Understated Dominance - Chapter 905 to 1100

Understated Dominance translated by Marina Vitori follow here (Original version)👇👇👇

I will send updates when I can. But if you think I am being late you can translate this from the Chinese version. Link provided below 👇👇

New translation will come with new name characters and if you spot mistakes due to different people translating this you would understand.

You are all allowed to post your translation here if you can. Anybody can translate and post here
Chapter 1011: The Duel’s Turning Point

“Um?” Jan Crane and the others exchanged startled glances, their expressions shifting from confidence to sheer panic. Instinctively, they took a few steps back, fear washing over them like an icy wave.

In this very moment, a palpable sense of impending doom overcame them, causing beads of cold sweat to form on their foreheads and their scalps to tingle. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that a single blow from Edmund Robinson could severely injure or even kill all three of them.

“Master Edmund, you’d better think twice. If you act recklessly, you won’t leave this place alive,” Jan Crane warned, her voice quivering.

“I am a man on borrowed time. If I can buy my daughter a chance at survival before my end, it’s a bargain,” Edmund Robinson retorted, his eyes gleaming with resolve.

Hearing this, the three of them frowned deeply, their expressions growing even more grim. They had no intention of meeting their demise alongside this deranged adversary.

“Master Edmund, if you truly care for your daughter’s fate, consider this: I will pledge to release her unharmed, but the price of sparing her life is your own.” Jan Crane shifted her approach, attempting to reason.

“That’s right! Your daughter’s life hinges on your demise!” Alexander Cheng chimed in.

“Will you honor your word?” Edmund Robinson inquired.

“I am a person of my word, renowned throughout the world,” Jan Crane declared with unwavering confidence.

“Edmund Robinson, first, you must relinquish your martial prowess, and I swear not to harm your daughter,” Alexander Cheng added with a solemn vow.

“Geez, God cherishes life and spares the innocent,” Master Jason intoned, nodding sagely.

“Very well! All three of you are esteemed martial artists. I trust your word. Today, I shall use my broken body to secure my daughter’s future!” Edmund Robinson turned away, his gaze briefly meeting that of his daughter, Abigail. He smiled faintly and whispered, “My dear, take care of yourself.”

“No – don’t! Please, no!” Abigail cried out frantically, shaking her head vigorously with a shrill voice.

Before he could finish his farewell, Edmund Robinson suddenly thrust his palm into his own chest.


An explosion resounded as a mist of blood erupted into the air. Edmund Robinson’s body convulsed, his meridians severed, and his entire cultivation base utterly destroyed. He fell to the ground like a fallen mountain, the battle’s momentum irrevocably altered.

“No–!!” Abigail’s anguished cry filled the air as she rushed forward, her movements fueled by desperation, and cradled her dying father, Edmund Robinson, in her trembling arms.

Seeing her father bathed in his own blood, her heart shattered into a million pieces, and tears flowed freely down her face.

“Why? Why? Why are you doing this?!” she wailed, clutching her father’s hand and sobbing uncontrollably.

“Silly girl, I’m already on the brink of death. It’s a worthwhile trade to ensure your safety,” Edmund Robinson mustered a faint smile, his voice barely a whisper.

“No! I don’t want you to sacrifice yourself! I won’t allow it!” Abigail protested vehemently.

“Stay strong! I’ll rush you to the hospital right away!” Abigail cried as she hoisted her father onto her back.

“Girl, it’s futile,” Edmund Robinson replied, shaking his head gently. “Truth be told, I should have passed away a decade ago, but I couldn’t bear to leave you. Now that you’ve grown into a fine young woman, it’s time for me to reunite with your mother.”

“No! I won’t let you die! You must live!” Abigail exclaimed, her voice laced with desperation.

“Silly girl, every living being must eventually face death. I’ve already been blessed with a longer life than most. In this lifetime, I’ve honored heaven and earth, the world, and everyone, but I’ve failed you,” Edmund Robinson admitted, his voice filled with self-reproach.

“No, no, no… it’s not like that!” Abigail vehemently denied, shaking her head while her heart ached.

“I’ve led a futile existence for so long, failing to do anything for you. Today, I’ve finally fulfilled my duty as your father,” Edmund Robinson confessed, his voice growing weaker. “Abigail, I’m genuinely proud and content to have a daughter like you. It’s you who gave me hope, brought me joy, and illuminated my otherwise dark life. Don’t cry, my dear. Live well; the future rests in your hands…”

Edmund Robinson struggled to raise his hand, attempting to wipe away his daughter’s tears. Yet, midway through the gesture, his hand fell heavily, and his strength began to fade.

A legend has passed into history.
Chapter 1012: A Tragic Farewell


Staring at Edmund Robinson’s lifeless form, Abigail stood frozen, tears streaming uncontrollably down her cheeks.

“Dad! Wake up… wake up… please wake up!”


Her piercing screams filled the air as she clutched her father’s lifeless body, her heart torn apart, and her world shattered.

Two lines of blood and tears welled up in her eyes, slowly tracing their path down her cheeks, falling to the ground.

She couldn’t fathom it, couldn’t accept the reality that her sole family member had departed so abruptly.

From now on, she would be utterly alone.

In this moment, she felt as though she had plunged into an abyss, lost in an unending darkness. The world around her had turned desolate.

“Hahaha… He’s dead! He’s finally dead!” Jan Crane, staring at Edmund Robinson’s lifeless form, couldn’t help but burst into raucous laughter. “What a fitting end! What a fitting end! This is how you deal with wicked heretics!”

“What’s the sense of being one of Five Grand Masters? What’s the sense of being a Poseidon? In the end, they all meet the same fate, don’t they?” Alexander Cheng sneered.

With Edmund Robinson’s demise, his lingering fear had finally dissipated.

“Geez, excellent, excellent,” Master Jason intoned, his palms pressed together, exhaling a heavy sigh.

“Seize them! Kill those two girls!” Jan Crane suddenly pointed at Abigail.

Her words sent shockwaves through the crowd. Hadn’t she just promised to spare them? What was happening now?

“Master Jan! What’s the meaning of this? You explicitly vowed not to pursue this further. Why are you retracting your word?” Azalea raised her eyebrows, her voice carrying the weight of her martial prowess.

She believed that as a distinguished martial artist, Jan Crane should uphold his promises.

“I never expected the other party to be so shameless, retracting their word in public and losing all sense of honor.”

“Hmph! Deception is a soldier’s greatest weapon. If I hadn’t stated my intentions, how could this monster have chosen to end his own life? Besides, my promise was only to refrain from taking action personally and to allow my disciples to deal with demons as they see fit,” Jan Crane proclaimed self-righteously.

“That’s right! We won’t kill you, but the disciples of the Soul-Suppressing Sect must uphold justice!” Alexander Cheng declared.

“Justice? You despicable individuals have the audacity to speak of justice?!” Azalea seethed, pointing at them and shouting, “You twist the truth, you are untrustworthy, and you parade around as righteous and upright while engaging in wicked deeds. You are nothing more than sanctimonious hypocrites, no better than animals!”


Jan Crane glared, her voice dripping with anger. “How dare you utter such arrogant words, little troublemaker? Attack! Eliminate them all to prevent future troubles!”

“Exterminate the evil spirits! Act in the name of justice!” Alexander Cheng raised his arms and cried out a rallying cry.

“Exterminate the evil spirits! Act in the name of justice!”

The disciples of the Soul-Suppressing Sect echoed his words, their voices resounding.

“Exterminate the evil spirits! Act in the name of justice! Kill them all!”

Without hesitation, the warriors surged forward, swords raised high.

With Edmund Robinson’s demise, they saw no further threats.

By eliminating the two women, they would secure their chance to obtain Alliance Sir Ronald’s true legacy, and the small fish would finally leap over the dragon’s gate.


Abigail staggered to her feet, her empty and lifeless gaze gradually giving way to a burning fury.

A potent hatred surged within her.

“We haven’t done anything wrong! Why do you want to kill them all?”

“My father didn’t harm anyone! Why did you push him to this end?”

“He sacrificed himself to save you, and this is how you repay his kindness?”




Abigail let out a long, mournful cry, her eyes turning crimson in an instant, and an overwhelming aura of malevolence erupted from her.

In an instant, malevolent winds swept through, and a bone-chilling coldness gripped the surroundings.

The temperature plummeted rapidly, and frost began to coat the ground.
Chapter 1013: The Awakening of the Phoenix

Within a ten-meter radius, every flower, plant, and tree succumbed to an icy embrace, frozen in place.

Behind Abigail, a phoenix pattern suddenly materialized.

This was the seal embedded within her very being.

Under the grip of overwhelming grief, pain, and hatred, the blood coursing through her veins began to stir, and the seal slowly shattered.

Threads of golden light emanated from her body.

Gradually, they coalesced into a colossal golden phoenix hovering in mid-air.

Its feathers radiated a kaleidoscope of colors, and each step it took glistened with brilliance.

Between its outstretched wings, celestial hues and auspicious omens adorned the sky.

Its eyes gazed down upon all creation, asserting its dominance as the king of birds.

The sovereign avian exhibited its full splendor.

“Go to hell… go to hell!”

“I’ll kill you… I’ll kill all of you!”

Abigail’s frenzied screams reverberated, her eyes bloodshot, her countenance twisted in fury.

Her once ebony hair began to turn stark white in this moment.

Starting from the roots, the transformation gradually advanced downward.

In just a few breaths, her entire body was adorned with a shock of white hair!

Following this, tendrils of dark deathly energy surged forth from her form.

The once-golden phoenix swiftly succumbed to the encroachment of this malevolent energy.

In the blink of an eye, the formerly sacred golden phoenix had transformed into a malefic black phoenix!

Its eyes bore the weight of murderous intent, ferocity, hatred, and boundless resentment.

It resembled the horrors of the Infinity Hell Fire, sending a shiver down the spines of all who beheld it.

“Demon, witch! She, she, she… she’s a true sorceress!”

Fear and trepidation overcame the onlookers, causing them to halt in their tracks, their faces etched with terror.

No one had foreseen such a shocking transformation.

The malevolent black phoenix bore a semblance to a deity of death, exuding an aura that seemed capable of annihilating the world.

“What’s happening? How can such a terrifying power lie dormant within this little demon girl?!” Jan Crane and the other three martial artists appeared horrified, facing what seemed like an insurmountable foe.

Even as seasoned martial arts masters, they felt the specter of death looming over them in this moment, a threat even more formidable than Edmund Robinson’s before.

“I’m going to kill you!”

“Go to hell!!”

Abigail’s eyes were on the verge of bursting, and the black energy enveloping her surged forth.

“Hold your heads high!”

A high-pitched screech pierced the air.

The malevolent black phoenix, seemingly obeying a command, spread its wings and soared into the sky, transforming into a streak of black lightning that crashed into the crowd.


The three martial arts experts were gripped by sheer terror, their scalps tingling. Without a second thought, they turned and fled at an astounding speed.

Meanwhile, the disciples under their tutelage were engulfed by the black phoenix before they could even react.


Wherever the Black Phoenix passed, devastation followed in its wake, unstoppable and all-consuming. Whether it was a person or an object, anything it touched was instantly vaporized, leaving not a trace behind.

Even Dustin and Ronald Reeds, who had been locked in a fierce battle, were separated on the battlefield by the Black Phoenix’s onslaught, forced to flee for their lives.

The black phoenix swept through everything in its path, propelling itself for thousands of meters before finally detonating, transforming into a powerful hurricane that swept through half of the forest.

Birds scattered in all directions, and wild beasts fled in a frenzy.

In the aftermath, a long and deep chasm emerged seemingly out of thin air, a testament to the Black Phoenix’s recent passage, leaving nothing but desolation in its wake.

As for the hundreds of warriors who had been encircled and attacked just moments ago, nearly half of them had evaporated into nothingness.

The survivors were left in a state of sheer shock and disbelief.

One by one, they lay sprawled on the ground, trembling uncontrollably.

The overwhelming might of the phoenix had sent shockwaves through the world, leaving all who witnessed it in awe and overwhelming the common folk.
Chapter 1014: The Awakening of the Witch
“Death! I want all of you to die!”

Abigail screamed in anguish and fury, her eyes aflame with red, her white hair billowing around her like a madwoman.

Suddenly, her body convulsed, and she spat out a mouthful of blood.

Her vision dimmed, and she collapsed to the ground where she stood.

The recent outburst had drained her of every ounce of energy and vitality, leaving her utterly spent.

Now, she lay helpless and vulnerable, at the mercy of anyone who approached.

“Abigail? Abigail!”

Azalea rose in despair, rushing to Abigail’s side. Upon confirming that she was still alive, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Indeed, she was of the Mystic Arts Order’s Saint lineage, and once the seal was broken, her true potential was unleashed. Surviving this ordeal would signify her rebirth, like a phoenix rising from its ashes.

“It’s terrifying! The power she just displayed was utterly devastating!”

“She’s truly a witch! A witch among us!”

Seeing the chaos strewn around them, onlookers were shocked, fearful, and slightly unnerved all at once.

They had never imagined that such an overwhelming force could surge from the fragile frame of a young girl.

“Damn! That was close! I could have perished just now!” Alexander Cheng swallowed hard, his face still pale with lingering fear.

Had he taken a direct hit, even as a martial arts master, he would have been reduced to nothing in an instant.

“Who is this witch? Why is she so terrifying?” Jan Crane furrowed his brow deeply, a shiver running down his spine.

While he was relieved to have survived the ordeal, a lingering unease gripped him.

“Evil spirits of this magnitude must be eradicated, or they will bring calamity upon us all!” Master Jason’s countenance grew stern, his normally compassionate eyes now brimming with murderous resolve.

“Indeed! This witch conceals tremendous power within her. If we don’t eliminate her today, we may face grave consequences in the future!” Alexander Cheng concurred with a sense of urgency.

These individuals had effectively driven Edmund Robinson to his death and bore a grudge against Abigail for avenging her father’s death. The two sides were locked in a life-and-death struggle.

Allowing this “tiger” to return to the “mountain” would undoubtedly lead to endless troubles.

“What are you all waiting for? This demon girl poses a grave threat to the martial arts world! Whoever can slay her will be hailed as a hero by the entire martial community!” Jan Crane suddenly shouted.

“Kill the witch! Uphold justice!” Alexander Cheng raised his arms and bellowed.

“We must seize this opportunity and eliminate her. If she wakes up, we’ll suffer the consequences!”

“Absolutely! We must kill her, or we’ll all meet our end!”

“Kill, kill, kill! Slay the witch!”

Seeing Abigail lying unconscious, their resolve was renewed.

One by one, they brandished their weapons, chanting death, and charged forward to execute her.

Leaving the roots untouched would only lead to future troubles, and the threat posed by the witch was too great. In this dire situation, it was a matter of life or death.

“Who dares to harm my disciple!”

Dustin descended from the sky, taking his stance in front of Abigail.

His demeanor radiated murderous intent, his eyes gleaming with ferocity.

The formidable pressure of a grandmaster sent shockwaves through the onlookers, causing them to halt once more.

He had been locked in combat with Ronald Reeds, with no opportunity to intervene as they witnessed Edmund Robinson’s tragic fate.

Fortunately, the Black Phoenix’s cataclysmic assault had created a temporary separation on the battlefield, granting him the chance to safeguard Abigail.

“Boy! This demon girl has harmed countless people. Are you really going to protect her?” Jan Crane demanded sharply.

“Hmph! I don’t think you’re any better, consorting with evil spirits! Leave now or you’ll be held accountable for her crimes!” Alexander Cheng warned.

In their eyes, the current Abigail posed a greater threat than Dustin.

“What kind of witch? It’s all nonsense!” Dustin sneered coldly. “You are a bunch of scoundrels, motivated solely by self-interest, twisting right and wrong, bullying the weak, and committing despicable and shameless acts. You parade around as righteous, yet you destroy innocent lives and families. You are the real monsters!”

Chapter 1015: The Defiant Challenge
Jan Crane glared, asserting, “We aim to eliminate threats to the people and protect the common folk. If you persist in this, you will become the enemy of the entire martial arts world!”

“That’s right! Seize him immediately, or you’ll be marked as a public enemy of the martial arts world!” Alexander Cheng declared.

“Geez, may you cast aside the butcher’s knife and attain Buddhahood.” Master Jason joined his palms in prayer, adopting a compassionate visage.

“Protect the common people? Becoming a public enemy of the martial arts world?”

Dustin smiled disdainfully, his expression dripping with sarcasm. “If the martial arts world is filled with scoundrels like you, if the world blurs the line between right and wrong, good and evil, and if everyone supports the wrongdoer while showing ingratitude – then today, I am willing to be the enemy of the entire martial arts world!”

“If you brand me a demon, then I shall become one; if you accuse me of being wicked, then I shall embrace wickedness!”

“I have only one decree: anyone who dares to harm my apprentice will meet their end!”

“Doubt me? Step forward and test your fate!”

“Let’s see if I, with my devilish nature, can drag you so-called righteous individuals into the abyss!”


With these words, Dustin took a sudden step forward.

His entire being exuded an aura of malevolence and seething murderous intent, akin to a demon descending upon the world, sending shivers down the spines of those around him.

Even Jan Crane and the others were momentarily taken aback.

Was this man out of his mind?

Daring to challenge the entire martial arts world? Was he inviting death?

“Don’t panic, everyone!”

At that moment, Ronald Reeds stepped forward, raising his voice, “He’s heavily wounded, his true energy depleted. He’s like a candle flickering in the wind. There’s nothing to fear!”

His words injected newfound courage into the assembled crowd.

After all this time, it turned out he was merely an empty threat.

“Everyone, heed my command and attack this monster together! Attack!”

As soon as he spoke, Ronald Reeds leaped into action, striking first.

With the martial arts leader at the forefront, everyone was galvanized, raising their swords in unison.


With a collective roar, the warriors surged forward, launching their final assault.

Witnessing the approaching onslaught, Dustin took a deep breath, raised his hand skyward, and let out a resounding shout: ” Sky Sword!”


The sound of the unsheathed sword pierced the air.

In an instant, a black light erupted from the ground, shooting straight into the heavens with the force of thunder!

Wherever this black light passed, it left devastation in its wake, unstoppable by any obstacle.

Due to its incredible speed, it carved a long black trail across the sky.

At first glance, it resembled a soaring black dragon!


Dustin’s expression was fierce as he swung his sword downward.


A soft, resonant hum filled the air.

The Sky Sword abruptly reversed course, transforming into a streak of black light, and descended with tremendous force upon the people below.

It struck the crowd like a cataclysmic celestial punishment.


A thunderous explosion echoed through the area as the sword energy erupted.

Thousands of black glows burst forth, tearing apart hundreds of warriors on the spot, reducing them to nothing.

Jan Crane lost his arm in an instant, blood gushing from the severed limb.

Alexander Cheng felt as if he had been struck by lightning, sent flying more than ten meters away, and vomiting blood.

Master Jason’s eyes were gouged out, his appearance unrecognizable, and he screamed in agony.

The Skycrane Sect, Soul-Suppressing Sect, Dabei Temple, and disciples from various sects suffered severe casualties.

The point where the Sky Sword had descended had become a nightmarish hell, with flesh and blood splattering in all directions!
Chapter 1016: A Formidable Foe
“What an astonishing sword!” Ronald Reeds exclaimed in terror, teleporting a hundred meters away, his heart racing with fear.

Upon seeing the Sky Sword emerge, he sensed that something was amiss and reacted swiftly.

Thankfully, his swift escape had saved him from suffering the same fate as Jan Crane and the others if the sword had struck him.

“Oh my god! He severely injured three grandmasters with a single strike and killed hundreds of martial artists. Is this man a human or a ghost?!”

“Monstrous! Truly monstrous!”

Neutral warriors stared blankly at the severed limbs and scattered body parts before them, their eyes wide with fear.

Their faces displayed a mixture of astonishment and terror.

They were fortunate not to have taken part in the earlier siege; otherwise, they would be in dire straits now.

“This is incredible! He deserves to be hailed as a once-in-a-century young master!”

Emily couldn’t contain her excitement as she beheld the imposing figure.

He had single-handedly taken on multiple martial sects and vanquished them, leaving no survivors.

Such majesty was truly unparalleled.

“If there is someone willing to defy the entire martial arts world for my sake, I would die without regrets,” Vanessa mumbled to herself, her eyes gleaming with admiration.

What woman wouldn’t be drawn to such a remarkable talent who would go to such lengths to protect her?

“Could it be? Is he really going to take them all on alone?”

Henry Zheng and Nathan exchanged glances, their expressions a mixture of shock and trepidation.

Four grandmasters, accompanied by hundreds of martial artists, had launched a simultaneous attack on him.

According to all logic, Dustin should have met his end.

Instead, he had simply swung his sword and annihilated the entire group!

The situation was truly astonishing.

“Who dares to step forward and challenge me?!” Dustin raised his hand, and the Sky Sword landed firmly in his grasp.

Dustin exuded a potent aura of death, his face fierce and resolute.

The remaining two to three hundred warriors were utterly terrified. Their bodies quivered, and they couldn’t even maintain their grip on their weapons.

He had slaughtered a hundred individuals with a single sword strike. If he unleashed two more such strikes, wouldn’t they all be eradicated?

How could this man be so dreadfully powerful?!

“Since none of you dare to step forward, then leave!” Dustin shouted furiously.

“Let’s go! Quickly, let’s go!”

The warriors were utterly petrified, their fear overwhelming them as they scrambled to their feet and fled for their lives.

“Stop!” Ronald Reeds suddenly bellowed, “Everyone, please maintain your positions. This guy is drained of strength and can’t fight anymore!”

Hearing this, the warriors’ faces contorted in disbelief, and they were on the verge of cursing.

What on earth! You said the same thing earlier.

And what was the outcome?

Dustin had nearly annihilated them all with a single sword stroke!

“Sir Ronald, can we just let it go? Young and old, I don’t want to take any more chances,” pleaded a bald warrior with a mournful expression.

“Why? You don’t even trust my words?” Ronald Reeds’s expression darkened. “The sword strike from earlier depleted all of his inner energy. I can confidently say that this kid will never be able to unleash a second sword strike!”

“I don’t care anymore; I’m leaving,” the bald warrior replied, his fear palpable. He discarded his weapon and bolted.

Putting one’s own life on the line to test the sharpness of an opponent’s sword was an endeavor only a fool would undertake.

“Stop! I told you to stop!” Ronald Reeds shouted twice, but when he saw that the bald warrior paid no heed, he became irate. “Courting death!”

With that, he raised his hand and struck down with a palm from the air.


The bald warrior’s body exploded on the spot, torn to pieces.

Blood splattered across the ground, a gruesome sight that left everyone shocked and terrified.

No one had anticipated that Ronald Reeds would be so ruthless as to kill someone outright after a disagreement.

Wasn’t this level of cruelty excessive?

“Hmph! How can you, as upstanding individuals, fear demons?” Ronald Reeds cast a piercing gaze around and proclaimed righteously, “Our duty is to vanquish demons and uphold righteousness. Anyone who dares to desert today shouldn’t blame me for being merciless!”

His words sent ripples of unease through the crowd.

With no ability to fight and no way to escape, weren’t they being compelled to meet their deaths?

How could there be a martial arts leader like this?
Chapter 1017 – The Duel of Courage
Everyone in the room exchanged tense glances, their anger simmering just beneath the surface. However, they couldn’t openly voice their frustrations, not with Ronald Reeds’s formidable authority hanging over them.

Ronald Reeds spoke with a sinister grin, “You two, go eliminate that person (Dustin). Once it’s done, I’ll reward you handsomely!”

The room fell into an uncomfortable silence.

The faces of the two warriors turned ashen, and they began frantically waving their hands. “Sir Ronald! We can’t do it. Our strength pales in comparison, and we wouldn’t stand a chance!”

Ronald Reeds’s voice grew sharp as he snapped, “Enough of your excuses! Follow orders immediately, or face the consequences!”

The two warriors were visibly shaken, their fear nearly causing them to crumble. They found themselves trapped with only two options: face off against Dustin or suffer Ronald Reeds’s wrath.

Dustin, with a sudden burst of courage, challenged, “Ronald Reeds! What’s the point in sending these two as scapegoats? If you’re truly brave, come and face my blade yourself!”

Ronald Reeds snickered, “Don’t act tough with me, young man. Your injuries have resurfaced, and your energy is depleted. I doubt you can even stand straight.”

“Is that so?” Dustin challenged, raising his hand dismissively. “Then, come forward and test your theory.”

Ronald Reeds scoffed, “Why should I waste my effort on a youngster like you? These two are more than enough to finish you.”

With a swift palm strike, Ronald Reeds urged the hesitant warriors forward, creating a hole in the ground beneath their feet. He bellowed, “What are you waiting for? Attack! Or face punishment as deserters!”

Shivering, the two warriors exchanged glances and reluctantly closed the gap.

Their options were grim: dying at Dustin’s hands would at least grant them a noble reputation for dying in the line of duty. On the other hand, falling to Ronald Reeds would label them as cowards and deserters.

“Fighting is our only choice!” one of the warriors muttered, and the two initiated their attack simultaneously.

Dustin frowned, raising his sword in response.


In a flash, a streak of swordlight pierced the air.

The two warriors froze, their heads rolling to the ground.

Yet, as Dustin swung his sword victoriously, he suddenly paled, blood staining his lips.

His body trembled and collapsed onto the ground.

At this moment, Dustin was drenched in sweat, and his breath came in heavy gasps, like an exhausted ox. His once imposing presence had vanished entirely, leaving him devoid of any vigor or pressure.

Ronald Reeds had made an accurate guess – Dustin had indeed run out of steam. His injuries were severe, and the relentless battles, coupled with the enormous energy expenditure, had taken their toll. The recent sword strike had drained him completely, and now he clung to consciousness by sheer force of will.

His plan to use his remaining presence to intimidate his adversaries had been thwarted by Ronald Reeds’s insight. Ultimately, it seemed he wouldn’t survive this ordeal.

“Hahaha… Did you all witness that? I told you this kid was on his last legs! Any objections now?” Ronald Reeds laughed triumphantly, thoroughly pleased with himself.

“It appears this guy is truly in dire straits. Sir Ronald’s wisdom and strength are unparalleled!”

“Hmph! Even the strongest will fall after such a prolonged battle. It’s a miracle he’s held on this long!”

“Damn! I can’t believe we fell for his bluff. I was ready to chop him into pieces multiple times!”

As Dustin lay there, spitting blood and collapsing to the ground, the warriors who had been on the brink of terror regained their confidence and began to strut about, ready to pounce.

They adopted an aggressive stance, prepared to strike.

“Azalea!” Dustin used the Sky Sword to prop himself up, still trembling. With great effort, he retrieved the Shadowblooms and handed it to Azalea. “Take the flower, take Abigail, hurry. I’ll cover your escape!”

Azalea furrowed his brow, concerned. “Are you sure you can handle this? You don’t look well.”

“I can give you a brief respite, just enough time. Whether you escape or not depends entirely on you.” Dustin took a deep breath, his eyes regaining their sharpness.

“Take care!”

Without wasting a moment, Azalea swiftly departed, carrying the unconscious Abigail with her.

“Stop them! Don’t let anyone get away!” Ronald Reeds commanded, raising his hand to signal pursuit.

Without hesitation, the warriors charged forward, attempting to catch up and cut off Azalea’s escape.

Dustin slowly raised his sword, fully prepared to fight to the death.

Then, unexpectedly, the sky began to snow.

Delicate snowflakes fluttered and fell gracefully from above, like dream-chasing butterflies dancing in the air.

The warriors at the forefront failed to notice anything unusual and allowed the snowflakes to settle on them. However, the moment the snowflakes made contact, they erupted into a tremendous burst of energy.

“Bang, bang, bang…”

Explosions echoed through the air, and before the startled warriors could react, they met a grisly end, their bodies torn apart and drenched in blood.

The audience stood in shock, their jaws dropping in disbelief.
Chapter 1018 – A New Promise

Holding the grief-stricken Abigail in his arms, Dustin couldn’t help but sigh. He extended a gentle hand to pat her back and consoled her, “Uncle Edmund is gone, but I’m still here. I’ll be your family from now on, and I promise no one will ever harm you. You have my word.”

“Why? Why? What did I do wrong?” Abigail sobbed uncontrollably. “First, my mother left, then my father, and now I’m all alone. I don’t understand why God would do this to me. Why?”

Her father had lived his life with honor and righteousness, never harming anyone. Even in his assassination, there was no lingering enmity or desire for revenge. She couldn’t fathom why such a virtuous person had met such a tragic end.

Was it true that good people received no rewards in the end? If that was the case, she’d rather embrace a life of villainy!

“Little one, relying on the heavens is futile. Everything depends on your own strength,” Evelyn Morgan calmly advised. “Remember, to survive, you must become strong enough—strong enough to be feared and strong enough to change the world.”

Hearing this, Abigail trembled and turned to her abruptly. “Who are you?”

“Me?” Evelyn Morgan smiled gently. “I am your grandmother.”

“Grandma?” Abigail was momentarily bewildered. “Why don’t I recognize you?”

“We’ve never had the chance to meet before, so it’s natural that we don’t know each other. But that’s no issue. From now on, your grandmother will protect you, and no one will dare to bully you,” Evelyn Morgan’s eyes glinted with affection.

Like grandmother, like granddaughter.

The resemblance between the grandmother and granddaughter was uncanny.

“Uncle, is what she’s saying true?” Abigail asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

“She is indeed your grandmother, but…” Dustin began, only to be interrupted by Evelyn Morgan, who added, “Correction, it’s Grandma!”

With those words, Evelyn Morgan displayed a demeanor that made it clear no one could challenge her role as a protective grandmother.

“Abigail, your grandmother hails from the witchcraft sect, and her reputation outside isn’t exactly pristine. Uncle Edmund had warned me previously to keep you from getting involved with them,” Dustin explained, his expression grave.

“Are you…really my grandmother?” Abigail asked, her voice trembling.

“Absolutely,” Evelyn Morgan affirmed.

Evelyn Morgan smiled and nodded, saying, “The blood in your veins has awakened. Go home with your grandmother. From now on, you will be the Sorceress of the Mystic Arts Order, and you can exact vengeance as you see fit.”

Abigail hesitated, her mind swirling in confusion at the sudden revelation of her grandmother’s identity.

“I…” She began, struggling to find the right words.

“The Witch Gu Cult is not a path you should take, Abigail. You have better options,” Dustin advised, genuine concern in his voice.

“The bloodline of the Sorceress is the most suitable for the techniques of the Witch Gu Sect. When Abigail returns, I will personally focus on her cultivation. I believe she will surpass you in no time,” Evelyn Morgan declared with conviction.

“Cultivation is important, but going down the wrong path can lead to a lifetime of regret,” Dustin countered.

“Young man, what do you know about going astray? Our witchcraft sect has always distinguished between good and evil, repaying hatred with hatred and kindness with kindness. We are far better than those hypocritical well-known and upright families. Do not tarnish our reputation,” Evelyn Morgan warned.

“Abigail, the choice is yours. Will you follow me, or will you go to the Mystic Arts Order?” Dustin posed the ultimatum.

Abigail fell silent, deep in thought. After careful consideration, she raised her head and declared solemnly, “Uncle, I have decided to go with my grandmother.”

“Hahaha… Excellent! She truly is my wonderful granddaughter!” Evelyn Morgan beamed with joy.

Finally, after a long wait, they had found an heir.

“Abigail, there’s no turning back from this decision. Once you join the Witch Gu Cult, there’s no way out, and you’ll carry the burden of eternal infamy. Countless martial artists will hunt you down,” Dustin warned.

The Mystic Arts Order was renowned as the world’s foremost evil sect, in direct opposition to all the noble and reputable martial families.

Joining as a saint would not only bestow her with eternal notoriety but also make her the target of countless martial artists.

The cost was immensely high.

“Uncle, I appreciate your kindness, but I must go,” Abigail said resolutely.

“I want to become stronger, I want revenge, and I want everyone to fear me.”

“If good people don’t live long and calamity persists, then I’d rather be the harbinger of justice!”
Chapter 1019 – A New Resolve

“I will personally eliminate these hypocrites! I’ll put an end to those who deserve it in this world! I’ll dismantle this fake and tattered world entirely!” Abigail’s face was resolute, her words filled with unwavering determination.

An ominous aura emanated from between her brows, casting a chilling presence.

Dustin sighed softly, unable to hide his melancholy. He recognized that Abigail had undergone a profound transformation and was no longer the simple, kind-hearted girl he had known.

But was it her fault?

Her father had risked his life to save countless people, only for those he rescued to meet cruel fates.

Whose fault was it, truly?

When kindness went unrewarded and justice remained unfulfilled, darkness could seep into one’s very soul.

She had been forced into this.

“Abigail, no matter what path you choose, I will stand by you,” Dustin said, lifting his hand to ruffle her hair affectionately. “Remember, Master will always be here for you. If you ever face injustice, just come back. Even if the sky falls, Master will be your support.”

Abigail nodded vigorously, tears glistening in her eyes.

“Senior Evelyn, I entrust Abigail to your care,” Dustin said, turning to Evelyn Morgan with a serious expression. “If the Mystic Arts Order dares to harm her, I guarantee that we will eradicate your sect.”

“Oh?” Evelyn Morgan’s lips curled into a sly smile, his interest piqued. “Young man, you’re the first person who’s dared to speak to me like this.”

“Given that you know my identity, you should also understand that the Rhys Family always keeps their word,” Dustin asserted firmly.

“Hahaha… How amusing, truly amusing,” Evelyn Morgan chuckled, not the least bit offended. In fact, he seemed rather amused by Dustin’s boldness.

The more unconventional the temperament, the more Evelyn Morgan found it appealing.

“Abigail, until we meet again,” Dustin said, patting Abigail on the shoulder. He then picked up the Shadowblooms, turned, and began to walk away.

Everyone had their own path to follow, and sometimes the best way to show support was through silence and respect for their choices.

“Master… farewell…” Abigail whispered, her eyes welling up with tears as she watched him depart.

After this separation, she had no idea when they would reunite.

“Abigail, would you like Grandma to deal with these remnants for you?” Evelyn Morgan suddenly scanned the various sect members, a sinister glint in his eyes.

Everyone felt a chill run down their spines, and they trembled with fear. They dared not move, like a group of lambs awaiting slaughter.

“No need! I’ll take my vengeance myself!” Abigail declared, her gaze sweeping the gathering with a steely determination. She committed every face present to her memory.

“Listen up, you scoundrels,” she declared, her voice carrying an iron resolve. “I spare your lives today, not out of mercy, but as a warning.”

“Because one day, I will exact retribution upon all of you.”

“Remember this well—I will repay the sins you’ve committed today tenfold, a hundredfold!”

“I will make you suffer, I will make you miserable, and I will make you die slowly in fear and despair!”

“Until that day comes, cling to life with all your might!”

“Your lives can only be claimed by me!”

“Wait! Wait for me to return for revenge!”
Chapter 1020

Observing the sorrow-stricken Abigail in his arms, Dustin couldn’t help but sigh. He reached out, patting her back gently, and consoled, “Uncle Huang is no longer with us, but I’m here. I’ll be family to you now, and I won’t leave you. No one will dare to mistreat you, I promise.”

“Why? What have I done wrong?”

Abigail continued to weep and lament, “My mum is gone, my dad is gone, and now I’m all alone. I just don’t understand why God would do this to me. Why?”

Her father had led a life of honour and righteousness, never causing harm to anyone.

Even in the face of assassination, he held no grudges or desire for revenge.

She truly couldn’t comprehend why such a good-hearted person met such a miserable end?

Could it be that good people truly receive no recompense?

If that’s the case, she’d rather embrace a wicked path in this life!

“Young lass, depending on God won’t change a thing. You must rely on yourself for everything,” Evelyn Morgan stated calmly. “Remember, to survive, you must be strong—strong enough to inspire fear and strong enough to change the world!”

Hearing this, Abigail shivered and suddenly turned her head, asking, “Who are you?”

“Me?” Evelyn Morgan smiled gently. “I am your grandmother.”

“Grandma?” Abigail was momentarily taken aback. “Why don’t I recognise you?”

“We’ve never had the chance to meet before, so it’s perfectly normal that we don’t know each other. But that’s no matter. Your grandmother will protect you from now on, and no one will dare to harm you,” Evelyn Morgan’s eyes gleamed with affection.

So alike, almost cut from the same cloth. Mother and daughter.

“Dustin, is what she’s saying true?” Abigail couldn’t believe it.

“She is indeed your grandmother, but…”

Before Dustin could finish, Evelyn Morgan interjected, “Correction, it’s grandma!”

Who would dare to snatch her granddaughter away?

“Yin Yin, your grandmother hails from the witchcraft sect, and her reputation isn’t sterling outside. Uncle Huang cautioned me to keep you from getting involved,” Dustin cautioned, his expression grave.

“Are you… truly my grandmother?” Abigail asked, trembling.

“As genuine as it gets,” Evelyn Morgan smiled and nodded. “The blood in your veins has awoken. Come home with your grandmother. From this moment forward, you’ll be the saint of the Witch Gu Sect, free to dispatch anyone you deem fit.”


Abigail opened her mouth, lost for words.

The sudden appearance of her grandmother left her feeling overwhelmed, her thoughts in disarray.

“Dustin, the Witch Gu Cult isn’t a wise path to take. You have better options,” Abigail advised.

“The saint’s bloodline is most suited to the Wugu sect. When Yinyin returns, I’ll focus on honing her. I believe she’ll surpass you before long,” Evelyn Morgan declared, her chin held high.

Cultivation is crucial, but veer off course and you’ll rue it for a lifetime,” Abigail countered.

“Young one, what’s this talk of veering off course? My Witch Gu sect has always discerned between right and wrong, repaying kindness with kindness and vengeance with vengeance. We’re countless times more honest than those so-called upright hypocrites. Best not tarnish our name,” Evelyn Morgan warned.

“Yin Yin, the choice is yours to make. Will you follow me or join the Witch Gu Sect?” Dustin returned the power of decision.


Hearing this, Abigail fell silent.

After careful consideration, she slowly raised her head and said earnestly, “Uncle, I’ve made up my mind. I’m going with my grandmother.”

“Hahaha… Good! She’s truly my wonderful granddaughter!” Evelyn Morgan beamed with joy.

After waiting for so long, there’s finally an heir.

“Yinyin, once the arrow is loosed, there’s no calling it back. Once you step into the Witch Gu Cult, there’s no turning back, and regret will come too late!” Dustin frowned.

The Witch Gu Sect is infamous as the world’s foremost malevolent sect, firmly opposed to all the reputable sects of esteemed families.

Once Abigail becomes a saint, she’ll not only bear eternal disgrace but also be pursued by countless martial artists.

The cost is too great.

“Uncle, I know you’re looking out for me, but I still have to go.”

“I want to become stronger, I want revenge, and I want everyone to fear me!”

“If good people don’t live long and calamity endures, then I’d rather be a ruthless executioner!”
Chapter 1021

“I’ll deal with these hypocrites myself! Every person who deserves punishment will meet their end! I’ll completely overturn this fake and shoddy world!”

Abigail’s resolve was unwavering, and her words carried weight.

The malevolence etched between her brows was daunting.


Upon hearing this, Dustin couldn’t help but exhale deeply.

He understood that Abigail had transformed, shedding her former innocence and kindness.

But was all of this her doing?

Her father had risked his life to save them all.

Yet, those they rescued met tragic ends.

Whose fault was it?

Since kindness remained unrewarded, only then could it be forsaken; since justice couldn’t prevail, let wickedness spread unchecked.

She had been driven to this!

“Abigail, no matter what you decide, I’m with you.”

Dustin raised his hand, tousled Abigail’s hair, and spoke gently: “Remember, Master will always be by your side. If you face injustice, just return. Even if the sky falls, Master will hold it up for you.”


Abigail nodded resolutely, tears glistening in her eyes.

“Evelyn Morgan, I trust you to look after Abigail.”

Dustin turned his gaze towards Evelyn Morgan, his expression grave: “If Wu Gu Sect dares to mistreat her, I promise you, they’ll be eradicated!”


Evelyn Morgan arched an eyebrow, showing great interest: “Young man, you’re the first to address me this way.”

“Since you know who I am, you must know the Lu family stands by their word.” Dustin’s eyes gleamed.

“Hahaha… intriguing, truly intriguing.” Evelyn Morgan chuckled.

Not only was she unoffended, but she also found a certain charm in it. The more peculiar the temperament, the more she appreciated it. “Abigail, until next time.”

Dustin patted Abigail’s shoulder, then picked up the Bianhua, turned, and departed.

Each person had their own path to tread, and none could interfere.

His role was to offer silent blessings.

“Master… farewell…”

Watching his retreating form, Abigail bit her lip, tears streaming down her face.

After this parting, who knew when they would reunite.

“Abigail, would you like Grandma to deal with these remnants on your behalf?”

Evelyn Morgan suddenly swept her gaze over the various sects, a glint of crimson in her eyes.

They were all so petrified that they broke into cold sweat, trembling.

But none dared to make a move, resembling a herd of sheep awaiting slaughter.

“No need! I’ll exact my revenge personally!”

Abigail promptly declined, her eyes piercing as she memorised each face present.

“Listen, you scoundrels—I spare you today, but it’s not out of kindness.”

“Because one day, I will end you all!”

“Remember this, I’ll repay your sins tenfold, a hundredfold!”

“I’ll make you suffer; I’ll make you wretched; I’ll let you wither in fear and hopelessness!”

“But until then, make sure to survive, do whatever it takes to stay alive!”

“Your life can only be taken by my hand!”

“Wait! Wait for me to return and seek my vengeance!”

Chapter 1022 – The Aftermath
Abigail departed, carrying the lifeless body of her father, Edmund. However, before she left, her parting words left an indelible mark on everyone present, sending shivers down their spines.

Despite their escape from immediate danger, the people from various sects felt far from elated. None of them had expected that the seemingly ordinary girl would turn out to be a Sorceress from the dreaded Mystic Arts Order.

The horror associated with the Mystic Arts Order was deeply ingrained in people’s hearts, and its sinister reputation was hard to shake. Crossing a saint meant stepping into one’s own grave.

Compounding the issue was the fact that they had forced the saint’s father to his death, leaving an indelible mark of hatred.

From this point forward, they would live in perpetual fear, anticipating the day when retribution would descend upon them. It seemed that their only choice was to await their inevitable doom.

“Master Ronald, what do we do now? It seems we’re in grave trouble!” Alexander Cheng, looking pale and still recovering from his injuries, approached Ronald Reeds.

He had suffered severe wounds from Dustin’s earlier sword strike, and his injuries had yet to fully heal. Jiang Xiuzhen and Jie Xin were even worse off, one missing an arm and the other blinded. They were truly in dire straits.

“Why are you so anxious?” Ronald Reeds scowled. “As long as Evelyn Morgan and the four guardians of the Mystic Arts Order don’t intervene, who can touch us?”

“But we provoked the ire of the Sorceress of the Mystic Arts Order by driving Edmund to his death. We’ll face endless consequences,” Alexander Cheng warned, his expression solemn.

“Hmph! What’s there to fear from a mere girl who hasn’t even reached the innate realm? We can talk when she becomes a true master!” Ronald Reeds retorted coldly.

With the Sky Spirit Orb in his possession, he was on the brink of breaking through to the Grandmaster level. At that point, not even Evelyn Morgan, the leader of the Mystic Arts Order, would be a cause for concern.

Meanwhile, in the Azure Mist camp:

“Junior sister, don’t dwell on it. People like us are worlds apart from Grandmaster Dustin,” Emily consoled Vanessa, who appeared lost in thought. She gazed in the direction Dustin had disappeared, shaking her head and sighing. “Grandmaster Dustin is a true genius, the one who can surpass all Grandmasters. We can only dream of reaching such heights in our lifetime.”

Emily held great admiration for young masters like Dustin.

But she knew in her heart that the two parties were not from the same world at all.

It’s fine to look at it from a distance, but getting closer will only increase your worries.

“It would be nice if he wasn’t so good.”

Vanessa murmured to herself, with a complex look on her face.

She finally met someone she was attracted to, but unexpectedly he was so outstanding that she didn’t even have the courage to climb high.

It is better to forget each other in the rivers and lakes than to help each other.

Maybe this situation is the best outcome, right?

But why is she so reluctant to give up?

Can that unparalleled figure really be forgotten?


Half a day later, in the Millsburg, Zypher Lodge.

“Beautiful aunt, can you wake up? Can you open your eyes and look at Haley?”

“You promised Haley before that you would tell Haley stories, why are you still sleeping in?”

“If you don’t wake up, Haley will be angry.”

In the ward, a cute little girl was gently shaking Natasha’s arm, her big eyes filled with mist.

The pregnant woman next to her, Cecilia, also had red eyes and felt sad.

Since the death of her husband Nelson, Natasha personally took care of the daily life of mother and daughter.

The hospital’s prenatal checkup and Haley’s kindergarten attendance were all arranged properly, as if they were treated like family members.

She was not only grateful to Natasha, but also felt a bit more like a sister.

Now that I see the other person unconscious and dying, I can’t help but feel a little sad.

“Dr Linden, is there really no other way? Will my sister never wake up in her lifetime?”

Ruth sat on the edge of the bed, with tears in her eyes, holding Natasha’s hand tightly.

Since her sister became critically ill, she has been staying by her side and has not rested for two days.

“To be honest, it’s very difficult to keep this breath.”
Chapter 1023: The Race Against Time
In the bustling realm of Dr Linden Watkins, a deep sigh escaped his lips. “The only hope to save her now lies in the mysterious Shadowblooms and the legendary Dark Phoenix. If Elder Dustin can bring back the herbal medicine in time, there’s still a glimmer of hope. But as time ticks away, that hope fades like a fading moon.”

“Dustin! Dustin! Where have you been? Why haven’t you returned?” Ruth muttered, her face clouded with worry.

She hadn’t yet shared this dire situation with her parents, fearing that their hearts might not withstand the news.


Suddenly, the door burst open, and a disheveled Dustin stumbled in, his face smeared with blood, looking utterly bedraggled.

“Dr Linden! I’ve found it! I’ve found the herbal medicine!” gasped Dustin, clutching his chest.

“Found it?” Dr Linden scrutinized the flower in Dustin’s trembling hands, radiating an eerie luminescence. A triumphant smile crept across his face. “Indeed, this is the Shadowblooms! Marvelous!”

“Senior Dr Linden! With this Shadowblooms, can we save Natasha?” Dustin’s eyes brimmed with hope. The journey for this herbal medicine had nearly cost him his life.

“I can save her, but I require your blood,” Dr Linden explained gravely. “Your previous treatment has produced an antidote for the Black Pill within your blood, which can help awaken Natasha.”

“Count me in! Take as much as you need!” Dustin rolled up his sleeves, ready to shed his own blood for the cause.

“Hold on!” Dr Linden raised a hand to halt him, concern etched on his face. “Elder Dustin, your injuries are severe, and your vital energy is fluctuating. If you give blood now, it could be too much for your weakened body.”

“I can endure it. Please, just save her!” Dustin urged persistently.

“Elder Dustin, are you absolutely sure?” Dr Linden’s brow furrowed.

With his experienced gaze, he could clearly see that Dustin was teetering on the edge of exhaustion, struggling to maintain his balance and speak coherently. Taking more blood would undoubtedly worsen his condition.

“Cornelius, fetch me a bowl!”

“A Hero’s Sacrifice”

Dustin had no time for words; he gave the order outright.

Cornelius quickly arrived with a sizable bowl.

Without hesitation, Dustin made a swift incision on his arm, and blood flowed swiftly into the waiting bowl.

Dr Linden couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow. How could this usually composed young man be so impulsive at this critical moment?

“That’s enough; let’s proceed,” Dustin declared.

Dr Linden ceased his persuasions and waited until the large bowl brimmed with blood.

With the blood-filled bowl before him, he gently immersed the Shadowblooms into the crimson liquid.

What followed was an astonishing spectacle.

The Shadowblooms began to dissolve upon contact with the blood, like melting chocolate, blending seamlessly into the crimson liquid. As it dissolved, the originally bright red blood slowly transformed into a deep black hue, studded with shimmering stars and a faint fragrance wafting from it.

“Desperation!” Dr Linden murmured.

Once the Shadowblooms had completely dissolved, he added another pill to the bowl. After a slight stir, the concoction was gently fed into Natasha’s mouth.

“Elder Dustin, the medicine has been administered. Whether Natasha awakens next depends on her own fate,” Dr Linden sighed softly. Despite possessing the Shadowblooms, he couldn’t guarantee a 100% success rate; after all, he was challenging the very gates of the underworld.

Ultimately, the outcome hinged on the patient’s resilience and willpower.

“Natasha, please wake up. Don’t sleep any longer,” Dustin whispered, his hand gently holding Natasha’s. He pressed her palm to his cheek and continued, “When you wake up, we’ll go shopping, dine together, watch movies, and do anything you desire. I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

“Please, wake up. I can’t bear to live without you.”

Time ticked away, second by second.

Dustin remained steadfast by the bedside, staying awake through dusk and dawn, never leaving her side.

He simply kept watch, tirelessly.

Three days later, Dustin’s endurance finally waned, and he collapsed beside the bed, completely exhausted.
Chapter 1024: Awakening to Grief
Dustin awoke in a daze, finding himself lying in a bed. The sunlight streaming through the window was blindingly bright.

“Dustin, you’re awake!” Ruth exclaimed in relief, her eyes welling up with tears.

“How long was I out?” Dustin asked, still groggy from his slumber.

“You’ve been in a coma for three days. Senior Dr Linden said you’re going to be okay, or we might have started planning your funeral,” Ruth replied, her voice quivering.

“Three days? That long?” Dustin’s eyes widened in surprise, then he remembered, “Oh, right! Where’s your sister? How is she? Has she awakened?”

“My sister?” Ruth’s expression darkened, and she looked down, her voice trembling, “My sister… she’s no longer with us.”

“What? Dead?!” Dustin froze, as if a bolt of lightning had struck him.

His face, previously pale from his own ordeal, turned even whiter. He seemed to have lost his soul in that moment.

“How could this happen? No… it can’t be!”

“I found the Shadowblooms, why is Natasha still gone? Why?!” Dustin’s voice quivered with disbelief. He shook his head frantically, unable to accept this cruel reality.

He couldn’t fathom it; he couldn’t come to terms with this outcome.

Didn’t he secure the remedy?

Why couldn’t she be saved?


“No! I need to find her. I refuse to believe she’s just gone!”

A Joyful Awakening

Dustin abruptly stood up, nearly tripping in his haste to leave.

“Who’s gone?” a woman entered the room at that moment.

She possessed a stunning beauty, an elegant stature, and a refined demeanor, resembling a fairy from a painting.

It was Natasha, who had miraculously awakened!

“Natasha?” Dustin stammered, his eyes wide in disbelief. “You… you’re not dead?”

“Dead?” Natasha responded with a puzzled expression. “I’m perfectly alive. Why would I be dead?”

“But just a moment ago…” Dustin glanced at Ruth, who had been in tears earlier, only to see her burst into laughter. “Hahaha… Brother-in-law, how gullible are you? My sister is blessed with good fortune. Why would she die? Were you really scared just now?”

“What on earth is going on—” Dustin was so exasperated he was about to storm out and give her a piece of his mind, raising his hand as if to swat her. Ruth, in response, swiftly hid behind her sister. “Brother-in-law, I was just teasing you. Why are you so quick to anger?”

“You naughty girl! Can you make jokes about such serious matters? Do you realize how terrifying that was?” Dustin’s voice trembled with anger.

When he’d heard the news of Natasha’s supposed death, it felt like his heart had stopped, and he’d been emptied of his spirit.

“Ruth! You should know better!” Natasha scolded her sister, giving her a gentle smack on the head. “Go on, prepare some food for your brother-in-law. He’s just woken up and still needs to regain his strength.”

“Okay,” Ruth muttered as she stuck out her tongue and quickly dashed out of the room, escaping Dustin’s impatient gaze.

“Husband, how are your injuries? Would you like to—” Natasha began to ask but was interrupted when Dustin suddenly rushed forward, wrapping her in a tight embrace that he refused to release.

There were a thousand words in his heart, but he couldn’t find the words to express them.
Chapter 1025: Reconnecting in Relief
Dustin held her tightly, savoring the warmth of her body and the scent of her skin. It was only in this moment that his previously racing heart finally found peace.

“It’s good to be alive,” he whispered softly after a long while.

“Alright, alright, stop squeezing me. If you keep hugging me like this, I might run out of breath,” Natasha chuckled and patted Dustin on the back.

While she cherished this moment, his embrace was undeniably tight.

“Ahem… I apologize; I got carried away,” Dustin quickly released her, realizing his overzealousness. It had been an involuntary reaction.

“I’m happy that you can be so unrestrained. It just proves how much you care about me,” Natasha said with a sweet smile, her heart filled with joy.

They had now truly shared life and death together, an experience far more profound than her relationship with Dahlia.

Marriage? That was just a piece of paper. They had exchanged their lives!

“Husband, please rest for a while. I’ll check if the medicine is ready,” Natasha said as she stood on her tiptoes, kissed Dustin on the cheek, and then gracefully departed the room.

Watching her elegant figure recede, Dustin couldn’t help but smile, feeling a similar warmth in his heart.

They had finally overcome this ordeal.

” Cornelius.”

After regaining his composure, Dustin called Cornelius, who was waiting at the door, and inquired, “Has anything significant happened recently?”

Natasha had been unconscious for three days, and he himself had been asleep for three days. In total, a week had passed.

“Master Dustin, things have been relatively quiet in the Millsburg recently. No major incidents have occurred,” Cornelius reported.

Unmasking the Fox
As Cornelius continued, he shifted the topic, saying, “By the way, there’s something concerning The Harmons that’s worth noting. Since Trent Harmon assumed power, some of The Harmons’s revered elders and heroes have been forced out by Trent Harmon and his daughter. The Harmons is in a precarious situation.”

“Trent Harmon is purging dissidents, driving away anyone who doesn’t toe the line. It’s a reckless move,” Dustin shook his head, fully aware that, despite The Harmons’s deep roots, they couldn’t withstand Trent Harmon’s actions.

“Master Dustin, I believe The Harmons poses a hidden threat,” Cornelius added. “You once instructed me to provide protection for Hector Harmon. In just a few days, Hector was subjected to three kidnapping attempts and two assassination plots. Fortunately, we thwarted them all.”

“Hmm?” Dustin furrowed his brow. “Are these attacks carried out by insiders from The Harmons?”

“While they’re all hired assassins from outside, there’s no doubt that Trent Harmon and his daughter are behind this,” Cornelius stated with unwavering confidence.

“It appears that their true colors are finally showing,” Dustin mused, rubbing his chin. “In that case, continue to keep tabs on Trent Harmon. If he makes any suspicious moves, inform me immediately. I’ll seize the opportunity to apprehend them all.”

“Understood,” Cornelius nodded.

“Oh, by the way, has there been any recent activity from Ronald Reeds and the warriors from the forest?” Dustin inquired suddenly.

“After returning from the Black Forest, Ronald Reeds went into seclusion and hasn’t seen anyone. The Martial Alliance has practically transferred all its authority to the deputy leader,” Cornelius replied.

“Seclusion?” Dustin snorted disdainfully. “He intends to use the Sky Spirit Orb to break through to the Grand Master realm. Unfortunately for him, I won’t let that happen.”

“Master Dustin, what do you plan to do?” Cornelius asked tentatively.

“We’ll focus on recuperating first. Once I’ve fully recovered, I’ll issue a public challenge to Ronald Reeds, the leader of the martial arts world!” Dustin declared surprisingly.

“What? Challenge the leader of the martial arts world?” Cornelius’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. “Master Dustin, are you joking? Among the Five Grand Masters, Ronald Reeds is the strongest. Challenging someone of such stature would be akin to courting death.”

“Who lives and who dies is still uncertain,” Dustin replied, narrowing his eyes and speaking with a deadly seriousness. “A showdown with Ronald Reeds is inevitable. If there’s no clear victor in the Black Forest, then we’ll battle it out in the Martial Alliance. If he wishes to reach the Grand Master realm, he’ll have to overcome me as a hurdle. I will make sure of it!”

Should Ronald Reeds survive, Dustin would feel that Sir Paul had died in vain. If a hypocrite like Ronald Reeds were allowed to continue leading the martial arts world, it would be a grim future for the martial arts world indeed.
Chapter 1026: A Dose of Affection
“Honey, it’s time to drink your medicine,” a melodious female voice chimed in.

As Dustin conversed with Cornelius, the graceful Natasha entered, carrying a steaming pottery bowl in her hands.

She wore a sweet smile, her cheeks tinted with a rosy hue, and carefully held the bowl out to Dustin.

“Come on, Honey, take your medicine.”


Dustin’s eyebrows twitched. Why did this scene feel so familiar?

“Honey, what’s the matter? Drink up,” Natasha encouraged with an innocent tone.

Dustin resisted with all his might, his face showing his reluctance.

“I’ve prepared this especially for you,” Natasha said, raising an eyebrow teasingly. “Don’t tell me you suspect me of poisoning you.”

“Well, it’s not so bad to die beneath a peony and become a ghost,” Dustin sighed dramatically before finally taking the soup and downing it in one gulp.

Seeing the comical expression on his face, Natasha couldn’t hold back her laughter any longer.

“Alright, alright, don’t worry. Let’s go eat. Today’s menu is filled with your favorite dishes.”

Natasha took a tissue, wiped Dustin’s mouth, and then looped her arm through his, leading him towards the door.

Ring, ring…

Just a few steps away, her phone suddenly rang.

Natasha’s face instantly turned cold as she answered, “Alright, I’ll be there in a minute!”

After hanging up the phone, she hurriedly left, her expression now tinged with seriousness.

A Mother’s Defense
“What’s going on?” Dustin asked, puzzled.

“Haley got into trouble at the kindergarten, and I need to go there immediately,” Natasha explained.

“Alright, I’ll go with you,” Dustin replied without hesitation, signaling Cornelius to prepare the car.

Ever since Nelson had left, Dustin had come to regard Haley as his goddaughter. When your goddaughter is in trouble, you can’t just stand by and watch.

Inside Golden Apple Kindergarten at that very moment:

“You witch! How do you raise your child? Look at what this brat did; he scratched my son’s face!”

“My son has never been hurt before, and you dare let this brat lay a finger on him? I think you’re just tired of working!”

A plump, extravagantly dressed lady pointed at Cecilia’s face and hurled insults.

Beside her stood a plump little boy with a pudgy face.

The boy was noticeably larger and stockier than his peers, and he had a faint scratch on the left side of his face.

“Mrs. Chang, children often bump into each other and get minor injuries. Besides, your son started it,” Cecilia said as she glanced at Haley, who had a swollen nose and bruised face, feeling sympathy for her daughter.

But due to the other party’s status, she held back her anger.

“Hmph! So what if my son started it? If this brat hadn’t provoked my son, would my son have hit her? In the end, it’s all her fault!” Mrs. Chang placed her hands on her hips and spoke aggressively.

“Haley, what happened? Did something go wrong?” Cecilia turned to her daughter and asked.

“I didn’t do anything wrong, Mom,” Haley quickly shook her head and said, her face filled with sorrow. “Maxwell Chang called me names first and insulted me for not having a father. Then he led his friends to attack me. Mom, I didn’t do anything wrong. It’s not my fault.”

Tears welled up in her eyes as she spoke.

“Don’t cry, Haley. Mommy believes you,” Cecilia reassured her, wiping away her tears. She then turned to Mrs. Chang and said, “Mrs. Chang, did you hear all of that? Your son insulted and attacked my daughter first. Moreover, the injuries on my daughter’s face are much worse than those on your son’s.”
Chapter 1027: The Fateful Encounter

Mrs. Chang was not pleased. She scowled, “How could this girl compare to my precious son? My son’s single strand of hair is worth more than her entire life! Listen closely, kneel down and apologize right now, or you’ll regret it!”

“Mrs. Chang, please, let’s be reasonable here. It’s clearly your son’s fault. Why should we apologize?” Cecilia furrowed her brows.


Mrs. Chang raised her hand and delivered a hard slap to Cecilia’s face, berating, “I’ll ask for an apology when I want one. No need for your nonsense. If you dare lay a finger on Lai Lai again, I’ll make you regret it!”

“You—” Cecilia gritted her teeth but remained composed.

She couldn’t believe how unreasonable the other woman was being. Not only did she refuse to apologize for her son’s mistake, but she had also resorted to violence.

What an infuriating situation!

“Don’t hurt my mom!”

Haley suddenly stepped forward, her small hands outstretched, her little face contorted with anger. “You villain! Old hag! I’m going to summon Ultraman to defeat you!”

“Hey! You little troublemaker! You deserve a good spanking!” Mrs. Chang retorted, growing angrier and slapping Haley across the face, sending her tumbling to the ground, nosebleed and all.

“Haley!” Cecilia gasped, swiftly scooping up her daughter.

Her heart ached as she looked at Haley’s red and swollen face.

“You fatherless brat deserves a lesson!” chimed in the little chubby boy (Maxwell), placing his hands on his hips, brimming with pride.

“Listen up, you two lowlifes. Kneel down and apologize immediately. Then, compensate my son with one million dollars for his medical expenses. Otherwise, I’ll ensure you won’t have a moment’s peace!” Mrs. Chang declared sternly.

“You’re being completely unreasonable!” Cecilia seethed. “I’m calling the police, and I want an officer to come and mediate this!”

With determination in her eyes, she retrieved her cell phone, ready to make the call.

“Calling the police?”

Unleashing Chaos in the Park
Mrs. Chang snatched the phone from Cecilia’s hand, hurling it to the ground with a curse, “You think calling the police will help? Let me tell you, my partner is an officer at the police station! My brother is a well-known big shot! Even if I dug a pit to bury you, no one would dare to utter a word!”

“I… I refuse to believe there’s no justice in the world!” Cecilia retorted angrily.

“Justice? The only justice here is what I decree!” Mrs. Chang proclaimed before delivering another stinging slap to Cecilia’s face.

Cecilia’s legs gave way, and she crumpled to the ground, her pregnant belly making it impossible to rise quickly.

Onlookers watched in helplessness but dared not intervene.

“Mom!” Haley cried out in distress, tugging at her mother’s arm with all her might, though she couldn’t budge her. Instead, she stumbled and fell herself.

A preschool teacher nearby couldn’t bear it any longer and moved to help, but Mrs. Chang’s intimidating glare made her recoil in fear.

“Maxwell, didn’t that little brat hit you just now? Go ahead, hit her back, hit her to death, and Mom will support you!” Mrs. Chang encouraged her son, patting him on the shoulder.

“You little brat, you’re in for it now!” The chubby boy gained newfound courage. He pinned Haley to the ground, raised his fists, and began to pummel her without restraint.

There was no hesitation in his actions.

“Hit her! Harder! Excellent job!” Mrs. Chang clapped and laughed, wearing a smug expression.


At that moment, a thunderous roar echoed from the park’s entrance.

In a flash, a figure dashed in and delivered a resounding slap to the chubby boy’s face.


The blow distorted the boy’s features, sending him flying backward to the ground.
Chapter 1028: Unexpected Hero
The sudden turn of events left everyone stunned.

No one had anticipated that someone would dare to lay a finger on Mrs. Chang’s son.

You see, Mrs. Chang had quite the reputation for being a tyrant in this neighborhood, and nobody dared to cross her.

“Ouch! I’ve got you!”

After the initial shock, Mrs. Chang rushed forward and scooped up her dazed, battered son.

At this point, the chubby boy sported a crooked nose, a swollen mouth, a bleeding lip, and two missing front teeth.

The side of his face that bore the brunt of the attack was inflamed and grotesquely swollen.

“Maxwell! Don’t scare me! Wake up!” Mrs. Chang pleaded frantically, shaking him gently. Once the boy regained consciousness, she breathed a sigh of relief.

But her relief was short-lived.

“Who did this? Who just hit my son? Show yourself!” Mrs. Chang whirled around, her teeth clenched in anger, as if she were ready to devour someone.

“It was me!”

Dustin stepped forward, his face dark with fury.

Especially after seeing the bruises on Cecilia and Haley’s faces, his eyes gleamed with a dangerous intensity.

“You dare strike my son? Do you even know who I am?” Mrs. Chang barked, trying to reassert her dominance.


Without hesitation, Dustin raised his hand and slapped her. He demanded, “Who are you?”

“I…” Mrs. Chang tried to speak, but before she could utter a word, Dustin slapped her again, causing her to stumble.

“Who are you?” Dustin repeated, his voice unwavering.

“I am…”

A Lesson for Mrs. Chang


Mrs. Chang attempted to speak, but before she could utter a word, another resounding slap landed on her face.

“Again, who are you?” Dustin’s voice remained icy.

“You—” Mrs. Chang seethed with rage, poised to unleash a torrent of curses.

Dustin, however, didn’t give her the opportunity. He delivered another forceful slap to her face.

“Who are you?”


“Say it.”


“Why won’t you speak?”


“Weren’t you acting all bold just moments ago? If you’re capable, say something!”


Mrs. Chang’s world became a whirlwind of pain as Dustin relentlessly interrogated her with every blow. Her nose was bruised, her face swollen, and she leaned against a wall, barely able to stay on her feet.

After enduring more than a dozen slaps, Mrs. Chang was unrecognizable. Blood streamed from her nose and mouth, and even a few teeth lay scattered on the ground.

Her appearance was nothing short of horrifying.

Onlookers, including parents and kindergarten teachers, were left in shock.

“Oh my goodness! Who is this person? He actually dared to lay a hand on Mrs. Chang? Is he playing with fire?”

“Judging by his demeanor, he probably has no idea how powerful Mrs. Chang is. He’s in for a world of trouble!”

“He clearly doesn’t know his place! Crossing Mrs. Chang is a one-way ticket to disaster.”

Chapter 1029: A Clash with the Principal
Amidst the hushed whispers and pointed fingers, everyone marveled at Dustin’s audacity.

What could have been resolved with a simple apology had now escalated into a dire situation. If Mrs. Chang were to continue suffering such blows, she’d either end up with broken limbs or buried alive in conflict.


Dustin delivered another forceful slap, sending Mrs. Chang sprawling to the ground. He demanded once more, “Tell me, who are you?”

Mrs. Chang’s face contorted, and the world seemed to spin around her. She felt dizzy, disoriented, unable to discern which way was up.


At that moment, the kindergarten principal pushed her way through the crowd and rushed over.

Upon seeing Mrs. Chang, swollen and battered like a pig’s head, the principal gasped and quickly helped her to a chair. “My goodness, Mrs. Chang, how did you sustain these injuries? Who did this to you?”

Trembling, Mrs. Chang pointed at Dustin.


The director turned angrily to Dustin, shouting, “Who are you? How dare you assault Mrs. Chang? Do you comprehend the magnitude of trouble you’ve brought upon yourself!”

“Who are you to point fingers at me?” Dustin retorted with a stern expression.


The principal puffed out her chest proudly. “I’m Principal Smith, in charge of this kindergarten. All matters here fall under my jurisdiction.”

” Principal Smith, huh? Perfect timing,” Dustin nodded and gestured toward Mrs. Chang. “This woman is unreasonable and a bully. She must be expelled immediately.”


Principal Smith glared and rebuked, “You’re the one who committed assault, yet you have the audacity to slander Mrs. Chang? That’s like a thief accusing another thief!”

“I struck her because she deserved it. Open your eyes and see. The injuries on my sister-in-law’s face and my goddaughter’s body were all inflicted by her. I merely delivered some well-deserved justice on their behalf,” Dustin stated calmly.

“Yes, Principal Smith, both mother and son went too far and deliberately stirred up trouble,” Cecilia chimed in.


Principal Smith turned and barked before facing Dustin again, this time with a domineering tone. “I didn’t witness anything earlier. All I saw was you assaulting people. Now, I order you to apologize to Mrs. Chang immediately and compensate her for all losses. Otherwise, don’t blame me for calling the police and having you arrested!”

“Are you blind or something?”

Principal Smith’s Defeat

Dustin’s expression remained stern as he retorted, “When this shrew was assaulting someone earlier, you stood by idly, seemingly oblivious to the situation. But now that she’s facing the consequences, you immediately leap into action, baring your teeth and claws. Are you her lapdog?”

“You—You’re out of line!” Principal Smith, realizing his scheme had been exposed, couldn’t contain his anger. “Let me warn you, if you don’t apologize today, I’ll expel Student Haley from this kindergarten! She’ll never be able to enroll here again!”

“Expelled from the kindergarten? Haha… Principal Smith, you certainly wield great authority!” Dustin scoffed. “Do you believe this is the only kindergarten in the entire Millsburg? If we leave here, my goddaughter will still have plenty of educational options.”

“That’s right! I’ve been in the education field for twenty years, and I have connections everywhere. If I make a single phone call, no kindergarten will dare admit this little rascal!” Principal Smith asserted sternly.

“What did you say?” Dustin’s face darkened.

“What? Are you scared?” Principal Smith taunted. “Listen to me, as long as I don’t give my approval, no one will dare accept this wild child…”


Before he could finish his sentence, Dustin raised his hand and delivered a resounding slap to Principal Smith, sending him sprawling.

The crowd was once again left in shock.

Was this guy fearless? Wasn’t he afraid of being expelled by the principal?

“You… You dare to strike me?” Principal Smith scrambled to his feet, his face burning with embarrassment, a mixture of shock and anger coursing through him.

Parents of students usually bowed and scraped to Principal Smith, offering flattery. Even if they presented gifts, it was subject to her mood.

Now, this person not only showed no respect, but he had also struck her. Could this situation get any more topsy-turvy?

“What’s wrong with striking you?” Dustin retorted with a steely expression. “You follow the crowd, can’t differentiate between right and wrong, and abuse your authority to bully others. Allowing someone like you to educate and guide children is a grave disservice to their upbringing!”
Chapter 1030: Inspector Chang’s Arrival
Dustin’s words reverberated so loudly that Principal Smith quivered with anger, his face alternating between shades of green and white, as if he had consumed a fly.

Some parents who had previously felt oppressed by the school’s principal secretly applauded, feeling a sense of relief. After all, they had often been looked down upon by Principal Smith.

“You… You dare to scold me? Who do you think you are? You dare to lecture me?” Principal Smith seethed with rage, his face flushed with anger. “Just you wait! I’m going to expel Haley from this kindergarten! I’ll blacklist her! I’ll make sure she can never attend school again! I’ll blacklist all of you!”

“Blacklist?” Dustin sneered, kicking Principal Smith to the ground. “You think you can blacklist us? I’d like to see how you plan to accomplish that!”

Principal Smith was knocked to the ground by the kick. When he got up, he immediately yelled at the top of his lungs, “Security! Security! Where are you? Come here!”

As he yelled, two security guards rushed in.

But before they could take any action, Dustin turned to glare at them, freezing them in their tracks. They felt a chill run down their spines, unable to move.

“Hey! What are you two standing there for? Go ahead and deal with him!” Principal Smith urged in frustration.

However, before the security guards could react, Dustin turned around and stared at them, causing them to freeze in place.

For a moment, their backs were drenched in sweat, and they dared not make a move as if they were being hunted by a wild beast.

“The Smith’s Family name! How did a penniless person like you become the principal of this kindergarten?” Mrs. Chang, who had managed to stand up, indignantly questioned. “I’m warning you, if you don’t give me an explanation for today’s events, you’ll pay the price!”

“Huh?” Principal Smith’s face froze, and he hastily stepped forward, wearing a forced smile. “Mrs. Chang, it’s not my fault. It’s all because of this man’s arrogance. But don’t worry, I’ve already called the police, and they’ll be here shortly. I guarantee they’ll deal with him swiftly. Today, he won’t be able to eat in peace!”

“Hmph! And that woman and the child, they can’t escape punishment either!” Mrs. Chang added with resentment.

“No problem, no problem!” Principal Smith nodded vigorously.

“You’re still spouting nonsense, aren’t you?” Dustin’s eyes turned icy as he slapped Mrs. Chang to the ground once again. He continued to slap and kick her, scolding, “I told you to be ruthless, so I’ll be ruthless with you! If I don’t teach you a lesson, you’ll never learn!”

“You… You… You’re outrageous!” Principal Smith was both shocked and infuriated, but he didn’t dare to step forward to help. He had experienced Dustin’s slap earlier, and it had been excruciatingly painful. You could tell from Mrs. Chang’s disfigured face.

“Stop! Stop this immediately!”

At this moment, several uniformed individuals burst through the door.

The leader was a burly middle-aged man around forty years old.

He had broad shoulders, a sturdy build, and a stern countenance that exuded an imposing aura. As soon as he entered the scene, the crowd scattered, not daring to obstruct him.

“It’s Inspector Chang! Inspector Chang is here!”

“Oh no! This man beat Mrs. Chang like this. With Inspector Chang’s power, won’t he send him straight to jail?”

“Inspector Chang is so influential that even if this guy survives, he’ll be in big trouble!”

As soon as the uniformed men appeared, the crowd stirred with commotion.

Whispers and sidelong glances filled the air as they turned their attention to Dustin, their expressions revealing a mix of sympathy, pity, and schadenfreude.

“Inspector Chang, you’ve finally arrived!”

Principal Smith, seeing Inspector Chang, appeared as if he had found a savior. He rushed forward and began to complain, “If you had come any later, Mrs. Chang might have been beaten to death!”

“Hmm? What’s going on here?” Inspector Chang furrowed his brow.


At that moment, a wailing cry rang out, and Mrs. Chang, her face bloodied, crawled to Inspector Chang’s feet.

“May I ask who is calling my name?” Inspector Chang seemed slightly bewildered, struggling to comprehend the situation.

“Inspector Chang! She’s your wife, Mrs. Chang!”
Chapter 1031: An Unexpected Intervention
Principal Smith quickly reminded Inspector Chang, “Wife?

Inspector Chang took a closer look, and his eyes widened instantly. “How did you get injured like this?”

“It’s all his… that man did it all!” Mrs. Chang trembled as she pointed at Dustin.

“It’s you?” Inspector Chang’s gaze turned cold as he looked at Dustin. “Did you assault my wife?”

“It was me,” Dustin nodded, admitting it openly. “This shrew was bullying others, so I taught her a lesson.”

“You’re quite bold! How dare you teach my woman a lesson?” Inspector Chang’s expression grew stern, and his eyes held an unfriendly glint. “Tell me, how do you intend to resolve this matter?”

In this region, everyone was expected to show him some respect. Anyone who dared to harm his wife must either have a powerful background or be extremely reckless. Without knowing Dustin’s identity, he still tried to leave some room for negotiation and didn’t immediately jump to conclusions.

“Have this shrew apologize to us, and I won’t pursue today’s events any further,” Dustin replied calmly.

“What? An apology?” When this statement left his mouth, everyone present was astonished. Was this person out of his mind? He had just assaulted someone, and now he wanted an apology? What was even more astounding was that he made this demand in front of Inspector Chang, as if he was disregarding the inspector’s presence.

“You rascal! Do you know what you’re saying?” Before Inspector Chang could respond, Principal Smith, who couldn’t hold back any longer, yelled, “This is Inspector Chang from the patrol room! He’s equivalent to ten thousand people! How dare you act so insolently in front of Inspector Chang? It seems you’re tired of living!”

Inspector Chang held a high rank in the patrol room and wielded tremendous influence. A single word from him could determine the fate of ordinary individuals.

“This scoundrel is extremely audacious! Quick, capture him! Subject him to the harshest interrogation!” Mrs. Chang ground her teeth, displaying a hateful expression that made Dustin want to tear her apart.

“Young man! How dare you be so audacious after assaulting someone? What makes you so confident?” Inspector Chang squinted his eyes, growing increasingly irritated.

“You requested a resolution, and I provided you with one. Are you still dissatisfied?” Dustin retorted.

“Hmph! Since you’re so impudent, don’t blame me for handling this matter impartially!” Inspector Chang waved his hand and shouted, “Come here! Arrest this man and put him behind bars!”

“Yes, sir!” Several patrol officers stepped forward, ready to arrest him, pulling out their handcuffs.

“Wait!” At this moment, Natasha, who had been observing the situation coldly, suddenly stepped forward.

Her exquisite appearance and impeccable demeanor instantly captured everyone’s attention.

“Natasha… Miss Natasha Harmon?” Inspector Chang’s pupils contracted, an inexplicable unease settling in.

Why was the daughter of the Harmon Family here?

“Inspector Chang, I witnessed the entire incident clearly. It was your wife who initiated the physical altercation. If anyone should be arrested, it should be her!” Natasha stated icily.

“Ridiculous! Where did this woman come from? How dare she point fingers at Inspector Chang?” Principal Smith glared at her and threatened, “I advise you to stay out of this, or I’ll have you arrested as well!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Inspector Chang slapped Principal Smith hard across the face and scolded him, “What’s wrong with you? Why did you say that? Apologize to Miss Natasha Harmon immediately!”
Chapter 1032: A Battle of Words and Influence
“Ah?” Principal Smith was stunned, his face still burning from the slap, and he felt a bit bewildered. He had defended Mrs. Chang, but now he was being slapped.

“What are you standing there for? Apologize!” Inspector Chang slapped him once more with his backhand.

The Harmons are intimidating, and the little kindergarten principal is a better scapegoat.

“Yes, I apologize…” Principal Smith muttered with a dejected look.

Though he didn’t understand the situation, it was evident that this woman had significant influence. Otherwise, Inspector Chang wouldn’t react so strongly.

“Miss Natasha Harmon, I’m terribly sorry. I didn’t see you earlier,” Inspector Chang said with a smile on his face, feeling the need to salvage the situation. “May I ask what brings you here?”

“This is my husband, and this is my goddaughter,” Natasha replied without hesitation. “Your wife assaulted my goddaughter, and in self-defense, my husband intervened. I believe this can be classified as self-defense, don’t you agree?”

“What?” Inspector Chang was taken aback for a moment but soon nodded vigorously. “Yes, yes, it was self-defense! I was hasty earlier and almost misunderstood a good Samaritan. It’s all my wife’s fault, and I apologize to everyone on her behalf. From now on, I’ll make sure to discipline her properly.”

“Discipline?” Dustin interjected, “What we want is that the person who committed the mistake should apologize.”

“This gentleman is suggesting that the one at fault should apologize?” Inspector Chang said with a strained smile.

Dustin then made it clear, “We don’t need your apology, Mr Inspector. Your wife should apologize herself.”

“What this gentleman is saying is that the person who made the mistake should offer a personal apology,” Inspector Chang reiterated.

Mrs. Chang, however, was uncooperative. She pushed Inspector Chang away, pointed at him, and berated, “You coward! When your wife and child were being bullied, you didn’t step in to help. Now you want me to apologize? What kind of man are you?”

“Shut up!” Inspector Chang scolded her, his patience wearing thin. “This is Miss Natasha Harmon’s daughter! Watch your words!”

“What if she’s Miss Natasha Harmon’s daughter? I’m not afraid!” Mrs. Chang retorted fiercely. “Even when the Harmon Family was at its peak, I wouldn’t be afraid! Don’t forget, my younger brother holds a high position in Stonia. What’s a mere Harmon Family to us?”

“You, you… can you be more cautious with your words?” Inspector Chang was growing increasingly anxious and kept signaling her.

In reality, her brother-in-law was working a part-time government job in Stonia, but he was essentially a well-off kid living off his family’s wealth. He had no real power, only relying on connections and money. Once he lost those, he’d be helpless.

Ultimately, people had to possess genuine abilities to make it in the world. Relying solely on looks to get by wouldn’t last long.

“I’ll say it if I want to!” Mrs. Chang placed her hands on her hips, appearing utterly defiant. “You’re too timid to defend us, so I’ll contact my brother to teach these narrow-minded people a lesson in person!”

“That’s enough! Don’t blow this out of proportion!” Inspector Chang had a headache.

“If it becomes a big deal, so be it! Who’s afraid of whom?” Mrs. Chang disregarded him and immediately dialed for help on her phone. Afterward, she taunted, “If you’re not a coward, don’t run away. Cowards are bastards!”

“Alright, I’ll wait for you. Let’s see who you can call.” Natasha responded with a stern expression. In all of Millsburg, there weren’t many people with higher authority than her grandfather.
Chapter 1033: A Chance Encounter
Inside a fancy Western restaurant, several elegantly dressed young men and women were enjoying their evening together, sipping on drinks and engaging in lively conversation.

“Sister Dahlia, you’re really lucky. Becoming Lord Eugene Montgomery’s goddaughter is a remarkable achievement!” exclaimed a cheerful woman dressed in red, her enthusiasm shining through.

Meet Victoria Sterling, the legitimate daughter of the Sterling family, one of the most affluent clans in Stonia!

“I heard Lord Eugene Montgomery has been away at war for years and has no heirs. The fact that he chose you as his goddaughter proves your exceptional qualities, both in terms of ability and integrity,” chimed in a man with slicked-back hair and a rosy complexion. This charismatic figure was none other than Aiden Mitchell, Victoria Sterling’s boyfriend.

“Sister Dahlia, can you tell us how you and Lord Eugene Montgomery crossed paths?” Victoria Sterling couldn’t contain her curiosity.

After all, Lord Eugene Montgomery had always lived in seclusion, maintained an aloof demeanor, and never formed any close associations. His sudden appearance in the Millsburg and his decision to take on a goddaughter had sent shockwaves throughout Stonia’s elite circles.

“It’s actually quite a simple story,” Dahlia began, taking a sip of her red wine. “Five days ago, I stumbled upon a car accident right outside my house. The driver was critically injured, and I rushed him to the hospital. To my surprise, that person turned out to be Lord Eugene Montgomery.”

“Huh? That’s it?” Victoria Sterling looked momentarily puzzled, expecting a more dramatic tale.

She had anticipated a hidden secret, but it seemed that Dahlia’s relationship with Lord Eugene Montgomery was based solely on a chance act of kindness.

“And if not?” Dahlia shrugged nonchalantly. To her, saving a life was merely an accident, and her newfound status as a goddaughter was due to various factors.

“But why would Lord Eugene Montgomery, known for his courage, end up in a car accident?” Victoria Sterling murmured, sensing something amiss.

“Miss Victoria, you invited me here to discuss business, didn’t you?” Dahlia asked pointedly. “Why veer into personal matters?”

Victoria Sterling quickly recovered, offering a forced smile as she shot a knowing glance at Aiden Mitchell.

He immediately grasped her cue and presented a document with both hands. “Miss Dahlia, this is our proposed cooperation plan. Please take a look.”

“Two billion?” Dahlia raised her eyebrows in surprise as she examined the document. “Miss Victoria, you’re incredibly generous. This deal practically hands me money on a silver platter.”

“It’s just two billion, nothing more. As long as you’re happy, consider us friends,” Victoria Sterling replied with a warm smile.

For a wealthy family like hers, two billion was a drop in the bucket. But using this investment to establish a connection with Lord Eugene Montgomery could yield colossal returns.

“Alright, since Miss Victoria is so sincere, I look forward to a fruitful partnership,” Dahlia said, reaching out her hand.

“Here’s to a successful collaboration!” Victoria Sterling enthusiastically shook her hand, sealing the deal.

Suddenly, a cellphone rang, interrupting their conversation.

Aiden Mitchell’s face darkened as he answered the call. “What? An altercation at the kindergarten? Alright, I’m on my way. Sis, just wait. I’ll handle this for you today!”

Victoria Sterling, still puzzled, inquired, “What’s gotten into you? Why the sudden rush?”

” Victoria, some local troublemakers got into a brawl with my sister at her kindergarten. I have to go check it out,” Aiden Mitchell explained.

“Go ahead, but don’t be too long,” Victoria Sterling waved dismissively. Dealing with a small-time local thug was child’s play for someone like him.
Chapter 1034: An Unexpected Turn of Events
Half an hour passed by as Victoria Sterling and Dahlia continued their conversation. However, their pleasant evening was disrupted by an unexpected phone call.

Victoria hastily answered the call and rushed back with a trembling voice, “Wooooooooooooooooo

“What? You got beaten up too?”

Victoria Sterling’s brow furrowed. “What happened? Didn’t I send two bodyguards with you?”

Her bodyguards were carefully selected, and they should have easily handled even a local troublemaker.

“These two were utterly useless. They were beaten down as soon as the fight started. I didn’t stand a chance either,” Aiden Mitchell complained, sounding quite aggrieved.

“Did you mention the Sterling family’s name?” Victoria Sterling asked.

“Of course I did, but this guy just kept on beating me!” Aiden Mitchell replied, still shaken.

“What? He showed no respect for the Sterling family?” Victoria Sterling’s eyebrows shot up in anger. “How dare he defy us for the sake of a mere local thug? Just wait, I’m heading there right now!”

“Alright, hurry, I’ll try to hold him off,” Aiden Mitchell agreed.


“Miss Victoria, it seems you’re facing some trouble. Would you like my assistance?” Dahlia offered unexpectedly.

“It’s a minor issue, not worth bothering with. But if you’re interested, Sister Dahlia, you can accompany me to deal with it,” Victoria Sterling suggested with a smile.

“Sure, I have some free time anyway. Let’s go together, Miss Victoria,” Dahlia agreed with a nod.

After all, they had just struck a deal for two billion, so a little understanding and flexibility wouldn’t hurt.

Leaving the restaurant, they summoned a few bodyguards and headed straight to Golden Apple Kindergarten.

Meanwhile, inside Golden Apple Kindergarten:

Aiden Mitchell, his nose bruised and face swollen, huddled in a corner with Mrs. Chang, trembling with fear.

Initially, when he had arrived, Aiden Mitchell had flaunted his newfound power, acting like a boss and pulling rank as though he were invincible.

However, after only a few slaps, the illusion of his superiority had crumbled.

A proud man had been reduced to tears, beaten and broken.

“Kid! Don’t you dare run away! My backer is on the way, and you’ll be in for a world of hurt when they arrive!” Aiden Mitchell, although sobbing, was far from conceding defeat.

Ever since he’d become involved with the Sterling family’s daughter, he had believed he was on top of the world and treated everyone with condescension.

Yet, the person before him had shown no regard for the Sterling family’s influence and had slapped him without hesitation. It was an affront he couldn’t bear!

“What? You’ve had enough? How many more slaps do you want?” Dustin raised his hand, and Aiden Mitchell cowered behind his sister, shouting inwardly, “Kid! You might be bold now, but you’ll cry later!”

“That’s right! I want to see you cry!” Mrs. Chang joined in.

“Everyone, let’s calm down. In my opinion, we should just let this go and avoid escalating the situation,” Inspector Chang attempted to mediate.

Though he favored his wife, he couldn’t afford to offend the Harmon Family. Thus, he tried to reason with both sides.

“Shut up, you good-for-nothing!” Aiden Mitchell, finding an outlet for his anger, lashed out. “My sister and I got beaten up, and you, the so-called protector, stood idly by. You’re nothing but a coward! I won’t allow you to be my brother-in-law any longer. Tomorrow, you’re divorcing my sister!”

“Divorce! I’ll divorce him tomorrow!” Mrs. Chang added, her indignation apparent.

Having such a spineless husband was an immense stroke of bad luck for her.

“You…you’re being unreasonable!” Inspector Chang was starting to look bewildered.

It was one thing to be arrogant in everyday life, but Aiden Mitchell had utterly no sense of perspective.

Aside from San Jueding and a few shadow guards behind the scenes, who could resist the Harmon Family’s influence in the area?

“Step aside! Make way!” While the commotion continued, several burly bodyguards suddenly entered the scene.
Chapter 1035: Clash of the Titans
As they moved through the crowd, the burly bodyguards forcefully cleared a path, creating a spacious area for Victoria Sterling’s grand entrance.

Dressed like a princess, Victoria Sterling, with her stunning looks, opulent attire, and the air of aristocracy cultivated since childhood, unmistakably appeared to be of a noble lineage.

“Victoria! You’re finally here!” Aiden Mitchell’s eyes lit up when he saw her, and he rushed to greet her, tearfully saying, “Look at my face, it’s been battered! You have to make a decision for me this time!”

“Hmm?” Victoria Sterling extended her hand and pinched Aiden Mitchell’s chin, scanning the surroundings. Her face darkened swiftly. “Who did this to you?!”

Her criteria for her man were threefold: he had to be handsome, strong, and make her happy. Aiden Mitchell’s once-handsome face, now marred by bruises, felt like a violation of her personal property, and she couldn’t tolerate it.

“It was him!” Aiden Mitchell pointed at Dustin with venom in his voice. “He’s the one who attacked me and even threatened to take you down!”

“Oh?” Victoria Sterling observed him and retorted sharply, “Anyone who dares to disrespect me? You must be quite audacious!”

“Where did you crawl out from?” Dustin looked at her with impatience. This felt like a never-ending game of whack-a-mole, with another challenger popping up after each defeat.

“What impudence!” Aiden Mitchell retorted, glaring. “Do you even know who she is? Let me enlighten you: she’s the daughter of the Sterling family, one of Stonia’s top elites!”

This revelation sent shockwaves through the crowd. “The Sterling family of Stonia? They’re a wealthy and powerful family!”

“Why would someone from the Sterling family come to our small town?”

“This guy’s in big trouble now! He’s offended Miss Victoria. He’s going to regret it!”

As people whispered among themselves, they were not only surprised by Victoria Sterling’s identity but also felt a growing sense of sympathy for Dustin.

The elite from Stonia seemed to exist on a different plane altogether in Millsburg.

“Boy, are you trembling with fear yet? Are your legs shaking?” Aiden Mitchell taunted, puffing up his chest with pride.

With the backing of the Sterling family, he could certainly afford to be cocky.

“Humph! You were quite bold earlier. Why so quiet now? What a coward!” Mrs. Chang also gloated.

“You asked for this! This is what happens when you cross Mrs. Chang. Let’s see how you suffer next!” Principal Smith sneered, his eyes gleaming with schadenfreude.

Those who dared to challenge the powerful should be prepared for the consequences. By provoking the elite, they were inviting their own destruction.

“The one who hit me must pay the price,” Victoria Sterling declared with an icy and haughty demeanor. “I command you to cut off your own hands and then kneel before my boyfriend in apology. Only then will I consider sparing your life.”

“Idiot!” Dustin retorted, not mincing words. “Who do you think you are? Daring to flaunt your power in front of me? Leave immediately, or I won’t hesitate to teach you a lesson!”

“You… What did you say?” Victoria Sterling was taken aback, finding it hard to believe her ears.

Had she misheard him? Who dared to speak to her like this?

“Didn’t you hear me clearly? Fine, I’ll repeat it,” Dustin took two steps forward, raised his voice, and enunciated each word, “Get out of here right now, or I’ll give you a taste of my fists!”
Chapter 1036: The Power of Resolve


Dustin’s audacious words instantly ignited the anger of Aiden Mitchell and the others.

How dare he show such disrespect to the daughter of the Sterling family? He was clearly courting trouble!

“You… How dare you tell me to leave?”

After a moment of shock, Victoria Sterling became furious. “You lowlife! You’re utterly impudent and reckless! Today, I’ll teach you a lesson! Someone, get him!”


Immediately, several bodyguards lunged at Dustin without hesitation.

“Bang, bang, bang…”

In the blink of an eye, figures flashed, and the bodyguards who had rushed forward were sent flying one after another, crashing to the ground unconscious.


The sudden turn of events left everyone dumbfounded.

It had all happened so quickly that they couldn’t even comprehend it. From Victoria Sterling’s order to the bodyguards’ attack and subsequent incapacitation, it had taken no more than two or three seconds.

The entire battle had concluded before their eyes could even register what had transpired.

It was simply astonishing.

“How about it? Do you still wish to continue?” Dustin remained composed, showing no emotion, as if he hadn’t moved at all.

“Who the hell are you, kid?!”

Aiden Mitchell involuntarily took a step back.

Damn, he had thought that Victoria Sterling’s bodyguards would be formidable, but they had been defeated with ease.

What a waste!

“Indeed, with so many Sterling family bodyguards, they couldn’t even handle this one untouchable?”

Mrs. Chang and Principal Smith exchanged bewildered glances, their eyes filled with surprise.

Even Victoria Sterling herself appeared somewhat uneasy at this point.

Her personal bodyguards were all elite individuals who had undergone rigorous training.

Normally, they could take on ten opponents each, so why couldn’t they handle even one untouchable now?

“Sir Dustin, perhaps it’s best if we leave. There’s no need to make a scene,” Cecilia whispered, attempting to dissuade him.

She didn’t want Dustin to create too many enemies on her behalf. Although the Kirin Gang was formidable, it was clear that the Sterling family held even greater power. Continuing to provoke them could lead to dire consequences.

“Leave? That’s wishful thinking!” Victoria Sterling suddenly blocked the exit, her tone stern. “People who dare to fight me think they can just walk away? Today, I will teach you a lesson! Someone, apprehend him!”


Several bodyguards moved forward once again to seize Dustin.

“Bang, bang, bang…”

In an instant, figures darted around, and the bodyguards were sent flying one after another, landing heavily on the ground in a state of unconsciousness.

“What? You want more?” Dustin asked coldly.

“Humph! I know you have some skills, but so what? In this world, it’s not personal strength that matters, but power and status!” Victoria Sterling raised her head proudly, her tone cold and arrogant. “Now, I’ll give you another chance. Cut off your own hands and kneel to apologize to my boyfriend. Only then will I spare your life. Otherwise, disaster will befall you soon!”

The Sterling family had an abundance of skilled fighters, too numerous to count. Though the man before her possessed good martial arts, he was insignificant compared to true masters.

“Boy! Don’t think that defeating a few bodyguards makes you impressive. It’s easy to fight a few, but can you contend with hundreds or thousands of people? If you’re wise, you’ll surrender now. Otherwise, you’ll soon regret it when the Sterling family takes revenge!” Aiden Mitchell shouted.

“It’s ridiculous! A lowlife like you thinks you can challenge a prestigious family from Stonia?” Mrs. Chang and Principal Smith sneered.

No matter how strong an individual might be, compared to a wealthy family, they were as insignificant as an ant before a mountain.

“My patience is limited. If you don’t leave now, don’t blame me for taking action,” Dustin warned, growing impatient.

“Do it?”

Victoria Sterling sneered. “Come on, then. Are you itching to touch me? Let’s see if you have the guts!”

As soon as she uttered the word “guts,” Dustin raised his hand and delivered a resounding slap to Victoria Sterling’s face.


The sound was crisp, and the force of the slap left Victoria Sterling feeling dizzy and struggling to maintain her balance. Fortunately, Aiden Mitchell caught her, preventing her from falling

“You’re really intolerable!”
Chapter 1037: The Arrival of an Unexpected Guest
Dustin wore an expression of discontent. He generally didn’t pay much attention to women, but dealing with a shrew was a different story.


The sight of Victoria Sterling, who had been slapped, left everyone in shock and disbelief.

Was this guy insane?

Even if he had fought the Sterling family’s bodyguards, how could he dare to strike the daughter of the Sterling family?

She was the legitimate daughter of a wealthy family!

One of the top elites in Stonia!

Striking such a prominent figure openly—was he trying to court disaster?

Or did this guy genuinely fear nothing?!

“How dare you hit me?”

Victoria Sterling covered her burning face, her eyes filled with disbelief. She had never been struck by anyone, let alone publicly slapped in the face. It was a tremendous humiliation.

“Hey! Why do you keep repeating the same thing? Can’t you come up with something new?” Dustin couldn’t help but remark.

“I… I’ll fight you!” Victoria Sterling yelled, lunging toward Dustin with her teeth bared and claws out.

“Victoria! Calm down! Calm down!” Aiden Mitchell quickly intervened and held her back.

Rushing forward would only invite more trouble.

“That’s enough!”

At that moment, a woman with delicate features, starry eyes, and a stunningly beautiful face walked in through the door.

This woman possessed both beauty and an impeccable figure. Her cool and refreshing aura was akin to a soothing breeze on a hot summer day, making people feel at ease.


Upon seeing the woman, Dustin’s pupils contracted, revealing a hint of surprise. He hadn’t expected to encounter her here.

“What a small world!” Natasha, who was standing behind Dustin, couldn’t help but scrunch up her nose and feel a bit disgruntled. She had initially crossed her arms, as if she were watching a spectacle. However, Dahlia’s appearance prompted her to take things more seriously.

As her greatest romantic rival in this lifetime, she had to be cautious. It wouldn’t be good if her love rival managed to steal her man.

“Dahlia, why are you here, sticking your nose into this mess?” Natasha stepped forward and stared intently at her romantic rival, her tone somewhat confrontational.

Two stunningly beautiful women, each with a different temperament but equally captivating, stood together, creating a breathtaking spectacle. Even the bystanders were momentarily stunned.

“Who are you? Do I know you?” Dahlia asked, her expression cold as she scanned Natasha from head to toe.

“Hey! Miss Dahlia is so noble and forgetful. It hasn’t been that long since we last met, and you don’t even remember who I am?” Natasha raised her eyebrows.

“Have we met before? I don’t recall it,” Dahlia replied, her brow furrowing slightly as her confusion deepened.

“Playing dumb, huh? You’re really good at it. It seems you genuinely don’t take me seriously!” Natasha’s demeanor turned frosty, and she exuded an air of regality.


Dustin, who was behind her, tugged at Natasha’s sleeve and whispered, “She has amnesia, and she can’t remember many things.”


Natasha’s beautiful eyes widened, displaying a hint of surprise. “Is that true?”

“It’s absolutely true,” Dustin affirmed, nodding solemnly. “Not only has she forgotten you, but she’s also forgotten me. Most of her memories from the past three years are gone.”

“What? She’s forgotten you too? Haha… That’s fantastic!” Natasha couldn’t help but burst into laughter. However, when she saw Dustin’s peculiar expression, she suppressed her amusement and pretended to sigh, saying, “Oh, it’s truly pitiful. How did she lose her memory so thoroughly? Is it really true? Such a pity… such a pity… hehe…”
Chapter 1038: A Bewildering Encounter
“What are you two whispering about?” Dahlia’s expression grew even more puzzled as she observed Natasha’s erratic behavior.

Is this woman insane?

“It’s nothing, really. I just mistook someone for another person. My apologies.” Natasha forced a smile and offered an apology, choosing not to pursue the issue further.

What could she do?

Engaging in an argument with someone with amnesia was pointless, after all.

“Baffling,” Dahlia muttered to herself with a furrowed brow.

Even though she didn’t recognize the woman in front of her, something about her demeanor felt unsettling.

Dahlia gave her a sidelong glance before directing her attention towards Dustin. “Wait a minute… you look familiar. Have we met before?”


Dahlia’s statement caught Natasha off guard. She was supposed to have amnesia—how was she suddenly recalling things now?

Is she playing games with me?

“You remember me?” Dustin was equally surprised and perplexed.

“Oh, I remember now. You’re the insurance salesman,” Dahlia said after a moment of contemplation.

A while back, this man had tried to sell insurance at the hospital but had been unceremoniously ejected by her mother.

“Yes, I sell insurance,” Dustin confirmed with a nonchalant nod.

It seemed that Dahlia had truly forgotten the events of the past, which was just as well.

They were strangers to each other, and it was better that way.

“Hmph! I thought he was some powerful individual, but it turns out he’s just a handsome insurance salesman!”

“A bottom-tier commoner dares to challenge Miss Victoria? He’s clearly seeking his own doom!”

“Even with a net worth in the hundreds of millions, I wouldn’t dare raise my voice here. It’s absurd for an insurance salesman to be so audacious!”

Once they learned of Dustin’s identity, everyone resumed their chatter. Aiden Mitchell, Mrs. Chang, Principal Smith, and others regarded him with disdain and condescension, as if they were looking at a fool.

Their previous apprehension, thinking that Dustin might have influential connections, had been replaced by scorn upon discovering that he was nothing more than a pretentious insurance salesman.

“Sister Dahlia, are you familiar with this insurance salesman?” Victoria Sterling asked cautiously.

“I’ve only met him once, so I wouldn’t say we’re familiar,” Dahlia replied with a shake of her head.

“That’s good then.” Victoria Sterling secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Meanwhile, her gaze toward Dustin became even more malevolent.

If the two of them were acquainted, she would need to be cautious. But since they weren’t, she no longer felt the need to hold back when seeking revenge.

“I’d like to offer some advice. Apologize to Miss Victoria immediately. There might still be room for resolution regarding today’s events,” Dahlia suggested.

“Apologize? She’s not worth it.” Dustin responded calmly.

“Hmm?” Dahlia’s brow furrowed slightly. “I’m offering you friendly advice. Miss Victoria’s family is powerful, and she’s not someone you should mess with. Don’t ruin your life over a petty dispute.”

Stonia’s wealthy families were insurmountable behemoths for ordinary individuals. Crossing a wealthy family’s heir could lead to a miserable end.

“Thank you for the advice, but I’m not concerned,” Dustin replied with a nonchalant shrug.

“Have I not made myself clear enough? Offending Miss Victoria will lead to your demise!” Dahlia said with a stern expression.

Why was this person so stubborn and ignorant?
Chapter 1039: A Defiant Stand
“You’ve made your point, and I’ve heard you loud and clear. However, all of you are mistaken about one thing. I’m not afraid of the Sterling family; in fact, the Sterling family should be afraid of me,” Dustin stated stoically.

Laughter erupted among the onlookers.

“The Sterling family should be afraid of you? Hahaha… Did you take the wrong medication, kid? Do you even comprehend what you’re saying?”

“An insurance salesman dares to utter such arrogant words! He truly doesn’t know his place!”

“Ignorant! It seems like he doesn’t understand the caliber of the opponent he’s offended!”

The crowd shook their heads and pointed, making Dustin appear foolish.

“Stubborn,” Dahlia murmured, shaking her head slightly. “I’ve given you a chance. Since you don’t know how to appreciate it, I’ll leave it at that.”

Normally, she wouldn’t have gotten involved at all, and she had no idea what had transpired today.

“I don’t need you to give me a chance, and we have the upper hand now. We’re in a hurry, and at worst, we’ll die!” Natasha asserted forcefully.

In terms of looks, both sides were equally attractive, but when it came to presence, she had the upper hand.

“How audacious! Why are you speaking to Sister Dahlia like this? Do you even know who she is?” Victoria Sterling shouted indignantly.

As the goddaughter of Lord Eugene Montgomery, revealing her true identity would shake the world!

“Let’s not interfere in this matter,” Dahlia stated indifferently. She wasn’t one to push herself into others’ affairs or argue over trivial matters.

“It’s better if you don’t interfere; otherwise, you might get hurt,” Natasha said with a slight smile. “Husband, let’s ignore these people and go home for a meal.”

With that, she took Dustin in one hand and held Haley in the other, strolling out of the kindergarten in a relaxed manner.

Even though Dahlia had lost her memory, it was best for both parties to minimize their interactions.

With today’s advanced medical technology, what if her memories suddenly returned?

No, she needed to fast-track this process before Dahlia regained her memory!

If there was no other option, she might even resort to alcohol-induced memory loss!

“Damn it…”

Victoria Sterling gritted her teeth in frustration as she watched them leave.

She was currently too powerless to do anything. Her first step was to request reinforcements from her family before she could deal with that troublesome couple.

“Aiden Mitchell, where did that woman come from? How dare she be so arrogant?” She turned to ask.

“I heard her surname is Harmon. She seems to be from the Harmon Family and wields significant influence here,” Aiden Mitchell promptly replied.

“The Harmon Family? Hmph! They’re just local nouveau riche, lording over this small place. Compared to the wealthy families in Stonia, they’re worlds apart!” Victoria Sterling sneered.

Stonia was the capital of the Balermo, a city where heroes congregated and stood above all else.

Even a second-tier power from Stonia could dominate the Millsburg, let alone a wealthy family like the Sterlings.

In her eyes, the Harmon Family was utterly insignificant.

“What’s going on? Why do my emotions feel so turbulent?”

Watching Dustin and Natasha depart, Dahlia inexplicably experienced discomfort.

It was a sensation that defied explanation, as if something had been taken away.

Very strange.
“Sister Dahlia, what are you looking at? You don’t want to help that person, do you?” Victoria Sterling inquired cautiously.

“I won’t get involved in your affairs,” Dahlia replied, shaking her head.

“I’m simply reminding you that there’s no reason for such a small character to catch your attention.”

Victoria Sterling smiled lightly and winked at Aiden Mitchell. “Hurry to Stonia and call for reinforcements. I can’t let this slide today!”
Chapter 1040: Tragic Accident
On the drive back, Dustin was behind the wheel while Natasha sat in the passenger seat. In the back, Cecilia and Haley were seated.

“Haley, if anyone bullies you again in the future, remember to tell your godmother, and she will take care of them for you, okay?” Natasha spoke while using a wet tissue to wipe dirt from Haley’s face.

“Yes, I understand,” Haley responded seriously.

“Haley, starting tomorrow, your godfather will teach you martial arts, okay?” Dustin proposed earnestly. “If anyone dares to bully you, you can defend yourself; if you want to bully, you can also defend yourself!”

“What are you talking about?” Natasha chided. “Learning martial arts is difficult, and we don’t want our baby to be exhausted. Besides, girls shouldn’t be focused on fighting. Learning some piano, chess, calligraphy, and painting would be more suitable.”

“Too many skills are unnecessary. Learning some basic self-defense would be beneficial,” Dustin explained. “Starting martial arts training early is essential.”

“To be honest, darling, you should focus on cultivating a wide range of skills, not just martial arts. After all, you’re a girl, and you should be well-rounded,” Natasha insisted.

Haley interjected, “I will listen to godmother.”

“Okay, if that’s what you prefer. When you’re a bit older, your godmother will arrange things for you,” Natasha assured, gently patting Haley’s head.

Seeing their lighthearted conversation, Cecilia felt her eyes well up with tears. She had witnessed Dustin and Natasha’s actions countless times before, and with such protective godparents, Haley’s life would be bright and secure.

“Honey, since we’re already out, would you like to eat something outside?” Natasha suggested, turning to Dustin. “Haley, what would you like to eat?”

“I want French fries and a burger, is that okay?” Haley asked with a tilted head.

“Of course, no problem. Godmother will treat you to as many as you want today!” Natasha responded with a slight smile.

“Great! I get to have French fries and a burger!” Haley cheered with excitement.

Dustin and Natasha shared a knowing glance, understanding the simple joy that children found in such treats.

Suddenly, Natasha’s expression changed as she glanced to the side and shouted, “Honey, be careful!”

“Huh?” Dustin’s eyebrows furrowed as he turned his head.

A large truck was suddenly running a red light, seemingly out of control, and heading straight toward them.

In the nick of time, Dustin swerved the car in an attempt to avoid a collision. However, the large truck accelerated rather than braking and crashed into the side of their vehicle.


A deafening crash echoed through the air.

The car was sent tumbling, rolling multiple times before coming to a halt more than ten meters away.

A long skid mark was left on the road, and car debris was strewn everywhere.

The entire incident unfolded in a flash, leaving no time for reaction.

Instinctively, Dustin had used his body to shield Natasha at the last moment.

Even so, Natasha had suffered a blow to the head and various contusions from the impact and subsequent rolling. Her body was covered in scratches.

“Natasha, are you okay?” Dustin’s expression shifted.

“I… I’m fine… Hurry, check on Haley!” Natasha shouted weakly.


Dustin twisted to look at the back seat.

In the rear, Haley was already unconscious, hanging upside down with his head down and feet up. His right arm was twisted and broken, two ribs were fractured, blood was flowing from his mouth and nose, and he had numerous shards of glass embedded in his body. It was clear that he was severely injured.

However, Haley wasn’t the only one in a bad state; Cecilia was also faring poorl

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