The Protector (The Return of God Of War)

In Erudia, a private jet landed at North Hampton Airport, where all international flights experienced an eight-hour delay because of it.
At the private passageway were five men in suits and leather shoes, standing as straight as a javelin.

Every now and then, they would raise their wrist to look at the time, for a big shot was coming to town.
The upper-class society of North Hampton had learned about his arrival, but no one had the capability to get an inch closer to the private passageway.
Even the richest man in North Hampton who came to pay homage was chased away.
Finally, there were movements coming from the passageway.

“God of War!!!” the mass cried out, their eyes filled with awe and veneration at the sight of the undefeatable legend of Erudia.
He, who was dubbed the God of War, was the one and only five-star war God in the history of Erudia.
Once, he’d inflicted a crushing defeat on the strongest battalions in eighteen countries. He was an overbearing and formidable man.
He who overwhelmed the world with his unparalleled power had even created the Five Great Wars Regiment, Cavalry Regiment, and many more.

Setting foot on his homeland, Levi Garrison was overcome with emotions.
Once upon a time, he used to be an orphan who was abandoned on the streets of North Hampton and then adopted by the Garrison family.
However, the Garrison family had never been fond of him.
His adoptive parents, who had a tendency to beat and scold him, treated him like an outsider.
As for the outsiders, they treated him as a nobody.
But he didn’t care a stiver. He had always been proud of his surname since he was a child, and he strived to bring glory to this family when he grew older.
At last, Levi had established Levi Group, the largest dark horse in North Hampton’s business community.
With billions of assets, it ranked among the forefront of North Hampton, pushing the declining Garrison family to the top.
However, not only did the Garrison family showed no signs of appreciation, they even harbored dissatisfaction towards him. Jealous of his success, they regarded him as a thorn in their flesh and coveted Levi Group.
No matter his wealth and power, unless they were in control, he was just an outsider in the Garrison family’s eyes.
Eventually, on Levi’s wedding night, the Garrison family plotted a frame-up against him by getting him drunk before tossing him onto his sister-in-law’s bed. They wanted to create the illusion that he was doing something untoward to her and was caught in bed by his brother and adoptive parents.
That night, the Garrison family had brutally broken his limbs and left him on the road like a wild dog.
Not only was he handicapped, but he also had to take the flak for something he didn’t commit.
From an upstart in the business world, he had become the target of disdain overnight.
And the next day, he had been punished for several crimes and sentenced to six years in prison.
He could never forget the ruthless and sinister faces of everyone in the Garrison family and the ridicule of his friends, classmates, and business partners.
More so, he could never forget the disappointment on his newly wedded wife, Zoey’s face.
He had regarded the Garrison family as his home and devoted himself to the family.
Yet, they treated him like trash.
It felt as if a knife was being twisted in his heart every time he thought about this.
How he hated the Garrison family!
But who would have thought that Levi had been secretly transferred away from prison to join the military?
In a few years, he dominated the military world and became the one and only five-star God of War.
Now that he came back, the Garrison family ought to stay on their toes.
“How’s it going, Azure Dragon?” Levi asked.
Azure Dragon, the commander of the Five Great Wars Regiment, took a step forward and said respectfully, “Sir, I’m afraid your wife, Ms. Zoey Lopez will remarry at ten o’clock tonight!”
Ever since Zoey’s husband was sent to prison on their wedding night, she had been living like a widow.
Only God knew how much pressure she was put under.
And right now, the person Levi couldn’t wait to see the most was Zoey.
After a moment of hesitation, Azure Dragon continued, “To add on, Sir, the Garrison family is holding a successful listing celebration banquet at the Crystal Palace Hotel tonight! Many people had invited the God of War just now, including the Garrison family, but I didn’t accept nor refuse directly.”
“What time?” Levi asked tersely.
“Eight o’clock, Sir.”
“Okay. Tell the Garrison family I will attend the banquet!”
Since the time for the two events didn’t clash, Levi gladly accepted the invitation.
The celebration banquet for the public listing of Garrison Group was held at North Hampton’s Crystal Palace Hotel.
With the help of Levi Group, they had become a rich and powerful family in one fell swoop.
The hall was bustling with noise and excitement, and sounds of glasses clinking could be heard ringing in the air every now and then.
“God bless the Garrison family,” said Joseph, the head of the Garrison family. “The younger generations are the stars among men. Garrison Group is now listed and has become an upstart in North Hampton!”
Joseph’s three sons and daughter welcomed their guests with bright smiles on their faces.
The younger generation of the Garrison family was all the smugger and prouder because, after today, the Garrison family would become a powerful family, and they would become one of the top rich kids.
Most of the guests who attended today’s banquet were from the top circle in North Hampton.
“Garrison, do you know what happened today?! Your celebration party is nothing compared to that.” They were gossiping about the major event that had happened today.
“Yeah! I heard that a big shot has arrived in North Hampton!”
“The richest man in North Hampton wanted to meet him but was shooed away. Apparently, he’s not qualified enough!”
“So? Jesse Nielsen had been waiting for five hours in advance at the airport!”
Joseph nodded. “Yes, I know about that too. I even sent someone to invite this big shot to the celebration party!”
“No way! Why would this big shot attend such a party?”
No one believed it.
In fact, as an upstart, Joseph was just trying his luck.
“Dad!” shouted Jaycob, the second eldest son of the Garrison family could be seen running over. “The big shot has accepted our invitation to attend our celebration banquet! He’s on the way!”
“Jesus! God has indeed blessed the Garrison family!”
Everyone in the Garrison family could barely conceal their delight as this was their chance to reach the sky in a single bound.
The grandchildren of the Garrison family gathered together, sunshine flooding their souls.
Levi’s brother, Bryan, and sister-in-law, Victoria, smiled. “Well, it all starts with Levi’s imprisonment that the Garrison family is at where we are today…”
“Right, speaking about Levi, do you guys know today’s the day that kid gets out of prison?!” somebody asked abruptly.
“Really? Isn’t that bad luck? Why did he have to be released on such a big day?!”
“Please, please, please don’t come back! He’s the Garrison family’s biggest disgrace!”
Victoria’s lips tugged into a sneer. “Speaking of which, Levi is the crowning glory of the Garrison family’s status today.”
“That’s what he’s supposed to do!” Bryan said. “He should contribute to the Garrison family for raising him, an orphan! His multi-billion Levi Group means nothing. To put it bluntly, he’s just a dog raised by the Garrison family!”
Someone gave a chortle. “As a matter of fact, I’ve been interested in Levi’s wife for a long time now. She’s still widowed, and I’m so going to marry her!”
The man’s remark caused gales of laughter.
“Everyone, stop what you’re doing. I have an important announcement to make,” Joseph said and went on to announce that the big shot was coming.
A thunderous applause was heard.
But when the applause had died down, there was still someone clapping.
The sound was loud and clear, approaching from afar.
On the red carpet, a man came clapping, looking bold and energetic.
His stride gave off a majestic and imposing aura, which made the mass hold their breaths.
“It’s Levi!” Bryan and Victoria exclaimed.
Suddenly, all eyes were riveted on him.
“I forgot this little brat got out of jail today!” Levi’s adoptive parents spoke in unison.
Ignoring the astonished gazes darted at his way, Levi walked step by step towards Joseph.
“A little bird told me that the company is now listed. How are you feeling, Joseph? Are you happy?”
Levi flashed him a meaningful smile.
“How dare you show up here, you insolent brat! And what did you just call me?” Joseph’s fury sprang to life.
“Who let him in? Didn’t you know he just got out of prison? How inauspicious!”
Bryan rose to his feet. “What the hell are you doing here, Levi?”
Levi sized him up. “Why can’t I be here?”
“Well, for starters, you’re an orphan! The Garrison family has raised you, but you were ambitious and ungrateful. You had inordinate ambitions for your sister-in-law, and you wanted to take possession of the Garrison family! You’d even tried to kill your parents when things go south! Have you no conscience? Do you have any sense of morality left in your heart?”
“You’ve lost your reputation in North Hampton, and everyone knows that. Have you no shame to have the brass neck to come round here?”
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Chapter 1187​

Yancy was not the only one who had such a drastic change in demeanor.

Lyle and Micah’s expression fell when they got a good look at Levi’s face.

Behind them, Brandon, Greg and the other fighters were also looking pale.

As the best fighters on the Saber Leaderboard, how could they not recognize Levi?

Especially since the leaderboard was set up by Levi’s subordinates!


“Yancy Garrison greets the God of War!”


“Lyle Garrison greets the God of War!”


“Micah Garrison greets the God of War!”






In the blink of an eye, all the Garrison clan members who were in the military were kneeling before Levi.

They chorused, “All hail the God of War!”

This rapid turn of events was just too shocking!

Everyone present was completely caught by surprise.

Why would Yancy and the rest kneel to Levi?

They were the top three fighters on the Saber Leaderboard, the best warriors in all of Erudia!

Even Teneb was taken aback at their actions.

Just who is he? What is this “God of War?”

He was so astounded his thinking seemed to have ground to a halt.

“The Stuart family greets the God of War!” Azure Dragon suddenly shouted before he and his family members all kneeled down.

“The Preston family greets the God of War!”

“The Meyers family greets the God of War!”

“The Gott family greets the God of War!”

What followed was even more astonishing!

All sixteen of the imperial families and the thirty-two royal families got down on their knees before Levi, shouting the exact same sentence as the others.

The quasi-royal and prominent families followed their lead and kneeled as well.

In an incredibly short amount of time, the thousands of people in the plaza were all kneeling.

It was a mind-blowing sight.

The Garrison clan and Zoey were unable to react as their minds went blank.


Suddenly, the eerie howling of wolves could be heard.

Everybody glanced around, finally spotting the eighteen figures that had appeared on a nearby hill. The figures were riding on wolves.

At once, everyone realized who they were.

These were the subordinates of the God of War, his Cavalry Regiment!

“Azure Dragon greets the God of War!”

“Kirin greets the God of War!”

“Phoenix greets the God of War!”

“White Tiger greets the God of War!”

“Black Tortoise greets the God of War!”

The Five Great Wars Regiment also went down on their knees.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The sound of synchronized marching rang out before row after row of men in black clothing appeared.

These were the Dragon Warriors that had appeared in Jason’s house previously!

“The Dragon Warriors greet the God of War!”

The Dragon Warriors got down on one knee, giving Levi their highest gesture of respect!

“The Specter Army greets the God of War!”

Yet another group of soldiers arrived to greet Levi.

Then, even more appeared.

“The Ruby Army greets the God of War!”

“The Sapphire Army greets the God of War!”

“The Emerald Army greets the God of War!”

“The Topaz Army greets the God of War!”

Four separate groups appeared. These four were yet more undefeatable regiments that had been personally trained by Levi.

Coincidentally, they had been in Oakland City so they decided to come.

“The Dragonites greet the God of War! Welcome to Oakland City!”


Chapter 1188​

Another group of soldiers appeared.

It was the representative army of Oakland City – the Dragonites!

The initially spacious plaza was now completely filled to overflowing with more than ten thousand people there kneeling to Levi!

The Garrison clan, Zoey and Emma were at a loss for what to do.

They stood there dumbly, still in a daze from what they had seen.

“Asura is here with Zar, Bolgun and Talon!”

A commanding voice announced loudly.

Winsor strode over with three of his own regiments of men. His men were all wearing demon masks. However, there were three kinds of masks to differentiate them into their separate regiments.

“Zar greets the God of War!”

“Bolgun greets the God of War!”

“Talon greets the God of War!”

As the three men said that, their individual regiments all kneeled before Levi and addressed him as well.

It was a truly majestic scene!

These were all of Erudia’s fiercest and strongest armies!

Each was capable of defeating a ten thousand men army themselves!

It would not be an exaggeration to say all the soldiers present here right now were equivalent to millions of normal men!

That meant more than a million men were currently worshipping the God of War!

“Winsor Campbell greets the God of War!”

Even Winsor had to address Levi respectfully, but only because the latter was stronger than him.

Rank-wise, they were of equal rank. Thus, Winsor did not have to kneel. It was enough that he bow as a sign of respect.

Since Levi was here to accept the challenge, of course Winsor had to make an appearance to support him.

Winsor was a man of great reputation and influence.

All the influential families in Oakland City knew him, especially since he had appeared last year as well.

With such a jaw-dropping turnout, it was obvious now who Levi was.

This young man in his twenties was none other than Erudia’s own God of War!

He was Erudia’s best defense, able to strike terror into every other countries’ hearts!

“G-God of War…?”

The first to snap out of his shock was Teneb. Now he understood how he had lost.

How could he possibly win against the God of War?

Zed and the Garcia family members were close to crying.

They finally knew why Conrad, who had been crippled, had chosen to let things go. He had absolutely refused to speak about what happened to him.

It turned out that he had offended the God of War. Who had the guts to pursue this matter further?

No way the Garcia family was going to let themselves be exterminated!

Dale was completely blown away by this revelation.

It was dawning on him why Jerry would risk pissing off the Lehman family and break off his marriage contract with Zoey.

Jerry must have known about Levi’s true identity.

That was why he would rather die than actually snatch the God of War’s wife away from him!

Speaking of dying…

Edwin felt like a bolt of lightning had struck him.

What did I do yesterday? I was actually trying to force the God of War to give us an explanation while on his knees! What an idiot! I’m definitely going to die for this!

“Woohoo, Daddy’s amazing! Daddy’s so cool!”

Among all the people present, little Forlevia was the most clearheaded at that moment.

As a young child, she did not understand what the adults were talking about. All she knew was that a lot of people were kneeling before her father.

Of course he’s amazing! He’s the venerable God of War himself!

Zoey’s blank eyes gradually brightened as she slowly began to make the connections.

“The God of War?”

“Wait a minute, the God of War?”

“My husband is the God of War?”

A crazed expression made its way onto her face and she was close to losing her composure.


Chapter 1189​

Emma was slowly hit with the realization as well.

It can’t be? No way. It turns out what Levi said was all true!

My fantasies actually turned into reality?

Am I dreaming?

She gave herself a hard pinch and felt a sharp pain.

“You Garrison folks know nothing… We know better!” the Stuart family shouted.

The entire Garrison clan was struck with a deep realization, as though someone had just poured ice-cold water on them.

Why has Levi always been so disdainful towards the Garrison clan?

Why did he agree to the bet if he did not care about the Garrison clan?

In the past, everyone used to think that Levi was a dumb fool.

However, it turned out that he simply did not take the Garrison clan seriously at all!

The Garrison clan finally figured out why the God of War’s last name was Garrison.

The God of War is Levi Garrison!

They had spent a great deal of effort to investigate which branch of the Garrison clan he was from, but they did not expect him to be from their branch.

They also realized he was the same person that Tyrone almost killed.

That moment, Tyrone recalled Jonah’s warning to him and Damien.

They had disagreed with Jonah at that time, but Jonah already knew of Levi’s identity then.

Tyrone’s face suddenly turned pale as he recollected the first time he met Levi face-to-face.

He suddenly understood that Emma wasn’t the one who leaked the secret to Levi.

Of course, Levi found out by himself!

Given his status, it was a piece of cake for him to investigate this!

How naïve of me to think that he would use this to blackmail me…

I was wrong!

Absolutely wrong!

Someone of his status and position wouldn’t do this!

People generally regarded Levi as arrogant and aloof, but what they didn’t know was that his status was way above theirs.

On the other hand, the Garrison clan treated him as a lowly creature, but he was actually an extraordinary and mighty being.

The crowd took a deep breath when they thought about how easily Levi resolved the matter that the Garrison clan confronted him with.

They should have known better that he wasn’t a common man.

But they were blind-sided by Morris Group.

They underestimated the company and did not take it seriously.

All sorts of thoughts ran through their mind at that time. The God of War?

Levi Garrison is actually the God of War!

Who said a single man’s hard work over several decades cannot compare with the blood, sweat and tears of prominent families who have been around for generations?

Whoever said that was wrong. It’s absolutely possible!

The chances of this happening might be one in a million, but it is not impossible.

Levi Garrison is living proof of that possibility!

My son is the God of War?

With Levi around, would Damien still be of any use?

Could he possibly match up to Levi?

What a shame!

What an absolute shame!

If only the Garrison clan brought Levi back earlier, the God of War would be a part of the clan!

Who wouldn’t be convinced then?

The Garrison clan’s power would be on the rise, and going up the social ladder wouldn’t be a problem at all!

If that happened, it would actually be possible to dominate the whole of Bayview…

But it is too late to cry over spilled milk now!

We were the ones who pushed Levi to the enemy’s side…

Damien even ruined his wedding…

Now he’s taking revenge!

Levi looked at the thousands of people kneeling before him and shouted, “Get up!”

Everyone quickly stood up synchronously.

He then grabbed his mother and walked up to Tyrone.

“Did you ever dream of this day, that I would personally defeat the Garrison clan? Do you think it’s that difficult to defeat the clan? I’ll show you how it’s done! Mother and I are here to demand an explanation today!” he said with a contemptuous grin.


Chapter 1190​

Levi’s words cut like a knife while his voice sounded like roaring thunder.

His overwhelming presence swept across the crowd.


Every member of the Garrison clan was suddenly short of breath.

It was as though a large rock had knocked the breath right out of them, leaving them gasping for air.

Thump! Thump! Their hearts pounded rapidly.

Several people who could not withstand the psychological pressure started collapsing onto the ground one after another.

Their entire bodies were drenched in cold sweat.

It was a horrifying sight.

Showcasing his powers, Levi was like a god who had descended from the heavens, and mere ordinary folk could not withstand his attacks.

Tyrone, who was standing closest to Levi at this moment, turned pale white.

His legs started trembling as a layer of cold sweat formed on his forehead.

Levi glared at Tyrone. So what if you’re the head of Erudia’s first ancient family?

You can’t kneel before the God of War?

“You and the Garrison clan both owe me an explanation!” he bellowed.


Lightning suddenly struck the Garrison clan as Levi demanded an explanation from them.

“Alright, it’s time to question Tyrone and the rest of the Garrison clan! When my mother was pregnant back then, she knelt in front of the Garrison family home for three whole days. Where were you, and what were you doing? Why did you abandon your wife and child? Why did you choose to kill your own flesh and blood? Why are you so cold-hearted to my mother? Did she do anything to wrong you?” he interrogated Tyrone and stared at the entire clan.

Every member of the clan, including Tyrone, lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Levi.

Everyone remained quiet.

“Speak up!” Levi roared and slammed the main door.

In a wink, the door crumbled and turned into dust.

At that moment, Levi was like a demon who had unleashed his rage on all of humanity.



There was a seemingly invisible force that forced everyone to kneel down one after another, but no one could explain what was going on.

There was no logical explanation for this phenomenon.


Tyrone could no longer withstand the overwhelming pressure and finally collapsed on his knees.

Olivia, Kenny, and Teneb were all on their knees too.

They could not stand the pressure either!

By then, every single member of the Garrison clan was kneeling down before Levi.

Erudia’s first ancient family finally surrendered to Levi Garrison!

“Hahaha…” Emma chuckled in delight as tears started rolling down her cheeks.

“Olivia, didn’t you think I was inferior to you? That my son is of a lowly bloodline? What do you think now? Can your son compared to mine?” Emma yelled.

But Olivia remained silent.

“Your clan used to look down on me, thinking that my blood was less human than yours just because I am from a humble family. Back then, I dreamt of standing in front of all of you and telling you that my son will one day rule the world. Now, look at you, aren’t you all kneeling before my son?” Emma sneered.

Tyrone and the rest of the clan continued to hold their silence until she finished ranting.

For the first time in her life, Emma felt relieved.

The Garrison clan trembled with fear as they stood speechless before Levi.

“Why are all of you kneeling before a bastard? Hahaha… We’ll deal with you all soon…” she added sarcastically.

Levi then turned to look at Zoey, saying, “Zoey, I’ll give you an explanation right now!”


Chapter 1191​

“I actually wanted to tell you everything at the wedding, but Damien’s unexpected intrusion disrupted my plan! Later on, I wanted to explain while I dealt with the Garrisons, but something unexpected happened. The Dragonites transferred me out under their highest order and made it my mission to annihilate Blood King Palace. Because of that, I had to be away for the past year and a half. I missed the birth of our child and the agreement with the Garrison clan, and you were left to fend for yourself…” Levi explained why he went missing for one and a half years.

Everyone finally understood the real reason behind his disappearance.

He had been tasked to wipe out Blood King Palace.

“This was all in fact a scheme by my enemies from overseas to separate you and Mother from me!” Levi continued.

“Then why were we not in danger after you left? I even went overseas…” Zoey questioned him.

“Erudia had sent Asura to protect you from the ten thousand men who were waiting to ambush you at Keerea airport. Meanwhile, Mother was protected by Zar, Bolgun, and Talon,” Levi explained.

Zoey then understood why things had been so smooth for her when Levi was away.

There were always people around to protect her.

Even when Asura tried to attack her when her negotiations with the Garrison clan failed, there were men looking after her.

“Zoey, I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you and our child. But trust me when I say I’m Erudia’s God of War. Your husband now rules the world!” Levi finally made it up to her with a complete explanation.

“I’m so proud of you, darling!” Zoey hugged him tightly as she burst into tears.

This is my husband!

My pride and my hero!

He is the world’s best husband!

“You kept all this from me for so long. Why didn’t you tell me earlier…” She sobbed.

Thinking back on what she went through for the last two years, she realized everything that happened was no coincidence.

Levi had always been in control of every event in her life, and everything started to make sense to her.

“What a perfect explanation! You are indeed Erudia’s hero! We owe you a huge apology!” Dale took the initiative to apologize.

“I was wrong too!” Edwin got down on his knees.

“The Garrisons should kneel for three whole days! If Tyrone can take a punch from me, I’ll let this matter go!” Levi offered the Garrison clan an ultimatum.

From a wider point of view, he knew that it was best not to annihilate the Garrison clan.

Finally, Tyrone stood before him.


Levi threw a hard punch without any reservation, and Tyrone’s body flew over a hundred meters before he hit a wall.

No one knew if he survived.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Garrison clan had to kneel for three entire days to atone for their sins.

As the public caught wave of this news, many shady figures watched on in the dark.

They were not Erudians, and but were Tenichi’s men.

“Levi’s repeated assaults have triggered the Blood King Palace’s most poisonous attack! He is about to battle Asura again, and he will die without a doubt!” One of the spies sneered.

The Blood King Palace’s poison was the best weapon they could use to defeat Levi.

That very moment, Levi was suddenly overcome by an unpleasant sensation.

He felt like the sky was spinning as he struggled to stand up straight.

Feeling nauseous, he tried his best to hold back his vomit.

But he clearly felt that the effects of the toxin were a lot stronger this time.

He had battled Teneb and the seventy-one God class warriors of the Garrison clan before, so he was surprised that he was feeling this weak.

How come I can’t seem to control the poison this time? How is this possible?

Levi’s expression changed drastically.

“God of War, it’s time for our battle now!” someone exclaimed.


Chapter 1192​

As Levi felt his body spin out of control because of the poison, Asura suddenly appeared.

He had come to fulfil his end of the battle.

Levi continued to bear with the poison as much as he could while fearing he might pass out or vomit blood.

At this critical moment, Asura turned up to challenge him.

“Are you alright?” Winsor sensed that Levi wasn’t doing well.

Nevertheless, Levi covered up his pain and discomfort so well that Winsor could not tell in the end.

“I’m fine. I’m just excited!” Levi answered with a chuckle.

That moment, he exhausted every bit of strength in him to fight the Blood King Palace’s poison.

On the surface, he looked fine, but inside, his body was completely ruined.

Meanwhile, several spies were having a discussion between themselves somewhere in the dark. “Hahaha, the Blood King Palace’s poison is indeed powerful. Even the God of War cannot withstand it!” the first spy said.

“Did you know it took forty years for the Blood King Palace to develop this poison so he can defeat the strongest warrior!” another spy said.

“This time, Levi Garrison will definitely die. It will a wish come true for Blood King Palace and his military strategist!” a third one replied.

They knew best how powerful this poison was.

While Levi fights Teneb, Damien, and the seventy-one God class warriors of the Garrison clan, the poison would spread throughout his body.

No matter how strong Levi was, it would be too late for him.

The poison would have attacked every inch of his body.

The most unique characteristic of this poison was its ability to consume human blood and energy.

Even the gods would not be able to save him by then!

Moreover, Levi would have to face another powerful opponent, Winsor Campbell.

So his death would be inevitable.

All of this was within Tenichi’s plans, though some factors were beyond his control, such as Levi’s initial battle against the Garrison clan warriors.

Nevertheless, this was still favorable for him.

Winsor, on the other hand, did not bother about it much either.

After all, he and Levi had already reached such a high point.

Defeating the Garrison clan would not be a difficult task at all.

So he thought their agreed battle would not be a problem as well.

However, he did not know what Levi was enduring physically.

He glanced at Levi and said, “Come on, let’s settle this right now! The whole world knows the God of War, but few know of Asura. People will assume you are stronger than me, but I don’t think I’m any weaker than you. You’ve rejected my challenges more than ten times these few years! Today, the opportunity has finally come, and I want to prove to the world that Winsor Campbell is no weaker than you!”

In the blink of an eye, Winsor altered his appearance. It was as though he was a demon reborn from hell.

“Alright, I accept your challenge! If I win, you will have to work under my command. If I lose, I’ll let you take over as the God of War!” Levi mustered up his energy and accepted Winsor’s challenge.

“No, the position was originally mine! I will only be taking back what’s rightfully mine!” Winsor retorted.

He was completely consumed by the idea of becoming the God of War, and this obsession was the driving force for his insane actions.

All his life, he had been waiting for the day he could finally defeat Levi Garrison.

Just as the battle between Levi and Winsor was about to start, White Tiger suddenly exclaimed, “There’s something wrong with the boss! He seems to be injured!”

“I think so too!” Kirin echoed.

Phoenix, Kirin, and the other subordinates knew Levi well.

Even if he looked fine to others, they could tell that he was in trouble.

They sensed that he was injured.

Thinking that he was capable of fighting Asura, White Tiger took a deep breath and said, “Why don’t I take Levi’s place for the battle?”

“No, you can’t change opponents at this moment,” said Winsor.


Chapter 1192​

As Levi felt his body spin out of control because of the poison, Asura suddenly appeared.

He had come to fulfil his end of the battle.

Levi continued to bear with the poison as much as he could while fearing he might pass out or vomit blood.

At this critical moment, Asura turned up to challenge him.

“Are you alright?” Winsor sensed that Levi wasn’t doing well.

Nevertheless, Levi covered up his pain and discomfort so well that Winsor could not tell in the end.

“I’m fine. I’m just excited!” Levi answered with a chuckle.

That moment, he exhausted every bit of strength in him to fight the Blood King Palace’s poison.

On the surface, he looked fine, but inside, his body was completely ruined.

Meanwhile, several spies were having a discussion between themselves somewhere in the dark. “Hahaha, the Blood King Palace’s poison is indeed powerful. Even the God of War cannot withstand it!” the first spy said.

“Did you know it took forty years for the Blood King Palace to develop this poison so he can defeat the strongest warrior!” another spy said.

“This time, Levi Garrison will definitely die. It will a wish come true for Blood King Palace and his military strategist!” a third one replied.

They knew best how powerful this poison was.

While Levi fights Teneb, Damien, and the seventy-one God class warriors of the Garrison clan, the poison would spread throughout his body.

No matter how strong Levi was, it would be too late for him.

The poison would have attacked every inch of his body.

The most unique characteristic of this poison was its ability to consume human blood and energy.

Even the gods would not be able to save him by then!

Moreover, Levi would have to face another powerful opponent, Winsor Campbell.

So his death would be inevitable.

All of this was within Tenichi’s plans, though some factors were beyond his control, such as Levi’s initial battle against the Garrison clan warriors.

Nevertheless, this was still favorable for him.

Winsor, on the other hand, did not bother about it much either.

After all, he and Levi had already reached such a high point.

Defeating the Garrison clan would not be a difficult task at all.

So he thought their agreed battle would not be a problem as well.

However, he did not know what Levi was enduring physically.

He glanced at Levi and said, “Come on, let’s settle this right now! The whole world knows the God of War, but few know of Asura. People will assume you are stronger than me, but I don’t think I’m any weaker than you. You’ve rejected my challenges more than ten times these few years! Today, the opportunity has finally come, and I want to prove to the world that Winsor Campbell is no weaker than you!”

In the blink of an eye, Winsor altered his appearance. It was as though he was a demon reborn from hell.

“Alright, I accept your challenge! If I win, you will have to work under my command. If I lose, I’ll let you take over as the God of War!” Levi mustered up his energy and accepted Winsor’s challenge.

“No, the position was originally mine! I will only be taking back what’s rightfully mine!” Winsor retorted.

He was completely consumed by the idea of becoming the God of War, and this obsession was the driving force for his insane actions.

All his life, he had been waiting for the day he could finally defeat Levi Garrison.

Just as the battle between Levi and Winsor was about to start, White Tiger suddenly exclaimed, “There’s something wrong with the boss! He seems to be injured!”

“I think so too!” Kirin echoed.

Phoenix, Kirin, and the other subordinates knew Levi well.

Even if he looked fine to others, they could tell that he was in trouble.

They sensed that he was injured.

Thinking that he was capable of fighting Asura, White Tiger took a deep breath and said, “Why don’t I take Levi’s place for the battle?”

“No, you can’t change opponents at this moment,” said Winsor.

Awesome levi.. please dont die
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Chapter 1192​

As Levi felt his body spin out of control because of the poison, Asura suddenly appeared.

He had come to fulfil his end of the battle.

Levi continued to bear with the poison as much as he could while fearing he might pass out or vomit blood.

At this critical moment, Asura turned up to challenge him.

“Are you alright?” Winsor sensed that Levi wasn’t doing well.

Nevertheless, Levi covered up his pain and discomfort so well that Winsor could not tell in the end.

“I’m fine. I’m just excited!” Levi answered with a chuckle.

That moment, he exhausted every bit of strength in him to fight the Blood King Palace’s poison.

On the surface, he looked fine, but inside, his body was completely ruined.

Meanwhile, several spies were having a discussion between themselves somewhere in the dark. “Hahaha, the Blood King Palace’s poison is indeed powerful. Even the God of War cannot withstand it!” the first spy said.

“Did you know it took forty years for the Blood King Palace to develop this poison so he can defeat the strongest warrior!” another spy said.

“This time, Levi Garrison will definitely die. It will a wish come true for Blood King Palace and his military strategist!” a third one replied.

They knew best how powerful this poison was.

While Levi fights Teneb, Damien, and the seventy-one God class warriors of the Garrison clan, the poison would spread throughout his body.

No matter how strong Levi was, it would be too late for him.

The poison would have attacked every inch of his body.

The most unique characteristic of this poison was its ability to consume human blood and energy.

Even the gods would not be able to save him by then!

Moreover, Levi would have to face another powerful opponent, Winsor Campbell.

So his death would be inevitable.

All of this was within Tenichi’s plans, though some factors were beyond his control, such as Levi’s initial battle against the Garrison clan warriors.

Nevertheless, this was still favorable for him.

Winsor, on the other hand, did not bother about it much either.

After all, he and Levi had already reached such a high point.

Defeating the Garrison clan would not be a difficult task at all.

So he thought their agreed battle would not be a problem as well.

However, he did not know what Levi was enduring physically.

He glanced at Levi and said, “Come on, let’s settle this right now! The whole world knows the God of War, but few know of Asura. People will assume you are stronger than me, but I don’t think I’m any weaker than you. You’ve rejected my challenges more than ten times these few years! Today, the opportunity has finally come, and I want to prove to the world that Winsor Campbell is no weaker than you!”

In the blink of an eye, Winsor altered his appearance. It was as though he was a demon reborn from hell.

“Alright, I accept your challenge! If I win, you will have to work under my command. If I lose, I’ll let you take over as the God of War!” Levi mustered up his energy and accepted Winsor’s challenge.

“No, the position was originally mine! I will only be taking back what’s rightfully mine!” Winsor retorted.

He was completely consumed by the idea of becoming the God of War, and this obsession was the driving force for his insane actions.

All his life, he had been waiting for the day he could finally defeat Levi Garrison.

Just as the battle between Levi and Winsor was about to start, White Tiger suddenly exclaimed, “There’s something wrong with the boss! He seems to be injured!”

“I think so too!” Kirin echoed.

Phoenix, Kirin, and the other subordinates knew Levi well.

Even if he looked fine to others, they could tell that he was in trouble.

They sensed that he was injured.

Thinking that he was capable of fighting Asura, White Tiger took a deep breath and said, “Why don’t I take Levi’s place for the battle?”

“No, you can’t change opponents at this moment,” said Winsor.

No! Levi can't die😥

Chapter 1193​

Next, the huge battle began between Levi and Winsor.

From the moment they made their first move, the crowd was astounded and astonished by their actions.

Everyone was suddenly forced to step back about one hundred meters, and there was nowhere left for them to stand on in the middle of the grounds.

Between them, they released airwaves that were strong enough to send a few people flying away, and a number of people were injured because of this as well.

It was a dark fight indeed.

The Garrison clan compound had completely collapsed.

All the surrounding trees were destroyed and even the two stone lions at the entrance had exploded without anybody’s realization.

Nobody had ever witnessed such an earth-shattering battle before.

After all, both of them were practically invincible, having defeated thousands of soldiers on the battlefield.

In terms of fighting prowess, they were of the ultimate class at the very least.

Hence, this was definitely the battle of the century.

Asura gave it his all in this battle, vividly displaying every inch of his cruel and ruthless side.

Having singlehandedly killed more than eight thousand people belonging to a terrifying organization from the Western Dark World, Asura was carnage personified!

However, this was Levi he was battling with.

“Terrific! This is absolutely marvelous!”

Everyone could not help but sing their praises.


However, something unforeseen had happened. Levi suddenly fell backward and fresh blood was spurting out of his mouth.

Seizing the opportunity, Winsor did not give him any breathing room and went all out.

The combat resumed.


Levi was sent flying across the air once again.

As he lay on the ground, Levi could feel his head spinning. The Blood King Palace’s ultimate poison was way too powerful.

In fact, it was definitely fatal!

Before this, Levi was still holding on firmly.

However, after the rigorous battle with Winsor, he could no longer suppress the poison.

He had always known that Asura was very strong, and from that battle, he could gauge his powers.


He was incredibly, terrifyingly strong!

However, Levi had his own way to defeat him!

Despite being poisoned, as long as Levi channeled all of his energy into that one strike, Winsor will definitely lose!

At this moment, two voices appeared in his mind.

One said, Levi, you cannot lose, you must give it your all to defeat Winsor!

The other voice said, Put everything down and be with your wife and daughter.

The two voices were interweaving in his mind.

Levi had owed Zoey way too much over all these years.

He really wanted to give up his identity as God of War. All he wanted to do was to be a commoner who could spend quality time with his family.

Previously, when Asura helped to protect Zoey and her parents, Levi really wanted to vacate his position as God of War.

However, the more he thought about it, it did not feel right to him.

The entire Erudia acknowledged him and his position.

While Winsor was welcomed to take over, he had to defeat Levi first!

The latter was the God of War, and in the face of every challenge, he would definitely give it his all and never give up!

He could not throw the game, and he definitely could not be defeated!


At this moment, Levi’s energy suddenly elevated rapidly, as if he was an awakened beast.

His frightening aura made everyone’s blood run cold.

Suddenly, everyone felt like they were short of breath and found it hard to even breathe.


This was simply too terrifying!

Is this the Levi Garrison who had fought off one hundred thousand soldiers all by himself?

White Tiger and the rest were excited as the undefeatable devil from the battlefield emerged in their vision once again.

It was indeed extremely frightening!

Winsor’s face changed.

He could feel fear now that Levi had levelled up.

All smiles disappeared from his disciple Zar’s face.

They had just assumed that they were about to win this.

The spies were dumbfounded as they witnessed everything from the dark corners.

Was Levi that strong?

Even that did not kill him, and he could still fight?

From the looks of it, he might even defeat Asura?

Where were his limits?


Levi must not be allowed to live, and definitely not allowed to win!


Chapter 1194​

“Did you really think you hide so well that no one has seen you?”

Suddenly, the spies heard a frosty voice next to them.

Specters appeared all around them.

It was the Specter Army!



Immediately, the spies were all killed.

There was no longer anyone doing secret sabotage.

Levi could now fight fair and square with Winsor.

“Alright, you have finally revealed your true powers!”

Winsor shouted with glee.

His powers were being elevated continuously as well.

The Garrison clan ancestral compound was submerged by an overwhelming force of strength.

Everyone could feel the great pressure exuded from the battle.

“Come on, fight!!!”

Levi’s eyes turned red.

The Iron Brigade’s motto was to charge, even to the point of death!

The two of them battled once again.

Their movements were so swift, no one could see anything clearly.

With their combined detrimental strength, their aura assaulted the surroundings again and again.

The Garrison compound was no longer as it was, and all of the buildings were already destroyed.

“Is this power of the Ultimate class warrior? Absolutely frightful!”

Everyone held their breaths.

“The end!”

Enduring the spread of the toxins, Levi gathered all of his strength and delivered a powerful blow.

Asura would probably be defeated by this strike even if he had ultimate powers.

However, at this very moment, the strangest thing happened.

Levi actually failed right when he was close to fully recharge his powers.

It was so close as he was just one step away.


Asura landed a deafening punch on Levi.


Levi’s body was sent flying.

He was hurled one hundred meters away and crashed violently onto the ground.

After landing, Levi was in utter disbelief.

Was there someone secretly targeting him?

When he was battling with Asura, he could feel invisible energy forces pressurizing him from all directions.

It was at this very moment that Asura was able to defeat Levi with the most fatal strike of them all!

Seems like somebody does not want me to be the God of War…

It could not be from overseas…

It is too difficult for an elite fighter from overseas to burrow their way in here without being spotted almost immediately.

Therefore, it has to be someone from Erudia!

There is someone here at Erudia who does not want me to continue being the God of War!

Who is that?

Who could that be?

It could not be Asura.

Even though this guy is ruthless and cruel, he will definitely not use cheap tricks like these.

If he knew I was poisoned, he would definitely not fight with me.

He would want to win me fair and square.

Levi’s mind spun madly and he quickly came to the conclusion that the person that had just attacked him must be from Erudia.

In fact, that person might be lying in ambush amidst the Oakland City’s families.


All these years, he had always been battling at the borders and had never offended anyone at Erudia.

Does somebody see me as a threat?

So much that they want to kill me and get me off the position as God of War?

At this moment, Levi stood up once again.

Not noticing that something was off, Asura continued fighting him.


Soon, Levi was flung across the air again.


He got up again only to be sent flying once again.


After a few more times, Levi lay motionless on the ground.

Fresh blood kept flowing nonstop from his mouth.

Finally, he could no longer suppress the poison.

The toxins had spread and had begun to encroach his body.

On top of the injuries from Asura and the secret fighter, he could not take it anymore.

By now, a little child with a knife could finish him off, let alone Asura.

“Y-you…you won…”

Levi felt that his head was becoming heavier.


His head slammed against the floor forcefully and he lost all movement.

Chapter 1195​


Extreme silence!

One could hear a pin drop.

Everyone was petrified when Levi had no more movement.

This included Asura, who was rooted to the ground.


For a full thirty seconds, Asura trembled violently while spurting out fresh blood from his mouth.

This brought everyone back to reality.

In this fight, even though Levi was down, Winsor had also paid a painful price.

He was seriously injured as well.

Levi, who was ambushed repeatedly and poisoned, could still cause such injuries to Asura.

How powerful would he be had he been well?

However, the truth was before them…

Someone did not want to see Levi alive, or rather, did not want him to continue being the God of War.

The legend was defeated in a despicable way!

He did not actually lose!

He was being schemed!



Each and every one of Levi’s closest guards fell on their knees in disbelief of all that was happening before their eyes.

Azure Dragon and a few others rushed to check on Levi’s condition.

“I won!”

“I, Winsor Campbell, have defeated the God of War Levi Garrison!”

“That title should’ve belonged to me long ago! Now, I’ve won it with my bare hands!”

Winsor screamed and howled maniacally.

This was his glorious moment, or rather, this was the peak of his life!

Not only him, the entire Erudia and all of the ancient families witnessed the fall of Levi!

Winsor was stronger than Levi!

Everyone was more concerned with the outcome rather than the process, and they did not care if Levi had been poisoned, injured, or ambushed.

All they saw was that Levi was defeated…

“Asura Trio…”

“Zar congratulates the God of War on your victory!”

“Asura! Asura! Asura!” The Bolgun yelled.

“God of War, Asura!”

Asura’s guards all fell to their knees and cheered out loud.

“Asura is undefeatable!”

“Asura is Invincible!”


“Hahaha, no longer Asura. He should be addressed as the God of War!”

“Levi has mentioned that if he loses, he will vacate the position!”

Zar said.

“We congratulate the new God of War. May you protect Erudia!”


At this moment, up to one hundred families at Oakland City, including even the Garrisons, Garcias, and the Lehmans, all knelt before Winsor and cheered loudly together.

Winsor waved and said, “Alright, from now on, I am the new God of War!”


He had waited too long for this day to arrive.

Somewhere at Erudia.

A few people were having tea.

“Sir, under our forcible interference, Levi lost and is probably dead by now!”

Someone suddenly reported.

“Alright! Hahaha…he is finally defeated!”

A middle-aged man laughed heartily.

This was the same at various places overseas.

Tenichi, Wheldrake, and Atlantis all received the news of Levi’s defeat and even of his death.

It seemed like many places were cheering for joy.

The terrifying force that had suppressed them for years was finally conquered.

This called for a universal celebration!

The amount of hatred for Levi had now turned into joy.

In front of the Garrison family compound.

Zoey and Emma made a dash for Levi.



“My son…”

Everyone was cheering.

They shook him a few times but he still did not wake up.

In fact, his body had stiffened and become icy cold.

Zoey put her fingers tentatively in front of his nostrils…

“There is no breath…”

Zoey was shocked beyond madness.


Chapter 1196​


Zoey wailed from the bottom of her soul.

Forlevia began crying out loud as well.


Emma could not handle it and passed out immediately.

Azure Dragon, Kirin and the rest also lost their minds.


Levi’s subordinates all roared maniacally.

They began using various ways to wake Levi up, but to no avail. The cruel reality hit them.

There was simply no breath left in Levi…

This was a fact that nobody was willing to accept…

It looked like Levi was dead.

The Calvary Regiment was not calm.

The Specter Army lost their composure.

The Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire, and Topaz Armies could no longer hold themselves together.

Levi had presented himself in front of the Garrison family this day to identify himself. Who would have thought that someone who lorded over Oakland City would come to such an ending?

Not only was he defeated, but he was also dead…

This was something his family was unable to accept no matter what…

Even Asura felt a little curious…

He had noticed that something was off earlier, but he could not point his finger at it.

He did not think too much about it.

The man had always felt that he was stronger than Levi.

Now that he was so seriously injured, it would not be abnormal for Levi to be dead.

“No! Boss, you definitely cannot die!!!”

“I will get Fredrick and the rest to come back immediately!”

Behaving like he had gone mad, White Tiger scrambled to get up.

“Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Specter Army, Dragon Warriors, Cavalry Regiment, Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire, and Topaz Armies – prepare to receive your command!”

“As the God of War, I command you! From now onwards, leave here with me without dissent! Military action will be taken against those who violate my orders!”

Winsor suddenly gave his command.

Based on his cruel and heartless character, he would not care about Levi’s life nor death.

In his eyes, Levi was merely a loser.

Losers did not deserve to live!

There was only one chance!

To him, there was no such thing as a revival!

Therefore, when he saw that Azure Dragon and the rest still wanted to struggle, he immediately gave the command.

However, Levi’s guards all ignored him.

“I’ll say it once again! As God of War, I command you to leave with me immediately! You will suffer terrible consequences should I be angered!”

Asura roared furiously.

“Who is afraid of you? Come on, I’ll fight you!”

White Tiger could not hold back anymore and roared while he charged towards Asura.

“Seeking death, aren’t you? White Tiger, you are violating rank protocol here!”

Zar, Bolgun, and Talon were all glaring ferociously at White Tiger.

“Winsor Campbell, I am not afraid of you!”

White Tiger’s eyes were filled with intention to fight.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

The Cavalry Regiment, Specter Army and the rest were all staring at Asura in a uniformed manner.

“Are you all not defying the commands of the God of War?”

Asura laughed.

This sparked off a tensed atmosphere immediately.

At this very moment, Azure Dragon, who had been laying down next to Levi, suddenly stood up and roared, “We shall obey! He is the new God of War, and we should obey his commands!”

Azure Dragon’s words carried a lot of weight among the group, so the moment he spoke, everyone immediately stopped.

“I refuse!”

White Tiger remained stubborn.

Azure Dragon then murmured in his ears.

His face immediately changed.

Then, he looked down and nodded. “I, White Tiger, am willing to obey the commands. Everyone, listen to Azure Dragon and leave together with the new God of War!”

Even though everyone was extremely unwilling to do so, they still obeyed the commands.

Winsor could not be bothered with that and merely laughed. “Alright, come with me!”

He brought everyone away immediately.

Levi was left there, barely breathing.

Zoey was crying so hard she almost fainted.

Chapter 1197​

Dale and Edwin tested for Levi’s breathing, and the former had to tell Zoey the truth that she was forced to accept…

“Child, he is no longer here!”


That moment, Zoey felt like her head was about to explode.

She could not find it within herself to accept it!

Right before this, Levi had given her the perfect explanation.

He had let her know that her man lorded over the entire world.

The next moment, something like this happened.


The Garrisons were overjoyed.

Olivia laughed out loud, “Retribution, this is retribution!”

“Emma, my son is dead, and your son can forget about living too!”

Both the Garrisons and the Garcias were cheering.

Earlier, Levi had even punished them into kneeling for three days and nights. Who would have thought that he would cease to exist the very next moment?

“There is retribution and the heaven is watching!”

Kenny laughed out loud.

Zed too, sneered, “Levi, your end awfully, didn’t you? After you lost, not only did you lose your position as the God of War, but all of your henchmen also left and you even died! Hahaha…”

Pondering, everyone lost in thought. Indeed, Levi ended tragically.

Now, even the smaller families were bullying him.

More frighteningly, Winsor had sent Azure Dragon and the rest to the borders to defend the nation. They were not allowed to return to Erudia within the next ten years.

This was how Winsor cut off their ties with Levi.

However, this was an order and everyone had to accept it.

On top of that, Winsor had also instructed that Fredrick was not allowed to attend to Levi’s injuries.

The military doctor was stuck as well.

This was how Winsor denied Levi any chance of survival.

His motto was that losers had to die.

To Zoey and the few of them, it had been an emotional roller coaster of a day.

If not for the Lehman family protecting her, she would have to suffer as well.

“Is Levi really dead?”

Someone asked.

“It’s not possible for him to be alive! There is not enough time to save him right now!”

However, Zoey refused to believe it and still insisted on sending Levi to the hospital.

In the meantime, nobody noticed several people slipping away quietly.

They did not attract anyone’s attention with their existence nor departures.

It was as if they were specters…

Clearly, they were the ones lying in ambush!

They waited long enough to confirm Levi’s death.

The news that Winsor was now the God of War flew through Erudia and swiftly spread across the entire world.

It was as if the world had experienced a huge explosion.

What happened to the God of War?

He actually lost?

That’s the one and only God of War!

However, this just showed that Winsor was stronger!

Only the most invincible one was worthy of this title.

After Zoey sent Levi to the hospital, Benny immediately made his way there to treat him upon receiving the news.

Outside the emergency room.

Zoey and the rest were waiting anxiously.

“Zoey, Levi had no more breath left in him. It is impossible for him to still be alive!”

“Even if Benny Quinton himself comes to heal him, there is no way he could live!”

Dale said cruelly.

After all, both Levi and Winsor were no ordinary men. Their battle was beyond anyone’s wildest imagination.

Levi was practically dead earlier.

There was no way that he could still be alive!

“No, as long as there is hope, I will continue to wait!”

Zoey looked determined.

Time passed and soon, it had been over a dozen of hours.

The red light outside the emergency room was still on.

Desperation filled Zoey.

“No, no, no…”

She kept muttering.


The door to the emergency room suddenly swung open.


Chapter 1098​

Benny walked out with exhaustion written all over his face.

Zoey and Emma, who had just woken up, rushed to him instantly.

“Mr. Quinton, how is he?”

The two of them asked hurriedly.

Benny tugged at his mask and gave them a deep bow. “I am sorry, I tried my best. He still did not wake up.”


This piece of news was completely distressing to Zoey and Emma.

Both of them fell to the ground immediately.

“However, he is not dead!”

Benny’s words made everyone regain hope.

“What? Not dead? That means there is still hope for him to wake up?”

Zoey wiped her tears away and rays of light shone from her eyes.

“Yes, he is not dead! I have never seen such will and determination in a person! That’s how he is staying alive!”

Benny recalled, “I remember him telling me that as an Erudian warrior, he needs to keep fighting till the very end. He is probably surviving with this iron-strong will of his!”

“When will he be able to wake up?”

Zoey was very worried.

“There is no certainty! Based on the statistics, there is a ninety-nine percent chance that he will not wake up, with only one percent chance that he will! We don’t know when that will happen. It could be a few years, or it could be decades…”

Benny told them the cruel truth.


Zoey did not expect the situation to be so serious, and for hope to be so elusive!

“Don’t you have any other way, Mr. Quinton?”

Emma cried.

“No. Right now, it’s all up to his good luck…”

Benny seemed like he did not want to see this happening as well.

Zoey was very determined. “No, it’s alright as long as there is still hope! I believe that Levi will not just abandon us like this. He will definitely wake up!”

“Zoey, we would advise you to give up. He is as good as dead!”

Dale advised her.

He really did not wish for his god-daughter to waste so much time on a person in a vegetative state.

“No, my child and I must wait for him to wake up!”

Zoey was very determined.

Soon, the news that Levi had fallen into a vegetative state spread like wildfire.

The former God of War had met with such a tragic ending, and only had one percent chance of waking up…

His position was usurped and his people were transferred away, while he fell into a vegetative state.

It was a shuddering ending…

“Oh, not completely dead? There is still a chance for him to wake up?”

“His will to live is really strong!”

Winsor was very surprised to hear this piece of news.

With that, he snorted. “He is just a loser. What has his life or death got to do with me?”

“Levi still has a chance to wake up? No, he must be completely dead!”

There were voices and murmurs like these in Erudia and the rest of the world.

They had paid a huge price for Levi to end up this way.

And he was actually not completely dead yet?

How could everyone be relaxed about it?

Despite being in a coma state, he was still a potential threat.

They would only feel at ease after they see Levi’s corpse.

“Send out my command. Dispatch the elite fighter to check on Levi’s condition! No, whether he is alive or dead, kill!!!”

“Winsor won’t care about his life. Now that all of Levi’s people have been transferred away, we can do whatever we want!”


Similar commands came from all over the world.

One by one, elite fighters appeared at Oakland City.

The solitary and helpless Levi was about to face a huge impending danger…


Chapter 1099​

Levi topped the international hit list, and the bounty did not change at all.

Even though their target was a man in a vegetative state, the assassins would receive the same amount of bounty reward.

This drove all the assassins and fighters crazy, and they were all determined to kill off Levi.

On the other hand, this also showed how everyone was incredibly fearful of Levi.

Even though he was in a vegetative state, people still offered a large bounty for his life.

After Levi got into trouble, many people continued adding more insult to his injury.

The worst were the Garrisons and the Garcias who resumed their mockery.

Especially Conrad, who swore to take revenge.

However, they were all suppressed by the Lehman family. Otherwise, Levi would be in extreme danger.

The only person who did not change her attitude towards Levi was Tiffany.

Despite her family’s disapproval, she went to visit him.

Of course, Abigail appeared as well after she heard the news.

Even Iris came from afar.

They were considered the few who remained by Levi’s side after he was down and out.

Troubled, Tiffany said, “I heard that there are people targeting Mr. Garrison! There are many assassins who are on their way, as they are promised a huge bounty as long as they manage to kill him!”

Zoey knew about this and had experienced all of these before.

Her pictures from the last time were what triggered the incident later.

She understood the vicious hatred those overseas enemies harbored for Levi.

However, Levi was on his own solitary self-right now. No, he could not even wake up.

Who could possibly deal with the assassins?

The Lehman family?


The enemies were so much stronger than the Lehman family….

The only person who could solve this problem was Winsor.

However, nobody knew where he was.

She could not think of anyone else now…

Before this, Levi was in his heyday. Who would have thought that this was his ending?


Extreme despair!

“I’ll think of a way to secure Mr. Garrison’s safety!”

Finished speaking, Tiffany left the hospital.

She was their biggest hope now.

At the other side.

The Lopez and Black families who were far away in the South also received the news that Levi had fallen into a vegetative state at Oakland City after being attacked by the ‘Garrison clan’.

Even though they heard about this farce at the Garrisons’ residence, they didn’t know the exact details. It was kept confidential as it involved a battle for the position of the God of War.

Therefore, everyone had access only to all sorts of rumors and gossip.

Only very few of them knew about Levi’s previous identity.

What the Lopez and Black families heard was that Levi went to the Garrison family and was attacked, leading to his current vegetative state.

“Explanation? That’s an explanation?”

“Was there something wrong with his brain? How dare he challenge the Garrison clan?”

“Hahaha….serves him right now that he is a vegetable!”

The Lopez and Black families insulted him continuously.

When the South Hamptons families heard about it, they were extremely excited.

Finally, they did not need to be suppressed by Levi any longer.

After all, it was hardly comfortable to be constantly suppressed.

Very soon, innumerous elite fighters were lurking around the hospital Levi was in.

He was truly a threat to everyone!

Every single breath he took was a nightmare.

This was something that Winsor did not expect at all.

No matter what, Levi’s threat was larger than Winsor’s, despite the latter’s victory!

Before Zoey and Tiffany could come up with any countermeasures, the overseas elite fighters had already arrived.

Everyone was simply moving too quickly.

Some were not even from overseas. The ones that arrived the soonest were the elite fighters from Erudia itself.

There was someone here who did not want Levi to stay alive.

In the hospital’s ICU.

The nurses had just left after completing Levi’s intravenous infusion.

Zoey was due to return in five minutes.

At this moment, three figures slipped surreptitiously into the room.
Chapter 1200

They were not in a hurry to take action and were just there to observe Levi.

“I just want to see if Levi has really become a vegetable?”

This was definitely an Erudian who was speaking.

They observed for a full minute before exchanging shocked glances while exclaiming, “It’s true!”

“There is no way he can wake up after being poisoned by the Blood King Palace! It doesn’t matter anymore whether he’s alive or dead!”

One of them said.

“No, don’t you remember that we have a mission? Even if he were dead, we’d still have to kill him once again!”

“Yes, our objective is very simple. Since Mr. Finch wants Levi’s head, we will cut off his head and hang it at the highest spot we can find, so that the whole world can see that he is dead!”


With a flip of his wrist, the other person drew out a sharp knife that shone brightly with an icy gleam.

The assassin aimed the sharp knife at Levi’s neck. With one slice, his head would definitely be separated from his body.

Even though the blade is pressing against Levi’s skin, he was still lying motionlessly.


That man growled.

At that split second…


That knife actually landed on a hard object.


At the very next moment, the three of them saw Levi’s eyes flew open.

His glare was razor sharp and icy cold.

It was the ring on his finger that had prevented that knife.


Levi suddenly got up. With one shove, the knife turned around to stab the other person instead.


He immediately sprang out of bed and slammed the other two persons’ heads together violently.

Even till the point of their deaths, the three of them could not understand how Levi had woken up.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At the same time, his window suddenly exploded and his room door was forcibly opened.

Every single one of the assassins and fighters rushed into the room and charged towards Levi.

They were just one step behind these three elite fighters from Erudia.

The next moment, the two opposing parties were locked in battle in that tiny ward.

Bloody arrows were shot across the rooms while continuous howls and growls were heard.

The intensive care unit seemed to be so isolated from the other places in the hospital that nobody knew what was going on despite all the action and noise from the inside.

Nobody knew where Zoey was as well…

On his own, Levi faced and slashed his way through hundreds of assassins.

In the end, all of them were defeated.

Levi squeezed out every ounce of his strength and finally fell down.

This time, he had really used up all his strength.

The man had actually saved up some of his strength during his fight with Winsor.

He could have won that battle.

It was because he wanted to see who from Erudia wanted him dead that he did this.

White Tiger and Azure Dragon left because Levi had secretly given the latter a signal.

Otherwise, based on White Tiger’s character, he would have fought with Winsor until the very end.

Therefore, Levi took advantage of his ‘death’ to deceive everyone, including even Benny.

The doctor really thought that Levi had fallen into a vegetative state, hence he declared so.

Thanked to Benny, Levi used this as a bait to entice his potential killers.

Mr. Finch?

Just now, the three fighters from Erudia had mentioned this name.

Who was he?

Even though Levi was the God of War, he did not know much about the prominent figures in Erudia.

After all, he had been at the borders all this time.

However, it was useless knowledge anyway, as he was about to die.



Levi could not stop coughing up blood.

He had completely exhausted that very last breath he had been saving up.

After all, he just killed a few hundred elite fighters a moment ago…

He really fought hard until the very last moment.

The man could do no more.

Right now, he could feel life flowing out of him…

He was losing his consciousness, and could even feel his soul leaving his body…

Chapter 1200

They were not in a hurry to take action and were just there to observe Levi.

“I just want to see if Levi has really become a vegetable?”

This was definitely an Erudian who was speaking.

They observed for a full minute before exchanging shocked glances while exclaiming, “It’s true!”

“There is no way he can wake up after being poisoned by the Blood King Palace! It doesn’t matter anymore whether he’s alive or dead!”

One of them said.

“No, don’t you remember that we have a mission? Even if he were dead, we’d still have to kill him once again!”

“Yes, our objective is very simple. Since Mr. Finch wants Levi’s head, we will cut off his head and hang it at the highest spot we can find, so that the whole world can see that he is dead!”


With a flip of his wrist, the other person drew out a sharp knife that shone brightly with an icy gleam.

The assassin aimed the sharp knife at Levi’s neck. With one slice, his head would definitely be separated from his body.

Even though the blade is pressing against Levi’s skin, he was still lying motionlessly.


That man growled.

At that split second…


That knife actually landed on a hard object.


At the very next moment, the three of them saw Levi’s eyes flew open.

His glare was razor sharp and icy cold.

It was the ring on his finger that had prevented that knife.


Levi suddenly got up. With one shove, the knife turned around to stab the other person instead.


He immediately sprang out of bed and slammed the other two persons’ heads together violently.

Even till the point of their deaths, the three of them could not understand how Levi had woken up.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At the same time, his window suddenly exploded and his room door was forcibly opened.

Every single one of the assassins and fighters rushed into the room and charged towards Levi.

They were just one step behind these three elite fighters from Erudia.

The next moment, the two opposing parties were locked in battle in that tiny ward.

Bloody arrows were shot across the rooms while continuous howls and growls were heard.

The intensive care unit seemed to be so isolated from the other places in the hospital that nobody knew what was going on despite all the action and noise from the inside.

Nobody knew where Zoey was as well…

On his own, Levi faced and slashed his way through hundreds of assassins.

In the end, all of them were defeated.

Levi squeezed out every ounce of his strength and finally fell down.

This time, he had really used up all his strength.

The man had actually saved up some of his strength during his fight with Winsor.

He could have won that battle.

It was because he wanted to see who from Erudia wanted him dead that he did this.

White Tiger and Azure Dragon left because Levi had secretly given the latter a signal.

Otherwise, based on White Tiger’s character, he would have fought with Winsor until the very end.

Therefore, Levi took advantage of his ‘death’ to deceive everyone, including even Benny.

The doctor really thought that Levi had fallen into a vegetative state, hence he declared so.

Thanked to Benny, Levi used this as a bait to entice his potential killers.

Mr. Finch?

Just now, the three fighters from Erudia had mentioned this name.

Who was he?

Even though Levi was the God of War, he did not know much about the prominent figures in Erudia.

After all, he had been at the borders all this time.

However, it was useless knowledge anyway, as he was about to die.



Levi could not stop coughing up blood.

He had completely exhausted that very last breath he had been saving up.

After all, he just killed a few hundred elite fighters a moment ago…

He really fought hard until the very last moment.

The man could do no more.

Right now, he could feel life flowing out of him…

He was losing his consciousness, and could even feel his soul leaving his body…

Levi had a really long dream.

It was as if he had relived all twenty over years of his life in his dream.

Things were starting to get blurry as he was about to die, but he couldn’t afford to just yet.

Zoey… My family and friends… Erudia… C’mon! Wake up! I have to live on! I can’t just die like this! I still haven’t found out who Mr. Finch is!


Levi heard a faint voice shouting in his ear.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw a chubby little face next to his.

“Dad’s awake!” Forlevia shouted.


Levi wanted to hug Forlevia, but realized he couldn’t move his body.

Despite trying his hardest, all he could move were his eyes.

Levi was dumbstruck.

His entire body had been paralyzed by the poison from Blood King Palace.

It completely disabled his acupoints, corroded his muscle tissue, and severely damaged his internal organs.

That, in combination with his continuous combat had left him completely disabled.

Though he had his limbs broken eight years ago, this was a lot worse. The man couldn’t move at all.

Fortunately, he had regained consciousness, much to everyone’s relief.

“It’s a miracle! This is definitely going down in history as one of the most miraculous events in medicine!” Benny shouted excitedly.

It’s definitely a miracle for Levi to regain consciousness under such circumstances! Of course, it didn’t come without a huge price, but still…

Fredrick too, played a part in Levi’s recovery.

He ignored Winsor’s orders and came to see Levi, so Winsor fired him on the spot and imposed tons of restrictions on him as a result.

Even so, Fredrick didn’t care and worked with Benny to treat Levi and help him regain consciousness.

“Mr. Quinton, how is my husband doing?” Zoey asked.

Benny looked at her hesitantly.

“Just go ahead and tell them the truth, Mr. Quinton. I know for a fact that I’m disabled!” Levi said.

Benny sighed. “Yeah, you’re right… The God of War has become completely paralyzed and will be bedridden for the rest of his life. He can’t even be sat on a wheelchair, and will need someone to take care of his basic necessities.”

Fredrick sniffled. “All of his muscle tissues and acupoints have been disabled. The God of War will no longer be able to move at all!”

If only we could remove the Blood King Palace’s poison from his body… I can’t believe this is actually happening… The great Levi has now become disabled!


Emma nearly fainted again from the shock.

Zoey was shocked to hear that too, but she quickly regained her composure. “All that matters is that Levi is awake! Don’t worry, I’ll look after him!”

At that point, him being alive was all that she could ask for.

Given her financial status, maintaining a life of comfort wouldn’t be a problem at all.

Zoey held Levi’s hands tightly, and he smiled back at her. “I guess my life is in your hands now, Zoey.”

“Sure thing!”

Benny and Fredrick let out a sigh of relief when they saw how well the two were taking things.

In the end, the only things that matters are safety and happiness…

“The God of War of Erudia has become a cripple? What a joke! Hahaha…”


Chapter 1202​

That incident became the biggest joke of the century as well as the disgrace of Erudia.

The God of War feared by every country had now been reduced to a bedridden cripple who couldn’t even use a wheelchair.

Although it was a much greater form of humiliation than death, Levi being alive still posed a threat to some.

Levi had caused a huge scene after killing off hundreds of elites in his final battle, so assassinating him in Erudia would be impossible.

Winsor and the Dragonites were on high alert after the individuals and organizations exposed themselves during their attempt at assassinating Levi.

Ironically, Levi was actually safest now that he was crippled as the assassins would not risk exposing themselves again.

Of course, that was if he remained in Erudia.

Fredrick called out to Levi after having everyone else leave the room, “God of War…”

Levi cut him off, “I’ve already given up that position, so don’t call me that anymore.”

Fredrick frowned. “Fine, I’ll call you Boss, but you’ll always remain the God of War to me and all of your men! Boss, you don’t actually have to give up your position. You could just tell everyone about you being poisoned! I’m sure Winsor wouldn’t challenge you!”

Benny and I are the only ones who know about Levi being poisoned, and that he’s only in this state because of it. Had he told them about his condition sooner, he could’ve kept his position as God of War and save himself from this humiliation!

“It’s useless. They came for me specifically, so it was only a matter of time anyway. Besides, I’m tired of being the God of War. I want to spend some time with my family instead.”

Levi was taking it rather well.

Fredrick let out a huge sigh.

Who would’ve thought that the undefeatable God of War would someday be reduced to a bedridden cripple…

After a few days of treatment, Levi and Zoey made plans for their return to North Hampton as that was their home.

Levi also convinced Fredrick to return to his family before leaving.

Zoey smiled in relief when they arrived home.

“Great! The family is reunited now!”

At the very least, Levi wouldn’t suddenly go missing again like he did before…

Forlevia played with him in his arms while Zoey and Emma were cooking in the kitchen.

It was a heartwarming sight to behold.

Levi let out a smile as he experienced a feeling of relaxation like never before.

I suppose a quiet and peaceful life like this is pretty nice, after all.

The peace and quiet were soon interrupted when Aaron, Caitlyn, and Meredith came over.

“Zoey, what’s the meaning of this? Are you seriously planning on looking after a cripple for the rest of your life?” Meredith shouted.

“You said he can’t even move, so how is he going to be a good husband and father? He was already a huge burden even when he was in good health and things have only gotten worse now that he’s crippled!” Robert yelled at her too.

They now had a legitimate reason to reprimand the two.

Aaron slammed his fist on the table. “I will not have my daughter spend the rest of her life taking care of a cripple! You guys wouldn’t want Evie to have a cripple as a father either, right?”

Aaron’s words had everyone speechless.

“Of course not! I could just hit him like this and he can’t even do anything about it!”

Logan gave Levi a kick, who then winced from the pain.

Chapter 1203​

Logan burst out in laughter. “See? This poor b*stard can’t even move a muscle! Even a dog would be a lot more useful than him!”

Jennie laughed as well. “Yeah! At least a dog would be able to watch the door or something! What can he do?”

Forlevia cried when she heard all the nasty things they said about her dad. “Don’t you bully my dad!” She shouted while standing in front of Levi with her arms outstretched.

Emma was crying too.

I can’t believe this is happening to my son… None of these people would dare say any of that if he were still fit and healthy…

Levi frowned and kept his eyes shut as he lay on the bed.

“That’s enough!” Zoey shouted.

“Don’t you dare talk about my husband like that! He is and always will be my hero, regardless of his physical condition! Evie and I will always take pride in his glory, even if it was only temporary!”

Levi fought valiantly for all of Erudia, and this is how they repay him after he got crippled as a result? I won’t stand for this!

“Glory? What glory? And no, Morris Group doesn’t count!” Meredith asked.


Zoey was about to tell them about his identity, but changed her mind at the last second.

No, that’s all in the past now. Telling them about it won’t do him any good. Heck, they’ll probably just mock him even more for it!

“He’s what, hmm? Go on, say it! He’s lesser than a dog if you ask me!” Logan sneered.

“Enough! It is what it is, and I have decided to look after Levi for the rest of my life! That’s all I have to say!”

Zoey was determined to stand her ground.

“Are you stupid or what? How could you be so reckless? Have you ever thought about the future? What would Evie tell her friends when only her mother attends her school’s parent-teacher conferences? Do you know how traumatic it will be for her? She’ll forever be humiliated by her friends for having a cripple as a father!”

“Yeah, that’s right! All other kids have their fathers to take them out on family trips while Evie’s can’t even get out of bed!”

“And it’s not just her! You and your godfather would also have to endure the ridicule and shame as a result!”

Aaron and the others lashed out at her.

Forlevia hugged Levi tightly and shook her head. “No! I wanna be with Dad, and no one’s gonna separate us!”

Meredith looked at Emma and said, “Emma, please tell me you haven’t lost your mind like these two have. Look at the state your son is in! Do you really want to ruin Zoey’s life like this? I would’ve left with him if I were you!”

The others chimed in as well. “Meredith is right! You shouldn’t be so selfish, Emma!”

“Your son is as good as dead! Why don’t you just set Zoey free?”

“Yeah! Just pack your stuff and go as far away as possible!”

They all ganged up and tried to get rid of Levi and Emma.

“Don’t you dare insult my mother!” Levi spoke up all of a sudden.

Everyone turned to look at him.

“So what if we’re insulting your mother? What are you gonna do about it, huh?”

Aaron and the others sneered.

“Get lost, Emma!”
Chapter 1204


There was a sudden burst of energy in the room which sent a chill down everyone’s spine.

All eyes were on Levi.

It’s Levi… He’s mad… I can’t believe he’s still capable of instilling fear in his current state…

“What are you doing?” Logan asked with a shudder.

“I’m gonna knock the teeth out of that big mouth of yours!” Levi shouted furiously.

However, despite struggling with all his might, he found himself unable to move a muscle.

“Get up, damn it!” Levi roared as he forced his body to its limits, only to roll off the bed and fall to the floor with a loud thud.

“Levi!” Zoey and Emma rushed over to his aid.


Everyone laughed when they saw how pathetic Levi looked as he was sprawled out on the floor.

“Is that all you got? So much for hitting me!”

“How are you even going to protect your mother and child like this? I could hit them now, and you’d only be able to watch helplessly!”

Jennie and Logan laughed as they mocked him.

“You guys have gone too far!” Zoey yelled.

Logan chuckled and said, “I’m just showing you what’s gonna happen in the future, Zoey. You’re all fine now because we’re family, but what if you are up against his enemies, huh? Do you think that cripple can protect you? Even a dog could do a better job at that!”

What Logan said was horrible, but he does have a point… What if it were someone else that came today? What could Levi possibly do to protect us in his current state? He’d only be able to lie there and watch us get hurt!

“Come on, grandpa, grandma! Let’s go!” Russell urged the angry crowd to leave.

As much as they wanted to get rid of Levi and Emma, they didn’t dare do anything as Zoey had Dale to back her up.

After all, Dale respected Zoey’s decisions on the matter.

Both Emma and Zoey were in tears after carrying Levi back onto the bed.

Those guys were too much, and yet there’s nothing we could do about it… None of this would’ve happened if Levi wasn’t poisoned and crippled!

“Mom, Grandma, don’t cry! I’m sure Dad will get better!” Forlevia said as she helped wipe their tears.

Levi took a deep breath. “Evie is right. Everything will be alright!”

“Yeah, we’ve gotta keep moving forward in life!” Zoey recomposed herself.

Ben, Winnie, Bryan, and Victoria of the Garrison family from North Hampton also came by later that day, much to their surprise.

“Hahaha, I can’t believe this is what’s left of the great Levi Garrison!”

“So much for being the God of War, eh? Look at you now!”

“Karma sure is a b*tch! Looks like I was right to break your legs eight years ago! This was all meant to be, after all!” Bryan burst into laughter.

“You’ve been thrown into prison with your limbs broken, and yet you somehow managed to get chosen? Man, you sure are something, Levi! Tell me, how did you get your legs treated back then?” Victoria added.

“Hahahaha… Did you encounter some miracle worker or something in prison?”

“Maybe we should send you back into prison so you can get yourself treated again!”

Levi was the one who ruined their lives, so the two of them took extreme pleasure in seeing him like this.
Chapter 1204


There was a sudden burst of energy in the room which sent a chill down everyone’s spine.

All eyes were on Levi.

It’s Levi… He’s mad… I can’t believe he’s still capable of instilling fear in his current state…

“What are you doing?” Logan asked with a shudder.

“I’m gonna knock the teeth out of that big mouth of yours!” Levi shouted furiously.

However, despite struggling with all his might, he found himself unable to move a muscle.

“Get up, damn it!” Levi roared as he forced his body to its limits, only to roll off the bed and fall to the floor with a loud thud.

“Levi!” Zoey and Emma rushed over to his aid.


Everyone laughed when they saw how pathetic Levi looked as he was sprawled out on the floor.

“Is that all you got? So much for hitting me!”

“How are you even going to protect your mother and child like this? I could hit them now, and you’d only be able to watch helplessly!”

Jennie and Logan laughed as they mocked him.

“You guys have gone too far!” Zoey yelled.

Logan chuckled and said, “I’m just showing you what’s gonna happen in the future, Zoey. You’re all fine now because we’re family, but what if you are up against his enemies, huh? Do you think that cripple can protect you? Even a dog could do a better job at that!”

What Logan said was horrible, but he does have a point… What if it were someone else that came today? What could Levi possibly do to protect us in his current state? He’d only be able to lie there and watch us get hurt!

“Come on, grandpa, grandma! Let’s go!” Russell urged the angry crowd to leave.

As much as they wanted to get rid of Levi and Emma, they didn’t dare do anything as Zoey had Dale to back her up.

After all, Dale respected Zoey’s decisions on the matter.

Both Emma and Zoey were in tears after carrying Levi back onto the bed.

Those guys were too much, and yet there’s nothing we could do about it… None of this would’ve happened if Levi wasn’t poisoned and crippled!

“Mom, Grandma, don’t cry! I’m sure Dad will get better!” Forlevia said as she helped wipe their tears.

Levi took a deep breath. “Evie is right. Everything will be alright!”

“Yeah, we’ve gotta keep moving forward in life!” Zoey recomposed herself.

Ben, Winnie, Bryan, and Victoria of the Garrison family from North Hampton also came by later that day, much to their surprise.

“Hahaha, I can’t believe this is what’s left of the great Levi Garrison!”

“So much for being the God of War, eh? Look at you now!”

“Karma sure is a b*tch! Looks like I was right to break your legs eight years ago! This was all meant to be, after all!” Bryan burst into laughter.

“You’ve been thrown into prison with your limbs broken, and yet you somehow managed to get chosen? Man, you sure are something, Levi! Tell me, how did you get your legs treated back then?” Victoria added.

“Hahahaha… Did you encounter some miracle worker or something in prison?”

“Maybe we should send you back into prison so you can get yourself treated again!”

Levi was the one who ruined their lives, so the two of them took extreme pleasure in seeing him like this.
Now the story took another phase...

Even though Levi step down from the position of God of war...

He'll come back more powerful and from all indications the stronger and powerful enemies haven't resurface...

This story is getting hotter and hotter ...

The author is doing a nice job

Thank you Indra....

I'm anticipating seeing Levi in another phase aside God of war

Chapter 1205​

“If even Benny couldn’t treat him, I doubt anyone else can!” Ben sneered.

“Maybe prison is where he truly belongs!” Winnie said with a chuckle.

They were all so busy taunting Levi that none of them noticed the grin on his face.

“Don’t worry, Levi, we’re not here to hurt you. We just want to tell you that you should never push your luck, as you could fall from grace anytime! Your condition right now is a good example of that!”

“Yeah! Given that pathetic state you’re in, even we can’t bring ourselves to bully you right now!”

“He’s right! There’s no point in bullying someone who can’t even fight back at all!”


With that, the members of the Garrison family laughed as they made their way out of the house.

More guests kept showing up one after another.

They were all former victims of Levi’s wrath when he was in power, and had all come to mock him now that he was crippled.

Zoey could only console him. “Don’t take it to heart, darling. These guys are just trying to pick a fight with you. With my godfather around, they won’t dare do anything!”

They were fortunate enough to have Dale around, or Levi would’ve received more than just verbal insults.


The door was suddenly kicked open, and dozens of men rushed into the room with Lucas taking the lead.

“So this is what’s left of the great Levi Garrison, huh? I never thought I’d live to see the day I get to have my revenge!”

Lucas had been holding a grudge against Levi ever since he had him castrated back then, but he was powerless to do anything about it.

After a long wait for his chance at revenge, he had been presented with that opportunity.

“So, you can’t even move a muscle, huh? Guess you can only watch helplessly as I hurt your mother, wife, and daughter!” Lucas shouted maniacally.

Clomp! Clomp! Clomp!

A few bodyguards stepped forward.

“Make a move, I dare you!” Sylas said.

She had stayed by Levi’s side ever since his downfall.

“Do you think you can stop us? What a joke! I came here to get my revenge on Levi, and I don’t give a damn who’s backing him up!” Lucas cackled like a madman.

Sylas was starting to panic. Those guys are elite fighters… I’m no match for them alone, and it’s too late to call for backup now! Lucas is obviously here for blood, and not even the Grand Master can stop him!

“You guys, take her out! The rest of you, bring me Levi’s limbs! Oh, and I want him castrated too!” Lucas ordered.

His men sprang into action, and Sylas was soon overpowered.

“Hahaha! How does it feels like to be in such despair, Levi?”

Lucas had a smug grin on his face.

“Do it!”

His men were about to make their move when a cold voice was heard from behind.

“I don’t think so!”

Chapter 1206​

They turned around and saw a figure clad in a black hood that covered the face.

Levi chuckled at the sight of that.

He didn’t expect that the person coming to his aid was his former enemy, Hades.

Hades was wounded once, and Levi had his men tend to his injuries. However, he disappeared after he was fully healed.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Despite L Nation being a small country, Hades was still a formidable fighter and dispatched all of Lucas’s men in less than a minute.

“Thank you so much…”

Zoey and the others thanked him profusely.

“I’ve always respected the strong, and the God of War is the one I respect the most! From now on, I will protect him with my life!” Hades said with a determined look on his face.

Levi simply stared at him in silence.

Sylas let out a sigh.

Man, that must really suck for Levi! I mean, having to rely on Hades to protect him? Talk about a huge blow to his ego!

There were a lot fewer troublemakers dropping by now that everyone knew Hades was dead set on protecting Levi, but things weren’t that peaceful in the other countries.

Winsor had eliminated dozens of criminal organizations within just one week after being the new God of War.

He was doing so in order to establish his dominance overseas and instill fear in everyone’s hearts.

Being a violent person in nature, he was determined to prove himself stronger than Levi.

His method was very effective, and even Tenichi found him to be quite a headache.

With Levi out of the picture, Winsor soon built up a solid reputation for himself in Erudia.

Those who used to support Levi had gravitated towards Winsor as they only recognized him as the current God of War.

Not only did they practically forget about Levi, but they were also criticizing him for his downfall.

“The previous God of War was simply too conservative! That’s why he lost and fell!”

“Look at how powerful the new God of War is! He took the initiative, and now our enemies are cowering in fear!”

“That’s right! If only Winsor had taken over the position sooner… Erudia would probably be several times more powerful than it is now!”

“I know right? It’s all Levi’s fault! Winsor is the best God of War ever!”

Levi simply smiled as he heard what they said.

It’s hard to find people who would stay by your side unconditionally when you’re down in the dumps. Right now, Hades and Benny are the only ones apart from my mother, wife, and daughter.

“While you were staking your life on the frontlines, those you protected were enjoying themselves in the back. They pretended to support you during your glory days, and left you the moment you fall from power! In fact, it is them who are most likely to stab you in the back now! Some people simply aren’t worthy of your protection!” Zoey said with a wry smile.

Benny came over to give him a follow-up examination two weeks later, but the results were disappointing.

Levi’s condition showed no signs of improvement, and his fate of being bedridden for life seemed to be sealed.

What an unfortunate guy…

Benny let out a sigh as he looked at Levi.

He was about to leave when Winsor’s disciple, Zar, showed up at the door.

Levi chuckled.

It’s never good news if Zar is here! Something big must’ve happened…


Chapter 1207​

Zar glanced at Levi, and hesitated when he saw Zoey and the others.

“It’s okay, they can hear whatever you have to say. What is it, Zar?” Levi said.

After everything that has happened, I’m sure Zoey should be able to handle anything that comes our way.

Zar had a stern look on his face as he spoke, “There are two reasons for my visit today, first being to retrieve the Paragon Seal of Honor which you should’ve handed over a long time ago.”

Zar glared at Levi coldly.

Winsor may be the new God of War, but the Paragon Seal of Honor is still in Levi’s possession. That seal is the symbol of the God of War, and only those who carry it are worthy of commanding the Iron Brigade!

Levi nodded. “No problem, I’ll hand the seal over later. Now, what’s the second reason?”

A huge wave of energy surged through Zar’s body, filling the entire room with his murderous intent.

“Levi Garrison, do you admit to your crimes?” Zar shouted, frightening Zoey and the others with his sudden outburst.

What’s going on here?

Levi narrowed his eyes and returned the cold stare. “And what crimes would I be admitting to?”

“Treason!” Zar yelled angrily.

“What? Treason?”

Zoey and Sylas were dumbfounded.

Knowing Levi, there’s no way he’d do such a thing! He would rather die than betray his country!

“That’s impossible…”

“Y-Yeah, that’s definitely impossible…”

Everyone began to panic, but Levi shushed them and signaled them to calm down.

“And how have I committed treason?” Levi looked at him curiously.

“You’ve wiped out the Blood King Palace completely five years ago, right? No surviving minions?”

Levi nodded, as he had indeed killed off every single one of them back then.

“Then how would you explain the sudden revival of the Blood King Palace last year?”

Zar kept his sharp gaze fixated on Levi.


Levi was unable to come up with an explanation as even he didn’t know the answer to that question.

The Blood King Palace had mysteriously returned, and they were much stronger than before.

“Oh, you don’t know? Well, we do! It’s all because of you! You’re in cahoots with the Blood King Palace, and you’ve been betraying Erudia this entire time! You didn’t wipe out the Blood King Palace back then, did you? You made everyone think that they were gone, but they’ve actually been secretly growing in power! That’s why they’re so much stronger now! We have solid evidence of your conspiracy with the Blood King Palace, Levi!”

Levi let out a chuckle when he heard what Zar said.

I knew they are gonna bring up the Blood King Palace… It’s the perfect crime to frame me for because I have no way of proving my innocence!

“I bet you wouldn’t even attack them if it weren’t for the Dragonites ordering the strike, huh?” Zar sneered. “Levi Garrison, your acts of treason by conspiring with the Blood King Palace have led to huge losses in many organizations. What do you have to say for yourself?”

Levi refused to say anything further as he knew it was a pointless struggle.

Someone had set him up, so accepting the punishment was his only option.

“What will my punishment be?” Levi asked with a smile.

“In view of your past contributions, you will be spared the death penalty. Instead, you are banished from Erudia from this moment on! You have three days to leave the country or you will be forcibly deported!” Zar said coldly.

Those words hit Zoey like a sledgehammer.

They framed Levi just so they could banish him from Erudia? How could they do such a cruel thing? This is simply unacceptable!


Chapter 1208​

This is obviously a set-up! A conspiracy with the sole purpose of driving Levi out of Erudia so he would be vulnerable to assassinations!

Zoey smiled wryly at the thought of that.

“My husband is a magnanimous man who has dedicated his life to the protection of the country and its people, and yet this is how they repay his deeds? Destroying his reputation with a false accusation and banishing him from the very country he protected? What a joke! Hahahaha…”

Zoey burst out into a sad and bitter laughter.

So this is how it will end for the God of War, huh? How tragic…

Zar sneered. “How is it a false accusation if we have solid evidence to prove it? The Blood King Palace is the most powerful criminal organization in the world guilty of practically every heinous crime in history! Anyone caught working with them is to be executed, and Levi is no exception! You should be thankful that Winsor took pity in him and decided to only banish him instead!”

Winsor was actually aware of the dangers Levi would face if he left Erudia, but he didn’t find Levi worthy of his concern.

“I’m not here to seek your opinion on the matter, Levi. I’m simply here to inform you of the decision that’s been made! Now, where’s the seal?” Zar asked coldly.

“Give him the seal, Zoey.”

Zoey did as told and handed Zar the Paragon Seal of Honor.

“Remember, you only have three days to leave the country or I’ll kick you out myself!”

Soon, all of Erudia heard about Levi’s conspiracy with the Blood King Palace, and the entire nation was in an uproar.

Everyone hurled abuse at Levi for being the biggest traitor in the country’s recorded history.

Some of the people took matters into their own hands and found where Levi was currently residing.

They gathered outside the house and shouted at him.

“Erudia has no room for traitors!”

“Get out of here, you b*stard!”

Zoey was on the verge of breaking down when she heard the angry mob outside.

“What do we do, Levi? Are we going to just let them have their way? Is leaving Erudia really our only option?” She asked.

Sylas shook her head. “There’s nothing else we can do right now.”

“Sylas is right. Given how determined they are to get rid of me, I’d say resistance is futile.”

Levi was rather calm and collected.

“So we’re just gonna leave, then?”

But… This is unfair! It’s so unfair!

“Yes, for the time being.”

“In that case, we’re going together!” Zoey said.

“No, you guys stay here. I’ll bring you guys over once I’ve settled down. You’ll be a lot safer here with the protection of the Lehman family.”

“But isn’t it dangerous for you to be out there all by yourself?” Zoey was very worried.

“There’s a very safe island that I can go to lay low. Given my current physical condition, I doubt they’d even deem me a threat worth killing. Besides, I’ve got Hades to protect me!”

After a lot of coaxing, Levi was able to persuade Zoey into staying behind.

“We’ll leave tomorrow!”

Again, word got out really fast about the God of War being banished from Erudia the next day.


Chapter 1209​

All his enemies from overseas took great pleasure in hearing that, especially those who were dying to get their revenge on him.

Tenichi and a group of men were gathered on an island.

“Levi Garrison… You’re finally being banished from Erudia, eh?” Tenichi smiled gleefully.

He was the one behind everything that had happened.

Levi remained a threat to all of his enemies overseas for as long as he was alive, and they wouldn’t be able to rest until they got rid of him completely.

Winsor saw an opportunity when he discovered the “evidence” of Levi conspiring with the Blood King Palace, and he seized that opportunity immediately.

“Levi is going to leave Erudia tomorrow. We can make our move as soon as he steps out of the country’s borders, and we wouldn’t even have to be sneaky about it!” Tenichi sneered.

“You’re right, sir! Mr. Finch will send us the route that Levi takes on his way out of the country soon!”

“Hahaha! He sure is great help in getting rid of Levi!”

Tenichi broke into a sinister grin.

“Make sure all preparations are complete! We must kill Levi as soon as he leaves Erudia!”

Ensuring that Levi was truly dead was the only way to ease their worries.

It was soon the next day.

“Don’t worry, Levi! I’ve asked my godfather to have these elite fighters escort you to your destination! Just get us over there once you’ve settled down, okay?” Zoey said while pointing at the group of elite fighters from the Lehman family standing behind her.

She had really wanted to leave with him, but decided not to as she would only be a liability to him in the event of an attack.

“The Lehman family has also arranged for someone to receive you upon arrival, so everything will be fine!”

Zoey wiped her tears as she helped Levi into the car.

I’ll head over there with Evie once he’s settled down!

“Mom, Zoey… Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon! Take good care of Evie for me!” Levi said with a smile.

Zar had come over to supervise him. “You’re never coming back here, Levi! Don’t even dream about it!”

“If that’s the case, we’ll just spend the rest of our lives overseas. Either way works fine for us!”

Emma and Zoey broke down in tears.

“The God of War is innocent!” Sylas shouted.

Zar chuckled and pointed at Hades. “Funny how you say that when you have Hades of L Nation protecting Levi on this trip! It’s obvious that Levi has been conspiring against Erudia with these foreigners!”


Both Hades and Sylas were speechless with anger upon hearing that.

“That’s enough, you guys!” Levi shouted.

Even Hades has become evidence of my treachery…

With that, Levi began heading North towards the borders of Erudia.

After a lengthy drive, they arrived at the border and were greeted by a cold and barren wasteland.

Zar had personally escorted them to the border. “This is as far as I’ll go, Levi. You’re on your own from here. Once you step past that border, you’re no longer allowed to set foot in Erudia!”


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