The Protector (The Return of God Of War)

In Erudia, a private jet landed at North Hampton Airport, where all international flights experienced an eight-hour delay because of it.
At the private passageway were five men in suits and leather shoes, standing as straight as a javelin.

Every now and then, they would raise their wrist to look at the time, for a big shot was coming to town.
The upper-class society of North Hampton had learned about his arrival, but no one had the capability to get an inch closer to the private passageway.
Even the richest man in North Hampton who came to pay homage was chased away.
Finally, there were movements coming from the passageway.

“God of War!!!” the mass cried out, their eyes filled with awe and veneration at the sight of the undefeatable legend of Erudia.
He, who was dubbed the God of War, was the one and only five-star war God in the history of Erudia.
Once, he’d inflicted a crushing defeat on the strongest battalions in eighteen countries. He was an overbearing and formidable man.
He who overwhelmed the world with his unparalleled power had even created the Five Great Wars Regiment, Cavalry Regiment, and many more.

Setting foot on his homeland, Levi Garrison was overcome with emotions.
Once upon a time, he used to be an orphan who was abandoned on the streets of North Hampton and then adopted by the Garrison family.
However, the Garrison family had never been fond of him.
His adoptive parents, who had a tendency to beat and scold him, treated him like an outsider.
As for the outsiders, they treated him as a nobody.
But he didn’t care a stiver. He had always been proud of his surname since he was a child, and he strived to bring glory to this family when he grew older.
At last, Levi had established Levi Group, the largest dark horse in North Hampton’s business community.
With billions of assets, it ranked among the forefront of North Hampton, pushing the declining Garrison family to the top.
However, not only did the Garrison family showed no signs of appreciation, they even harbored dissatisfaction towards him. Jealous of his success, they regarded him as a thorn in their flesh and coveted Levi Group.
No matter his wealth and power, unless they were in control, he was just an outsider in the Garrison family’s eyes.
Eventually, on Levi’s wedding night, the Garrison family plotted a frame-up against him by getting him drunk before tossing him onto his sister-in-law’s bed. They wanted to create the illusion that he was doing something untoward to her and was caught in bed by his brother and adoptive parents.
That night, the Garrison family had brutally broken his limbs and left him on the road like a wild dog.
Not only was he handicapped, but he also had to take the flak for something he didn’t commit.
From an upstart in the business world, he had become the target of disdain overnight.
And the next day, he had been punished for several crimes and sentenced to six years in prison.
He could never forget the ruthless and sinister faces of everyone in the Garrison family and the ridicule of his friends, classmates, and business partners.
More so, he could never forget the disappointment on his newly wedded wife, Zoey’s face.
He had regarded the Garrison family as his home and devoted himself to the family.
Yet, they treated him like trash.
It felt as if a knife was being twisted in his heart every time he thought about this.
How he hated the Garrison family!
But who would have thought that Levi had been secretly transferred away from prison to join the military?
In a few years, he dominated the military world and became the one and only five-star God of War.
Now that he came back, the Garrison family ought to stay on their toes.
“How’s it going, Azure Dragon?” Levi asked.
Azure Dragon, the commander of the Five Great Wars Regiment, took a step forward and said respectfully, “Sir, I’m afraid your wife, Ms. Zoey Lopez will remarry at ten o’clock tonight!”
Ever since Zoey’s husband was sent to prison on their wedding night, she had been living like a widow.
Only God knew how much pressure she was put under.
And right now, the person Levi couldn’t wait to see the most was Zoey.
After a moment of hesitation, Azure Dragon continued, “To add on, Sir, the Garrison family is holding a successful listing celebration banquet at the Crystal Palace Hotel tonight! Many people had invited the God of War just now, including the Garrison family, but I didn’t accept nor refuse directly.”
“What time?” Levi asked tersely.
“Eight o’clock, Sir.”
“Okay. Tell the Garrison family I will attend the banquet!”
Since the time for the two events didn’t clash, Levi gladly accepted the invitation.
The celebration banquet for the public listing of Garrison Group was held at North Hampton’s Crystal Palace Hotel.
With the help of Levi Group, they had become a rich and powerful family in one fell swoop.
The hall was bustling with noise and excitement, and sounds of glasses clinking could be heard ringing in the air every now and then.
“God bless the Garrison family,” said Joseph, the head of the Garrison family. “The younger generations are the stars among men. Garrison Group is now listed and has become an upstart in North Hampton!”
Joseph’s three sons and daughter welcomed their guests with bright smiles on their faces.
The younger generation of the Garrison family was all the smugger and prouder because, after today, the Garrison family would become a powerful family, and they would become one of the top rich kids.
Most of the guests who attended today’s banquet were from the top circle in North Hampton.
“Garrison, do you know what happened today?! Your celebration party is nothing compared to that.” They were gossiping about the major event that had happened today.
“Yeah! I heard that a big shot has arrived in North Hampton!”
“The richest man in North Hampton wanted to meet him but was shooed away. Apparently, he’s not qualified enough!”
“So? Jesse Nielsen had been waiting for five hours in advance at the airport!”
Joseph nodded. “Yes, I know about that too. I even sent someone to invite this big shot to the celebration party!”
“No way! Why would this big shot attend such a party?”
No one believed it.
In fact, as an upstart, Joseph was just trying his luck.
“Dad!” shouted Jaycob, the second eldest son of the Garrison family could be seen running over. “The big shot has accepted our invitation to attend our celebration banquet! He’s on the way!”
“Jesus! God has indeed blessed the Garrison family!”
Everyone in the Garrison family could barely conceal their delight as this was their chance to reach the sky in a single bound.
The grandchildren of the Garrison family gathered together, sunshine flooding their souls.
Levi’s brother, Bryan, and sister-in-law, Victoria, smiled. “Well, it all starts with Levi’s imprisonment that the Garrison family is at where we are today…”
“Right, speaking about Levi, do you guys know today’s the day that kid gets out of prison?!” somebody asked abruptly.
“Really? Isn’t that bad luck? Why did he have to be released on such a big day?!”
“Please, please, please don’t come back! He’s the Garrison family’s biggest disgrace!”
Victoria’s lips tugged into a sneer. “Speaking of which, Levi is the crowning glory of the Garrison family’s status today.”
“That’s what he’s supposed to do!” Bryan said. “He should contribute to the Garrison family for raising him, an orphan! His multi-billion Levi Group means nothing. To put it bluntly, he’s just a dog raised by the Garrison family!”
Someone gave a chortle. “As a matter of fact, I’ve been interested in Levi’s wife for a long time now. She’s still widowed, and I’m so going to marry her!”
The man’s remark caused gales of laughter.
“Everyone, stop what you’re doing. I have an important announcement to make,” Joseph said and went on to announce that the big shot was coming.
A thunderous applause was heard.
But when the applause had died down, there was still someone clapping.
The sound was loud and clear, approaching from afar.
On the red carpet, a man came clapping, looking bold and energetic.
His stride gave off a majestic and imposing aura, which made the mass hold their breaths.
“It’s Levi!” Bryan and Victoria exclaimed.
Suddenly, all eyes were riveted on him.
“I forgot this little brat got out of jail today!” Levi’s adoptive parents spoke in unison.
Ignoring the astonished gazes darted at his way, Levi walked step by step towards Joseph.
“A little bird told me that the company is now listed. How are you feeling, Joseph? Are you happy?”
Levi flashed him a meaningful smile.
“How dare you show up here, you insolent brat! And what did you just call me?” Joseph’s fury sprang to life.
“Who let him in? Didn’t you know he just got out of prison? How inauspicious!”
Bryan rose to his feet. “What the hell are you doing here, Levi?”
Levi sized him up. “Why can’t I be here?”
“Well, for starters, you’re an orphan! The Garrison family has raised you, but you were ambitious and ungrateful. You had inordinate ambitions for your sister-in-law, and you wanted to take possession of the Garrison family! You’d even tried to kill your parents when things go south! Have you no conscience? Do you have any sense of morality left in your heart?”
“You’ve lost your reputation in North Hampton, and everyone knows that. Have you no shame to have the brass neck to come round here?”
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Chapter 1355​

It was unwise to underestimate the Four Devils, even if Levi had been at his prime.

They would not be listed as the most wanted criminals in Erudia otherwise.

Their army of masked underlings posed a significant threat as well.

It seemed like an impossible matchup.

Levi’s death was but a foregone conclusion.

Drakon and his men felt nothing but hopelessness at the situation.

At the same time, they blamed themselves for their own incompetence.

Levi announced, “I’ll give you two choices. First, you can kneel and surrender that briefcase. If not, I’ll kill you and take the briefcase myself! Take your pick. If I were you, I’d go with option one.”

His words came as a shocker, given that he was the obvious underdog in this fight.

His audacity at making his enemies choose their fate made him seem like a madman.

Even Drakon and his men could not help but be dumbfounded at Levi’s behavior.

Is there a screw loose in his head or something?

Meanwhile, Levi’s enemies were infuriated.

They had never encountered such an impudent fool before.

“Such insolence! How dare you provoke us?”

Steam almost billowed out of the Four Devils’ heads.

“Sirs, Levi must be buying time, right? We should subdue him quickly and leave,” voiced one of the masked underlings cautiously.

“You’re right; he’s buying time for reinforcements to arrive!”

“Kill him! We need to leave!” the Venomous Lord ordered.

In just a split second, twenty or so masked fighters charged at Levi.

They were all skilled at their craft, emerging from the previous battle completely unscathed.

Drakon and his men could not bear to watch the uneven fight.

If anything happened to Levi, they would lose for good.

Oh God, he can’t die! Everything will be gone if he dies!

“You’re all dead meat!” Levi declared as he picked up a sword.

In the next instant, he darted nimbly through the crowd of enemies like a flash of lightning.


Light glinted off of Levi’s rapidly-dancing sword.

A few seconds later, Levi had charged through the crowd of twenty men and ended up before the Four Devils.

It was an unbelievable sight.

The masked underlings collapsed in a pool of blood, each of them sporting a fine slit on their necks.


The Four Devils stared wordlessly at the scene, as did the surviving members of the squads.

How did he kill twenty men in the blink of an eye?

The four squads had fought these underlings earlier, and it had been a fair fight if not for the Four Devils joining the battle.

Does that mean he could kill off the members of our squads in an instant as well? That’s horrifying! We called him a burden earlier when we’re the real burdens and crap! Our mission would be doomed to failure without Levi. We can be hopeful once more.

“No wonder they call you the God of War! You’ve got some moves, kiddo! But that’s nothing compared to our experience!”

“How do you plan on tackling us now?”

Each of the Four Devils was a master in his own right.

They were equivalent to fighting four Demon Blades at once.

I’ve killed one Demon Blade before, and I can kill four at the same time. Bring it on!

“Get rid of the God of War! We must retrieve that briefcase and escape quickly,” the Sword Tyrant warned.

“Kill him!”

The Four Devils made their move.

Chapter 1356​

The Sword Tyrant lifted a broadsword weighing close to half a thousand pounds and brought it down upon the car Levi had been in earlier.

The Mass Murderer used his iron fists as well. Between the two of them, the car had become a mangled mess of metal.

The Venomous Lord and the Evil Genius did not strike this round.

At the same time, Levi stood his ground and clashed against Brett’s iron fists.


The force sent shudders up Brett’s arms and into his whole body.


In the next instant, Brett was sent flying, blood gushing from his mouth.

The force from Levi’s punch had obliterated his insides and had him landing roughly on the ground in a lifeless heap.

Upon that, the Sword Tyrant immediately swung his broadsword at Levi, who blocked his attack with his bare arms.


The broadsword had been deflected just like that.

The crowd held their breaths at the utterly horrifying scene.

Is he impenetrable? What’s in his bones? How is this humanly possible? How can a sharp and heavy broadsword leave no injuries upon him?

Even Horatio himself was stunned.

His broadsword had been forged from the strongest of metals, and it was simply inconceivable that Levi could have blocked that attack.

Just as Horatio wanted to strike again, he realized that he could not lift his broadsword.

There was an immense weight on his broadsword, which turned out to be Levi’s bare fists.


With one punch, Levi broke the broadsword in half.

“What the f*ck?”

Drakon and his men were going mad.

This is unbelievable!

Levi picked up one-half of the broken broadsword and brought it down on Horatio’s head, ending his life mercilessly.

Seeing that, the Venomous Lord and the Evil Genius panicked.

“Let’s scram! We’re not his match!”

The Venomous Lord picked up the briefcase and made a run for it.

Meanwhile, the Evil Genius threw a contraption in Levi’s direction to slow him down.

The contraption exploded once it landed on the ground, engulfing the area in flames.

In their rush to escape, neither had paid attention to Levi’s whereabouts.

However, the next time they saw Levi was when the latter was standing in front of them.

“You can’t harm me with your contraptions at that sort of speed!”


Levi slapped the Evil Genius and sent him flying.

The Venomous Lord had a head start, but Levi was faster and kicked him to the ground.

The Venomous Lord may be a master of poisons, but his fighting skills were average.

One kick from Levi crippled him.

He could not move even if he wanted to.

Levi grabbed the briefcase from him before he could do anything else.

“You may have gotten your hands on that briefcase, but I’ve covered its surface in poison. You’re dead meat!” The Venomous Lord scoffed.

Levi smiled. “Oh, is it?”

Waving his hand, he displayed the invisible gloves he had been wearing.

F*ck! He came prepared!

His preparation aside, Levi had long become immune to a variety of poisons after his torture at the hands of the Blood King Palace.

The Venomous Lord and the Evil Genius were both dumbfounded, as were Drakon and his men.

The Dragonites had never successfully captured the Four Devils, yet Levi had defeated them like it was nothing.

Just how strong is Levi? Wasn’t he poisoned and injured? Why is he even stronger than before? Was it an injury or an improvement?

Levi then dragged the Venomous Lord and the Evil Genius before him.

“Whose orders are you under? I’ll spare your lives if you answer me,” Levi demanded.


Chapter 1357​

“We won’t tell you anything.”

“Erudia is bound for destruction. You’ll all be dead!”

The Venomous Lord and the Evil Genius smiled evilly as they secretly chewed on the poisonous pill they had each hidden in their mouths.

Barely a minute later, they vomited blood, and their eyes rolled back in their heads.

It was an ugly death.

They had chosen to take their own lives instead of exposing their leader.

“Damn it!” Levi pounded the ground in frustration.

Poisons and gadgetry were the most unpredictable foes.

If they had set their minds to death, it was almost impossible to stop them.

Levi then approached Drakon and the surviving squad members on the ground.

Their faces were painted with awe and disbelief.

Drakon apologized to Levi immediately. “We were wrong to treat you that way! But couldn’t you show your hand earlier? Why did you strike after we were injured?”

Everyone stared at Levi in anticipation of his reply.

Why did he wait? If he had struck earlier, there would be fewer injuries.

Levi scoffed. “I warned you, but none of you would listen. Seeing as you’re adults, you should bear the consequences of your decisions!”

“I-I-” Everyone stuttered.

If they had paid heed to his advice and changed their route, they would not have run into the Devils and their skilled underlings.

Their men would have been alive and well.

Levi was right; it was all their fault. They would bear the burden of the blame for the rest of their lives.

The reinforcements arrived shortly after.

The Dragonites heaved sighs of relief when they saw the briefcase secure in Levi’s hands.

“Thank God we arranged for you to follow them!”

Levi, however, shook his head in resignation. “They’re all dead, though. I didn’t manage to get any clues from them.”

“The mission is still a success. Please don’t blame yourself!”

“We would like to pay our respects to the Crown King!”

With that, the Dragonites kneeled before Levi.


“Crown King? He’s the Crown King?”

“Sh*t! The mysterious Crown King is Levi Garrison?”

Drakon and his men were dumbstruck.

This was the wildest thing they had ever heard.

Levi Garrison and the Crown King being one and the same? Unimaginable!

The Dragonites, as always, were not fools. They arranged for Levi to tag along instead of Minka or Winsor because Levi was the strongest of them all.

“He’s not a burden or a cripple. He’s the freaking Crown King!”

The revelation was shocking.

Drakon and his men deeply regretted every insult that had come out of their mouths earlier. At that point, only death might be an equivalent punishment.

“Crown King, we have wronged you!”

“We dare not beg for your forgiveness!”

“We would like to thank you, Crown King. Without you, our mission would have failed!”

Drakon and his men were near tears at that point as they apologized profusely to Levi.

Ignoring them, Levi approached the masked underlings on the ground.

The reinforcements from the Dragonites followed his lead. “They’re our only lead for now!”

There was nothing to be gleaned from the Four Devils.

Waving his arm, Levi gestured for a few Dragonites to remove their enemies’ masks.

When they made out the faces beneath the masks, everyone gasped, including Levi.



Chapter 1358​

Underneath the masks were disfigured faces, each more horrifying than the next.

Scars marred each of their faces in such grotesque patterns that they were beyond recognition.

Even the most advanced facial recognition technologies would not be able to identify them.

“They must’ve worn the masks to conceal their scars, and the scars, in turn, prevented anyone from ever uncovering their true identities!”

“Their identities would still be secure even after capture or murder!”

“What a cautious organization!”

Levi drew a sharp breath. “It’s horrifying.”

His sentiment was shared by the rest.

This organization was much scarier than they had imagined.

It was no wonder they had not left a single trace behind over the years.

Their vigilance had made it impossible for a slip-up.

The traitors like the Venomous Lord might be showy, but they would rather die than expose their organization’s secrets.

The extremities of their discretion were admirable.

“I’d like to get my hands on these people!” Levi’s eyes flashed with interest.

One of the Dragonites expressed his concern. “That won’t be an easy feat. The Four Great Families and other powerful factions had an agreement to stay out of the commoners’ lives, yet Erudia still suffered from multiple calamities under this organization. If anything, their movements have become more convenient and easily concealed!”

Levi smiled. “In that case, they’ll pop up more frequently. Those are opportunities for us to track them down!”

“You’re right! No wonder you’re the Crown King!” a few of the Dragonites exclaimed.

“Fret not, as long as they’re still around, I swear on my name to hunt them down!” Levi declared.

His imposing demeanor elicited respect and shame from Drakon and his men.

He’s nothing short of a national hero! No wonder they call him the God of War and the Crown King!

“How important is this gene therapy drug anyway?” Levi suddenly asked.

The Dragonites launched into a lengthy explanation. “This gene therapy drug is the main ingredient for a revolutionary elixir! It’s a product of modern biotechnology and Erudia’s traditional remedies, made with the finest and rarest of ingredients. I’m not exaggerating, but it can bring one back from the brink of death. It was developed precisely for use in life-and-death situations.”

This got a smile out of Levi. “Revival, you say?”

It’s probably stronger than Winsor and Minka’s elixirs.

“That’s right! Well, revival is pushing it a bit. But it’s a guaranteed lifesaver in crucial moments. It can extend one’s lifespan as well. Our results indicate that terminal patients can survive for at least three more years after consuming this drug. Healthy individuals will see their lifespans extended by seven to eight years.”

Now Levi understood why people were clamoring over this gene therapy drug.

It’s literally a revival drug.

“Once it’s released, it’ll be distributed as a reward to those who have contributed significantly to Erudia.”

“As the Crown King, you will receive the drug as well! You’re more than deserving of it,” came the Dragonites’ reassurance.

Hearing that, Levi smiled in response.

I can give the drug to my mother and family. It’ll save them during dangerous situations. That’s a worry off my chest!

Meanwhile, in a manor in the neighboring city of Fairlake City, a man asked sternly, “What? The mission failed?”

Chapter 1359​

The man who had spoken wore a Kuro Dragon mask, masking his features entirely.

His anger was, however, palpable.

“Impossible! The Dragonites may be strong, but they’re no match for the Four Devils! How could they fail?” The crowd was perplexed.

The man in the Kuro Dragon mask said, “I heard that they arranged for the Crown King to escort the entourage.”

“What? The Crown King?”

“I’ll give this to them. I didn’t expect the Dragonites to have the Crown King escort their precious cargo. Only they would’ve thought of such a plan!”

Kuro Dragon sighed. “I didn’t expect it either. He must be insanely strong if he defeated the Four Devils. Luckily we didn’t leave any evidence behind.”

“Sir, Prince William of Zarain wants to know if we got the drug.”

“Tell him we failed,” Kuro Dragon replied darkly.

The royalty’s reply came quickly. “Prince William said we can get what we want if we impress him with other means.”

“How about the deaths of a few people?” Kuro Dragon asked.

“Huh? Who?”

The crowd was curious.

“Only someone as stupid as Tenichi would think of killing Levi Garrison! What’s the point? He’s nothing but trash.”

“We need to go for the ones who are still in active service! Let’s go after Winsor and Minka and gift their heads to Prince William. He’ll appreciate the gesture, I’m sure of it!”

“Good idea!”

The suggestion quickly gained traction among the crowd.

Kuro Dragon smirked. “Alright, here are my orders. Our next operation is to hunt the Gods of War, and the targets are Minka and Winsor.”

Levi, on the other hand, returned to North Hampton that very day.

Even so, Minka’s guards had not noticed his return.

“North, bring me to the Lopez family residence. I want to visit Evie and Zoey.”

Levi missed them dearly, and he could care less about Cora’s restraining order, even if it came from the Great Family of Westford.

He would not let anyone in this world tie him down.

North Sky Lord sent Levi to the Lopez family residence quickly.

Forlevia was playing near the front door. Once she saw Levi, she pounced into his arms.


Levi cradled his daughter lovingly.

“Did you miss Daddy?”


Forlevia planted a small kiss on Levi’s cheek.

She continued excitedly, “I knew Daddy would visit Mommy and me soon!”

Her commotion attracted the attention of everyone at home.

“What’s going on?”

The first person who arrived was Melanie Lopez.

At the sight of Levi, Melanie roared, “Levi Garrison! How dare you show up here? Put Evie down this instant! Are you ignoring grandma’s restraining order? You don’t have the right to visit Evie or Zoey!”

Levi gave her the cold shoulder and continued hugging his daughter.

“If you don’t put Evie down this instant—”

Melanie rushed toward him in a fit of anger, planning to grab Forlevia from his arms.

But before she could do anything, North Sky Lord had planted himself before her and grabbed her wrist, stopping her advance.

“Let me go! Don’t you know who I am?”

The Lopez family had become one of the most prominent families in Erudia, stronger even than the Garrison clan in Oakland City.

Melanie’s arrogance had ballooned to unimaginable proportions as a result.

She treated Erudia like her personal playground, and everyone else was beneath her.

“Like I care!” North Sky Lord sneered.

“Remove your hand right now, or you’re dead!” Melanie screamed.

North Sky Lord shoved her away in response.

Once she had regained her bearings, Melanie bellowed, “Levi Garrison is here! And he’s trying to take Evie away!”

Chapter 1360​

Melanie’s orders caused a hubbub in the Lopez family residence.

A horde of people rushed out, supporting Cora in their midst.

Several ultimate class and God class warriors from the Great Family of Westford flanked Cora as well.

“Levi Garrison! You have the gall showing up here to meet Evie! Have you no respect for the restraining order?”

“You’re looking for trouble!”

Henry and Fabian were vocal about their disdain for Levi.

“We need to teach him a lesson. He was lucky Enyo was here the last time around. Let’s see how he plans on escaping this time!”

In no time, Shaun had his men surround Levi and North Sky Lord to stop them from escaping.

Aaron scoffed and said, “I heard you’re back for Zoey now that Enyo is gone.”

Caitlyn added, “Levi’s always been shrewd. He must be back to gain Zoey’s favor because of the Lopez family’s immense power.”

Harry, on the other hand, stroked his beard thoughtfully and said, “You’re right. If we’re comparing family backgrounds, Enyo’s family is nothing compared to the Lopez family! Levi’s naturally trying to bask in our family’s glory.”

Nonetheless, Levi seemed indifferent in the face of the Lopez family’s insults.

All his attention was on Forlevia.

“Are you ignoring my words? I will never let you meet Evie and her mother until you’ve satisfied our standards!” Cora bellowed.

Composing herself, she asked, “What is your current status?”

“I’m Evie’s father and Zoey’s husband!”

“Don’t try to crack jokes with me! I’m asking the status you’re bearing on this visit!” Cora fumed.

Levi replied, “I am a citizen of Erudia, and I come bearing their support. I am a representative of Erudia!”

His meaning was straightforward enough. As the Crown King, he represented Erudia and its people.

“Haha! I’m a citizen of Erudia too, and a representative as well. Just cut the crap already!”

“What a loser!”

The Lopez family’s opinion of him fell by the second.

“Insolence! How dare you tout your nonsense before me? Are you demeaning the Great Family of Westford?” Cora was infuriated.

Just as a fight looked inevitable, Zoey burst out from one of the rooms and broke the tension.

She ran toward Levi and took Forlevia away from him.

“Zoey!” Levi shouted.

Zoey paused for a brief moment before running into the house with Forlevia, ignoring Levi’s plea.

She had not forgiven Levi for what had happened with Enyo before.

“I—” Levi mumbled to himself in frustration.

That Minka is nothing but bad news. She affected my plans and created a rift in my relationship with Zoey. What on earth is she trying to achieve?

To this day, Levi could not think of a logical explanation.

With one last longing glance, Levi resigned himself to the fact that he at least saw both Forlevia and Zoey.

“North, let’s go!”

North Sky Lord then prepared to wheel Levi out at his command.

“Hold up! Do you think you can saunter into the Lopez family residence as and when you please? You disrespected Cora’s restraining order. How can we face the public if we let you off the hook without an appropriate punishment? What will people think of the Great Family of Westford?” Shaun roared.

At that, a few warriors immediately blocked Levi’s exit.

“You were lucky that Enyo protected you that day. I let you off for her sake. Since she’s not here, there’s no escape!” Cora glared at Levi.

An explosive battle was about to begin.

Chapter 1361​

Levi smiled. “I wasn’t planning to run! However, I’m warning you since you’re Zoey’s grandma. Don’t mess with me, because you can’t afford to do that!”

The Lopez family was initially stunned, but they broke into a fit of laughter soon. Is Levi crazy? She is the sister of the Great Family of Westford’s leader while he’s just a cripple sitting in a wheelchair! Has he gone crazy?

Cora’s expression changed.

“Are you sure about that?” she asked coldly.

“You’re such an idiot, Levi! Even if you’re the God of War, Cora could still take you on!” the others sneered.

Levi ignored them and nodded at Cora. “Yes, I am!”

“How about you show me the reason why I can’t afford to mess with you? I look forward to seeing that happen because I’d be happy for Zoey and Evie!” She stared at Levi.

“If you can’t, not only will I punish you, you’ll never get to see both of them ever again!” Cora suddenly changed her tone into an angry one.

Levi thought for a while and answered, “In three months’ time, I’ll come and pick up Evie and Zoey! Then, I’ll make you admit defeat!”

He promised the Dragonites he would drag the darkness within Erudia out in three months.

So, since things would get incredibly dangerous for the next three months, it was actually safer for Zoey and Forlevia to stay by Cora’s side.

The Great Family of Westford would protect them, along with his own men.

They couldn’t be any safer under two layers of protection.

I must be patient for Erudia’s future and mine. I will eliminate anyone or anything that threatens the peace of Erudia in three months. I will remove all the roots of evil I could find. There’s no reason for her to reject my plan, and she’ll definitely protect them. Levi thought to himself before the others started doubting him.

“You’re lying! You’re just trying to run!”

“You have set a deadline on purpose so we’ll let you go now? Dream on!”

“Don’t even think about escaping today!”

The Lopez family thought he was trying to use an excuse to leave.

Cora was curious. “Oh? You think you’ll be able to become God of War again after three months?”

“If I can do that, then I’ll have the right to speak with the Great Family of Westford!” Levi said confidently.

From the perspective of the Four Great Families, they were on the same level as the God of War, maybe even higher. They could be polite, but they would not do anything at the risk of compromising their reputation and dignity.

Levi smiled. “No! I will let everyone here know that the Four Great Families will be squashed under my foot in three months’ time! All of you will regret messing with me!”

The crowd roared with dissatisfaction.

Cora grinned. “All right. I’ll give you a chance. I’ll be waiting for your returning three months. Now leave!”

North Sky Lord then pushed Levi out.

“How could you let him go, Grandma? He’s just making up an excuse to leave!”

“Yeah! He makes empty promises whenever he feels like it in the past! This is just an excuse!”

Everyone was objecting to Levi’s departure.

“What? Do you mean I have been fooled?” Cora exclaimed.


Chapter 1362​

“Catch him!” Shaun shouted.

“We can’t! If we do, we’ll get into conflict with Enyo!”

“Nevermind. If he got the nerve to lie to me, he’ll never meet his wife and child ever again!” Cora roared.

Once Levi assigned The Calamity to protect Zoey and the others, he began making plans.

“Master, there have been many experts from the Great Family of Frostford keeping a close eye on us. The reason they haven’t attacked is that they’re afraid of the Grewall Army,” informed North Sky Lord.

Levi smirked. Looks like it was the right call for Minka to get me some protection. It helped me intimidate quite a lot of people to back off.

“Any other suspicious activities?” Levi asked.

“There’s none for now. They hide their tracks well! We couldn’t find any leads to them!” West Sky Lord shook her head.

Levi had used all the resources he could mobilize as the Crown King to locate them. It’s just a matter of time. Even though no one has the nerve to invade Erudia right now, there are many dangers hidden within. Now that the major hidden forces have broken free, they’re getting even bolder. In fact, they have gotten so brazen that they’re starting to cause trouble in Oakland City. Who knows what they’ll do next.

“Tell everyone to pay close attention! I believe they’ll be making big moves soon!” Levi had a feeling that might be happening.


Unfortunately, Levi prediction was spot on.

At the current moment, whenever Winsor wanted to know Levi’s present condition, he would ask Minka.

Minka suggested the two of them should meet up instead of talking through the phone, as she believed it would be easier to discuss things face-to-face.

After all, both of them wanted Levi to recover as soon as possible.

Their goals were the same.

The two of them decided to meet up at North Hampton.

“Winsor and Minka’s location has been confirmed! They’ll be meeting at Paradise Villa tomorrow!”

“Prepare to make a move! We must succeed! Failure is not an option!”

“Use all the resources we have to seal off North Hampton! I don’t believe the Crown King can save those two from thousands of miles away!”

“This time, we’ll let Erudia know the power of The Avengers!”

Everyone thought the Crown King was situated in the North.

That was what their intel told them.

Hence, no one would expect them to make a move in time.

It was different from the gene therapy drug operation.

At that time, the Dragonites were prepared, which was why they appeared with the Crown King.

Things were different for their next operation.

After all, no one would expect an assassination attempt on Asura and Enyo at the same time.

Even Levi wouldn’t be able to predict they were crazy enough to pull off the execution of Erudia’s Asura and Enyo!

In the span of one night, expert killers poured into North Hampton.

The scary part was that the place was locked down silently.

No one would be able to enter.

It was obvious that The Avengers was very powerful and had lots of resources.

They also set up a bunch of traps inside the Paradise Villa.

They were only waiting for Winsor and Minka to arrive.

The next day.

The two of them to arrive at North Hampton.

As Levi was recovering slowly, the two decided to meet up to discuss strategy.

Minka was the first to arrive at Paradise Villa.

Then, it was Winsor.

Both of them didn’t notice anything was wrong.


“Enyo and Asura shall die today!”


Chapter 1363​

Winsor and Minka were completely oblivious to the fact that they had fallen into a trap.

That showed how fearsome The Avengers were.

Even the two of them couldn’t detect anything.

Both of them were very alert of their surroundings, but they didn’t expect anyone would be crazy enough to kill them both at the same time on their turf.

“Guard the doors!” Minka and Winsor ordered.

Winsor’s Asura Trio and Minka’s four female Kings of War guarded the door.

“The state of Levi’s injury is a bit difficult to…” The two then started discussing how to make Levi recover as soon as possible.

As their masters talked, those guarding the doors started chatting as well.

“I don’t understand. Levi has lost to the boss, but he still wanted to fight him?”

“I don’t understand as well. Is it really just because Enyo said she believed in Levi?”

The ladies smiled. “We didn’t understand initially either. After we did some digging ourselves, it could be because of feelings.”


The Asura Trio’s expressions changed after they thought of something. Is it because Winsor likes Minka, and Minka likes Levi?

“Wait a second. Something doesn’t feel right.” Bolgun sensed something was off.

“What’s wrong?” the others asked.

“Don’t you all think this place is too quiet? The atmosphere here is very suspicious!” Bolgun observed the surroundings vigilantly.

“You’re right! There were a lot of people here. Where did they all go?”

“I wouldn’t have noticed if you didn’t mention it!”

“Be on guard, everyone!”

Zar rushed into the room and informed Winsor and Minka about the situation.

“What?” The two were stunned.

Then, Winsor smiled. “You guys are getting too worried! This is North Hampton. There’s no danger here. Besides, who can possibly harm us?”

I’m the God of War! Anyone who knows my name would know that they can’t threaten me. Winsor thought to himself confidently.

“I suppose that’s true. Besides, what kind of danger could ever harm us?” Minka smiled.

In their opinion, their existences were no different from that of a god’s.

Not to mention, they were on their turf, so no one could harm them.


The moment she finished, the entire building was hit by a terrifying explosion and crumbled down instantly.

All three of them rapidly escaped the building before they were buried under the rubble.

Winsor and Minka looked back at the collapsed building with ashen faces. Smoke and dust were billowing at the ruins in front of them.

“Alert! Alert!” they shouted.

No one expected such a danger lurking at Paradise Villa.

Then, they heard shouting and lots of footsteps.

The entire villa was quickly surrounded by an absurd amount of masked assailants aiming to claim the lives of Winsor and Minka!

Winsor, Minka, and the others looked at the highly skilled assassins with shock. There really were people trying to kill us? That’s impossible! This is outrageous! Don’t they know who we are?

Winsor roared, “Who are you people! What do you want! Don’t you know who I am!”

Their opponent sneered, “Winsor and Minka! Both of you are going to die here today! Kill them!”

Chapter 1364​

“What? Kill us? Have you all lost your minds?” Winsor and Minka couldn’t understand why anyone would want to try and kill them.

“Do you have a death wish?”

Of course, it was all thanks to Levi and his recent activities.

It was a secret order that no one knew, including them.

The leader of The Avengers, Golden Mask, ordered, “Kill Winsor and Minka now!”

The assailants then charged toward them, hoping to end the battle as soon as possible.

“Do you think any of you can kill me that easily?” Winning the battle with North Sky Lord had made Winsor confident.

“We’ll talk more after killing them! Charge!” Minka roared.

With that, the nine of them started to fight.

The moment they did, however, they became flabbergasted. They’re really strong! Each and every one of them is a powerful warrior, and there are so many of them!

Winsor thought he could massacre all of them, but he was immediately pushed back by two masters.

Minka had it worse since she was weaker than Winsor.

The other seven were struggling to stay alive, as each of them would be easily taken down by just one opponent.

At that moment, there were hundreds of opponents as strong as that.

“All of them are ultimate class warriors!” Winsor was getting pale and started to sweat bullets.

He couldn’t believe all the opponents there belonged to the ultimate class. This is impossible! Who’s powerful enough to gather all of them here! This is not even counting the fighters that may be camping outside the villa!

At that moment, being in god class was nothing to brag about.

Lots of effort had been put in just to kill the two of them.

Winsor unleashed all the fighting techniques of the Great Family of Frostford he knew to its maximum potential to push back the assassins.

Minka might be fighting hard, but she was still holding on.

However, Zar and the others were beaten to a pulp after an endless barrage of attacks.

In no time, they were losing the fight!

“Increase your speed! Don’t give them any chance to breathe!” Golden Mask urged.

The Avengers’ attack was getting fiercer by the second.

Zar and the others were completely immobilized.

If it wasn’t for Winsor and Minka’s protection, all of them would’ve died.

As both of them were injured pretty badly, they used a potion to recover their vitality.

However, the enemies were too powerful and they kept pouring in.

It wasn’t long before both of them were defeated.

At that point, even taking the potion could not be of use.

They had lost their ability to fight, and death was waiting for them!

This is unbelievable! I can’t believe the enemy sent so many experts to kill us! What kind of organization is this? How were they able to gather so many ultimate class and god class warriors? Winsor wondered.

“We’ll leave once we kill them!” Golden Mask ordered.

“Do you really want to kill us? I’m Winsor, the God of War! Do you know the consequence if you kill me?” Winsor warned coldly.

Even then, he still thought the enemy couldn’t kill him because he was too great.

“I know, but I still want to kill you!” Golden Mask responded.

“Wait! Can you tell us who you are?” Minka had given up.

Even if reinforcements arrived, they wouldn’t be able to leave with their lives intact.

After all, the enemies were just too powerful!

Moreover, there were just so many of them.

“You don’t deserve to know!”


Chapter 1365​

“Chop off their heads and hang them on the highest spot of North Hampton!”

Winsor had never expected that there would a day where he felt endless despair.

He was too cocky because he managed to climb to his current position rather smoothly. I just got to where I am and there was just so much I haven’t done yet! Am I really going to die? I can’t accept it! I don’t want to die like this!

Winsor wanted to buy more time, but their executioner was already swinging his sword at their necks.

“Is this it…”

Winsor and Minka saw their lives flashed before their eyes.


Right at the last moment, a pebble shot out like a bullet, flying through the air and blasting the executioner away.

The executioner’s sword was even broken in half.

The sudden attack spooked The Avengers.

“What happened?”

Everyone started looking around, trying to find the origin of the attack.

“I don’t think you have my permission to kill my general.”

The door opened, and people with swords flooded from the outside.

The leader of the group, who was the one speaking, was wearing a mask and an eye-catching ring.

“The Dragon Ring, Dragon Mask, and Dragon Sword? You’re the Crown King!”

The Avengers were utterly flabbergasted by Levi’s appearance.

Everyone looked at him in disbelief.

Their intel had told them the Crown King was either at Oakland City or the North!

He wasn’t supposed to be at North Hampton, yet there he was!

Winsor and Minka, who were on the verge of death, were overjoyed to see Levi coming to their rescue.

We’re saved! The Crown King is here!

“This is even better! We’ll kill you too! Right here, right now!” The Avengers regained their confidence after a brief panic.

“New order! Everyone kill the Crown King!” Golden Mask ordered.

“Sir, all activities have ceased outside…” his underling reported.

“That’s because all of them are dead!” Levi smirked.

“I’ll still kill you!” Everyone then charged toward Levi once Golden Mask relayed his order.

It was a rare sight to see so many ultimate class warriors fighting together.

Their combat prowess would’ve scared almost anyone!

However, they just had to face Levi!

He had done a similar thing at Raysonia.

In an instant, an explosive battled ensued!

Winsor and Minka were completely shocked as they watched Levi take down the warriors effortlessly. The Crown King is so strong! In fact, he is too strong to be true that he is practically invincible!

The Avengers’ warriors were absolutely no match for Levi. So what if they have more than dozens of ultimate class and god class warriors? I can still cut all of them down!

It only took a few minutes for The Avengers to be completely wiped out.

Golden Mask also killed himself soon after.

All of them were killed under the skills and prowess of Levi!

It was just like Oakland City, once the masks were removed, the faces revealed were all deformed.

None of them could be recognized!

Levi had expected it, so he didn’t find it odd.

However, Winsor and the others were completely stunned. Who are these people?

Winsor and Minka promptly kneeled in front of Levi. “Thank you for saving us, Crown King!”

“Crown King, if I may ask, why are you at North Hampton?” Winsor was curious.

Chapter 1366​

If it wasn’t for Levi, Winsor would’ve died miserably.

Levi wouldn’t have noticed The Avengers’ plan if they didn’t lock down the entire North Hampton.

As silently as they were, they couldn’t escape Levi’s sight as The Calamity had eyes all over the area.

The moment The Avengers made a move, Levi knew something was going on.

If it had happened at some other place, Levi wouldn’t have made it in time.

“I’ve always been at North Hampton!” Levi answered.

“Eh?” Winsor and the others were shocked that the Crown King and Levi were staying in the same place.

What a coincidence!

Regardless, the two of them were impressed by the Crown King.

“You still suck, Winsor!” Levi commented coldly.

That was Levi’s evaluation. Winsor is just an average fighter compared to the people he fought, yet he’s the God of War! What a shame!

“I…” Winsor’s expression darkened.

He curled his hands into fists. “At least I’m stronger than Levi! Of course, I wouldn’t be able to win against so many skillful opponents!”

Levi chuckled. The way Winsor is obsessed with me is so adorably pitiful. I could crush him with a finger, yet he still thought I’m weaker than him?

Despite what Levi thought, Winsor was still capable of humility as he admit the Crown King was stronger than him.

“Why are you two here at North Hampton? Is there a mission going on that I’m not aware of?” Levi questioned.

Winsor and Minka looked at each other, unsure of what to say.

They couldn’t tell him they were talking about Levi.

“Didn’t I warn you not to waste effort and time on pointless things?” Levi coldly reprimanded.

“Understood!” Everyone nodded their heads.

It look like they had learned their lesson.

“Crown King, may I ask who attacked us?” Minka asked.

“This has nothing to do with you! Don’t ask too many questions!” Levi instructed.

Winsor and the rest then left.

“We need to be more careful next time. Erudia is not safe!” Winsor sighed.

“Who would’ve thought…” Minka shivered.

“Now I know how weak I am! I must train myself to be stronger. Even though Levi is not my opponent, I must win against him once more!” Winsor’s eyes lit up.

“They’ve finally shown themselves, Master! It was thanks to their secret lockdown of North Hampton that we finally have the lead we needed!” West Sky Lord exclaimed.

Levi smiled. “I know! This time, their biggest mistake is making a move at North Hampton! Tell everyone to track them down!”

The Avengers didn’t expect someone would crash the party.

Once again, their plan had failed.

However, the biggest news in recent times was still the reappearance of Thierry Langston, the leader of the Great Family of Westford.

He would soon arrive at the Lopez family.

Once again, the status of the Lopez family would be elevated.

They had unintentionally become the largest family in Erudia. Even the Garrison family couldn’t compete with them now.

“Zoey, my brother wants to meet you! Your status will only become more and more noble as time passes! Soon, you’ll become someone that Levi can never hope to match up!”

Chapter 1367​

The other three great families were getting restless.

Thierry’s reappearance had caused a lot of commotion.

On Levi’s side, he was still ordering his men to track down The Avengers.

He was taking a walk next to a lake in North Hampton. West Sky Lord and several others followed behind him.

“Our leads told us that a prince from Zarain has close contact with them. The others are still searching for more clues!” West Sky Lord revealed.

“Zarain?” Levi gritted his teeth.

His anger flared up when he heard the name.

Levi suffered under their hands before.

They were a group of despicable people known for their underhand tricks.

They would do anything to get what they want.

There was a massacre at the borders that was linked to them.

One hundred and fifteen of Levi’s men were tortured and murdered by the Zarain army.

He bore nothing but hatred for that group of people.

However, Zarain covered up their tracks really well, so there was no evidence that suggested they did it.

Levi knew for sure it was them, but he couldn’t prove it.

At the time, he ignored his orders and killed his way into Zarain for vengeance. It almost got him fired.

In the end, there was nothing he could do except to let them get away with the crime, as there was no solid proof to hold them accountable.

“It seems like birds of a feather flock together! Find them! I want to know where they are hiding!” Levi roared.

He would not hesitate to seek revenge if he had a reason to.

“Understood!” everyone else exclaimed.

“I’ll walk one more round here! You all go back first!” He ordered.

Levi’s mood was ruined by the mention of Zarain. I’ve waited for this day for so long, yet I still don’t have a reason to make a move. I wonder who’s been orchestrating all the killings. Hopefully, once we catch The Avengers, we’ll be able to catch the sinners at Zarain as well.

It didn’t take long before Levi circled the entire lake and arrived at a beautiful place.

There were a couple of people at a distance.

One of them was an old man wearing a black traditional clothing. There was an air of regality around him.

At his side was a young lady around the age of eighteen.

She had a ponytail and an arrogant look.

They were followed by six people wearing white attire.

The word “Westford” was sewed on their outfit.

Levi could tell those six people were extremely scary!

In fact, they were more powerful than the Demon Blade of Raysonia!

All of them were Ultimate Great Grandmaster!

Despite that, all six of them were only servants.

Levi was shocked when he saw through their abilities. Who are these two? How are they so powerful that they could get six Ultimate Great Grandmasters to be their servants?

Levi didn’t know that the old man was Thierry Langston, while the girl was his granddaughter, Judy Langston.

They had just arrived at North Hampton to check out the scenery of Lake Westia.

Due to the agreement, they had been trapped within the land of Westford.

Still, Levi wasn’t a cat who would get killed by curiosity, so he continued his stroll.

“Stop right there! You shouldn’t be here!”

He was immediately stopped after taking two more steps.

“Why?” Levi smiled with squinted eyes.

“Because you are on private property! Unauthorized personnel aren’t allowed to enter!” the men warned.

Levi instantly understood that the entire area had been locked down. No wonder the usual liveliness in the area is gone.

Levi ignored the men and continued walking.


Chapter 1368​

The Ultimate Great Grandmasters shouted, “I said stop, you fool! Didn’t you hear me?”

When Thierry arrived, they were responsible for clearing the area.

Everyone immediately cleared out after they announced their identity.

No one dared to say no.

However, a fool just showed up, and he even wanted to continue wandering around after being warned.

“Get out of my way!” Levi demanded.

He was feeling extremely gloomy thinking about his lost comrades.

And those men were annoying him.

“Don’t you know who we are? We are…” They wanted to intimidate Levi by revealing their identity, but they were immediately shoved aside by him.

“I don’t want to know!” Levi shouted.

The men were shocked that he pushed them away so easily.

“Seize him!” they shouted.

Soon, the skilled bodyguards hiding in the shadows popped out to stop Levi from going any further.

“Get out of my way if you don’t want to die!” Levi roared.

“You have some nerve to be such an insolent fool before the Great Family of Westford! Are you looking for a fight?” one of the bodyguards exclaimed.

“That’s precisely what I am going to do now!” Levi immediately attacked the bodyguards.

His punches were fierce and never missed the target.

It didn’t take long for him to defeat everyone.

The commotion was eventually noticed by Thierry and his granddaughter.

The two of them didn’t expect someone to cause trouble soon after they reappeared.

“Such an impudent fool still exists in this world? He has some nerve to cross me!” Thierry spoke sternly.

“What’s going on?” People started to gather around Thierry.

Judy was staring at Levi with her beautiful eyes.

“Master, that fool refused to listen to us and wanted to barge in here!”

Thierry’s expression turned cold.

“Master…” The people of the Great Family of Westford quickly bowed with a terrified expression.

They were afraid that Thierry would become angry.

After all, he was the leader of the Great Family of Westford!

To them, he dictated everything, much like what emperors did in the past did, yet Levi continued to provoke him.

“Don’t you know who we are?” Judy intimidated.

Levi sneered, “I don’t know, and I don’t want to know!”

Everyone was shocked by his response.

They had always put themselves on the pedestal.

The moment they reappeared in the world, they were revered like gods.

When people in the south heard of Thierry’s arrival, they held an extremely lavish banquet for him.

People worshipped the ground he walked on.

And yet, Levi was causing trouble like they were nothing important.

“Do you want to die so badly? Fine! You’ll be dead in just a minute!” one of the Ultimate Great Grandmasters shouted.

There was a strict rule at the Great Family of Westford.

If anyone dared to provoke a high-ranking member of the family, they would be executed!

If Levi was at Westford, his head would’ve been immediately chopped off.

“Don’t be reckless, Exi! This isn’t our territory. All of you must adjust to this place. Don’t attack or kill anyone whenever you like!” Thierry advised.

He then turned to his granddaughter and asked, “What do you think we should do, Judy?”

“How about we make him kneel down to apologize and be done with it, Grandpa?” Judy suggested.

“Did you hear her, fool? We’ll take it that this whole thing never happened if you kneel and apologize! You’re lucky you’re getting off this easily!”

“Yeah! You would’ve died otherwise!”

“Kneel down now and we’ll spare you!”

The people demanded.

Levi shook his head in resignation. Why are there always people looking for trouble?


Chapter 1369​

“Scram!” Levi roared.

It was one thing that Thierry’s men locked the place down; it was another that they were pissing him off.

Everyone of the Great Family of Westford was shocked by his response. He’s telling us to scram? Is he insane?

“Kill him!” The servant behind Thierry immediately charged toward Levi.

That was an Ultimate Great Grandmaster stronger than the Demon Blade!

If they weren’t in hiding, the Demon Blade wouldn’t have existed in Bayview!


A single punch from the warrior was so powerful that it felt like a mountain falling from the sky!

The intense, terrifying pressure was indescribable.

If it was anyone else that was hit, their entire body would’ve been crushed in an instant!

That was the power of an Ultimate Great Grandmaster!

Even a normal punch from them had the force to split the sky and crack the ground!

And if it landed on a person, they would explode in a burst of flesh and blood.

Everyone was certain that Levi was going to die.


It was a deafening boom.


The bricks on the ground shattered into pieces.

Everyone was pushed back by the power of the attack, yet Levi was completely unharmed!

He managed to block the attack by smashing his fist against the Ultimate Great Grandmaster’s!


The Ultimate Great Grandmaster spat out blood as he was sent flying away.


Levi had also punched a hole in the man’s body as the energy he injected during the attack couldn’t be dispersed.

Everyone was completely shocked!

They were widening their eyes so hard that their eyeballs were about to pop out. What sort of power is this? How can an impudent fool defeat one of the most powerful men in the world? This is unbelievable!

“My turn!” Another Ultimate Great Grandmaster charged toward Levi with the intention to kill him.


Like the previous one, it only took one punch for Levi to send his assailant flying.

“My turn!” The third Ultimate Great Grandmaster stepped out and, like the previous two, was sent flying away in one punch too.


“I don’t believe it!” The fourth Ultimate Great Grandmaster met the same fate as well.

It was absolutely humiliating!

the Great Family of Westford had never been humiliated like that for hundreds of years!

The most powerful warriors Thierry had couldn’t even defeat a random fool.

“We’ll kill him together!” The remaining two Ultimate Great Grandmasters made their moves at the same time.

They must kill him, or else the Great Family of Westford would become a joke if the news was leaked out.

Both of them were thinking of using their ultimate technique immediately to vanquish Levi.

However, just like their counterparts, it only took two dull punches from him to match their ultimate techniques.



In an instant, the remaining two masters were sent flying away.

Blood spilled all over the ground.

All six of the Ultimate Great Grandmasters were lying on the ground.

Everyone was absolutely terrified of Levi. Who is this man? Is he really a man or a ghost? How is it possible that such a strong person exists in this modern, mundane world? Not to mention, he’s young too! This is simply unimaginable! The Great Family of Westford had countless prodigies that could rival the strength of Ultimate Great Grandmaster, yet none could take out six in such an effortless manner!

Levi stared at Thierry and Judy coldly. “Do you still want me to kneel down and apologize?”

Chapter 1370​


Everyone was shocked.

No one had expected a young man to be that powerful.

Is he even human?

They did not expect to meet such a formidable force that soon.

“Even six Ultimate Great Grandmasters are defeated by him?”

“Yeah, and it seemed like he barely even lifted a finger!”

“His abilities definitely defy the laws of this world! I think the only people who can match his skill level are the Five Dragons of Erudia in their younger days,” Thierry exclaimed.

Everyone knew that the Five Dragons of Erudia were almost invincible.

Compared to those hidden forces, those five people could be considered at the zenith of the martial arts world.

Even the Four Great Families were not their match.

They were legends!

After meeting Levi, Thierry was immediately reminded of them.

He had never expected anyone to be as good as the Five Dragons of Erudia.

Even after so many years, the Four Great Families had not been able to groom any disciples who could take over those five men.

As such, it seemed unbelievable that a man like Levi existed in the mundane world.

What was even more frightening was that Levi was not just as good as the Five Dragons of Erudia, but his abilities could even be above them.

Judy was looking at the man in disbelief.

There was no lack of talents in the Four Great Families and there were a few of them whom Judy especially admired.

However, it was the first time she came across someone like Levi.

He’s way too strong!

In fact, Levi was so strong that even Judy, who was usually prideful, could not help but be in awe of his abilities.

But he’s merely an ordinary man from the mundane world!

“Is there anyone else from the Great Family of Westford who would like to try fighting me?” Levi asked as he swept his gaze across the crowd.

However, not a single person, including Thierry, dared to look at Levi. There was simply no one who dared to take him on.

“Young man, this is all just a misunderstanding. We’re good. There’s no need to continue fighting!” Thierry finally gave in.

Agreeing with Thierry, Judy added, “Exactly! There’s no feud between us. We don’t have to be so hostile toward each other!”

Levi sneered. “Just a misunderstanding? No feud? Didn’t you guys want to trap me and were after my life? How is that a misunderstanding?”


Everyone was speechless when faced with Levi’s confrontation.

“We’re in the wrong indeed. I’ll apologize to you on behalf of the Great Family of Westford! Mr. Garrison, if there’s anything we can do for you to atone for our mistake, please let us know and we will be happy to do it.”

No one had expected Thierry to offer an apology.

Even Judy had a look of disbelief on her face.

Thierry was more knowledgeable and had seen more than any of the other people present.

After hearing the man’s apology, the rest knew that they had underestimated Thierry’s opinion of Levi, as well as Levi’s value.

It was a good move on Thierry’s part to apologize to Levi, otherwise, Levi would definitely pursue the matter further.

“Whatever. I’ll take it that you have learned your mistake, then. Just don’t let me see you again!” Levi turned around and was about to leave after saying that.

“Please hold on, Mr. Garrison! Please don’t leave yet!” Thierry called out to Levi as he dashed in front of him, stopping the man from leaving.

“What’s the matter?” Levi frowned.

“Mr. Garrison, I’m Thierry Langston, the head of the Great Family of Westford. I’m sure an extraordinary man like yourself must have heard of the Four Great Families, right?” Thierry asked.

“Yes, I have.”

“Mr. Garrison, as the head of the family, I would like to invite you to be a part of our Great Family of Westford! I promise that if you join us, your power will only be second to mine. In the future, I can even hand the family over to you! I promise that you can enjoy all the resources we have. No matter what you do, the family will also support you!”

No one had expected Thierry to make Levi such a promise.

They couldn’t believe that he had even offered the man the position of the family’s second-in-command.

However, what the others did not understand was Thierry’s thirst for a talent like Levi.

As long as Levi agreed to be a part of the Great Family of Westford, the family will immediately rise up to be the leader of the Four Great Families.

Chapter 1371​

Thierry had been dreaming of that for the longest time.

Currently, the Great Family of Westford was considered the weakest of the Four Great Families.

However, things would definitely change should Levi joins them.

As such, Thierry needed to use any means he could to get Levi to join his side.

With Levi around, he was confident that for the next century, or even a few centuries, the Great Family of Westford would reign supreme.

Thierry kept his head lowered while waiting for Levi’s reply.

The other members of the family could hardly believe what they were seeing as they had never seen Thierry bowing down to anyone.

“Mr. Garrison, as long as you agree to join us, I’ll agree to any conditions you have in order to show our sincerity.”

Everyone had thought that no one would be able to reject such alluring terms offered by Thierry.

However, Levi looked up with a sneer and replied, “I’m not interested!”

After saying that, he turned to leave, which sent Thierry into a fluster.

“Mr. Garrison, please reconsider! Don’t leave yet! Let’s talk about it again! I will agree to any requests you have…”

“Another word of nonsense from you and I’ll kill all of you!” Levi interrupted Thierry, releasing a murderous aura. At that moment, the former looked just like a demon from hell.

Everyone from the Great Family of Westford was terrified when they heard that.

They knew that if Levi wanted to kill them, not a single one of them would be able to leave that place alive.

As such, Thierry had no choice but to choke back his words and everyone watched as Levi walked away.

After the man finally left, everyone heaved a sigh of relief as they felt like they could finally breathe without his intimidating presence.

“Grandpa, why did you have to lower yourself to ask him to join our Great Family of Westford? I mean, I do admit that he’s very powerful, but is he really that formidable?” Judy asked, feeling confused.

The other members of the family had the same question.

“Have you heard of the Five Dragons of Erudia?” Thierry asked.

Everyone gasped when they heard that.

The Five Dragons of Erudia were legends and words had it that they were invincible.

It was everyone’s dream to become as good as them.

However, almost a century later, there was still no one who was able to succeed them.

Those five were simply way too strong and it seemed almost impossible to reach their standards.

“That young man is almost as good as the Five Dragons of Erudia! He would definitely be able to reach their level in no time!” Thierry explained.

“What?” Everyone was shocked by what they had just heard.

“I’ve never come across anyone who’s this formidable at such a young age! He definitely has the potential to be the successor of the Five Dragons Of Erudia. If he is willing to join us, that will certainly help us become the head of the Four Great Families!” Thierry continued.

“I see! That’s quite frightening indeed!” Judy and the rest gaped in disbelief.

“Judy, I have a task for you. You shall investigate his background thoroughly. I will not give up on this man! If the other families know about him, they will definitely try all means to get him on their side. Whoever gets him will rule for the next century!” Thierry instructed.

“Understood! I’ll find out everything about him and try my best to get him on our side!” Judy replied.

Thierry glanced at Judy and said, “It would be even better if he’s still single. If that’s the case, Judy, you should marry him and you will be guaranteed a bright future!”

A blush of embarrassment spread across the woman’s cheeks when she heard that.

As she was from a family of fighters, it was natural that she admired men who were powerful and Levi fitted the bill to the tee.

“Alright! It’s decided then!” Thierry smiled.

He was already imagining Levi as his future grandson-in-law.

Just then, Cora and the Lopez family arrived at Lake Westia.

“Thierry, we’re here to pick you up!” the old lady exclaimed.

That got everyone feeling both excited and nervous at the same time.


Chapter 1372​

To the Lopez family, the Great Family of Westford was their biggest supporter, and it wouldn’t be too much to even regard them as their family’s forefathers.

“Should we get on our knees?” asked Harry, who couldn’t contain his feelings.

Everyone wanted to present their best selves to Thierry.

“You don’t have to, but everyone else should do so,” instructed Cora.



One by one, the Lopezes got on their knees.

“Thierry, this is my husband, Harry Lopez, and the others are our younglings,” said Cora to introduce everyone.

Thierry wasn’t paying attention to them at all. He simply nodded numbly.

Judy and the others were even less interested in the Lopez family.


The nonchalant response from the Great Family of Westford got the entire Lopez family to panic.

Did we not do a good job of greeting them?

Even Cora was a little taken aback.

Despite that, she was quick to push Zoey and Forlevia ahead and said, “Thierry, this is my granddaughter, Zoey, and her daughter, Evie. Didn’t you say you wanted to meet them?”

Zoey and Forlevia greeted politely as well.

However, Thierry ignored them completely. He shared in a strange tone, “Cora, guess who I met earlier?”

“Huh? Who did you meet?” asked Cora curiously.

“I just met an incredible genius. He has got to be the strongest young man I have ever met!” answered Thierry in astonishment.

“Huh? A young man who got you to call him incredible? He must really be something else, then.”

Judy chimed in and said, “Just earlier, he squashed all six of grandpa’s subordinates with ease. We could’ve died if he had the intention of doing so.”

“Exactly! All I can say is this, he is worthy of being the next in line to succeed the Five Dragons of Erudia. He might even become someone who fights alongside the Five Dragons of Erudia.”

Thierry was still basking in the shock he experienced earlier.

“Really? You think he can actually do it?” blurted Cora, who knew all about the Five Dragons of Erudia.

For years, the Four Great Families had been searching and training potential talents to succeed in the Five Dragons Of Erudia.

I can’t believe a rare talent just dropped out of the sky like that!

“W-Where is he now?” asked Cora as she swallowed hard.

Thierry shook his head and replied, “He already left. The most astonishing part, however, is that he is just a commoner! That is truly unexpected.”

“What? A young commoner with the ability to succeed the Five Dragons of Erudia? Something like that has never happened before. Not even the Four Great Families have ever seen it,” said Cora. She was so shocked that her eyes bulged like they were about to pop out of her sockets.

“I never expected it. This is my first day here. Yet, I have already been given such a big surprise. It is simply too harrowing,” said Thierry as he sighed fearfully.

“I made him an offer and told him what he could have if he joined the Great Family of Westford, but he rejected it. It’s too bad. We would surely rise to the top if he were to join us!”

Cora nodded in agreement and said, “That is true.”

“I have a plan for this. Once I learn his real identity, I will arrange a marriage for him and Judy. That will turn him into the next-in-line for the Great Family of Westford! I shall spare no expenses to get him to join our ranks,” declared Thierry excitedly.

Cora suddenly thought of something, and she couldn’t help but ask, “Thierry, did you meet him here?”

“Yeah, why do you ask?”

“Well, if that’s the case, I’m guessing he is from North Hampton or is living here,” said Cora as she turned to the rest of the Lopezes and instructed, “Tap into your contacts. They might know something about the guy, and we can help locate him.”

Thierry slapped his forehead when he learned what Cora was doing. He replied, “You’re right. So, do you guys know any incredible genius living here? He is about this tall, and he can’t have been over thirty….”

Thierry and the others described Levi’s appearance to the Lopezes.

That stunned everyone, and they blurted, “Why does the dude sound a little like Levi?”


Chapter 1373​

“It’s Daddy. They’re describing Daddy!” cheered Forlevia while clapping.

Even Zoey thought that Thierry’s description matched Levi.

“Was the guy in a wheelchair?” asked Zoey curiously.

Thierry shook his head and replied, “No, he wasn’t. There’s no way a powerful man like that needs to use a wheelchair.”

“Oh, then it can’t be him,” murmured Zoey.

First off, Levi is in a wheelchair.

Secondly, there is no way that Levi would go to a place like Lake Westia.

Her reasoning was sound because there was no way she could’ve guessed that Levi would drop by the place in person to avoid being detected by Minka’s men and to get the report from West Sky Lord.

“That truly frightened me. I thought it might actually be Levi for a second there,” said Harry and the others before they heaved a deep sigh.

The consequences would have been grave if that person turned out to be Levi.

Thierry was a God-like existence to the Lopez family.

All it would take was one word from him, and the family’s ranking would rise to the top of Erudia.

The guy Thierry described was so incredible that Harry wanted to get the guy to join them as well.

I can’t even imagine what kind of a man he is.

“Still, if there’re any incredible guys in North Hampton, then it has to be the old Levi. He used to be the God of War, after all,” replied Harry. “I haven’t heard about anyone else who is that powerful. I did hear about a rumor some time ago, though. It seems that the headquarter of the Calamity is right here in North Hampton. Could it be that you met someone from that organization?”

“Who knows? Winsor has crushed The Calamity, but it could be that there are other hidden organizations in the city,” said Shaun.

Thierry’s expression shifted a little before he announced, “Alright then. At least we know where to begin searching for the guy.”

After saying his piece, Thierry turned his gaze to Zoey and said, “So, you’re Zoey Lopez?”

“Yes,” replied Zoey.

“Hmm, not bad,” said Thierry before he nodded and asked, “Your husband, Levi Garrison, used to be the God of War, right?”

Zoey’s marriage with Levi was the only reason Thierry wanted to meet her.

“That’s right. Unfortunately, he is no longer that,” said Zoey.

Thierry chuckled and said, “That’s true. It is unfortunate because if he is still that powerful, we could’ve joined forces and reached a higher level together.”

“Thierry, that punk is stubborn and ignorant. He is disrespectful to us even though he is bound to a wheelchair. He would behave even more arrogantly if he is still the God of War,” growled Cora angrily.

“Such insolence! So what if he is the God of War? He would still be nothing to me!” roared Thierry, who was instantly infuriated.

Even the God of War at the time was nothing but a puny subordinate of the Great Family of Frostford.

All he has is a slightly higher rank. These so-called Gods of War are nothing against me when it comes to actual power and combat strength.

Cora then shared everything about the three-month deadline.

“Hah! I’d like to see what he’d come up with to earn the right to see his wife and daughter. If he fails to meet my expectations, I will not let him be reunited with either of you!” growled Thierry.

Hearing Thierry’s words got everyone in the Lopez family to sigh a breath of relief.

Levi is so dead this time. Even Enyo won’t be able to protect him… Well, unless he chose to never see his wife and daughter ever again.

“Alright, let’s head back for now. I will stay in North Hampton for the time being and won’t leave until I locate and learn everything about that mysterious man!” announced Thierry.

“That is such a great honor. Even our ancestral grave will glow with pride!” exclaimed Harry and the others. They were so excited that they almost knelt down.

They had never imagined that someone as powerful as Thierry would stay in their place.

Our family is going to rise to the top with this!

“By the way, Mr. Langston, North Hampton will be having a party to host the rich and powerful soon. We’d be honored if you can join.”


Chapter 1374​

Thierry nodded and answered, “Sure, I’ll be there.”

“That’d be amazing!”

Every member of the Lopez family became excited.

That was understandable since Thierry’s reputation would bring infinite benefits to the Lopez family.

“Listen up, everybody. You are to welcome Mr. Langston and treat him as our most honored guest!”

After that, the Lopez family led Thierry into their residence.

The welcoming party was so big that it got the entire North Hampton involved.

Everyone learned that Thierry had moved in and was living temporarily with the Lopez family.

It didn’t take long before the Lopez family got the Black family to go visit Thierry.

At that moment, every younger member of both families was gathered outside.

Shaun, Samuel, and Jennie were hanging out together at the time.

“Shaun, do you hate Levi?” asked Jennie all of a sudden.

“I guess. His existence really pisses me off sometimes,” replied Shaun.

He had thought about it, and there wasn’t any major conflict between the two of them, but Levi was pretty annoying.

Jennie grinned evilly and suggested, “We have a rare opportunity here. How about we get rid of him once and for all?”

“What do you mean?”

“The restraining order from the Great Family of Westford is still in effect, right? For now, Levi is not allowed to visit Zoey and Forlevia, so why don’t we set a trap for him? We can invite him to the welcoming party, and he will inevitably see Zoey there. He will have inadvertently gone against the restraining order, won’t he?” said Jennie.

Shaun’s eyes gleamed as he commented, “Having him break the rules in front of Thierry… that will be seen as a blatant challenge against Thierry! Thierry will surely punish him cruelly for it. That is a truly brilliant scheme. Alright, I will send my people to go work on it right away. We will make Levi attend the party tonight.”

Melanie, who was standing at the side, laughed aloud as well. She exclaimed, “Great! This time, not even Enyo will have an excuse to protect him. Levi is doomed!”

Jennie and Logan turned to each other and grinned.

Levi will definitely meet his end this time. Tonight’s party will go down in history. Rumor has it that they spent a fortune on the party. Levi will be so surprised and glad to receive an invitation card, and he won’t realize that this is a trick.

Some time later, Levi was indeed surprised to see that he got invited.

He thought about it before saying, “Alright, guess I’ll go to the party.”

His answer delighted Shaun and the others.

Their only concern had been that Levi might refuse to show up…

As for the other members of the Lopez and Black family, they knew nothing about it.

Before heading to the party site, Shaun deliberately went to Judy and asked, “Ms. Langston, what will happen if Levi ignores the rules and insists on dropping by to see his wife and daughter?”

A ferocious glare shot out of Judy’s eyes. She answered, “Since Grandpa issued the order himself, anyone who dared disobeyed it will meet an untimely death! As far as the Great Family of Westford is concerned, Grandpa’s words are the law and must be obeyed!”

Hearing those words got Shaun and the others to sigh a breath of relief.

That’s good to know. This means that Levi will surely die once he sets foot in here.

Logan chuckled and said, “Let’s get our hands on all of his organs after he’s dead. Seriously, his kidney is freaking amazing. My body has become much healthier ever since the surgery.”

“Of course we’re getting his organs. Honestly, I would want to have his kidney too, but I am terrified about having surgery,” shared Shaun with a smile.

Jennie and Melanie grinned in amusement as if their scheme had already succeeded. “Ahh, I feel so much better just thinking about his death.”

The party that night was hosted in the best location in all of North Hampton.

They spent a fortune on the decorations, and honestly, they were extremely close to pulling out the floor and replacing it with gold.

It was as if they were welcoming an emperor.

Thierry and Judy showed up at the party site while being pampered by the Lopez and Black families.

The entire North Hampton was excited.

They stood in two straight lines and cheered simultaneously.

It didn’t take long before Levi and North Sky Lord showed up.

Levi wanted to know what scheme was being played on him. Why did they send me an invitation card?


Chapter 1375​

Apart from that, Levi wanted to see how Zoey and Forlevia were doing.

Even with an invitation card, it should have been difficult for Levi to get into the party site.

However, Shaun had deliberately made some arrangements, so Levi walked into the place with ease.

“Levi is here!”

“Yes! Our wish is about to come true!”

Shaun and the others grinned excitedly when they heard about Levi showing up.

On the other side, Levi also learned the identity of the person who sent the invitation card.

He guessed the perpetrators’ intentions right away.

Ah, so they want to con someone else to do their dirty work.

“Hah,” chuckled Levi.

Do they think Thierry can destroy me? Puh-lease, the guy can be ten times braver, and he still won’t have the guts to come after me. Those idiots are so dumb.

Meanwhile, the members of the Great Family of Westford were enjoying everyone’s admiration.

They loved the attention and wondered why they didn’t drop by earlier. They even regretted showing up that late.

We should have just enjoyed ourselves here.

On the other side, the Lopez family’s power elevated sharply.

The family and individuals that the Lopez family once admired had turned around and were now being extremely respectful toward the Lopez family.

The Lopez family had reached a different level.

Naturally, Thierry and Judy were delighted by the outcome of the party.

Thierry, however, chuckled and said, “How great would it be if that young man shows up here at the party?”

Judy pouted a little and pointed out, “Grandpa, powerful men like that won’t show up at parties. Don’t they usually prefer silence over hanging out in a crowd?”

“That’s true. I guess it’s not possible for us to meet him here, then,” said Thierry as he stroked his beard.

Harry was quick to contribute and suggest, “Thierry, all of North Hampton’s powerful figures are gathered here tonight. They should know practically everything about North Hampton. We can ask them about the guy.”

“Hmm, okay,” replied Thierry while nodding.

After that, Thierry sent Judy to go mingle with the other youngsters.

The Great Family of Westford needed to build a foundation there, so it would do Judy good to mingle with them.

Everyone treated Judy like she was a princess as they gathered and praised her endlessly.

Quite a number of men showed an interest in courting her, but Judy wasn’t into any of them.

Even heirs of the Four Great Families could not capture her attention.

At that moment, she only had one person in mind.

She scanned around.

It was unlikely, but she still instinctively hoped that he would show up.

“Ms. Langston, what are you looking for?” asked the others curiously.

“That is none of your business,” complained Judy impatiently.

Her eyes suddenly glowed brightly because she saw a fleeting figure.

That looks like… It looks so similar…

Click! Click! Click!

Judy rushed over immediately.

She saw Levi, and she was certain that person was the one she met earlier.

Wait, the guy doesn’t just look like the person we met earlier. He is the guy we met earlier.

“Hey, go tell my grandpa that I saw the guy we met earlier,” ordered Judy loudly as she walked away.

The other members of the Great Family of Westford were quick to share the news with Thierry.

“What? The guy actually showed up? I will not let this opportunity slip away again!” announced Thierry as he stood up and demanded, “Find him. Spare no manpower and find him!”

Everyone instantly followed Thierry’s lead. They started looking for Levi.

The party-goers couldn’t even imagine it. What kind of man is the mysterious guy? How did he get Thierry so excited? Thierry even led his team in person just to find the guy!

The party couldn’t progress after that.

Everyone was busy looking for the mysterious man.


Chapter 1376​

On the other side, Shaun and his pals happened to meet Levi, who was in a wheelchair at the time.

“How dare you show up here, Levi? You won’t leave the place in one piece tonight!” threatened Shaun and the others.

They were about to make a scene when they received a call from their family.

An order was issued. They were to look for the mysterious man right away.


Shaun and the others were stumped.

What is up with everyone? Why are they looking for the mysterious man? They should be searching for Levi instead! We have such a rare opportunity to get rid of him once and for all. How did things change so drastically? Gah, never mind. We have to go look for the mysterious man now.

Shaun and the others had no choice but to watch as Levi left. They went to look for the mysterious man after that.

As they did so, they bumped into Judy, who was running over like a lunatic.

“Did you guys see anyone walking by?” asked Judy excitedly.

“No. We didn’t see anyone here,” replied Shaun and the others.

Levi was the only one who walked past that route, but they had completely disregarded his existence.

Besides, they never would have imagined that Levi was the mysterious man.

“Okay, I saw him passing by, but he might be so powerful that he zipped to somewhere else. I’ll go look for him,” said Judy as she turned around to leave.

“Let us help you find him, Ms. Langston. We’d have a better shot at locating him together!”

Shaun and the others were quick to chase after Judy.

Hence, the party ended up becoming a search party looking for a guy.

Meanwhile, Zoey and Forlevia were playing in the lounge.

When the little girl spotted Levi, the first thing she did was to run over and greet, “Daddy! Daddy!”

“W-What are you doing here?”

Zoey was obviously nervous about seeing him there.

She was still angry about the way he behaved earlier, and she hadn’t forgiven him yet, but she was also worried about his safety.

Thierry had sent that order in person. Things will be dangerous if others see Levi here.

“I was invited,” replied Levi as he waved the invitation card he had with him.

“An invitation card? Who gave it to you?” asked Zoey as she checked the card out.

By right, Levi shouldn’t be given one.

“It’s probably from Shaun and his pals.”

“Shoot! They’re aiming to destroy you! You have to leave now,” urged Zoey.

Everyone was off to look for the mysterious man, but Levi would definitely be caught if they suddenly doubled back.

He will be in danger!

“Since you’ve seen how Evie and I are doing, you should leave now,” urged Zoey.

Levi grinned exasperatedly and replied, “Okay, then. I will come to visit you again soon, Evie.”

After making his promise, Levi got North Sky Lord to push him away and head over to the exit.

Thierry and Judy had searched every inch of the place by then, and they had left no stones unturned.

Unfortunately, they still couldn’t find Levi anywhere.

It was as if he had vanished out of thin air…

Everyone went to the entrance to look for the guy, but he wasn’t there either.

With disappointment burning in their hearts, the gang turned away from the entrance and got ready to return to the party.

“Don’t be sad, Grandpa. We met him once, and we’ll meet him again,” said Judy to offer some comfort.

Thierry nodded and said, “You’re right. It’s only natural for someone as powerful as the mystery man to move in irregular patterns. Everyone must work hard and find out who he is as soon as possible. Do not let the other three great families get to the guy before we do!”

“We don’t know anyone that matches that description. In fact, it seems that no one like that even exists in the North.”

“It’s true. We have never even heard of someone like that before.”

Meredith and Robert were discussing the matter.

Russell, who was walking in front of them, thought that the description somewhat matched Levi.

But in his current state…

On the other side, North Sky Lord was pushing Levi toward the entrance.

I’m also using this medium to apologize to everyone for leaving you stranded for long time. I’m really sorry about it

Chapter 1377​

The two parties would meet each other soon.

Meanwhile, Shaun was scheming about how he would make Levi bump into Thierry.

Hah, it would be so great if they meet head-on! Levi won’t even have the chance to beg for mercy.

“Wait, could he have been in the lounge? We searched everywhere except the lounge,” suggested someone.

“Right! That is possible!” blurted everyone as the revelation hit them.

Meredith immediately instructed, “Russell, run ahead as quickly as possible and go to the lounge. Hurry!”

Hearing that order got Russell to run as fast as lightning toward the lounge.

Everyone else sped up as well.

Russell was fast, but he met Levi on the way over to the lounge.

“Levi, what are you doing here?” asked Russell curiously.

The mere thought of how Thierry and the others were right behind him got Russell to sweat nervously.

Levi will definitely be in danger if they see him here!

“Levi, follow me over. Stay here for ten minutes before you leave, okay?”

Russell pushed Levi to the garden at the side without offering any other explanation or giving Levi the opportunity to ask anything.

Levi understood what Russell was doing, so he didn’t stop the latter.

Russell ran ahead to the lounge after hiding Levi away.

It didn’t take long before over a hundred guests ran past the corridor and head over to the lounge.

North Sky Lord didn’t leave with Levi until everyone had walked past them.

At the lounge.

Zoey and Forlevia were the only ones there when Russell showed up.

“You didn’t see anyone around here, right?” asked Russell.

“I saw Daddy…” answered Forlevia instinctively.

Russell quickly warned, “Evie, dear, don’t tell anyone that your daddy came, okay? Not even if they ask.”

“Okay, I understand,” replied Forlevia as she nodded obediently.

Russell talked to Zoey for a while about whether she saw anyone else…

Before long, Thierry and the others reached the lounge.

“Is he not here?” asked Thierry in disappointment.

Russell shook his head.

“Zoey, did you see anyone around here?”

Over a hundred guests turned their attention to Zoey and Forlevia.

The number of people scared Forlevia.

Zoey was worried that Forlevia would let their secret slip, so she was quick to hold her daughter in her arms.

“No, I didn’t see anyone around,” lied Zoey as she put on an oblivious expression.

Russell sighed a breath of relief.

“Well, that’s disappointing. I thought we’d be able to meet the mysterious man,” commented Thierry sadly.

“Let’s continue with the party,” suggested Judy as she waved.

Meanwhile, Shaun and the others had secretly gone to a corner to discuss how they would destroy Levi.

“Watch and learn…” said Jennie before she stepped forward and declared, “Mr. Langston, I’d like to report someone to you.”

“What is it?” asked Thierry.

Everyone shifted their attention to Jennie.

“I want to tell you about Levi Garrison! I saw him at the party site earlier, and it is likely he snuck in here to visit his wife and daughter! His action is no different from disrespecting you and the Great Family of Westford. You have already issued the order and banned them from seeing each other. As such, Levi is, in effect, taunting you!” said Jennie evilly.


Both Zoey’s and Russell’s heart skipped a beat at that.

Levi has been discovered?

The two started praying that Levi had already left. If he had stayed, he will no doubt die today.

“He did what? That insolent punk!” growled Thierry angrily.

Cora was furious as well. She demanded, “Hurry and get Levi over right now! How dare he taunt Thierry like that? I won’t forgive him!”


Everyone spread out immediately.

I’m also using this medium to apologize to everyone for leaving you stranded for long time. I’m really sorry about it
As u have returned, I would like to hand over the story to u with all sincerity,so u can continue entertaining us.
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Chapter 1378​

“I will station some men around the compound and lock him in. He won’t get away with it!” promised Shaun as he grinned smugly.

Jennie and the others were smiling brightly as well.

All that’s left is to wait and watch Levi perish!

Zoey and Russell panicked.

D*mn it, things will be grave if Levi isn’t already gone.

What came next was the members of the Great Family of Westford leading the team in person to locate Levi.

Taunting the head of the Great Family of Westford is a huge sin. He can die a dozen times, and he still won’t be able to atone for it!

Shaun was quick to get the guards to stop Levi from leaving.

However, the guards claimed that they never even saw Levi. It seemed the guy was nowhere to be found within the compound either…

“Huh? How is that possible? Why would Levi leave all of a sudden? This can’t be!”

Shaun couldn’t understand what was going on.

Why would Levi leave for no reason?

Everyone else was stumped as well.

Zoey and Russell, however, heaved a breath of relief.

Thank the heavens he already left.

“Keep searching the region! If we catch him within a few miles of the place, then we can prove that he dropped by earlier. Take him to me immediately after you catch him,” instructed Cora.

The fighters of the Great Family of Westford took off right away and conducted the search extensively.

Unfortunately, they couldn’t find anyone even though they had spent a lot of time on it.

Eventually, a team came back with news, and everyone rushed over.

At that moment, a car had been detained.

“Who’s in there? Everyone is to get out of the car right away!” roared a fighter of the Great Family of Westford.

The door was opened soon after, and two people got out of it.

“Is something wrong?” asked North Sky Lord in an annoyed tone.

“Y-You are…”

When the fighters of the Great Family of Westford saw the terrifying yet familiar face of Levi’s, they instantly got so scared that their words got stuck in their throat.

Their scalp became so tingly that it felt like their head would explode.

A few men there were with Thierry, so they met Levi before.

They recognize him immediately.


The leader of the group stammered. He couldn’t even say a word.



The men fell and knelt as soon as they came around.

They never imagined that they would meet the exceptional talent that Thierry was looking for.

Shoot! We actually blocked his road and stopped his car. We’re so dead.

Even Thierry treats the guy like a VIP! Yet, we just stepped on his tail…

Levi frowned and complained, “What do you want? Are you here to rob me or something?”

The men paled in fright.

“N-No, not at all. We won’t dare to.”

They were on the verge of spewing blood.

We would never have the guts to do so.

“Then f*ck off already!” demanded Levi coldly.

Levi and North Sky Lord got back into the car.

“P-Please wait. O-Our master would like to see you, sir,” informed one of the men right away.

They finally found Levi, so there was no way they could let go of an opportunity like that.

“I’m busy, so just scram, won’t you? Also, if you dare follow me, I’ll kill you!” warned Levi icily before he left with North Sky Lord.

The members of the Great Family of Westford stood there. They didn’t know what to do next.

“Why are you still standing around here? Report the matter to the master right away!”

The men came around and rushed back to the party site immediately.

Inside the lounge.

“Where’s Levi? Did you find him?” asked Cora.

Everyone ignored her. They went to Thierry and reported, “Master, Levi Garrison is no longer important because we just found the mystery man!”

“That’s right. It seems that Ms. Langston was correct, and he was here earlier!”

One sentence was all it took. Everyone was flabbergasted upon hearing what was reported.

The entire place was plunged into dead silence.

It took Thierry some time before he came around.

“What? You guys found him?” blurted Thierry in excitement.

Judy was even more delighted.

“Yes, we are certain we found him. We saw him with our own eyes!”

you don’t have to handover to me completely, let just keep doing it together instead
Ok I will post upto chapter 1400 and u continue further from tomorrow,I will assist when time permits.

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