The Protector (The Return of God Of War)

In Erudia, a private jet landed at North Hampton Airport, where all international flights experienced an eight-hour delay because of it.
At the private passageway were five men in suits and leather shoes, standing as straight as a javelin.

Every now and then, they would raise their wrist to look at the time, for a big shot was coming to town.
The upper-class society of North Hampton had learned about his arrival, but no one had the capability to get an inch closer to the private passageway.
Even the richest man in North Hampton who came to pay homage was chased away.
Finally, there were movements coming from the passageway.

“God of War!!!” the mass cried out, their eyes filled with awe and veneration at the sight of the undefeatable legend of Erudia.
He, who was dubbed the God of War, was the one and only five-star war God in the history of Erudia.
Once, he’d inflicted a crushing defeat on the strongest battalions in eighteen countries. He was an overbearing and formidable man.
He who overwhelmed the world with his unparalleled power had even created the Five Great Wars Regiment, Cavalry Regiment, and many more.

Setting foot on his homeland, Levi Garrison was overcome with emotions.
Once upon a time, he used to be an orphan who was abandoned on the streets of North Hampton and then adopted by the Garrison family.
However, the Garrison family had never been fond of him.
His adoptive parents, who had a tendency to beat and scold him, treated him like an outsider.
As for the outsiders, they treated him as a nobody.
But he didn’t care a stiver. He had always been proud of his surname since he was a child, and he strived to bring glory to this family when he grew older.
At last, Levi had established Levi Group, the largest dark horse in North Hampton’s business community.
With billions of assets, it ranked among the forefront of North Hampton, pushing the declining Garrison family to the top.
However, not only did the Garrison family showed no signs of appreciation, they even harbored dissatisfaction towards him. Jealous of his success, they regarded him as a thorn in their flesh and coveted Levi Group.
No matter his wealth and power, unless they were in control, he was just an outsider in the Garrison family’s eyes.
Eventually, on Levi’s wedding night, the Garrison family plotted a frame-up against him by getting him drunk before tossing him onto his sister-in-law’s bed. They wanted to create the illusion that he was doing something untoward to her and was caught in bed by his brother and adoptive parents.
That night, the Garrison family had brutally broken his limbs and left him on the road like a wild dog.
Not only was he handicapped, but he also had to take the flak for something he didn’t commit.
From an upstart in the business world, he had become the target of disdain overnight.
And the next day, he had been punished for several crimes and sentenced to six years in prison.
He could never forget the ruthless and sinister faces of everyone in the Garrison family and the ridicule of his friends, classmates, and business partners.
More so, he could never forget the disappointment on his newly wedded wife, Zoey’s face.
He had regarded the Garrison family as his home and devoted himself to the family.
Yet, they treated him like trash.
It felt as if a knife was being twisted in his heart every time he thought about this.
How he hated the Garrison family!
But who would have thought that Levi had been secretly transferred away from prison to join the military?
In a few years, he dominated the military world and became the one and only five-star God of War.
Now that he came back, the Garrison family ought to stay on their toes.
“How’s it going, Azure Dragon?” Levi asked.
Azure Dragon, the commander of the Five Great Wars Regiment, took a step forward and said respectfully, “Sir, I’m afraid your wife, Ms. Zoey Lopez will remarry at ten o’clock tonight!”
Ever since Zoey’s husband was sent to prison on their wedding night, she had been living like a widow.
Only God knew how much pressure she was put under.
And right now, the person Levi couldn’t wait to see the most was Zoey.
After a moment of hesitation, Azure Dragon continued, “To add on, Sir, the Garrison family is holding a successful listing celebration banquet at the Crystal Palace Hotel tonight! Many people had invited the God of War just now, including the Garrison family, but I didn’t accept nor refuse directly.”
“What time?” Levi asked tersely.
“Eight o’clock, Sir.”
“Okay. Tell the Garrison family I will attend the banquet!”
Since the time for the two events didn’t clash, Levi gladly accepted the invitation.
The celebration banquet for the public listing of Garrison Group was held at North Hampton’s Crystal Palace Hotel.
With the help of Levi Group, they had become a rich and powerful family in one fell swoop.
The hall was bustling with noise and excitement, and sounds of glasses clinking could be heard ringing in the air every now and then.
“God bless the Garrison family,” said Joseph, the head of the Garrison family. “The younger generations are the stars among men. Garrison Group is now listed and has become an upstart in North Hampton!”
Joseph’s three sons and daughter welcomed their guests with bright smiles on their faces.
The younger generation of the Garrison family was all the smugger and prouder because, after today, the Garrison family would become a powerful family, and they would become one of the top rich kids.
Most of the guests who attended today’s banquet were from the top circle in North Hampton.
“Garrison, do you know what happened today?! Your celebration party is nothing compared to that.” They were gossiping about the major event that had happened today.
“Yeah! I heard that a big shot has arrived in North Hampton!”
“The richest man in North Hampton wanted to meet him but was shooed away. Apparently, he’s not qualified enough!”
“So? Jesse Nielsen had been waiting for five hours in advance at the airport!”
Joseph nodded. “Yes, I know about that too. I even sent someone to invite this big shot to the celebration party!”
“No way! Why would this big shot attend such a party?”
No one believed it.
In fact, as an upstart, Joseph was just trying his luck.
“Dad!” shouted Jaycob, the second eldest son of the Garrison family could be seen running over. “The big shot has accepted our invitation to attend our celebration banquet! He’s on the way!”
“Jesus! God has indeed blessed the Garrison family!”
Everyone in the Garrison family could barely conceal their delight as this was their chance to reach the sky in a single bound.
The grandchildren of the Garrison family gathered together, sunshine flooding their souls.
Levi’s brother, Bryan, and sister-in-law, Victoria, smiled. “Well, it all starts with Levi’s imprisonment that the Garrison family is at where we are today…”
“Right, speaking about Levi, do you guys know today’s the day that kid gets out of prison?!” somebody asked abruptly.
“Really? Isn’t that bad luck? Why did he have to be released on such a big day?!”
“Please, please, please don’t come back! He’s the Garrison family’s biggest disgrace!”
Victoria’s lips tugged into a sneer. “Speaking of which, Levi is the crowning glory of the Garrison family’s status today.”
“That’s what he’s supposed to do!” Bryan said. “He should contribute to the Garrison family for raising him, an orphan! His multi-billion Levi Group means nothing. To put it bluntly, he’s just a dog raised by the Garrison family!”
Someone gave a chortle. “As a matter of fact, I’ve been interested in Levi’s wife for a long time now. She’s still widowed, and I’m so going to marry her!”
The man’s remark caused gales of laughter.
“Everyone, stop what you’re doing. I have an important announcement to make,” Joseph said and went on to announce that the big shot was coming.
A thunderous applause was heard.
But when the applause had died down, there was still someone clapping.
The sound was loud and clear, approaching from afar.
On the red carpet, a man came clapping, looking bold and energetic.
His stride gave off a majestic and imposing aura, which made the mass hold their breaths.
“It’s Levi!” Bryan and Victoria exclaimed.
Suddenly, all eyes were riveted on him.
“I forgot this little brat got out of jail today!” Levi’s adoptive parents spoke in unison.
Ignoring the astonished gazes darted at his way, Levi walked step by step towards Joseph.
“A little bird told me that the company is now listed. How are you feeling, Joseph? Are you happy?”
Levi flashed him a meaningful smile.
“How dare you show up here, you insolent brat! And what did you just call me?” Joseph’s fury sprang to life.
“Who let him in? Didn’t you know he just got out of prison? How inauspicious!”
Bryan rose to his feet. “What the hell are you doing here, Levi?”
Levi sized him up. “Why can’t I be here?”
“Well, for starters, you’re an orphan! The Garrison family has raised you, but you were ambitious and ungrateful. You had inordinate ambitions for your sister-in-law, and you wanted to take possession of the Garrison family! You’d even tried to kill your parents when things go south! Have you no conscience? Do you have any sense of morality left in your heart?”
“You’ve lost your reputation in North Hampton, and everyone knows that. Have you no shame to have the brass neck to come round here?”
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Zara and Yvette stood firm on their request. “Zoey, let us choose the groomsmen! Your wedding this time has such a huge eminence. There are surely innumerable crowds who would pay close attention to it, so there is a need to ensure that the wedding is held with great splendor. Let’s hire a few foreign models to be the groomsmen!”

“That’s right! Only models from overseas will be worthy of standing next to bridesmaids like us!”

The two of them launched into a heated discussion.
If this went on, they might even end up finding a new husband for Zoey.
“Let you two choose my groomsmen? Impossible! I’ll much rather give up you two as the bridesmaids than allow you to choose my groomsmen! And there is no way I’ll accept foreigners!”
Levi was firm in his decision.
Zoey watched as her husband and her friends tore at each other’s throats.
She immediately stepped forward to coax Zara and Yvette.
“Fine. We can give up the choosing of the groomsmen. But Garrison, you’d better let us vet those groomsmen you’ve chosen. They can only attend the wedding with our approval,” Zara conceded.
“Yeah! Even if we don’t consider whether they’re qualified for the role, we must at least vet them! Who knows if he has chosen any Tom, Dick, and Harry to the wedding!” Yvette added.
Zoey sighed helplessly. “Levi, could you please get the groomsmen to meet up with us?”
“Alright, I’ll arrange that.”
Levi’s groomsmen consisted of four members of the Five Great Wars Regiment, including Azure Dragon and Kirin. The last member of the regiment, Phoenix, was to be one of the bridesmaids.
“Zoey, where have you arranged for us to stay?” Zara questioned.
“In a five star hotel!” Came the reply from Zoey.
“Is it owned by a foreign company?” Yvette asked.
Zoey shook her head. “Nope. It’s a local company, but they’ve been rated five stars.”
“That won’t do! We’re so used to living overseas. If we aren’t staying in a foreign-owned hotel or a foreign-styled manor, we’ll feel uncomfortable!”
“Yeah! The style is so different! It’ll affect our stay greatly!”
Zara and Yvette complained.
These drama queens!
Now they’re going overboard!
Is there even a need to be so picky?
“Alright, alright. I’ll arrange for you to stay in a foreign-owned hotel! I’ll make sure the manager and staff are all foreigners. How does that sound?”
Zoey didn’t want to spoil the mood over such petty things, so she could only give in to their requests.
“Hmph, that’s more like it!”
Zara and Yvette finally relented.
At night, Zara and Yvette whined about how they couldn’t get used to local cuisine and insisted on dining in a western diner.
The two ladies were satisfied with their meal at the western diner, and they could not shut up about how good western food was.
In their eyes, western cuisine was high-class and fine, whereas local dishes were appalling.
After a while, Azure Dragon brought his team of five from the regiment over to the western diner.
Zoey was extremely pleased to see them.
Even though she didn’t know what they did for a living, she appreciated the way they treated her courteously.
“Levi, why don’t you do the introductions?”
Without delay, Levi introduced Azure Dragon and his crew to the two girls.
“Hold up. This person over here is supposed to be one of the bridesmaids too? Seriously? With this kind of dowdy look, she looks like a tomboy! How can she be a bridesmaid and stand next to us!”
The moment they heard that Phoenix was one of the bridesmaids, Zara and Yvette’s faces paled.
It took a long time for them to accept that Iris was going to be a bridesmaid.
But they couldn’t accept Phoenix’s aloofness and tomboyish style.
Phoenix was actually a woman of stunning beauty. In fact, she was much prettier than the two ladies who were sitting there judging her looks.
Having been in the army for a long time, Phoenix was a virago who was as competent as men on the battlefield.
However, she was different from most women in terms of demeanor and appearance, looking slightly manly.
“Zoey, I thought you would choose a stunning woman to be your last bridesmaid. I mean, I don’t expect her to be outstanding like us, but at least she’s got to be better than this!”
“How is she even qualified to be a bridesmaid?”
The two of them couldn’t even be bothered to cover up the mockery in their voices.
Phoenix slammed a fist onto the table.



Following that, she grabbed a dinner knife and stabbed it right into the center of the table.

“Why do the two of you have so much bullsh*t coming out of your mouths? And who the hell are you calling a tomboy?”
Phoenix questioned them coldly.
Even her enemies couldn’t make her shed a single tear on the battlefield.
What made these ladies think that they could bully her?
Phoenix fiddled with the dinner knife.
The threat was clear. She could send the knife flying straight through the necks of Zara and Yvette at any second.
Zara and Yvette were frightened stiff.
They exchanged a helpless look and laughed weakly. “I mean, we think you’re really great too! We’re so happy to have you join us!”
They were powerless against Phoenix, so they chose to keep their mouths shut.
The two of them only had the guts to bully those weaker than them, after all.
The nicer Zoey was to them, the more they took advantage of her.
But when faced with violence like the kind Phoenix had just demonstrated, they would chicken out immediately.
Zoey valued her friendships greatly. Since she was the one who asked them to be her bridesmaids, she had no choice but to put up with their bullying.
In fact, Zoey had a domineering side to her too. If it were not for her tolerance, she would have sent them packing for home already.
“Well, anyway, we will need to find a new group of groomsmen! This batch won’t do!”
Seeing that they couldn’t boss Phoenix around, Zara immediately turned to target the remaining four men.
Yvette nodded in concurrence. “That’s right. These groomsmen are horrendous! Look at the four of them. Their fashion sense is outdated. Their complexions are too dark, and some of them are bulky like bulls! Oh, this is terrible! They’ll seem so out of place next to bridesmaids like us!”
It was probably because Azure Dragon and the other three guys were all in plain clothing, not to mention the standard and boring military buzz cut they all had.
The whole look made them seem trigger-ready and unapproachable.
Zara and Yvette definitely wouldn’t make do with them.
“Zoey, you’ve got to listen to us. Get a few international models. They don’t even have to do anything else besides standing there, but they’ll make your wedding look much more prestigious,” Yvette suggested.
“Exactly! Your wedding’s got to be the best. Zoey, take a good look at these groomsmen! How are you supposed to work with them?”
Zara scoffed in disgust.
Zoey laughed awkwardly. “I think they’re great. All of them are Levi’s best friends. He treats them like his brothers! It’s just within expectations for him to invite them to be his groomsmen!”
Zara and Yvette scowled. “No way! They can’t be the groomsmen! We refuse to accept them!”
“Their expressions aren’t even right! I seriously suspect that they’re up to something! They won’t be fit to stand next to us!”
Upon hearing their remarks, Azure Dragon and his men were furious.
These b*tches seriously need some disciplining.
They’ll shut up the moment we land a few slaps on them.
Too bad they are Zoey’s friends.
For that reason, they didn’t dare speak their mind, despite being furious.
All they could do was to swallow their anger and remain silent.
Iris sighed next to them. “Do us all a favor, and make do with them, will you? We’re just choosing the groomsmen, so don’t put too much thought into it!”
However, Zara scoffed and turned to Zoey. “Zoey, we’re fine with letting you choose the groomsmen, but you’ve got to choose some whom we’re comfortable with! If you insist on having them as the groomsmen, then the two of us will refuse to be your bridesmaids!”
Yvette nodded along. “Yeah! If you insist on choosing them, then you can’t have us! Find some other girls to be your bridesmaids! Hmph!”
Zoey quickly jumped into the conversation to mediate the situation. “Come on. Don’t be like this! Let’s all calm down and talk this through, alright?”
Zoey didn’t want anyone to feel uneasy and hoped that they could all come to a peaceful consensus.
Little did she know that such kindness would only encourage those two girls to try and take advantage of her.
“That won’t do! Zoey, you’ve got to make a decision! Either you choose to have them as the groomsmen, or we stay as the bridesmaids! It’s one or the other!”
Zara and Yvette insisted on having Zoey make a decision.
Zoey was at a loss for what to do.
How am I supposed to decide?
“Great! Just f*ck off if you don’t want to be a bridesmaid! Who the hell cares about the two of you?”
At that moment, Levi, who was at his wits’ end, yelled at Zara and Yvette in rage.


Levi’s sudden burst of anger shocked everyone into silence.

“I’ve been tolerating the two of you for a very long time now! I’ve shown you respect, but what about you? You’ve been nothing but overbearing and annoying! You’ve vividly portrayed to me how incessant b*tches would behave! Scram if you don’t want to be a bridesmaid! We couldn’t care less! Do you seriously think that we won’t be able to hold our wedding without you?” Levi yelled.

Zara and Yvette were stunned.
Zoey hadn’t said a word about their attitude, but Levi had gotten enraged before her.
It took a solid minute for the two of them to regain their bearings.
“What? Are you telling us to leave?”
The two of them stared at Levi unbelievably.
“Yes. Get lost if you don’t want to be a bridesmaid! Zoey has been treating the two of you as her friends, but what about you? How have you been treating her?”
“You’ve been rudely ordering her around, asking her to make new arrangements for your accommodation and your meals. That’s fine. We’re still able to tolerate that. But asking to choose the groomsmen? Excuse me. Is it you or Zoey who is getting married?”
“Have you ever given Zoey a shred of respect? Do you seriously take her as your friend? We’ve invited you over to be our bridesmaids, not VIPs whom we’re supposed to please!”
“What makes you think that you are the ones to decide how our wedding should be held? What more do you want? Do you want to change me, the freaking groom of the wedding, out as well?”
Levi attacked them with questions.
The two women were rendered speechless.
Zara and Yvette stood up from their seats and stared at Zoey. “You don’t want us to be your bridesmaids either, do you? You’ll choose them over us at the end of the day, won’t you?”
“Zoey, say something if you still treat us as your friends! You’ll know who to choose if you’ve ever considered us your real friends!”
Zara and Yvette stubbornly insisted that Zoey make a decision.
To their surprise, Zoey wore a cold expression as she spoke. “If the two of you were my real friends, you wouldn’t have asked me to choose! Since you’re not treating me sincerely as your friend, then there’s no point in me being courteous to you! Please leave!”
Zoey was fed up and finally gave them an answer.
The two girls looked at Zoey in disbelief as they never expected Zoey to make such a decision.
The only reason why they dared to act so presumptuously was that they thought Zoey was meek.
It never crossed their minds that Zoey changed so much in such a short period of time, especially in terms of her personality.
“Great. This is just great! How dare you reject us as your bridesmaids? You’ll regret this!” Zara raged.
“Yeah! That’s right! Without us, who will you ask to be your bridesmaids?”
Levi scoffed, “Any woman with two legs? That’ll be like shopping for groceries in the market!”
Levi already had candidates in mind, and one of them was Helena Engler.
Anyone would be better than these two clowns.
Besides, they wouldn’t even be here if it were not for Zoey, who still cared about their friendship.
“Hmph! Who do you think you are, Zoey Lopez? Are you even aware that your wedding is for a remarriage? Why are you making it so grand? You seriously have no shame, do you?”
“Yeah! Do you think you’re some celebrity? I would be so embarrassed to remarry! Much less hold a wedding for it! Do you not want your reputation anymore?”
They scoffed, tearing their façade altogether.
“This is freaking Erudia! People will laugh at you for making such a grandeur over a remarriage! This kind of culture would be a joke overseas!”
“Get lost!”
Zoey yelled in the midst of her fury.
“Do we have to leave just because you told us to? What if I refuse to leave? Huh? What can you do?”
“We’ll leave whenever we want to! Not just because you told us to!”
Zara and Yvette sneered at her.
“Throw them out if they refuse to cooperate.” Levi’s icy voice sounded.
“Great! Because I’ve been waiting all day to beat up these b*tches!”
Black Tortoise murmured in annoyance.


Even Iris had the impulse to throw out those two women, let alone Azure Dragon and his men, who all had a bad temper.

“You wouldn’t dare!”

“Don’t you dare touch us!”
Zara and Yvette threatened.
“Erudian men are really boorish! You’re all acting like barbarians! How rude! You don’t even have basic courtesy!”
“All of you should really take lessons from foreigners. Every one of them is so gentlemanly, unlike you! Barbaric! Repulsive!”
The two of them screeched at Black Tortoise and the other men.
Having spent many years abroad, they felt edified by the culture over there and were now putting on airs.
Not only did they scorn everything that had to do with Erudia, but they also made it their mission to compare Erudia with foreign countries in every possible way.
This was especially so with the case of people.
Needless to say, they felt that foreigners were better than Erudians.
And having gone through that whole ordeal a while ago, they only felt a stronger prejudice against Erudians.
“Look at these people! If I didn’t know this was Erudia, I would have thought that I had been transported back to the Stone Age! All of you are so barbaric!”
Levi shot them a chilling glare. “Throw them out!”
Upon receiving that order, Black Tortoise took the opportunity to vent his frustration. He grabbed the two screeching ladies, one in each hand, and dragged them toward the entrance.
“Let go of me!”
However, their frenzied struggling were to no avail.
Black Tortoise mercilessly threw them out of the door as if he were disposing of garbage.
Zara and Yvette felt pain shot through their bodies while they stared at him with their mouths agape in shock.
They had been thrown out like beggars onto the street.
“Just you wait! You lowly Erudian peasants! Barbarians! I’ll expose all of your vulgar acts to the world!”
They continued screaming.
“This monstrous country makes me sick! We shouldn’t even be here! We want to leave this barbaric place right now!”
Their clamorous shrieks of resentment echoed through the street as they left with the promise that they would be back to take revenge.
Levi shot a look at Azure Dragon.
After Azure Dragon pulled a few strings, those two mad women were immediately deported out of the country.
They had literally been chased out of Erudia.
As they left, they still made sure to voice out their scolding. “Don’t you worry! We won’t even want to step into the borders of this country ever again! Barbarians! You’re all destined to live as peasants!”
It was not until they hopped off the plane onto foreign land did they truly let out a breath of relief.
“Oh, we’re finally here! I can smell the sweet scent of foreign air again! Look at how glamourous it is over here in a foreign land!”
Zara was nearly moaning in glee.
“My mood is a hundred times better now that we’ve left that barbaric place called Erudia! The air is so fresh over here!”
“Exactly! Look at all these familiar faces! Oh, I’m so happy right now! Erudians seriously make me sick!”

A whole string of nasty words could be heard while the two of them exchanged their complaints exasperatedly.
When they left the airport, they decided not to flag down a taxi.
Instead, they wanted to take a stroll back.
They felt that they needed to filter out the dirty Erudian air in their bodies with the fresh and clean air in their beloved foreign land.
In their opinion, Erudia was a petty country.
“I’ll never admit that I’m Erudian! It’s such a shame!”
Yvette decided resolutely.
“Yes, yes! We’re foreigners! Noble citizens! Erudia doesn’t deserve to have us!”
Zara concurred with her statement.
At that moment, a group of foreign men walked past them.
They looked fierce, with murderous intent clear in their eyes. Upon seeing the two coquettish ladies, their eyes lit up with a malicious glint.
They whipped out their daggers and quickly surrounded the two girls.
Ba dum!
Zara and Yvette panicked. Their hearts flipped as they surveyed the situation.
They had been too caught up in their complaint session and hadn’t bothered to pay close attention to their surroundings.
Although all they talked about was how good foreign countries were, they had encountered robbers when they first arrived in a foreign land.
In the years following their stay in the foreign country, they met with several cases of robbery. They weren’t spared, even when they were in the middle of a bustling city.
Hence, they didn’t dare to step out of their house at night.
Tonight, however, they seemed to have forgotten that.
It didn’t take long for the foreigners to encircle the women.


The foreigners snickered as they sized Zara and Yvette up.

If they were lucky, they would get to rob and rape tonight.

The foreign gentlemen, as Zara had once called them, smacked their lips as they checked out their prey.
This would never have happened in Erudia. No matter how lowly they thought Erudia was, they definitely wouldn’t be robbed near the airport.
Neither would they need to worry about wandering in a major city at night.
This was the so-called greatness of foreign countries.
Foreigners were ‘noble,’ and the men were ‘gentlemanly.’
However, it clearly wasn’t the case at that moment.
“We’ll give you all our money…”
Zara fished out a wad of cash and stuffed it into the hands of the robbers.
The foreigners grabbed the money and threw Zara and Yvette onto their shoulders.
The two girls barely stood a chance against the group of burly men.
Soon, they were brought to a dark and secluded place.
The sound of clothing being ripped echoed amidst the silence of the night.
“Let go of us! You imbeciles! Go to hell!”
“You disgusting foreigners! You’re beasts! Barbarians!”
“You’re heinous! You’re nothing compared to Erudian men!”
“Erudia is so much better! I want to go back to Erudia! Foreigners are nothing but trash…”
Zara and Yvette screeched desperately at the top of their lungs.
Their cries, however, were soon drowned out by the nasty laughter of the foreign ‘gentlemen.’
It was ironic how those two women had nothing but praise for foreign countries and their citizens a while ago.
Only in times of grave danger would people ever think about the motherland that they had been raised in…
At other times, Erudia was merely trash to them.
When they were overseas, they refused to admit their Erudian citizenship.
They would say that they were from Erudia’s neighboring islands and pose as the islands’ citizens, not even daring to speak a word of Erudian.
To them, it was humiliating to admit that they were Erudians.
Meanwhile, Zara and Yvette’s absence barely had any impact on Levi and Zoey.
It didn’t take long for them to find another two bridesmaids as replacements, and they were Helena and the financial director, Elena.
Both of them were much better than Zara and Yvette.
As for the groomsmen whom Zara and Yvette despised, they were the Five Great Wars Regiment, the direct subordinates of the God of War!
They were practically undefeatable on the battlefield!
Once their identities were made known, not only would Erudia be in awe, but the whole world would also tremor in fear.
It was preposterous that Zara and Yvette deemed them unworthy of standing next to both of them.
As their wedding date drew closer, Zoey and Levi sent out the last of their invitations.
Apart from Ezra and the other eight Commanders-In-Chief of the Nine Warzones, Levi also invited his close friends.
But the person whom Levi was truly excited to see was his teacher, Angus Belford.
After enlisting in the army, it was Angus who saw the great potential in Levi. He was the one who had trained him and ensured his preferments.
Zoey also invited a huge group of friends.
She thought that Levi’s guests were all ordinary people.
Little did she know that every single person on his guest list was a big shot.
Even the mention of their names could easily cause an uproar in Erudia or even foreign countries.
If people knew that this group of people was about to show up together, the entire world would go mad!
Levi smiled at Zoey. “At our wedding, I’ll let you know just how amazing your husband is! You’ll know how capable I actually am!”
He had promised to reveal his identity at the wedding and come clean to Zoey, the Lopez family, and the Black family.
Seeing how confident Levi looked, Zoey truly looked forward to that day.
Finally, I will find out this secret of his!
I’ve waited too long for this moment.
Ever since Levi was locked up in prison, I have been hoping that one day, when the snow covers everything in white, Levi would return to me victoriously!
And from that moment onward, he would protect me forever and always!


It looks like my wish is about to be granted very soon.

There’s so much that I don’t know about Levi, but he promised to tell me about it on the day of our wedding.

I knew I was right to be patient!
When the Garrisons eventually found out that Levi was still alive and was getting married, the family was shaken to the core.
After all, Levi was the illegitimate son of Tyrone Garrison, the next patriarch of the Garrison family.
Tyrone’s appointment ceremony was coming up, but it was greatly affected by the news about Levi.
The Garrisons were anxious because of their failed attempts to assassinate Levi.
Hence, it was harder for them to make another attempt at that point in time.
“If you were made aware of the bastard before, why was I not informed?” roared Kenny, who blamed Edward and the others for not telling him about Levi.
Edward’s failure was the cause of their predicament.
“Go to hell! All of you!”
Kenny continued to roar.
These people have brought nothing but shame to the Garrison family!
“The situation may be better than it seems. I mean, the bastard isn’t completely useless. He’s the boss of Morris Group. Even the prominent families in South Hampton listen to him!” explained Edward.
After hearing that, Kenny seemed a little calmer.
“That’s nothing compared to what our family has achieved! So what if he’s the boss of a group? What’s so special about South Hampton? Our servant was enough to take that city head-on. A bastard will always be a bastard!” stated Kenny angrily.
“You’re right. He’s only achieved his minor success because of the noble blood that runs within him. Otherwise, he’d simply be another street rat.”
The Garrisons were upset over Levi and the fact that the man was doing well.
In the study of a luxurious villa somewhere in Oakland City, calligraphy paintings worth billions hung on the walls.
There were also various porcelain vases and exotic collections in the room, and one of them was even worth two billion.
Rather than being locked away, these luxury items were displayed in the study as if the room was a private calligraphy painting and antique museum.
A tall, handsome middle-aged man moved his pen gracefully over the canvas, practicing his calligraphy.
When he was done, the name ‘Garrison’ appeared, signifying the man’s resolve to become the next patriarch of the Garrison clan.
He could hardly wait any longer to be appointed as the head of the clan.
This man was Tyrone Garrison, the biological father of Levi.
A smirk appeared on Tyrone’s face when he was done with his work.
Before long, the man would be at the helm of the most powerful ancient family in Erudia.
When I get appointed as the patriarch of the clan, millions will bow before me.
By then, I’ll be the most powerful man in Erudia!
“Someone once asked me to choose between my career and a fair maiden. I chose my career, and I have never once regretted my decision because I’ll soon have everything that I could ever want,” muttered Tyrone to himself before simpering.
“Something terrible has happened, Mr. Garrison!” shouted a voice from outside.


“What’s all the fuss about? Calm yourself!” ordered Tyrone coldly.

The servant was about to speak when a woman rushed in from behind. “We’re in deep trouble! How are you still in the mood for your calligraphy?”

Dressed in luxurious clothing, the woman was perfectly poised and looked nothing short of royalty.
Although Olivia was old, her charm and graceful demeanor were incomparable.
Olivia was Tyrone’s wife and Damien’s mother.
As a member of the Garcia family, the second most powerful family in Erudia, she was the only one who was worthy of marrying Tyrone.
“What is it, Olivia?” asked Tyrone.
“Do you remember what happened twenty years ago?” asked Olivia with widened eyes.
Tyrone would never forget how he had fallen in love with Emma when he was just a young man. Twenty years ago, he had almost ruined his future.
“I do, and I remember taking care of it. So what is this about?” inquired Tyrone with a puzzled look.
“Didn’t you say that Emma that b*tch would be kept in Margo City for the rest of her life and that she would never leave?”
“I did because I know her. She’d never leave that city. I’d even erected a tombstone there as a reminder.”
Like a madwoman, Olivia roared, “Bullsh*t! The tombstone has been destroyed, and Emma is nowhere to be found! It turns out that you don’t know her as well as you’d thought.”
“What? She left Margo City and even destroyed the tombstone? How is that possible?”
Dumbfounded, Tyrone almost lost his balance.
“Didn’t you say that you’d taken care of the bastard too? Didn’t you promise that he was dead and would never be a threat to our family?”
“Are you saying that the boy is still alive?” Tyrone could not believe what he had just heard.
“He’s more than alive. That bastard’s the one who’s brought Emma out of Margo City! Not only that, but he has also killed Caleb and defeated the Garrison clan in Haven. Even Edward was crippled when he tried to assassinate the bastard. You said that he couldn’t be alive, but look at the threat thar he’s become to us. That bastard has humiliated our family!”
Mad with rage, Olivia lifted the porcelain vase that was worth billions and smashed it onto the floor. Nevertheless, Tyrone was too distraught to worry about the vase.
“That is not possible. He can’t be alive! I lied to Emma when I promised her that I’d let the boy go. I had to kill him, so I left him in the mountains to freeze or starve to death. Even a wild dog could have killed the boy! It’s merely impossible for him to have been alive!”
“Well, the bastard is still alive. Not only that but rather, he’s also doing well,” stated Olivia as she glared daggers at her husband.
“How could it be? I’d done it myself. I left the boy to die in the wild.”
Tyrone was deeply troubled.
“Wait a second. I remember it now. It has to be him! He must be the one who’s responsible!” exclaimed Tyrone.


“Get the butler over here now!” shouted Tyrone furiously.

Before long, an old man with gray hair arrived at the scene.

The butler fell to his knees before Tyrone and Olivia, for he could already guess why he had been summoned.
As a butler, Dexter was in charge of the housekeeping for Tyrone’s residence, unlike Edward, whose duty was to protect Tyrone.
Dexter was there when Tyrone fell in love with Emma, and he helped his master with keeping secrets and other things.
Otherwise, the two love birds would have been discovered even earlier.
Dexter liked Emma, so he had persuaded Tyrone not to abandon the woman on multiple occasions.
“I’m guessing that you’re aware of why you’ve been summoned?” asked Tyrone angrily.
Dexter knew that the day would come when the Garrisons would catch news of Levi.
“I do, Master.”
“Then, tell me what happened back then. I need to know why the boy is still alive.” Tyrone had his eyes fixed on the butler.
Dexter sighed. “After you’d abandoned the child, I went back for him because I couldn’t simply allow him to die like that. He was a person, and more importantly, he was your flesh and blood!”
Olivia immediately corrected him. “Tyrone has only one son, and that is Damien! That bastard is not even worthy of the Garrison name! Nobody will see him as Tyrone’s son.”
Dexter then took a deep breath before continuing, “I couldn’t allow Ms. Jones’ child to die, so I took him to North Hampton and left him in the streets. I gave him a chance at life. If he was lucky, he would’ve gotten adopted. Otherwise, he would’ve frozen to death. Fortunately, fate was kind to him. The child ended up getting adopted by the Garrison clan in North Hampton.”
Not even Levi knew that he owed his life to the man.
If it were not for Dexter, Levi would have died in the wild.
There was no way he could have survived otherwise.
When Dexter was done explaining, Tyrone gasped as if he had trouble breathing.
“So it really was you! It’s your fault that the boy is still alive. I never wanted him to live!” shouted Tyrone.
Tyrone was so furious that he flipped his desk over, as all of the valuables were soon smashed into pieces.
Rage was pulsing through the man’s veins.
“Have you lost your mind? Do you know how much trouble he’s caused us? The fact that he’s alive brings nothing but shame to our family!” roared Tyrone.
Olivia approached Dexter and gave the man a good hard slap on the face. “You have no idea what you’ve done, you slave! Now that everyone in Erudia knows Tyrone had an illegitimate son, how will he lead our family? Who is going to listen to him now? Do you think that our family can bear this shame? I ought to kill you where you’re standing!”
“I’m aware of what I’ve done, but I could not bear to merely allow the child to die! I couldn’t bring myself to look the other way. Even after all that has happened, I wouldn’t have had it any other way,” insisted Dexter.
Tyrone and Olivia were stunned by the man’s response.
“You seriously still believe that you’d done the right thing? You must have a death wish!” shouted Olivia with widened eyes.
She was ready to murder the man for saving Levi.


“I do! Human lives are more important than reputation, and we’re talking about my Master’s own flesh and blood. No matter how you put it, Master’s blood runs in that boy’s veins.”

Dexter remained headstrong.

“I’ll kill you!” roared Olivia before she grabbed a sword in the study and swung it toward Dexter.
The butler shut his eyes and was ready to die when Tyrone shouted, “No!”
Dexter smiled when Tyrone stopped Olivia because he knew his Master well.
Tyrone was by no means a good man.
He was cruel and ruthless, or else he would not have left his own flesh and blood to die in the wild.
Master did not stop Olivia merely to save my life.
Why would he? He has never once treated us like human beings. We’re merely slaves, and our lives do not matter to him.
“Why did you stop me? He’s useless to us!” shouted Olivia fiercely.
“What are we going to tell Father if you’ve killed him? How will we explain ourselves?”
Dexter smiled because he knew that there was a reason that his master had kept him alive.
The butler was to be their scapegoat.
“You’re right. What’s happened has happened. Now, we’ll have to explain ourselves, so we can hand him over to the clan. He’ll suffer our harshest punishment!”
“He’ll pay for breaking the rules. There’s no way that he’ll live,” stated Tyrone as he stared coldly at the butler.
“No, I can’t wait that long.”
Olivia could not contain herself.
“Then, cut off his arms,” suggested Tyrone cruelly, so Olivia lifted the sword once again before swinging it down decisively.
Dexter cried aloud, left in excruciating pain.
“Better, Olivia? If not, you still have the legs.”
The Garrisons had no problem when it came to toying with human lives, especially the lives of lowly servants.
“I’m good. So what shall we do about the b*tch and the bastard?” inquired Olivia.
“I want nothing more than to kill the two, but now is not the right time. If we do it now, we’ll become a joke to the world.” Tyrone sighed.
Olivia nodded in agreement. “You’re right. The world is watching us now. If we make a move now, we’ll risk tarnishing our reputation in Erudia and the entire East side of the world.
“Seeing as such, what else can we do?”
Tyrone was in distress.
“If all else fails, maybe we’ll ask him to join us. It’s safer that way,” suggested a servant. Unfortunately, as soon as he was done speaking, he got slapped by Olivia.
“Are you seriously suggesting that we should allow the bastard to become one of us? What right does the bastard have to step inside of this house? I’ll never agree to it, and I don’t think the clan will either,” shouted Olivia, utterly infuriated.
“That’s right. He’ll never be worthy of joining us. At least, not with his current identity. If he wants to become a part of us, he’s got to earn it. I’ll only allow him to join us once the clan recognizes his strength,” agreed Tyrone.


Olivia nodded vigorously. “I’ve heard that he’s good. Let’s see if he has what it takes to become one of us. I don’t believe that he can beat Damien.”

“If he remains humble and works hard enough, he’ll possibly be able to join my family,” mused Tyrone.

I believe that he is a capable man. He is my own flesh and blood, after all.
“I don’t think so! Levi bows to no one, not even to the Garrison family. He’s far too arrogant.”
At that moment, Damien returned.
“Not even the Garrison family, you say?”
Tyrone and Olivia were taken aback because the Garrisons were the most powerful family in Erudia.
Anyone who refuses to submit to the Garrisons are either mad or suicidal.
“Damien, the bastard really said that?” questioned Olivia.
“I’ve heard about him for a while now. I’ve just never mentioned it. He’s challenged the Garrisons many times. He has even called me on the phone.”
“What? He called you?” asked Damien’s parents immediately.
“Yes. I never expected him to contact me. I’d thought that he wanted to apologize, but he merely called to threaten me. He’d said that if I told you anything about him and Emma, he would make us pay for it.”
Damien then repeated all of Levi’s threats to his parents.
When Damien was done, Tyrone punched the wall in anger.
Suddenly, a web-like crack appeared on the wall.
“Never have I heard of anyone so arrogant!”
“And here I was, thinking about allowing him to join the family even though he was not qualified. How dare he threaten us like that!” Tyrone roared, his voice like thunder.
Olivia was equally as enraged. “Not only did he threaten Damien, rather, but he had also threatened our entire family! He’s got nothing on Damien, let alone our entire family. He can only dream of becoming as good as Damien.”
“No matter how hard he tries, he’ll never be as good as Damien,” agreed Tyrone.
Damien was Tyrone’s greatest pride because the family elders had said that he was the first genius to have been born in the family in a millennium.
How can Levi ever hope to compare to Damien?
There’s no way that’s possible!
“Don’t worry. Levi’s all bark with no bite,” assured Damien with a smirk. Hence, his parents nodded with satisfaction.
“You can count on me. I’ll prove to you that Dad was right to abandon Levi and his mother. That bastard is no match for me because I’m much more powerful than he is,” continued Damien.
“That’s my boy! Show that bastard what you can do.”
Tyrone was very pleased with his son.
“Don’t worry, Father. When he meets me, he’ll know what it means to be powerful. I’ll make sure that he’ll curse the day that he was born!” promised Damien.


Looking at how confident their son was, Tyrone and Olivia could not be more pleased.

Now that’s our son, our pride!

Born a genius with the strongest bloodline, our son has always been a prodigy, and his training only made him stronger.
“Go, my son! Head south. After all these years in Oakland City, it’s time for you to unleash your potential,” instructed Tyrone, whose life was too precious to be put at risk.
Worried for Tyrone’s safety, the Garrisons surrounded the man with thousands of guards no matter where he went.
Olivia nodded in agreement. “It’s time for you to see the world and let everyone witness what a true genius is capable of!”
The mother’s tone then took a turn. “Nonetheless, we should also make sure that Damien is safe.”
“I agree. We’ll send only the best to protect him and make sure that nothing bad happens,” concurred Tyrone.
Olivia was relieved to hear her husband utter such words. “I’ll also speak to my father and have him send our family’s elites.”
Damien chuckled in response. “You two don’t seem to trust me completely. I alone will be enough to take the South head-on. There is no need for any protection.”
“We know that you’re definitely the best amongst your peers, but you’re far too important for that. You are the future of the two most powerful ancient families, so we can’t allow anything to happen to you. Not even a slight risk,” explained Tyrone.
“I understand, Father. You’ll hear from me soon. I’m going to give Levi one hell of a surprise at his wedding,” promised Damien with a malicious scowl.
“Good! Make him sorry for mocking our family and remind him of how insignificant he is!” cackled Tyrone
“Mother, what happened to the butler?” asked Damien as he looked curiously at Dexter.
After his mother told him everything about what Dexter had done, Damien walked over to the butler and stepped on his wounds.
Blood gushed out of the man’s wounds.
Dexter cried out again in agony before looking at Damien with a pale face.
This boy is crueler than his father.
He has completely inherited the ruthlessness of both of his parents.
Being at his mercy is worse than death itself, so I choose death!
Dexter suddenly stood up and was ready to end his life by hitting his head against the wall.
Damien kicked Dexter and sent the butler flying.
“Trying to kill yourself? You don’t have my permission to die just yet!”
Damien then laughed maniacally.
“Please grant me a swift death, Master Tyrone! I’m willing to accept death as my punishment,” Dexter begged the indifferent Tyrone.
“Why are you in a hurry to die? Isn’t it wonderful to be alive?” Damien continued to make fun of the butler.
“I guess that this makes you Levi’s savior, doesn’t it? Then, you’ll have to wait for him to rescue you. Do you think that he’ll come to your rescue if I tell him that you’d saved his life?”
Damien then turned to his parents. “I’ll be taking the butler with me. I need to use him against Levi.”


On the other side, Levi had no idea that the Garrisons were in the heat of a discussion because of him.

Even Tyrone and Kenny were informed of his existence.

Busy with his wedding, Levi was not aware that Damien was getting ready to deal with him.
The couple’s new house in North Hampton was completed, and Levi was very satisfied with it.
Hence, he was in an excellent mood.
On top of that, Jason had also reached North Hampton.
It had been six years since Levi had last seen his good friend, so naturally, he was excited to see Jason again.
“Levi, I’m very happy for you, but… “
Jason seemed hesitant.
“What is it, Jason? Come on. Out with it!”
“I just came from Oakland City, and everyone there knows of your existence, including the Garrisons! So it’s only a matter of time before they come for you, especially Damien. You wouldn’t want the Garrisons to be your enemy. I suggest that you should beg them for mercy,” advised Jason.
Bad things happen to those in Damien’s crosshairs.
Levi got lucky because he had the Paragon Seal.
“Beg the Garrisons?” Levi chuckled.
“Yes. Just kneel before them and say something pleasant. I’m sure that they won’t make it hard on you. After all, they can’t do anything to you, now that everyone knows of your existence.”
“I have no problem kneeling before them, but do they seriously think that they’re worth it?” asked Levi coldly.
The God of War bows to no one, not even to the Garrisons.
“Levi, you’re a good man, but you’re just too damn stubborn! You never listen to anyone. I should talk to Emma. Maybe she’ll do it,” relented Jason.
Jason only wanted what was best for his good friend.
He believed that the Garrisons would let Levi go if the man would submit himself to them.
“Save it. I know how to deal with the Garrisons.”
Levi decided to bring his mother with him to meet the Garrisons after his wedding.
He needed to know why Tyrone had abandoned him and his mother.
“Come, let’s go and visit Morris.”
Afterward, Levi and Jason arrived before Morris’ grave, which had already been well-refurbished by Nueve and his men.
“Now, we’re merely short of Warren. It’s good to be reunited again.” Jason sighed before toasting to Morris’ grave.
“I’ve been looking for Warren, and I’m sure that I’ll find him soon,” assured Levi.
Warren had disappeared, and Phoenix had been searching for him for a long time. Unfortunately, it was to no avail.
“You’ve been searching for a while, haven’t you? You should just give up. You’re not going to find him because he’s changed his identity.”
“Wait, you know where he is?” asked Levi.
“Yes. I think that I might be able to find him.”
“The three of you were close, so when Warren found out that he couldn’t help the both of you, he felt useless. In low spirits, Warren changed his identity and led a different life,” explained Jason.
“Take me there, Jason! I need to see Warren!”
“Okay. I didn’t want to bother him, but I think that you two should meet. Perhaps he’ll be able to convince you to submit to the Garrisons. He’s a good friend of yours, after all. Maybe you’ll listen to him,” agreed Jason.

Now Levi has joined sex sect. Damien, you are just peanut in the eyes of the God Of War. You are only going to destroy your life
I cant wait for the new chapters to come out. All the best in the exams. I'm switching back to the golden dragon for now. Need to cultivate hard
Now Levi has joined sex sect. Damien, you are just peanut in the eyes of the God Of War. You are only going to destroy your life
I wonder all the heroes are so difficult to have sex for the first time 😂 .. Dustin, John, Charlie, Levi, Dominic are all the same. Dominic case is the worst because it's not because he was avoiding sex, it's just that he has no luck and failed every time he tried 😅.. I haven't started with Lucas Gray and John Brown, but I think it will be the same case with them.
I wonder all the heroes are so difficult to have sex for the first time 😂 .. Dustin, John, Charlie, Levi, Dominic are all the same. Dominic case is the worst because it's not because he was avoiding sex, it's just that he has no luck and failed every time he tried 😅.. I haven't started with Lucas Gray and John Brown, but I think it will be the same case with them.
The author of Dustin story is the most wicked of them. He is not even giving Dustin the opportunity.
The author of Dustin story is the most wicked of them. He is not even giving Dustin the opportunity.
Yeah.. except for the poisonous witch girl who can change her appearance.. I forgot her name.
This story is great that is why i am eagerly waiting for an update (he he).

I am just a little curious about the decision of Levi not to fully reveal his identity earlier, although in previous chapters he casually mentioned him as god of war; yet he did not seriously uncover it.

There are no enough reasons why he must hide his identity, in fact it would have been a great benefits for him and the people around if they knew who he is.

The repetition of looking down at him from his in-laws and the people around him should have been avoided leading to at least must accepted story line.

After all, i am reading the story and waiting for this most awaited revelation. Thanks
Chapter 1042
Jason only wanted Levi to see Warren again because he was hoping that Warren could convince Levi to submit to the Garrisons.

He did not want his friend’s wedding to turn into a funeral.

I know that the Garrisons will spare Levi if he kneels before them.

Levi knew what Jason’s intention was, but he saw no need to bow to the Garrisons.

I’ll destroy anyone who dares to stir up trouble at my wedding!

With Jason’s help, Levi was finally reunited with Warren.

His friend had settled down and even had himself a daughter. He was living a good life.

When Warren heard that Levi was getting married again, he was more than happy to be part of the celebration as he wanted to make up for his past regret.

Three days before his wedding, Levi finally got everyone important to him to accept his invitation.

Meanwhile, at the Oakland City Airport, a private plane took off with dozens of other planes escorting it.

On the ground was a convoy made up of hundreds of vehicles on their way to North Hampton.

As heir to the most powerful ancient family in Erudia, such an occurrence was normal to Damien.

He was always surrounded by tens of thousands of men to make sure that he was safe.

Even though the movement was extremely large-scale, no one knew about it because the Garrisons were powerful enough to control the flow of information.

On top of that, the Garrisons’ allies arrived in North Hampton early to pave the way for Damien, for they had to ensure that nothing would go wrong.

“Levi, you’ll realize just how insignificant you are when you meet me,” whispered Damien to himself on the plane.

Glancing out of the window, Damien wondered if there was anyone in Erudia who could outmatch him.

There’s only one person, the God of War.

All Damien could ever do was keep up with the God of War because the man’s achievements were far too great.

One of his achievements was beating the elites of the Eighteen-Nation Alliance with only his iron fists and quelling the alliance.

He was certainly the only person who had ever achieved such a feat, and it was enough to make Damien feel hopeless in his pursuit to match the God of War.

I guess that being number two isn’t that bad.

“Perhaps the God of War views me in the manner that I view Levi,” muttered Damien to himself.

“No, that’s not right. The bastard’s not even worthy of being compared to me!” shouted Damien suddenly.

“I wouldn’t be so sure if I were you,” chuckled Dexter, who was tied to his seat.


Damien was stunned. “What did you say?”

“Given the same resources and advantages, Levi might just be better than you. Look at what he’s achieved growing up on the streets. If he had the same upbringing as you, it’s not hard to imagine that he could do a whole lot better.”

Dexter’s words were like knives to Damien’s heart.

Furious, the man stared at the butler in utter disbelief. “Did you just say that Levi is better than me?”

“That’s right. If he had grown up in the same environment that you had, I believe that he would’ve been a lot more powerful than you are.” Dexter cackled.

“You think that he’s more powerful than me?”

Raw anger shot through Damien.
“Say that Levi can’t compare to me! Say it! Say it now!”
Damien grabbed Dexter by the throat and forced the butler to say the words.

“Master Levi is stronger than you!” Dexter cackled again as he stared at his perpetrator

Chapter 1043​

Huffing and puffing, Damien grabbed a fork and stabbed Dexter with it, causing blood to squirt out from the butler. Dexter’s mouth was gurgling with blood, and his body twitched. “Now, let’s try this again. Who’s stronger?” Damien was acting like a mad man. “Master Levi is stronger, and I’ll always support him!” insisted Dexter. The people around them quickly stopped Damien when he was about to murder the butler. “You can’t kill him yet, Mr. Damien! You still need him, remember?” Only then did Damien calm down, and before long, he arrived in North Hampton. “Is this what the outside world is like? How pathetic! These people must not know what a paradise looks like. To me, Oakland City is the only true paradise!” mocked Damien. “Of course, Mr. Damien. This place is a far cry from Oakland City,” agreed a lackey beside Damien. “I can now see why Levi is so arrogant. He thinks that he’s seen it all when he’d merely achieved a minor success in this pathetic environment. He probably still has no idea of how insignificant he is. Wait till he sees what I have in store for his wedding.” The wedding was only a few days away, and Levi was just as nervous as he was before. After all, he had promised to reveal his true identity to Zoey, the Lopezes, and the Blacks. “Levi, your wedding venue has been arranged. As instructed, it is not unnecessarily extravagant, but you can be sure it’ll be grand nonetheless,” assured Azure Dragon and his men. “Good!” Levi nodded in satisfaction. This time, I want Zoey to have a wedding that she’ll never forget. However, Levi did not want to achieve that with a ludicrous amount of money, so he took the time to make a ring and a necklace out of bullet shells as gifts to Zoey. “Boss, Ezra will be here tonight! It’s been a while since I’d last seen the Commanders-In-Chief of the Nine Warzones and the Four Guardians.” Levi smiled in response. “I’ll pick them up myself tonight.” Family members and friends had already arrived at the venue because the wedding would be held on the next day. Although Meredith and the other Blacks were not happy about the wedding, they came anyway since Levi promised to reveal secrets at the occasion. They were curious about what the man had to offer. “We didn’t come here to give you our blessings. Rather, we merely wanted to see the surprise that you have in store for us. You won’t be marrying Zoey if we’re dissatisfied with your reveal,” threatened Meredith. “That’s right. If you lie to us, the child will never take your last name. He or she will be a Lopez or even a Black,” chimed in Aaron. The couple was well-prepared in case Levi was planning to lie to them. “You two should ready yourselves. I’m worried that you might faint when I reveal my secrets. After all, you’re not as young as you used to be.” Levi chuckled. Meredith then glared daggers at Levi. “You’re worried that I’ll faint? We’ll see how big of a deal your identity is.” Nobody took Levi seriously, but he could already imagine how half of the crowd would kneel while the other half would pass out.
Chapter 1044
Zoey gazed at Levi expectantly.

The day had finally come for her to marry the love of her life.

Bursting with joy for her son, Emma was easily the happiest person in the crowd.

She never imagined that she would be able to attend her son’s wedding.

“Huh? Not only are you attending the wedding, but you also have to give a speech?” asked Meredith after checking the itinerary.

“That’s right.”

Emma nodded.

“We can’t have you doing that! What will people think of Zoey when they see you? Do you know how many will be watching you tomorrow? Many are trying to dig for dirt on Zoey.”

“Do you know how much trouble it will cause if people find out that Levi has a mother like you?”

“You don’t want to cause problems for Zoey, do you?”

Meredith, Robert, and the others all ganged up on Emma.

“I… I don’t, so what should I do?”

Naturally, Emma would not want anything bad to happen to Zoey.

“It’ll be better for you to forego the wedding tomorrow,” advised Meredith.


Emma hesitated because she really wanted to be a part of her son’s wedding.

“If you insist on going, then your son will never marry Zoey!” threatened Meredith.

“I won’t go then.”

Emma had no choice but to listen to Meredith.

“Good! We have an agreement then. You can’t appear at the wedding, and you can’t tell Levi or Zoey about this.”

“I understand.”

Emma was aggrieved but she did not want to ruin her son’s wedding.

“Phew! Can you imagine how humiliating it would’ve been if Levi’s filthy mother were to show up at the wedding?” The Blacks cackled.

That night, Levi went to the airport with Azure Dragon and the others to pick his friends up personally.

Logan and Jennie were also there to pick up their big-shot relatives, who only decided to attend Zoey’s wedding when they heard of Zoey’s net worth.

Before long, the Blacks appeared out of the arrival gate, and every one of them was well-dressed.

Logan then glanced at Levi. “Take a good look, Levi. Notice how all the Lopezes and Blacks are all big shots? What about your family and friends? Anyone worth mentioning?”

Compared to the Lopezes and Blacks, Azure Dragon and others were dressed quite casually.

“I’m guessing that the friends whom you’re waiting for will fare no better than the ones beside you now,” mocked Jennie.

“Boss!” cried Ezra and others excitedly when they appeared out of the arrival gate.

“Weren’t these people on the same flight as us? They were in the economy class,” ridiculed one of Logan’s relatives.


Logan and Jennie joined in on the laughter.

It’s evident that we’re on a different level from Levi’s friends.

We were in first class while they were stuck in economy class.

Without their uniforms, Ezra and the others were no different from ordinary people.

They had even bought economy class tickets, so it was only natural that people would misunderstand.

Little did Logan, Jennie, and the others know that they were standing before the renowned Commanders-In-Chief of the Nine Warzones and the Four Guardians of Erudia.

These men were the ones who shaped Erudia’s destiny and they were revered both locally and abroad
Chapter 1044
Zoey gazed at Levi expectantly.

The day had finally come for her to marry the love of her life.

Bursting with joy for her son, Emma was easily the happiest person in the crowd.

She never imagined that she would be able to attend her son’s wedding.

“Huh? Not only are you attending the wedding, but you also have to give a speech?” asked Meredith after checking the itinerary.

“That’s right.”

Emma nodded.

“We can’t have you doing that! What will people think of Zoey when they see you? Do you know how many will be watching you tomorrow? Many are trying to dig for dirt on Zoey.”

“Do you know how much trouble it will cause if people find out that Levi has a mother like you?”

“You don’t want to cause problems for Zoey, do you?”

Meredith, Robert, and the others all ganged up on Emma.

“I… I don’t, so what should I do?”

Naturally, Emma would not want anything bad to happen to Zoey.

“It’ll be better for you to forego the wedding tomorrow,” advised Meredith.


Emma hesitated because she really wanted to be a part of her son’s wedding.

“If you insist on going, then your son will never marry Zoey!” threatened Meredith.

“I won’t go then.”

Emma had no choice but to listen to Meredith.

“Good! We have an agreement then. You can’t appear at the wedding, and you can’t tell Levi or Zoey about this.”

“I understand.”

Emma was aggrieved but she did not want to ruin her son’s wedding.

“Phew! Can you imagine how humiliating it would’ve been if Levi’s filthy mother were to show up at the wedding?” The Blacks cackled.

That night, Levi went to the airport with Azure Dragon and the others to pick his friends up personally.

Logan and Jennie were also there to pick up their big-shot relatives, who only decided to attend Zoey’s wedding when they heard of Zoey’s net worth.

Before long, the Blacks appeared out of the arrival gate, and every one of them was well-dressed.

Logan then glanced at Levi. “Take a good look, Levi. Notice how all the Lopezes and Blacks are all big shots? What about your family and friends? Anyone worth mentioning?”

Compared to the Lopezes and Blacks, Azure Dragon and others were dressed quite casually.

“I’m guessing that the friends whom you’re waiting for will fare no better than the ones beside you now,” mocked Jennie.

“Boss!” cried Ezra and others excitedly when they appeared out of the arrival gate.

“Weren’t these people on the same flight as us? They were in the economy class,” ridiculed one of Logan’s relatives.


Logan and Jennie joined in on the laughter.

It’s evident that we’re on a different level from Levi’s friends.

We were in first class while they were stuck in economy class.

Without their uniforms, Ezra and the others were no different from ordinary people.

They had even bought economy class tickets, so it was only natural that people would misunderstand.

Little did Logan, Jennie, and the others know that they were standing before the renowned Commanders-In-Chief of the Nine Warzones and the Four Guardians of Erudia.

These men were the ones who shaped Erudia’s destiny and they were revered both locally and abroad
Thank you very much 🙏🏼
Thank you very much Master Indra. Waiting for more updates
Chapter 1044
Zoey gazed at Levi expectantly.

The day had finally come for her to marry the love of her life.

Bursting with joy for her son, Emma was easily the happiest person in the crowd.

She never imagined that she would be able to attend her son’s wedding.

“Huh? Not only are you attending the wedding, but you also have to give a speech?” asked Meredith after checking the itinerary.

“That’s right.”

Emma nodded.

“We can’t have you doing that! What will people think of Zoey when they see you? Do you know how many will be watching you tomorrow? Many are trying to dig for dirt on Zoey.”

“Do you know how much trouble it will cause if people find out that Levi has a mother like you?”

“You don’t want to cause problems for Zoey, do you?”

Meredith, Robert, and the others all ganged up on Emma.

“I… I don’t, so what should I do?”

Naturally, Emma would not want anything bad to happen to Zoey.

“It’ll be better for you to forego the wedding tomorrow,” advised Meredith.


Emma hesitated because she really wanted to be a part of her son’s wedding.

“If you insist on going, then your son will never marry Zoey!” threatened Meredith.

“I won’t go then.”

Emma had no choice but to listen to Meredith.

“Good! We have an agreement then. You can’t appear at the wedding, and you can’t tell Levi or Zoey about this.”

“I understand.”

Emma was aggrieved but she did not want to ruin her son’s wedding.

“Phew! Can you imagine how humiliating it would’ve been if Levi’s filthy mother were to show up at the wedding?” The Blacks cackled.

That night, Levi went to the airport with Azure Dragon and the others to pick his friends up personally.

Logan and Jennie were also there to pick up their big-shot relatives, who only decided to attend Zoey’s wedding when they heard of Zoey’s net worth.

Before long, the Blacks appeared out of the arrival gate, and every one of them was well-dressed.

Logan then glanced at Levi. “Take a good look, Levi. Notice how all the Lopezes and Blacks are all big shots? What about your family and friends? Anyone worth mentioning?”

Compared to the Lopezes and Blacks, Azure Dragon and others were dressed quite casually.

“I’m guessing that the friends whom you’re waiting for will fare no better than the ones beside you now,” mocked Jennie.

“Boss!” cried Ezra and others excitedly when they appeared out of the arrival gate.

“Weren’t these people on the same flight as us? They were in the economy class,” ridiculed one of Logan’s relatives.


Logan and Jennie joined in on the laughter.

It’s evident that we’re on a different level from Levi’s friends.

We were in first class while they were stuck in economy class.

Without their uniforms, Ezra and the others were no different from ordinary people.

They had even bought economy class tickets, so it was only natural that people would misunderstand.

Little did Logan, Jennie, and the others know that they were standing before the renowned Commanders-In-Chief of the Nine Warzones and the Four Guardians of Erudia.

These men were the ones who shaped Erudia’s destiny and they were revered both locally and abroad
Awesome.. i have been longed for the story
Chapter 1045
Out of their uniforms, the men could not look more ordinary than they were, currently.

They had paid for the economy class tickets out of their own pockets and had boarded the plane just like everyone else.

They wanted nothing extravagant and had no interest in abusing their privileges because they had the intention of attending Levi’s wedding as friends.

“You can determine how successful a person is by looking at the people who have surrounded him. By the looks of it, you seem way out of Zoey’s league,” mocked Logan’s relatives.

“I bet that you didn’t even get a single big shot to attend your wedding.”

Amongst the relatives and friends that Levi had invited to his wedding, Jason was the only one that Meredith had considered important; the Lopezes and the Blacks wanted nothing more than to drive the rest away.

Ezra was displeased when he realized how Levi’s relatives treated the man.

Neither Ezra nor the others thought that the God of War should receive such treatment.

“Don’t worry, I’ll tell them everything tomorrow,” assured Levi with a smile, for he was looking forward to it himself.

When they reached home, Levi excitedly introduced Ezra and others to Zoey.

“Hello, everyone. I’m Ezra Williamson from the West.”

“Todd Greenwood from the North.”

“Wilfrid Harrett from the East.”

“Darton Rogier from the South.”

“Siegfried Adkins from the Central.”

After the Commanders-In-Chief of the Nine Warzones introduced themselves, the Four Guardians did the same.

“Manfred Reyes of the East Gate.”

“Howell Dinwiddie of the West Gate.”

“Geoffrey Meskill of the South Gate.”

“Benjamin Dickinson of the North Gate.”

Other than the Nine Warzones, Erudia also had the Four National Gates, which had consisted of the North Gate, South Gate, East Gate, and West Gate.

Those gates had guarded the borders of Erudia for thousands of years, preventing countless invasions.

The Four Guardians were the ones who would watch over the gates as they guarded the nation against attacks.

Levi’s other friends also introduced themselves one by one.

Nevertheless, only those who were in the military knew what they were talking about.

“What’s a North Warzone, and what’s a West Gate? I have no idea what you guys are talking about!” exclaimed Aaron in confusion.

Aaron was not the only one who was confused. Rather, Zoey was confused as well.

“Your friends are just the same as you, Levi. A bunch of weirdos!” remarked Caitlyn.

“If you ask me, they sound like a bunch of hooligans!”

The Lopezes and the Blacks had nothing but contempt for Levi’s friends.

What kind of friends does Levi surround himself with?

And it’s not just a few of them.

There are dozens of these hooligans!

In the end, only Zoey and Emma welcomed Ezra and the others.

That night, Benny merely congratulated Levi through a video call because he was too occupied at the moment.

“I’ll visit Oakland City soon, Mr. Quinton. See you then.”

After Benny’s video call, Abigail also called to congratulate Levi.

Abigail was supposed to attend the wedding, but she had suddenly changed her mind when she thought of what happened previously.

“Where are you?” asked Levi.

“I’m in Oakland City,” answered Abigail honestly, for she was in South Hampton when she heard that Levi was in North Hampton.

To avoid Levi, Abigail left South Hampton and went to Oakland City.

“I see. Maybe I’ll head over visit you some day.”

Afterward, Levi received one congratulation after the other, and that was how he had spent the remainder of the night before his wedding.

The next day, the wedding finally commenced.
Chapter 1046
“Mom, what did just you say? You’re not attending the wedding?”

Levi and Zoey stared at Emma in disbelief.

Emma mumbled, “Mm. I’m not feeling well, so I won’t be attending.”

“Mom, are you alright?”

Both of them started to worry.

“I’m fine. It’s just that my body doesn’t feel too good. You both should hurry up and get ready.”

Emma shook her head.

“You two should go now. There are many things to be done over there. Since she said she’s not attending, just let her be!” Meredith said coldly.

Hence, Levi and Zoey did not dwell too much on it either.

After they left, a smile appeared on Meredith’s face. “You did well. It’s better for everyone if you didn’t attend the wedding!”

“I know, right? You’d be embarrassing the hell out of all of us if you attended.”

“Yeah! Both the Lopez and Black families want to keep our dignities intact at a wedding of this magnitude.”

Emma could only silently endure the verbal bashings from both the Lopez and Black families.

She hid in a corner and watched the wedding in silence.

It was her own son’s wedding, but she had to witness it from the shadows.

Just before the wedding began, all the guests were ushered into the venue.

There were even numerous media reporters among them.

They weren’t arranged by Levi, but were here for Zoey instead.

After all, Zoey was a well-known entrepreneur and her wedding would no doubt rule the headlines.

Meredith, who was gathered together with her family, observed the guests and exclaimed, “That little brat reap the benefits of our hard work!”

“It’s useless dwelling on that now! We can only hope that Levi has indeed prepared a little surprise for us!”

Aaron only shook his head in response. “Mom, Dad, don’t have any high hopes! According to my understanding of Levi, he wouldn’t have anything prepared for us.”

They sighed. “Well, let’s just wait and see! We don’t have any other choice!”

It was Zoey’s big day today, but her relatives did not seem to be happy for her at all as they complained behind her back.

Today, Levi was clad in a white wedding suit, his muscular body filling it perfectly.

“Sir, your other attire is ready as well,” Azure Dragon announced beside him.

Of course, the other attire he was referring to was none other than Levi’s Five-Star God of War military uniform!

In Erudia, this was the only military uniform with a five-star insignia!

He planned to appear before Zoey in the most perfect way possible later.

He wanted to tell her that this was her husband!

Even all five members of the Five Great Wars Regiment would be in their military uniform.

This was the definition of a grand entrance.

“Alright. Let me know when we’re halfway through the ceremony and I’ll change!”

Meanwhile, Zoey was wearing a white bridal dress which had Erudian culture woven into it. The dress accentuated every curve on her body, resembling a waterfall cascading downwards as it pooled on the floor.

Her beauty was absolutely breathtaking and could shake the entire world.

Just as Levi said, Erudians stayed true to their culture.

The moment Zoey appeared, the crowd cheered.

They sighed inwardly, thinking what a waste it was for a stunning beauty like Zoey to be wedded to Levi, who was such a sorry excuse of a man.

“What did we ever do to deserve such misfortune? Zoey was never supposed to marry him!”

Aaron sighed and kept hitting the table with his fist.

“That’s right! Look at the friends and relatives behind Levi. None of them are impressive!” Harry bellowed in anger.

Meredith and Robert were shaking with rage as well.

If Levi failed to give them a pleasant surprise today, they would no doubt demand an explanation from him.

Suddenly, hundreds of cars screeched to a stop outside.

All of them were luxury cars.

A magnificent scene like that shocked many people. Harry and the rest were no exception.

He was puzzled. “Whose relatives are they? Why don’t I have any recollection of them?”

Meredith and her family shook their heads with similarly clueless looks on their faces. “I don’t think they’re relatives from our side of the family either.”
Chapter 1047
The next moment, countless smart-looking men and celebrities alighted the cars and entered the wedding venue.

“On behalf of the Goel family, Xabian Goel from South Hampton congratulates Mr. Levi Garrison and Ms. Zoey Lopez on their wedding!”

“On behalf of the Hunt family, Mario Hunt from South Hampton congratulates…”

“On behalf of the Quinn family, Hayden Quinn from South Hampton congratulates…”

These people’s identities were revealed upon stepping into the venue.


Meredith and the rest were utterly flabbergasted by then.

This… This… This…

The top ten royal families of South Hampton are all here!

Even Elder Goel is here in person!

This line-up is too good to be true.

Little did they know that this was only the beginning.

The quasi-royal clans and other big figures were waiting behind to offer their congratulatory wishes.

It seemed like all the top families from South Hampton were here to celebrate Levi and Zoey’s wedding.

What… What is going on?

The Lopez and Black families traded looks with each other.

They were not acquainted with any of these people.

Neither were they qualified to be acquainted with them.

And yet, they were all here to offer their best wishes.

Could they be here for Levi?

“The Jones family from South Hampton is here to congratulate…”

Finally, a large number of people including Michael and Mia Jones arrived.

Today, Levi welcomed them here with open arms.

Upon seeing Levi come in together with these big shots from South Hampton, Meredith and the others could hardly wrap their minds around it.

Is this the surprise Levi was talking about?

This is completely unbelievable!

“Where’s Emma?”

Michael looked around in search of his daughter.

Someone in the crowd answered, “The bride’s family said that Ms. Jones is an embarrassment to them, so they deliberately stopped her from attending!”

Levi and Michael were incensed upon hearing this.

Michael roared, “What? My daughter, Emma, doesn’t have the right to attend the wedding? What about you lot? Are any of your statuses higher than my daughter’s?

Meredith and the others finally understood.

It turned out that Levi’s disgraceful mother had a strong family background!

She was from the royal family of South Hampton and the daughter of Michael Jones!

It turned out that Levi hailed from that family.

No wonder he had announced that he had a surprise for them.

For the Lopez and Black families, the Jones family was considered completely out of their league.

Hence, this was enough of a surprise for them.

However, never in a million years did they expect Levi to have something bigger in store for them.

Even the Jones family was nothing compared to his real surprise.

“Hurry up and invite Ms. Jones out. We can’t very well stop her from attending the wedding, now can we?”

Meredith and a few others immediately invited Emma out with warm smiles on their faces.

Fortunately, she wasn’t one to harbor grudges.

“We really never thought that you’d be from South Hampton’s Jones family. You should’ve told us earlier!”

Everyone’s attitudes towards Emma took a hundred and eighty degree turn, especially Aaron, Caitlyn and Meredith.

Aaron even patted Levi on the shoulder and complimented, “Levi, you definitely surprised us, I’ll give you that!”

“You completely deserve to be with Zoey! We’ve misjudged you all this while.”

The Lopez and Black families chattered away as they tried buttering him up.

Levi’s status as the grandson of the Jones family was more than enough to appease them.

It was beyond their imaginations that the top 100 prominent families would personally attend the wedding.

They were even more delighted that Levi was from the Jones family.

However, the prominent families from South Hampton did not spare a glance at the Jones family whatsoever. It wasn’t too far-fetched to say that the Joneses meant nothing to them.

They were only here for Levi.

Levi smiled and said, “Mom, Dad, this isn’t the surprise. The real surprise is yet to come.”

He was amused by everyone’s assumption.

They consider this a surprise? Their expectations are way too low.

“Oh? There’s another surprise?”

Aaron’s eyes lit up with excitement, along with the rest of his family.

Meredith and her family were at the edge of their seats, teeming with anticipation.

Could Levi have another identity?

Or perhaps some other big figures are going to attend the wedding?

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