Understated Dominance - Chapter 905 to 1100

Understated Dominance translated by Marina Vitori follow here (Original version)👇👇👇

I will send updates when I can. But if you think I am being late you can translate this from the Chinese version. Link provided below 👇👇

New translation will come with new name characters and if you spot mistakes due to different people translating this you would understand.

You are all allowed to post your translation here if you can. Anybody can translate and post here
Chapter 958

“Dustin, are you certain it’s Nikki Horst? Absolutely?”

Edith grew excited and tightly gripped Nikki Horst’s wrist.

The tremendous pressure made Nikki Horst’s brows furrow deeply, and his arms tingled.

“I saw it with my own eyes; it couldn’t be a forgery.”

Nikki Horst, despite the pain, responded seriously.

“Where is the graveyard? Tell me quickly!”

Dustin appeared a tad anxious, his gaze almost devouring.

Initially, he had intended to gather information about Nikki Horst through the Jade Maiden Palace, but he hadn’t expected such a swift response.

“Your grip is painful!”

Nikki Horst struggled to break free, frowned, and said, “I don’t know the precise location of the graveyard. When my master was studying the map, he deliberately pushed me away. All I saw were three words – Black Forest!”

“Black Forest?” Dustin furrowed his brow slightly. “Where’s that located?”

“I’ve already checked. The Black Forest is in the Youzhou region. It’s a primeval forest full of marshes and perilous terrain. Due to its treacherous nature and harsh environment, it’s largely uncharted and undeveloped,” Nikki Horst explained.

“That’s not what I need. I need the exact location,” Dustin said coldly.

To call it a forest, the area had to be vast. Without a map, finding a hidden graveyard would be like searching for a needle in a haystack.

“That’s all I know for now,” Nikki Horst shook her head and added, “But don’t worry; I’ll stay with Edith as an undercover agent. If there’s any information, I’ll notify you promptly. However, I have one condition.”

“What’s the condition?” Dustin inquired.

“If you locate the treasure, I want half of it!” Nikki Horst boldly declared.

She had sought out Dustin for the purpose of acquiring a strong ally. Moreover, she found his character to be trustworthy.

“No problem,” Dustin agreed without hesitation. He cared little for the treasure; his primary goal was the black Hibiscus flower.

“Okay! Then it’s a deal!” Nikki Horst appeared overjoyed.

She had expected some haggling but didn’t anticipate such a straightforward agreement.

“Keep me posted on any updates,” Dustin instructed and turned to leave.


Nikki Horst grabbed his arm and tentatively said, “Dustin, I was wrong before. I apologize and ask for another chance, alright? I hope we can continue to be friends.”

As she spoke, her eyes welled with tears, and she looked quite pitiful.

“A deal is a deal; let’s not dwell on it,” Dustin replied with a stern expression, grabbing Nikki Horst’s hand and walking away without a backward glance.

If it weren’t for her value, he wouldn’t have even given her a second thought.

“Why? Why are all of you like this?”

“I’ve already lowered my head, admitted my mistake, why won’t you give me a chance?”

“Wait and see; one day, I’ll make all of you kneel at my feet!”

Nikki Horst gritted her teeth and her eyes burned with resentment.

After a low growl, she took a deep breath, quickly quelling her agitation, and gradually regained her composure.

Then, she stowed away the Jade MaidenSutra, straightened her attire, and entered another private chamber.

Inside was Huang Santong!

“Boss Huang, I have invaluable information to share, but you must meet a few conditions first…”

The following morning, a sensational piece of news began circulating within the martial arts community.

Chapter 959

The tomb of the ancient Qingmei has resurfaced, and its location lies deep within the Black Forest of Youzhou.

Upon this news breaking, thunderous excitement echoed from every corner, drawing hordes of eager warriors into the Youzhou region, all hoping to try their luck.

Indeed, such a rare adventure is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

At this precise moment, inside a commercial vehicle en route to Youzhou.

Gazing at the picturesque scenery whizzing past the window, Dustin found himself lost in thought.

Beside him, Abigai chattered away.

“Uncle, Senior Medicine King has emphasized the importance of your health for the past two days. Remember to take your medication on schedule, and refrain from utilizing your true energy recklessly; it may harm your internal organs.”

“In addition, it’s unclear who leaked the information about Gu Qingmei. Many people are now rushing to claim the treasure, so we can anticipate stiff competition.”

“Oh, and there’s some troubling news. Last night, some experts infiltrated the Martial League’s dungeon and freed Spring Hill. The Martial League dispatched numerous individuals to hunt him down, but he remains elusive.”

Abigai kept Dustin informed as they watched the news.

Finally, Dustin, who had been lost in thought, displayed some reaction. “Spring Hill escaped? Who possesses the capability to liberate someone from the Wumeng’s dungeon?”

“According to the information relayed by Master Zhang, it appears to be the work of the Shadow Killer Sect. The Wumeng was caught off guard because they hadn’t investigated the situation thoroughly,” Abigai explained.

“If Miyamoto Kojiro took action, there would indeed be a chance, but it’s surprising that the Shadow Killer Sect would take such risks for a pawn,” Dustin mused, narrowing his eyes.

“Little miracle doctor, ever since Azalea’s death, I’ve had a lingering feeling that the entire situation is peculiar.”

At this point, Azalea, seated next to him, chimed in.

As Dustin’s personal bodyguard, she accompanied him at all times.

“What do you mean by ‘peculiar’?” Dustin raised an eyebrow.

“I can’t quite put my finger on it, but it’s a hunch, as if someone is guiding us,” Azalea mused with crossed legs.

“Let’s set aside these thoughts for now. Everything is under the control of Black Higanbana.”

Dustin was disinclined to ponder further and began to close his eyes.

At noon, their vehicle arrived in Youzhou, and they eventually reached a resort.

This resort, situated just five kilometers from the Black Forest, was the ideal base. With its breathtaking scenery and numerous historical attractions, it attracted hordes of tourists.

Combined with the allure of the treasure hunt, the entire resort transformed into a bustling hub in a matter of hours.

Dustin and his companions located a comfortable resort hotel and promptly checked in.

The hotel sat beside a serene lake, surrounded by stunning mountains, crystal-clear waters, and delightful scenery.

Dustin stood by the lake, surveying the surroundings. The imposing silhouette of the Black Forest lay before him.

There, he would find what he sought most.

“Hold on! What do you think you’re doing? Let me go!”

As Dustin admired the beautiful scenery, a cry for help pierced the air.

Turning his head, he spotted several bare-chested men harassing a woman by the lake, deep within the woods.

The woman, dressed in scanty clothing with wet hair, was held down, rendering her helpless.

Her struggles only served to agitate those around her further, and as her body contorted, her ample chest swayed tantalizingly.

“Hehe! What a delicate beauty we’ve stumbled upon. It’s been a while since I’ve seen such a beauty!”

A man with a scar on his face ogled the woman’s seductive form, his eyes filled with greed.

“I warn you! I’m from the Bixia Sect. If you dare to lay a finger on me, my senior brothers and sisters will make you pay!”

The woman’s flushed face was a stark contrast to her defiance.

Nonetheless, her resistance only fueled the primal desires of those present.

“Damn it! I can’t hold back any longer!”

The scarred man swallowed hard, his animalistic instincts ignited as he lunged forward.

With brutish force, he tore the woman’s clothing to shreds within moments, leaving her vulnerable.

Just as he was about to take another step forward.

A chilling voice suddenly resonated from behind him.

“Oi, is this the way you behave? Filthy cur!”

Chapter 960

“Lean dog?”

The sudden sound startled the rugged man.

He turned around abruptly and saw a man in plain attire with a stoic expression gazing at him silently.

“Oi! Where did you come from, lad? I’m warning you not to poke your nose in other folk’s affairs!”

The rugged man wore a scowling face and had a rather unkind look about him.

“Help me! Help me!”

The woman struggled and cried, a glimmer of hope now appearing on her frightened countenance.

She had been on the verge of despair, believing that today she would fall victim to violation.

Unexpectedly, someone witnessed the injustice on the street and unsheathed a sword to intervene.

“I didn’t say to mind my own business; you may proceed.”

Dustin crossed his arms and remained impassive, as if it were of no concern to him.


This stance actually took the rugged man by surprise.

As for the distressed woman, she was utterly baffled.

Aren’t heroes supposed to rescue damsels in distress?

Why is there no reaction whatsoever?

Is this fellow here to merely spectate?

“Hmph! I thought he had some mettle, but after all this time, he’s turned out to be a coward!”

The rugged man sneered. “Since you don’t dare stand up for her, then step aside and don’t obstruct me!”

“That’s right! Clear off! Or I’ll break your legs!”

Several younger comrades also began to shout fiercely.

“You attend to your own affairs, and I’ll enjoy the scenery without interference. Naturally, I’m just not sure if you, a skinny pup, can still put up a fight?”

While Dustin spoke, he cast a disdainful glance at the rugged man’s nether regions.

“You’re looking for trouble!” Feeling insulted, the rugged man erupted in anger.

Without a word, he seized the nearby long knife and lunged at Dustin.

He intended to tear the man in front of him into shreds!


Dustin waved his hand, seized the blade directly, and delivered a swift kick to the rugged man’s groin while he stood bewildered.

The rugged man howled, doubled over, and crumpled to the ground.

His face turned an unsightly shade of blue and purple, and froth formed at his mouth.

It was painful just to witness it.

“Dare to harm my elder brother? Rot in hell!”

Upon witnessing this, the others were incensed and drew their swords against Dustin.

Dustin delivered a few more kicks, targeting the groins of several individuals, doling out a just and brutal retribution.

Several individuals wailed and toppled, clutching their afflicted regions, their manhood shattered.

Feces and urine flowed freely.

“I only spoke a few words, yet you couldn’t hold your temper. Is that how it is?”

Dustin shook his head, then turned and walked away.

From start to finish, he never even cast a glance in the woman’s direction.

“Brother, wait!”

At that moment, a comely woman in tattered attire managed to catch up. Her ample bosom jiggled as she ran.

Additionally, most of her clothing had been torn, necessitating her to use her hands to shield her modesty.

“Is something amiss?” Dustin glanced back, his countenance unruffled.

“Brother, I want to thank you for saving me just now. My name is Hannah. May I know your name?” Hannah expressed her gratitude with a heartfelt smile.

“If it weren’t for you, I might have suffered a terrible fate.”

“I just happened to be passing by; it’s no big deal,” Dustin replied calmly.

“You saved me, and I can’t let that go without showing my appreciation. How about I treat you to a meal?” Hannah suggested with a smile.

“No, I’m not hungry,” Dustin declined.

“Huh?” Hannah’s expression froze.

She had assumed that, owing to her attractiveness, few would refuse her. However, she hadn’t expected this individual to be so dismissive.
Chapter 960

“Lean dog?”

The sudden sound startled the rugged man.

He turned around abruptly and saw a man in plain attire with a stoic expression gazing at him silently.

“Oi! Where did you come from, lad? I’m warning you not to poke your nose in other folk’s affairs!”

The rugged man wore a scowling face and had a rather unkind look about him.

“Help me! Help me!”

The woman struggled and cried, a glimmer of hope now appearing on her frightened countenance.

She had been on the verge of despair, believing that today she would fall victim to violation.

Unexpectedly, someone witnessed the injustice on the street and unsheathed a sword to intervene.

“I didn’t say to mind my own business; you may proceed.”

Dustin crossed his arms and remained impassive, as if it were of no concern to him.


This stance actually took the rugged man by surprise.

As for the distressed woman, she was utterly baffled.

Aren’t heroes supposed to rescue damsels in distress?

Why is there no reaction whatsoever?

Is this fellow here to merely spectate?

“Hmph! I thought he had some mettle, but after all this time, he’s turned out to be a coward!”

The rugged man sneered. “Since you don’t dare stand up for her, then step aside and don’t obstruct me!”

“That’s right! Clear off! Or I’ll break your legs!”

Several younger comrades also began to shout fiercely.

“You attend to your own affairs, and I’ll enjoy the scenery without interference. Naturally, I’m just not sure if you, a skinny pup, can still put up a fight?”

While Dustin spoke, he cast a disdainful glance at the rugged man’s nether regions.

“You’re looking for trouble!” Feeling insulted, the rugged man erupted in anger.

Without a word, he seized the nearby long knife and lunged at Dustin.

He intended to tear the man in front of him into shreds!


Dustin waved his hand, seized the blade directly, and delivered a swift kick to the rugged man’s groin while he stood bewildered.

The rugged man howled, doubled over, and crumpled to the ground.

His face turned an unsightly shade of blue and purple, and froth formed at his mouth.

It was painful just to witness it.

“Dare to harm my elder brother? Rot in hell!”

Upon witnessing this, the others were incensed and drew their swords against Dustin.

Dustin delivered a few more kicks, targeting the groins of several individuals, doling out a just and brutal retribution.

Several individuals wailed and toppled, clutching their afflicted regions, their manhood shattered.

Feces and urine flowed freely.

“I only spoke a few words, yet you couldn’t hold your temper. Is that how it is?”

Dustin shook his head, then turned and walked away.

From start to finish, he never even cast a glance in the woman’s direction.

“Brother, wait!”

At that moment, a comely woman in tattered attire managed to catch up. Her ample bosom jiggled as she ran.

Additionally, most of her clothing had been torn, necessitating her to use her hands to shield her modesty.

“Is something amiss?” Dustin glanced back, his countenance unruffled.

“Brother, I want to thank you for saving me just now. My name is Hannah. May I know your name?” Hannah expressed her gratitude with a heartfelt smile.

“If it weren’t for you, I might have suffered a terrible fate.”

“I just happened to be passing by; it’s no big deal,” Dustin replied calmly.

“You saved me, and I can’t let that go without showing my appreciation. How about I treat you to a meal?” Hannah suggested with a smile.

“No, I’m not hungry,” Dustin declined.

“Huh?” Hannah’s expression froze.

She had assumed that, owing to her attractiveness, few would refuse her. However, she hadn’t expected this individual to be so dismissive.
Thank you so much for the updates to this story. Much appreciated 🙏🏼
thank you so much for tha update it's amazing
Thanks , looking forward for the next chapter's...
Chapter 961

However, the more this occurred, the more it ignited her competitive spirit.

“Brother, please don’t be so distant, alright?”

Han Yi pouted and appeared somewhat resentful, saying, “Repaying a favor is a traditional value in our country. If I don’t return this favor, I’ll have trouble sleeping at night.”

“Just take some sleeping pills and say farewell.”

Dustin didn’t say much and simply departed without uttering a word.


Han Yi continued to pursue him, but after a few strides, her foot suddenly stumbled, and she tumbled to the ground with an “ouch.”

The torn fig leaf on her chest exposed her proud physique.

Dustin paused for a moment, then finally removed his coat and discarded it.

“Thank you, brother!”

Han Yi’s cheeks flushed, and she hastily covered her delicate body with her coat.

Deep inside, she couldn’t help but feel a bit more touched.


At that moment, a man and a woman suddenly approached.

Both were elegantly dressed and possessed a refined demeanor, evidently not ordinary individuals.

“Senior Brother! Second Senior Sister!”

Upon spotting the newcomers, Han Yi immediately perked up and waved vigorously.

“Xiaoyi! Where did you just run off to? Why didn’t you inform us? You had us terribly worried!”

The woman in red purposely maintained a stern expression, appearing angry.

“Xiaoyi, why are you so disheveled and dressed like this? Did something happen?”

The man in black furrowed his brow, looking somewhat perplexed.

“Big brother, I encountered a few ruffians. Thankfully, this young man saved me, or else the situation could have been dire!” Han Yi recounted with a hint of fear.

“A kind act?”

The man in black surveyed his surroundings, scrutinizing Dustin from head to toe with a hint of suspicion. “Young man, thank you for rescuing my junior sister.”

The woman in red stepped forward, bowed respectfully to Dustin, and said, “I am Shen Yao from the Bixia Sect. This is my senior brother, Shen Chong. May I inquire about your surname, young man?”

“My surname is Dustin.”

Dustin nodded courteously.

Their demeanor was quite polite, so he reciprocated in kind.

“So, you’re Brother Dustin. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

Shen Yao offered a faint smile and continued, “Judging by your accent, Brother Dustin, you’re not from Youzhou, are you? Is it because of the tomb of Gu Qingmei that you suddenly came to this remote area?”


Dustin raised an eyebrow, somewhat surprised. “How did Miss Shen deduce that?”

“I was merely speculating as well.”

Shen Yao smiled and added, “Many martial artists have converged on Youzhou today, and our Bixia Sect has also received pertinent information. Those who can be found at this resort are either tourists or individuals seeking Gu Qingmei’s tomb.”

“Miss Shen possesses keen insight; I commend you for it.” Dustin praised courteously.

“Brother Dustin, we’re all here for the treasure. Since we’ve crossed paths, why not join forces? We can watch out for one another. What do you think?” Shen Yao extended the invitation.

Most of those who dared to venture here alone were likely quite capable. Recruiting them into the team would bolster their strength.

“I’m accustomed to traveling alone, and I’m afraid I might hold you back.” Dustin politely declined.

“Brother Dustin saved my junior sister’s life. It’s only right for us, the Bixia Sect, to repay this debt of gratitude. If you accompany us, you’ll undoubtedly receive a portion of the treasure once we find it.”

Seeing Dustin’s hesitation, Shen Yao continued pressing, “To be honest, the Black Forest is fraught with danger and miasma. Those unfamiliar with it can easily become lost. We’re all locals in Youzhou and are well-acquainted with the Black Forest. Your journey would be much safer with our guidance.”

“Well, since it’s difficult to refuse your kindness, I won’t decline.”

After contemplating for a moment, Dustin ultimately agreed.

He was unfamiliar with the Black Forest, and having someone knowledgeable to lead the way would indeed simplify matters. “Alright, let’s meet at the hotel restaurant tonight to discuss our plans.”

Following a brief exchange of pleasantries, Shen Yao and the others bid farewell and departed.

However, before leaving, Han Yi cast a deep, inexplicable gaze at Dustin.
Chapter 961

However, the more this occurred, the more it ignited her competitive spirit.

“Brother, please don’t be so distant, alright?”

Han Yi pouted and appeared somewhat resentful, saying, “Repaying a favor is a traditional value in our country. If I don’t return this favor, I’ll have trouble sleeping at night.”

“Just take some sleeping pills and say farewell.”

Dustin didn’t say much and simply departed without uttering a word.


Han Yi continued to pursue him, but after a few strides, her foot suddenly stumbled, and she tumbled to the ground with an “ouch.”

The torn fig leaf on her chest exposed her proud physique.

Dustin paused for a moment, then finally removed his coat and discarded it.

“Thank you, brother!”

Han Yi’s cheeks flushed, and she hastily covered her delicate body with her coat.

Deep inside, she couldn’t help but feel a bit more touched.


At that moment, a man and a woman suddenly approached.

Both were elegantly dressed and possessed a refined demeanor, evidently not ordinary individuals.

“Senior Brother! Second Senior Sister!”

Upon spotting the newcomers, Han Yi immediately perked up and waved vigorously.

“Xiaoyi! Where did you just run off to? Why didn’t you inform us? You had us terribly worried!”

The woman in red purposely maintained a stern expression, appearing angry.

“Xiaoyi, why are you so disheveled and dressed like this? Did something happen?”

The man in black furrowed his brow, looking somewhat perplexed.

“Big brother, I encountered a few ruffians. Thankfully, this young man saved me, or else the situation could have been dire!” Han Yi recounted with a hint of fear.

“A kind act?”

The man in black surveyed his surroundings, scrutinizing Dustin from head to toe with a hint of suspicion. “Young man, thank you for rescuing my junior sister.”

The woman in red stepped forward, bowed respectfully to Dustin, and said, “I am Shen Yao from the Bixia Sect. This is my senior brother, Shen Chong. May I inquire about your surname, young man?”

“My surname is Dustin.”

Dustin nodded courteously.

Their demeanor was quite polite, so he reciprocated in kind.

“So, you’re Brother Dustin. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

Shen Yao offered a faint smile and continued, “Judging by your accent, Brother Dustin, you’re not from Youzhou, are you? Is it because of the tomb of Gu Qingmei that you suddenly came to this remote area?”


Dustin raised an eyebrow, somewhat surprised. “How did Miss Shen deduce that?”

“I was merely speculating as well.”

Shen Yao smiled and added, “Many martial artists have converged on Youzhou today, and our Bixia Sect has also received pertinent information. Those who can be found at this resort are either tourists or individuals seeking Gu Qingmei’s tomb.”

“Miss Shen possesses keen insight; I commend you for it.” Dustin praised courteously.

“Brother Dustin, we’re all here for the treasure. Since we’ve crossed paths, why not join forces? We can watch out for one another. What do you think?” Shen Yao extended the invitation.

Most of those who dared to venture here alone were likely quite capable. Recruiting them into the team would bolster their strength.

“I’m accustomed to traveling alone, and I’m afraid I might hold you back.” Dustin politely declined.

“Brother Dustin saved my junior sister’s life. It’s only right for us, the Bixia Sect, to repay this debt of gratitude. If you accompany us, you’ll undoubtedly receive a portion of the treasure once we find it.”

Seeing Dustin’s hesitation, Shen Yao continued pressing, “To be honest, the Black Forest is fraught with danger and miasma. Those unfamiliar with it can easily become lost. We’re all locals in Youzhou and are well-acquainted with the Black Forest. Your journey would be much safer with our guidance.”

“Well, since it’s difficult to refuse your kindness, I won’t decline.”

After contemplating for a moment, Dustin ultimately agreed.

He was unfamiliar with the Black Forest, and having someone knowledgeable to lead the way would indeed simplify matters. “Alright, let’s meet at the hotel restaurant tonight to discuss our plans.”

Following a brief exchange of pleasantries, Shen Yao and the others bid farewell and departed.

However, before leaving, Han Yi cast a deep, inexplicable gaze at Dustin.
Awesome.. Thank you for uploading.... could you please update with next chapters?
Chapter 962

7 p.m.

Dustin took Abigail and Azaele to the restaurant of the resort hotel as promised.

The restaurant is not small and can accommodate hundreds of people.

When Chase Dustin entered the door, he found that several groups of people were already bustling inside.

Except for a few tourists, most of them are warriors who come here because of its reputation.

“Brother Dustin! Here!”

While looking around, Han Yi suddenly stood up and waved happily.

Dustin nodded and led the two of them closer.

“Brother Dustin, you’re here, please sit down.”

Shen Yao smiled and said hello, looking very enthusiastic.

Shen Chong, who was on the side, had his arms folded and ignored him, which seemed a bit condescending.

But when he saw Azaele and Abigail, his eyes suddenly lit up. He immediately straightened his collar and put on a pose that he thought was handsome.

“Azaele and Abigail, these two are my friends. Miss Shen won’t dislike them, right?” Dustin made a simple introduction.

“Brother Dustin, where are you talking? One more person, one more strength, please take a seat.”

Shen Yao smiled slightly and motioned for several people to sit down.


Dustin nodded slightly and Shi Shiran sat down.

Glancing around, he found that besides Shen Yao and the other three, there were some unfamiliar faces on the table.

Judging by their attire, they must all be from the Bixia sect.

The weakest ones are all acquired, and among ordinary warriors, they are already considered elites.

But competing with various sects for treasures is a bit unsatisfactory.

“Brother Dustin, I wonder if you have any preparations for entering the Black Forest to hunt for treasure this time?” Shen Yao took the initiative to open the topic.

“What do I need to prepare?” Dustin was a little curious.

“The black forest is full of poisonous insects and beasts, and there are many dangers. If you want to go in, you must prepare antidotes, healing potions, Qi Gathering Pills, etc. in advance, just in case.” Shen Yao began to talk eloquently: “Besides, there are insect repellents, compasses, and special tents. They are all very important and can save lives at critical moments.”

After hearing this, Abigail was stunned: “Huh? Do you still need these? We don’t have anything.”

The three of them came in a hurry, so they only brought a few belongings with them.

“How do you look like you’re here to hunt for treasure? You’re clearly on vacation.”

Shen Yao smiled and joked, and then said: “But it doesn’t matter, I have prepared it for you, so there won’t be a shortage of supplies.”

“Really? That’s great! Thank you, Sister Shen Yao!” Abigail immediately beamed.

What a considerate big sister she is, so considerate.

“Actually, these items are nothing. The threat to us from the Black Forest is limited. What we need to worry about most is the competition between the various sects.”

Shen Yao’s face gradually became serious and she looked aside: “Did you see that group of people on the left? Those are disciples of the Vajra sect. They are famous for their defense. They are all powerful and claim to be invulnerable. If we fight against them, it will be very difficult. trouble.”

“Vajra Sect?”

Dustin and the others looked around and saw a group of muscular men on the left, eating and drinking.

Everyone’s skin is bronze, exuding a metallic luster under the light.

“Look at the right side again. That is the Tianhe Sect, a major sect in Yuzhou. Its disciples are good at guerrilla attacks with body movements, and they are constantly making strange moves. They often defeat the strong with the weak, making them very difficult to deal with.”

“Look behind me, the bald man with tattoos on his head. He is a ruthless man who kills people without blinking an eye. He is called an executioner and not many people dare to provoke him.”

“Did you see that blind old man in front of you? Don’t underestimate his blindness. His strength is unfathomable and he is hard to beat!”

“These people are our strong enemies. We need to be careful and try not to cause conflicts before we find the treasure.”

Shen Yao introduced in detail the various sects and some powerful masters to avoid lightning for Dustin and the others.

Even Dustin couldn’t help but admire his level of knowledge.

Being able to tell the origins of the people around you like a treasure trove is enough to prove that the other person is well-informed.
Chapter 963

“Naturally, while these individuals possess considerable influence, our Bixia Sect doesn’t cower in their presence,” Shen Yao affirmed.

As she continued, she shifted the conversation’s focus abruptly: “What genuinely concerns us are the foremost sects and their most formidable representatives, such as the Xuanwu Sect, Dabei Temple, Yin Yang Sect, Zhenhun Sect… Oh, and there’s someone else we mustn’t overlook!”

“Who might that be?” Abigail inquired, her curiosity piqued.

“It’s the young master who recently defeated Venerable Ziyang and gained worldwide fame!” Shen Yao announced, surprising Abigail.


Abigail found herself momentarily stunned.

Isn’t that her master?

She cast a peculiar glance at Dustin, but observed him subtly shaking his head.

This time, the Black Forest group must maintain a low profile, or they risk becoming targets of malicious plots.

“Miss Shen, have you ever encountered this young master?” Azaele inquired, wearing a half-smile.

“I’ve never personally met such an influential figure, but I’ve heard numerous rumors,” Shen Yao responded with longing. “They say this person possesses a face as radiant as jade, is incredibly handsome, and possesses a strong sense of justice. Most importantly, he’s just in his twenties yet has already reached master-level prowess. He’s a once-in-a-century prodigy in the southern region of the Yangtze River and the object of admiration for countless female warriors!”

As she concluded, her eyes glistened.

Like a precious gem, and a young man like no other.

With the charm of a young master combined with the strength of a general, which woman wouldn’t be drawn to such a remarkable figure?

“Haha, it seems that Miss Shen holds quite an admiration for this young master,” Azaele remarked with a meaningful smile, casting a glance at Dustin, either intentionally or unintentionally.

The latter maintained an impassive expression, seemingly unfazed.

“Who wouldn’t admire a genius of such caliber?” Shen Yao replied candidly. “Since we’re unlikely to meet him in person, we can treat it as a friendly chat.”

“Hmph! Despite the young grandmaster’s might, I’m no slouch myself. Give me ten years, and I’ll surely surpass him!” Shen Chong chimed in, his sister’s effusive praise of another man not sitting well with him.

“You? Are you serious?” Abigail scrutinized him skeptically.

“Miss Abigail, I’m not one to boast,” Shen Chong asserted, lifting his head proudly. “I’m considered the top figure in Youzhou’s martial arts realm. You can ask around. Who doesn’t know me, the Jade-Faced Little Dragon?”

“That’s right! Our senior brother is incredible!” Han Yi chimed in with pride. “Among the Ten Heroes of Youzhou, he ranks third. He’s now an innate master and a widely acknowledged martial arts prodigy!”

“As for the fighters in this establishment, our senior brother could easily take on ten of them single-handedly, and that’s no exaggeration!”

Several Bixia Sect disciples chimed in with praise.

The rainbow-colored flattery rendered Shen Chong ecstatic, but it also made him appear somewhat transparent.

In response, Shen Yao simply smiled without offering any commentary.

While her brother possessed talent, he was far from being able to match the young master.

However, she wasn’t foolish enough to puncture his vanity by pointing this out.

“Really? It sounds like there’s still much to be achieved,” Abigail remarked, her understanding of the world still in its infancy.

However, given Shen Chong’s renowned status, inclusion among the Ten Heroes of Youzhou, and the moniker “Jade-Faced Little Dragon,” he was bound to be formidable.

“Ladies, we’re heading to the Black Forest tomorrow. Just stick with me. With me by your side, no one will dare to be presumptuous!” Shen Chong assured, tapping his chest confidently.

Yet, as soon as he finished speaking, a wine bottle suddenly struck his head with a resounding “thud.”

In an instant, drinks splashed everywhere, and a bloody wound appeared on his head.
Chapter 962

7 o'clock in the evening.

Dustin took Abigail and Azaele to the restaurant of the resort hotel as promised.

The restaurant is not small and can accommodate hundreds of people.

When Dustin entered, he found that several groups of people were already bustling inside.

Except for a few tourists, most of them are warriors who come here because of its fame.

"Brother Dustin! Here!"

While looking around, Han Yi suddenly stood up and waved happily.

Dustin nodded and led the two of them closer.

"Brother Dustin, you are here, please sit down."

Shen Yao smiled and said hello, looking very enthusiastic.

Shen Chong, who was on the side, had his arms folded and ignored him, which seemed a bit condescending.

But when she saw Azaele and Abigail, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she immediately straightened her collar and put on a pose that she thought was handsome.

"Azaele and Abigail, these two are my friends. Miss Shen won't dislike them, right?" Dustin made a simple introduction.

"Brother Dustin, where are you talking? One more person, one more strength, please take a seat."

Shen Yao smiled slightly and motioned for several people to sit down.


Dustin nodded slightly and Shi Shiran sat down.

Glancing around, he found that besides Shen Yao and the other three, there were some unfamiliar faces on the table.

Judging by their clothing, they should all be members of the Bixia sect.

The weakest ones are all acquired, and among ordinary warriors, they are already considered elites.

But competing with various sects for treasures is a bit unsatisfactory.

"Brother Lu, I wonder if you have any preparations for entering the Black Forest to hunt for treasure this time?" Shen Yao took the initiative to open the topic.

"What do I need to prepare?" Dustin was a little curious.

"The black forest is full of poisonous insects and beasts, and there are many dangers. If you want to go in, you must prepare antidotes, healing potions, Qi Gathering Pills, etc. in advance, just in case."

Shen Yao began to talk eloquently: "Besides, there are insect repellents, compasses, and special tents. They are all very important and can save lives at critical moments."

After hearing this, Abigail was stunned: "Ah? Do you still need these? We don't have anything."

The three of them came in a hurry, so they only brought a few belongings with them.

"How do you look like you're here to hunt for treasure? It's obviously just a vacation."

Shen Yao smiled and joked, and then said: "But it doesn't matter, I have already prepared it for you, so there won't be a shortage of supplies."

"Really? That's great! Thank you, Sister Shen Yao!" Abigail immediately beamed.

She is such a considerate big sister, so considerate.

"Actually, these items are nothing. The threat to us from the Black Forest is limited. What we need to worry about most is the competition between the various sects."

Shen Yao's face gradually became serious and she looked aside: "Did you see that group of people on the left? Those are disciples of the Vajra sect. They are famous for their defense. They are all powerful and claim to be invulnerable. If we fight against them, it will be very difficult. trouble."

"Vajra sect?"

Dustin and the others looked around and saw a group of muscular men on the left, eating and drinking.

Everyone's skin is bronze, exuding a metallic luster under the light.

"Look at the right side again. That's the Tianhe Sect, a major sect in Yuzhou. Its disciples are good at guerrilla movements and are constantly making strange moves. They often defeat the strong with the weak, making them very difficult to deal with."

"Look behind me, the bald man with tattoos on his head. He is a ruthless man who kills people without blinking an eye. He is called an executioner and not many people dare to provoke him."

"Did you see the blind old man in front of you? Don't underestimate people's blindness. Their strength is unfathomable and it's hard to find an opponent!"

"These people are our strong enemies. We need to be careful and try not to cause conflicts before we find the treasure."

Shen Yao introduced in detail the various sects and some powerful masters to avoid lightning for Dustin and the others.

Even Dustin couldn't help but admire his level of knowledge.

Being able to tell the origins of the people around you like a treasure trove is enough to prove that the other person is well-informed.

Chapter 963

"Of course, although these people are powerful, we Bixia Sect are not afraid of them."

As Shen Yao spoke, she suddenly changed the topic: "What we are really afraid of are the top sects and the top powerful ones, such as Xuanwu Sect, Dabei Temple, Yin Yang Sect, Zhenhun Sect... Oh, right. , there is another person who needs to focus on!"

"Who is it?" Abigail was a little curious.

"It's the young grandmaster who recently defeated Lord Ziyang and became famous all over the world!" Shen Yao said in a surprising way.


Abigail was stunned for a moment.

Isn’t that my master?

She looked at Lu Chen with a strange expression, but saw the latter shaking his head slightly.

This time, the Black Forest group must keep a low profile, otherwise they will easily be plotted.

"Miss Shen, have you seen this young grandmaster?" Azaele asked with a half-smile.

"Of course I have never seen such a big shot, but I have heard a lot of rumors."

Shen Yao said with longing: "It is said that this person has a face as beautiful as a crown jade, and is handsome and handsome. He is also just and has a clear sense of grudges. The most important thing is that he is only in his twenties and has already broken through to the level of a master. He is a rare genius in the south of the Yangtze River for a century, and he is also the object of obsession for countless female warriors!"

By the end of the sentence, her eyes were already shining.

Strangers are like jade, and young men are like no other.

With the appearance of a young master and the physique of a general, what woman wouldn’t like such a young master?

"Haha, it seems that Miss Shen admires this young master very much."

Azaele smiled meaningfully, and glanced at Dustin intentionally or unintentionally while speaking.

The latter looked at his eyes, nose and heart, as if he didn't hear anything.

"Who wouldn't admire this kind of genius who is the best in the world?"

Shen Yao didn't hesitate and admitted it calmly.

Since we can’t meet each other anyway, we just treat it as a chat between friends.

"Hmph! Although the Young Grandmaster is powerful, I am not bad either. Give me ten years and I will definitely be able to surpass him!" Shen Chong suddenly said.

Listening to his sister praising other men crazily, he was naturally a little unhappy.

"You? Are you okay?"

Abigail looked up and down, a little suspicious.

"Miss Huang, it's not my fault."

Shen Chong raised his head slightly and said proudly: "I am considered the number one figure in the Youzhou martial arts world. You might as well ask around. Who doesn't know me, the little jade-faced flying dragon?"

"That's right! Our senior brother is amazing!" Han Yi looked proud.

"Among the ten heroes of Youzhou, our senior brother ranks third. Now he is an innate master and a recognized martial arts genius!"

"As for the warriors in this restaurant, our senior brother can definitely fight ten of them, and that's with one hand!"

Several Bixia sect disciples began to praise him one after another.

When a rainbow farts down, it makes you feel ecstatic and extremely transparent.

In response, Shen Yao just smiled and said nothing.

Although her brother has good talent, he is still far from being able to compare with the young grandmaster.

Of course, she would not be stupid enough to expose the other person's vanity.

"Really? It sounds like there's something else."

Abigail nodded ignorantly.

She is just starting out and doesn’t know much about things in the world.
Chapter 964


Shen Chong was left flabbergasted, rooted to the spot, his reaction delayed.

In the midst of a formal wear competition, who could have predicted that a wine bottle would be hurled at him, catching him entirely off guard?

Instinctively, he reached for his head, only to find his hands smeared with blood.

Devoid of the protective embrace of true energy, his physique was merely a notch above that of ordinary individuals.

“Who? Who’s responsible for this?!”

Shen Chong, suddenly incensed, whipped his head around, bellowing repeatedly.

“Bloody hell! Who dares to mount a sneak attack on our senior brother? Who has the audacity?!”

The disciples of the Bixia Sect surged to their feet, their expressions rife with fury.

“It’s me.”

At that moment, a man sporting stylish sunglasses strolled over with two companions.

His carefree and composed demeanor appeared to utterly disregard everyone present.

“Youngster! Do you know who I am? How dare you assault me?!”

Shen Chong clenched his teeth, his countenance fierce.

“Oh? Well then, I have to ask, who are you?”

The sunglasses-clad man seemed to be smiling, a playful glint in his eyes.

“Listen closely, for I am among the ten prominent figures in Youzhou, bestowed with the moniker ‘Jade-faced Little Flying Dragon’ – Shen Chong!” Shen Chong declared.

“The Ten Heroes of Youzhou? The Jade-faced Little Flying Dragon?”

The sunglasses-clad man was initially taken aback, then burst into laughter, teasingly remarking, “Oh, what a grandiose title! I’m absolutely petrified.”

Following these words, his two companions guffawed in unison.



The Bixia Sect disciples seethed with anger, unsheathing their swords in unison.

“You impudent scoundrel! How dare you ridicule me? I challenge you to a duel!” Shen Chong growled through gritted teeth, his eyes flashing with ferocity.

Publicly mocked as such, it was imperative to school the instigator, lest one be unable to face others with any semblance of dignity in the future.

“A duel? Haha… Do you know who I am? How dare you address me in such a manner?” the sunglasses-clad man sneered.

“I care not who you are! You dared to attack me? Today, even divine intervention cannot save you, mark my words!” Shen Chong thundered angrily, brandishing his blade for a strike.

“I am Yan Tao, the son of the Jiuding Sect’s leader,” the sunglasses-clad man suddenly declared.


With that proclamation, a soft exclamation reverberated as Shen Chong’s descending blade abruptly froze.

It hovered menacingly above the sunglasses-clad man’s head, yet Shen Chong dared not let it fall.

“Jiuding Sect? Yan Tao?”

Shen Chong’s expression underwent a rapid transformation, a hint of trepidation fleeting across his eyes.

It wasn’t the opponent’s strength that worried him; it was his identity.

Yan Tao, in reality, possessed limited personal prowess; his primary strength lay in his illustrious father, Yan Song.

Yan Song stood at the helm of the Jiuding Sect, occupying the top martial position in Youzhou!

Not only was he formidable, but he also boasted a profound background, with a senior status within the Martial Alliance.

Even Shen Chong’s master exhibited deference in Yan Song’s presence.

Hence, upon hearing Yan Tao’s name, Shen Chong immediately hesitated.

Should that blade descend, it would not only harm him but also engulf the entire Bixia Sect in dire straits.

“What? Have you lost your nerve to duel with me? Come now, give it your best shot. I’ll stand still and let you strike me. Let’s see if you possess the gall,” Yan Tao proactively stepped forward, tauntingly extending his neck.

Shen Chong clenched his teeth, his face contorted with displeasure.

He could handle ten Yan Taos, but it was the opponent’s influence that rendered him powerless.

“Cut him! Why are you just standing there? Don’t you dare?” Yan Tao jeered, “I heard you boasting about being the Jade-faced Little Flying Dragon, eager to take on ten foes. Why can’t you even hold your blade steady now? Are you not a man?”


Shen Chong seethed with anger, his body quivering, yet he remained impotent.

“A craven like you still dares to proclaim yourself one of the Ten Heroes of Youzhou? It’s utterly humiliating. Everyone can see right through you!” Yan Tao extended his hand and lightly patted Shen Chong’s face, an action that wasn’t particularly painful but immensely demeaning.

Especially in a public setting, it was tantamount to trampling on one’s dignity.

Shen Chong’s eyes reddened, and he panted heavily, tempted to dispatch the offender with his blade.

“Elder brother!”

Shen Yao called out softly, bringing Shen Chong back to reality.

Swiftly, she rose to her feet, offering a gracious smile, and approached Yan Tao, extending an apology. “Mr. Yan, I’m truly sorry. My brother consumed some wine and acted impulsively. I hope you can forgive him.”

“Ah! I never expected such a loser to have a stunning sister like you,” Yan Tao mused, stroking his chin while openly ogling Shen Yao’s shapely figure.

“Young Master Yan, it’s all in good spirits. We’re all from Youzhou. My master and your father share a friendly relationship. How about we settle this matter amicably, turning it from a major incident into a trivial one?” Shen Yao strained to smile.
Chapter 965

“Yes, yes, but I have a condition,” Yan Tao raised his eyebrows.

“What conditions?” Shen Yao asked with a smile.

“I want you and two other lovely ladies to accompany me for a drink. If you entertain me well, then let’s forget about the matter for today,” Yan Tao grinned wickedly.

Encountering such a high-class lady isn’t an everyday occurrence. He hadn’t expected all three of them to be here at the same time today. It truly was an eye-opening experience. Naturally, he wouldn’t miss such an opportunity.


Shen Yao’s smile froze. Having traveled the world for many years, she understood the implications behind Yan Tao’s request. If she accepted this drink, it might be challenging to get away from the situation.

“What? Having second thoughts?” Yan Tao’s expression turned cold as he warned, “I dislike being turned down. You better think carefully before answering.”

“Dear, it would be an honor to share a drink with my young master. No need to be impolite!” A fellow companion interjected sternly.

“Dustin, if you wish to drink, I can join you, but let’s leave these two ladies out of it, shall we?” After much contemplation, Shen Yao chose to compromise, though she didn’t want Abigail involved.

“Oh? Are you teaching me how to conduct myself?” Yan Tao responded displeased. “I specified that I want all three of you, not one less. You must serve me well tonight!”

“Hey! Don’t push your luck too far!” Abigail finally couldn’t tolerate it any longer. She slapped the table and stood up.

“What does it matter if I push my luck? Can’t you handle a little pushback?” Yan Tao grinned wickedly as he advanced slowly. “My dear, you seem to be the most delicate one here, so I’ll start with you tonight. Honestly, it’s been a while since I’ve savored someone like Abigail. I’m sure you’re quite snug there, tsk tsk… I’m genuinely looking forward to it!” He licked his lips hungrily.

“You’re utterly shameless!” Abigail exclaimed in anger, grabbing a glass of wine and pouring it directly onto Dustin’s face.

“You cheeky girl! How dare you splash me? Tonight, I’ll teach you a lesson!” Dustin grew angry and tried to grab Abigail.

However, before he could reach her, a firm hand restrained him.

“You have three seconds to leave,” Dustin asserted coldly, blocking his path.

“Huh?” Dustin’s face darkened. “Young man! Do you even know who you’re talking to?”

In all of Youzhou, no one dared to defy him.

“I don’t care who you are. If you don’t leave within three seconds, I’ll break your legs,” Abigail declared indifferently.

As soon as these words were uttered, the crowd erupted into murmurs.

“Goodness! Who is this person? He dares to challenge Mr. Yan?”

“At first glance, he seems like a naive outsider. Does he not realize how formidable the Jiuding Sect is?”

“Hmph! Does he think he can play the hero and rescue the damsel in distress in front of the Jiuding Sect? He must be clueless about his own capabilities!”

People pointed and regarded him as if he were a fool.

The Jiuding Sect was the largest sect in Youzhou, and its leader, Yan Song, was even a semi-master-level expert. Anyone daring to provoke such a significant figure was undoubtedly courting trouble.

“Three…” Dustin started counting down, exuding a growing air of determination.

Chills spread through the atmosphere.

“Brother Dustin, please don’t make a scene. You can’t afford to offend this person!” Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Shen Yao quickly cautioned him.

If Dustin laid a hand on Yan Tao, it would spell trouble.

“Hey! Don’t involve us!” Shen Chong frowned and yelled.

“Young man! I warn you to let go immediately, or you’ll face the consequences!” The two Jiuding Sect warriors also chimed in.

“Two…” Dustin ignored their warnings and continued counting down.

“Hmph… playing tough!” Yan Tao sneered. “Young man, I’m the young master of the Jiuding Sect. Do you dare to lay a finger on me? Go ahead, hit me if you can! If you so much as touch a hair on my head, I…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Dustin raised his hand and delivered a resounding slap to Yan Tao’s face.


The sound echoed through the room.

Yan Tao was sent flying several meters, crashing hard into the wall before landing face-first on the floor.

The entire assembly was left stunned.
Chapter 966

There was a collective gasp from the onlookers as they witnessed Yan Tao being forcefully pushed back.

A bewildering shock enveloped the crowd.

No one could have foreseen that Dustin would display such audacity, executing his words without a trace of hesitation.

You see, this was none other than Yan Tao, the scion of the Jiuding Sect, the heir of Yan Song, the paramount master of Youzhou, and the renowned Demon King.

To take on such a formidable figure, wasn’t Dustin putting his life on the line?!

“Hey! Have you gone mad? You dare to take on the young masters of the Jiuding Sect?!” Shen Chong exclaimed in astonishment after a momentary paralysis.

Having endured a string of humiliations, Shen Chong had just mustered the courage to slap Yan Tao, but Dustin had beaten him to it. If this continued, not only would their adversary suffer, but they themselves would face dire consequences.

“Oh dear! We’ve landed in a dire predicament!” Shen Yao exclaimed, her expression altering dramatically.

She had cautioned Dustin openly, expecting him to have some reservations, but he had acted regardless. Once the Jiuding Sect sought retribution, the ramifications would be unimaginable.

“You reckless madman! How dare you lay hands on my young master? Today, I shall kill you!” Two Jiuding Sect warriors, initially dumbfounded, regained their composure and instantly erupted in fury.

They drew their blades and advanced menacingly towards Abigail.

Volunteering, Abigail picked up the metal bat she had brought along and met their charge head-on.

Her extraordinary talents and remarkable comprehension, coupled with Dustin’s meticulous training, had elevated her strength to the level of acquired accomplishments.

Her mastery of the baton-fighting technique, honed to perfection through diligent practice, made her a formidable adversary for ordinary warriors.

“Bang, bang, bang…” The sounds of combat echoed through the air.

After dozens of exchanges, Abigail had knocked both Jiuding Sect warriors to the ground.

Their bluster and displays of power, cultivated by ingratiating themselves with Yan Tao, crumbled when put to the test.

“Hmph! With this feeble strength, you dare to boast before us? You must truly desire a sound thrashing!” Abigail nonchalantly rested the metal bat on her shoulder, adopting a pose reminiscent of Bruce Lee.

There was a hint of arrogance on her lovely visage.

“Are these blokes out of their minds? They don’t seem to take the Jiuding Sect seriously at all!” remarked one onlooker.

“Such fools! When Master Yan arrives, it’ll be even easier to deal with you lot!” chimed in another, as if they were observing several corpses.

In the domain of Youzhou, to defy the Jiuding Sect was tantamount to seeking death.

“You…you dared to strike me?” Yan Tao, now rising dizzily, appeared utterly disoriented.

His face bore the brunt of the assault, bearing the signs of a swollen countenance, a crooked nose, and a mouth gushing blood.

“What nonsense! You dare to hit me? You’re all dead, I’m going to chop you into pieces!” Yan Tao, having regained his senses, erupted in a furious tirade.


Dustin stepped forward and raised his hand, delivering a resounding slap.

With each strike, he spoke words of reprimand.

“This slap is for your obstinacy.”


“This one is for your bullying ways.”


“This is for your overbearing nature.”


“Since your father couldn’t teach you, I’ll take on that role myself!”

“Pah, pah, pah, pah…” Dustin unleashed a volley of unrelenting slaps, showing no mercy as he continued to strike Yan Tao’s face repeatedly.

The barrage of blows caused blood to spurt from Yan Tao’s mouth and nose, leaving him dizzy and disoriented, with his eyes rolling back.

In a matter of moments, Yan Tao’s face resembled a grotesque pig’s head, his jaw dislocated, and most of his teeth lost.


The onlookers stood there, stupefied.

Their faces mirrored a mixture of shock and horror.

Had Yan Tao, who had always tyrannized others and acted arrogantly, ever suffered such a severe beating?

Not only was he beaten, but he was also berated and humiliated.
Chapter 967

The loquacious man didn’t show any restraint and proceeded to give Yan Tao a thorough dressing-down, leaving him completely transformed!

The issue here is that Yan Tao is the young leader of the Jiuding Sect, with a highly esteemed position.

It’s often said that one person is worth a multitude.

Is this chap out of his mind?!

How could he dare?!!!

“Hold on! Put an end to this at once!” Shen Yao finally couldn’t tolerate it and promptly intervened.

But by that point, Yan Tao was already in a terrible state, covered in blood and unconscious.

“Brother Dustin! You’ve just landed yourself in serious trouble!”

Shen Yao sighed, quickly assisting Yan Tao and administering first aid, desperately trying to revive him.

It’s no exaggeration to say that if Yan Tao were seriously harmed, repercussions would be felt not only by Dustin but also by the entire Bixia Sect, facing Yan Song’s vengeful wrath.

“Dustin! We should never have associated with you. You’ve really put us in a dire situation this time!”

Shen Chong was livid and filled with anxiety.

What on earth!

Why did we cross paths with such an insane individual?

Regardless of Yan Tao’s status or the might of the Jiuding Sect, apprehending him would lead to a severe beating.

This is absolutely heart-wrenching!

“Brother Dustin! If you’ve struck Yan Tao, you must flee immediately, or it’ll be too late!” Han Yi was incredibly tense, gripping Brother Dustin’s arm and attempting to drag him away.

As it turned out, the other side remained immobile and completely unresponsive.

“Who dares to harm my lad?!”

At that moment, an enraged voice suddenly erupted at the entrance.

Shortly thereafter, a middle-aged man with a commanding presence and an imposing air entered, accompanied by a group of warriors. Astonishingly, the man leading the way was none other than the Jiuding Sect’s leader and Youzhou’s top master—Yan Song!

“It’s a calamity, a disaster! Master Yan has arrived!”

“Master Yan is so incensed that no one in the whole of Youzhou can endure it!”

“Hmph! How dare someone lay a finger on Mr. Yan? Let’s see if they make it out alive!”

Yan Song’s appearance caused a stir.

Spectators took several steps back, fearful of what might befall Chi Yu.

Many individuals took pleasure in the misfortune, regarding Dustin with the gaze reserved for a doomed person.

“It’s over! I can’t even make a run for it now…”

Han Yi turned pale, overcome with despair.

She had still been contemplating ways to secure Dustin’s survival, but it seemed she’d run out of time.

“Alas… it seems there’s no hope,” Shen Yao sighed, her eyes tinged with sympathy.

If Yan Song personally took action, it meant that Dustin’s fate was sealed.

“What a catastrophe!” Shen Chong shook his head, wearing a bitter expression.

Dustin might be done for, but they’d have to face the same fate and endure a painful lesson.

“Dad! You’ve arrived at last!” Following his rescue, Yan Tao bawled, stumbling and collapsing in front of Yan Song, clutching his thigh and weeping. “If you’d been any later, I might have been beaten to death! Look, look at what’s become of my face! You must settle this for me this time!”

“Who’s responsible for this? Who dared to harm you like this?!” Yan Song was incensed as he gazed at Yan Tao’s swollen visage, resembling a pig’s head.

After all his years in Youzhou, no one had ever dared to lay a finger on his son.

Who could it be?

The leader of the Jiuding Sect!

Youzhou’s top master!

A senior in the Martial Alliance! Everyone would bow and show respect!

Daring to challenge his authority publicly was akin to inviting death.

“Dad! That’s the lad!” Yan Tao pointed at Dustin with a look of resentment. “He’s the one who attacked me just now! He even uttered all sorts of nonsense, claiming your reputation is undeserved. It’s sheer nonsense!”

“You dare to insult me? That’s incredibly audacious!” Yan Song’s expression darkened as his stern gaze swept over.

However, when he got a clear look at Dustin’s face, he was taken aback and almost staggered to the ground.

Good grief!

How did he end up encountering this unlucky omen?!

As a senior in the Martial Alliance, he had witnessed the grandmaster battle not too long ago.

The man before him was a fearsome entity who had defeated Venerable Ziyang!

Not to mention uttering a few harsh words, even if two enormous dragons were brawling on the spot, he wouldn’t dare to utter a word.
Chapter 968

“Looks like we’re in a bit of a pickle!”

Staring at the stern-faced Dustin, Yan Song, renowned as the top martial artist in Youzhou, couldn’t help but break into a cold sweat.

Meeting such a troublesome individual was nothing but bad luck.

Was today the day they’d face a beating?

“Dad! Why are you just standing there? Beat him! Beat him senseless!”

“Today, I want this lad to understand what it means to fight a losing battle.”

Yan Tao’s face contorted with ferocity as he shouted incessantly.

“Shut it!”

Dustin’s demeanor shifted, and he smacked Yan Tao hard across the face with his backhand.


The blow hit Yan Tao so hard that he was left in a daze.

A few loose teeth flew out, and his already swollen face resembled a grotesque mess.

“Dad? Why… Why did you hit me?”

Yan Tao’s eyes widened in disbelief.

After all, he had been his father’s little treasure since he was a child.

Typically, his father wouldn’t even utter a harsh word. What had come over him today?

Publicly slapping him?

Was he out of his mind?

“What’s wrong with a good beating? Don’t you deserve it?”

“You’ve been swaggering around, flaunting the Jiuding Sect’s reputation, bullying and causing trouble wherever you go, tarnishing our name!”

“Today, I’m going to teach you a lesson!”

Yan Song roared and cursed, then slapped Yan Tao twice, sending him crashing to the ground.

Not satisfied, he proceeded to punch and kick him.

The blows were merciless, showing no mercy. Yan Tao cried out in pain, his screams echoing through the area.

From the outside, it seemed like they had some deep-seated grudge.

“What the…?”

The sudden turn of events left everyone flabbergasted.

People had assumed that Yan Song had come with a group of followers to defend Yan Tao and give the troublemakers a lesson.

So, why was he now beating his own son?

And he was beating him so brutally.

What was happening?

“Has Master Yan lost his mind? Did he take the wrong medicine?”

“Who knows? Master Yan has always been fiercely protective of his son. Why does he appear like a different person today?”

“This is beyond harsh! This seems more like venting his frustrations than teaching a lesson!”


Watching Yan Tao getting brutally beaten, everyone muttered to themselves, a mix of surprise, shock, and pity.

It had been somewhat acceptable when he was receiving a severe beating from Dustin earlier, but now he was being beaten by his own father. It was truly pitiable.

The catch was that Yan Song doted on his son immensely.

Anyone daring to provoke him would either lose their limbs at best or be killed on the spot at worst.

Yet today, he had gone out of his way to thrash his own son like this, which was exceedingly strange.


At this point, Han Yi, Shen Yao, Shen Chong, and the rest were utterly bewildered.

They stood there, seemingly lost.

When they first saw Dustin, they had expected imminent danger.

But things had taken an unexpected turn. Not only had Dustin not caused trouble for them, but he had also administered a harsh lesson to his own son.

Since when did Sect Leader Yan, who had been known for using force to dominate others and being entirely self-centered, become so reasonable?

“Dear fellow martial artists, today’s incident is a result of my inadequate upbringing of Yan. I sincerely apologize for the disruption,” Dustin turned around and bowed deeply to Yan Song and the others to convey his regret.

Dustin maintained his calm demeanor, accepting the situation with equanimity.
Chapter 969

As for Shen Yao, Shen Chong, and the others, they appeared both flattered and slightly bewildered.

Yan Song, the esteemed leader of the Jiuding Sect and the preeminent master in Youzhou, had actually offered them a personal apology?

Could it be that he’d seen a ghost?

“Dustin, once you return, please ensure to guide him appropriately; otherwise, it might lead to dire consequences, and remorse won’t mend things,” Abigail suddenly interjected.

Upon hearing these words, an eerie silence descended upon the surroundings.

Incredulous gazes fixed upon Dustin.

What on earth!

Has this young man lost his senses?

Daring to admonish Yan Song in public?

Isn’t he afraid of a severe reprimand?

How audacious!

“Hey! Have you a death wish? Keep quiet!”

Shen Chong almost shrieked in terror.

Afterward, when Yan Tao had a confrontation with Master Yan, there was no punishment. He had received a degree of leniency outside the boundaries of the law.

In the end, fortune favored this guy. Now, he audaciously arrived and publicly accused Head Yan.

This was nothing short of a gamble with his life!

“Dear Dustin, kindly extend your apologies to Master Yan!”

Shen Yao on the side signaled frantically.

Even she found Abigail’s audacious conduct headache-inducing.

He had clearly escaped imminent danger, so why provoke further?

Just when it appeared Dustin was on the brink of doom—

Yan Song mustered a rare smile and replied, “Your Excellency is absolutely right. I shall provide him with proper guidance to ensure such an incident is not repeated.”

Upon uttering this, a fresh round of astonishment befell everyone.

This was entirely out of character! The dignified head of the Jiuding Sect, the foremost figure in Youzhou, when had he become so benevolent?

Despite being directly criticized, he was met with a smile.

This was simply unprecedented!

“Very well, that’s for the best,” Dustin nodded contentedly.

“I apologize for interrupting your meal. We shall depart forthwith.”

Yan Song once more clasped his fists and hurriedly led his retinue away.

It seemed as though he were fleeing for his life.

“Excellent! We’re in the clear now!”

Once the Jiuding Sect members left, Han Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

“What just happened? Leader Yan seemed rather unusual today,” Shen Chong scratched his head, appearing somewhat perplexed.

Yan Song’s conduct had left them all flabbergasted.

“Perhaps Head Yan is aware of his mistake, and, with many martial comrades present, wishes to lay the matter to rest,” Shen Yao surmised after pondering for a moment.

“Regardless, as long as everything is resolved,” Han Yi beamed.

“Hmph! Fortunately, Master Yan understands the importance of righteousness. Otherwise, if an investigation were to commence, the consequences would be catastrophic!” Shen Chong folded his arms and cast a cold gaze at Dustin. “Hey! I advise you not to stir trouble in the future. It’s fine if you suffer alone, but don’t drag us into it!”

“Absolutely! You nearly got us killed just now!” echoed a group of Bixia Sect disciples.

An outsider in Youzhou daring to challenge the Jiuding Sect was akin to stepping into a quagmire!

“Alright, enough of that. Yan Tao went too far, and Dustin acted on impulse. It’s understandable,” Shen Yao quickly smoothed things over. “Everyone, it’s getting late. Let’s return to our rooms and rest. We’ll assemble tomorrow morning and depart for the Black Forest.”

“Very well, see you tomorrow morning,” Dustin nodded slightly, then departed with Abigail and the others.

Throughout, he never regarded the Jiuding Sect with much concern.

At this moment, outside the hotel.

Yan Song, carrying his son on his back, inexplicably shivered.

His feet seemed to gain an extra burst of speed as he fled.

His look of panic left all the disciples astonished, and they could barely keep up with him.
Chapter 970

The following morning, in the early hours.

Dustin and his crew embarked on their journey, heading towards the Black Forest.

Since the terrain was rugged and driving was out of the question, everyone had to proceed on foot.

In fact, as early as yesterday, numerous warriors had already taken their chances, planning to test their luck.

However, the Black Forest was vast, and those who ventured inside seemed to be wandering aimlessly, unable to find any trace of the treasure.

Half an hour later, Dustin and his group finally reached the entrance to the Black Forest.

They could see people entering one after another.

“Ms. Shen, do you have any idea where the burial site might be?” Dustin inquired suddenly.

“At this point, it remains uncertain,” Shen Yao replied with a touch of helplessness. “Upon entering the Black Forest, everyone is essentially relying on luck. Whoever is fortunate enough to discover the treasure first will return home with great fortune.”

It was akin to searching for a needle in a haystack, with no better alternative at present. The only advantage was that they were locals in Youzhou and were familiar with the Black Forest, which could help them save time.

“The Black Forest is vast, and it all comes down to luck. It might take ages to find it,” Dustin remarked, shaking his head.

“Do you have any good ideas, Brother Dustin?” Shen Yao inquired tentatively.

“To be honest, I have an informant within the Jade Lady Palace. If Miss Shen can trust me, I can lead the way,” Dustin revealed.

“You have a mole? Excellent!” Shen Yao’s face lit up with joy. What she had considered a mere idle remark had turned out to be a stroke of luck.

“Hey, are you just bragging?” Shen Chong raised an eyebrow suspiciously.

“Believe it or not,” Dustin retorted, uninterested in providing further explanation, and took the lead.

The members of the Jade Lady Palace had entered the Black Forest an hour earlier. According to their arrangement, Nikki would leave distinctive marks along the way. All they had to do was follow these markers to reach the burial site.

“Let’s go, everyone, follow me,” Shen Yao declared decisively, gesturing for the others to follow.

“Damn! Why the dawdling? Don’t you know that when we enter the Black Forest, you’ll need me to protect you?” Shen Chong grumbled, spitting on the ground and appearing rather displeased.

He was the team leader and should be in charge. How could some outsider steal his spotlight? It was truly infuriating!

Upon entering the Black Forest, the surroundings instantly grew darker, and the temperature plummeted.

Looking around, the entire forest was shrouded in a layer of white mist. Moreover, the dim lighting and dense vegetation obscured visibility. Ordinary individuals could see no more than fifty meters ahead.

Dustin walked at the forefront, his feet sinking into damp soil and the dense canopy of trees blocking out the sky and sun.

Occasionally, he spotted startled poisonous insects, snakes, and ants.

The Black Forest exuded an atmosphere that was chilly, humid, eerie, and fraught with peril!

As they continued, they encountered numerous snake and insect attacks. Thankfully, everyone was highly skilled and remained vigilant, so no one suffered any injuries.

“The miasma is becoming denser. Everyone should take the antidote now, or inhaling too much miasma could lead to poisoning or even hallucinations,” Shen Yao cautioned.

No one hesitated, quickly consuming the antidote.

The Black Forest’s dreadfulness was largely due to the miasma that permeated it. Ordinary people who stayed for more than two hours risked their lives if they did not exit promptly.

“Look! There’s a corpse here!” someone suddenly exclaimed as they walked.

Everyone turned in the direction of the sound and saw a male body lying behind a large tree.

The man’s head had been severed, and his body was being devoured by insects and snakes. It was a gruesome sight.

Upon witnessing this, two of the more timid women immediately began vomiting. “He was killed with a knife, likely by a sneak attack. Everyone, be cautious!”

Shen Yao drew her sword slowly and kept an alert eye on her surroundings.

The Black Forest was frightening, but even more frightening was the human heart. In this lawless place, where moral standards held no sway, murder and robbery were all too common.

“It should be just ahead. Let’s go take a look,” Dustin suggested, his keen ears catching faint sounds in the distance.
Chapter 971

Without hesitation, he immediately picked up the pace and headed directly toward the source of the noise.

“Come on, everyone! Stay close, don’t lag behind!” urged Shen Yao, urging the group forward.

She was genuinely concerned that Dustin might act recklessly and walk into an adversary’s trap.

The group briskly walked on for approximately ten minutes until they finally reached an open area.

It was a clearing about the size of a football pitch.

The ground was bare, with no grass in sight, just dirt and rocks, devoid of any signs of life.

At the center of it all lay a tomb that seemed to descend endlessly into darkness, its contents a mystery.

Surrounding the tomb, a band of formidable warriors stood watch, their vigilant gazes scanning their surroundings, ever alert for potential intruders.

“Could this be Meskill’s burial site?” Shen Chong wondered aloud from his hiding spot behind a tree, gazing excitedly at the enigmatic tomb in the distance.

I had anticipated being here for a good ten days at least, but I never expected to pinpoint the treasure’s location within half a day. What a stroke of luck!

“Based on the circumstances, it seems likely. However, someone else has arrived before us, and they’re disciples of the Vajra Sect,” Shen Yao remarked with a furrowed brow, her expression growing graver.

The Vajra Sect was the largest sect in Danzhou, although it didn’t quite measure up to the Jiuding Sect, it was still a formidable rival.

A head-on confrontation wouldn’t yield any benefits.

“Second Senior Sister, it appears they have apprehended two Jade Maiden Sisterhood disciples and are awaiting reinforcements,” Han Yi noted astutely.

All of the Vajra Sect disciples were stationed at the tomb’s entrance, and they held hostages, poised for an ambush should any Jade Maiden Sisterhood members appear.

“I’ve already alerted our Master. We’ll have to wait and see what unfolds and hope for support,” Shen Yao decided calmly.

Their current strength left them no match for the Vajra Sect, and they relied on their Master’s intervention. “I fear it may be too late.”

Dustin squinted, “Take a closer look. How many factions have gathered around us?”

“Um?” Shen Yao scrutinized the forest surroundings more closely and spotted flickering figures concealed in various hiding spots.

It was evident that several factions were lurking nearby, awaiting their chance.

“Why are you skulking around? Reveal yourselves!” a Vajra Sect master suddenly bellowed, his voice akin to thunder, startling birds into flight.

“Hahaha…” Laughter echoed as a group of individuals gradually emerged from the dark forest.

At their forefront stood a burly man with a thick beard, exuding a powerful presence.

A hefty sword adorned with a copper ring rested on his shoulder, giving him an air of dominance.

“Wei Dong, the Shahai Gang leader?!” Shen Yao couldn’t help but furrow her brow upon seeing him.

The Shahai Gang was a local gang known for its notorious and formidable leader, Wei Dong.

Many martial arts experts had fallen to his blade.

“Brother Xiao, come out as well, don’t hide!” Wei Dong called out to the side.

Leaves rustled, and another group of individuals emerged menacingly.

Their leader was a handsome man whose appearance seemed innocuous, but his eyes bore an icy chill.

“Xiao Chen from the Tianhe Sect?!” Shen Yao’s complexion shifted slightly.

The Tianhe Sect was on par with the Vajra Sect, and as the senior disciple, Xiao Chen was renowned as a prodigious swordsman in Yuzhou!

“We’re in a bind now,” Han Yi whispered.

The Vajra Sect, Shahai Gang, and Tianhe Sect—the three major factions—all stood before them as formidable adversaries.

Securing the treasure from these formidable opponents would undoubtedly prove an immensely challenging task.

“Brother Xiao, Brother Nie, it seems a few mice are yet to reveal themselves. Shall we… eliminate these pests first?” Wei Dong grinned maliciously, directing his gaze towards Shen Yao and her group, his eyes brimming with menace.
Chapter 972


When Wei Dong spoke, all eyes turned toward him.

Every one of them had a sinister look in their eyes, eagerly fixed on him.

Several innate masters were present, and not a single movement within a hundred meters could escape their keen senses.

“We’ve been found out!”

Han Yi’s eyelids twitched. “Senior Brother, Second Senior Sister, what’s our next move?”

“Why the panic? I’m here to ensure your safety. Come with me!”

Shen Chong brushed off the dust from his clothes and confidently walked forward.

Even though the three factions had many experts, the Bixia Sect wasn’t to be underestimated.

When it came to single combat, Shen Chong had the confidence and skill to dominate the crowd!

“Let’s go and face them.”

Shen Yao signaled to her group of junior disciples and appeared composed.

Initially, the plan had been to watch from the sidelines, but they’d been discovered much sooner than expected.

“All right, now that everyone is here, what’s our plan?”

Wei Dong gripped his knife, his smile holding a hidden meaning.

“As I see it, perhaps we should form a temporary alliance for now, divide the treasure evenly, and ensure everyone’s satisfaction!” Shen Chong suddenly proposed.

He wasn’t being greedy; getting a share of the treasure was sufficient for him.

“Brother Xiao, what are your thoughts?”

Nie Long, the senior brother from the Vajra Sect, inquired.

Among all present, he feared Xiao Chen the most.

“It’s fine to split it evenly, but there are quite a few of us.”

Xiao Chen glanced around and grinned cunningly. “It would be ideal if one less person were to share in the spoils.”

“One less person? Who do you suggest should be excluded?”

Wei Dong squinted his eyes. Dividing it among three would indeed be more profitable than among four.

“Tianhe Sect, King Kong Sect, and Bixia Sect are all renowned and noble sects. Only your Shahai Gang is associated with crime. Whom do you think should be excluded?” Xiao Chen half-smiled.

As soon as these words left his lips, the disciples from the three major sects cast their eyes on Wei Dong with a hint of malice.


Wei Dong’s expression darkened. “Brother Xiao! We are all part of the martial world, and anyone who stumbles upon the treasure should have a share. Isn’t it unkind of you to suggest otherwise?”

“A gangster like you, involved in all sorts of wickedness, what right do you have to associate with us?”

Xiao Chen sneered coldly. “You have one minute to leave, or else… face death!”

“Xiao! Don’t push your luck too far!”

Wei Dong seethed with rage and murderous intent.

“Brother Nie, Brother Shen, since this fellow is so stubborn, let’s not stand on ceremony. Let’s end him!”

Without a word, Xiao Chen unsheathed his sword and thrust it toward Wei Dong.

If you won’t leave, you’ll meet your end.

“Damn it! I’ll fight you!”

Wei Dong was livid and engaged in a fierce battle with Xiao Chen.

The disciples of the Tianhe Sect and the Shahai Gang also clashed immediately.

In no time, swords danced, and blood splattered in all directions.

“Annihilate the Shahai Gang!”

Nie Long reacted swiftly, shouting, and led the Vajra Sect disciples into the fray.

A well-known and upright person eliminating a gang carried no moral burden. If word got out, they’d be lauded for ridding society of a menace.

The Shahai Gang was already weakened and no match for the Tianhe Sect. Now, with the addition of the Vajra Sect, the battle was overwhelmingly one-sided.

The Shahai Gang’s disciples fell and suffered injuries, with no hope of escape.

“Big Brother, should we go and help?”

A Bixia Sect disciple inquired.

“No need. Their combined forces can handle it with ease.” Shen Chong shook his head, unmoved.
Chapter 973

It’s not his style to oppress the minority with strength.

“The surname is Xiao! Bloody hell, your ancestor!”

Wei Dong bellowed in anger and was eventually overpowered. He was thrust in the chest by Xiao Chen’s sword and tumbled to the ground reluctantly.

In just a few minutes, all the disciples of the Shahai Gang had been eliminated.

Leave no one behind.

“A mere gangster dares to challenge us? They really don’t know how to live or die!”

Xiao Chen scoffed disdainfully and swung his sword, spilling a considerable amount of blood.

“Hey! Why didn’t your Bixia sect take action earlier?”

As soon as Nie Long turned his head, he saw Shen Chong and others standing silently.

Their clothes were clean, devoid of any bloodstains. It was apparent that they had not participated in the battle.

“It’s sufficient for the Shahai Gang to face your two sects. We don’t need to intervene,” Shen Chong replied calmly.

Though he was stating facts, to the ears of the two prominent sects, it came across as somewhat pompous and haughty.

“Watching us slaughter people, and you remain motionless. Is it possible that you, the Bixia Sect, are looking to profit from this?” Nie Long inquired skeptically.

“Misunderstanding, that was never our intention,” Shen Yao swiftly explained. “It ended too swiftly. Before we could react, the Shahai Gang was vanquished.”

The unfriendly glances from those around her left her feeling oddly uneasy.

“Hmph! Do you believe I would buy that?” Nie Long glared at him intently.

“Brother Nie, I believe the Bixia Sect doesn’t share our interests. How about we join forces to eliminate them first, and then divide the treasure?” Xiao Chen proposed abruptly.

“Haha… that’s exactly what I was thinking!” Nie Long grinned.

It’s better to split it evenly between two people rather than three.

“Hey! I’m warning you not to meddle!”

Seeing the two of them cooperating, Shen Chong promptly drew his blade and threatened, “We, the Bixia Sect, are not like the Shahai Gang. We won’t be manipulated by you. Once you make a move, everything will be destroyed!”

“The fish is dead and the net is torn? Ha! What a jest!”

Nie Long sneered, “With Brother Xiao and me teaming up, it will be a walk in the park to annihilate your Bixia Sect!”

“Brother Nie, let’s not waste time with them. Come, let’s eliminate them all together!” Xiao Chen urged.

The bloodlust in his eyes grew stronger and stronger.

“Very well! Today, I shall show them the unbreakable might of the Vajra!”

Nie Long laughed wildly, just as he was about to unleash his power.

There was a “puff” sound, and a sword suddenly pierced his back and emerged from his chest.

Blood dripped from the tip of the sword.


Nie Long was left dumbfounded.

He lowered his gaze to the longsword jutting out from his chest, his expression filled with shock.

The sword had been so swift and unexpected that he hadn’t reacted at all. Before he could activate his protective Qi, he was impaled straight through.

The question was, who had done it?

Behind him stood his comrades.

With a mix of anger and astonishment, Nie Long strained to turn his head, only to meet Xiao Chen’s icy grin.

“It’s you?”

Nie Long’s eyes widened, disbelievingly muttering, “Why? Aren’t we allies?”

“There are no permanent enemies, only perpetual interests. You are the biggest threat to me here. If you don’t die, I’ll be uneasy!” Xiao Chen sneered.

He didn’t even pay attention to a second-tier sect like the Bixia Sect.

The only ones he truly feared were the Vajra Sect.

Particularly Nie Long, who had mastered the impervious Vajra power and was said to be an unbeatable Xiaoqiang.

Once the mystical power was activated, he would be invulnerable to weapons, water, and fire.

Without a sneak attack, it would be challenging to defeat the adversary.

At that precise moment, Nie Long happened to exhale, caught off guard.

Hence, he acted without hesitation.

“You… you treacherous scoundrel, I curse you to die miserably!” Nie Long roared, unwilling to accept his fate.

“You’re the one who’s going to die!” Xiao Chen snorted coldly, swung his sword fiercely, and decapitated Nie Long.
Chapter 973

It’s not his style to oppress the minority with strength.

“The surname is Xiao! Bloody hell, your ancestor!”

Wei Dong bellowed in anger and was eventually overpowered. He was thrust in the chest by Xiao Chen’s sword and tumbled to the ground reluctantly.

In just a few minutes, all the disciples of the Shahai Gang had been eliminated.

Leave no one behind.

“A mere gangster dares to challenge us? They really don’t know how to live or die!”

Xiao Chen scoffed disdainfully and swung his sword, spilling a considerable amount of blood.

“Hey! Why didn’t your Bixia sect take action earlier?”

As soon as Nie Long turned his head, he saw Shen Chong and others standing silently.

Their clothes were clean, devoid of any bloodstains. It was apparent that they had not participated in the battle.

“It’s sufficient for the Shahai Gang to face your two sects. We don’t need to intervene,” Shen Chong replied calmly.

Though he was stating facts, to the ears of the two prominent sects, it came across as somewhat pompous and haughty.

“Watching us slaughter people, and you remain motionless. Is it possible that you, the Bixia Sect, are looking to profit from this?” Nie Long inquired skeptically.

“Misunderstanding, that was never our intention,” Shen Yao swiftly explained. “It ended too swiftly. Before we could react, the Shahai Gang was vanquished.”

The unfriendly glances from those around her left her feeling oddly uneasy.

“Hmph! Do you believe I would buy that?” Nie Long glared at him intently.

“Brother Nie, I believe the Bixia Sect doesn’t share our interests. How about we join forces to eliminate them first, and then divide the treasure?” Xiao Chen proposed abruptly.

“Haha… that’s exactly what I was thinking!” Nie Long grinned.

It’s better to split it evenly between two people rather than three.

“Hey! I’m warning you not to meddle!”

Seeing the two of them cooperating, Shen Chong promptly drew his blade and threatened, “We, the Bixia Sect, are not like the Shahai Gang. We won’t be manipulated by you. Once you make a move, everything will be destroyed!”

“The fish is dead and the net is torn? Ha! What a jest!”

Nie Long sneered, “With Brother Xiao and me teaming up, it will be a walk in the park to annihilate your Bixia Sect!”

“Brother Nie, let’s not waste time with them. Come, let’s eliminate them all together!” Xiao Chen urged.

The bloodlust in his eyes grew stronger and stronger.

“Very well! Today, I shall show them the unbreakable might of the Vajra!”

Nie Long laughed wildly, just as he was about to unleash his power.

There was a “puff” sound, and a sword suddenly pierced his back and emerged from his chest.

Blood dripped from the tip of the sword.


Nie Long was left dumbfounded.

He lowered his gaze to the longsword jutting out from his chest, his expression filled with shock.

The sword had been so swift and unexpected that he hadn’t reacted at all. Before he could activate his protective Qi, he was impaled straight through.

The question was, who had done it?

Behind him stood his comrades.

With a mix of anger and astonishment, Nie Long strained to turn his head, only to meet Xiao Chen’s icy grin.

“It’s you?”

Nie Long’s eyes widened, disbelievingly muttering, “Why? Aren’t we allies?”

“There are no permanent enemies, only perpetual interests. You are the biggest threat to me here. If you don’t die, I’ll be uneasy!” Xiao Chen sneered.

He didn’t even pay attention to a second-tier sect like the Bixia Sect.

The only ones he truly feared were the Vajra Sect.

Particularly Nie Long, who had mastered the impervious Vajra power and was said to be an unbeatable Xiaoqiang.

Once the mystical power was activated, he would be invulnerable to weapons, water, and fire.

Without a sneak attack, it would be challenging to defeat the adversary.

At that precise moment, Nie Long happened to exhale, caught off guard.

Hence, he acted without hesitation.

“You… you treacherous scoundrel, I curse you to die miserably!” Nie Long roared, unwilling to accept his fate.

“You’re the one who’s going to die!” Xiao Chen snorted coldly, swung his sword fiercely, and decapitated Nie Long.
Chapter 974


Upon witnessing Nie Long’s severed head, everyone in attendance was left in shock.

No one could have anticipated just how ruthless and merciless Xiao Chen could be.

One moment, he was greeting people with a warm smile, treating them as allies, and in the next, he was beheading them.

It was an exceedingly brutal act.


After a moment of stunned silence, the disciples from the Vajra sect were seething with anger.

However, before they could react, the prepared disciples from the Tianhe Sect had already preemptively attacked and killed them.

With a cacophony of screams, the majority of the Vajra disciples were quickly felled within the blink of an eye.

The remaining few were surrounded and dispatched by Xiao Chen, rendering them utterly defenseless.


Observing the ferocity of the Tianhe Sect disciples, those from the Bixia Sect became immediately wary.

Drawing their swords, they positioned themselves to fend off any threat, ready to retaliate.

“Xiao Chen! Your underhanded sneak attack is despicable!”

Shen Chong furrowed his brows and denounced angrily.

After all, the Tianhe Sect was a renowned and reputable sect, and resorting to such devious tactics was truly reprehensible and shameful.

“Haha… As long as you emerge victorious, the means you employ matter little,” Xiao Chen sneered without a hint of remorse, his pride evident.

The realm of Jianghu was a place where the strong preyed upon the weak. What did it matter if a few lives were taken for the sake of treasure?

“The victor writes the rules? Humph! Do you think you are assured of victory? Don’t forget, I’m here!” Shen Chong retorted sharply.


Xiao Chen responded dismissively, “Who do you think you are? How could a disciple from a second-tier sect dare to shout in my presence?”


“Dare you disrespect our senior brother? Beware for your life!” The disciples from the Bixia Sect immediately began to rebuke angrily.

Despite the formidable strength of the Tianhe Sect, they were not pushovers.

Furthermore, with Senior Brother present, he might not be an easy opponent to overcome.

“Xiao! Don’t be too arrogant! If you have the courage, challenge me to a duel and we’ll see how you fare!” Shen Chong declared sternly.

“A one-on-one challenge? Fine, I’d like to see what you’re capable of,” Xiao Chen raised his fingers disdainfully.

The reason he had launched a sneak attack on Nie Long was out of caution.

As for Shen Chong and his group, he hadn’t paid them any attention whatsoever.

“Make way! I must teach him a lesson today!” Shen Chong’s confidence soared.

“Brother! Xiao Chen is exceptionally strong; don’t act recklessly!” Shen Yao cautioned hurriedly.

“Don’t worry, as long as I’m here, he won’t be able to stir up any significant trouble. You just stand aside and watch the battle. I’ll defeat him within a hundred moves!” Shen Chong oozed confidence.

In group battles, the outcome was uncertain, but when it came to one-on-one combat, he had never feared anyone.

“Enough talk! Watch my sword!” Xiao Chen dispensed with words and thrust his sword forward.

The speed was incredibly swift, and the angle, cunning, making it challenging to defend against.

“Another sneak attack? Shameless!” Shen Chong had already prepared himself, swinging his longsword to meet the challenge head-on.

A battle between the two was imminent.

Both were innate masters and senior brothers in their respective sects, having access to the best training resources and inheriting the true teachings of their masters.

The outcome of their battle wasn’t merely about winning or losing; it also reflected upon their sect’s honor and their own life and death.

Hence, as soon as they engaged, both went all out, with no restraint, attacking each other with lethal intent.

Xiao Chen’s swordplay was swift and fierce, marked by superb technique. Every move and style was unpredictable, catching his opponent off guard.

Coupled with exceptional agility, he moved like a phantom, elusive and unpredictable.

As for Shen Chong, his swordsmanship was fierce, powerful, and backed by solid fundamentals.

When he swung his longsword, it carried a ferocious energy.

At first glance, it appeared formidable. However, once the initial momentum waned, defeat seemed inevitable.

“Clang, clang, clang…”

Shen Chong attacked relentlessly, his aura growing increasingly violent, and his strikes becoming more ferocious.

On the other hand, Xiao Chen wore a confident smile, easily parrying Shen Chong’s attacks.

It was almost as if he were toying with his opponent, like a cat playing with a mouse.
Chapter 975

“If we keep on fighting, your senior brother is bound to be defeated,” Dustin finally broke his silence upon witnessing the unfolding situation.

Originally meant as a cautionary remark, Dustin’s words were met with immediate pushback from the disciples of the Bixia Sect.

“Nonsense! Our senior brother possesses immense power and unparalleled swordsmanship. How can he possibly be defeated?” one of them retorted.

“That’s right! Just look closely, our senior brother has clearly gained the upper hand!”

“Hmph! They say ignorance is bliss. If you don’t comprehend the situation, it’s best not to speak nonsense!”

The disciples were engaged in a heated exchange of words.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Shen Chong was currently dominating Xiao Chen, and victory for him seemed imminent.

However, the individual in their midst not only refrained from cheering for their senior brother but also resorted to sarcasm. How unfortunate!

“Brother Lu, you might not be acquainted with my senior brother,” Han Yi proudly introduced, “He is among the top three in the younger generation of Youzhou in terms of strength. He’s known as the Jade-Faced Little Flying Dragon, and he’s defeated numerous masters. Dealing with someone like Xiao Chen shouldn’t pose a problem.”

“That’s right! Let’s watch and learn how our senior brother defeats his opponent!”

The disciples of the Bixia Sect held their heads high, brimming with confidence.

Dustin shook his head and remained silent.

These people were simply too blind.

As time passed, the battle grew increasingly intense.

Shen Chong was clearly struggling, drenched in sweat, and panting heavily.

“Behold the might of my Bixia sword skills!” Shen Chong gritted his teeth and unleashed his ultimate move.

He swung his longsword with blistering speed. In an instant, the sword’s radiance engulfed the surroundings, the wind roared, and sand and pebbles scattered.

The entire area within a three-meter radius was bathed in the brilliance of his sword, showcasing its formidable power.

“Look! Senior brother has unleashed his ultimate technique!”

“Hahaha… Once Bixia’s sword skills are unleashed, Xiao Chen is bound to be defeated!”

“Lu! Open your eyes and witness our senior brother’s power!”

The Bixia Sect disciples were jubilant, believing that victory was within their grasp.

However, as soon as they finished speaking, a scream of agony pierced the air.

Xiao Chen’s sword had pierced Shen Chong’s abdomen, sending him sprawling to the ground, blood gushing from his mouth.

“Elder brother?!”

Upon witnessing this unexpected turn of events, the Bixia Sect disciples were left dumbfounded, their faces etched with shock.

Hadn’t Shen Chong just been in control of the battle?

Why had he suddenly been defeated?

What on earth had happened?

“You… you actually broke through?!” Shen Chong’s eyes widened in disbelief. He had never expected Xiao Chen to effortlessly shatter his most potent attack.

“Hmph! I was just toying with you. Did you honestly take it seriously?” Xiao Chen sneered, a look of disdain crossing his face. “With your level of skill, you’re not even fit to tie my shoelaces.”

“You—” Shen Chong seethed with anger and coughed up another mouthful of blood.

“Since you’ve lost, then accept your fate!” Xiao Chen raised his longsword and prepared to strike again.


“Protect Senior Brother!”

In response to this dire situation, the Bixia Sect disciples rushed forward in a desperate attempt to shield their senior brother.

“Don’t overestimate yourselves!” Xiao Chen snarled coldly and swung his longsword horizontally.

“Whoosh!” A brilliant white sword beam shot forth, resembling a massive scythe as it swept towards the Bixia Sect disciples.

The expressions on their faces changed rapidly, and they hurriedly raised their swords to defend against the impending onslaught.

“Bang, bang, bang…”

A series of explosions followed as all the disciples of the Bixia Sect were sent reeling, spewing blood as they were flung backward.

It was clear they stood no chance against their adversary.
Chapter 976

“How can this be?!”

Witnessing the Bixia disciple who spat blood and collapsed to the ground, Shen Yao and Han Yi couldn’t help but appear horrified.

They were situated in the innermost position, leaving them no time to rush forward for aid.

As a result, they were subjected to a shocking sight. Over ten elites from the Bixia Sect were swept away by Xiao Chen’s blade, and the shock was so profound that they coughed up blood and were propelled backward.

This strength was nothing short of terrifying!

“A bunch of incompetents! How dare you challenge me? What pitiful ants!”

Xiao Chen pointed his sword at an angle, wearing a look of disdain on his face.

He had recently engaged in a duel with Shen Chong, and now he was merely looking for some amusement.

Having had enough fun, it was time to conclude things.

“Senior Brother, you’re truly exceptional and mighty!”

“Hmph! If a second-rate sect dares to oppose us, it’s practically committing suicide!”

At this moment, the disciples of the Tianhe Sect laughed triumphantly.

After dealing with the Bixia Sect, the treasure would be theirs.

“Elder brother! Those ladies over there are as lovely as roses. It’d be a shame to kill them. Why don’t we have some fun first?”

One of the Hemen disciples suddenly pointed at Shen Yao and the others, a wicked grin on his lips.


Xiao Chen took the opportunity to nod with interest. “Indeed, they are quite appealing. The best, one might say. If you wish to enjoy, do so quickly and don’t dawdle.”

“Hey! Thank you, senior brother!”

The Tianhe Sect disciples instantly became elated.

Their eyes gleamed with desire and anticipation.

“Mei Yao! Make a run for it! I’ll hold them off!”

Recognizing that the situation was dire, Shen Chong clenched his teeth and stood up resolutely.

He was well aware that if his sister fell into the hands of the Tianhe Sect, her life would undoubtedly be worse than death.

These individuals had lost all semblance of humanity. “If we perish together, I can’t leave you alone!”

Shen Yao slowly raised her blade, appearing prepared to face her fate.

“Stop being brave! Get away from here!”

Shen Chong turned around and shouted.

As long as he could keep his sister safe, risking his life was worth it.

“Xiao Yi! Take Brother Lu and the rest and escape!”

Shen Yao remained steadfast, her gaze resolute.

“Second Senior Sister! I won’t leave you; I want to stay with you!”

Tears welled up in Han Yi’s eyes. Though frightened, she refused to back down.

“Don’t be foolish. You can’t help here. Go and seek help from Master quickly. I will delay these people. If Master arrives swiftly, there may still be hope!” Shen Yao declared solemnly.

“Second Senior Sister…”

Han Yi’s eyes filled with tears, and she felt a sense of helplessness.

She knew that departing might mean bidding farewell forever.

“Don’t stand there stunned; flee quickly, before it’s too late!”

Shen Yao urged anxiously.

Having one person survive was better than losing the entire group.

“Let me handle it.”

Just as Han Yi hesitated, Lu Chen suddenly stood up and said, “I’ll deal with the Tianhe Sect and the others.”

Shen Yao and Han Yi were both capable, and he couldn’t just stand idly by.

“Hey! What are you saying? Even I can’t handle them; why do you think you can?” Shen Chong retorted angrily.

“Brother Lu, don’t be reckless. If you can escape, do so. Don’t die in vain!” Shen Yao frowned.

Who was Xiao Chen?

He was the senior disciple of the Tianhe Sect and a widely acknowledged swordsmanship prodigy in Yuzhou.

Even her brother had been easily defeated; a relatively unknown figure like Lu Chen didn’t stand a chance.

“Don’t worry, they’re no match for me,” Lu Chen responded calmly.

Upon hearing this, the Tianhe Sect disciples were momentarily taken aback before bursting into laughter.

“Boy! Do you even know what you’re saying? Who gave you the audacity to spout such nonsense?”

“Oh – I remember! This fellow is the simpleton from the inn yesterday!”

“Humph! You got lucky yesterday, but your luck won’t hold today!”

The Tianhe Sect disciples sneered, treating him as if he were a fool.
Chapter 977

“Who’s that then? If you can parry my three blades, I might spare your life!”

Xiao Chen grinned playfully, slowly lifting his sword.

“Really? I’d like to see just how formidable your swordsmanship is.”

Dustin’s demeanor remained steady as he advanced.

“Brother Dustin!”

Shen Yao’s expression shifted, and she hastily grasped Dustin’s wrist, urging him, “Xiao Chen’s strength is a mystery. You stand little chance. It’s best if you make a quick exit!”

“Yes, Brother Dustin! This individual is incredibly menacing. It’s like bringing a pea shooter to a cannon fight!” Han Yi chimed in.

“People named Dustin! Quit causing a ruckus here! Take Yaomei and the rest and depart at once. You can’t manage this situation!” Shen Chong hollered.

“That’s right! Even our senior fellow can’t best Xiao Chen. Do you really think you can turn the tables? Let’s go!”

In this moment, the disciples of the Bixia Sect voiced their concerns in unison.

Though they were dissatisfied with Chase Dustin, they didn’t wish to see him perish needlessly.

“Don’t fret; it’s just Xiao Chen. I haven’t taken him seriously yet.”

Dustin remained composed, showing no signs of concern, and continued his advance.

“Brother Dustin!”

Shen Yao tried to halt him but realized that disciples from the Tianhe Sect were gradually encircling him.

“It’s all over… it’s all over… Brother Dustin is beyond redemption!”

Han Yi panicked, as if he had already envisioned Dustin’s impending demise.

“This bloke simply has no regard for his own life!”

Shen Chong’s face betrayed his exasperation.

“He’s as stubborn as an ox! Utterly thickheaded!”

The disciples of the Bixia Sect shook their heads and sighed.

“Hmph! Doesn’t know his place, yet he dares to challenge our senior fellow? I can’t wait to see how he meets his end!”

The disciples of the Tianhe Sect sneered repeatedly, as if they were enjoying a spectacle.

“Come on then, let’s have at it.” Dustin placed one hand behind his back, extended the other, and gestured for Xiao Chen to approach.

This provocative gesture seemed to belittle him in the eyes of the onlookers.

“Since you’re so keen on embracing your doom, I’ll gladly oblige!”

Xiao Chen grinned menacingly and took a light step forward.


He catapulted forward like an arrow released from a bowstring, at a terrifying velocity.

“Flying beads and splashing jade!”

Xiao Chen bellowed, and suddenly, his longsword erupted with a blinding radiance that rapidly expanded, reaching a length of three meters in an instant.

At a glance, it resembled a colossal sword.

“What incredible speed! Such a razor-sharp sword beam! Who would’ve thought that Dustin’s first strike would be a lethal one!”

“This lad certainly has some nerve to face his doom by the hand of our senior fellow!”

The disciples of the Tianhe Sect brimmed with confidence, as if victory were within their grasp.

“It’s all over! This chap is done for!”

The disciples of the Bixia Sect wore gloomy expressions, resigned to the grim outcome.

“Brother Dustin, move!”

Shen Yao and Han Yi were terrified, their faces drained of color as they implored.

That sword was unstoppable!

Blocking it meant certain death!


Observing the formidable sword beam, Dustin suddenly moved.

He neither sidestepped nor dodged but simply thrust his fist forward.

A plain and unremarkable move.




As the two forces collided, three consecutive explosions rang out.

With the first, the sword beam disintegrated!

With the second, the sword shattered!

With the third, Xiao Chen was sent flying!

The entire scene fell into a deathly hush.
Chapter 978


As Dustin suddenly burst into a crimson mist, it left everyone in utter shock.

The onlookers stood frozen, their faces contorted in fear as if they had glimpsed a specter.

Many even questioned if they were caught in the throes of a dream. How else could they explain such a surreal spectacle?

The highly esteemed disciple of the Tianhe Sect, a renowned swordsmanship prodigy in Yuzhou, a formidable figure who had effortlessly subdued all disciples of the Bixia Sect with a single stroke of his blade, had been defeated by an unidentified newcomer?

No, it wasn’t merely defeat!

To be precise, Dustin had obliterated him with a single punch!

With that lone punch, he reduced the man and his sword to smithereens, leaving no trace behind.

Could this still be considered the work of a human being?

Was it a monstrous act?

“How…how is this possible? Has Senior Brother truly perished?”

Staring at the blood-soaked ground, the disciples of the Tianhe Sect wore ashen expressions, their bodies trembling uncontrollably.

In their gaze, beyond the shock, there was an overwhelming sense of dread.

Accepting that their Senior Brother, the pride of their sect and a swordplay prodigy, had met his demise with just one punch was a bitter pill to swallow.

Simply inconceivable!

“Did I… read that correctly? Did this lad actually emerge victorious?!”

Shen Chong’s eyes widened, his face an epitome of disbelief.

When Xiao Chen drew his sword, he had been convinced Dustin was about to meet his end.

Yet, the outcome delivered an unprecedented blow to him.

“Oh dear! Have I attracted a genuine monster?”

Abigail swallowed hard, her pretty face etched with sheer astonishment.

“You vanquished Xiao Chen with a single move. Brother Dustin is incredibly formidable!”

Han Yi was overjoyed and shocked, almost leaping in jubilation. She had been genuinely concerned earlier that Xiao Chen’s blade might bring about Dustin’s demise.

Now, it appeared she had been overly anxious.

This enigmatic, cold-faced man concealed astonishing depths of skill beneath his exterior.

“What a prodigy!”

The disciples of the Bixia Sect exchanged astonished glances.

They had never fathomed that the unassuming Dustin possessed such formidable prowess.

Reflecting on their prior scorn and disdain, a pang of guilt washed over them.

They had unquestionably erred in their judgment this time.

“Hmph! What’s so surprising? If you had known my uncle was a master, you’d be just as astounded.”

Abigail mumbled to herself, her visage oozing with pride.

She took immense pride in having such a master.

“Daring to slay our Senior Brother? We’ll take you on!”

After their momentary shock, the disciples of the Tianhe Sect roared, brandishing their swords and advancing menacingly towards Dustin.

Facing them alone would undoubtedly be futile. In their eyes, numerical superiority was their only hope.

“Cease this arrogance!”

At that moment, a silver-haired old man descended from the heavens.

He extended his palm, directing a forceful strike from above.


A colossal wave of energy emanated from his palm, akin to Mount Tai descending from the heavens, surging inexorably down upon the disciples of the Tianhe Sect.


A thunderous crash ensued.
Chapter 979

A substantial pit resembling a handprint had been forcefully imprinted into the ground, composed of a mixture of rocks and earth!

Within the pit, more than a dozen disciples from the Tianhe Sect lay beneath the surface.

Some were gravely injured, spewing blood, while others had met an abrupt end.

A single palm strike had nearly wiped out the entire contingent of Tianhe Sect disciples.

It was truly astonishing how a mere palm strike could hold such sway!


Upon spotting the elderly gentleman, the disciples of the Bixia Sect found a renewed vigor, congregating around him as if they had found their refuge.

The old man none other than the leader of the Bixia Sect – Han Zhenzhi!

“Dad! You’ve finally arrived. We were on the brink of death just now!” Dustin rushed forward, her eyes red, teetering on the brink of tears.

“You, young lady! I’ve always urged you to practice diligently, but you turned a deaf ear. Now that danger looms, you suddenly realize fear, don’t you?” Han Zhenzhi chided sternly, hands folded behind his back.

“Dad! The enemy is incredibly formidable; even Senior Brother couldn’t contend with him. What could I have done?” Dustin pouted, feeling wronged.

“Yes, Master, the disciples of the Tianhe Sect are indeed formidable. We owe our lives to Brother Lu this time; otherwise, we might not have survived,” Shen Yao added, subtly taking credit for their survival.

“Well, I witnessed it myself.”

Han Zhenzhi nodded, casting a glance at Dustin before calmly remarking, “Young man, you seem quite capable. Whom do you wish to learn from?”

“I don’t belong to any sect,” Dustin replied.

“Oh? Are you self-taught?” Han Zhenzhi was intrigued and made an attempt to win him over. “Young man, I sense great potential in you. Since you lack a family or sect, you might consider becoming my disciple; this way, you’ll have a guardian in the future.”

“Apologies, but I have no intention of becoming a disciple at this time,” Dustin declined, shaking his head.

“Young man, this is an opportunity not to be squandered; it may not come around again. Do you understand how many individuals in Youzhou have yearned for the chance but were never deemed worthy of joining my sect? You’re fortunate,” Han Zhenzhi stated, maintaining an air of detachment.

“Yes, Brother Dustin! My master is a half-step master-level expert. Learning from him will undoubtedly be highly advantageous to your future!” Shen Yao chimed in, blinking. The Bixia Sect ranked second only to the Jiuding Sect in Youzhou, and her master stood as the second most esteemed figure in the region, rarely accepting disciples.

“Brother Dustin, my father is exceptionally formidable. Did you witness that strike just now? He instantly dispatched all the Tianhe Sect disciples. If you join my father’s sect, you won’t suffer any losses.” Dustin attempted to persuade him, hoping to establish a connection.

She was concerned that she might not have another opportunity to get closer to Dustin. If he agreed, he could become her junior brother.

“Make hay while the sun shines,” she thought.

“I appreciate Master Han’s generosity, but I cherish my independence and dislike constraints, so I’m not inclined to become a disciple,” Dustin responded.


Han Zhenzhi furrowed his brow, growing somewhat displeased. “Young man, you’d better contemplate this decision carefully. Numerous individuals aspire to be my disciples. I’m offering you a chance; do you comprehend?”

He had always been accustomed to refusing supplicants, and no one had ever dared to decline his offer. Accepting a disciple personally was already a significant mark of respect, and yet this young man before him seemed utterly unappreciative.

“Hey! You have the privilege of being mentored by a renowned master, while others can only dream of it. Why can’t you see the value?” Shen Chong couldn’t contain himself any longer.

Being esteemed by one’s master was a lifelong honor, a dream coveted by many. Yet Dustin appeared oblivious to its significance.

What a foolish decision!

“Master Han, thank you for your kind offer, but for now, I must decline,” Dustin reaffirmed.

“Young man, do you look down on me, or do you think I’m incapable of instructing you?” Han Zhenzhi narrowed his eyes, his displeasure deepening.

He had exhibited great generosity and extended numerous invitations, but this youth was proving frustratingly ungrateful.

“Master, your power is truly extraordinary; how could Brother Dustin be dissatisfied? Perhaps he hasn’t given it enough thought yet. Given time and your presence, he will likely come to understand,” Shen Yao interceded, attempting to smooth things over.

“Yes, Dad, our top priority right now is not recruitment but treasure hunting. We mustn’t let this distract us,” Dustin added, eager to avoid any discord.

Although she felt a twinge of regret, she didn’t want to pressure Chase Lu, fearing it might backfire and create resentment.

“Young man, I’ll grant you three days to mull it over. Within that time, if you change your mind, you’re welcome to approach me at any moment. After three days, even if you’re willing to bang your head against a wall, I won’t entertain your request. You must weigh your decision carefully!” Han Zhenzhi declared, then turned on his heels and strode into the tomb.

The Tomb of Gu Qingmei was the day’s main attraction, and he couldn’t let a young upstart dampen his spirits.

“Hmph! The most foolish decision you’ve ever made is rejecting my master. You’ll rue the day!” Shen Chong muttered under his breath before leading the Bixia Sect disciples into the tomb.

It was an opportunity for Dustin to ascend to new heights, but he seemed to have no appreciation for it—a genuine missed opportunity.

“Brother Dustin, my master can be a bit straightforward; please don’t take it to heart,” Shen Yao said, slightly embarrassed.

The issue of accepting a disciple had nearly led to a confrontation.

“It’s alright, just a minor matter,” Dustin dismissed.

“Agreed; let’s put it behind us. We should venture further into the tomb and see what treasures it holds,” Han Yi urged, his excitement tinged with apprehension.

“Brother Dustin, lead the way!”

Shen Yao smiled warmly and hastened to follow along with the others.

As they entered the tomb, the surroundings plunged into pitch darkness, making it impossible to discern anything.

Everyone was prepared, producing flashlights to pierce the gloom.

By the dim light, they could see that the tomb was vast and seemingly endless, its depths shrouded in obscurity, offering no glimpse of its terminus.
Chapter 980

Upon witnessing Han Zhenzhi’s confrontational demeanor, Dustin’s impatience became evident.

The choice of mentorship hinges entirely on personal preference; there’s no room for coercion. Besides, what credentials does a mere half-step master possess to become his mentor?

“Master, your power is truly astounding. How could Brother Dustin be dissatisfied? Perhaps he just needs some time to mull it over. Once he witnesses your expertise, he’ll naturally come to appreciate it,” Shen Yao interjected, seeking to defuse the escalating tension.

“Yes, Dad, our current priority should be on cherishing the treasures, not recruiting disciples. Let’s not stall our business,” Han Yi chimed in, offering support.

Although she felt a twinge of regret, Han Yi didn’t want to push Dustin too hard and risk creating unpleasantness.

“Young man, I’ll give you three days to consider it. Within that time, if you have a change of heart, you’re welcome to approach me anytime. After three days, even if you regret it, I won’t reconsider. The decision is yours to weigh,” Han Zhenzhi declared before nonchalantly strolling into the tomb.

Today’s highlight is the Tomb of Meskill, and Han Zhenzhi didn’t want some youngster’s attitude to spoil it.

“Hmph! The most foolish thing you’ll ever do in your life is to decline my master. You’ll come to regret it,” Shen Chong muttered as he led the Bixia Sect disciples into the tomb.

It’s an opportunity to elevate oneself, but failing to recognize it is sheer folly.

“Dustin, my master can be a bit blunt, please don’t take it to heart,” Shen Yao offered with a hint of embarrassment, given the earlier disciple-recruitment disagreement.

“It’s nothing, just a minor matter,” Dustin shrugged it off.

“Alright, let’s not dwell on the past. Let’s go inside and see what treasures the tomb holds,” Han Yi said, a mixture of anticipation and nervousness.

“Dustin, please lead the way!”

With a faint smile, Shen Yao followed along with the others.

Inside the tomb, darkness enveloped the surroundings, making it impossible to see beyond one’s reach. Prepared, they all pulled out their torches.

The tomb appeared vast and deep, extending far beyond their line of sight. A damp, musty odor lingered in the air, accompanied by the occasional sound of dripping water.

“Look at these footprints; it seems someone arrived before us. We need to hurry!” Han Zhenzhi, leading the way, urged the group forward.

They had no choice but to quicken their pace.

After walking for about the time it takes to finish a cup of tea, a spacious stone chamber suddenly came into view.

As they entered the chamber, they noticed several opened boxes strewn across the floor. It was clear that someone had already been here.

Surveying the surroundings, they spotted three sealed stone doors, each pointing in a different direction.

“Damn it! We’re a step too late!” Han Zhenzhi wore a displeased expression, his frustration evident.

They had finally found the tomb, only to discover it had already been plundered. What a stroke of bad luck!

“Master! There’s something over there!” Shen Zhi suddenly pointed to the center.

Everyone turned to look and saw a peculiar magic circle in the middle of the chamber, filled with mysterious symbols. At its center, a pitch-black sword was embedded in the ground, with only the hilt protruding.

Though still sheathed, the sword’s sharpness was unmistakable, clearly not of ordinary make.

In front of the sword, there were inscribed words: [The heavens birthed this weapon to vanquish evil spirits; only a chosen one can wield it].

“There’s actually something here!” Han Zhenzhi’s eyes gleamed with excitement as he rushed forward.

Yet, as he neared the magic circle, he suddenly halted, his gaze turning wary.

Meskill was a formidable martial artist, and given the caliber of the opponent, setting a trap here could easily eliminate a martial master.

He needed to be cautious.

“A Diao, go and extract the sword for me!” Han Zhenzhi glanced back and pointed at one of the burly disciples.

“Me?” A Diao swallowed nervously, sensing the gravity of the task.

He wasn’t foolish; he knew the sword was no ordinary artifact, or it would have been taken long ago.

“Don’t fret; your master will watch over you, ensuring your safety. Go on.” Han Zhenzhi reassured him.

“Very well,” A Diao conceded, mustering his courage and stepping into the magic circle.

Fortunately, there was no reaction from the circle.

He cautiously gripped the sword’s hilt with one hand and exerted force to pull it free.

The Black Sword remained unresponsive.

“Huh?” A Diao found the lack of reaction rather puzzling.
Chapter 981

With his might, it’s no trouble at all to bear several thousand kilograms. So why can’t he draw the sword?

“Give it another go,” Han Zhenzhi encouraged.

A Diao didn’t dare to hesitate. She took a deep breath, grasped the hilt of the sword with both hands, and began to pull with all her might.

For a moment, her veins stood out, her face turned crimson, and she strained with all her might.

The ebony sword didn’t budge an inch, remaining utterly unresponsive.

“Master, I can’t do it. It won’t come out,” A Diao admitted, breathless and drenched in sweat.

“Waste! You can’t even draw a sword. Allow me,” Nathan declared, exasperated. He stepped forward and gently pushed A Diao aside.

He then spat into his palms and rubbed them vigorously.

With determined resolve, Nathan gripped the hilt with both hands, took a deep breath, channelled all his energy, and yanked with all his might!

Yet, the Black Sword remained obstinately in place, showing no deference whatsoever.

“Blast it! I refuse to believe it!” Nathan growled, frowning. Refusing to give up, he tried again and again.

The result was unchanged.

The black sword rested there quietly, as though it was an integral part of the entire mountain.

“Master, there’s something peculiar about this sword. It seems impervious to extraction,” Nathan confessed, embarrassed and defeated. He ultimately chose to concede. “Seems like you’ll have to take matters into your own hands.”

“Hmph! To be foiled by a mere sword. I shudder to think you’re my disciple. It’s a source of great embarrassment!” Han Zhen declared sternly, hands clasped behind his back.

He approached the black sword, circled it cautiously, then extended a hand, firmly seizing the hilt and pulling upwards.

The black sword remained immobile.

“Um?” Han Zhenzhi’s brow furrowed slightly. He increased the force, yet the black sword remained unmoved.

Under the watchful gaze of his disciples, Han Zhenzhi felt a pang of embarrassment. Ultimately, he dismounted from his horse, using both hands to grip the hilt and pulling with all his might.

The black sword remained unmoved.

“Wake up for me!” Han Zhenzhi roared, releasing a surge of energy.


The entire stone chamber quaked, debris rained down, and dust billowed.

It was akin to an earthquake, thoroughly unsettling.

Yet, even as the chamber continued to tremble, the black sword remained still.

“This is too much! To be thwarted so! It’s utterly unfathomable!” Han Zhen gritted his teeth, his efforts in vain. In the end, he grew incensed, giving the hilt two sharp kicks to vent his frustration.

“Is this some kind of sorcery? Could the sword be counterfeit? Why else would it be so inert?”

“Even our Master is stymied. Who in the world could hope to draw it forth?”

“This sword was born from the heavens to vanquish malevolence. It may only befit its chosen bearer. Could it be the sword still seeks its rightful owner?”

They exchanged puzzled glances, murmuring amongst themselves.

“Let me try,” Dustin interjected.

At this juncture, Dustin stepped forward unexpectedly.

The black sword struck a chord within him, striking an inexplicable chord of familiarity and affinity.

It was as though two old acquaintances had serendipitously reunited.

“Hmph! If my Master can’t budge it, what hope is there for you?” Nathan scoffed, rolling his eyes in disdain.

“The sword possesses a spirit. Mere brute force won’t avail you,” Dustin declared, shutting his eyes and immersing himself in the enigmatic resonance.

“Nonsense! It’s a mere sword. How could it possibly discern the hearts of men?”

“Young man, don’t overestimate your abilities. Our Master could not prevail, so what makes you think you can? You’re merely inviting ridicule!”

The disciples of the Bixia Sect sneered and gossiped. Their Master, a half-step master-level expert, couldn’t even budge the sword. What chance did this stranger have?

“Humph! The younger generation truly lacks an appreciation for the breadth of the world,” Han Zhenzhi commented icily. “Do you genuinely believe you surpass me? Even I stand powerless. How do you expect to conjure a miracle?”

“I make this proclamation today. No one shall draw this sword, not even deities! If you possess such ability, I will kneel here and now, pledging allegiance to you!”

As he spoke, Dustin abruptly opened his eyes.

In a flash of ebony brilliance, Dustin raised two fingers, pointed at the airborne sword, and proclaimed, “Rise!”

“Qiang!” A soft ring.

The black sword shot up from the ground, akin to a black dragon emerging from its lair. It twirled twice in the air before descending directly into Dustin’s grasp.

Han Zhenzhi stood rooted to the spot, utterly thunderstruck.

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