The Protector (The Return of God Of War)

In Erudia, a private jet landed at North Hampton Airport, where all international flights experienced an eight-hour delay because of it.
At the private passageway were five men in suits and leather shoes, standing as straight as a javelin.

Every now and then, they would raise their wrist to look at the time, for a big shot was coming to town.
The upper-class society of North Hampton had learned about his arrival, but no one had the capability to get an inch closer to the private passageway.
Even the richest man in North Hampton who came to pay homage was chased away.
Finally, there were movements coming from the passageway.

“God of War!!!” the mass cried out, their eyes filled with awe and veneration at the sight of the undefeatable legend of Erudia.
He, who was dubbed the God of War, was the one and only five-star war God in the history of Erudia.
Once, he’d inflicted a crushing defeat on the strongest battalions in eighteen countries. He was an overbearing and formidable man.
He who overwhelmed the world with his unparalleled power had even created the Five Great Wars Regiment, Cavalry Regiment, and many more.

Setting foot on his homeland, Levi Garrison was overcome with emotions.
Once upon a time, he used to be an orphan who was abandoned on the streets of North Hampton and then adopted by the Garrison family.
However, the Garrison family had never been fond of him.
His adoptive parents, who had a tendency to beat and scold him, treated him like an outsider.
As for the outsiders, they treated him as a nobody.
But he didn’t care a stiver. He had always been proud of his surname since he was a child, and he strived to bring glory to this family when he grew older.
At last, Levi had established Levi Group, the largest dark horse in North Hampton’s business community.
With billions of assets, it ranked among the forefront of North Hampton, pushing the declining Garrison family to the top.
However, not only did the Garrison family showed no signs of appreciation, they even harbored dissatisfaction towards him. Jealous of his success, they regarded him as a thorn in their flesh and coveted Levi Group.
No matter his wealth and power, unless they were in control, he was just an outsider in the Garrison family’s eyes.
Eventually, on Levi’s wedding night, the Garrison family plotted a frame-up against him by getting him drunk before tossing him onto his sister-in-law’s bed. They wanted to create the illusion that he was doing something untoward to her and was caught in bed by his brother and adoptive parents.
That night, the Garrison family had brutally broken his limbs and left him on the road like a wild dog.
Not only was he handicapped, but he also had to take the flak for something he didn’t commit.
From an upstart in the business world, he had become the target of disdain overnight.
And the next day, he had been punished for several crimes and sentenced to six years in prison.
He could never forget the ruthless and sinister faces of everyone in the Garrison family and the ridicule of his friends, classmates, and business partners.
More so, he could never forget the disappointment on his newly wedded wife, Zoey’s face.
He had regarded the Garrison family as his home and devoted himself to the family.
Yet, they treated him like trash.
It felt as if a knife was being twisted in his heart every time he thought about this.
How he hated the Garrison family!
But who would have thought that Levi had been secretly transferred away from prison to join the military?
In a few years, he dominated the military world and became the one and only five-star God of War.
Now that he came back, the Garrison family ought to stay on their toes.
“How’s it going, Azure Dragon?” Levi asked.
Azure Dragon, the commander of the Five Great Wars Regiment, took a step forward and said respectfully, “Sir, I’m afraid your wife, Ms. Zoey Lopez will remarry at ten o’clock tonight!”
Ever since Zoey’s husband was sent to prison on their wedding night, she had been living like a widow.
Only God knew how much pressure she was put under.
And right now, the person Levi couldn’t wait to see the most was Zoey.
After a moment of hesitation, Azure Dragon continued, “To add on, Sir, the Garrison family is holding a successful listing celebration banquet at the Crystal Palace Hotel tonight! Many people had invited the God of War just now, including the Garrison family, but I didn’t accept nor refuse directly.”
“What time?” Levi asked tersely.
“Eight o’clock, Sir.”
“Okay. Tell the Garrison family I will attend the banquet!”
Since the time for the two events didn’t clash, Levi gladly accepted the invitation.
The celebration banquet for the public listing of Garrison Group was held at North Hampton’s Crystal Palace Hotel.
With the help of Levi Group, they had become a rich and powerful family in one fell swoop.
The hall was bustling with noise and excitement, and sounds of glasses clinking could be heard ringing in the air every now and then.
“God bless the Garrison family,” said Joseph, the head of the Garrison family. “The younger generations are the stars among men. Garrison Group is now listed and has become an upstart in North Hampton!”
Joseph’s three sons and daughter welcomed their guests with bright smiles on their faces.
The younger generation of the Garrison family was all the smugger and prouder because, after today, the Garrison family would become a powerful family, and they would become one of the top rich kids.
Most of the guests who attended today’s banquet were from the top circle in North Hampton.
“Garrison, do you know what happened today?! Your celebration party is nothing compared to that.” They were gossiping about the major event that had happened today.
“Yeah! I heard that a big shot has arrived in North Hampton!”
“The richest man in North Hampton wanted to meet him but was shooed away. Apparently, he’s not qualified enough!”
“So? Jesse Nielsen had been waiting for five hours in advance at the airport!”
Joseph nodded. “Yes, I know about that too. I even sent someone to invite this big shot to the celebration party!”
“No way! Why would this big shot attend such a party?”
No one believed it.
In fact, as an upstart, Joseph was just trying his luck.
“Dad!” shouted Jaycob, the second eldest son of the Garrison family could be seen running over. “The big shot has accepted our invitation to attend our celebration banquet! He’s on the way!”
“Jesus! God has indeed blessed the Garrison family!”
Everyone in the Garrison family could barely conceal their delight as this was their chance to reach the sky in a single bound.
The grandchildren of the Garrison family gathered together, sunshine flooding their souls.
Levi’s brother, Bryan, and sister-in-law, Victoria, smiled. “Well, it all starts with Levi’s imprisonment that the Garrison family is at where we are today…”
“Right, speaking about Levi, do you guys know today’s the day that kid gets out of prison?!” somebody asked abruptly.
“Really? Isn’t that bad luck? Why did he have to be released on such a big day?!”
“Please, please, please don’t come back! He’s the Garrison family’s biggest disgrace!”
Victoria’s lips tugged into a sneer. “Speaking of which, Levi is the crowning glory of the Garrison family’s status today.”
“That’s what he’s supposed to do!” Bryan said. “He should contribute to the Garrison family for raising him, an orphan! His multi-billion Levi Group means nothing. To put it bluntly, he’s just a dog raised by the Garrison family!”
Someone gave a chortle. “As a matter of fact, I’ve been interested in Levi’s wife for a long time now. She’s still widowed, and I’m so going to marry her!”
The man’s remark caused gales of laughter.
“Everyone, stop what you’re doing. I have an important announcement to make,” Joseph said and went on to announce that the big shot was coming.
A thunderous applause was heard.
But when the applause had died down, there was still someone clapping.
The sound was loud and clear, approaching from afar.
On the red carpet, a man came clapping, looking bold and energetic.
His stride gave off a majestic and imposing aura, which made the mass hold their breaths.
“It’s Levi!” Bryan and Victoria exclaimed.
Suddenly, all eyes were riveted on him.
“I forgot this little brat got out of jail today!” Levi’s adoptive parents spoke in unison.
Ignoring the astonished gazes darted at his way, Levi walked step by step towards Joseph.
“A little bird told me that the company is now listed. How are you feeling, Joseph? Are you happy?”
Levi flashed him a meaningful smile.
“How dare you show up here, you insolent brat! And what did you just call me?” Joseph’s fury sprang to life.
“Who let him in? Didn’t you know he just got out of prison? How inauspicious!”
Bryan rose to his feet. “What the hell are you doing here, Levi?”
Levi sized him up. “Why can’t I be here?”
“Well, for starters, you’re an orphan! The Garrison family has raised you, but you were ambitious and ungrateful. You had inordinate ambitions for your sister-in-law, and you wanted to take possession of the Garrison family! You’d even tried to kill your parents when things go south! Have you no conscience? Do you have any sense of morality left in your heart?”
“You’ve lost your reputation in North Hampton, and everyone knows that. Have you no shame to have the brass neck to come round here?”
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Chapter 1238​

Olivia heaved a sigh of relief and asked, “Mr. Finch, what happened the first time? Why did all the assassins disappear?”

Truth be told, Sampson had paid no attention to the matter all this while.

As such, when Olivia suddenly brought it up, he didn’t know how to answer.

“Perhaps Zoey has some formidable bodyguards protecting her? Nonetheless, the assassin organization we sent this time was one that had remained hidden for decades.”

Sampson was filled with confidence.

After all, the assassin organization that accepted the mission this time was very secretive and was deadly in its methods.

Olivia asked curiously, “Given that you come from the Great Family of Frostford, why are you so fixated on an ordinary person like Levi?”

Based on Olivia’s understanding, a great family was greater than that of an ancient family.

Erudia had Four Great Families. They were the Great Family of Frostford, Great Family of Southford, Great Family of Eastford, and Great Family of Westford.

Sampson came from the Great Family of Frostford.

A great family combined a group of ancient families and clans into a larger faction.

They control many of Erudia’s ancient artifacts and technologies.

The simplest ones were martial art techniques and medical knowledge.

They were even feared by ancient families such as the Garrison clan, let alone ordinary folk.

Therefore, even righteous men like Dale Lehman were forced to abandon Zoey.

No one dared to stand against a great family.

Sampson replied with a smile, “It’s because Levi broke all the rules.”

“Mr. Finch, is the current God of War, Winsor, related to you?”

Olivia was a smart woman. She remembered when Sampson asked her about Winsor previously.

Sampson admitted, “Yes, he is my disciple.”

“However, he isn’t the most exceptional young man within the Great Family of Frostford. He’s just considered above average,” Sampson added.


Olivia caught her breath.

How powerful are they?

Winsor is considered above average and he is already able to take the position of God of War?

Isn’t this reclusive faction just ridiculously powerful?

Without a doubt, the strongest and most powerful are always well hidden.

Or perhaps they’re just so far away from us that we can’t reach them.

Olivia had always assumed that Damien was the most exceptional young man in the world.

But now, it seems it was her knowledge that was limited.

For ancient and imperial families, their status was measured in terms of power, influence, and wealth.

Martial prowess had always been frowned upon and hardly shown any attention.

However, to the most powerful or those that live beyond the circles of ordinary men, the real measurement of a man’s strength is their martial prowess.

It was a world where the fittest survive.

As long as one was strong in martial arts, one’s status, wealth, and power were secured.

In other words, when one was proficient enough in martial arts, matters of the mundane world no longer mattered.

Using Winsor as an example, he knew nothing about wealth or managing a business.

He also didn’t have connections to help him.

All he could rely on was his own fists to claim the title of Asura.

That was the definition of the martial way.

Everyone will submit in the face of absolute power.

Therefore, within a great family, it was common for everyone to focus on martial arts training. Ever since they were young, they would be trained in the martial way to become formidable warriors.

That was the reason why a great family would always be packed with God class and Ultimate class warriors.

Although they lived within their own circle, they were not afraid of being out of touch with the outside world.

As long as they had overwhelming power, they would be kings whenever they appeared in society.

Winsor’s appearance proved that point.

“Ordinary people like you are just ants to us,” Sampson sneered.

Even though he was ridiculing her, Olivia didn’t dare to retort.


Just then, the manor’s main door was busted open by a kick.

Chapter 1239​

“Olivia! Come out this instance!”

A cold voice reverberated throughout.

The manor’s hundreds of security guards charged ahead.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

One by one, the security guards were sent flying.

Two figures walked into the manor’s living hall with bodies strewn all around them.

The Garrison clan’s elite security guards fell like flies.

In the hall.

Olivia’s expression drastically changed.

Even Sampson’s entourage was shocked.

Who is it?

How dare they cause trouble here?

A moment later, two figures emerged in the hall.

“What? How can it be y-you…”

“Levi… Garrison… How can you still be alive?”

Levi’s sudden appearance threw Olivia and Sampson into utter shock.

After all, a dead man had just appeared right before their eyes. It would be weird if they weren’t surprised at all.

Olivia’s eyes looked as if they were going to pop out.

“I have died a wrongful death. As such, I’m here for my revenge!” Levi declared as he burst into laughter.

“No… I didn’t kill you. It wasn’t me, it’s them…”

Olivia was on the verge of despair and couldn’t believe that Levi was still alive.

Even Sampson, who was from a great family, was stunned for almost a minute. Gasping in disbelief, he asked, “How is it that you’re still alive?”

Levi stared at him and sneered, “Mr. Finch?”

“You actually know me? Damn… I’ve fallen into a trap.”

Mr. Finch was a smart man and immediately realized what was going on.

“How is that possible? You could hardly move then and all your bodyguards were killed. How can you still be alive? If you have recovered, you should have taken action then…” Sampson ranted in surprise.

The mention of that incident struck a raw nerve within Levi.

All the comrades that died for me…

Damn it!

Wouldn’t it be great if I could fight back earlier?

Everyone wouldn’t have to die then.

However, his recovery simply needed more time.

Sampson glanced at North Sky Lord and said, “No, someone must have saved you. From there, they created the illusion of your death. Even your own subordinates have been fooled.”

“But, how can you still recover? It’s just impossible!”

Sampson had sent his men to examine Levi’s body and was sure that there was no way he could recover.

He was supposed to be paralyzed for life.

Even the ancient medical techniques and doctors of the Great Family of Frostford couldn’t heal him, let alone Levi healing himself.

How the hell did he recover?

It was already a surprise that he didn’t die, but to recover in such a short time?

The Great Family of Frostford had many ancient texts and Sampson had gone through them many times.

But he never came across such a scenario.

Furthermore, he had a good grasp of modern medical technology and clearly understood that Levi’s condition couldn’t be treated.

So how did he do it?

Levi ignored him as his gaze fell upon the Four Warriors standing behind Sampson.

“Were you the ones who attacked at the crucial time when the Garrison clan, myself, and Winsor were engaged in battle?” Levi asked.


The Four Warriors were stunned and hung their heads subconsciously.

They were indeed the ones who helped Winsor cheat in the battle with Levi.

As they were also members of the Great Family of Frostford, it was humiliating for them to be exposed for cheating by Levi.

At the end of the day, their pride still flowed strongly in their blood.

“So it really was you!” Levi sneered.

“Nonsense! My disciple, Winsor, beat you fair and square. Thousands witness it with their own eyes. How can you say that they helped in the shadows? It’s just ridiculous!”

“Every member of the Great Family of Frostford is exceptional. They would never use such unscrupulous means.”

There was no way that Sampson was going to confess to something like that.


Chapter 1240​

Sampson stared at Levi and scoffed, “Levi, I never expected to see this side of you. Are you trying to find excuses for your own defeat?”

Levi simply smiled in response.

You’re really shameless to still deny it.

Sampson continued, “Do you still want to claim that your body has been poisoned? And that you had to fight the warriors from both the Blood King Palace and Garrison clan consecutively? And that my disciple won because we cheated?” Sampson threw all the questions back at Levi.

He tried to turn the situation around by making it look like Levi was making excuses for losing.

Levi replied with a smile, “That’s correct. What you have said is true. By the way, there’s one more thing I need to tell you. I actually lost to Winsor on purpose because I wanted to see who the real mastermind was.”

“Hahaha…” Sampson burst into laughter.

“You lost to my disciple on purpose? That’s just ridiculous. Losers really are good at finding excuses. You will never beat my disciple in your entire life!” Sampson sneered.

Although that was what he said, he was actually aware of the fact that Levi was more powerful than Winsor. Or else, they wouldn’t have needed to cheat.

However, when Levi claimed that he had lost on purpose, it was the ultimate insult to Sampson.

He had made massive sacrifices to scheme and plot.

But in the end, Levi claimed that it was his choice to lose.

Sampson just couldn’t accept it.

“That aside, there’s no such thing as real fairness in this world. Especially not when you’re the best warrior in Erudia. You should have been prepared for all eventualities. A loss is a loss and you have no excuse,” Sampson berated.

With Sampson twisting the facts, even Olivia was convinced that Levi was just making excuses for his loss.

“Are all noble families just as shameless as you are?” Levi asked.

Despite the repeated proclamations of how virtuous they are and the noble blood that flowed within them, their actions were utterly despicable.

“Insolence! How dare you insult Master!”

“Do you want to die?”

The Four Warriors behind Sampson cursed as they glared at Levi in a bloodthirsty manner.

They were proud of their identity and the fact that their master was someone extremely well respected and feared.

Hence, they would not tolerate any insults from ordinary men.

“Do you know who we are? We are the Great Family of Frostford and are more powerful than ancient families.”

“My junior, Winsor, is only considered above average within the Great Family of Frostford. That alone should tell you how terrifying we are.”

The few of them made their identities clear.

Although the Great Family of Frostford was really powerful, Levi could still crush someone like Winsor with just a finger.

Hence, he saw them as a joke instead of a threat.

“The Great Family of Frostford? If you anger me, I’ll crush all of you,” Levi glowered.

Even Olivia couldn’t stand it anymore.

Isn’t Levi getting too reckless to ignore the Great Family of Frostford?

Does he know how many God class warriors they have?

It’s easily a hundred, or a few hundred!

Not to mention that doesn’t include the Ultimate class fighters yet.

The Harbinger of Death who was an Ultimate class warrior killed all of Levi’s bodyguards.

And the Great Family of Frostford has at least tens of them.

It is something that is just unimaginable.

If they were to go to battle, they will annihilate their enemies.

So on what basis is Levi ridiculing them?

“Levi, you’re just spouting nonsense. I don’t care how you healed your body, but that can’t be the reason for you to insult the Great Family of Frostford,” Sampson roared.

Levi smiled smugly at him. “I suppose you’re Winsor’s master?”

“Of course!”

“Then you must be stronger than him?”

“That goes without saying.”

“Fine. Since you claim that I’m not Winsor’s match, I’ll beat his master to show you then.”


Chapter 1241​

Levi had lost interest in Sampson’s disciple, Winsor.

He now felt that it was more challenging to defeat Winsor’s master.

“Hahaha…” Everyone laughed.

Has Levi gone mad?

At most, he is a little stronger than Winsor, how dare he challenge Sampson.

Sampson has been an Ultimate class warrior for more than twenty years.

His power now is simply terrifying.

To challenge him means certain death.

“Shouldn’t you defeat us first before you challenge our master?” The Four Warriors scoffed.

Sampson wasn’t the only famous Ultimate class warrior around.

Even the Four Warriors were Ultimate class warriors as well.

The Four Warriors were Sampson’s most outstanding disciples. They were all stronger than Winsor in terms of power and talent.

They were also the ones who interfered in Levi’s battle that day.

Hence, they had a good grasp of how strong Levi was.

Moreover, they assumed that he had just recovered from a grievous injury and was definitely no match for them.

After all, there were now a total of five Ultimate class warriors standing before him.

One Ultimate class warrior could take on a ten thousand strong army.

With five of them, they were simply invincible.

Levi’s eyes flashed with murderous intent. “In that case, I’ll kill the four of you first before I kill your master.”

“Such insolence!”

“Such impudence!”

“Only death awaits you!”

“I’ll have you kneel as atonement for your words!”

Amidst the mishmash of words, Sampson’s four disciples attacked.


The Four Warriors charged at Levi in furious rage.

In Erudia, a God class warrior was adept at using the Ancient Arts of Qi.

They would have massive strength and a boundless amount of energy.

Their bodies would be as tough as solid steel.

They were able to channel their energy in a way that increases their attacking power while elevating their defensive strength.

The biggest difference an Ultimate class warrior had was that they could send shockwaves out of their body to harm an enemy.

In layman terms, it was considered a release of energy.

Just like the shockwave caused by an exploding bomb, it was equally devastating in terms of its destructive power.

That was the reason why during the battle between Levi and Winsor, the Garrison clan residence was almost destroyed.

Before the four Ultimate class warriors came close, they already unleashed an invincible shockwave.

Its power was similar to that of a Tsunami.

The huge force caused a gale to blow through the hall and destroyed all the objects in it.

Crack! Crack!

The glass windows were blasted into smithereens.

In fact, the whole hall itself was shaking as if there was an earthquake.

It felt as if everything was going to collapse.

Olivia was dumbfounded.

Are these the young men of the Great Family of Frostford?

They are ridiculously powerful!

It’s simply unimaginable!

Olivia realized that despite being the top ancient family in Erudia, their exposure was still limited.

“Die, Levi!”

The four Ultimate class warriors surrounded Levi and attacked from all four directions.

Just when North Sky Lord wanted to join the fray, Levi shook his head.

This was something Levi had to deal with it himself.

That being said, Levi simply stood there and did nothing.

When Sampson saw Levi’s response, he was stunned.

In the next moment, however, he burst out laughing.

He can’t even deal with my disciples and yet he wants to challenge me?

The audacity!

“Levi, since you’re not dead yet, I’ll let my disciples kill you again.”

Sampson smiled triumphantly.

The next moment, the four Ultimate class warriors’ deadly attacks reached Levi.

They were confident that Levi would be torn into pieces by their attack.




The four attacks landed on Levi and made a thunderous sound.


However, in the next second, Levi unleashed an even greater shockwave.



The four Ultimate class warriors were sent flying backward by a powerful burst of energy. All of them spewed blood in mid-air before crashing onto the ground, dead.

The hall fell into a state of ghastly silence.


Chapter 1242​

Olivia’s eyes almost popped out.

Why are they not moving?

Why are the four Ultimate class warriors lying still?

Levi didn’t make a move at all, but all four of them were sent flying…

How powerful did Levi become?

Isn’t he supposed to be dead? Or crippled?

How did he end up getting stronger?

Sampson too was utterly shocked.

He was well aware of how strong his four best disciples were and was stunned when Levi sent them flying.

Th-th-this… Is not real!

“Not only have you recovered from your injuries, but you have also regained your strength?”

Sampson’s expression changed drastically.

How is that possible?

Levi was poisoned by the Blood King Palace and was crippled by them.

It’s already amazing that he survived, but to regain his strength?

This is something even the Great Family of Frostford can’t achieve and is unheard of throughout its three-thousand-year history!

How can one man from modern society accomplish it?

Most of the ancient medical knowledge and techniques are monopolized by the great families.

Therefore, very little of that knowledge flowed into modern society.

So how did Levi achieve it?

Sampson was curious.

If he managed to get his hands on this technique, he would be highly valued in the Great Family of Frostford.

Once this technique was made public, it would shock the whole world.

That was how impressive it was.

After all, Levi’s technique simply defied nature.

The idea that a cripple could be turned into the God of War was something unimaginable.

“Levi, tell me how you recovered and I will let you live.”

Sampson began to take interest in Levi’s amazing technique.

He knew that the moment other powerful men or organizations found out about it, they too would scramble for it.

Levi would be hunted for having such valuable knowledge.

The reason Sampson dared to say those words was because he had full confidence in his strength, despite the fact that Levi had beaten four Ultimate class warriors.

For his part, Levi only had a singular thought in mind when facing Sampson – revenge.

“Did you work with others to revive the Blood King Palace so that you can force me to leave?” Levi asked.

“Yes, I did. But it was a pity that Winsor was sent to protect your wife and child. It was such a pity indeed!”

Sampson’s face was filled with remorse.

“Did you plot with the Blood King Palace to poison me?”

“That’s right!”

“Did you send men to disrupt my battle with Winsor from the shadows?”


“Did you send men to assassinate me?”

“Of course!”

“Did you frame me and had me exiled for betraying Erudia?”

“Indeed, I did!”

“Did you plot with outsiders to kill three hundred and fifty-eight of my good men?”

By then, Levi’s eyes were red and his voice sounded raspy.

The gruesome scenes of Northgale flashed before him.

The Anonymous Eighty of the West…

The few prominent families of Oakland City…

Jonah Garrison, who fought till his last breath despite his age.

The Four Kings, who clung to the thighs of the Harbinger of Death even in death.

And Hades, who was resolute in not letting go despite being beaten to a pulp.

One by one, all the faces both familiar and unfamiliar flashed through his mind.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

Avenge them for they cannot die in vain!

Their blood shall not flow for nothing!

Sampson looked at Levi and sneered, “That’s right. I was the one who planned everything. They’re just insects, so their death means nothing to me. It’s just a pity I didn’t manage to kill you.”

Sampson didn’t care for human lives at all, even if they were his comrades.

“Levi, I realized that there are tons of people who hate you and want you dead. Hahaha, I could easily gather them with a snap of my fingers.”

Sampson burst out in a cruel laughter.

“Damn you, Sampson! Does Erudia even have a place in your heart? Many of them were your comrades. How could you be so cruel to kill them?”

Chapter 1243​

Sampson replied with a smile, “I always teach my disciples one principle, which is the weak do not deserve to live.”

“They were simply too weak. If they were a little stronger, they would still be alive. In the end, their death was caused by their weakness. They can’t blame anyone else.”

Levi was speechless as Sampson’s words shocked him.

Did the weak offend you?

Do they not have the right to live?

We live in a time where everyone is equal!

The age where men are separated into different classes is over!

If the Great Family of Frostford insists on following such a ridiculous principle, I will pummel you till you face reality and admit to your mistake.

Sampson sneered at Levi, “Ultimately, this matter has nothing to do with me. It’s all because you are weak.”

“So what if I got my disciples to cheat or even poison you? What can you do about it? If I kill you this time, who would know the truth?”

Sampson laughed again.

Within a great family, only the fittest survive. Therefore, everyone was capable of doing anything just for survival.

It was the same reason why such old powers had disconnected themselves from modern society.

The other reason was that they couldn’t be restrained as they were simply too strong.

With so many Ultimate class warriors among them, no one could control them if they were infuriated.

“Is Erudia not important to you?” Levi felt his heart ached at Sampson’s words.

The three hundred over comrades had died in vain.

Sampson is not the least bit remorseful.

Sampson scoffed, “I only care about myself and nothing else. The world belongs to the strong so stop giving me those b*llshit!”

Levi spat, “You went through so much trouble to plot against me just for your own selfish gains? You’ve really done it now!”

“Comrades, are you watching now? Today, I, Levi Garrison, will avenge you by killing this b**tard!” Levi bellowed into the sky.

“Hahaha…” Sampson laughed deviously.

“Let me repeat myself. As long as you hand over your recovery technique to me, I will spare your life,” Sampson warned Levi again.

“Die, you assh*le!”

Levi gritted his teeth and sprang forward.


He threw an explosive punch.

Sampson raised his right hand and blocked the punch. Demonstrating the power of one who has been an Ultimate class warrior for twenty years.


However, at the moment of impact, fault lines emerged on the ground beneath his feet and stretched for a few thousand meters.

“This is for Jonah Garrison!”

That punch caused Sampson’s expression to drastically change.

What a powerful punch!

Before he could react, the second punch was almost upon him…


Levi threw his second punch.

Sampson sank into the ground further. By now, his ankles were below ground level.

‘This is for Hades!”


The third punch came.

Sampson continued to be hammered into the ground with his calves now buried.

“This is for the comrades of South Hampton!”


The fourth blow came.

Sampson was buried deeper into the ground with his knees now covered.

“This is for the brother-in-arms of Oakland City!”


The fifth blow landed.

Sampson sank further into the ground.

“This is for the Anonymous Eighty of the West!”


Levi threw his sixth punch.

Half of Sampson’s body was below ground now.

“This for the Four Kings!”


“This is for the comrades of the north!”


“This is for the residents of Northgale who were massacred!”

Levi wailed into the sky above, his ferocity so strong that it could almost swallow the earth.

He unleashed ten blows consecutively until Sampson disappeared.

The latter was pounded into the ground to the extent that his head couldn’t be seen.

With his whole body underground, Sampson became one with the Earth.

Chapter 1244​

Olivia sobbed as she watched Levi bash Sampson into the ground, punch by punch.

To her terror, Sampson’s body slowly sank into the earth below, like a nail being hammered into a wall.


Horror was all that she could feel at that moment.

That’s not just any man!

That’s a man who has been a powerful ultimate class warrior for twenty years!

A fighter who took on a hundred thousand enemies himself on the battlefields!

Gone just like that?

Just how powerful is Levi?

And how on earth did he even become this powerful?

Could it be… A rebirth?

Heck… He’s even stronger than before!

Upon watching the gruesome scene unfold before her, Olivia became hysterical. Her sobbing gradually turned into a creaky howl.

“Don’t come near me! Don’t… don’t come near me…”

Meeting Levi’s gaze was the last straw for her.

She had completely lost it.

North Sky Lord snorted, “The five Ultimate class warriors? How weak!”

Hmph. And what’s with Levi Garrison? I must be even more wary of this guy from now on.

Looking into the distance, Levi bellowed, “Do you see this, my brothers? This despicable man is dead! And don’t you worry! From now on, I’ll hunt the rest down to avenge your deaths.”

With that, Levi left with the North Sky Lord.


The entire manor collapsed, crumbling into pieces.

With only a dozen punches, Levi had destroyed the foundation of the manor building.

With the five Ultimate class warriors, dead, and the wife of the patriarch of the first ancient family gone mad – it was a stormy, treacherous night indeed.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

Not getting a response, Tyrone asked again, “Hey, what’s wrong? You’re scaring me.”

When he found Olivia, she seemed to be in a mentally unstable state.

“A ghost… a ghost… A ghost!” Olivia’s pupils dilated as she pointed a shaky finger forward.

“Someone get the doctor! Forget it – get an exorcist!”

Dumbfounded, Tyrone began suspecting that Olivia had gotten possessed.

Still, no one knew about the demise of the five Ultimate class warriors.

Nobody even knew about the fact that someone was reborn within the Great Family of Frostford.

All that the public was aware of was the disappearance of Jerry Gott, which caused a huge commotion in Oakland City.

Right at that instant, one could almost smell the impending danger; the air and the streets were filled with it.

It felt as if a storm was coming.

Furthermore, the recent turn of events had been rather bizarre.

The assassination order on Forlevia was lifted all of a sudden, with the assassination organizations being disbanded.

Yet, nobody had a clue of what was going on.

For some, including Dale Lehman, they guessed that the Great Family of Frostford had been pressured to do so because they were the ones who gave the assassination order in the first place.

It would be likely that people like the Dragonites had put pressure on the Great Family of Frostford in memory of the good that Levi Garrison had done in the past.

They were not even considering the possibility that the five Ultimate class warriors had been defeated. If news of their downfall were to spread, the city would be in pandemonium.

After all, people had absolute faith in the Ultimate class warriors.

In smaller countries, one would hear rumors that it would only take one Ultimate class warrior to safeguard an entire country.

Or as they would say, an Ultimate class warrior could control the fate of millions of people!

In Erudia, though the stories told were less exaggerated, the Ultimate class warriors were still regarded as figures on the same level as Asura.

Unbeknownst to them, the five Ultimate class warriors had already been defeated by Levi, and the power that he held was unimaginable.

Meanwhile, back at the training base.

“I wonder why Master left. Something feels off!” Winsor furrowed his brows.

Zar shook his head, saying, “There haven’t been any new updates related to that.”

“Well, I’d better start training again then. Master showed me some new fighting techniques before he left,” Winsor said with a sigh.

“Something just tells me that Levi is still alive, you know? If he is, I shall show him that I’m the fighter that he’ll never be able to defeat!”

The others chuckled, “Well, we feel the same too! If Levi really is alive, it’ll be a chance for you, the great Asura, to defeat him again!”

Chapter 1245​

Little did he know, Levi Garrison was the very person who knocked the wind out of his Master, along with his team.

New fighting techniques?

His beloved Master didn’t even had the chance to use them!

What a joke!

After getting rid of Sampson Finch, Levi shifted his focus to the foreign assassins whom Sampson had teamed up with.

He chose to delegate the West Sky Lord to investigate the people in question.

“So, the operation was led by the military strategist of Raysonia – Watanabe Tenichi?” Levi said, looking at a name list.

“Yes! He was also the one behind the comeback of the Blood King Palace!” West Sky Lord replied.

Pursing his lips, Levi said in amusement, “Oh wow. How remarkable! How very remarkable indeed. The comeback of the Blood King Palace whom I had already fought and defeated!”

He could still vividly remember exterminating the leaders of the Blood King Palace when he first dealt with them.

And yet, they rose back from the dead somehow. When they met again, members of the Blood King Palace were standing well and alive before him.

He found that rather hard to believe and had been getting West Sky Lord to investigate the situation.

For now, he was positive that Watanabe Tenichi was the mastermind behind it all.

“Now that I have this name list in hand, I shall be paying a rather special visit to everyone on there!” Levi laughed, his gaze turning cold.

“Listen up!” He yelled at The Calamity.

“Yes, sir!” They answered while kneeling before Levi.

“Let the hunt begin!” Levi gave his command, flinging the name list onto the ground.

“Fight for justice! Protect our lands! Exterminate all traitors, and bring death to our enemies!”

And with that, The Calamity sprang into action.

That was the day that marked the start of Levi’s agenda, by hunting down every last person who had been involved in the scheme to kill him.

The nights were stained with bloodshed, and there was nowhere to hide.

Of course, the string of murders quickly took over the daily headlines.

Callan Sky, the Great Martial Master of Wheldrake, disappeared…

The master of the largest island of Atlantis, Tennojima, found dead…

Death of the boss of Daelee Group in Keerea…

The ruler of the greatest organization of the underworld in Alizeh, deceased…

Soon enough, chaos ensued in various countries.

In the short span of a few days, murders of that sort occurred one after the other, country by country.

It was as if manslaughter was happening every other minute!

In no time, these events quickly caused the public to be consumed by panic and fear.

After all, those being assassinated were not just your average citizen but prominent figures of high status!

Everyone was desperate to know who did it.

Based on the leads obtained from the crime scenes, it was clear that The Calamity was behind the killings.

Who else would have the power to do that?

It would take an incredibly strong group of fighters to tackle those powerful figures, with some being formidable fighters themselves.

At that point, it was pretty much a common consensus that The Calamity was onto some sort of assassination operation.

“Who in the world are they? How did they kill so many of our partners?” Tenichi was rather appalled.

“They are not coming after me… are they?” He mumbled to himself.

Even so, Tenichi was well aware that something dark was looming in the corner as those deaths made their intentions too obvious.

Everyone who got killed had one thing in common – they were all involved in the operation to kill off Levi Garrison.

And so, there was only one answer. Levi Garrison was coming after him.

“Sir, that might not be the case! Those people who died have had conflicts with The Calamity in the past anyways, and it was way before that operation!” One of his subordinates said.

“Yes, yes. And there’s no way that Levi Garrison is still alive!” Another quickly added.

However, Tenichi shook his head. “No, I’d rather be safe than sorry. I need to start preparing immediately!” He said, with some anxiety in his voice.

“Though Levi Garrison is dead for sure, The Calamity might still come after me.”

Tenichi was a cautious and calculative man.

On the other hand, The Calamity only had three more names left on their list – Watanabe Tenichi, Yamamoto Yuta, and Mitsui Ichiro of Raysonia.

“Let us march forward! To Raysonia!”

From a high vantage point, Levi viewed the island country expressionlessly.

Raysonia, I’m coming for you…

“It’s been five years since we came to Raysonia. Five years of peace we’ve spared them, but this time, three shall lose their lives!”


Chapter 1245​

Little did he know, Levi Garrison was the very person who knocked the wind out of his Master, along with his team.

New fighting techniques?

His beloved Master didn’t even had the chance to use them!

What a joke!

After getting rid of Sampson Finch, Levi shifted his focus to the foreign assassins whom Sampson had teamed up with.

He chose to delegate the West Sky Lord to investigate the people in question.

“So, the operation was led by the military strategist of Raysonia – Watanabe Tenichi?” Levi said, looking at a name list.

“Yes! He was also the one behind the comeback of the Blood King Palace!” West Sky Lord replied.

Pursing his lips, Levi said in amusement, “Oh wow. How remarkable! How very remarkable indeed. The comeback of the Blood King Palace whom I had already fought and defeated!”

He could still vividly remember exterminating the leaders of the Blood King Palace when he first dealt with them.

And yet, they rose back from the dead somehow. When they met again, members of the Blood King Palace were standing well and alive before him.

He found that rather hard to believe and had been getting West Sky Lord to investigate the situation.

For now, he was positive that Watanabe Tenichi was the mastermind behind it all.

“Now that I have this name list in hand, I shall be paying a rather special visit to everyone on there!” Levi laughed, his gaze turning cold.

“Listen up!” He yelled at The Calamity.

“Yes, sir!” They answered while kneeling before Levi.

“Let the hunt begin!” Levi gave his command, flinging the name list onto the ground.

“Fight for justice! Protect our lands! Exterminate all traitors, and bring death to our enemies!”

And with that, The Calamity sprang into action.

That was the day that marked the start of Levi’s agenda, by hunting down every last person who had been involved in the scheme to kill him.

The nights were stained with bloodshed, and there was nowhere to hide.

Of course, the string of murders quickly took over the daily headlines.

Callan Sky, the Great Martial Master of Wheldrake, disappeared…

The master of the largest island of Atlantis, Tennojima, found dead…

Death of the boss of Daelee Group in Keerea…

The ruler of the greatest organization of the underworld in Alizeh, deceased…

Soon enough, chaos ensued in various countries.

In the short span of a few days, murders of that sort occurred one after the other, country by country.

It was as if manslaughter was happening every other minute!

In no time, these events quickly caused the public to be consumed by panic and fear.

After all, those being assassinated were not just your average citizen but prominent figures of high status!

Everyone was desperate to know who did it.

Based on the leads obtained from the crime scenes, it was clear that The Calamity was behind the killings.

Who else would have the power to do that?

It would take an incredibly strong group of fighters to tackle those powerful figures, with some being formidable fighters themselves.

At that point, it was pretty much a common consensus that The Calamity was onto some sort of assassination operation.

“Who in the world are they? How did they kill so many of our partners?” Tenichi was rather appalled.

“They are not coming after me… are they?” He mumbled to himself.

Even so, Tenichi was well aware that something dark was looming in the corner as those deaths made their intentions too obvious.

Everyone who got killed had one thing in common – they were all involved in the operation to kill off Levi Garrison.

And so, there was only one answer. Levi Garrison was coming after him.

“Sir, that might not be the case! Those people who died have had conflicts with The Calamity in the past anyways, and it was way before that operation!” One of his subordinates said.

“Yes, yes. And there’s no way that Levi Garrison is still alive!” Another quickly added.

However, Tenichi shook his head. “No, I’d rather be safe than sorry. I need to start preparing immediately!” He said, with some anxiety in his voice.

“Though Levi Garrison is dead for sure, The Calamity might still come after me.”

Tenichi was a cautious and calculative man.

On the other hand, The Calamity only had three more names left on their list – Watanabe Tenichi, Yamamoto Yuta, and Mitsui Ichiro of Raysonia.

“Let us march forward! To Raysonia!”

From a high vantage point, Levi viewed the island country expressionlessly.

Raysonia, I’m coming for you…

“It’s been five years since we came to Raysonia. Five years of peace we’ve spared them, but this time, three shall lose their lives!”

Awesome 😎

Chapter 1245​

Little did he know, Levi Garrison was the very person who knocked the wind out of his Master, along with his team.

New fighting techniques?

His beloved Master didn’t even had the chance to use them!

What a joke!

After getting rid of Sampson Finch, Levi shifted his focus to the foreign assassins whom Sampson had teamed up with.

He chose to delegate the West Sky Lord to investigate the people in question.

“So, the operation was led by the military strategist of Raysonia – Watanabe Tenichi?” Levi said, looking at a name list.

“Yes! He was also the one behind the comeback of the Blood King Palace!” West Sky Lord replied.

Pursing his lips, Levi said in amusement, “Oh wow. How remarkable! How very remarkable indeed. The comeback of the Blood King Palace whom I had already fought and defeated!”

He could still vividly remember exterminating the leaders of the Blood King Palace when he first dealt with them.

And yet, they rose back from the dead somehow. When they met again, members of the Blood King Palace were standing well and alive before him.

He found that rather hard to believe and had been getting West Sky Lord to investigate the situation.

For now, he was positive that Watanabe Tenichi was the mastermind behind it all.

“Now that I have this name list in hand, I shall be paying a rather special visit to everyone on there!” Levi laughed, his gaze turning cold.

“Listen up!” He yelled at The Calamity.

“Yes, sir!” They answered while kneeling before Levi.

“Let the hunt begin!” Levi gave his command, flinging the name list onto the ground.

“Fight for justice! Protect our lands! Exterminate all traitors, and bring death to our enemies!”

And with that, The Calamity sprang into action.

That was the day that marked the start of Levi’s agenda, by hunting down every last person who had been involved in the scheme to kill him.

The nights were stained with bloodshed, and there was nowhere to hide.

Of course, the string of murders quickly took over the daily headlines.

Callan Sky, the Great Martial Master of Wheldrake, disappeared…

The master of the largest island of Atlantis, Tennojima, found dead…

Death of the boss of Daelee Group in Keerea…

The ruler of the greatest organization of the underworld in Alizeh, deceased…

Soon enough, chaos ensued in various countries.

In the short span of a few days, murders of that sort occurred one after the other, country by country.

It was as if manslaughter was happening every other minute!

In no time, these events quickly caused the public to be consumed by panic and fear.

After all, those being assassinated were not just your average citizen but prominent figures of high status!

Everyone was desperate to know who did it.

Based on the leads obtained from the crime scenes, it was clear that The Calamity was behind the killings.

Who else would have the power to do that?

It would take an incredibly strong group of fighters to tackle those powerful figures, with some being formidable fighters themselves.

At that point, it was pretty much a common consensus that The Calamity was onto some sort of assassination operation.

“Who in the world are they? How did they kill so many of our partners?” Tenichi was rather appalled.

“They are not coming after me… are they?” He mumbled to himself.

Even so, Tenichi was well aware that something dark was looming in the corner as those deaths made their intentions too obvious.

Everyone who got killed had one thing in common – they were all involved in the operation to kill off Levi Garrison.

And so, there was only one answer. Levi Garrison was coming after him.

“Sir, that might not be the case! Those people who died have had conflicts with The Calamity in the past anyways, and it was way before that operation!” One of his subordinates said.

“Yes, yes. And there’s no way that Levi Garrison is still alive!” Another quickly added.

However, Tenichi shook his head. “No, I’d rather be safe than sorry. I need to start preparing immediately!” He said, with some anxiety in his voice.

“Though Levi Garrison is dead for sure, The Calamity might still come after me.”

Tenichi was a cautious and calculative man.

On the other hand, The Calamity only had three more names left on their list – Watanabe Tenichi, Yamamoto Yuta, and Mitsui Ichiro of Raysonia.

“Let us march forward! To Raysonia!”

From a high vantage point, Levi viewed the island country expressionlessly.

Raysonia, I’m coming for you…

“It’s been five years since we came to Raysonia. Five years of peace we’ve spared them, but this time, three shall lose their lives!”

More chapters and i shall grant you the title above ultimate warrior..
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Chapter 1245​

Little did he know, Levi Garrison was the very person who knocked the wind out of his Master, along with his team.

New fighting techniques?

His beloved Master didn’t even had the chance to use them!

What a joke!

After getting rid of Sampson Finch, Levi shifted his focus to the foreign assassins whom Sampson had teamed up with.

He chose to delegate the West Sky Lord to investigate the people in question.

“So, the operation was led by the military strategist of Raysonia – Watanabe Tenichi?” Levi said, looking at a name list.

“Yes! He was also the one behind the comeback of the Blood King Palace!” West Sky Lord replied.

Pursing his lips, Levi said in amusement, “Oh wow. How remarkable! How very remarkable indeed. The comeback of the Blood King Palace whom I had already fought and defeated!”

He could still vividly remember exterminating the leaders of the Blood King Palace when he first dealt with them.

And yet, they rose back from the dead somehow. When they met again, members of the Blood King Palace were standing well and alive before him.

He found that rather hard to believe and had been getting West Sky Lord to investigate the situation.

For now, he was positive that Watanabe Tenichi was the mastermind behind it all.

“Now that I have this name list in hand, I shall be paying a rather special visit to everyone on there!” Levi laughed, his gaze turning cold.

“Listen up!” He yelled at The Calamity.

“Yes, sir!” They answered while kneeling before Levi.

“Let the hunt begin!” Levi gave his command, flinging the name list onto the ground.

“Fight for justice! Protect our lands! Exterminate all traitors, and bring death to our enemies!”

And with that, The Calamity sprang into action.

That was the day that marked the start of Levi’s agenda, by hunting down every last person who had been involved in the scheme to kill him.

The nights were stained with bloodshed, and there was nowhere to hide.

Of course, the string of murders quickly took over the daily headlines.

Callan Sky, the Great Martial Master of Wheldrake, disappeared…

The master of the largest island of Atlantis, Tennojima, found dead…

Death of the boss of Daelee Group in Keerea…

The ruler of the greatest organization of the underworld in Alizeh, deceased…

Soon enough, chaos ensued in various countries.

In the short span of a few days, murders of that sort occurred one after the other, country by country.

It was as if manslaughter was happening every other minute!

In no time, these events quickly caused the public to be consumed by panic and fear.

After all, those being assassinated were not just your average citizen but prominent figures of high status!

Everyone was desperate to know who did it.

Based on the leads obtained from the crime scenes, it was clear that The Calamity was behind the killings.

Who else would have the power to do that?

It would take an incredibly strong group of fighters to tackle those powerful figures, with some being formidable fighters themselves.

At that point, it was pretty much a common consensus that The Calamity was onto some sort of assassination operation.

“Who in the world are they? How did they kill so many of our partners?” Tenichi was rather appalled.

“They are not coming after me… are they?” He mumbled to himself.

Even so, Tenichi was well aware that something dark was looming in the corner as those deaths made their intentions too obvious.

Everyone who got killed had one thing in common – they were all involved in the operation to kill off Levi Garrison.

And so, there was only one answer. Levi Garrison was coming after him.

“Sir, that might not be the case! Those people who died have had conflicts with The Calamity in the past anyways, and it was way before that operation!” One of his subordinates said.

“Yes, yes. And there’s no way that Levi Garrison is still alive!” Another quickly added.

However, Tenichi shook his head. “No, I’d rather be safe than sorry. I need to start preparing immediately!” He said, with some anxiety in his voice.

“Though Levi Garrison is dead for sure, The Calamity might still come after me.”

Tenichi was a cautious and calculative man.

On the other hand, The Calamity only had three more names left on their list – Watanabe Tenichi, Yamamoto Yuta, and Mitsui Ichiro of Raysonia.

“Let us march forward! To Raysonia!”

From a high vantage point, Levi viewed the island country expressionlessly.

Raysonia, I’m coming for you…

“It’s been five years since we came to Raysonia. Five years of peace we’ve spared them, but this time, three shall lose their lives!”

You are really great Grandmaster Indra

Chapter 1246​

Levi’s gaze was dark.

Five years ago, he had come to Raysonia, all alone, for the sake of rescuing someone.

In that fight, he fought solo against thirty thousand enemy fighters from Raysonia and slaughtered a record number of eight thousand enemies.

It was a fight that shook up the entire country, and also the main reason as to why Raysonia remained hostile toward him.

The people of Raysonia were livid. Whatever that Levi had done was sacrilegious to the Raysonian Bushido, which they had put their faith in from a young age.

Some even felt that only death would quench their anger toward him.

Since then, Levi had not set foot in the country for a total of five years.

However, the Demon King had arrived once again.

It was time bring back the unrest and chaos!

Meanwhile, in Edojo – the capital city of Raysonia.

The most renowned building of Edojo was the Tower of the Sun. It was also the tallest infrastructure of the city, standing at six hundred meters in height.

A particular private manor in the city was seemed to be shrouded by an atmosphere of tension and suspense.

At that instant, thousands of mercenaries were hidden in every corner of the manor.

They donned traditional robes with longswords bound to their waists.

Their faces were covered by black masks, and one could only see their eyes, which were set to kill.

These mercenaries were the well-respected samurais of Edojo, as well as the surrounding islands.

They had stationed themselves at the Military Division voluntarily, upon hearing that the military strategist of the country was in danger.

Not only that, but there was also an elite samurai on his way there.

The recent turn of events had put their nerves on edge, but Watanabe Tenichi was their bottom line – he had to be protected at all costs!

Watanabe Tenichi was the most influential figure of Raysonia.

To the citizens, he was a man of extraordinary wisdom on par with a demon god – a rare gift to their country.

However, Tenichi was not actually at the Military Division. He had gone elsewhere.

Meanwhile, in a straw shed hidden within the deep bamboo forests in the rural area of Edojo.

A certain man was kneeling before the straw shed on that particular day, and that man happened to be Watanabe Tenichi.

It was a rather peculiar scene, seeing the great military strategist of Raysonia getting on his knees to beg.

The people of Raysonia would probably faint at such a sight.

How dare he make the great military strategist of Raysonia kneel before him?

Not to mention, Tenichi had been kneeling there for almost a day.

“Stop pestering me! I have already retired!” The raspy voice of an old man could be heard from within the shed.

“Demon Blade, I’m not just here for my own safety. I’m here because your help would be crucial in order for the Raysonian Bushido to rise again!” Tenichi pleaded.

“Five years ago, Levi Garrison intruded our lands, and single-handedly slaughtered eight thousands of our men! For him, it was his glorious battle to fame, but for us, a stain in our history forever! Not only that, but our very own brand of martial arts also took a huge blow from that fight. We fell from the high ranks amongst the others in Bayview, and have not recovered since. Our people feel nothing but shame about the Raysonian Bushido that they were once so proud of!”

Tenichi’s tear-streaked face was trembling. “I can’t help but fear the destruction that The Calamity would bring! We’ll never be able to recover from that! I simply don’t want our people to live with their heads low forever! Would you please consider?” He cried.

“We do have many ultimate class fighters around here, but your presence will ensure our victory! I know that you have retired for fifty years, but I cannot find another samurai as capable as you! Oh, Demon Blade, please! Please help us!” Tenichi had his head on the ground while begging.


Chapter 1247​

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Tenichi slammed his forehead onto the ground frantically, with blood oozing out of it.

He had a rather maniacal side to him, where he would resort to every last measure for the sake of Raysonia and the Raysonian Bushido.

In his head, he was ready to fight Levi Garrison to death.

As a matter of fact, he was even willing to shoulder all the blame and backlash from it.

While some might not agree with what he had done, or his way of doing things, it was not really a matter of right or wrong; it was simply a clash interests from different perspectives.

Of course, Tenichi also had his personal motives.

He wanted to live.

The bloodshed caused by The Calamity gave him a clear warning – that having ultimate class warriors around him was not enough.

Plenty of those who died were protected by ultimate class warriors.

Tenichi could tell that his enemies were very much overpowered, to the extent that they were unafraid of the ultimate class warriors.

That was why he needed to use all the cards that he owned just to survive this ordeal.

Tenichi also saw the addition of Demon Blade as a chance for the dignity and honor of the Raysonian Bushido to be restored.

This was a plan that would enable him to kill two birds with one stone.

“I beg you, Demon Blade, to come and fight alongside us for the sake of Raysonia’s martial arts!” Tenichi pleaded once again, along with hundreds of people kneeling behind him.

Their voices resounded through the woods, echoing like the howling winds during a thunderstorm.

As for the man referred to as Demon Blade, he was the Great Grandmaster of Raysonia, the strongest warrior of the country.

Demon Blade was just his title, and his real name was Kawasaki Zando.

Sixty years ago, he swept the entirety of Bayview by storm. There was not a single fighter who could rival him.

Even when faced with a master of the same class as him, he made instant kills.

No one could describe how strong he really was because every fighter who had gone up against him had died.

Kawasaki Zando had even paid a visit to Erudia before, giving the practitioners of the martial arts in Erudia nothing but humiliation.

As one might say, he was the ruler of that era, standing above all forms of martial arts in Bayview.

People saw him as the pride of Raysonia, an undefeatable god.

However, for reasons unknown to the masses, Demon Blade went into retirement out of the blue and lived his life hidden from the rest of the world.

Fifty years had passed since then, and still not a single sign of his return.

“Alright then. For the sake of Raysonia, I shall wield my blade once more!” Demon Blade finally made his decision.

“Hah… Yes! What an honor!” Watanabe Tenichi cried out in laughter.

Who would dare come after me now? With Demon Blade on my side?

Who would dare humiliate the Raysonian Bushido?

Along with six other ultimate class warriors, Tenichi now had seven ultimate class warriors fighting for him.

They would be seen as a formidable group of warriors not to be reckoned with anywhere in Bayview.

God class warriors were already a rarity, not to even mention the ultimate class warriors.

A group of seven ultimate class warriors was something that no one had ever seen before.

After all, none of the countries wanted to reveal their trump cards too early.

Hence, assembling such a group of fighters together would be done as a last resort.

While the various forces seemed to be teaming up against Levi Garrison at the moment, they knew well enough they might become rivals in the future.

Therefore, showing the entire world the number of ultimate class warriors that they had would be suicide.

Thud. Thud.

An elderly man emerged from the straw shed right then.

His footsteps were a little wobbly, and his body was thin as a stick.

In spite of that, the aura around him was unmistakable. Everyone held their breaths, as they watched him walk toward them.

Demon Blade!

A god-like warrior!

He was a man feared by all fifty years ago.

And it seemed like he still had it in him.

“Welcome! Oh, the great Demon Blade!” Tenichi hollered, gesturing for the rest to follow.

I’ll be safe now.

The Raysonian Bushido shall prosper.

And so shall Raysonia.

“Let us fight The Calamity!” Tenichi was wholly confident about their upcoming battle.


Chapter 1248​

“Where is the man who sullied our lands fifty years ago?” Demon Blade asked.

Tenichi quickly replied, “Sir, he goes by the name Levi Garrison. He’s known as the God of War of Erudia, but don’t you worry, sir, he is already dead.”

“Dead? That’s good to hear,” Demon Blade sighed.

“I’ll have to thank the Great Family of Frostford for that!” Tenichi said, smiling.

“The… what? The Great Family of Frostford?” Upon hearing Tenichi’s words, Demon Blade’s face turned outcast, as if he had recalled something horrid.

“Sir, what’s wrong? Are you alright?” Tenichi asked.

“Yes, I’m fine. I have heard about the Great Family of Frostford before. Word has it that the fighters in the family are the best of the best! Not to mention the other three of the Four Great Families!” Demon Blade said, coming to his senses.

Tenichi and the others quickly assured him, “No matter how strong they say they are, they can’t even compare to you, sir!”

Demon Blade shook his head and got Tenichi to tell him all about their current situation.

“Where are the other two?” He asked, referring to Yamamoto Yuta and Mitsui Ichiro.

Those two were also involved in the scheme to kill Levi under Tenichi’s command.

Tenichi’s gaze darkened upon hearing these two names. “The two of them turned a deaf ear to my words. I don’t think they even realize the severity of the situation.”

Yet, Demon Blade was not particularly surprised about it. “Well, for those two, as descendants of the Ancient Warrior Families, it is to be expected that they stay confident and steadfast no matter what enemies come in their ways,” he said.

“Yes, let them think whatever they want,” Tenichi said coldly.

Hmph. I’ll be safe without them anyways.

In a rather remote, quiet part of Edojo, there was a long-established residence that had retained its traditional architectural style, known as the General’s Residence.

It was once the residence for a military general but now transformed into the residence for the Ancient Warrior Families.

They practiced the Bushido, which was respected by all.

Needless to say, there were countless skilled fighters within the families.

Currently, Yamamoto Yuta was the patriarch of the families and was an ultimate class warrior.

Another ultimate class warrior, who belonged to the Ancient Warrior Families, was Mitsui Ichiro.

The two of them, together with Watanabe Tenichi, became the guardians of Raysonia.

Two warriors, and one strategist.

However, the recent turn of events had brought about cracks in their alliance.

“Tenichi is too cautious and indecisive about everything. While I do think that he has the wits to be a good strategist, we’ve missed out on so many opportunities because of him!”

“Hah… You’re right. It’s impossible to succeed without taking risks!” The two of them bantered.

“The Calamity? Hmph. If they dare step foot on Raysonia, they might as well die here!” Yamamoto Yuta smirked, his longsword in hand as he sat on his futon.

A group of samurai in black stood behind him.

On the other hand, a group of samurai in white stood behind Mitsui Ichiro.

Unlike Tenichi, they were not searching high and low for warriors to protect themselves.

They were actually waiting for The Calamity to come to their doors; they were ready to fight.

That was how a true samurai of Raysonia would conduct himself.

While Raysonia was not known to be the country with the most combative people like Wheldrake, the samurais of Raysonia were recognized as the most determined fighters of them all.

“The Calamity is definitely after us two. All that’s on my mind right now is how they would come to us,” Ichiro said while furrowing his brows.

They had delegated a robust force of samurais to station themselves throughout the entire residence.

“I can’t care less about that. I won’t even blink if they decide to plunge down from the heavens!” Yuta scoffed.

Meanwhile, an aircraft belonging to The Calamity hovered over the skies above Edojo, Raysonia.

“Master, Yamamoto Yuta’s residence is located directly below us!”

“Open up the gate. I’m jumping down from here!”


Chapter 1249​

“Yes! Master, I’ll prepare your parachute right this moment!” Levi’s subordinate replied, scrambling to fasten a parachute on his body.

They assumed that Levi wanted to dive down from the plane to take his targets by surprise.

“No need for parachutes. I’ll be jumping straight down!”

To their surprise, Levi declined the proposal and shook them off.

“What… what did he just say?” Everyone on the aircraft was taken aback.

Jumping straight down?

Though their aircraft was gliding at a slightly lower altitude, they were at least a thousand and five hundred meters from ground level.

Jumping off from our current height?

He must be joking!

With our aircraft at such a speed and this high from the ground, anyone who jumps would be committing suicide!

Just the sheer force of the impact was enough to crush the bones of any martial artist.

Though there was no doubt that Levi was one of the strongest warriors to live, he was still no superhero.

He was a human made of blood and flesh.

Thus, no matter how robust his body was as a martial artist, there was no way that he would survive.

At the thought of that, everyone could not help but hesitate in their actions.

“Master, I think it’ll be much safer to wear this parachute!” One of his subordinates said anxiously.

Levi stayed silent, his face dispassionate.

“Didn’t you hear him? Open the gates! Now!” The North Sky Lord repeated Levi’s command, sounding annoyed.

“Yes, yes!” The people on the aircraft hurried back to their positions and sprang into action.

No one dared disobey their master’s orders.


All of a sudden, the unnerving howling of air currents surging into their aircraft reverberated in their ears.

“I’m going off now!”

Crossing his hands behind him, Levi made his way toward the door of the aircraft and jumped down without a second thought.

The North Sky Lord promptly followed behind and plunged down.

Watching the two dive down from their aircraft without even blinking, the members of The Calamity within the aircraft found themselves at a loss for words.



Absolute maniacs!

They shuddered a little.

Undoubtedly, Levi and the North Sky Lord were tenacious warriors.

However, jumping from an aircraft a thousand and five hundred meters high in the sky without a parachute was a completely different matter altogether.

Are they even human?

How frightening!

Meanwhile, at the General’s Residence.

Thousands of samurais awaited the arrival of The Calamity.

Yuta and Ichiro meditated with their eyes closed while their hands gripped tightly onto their longswords.

“Hey! Look up! There is an aircraft hovering above this building!” Someone suddenly yelled.

“Yes, I see it too! The aircraft is at a dangerously low altitude! Are they coming after us?” Another added.

Outside, the people on the streets were all pointing and talking about the foreign aircraft intruding their skies.

The people on ground level could see the jet black aircraft rather clearly.

After all, an altitude of a thousand and five hundred meters would be relatively low for an aircraft.


Yuta and Ichiro opened their eyes, looking up toward the skies above.

Indeed, an aircraft was seen gliding overhead.

Gliding suspiciously low!

“Has The Calamity really decided to attack from the air?” Ichiro uttered, his eyes widening.

“What the hell?” Yuta swore under his breath upon seeing the outlines of what looked like two people jumping off the aircraft.

“Someone is jumping down!” Ichiro howled.


The samurais on stand-by pulled out their swords in unison.

The air within the General’s Residence quickly became thick with tension.

Everyone expected the two in the air to open their parachutes before landing somewhere nearby.

In their heads, they even rehearsed how they would charge toward the two as they landed, slaughtering them instantly.

Their silhouettes became bigger and clearer as the two men fell from the sky, like meteors striking earth.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The deafening howling of air currents echoed within the building.

To their horror, the speed of those human meteors seemed to have exceeded that of the sound of the air currents.

“They’re not using parachutes!” Yuta yelled.


Chapter 1250​

Ichiro was speechless.

So were the thousands of samurais around them.

Are they nuts?

Did they just jump off an aircraft without parachutes?

Due to the fact that they were free-falling from a thousand and five hundred meters, the speed at which Levi and the North Sky Lord were moving was frighteningly fast.

The onlookers could not even make out their faces as they plunged downwards, leaving a white trail behind them.


The impact of their landing was explosive.

The people in the General’s Residence could feel the vibrations on the floorboards, vibrating their eardrums.

Their thunderous landing was closely followed by a blast of air which literally blew off some of the samurais in the building.

Everyone could already feel the immense power of their enemies before they even showed themselves.

Sensing their impending doom, some of the samurais yelled, “Retreat! Retreat!”

However, there was no time to react. Before they could even begin evacuating the building, the two human meteors finally made their touchdowns.



Levi and the North Sky Lord landed one after the other.

It almost sounded like the consecutive explosions of two missiles.

Boom! Bang!

It almost seemed like the heavens were crashing down upon the earth.




Everything in sight seemed to be crumbling into dust.

Clink! Clank!

Long, branching cracks appeared on the floorboards, with the tiles shattering into pieces.

And as the finale to all of that destruction, Levi and the North Sky Lord created two gigantic craters within as they came into contact with the ground.

Now, it really seemed as if two missiles had landed from the skies.

Six hundred years – A residence with a whopping six hundred years of history, demolished in a matter of minutes.




The aftershock of the impact of their falls was also fatal.

At the same time, the huge army of samurais who had gathered in the building were blasted off, along with the wreckage.

Pandemonium ensued soon after.

Following that, desperate cries filled the air, and corpses were seen everywhere.

The amount of bloodshed caused was unfathomable.

The bloody aftermath was a testament to the impact brought about by what seemed to be human meteors.

Those who remained standing stared fixedly at the site of the landings, now enveloped by a cloud of thick smoke.

They were desperate to know if the two people that they saw had survived the fall.

As minutes passed by, the fog gradually cleared, revealing two men standing tall on the ground.

One was busy patting off the dust on his body, his complexion unnaturally red.

Evidently, the free fall had taken a toll on him physically.

That man was the North Sky Lord.

Though he was uninjured, he looked rather displeased about the state that he was in.

“Damn it!” He swore.

On the other hand, the onlookers were absolutely terrified by his reaction.

Even Yamamoto Yuta felt as if he was on the verge of fainting.

Damn it? That’s it? Is that all that he has got to say after falling down from such a height without a freaking parachute?

No injuries?

This can’t be possible!

“Oh my goodness!” Someone from the crowd shrieked in terror.

When the crowd turned to look at the other man who had landed, they could not believe what they saw.

There he was, Levi Garrison, with his arms still crossed behind him, standing there looking all calm and composed.

There was not even a single speck of dust on him.

It was as if he had just arrived at the scene from a walk in a park.

How is that possible?

Is he even human?

Is that even humanly possible?

Even an ultimate class warrior wouldn’t be able to survive a fall like that!

While the onlookers were still stricken by terror and awe, Levi and the North Sky Lord made their way toward them.

Unable to recover from the shock, Yuta and Ichiro simply stared fixedly at the two coming closer.

It took a whole solid minute for people to return to their senses.

However, they were immediately struck by another horrifying reality.

The man who had fallen like a human meteor was someone they were all too familiar with.


Chapter 1251​

“Levi… Levi Garrison… H-How are y-you still…” Ichiro had completely lost his marbles.

His voice was shaking so much that he could barely finish a sentence.

With his body convulsing in terror, it seemed that he was about to collapse any moment.

In the meantime, Yuta’s face darkened in fear and anger. “It’s you! Levi Garrison! How in the world are you still alive!” He growled.


The samurais at the scene gasped, their faces turning pale.

Just when they thought that they had survived the worst crisis that struck their lands, they were met with the man of their nightmares – Levi Garrison.

He was not only a man who came back from the dead, but their greatest enemy who had humiliated their country fifty years ago.

The samurais of Raysonia had so much hatred for Levi that they carved his face deep into their minds so that they would never forget about their ultimate foe.

Killing Levi Garrison became the top priority for every samurai in Raysonia.

It was like a mission ingrained into their souls.

However, upon seeing Levi standing before them, their immense fury quickly turned into confusion and fear.

Is he a ghost?

Many had that speculation in mind.

After all, they had seen his dead body with their very own eyes.

And yet, he had somehow come back to life.

How preposterous!

“No, no. He is Levi Garrison! Levi Garrison did not die! I get it! He sent The Calamity!” Ichiro was the first to grasp the situation.

He also caught on the fact that Levi had become the master of The Calamity.

“What? He’s the master of The Calamity?” Yuta exclaimed, his eyes widening.

When The Calamity first appeared, everyone was so sure that they came to power because of Levi’s death.

But, who would have known, that in reality, Levi Garrison was the one in command of The Calamity!

Piece by piece, past events were starting to add up.

The disappearance of the Harbinger of Death, the series of actions taken by The Calamity, and the recent deaths were all linked to the man – Levi Garrison.

It was obvious by then, that Levi was seeking revenge.

Everything finally made sense right then and there.

After their long wait for The Calamity to arrive, Levi Garrison finally showed up at their doors instead.

“Kill them!” Levi gave his command.

The North Sky Lord immediately sprang into action.

He hurled himself into the crowd, slashing the heads off his enemies.

The samurais did not want to give up just yet, and they dashed towards the North Sky Lord, fighting with all their might.

“No matter how many times you come back from the dead, we’ll come after you all the same!” Yuta and Ichiro cried out, pulling out their longswords.

On the battlefield, the samurais fought the North Sky Lord, while the ultimate class warriors focused their attacks on Levi.

Soon, the fight came to a closure.

Not even a single samurai survived the battle with the North Sky Lord, with their corpses lying a gruesome pool of blood on the ground.

Meanwhile, Yuta and Ichiro were also at wits’ end as their longswords were ruthlessly shattered by Levi.

The next thing they knew, Levi was holding them by their necks and lifting them above the ground.

With their eyes filled with fear and dread, they yelled, “Levi, no matter how strong you are, you’ll never be able to kill Tenichi.”

“You won’t even make it out of Raysonia alive! Let me tell you that!”

Little did they know that those were their last words…

“Too bad you two won’t be around to see that!”

Following that, Levi smashed the two bodies together forcibly. Blood splattered all over the place, and all that remained of the two ultimate class fighters was a horrid pile of human flesh.

“Two gone. One left. Watanabe Tenichi, just you wait!” Levi smirked coldly.

And so, the hunt for Watanabe Tenichi began.

Chapter 1252​

Within the Great Family of Frostford, which was the backbone of Sampson Finch, Watanabe Tenichi was one of the most talented individuals.

Though Levi had never fought Tenichi personally, he had heard quite a lot of rumors.

Watanabe Tenichi was the famous military strategist of Raysonia.

“Those two seemed to have waited for us to show up at their doors. They were completely unprepared! This is probably just a distraction for Tenichi to buy more time to set up traps!” The North Sky Lord said.

Levi pursed his lips and said, “Oh, I’ll let him do what he wants for now. I’ll be able to hunt him down anyways.”

Meanwhile, a total of three thousand samurais, including god class warriors, had gathered at the Military Division.

For the sake of safeguarding his own life, Tenichi decided to play every last one of his trump cards.

He even had Kawasaki Zando, the Great Grandmaster of Raysonia, on his side.

Tenichi was confident about the upcoming battle.

“By the way, any news from Yuta?” He asked.

“Nothing for now! Based on the information gathered by our spies, The Calamity has yet to make a move,” his subordinate replied.

“Is The Calamity really coming?” Demon Blade, who was sitting on a futon, snarled.

“Yes, yes! I am quite certain of it!” Tenichi said firmly.

“This is our chance to move up the ranks once more! If we can defeat or even destroy The Calamity in this battle, we’ll be able to show the world just how formidable we are!” He continued.

Demon Blade squinted his eyes and said, “Well, let them come. I’ll just kill them all for the sake of the Raysonian Bushido!”

With those words, Tenichi felt more reassured than ever.

All the fear and apprehension that he felt were dispelled.

Oh, they better show up…

Even so, minutes ticked by, but they received no updates on the whereabouts of The Calamity.

Yuta and Ichiro were also nowhere to be found.

“What if something bad happened to them?” Someone among them said.


At that exact moment, a thundering rumble reverberated throughout the manor.

The stone gates of the Military Division, which weighed five tons, crumbled into pieces in the blink of an eye.

Someone had kicked them down from outside.

Bam! Whoosh!

Before anyone could react, the entire Military Division was shaking, as if an earthquake had hit the area. Ripples began forming uncontrollably in the artificial lake within the manor.

“Someone’s coming!”

All of the samurais who were on standby quickly stood up and got into position, staring intently at the doors of the room.

Kawasaki Zando, who had been meditating with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, looking battle-ready.



Two unidentified projectiles flew across the room at lightning speed.




The samurais on the first line of defense responded swiftly, deflecting and slashing through the projectiles.

“What in the world? Yuta? Ichiro?”

When the samurais finally took a closer look at the supposed projectiles shot at them, they froze on the spot, in utter shock and terror.

Those were not projectiles; those were the flesh and bones of Yamamoto Yuta and Mitsui Ichiro!

Tenichi’s face turned pale as a sheet.

So those two have already fallen…

Is that how powerful The Calamity really is?

Two ultimate class warriors, fighting alongside thousands of samurais and god class warriors. And yet, they were brutally slaughtered like this?

Demon Blade narrowed his eyes.

Pursing his lips into a cold smile, he seemed to be rather amused by the turn of events.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

There was a shuffle of footsteps approaching the room.

Each of the footsteps sounded like the beat of a drum, building up the tension in the room in a steady crescendo.

The silhouettes of two men could be seen.

“Two men?” Someone pointed out.

“Am I seeing things? Two men trying to fight against us? Here in the Military Division?” Another said.

The samurais in the room were completely dumbfounded by the odd turn of events.

Seriously? This is too absurd!


Chapter 1253​

Tenichi had seven ultimate class warriors guarding him!

And one of them is the formidable Demon Blade, who’s the Great Grandmaster of Raysonia!

How dare The Calamity send out two fighters to fight us?

“Tenichi, be prepared to face my wrath!” A ruthless growl could be heard.

Levi knew that Tenichi was the mastermind behind his murder, alongside Sampson Finch.

Thus, his hatred toward him was no less than that for Sampson Finch.

Only with Tenichi’s head in hand, would the souls of his dead brothers be appeased.

At that thought, a murderous aura emanated from him.

On the contrary, Tenichi’s heart dropped with a thump.

Why is The Calamity so hell-bent on killing me?

His questions were quickly answered the very next moment when Levi strode into the room, glaring at him like a predator eyeing his prey.

“Levi… Levi Garrison… You’re still alive?” Tenichi recognized him immediately.

It was only then that he finally connected the dots in his head and understood what was going on.

“So… so The Calamity is yours! And you’re the reason as to why I lost contact with Mr. Finch of the Great Family of Frostford, aren’t you?” Tenichi spluttered.

The others in the room looked rather appalled.

Nobody expected Levi to be the person behind all the recent turmoil and deaths.

No wonder those who were involved in scheming his murder were all hunted down! Tenichi thought to himself.

But this does not affect my plans in any way. I’ll just kill two birds with one stone.

Raysonia shall regain its dignity, and Raysonia’s greatest enemy shall be eliminated once again!

Levi responded indifferently, “You’re pretty smart, aren’t you? Sampson Finch has already gone to hell, and you’re going to be keeping him company!”

Tenichi eyeballed the North Sky Lord, who stood beside Levi. He donned a peculiar mask that looked like a horrendous mishmash of the faces of an angel and a demon. Tenichi chuckled, “Just the two of you, going against all of us?”

“Hmph, are you blind? Do you see anyone else here? Of course, it’s just the two of us!” The North Sky Lord stared at the samurais in the room with contempt.

He did not feel unnerved at all, even when faced with the menacing warriors in the room.

“Is he Levi Garrison?” Demon Blade spoke, pointing a finger.

“Yes, he is Levi Garrison! Formerly known as the God of War!” Tenichi promptly replied.

“Was he the one who brought humiliation to Raysonia five years ago? The one who disgraced the Raysonian Bushido?” Demon Blade snarled, his voice all raspy.

“Yes! Yes, it’s him!” Tenichi sounded hysterical.

My enemy!

Raysonia’s enemy!

“Hmph, is that so? Then the last thing he shall witness before his death shall be the power of the Raysonian Bushido!” Kawasaki Zando rumbled.

He brandished his longsword, which had not seen daylight in fifty years.

Nevertheless, Levi ignored the two’s chatter and turned to the rest of the people in the room. “I have come here today for the sole purpose of killing Watanabe Tenichi. The rest of you shall be spared if you leave the place now!” He yelled.

Levi was not a bloodthirsty monster who would kill just anyone.

He only had his eyes on his enemies.

However, if those who were innocent were to decide to stand in his way, he was prepared to slaughter them all.

“No way in hell!” A samurai shouted.

“You’ll have to get past us first!”

“Nobody can touch our military strategist!”

“Protect our leader! Take down Levi Garrison! Restore our pride!” The samurais cried out in unison.

Each and every one of them seemed to have the determination to fight to their deaths.

For the people of Raysonia, Watanabe Tenichi was a beloved, well-respected leader.

He had the entire country on his side.

Just then, Demon Blade also responded, “You’ll have to kill me first, if you want to even lay a finger on him. Of course, that is if you can!”

Levi snorted, “Oh, I’m so sorry then. But I think even god himself can’t save him today! I shall end him right in front of your eyes!”


Chapter 1254​

“Try me!” Demon Blade bellowed.

His voice was deafening like thunder, echoing throughout the room.

How dare a young brat like that threaten me!

Nobody would have dared offend me the slightest fifty years ago, not even the ultimate class warriors!

Demon Blade finally lost his calm, as uncontrollable anger began to consume him.

You said that you’ll kill him right in front of my eyes?

How preposterous!

You’re the one who’s dying today!

Demon Blade stood up. At that time, his eyes were sparkling like a lion that had been woken up from its slumber.

“Levi Garrison! I admit that you are no ordinary man. Indeed, you have come back from the dead and killed Sampson Finch, who had been an ultimate class warrior for twenty years,” Tenichi said.

Upon hearing that, Demon Blade raised an eyebrow, his interest in his opponent growing.

It was common knowledge that the more years of experience that an ultimate class warrior had, the more powerful he would be.

That young brat defeated someone who had been an ultimate class warrior for twenty years?

And he’s the fighter who single-handedly tarnished Raysonia’s reputation? How interesting.

“However, the Raysonian Bushido has evolved exponentially over the last five years, and unlike last time, the great warrior, Demon Blade, is now fighting with us. Don’t you dare underestimate our strengths now!” Tenichi continued.

He was feeling rather confident. In his head, Levi was definitely not making it out of Raysonia alive.

“Yes, that’s right! Demon Blade has been an ultimate class fighter for almost a hundred years!” A samurai said.

“You can’t win!”

Kawasaki Zando was actually older than Teneb Garrison, the Grandmaster of the Garrison clan.

Having been an ultimate class warrior for almost a hundred years, his strength was unimaginable.

In his eyes, the likes of Sampson Finch were no more than ordinary warriors.

“Hah… You’re so going to die!” Levi was unmoved.

He was determined to take Tenichi’s head no matter what.

“You want my head? Then come to me, at the peak of the Tower of the Sun,” Tenichi said, laughing.

“I wish you all the best!” He taunted.

With that, he dashed towards the doors, along with Demon Blade and a few others.

“Don’t you dare!”


Before Levi could go after them, samurais began crowding up around him, swinging their swords.

“You’ll have to get past us first!” They yelled.

“We won’t let you leave!”

The samurais were not backing down.

Soon, Tenichi and his men arrived at the peak of the Tower of the Sun.

Standing at a height of six hundred meters above the ground, the howling winds was all that they could hear.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The chilly winds felt like small blades, cutting across their faces and leaving a burning pain.

“Why did you choose to come here?” Kawasaki Zando asked.

“Don’t you think that it’ll be far more meaningful to end his life here? A victory on the highest peak of our country, which would signify Raysonia rising to power!” Tenichi replied.

“Secondly, him knowing that I’m here waiting for him would be a huge distraction which would affect his performance in battle. And lastly, this is my strategy to spot his weaknesses before we finally come face-to-face with him,” he continued.

Simply put, it was a strategy to ensure that Levi Garrison would die – a strategy to end his life at all costs!

Undoubtedly, Tenichi was a military strategist, not a warrior. Thus, he could not care less about playing it fair on the battlefields.

On the other hand, Kawasaki Zando was not bothered about Tenichi’s strategy at all.

All that he had in mind was manslaughter.

“I hope that he does come here.”

Chapter 1255​

Kawasaki Zando had hoped to engage in combat with the youngsters of Erudia. He wanted to see what they were truly made of.

Otherwise, he would’ve come out of solitude for nothing.

“Our Raysonian Bushido will be restored to its former glory! In fact, the news should come as no surprise. In less than half a day, it’ll spread like wildfire and rock the world!”

Tenichi was also waiting eagerly for this moment to arrive.

If he could send Levi to his death on Raysonian soil, the glory would be insurmountable.

Meanwhile, both Levi and the North Sky Lord were cornered by thousands of people. The numbers were increasing still.

Including the group outside the Military Division, it was an army of five thousand strong.

Everyone waited with bated breath.

There was only one possible solution to undo the shame they had to endure five years ago, kill Levi.

“Begin!” came the order from Tenichi.

Levi and North Sky Lord shared a look before beginning their assault.

North Sky Lord charged into the battlefield like a hero with superhuman strength.

Instantly, he summoned a hundred-meter-tall shockwave that he sent hurtling into the oncoming crowd.


The dense crowd was abruptly torn apart and scattered by this attack. Numerous casualties could be seen as the panicked troops struggled to move out of the way.

“Get out of my way, or perish!” bellowed Levi as he breached the opening created by North Sky Lord.

Levi eyed an adversary that was standing in his way. He threw a punch that sent the man flying into the crowd like a cannonball.


That blow was devastating enough to knock more than a hundred men out of the way.

They lay there in a writhing mass, with plenty of broken bones. Levi clicked his tongue impatiently as he observed the next wave of enemies coming his way.

A battle cry was heard as a squad of more than a dozen God class warriors charged towards Levi with sabers in hand.


Nobody could foresee what happened next.

Upon impact, the sabers broke. It was as if Levi’s body was made of steel for it was completely impenetrable.

Levi nonchalantly dodged an attack that came from his right flank. He reached over and gently grabbed the katana of his opponent. With a plucking motion, Levi snapped the blade clean in half.

His opponent tried to escape, but it was too late. With a flick of his wrist, Levi tossed the blade into the person’s body. Blood spattered all over the floor before the dead assailant crumpled to the ground with a dull thud.

Everyone was stunned. These were God class warriors! Seasoned fighters were being treated as if they were mere playthings!

The battalion started to sweat in their armor. How were they going to defeat Levi?

His expression, on the other hand, was one of indifference. The fight was nothing but a walk in the park for him.

He walked around the area leisurely despite being completely surrounded.

But North Sky Lord painted a completely different picture. He attacked like a vicious animal, sending thousands scattered in complete disarray.

The pair had two completely different combat styles. One was calm, and the other, wild.

However, they made a terrifying team. It was as if the demons from hell had risen to fight.

Each attack they unleashed maimed or killed anyone in their path.

In a short period of time, the grounds of the Military Division had turned into a mass grave. Piles of bodies were scattered throughout the courtyard.

The army of five thousand was no match for Levi or North Sky Lord.

Soon, the pair left the area with less than two thousand men attempting to stop their advance.

The troops were samurai, believers in the spirit of Bushido. Even with the odds against them, they would not back away without a fight.

“We kill!” came their cries as they rushed towards the pair.

North Sky Lord attacked again, with Levi following closely behind.

A crushing battle was currently being staged.

A mere five minutes had passed, and there was nobody left standing. Levi and North Sky Lord had successfully plowed through a battalion of more than one thousand strong.

The battle had left many wounded. Despite this, they still burned with the desire to stop Levi and North Sky Lord.

However, the severity of their injuries prevented them from getting up. The troops had no choice but to watch helplessly as they walked past them.

Five thousand seasoned warriors only managed to deter the pair for about ten minutes.

They were horrified. Those defeated were ultimate samurai masters, who, without a doubt, outclassed the thirty-thousand that Levi had fought five years ago.

This only showed how much power Levi had gained throughout the course of five years.

Now, he had even gained a powerful ally. He was practically invincible.

“Onward, to the Tower of the Sun!” yelled Levi, his eyes ablaze with a chilling glow.

Chapter 1256​

What Levi and North Sky Lord didn’t realize was that the earlier battle had only been a taste of what was to come.

There may have been an army of five thousand at the Military Division’s grounds, but that was only a fraction of the conscripted fighters.

Levi paused to survey the area and found that the real deterrent to hinder their progress lay outside the grounds.

The Tower of the Sun wasn’t too far away from the Military Division, but they had to traverse a pathway spanning ten kilometers.

Warriors had been stationed throughout the way, and they were by no means unskilled.

They had been lying in wait, biding their time for a chance to attack.

All of them were men loyal to Tenichi, duty-bound to defend him with their lives.

This was all a part of Tenichi’s plan. Even if the mob of warriors couldn’t kill Levi, there was a chance they would overwhelm him instead.

Levi might not be dead, but he would at least be exhausted. Or so he thought.

In a grievous miscalculation, Tenichi failed to anticipate the true strength of his opponents.

The samurai he had positioned barely proved to be a hindrance to them at all.

The pair swept through their defenses with a crushing force, defeating any obstacle in their path.

Soon, nobody was left standing.

But the one thing that even Watanabe Tenichi himself did not expect was the sheer number of loyal men who showed up to stop Levi.

The entire pathway was dotted with no less than a hundred thousand samurai.

They all believe in the spirit of Bushido and were eager to fight.

Having heard that Watanabe Tenichi was in danger, they all rallied to his call, hoping for a chance to restore Raysonian Bushido to its former glory.

Samurai from all over came with a single purpose, to kill Levi Garrison.

It had been less than an hour, but it felt like an eternity had passed.

Soon, Levi and North Sky Lord arrived at the base of the Tower of the Sun.

Both men were drenched in enough blood to be mistaken for corpses, but the blood did not belong to them.

So far, all hundred thousand men they encountered on their way to the Tower of the Sun had been defeated. The bodies piled high, with the stench of blood and warfare filling the air.

Throughout the region, the wails of defeated samurai were heard. It was a sorrowful lament of shame and anguish.

This was an even bigger smear on Raysonian Bushido, worse than the colossal embarrassment they had to endure five years ago.

Not even one hundred thousand samurai could stop the two of them.

If news of the fight were to spread, it would’ve been named the Battle of Gods.

The Master of The Calamity, as well as North Sky Lord, had successfully defeated a hundred thousand samurai on Raysonia.

This was the equivalent of two grown men warding off insects.

The Raysonians had no dignity left to spare, for it was completely destroyed by their losses in this battle.

This fight would set Raysonian Bushido back by ten years. It wasn’t just men they lost, but most importantly, their dignity.

The shame was more than what everyone could bear.

They could only watch, completely hapless at the pair’s advances.

Soon, it was up to Tenichi alone to put up a fight.

He bore the hopes of the thousands on Raysonia. These were the men who desperately wanted to bring back Raysonian Bushido to a more respectable state.

“Levi Garrison must be defeated! Glory to Raysonia!”

Thousands of the fallen lay there, their eyes watching the Tower of the Sun, the place where their only hopes remained.

Looking at the Tower of the Sun, Levi sneered. “Even if you go to hell and back, Tenichi, I will have your head!”

With that, Levi and North Sky Lord entered the Tower.

Tenichi was not about to let them waltz inside, unhindered. He had stationed even more fighters, ready to intercept the moment Levi entered the building.

Despite that, Levi and North Sky Lord managed to fight their way through all two hundred floors. After all, this wasn’t a question of difficulty but merely time.

Levi and North Sky Lord were the invincible duo.

It did not take them long at all, in fact. The battle was a bloody one, as they fought their way up.

At the very top of the tower, Tenichi feverishly kept track of their movements. Every bit of progress was reported to him, with no information withheld.

“What? They fought their way through all of them?” exclaimed Tenichi worriedly.

“Is he injured?” he inquired again, hurriedly. This is troubling news indeed.

“He’s covered in blood. If he does manage to get up here, he’s probably exhausted!” came one report.

Tenichi smiled. “Ha! He’s strong indeed, but we have something better!”

Demon Blade merely observed the exchange impassively.

He couldn’t care less. A single blow would be enough to put them out of their misery.

I bet Levi Garrison wouldn’t see my blade coming, he mused.


Chapter 1257​

Levi and North Sky Lord were making quick work of the warriors in all two hundred floors.

Each floor was full of God class warriors but all of them were defeated. They were no match for the two of them.

These warriors were the backbone of Raysonian Bushido, who owed their successes in combat to the vigorous training under this branch. In spite of their efforts, they were wiped out easily. They could barely hold Levi back for more than a minute.

Levi and North Sky Lord were truly masterful opponents.

All it took was their combined efforts to decimate the legacy of Raysonian Bushido.

The pair made their way up the tower steadily, before finally arriving at its peak.

Suddenly, a group of six warriors surrounded them.

They were Tenichi’s trump card. His last resort, the Six Great Grandmaster.

If he had not been in such dire straits, the thought of bringing them out wouldn’t have crossed Tenichi’s mind.

“Levi Garrison! Let this floor be your grave!”

The Six pinned Levi with a threatening glare, as they readied their attacks.

North Sky Lord eyed the six figures coldly and said, “Master, leave them to me.”

“Alright!” replied Levi as he rushed towards the peak.

The Six Great Grandmaster tried to stop Levi, but they were held back by North Sky Lord.

A ferocious battle broke out between the seven in that small, confined space.

At the peak of the Tower of the Sun, Demon Blade sat on his knees. His eyes were closed as he waited for Levi’s impending arrival.

Tenichi was standing next to him.

The weather reflected the bleak atmosphere of Raysonia. Dark clouds gathered in the sky, adding to the sense of foreboding and gloom.

The Tower was easily one of the tallest structures in the land. The upper half was encased in the clouds, where its current occupants lay in wait amongst the howling winds and gathered mist.

Outside, a storm was brewing.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps was heard approaching the room.

Tenichi’s face fell.

And so he arrives.

A gruesome figure rapidly approached, drenched in blood.

Suddenly, Demon Blade opened his eyes. He glared at Levi with lightning illuminating his gaze.

A terrible shockwave formed and blasted its way towards Levi, letting out a loud rumble. Boom!

Levi only stood there, blood dripping off his body.

Tenichi stared for some time and realized that none of the blood on Levi’s body was his own.

What the hell? Did he fight over a hundred thousand men without a single injury? His breath is calm and steady. His footsteps are light. Did he seriously just fight a battle? The thought made Tenichi’s blood run cold.

Demon Blade, however, grinned.

Levi was a strong opponent, and that certainly piqued his interest.

Why would I even bother killing someone weak?

After all, he had not come out of a fifty-year seclusion to fight a wimp.

When Levi arrived, he looked at his surroundings bemusedly before saying, “Not a bad place you’ve chosen for your death.”

“You arrogant little sh*t!” Demon Blade glanced at Levi and pinned him with a glare.

Surprisingly enough, Tenichi seemed relaxed. “Goodness, you’re so strong! If not for the circumstances, I’d love to be friends with you!”

“Do you think you’re somehow worthy of that? Piss off.” Levi clicked his tongue in annoyance and pointed an accusatory finger at Tenichi.

“Look, I know you’re determined to kill me and all, but do you know who this man is, standing before you?” asked Tenichi, with an absent-minded flick of his wrist. “Allow me to introduce you to Demon Blade, the Ultimate class warrior of the highest caliber in Raysonia.

“Fifty years ago, this man single-handedly took on all of Bayview’s Ultimate class warriors, only to deliver unto them a crushing defeat. Nobody would dare cross him, and I honestly doubt that even someone of your capabilities will win against him today.”

Suddenly, there was a fierceness in Tenichi’s eyes. “Levi Garrison, I’m here to sentence you to death by the hands of the Ultimate Great Grandmaster. Consider this an honor of the highest degree!”

“I’m still going to kill you!” came Levi’s reply. He seemed unperturbed by the threat.

“Such arrogance. Young man, do you think you can kill him? You’ll have to go through me first!” retorted Demon Blade.

Levi sneered. “Ah, but what is youth without arrogance, old man?”

“Five years ago, you threw Raysonian Bushido such a heavy blow that you set us back by fifty years. It was a nightmare. You’ve been our greatest source of shame!”

He paused briefly and gave Levi another icy stare. “Henceforth, I, Kawasaki Zando, pledge to defeat you and restore Raysonian Bushido to its former glory!”

Very slowly, Demon Blade got to his feet.


His body pulsed with static and gave out a threatening aura. There was the sound of the wind howling and the distant crack of thunder.

“Pay attention, young man. One slice of my blade will be enough to finish you.”


Chapter 1258​

As Kawasaki Zando said these words, there was no hint of arrogance in his flat tone.

He seemed to be expressing a simple fact. A mere slash of his blade was enough to end anyone who stood in his way.

His demeanor did not express self-confidence but a sense of familiarity in his abilities. This man was dangerous as an opponent, and clashing with him would be perilous.

Death was inevitable.

All he had to do was attack Levi Garrison with his blade, and it would mean the end of it.

Tenichi also believed his words without a doubt.

If Demon Blade were that strong fifty years ago, he’d be even stronger now.

“Oh, is that so?” sneered Levi.

Now that he had mastered the age-old martial arts techniques that he had sought to learn, Levi’s strength was not to be underestimated.

The first battle between the two began shortly.

Suddenly, Kawasaki Zando’s demeanor changed.

He may have looked the part of a grey-haired, miserable man, but his eyes shone with spirit.

Kawasaki Zando felt his blood surge like waves.

The momentum his body had generated was increasing very steadily.


A storm had indeed formed at the summit of the Tower. The already-darkened sky was accompanied by a loud chorus of thunder.

The ground surrounding the Tower was elevated, which also contributed to the increased airflow and the relentless howling wind.

Now, Kawasaki Zando’s momentum had increased even more. His body rumbled with the energy he amassed as he fused the currents of air generated by the wind.

Soon, an explosive burst of thunder was heard.

Tenichi, who’d been standing too close, was flung away from the site. Since he was an ordinary person, the impact was so great that he tasted his own blood.

All of Edojo could feel the tremors caused by the storm as if alluding to a heavy downpour.

Yet, the sky showed no signs of lightning. Only thunder was heard.

The phenomenon made everyone curious.

After all, how were they to know that this was not thunder in the first place?

This was the sheer might and energy exuded by Demon Blade, who stood atop the Tower of the Sun.

If he could generate such power, calling him the Ultimate Great Grandmaster was no surprise at all.

Tenichi shook himself out of his stupor and hurriedly took some medicines he had kept on hand. His condition was now stable, and he was no longer bleeding.

He also realized that Demon Blade was about to unleash his attack.

Tenichi waited with anticipation and glee. Levi Garrison would definitely perish.

Mere moments later, scarlet lightning struck the Tower of the Sun.

It was a very vivid, eye-catching sight to behold.

The lightning was a bright red, almost like the color of blood.

Another crack of thunder soon followed.

The people of Edojo looked up to the sky, clearly intrigued by the queer yet threatening display.

Yet, no one had ever guessed that that was not lightning at all but a blade!

Fifty years later, Kawasaki Zando’s yoto had made an appearance once again, at long last.

The blade had an ethereal quality that dazzled the onlookers. How was that blade able to create such strong tremors?

This display, alongside the ominous atmosphere, created a very shocking scene.

The moment Demon Blade unleashed his yoto, the dark sky lit up with an intensity that could rival daylight.

The crimson light had temporarily blinded Tenichi, and he intuitively averted his gaze.

Tenichi’s mind was racing. I’m among the first to truly witness the yoto in action. Levi will witness it too, of course, but he’ll dead meat soon.

It’s an honor!

Watanabe Tenichi smirked, gleefully imagining Levi’s decapitation.

The moment Kawasaki Zando summoned his blade, he stepped towards Levi in a flash.

The yoto in his hand glowed scarlet as he slashed at Levi, only to find that he missed.

Hmm. The little runt has some speed in him after all.

Levi was by far the fastest opponent Kawasaki Zando had met.

His past opponents had been unworthy of his status as a Great Grand Master!

Out of nowhere, a spatter of blood whizzed past.


Chapter 1259​

A sharp, slicing sound was heard, followed by a loud crash.

A spatter of blood escaped the fray, and landed on Tenichi’s face.

The warm blood immediately brought Tenichi to his senses again.


He laughed and gingerly touched the blood on his face.

Levi Garrison was dead, at long last!

He had seen it with his own eyes. There was no way Levi could’ve survived that blow.

The blood that he felt had to be from Levi’s decapitated head.

True to its word, the yoto definitely lived up to its name. Any opponent in its path would meet their end.

Tenichi’s joy, alas, was short-lived. A glance at the scene was enough to wipe the grin off his face.

Not only did Levi Garrison appear to be unharmed, but even his head remained intact.

Instead, Kawasaki Zando stood there with his blade broken in half. He looked utterly defeated, with blood trickling down the side of his mouth.

Where’s the other half of the blade? A chill went down his spine. It wasn’t long until he noticed a faint, scarlet glimmer in Kawasaki Zando’s chest.

He was bleeding profusely from the stab wound.

Levi Garrison had not only lived to tell the tale of the yoto. He had managed to shatter it and stab Kawasaki with his own weapon.

Only Kawasaki Zando understood the depth of Levi’s strength.

The power of Demon Blade was something inherited by the wielder deemed most worthy. Somehow, a power that had lasted thousands of years was defeated by just a punch?

This is incredible! He is so young but he possesses such strength!

There was no doubt that this was Erudia’s one and only God of War.

Erudia must’ve been such a wondrous place, having produced someone like this.

Is it possible that he’s from there?

Kawasaki Zando couldn’t take it anymore as he thought of this.

He fell to the ground with a groan and lay there, motionless.

This Ultimate Great Grandmaster, who was nearly a century old, had failed in his mission to restore Raysonia’s glory.

He could not even protect their military strategist!

Today, Raysonian Bushido was completely defeated.

Five years ago, Levi Garrison had humiliated them, only for them to suffer an even bigger humiliation five years later.

How could they regain their pride after this crushing defeat?

At around this time, North Sky Lord had just finished his battle with the Six Great Grandmaster and made his way up to the Tower’s summit.

With a cursory glance, he said, “Well, you handled this a lot faster than I thought!”

The only man left standing was Watanabe Tenichi.

He looked dumbfoundedly at the pair, not knowing how to react.

Tenichi was not by any means stupid. He was a strategist whose resourcefulness was almost godlike.

Every single strategy had been planned; every possibility was calculated and taken into consideration.

The only factor he failed to take into consideration was Levi’s strength.

Levi took a deep breath and said coldly, “Are you witnessing all this, comrades? Here is the mastermind. I will avenge you all!”

Deep down, Levi was relieved. He fulfilled the promise he made to his brothers-in-arms.

Every single person who had been involved in this mess had been dealt with.

“Wait!” Tenichi shouted hastily. “I admit defeat!”

“But before I die, there are some doubts I want to clear.”

“Hm. Why not, I guess. What do you want to know?” asked Levi in a very cold tone.

Tenichi’s questions were simple. He wanted to know how Levi survived the attack, how he recovered, and what became one of The Calamity.

True to his word, Levi answered all his questions.

After hearing all of the explanations, Watanabe Tenichi smiled contentedly.

“Don’t forget, Levi Garrison. You may have given us a humiliating defeat today, but there will be a reckoning in the future!”

Levi smirked. “A reckoning from who, pray tell? You’re out of Ultimate class warriors, to my knowledge.

“Raysonia’s strength lies in our unyielding will!” roared Tenichi. “The spirit of Bushido will still live on! Mark my words, one day, there will be a samurai strong enough to challenge and defeat you!”

Levi snickered. “Until then, I’ll wait. But before you die, I have a question of my own.”

“How did the Blood King Palace manage to return? Were they not wiped out?” queried Levi.

Watanabe Tenichi gave Levi a smug smile. “Do you really want to know?”

“Yes. Tell me.”


Chapter 1260​

“You will never know the answer to that secret!”

Suddenly, Tenichi’s face contorted into a twisted smile as he plunged a tanto right into his abdomen. The pain made him gasp out loud, but he persisted.

He knelt on the ground and shouted, “Bushido will live on!”

The tanto was coated with poison, and it didn’t take long before Tenichi breathed his last.

The poison was fast-acting, and there would’ve been no chance at saving him.

Levi Garrison wanted to know how the Blood King Palace made its return, but the trail had gone cold.

It didn’t matter that much to him, however. He had avenged his brothers-in-arms, and that was the most important thing.

“You have been avenged! Now I’m going to bring you all home!” shouted Levi.

Levi had ordered his men to retrieve the bodies of all three hundred and fifty-seven victims, including that of Jonah Garrison.

Given that some of the bodies had been found in a sorry state, Levi decided to cremate everyone and have the ashes packed in burial urns.

He couldn’t bear to bury them in a foreign land. They had to be buried at home in Erudia.

These were warriors of Erudia, men born and raised there.

Levi was determined to have a tomb built for all of his fallen comrades.

Soon after, Levi and North Sky Lord left the Tower of the Sun, only to be met by the tears of a hundred thousand men.

Seeing the two leave intact was a cause of great sorrow to them. They realized that this meant the defeat of Demon Blade.

Raysonian Bushido had failed once again.

The defeat had dealt a devastating blow to their morale. There was no telling if they would recover from the humiliation, even after a century had passed.

This was a day the followers of Raysonian Bushido would never forget.

If this shame were not eradicated in the near future, they feared they would no longer have any dignity left.

Word of this battle had spread quite quickly.

The Master of the Calamity and North Sky Lord had single-handedly defeated the Raysonians in combat.

First came the defeat of both Yuta Yamamoto and Ichiro Mitsui, followed by one hundred thousand samurai who were sent to fight Levi and North Sky Lord.

Among the biggest casualties were the seven Great Grandmasters including Demon Blade, the Ultimate Great Grandmaster, in Bayview’s tallest tower, including the death of Watanabe Tenichi, the military strategist.

The world exploded in a frenzy as soon as word got out.

There was no denying the strength of The Calamity.

Blood King Palace seemed to pale in comparison. They were barely on the same level!

Before this, Blood King Palace was considered a force too difficult to destroy, having earned notoriety as the most powerful group in The Dark World.

The Calamity’s actions in taking the initiative were making waves.

Having won the so-called Battle of the Gods, The Calamity had earned a place in the hierarchy.

They were quickly ranked as the most dangerous force in the world, and their danger levels were off the charts.

However, it was not fair to compare both The Calamity and Blood King Palace in the same vein.

Blood King Palace was an organization that took pride in shady dealings, including assassination, sabotage, and threats to establish its dominance.

The Calamity, on the other hand, only wanted revenge for past grievances.

However, this act of avenging their fallen was seen as something even more terrifying and cruel in the eyes of the public. Somehow, this was worse than the past actions of Blood King Palace.

For now, the world was set abuzz discussing The Calamity, especially Erudia.

Levi’s supporters had ideas of their own. “If only Levi Garrison were still alive!” lamented some. “Surely he’s the only one who can defeat The Calamity!”

“Yes, and their actions are even more belligerent than Blood King Palace! What arrogance! If Levi Garrison were here, they wouldn’t last a second!”

“Hell, if Levi Garrison were still alive, there will be no place for The Calamity!”

These remarks caught the ear of Winsor Campbell, who was furious.

He was the one who held the title God of War, but all they were concerned about was Levi Garrison.

Everyone hoped that Levi would still be alive and step in to eradicate The Calamity.

Winsor gritted his teeth and swore inwardly. Why can’t I do it? Am I less capable than Levi?

He’d barely done anything, only to be defeated by Levi Garrison in name alone.

“I want to take action on The Calamity!” said Winsor.

“But the Dragonites won’t let us—”

Zar’s explanation was cut short by Winsor’s glare.


Chapter 1261​

Talon and Bolgun hurriedly held Zar back and motioned for him to hold his tongue.

They could tell that Winsor Campbell was eager to prove himself. He was not willing to live in the shadow of his predecessor throughout his tenure.

Zar cleared his throat. “Well, making a move will not be impossible, but…” he trailed off and paused briefly.

“But what?” asked Winsor.

“God of War, you should present your challenge to The Calamity as a civilian. Don’t drag any particular stance into this,” suggested Zar with a hint of hesitation.

“Well, that might actually work. The most important thing is for me to defeat The Calamity and win everyone over!”

“To guarantee my victory, I’ll go into seclusion for the time being.”

Winsor was eager to practice the combat skills Sampson taught him.

If my training is successful, then I’d challenge The Calamity. My chances of succeeding would be higher as well.

Winsor Campbell may have been of noble stock, but he had yet to face a real opponent.

For that reason, he’d always erroneously assumed that there were no other experts in the world.

Such thoughts had made him complacent.

As such, Sampson’s elusiveness was so great that news of his death never reached Winsor’s ears. He had no way of finding out at all.

Back in North Hampton, Zoey and Emma Jones had just received word from Levi over the phone.

“Mom? Levi said he’d be back soon,” said Zoey excitedly.

All this while, things had been normal.

Nobody had come for Forlevia’s head either, but Zoey had to maintain the charade.

Everyone assumed that Levi was dead, so they had to play the part of the grieving family.

After all, there were still strangers who had come to ask about information regarding the circumstances of Levi’s death. Hence, they had to play safe.

At the time, plenty of villains had shown up too.

Not too long ago, the Garrison clan in Oakland City was being taunted.

The Lopezes and the Black family, on the other hand, believed that Levi was clobbered to death by the Garrison clan.

Coupled with the fact that Dale Lehman had severed ties with Zoey, both the Lopezes and the Black family had been pushing for Zoey to find a backer.

It was in her best interests, or so they claimed, that she found a powerful new husband. That way, she would be able to secure her estate and wealth.

The Lopezes and Black family had not been completely wrong in their suggestion, though.

Since she’d also lost the support of the Lehman Group, many outsiders had been eyeing the Morris Group with great interest.

Zoey and the others were slowly being pushed to the brink of danger.

She would have difficulties holding on soon.

At this moment, Levi Garrison was making his way back to Erudia.

The entourage that followed him contained a total of three hundred and fifty-seven burial urns.

Among them were the remains of Hades, wrapped in a separate sheet. After all, he was from L nation, and they deserved closure as well.

Levi decided to first sort out the matter of his comrades in Erudia before bringing Hades’ remains back to L nation for his interment.

Earlier on, Levi conducted a funeral in an unnamed town near Northgale and had the remains of all the victims cremated there.

All these innocent lives. What an sad sight!

“Comrades, our homeland lies ahead! Finally, I’ve brought you home!” shouted Levi, the moment he spotted the familiar sights of Erudia.

Had it not been for this bunch of rough man, he’d likely not be alive. They gave him a chance at rebirth.

Thankfully, he was strong enough to avenge his comrades. None of the culprits deserved to make it out alive.

As they approached Erudia’s borders, Levi got out of the car.

Holding Jonah’s urn in his hands, he proceeded towards Erudian soil on foot.

The rest of his team followed suit.

Levi was enacting the highest honors possible to bring home his fallen comrades.

In the split second that ensued, Levi had mixed feelings about his mission.

He was quite relieved that he could bring them home and inter them on their own soil.

He could not raise them to be martyrs or patriots, but he could build them a tomb or a monument at least.

His happiness was short-lived, however. West Sky Lord approached Levi with a grim expression on her face. “Master, I come bearing bad news.”


Chapter 1261​

Talon and Bolgun hurriedly held Zar back and motioned for him to hold his tongue.

They could tell that Winsor Campbell was eager to prove himself. He was not willing to live in the shadow of his predecessor throughout his tenure.

Zar cleared his throat. “Well, making a move will not be impossible, but…” he trailed off and paused briefly.

“But what?” asked Winsor.

“God of War, you should present your challenge to The Calamity as a civilian. Don’t drag any particular stance into this,” suggested Zar with a hint of hesitation.

“Well, that might actually work. The most important thing is for me to defeat The Calamity and win everyone over!”

“To guarantee my victory, I’ll go into seclusion for the time being.”

Winsor was eager to practice the combat skills Sampson taught him.

If my training is successful, then I’d challenge The Calamity. My chances of succeeding would be higher as well.

Winsor Campbell may have been of noble stock, but he had yet to face a real opponent.

For that reason, he’d always erroneously assumed that there were no other experts in the world.

Such thoughts had made him complacent.

As such, Sampson’s elusiveness was so great that news of his death never reached Winsor’s ears. He had no way of finding out at all.

Back in North Hampton, Zoey and Emma Jones had just received word from Levi over the phone.

“Mom? Levi said he’d be back soon,” said Zoey excitedly.

All this while, things had been normal.

Nobody had come for Forlevia’s head either, but Zoey had to maintain the charade.

Everyone assumed that Levi was dead, so they had to play the part of the grieving family.

After all, there were still strangers who had come to ask about information regarding the circumstances of Levi’s death. Hence, they had to play safe.

At the time, plenty of villains had shown up too.

Not too long ago, the Garrison clan in Oakland City was being taunted.

The Lopezes and the Black family, on the other hand, believed that Levi was clobbered to death by the Garrison clan.

Coupled with the fact that Dale Lehman had severed ties with Zoey, both the Lopezes and the Black family had been pushing for Zoey to find a backer.

It was in her best interests, or so they claimed, that she found a powerful new husband. That way, she would be able to secure her estate and wealth.

The Lopezes and Black family had not been completely wrong in their suggestion, though.

Since she’d also lost the support of the Lehman Group, many outsiders had been eyeing the Morris Group with great interest.

Zoey and the others were slowly being pushed to the brink of danger.

She would have difficulties holding on soon.

At this moment, Levi Garrison was making his way back to Erudia.

The entourage that followed him contained a total of three hundred and fifty-seven burial urns.

Among them were the remains of Hades, wrapped in a separate sheet. After all, he was from L nation, and they deserved closure as well.

Levi decided to first sort out the matter of his comrades in Erudia before bringing Hades’ remains back to L nation for his interment.

Earlier on, Levi conducted a funeral in an unnamed town near Northgale and had the remains of all the victims cremated there.

All these innocent lives. What an sad sight!

“Comrades, our homeland lies ahead! Finally, I’ve brought you home!” shouted Levi, the moment he spotted the familiar sights of Erudia.

Had it not been for this bunch of rough man, he’d likely not be alive. They gave him a chance at rebirth.

Thankfully, he was strong enough to avenge his comrades. None of the culprits deserved to make it out alive.

As they approached Erudia’s borders, Levi got out of the car.

Holding Jonah’s urn in his hands, he proceeded towards Erudian soil on foot.

The rest of his team followed suit.

Levi was enacting the highest honors possible to bring home his fallen comrades.

In the split second that ensued, Levi had mixed feelings about his mission.

He was quite relieved that he could bring them home and inter them on their own soil.

He could not raise them to be martyrs or patriots, but he could build them a tomb or a monument at least.

His happiness was short-lived, however. West Sky Lord approached Levi with a grim expression on her face. “Master, I come bearing bad news.”

Well done Grandmaster Indra

Chapter 1262​


West Sky Lord hesitated briefly before replying, “A ban has been issued. All cemeteries are now off-limits to ‘the likes of Mr. Jonah Garrison and any other such figures.’ Forget about building them a tomb. You can’t even lay them to rest!”

After she said her piece, West Sky Lord felt a chill pierce through her spine.

She subconsciously took two steps back and waited for Levi to respond.

“In other words, they are only worthy of being buried in the wilderness?” asked Levi.

“Yes, apparently so. Rumors have been spread, claiming that Mr. Jonah Garrison and the three hundred or so men were traitors. Traitors cannot be interred in Erudia because they don’t deserve that honor.”

“They’re also saying that their deaths were well-deserved,” said West Sky Lord with a shiver. “Nobody should’ve protected the ‘main culprit’ to begin with.”

The air around them was tense. Everyone could sense that Levi was seething.

They had to endure such tragic, miserable deaths. On top of that, they’re not even allowed to be buried in their own homeland? They are not to be honored?

If he could not do that for his fallen comrades, how could he face their souls?

“I don’t care who stands in my way! My comrades and brothers-in-arms, they need a home! I will build them a monument and conduct the funeral rites they rightfully deserve!”

Turning to face the rest of his team, Levi issued new commands in a low growl. “Our new destination – Northway City, Greenhills Cemetery. We are to ensure that all three hundred and fifty-six of my comrades are interred properly!”

The whole entourage pressed on to the largest city in the north, Northway.

Levi wanted to bury his comrades there.

North Sky Lord nudged West Sky Lord and asked, “Who imposed the ban?”

“The Garrison clan of Oakland city,” whispered West Sky Lord.

She did not have the courage to reveal that information to Levi earlier.

North Sky Lord took a deep breath. He’d guessed as much. Only the most powerful family in Erudia had that kind of reach.

Truth be told, the Garrison clan is playing with fire. They’re going to shoot themselves in the foot at this point.

As the people closest to Levi right now, they could feel the sorrow that Levi felt over Jonah’s death. In fact, he blamed himself mainly.

Because he could not save Jonah from his demise, Levi felt that the only atonement he could offer was to build him a tomb.

God help anyone who stood in his way.

At last, they reached a small airport at the edge of Erudia. Levi and his team held the boxes that contained the urns and carefully moved them in on foot.

The next flight was bound for Northway City without many passengers on board.

Levi then decided to purchase all the empty seats available. It was the least he could do and the most respectful, in his opinion. He couldn’t bear to check the urns in.

Of course, this was under the assumption that there were plenty of seats. Levi had no desire to cause any inconvenience to anyone else.

Besides, the boxes were all carefully wrapped, so nobody could tell what they contained.

Just then, a party of three women and two men walked up to the counter. The women looked beautiful, and the men were quite good-looking.

The girl who stood in front of the group was particularly stunning. She had a small and dainty face, no bigger than her palm. Her skin was alluring, reminiscent of uncut jade.

She wore a blouse and a pair of hot pants, which exposed her long and slender legs. Her creamy white skin looked very attractive.

The girl’s face also looked quite young. Given her youthful demeanor, she was likely still a student.

At a glance, anyone could tell that she was the campus belle.

Sophie Lehman frowned slightly gave the boarding pass a disdainful look. “Why did you buy the tickets so late, Harris? Now we’re got to fly in economy class!” She enunciated the words ‘economy class’ with a slight grimace.

The boy next to her replied, “Well, it is my fault. I’ll see if I can get us upgraded.”

The group of five had just returned from their summer vacation in the North.

Harris Lopez took his boarding pass and walked towards Levi, who was about to board first class. “Hey, you! Let’s swap seats. I’ll make up for the difference and give you another five thousand for your trouble.”

Harris Lopez could be quite demanding when he needed to be.

Levi didn’t bother looking up and gave Harris a firm ‘no’.

“Ten thousand then!” said Harris angrily.


“What about fifty thousand?” asked Harris again, through gritted teeth.

“I said, no.”

This was enough to make Sophie Lehman lose her temper as well. “Hey, what is the meaning of this? You’re not even going to look at us when we talk to you? You’re so f*cking rude!”


Chapter 1263​

The other classmates in the group sneered at Levi as well. “Exactly! Who do you think you are, pretending to be rich? This ticket costs only a thousand. Heck, even my meal is more expensive than your stupid ticket!”

“And look at the cheap sh*t you’re wearing! Are those even designer labels? I’m guessing you don’t have much money after all. Why did you buy a first class ticket if you have nothing to show for it?”

North Sky Lord decided to step in before it got worse. “Go away,” he said coldly.

He could see that Levi was already very angry.


Sophie Lehman left them in a huff.

“This is unacceptable! We’ve never flown economy class before!” exclaimed Sophie. Soon, she took note of all the empty seats in the first class cabin.

There were no passengers on board, but the seats were occupied with objects.

Harris Lopez got the attention of the flight attendant. Gesturing at the empty seats, she asked, “There’s nobody sitting there, right?”

“Yes, but—”

Before the flight attendant could explain, Harris kicked off the boxes that were tied to the seats.

“Alright, then just give us these seats! We’ll settle the differences after we land!”

Harris Lopez was the eldest son of Northway City’s most prominent family.

As such, he was always overbearing and inconsiderate when it came to handling certain situations.

Especially now, since he didn’t want to appear weak in front of Sophie Lehman.

They were about to take their seats when they noticed several pairs of eyes glaring at them.

They immediately felt a chill down their spines, but decided to continue on with the cold war.

Levi, North Sky Lord, and West Sky Lord looked at them with contempt.

“Put the items back on the seats, and I will look the other way,” said Levi coldly.

“Yes, these items belong to this gentleman here. He bought out the first class cabin.” The stewardess hastily jumped in to explain the situation.

“What? Did he buy these seats to deposit trash on them? Do you even know what’s inside these boxes?”

Harris Lopez gave the box another kick, this time hard enough to disturb the lids.

Suddenly, a deeply sinister chill seeped into the air.

Harris, Sophie and the other kids immediately froze. The chill was horrible, and there was something quite murderous about it. It was almost as if something in there wanted them dead.

North Sky Lord was reaching the limits of his patience.

In a violent lurch, North Sky Lord lifted Harris Lopez by the nape and slammed him into the ground.


Harris was pinned to the ground, unable to move. The air he breathed was cold, and he inhaled with some difficulty. “What do you think you’re doing?”

Sophie yelled, “Get off him! Let him go!”

The flight attendants watched the incident unfold anxiously. “Yes, please, let him go!”

“Let him go!”

North Sky Lord immediately released Harris after he heard Levi’s command.

Levi was not going to let this slide, however. “Put the items back on their seats. Apologize, and we’ll call it a day.” As he said this, his eyes never left Harris’ gaze.

Sophie Lehman pointed at Levi and exclaimed, “What’s the hell is wrong with you? You’re the one who resorted to violence, and you want us to apologize? How is that logical?”

Sophie Lehman was the pride of the Lehman family, another influential group in Northway City. She did not come from common stock.

For this reason, she wasn’t afraid in the slightest when it came to confrontations like this.

“So what mistakes have I made? Tell me,” said Levi.

“You bought out the first class cabin, but you’re using it to stash crap on the seats. Seats are for people, not luggage!”

“Besides, why couldn’t you check those in? You’re making it tough people who need those seats!” yelled Sophie.

“Yes, those seats are meant for passengers, not luggage. Why won’t you let us sit there?”

Several others had decided to join in on the emotional blackmail.

Levi sneered and said, “Because I spent my money on these seats, not you. So I get to decide what I put on my seats. It’s none of your f*cking business!”

Sophie was rendered speechless by Levi’s tirade.

“What if I insist on sitting here?” asked Harris angrily.


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