The Protector (The Return of God Of War)

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In Erudia, a private jet landed at North Hampton Airport, where all international flights experienced an eight-hour delay because of it.
At the private passageway were five men in suits and leather shoes, standing as straight as a javelin.

Every now and then, they would raise their wrist to look at the time, for a big shot was coming to town.
The upper-class society of North Hampton had learned about his arrival, but no one had the capability to get an inch closer to the private passageway.
Even the richest man in North Hampton who came to pay homage was chased away.
Finally, there were movements coming from the passageway.

“God of War!!!” the mass cried out, their eyes filled with awe and veneration at the sight of the undefeatable legend of Erudia.
He, who was dubbed the God of War, was the one and only five-star war God in the history of Erudia.
Once, he’d inflicted a crushing defeat on the strongest battalions in eighteen countries. He was an overbearing and formidable man.
He who overwhelmed the world with his unparalleled power had even created the Five Great Wars Regiment, Cavalry Regiment, and many more.

Setting foot on his homeland, Levi Garrison was overcome with emotions.
Once upon a time, he used to be an orphan who was abandoned on the streets of North Hampton and then adopted by the Garrison family.
However, the Garrison family had never been fond of him.
His adoptive parents, who had a tendency to beat and scold him, treated him like an outsider.
As for the outsiders, they treated him as a nobody.
But he didn’t care a stiver. He had always been proud of his surname since he was a child, and he strived to bring glory to this family when he grew older.
At last, Levi had established Levi Group, the largest dark horse in North Hampton’s business community.
With billions of assets, it ranked among the forefront of North Hampton, pushing the declining Garrison family to the top.
However, not only did the Garrison family showed no signs of appreciation, they even harbored dissatisfaction towards him. Jealous of his success, they regarded him as a thorn in their flesh and coveted Levi Group.
No matter his wealth and power, unless they were in control, he was just an outsider in the Garrison family’s eyes.
Eventually, on Levi’s wedding night, the Garrison family plotted a frame-up against him by getting him drunk before tossing him onto his sister-in-law’s bed. They wanted to create the illusion that he was doing something untoward to her and was caught in bed by his brother and adoptive parents.
That night, the Garrison family had brutally broken his limbs and left him on the road like a wild dog.
Not only was he handicapped, but he also had to take the flak for something he didn’t commit.
From an upstart in the business world, he had become the target of disdain overnight.
And the next day, he had been punished for several crimes and sentenced to six years in prison.
He could never forget the ruthless and sinister faces of everyone in the Garrison family and the ridicule of his friends, classmates, and business partners.
More so, he could never forget the disappointment on his newly wedded wife, Zoey’s face.
He had regarded the Garrison family as his home and devoted himself to the family.
Yet, they treated him like trash.
It felt as if a knife was being twisted in his heart every time he thought about this.
How he hated the Garrison family!
But who would have thought that Levi had been secretly transferred away from prison to join the military?
In a few years, he dominated the military world and became the one and only five-star God of War.
Now that he came back, the Garrison family ought to stay on their toes.
“How’s it going, Azure Dragon?” Levi asked.
Azure Dragon, the commander of the Five Great Wars Regiment, took a step forward and said respectfully, “Sir, I’m afraid your wife, Ms. Zoey Lopez will remarry at ten o’clock tonight!”
Ever since Zoey’s husband was sent to prison on their wedding night, she had been living like a widow.
Only God knew how much pressure she was put under.
And right now, the person Levi couldn’t wait to see the most was Zoey.
After a moment of hesitation, Azure Dragon continued, “To add on, Sir, the Garrison family is holding a successful listing celebration banquet at the Crystal Palace Hotel tonight! Many people had invited the God of War just now, including the Garrison family, but I didn’t accept nor refuse directly.”
“What time?” Levi asked tersely.
“Eight o’clock, Sir.”
“Okay. Tell the Garrison family I will attend the banquet!”
Since the time for the two events didn’t clash, Levi gladly accepted the invitation.
The celebration banquet for the public listing of Garrison Group was held at North Hampton’s Crystal Palace Hotel.
With the help of Levi Group, they had become a rich and powerful family in one fell swoop.
The hall was bustling with noise and excitement, and sounds of glasses clinking could be heard ringing in the air every now and then.
“God bless the Garrison family,” said Joseph, the head of the Garrison family. “The younger generations are the stars among men. Garrison Group is now listed and has become an upstart in North Hampton!”
Joseph’s three sons and daughter welcomed their guests with bright smiles on their faces.
The younger generation of the Garrison family was all the smugger and prouder because, after today, the Garrison family would become a powerful family, and they would become one of the top rich kids.
Most of the guests who attended today’s banquet were from the top circle in North Hampton.
“Garrison, do you know what happened today?! Your celebration party is nothing compared to that.” They were gossiping about the major event that had happened today.
“Yeah! I heard that a big shot has arrived in North Hampton!”
“The richest man in North Hampton wanted to meet him but was shooed away. Apparently, he’s not qualified enough!”
“So? Jesse Nielsen had been waiting for five hours in advance at the airport!”
Joseph nodded. “Yes, I know about that too. I even sent someone to invite this big shot to the celebration party!”
“No way! Why would this big shot attend such a party?”
No one believed it.
In fact, as an upstart, Joseph was just trying his luck.
“Dad!” shouted Jaycob, the second eldest son of the Garrison family could be seen running over. “The big shot has accepted our invitation to attend our celebration banquet! He’s on the way!”
“Jesus! God has indeed blessed the Garrison family!”
Everyone in the Garrison family could barely conceal their delight as this was their chance to reach the sky in a single bound.
The grandchildren of the Garrison family gathered together, sunshine flooding their souls.
Levi’s brother, Bryan, and sister-in-law, Victoria, smiled. “Well, it all starts with Levi’s imprisonment that the Garrison family is at where we are today…”
“Right, speaking about Levi, do you guys know today’s the day that kid gets out of prison?!” somebody asked abruptly.
“Really? Isn’t that bad luck? Why did he have to be released on such a big day?!”
“Please, please, please don’t come back! He’s the Garrison family’s biggest disgrace!”
Victoria’s lips tugged into a sneer. “Speaking of which, Levi is the crowning glory of the Garrison family’s status today.”
“That’s what he’s supposed to do!” Bryan said. “He should contribute to the Garrison family for raising him, an orphan! His multi-billion Levi Group means nothing. To put it bluntly, he’s just a dog raised by the Garrison family!”
Someone gave a chortle. “As a matter of fact, I’ve been interested in Levi’s wife for a long time now. She’s still widowed, and I’m so going to marry her!”
The man’s remark caused gales of laughter.
“Everyone, stop what you’re doing. I have an important announcement to make,” Joseph said and went on to announce that the big shot was coming.
A thunderous applause was heard.
But when the applause had died down, there was still someone clapping.
The sound was loud and clear, approaching from afar.
On the red carpet, a man came clapping, looking bold and energetic.
His stride gave off a majestic and imposing aura, which made the mass hold their breaths.
“It’s Levi!” Bryan and Victoria exclaimed.
Suddenly, all eyes were riveted on him.
“I forgot this little brat got out of jail today!” Levi’s adoptive parents spoke in unison.
Ignoring the astonished gazes darted at his way, Levi walked step by step towards Joseph.
“A little bird told me that the company is now listed. How are you feeling, Joseph? Are you happy?”
Levi flashed him a meaningful smile.
“How dare you show up here, you insolent brat! And what did you just call me?” Joseph’s fury sprang to life.
“Who let him in? Didn’t you know he just got out of prison? How inauspicious!”
Bryan rose to his feet. “What the hell are you doing here, Levi?”
Levi sized him up. “Why can’t I be here?”
“Well, for starters, you’re an orphan! The Garrison family has raised you, but you were ambitious and ungrateful. You had inordinate ambitions for your sister-in-law, and you wanted to take possession of the Garrison family! You’d even tried to kill your parents when things go south! Have you no conscience? Do you have any sense of morality left in your heart?”
“You’ve lost your reputation in North Hampton, and everyone knows that. Have you no shame to have the brass neck to come round here?”
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First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1157​

Levi’s face was cold as he articulated each word clearly, “Don’t force me!”

He exuded a murderous aura as he spoke.

The people around him felt as though there was a heavyweight pressed on their chests, making it difficult to breathe.

Meredith became furious upon seeing Levi acting like a wild beast. “What? Are you gonna hit me?”

Everyone could feel his intense desire to kill someone, and both Jerry and Edwin fell into a daze that instant.

The man standing before them gave off a vibe of a powerful master.

But that’s not possible!

We knew everything about him. There’s no way he could be a master.

A flash of killing intent flashed through Levi’s eyes as he growled, “I’ll kill whoever that changes my child’s last name! Just know that I don’t make frivolous remarks!”

“How dare you? I will change Evie’s surname whether you like it or not. She’ll be called Forlevia Gott from now on! There, I said it!” Edwin roared, obviously enraged by Levi’s words.

“Mr. Lehman, you’re Zoey’s godbrother. You definitely have the right to change the child’s surname!” Meredith and the others said in an unctuous manner.

“Are you going to kill me?” he provoked as he gave Levi a push.

Meanwhile, Meredith and the others were happy the see the situation unfold.

They knew that Edwin was hot-tempered, and he was capable of terrifying things, so death would be Levi’s only outcome for provoking him.

Once they had gotten rid of him, Zoey would definitely give up completely.

“You’re asking for it!”

At that moment, Levi’s fury was obvious, and he was about to murder someone soon.

He had been living his life in a violent world for a whole year, so he would easily give in to his murderous intent was very irritable.

To put it simply – Levi was just like a gunpowder keg that was highly flammable.

This is outrageous! Who does he think he is – trying to change my daughter’s surname?

Right then, Edwin slowly advanced towards him and sneered, “Come on. Didn’t you say that you’re going to kill me? Make a move, then.”

“Die!” the latter roared.

As he said this, a violent, domineering aura filled the space. How he wished he could kill Edwin on the spot.

At the same moment, a pang of terror washed over Edwin.

Looking at Levi’s face, Edwin felt as though he would actually be killed soon. Hence, his expression changed drastically.

“Levi Garrison!!” a voice suddenly screamed at the most critical moment.

Emma rushed over and blocked Levi’s way. Then, she gave him a slap across his face. “You unfilial son! How dare you come back? What are you doing? Have you gone crazy?”

The latter’s face darkened, but he put on a strong front as he looked at his mother.

He didn’t blame anyone.

Just like many other soldiers, many things were out of their control. Their family and friends couldn’t understand them.

However, some things were secrets that couldn’t be told to anybody, and because of that, their hands were tied.

“Why did you come back? Zoey had already forgotten about you. She’s going to get married to someone else and is about to live a happy life. Are you here to ruin their relationship?” Emma scolded angrily.

In truth, she wasn’t trying to criticize Levi but was actually protecting him.

If he had actually made a move earlier, Edwin would’ve killed him.

That was why she was putting on an act to protect her son.

When Emma slapped him earlier, it may have hurt him physically, but it also hurt her heart to do so.

“Unless I die, I will never let anybody change my daughter’s surname!” Levi insisted.

“Alright then. Let me ask you this, where were you when Evie was born? Where were you when Zoey stood before the Garrison family’s doors, fulfilling her promise? Ask yourself this, do you really have the right to be their husband and father?” Emma asked.

At the same time, Zoey was crying profusely when she said, “You didn’t even give me an explanation!”

“Follow me back to the Garrison family in Oakland City, Zoey. I’ll give you an explanation!” Coldness shone in Levi’s eyes as he spoke.



First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1158​

He couldn’t let the matter with the Garrison family from Oakland City off so easily. Besides, he wanted to give Zoey an explanation and clear his mother’s name too.

Three of these things could be resolved together.

However, everyone was shocked by his words.

Back to Oakland City?

To the Garrison family?

Is this fella crazy?

The Garrison family finally forgot about this, yet he seems so eager to get himself killed.

That’s Erudia’s most powerful ancient family!

Even Dale Lehman has to show them respect!

Zoey glanced at Levi with a puzzled look on her face. “You… Why would you want to go to the Garrison family? Weren’t you supposed to give me an explanation? What does this have to do with them?”

“Zoey, please just give me another chance. If I can’t give you a perfect explanation, I’ll leave on my own,” he said while looking at her in anticipation.

“Who do you think you are? Another chance? Are you even worthy of it?” People from the Lopez and Black families began grumbling upon hearing what he had said.

Levi hasn’t made any progress at all. It’s always the same things coming from him.

Yet he still has the audacity to ask for another chance in a situation like this?

Just then, a glint flashed through Emma’s eyes as an idea popped into her head. She was afraid that Levi would act on impulse and do something stupid.

Hence, she spoke up, “No! Zoey, you can’t give him any more chances. What he did this time is unforgivable.”

Emma was actually being so insistent because she wanted to protect her son.

Then Edwin said while looking at Zoey, “Your father arranged this wedding, Zoey. If you give him a chance, your father will definitely be upset.”

“I-” she stuttered as she was in a dilemma.

At that moment, Jerry shouted, “I, Jerry Gott, have always been a passive person. I acted impulsively earlier. However, I want to give my blessings. So why don’t we just go to Oakland City and see what he has to say for himself? After all, destroying someone’s marriage is a sin.”

Everyone’s eyes lit up when they heard what Jerry had said.

What a gentleman.

Mr. Lehman definitely picked the right person.

“Well, since Jerry said it himself, we’ll do what you asked for. We’ll head to Oakland City and see for ourselves just what kind of explanation you’ll be giving Zoey,” Edwin replied.

All of them stopped with the arguments after that.

“Although, I have one condition. Before you’ve given us the explanation, you are not allowed to see Zoey and your daughter,” Aaron immediately added.

“All of you don’t have to worry. I’ll be bringing Zoey and the kid to the Lehman residence. No matter how powerful he is, he wouldn’t be able to get in.”

After that, Levi left with Emma while Zoey and the others headed to Oakland City.

“What are you doing? The Garrison family isn’t pursuing the matter, yet you’re going to them on your own?”

Emma was so anxious even her tone had changed.

However, Levi smiled and replied, “Mom, I’m not the only one that has to go. You have to as well! Did you forget your dream already?”


That dream of mine is just wishful thinking.

It will never come true.

Especially when my son went missing for half a year. Besides, I have nothing. How in the world could I ever fulfill my dream?

“I’ll make your dream come true this time, Mom. You should get ready, and then we’ll head to Oakland City.”

This time, he would finally make a move against the Garrison family.

“Oh, alright then! It’s now or never!”

Emma decided then and there that she would die with her son.

Then, Levi gathered Azure Dragon and the others.

“Azure Dragon, we’re about to head to Oakland City soon. Are you ready?” he asked.

He needed to settle his own matters as well as Azure Dragon’s while at Oakland City.

The latter stayed silent for a moment before answering, “Yes! Here I come, Stuart family!”

His eyes burned with fury at the thought of Curtis and the fiancée who betrayed him.

He had held it in for so many years, waiting for the day he was strong enough. Now, the day had finally come.


First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1159​

Zoey and the rest arrived at Oakland City first, and they stayed at the Lehman residence in the meantime.

They saw an authoritative old man sitting in there the moment they entered.

Though he was seated, his aura was so intimidating and heavy that everyone found it difficult to breathe.

It’s Dale Lehman!

The head of the third ancient family in Erudia.

In the eyes of an ordinary person, he was just like a god.

“What? That b*stard is back?” Dale spat.

As a blunt and righteous person, he liked Zoey’s personality. At the same time, he was disgusted by Levi for abandoning his wife and daughter.

“Yes! He even tried to ruin the engagement you planned and take his daughter away,” Edwin said.

Dale glared at him and asked, “Where did that temper of yours go? Shouldn’t you have broken his legs for doing so?”

The latter hung his head. “Father, I was going to cripple him, but Jerry said that we should see just what kind of explanation he would give Zoey. Jerry’s a gentleman after all, and he wanted to give his blessings.”

Hearing that, Dale sneered, “Hmmph! What kind of explanation could a shameless person like him give? He’s just like his father. They would do anything just to get what they want. The excuses they give are just too much! Besides, so what if he’d given her an explanation? Is he worthy enough for my daughter? Based on his identity and his background, do you really think he’s worthy?”

He then changed the topic, “Unless he becomes the young master of the Garrison clan, I will not accept him! He needs to show me that he’s capable if he really wants his wife and daughter back. I will never accept it if I’m not satisfied.”

Zoey knew that it was bad when she saw that her godfather’s face was black with rage.

Yet, she didn’t have the guts to go against what he said.

After all, he was a person of virtue and prestige. Everything he did was for her sake.

“I heard that he wants to go to the Garrison residence?” Dale asked.

“Yes. Apparently, he wants to go there to give Zoey an explanation. Although, I don’t know what it is.”

“Alright, then. We’ll wait and see just what exactly he’d do,” Dale said furiously.

Meanwhile, Levi and his group arrived at Oakland City.

It was his first time here.

Well, technically, he had received awards countless times, but he rejected it every time.

I am here, and I’m here to conquer.

Azure Dragon seemed like a completely different person the moment he stepped foot into Oakland City.

He clenched his fists tightly.

I’m back!

I’m here to take back what belongs to me.

Curtis, Eldora and Grandpa. Are you guys ready?

“Boss, are we heading to the Garrison residence straight away?” Kirin asked.

“No, we’ll need to help Azure Dragon take care of his matter first. I’ll deal with mine a little later.”

Levi was always like that, putting others before himself.

“Alright. Thanks, boss!”

Tears of joy escaped Azure Dragon’s eyes as he had been waiting for this moment for so long.

It didn’t take long before the news regarding Levi’s return reached the Garrison family.

“What? He actually resurfaced?” Tyrone asked in shock.

He thought that Levi would stay hidden for the rest of his life and would never show his face anymore.

“Not only has he resurfaced, but he also even plans to come to us!” Damien replied.

“Does he have a death wish?” Tyrone’s eyes were ice-cold as he spoke.

“I don’t know. But based on the news I heard, Levi looked miserable, as if he was a refugee. I even heard that he coughed up blood after someone pushed him,” the latter said.

“He’s probably going to prove something to Zoey by coming here – probably to prove that he wasn’t going to back down.”

Tyrone snorted, “Hah! Using the Garrison family to prove himself? How naïve of him. Okay, then. Since he’s in Oakland City, we’ll make sure he can never leave!”

He became murderous upon the thought.

I’ll never spare Levi this time!



First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1160​

A lot of people found out that Levi had resurfaced and planned to head to Oakland City.

As for Tiffany, she was absolutely delighted when she found out.

Martin, on the other hand, was extremely excited upon hearing the news.

His reputation had been ruined in just a year, and his place on the Heir Leaderboard fell from second place to seventeenth place.

Everyone within Oakland City humiliated him for being unable to handle Levi.

Martin had suffered through all the insults and criticism the whole time.

Gradually, he became reticent and tended to shut himself off from the world.

Even the Preston family thought that he had gone insane.

With that, Martin scoffed and said, “Now that he’s here, all of you would finally understand.”

He looked forward to seeing Levi stir up chaos in Oakland City so that the arrogant and impudent people would finally understand that there was always someone stronger.

On the contrary, all the other prominent families were waiting for Levi to make a fool out of himself when they heard he was about to head to Oakland City.

After all, he was already the biggest disgrace last year.

The name Levi Garrison had become an adjective to describe men – men who were pathetic and irresponsible.

In the meantime, the so-called pathetic man was leading his group of people when they ran into four people in masks.

The masks made them look cold and terrifying, each of them giving of murderous auras.

It was Asura and his three disciples – Zar, Bolgun, and Talon.

“Winsor!” Levi called out with a smile.

“Not bad. You were great.”

Even though Winsor spoke only a few words, he was actually praising Levi’s contribution to eliminating the Blood King Palace.

“Thank you so much for taking care of my mother and my wife. I owe you a favor now,” the former said while taking a deep bow.

If it weren’t for him, Zoey and the others would’ve been in great danger.

The least I can do is bow to him.

Winsor stared at him before nodding. “Indeed, you do owe me a favor. You can return it now.”

The rest of them were rendered speechless.

They had never expected Winsor to be so direct.

Levi froze for a moment before answering, “How should I return the favor?”

“Accept my challenge!” Winsor said with determination.

All these years, he had been displeased with the former.

Levi isn’t even as strong as I am. I should’ve been named the God of War, not him!

He had challenged the latter dozens of times, but the latter didn’t care much for rankings and would reject him every time.

It made no difference even if I were to hold a knife against his neck. He’d still reject the challenge.

That was why Winsor never had the chance to prove that he was stronger than Levi.

Now, his opportunity was finally here.

“Actually, if you want my position, I can definitely let you have it. I owe you such a huge favor after all.” Levi told him.

“No! Let me have it? Are you looking down on me? I’ll get it with my own capabilities. I don’t need you to let me have it!”

Levi’s words sent him into a rage.

The former then pursed his lips and said, “No, you misunderstood me. The favor I owe you is just too huge. I feel like I wouldn’t be able to repay it fully even if I accepted your challenge.”

“I don’t need you to return the favor. I just want you to accept the challenge and let us fight,” Winsor replied coldly.

At that moment, Azure Dragon, Zar, and the rest grew anxious as they watched the scene unfold.

They wanted to know for themselves who was stronger too.

Everyone had their own opinions and thought that both of them were basically on the same level, so all of them were curious to see who was actually the stronger one.

Left without a choice, Levi took a deep breath before agreeing, “Okay. I accept your challenge.”

“Great. If you lose, you have to give me your title. If I lose, I’ll follow your orders for the rest of my life,” Winsor said as a wicked gleam flashed through his eyes.



First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1161​

“Fine. But this fight will only happen after I took care of my personal matters,” Levi informed him.

Winsor nodded at that.

In the meantime, everyone else inhaled sharply as they knew this fight was extremely important – both of them were betting on everything they had.

Hence, whoever lost would have unimaginable consequences.

Not only would their fight cause a huge commotion in Erudia, but the rest of the world would also be thrown into an uproar.

Azure Dragon and his group stared at Levi while Zar and the rest stared at Asura, all of their eyes burning with determination.

They all hoped that their boss would win the fight, but they knew that both sides were very powerful.

Thus, at that moment, no one knew what the end result would be.

After they left, Bolgun asked, “Master, how confident are you about winning?”

“I’d say it’s fifty percent,” Winsor said after pondering about it for a moment.

“Huh…” three of them muttered as they drew in a deep breath.

This was the first time they had seen him with such a grim look on his face.

Besides, the answer he had given them was only a “fifty percent.”

Winsor was an extremely confident and arrogant person who wouldn’t even submit to the heavens and earth.

In his eyes, everyone was beneath him.

However, he was actually afraid when it came to Levi.

To be honest, he wasn’t really afraid – he just wasn’t hundred percent sure that if he could win against Levi.

It just showed how strong Levi really was. In fact, he was so strong that even Winsor was being wary of it.

The news of the God of War and Asura’s fight flew through Erudia, then Bayview, and soon it spread across the whole world.

Everybody knew about the battle now, and they knew that this fight was something that could affect the whole world.

If Levi won, the God of War would surely be able to take his game to the next level. With Asura in hand, it would be a huge disadvantage to their enemies.

However, if he lost, he would have to step down from his position and let Asura have it.

Although, this was good news to Tenichi and a few others.

Even though Asura’s combat powers were amazing, Levi was still better in terms of strategy and looking at the bigger picture.

That was why this battle was so important.

“God! This is just too scary. Both of them are about to fight soon!”

Damien was obviously the first person to get news of it.

After all, he was always keeping tabs on the God of War.

“This is a duel of the strongest in Erudia, right? Asura has been waiting for years just to prove that he is the strongest.”

He was already looking forward to it and wanted to witness the fight happen.

“Haha! I’m excited about it too. The God of War has to win! He is part of the Garrison clan after all,” Tyrone exclaimed excitedly.

The news of the fight was still spreading like wildfire, and it grew more and more influential by the minute.

When Zoey heard the news, she was astounded as she had met Asura before.

“Is Asura really as bloodthirsty and cruel like everyone says – like the Demon King? It can’t be, right? He even saved me last year!”

She couldn’t understand the comments people were making about him.

When she met him the last time, she felt that he was a very humane person.

“That can’t be right. They say that Asura is a heartless person, and he’s no different than a robot. It’s just too unbelievable that your incident caught his attention and that he helped you out,” Dale said.

They knew Winsor very well.

He wouldn’t have bothered with an ordinary person’s matter.

“That’s right. It seemed like Asura was purposely protecting Zoey,” Edwin added.


Upon hearing that, Zoey trembled and a look of disbelief crept across her face.

“It can’t be… Unless…”



First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1162​

There was only one possibility that she could think of.

Maybe Asura was actually there to protect me.

Based on what everyone says, he wouldn’t even bat an eye even if someone dies right in front of him.

He probably came forward just for me, right?

There must be a reason as to why he did it.

Did Levi arrange this?


Asura wouldn’t even obey the God of War, so why would he listen to Levi and protect me?

It’d be impossible even if Levi was an important person.

Meanwhile, Levi and the others separated from Azure Dragon.

The latter wanted to go to the Stuart family first, while Levi planned to visit an old friend of his – Benny Quinton.

There were many people at Benny’s residence, eight people to be exact, including Benny.

All of them were stars of the medical field.

They were the famous and renowned Octa-Medic of Erudia.

Eight of them were the top doctors in the medical field, including experts in Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine.

At the same time, Benny was especially surprised to hear that Levi had resurfaced.

He quickly invited the latter into the house and introduced him to everyone else.

The rest of the doctors were shocked as they didn’t expect to meet the God of War himself.

“This is The Acupuncturist – Asa Wormwood.”

“This is The Herbalist – Witney Safin.”

Benny introduced everybody one by one and informed Levi that they were the top doctors of Erudia, and they all excelled in Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine.

He also told the latter that they were like “national treasures” of Erudia.

With a slight bow, Levi said politely, “It’s an honor to meet all of you.”

“No, no, pleasure is ours, God of War! There’s no need for that!” Everyone stood up immediately.

“There’s a medical convention held once every four years in Oakland City recently. That’s why all of us are gathered here. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be a chance like this,” Benny smiled and explained the reason they were here.

“Then I must be in luck! It’s my first time here in Oakland City, and I’m able to meet eight famous doctors,” Levi replied sincerely.

He was always respectful and polite towards his seniors.

Nowadays, people were able to live in prosperity and peace while Erudia was able to flourish all because of these dedicated seniors.

I’m so glad to have them.

They chatted for a long time, and Levi was able to gain a lot from their conversation.

He had limited knowledge of medical skills since Fredrick was willing to teach him. However, he didn’t have the time to do more research on it.

While Levi was busy with the doctors, Azure Dragon stood before a quaint residence.

Almost ten years had passed, and he was finally home.

But this home had brought him so much harm and suffering.

Firstly, his place as the head of his family was snatched away. Then, his fiancée betrayed him and married his own brother.

Lastly, he was forced to go to jail in place of his brother.

The hurtful words of Azure Dragon’s fiancée still echoed in his ears after all these years.

“Only the strongest man is worthy enough for me. He’s not worthy enough for me, and he’ll never be up to par with Curtis!”

Besides, he could never forget the scene where his fiancée, Eldora, threw herself into Curtis’ arms, nor could he forget the day the Stuart family sent him into the prisoner transport.

For all those years he was in jail, none of the Stuart family had visited him.

The one who should have been in jail was Curtis, yet he continued to be ranked first place in the Heir Leaderboard, with a beautiful woman by his side.

Crack! Crack!

Azure Dragon clenched his fists tightly, and his knuckles cracked when these memories surfaced.

“I’m finally back now. I’ll show these b****** that they shouldn’t mess with me. Weren’t you my nightmare, Curtis? I’m here to challenge you now!”

His face darkened as he strode towards the doors.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Azure Dragon knocked on the doors, hard.

When the doors opened, a few guards walked out.

“What the hell are you knocking for? Don’t you know where you are right now?”

“Hmm? Mr. Indigo? Mr. Indigo is back!”



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Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1163​

Very soon, the Stuart family was in a frenzy.

All of the lights in the mansion were turned on, and almost everyone in the family went out of the house.

Everyone one of the familiar faces appeared before Azure Dragon.

The cowardly parents, who let people take advantage of them, and the uncle and aunts, who liked to add salt to the wound.

The Grandpa, who revoked his right of being the heir, Basil, was also there.

The ones who came out last were Curtis and Eldora.

The woman was still in his brother’s arms, showing off how affectionate they were.

After years of training, Azure Dragon’s powers were at the highest level.

It could be said that he was at the point where he wouldn’t even panic even when the world was falling apart.

However, now that he met his enemies, Azure Dragon couldn’t keep his calm anymore, and he clenched his fists tightly.

“Huh? It really is you. What is with you? Aren’t you supposed to be in jail for twenty years? It hasn’t even been ten years, why are you back already? Did you escape from prison and come back here? You know you’re ruining the Stuart family’s name by doing that!”

Basil and the others were afraid that he actually broke out of prison when they saw him.

Azure Dragon replied while shaking his head, “No. I got released a long time ago.”

Someone from the family immediately checked, and they nodded. “He’s right. He really was released from prison.”

Basil sneered, “It seems like your attitude in jail was great! You even managed to get released ten years earlier.”

“I’ve almost forgotten about this person. What is he doing here?” one of Azure Dragon’s uncles, who was also Curtis’ father, Ansel, snorted.

For all these years, the Stuart family was in the hands of the father-and-son duo.

To him, Azure Dragon didn’t exist anymore.

“Exactly. He must be full of bad luck since he had been to prison.”

“Stay away from me. I don’t want your bad luck to be passed to me.”

“It’ll be much better if you don’t step into our doors. We, the Stuart family, are the first imperial family. How can we have a criminal who has been to prison be in our family? That would be a joke to everyone else!”

How cold.

Every one of them is so cold and heartless.

I was in prison all because of Curtis!

And it was eight years in there too!

Not only are they ungrateful for what I’ve done, but they are also insulting and humiliating me.

They even told me that I shouldn’t step foot into the mansion.

To hell with that!

Azure Dragon looked at Curtis and Eldora.

The latter was still looking pompous as usual.

He was the first on the Heir Leaderboard after all. Hence, who could ever go against him?

In his eyes, Azure Dragon wasn’t even worthy of being his opponent.

As for Eldora, she was still in his embrace as a mocking smile appeared on her face. “What’s wrong? Did spending a few years in prison make you look like such a piece of sh*t? Well, you are a piece of sh*t! I made the right choice all those years ago. I, Eldora Seres, will only be with the strongest man.”

At that moment, he looked just like Levi, with tattered clothes and soot on his face.

Azure Dragon had only arrived in Oakland City, so he didn’t have time to tidy himself.

With an image like a refugee, he was basically a joke to the Stuart family.

He clenched his fists tightly again upon hearing Eldora’s words.

This shameless woman!

“Seriously, why the hell did you come back, Indigo? You don’t belong in the Stuart family! Besides, we will never let a criminal step foot into our residence,” Ansel said coldly.

Indigo was Azure Dragon’s real name.

“The reason is simple. I’m here to take back what really belongs to me all those years ago,” Azure Dragon sneered.

His cold eyes passed over each and every one of the family.

“Hahahaha…” everyone burst into laughter and looked at him as if he was an idiot.

Curtis finally spoke, “You’re here to take back what belongs to you? My position and your fiancée? And to avenge the fact that you took my place in prison? Do you even have what it takes to do that? Do you have the capability to do so


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Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1164​

“Eight years ago, you were but a worm, Indigo. Do you think a stint in prison could turn you into a real dragon?”

“Curtis has always been a living manifestation of your own worst nightmare. An insurmountable juggernaut beyond your reach no matter how much you try. You ought to know better than anyone else that he has only gotten stronger since, so what makes you think going to prison has changed anything for you?”

“Take back what’s rightfully yours, you say? Let me tell you this – The only man fit for me is a stud like Curtis, not a pathetic sinner like you!” Eldora Seres’s words plunged deep into Azure Dragon’s chest like a thousand knives.

To think that Azure Dragon was previously convinced that she was to be his one true love… He had only himself to blame for his own error of judgment.

“You’ve got a nerve hurling threats around here, Indigo. Don’t even think about stepping through our doors. You have been warned!” Ansel then stood himself between Azure Dragon and the entrance.

“What does Grandpa think?” Azure Dragon looked to his grandfather Basil.

There was a hint of fury in Basil’s eyes. “Your uncle’s right. In order to preserve the honor of our family, we can no longer afford to have you here. I will provide you with a sum of money sufficient to last you a lifetime. Take it, and leave Oakland City!”

Azure Dragon then asked of his parents, “Father, Mother. What say you?”


His parents hemmed and hawed but did not utter anything discernible.

It was apparent that they had no say in the matter.

“Leave. From now on, you are no longer a member of the Stuart family!” Basil’s pronouncement was swift and final.

Being treated so harshly by his own family made Azure Dragon’s blood ran cold.

Not only had he done nothing wrong, but he also went to prison for eight years in place of Curtis.

And yet, he was still treated this way.

“Fine. So be it! I shall return tomorrow to stomp Curtis and have all of you begging on your knees!”

With that, Azure Dragon turned to leave.

The curses and mockery of the Stuart family followed him out.

All of them seemed to think him deranged and delusional.

As a matter of fact, Azure Dragon primarily came to the family home to see how the people there would react to him.

If only!

The whole episode would have seen a peaceful resolution if only they knew to be appreciative and receptive towards him.

Instead, they had forced his hand towards adopting a harder stance.

It was in anticipation of situations like this that he had sent Levi away.

If Levi were to get wind of this, he would surely rend them asunder!

This was why he came by to observe the family’s reception first.

To call the verdict a disappointment would be a gross understatement.

There wasn’t any grateful soul amongst the lot of them as all of them unfailingly derided him and shut him out.

His own brother and his fiancée insulted him.

His grandfather and uncle barred him from entry.

While his weak parents stood by and watched.

There was no longer room left for sentimentality.

Hence, he had decided then and there that tomorrow would be the day he would put the Stuart family to the fire and the sword.

Later that night, Levi and Benny amongst others met up and made merry.

The accomplishments of the Octa-Medics were peerless in the medical realm.

The eight of them were yet to encounter any conditions which they were not able to treat.

Just as Frederick Greg’s name came up in their conversations, The Acupuncturist and The Herbalist professed to know him.

According to them, Frederick was a renowned physician from an enduring medical lineage that shared the same roots as theirs.

“Only the ignorant would declare that Erudia’s ancestral medical tradition has been lost. Or perhaps I should say they have not the privilege to learn of these time-honored methods!” The Acupuncturist, Asa Wormwood, sneered.

He had made a valid point.

Many had a tendency to assume much of which they did not have knowledge or lacked direct experience of.

“God of War, seek us out should you ever find yourself in need!”

The few of them said with a smile.

After the group dispersed, Levi and Azure Dragon convened.

“Boss, I’ve decided that I’m going to crush the Stuarts tomorrow!”



First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1165​

“Very well. I will stand by you, as always!” Levi said as he placed an assuring hand on Azure Dragon’s shoulder.

The next day at the Stuart family mansion, the entire family was dining at the table in silence.

Strict discipline was necessary to help maintain their premier position amongst the imperial families, especially during this time when they were clashing with the rest.

Perhaps they would be able to ascend into the ranks of the ancient families in time.

“Grandpa, do you think that rascal Indigo would show up?”

The silence was broken by Curtis.

No one else spoke as no one else dared to.

It was different for Curtis, who had done much to earn the privilege.

“Do you think? I reckon that it was just a bit of boisterous chest-thumping, that’s all!” Basil sneered dismissively.

Elnora laughed. “Why concern yourself with that good-for-nothing, Curtis? He would not be able to measure up to a fraction of you even if given a hundred more years!”

She had a beguiling presence with a face and a figure to match and could have any man clamoring for her with one glance.

While Tiffany Meyers was Oakland City’s most beautiful, Eldora Seres was the most charming.

However, this woman had a weakness for powerful men.

She was with Azure Dragon when he was firmly in the seat of inheritance.

Now that he had been stripped of his position, she had turned and thrown herself into the arms of his younger brother, Curtis, instead.

Word had it that Eldora had a long and colored dating history.

The fact that Curtis had not given up on her was proof that she had her ways of dealing with him.

Her new beau replied haughtily, “I’m not concerned about him as I do not even consider him a worthy opponent. I’m only worried that he might do something that might bring our family into disrepute!”

“Ignore him! I highly doubt that he would have the guts to seek trouble here. To bring us Stuarts onto our knees? The sheer ravings of a madman!”


The waves of a deafening explosion suddenly thundered in. This was followed by a booming bellow, “Prepare yourself for death, my dear brother!”

The voice echoed throughout every corner of the house.

“What’s going on?”

“Has the bastard come?”

Basil and the rest of the family sat stunned at the dining table.

“The outrage! I shall destroy him!” Curtis declared as he rose to his feet.

The others, too, were variously spurred into action as they all arisen and collectively made their way towards the main entrance.

There were five others apart from Azure Dragon, whose raggedy getup complimented his.

“What’s this I see. Helpers? Do you intend to take on the Stuart family with just this ragtag bunch with you? You ought to have brought along something more respectable than a bunch of refugees…” Eldora said mockingly.

Azure Dragon smiled. “The problem with you, Eldora, is that you have never been able to see beyond the superficial. You obviously have no idea who stands before you!’

His eyes passed over each and every one of the family in scrutiny. “I am offering the lot of you one last chance. Bend your knees before me and repent your wicked ways, and I shall spare you! Otherwise, I shall level the house of Stuart to the ground this day!”

“Ha ha ha…” The Stuarts were uproarious upon hearing this.

They did not take Azure Dragon with any measure of seriousness. “What in the world was that about? Shut your mouth, fool.”

His own parents chimed in, “You want to destroy our family, you say? I doubt you could even get past your own younger brother!”

Curtis laughed, “Are you so obviously lacking in self-awareness, Indigo? I am your worst fear, your nightmare manifest. You were beneath me eight years ago, and I have only gotten stronger since. What hope do you have pitting yourself against someone whose ability ranks in the top twenty in Erudia’s Saber Leaderboard?”

Those words had Azure Dragon trembling as Curtis always had his number.

“No! I shall defeat you and prove myself against you!”


First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1166​

“Hahaha… You’re about to find out what separates you and me, maggot!” Curtis snorted.

“Do it, Curtis! Bring him to his knees!” Eldora screeched.

The top scion in Oakland City had headlined the pecking order in the Oakland City’s Heir Leaderboard for eight years running, and his martial prowess had only gone from strength to strength during this time.

In short, Curtis was now practically untouchable.

Thus, to the Stuart family, Azure Dragon was already a dead man walking.

“Your wish for death will be granted!”

Curtis was instantly upon Azure Dragon in a single powerful stride.

He threw out a savage fist in a bid to finish his older brother in a single blow, but his expression changed when Azure Dragon managed to avoid it completely.

All present watched with bated breath once the fight commenced proper…

The haughtiness on the faces of the Stuart family turned to astonishment and then shock as the battle ensued…

About a hundred rounds in, one of the fighters was suddenly sent flying.


His opponent closed in with pace and smashed a devastating blow into him in mid-air, sending him hurtling down into the ground.


The downed man crashed heavily and left an imprint of concentric cracks upon the blue tiles at the point of impact.

When everyone looked over, they were stunned because the man lying on the floor was none other than Curtis.

Curtis was soaked in blood and bearing an untold extent of damage to his bones. At that moment, his body was quivering uncontrollably, and incredulity was apparent in his eyes.


Utterly shocking!

No one could have foreseen how formidable Azure Dragon would become. Nor could anyone have predicted that he would be able to best Curtis.

The looks on Basil, Ansel, and Eldora’s faces were a picture of shock.

And then there was silence all around.

How did Azure Dragon grow to be so strong?

Did he not languish in prison for eight years?

“You were my worst fear, Curtis, but not anymore. At one point, I did think consider you the strongest ever. But I’ve realized how low I’ve set the bar once I’ve stepped onto the battlefield!” Azure Dragon laughed.

“Battlefield? Weren’t you supposed to be behind bars?” asked a bewildered Eldora.

“When there’s a will, there’s a way. I was selected to join the special forces while I was serving out my sentence. You may not be aware, but now I’m known as – The Azure Dragon, King of War.”


“King of War?”

The faces of his family changed drastically.

“And standing here before you is my boss, the God of War, and a few of my friends, Kirin…”

The Stuarts stood shell-shocked as Azure Dragon went down the line introducing the companions beside him.


A mournful Eldora fell onto her knees in front of Azure Dragon and clutched his legs. “I was in the wrong, Indigo. Please forgive me for this once! In all these years, I’ve never stopped thinking about us! If you are willing, we could go back to the way we were and spend the rest of our lives together!”

“Son, Mom and I did not do right by you. We should not have remained silent!”

“Grandpa made a mistake, my boy. I shall reinstate you as heir. Grandpa had been a fool!”

“Uncle had treated you unjustly, Indigo!”

Azure Dragon remained silent throughout their remonstrating.

Against the overwhelming influence and martial prowess possessed by Azure Dragon today, the attitudes of the members of his estranged family shifted drastically as they variously sought penance for themselves.

Levi had seen too many of their types to be impressed.

He and the others departed from the Stuart residence and left Azure Dragon to resolve his own personal affairs.

The day’s headlines rocked Oakland City.

News broke that Indigo Stuart, who went to prison in place of his younger brother, returned home to subdue the Stuart family and even defeated the top scion, Curtis, himself.

With Azure Dragon’s affairs settled, it was time for Levi to turn his attention onto his own.

“Are you ready for me now, Garrisons?

Levi’s eyes darkened with cold intent.



First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1167​

“Have you got what I’ve asked for, Kirin?” Levi asked.

“Yes, God of War, it is en-route and should arrive in Oakland City shortly!” Kirin replied.

Levi was about to proceed with his next move when he was interrupted by a call.

He saw that it came from Abigail.

“Hey Abigail. How did you find out about my new number?” Levi asked in surprise.

“I got to know about it through Mr. Quinton!”

Abigail had been in regular contact with Benny since her arrival in Oakland City.

“What’s up?”

“Could you come and pick me up, Levi? I’m in a spot of trouble! Have to hang up now. Please come find me…” Abigail sounded a little harried.

Levi’s expression grew somber. “Get a lock on her location, Phoenix!”

Instantly, Phoenix got to work and soon had her position.

She was at Dynasty Manor, a place frequented by the most affluent and influential in Oakland City.

Dynasty Manor had been fully reserved by a wealthy scion for the evening to host a prestigious gathering. The guest list included young gentlemen and ladies in the same league as himself.

Several dozen cars were parked by the entrance, and they featured a comprehensive collection of many limited editions of the top-tiered models lined up amongst them. The value of the hardware congregated there was worth more than a combined two billion.

The organizer for the event was Conrad, the second scion of the Garcia family – the second most illustrious of Erudia’s ancient families.

His guests were sons and daughters of the various imperial and royal families in Oakland City.

Even Jerry himself had to grace the occasion, for an invitation from an imperial scion was hard to turn down.

The subject of interest amongst the guests was naturally the affair at the Stuarts.

“Never thought that the bigwig on the Heir Leaderboard could have been defeated by Indigo Stuart, a man who spent the last eight years in prison!”

“With the top dog defeated, the Oakland City hierarchy has been upset. Whoever is in second place must be fretting!”

“We’re counting on you to hold the fort, Mr. Gott!” the assembly bantered.

Jerry smiled. “You all know I’ve never cared for these things. What difference does it make who’s ahead and who’s behind in the rankings?”

“I get the sinking feeling that something major is going down in Oakland City. First was God of War challenging Asura. Then there was Indigo Stuart stomping on his family. Now there’s the matter of Levi Garrison! Rumor has it that he is planning to go to the Garrison clan…” someone said.

“Indeed. Many things have been happening lately. But could Levi Garrison’s business be considered major? After all, he’s a cowardly good-for-nothing who’s unworthy of our attention!” The smile on Jerry’s lips belied the glint of coldness in his eyes.

“Be quiet now. Mr. Garcia’s here!”

The room fell silent as a strapping youth strode through.

It was Conrad – a scion of the ancient Garcia family and one of the top sitting members in the Heir Leaderboards.

Next to him was a girl, unknown to all of the rich and powerful in Oakland City except for Levi.

She was Abigail Rogers.

Conrad beamed a broad smile at his guests. “Today, we are gathered here for two reasons. Firstly, for us to discuss the matter of Curtis’s defeat, and secondly, to hear a personal announcement with regards to myself.”

The assembly looked at him in eager anticipation.

Jerry asked, “Has it anything to do with your future happiness?”

He inferred it from the presence of Abigail.

“Yes, Jerry. It is as you say. This is indeed a moment of great joy for me!”

Conrad glanced at the woman beside him. “I’ve decided to marry this young lady Abigail!”

“Huh? Aren’t you already married with children, Mr. Garcia? How are you to marry again?” someone thought aloud.

It was common knowledge that Conrad had enough children to almost lose count of them, and marriage into the ancient family was no frivolous matter.

Conrad laughed. “It’s going to be a concubinage. I wish to make Abigail my concubine!”



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Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1168​

“What?” The attendees gasped.

Even though those present were of noble descent, polygamy was a thing of the past. Not even current prominent members of the imperial and ancient families partook in it.

Confidants were tolerated, but there was to be only one woman who would be granted a recognized status.

It followed that no one could be accorded the title of concubine and no exception could be made even for one such as Tyrone Garrison.

However, none present dared voice their protestations against this scion of an ancient family.

Ultimately, Conrad had a reputation as a notorious libertine.

No one knew for certain how many young lives were ruined at the hands of The Casanova of Oakland City, who was also known as the ultimate lady killer, over the years.

His body count of female conquests might have numbered in the five to six hundred, with many of being underage when they had fallen prey to him.

More than a few also have vanished right after he took them away. Neither their person nor a cadaver had been found since.

As Conrad was a true deviant, his decision to take on a concubine came as no big surprise.

When Abigail came to Oakland City to work under the employ of the Garcia family, she had unexpectedly caught the eye of Conrad, who then forcibly wanted to make a concubine of her.

Abigail was at her wit’s end until she heard that Levi was in town. She spent the better part of the day deliberating whether to call him before she eventually did.

“Congratulations on your new acquisition, Mr. Garcia! We would be looking forward to sharing a toast with you at your wedding!” The first to come forward was Jerry.

“Congratulations, Mr. Garcia!” And the others followed as soon as they stirred from their stupor.

All they could have offered Abigail was their unspoken sympathies.

Yet another fine young woman to fall victim to Conrad Garcia.

“My thanks to all of you for your well wishes. I hope to see all of you there at my wedding!” Conrad was riding on a high.

He could hardly contain himself as he gazed lasciviously upon the coquettish yet innocent Abigail.

The scion of the Garcias did not actually need to grant any formalized status to Abigail.

That was before he found out that Abigail’s older sister was Dale Lehman’s adopted daughter.

Taking her by force might spell trouble for him given her extended connections; hence, his decision to opt for concubinage.

That way, he could openly lay his hands on Abigail without leaving cause for opposition.

“Is the young lady willing, though?” Just then, a voice rang out amidst the bustle.

All of those present turned their heads. The owner of the voice was none other than Martin “Madman” Preston himself.

No one had expected his presence there, as he was better known as a lunatic than a ranking scion in the eyes of the public.

“I’m never one to take no for an answer! Whatever I fancy will be mine to have!”

Conrad was as brash and arrogant as they come.

After that, he regarded Abigail. “She will be mine so long as I desire her. Who dares stand in my way?”

The scion certainly had the capital to do as he pleased since the Garcia family pandered to his every whim, and his father was extremely protective of him within reason.

He, too, enjoyed the favor of his uncle-in-law, Tyrone Garrison, and his cousin, Damien.

With the convenience of always having someone available to clean up after him, Conrad could always afford to act without hesitation nor fear of consequences.

“You are making a mistake with this one, Conrad! Do you have any idea who she is?” Martin asked.

“Of course I do. Her sister is the adopted daughter of Mr. Lehman! Even he should have nothing to say if I were to take her as my concubine!” Conrad stated calmly.

“Haha, is that so? I’d reckon that you would be courting death if you tried!” Martin laughed heartily.

Nonetheless, Conrad was naturally undeterred.

“Hahaha, who else could I not afford to offend? In that case, I shall take her as my concubine before this day ends. And we shall see who is there to stand in my way!” he trumpeted.

Martin merely shook his head in response.

But this time, the Casanova of Oakland City was to meet his foil.


The doors slammed violently against the walls upon a potent strike of someone’s foot.

“He got that right. Abigail is not someone you could afford to mess with!”

A chilling voice was carried by the shockwaves riding across the room.



First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1169​

All eyes were zoned in on the silhouette that appeared at the entrance of the hallway.

None recognized the male stranger who had appeared save for Jerry, whose face turned pallid upon seeing him.

It’s Levi Garrison!

Martin smirked as he slinked away into a corner to spectate the events to unfold.

“And who the hell might you be?” Conrad challenged.

“Levi, you are here!” Abigail ran towards Levi the moment she saw him.

“What’s happening here?” Levi asked.

Conrad took a step forward. “Let me give it to you straight. Abigail is to become my concubine!”

Abigail nodded furiously in affirmation of his general summary of the situation.

“Why in the world is anyone taking concubines in this day and age? Who granted permission for this?” Levi glared.

Conrad retained his haughty demeanor. “Do you even know who I am? I am the beloved scion of the Garcia family and wield the favor of the head of the Garrisons, the top ancient family. Whose permission would I need to do what I want?”

“Does that mean you are not going to seek anyone’s consent as well?” Levi asked.

Conrad chortled. “Of course not. What I want is mine to have. What use have I for anyone’s consent?

Hearing his reply, Levi was amused.

Without regard for common decency nor the rule of law.

A truly irrepressible tyrant!

No wonder Abigail needed my help to save herself from this menace.

Conrad lowered his gaze to scrutinize Levi from his elevated position. “Listen here, boy. I don’t care who or what you are. Abigail will become my concubine, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it!”

“Oh, is that so? Then I have this to say – Whoever who would attempt to force Abigail to do anything against her will get no quarter from me!” Levi toughened his stance.

“You wouldn’t want to stick your nose into Mr. Garcia’s business, Levi. It would be best if you left quickly!” Jerry stood up suddenly and spoke.

“What did you say? Levi… Levi Garrison?” Conrad asked.

The others turned and looked in Levi’s direction.

“You heard it right. This is Levi Garrison himself!”

Jerry’s introduction had everyone else on their feet.

Though they had never seen the man in person, they had certainly heard of his name.

“He’s here in Oakland City?”

The masses were bewildered as they regarded him warily.

It’s him – the dishonorable progeny of the Garrison family who abandoned his mother and wife to save his own skin!

“You’re unfit to call yourself a man, Levi. The gall of you to even show your face around here!”

“I’d wish for no better than to throttle you to death!”

“You inhuman, cowardly good-for-nothing! You are a disgrace to all of Erudia!”

Levi listened in silence as the barrage of cusses exploded upon him like an ignited barrel of gunpowder.

“Get out of here, Levi, and Mr. Garcia may spare you your life yet!” Jerry prompted advised of him.

“Mr. Gott is a true gentleman. Looking out even for his bitter rival!”

“Only you are fit for Zoey. Not this sorry excuse for a man!” Those assembled chorused in praise for Jerry.

A peculiar glint flashed across Jerry’s eyes.

Unwavering by their comments, Levi smiled. “Fine. I can leave. But Abigail comes with me!”

“No! Abigail must remain and become my concubine! Since this has become public knowledge, would it not be a cause for embarrassment for me to allow her she to leave?” Conrad howled.

“Then all the more reason for me to take her! Woe be to whoever gets in my way!” Levi declared with blood-lust in his eyes.



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Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1170​

“You are begging for death, boy!”

“Who dares threaten Mr. Garcia? Are you tired of living?”

Up stepped two men – Cosimo Cuvier and Clarance Trent.

They were sons of the imperial families, variously the ninth and tenth ranking scions in the city.

Both of them were lifelong practitioners of martial arts and highly competent exponents.

“Clear out!” Levi warned.

“Get him!” Conrad commanded at the same time.

Cosimo and Clarance then simultaneously rushed towards Levi.



Levi pivoted on one foot and lashed out with the other, sending the two men flying back in the opposite direction.



The loudness of the fighting juxtaposed against the silence of the crowd.

The two young men crashed through several tables before falling heavily onto the ground, followed by their briefly quivering bodies before they lost consciousness.

As those awful sounds died down, the stillness of the air engulfed the entire room.

The masses were stunned as no one knew Levi could fight…

What was even least expected was how well he was able to manage against the ninth and tenth ranking scions, who were both martial Extraordinaires in their own rights.

Jerry and Conrad’s jaws hit the deck.

“Hmm. The boy has got some moves. But do you have any idea who you just laid your hands on? They are sons of the imperial family! You are done for! Finished!” Conrad pointed a finger at Levi as he directed his rage towards him.

“Of all of the people you could have beaten up, you had to choose them! You’re in big trouble now, Levi!” Jerry yelled.

It certainly spelled no end for trouble for anyone who dared to manhandle the offspring of the imperial families. It was no news that the prominent families were infamous for how protective they were of their own.

Levi Garrison snickered. “What’s that about them? That they are untouchable? Then I would love for nothing more than to give them imperials a good whopping!”

Conrad was about to throw a fit at Levi’s repeated provocations.

There was no way he could stomach this transgression.

“Move, or I’ll give you a taste of this too!” Levi raised a tightened fist steadily as he eyeballed Conrad.

“Bring it on then, if you dare!”

Conrad was too used to having his way and reckoned no one in Oakland City would ever think of laying a finger on him.

“All of you shall bear witness that it was he himself who asked for a good spanking!”

Levi’s foot raised the moment his voice fell and drove itself into his opponent’s left leg.


With another bone splintering sound, Conrad was brought to kneel before Levi.



Once, twice. Levi’s struck out again with his right foot.



These follow-up blows landed unerringly on either side of Conrad and took out both of his arms.


Conrad’s bloodcurdling scream echoed through the hall.

He is maimed!

All four of his limbs were broken!

That’s brutal!

This is insanely cruel!

All present were shell-shocked.

Has he gone mad?

He dared cripple Conrad Garcia?

Levi Garrison is really in for it this time!

No way he is going to get away with this!

“Mr. Garcia…”

Those who are able to react rushed to the side of the fallen man.

“Have you lost it, Levi? Is there anyone you won’t strike at? This is the scion of the second most prominent ancient family in Erudia!” Jerry shouted.

“You are done for! If you could live past today, I would take after your name!”

“Don’t you dare dream about leaving. You will die here this day!”

There was pandemonium as the masses of privileged young men and women joined in the reprimanding.

The spoiled youngsters then pulled out their phones to call upon the elders of their various families for help.

Unexpectedly for everyone, things had gone way out of control.

If the Garcia family came seeking answers, no one there would be able to evade responsibility.

Within a short frame of time, sixteen of the imperial families and thirty-two of the royal families in Oakland City were mobilized. With that, the heads of the families were on their way to the Dynasty Manor with their best fighters in tow.

It was as though the city had been turned upside down overnight.

This was something at a different level as the primary casualty was the scion of the second most prominent ancient family.

“You’ve a lot to answer for today, Levi!”

Everyone’s eyes were locked onto the lone figure who stood apart from everyone else.

He then pulled up a chair and settled himself down. “Good. Let them come so that we may resolve this once and for all.”



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Chapter 1171​

I’m going to thrash all of them!

“What were you yammering about? This and that about some Heir Leaderboard rankings? However many you have, bring it on!” Levi bellowed at the assembly in front of him.

The crowd, incensed by his brazenness, continued to cuss at him.

They were determined to bring the wrath of Oakland City upon him in its fullest potency.

Jerry looked at Levi intently before stepping outside.

It was at that moment, his eyes had betrayed his deviousness.

Little did they know that he had purposefully pulled some strings to suppress word of this incident to keep it from a few of the ancient families. It was because he was concerned how things might change for him should the Lehmans become involved.

News were kept under wraps so that he might rid himself of Levi through the combined strength of the various imperial and royal families, and deny his rival the chance to clarify things with Zoey.

Jerry’s true nature was that of a practicing hypocrite.

He saw a union with Zoey as a stepping stone into the ranks of the ancient Lehman family…

And it just so happened that Levi’s emergence had thrown a wrench in his best-laid plans.

For this, Levi must die.

At that moment, Oakland City was in an upheaval.

Representatives of the Gotts, Prestons, Meyers, Cuviers, Trents, and the multitude of other imperial and royal families have descended upon Dynasty Manor.

Barring the notable absence of the first imperial family, the Stuarts and all the others were present.

Hundreds of cars were promptly left packed at the front as all the heads of the families quickly made their way inside with their men.

At that time, Conrad’s screams of agony still reverberated off the walls inside the hall.

Levi, on the other hand, had his eyes closed and was at rest.

“Who was the one who hurt my son?”

“Who was the one who maimed Mr. Garcia?”

The stern shouting ushered in the arrival of several lavishly dressed elders and the large entourage propping up the rear.

They were spearheaded by Esmond of the Cuviers and Otis of the Trents.

The two men were joined by Jordan, Arvin, and Tiffany of the Meyers.

Prominent figures, who were rarely seen in public, had been brought together on this occasion.

“It’s him! Levi Garrison!” The accusing fingers were concerted in identifying the guilty party.

Upon that, Levi surveyed the scene before him. “So is everyone present? Good. Why don’t you lot come at me at the same time? I’d like to thrash all of you!”

“Arrogant fool! Die!”

A man took to his heel to rush Levi.


Levi fired out the heel of his foot and sent his assailant sprawling as though struck by a five-ton truck. The downed man fell to the ground and remained motionless.

The crowd drew in sharp breaths the moment they witnessed that.

“Even the top pugilist from the Cuvier family was no match?” Their eyes popped in surprise.

“Kill him!”

A bevy of fighters then charged in concert towards Levi.

However, Levi deftly dispatched as many of them as there were, and no one had been able to displace him from his position on the chair.

He remained seated while his fallen foes were left groaning on the floor all around him.

“How could he be that good? This…”

Jordan and Arvin stared at Levi in disbelief.

Is this really the man that everyone called a good-for-nothing?

For a brief moment, they felt a smidgen of regret for calling off the engagement.

In the meantime, the others were going ballistic.

How was it that we could not get a handle on him even with so many skilled men?

Even Jerry was dumbstruck.

“Truly, the Garrisons could not produce anyone incapable. To think even a bastard of theirs is this formidable!” They sighed.

Propped up by the supporters around him, Conrad’s eyes burned at Levi. “I don’t care how good he is. Kill him, or I’ll have to invoke the Garcias and the Garrison clan to deal with this personally. And when they do, I’ll make sure to have all of you held collectively responsible!”

Faced with threats from the son of the Garcias, the heads of the prominent families present could only oblige.

“Listen to me. We must kill this man. For when the Garrisons hears of this, we should expect not blame, but reward!” Esmond rallied.

The morale of the aggressors were elevated in an instant.

“No! You cannot afford to cross this man, for he is the God of War


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Chapter 1172​

Everyone was stunned by Tiffany’s hysterical shouting.

The hundreds of fighters stilled their hands, and the onlookers stood frozen with mouths agape.

The well-hidden Martin snickered.

All of you just messed with the wrong guy.

This is someone who could stand up against all the aristocratic families in Oakland City!

Martin could only credit his meeting with this man for his own ascension.

Silence ensued for one whole minute.

That was the duration for which everyone was rooted to the spot.

“The… The God of War…” someone swallowed hard.

Martin proclaimed aloud, “That’s right. Standing before you is the rock of Erudia – God of War! Martin Preston hails the God of War!”

“Tiffany Meyers hails the God of War!”

Following the two person’s affirmative voices, Conrad fell to the ground, and Jerry slumped back into his chair.

The eyes of all present almost popped from their sockets.

No one could have expected that the God of War was Levi Garrison.

In fact, everyone was in absolute disbelief.

Jordan and Arvin looked at Levi, and then at their progeny before they finally understood why Tiffany made the decision she did after her return.

“So Martin and Tiffany did not meet the God of War by chance. They had purposefully sought out Levi!”

“It was no wonder Levi agreed to the wager against Tyrone. He really did not fear the Garrisons!”

“Now I understand why Levi Garrison dropped off the radar. He embarked on a campaign north to eradicate the Blood King Palace! This was why he could not be present for the birth of his child and the match against the Garrison clan!”

All the missing pieces of the puzzle quietly fell into place.

In short order, everyone had figured out the facts behind the matter.

Conrad then understood why he ought to have steered clear of Abigail…

No one would be able to protect him as even the Garcia family might find themselves in crisis over this.



The room was silent save for the rhythmic pattering of knees hitting the ground.

One after the other, those in the crowd prostrated themselves.

“The Prestons hail the God of War!”

“The Meyers hail the God of War!”

“The Gotts hail the God of War!”

There was silence as the entire room was held in fear and awe of the great man in their midst.

Only the dazed and hapless Jerry remained on his feet.

He finally caught on to what kind of explanation Levi had in mind for Zoey when he brought her to Oakland City.

Jerry shuddered at this own audacity trying to snatch the wife and child away from the God of War himself.

“What are you doing? Why aren’t you on your knees?” His family anxiously gesticulated at him.

Jerry then fell onto his knees with a loud thud. “God of War, I was wrong. I shouldn’t have…”

Levi smirked, “You may not have been a gentleman, but I shall spare you in consideration of your effort to convince Zoey and the others to come to Oakland City!”

“Thank you, God of War!” Jerry prostrated himself and bowed his head repeatedly.

“There are rules and traditions to observe in all matters. Could we not be so outrageous as to entertain the notion of concubinage? What makes any of you think it appropriate for you to conduct yourselves as the kings of yore do? Someday, someone would cure you of your arrogance!” Levi reprimanded.

Conrad shrunk even more as he bowed deeper in deference. “Never again! I swear!”

Levi then took Abigail and made their exit.

This was one of the most heart-stopping moments that the prominent families of Oakland City had ever experienced.

They now understood how the house of Stuart had fallen – Because Indigo Stuart was The Azure Dragon, a King of War.

The maimed Conrad was eventually stretchered back to the Garcias.

He dared not breathe a word of the truth behind what transpired.

“Who was it who crippled my grandson? I demand justice to be done!” Zed, the head of the Garcia family, howled.



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Chapter 1173​

The entire Garcia family was hurting as Conrad was the apple of their eye.

It was excruciating to see him physically reduced to a cripple.

“Grandpa, Dad, let’s not continue to pursue this matter!” Conrad yelled.

“What?” All of them looked at him quizzically as that seemed a little out of character for him.

In the past, Conrad was never one to tolerate even the least amount of aggrievement. He was the sort to wrought vengeance upon the tribe if anyone amongst them so much as looked him the wrong way.

They could not understand this change in his temperament, at least with regard to this episode.

“Will you stop asking and just let it go?” Conrad implored anxiously.


Seeking revenge on the God of War?

Are you f**king insane?

“Your Uncle Tyrone just called to inquire about the situation. He’s very concerned!”

Even the Garrison clan had gotten word of Conrad’s misadventure by now.

Everyone wanted to know who was responsible and throwing down the gauntlet to the ancient families.

Just then, Damien hurried over.

“Who did this to Conrad?”

When Damien saw the sorry state Conrad was in, his face darkened. “Give me a name, and I’ll take care of it!”

Though Conrad was the one who experienced the pain, Damien felt the humiliation for him.

“No, Damien. This is my problem. I’m not saying anything, so stop asking!” Conrad was determined to take the truth to the grave.

Everyone found this behavior of his extremely bizarre.

They just could not figure out what could have broken the spirit of this once proud son of Garcia.

A cold glint flashed across Damien’s eyes. “Have it your way. I’ll go find out for myself!”

What Damien sought was what the ancient families of Oakland City were interested to know as well.

Word of the incident had reached the ears of Dale, as well as Zoey’s.

“Was it that same Conrad?

Zoey remembered that Conrad had herself in his cross-hairs at one point. However, she was fortunate to receive Dale’s timely intervention at that time.

“Right. He was reluctant to name the culprit despite being maimed and also declined to pursue accountability. It was totally unlike him – very strange indeed!” Dale furrowed.

“That reminds me, Zoey, has that Levi contacted you? Didn’t he say he wanted to talk things through?” Edwin asked.

Zoey shook her head. “Not yet.”

After arriving in Oakland City, it seemed as though Levi had vanished into thin air.

“That man is completely unreliable! What manner of an explanation is this? What is he trying to pull?” Edwin raged.

“Master, Jerry Gott is outside seeking an audience with you,” the butler informed.

“Alright. Send him in, quick!”

Dale still looked upon Jerry quite favorably.

At the same time, Martin was going crazy after learning about Curtis’s defeat.

In actuality, Jerry was the real top-ranking scion in the Oakland City’s Heir Leaderboard.

Jerry arrived in the meeting chamber in short order.

He looked pallid and haggard beyond compare, as though he had just recovered from a major illness.

“By the gods, Jerry, what happened to you?” Everyone glared at him in astonishment.


Jerry fell to his knee in front of the master of the house of Lehman.

“Mr. Lehman! I’m here to request the annulment of the engagement between Ms. Lopez and myself!”

Jerry choked up as he reconciled with the fact that he could never challenge the God of War for the hand of Zoey.

“What? Haven’t we already come to an agreement on his issue? Why the sudden change of heart?” Dale was quite astounded.

“Is it because you dislike that Zoey had a child with someone else?” Edwin added.

Jerry shook his head vigorously. “No! It’s nothing of the sort! It’s because I’m unworthy of Ms. Lopez! Please consider my request, Mr. Lehman. I implore of you!”

Dale looked at him angrily. “What is your justification? Explain yourself!”



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Chapter 1174​

Dale was the master of an ancient family – A man who had seen it all.

He knew in a second that something was amiss as nothing about Jerry’s erraticism could have escaped his eagle-sharp eyes.

“Speak to me. Tell me what happened exactly that led you to this decision!” Dale was adamant to know why Jerry was backing out.

Jerry sounded like he was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

“I’m afraid…” he whimpered.

“Huh? What are you raving about? Afraid of what?” Dale pressed.

Jerry gritted his teeth. “Please don’t ask anymore, Mr. Lehman. My reasons are personal. Please do agree to the annulment!”

“Aren’t you scared of pissing me off then?” The old man erupted.

“I’m not! Annul the engagement, I beg of you! I will bear all the consequences, whatever they may be!” Jerry had left it all on the floor.

I would gladly offend the Lehman family over Levi Garrison.


Jerry’s blatant disregard for death shocked the members of the Lehman family present.

Even Zoey’s curiosity was piqued.

What is this about?

What has spooked Jerry Gott so much that it made him so deathly desperate to call off the engagement?

Seeing that Jerry refused to continue further, Dale was dismayed. “You really are determined to keep your lips sealed, aren’t you?”

Jerry nodded furiously. “Yes. It’s personal and had nothing to do with anyone else.”

His obstinate behavior had the elder hopping mad. “You really are convinced that I wouldn’t do anything to you, do you?”

“Godfather, let’s just leave him be!” Zoey urged.

“Fine. I shall honor the wishes of my daughter!” Dale finally relented.

“Thank you!” Jerry bowed profusely, relieved to be off the hook at long last.

“But don’t think that I wouldn’t find out just because you choose to kept mum! I will have the truth, one way or another!” Dale bellowed.

The day grew stranger by the moment.

First Conrad Garcia, then it was Jerry Gott.

What’s eating them?

“Could it be that Jerry had decided to back out because he is fearful of that rascal Levi?” Dale speculated.

“Surely not, Dad? It’s not like they’ve never met before. How could Levi have frightened off the third-ranking scion on the Heir Leaderboard? It’s simply impossible!” Edwin quickly countered.

Zoey, too, did not see how that conjecture could have made sense.

The root cause for Jerry’s conduct must run even deeper.

“Right. Where’s that Levi Garrison then? Summon him here. I want him to explain himself to you in person!” Dale said as he opted to change the subject.

Zoey felt compelled to ring up Levi.

“Hey, have you arrived in Oakland City?”

“I’m here with Abigail. What’s up?”

What’s up? The nerve this guy has! Zoey was deeply unhappy to hear those words from Levi. “You’re one to ask. Didn’t you tell me that you would be here to explain yourself? Why haven’t you shown up?”

“I’m sorry. Something else came up that needed my attention. Tell you what – why don’t we meet up tomorrow?” Levi sounded apologetic.

Zoey scoffed. “It would seem to me that you never had the intention to see this through. If you wanted, you would have come over to the Lehman’s to see me right away!”

“Alright. I’ll be there soon! It’s about time I properly thanked your godfather as well!”

Levi then parted ways with Abigail and made haste to the Lehman estate.

When Levi arrived, he was intercepted at the door.

“Wasn’t I expected? Why deny me access now?” Levi frowned.

“You may enter, but not on your feet. You must come in obeisance!” Edwin stated coldly.


“Aren’t you ashamed of having disappeared on Zoey this past year and a half? Asking you to crawl in on your knees is meant to cleanse you of your sins!”


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Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1175​

“Kneel! Repent!”

“Kneel! Repent!”

Levi surveyed the vicinity as the Lehman guards echoed in unison all around him.

This was what Dale had planned out for Levi.

Kneel first, talk later!

Levi regarded the spectators coldly and did not seem like he was going to comply.

“Where is your sincerity? Where is your guilt? Don’t you think she has done enough to earn your repentance?” Edwin chided.

Upon hearing that, Levi was mildly annoyed. “Where is Zoey?”

“She is inside. But if you want to see her, you must show your worth by demonstrating genuflection!”

Levi laughed coldly, “Am I here to explain things, or am I here to bend the knee?”

“We will hear you out, without question. But for that to happen, the kneeling is a prerequisite!”

The Lehman family was especially harsh to Levi as they wanted him to understand in no uncertain terms how displeased they were.

Yet, Zoey had no idea that her family was going to intentionally make things difficult for him.

“Is this what Zoey wants?” Levi inquired.

Edwin nodded. “But of course! If you only knew how upset she was with you!”

Levi smirked.

As someone who understood Zoey better than anyone else, he was positive that there was no way she could be involved in this fiasco.

“Fine then. In that case, I should be going as for me, bending the knee is an impossibility!”

Levi then turned to depart.

“Hey, where do you think you are going?” Edwin bellowed.

Even so, Levi did not look back the slightest bit.

They had only intended to humble him just a little and had not anticipated this reaction.

“Insolence!” Edwin spat angrily.

In the Lehman family’s hall.

“Huh? Where is Levi? He told me that he was at the door a minute ago.” Zoey asked of Edwin.

Edwin replied, “This Levi Garrison is not a man! Guess what, Zoey? When I gave him a little ticking off outside and commented on how hard it had been for you, that kid blew his top! He also said that you must be insincere and distrustful of him since you were not there to receive him. After that, he questioned the need for him to explain anything! Said you changed the surname of his child, and he did not run away a year and a half and all that crap… I got into an argument with him over it, and then, he decided he was going to leave!”

Edwin added more concoctions into the mix but neglected to mention how he tried to get Levi to prostrate himself.

“Levi Garrison!” Zoey shrieked.

“I couldn’t decide whose name the child would take after! My hands were tied as the Garrison family forbade it! You ought to give me a reason for your going missing during this time! If you do not see the need to explain yourself, then I have no wish to hear it!” Zoey was agitated to the point of tears.

“I wish I could deliver one tight slap across the face of that detestable fool!” Dale fumed.

“Right! He clearly had no intention of clearing the air. If he wanted to, surely there was no need to come up to Oakland City as he could have done so in North Hampton. He’s obviously playing tricks on us! What more is there to explain? He abandoned his wife and mother. That is the plain truth that had been laid bare!”

Hearing the Lehman family’s commentary reduced Zoey to a sobbing mess.

“Mom, don’t cry. Don’t cry…” Forlevia wiped at her mother’s tears with her tiny hands.

In the meantime, Levi did not go back after leaving the Lehmans but made straight for the Garrisons.


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Chapter 1176​

It was said that the Garrison clan ancestral compound used to be a small palace more than a thousand years ago. The size of it was comparable to a small village.

Levi was standing at the top of a mountain overlooking the Garrison clan ancestral compound in all its glory.

He had to admit the compound was built in a prime location. With a large range of mountains behind and beside it, it ensured that any enemies would only be able to attack them from the front. It would be easily defendable.

He sighed, “No wonder they’re the most powerful ancient family in Erudia.”

“Who dares to trespass onto the Garrison clan’s forbidden grounds?”

An old man’s voice suddenly called out.

Levi acutely detected someone’s breathing and strong aura rapidly closing in on him.

A few seconds later, an old man with a head full of snowy white hair appeared behind him.

Judging from the old man’s outward appearance, Levi guessed he was at the very least eighty to ninety years old. Maybe even over a hundred.

But from their close distance, Levi could sense how the old man’s blood was still pounding through his veins powerfully. He could almost hear the roaring of it. When the old man shuttered his eyes, it was like the faint rumble of thunder.

He’s definitely a very formidable fighter! In fact, I think he might even be on par with Bloodking and his Four Bloodmasters! He’s probably the oldest person in the Garrison clan.

“Who are you? You don’t look like one of the Garrison clan members,” the old man questioned.

Levi grinned and replied, “No, I’m not part of the Garrison clan.”

The older man shooed, “Then get out of here, little boy! You shouldn’t be here. This is the forbidden grounds of the Garrison clan! Even most of the Garrison clan members are not allowed here!”

Glancing down at the sprawling buildings, Levi sneered. “Isn’t the Garrison clan ancestral compound down there? Don’t tell me this mountain belongs to you too? This is part of Erudia, a free country. I can go wherever I like. Where I go is none of your business.”

He was absolutely furious.

How ridiculous! These people are too used to getting their way and being such tyrants! How can this entire mountain range be considered as part of their clan’s forbidden grounds?

The old man bellowed, “What nonsense are you talking about, little boy? Let me be clear with you. This is the forbidden ground of the Garrison clan. Nobody is allowed to trespass here! Anyone who does so will be punished by death!”

Levi chuckled in response. “Oh really? Well, I’m clearly intruding here. What are you going to do about it?”

“You asked for it!” the old man roared before thrusting a palm out toward Levi.

His strike looked weak but there was an undercurrent of energy to it.

Even boulders would shatter underneath the force of this blow. If it were to land on a human, the human would be absolutely annihilated.

With a snort, Levi’s fist flew out like a cannonball to meet the old man’s palm.


The fist and palm collided together, causing a thunderous boom to ring out.

The crashing sound was so loud that down at the Garrison clan ancestral compound, they thought the skies were cracking open with thunder.


The old man was no match for Levi’s punch. Blood sprayed out of his mouth as he went flying back several meters before slamming into the ground heavily.

Disbelief flashed through his eyes.

How can a punch that looks so normal contain such power? And from a man as young as him? It’s unbelievable!

The old man stared at Levi with shock.

He was no ordinary old man.

His name was Teneb Garrison, the Guardian of the Oakland City Garrison clan.

He was the oldest and most powerful person in the clan.

Everyone in the clan referred to him as a living god due to his advanced age – he was 130 years old!

He had experienced the rise and fall of several generations and was respected by all. In the Garrison clan, what he said, went.

Not only that, but he had also been the one who cultivated Damien to be the man he was today. In fact, the top three fighters on the Saber Leaderboard had been trained by him as well!

The most powerful men from the younger generations of the Garrison clan had been taught by him.



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Chapter 1177​

Rumors had it that Teneb was so strong that his feats surpassed human limits.

Yet he had lost to Levi!

He demanded, “Just who are you!”

“My name is Levi Garrison! I came to scout out the Garrison clan ancestral compound today. Tomorrow, I’ll personally arrive at your doors. I had no choice but to retaliate since you pushed me,” Levi answered in an exasperated tone.

“Levi Garrison?” Teneb muttered the name to himself.

Abruptly, he remembered where he had heard the name.

“It’s you!”

Although Teneb had retreated to the mountains behind the Garrison clan compound to practice his martial arts, he was still well aware of what went on in Erudia and the Garrison clan.

Thus, he knew about Levi Garrison.

Recalling what he knew of the younger man, he could not help but sigh silently.

Damien was known by all to be a genius.

However, when compared to Levi, he was practically nothing.

Just what did the Garrison clan lose out on?

“Alright. I’ll be coming over again tomorrow. I hope you won’t interfere then. Otherwise, I’ll have no choice but to kill you!”

With that said, Levi left.

Meanwhile, the Garrison clan ancestral compound was in an uproar.

Due to the earlier commotion, they realized that something must have happened at the forbidden grounds.

Tyrone and Damien hurried over to see what was wrong.

Tyrone asked, “Elder Teneb, did something happen?”

Instead of actually answering them, Teneb ordered, “Go home!”

Tyrone and Damien exchanged bewildered looks.

Just what was going on?

Something big seemed to be stirring in Oakland City as strange occurrences were happening everywhere.

There were rumors that the imperial family and royal families had gathered together and done something huge.

However, despite being one of the ancient families, the Garrisons had not heard anything about it.

Then there was the fact that Conrad Garcia had been crippled. Unfortunately, they were unable to find any clues about who did it either.

Now, even Teneb was acting strangely…

“Since you’re okay, Elder Teneb, we’ll be taking our leave.”

The father-son pair departed from the forbidden grounds.

Damien felt unease welling within him. “Father, I think something bad is going to happen. I can feel it in my gut!”

Tyrone’s expression was grim as he replied, “I get the feeling it’s going to be something to do with Levi! That damn jinx really does bring misfortune with him wherever he goes! Only bad things have happened ever since his appearance! I even heard that he’s coming here!”

Damien nodded in agreement. “Supposedly, he’s coming here tomorrow!”

“Okay then. I’m definitely going to get rid of that damn brat once and for all!”

A murderous glint flickered through Tyrone’s eyes as he said that.

On the other side of things, Levi had not gone far from the Garrison clan compound when he suddenly tasted something salty and metallic in his mouth.

The next thing he knew, blood was dribbling from the corner of his lips.

I’m injured?

He had not realized he had been hurt.

That old man really is quite powerful. Luckily, he’s only a little stronger than the Bloodking so I can still handle him relatively easily. But how did I get injured?

After a moment of thought, realization dawned on him.

The Bloodking’s poison! It must be acting up again!

Cough cough!

At that moment, a wave of weakness washed over him, leaving him feeling extremely feeble.

It was even worse than that hit from Jerry Gott last time.

His earlier fight with that old man had taken more out of him than he thought. He had actually put quite a bit of power behind that punch.

Once again, he forcefully suppressed the poison’s toxicity.

After a short while, his body returned to normal.

Since the poison did not seem to be harming him directly, he put the matter out of his mind.

That night, Kirin reported to him, “Sir, the items you requested have already arrived in Oakland City!”

“Alright. Get everything ready. We’re going to the Garrison clan ancestral compound tomorrow!”

Early the next morning, Levi brought Emma with him to the Garrison clan ancestral compound.

He also made sure to call Zoey and have her go there as well.

Dale stated in a cold voice, “Fine! Let’s go over too. I would like to see him explain all this.


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Chapter 1178​

Thus, Dale brought Zoey and the Lehman family council members to the Garrison clan ancestral compound.

Not only him, the head of the Garcia family, Zed, also brought his council members with him there.

Flynn Hurst, the head of the Hurst family, also went with his council members. The Hursts were another ancient family.

All eight of the ancient families of Oakland City were heading for the Garrison clan ancestral compound.

From the Stuart family, Azure Dragon led his family members there.

The Preston family.

The Meyers family.

The Cuvier family.

In fact, it was like a mass exodus as all the powerful families flocked to the Garrison clan’s ancestral compound.

All the imperial, royal, quasi-royal and prominent families were gathering there as well.

Oakland City was in an uproar.

Luxury car after luxury car raced down the streets, all heading in a beeline for the Garrison clan compound.

It was incredibly likely that there would be more than ten thousand people gathered at the compound today.

This was a turnout that the Garrison clan had not expected.

How was it that someone like Levi could manage to cause so many people to arrive?

At the Garrison clan ancestral compound.

Last night, Teneb had sent out an order to all the family members. The members from the Oakland City clan were all to return to the compound within the day. There was something important he had to announce to them.

The entire Garrison clan was in turmoil over that message.

What was even stranger was that even Tyrone had no idea what was happening. This was an order from Elder Teneb himself. Even he, the head of the clan, had to obey the older man.

So all the Garrison clan members had to return to their roots.

Even though it was still morning, most of them had already arrived. The rest were on their way.

“Father, I just received news from Edward. Uncles Yancy, Lyle and Micah are back!” Damien stated.

Tyrone was absolutely delighted at this news.

Yancy, Lyle and Micah were his brothers.

They were also the top three fighters in Erudia’s Saber Leaderboard.

Together with Tyrone, they were usually called the Four Dragons of the Garrison clan. They were also the most powerful men in the second generation of the Garrison clan.

Damien held the utmost respect for his three uncles. They had been trained by Elder Teneb himself and learnt everything from him.

Was it any wonder that they had managed to become the top three on the Saber Leaderboard?

That was the dream of countless warriors in Erudia!

Every single fighter thought it an incredible honor to even get onto the leaderboard!

Damien continued with a smile, “Brandon, Greg, Herbert and Hayner are here too!”

Those four men were all from his generation and were each incredibly powerful fighters in their own right. They all had a spot on the Saber Leaderboard as well.

Burt and Lincon, who had been selected to join the Hidden Dragon Soldier King Training Camp, had also returned for the occasion.

However, the last two were not worthy enough for Damien to remember so he did not bother bringing them up.

Tyrone had a puzzled expression on his face. “I wonder what Elder Teneb wants to announce that he needs everyone to come back?”

Furrowing his brows, Damien suggested, “It must have something to do with what happened last night!”

“Then it should be something good, right? Maybe Elder Teneb wants to bring out the family heirloom!” Tyrone guessed.

With how prominent the Garrison clan was right now, there was no way anything bad would happen to them.

Especially since it was the Guardian of the Garrison clan, Teneb, that was making this announcement.

“Yeah, exactly! It must be something good! There can’t possibly be anything bad to say!” Damien agreed wholeheartedly.

Tyrone added confidently, “It must be an auspicious occasion for the clan! Is the Elder going to hand something to me? After all, everyone’s seen how much I’ve worked to help this clan prosper!”

Just then, one of the servants rushed inside to inform Tyrone, “Sir, for some reason, there’s a lot of people from the other families assembled outside! And their numbers just keep increasing!”

In response, Tyrone grinned happily. “Well, it’s normal that the other families will want to be here to witness this wonderful occasion!”

“But that jinx, Levi Garrison, is coming too!”



First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1179​

At the mention of Levi, Tyrone’s expression darkened.

How very unfortunate! This is supposed to be a blessed day for the Garrison clan yet that blasted brat is still coming!

A scornful look crossed Damien’s face as well.

To him, Levi was a nobody, not even someone worthy of being called an opponent.

Yet he was coming here today of all days!

Damien proposed to his father, “Chasing him away now would only humiliate us before the other families. Perhaps we should see what he wants to do first?”


From his higher position, Tyrone could clearly see the plaza outside the gates. Presently, it was filled with a sea of vehicles and was even expanding as he watched.

He shouted, “Do you see that? This is how powerful the Garrison clan is! More than ten thousand people are here because we’re having a major event!”

All the members of the Garrison clan thought everyone was here because of their worship of the Garrisons.

Little did they know, most of the families were not actually here for them.

After a while, all the members of the Oakland City Garrison clan arrived.

“Is Elder Teneb here yet?” Tyrone questioned.

Damien, who had only just returned from the forbidden grounds, replied, “He says he’ll appear when it’s time.”

“Okay! If that’s the case, we might as well head outside and deal with Levi first!”

Hence, Tyrone led the council members down to the plaza in front of their gates.

At that moment, the plaza was crammed full of people from all the families. From the ancient families down to the prominent families, every single family came with their representatives and council members. The initially huge plaza was packed tight with the massive crowd.

In truth, most of the people there were completely in the dark about what was happening.

What were they doing here? Was something going to happen here today?

Humans tended to be like a herd of sheep, following what the rest of the flock did.

Since they had heard the other families were coming, they decided to join in too.

The eight ancient families were here to see what Teneb would decide. The Lehman family had a second reason to be there because they wanted to hear Levi’s explanation.

Those who knew Levi’s true identity were here to support him, of course.

Thus, the crowd could be roughly separated into four groups.

Everyone glanced at each other in confusion.

Tyrone had initially thought these people were here to worship the Garrison clan.

But upon stepping into the plaza, he got the feeling that something was off.

Even he was clueless as to what to do.

“Mr. Garrison! Where’s Levi Garrison?”

Dale was the first to break the silence.

Tyrone froze briefly before answering, “Mr. Lehman, Levi is not coming!”

Furious, Dale roared, “You mean that brat tricked us? He’s not even going to come?”

Zoey was visibly upset at that.

Bewildered, Tyrone queried, “Huh? Mr. Lehman, what do you mean by that?”

He was getting more and more confused.

What are these people doing here?

He was oblivious to the fact that Teneb’s announcement would have something to do with Levi and that was the reason why everyone was here.

“That brat said he would give my goddaughter an explanation today here at the Garrison clan ancestral compound! That’s why we’re here!” Dale retorted loudly.

Tyrone snapped back furiously, “But Levi isn’t here! I think he probably lied to you. There’s no way he dares to come here! If he does, I’ll make sure he won’t be able to leave this place alive!”


Suddenly, the sound of cheerful laughter rang out.

“Levi Garrison is here!” someone shouted.

Like the Red Sea that parted before Moses, the crowd split down the middle to allow a path for Levi.

Levi strode forward with a tense Emma close behind. Kirin and the other four were also following Levi.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The ground seemed to tremble under everyone’s feet.

The cause for the mini earthquake was Black Tortoise, who was carrying a coffin and a gravestone on his back.

Thump! Thump!

He threw the coffin and the gravestone on the ground before the Garrison clan compound’s gates.

Then, it was clear these were the exact same coffin and gravestone that Damien had sent to Levi previously.

Levi was returning them to him!



First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1180​

Everyone was shocked by this sight.

Just how outrageous and arrogant must Levi be to bring a coffin and gravestone to the home of the most powerful ancient family in Erudia?

This was a deliberate provocation!

Damien’s eyebrows twitched as his face reddened in fury.

He recognized those two items.

Does he mean to return them to me? Insolent b*****d!

Tyrone was even more enraged.

He had thought Levi was here to beg him, but it was obvious now that the younger man was here to cause a scene.

How dare a bastard child like him taunt the most powerful ancient family in Erudia?

Thousands of pairs of eyes were focused on Levi.

Zoey’s emotions were all over the place at seeing him again.

Even though she had not gotten an explanation from him yet, the fact that he had come here already proved his courage.

“Wow, it’s so lively here! It’s even more crowded than last year during our bet!”

Tyrone guffawed before asking, “Levi Garrison, what are you doing here?”

Levi did not answer the man. Instead, he turned to his mother and stated, “Mom, I brought you here today so you may get an explanation from Tyrone and the Garrison clan! Ask them! Ask them why they abandoned you back then!”

Emma jerked at her son’s words before trembling. Her eyes were shining with tears as various emotions played across her face.

The day she had been wishing and praying for so many years had finally arrived!

Next, Levi turned to look at Zoey. “Zoey, I promise I’ll give you a satisfactory explanation today! I definitely won’t be like Tyrone Garrison and abandon my wife and child!”

“Levi…” Zoey murmured softly while tears trailed down her cheeks silently.

At last, Levi fixed his gaze on Tyrone and Damien. “Today, I, Levi Garrison, will destroy the Garrison clan. I’ll show everyone just how weak and powerless the so-called most powerful ancient family in Erudia is before me!”

The moment those words left his lips, everybody present burst into loud, mocking laughter.

The Garrison clan members even threw their heads back as they roared with laughter.

They were utterly astounded that Levi thought he could take them on all alone!

As they had said before, the Garrison clan had more than a thousand years’ worth of power and resources behind it. It had gotten to its position today due to generations worth of hard work!

Was it possible that they would lose to Levi?

There was a small chance.

However, it was like a one in a million chance.

“Hahaha! Interesting! How very interesting!”

Tyrone had always been amused to see people he deemed as insignificant trying to act tough before him. It was like an ant saying it was powerful before a dragon.

“Emma, I’m eager to see just what kind of ability your son has today!”

With that said, Tyrone’s expression chilled. “Titus?”

“Yes, Sir?”

Titus, one of the Garrison clan’s youngest guards, stepped forward.

He was also one of the challengers for last year’s bet.

“Defeat him!” Tyrone ordered.


Titus instantly stomped his feet on the ground, leaving two deep imprints.

Leaping into the air, Titus threw a vicious punch at Levi.

The force behind his punch caused the wind to whistle past his fist. Everyone could distinctly feel the heat generated from it as it felt like razor blades slashing at their faces.

Being able to achieve such power at a young age, Titus was a true genius when it came to martial arts.

“Too weak!” Levi commented softly.


His leg flashed upward to land a kick into Titus’ abdomen, sending the man flying back.


After more than a dozen meters, Titus finally crashed into one of the stone lions guarding the gates. Slumping to the ground, he did not get up again.

Everybody was utterly dumbfounded!

None of the Garrison clan members had expected Levi to be a martial arts expert as well!

Even Emma had not known that.


The expressions on the Garrison clan members’ faces were grim.

“He’s too weak! I want to fight your strongest!” Levi hollered at Tyrone while staring straight into his eyes.


First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1181​

One of the younger Garrisons, Marco, bellowed, “Such arrogance! How dare you show such insolence here at the Garrison clan ancestral compound!”

He was ranked tenth among the top ten strongest fighters in the younger generation.

He charged straight at Levi without a moment’s hesitation.


With one harsh slap from Levi, Marco was sent flying back.

“Go to hell!”

Ranked eighth among the top ten strongest fighters in the younger generation, Allan threw himself at Levi.


A punch threw Allan back.



Ranked sixth, David lost as well.

Number three and four, Ruben and Clayton, were both defeated too.

Beginning to get impatient, Levi demanded, “All of you come at me!”

Thud! Wham! Thump!

One by one, each of the younger generation Garrisons stepped forward to challenge Levi.

Yet the results were all the same.

They all lost.

In no time at all, Levi had managed to defeat every single one of the younger generation Garrisons.

It did not matter how powerful they were, they were all beaten within one blow! None of them even got a chance to strike a second time!

He’s so unbelievably strong!

Everyone was rendered speechless at Levi’s display of power.

They stared at him, their eyes wide with disbelief.

Zoey’s eyes were rounded in shock as well while her mouth hung open slightly. Her heart felt like it was about to leap out of her throat.

So not only is he a great businessman, but his combat skills are also through the roof!

“Wow! Daddy’s so awesome!” Forlevia cheered while clapping her hands delightedly.

The Garrison clan members were stunned.

Disregarding everything else, they should be taking him in as one of their own just based on his combat skills alone!

With the combined might of Levi and Damien, they would be unstoppable! None of the other families would even dare think badly of them!

Tyrone and his council members were feeling rather numb from their shock and regret.

They felt like they had made a grave mistake in not allowing Levi to join the clan initially. If only they had known how powerful he was back then, they would have accepted him in an instant!

“So this is my son? Hahaha! As expected of someone who has my blood flowing through his veins! He’s a Garrison indeed! Not bad! Not bad at all!” Tyrone exclaimed gleefully. He then shouted, “Everyone, hold on a moment!”

Turning to Levi, he said, “Levi, I was wrong to have blamed you previously. As long as you agree now, I’ll allow you to join the Garrison clan. I can guarantee your status will be the same as Damien’s. In fact, you might be entitled to even more resources than him!”

“That’s right! I agree on letting Levi Garrison join the clan!”

“Me too!”

One by one, each of the Garrison clan council members voiced their agreement.

They would have been crazy to kill off a genius like Levi!

Emma was close to tears with joy and pride at hearing this. Her son was finally making a name for himself! He had managed to obtain the Garrison clan’s approval through his own abilities!

Zoey was feeling much the same as Emma.

That was her husband! He had proven himself to the most powerful ancient family in Erudia and they were impressed!

Rubbing his goatee, Dale chuckled and commented, “Hmm, not bad. Now, this is a man that’s worthy of my goddaughter!”

Everyone was certain that Levi would say yes to the Garrison clan’s offer. After all, he would be able to enjoy the same privileges as Damien.

Imagine their surprise when Levi merely sneered and replied, “You want me to join the Garrison clan? There’s no way in hell I’ll do that! You’re not worth my time!”

He then leveled a scornful look on Tyrone. “You want to be my father? Do you even have the right? The Garrison clan is about as insignificant as ants in my eyes!”

Levi’s words served to anger the Garrison clan.

“We’re just appreciative of your talents! Do you seriously think we can’t do anything about you if we really tried?” Tyrone thundered.

In reply, Levi challenged coldly, “C’mon then! Who’s next!”


A voice called out loudly.

Damien stepped forward from the crowd.

Earlier, Levi had defeated all of the younger generation Garrisons except Damien, who ranked first among them


First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1182​

Tyrone snorted and gloated, “Levi, I admit that you’re quite strong. However, I think you’re severely overestimating yourself! You’ll never be able to beat Damien!”

His belief in his son was almost borderline fanatical.

Damien was like the symbol of the Garrison clan’s prowess, not to mention he was the strongest man among the younger generations of all of Erudia.

In all the ways that counted, he was the best!

Nobody could beat him!

Even if Levi had defeated all the younger generation members of the Garrison clan, he was still no match for Damien!

After all, Damien could easily do what Levi had done as well.

As Damien emerged from the crowd to stand opposite Levi, everyone gasped.

He was like some sort of celestial dragon coming down to Earth to grace the commoners with his presence.

He was the greatest pride and joy of Tyrone Garrison and Olivia Garcia!

Olivia had a haughty smile on her face as she spoke to Emma, “Your son might be slightly talented, but he’ll never be able to beat my son! You can stop dreaming about that!”

Her precious son, her pride, could not lose!

The pride of the Garrison clan could not lose!

When Damien was facing Levi, Levi grinned and stated, “You see that coffin and gravestone? I brought it back here specifically for you!”

“You dare show me such disrespect? Die!” Damien roared.

With that, he released his energy. A wave of power exploded from his body, forcefully pushing everyone back several meters like an invisible hand.

It was absolutely terrifying!

“He’s a God class fighter?” someone cried.

“Damien Garrison is actually a God class warrior!”

There was a strict ranking system when it came to fighters in this world. They were split into these ranks according to their fighting prowess.

Generally speaking, they could be separated into four classes. Commoner, King, God and Ultimate.

Commoner class usually referred to those that had not been training for long.

King class warriors were powerful fighters that were usually in various positions of authority in the military and led armies.

In terms of power, God class warriors were several times that of a King class. They were the true masters of fighting, being able to take on an entire army alone.

Back then, Levi was pronounced to be a God class due to having singlehandedly defeated the Eighteen-Nation Alliance of God class fighters!

God class warriors were very rare, a fact that could be seen when it had taken all members of the Eighteen-Nation Alliance to scrounge up even a hundred fighters.

Damien achieving this rank at such a young age proved how talented he was at martial arts.

No wonder he was considered a true genius!

If he were to ever consider joining the military, it would definitely not take him long to make his way onto the Saber Leaderboard.

The next instant, Damien moved.


His fist snapped out powerfully, sending out a loud roar as the air was pressurized by the force.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As he dashed toward Levi, his footsteps compressed the air, causing little explosions of sound like a firecracker.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The ground split open beneath each footfall.

Damien leaped into the air to come flying down at Levi, his fist aiming straight for him.

The force behind that punch was akin to a thunderbolt from Heaven.

Yet Levi’s face was blank as he stood there with his hands clasped behind his back. It was almost like he was frozen to the spot in fear.


Damien’s fist slammed into Levi’s shoulder and a loud rumbling sound echoed in the air.


What was even scarier was that the floor actually shattered beneath Levi’s feet. A spiderweb of cracks spread out for at least one hundred meters while some parts of the ground actually crumbled into a deep hole.

The strong gust of wind from that punch kicked up a cloud of dust, blotting out the skies. A lot of people cried out in pain as grit flew into their eyes. They could not see anything.

It almost felt like a bomb had gone off there.

It was utterly terrifying!

As expected from a God class fighter!

Tyrone and Olivia cheered, “Hahaha! My son won!”

After a moment, the smoke gradually cleared so everyone could finally see the battlefield.



First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1183​

Levi and Damien were standing across from each other.

Patting his shoulder, Levi smirked and taunted, “That’s it? That tickled!”

He’s completely unhurt?

Damien had dealt such a powerful blow yet Levi did not even have a scratch on him!

How ridiculous is that!

Everyone had thought he would at the very least be badly injured if not dead.

“You’re too weak!” Levi commented with a snigger.

Back then, he had taken on more than a hundred God class fighters the Eighteen-Nation Alliance had thrown at him. Alone.

Individually, none of them were weaker than Damien at all.

“Time for you to lose!”

With that, Levi threw out his fist.


His punch sounded like an explosion, causing everyone to go deaf momentarily. All they could hear was a loud ringing in their ears.

In fact, some would later describe this like they had been standing in the middle of a warzone while a hundred bombs went off around them.

Watching the fist that sped toward him, Damien tried to meet it with his own.


Unfortunately, he was unable to withstand the power at all. Damien was thrown backward like a ragdoll, blood spurting from his mouth.

He crashed to the floor, disbelief shining in his eyes.

I lost?

“Damien lost? How can that be? How could he have possibly lost?”

Nobody could accept this brutal reality.

The strongest of the younger generation of Garrisons had been defeated!

How horrifying!

That meant that Levi Garrison was also a God class fighter!

Although Emma and Zoey did not know much about the ranking system, they were happy enough that he was so powerful.

No words could describe their pride in him right now!

The Garrison clan was completely frozen in shock.

“No! That can’t be! My son cannot possibly lose! He can’t! He has to win, no matter what!”

Tyrone and Olivia glanced at each other, determined glints in their eyes.

In the past few years, Damien had practically bulldozed over every single opponent he had come across. He had never once lost!

That was also the reason why the Garrison clan was so proud and arrogant.

If he actually lost, that would severely tarnish the Garrison clan’s name and reputation!

The other fighters in the family looked at each other meaningfully, the same thoughts crossing their minds.

They had to make sure Damien won even if it meant cheating! He could not lose, not even once!

As the most powerful ancient family, the Garrison clan did not know the meaning of the word “defeat.”

By this point, Damien was also shooting pleading looks at his father.

Their thoughts echoed that of the other clan members.

Tyrone hurried over to Damien’s side and surreptitiously shoved a pill at him.

Damien swallowed it quickly.

This pill was a special drug that could unlock a person’s full potential.

At the same time, Tyrone and several of the other elite fighters pressed their hands against Damien. They transferred their energies into him, boosting his power even more.

With these two guarantees, he was definitely going to be able to win against Levi!

At this point, nobody cared that they were using such despicable methods to cheat.

When it came to these influential and powerful families, their glamorous and perfect image was just a front for how dirty and disgusting they truly were.

Damien’s power increased dramatically under the inflow of energies and the pill.

Five times!

Ten times!

A hundred times!

His power was now a hundred times his previous level!


Like a phoenix reborn, Damien rose to his feet while his hostile aura exploded out of him. Strong gusts of winds swirled around him.

Feeling the power coursing through his veins, Damien let out a demonic laugh.

This was the first time he had felt so much power!

He was beyond giddy, drunk on the feeling of being invisible!

At that moment, he felt like he could even kill God himself!

“Die, Levi Garrison!” he roared like some demon from Hell.


First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1184​

Anybody who was observant enough would realize what the Garrison clan had done.

But this was the most powerful ancient family in Erudia.

Nobody dared to speak up even if they were mad about it.

“What the hell is this? That’s cheating! How can the Garrison clan do that?” Dale protested in righteous anger.

After all, he was standing on Zoey’s side, which by extension meant Levi’s side. Of course he would be mad at seeing the Garrison clan members cheating.

“Hasn’t the Garrison clan always been like that? They’re ruthless when it comes to getting what they want! The fact that this concerns Damien is making them even more uncaring of anything else! After all, if he loses, that means the Garrisons lose too! There’s no way they’ll allow him to be defeated!” someone piped up.

Dale huffed angrily, “So we’re going to do nothing but watch?”

The people nearest to him sighed. “There’s nothing we can do but endure this! This is the Garrison clan we’re talking about.”

“Argh!” Dale hit his chest anxiously.

He was helpless and he knew it. The most he could do was complain.

Zoey panicked when she heard that short conversation.

It was just so unfair that the Garrison clan cheated!

This was not a one on one match with Damien.

This was Levi fighting against the entire Garrison clan!

That meant he was in even more danger!

It did not matter how strong he was.

If the Garrison clan was really as ruthless as they said, then he would be dead either way.

What a bunch of bullies! He was only supposed to fight Damien!

“What a pity! Levi is definitely one of the rare true geniuses out there. Unfortunately, he just had to piss off the Garrison clan. I guess it’s his fate to fall by their hands!”

Everyone was already lamenting the loss of such potential.

But they did not have a choice.

Nobody could actually control the Garrison clan for they did not have the courage nor the power to do so.

Due to his increased power, Damien had left the title of God class behind. He was probably closer to the legendary Ultimate class now.

Anyone in the Ultimate class was absolutely terrifying.

It was said that they could take on tens of thousands of men singlehandedly and still win like it was a walk in the park. They were the ultimate warriors that could not be taken down easily even with an army and heavy weaponry.

The only thing was that an Ultimate class warrior was nearly extinct for how rare they were.

Running into a God class warrior was already rare enough, let alone an Ultimate class one.

Damien stalked toward Levi, the sheer power emanating from him pressing down on the other people present. They struggled to breathe as it felt like a boulder was pressing down on their chests.

“Levi Garrison, I won’t lose!” Damien bellowed before swinging his fist out.

The destructive force behind this punch was a hundred times his earlier attack, capable of destroying entire mountains!

He was absolutely certain that this blow would obliterate Levi once and for all.


Levi’s lips curled into a mocking sneer before he met Damien’s fist with his own.


The impact of that collision was like a satellite smashing into Earth, sending shockwaves everywhere.



More than a few people coughed out blood from the shockwaves that had slammed into them.

As a whole, the entire crowd was also pushed back more than a dozen meters.


At last, the plaza could no longer hold up under this assault. The entire floor collapsed beneath their feet.

What was even more frightening was that Damien had been defeated.

He had been shoved back twenty meters, his feet leaving two deep furrows in the ground.

Even in this state, Damien had lost?

Just how powerful was Levi?

Everyone was utterly dumbfounded.

“I-I… can’t lose! I can’t lose!” Damien screamed.

He continued to push his body over and beyond his limits. It was obvious he was going to defeat Levi or at least die trying!

Wham! Wham! Wham!

Levi pummeled Damien three more times, leaving the latter a bloody mess.

Damien’s body crumpled to the floor lifelessly.

In the end, the coffin he had custom ordered would become his final resting place!

Tyrone and Olivia screamed when they saw their son fall. “My son! Levi Garrison, you’ll pay for this! Men, kill him!”


First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1185​

The bloodied form of Damien lay on the floor for all to see.

Zoey had been quick to cover her daughter’s eyes, not wanting her to see such a horrible sight.

Is Levi really that powerful? He’s really not afraid of the Garrisons, is he? They really did wrongfully blame him!

Everyone was stunned at Damien’s defeat, especially since he had already been boosted by the pill and energies of others.

How fearsome!

“You can make use of this yourself!”

With that said, Levi kicked open the lid of the coffin and threw Damien inside.

Scritch scritch!

Using a dagger, he carved some words into the gravestone. Here lies Damien Garrison.


When he was done, he rammed the gravestone into the ground.

Levi’s rapid defeat of Damien caught the Garrison clan off guard and they were absolutely incensed.

This was the biggest taunt Levi could ever do to the Garrison clan.

I killed off your future, all your hopes and dreams!

The Garrison clan members were about to lose their minds.

Levi had killed off Damien, their best and brightest! He was supposed to be the future of the Garrison clan!

Not only that, but he had also been the future of the Garcia family too!

After all, he had Garcia blood flowing through his veins as well.

Both families were crazed with anger as they yelled, “Die! Kill him!”

Warrior after warrior appeared and gathered together. Every single one of them was a God class fighter.




It was absolutely astonishing and daunting!

It had taken all eighteen countries of the Eighteen-Nation Alliance to gather even a hundred God class warriors.

Yet the Garrison clan and Garcia family alone already had seventy-one God class warriors!

This was the might of the number one and two ancient families in Erudia.

There were two characteristics that separated a God class warrior from a normal human. Other than their incredible power, they also lived a lot longer than an ordinary person due to their stronger life energies.

That was why a lot of the God class warriors before Levi now were actually rather old.

Since they had pinned all their hopes on Damien, there was no way they would let Levi off the hook for killing him!

“You’re dead, you hear me? Dead!” Zed Garcia hollered.

Tyrone was also screaming like a madman, “Do you seriously think I won’t kill you?”

Despite being faced with the pressure of so many God class warriors, Levi was extremely delighted!

It reminded him of back then when he was facing the God class warriors of the Eighteen-Nation Alliance!

“Wonderful, wonderful!” he crowed while laughing.

“Boss, let us take them!” White Tiger offered as the five of them stepped forward eagerly.

Levi shook his head. “No. This is my business so I’ll handle them myself!”

He was not the slightest bit afraid of these seventy plus God class warriors.

It was not like he had not already experienced this once before!

“Are there any more? All of you should come at me together! It’ll save me a lot of time!”

He wagged his finger at them tauntingly.

Such arrogance!

Even now, he was still provoking the people here!

It was clear he was completely disrespectful to the Garrison clan and Garcia family!

Tyrone thundered, “So you think you’re that good, huh? I’d like to see just how capable a fighter you are! The Garrison clan has an abundance of elite fighters! If they’re not enough, we still have the top three fighters of the Saber Leaderboard! We also have the Guardian of the Garrison Clan!”

“Kill him!”

Immediately, all the God class warriors charged at Levi simultaneously.

The ensuing battle was chaotic and intense.

From where they were standing by the sidelines, White Tiger and the other four could feel their blood pounding through their veins in excitement.

It was like they were seeing the legendary and undefeatable God of War again.

A short while later, Levi was standing tall with his white shirt stained crimson with blood.

Around him, all seventy-one God class warriors were groaning or howling with pain.

They had been utterly defeated!

It was outrageous how strong Levi was!

He had singlehandedly wiped out the best fighters the Garrison clan and Garcia family had!

The crowd was abuzz at the shocking event.

“T-This… That… That’s just too scary!”

“I’ve never seen anyone as powerful as him!”

Tyrone and the rest of the Garrison clan members had not expected Levi would be that strong either.

“Levi, don’t think that we’ll admit defeat just like that! Please grace us with your presence, Elder Teneb!” Tyrone yelled.



First level Tribulator
Sep 25, 2023
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Chapter 1186​

It was absolutely outrageous how formidable Levi was!

They had never seen a young man as terrifying as him before.

In fact, they had never even heard of the existence of someone remotely like him!

Tyrone was dumbstruck.

This is my son? If only we had accepted him into the family back then, we would be unstoppable right now! The other families would be bowing down before our might for at least a hundred years, maybe even more! The Garrison clan would have attained new heights! However, now that things have deteriorated to this extent, what’s more important is protecting our pride and reputation. We have to defeat him!

Thus, the only option they had left was to bring in the one man in their clan that was like a living god – Teneb.

Rumors had it that Teneb was an Ultimate class warrior, which was why he had managed to live so long.

At one hundred and thirty years old, his energy was still strong.

None of the people present had expected Levi would be so powerful that the Garrison clan would need to invite Teneb to the scene.

In no time at all, Teneb was escorted down to the plaza.


The Garrison clan members fell to their knees before the old man, chorusing, “Please seek justice for us, Elder Teneb! The disowned son, Levi Garrison, refused to acknowledge his ancestors and elders! He beat up his own cousins and even his elders! He even killed the Garrison clan’s hope, Damien! Please eradicate him for the sake of the clan, Elder Teneb!”

Presently, the Garrison clan was acknowledging Levi’s identity as a Garrison. However, they were now painting him as someone heartless and disrespectful.

Cough cough!

To their immense surprise, Teneb’s body shook as he coughed violently, spitting out blood.

“What? Elder Teneb… You’re injured?”

The color drained from everyone’s faces at that thought.

But then they recalled the commotion that had come from the forbidden grounds yesterday and understood.

Elder Teneb must have fought with someone yesterday and gotten hurt! To be able to injure the Guardian of the Garrison clan, how formidable must that person be? Was it yet another Ultimate class warrior?

That was an incredibly daunting thought. Having it be someone from the God class was already scary enough, but another Ultimate class?

It was said the gap between a God and Ultimate class was nearly insurmountable.

If one were to achieve the rank of Ultimate, that would mean he had gone beyond the limits of a mortal!

What was even more amazing was their combat prowess and longevity!

One could take on an army of ten thousand men by himself and his life was extended infinitely…

When it came to influence, it was said that having an Ultimate class warrior in a country was the best defense that country could have.

With an Ultimate class warrior on the frontlines, any army would quail in fear!

That was why everyone thought the culprit who injured Teneb was another Ultimate class warrior.

Wiping away the blood trickling from his lips, Teneb nodded. “Yes, I’m injured.”

Then, he turned to look at Levi.

“Don’t tell me it’s Levi who did this to you?”

Disbelief was writ across everybody’s faces.

“That’s right. It was him!” Teneb nodded. “I gathered everyone here today because of this important issue!”

In an instant, everyone realized why Teneb had called back all the Garrison clan members.


A coppery taste spread through Tyrone’s mouth before blood gushed out of his mouth.

To think they had been throwing the younger generations at Levi when he had already defeated their strongest member, Teneb!

Was there any limit to Levi’s power? He had singlehandedly obliterated the entire Garrison clan!

Tyrone ranted, “No, we haven’t lost yet! The truly strong fighters are not here yet!”

He was referring to the clan members on the Saber Leaderboard, in particular Yancy, Lyle and Micah. Those three really were the strongest fighters the Garrison clan had left.

If they took on Levi together, it was likely they might win.

Soon, Yancy arrived with more than a dozen fighters from the Saber Leaderboard.

Burt, Lincon and the others who had joined the Hidden Dragon training camp also arrived.

“The Garrison clan can’t lose!” Yancy shouted.

But as his eyes locked onto Levi’s in the next instant, he was dumbstruck.


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