The Protector (The Return of God Of War)

In Erudia, a private jet landed at North Hampton Airport, where all international flights experienced an eight-hour delay because of it.
At the private passageway were five men in suits and leather shoes, standing as straight as a javelin.

Every now and then, they would raise their wrist to look at the time, for a big shot was coming to town.
The upper-class society of North Hampton had learned about his arrival, but no one had the capability to get an inch closer to the private passageway.
Even the richest man in North Hampton who came to pay homage was chased away.
Finally, there were movements coming from the passageway.

“God of War!!!” the mass cried out, their eyes filled with awe and veneration at the sight of the undefeatable legend of Erudia.
He, who was dubbed the God of War, was the one and only five-star war God in the history of Erudia.
Once, he’d inflicted a crushing defeat on the strongest battalions in eighteen countries. He was an overbearing and formidable man.
He who overwhelmed the world with his unparalleled power had even created the Five Great Wars Regiment, Cavalry Regiment, and many more.

Setting foot on his homeland, Levi Garrison was overcome with emotions.
Once upon a time, he used to be an orphan who was abandoned on the streets of North Hampton and then adopted by the Garrison family.
However, the Garrison family had never been fond of him.
His adoptive parents, who had a tendency to beat and scold him, treated him like an outsider.
As for the outsiders, they treated him as a nobody.
But he didn’t care a stiver. He had always been proud of his surname since he was a child, and he strived to bring glory to this family when he grew older.
At last, Levi had established Levi Group, the largest dark horse in North Hampton’s business community.
With billions of assets, it ranked among the forefront of North Hampton, pushing the declining Garrison family to the top.
However, not only did the Garrison family showed no signs of appreciation, they even harbored dissatisfaction towards him. Jealous of his success, they regarded him as a thorn in their flesh and coveted Levi Group.
No matter his wealth and power, unless they were in control, he was just an outsider in the Garrison family’s eyes.
Eventually, on Levi’s wedding night, the Garrison family plotted a frame-up against him by getting him drunk before tossing him onto his sister-in-law’s bed. They wanted to create the illusion that he was doing something untoward to her and was caught in bed by his brother and adoptive parents.
That night, the Garrison family had brutally broken his limbs and left him on the road like a wild dog.
Not only was he handicapped, but he also had to take the flak for something he didn’t commit.
From an upstart in the business world, he had become the target of disdain overnight.
And the next day, he had been punished for several crimes and sentenced to six years in prison.
He could never forget the ruthless and sinister faces of everyone in the Garrison family and the ridicule of his friends, classmates, and business partners.
More so, he could never forget the disappointment on his newly wedded wife, Zoey’s face.
He had regarded the Garrison family as his home and devoted himself to the family.
Yet, they treated him like trash.
It felt as if a knife was being twisted in his heart every time he thought about this.
How he hated the Garrison family!
But who would have thought that Levi had been secretly transferred away from prison to join the military?
In a few years, he dominated the military world and became the one and only five-star God of War.
Now that he came back, the Garrison family ought to stay on their toes.
“How’s it going, Azure Dragon?” Levi asked.
Azure Dragon, the commander of the Five Great Wars Regiment, took a step forward and said respectfully, “Sir, I’m afraid your wife, Ms. Zoey Lopez will remarry at ten o’clock tonight!”
Ever since Zoey’s husband was sent to prison on their wedding night, she had been living like a widow.
Only God knew how much pressure she was put under.
And right now, the person Levi couldn’t wait to see the most was Zoey.
After a moment of hesitation, Azure Dragon continued, “To add on, Sir, the Garrison family is holding a successful listing celebration banquet at the Crystal Palace Hotel tonight! Many people had invited the God of War just now, including the Garrison family, but I didn’t accept nor refuse directly.”
“What time?” Levi asked tersely.
“Eight o’clock, Sir.”
“Okay. Tell the Garrison family I will attend the banquet!”
Since the time for the two events didn’t clash, Levi gladly accepted the invitation.
The celebration banquet for the public listing of Garrison Group was held at North Hampton’s Crystal Palace Hotel.
With the help of Levi Group, they had become a rich and powerful family in one fell swoop.
The hall was bustling with noise and excitement, and sounds of glasses clinking could be heard ringing in the air every now and then.
“God bless the Garrison family,” said Joseph, the head of the Garrison family. “The younger generations are the stars among men. Garrison Group is now listed and has become an upstart in North Hampton!”
Joseph’s three sons and daughter welcomed their guests with bright smiles on their faces.
The younger generation of the Garrison family was all the smugger and prouder because, after today, the Garrison family would become a powerful family, and they would become one of the top rich kids.
Most of the guests who attended today’s banquet were from the top circle in North Hampton.
“Garrison, do you know what happened today?! Your celebration party is nothing compared to that.” They were gossiping about the major event that had happened today.
“Yeah! I heard that a big shot has arrived in North Hampton!”
“The richest man in North Hampton wanted to meet him but was shooed away. Apparently, he’s not qualified enough!”
“So? Jesse Nielsen had been waiting for five hours in advance at the airport!”
Joseph nodded. “Yes, I know about that too. I even sent someone to invite this big shot to the celebration party!”
“No way! Why would this big shot attend such a party?”
No one believed it.
In fact, as an upstart, Joseph was just trying his luck.
“Dad!” shouted Jaycob, the second eldest son of the Garrison family could be seen running over. “The big shot has accepted our invitation to attend our celebration banquet! He’s on the way!”
“Jesus! God has indeed blessed the Garrison family!”
Everyone in the Garrison family could barely conceal their delight as this was their chance to reach the sky in a single bound.
The grandchildren of the Garrison family gathered together, sunshine flooding their souls.
Levi’s brother, Bryan, and sister-in-law, Victoria, smiled. “Well, it all starts with Levi’s imprisonment that the Garrison family is at where we are today…”
“Right, speaking about Levi, do you guys know today’s the day that kid gets out of prison?!” somebody asked abruptly.
“Really? Isn’t that bad luck? Why did he have to be released on such a big day?!”
“Please, please, please don’t come back! He’s the Garrison family’s biggest disgrace!”
Victoria’s lips tugged into a sneer. “Speaking of which, Levi is the crowning glory of the Garrison family’s status today.”
“That’s what he’s supposed to do!” Bryan said. “He should contribute to the Garrison family for raising him, an orphan! His multi-billion Levi Group means nothing. To put it bluntly, he’s just a dog raised by the Garrison family!”
Someone gave a chortle. “As a matter of fact, I’ve been interested in Levi’s wife for a long time now. She’s still widowed, and I’m so going to marry her!”
The man’s remark caused gales of laughter.
“Everyone, stop what you’re doing. I have an important announcement to make,” Joseph said and went on to announce that the big shot was coming.
A thunderous applause was heard.
But when the applause had died down, there was still someone clapping.
The sound was loud and clear, approaching from afar.
On the red carpet, a man came clapping, looking bold and energetic.
His stride gave off a majestic and imposing aura, which made the mass hold their breaths.
“It’s Levi!” Bryan and Victoria exclaimed.
Suddenly, all eyes were riveted on him.
“I forgot this little brat got out of jail today!” Levi’s adoptive parents spoke in unison.
Ignoring the astonished gazes darted at his way, Levi walked step by step towards Joseph.
“A little bird told me that the company is now listed. How are you feeling, Joseph? Are you happy?”
Levi flashed him a meaningful smile.
“How dare you show up here, you insolent brat! And what did you just call me?” Joseph’s fury sprang to life.
“Who let him in? Didn’t you know he just got out of prison? How inauspicious!”
Bryan rose to his feet. “What the hell are you doing here, Levi?”
Levi sized him up. “Why can’t I be here?”
“Well, for starters, you’re an orphan! The Garrison family has raised you, but you were ambitious and ungrateful. You had inordinate ambitions for your sister-in-law, and you wanted to take possession of the Garrison family! You’d even tried to kill your parents when things go south! Have you no conscience? Do you have any sense of morality left in your heart?”
“You’ve lost your reputation in North Hampton, and everyone knows that. Have you no shame to have the brass neck to come round here?”
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Chapter 1065
However, Tyrone turned her down immediately. “Even if I let him off the hook, I can’t promise you that the other Garrison family members will do the same!”
“Tyrone Garrison! If you don’t promise me this, I’ll expose that secret of yours to the world!” Emma suddenly exclaimed.
Tyrone’s tone underwent a profound change when he heard that.
He roared angrily, “So much for your promise to love me for the rest of your life and to keep my secret forever! How dare you threaten to expose it to the world now, you wretched b*tch!”
Emma was forced into a corner. “I’m willing to do almost anything if it means saving my son’s life. If there’s anything that can get him out, I’ll do it!”
“Alright, alright, I’ll let him off, alright? I’ll make sure to keep him alive. But there’s still a problem—how will I know that you won’t use this secret to threaten me again?” Tyrone asked.
“I swear I’ll never use this secret against you again!”
However, Tyrone replied in a low and dangerous voice, “Preposterous. I’ve long understood that only the dead can keep secrets.”
A shiver ran through Emma’s body. She felt a little panicked by the implications of his words.
“Alright, here’s my proposal. Trade your life with your son’s. When Levi makes it out of there, I’ll send someone to fetch you back to Oakland City!”
There was no way Tyrone would allow his secret to be leaked to the public.
This had never been a source of concern for him before, because Emma loved him way too much and would take his secret to her grave rather than exposing him to the world.
However, now that her son’s life was at stake, it was a different story altogether.
Hence, Emma needed to die.
“Fine. I promise you!”
In order to save her son’s life, Emma didn’t care if she lived or died anymore.

Back at the villa in North Hampton, Levi smiled as he gazed at the hundreds of warriors surrounding him.
Blandly, he announced, “Today is my wedding day, so the last thing I want to see is bloodshed. However, some people are pushing me too far! I have no choice but to pull out all stops and kill all of you.”
Damien laughed shrilly. “Levi Garrison, that silly bravado of yours has always been a source of admiration for me! Look where you are now. Do you still dare to make those silly proclamations of yours?”
“And guess what, I arranged for all this to happen today, just for you!”
“Six years ago on this very day, you had your limbs broken by my men and were left for dead on the streets. Today, I’ll see to it that you’re beaten to death! Haha…life comes a full circle, doesn’t it?”
Damien threw his head back and guffawed.
Dexter was livid.
This devil is downright disgusting!
What a tyrant!
Damien’s subordinates laughed next to him. “Hey, kid, did you bring the coffin, gravestone, and funeral wreath we gave you earlier today? We prepared that especially for you!”
Levi’s expression remained placid. He said, “Damien, the biggest mistake you made in your life was to come to North Hampton!”
“Hmm! A mistake?” Damien asked in confusion.
“Because you’re going to die! Even though it’s my wedding day today, I’m going to bash your head in and make sure I decorate these walls with your intestines!”
Levi had already made up his mind to kill him.
Damien must die!
“Men, go…”
Just as Damien was going to order his men to kill Levi, he received a phone call from his father.
“What? Are you serious? But why? Oh, alright…I understand…Father…”
Damien hung up the phone and gazed at Levi with disbelief.
Vincent urged him, “Mr. Damien, your orders, please!”
To their surprise, Damien waved a hand dismissively and snapped, “Alright, that’s enough. We won’t be killing Levi Garrison today.”
Everyone was stunned.
Why did he suddenly change his mind about killing Levi?
In a very disgruntled voice, Damien grumbled, “Levi, count yourself lucky for escaping death today. I won’t be killing you for now. As for Dexter, you can have him, too. So there!”
He didn’t understand why his father had suddenly ordered him to spare Levi’s life.
Back then, his father had also given him the order to murder Levi without much explanation, either.
However, Levi didn’t move from his spot. He glared angrily at Damien and spat, “That won’t do! You might not want to kill me anymore, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to let you off the hook!”
Seemingly some of the stories here are written that way(Charlie, Dustin etc)...the story development were almost the same as hidden is far far from acceptable reality, yet i still like reading it...(although Lucas Gray was far better when it comes to revealing his identity)...i Always thanks the writer and translator.
I'm so much in pain that levi couldn't reveal his identity
Chapter 1066-75
Levi thought the whole situation ridiculous.
Does Damien really think he’ll emerge from this without any consequences?
Has he ever considered what I might have up my sleeve?
Damien has no clue as to who will be killing who.
“Hmm?” Damien froze.
I have already agreed to spare Levi’s life, but this incorrigible jerk is trying to push it.
“Alright, everyone heard that, right? He said he wanted to kill me, didn’t he? If I kill him now, I doubt my father will blame me for it. Haha…”
Just now, Damien was feeling despondent when he realized there was no way he could kill Levi without angering his father.
However, Levi had decided to dig his own grave.
This is excellent!
Damien burst into laughter.
“Levi Garrison, you’re asking to be killed, aren’t you? Don’t blame me for being too awful to you!”
“Men, go! Empty out his guts!”
Immediately, there was a loud clang as the men drew their swords.
At that moment, someone yelled, “Mr. Damien, there’s a woman outside who seeks your audience! Her name is Emma Jones!”
Very quickly, Emma arrived at the meeting hall.
She cried, “Mr. Damien, your father has already agreed to let the both of us off. You can’t go back on his word!”
“Yes, I’ve already let him go,” Damien said agreeably.
“Mom, leave by yourself first! He might have let me go, but I sure haven’t let him go!” Levi was adamant about killing Damien before leaving the place.
Emma threw herself onto the floor and grabbed the leg of his pants. “My son, I beg of you to stop kicking up a fuss! We need to leave now! Stop trying to play the hero! It’s your wedding day today! Think about Zoey and your child she’s bearing!”
Levi seemed to hesitate. He turned to gaze malevolently at Damien and spat, “Alright, count yourself lucky today that you managed to keep yourself alive! Now get out of my sight immediately! If I change my mind, I’m afraid you won’t get to leave North Hampton alive.”
Damien burst into laughter. “Haha…To tell you the truth, I’ve never met anyone as self-deluded as you are. Don’t worry, Levi. I’ll leave today but there will come another day when I’ll have you in the palm of my hand.”
Still guffawing, Damien continued, “Didn’t you say you wanted to go up against the Garrison clan itself? I’ll wait for you at the gates of the Garrison residence, then. Be there or be square!”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll definitely be there.”
With that, Levi left the villa with his mother, carrying the barely alive Dexter on his back.
Damien was so enraged that he punched the wall next to him.
Almost instantaneously, the wall collapsed. With another loud rumble, the entire building collapsed in a huge puff of dust.
From this, everyone could see how much strength Damien possessed. He made an entire building crumble with his fist!
They could also see how furious Damien truly was. He couldn’t stand the idea that Levi had mocked him straight to his face, but he wasn’t allowed to murder him in retaliation.
“Mr. Damien, are we just going to leave it at that?” Vincent asked tremulously.
Even he couldn’t bear it anymore.
“If we don’t leave it at that, what else are we supposed to do? Now tell everyone to get lost!”
That very night, Damien left North Hampton.
He didn’t understand why his father had made such a strange decision.
When Damien asked his father previously, the latter gave him his permission to murder Levi.
After they finished making arrangements for Dexter, Emma received a phone call from Tyrone.
“I’ve let your people go. Isn’t it time for you to uphold your end of the bargain?” he asked coldly.
“Yes, I gave you my word. But I sure hope you won’t go back on yours!” Emma warned.
She was reminding him of the promise he broke years ago, when he said he would keep their son alive but then dumped Levi in the wilderness.
Tyrone replied frostily, “Oh, don’t worry, I won’t do that. Prepare yourself. I’ll be sending someone to pick you up soon enough.”
“Alright, then.”
The next morning, news spread all over town. Emma Jones was missing!
“This is bad!” Levi exclaimed, alarmed by the news.
Was this why Damien let me off so easily last night? There must be a reason.
It seemed the reason had something to do with his mother.
There was a possibility that his mother was in grave danger right now…
It was quite evident to Levi that Emma Jones had some past dealings with the Garrison family.
Otherwise, Damien would never have let him off so easily.

Emma was now on her way to Oakland City.
She was brought before Tyrone Garrison.
It had been twenty years since the last time they met.
Now that they met each other again, Tyrone observed that the woman had changed drastically since he last saw her.
Tyrone still looked elegant and polished as ever. He still had that commanding vibe, albeit it had become more mature and made him seem even more impressive.
Tyrone had lived a perfect life from all perspectives.
Besides, he was currently poised to become the next patriarch of the Garrison family. When that happened, he would become the most respected man on earth.
On the other hand, age had significantly altered Emma’s beauty. The wrinkles that crept across her entire forehead made her seem older than she really was. She was so skinny that she looked like a walking skeleton.
She was once as beautiful as a flower. Now, she simply looked like an old hag.
The two of them were a glaring contrast to each other when they stood together.
Nobody would have thought they used to be a couple…
When she saw Tyrone again, a complicated mix of emotions welled up within Emma.
However, when Tyrone gazed down at her, his eyes were only full of mockery and contempt.
He mocked himself for falling for this woman in his younger years; he had been too naïve in the past.
At the same time, Tyrone was also laughing at Emma. How could she have ever thought of marrying me, much less marrying into the prestigious Garrison clan?
Oh, how stupid I was! How could I have been in love with this woman all those years ago? I nearly missed out on my future with Olivia!
Yes, I was too young and foolish. Oh, just look at Emma now!
She’s no match for me at all.
Not even a little bit!
Compared to his present wife, Olivia, Emma was practically nothing. The difference between the two women was simply too great.
With a little exaggeration, Tyrone would even say that looking at the present Emma made him feel like throwing up.
If he were a bird soaring high up in the sky, she would be a filthy bug crawling on the ground!
Did this loser of a woman think she’s suitable to be my wife?
Dream on!
She will never become my wife!
Tyrone would only regard her with contempt.
However, he had forgotten that he had a role to play in Emma’s current predicament.
Emma used to be a rose, too.
For Tyrone’s sake, she had gambled with her life and ruined her future in the process.
Without him in the picture, Emma would still be as beautiful as she had been back then.
“Wow, I didn’t think we would ever meet again! You’re quite a lucky person, do you know that?”
Tyrone felt that any opportunity for Emma to meet him was a boon for her.
He wasn’t entirely wrong. Someone as lowly as Emma didn’t have the right to meet him.
“Yes, we meet again,” Emma whispered.
Tyrone continued, “However, I must remind you not to harbor any hopes on me. There’s no way things will ever work out between the two of us, for as long as we live. I’ll tell you the truth. The difference in our status is simply too big, and the gap is only getting wider! You and I aren’t compatible at all.”
Tyrone rambled on, “Think about it yourself. Do you think you can hold a candle to Olivia? I don’t think so! I must have been blind in the past.”
Tyrone was afraid that Emma still desired some sort of romantic relationship with him so he had to dispel those thoughts immediately.
Hearing this, Emma bowed her head.
The last ember of hope in her heart was extinguished.
The difference between her status and that of Tyrone was simply enormous.
“Not only that, but your son is nothing compared to Olivia’s son,” Tyrone mocked. “Her son is of unparalleled talent and he’s the best and fiercest warrior in practically every aspect!”
Tyrone struck Emma emotionlessly with such harsh words. “As for your son, I must admit that he has made some small achievements on his own. To normal people, he is worthy of some respect. But to the Garrison clan of Oakland City, his achievements are nothing! What are his achievements as compared to those of Olivia’s son?”
Emma wouldn’t stand for it. He could insult her all he liked, but insulting her son was taboo for her.
Emma’s eyes widened as she stared at Tyrone. “That might not be so! Damien was brought up in an environment that was simply too perfect. In a less ideal environment, my son might easily beat him.”

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded at the door. “Ridiculous. Who said my son was brought up in a perfect environment?”
The woman sent an intimidating vibe as she glided into the room. Olivia appeared, looking as regal as a queen.
The difference between Emma and herself was obvious.
Tyrone laughed. “Olivia, I made the best decision of my life when I chose you to be my wife all those years ago.”
Olivia walked in front of Emma and said coldly, “Emma, let me tell you something that might shock the skin off those pathetic bones of yours.”
“My son, Damien, was never brought up in the warm environment of the Garrison residence, like you imagined. From the time he was born, Damien was abandoned at a training ground in the frigid north. During his time in training, he never knew his true identity and the Garrison family never provided him with any help. Instead, we made sure to place all sorts of obstacles in his way to ensure that he grew up strong.”
Olivia continued, “Damien managed to survive those challenges because of his own strength and intelligence. We only accepted him into the family when he came of age and proved himself to be a capable warrior. His achievements surpassed those of others in his generation; no one ever came close to defeating him.”
Olivia went into greater detail. “In order to create challenges for him, the Garrison clan spent tens of billions and lost more than three thousands of our men! Back at the training grounds, there were about eighty other recruits who trained alongside Damien, but only one could emerge alive. Damien was the one who killed off the rest and walked away as the victor!”

Hearing this, Emma was so shocked that sweat started to form on her brows.
It was evident that Damien’s experiences before he came of age were even worse than what Levi went through.
If he lost focus for even one moment, he would have died.
The Garrisons’ brutal training had produced a genius like Damien.
Even Emma had to admit that Levi’s achievements paled in comparison to what Damien had achieved.
Olivia continued, “Do you really think that b*stard son of yours can be compared to Damien? What rubbish!”
Emma remained silent.
Although she wished for her son to win, his skills were truly nothing compared to Damien.
Olivia turned to Tyrone and said coldly, “Tyrone, why has she come?”
She wasn’t afraid that their reunion would reignite old flames. Emma is so hideous now. Tyrone must be out of his mind to lust for her.
Tyrone replied coolly, “I brought her back to kill her!”
“That’s nice. Get it done as quickly as you can. There’s no use in keeping her around anyway,” Olivia said.
Emma knelt down immediately and pleaded, “Could the two of you give me some more time? I want to meet my grandchild and make the baby some clothes!”
In nine months, Zoey’s child would finally be born.
Emma wanted to see the child at least once.
As Emma looked up piteously at Tyrone, his expression flickered a little.
After all, Emma was still holding on to his secret.
“Fine, whatever,” he relented. “Since you’re going to die anyway, I don’t see how a few more months is going to do you any harm.”
Olivia didn’t think much of it, either. “Men, take her away and lock her up! Don’t let her escape.”
Tyrone tried to reassure her. “Don’t worry, Olivia. She’s being locked up by the Garrison family. Unless someone has God’s power, I doubt she could be rescued.”
After they locked Emma up securely, Olivia turned to Tyrone and smiled. “My dear, do you think that b*stard might come here and try to rescue his mother? I heard this boy is very reckless by nature. If he was foolish enough to rescue Dexter, don’t you think he’ll definitely try and get his mother out of there?”
Tyrone laughed dismissively. “Huh? Is he going to attempt a prison break on the grounds of the Garrison residence? How is he going to rescue her? How preposterous!”
So what if that b*stard is talented?
There was no way he will be able to take a step past the front door of the Garrison residence, much less break his mother out of jail.
“Well, I personally hope he’ll try and rescue her. It will be quite an entertaining scene, don’t you think?”
Olivia enjoyed seeing other people struggle helplessly.

However, Tyrone replied icily, “No way. That day will never come. He will never get that opportunity.”
Olivia froze before replying, “Do—do you mean you’ll kill Emma Jones?”
“Yes, of course. Does a b*tch like her really think she has any right to bargain with me? As for extending her life by a few more months, that’s never going to happen!”
Tyrone was deathly afraid that his secret would be exposed.
Emma had to go, and she had to go now.
He had only agreed to her demands on the surface.
Oh, what a shame. Emma has been tricked again.
Tyrone was never someone who took his promises seriously.
Besides, Emma was holding onto a secret that could have a devastating impact on his future within the family. He would be stupid to let her live.
He arrived at her cell.
Emma had already figured out his intentions. “You’re here to kill me off, aren’t you?”
Tyrone scoffed cruelly. “I once thought you could take this secret to your grave, but I don’t think you love me enough. Back then, who was the one who said she would love me for a lifetime and promised to do everything for my sake?”
Emma glared at him and hollered angrily, “Tyrone Garrison, I’ve finally seen you for the brute you are! You have no emotions at all, do you? You’re just a cold-blooded animal.”
Tyrone laughed apathetically and replied, “That’s what makes me different from common folks like you! In the Garrison clan, women must never become a stumbling block for their men. They must only be tools! This was exactly why I abandoned you! To me, you’re no different from other women. You proved to be of no value to me, and you might even be a stumbling block for me in the future!”
“Only a woman like Olivia is suitable for me. She’s the only person on this earth who is compatible with me,” asserted Tyrone.
Emma had to bite her lip in order to not cry.
Laughing coldly, she snapped, “You probably admire her for her family background and the resources of the Garcia family, don’t you? Do you even have any feelings for her?”
Hearing this, Tyrone kept silent.
That was true.
He had married Olivia because her family background was advantageous to him.
Laughing mockingly at him, Emma said, “You will stop at nothing to achieve what you want, won’t you?”
“Haha, you don’t understand me at all! If one wishes to make their way up in the world, one needs to be prepared to abandon many things! Unfortunately, you’ve never been in such a position, so you wouldn’t know about that.”
Immediately, Emma retorted, “Is that why you paralyzed your own younger brother?”
Tyrone was enraged. “You…”
That was precisely his secret.
The idea of everyone knowing about it filled him with fear and made him sleepless.
The Garrison clan of Oakland City was full of talented warriors.
Tyrone’s generation was an especially talented cohort.
However, Tyrone wasn’t the most talented one out of them all.
Among his peers, Tyrone ranked third in terms of talent and achievement. His fourth brother, Micah, was the one in first place.
While Micah was alive, his powers surpassed everyone else’s. He was practically the next patriarch of the family.
Tyrone could only watch and stew in jealousy as everyone lauded his brother with praise.
Finally, when he could stand it no longer, he set a trap and paralyzed his brother. Till this day, Micah was still confined to his bed.
Everyone in the Garrison family believed that Micah’s fall and subsequent paralysis was an accident.
The day after Micah was paralyzed, Tyrone was conferred the title of the next head of the family, his father’s successor.
Emma found out about this by accident, and Tyrone was deathly afraid that Emma would leak this secret to his family.
Once the Garrison family caught wind of his crime, Tyrone would lose his position immediately.
The Garrison clan had very strict rules, and anyone who broke them would be subject to grave punishment.
Out of the numerous rules they had, one was the most important—kill not your own brethren.
“Emma Jones, you’ve forced my hand at last. I’ll make sure to kill you today!”
Tyrone gazed at her with red eyes and a murderous look on his face.
Emma shut her eyes in despair…

Tyrone raised his right hand into the air.
In a moment, he would swing it down and bash it against the top of Emma’s head.
Emma could feel the wind as Tyrone brought his fist down with a whoosh.
She was only a few moments away from death…
Right before his fist made contact with her head, however, Tyrone froze.
Emma waited for a few moments with her eyes shut, but nothing happened. She opened her eyes timidly.
“Aren’t—aren’t you going to kill me?” she asked tremulously.
Tyrone gazed at her with a complicated look and didn’t say anything. He turned and left the room.
He slammed the door shut behind him with a loud bang.
Emma’s eyes glittered as she understood what was going on.
Tyrone feared the consequences of killing her.
He was afraid that Emma would’ve already told his secret to her son and he did not want to take that risk.
If Levi already knew his secret, he would definitely expose it once he found out that Emma was dead.
This was what Tyrone truly feared.
For the sake of his position as the future patriarch of his clan, he had to be cautious.
In the past, he needn’t have worried about this because Emma loved him enough to give her life for him and take his secret with her to her grave.
But now that Levi was involved, Tyrone could no longer count on Emma’s love for him.
In order to protect Levi, Emma had probably told her son about this secret.
Tyrone couldn’t kill off Emma without having his secret leaked.
I must find a way to confirm if Levi knows about it. Only then can I make a decision as to whether I should kill Emma!
Thus, Tyrone decided to go and look for Levi himself.
Once he had his answer, his first goal would be to kill off both Levi and Emma.
Even if this would upset the Garrison family and cause outsiders to despise him for being cold-blooded and cruel, it would be much better than having his secret exposed to the public.
If that happened, he would be subjected to the family’s most horrible punishment!
In North Hampton, everyone was busy looking for Emma.
Finally, Levi discovered a note left for him by his mother in his room.
In summary, she told him not to worry because she was doing fine. She also instructed Levi not to go looking for her.
“Mom, how could I not go looking for you?”
Levi banged his hand onto the table.
The more he thought about it, the more he was certain that the Garrison family was behind it.
He figured that his mother was going to die in his place.
However, Levi was adamant that he would not yield to the Garrison family.
If you haven’t held me back earlier, I would’ve killed Damien.
Levi f
elt helpless.
Initially, he had wanted to wait a while before making any move.
He wanted things to be peaceful until Zoey gave birth to their child.
As Zoey was pregnant, he was too afraid to leave her alone
Zoey needs someone to take care of her…

However, now that this matter regarding his mother had cropped up, he had to speed things up a little. He decided to head up to Oakland City.

Just as he was about to summon Azure Dragon and the others, he received a phone call from an anonymous number.

As soon as he picked up the call, the person on the other end introduced himself. “I’m Tyrone Garrison.”

Immediately, Levi asked, “What? It’s you? Is my mother with you right now?”

Levi was quite surprised that Tyrone would give him a call.

“Yes, she is. She’s all fine and dandy. As for me, I’d like to meet you in North Hampton tonight. There’s something I need to talk to you about.”

Upon hearing that his mother was alright, Levi let out a sigh of relief.

If anything happened to his mother, he would tear down the Garrison residence, brick by brick, and kill every single person living within its walls.

“Alright, I’ll wait for you. However, if anything happens to my mother, I’ll kill you on sight!” Levi swore angrily.

“Haha…” Tyrone burst into laughter on the other end.

To him, Levi was all bark and no bite. His declaration of vengeance was nothing but an empty threat.

He wanted to kill me?

Can he even do it?

At eight o’clock that night, a private jet landed at the North Hampton Airport.

As quietly and swiftly as he could, Tyrone arrived at the meeting place they had agreed on beforehand.

Levi was already waiting there when he arrived.

The father and son finally met for the first time in their lives.

As Levi gazed at Tyrone in an attempt to size him up, the older man was doing the same with him.

Levi saw immediately that his father was a once-in-a-generation type of warrior.

He was subdued and detached, and an untouchable vibe radiated from his very body.

However, his movements also spoke of someone who was ill-tempered and capricious.

To kill one is a sin, but to kill ten thousand is a heroic feat.

That sentence described Tyrone exactly.

His very face lent him a look of arrogance and self-assurance that made him stand out from the crowd. He had the vibe of someone who was used to standing in the limelight at the applause of everyone.

After all, he was the future patriarch of the most prestigious ancient family in Erudia.

He had been bred for this very purpose.

Tyrone was a good fighter—there was no doubt about that.

Before this, Levi had instructed Phoenix to conduct a thorough investigation into Tyrone’s background.

Levi did not do so early on because he was afraid that the people in Oakland City might catch on; that would have caused him a great deal of trouble.

However, his relationship with Tyrone had been one of the hottest topics in the city of late. Practically everyone already knew about it.

Given that development, if Levi wanted to look up Tyrone in his own capacity, no one would question it.

Tyrone was a cruel tyrant who had no qualms about doing whatever that was needed to get to the top.

He was willing to abandon everything that stood in his way.

Levi had taken a look at Tyrone’s bloody and criminal history.

Indeed, Tyrone was someone who set his sights on big goals.

In the process of investigating him, Levi had discovered Tyrone’s biggest secret—he had paralyzed his own brother in order to become his father’s successor.

In order to ensure the prosperity of their clan, the Garrisons of Oakland City had established an ironclad rule.

It was also the most important one in their book of rules: kill not your own brethren. Those who violated it would be the harshest of punishment.

This rule had been established so that the Garrison clan would unite with each other rather than being divided by petty fights and jealousy.

Hence, the Garrison clan was renowned for their unity, which had seen them through over a thousand years. There had never been an instance of family members killing each other…until now.

This was also why the Garrison clan was so powerful.

However, Tyrone had violated this sacred rule in order to pursue his own selfish interests.

He had very extreme beliefs. To him, love, family ties, and friendships weren’t important.

What was important, however, was the benefits he could reap.

One look at his father was enough for Levi to see him for who he was.

To Tyrone, however, Levi was just an arrogant and reckless troublemaker.

Tyrone had seen his share of this sort of youngsters.

A little taste of achievement was enough to send them into a downward spiral of haughtiness.

In the end, however, their wild ways would be tamed by the harsh reality.

There was nothing wrong with being arrogant, of course, but if one overdid it, the consequences would be extremely dire.

From his observation of Levi, Tyrone could tell that this b*stard son of his wouldn’t last very long in the real world.

Compared to Damien, he was nothing but a small fry.

Damien was every bit as arrogant as Levi was, but at least he had talent and ability.

With the two most powerful ancient families in Erudia backing his every move, Damien’s power was simply unimaginable!

Although the blood of the Garrisons flowed through Levi’s veins as well, he wasn’t suited to be Tyrone’s son at all.

Tyrone would never acknowledge him as one of his own.

If Levi really wanted to become a member of the Garrisons, he had to first prove himself.

Otherwise, in no way would they accept him.

“Did you bring my mother along?” Levi asked.

“Don’t worry, she’s fine. She’s very safe as well—I can give her a video call if you don’t believe me,” Tyrone replied.

Levi asked again, “Alright, then, what are you here for?”

Suddenly, Tyrone smiled and said, “I’m here for a very simple reason—I’m here to meet you. I wanted to see for myself how reckless and foolish the son of Emma Jones is. As expected, my men weren’t exaggerating at all when they described you. You seem to be even more arrogant than I thought.”

Levi grinned. “You aren’t just here to see how reckless and foolish I am, are you? Why don’t you tell me what you’re really here for? Stop beating around the bush.”

Levi refused to believe that heap of rubbish Tyrone was feeding him.

As if!

Tyrone has come here so secretly. Evidently, he doesn’t want anyone to know he is in North Hampton.


Besides, he hasn’t yet made a move to kill Mother.

Therefore, there is only one possible reason for his appearance—he wants to find out for himself if I know his secret.

Levi made up his mind immediately.

His mother had saved herself with that secret.

Tyrone’s expression was rather unnatural. He looked pallid and nervous, and rather hesitant to open his mouth.

Finally, he decided to allude delicately to the matter.

Sighing deeply, he asked, “Has your mother ever told you anything about me?”

Levi continued grinning. “Yes, she has.”

“Well, has she ever told you anything that she should’ve kept a secret?”

Tyrone held his breath and gazed intensely at Levi.

Levi smiled. “Of course she has! She has told me all sorts of secrets about you.”

Seeing the damning smile on Levi’s face, Tyrone felt as though he had been struck by lightning. His heart sank a little.

Levi had given him a very vague answer, but he had a nagging suspicion that the young man already knew about his secret.

However, he could not be absolutely certain of that.

What if Emma had told him other secrets about me?

Gritting his teeth, Tyrone asked, “What exactly did she tell you?”

Levi smiled. “Don’t you know your own secrets?”


Tyrone was so nervous that sweat was beading on his brows.

He still couldn’t confirm if Levi knew that dark secret of his.

To kill or not to kill?

That is the question.

Levi suddenly spoke up, his voice sending shivers down Tyrone’s spine. “What? Are you thinking of whether you should kill me?”

Did Levi sense my intention?

“If you wish to kill me, do it! After all, you’ve never hesitated to do something when it comes to achieving your own goals.”

Hearing this, Tyrone became certain that Levi already knew the damning secret he had been hiding for decades.

Now, he was afraid that Levi was going to use this secret against him for the rest of his life. What if he tries to threaten his way into the Garrison family?

This b*stard has no right to enter the Garrison family!

The Garrison family valued their honor over anything else, after all.

“I’ll tell you this, Levi Garrison! Don’t you dare use this to threaten me and force your way into the Garrison family! Even if the clan decides to punish me and my reputation takes a serious hit, I will never let you become one of us.”

Tyrone made a very serious declaration.

He’d much rather have the clan find out about his secret than let this b*stard taint the halls of the Garrison residence with his filth.

There was no way Levi Garrison could become a member of the clan. Not for as long as Tyrone was alive.

Hearing this, Levi burst into laughter.

Coldly, he said, “Do you think I’ll use this secret against you just so I could enter the Garrison family? How ridiculous. Tyrone Garrison, listen to me—I couldn’t care less about a pathetic family like yours. Even if all of you come begging at my door for me to join the clan, I’ll turn you down!”

Tyrone was so angry that he roared, “You—you’re arrogant beyond belief! This is going to be the end of you one day!”

Levi laughed. “You came here to ask me if I know your secret, didn’t you? Well, I know it, of course. But why would I bother to threaten you with it? I couldn’t care less about a small fry like you.”

Tyrone’s breath hitched.

He really wanted to kill Levi on the spot.

However, he was afraid that Levi wasn’t the only person who knew the secret.

For now, he had to find a way to seal Levi and Emma’s mouths.

The expose would not matter anymore after he assumed the position of the patriarch.

“Alright, alright, I believe you! As long as you don’t leak my secret, I promise not to lay a hand on your mother,” Tyrone said.

He would tolerate it for a while longer.

In a few days, he would be the new head of the Garrison family.

After that, Levi would have no leverage over him anymore.

At that time, Tyrone would finally kill him.

Levi smiled coldly. “Let’s move on, then. I still have some things to discuss with you.”


“Firstly, release my mother instantly. Secondly, I will personally take revenge on the Garrison clan after my child is born. All of you will regret the sins you have committed against my Mom. Thirdly, I will kill Damien right in front of you!”

After Levi uttered these three threats, Tyrone stared at him in disbelief, feeling utterly stunned.

How outrageous!

He’s simply being too absurd!

How dare he make such arrogant claims?

Kill Damien in front of me?

What a joke!

It is downright laughable!

“I have nothing to say about your first point. However, for your second point, did you say that you want to take revenge on the Garrison clan and make all of us regret it?”

Tyrone was utterly amused.

The Garrison clan is the most powerful ancient family in Erudia, with more than a thousand years of history.

Who has the ability to take avenge on the Garrisons?

A mere youngster in his twenties?

How is it possible that he’s capable enough to do so?

“That’s right. I’ll fulfil my Mom’s wish—that is to declare to all the Garrisons that you aren’t worthy enough for my Mom! I want every one of you to drown in regret. I’ll let my Mom declare to all of you that her son is the conqueror of the world!” announced Levi coldly.

“Hahaha! Just by yourself? Fine, I’ll wait! And you want to kill Damien? It’s impossible,” said Tyrone as he laughed.

With me around, who would dare to touch Damien?

“Don’t worry, you can never protect anyone whom I’m determined to kill.”

A murderous glint flashed across Levi’s eyes.

From the moment Damien appeared at his wedding, his fate had been sealed—he would die!

Levi did not throw away the coffin Damien brought to the wedding because he intended it to be meant for him.

“Very well! You’ve got guts. When will it be, specifically? I don’t want to wait too long for you!” asked Tyrone with a cold smirk.

“Around a year after my child is born, I’ll definitely attack the Garrison clan!”

“Fine! I will make a bet with you. One year later, if you can take even one step into the Garrison clan’s residence, I’ll sincerely apologize for what I have done in the past. I will even kneel in front of you and your mother in repentance! There’s only one way to make me repent—by relying on your capabilities. Otherwise, even if you kill me, you will not even find a single shred of remorse within me.”

A one-year pact was hence established between Tyrone and Levi.

In his opinion, regardless of how powerful Levi became, he would never be capable enough to even enter the Garrison clan’s residence.

“Okay. We’re agreed on this.”

Levi nodded.

Smirking coldly, Tyrone said, “If you aren’t capable enough to enter the Garrison clan’s residence, don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

“Don’t worry. If I’m not capable enough to do that, I’d die willingly!”

“That’s settled, then. I’ll wait for you at the Garrison clan’s residence!”

After Tyrone made the bet, he left North Hampton.

Now, he was no longer worried that Levi would reveal the secret to others.

Through that short conversation, he had already figured out Levi’s temper.

Although he seemed like an impudent man, he was, in reality, an extremely prideful person.

He would never make a huge deal out of Tyrone’s secret.

For a prideful man like him, an act like that was tantamount to humiliation.

Furthermore, Tyron had suggested a one-year pact as part of his strategy to provoke him.

Hence, he was certain that Levi would not reveal his secret at all.

Chuckling coldly, he proudly declared, “This is the sheer difference between me, Damien and him! We never care about these insignificant things. As long as it’s beneficial to us, we will certainly achieve our goal regardless of the methods used. After all, a man of great ambition does not bother about trifles. Levi, you will never achieve anything great! A year later, I will witness the sight of you pathetically groveling in front of the Garrison clan’s residence.”


Tyrone was quite accurate in his judgment of people.

Indeed, Levi was an extremely prideful person who would not deign to blackmail Tyrone with his secret.

If he wanted to resolve the matter, he would depend on only his capabilities.

This was the reason why Tyrone made the bet with Levi.

In his opinion, Levi only agreed on the bet because he was too young and impulsive.

Yet, unknown to him, Levi was completely aware of his tricks.

As “a man of his words”, Tyrone released Emma and even spread the news of his bet with Levi around.

Now, everyone in Erudia knew that Levi made a pact with Tyrone.

The Garrison clan of Oakland City became even more famous now.

After all, they openly gave their illegitimate son a chance to challenge them.

This was an unprecedented move!

Logically speaking, any wealthy family would rush to hide such an illegitimate child.

They would often end up killed according to conventions.

However, the Garrison clan of Oakland City went against the norms.

Not only did they acknowledge the presence of an illegitimate child, but they also even gave him a chance to challenge them.

At the same time, they clearly showed how dignified they were as the most powerful ancient family in Erudia.

Tyrone, who established the pact, was praised by many.

Only someone with such dignity and ease like him was the most suitable candidate to lead the clan.

Even the high-ranking elders of the Garrison clan admired how Tyrone dealt with this matter, heaping him with praises.

No one expected that the appearance of Tyrone’s illegitimate child would actually benefit him.

It proved exceptionally helpful to him in rising to the position as the head of the clan.

Even Tyrone did not expect that he could benefit from it.

This proved that seemingly unlucky events might not be completely bad— it all depended on how one dealt with them.

News of Levi’s famous bet with Tyrone spread widely. Soon, all of the elites in the region knew about it.

Although everyone was now familiarized with Levi’s name, they all thought that he was incredibly foolish.

Undoubtedly, he was fighting a futile battle.

What assets did he have to fight the Garrison clan with?

Did he not have an inkling of his chances of success?

A mere youngster actually dared to challenge the most powerful ancient family in Erudia.

It was a widely-known fact that entry to the Garrison clan in Oakland City was strictly controlled.

Only someone who wielded considerable power in the four domains of military, business, politics, and martial arts, would be recognized by the Garrison clan.

For the military domain, one must at least be a mighty general in the frontiers.

For the business domain, one must be at least a significant figure in the corporate world.

For the political domain, one must be at least a high-ranking officer.

For the martial arts domain, one must at least be capable enough of attacking the Garrison clan.

As long as one of those four conditions was fulfilled, the person could set foot in the Garrison clan’s residence.

However, this was an incredibly challenging feat.

In everyone’s opinion, Levi only had accumulated some success in the business domain.

However, a measly Morris Group was nothing to the Garrison clan.

He might stand a chance if he expanded his business by ten or twenty folds.

But, how could he do that within a year?

Hence, no one believed that Levi would succeed in challenging the Garrison clan and rely on his own capabilities to enter the clan’s residence.

Yet, never in their wildest dreams would they expect Levi to actually be the weakest in the business domain.

Needless to say, his influence in the military and the political domain was unparalleled.

He was the Erudia’s God of War!

His martial arts strength was undeniably matchless as well.

After all, he had trained himself by fighting in two thousand battles over a span of six years.

In fact, he could conquer almost everything!

As for now, he did not need to act personally.

There were too many skilled experts working for him now.

After Emma returned, she looked at Levi with an indecipherable look. “Levi, you shouldn’t have done it! If you agreed to his bet, it means that you have fallen for his trick. He knows your personality, so he’s using it to constrain you.”

“Mom, it’s going to be fine. It’s true that this is a trap he set up for me. However, he doesn’t know that I’m actually capable enough. Don’t worry, I’ll definitely fulfill your wish!”

This was a dream that Emma knew was absolutely impossible.

Yet, she was content to just fantasize about it.

Hence, she named her son Levi, a name that signified harmony and unification. She hoped that he would preside over the world and let the Garrison clan realize their mistake.

“Okay, Levi. I’ll look forward to one year later.”

Emma smiled.

Regardless of what the outcome would be next year, she could still accompany Levi, Zoey, and the soon-to-be-born baby this year.

Life went back on track afterward.

The Lopez family and the Zhao family were extremely unhappy with Levi.

He could have chosen to kneel in forgiveness and remain content as a member of the Garrison clan.

However, he insisted on challenging them.

They were certain that he was crazy.

The Garrison clan of Oakland City also specified the conditions of the challenge for Levi.

In the military domain, he must surpass Hugh Garrison. He was the chief of the Gray Wolf Squad from the North. In fact, the God of War personally bestowed the title upon him.

In the political domain, he must surpass Finnick Garrison, a high-ranking politician of Oakland City.

In the business domain, his corporation must perform better than 5% of Damien’s business. After all, Damien owned countless assets, with the Pinnacle Group alone strong enough to completely trump the Morris Group.

In the martial arts domain, he must be able to defeat Titus Garrison, one of the Garrison clan’s youngest guards who had perfected his martial arts skills.

However, everyone clearly knew that these youngsters, who were used as benchmarks, were not the strongest of the Garrison clan—they were, at the most, considered average in the family.

It was evident how high the standards of entering the Garrison clan were.

If one did not want to rely on background, it was simply too challenging a feat to enter the Garrison clan through capabilities alone.

In fact, for the business domain, the standards were only 5% of Damien’s business.

It was obvious how strong Damien was.

They purposely set the benchmark as 5% of Damien’s business, intending it to be a constant reminder to Levi and Emma.

As quoted from Tyrone and Olivia, if Levi could not even achieve 5% of what Damien could, there was nothing for Emma to be proud of.

Everyone knew that should Levi fail in his challenge, his demise was certain.

“Do your best, Levi. I’m sure that you can achieve it within a year. Iris and I will assist you to develop Morris Group even further!”

When Zoey heard this bet, she gave Levi tremendous encouragement.

Right now, their only hope was Morris Group.

There was not much time left for them—they must accomplish everything within a year!

Otherwise, certain death awaited them.

On the other hand, Levi was overjoyed.

That period of one year was meant for the Garrison clan to have a breather before the battle ahead. It was not the case of the Garrison clan giving him one year to pathetically cling onto his meager chance of survival.

He was waiting for Zoey to give birth to their child.

Otherwise, he would have just attacked the Garrison clan directly.

Hence, Levi felt no sense of urgency.

For the following days, he stayed by Zoey’s side constantly.

Zoey and her child were the most important priority for him.

As for the Morris Group, he left everything in the hands of Iris.

Although Zoey was unhappy about it, she was helpless to do anything.

“If Zoey’s not pregnant with your child, we’d certainly have forced you to cut off all ties with her!”

Even though the Lopez family and the Black family were upset by this incident, they had no choice but to turn a blind eye.

Soon, it was time for the appointment of the next successor of the Garrison clan.

Tyrone was unanimously voted to become the head of the clan.

In order to maintain the clan’s constant development, the head of the Garrison clan could only keep his position for a term of twenty years.

Tyrone’s age was just right.

At this moment, Tyrone had finally achieved the highest position of the Garrison clan.

“Well, I have to you to thank, Levi!”

He was right.

Previously, there were many respected elders in the family who opposed Tyrone being the patriarch.

However, after his one-year pact with Levi, many people started looking at him in a different light.
Chapter 1066-75
Levi thought the whole situation ridiculous.
Does Damien really think he’ll emerge from this without any consequences?
Has he ever considered what I might have up my sleeve?
Damien has no clue as to who will be killing who.
“Hmm?” Damien froze.
I have already agreed to spare Levi’s life, but this incorrigible jerk is trying to push it.
“Alright, everyone heard that, right? He said he wanted to kill me, didn’t he? If I kill him now, I doubt my father will blame me for it. Haha…”
Just now, Damien was feeling despondent when he realized there was no way he could kill Levi without angering his father.
However, Levi had decided to dig his own grave.
This is excellent!
Damien burst into laughter.
“Levi Garrison, you’re asking to be killed, aren’t you? Don’t blame me for being too awful to you!”
“Men, go! Empty out his guts!”
Immediately, there was a loud clang as the men drew their swords.
At that moment, someone yelled, “Mr. Damien, there’s a woman outside who seeks your audience! Her name is Emma Jones!”
Very quickly, Emma arrived at the meeting hall.
She cried, “Mr. Damien, your father has already agreed to let the both of us off. You can’t go back on his word!”
“Yes, I’ve already let him go,” Damien said agreeably.
“Mom, leave by yourself first! He might have let me go, but I sure haven’t let him go!” Levi was adamant about killing Damien before leaving the place.
Emma threw herself onto the floor and grabbed the leg of his pants. “My son, I beg of you to stop kicking up a fuss! We need to leave now! Stop trying to play the hero! It’s your wedding day today! Think about Zoey and your child she’s bearing!”
Levi seemed to hesitate. He turned to gaze malevolently at Damien and spat, “Alright, count yourself lucky today that you managed to keep yourself alive! Now get out of my sight immediately! If I change my mind, I’m afraid you won’t get to leave North Hampton alive.”
Damien burst into laughter. “Haha…To tell you the truth, I’ve never met anyone as self-deluded as you are. Don’t worry, Levi. I’ll leave today but there will come another day when I’ll have you in the palm of my hand.”
Still guffawing, Damien continued, “Didn’t you say you wanted to go up against the Garrison clan itself? I’ll wait for you at the gates of the Garrison residence, then. Be there or be square!”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll definitely be there.”
With that, Levi left the villa with his mother, carrying the barely alive Dexter on his back.
Damien was so enraged that he punched the wall next to him.
Almost instantaneously, the wall collapsed. With another loud rumble, the entire building collapsed in a huge puff of dust.
From this, everyone could see how much strength Damien possessed. He made an entire building crumble with his fist!
They could also see how furious Damien truly was. He couldn’t stand the idea that Levi had mocked him straight to his face, but he wasn’t allowed to murder him in retaliation.
“Mr. Damien, are we just going to leave it at that?” Vincent asked tremulously.
Even he couldn’t bear it anymore.
“If we don’t leave it at that, what else are we supposed to do? Now tell everyone to get lost!”
That very night, Damien left North Hampton.
He didn’t understand why his father had made such a strange decision.
When Damien asked his father previously, the latter gave him his permission to murder Levi.
After they finished making arrangements for Dexter, Emma received a phone call from Tyrone.
“I’ve let your people go. Isn’t it time for you to uphold your end of the bargain?” he asked coldly.
“Yes, I gave you my word. But I sure hope you won’t go back on yours!” Emma warned.
She was reminding him of the promise he broke years ago, when he said he would keep their son alive but then dumped Levi in the wilderness.
Tyrone replied frostily, “Oh, don’t worry, I won’t do that. Prepare yourself. I’ll be sending someone to pick you up soon enough.”
“Alright, then.”
The next morning, news spread all over town. Emma Jones was missing!
“This is bad!” Levi exclaimed, alarmed by the news.
Was this why Damien let me off so easily last night? There must be a reason.
It seemed the reason had something to do with his mother.
There was a possibility that his mother was in grave danger right now…
It was quite evident to Levi that Emma Jones had some past dealings with the Garrison family.
Otherwise, Damien would never have let him off so easily.

Emma was now on her way to Oakland City.
She was brought before Tyrone Garrison.
It had been twenty years since the last time they met.
Now that they met each other again, Tyrone observed that the woman had changed drastically since he last saw her.
Tyrone still looked elegant and polished as ever. He still had that commanding vibe, albeit it had become more mature and made him seem even more impressive.
Tyrone had lived a perfect life from all perspectives.
Besides, he was currently poised to become the next patriarch of the Garrison family. When that happened, he would become the most respected man on earth.
On the other hand, age had significantly altered Emma’s beauty. The wrinkles that crept across her entire forehead made her seem older than she really was. She was so skinny that she looked like a walking skeleton.
She was once as beautiful as a flower. Now, she simply looked like an old hag.
The two of them were a glaring contrast to each other when they stood together.
Nobody would have thought they used to be a couple…
When she saw Tyrone again, a complicated mix of emotions welled up within Emma.
However, when Tyrone gazed down at her, his eyes were only full of mockery and contempt.
He mocked himself for falling for this woman in his younger years; he had been too naïve in the past.
At the same time, Tyrone was also laughing at Emma. How could she have ever thought of marrying me, much less marrying into the prestigious Garrison clan?
Oh, how stupid I was! How could I have been in love with this woman all those years ago? I nearly missed out on my future with Olivia!
Yes, I was too young and foolish. Oh, just look at Emma now!
She’s no match for me at all.
Not even a little bit!
Compared to his present wife, Olivia, Emma was practically nothing. The difference between the two women was simply too great.
With a little exaggeration, Tyrone would even say that looking at the present Emma made him feel like throwing up.
If he were a bird soaring high up in the sky, she would be a filthy bug crawling on the ground!
Did this loser of a woman think she’s suitable to be my wife?
Dream on!
She will never become my wife!
Tyrone would only regard her with contempt.
However, he had forgotten that he had a role to play in Emma’s current predicament.
Emma used to be a rose, too.
For Tyrone’s sake, she had gambled with her life and ruined her future in the process.
Without him in the picture, Emma would still be as beautiful as she had been back then.
“Wow, I didn’t think we would ever meet again! You’re quite a lucky person, do you know that?”
Tyrone felt that any opportunity for Emma to meet him was a boon for her.
He wasn’t entirely wrong. Someone as lowly as Emma didn’t have the right to meet him.
“Yes, we meet again,” Emma whispered.
Tyrone continued, “However, I must remind you not to harbor any hopes on me. There’s no way things will ever work out between the two of us, for as long as we live. I’ll tell you the truth. The difference in our status is simply too big, and the gap is only getting wider! You and I aren’t compatible at all.”
Tyrone rambled on, “Think about it yourself. Do you think you can hold a candle to Olivia? I don’t think so! I must have been blind in the past.”
Tyrone was afraid that Emma still desired some sort of romantic relationship with him so he had to dispel those thoughts immediately.
Hearing this, Emma bowed her head.
The last ember of hope in her heart was extinguished.
The difference between her status and that of Tyrone was simply enormous.
“Not only that, but your son is nothing compared to Olivia’s son,” Tyrone mocked. “Her son is of unparalleled talent and he’s the best and fiercest warrior in practically every aspect!”
Tyrone struck Emma emotionlessly with such harsh words. “As for your son, I must admit that he has made some small achievements on his own. To normal people, he is worthy of some respect. But to the Garrison clan of Oakland City, his achievements are nothing! What are his achievements as compared to those of Olivia’s son?”
Emma wouldn’t stand for it. He could insult her all he liked, but insulting her son was taboo for her.
Emma’s eyes widened as she stared at Tyrone. “That might not be so! Damien was brought up in an environment that was simply too perfect. In a less ideal environment, my son might easily beat him.”

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded at the door. “Ridiculous. Who said my son was brought up in a perfect environment?”
The woman sent an intimidating vibe as she glided into the room. Olivia appeared, looking as regal as a queen.
The difference between Emma and herself was obvious.
Tyrone laughed. “Olivia, I made the best decision of my life when I chose you to be my wife all those years ago.”
Olivia walked in front of Emma and said coldly, “Emma, let me tell you something that might shock the skin off those pathetic bones of yours.”
“My son, Damien, was never brought up in the warm environment of the Garrison residence, like you imagined. From the time he was born, Damien was abandoned at a training ground in the frigid north. During his time in training, he never knew his true identity and the Garrison family never provided him with any help. Instead, we made sure to place all sorts of obstacles in his way to ensure that he grew up strong.”
Olivia continued, “Damien managed to survive those challenges because of his own strength and intelligence. We only accepted him into the family when he came of age and proved himself to be a capable warrior. His achievements surpassed those of others in his generation; no one ever came close to defeating him.”
Olivia went into greater detail. “In order to create challenges for him, the Garrison clan spent tens of billions and lost more than three thousands of our men! Back at the training grounds, there were about eighty other recruits who trained alongside Damien, but only one could emerge alive. Damien was the one who killed off the rest and walked away as the victor!”

Hearing this, Emma was so shocked that sweat started to form on her brows.
It was evident that Damien’s experiences before he came of age were even worse than what Levi went through.
If he lost focus for even one moment, he would have died.
The Garrisons’ brutal training had produced a genius like Damien.
Even Emma had to admit that Levi’s achievements paled in comparison to what Damien had achieved.
Olivia continued, “Do you really think that b*stard son of yours can be compared to Damien? What rubbish!”
Emma remained silent.
Although she wished for her son to win, his skills were truly nothing compared to Damien.
Olivia turned to Tyrone and said coldly, “Tyrone, why has she come?”
She wasn’t afraid that their reunion would reignite old flames. Emma is so hideous now. Tyrone must be out of his mind to lust for her.
Tyrone replied coolly, “I brought her back to kill her!”
“That’s nice. Get it done as quickly as you can. There’s no use in keeping her around anyway,” Olivia said.
Emma knelt down immediately and pleaded, “Could the two of you give me some more time? I want to meet my grandchild and make the baby some clothes!”
In nine months, Zoey’s child would finally be born.
Emma wanted to see the child at least once.
As Emma looked up piteously at Tyrone, his expression flickered a little.
After all, Emma was still holding on to his secret.
“Fine, whatever,” he relented. “Since you’re going to die anyway, I don’t see how a few more months is going to do you any harm.”
Olivia didn’t think much of it, either. “Men, take her away and lock her up! Don’t let her escape.”
Tyrone tried to reassure her. “Don’t worry, Olivia. She’s being locked up by the Garrison family. Unless someone has God’s power, I doubt she could be rescued.”
After they locked Emma up securely, Olivia turned to Tyrone and smiled. “My dear, do you think that b*stard might come here and try to rescue his mother? I heard this boy is very reckless by nature. If he was foolish enough to rescue Dexter, don’t you think he’ll definitely try and get his mother out of there?”
Tyrone laughed dismissively. “Huh? Is he going to attempt a prison break on the grounds of the Garrison residence? How is he going to rescue her? How preposterous!”
So what if that b*stard is talented?
There was no way he will be able to take a step past the front door of the Garrison residence, much less break his mother out of jail.
“Well, I personally hope he’ll try and rescue her. It will be quite an entertaining scene, don’t you think?”
Olivia enjoyed seeing other people struggle helplessly.

However, Tyrone replied icily, “No way. That day will never come. He will never get that opportunity.”
Olivia froze before replying, “Do—do you mean you’ll kill Emma Jones?”
“Yes, of course. Does a b*tch like her really think she has any right to bargain with me? As for extending her life by a few more months, that’s never going to happen!”
Tyrone was deathly afraid that his secret would be exposed.
Emma had to go, and she had to go now.
He had only agreed to her demands on the surface.
Oh, what a shame. Emma has been tricked again.
Tyrone was never someone who took his promises seriously.
Besides, Emma was holding onto a secret that could have a devastating impact on his future within the family. He would be stupid to let her live.
He arrived at her cell.
Emma had already figured out his intentions. “You’re here to kill me off, aren’t you?”
Tyrone scoffed cruelly. “I once thought you could take this secret to your grave, but I don’t think you love me enough. Back then, who was the one who said she would love me for a lifetime and promised to do everything for my sake?”
Emma glared at him and hollered angrily, “Tyrone Garrison, I’ve finally seen you for the brute you are! You have no emotions at all, do you? You’re just a cold-blooded animal.”
Tyrone laughed apathetically and replied, “That’s what makes me different from common folks like you! In the Garrison clan, women must never become a stumbling block for their men. They must only be tools! This was exactly why I abandoned you! To me, you’re no different from other women. You proved to be of no value to me, and you might even be a stumbling block for me in the future!”
“Only a woman like Olivia is suitable for me. She’s the only person on this earth who is compatible with me,” asserted Tyrone.
Emma had to bite her lip in order to not cry.
Laughing coldly, she snapped, “You probably admire her for her family background and the resources of the Garcia family, don’t you? Do you even have any feelings for her?”
Hearing this, Tyrone kept silent.
That was true.
He had married Olivia because her family background was advantageous to him.
Laughing mockingly at him, Emma said, “You will stop at nothing to achieve what you want, won’t you?”
“Haha, you don’t understand me at all! If one wishes to make their way up in the world, one needs to be prepared to abandon many things! Unfortunately, you’ve never been in such a position, so you wouldn’t know about that.”
Immediately, Emma retorted, “Is that why you paralyzed your own younger brother?”
Tyrone was enraged. “You…”
That was precisely his secret.
The idea of everyone knowing about it filled him with fear and made him sleepless.
The Garrison clan of Oakland City was full of talented warriors.
Tyrone’s generation was an especially talented cohort.
However, Tyrone wasn’t the most talented one out of them all.
Among his peers, Tyrone ranked third in terms of talent and achievement. His fourth brother, Micah, was the one in first place.
While Micah was alive, his powers surpassed everyone else’s. He was practically the next patriarch of the family.
Tyrone could only watch and stew in jealousy as everyone lauded his brother with praise.
Finally, when he could stand it no longer, he set a trap and paralyzed his brother. Till this day, Micah was still confined to his bed.
Everyone in the Garrison family believed that Micah’s fall and subsequent paralysis was an accident.
The day after Micah was paralyzed, Tyrone was conferred the title of the next head of the family, his father’s successor.
Emma found out about this by accident, and Tyrone was deathly afraid that Emma would leak this secret to his family.
Once the Garrison family caught wind of his crime, Tyrone would lose his position immediately.
The Garrison clan had very strict rules, and anyone who broke them would be subject to grave punishment.
Out of the numerous rules they had, one was the most important—kill not your own brethren.
“Emma Jones, you’ve forced my hand at last. I’ll make sure to kill you today!”
Tyrone gazed at her with red eyes and a murderous look on his face.
Emma shut her eyes in despair…

Tyrone raised his right hand into the air.
In a moment, he would swing it down and bash it against the top of Emma’s head.
Emma could feel the wind as Tyrone brought his fist down with a whoosh.
She was only a few moments away from death…
Right before his fist made contact with her head, however, Tyrone froze.
Emma waited for a few moments with her eyes shut, but nothing happened. She opened her eyes timidly.
“Aren’t—aren’t you going to kill me?” she asked tremulously.
Tyrone gazed at her with a complicated look and didn’t say anything. He turned and left the room.
He slammed the door shut behind him with a loud bang.
Emma’s eyes glittered as she understood what was going on.
Tyrone feared the consequences of killing her.
He was afraid that Emma would’ve already told his secret to her son and he did not want to take that risk.
If Levi already knew his secret, he would definitely expose it once he found out that Emma was dead.
This was what Tyrone truly feared.
For the sake of his position as the future patriarch of his clan, he had to be cautious.
In the past, he needn’t have worried about this because Emma loved him enough to give her life for him and take his secret with her to her grave.
But now that Levi was involved, Tyrone could no longer count on Emma’s love for him.
In order to protect Levi, Emma had probably told her son about this secret.
Tyrone couldn’t kill off Emma without having his secret leaked.
I must find a way to confirm if Levi knows about it. Only then can I make a decision as to whether I should kill Emma!
Thus, Tyrone decided to go and look for Levi himself.
Once he had his answer, his first goal would be to kill off both Levi and Emma.
Even if this would upset the Garrison family and cause outsiders to despise him for being cold-blooded and cruel, it would be much better than having his secret exposed to the public.
If that happened, he would be subjected to the family’s most horrible punishment!
In North Hampton, everyone was busy looking for Emma.
Finally, Levi discovered a note left for him by his mother in his room.
In summary, she told him not to worry because she was doing fine. She also instructed Levi not to go looking for her.
“Mom, how could I not go looking for you?”
Levi banged his hand onto the table.
The more he thought about it, the more he was certain that the Garrison family was behind it.
He figured that his mother was going to die in his place.
However, Levi was adamant that he would not yield to the Garrison family.
If you haven’t held me back earlier, I would’ve killed Damien.
Levi f
elt helpless.
Initially, he had wanted to wait a while before making any move.
He wanted things to be peaceful until Zoey gave birth to their child.
As Zoey was pregnant, he was too afraid to leave her alone
Zoey needs someone to take care of her…

However, now that this matter regarding his mother had cropped up, he had to speed things up a little. He decided to head up to Oakland City.

Just as he was about to summon Azure Dragon and the others, he received a phone call from an anonymous number.

As soon as he picked up the call, the person on the other end introduced himself. “I’m Tyrone Garrison.”

Immediately, Levi asked, “What? It’s you? Is my mother with you right now?”

Levi was quite surprised that Tyrone would give him a call.

“Yes, she is. She’s all fine and dandy. As for me, I’d like to meet you in North Hampton tonight. There’s something I need to talk to you about.”

Upon hearing that his mother was alright, Levi let out a sigh of relief.

If anything happened to his mother, he would tear down the Garrison residence, brick by brick, and kill every single person living within its walls.

“Alright, I’ll wait for you. However, if anything happens to my mother, I’ll kill you on sight!” Levi swore angrily.

“Haha…” Tyrone burst into laughter on the other end.

To him, Levi was all bark and no bite. His declaration of vengeance was nothing but an empty threat.

He wanted to kill me?

Can he even do it?

At eight o’clock that night, a private jet landed at the North Hampton Airport.

As quietly and swiftly as he could, Tyrone arrived at the meeting place they had agreed on beforehand.

Levi was already waiting there when he arrived.

The father and son finally met for the first time in their lives.

As Levi gazed at Tyrone in an attempt to size him up, the older man was doing the same with him.

Levi saw immediately that his father was a once-in-a-generation type of warrior.

He was subdued and detached, and an untouchable vibe radiated from his very body.

However, his movements also spoke of someone who was ill-tempered and capricious.

To kill one is a sin, but to kill ten thousand is a heroic feat.

That sentence described Tyrone exactly.

His very face lent him a look of arrogance and self-assurance that made him stand out from the crowd. He had the vibe of someone who was used to standing in the limelight at the applause of everyone.

After all, he was the future patriarch of the most prestigious ancient family in Erudia.

He had been bred for this very purpose.

Tyrone was a good fighter—there was no doubt about that.

Before this, Levi had instructed Phoenix to conduct a thorough investigation into Tyrone’s background.

Levi did not do so early on because he was afraid that the people in Oakland City might catch on; that would have caused him a great deal of trouble.

However, his relationship with Tyrone had been one of the hottest topics in the city of late. Practically everyone already knew about it.

Given that development, if Levi wanted to look up Tyrone in his own capacity, no one would question it.

Tyrone was a cruel tyrant who had no qualms about doing whatever that was needed to get to the top.

He was willing to abandon everything that stood in his way.

Levi had taken a look at Tyrone’s bloody and criminal history.

Indeed, Tyrone was someone who set his sights on big goals.

In the process of investigating him, Levi had discovered Tyrone’s biggest secret—he had paralyzed his own brother in order to become his father’s successor.

In order to ensure the prosperity of their clan, the Garrisons of Oakland City had established an ironclad rule.

It was also the most important one in their book of rules: kill not your own brethren. Those who violated it would be the harshest of punishment.

This rule had been established so that the Garrison clan would unite with each other rather than being divided by petty fights and jealousy.

Hence, the Garrison clan was renowned for their unity, which had seen them through over a thousand years. There had never been an instance of family members killing each other…until now.

This was also why the Garrison clan was so powerful.

However, Tyrone had violated this sacred rule in order to pursue his own selfish interests.

He had very extreme beliefs. To him, love, family ties, and friendships weren’t important.

What was important, however, was the benefits he could reap.

One look at his father was enough for Levi to see him for who he was.

To Tyrone, however, Levi was just an arrogant and reckless troublemaker.

Tyrone had seen his share of this sort of youngsters.

A little taste of achievement was enough to send them into a downward spiral of haughtiness.

In the end, however, their wild ways would be tamed by the harsh reality.

There was nothing wrong with being arrogant, of course, but if one overdid it, the consequences would be extremely dire.

From his observation of Levi, Tyrone could tell that this b*stard son of his wouldn’t last very long in the real world.

Compared to Damien, he was nothing but a small fry.

Damien was every bit as arrogant as Levi was, but at least he had talent and ability.

With the two most powerful ancient families in Erudia backing his every move, Damien’s power was simply unimaginable!

Although the blood of the Garrisons flowed through Levi’s veins as well, he wasn’t suited to be Tyrone’s son at all.

Tyrone would never acknowledge him as one of his own.

If Levi really wanted to become a member of the Garrisons, he had to first prove himself.

Otherwise, in no way would they accept him.

“Did you bring my mother along?” Levi asked.

“Don’t worry, she’s fine. She’s very safe as well—I can give her a video call if you don’t believe me,” Tyrone replied.

Levi asked again, “Alright, then, what are you here for?”

Suddenly, Tyrone smiled and said, “I’m here for a very simple reason—I’m here to meet you. I wanted to see for myself how reckless and foolish the son of Emma Jones is. As expected, my men weren’t exaggerating at all when they described you. You seem to be even more arrogant than I thought.”

Levi grinned. “You aren’t just here to see how reckless and foolish I am, are you? Why don’t you tell me what you’re really here for? Stop beating around the bush.”

Levi refused to believe that heap of rubbish Tyrone was feeding him.

As if!

Tyrone has come here so secretly. Evidently, he doesn’t want anyone to know he is in North Hampton.


Besides, he hasn’t yet made a move to kill Mother.

Therefore, there is only one possible reason for his appearance—he wants to find out for himself if I know his secret.

Levi made up his mind immediately.

His mother had saved herself with that secret.

Tyrone’s expression was rather unnatural. He looked pallid and nervous, and rather hesitant to open his mouth.

Finally, he decided to allude delicately to the matter.

Sighing deeply, he asked, “Has your mother ever told you anything about me?”

Levi continued grinning. “Yes, she has.”

“Well, has she ever told you anything that she should’ve kept a secret?”

Tyrone held his breath and gazed intensely at Levi.

Levi smiled. “Of course she has! She has told me all sorts of secrets about you.”

Seeing the damning smile on Levi’s face, Tyrone felt as though he had been struck by lightning. His heart sank a little.

Levi had given him a very vague answer, but he had a nagging suspicion that the young man already knew about his secret.

However, he could not be absolutely certain of that.

What if Emma had told him other secrets about me?

Gritting his teeth, Tyrone asked, “What exactly did she tell you?”

Levi smiled. “Don’t you know your own secrets?”


Tyrone was so nervous that sweat was beading on his brows.

He still couldn’t confirm if Levi knew that dark secret of his.

To kill or not to kill?

That is the question.

Levi suddenly spoke up, his voice sending shivers down Tyrone’s spine. “What? Are you thinking of whether you should kill me?”

Did Levi sense my intention?

“If you wish to kill me, do it! After all, you’ve never hesitated to do something when it comes to achieving your own goals.”

Hearing this, Tyrone became certain that Levi already knew the damning secret he had been hiding for decades.

Now, he was afraid that Levi was going to use this secret against him for the rest of his life. What if he tries to threaten his way into the Garrison family?

This b*stard has no right to enter the Garrison family!

The Garrison family valued their honor over anything else, after all.

“I’ll tell you this, Levi Garrison! Don’t you dare use this to threaten me and force your way into the Garrison family! Even if the clan decides to punish me and my reputation takes a serious hit, I will never let you become one of us.”

Tyrone made a very serious declaration.

He’d much rather have the clan find out about his secret than let this b*stard taint the halls of the Garrison residence with his filth.

There was no way Levi Garrison could become a member of the clan. Not for as long as Tyrone was alive.

Hearing this, Levi burst into laughter.

Coldly, he said, “Do you think I’ll use this secret against you just so I could enter the Garrison family? How ridiculous. Tyrone Garrison, listen to me—I couldn’t care less about a pathetic family like yours. Even if all of you come begging at my door for me to join the clan, I’ll turn you down!”

Tyrone was so angry that he roared, “You—you’re arrogant beyond belief! This is going to be the end of you one day!”

Levi laughed. “You came here to ask me if I know your secret, didn’t you? Well, I know it, of course. But why would I bother to threaten you with it? I couldn’t care less about a small fry like you.”

Tyrone’s breath hitched.

He really wanted to kill Levi on the spot.

However, he was afraid that Levi wasn’t the only person who knew the secret.

For now, he had to find a way to seal Levi and Emma’s mouths.

The expose would not matter anymore after he assumed the position of the patriarch.

“Alright, alright, I believe you! As long as you don’t leak my secret, I promise not to lay a hand on your mother,” Tyrone said.

He would tolerate it for a while longer.

In a few days, he would be the new head of the Garrison family.

After that, Levi would have no leverage over him anymore.

At that time, Tyrone would finally kill him.

Levi smiled coldly. “Let’s move on, then. I still have some things to discuss with you.”


“Firstly, release my mother instantly. Secondly, I will personally take revenge on the Garrison clan after my child is born. All of you will regret the sins you have committed against my Mom. Thirdly, I will kill Damien right in front of you!”

After Levi uttered these three threats, Tyrone stared at him in disbelief, feeling utterly stunned.

How outrageous!

He’s simply being too absurd!

How dare he make such arrogant claims?

Kill Damien in front of me?

What a joke!

It is downright laughable!

“I have nothing to say about your first point. However, for your second point, did you say that you want to take revenge on the Garrison clan and make all of us regret it?”

Tyrone was utterly amused.

The Garrison clan is the most powerful ancient family in Erudia, with more than a thousand years of history.

Who has the ability to take avenge on the Garrisons?

A mere youngster in his twenties?

How is it possible that he’s capable enough to do so?

“That’s right. I’ll fulfil my Mom’s wish—that is to declare to all the Garrisons that you aren’t worthy enough for my Mom! I want every one of you to drown in regret. I’ll let my Mom declare to all of you that her son is the conqueror of the world!” announced Levi coldly.

“Hahaha! Just by yourself? Fine, I’ll wait! And you want to kill Damien? It’s impossible,” said Tyrone as he laughed.

With me around, who would dare to touch Damien?

“Don’t worry, you can never protect anyone whom I’m determined to kill.”

A murderous glint flashed across Levi’s eyes.

From the moment Damien appeared at his wedding, his fate had been sealed—he would die!

Levi did not throw away the coffin Damien brought to the wedding because he intended it to be meant for him.

“Very well! You’ve got guts. When will it be, specifically? I don’t want to wait too long for you!” asked Tyrone with a cold smirk.

“Around a year after my child is born, I’ll definitely attack the Garrison clan!”

“Fine! I will make a bet with you. One year later, if you can take even one step into the Garrison clan’s residence, I’ll sincerely apologize for what I have done in the past. I will even kneel in front of you and your mother in repentance! There’s only one way to make me repent—by relying on your capabilities. Otherwise, even if you kill me, you will not even find a single shred of remorse within me.”

A one-year pact was hence established between Tyrone and Levi.

In his opinion, regardless of how powerful Levi became, he would never be capable enough to even enter the Garrison clan’s residence.

“Okay. We’re agreed on this.”

Levi nodded.

Smirking coldly, Tyrone said, “If you aren’t capable enough to enter the Garrison clan’s residence, don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

“Don’t worry. If I’m not capable enough to do that, I’d die willingly!”

“That’s settled, then. I’ll wait for you at the Garrison clan’s residence!”

After Tyrone made the bet, he left North Hampton.

Now, he was no longer worried that Levi would reveal the secret to others.

Through that short conversation, he had already figured out Levi’s temper.

Although he seemed like an impudent man, he was, in reality, an extremely prideful person.

He would never make a huge deal out of Tyrone’s secret.

For a prideful man like him, an act like that was tantamount to humiliation.

Furthermore, Tyron had suggested a one-year pact as part of his strategy to provoke him.

Hence, he was certain that Levi would not reveal his secret at all.

Chuckling coldly, he proudly declared, “This is the sheer difference between me, Damien and him! We never care about these insignificant things. As long as it’s beneficial to us, we will certainly achieve our goal regardless of the methods used. After all, a man of great ambition does not bother about trifles. Levi, you will never achieve anything great! A year later, I will witness the sight of you pathetically groveling in front of the Garrison clan’s residence.”


Tyrone was quite accurate in his judgment of people.

Indeed, Levi was an extremely prideful person who would not deign to blackmail Tyrone with his secret.

If he wanted to resolve the matter, he would depend on only his capabilities.

This was the reason why Tyrone made the bet with Levi.

In his opinion, Levi only agreed on the bet because he was too young and impulsive.

Yet, unknown to him, Levi was completely aware of his tricks.

As “a man of his words”, Tyrone released Emma and even spread the news of his bet with Levi around.

Now, everyone in Erudia knew that Levi made a pact with Tyrone.

The Garrison clan of Oakland City became even more famous now.

After all, they openly gave their illegitimate son a chance to challenge them.

This was an unprecedented move!

Logically speaking, any wealthy family would rush to hide such an illegitimate child.

They would often end up killed according to conventions.

However, the Garrison clan of Oakland City went against the norms.

Not only did they acknowledge the presence of an illegitimate child, but they also even gave him a chance to challenge them.

At the same time, they clearly showed how dignified they were as the most powerful ancient family in Erudia.

Tyrone, who established the pact, was praised by many.

Only someone with such dignity and ease like him was the most suitable candidate to lead the clan.

Even the high-ranking elders of the Garrison clan admired how Tyrone dealt with this matter, heaping him with praises.

No one expected that the appearance of Tyrone’s illegitimate child would actually benefit him.

It proved exceptionally helpful to him in rising to the position as the head of the clan.

Even Tyrone did not expect that he could benefit from it.

This proved that seemingly unlucky events might not be completely bad— it all depended on how one dealt with them.

News of Levi’s famous bet with Tyrone spread widely. Soon, all of the elites in the region knew about it.

Although everyone was now familiarized with Levi’s name, they all thought that he was incredibly foolish.

Undoubtedly, he was fighting a futile battle.

What assets did he have to fight the Garrison clan with?

Did he not have an inkling of his chances of success?

A mere youngster actually dared to challenge the most powerful ancient family in Erudia.

It was a widely-known fact that entry to the Garrison clan in Oakland City was strictly controlled.

Only someone who wielded considerable power in the four domains of military, business, politics, and martial arts, would be recognized by the Garrison clan.

For the military domain, one must at least be a mighty general in the frontiers.

For the business domain, one must be at least a significant figure in the corporate world.

For the political domain, one must be at least a high-ranking officer.

For the martial arts domain, one must at least be capable enough of attacking the Garrison clan.

As long as one of those four conditions was fulfilled, the person could set foot in the Garrison clan’s residence.

However, this was an incredibly challenging feat.

In everyone’s opinion, Levi only had accumulated some success in the business domain.

However, a measly Morris Group was nothing to the Garrison clan.

He might stand a chance if he expanded his business by ten or twenty folds.

But, how could he do that within a year?

Hence, no one believed that Levi would succeed in challenging the Garrison clan and rely on his own capabilities to enter the clan’s residence.

Yet, never in their wildest dreams would they expect Levi to actually be the weakest in the business domain.

Needless to say, his influence in the military and the political domain was unparalleled.

He was the Erudia’s God of War!

His martial arts strength was undeniably matchless as well.

After all, he had trained himself by fighting in two thousand battles over a span of six years.

In fact, he could conquer almost everything!

As for now, he did not need to act personally.

There were too many skilled experts working for him now.

After Emma returned, she looked at Levi with an indecipherable look. “Levi, you shouldn’t have done it! If you agreed to his bet, it means that you have fallen for his trick. He knows your personality, so he’s using it to constrain you.”

“Mom, it’s going to be fine. It’s true that this is a trap he set up for me. However, he doesn’t know that I’m actually capable enough. Don’t worry, I’ll definitely fulfill your wish!”

This was a dream that Emma knew was absolutely impossible.

Yet, she was content to just fantasize about it.

Hence, she named her son Levi, a name that signified harmony and unification. She hoped that he would preside over the world and let the Garrison clan realize their mistake.

“Okay, Levi. I’ll look forward to one year later.”

Emma smiled.

Regardless of what the outcome would be next year, she could still accompany Levi, Zoey, and the soon-to-be-born baby this year.

Life went back on track afterward.

The Lopez family and the Zhao family were extremely unhappy with Levi.

He could have chosen to kneel in forgiveness and remain content as a member of the Garrison clan.

However, he insisted on challenging them.

They were certain that he was crazy.

The Garrison clan of Oakland City also specified the conditions of the challenge for Levi.

In the military domain, he must surpass Hugh Garrison. He was the chief of the Gray Wolf Squad from the North. In fact, the God of War personally bestowed the title upon him.

In the political domain, he must surpass Finnick Garrison, a high-ranking politician of Oakland City.

In the business domain, his corporation must perform better than 5% of Damien’s business. After all, Damien owned countless assets, with the Pinnacle Group alone strong enough to completely trump the Morris Group.

In the martial arts domain, he must be able to defeat Titus Garrison, one of the Garrison clan’s youngest guards who had perfected his martial arts skills.

However, everyone clearly knew that these youngsters, who were used as benchmarks, were not the strongest of the Garrison clan—they were, at the most, considered average in the family.

It was evident how high the standards of entering the Garrison clan were.

If one did not want to rely on background, it was simply too challenging a feat to enter the Garrison clan through capabilities alone.

In fact, for the business domain, the standards were only 5% of Damien’s business.

It was obvious how strong Damien was.

They purposely set the benchmark as 5% of Damien’s business, intending it to be a constant reminder to Levi and Emma.

As quoted from Tyrone and Olivia, if Levi could not even achieve 5% of what Damien could, there was nothing for Emma to be proud of.

Everyone knew that should Levi fail in his challenge, his demise was certain.

“Do your best, Levi. I’m sure that you can achieve it within a year. Iris and I will assist you to develop Morris Group even further!”

When Zoey heard this bet, she gave Levi tremendous encouragement.

Right now, their only hope was Morris Group.

There was not much time left for them—they must accomplish everything within a year!

Otherwise, certain death awaited them.

On the other hand, Levi was overjoyed.

That period of one year was meant for the Garrison clan to have a breather before the battle ahead. It was not the case of the Garrison clan giving him one year to pathetically cling onto his meager chance of survival.

He was waiting for Zoey to give birth to their child.

Otherwise, he would have just attacked the Garrison clan directly.

Hence, Levi felt no sense of urgency.

For the following days, he stayed by Zoey’s side constantly.

Zoey and her child were the most important priority for him.

As for the Morris Group, he left everything in the hands of Iris.

Although Zoey was unhappy about it, she was helpless to do anything.

“If Zoey’s not pregnant with your child, we’d certainly have forced you to cut off all ties with her!”

Even though the Lopez family and the Black family were upset by this incident, they had no choice but to turn a blind eye.

Soon, it was time for the appointment of the next successor of the Garrison clan.

Tyrone was unanimously voted to become the head of the clan.

In order to maintain the clan’s constant development, the head of the Garrison clan could only keep his position for a term of twenty years.

Tyrone’s age was just right.

At this moment, Tyrone had finally achieved the highest position of the Garrison clan.

“Well, I have to you to thank, Levi!”

He was right.

Previously, there were many respected elders in the family who opposed Tyrone being the patriarch.

However, after his one-year pact with Levi, many people started looking at him in a different light.
Chapter 1076

It could be said that Levi helped tremendously in letting Tyrone become the head of the clan.

This was the only help he offered as Tyrone’s biological son.

“Hahaha! So this illegitimate bastard can benefit me in this way too, huh?”

Tyron even specially called Levi.

“From this moment onward, I’m the mighty head of the Garrison clan. The secret you know no longer poses any threat to me! You’ve missed the perfect opportunity.”

Tyrone’s voice was filled with arrogance and pride.

“The head of the Garrison clan? Congratulations, then!”

Levi smiled.

“Yeah, that’s right! The most powerful family of Erudia is now completely in my control. I’ve already reached the apex! But don’t you even dare to imagine that I’ll validate your identity. It is impossible! I will never acknowledge you as my child. I only have one son— Damien! So, stop dreaming,” scoffed Tyrone.

A trace of mockery crept into Levi’s smile. “Tyrone, do you know what kind of person you are?”

“What?” asked Tyrone curiously.

“A self-righteous person! You always view things from such a myopic point of view, oblivious to the fact that there are always people stronger than you. Perhaps, you are nothing but a measly ant to others!”

Tyrone could not help but burst into laughter. “Hahaha! I’m a measly ant to others? Do you still not understand who I am now? I’m the patriarch of the most powerful ancient family in Erudia!”

“Okay. Well, there’s not much time left for the Garrison clan now. You should accumulate as much power and social connections as to fight me. Otherwise, when the deadline is up, the Garrison clan will not even stand a chance!”

Levi remembered that this was the second time he had said this to the Garrisons.

They all probably harbored the same attitude towards him— disdain.

“Hahaha! Are you talking about yourself? Everyone in Erudia knows about this bet. It’ll be your death-day by then. Shouldn’t you be thinking about how to extend your pathetic life?”

Indeed, Tyrone was filled with disdain.

No matter what, he believed that Levi would never succeed.

Hence, he posed no threat at all.


Levi burst out laughing loudly.

“You madman!” cursed Tyrone before hanging up the call.

To him, Levi was nothing more than an unreasonable madman.

That was why he dared to keep provoking Tyrone.

There was a saying that ignorant people were more confident than the wise.

Levi was one of such ignorant people.

“Don’t be angry, Dad. One day, this illegitimate bastard will understand what true power means. If he wants to succeed, he can only strive in the business domain. However, I’ll deliberately make things difficult for him. I guarantee that within a year, the Morris Group will worsen,” promised Damien with an assured smile.

He would never give Levi any chances.

Tyrone was satisfied with Damien’s words.

Only by resorting to unscrupulous means could one accomplish great success.

Damien was truly his son.

For the following days, the Morris Group kept facing setbacks in their business development. It was simply too difficult to expand their business.

They had no choice but to remain stuck within North Hampton and South Hampton.

Iris immediately called for a meeting with Zoey and Levi.

“It is most likely the Pinnacle Group who is suppressing us. They severed all possible pathways for us to access the external markets. If this continues, we will remain stagnant. It’ll be impossible for us to expand our business,” Iris explained her thoughts.

Everyone knew that it was the Garrison clan who was suppressing them, so Levi would fail in his challenge.

Zoey bit her lips and glanced at Levi. “Levi, I want to hear your opinion. What do you think we should do?”
Chapter 1077

Unable to think of any solutions, everyone turned their gaze toward Levi.

He smiled and said, “My suggestion is very simple. You should just rest well and not fuss over this. Just let them suppress us! We can just continue with our business as usual.”

As Zoey was still pregnant, Levi did not want any troubles to arise.

All he wanted was to take care of Zoey until their child was born.

Everything else was insignificant in comparison.

However, Zoey interpreted Levi’s attitude in a different manner.

This was the time when Levi should strive hard, stand up to the challenge and solve the problem.

Yet, he had such a pessimistic attitude.

When he was faced with a problem, he was actually backing away and neglecting it.

In fact, he still had a one-year pact with the Garrison clan!

Even if he might not succeed, he should at least have the right attitude.

He should strive till the last moment with his best effort. This was a way for him to prove himself and make the rest acknowledge him.

Even if they lost, they would just admit defeat.

However, this attitude was simply unacceptable!

One year later, how could Levi challenge the Garrison clan?

It would just be a complete joke!

“For this period of time, Zoey’s health is my priority. Everything else is insignificant to me!” said Levi honestly.

Zoey and Iris sighed simultaneously.

Indeed, Levi was backing away when confronted with the powerful Garrison clan.

“I know what you’re afraid of. Don’t worry! I’m not even concerned about the Garrison clan. They should be the ones worried.”

When Zoey heard Levi’s arrogant words, she became angry.

“Levi, I admit that you’re very impressive. There are not many youngsters as capable as you are! However, the Garrison clan is simply too powerful. I think that you should personally visit Oakland City and take a look. After witnessing how powerful the Garrison clan is, you’ll be back on the right track,” suggested Zoey exasperatedly.

“Don’t be angry, Zoey. I’ll do my best in expanding the Morris Group!”

To calm Zoey down, Levi could only put on an act of firm determination.

“That’s more like it! At least you’ve got the right attitude!”

Only then did Zoey stop being angry.

Yet, Levi’s plan was still to leave the Morris group to Iris and the rest to run.

The only reason why he founded this business was to promote the development of the North Hampton region and benefit the citizens.

He would never use it for private reasons, such as going against the Garrison clan.

Furthermore, it would not prove useful at all.

For now, he only had one objective— to take care of Zoey.

Everyone already knew about his famous bet with Tyrone.

Yet, they could all tell that Levi was completely unbothered by it.

It was as if he had resigned to his fate.

“I heard that the Pinnacle Group, which is currently controlled by Damien, is starting to suppress the Morris Group. Looks like Levi has given up!”

“What other solutions are there except to give up? He can only accept his inevitable fate!”

On the flight from Oakland City to North Hampton, everyone was discussing Levi.

Everyone thought that Levi had certainly given up.

After all, his opponent was so powerful that he stood no chance of winning.

A few youngsters in the same flight were currently sitting in the first-class cabin.

There were a total of two women and three men.

From their appearance and demeanor, it was evident that these five youngsters came from elite families with high social statuses.

When they heard the people beside them talking about Levi, they seemed to be extremely interested. In fact, they were all grinning.

They listened to the discussions about Levi for the entire trip.

Soon, the plane arrived at the North Hampton Airport.

The five youngsters alighted the plane.

“I hope that Levi won’t disappoint us. After all, we came all the way to North Hampton!” One of them said.

These youngsters from Oakland City came just for Levi.
Chapter 1078

“I heard that his child is about to be born.”

“Yeah, how fortunate! If Levi returned to the Garrison clan, Tiffany might have to marry him!”

“Him? How can he be worthy of Tiffany?”

A few of them mocked him.

The five of the youngsters were Carl Mullins, Dominic Coleman, Eden Davie, Taylor Reilly, and Leia Buxton.

They all hailed from powerful families in Oakland City.

Families in Oakland City were split into five categories.

The first category was ancient families like the Garrison clan with more than a thousand years of history.

The second category was the imperial families.

The third category was the royal families.

The fourth category was the prominent families.

Lastly, the fifth category was the other ordinary families.

However, the prominent families of Oakland City were much more powerful than the royal families in South Hampton. After all, as they were in the capital city, they needed to be powerful enough to gain a foothold there.

These five youngsters came from royal families in Oakland City. Yet, their families surpassed even the imperial Garrison family in Haven.

Hence, now that they were at North Hampton, they acted in an extremely arrogant and domineering way, as if they were superior to the others.

After all, they came from a place that was higher in the hierarchy than North Hampton.

The Tiffany they were referring to was actually Tiffany Meyers.

She was the heiress of the imperial Meyers family of Oakland City.

Back then, Tyrone arranged for an engagement with the Meyers in order to appease Emma— one that took place between Levi and Tiffany.

Although Tyrone did not take it seriously and was only lying to Emma, everyone else took his words seriously.

After all, he was a member of the Garrison clan in Oakland City.

Since he was talking about something as important as marriage, the Meyers took it seriously.

They even specially drafted an engagement contract, which Tyrone and Emma had both signed.

Initially, Tyrone did not think much about it.

Back then, he already knew that the Garrison clan would never allow him to marry Emma.

In other words, her child was not destined to survive.

Hence, the arranged marriage did not matter much.

However, according to the rules, the engagement contract was still in effect even till now.

It could only be considered ineffective only if both parties refused and tore up the contract on the spot.

Due to this engagement contract, Tiffany did not dare to marry anyone even till now.

After all, it had been signed by the Garrison clan.

If Tiffany married someone else, it would mean that she was disrespecting the authority of the Garrison clan.

The Meyers family would be destroyed.

Hence, they had been troubled over this matter for a long time. After all, they did not know the Garrison clan’s stance on it, nor did they dare to ask.

However, Levi’s bet with Tyrone allowed the Meyers to finally know the Garrison clan’s attitude towards Levi.

Hence, they were prepared to call off the engagement and ask Levi to rip the contract on the spot.

As the Meyers family was an imperial family in Oakland City, it was too embarrassing for them to personally end the engagement themselves.

After all, Levi was just an illegitimate bastard.

Hence, they sent some members of the royal families to look for Levi, call off the engagement and tear up the engagement contract on their behalf.

“I really hate Levi Garrison! Because of him, Tiffany doesn’t even dare to date.”

“Yeah! By this time, she should’ve been married and have kids already.”

The five of them lamented furiously.

Leia smiled and said, “After Levi tears up the engagement contract, Tiffany will finally be free!”

“Yeah, Martin has been waiting for Tiffany for many years. Only someone like him is worthy enough for her!”

A look of anticipation crossed Taylor’s face.

Martin was ranked second in the Heir Leaderboard in Oakland City.

The Heir Leaderboard ranked the top heirs, excluding those from the most powerful ancient families, in Oakland city.

They were much more powerful than the Prince Gang in South Hampton.

It could be said that the most powerful youngsters of Oakland City were all listed on the Heir Leaderboard.

The five of them wanted to destroy the engagement contract as soon as possible so that Tiffany could marry Martin.

Chapter 1079

Soon, Leia and the rest arrived at the Morris Group office building.

Gazing up at the building, Carl scoffed, “To be honest, even the Mullins family can completely destroy the Morris Group.”

“Yeah! Ruining the Morris Group is simply a piece of cake for us.”

“Yet, they still want to challenge the Garrison clan. Isn’t that completely absurd?”

“How can such an insolent and arrogant madman be worthy of Tiffany?”

Everyone mocked coldly.

After witnessing Morris Group’s scale of operations, they were even more certain that Levi’s challenge to the Garrison clan was nothing more than a joke.

Someone like he would never achieve much.

Levi was wondering what he should cook for Zoey tonight when Seth suddenly called him, saying that he had some guests.

Confused, Levi went to the waiting area in the lobby.

He did not recognize the five youngsters at all.

However, judging from their arrogant demeanor, it was obvious that they came from exceptional backgrounds.

“So, you are Levi Garrison?” asked Carl disdainfully.

“That’s me. Who are you?” asked Levi, feeling puzzled.

“We come from Oakland City. We’re here on someone’s behalf to call off your arranged engagement.”

Taylor cut straight to the point.

“An arranged engagement? What’s it got to do with me?”

Levi was completely befuddled by her words.

My child is about to be born, yet someone is telling me that I have an arranged engagement?

Isn’t this absurd?

“That’s right, your arranged engagement! Your biological parents settled an arranged engagement for you before you were even born. Your fiancée is Tiffany Meyers, the most beautiful woman of Oakland City!” explained Leia with a cold smirk.

They thought that Levi was putting on an act.

Emma must have told him already.

Yet, he’s pretending to be ignorant?

How annoying!

“Huh? An arranged engagement? Wait a moment.”

Levi quickly contacted his mother and told her to come over.

Soon, Emma arrived.

“Mom, have you ever arranged an engagement for me?” asked Levi.

Emma was shocked momentarily before nodding. “Yeah, that’s right. Back then, Tyrone formed an engagement between you and a girl from the Meyers family in Oakland City. Her name is Tiffany Meyers! I’ve already forgotten about this. What’s wrong?”

Levi glanced at the five people and said, “They’re here to call off the engagement on behalf of the Meyers.”

Emma slapped her forehead in realization. “Oh my, I’ve completely forgotten about this. Regardless of what happened, this engagement is still in effect. Aren’t we holding Tiffany back? As she’s bound by the engagement, she probably can’t even marry yet. I’m sorry, everyone. This is my fault!”

However, Leia and the rest scoffed at Emma’s apology. “You’ve finally realized that it’s your fault? Do you have any idea how many years Tiffany has wasted because of you? Till now, she doesn’t even dare to marry or even date someone!”

“You ruined half of her life! Someone like you will certainly face karma. You deserve a horrendous death!”

“Yeah, you sabotaged her. If it weren’t for you, there wouldn’t have been this engagement. You probably don’t want to call it off, right? Do you still want him to marry Tiffany? We know your objectives. You still want to be part of the Garrison clan, right?”

The five of them started to hurl accusations at Emma, which infuriated Levi.

“Damn it! Tyrone’s the one responsible for the engagement. Why didn’t you look for him instead?”

Levi’s words rendered everyone speechless.

Naturally, no one would dare to look for Tyrone.

“What’s it got to do with Mr. Garrison? It’s all your Mom’s fault! Call off the engagement immediately and tear up the engagement contract in front of us.”
Chapter 1078

“I heard that his child is about to be born.”

“Yeah, how fortunate! If Levi returned to the Garrison clan, Tiffany might have to marry him!”

“Him? How can he be worthy of Tiffany?”

A few of them mocked him.

The five of the youngsters were Carl Mullins, Dominic Coleman, Eden Davie, Taylor Reilly, and Leia Buxton.

They all hailed from powerful families in Oakland City.

Families in Oakland City were split into five categories.

The first category was ancient families like the Garrison clan with more than a thousand years of history.

The second category was the imperial families.

The third category was the royal families.

The fourth category was the prominent families.

Lastly, the fifth category was the other ordinary families.

However, the prominent families of Oakland City were much more powerful than the royal families in South Hampton. After all, as they were in the capital city, they needed to be powerful enough to gain a foothold there.

These five youngsters came from royal families in Oakland City. Yet, their families surpassed even the imperial Garrison family in Haven.

Hence, now that they were at North Hampton, they acted in an extremely arrogant and domineering way, as if they were superior to the others.

After all, they came from a place that was higher in the hierarchy than North Hampton.

The Tiffany they were referring to was actually Tiffany Meyers.

She was the heiress of the imperial Meyers family of Oakland City.

Back then, Tyrone arranged for an engagement with the Meyers in order to appease Emma— one that took place between Levi and Tiffany.

Although Tyrone did not take it seriously and was only lying to Emma, everyone else took his words seriously.

After all, he was a member of the Garrison clan in Oakland City.

Since he was talking about something as important as marriage, the Meyers took it seriously.

They even specially drafted an engagement contract, which Tyrone and Emma had both signed.

Initially, Tyrone did not think much about it.

Back then, he already knew that the Garrison clan would never allow him to marry Emma.

In other words, her child was not destined to survive.

Hence, the arranged marriage did not matter much.

However, according to the rules, the engagement contract was still in effect even till now.

It could only be considered ineffective only if both parties refused and tore up the contract on the spot.

Due to this engagement contract, Tiffany did not dare to marry anyone even till now.

After all, it had been signed by the Garrison clan.

If Tiffany married someone else, it would mean that she was disrespecting the authority of the Garrison clan.

The Meyers family would be destroyed.

Hence, they had been troubled over this matter for a long time. After all, they did not know the Garrison clan’s stance on it, nor did they dare to ask.

However, Levi’s bet with Tyrone allowed the Meyers to finally know the Garrison clan’s attitude towards Levi.

Hence, they were prepared to call off the engagement and ask Levi to rip the contract on the spot.

As the Meyers family was an imperial family in Oakland City, it was too embarrassing for them to personally end the engagement themselves.

After all, Levi was just an illegitimate bastard.

Hence, they sent some members of the royal families to look for Levi, call off the engagement and tear up the engagement contract on their behalf.

“I really hate Levi Garrison! Because of him, Tiffany doesn’t even dare to date.”

“Yeah! By this time, she should’ve been married and have kids already.”

The five of them lamented furiously.

Leia smiled and said, “After Levi tears up the engagement contract, Tiffany will finally be free!”

“Yeah, Martin has been waiting for Tiffany for many years. Only someone like him is worthy enough for her!”

A look of anticipation crossed Taylor’s face.

Martin was ranked second in the Heir Leaderboard in Oakland City.

The Heir Leaderboard ranked the top heirs, excluding those from the most powerful ancient families, in Oakland city.

They were much more powerful than the Prince Gang in South Hampton.

It could be said that the most powerful youngsters of Oakland City were all listed on the Heir Leaderboard.

The five of them wanted to destroy the engagement contract as soon as possible so that Tiffany could marry Martin.

Moreeeeeeerrrr hahahaha

Even though everyone was well aware that Tyrone agreed to establish this arranged marriage, and that Emma had nothing to do with it, they all pushed the blame on her.

Intimidated by power, none of them dared to drag Tyrone into this.

Everything was Emma’s fault.

As she spoke, Leia passed the engagement contract to Levi and ordered him to tear it apart.

The rest whipped out their phones to film it.

Sighing, Emma said, “Levi, just tear it. We are indebted to Tiffany, so we should give her back her freedom.”

“Yeah, this is the proper attitude of repentance! We won’t blame you for wasting so much of Tiffany’s time. Rip the contract now and don’t pester Tiffany anymore,” instructed Taylor arrogantly.

“Tear it up! Why aren’t you moving? Tear it now! We still have to return,” urged the rest when they saw Levi standing there motionlessly.

To their surprise, Levi crumpled the contract into a ball and shoved it into his pocket.

Everyone was stunned.

What is he planning to do?

“Levi, what are you doing?” yelled Leia angrily.

Even Emma was confused.

“Listen up! I’ll safeguard the engagement contract for now. I’m fine with calling off the engagement and tearing the contract up. However, you should tell Tiffany to come personally. Who are all of you? How dare you criticize my Mom like that? Rather, you should directly find Tyrone and call off the engagement!” said Levi sternly as he glared at the rest.

If they spoke in a more courteous manner, he would just tear the contract up.

Yet, since they dared to scold his Mom, he would not agree to their request.

It was not so simple to make him tear the contract!


Everyone glared at Levi Garrison resentfully.

“How dare you?” yelled Taylor.

“Get lost! If you want me to tear up the contract, tell Tiffany to come personally. Anyone else will not count,” ordered Levi furiously.

“You… You just don’t want to call off the engagement, right? That’s why you deliberately snatched the contract away. You want Tiffany to marry you, right?”

“You shameless bastard! You aren’t worthy enough for Tiffany. She’s the most beautiful woman of Oakland City and the heiress of the imperial Meyers family. What right do you have to do this?”

“Yeah, you even have a pregnant wife! Even Martin, who has a crush on Tiffany, can kill you so easily.”

Everyone bellowed in fury.

“Haha! The more you act like this, the more reluctant I will be to destroy the contract. The only condition is that Tiffany comes personally. Seth, send the guests away!” instructed Levi.

Seth instantly chased the five people out of the Morris Group.

Although they were furious, they were well aware they no longer had any authority outside their turf.

“I’m sure that Levi is trying to use Tiffany. Even if he doesn’t want to marry her, he will use the engagement to extort money from the Meyers!” analyzed Leia.

“What should we do now?” asked the others.

“Should we quickly inform Tiffany and the Meyers family? Let them decide!” suggested Taylor.

At that moment, Eden’s phone rang.

“It’s a call from Martin! He’s been paying attention to our progress in calling off the engagement.”

Eden picked up the call.

“Martin, something bad happened. Levi doesn’t want to call off the engagement and he even snatched the contract away. He demands Tiffany to personally come and call it off.”

Eden relayed everything to Martin, who instantly became mad with fury.

“This is outrageous! You guys, continue staying at North Hampton for the time being. Tiffany and I will personally come to settle this issue!” ordered Martin coldly.

Everyone was overjoyed to hear that.
Chapter 1081

The second most powerful heir in Oakland City is going to deal with Levi personally.

Things were truly getting exciting.

When they remembered Levi’s attitude and how he chased them out, they were furious.

They wished for nothing more than to teach him a lesson.

Now that Martin was coming, Levi had no choice but to defer regardless of how powerful he might be.

Would he still dare to refuse to tear up the engagement contract?

Back in Oakland City, in the imperial Meyers family’s manor, a woman was dressed in a long white dress.

She looked as beautiful as an angel, with a well-defined oval-shaped face and exquisite facial features. She exuded breathtaking beauty.

Her almond-shaped eyes sparkled brightly, brimming with affection and tenderness.

Even her figure was slender and curvaceous— even more beautiful than professional models.

This woman was none other than Tiffany, hailed as the most beautiful woman of Oakland City.

She was woman of many men’s dreams.

Yet, no one dared to pursue her. The most they would do was to have a crush on her silently.

These men included the second most powerful heir in Oakland City— Martin Preston, who similarly hailed from an imperial family.

After all, Tiffany was engaged to Levi and everyone feared the Garrison clan.

“Ma’am, Mr. Meyers summoned you over, saying that it’s about something important,” informed a maid.

Tiffany soon arrived at the Meyers family’s meeting hall.

Her grandfather, Jordan Meyers, and her father, Arvin Meyers, were both present.

A smart woman, Tiffany immediately asked, “Grandpa, Dad, did something go wrong with calling off the engagement?”

“Yes, that’s right. Levi refused to tear up the engagement contract unless you go personally,” said Arvin with a sigh.

Tiffany started to panic. “What is he talking about? He already has a wife and a son! Why is he still clinging on to me? Hasn’t he ruined me enough for all these years? Must he drag me down forever?”

The Meyers family had a similar attitude.

Although Tyrone was the sole person responsible for the engagement, no one dared to voice out any dissatisfaction toward him.

All of them decided that the culprit was Levi— he was the one who sabotaged her.

He was the reason why she could not date or marry others.

Yet, Levi was completely oblivious to all these.

“We don’t know his objectives either. As of now, we have only two guesses. Firstly, he wants to marry you and not call off the engagement. Secondly, he wants to extort a huge sum of money from us using the engagement as leverage,” explained Jordan helplessly.

“This is ridiculous! How can there be a man like him? I’ll never respect a person like that,” spat Tiffany furiously.

“Grandpa, Dad, what should we do?” she asked.

“Now, the only choice is for you to go to North Hampton personally. As long as he doesn’t request for anything unreasonable, we will fulfill his conditions to the best of our abilities!” said Arvin.

A worried look crossed Jordan’s face. “But I’ll be worried if Tiffany goes alone.”

“Don’t worry, Dad. I’ll send more people with her so she’ll be safe,” assured Arvin.

“No, I’m not worried about this. I’m concerned that she won’t be able to settle the problem even if she goes there.”

Arvin frowned. “But we can’t possibly go with her, right? It’ll be quite inappropriate.”

“Mr. Meyers, I’ll accompany Tiffany there!”

A voice rang out as a burly figure appeared at the door.

The young man had a handsome and cold look, exuding a dignified aura.

He was none other than Martin Preston.

When Tiffany saw him, her eyes lit up.

Amongst all of her pursuers, she liked Martin the most.

After all, he was nearly perfect in all aspects.

Excluding the powerful ancient families, he ranked second amongst the other heirs.

“It’s inappropriate for elders like both of you to turn up because you might be gossiped about. After all, this concerns the Garrison clan! I can go there personally to settle the issue. I promise that Levi will tear up the engagement contract! After that, the Preston family will propose a marriage with the Meyers family, and I will take Tiffany as my wife,” promised Martin.
Chapter 82

Jordan and Arvin were very satisfied. “This is great! If Martin goes, he can definitely resolve this matter!”
Even if Levi were reluctant, Martin could just force him to rip the engagement contract.
Everyone was very pleased with Martin.
Excluding the heirs of those powerful ancient families, he ranked second in Oakland City!
Naturally, he was worthy enough for Tiffany.
He had also been waiting for her all this while.
“Okay, then. I’ll leave this to you, Martin. You’ll bring Tiffany there to settle the issue.”
Then, Martin and Tiffany headed to North Hampton.
Back in North Hampton, Emma was very upset with Levi refusing to rip the engagement contract.
By doing so, he was making more enemies.
He could not afford to offend those people from Oakland City.
Morris Group was simply too weak and vulnerable when compared to them.
Even Zoey learned about this incident.
She joked, “Did you keep the engagement contract because you still want to marry your fiancée?”
“I don’t mind as long as you agree! Haha!”
“F*** you.”
Zoey pinched Levi forcefully.
“I just dislike how arrogantly they acted. If they refuse to humble themselves, I will never call off the engagement. Anyway, it won’t affect me at all. My child is going to be born soon,” said Levi dismissively.
“Deal with it properly, then. Just don’t make things more troublesome than it already is!” said Zoey exasperatedly.
She was really afraid that Levi would make more enemies.
After all, those people were from Oakland City.
At night, Tiffany and Martin arrived at North Hampton with more than ten highly skilled experts tailing them.
“Martin, Tiffany, this Levi rascal is simply too arrogant! He even chased us out,” complained Leia and the rest.
“It’s expected. If he’s not arrogant and presumptuous, would he have made a bet with the Garrison clan?” scoffed Martin.
Tiffany’s expression was extremely cold. “I heard many people remarking that he’s a madman! It’s expected that he’ll make such an abnormal move.”
“Tiffany, if this madman refuses to tear the engagement contract, what should we do?” asked Taylor.
“How dare he?” yelled Martin furiously. “Let’s go! We came here this time to make him call off the engagement. He won’t dare to refuse.”
A cold and sinister glint flashed across his eyes.
Soon, the group arrived at the residence Levi was living in. They were stopped at the entrance.
“We are from Oakland City. I’m Martin Preston. Let me in now!”
Martin declared his identity right off the bat.
However, the security guards responsible for guarding the residence scoffed, “We don’t care where you’re from. We don’t know you! Everything will be done in accordance with the rules.”
Everyone was almost mad with fury.
They had always been treated as distinguished guests wherever they went because of their background in Oakland City.
Yet, they were now stopped by a few measly security guards.
“This is indeed such a small, insignificant city. You haven’t even heard of Martin’s name!” mocked the rest, an arrogant look crossing their faces.
As residents of Oakland City, they always felt a sense of superiority compared to people from other cities.
They were in the capital city, the most legitimate city in the nation. The other cities were merely peripheral to it.
When Martin noticed their reaction, he smirked coldly and said, “So, Levi grew up in such an environment. No wonder he doesn’t even fear the Garrison clan. I finally understand now. These people are just ignorant pricks who’ve spent their lives cooped up in a hole.”
Tiffany agreed, “Isn’t there a saying that the oblivious know no fear, while the ignorant suffer from baseless confidence? They are blind to everything else. He’s been constrained to this t
iny city, shielded from the real world.”

Chapter 1083​

“What are you doing here? Who are you looking for?” asked the security guard.

“My name is Tiffany Meyers from Oakland City. I’m here to look for Levi Garrison. Tell him my name and he’ll naturally show up to see me,” said Tiffany.

The security guard returned soon.

“Mr. Garrison said that he’s still eating dinner, so he’s busy. He told you to wait a while longer.”

“What? Levi is going too far!”

Martin was on the verge of flying into a rage.

He had always been a ruthless and decisive person— someone who hated such situations the most.

“How dare he make us wait? Does he really think that he’s a big shot? This is outrageous!”

He was the mighty heir of Oakland City’s imperial family

Not only that but he was also ranked second in the Heir Leaderboard.

How was it possible for him to wait for someone else?

This was a huge humiliation to him.

Furious, Tiffany’s expression also turned cold.

“Forget it. Let’s wait for a while longer! Our priority is to tear up the engagement contract. Everything else doesn’t matter.”

Tiffany thought that they should wait.

It was true that Levi was eating earlier.

However, he had already finished his meal and was chatting with Azure Dragon and the rest.

“Sir, I heard that Tiffany Meyers and Martin Preston came. He’s even ranked second amongst the heirs of Oakland City.”

Phoenix possessed very comprehensive intel.

From the moment Tiffany and the rest acted, she had everything under her control.

At the mention of this, Azure Dragon’s expression changed. A strange look flashed across his eyes, which was noticed by Levi.

“Azure Dragon, I remember that you’re from Oakland City, right?” asked Levi.

Azure Dragon nodded.

Levi remembered that Azure Dragon had been selected from prison just like himself.

Naturally, not everyone had the chance to be chosen.

Firstly, only those who had been wrongfully accused like Levi stood a chance.

The authorities had actually investigated the cases clearly. However, as it involved classified secrets, they could not publicly announce the fact that the prisoners had been wrongfully accused.

Hence, Levi knew that Azure Dragon went to prison because he had been framed.

After being selected, it was only after a rigorous, life-threatening experience that they could rise up to their current position.

“Azure Dragon, why were you sent to prison back then?” asked Levi.

After a moment of hesitation, Azure Dragon spat, “I went to prison on behalf of someone else!”

Indeed, he had been framed too.

This was the reason why he had been selected to join the military.

Levi asked curiously, “Do you mind sharing with us the specifics?”

“Sure. Coincidentally, Martin made me remember some past events!”

Everyone gazed at Azure Dragon and listened to his story.

“Actually, I was born into a decent family. I came from the Stuart family, one of the top ten imperial families outside of the ancient families.”

The rest gasped upon hearing his words, not expecting him to have such a strong background.

“I was the eldest amongst the Stuart family’s younger generation and quite capable across all domains. According to the rules, I should be the heir. However, my younger brother, Curtis, surpassed me in every way. My Grandpa made him the heir, thinking that he was the hope of the Stuart family. I endured this. After all, I was not as capable as him. However, Curtis committed a heinous crime— one that even a member of the imperial family could not be pardoned for. He was supposed to go to jail for twenty years. Yet, the Stuart family made me the scapegoat and go to prison on his behalf. As everyone in the family agreed, my parents had no choice but to relent.”

After a short pause, he spat resentfully, “What’s more despicable is that after sending me to prison, Curtis married my fiancée. He said that he would take care of her forever, right in front of my face. That b**** even hugged him!”

By then, Azure Dragon was already fuming.

Everyone’s breathing quickened after they finished hearing his story.

Indeed, these wealthy families lived in a completely different world.

Anything— even the most outrageous things— could happen

Chapter 1084​

He’s so pitiful!

His backstory is so tragic.

Azure Dragon actually suffered as much as Levi did.

At least Levi had Zoey, who silently waited for him for six years; Azure Dragon had nothing.

All he had was a merciless family and a fiancée who betrayed him.

No wonder he never mentioned his family for so many years.

Everyone even assumed that he was an orphan.

“Curtis? Could it be Curtis Stuart, ranked number one in the Heir Leaderboard?” asked Phoenix.

She was extremely knowledgeable about the Heir Leaderboard.

“Yes, that’s right! Curtis is extremely capable in all domains. He earned that rank with his own capabilities. This is why the Stuart family was willing to go to such lengths to protect him. Before meeting you, I thought that Curtis was the most powerful young man in the world. He was so terrifying that even I feared him. Back then, regardless of how hard I tried, I could never catch up to him,” lamented Azure Dragon helplessly as he sighed.

“Most importantly, my fiancée actually said that only the strongest man was worthy enough of her, and I’m not deserving enough! She said that I can stop dreaming about catching up to Curtis. Yet, I was at a loss on how to rebuke her. Back then, Curtis was simply too terrifying. He alone could suppress all the youngsters in Oakland City! He can really let you know how real despair feels like.”

By this time, Azure Dragon was already mad with fury.

“I can only helplessly watch as that b**** threw herself into his arms!”

Staring at him, Levi Garrison asked, “Do you still feel that way now? Do you still fear him?”

Azure Dragon suddenly laughed.

After all these years, his capabilities and mental strength had reached an unprecedented level.

Curtis, who used to be his greatest nightmare, was no longer someone to be feared.

Actually, he looked forward to battling Curtis.

He wanted to prove to the Stuart family and that b**** that he was stronger than Curtis; that their previous decision was a horrible mistake!

“Then, do you want to go to the Stuart family? Do you want to prove that you’re stronger than Curtis? Do you want to prove to that b**** that her choice was wrong? Do you want to make the entire Stuart family regret?” Levi shot these questions at him consecutively.

After a slight hesitation, Azure Dragon nodded.

This had always been his goal and dream.

Of course he wanted to!

However, bound by his current duties, he could not do so.

“Okay, I support you! You also know that I will go to Oakland City soon, right? The first thing will be for you to take your revenge on the Stuart family. We’ll turn the entire city upside down!”

Levi patted Azure Dragon’s shoulder heavily.

“Boss, with you supporting me, I have nothing to fear! I will definitely prove myself in this battle, and fight on your behalf as well!”

A determined look raged within Azure Dragon’s eyes.

He was already getting restless.

Time passed quickly while Levi and his friends were chatting.

Tiffany at the rest, who were waiting at the entrance of the residence, were already extremely impatient.

Half an hour passed, yet no one turned up.

Even after one hour passed, Levi was still nowhere to be seen.

Now, three hours had passed.

If it were not for Tiffany, who forcefully held Martin back, he would have charged into the residence and wreaked havoc.

“How can he eat for three to four hours? Who’ll believe him? It’s obvious that he’s doing it on purpose!”

Everyone was almost fuming.

“After Tiffany tears up the engagement contract, I’ll settle this score with Levi. I’ll not let him off the hook until he groveled to me!” bellowed Martin furiously.

After another half an hour, Levi finally showed up.

“I’m sorry to keep all of you waiting!” apologized Levi with a grin.


Chapter 1085​

“I’m really sorry, I forgot that you guys are still waiting for me!”

Levi walked toward them with an apologetic look.

However, when the rest heard his words, they felt like they were on the verge of flying into a rage.

He actually forgot?

It’s been almost four hours!

We’ve been waiting for too long.

More importantly, it’s so unbecoming of our status—we’ve got the heirs and heiresses of two imperial families and five royal families of Oakland City here.

Scrutinizing Levi, Martin’s eyes blazed with rage.

“You’ve made us wait for almost four hours. Give me a reasonable explanation!” bellowed Martin.

He was never a patient person. Waiting for four hours was like torture to him.

Now, he even had an urge to kill Levi there and then.

Tiffany tugged Martin back, signaling him to not do anything rash.

“Fine, let’s not dwell on this first. Tear up the marriage contract now! I’m ordering you to do it right away!”

Martin sized Levi up with an arrogant and contemptuous look.

Levi’s expression turned cold. “Who the f*** are you?”

“I’m Martin Preston!”

“I’ve never heard of you. Get lost and let Tiffany talk to me herself!”

Levi did not show any respect for Martin at all.

Everyone else was stunned, turning their gaze to Levi in utter disbelief.

This was the second time today that Martin had been neglected so blatantly.

Not only was he ranked second in the Heir Leaderboard, but he was also the heir of an imperial family—a man who could get whatever he wanted.

Now that he was ignored once again in such a small city like North Hampton, Martin could not bear it anymore.

He was fuming now.

“I’m going to kill you!”

Martin’s aggressively murderous aura enveloped Levi.

The tension in the atmosphere was so thick one could cut it with a knife.

“I’m Tiffany!”

Tiffany stepped out in time.

She and Levi sized each other up, yet she felt extremely uneasy by his gaze.

It felt like he could see right through her.

He already has a wife, so why is he looking at me like that?

“What are you trying to do? Why are you staring at me so intensely? Please show some respect!”

Tiffany glared at Levi in disgust, her gaze plainly revealing her disdain for him.

Someone like you wants to marry me? Can’t he look into the mirror and see that he’s not in my league at all?

Oh no! What if Levi is unwilling to destroy the engagement contract and wants to marry me instead?

After seeing how I look, he might not want to give up on me anymore.

After all, his biological father abandoned Emma and him for Olivia.

Levi might do the same thing and abandon his wife and child for me!

On the other hand, Levi just wanted to see how the most beautiful woman of Oakland City looked like.

He did not know that he was currently being misunderstood.

“The most beautiful woman of Oakland City? Well, I now see that you’re just mediocre. Slightly inferior to my wife,” concluded Levi after a thorough scrutinization.

He did not want to say it out loud initially, but this woman’s attitude provoked him.


Fury crossed Tiffany’s face.

Levi is indeed so irritating!

When Martin heard Levi insulting the woman he loved, he instantly became infuriated.

“Apologize! Apologize to Tiffany right now!” yelled Martin as he pointed at Levi.

Frowning, Levi asked, “Apologize? Why should I apologize?”

“You said that Tiffany pales in comparison to your wife! This is the greatest insult you can give her. You must apologize to her right now!”

Martin was extremely adamant.

“Yeah! How can there be someone who’s better than Tiffany? It’s impossible.”

“You must apologize to Tiffany right now!”

The others insisted that Levi apologize.

Tiffany had the exact same thoughts too.

Since young, she had been doted on by the Meyers family and treated with utmost care.

No woman could even compare to her.

However, Levi claimed that his wife was better than her.

Tiffany refused to admit it.

Chapter 86​

This was a humiliation to her!

Ever since she became an adult, her position as the most beautiful woman of Oakland City had always been undisputed.

No one could even compare to her!

In fact, it was a woman’s greatest honor to be compared to Tiffany.

However, even though she was okay with being compared with others, she refused to be deemed the inferior one.

“Levi, you must apologize to me for this!” commanded Tiffany coldly as she glared at him.

“This is ridiculous! I’ve never heard of someone needing to apologize for this!”

Levi burst out laughing.

This is utterly absurd.

It’s the first time I’m demanded to apologize for making a comparison.

“Levi, you don’t even know Tiffany’s status in Oakland City. She’s been known as the most beautiful woman in Oakland City for ten years! Who dares to compare others to her? Yet, you dared to claim that she’s inferior to your wife. By doing so, you’re insulting Tiffany!” explained Leia furiously.

She was not wrong— everyone in Oakland City shared the same sentiment.

However, Levi thought that they were just a bunch of crazy people.

“Apologize? It’s impossible. If there’s nothing else, I’ll take my leave now.”

Levi spun around and left.

“Stand right there. Did I let you leave?” bellowed Martin as he dashed in front of Levi, blocking his path.

“Apologize right now! I command you to do so!”

Unable to endure it anymore, Martin was already on the verge of flying into a rage.

Levi smiled. “What if I refuse to apologize?”

“Don’t blame me for being ruthless, then!”

Martin clenched his fists tightly, with the sound of his knuckles cracking ringing through the air.

Having ranked second on the Heir Leaderboard, it meant that not only was he extremely capable in other domains, but he was also skilled in fighting.

Martin had learned how to fight since young. Through rigorous training, he perfected his martial arts skills, earning him the reputation of being invincible—not even knives, guns, or bullets could harm him.

Seeing that a huge fight was about to unfold, Tiffany quickly diffused the tense atmosphere. “Fine, I’ll endure this. You don’t need to apologize, but you must tear up the engagement contract and return me my freedom.”

Thinking about their main objective of coming here, Martin suppressed his anger.

As long as the engagement contract was destroyed, it was never too late for him to take his revenge.

“Yeah, tear it into shreds right now!” urged the others.

“You guys also know that you’re here to call off the engagement? Why did you waste so much time spouting nonsense, then?” rebuked Levi.


They became visibly awkward.

Tiffany was the quickest to react. “Tear up the engagement contract now. We will have nothing to do with each other afterward.”

“Tear up the engagement contract? I’m afraid that it won’t be that simple anymore!” declared Levi coldly.

If they spoke in a nice manner earlier, he would have agreed to call the engagement off.

It was not a big deal anyway.

However, he could not endure their arrogant attitude.


Stunned, they stared at Levi in disbelief.

He’s such a shameless bastard!

He’s actually refusing to tear up the engagement contract!

“What… What did you say? Could it be that you’re unwilling to tear it up?”

Tiffany was even more certain that Levi intended to marry her and abandon his wife.

It was obvious not only from his intense stare earlier, but also his current actions.

However, someone like him would never win her favor!

Tiffany’s standards for a man was extremely high.

Not even the top three heirs of Oakland City’s Heir Leaderboard could arouse her interest.

She believed that only the heirs of those ancient families were worthy enough for her— for instance, Damien.

It would be an utter joke for Levi to be her husband!

“Hahaha! Levi, we have already expected you to do this. Tell us, under what conditions will you tear up the marriage contract? Obviously, we won’t let you marry Tiffany!” said Martin.

Chapter 87​

Everyone knew very well that there were only two reasons why Levi refused to tear up the engagement contract— either to marry Tiffany or to extort a large sum of money from her.

“Well, of course, I have some conditions!” said Levi with a grin.

Everyone flinched in disdain.

As expected.

“All of you must apologize to me and my mother before I tear up the engagement contract! You, in particular, must kneel in apology!”

Levi pointed at Martin.

When he said that, Tiffany and the others were momentarily stunned.

Instead of asking us for money, he’s actually demanding us to apologize to him!

How is it possible?

As the heirs and heiresses of royal and imperial families, how can we deign to apologize to an illegitimate bastard?

We aren’t even at fault here! But even if we are, we will never apologize.

“You want me to kneel and apologize? Dream on! Can you afford to bear the consequences if I apologized to you on my knees?” scoffed Martin.

Tiffany pursed her lips and said arrogantly, “Levi, you can raise any other conditions, be it money or anything else. We will fulfill whatever terms you raise. However, we’ll never apologize! We didn’t do anything wrong, so why should we apologize? Furthermore, if we apologized to you— of all people— we’ll bear the brunt of everyone’s mockery.”

Tiffany was adamant that she would not apologize.

“You didn’t do anything wrong? Very well. Since you haven’t realized your mistake, it looks like I won’t be hearing your apology anymore. In that case, don’t even think about making me tear up the engagement contract! Look for me again when you find out what you did wrong.”

With that, Levi spun around and returned to the residence.

Martin was about to block him when a group of people suddenly emerged one by one and surrounded him.

“How dare you create trouble here in North Hampton? Have you sought our permission yet?”

There were more than a hundred people around him right now.

Martin was about to become angry when Tiffany pulled him back.

“Let’s resolve this peacefully! We’ll go back and discuss first.”

Tiffany did not want to blow the issue out of proportion, afraid that the Garrison clan in Oakland City would blame her.

“Do we just endure the humiliation just like this? I don’t want to!”

It was tormenting to suppress the anger building up within him.

They went back and had a discussion together.

“Apologize? But what did we do wrong?”

Everyone was puzzled.

They were too used to having their way and treating everyone with such arrogance that they found nothing wrong with what they had done.

After all, everyone they met in the past acted subserviently around them. It did not matter even if they were slightly more overbearing.

They mulled over it for ages, but no one could figure out what they had done wrong.

At this moment, Tiffany suddenly suggested, “Does Levi think that we’re too aggressive towards him? Have you guys scolded his mother before?”

Everyone only realized after being reminded by Tiffany.

“That’s right! We scolded his mother previously. However, we merely stated facts. It’s true that his mother ruined your life, Tiffany.”

“Yeah! If it were not for his mother, Tiffany would’ve already been married.”

Even though they knew why Levi was infuriated, they still did not think that they were wrong.

“He’s making us apologize for such an insignificant manner? Is that rascal deliberately putting us into a difficult spot? He even wants me to kneel and apologize! It’s impossible!”

A haughty look crossed Martin’s face.

“Then, what should we do?” asked Leia.

They felt disgusted at the thought of apologizing.

Despite their noble statuses, they had to apologize to an illegitimate bastard. If news about this got around, their reputation in Oakland City would be thoroughly ruined.

“Listen to me! I’ll kidnap that bastard here and force him to tear up the engagement contract. Don’t worry, Tiffany. This is just a piece of cake to me. We don’t need to resolve the issue the hard way,” said Martin with a sinister smirk.

Left with no choice, Tiffany could only agree.

Chapter 88​

Martin arrived at the residence at midnight, flanked by numerous skilled fighters.

Tiffany and the rest waited outside.

“Don’t worry, Tiffany. This is simply a piece of cake! I don’t fear anyone in a small city like North Hampton.”

With that, Martin was about to lead his subordinates to kidnap Levi when his phone suddenly rang.

When he accepted the call, he realized that it was Damien on the other end of the line.

“Hello, Mr. Garrison!”

Immediately dropping his haughty attitude, Martin became extremely polite and servile.

No matter how powerful his family was, they were nothing compared to the mighty Garrison clan.

“I heard that you’re going to confront Levi?” Damien’s voice was icy-cold.

“I… I am…”

After a moment of hesitation, Martin eventually decided to admit it.

“I know that you are helping Tiffany tear up her engagement contract because you like her. However, you must deal with it in a peaceful manner, understand? Even though Levi is an illegitimate bastard, he’s still related to the Garrison clan. If you do anything out of the line, it’ll be deemed as disrespecting the Garrison clan. Understood?” warned Damien.

By then, Martin had already broken out into cold sweat.

Luckily, I was a step slower.

Otherwise, something tragic would’ve happened.

I didn’t even consider this point earlier…

What should we do to Levi, then?

Because of the infamous bet he made, everyone knows about his relationship with Tyrone.

If I do anything excessive, it’ll be seen as looking down on the Garrison clan.

Even a simple action like this can lead to the demise of the Preston family!

“Understood, Mr. Garrison!”

Martin took a deep breath.

“What happened?”

When everyone gazed at Martin curiously, they noticed that his face was already pale.

“We cannot touch Levi! There’s no choice but to think of another solution.”

Martin relayed Damien’s threat to the rest.

“What should we do now? Is apologizing the only solution left?”

Everyone felt helpless.

The next day, Levi took care of Zoey as usual, almost forgetting about what happened last night.

After all, those irrelevant people were not important enough to concern him.

At that moment, Tiffany and the rest visited him again.

“What’s up? Have you realized your mistake?” asked Levi.

This time, Tiffany’s attitude was much more friendly. She nodded and said, “Yes, we’ve realized our mistake. Mr. Garrison, I hereby apologize to you and your mother. Please forgive our rudeness earlier!”

In order to tear up the engagement contract and regain her freedom, Tiffany was ready to risk it all.

Just bear with it.

I’ll simply treat this as a slight inconvenience.

The others also apologized, albeit very reluctantly.

It was simply too humiliating for them to apologize to Levi.

However, in order to help Tiffany tear up her engagement contract, they risked it all.

Even Martin mumbled, “I’m sorry for being so rude earlier.”

“What did you say? You were too soft!” said Levi.

“I’m sorry!”

Martin was stunned for a while before quickly raising his voice.

Levi smiled. “Looks like you’ve really realized your mistake.”

Delighted, Tiffany immediately asked, “So, are you willing to tear up the engagement contract now?”

“Of course. However, your apologies are still inadequate!” replied Levi coldly.

“What? Are you going to go against your words? We apologized to you already!”

Tiffany started to panic.

Levi’s gaze landed on Martin. “Didn’t I say that he must kneel and apologize?”


Martin was furious.

Apologizing to a bastard like him was already the most humiliating thing he had done.

It was impossible for him to kneel and apologize to Levi!

“If he kneels and apologizes, I’ll tear up the contract immediately!”

Chapter 89​

After hearing Levi’s assertive response, Tiffany and the rest simultaneously glanced at Martin.

“No way… How can I possibly kneel to him? Tiffany, I can’t do it!”

He then looked at Levi. “You rascal, raise another condition and I promise that I’ll agree to it!”

“No. I want you to kneel and apologize to me!”

Levi was very adamant.

Martin wished for nothing more than to kill Levi there and then.

However, recalling Damien’s warning, he suppressed that urge.

“Martin, please help me this time! I really don’t want to be bound by this engagement anymore,” pleaded Tiffany earnestly.

After hesitating for five minutes, he took a deep breath and finally agreed.

“Fine, I’ll help you!”

Dropping to his knees in front of Levi, he yelled, “Mr. Garrison, I was wrong. I’m sorry. Please forgive us!”

This act of kneeling was equivalent to having his pride trampled all over.

It was as humiliating as having Levi stomp on his face.

However, he endured it for the sake of the woman he so dearly loved.

“Now that’s more like it!”

As he spoke, Levi took out the engagement contract and tore it into shreds right in front of Tiffany.

“Listen up, Tiffany. From now on, our engagement is called off. I have nothing to do with you, so I hope that you won’t harass me anymore,” said Levi coldly.


Tiffany was stunned.

Shouldn’t I be the one saying this?

Why is Levi saying it instead?

“Don’t worry. I won’t harass you because you aren’t even worthy enough!” replied Tiffany proudly.

“Yeah! I think that this is the most unequal arranged engagement in the whole of history!”

“You’re nothing compared to Tiffany. Stop trying to aim above your station!”

Leia and the rest chimed in angrily.

Tiffany scoffed, “Levi, you said that I pale in comparison to your wife. I want to see how exactly I am inferior to her! Not to exaggerate, but I’ve never seen a woman more exceptional than me.”

Earlier, she did not dare to say anything because of the engagement contract. Now that it had been torn up, she had nothing else to fear.

“Yeah, that’s right. Anyway, I’m married now. Even if I wasn’t, I’ll still choose Zoey over you. The reason is simple— she’s better than you!” declared Levi.

When he said that, everyone fell silent for a few seconds.

A look of utter disbelief crossed Tiffany’s face.

Does Levi really think that I, the most beautiful woman in Oakland City, is inferior to his wife?

“Is this the reason why you’re willing to tear up the engagement contract?” asked Tiffany coldly.

“That’s right!”

“You’ll regret this when you go to Oakland City! You’ve made an extremely erroneous mistake. You’ll regret choosing her over me!” shrieked Tiffany.

For this trip to North Hampton, she did not put on any make-up at all. Her hair was disheveled and her clothes were very simple.

She dressed up in a low-key manner, deliberately trying to prevent Levi from taking a fancy to her.

To her surprise, things turned out like this…

Now that Levi had torn up the engagement contract, she actually found herself quite upset.

She even had the impulse to make Levi choose her instead.

After all, she must not lose to Zoey.

“On the day you come to Oakland City, I’ll appear in front of you in my greatest splendor. Then, you’ll finally understand how it feels like to have your breath taken away by my beauty. You’ll be embarrassed for your words today.”

Tiffany decided that she would dress up prettily when she next appeared in front of Levi. She was determined to make him regret it.

“There’s no need for that, Tiffany. I’ll make him regret it now!”

Unable to suppress his anger anymore, he shot a hostile glare at Levi.


Chapter 90​

He couldn’t take it anymore.

It was fine if he was insulted. He could even kneel before Levi.

However, he refused to allow anyone to laugh at Tiffany.

Hence, he strode over to Levi aggressively.

At the thought of what Levi did earlier, he had to hold himself back from strangling him.


When Tiffany and the others realized what he was doing, it was too late to stop him.


A clear slap rang out.

Everyone was stunned.

Even Martin was dumbfounded.

No one knew Levi would dare to hit Martin Preston.

“H-How dare you slap me?” Martin glared at Preston.




Levi’s forceful slaps landed on Martin’s cheeks continuously.

Flabbergasted, the crowd thought, He seriously slapped Martin?

Soon, Martin’s face swelled up badly as blood trickled down from the corner of his lips.

He stood in front of Levi, hyperventilating and about to explode in rage.

“I’ll kill you!”

Martin roared furiously, intent on killing Levi.


Tiffany and the others rushed up to stop him.

If he kills Levi, the Garrison clan will seek revenge! None of us could bear the consequences.

After they tried to persuade Martin, he calmed down considerably.

Recalling Damien’s warning, he held his anger in check.

“Just wait and see. You’ll die in my hands one day!” he announced before storming off.

Tiffany was gazing at Levi, her emotions a complex mixture.

Logically speaking, after their engagement contract was destroyed, she was no longer tied to Levi anymore.

However, she wasn’t willing to give up just yet.

She vowed to show Levi the best side of herself so he’d regret his decision.

After they left, Azure Dragon appeared.

“Boss, you should’ve let me help.”

“I want to defeat everyone whose name is listed in Oakland City’s Heir Leaderboard so the Stuart family will be full of regrets!” Azure Dragon was obviously upset.

“Don’t worry. You’ll get a chance to do so,” said Levi with a smile.

Tiffany and her entourage returned to Oakland City.

The news about the end of their engagement spread all over Oakland City soon.

It even reached Tyrone’s ears.

“The engagement got called off? What a loser. Why did I have such a son?” Tyrone was fuming mad.

He thought the engagement was broken off because Levi was useless.

“Yes, that’s right. How humiliating. Even if he’s a bastard, he represents us Garrisons!”

“We’ll become a joke after this broken engagement of his!”

Everyone was displeased.

Olivia responded, “Yes. Even if we remain silent, everyone thinks he’s related to us.”

“For example, Tyrone’s cheeks were swollen after the bastard slapped him but he dared not retaliate.”

After hearing that, Tyrone declared, “No, this won’t do. We can’t let this bastard use our name out there. Otherwise, other people dared not go against him. He could do whatever he likes!”

Damien refuted at once. “But Father, he’s still a Garrison. He represents us!”

Earlier, Damien had called Martin to warn him because, in his opinion, no one could hurt Levi.

“Says who? That will only be true if he succeeds in the challenge a year later. Right now, he has nothing to do with us!”

Chapter 91​

Tyrone ordered, “Damien, post an announcement on my behalf: Now, Levi Garrison has nothing to do with the Garrison clan in Oakland City. He is responsible for his own matters. His safety has nothing to do with the Garrison clan.”

What Tyrone meant was clear. After this announcement was posted, the Garrison clan wouldn’t interfere even if Levi were beaten to his death.

Smirking, Tyrone said, “Levi, I don’t think you can last till one year later.”

“Indeed. He gets into trouble too often. Look, he had just offended Martin. He isn’t even in Oakland City yet, but he has already made so many enemies here.”

“He might not even make it to Oakland City, let alone challenge us.”

“The Garrison clan is full of talented people. Levi Garrison is nothing to us.”

None of the Garrisons were afraid of Levi.

After all, there were too many skilled experts in the Garrison clan and working for them.

Right then, the head butler of Garrison clan, Toud Garrison, appeared with a list in his hand.

Chuckling, he handed the list to Tyrone. “Sir, great news for the Garrison clan!”

“Fifty candidates have been chosen to join the Hidden Dragon Soldier King Training Camp at the South Warzone. Six men from the Garrison clan have been selected, while thirteen men from the families affiliated with our clan have been selected. The six men from our clan are in the top ten of the list! They are all future Soldier Kings!”

“I heard the Hidden Dragon Soldier King Training Camp will recommend a few candidates to the Iron Brigade. That’s a tremendous opportunity for our clan!”

Tyrone was delighted after receiving the list.

He was the head of the Garrison clan as of now.

The stronger the younger generation of the Garrison clan was, the brighter their future would be.

“Good. Good job! In the future, the Garrisons will be listed in Erudia’s Saber Leaderboard!” Tyrone guffawed out loud.

“If Levi is capable enough to climb up Saber Leaderboard, the Garrison clan will definitely acknowledge him,” someone scoffed.

Tyrone mocked. “Forget about Erudia’s Saber Leaderboard. If he is qualified enough to enter Hidden Dragon Soldier King Training Camp, he’s showing potential, too!”

After Tyrone’s announcement was posted by Damien, the entire Oakland City was in an uproar.

Previously, Martin and the others held back because they were afraid the Garrison clan would avenge Levi.

Now that the announcement had made things clear, they no longer had to worry.

Martin was excited after hearing the news.

Everyone in Oakland City knew how Levi slapped him previously.

He was so humiliated that the only way out was to kill Levi!

It was only a matter of time before they depart for North Hampton.

Without the disturbance, Levi’s life was peaceful once again.

He accompanied Zoey and took care of his pregnant wife carefully.

Iris was in charge of handling his company.

This decision of his made everyone anxious.

As Morris Group was muzzled, there was no room for development.

Shouldn’t Levi be worried?

Did he forget about the bet?

What will he use to challenge the Garrison clan one year later?

Is he going to grovel at their feet to beg for forgiveness?

By now, Zoey’s belly was showing.

She didn’t want to get mad and affect her baby, so she turned a blind eye to this incident.

One day, Levi received a call from the South Warzone’s Commander-In-Chief, Darton Rogier.

“Sir, we’re going to hold the Hidden Dragon Soldier King Training Camp in South Warzone. From there, we will recommend a few talents to the Iron Brigade. If you’re free, will you come and pick the talents yourself?” asked Darton.


Chapter 1092​

“Okay. I’ll be there.” Levi agreed.

“It’ll be great if you can come and teach them,” implored Darton.

“Sure, Rogier. I’ll be there.”

Darton was excited by his promise.

“This will be the most impressive session of Hidden Dragon Soldier King Training Camp ever! I shall keep it a secret and give the youngsters a surprise!”

Right then, a car had just departed the Garrison clan.

Six young Garrisons were in the car, heading to Hidden Dragon Soldier King Training Camp. Tyrone had just sent them off.

Tyrone and the Garrison clan had high hopes for the six young men.

The young men were arrogant and rebellious.

After all, they were born in the top ancient family in Erudia.

Burt Garrison, the young men’s leader, declared sternly, “This time, we’re representing the Garrison clan. We need to be the top six in the camp!”

“We need to be the six selected ones to join the Iron Brigade. Understand?”

“Yes!” the others replied in the affirmative.

They had always felt a sense of superiority, so there was no way they’d lose to the other weaklings at the camp.

“My dream is to enter the Iron Brigade and be the God of War’s subordinate. If I succeed, that will be a great honor for me and my family!” another young Garrison by the name Klint, exclaimed.

Burt nodded. “Yes, that’s right. I’ll be extremely honored to be the God of War’s subordinate. He’s the idol of every young man in Erudia. Damien is nothing compared to him!”

“Yes. The God of War has always been Damien’s idol. He’s been working hard to reach that height.”

The young men were excited about the upcoming adventure.

Right then, Pewter Garrison changed the topic. “The South that we’re going to include North Hampton. I wonder what Levi Garrison looks like.”

“Ha! I’m curious, too. Let’s take some time off to teach Levi a lesson!” A look of anticipation crossed Klint’s face.

“Sure. Let’s beat him up one day. He’s too arrogant. He even looked down on Damien!”

The other three agreed unanimously.

In a forest deep in the mountains in the South Warzone, fifty trainees were gathered.

The young men present were from various warzones all over Erudia.

They were valuable talents to their teams because of their expertise.

Each of them was arrogant and wild.

There was a possibility that they would even look down on the instructors in the training camp.

Their instructor would need to show his capabilities and convince the young men.

Darton himself showed up to make an announcement. “You’re all Hidden Dragons, the future of Erudia. Your instructor will be arriving soon!” he declared with a chuckle.

Burt asked, “Sir, is our instructor going to be one of the God of Slaughters in the South?”

There were four famous God of Slaughters in the South Warzone.

Before arriving, Burt and the others couldn’t help but wonder who their instructor would be.

They thought it would be one of the Four God of Slaughters.

“No,” said Darton, shaking his head.

“Could it be one of the Eight Combat Heroes?” Burt thought of another possibility.

“No. You’ll know when your instructor arrives.”


Chapter 1093​

Everyone’s curiosity was piqued.

However, they didn’t want a nobody to be their instructor.

They wanted someone whom they could trust.

Burt gathered everyone and ridiculed, “Everyone, since the strongest men in the South wouldn’t be our instructor, I don’t think we need to stay.”

Wolfe Leek from Northwest City joined in. “Yes, that’s right. I came here to meet the Four God of Slaughters. If they aren’t here, what would be the point of holding the training camp? Perhaps the instructor won’t be as powerful as me!”

“You’re right. Everyone here is capable. Not anyone can be our instructor!”

“Why don’t we prepare a welcome gift for him tomorrow? If he can’t reach our standards, he can leave right away!” suggested Burt.

Wolfe agreed immediately. “Sure. This is a great idea. Let’s show him how powerful we are!”

“Let’s protest so the South will get us the best instructor available!”

The fifty young men reached a consensus soon enough.

The next day, Darton came to pick Levi up.

“Zoey, can I take him away for a day?” asked Darton with a smile.

Zoey nodded. “Of course you can. Come with me. I need to talk to you.”

Darton trailed behind her curiously.

“Darton, you’re Levi’s best friend, right?” she inquired.

“Zoey, boss and I went through a lot together!” exclaimed Darton.

He wasn’t the only one. The Commander-in-Chiefs of the Nine Warzones and the Four Guardians owed Levi one.

After all, Levi had saved them on the battlefield.

“Do you want to see him in trouble?”

Darton immediately replied, “Of course not. Boss can’t be in trouble!”

“You know about the one-year bet he placed with the Garrison clan, right? The Garrison clan stated four conditions. For now, Levi’s hope is all on his business. But he isn’t working hard at all. I want you to convince Levi to take this seriously. At least he needs to work hard,” implored Zoey.

“Oh? But this is nothing for him!” Darton was shocked as he thought it was something important.

The bet with the Garrison clan?

I can defeat them easily, let alone Levi.

“Huh? Nothing?” Zoey was taken aback.

Why are Levi and his friends reacting the same way?

They don’t even care about the bet!

“Darton, don’t you know the Garrison clan? You know Levi’s situation, right?”

Zoey thought Darton was an ordinary citizen who knew nothing about how powerful the Garrison clan was.

“Don’t worry, Zoey. I’ll advise him to deal with this matter asap.” Finally, Darton realized what she was talking about.

“Okay, you do that. He won’t listen to me. Perhaps he’ll listen to his comrade,” said Zoey.

She hoped Levi’s comrades would be able to convince him.

After all, they looked like ordinary citizens to her.

Darton returned to his vehicle and told Levi all about her concern.

“Boss, when will you inform Zoey of your identity?” he asked.

“When I enter the Garrison clan, I’ll tell her. She’s pregnant now. I can’t afford to make her emotional,” replied Levi.

“Got it. Boss, a few Garrisons are at the training camp.”

Darton recalled Burt and the other young Garrisons.

“Oh? Interesting.” The smirk on Levi’s lips deepened.

Chapter 1094​

“You don’t have to come with me. Let me see how capable the youngsters are,” Levi declared.

“Got it. I’ll ask someone to send you to the training camp.”

Shortly after, Levi arrived at the training camp.

He sat on the back seat, while Gruffin and Windy took the front seats.

They were both in charge of the training camp’s security.

Through the rearview mirror, they could see Levi was sleeping.

“Seriously? Did Chief Rogier appoint him to be the instructor? Look at how young he is!” Windy was astounded.

Gruffin seemed surprised, too. “Yes. I’ve never heard of him. Where is he from? What is Chief Rogier trying to do?”

Windy scorned, “The trainees of the training camp this time are all wayward and capable. As their instructor, he needs to be more powerful than them. But this man is going to humiliate us all!”

Gruffin chuckled. “I heard the youngsters are going to show him who’s boss. Can he take it?”

“I think we’ll be sending him to the hospital later. Chief Rogier made the wrong decision this time!” declared Windy, who was prepared to give Levi a ride back later.

In the training camp, the fifty young men were ready.

However, they were idling lazily around. Some of them were even sitting on the ground, biting on grass casually.

They were all being rude and arrogant as they were all tough nuts in their respective teams.

Unless they met someone more powerful than them, they’d never admit defeat.

“Remember, we’ll give him a hard time,” reminded Burt.

“Don’t worry. If he wants to teach me, he’ll have to talk to my fists first!” mocked Wolfe, who was lying on the ground lazily.

“They are here!”

Clouds of dust wafted in the air, signaling the arrival of the instructor.

Everyone looked in that direction.

When the car came to a stop, Levi was still asleep.

Windy hollered unhappily, “We’re here!”

“I know,” said Levi as his eyes snapped open.

Actually, he was just resting earlier.

Hence, he had overheard Gruffin and Windy’s conversation.

After alighting the car, he followed Windy and Gruffin to the team’s location.

When he saw how lazy the trainees were, a furious glint flashed across his gaze.

How unruly!

As Erudian soldiers, they have to obey the military rules.

They are acting all improper!

We’re in the training camp instead of a kitchen where you can do anything you like!

In the meantime, Gruffin and Windy were delighted.

The capricious young men are going to give this instructor a hard time.

He’s in deep trouble.

When the youngsters saw that their instructor was a young and unfamiliar Levi, they were upset.

Never mind if their instructor wasn’t a famous Mighty General.

There was no way they would accept a young and ordinary man to be their instructor.

What is this?

Is this a joke?

This instructor is worse than we had imagined.

He’s so young.

Is he even capable?

This is an insult!

Gruffin coughed twice. “Everyone, this is your head instructor at Hidden Dragon Soldier King Training Camp. Please give him a warm welcome!”

Alas, after Gruffin’s announcement, everyone ignored him.


Chapter 1095​

They all glared at Levi arrogantly and didn’t move an inch.

Windy reminded them. “Have some respect. He’s your instructor!”

No one responded.

Windy shot Levi a smug smile.

It was as if she was saying, Look! Not everyone can be an instructor.

Levi stood there, saying nothing. Both Windy and Gruffin felt ashamed on his behalf.

At the sight of the lazy young men, Levi was enraged.


They didn’t even have basic respect for their instructor!

They had to respect his position as their instructor no matter what his ability was.

Besides, Darton wouldn’t just assign a nobody to be their instructor.

Suddenly, Levi bellowed, “Stand in your positions!”

His yell shocked everyone.

Wolfe, Burt and the others rose to their feet instinctively.

“The future Hidden Dragon Soldier Kings? You’re even dreaming of entering the Iron Brigade? Look at you. Who do you think you are? Where is your respect?” Levi scoffed.

His roar had managed to intimidate some of them.

Wolfe wasn’t one of them. He retorted at once. “Look at you. Are you capable enough to be our instructor?”

Burt chimed in. “We’re here to improve our capabilities. We won’t accept some nobody as our instructor!”

Pewter sneered, “That’s right. Respect you? You need to be capable enough to earn our respect.”

Levi flashed a smirk. “You think I’m not capable enough to be your instructor?”

“Of course! You’re only in your thirties, right? How dare you take up the job to be our instructor? Are you even capable?”

“Didn’t you ask around before coming? We’re the top experts in our respective teams all over Erudia. We have no other opponents. Hence, we came here to make a breakthrough.”

The young men expressed their thoughts haughtily.

They were capable enough to be this arrogant.

In the future, they would be leaders of this country, so there was no way they’d allow Levi to instruct them.

Windy and Gruffin were elated at the sight.

Frankly, they despised how cool Levi was.

In this training camp, Levi had to show them how capable he was for them to listen to him obediently.

“Ha! I’m standing right here. You still think I’m not capable enough to be your instructor?” Levi was amused.

“Of course! Our instructor should be one of the Four God of Slaughters, or at least one of the Eight Combat Heroes,” proclaimed Wolfe arrogantly.

Burt looked at him. “Let’s give him something specific. Our instructor shall be someone on Saber Leaderboard!”

The men they talked of earlier were on this Saber Leaderboard.

“Yes, that’s right. You need to be a top fighter in Saber Leaderboard!”

Wolfe looked straight at Levi and inquired, “What is your current ranking on Saber Leaderboard?”

Both Windy and Gruffin burst into laughter.

They knew everyone on Saber Leaderboard.

Obviously, Levi Garrison wasn’t listed on the leaderboard.

Levi shook his head. “I’m not on Saber Leaderboard.”

He and his comrades from Iron Brigade weren’t on Saber Leaderboard to protect their identities.

At his words, everyone burst out laughing.

However, Levi added, “I might not be on the leaderboard, but I’m stronger than all the fighters listed on it!”

The entire place fell silent after Levi spoke.


Chapter 1096​

How arrogant!

I can’t believe he’s this arrogant!

That’s the famous Erudia’s Saber Leaderboard!

All the strongest fighters of Erudia were listed on Saber Leaderboard.

The top one hundred fighters were famous for their fighting abilities.

The ancient families in Erudia were snobbishly proud to have just one of their members listed on Saber Leaderboard.

No one could believe how exaggerated Levi was.

How could he say he’s stronger than all the fighters listed on Saber Leaderboard?

What is Saber Leaderboard to him?

To Burt, Wolfe, and the others, Saber Leaderboard was a sacred existence.

Their only goal was either to join the Iron Brigade or make it to Saber Leaderboard.

To be honest, making it to Saber Leaderboard was harder than joining the Iron Brigade as there were only one hundred spots on the leaderboard.

Windy and Gruffin nearly collapsed in shock.

Only strong fighters like the Four God of Slaughters would make it to Saber Leaderboard.

The Four God of Slaughters were so strong that they emerged unscathed after battling against thirty thousand men. Their enemy ended up losing ten thousand men after the battle.

Hence, they deserved to be on Saber Leaderboard.

But even so, they were in the middle ranks instead of being at the top.

One could imagine how strong and impressive the top ten in the leaderboard would be.

At the mention of their names, other organizations and countries would be terrified.

After all, these fighters were strong enough to take on thousands alone.

Levi had just announced he was stronger than everyone on the leaderboard.

No one in the world dared to disregard Saber Leaderboard.

Even the top ancient family in Erudia, the Garrison clan, dared not say such a thing.

“That’s funny. How dare you say you’re stronger than the fighters listed on Saber Leaderboard?” mocked Wolfe.

“Right. I’ve never heard anyone being this arrogant,” Burt joined in.

Everyone started sneering at Levi.

“The South Commander-In-Chief, Darton Rogier, might be strong, but he is only ranked seventeenth in the leaderboard. How dare you disregard Saber Leaderboard, young man?” said an amused Gruffin.

“Are you doing this on purpose? You have a death wish!”

“If you continue insulting Saber Leaderboard, we’ll teach you a lesson!”

All it took was one word from Levi to infuriate everyone.

Some were about to take action, but Wolfe stopped their actions.

“Okay. Since you claim to be stronger than everyone on Saber Leaderboard, we need you to prove it. We won’t ask you to be the strongest. As long as you get ranked, we’ll listen to you!” Wolfe suggested with a chuckle.

He wanted to humiliate Levi by asking the latter to show his capabilities.

That was because he was certain Levi would be proven a liar soon.

“Yes, prove it to us! Otherwise, we won’t let you leave in one piece!”

“We won’t allow you to disregard Saber Leaderboard!”

Everyone else chimed in, glaring at Levi resentfully.

Windy and Gruffin were watching the entire debacle with smirks on their faces.

Your act will be exposed once you take action.

Ha! Serves you right for being so boastful!

“What now? You’re scared? You shouldn’t brag that much.”

“If you refuse to change, we’ll help you. You won’t dare to brag after we teach you a lesson.”

“I was contemplating on how to show you I’m stronger than all the fighters in Saber Leaderboard. After all, you’re all weaklings.”

Chapter 1097​

Levi was gazing at them seriously.

The young men were strong, but they were no match for him.

Even after defeating them, he couldn’t prove he was stronger than the fighters on Saber Leaderboard.

Alas, Levi’s words only served to infuriate the wayward fellows.

We’re weaklings?

Is he joking?

“We’re weaklings? Fine! I’ll give you a chance to prove yourself. If you can defeat us, we’ll listen to you!” declared Burt.

Wolfe chimed in. “Me, too! I, Wolfe Leek, would only succumb to those who are stronger than me. Nothing else will make me succumb!”

The young men would only listen to those who were stronger than them.

“Look carefully.”

Suddenly, Levi raised his right leg and stomped on the ground forcefully.


A huge tremor sounded from the ground as if an earthquake had just happened.

Instantly, everyone stumbled in dizziness from the sudden tremor. If they weren’t stable enough, they would’ve toppled to the ground.

Their eyes were about to pop out when they saw cracks forming on the ground.

Cracks started appearing beneath their feet. If they moved an inch, they’d fall into the crevice.

They stared at Levi, absolutely stupefied.

What was that?

What class is he in?

His stomp created a giant earthquake!

Look, the cracks are forming up to hundreds of meters away. Is he still human?

No one knew whether he was stronger than the fighters on Saber Leaderboard, but they were about to go crazy.

If that kick of his had landed on anyone here, that person would be dead by now.

His stomp had created a giant earthquake. It was a spectacular sight!

Wolfe, Burt, Windy and the others were dumbfounded.

They belatedly realized Darton wouldn’t have sent a nobody to be the instructor.

“If any of you are unwilling to submit, you’re welcome to battle with me!” Levi announced.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

At his words, everyone hurriedly got into line.

Wolfe jumped to his feet and straightened his back.

Levi’s actions had impressed the crowd.

“Stand in line! Let me introduce myself. I’m your instructor!”

“First lesson, respect. No matter how strong and capable you are, you need to abide by the rules. You must respect your instructor as he will be teaching you!”

“Besides, the higher-ups aren’t fools. Would they assign a nobody to be your instructor?”

“Hence, be humble and have respect for others. That’s basic manners.”

Levi himself was a God of War.

However, he remained humble in front of Benny Quinton and the others and gave them the utmost respect.

“Understood!” roared Wolfe and the others.

“I’ll only proceed with the other lessons after you learn this!” said Levi.

“Sir, can you tell us who you are? We don’t know of your existence in Erudia!” yelled Burt.

They knew everyone on Saber Leaderboard and all the strongest fighters in Erudia.

As part of the Garrison clan, it was easy for them to gain this information.

“Yes, Sir. Please tell us who you are!” the others implored.

“Your instructor is none other than the God of War!”


Chapter 1098​

Darton appeared and declared.

“G-God of War?” Burt repeated soullessly.

“What? The God of War?”

At the mention of the familiar but distant title, Wolfe thought he was dreaming.

Windy and Gruffin froze in their tracks, utterly stunned.

“That’s right. He is Erudia’s God of War!” said Darton sternly.

That got everyone silent once again.

Darton had confirmed it himself. Levi was indeed the God of War.

They felt goosebumps all over.

No wonder we’ve never heard of this young man.

Turns out he’s the God of War!

No wonder he disregarded Saber Leaderboard.

He is stronger than all the fighters listed on Saber Leaderboard, because the leaderboard was formed by his subordinates.

“Greetings, God of War!” everyone echoed in unison.

After the initial shock, came their surprise.

No one had expected that the God of War would be an instructor in the Hidden Dragon Soldier King Training Camp.

At this point, they regretted treating him badly earlier.

They lowered their heads and dared not look at Levi.

It was a memorable lesson.

They would remember to treat others with respect from now on.

“Look up. Stand in line!” commanded Levi.

“I’ll only continue with the rest of the lessons after you’ve learned how to be respectful,” he announced.

“I heard a few young men from the Garrison clan in Oakland City are here. Show yourselves.”

Burt and the others stood out arrogantly.

Looks like our family is so powerful that even God of War notices us.

“Mm, not bad. The Garrison clan of Oakland City has many talents!” Levi nodded in approval.

He might have a grudge against the Garrison clan, but he had to admit they were powerful enough to produce talented fighters for Erudia.

That was enough for him.

Hence, Levi wouldn’t spare his efforts to teach them.

To him, they weren’t part of the Garrison clan. They were the future fighters of Erudia.

He wouldn’t treat them differently because of his grudge with the Garrison clan.

“Next, I’ll teach you a training method. You’ll be practicing this for the next month. When the time’s up, I’ll come for an inspection.”

Levi proceeded to teach them a special training method.

Everyone was excited and astounded. They had no idea such a method existed.

No wonder God of War is so powerful. It’s because of this special training method!

“Sir, won’t you be here every day?” Wolfe asked.

He wanted to see the God of War every day.

“You need at least a year to master this training method. It’ll be enough to occupy your time for a month,” explained Levi.

“Understood. We’ll do our best. We won’t let you down!” everyone promised.

“Good. I’ll be here a month later to choose a few candidates for the Iron Brigade!” Levi nodded approvingly.

Burt finally plucked up the courage to ask. “Sir, is your surname Garrison?”

Every other Garrison immediately glanced at him nervously.

Chapter 1099​

Previously, the Garrison clan had suspected that the God of War was a Garrison.

Even if he weren’t part of the main Garrison clan in Oakland City, he would be from a branch of the Garrison clan.

Since the God of War’s identity was highly classified, it had to be a secret at all costs.

The Garrison clan couldn’t find out anything.

However, Tyrone was certain the God of War was a Garrison.

“Mm, you’re right.” Levi inclined his head.


Burt and the other Garrisons heaved a sigh of relief. They were proud of the fact that Levi was a Garrison.

After Levi departed, they threw themselves into training.

Darton was pleased with their efforts. He knew they’d improve tremendously after a month.

Meanwhile, in Oakland City.

Martin was planning to return to North Hampton immediately to take revenge on Levi, but everyone had found out about the broken engagement.

Hence, people flocked to the Meyers family in hopes of an arranged marriage.

Martin had to be on guard, so he couldn’t leave.

Soon, one month went by in the blink of an eye.

Morris Group was going nowhere, so both Iris and Zoey were anxious.

Alas, Levi was unfazed.

He was currently at the training camp to inspect the trainees’ progress.

For the past month, Burt and the others had trained vehemently. There was visible improvement.

“Mmm, not bad. Satisfactory, at least.” Levi nodded.

Well, they are still weak.

When Kirin trained the Beasts, the results were so much better.

In the end, Levi chose five men to enter the Iron Brigade.

Besides Wolfe, the other four were from the Garrison clan.

Levi couldn’t be bothered about their status as long as they were capable enough.

Thus, Hidden Dragon Soldier King Training Camp came to a fulfilling end.

Burt and the others were thrilled.

Besides getting into the top ten, four of them were selected to join Iron Brigade.

The first thing they did after getting out of camp was to inform their clan about their results.

“Wait up! I have an idea. We’re near North Hampton. Why don’t we meet Levi Garrison?” Pewter suggested.

“Sure, I can’t wait to see him!” Klint returned eagerly.

The rest agreed to the suggestion.

Their confidence had gone up significantly after getting stronger.

“Sure. We’ll meet Levi, then inform our clan about the results.” Burt assented.

Zoey’s belly was growing larger by the day.

She had to be extra careful even when she was walking around.

However, she was worried about Levi’s nonchalance.

We have less than one year left. How could he challenge the Garrison clan with what he had?

She was deep in thought when her phone started ringing.

Someone from the Garrison clan in Oakland City wanted to treat Levi to a meal.

Shocked, Zoey immediately went to Levi.

She was afraid it might be a trap.

After all, this was the Garrison clan.

“Why not? If they’re treating us, we’ll be there,” replied Levi.

“Well,” Zoey sighed. “An ignorant person like you knows no fear, huh?”

Why isn’t Levi afraid of the Garrison clan?

Doesn’t he know how powerful the Garrison clan is?

Even I know how dangerous they are. Why is Levi still clueless?

In the meantime, Burt and the others were waiting in the restaurant.

“Levi agreed to come just like that? How brave of him!” scoffed Klint.

“He’s afraid of nothing. He isn’t even afraid of the Garrison clan.”

Burt narrowed his eyes menacingly. “Let’s show him who’s in power later.”

“Can’t wait!”

Everyone was anticipating Levi’s arrival.

Chapter 1096​

How arrogant!

I can’t believe he’s this arrogant!

That’s the famous Erudia’s Saber Leaderboard!

All the strongest fighters of Erudia were listed on Saber Leaderboard.

The top one hundred fighters were famous for their fighting abilities.

The ancient families in Erudia were snobbishly proud to have just one of their members listed on Saber Leaderboard.

No one could believe how exaggerated Levi was.

How could he say he’s stronger than all the fighters listed on Saber Leaderboard?

What is Saber Leaderboard to him?

To Burt, Wolfe, and the others, Saber Leaderboard was a sacred existence.

Their only goal was either to join the Iron Brigade or make it to Saber Leaderboard.

To be honest, making it to Saber Leaderboard was harder than joining the Iron Brigade as there were only one hundred spots on the leaderboard.

Windy and Gruffin nearly collapsed in shock.

Only strong fighters like the Four God of Slaughters would make it to Saber Leaderboard.

The Four God of Slaughters were so strong that they emerged unscathed after battling against thirty thousand men. Their enemy ended up losing ten thousand men after the battle.

Hence, they deserved to be on Saber Leaderboard.

But even so, they were in the middle ranks instead of being at the top.

One could imagine how strong and impressive the top ten in the leaderboard would be.

At the mention of their names, other organizations and countries would be terrified.

After all, these fighters were strong enough to take on thousands alone.

Levi had just announced he was stronger than everyone on the leaderboard.

No one in the world dared to disregard Saber Leaderboard.

Even the top ancient family in Erudia, the Garrison clan, dared not say such a thing.

“That’s funny. How dare you say you’re stronger than the fighters listed on Saber Leaderboard?” mocked Wolfe.

“Right. I’ve never heard anyone being this arrogant,” Burt joined in.

Everyone started sneering at Levi.

“The South Commander-In-Chief, Darton Rogier, might be strong, but he is only ranked seventeenth in the leaderboard. How dare you disregard Saber Leaderboard, young man?” said an amused Gruffin.

“Are you doing this on purpose? You have a death wish!”

“If you continue insulting Saber Leaderboard, we’ll teach you a lesson!”

All it took was one word from Levi to infuriate everyone.

Some were about to take action, but Wolfe stopped their actions.

“Okay. Since you claim to be stronger than everyone on Saber Leaderboard, we need you to prove it. We won’t ask you to be the strongest. As long as you get ranked, we’ll listen to you!” Wolfe suggested with a chuckle.

He wanted to humiliate Levi by asking the latter to show his capabilities.

That was because he was certain Levi would be proven a liar soon.

“Yes, prove it to us! Otherwise, we won’t let you leave in one piece!”

“We won’t allow you to disregard Saber Leaderboard!”

Everyone else chimed in, glaring at Levi resentfully.

Windy and Gruffin were watching the entire debacle with smirks on their faces.

Your act will be exposed once you take action.

Ha! Serves you right for being so boastful!

“What now? You’re scared? You shouldn’t brag that much.”

“If you refuse to change, we’ll help you. You won’t dare to brag after we teach you a lesson.”

“I was contemplating on how to show you I’m stronger than all the fighters in Saber Leaderboard. After all, you’re all weaklings.”
Trample them levi

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