The Protector (The Return of God Of War)

In Erudia, a private jet landed at North Hampton Airport, where all international flights experienced an eight-hour delay because of it.
At the private passageway were five men in suits and leather shoes, standing as straight as a javelin.

Every now and then, they would raise their wrist to look at the time, for a big shot was coming to town.
The upper-class society of North Hampton had learned about his arrival, but no one had the capability to get an inch closer to the private passageway.
Even the richest man in North Hampton who came to pay homage was chased away.
Finally, there were movements coming from the passageway.

“God of War!!!” the mass cried out, their eyes filled with awe and veneration at the sight of the undefeatable legend of Erudia.
He, who was dubbed the God of War, was the one and only five-star war God in the history of Erudia.
Once, he’d inflicted a crushing defeat on the strongest battalions in eighteen countries. He was an overbearing and formidable man.
He who overwhelmed the world with his unparalleled power had even created the Five Great Wars Regiment, Cavalry Regiment, and many more.

Setting foot on his homeland, Levi Garrison was overcome with emotions.
Once upon a time, he used to be an orphan who was abandoned on the streets of North Hampton and then adopted by the Garrison family.
However, the Garrison family had never been fond of him.
His adoptive parents, who had a tendency to beat and scold him, treated him like an outsider.
As for the outsiders, they treated him as a nobody.
But he didn’t care a stiver. He had always been proud of his surname since he was a child, and he strived to bring glory to this family when he grew older.
At last, Levi had established Levi Group, the largest dark horse in North Hampton’s business community.
With billions of assets, it ranked among the forefront of North Hampton, pushing the declining Garrison family to the top.
However, not only did the Garrison family showed no signs of appreciation, they even harbored dissatisfaction towards him. Jealous of his success, they regarded him as a thorn in their flesh and coveted Levi Group.
No matter his wealth and power, unless they were in control, he was just an outsider in the Garrison family’s eyes.
Eventually, on Levi’s wedding night, the Garrison family plotted a frame-up against him by getting him drunk before tossing him onto his sister-in-law’s bed. They wanted to create the illusion that he was doing something untoward to her and was caught in bed by his brother and adoptive parents.
That night, the Garrison family had brutally broken his limbs and left him on the road like a wild dog.
Not only was he handicapped, but he also had to take the flak for something he didn’t commit.
From an upstart in the business world, he had become the target of disdain overnight.
And the next day, he had been punished for several crimes and sentenced to six years in prison.
He could never forget the ruthless and sinister faces of everyone in the Garrison family and the ridicule of his friends, classmates, and business partners.
More so, he could never forget the disappointment on his newly wedded wife, Zoey’s face.
He had regarded the Garrison family as his home and devoted himself to the family.
Yet, they treated him like trash.
It felt as if a knife was being twisted in his heart every time he thought about this.
How he hated the Garrison family!
But who would have thought that Levi had been secretly transferred away from prison to join the military?
In a few years, he dominated the military world and became the one and only five-star God of War.
Now that he came back, the Garrison family ought to stay on their toes.
“How’s it going, Azure Dragon?” Levi asked.
Azure Dragon, the commander of the Five Great Wars Regiment, took a step forward and said respectfully, “Sir, I’m afraid your wife, Ms. Zoey Lopez will remarry at ten o’clock tonight!”
Ever since Zoey’s husband was sent to prison on their wedding night, she had been living like a widow.
Only God knew how much pressure she was put under.
And right now, the person Levi couldn’t wait to see the most was Zoey.
After a moment of hesitation, Azure Dragon continued, “To add on, Sir, the Garrison family is holding a successful listing celebration banquet at the Crystal Palace Hotel tonight! Many people had invited the God of War just now, including the Garrison family, but I didn’t accept nor refuse directly.”
“What time?” Levi asked tersely.
“Eight o’clock, Sir.”
“Okay. Tell the Garrison family I will attend the banquet!”
Since the time for the two events didn’t clash, Levi gladly accepted the invitation.
The celebration banquet for the public listing of Garrison Group was held at North Hampton’s Crystal Palace Hotel.
With the help of Levi Group, they had become a rich and powerful family in one fell swoop.
The hall was bustling with noise and excitement, and sounds of glasses clinking could be heard ringing in the air every now and then.
“God bless the Garrison family,” said Joseph, the head of the Garrison family. “The younger generations are the stars among men. Garrison Group is now listed and has become an upstart in North Hampton!”
Joseph’s three sons and daughter welcomed their guests with bright smiles on their faces.
The younger generation of the Garrison family was all the smugger and prouder because, after today, the Garrison family would become a powerful family, and they would become one of the top rich kids.
Most of the guests who attended today’s banquet were from the top circle in North Hampton.
“Garrison, do you know what happened today?! Your celebration party is nothing compared to that.” They were gossiping about the major event that had happened today.
“Yeah! I heard that a big shot has arrived in North Hampton!”
“The richest man in North Hampton wanted to meet him but was shooed away. Apparently, he’s not qualified enough!”
“So? Jesse Nielsen had been waiting for five hours in advance at the airport!”
Joseph nodded. “Yes, I know about that too. I even sent someone to invite this big shot to the celebration party!”
“No way! Why would this big shot attend such a party?”
No one believed it.
In fact, as an upstart, Joseph was just trying his luck.
“Dad!” shouted Jaycob, the second eldest son of the Garrison family could be seen running over. “The big shot has accepted our invitation to attend our celebration banquet! He’s on the way!”
“Jesus! God has indeed blessed the Garrison family!”
Everyone in the Garrison family could barely conceal their delight as this was their chance to reach the sky in a single bound.
The grandchildren of the Garrison family gathered together, sunshine flooding their souls.
Levi’s brother, Bryan, and sister-in-law, Victoria, smiled. “Well, it all starts with Levi’s imprisonment that the Garrison family is at where we are today…”
“Right, speaking about Levi, do you guys know today’s the day that kid gets out of prison?!” somebody asked abruptly.
“Really? Isn’t that bad luck? Why did he have to be released on such a big day?!”
“Please, please, please don’t come back! He’s the Garrison family’s biggest disgrace!”
Victoria’s lips tugged into a sneer. “Speaking of which, Levi is the crowning glory of the Garrison family’s status today.”
“That’s what he’s supposed to do!” Bryan said. “He should contribute to the Garrison family for raising him, an orphan! His multi-billion Levi Group means nothing. To put it bluntly, he’s just a dog raised by the Garrison family!”
Someone gave a chortle. “As a matter of fact, I’ve been interested in Levi’s wife for a long time now. She’s still widowed, and I’m so going to marry her!”
The man’s remark caused gales of laughter.
“Everyone, stop what you’re doing. I have an important announcement to make,” Joseph said and went on to announce that the big shot was coming.
A thunderous applause was heard.
But when the applause had died down, there was still someone clapping.
The sound was loud and clear, approaching from afar.
On the red carpet, a man came clapping, looking bold and energetic.
His stride gave off a majestic and imposing aura, which made the mass hold their breaths.
“It’s Levi!” Bryan and Victoria exclaimed.
Suddenly, all eyes were riveted on him.
“I forgot this little brat got out of jail today!” Levi’s adoptive parents spoke in unison.
Ignoring the astonished gazes darted at his way, Levi walked step by step towards Joseph.
“A little bird told me that the company is now listed. How are you feeling, Joseph? Are you happy?”
Levi flashed him a meaningful smile.
“How dare you show up here, you insolent brat! And what did you just call me?” Joseph’s fury sprang to life.
“Who let him in? Didn’t you know he just got out of prison? How inauspicious!”
Bryan rose to his feet. “What the hell are you doing here, Levi?”
Levi sized him up. “Why can’t I be here?”
“Well, for starters, you’re an orphan! The Garrison family has raised you, but you were ambitious and ungrateful. You had inordinate ambitions for your sister-in-law, and you wanted to take possession of the Garrison family! You’d even tried to kill your parents when things go south! Have you no conscience? Do you have any sense of morality left in your heart?”
“You’ve lost your reputation in North Hampton, and everyone knows that. Have you no shame to have the brass neck to come round here?”
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Chapter 1301​

This was supposed to be a family meeting, but they excluded Aaron and Caitlyn.

They were afraid these two would oppose their course.

Nonetheless, Zoey’s words put frowns on everyone’s brows.

“What’s with you? Everyone agreed! Who do you think you are? You are in no place to betray your whole family.”

Meredith and Harry were infuriated at Zoey’s relentless resistance.

“It’s not that I don’t agree with y’all. Morris Group doesn’t belong to me, to begin with. It belongs to Levi. Besides, there are also other major shareholders. This is not something I can decide on my own,” Zoey retorted.

“Stop giving excuses! The company is still under you even if it belongs to Levi. He’s your husband, so you’ll have to make a decision for him with his condition now.”

Jennie’s harsh remarks vexed Forlevia.

“Don’t talk to my mom like that!”

Meanwhile, Zoey smirked listening to their remarks. “I know you guys have an ulterior motive, so stop giving me all this bullsh*t about working together as three families for the common good. All of you have your eyes set on Morris Group, isn’t it?”

“So what? I admit it. Morris Group is what we want.” Henry was not even trying to hide his greed and anger.

“You can’t just enjoy a good life yourself and not care about your family. This is what you owe the Lopez and the Black family.”

They knew they could not conceal their true colors anymore, so they became shamelessly blatant about their demand, but Zoey was fixed on defending what was hers.

“Then let me say this once and for all. There’s no way I’m giving up Morris Group.”

With that said, she carried Forlevia in her arms and left.

“Fine! Go ahead then, but let me warn you, we will never acknowledge that child as one of us.”

Jennie’s voice rang loud and clear as Zoey and her daughter walked out the door.

“What did you just say?”

Zoey stopped and turned around slowly, drilling her gaze through everyone present.

Her reaction emboldened Jennie. “Isn’t she Levi’s child? Why does she use your surname then?”

“This is none of your business,” Zoey cut her off tritely, glaring at them.

“None of our business?” Harry interrupted, “I’m the head of the Lopez family. I decide who uses the family’s name.”


Zoey stared at him in disbelief.

“I reserve the right to strip her of our family name.”

Harry stared right back at her.

“Yeah! There’s no way Levi’s child take our family name. He’s not in the position to do so.”

Everyone in the Lopez family agreed in unison.

“She’s not using the Blacks’ surname either,” Meredith quickly added when she saw everyone agreeing.

Contrary to everyone’s reaction, Felix smiled. “Well, you can name her after the Zachs’. That’s up to you.”

Levi’s daughter taking the Zachs’ surname? Are you for real?

Zoey stared at Felix in disbelief.

I’d only let my daughter take the Lopez’s or the Black’s surname and nothing else besides these two!


Zoey stood helpless before the scheming crowd.

She knew they would find some leverage against her when she refused to cooperate with them, but she was still appalled when they targeted her child.

Since they were adamant about Forlevia not inheriting neither the family name of the Blacks nor the Lopezes, and that it would be ridiculous for her to take any other families’ name, Zoey was caught in a sticky situation.

At that, she could only let Forlevia take after Levi’s family name. She would be one of the Garrisons, yet Zoey instantly recalled the Garrison family’s warning.

They said Levi’s children should never be allowed to take their family name.

Thus, this was never an option.

It was apparent that they wanted to corner Zoey to wits’ end.

“Well, Zoey, there’s a way out. Forlevia can take whichever surname she likes if you agree to let Morris Group come under the three families.”


Chapter 1302​

“It’s either you work with us, or your daughter will never have a last name on any of her identity documents”

Though it sounded ridiculous on the spot, Zoey knew what they were capable of.

They would do anything they could to coerce her to give up Morris Group.

Likewise, her family knew her soft spot. That was why they used her daughter as their bargaining chip.

“How could you guys do this to me!”

Zoey was exasperated under the pressure.

“Hey, don’t make it sound like we’re bullying you. There’s no way we’re letting a crippled man be in charge of the company.”

“Mommy, I want to take Daddy’s last name.” The girl in Zoey’s arms finally spoke.

She knew they were trying to intimidate her mother, and she would never allow that.

Meredith laughed after hearing the girl’s childish request. “You want to be a Garrison? Sure! You just dug your own grave. Let’s see what the family will do to you.”

Everyone smiled nastily as Meredith spoke.

“They won’t do anything to us. They are afraid of Daddy. He’s the God of War!”

Forlevia knew that Dragonites would move at Levi’s command. To them, he was still the God of War.

Not only that, but she could also foresee what was in store for Tyrone and the Garrison clan.

If the Garrison clan was afraid of Levi, there was nothing else left to stop her from becoming one of the family.

What Forlevia said sounded like a joke to Meredith and the rest, but it was the truth.

“Ha! What did your dad tell you, eh? That he’s the God of War? He’s disabled! This is the most brazen thing I’ve ever heard. The whole Erudia would be ashamed if he were. Winsor’s the only God of War here! Who do you think your dad is?” Meredith taunted as she turned to look at everyone, “I can’t believe Levi taught his child to lie.”

A boisterous wave of laughter rang among the family members.

Zoey’s face hardened when Meredith started criticizing Levi’s parenting.

Despite seething in anger at Meredith’s rebuke, Zoey was still dissatisfied with Levi.

Why did he even tell Evie that he’s the God of War?

He’s not anymore!

Evie is still young, so she will really take this for the truth.

Does he even know what he’s doing?

The kid might end up in trouble!

“Mommy, I really want to be a Garrison. I insist!”

Forlevia’s voice shook Zoey back to reality.

She had to make a decision right at this moment.

“Come on, Zoey, we don’t have all day. You have to think about your kid too. Besides, it’s not like it’s a bad thing to have Morris Group as part of the three families’ plan to consolidate our influence. You will still benefit from it. Forlevia will be treated like a little princess in all the families too, so it’s a win-win situation.”

Zoey was swayed as Meredith and the others started persuading her.

After all, she did not want Forlevia to not have any family name.

She just could not bring herself to do it.

“I’ll think about it,” Zoey finally caved.

There was nothing she could do in the face of this cold-hearted lot.

They took advantage of Levi’s misfortune and forced him to donate one of his kidneys.

Now they were even extending their claws to Morris Group.

Zoey could not believe they were actually the family members she grew up with.

She had forgotten that family ties were nothing to these prominent families when they wanted to pursue their own interests.

if she were given a choice, she would rather be born in a usual family.

“You have one day to decide, or we’ll talk to the authorities and get her name changed.”

After that, Zoey brought Forlevia and left without another word.

When she arrived home, Levi could tell with just one glance that something was wrong.

“What’s the matter?”

Zoey sighed and recounted everything that happened.

Levi was incensed when he heard what happened, but he quickly calmed down and thought it was not entirely a bad thing.

“Fine, she can just take my last name.”


Chapter 1303​

Despite feeling humiliated by the families, Levi saw this as a blessing in disguise.

He had secretly wished Forlevia could officially be part of his family. It was just that he never told Zoey about it.

She had gone through too much because of him, and he did not want to burden her any further.

That was why he did not object when Forlevia took Zoey’s surname.

The three families’ actions only fulfilled his wish, but Zoey begged to differ.

“Have you forgotten what the Garrisons said? They said they would do anything to stop Forlevia from using their family name.”

She was fully aware that they would go to great lengths to exclude her daughter from the family.

They even tried to kill Levi when he was still a baby.

It was apparent that they would do likewise to Forlevia.

“They don’t have the guts to do that,” Levi said coldly.

The whole family was within his hands, and he could easily do away with whatever rules the family had.

Thus, they had no say with regard to Forlevia’s surname.

Zoey pursed her lips and shook her head at Levi’s stubbornness. “By the way, you should stop teaching Evie weird things. She thought you’re really the God of War,” she remarked sternly, eyeing Levi from the corner of her eyes, “I mean, you used to be, but you aren’t anymore. She might get into trouble if she goes around telling people that.”

Hearing Zoey’s words, Forlevia sprang up and defended Levi. “Mommy, Daddy isn’t lying!”

Beside her, Levi simply smiled. “Don’t worry, Zoey. The Garrison family won’t do anything to her. They have been threatening me my whole life, but I’m still a Garrison.”

A frown settled on Zoey’s brows as she chewed on his words reluctantly.

Although what Levi said was true, Zoey still thought that was not the best arrangement.

After all, the Garrisons were known for being cruel and crafty.

“Just trust me on this, Zoey. There really won’t be a problem with Forlevia being a Garrison. Anyway, this is not up for discussion. It’s not like you want to give Morris Group to them just like that, right?”

Zoey nodded slowly in resignation.

She could only hope for the best.

Levi was elated when he saw Zoey giving her consent. He turned toward Forlevia and a wide smile spread on his face. “Evie, you’re now Forlevia Garrison!”

“Yes, Daddy! I’m Forlevia Garrison!”

The chirpy girl nodded her head passionately beside Levi.

Proud and beaming, Levi patted her head as his smile intensified. “This calls for a celebration.”

Levi then immediately arranged for a banquet the following day.

It was a small celebration party with only a few attendees. Other than the family, only Aaron, Caitlyn, Sylas, and Iris were invited.

Everyone was glad to receive the good news.

Although Aaron and Caitlyn thought the couple should take more time to think about the matter, they were still happy for them.

Just as everyone was having a good time celebrating, people from the Lopez, Black, and Zachs families arrived.

“I can’t believe you still have the mood to celebrate, Zoey,” one of them said.

Meredith stepped forward and showed her goading smile. “Why didn’t you invite your own family?”

Aaron and Caitlyn were quick to apologize. “I’m sorry, we’re just having a small gathering, so we never thought of inviting the family.”

Levi, on the other hand, was irritated to see them. “What do you people want?”

“What do we want? We’re here to see Zoey, of course,” Meredith replied, “So, did you make up your mind already, Zoey?”

All eyes were on Zoey as everyone waited for an answer.

“Evie will be taking her father’s last name.”

Meredith’s eyes widened in surprise. “What? Are you crazy?”

They never once expected Zoey to do that, what more with such determination and boldness.

“You heard me right. She’s now Forlevia Garrison.”

“Too bad for you then. The Garrison clan will be notified immediately.”

Levi scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Go ahead and tell them. Every one of the Garrisons will have to come to their knees when they see me.”

Chapter 1304​

Everyone was stunned by his audacity.

Does he even know what he’s saying? The Garrisons have to kneel before him?

He’s crippled!

What a dreamer.

Even Zoey felt embarrassed by his reckless statement.

To Zoey, Levi used to be the God of War, but not anymore.

“Ha! You and your threats. Alright then, I’ll report this right now. Let’s see what they’re gonna do to y’all.”

Meredith was exasperated seeing Levi’s ruthless attitude. She told herself she would do everything she could to put them in their place.

“Do whatever you like.”

Levi gave her a nonchalant shrug, seeing that she was burning in anger.

“Yeah! Do whatever you like. No one is gonna change my name this time.” Forlevia supported Levi’s stance.

With her own daughter and husband on the same side, Zoey readily stood by them and took their side.

Following that, she chased Meredith and everyone else out of the house before coming back to continue their celebration.

While everyone was eating, Zoey went over to Levi and whispered in his ears. “Should we change Evie’s name too?”

“It’s fine. I think Forlevia is fine. This name is a reminder for me to protect and cherish both you and our daughter.”

A blissful smile spread on Zoey’s face as she nodded.

After Meredith and the others left, they contacted the Garrison clan in Oakland City without losing a moment.

Meredith went straight to the point and even exaggerated the story when the butler picked up the phone.

“Uh-huh, so what?” The voice sounded apathetic from the other side.

Hearing that, Meredith was taken aback by his nonchalant response.

“I mean, I thought the clan has already forbidden Levi’s child from taking his family name?”

“Why can’t Levi’s daughter follow his last name? There are so many families in the whole of Erudia. It’s not like we can do anything to them if they choose to use our surname. There’s nothing wrong with that, so stop trying to make a huge fuss out of this.”

Meredith was frightened when she heard the butler’s intimidating tone. ”That’s not my intention, I’m just trying to…”

“Then just mind your own business and get lost,” the butler interrupted testily and hung up.

Meredith did not believe the Garrison clan would actually condone Levi’s behavior and even threw a party after they found out about it.

Now that Levi had the whole clan within his grip, no one dared to do a thing.

They were afraid they would incur his wrath.

The fact that Levi named his daughter Forlevia Garrison meant he had acknowledged the clan.

For the Garrisons, this was the best thing that could ever happen to them.

“What are we still waiting for? Forlevia is now one of us. We should prepare some gifts and go to North Hampton to congratulate them!”

“Yes! We should also ask the Garcias, the Lehmans, and the others to come along too. Oh! Don’t forget the imperial family!”

“I’ll contact all the Garrisons from Oakland and Erudia too,” Teneb said.

Now that even the oldest and most powerful man within the family spoke, everyone set to action. This was the clan’s only chance to get on Levi’s good side.

The fate of the whole clan now resided in the hands of Levi, so they had to make sure everything fell into place in their favor.

They had to let Levi know they genuinely wanted to patch things up with him so he would spare them.

Hence, after that, each of the Garrison, Garcia, and Lehman families prepared exquisite and expensive gifts for Forlevia.

It went without saying that Meredith was shocked beyond measure.

She did not know that everyone would take this so seriously.

Hundreds and thousands of people from influential families from Erudia came together in celebration.

They came from every corner to congratulate the daughter of the God of War on the day she changed her last name.

The element of surprise lay in the fact that Levi was already crippled. Meredith could not wrap her head around why they still held him in high regard and respect.

Little did she know, although Levi was disabled, he was stronger as ever.

Forlevia was the God of War’s daughter, and no one could stop her from becoming a Garrison.


Chapter 1305​

On the following day, North Hampton Airport received an overwhelming number of notifications about private jets flying in.

People were coming in from all around the country, especially from Oakland City.

Groups of influential figures flew in on their private planes, and the traffic was heavy at the airport.

Luxury limousines were parked at the pickup area awaiting the arrival of numerous prominent figures.

Lines of extravagant vehicles moved out of the airport to the highway after guests got on.

Never had anyone seen such a lively scene in North Hampton.

All routes were congested as people arrived and left the airport.

The public quickly noticed this unusual scene and started questioning what was happening.

“What’s going on in North Hampton?”

“What’s with all this traffic all of a sudden?”

Their curiosity was understandable.

Expensive cars streamed down the roads, and helicopters hovered over the city for the whole day.

Everyone marveled at this unprecedented sight.

“Look, Daddy! There’re so many planes in the sky!”

Even Forlevia was amazed.

Emma trailed the girl’s gaze and frowned, clearly befuddled by what she saw. “I wonder what is happening. It’s like everyone is coming to North Hampton all of a sudden.”

At the same time, Meredith and Harry had already received news about this unusual scene in North Hampton.

Servants started coming in with real-time reports of what they each saw. ”I heard Teneb of Garrison clan came all the way from Oakland City. The family’s council members are here too.”

“The patriarch and the council members of the Garcia family just arrived too,” yet another servant said.

“Mr. Lehman and his men just touched down.”

“The ancient, imperial, and royal families from Oakland City are all here as well.”

“I just got the news that prominent families from other places have come over.”

These were disconcerting news for Meredith and those around her.

It was the Lopez, Black, and Zachs families’ interest to combine forces to form an imperial family, but from how things were unfolding, the situation was not to their advantage.

“The Garrison family is obviously here to deal with Levi, but what about other families? Why are they here?” someone asked.

“I know, right? It’s weird how we receive no heads up about their coming.”

Everyone was befuddled by the news.

They were considered the most powerful families in the area, but they were not notified about anything.

“Go and see if you can find out more about this,” Meredith ordered one of the servants.

After the servant went out, she caught Harry’s scheming gaze, and they both smiled concurrently.

“This is our chance. The most distinguished people in the whole country are all here now. We have to seize the opportunity.”

Zoey was at the company when she got a call saying someone was waiting for her at the front desk.

She rushed downstairs and saw Dale.

“Mr. Lehman…” Zoey hesitated before greeting him. She was not sure if she should call him godfather.

“Zoey! It’s nice to see you again.”

His enthusiasm caught her by surprise.

Sensing her reluctance, Dale walked toward her and held her hand. “Zoey, I’m sorry for what I did to you. I should’ve helped you out back then. Trust me when I say I had no other choice. I had to think about the family.”

Dale recalled what Teneb told him, and a wave of regret washed over his heart once again.

“It’s okay, Mr. Lehman. You did nothing wrong,” Zoey quickly assured him.

Dale looked at her in the eyes before finally saying, “Do you mind me taking you as my god-daughter now? Is it too late?”


Chapter 1306​


Zoey was dumbfounded by his request.

Is it too late?

What is he talking about?

Zoey could not get her head around what was happening.

Dale denied her help back when she was going through the hardest time, but now, there was a total change in attitude on his side.

Just when Zoey was about to agree to his request, the old man let out a sigh. “It’s okay. I know I don’t have what it takes to be your godfather. I know you’re disappointed in me. It’s okay. I’m just here to see how you’re doing. I should not covet anything else.”

It was true that Dale should not wish for more. He did not dare to.

If Zoey became his god-daughter, this would mean Levi had to address him as his god-father too.

He did not have the guts to do such a thing.

Dale lowered his head and turned to leave, leaving Zoey looking at him, confused.

What on earth is going on?

This was not the only thing that puzzled Zoey. She was aware that some of the most prestigious families in Oakland City were here in North Hampton.

Even the Garrisons were here.

“Don’t tell me this is about Evie changing her family name. Meredith told them about it already?”

With that thought in mind, Zoey dashed home to see if everything was fine.

“I’m sure the Garrisons are here for Evie,” she told Levi when she saw him at home.

“So what? They can’t do anything to us.”

Levi was totally unfazed when he heard Zoey. He turned away and continued counting the number of airplanes in the sky with Forlevia.

“Are you not worried at all?” Zoey questions anxiously, “It’s okay. I can still turn to God-father if something happens. The Garrisons will at least listen to him.”

In hindsight, Zoey was grateful that Dale came to her and extended an olive branch.

She dismissed her worry and nodded hopefully.

Unlike her, Levi did not take this to heart at all.

To him, those people were nothing more than just a swarm of pests.

While traffic was bustling in North Hampton, people back at the Garrison family’s manor were beginning to get restless too.

Joseph, Ben, and Winnie were all wondering about the sudden change in the city.

In the meantime, Bryan and Victoria, who had been commissioned to get to the bottom of this, were especially vexed.

“This is so frustrating. I can’t seem to get any news about what’s going on.”

Just as the couple was trying to find means to get hold of more information, deafening blasts of honks resounded outside the manor.

Everyone rushed out at the noise only to see a few dozens of cars parked outside the gate.

An old man came down from one of the vehicles, and a few other people quickly attended to him as he got off.

“It’s Elder Teneb from Oakland City!” Joseph blurted out in surprise.

Everyone else with him was stunned too.

It was true that the Garrison family was part of the Garrison clan, but for Teneb to come her himself was too out of the blue for everyone.

Joseph knelt down and greeted the old man as he approached.

“It’s a privilege to have you here, Elder Teneb. How can the Garrison family be of assistance?”

The elderly man nodded and went straight to the point. “I need you to prepare a capacious venue that can house a huge crowd. Also, ask Levi and Forlevia to come over.”

“We’ll see to it right away,” Joseph replied servilely before turning toward Bryan. “Get going.”

Everyone in the Garrison family was fidgety with the unannounced arrival of key figures from the Garrison clan.

Teneb’s solemn expression said it all. Everyone thought the elder must be here to put Levi in his place, but they got it all wrong.

Bryan and Victoria swiftly arranged for a spacious meeting room that could house thousands of people.

After that, they went to look for Levi.

They goaded him the moment they saw the crippled man.

“You’re in for it this time, Levi. Elder Teneb wants to see you.”

They were delighted because they thought the clan was here to put Levi down a peg or two.

The reckoning they had been coveting finally arrived.


Chapter 1307​

Levi was the one who wreaked havoc in their lives, so they were thrilled when they found out justice would soon be served on their behalf.

Levi, on the other hand, was surprised to see Bryan and Victoria barging into his house.

After all, they were the least expected guests at his place.

“Levi Garrison, I dare you to meet us at Galaxy International Clubhouse at eight tonight,” Bryan challenged with a hint of ridicule in his voice.

“What for?” Levi asked.

“To settle some old score, of course.”

Behind him, Victoria looked at Forlevia and shook her head in pity. “What a shame. She’ll be losing her life because of her name. Too bad you won’t be able to protect her anymore, Levi. You can only watch your wife and daughter die in front of your own eyes. So much for being the God of War.”

An arrogant smile curved on Bryan’s lips listening to his wife. “Make sure you don’t disappoint us tonight, God of War.”

With that said, the two turned and left.

Not long after they left, West Sky Lord came to inform Levi about what was going on.

After getting more information, Levi agreed to go over in the evening.

When Zoey found out about it, she darted home to stop Levi from bringing Forlevia over.

She even called Dale to seek his help.

“Mr. Lehman, you have to save my child. The Garrison family will not let her off so easily this time. Please!”

“What are you talking about?” The man’s confused voice came from the other end.

He could not believe anyone would have the guts to mess with Levi and Forlevia unless they had a death wish.

Just as Zoey was about to explain further, a voice interrupted the call from Dale’s end. “The God of War has arrived!”

“Alright, Zoey. I’ll see what I can do. I’ll hang up first.” Dale ended the call, and Zoey heaved a sigh of relief.

Over at Galaxy International Clubhouse, Joseph and the other Garrisons were waiting patiently, but not without burning questions in their hearts.

“I wonder why the Oakland Garrison clan have to summon us all here. They can well end Levi on their own.”

“Come on, isn’t it obvious? Who is Levi? He’s too filthy for the clan to deal with him themselves. They want us to clear this scum up instead,” Joseph answered.

Everyone else nodded in agreement after listening to him.

It made sense that the Garrison clan did not want to tarnish their hands with Levi’s blood.

In no time, Levi appeared before the crowd with North Sky Lord pushing him in the wheelchair.

He was carrying Forlevia in his arms.

Everyone from the Garrison family was seething with hatred when they saw Levi and the child.

“He really has the balls to come, doesn’t he?”

The disgrace Levi brought to the family two years ago was too great for them to overlook.

He almost wiped out everyone, but back then, no one dared to do a thing in the face of Levi because he was the God of War.

There was no way they could take revenge on him without fearing reprisal, but things took an interesting turn.

Levi was now crippled.

Thus, this was the perfect chance for them to avenge themselves.

“What’s wrong with me coming here?”

Levi looked at the family and questioned.

“Yeah! Daddy is the God of War. He has nothing to be afraid of,” Forlevia quickly added.

“Did I hear the kid right? Did she say he’s the God of War? What a joke!”

“More like a crippled God of War!”

The family broke out in laughter while looking at the father and daughter.

“Be warned, Levi. You won’t go out alive tonight. The Garrison clan is here to end you.”

“Too bad for him. Who asked him to name that child after the family?”

“Finally! I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long. The clan is finally clearing this nuisance for us.”


Chapter 1308​

The Garrison family simply could not wait to savor the moment of sweet revenge.

They had been dying to see Levi punished.

“The clan can’t do anything to me,” Levi said calmly.

That elicited another wave of loud laughter from the Garrisons.

“I thought you’re just handicapped. I didn’t know you’re delusional too!”

“Yeah! There’s nothing the clan doesn’t dare to do.”

Levi swept his gaze across the family as he caressed Forlevia’s head. “I’ll give everyone here one last chance for Forlevia’s sake. Cut this sh*t out before I lose my patience.”

Behind Levi, North Sky Lord smirked looking at the gloating crowd. “It’ll be too late to apologize then.”

“Is he serious? Levi’s the one that should be begging for his life now,” Joseph retaliated.

Even Ben and Winnie jeered at him. “Do you still remember how the boy vouched to do great things when he grew up? Look at him now.”

“Exactly. He even talked about ruling the country, but he can’t even command his own body.”

Back when Levi was still healthy, they lay prostrate before him in fear, but now, they had totally no regard for him.

“It seems like you guys just missed your last chance,” Levi said, still smiling calmly.

“Listen to him. He’s gone completely nuts!”

Just as the Garrisons were getting ready to lambast Levi, someone shouted from the crowd.

“Elder Teneb is here!”

Joseph and other family members quickly stood aside and made a path as the door opened.

Teneb came in with the council members following behind him closely.

“Elder Teneb.”

Joseph stood forward, but he was quickly pushed aside by the people around Teneb.

The old man and Kenny went toward Levi instead.

To everyone’s horror, all of them knelt down before Levi one after another.



The all exclaimed in unison.

“Long live the Master. We’re honored to have the addition of a new member to our clan. Please accept our gifts.”

The clan had given a total of eight hundred million to Levi and even gifted Forlevia an island.

The Garrison family from North Hampton were dumbstruck.

Members from the Garcia family stepped forward and knelt down too.

They expressed congratulatory wishes to Forvelia and offered a castle and land as gifts.

Next came Dale from the Lehman family, bringing gifts of phenomenal value to Forlevia as well.

Even the Stuart and Meyers families—the imperial families in Oakland City, also came to pay tribute to Levi and Forlevia.

Not only that, but royal families from Oakland City and South Hampton also came to honor Forlevia.

In no time, the hall was filled will prominent families from the whole of Erudia.

All of them bowed down before Levi and Forlevia when they saw them.

It went without saying that Bryan, Victoria, Joseph, and the others were completely blown away.

Never in their wildest dream would they imagine all the influential families to come all the way just because Forlevia had become a Garrison.

Similarly, the Garrisons from North Hampton were still trying to process what they saw.

Levi was tied to his wheelchair, yet everyone was calling him master.

They were subservient to him and respected him.

The Garrison family simply refused to accept the truth because this would mean they had offended the most powerful person in Erudia.

Just as they thought they had enough shock for the evening, Levi stood up and pushed his wheelchair aside, with Forlevia still in his arms.

The whole place fell into dead silence as everyone’s jaws dropped.

Chapter 1309​

Bryan was the first to gasp out loud.

Victoria fell to her knees and started shaking violently at the sight.

As for Ben and Winnie, they stood motionless as if they were struck by thunder.

Joseph almost passed out the moment he saw Levi standing up with his naked eyes.

It never once crossed their mind that Levi was just faking his disability and that he was actually the master of all the prominent families in Erudia.

Their hearts thumped uncontrollably as Levi walked toward them.

It turned out that everyone was gathered here just to celebrate Forlevia’s surname-changing.

Things took an unexpected turn, and the Garrison family was having a difficult time snapping back to reality.

They finally understood what Levi meant when he said he was giving them one final chance.

“What is happening? Why are you all bowing down? He’s no longer the God of War! Winsor has stripped him of that title!” Ben cried out in disbelief and questioned everyone.

He could accept the fact that Levi was putting up a front to trick them all this while, but that did not change the fact that he was now just a commoner.

There was no way everyone in Erudia should kneel down before him.

This made no sense at all.

Teneb looked up at Ben and smiled loftily. “Who is Winsor? Levi killed all his masters! Even Demon Blade, the Ultimate class warrior, is no match for Levi. He’s the master of The Calamity. Everyone at Oakland City still takes him as the God of War.”

This piece of news was the last blow for the Garrison family.

Levi turned out to be far stronger and more powerful than he was.

It was just that he had been keeping up a disguise.

If they had known this earlier on, they would have risen from the ashes to prominence like the Garrison clan.

“Levi! Please forgive us!”

All of them slumped to their knees begging.

They knocked their heads against the cold hard ground trying to beg for his mercy. “We must be blind to be so insolent. Please have mercy on us.”




Their foreheads were already stained red with blood with the constant banging, but they did not stop.

They knew they had to continue imploring mercy until Levi relent.

He had clearly given them a chance.

It was the Garrison themselves who dug their own graves, so they would have to undo their mistake now.

Levi watched them silently as they begged for their lives until they passed out.

“I don’t want to see any of the North Hampton Garrisons in Erudia anymore.”

Levi’s words sealed the fate of the Garrison family.

They would have no choice but to leave the country.

This marked the end of the whole family.

Over on the other side, Meredith, Harry, and the gang rushed to Galaxy International Clubhouse after finding out that everyone was assembled there.

Their blood boiled in excitement when they saw the cars and helicopters outside the venue.

This was a fine chance for them to establish their network to climb up the social ladder.

If they were able to get to know some of the guests and take down Morris Group, the three families would gain higher status.

At the thought of that, they scrambled into the clubhouse with their eyes fixed on the prize.

“Grandpa, Grandma, I heard they just caught Levi and his daughter. Does this mean they will kill them tonight?”

Jennie had just received news from Zoey about what was happening.

Before anyone could answer, blaring noises came from within the clubhouse as if someone was fighting.

A smile broke out on Jennie’s face.

“Poor them.”


Chapter 1310​

“Hurry up. I don’t want to miss out on this. It must be a pleasant sight. The Garrison clan must be teaching Levi and Forlevia a good lesson.”

To their dismay, what they were about to see was not what they anticipated.

About ten people were on their knees pleading for forgiveness.

They were knocking their wounded heads so hard that the ground was already red with blood. Even so, none of them stopped although their flesh was exposed.

Some of them had even fainted on the ground.

Meredith and the others were alarmed to see the ghastly sight.

Their backs turned cold, and they began to quiver.

What is going on?

They thought the Garrison clan was punishing the family because of what Levi and Forlevia did.

“Please have mercy on us.”

Joseph was still entreating Levi although his face was covered with blood, and his voice was growing soft.

Meredith still had no clue about the real situation. She glared at Levi when she saw the pitiful lot hurt and injured.

What a jinx. Why does he have to make everyone’s life so difficult? Look at what he’s putting his family through.

Look at his conceited face. I can’t believe this guy is still sitting in his wheelchair when his elders are standing on their feet.

He has no respect for old people.

Meredith stormed toward Levi and Forlevia and lashed out at them. “What do you think you’re doing sitting here leisurely? Get on your knees and ask for forgiveness with your family.”

“Yeah. You should own up to your mistake. Don’t just let your family bear the blame for you. You and your child are the ones who caused this mess,” Harry added.


Following the loud slam, a wooden table broke into a clean half. Teneb was furious.

“Who are you all to talk?” he roared.

Meredith and Robert jumped at Teneb’s voice.

They soon found themselves under the condemning and indignant glares of everyone present.

“Do you not want to live anymore? Know your place!”

People started denouncing their impudent acts, putting the three families in a tight spot.

They looked around uneasily and knelt down, apologizing profusely.

“Please forgive us. We don’t mean to interfere.”

They still had no idea why they incurred public wrath. They thought it was because they overstepped their boundary.

They thought so because all the guests had high social status, so it made sense that they should behave accordingly.

When they found out their impoliteness had enraged even Teneb, they quickly apologized.

Just as things were getting messy, Zoey ran in with worry written all over her face. She did not want anything to happen to Levi and Forlevia.

She was stunned when she saw so many people on their knees.


Chapter 1311​

Wait… Why are the Garrisons kneeling?

The Black, Lopez, and Zachs families too?

Levi was right in the middle when Zoey entered.

It seemed like everyone related to Levi and Forlevia was being punished.

Zoey dashed toward Levi and cried out. “What’s the big deal? It’s just a surname! We’ll just change to another family name if everyone is so serious about it!”

Levi smiled looking at his frantic wife. “Calm down, Zoey. No one can interfere with our decision.”

Upon that, everyone exchanged uncomfortable glances.

It was true that no one would dare to stand up against Levi.

On the contrary, they genuinely hoped Forlevia could take the Garrisons’ family name.

Hence, they figured Zoey must have misunderstood the situation.

Just as Teneb was about to speak, Zoey beat him to it.

“Cut it out, Levi. Can’t you see how grave the situation is?”

Zoey was afraid that Levi would make things worse if he continued his talk.

No one would be able to get away at this rate.

“Mr. Lehman, please help us. We promise to not make a fuss again.”

Dale straightened his back in surprise.

Why are you asking for my help?

Levi’s the one who has the final say here.

No one will go against him.

Teneb was the first to see through what was going on exactly.

“Fine. We’ll let you lot off just this once for Mr. Lehman’s sake,” he said.

“Yeah, I agree.”

When the other finally understood what Teneb was doing, they agreed unanimously.

They decided to play along since this was still related to The Calamity, and it would be considered as classified information.

“Thank you! Thank you, Elder Teneb. Thank you, Mr. Lehman.”

After that, Zoey quickly pushed Levi out of the clubhouse.

“Get lost!”

Behind her, Teneb’s voice pierced through the hall as he glared at Meredith and those with her.

They got on their feet immediately and left in a hurry.

As for the Garrison family, Levi was certain that the other families would look into it that they make themselves scarce.

Just as Zoey and North Sky Lord were getting Levi into the car, Meredith and her family came chasing after them.

“Hold up!” Harry cried out.

“What do you want?” Zoey replied impatiently.

“Look at what your husband did. He’s not even capable of protecting his own family. He has to rely on you to get him out of the situation. He’s putting all three families at risk!”

Henry was even more blatant with his remarks. “Are you even a man? You’re pathetic! You have to count on a woman to clean your sh*t. You have no pride. I’d rather die if I were you.”

Meredith pointed a finger at Zoey when neither Zoey nor Levi said a word. “Just you wait and see. Your husband and that kid will be the death of you.”

Jennie nodded and added, “I really don’t understand you, Levi. You should just leave Zoey and stop dragging her down with you.”

However, Zoey looked away and remained quiet.

It was fortunate that they got away with it tonight, but if this were to happen again, she really did not know who else to turn to for help.


Chapter 1297​

Instantly, the Blacks started to hatch a plan to take over Zoey’s company.

They didn’t dare to do it before as Zoey was protected by Dale.

However, times have changed.

“Alright. Let’s think of a way to take over the Morris Group.”

“Zoey will put up a strong fight. We must think of a foolproof plan to ensure that she willingly gives up the company!”

Meredith and Robert exchanged glances.

They were getting old and their only wish left were to help the Black family become more powerful.

This was their sole motive and calling.

They were willing to give up everything for their family.

Hence, they resolved to take over the Morris Group.

“Grandpa and Grandma, what do you think of this plan? We could…”

Jennie brought the two to a corner and started whispering to them.

“Don’t you think that we are crossing the line here?” asked Robert.

Meredith instantly replied, “I don’t see any issue with that. Let’s do this then!”

“Yes, we should do whatever it takes to achieve our goal!” Jennie nodded and murmured in agreement.

“But I think we should discuss some more first!” Robert disagreed.

“No. This is final. We must execute it whilst Levi is ill! This is the best opportunity we will ever get.”

“Exactly! Levi used to be so brilliant but he is nothing now. If we don’t strike now, we won’t have any more chances left,” Jennie chimed in.

“This is the final plan!” Meredith sounded adamant.

“We should at least inform the Lopez family…” suggested Robert.

Meredith agreed. “You are right. We may face difficulties doing it alone. It’s better to team up with the Lopez family.”

Zoey would never have thought that this was only the beginning.

Stealing Levi’s kidney was just a small matter.

When they returned to North Hampton, Zoey found some caretakers to look after Levi. After all, he just had a kidney removed.

At that moment, the Garrison family were already on their way to North Hampton.

In fact, Tyrone Garrison had come personally.

He wanted to ensure that Levi was killed.

“What? Levi had one kidney removed?” Tyrone asked. He instantly laughed when he heard the news.

“He really is a piece of trash! I can’t wait to visit him,” Tyrone stated as he let out a cold laugh.

Soon, the Garrison Clan from Oakland City reached North Hampton.

They instantly rushed to Levi’s house.

At that moment, Zoey was occupied with something else and Emma Jones had gone grocery shopping.

Only Levi and the children were left in the manor as Levi had asked the caretakers to leave.

Suddenly, Tyrone and his gang of people broke into Levi’s manor and appeared in front of him.

“Levi Garrison! The day has finally come!” mocked Tyrone as he smiled at him coldly.

Levi sighed, “Why is it you again? You guys are so annoying. Get lost! You’re not the one I’m waiting for anyway!”

In fact, Levi was waiting for the enemies who were hiding in the dark, not a nobody like Tyrone.

“Huh?” Tyrone asked in shock.

Why is Levi saying this?

More importantly, Levi looks calm and collected. This is nothing like how an injured person would behave.

How come he can give out such a strong vibe?

“You guys are also responsible for hurting my wife and mother, aren’t you? I didn’t look for you but you guys decided to come and visit me instead?” Levi let out a low growl.

“I can’t believe you thought of taking revenge upon us! Look at you now; you are a cripple. You don’t scare us!” yelled Tyrone.

“Is that all you have?” hollered Levi.

Suddenly, a loud explosion was heard and multiple figures appeared in the manor…

I don't really like Levi hiding so many things from Zoey, especially this kidney issue. It's as if he enjoys having her worry for nothing
Chapter 1312

Stop bullying Daddy! He’ll beat you guys up!” Forlevia glared at the adults and shouted.

She knew why everyone revered Levi back there.

If these people continued provoking Levi, she was sure he would beat them to a pulp.

“Well, it’s not like your daddy can do anything to us. Watch me.”

Before Shaun could push Levi away, North Sky Lord grabbed his hand and shoved him away.

Shaun stumbled backward before falling to the ground.

“Don’t think you can get away just because you have a bodyguard. You’ll die if you meet someone more powerful one day,” Shaun bellowed in anger.

“Yeah. Your bodyguard won’t save you forever.”

The lot repulsed Levi to the bones.

He ruined everything for them. They were here to meet key figures in the country, but they almost lost their lives because of Levi.

Given their hatred toward him, they would have given him a good beating if not for Zoey.

Heck, they were ready to even put up a fight with North Sky Lord.

They had clearly underestimated his skills and capability.

He was second to no one except for Levi in The Calamity.

If the three families were to face him off, they would not stand a chance at all.

Seeing the two sides unwilling to budge, Zoey hurried North Sky Lord to get Levi into the car, and they left right after.

“Like father like daughter! They will only bring bad luck to people around them.”

Meredith clenched her fists and shouted as the car pulled off.

This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them to get to know people of the highest ranks, but Levi ruined everything.

Just as the Lopezes, the Blacks, and the Zachs were so caught up in dissatisfaction, a group of people walked out of the clubhouse.

They quickly made way, lowering their heads without saying a word.

“Oh! Missy hasn’t accepted our gifts!”

“Dang it! How can we forget this? This is why we came all the way here!”


“Who is Missy?”

Meredith mumbled to the others as thoughts ran through her mind.

Even the elders of ancient families treat her with such great respect!

It finally occurred to the three families that all the families made it a point to come to North Hampton not to penalize Levi.

They were here for someone they referred to as “Missy.”

Who exactly is she?

She must be someone in North Hampton.

They looked at one another and shimmers of new hope shone in their eyes.

They just saw another chance to advance their course.

“Should we follow them and check out who this person is?” Meredith suggested.

They still thought Levi and Forlevia had fallen from grace because Levi allowed Forlevia to take the Garrison surname.

“Yeah, we should go check it out,” Harry agreed readily.

Once they found out who this person was, they would do everything within their capacity to curry her favor.

As such, they tailed the luxury cars stealthily once they drove off.

However, Meredith sensed something was off as the journey continued.

The road to this person they called “Missy” seemed disconcertingly familiar.

When the vehicles finally stopped in front of Levi and Zoey’s manor, they were both flabbergasted.

“What? Why are they here?”

Jennie could not hold her astonishment in.

The others were so astounded they kept shaking their head in disbelief.

“No way…”
Thank you..
Chapter 1312

Stop bullying Daddy! He’ll beat you guys up!” Forlevia glared at the adults and shouted.

She knew why everyone revered Levi back there.

If these people continued provoking Levi, she was sure he would beat them to a pulp.

“Well, it’s not like your daddy can do anything to us. Watch me.”

Before Shaun could push Levi away, North Sky Lord grabbed his hand and shoved him away.

Shaun stumbled backward before falling to the ground.

“Don’t think you can get away just because you have a bodyguard. You’ll die if you meet someone more powerful one day,” Shaun bellowed in anger.

“Yeah. Your bodyguard won’t save you forever.”

The lot repulsed Levi to the bones.

He ruined everything for them. They were here to meet key figures in the country, but they almost lost their lives because of Levi.

Given their hatred toward him, they would have given him a good beating if not for Zoey.

Heck, they were ready to even put up a fight with North Sky Lord.

They had clearly underestimated his skills and capability.

He was second to no one except for Levi in The Calamity.

If the three families were to face him off, they would not stand a chance at all.

Seeing the two sides unwilling to budge, Zoey hurried North Sky Lord to get Levi into the car, and they left right after.

“Like father like daughter! They will only bring bad luck to people around them.”

Meredith clenched her fists and shouted as the car pulled off.

This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them to get to know people of the highest ranks, but Levi ruined everything.

Just as the Lopezes, the Blacks, and the Zachs were so caught up in dissatisfaction, a group of people walked out of the clubhouse.

They quickly made way, lowering their heads without saying a word.

“Oh! Missy hasn’t accepted our gifts!”

“Dang it! How can we forget this? This is why we came all the way here!”


“Who is Missy?”

Meredith mumbled to the others as thoughts ran through her mind.

Even the elders of ancient families treat her with such great respect!

It finally occurred to the three families that all the families made it a point to come to North Hampton not to penalize Levi.

They were here for someone they referred to as “Missy.”

Who exactly is she?

She must be someone in North Hampton.

They looked at one another and shimmers of new hope shone in their eyes.

They just saw another chance to advance their course.

“Should we follow them and check out who this person is?” Meredith suggested.

They still thought Levi and Forlevia had fallen from grace because Levi allowed Forlevia to take the Garrison surname.

“Yeah, we should go check it out,” Harry agreed readily.

Once they found out who this person was, they would do everything within their capacity to curry her favor.

As such, they tailed the luxury cars stealthily once they drove off.

However, Meredith sensed something was off as the journey continued.

The road to this person they called “Missy” seemed disconcertingly familiar.

When the vehicles finally stopped in front of Levi and Zoey’s manor, they were both flabbergasted.

“What? Why are they here?”

Jennie could not hold her astonishment in.

The others were so astounded they kept shaking their head in disbelief.

“No way…”

Much appreciated, are we going to see more chapters today?
Chapter 1313

We’re so dead…”
The three families refused to believe what their eyes saw.

Teneb’s car was parked further away from the manor before he came down.
Immediately, masked men in black attire carrying ancient daggers appeared before the crowd.
The Calamity!
What are they doing here?
Meredith snapped her fingers when she saw those men in black. “So she’s the master of The Calamity?”
“It must be, else the prominent families won’t even come to pay homage.”
“So it turns out they’re not here for Levi. They’re here because of The Calamity.”
“Gosh! I almost thought they’re here to see Forlevia!”
Jennie placed her hand on her chest, feeling relieved.
The appearance of The Calamity assured them that all the families were not here to see Forlevia.
“What brings you all here?” one of the fighters of The Calamity asked.
“We’re here to send gifts to Missy,” Teneb answered.
“Alright. We’ll receive the presents on her behalf.”
Right after passing the gifts, Teneb and the others left.
After the crowd was dismissed, Meredith and the others went home without even noticing a pair of spying eyes in the dark.
Life had returned to normalcy after this, but this was just the calm before the storm.
The real enemies at the back were finally making a move.
Levi’s recovery would be an existential threat to them, so they could not just sit and do nothing.
Within the next month, thirty-seven groups of highly skilled fighters from within and without Erudia convened.
They were all here for the same reason—Levi.
As for Levi, he was glad that his real enemies were finally showing themselves after such a long wait.
The Calamity had already set up a flawless trap waiting for them to step right in.
The Calamity managed to apprehend all of them and even got to the mastermind behind their plot.
They showed no mercy when they identified the villains.
“We’ve taken down Windstorm Mercenaries.”
“We just vanquished South Sky Society.”
“And Royal South Poseidon too.”
“South Black Conglomerate is dealt with.”
The Calamity destroyed each enemy within the span of just one month.
They lured the enemies out and killed every single one of them.
Even those residing abroad were stemmed out.
Levi’s plan was a success, and he managed to treat the problem at its roots.
This was also a great leap forward for the country.
These organizations were also threats to Erudia because these enemies had infiltrated the country on every front.
Some of the notable leaders were extremists.
If they were given leeway, they could bring the whole nation to the ground.
Everyone’s heart chilled when these leaders were caught.
People like them were worse than pure military threats.
Although it was just a few people at the top level, getting hold of them was a huge service done to Erudia because this had to do with national security.
Levi and his men continued their probe well after they got to the masterminds behind this ploy.
The deeper they dug, the more they revealed.
Since Levi had done a commendable service to the country, everyone thought it was high time they gave him what was due him.

Chapter 1314​

“Should we just give him the God of War’s title?”

“What about Winsor then? Everyone thinks he’s the God of War. What will happen if we just give that title to Levi?”

“Yeah, right. What should we do then? It’s not like we can ask the two to fight each other for the title.”

There was a heated debate about this issue in Erudia.

The leaders deliberated over the idea and considered it from all angles.

After all, this was no easy decision.

“You know what? We can just give him a new title. He has done way more for the country than the God of War. We should just give him a higher title.”

This idea sat well with everybody, and all eyes were on the speaker.

“What title should we bestow upon him then?”

“Make him king!” someone exclaimed.

Everyone sucked a mouth of cold air at the suggestion.


This was way above the God of War.

Although it sounded daring, no one voiced an objection.

After all, Levi was worthy of that title.

“Alright. Let’s make him the Crown King then. He will take charge of Iron Brigade, Asura Army, Iron Knights, as well as the Royal Army of Oakland City.”

“We should also give him a city in the North and ten training bases.”

“The coronation ceremony will take place in three days at Coronation Stage in Oakland City.”

The news about the coronation spread far and wide beyond the country.

It had been a long time in history since Erudia had a king.

The last time the Coronation Stage was put to use was hundreds of years back.

That was why this news took the whole world by storm, despite not knowing who the Crown King was yet.

People were guessing between Levi or Winsor, but the first had lost his title as the God of War, while the latter was not capable enough to be crowned king.

Even if Winsor took down The Calamity, he still had a long way to go before he could prove himself worthy of being a king, but there was no one else aside from Winsor and Levi.

Thus, if this person were able to live up to this title, it would only make sense if people had heard of his great deeds.

Everyone was expecting this person to have quelled formidable enemies or done more impressive things.

Only someone who had earned their respect could be their king, so to them, this person must be outstanding.

It was counter-intuitive that they had never heard of this man before.

And so, everyone wondered who this mysterious candidate was.

When Winsor received the news, he was as shocked as everyone.

“Crown King? And he’ll be able to mobilize an army of millions? Who is this guy?”

His subordinates were shook too. After all, the Crown King would be directly above them in rank and command.

Winsor was an unrelenting person, and he hated being controlled by people.

Back when he was under Levi, he had always been disgruntled.

This news made him relive those moments, and he found it repulsive.

“Who will be the Crown King? Why didn’t we receive any news?”

“We have no idea. This man should at least be someone worthy of our respect,” Zar replied.

Dragonites, who earlier on brought the news, were more honest in their answer. “We know you might not like to hear this, but this man is way out of your league.”

Chapter 1314​

“Should we just give him the God of War’s title?”

“What about Winsor then? Everyone thinks he’s the God of War. What will happen if we just give that title to Levi?”

“Yeah, right. What should we do then? It’s not like we can ask the two to fight each other for the title.”

There was a heated debate about this issue in Erudia.

The leaders deliberated over the idea and considered it from all angles.

After all, this was no easy decision.

“You know what? We can just give him a new title. He has done way more for the country than the God of War. We should just give him a higher title.”

This idea sat well with everybody, and all eyes were on the speaker.

“What title should we bestow upon him then?”

“Make him king!” someone exclaimed.

Everyone sucked a mouth of cold air at the suggestion.


This was way above the God of War.

Although it sounded daring, no one voiced an objection.

After all, Levi was worthy of that title.

“Alright. Let’s make him the Crown King then. He will take charge of Iron Brigade, Asura Army, Iron Knights, as well as the Royal Army of Oakland City.”

“We should also give him a city in the North and ten training bases.”

“The coronation ceremony will take place in three days at Coronation Stage in Oakland City.”

The news about the coronation spread far and wide beyond the country.

It had been a long time in history since Erudia had a king.

The last time the Coronation Stage was put to use was hundreds of years back.

That was why this news took the whole world by storm, despite not knowing who the Crown King was yet.

People were guessing between Levi or Winsor, but the first had lost his title as the God of War, while the latter was not capable enough to be crowned king.

Even if Winsor took down The Calamity, he still had a long way to go before he could prove himself worthy of being a king, but there was no one else aside from Winsor and Levi.

Thus, if this person were able to live up to this title, it would only make sense if people had heard of his great deeds.

Everyone was expecting this person to have quelled formidable enemies or done more impressive things.

Only someone who had earned their respect could be their king, so to them, this person must be outstanding.

It was counter-intuitive that they had never heard of this man before.

And so, everyone wondered who this mysterious candidate was.

When Winsor received the news, he was as shocked as everyone.

“Crown King? And he’ll be able to mobilize an army of millions? Who is this guy?”

His subordinates were shook too. After all, the Crown King would be directly above them in rank and command.

Winsor was an unrelenting person, and he hated being controlled by people.

Back when he was under Levi, he had always been disgruntled.

This news made him relive those moments, and he found it repulsive.

“Who will be the Crown King? Why didn’t we receive any news?”

“We have no idea. This man should at least be someone worthy of our respect,” Zar replied.

Dragonites, who earlier on brought the news, were more honest in their answer. “We know you might not like to hear this, but this man is way out of your league.”
The story keeps getting heated 😍😍

Chapter 1315​

Everyone stared at one another awkwardly.

The Dragonites were way too truthful.

They pointed out without reservation that the Crown King was way better than Winsor.

Winsor had always thought of himself as second to none.

He conjectured that the person to be sworn in must be from the Four Great Families.

“We’ll see you at the coronation ceremony.”

With that said, the Dragonites left.

Gloom settled over Winsor’s face after they went off.

He was having a great time enjoying all the respect from people after he was made the God of War.

The news about the Crown King came out of nowhere and put him in distress.

On the other side, Levi was pleasantly surprised when he found out he would be the Crown King.

He initially thought he would only be made God of War again, but it turned out that they wanted to raise him to a higher stature.

This meant he would have more armies under him.

And even the God of War would be under his influence.

“All hail Crown King!” the Dragonites greeted Levi.

“The sworn-in ceremony will be in three days at Oakland City,” the news bearers added.

“I will be there. Thanks for coming.”

After the Dragonites left, Forlevia tilted her head thinking as she looked at Levi. “Daddy, what is Crown King?”

“Hm, just someone more powerful than the God of War,” Levi said, pinching her nose tenderly, “Since Daddy is the Crown King, do you want to be the Goddess of War when you grow up?”

“Yes! I want to be the Goddess of War!”

The girl clapped her hands in enthusiasm.

Meanwhile, Zoey and Emma were also discussing the news.

People around them had been talking about this all day.

Since this was a sensitive topic to raise around Levi, the two women avoided him and started talking among themselves.

If Levi were able to move around freely, he would still be the God of War.

If nothing had happened to him, he stood a high chance of being the Crown King. However, with his disability, all hope was lost, so they figured it would be best if they did not talk to him about it.

When they saw Levi coming over, they quickly changed the topic and pretended as if they were talking about something else.

Levi looked at him curiously, putting them in an uneasy spot.

They wondered if Levi overheard them.

“Grandma, Mommy, what are you two talking about?”

Forlevia ran over and asked.

“It’s nothing,” Zoey said curtly.

“They are talking about the Crown King, Evie,” Levi answered instead.

Zoey and Emma shot alarmed gazes at each other.

So he heard what we said?

“I see… Grandma, Mommy, do you know Daddy is the Crown King?”


The two women frowned while looking at the girl.

Is this for real?

They looked at Forlevia’s serious face, and chills went down their spine.

“I’m the Goddess of War, and Daddy’s King!”

The girl smiled happily as she jumped around Levi.

Zoey and Emma sighed in relief.

As they had expected, the girl did not know what she was saying.

There was no way Levi would be the Crown King.

After all, he was confined to a wheelchair.

He was probably just joking with Forlevia, saying that she would be the Goddess of War.

“Levi, you should stop telling her stuff like this. Who knows she might really believe it to be true.”

Chapter 1316​

“Yeah, kids really believe everything adults say. This is not good for them,” Emma agreed.

She did not want her granddaughter to go around telling people her father was the Crown King.

People might think she was a liar and ostracize her.

“Alright, alright,” Levi said, nodding his head.

He had to admit that knowing too much would not be good for Forlevia. It would only put her in danger, so it would be wise for him to keep his identity a secret.

After all, this was what the Dragonites told him to do too.

Although Levi had made tremendous achievements in tearing his enemies down, he knew this was just the end of the beginning.

There was still a greater threat at the back of his head.

He was fully aware that there were still insiders within the system that he needed to pin down.

Also, he had not solved the mystery behind Blood King Palace’s reemergence.

That was why the Dragonites requested that his identity be kept secret for now for their own safety.

“Are you alright, Levi?” Zoey sensed Levi was drifting away in thoughts and asked.


“Have you heard about the Crown King?”

“Yeah. What about it?” Levi asked in return.

“What’s meant for us will be ours, so don’t beat yourself to it.”

“I’m okay, don’t worry. I don’t care about stuff like this. I’m happy with how I am right now, and I get to spend more time with you both.”

“Good to know. I’m just worried you might be affected.”

Everyone in the country was guessing who the Crown King was for the next three days.

They were dying to know who this person was.

All they knew was Winsor was definitely not the Crown King because even he would have to be subjected under the latter.

There were only a handful of exceptional men in Erudia, so everyone occupied themselves with the discussion about this person’s identity, but they were also aware that there were hidden talents within the country as well.

Many were determined to go to the Coronation Stage on that day to see for themselves this legendary figure.

Even people overseas were talking about this.

The coronation of a king meant a stronger rival nation for them.

At that moment, Winsor was already enough of a threat for them.

Another capable leader would be just too much for them to handle, so many foreign forces mobilized their connections to find out everything they could about the Crown King.

After all, this was an incipient threat to their countries.

All eyes were on the coronation ceremony three days later.

They had to know who this person was.

Another day flew by, and the king would be crowned the next day.

The Coronation Stage in Oakland City was all decorated for the event.

Everything was ready for the coronation ceremony to take place.

“I heard the event will be broadcasted live. I’m really looking forward to it.”

Zoey was thrilled to witness the coronation of the nation’s king.

This national event electrified all the citizens.

“Let’s watch it together tomorrow,” Emma said.

“I want to watch too!” Forlevia shouted passionately.

“By the way, I’m going to Oakland City tomorrow,” Levi said softly, looking at the three of them.


Chapter 1317​


Both Zoey and Emma were taken aback.

It took them a while to come back to their senses.

“What do you mean? Why are you going over tomorrow?” Zoey asked in surprise.

Don’t tell me he’s the Crown King.

No way.

Levi was with us all this while.

He has done nothing to win this title.

Zoey and Emma looked at each other in confusion.

Right then, Zoey figured he must have wanted to watch the ceremony on the spot.

Even if Levi was already not the God of War, he still loved the country dearly.

He probably just wanted to be there in person.

Yes, that must be it. He must’ve felt reluctant when he gave away his title as the God of War.

Zoey thought Levi would find closure if he were able to witness the coronation of the king himself. He needed to be sure that the country would be in good hands.

“Alright. I’ll ask them to send you over tomorrow,” Zoey said without any further questions.


Once again, the Coronation Stage was put in use after a long time.

This was, indeed, a historical moment for Erudia.

Everyone from the military attended the ceremony.

The Commander-In-Chief of the Nine Warzones, the Four Guardians, Winsor and the Asura Army, and Iron Brigade together with the Iron Knights were all there.

Even Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and other old colleagues of Levi were there on that day.

Given the significance of this event, it would be broadcasted worldwide.

Not only would this be able to boost the country’s morale, but it would also act as a deterrent for other nations.

Besides, the Crown King deserved all the attention of the world.

On the next day, Zoey sent out a private helicopter to send Levi to Oakland City.

Levi arrived at around eight in the morning.

Soon after that, the Dragonites picked up Levi in secret, and they headed for the Coronation Stage.

“Since we’ve not identified all our enemies, you’ll have to stay undercover for some time,” the Dragonites said apologetically.

“Don’t worry about it. The country has given me the highest honor. This is nothing compared to what the country has done for me,” Levi assured them.

The ceremony was schedule to begin at ten.

Many influential figures convened at the Coronation Stage before that.

This was not a public event, so those who wanted to join would need to have an invite.

Those who attended included some of the most distinguished people in the country, like Benny Quinton, the best doctor in Erudia.

He was talking to Azure Dragon and the others at the venue.

They looked regretful when they saw each other.

“This could have been our boss,” White Tiger commented in resignation.

“Yeah… Mr. Garrison could’ve been the Crown King.”

Benny actually knew who the real Crown King was, but since he had signed a confidentiality agreement, he could not breathe a word.

“It’s okay. On the bright side, Winsor won’t be able to behave as he like now,” Kirin said, “He’ll have to listen to the Crown King now.”

“Yeah! I bet Winsor’s fuming with anger right now. He never liked being under someone else’s command. I really hope the Crown King teaches him a good lesson,” Azure Dragon said.

It was true that Winsor was not at all pleased with what was happening.

He could not wait to see what the Crown King was made of.

“We just found out that Levi’s here too,” Zar informed Winsor.


Chapter 1318​

“Mm? Why is he here?” Winsor scowled.

“I have no idea. Perhaps he’s here to witness the ceremony,” Zar answered.

“Okay. Where is he? Let’s go to him.”

Under Zar’s lead, the crowd came to Levi.

At the sight of Levi, Winsor sighed. “You used to be undefeatable, but you’re now useless. Did you take the medicine I gave you back then? I hope you’ll regain your strength and return to your prime so we can battle against each other. If you win, you’ll keep your God of War title.”

Winsor might’ve said that, but he was certain Levi wouldn’t win.

Bolgun explained, “Boss wishes you a speedy recovery. As for the battle, he’ll defeat you for sure. Even The Calamity had been defeated by him.”

Bolgun was saying that Levi could recover, but there was no way he’d get to defeat Winsor.

Levi replied calmly, “No need. You can keep the rank for yourself.”

“What a chicken.”

“He can’t help it. Look how weak he is now. It must’ve been a tremendous blow to him. He’s devastated and lost the will to fight on.”

“Boss, I don’t think he’s brave enough to battle you!”

Everyone lamented in disappointment.

Back then, Levi was capable and arrogant, so no one saw this coming.

No one knew that Levi wasn’t interested in becoming the God of War as he was going to be inaugurated as the Crown King soon.

By then, even the God of War would be under his command.

“North, let’s go!” Levi said.

As North Sky Lord had a mask over his face, no one knew who he was.


In reality, North Sky Lord’s eyes were blazing with fury.

He was still upset over the fact that he had to lose to Winsor deliberately.

One day, I shall defeat Winsor.

“Wait. Did we say you can leave?” Talon demanded. “You need to fight our boss before you are allowed to leave!”

The trio glared at Levi resentfully.

Actually, Levi wasn’t at all interested in Winsor.

He could beat his master and seniors to a pulp, so Winsor was no match for him.

To him, it would only be a waste of time.

“I’m not interested,” he replied.

“You can’t say no. As long as you’ve recovered, you need to accept our boss’ battle request.”

“Yes, that’s right. Otherwise, we won’t allow you to leave!”

They stood in front of Levi and blocked his exit.

Another bunch of men arrived and retorted, “Hey, what are you trying to do?”

“Wanna fight? Come on!”

Levi turned to see Azure Dragon and the rest striding over to him.

“How dare you bully our boss? Winsor, do you want us to beat you up?” White Tiger warned in a hostile tone.

Both parties exchanged furious glares; a battle was about to begin soon.

Winsor gritted his teeth and fell silent.

Levi’s subordinates were delighted. “Boss, we’re so glad to see you alive and well! We even held a funeral for you.”

They were overcome with emotions upon reuniting with him again.

“Did you create any trouble when I was gone?” Levi asked with a grin.

He was worried that they couldn’t control their emotions.

“Boss, we did nothing of that sort!”

“Yes, it’s great to see you again!” they chimed in happily.

Soon, it was almost time for the coronation ceremony.

Everyone had to return to their seats, so Levi told North Sky Lord to wheel him away.

“Hmm? Where is Levi? Didn’t he come to witness the ceremony?” Winsor asked in confusion.


Chapter 1319​

When they started scanning the crowd for Levi’s figure, Azure Dragon and the others were doing the same.

Where is Levi? Why did he disappear without warning?

The seats were almost filled up, but Levi was still nowhere to be seen.

It could only mean one thing—Levi wasn’t invited!

They hurriedly scanned the guest list and didn’t see Levi’s name there.

He isn’t invited! Then how did he come in? Didn’t anyone stop him? Where is he now?

“Forget it. We should focus on the ceremony.”

Everyone promptly turned their attention back to the ceremony.

Right now, the preparations were done, and the whole ceremony would be broadcasted live on TV.

Meanwhile, in North Hampton, Zoey and her family were waiting for the ceremony to begin in front of the TV.

Forlevia was clapping happily. “Daddy! Daddy!”

However, Zoey told her solemnly, “Evie, if your daddy wasn’t hurt, he might be attending the ceremony in person right now! Remember, your daddy is a hero!”

Forlevia nodded. “Okay, I got it. Daddy’s a hero!”

Zoey smiled. “Let’s see if Daddy appears on the observation deck, alright?”


To both Zoey and Emma, it would be an honor to see Levi witnessing the ceremony in person for only those who had contributed greatly to Erudia would get invited.

Even the rich and powerful wouldn’t get invited easily.

Witnessing the ceremony in person was an honorable moment, hence they waited eagerly for Levi to appear among the audience.

Almost everyone in Erudia was waiting for the live broadcast to begin, including Meredith and the others.

As they used to be Erudia’s warriors, they gathered a crowd to watch the live broadcast together.

Meredith was saying, “Asura and the Crown King will ensure the safety of Erudia. We can grow our wealth and live in this land peacefully! We need to thank them!”

“Yes, that’s right. Erudia needs to be peaceful before it can develop. We should thank the heroes.”

Robert sighed. “If I get to witness the ceremony in person, I can finally die in peace!”

“Only those who had contributed greatly to Erudia would get invited to the coronation ceremony,” Meredith said in a regretful tone.

It was impossible for them to attend the ceremony, so they dared not even dream about it.

Still, it would be a great experience.

If they successfully made it, even the prominent families wouldn’t dare to look down on them.

Just then, Jennie snickered. “I heard that Levi is there to witness the ceremony. Zoey was the one who drove him there.”

“What? What right does he have to attend the ceremony?”

“He’s just a loser. If he got invited, he should give the invitation card to his elders! Why did he choose to attend it himself?”

The crowd immediately scoffed.

“Impossible. I don’t think Levi is there. There’s no news of him being invited.”

“Yes, he’ll need an invitation card to attend the ceremony. Levi didn’t receive any!”

“Forget it. We’ll find out once the ceremony begins. There aren’t many guests on the observation deck, so we can find out whether Levi’s there soon!”

Everyone was holding their breaths in anticipation of the coronation ceremony.

Meanwhile, the Dragonites led Levi to his designated dressing room so he could change and attend the ceremony.

At ten sharp, the coronation ceremony began.


Chapter 1320​

Hundreds of Dragonites were guarding the Coronation Stage—the symbol and glory of Erudia.

Finally, the Coronation Stage, which had been sealed off in this century, was revealed to the public.

There were only a few people who could achieve this feat, especially being inaugurated as Crown King.

“Today, we have opened the Coronation Stage to inaugurate the Crown King.”

“Let us welcome the three tokens!”

Shortly after, the three tokens were brought onto the Coronation Stage.

There was one ring, one mask, and one sword.

The ring’s name was Dragon Ring, and there was a magnificent dragon’s head on the gold ring.

The gold mask was known as the Dragon Mask as it had a dragon carved on it.

Lastly, the Dragon Sword, with the shadow of a dragon etched on it, was revealed.

The three tokens had been kept in the National Treasury for hundreds of years, as only those who were inaugurated had the privilege of owning them.

At long last, the tokens were revealed to the public.

They represented the Crown King, so any token could mobilize the troops.

The Dragon Sword could also execute someone on the spot and report the matter later.

That was the power granted to the Crown King!

When the three tokens appeared, silence ensued. The venue was so quiet that everyone could even hear a pin drop.

Everyone stared at the three tokens excitedly.

At that moment, Winsor could feel his throat go dry as his breath quickened.

No one would refuse to be the Crown King; hence Winsor promptly had a new goal.

He wanted to be in the spotlight.

I’ll be inaugurated as the Crown King one day!

As the ceremony was broadcasted live, the camera swept across the three tokens.

The citizens of Erudia excitedly carved the three tokens, which represented the glory of Erudia, in their brains.

Zoey pointed at the TV screen and told Forlevia, “Evie, when you grow up, you must contribute to Erudia.”

Soon, the camera zoomed in on the guests on the observation deck.

Slowly, the guests’ faces appeared one by one on the screen.

Zoey and Forlevia scanned the crowd carefully for Levi’s face.

Alas, they didn’t spot Levi although the camera did zoom into everyone on the observation deck.

Zoey was sure Levi wasn’t among the audience.

Her face darkened as disappointment overwhelmed her heart.

Levi didn’t even get the chance to view the ceremony? He has accomplished a lot, but he can’t even witness this glorious moment.

She sighed. Is he watching the ceremony from afar?

At the thought of his forlorn figure lurking in the shadows, Zoey’s heart clenched in pain.

“Daddy isn’t there…” Forlevia sounded disappointed, too.

At the Black residence.

“Ha! We saw everything and even replayed it carefully. Levi was nowhere to be seen!”

“Yes, you’ve been tricked by him. Why would he get to attend the ceremony?”

“Only those who are important to the country have the right to be there. Levi is crippled, so why would they invite him?”

Instantly, an uproarious laughter erupted from the Black family.

“Yes, he must’ve lied to Zoey and the others. I don’t think he knows the event is broadcasted live on TV, and that every guest’s face would be shown!” Meredith scoffed.

Robert voiced his disappointment. “I can’t believe Levi made that up to attract attention.”

“Even if he did appear, his appearance on the observation deck would be a disgrace to us and Erudia!”

“Let’s stop talking about him. The Crown King is about to appear soon! Look!”

They focused on the screen earnestly.

Soon, the Crown King would show himself to the world.


Chapter 1321​

It was a nerve-wracking moment.

Everyone was curious as to who was the Crown King, especially Winsor and the enemies of Erudia.

Who would the Crown King be?

Would he be a threat or danger to us?

Thus, they couldn’t wait to see who the Crown King would be.

It was time for the Crown King to go on stage.

“Presenting the royal robe!” announced the Dragonites.

The Crown King’s royal robe was brought onto the stage.

A magnificent and imposing Qilin was embroidered on the robe.

It was also the insignia of the Crown King!

“Let us welcome the Crown King!”

A second later, a towering figure flanked by the Dragonites appeared on stage.


His stride gave off a majestic and imposing aura, which made the mass hold their breaths.

He’s a powerful man!

His figure was so intimidating that Winsor and the other strong warriors dared not say anything.

At that moment, a trace of fear appeared in Winsor’s heart.

He lost his courage to challenge the Crown King as he could sense that the latter was as strong as the powerful men from the Great Family of Frostford.

The Crown King’s imposing aura oppressed him.

Before anyone could see what the Crown King looked like, the Dragon Mask had already covered his face.

The Crown King had swiftly put on the mask upon his appearance.

No one saw how he did it.

They had missed the most important moment.

A confused murmur erupted among the crowd.

“That was fast. We didn’t even see how he did it! Who is the Crown King?” asked Meredith as she lifted her glasses.

“We didn’t see it! Let’s see if the camera managed to capture it.”

They could only put their hopes on the close-up shot.

After all, it was practically impossible to catch that with the naked eye when the broadcast was playing on TV.

At North Hampton.

When Forlevia saw the tall figure, she yelled, “Daddy! That’s Daddy! I see him now!”

Zoey and Emma exchanged helpless glances upon seeing how excited Forlevia was.

“Look, Evie believed Levi’s nonsense,” Zoey said with a sigh.

Children would remember the actions and words of other adults when they were growing up as they trusted adults with all their hearts.

Zoey had no choice but to refute her words. “Evie, that’s not Daddy. Let’s continue watching!”

“Oh, alright.” Forlevia fell silent and focused on the TV screen.

Right then, Levi put the Dragon Ring onto his finger as the Dragonites placed the royal robe on his shoulders.

Holding the Dragon Sword, he unsheathed it deftly.


The golden sword sparkled in the sunlight.

It was so dazzling that everyone could barely open their eyes.

As Levi pointed the sword at the air, a mighty presence emerged.

It was the Crown King, otherwise known as Levi Garrison’s era.

Thus, the coronation ceremony of the Crown King ended.

“We’re proud to present to you, the Crown King of Erudia!” the Dragonites announced proudly. “Any objections?”

No one uttered a word.

Winsor felt powerless, so he said nothing.

“I object!” Suddenly, a voice resonated in the air.


Chapter 1322​

It was an event broadcasted live, so almost everyone was watching it right now.

As the sound resonated in the air, silence ensued.

The audience was silent, and everyone froze dead in their tracks.

Even the audience watching the ceremony on TV was shocked into silence.

No one had expected to see such a scene at the coronation ceremony.

After all, why would one object to the crowning of the Crown King after decades?

The Crown King had put on a mask upon his first appearance, but his imposing aura was convincing enough.

Even Winsor was willing to admit defeat.

He figured the Crown King was one of the powerful warriors from the Four Great Families.

Only the great families were powerful enough to train such a powerful and indestructible warrior.

Hence, he didn’t have any objections as he knew how horrifyingly powerful the warriors from the Four Great Families were.

Still, there was someone who dared to voice their objection.

Clearly, that person was going against the Dragonites’ wishes.

At once, the crowd looked around to find the source of the voice.

Levi’s curiosity was piqued, too.

He wondered who was bold enough to voice their objection, and the first person that popped up in his mind was Winsor.

However, Winsor didn’t utter a word.

“Who is it?” the Dragonites shouted.

“Me! I object!”

A woman emerged from the crowd.

It’s a woman!

Clearly, no one expected to see a woman voicing her disapproval.

That being said, not many people dared to go against this woman, who was the leader of the Grewall Army, which was as famous as the Iron Brigade and the Asura Army in Erudia.

She wasn’t famous internationally, but Erudia knew who she was—Enyo of Erudia.

As Winsor and Levi were more famous than her, she didn’t have the opportunity to shine.

Still, she wasn’t one to be ignored.

The Grewall Army was known for its ruthlessness.

As its leader, Enyo was famous for her imperious and brutal attitude.

Men had always dominated the battlefield, so it was rare to see a woman rising through the ranks.

As she was capable enough of leading such a powerful army, her presence was horrifying.

Her name was Minka Fisker, which meant “strong-willed warrior.” It was clear what her parents wanted her to be.

Most importantly, Minka was only around Levi’s age.

It wasn’t easy to achieve this rank on the battlefield at such a young age.

The audience gasped in shock upon seeing Minka.

No wonder she was known as the iron lady of the battlefield, as she was bold enough to step out right at this moment.

Winsor’s expression dropped when he saw her.

Minka was 175cm tall, her features stunning but icy.

An intimidating and horrifying aura emanated from her.

Actually, Levi didn’t know Minka that well as he mostly heard about her and had only met her once.

Thus, he wondered why she objected to him achieving this rank.

The Dragonites demanded, “Minka Fisker, why did you object?”

Minka declared, “First, the Crown King must’ve devoted himself to the country. However, I’ve never heard of this man’s contributions. Second, the Crown King has to be someone we’re all in awe of. Third, in my opinion, the only candidate who deserves to be the Crown King is none other than Levi Garrison!”

After Minka stated her three reasons, everyone was taken aback.

Winsor felt like he was about to lose it any minute, while Levi parted his lips in disbelief.


Chapter 1323​

Minka had only met him once, but she thought he was the best candidate to be the Crown King.

Why? Levi wondered.

Even Winsor was rendered speechless.

How could she say Levi’s better than me? I defeated him and The Calamity!

If Minka thinks Levi is the most suitable candidate to be the Crown King, she thinks he’s more capable than me!

He refused to accept that!

Thus, he decided to challenge Levi to prove he was stronger than Levi.

Winsor immediately declared, “Minka, you’re wrong. If I’m here, why are you saying Levi is the most suitable contender to be the Crown King? I’ve already defeated him and The Calamity, which is stronger than Blood King Palace!”

He continued in a huff, “I can do everything he can. I can also achieve things he couldn’t achieve. How could you say he’s the most suitable contender to be inaugurated as the Crown King? What about me?”

Winsor had zero tolerance for people who questioned his capability, so he confronted Minka without hesitation.

“Ha! Don’t you know how you defeated him? You only won because you had the advantage over him. No matter what, I still think he’s stronger than you!” Minka responded icily. “No, many people think he’s stronger than you. You’re only a warrior, but he’s a mighty commander!”

Her gaze shone with confidence, showing how much she admired Levi.

On the other hand, Levi himself had no idea she thought that way of him.

“Hey!” Winsor huffed angrily, but he couldn’t prove himself now.

In response, Minka glared at him. “Let’s talk about that later. It isn’t time to argue with you now.”

At once, all eyes zeroed in on them.

Still, most of the people supported Minka’s reasons, especially the first two reasons.

One would need to be accomplished and capable enough to be the Crown King of Erudia, or risk facing the citizens’ outrage.

As a stranger had been inaugurated as the Crown King, the citizens were either curious or unconvinced.

In reality, the Dragonites could announce the Crown King’s identity, but they had their own considerations.

First, Levi could clear out the enemies stealthily.

Second, keeping his identity a secret could confuse and create fear among their enemies.

After all, no one knew who the Crown King was.

Where did he come from? How capable he is? How much had he contributed to the country? Would he be a huge threat?

Given that various uncertainties lay ahead, no one dared to take action that easily.

Instead, they would waste time and money to find out who the Crown King was.

At the same time, their fear would grow with time.

That had been the Dragonites’ plan all along, but Minka appeared out of nowhere to question them.

She was as courageous as any man.

Glaring at Levi, she exclaimed, “Crown King, please give us a reasonable answer!”

“Yes, we demand an explanation!”

Once she made a move, the others immediately spoke up to demand for an explanation.


The Dragonites were at a loss.

They had a counterplan if someone were to try to ruin the ceremony, but it didn’t occur to them that someone would question their decision.

It was Enyo who posed that question. Hence, they immediately turned to Levi so he could solve the problem.

Upon that, Levi was incredibly vexed.

So the Dragonites want me to convince the crowd, huh?


Chapter 1324​

The Dragonites have handed a tough problem to me.

After all, the Dragonites had their own considerations.

Right now, it was best to keep the Crown King’s identity and capability a secret so their enemies would remain fearful.

Yet, Minka had forced them into a corner.

They had no choice but to place their hopes on Levi.

Besides Minka and the rest, the foreign forces would also like to know who the Crown King was.

Just the slightest bit of information would do, but Minka was insistent on finding out Levi’s real identity.

“Come on! Give me a compelling explanation!” Minka barked out since the crowd had fallen silent.

Forces from all over the world were now silent as they waited eagerly for the Crown King’s identity to be revealed.

Slowly, Levi slid the sword back into its sheath.

Without warning, he raised his head, his eyes gleaming like lightning.

It was a contemptuous gaze.

Everyone who looked at him in the eye got so frightened by his terrifying gaze.

Never had those people seen anything like that.

Everyone felt chills run down their spines.

It was absolutely terrifying!

Winsor immediately backed down at the Crown King’s intimidating presence, as he knew he was no match for the former.

“Anyone else would like to state their objections?” Levi demanded coolly.


“We’re convinced! Yes, we are!”

The people who had joined in earlier were understandably shocked into silence.

This was a true imposing aura!

The Dragonites nodded in satisfaction.

Levi was smart enough to intimidate everyone else before focusing on Minka.

Now, he only had to convince Minka.

It was easier to do that now, for she was caught unaware after everyone else had admitted defeat.

After she stated her objection earlier, everyone else joined in to demand for an explanation.

Still, they were stunned by Levi’s imposing aura and left her alone on her mission.

“Enyo, you’re the only one who refuses to bow down now!” Levi announced.

“I refuse to bow down! If you want to convince me, show me your capabilities, or take off your mask!” Minka refused to back down.

“Alright, if that’s what you want.” Levi waved his hands. “Come with me!”

Minka trotted behind him obediently.

On the stage, Levi handed her a book that explained how many people and forces Levi and The Calamity destroyed in one month.

The Dragonites belatedly realized what Levi had just shown her.

The Crown King is smart enough to prepare the book ahead of time!

Right then, everyone held their breaths eagerly. They couldn’t wait to find out what was written in that book, especially the foreign forces and countries.

Nevertheless, there was no way this top secret would be shown to the public.

Minka’s breathing turned heavy as she read the book, which recorded all of Levi’s contributions.

Finally, she admitted defeat.

The contributions that he had made to the country were enough for him to become the Crown King.

I wonder who the man underneath the mask is, though.

Minka was curious, but that wasn’t important right now.

It didn’t matter who the Crown King was for she was in awe of his merits.

“I admit defeat! Please accept my sincerest apology!” she announced.


When the guests at the venue heard her declaration, they blanched in shock.

“Enyo, what did you see?”


Chapter 1325​

The exact thought crossed everyone’s minds.

They were burning with curiosity. What made the persistent Enyo give up after reading it?

Minka gazed at the crowd. “It’s a secret!”

The moment she got the book, she knew what the Dragonites’ plan was.

“If you’re curious, go ahead and read the book on the stage!” she declared.

Levi chimed in. “Yes. Anyone who refuses to admit defeat can come read it!”

His sharp gaze swept across the crowd.

Naturally, no one dared to voice their objections.

Fear overwhelmed their entire beings.

“I shall place the book here. Whoever is curious can come read it now!” Levi lowered his voice and announced.

The crowd sneaked peeks at the book, but no one dared to head up to the platform to read it.

“You got the chance. Keep the book now!” Levi stated after a short while.

In the end, no one came to read the book.

At that, the Dragonites gazed at Levi in admiration.

Minka’s sudden question could end up being a disaster, but Levi saved the day.

Not only that, but he also managed to confuse and create fear among their enemies.

Minka was the only one who knew it was a book about his merits, so his identity would remain a mystery.

In fact, Minka’s action had boosted the effect of their plan.

“The coronation ceremony has come to an end. From today onwards, the Crown King will do his duty to protect the North and the whole of Erudia. He shall bring glory to Erudia!”

With that, the coronation ceremony came to an end with the inauguration of the Crown King.

Erudia now had a Crown King!

The whole of Erudia celebrated triumphantly, but the other countries were discouraged.

For a long time, they would do their best to figure out who the Crown King was.

After the ceremony ended, the Crown King disappeared.

Those who had plans to talk to him were utterly disappointed.

Minka was about to leave, but Winsor came to her and blocked her exit.

“What are you doing? You’re only ranked a little higher than me. I’m not afraid of you! I’m capable enough of defeating you! If you wanna fight, come on!” Minka glowered at him.

Winsor snickered. “No, I don’t fight with women. I’m here to talk about something else.”

“Are you curious about what I read on the stage earlier?” Minka asked.

Winsor shook his head.

He was impressed by the Crown King’s power, so the book that Minka had read on the stage earlier didn’t interest him.

“No, come with me. Let’s go talk to a common friend of ours.”

“Sure!” Minka went after him.

It turned out that the common friend was none other than Levi Garrison.

Upon seeing Levi, Winsor proclaimed, “Levi, even Minka thinks you’re better than me. I shall challenge you for the second time. On the day you make a full recovery, we shall fight again! Enyo here shall be my witness!”

He added, “I’ll do my best to help you get back to your prime!”

Winsor couldn’t hold it back anymore.

He wanted to tell Minka and the rest that he was the second-most powerful warrior after the Crown King instead of Levi.

Nonetheless, Levi kept his cool. “Forget it. You’re no match for me, so it isn’t fun to fight with you.”

At once, Winsor erupted in fury. “How audacious! You’re now a cripple. Do you think you’re my match?”

Zar and the rest were fuming, too.

On the other hand, Minka was gazing at Levi, her emotions a complex mixture. “Our previous meeting was too brief, and I didn’t expect to meet again today. I know you’ll recover soon. I’ll do my best to help you recover, too!”

She announced, “I know you’re stronger than Winsor!”


Chapter 1326​

Minka’s confident words irked Winsor greatly.

No! I need to do everything I can so Levi returns to his prime.

I have to defeat him again so no one will question my ability!

Winsor made up his mind to head to the Great Family of Frostford so he could ask for the ancient medicine and medical knowledge to treat Levi.

Minka had the same thought in mind. Levi has to recover soon so he can defeat Winsor.

Coincidentally, Minka came from one of the Four Great Families—the Great Family of Southford.

The Great Family of Southford had a different legacy from the Great Family of Frostford, but their power and structure were almost comparable.

That was why Minka could end up being the only Enyo in Erudia in her twenties, for she was born into a great family.

No matter how persistent and talented the other young ladies out there were, without proper training, they would never make a name for themselves on the battlefield.

Minka might be born into a great family, but the more ancient a family was, the more traditional their mindsets were.

For example, patriarchy.

Minka’s parents only gave birth to a few daughters, so her father brought her up like a boy. It was obvious what he wanted as he gave her such a name.

No matter how hard Minka worked, she couldn’t win the favor of the Southfords’ council members.

They were certain she was no match for the other young men, so they kept making things difficult for her.

Thus, Minka found it hard to survive in this environment where everyone valued men over women, so she left her family to make a name for herself.

She wanted the Great Family of Southford to know that women could also crush their enemies on the battlefield to protect the country!

Her goal was to break down the stereotype of the Great Family of Southford.

As she was brought up by a great family, she successfully made a name for herself and became the only Enyo in Erudia.

Minka was equipped with some ancient medicine and medical knowledge.

Besides, she wanted to treat Levi, too.

“God of War, the battle shall happen sooner or later. Of course, I’ll help you make a full recovery. Winsor is willing to help you, so I believe you’ll recover soon,” Minka remarked confidently.

Winsor chimed in, “Alright, let’s do this. I’ll try my best to help you. When you return to your prime, we shall battle!”

“Mm, that’s right.” Minka inclined her head.

“I…” Levi was speechless.

They’ve decided for me? I haven’t even said anything yet!

“Don’t worry. I support you. You’ll regain your God of War rank soon!” Minka assured him with a warm smile.

The sight of her smiling had Winsor and the others dumbfounded.

Winsor had known Minka for some time.

She had always been a cool and aloof woman to everyone, but now, she was giving Levi a pleasant smile.

Seeing how defensive she was of Levi, Winsor dug his nails into his palms until he almost drew blood.

At the same time, Levi couldn’t help but wonder why she was on his side.

After all, they had only met once.

“I’m here to relay the Crown King’s order. He wants to see Winsor and Minka with their subordinates now!” a Dragonite showed up to relay an order.

After the Crown King’s inauguration, he had to meet his subordinates.


The two of them then left.

Before they left, Minka told Levi, “Wait here for me. I’ll be back soon!”

“Mm?” Levi was puzzled.

Isn’t Enyo known for her ruthlessness?


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