Understated Dominance - Chapter 905 to 1100

Understated Dominance translated by Marina Vitori follow here (Original version)👇👇👇

I will send updates when I can. But if you think I am being late you can translate this from the Chinese version. Link provided below 👇👇

New translation will come with new name characters and if you spot mistakes due to different people translating this you would understand.

You are all allowed to post your translation here if you can. Anybody can translate and post here
Chapter 924

“It’s been a while since I arrived, but due to my busy schedule, I haven’t had the opportunity to pay a visit to Old General Murong.”

Dustin grinned and transitioned the conversation: “Oh, speaking of which, how’s your recovery coming along? Are you experiencing any discomfort?”

The incredibly rare condition you’re dealing with is a once-in-a-century occurrence, and finding a cure is exceptionally challenging.

The previous containment using fire silkworms could only ensure Murong Xue’s safety for a decade.

When those ten years elapse, without the intervention of exceptional heavenly resources and earthly treasures, his life will inevitably be at risk.

“I’m in good health, and meals are becoming enjoyable again.”

Murong Xue offered a sweet smile: “Of course, I have you to thank, dear brother Dustin. Otherwise, I might not have made it this far.”

“Don’t mention it. It’s only right to help folks and avert calamities.” Dustin responded with a smile.

“Xue’er, who’s this gentleman? You haven’t introduced us yet?”

At this juncture, a young woman dressed in red beside Murong Xue chimed in.

“Yes, I almost forgot.”

Murong Xue quickly rectified the situation: “Sister Yannan, this is the same Brother Dustin I mentioned earlier. He’s the one who cured my peculiar ailment!”

As she spoke, she tilted her head slightly, exuding a hint of pride.

“Oh… so you’re the chap Xue’er often talks about?”

Liu Yannan sized Dustin up and down, a scrutinizing glint in her eyes.

He’s quite good-looking, but his attire is quite ordinary, somewhat akin to a country bumpkin. They seem to come from entirely different circles.

She struggled to fathom how an unassuming individual like him could capture Miss Murong’s heart.

Is it solely due to his handsome looks?

If that’s the case, it’s rather underwhelming.

“Dustin, have you had your meal yet? Why not join us?” Murong Xue extended an invitation.

“Well, I just finished eating.” Dustin replied honestly.


Murong Xue’s smile momentarily froze, then she quickly concocted another excuse: “If you’re not hungry, then how about sitting down for a drink? Coincidentally, I have some medical queries I’d love to discuss with you.”

She looked at him expectantly, her eagerness evident. “Sure, alright.”

After a brief hesitation, Dustin acquiesced.

This young lady is far too innocent, and he feared that if he declined too many times, she might end up in tears.

“Brilliant! Brother Dustin, please follow me!”

Murong Xue beamed and promptly linked arms with Dustin, leading him into a lavishly appointed private room.

Several people were already seated in the private room.

Among them, a man of dignified bearing and sharp attire occupied the central position.

This man appeared to be younger than thirty, radiating a commanding presence, deep eyes exuding a natural air of authority.

Seated there, he seemed to stand out from the crowd, oozing a sense of heroic charisma.

“Xue’er, who’s this beside you? I don’t recall seeing him before.”

The suited man stood up, his gaze piercing as he appraised Dustin with a trace of hostility.

The close rapport between the two seemed to irk him.

“Brother Chu Jie, let me introduce Brother Dustin. He possesses remarkable medical skills. Thanks to him, my illness has been cured,” Murong Xue promptly introduced.

“Is that so?”

Chu Jie’s eyes narrowed, a smile tugging at his lips: “Given that we’re all friends, let’s take a seat.”

“Brother Dustin, please have a seat.”

Murong Xue personally arranged a chair for Dustin, guiding it behind him.

This sycophantic behavior prompted some raised eyebrows among the onlookers.

The dignified Miss Murong had never displayed such humility before.

Could the man before them really be a physician?

On regular days, he wouldn’t even merit their attention.

You see, everyone present was either affluent or of noble lineage.

They were scions of prestigious families or offspring of high-ranking officials, far from ordinary folk.

How could a mere doctor warrant entry into their exclusive circle?

“Doctor Dustin, right? Did you graduate from Harvard or Yale for your medical studies?”
Chapter 925

At this time, a young man with a hooked nose suddenly spoke.


Dustin shook his head.

“Oh? Is it some pheasant university?”

The hook-nosed young man seems to be smiling but not smiling.

The rest of the people also showed playful expressions, obviously preparing to watch a joke.

“I didn’t go to college.”

Dustin answered very straightforwardly.

“What? You didn’t even go to college?”

The hook-nosed young man deliberately showed an exaggerated expression: “Brother, aren’t you? How can you be a doctor without going to medical school?”

“I studied Chinese medicine, and I have been exposed to it since I was a child, so I will naturally.” Dustin didn’t change his face.

“Chinese medicine?”

The hooked-nosed young man was stunned, and then sneered, “Dude, you’re not kidding me, are you? Aren’t Chinese medicine practitioners just charlatans?”

“Hehe… There are still people who believe in Chinese medicine these days? It’s pure cerebral palsy!”

“You can’t say that. Those grandpas and aunts who dance in the square are very fond of this trick. It’s a trick to cheat everyone.”

At this moment, many people laughed and spoke in a strange way.

Having received Western education since they were young, they sneered at the so-called Chinese medicine.

“Xue’er, are you sure he saved you? You won’t be deceived, right?” Liu Yannan began to fan the flames.

“No! Brother Dustin is not a liar, his medical skills are very good!” Murong Xue argued.

“Amazing? Huh…why don’t I believe it?”

The hook-nosed young man grinned and said with a disdainful expression: “Brother, aren’t you a Chinese medicine doctor? Come here, take a look at me and see how my body is doing? If you guess correctly, there will be a reward!”

As he said that, he stretched out his hand actively, as if watching your performance.

Dustin looked up and down, and said lightly: “Are you often afraid of the cold recently, and your waist is sore and your back hurts, and you sweat easily?”

“Um?”  The hook-nosed young man frowned: “How do you know?”

During these days, he really felt something was wrong with his body.

“I see that your eyes are dull, your breathing is short, your face is yellow and dull, and you are afraid of the cold and sweating, and your back is sore. If you guessed right, you should have kidney deficiency.” Dustin said coldly.


Hearing this, the hooked-nosed young man was instantly furious: “You have kidney deficiency! I am in very good health, seven times a night is not a problem at all!”

Men hate being told no.

“You not only have kidney deficiency, but also have sexually transmitted diseases. I suggest you go to the hospital. If it’s too late, it may rot there.” Dustin reminded.

“You, you, you…you are talking nonsense!”

The hooked-nosed young man immediately became angry from embarrassment: “If you dare to speak nonsense again, be careful that I will be rude to you!”

Damn, it’s okay to say that the kidney is deficient, but it’s actually a venereal disease.

If this spreads out, how will I see anyone in the future?

“Hmph! Playing tricks!”

Liu Yannan curled her lips in disdain: “Do you think you are a god? Can you tell if a person is sick just by looking at it?”

“Dustin, it’s about a man’s reputation and dignity. You’d better pay attention to what you say, or you’ll be beaten easily.” Chu Jie slapped him with unfriendly eyes.

“That’s right! If you say I’m sick, then show evidence? If you can’t prove it, I’ll never end with you today!” Hooked Nose said viciously.

“Isn’t it easy to get evidence?”

Dustin raised his eyebrows, pointed to his abdomen, and said, “You press three inches below your navel, two inches from the front midline; then press one inch above your navel, at the midline.”

“Hmph! Let me see what tricks you are playing!”

The hooked nose was very dissatisfied, and he did as he was told, pressing two acupoints on his abdomen respectively.

After finishing the matter, he raised his head and shouted: “So what if I press it? I don’t feel it at all. What can I prove? I think you are a liar!”

His voice just fell.

A burst of “tick tick” suddenly sounded.

Everyone looked down and saw that the crotch of the hook-nosed young man was already wet at some point.

The yellow liquid kept dripping down the trousers.

Shockingly, he already had diabetes insipidus!
Chapter 922

As the sun dipped below the horizon, inside the Rose Restaurant.

Dustin was seated by the window, quietly sipping his tea.

Following the Grandmaster Battle, both the major martial alliances of the North and the South had been sent into an uproar.

All factions were putting forth their best efforts to win him over, including a few foreign groups.

Naturally, he paid them no heed.

For tonight marked his arrangement to dine with Natasha Harmon.


At that very moment, the entrance to the restaurant swung open.

Natasha Harmon, dressed in an elegant black gown, entered with an air of calm grace.

Her makeup today was light, adding an extra layer of allure to her already exquisite features.

Combined with her innate poise, she presented an utterly resplendent sight.

Though he’d witnessed it countless times, Dustin couldn’t help but be captivated anew.

“Why the intense gaze? Do I not meet your standards of beauty today?”

Teasingly, Natasha Harmon twirled before Dustin, accentuating her alluring figure.

“Undoubtedly, you’re beautiful. Exceptionally so.”

Dustin’s nod was accompanied by a gentle smile.

“Giggle… Sweetheart, when did you become such a smooth talker?”

An elated grin spread across Natasha Harmon’s face, tinged with surprise.

She’d always assumed he was rather lacking in the realm of romance, but his newfound eloquence caught her off guard.

Had he undergone an awakening?

“I’m simply speaking the truth.”

Dustin replied earnestly.

“Very well, I enjoy hearing your sincere truths.”

With a smile, Natasha Harmon took her seat, producing a gift box from her handbag and placing it on the table. “Here, a present for you.”

“Why all the effort with gifts?”

Dustin felt a tad puzzled. He opened the box to reveal an intricate bronze locket. He couldn’t help but be taken aback. “Natasha Harmon, what’s the significance?”

“Bronze lock—Love Bronze Lock, symbolizing eternal love. I intend to firmly lock you away!”

Natasha Harmon’s expression was one of earnest resolve.

“In this day and age, you actually put stock in this?”

Dustin couldn’t help but chuckle.

“What’s this? You don’t fancy being under my lock and key?”

Natasha Harmon put on a mock pout.

A hint of playful threat twinkled in her beautiful eyes.

“Yes, yes… certainly.”

Dustin’s wry smile could only acquiesce to wearing the bronze locket around his neck.

“Hmph! That’s more like it!”

With an air of arrogance, Natasha Harmon huffed.

You’re still a challenge for me, my dear?

“Natasha Harmon, you invited me for dinner today; is there something on your mind?”

Dustin inquired casually.

“Indeed, there’s a matter at hand.”

Natasha Harmon nodded, her demeanor growing a shade more serious. “The business in Yanjing has been arranged, and I need to fly there to oversee operations tonight. So, I’ve come to bid you farewell.”

“So soon? I anticipated it would be a while.” Dustin voiced his surprise.

It had been discussed just the previous night.

Little did he expect her determination to be so resolute.

“The situation within the Harmon family isn’t particularly favorable. Internal rifts have emerged. The new enterprise needs to expedite its progress. I’ll be relocating all the funds from here to avert entanglements.”

Natasha Harmon clarified.

“Prudent to plan ahead. Not wise to place all your eggs in one basket.”

Dustin mused thoughtfully, then queried, “Oh, by the way, is there any way I can be of assistance?”

“Don’t concern yourself with business matters. Biyan Dan will suffice. My primary concern now is my father.”

“Since my uncle’s ascent, he’s been purging my father’s loyalists. Some were disowned, others stripped of key positions.

If this trend persists, within three days, my father will be utterly marginalized and isolated. At that juncture, he’ll lack the means to resist.

While a power struggle and profit game is one thing, the crux lies in my uncle’s pursuit of the Harmon family treasure map. Ultimately, a clash is inevitable. Hence, I implore you to safeguard my father’s well-being.”
Thanks 🙏 I am g
Chapter 925

At this time, a young man with a hooked nose suddenly spoke.


Dustin shook his head.

“Oh? Is it some pheasant university?”

The hook-nosed young man seems to be smiling but not smiling.

The rest of the people also showed playful expressions, obviously preparing to watch a joke.

“I didn’t go to college.”

Dustin answered very straightforwardly.

“What? You didn’t even go to college?”

The hook-nosed young man deliberately showed an exaggerated expression: “Brother, aren’t you? How can you be a doctor without going to medical school?”

“I studied Chinese medicine, and I have been exposed to it since I was a child, so I will naturally.” Dustin didn’t change his face.

“Chinese medicine?”

The hooked-nosed young man was stunned, and then sneered, “Dude, you’re not kidding me, are you? Aren’t Chinese medicine practitioners just charlatans?”

“Hehe… There are still people who believe in Chinese medicine these days? It’s pure cerebral palsy!”

“You can’t say that. Those grandpas and aunts who dance in the square are very fond of this trick. It’s a trick to cheat everyone.”

At this moment, many people laughed and spoke in a strange way.

Having received Western education since they were young, they sneered at the so-called Chinese medicine.

“Xue’er, are you sure he saved you? You won’t be deceived, right?” Liu Yannan began to fan the flames.

“No! Brother Dustin is not a liar, his medical skills are very good!” Murong Xue argued.

“Amazing? Huh…why don’t I believe it?”

The hook-nosed young man grinned and said with a disdainful expression: “Brother, aren’t you a Chinese medicine doctor? Come here, take a look at me and see how my body is doing? If you guess correctly, there will be a reward!”

As he said that, he stretched out his hand actively, as if watching your performance.

Dustin looked up and down, and said lightly: “Are you often afraid of the cold recently, and your waist is sore and your back hurts, and you sweat easily?”

“Um?”  The hook-nosed young man frowned: “How do you know?”

During these days, he really felt something was wrong with his body.

“I see that your eyes are dull, your breathing is short, your face is yellow and dull, and you are afraid of the cold and sweating, and your back is sore. If you guessed right, you should have kidney deficiency.” Dustin said coldly.


Hearing this, the hooked-nosed young man was instantly furious: “You have kidney deficiency! I am in very good health, seven times a night is not a problem at all!”

Men hate being told no.

“You not only have kidney deficiency, but also have sexually transmitted diseases. I suggest you go to the hospital. If it’s too late, it may rot there.” Dustin reminded.

“You, you, you…you are talking nonsense!”

The hooked-nosed young man immediately became angry from embarrassment: “If you dare to speak nonsense again, be careful that I will be rude to you!”

Damn, it’s okay to say that the kidney is deficient, but it’s actually a venereal disease.

If this spreads out, how will I see anyone in the future?

“Hmph! Playing tricks!”

Liu Yannan curled her lips in disdain: “Do you think you are a god? Can you tell if a person is sick just by looking at it?”

“Dustin, it’s about a man’s reputation and dignity. You’d better pay attention to what you say, or you’ll be beaten easily.” Chu Jie slapped him with unfriendly eyes.

“That’s right! If you say I’m sick, then show evidence? If you can’t prove it, I’ll never end with you today!” Hooked Nose said viciously.

“Isn’t it easy to get evidence?”

Dustin raised his eyebrows, pointed to his abdomen, and said, “You press three inches below your navel, two inches from the front midline; then press one inch above your navel, at the midline.”

“Hmph! Let me see what tricks you are playing!”

The hooked nose was very dissatisfied, and he did as he was told, pressing two acupoints on his abdomen respectively.

After finishing the matter, he raised his head and shouted: “So what if I press it? I don’t feel it at all. What can I prove? I think you are a liar!”

His voice just fell.

A burst of “tick tick” suddenly sounded.

Everyone looked down and saw that the crotch of the hook-nosed young man was already wet at some point.

The yellow liquid kept dripping down the trousers.

Shockingly, he already had diabetes insipidus!
Great 👍
Chapter 926

Everyone in the private room was stunned as they looked at the floor covered in yellow piss Their mouths hung open in astonishment and disbelief.

The young man, in particular, stood frozen, his face drained of color. He couldn’t believe he had lost control of his bladder by just pressing two points!

The most embarrassing part was that people were staring at him.

“Ah-!” After a brief moment of shock, the young man screamed.

He fled the room, clutching his crotch. Every step he took left a piss–stained footprint.

The others looked on with strange expressions, the corners of their eyes twitching.

It wasn’t just embarrassing for him; it was utterly mortifying.

“Dustin! What exactly did you do to Jake to make him that way?” Vivian snapped. She rose from her seat.

How dare a mere country doctor humiliate a scion of a prestigious family? It was nothing short of horrible offense.

“I told you, he has weak kidneys. But you wouldn’t believe it. You insisted on proof, so there you go. He really has weak kidneys.”

“You…” Vivian was rendered speechless.

They just wanted to make things difficult for Dustin and embarrass him. Who knew that it would backfire on one of them instead?

“Hmph! You used unusual methods to trick us!” Evan’s gaze was hostile.

Jake was his friend. It was natural for him to be upset that Jake had been humiliated.

“What? You don’t believe me either? Why don’t I give you a check–up next?” Dustin turned his attention to Evan.

Evan instinctively recoiled. What happened to Jake was still fresh in his mind.

Although he didn’t know how Dustin did it, he wouldn’t take the risk himself.

“I don’t believe it! Diagnose me next if you have the guts!”

Vivian was defiant. She placed her arm on the table in a challenge to Dustin.

She never believed in traditional medicine, especially Dustin’s ability to diagnose them with a quick glance. Plainly speaking, it was just a shady trick.

“Your condition is worse.”

Dustin observed her carefully and said, “Your breathing is uneven and abnormal. You’re easily irritable and seem mentally fatigued. If I’m not mistaken, you should be having issues with yo lungs.”

“Get to the point. What’s wrong with my lungs? Why don’t I feel anything?”

“You have lung cancer,” Dustin answered bluntly

“Lung cancer Hah! What a load of crap!” Vivian snorted in disdain.

“I don’t smoke. How can I have lung cancer? Before you make up a lie, at least make sure you come up with a more believable excuse!”

“That’s right! Vivian has always taken care of her health. She gets a full body check–up every six months. There’s no way she’s sick. Stop scaring people with your lies!”

“Traditional medicine? Please, it’s clearly a scam. You got exposed so quickly!”

Everyone looked at him in disdain. All of them knew that Vivian went for medical examinations regularly.

If she had any illnesses, it would have been discovered long ago.

“Not smoking doesn’t mean you won’t get lung cancer. You could have inhaled toxic gasses, or it could even be a genetic predisposition.”

Dustin remained unfazed. “A word of advice. It’d be best if you get checked out at the hospital sooner. Otherwise, you might regret it when it’s too late.”

“Hah! Did you really think I’m going to believe your nonsense? Do you think you’re some miracle doctor?” Vivian sneered.

How dare a country bumpkin who hadn’t even attended university show off in front of her? “Suit yourself.” Dustin stopped talking and sipped his tea
Chapter 927

Dustin couldn’t be bothered with a smug know–it–all like Vivian

“What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue now that you’re feeling guilty? I knew it!”

Vivian sneered with disdain. I've seen plenty of scammers like you in the martial arts world You may be able to fool Sheila, but you won’t fool me!”

“Vivian, Dustin isn’t a scammer. I believe him!” Sheila spoke up for Dustin.

“Sheila, you’re a good person, but you’re just too naive and easily fooled. You should be especially careful with those with unclear backgrounds.

As Vivian spoke, she glanced at Dustin, clearly implying something.

To her, Dustin was no different than the pretty–faced boys who used to pursue Sheila. They tried their best to please her, aiming to climb up the social ladder and gain a foothold in upper society.

Fortunately, Vivian was sharp enough to see through all the tricks.

“Vivian, you got it all wrong. Dustin is a good man.” Sheila’s brow furrowed lightly.

It suddenly occurred to her that her friends were hostile toward Dustin.

“Alright, Sheila, it’s getting late. I need to get going. Goodbye.” After finishing his tea, Dustin stood. up and excused himself politely.

It was just a chance meeting anyway. There was no need to associate himself with these people

“Dustin…” Sheila got anxious and stood up. But she didn’t know what to say.

“Sheila, don’t mind me. Enjoy the rest of your meal. I’ll visit General Murray another day.” Dustin smiled and walked out of the room.

“Dust-” Sheila wanted to run after him, but Vivian grabbed her.

Vivian reasoned with her, “Sheila, what are you doing? He’s nothing but a scammer. Let him go He’ll only ruin our meal if he stays.”

“I won’t let you talk about him that way!” Sheila puffed up her cheeks, looking slightly pissed.

“Alright, alright. I won’t talk about him like that if you don’t like it.” Vivian was helpless.

She followed up with a question. “Let me ask you, do you like that brat?”

“Huh?” Sheila’s face flushed red.

She stammered, “N–No way! Dustin is my savior. I just want to repay the favor.”

Although vehemently denied it, her shy expression had made her feelings clear.

Evan took in her reaction with a frown. His gaze turned dark.

“Sheila, it’s alright if you want to repay the favor. But you had better not fall in love with him,” Vivian warned.

“Why not?” Sheila was taken aback.

Vivian was solemn “As the heiress of the Murray family, you stand high above the clouds.

“That brat is just a country doctor with a presence as insignificant as an ant. He’s not worthy of you

“It’s not an exaggeration to describe you two like the princess and the pauper. Even if you don’t look down on him, he’ll never be able to find a place in our circle with his status

“This is reality, and there is nothing you can do about it. For your sake and his, it’s best that you don’t talk to him anymore.”

Sheila fell silent upon hearing her words. She hung her head, seemingly deep in thought.

“Alright, that’s enough. Stop it with the depressing talk. Let’s eat.”

Evan tried to mend the situation when he noticed Sheila’s bad mood. It was a chance to gain some brownie points.

“Fine, I won’t talk about it anymore. Let’s drink.” Vivian smiled and raised her glass, clinking it with the others.

Just as she was about to drink it, Dustin suddenly returned. Without a word, he slapped her hand, knocking the glass to the ground.

It shattered loudly.
Chapter 928

Looking at the broken glass on the floor, everyone was stunned

Nobody expected Dustin to return and knock the glass out of Vivian’s hands without a word.

“Hey! What are you doing? Are you crazy?” After a brief moment of shock, Vivian slammed the table as she stood up.

The slap had left the back of her hand swollen and burning in pain.

“Outrageous! How dare you offend Vivian like that? You have nerves of steel!”

The others berated Dustin in righteous anger.

“If you don’t explain yourself, I’m afraid you won’t be able to walk out that door.” Evan stood up slowly, his domineering aura gradually showing itself.

“The wine was poisoned. I was saving your lives,” Dustin responded coldly.


They all exchanged dismayed looks, feeling doubtful. They had assumed Dustin acted out in revenge, but his revelation caught them off guard.

“Hah! Am I supposed to just take your word for it? How do we know you’re not lying?” Vivian yelled

She was naturally suspicious and wouldn’t believe him easily.

Dustin immediately took out a silver needle and dipped it in Sheila’s glass. After stirring it briefly and taking it out of the glass, the silver needle turned completely black.

“Does this prove it?”

Dustin placed the blackened needle under the light, displaying it to everyone.

“Huh?” Vivian was startled and felt frightened.

A blackened silver needle meant that the wine was laced with deadly poison. If she had drunk i her fate would have been grim.

“What the fuck? It really was poisoned? Who the hell is responsible for this?”

“Holy shit! Good thing I didn’t drink it. Otherwise, I would have been a dead man!”

“Who dared poison us? They must be asking for death!”

After the initial shock, the crowd was now filled with anger. Since it was a matter that concerne their lives, they naturally wouldn’t let it slide.

“Dustin, thank God you were around. Otherwise, all of us would have been poisoned.” Sheila gulped, still shaken.

“It was nothing.” Dustin shook his head.

He couldn’t just stand by and do nothing for Sheila’s sake.

“Hold up! How did you know the wine was poisoned?”

Vivian soon realized somethibgband he looked suspicious. How did he know it was poisoned, you didn’t test it either. How were you so certain?”

Because of her words, the others turned their attention to Dustin They also wondered how Dustin could have known the wine was poisoned.

“A waiter was acting suspiciously by the door earlier. I asked him a few questions, but he ended up running away. And he even dropped this.”

As Dustin spoke, he placed a vial of poison on the table. It was precisely because he sensed something amiss that he had returned.

“A suspicious waiter? Where is he now?” Vivian narrowed her eyes.

“He fled,” Dustin replied honestly.

“He fled? Hah! You let him go on purpose, didn’t you?” Vivian sneered.

“What do you mean by that?” Dustin raised an eyebrow.

“Stop the act! I’ve seen through you.”

Vivian’s tone was hostile. “What poison? It’s all fake! From what I can tell, it’s clearly a play you’ve orchestrated yourself!”
Chapter 929

“Vivian, what are you talking about? Dustin saved us!” Sheila was dumbfounded.

“Sheila, don’t be fooled by him. This guy has ulterior motives!”

Vivian smugly explained, “He was the one who poisoned our drinks! He made a show of leaving before returning at a critical moment to play the hero.

“He did all that to earn our trust! But these tricks won’t fool me!”

Vivian’s explanation cast a shadow of doubt in everyone’s minds. What she said did seem possible After all, they would rather trust Vivian than a stranger.

“Hey, are you that full of yourself? I’m not that desperate for entertainment to play these petty games with you,” Dustin replied coldly.

He had been kind enough to help them, but he didn’t expect this woman to be so ungrateful!

“Hmph! You still won’t admit it? Fine!” Vivian said.

She continued, “Then let me ask you. How did you just so happen to bump into that waiter and, just so happen to pick up this vial of poison?

“Don’t tell me these are all just coincidences.” Vivian’s expression grew dark.

“You guessed it right. It was a coincidence.” Dustin nodded.

“Hah, did everyone hear that? This guy can’t even find another excuse. He’s already shown his true colors,” Vivian sneered.

“Other than that, the biggest giveaway is your silver needle. Who in their right mind would carry : silver needle with them outside? It’s clear that you had planned this!”

As she spoke, realization hit the crowd.

“That’s right! How could such a convenient coincidence happen? This brat is definitely suspiciou

“After all that, it turns out that he was the one who poisoned us. I can’t believe I thought of him a our savior. It’s true that we can’t judge a book by its cover!”

“Thank God Vivian was smart. Otherwise, we would have all been fooled!”

“That bastard dared to play such tricks with us? He must be seeking death!”

At that moment, everyone looked at Dustin with hostility. The initial gratitude they felt had no turned into anger and resentment.

“Dustin, you didn’t expect me to see through you so quickly, did you? Do you have anything left say?”

Vivian crossed her arms, looking proud of herself. It was as though she had cracked an important case.

“How ignorant.” Dustin shook his head.

Dustin turned around to leave. He didn’t want to waste his time with them any longer.

“Hold on” Vivian stood in his way and raised her voice

“You poisoned us Did you think you could just walk away like nothing happened? Did you think we would let you go easily?”

“Brat‘ Get down on your knees and surrender immediately, or don’t blame us for being ruthless“”

Several of them started clamoring. Their gazes were hostile, like they were ready to attack at any moment.

“What’s this? You’re going to repay kindness with violence?”

Dustin glanced around, his gaze turning cold. If they wanted to start a fight, he wouldn’t mind giving them a lesson.

“Dustin, you can’t afford to offend us!” Vivian threatened him.

“I’m giving you a chance. Apologize immediately and admit to your crimes. That way, you might just be able to live.”

“Idiot,” Dustin spat out coldly.

“What?” Vivian’s expression turned dark.

“How dare you insult me? You’re asking for it! Catch him!”

“Right away!” A few of them answered and were ready to start a fight.

However, right at that moment, the situation changed drastically. A loud gunshot rang out, shocking the entire room.

A bullet had shot out, piercing right through Vivian’s chest. Blood splattered against the wall, creating a mesmerizing display of crimson blossoms.
Chapter 930


The unexpected turn of events startled everyone. It was especially shocking for Vivian, who was left dumbfounded.

She looked down to see the bleeding wound on her chest. Her face showed a mixture of shock, astonishment, confusion, fear, and disbelief.

She never expected to get shot. It happened so fast and without any warning.

She was in a daze. Then, she suddenly screamed and fell to the ground. The situation had finally hit her.

“Assassins! Get down!” Evan was the first to react and shouted out loud.

The others snapped out of their daze. They were quick to take cover on the ground.

Meanwhile, several masked assassins burst into the room. They had kicked the door open. Each of them wielded a silenced pistol.

Upon entering, they opened fire without mercy, shooting anyone they saw. Amidst the rapid gunfire, two people were struck down.

“Damn it!”

Evan got angry. Instead of retreating, he kicked a table over. It crashed into several of the assassins

Taking advantage of their confusion, he lunged at them. He gripped two assassins by their necks and squeezed.

With two sharp cracking sounds, the two assassins went limp and fell to the ground.

After dealing with the first pair, Evan launched another attack. His fists were like thunder, striking with unbelievable speed and force.

It was incredibly impressive to watch each blow strike like a cannonball.

With a series of dull thuds, the remaining assassins were hit in the chest. Before they could ever react, they had dropped dead on the spot.

Everything happened in a flash. In just a few minutes, Evan dealt with all the assassins. His incredible skills left everyone in awe.

“What a bunch of trash,” Evan sneered.

He picked up a tablecloth from the ground and cleaned the blood from his hands.

Such an impressive display of skills immediately earned him cheers and applause.

“As expected of Evan, he’s incredible!”

“Of course he is! Evan is the direct descendant of the Derlin family. He is also a member of the Celestial Alliance. It’s a given he’s so powerful!”

Dustin turned around to leave. He didn’t want to waste his time with them any longer

“Hold on‘” Vivian stood in his way and raised her voice

“You poisoned us Did you think you could just walk away like nothing happened? Did you think. we would let you go easily?”

“Brat‘ Get down on your knees and surrender immediately, or don’t blame us for being ruthless!”

Several of them started clamoring. Their gazes were hostile, like they were ready to attack at any moment.

“What’s this? You’re going to repay kindness with violence?”

Dustin glanced around, his gaze turning cold. If they wanted to start a fight, he wouldn’t mind giving them a lesson.

“Dustin, you can’t afford to offend us!” Vivian threatened him.

“I’m giving you a chance. Apologize immediately and admit to your crimes. That way, you might just be able to live.”

“Idiot,” Dustin spat out coldly.

“What?” Vivian’s expression turned dark.

“How dare you insult me? You’re asking for it! Catch him!”

“Right away!” A few of them answered and were ready to start a fight.

However, right at that moment, the situation changed drastically. A loud gunshot rang out, shocking the entire room.

A bullet had shot out, piercing right through Vivian’s chest. Blood splattered against the wall, creating a mesmerizing display of crimson blossoms.
Chapter 931

“Simba? What the fuck is a Simba?”

“Whoever you are, you’re going to die today since you’ve met Evan!”

Several young men and women started shouting.

They had seen Evan’s performance just moments ago. They watched how he took down several armed assassins in an instant. What more was a weaponless fighter?

“This person is clearly a martial artist built on strength. I have to catch him off guard and end the fight as soon as possible.”

Evan gave him a quick once over and made a decision.

He bent his knees slightly, slowly gathering momentum. Then, pushing down with his feet, he propelled himself forward like a bullet. He launched with tremendous power.

“Thunder Strike!” Evan shouted.

Internal energy surged through his body. Then, he threw a powerful punch straight at Simba.

A faint explosion echoed as Evan’s iron fist heavily struck Simba’s abdomen.

However, Simba didn’t react. He stood like a mountain, unflinching. He showed no signs of injuries.

“Is that all?” Simba crossed his arms. He looked down at Evan arrogantly.

A smirk played on his lips. “Are you trying to scratch my itch?”


Evan froze in place. His eyes widened with disbelief.

He had put all his strength into that strike. How did it not hurt him at all? Impossible!

“You’re too weak,” Simba shook his head.

He grabbed Evan by the neck and lifted him off the ground with brute strength.

“Ugh…” Evan couldn’t breathe. As his feet hung in the air, his face flushed red.

He began to struggle frantically, but it was futile. He was like a defenseless lamb awaiting its fate.


The group’s expressions changed dramatically as they watched on. Their earlier arrogance was replaced with terror.

No one expected the powerful Evan to be completely powerless against the muscular man. It was truly terrifying!

“You son of bitch! Release Evan right now!”

Seeing Evan in danger, Sheila picked up a knife and rushed forward.

With a sharp clang, she stabbed the knife into Simba. But it didn’t even graze his skin.

His enormous palm aimed to strike Sheila’s head.

“Sheila‘ Watch out!” the group shouted in shock.

However, Sheila had been paralyzed with fear. She stood frozen, unable to react

Just as everyone thought she was as good as dead, a hand grabbed Simba’s wrist.

“She’s off limits,” Dustin calmly stated as he held onto Simba.

“You dare stop me?” Simba’s gaze grew cold.

“Don’t make me fight you, or you will end up dying a horrific death,” Dustin replied stoically.

Upon hearing this, everyone was stunned.

“What the heck? Is this guy trying to get himself killed? How can he be so arrogant?”

“Even Evan can’t handle Simba. This brat is on a suicide mission.”

The remaining group whispered among themselves. They looked at Dustin as if he were a corpse.

“What trash! Go to hell!” Simba was furious.

He threw Evan aside and aimed a punch at Dustin’s forehead. But Dustin remained unfazed and threw a punch as well.

As two different–sized fists collided, a loud explosion rang out.

Simba’s arm exploded upon impact, and he was sent flying. He crashed through a wall and fell from the second floor.

The situation left everyone stunned.
Chapter 932


As they watched Simba being sent flying, a stunned silence fell over everyone. Their eyes widened in disbelief Some of them even doubted their eyes

Simba was over two meters tall. He had a massive figure and a muscular physique, just like a mountain

Meanwhile, Dustin looked thin and fragile. It was as if a gust of wind could blow him away

Under normal circumstances, Simba should have been the winner. After all, they had a clear difference in size. So, how did the situation reverse so suddenly?

“What the fuck? Who the hell is this guy? How is he so strong?”

The group exchanged shocked looks. Not even Evan could rival Simba, so how could this country doctor have defeated him?

“Dustin, you’re amazing!” After a brief shock, Sheila immediately cheered.

If it weren’t for Dustin intervening, she might not have survived.

“Don’t be that impulsive next time. Your first priority should be your own safety in a situation like this,” Dustin warned.

This woman was willing to risk her life to save her friends. She was truly foolish.

“Got it!” Sheila smiled sweetly in response.

Since Dustin had saved her again, she was determined to repay him well.

“You you’re actually a divine–level martial artist?”

Evan got up from the ground. He looked surprised.

He considered himself a capable martial artist. Still, he was only a high–level martial artist.

He couldn’t believe the plain–looking man before him was a martial arts expert.

“That doesn’t seem to concern you.” Dustin cast him a sidelong glance, his expression cold

“You…” The corner of Evan’s lips twitched. But he swallowed his words.

God damn it! What was he showing off for? He was just a divine–level martial artist. He was essentially just a fighter.

The Derlin family is influential. A grandmaster showed them some respect, let alone a divine-level martial artist.

“Cut the crap and call an ambulance!” Right then, Vivian, who had fallen after being shot, shouted

Although the bullet had pierced her chest, she was lucky it missed her heart. She wouldn’t die immediately.

“Hang in there, Vivian. I’ll call for help right now!” Sheila returned to her senses and dialed for

Aside from Vivian, two others had also fallen victim to stray bullets

“Let me attend to them”

Dustin approached one of the injured men and assessed his condition

The man had been shot twice, and he had lost a significant amount of blood. It was clear that he wouldn’t be able to hold on for much longer

“Hey! Are you even qualified to be doing this? This is a matter of life and death” Evan asked

“If I can’t do it, are you going to treat him instead?” Dustin fired back.

“I” Evan fell silent.

“Shut it if you can’t contribute.”

Dustin wasted no time and pulled out a silver needle. He sealed off several acupoints near the man’s wound

In no time, the bleeding stopped.

The sight left the group amazed. Although it was hard to believe, they had to admit that traditional medicine did work.

“Sheila, please bandage him up for me.”

With his instructions given, he went over to the other wounded man.

“Me! Save me first!” Before Dustin could insert a needle, Vivian immediately cried out. Panic and fear filled her eyes.

“I’m just a scammer in the martial arts world. I can’t treat you. You’re better off praying for a miracle,” Dustin replied impassively.

“No, no, you’re not a scammer. You’re a miracle doctor. Please save me first. My injuries are worse * Vivian’s expression scrunched miserably.

In the face of death, she had no choice but to set aside her pride. At least, she could tell earlier that Dustin did have some genuine skills.

“You seem quite energetic to me. You won’t die for the time being. Hang in there for a little longer. After he spoke, Dustin took out his silver needle and proceeded to treat the other man’s injuries.
Chapter 933

“You!” While Vivian seethed in anger, there was nothing she could do. She could only endure int silence.

She could only pray that Dustin would work faster. She sensed that she was losing blood, and her body was growing weaker.

Three minutes later, Dustin finally finished treating the second man. As long as the bleeding was stopped, he wouldn’t die immediately.

“It should be my turn now, right? Hurry up and start treating me!” Vivian was getting impatient. She rushed Dustin repeatedly.

Yet Dustin appeared completely at ease. He didn’t feel any sense of urgency. He wiped his hands. and stretched lazily before leisurely sipping on a cup of tea.

“Hey! What are you doing? Help me stop the bleeding!”

“Vivian was on the verge of losing her temper. She was nearly drained of blood. How could he be in the mood to enjoy his tea?

“Why the rush? It’s not like you’re dying.” Dustin glanced at her, still unmoved.

“What do you mean I’m not dying? Don’t you see that I was shot? Where’s your humanity? Save me!

Vivian was anxious.

As she got more agitated, blood pooled faster. She was so shocked that she took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.

“Is this how you ask for a favor?” Dustin continued sipping on his tea leisurely.

“Rhys! Don’t push it too far when I’m being nice!” Vivian seethed in anger, gritting her teeth.

She was the heiress of the Willow family. She was always placed on a pedestal wherever she went.

How dare a mere country doctor show off in front of her? It was a terrible offense!

“Since you’re not sincere, forget about it. Bye.”

Dustin couldn’t bother with her any longer. After finishing his tea in one gulp, he stood up and left.

“Wait! Wait… Miracle Doctor! Miracle Doctor Rhys! I was wrong!

“I chose the wrong words and have offended you. Please, doctor, save me!”

Vivian gave in immediately when she saw the situation taking a turn for the worse. Her survival instinct was in full gear.

“Dustin, Vivian seems to be in bad shape. Can you please save her?” Sheila chimed in.

“Fine, I’ll help her this once for your sake.” Dustin nodded.

“Thank you, Doctor Rhys! Thank you very much!” Vivian’s expression brightened.

However, a glint of resentment flashed through her eyes. Once she got through this, she would definitely seek revenge.

Wait for a moment, Dustin said while leaving the room. After a few minutes, he returned with a box of medical supplies.

“Here, just stick this on the wound.” Dustin tossed the medical supplies to Vivian’s feet.

“What is this?”

Curiously, Vivian opened up the box and was immediately dumbfounded.

Dustin had tossed her a box of band–aids!

“D–Doctor Rhys, is this a joke?” Vivian widened her eyes in disbelief.

“I have a gunshot wound–a gunshot wound! What the hell can this do?”

“What do you mean? J&J Band–Aids can stop bleeding, disinfect, and even provide pain relief. There is nothing better than that to help with your injuries,” Dustin said seriously.

Vivian was speechless. Her eyes twitched uncontrollably, and her body trembled.

Seriously? Who the hell would treat a gunshot wound with a band–aid? Could he please show some respect?

“Sheila, she can’t seem to move freely. Why don’t you help her? Don’t forget to stick it both on the front and the back.

“As for whether she can survive, that would depend on her luck. I have other things to attend to, so I’ll take my leave now.”

With that, Dustin left without looking back.

As soon as he walked out the doors, he heard a shrill scream.

“Rhys! You’re my enemy from now on.”
Chapter 934

The night grew deeper.

It was particularly quiet at Auspicious Restaurant. The place wasn’t as lively as in the morning.

One reason was its secluded location, and the other was because it didn’t operate at night.” Suddenly, a muscular figure jumped over the walls. He skillfully went through the restaurant.

The figure was headed to a private room on the second floor.

When he arrived at the door, he gave it a light knock.

“Come in.” A dignified voice came from inside the pitch–black room.

The figure opened the door cautiously. He immediately dropped to his knees when he got inside. Speaking toward a folding screen, he announced his arrival. “I’m here, sir.”

“You got injured?” The voice spoke again from behind the folding screen.

“I failed my mission. I encountered a powerful opponent and almost lost my life.”

Simba lowered his head. His expression was filled with fear and respect.

Blood was dripping from his wounded arm onto the ground. It sounded jarring in the silent night.

“You actually dared to return after you failed?” The voice turned cold. It carried a chilling undertone that crept into the air.

“Sir, please give me another chance. I promise I will complete my mission!” Simba trembled in fear and broke out in cold sweat.

“You damned fool! Didn’t you notice you’ve been tailed?” the voice shouted.

“A tail?”

Simba looked around and said, “Impossible! I was careful the entire way here. Nobody could have noticed me!

“Dear friend, since you’re already here, there’s no need to hide.” The voice behind the screen grew louder.

As soon as his words fell, they heard the faint sound of footsteps echoing in the corridor. Following closely, Dustin entered, looking indifferent.

“It’s you?” Simba’s expression changed. He took a few steps back in fear and almost stumbled.

He never expected to be followed.

As an accomplished assassin, he had undergone rigorous training since young. He was also one of the best at countering surveillance.

Dustin must be a ghost to have been able to tail him without a sound.

“It’s impressive that you noticed me this quickly.” Dustin ignored Simba. His gaze was fixed on the screen.

“It’s even more remarkable that you were able to come within ten feet of me.” The plump man remained unmoved.

“Sir! This is the guy who ruined my mission!” Simba revealed.

“You useless trash, get out!” the chubby man shouted.

“Yes, sir…” Simba shrunk back slightly. Without another word, he excused himself.

Dustin ignored him, allowing him to leave as he pleased.

“Sir, do I have the pleasure of talking face–to–face?” Dustin spoke again.

“Of course.” The chubby man waved. The lights turned on, and the folding screen was brought down.

The moment their gazes met, the both of them were stunned.
Chapter 935

“Mr. Rhys?”

“Mr. Franklin?” Dustin was surprised to see the chubby man before him.

He realized that Simba’s envoy was Samuel Franklin. He was the person who sold the Jade Maiden Scripture.

“Mr. Rhys, I didn’t expect fate to lead us to meet under these circumstances,” Samuel said with a smile.

His previous cold and chilling demeanor returned to one of gentleness. He appeared harmless and friendly..

“Mr. Franklin, you have quite the identity.” Dustin narrowed his eyes.

“I’ve heard that the Bounty Killers have three chief envoys. Each of them is known for their incredible power and abilities. I didn’t expect you to be one of them.”

“I’m just making a living. It’s nothing worth mentioning.” Samuel smiled and made a gesture.

“Mr. Rhys, please have a seat.”

Dustin didn’t hesitate and took a seat.

“Mr. Rhys, I’m impressed by your victory over Augustus Kline. Your reputation as a young grandmaster has shaken the world.”

Samuel brewed a pot of tea and poured it into two cups.

“Mr. Franklin, you’re very well–informed. You’ve heard about what happened in no time.” Dustin took a sip of tea.

Samuel laughed. “If I had remained oblivious to such a shocking event, I might as well retire from

my role as an envoy.”

His smile was unwavering.

“Mr. Franklin, I’ll get straight to the point. Was Sheila your target today?” Dustin looked up at him. slightly.

He had been tailing Simba to search for the truth.

Christopher Murray was an old friend of his mother’s. He had also helped him out on two occasions in the past.

Moreover, considering Sheila’s kindness, he felt he should involve himself in this matter.

“That’s right.” Franklin didn’t deny it.

“Solving people’s troubles and getting paid is the Bounty Killer’s code.”

“Can you cancel the mission?” Dustin inquired.

“No, unless the employer chooses to withdraw it themselves.” Samuel shook his head.

wine is the employer? Dusulaskeu dydi

“That is classified information. I can’t tell you,” Samuel continued to shake his head.

“Mr. Franklin, you keep withholding information. Are you forcing me to flip this table?” Dustin narrowed his eyes.

“Mr. Rhys, please stay calm. The Bounty Killers has its own set of rules. Disclosing the identity of the employer is strictly forbidden. However…”

At that moment, Samuel changed his tone.

“While I can’t reveal the employer’s identity, I can offer you another piece of information. I believe

it’ll catch your interest.”

“What kind of information?” Dustin raised an eyebrow.

“I have a lead on Paul Hill’s death,” Samuel dropped a bombshell


Dustin’s gaze hardened. “You know who the killer is?”

Paul Hill’s death had put him under tremendous pressure for the past few days. Even when he had mobilized everyone in the Kirin Gang, he could not find a single lead.

“While I can’t say for sure, I do have some information.” Samuel chuckled.

“Who is it? Who exactly had Sir Paul killed?” Dustin asked in a low voice.

“Paul Hill’s death has something to do with the Shadowslayers from Kimboku.”

Samuel explained, “According to our investigation, one of Shadowslayer’s five elite assassins, Dimitri Gonzalez, has infiltrated Dragonmarsh recently.

“He’s been active around Balerno too. Paul Hill’s death likely has something to do with him.”

“Is this Dimitri Gonzalez that good?” Dustin frowned.

“As an elite assassin, he’s indeed powerful. He has already reached the level of a grandmaster five years ago,” Samuel explained.

“This doesn’t make sense! If we go by what you’re saying, Dimitri alone wouldn’t stand a chance against Sir Paul!” Dustin’s expression turned serious.

Dimitri had only broken through the level of a grandmaster five years ago.

Normally, Dimitri’s skills should only be between that of a novice grandmaster and an intermediate grandmaster. In contrast, Paul Hill was already a full–fledged grandmaster!

It would be difficult for him to succeed in an ambush or an assassination attempt.

“Mr. Rhys, you’re very sharp. It’s truly remarkable.” Samuel smiled.

“Indeed, Dimitri couldn’t have done it himself. However, there is a traitor within the Hill family.”

“A traitor?” Dustin’s brow furrowed.

He almost yelled, “Who?”
Chapter 936

“This traitor has been very good at hiding himself. There haven’t been any slip–ups so far.” Samuel shook his head.

He continued, “One thing for sure, they hold significant influence within the Hill family. They’re either one of the Hill brethren or someone from the main family.”

The Hill brethren consisted of Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. They were also Paul Hill’s

four sons.

Each one held substantial resources and had ambitious goals. They were also smart in politics.

“You might as well not have said anything.” Dustin frowned.

“There are so many people in the Hill family. How could I find a traitor in such a short time?”

He had his suspicions before. But he couldn’t find any concrete evidence.

“Relax, Mr. Rhys. It isn’t exactly hard to find out who the traitor is. However, you would have to take a little risk.” Samuel smiled meaningfully.

Oh? Do you have a plan, Mr. Franklin?” Dustin was interested.

“It isn’t exactly a brilliant plan. It’s just a matter of using bait.”

Samuel dipped his index finger into his tea. Then, he made a few marks on the table.

After reading them, Dustin nodded in contemplation.

“That seems like a plan, but I wonder if it will work.

“Just do your best and leave the rest to destiny,” Samuel said.

“Thank you for your advice, Mr. Franklin ” Dustin nodded thoughtfully.

He asked. “How much is this information worth?”

“It’s free. Let’s consider it the start of our friendship,” Samuel replied with a friendly smile.

“It’s not easy to become my friend. I’ll consider you one if you tell me who is behind Sheila’s bounty.” Dustin began negotiating.

“Mr. Rhys, please don’t put me in a difficult position”

Samuel chuckled and shook his head. “If the client’s information leaks, I won’t have any more.

business in the future.”

“This is only between us. Who would know about it?” Dustin smiled.

“There are no safe secrets in this world. I can’t take the risk.” Samuel shook his head.

Samuel had just finished speaking when a sharp clang resounded. A bloody knife suddenly fell from Dustin’s waist.

Samuel froze.

“Oh, I use this knife for self–defense. It’s always better to be cautious.” Dustin smiled, looking

He said, “Mr. Franklin, what did you say earlier? I didn’t quite catch it. Could you repeat that?”


The corner of Samuel’s mouth twitched, and he managed a smile.

“If Mr. Rhys is truly interested, I could offer you a bit of information. However, it would depend on how skilled you are in finding out the truth.”

“Alright.” Dustin nodded.

“I can only tell you that on the day of Christopher Murray’s birthday banquet, this person will act.” Samuel lowered his voice into a whisper..

“Is that all? Is there anything else?” Dustin asked.

While speaking, he even placed the knife on the table, increasing the pressure on him.

“Mr. Rhys, that was my last compromise. I won’t be saying another word.” Samuel looked grim.

As one of the three chief envoys of the Bounty Killers, when had he ever been in such a

frustrating situation? It was all thanks to that damned Simba for bringing this bad omen to their lair.

“Alright, it’s enough. Thank you, Mr. Franklin.”

Dustin grinned. “Don’t be so nervous. Aren’t we friends? Even if you don’t say anything, I wouldn’t dare do anything to you.”

Samuel’s eye twitched, caught between amusement and annoyance. He could have put away the knife before saying that.

“Mr. Franklin, it’s been a pleasure working with you. Remember to let me know immediately

when you have any good news. Goodbye.” Dustin nodded and turned to leave.

“Mr. Rhys, your knife…” Samuel reminded him.

“Consider it a gift.” Dustin waved his hand dismissively and left without another look back.

Samuel remained seated. He let out a heavy sigh.

After all his years in the world of martial arts, he had always been the one taking advantage of others. No one had ever dared to take advantage of him yet.

Today, he had encountered a rogue grandmaster, and there was nothing he could do about it.

The next day, Dustin issued an order for all the members of the Kirin Gang to return.

They would no longer investigate the death of Paul Hill and stay out of the public eye.

Instead, they would stay at Zephyr Lodge, keeping a low profile and not going outside.

Apart from their regular training, they spent most of their time eating and drinking. Their
Chapter 937

“What? There are no activities on their end?”

Autumn listened to reports from one of his men in one of the courtyards of the Hill family residence.

He couldn’t help but wonder aloud, “Are you sure?”

“I’m very sure!”

The man said seriously, “We kept watch on them for the whole of yesterday. All of them from the Kirin Gang had stayed in Zephyr Lodge. Not even one of them set foot outside.”

“What is the rascal up to?” Autumn mused.

Dustin had been doing everything he could to gather information and investigate the issue for the past few days.

It was truly suspicious now that he suddenly stopped all activities.

“Keep your eyes on them at all times. Report back immediately once you have any information,” Autumn instructed.

“Yes, sir!”

With that, the man turned and left.

By the third day, there was still no activity from the Kirin Gang.

They continued indulging themselves. They spent all their days either training or having fun.

The atmosphere inside Zephyr Lodge was lively. They showed no sign that trouble was coming

their way.

When Autumn heard about that, he was even more confused.

“Damn it! Has the rascal decided to give up on the investigation? Is it because he knows there’s no way out for him, so he’s decided to indulge himself one last time?”

Autumn frowned. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was off.

From what he knew of Dustin, he wasn’t someone who would give up so readily. He would not have been able to reach the level of grandmaster otherwise.

But if Dustin had not given up, why had there been no activities on his end for the past few days? Could he have found something out?

“Look into it! I want a thorough investigation! I’d like to see what he’s up to!” Autumn ordered yet


On the fourth day, things went on as usual. The Kirin Gang stayed inside Zephyr Lodge and enjoyed themselves. They didn’t concern themselves with anything going on outside.

To liven things up, they even invited song and dance troupes or comedic groups to sometimes perform for them. They truly lived their lives in a delightful manner.

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ee unys Even (1195 Trom the Nilii Gaily liau nu iuea where he had gone. It was as though he had just vanished into thin air.

Because of the situation, Autumn was no longer able to stay calm. He began to lose his appetite and started overthinking things.

Tomorrow was Dustin’s deadline. Due to his guilty conscience, Autumn couldn’t help but feel that Dustin was plotting something.

“Sir! We found something!”

Right at that moment, one of Autumn’s men came running in.

“You found something?” Autumn’s eyes lit up. “Quick! Tell me! What is it?” he urged.

“According to our investigations, Dustin already has evidence to prove his innocence. He will reveal it to the public tomorrow morning!” the person reported.

“He’s got evidence? How is that possible?” Autumn’s expression grew grave.

He had always been careful not to leave anything behind. So how could Dustin get any evidence, then? Could this be a trap?

“Are you sure about the information?” Autumn asked sternly.

“I’m very sure!” The man confidently confirmed.

“I put in great effort to obtain the information and even verified it several times to make sure it was true. I’m sure that the information can’t be wrong!”

“I’ll be in a lot of trouble if he really has evidence!” Autumn’s brows furrowed deeply.

He would surely die a miserable death if anyone knew the truth behind the incident!

“What do we do now, sir?” the man asked anxiously.

“Do you know where they keep the evidence?” Autumn asked.

“The Kirin Gang’s House of Heroes has the strictest security. I bet that they’ve stored it there,” the

man answered.

“Gather two troops of Hidden guards at once! We’ll break into the House of Heroes tonight!”

Autumn instructed.

He would rather believe that Dustin really had evidence and act upon it while he could.

This was a matter of life and death. He dared not take any chances.

Regardless of whether the evidence was real, he would destroy it once and for all. That would set. him at ease and give him peace.
Chapter 938

That night, most of the disciples from the Kirin Gang got themselves drunk in Zephyr Lodge–all except the patrol team.


group of ten people in spy suits snuck their way in. They quickly searched everywhere in Zephyr Lodge.

The group of ten people moved around like ghosts. They made no sound when they landed, and their movements were quick and agile..

They were hidden from plain sight. The Kirin Gang’s patrol team noticed nothing amiss at all.

The group of ten was made up of the Hill family’s strongest force, the Hidden guards. Each one of them was extremely talented.

All of them had also gone through rigorous training. They excelled in everything assassination, undercover work, gathering information, and spying on enemies.

There were two reasons why the Hill family was one of the Tremendous Three. Besides Paul Hill’s identity as a grandmaster, another reason was due to the Hidden guards.

They had greatly contributed to eliminating all the Hill family’s enemies.

“Here it is.” After searching around, the Hidden guards finally got to the House of Heroes.

The House of Heroes had two groups of disciples guarding it at all times. The patrol team also passed by it often. The security around it was tight.

The leaders of the two troops of Hidden guards exchanged a look, and both lit up an incense.

As the smoke rose, the ten Hidden guards held their breath and waited.

The smoke, carried by the wind, soon wafted to the entrance of the House of Heroes.

All it took were a few breaths, and the two groups of Kirin Gang disciples standing guard fell to the ground, unconscious.

“The patrol team passes by every five minutes! We need to hurry!” The ten Hidden guards quickly snuck into the House of Heroes and began searching.

The place was huge but empty. There were memorial tablets in the front and rows of benches in

the center.

“Got it!”

Three minutes later, one of the Hidden guards found a secret compartment under one of the memorial tablets. There was a small, black sachet in the compartment.

After ensuring they had the right thing, they swiftly left and disappeared into the dark.

Dustin and Cornelius were standing on the roof of the House of Heroes. They watched in silence as the Hidden guards escaped.

“Sir Rhys, your prediction was right! The traitor from the Hill family could not hold out any longer!

Cornelius exclaimed in awe.

The Mini Gany nau been putting old SHOW 10 tile past few days. Ten purpose was to lure une traitor to show himself. Though what they did was risky, it had worked.

“I must admit, I was just betting for it to happen. Fortunately, they acted as I hoped.”

Dustin narrowed his eyes. “Sir Paul’s death had been too sudden. It’s very suspicious.

“The traitor must have a guilty conscience. He’s bound to show himself once he hears of the slightest information.

“He wouldn’t be able to stay put. If he gets the idea to destroy the evidence, he’ll jump straight into

my trap.“.

“So it’s his quilt playing up..

Cornelius stroked his chin and asked, “Sir Rhys, there was also a possibility he wouldn’t show up. What then? Do you have any other plans?”

“If he doesn’t show up?” Dustin smiled faintly.

“Then you’ll have to start making arrangements for my funeral.”

“What?” Cornelius froze on the spot as the corner of his mouth twitched.

Wasn’t Dustin too fearless?

He was betting on this with his life! His price for winning the bet was his life. But if he lost, he’d end up dead!

At that moment, Autumn was pacing around in his study within the Hill family residence. He looked anxious and would occasionally steal glances out the window.

Though he had dispatched the Hidden guards, he still felt on edge. If they failed, his life would be

in danger.

“Sir Autumn!”

One of the leaders of the Hidden guards rushed in. He bowed. “Mission accomplished. We’ve found.


“You’ve found it?” Autumn was instantly spirited.

“Where is it? Hurry! Show me!”

“Here. Please have a look.”

The leader of the Hidden guards took out a small sachet and handed it to Autumn.

Autumn hastily opened it up to find a letter inside,

He opened the letter to look at its contents and immediately frowned.
Chapter 939

“There’s evidence on the corpse? It was left on his body before he died?”

Autumn’s brows furrowed as he thought about it.

He had checked the corpse thoroughly when he handled it. He hadn’t noticed anything out of the ordinary

Could he have missed something?”

“Gather a few of our men. We’re going to the hill behind the Hill family residence.

Tll open the coffin to check on the corpse tonight!”

After thinking for a moment, Autumn quickly decided on his next action.

He could not afford to take the risk. If he’d missed something, he’d be in huge trouble.

He had to destroy any evidence before anyone found out!

Thirty minutes later, Autumn and his trusted men secretly went to the hill behind the Hill family residence.

This was where all the members of the Hill family were buried after they’d passed away. Paul was buried there, too.

When they got to Paul’s grave, Autumn bowed deeply and muttered to himself, “I’m sorry, Father.

Please don’t mind me.”

Then, he straightened up and gestured to his men.

“Start digging!”

With his orders, the men began digging. In less than 30 minutes, they had uncovered the coffin.

Just then, a gust of chilling wind swept around them.

They shivered and stopped what they were doing. They hunched their shoulders and glanced around guiltily.

“Why are you just standing there? Open up the coffin!” Autumn roared.

At this point, it was too late for him to turn back.

“Open it up!”

Clenching their jaws, the men braved themselves and opened up the coffin.

Paul lay there in the coffin in a formal suit. His face looked deathly pale, and he didn’t look peaceful.

“Forgive me, Father!” Autumn gulped drily and hopped into the coffin.

He began feeling around Paul’s corpse. He searched around a couple of times but couldn’t find anything.

He even checked his mouth, nostrils, hair, and under his nails and repeated it several times. But

“Where’s the evidence? Why is there nothing?”

Autumn was stressed, and he sweated profusely. He became more frustrated the more he searched.

“Hey. Suddenly, a hand patted Autumn on the shoulders.

“Fuck!” Autumn was scared out of his wits and leaped several feet backward.

He nearly peed his pants.

No man could handle the shock of suddenly being patted on the shoulders while digging up someone’s grave and rummaging around a corpse.

“Who the fuck…”

Autumn was about to turn around and start cursing when he noticed his surroundings.

For some reason, his men were defeated on the ground.

A man in white stood by the coffin and stared silently at him.

Under the moonlight, the man’s face looked pale and creepy. He was as scary as a ghost.

“Dustin?” Autumn’s eyes widened.

“Why are you here?”

“How would I know you’re the traitor if I don’t come here?” Dustin smiled thinly.

“Wait…” Autumn suddenly came to his senses.

He paled and exclaimed, “Is this all a trap? There wasn’t any evidence, to begin with?”

“It’s too late to realize now.” Dustin looked at Autumn coldly as he approached Autumn. “A person who murders his family is unforgivable Tell me, how would you prefer to die?”
Chapter 940

“Stand right there! I’m warning you!

“You better not come any closer! I’m part of the Hill family!”

Autumn backed up as he shouted at Dustin.

“How dare you say something like that when you killed your own father?”

Dustin looked at him disdainfully, “If I tell the public what happened today, what do you think will happen to you?”

“Hidden guards! Kill him!” Autumn suddenly yelled

He wanted to kill Dustin to keep things a secret. But there was only silence around him.

Only the occasional sound of the wind howling could be heard.

“Hidden guards? Hidden guards!”

Autumn panicked and looked around in distress.

“Your trusted men are here.”

Cornelius held two bloody heads in his hands. He appeared from the shadows and walked into the moonlight.

Then, with a toss, the heads rolled to Autumn’s feet–the blood drained from Autumn’s face.

“There’s no escaping for you, Autumn. What else have you got to say now?” Dustin said icily.

“Wait a minute!”

Seeing how the situation was turning bad, an idea came to him. “Dustin! There are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests. Let’s talk this out!”

“How would you like to talk about this?” Dustin appeared impassive.

“A collaboration! We can work together!”

Autumn swallowed before he continued, “The Hills are extremely wealthy. Our riches are more

than you think.

“If you’ll back me up, I can give you half of the family’s assets! You’ll have everything that you

ever wanted. How’s that?”

“I am now labeled as a murderer. How will you deal with that?” Dustin asked suddenly.

“That’s easy. We’ll just get a scapegoat.” Autumn looked delighted.

Thinking that Dustin was tempted by his suggestion, he quickly added, “If you agree to the collaboration, I’ll find someone within the family to be the scapegoat.

“I promise you’ll walk out of this with no problem!”

“Sounds pretty good.” Dustin nodded.

ISILJU I Kilew liat you were sumnevne Capable of great mys

Autumn heaved a sigh of relief and continued, “With your abilities and my powers, we’ll make a perfect alliance if we pair up!

“By then, not only the Hill family but even the entire Balerno would have to fall at our feet!”

The young grandmaster had already made a name for himself throughout Balerno.

Autumn thought that if he could get Dustin to work with him, he’d have someone strong on his side. He could bring the entire Hill family to greater heights with Dustin.

“I’m just curious. Why did you kill Sir Paul?”

Dustin answered Autumn with a question.

“Hah! If he’d stepped down from his position earlier, things would never turn out like this.”

Autumn huffed. “But that old man simply wouldn’t!

“He held on to his authority and would not give up his position! If he didn’t die, we would never get to inherit his position!”

“So because of that, you killed your father?” Dustin simply could not comprehend.

“Is that not reason enough?”

Autumn grumbled, “If he’d just retired gracefully and enjoyed his days, nothing would have


“We’d have been the perfect family. He was the one who brought all this upon himself!”

Had Paul been an ordinary man, nothing would have happened. He might last a few more years in

the position and die of old age.

But he was a grandmaster! Grandmasters had exceptionally long lives and had no problem living. to over a hundred years old.

The four Hill brothers might not outlive him. Nobody could say for sure who’d die first.

He could only take a risk to achieve his goal in such a circumstance. If he didn’t, he might be

under his father’s control for his entire life.

“What a terrible son you are!” Dustin narrowed his eyes.

He could never understand how some people’s consciences were shrouded by greed. They wouldn’t even hesitate to betray their family for power and authority.
Chapter 941

“Dustin, let’s not talk about that old man anymore.”

Autumn swiftly changed the topic. “The important matter now is to think about our future plans.

“If you support me, I can gain control over the entire Hill family within days!”

“When have I agreed to work with you?” Dustin asked coldly.

“What?” Autumn frowned.

“I’ve already said so much. Aren’t you the least bit tempted?”

“You willingly killed your father. If I collaborated with a beast like you, it would only ruin my reputation!

“Besides, I will expose all you’ve done to the public. So prepare to face your death!”

Dustin gestured to Cornelius. Cornelius understood his instruction and dashed forward to pin Autumn to the ground.

“Rhys! You’re going back on your word!

“You agreed to my proposal earlier on! Why?” Autumn roared, not giving up.

He was just one step away. One step away from success.

Power, authority, and fame had been so close he felt he could touch them. Why did things turn out this way?

“I’m not the best person out there, but I’m not a beast.” Dustin glared at him.

“Knock him out and bring him back! We’ll deal with him publicly tomorrow!”

Early the next morning, people from all walks of life gathered at the entrance of Zephyr Lodge.

The Boulderthorn guild, the Zen Order, the Combat Priests, the Soul Reapers, and many more came after they learned about what was happening.

The Balerno and Glenstead martial arts alliance leaders and elders were also present.

Even those from the Jade Maiden Sisterhood were there to witness the drama unfold.

Seven days had passed, and it was time for Dustin to explain Paul’s death.

“Sir Reeds, I heard there have been no activities on Dustin’s end for the past few days. Could he be ready to confess and face the punishments?”

Conrad, who was at the front of the crowd, looked on with amusement.

“Well, it seems Sir Melling is in a good mood today?” Ronald asked, looking at him with displeasure.

“You’re mistaken, Sir Reeds. Dustin has made a name for himself as the youngest grandmaster in Balerno. Of course, I’d wish such an incredible genius could be safe.

But only Dustin knew that he didn’t cough up blood because of Augustus. It was because of Septemortis.

The poison was like a maggot in his bones. Every time he used his true energy, it would take the opportunity to get in.

The more true energy he consumed, the more aggressive the poison.

Watching Dustin make his way over, Cornelius was both excited and concerned. “Sir Rhys, are you alright?”

He was excited because his gang leader was actually a low–profile young grandmaster.

Even in the entire world, he was one in a million

He had a bright future ahead of him!

However, he was concerned. If Dustin got some kind of hidden injury from the battle, things would become troublesome.

In a life–or–death battle between grandmasters, one could easily injure one’s core.

“It’s just a small injury. It’s nothing.” Dustin waved his hand nonchalantly..

“Good” Cornelius sighed.

“You look like you got hurt pretty badly. Take this.” Dustin flicked a red tablet into Cornelius‘ hand.

“Thank you, Sir Rhys!” Cornelius swallowed it in one gulp.

After taking a few breaths, the blood surging through his chest began to calm down.

The effects of the medicine were shocking.

“Rhys, how–how dare you kill my master?!” When Terry returned to his senses, he flew into a rage. “A life or death battle doesn’t just prove who is stronger. It also decides who gets to live or die.”
The Admins Hakimu and Gily informed me they might shut down the site this September because its not working.

On their behalf, I am asking you to keep the site active by posting new topics and comment on existing topics. I will keep you updated everyday if you do so.

If the site is no active they will shut it down. Bad news for all of us. .

Thank you guys for reading here. I am going through some relationship dilemma so being here is good company for me. I appreciate all of you reading my message. I LOVE YOU ALL.
The Admins Hakimu and Gily informed me they might shut down the site this September because its not working.

On their behalf, I am asking you to keep the site active by posting new topics and comment on existing topics. I will keep you updated everyday if you do so.

If the site is no active they will shut it down. Bad news for all of us. .

Thank you guys for reading here. I am going through some relationship dilemma so being here is good company for me. I appreciate all of you reading my message. I LOVE YOU ALL.
Oh dear! Please let them not shut down the site, this will heavy heartbeat for someone like me.
Chapter 942

As time passed, the crowd gathered around at the entrance of Zephyr Lodge grew.

The crowd was dense, with tens of thousands of people. Those who were involved, and even those

who weren’t involved, were there.

Some were there to condemn Dustin, while others just to watch the show unfold. Some were even there to enjoy Dustin’s misfortune;

Most of them knew that if Dustin made it out of this in one piece, he’d have a bright future.

If he didn’t, they would witness the fall of a genius today.

“We know you’re in there, Dustin! Your seven days are up! Come out and face your death!” the Hill family shouted.

The gates of Zephyr Lodge creaked open as Dustin led several of his men out.

“Wow. What a crowd we have here today. How exciting.”.

Dustin glanced around and saw many familiar faces.

“Stop playing the fool! You murdered my grandfather! Today is the day you pay for it with your life!” Torben shouted angrily.

“That’s right! Sir Reeds had been generous enough to let you live for another seven days.

“But there’s no way you’re escaping death!” someone from the crowd shouted as others clamored


On the one hand, it was out of their respect for Paul On the other hand, it was also due to their jealousy toward the young grandmaster.

“You claimed you were innocent, Dustin, so I gave you seven days. Do you have any evidence to prove your claim now?” Ronald asked.

“I have not failed you, Sir Reeds. I have caught the real culprit,” Dustin answered truthfully.

“What do you mean you’ve caught the culprit? You were the one who murdered my grandfather!” Torben snapped fiercely.

“We’ll find out who the murderer is soon enough.”

Without wasting any more time, Dustin gestured to the men behind him.

Soon, Cornelius brought out a man who was tightly bound up. The man had a hood over his head.

“Hmph! Do you think that you’ll be able to get through this just by finding a scapegoat to take the

blame for you?

“No fucking way that’s going to happen!” Torben glared at Dustin.

“Dustin! Stop with the tricks and own up to what you did. We might just give you a quick death!” Spring said coldly.

“That’s right! Admit to your crimes now, or we’ll see you die, a long and terrible death!” The Hills

From their point of view, Dustin was planning to get a scapegoat to shoulder his offenses. They would never let him get away so easily!

“Have a look at who the murderer is, everyone. Then we’ll talk.

Reluctant to waste any more time on pointless speech, Dustin grabbed the hood on the man’s head and removed it.

And Autumn’s face was revealed to everyone.


“Sir Autumn?”


Everyone from the Hill family was stunned when they saw the familiar face. None of them had expected that the scapegoat Dustin had found to be Autumn Hill!

“How dare you!”

“You insolent bastard!”

After the momentary shock, the Hills began shouting at Dustin.

He was truly fearless in holding Autumn captive!

“Let my father go immediately, Rhys! Or I’ll make sure you die the most gruesome death!” Torben


He had wondered why he hadn’t seen his father today. It turns out that Dustin had captured him! That was going overboard!

“Dustin, what’s the matter? Why did you kidnap someone from the Hill family?” Ronald frowned)

“Sir Reeds, the truth is Autumn Hill is one of the prime culprits who murdered Sir Paul!” Dustin


“What? Autumn’s the murderer?”
Chapter 943

The crowd began whispering when they heard what Dustin said. Some of them were shocked, while others had their doubts. But most of them did not believe him.

“Nonsense! My father had been upright and honest his whole life!

“How could he have done such a horrible thing?” Torben bellowed.

“I’m warning you, Dustin! You better not spout such nonsense around!”

Spring’s expression was dark. “You murdered my father, and now you’re dragging my brother through the mud! What malicious intentions you have!”

“Let Autumn tell you what he’s done. Then you’ll know if I’m slandering him.”

Dustin pulled out the wad of cloth shoved in Autumn’s mouth. Then, he kicked him.

“Go on, tell them what happened last night.”

“Spring! Save me! Quick!” Autumn immediately began yelling once he opened his mouth.

“This scoundrel captured me and started torturing me. He even threatened to wipe out my entire family if I did not take the blame for him! Spring, you have to save me!”

“You liar! How dare you tell lies!”

Cornelius fumed. He was just about to slap Autumn when Dustin stopped him.

Things would look bad if they were to get aggressive under such circumstances.

“Dustin! You impertinent scoundrel! Release my brother at once!” Spring ordered.

“Release him! Or I’ll burn down this god damned lodge!” Torben echoed angrily.

“Release him! Release him! Release him!”

The crowd began chanting and clamoring. They looked furious.

Not only had Dustin killed Sir Paul, he even captured Autumn to be his scapegoat. Such horrible

behavior was dreadful!

“Karma! This is karma indeed!” The Jade Maiden Sisterhood were pleased at the sight they saw.

They were out of breath from laughing in delight.

The more trouble Dustin was in, the happier they were. At this point, Dustin did not seem to have any way of turning back anymore.

So what if he was a grandmaster? He had no way out with so many leaders of the major sects


“Hahaha! Haven’t I warned you, Dustin?

“If you work with me, you won’t have to die. You’ll also be able to enjoy unlimited riches.”

Autumn sniggered. “Look at yourself now.

your telivie decisTON!

I ou le me public enemy of the ente mai di Wu! Tis is all talkS

“How do you feel now? Are you regretting your decision? Do you feel helpless?

“So what if I was the person who murdered Paul? So what if you’ve caught me?

“Would anyone believe what you said? All those people from the martial world are on my side. Whatever I say goes!

“If I say you’re the murderer, then you’re the murderer. No matter how much you struggle, you won’t be able to change a thing.

“The youngest grandmaster? The pride of the nation? What a joke!”

Though Dustin had set up a trap and had him captured, he could worm his way out of things if he did not admit to anything.

But for Dustin, try as he might, was making futile attempts. How laughable!

“Are you done laughing yet? Do you think that there’s nothing I can do to you?” Dustin asked calmly.

“Well, what can you do? You can’t possibly kill me, can you?” Autumn scoffed.

All the major sects in Balerno and Glenstead are gathered here. If you dare to touch a hair on my head, you’ll be dead meat!”

Then, he stretched out his throat to provoke Dustin and challenge him to kill him.

“Sir Reeds, what punishment should be for a man who kills his father?” Dustin asked.

“He should be punishable by death, of course.” Ronald wondered why Dustin would ask him something like that, but he answered honestly.

“Should the person be killed?”


“Alright then, I shall kill him!” Then, Dustin drew out a sword. Amidst the crowd’s astonished gazes, he sliced off Autumn’s head.
Chapter 944

A deathly silence came over the crowd as Autumn’s head fell to the ground.

All the shouts and clamors died down.

Ronald and Conrad were shocked.

The Hill family, Jade Maiden Sisterhood, Boulderthorn, the Zen Order, the Combat Priests, the Soul Reapers, and all the martial artists present were shocked.

Everyone gaped in disbelief.

No one had expected Dustin to be so cruel. He had cut-Autumn’s head off in front of the entire Hill family, the Balerno and Glenstead martial alliances, and all the sects.

Without any reason or explanation, he killed him like one would slaughter an animal.

Then, an uproar broke out.

“How dare you kill someone so openly, Dustin? You cocky bastard!”

“He killed him to silence him! That’s what he’s doing!”

“He has no conscience! Someone like him needs to be killed!”

“Kill him! Avenge Sir Paul! Return the Hill family their honor!”

The crowd stomped their feet and cursed at him.

He was already guilty of murder, and now he’d committed another! They would not allow such

wicked and vile scum to exist in the martial world!

They had to get rid of him!

“The dumbass is digging his own grave!” The Jade Maiden Sisterhood snickered among themselves, enjoying the show.

Dustin killing Autumn so openly was like adding fuel to the fire. Dustin had left himself with no

way out now.’

“You beast! How dare you kill my brother? The Hill family will never let you off!”

After coming back to his senses, Spring roared.

“You bastard! I’ll kill you for murdering my father!”

Torben gritted his teeth in rage. Drawing his sword, he dashed up to Dustin, ready to kill Dustin even if it meant losing his life.

But he had barely approached Dustin when Cornelius punched him and sent him flying. He struggled to stand up.

“Sir Reeds! This man is way too arrogant.

“First, he killed my father. Then he killed my brother.

“As a leader of the martial world, will you just stand by and watch?” Spring looked at him, his eyes


He would have personally led his men to wipe out Zephyr Lodge if it wasn’t because he couldn’t defeat Dustin.

“You’re too boastful, Dustin! How can I protect you when you act so arrogantly?” Ronald was

furious, too.

As he spoke, he gradually released his energy. Strong gusts of wind blew around them, sending sand and dust into the air.

“Please calm down, Sir Reeds. You were the one who said that a son who kills his father deserves to be killed. So I just did as you said,” Dustin said calmly.

“Nonsense! What do you mean that a son who kills his father deserves to be killed?

“That’s all just your one-sided claim! What proof do you have?” Spring demanded angrily.

“Exactly! You claim that Autumn’s the murderer. But what proof have you got?” Ronald frowned.

“You want proof? That’s easy.” Dustin gestured to his men.

Two disciples of the Kirin gang quickly brought out a huge piece of white cloth and hung it at the entrance of Zephyr Lodge.

Then, they turned on a projector and played a video with the white cloth as a screen.

The video was a recording of Autumn digging up the grave last night.

It started with Autumn digging the grave and ended with him being knocked out. Everything that

he had said and done was seen and heard.

The crowd fell silent after seeing that.

Their eyes fixed on the screen. The shock was evident on all their faces, and they struggled to come to terms with what they saw.

They honestly never expected Autumn to be the real murderer! He had denied all accusations and insisted that he was innocent just a while ago!

In the video footage, Autumn appeared unbelievably full of himself. The malicious look on his face garnered a lot of resentment from everyone who saw it.

Though they found it hard to believe, the truth was there for all to see. No matter how shocking it was, they could not deny it.
Chapter 944

A deathly silence came over the crowd as Autumn’s head fell to the ground.

All the shouts and clamors died down.

Ronald and Conrad were shocked.

The Hill family, Jade Maiden Sisterhood, Boulderthorn, the Zen Order, the Combat Priests, the Soul Reapers, and all the martial artists present were shocked.

Everyone gaped in disbelief.

No one had expected Dustin to be so cruel. He had cut-Autumn’s head off in front of the entire Hill family, the Balerno and Glenstead martial alliances, and all the sects.

Without any reason or explanation, he killed him like one would slaughter an animal.

Then, an uproar broke out.

“How dare you kill someone so openly, Dustin? You cocky bastard!”

“He killed him to silence him! That’s what he’s doing!”

“He has no conscience! Someone like him needs to be killed!”

“Kill him! Avenge Sir Paul! Return the Hill family their honor!”

The crowd stomped their feet and cursed at him.

He was already guilty of murder, and now he’d committed another! They would not allow such

wicked and vile scum to exist in the martial world!

They had to get rid of him!

“The dumbass is digging his own grave!” The Jade Maiden Sisterhood snickered among themselves, enjoying the show.

Dustin killing Autumn so openly was like adding fuel to the fire. Dustin had left himself with no

way out now.’

“You beast! How dare you kill my brother? The Hill family will never let you off!”

After coming back to his senses, Spring roared.

“You bastard! I’ll kill you for murdering my father!”

Torben gritted his teeth in rage. Drawing his sword, he dashed up to Dustin, ready to kill Dustin even if it meant losing his life.

But he had barely approached Dustin when Cornelius punched him and sent him flying. He struggled to stand up.

“Sir Reeds! This man is way too arrogant.

“First, he killed my father. Then he killed my brother.

“As a leader of the martial world, will you just stand by and watch?” Spring looked at him, his eyes


He would have personally led his men to wipe out Zephyr Lodge if it wasn’t because he couldn’t defeat Dustin.

“You’re too boastful, Dustin! How can I protect you when you act so arrogantly?” Ronald was

furious, too.

As he spoke, he gradually released his energy. Strong gusts of wind blew around them, sending sand and dust into the air.

“Please calm down, Sir Reeds. You were the one who said that a son who kills his father deserves to be killed. So I just did as you said,” Dustin said calmly.

“Nonsense! What do you mean that a son who kills his father deserves to be killed?

“That’s all just your one-sided claim! What proof do you have?” Spring demanded angrily.

“Exactly! You claim that Autumn’s the murderer. But what proof have you got?” Ronald frowned.

“You want proof? That’s easy.” Dustin gestured to his men.

Two disciples of the Kirin gang quickly brought out a huge piece of white cloth and hung it at the entrance of Zephyr Lodge.

Then, they turned on a projector and played a video with the white cloth as a screen.

The video was a recording of Autumn digging up the grave last night.

It started with Autumn digging the grave and ended with him being knocked out. Everything that

he had said and done was seen and heard.

The crowd fell silent after seeing that.

Their eyes fixed on the screen. The shock was evident on all their faces, and they struggled to come to terms with what they saw.

They honestly never expected Autumn to be the real murderer! He had denied all accusations and insisted that he was innocent just a while ago!

In the video footage, Autumn appeared unbelievably full of himself. The malicious look on his face garnered a lot of resentment from everyone who saw it.

Though they found it hard to believe, the truth was there for all to see. No matter how shocking it was, they could not deny it.
Thanks so much for your hard work, I really appreciate this.
Chapter 944

A deathly silence came over the crowd as Autumn’s head fell to the ground.

All the shouts and clamors died down.

Ronald and Conrad were shocked.

The Hill family, Jade Maiden Sisterhood, Boulderthorn, the Zen Order, the Combat Priests, the Soul Reapers, and all the martial artists present were shocked.

Everyone gaped in disbelief.

No one had expected Dustin to be so cruel. He had cut-Autumn’s head off in front of the entire Hill family, the Balerno and Glenstead martial alliances, and all the sects.

Without any reason or explanation, he killed him like one would slaughter an animal.

Then, an uproar broke out.

“How dare you kill someone so openly, Dustin? You cocky bastard!”

“He killed him to silence him! That’s what he’s doing!”

“He has no conscience! Someone like him needs to be killed!”

“Kill him! Avenge Sir Paul! Return the Hill family their honor!”

The crowd stomped their feet and cursed at him.

He was already guilty of murder, and now he’d committed another! They would not allow such

wicked and vile scum to exist in the martial world!

They had to get rid of him!

“The dumbass is digging his own grave!” The Jade Maiden Sisterhood snickered among themselves, enjoying the show.

Dustin killing Autumn so openly was like adding fuel to the fire. Dustin had left himself with no

way out now.’

“You beast! How dare you kill my brother? The Hill family will never let you off!”

After coming back to his senses, Spring roared.

“You bastard! I’ll kill you for murdering my father!”

Torben gritted his teeth in rage. Drawing his sword, he dashed up to Dustin, ready to kill Dustin even if it meant losing his life.

But he had barely approached Dustin when Cornelius punched him and sent him flying. He struggled to stand up.

“Sir Reeds! This man is way too arrogant.

“First, he killed my father. Then he killed my brother.

“As a leader of the martial world, will you just stand by and watch?” Spring looked at him, his eyes


He would have personally led his men to wipe out Zephyr Lodge if it wasn’t because he couldn’t defeat Dustin.

“You’re too boastful, Dustin! How can I protect you when you act so arrogantly?” Ronald was

furious, too.

As he spoke, he gradually released his energy. Strong gusts of wind blew around them, sending sand and dust into the air.

“Please calm down, Sir Reeds. You were the one who said that a son who kills his father deserves to be killed. So I just did as you said,” Dustin said calmly.

“Nonsense! What do you mean that a son who kills his father deserves to be killed?

“That’s all just your one-sided claim! What proof do you have?” Spring demanded angrily.

“Exactly! You claim that Autumn’s the murderer. But what proof have you got?” Ronald frowned.

“You want proof? That’s easy.” Dustin gestured to his men.

Two disciples of the Kirin gang quickly brought out a huge piece of white cloth and hung it at the entrance of Zephyr Lodge.

Then, they turned on a projector and played a video with the white cloth as a screen.

The video was a recording of Autumn digging up the grave last night.

It started with Autumn digging the grave and ended with him being knocked out. Everything that

he had said and done was seen and heard.

The crowd fell silent after seeing that.

Their eyes fixed on the screen. The shock was evident on all their faces, and they struggled to come to terms with what they saw.

They honestly never expected Autumn to be the real murderer! He had denied all accusations and insisted that he was innocent just a while ago!

In the video footage, Autumn appeared unbelievably full of himself. The malicious look on his face garnered a lot of resentment from everyone who saw it.

Though they found it hard to believe, the truth was there for all to see. No matter how shocking it was, they could not deny it.
Thanks 🙏. I almost thought you the site was shut down last night! It was not available 😞

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