The Protector (The Return of God Of War)

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In Erudia, a private jet landed at North Hampton Airport, where all international flights experienced an eight-hour delay because of it.
At the private passageway were five men in suits and leather shoes, standing as straight as a javelin.

Every now and then, they would raise their wrist to look at the time, for a big shot was coming to town.
The upper-class society of North Hampton had learned about his arrival, but no one had the capability to get an inch closer to the private passageway.
Even the richest man in North Hampton who came to pay homage was chased away.
Finally, there were movements coming from the passageway.

“God of War!!!” the mass cried out, their eyes filled with awe and veneration at the sight of the undefeatable legend of Erudia.
He, who was dubbed the God of War, was the one and only five-star war God in the history of Erudia.
Once, he’d inflicted a crushing defeat on the strongest battalions in eighteen countries. He was an overbearing and formidable man.
He who overwhelmed the world with his unparalleled power had even created the Five Great Wars Regiment, Cavalry Regiment, and many more.

Setting foot on his homeland, Levi Garrison was overcome with emotions.
Once upon a time, he used to be an orphan who was abandoned on the streets of North Hampton and then adopted by the Garrison family.
However, the Garrison family had never been fond of him.
His adoptive parents, who had a tendency to beat and scold him, treated him like an outsider.
As for the outsiders, they treated him as a nobody.
But he didn’t care a stiver. He had always been proud of his surname since he was a child, and he strived to bring glory to this family when he grew older.
At last, Levi had established Levi Group, the largest dark horse in North Hampton’s business community.
With billions of assets, it ranked among the forefront of North Hampton, pushing the declining Garrison family to the top.
However, not only did the Garrison family showed no signs of appreciation, they even harbored dissatisfaction towards him. Jealous of his success, they regarded him as a thorn in their flesh and coveted Levi Group.
No matter his wealth and power, unless they were in control, he was just an outsider in the Garrison family’s eyes.
Eventually, on Levi’s wedding night, the Garrison family plotted a frame-up against him by getting him drunk before tossing him onto his sister-in-law’s bed. They wanted to create the illusion that he was doing something untoward to her and was caught in bed by his brother and adoptive parents.
That night, the Garrison family had brutally broken his limbs and left him on the road like a wild dog.
Not only was he handicapped, but he also had to take the flak for something he didn’t commit.
From an upstart in the business world, he had become the target of disdain overnight.
And the next day, he had been punished for several crimes and sentenced to six years in prison.
He could never forget the ruthless and sinister faces of everyone in the Garrison family and the ridicule of his friends, classmates, and business partners.
More so, he could never forget the disappointment on his newly wedded wife, Zoey’s face.
He had regarded the Garrison family as his home and devoted himself to the family.
Yet, they treated him like trash.
It felt as if a knife was being twisted in his heart every time he thought about this.
How he hated the Garrison family!
But who would have thought that Levi had been secretly transferred away from prison to join the military?
In a few years, he dominated the military world and became the one and only five-star God of War.
Now that he came back, the Garrison family ought to stay on their toes.
“How’s it going, Azure Dragon?” Levi asked.
Azure Dragon, the commander of the Five Great Wars Regiment, took a step forward and said respectfully, “Sir, I’m afraid your wife, Ms. Zoey Lopez will remarry at ten o’clock tonight!”
Ever since Zoey’s husband was sent to prison on their wedding night, she had been living like a widow.
Only God knew how much pressure she was put under.
And right now, the person Levi couldn’t wait to see the most was Zoey.
After a moment of hesitation, Azure Dragon continued, “To add on, Sir, the Garrison family is holding a successful listing celebration banquet at the Crystal Palace Hotel tonight! Many people had invited the God of War just now, including the Garrison family, but I didn’t accept nor refuse directly.”
“What time?” Levi asked tersely.
“Eight o’clock, Sir.”
“Okay. Tell the Garrison family I will attend the banquet!”
Since the time for the two events didn’t clash, Levi gladly accepted the invitation.
The celebration banquet for the public listing of Garrison Group was held at North Hampton’s Crystal Palace Hotel.
With the help of Levi Group, they had become a rich and powerful family in one fell swoop.
The hall was bustling with noise and excitement, and sounds of glasses clinking could be heard ringing in the air every now and then.
“God bless the Garrison family,” said Joseph, the head of the Garrison family. “The younger generations are the stars among men. Garrison Group is now listed and has become an upstart in North Hampton!”
Joseph’s three sons and daughter welcomed their guests with bright smiles on their faces.
The younger generation of the Garrison family was all the smugger and prouder because, after today, the Garrison family would become a powerful family, and they would become one of the top rich kids.
Most of the guests who attended today’s banquet were from the top circle in North Hampton.
“Garrison, do you know what happened today?! Your celebration party is nothing compared to that.” They were gossiping about the major event that had happened today.
“Yeah! I heard that a big shot has arrived in North Hampton!”
“The richest man in North Hampton wanted to meet him but was shooed away. Apparently, he’s not qualified enough!”
“So? Jesse Nielsen had been waiting for five hours in advance at the airport!”
Joseph nodded. “Yes, I know about that too. I even sent someone to invite this big shot to the celebration party!”
“No way! Why would this big shot attend such a party?”
No one believed it.
In fact, as an upstart, Joseph was just trying his luck.
“Dad!” shouted Jaycob, the second eldest son of the Garrison family could be seen running over. “The big shot has accepted our invitation to attend our celebration banquet! He’s on the way!”
“Jesus! God has indeed blessed the Garrison family!”
Everyone in the Garrison family could barely conceal their delight as this was their chance to reach the sky in a single bound.
The grandchildren of the Garrison family gathered together, sunshine flooding their souls.
Levi’s brother, Bryan, and sister-in-law, Victoria, smiled. “Well, it all starts with Levi’s imprisonment that the Garrison family is at where we are today…”
“Right, speaking about Levi, do you guys know today’s the day that kid gets out of prison?!” somebody asked abruptly.
“Really? Isn’t that bad luck? Why did he have to be released on such a big day?!”
“Please, please, please don’t come back! He’s the Garrison family’s biggest disgrace!”
Victoria’s lips tugged into a sneer. “Speaking of which, Levi is the crowning glory of the Garrison family’s status today.”
“That’s what he’s supposed to do!” Bryan said. “He should contribute to the Garrison family for raising him, an orphan! His multi-billion Levi Group means nothing. To put it bluntly, he’s just a dog raised by the Garrison family!”
Someone gave a chortle. “As a matter of fact, I’ve been interested in Levi’s wife for a long time now. She’s still widowed, and I’m so going to marry her!”
The man’s remark caused gales of laughter.
“Everyone, stop what you’re doing. I have an important announcement to make,” Joseph said and went on to announce that the big shot was coming.
A thunderous applause was heard.
But when the applause had died down, there was still someone clapping.
The sound was loud and clear, approaching from afar.
On the red carpet, a man came clapping, looking bold and energetic.
His stride gave off a majestic and imposing aura, which made the mass hold their breaths.
“It’s Levi!” Bryan and Victoria exclaimed.
Suddenly, all eyes were riveted on him.
“I forgot this little brat got out of jail today!” Levi’s adoptive parents spoke in unison.
Ignoring the astonished gazes darted at his way, Levi walked step by step towards Joseph.
“A little bird told me that the company is now listed. How are you feeling, Joseph? Are you happy?”
Levi flashed him a meaningful smile.
“How dare you show up here, you insolent brat! And what did you just call me?” Joseph’s fury sprang to life.
“Who let him in? Didn’t you know he just got out of prison? How inauspicious!”
Bryan rose to his feet. “What the hell are you doing here, Levi?”
Levi sized him up. “Why can’t I be here?”
“Well, for starters, you’re an orphan! The Garrison family has raised you, but you were ambitious and ungrateful. You had inordinate ambitions for your sister-in-law, and you wanted to take possession of the Garrison family! You’d even tried to kill your parents when things go south! Have you no conscience? Do you have any sense of morality left in your heart?”
“You’ve lost your reputation in North Hampton, and everyone knows that. Have you no shame to have the brass neck to come round here?”
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First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1129​

The order from Erudia was to be prioritized immediately.

Levi had no time to dilly dally.

After he gave the order, the Five Great Wars Regiment and the others grouped up within a short period of time.

“We head out, now!” Levi ordered without hesitation.

“God of War, please wait a moment!” Azure Dragon said.

The others also had a hesitant look on their faces.

“Speak!” Levi impatiently demanded.

“God of War, what about Ms. Lopez? She’s about to go into labor soon. This is clearly the enemy’s scheme to lure you away so that they would have the chance to capture them!” Azure calmly postulated.

“He’s right! At the very least, please allow some of us to stay here and protect Ms. Lopez.” White Tiger proposed.

Although White Tiger loved to battle, Zoey’s safety was his primary concern.

Levi shook his head, “That’s not possible. The order was clear that all of us must head north! No one gets to stay behind.”

“But what about Ms. Lopez? What about your child? Don’t you want to witness the birth of your child?”

“That’s right, the last time we took out the Blood King Palace, we had to spend one whole year to do so! Now that their forces are even stronger this time, we may need a longer time! It may take up to one and a half years!”

“To leave for one and a half years at such a critical time is too risky!”

They were not willing to abandon Zoey for such a long time, not to mention that she was about to give birth to a child.

It was too heartless for Zoey and the child.

Besides, the risks of leaving was too high.

“Why don’t we stay back?” the Cavalry Regiment suggested, which was surprising considering they were always the quiet ones.

“Are you all disobeying my order?” Levi growled.

With that, every single one of them stood up straight and dared not speak another word.

A military order was absolute and they dared not disobey.

“Everyone, head toward the North now!” Levi shouted.

This time, there were no disagreements. They prepared the necessary transportations and were ready to depart.

Levi did not even get to meet Zoey or his own mother before departing. There was simply no time for such arrangements.

He departed without hesitation toward the North.

The situation was extremely urgent.

Levi knew very well how terrifying the Blood King Palace was.

Any delay would entail massive destruction.

Hence, he needed to act immediately.

Even if it meant that he could not meet with his family…

As Levi left, Percy assured, “I will do my best to protect her.”

However, he was well aware of his limitations.

Some things were within his expectations; some were not.

He anticipated that those that were once defeated would not let this slide.

They would try to separate Levi from Zoey and his mother.

However, Percy could not figure out how they would achieve that purpose.

At the end of the day, the borders enjoyed tranquility and peace.

Levi should have never been transferred away.

However, it was unexpected that the Blood King Palace would reappear with forces stronger than before.

The Blood King Palace’s return was significant enough to transfer Levi out of Erudia.

Levi was the only one that defeated them before, the others didn’t even come close.

This was truly beyond his expectation.

Such a dire circumstance happened coincidently during the most critical moment for Zoey.

With the order of the highest level, Levi could not even bid farewell with Zoey and the others.

Meredith accurately predicted this.

At this moment, Levi was indeed gone.

And he would be gone for more than a year…


First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1130​

According to them, Levi was scared away by the Garrison clan.

For the sake of survival, Levi abandoned his family and escaped.

The silence was deafening.

Everyone’s facial expression was icy cold.

Especially Azure Dragon and the few men that sat beside Levi, their frustration was evident.

The sudden order caught everyone off guard.

Levi didn’t even have time to make arrangements for Zoey and the others.

However, they dared not question further about Levi’s command.

Everyone understood that Levi’s only goal now was to eradicate the Blood King Palace.

Nonetheless, Azure Dragon was concerned about the safety of Zoey and others.

At the hall, Tyrone and Damien were still waiting.

As they heard some commotion outside, the duo walked out to have a look.

What greeted their sights were fleets of armored vehicles leaving swiftly.

“What happened?” Tyrone and Damien were shocked.

“Mr. Garrison, my deepest apologies. The God of War had been summoned to the North! He cannot meet with you anymore,” Percy regrettably explained.

“What? What is the issue that required the God of War himself to personally attend to?” Tyrone was surprised.

Damien became nervous as well.

It must be something significant in order to require the involvement of the God of War himself.

“It’s classified information and I cannot disclose it to you. Please, go home.” Percy refused to answer.


As the armored vehicles passed by, Damien was startled.

“I think I just saw someone familiar…” Damien suddenly mumbled.

“Did you see someone you know?” Tyrone asked.

“I think I met them somewhere before, Was it at Levi’s wedding?” Damien was unsure.

Damien thought he had met some of them during Levi’s wedding.

“That’s impossible!” Tyrone dismissed his statement without any hesitation.

It was simply impossible.

Since the God of War was heading toward the North, they no longer had any purpose to remain in North Hampton.

“Oh yes, I still need to meet Levi regarding another matter!” Tyrone abruptly recalled.

The Garrison clan made a decision regarding the family name of Levi’s unborn child.

As anyone who bore the Garrison family name would be inevitably related to the Garrison clan, the clan decided they wanted to avoid this.

As such, once the child was born, he cannot bear the family name of Garrison.

Seeing Tyrone and Damien arrived once again, Zoey and the others started to panic.

“Where is Levi? Get him out here right now!” Tyrone shouted.

“Levi’s not here…” Emma nervously replied.

She gulped and took a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself down.

It had been a few hours, but Levi had yet to return.

Even Emma herself had no idea where her son had gone to.

For the past few months, Emma had always been by Zoey’s side and she would not leave her alone for more than ten minutes.

Damien scoffed. “Could it be that he had run away?”

“Hah, that might be possible,” Tyrone nodded in agreement.

For some reason, a sense of trepidation settled in Meredith’s and the others’ hearts when they heard that.

The circumstances did suggest that Levi had escaped.

“What do you want?” Zoey asked.

Tyrone arrogantly replied, “What I want is simple. Your unborn child cannot bear the family name of Garrison! Since the Garrison family in Erudia originated from the Garrison Clan, whoever that wished to bear the Garrison name must seek our approval! And I’m telling you now that Levi’s child is not allowed to do so!”

“It’s none of your business what my child’s surname would be!” Zoey firmly refuted the preposterous demand.

“You can choose to ignore us, but you will make an enemy of the Garrison clan! The consequences will be abysmal!” Tyrone left after making the threat.

Zoey thought about it and called Levi.



First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1131​

Just as Levi was headed toward the North, his cell phone unexpectedly rang.

The sound broke the silence that lasted for two hours. All attention was now focused on Levi.

Levi looked at the screen and saw that the caller ID was “Honey”.

Just when he was going to answer the call, he hesitated.

He struggled to make a decision…

Levi’s veins bulged and he frowned as frustration surged from within him.

He took a deep breath and decided not to answer the call.

He knew that if he took the call, he would not be able to stick to his decision to leave.

Truth be told, it was a tough choice for him to choose between heading to the North or staying with his family.

However, now that the rampage of the Blood King Palace was even more horrifying than before, Levi had no choice but to settle in his role as a warrior from Erudia.

For the sake of Erudia, he must head toward the North.

One should prioritize the country before the family.

He decided that he must protect his country with all his might.

His family was less important compared to the safety and sovereignty of Erudia.

Levi held onto his phone tightly and crushed it forcefully.

“Mom, I’m sorry. I’m a useless son that is unable to protect you.”

“Zoey, I’m sorry that I cannot take care of you anymore.”

“My child, I’m sorry that I will not be there to witness your birth.”

Levi held back his emotions and mumbled on his own.

Everything happened so suddenly that he could not make arrangements for the safety of Zoey and the others.

He could not find any person to help him in such a short span of time.

After all, the enemy was just too strong.

It was not something any ordinary people could handle.

The only plan that Levi had in mind now was to head toward the North, eradicate the Blood King Palace, and rush back as soon as possible.

He wanted to return in the shortest possible period of time.

“That’s weird… Why is Levi not picking up his phone?” Zoey repeatedly dialed his number but to no avail.

Her heart sank and she had a bad feeling about this.

“What? He’s not picking up his phone?” Emma then tried calling Levi on her phone.

“Sorry, the number you have dialed is unavailable,” the robotic voice sounded from the phone.

“What does this mean?” Emma felt uneasy.

Zoey’s face turned sour immediately.

Not only he didn’t pick up the phone, but now he had his phone switched off?

This meant that Levi did it on purpose!

He’s not picking up the phone…

This is bad.

What I feared the worst may have happened…

Meredith and the others repeatedly tried to contact Levi, but he was unreachable.

“I was right! Levi is scared off by the Garrison clan!” Meredith said in a cold voice.

“He must have run away… Didn’t you all notice that he’s gone right after Tyrone’s warning? It has already been a few hours, and he’s still nowhere to be found. I’m sure he has run away!” Logan scornfully remarked.

Everyone pondered about Logan’s statement.

What he said is true.

Levi did disappear right after Tyrone’s warning.

“Emma, didn’t you say that you were proud that your son is a fine gentleman that will never run away? How about now? Now that he’s gone you should give us an explanation!”

“That’s right! For the past few months, he has always been by Zoey’s side to the point where if the situation permits, he’ll even want to follow her to the toilet! Now, it’s been a few hours, he’s nowhere to be seen and his phone is even switched off!”

Harry and Robert joined the conversation.

Unfortunately, their proposition indeed made sense.

Emma could not rebuke their allegations.

Her face turned pale and she started shivering uncontrollably.

She thought to herself, Son, please don’t follow in Tyrone’s footsteps and abandon your family.

“I tried searching for him but Levi has vanished without a trace!” Aaron was infuriated


First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1132​

As soon as Aaron found out about Levi’s disappearance, he immediately ordered his men to look for him.

However, Levi was nowhere to be found.

Abigail’s parents even contacted Rogers family to help locate Levi.

However, the Rogers family failed to discover any important clues about his location as well.

Besides, the Rogers family knew about Levi’s identity.

“No one knows where Levi is?” the hard-hitting truth was unacceptable for Zoey.

She was trembling.

“That’s impossible! Levi will not abandon me! He will never do that!” Zoey confidently asserted.

Emma gritted and assured, “That’s right. I believe in my son, he will not leave us! I assume he must have something important to attend to right now!”

The two of them trusted Levi the most.

“Stop deluding yourself! The truth is right in front of you! Why isn’t he answering the phone? Why did he switch off his phone? Why is he gone for such a long time? You should know better than anyone! Stop trying to make excuses!” Jennie yelled unemphatically.

Zoey and Emma exchanged glances and their frustration was evident.

Although they trusted Levi, the reality of their situation was cruel.

“Let me ask Iris! She should know where Levi is!” Zoey immediately thought of Iris.

“What? I’m not sure. Why? Is he gone?” Iris sounded surprised.

Zoey sighed in disappointment.

“Iris, I can’t find Levi. He appears to have disappeared and refuses to pick up the phone. Please help me locate him.” Zoey asked for her help.

Upon hearing Zoey’s request, Iris acted immediately.

Ten minutes later, Iris called. “Zoey, I can’t find him at all. And, I have some bad news for you…”

Zoey’s heart sank.

Iris continued, “I tried contacting Neil and he is also unreachable. I made further investigations and found out that Levi’s contact number has been deleted as well…”

Because Levi received an order of the highest level, it meant that it was also a top-secret mission.

As such, all information related to him must be erased.

Erasing the contact number was the basic protocol.

Upon hearing Iris’ words, Zoey’s grip on her phone loosened and it dropped onto the floor.

The news struck her like lightning.

She remembered Levi once mentioned that Neil was his best friend. They were inseparable.

Now that Neil was also unreachable like Levi…

It could only mean the rumor that Levi ran away must be true!

“You hear that, Zoey? Levi must have run away! I gotta say, he’s quick on his feet! Even his own company was abandoned by him!”

“You’re so confident that he will not abandon you, and yet, he did!”

“Also, Emma, what is wrong with your son? How could he abandon his family at such a critical time!”

Facing the countless criticism that was thrown their way, Zoey and Emma could only bow their heads in embarrassment.

They remained silent for they were unable to rebut them.

Unarguably, the truth was before them.

No words could mitigate the situation.

“Zoey, all I can say is that you’ve chosen the wrong partner. Frankly speaking, Levi is just like his father. It is unsurprising that he will abandon you,” Aaron said.

Everyone came to a sudden realization.

That Levi was just a chip off the old block.

Just like how Tyrone had abandoned his family, it was no surprise that Levi would do the same.

Even Emma was unable to refute the statement.

Is it true that Levi is no different from Tyrone?

“No, I refuse to believe this! I’m going to look for him! I know a place, he should be there…” Zoey stood up


First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1133​

It didn’t take long before Zoey and her group arrived at the South City.

They raced toward the Warzone compound.

Although the place was run-down, Zoey knew that this place was Levi’s base camp.

Levi’s secrets were hidden here.

His best friends all lived here before.

However, when Zoey and the group arrived, there was not a single person in the Warzone compound.

Even the dogs that used to run around the place were gone.

Based on the settled dust and cobwebs, the place had been unoccupied for a long time.

Zoey could only stare blankly at the sight before her, feeling lost and helpless.

Levi’s not here…

Zoey could not imagine where would he be.

Just then, Emma received news from South Hampton.

As expected, Levi was not in South Hampton as well.

This proved that Levi had indeed disappeared.

Zoey’s vision went dark and she collapsed onto the floor.

“Zoey!” everyone rushed to her side.

When Zoey woke up, she was already on a hospital bed.

“Zoey, hang in there. Please take care of yourself!” Emma held onto her hands and sobbed.

“Stop faking it! You’re just like your son! Leave my sweetie alone!” Caitlyn raged and tried to separate them.

“Mom, stop it! You can’t blame it on her! She has nothing to do with this.” Zoey tried to mediate the rising tension.

“This is all Levi’s fault! He’s an animal! Not only did he abandoned Zoey, but he also left his own mother!” Meredith fumed.

Levi’s sudden disappearance stirred up intense turmoil between the Lopez and Black families.

His disappearance coincided with the timing when Tyrone made the threat.

All circumstances suggested the irresistible conclusion that Levi was scared away by the Garrison clan.

“He’s a coward! A hypocrite! How could he call himself a man!”

“Does Levi not feel any shame? He abandoned his own mother, wife, and unborn child! What an animal!”

“I’m ashamed to even know him! He’s not worthy to be a man, a husband nor a father!”

Logan and the others condemned Levi relentlessly.

Sylas tried to defend Levi, “He must be away because of some urgent matters, he’ll definitely be back!”

She knew Levi’s actual identity and guessed that he was probably summoned to handle some urgent matters.

At that, Zoey’s eyes showed signs of hope. “She’s right, that must be it! I believe he will not abandon me!”

“Zoey, why are you so stubborn? He even deleted his contact number…”

“He’s never coming back! Back then, he was capable enough to solve his problems. However, it’s different this time. The Garrison clan wants him dead, he can only run away!”

Meredith and the others tried to dash Zoey’s hope.

Nonetheless, Zoey was adamant. “No, I don’t care what all of you are saying. My gut tells me that Levi will return very soon! I believe in him, he will not abandon me!”

“Return? That’s impossible! If he wants to return, he wouldn’t have left quietly nor delete his contact number!”

Zoey smiled. “Mom, Dad, dare to make a bet with me then?”

“What are we betting on?” Aaron asked.

“We’ll bet if Levi will return within one month’s time. If he does return, all of you must apologize to him!” Zoey proposed confidently.

“Alright!” Aaron agreed.

“If he doesn’t return, I will believe that he abandoned me!” Zoey placed the bet based on her trust in Levi.


First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1134​

“Fine. We’ll find out in one month’s time then! I’m sure that a month’s time is more than enough for Levi to finish whatever he’s doing.” Aaron agreed to her daughter’s proposition readily.

We’re winning this bet.

Everyone knew that Levi would not be coming back.

However, Zoey trusted Levi too much.

She was hopeful and optimistic.

By giving Levi a month, it served as a form of solace for her and also represented her trust toward him.

“Alright, it’s settled then. If Levi doesn’t return in a month, I will send you overseas to give birth to the baby, and no one can stop me.” Meredith was excited.

Zoey nodded, “Fine. If he doesn’t return in a month, I will travel overseas. If that happens, I will need to trouble Logan to make the necessary arrangements.”

“Don’t worry about it. One word from me and it’s settled.” Aaron hesitated for a moment before he said, “Zoey, you must ponder on the issue regarding the child’s family name. The Garrison clan clearly prohibits the child from bearing their family name! If you insist, it might entail serious consequences! I suggest that the child bear your own family name.”

Zoey nodded again. “All right. If Levi doesn’t return in a month, the child will bear my family name.”

Now, everything was dependent on the outcome in a month’s time.

Emma started to tear up. “Son, what are you doing? Please return quickly! If you don’t, your child would bear the family name of Lopez.”

Nevertheless, the situation wasn’t all bad after Levi’s disappearance.

For instance, the final decision-making power in Morris Group was now passed to Zoey.

Aside from that, the top hundred prominent families in North Hampton declared that they would protect Zoey at all costs and would be at her command.

This was comforting to Zoey.

Her confidence started to build and she was looking forward to the end of the month.

She was certain that Levi would return.

Meanwhile, Levi arrived at North Base One.

He had already fought hand to hand with the Blood King Palace.

The Blood King Palace was indeed stronger than three years before.

The moment Levi was transferred away from North Hampton, Zoey and Emma instantly fell under the watchful gazes of those abroad.

On an island abroad, a group of people with different colored skin were having a meeting.

Presiding over the meeting was Tenichi, the military strategist from Raysonia.

Even though Levi was transferred away, they dared not act rashly.

They must be sure that Levi truly left North Hampton.

Moments ago, they received news that Levi arrived at North Base One and battled with the Blood King Palace.

Even so, they did not act immediately upon receiving the news.

In order for them to act, they would need to have a meeting and sufficient intelligence must be gathered first.

“Mr. Watanabe, I suggest we act immediately and send people to Erudia to capture her.” Someone from the group proposed.

They were all impatient.

Tenichi shook his head. “No, my intelligence suggests that there are elite warriors protecting her. There might even be traps waiting to ambush us! Even if we successfully capture her, the loss is simply too great.”

The others replied swiftly, “If that’s the case, what should we do? The God of War has already been transferred away. It’s a golden opportunity that we must not lose.”

“No. I received news that in a month’s time, Zoey will leave Erudia to give birth to her child! Once the time comes…” Tenichi trailed off and smirked maliciously.

“Is that true? We might not be able to touch her in Erudia, but once she leaves, that just means that we can do whatever we want then!” Another person exclaimed.

Everyone had excited grins on their faces.

“Alright. Make the necessary preparations! By the time Zoey leaves Erudia, we’ll act immediately!” Tenichi had everything planned out perfectly.


First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1135​

Zoey and the others were unaware of the perilous danger that was steadily advancing toward them.

The threat was not posed by the Garrison clan, but rather, it was forces located abroad.

Logan thought that he had a lot of connections abroad.

However, he was oblivious to the fact that his every move was being manipulated by many.

Zoey never imagined that everything would change drastically one month later.

But for now, she was safe.

Percy and many other warriors were secretly protecting her. They were willing to devote their lives to protect her.

The Amethyst Guards were available as well. Therefore, Zoey’s safety was well protected.

Nonetheless, Percy was afraid of any sort of infiltration by strong enemies.

Since the order that summoned Levi was of the highest level, this meant that everything must be kept a secret.

Percy didn’t dare to disclose anything.

He could only stay strong and take it upon himself to protect Zoey.

It didn’t take long before the news regarding Levi’s disappearance reached the Garrison Clan.

“What? We were right? Levi ran away?” Damien and Tyrone could not believe it.

They didn’t really mean it when they first said it. As such, Levi’s disappearance was completely unexpected.

“That’s correct! Levi ran away! Even his contact number has been deleted!” Damien and Tyrone received confirmation.

Tyrone laughed and said, “This is Emma’s son? What a coward! A wimp! I can’t believe he wants to be my child! Dream on!”

Damien sighed, “I thought that he’s a principled person that will face any challenge. Who knew he turned out to be a coward that ran away simply because of a warning from you, father.”

“He’s unworthy to be part of the Garrison clan! What an embarrassment! The fact that he bears the same family name has brought shame upon the Garrison clan! I can’t believe he really ran away!” Tyrone ridiculed.

They had always thought highly of themselves. The series of aggressive acts and retaliation from Levi was deemed as a futile struggle in their mind.

Now that Levi had run away because of a simple threat, the disdain they felt for him intensified.

“And he had the audacity to challenge me and the Garrison clan? Even saying that he wants us to regret what we did? Hah! What a laughing stock!” Tyrone continued his contemptuous remark before changing the topic. “Damien, find out where is Levi.”

“Of course, rest assured I will locate him. Does he think that he can just run away like that? Such wishful thinking! I’ll make sure he’s shamed and laughed at by the whole of Erudia!” Damien sneered coldly.

As the day passed, Levi was still nowhere to be seen.

It was as if he had vanished into thin air.

There were no trails left behind at all.

All this while, Iris together with the Lopez and Black families had been looking for Levi.

However, their efforts were in vain.

It wasn’t just them who couldn’t find Levi, however, as even Damien could not find the slightest trace of Levi’s whereabouts.

Unbeknownst to them, it was actually impossible for them to find any information regarding Levi. After all, he was on a special mission with the highest level of confidentiality.

“I don’t understand how, but Levi’s completely untraceable. I’ve tried my best but so far there’s nothing!” Damien was bewildered.

“Anyway, it seemed that Levi is really gone! What a joke!” Damien burst out laughing.

He recalled the brave and valorous statement made by Levi and Emma in their previous encounter.

Now it seemed that those were simply empty threats that served no purpose other than comedic value.

In the end, Levi ran away with his tail between his leg…

In a blink of an eye, Levi’s disappearance approached the one-month mark.

it was the last day before the time was up.

Zoey was dejected but she still had a tiny ounce of hope.

She was still waiting for her hero to appear.

The whole month, she had been waiting for him.

“Zoey, give up. He’s not coming back.”

The sky turned dark and Levi never showed up.

Zoey was heartbroken as her hopes and expectations were shattered.


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Chapter 1136​

She had waited thirty days for Levi’s return, but he didn’t come back.

That man had disappeared, or to put it bluntly, he had run away while abandoning his family.

All of them were more than aware of the fact that if Levi didn’t show his face within a month under these circumstances, chances were he won’t ever show up again.

No matter how hard Zoey tried to trust in Levi, now, she must accept the reality that Levi was gone.

Nonetheless, there was not a trace of anger on her face. The only semblance of emotion that could be seen on her face was the streaks of tears that were running down her cheeks.


Emma fainted as everything was too overwhelming for her to bear. She couldn’t believe that her son would prioritize his interests over his family, just like what Tyrone had once done to her.

Sylas and Russell were both in a state of agitation. They had guessed that Levi must have had a mission at hand, which explained why he didn’t have a choice but to leave without a word. However, they were not allowed to reveal Levi’s real identity to them.

“This is good news! Levi leaving is actually a good thing for us!”

“If he had returned, it would spell doom for us since he had offended the Garrison clan.”

Both Harry and Robert felt elated.

Meredith, too, was excited. “That’s right! Tyrone said that everything would be alright as long as the baby doesn’t take on the surname of the Garrisons.”

Even though they couldn’t cozy up to the Garrison family, it didn’t matter anymore since Morris Group and the topmost prominent families in South Hampton were now under Zoey’s control. This alone was enough an improvement of the status of their family.

“Zoey, you should accept the reality that Levi has abandoned you. It is time for you to start anew!”

“That’s right! Forget about him! You should move on for the sake of your baby!”

Everyone started giving their advices.

Zoey wiped her tears away. With her eyes full of determination, she uttered, “Dad, Mom, I’ve lost the bet. I’ll believe that Levi has run away now. He has abandoned me and the baby.”

From Zoey’s sorrowful expression, everyone could tell how disappointed she was toward Levi.

She must be heartbroken right now. This time, Levi had really hurt her to the core.

Six years ago, she was willing to wait for his return because she knew he was framed. However, things were totally different this time.

Meanwhile, Emma, who had just regained consciousness, started sobbing uncontrollably. Things had spiraled out of control, heading toward the direction contrary to all her expectations. My son… Levi… Please come back…

Zoey cast her eyes over the whole lot before announcing, “I declare that from today onwards, I, Zoey Lopez, will cut ties with Levi Garrison. He is no longer my husband or my baby’s father!”

“No…” Emma shouted her objection, but to no avail.

“Secondly, my baby will take on my surname as Lopez. Thirdly, I will reside overseas during the last few months of my pregnancy until I deliver the baby.” Zoey announced the three most difficult decisions in her entire life in one go. Her voice was firm and resolute because the person who was supposed to be there for her had run away, leaving her behind, and now she could only count on herself.

“I’m happy for you, Zoey! You’ve finally decided to move on.”

“After all these years, you finally got to see Levi’s true colors!”

“I’m glad you finally know that Levi is nothing but a selfish prick!”

Caitlyn and the others couldn’t help getting a little emotional.

“And you!” Meredith shifted her gaze to Emma. “From now onward, you will leave Zoey alone, and don’t you ever come anywhere near her! From now on, the Lopez family has nothing to do with anyone from the Garrison family. Zoey’s baby has no relationship with you either.”

“Mo—” Zoey suddenly recalled that it was not her place to call her “mom” anymore, so she changed the way she addressed Emma. “Aunt Emma, you should leave now and go back to South Hampton. Goodbye.”



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Chapter 1137​

“Zoey, can you let me take care of you? Why don’t you let me stay by your side since I’m the one who has been taking care of your daily livings all this while? Besides, I wish to make it up for you on behalf of Levi. At the very least, please let me stay until you deliver the baby.” Emma pleaded earnestly.

Caitlyn and Aaron concurred with her. “She’s right, Zoey, why don’t you let her stay? We believe she can take good care of you.”

They had taken note of how meticulous Emma was when it came to taking care of Zoey. Even Caitlyn herself had to admit that she wasn’t capable of doing what Emma did, taking every matter into her own hands. She honestly thought that even a nanny wouldn’t do any better than Emma.

“Alright, she can stay. After all, she did take good care of Zoey.” Meredith relented.

However, Zoey shook her head and gave the final word. “No. Aunt Emma must leave. Thank you for taking care of me all this while.” She wouldn’t budge in this matter. “But… Don’t worry, Aunt Emma. You can always come and see the baby if you want. Of course, it will be best if you can leave us alone.” Her voice was soft yet firm, making it clear that Emma was allowed to visit the baby, but she will never be acknowledged as the baby’s grandma.

Zoey’s resoluteness was surely beyond everyone’s expectations.

“Then we’ll listen to Zoey. You should leave now! We have nothing to do with the Garrison family from now on.” Caitlyn and Aaron chased Emma out.

Emma had no choice but to go back to South Hampton.

“Zoey, get ready, we’re leaving the country immediately. All of us have quit our jobs, and we’ll accompany you until you deliver the baby,” said Caitlyn.

The Black and Lopez family had booked a private jet to Keerea, a country well-known for its high-quality healthcare system, which was not far from Erudia. Logan had also made arrangements in that country beforehand.

The jet was scheduled to take flight in the afternoon.

Unbeknownst to Zoey and Emma, Tenichi had been keeping an eye on their every move.

“Zoey Lopez will be arriving at Keerea by midnight! We have all the information about their motorcade route and manpower arrangement. Be prepared, my dear allies! It will be more than enough if we have Zoey in our hands, but it will be best if we can catch Emma Jones as well. We will have more bargaining chips if we manage to capture both of them.” Tenichi had everything all planned out. We will catch both of them!

In the afternoon, the Lopezs and the Blacks boarded the jet with Zoey alongside some paramedics.

The private jet was set to land at the capital of Keerea at Stellar International Airport. Little did they know that Tenichi, the man whom Levi had defeated, had set an ambush for them at the airport.

He had cleared the airspace, stopped all the flights, and emptied the whole airport. Tens of thousands of elites were now lurking in the darkness, waiting to launch their attacks as soon as the jet landed.

In the meantime, Emma had just arrived in South Hampton when she was ambushed on her way back to Edburg Manor as Tenichi’s elites had been lying in wait for her for quite some time.

While Tenichi was busy capturing both Zoey and Emma, Levi, on the other hand, was stuck in North Base One, fighting a life and death battle against the lunatics of the Blood King Palace.

The private jet from North Hampton landed safe and sound at the Stellar International Airport.

Sitting at the control tower, Tenichi had a clear view of the runway. “Zoey Lopez is here! Get ready, everyone! We will attack as soon as she appears!”

“My men are on standby outside the airport. Let’s hurry and get off the plane.” Logan urged.

Unaware of what was awaiting ahead for them, Zoey and the others got off the plane.



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Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1138​

In North Base One, a battle had been waged on the vast glacier. The battlefield was baptized in blood and effluvium of death as dead bodies were scattered everywhere.

Levi and his men had just fought another wave of the Blood King Palace’s ferocious attack off and were now resting and reorganizing themselves.

Sitting on a huge rock, Levi was smoking his cigar when all of a sudden, restlessness crept around his heart as he broke into a cold sweat. It felt as if his extrasensory perception was being triggered, and it was an odd feeling that he had never experienced before.

Oh no! Something bad happened!

Levi felt a gloomy foreboding that something must have had happened to Zoey and his mother.

However, since he was on Erudia’s top confidential and secret mission, he couldn’t possibly allocate his men for his private affairs in protecting his family.

Even though he knew Percy wouldn’t be able to fend off the attacks if they were being set as a target by his enemy, he could only count on him now.

This is bad! Zoey and Mother must be in imminent danger! Levi was soaked in a cold sweat as he couldn’t help feeling panicked.

If he couldn’t be there to protect his family when they needed him, he was in no way a dependable husband or son. But as the situation stands now, he could only choose between his country or his family.

In fact, most of Erudia’s soldiers faced the same dilemma as Levi. They couldn’t be by their parents, wives, and children’s side because they were being entrusted with missions. Some of them might even miss some of the most important events in life because of that.

Even when they were spending time with their families, the soldiers must be at the military’s beck and call and leave whenever they received orders. It was inevitable that their families and loved ones might feel disappointed, and their friends might find them distant.

Nonetheless, they had no choice because they needed to protect their country. It was their conviction that allowed the citizens, their families, and friends to live peaceful and stable life.

Not only the soldiers, but many from different industries were also facing the same situation as them. These people were the ones who made contributions to Erudia’s development, but they were also constantly being misunderstood by their close ones for the same reason.

Unknown to anyone, there existed a group of people who were selfless enough that they were willing to contribute all of their time and efforts in exchange for the country’s better future. It was because of heroic people like them bearing the cross that the citizens got the chance to live a peaceful life.

The stability of the country was the result of sacrifices by countless people like Levi. Being entrusted with the mission to destroy the Blood King Palace and protect his country, he must give up his family even though his wife was pregnant with his baby.

“God of War, we don’t care if we receive military punishment for disobeying the orders. Please allow us to head back to save Aunt Emma and Zoey!” Azure Dragon volunteered himself upon noticing the paleness on Levi’s face.

White Tiger, whose body was covered in blood, kneeled in front of Levi. “That’s right! God of War, let us save Zoey even though it would mean disobeying military orders. We are willing to accept any punishment!” Both of them were unwilling to see Zoey and Emma in danger.



Soon, all the soldiers followed suit and they kneeled before Levi.

Levi raised his head, trying hard to hold back his tears as he uttered through gritted teeth, “The military order is absolute; no one can disobey it! As the leader of the team, I should set a good example. This is the end of the discussion, and don’t ever bring it up again.”

From the moment he put on his military uniform and stepped onto the battlefield, he no longer held the identity as anyone else’s husband, son, or father. As Erudia’s soldier, he must prioritize his duty in protecting his country over his private affairs.

Phoenix broke out into tears. “Then what should we do now? They must be in imminent danger right now! A month has passed, and Tenichi must have prepared for revenge. Are we just going to sit here and let him harm Zoey and Aunt Emma?”

“Sir, the Blood King Palace is back again!”


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Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1139​

Levi was at the end of his rope when the Blood King Palace came back with another wave of attack. All of the soldiers had to focus energy on it because they were facing an enemy that was too powerful.

“Charge forward on my command!” Levi gave his command, his voice loud and clear.

Chuff! Chuff! Chuff!

Just then, a Dragonite Helicopter landed on the ice sheet. A few Dragonites hopped out of the helicopter and immediately ran toward Levi. The next moment, they were all kneeling on one knee in front of him. “Greetings God of War! Please hold fire as we are here with urgent news!”

“What is it?” Levi’s heart skipped a beat.

The others were just as confused. Did the Dragonites travel all the way from Oakland City to bring them another bad news?

One of the Dragonites smiled and asked, “God of War, are you worried about your family’s safety?”

Levi nodded. “Yes, I’m very worried about them. Those previously defeated by me will definitely target my family once I leave their side.”

The Dragonite slowly explained to him, “Don’t worry, God of War. The government has taken notice of your concern as well. The re-emergence of the Blood King Palace is a part of the conspiracy of Tenichi, Raysonia’s military strategist. He did all this to send you away from Erudia so that he could seize the opportunity to capture your family and threaten you with them.”

Levi was surprised and overjoyed. The government is aware of Tenichi’s conspiracy, which means Mother and Zoey are safe now!

With a smile, the Dragonite reassured them, “All soldiers that are fighting for the country, you need not worry for your family. Erudia will be your strongest backup!”

Thousands of millions of soldiers were touched by the reassurance. It was inevitable that, as a soldier, they might be required to choose between their beloved country and dearest family. Luckily, they were born in Erudia — a country whose government would protect their family while they were at the frontlines, defending the nation.

“God of War, your wife and family have headed to Keerea…”

Levi’s heart sank. Zoey has really gone overseas… I guess she hates me to the core now…

He asked softly, “Are they safe?”

“Tenichi has sent at least ten thousand elites to the Stellar International Airport. They will attack as soon as your wife arrives at the airport.” In a sudden change of tone, the Dragonites gave him reassuring news. “But you need not worry because we have sent someone else to protect your family. Tenichi no longer poses a threat to their safety.”

“Who did you send?” Levi asked curiously.

“Winsor Campbell.”

“Him?” Levi drew in a sharp breath, and his expression changed upon the mention of that name.

Winsor Campbell was his one and only competitor in the whole of Erudia. Back then, when he defeated the Eighteen-Nation Alliance of God class fighters, Winsor’s achievements were only second to his.

He was crowned as the God of War, while Winsor received the title of Asura.

Winsor was a cold-blooded and merciless man. Just like what his title Asura connoted, he seemed to be a living embodiment of destruction.

Back then, he had received as much acclamation as well as criticisms for his act of annihilating the war captives. Later, for some reason, the military decided to transfer him to Oakland City.

He couldn’t become someone like Levi because of his bloodthirsty nature, but he was undeniable a worthy opponent second only to the latter in terms of his combat skill and prowess in war


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Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1140​

He was more of a mighty warrior than a colonel!

“I’m glad that I have Asura!” Levi was both relieved and extremely touched.

Everyone in Erudia knew that the God of War and Asura were never on good terms. They were practically arch-enemies.

If it weren’t for the fact that they were both mighty military leaders of Erudia, they would’ve fought to the bitter end.

No one in Erudia dared to disobey Levi except Asura, a.k.a. Winsor Campbell.

He’d been unhappy about Levi being the God of war as he believed that he had the edge over Levi and he should be the one bearing the title.

Their hostility towards each other never ceased.

From what Levi understood, under no circumstances would Windsor protect Zoey for him, but he did.

That showed how much Erudia had done to persuade Winsor into helping him.

It also reflected his willingness to put his personal grudges aside when in the face of Erudia’s interests…

“I’m impressed, Winsor! I owe you one!” Laughed Levi.

Even if he had to hand out his title to Winsor after that, he would be more than willing to do it.

“God of War, Asura has arrived at Keerea. Your wife is in safe hands. Asura’s three disciples— Bolgun, Zar, and Talon—are on their way to protect your mother. We plead for your full allegiance in bringing Blood King Palace down. You have Erudia at your back and we are with you too!” the Dragonites roared as they saluted.

Levi saluted and led his men to the annihilation of Blood King Palace.

Somewhere around the Joneses’ Edburg Manor in South Hampton.

Just when the foreign elite fighters were about to strike, they sensed something amiss. Before they knew it, blood was jetting out from the back of their neck.

Indeed, those men were virtuosos in their field. But the people they were against were much more vicious and bloodthirsty—Bolgun, Zar, and Talon.

They bore a resemblance to their master, Asura. They were brutal, ruthless, and would show no mercy.

Emma was unscathed.

Meanwhile at Keerea’s Stellar International Airport.

Tenichi Watanabe spotted Zoey on the big screen.

“On my command…” Just as he was about to shout out his command, he smelled blood.

He turned his head around only to see all his men lying in a pool of blood.

Someone was staring at him!

It was a gauntly tall figure in a Devil’s mask.

“Erudia’s Asu… Asura…” Tenichi gulped.

“Tell your men to retreat! Don’t make me bring death to all! Zoey’s under my guard and no one touches her!” commanded Winsor.

Tenichi expressed his disbelief. “How was this even possible! You should be on bad terms with the God of War. Why have you come all the way to protect his woman? This is unbelievable!”

Everyone knew that the God of War and Asura were at loggerheads since forever.

“Indeed! You’re right! Levi and I can never get along. We may detest each other but you have forgotten something important. We are people of Erudia and no one terrorizes Erudia!” Winsor’s words pierced through the air.

Tenichi overlooked the shared pride and patriotism between Levi and Winsor for their nation.

They would willingly make peace in the face of a common enemy.

Being ever unyielding to Levi was something personal.

But when it came to the interest of Erudia, there was no place for personal disputes.

“This is unbelievable. Alright, I’ll retreat!” Tenichi immediately withdrew his men.

He could afford to provoke neither the God of War nor Asura.

Especially the latter who was known to be absolutely vindictive and would seek revenge at all cost.

With that, Zoey and the rest were safe and they left unharmed.



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Chapter 1141​

Tenichi and his men were all feeling pretty glum.

The elaborate plan that took them months to come up with ended with disaster.

They couldn’t comprehend the patriots’ devotion to Erudia and hence still couldn’t fathom why Asura came to Zoey’s rescue.

Shouldn’t it be better for Winsor once Levi is gotten rid of?

He’d be number one in Erudia.

He’d also be the God of War.

In other words, he would benefit the most once Levi’s gone.

But he came to protect Zoey.

They couldn’t wrap their heads around it.

This was the most obvious difference between the ideologies of the people from Erudia and the other nations.

“That crazy Winsor is now in the picture, so there’s nothing we could do! We need to come out with something else,” muttered Tenichi’s men.

He was at the verge of closing himself off.

They’d toiled and managed to keep the God of War at bay. Then in came Asura.

There was really nothing more they could do!

Meanwhile, Zoey was sent to the best hospital in Stellar City, waiting for the baby to be born.

“Levi said that it’s unsafe outside Erudia. Like how is it unsafe?” sneered Logan.

“Why did you even bring up his name? He’s nothing but a bastard!” Meredith grumbled.

Zoey glanced at everyone and snapped, “I don’t wanna hear his name ever again! Never mention it in front of me again!”

“Alright…” With that, dead silence followed.

This time, anyone could tell that Zoey had given up on him.

If not, she wouldn’t have gone abroad and let her child take on her last name.

In the shadows, Winsor took note of everything.

Even he, cold-hearted as he was, let out a sigh.

It was tough indeed…

“This may sound strange. After we left, I heard that the God of War left North Hampton too. I heard there’s something extremely urgent that he has to deal with!” Logan tattled.

Puzzled, Meredith questioned, “Really? Didn’t know there was something so important that could get him out of Erudia.”

“Right? It must be something of grave urgency! Otherwise, he wouldn’t have left the country!”

Chatters about the God of War continued.

Zoey looked out the window, she felt as calm as a millpond.

The only thing that she took heed to was the baby in her belly.

She started swiping through the photos on her phone. When she came across a photo of her and Levi, her finger droned to “Delete” deliberately.

But she hesitated as she couldn’t get herself to do it.

The next one was still a photo of them.

She was wondering if she should just delete them.

A few nurses saw the photos on her phone and felt blood drained from their faces instantly.

They exchanged glances and felt a shiver down their spines.

They went for another peek, just to make sure.

Oh lord, it is him!

This hospital was the pinnacle of Keerea’s medical infrastructure. People whom the nurses got to be in touch with were also elitists.

News revolving around this matter had spread through high society especially this period time.

That was why they could recognize Levi Garrison from the pictures.

“Yes?” Zoey looked up and asked, sensing nerves in those eyes.

As she put her phone away, someone asked timidly, “Ms. Lopez, is that your husband?”

“He was.”

“Is he also from Erudia?” another voice popped in.

“Yes, he is,” nodded Zoey.


Another shudder as Zoey replied. Their fear was apparent.

This woman whom they were about to take care of was the wife of that man.

That’s too scary!

Zoey saw all the emotional changes in them and asked, “Hmm? It seems like you know him?”


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Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1142​

“We… We are just curious. Why isn’t he here with you?”

“Ms. Lopez, we heard that men of Erudia are especially caring to their wives!”

Given the years of experience in mingling with Keerea’s upper-class elites, the nurses knew when to hold their tongue.

They changed the subject there and then.

“Oh, he must have had some business to deal with. That’s why he couldn’t come!”

Zoey didn’t think much. The nurses reacted simply too quickly and didn’t reveal much of what they actually knew.

They knew Levi couldn’t come because they knew where he was…

Days passed.

Blood King Palace was way stronger than what Erudia had expected.

Fortunately, Levi was in command and could still hold them back.

All he needed was more time.

Two tormenting months went by.

That day, Levi was feeling uneasy. He couldn’t put his mind to anything he was doing.

If everything went as planned, the baby would be due within these two days.

His nerves showed a high probability that Zoey was in labor.

“Zoey, I’ve failed you! I didn’t hold a proper wedding for you. I couldn’t even take care of you when you deliver the baby!” Levi mumbled under his breath.

He understood that it wasn’t a matter of compensation.

In what way could he possibly make it up to her?

He had been perpetually absent during all these important moments.

In what way could he make it up to her?

“Sorry, Zoey!” he said as he clenched his fists.

There was no time for sorrow as he once again battled with Blood King Palace.

At a hospital in Keerea.

Zoey faced another major juncture in her life…

The Lopez and Black families were waiting outside the operation room.

Emma wanted to come too but Zoey said no.


After a nerve-racking long wait, a wail finally broke the silence.

It’s the baby!

At last, the baby’s born!

It’s a girl!

Zoey gave birth to a baby girl.

She was overjoyed with tears.

Levi, while fighting on the battlefield, felt relieved all of a sudden. He charged to the front line and brawled with the elite warriors of Blood King Palace.

“Zoey, what are you gonna name her?” Everyone’s hopeful eyes fell upon Zoey.

“Let’s call her Forlevia Lopez,” she said without any hesitation.

It was obvious that she had already thought it through.

“For-levi-a? Isn’t that…”

Aaron stopped Caitlyn before she could finish her question.

Everyone there knew what that name implied.

They could also tell how much Zoey loved Levi especially these two months in Stellar City. She even sent someone to look for him discreetly when she was heavily pregnant.

Although Zoey had made up her mind, she was still holding on to the fleeting glimpse of hope.

However, the three-month wait had ground that glimpse of hope to bits.

He never came.

It seemed like he was hiding from the Garrison clan.

In less than a month, the bet between them would come due.


Zoey wanted to forget Levi Garrison, once and for all!

She wanted to have no more ties with him!

“Dad, mom, let’s pack up and leave for Erudia! I can’t stay here any longer,” said Zoey.

“But you just gave birth. Your body’s still very weak…” Everyone was concerned.

“Nah, It’s alright! I can handle it!” She was persistent.

Everyone went back to Erudia that night.

Winsor escorted them home. That was his mission, after all.

Zoey insisted on returning to Erudia in a rush as she had something important to deal with.



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Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1143​

Emma stood at the entrance of Royal Villa in North Hampton. She had been waiting for Zoey’s return.

She rushed up to Zoey the moment she saw her.

“What are you doing here? Go away! You’re not welcome here! You have nothing to do with this child!” Aaron and Caitlyn immediately stepped in and stood in her way.

Abashed, Emma looked at Zoey and pleaded, “ Zoey, let me take care of you and your baby! I’ll pay the deeds for that unfilial son of mine!”

“Yes, you should! That son of yours has wronged Zoey in such atrocious ways. It’s only fair that you pay penance!” chimed in the rest.

“Emma, it’s alright. My girl and I will be fine without you. Also, I am done with him and no one’s at fault!” Zoey was firm with her words.

“Alright then. Take good care of yourself and the baby, Zoey.” Emma sighed helplessly as she turned around and left.

“Emma, wait!” Zoey called out.


“Come, have a look at the baby,” Zoey continued.

Emma walked into the manor and burst into tears upon seeing the little baby.

As she held the baby girl, she felt the blood bond between them.

Won’t it be nice if Levi never left?

How blissful it’d be to have a family!

What a shame!

This unfilial son ran away, just like Tyrone.

“Right, times up! Off you go. You’re not welcome here!” Meredith shooed Emma away.

“Oh, before I forget. The baby’s name is Forlevia Lopez! You can see how determined Zoey is now, right? So stay out of our sight!” sniggered Meredith as she slammed the gate shut.


Emma quivered.

Zoey has made up her mind.

She showed me the child and proclaimed that she had fully severed ties with Levi.

The child’s name…

Emma cried the whole way home…

As far as she was concerned, her life was an utter failure.

Not only did she fall for a heartless man, even her son turned out to be like him.

What a foundered life….

The Garrison clan in Oakland City

“Someone told me that Levi’s child was born. Is that true?” Tyrone asked.

“Yeah, she delivered in Keerea and she is back in North Hampton. They named her Forlevia Lopez,” responded Damien as he nodded.

He knew everything about Zoey and also the people around her.

Tyrone was absolutely delighted. “Haha, that’s wonderful! His kid doesn’t deserve the name Garrison! Not over my dead body will she bear the honor of the Garrison clan! Right, still no news of Levi? It has been three months!”

“Yeah, nothing! I would’ve found his body if he were dead. But there was nothing. It was almost as if he’d vanished into thin air… How is that even possible!” Damien frowned.

“That bugger is quite something to be able to avoid all our detections,” Tyrone blabbed on as the corner of his mouth twitched.

“He’s most probably out of Erudia. What a pathetic coward!” Damien scowled.

“Well, our bet is coming due pretty soon! I wonder how many people are following this. Who knew that this kiddo would hole up! He is nothing but a joke! Hahaha…” Tyrone let out a hearty laugh.

And again he affirmed his action of disowning Levi.

The folds on Damien’s forehead remained as he popped another question, “Father, what if Levi came back on the very day the bet comes due?”


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Chapter 1144​


This question stumped Tyrone.

This is actually possible.

Levi might be keeping his trump card hidden all this while until the day the bet comes due.

“That’s impossible!” Tyrone immediately argued. “Levi wasn’t even around when his own child was born; how could he ever show up now?”

Damien nodded. “You’re right. If he could leave during such a moment, there’d be even less reason for him to show up for the bet.”

“Don’t worry. He’ll become a laughingstock if he doesn’t show up.”

Tyrone’s face was full of contempt and mockery.

Damien sighed, “What a shame. We won’t be able to see the look on Levi’s face when he gets completely trashed and start begging for mercy.”

Still, Damien and Tyrone hoped that Levi would come.

They wanted to show him just how powerful the Garrisons were.

They were untouchable!


How they wanted Levi to regret spewing such insolent words back then.

More than anything, they wanted to prove that Damien was more powerful than he was.

Most importantly, Tyrone had made the right decision.

Emma wants to make me regret it?

Like that’ll ever happen!

What will I ever regret now that Levi has run away?

For the entire month, Zoey remained occupied despite having just given birth.

She had integrated all the resources of the Morris Group.

The woman insisted on walking the path that Levi hadn’t managed to finish.

Under the combined effort of herself and Iris, Morris Group obtained notable results within a month and was now back on track.

This utterly puzzled Zoey.

Why didn’t Levi work harder?

He had all the resources and connections.

It didn’t take that much effort to produce results at all.

On top of that, he’s so much capable than I am.

Yet, he chose to give up…

Zoey heaved a sigh.

I guess he’s been planning to run off since the beginning.

All the concern he has shown me during those months was probably just to make him feel better.

Time flew by quickly, and the day of the bet between Levi and Tyrone had come.

If Levi hadn’t disappeared, he would have had to be in Oakland City today to challenge the Garrisons.

If he were to succeed, he would be allowed to join them.

Otherwise, only death awaited him.

Meanwhile, Levi had been at war with Blood King Palace for four consecutive months at the battlefield of North Base One.

This time, he was adamant about completely annihilating his enemy.

“Oh, isn’t today supposed to be the day of my bet with Tyrone?” Levi asked while puffing on a cigarette.

“That’s right.”

“Since you can’t make it this time, I’m guessing the Garrison clan—or maybe even the whole of Oakland—is laughing at you.”

“That’s for sure. You’ll surely be made a laughingstock for not showing up. That’s inevitable.”

Azure Dragon and the others responded to Levi simultaneously.

“Let him have his fun while it lasts,” Levi remarked with a smile. “By the way, how are Zoey and the child?”

Phoenix reported everything about Zoey to Levi.

Levi’s brows furrowed several times in the process, feeling as though he was right next to his wife.

Oakland City was in complete shock today.

Tens of thousands of eyes fell on the Garrison clan.

Despite knowing that Levi wouldn’t come, Tyrone had decided to conduct the ceremony of accepting a challenge.

The high-ranking members of the Garrisons gathered at the entrance of the family home, with Tyrone seated on a chair.

Damien and the other juniors stood next to him on each side.

Members like Finnick, Hugh, and Titus were present too.

Whether or not Levi would show up, their stance remained.

“I’ve placed a bet with Levi Garrison today. I’m here in front of the Garrison family home and hereby declare that I accept his challenge!” roared Tyrone.


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Chapter 1145​

As the leader of the Grey Wolf Squad, Hugh is too tough of an opponent.

Finnick is a high-ranking official, so that makes him untouchable too.

When it comes to martial arts, Titus is the guardian of the Garrisons. There’s probably some hope for Levi in this regard.

If we were to compete business-wise, he might stand a chance against Damien, who owns five percent of the business.

Still, it’s nothing but a glimmer of hope.

Many in Erudia knew of the bet between the father and son.

Hence, a large number of citizens of Oakland City now surrounded the Garrison family home.

Such people included Tiffany Meyers and Martin Preston.

Even Benny Quinton and Abigail Rogers had come.

Unlike others, these few were here to watch how Levi crush the Garrison clan.

They knew who Levi’s true identity, after all.

Most of the others had come just to watch the show.

Jason Lowe was here simply because he felt sorry for his friend.

He wished Levi would run far away instead of showing up.

“Alright. Time’s up,” the Garrison household butler announced. “Levi Garrison has yet to turn up, which means he has forfeited the challenge! A coward like him doesn’t deserve to be part of the clan. Thus, from here on, we’ll retract his last name. He shall longer be a Garrison!”

At this instant, Levi became the biggest joke in town.

He was now labeled an absolute disgrace and humiliation.

Abigail clenched her fists. “Why aren’t you here yet, Levi? Hurry up!”

Tiffany inhaled deeply. How she looked forward to seeing her Prince Charming reign terror upon the Garrison clan.

Unfortunately, Levi had already been missing for several months.

Hence, it was extremely unlikely that he would show up now.

Tyrone had even gone out of his way to bring Emma over.

Now, he turned to her and smirked. “Is there something you’d like to say now? Haha! Do you still think the same way? That you’d take Levi here before me and declare that your son is undefeatable? That the Garrisons would deeply regret it?”

Hearing the man’s sneers, Emma could only look down in despair.

Of course I’d want to do all that.

But I guess that’s just wishful thinking.

At this point, she wanted nothing else but for Levi to show up.

Even if things may not turn out well, it’s only right that he shows up.

That’s how he should be; at least his conscience would be clear.

He shouldn’t be hiding away like this!

Some traits are more important than life itself!

Olivia gazed at Emma with a disdainful smile. “Your son is an absolute joke, Emma. A disgrace! He’s not fit to be a Garrison, nor is he ever comparable to Damien. The Garrisons officially gave you a chance, but he chose not to take it! If your son were truly powerful and won the challenge, both he and you would’ve been able to join the family and return to Tyrone’s side.”

The crowd began to comment. “We expect nothing less from the top ancient family in Erudia. Such a presence and sense of tolerance are indeed rare!”

Many citizens had nice things to say about the Garrisons accepting Levi’s challenge.

Olivia smiled triumphantly and continued, “It’s just unfortunate that your son doesn’t even have the guts to show up, let alone win the challenge. What a useless wimp! I heard he even left his wife, child, and mother behind! He doesn’t deserve to be a man—no, he doesn’t even deserve to live!”

Upon hearing Olivia’s insults, Emma gripped her fists so hard that her nails dug into her flesh.

Yet, there was nothing she could do to fight back.

Because Olivia had said nothing but the truth.

“The Garrisons are the number one ancient family in Erudia. Honestly, we don’t ask a lot from him. Just be brave to show up for the challenge is more than enough. In fact, it doesn’t even matter if he loses; he won’t necessarily have to die. Yet, he doesn’t even have the courage to stand here before us?” Olivia scoffed.

“Who says I don’t?”

A cold voice suddenly rang out.



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Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1146​

The voice was like a roaring thunder.

Everyone turned to the source and was instantly stunned—especially the Garrisons.

All their smiling faces froze in a blink of an eye.

Olivia, who had so much to say just a moment ago, was now dumbfounded.

As though she had been struck by lightning.

Damien paled.

Tyrone’s expression turned ghastly.

So did everyone else’s.

The tens of thousands of eyes immediately shifted toward the direction of that voice.

“Hmm? Wait. I think it was a woman’s voice…”

Then, it dawned on everyone.

That was a woman’s voice?

So it’s not Levi Garrison?

Everyone had initially thought Levi had arrived.

Emma had even become ecstatic for a brief moment.

Yet, what the crowd saw next was a woman walking over with a baby in her arms.

It was none other than Zoey.

She was the one who had spoken.

“What? It’s actually her!”

Tyrone inhaled sharply.

Damien looked horrid.

What is she up to?

Emma immediately ran up to her.

“What… What are you doing here?”

She was petrified.

Zoey smiled. “I’m here to take up the Garrison clan’s challenge in my husband’s place.”

She had returned from Keerea for this.

Otherwise, she would have still been recuperating in that country.

Today was supposed to be the child’s baby shower, but she had duped both the Lopez and Black families and come to Oakland City just to fulfill the agreement.

The woman shocked everyone with her revelation.

The crowd was stupefied the moment her words fell.

Everyone stared at her in disbelief.

“My husband has other matters to take care of, so I’m here to keep his promise and challenge the Garrisons. We never go back on our word, so please take back all the insults you’ve made against him!” she yelled.

Emma couldn’t endure it anymore. Tears began to flow down her cheeks.

Zoey hasn’t forgotten about Levi.

Instead, she still loves him dearly.

She’s even here to take up the challenge in his place.

Abigail, Benny, and the others were beyond moved.

Tyrone gazed at Zoey in bewilderment. “You want to take Levi’s place and challenge us?”

Many among the crowd stared at her similarly.

A woman challenging the Garrisons?

And she’s even here in her husband’s place?

Zoey nodded in determination. “That’s right.”

Tyrone burst into laughter. “Are you seeing this, Levi? Your wife and one-month-old child are here to take up the challenge in your place, but where are you? You’re the biggest coward and most pathetic excuse for a man I’ve ever met!”

Damien chimed in frostily, “This has to be the biggest joke I’ve seen so far. What a champ, Levi! You vanished without a trace, and now your woman and child are here to shoulder everything for you? You’re not cut out to be a husband or father! How despicable!”

“I know, right? And he tried to compare himself to my son? Is he even worthy?”

Olivia’s face was full of contempt.

Emma was crying profusely at this point.

It didn’t matter if her son never made her proud, but now, he was now seen as an utter disgrace.

Zoey scanned the crowd. “That’s nonsense! My husband isn’t a scumbag, and he certainly isn’t irresponsible! I’m telling all of you, he just has some urgent matters to take care of right now. He’s the most responsible man I’ve ever met! Besides, I’m his wife; what difference does it make if I’m here instead of him?”

Damien shook his head, baffled. “Do you seriously still believe him even though you know exactly what’s going on, Zoey? Stop trying to fool yourself!”

“That’s right. I’ve always believed in my husband, and I always will!”


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Chapter 1147​

Zoey was loud and firm.

She had always believed in Levi, no matter what he did.

He just owes me an explanation now.

But I know he’ll definitely show up.

She looked forward to hearing Levi’s explanation later.

Many among the crowd were moved by Zoey’s words.

To think that such an incredible woman still exists!

A woman like her is a treasure and hard to come by in today’s society.

However, the more they felt moved, the more furious they were with Levi.

How could he do such a thing?

Damien roared with laughter. “Did you hear that, Levi? You sure are a lucky one! You don’t deserve a wife like her! Well, the Garrison clan has strict rules to adhere to, but we’re not merciless. We’ll make an exception just this once and allow you to take part in the bet in Levi’s place.”

Tyrone agreed.

“I’m Hugh, leader of the Grey Wolf Squad. Do you think you can win?”


“I’m Finnick—”


“I’m Titus, guardian of the Garrison clan. I was practically born into martial arts. Can you beat me?”


“I’m Damien, and I control five percent of the clan’s businesses. Can you achieve such feats too?”

The final option would require auditing on both sides.

Zoey and Iris may have pooled together all of their resources available, but one month was still too short.

Morris Group was certainly no match for Damien’s achievements in the corporate world.

Thus, everyone knew how the bet would turn out.

There was no way Zoey could win.

After all, the Garrisons were far too remarkable in all four aspects mentioned earlier.

The Garrisons began to laugh.

“Your son can’t even compare to Damien’s five percent, Emma; yet, he’s still trying to put up a fight?”

“Hahaha! He doesn’t even stand a chance against Damien! What an embarrassment!”

There was a reason the Garrisons had used these four aspects as benchmarks.

It was chosen precisely so Tyrone could humiliate Emma and Levi.

The man sneered, “In that case, I’d like to announce that Levi has lost the challenge! Do you accept this verdict, Zoey Lopez?”

“Yes, I do. It’s my loss. But you can’t say that my husband failed to keep his promise!”

Zoey looked resolute.

A murderous glint flashed in Damien’s eyes. “Mind you—this matter doesn’t end with you taking part in the bet. You’ll have to pay the price of losing!”

“He’s right! Levi said he’d disappear off the face of the earth if he lost.”

To a prominent clan like the Garrisons, a person’s life was worth nothing.

Zoey’s actions might have touched the hearts of many, but the Garrisons were completely unfazed.

Rather, her action had only served to provoke them.

Zoey nodded without any hesitation. “Okay, fine. I’ll bear the consequences on my own.”

“No, you idiot! I’ll do it. I’ll bear the consequences!” Emma exclaimed while rushing over. “I’m his mother, so I’ll take responsibility. You’re still young, but I’ll be dead soon enough.”

Then, she turned to Tyrone. “Let me do it. Don’t give Zoey a hard time.”

“Alright. Discuss this among yourselves. It doesn’t matter who pays the price, but someone has to do it!”

Tyrone looked especially stern.

The Garrison clan’s dignity was on the line, after all.

That was why someone had to die.

Before Zoey could say anything else, Emma grabbed onto her. “Take good care of the child and wait for Levi. I believe he’ll be back one day.”

“Mom! I…”

Zoey’s eyes brimmed with tears.

“I’ll take responsibility for this. Levi will show up. I’m sure of it. Keep waiting for him, Zoey!”

With that, Emma walked toward Tyrone.


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Chapter 1148​

“Things would’ve turned out this way sooner or later, Emma! Why did you even try to fight it in the first place?” Tyrone smirked.

Emma had knelt before the entrance of the Garrison family home while she was pregnant back then.

I wouldn’t have done that if I knew this day would come.


Tyrone’s eyes flashed coldly with not a single trace of mercy in them.


One of the Garrison family’s top fighters began to swing his blade.



Yet, the blade broke all of a sudden, and its owner was sent flying by a mysterious force.

“Who did this? Who dares behave like this in front of the Garrisons?” Damien bellowed.

“It was me!”

A figure wearing a demon mask slowly emerged.

“Who are you?” Tyrone demanded, frowning.

No one could tell who this man was.

After all, Erudia had deliberately kept this masked man’s identity a secret after he had been defeated by Levi. On top of that, he had been assigned to silently return to Oakland City in advance.

That was why Tyrone was in the dark too.

However, Damien was well aware of this man’s identity.

He knew everything about the God of War, including the latter’s enemies.

That was why he was no stranger to Asura.

From just one look, Damien immediately knew this man was Winsor Campbell!

“The Garrisons—the top clan in Erudia—enjoys picking on women and children?” Winsor scoffed.

Despite being violent by nature, he wasn’t completely heartless.

The man had come for two reasons.

One, to perform his duty of protecting Zoey and Emma.

Two, because he couldn’t tolerate the Garrisons’ deed.

“Levi was the one who made the bet with you, so you should be looking for him instead! What are you doing picking on two women? Are you that incapable of searching for him? These two women are under my care today,” declared Winsor.

Just as Tyrone was about to fly into a rage, Damien hurriedly told him Winsor’s identity.

“Huh? It’s him?”

Tyrone was astounded.

“That’s right. He was relocated to Oakland City after some issues, but I never thought he’d show up because of this bet. We can’t afford to get into a fight with him. He’d do anything once he loses his mind!

Damien trembled as he spoke.

“Fine. The Garrisons will show you mercy just this once. We shall not punish women, but Levi will have to pay for his own sins! You are indeed a gracious woman, Zoey Lopez, but Levi doesn’t deserve you.”

Thanks to Winsor’s interference, Tyrone had no choice but to let Emma off.

“I heard that Asura is absolutely cold-hearted, merciless, and violent. Why is he backing Zoey up?”

Damien was extremely perplexed.

“I’m guessing it’s because he’s been touched by her actions. She really is a remarkable woman, after all!”

Olivia couldn’t help but look up to Zoey.

On this day, Zoey’s name spread far and wide across Oakland City.

Everyone expressed their admiration at the mention of her.

This incident became the talk of the town.

Zoey and Emma hurriedly went up to Asura. “Thank you for your help. May I know who you—”

Asura cut them off. “You don’t need to know who I am, nor do you need to thank me.”

He gazed deep into Zoey’s eyes and remarked coldly, “You are indeed worthy of Levi.”

Then, he left right after saying something this unusual.


The crowd was bewildered.

Isn’t it about whether or not Levi is worthy of Zoey?

Why did he say that instead?

Was he mistaken?

Even Zoey and Emma found it strange.

Even so, they didn’t think too much about it and left with the child.


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Sep 27, 2023
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Story keeps getting interesting. Tnx so much Grandmaster Indra
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First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1149​

With that, the bet between Levi and Tyrone came to an end.

Levi suffered a complete defeat—a terrible one at that.

He had become the biggest disgrace by now.

On the contrary, Zoey won the respect of almost everyone in Oakland City.

It was Tiffany’s first time seeing the woman.

Levi used to say that she was no match for Zoey.

That was why she wanted to find out what Zoey looked like.

Considering that the latter had just given birth, worked herself to the bone for the past month, and shown up bare-faced, she certainly didn’t look as attractive compared to her.

Hence, she was disappointed at first glance.

But after what had happened, Tiffany understood why she had lost to Zoey.

I’ll never be as good as her.

Meanwhile, far up North, Levi had just received word of Zoey meeting the Garrisons.


With a roar, the ice beneath his foot cracked beyond a thousand meters.

“Thankfully, Asura saved them just in time. They’re fine now,” Phoenix reported.

Levi took a deep breath. “Looks like I owe him another one. I’d gladly let him take over as God of War. I was just thinking of spending the rest of my time with Zoey and the baby anyway.”

Azure Dragon and the others immediately argued, “You can’t do that! You’re the only one who’s worthy of such a title. He can’t replace you.”

“Yeah! He’s not even close when it comes to ability. Not just any barbarian gets to be God of War,” added White Tiger.

Levi chuckled. “You guys clearly don’t understand him. He’d never accept the position if I offer it to him.”

“You scared us!”

Everyone patted their own chests.

If Levi were to give up his position, the country would be in utter chaos.

“We’re going to have to work even harder now, team. Let’s demolish Blood King Palace as quickly as possible!” Levi shouted.

“I’ve noticed something, General,” remarked White Tiger. “I vividly remember how we took down many members of Blood King Palace three years ago, but how did they survive? In fact, they’ve become stronger in just after three years!”

“I’ve realized this too. They’re really bizarre. It’s like they’re attacking us blindly without any goal in mind.”

“Yeah. Just the fact that they’ve initiated the attack on us is really weird.”

The others were just as confused.

Levi’s eyes briefly flashed with murderous intent. “Let’s not think about this. Once we destroy Blood King Palace, all its mysteries will be solved too.”

“Got it!” everyone responded.

Levi proceeded to gather more forces.

It was all so he could get rid of Blood King Palace once and for all.

Another year passed, and finally, Levi wiped out Blood King Palace in its entirety.

To prevent its return, he annihilated every single member of the group and refused to rest until he was sure that none of them could ever come back to life.

After a game of tug-of-war spanning a year and a half, they finally emerged victorious.

According to the estimation then, it should have taken them at least four years to eliminate Blood King Palace.

Now, Levi’s trip home had been brought forward by over one and a half years.

The God of War sent waves across the world upon defeating Blood King Palace once again.

As Erudia soared, the rest of the world trembled at its presence.

Those who had initially planned to attack Levi now gave in completely.

After all, he was the only one who could defeat Blood King Palace.

No one else could come close to his achievement!

He was still the God of War, but stronger than before.

“I can finally go home! Mom, Zoey, my dear child—I’m coming home!”

It was time for Levi to return.

How he looked forward to seeing his family…



First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1150​

The nation underwent many big changes within the past year.

First off was the Garrison clan.

On the day Zoey challenged the Garrisons, Damien had been appointed as the successor of the clan.

Previously, the Garrison clan worked behind the scenes as Erudia’s most prominent ancient family.

But after Tyrone and his son took over, the clan began to operate with a different strategy.

Tyron and Damien started by winning over all the Garrison clan’s collateral relatives and gaining absolute power over the entire clan.

Then, they set up a humongous financial group and took control of all its funds.

Moreover, Damien even founded a special combat club to recruit the best fighters in Erudia and all over the globe.

Despite the organization being known as a club, it was, in fact, merely a way for the Garrisons to obtain more pawns.

This was precisely Tyrone’s and Damien’s intention—to take control of as much wealth and power as possible while also having an array of martial artists at their command.

Then, the Garrisons’ influence spread across Bayview and other nations.

Within just a year, the Garrison clan became even more powerful than before.

It sat comfortably in its position as the number one ancient family in Erudia.

In addition, being a son-in-law of the Garcia family meant Damian could utilize both the Garrisons’ and Garcias’ resources.

With that, the father-son duo now headed the two most powerful ancient families.

No one in Erudia could go against them.

Only few clans in Bayview were any match for them.

There was one other person who had changed drastically within the year.

It was Zoey.

Within a short period of time, Zoey expanded Morris Group tenfold.

Thus, she was now known as the Queen of the South’s Corporate World.

Aside from her own hard work, she also had a benefactor.

Erudia was full of prominent families, but there were only eight that could truly be referred to as ancient families.

Many people were touched by her courage on the day she challenged the Garrisons.

In fact, the head of the third most prominent ancient family in Erudia, Dale Lehman, declared his intention to take Zoey as a goddaughter and Forlevia as his god-granddaughter.

With the Lehman family’s help, the Garrisons renounced their boycott against Morris Group, thus allowing Zoey’s career to skyrocket.

Her situation was not what Levi had expected at all.

The mother-daughter duo didn’t suffer at all. in fact, they were doing extremely well now.

Levi had thought that Zoey would surely be living a hard life from being constantly oppressed.

That Forlevia would be abhorred by both the Lopez and Black families, and resort to finding food on the streets.

Yet, the child was now loved by everyone, just like a princess.

She was Dale’s god-granddaughter, after all.

Who would dare treat her poorly?

Emma would occasionally drop by to see her too.

Everyone’s lives seemed to flourish.

All that was missing was Levi.

Even so, they had grown accustomed to not having him around.

So much time had passed that he was slowly being forgotten.

There were even rumors that Levi was already dead.

That he had been secretly murdered by the Garrisons.

However, the Garrisons never clarified this rumor. All they said was that he had disappeared.

Even Zoey herself had once suspected that this was true.

After all, there was solid proof of the rumor.

If Levi was alive, why hadn’t he appeared after more than a year?

Hence, it was highly likely that he had died.

Even so, Zoey, Emma, and a few others continued to believe that he was still alive.

For the past few days, Erudia was abuzz with excitement.

The country’s hero—the God of War—had defeated Blood King Palace once again and brought glory to Erudia.

“Remember, Evie; you should always look up to people like the God of War!” Iris beamed while carrying the little girl.

She happened to be reading a news article about the God of War.

Zoey smiled too.

Suddenly, the child became wide-eyed as she stared at the back of the mighty figure in the picture. “Da… Daddy… Daddy!”


First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1151​

Iris chuckled upon hearing that. “That’s not your daddy, Evie! It’d be great if he were, though!”

Zoey sighed. “Let’s not joke about the God of War, Iris. He’s no ordinary human. He’s a god.”

“Oh, wasn’t Evie’s first word ‘daddy’? You really worked hard on that.”

Iris remembered how Zoey had taught the child to say ‘daddy’ first instead of ‘mommy’.

That was why Forlevia’s very first word was ‘daddy’.

Iris gazed at Zoey sternly. “Zoey, I know you still love Levi, but you have to accept how things are now. Even if he’s still alive, he probably won’t come back. Who knows, he might have even followed his dad’s footsteps and found himself another wife. It’s not impossible.”


Zoey’s heart sank.

There was certainly a possibility.

This was what Tyrone did, after all.

It wasn’t unusual if his son did the same.

“You’ve been shouldering everything on your own. The burden’s just too heavy! You’re still young, so I suggest you find another man to walk the path with you for the rest of your life. Evie needs a father too,” Iris said earnestly.

Zoey disagreed. “Let’s not talk about this anymore, Iris. Besides, I have a child now. Who would ever want me?”

Iris was amused. “Oh, please, Zoey. Don’t you have lots of men chasing after you? They don’t care if you have Evie! Who would say no to you anyway, considering who you are right now? You’re not lacking in any aspect!”

Suddenly, Zoey recalled how her godfather, Dale, wanted to get her married.

The man treated her and Forlevia so well that Zoey didn’t know how to turn this matter down.

“Mr. Lehman likes you a lot, Zoey, so he’ll definitely find you a good husband. Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll be happy. The guy he’s picked out will be here in North Hampton tomorrow. Why don’t you give it a thought after meeting him?” Iris smiled.

Zoey let out a sigh. “I guess I’ll do that.”

However, she had no other intention on this.

All she wanted was to fulfill her godfather’s wishes.

“Yeah, I know you’ll be pleased with him. Do it for Evie! Besides, Ms. Jones has agreed to it too, hasn’t she?”

Emma knew about this too, and she had given her consent.

The next day, Percy Convington suddenly led his subordinates to one of North Hampton’s remote entrances. There was no traffic here; instead, it was an area with steep terrains that were difficult to maneuver. Tourists were usually prohibited from coming here.

As the men stood in two straight lines, Percy paced back and forth as though waiting for someone.

Finally, the sound of engine rumbling began to surface half an hour later.

Soon, war vehicles began to make their way over.

The first few bore flags that danced in the wind.

Apart from the flag of Erudia, there were also flags with the words ‘God of War’ on them.

A mighty presence emerged.

Percy and his subordinates immediately saluted.

“The Iron Brigade has returned! The God of War has returned!” Percy shouted.

The soldiers standing in rows began to shout too.

Levi and his team were back.

They were Erudia’s invincible troop!

The pride of the country!

The very souls of Erudia’s army!

Not only had they defeated Blood King Palace for the second time, but they had miraculously done so in just half the estimated time needed.

The vehicles stopped.

A window rolled down, revealing Levi’s face.



First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1152​

The god-like man was back.

Percy and his men had nothing but respect and admiration for him.

This man had done what no one else in the world could do―twice.

Moreover, Blood King Palace had become even more powerful the second time round.

Yet, Levi and his forces had created an absolute miracle.

But instead of heading to Oakland City to receive his accolade, Levi had chosen to return to North Hampton discreetly.

The true hero doesn’t seek adulation, he fights for what is right simply because it’s his nature. Percy couldn’t help but think to himself.

On the same day, the man Dale had arranged to be Zoey’s suitor arrived in North Hampton.

If Zoey were childless, Dale would have definitely chosen for her to marry someone within his own family.

However, the Lehmans were the third most prominent ancient family in Erudia. They still had to watch their reputation.

Still, the man Dale had chosen was an exceptional one.

He was Jerry Gott, the successor of an imperial family in Oakland City.

He ranked third on the Heir Leaderboard.

This man was no wastrel, and he certainly wasn’t a philanderer.

There was not a single negative rumor about him.

Oakland City referred to him as a true gentleman.

That was why he was also known as Saint Jerry.

Jerry didn’t top the Heir Leaderboard, but he was an all-rounder.

Dale had spent a great deal of time deciding on this man.

Furthermore, Jerry was willing to marry Zoey, and he accepted the fact that she had a child.

Marrying a woman who already had a child was a disgrace to imperial families.

But still, Zoey was Dale’s goddaughter.

Hence, the imperial Gott family had no choice but to accept this.

Accompanying Jerry was Dale’s eldest son, Edwin Lehman.

Edwin had a ferociousness akin to a warlord.

He was hot-tempered and extremely capable.

Many in Oakland City feared him.

However, he treasured his god sister dearly.

Many young heirs had coveted Zoey, only to have their limbs broken by Edwin.

That was why no one had dared cross Zoey for the past year.

All her other suitors fled with terror upon hearing that Edwin’s presence.

Jerry was the only man he seemed to approve of.

“You’d better treat my god sister well, Jerry. You’ll be sorry if you don’t!” Edwin threatened.

“I understand, Edwin,” Jerry replied with a nod. “I’m very fond of Ms. Lopez’s talents and abilities.”

Despite saying this, a peculiar glint flashed in his eyes.

The two parties met at the Golden Hotel.

After talking to each other, Jerry seemed extremely pleased with Zoey.

He readily accepted the fact that the woman was once married and already had a child.

“So, what do you think?” asked Edwin.

Jerry nodded. “I’m very impressed. I’d be more than willing to marry you, Ms. Lopez. I’ll take care of you and Evie for life. Everything may seem too sudden right now, but we can always take our time.”

Both Zoey and Iris were taken aback.

He’s that straightforward?

They had thought the man would at least take some time to consider this.

Edwin nodded in satisfaction. “Alright. I’ll take it from here, then. Dad will be thrilled to hear this.”

The Lehman family was in charge of handling everything regarding this matter.

There was no need to listen to any of Zoey’s suggestions.

“Wait! I do have one condition, however,” Jerry suddenly called out.

Even Zoey froze.

She was just about to express her disagreement, but Jerry had beat her to it.

“What is it?” asked Edwin.

“I’d gladly marry Ms. Lopez and care for Evie, but I have just one request, which has something to do with the Gott family’s reputation. Can Evie’s last name be Gott instead? This is all I ask for,” Jerry answered earnestly.

After all, the Gott family was an imperial family. Taking a once-married woman as a wife and having to raise her child was shameful enough for them. What more, the child didn’t even take Gott as her last name.

“Why should my child bear your last name?”


First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1153​

Just as Jerry made his request, a loud voice boomed across the room like thunder.

Everyone was shocked.

Zoey and Iris were immediately stupefied upon hearing that familiar voice.

Could it be…

No. It can’t be him…

The women trembled involuntarily as they exchanged glances.

With her big, innocent eyes, Forlevia gazed in the direction of the entrance.

At the very moment, a tall, mighty figure emerged.

It was Levi!

At present, the man looked rather worn-out. There was soot on his face, and his clothes were tattered as though he had just escaped the jaws of death.

Still, none of that diminished the murderous energy he now emitted. Everyone’s scalp began to tingle as goosebumps formed on their skin.

Levi had just returned from the battlefield, so he had no time to tidy himself.

He had come over hastily right after enduring the hardships of a long journey.

Edwin and Jerry were stunned upon seeing Levi.

Who is he?

Is he some refugee?

“I’m back, Zoey,” Levi announced.


Zoey was utterly dumbfounded.

She had imagined Levi’s return countless times, even dreaming about it in her sleep.

Yet, the woman was bewildered now that Levi was actually standing right in front of her.

She couldn’t tell if this was reality or just a dream.

Right now, she could only stare at him…

But Levi’s eyes were on the child.

Forlevia stared right back at him.

They looked so similar to each other!

The little girl had his eyes and demeanor.

Everything else about her closely resembled Zoey.

At this moment, an intense feeling of familial love began to surface within Levi.

It was something he had never felt before.

This child was his!

Levi strode over and took the child from the nanny’s arms.

Forlevia was extremely timid and would usually cry if a stranger picked her up.

Yet, when Levi carried her, not only did she not cry, but she even gazed at him with curiosity.

“Daddy… you’re Daddy!” the child suddenly cried out.


Upon hearing the sweet child’s voice, Levi instantly froze and his mind went blank.

He had never experienced being a father.

This little girl in his arms was like the most precious gem he had ever owned―the most important piece of himself.

“Daddy’s back! Daddy’s back!”

Forlevia was a bright child. She had long remembered Levi’s face after frequently seeing Zoey looking at his photos.

Zoey had never mentioned who the man in the photo was, but the child knew that he was her father.

“My little girl!”

Levi held the child in his arms tightly.

Then, he suddenly began to cry.

To think there was such a gentle side to the man who stood on the top of the mountain…

“Hey! What are you up to? Why did you take the child? Give her back!” the nanny frantically yelled at Levi.

Levi responded politely, “Hello, ma’am. I’m the child’s father.”

“Oh, please! The child’s father is long dead! Everyone knows that.”

The nanny clearly wasn’t buying it.

“But I really am her father!” Levi insisted.

“Then do you know her name?” A cold voice suddenly rang out.

Jerry and Edwin walked toward Levi.


Indeed, Levi had no idea.

Phoenix had found out the child’s name long ago, but she never told him.

The little girl didn’t bear his last name anyway.

“Are you here just to cause a scene? I won’t let that happen!”

While speaking, Jerry gave Levi a shove.


Staggering, Levi spewed a mouthful of blood.



Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Sep 27, 2023
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Chapter 1153​

Just as Jerry made his request, a loud voice boomed across the room like thunder.

Everyone was shocked.

Zoey and Iris were immediately stupefied upon hearing that familiar voice.

Could it be…

No. It can’t be him…

The women trembled involuntarily as they exchanged glances.

With her big, innocent eyes, Forlevia gazed in the direction of the entrance.

At the very moment, a tall, mighty figure emerged.

It was Levi!

At present, the man looked rather worn-out. There was soot on his face, and his clothes were tattered as though he had just escaped the jaws of death.

Still, none of that diminished the murderous energy he now emitted. Everyone’s scalp began to tingle as goosebumps formed on their skin.

Levi had just returned from the battlefield, so he had no time to tidy himself.

He had come over hastily right after enduring the hardships of a long journey.

Edwin and Jerry were stunned upon seeing Levi.

Who is he?

Is he some refugee?

“I’m back, Zoey,” Levi announced.


Zoey was utterly dumbfounded.

She had imagined Levi’s return countless times, even dreaming about it in her sleep.

Yet, the woman was bewildered now that Levi was actually standing right in front of her.

She couldn’t tell if this was reality or just a dream.

Right now, she could only stare at him…

But Levi’s eyes were on the child.

Forlevia stared right back at him.

They looked so similar to each other!

The little girl had his eyes and demeanor.

Everything else about her closely resembled Zoey.

At this moment, an intense feeling of familial love began to surface within Levi.

It was something he had never felt before.

This child was his!

Levi strode over and took the child from the nanny’s arms.

Forlevia was extremely timid and would usually cry if a stranger picked her up.

Yet, when Levi carried her, not only did she not cry, but she even gazed at him with curiosity.

“Daddy… you’re Daddy!” the child suddenly cried out.


Upon hearing the sweet child’s voice, Levi instantly froze and his mind went blank.

He had never experienced being a father.

This little girl in his arms was like the most precious gem he had ever owned―the most important piece of himself.

“Daddy’s back! Daddy’s back!”

Forlevia was a bright child. She had long remembered Levi’s face after frequently seeing Zoey looking at his photos.

Zoey had never mentioned who the man in the photo was, but the child knew that he was her father.

“My little girl!”

Levi held the child in his arms tightly.

Then, he suddenly began to cry.

To think there was such a gentle side to the man who stood on the top of the mountain…

“Hey! What are you up to? Why did you take the child? Give her back!” the nanny frantically yelled at Levi.

Levi responded politely, “Hello, ma’am. I’m the child’s father.”

“Oh, please! The child’s father is long dead! Everyone knows that.”

The nanny clearly wasn’t buying it.

“But I really am her father!” Levi insisted.

“Then do you know her name?” A cold voice suddenly rang out.

Jerry and Edwin walked toward Levi.


Indeed, Levi had no idea.

Phoenix had found out the child’s name long ago, but she never told him.

The little girl didn’t bear his last name anyway.

“Are you here just to cause a scene? I won’t let that happen!”

While speaking, Jerry gave Levi a shove.


Staggering, Levi spewed a mouthful of blood.



First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1154​

No one had expected this from Levi.

Not even Levi himself.

The man gave his mouth a wipe as a look of disbelief formed on his face.

He could feel something different within his body.

He felt especially frail and was even beginning to have double vision.

Am I… injured?

That can’t be.

We may have fought Blood King Palace for over a year, but no one has managed to hurt me.

Could it be…

Levi began to recall.

During the final battle with Blood King Palace, Levi had faced Bloodking and the Four Bloodmasters on his own.

Ultimately, he had the last laugh and all of them died in his hands.

But before Bloodking drew his last breath, he told Levi, “I’ll be waiting for you down below.”

Back then, Levi merely thought the man was just spewing nonsense and paid no attention to it.

But now that this was happening…

Realization quickly dawned on Levi.

I’ve been poisoned!

Blood King Palace was the most terrifying force in the Western Dark World. They were ruthless in everything they did.

Thus, the act of poisoning someone was nothing out of the ordinary for them.

But how could I not have known about this? I’m only feeling it now.

“Cough, cough…”

Levi coughed two more times, only to expel more blood.

This poison is insane.

Those who were aware of Levi’s true abilities knew how powerful he was.

Most toxins had no effect on his body at all.

In fact, for the past six years, he had been poisoned multiple times.

Yet, this was the first time his body was having a reaction.

Bloodking must have done it right before he died, just so I’d join him eventually.

Or maybe… his true purpose was simply to kill me!

This poison really is something else.

“Are… Are you okay?” asked Zoey and Iris after returning to their senses.

Even Jerry jumped in fright.

He had only given Levi a light shove, yet the latter had suddenly sprayed blood out of his mouth.

“What have you done? How did you turn out this way?” Zoey choked.

Levi looked so miserable right now.

His face was white as a sheet, and blood trickled from his mouth. The man looked like he had just narrowly escaped death.

Where did he run off to in the past year?

Did I jump to conclusions about him?

Could he have been dealing with something really important?

Levi smiled. “I’m fine.”

As he adjusted his body and forced himself to suppress the toxins, his complexion quickly returned to normal.

“Daddy’s okay!” Forlevia yelped with excitement.

“Who the hell are you? Give me back my daughter!”

With a frosty look on his face, Jerry tried to take the child away from Levi.

But the latter easily evaded him.

“Your child? Bullsh*t! This is my child!” Levi raged.

Jerry turned red with fury.

His marriage with Zoey had been arranged by Dale Lehman himself.

Everyone in Oakland City was already aware of this. Even many in the whole country knew that Zoey belonged to him.

Yet, someone had decided to show up all of a sudden and snatch his child?

How could he ever allow that?

Jerry glared daggers at Levi.

The former had also studied martial arts since young and was second to Martin Preston on the Heir Leaderboard in this regard.

“Do you have a death wish? Hand the child over right now!”

Edwin was beginning to lose his patience too.

A hostile atmosphere instantly surrounded the entire place.

Zoey and Iris hastily stepped in. “Edwin! Mr. Gott! Don’t do anything rash! We know this man.”

“Who is he?” asked Edwin.

“He’s Levi Garrison!”

Hearing that, Edwin immediately flew into a fit of rage. “So he’s the b*stard who abandoned you and Evie?”



First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1155​

They hadn’t heard him when he mentioned who he was, but now that they knew, even Jerry stared at him in bewilderment.

So he’s that scumbag?

The guy everyone in the country calls a cowardly disgrace?

Zoey immediately jumped to Levi’s defense. “No, he never abandoned us. Isn’t he here right now?”

“Hah! Where was he when you gave birth to Evie? Where was he when went to face the Garrisons head-on? Where was he when you and Emma Jones were ready to die for him, and what about the time you raise the child on your own?”

Zoey fell silent at Edwin’s string of questions.

She couldn’t deny the truth.

“The Garrisons have forgotten about him, the child has grown up, and you’re now the Queen of the Corporate World. And now, he’s finally shown up! This spineless man is here only because the danger’s gone. Isn’t it obvious? Are you really still going to believe him?” Edwin remarked.


Zoey was tongue-tied.

Even Iris gazed at Levi in disappointment.

No matter how urgent his matters may have been, he shouldn’t have left Zoey when she needed him most.

Even if he really had to, he should’ve at least told her what was going on.

He disappeared for over a year and finally shows up now. What’s the point then?

What more, he shows up at this time so it was very suspicious!

“Don’t protect him, Zoey!” Edwin demanded. “You should be treating him like a stranger or even a dead man! He’s gone. This isn’t him! A guy like him isn’t worthy of your sacrifices”

The others chimed in too. “That’s right, Zoey. He doesn’t deserve you!”

Levi gazed at Zoey apologetically. “I’m sorry, Zoey. I’ve disappointed you for the second time. No amount of words can describe how sorry I feel. I promise there won’t be a third time.”

“If apologies could fix everything, I’d have just apologized for every mistake I’ve made. So, can I kill someone and say I’m sorry?” Edwin roared.

Even Iris was infuriated.

Zoey didn’t do all this just to hear you tell her that you’re sorry.

You’re heartless, Levi.

“I promise never to leave you and the baby again. I―”

Iris cut him off. “That’s enough. You’ve said that once in the past. All that talk about spending the rest of your life with Zoey and giving her the world―none of that means anything when you weren’t even there for her while she was giving birth.”

Levi had no idea how distanced he and Zoey had become in his absence of one-and-a-half-year, nor was he aware of how much he had hurt her.

Hence, it was futile trying to explain himself.

“I really didn’t mean to abandon you, Zoey. Why do you think I’ve come back?”

Jerry glared at him haughtily. “Aren’t you going to give Ms. Lopez an explanation behind your year-long absence? Do you think she’d accept you just like that?”

Zoey turned to Levi too.

She had been waiting for an explanation all this while, and finally, that day had come.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” Iris demanded. “Where have you been the past year? What did you do? Tell us everything. You owe Zoey and Evie an explanation no matter what!”

Zoey nodded. “Yeah. Iris has said exactly what’s been on my mind. I demand an explanation.”



First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 1156​

Both Jerry and Edwin glanced at Levi contemptuously.

They were curious to find out what kind of nonsense he was about to make up.


Levi began to hesitate.

“Go on! You’re not going to say you were busy protecting the country, are you?”

“Well, that’s possible. Someone like him could come up with anything!”

Levi gazed at Zoey. “Yes, I was indeed protecting the country. I really had no choice. It was a top-secret operation, so I couldn’t tell you about it.”

But right after he finished speaking, the few of them glared at him with fury.

“Did you hear that, Zoey? He’s full of sh*t! To think he has the balls to say he was protecting the nation!”

Edwin was livid.

He had always been hot-tempered, and everyone in Oakland City feared his existence as though he was Hades.

Most importantly, he despised people like Levi most.

Even Zoey was skeptical with what he said.

“I said I want an explanation. I didn’t ask you to manipulate me with your lousy excuses!”

Zoey spoke hoarsely with tears brimming in her eyes.

“Forget it, Zoey,” Edwin scoffed. “We don’t need to hear his explanation. He has nothing to do with you and Evie anymore.”

“Nothing to do with them? What the hell do you mean by that? The child is mine!”

Levi began to get worked up.

“The child’s name is Forlevia Lopez, do you understand?” shouted Edwin. “Zoey’s forgotten all about you. She thinks you’re dead! Where were you while she was in labor? Have you performed a single duty as a father? What the hell are you doing here now?”

“How dare you come back, Levi Garrison? I’ll kill you, you b*stard!”

A furious voice came from the entrance. Both the Lopez and Black families had arrived.

Meredith attempted to strike Levi with her walking stick.

“No, Grandma!”

Zoey frantically stopped her.

“I have no words for you, Levi Garrison. How dare you show yourself and bother Zoey?”

Aaron and Caitlyn were beyond exasperated.

“Zoey is now the Queen of the Corporate World. She’s also the goddaughter of Mr. Dale Lehman, the head of Erudia’s third-ranked ancient family. She’s way out of your league!”

“And you’re coming back to your wife and daughter only now? How shameless can you be? Get out of here!”

“Take a look at yourself! You look like a refugee. Do you actually think you’re cut out for Zoey?”

Harry and the others proceeded to humiliate Levi.

Zoey did nothing to stop them.

Levi’s past actions had indeed crossed the line.

Hence, she felt everyone had a point.

“Give me the baby.”

Zoey snatched Forlevia from Levi.

“I’m telling you, Levi, Mr. Dale Lehman has arranged for Zoey to marry Jerry Gott, the third on the Heir Leaderboard. You’re out of luck now,” Meredith remarked with a smirk.

“Dear elders, I have but one request―I’d like Evie to bear my last name,” Jerry pleaded sincerely.

“Okay, we’ll take care of this. Once Zoey marries you, Evie will have her last name changed to Gott.”

“Yup, we’ll do just that!”

Aaron, Caitlyn, and the other members of the family immediately agreed.

Right in front of Levi, they made plans to change the child’s last name.

Anyway, the child was never a Garrison to begin with.

Everyone began discussing among themselves, disregarding Levi.

“Did you even ask for my opinion before deciding on that?” he demanded.

“Huh? Your opinion? What does this have to do with you?”

“Evie’s real father is long dead. Who the hell are you? Why would we need your opinion?”

“Get the he*l out of here!”

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