Understated Dominance - Chapter 905 to 1100

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Understated Dominance translated by Marina Vitori follow here (Original version)👇👇👇

I will send updates when I can. But if you think I am being late you can translate this from the Chinese version. Link provided below 👇👇

New translation will come with new name characters and if you spot mistakes due to different people translating this you would understand.

You are all allowed to post your translation here if you can. Anybody can translate and post here

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
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Chapter 905

“That’ll leave you reeling.”


“That’s one to make you rethink.”


“That’s for your supposed favours and your vendettas.”

“…” Dustin’s blows were relentless, each echoing sharply in the silence.
After Dustin’s fury, Edith’s face was a distorted mess, her nose askew, her lips twisted. It was a ghastly sight.

Witnessing Edith’s brutal treatment, the students of the Jade Maiden Academy were struck dumb with fear.

Their initial shock transformed into terror.

Initially, they had believed Dustin had used some cunning tactic to best their master.

But the horrifying scene in front of them swiftly corrected that misconception, and oh, how wrong they had been!

“Thud, thud, thud…”
Dustin continued his assault on Edith.

Yet none of the Jade Maiden Academy students dared intervene, rendering them mere spectators to the chaos.

Their master had been bested. If they intervened, wouldn’t they just be sealing their own fates?

“Enough!” As Edith neared her limit, Nikki Horst dashed forward, shielding her mentor. She declared, her gaze unyielding, “If you want to strike someone, strike me! Spare my master!”

“Huh?” Dustin hesitated, raising his hand again. But an image of Nelson crossed his mind, stopping him.

“Dustin, I admit my failings towards you, but she’s my mentor. I can’t let you harm her,” Nikki Horst said defiantly. “If you bear any ill will, direct it at me.”

“You’re quite the loyal one.”
Dustin remarked with a hint of mockery, “Should I commend your unwavering loyalty to your master?”
His voice dripped with sarcasm.
Nikki Horst faltered, trying to find the right words.

While she might feel remorse, she doesn’t believe she was in the wrong.

It’s not feasible for her to betray her lifelong mentor for a recent acquaintance.

“Dustin, I realise I’ve wronged you. If it makes you feel better, hit me. I won’t fight back. But afterwards, we’re square,” Nikki offered, almost as if she were challenging him.

“No.” Dustin responded coldly, “Laying a finger on you would sully my hands.”

For Nelson’s sake, he’d been patient and forgiving.

But that patience was tested. Now? He felt he’d acted honourably, and that was enough.

“Dustin, you’ve shown me great kindness, and for that, I’m grateful. Can we leave the animosity behind and move on?” Nikki tentatively proposed.

“Move on?”

Dustin scoffed, “Your mentor tried to end my life. Your peers wanted me gone. And you act as if it’s all water under the bridge? Isn’t that a bit naive?”

“She might’ve been in the wrong, but haven’t you got your pound of flesh?” Nikki countered, her brow furrowing.

He’d left her mentor battered and bruised. What more could he want?

“She wanted me dead. Was I supposed to just stand there?” Dustin retorted, his voice dripping with irony, “And for the record, I’m not as magnanimous as you. I won’t befriend someone who’s out for my blood.”

“Why are you so obstinate?” Nikki exclaimed, exasperated. Why couldn’t he see she was trying to mend fences?

Really, for such a bloke, he was so petulant.

Chapter 906

Upon hearing this, Dustin scoffed: “Nikki Horst, honestly, your double standards never cease to amaze!”

“When your mentor backed down, why didn’t you question her?”

“Why didn’t you stand up to her when she was being ungrateful?”

“Why didn’t you voice concerns when she asked you to administer the drug?”

“And when she tried to end me moments ago, where was your sense of justice then?”

“Only now, realising you’re outmatched, you seek a reasoned debate? Isn’t your behaviour just a bit rich?”

When peril was at his door, she merely stood by, indifferent.

But as soon as danger befalls Edith, Nikki’s ready to deliver a sermon. It’s quite revolting.

“I… um…”

Faced with this barrage, Nikki Horst found herself at a loss for words.

All she could muster was, “Dustin, it’s for your own sake! My mentor has a vast array of contacts in the underworld. Cross her, and you’ll find yourself against a slew of formidable foes. There’s no advantage for you.”

“I’ve already got half the world against me, what difference does the Jade Maiden Sect make?” Dustin retorted.

“You’re being utterly obtuse!”

Nikki Horst was fuming.

Had her master not been gravely hurt, would she have lost today?

Her intentions were pure, but the man before her was relentless in his disdain.

To challenge the entirety of the Jade Maiden Sect? He’s got a death wish!

“Nikki Horst, I’ve no more patience for this.”

Dustin grew visibly irritated, “Out of respect for your brother, you’ll leave unscathed today. But mark my words, provoke me again, and you’ll see no mercy.”

“Now, off with you from Fenwick Manor!”

His voice thundered with authority.

With it, came an overpowering aura. The members of the Jade Maiden Sect staggered back, visibly shaken.

Nikki Horst’s heart raced; words escaped her.

“Quickly! Evacuate the Sect Leader!”

Letitia snapped to action, instructing the followers to evacuate Edith, making a hasty retreat.

She knew this was a defeat.

But at least their leader lived, and after mending, they could regroup.

“Dustin! Prepare to meet your end!”

Suddenly, a powerful voice echoed, as commanding as rolling thunder.

Birds took to the sky in panic, creating an impressive spectacle.

“What the…?”

The Jade Maiden Sect members were momentarily dumbfounded.

Before they could process, the entrance to Fenwick Manor was forcibly breached, revealing a battalion of fierce-looking warriors.

Dustin stepped forward, his gaze fixed on the newcomers, “Who are you lot? Daring to intrude on Fenwick Manor?”

“Look closer, Dustin! Recognise me now?!”

Amidst the clamour, a familiar figure emerged—Terry Doyle of the Eastbourne Clan.

“You? Here?”

Dustin raised an eyebrow, “What brings you to my doorstep?”

“I’m here to challenge you—to the death!”

Terry Doyle’s voice was laced with malice and revenge.

Chapter 907
After his defeat at the hands of Dustin on their last encounter, which had left his dantian shattered, he had been quietly amassing strength, patiently biding his time for a chance at revenge. Finally, that moment had arrived.

“Now you’re in a weaker state than before. How do you intend to fight me?” Dustin scrutinized him, quickly realizing that despite the opponent’s repaired dantian, a significant portion of his cultivation had been lost. He was now merely an ordinary acquired martial artist, posing no real threat.

“Hmph! I never said I was going to face you myself. The one stepping up to challenge you this time is my mentor!” Terry Doyle proclaimed loudly.

“Who might your mentor be?” Dustin countered.

“Listen closely now, my mentor is none other than the renowned Terry Doyle!” Terry Doyle’s voice carried a distinct air of pride.

This declaration sent shockwaves through the audience.

“What? Terry Doyle? The martial arts master?

“Absolutely! Terry Doyle is a name of great repute. In the world of Jianghu, his standing is unparalleled. He’s even counted among the five eminent masters of the southern Yangtze region!”

“Unbelievable! Who is this person, and how did they become Terry Doyle’s apprentice?”

The disciples of Jade Maid Palace were visibly taken aback. To them, a martial arts master was akin to a deity – a notion deeply embedded in their perception.

After all, there’s a saying that holds true in this world: Beneath a master, all are mere ants!

In the eyes of a martial arts master, regardless of one’s strength or fame, as long as they don’t belong to the master’s echelon, they are insignificant ants, easily crushed with a mere gesture.

Attaining the rank of grandmaster is the pinnacle every warrior aspires to reach. Once the master’s realm is achieved, it’s akin to a carp leaping over the dragon’s gate or a bird soaring freely in the sky. The world becomes their domain to explore.

“So, it’s Terry Doyle. And yet?” Dustin’s expression remained relatively steady.

“What’s the matter?” Terry Doyle seemed momentarily taken aback. “Dustin, my friend, you haven’t even heard of my mentor’s name?”

Normally, when the name Terry Doyle is mentioned, it’s met with awe and trepidation. But Dustin’s response was strangely composed.

“Does it really matter whether I’ve heard of him or not? Your mentor is calling for a challenge, and I accept.” Dustin’s tone carried a casual indifference.


This declaration set off a burst of commotion.

“Good Lord! Is this lad out of his mind? He’s actually daring to challenge Terry Doyle?”

“Terry Doyle is a true master, an almost godlike figure. Challenging someone of such incredible might – isn’t that akin to seeking one’s own demise?”

“Like an ant trying to halt an elephant, or a mantis standing against a juggernaut. He seems to have no sense of his impending doom!”

Amid astonishment, a tone of contemptuous disbelief prevailed. In the presence of a martial arts master, no matter the strength, one remains squashed beneath their overwhelming dominance.

“Hehehe…you’re quite the daredevil!”

Terry Doyle sneered, his expression almost like that of a person looking at a lost cause. “Very well then! If you’re oblivious to the gravity of your actions, I shall oblige. Here’s a challenge letter for you. Take it!”

With a flourish of his hand, a challenge letter was sent hurtling through the air, landing squarely in front of Dustin, who promptly seized it.

“I accept your challenge. The specifics of time and place are at your discretion,” Dustin replied, his demeanor unruffled.

Not too long ago, Dustin himself had thrown down the gauntlet to Terry Doyle. Now, with the other party reciprocating, it would be uncouth not to accept.

“Excellent. We shall meet at Lake Shinefield on Mount Hill tomorrow at noon. Pray, don’t back down!”

With a final sneer, Terry Doyle departed with his retinue.

“This fellow must be utterly mad. How else could he accept Terry Doyle’s challenge? Is he tired of living?”

“A frog in a well, that’s what he is. He’s clueless about the terror a martial arts master can inspire. He’ll rue the day!"

“Hehe…tomorrow promises quite the spectacle!”

The disciples of Jade Maiden Palace exchanged pointed remarks, a sense of schadenfreude in the air.

A master wields a power akin to that of a god, and mere mortals should think twice before daring to challenge such divine supremacy

Chapter 908
The following day brought with it a stunning piece of news that swiftly began to circulate. Dustin, a prodigious warrior, had boldly thrown down the gauntlet to his master, the revered Terry Doyle’s. The appointed stage for their decisive clash was the grand arena atop Mount Shinefield.

The revelation of this development left everyone in a state of shock. Having already garnered significant attention as the reigning champion of the Martial Arts Conference, Dustin’s standing was further complicated when suspicion fell upon him following the untimely demise of Paul Hill. Countless pairs of eyes were surreptitiously fixed on him, observing his every move.

The announcement of the impending duel against Terry Doyle’s set the stage for a new surge of excitement within both the Balerno and Glenstead Leagues. The ripples of sensation were palpable even as the sun began to rise. Near Mount Shinefield, throngs of onlookers had already gathered, many of them enticed by the reputation of Terry Doyle’s.

Terry Doyle’s, a formidable martial arts maestro, had gained recognition far and wide. Throughout the Jiangnan Martial Arts League, her name was synonymous with power and prowess. Despite adopting a low-key profile in recent years, her aura remained undiminished, much like a majestic dragon reigning over the sky. It was a rare honor for many warriors to witness her from a distance.

Within a spacious lakeside gazebo at that very moment, an assembly of notable figures had congregated. Among them were Leader Ronald Reeds, esteemed veterans of the Martial League, and several gifted disciples. Even the Huangfu family had hastily convened upon receiving news of the event.

“Master Lei, can this bout truly be believed? Does young Dustin genuinely possess the audacity to challenge Terry Doyle’s?” Spring Hill ventured to inquire first.

“It appears to be authentic. The Dong family has formally dispatched their challenge, scheduling a life-or-death showdown on Mount Shinefield at noon today,” Ronald Reeds affirmed.

In the preceding days, the intelligence network of the Wumeng had meticulously observed Dustin’s movements. Any disturbance at Fengyu Villa would have been impossible to escape their notice.

“But how can that lad be so recklessly daring? Does he truly believe his limelight from the martial arts conference grants him the right to challenge a martial arts master? He clearly lacks the comprehension of his place in the grand scheme of things,” mused Spring Hill, his brow furrowed.

“Hmph! Is he perhaps under the delusion that his triumph at the Martial Arts Conference affords him the authority to confront a martial arts master? He exhibits a lamentable ignorance of the vast gulf that separates them,” Autumn Hill, situated nearby, scoffed with disdain.

Though Dustin undoubtedly stood out among the younger generation of warriors, the disparity between his status and that of a preeminent figure like Terry Doyle’s was cavernous—a distinction that could not be overlooked.

“Dad, is it conceivable that Dustin is intentionally courting his own demise?” Torben Hill interjected thoughtfully.

“Seeking his own death?” Autumn Hill’s expression twisted in puzzlement. “What do you imply?”

“Consider this: Dustin stands accused of Grandpa’s murder, rendering him a marked enemy of the Wumeng. Further, having ingested the Heartbroken Pill with its irrevocable effects, he seizes this opportunity to establish his legacy. Dying by Terry Doyle’s hand would undoubtedly be a more honorable fate than succumbing to the poison’s effects.”

Torben Hill presented his analytical perspective earnestly, prompting nods of agreement from those around him.

Suddenly, Dustin’s audacity to challenge Terry Doyle made sense. Ultimately, it appeared that he harbored a death wish. When juxtaposed with a death agonizingly induced by the Heartbroken Pill, perishing beneath the blows of a martial arts master bore an air of distinction, embodying the utmost form of honor.

“Master Lei, we cross paths once more,” a hearty voice resounded at that moment.

All eyes turned toward the source, revealing Conrad, the leader of the Jiangbei Martial Arts Alliance, accompanied by a jovial entourage. They approached with cheerful strides.

“Leader Su, what brings you here?” Ronald Reeds inquired, a note of surprise in his voice.

“Ha-ha, when such a momentous event unfolds, it’s only natural for me to join the revelry. After all, it’s been many years since a masterly duel of this magnitude has graced our midst,” Conrad quipped, his beard gently caressed in contemplation.

Chapter 909
After the passing of Paul Hill, his presence lingered on.

He was curious to witness how the Balerno would navigate this situation.

“If President Su is intrigued, please take a seat.”

Ronald Reeds offered a faint smile and gestured for them to sit down.

Conrad didn’t bother with excessive formality; he settled beside him and inquired right away: “President Lei, what are your impressions of today’s clash?”

“Of course, I saw it firsthand,” replied Ronald Reeds.

“Hehe… Leader Lei, you do have a knack for jests.”

Conrad smirked and continued, “From what I gather, Terry Doyle came here seeking retribution for his disciple. The prodigy you hold promise in might be in jeopardy today.”

“Life and death hinge on destiny, and fortunes rest in the hands of fate. Whether one lives or dies is a matter of their own providence,” Ronald Reeds maintained an indifferent air.

“Undoubtedly, the Balerno Martial Arts League boasts an extraordinary talent, but character flaws can prove disastrous,” he added without a hint of disclosure.

“Absolutely! My father’s barely cold in the ground, and his killer’s death hardly elicits pity!” Autumn Hill couldn’t suppress her words.

“Whether he draws breath or not, time will soon reveal,” Conrad replied with a knowing smile, refraining from elaboration.

His attendance today was primarily to spectate.

In any case, he wished for the internal strife within the Balerno to escalate as intensely as possible.

“Wow! Quite the gathering of beauties!”

Abruptly, a cry of astonishment swept through the crowd.

All eyes followed the source of the sound, beholding a procession of ethereal women making their deliberate approach.

These women carried long swords, radiating an air of heroism, each one exuding an exceptional presence.

It was the entirety of the Jade Maid Palace!

“Goodness gracious! These women seem to have materialized out of thin air. Stunning, aren’t they?”

“Judging by their attire, they appear to be from the Oakvalex Jade Maiden Palace.”

“Jade Girl Palace? I’ve heard it’s populated entirely by female disciples, all gifted and beautiful. Their current display certainly lives up to their renown!”

“Such a wealth of beauty, it’s overwhelming. If I were to marry one of them, my life would be complete!”

With the arrival of Jade Maid Palace disciples, the scene was thrown into uproar.

Numerous male combatants found themselves in a state of turmoil.

Female warriors were a rarity in Jiangnan, and now, so many at once, and each one a vision of loveliness.

Naturally, anticipation ran high.

“Sister Senior, why must these Jiangnan warriors possess such lackluster qualities? They’re akin to toads, utterly repugnant.”

“It’s only natural. Jiangnan can’t hold a candle to Oakvalex. This provincial backwater is awash with mediocrity, hardly worth considering.”

“Ultimately, our own beauty is to blame. At times, being beautiful feels like a sin.”

Jade Maid Palace disciples exuded an air of arrogance and entitlement.

They luxuriated in the sensation of being in the spotlight.

As enchanting sprites, this was their prerogative.

Men ought to prostrate before them and elevate them.

“Master, where’s Dustin? Could he possibly be cowering?”

Brittany, seated in a wheelchair, scanned the surroundings, yet the figure that incited her wrath was nowhere to be seen.

“Hmph! If he dares to stand up Terry Doyle’s, his fate will be even grimmer!”

Edith’s expression turned frosty, her eyes smoldering with resentment.

Presently, her face was concealed by a veil, with only her eyes visible.

The prior night, Dustin had soundly beaten her, disfiguring her face. Now, she dared not expose her true features.

“Look here! Dustin’s arrived!”

Suddenly, a Yunv Palace disciple pointed ahead.

All eyes turned in unison to witness a man of striking handsomeness and a commanding stature strolling leisurely through the courtyard.

It was Dustin!

Chapter 910
As Dustin made his appearance, all eyes turned towards him. A mixture of emotions filled the air – resentment, surprise, ridicule, and contempt were just a few that could be seen in the gazes of the onlookers. The invisible weight of their collective stares bore down on Dustin like a barrage of unspoken judgment.

Following Paul Hill’s demise, the majority of the warriors considered Dustin a thorn in their side. Their presence at today’s duel was, in essence, to witness Terry Doyle’s put an end to this perceived insolence.

“I’m quite taken aback by the turnout,” Cornelius remarked, surveying the densely gathered crowd surrounding Mount Lake. The expressions on most faces were far from friendly.

“I suspect they’re all here for a good laugh at my expense,” Dustin responded calmly, his demeanor unmoved.

From the moment he had accepted the challenge, Dustin had known that this duel would be anything but ordinary.

“Master Lu, might you consider backing down? Challenging a martial arts master is no laughing matter. I believe preserving one’s life takes precedence over preserving face,” Cornelius advised in hushed tones.

Dustin’s strength and his influential background were not lost on Cornelius. However, the gap between Dustin and Terry Doyle’s – a renowned martial arts master from the southern region – was a gaping chasm.

Beneath a master’s might, everyone else was but an insignificant ant. This unbreakable truth was well understood.

“Why retreat when we’ve all gathered here? It wouldn’t be fitting,” Dustin retorted with a measured tone.

“Master Lu, a martial arts master stands far above regular humans. To common warriors, they’re akin to gods. I implore you to reconsider!” Cornelius pressed earnestly.

“Have no worries, I have my own plan,” Dustin replied with a wry smile.

Although Terry Doyle’s was indeed formidable, he wasn’t invincible.


At that moment, Nikki approached him. Her face carried a complex mix of emotions.

“Miss Hong, what do you advise?” Dustin’s smile was restrained, almost aloof.

Since the events of last night, the two had taken divergent paths.

“Dustin, I sincerely hope you reconsider the duel,” Nikki stated earnestly.

“And why might that be?” Dustin’s tone remained nonchalant.

“I have your best interests at heart,” Nikki declared firmly. “Terry Doyle’s is an accomplished martial arts master. You stand no chance against him. Engaging in this fight is akin to courting disaster!”

“My affairs are not your concern. You should attend to your own master,” Dustin’s expression didn’t waver.

“Must you persist? I’m looking out for you. There’s no need to throw your life away needlessly,” Nikki frowned.

“But I haven’t even fought yet. How can you be so certain it’s a futile endeavor?” Dustin countered.

“Is a fight even necessary? Terry Doyle’s is a martial arts master! And you? What’s the point? If my master hadn’t been injured yesterday, do you think you could have seized the opportunity? Don’t play the fool!” Nikki’s tone was resolute.

While Dustin had managed to defeat her master the previous night, it was underhanded, taking advantage of another’s vulnerability.

“So? Is there a point to your lecture?” Dustin’s expression remained unchanged.

“Listen to reason, give up, live to fight another day. Admit defeat to Terry Doyle’s without shame,” Nikki implored genuinely.

“Are you finished? Step aside if you are,” Dustin dismissed with indifference, sidestepping her.


Nikki quickly blocked his path again, her words faltering as she spoke. “If you’re truly set on your path, I won’t hinder you. However, before you proceed, I ask that you return the Jade Girl Scripture to me.”

After her master had been incapacitated last night, the Jade Girl Scripture had mysteriously vanished from his possession. Nikki was convinced that Dustin had reclaimed it.

Chapter 911
“The Jade Maiden Scripture?”

Dustin was taken aback momentarily, then burst into laughter: “Well, well! All that talk, and it turns out this is what it’s about.”

He had assumed that the other party might have a hint of conscience, their words being motivated by concern for his safety.

But now, it was clear that it was all a charade.

Their real aim remained fixated on the Jade Maiden Scripture.

“Dustin, the Jade Maiden Scripture holds great significance for me. I hope you could see your way to returning it,” Nikki’s tone was tinged with embarrassment, yet her gaze held unwavering determination.

“I’ve already handed over the Jade Maiden Scripture to you. So, why this sudden request?” Dustin’s expression grew chilly.

“Don’t play innocent. I’m aware that you pilfered the Jade Maiden Scripture. If you give it back now, we could still salvage our amicable terms,” Nikki said with gravitas.

“Firstly, I didn’t lay a finger on any Jade Maiden Scripture. If you misplaced it, that’s your predicament, and I’m not involved. Secondly, the notion of us being friends is laughable.” Dustin’s retort was marked by sarcasm.

“Dustin! Must you persist with this facade? The Jade Maiden Scripture serves you no purpose. Restoring it to me might earn you a favor,” Nikki’s brow furrowed.

She had held a more favorable opinion of him earlier, but now, his true colors were showing – a hypocrite.

Stealing the Jade Maiden Scripture covertly, only to compel her into a reconciliation.

How despicable.

“Are you hard of hearing? Let me reiterate: the Jade Maiden Scripture isn’t in my possession. And even if I did have it, so what? I wouldn’t part with it easily, not for you,” Dustin’s voice dripped with frost.


Nikki’s patience was waning.

This man was indeed a treacherous scoundrel.

“Dustin! The Jade Maiden Scripture originates from our Jade Maiden Palace, so why keep it against its rightful home?”

Embarrassment gave way to anger in Nikki’s demeanor: “If you persist with this obstinacy, I won’t hesitate to expose your scandal. Your reputation will crumble, and regrets won’t mend it!”

“Heh… Are you attempting to intimidate me?”

Dustin’s lips curled into a smile, yet his eyes remained frosty: “Nikki, my tolerance is wearing thin. It’d be wise not to test my limits.”

“Hmph! Is your theft somehow justified?”

Nikki’s voice was stern: “Furthermore, the debt of my brother’s death still hangs unsettled between us. You owe me an explanation today!”


Dustin’s roar was thunderous, his gaze piercing: “Nikki, your brother is a topic you’re not entitled to broach. Were it not for his face, my reaction would have been far more severe!”

“What? You dare lay a finger on me?”

Nikki’s glare intensified: “You’re the one who stole my sect’s treasure and murdered my brother – a loathsome villain!”

A resounding slap echoed as Dustin’s hand met Nikki’s cheek.

The forceful blow sent her crashing to the ground.

Blood trickled from her nose and mouth, her distress evident.

“You… How dare you strike me?”

Nikki cradled her burning cheek, disbelief etched across her features.

She had administered the medicine to killian the previous night, to no effect.

Yet today, in front of witnesses, he had openly slapped her.

“With that slap, I’m repaying Nelson’s dues. Should your insolence persist, I won’t hesitate to break your legs!” Dustin’s voice thundered.


Nikki clenched her teeth, eyes brimming with resentment.

But with Cornelius watching keenly, retaliation was out of the question.

She could only swallow her pride.

“Having you as his sister is a disgrace to Nelson’s memory.”

Dustin’s cold remark followed as he stepped over her.

“You wretched villain! I’ll soon have the stage, and I’ll relish witnessing Terry Doyle’s tearing you limb from limb!”

Nikki seethed, her curse dripping with venom.

In this moment, her demeanor was one of madness, grotesque even.

Like a specter consumed by rage.

Chapter 912
Confronting the curse, Dustin paid no heed and continued straight ahead.

He had given his utmost effort.

Nevertheless, Nikki was obstinate, echoing the same demeanor as the jade girl Edith and her companions.

No matter how much assistance he offered, no matter how much persuasion he exerted, it proved futile.

In fact, it might even backfire.

Such a woman was already incurable, beyond remedy.

He saw no point in tending to it, thus he feigned unfamiliarity.

“How did it go? Have you managed to secure the Jade Girl Manual?”

At that moment, Edith arrived with a cohort of disciples.

Since the loss of the Jade Girl Sutra the previous night, it had been gnawing at her.

Hence, the moment Dustin appeared, she promptly dispatched Nikki to attempt the retrieval of the sect’s treasure.

“Master, that chap refused outright and even administered a slap.”

Nikki covered her face, her expression one of aggrievement.

“What? Impossible.”

Edith’s brows knitted. “Didn’t I advise you to first gain his trust and then cajole him? How did you miscalculate?”

“Master, I tried the cajoling and coaxing. It’s just that Dustin didn’t take the bait; he was exceedingly cautious. He doesn’t show the slightest interest in the Jade Girl Scripture.” Nikki sobbed.

“Incompetent! Unable to accomplish even a trivial task!”

Edith was visibly perturbed.

Had the crowd been smaller, she might have issued a couple of slaps to vent her frustration.

“Master, considering that Dustin has purloined the Jade Girl Scripture, I reckon he might have deposited it at Fengyu Villa.” Nikki unexpectedly remarked.

“And then?” Edith inquired, squinting.

“This could be our opportunity!

Lowering her voice, Nikki divulged, “Master, in today’s confrontation, Dustin is bound to suffer defeat, possibly even die. Once he’s out of the picture, we’ll have no impediments. That’s when we can conveniently infiltrate Fengyu Mountain Villa to retrieve the Jade Girl Scripture.”

“Well… it does make sense.”

Edith nodded contemplatively before adding, “Nevertheless, Fengyu Villa teems with inhabitants, covertly scouring the area could prove arduous.”

“Why the trouble, Master? Fengyu Villa comprises a motley crew of insignificant figures. If you ask for my opinion, it’s best to eliminate the lot of them to avoid future nuisances.” Nikki’s expression turned dark.

“Wipe them all out?”

Edith raised an eyebrow. “Is that truly necessary?”

“Master, now that we’ve already exposed our intentions, there’s no need to hold back. The only way to ensure lasting tranquility is by eradicating the root cause.” Nikki’s tone grew ominous.

“That’s a valid point. Your reasoning is commendable; you’ve finally matured,” Edith responded, a trace of vigilance lingering in her captivating eyes.

In her memory, Nikki perpetually embodied the image of an obedient child, seemingly harmless to both man and beast.

Never had she suspected the existence of such a sinister facet.

If dissension arose, Nikki seemed capable of decimating an entire clan.

The thought sent a shiver down Edith’s spine.

An individual who wore a veneer of affability but harboured malevolent intentions was the true embodiment of terror. One day, that individual might plunge a blade in her back…


As Dustin neared Qingyang Lake, a commanding voice rang out.

Glancing backward, he espied a cohort from the Dong family advancing in a formidable formation.

Leading the group was Dong Changheng, the head of the Dong family, flanked by Terry Doyle, Dong Mengxiang, and their entourage.

The key members of the Dong family had congregated.

“Dustin, your audacity astounds me. You actually have the nerve to come and do battle?” Dong Changheng was the first to speak, a trace of hostility in his gaze.

Dustin’s previous challenge to the family had left the Dong clan thoroughly humiliated and disgraced.

Today was Dong Changheng’s chance to exact retribution and resurrect the family’s honour.

“All the battle invitations were delivered to me. If I didn’t appear, wouldn’t I be branded a coward?” Dustin retorted, his tone nonchalant.

“Hehe… it’s better to be a coward than to end up dead.” Terry Doyle sneered.

His concern wasn’t that Dustin would come; it was that he wouldn’t.

Once he’d arrived, he’d sealed his fate. “You, Dustin! Your death date is today, one year from now!” Dong Mengxiang’s countenance was dark as he uttered this menacing prophecy.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

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Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
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Chapter 913

She still vividly remembered the scene of being violently beaten by Dustin.

For this guy in front of her, she hated it to the bone.

Now, finally, there is a chance for revenge.

“Stop talking nonsense, let Terry Doyle’s come out.” Terry Doyle looked indifferent.

“Hmph! To challenge my master, you have to pass me first!”

At this time, a terrifying momentum suddenly broke out in the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, a man and a woman soared into the air, crossed a distance of more than ten meters in an instant, and then landed lightly in front of the camp of the Doyle family.

The man was tall, with sharp eyes, and his breath was like fire, bursting and hot.

The woman has a graceful figure, an indifferent complexion, and her aura is like ice, sharp and cold.

One man and one woman, one ice and one fire, are completely two extremes.

“Brother! Sister! Why are you here?”

Seeing the two of them, Terry Doyle couldn’t help but look happy.

“I heard that you were being bullied, so naturally we have to come over to support the scene.” The man smiled heartily.

The woman nodded slightly as a greeting.

“Terry, these two are…”

Doyle Changheng was a little curious.

“Dad! Let me introduce you. This is my senior brother, Chen Huo; this is my second senior sister, Wang Bing.”

“They are not only a husband and wife, but also the famous Ice and Fire Shuangsha on the Tianbang!”

Terry Doyle made introductions respectively.

“Ice and Fire Twin Demons?”

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar all around.

Ice and Fire Shuangsha, that is the top powerhouse ranked fifth and sixth in the heaven list!

Take it out alone, it is already invincible, and it is rare to meet an opponent.

Once joined forces, it is even more terrifying. Below the master, almost no one can stop it!

“I didn’t expect the Ice and Fire Shuangsha to come, what a gathering of masters today!”

“Binghuo Shuangsha is Terry Doyle’s senior brother and sister. Judging from this posture, they are going to stand up for their junior brother.”

“Hmph! That bastard surnamed Dustin is in trouble now!”

Everyone whispered and pointed.

In addition to being surprised, they also gloated a little more.

“Hahaha…It turns out that they are Terry’s brothers and sisters, so they are all family members.”

After learning his identity, Doyle Changheng smiled instantly.

As a family of ancient martial arts, the Doyle family naturally understands that strength is the most important thing.

The two in front of me are at the top of the list, and no matter where they go, they are admired by thousands of people.

Such a strong person naturally has to build a good relationship.

“Eldest brother! You came at the right time, you don’t need master to do anything, just kill this kid and it’s over!” Terry Doyle stretched out his hand.

“Don’t worry, leave it to me.”

Chen Huo smiled slightly, turned his eyes to Dustin, and said contemptuously: “Boy! How dare you challenge my master? Do you think you are worthy?”

“First of all, you have to make it clear that I am not challenging your master, it is your master challenging me.” Chase Lu corrected.


Chen Huo’s face darkened: “Boy, if you have the guts, say it again!”

Who challenges who, although the meaning is the same, but the difference is very big.

Because it is often the weak who challenge the strong.

Whoever admits to be the challenger will be a head shorter.

“I said, it’s your master, challenge me.”

Dustin didn’t change his face, and repeated a sentence.

“you wanna die!”

Chen Huo became angry instantly, and without saying a word, he punched out directly.

A mass of scorching flames rose up in an instant, and suddenly rushed toward Dustin.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

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Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
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Chapter 914

As Cornelius threw his punch, his movement was swift and sudden.

I observed him take a step forward, thrusting ahead, and swiftly launching a powerful Bengquan punch.

His fist’s surface was enveloped in a potent layer of qi, colliding forcefully with Chen Huo’s flames.


A resounding explosion echoed as energy erupted, casting sparks in all directions.

Cornelius merely trembled slightly, standing his ground firmly.

On the contrary, Chen Huo was driven back, retreating a dozen steps in quick succession, each step leaving a deep imprint on the ground.

In an instant, the outcome was clear.

“Blimey! Who might this old bloke be? ‘E can actually put the fifth master on the heaven list in ‘is place!”

“Going toe to toe with Chen Huo and still managing the upper hand, this fella ain’t ordinary!”

“Balerno’s surely got some hidden gems. Every random old codger seems to be a powerhouse.”

Cornelius’ remarkable display left many onlookers astonished.

A lanky old man who, in a direct clash, could outshine Chen Huo’s prowess.

His strength spoke volumes.

“Who the blazes are you? Daring to impede me?!”

Chen Huo’s face darkened, unable to hide his irritation.

He had journeyed all the way from Oakvalex to establish his dominance, only to find himself suffering an unexpected setback on his first move.

“Some unknown soul, not worth a mention,” Cornelius remarked casually.

“Ain’t you got no respect? Alright then! Today, I’ll make ya talk, I will!”

Chen Huo spared no time for chit-chat, launching himself at Cornelius once more.

This time, Cornelius was the direct target.

“Earth Fist!” As he closed in, Chen Huo’s fists mirrored thunder, swift as lightning, raining down relentlessly.

In a blink, eighteen punches were hurled.

Instantly, the sky seemed to be woven with a tapestry of fist shadows, enclosing Cornelius like a spider’s web.

These shadows came tinged with flames; a mere touch would set anything ablaze.

“Petty tricks,” Cornelius’ demeanor remained unperturbed, palms transforming the fists.

Pushing gently with both hands, he employed the Tai Chi principle of yielding against hardness, adeptly blocking all eighteen of Chen Huo’s punches.

Chen Huo’s furious and explosive strikes proved futile against Cornelius’ advanced technique.

Each fist seemed to collide with cotton, inflicting no harm.

“Heavenly Collapse Fist!”

Chen Huo’s frustration grew into anger; he channeled all his energy into another assault.

This time, his punches were faster and mightier.

Cornelius maneuvered with both defense and evasion, making it look effortless.

Both his physical and combat skills stood in a league of their own.

Seeing his momentum wane after failing to land a hit for some time, Chen Huo eventually cried out in desperation, “Junior sister, lend me a hand!”


No sooner had the words left his mouth, Derik unsheathed her sword and lashed out mercilessly at Cornelius.

Her blade danced with swiftness, ferocity, unpredictability, and remarkable flexibility.

With every thrust, a rush of icy air enveloped her, seemingly freezing the very atmosphere.

“Devious, that one?”

Cornelius knitted his brows, his demeanor turning grave.

Chen Huo’s fighting style emanated power and ferocity.

Conversely, Derik embodied the opposite—misdirection and confounding tactics.

Together, they formed a formidable duo, their synergy amplifying their strength.

Truly worthy of their moniker, the “Ice and Fire Shuangsha” (Twin Fiends of Ice and Fire). Any ordinary expert would have likely succumbed by now.

Nevertheless, Cornelius harbored hidden depths and a solid foundation. Even against their combined onslaught, he held his ground.

His prowess was nothing short of astonishing.

“Leader Ronald Reeds, when did the Balerno Martial Arts League produce such an exceptional individual again?”

Within the pavilion, Conrad appeared genuinely taken aback.

That frail elderly figure, standing toe to toe with the twin forces of ice and fire, had likely reached the realm of a semi-master.

Such a masterful figure would be a standout wherever they went.

“Haven’t laid eyes on him before, a complete stranger to me,” Ronald Reeds responded, shaking his head.


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Aug 25, 2023
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This is becoming more interesting, especially that almost the whole town has written him off, eagerly waiting to see how he he ride on these obstacles to greater heights 😆

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

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Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
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Chapter 915

He found it rather odd that a master-level practitioner at the half-step stage could already hold the position of an elder within the Martial Alliance.

Why are you tailing Dustin?

Could it be that you were enticed with a hefty sum to aid in the battle?

“I haven’t laid eyes on you all evening, and that elderly gentleman appears to have regained his strength?”

Meanwhile, Edith regarded him with an unfriendly countenance, showing considerable resentment.

For numerous years, she had lingered at the half-step master level, unable to make any headway.

Conversely, Cornelius still possessed room for advancement, inevitably evoking jealousy.

“Blast it all! What sort of background does that elderly man possess? He can’t even rein in the spirits of ice and fire.” Terry Doyle exhibited a touch of anxiety.

“Stay composed; at least, for now, the Ice and Fire Demons continue to hold the upper hand.” Dong Changheng soothed while stroking his beard.

Occupying the fifth or sixth spot on the Heavenly Ranking is no trivial feat, wouldn’t you say?

Especially now that they’ve joined forces, they stand invincible, and it’s merely a matter of time before they vanquish their adversaries.

“Fret not, that old chap is no match for my senior brother and sister.”

Dong Tianbao affirmed confidently, stating, “I’m convinced he’ll be bested in under three minutes!”

Hardly had he finished speaking when a cry of “ah” pierced the air.

Chen Huo, completely drained, was unexpectedly struck in the chest by Cornelius. He was sent hurtling several meters, colliding heavily with a tree before expelling blood.


Wang Bing’s expression altered, causing him to halt his assault.

Seizing this opportune distraction, Cornelius promptly seized the opening, delivering another forceful palm strike that landed squarely on Wang Bing’s back.

Wang Bing emitted a stifled groan, sent sailing several meters, and collapsed next to Chen Huo, vomiting blood.

In the blink of an eye, the tables had turned.

“What? The ice and fire demons were actually defeated? Am I deciphering this correctly?”

“Good gracious, that elderly man is potent. He’s managed to vanquish two opponents.”

“Truly, he’s a master adept at concealing his prowess!”

Cornelius’ triumph instantaneously caused a commotion. Everyone became even more intrigued by this enigmatic powerhouse.

“How’s this possible?!”

Dong Tianbao’s grin solidified, replaced by astonishment etched onto his face.

He genuinely hadn’t anticipated that his senior brother and sister would be incapable of prevailing against an elderly man.

Could it be that he had miscalculated his adversary?


Dong Changheng and the others exchanged perplexed glances, their confidence wavering.

They had presumed that the ice and fire demons could buttress the Dong family, only to witness their abrupt downfall.

“Old fellow! Just who are you?!”

Chen Huo clutched his chest, a mixture of shock and indignation coloring his features.

The foe continually engaged, deliberately depleting his stamina, and when his breath wavered, pounced with unerring accuracy, achieving victory. Such treacherous and cunning tactics!

He found the defeat utterly unsatisfactory!

“It matters not who I am. If I dare assail Dustin, I shall ensure you have no future!”

Cornelius’ gaze turned fierce as he struck once more, his palm rising abruptly.

Given that he was an adversary, mercy couldn’t find a place in the exchange.


In a sudden explosion, thunder reverberated through the atmosphere.

The waters of the lake rippled, and aquatic life leapt in response.

The individuals stationed along the shoreline felt a momentary suspension of breath, accompanied by a ringing in their ears.

Vaguely, it was as if a colossal mountain pressed down upon them.


Simultaneous with the shouts, a beam of white light shot forth from the extremity of Qingyang Lake, leaving a lengthy trail in its wake.

Propelled by the force capable of rending heaven and earth, it squarely struck Cornelius.

In the wake of the white light’s passage, the lake’s surface split asunder, akin to a knife slicing through tofu.

“Um?!” Cornelius’ countenance underwent a drastic transformation. Bound by his Qi, he had naught but to cross his arms and muster his entire Qi to oppose the assault.


A resounding crash ensued.

Much like a meteor plummeting to earth, the white light collided forcefully with Cornelius’ protective Qi.

The subsequent moment found Cornelius being hit with the force of a train. Propelled more than ten meters away, he spewed forth blood.

Meanwhile, the white light, having repelled Cornelius, descended gently, swaying with the breeze.

It turned out to be a leaf!

From thousands of meters away, airborne leaves had the power to inflict harm. Such is the might of a master!

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
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Chapter 916


The sight of Cornelius being propelled into the air left everyone in utter astonishment.

Everyone had witnessed Cornelius’s remarkable strength moments before.

Singlehandedly vanquishing the two malevolent ice and fire spirits had been a truly majestic feat.

Yet, this incredibly robust individual had been left spewing blood and hurtling through the air due to a mere leaf—such an unexpected turn of events!

More bewildering still was the fact that the leaf had been launched from a distance of a thousand metres.

Who, from so far away, possessed the capability to inflict severe harm upon a semi-master level adept, leaving him incapacitated?

“Look who’s here!”

Under the spotlight’s glare.

Emerging at the edge of Qingyang Lake was a senior gentleman garbed in pristine white attire, his hair a snowy hue, his visage oddly youthful.

With his hands serenely clasped behind his back, he trod upon the lake’s surface with an air of casual grace.

With each step, concentric ripples akin to lotus blossoms radiated across the water’s expanse, inducing fish and shrimp to gambol and give chase.

At a glance, it was akin to witnessing a deity’s descent, poised amid the nebulous shrouds.

His every motion exuded a distinct air of elegance and magnificence.

“Strolling on water, spawning lotus blooms with each stride—an epitome of martial prowess!” a voice erupted from the throngs, punctuated by an audible gasp.

In an instant, the entire scene ignited.

For many present, a grandmaster was a rarefied enigma, an almost mythical presence they’d scarcely come into proximity with.

Now, to observe a grandmaster’s poise in person, this was an awe-striking occurrence indeed.

“Master!” Terry Doyle, his countenance alight, greeted the appearance of the white-haired, cherubic-faced old gentleman.

The weight that had hung heavily on his heart finally eased.

His senior siblings’ defeat had cast him into a palpable unease. With the master’s intervention, victory would undoubtedly grace their side!

“So, this is Terry Doyle’s? His renown is clearly well-deserved!” Ronald Reeds remarked, a fusion of astonishment and jubilation tinging his tone.

Though distanced by thousands of metres, the feat of vanquishing a semi-master warrior with a solitary leaf was nothing short of astonishing.

“Hahaha… our saviour has descended at last!” A momentary daze was succeeded by unbridled elation for Edith.

With a martial grandmaster at the helm, who would dare to transgress in the Dong family’s presence?

“Hmph! With Terry Doyle’s arrival, Lu Chen is doomed!” On the opposing flank, Brittany, wheelchair-bound, chortled with a mix of disdain and glee.

“Anyone below the Grandmaster tier is but an insect. This holds true indeed,” Nikki Horst mumbled to herself, concealed perturbation seeping into her voice.

She, herself a semi-master level adept, perceived herself as superior to Cornelius.

Yet, she remained uncertain of her odds against the leaf dispatched by Lord Ziyang.

In essence, Terry Doyle’s could dispatch her with ease!

Though hovering near the brink of grandmaster status, the chasm that separated her from it was insurmountable—a divide bridged by a mere half-step.

Such was the dread wielded by a martial grandmaster.

“Hmph! You ignored my counsel, and now, with Terry Doyle’s advent, regrets shall avail you naught!” Conrad exulted, gazing towards Lu Chen with a sinister satisfaction.

The more wretched Lu Chen’s plight, the greater Conrad’s glee.

She yearned to see him prostrate himself, beg her forgiveness, and supplicate for mercy!

“It’s been a few years, and yet Terry Doyle’s power seems to have burgeoned once more,” Conrad noted from the pavilion, her smile bearing a sly undertone.

“Years of reclusive cultivation, as expected,” Ronald Reeds concurred. Terry Doyle’s reputation was entirely justified, his might formidable.

Still, another had come to the fore and supplanted him.

Emerging from seclusion anew, he likely sought to reassert himself among the pantheon of the Five Great Masters.

“Cough cough cough…” Cornelius, the injured warrior, convulsed in violent coughs, pallor etching his features, his vigour utterly sapped.

Grandmasters were unquestionably fearsome.

“Who dares harm my disciple? Who granted you such audacity?” As the gap closed to a mere hundred metres, Terry Doyle’s fingers curled into a claw, grazing the lake’s surface.

Water surged and rallied, coalescing swiftly to form a palm-sized aqueous sphere.

Within this sphere cavorted a minuscule fish.

“Perish!” With a sweep of his hand, the water-sphere hurtled forth, a cannonball unleashed, hurtling straight for Cornelius.

The impact of such cataclysmic force could only culminate in obliteration.

“Launch!” However, as Cornelius teetered on the precipice of obliteration, a silver needle streaked forth, piercing the aqueous orb with precision.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
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Chapter 917


The water polo burst right there, and even the tiny fish gliding in it fragmented into a sphere of crimson in a mere heartbeat.


The abrupt spectacle prompted Terry Doyle to slightly crease his brow.

Though the strike had appeared casual, it was unquestionably beyond the reach of ordinary folk to achieve such destruction.

“Terry Doyle, I’m your challenger.”

Dustin stepped forward, his form now standing before Cornelius.

“You must be Dustin?”

Terry Doyle’s gaze swept up and down, his eyes exuding an aloof, keen, and commanding aura.

As if a superior deity, casting a gaze upon mortals as lowly as ants.


Dustin’s visage remained composed.

“Relinquish your martial prowess, sever your hands, and then prostrate yourself before my apprentice to seek forgiveness, and I shall grant you mercy,” Terry Doyle declared with an icy edge.

His words were composed, yet carried an unmatched haughtiness.

“Mr. Dustin! Can you grasp that? Waste your martial skills immediately, bend the knee, and kowtow!” Terry Doyle’s voice brazenly thundered.

An opportunity to demean Dustin mustn’t be squandered, naturally.

Once his adversary was stripped of his power, why not let him decide his fate?

“Hmph! You’re truly getting off easy. To think you’re sparing the life of a cur.”

Dong Mengxiang folded her arms, an expression of disdain etched on her features.

Terry Doyle’s magnanimity was excessive. Were she in his shoes, she’d have dispatched him with a single blow.

“The altercation hasn’t yet commenced, yet here you are, spouting nonsense. Quite the confidence,” Dustin remarked calmly.

“What? Still audacious enough to challenge me?” Terry Doyle glanced sideways.

A gust of wind swept the surroundings, ruffling the water’s surface.

“No, you’ve misconstrued.” Dustin’s eyes grew increasingly sharp. “I’m not aiming to challenge you; I’m aiming to incapacitate you!”


Upon uttering these words, the audience erupted into a cacophony.

“Bloody hell! Is this bloke daft? How dare he talk back at Terry Doyle like that?”

“Truly, the young calf isn’t afeared of the tiger. This lad has no notion of a master of martial arts’ frightful prowess!”

“Such impudence at such a tender age! He’s practically begging for death!”

Dustin’s words promptly ignited a storm.

Fury, scorn, and derision emanated from different quarters.

Who was Terry Doyle?

A master of martial arts, an entity akin to a deity.

What distinguished courting such a potent individual with deliberate provocation from courting demise?

“Mad lad! Today’s your demise, and even the gods can’t salvage you!”

After a moment’s astonishment, Terry Doyle’s ire ignited, his palm striking downward from the heavens.


Instantaneously, the lake’s waters diverted and waves surged.

A colossal column of water abruptly surged skyward, resembling a mammoth python. After twirling twice, it plummeted onto Dustin.

In its wake, fierce gusts raged, aquatic creatures catapulted into the air, and mighty trees toppled. The clamour was unnerving.

“I’ve provoked Terry Doyle. Now let’s ascertain if you remain among the living!”

At this sight, the entire Jade Girl Palace exhibited smug grins.

“Hmph! Daring to oppose the Grandmaster is tantamount to throwing oneself against an insurmountable obstacle!”

The Dong family’s members sneered without restraint, appearing as though they were gazing upon a certain fatality.

“A Grandmaster won’t brook humiliation. This lad’s almost certainly meeting his demise here.”

Conrad shook his head with a rueful sigh, expressing substantial regret.

“This lad’s been sowing mischief; death’s his rightful reward!”

The Paul Hill family clapped and cheered, thoroughly content. At this juncture, almost all were convinced that Dustin’s demise was imminent.


Upon collision with the water column python, Dustin sprung into action.

Barely had his toes brushed the ground than, with a swift “swish,” his entire being transformed into a pale streak. He pierced through the python-like mass and continued hurtling toward Terry Doyle.


Terry Doyle’s countenance shifted subtly, his palm consecutively striking to produce pillars of water aiming to impede Dustin.

Alas, each pillar was punctured by the pale streak, rendering them powerless to halt its course.

Ultimately, the streak carved an arc and crashed into Terry Doyle’s protective Qi.


A thunderous explosion reverberated, Terry Doyle’s protective Qi disintegrating instantly, dissolving into radiant ripples.

He resembled a marionette whose strings had been severed, soaring skyward, plummeting heavily, and ultimately splashing into the lake with a resounding splash.


For a beat, an all-encompassing stillness enshrouded the surroundings.

Merely the bubbles ascending from the water’s depths persisted.


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Aug 31, 2023
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Chapter 917


The water polo burst right there, and even the tiny fish gliding in it fragmented into a sphere of crimson in a mere heartbeat.


The abrupt spectacle prompted Terry Doyle to slightly crease his brow.

Though the strike had appeared casual, it was unquestionably beyond the reach of ordinary folk to achieve such destruction.

“Terry Doyle, I’m your challenger.”

Dustin stepped forward, his form now standing before Cornelius.

“You must be Dustin?”

Terry Doyle’s gaze swept up and down, his eyes exuding an aloof, keen, and commanding aura.

As if a superior deity, casting a gaze upon mortals as lowly as ants.


Dustin’s visage remained composed.

“Relinquish your martial prowess, sever your hands, and then prostrate yourself before my apprentice to seek forgiveness, and I shall grant you mercy,” Terry Doyle declared with an icy edge.

His words were composed, yet carried an unmatched haughtiness.

“Mr. Dustin! Can you grasp that? Waste your martial skills immediately, bend the knee, and kowtow!” Terry Doyle’s voice brazenly thundered.

An opportunity to demean Dustin mustn’t be squandered, naturally.

Once his adversary was stripped of his power, why not let him decide his fate?

“Hmph! You’re truly getting off easy. To think you’re sparing the life of a cur.”

Dong Mengxiang folded her arms, an expression of disdain etched on her features.

Terry Doyle’s magnanimity was excessive. Were she in his shoes, she’d have dispatched him with a single blow.

“The altercation hasn’t yet commenced, yet here you are, spouting nonsense. Quite the confidence,” Dustin remarked calmly.

“What? Still audacious enough to challenge me?” Terry Doyle glanced sideways.

A gust of wind swept the surroundings, ruffling the water’s surface.

“No, you’ve misconstrued.” Dustin’s eyes grew increasingly sharp. “I’m not aiming to challenge you; I’m aiming to incapacitate you!”


Upon uttering these words, the audience erupted into a cacophony.

“Bloody hell! Is this bloke daft? How dare he talk back at Terry Doyle like that?”

“Truly, the young calf isn’t afeared of the tiger. This lad has no notion of a master of martial arts’ frightful prowess!”

“Such impudence at such a tender age! He’s practically begging for death!”

Dustin’s words promptly ignited a storm.

Fury, scorn, and derision emanated from different quarters.

Who was Terry Doyle?

A master of martial arts, an entity akin to a deity.

What distinguished courting such a potent individual with deliberate provocation from courting demise?

“Mad lad! Today’s your demise, and even the gods can’t salvage you!”

After a moment’s astonishment, Terry Doyle’s ire ignited, his palm striking downward from the heavens.


Instantaneously, the lake’s waters diverted and waves surged.

A colossal column of water abruptly surged skyward, resembling a mammoth python. After twirling twice, it plummeted onto Dustin.

In its wake, fierce gusts raged, aquatic creatures catapulted into the air, and mighty trees toppled. The clamour was unnerving.

“I’ve provoked Terry Doyle. Now let’s ascertain if you remain among the living!”

At this sight, the entire Jade Girl Palace exhibited smug grins.

“Hmph! Daring to oppose the Grandmaster is tantamount to throwing oneself against an insurmountable obstacle!”

The Dong family’s members sneered without restraint, appearing as though they were gazing upon a certain fatality.

“A Grandmaster won’t brook humiliation. This lad’s almost certainly meeting his demise here.”

Conrad shook his head with a rueful sigh, expressing substantial regret.

“This lad’s been sowing mischief; death’s his rightful reward!”

The Paul Hill family clapped and cheered, thoroughly content. At this juncture, almost all were convinced that Dustin’s demise was imminent.


Upon collision with the water column python, Dustin sprung into action.

Barely had his toes brushed the ground than, with a swift “swish,” his entire being transformed into a pale streak. He pierced through the python-like mass and continued hurtling toward Terry Doyle.


Terry Doyle’s countenance shifted subtly, his palm consecutively striking to produce pillars of water aiming to impede Dustin.

Alas, each pillar was punctured by the pale streak, rendering them powerless to halt its course.

Ultimately, the streak carved an arc and crashed into Terry Doyle’s protective Qi.


A thunderous explosion reverberated, Terry Doyle’s protective Qi disintegrating instantly, dissolving into radiant ripples.

He resembled a marionette whose strings had been severed, soaring skyward, plummeting heavily, and ultimately splashing into the lake with a resounding splash.


For a beat, an all-encompassing stillness enshrouded the surroundings.

Merely the bubbles ascending from the water’s depths persisted.
Chapter 918 please


Aug 26, 2023
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Chapter 917


The water polo burst right there, and even the tiny fish gliding in it fragmented into a sphere of crimson in a mere heartbeat.


The abrupt spectacle prompted Terry Doyle to slightly crease his brow.

Though the strike had appeared casual, it was unquestionably beyond the reach of ordinary folk to achieve such destruction.

“Terry Doyle, I’m your challenger.”

Dustin stepped forward, his form now standing before Cornelius.

“You must be Dustin?”

Terry Doyle’s gaze swept up and down, his eyes exuding an aloof, keen, and commanding aura.

As if a superior deity, casting a gaze upon mortals as lowly as ants.


Dustin’s visage remained composed.

“Relinquish your martial prowess, sever your hands, and then prostrate yourself before my apprentice to seek forgiveness, and I shall grant you mercy,” Terry Doyle declared with an icy edge.

His words were composed, yet carried an unmatched haughtiness.

“Mr. Dustin! Can you grasp that? Waste your martial skills immediately, bend the knee, and kowtow!” Terry Doyle’s voice brazenly thundered.

An opportunity to demean Dustin mustn’t be squandered, naturally.

Once his adversary was stripped of his power, why not let him decide his fate?

“Hmph! You’re truly getting off easy. To think you’re sparing the life of a cur.”

Dong Mengxiang folded her arms, an expression of disdain etched on her features.

Terry Doyle’s magnanimity was excessive. Were she in his shoes, she’d have dispatched him with a single blow.

“The altercation hasn’t yet commenced, yet here you are, spouting nonsense. Quite the confidence,” Dustin remarked calmly.

“What? Still audacious enough to challenge me?” Terry Doyle glanced sideways.

A gust of wind swept the surroundings, ruffling the water’s surface.

“No, you’ve misconstrued.” Dustin’s eyes grew increasingly sharp. “I’m not aiming to challenge you; I’m aiming to incapacitate you!”


Upon uttering these words, the audience erupted into a cacophony.

“Bloody hell! Is this bloke daft? How dare he talk back at Terry Doyle like that?”

“Truly, the young calf isn’t afeared of the tiger. This lad has no notion of a master of martial arts’ frightful prowess!”

“Such impudence at such a tender age! He’s practically begging for death!”

Dustin’s words promptly ignited a storm.

Fury, scorn, and derision emanated from different quarters.

Who was Terry Doyle?

A master of martial arts, an entity akin to a deity.

What distinguished courting such a potent individual with deliberate provocation from courting demise?

“Mad lad! Today’s your demise, and even the gods can’t salvage you!”

After a moment’s astonishment, Terry Doyle’s ire ignited, his palm striking downward from the heavens.


Instantaneously, the lake’s waters diverted and waves surged.

A colossal column of water abruptly surged skyward, resembling a mammoth python. After twirling twice, it plummeted onto Dustin.

In its wake, fierce gusts raged, aquatic creatures catapulted into the air, and mighty trees toppled. The clamour was unnerving.

“I’ve provoked Terry Doyle. Now let’s ascertain if you remain among the living!”

At this sight, the entire Jade Girl Palace exhibited smug grins.

“Hmph! Daring to oppose the Grandmaster is tantamount to throwing oneself against an insurmountable obstacle!”

The Dong family’s members sneered without restraint, appearing as though they were gazing upon a certain fatality.

“A Grandmaster won’t brook humiliation. This lad’s almost certainly meeting his demise here.”

Conrad shook his head with a rueful sigh, expressing substantial regret.

“This lad’s been sowing mischief; death’s his rightful reward!”

The Paul Hill family clapped and cheered, thoroughly content. At this juncture, almost all were convinced that Dustin’s demise was imminent.


Upon collision with the water column python, Dustin sprung into action.

Barely had his toes brushed the ground than, with a swift “swish,” his entire being transformed into a pale streak. He pierced through the python-like mass and continued hurtling toward Terry Doyle.


Terry Doyle’s countenance shifted subtly, his palm consecutively striking to produce pillars of water aiming to impede Dustin.

Alas, each pillar was punctured by the pale streak, rendering them powerless to halt its course.

Ultimately, the streak carved an arc and crashed into Terry Doyle’s protective Qi.


A thunderous explosion reverberated, Terry Doyle’s protective Qi disintegrating instantly, dissolving into radiant ripples.

He resembled a marionette whose strings had been severed, soaring skyward, plummeting heavily, and ultimately splashing into the lake with a resounding splash.


For a beat, an all-encompassing stillness enshrouded the surroundings.

Merely the bubbles ascending from the water’s depths persisted.
Thanks for your hard work.


Supreme Grandmaster
Aug 23, 2023
Reaction score
I suggest to post/upload the novel entitled The Wolf's Bride..
it's very thrilling novel also. Thanks you for the consideration 🥰


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
KF Moderator
Jun 4, 2023
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I suggest to post/upload the novel entitled The Wolf's Bride..
it's very thrilling novel also. Thanks you for the consideration 🥰
You can share any novel with others to read here

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
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Chapter 918

Silence descended upon the entire scene, abruptly and without warning. Everyone present was left dumbfounded, their eyes wide, expressions filled with disbelief.

No one had anticipated that the formidable Terry Doyle would be dispatched into the water with a single blow. It was worth noting that the adversary was a martial arts expert, a figure akin to a deity for ordinary warriors. With a mere flick of the finger, lives could be taken, and with a casual strike, even a congenital master’s fate could be sealed.

Typically, such top-tier powerhouses were seen as invincible and utterly dominant. But the situation had taken an unexpected turn. Terry Doyle, revered as a god among them, had lost in a single encounter. The incredulity was palpable.

Following a brief period of silence, the entire area surrounding Mount was set abuzz.

“Good heavens! Am I seeing this right? Terry Doyle has been thrown into the water?”

“No! It can’t be! A master is like a deity; how can a mere mortal contend with one?”

“The one who can defeat a grandmaster must be another grandmaster. Could this young man already be in the grandmaster’s league?”

“The young master! It turns out he’s a young master!”

“Our Jiangnan Martial Arts League has a prodigy!”

Observing Dustin standing on the lake, the crowd erupted. Everyone was in shock and awe.

“How… how is this possible? Is he a martial arts master?”

Terry Doyle appeared pale, as though struck by lightning. He had assumed that Dustin’s strength was only slightly superior to his own. Little did he know that the young man was already a high-ranking martial arts master, capable of ending him with the same ease as squashing an ant.

This revelation left him on the brink of despair. The Dong family members shared his fear.

“Why? How can he be so formidable?”

Brittany shook her head incessantly, her face displaying sheer disbelief. She couldn’t reconcile the idea that Zeng Jin’s sycophant possessed such power.

“It’s over, it’s all over… We’ve provoked the young master, and now the Jade Girl Palace is in jeopardy!”

Letitia panicked, beads of sweat forming on her forehead.

“How did this happen? How could that lad become a grandmaster?”

Edith was both amazed and envious. She had devoted many years to her training but had never managed to break through. Yet, a young man in his twenties had leaped over the hurdles she couldn’t.

“Grandmaster? Did I really miss encountering a young grandmaster? I…”

Nikki’s legs gave way, and she collapsed to the ground. Regret overshadowed her shock. The opportunity to befriend a Grandmaster, the world’s finest, had slipped through her fingers due to her own actions.

“What? Is this guy truly a martial arts master?”

In the pavilion, Autumn Hill stood motionless, unable to believe her eyes.

“It seems we’re in quite a predicament,” Spring Hill remarked, his expression grave.

“Leader Lei, you folks in Jiangnan seem to be concealing exceptional talent!”

“Young Grandmaster, a once-in-a-century prodigy, stumbled upon by chance,” Conrad marveled, tinged with envy.

If Dustin hailed from the Glenstead Martial League, they would undoubtedly invest all their resources in his development.

Ronald Reeds narrowed his eyes and remained silent, his face reflecting a mix of emotions. He valued talent greatly, but Paul Hill’s death couldn’t be easily overlooked. Someone had to step forward to appease public outrage.


Just as astonishment hung in the air, a figure clad in white suddenly emerged from the lake’s depths. It soared into the sky, casting cascades of water droplets.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
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Chapter 919

In a stunning turn of events, it was Augustus Kline who found himself plunged into the water!

In this instant, Augustus Kline, his hair dishevelled and his body wet, looked a tad embarrassed, resembling a soaked rodent.

Although his injuries weren’t grave, he failed to reclaim his former mastery.

“Is the master alright? That’s splendid!”

Upon witnessing this scene, Terry Doyle and his companions felt invigorated, their confidence renewed.

The assembly of individuals who were once flabbergasted and disheartened now felt a resurgence of optimism.

Indeed, Dustin was a young master, yet Augustus Kline held a mastery of his own. The latter’s oversight and underestimation of the foe had led to a concealed setback.

In a direct confrontation, the seasoned mastery of Augustus Kline was expected to outshine Dustin’s youth.

“Terry! How dare you launch an assault on me?!”

Emerging from the water, Augustus Kline clenched his teeth, his expression fierce.

His eyes appeared ravenous, as though he could devour people.

He had never experienced such a humiliation. Under the spotlight, his prestige had been eroded by a mere youngster.

What an ignominy!

“Sneak attack? You were the one who struck first just now.”

Dustin stood on the lake’s surface, his hands casually clasped behind his back, his body bobbing with the rhythm of the water.

“Hmph! I underestimated the foe earlier and allowed you to exploit the opening. But now, I’ll hold nothing back. You’re about to grasp the chasm between a master and a grandmaster!”

As the words left his lips, Augustus Kline’s toes tapped the lake, eliciting cascading ripples.

Simultaneously, he launched himself like an arrow loosed from its bowstring, hurtling towards Dustin.

Wherever he traversed, the Grandmaster’s energy rent open the entire lake, carving out a colossal trench.

Dustin, resolute and undaunted, met the charge head-on, propelling himself forward to clash with the oncoming force.

The two figures collided like speeding vehicles—one from the left and the other from the right.


A resounding blast reverberated through the surroundings.

The point of impact unleashed towering water plumes that soared over ten meters before descending in a watery deluge. An explosion of energy illuminated the scene, generating a torrent that surged in all directions.

Successive waves crashed against the shore!

Before the onlookers could react, they were engulfed by the waves, drenched to the bone.

Post-collision, the pair in the midst of the lake refused to relent, embarking on a frenzied exchange of blows.

Punches and kicks were traded in a relentless back-and-forth.

Their dance stirred myriad waves, churning the waters into a maelstrom.

Even from a hundred meters away, a palpable force exuded from their conflict, striking terror into the hearts of spectators.

Each maneuver seemed capable of rending the world asunder, of moving mountains and oceans.

Their spectacle left minds staggered and awestruck.

“Is this the mastery of martial arts? It’s utterly awe-inspiring!”

“The battle rages ferociously. I’m genuinely uncertain who shall emerge victorious.”

“Need we question it? Naturally, Augustus Kline shall prevail. Can’t you see the lad’s already gasping for air?”

“Indeed! Augustus Kline, a seasoned grandmaster, boasts a wealth of experience and an array of techniques. His victory is well-deserved.”

As the audience observed the skirmish, their fingers pointed and their opinions flowed.

In their estimation, Dustin’s initial edge had stemmed from Augustus Kline’s underestimation.

Otherwise, how could he have secured any advantage?


At that juncture, a thunderous boom echoed across the lake.

Instantaneously, the earth quaked, the mountains trembled, and surging waves erupted.

Amid a flurry of water plumes, the two combatants disengaged, each retreating a hundred meters.

Ultimately, they stood suspended upon the lake’s surface.


In the next heartbeat, Dustin expelled a mouthful of inky blood.

His form wavered, teetering on the brink of plummeting into the water.

“Hahaha… defeated, vanquished! The lad’s fallen!” Terry Doyle and his cohort erupted in euphoria.

“As expected of Augustus Kline. He truly lives up to his renown. Remarkable!”

Members of the Huangfu family were similarly elated.

“Hmph! So much for the young master. In the end, he’ll perish by the hands of Augustus Kline.”

Jade Maid Palace affiliates reveled in schadenfreude, stoking discord.

Despite the twists encountered along the way, the premeditated outcome remained unchanged.

“Lad! Grasp the extent of your power? This underscores the chasm between a master and a grandmaster!”

“Today, succumbing to this deity is a source of pride!”

Augustus Kline’s spirits soared, his laughter resonating.

In an instant, that laughter birthed an explosive “bang,” akin to a punctured balloon!

In a flash, his form dissolved into a crimson mist, vanishing without a trace.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
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Chapter 920


As they gazed upon the crimson mist cloaking the sky, a wave of fear swept over everyone.

Every individual stood in stunned silence, as if a bolt of lightning had frozen them in place.

No soul had anticipated the advent of such a petrifying spectacle.

Hadn’t they just emerged victorious?

For what reason? Why had it erupted so suddenly?

It was Augustus Kline himself!

The unattainable grandmaster of martial arts!

A towering presence akin to a dragon in the heavens!

Could such an entity truly be deceased?


“Terry Doyle… the master?”

Terry Dolye’s mouth hung agape, caught in a daze, his countenance blanched.

The scene before him refused to align with belief; the master who once exuded omnipotence and the supernatural had quite abruptly burst into oblivion.

Not a solitary remnant lingered.

“Deceased… departed? Augustus Kline met his end?!”

After a momentary hush, pandemonium ensued.

“Heavens above! What transpired mere moments ago? This cannot be a dream, can it?”

“Noo, this defies reason! How could a formidable maestr of martial arts meet his demise?”

“The firmament is descending… collapsing!”

In this juncture, be it the Dong family, the Huangfu family, the Jade Girl Palace, the Northern and Southern Martial Alliance, or countless warriors, each and every soul stood stupefied.

Each heart quivered with terror, bones turned frigid, hairs on end, and nerves utterly jangled.

When Dustin had spat forth blood, they’d all assumed the victory of Augustus Kline was assured.

Yet, in the span of a heartbeat, their adversary combusted and perished. Such a transformation was inconceivable.

“What manner of monstrosity is he…?”

Laying eyes upon Dustin’s figure on the water’s edge, a chorus of internal exclamations echoed.

Astoundment, incredulity, ire, envy, trepidation—emotions in manifold array.

Though it strained credulity, one verity stood unshaken from this day forth.

The young master was destined to etch his name upon the annals of the world!

All submission!

In the gaze of the world, Dustin tread upon aqueous plains, inching towards the shore.

His visage displayed a faint pallor, and jet-black stains of blood lingered at his lips’ corners.

To the casual eye, his triumph in the preceding contest seemed hard-won.

Yet only Dustin harboured the cognizance that his spewed blood was not attributable to Augustus Kline, but rather to the venom of the Seven-Day Heart-Breaking Pill.

This venom akin to a leech, capitalizing on moments of true energy utilization, exploited vulnerabilities to infiltrate.

The more Chi (energy) was consumed, the mightier the toxin grew.

“Master Dustin! Are you unharmed?”

Observing Dustin’s advance, Cornelius underwent excitement mingled with trepidation.

Exhilaration arose from the revelation that their faction’s leader was an enigmatic young master.

In the entirety of the world, such figures numbered scarcely few.

A future radiant and auspicious!

Yet apprehension entwined his sentiments—any concealed ailment stemming from the prior clash bore potential inconvenience.

A duel of grandmasters could readily undermine foundational health.

“A trifling injury, naught to concern yourself over.”

Dustin waved dismissively, unperturbed.

“Exemplary, excellent.”

Cornelius heaved a sigh of relief.

“I detect substantial injury in your person. Consume this remedy.” Dustin flicked his finger, delivering a crimson pill into Cornelius’s hand.

“I extend my gratitude, Master Dustin!”

Cornelius bowed, imbibing the pill in a single gulp.

In the span of mere breaths, the turbulent energies and hemoglobin within him steadied.

The pill’s efficacy bordered on the miraculous.

“Dustin, you wretch! How dare you, how dare you… snuff out my master?!”

With realization dawning, Terry Doyle’s eyes ignited with fury.

“A life-and-death contest encompasses more than mere dominance—it encompasses life and death itself.”

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
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Chapter 921

Calmly, Dustin remarked, “Augustus Kline had intentions to end my life. Am I still not entitled to defend myself?”

“He took the life of my master; vengeance is my rightful course!” Terry Doyle exclaimed, his eyes bloodshot.

“Torben Hill, cease your senseless talk!” Cornelius interjected abruptly, raising his voice to halt the situation.

The young master standing before them had already been defeated by Augustus Kline – what chances did they think they had?

“If it’s a fair challenge you seek, I’m open to it. But should you resort to foul play, I won’t hesitate to dismantle your Dong family,” Dustin’s gaze turned icy.

Faces in the Dong family paled with fear; confronting a martial arts master’s might left them daunted.

With the prowess of a master of martial arts, dismantling them was an effortless task.

“Edith, return home,” Dustin stated brusquely, no patience for idle chatter, and descended the mountain.

“Dustin…” Nikki Horst hurried over, her expression guilt-ridden. “I apologize for my earlier mistake. I’m ready to change my ways and heed your words. Can you grant me another chance?

If only you had revealed your identity earlier, we could have been friends, couldn’t we?”

Had she known she stood before a martial arts master, her betrayal might never have occurred.

“Step aside,” Dustin’s retort was cold and unyielding, his demeanor unwavering.

Once trust was broken, it could never be fully repaired.

“Dustin, I know you pity me. For my brother’s sake…”

“Leave!” Dustin’s single word was a frigid dismissal; his stance unshaken.

Once unfaithful, forever estranged.

“Dustin, had I known, I’d never have—”

“Hand me the Jade Girl Sutra. Return it to me!”

Her exclamation roared forth with indignation and remorse. Regret overshadowed everything – a future of promise had been cut short.

“A wolf journeys miles for sustenance; a dog journeys miles for refuse,” Dustin’s light, airy voice vanished into the breeze, an undertone of detachment and mockery lingering.

“Master, what’s our plan now? Shall we raid the Wind and Rain Villa tonight?” one of the Jade Girl Palace disciples inquired abruptly.

“Over my dead body!” Conrad snapped back, delivering a sharp rebuke. “Are you bereft of sense? You’re a martial arts master of distinction; how could you tarnish that with indiscriminate violence? Don’t you understand what that could bring upon you?!”

The disciple covered her face, wounded by the retort, her internal musing evident: You asked for a raid, didn’t you?

“This anomaly has emerged without warning. After today, upheaval shall consume the entire realm of martial arts,” Conrad mused pensively, eyes narrowing.

“Apart from the snow-clad monarch, who else dons white? A young master such as he should adhere to this path,” several elders of the Jiangbei Martial League sighed wistfully.

“Father, what’s our recourse now? Can we still seek retribution?” Spring Hill gulped, feeling vulnerable.

“Well…” Autumn Hill faltered, rendered speechless.

With their father incapacitated, the entire Autumn Hill family stood no chance against the grandmaster. “Humph! The young master, you say? He’s bound to succumb in seven days to the Heart-Breaking Pill if the antidote eludes him!” Ronald Reeds’ expression was uncertain.

“Indeed, indeed! This lad is poisoned, and the poison is incurable. He’s got a mere three and a half days left!” Torben Hill’s eyes gleamed.

“Leader Ronald Reeds, this son slew my father, a foe of the martial arts. Compassion is a luxury we can’t afford!” Autumn Hill’s gaze shifted.

The antidote for the Seven-Day Heart-Breaking Pill rested with Ronald Reeds.

In essence, Dustin’s fate hinged solely on the other party’s decision.

“The former alliance leader was my mentor. I will ensure justice prevails, without favoritism,” Ronald Reeds declared, a sigh accompanying his words. “Though it’s regrettable, consequences must be met for this transgression.”

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
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Chapter 922

As the sun dipped below the horizon, inside the Rose Restaurant.

Dustin was seated by the window, quietly sipping his tea.

Following the Grandmaster Battle, both the major martial alliances of the North and the South had been sent into an uproar.

All factions were putting forth their best efforts to win him over, including a few foreign groups.

Naturally, he paid them no heed.

For tonight marked his arrangement to dine with Natasha Harmon.


At that very moment, the entrance to the restaurant swung open.

Natasha Harmon, dressed in an elegant black gown, entered with an air of calm grace.

Her makeup today was light, adding an extra layer of allure to her already exquisite features.

Combined with her innate poise, she presented an utterly resplendent sight.

Though he’d witnessed it countless times, Dustin couldn’t help but be captivated anew.

“Why the intense gaze? Do I not meet your standards of beauty today?”

Teasingly, Natasha Harmon twirled before Dustin, accentuating her alluring figure.

“Undoubtedly, you’re beautiful. Exceptionally so.”

Dustin’s nod was accompanied by a gentle smile.

“Giggle… Sweetheart, when did you become such a smooth talker?”

An elated grin spread across Natasha Harmon’s face, tinged with surprise.

She’d always assumed he was rather lacking in the realm of romance, but his newfound eloquence caught her off guard.

Had he undergone an awakening?

“I’m simply speaking the truth.”

Dustin replied earnestly.

“Very well, I enjoy hearing your sincere truths.”

With a smile, Natasha Harmon took her seat, producing a gift box from her handbag and placing it on the table. “Here, a present for you.”

“Why all the effort with gifts?”

Dustin felt a tad puzzled. He opened the box to reveal an intricate bronze locket. He couldn’t help but be taken aback. “Natasha Harmon, what’s the significance?”

“Bronze lock—Love Bronze Lock, symbolizing eternal love. I intend to firmly lock you away!”

Natasha Harmon’s expression was one of earnest resolve.

“In this day and age, you actually put stock in this?”

Dustin couldn’t help but chuckle.

“What’s this? You don’t fancy being under my lock and key?”

Natasha Harmon put on a mock pout.

A hint of playful threat twinkled in her beautiful eyes.

“Yes, yes… certainly.”

Dustin’s wry smile could only acquiesce to wearing the bronze locket around his neck.

“Hmph! That’s more like it!”

With an air of arrogance, Natasha Harmon huffed.

You’re still a challenge for me, my dear?

“Natasha Harmon, you invited me for dinner today; is there something on your mind?”

Dustin inquired casually.

“Indeed, there’s a matter at hand.”

Natasha Harmon nodded, her demeanor growing a shade more serious. “The business in Yanjing has been arranged, and I need to fly there to oversee operations tonight. So, I’ve come to bid you farewell.”

“So soon? I anticipated it would be a while.” Dustin voiced his surprise.

It had been discussed just the previous night.

Little did he expect her determination to be so resolute.

“The situation within the Harmon family isn’t particularly favorable. Internal rifts have emerged. The new enterprise needs to expedite its progress. I’ll be relocating all the funds from here to avert entanglements.”

Natasha Harmon clarified.

“Prudent to plan ahead. Not wise to place all your eggs in one basket.”

Dustin mused thoughtfully, then queried, “Oh, by the way, is there any way I can be of assistance?”

“Don’t concern yourself with business matters. Biyan Dan will suffice. My primary concern now is my father.”

“Since my uncle’s ascent, he’s been purging my father’s loyalists. Some were disowned, others stripped of key positions.

If this trend persists, within three days, my father will be utterly marginalized and isolated. At that juncture, he’ll lack the means to resist.

While a power struggle and profit game is one thing, the crux lies in my uncle’s pursuit of the Harmon family treasure map. Ultimately, a clash is inevitable. Hence, I implore you to safeguard my father’s well-being.”


Aug 26, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 922

As the sun dipped below the horizon, inside the Rose Restaurant.

Dustin was seated by the window, quietly sipping his tea.

Following the Grandmaster Battle, both the major martial alliances of the North and the South had been sent into an uproar.

All factions were putting forth their best efforts to win him over, including a few foreign groups.

Naturally, he paid them no heed.

For tonight marked his arrangement to dine with Natasha Harmon.


At that very moment, the entrance to the restaurant swung open.

Natasha Harmon, dressed in an elegant black gown, entered with an air of calm grace.

Her makeup today was light, adding an extra layer of allure to her already exquisite features.

Combined with her innate poise, she presented an utterly resplendent sight.

Though he’d witnessed it countless times, Dustin couldn’t help but be captivated anew.

“Why the intense gaze? Do I not meet your standards of beauty today?”

Teasingly, Natasha Harmon twirled before Dustin, accentuating her alluring figure.

“Undoubtedly, you’re beautiful. Exceptionally so.”

Dustin’s nod was accompanied by a gentle smile.

“Giggle… Sweetheart, when did you become such a smooth talker?”

An elated grin spread across Natasha Harmon’s face, tinged with surprise.

She’d always assumed he was rather lacking in the realm of romance, but his newfound eloquence caught her off guard.

Had he undergone an awakening?

“I’m simply speaking the truth.”

Dustin replied earnestly.

“Very well, I enjoy hearing your sincere truths.”

With a smile, Natasha Harmon took her seat, producing a gift box from her handbag and placing it on the table. “Here, a present for you.”

“Why all the effort with gifts?”

Dustin felt a tad puzzled. He opened the box to reveal an intricate bronze locket. He couldn’t help but be taken aback. “Natasha Harmon, what’s the significance?”

“Bronze lock—Love Bronze Lock, symbolizing eternal love. I intend to firmly lock you away!”

Natasha Harmon’s expression was one of earnest resolve.

“In this day and age, you actually put stock in this?”

Dustin couldn’t help but chuckle.

“What’s this? You don’t fancy being under my lock and key?”

Natasha Harmon put on a mock pout.

A hint of playful threat twinkled in her beautiful eyes.

“Yes, yes… certainly.”

Dustin’s wry smile could only acquiesce to wearing the bronze locket around his neck.

“Hmph! That’s more like it!”

With an air of arrogance, Natasha Harmon huffed.

You’re still a challenge for me, my dear?

“Natasha Harmon, you invited me for dinner today; is there something on your mind?”

Dustin inquired casually.

“Indeed, there’s a matter at hand.”

Natasha Harmon nodded, her demeanor growing a shade more serious. “The business in Yanjing has been arranged, and I need to fly there to oversee operations tonight. So, I’ve come to bid you farewell.”

“So soon? I anticipated it would be a while.” Dustin voiced his surprise.

It had been discussed just the previous night.

Little did he expect her determination to be so resolute.

“The situation within the Harmon family isn’t particularly favorable. Internal rifts have emerged. The new enterprise needs to expedite its progress. I’ll be relocating all the funds from here to avert entanglements.”

Natasha Harmon clarified.

“Prudent to plan ahead. Not wise to place all your eggs in one basket.”

Dustin mused thoughtfully, then queried, “Oh, by the way, is there any way I can be of assistance?”

“Don’t concern yourself with business matters. Biyan Dan will suffice. My primary concern now is my father.”

“Since my uncle’s ascent, he’s been purging my father’s loyalists. Some were disowned, others stripped of key positions.

If this trend persists, within three days, my father will be utterly marginalized and isolated. At that juncture, he’ll lack the means to resist.

While a power struggle and profit game is one thing, the crux lies in my uncle’s pursuit of the Harmon family treasure map. Ultimately, a clash is inevitable. Hence, I implore you to safeguard my father’s well-being.”
You have done noble, thanks for your hard work.


New member
Aug 30, 2023
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Chapter 922

As the sun dipped below the horizon, inside the Rose Restaurant.

Dustin was seated by the window, quietly sipping his tea.

Following the Grandmaster Battle, both the major martial alliances of the North and the South had been sent into an uproar.

All factions were putting forth their best efforts to win him over, including a few foreign groups.

Naturally, he paid them no heed.

For tonight marked his arrangement to dine with Natasha Harmon.


At that very moment, the entrance to the restaurant swung open.

Natasha Harmon, dressed in an elegant black gown, entered with an air of calm grace.

Her makeup today was light, adding an extra layer of allure to her already exquisite features.

Combined with her innate poise, she presented an utterly resplendent sight.

Though he’d witnessed it countless times, Dustin couldn’t help but be captivated anew.

“Why the intense gaze? Do I not meet your standards of beauty today?”

Teasingly, Natasha Harmon twirled before Dustin, accentuating her alluring figure.

“Undoubtedly, you’re beautiful. Exceptionally so.”

Dustin’s nod was accompanied by a gentle smile.

“Giggle… Sweetheart, when did you become such a smooth talker?”

An elated grin spread across Natasha Harmon’s face, tinged with surprise.

She’d always assumed he was rather lacking in the realm of romance, but his newfound eloquence caught her off guard.

Had he undergone an awakening?

“I’m simply speaking the truth.”

Dustin replied earnestly.

“Very well, I enjoy hearing your sincere truths.”

With a smile, Natasha Harmon took her seat, producing a gift box from her handbag and placing it on the table. “Here, a present for you.”

“Why all the effort with gifts?”

Dustin felt a tad puzzled. He opened the box to reveal an intricate bronze locket. He couldn’t help but be taken aback. “Natasha Harmon, what’s the significance?”

“Bronze lock—Love Bronze Lock, symbolizing eternal love. I intend to firmly lock you away!”

Natasha Harmon’s expression was one of earnest resolve.

“In this day and age, you actually put stock in this?”

Dustin couldn’t help but chuckle.

“What’s this? You don’t fancy being under my lock and key?”

Natasha Harmon put on a mock pout.

A hint of playful threat twinkled in her beautiful eyes.

“Yes, yes… certainly.”

Dustin’s wry smile could only acquiesce to wearing the bronze locket around his neck.

“Hmph! That’s more like it!”

With an air of arrogance, Natasha Harmon huffed.

You’re still a challenge for me, my dear?

“Natasha Harmon, you invited me for dinner today; is there something on your mind?”

Dustin inquired casually.

“Indeed, there’s a matter at hand.”

Natasha Harmon nodded, her demeanor growing a shade more serious. “The business in Yanjing has been arranged, and I need to fly there to oversee operations tonight. So, I’ve come to bid you farewell.”

“So soon? I anticipated it would be a while.” Dustin voiced his surprise.

It had been discussed just the previous night.

Little did he expect her determination to be so resolute.

“The situation within the Harmon family isn’t particularly favorable. Internal rifts have emerged. The new enterprise needs to expedite its progress. I’ll be relocating all the funds from here to avert entanglements.”

Natasha Harmon clarified.

“Prudent to plan ahead. Not wise to place all your eggs in one basket.”

Dustin mused thoughtfully, then queried, “Oh, by the way, is there any way I can be of assistance?”

“Don’t concern yourself with business matters. Biyan Dan will suffice. My primary concern now is my father.”

“Since my uncle’s ascent, he’s been purging my father’s loyalists. Some were disowned, others stripped of key positions.

If this trend persists, within three days, my father will be utterly marginalized and isolated. At that juncture, he’ll lack the means to resist.

While a power struggle and profit game is one thing, the crux lies in my uncle’s pursuit of the Harmon family treasure map. Ultimately, a clash is inevitable. Hence, I implore you to safeguard my father’s well-being.”
Thanks 🙏 I am grateful

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
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Chapter 923

Natasha Harmon’s expression turned serious as she spoke.

Given her father’s nature, she would never hand over the treasure map, especially since she suspected Tyler’s involvement in the scheme.

This approach would undoubtedly provoke the other party and potentially put her in a perilous situation.

“I understand. I’ll arrange for someone to discreetly keep an eye on Uncle Natasha,” Dustin assured her.

“With your assurance, I feel much better.”

Natasha Harmon’s relief was evident as she smiled, saying, “Of course, my absence won’t be too prolonged. Once Yanjing’s new company is stabilized, I’ll return to the provincial capital immediately. If all goes as planned, I should be back in three to five days.”

“Alright, I’ll be waiting for you,” Dustin nodded.

As the dishes arrived, the two conversed and dined, creating a harmonious atmosphere.

The tinkling of a bell resounded.

At that moment, the restaurant’s entrance swung open once again.

A collection of elegantly dressed young men and women entered, engaged in laughter and conversation.

Dustin’s gaze inadvertently swept over them, and then he abruptly looked up, a hint of surprise flashing across his face.

“What’s the matter?” Natasha Harmon quickly picked up on his reaction.

“It’s nothing. I just spotted someone I know,” Dustin replied with a smile.

“Someone familiar? Do you want to go say hello?”

Natasha Harmon turned to look at the newcomers, a group of young individuals exuding an air of affluence and nobility.

“No, let’s continue with our meal.”

Dustin dismissed it, shifting his gaze away, and resumed his enjoyable meal with Natasha Harmon.

They cherished this serene moment.

Though he wasn’t quite sure what had caught his attention, being with the person before him sufficed to grant him peace.

As if all his concerns had suddenly vanished. “Darling, it’s getting late. I have a flight to catch. I’ll see you in a few days.”

Having concluded their meal and drinks, Natasha Harmon stood up at last.

“Sure, I’ll accompany you to see you off.”

Dustin rose to his feet to bid her farewell.

“No need to trouble yourself. I have a chauffeured car arranged. You seem a bit weary; rest well once you’re back. Take care of yourself.”

“Oh, and one more thing. While I’m away, behave yourself and don’t engage in any mischief, or I might just have to teach you a lesson!”

Natasha Harmon put on a stern expression and even made a scissor gesture playfully.

In response, Dustin couldn’t help but chuckle. He leaned in, planted a kiss on her cheek, and spoke tenderly, “Go on then.”

With those words, she waved, turned, and left.

Dustin watched her graceful departure, a sense of emptiness lingering in his chest.

It was as if she might vanish the very next second.

“Dustin, mate?”

Suddenly, a clear female voice broke through from behind.

Dustin turned around to find a few attractive young women gazing at him with curiosity.

Leading the group was none other than Murong Xue of the Murong family!

They had crossed paths in Jiangling previously, where he had employed Gu worms to heal her from extreme cold.

The fee for his services had been the Xuanzhu Fruit.

“Dustin, it really is you! I thought I was imagining things!” Murong Xue exclaimed, visibly astonished.

“Dustin, it’s been a while,” he replied with a faint smile.

He had hoped to go unnoticed, but it seemed he’d been recognized.

“Dustin, when did you arrive in the provincial capital? Why didn’t you inform me?” Murong Xue’s enthusiasm was evident.

Ever since their meeting, her thoughts had been dominated by him.

Day and night, he was on her mind.

However, her strict supervision had rarely allowed her to venture out alone.

Encountering him here unexpectedly felt like a stroke of divine luck!

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