The Protector (The Return of God Of War)

In Erudia, a private jet landed at North Hampton Airport, where all international flights experienced an eight-hour delay because of it.
At the private passageway were five men in suits and leather shoes, standing as straight as a javelin.

Every now and then, they would raise their wrist to look at the time, for a big shot was coming to town.
The upper-class society of North Hampton had learned about his arrival, but no one had the capability to get an inch closer to the private passageway.
Even the richest man in North Hampton who came to pay homage was chased away.
Finally, there were movements coming from the passageway.

“God of War!!!” the mass cried out, their eyes filled with awe and veneration at the sight of the undefeatable legend of Erudia.
He, who was dubbed the God of War, was the one and only five-star war God in the history of Erudia.
Once, he’d inflicted a crushing defeat on the strongest battalions in eighteen countries. He was an overbearing and formidable man.
He who overwhelmed the world with his unparalleled power had even created the Five Great Wars Regiment, Cavalry Regiment, and many more.

Setting foot on his homeland, Levi Garrison was overcome with emotions.
Once upon a time, he used to be an orphan who was abandoned on the streets of North Hampton and then adopted by the Garrison family.
However, the Garrison family had never been fond of him.
His adoptive parents, who had a tendency to beat and scold him, treated him like an outsider.
As for the outsiders, they treated him as a nobody.
But he didn’t care a stiver. He had always been proud of his surname since he was a child, and he strived to bring glory to this family when he grew older.
At last, Levi had established Levi Group, the largest dark horse in North Hampton’s business community.
With billions of assets, it ranked among the forefront of North Hampton, pushing the declining Garrison family to the top.
However, not only did the Garrison family showed no signs of appreciation, they even harbored dissatisfaction towards him. Jealous of his success, they regarded him as a thorn in their flesh and coveted Levi Group.
No matter his wealth and power, unless they were in control, he was just an outsider in the Garrison family’s eyes.
Eventually, on Levi’s wedding night, the Garrison family plotted a frame-up against him by getting him drunk before tossing him onto his sister-in-law’s bed. They wanted to create the illusion that he was doing something untoward to her and was caught in bed by his brother and adoptive parents.
That night, the Garrison family had brutally broken his limbs and left him on the road like a wild dog.
Not only was he handicapped, but he also had to take the flak for something he didn’t commit.
From an upstart in the business world, he had become the target of disdain overnight.
And the next day, he had been punished for several crimes and sentenced to six years in prison.
He could never forget the ruthless and sinister faces of everyone in the Garrison family and the ridicule of his friends, classmates, and business partners.
More so, he could never forget the disappointment on his newly wedded wife, Zoey’s face.
He had regarded the Garrison family as his home and devoted himself to the family.
Yet, they treated him like trash.
It felt as if a knife was being twisted in his heart every time he thought about this.
How he hated the Garrison family!
But who would have thought that Levi had been secretly transferred away from prison to join the military?
In a few years, he dominated the military world and became the one and only five-star God of War.
Now that he came back, the Garrison family ought to stay on their toes.
“How’s it going, Azure Dragon?” Levi asked.
Azure Dragon, the commander of the Five Great Wars Regiment, took a step forward and said respectfully, “Sir, I’m afraid your wife, Ms. Zoey Lopez will remarry at ten o’clock tonight!”
Ever since Zoey’s husband was sent to prison on their wedding night, she had been living like a widow.
Only God knew how much pressure she was put under.
And right now, the person Levi couldn’t wait to see the most was Zoey.
After a moment of hesitation, Azure Dragon continued, “To add on, Sir, the Garrison family is holding a successful listing celebration banquet at the Crystal Palace Hotel tonight! Many people had invited the God of War just now, including the Garrison family, but I didn’t accept nor refuse directly.”
“What time?” Levi asked tersely.
“Eight o’clock, Sir.”
“Okay. Tell the Garrison family I will attend the banquet!”
Since the time for the two events didn’t clash, Levi gladly accepted the invitation.
The celebration banquet for the public listing of Garrison Group was held at North Hampton’s Crystal Palace Hotel.
With the help of Levi Group, they had become a rich and powerful family in one fell swoop.
The hall was bustling with noise and excitement, and sounds of glasses clinking could be heard ringing in the air every now and then.
“God bless the Garrison family,” said Joseph, the head of the Garrison family. “The younger generations are the stars among men. Garrison Group is now listed and has become an upstart in North Hampton!”
Joseph’s three sons and daughter welcomed their guests with bright smiles on their faces.
The younger generation of the Garrison family was all the smugger and prouder because, after today, the Garrison family would become a powerful family, and they would become one of the top rich kids.
Most of the guests who attended today’s banquet were from the top circle in North Hampton.
“Garrison, do you know what happened today?! Your celebration party is nothing compared to that.” They were gossiping about the major event that had happened today.
“Yeah! I heard that a big shot has arrived in North Hampton!”
“The richest man in North Hampton wanted to meet him but was shooed away. Apparently, he’s not qualified enough!”
“So? Jesse Nielsen had been waiting for five hours in advance at the airport!”
Joseph nodded. “Yes, I know about that too. I even sent someone to invite this big shot to the celebration party!”
“No way! Why would this big shot attend such a party?”
No one believed it.
In fact, as an upstart, Joseph was just trying his luck.
“Dad!” shouted Jaycob, the second eldest son of the Garrison family could be seen running over. “The big shot has accepted our invitation to attend our celebration banquet! He’s on the way!”
“Jesus! God has indeed blessed the Garrison family!”
Everyone in the Garrison family could barely conceal their delight as this was their chance to reach the sky in a single bound.
The grandchildren of the Garrison family gathered together, sunshine flooding their souls.
Levi’s brother, Bryan, and sister-in-law, Victoria, smiled. “Well, it all starts with Levi’s imprisonment that the Garrison family is at where we are today…”
“Right, speaking about Levi, do you guys know today’s the day that kid gets out of prison?!” somebody asked abruptly.
“Really? Isn’t that bad luck? Why did he have to be released on such a big day?!”
“Please, please, please don’t come back! He’s the Garrison family’s biggest disgrace!”
Victoria’s lips tugged into a sneer. “Speaking of which, Levi is the crowning glory of the Garrison family’s status today.”
“That’s what he’s supposed to do!” Bryan said. “He should contribute to the Garrison family for raising him, an orphan! His multi-billion Levi Group means nothing. To put it bluntly, he’s just a dog raised by the Garrison family!”
Someone gave a chortle. “As a matter of fact, I’ve been interested in Levi’s wife for a long time now. She’s still widowed, and I’m so going to marry her!”
The man’s remark caused gales of laughter.
“Everyone, stop what you’re doing. I have an important announcement to make,” Joseph said and went on to announce that the big shot was coming.
A thunderous applause was heard.
But when the applause had died down, there was still someone clapping.
The sound was loud and clear, approaching from afar.
On the red carpet, a man came clapping, looking bold and energetic.
His stride gave off a majestic and imposing aura, which made the mass hold their breaths.
“It’s Levi!” Bryan and Victoria exclaimed.
Suddenly, all eyes were riveted on him.
“I forgot this little brat got out of jail today!” Levi’s adoptive parents spoke in unison.
Ignoring the astonished gazes darted at his way, Levi walked step by step towards Joseph.
“A little bird told me that the company is now listed. How are you feeling, Joseph? Are you happy?”
Levi flashed him a meaningful smile.
“How dare you show up here, you insolent brat! And what did you just call me?” Joseph’s fury sprang to life.
“Who let him in? Didn’t you know he just got out of prison? How inauspicious!”
Bryan rose to his feet. “What the hell are you doing here, Levi?”
Levi sized him up. “Why can’t I be here?”
“Well, for starters, you’re an orphan! The Garrison family has raised you, but you were ambitious and ungrateful. You had inordinate ambitions for your sister-in-law, and you wanted to take possession of the Garrison family! You’d even tried to kill your parents when things go south! Have you no conscience? Do you have any sense of morality left in your heart?”
“You’ve lost your reputation in North Hampton, and everyone knows that. Have you no shame to have the brass neck to come round here?”
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Chapter 1327​

Soon, Levi appeared as the Crown King in front of the others.

Besides his own subordinates, Winsor and Minka were waiting for him, too.

Everyone was impressed by the Crown King’s capability.

They couldn’t wait to see how he looked like after removing the Dragon Mask.

“Kings of War, Asura, and Enyo. You have to protect Erudia from our enemies. Don’t waste your time on unnecessary stuff!”

Both Minka and Winsor were momentarily stunned after hearing his words.

The others didn’t find anything strange with that announcement, but they felt it was directed at them.

Just mere moments earlier, they were wasting their time and efforts on Levi.

Hence, this was clearly a warning for them.

As this had just happened a few minutes ago, they had no idea how the Crown King found out about their plan.

Instantly, fear swamped their hearts.

Are we being watched?

Instantly, their interest and trust for the Crown King heightened.

Levi didn’t want them to waste their efforts on him and made that announcement to remind them.

Still, they weren’t about to give up that easily.

“I’ll inform you of your respective missions in a specific way. That’s it. You can leave now!” he concluded.

Minka immediately sneered, “Winsor, you’re usually rebellious, right? What’s wrong? Are you a coward now?’

This isn’t the Winsor I know. He should be the first one to stand out and state his objection.

However, Winsor flashed a helpless smile. “I don’t even have the courage to challenge him. I admit defeat. Have you ever wondered about his background? I suspect he’s from the Four Great Families, or a family even more powerful than them. No one in the world is as powerful as him!”

That was the first time Winsor had ever admitted defeat for the gap between him and the Crown King was just too big.

The Crown King’s imposing aura was enough to make him admit defeat.

He couldn’t even muster his courage to face him.

Right now, his only motivation was Levi.

That was his only way to get everyone else’s attention.

“That’s a smart choice,” Minka scorned and turned to leave.

Winsor then called out, “Wait a minute. Why are you so supportive of Levi?”

He felt slightly displeased as he had known Minka for a longer time.

Why did Minka defend him after meeting him once?

That thought made him frustrated.

“You won’t understand,” Minka replied and strode away.

On the other hand, Levi and North Sky Lord returned to North Hampton.

As they couldn’t fly privately due to the coronation ceremony, they had to drive back home.

In the car, Levi was all smiles. “It’s getting better now. Besides The Calamity, I have more authority now. Now, it’s more convenient for me.”

Levi was already planning his next step.

He had to find out Erudia’s biggest threat and the secret of the Blood King Palace’s comeback.

Soon, night fell, and their car was entering a desolate area.

Immediately, North Sky Lord’s guard was up.


Without warning, two huge boulders rolled down the mountain in the direction of their car.

Levi grinned. “Oh? There’s a trap here? That’s interesting.”


Chapter 1328​

North Sky Lord’s excellent skills in driving had allowed him to avoid the two boulders deftly. Still, the road was blocked.

Soon, a few men emerged from the darkness.

Clearly, they had been waiting to ambush Levi.

Levi was an ordinary man now, but he used to be the God of War.

Though no one in Erudia dared to offend him, it didn’t stop some people who wanted to harm him.

Who is it?

To Levi’s surprise, they were all Ultimate class warriors who were as powerful as Sampson.

“Mm? The Great Family of Frostford?”

They had the same aura as Winsor, so Levi was certain that they were from the Great Family of Frostford.

He parted his lips to ask, “Do you know who I am?”

The leader responded coolly, “Of course. You’re Levi Garrison, the ex-God of War.”

“What is this about?” Levi asked.

The man replied, “We’re here to investigate the death of our five members in Oakland City. The culprit is still on the loose. As they came out of solitude because of you, Levi, we’re here to ask some questions. Just answer our questions, get it?”

The members of the Great Family of Frostford were all arrogant and looked down at Levi.

“Are you talking about Sampson Finch’s death?”

“Yes, that’s right. You know what happened to him, huh?”

The Frostfords’ eyes flashed in fury.

Levi chuckled. “You’ve come to the right person. I was the one who killed him.”


This was a startling revelation indeed.

The Frostfords’ investigation didn’t produce any results, so they planned to abduct Levi to see if they could get any clues from him.

To their utter shock, the culprit was none other than Levi himself!

They immediately brimmed with hostility. “How dare you kill a member of the Great Family of Frostford?”

Levi retorted, “Sampson Finch joined forces with outsiders to harm the citizens of Erudia. He also tried to kill the God of War and Asura. He deserves to die!”


“We, the Frostfords, don’t abide by the rules.”

“Yes! We can do anything we want!”

The men were extremely arrogant.

At that, Levi demanded coolly, “So? Are you above the law? Are you disregarding Erudia?”

“Ha! Law? We’re the law. Stop threatening us with the law. No one in the world can stop us from doing whatever we want!” they announced smugly.

A fresh swell of rage rose in Levi. “As long as you’re in Erudia, you need to abide by Erudia’s law!”

“Nonsense! This is the world where the fittest survive and call the shots!”

“Yeah! You’re too weak to control us. A mere intermediate disciple from our family can be the God of War easily!”

This concept had been ingrained in the great families’ minds.

They were powerful, secretive, and unrestrained.

Levi sneered, “If you do nothing, no one will find fault with you. But if you create trouble, I will be the first one to stop you! I had killed Sampson on the spot for his evil deeds!”

Levi was radiating iciness by now.

Yet, the men merely burst into laughter. “You? You want to control us?”

As Levi was born into a poor family, he had no support or resources.

He was also a cripple now, so they couldn’t believe he could still be this pompous.

“You have a death wish! Let’s kill him and bring him back home!”

The Ultimate class warriors from the Great Family of Frostford shot daggers at Levi.


Chapter 1328​

North Sky Lord’s excellent skills in driving had allowed him to avoid the two boulders deftly. Still, the road was blocked.

Soon, a few men emerged from the darkness.

Clearly, they had been waiting to ambush Levi.

Levi was an ordinary man now, but he used to be the God of War.

Though no one in Erudia dared to offend him, it didn’t stop some people who wanted to harm him.

Who is it?

To Levi’s surprise, they were all Ultimate class warriors who were as powerful as Sampson.

“Mm? The Great Family of Frostford?”

They had the same aura as Winsor, so Levi was certain that they were from the Great Family of Frostford.

He parted his lips to ask, “Do you know who I am?”

The leader responded coolly, “Of course. You’re Levi Garrison, the ex-God of War.”

“What is this about?” Levi asked.

The man replied, “We’re here to investigate the death of our five members in Oakland City. The culprit is still on the loose. As they came out of solitude because of you, Levi, we’re here to ask some questions. Just answer our questions, get it?”

The members of the Great Family of Frostford were all arrogant and looked down at Levi.

“Are you talking about Sampson Finch’s death?”

“Yes, that’s right. You know what happened to him, huh?”

The Frostfords’ eyes flashed in fury.

Levi chuckled. “You’ve come to the right person. I was the one who killed him.”


This was a startling revelation indeed.

The Frostfords’ investigation didn’t produce any results, so they planned to abduct Levi to see if they could get any clues from him.

To their utter shock, the culprit was none other than Levi himself!

They immediately brimmed with hostility. “How dare you kill a member of the Great Family of Frostford?”

Levi retorted, “Sampson Finch joined forces with outsiders to harm the citizens of Erudia. He also tried to kill the God of War and Asura. He deserves to die!”


“We, the Frostfords, don’t abide by the rules.”

“Yes! We can do anything we want!”

The men were extremely arrogant.

At that, Levi demanded coolly, “So? Are you above the law? Are you disregarding Erudia?”

“Ha! Law? We’re the law. Stop threatening us with the law. No one in the world can stop us from doing whatever we want!” they announced smugly.

A fresh swell of rage rose in Levi. “As long as you’re in Erudia, you need to abide by Erudia’s law!”

“Nonsense! This is the world where the fittest survive and call the shots!”

“Yeah! You’re too weak to control us. A mere intermediate disciple from our family can be the God of War easily!”

This concept had been ingrained in the great families’ minds.

They were powerful, secretive, and unrestrained.

Levi sneered, “If you do nothing, no one will find fault with you. But if you create trouble, I will be the first one to stop you! I had killed Sampson on the spot for his evil deeds!”

Levi was radiating iciness by now.

Yet, the men merely burst into laughter. “You? You want to control us?”

As Levi was born into a poor family, he had no support or resources.

He was also a cripple now, so they couldn’t believe he could still be this pompous.

“You have a death wish! Let’s kill him and bring him back home!”

The Ultimate class warriors from the Great Family of Frostford shot daggers at Levi.

This is more like it, time to kick some ass 😂

Chapter 1329​

Since they found the culprit, they could directly kill him off.

“Based on your abilities?”

Both Levi and North Sky Lord then laughed.


The members of the Great Family of Frostford were taken aback for a moment as they looked incredulously at the pair.

What? Shouldn’t we be the ones saying that?


They then began to take action.

Abruptly, several bolts of lightning shot out while aiming at Levi.

“North,” Levi said softly.

At the same time, he also lit up a cigarette and began to smoke.

The members of the Great Family of Frostford then began to fight against North Sky Lord.

Although both parties fought hard, no one from the Great Family of Frostford could get close to the car.

At that time, more than a dozen men from the Great Family of Frostford were investigating the matter together.

Thus, seeing that the North Sky Lord was so terrifying, those hiding in the dark then came out to join the fight as well.

“What the h*ll?”

“D*mn it.”


Their subconscious exclamations reflected the inner shock they felt.

In reality, they did not expect that there would be such a terrifying master in the place that they thought was low-level…

Thus, it was extremely terrifying.

The North Sky Lord’s killing and attacks surged forcefully, causing the ten or so Ultimate class warriors of the Great Family of Frostford to be unable to catch their breaths.

Afterward, the fight then became even fiercer.

Meanwhile, Levi’s cigarette was slowly finishing.



Just as he took his last puff, the final remaining man from the Great Family of Frostford fell to the ground.

I can’t believe it!

The arrogant members of the Great Family of Frostford found the result unacceptable.

A horrible existence as such actually exists in this world? He managed to defeat us by himself. No wonder Sampson and the others died.

Levi actually has such an expert with him?

For a moment, they took North Sky Lord to be Levi’s bodyguard.

After all, Levi was sitting in a wheelchair the whole time and did not do anything.

“Master, I’ve already sent for people to capture them back,” North Sky Lord said as he wiped his hands.

However, Levi shook his head. “No, let them go.”


Upon hearing his words, the members of the Great Family of Frostford were taken aback.

Let us go? Is he stupid? Isn’t he afraid that it’ll cause trouble for him in the future?

Once the Great Family of Frostford finds out about this, they’ll investigate it to the end. But he actually dares to let us go?

Levi looked at them and sneered. “Go back and tell the person in charge that when you’re in Erudia, you must do as the Erudians do. If you break the rules, you have to bear the consequences. Tell him I, Levi Garrison, said so!”

“Okay, we’ll pass it on word for word. Levi Garrison, I hope you’re ready to face your death!” someone replied.

“Don’t think that you can punish anyone just because you have such an expert by your side. Our background’s much stronger than you think. We have countless of such masters too!” another said.

“Just wait for your doom! We’ll never let you off!”

The entire group continued to yell as they left.

“I didn’t expect that a cripple like him would have such an expert around to protect him!”

“Yeah, that man could even have high ranks in the Great Family of Frostford. Why’d he choose to become Levi’s bodyguard?”

“Well, Levi used to be the God of War, so it’s not surprising that experts like that follow him!”

In everyone’s eyes, Levi was still a disabled person. Thus, they felt that the only reason why he was arrogant was that he had North Sky Lord beside him.

“Let’s go back right now and tell Master about everything! The Great Family of Frostford’s coming back into society! When the time comes, we’ll make sure to end Levi’s life!”

Subsequently, the entire group left hurriedly.

When they left, North Sky Lord then looked at Levi puzzledly.

Why’d he let them go back…

In response, Levi smiled. “Erudia’s hidden dangers lie in those forces in the dark, so it’s better to let them show themselves.”

Chapter 1330​

North Sky Lord immediately understood what Levi meant. Thus, he said, “Are you trying to let the Great Family of Frostford show themselves first? That way, the other dark forces will surface one by one, and it’ll become much easier to get rid of these hidden dangers in Erudia!”

Levi nodded. “Yeah, that’s the plan. We’ll get them to expose themselves first. Then, it’ll be easier for us to investigate.”

Of course, there was still another layer of meaning to his words. That was, as a citizen of Erudia, they had to accept its rules.

At that moment, he was getting increasingly suspicious that when the Dragonites spoke of the hidden dangers of Erudia, they were referring to those hidden forces.

Since they were powerful, secretive, and unrestrained, it was the easiest for them to do various things that threatened Erudia.

It was the reason why he forced the Great Family of Frostford out first when they appeared.

Because such an action would definitely pull out the other hidden forces one by one.

When the time came, it would then be easier to investigate the situation.

After all, it was his task to eliminate everyone and whatever forces were threatening Erudia.

Sometime later, Levi finally reached North Hampton.

When he got home, Zoey brought Forlevia to pick him up at the door.

“Daddy, I saw you on TV!” Forlevia said as she threw herself into his arms.

Meanwhile, both Zoey and Emma gave each other a helpless look.

They did not know what to do because the child kept saying that she saw Levi.

Meanwhile, the man in question laughed. “I saw you too!”

“Really?” Forlevia asked with an excited look on her face.

“I also brought you a present. North, bring it here!” he instructed.

North Sky Lord then took out three gift boxes from the car.

They were souvenirs from the coronation ceremony that was given to all attending guests.

Levi had taken three boxes to give them as gifts to Forlevia, Zoey, and Emma.

Inside the box, the souvenirs included some commemorative medals and picture albums.

Although it wasn’t that costly, it was priceless as no amount of money could buy it over.

It was not an exaggeration to say that if one set of the gift box from the coronation ceremony cost a hundred million, there would be people who would queue up to buy it for collection purposes.

After all, it was too rare of an item that they could not buy.

It was only given to those who attended the ceremony…

At that moment, Forlevia was looking at the gift box excitedly.

Similarly, so were Zoey and Emma.

It was their honor to have such an item, and it was something worth keeping for a lifetime.

Zoey smiled and felt a lot more relieved.

It looks like Levi didn’t go to Oakland City in vain. He even brought back souvenirs.

Just then, someone shouted coldly, “Is it fake?”

Jennie had arrived at the scene.

“How dare you! He even brought the souvenirs back!” Zoey scolded angrily.

“Zoey, did you watch the live broadcast? There weren’t many guests at the ceremony, so everyone had a camera pointed toward them. But did you see Levi?” Jennie asked.


However, Zoey was at a loss for words because she indeed did not see him.

At that moment, Forlevia shouted, “I saw Daddy! I saw him!”

Yet, Jennie snorted coldly and said disdainfully, “Look at her, Zoey. Your kid’s been raised like this and can lie so outrightly. How great!”

Upon hearing her words, Zoey’s expression turned ugly.

Indeed, Forlevia spoke honestly no matter who she met.

Yet when she tried to educate Forlevia about it, Forlevia had even refuted her, saying that children should not lie and could only tell the truth.

Jennie glared at Forlevia, then continued, “As everyone knows, they only give souvenirs to guests who went to the ceremony. So, they would’ve fixed the amount of the souvenirs. But Levi didn’t appear on the live broadcast, so where did his souvenirs come from? They must be fake then!”

She sneered and then continued, “All you have is petty tricks, Levi.”

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Chapter 1331​

She then continued shouting, “These souvenirs are definitely fake! How does it feel to be exposed by me, Levi? Doesn’t feel good, does it?”

Subsequently, she looked at him coldly while feeling very satisfied.

After a while, she then changed her focus and said, “Besides, how are you going to prove to me that the souvenirs are real?”

He smiled and replied, “If you say it’s fake, then so be it. It doesn’t matter!”

Zoey immediately echoed, “Yeah, we can keep them for ourselves if they’re fake. It’s not like we’re selling them anyway!”


Jennie was furious and stormed out.

Soon after she left, she then called Meredith and Robert to tell them about the situation.

Since they both used to be soldiers, when they heard about the souvenirs from the coronation ceremony, their eyes lit up.

For others, it had collection value.

However, for them, there was an additional layer of feelings attached to it.

In their hearts, it was impossible to place a value on it.

Thus, as long as it was within an acceptable range, they would be willing to buy it.

As a result, once they heard the news, both of them became restless.

“Really? They really have it?” Meredith asked as she trembled in excitement.

“Yeah, Levi brought three of them, but they’re all fake!” Jennie insisted.

Hearing her words, Meredith subconsciously replied, “Right, only guests at the ceremony would have it. Where did Levi get it from…”

However, Robert interrupted and said, “No, no. It’s indeed only for guests, but those are not the only souvenirs. Usually, there’ll be some extras that they’ll gift to the crew and some other people!”

As soon as he reminded her, Meredith’s eyes lit up. “So what Levi brought may be real!”

If it were real, that’d be great! Even if I only take one look at it, I’d be able to brag about it to the others.

“Jennie, you should go and check if the souvenirs are genuine! Russell will send you a method on how to identify if they’re genuine, so you just have to follow the instructions!” Meredith urged.

In no time, Jennie received the instructions from Russell. Then, she headed back to Levi’s house.

When she arrived, Forlevia was playing in the courtyard beside the souvenirs and some other things.

As soon as the child saw that Jennie arrived, she became vigilant.

“Let’s play together, Evie!” said Jennie with a smile.

Yet, Forlevia immediately avoided her and replied, “You’re a bad person. I won’t play with you!”

At the same time, she also held the souvenirs in her arms.

Jennie then thought of something as she rolled her eyes and said with a smile, “Evie, do you want to prove that the souvenirs your Dad brought are real?”

Once Forlevia heard that, she nodded earnestly. “Yes!”

After all, when Jennie had previously said that the souvenirs were fake, Forlevia was very upset.

Jennie replied, “Okay. I have a way to verify it. Once I’m done, I can prove that your Dad’s souvenirs are genuine.”

“Okay! Here you go!”

Forlevia then handed the souvenirs to her.

Subsequently, Jennie then began to verify the souvenirs according to the instructions she got from Russell earlier.

“Huh? This one’s real! The texture’s right, the logo’s right, and the security codes are also correct!”

Upon completing the verification, she found that all the souvenirs Levi brought were genuine.

She then redid it to confirm the results once again.

The souvenirs are real!

But is Levi really that capable?

Afterward, Jennie left and told Meredith and Robert everything.

“It’s real! It’s actually real!” the pair said, exhilarated.

“I can’t believe Levi actually brought back the real thing!”

“But we need to get the souvenirs. They’ll only be valuable when they’re in our hands!”


Chapter 1331​

She then continued shouting, “These souvenirs are definitely fake! How does it feel to be exposed by me, Levi? Doesn’t feel good, does it?”

Subsequently, she looked at him coldly while feeling very satisfied.

After a while, she then changed her focus and said, “Besides, how are you going to prove to me that the souvenirs are real?”

He smiled and replied, “If you say it’s fake, then so be it. It doesn’t matter!”

Zoey immediately echoed, “Yeah, we can keep them for ourselves if they’re fake. It’s not like we’re selling them anyway!”


Jennie was furious and stormed out.

Soon after she left, she then called Meredith and Robert to tell them about the situation.

Since they both used to be soldiers, when they heard about the souvenirs from the coronation ceremony, their eyes lit up.

For others, it had collection value.

However, for them, there was an additional layer of feelings attached to it.

In their hearts, it was impossible to place a value on it.

Thus, as long as it was within an acceptable range, they would be willing to buy it.

As a result, once they heard the news, both of them became restless.

“Really? They really have it?” Meredith asked as she trembled in excitement.

“Yeah, Levi brought three of them, but they’re all fake!” Jennie insisted.

Hearing her words, Meredith subconsciously replied, “Right, only guests at the ceremony would have it. Where did Levi get it from…”

However, Robert interrupted and said, “No, no. It’s indeed only for guests, but those are not the only souvenirs. Usually, there’ll be some extras that they’ll gift to the crew and some other people!”

As soon as he reminded her, Meredith’s eyes lit up. “So what Levi brought may be real!”

If it were real, that’d be great! Even if I only take one look at it, I’d be able to brag about it to the others.

“Jennie, you should go and check if the souvenirs are genuine! Russell will send you a method on how to identify if they’re genuine, so you just have to follow the instructions!” Meredith urged.

In no time, Jennie received the instructions from Russell. Then, she headed back to Levi’s house.

When she arrived, Forlevia was playing in the courtyard beside the souvenirs and some other things.

As soon as the child saw that Jennie arrived, she became vigilant.

“Let’s play together, Evie!” said Jennie with a smile.

Yet, Forlevia immediately avoided her and replied, “You’re a bad person. I won’t play with you!”

At the same time, she also held the souvenirs in her arms.

Jennie then thought of something as she rolled her eyes and said with a smile, “Evie, do you want to prove that the souvenirs your Dad brought are real?”

Once Forlevia heard that, she nodded earnestly. “Yes!”

After all, when Jennie had previously said that the souvenirs were fake, Forlevia was very upset.

Jennie replied, “Okay. I have a way to verify it. Once I’m done, I can prove that your Dad’s souvenirs are genuine.”

“Okay! Here you go!”

Forlevia then handed the souvenirs to her.

Subsequently, Jennie then began to verify the souvenirs according to the instructions she got from Russell earlier.

“Huh? This one’s real! The texture’s right, the logo’s right, and the security codes are also correct!”

Upon completing the verification, she found that all the souvenirs Levi brought were genuine.

She then redid it to confirm the results once again.

The souvenirs are real!

But is Levi really that capable?

Afterward, Jennie left and told Meredith and Robert everything.

“It’s real! It’s actually real!” the pair said, exhilarated.

“I can’t believe Levi actually brought back the real thing!”

“But we need to get the souvenirs. They’ll only be valuable when they’re in our hands!”

Black really deserve what's coming to them

Chapter 1332​

Once they heard that the souvenirs were real, the pair immediately wanted them for themselves.

After all, such a thing was hard to come by.

It was something that could not be bought for even a billion.

Thus, they would not be able to sleep well if they did not have it for themselves.

“Do you need me to bring it here for you?” asked Jennie.

“You? Stop pulling our legs. How could you possibly take it from them?” Meredith replied.

After pondering about it, Jennie then realized Meredith’s words made sense.

Although she had been pushing Levi and his family around, she still had not been able to take any advantage of them.

Therefore, if the couple depended on her, they would never get the souvenirs.

“We’ll handle this ourselves! I’m itching to get it!”

As Meredith and Robert were both very excited and could not wait, they soon hurried from South City to North Hampton.

They also bought a huge pile of children’s clothes, toys, and snacks.

They knew that even though Forlevia liked those things very much, she would only look at them eagerly but would not take a step forward.

And that was exactly what Zoey and Levi taught her.

Of course, Forlevia did have a certain level of grudge against the Black family, so she would usually not accept what they gave her.

When the elderly couple and Jennie arrived at Levi’s place, Meredith said, “Oh, is Zoey and Levi back? We’ve bought some stuff for Evie! Come here, Evie!”

She then embraced Forlevia enthusiastically.

Meanwhile, Zoey and Levi had cold expressions on their faces as they looked at the sight.

They clearly knew that the elderly pair were there with a purpose.

Sure enough, Meredith soon asked, “I heard Levi brought back some souvenirs from the coronation ceremony. Where are they?”

“Yeah, are they the real deal?” Robert echoed.

Upon hearing those words, Zoey and Levi exchanged a look.

Nevertheless, Zoey still brought out the souvenir.

Once it was in front of her, Meredith hurriedly placed Forlevia aside as she picked up the souvenir and studied it.

Likewise, so did Robert.

His eyes were bright as he looked at it, as though he was looking at a beautiful woman.

“It’s real! It’s real!”

The moment they held the commemorative medal, the elderly pair could not calm down and began to exclaim again and again.

While showing their enthusiasm, they also glanced at Zoey from time to time.

They were hinting to her that…

Looking at how crazy the pair appeared, Zoey felt a little embarrassed.

However, just as she was about to gift the pair a set, Levi pulled her back.

Thus, she could only hold herself back and let the pair continue giving her looks.

In the end, Meredith could not take it any longer. Thus, she asked, “Levi, how many sets of souvenirs did you bring back this time?”

“Three. One each, for my mother, wife, and daughter!” he answered.

“Wow, Evie also has one? What does a young child know? How about this. Give Evie’s set to me, and I’ll order some children’s souvenirs for her. How’s that?” asked Meredith expectantly.


Levi was stunned by her words.

Honest to God, I’ve never seen someone that shameless in my entire life! Are they seriously asking for it so bluntly?

Right then, Robert also began to express what he wanted. He looked at Emma and smiled. “It has no collection value for you either, Emma! What do you like? I’ll exchange whatever it is with you. We have a lot of collectibles at home!”

Meredith continued, “Yeah, and Zoey too! A young woman like you should have no use for this! This souvenir should be in our hands for its value to be reflected properly!”

“Yeah! Only retired soldiers like us know the value of this souvenir. Only when we have it will it shine,” Robert said in support.

“It’ll only be a waste in your hands. Besides, Evie will just use it as her toy!”

“So let us have them!”


Chapter 1333​

Jennie and the elderly couple tried their best to persuade Levi and Zoey.

Their purpose was simple—they wanted all three sets of souvenirs.

Meredith said, “Yes, that’s right! We’re the best people who can reflect the value of the souvenirs!”

Afterward, Robert continued, “Let us have it. We’ll exchange it for money or some other stuff!”

The pair spoke in a forceful manner.

Jennie then stared coldly at Levi and said, “Levi, you clearly knew Grandpa and Grandma would love something like this. Why can’t you bring back some more? You don’t even think about them!”

“No,” Levi replied straightforwardly.

After a pause, he continued, “I gave them this gift. No matter what you bring, we won’t exchange it, so don’t even think about it.”

No one had expected his attitude.

They did not expect that a disabled person in a wheelchair dared to have such confidence.

At that, the three then began scolding him. “What did you just say? Take a look at your pathetic sight! What right do you have?”

Nevertheless, Levi merely smiled. “It doesn’t matter. But don’t even think of taking this away.”

Zoey then nodded as well. “Grandma, Grandpa. Although I want to give you the souvenir, it’s a gift from Levi, so it’s not appropriate that I gift it away to someone else.”

At that moment, a voice rang out from behind. “Levi, have you ever thought of us? You give your mother a present but not your father and mother-in-law? Do you even respect us?”

Aaron and Caitlyn had arrived, with the both of them staring angrily at Levi.

When Emma heard those words, her expression turned ugly.

Not only did Levi not prepare gifts for Meredith and Robert, but he also did not prepare them for his in-laws either.

Caitlyn then turned to Zoey and said, “Do you see that, Zoey? Except for his mother, he doesn’t care about us!”

Emma immediately replied, “I’ll give you my set! This has no use to me.”

“Who asked you…”

Just as Caitlyn was about to refuse in anger, Meredith interrupted her and said, “Okay! Give up yours.”

Quickly, Robert agreed, “Yeah! Zoey, give your set to your father. It’s only reasonable!”

Angered by the situation, Zoey replied, “Fine, I’ll give it to you. I’ll give Evie’s to you too.”

She then angrily threw all three sets to Meredith and the others.

Everyone can see through their trick. They clearly want those souvenirs!

After a while, the elderly couple then spoke up again. “Caitlyn, Aaron. It’s useless for you to want that. Why don’t you give it to us?”

“Yeah, why don’t I give you a piece of real estate? This thing will be useless to you.”

Since the couple had spoken in that way, Aaron and Caitlyn then silently gave them the three sets of souvenirs.

Having achieved their goal, Meredith and Robert smiled widely.

Moreover, since the souvenirs were already in their hands, they no longer talked about exchanging them with something else or buying them with money.

“Listen well and remember this, Levi. The Lopez and Black families’ matters are not something a cripple like you can decide. If there’s a next time, you’ll be punished according to our family law.”

They then sneered at him.

In the past when Levi was healthy, they used to bully him in such a manner.

Therefore, seeing that he was crippled now, they continued such behavior.

“Ungrateful brat!”

After scolding him harshly, Aaron and Caitlyn then left.

At that time, everyone thought that Zoey was supporting Levi’s family.

Yet, they thought it was a pity she could not chase him out since they already had a child together.

Meanwhile, Forlevia watched helplessly as the people left. She had on an aggrieved expression and was about to cry.

“That’s my souvenir! I want it back!” she shouted.


Chapter 1334​

Forlevia was already crying by then.

She felt aggrieved because the two elderly had taken away her things.

In reality, Levi could have stopped them on the spot.

However, his orders were that he could not expose himself.

Thus, unless it was his last resort, he could not reveal himself to ordinary folks.

For example, he could expose himself to the Garrison clan in Oakland City because they could keep his secret well.

On the other hand, that may not be the case for ordinary folks like Meredith.

Once they found out, the secret would easily leak out and also bring danger to themselves.

Therefore, it was better for people like them to know less.

After all, the more they knew, the closer they would be to death.

Besides, it was top secret, so others should not know about it.

That was the reason why Levi could only turn a blind eye to the situation just now and let them do as they pleased.

“Don’t cry, Evie! I’ll give you another one, okay? There are plenty of those!” he said.

Perhaps others could not buy it for a billion, but Levi could have everything he wanted.

Only when he said that did Forlevia stop crying. She widened her eyes while looking at him and asked, “Really?”

“Of course! I won’t lie to you.”

Although Zoey initially wanted to tell him not to lie to the child, she restrained herself.

Then, that night, when another three sets of souvenirs appeared in front of her, she became even more speechless.

He actually brought another three sets…

Nevertheless, once she recalled his previous identity, she did not think much about it.

Afterward, everything went as usual while Levi awaited news from the Great Family of Frostford.

However, the first two person who went to him were instead Winsor and Minka.

They had used their own means to obtain many ancient medicines and medical techniques.

After all, they both desperately needed Levi to recover.

Although their actions him feel flattered, they also made him feel very helpless.

Yet, he had already previously instructed them using his identity as the Crown King.

“Leave the things behind, and you guys can go,” he said.

Unexpectedly, Minka shook her head. “No way. I have to look after you for a while. Also, I must be the one to perform the ancient medical techniques.”

Winsor also said, “Yeah, let Enyo look after you. You have to recover as soon as possible.”

Thus, Levi could not refuse anymore. If he continued to do so, the two of them would suspect something.

Subsequently, Winsor left, and Minka gave Levi the medicine.

The medicine that the pair brought back then was even stronger than before.

Once he ate it, its surging medicinal power spread throughout his body and caused him to become strong, and it filled him with energy.

It was no exaggeration to say that if the elderly consumed it, they would temporarily become much younger.

Once he took the medicine, Minka then used ancient medical techniques to examine his body.

To successfully deceive Minka during the examination, he had to act and pretend that his body was physically damaged.

After a while, she said, “Your body’s indeed seriously damaged. I have to give you at least one course of treatment before I leave.”

He was startled by her words. “How long is one course of treatment?”

“A month at least, and three to six months at most,” she answered.

Levi was distressed by that piece of news.

“Enyo, don’t you need to manage the Grewall Army?” he asked.

“Not for the time being. It’s time they train and experience things for themselves!”

She then also asked someone else to bring in a few boxes.

He was stunned when he saw it. “Are you moving in?”

“Yeah. I have to move in to look after you. Where else would I go?” she asked.

Just then, Zoey, Emma, and Forlevia came back from getting groceries.

Once Zoey saw a strange woman moving things around, she asked, “Who’s this?”


Chapter 1335​

Even if Zoey was the kindest person in the world, there was no way that she could remain calm after witnessing that.

Her expression turned stern, and she glared at Minka.

Then, she turned to Levi and sought his explanation. “She is…”

Before Levi could speak, Minka said, “Hello, I’m Minka Fisker. Levi and I are comrade-in-arms! I’m also a military doctor, so I’ve come to heal his injuries and will be staying here for some time!”

Then, Minka proceeded to ignore Zoey completely and ordered people to move her luggage in.

As she was here to heal Levi, Zoey did not mind.

However, she found her overbearing attitude rather annoying.

Even Emma felt that something was wrong with her.

After moving in her luggage, Minka chose her own room in the manor.

It was Zoey’s study, but Minka moved out many of her things.

Emma saw that Zoey was upset and said, “Levi, can you ask her to leave? We can let her stay in a five-star hotel.”

Levi shrugged helplessly. He wanted Minka to leave too.

However, from his brief interaction with her, he knew that she was stubborn and would never back down once she decided on something.

“I’ll be taking care of you from now on, and I promise that you’ll recover soon, my hero!” Minka ignored everyone and said to Levi.

She didn’t say anything wrong. Levi was indeed highly respected by soldiers in Erudia.

Furthermore, many people regarded him as a hero.

However, Zoey found Minka’s words infuriating.

Still, she remained expressionless and did not say anything.

It was strange enough that a woman barged into her home, but Minka made her feel that her presence was not needed.

Therefore, Zoey’s intuition went on alert.

She noticed something strange about Minka’s gaze.

The way she looked at Levi was like a young woman infatuated with her love.

Thus, she could not help but feel suspicious.

Zoey was on the verge of losing her temper, but she forced herself to swallow her anger after she saw Minka treating Levi.

She knew Levi needed medical treatment, so she controlled her temper for his sake.

“Oh, these medicinal pellets are for you. They are good for health!” Minka did not elaborate further and pushed the medicinal pellets into Zoey and Emma’s mouths.

The effects of the medicinal pellets were astonishing.

Emma instantly seemed a few years younger, while Zoey became energized.

This is amazing. How does she do this?

Soon, all the big shots in North Hampton gathered at the house.

“We are honored to meet you, Enyo!” They called out in unison.

They all rushed here the moment they knew that Minka was here.

Zoey finally knew that Minka was Enyo of the Grewall Army, which meant that her status was equal to Levi.

She is Enyo. No wonder that she has such amazing medical skills.

Furthermore, she is so young and beautiful.

Any man would choose her?

Especially if they are in Levi’s condition.

Minka is like an angel, treating him, protecting him, and helping him to recover.

On the other hand, I have no contribution other than causing him trouble and adding to his burden.

He was humiliated on many occasions because of me.

None of this will have happened if he were with her.

She is Enyo. No one will dare to bully Levi if she is protecting him.

At this moment, Zoey felt threatened and worthless compared to Minka.


Chapter 1336​

Furthermore, Minka was assertive and caused Zoey to feel even more pressured.

Zoey thought that if she were a man, she would choose Minka over herself too.

“Mommy, I’m scared of that woman,” said Forlevia softly in Zoey’s arms.

“Don’t worry, she will be leaving soon,” said Zoey while she patted Forlevia’s head.

Minka heard her and chuckled. “I won’t be leaving so soon and will be staying here for a few months!”

Zoey was rendered speechless.

How very blunt of her!

Minka was an iron lady on the battlefield. Therefore, she carried out everything swiftly the moment she moved in.

She even placed strict control on Levi’s schedule and reorganized the manor’s security.

On top of that, she replaced all the security personnel with her people.

In short, everyone had to follow her orders.

Furthermore, she restricted Forlevia from visiting Levi with the excuse of not wanting her to disturb his recuperation.

Zoey found their living arrangement and environment unbearable.

She could not even speak to Levi privately.

Moreover, she felt that Minka was deliberately excluding her.

One day, Zoey finally found the chance to bring Levi to a secluded corner.

“We need to have a proper discussion! Minka’s arrangement has seriously disrupted our lives. Even Evie can’t stand it anymore! While I’m thankful that she treats your condition, she has no reason to force such restrictions. She even forbids you from meeting Evie!” said Zoey with frustration and anger.

She was most exasperated with Levi’s indifferent attitude.

If he took a stand, she wouldn’t have to resort to this.

However, Levi had his own reasons, and he could not reveal anything yet.

It’s hard to determine who has been watching us since Minka’s arrival.

Thus, the slightest slip could foil my plan completely.

Furthermore, if something happens to Minka, it would bring a significant impact on the top-secret mission.

Levi had considered all these and chose to pretend that he did not notice Minka’s arrogant behavior.

“There’s nothing I can do about her. Just bear with it,” said Levi.

At the moment, Levi let Minka do whatever she wanted, and his attitude made Zoey furious.

Is he brushing me off?

Is he the same Levi that I know?

In the past, he would always find a way to deal with a problem.

But now that it concerns Minka, he pretends not to notice anything.

Zoey was completely disappointed with his attitude.

Meanwhile, Emma heard their conversation and came to persuade Levi to do something too.

However, Levi also gave her the same answer.

“Mother, Zoey, my hands are tied! I can’t do anything until I find out her purpose…”

In actuality, Levi had considered a way to make Minka leave. He thought he could use his Crown King identity to make her go away.

What if Minka was knew something?

If I do that, will everything be exposed?

Therefore, he needed to find out why Minka was there in his house.

He asked the West Sky Lord to investigate her and believed that he would get the result soon.

Gradually, the family grew distant.

Even Forlevia did not go to visit Levi.

Likewise, Zoey did not spend time with him and threw herself into work.

She only greeted him briefly every morning and left immediately.

One day, she lost her temper.


Chapter 1337​

“Minka has been treating you for a month, but your condition has not improved! If you don’t make her leave, I’ll move out!” Then, Zoey packed her bags and left with Forlevia.

However, Levi had expected things to turn out that way.

After all, that whole month was really unbearable for Zoey.

Meanwhile, Minka pretended not to notice Zoey leaving.

“I don’t get it. I’ve used the medicine formulated by the Great Family of Frostford and the Great Family of Southford. I even used ancient medical skills. You should be able to recover in a month, but there is no sign of improvement,” said Minka who was puzzled.

The truth was, Levi had caused this to happen deliberately.

He planned to let her treat him for a month and believed that she would leave on her own if he showed no signs of improvement.

Her presence restricted him from doing a lot of things and damaged his relationship with Zoey too.

Now, Zoey had left him.

“Enyo, stop wasting your effort on me. As you can see, there is no point in insisting on the treatment.” Levi shrugged.

Minka was still puzzled. “This is impossible! You should be standing by now!”

“Perhaps, my injuries are too severe,” Levi said.

All Levi wanted was for Minka to leave.

However, Minka shook her head and said, “Something is wrong. I must do some research and find out what’s going on! I can’t leave it like this. I’ll get an expert to check on you.”

Minka was so stubborn that Levi was at his wits’ end.

Levi was rather devastated.

Why won’t she leave?

Now, he finally understood the extent of Minka’s stubbornness.

Furthermore, Winsor kept asking about Levi’s condition, so she definitely could not leave.

As Levi was still trying to figure out how to get her to leave, Aaron and Caitlyn came to visit.

“Levi, you cheating bast*rd! Don’t you know how much Zoey has done for you? She gave you a child, raised her, and took care of you selflessly! How can you do this to her? You let another woman live in the house and force Zoey to leave!” said Aaron furiously, “Initially, I wouldn’t believe it. I thought you’re not someone who would let another women live in the house! But now, I have seen it with my own eyes! You shameless bast*rd! How can you abandon your wife and daughter? Even your mother could not stand what you did and left!”

Levi had no way to defend himself, as what Aaron said was true.

“Mom, Dad, let me explain,” said Levi.

However, before he could explain, Minka said furiously, “Why do you need to explain? Zoey is acting childishly!”

“What? You came in and wrecked her family! How dare you say that she is acting childishly?”

Aaron and his wife were furious.

“Have I said anything wrong? I always feel that Zoey is unworthy of Levi! She is just an ordinary woman and does not deserve his protection and care! It’s you people who are ungrateful to him and cause him trouble! You’re all unworthy!” Minka revealed her true feelings.

She always felt that an ordinary woman like Zoey was unworthy of Levi. Now, she was certain about it after observing her for a month.

“If they don’t have a child, I would have suggested for them to divorce!” Minka was very straightforward and always spoke her mind.

Her words infuriated Aaron and Caitlyn.

“Levi, you must have been wanting to get rid of Zoey for some time! Fine, you can divorce her and be with this woman! However, don’t ever hope to see Zoey and your daughter again! You are so shameless! You have abandoned them to be with this woman!”


Chapter 1338​

Aaron and Caitlyn left with fury and threw things to the floor.

Levi did not expect things to turn out this way.

He feared that everyone would see him as a high achiever who abandoned his wife and daughter for wealth and power.

Initially, he thought he had an excuse, but now, he had to face the reality.

Minka had been staying in the manor for a month. Everyone could see that it was not right, but Levi did not do anything about it.

The fact that he was indifferent about the whole thing made others suspicious.

That was why Zoey and Emma were furious.

All they wanted was for Levi to stand on their side, but Levi remained on the fence. That made them resentful.

“God of War, I honestly feel that she is not worthy of you,” Minka said frankly.

Although she hated patriarchy, she was born into the Great Family of Southford, so she had a strong belief in the supremacy of the great families.

She believed that a couple must be well-matched in terms of their background.

Thus, she felt that Zoey and Levi were such a mismatch.

Levi smiled wryly and said, “You don’t know anything. A person’s background does not matter in love! I’ll never look down on Zoey, and she will not despise me for being stuck in a wheelchair.”

Minka shook her head stubbornly. “No, both of you are from different worlds. She can take care of you, but can she cure you?”

“That’s enough. I don’t want to fight about this with you! Minka, please leave! My condition is incurable, but thanks for your effort,” Levi said.

However, Minka still refused to leave. “No, I must help you to recover! I have asked a few experts to come here! You must recover to defeat Winsor!”

Levi did not know what else to say to get through to her.

Defeat Winsor?

I don’t have to be able to walk to defeat him.

Meanwhile, Aaron and the others in Zoey’s camp were furious.

“Is that woman still living in my house?” Zoey asked.

“Yes! She is an Enyo, so we can’t do anything.” Aaron sighed.

“What was Levi’s reaction?” Zoey asked urgently.

“His attitude was infuriating! He said that he will explain to us in the future and nothing else!” Aaron stomped his foot angrily.

Caitlyn shouted in between sobs, “I think that bast*rd is determined to be with her! Zoey, you can’t fight against Enyo, so let them be and break off from him completely! From now on, you and Evie can live with us!”

“Yes, and Levi will never be allowed to see you!” said Aaron.

Suddenly, Zoey’s face turned pale, and she shook with fury.

Since Levi continued to behave this way and would not give her proper explanations, she was determined not to return to the manor.

Especially if Minka remained by his side.

“Let’s not talk about it anymore. Your grandfather called and asked us to go to the Lopez residence tomorrow. He said that he has an urgent announcement,” Aaron said.

He received a call from Harry the day before.

“Oh, sure,” said Zoey.

As Levi’s family was in a conflict, Erudia and some countries overseas were also in discord.

In Erudia, hidden forces suddenly appeared for unknown reasons.

The Great Family of Frostford was the first to appear.

They arrived in North Hampton some time ago and were ready to move against Levi.

However, they did not act when they heard that Minka was by his side.

Strangely, another hidden force came to North Hampton too, but their intention remained unknown.


Chapter 1339​

The next day, Zoey brought Forlevia and followed her parents to the Lopez family residence.

They felt that something was strange but did not know why.

“Aaron, Zoey, you will be meeting someone you have always wanted to meet! It’s going to be a surprise!” Harry said excitedly the moment he saw them.

“Huh?” Aaron and Zoey were stunned.

Someone I always wanted to meet?

If it is someone in the Lopez family, it can only be my mother.

“Are you talking about my mother?” Aaron asked excitedly.

Unlike his father, Aaron’s mother, Cora, doted on Zoey, and she was her favorite grandchild.

Aaron too was her favorite son.

Therefore, Aaron grew to be an honest man and was not cunning like his brothers.

However, when Zoey was ten years old, Cora suddenly went missing.

The whole Lopez family searched for her for a long time but could never find her.

All of them thought that she was gone and did not hear from her for more than ten years.

Even Levi had never met her, and he wondered why Harry’s wife was not around.

“Is Grandma back?” Zoey’s best memories of her childhood were about her grandmother who doted on her.

If Cora were around, the Lopez family could never oppress Aaron.

“Father, where is she? Bring us to her now!” Aaron could not wait to see his mother.

Harry quickly brought them to the living room where many people gathered there.

Cora was seated at the front. She wore elaborate silk clothes and many precious pieces of jewelry.

Furthermore, she seemed imposing.

Even after many years, Zoey could still recognize her grandmother immediately.

“Grandma!” “Mother!”

Aaron and Zoey both rushed to her.

“Zoey, Aaron, and Caitlyn too…”

Cora hugged the three of them, and they began to weep.

After they calmed down a little, Cora placed Forlevia on her lap and took a close look at her. “Is she your daughter? She looks a lot like you. I think she will grow up to be a great beauty!”

“Grandma, where have you been all these years? You disappeared for nearly twenty years! I thought you were…” Zoey sobbed.

“Yes, Mother. I miss you!” Aaron became a child in front of Cora.

Cora looked at them and smiled. “I should let your grandpa do the explanation.”

Harry said excitedly, “Zoey, your grandma has surprised me. It turns out that she has a tremendously strong background!”

“What?” Zoey and her parents were all stunned.

“Previously, I thought that the ancient Garrison family was the most powerful in Oakland City. Who knew that there’s an even greater family hidden above them! Grandma comes from the Great Family of Westford, which is one of the Four Great Families! All these years, she did not go missing but returned to her family! Furthermore, Grandma now holds the highest position in the Great Family of Westford!” Harry said with a smile.

It turned out that Cora came from a great family that was recently active in North Hampton.

Zoey and her parents were shocked to hear that.

None of them knew that Cora had such an immense background that even the foremost ancient family in Oakland City paled in comparison to hers.

Cora patted Zoey’s head and said with a smile, “Zoey, don’t worry. Now that I’m here, no one can bully you anymore! You and Evie are both princesses of Westford!”

Aaron and Caitlyn were crying from happiness.

It looked like their status had elevated with Cora’s return.


Chapter 1340​

The Lopez family was in a hurrah because of Cora.

Thanks to her, the Lopez family had become the protagonist of the classic rags to riches story. They had accelerated their social status from being a third-rate family to one of the most powerful families in North Hampton, even surpassing the Garrison clan in Oakland City.

It was a great cause for celebration.

Zoey looked at Cora and asked, “Grandma, I have a question!”

Cora glanced at her granddaughter. She knew what was on the latter’s mind. “I suppose you’re curious as to why I’d kept myself under the radar all these years?”

“Yes.” Zoey nodded.

“The Four Great Families had signed a secret agreement, stipulating that any members of the Four Great Families shall not live among the commoners. I broke the rule on my own accord, and I was actually seized by those people the year I vanished.

“The Great Family of Westford was afraid that I might be forgoing the agreement and seized me. However, there was nothing they could do to me because of my status,” Cora explained.

Hit by a pang of realization, Zoey exclaimed, “Grandma, since you’re back, does that mean that the agreement is technically void?”

“Precisely. The agreement between the Four Great Families has been voided. That means we are free, and nothing will happen to us even if we come out of the shadows.” Cora confirmed Zoey’s guess.

Even though Zoey did not know the reasons behind the broken agreement, she had an inkling that something major was about to happen.

It was beyond her wildest imagination that the unraveling of the whole agreement was because of only one person—Levi.

The Four Great Families had been passing on the thousand-year legacy of Erudia for centuries.

To the commoner, the great families’ skills in martial arts, advancement in medicine, and other accomplishments worked like magic and were well beyond their comprehension.

A myriad of problems would arise if the Four Great Families were allowed to mingle among the commoners.

Under the promises of wealth and power, it was inevitable that some would succumb to doing dangerous things.

Besides, the Four Great Families wielded great power, and it would be difficult to control them should things go out of hand.

If the latter had happened, then Erudia would be in great jeopardy.

After all, they were not exactly known for toeing the line.

Hence, in order to keep the peace and order in Eurasia, the Dragonites had signed a secret agreement with the Four Great Families a very long time ago.

The agreement was so secretive that even Levi had trouble getting his hands on them.

Nevertheless, the terms of the agreement were simple. The Four Great Families should not interfere with the lives of the commoner, nor should they live among the commoners, and to commit to steering clear of anything that would threaten the peace and order in Erudia.

In return, the Dragonites should not inhibit the Four Great Families save for the stipulated aforementioned.

Both parties had adhered to the agreement for centuries.

Hence, it was not that the Four Great Families were reluctant to live among the commoners. They were just bound by the secret agreement.

If not for the agreement, they would have come out from the shadows a long time ago.

Of course, there were members of the Four Great Families who did not abide by the agreement.

Sampson Finch was one of them.

However, he did not bring about any major calamity.

This time, Levi was fully accountable for the voided agreement.

The Great Family of Frostford had blamed it all on Levi after the man massacred Sampson and others, claiming that Levi did not abide by the terms of the agreement and killed them off out of his own whim.

The Great Family of Frostford added fuel to the fire and spread the news to three other great families.

Hence, the Four Great Families decided to void the agreement for good.

Of course, they would put Levi up as the black sheep, claiming that he had forsaken the agreement in the first place.

As a result, the Four Great Families were free to do as they liked.

Cora had seized the opportunity to return to her family.

Levi actually knew the graveness of the problem as he had ruined the agreement that kept the Four Great Families toeing the line for centuries.

Having said that, Levi knew that he did not have the capacity to bear the consequences either.

Sampson was the one in the wrong, and the man had even conspired to hurt Levi’s people together with Tenichi.

However, things had taken a different turn, and Levi became the one to stir trouble and break the rules instead.

Things are clear as day now.

Levi was startled to hear the news. “I didn’t even know there was such an agreement in the first place!”


Chapter 1341​

“The agreement was a piece of classified information, and even your previous title did not have the authority to access it! You’re only able to access it now with your Crown King title,” West Sky Lord explained.

Levi sighed. “My intention was to uncover the influences that ran deep in Erudia so that we could identify the possible risks involved. I did not expect to ruin such an important agreement!”

It was something that he had not anticipated either.

Now, I’m going to be the black sheep.

Only God knows what will be the consequences that follow.

West Sky Lord shook her head. “Master, this has nothing to do with you. I doubt that the Four Great Families were even that eager to keep the peace. They’re just blaming it on you so that they wouldn’t have to bear with the responsibilities.”

“Right, they’re just using me as an excuse so that they do not need to be bound by the agreement. Now I’m the one to be blamed for everything! Anyway, I’ve made the decision to bear with the consequences of my actions.”

Levi threw a look at West Sky Lord, and she disappeared in a jiffy.

It was because Minka had arrived.

Levi’s connection to the Calamity had to be reduced to a minimum with Minka around.

After all, she was not someone to be taken lightly. The woman was sharp enough to pick up on the traces of any communication.

“Did Zoey and the others come here again?” Minka asked.

She had noticed that someone just left.

“Who are those behind you?”

Levi noticed the few people standing behind her and asked.

Minka explained, “God of War, surely you must have heard of the Four Great Families, right? These are the doctors for the Great Family of Southford. I asked them here to check on your condition.”


Levi did not say anything further.

Now that the Four Great Families are no longer bound by the agreement, they’re moving about freely.

Levi knew he had to keep his body condition a secret now that Minka had asked the doctors to check on him.

However, he had confided in them the fact that he was poisoned by the Blood King Palace, and let them study on the poison.

“No, this should have come from Erudia.”

To Levi’s surprise, the knowledgeable doctors from the Great Family of Southford were able to recognize the poison.

Levi was startled to learn that the poison had originated from Erudia.

Didn’t they mention that the Blood King Palace has studied this poison for over decades?

“Are you guys sure?”

“Yes, even though the poison has been laced with some newer ingredients and processes, the base formula was definitely from Erudia. We read about it in an ancient book,” the doctors said adamantly.

At that, Levi was surprised to learn that the poison had originated from Erudia.

So, someone is not too happy about Erudia, and as a result, has plotted with outsiders to stir up some trouble.

Being the God of War for the past few years, I must have stopped these people from accomplishing what they wanted.

Levi was certain that the person exercised great influence.

He also guessed that the person had been directing various events from behind the scenes, maybe even coming from the Four Great Families as well.

Judging from the way Tenichi had been reluctant to reveal anything, it seemed like there was more to the matter.

But whoever it is, how powerful could he be?

Nevertheless, Levi vowed to not let anyone who could possibly threaten Erudia off the hook.

He swore to get to the bottom of the matter.

Having said that, it was a correct decision to let the Four Great Families return as it had greatly enhanced Levi’s chance of smoking the troublemaker out.

Things would indeed take a very interesting turn if that was the case.

Meanwhile, at the Lopez family residence, the Lopez family was celebrating triumphantly.

However, Cora’s face turned grim after some time.

“What? Your husband abandoned you and your daughter to live with another woman?”

Cora was infuriated to learn the piece of news.

“So what if he’s the God of War? We Westfords are not afraid of his kind. I’d like to see who has the audacity to abandon my granddaughter like that!”


Chapter 1342​

Cora did have the capacity to say such a thing, seeing that Minka and Winsor, both of which came from the Four Great Families had managed to attain the ranks of God of War, despite them only holding menial positions in the Four Great Families.

So, Cora had no reason to fear Levi, especially since she was in the upper echelons of the Four Great Families.

Minka was even someone whom she had paid no heed to.

“Yes, they’re such bullies! The woman has chided Zoey’s social status of being no match for Levi’s! Moreover, that Levi is only a wheelchair-bound cripple. How is Zoey not a good match for him?”

“Mother, now that you’re back, Zoey finally has someone she can depend on. Now, I’d like to see who is not a good match for whom?”

Zoey was afraid that the matter would spiral out of control and hurriedly said, “Grandma, we’re just having a minor spat, it’s really nothing.”

Cora’s face turned grim.

“If the lad was still the God of War, then the Great Family of Westford would still have spared him some courtesy. However, now that he’s nothing, why would I accommodate his crudeness?”

Right then, Forlevia said, “Daddy is the Crown King, who’s much more powerful than the God of War!”

“What good has that Levi taught Forlevia? She’s full of lies!” Aaron reprimanded.

“Is he dreaming? How can he say that he’s the Crown King? He’s not even the God of War anymore!” Henry sneered.

Cora’s face sank. “We know that Erudia has inaugurated a Crown King. Not only that, but the Four Great Families have even investigated the identity of this mysterious man who has been inaugurated as the Crown King.”

“So, what did you guys find out?”

Everybody turned to look at Cora.

The whole world was curious about the true identity of Erudia’s Crown King.

“We do not have any productive leads on that matter.” However, one thing was for sure. The Crown King’s background was solid, surmounting even the Four Great Families.

Only a family who had been in power for over a millennium could have produced talent like that.

Cora was certain of it.

Everyone gasped after listening to her.

If what she said was true, then the chances of Levi being associated with the Crown King were slimmer than ever.

After all, Levi was only an abandoned orphan on the streets. Thus, how was it possible that he was associated with a family that had amassed such power?

They were obviously polar opposites of each other!

“I will stay right here from now on. There’s no need for me to head back to Westford,” Cora said adamantly.

Even though she had no idea how the agreement became void, it was a piece of information that only the upper echelons of the Four Great Families could have gotten hold of as it concerned their best interests.

“That’s great. I’d like to see who dares to badmouth the Lopez family from now on!”

Henry and Fabian were overjoyed to hear Cora.

Her presence was a surefire sign that the Lopez family was on their way to achieving greater strides.

Zoey’s eyes went red and asked, “Grandma, do you have excellent doctors on your end?”

Cora was stumped by her question and replied, “The Great Family of Westford is great with poisons, but we do have excellent medical practitioners. Our advancement in medicine surpasses the other three families.”

“So does it mean that your people will be stronger than Minka’s? That we have better chances of getting Levi to heal?” Zoey asked eagerly.

“Of course. She’s only from Southford. I can say for sure that we are better.”

Zoey was ecstatic to hear the news. “That’s great!”

She was comparing herself to Minka, wanting to also accomplish what the latter could do.

Now, not only Minka has the social status to match Levi, I have it too.

“I’d like to meet this Levi guy and see for myself. How dare he abandon my granddaughter?” Cora snickered.

“Sure, let’s go look for him right now!”


Chapter 1343​

Having just accelerated their family status, the Lopez family had not gotten the chance to showcase their newfound power.

They thought it was the best chance to give Levi a piece of their minds.

“I’m not going,” Zoey said, determined to stay home with Forlevia.

Still mad at Levi, she did not wish to see him.

Meanwhile, at the manor, the Lopez family showed up not long after the doctors from the Great Family of Southford left.

“Stop right there. Announce yourselves! This is private property, and no trespassing is allowed!”

The guards that Minka had arranged blocked the path of the Lopez family.

“How dare you!”

The few fighters flanking Cora sent the guard flying, and they entered the manor forcefully.

“What’s the matter?”

Minka and Levi came out after they heard the commotion.

“Oh, it’s you guys?”

Levi noticed that it was Henry and a few others from the Lopez family.

Of course, he did not recognize the old woman behind them all.

“Are you guys from the Great Family of Westford?”

Minka was familiar with the Four Great Families and recognized Cora’s people right away.

“The girl does have some good sense,” Cora sneered.

Meanwhile, Levi was stumped.

How is the Lopez family even related to the Great Family of Westford?

“Why are you guys here?”

Minka peered at the group with a cold, hard stare.

“I’d suggest that you step aside, girl. We are here looking for Levi.”

Given Cora’s strong stance, even Minka was astounded as she stepped aside.

“Levi, let me introduce you. This is Cora, our grandmother. She ranks high in the Great Family of Westford, and guess what? Zoey’s her favorite.

“You’re a heartless jerk who abandoned your own wife and child! How dare you even say that Zoey is not a good match for you? Let’s see who’s not a good match for whom right now?” Shaun snickered.


Levi and Minka were both stumped at the revelation.

They had not expected that Zoey’s grandmother was a prominent figure in the Great Family of Westford.

All colors drained from Minka’s face.

After all, she did say something along the line about Zoey not being a good match for Levi.

However, now that things had taken such a turn, Zoey had proven herself to be a good match for Levi.

“Grandma has inaugurated Zoey to be a princess of the Great Family of Westford. You’re just a former God of War, and a cripple now. Do you think you’re still deserving of her?”

“That’s right! We’ve always been thinking that you’re not a good match for Zoey. She doesn’t even mind now that you’ve become a cripple, even taking care of you and bearing your child. What about you? How did you choose to treat her, huh?”

“You let another woman move in together with you and chased Zoey and your own child away? What makes you think you have the right to keep her?”

Members of the Lopez family took turns to reprimand Levi.

Cora finally said, “If you’re still the God of War, then maybe we can overlook your transgressions. The Great Family of Westford maybe even need to accommodate you as our VIP and crown you the best son-in-law! But now that you’re just a cripple, do you think you still have any bargaining chips in hand to give my granddaughter the cold shoulder?”

Levi shook his head helplessly. “I did not abandon Zoey and Forlevia. There’s been a misunderstanding. I will explain everything to them in the future.”

“Explain what? Didn’t you just take a fancy to Enyo, thinking that she could restore your former glory?”

“You must be thinking that Zoey was just a powerless woman who could be of no help to you, belittling her as a burden, right? So, it’s only normal that you’re abandoning Zoey for Enyo!”

Aaron pointed right at Levi’s nose and berated, “Let me tell you, you do not have the right to despise my daughter any longer!”

“Mother, shall we leave?” Aaron asked for his mother’s permission.

Cora was infuriated and chided, “How can I just leave when she’s belittled my granddaughter this way? The Great Family of Westford will suffer great dishonor if I choose to just walk away!”


Chapter 1344​

Cora’s domineering aura stumped even Levi.

This is Zoey’s grandmother?

How is Harry deserving of her then?

The truth was, Cora was a rebel and did not fancy being bound by the rules of the Great Family of Westford. Hence, she left the family on her own accord and fell in love with Harry.

“Yes, that’s right! We have to teach this brat a good lesson!”

“Otherwise, he might think that we’re just pushovers!”

The Lopez family was in high spirits after their social status had been elevated off the ground.

“At least I don’t want to see him still sitting around. This scoundrel only deserves to grovel at my feet!” Cora sneered.

Just when the fighters flanking her were about to launch their attacks, Minka and the others bellowed, “How dare you!”

They stood in front of Levi to guard him.

“Young lady, are you sure you want to go up against me? You’re also one of the Four Great Families. According to the rules, you actually have to pay respects to me by getting down to your knees!” Cora snapped.

“Who cares if you’re one of the Westfords? I’m not afraid of you! Anyone who wishes to harm him has to step over my dead body!” Minka said adamantly.

“Who dares to stir trouble with Grewall Army around?” The guards roared in unison.

At the same time, the fighters from Westford transfixed their gaze at Minka, waiting for Cora’s command.

Cora narrowed her eyes, her mind going into overdrive to weigh the pros and cons.

She was not afraid of Minka per se. However, Minka was the leader of the Grewall Army.

By harming her, Cora was going up against Erudia.

Even though the Four Great Families had voided the agreements with the Dragonites and were entering Erudia on proper grounds, even Cora did not have the audacity to challenge Erudia.

After all, she did not have a death wish.

“Retreat! Levi, you will not be as lucky next time! Don’t dream that you’re still going to be able to meet Zoey and Forlevia. You might as well wait for the day when you become worthy of an audience with me. This is my order, as well as an order from Westford. I await your glory return at Westford.”

Even though Cora chose to retreat, she had made it clear that Levi would not be able to meet Zoey and Forlevia anymore, unless he had attained enough power to do so.

However, to Henry and the others, Levi would never have the chance to catch sight of Zoey and his own daughter again.

He had to be at least the ranks of God of War to be on par with the Great Family of Westford!

Granted, that was impossible since Levi was only a wheelchair-bound cripple.

Levi’s best hope is to leech off Minka for the rest of his life.

How would that kind of man have any chance at redemption?

“Cora, you’re brilliant!”

“That way, Levi will never be able to see Zoey and Forlevia anymore!”

The Lopez family broke into a hearty chortle.

Aaron and Caitlyn clapped their hands as they agreed heartily to Cora’s decision.

Aaron even glared at Levi and sneered at him, “Your best hope is to be a kept-man for the rest of your life, not even able to make a sound when your wife and child leave you! You’re not worthy of being a man. I despise you!”

“Yes, he’s not a man. Go live off the rest of your pathetic life with Enyo!” Caitlyn snickered, “I’d like to see if you have the chance of ever seeing Zoey and Forlevia again.”

Then, Cora led the other members of the Lopez family and left.

It had been a ludicrous day, to say the least.

Levi had wondered for the longest time why Zoey’s grandmother never showed up.

So, her grandmother is from the Four Great Families?

Levi had to admit that her identity came as a shock to him, on top of it being impressive.

He smiled wryly.

Does she think she can stop me from seeing my wife and daughter? How is that even possible?

So she wants me to prove myself. I wonder if the Dragon Ring is good enough for her? What about the Dragon Mask? What about the Dragon Sword, huh?

Levi let out a mocking chuckle.


Chapter 1345​

“Who knew that Zoey had a background like that?”

“The old woman is the sister of the current leader of the Great Family of Westford! She can totally speak for the Westfords!” Minka exclaimed.

Levi was stumped by Cora’s identity as well.

“Enyo, it seems like there’s no need for you to stay any longer by my side since the doctors from the Southford were at a loss about my condition either,” Levi said to Minka, seizing the chance that presented itself.

Nonetheless, Minka was still on the fence. “But your body’s condition improved, right?”

“Yes, that’s right. My body has been healing but the progress is slower. I think it’s because there are still remnants of the Blood King Palace poison in my body. I’m afraid it will be impossible for my body to recover if I do not rid my body completely of it!” Levi said.

Actually, the poison had long been eliminated from his body.

He just wanted Minka to find out more about the poison so that he could pinpoint the culprit who betrayed Erudia.

As expected, Minka said, “Sure, I will personally investigate more about the Blood King Palace poison. I wish you a speedy recovery! That being said, I’m still going to be in charge of your safety. My guards will protect you from any impending harm.”

“Sure.” Levi scratched his nose.

At least Minka is not physically around.

Her guards are much easier to deal with anyway.

Meanwhile, at the Lopez residence.

Zoey noticed that her family members came home and asked, “How was it? Nothing happened, right? Grandma, you didn’t hurt Levi, right?”

“That Levi guy is so damn frustrating! He has the audacity to hide behind a woman’s skirt!”

“He used to leech off Zoey, and now he’s mooching off that Enyo! Is he thinking to spend the rest of his life depending on women?” Aaron berated.

Cora shook her head. “I did not do anything to him. Enyo was protecting him. That woman dared to even stir trouble with the Westford just to protect that guy!”

“What did Levi say then?” Zoey asked anxiously.

“He said nothing and hid behind the woman. What else could he say anyway?” the others replied her.

Zoey’s face sank upon hearing the reply.

She was most concerned about Levi’s attitude, but the man did not appear to have any.

Meanwhile, Cora noticed her granddaughter’s distressed manner and said, “Zoey, I set a rule for him.”


“I forbid him from seeing you and Forlevia until the day when he’s worthy of being your match—the princess of the Great Family of Westford.”

“What? What kind of achievement do you envision in mind?” Zoey was dumbstruck.

“He has to be the God of War, at the very least, like he used to be. I will let him take the two of you away, no questions asked by then,” Cora replied adamantly.

“Huh? How is that possible? It’s even a miracle if he could recover from his current condition. It’s almost impossible that he’s going to be able to retrieve his God of War title!”

Zoey was starting to get exasperated at her grandmother’s unrealistic expectations of Levi.

“This is a rule that I’ve laid down as a member of the Great Family of Westford. There’s no taking it back! Why bother when he didn’t even voice out for you when you felt indignant, even supporting that woman blatantly in front of you?”


Zoey then recalled the things that Minka had done with Levi’s silent consent.

She gritted her teeth and said, “Okay, Grandma. I’ll listen to you. This will be his punishment.”

However, Zoey regretted it moments after she agreed to her grandmother’s terms because it practically meant that she might not be able to reunite with Levi for the rest of her life.

After all, Cora did have the ability to separate them forever.

Forlevia, however, seemed unfazed and smiled sweetly. “Mommy, don’t worry. Daddy will be able to see us soon.”


Chapter 1346​

Forlevia understood what was going on.

Even though she did not understand how powerful the Great Family of Westford was, she knew that her father’s Crown King would be more than worthy.

Oblivious to the fact, Zoey could only smile helplessly at her daughter’s naivety.

She thought that the little girl would be bawling for her father, but her daughter had become the one to comfort her instead.

The other members of the Lopez family merely looked at Forlevia and did not wish to burst her bubble.

To their understanding, it was impossible that Levi would be able to see them both again in his lifetime.

The Great Family of Westford’s entrance into the scene meant that the Lopez family was on the highway to prosperity.

The elevated status meant that the Lopez was joining the ranks of noble families in North Hampton and even in the whole Northern region.

Being the younger sister to the leader of the Great Family of Westford, Cora exercised great influence.

Nobody in their right minds would dare to mess with her.

As a result, Zoey and Forlevia quickly became the favorites of the Westfords.

The climb in social ranks was unprecedented, and practically unheard of, made only possible by the Great Family of Westford’s entrance into the scene.

Only the Westfords could exercise a jump of such magnitude in one’s social rank, turning the rags into the riches with just the snap of a finger.

What was more, the Westfords had even set a rule for Levi to abide by…

Not only the Great Family of Westford was elevating families left and right after coming out of the shadows, but the other three great families were also doing the same.

The Garrison clan which had once reigned Oakland City appeared dim in comparison.

At the same time, Levi had been asking his people to keep an eye on the Four Great Families after they came out of the shadows.

He realized that not only the Four Great Families had come out of the shadows, but other powerful regimes which had been in the dark also joined the ranks as well.

It seemed to him that the agreement was binding these forces as well.

With the agreement voided, they were free to move about.

“This newfound freedom finally grants those forces mobility. It must have been difficult for them to move about when they were bound by the agreement. It would have been much easier for them to get anything done if they do not have to abide by the agreement,” Levi said as he analyzed the situation.

Hearing that, West Sky Lord sneered and said, “They thought the newfound freedom has granted them anonymity to do as they wished. Little did they know that they’re giving us the chance to monitor their every move.”

Levi resonated with her statement. “Yes, I have a hunch that they’re going to expose themselves soon enough.”

He wanted to seize those people behind the scenes, especially considering he wanted to see Forlevia again as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, at a mountain villa in Oakland City, a group of people gathered.

Every single one of them had one thing in common—they were all donning different kinds of masks.

It would seem like they shared the same trait as The Calamity members of not showing their true selves to others.

As a matter of fact, they were the ones Levi and the Dragonites were eager to seize; the ones plotting everything behind the scenes.

The leader of the group bore a black dragon mask. The formidable man barked, “There are three things that I would like to highlight today.

“First, we have not figured out the Crown King’s true identity.

“Second, Levi’s body is not going to recover that soon, and even the great doctors from the Great Family of Southford were at the ends of their ropes.

“And the third, we have to get our hands on the thing that Prince William of Zarain is asking of us.”

The others nodded their heads in agreement. “Yes, we can finally come out of the shadows. The voided agreement truly comes as good news to us all. We, the sinners of Erudia, no longer need to live in the shadows, running for our lives.”

All of them were excited at the prospects of their future that came with the broken agreement.

“Don’t be too hasty to celebrate. The thing that Prince William requests of us is personally escorted by none other than the Dragonites. Do not for a second think that we do not have to pay a great price for robbing it out of their hands,” the man in the black dragon mask snickered.

“Hah. What’s there to be afraid about? We can just send the selected few to steal it.” The other men seemingly paid no heed to the warning by the man in the black dragon mask.

“That’s right. As long as we can get Prince William what he wants, he will grant us our wishes!”

Chapter 1347​

The man in the black dragon mask, Kuro Dragon, smiled contently after listening to the others.

However, the man still felt the need to remind his people, “All of you have to be careful not to leave any trails that might lead back to us. There won’t be enough lives to pay Erudia if they find out about how we’ve betrayed Erudia by plotting with people overseas who wished harm upon Erudia.”

“That’s a given. I’ve resented Erudia for a long time. Exposing myself to be caught will be the last thing I want to do. I am still waiting for the time when I can witness the downfall of Erudia with my very own eyes…”

Another man chimed in, “I have not avenged myself. Why would I leave any trail to be caught?”

“They’re accusing me of being Erudia’s traitor? I’d like to show them how I’m going to avenge myself!”

The group of men expressed their unanimous dissent and exasperation toward Erudia right then.

It was as if Erudia had done irreparable damage to them.

“All right, get ready, all of you,” Kuro Dragon ordered.

His lips curled into a smirk, pleased at the sight.

Meanwhile, Levi had received an order from the Dragonites.

He was to escort something valuable back to Oakland City.

The order came as abruptly as it was urgent, prompting him to set off immediately.

Without Minka, it was a piece of cake to rid himself of her guards.

The Dragonites had only confided in Levi the details of the mission after they were already on the way.

It turned out that the location of a biology laboratory somewhere in the East had been exposed and needed an urgent transfer.

The biology laboratory had become a target for many countries and forces in the dark, and they were quick to pounce on the chance.

The main point was that the biology laboratory housed a type of invaluable gene therapy drug that would be able to dictate Erudia’s future.

It was imperative that they transport it safely back to Oakland City.

However, the news of their plan to transport the drug was leaked, and the Dragonites had anticipated that there would be attempts of robbery along the way.

Due to its indispensable nature, everyone was vying for the gene therapy drug.

If the news of their escort plan had been leaked, then it was likely that the identities of those escorting the drug were exposed as well.

Hence, they had to come up with a way to ensure that the drug would be safely transported back to Oakland City.

The Dragonites weighed their pros and cons, and in the end, decided to let Levi escort the drug back to Oakland City.

He was the perfect candidate since nobody would suspect that he would be the one to escort the invaluable drug as he was thought to be crippled.

After all, he was the formidable God of War.

“We thought about transporting the gene therapy drug by a heavily armed army, but we were concerned about overseas media’s speculation should we take such a high profile approach. Hence, we changed our plan and decided on a secret transfer mission.”

“Crown King, the escort includes the Dragon squad, Phoenix squad, Wolf squad, and the Tiger squad from the Dragonites! We hope that your identity as the team lead remains a secret for fear that we have a traitor among us. Kindly understand.”

Levi nodded his head. “Understood, I will make sure the drug gets safely transported back to Oakland City.”

It did not take long for Levi to reach the base in the East.

The four squads under the Dragonites were already ready.

All of them stood before a secret box.

It was clear as day that the box contained the gene therapy drug.


Everyone was flabbergasted at the sight of Levi.

“Why is he selected to lead the escort mission? You’ve got to be kidding me!”

“Isn’t he going to just burden us all? We should be fully focused on transporting the gene therapy drug, right? What are we going to do if we need to divert our attention to protect him instead?”

All of them knew Levi very well and even revered the man.

However, they could not help but question the decision to let him lead the mission to escort the drug.

Is this a joke?

“There’s no need to pay heed to my safety. Just flee if there’s danger!” Levi, who was wheelchair-bound, smirked.


“No ifs and buts! We entrust the escort plan in the God of War, and we believe that he has the capacity to command every single one of you to maximize your potential.”

Nobody dared to voice out anything further against the decision afterward.


Chapter 1348​

Even though they relented, it did not mean that they were wholeheartedly on board with the arrangement.

The God of War was indeed impressive on the battlefield and had managed to win countless battles.

But this time it was different. They were not on a battlefield!

The escort team consisted of sixteen people, and Levi would add one more count to the team, making it seventeen.

The squad members knew for sure that their opponents and themselves consisted of skilled fighters, and they were positive that the fight would be over in a blink of an eye.

Is it really necessary for him to command us then? It’s not like we’re an army comprising of hundreds and thousands of soldiers!

They could not help but think that Levi’s presence was going to be a burden to them.

What was more, the man was actually a cripple who was wheelchair-bound.

After the leader for the Dragonites exited, the de facto leader for the escort mission and the leader of the Dragon squad, Drakon, voiced out, “God of War, I have to admit that I once revered you, but everyone knows that now you’re just a cripple. How are you going to ensure that the escort mission is a success then?”

The leader of the Phoenix squad chided, “Yes, we’re going to end up watching your back. Your presence will only serve to distract us!”

Similarly, Panthera, the leader for the Tiger squad was peeved with the arrangement as well, and berated, “Besides, do they have no confidence in our abilities? Even though we seldom go on missions like these, have we ever failed them?”

“That’s right, we’ve gone on hundreds of missions for over a decade, and never once have we failed!”

The others started to protest as well.

They would not have said a thing if Levi was perfectly healthy.

However, it was obvious that the top guns of the Dragonites did not have full confidence in the squads for them to assign a cripple to watch over them.

The leader of the Wolf squad, Salem, sneered, “You have the capability to maximize our potential? Do you even know the hierarchy system of the four squads, much less how our squads function?”

Levi shook his head.

He was merely being truthful as he had no inkling as to how the Dragonites worked.

Of course, given that the Dragonites was a secretive organization, to begin with.

“You’d better listen up. The Dragon squad is in charge of overseeing the full execution of any mission we undertake, while the Phoenix squad is in charge of gathering intel to ensure the success of the missions; the Wolf squad is in charge of assassination; the Tiger squad for defense! If you’re clueless about this, how can you even hope to lead us to succeed in this mission?”

The others were clearly disdained at Levi’s ignorance.

They did not think that Levi would bring any value to their team, and could even potentially burden them.

In an attempt to lighten the tense atmosphere, Lenix from the Phoenix squad added, “All right, since the Dragonites had appointed God of War to be our leader, they must have their reasons for doing so. Let’s set off without further ado. We risk getting exposed any second we squander our time here.”

Drakon, Phenix, and the others sighed. “It seems like we have no other choice.”

“But I have to make something very clear, if anything should happen to that cripple, I will not put myself at risk to help him!”

“Neither will I. I won’t let him burden me.”

“I will not even spare him a glance if he’s dead along the way.”

They each voiced out their determination for not letting Levi stand in their way to complete the mission.

“You’d better follow me.”

Lenix looked impassive, but she still sounded quite amicable compared to the others because she considered Levi to be her idol.

She would have paid no heed if it were someone else.

“Sure.” Levi nodded his head.

“On my command! The Wolf squad is in charge of clearing the roads ahead while the Tiger squad is in charge of backend defense. The other two squads shall escort the thing together with me! This mission will be termed Defense of the Dragon, and we must succeed!”

After Drakon was done commanding, the team set off right away.

It was not safe to take the sea nor air routes.

Hence, the squads decided that the land route would be their safest bet.

Levi and Lenix were in middle of the convoy.

The box was in their plain sight.

It meant that Levi and the box required the same level of protection.

After getting into the car, Levi decided to take a nap.

He was actually missing Forlevia.

It had been a few days since he last saw her.

Phenix glared at the man.

“Lenix, I know that you consider this man your idol, but look at him now. Does he look like your role model right now?” Phenix could not help but grumble..

Chapter 1349​

“He had once been our idol, but now he’s only a burden to us all!” Phenix chided angrily.

Lenix sighed. “How good would it be if he were healthy? He was the God of War, after all, and towered over hundreds of countries in his heyday.”

“It sure as hell does not seem possible right now. Look at him taking a nap right in the middle of a mission! Does he think he’s on a getaway trip or something?”

The others did not look favorably upon him.

In the meantime, Levi fell into deep slumber with Forlevia in mind.

It was raining heavily when he woke up, and the man was oblivious to the distance they had traveled.

Thunder rumbled as lightning tore through the sky.

Sudden roars of thunder made Levi jolt awake.

He was dreaming about Zoey and Forlevia being abducted by someone.

The man jolted awake from the bad dream as the thunder boomed.

The Phoenix squad broke into a chuckle at the sight.

Did he just get startled by sounds of thunder?

How is he going to ensure that the gene therapy drug can be delivered safely back to Oakland City like this?

Hah! What a joke!

How can a cripple escort the gene therapy drug safely?

Lenix sighed. “It seems like he’s suffered some major trauma. I think it’s quite a common symptom to feel anxious and troubled by loud sounds.”

“Of course it was a major trauma. Not only did he lose his God of War title, but he was rendered a cripple. Who would be able to stomach such a huge change?”

“Why did the higher-ups even send such an incompetent person to oversee the mission? Are they even taking this seriously?”

As part of the Dragonites, the four squads took pride in their supremacy over others.

Every single member held on to their pride.

The higher-ups’ decision in appointing Levi to oversee the mission clearly meant that they were not confident in the four squads’ abilities.

Moreover, Levi’s compromised condition infuriated them even further.

“We should have confidence in ourselves, though. All sixteen of us are strong enough to safeguard the gene therapy drug from being taken away.”

Phenix then threw a disdained look over at Levi. “Even if we’re burdened by a cripple.”

Drakon and the others accommodated Levi’s presence, not because of Lenix’s words, but because they were proud as a peacock about their capabilities.

Nevertheless, they did not encounter many difficulties along the way.

“The first zone is safe!”

“So is the second zone!”

“Sixteenth zone is clear!”

The drug was not only escorted by the sixteen elite squad members but a number of covert sentries were scattered along the way.

They took turns to make sure the roads ahead were clear together with the Wolf squad.

After one night’s travel, they were edging closer to Oakland City.

“There was no danger along the way. One more zone and we’re clear,” Lenix smiled.

“I doubt that anyone has the audacity to intercept us while we’re within Erudia.” Phenix snorted.

They were confident that nobody would dare to spell trouble for them as well as to Erudia.

Then, Drakon’s voice rang from the leading end, “The Wolf squad and covert sentries have checked the zones ahead, and there’s no ambush. We will be able to reach Oakland City safely! I think it’s time for us to pop the champagne.”


Everyone cheered as they heaved a sigh of relief, the tense atmosphere which was shrouding them eased.

After all, they had been on guard for the whole night.

“I thought we were going to have a huge battle and certainly did not think that this mission was going to be this easy.”

Phenix shrugged and appeared fearless.

Lenix smiled. “Maybe they’re really intimidated by our reputation. After all, who would dare to wage war right in Erudia’s territory?”

“This mission is really a piece of cake despite it being very important. I don’t think we truly deserve the honor badges that ensue.”

The others chuckled in response.

“I think you guys should exercise more caution despite the mission presenting itself to be quite effortless so far.”

Levi’s voice rang just when the platoons were starting to let their guard down.


Chapter 1350​

His words came as a surprise to everyone else.

Levi had not spoken a word ever since he came into the car.

However, when the mission was seemingly coming to an end, the man spoke up.

They found it absurd, to say the least.

Phenix threw him another disdained look and mocked Levi. “God of War, do you not understand the report that came back just now?

“Drakon has informed us that the one zone ahead of us is clear, and there is no danger nor ambush ahead. What should we look out for then, exactly?”

Levi merely smiled at Phenix’s doubtful look and asked, “Who is in charge of the convoy today?”

“Drakon, why?” Lenix asked.

“Stop the convoy and summon Drakon! I have something to say to him!” Levi ordered.

Phenix’s voice became dangerously low. “Are you… ordering us?”

“What does it sound like? The Dragonites have sent me here to command all of you. Need I remind you that the lot of you are supposed to listen to me?” Levi retorted.

“That’s impossible. Why should we?” Phenix and the others were infuriated.

Lenix stood out to calm everyone down. “Drakon, stop the convoy! God of War has something to say to you.”

Drakon relented and stopped the convoy.

He led the other members to the middle of the convoy.

“What do you have to say?” Drakon was obviously displeased with the interruption.

“If you do not wish to suffer any casualties, then change the route to enter Oakland City right now!” Levi said.


Everyone was stumped at his remark.

“Are you asking me to take another route to enter Oakland City?” Drakon asked as he pointed right at Levi’s nose.

“God of War, if not for the respect I had for you, I would have hit you across your face!”

“Right! Do you take us for fools? Why would we change the route since we’re already reaching Oakland City?”

Flabbergasted, Panthera peered at Levi and asked, “Do you not understand? The zone ahead is clear, and the Wolf squad has everything under control. There is no danger. Why would we change our route in that case?”

“Are you delusional or something? We have the situation under control! There is no impending danger!”

Levi snorted. “I’d advise you guys to believe me. Don’t you think it’s unusual to encounter nothing along the way?”

“Since we are transporting something that a lot of countries are vying for, do you think they will let this opportunity slip by?”

“Levi, that is your assumption. We have to look at the current situation. The truth is, we have confirmed that the road ahead of us is clear and without danger.” Drakon was about to boil over with rage.

“Trust me. Otherwise, a lot of people will get hurt!” Despite that, Levi stood by his words.

“I will dump you right here if you continue to babble!” Drakon bellowed.

Levi shook his head helplessly.

Why doesn’t anyone believe in me?

The four squads were indeed elites of the Dragonites.

However, in terms of experience, they were no match for Levi.

If he were still the God of War, everyone would dote on his every word.

However, he had been demoted to be an ordinary person, and a cripple, no less.

I’m afraid that nobody will listen to a word I say even if I scream out loud.

“I’d like to see what impending danger is coming our way.” Phenix glared at Levi.

The convoy continued their journey, disregarding Levi’s orders.

Everyone looked grim after Levi’s untimely interruption.

The convoy had no trouble wading through the last zone since the Wolf squad and covert sentries had cleared the road ahead.

Meanwhile, a group of people was waiting for the convoy right at the entrance of Oakland City.

When the convoy reached the entrance, Drakon stopped the convoy and roared at Levi, “Where’s the danger, huh?”


Chapter 1351​

“Levi, didn’t you say that this route was dangerous? We’ve gone through it safely. Where’s the danger?”

“Are you still insisting that we listen to you? Have you gone nuts?”

Phenix and the others chided the man.

The Wolf squad and over ten covert sentries broke into a fit of laughter.

“Did he take us for fools? The routes ahead are well within our control. There is no danger!”

“Were you just trying to make your presence known? You’ve contributed nothing to this mission!”

“So, do you still think that your suggestion is viable?” Drakon and the others asked.

Levi nodded his head. “Yes, I believe that there is a problem with this route. That’s why I suggested a change a route a while back.”

“I can’t believe how delusional he is! Let’s just dump him here, and let him wheel himself back to the city!” Drakon was about to burst from the boiling rage.

“Yes, I second that.”

The others harbored the same thought.

Levi was essentially challenging their judgement.

“Forget it. As long as we’ve completed our mission. There’s no need to squabble over minor matters.”

“Yes, the aim of our mission is to see the drug safely delivered,” Lenix resonated with the other neutral voice.

The others heeded her advice.

“Okay, we’re going to continue on our journey. We’re safe once we reach Oakland City and consider our mission accomplished after we’ve handed the drug over to the Dragonites.”

The Wolf squad and covert sentries pressed on.

They were at the boundaries of Oakland City, and everyone looked bright with smiles.

They assumed that nobody would strike them at Oakland City.

After all, Oakland City was a restricted area.

Levi could not refute the idea. When he was the God of War, everywhere in Erudia was restricted area to those who were trying to stir trouble.

Needless to say, Oakland City, which was the heart of Erudia, was under the most protection.

Since nobody had attacked them during their long journey, it was only natural to assume that their remaining journey right in Oakland City would go on smoothly as well.

However, as a matter of fact, they were wrong.

Whoosh, whoosh.

Just then, the air howled with rustling sounds.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Then, thick trees came rolling from all directions, hitting the jeeps with loud thuds, almost knocking them over.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

A number of covert sentries fell after being shot to the ground.

The Wolf squad, which was just in the vicinity, sustained certain degrees of injuries.

Cars that sped along the way came to a sudden halt.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye, catching everyone off guard.

At that moment, all colors drained from Drakon, Panthera, Lenix, and Phenix’s faces.

All of them turned pale as snow at the sudden turn of events.

Did someone just strike us?

Levi was right…

But we’re at Oakland City, the restricted area!

They’re striking us midday, no less…

They did not choose to strike during the night when rain poured down on us and instead chose to strike during midday, right in Oakland City.

Needless to say, it was out of everyone’s expectation, a possibility that they had never once considered.

Even the Dragonites had not expected the brazenness.

If they had anticipated the brazen attack, they would have sent people to welcome them right at the entrance.

The blind spot was that everyone thought Oakland City was safe.

Nobody had expected that anyone would dare to make a move within Oakland City.

However, there were people who were bold enough to strike near Oakland City’s boundaries in broad daylight.

The four members of Phoenix squad cast inexplicable gazes at Levi.

The man was right…

He did warn us beforehand.

If we had heeded his advice, our enemies would not have been able to make a move against us.

We would have been able to complete the mission without a glitch, and without casualties.

They had to admit that Levi was at a different level.

How did he predict that there was going to be danger ahead of us?

Chapter 1352​

The four squads deeply regretted their decision to make light of Levi’s warning.

The enemies’ attack had caught them off-guard, and they sustained heavy damage.

The Wolf squad and the covert sentries had sustained the most damage.

Only then did everyone understand why Levi was dispatched here by the Dragonites.

Despite Levi’s physical incapacitation, his mind was still as sharp as ever. He was nothing short of a brilliant military strategist.

Right then, Phenix and the others felt their faces burning with shame.

They had been humiliating Levi just seconds ago, only to experience the truth of his predictions.

Regret was, however, a useless emotion in the face of battle.

“Protect the cargo! We can’t lose it!”

Drakon and Panthera rushed forward to take on the enemies.

“How are the injuries?” Drakon asked.

“Four men in the Wolf squad suffered mild injuries, and the covert sentries lost four out of twelve men. The other eight sentries are injured as well,” Salem replied.

“Panthera, Lenix, and Phenix, watch the cargo! I’ll deal with the enemies!” Drakon ordered.

Soon after, he led the remainder of the Wolf squad and the covert sentries to patrol their surroundings.

A mild fog had descended over the forest, giving it a spooky feel.

“Who dares to rob us in Oakland City? Show yourselves!” Drakon thundered.

A rustle, and battle immediately broke out.

Mask-donning men emerged from both sides, crowding Drakon and the squads.

They moved as rapid as lightning—nimble, agile, and utterly deadly.

After a round of fighting, the covert sentries were all dead.

The four men in the Wolf squad were fortunate enough to keep their lives.

Their enemies finally materialized before them, giving off murderous vibes.

Yet, the real danger came from the men leading these masked underlings. They stepped forward once their lackeys cleared a path for their entrance.

When the four men stepped forward, Drakon and the others gasped.

“It’s you!” Phenix exclaimed in horror.

The four elders smirked. “Huh, I didn’t expect anyone to recognize us after all these years.”

“Brett Fender, the Mass Murderer, traitor of the Great Family of Eastford! Stan Langston, the Evil Genius who betrayed the Great Family of Westford! You’re the notorious Venomous Lord, Mikael Fisker of the Great Family of Southford. And y-you! Horatio Zedd; the Sword Tyrant ousted from the Great Family of Northford!” Phenix uttered their names in fear.

As the intelligence unit of the Dragonites, the Phoenix squad was naturally aware of their identities.

The four men before them had especially notorious reputations.

Each one of them was crueler than the last and had done their fair share of dirty deeds.

To put it lightly, they were devils who instilled fear in all who crossed their paths.

They had ignored the agreement of the Four Great Families and infiltrated the commoners’ lives, wreaking havoc and bringing harm to many innocent people in Erudia.

All four were wanted criminals in Erudia and labeled traitors by their own families.

However, they had never been arrested thanks to their exceptional strength and skills.

Efforts to capture them had instead consumed many resources.

Despite this, the Dragonites’ efforts had forced the four into hiding for many years.

Their reappearance at that moment, however, was wholly unexpected.

It belied a more horrifying revelation about their enemy’s ability to summon these four elders out of hiding.

They had, after all, slipped through the Dragonites’ grasp for many years.

They would be rotting for eons in a maximum-security prison if caught.

Yet, here they were, acting on someone else’s orders!

Who could have this much sway over them?

“We’re not their match. We can only delay them.”

“Some of you go delay their advance, and the rest should stay with the cargo. We can only wait for reinforcements to arrive.”

Drakon and the others had lost their will to battle once they recognized the elders.

The only strategy is to delay.

Mikael, on the other hand, smiled wickedly at his orders. “Hand the goods to us, and we promise to let you off alive.”

Chapter 1353​

Mikael’s three companions laughed and added, “Don’t think of pulling any tricks up your sleeves! Resistance is futile! We can kill you all easily before your reinforcements arrive.”

“Be a good boy and hand us the goods. We’re not out for blood.”

They had expected it to be an easy fight.

“Over my dead body! Trying to steal our cargo? You must be joking!” Drakon scoffed.

Panthera roared, “That’s right! If you want to take our cargo, you’ll have to go through us.”

The sixteen men in the four squads had mentally prepared themselves for a fight to the death despite realizing that they were no match for their enemies.

It would be too late when the reinforcements finally arrived. Their cargo might be gone by then.

It was a moment of extreme danger.

Lenix complained. “We should’ve listened to Levi’s warning! None of this would’ve happened if we changed our route!”

“He guessed correctly. But how could his guess be anything but pure luck?” Phenix grumbled.

“If Levi was so confident, he should’ve insisted on us changing routes! He relented to our decision in the end! He wasn’t sure as well!”

“It’s all Levi’s fault that we took so much damage.”

Complaints abounded that instant.

Levi’s well-meaning advice now painted him as the culprit for their mess.

“You’re right! That was nothing but a careless comment. Plus, where is he when we need him the most? He can’t do sh*t in that wheelchair!”

“He’s nothing but a burden!”

“Listen up! No one is allowed to protect Levi later! I want all eyes on the cargo!” Drakon ordered.

“Well, you’re headed for your graves!”


The Four Devils led their masked underlings in battle.

Drakon and his men charged as well, clashing in a fierce battle.

The difference in fighting skills between the two parties was painfully obvious.

Though they were neck-and-neck with the masked fighters, the threat of the Four Devils loomed over their heads.

The enemy put up a strong fight, preventing Drakon and his men from escaping.

In other words, death was inevitable for Drakon’s side.

As their battle intensified, the four men in the Wolf squad were the first to go down, followed by three men in the Dragon squad.

The Tiger and Phoenix squads collapsed eventually.

Drakon, Panthera, Lenix, and Phenix were the only ones holding the fort, though all four had sustained severe injuries.

“Hand us the cargo!”

“Why are you still resisting when you’ve all but lost?”

Brett and Horatio approached them menacingly.

“Never! We won’t surrender it even if it’s destroyed!” Drakon bellowed.

“Activate its self-destruction mechanism! We can’t let it fall into our enemies’ hands!”

Lenix and Phenix picked up the briefcase in preparation to initiate its self-destruction.


A concealed weapon had struck from nowhere at their wrists.


Screams of agony broke out from the crowd.

The briefcase fell from Lenix and Phenix’s hands.

But alas, Drakon and the others had expended the last of their energy.

They were easily subdued despite their attempts to stop Mikael from retrieving the briefcase.

Sprawled on the ground, the surviving squad members could not even muster the energy to get up.

They could only watch as Mikael picked up the briefcase with ease.

We lost too quickly, and we didn’t buy enough time for reinforcements to arrive.

Drakon and his men were utterly dejected as they watched the receding backs of the Four Devils.

Their mission had failed miserably.

“We got the goods. Let’s go!”

“Did you ask for my permission before taking the goods?”

A voice drifted out from within the car.


Chapter 1354​

The Four Devils and their masked underlings were about to leave when a voice cut through the battle-worn forest.

“Huh? Who’s there?” Mikael was puzzled.

They stopped walking and turned in the direction of the car.

Disgust and anger flashed through the eyes of the incapacitated squad members.

Why are you stirring up a fuss now? Do you have a death wish or something? Our enemies are leaving already. Did you want to turn yourself into some war hero by giving them your life?


“You got that right!”

Drakon and his men grumbled furiously.

Someone then flung open the car door, revealing a wheelchair-bound Levi.

Mikael was shocked. “Y-you? I’ve seen you before!”

“You’re Levi Garrison, the God of War!” Horatio exclaimed.

Levi merely smirked.

Exactly as I expected. I managed to track down Erudia’s most infamous criminals.

“Why didn’t we notice him earlier?”

“So what? You’re going to stop us?” Brett sneered.

“No. I’ll just kill you all,” Levi declared calmly.

I’ll seize both the gene therapy drug and their lives.


The Four Devils and their underlings burst into laughter.

He’s delusional! How can this crippled a**hole kill us? In his dreams!

The Four Devils had never been frightened of Levi, not even at his peak as the God of War, let alone in his current state.

“He’s begging for his death!”

“Dumb*ss! What a burden!”

Drakon and his men were seething with anger.

They were already dejected by failing the mission and losing the cargo. Levi’s seemingly stupid actions only stoked their anger.

Stan scoffed. “You’re crippled; how are you going to kill us?”

“Who told you I was a cripple?” Levi smiled patronizingly at them.

Everyone froze in shock at his words.

Doubt crept onto the expressions of the Four Devils and their underlings.

Drakon and his men, on the other hand, looked at each other in disbelief.

Could it be true?


Before the Venomous Lord could finish his sentence, Levi had stood up and alighted from the car.

His steps looked much too steady for someone who was supposedly disabled.

Gasps of surprise rippled through the crowd.

His deceit was as unexpected as it was maddening.

Nothing had been wrong with Levi’s limbs after all.

It was all a set-up.

Drakon and the others thought that their eyes were about to pop out of their skulls.

The Dragonites’ purpose in sending Levi was now loud and clear.

The Dragonites were not fools, and they would never have sent a physically challenged person on such an important assignment.

Levi had recovered ages ago.

At that, the Four Devils looked aghast.

An identical thought crossed their minds.

Multiple evils have been eliminated recently, though our sources said it was the doing of the previous Crown King.

“So Levi Garrison is in tip-top health. You’ve played us all for fools!” the Venomous Lord scoffed.

“How else could I lure you out of your hiding spots?” came Levi’s cheeky reply.

The Four Devils seemed unperturbed despite being outmaneuvered by Levi. “Your recovery means nothing to us. Even at your peak, you could never frighten us.”

“We ain’t scared of you!”

“Killing you is just a matter of time.”

The Four Devils had the utmost confidence in theirs and their underlings’ fighting abilities.

Their lack of fear spread panic through Drakon and his men.

Their little beacon of hope was gone.

Even if Levi had recovered, he was no match for the Four Devils.


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