.
“Can you drop the act?” Levi sneered as he suppressed his fury.
“Act? What act? It was Zoey who forced me to do it. She wants me to get a divorce, but I refused. After that, she threatened me with her pregnancy. Sigh… I’m a married man, so how could I agree to her request?”
Damon continued to lie through his teeth without even blinking.
Noelle added, “Levi, what’s the meaning of this? Why have you captured me? Let me go this instant, or else you will regret it! Also, why is Mr. Trudon here too? Zoey is the one at fault, so it has nothing to do with anyone else.”
Levi glared at her. “I will come to you later. Let me finish with him first.”
“Do you still refuse to confess?” Levi stared at Damon and asked.
“What are you talking about? I don’t know what you mean. I know that you’re feeling indignant about Zoey, but what I said is true. What else can I do?”
Levi raised a finger at him. “I’m giving you one more chance.”
“Even if you give me ten more chances, the result will still be the same. I have told you the truth!” Damon insisted.
Suddenly, Levi threw a punch at Damon’s face.
At that very instant, blood splattered everywhere, and all of Damon’s teeth flew out of his mouth.
Before he could even let out a scream, Damon fainted right away.
“Wake him up!”
Damon was awoken by a sudden splash of water.
He looked at Levi in horror. “Levi, no matter how you torture me, I will never obey you!”
Noelle yelled angrily, “That’s right. Levi, don’t think you can cow us with violence. I’m warning you, it’s impossible!”
Levi looked at both of them and asked, “Do you insist on keeping your lips sealed?”
“What is there to confess? How can we say something that didn’t happen? Your wife is a despicable person who seduced a married man. She is a slut, and the fact that I work for her disgusts me. An unscrupulous woman like her deserves to die!” Noelle ranted.
Damon added, “That’s right. Your wife was the one who seduced me. What does it have to do with me? Let me be honest with you. I even took photos and videos of her. Hahaha…”
Levi let out a vicious smile, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent. “I have already given you your last chance. You should take a look outside.”
After hearing Levi’s words, Damon and Noelle walked to the door and opened it.
When they saw what was outside, both of them gasped in shock while their faces turned pale.


In front of them, there were a few hundred people kneeling. All of them were covered in blood.

The sight of them shook Damon and Noelle to their core.

What’s going on?
“Come, let me introduce you. This is Ebone… This is Floyd…”
When they heard Levi introducing the men one by one, Damon and Noelle were astounded.
Damn it! Everyone involved in publicizing the scandal is here!
Have they all been captured too?
Who in the world is Levi to be able to do such a thing?
“All of them have confessed!” Levi declared. “How about both of you?”
Levi’s aura was so intimidating that Noelle and Damon felt suffocated.
They exchanged glances and said, “W-We will come clean…”
They were now finally aware of how terrible the consequences would be if they didn’t cooperate with Levi.
It would be foolish of them to bring suffering on themselves.
“That’s right. We will tell you everything. Actually, we were also forced to slander Zoey.”
Levi nodded. “Good… Continue.”
“They paid me money and threatened me with my family so that I would help them frame Ms. Lopez. Previously, they gave me access to the hotel and got me to print the bill and receipt for Ms. Lopez to sign. It was done to give the impression that Ms. Lopez and I entered the hotel together…”
Damon and Noelle explained everything, including all the nitty-gritty details.
“Mr. Garrison, please let us go. We have told you everything!” Damon and Noelle were choked up as they pleaded.
Levi asked with a smile, “Did you record it?”
Phoenix nodded. “Mm, we have it.”
Levi looked at Damon and Noelle with a devious smile. “I already gave you your last chance, but you were the ones who didn’t appreciate it.”
“What? What do you mean?” Damon’s expression changed drastically while Noelle’s face lost all color.
“No, but we told you everything…” Noelle explained.
“And I have also given you a chance.” Levi smiled.
Then he left the room with Phoenix, leaving Damon and Noelle inside.
At that moment, a pack of ferocious-looking dogs charged into the room.
When they saw Noelle and Damon, their eyes glowed with excitement.
Phoenix shut the door tightly.
Bark! Bark! Bark!
The next moment, screams of anguish could be heard.
It continued for half an hour before silence took over.
Although both of them were still alive, their bodies were covered with wounds.
In fact, there were even parts of their bodies where raw flesh was bitten off.
Both of them were writhing in immense pain before passing out.
And that was their punishment.
At eight in the morning, Lyndsay was still unable to contact anyone from the major media companies.
Both she and Jayden began to panic.
“Did he really manage to find them?”
“That’s impossible. I hid all of them well. There’s no way the Morris Group is capable of locating them with their current capabilities,” Jayden replied.
“I’ve just received news that Damon has disappeared. Wasn’t he hiding securely at the Morris Group?” Lyndsay wondered.
“Look, all the media companies are announcing something,” their assistant suddenly exclaimed.
All of them suddenly saw a headline flash across their phone screens.
The truth of Zoey Lopez’s controversy—she’s innocent!
The article described everything that had actually happened.
All the major media houses published the truth and made a public apology to Zoey.
The culprits, Damon and Noelle, also admitted to their attempt at slandering Zoey.


Finally, the truth was revealed, and Zoey’s name was cleared.

As justice had been served, Zoey heaved a sigh of relief.

Both the Lopez and Black families were relieved as well.
The major media companies’ apologies managed to restore Zoey’s reputation.
She was indeed pregnant, but the father of the child was Levi, not Damon.
Furthermore, she would be remarrying Levi soon.
Hence, the media companies also announced the date of their wedding.
Just like that, the news of them getting married spread far and wide.
From Zoey’s perspective, it was a good thing.
Firstly, it helped in increasing the company’s influence.
Moreover, no one else could interfere with their wedding now.
Needless to say, there were winners and losers from the outcome.
While the winners rejoiced, the losers were devastated, especially Zoey’s enemies.
They didn’t expect that she was capable of making such a spectacular comeback when she had already fallen into a bottomless abyss.
How did it even happen?
The ones who were most dispirited were Jayden and Lyndsay.
“Is Levi that powerful? I can’t believe he managed to find Damon and the others. How was he able to do it? Didn’t we shut down all avenues of communication?” Jayden wondered out loud.
“We have totally underestimated him. He has proven himself to be quite capable.”
“What do we do next? Levi would definitely have guessed that we were behind it. In fact, he must already be looking for us to exact his revenge.”
Lyndsay panicked all of a sudden as she felt that there was more to Levi than met the eye.
He wasn’t just the boss of Morris Group. In fact, he must be a lot more capable than what his title suggested.
She knew that he was a vengeful person, so there was no way he was going to let her and the others go.
Jayden remained defiant. “So what? We have destroyed all the trails that connect us with Damon. Hence, Levi will not be able to find any evidence. Furthermore, we are the Pinnacle Group, so what can he do? No matter how powerful he is, is it enough to challenge the Garrison family?”
Lyndsay finally heaved a sigh of relief. “That makes sense. In the eyes of the Garrison family, he is just an insect regardless of how strong he is.”
Jayden remained calm. “That’s why you should loosen up because he won’t be coming. A bastard like him is no match for the Garrison family.”
Meanwhile, Levi and Kirin arrived at the entrance of Golden Plaza.
“Stop! Do you have an appointment? You’re not allowed to barge in like that.”
The security guard at the entrance stopped them.
Levi Garrison smiled. “I’m here to kill someone, so there’s no need for an appointment.”
The bodyguards’ eyes widened as they stared at Levi in disbelief.
How dare he come to Pinnacle Group to kill? Such impudence!
“Stop where you are! Are you looking for trouble?” the security guard yelled angrily.
“Get them!”
At Levi’s cue, Kirin leaped into action.
Charging into Golden Plaza, he slammed and pounded everyone in his way.
Behind him, Levi strolled casually past all the fallen men who were howling in pain.
“The president’s office is on the thirty-seventh floor? Attack!” Levi commanded nonchalantly.
Floor by floor, Levi and Kirin steamrolled their way up.
More than a hundred security guards from the plaza arrived to stop them but to no avail.
They ended up being strewn all over the floor, crying in anguish.
Meanwhile, in the president’s office, Jayden and Lyndsay were discussing their counterattack.
“If Levi knows what is good for him, he won’t come here looking for trouble,” Lyndsay sneered.
The very next moment, the office door was kicked down so hard that it broke into pieces.
The thunderous sound from the impact startled everyone.
Following that, two men entered, and one of them was Levi.


It took a whole ten seconds for Jayden and Lyndsay to realize what was going on.

“You… How did you get here? L-Levi Garrison…” Lyndsay gulped anxiously.

“Where’s the security? Why is such scum allowed in here? Are all of you just for show?” Jayden called out to the security guards.
But there was no one left to heed his call.
“Oh, about the security guards, they’re all lying on the floor outside. Is there something you need?” Levi asked.
The devious smile on Levi’s face sent a chill down Jayden’s spine.
Levi approached them and sat down in Jayden’s chair.
“Get up! That’s my chair. How dare you sit in my place?” Jayden rebuked.
However, in the face of Levi’s terrifying gaze, Jayden quickly shut his mouth.
“Do you know why I’m here to see you?” Levi asked.
Jayden and Lyndsay both shook their heads but were unable to hide the guilt on their faces.
“Do you really not know?” Levi asked again.
“We don’t!” Everyone shook their heads.
At that moment, Levi suddenly slammed Jayden’s head onto the office desk.
He then grabbed the computer and walloped Jayden’s head with it.
Blood splattered all over as glass from the computer screen splintered out.
The gruesome scene shocked everyone there.
Lyndsay and the rest shuddered in horror when they heard Jayden scream in anguish.
“Do you still not know?” Levi asked again.
“No… I know, I know…”
Before anyone else said a thing, Jayden yelled in capitulation.
“But Mr. Garrison, this has nothing to do with us,” Jayden began to deny.
“Nothing to do with you? Tell me, Lyndsay, are you guys involved?” Levi demanded.
“No, I know that you suspect us, but we really didn’t do it. We are Pinnacle Group which is supported by the Garrison family. Do you think we would stoop so low as to do such a thing?” Lyndsay explained.
“That’s right. Given how noble our status is, committing such a despicable act is beyond us,” the others added.
“Are you really not involved?” Levi asked.
“N-No!” Everyone shook their heads.
Out of the blue, Levi grabbed a pen and stabbed it into Jayden’s palm.
“Argh!” Jayden let out an agonizing cry, causing everyone to turn pale and break out in cold sweat.
“Are you involved?” Levi continued to interrogate.
Despite being overwhelmed with fear, Lyndsay was persistent in her denial. “No… we’re not.”
“Kirin, bring me the blade!” Levi extended his hand.
Kirin unsheathed a customized military blade and handed it to Levi, who then fiddled with it.
He asked Kirin, “Do you remember how many slashes I made on the enemy spy before he spilled the beans?”
Kirin pondered for a moment. “I think it was three hundred and twenty-eight. He’s the most stubborn man I have ever encountered. Only after being covered with so many cuts did he confess everything.”
Levi looked at Kirin and smiled. “Kirin, you may not believe what I’m going to say. My carving technique is so good that I can give a man a thousand cuts without killing him. Every cut of mine is able to avoid the vital points. However, the spy disappointed me as I was confident of reaching a thousand cuts then.”
“Boss, I really have to see it with my own eyes to believe it.” Kirin was filled with disbelief.
Levi turned to Lyndsay and the rest with a smile. “I’ll prove it to you by demonstrating it on them with my blade. I guarantee that I can make a thousand cuts, and they will still survive.”
Hearing that, Kirin replied in glee, “That’s a great idea. I just can’t wait!”


When they heard the terrifying conversation between Levi and Kirin, Lyndsay and the others trembled in fear as their faces lost all color.

“Who’s going to be the first one? You? Let’s start with you then.”

Levi scanned the room, and his gaze finally fell upon Jayden.
Right at that moment, Jayden peed his pants in fear.
“Please, I beg you! Let me go, and I’ll tell you everything. We were the ones responsible for everything. I was the one who maligned Ms. Lopez.”
Kneeling on the floor, Jayden owned up to everything he did.
Realizing the game was over, Lyndsay and the others followed suit by dropping to their knees and admitting their mistakes.
“We were the ones who did it. We wronged Ms. Lopez!”
Levi scoffed, “Oh? That’s not right. How can someone as noble as you commit such a despicable act?”
All of them hung their heads in shame.
“Can’t all of you have a little more backbone? Just the mention of a thousand cuts made all of you waver. Moreover, I haven’t even done anything yet,” Levi remarked in disappointment.
In his mind, he expected them to endure probably ten to a hundred slashes.
In the end, they were all just cowards without any guts.
“In that case, what do you suggest we do about this? Your defamation has caused my wife immense mental distress, so I can’t let it go just like that,” Levi asked.
Lyndsay and the others exchanged glances before offering, “We will make a public apology and then compensate Ms. Lopez.”
“What will you compensate her with?” Levi inquired.
“Money, of course! Give us a number. A billion or even a couple of billion will not be a problem,” Lyndsay declared.
Money wasn’t a problem for the wealthy Pinnacle Group.
“No, I don’t want money as I’m not short of it,” Levi replied.
“In that case, what do you want?” Lyndsay realized something was amiss.
“I want you to pay with your lives!” Levi’s eyes flashed with murderous intent.
When they heard his words, everyone’s legs gave out in shock.
Lyndsay had a strong sense of foreboding that Levi was really going to kill them.
She stared directly at Levi. “You dare kill us?”
“Why not?”
“We are the senior management of the Pinnacle Group, and I’m sure you’re aware of who owns the group. He is the heir of the Garrison clan, Tyrone Garrison. We are under his direct supervision. Furthermore, Mr. Damien Garrison is also backing us up. So how dare you lay a finger on us?” Lyndsay sneered.
Just as she spoke, everyone else suddenly realized that they were unnecessarily cowed by Levi. In truth, there was no need for them to feel afraid at all.
After all, they were members of the Pinnacle Group, which was supported by the Garrison clan of Oakland City.
Hence, they couldn’t imagine who in the world would dare to harm them.
Upon realizing the fact, they gradually stood up and stopped kneeling before Levi.
Even Jayden heaved a sigh of relief. He glared at Levi and offered, “We will apologize to Zoey and compensate her financially. You can take it or leave it. Levi, you better think twice before you do anything to us. You will be challenging Mr. Damien and the whole Garrison clan.”
Lyndsay sneered, “I admit that you have exceeded my expectations. But, compared to the Garrison clan, you are nothing but an insect.”
“Is that’s why you have decided to resolve this in such an insincere manner?” Levi asked.
“Otherwise, do you really want to go against the Garrison clan? Listen to me. You should let the matter rest. Despite how unfair you think it is, you have to bear with it.” Jayden patted Levi on the shoulder.
At that moment, Levi twisted Jayden’s hand around and snapped his wrist.


From Jayden’s perspective, there was no way Levi would dare challenge the Garrison clan.

He thought Levi had no choice but to turn a blind eye to what they did.

For any injustice that he suffered, Levi could only accept it in silence.
However, Jayden didn’t expect Levi to attack him.
Levi sent him flying with a devastating kick.
Jayden’s body slammed against the concrete wall before dropping to the ground. Blood splattered all over the wall from the impact.
After twitching for a brief moment, he lost consciousness.
“Levi, how dare you beat up Mr. Garrison’s subordinate?” Lyndsay bellowed.
“Are you crazy? By doing this to Mr. Yolander, you have insulted the Garrison clan. Do you have a death wish?” the others yelled at Levi.
They attempted to bring the powerful Garrison clan into the matter so that they could intimidate Levi.
“Humiliating the Garrison clan is precisely what I’m looking to do.”
Without saying another word, Levi slapped Lyndsay back and forth, causing everyone to fall silent.
“Levi, aren’t you afraid that the Garrison clan would exact revenge? Know your place. In the eyes of the Garrison family, you’re just a bastard,” Lyndsay yelled.
All she got for a reply was another slap.
The slap was so forceful that a wound opened up, exposing her flesh. Consequently, her face began to look mutilated.
At that moment, Zoey called and asked Levi where he was.
After he ended the call, he sneered, “Count yourselves lucky that I let you live. However, all of you must give something up in exchange.”
“What?” Lyndsay and the others panicked.
“At least leave behind a hand or some fingers, or else death is what awaits you.”
“Do it yourselves.” Levi threw his knife to them.
After a momentary hesitation, Lyndsay picked up the blade and swung it hard at her own hand…
She let out an agonizing scream, just like a pig who was being slaughtered.
Everyone else had no choice but to follow suit by mutilating themselves with the knife.
Excruciating screams reverberated through the room while the air was filled with the stench of blood.
“Levi, you will regret this! From today onwards, the Garrison clan will not rest until they have destroyed you. You are a dead man walking!” Lyndsay yelled.
“Hmm, but you won’t live long enough to see it. Make a public apology now!” Levi bellowed.
Finally, under Levi’s coercion, Lyndsay and the others apologized and revealed the truth on the internet.
After that, Jayden and Lyndsay were ostracized by the whole media industry to the extent that their reputations were utterly destroyed.
Going forward, they had to be careful wherever they went. In the event they were recognized, they would definitely be beaten up.
After Levi left, all of them were still crying in anguish. However, more than pain, they were all filled with hatred.
It was as if Levi had banished them from heaven and sent them straight to hell.
Their whole lives were ruined.
Not long after Levi left, Damien called them.
“What’s going on? Why did you apologize on the internet?” Damien demanded coldly.
“Mr. Garrison, you have to listen to us. It’s all Levi’s fault. He was the one who did this,” Jayden ranted in a choked voice.
Lyndsay related the matter to Damien and added fuel to the fire by exaggerating it.
“D*mn it, just you wait, Levi! I will personally deal with you. I will show the Garrison family and the whole world that I’m more powerful than a bastard like you. Beyond that, I’ll let Father know that his decision to abandon you was correct!”
Damien’s voice was frosty and carried with it a murderous intent.
“Excellent!” Lyndsay and the others were filled with tears of joy.
“As for you bunch of scum, it’s the end of you, so don’t force me to do it myself.”


Meanwhile, Levi received news that Lyndsay and her companions disappeared after the apology. Sometime later, their bodies were found in a river.

Levi didn’t even need to guess who did it.

The Garrison clan was so ruthless that they would not allow anyone to escape.
“Very well, I will take them down one day.”
Levi’s eyes were filled with resolve.
After having her name cleared, Zoey returned to the company. She reshuffled the top management, and everything else went back to normal.
The only difference now was that everyone knew about the date of her wedding with Levi.
Both she and Levi were busy preparing for it.
In fact, many of her old classmates called to congratulate her, including those she met when she was studying overseas.
Coincidentally, Zoey needed bridesmaids. However, given her age, most of her friends were already married with kids.
So far, Iris was her only bridesmaid. Therefore, Zoey had to choose a few more from among the friends she got to know abroad.
As for the best men, Zoey let Levi decide for himself.
It was a difficult choice for Levi to make as he was spoilt for choice.
Smiling, he fell into silence while his thoughts drifted back to their wedding day six years ago.
His best man then was Morris…
Sadly, he was no longer around.
Levi let out a long sigh.
The other two best men were Mateo and Jason.
Mateo, Morris, and he were best buddies since they were in school.
However, Mateo was the least capable among them as he had a reckless demeanor.
Jason was both a mentor and a friend to Levi.
Since he was a few years older than Levi, he helped him out a lot.
Based on Phoenix’s investigations, Mateo and Jason tried their best to bail him out when he was sent to prison, but they didn’t succeed.
However, Jason managed to get Levi’s sentence reduced by two years from the original eight-year sentence.
After that, both of them disappeared, and no one knew where they went.
“I want them to be present at such an important event.”
Six years ago, he didn’t have many good friends. Those were the only three, but it was more than enough.
Levi immediately sent his men to look for both of them.
Soon, Phoenix had some updates on Jason.
She found out that he was a member of the illustrious Lowe family of Oakland City. He had spent a few years training in the Southern region.
When Levi was imprisoned, Jason returned home.
“Good, give me his contact.”
Filled with anticipation, Levi called Jason.
“Hello, who is this?” The voice on the opposite end of the line sounded surprised.
“Jason, it’s me. Levi Garrison!”
“What? Levi?” Jason’s tone was one of delight.
Levi laughed. “Jason, I didn’t expect you to be a member of one of Oakland City’s prominent families! At that time, I still thought you were from a poor family.”
“Oakland City… I…”
At the mention of Oakland City, Jason’s tone changed.
Recently, he had heard that Levi was the illegitimate son of the Garrison clan.
Furthermore, he was aware that they wanted to annihilate Levi, the bastard son.
Hence, he was worried that the Garrison clan would take action against the Lowe family if they found out about his relationship with Levi.
Especially since he heard that Damien himself wanted to deal with the matter personally.
Damien was known to be extremely ruthless.
Therefore, if he found out that Jason used to be Levi’s best friend, the Lowe family would be wiped out.
“Levi, what’s up?”
“Jason, I’m going to hold my wedding again and would like to invite you. You must attend!”
Jason hesitated for a moment. “Levi, I’m afraid I might not be able to make it…”


Jason didn’t dare attend Levi’s wedding.

Recently, he was feeling anxious about his relationship with Levi as Damien was persecuting everyone who was connected to him.

Although Jason was based in Oakland City, he had been best friends with Levi for some time.
Hence, there was no way Damien was going to let him go.
Even hiding would not do him any good.
Therefore, attending Levi’s wedding was the last thing he dared to do as that would reveal his connection with Levi.
What if the Garrison clan comes to destroy the Lowe family?
All he could do was pray that the Garrison clan didn’t find out.
Consequently, he was unable to attend the wedding despite being best friends with Levi.
Considering the threat the Garrison clan posed to the survival of his family, he had no choice but to abandon his friendship with Levi.
The last thing he wanted was to see his family being annihilated.
“Why?” Levi was puzzled.
“Oh, Levi. I have long found out about your identity. You’re related to the Garrison clan of Oakland City! That’s why it’s fated that I’m unable to attend your wedding.”
“But I have always treated you as my best friend! We’re friends for life!”
“Nevertheless, I still can’t attend your wedding. If the Garrison clan finds out that we are connected, they will target my family. I just want my parents to live out their years in peace and prevent the annihilation of my family. Please understand my predicament. This is the end of our friendship. Perhaps we will have better luck in the next life.”
Jason had chosen his family over his best friend.
“Jason, so you are just afraid that the Garrison clan will take revenge on your family. Don’t worry. As long as I’m around, you don’t have to fear them. Just come to my wedding. You don’t have to be afraid of them at all. I’ll take care of everything. Whoever dares to trouble you will feel my wrath, including the Garrison clan.”
Levi quickly understood why Jason declined his invitation.
Why is Jason so afraid of Damien? With me around, even Tyrone can’t do anything, let alone Damien.
“I can’t, my friend. I just can’t bet my life on this. Recently, Damian has been keeping tabs on me. That ruthless man is also looking for you, so you have to be more careful and go into hiding. If he finds you, you’re dead meat!”
After offering his advice, Jason ended the call.
Levi felt depressed listening to the monotonous dial tone.
Since Jason was unwilling to accept his invitation, there was no point in forcing him.
He respected Jason’s decision. After all, choosing to protect his family was the right decision.
The Garrison clan? How could they frighten the Lowe family to this extent?
However, their fear was understandable as the Garrison clan was the Head of Erudia, the first among the ancient families.
No one dared to offend them.
Phoenix, who was beside Levi, informed him, “Boss, Damien has declared that anyone who has anything to do with you will be persecuted. He probably plans to destroy everyone related to you.”
“No wonder Jason was quaking in his boots. It’s all Damien’s fault.”
Levi’s eyes flashed with anger.
Damien is indeed relentless in his effort to destroy me, to the extent of hurting everyone connected to me. Damien, your ruthlessness will be the death of you!
Levi didn’t even think of the Garrison clan as a threat, let alone someone like Damien.
“Phoenix, get me Damien’s contact. I want to talk to him.”
In no time, Phoenix found it.
When the call got through, Levi heard Damien’s voice over the phone. “Hello, who is this?”
“It’s Levi Garrison!”
After Levi announced his identity, the line fell silent. All that could be heard was heavy breathing.


After a long silence, the voice spoke, “Y-You dare contact me?”

Levi laughed. “Why not?”

Does he really think he’s some bigshot? D*mn it, even your grandfather doesn’t have the guts to talk to me like that.
“Hahaha… Never in my wildest dreams did I expect you to call me.”
Damien’s laughter was heard over the line.
“What is it? Are you trying to beg for mercy? Have you realized the folly of your actions? Are you finally aware that the Garrison clan can’t be challenged? I can accept your pleas, but you have to kneel before me! Hahaha…” Damien asked.
“Plead for mercy? You should be the one pleading,” Levi sneered.
“If not that, why are you even calling?” It was obvious from Damien’s tone that he was puzzled.
“I heard that you wanted to persecute everyone connected to me?” Levi asked.
“That’s right. Anyone related to you will be disposed of. I found out that Jason Lowe of Oakland City was one of your best friends. He will be the first to suffer my wrath. What do you think?” Damien let out a maniacal laugh.
“How dare you!” Levi bellowed.
“What is there to stop me? And yet you still want to invite him to your wedding? It’s never going to happen. With me around, no one will dare to attend your wedding,” Damien scoffed.
Levi’s grin widened. “Fine, you should sit tight and wait. He will definitely be at my wedding. Furthermore, if you dare to touch anyone related to me, I will definitely kill you. Mark my words!”
Damien didn’t take Levi’s warning seriously at all.
“Is there anyone in this world who dares threaten me? I guess you are the first one in Erudia,” Damien sneered.
He was the prince of the Garrison clan of Oakland City, while his father was the heir to the foremost ancient family in Erudia.
Apart from that, his mother was from the second most powerful ancient family in Erudia—the Garcias.
Therefore, the blood that flowed in his veins was as noble as it could possibly be.
He was the result of the combination of genes from the first and second most powerful ancient families.
Ever since he was young, he was pampered and received a lot of attention. Whatever he wanted was given to him unconditionally.
Besides his prominent background, his strong capability was another reason he was so famous in Oakland City.
There was no one in this world who could threaten him as he represented the two strongest ancient families in Erudia.
Within Erudia, only he had such an illustrious background.
Therefore, no one dared to offend him.
“Levi, how dare a bastard like you challenge me? Ask yourself if you are even qualified to do so. What right do you have? My mother is the darling of the second most powerful ancient family in Erudia, and her blood is the noblest of them all. Only she deserves to marry Father and join the Garrison clan.”
He continued, “Your mother is a lowborn and doesn’t deserve to marry into the Garrison clan. In fact, she doesn’t even deserve to be Father’s mistress! Even when we compare capabilities, you are just the boss of Morris Group, and yet you’re acting with such impunity? I’m more powerful than you by a thousand times! I can destroy the Morris Group with a flick of my finger.”
“So how dare a bastard like you come and challenge me? I will prove on behalf of my father that abandoning you then was the right decision. Noble blood is always stronger than that of any lowborn. I am practically royalty, while you are just a nobody. You will always have to worship my existence!” Damien bellowed like a maniac.
“Fine, fine, I get it. Just show me what you got. I want to see for myself how much the Garrison clan’s noble blood is worth,” Levi replied with a laugh.
He was looking forward to seeing how capable Damien was after all that talk. In fact, he wanted to verify if Damien was really a thousand times more powerful than he was.
“Very well. Just you wait, Levi. You will be groveling at my feet soon enough!”


After Levi ended the call, White Tiger’s expression turned grim. He requested, “Boss, let me head to Oakland City and kill that annoying ass.”

Levi looked at White Tiger intently.

In terms of strength, White Tiger would have no problem killing Damien in his home. In fact, he might even do so unscathed.
However, as it was a matter related to the Garrison clan, Levi felt it was more appropriate for him to defeat Damien personally so that he could prove himself to both Damien and the whole Garrison clan.
He wanted to show them that the ‘bastard’ was in fact a thousand times more powerful than those of noble blood.
Furthermore, he wanted them to regret their decision to abandon him.
He wanted to see Tyrone grovel on the floor in remorse.
In fact, the whole Garrison clan should be equally repentant.
They should learn that even ordinary people can create miracles.
“By the way, Damien will move against the Lowe family. He just used them to threaten me, so he’s definitely going to do it,” Levi remarked.
“What should we do then?” everyone asked.
“Phoenix, can you check if we have anyone near Oakland City?” Levi ordered.
Within these six years, Levi had trained up many elite military squads.
Despite their small numbers, every one of them was formidable and had impressive combat abilities.
“Boss, the Dragon Warriors are in Oakland City.”
Phoenix found the relevant squad in a short time.
“Alright, order the Dragon Warriors to protect the Lowe family from the shadows. Make sure they don’t make any mistakes,” Levi instructed.
After Phoenix gave the order, she reported, “Sir, we didn’t expect that among the Dragon Warriors, one of them is a member of the Garrison clan of Oakland City.”
Levi laughed when he heard it.
That soldier was likely the pride of the Garrison clan and yet was just one of Levi’s many subordinates.
At the Lowe residence in Oakland City, Erudia.
Jason was kneeling in the meeting hall while the elders of the Lowe family were admonishing him.
“Look at what you have done! Why did you make friends with a bastard!”
“Do you know you are the death of our family? Damien has ordered his men to come for us, and they are arriving anytime soon.”
“The Lowe family earned the right to be an ancient family through their achievements in the army. A few years ago, we even received the Paragon Seal. However, not only did you not continue the family’s legacy, but you also caused the family’s downfall.”
Everyone in the Lowe family lamented their impending fate.
The Paragon Seal was made to commemorate the victory of the God of War over the Eighteen-Nation Alliance. It was then awarded to all the military families that distinguished themself in battle.
The Lowe family received one, and it was the pride of the entire family.
“What’s the use of having a Paragon Seal when our family has someone like you? We are going to be wiped out anyway. Why did you make friends with a bastard like that?” everyone in the Lowe family cursed.
Jason was devastated by the angst he was getting.
The Lowe family was considered an obscure family by Oakland City’s standards.
Compared to the top ancient family, they were no different from insects.
Very soon, a convoy of cars stopped at the entrance to the Lowe residence.
An undeniably handsome man alighted, but he had a vicious expression on.
Behind him were hundreds of formidable fighters, and a few hundred more were in hiding just to ensure his security.
Other than that, every street nearby was filled with their convoys which could arrive in five minutes whenever they were needed.
Furthermore, there were tens of helicopters circling in the sky which could land in just a minute.
Only one man could mobilize such an impressive display of force—Damien Garrison.
However, he was there to annihilate the Lowe family.
He was the favorite son of the two most powerful ancient families in Erudia.
As no one wanted any harm to come to him, the security around him was impregnable, to the extent that there were men beside him whose sole purpose was to sacrifice their lives to save him at the crucial moment.


Damien Garrison adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses. The air was oozing with his natural-born aura of nobility.

In his world, there were only two types of people— the ones who were close to him and the lowly peasants.

Other than the Garrison family and the Garcia family, everyone else was equivalent to peasants in his eyes.
“Levi Garrison! Didn’t you say that you wanted to protect the Lowe family? So why would you ask Jason Lowe to attend your wedding! I’ll burn every single member of the Lowe family into ashes today! I’ll break the limbs of Jason Lowe! Let’s see if he will still be able to attend your wedding!”
Damien was a man of his word. He had said that he would start his massacre with Jason, and here he was.
As Damien waved his hand leisurely, his men immediately pushed down the gate to the Lowe residence. Troops consisting of hundreds of soldiers promptly marched their way into the house in an orderly manner.
Upon seeing Damien’s army, the members of the Lowe family immediately fell to their knees. They didn’t dare oppose his wishes.
Jason’s father, Yosef Lowe, pleaded with Damien, “Mr. Garrison! Please… please give us a chance… My son was ignorant! Please forgive us!”
“Have mercy on us, Mr. Garrison! We’re willing to give you everything! As long as you spare our lives, all the assets of the Lowe family can be yours! Take all the money as well!”
The entire Lowe family pleaded in unison.
They were going all out in order to salvage their family.
“Haha! What makes you think that I care about a puny family like yours? Do you think I lack that bit of money that your family is worth? Are you looking down on me?” Damien scoffed.
The Lowes were terrified.
It was a fact that Damien had everything that he wanted.
There was literally nothing he was in need of!
“The only reason I am here today is to annihilate the entire Lowe Family! It’s your fault for having relations with that bastard Levi! I’ve said before that I would wipe out every single person who had anything to do with Levi Garrison!”
Damien flashed a twisted smile.
“Mr. Garrison! I was wrong! I shouldn’t have interacted with him! Please let my family go!”
Jason begged in despair.
“Go to Levi Garrison and call him a bastard a hundred times to his face. If you do that, I’ll let you off!”
Damien smiled in amusement.
“I-I can’t…”
Jason gave up.
“Well, if you can’t, then you might as well just die!”
A wall of men unsheathed their blades and charged toward the Lowe family with the wave of Damien’s hand.
The Lowe family was about to be annihilated.
“Stop right there! Don’t you dare touch the Lowe family!”
A shout of demand sounded from behind them at the very last moment.

A sea of warriors in black charged their way down from the roof and the walls surrounding the Lowe residence.
There was a magnificent dragon stitched onto the black battle suit of those warriors.
They all had a bulletproof mask shielding their faces.
“Huh? Aren’t they the Dragon Warriors who are under the direct command of the God of War? What are they doing here?”
Damien was very familiar with the God of War’s troops.
It was his ultimate goal to be the God of War, after all.
He remembered what Kenny and Tyrone told him after the God of War came into existence.
You have to become the God of War. This is a goal you have to work toward!
Damien, you may be superior to your peers, but compared to the God of War, your achievements are far from enough.
It’s like your accomplishments are a joke.
From then on, Damien set his goal to be the God of War.
The only thing he thought about every day was how to minimize the difference between him and the God of War.
To surpass someone, one must first understand everything about him.
That was why Damien was so familiar with everything remotely related to the God of War.
“I am Damien, a direct descendent of the Garrison family. With all due respect, Dragon Warriors, why have you come here today?” Damien queried.
“Damien Garrison, leave immediately! The Lowe family is not to be at your disposal!”


A demanding voice sounded.

“Hm? Is that you, Lincon?”

Damien recognized that voice. It belonged to his cousin, Lincon Garrison.
He was the son of Damien’s uncle, who was Tyrone’s eldest brother.
As a member of the Dragon Warriors, he was not only the pride of Damien’s uncle but also the whole Garrison family.
Having a member who attained the prestige of being a trusted subordinate of the God of War was a great honor for any family, no matter how formidable that family may be.
“I understand, Lincon. I’ll leave right now!”
Although Damien may have a prominent status, it was not within his ability to start a conflict with the direct subordinate of the God of War.
Therefore, he promptly retreated with all his men.
He was curious, though.
How did the Lowe family have anything to do with the God of War’s Dragon Warriors?
Even Jason was bewildered by the turn of events.
What’s going on?
Why are the Dragon Warriors here?
Even Damien was intimidated by their presence, so much that he abruptly abandoned his plan altogether.
Could it be Levi?
Levi had told Jason that he’d do everything in his power to protect the Lowe family and that there wasn’t a single person in the Garrison family who could make his determination waver.
Could this be his doing?
Damien had the exact same thoughts as Jason.
It wasn’t that long ago when he and Levi talked on the phone.
During their call, Levi had issued him a warning.
Besides that, Damien was also told that he wouldn’t be able to do anything to the Lowe family.
I can’t believe the Dagon Warriors came.
Could it be that Levi is the God of War?
That thought sent a chill down Damien’s spine.
How could that be possible?
If the God of War really were Levi, there would be consequences that he wouldn’t even dare think about.
Damien was unable to imagine the repercussions. More importantly, he wouldn’t be able to take the blow to his pride.
It can’t be true!
Erudia had over five thousand years of history, but there was only one man who became the God of War in his twenties!
He was the only one who had obtained that title, which signified the highest level of military prestige!
Every era of Erudia’s existence produced countless outstanding talents.
But there was only one God of War who was able to clinch such prominent status in his mere twenties.
Not only was this person immensely capable, but he also had the honor of being recognized as the God of War during the prosperous era of the country.
Damien recalled what the Garrison family’s seniors remarked about the God of War. Erudia must have used up thousands of years’ worth of prosperity in exchange for such a great God of War.
This person is beyond extraordinary!
He was definitely of the noblest bloodline in Erudia and bore the prosperity of Erudia over thousands of years.
Even the direct descendants of Erudia’s ancient families couldn’t have obtained such high status, much less a bastard.
How would he ever be worthy of such a title?
It is simply impossible!
There is no way that a bastard from a filthy bloodline like Levi Garrison has anything to do with the God of War!
But why did the Dragon Warriors come forth to defend the Lowe family?
Damien didn’t leave as he was waiting for Lincon.
It didn’t take long for Lincon to join him as he slipped into the shadows.
Damien greeted him respectfully.
Even if Lincon had nothing on him in terms of ability, attaining the title of a Dragon Warrior was enough for the former to intimidate him.
“Damien, you aren’t allowed to touch the Lowe family from now on!”
Lincon told him.
Damien nodded. “I understand!”
Following this, his tone changed immediately. “Lincon, what background does this Lowe family have? Why did the Dragon Warriors come forth and protect them?”
“I’m not sure. We were just following the orders given. But I do know that the Lowe family used to be an ancient family with a military background. They were even awarded the Paragon Seal. It probably has something to do with that,” Lincon explained.
“Oh, I see!” Damien replied.
The Lowe family attained the Paragon Seal?
Damien knew that after the battle with the Eighteen-Nation Alliance years ago, the country had specially crafted Paragon Seals to reward those families that made contributions. Ten of those seals were awarded to the Garrison family.
The Garrison Family had always been proud of this achievement.
They were the family that had been awarded the most number of Paragon Seals in all of Erudia, after all.
Never would Damien have imagined that the Lowe family owned one too!
That thing was equivalent to an amulet.
With that seal in hand, it only made sense that they had the protection of the Dragon Warriors.
Lincon Garrison didn’t linger around and left promptly.
Meanwhile, the Lowe family was shocked, to say the least, as they had thought that they were done for today.
Who would have expected the God of War’s personal army to show up all of a sudden?


“Mr. Lowe, our leader told us that no one from the Garrison family would mess with you again, so you don’t have to live in fear of them anymore!”

The Dragon Warriors left upon conveying the message.

Shortly after that, the Lowe Family came to their senses.
“Could it be the Paragon Seal? After all, there weren’t many who had the honor of receiving the seal! No wonder the Dragon Warriors came down to protect us!”
Jason was beaming with glee.
No one would mess with us?
That means I can go to Levi’s wedding!
It’s not like Damien could make things difficult for me after what happened earlier.
At that thought, Jason immediately phoned Levi to confirm that he would be attending his wedding.
A smile formed on Levi’s face when he heard the news from Jason.
“That’s right! How could a mere Damien try and stop my friend from attending my wedding? Hoho, he’s so naive!”
Levi laughed.
Who’s capable of harming the people I care about?
Back in Oakland City, Damien sat in misery.
He had planned to give Levi a warning by massacring the Lowe family.
Who would have expected them to possess a Paragon Seal?
Even the Dragon Warriors came down personally to protect them.
Their luck was a little too good to be true, wasn’t it?
Damien’s eyes glimmered with murderous intent. “How is it possible that everyone close to Levi is so lucky? You’d better watch out, Levi! I’ll get back at you!” he growled in rage.
Even up until then, he still refused to believe in his own speculation.
Could it be that every single person related to Levi Garrison has the Paragon Seal?
It’s not like all of them can have the God of War’s protection, right?
The wedding date was approaching.
Levi had sent out many wedding invitations.
Although it was a remarriage, he was treating this wedding as his first one, and it was the same for Zoey.
The bridesmaids whom she had invited were already here.
Since they came all the way from overseas, Zoey demanded that Levi tag along to fetch them from the airport.
At North Hampton International Airport, two women were alighting from a plane that just landed.
They were clad in luxurious branded goods from head to toe and carried an air of arrogance.
The haughty women deliberately hinted at their noble status with their actions.
It was as if they desperately wanted everyone to know that they came from abroad.
It was obvious that Zoey’s best friends had been influenced by the culture and practices of the countries that they were living in.
As a result, they had gotten used to thinking highly of themselves.
They probably despised everyone in Erudia and thought of them as peasants.
Levi could feel their disdain from the way they were scrutinizing him.
“Zoey! We initially weren’t planning on attending your wedding!” Zara Hilton and Yvette Carnell told her.
Zoey’s happy expression faded away immediately. “Huh? Why not?”
“I’m telling you, Zoey, you’re the prettiest among the three of us, but your taste in men is terrible! We disapprove of your husband! We thought that you had married someone else, but it turned out to be the same person!”
Zara scoffed coldly.
Yvette gave a helpless look. “Zoey, you were exposed to the foreign culture too when you studied there. With the kind of status you have, it only makes sense for you to have high standards when you’re choosing a man to marry! Why would you pick him?”
“It seems like this country sucks. If Zoey had stayed overseas, her standards definitely wouldn’t be as low as this!” Zara commented.
Yvette immediately chimed in, “Yeah! That’s right. This country’s conditions are toxic. It’s so much better to be overseas. There’s no way Zoey would have chosen this guy if she had stayed abroad. Instead, she would have picked someone much more competent! Definitely not this joke of a guy!”
Yvette ended her speech with a glare at Levi.
These words made Levi upset to say the least.
His voice was cold as he spoke. “Excuse me, are you two still Erudian? All you talk about is how good the other countries are. However, I highly doubt it.”


Levi couldn’t stand xenophiles.

They were living in Erudia, the most secured and prosperous place in the world.

Yet, all they did was complain about it.
In their eyes, as long as something was from a foreign country, it was better than that of Erudia.
Even the air overseas smelled sweeter and the moon over there was brighter.
Those people who had lived abroad always felt a sense of superiority over Erudians, as if the latter were peasants.
Wasn’t this exactly the case for Zoey’s two friends?
It was then Zara and Yvette’s turn to get upset after hearing Levi’s chastise.
“It is much better to live overseas. That’s the harsh truth! Do you foolish people seriously think that Erudia is the best place in the world? Let me tell you, Erudia is worthless compared to other countries!”
“You’re asking if I’m Erudian? Well, I don’t want to be one anymore! I’ve been working on getting an immigration permit. The moment the permit is approved, I’ll immigrate immediately! Why would anyone want to be Erudian? Staying abroad is amazing!”
Zara and Yvette retorted disdainfully.
It was their instinct to reject everything that was Erudian.
From the moment they got off the plane, even the air seemed contaminated to them.
If not for Zoey’s current status, there was no way she could have convinced them to come back and be her bridesmaids.
They looked at her and said, “Zoey, why don’t you immigrate too? With your wealth, it’ll be blissful to live overseas!”
“Yeah! Everything abroad is so much better compared to Erudia! Hurry up and immigrate! The moment you obtain overseas citizenship, you’ll get great opportunities everywhere you go!”
However, Zoey rebuked, “I was born and raised in Erudia. There is no way that I’ll immigrate anywhere else. I’ve only gone overseas for the sake of broadening my horizons.”
Zoey strongly disagreed with the views of her friends.
But since she was the one who had requested them to be her bridesmaids, she couldn’t be too blunt.
“Sigh… Zoey, that’s such a pity! It’ll be a waste for a genius like you to remain in Erudia!” both of them lamented.
Zara and Yvette were only two out of countless people who shared the same opinion.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t uncommon to find xenophiles among the younger generation nowadays, and they fought tooth and nail for an immigration permit.
In their opinion, everything foreign were better.
Levi sneered, “You two had better give up on that thought. There’s no way my wife would want to immigrate! Not only is Erudia a prosperous country, but it also has a rich history dating back thousands of years. It’s perfect! Why would anyone be envious of those staying abroad! Haha!”
“Haha! What’s so good about Erudia? Look at Zoey! She must have gotten used to the old-fashioned way of living here! That’s why she chose you to be her husband! This would never have happened if Zoey went overseas! She definitely would have chosen a husband a hundred times better than you! How good can life even get here?” Zara mocked.
Zoey made an effort to stop their bantering. “Alright! All that matters is that we’re compatible with each other!”
Zara shot a last glare at Levi before she shut her mouth.
“Zoey, have you chosen the groomsmen? I’ve heard that Erudian groomsmen have a terrible practice of bullying the bridesmaids at the wedding!” Yvette asked.
“Yeah! I’ve seen so many videos of groomsmen harassing bridesmaids at Erudian weddings! Everyone overseas thought that all Erudians acted this way. It’s so embarrassing for us!”
Zara frowned as she queried.
Zoey smiled. “Levi has already chosen the groomsmen! Don’t worry. They’re all morally upright and gentlemanly. There is no way such a situation will happen at our wedding!”
“He was the one who chose the groomsmen?”
Zara and Yvette cast their looks of doubt at Levi.
“Won’t they be like him then? In fact, they could be worse than him! I can’t stand Erudian men. They’re inferior to foreign guys!”
“That won’t do. We want to be the ones to choose the groomsmen!”


Zara and Yvette stood firm on their request. “Zoey, let us choose the groomsmen! Your wedding this time has such a huge eminence. There are surely innumerable crowds who would pay close attention to it, so there is a need to ensure that the wedding is held with great splendor. Let’s hire a few foreign models to be the groomsmen!”

“That’s right! Only models from overseas will be worthy of standing next to bridesmaids like us!”

The two of them launched into a heated discussion.
If this went on, they might even end up finding a new husband for Zoey.
“Let you two choose my groomsmen? Impossible! I’ll much rather give up you two as the bridesmaids than allow you to choose my groomsmen! And there is no way I’ll accept foreigners!”
Levi was firm in his decision.
Zoey watched as her husband and her friends tore at each other’s throats.
She immediately stepped forward to coax Zara and Yvette.
“Fine. We can give up the choosing of the groomsmen. But Garrison, you’d better let us vet those groomsmen you’ve chosen. They can only attend the wedding with our approval,” Zara conceded.
“Yeah! Even if we don’t consider whether they’re qualified for the role, we must at least vet them! Who knows if he has chosen any Tom, Dick, and Harry to the wedding!” Yvette added.
Zoey sighed helplessly. “Levi, could you please get the groomsmen to meet up with us?”
“Alright, I’ll arrange that.”
Levi’s groomsmen consisted of four members of the Five Great Wars Regiment, including Azure Dragon and Kirin. The last member of the regiment, Phoenix, was to be one of the bridesmaids.
“Zoey, where have you arranged for us to stay?” Zara questioned.
“In a five star hotel!” Came the reply from Zoey.
“Is it owned by a foreign company?” Yvette asked.
Zoey shook her head. “Nope. It’s a local company, but they’ve been rated five stars.”
“That won’t do! We’re so used to living overseas. If we aren’t staying in a foreign-owned hotel or a foreign-styled manor, we’ll feel uncomfortable!”
“Yeah! The style is so different! It’ll affect our stay greatly!”
Zara and Yvette complained.
These drama queens!
Now they’re going overboard!
Is there even a need to be so picky?
“Alright, alright. I’ll arrange for you to stay in a foreign-owned hotel! I’ll make sure the manager and staff are all foreigners. How does that sound?”
Zoey didn’t want to spoil the mood over such petty things, so she could only give in to their requests.
“Hmph, that’s more like it!”
Zara and Yvette finally relented.
At night, Zara and Yvette whined about how they couldn’t get used to local cuisine and insisted on dining in a western diner.
The two ladies were satisfied with their meal at the western diner, and they could not shut up about how good western food was.
In their eyes, western cuisine was high-class and fine, whereas local dishes were appalling.
After a while, Azure Dragon brought his team of five from the regiment over to the western diner.
Zoey was extremely pleased to see them.
Even though she didn’t know what they did for a living, she appreciated the way they treated her courteously.
“Levi, why don’t you do the introductions?”
Without delay, Levi introduced Azure Dragon and his crew to the two girls.
“Hold up. This person over here is supposed to be one of the bridesmaids too? Seriously? With this kind of dowdy look, she looks like a tomboy! How can she be a bridesmaid and stand next to us!”
The moment they heard that Phoenix was one of the bridesmaids, Zara and Yvette’s faces paled.
It took a long time for them to accept that Iris was going to be a bridesmaid.
But they couldn’t accept Phoenix’s aloofness and tomboyish style.
Phoenix was actually a woman of stunning beauty. In fact, she was much prettier than the two ladies who were sitting there judging her looks.
Having been in the army for a long time, Phoenix was a virago who was as competent as men on the battlefield.
However, she was different from most women in terms of demeanor and appearance, looking slightly manly.
“Zoey, I thought you would choose a stunning woman to be your last bridesmaid. I mean, I don’t expect her to be outstanding like us, but at least she’s got to be better than this!”
“How is she even qualified to be a bridesmaid?”
The two of them couldn’t even be bothered to cover up the mockery in their voices.
Phoenix slammed a fist onto the table.



Following that, she grabbed a dinner knife and stabbed it right into the center of the table.

“Why do the two of you have so much bullsh*t coming out of your mouths? And who the hell are you calling a tomboy?”
Phoenix questioned them coldly.
Even her enemies couldn’t make her shed a single tear on the battlefield.
What made these ladies think that they could bully her?
Phoenix fiddled with the dinner knife.
The threat was clear. She could send the knife flying straight through the necks of Zara and Yvette at any second.
Zara and Yvette were frightened stiff.
They exchanged a helpless look and laughed weakly. “I mean, we think you’re really great too! We’re so happy to have you join us!”
They were powerless against Phoenix, so they chose to keep their mouths shut.
The two of them only had the guts to bully those weaker than them, after all.
The nicer Zoey was to them, the more they took advantage of her.
But when faced with violence like the kind Phoenix had just demonstrated, they would chicken out immediately.
Zoey valued her friendships greatly. Since she was the one who asked them to be her bridesmaids, she had no choice but to put up with their bullying.
In fact, Zoey had a domineering side to her too. If it were not for her tolerance, she would have sent them packing for home already.
“Well, anyway, we will need to find a new group of groomsmen! This batch won’t do!”
Seeing that they couldn’t boss Phoenix around, Zara immediately turned to target the remaining four men.
Yvette nodded in concurrence. “That’s right. These groomsmen are horrendous! Look at the four of them. Their fashion sense is outdated. Their complexions are too dark, and some of them are bulky like bulls! Oh, this is terrible! They’ll seem so out of place next to bridesmaids like us!”
It was probably because Azure Dragon and the other three guys were all in plain clothing, not to mention the standard and boring military buzz cut they all had.
The whole look made them seem trigger-ready and unapproachable.
Zara and Yvette definitely wouldn’t make do with them.
“Zoey, you’ve got to listen to us. Get a few international models. They don’t even have to do anything else besides standing there, but they’ll make your wedding look much more prestigious,” Yvette suggested.
“Exactly! Your wedding’s got to be the best. Zoey, take a good look at these groomsmen! How are you supposed to work with them?”
Zara scoffed in disgust.
Zoey laughed awkwardly. “I think they’re great. All of them are Levi’s best friends. He treats them like his brothers! It’s just within expectations for him to invite them to be his groomsmen!”
Zara and Yvette scowled. “No way! They can’t be the groomsmen! We refuse to accept them!”
“Their expressions aren’t even right! I seriously suspect that they’re up to something! They won’t be fit to stand next to us!”
Upon hearing their remarks, Azure Dragon and his men were furious.
These b*tches seriously need some disciplining.
They’ll shut up the moment we land a few slaps on them.
Too bad they are Zoey’s friends.
For that reason, they didn’t dare speak their mind, despite being furious.
All they could do was to swallow their anger and remain silent.
Iris sighed next to them. “Do us all a favor, and make do with them, will you? We’re just choosing the groomsmen, so don’t put too much thought into it!”
However, Zara scoffed and turned to Zoey. “Zoey, we’re fine with letting you choose the groomsmen, but you’ve got to choose some whom we’re comfortable with! If you insist on having them as the groomsmen, then the two of us will refuse to be your bridesmaids!”
Yvette nodded along. “Yeah! If you insist on choosing them, then you can’t have us! Find some other girls to be your bridesmaids! Hmph!”
Zoey quickly jumped into the conversation to mediate the situation. “Come on. Don’t be like this! Let’s all calm down and talk this through, alright?”
Zoey didn’t want anyone to feel uneasy and hoped that they could all come to a peaceful consensus.
Little did she know that such kindness would only encourage those two girls to try and take advantage of her.
“That won’t do! Zoey, you’ve got to make a decision! Either you choose to have them as the groomsmen, or we stay as the bridesmaids! It’s one or the other!”
Zara and Yvette insisted on having Zoey make a decision.
Zoey was at a loss for what to do.
How am I supposed to decide?
“Great! Just f*ck off if you don’t want to be a bridesmaid! Who the hell cares about the two of you?”
At that moment, Levi, who was at his wits’ end, yelled at Zara and Yvette in rage.


Levi’s sudden burst of anger shocked everyone into silence.

“I’ve been tolerating the two of you for a very long time now! I’ve shown you respect, but what about you? You’ve been nothing but overbearing and annoying! You’ve vividly portrayed to me how incessant b*tches would behave! Scram if you don’t want to be a bridesmaid! We couldn’t care less! Do you seriously think that we won’t be able to hold our wedding without you?” Levi yelled.

Zara and Yvette were stunned.
Zoey hadn’t said a word about their attitude, but Levi had gotten enraged before her.
It took a solid minute for the two of them to regain their bearings.
“What? Are you telling us to leave?”
The two of them stared at Levi unbelievably.
“Yes. Get lost if you don’t want to be a bridesmaid! Zoey has been treating the two of you as her friends, but what about you? How have you been treating her?”
“You’ve been rudely ordering her around, asking her to make new arrangements for your accommodation and your meals. That’s fine. We’re still able to tolerate that. But asking to choose the groomsmen? Excuse me. Is it you or Zoey who is getting married?”
“Have you ever given Zoey a shred of respect? Do you seriously take her as your friend? We’ve invited you over to be our bridesmaids, not VIPs whom we’re supposed to please!”
“What makes you think that you are the ones to decide how our wedding should be held? What more do you want? Do you want to change me, the freaking groom of the wedding, out as well?”
Levi attacked them with questions.
The two women were rendered speechless.
Zara and Yvette stood up from their seats and stared at Zoey. “You don’t want us to be your bridesmaids either, do you? You’ll choose them over us at the end of the day, won’t you?”
“Zoey, say something if you still treat us as your friends! You’ll know who to choose if you’ve ever considered us your real friends!”
Zara and Yvette stubbornly insisted that Zoey make a decision.
To their surprise, Zoey wore a cold expression as she spoke. “If the two of you were my real friends, you wouldn’t have asked me to choose! Since you’re not treating me sincerely as your friend, then there’s no point in me being courteous to you! Please leave!”
Zoey was fed up and finally gave them an answer.
The two girls looked at Zoey in disbelief as they never expected Zoey to make such a decision.
The only reason why they dared to act so presumptuously was that they thought Zoey was meek.
It never crossed their minds that Zoey changed so much in such a short period of time, especially in terms of her personality.
“Great. This is just great! How dare you reject us as your bridesmaids? You’ll regret this!” Zara raged.
“Yeah! That’s right! Without us, who will you ask to be your bridesmaids?”
Levi scoffed, “Any woman with two legs? That’ll be like shopping for groceries in the market!”
Levi already had candidates in mind, and one of them was Helena Engler.
Anyone would be better than these two clowns.
Besides, they wouldn’t even be here if it were not for Zoey, who still cared about their friendship.
“Hmph! Who do you think you are, Zoey Lopez? Are you even aware that your wedding is for a remarriage? Why are you making it so grand? You seriously have no shame, do you?”
“Yeah! Do you think you’re some celebrity? I would be so embarrassed to remarry! Much less hold a wedding for it! Do you not want your reputation anymore?”
They scoffed, tearing their façade altogether.
“This is freaking Erudia! People will laugh at you for making such a grandeur over a remarriage! This kind of culture would be a joke overseas!”
“Get lost!”
Zoey yelled in the midst of her fury.
“Do we have to leave just because you told us to? What if I refuse to leave? Huh? What can you do?”
“We’ll leave whenever we want to! Not just because you told us to!”
Zara and Yvette sneered at her.
“Throw them out if they refuse to cooperate.” Levi’s icy voice sounded.
“Great! Because I’ve been waiting all day to beat up these b*tches!”
Black Tortoise murmured in annoyance.


Even Iris had the impulse to throw out those two women, let alone Azure Dragon and his men, who all had a bad temper.

“You wouldn’t dare!”

“Don’t you dare touch us!”
Zara and Yvette threatened.
“Erudian men are really boorish! You’re all acting like barbarians! How rude! You don’t even have basic courtesy!”
“All of you should really take lessons from foreigners. Every one of them is so gentlemanly, unlike you! Barbaric! Repulsive!”
The two of them screeched at Black Tortoise and the other men.
Having spent many years abroad, they felt edified by the culture over there and were now putting on airs.
Not only did they scorn everything that had to do with Erudia, but they also made it their mission to compare Erudia with foreign countries in every possible way.
This was especially so with the case of people.
Needless to say, they felt that foreigners were better than Erudians.
And having gone through that whole ordeal a while ago, they only felt a stronger prejudice against Erudians.
“Look at these people! If I didn’t know this was Erudia, I would have thought that I had been transported back to the Stone Age! All of you are so barbaric!”
Levi shot them a chilling glare. “Throw them out!”
Upon receiving that order, Black Tortoise took the opportunity to vent his frustration. He grabbed the two screeching ladies, one in each hand, and dragged them toward the entrance.
“Let go of me!”
However, their frenzied struggling were to no avail.
Black Tortoise mercilessly threw them out of the door as if he were disposing of garbage.
Zara and Yvette felt pain shot through their bodies while they stared at him with their mouths agape in shock.
They had been thrown out like beggars onto the street.
“Just you wait! You lowly Erudian peasants! Barbarians! I’ll expose all of your vulgar acts to the world!”
They continued screaming.
“This monstrous country makes me sick! We shouldn’t even be here! We want to leave this barbaric place right now!”
Their clamorous shrieks of resentment echoed through the street as they left with the promise that they would be back to take revenge.
Levi shot a look at Azure Dragon.
After Azure Dragon pulled a few strings, those two mad women were immediately deported out of the country.
They had literally been chased out of Erudia.
As they left, they still made sure to voice out their scolding. “Don’t you worry! We won’t even want to step into the borders of this country ever again! Barbarians! You’re all destined to live as peasants!”
It was not until they hopped off the plane onto foreign land did they truly let out a breath of relief.
“Oh, we’re finally here! I can smell the sweet scent of foreign air again! Look at how glamourous it is over here in a foreign land!”
Zara was nearly moaning in glee.
“My mood is a hundred times better now that we’ve left that barbaric place called Erudia! The air is so fresh over here!”
“Exactly! Look at all these familiar faces! Oh, I’m so happy right now! Erudians seriously make me sick!”

A whole string of nasty words could be heard while the two of them exchanged their complaints exasperatedly.
When they left the airport, they decided not to flag down a taxi.
Instead, they wanted to take a stroll back.
They felt that they needed to filter out the dirty Erudian air in their bodies with the fresh and clean air in their beloved foreign land.
In their opinion, Erudia was a petty country.
“I’ll never admit that I’m Erudian! It’s such a shame!”
Yvette decided resolutely.
“Yes, yes! We’re foreigners! Noble citizens! Erudia doesn’t deserve to have us!”
Zara concurred with her statement.
At that moment, a group of foreign men walked past them.
They looked fierce, with murderous intent clear in their eyes. Upon seeing the two coquettish ladies, their eyes lit up with a malicious glint.
They whipped out their daggers and quickly surrounded the two girls.
Ba dum!
Zara and Yvette panicked. Their hearts flipped as they surveyed the situation.
They had been too caught up in their complaint session and hadn’t bothered to pay close attention to their surroundings.
Although all they talked about was how good foreign countries were, they had encountered robbers when they first arrived in a foreign land.
In the years following their stay in the foreign country, they met with several cases of robbery. They weren’t spared, even when they were in the middle of a bustling city.
Hence, they didn’t dare to step out of their house at night.
Tonight, however, they seemed to have forgotten that.
It didn’t take long for the foreigners to encircle the women.


The foreigners snickered as they sized Zara and Yvette up.

If they were lucky, they would get to rob and rape tonight.

The foreign gentlemen, as Zara had once called them, smacked their lips as they checked out their prey.
This would never have happened in Erudia. No matter how lowly they thought Erudia was, they definitely wouldn’t be robbed near the airport.
Neither would they need to worry about wandering in a major city at night.
This was the so-called greatness of foreign countries.
Foreigners were ‘noble,’ and the men were ‘gentlemanly.’
However, it clearly wasn’t the case at that moment.
“We’ll give you all our money…”
Zara fished out a wad of cash and stuffed it into the hands of the robbers.
The foreigners grabbed the money and threw Zara and Yvette onto their shoulders.
The two girls barely stood a chance against the group of burly men.
Soon, they were brought to a dark and secluded place.
The sound of clothing being ripped echoed amidst the silence of the night.
“Let go of us! You imbeciles! Go to hell!”
“You disgusting foreigners! You’re beasts! Barbarians!”
“You’re heinous! You’re nothing compared to Erudian men!”
“Erudia is so much better! I want to go back to Erudia! Foreigners are nothing but trash…”
Zara and Yvette screeched desperately at the top of their lungs.
Their cries, however, were soon drowned out by the nasty laughter of the foreign ‘gentlemen.’
It was ironic how those two women had nothing but praise for foreign countries and their citizens a while ago.
Only in times of grave danger would people ever think about the motherland that they had been raised in…
At other times, Erudia was merely trash to them.
When they were overseas, they refused to admit their Erudian citizenship.
They would say that they were from Erudia’s neighboring islands and pose as the islands’ citizens, not even daring to speak a word of Erudian.
To them, it was humiliating to admit that they were Erudians.
Meanwhile, Zara and Yvette’s absence barely had any impact on Levi and Zoey.
It didn’t take long for them to find another two bridesmaids as replacements, and they were Helena and the financial director, Elena.
Both of them were much better than Zara and Yvette.
As for the groomsmen whom Zara and Yvette despised, they were the Five Great Wars Regiment, the direct subordinates of the God of War!
They were practically undefeatable on the battlefield!
Once their identities were made known, not only would Erudia be in awe, but the whole world would also tremor in fear.
It was preposterous that Zara and Yvette deemed them unworthy of standing next to both of them.
As their wedding date drew closer, Zoey and Levi sent out the last of their invitations.
Apart from Ezra and the other eight Commanders-In-Chief of the Nine Warzones, Levi also invited his close friends.
But the person whom Levi was truly excited to see was his teacher, Angus Belford.
After enlisting in the army, it was Angus who saw the great potential in Levi. He was the one who had trained him and ensured his preferments.
Zoey also invited a huge group of friends.
She thought that Levi’s guests were all ordinary people.
Little did she know that every single person on his guest list was a big shot.
Even the mention of their names could easily cause an uproar in Erudia or even foreign countries.
If people knew that this group of people was about to show up together, the entire world would go mad!
Levi smiled at Zoey. “At our wedding, I’ll let you know just how amazing your husband is! You’ll know how capable I actually am!”
He had promised to reveal his identity at the wedding and come clean to Zoey, the Lopez family, and the Black family.
Seeing how confident Levi looked, Zoey truly looked forward to that day.
Finally, I will find out this secret of his!
I’ve waited too long for this moment.
Ever since Levi was locked up in prison, I have been hoping that one day, when the snow covers everything in white, Levi would return to me victoriously!
And from that moment onward, he would protect me forever and always!


It looks like my wish is about to be granted very soon.

There’s so much that I don’t know about Levi, but he promised to tell me about it on the day of our wedding.

I knew I was right to be patient!
When the Garrisons eventually found out that Levi was still alive and was getting married, the family was shaken to the core.
After all, Levi was the illegitimate son of Tyrone Garrison, the next patriarch of the Garrison family.
Tyrone’s appointment ceremony was coming up, but it was greatly affected by the news about Levi.
The Garrisons were anxious because of their failed attempts to assassinate Levi.
Hence, it was harder for them to make another attempt at that point in time.
“If you were made aware of the bastard before, why was I not informed?” roared Kenny, who blamed Edward and the others for not telling him about Levi.
Edward’s failure was the cause of their predicament.
“Go to hell! All of you!”
Kenny continued to roar.
These people have brought nothing but shame to the Garrison family!
“The situation may be better than it seems. I mean, the bastard isn’t completely useless. He’s the boss of Morris Group. Even the prominent families in South Hampton listen to him!” explained Edward.
After hearing that, Kenny seemed a little calmer.
“That’s nothing compared to what our family has achieved! So what if he’s the boss of a group? What’s so special about South Hampton? Our servant was enough to take that city head-on. A bastard will always be a bastard!” stated Kenny angrily.
“You’re right. He’s only achieved his minor success because of the noble blood that runs within him. Otherwise, he’d simply be another street rat.”
The Garrisons were upset over Levi and the fact that the man was doing well.
In the study of a luxurious villa somewhere in Oakland City, calligraphy paintings worth billions hung on the walls.
There were also various porcelain vases and exotic collections in the room, and one of them was even worth two billion.
Rather than being locked away, these luxury items were displayed in the study as if the room was a private calligraphy painting and antique museum.
A tall, handsome middle-aged man moved his pen gracefully over the canvas, practicing his calligraphy.
When he was done, the name ‘Garrison’ appeared, signifying the man’s resolve to become the next patriarch of the Garrison clan.
He could hardly wait any longer to be appointed as the head of the clan.
This man was Tyrone Garrison, the biological father of Levi.
A smirk appeared on Tyrone’s face when he was done with his work.
Before long, the man would be at the helm of the most powerful ancient family in Erudia.
When I get appointed as the patriarch of the clan, millions will bow before me.
By then, I’ll be the most powerful man in Erudia!
“Someone once asked me to choose between my career and a fair maiden. I chose my career, and I have never once regretted my decision because I’ll soon have everything that I could ever want,” muttered Tyrone to himself before simpering.
“Something terrible has happened, Mr. Garrison!” shouted a voice from outside.


“What’s all the fuss about? Calm yourself!” ordered Tyrone coldly.

The servant was about to speak when a woman rushed in from behind. “We’re in deep trouble! How are you still in the mood for your calligraphy?”

Dressed in luxurious clothing, the woman was perfectly poised and looked nothing short of royalty.
Although Olivia was old, her charm and graceful demeanor were incomparable.
Olivia was Tyrone’s wife and Damien’s mother.
As a member of the Garcia family, the second most powerful family in Erudia, she was the only one who was worthy of marrying Tyrone.
“What is it, Olivia?” asked Tyrone.
“Do you remember what happened twenty years ago?” asked Olivia with widened eyes.
Tyrone would never forget how he had fallen in love with Emma when he was just a young man. Twenty years ago, he had almost ruined his future.
“I do, and I remember taking care of it. So what is this about?” inquired Tyrone with a puzzled look.
“Didn’t you say that Emma that b*tch would be kept in Margo City for the rest of her life and that she would never leave?”
“I did because I know her. She’d never leave that city. I’d even erected a tombstone there as a reminder.”
Like a madwoman, Olivia roared, “Bullsh*t! The tombstone has been destroyed, and Emma is nowhere to be found! It turns out that you don’t know her as well as you’d thought.”
“What? She left Margo City and even destroyed the tombstone? How is that possible?”
Dumbfounded, Tyrone almost lost his balance.
“Didn’t you say that you’d taken care of the bastard too? Didn’t you promise that he was dead and would never be a threat to our family?”
“Are you saying that the boy is still alive?” Tyrone could not believe what he had just heard.
“He’s more than alive. That bastard’s the one who’s brought Emma out of Margo City! Not only that, but he has also killed Caleb and defeated the Garrison clan in Haven. Even Edward was crippled when he tried to assassinate the bastard. You said that he couldn’t be alive, but look at the threat thar he’s become to us. That bastard has humiliated our family!”
Mad with rage, Olivia lifted the porcelain vase that was worth billions and smashed it onto the floor. Nevertheless, Tyrone was too distraught to worry about the vase.
“That is not possible. He can’t be alive! I lied to Emma when I promised her that I’d let the boy go. I had to kill him, so I left him in the mountains to freeze or starve to death. Even a wild dog could have killed the boy! It’s merely impossible for him to have been alive!”
“Well, the bastard is still alive. Not only that but rather, he’s also doing well,” stated Olivia as she glared daggers at her husband.
“How could it be? I’d done it myself. I left the boy to die in the wild.”
Tyrone was deeply troubled.
“Wait a second. I remember it now. It has to be him! He must be the one who’s responsible!” exclaimed Tyrone.


“Get the butler over here now!” shouted Tyrone furiously.

Before long, an old man with gray hair arrived at the scene.

The butler fell to his knees before Tyrone and Olivia, for he could already guess why he had been summoned.
As a butler, Dexter was in charge of the housekeeping for Tyrone’s residence, unlike Edward, whose duty was to protect Tyrone.
Dexter was there when Tyrone fell in love with Emma, and he helped his master with keeping secrets and other things.
Otherwise, the two love birds would have been discovered even earlier.
Dexter liked Emma, so he had persuaded Tyrone not to abandon the woman on multiple occasions.
“I’m guessing that you’re aware of why you’ve been summoned?” asked Tyrone angrily.
Dexter knew that the day would come when the Garrisons would catch news of Levi.
“I do, Master.”
“Then, tell me what happened back then. I need to know why the boy is still alive.” Tyrone had his eyes fixed on the butler.
Dexter sighed. “After you’d abandoned the child, I went back for him because I couldn’t simply allow him to die like that. He was a person, and more importantly, he was your flesh and blood!”
Olivia immediately corrected him. “Tyrone has only one son, and that is Damien! That bastard is not even worthy of the Garrison name! Nobody will see him as Tyrone’s son.”
Dexter then took a deep breath before continuing, “I couldn’t allow Ms. Jones’ child to die, so I took him to North Hampton and left him in the streets. I gave him a chance at life. If he was lucky, he would’ve gotten adopted. Otherwise, he would’ve frozen to death. Fortunately, fate was kind to him. The child ended up getting adopted by the Garrison clan in North Hampton.”
Not even Levi knew that he owed his life to the man.
If it were not for Dexter, Levi would have died in the wild.
There was no way he could have survived otherwise.
When Dexter was done explaining, Tyrone gasped as if he had trouble breathing.
“So it really was you! It’s your fault that the boy is still alive. I never wanted him to live!” shouted Tyrone.
Tyrone was so furious that he flipped his desk over, as all of the valuables were soon smashed into pieces.
Rage was pulsing through the man’s veins.
“Have you lost your mind? Do you know how much trouble he’s caused us? The fact that he’s alive brings nothing but shame to our family!” roared Tyrone.
Olivia approached Dexter and gave the man a good hard slap on the face. “You have no idea what you’ve done, you slave! Now that everyone in Erudia knows Tyrone had an illegitimate son, how will he lead our family? Who is going to listen to him now? Do you think that our family can bear this shame? I ought to kill you where you’re standing!”
“I’m aware of what I’ve done, but I could not bear to merely allow the child to die! I couldn’t bring myself to look the other way. Even after all that has happened, I wouldn’t have had it any other way,” insisted Dexter.
Tyrone and Olivia were stunned by the man’s response.
“You seriously still believe that you’d done the right thing? You must have a death wish!” shouted Olivia with widened eyes.
She was ready to murder the man for saving Levi.


“I do! Human lives are more important than reputation, and we’re talking about my Master’s own flesh and blood. No matter how you put it, Master’s blood runs in that boy’s veins.”

Dexter remained headstrong.

“I’ll kill you!” roared Olivia before she grabbed a sword in the study and swung it toward Dexter.
The butler shut his eyes and was ready to die when Tyrone shouted, “No!”
Dexter smiled when Tyrone stopped Olivia because he knew his Master well.
Tyrone was by no means a good man.
He was cruel and ruthless, or else he would not have left his own flesh and blood to die in the wild.
Master did not stop Olivia merely to save my life.
Why would he? He has never once treated us like human beings. We’re merely slaves, and our lives do not matter to him.
“Why did you stop me? He’s useless to us!” shouted Olivia fiercely.
“What are we going to tell Father if you’ve killed him? How will we explain ourselves?”
Dexter smiled because he knew that there was a reason that his master had kept him alive.
The butler was to be their scapegoat.
“You’re right. What’s happened has happened. Now, we’ll have to explain ourselves, so we can hand him over to the clan. He’ll suffer our harshest punishment!”
“He’ll pay for breaking the rules. There’s no way that he’ll live,” stated Tyrone as he stared coldly at the butler.
“No, I can’t wait that long.”
Olivia could not contain herself.
“Then, cut off his arms,” suggested Tyrone cruelly, so Olivia lifted the sword once again before swinging it down decisively.
Dexter cried aloud, left in excruciating pain.
“Better, Olivia? If not, you still have the legs.”
The Garrisons had no problem when it came to toying with human lives, especially the lives of lowly servants.
“I’m good. So what shall we do about the b*tch and the bastard?” inquired Olivia.
“I want nothing more than to kill the two, but now is not the right time. If we do it now, we’ll become a joke to the world.” Tyrone sighed.
Olivia nodded in agreement. “You’re right. The world is watching us now. If we make a move now, we’ll risk tarnishing our reputation in Erudia and the entire East side of the world.
“Seeing as such, what else can we do?”
Tyrone was in distress.
“If all else fails, maybe we’ll ask him to join us. It’s safer that way,” suggested a servant. Unfortunately, as soon as he was done speaking, he got slapped by Olivia.
“Are you seriously suggesting that we should allow the bastard to become one of us? What right does the bastard have to step inside of this house? I’ll never agree to it, and I don’t think the clan will either,” shouted Olivia, utterly infuriated.
“That’s right. He’ll never be worthy of joining us. At least, not with his current identity. If he wants to become a part of us, he’s got to earn it. I’ll only allow him to join us once the clan recognizes his strength,” agreed Tyrone.


Olivia nodded vigorously. “I’ve heard that he’s good. Let’s see if he has what it takes to become one of us. I don’t believe that he can beat Damien.”

“If he remains humble and works hard enough, he’ll possibly be able to join my family,” mused Tyrone.

I believe that he is a capable man. He is my own flesh and blood, after all.
“I don’t think so! Levi bows to no one, not even to the Garrison family. He’s far too arrogant.”
At that moment, Damien returned.
“Not even the Garrison family, you say?”
Tyrone and Olivia were taken aback because the Garrisons were the most powerful family in Erudia.
Anyone who refuses to submit to the Garrisons are either mad or suicidal.
“Damien, the bastard really said that?” questioned Olivia.
“I’ve heard about him for a while now. I’ve just never mentioned it. He’s challenged the Garrisons many times. He has even called me on the phone.”
“What? He called you?” asked Damien’s parents immediately.
“Yes. I never expected him to contact me. I’d thought that he wanted to apologize, but he merely called to threaten me. He’d said that if I told you anything about him and Emma, he would make us pay for it.”
Damien then repeated all of Levi’s threats to his parents.
When Damien was done, Tyrone punched the wall in anger.
Suddenly, a web-like crack appeared on the wall.
“Never have I heard of anyone so arrogant!”
“And here I was, thinking about allowing him to join the family even though he was not qualified. How dare he threaten us like that!” Tyrone roared, his voice like thunder.
Olivia was equally as enraged. “Not only did he threaten Damien, rather, but he had also threatened our entire family! He’s got nothing on Damien, let alone our entire family. He can only dream of becoming as good as Damien.”
“No matter how hard he tries, he’ll never be as good as Damien,” agreed Tyrone.
Damien was Tyrone’s greatest pride because the family elders had said that he was the first genius to have been born in the family in a millennium.
How can Levi ever hope to compare to Damien?
There’s no way that’s possible!
“Don’t worry. Levi’s all bark with no bite,” assured Damien with a smirk. Hence, his parents nodded with satisfaction.
“You can count on me. I’ll prove to you that Dad was right to abandon Levi and his mother. That bastard is no match for me because I’m much more powerful than he is,” continued Damien.
“That’s my boy! Show that bastard what you can do.”
Tyrone was very pleased with his son.
“Don’t worry, Father. When he meets me, he’ll know what it means to be powerful. I’ll make sure that he’ll curse the day that he was born!” promised Damien.


Looking at how confident their son was, Tyrone and Olivia could not be more pleased.

Now that’s our son, our pride!

Born a genius with the strongest bloodline, our son has always been a prodigy, and his training only made him stronger.
“Go, my son! Head south. After all these years in Oakland City, it’s time for you to unleash your potential,” instructed Tyrone, whose life was too precious to be put at risk.
Worried for Tyrone’s safety, the Garrisons surrounded the man with thousands of guards no matter where he went.
Olivia nodded in agreement. “It’s time for you to see the world and let everyone witness what a true genius is capable of!”
The mother’s tone then took a turn. “Nonetheless, we should also make sure that Damien is safe.”
“I agree. We’ll send only the best to protect him and make sure that nothing bad happens,” concurred Tyrone.
Olivia was relieved to hear her husband utter such words. “I’ll also speak to my father and have him send our family’s elites.”
Damien chuckled in response. “You two don’t seem to trust me completely. I alone will be enough to take the South head-on. There is no need for any protection.”
“We know that you’re definitely the best amongst your peers, but you’re far too important for that. You are the future of the two most powerful ancient families, so we can’t allow anything to happen to you. Not even a slight risk,” explained Tyrone.
“I understand, Father. You’ll hear from me soon. I’m going to give Levi one hell of a surprise at his wedding,” promised Damien with a malicious scowl.
“Good! Make him sorry for mocking our family and remind him of how insignificant he is!” cackled Tyrone
“Mother, what happened to the butler?” asked Damien as he looked curiously at Dexter.
After his mother told him everything about what Dexter had done, Damien walked over to the butler and stepped on his wounds.
Blood gushed out of the man’s wounds.
Dexter cried out again in agony before looking at Damien with a pale face.
This boy is crueler than his father.
He has completely inherited the ruthlessness of both of his parents.
Being at his mercy is worse than death itself, so I choose death!
Dexter suddenly stood up and was ready to end his life by hitting his head against the wall.
Damien kicked Dexter and sent the butler flying.
“Trying to kill yourself? You don’t have my permission to die just yet!”
Damien then laughed maniacally.
“Please grant me a swift death, Master Tyrone! I’m willing to accept death as my punishment,” Dexter begged the indifferent Tyrone.
“Why are you in a hurry to die? Isn’t it wonderful to be alive?” Damien continued to make fun of the butler.
“I guess that this makes you Levi’s savior, doesn’t it? Then, you’ll have to wait for him to rescue you. Do you think that he’ll come to your rescue if I tell him that you’d saved his life?”
Damien then turned to his parents. “I’ll be taking the butler with me. I need to use him against Levi.”


On the other side, Levi had no idea that the Garrisons were in the heat of a discussion because of him.

Even Tyrone and Kenny were informed of his existence.

Busy with his wedding, Levi was not aware that Damien was getting ready to deal with him.
The couple’s new house in North Hampton was completed, and Levi was very satisfied with it.
Hence, he was in an excellent mood.
On top of that, Jason had also reached North Hampton.
It had been six years since Levi had last seen his good friend, so naturally, he was excited to see Jason again.
“Levi, I’m very happy for you, but… “
Jason seemed hesitant.
“What is it, Jason? Come on. Out with it!”
“I just came from Oakland City, and everyone there knows of your existence, including the Garrisons! So it’s only a matter of time before they come for you, especially Damien. You wouldn’t want the Garrisons to be your enemy. I suggest that you should beg them for mercy,” advised Jason.
Bad things happen to those in Damien’s crosshairs.
Levi got lucky because he had the Paragon Seal.
“Beg the Garrisons?” Levi chuckled.
“Yes. Just kneel before them and say something pleasant. I’m sure that they won’t make it hard on you. After all, they can’t do anything to you, now that everyone knows of your existence.”
“I have no problem kneeling before them, but do they seriously think that they’re worth it?” asked Levi coldly.
The God of War bows to no one, not even to the Garrisons.
“Levi, you’re a good man, but you’re just too damn stubborn! You never listen to anyone. I should talk to Emma. Maybe she’ll do it,” relented Jason.
Jason only wanted what was best for his good friend.
He believed that the Garrisons would let Levi go if the man would submit himself to them.
“Save it. I know how to deal with the Garrisons.”
Levi decided to bring his mother with him to meet the Garrisons after his wedding.
He needed to know why Tyrone had abandoned him and his mother.
“Come, let’s go and visit Morris.”
Afterward, Levi and Jason arrived before Morris’ grave, which had already been well-refurbished by Nueve and his men.
“Now, we’re merely short of Warren. It’s good to be reunited again.” Jason sighed before toasting to Morris’ grave.
“I’ve been looking for Warren, and I’m sure that I’ll find him soon,” assured Levi.
Warren had disappeared, and Phoenix had been searching for him for a long time. Unfortunately, it was to no avail.
“You’ve been searching for a while, haven’t you? You should just give up. You’re not going to find him because he’s changed his identity.”
“Wait, you know where he is?” asked Levi.
“Yes. I think that I might be able to find him.”
“The three of you were close, so when Warren found out that he couldn’t help the both of you, he felt useless. In low spirits, Warren changed his identity and led a different life,” explained Jason.
“Take me there, Jason! I need to see Warren!”
“Okay. I didn’t want to bother him, but I think that you two should meet. Perhaps he’ll be able to convince you to submit to the Garrisons. He’s a good friend of yours, after all. Maybe you’ll listen to him,” agreed Jason.


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