Understated Dominance - Chapter 905 to 1100

Understated Dominance translated by Marina Vitori follow here (Original version)👇👇👇

I will send updates when I can. But if you think I am being late you can translate this from the Chinese version. Link provided below 👇👇

New translation will come with new name characters and if you spot mistakes due to different people translating this you would understand.

You are all allowed to post your translation here if you can. Anybody can translate and post here
Chapter 1041

Her face was covered in blood, her hands and feet were broken in many places, her stomach was hit hard, her amniotic fluid had broken, and blood overflowed from her abdomen.

”Sister-in-law! Bao’er!”

Dustin shouted twice respectively, but both of them were unconscious and showed no reaction.

He didn’t dare to hesitate and got out of the car quickly. Then with a “clang” sound, he opened the deformed car door and took Lin Juan and Bao’er out.

Both of them were seriously injured. Dustin could only use his bow left and right, use silver needles to stop the bleeding, and heal the injuries with his true energy. He wanted to save their lives first.

”Mr. Dustin!”

At this time, several Kirin Gang disciples rushed forward anxiously.

They are the bodyguards Dustin arranged for Natasha Harmon, and they have been protecting her secretly.

After seeing the car accident, he got out of the car immediately.

”Quick! Send them to the hospital quickly!”

After stabilizing the situation, Dustin immediately carried Lin Juan and Bao’er into the car, and then directed the Kirin Gang disciples to send the two to the hospital for treatment.

Then he opened the door on the other side and took out the dizzy Natasha Harmon.

”Bao’er… How are Bao’er and the others?” Natasha Harmon asked weakly.

”They are a little injured, but their lives are not in danger, don’t worry.” Dustin comforted them while administering acupuncture treatment.

”It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay.” Natasha Harmon breathed a sigh of relief.

”Master Dustin, the driver caught him, it’s him!”

At this time, two Kirin Gang disciples came over carrying a bald driver.

”Ms. Harmon, Mr. Dustin, I’m really sorry just now. The brakes failed and I lost control for a moment. There’s nothing I can do about it.”

The bald driver spread his hands, looking innocent.

”Brake failure?”

Hearing this, Natasha Harmon’s face darkened, she raised her hand and slapped her, shouting: “The brakes failed, why did you step on the accelerator? You were clearly coming for us just now!”

”Ms. Harmon, you can’t say that.”

The bald driver touched his hot face, and said with a smile that was not a smile: “When people are in a critical situation, once they panic, there will always be mistakes. It was purely a traffic accident just now. I just take the responsibility. Anyway, I have insurance, whether it is a traffic accident or not. Whether you’re killed or injured, you should pay whatever amount you should pay.”

”Do you think losing money will be the end of it?” Dustin’s face was gloomy.

“if not?”

The bald driver shrugged and said with an indifferent expression: “I didn’t drink, and I didn’t hit and run, and I took the responsibility on my own initiative. According to the laws and regulations, the most I can do is pay compensation. If that doesn’t work, you can just imprison me for a few days.”

As he said that, he twitched the corners of his mouth, looking like what can you do to me?

”I just want to ask, who told you to do this? Tell me, and I will spare you.” Dustin said coldly.

Today’s car accident was obviously premeditated.

”Yo Yo Yo…Scare me? Do you think I was scared?”

The bald driver curled his lips and said with disdain: “There are so many people watching at the scene, what can you do to me? Do you still dare to kill me?”

As he spoke, he suddenly raised his voice and shouted to the surroundings: “Come on, come on… Come on, everyone, come and see! Someone is going to commit murder in public. Please record the video. I’ll go to the station later.” Testify for me!”

As soon as these words came out, the melon-eating crowd watching the excitement immediately gathered around.

Many people took out their mobile phones and started recording videos.

Seeing this scene, the bald driver became even more proud: “Hahaha… why didn’t you say anything? Aren’t you crazy? If you dare, kill me. I want to see if you have the courage.” !”


Natasha Harmon was so angry that she wanted to take action.

As a result, Dustin grabbed him and pulled him back a step: “Don’t worry about it like a dead person.”

”Hmph! A coward is a coward, if you don’t even dare to do it, what’s the use of you?”

The bald driver sneered with contempt on his face: “Ms. Harmon, you might as well come with me if you follow this kind of trash. At least I can still serve you comfortably…”

The words have not yet finished.

A car suddenly sped up and hit the bald driver with a bang.

His whole body flew more than ten meters away in an instant, and then fell heavily to the ground. He died suddenly on the spot without closing his eyes.

At this time, the car door opened.

Cornelius got out of the car with a grin on his face and said to the bald driver: “I’m sorry, the brakes failed, but I have insurance, so I’ll pay whatever I have to pay.”
Chapter 1042

At night, in a ward of Dongjiang Hospital.

Dustin and Natasha Harmon stood by the bed quietly, looking at Bao’er who had fallen asleep, feeling a little distressed for no reason.

After surgical treatment, Bao’er’s broken bones have been reattached, and all the areas that should be bandaged have been bandaged.

The congestion in the body was also drained out by Dustin with a silver needle.

Although the person is out of danger, the pain and shock of the car accident are still very harmful to a five-year-old child.

“Don’t worry, Bao’er will be fine.”

Dustin held Natasha Harmon’s hand and comforted her.

“What a bunch of beasts, they won’t even spare a child.”

Natasha Harmon bit her teeth lightly, obviously angry.

“I will get to the bottom of this matter. No matter who is behind the scenes, I will never let it go!” Hector looked serious.

It is said that no harm comes to the wife and children. This time, Natasha Harmon and Bao’er were both injured, which undoubtedly triggered his inner instinct.

He will never be merciful to enemies who have no bottom line.

“Concubine Xuan!”


At this time, Cao Guan and Cao Anan suddenly walked in anxiously.

Looking at Natasha Harmon with a bandage on her head, both of them seemed a little nervous and quickly asked about the situation.

“Dad, I’m fine, I just broke my skin a little.” Natasha Harmon smiled pretending to be relaxed.

“As long as it’s okay, it’ll be okay.”

Hector let out a long breath: “I just heard that you guys were in a car accident. It really shocked me. Fortunately, you are all safe. It’s a blessing in misfortune.”

“Sister, how could a car accident happen if everything is fine? Didn’t you drink?” Cao Anan asked tentatively.

“It’s not our problem, it’s someone’s fault.”

Natasha Harmon did not hide anything and simply told what happened.

After listening, both Hector and Dylan frowned: “Who is so bold? Dare to harm people in broad daylight? Is there any more royal law?”

“Under investigation, I believe there will be results tomorrow.” Dustin replied.

“No matter who it is, they have to pay the price for this matter!” Hector said sullenly.

Ordinary intrigue is nothing more than that, and he can no longer tolerate it when it involves the lives of his wife and daughter.

“Yo! It’s all here!”

While the few people were talking, a young man in a suit with a spring face walked in with his head held high.

Behind him, there are two adjutants in uniform.

“Dylan? Why are you here?”

Natasha Harmon frowned slightly, looking a little surprised.

“I heard that you were in a car accident. As my cousin, I naturally have to come and have a look.”

Dylan looked up and down, smiled and said, “But you don’t seem to be injured at all, so congratulations!”

“Stop being hypocritical here, just speak up if you have something to say.” Natasha Harmon was too lazy to be polite.

Ever since his father was forced to abdicate, the two sides have been at odds.

“I’m here tonight, first to see your injury, and second, to talk to third uncle.”

Dylan turned his gaze to Hector: “Third Uncle, can I take a step to speak?”

“Don’t bother, just talk here if you have something to say.” Hector said lightly.

“In that line, there are no outsiders. Fortunately, I have a showdown.”

Dylan took his seat Shi Shiran, patted a little dust on his suit, and said with a smile: “Third Uncle, didn’t the ancestors of our Cao family leave a treasure map? According to the rules, this treasure map has always been collected by the patriarch. , now that you have changed positions, shouldn’t it be time to hand over this treasure map?”
Chapter 1043

“I’ve already explained this matter to your father and uncle. The treasure map was stolen a few years back and is currently missing,” Dylan explained.

“Uncle, just saying that won’t cut it,” Hector remarked.

Hector picked up a banana and began peeling it slowly, adding, “The treasure map is incredibly valuable. You treasure it more than your own life. How could it have been stolen? You didn’t keep it hidden away with plans to keep it all for yourself, did you?”

“Are you doubting me? Do you have any evidence?” Dylan frowned slightly.

“Uncle, if you want to keep secrets, you must keep them to yourself. Everyone understands the truth implicitly,” Kate commented with a smile as she took a bite of her banana.

Upon hearing this, the expressions of those present shifted noticeably.

Natasha Harmon, in particular, became furious. She rushed forward, gripping Dylan by the collar, and angrily demanded, “What did you just say? Were you responsible for the car accident today?!”

“Calm down, Natasha. I was just speaking in jest,” Dylan grinned and continued eating his banana.

“Monster! Natasha Harmon is your cousin, and you’d do harm to her? Are you even human?” Hector seethed with anger.

“Uncle, it was just a joke. Look how worked up you’ve become. Is that necessary?”

Dylan’s smile suddenly faded as he continued, “But, of course, if you, uncle, persist in not handing over the treasure map, that’s a different matter.”

“Are you threatening me?” Dylan asked with a stern expression.

“I wouldn’t dare. I’m just giving you some friendly advice,” Dylan said with a smirk. “Hector has been in charge of the family for many years and has made numerous enemies. Without the Cao family’s support, life will undoubtedly be challenging in the future. I hope Hector takes this into careful consideration. I have other matters to attend to, so I won’t keep you any longer. Goodbye.”

With those words, he brushed off his sleeves, rose, and exited the room.

As he reached the door, he suddenly halted, turned around, and added, “Oh, I nearly forgot to inform you of some joyful news. In five days, Kate and Tyler will be holding their wedding ceremony. You’re all invited to the wedding reception.”

With that, he walked out the door.

“Hmph! What a schemer. It’s revolting to look at!” Natasha muttered in the direction of the door.

“I underestimated their ambition. I never thought they would disregard family bonds for the sake of the treasure map,” Hector sighed.

Dylan’s display of power today was quite striking.

On the surface, he appeared friendly, but his words were laden with threats.

“In five days, the two families will officially unite through Kate and Tyler’s wedding. It seems Kate intends to use the treasure map as her dowry,” Natasha Harmon said with a slight frown. The threat has been made clear. If the treasure map isn’t surrendered, the Cao family will undoubtedly take further actions.

“Brother-in-law, what’s your take on this situation?” Cao Anan suddenly turned to Dustin and asked.

“An eye for an eye,” Dustin replied coldly.

Upon hearing this, several individuals fell silent immediately.

The sudden division among blood relatives left them struggling to adapt.

Is it really worth fighting amongst ourselves?

“Which one of you is related to Lin Juan?”

At that moment, a nurse hurried into the room.

“I’m related to her, what’s wrong?” Dustin stood up instantly.

“After the medical team’s efforts, Lin Juan is stable now, but unfortunately, her unborn child could not be saved,” the nurse reported with regret.


These words sent shockwaves through the group, and Dustin’s eyes turned cold, his demeanor filled with anger.

“Dylan! You – you truly deserve punishment!”
Chapter 1044

Upon hearing the news, Dustin and the others hurried to the door of the operating theatre.

The unconscious Lin Juan was gently wheeled out, accompanied by something concealed beneath a white covering.

Dustin’s hands trembled slightly as he unveiled the white cloth, revealing the lifeless form of a baby.

In an instant, his eyes turned a fiery red, and he clenched his teeth.

An indescribable fury welled up within him.

He had given Natasha his word to safeguard Lin Juan and Bao’er.

Yet, a car accident had not only left the mother and daughter critically injured and in hospital, but it had also claimed the life of the child Lin Juan carried.

For him, this was devastating news.

As he grappled with guilt and self-reproach, his anger intensified.

A seething anger!

“How could this happen? You were fine when you arrived. Why did this sudden…”

Concubine Natasha’s delicate visage paled, her disbelief evident.

Pregnant in September, delivery was imminent.

To witness the imminent loss of a fragile young life, how could it transpire like this?

“I’m truly sorry, we did everything we could.”

A doctor expressed regret, “During the car accident, the foetus had already lost vital signs. It’s a blessing that we managed to save the mother.”

“My child… my child…”

At some point, Lin Juan opened her eyes. Upon hearing the doctor’s words, her tears flowed uncontrollably.

Yet, she was too weak to muster the strength to weep.

Her face was contorted in pain and hopelessness.

“Sister-in-law, I’m sorry. It’s my fault that you’re in this predicament.”

Concubine Natasha clasped Lin Juan’s hand, her eyes tinged with red.

It was evident that this car accident was targeted at her, and Lin Juan and Bao’er were unjustly ensnared.

She held herself responsible for the loss of the child. “Bao’er… how is Bao’er?”

Lin Juan suddenly came to, gripping Concubine Natasha’s hand more tightly.

“Bao’er is fine. She’s safe and will be discharged from the hospital in a few days.” Concubine Natasha reassured her.

Upon hearing this, Lin Juan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, thoughts of the child within her caused an overwhelming sadness.

As she wept, fatigue overcame her, and she slipped back into slumber.


Dustin’s fists clenched with a fervent loathing.

The abhorrent deeds of this creature had flagrantly violated his principles.

“Dad, I will not let this slide.”

Concubine Natasha’s lovely countenance turned frosty, her eyes steely, “The Hector family is far too tainted; it’s high time we cleansed it.”

She had once valued familial bonds and had been hesitant to let things escalate to a deadly point.

Yet, the situation before her compelled her to realize that Dylan had forfeited his humanity.

From the moment they orchestrated the car accident, they were attempting to take her life.

In the face of such a monstrous adversary, there could be no quarter given!


Hector sighed, ultimately opting for silence.

Deep down, he knew that after this incident, the two sides were irreparably severed with no chance of reconciliation.

The Hector family was on the brink of transformation.

Early the following morning.

The Hector family manor was bedecked with lanterns and vibrant decorations, exuding an air of festivity.
Chapter 1045

A red carpet stretched for hundreds of meters, extending from the entrance of the mansion to the reception hall.

Today, Trent Harmon officially assumed the position of the Harmon family’s patriarch, a position that had previously been acknowledged internally but was now publicly announced.

As a result, the Harmon family invited many guests to hold a celebration banquet.

Anyone who had a good relationship with the Harmon family or wanted to curry favor with them came to congratulate them.

With Trent Harmon as the leader, the core members of the Harmon family had all gathered in the conference hall.

However, compared to before, there were far fewer people.

After these days of transformation, nearly half of the core members had been suppressed and pushed out. Those who could sit here were Trent Harmon’s trusted subordinates and dependents.

“Big Brother, after today, you will be the well-known patriarch of the Harmon family. Congratulations.”

Jacob Harmon raised his fists and was the first to offer his congratulations.

“The patriarch is wise, valiant, and possesses great foresight. You are the outstanding leader of our Harmon family!”

“That’s right! I believe that under the leadership of the patriarch in the future, our Harmon family will surely prosper even more!”

“Patriarch, you’re mighty!”

The people of the Harmon family exchanged words of praise, and Trent Harmon was delighted, feeling as if he were on top of the world.

He had never realized before that being the patriarch would be so majestic and awe-inspiring. The feeling of standing above tens of thousands of people was truly wonderful.

“After today, I will be the patriarch of the Harmon family, and all of you have contributed greatly. After this is over, I will reward everyone accordingly, and I promise not to treat anyone unfairly!” Trent Harmon said confidently.

“Thank you, Patriarch!”

The people were overjoyed and got up to pay their respects.

“Eldest Uncle, today you ascend to the position of patriarch, and in a few days, Kate will marry into the Grant family. It’s truly a double blessing!” Dylan Harmon said with a smile.

“That’s right.”

Jacob Harmon nodded with a smile. “The Grant family is one of the Three Supreme Families, and Trent Grant is a natural talent. With such an outstanding son-in-law, Big Brother, you’ll soon be able to dominate the provincial capital with a single hand!”

“Yes, with the marriage alliance between our two families, it’s undoubtedly a mutually beneficial partnership. We can work together to dominate the provincial capital, and it’s just around the corner!”

Many people echoed these sentiments.

Looking at it positively, the two families allying could complement each other and could create a brilliant future together, becoming the overlords of their region.

“Speaking of which, I don’t understand why Uncle Hector is so foolish as to refuse the marriage alliance with the Grant family. Is it just because Natasha doesn’t like it?” Dylan said with a somewhat mocking smile. “If that’s the case, he’s truly foolish!”

“So, Big Brother becoming the patriarch is the most suitable choice. Third Brother is too indecisive.”

Jacob Harmon also added flattery.

“When it comes to Third Uncle, I suddenly remembered something.”

Trent Harmon knocked on the table and looked at Dylan Harmon. “Dylan, I entrusted you with a task. How is it going?”

“Third Uncle is stubborn, and it’s very difficult to deal with him starting from his bones.”

Speaking of this, Dylan Harmon suddenly changed the subject and smiled, “However, I have found his weakness. I believe that in less than two days, he will offer his precious treasure willingly.”

“This item is extremely important. Before the wedding, we must get our hands on it!” Trent Harmon reminded seriously.

The treasure map was the dowry for his daughter, and it wouldn’t be easy to explain things to the Grant family if they didn’t have it.

“Rest assured, Big Brother, you can be at ease. I guarantee that nothing will go wrong!” Dylan Harmon said confidently.

“Very well.”

Trent Harmon nodded.

“Well, Big Brother, it’s almost time. Let’s go to the reception hall to meet the guests. There’s a big figure coming today, and I believe it will be a pleasant surprise for you.” Jacob Harmon said with a meaningful smile.

“Oh? Really? Then I’ll look forward to it.”

Trent Harmon grinned and then led a group of people, walking out of the conference hall.

However, just as they walked out of the door, a Harmon family steward suddenly approached them, holding a gift box in his hand.

“Patriarch, there’s a guest outside who asked me to personally deliver this gift to you.” The steward handed over the gift box with both hands.

“Oh? Is he so eager to be courteous?”

Trent Harmon smiled and opened the gift box to take a look. He was so shocked that he shivered and immediately threw the contents out.


The gift box fell to the ground, and a bloody human head slowly rolled out from inside.
Chapter 1046
“What the hell is this?!”

When the severed head rolled out, everyone was shocked, instinctively scattering in all directions.

Once they saw the situation clearly, their astonishment only grew.

Today was supposed to be a good day for Trent Harmon as he ascended to power, but someone had sent such a gruesome gift. Wasn’t this a deliberate attempt to disrupt the event?


This wasn’t just a disruption; it was a blatant provocation!

“Who? Who dares to be so bold to actually send a severed head!” Trent Harmon couldn’t contain his anger.

His good mood had been instantly shattered.

“You damn fool! How can you be so careless?!”

Trent Harmon was furious, slapping the steward’s face hard.

As a steward of the Harmon family, he didn’t even bother to inspect the gift and just casually brought it over. What if there had been a bomb inside?

“I… I thought it was just an ordinary guest. I didn’t expect it to be like this.”

The steward knelt on the ground, trembling in fear.

He had seen the man smiling and had thought he was a guest who had come to curry favor with the patriarch. Who would have thought that there would be a severed head inside?

“Are you still standing there?! Go and investigate immediately!”

Trent Harmon kicked the steward to the ground, and the steward repeatedly acknowledged before fleeing.

“Dad, I know the person who died. He was one of my trusted subordinates.”

At this moment, Dylan spoke with a dark expression.

Initially, he had been shocked when he saw the severed head, but then he recognized it. After a closer look, he realized that it was his vice-captain!

“Your trusted subordinate? What’s going on?” Trent Harmon furrowed his brows.

“He helped me with something yesterday, and it seems that he was found out by someone and became the target of retaliation.” Dylan squinted his eyes slightly.

The car accident had been arranged by this vice-captain. Unexpectedly, after just one night, he had died.

Most likely, it was the work of Natasha Harmon. So, was this incident directed at you?” Trent Harmon quickly realized.

“Probably, but there’s no need to pay it any mind.”

Dylan shrugged indifferently. “I’ll handle this matter cleanly. If anyone dares to cause trouble, they’re just asking for death!”

“As long as you’re aware of it.”

Trent Harmon nodded.

“Well, big brother, it’s almost time. Let’s go to the reception hall to meet the guests. There’s a big figure coming today, and I believe it will be a pleasant surprise for you.” Dylan said with a meaningful smile.

“Oh? Really? Then I’ll look forward to it.”

Trent Harmon grinned and then led a group of people, walking out of the conference hall.

However, just as they walked out of the door, a Harmon family steward suddenly approached them, holding a gift box in his hand.

“Patriarch, there’s a guest outside who asked me to personally deliver this gift to you.” The steward handed over the gift box with both hands.

“Oh? Is he so eager to be courteous?”

Trent Harmon smiled and opened the gift box to take a look.

At this moment,

Inside the gift box, there was a human head.
Chapter 1047
Dustin responded briefly.

“Thank you.”

The woman in blue said politely, smiled, and then beckoned her two companions to sit down.

There wasn’t much choice in seating here, and Dustin’s plain attire made him appear more approachable. It shouldn’t be too difficult to get along with him.

“Hey handsome, I’m called Zilan. This is Yelei, and this is Chenquan. May I know how to address you?”

The woman in blue introduced herself and her companions, then asked in an outgoing manner, showing a lively personality.

“Meeting by chance, no need for formalities.” Dustin replied coldly.

He had come here to kill, not to make friends.


Zilan’s smile froze for a moment, and she looked somewhat embarrassed.

“Hey, why are you acting all high and mighty?” Yelei, who was standing next to her, couldn’t stand it and said, “I was just asking for your name. What’s so special about that? Look at your dress, you don’t look like someone wealthy. Where do you get the confidence to act so arrogantly?”

“Yeah! Acting like a pauper, and you’re fortunate to sit at the same table as us! That’s your honor!” Chenquan also showed a disdainful expression.

“Let it go, let it go, let’s not say more.”

Seeing that the situation was turning awkward, Zilan quickly tried to smooth things over.

“Blue Blue, why are you wasting your time with such a person?”

Yelei crossed her arms and said arrogantly, “Do you know why no one is sitting next to him? It’s because people are disgusted and don’t want to associate with him!”

“Hmph! He smells so bad, it’s disgusting!”

Covering her nose, Yelei made a very disdainful expression.

Dustin acted as if he hadn’t heard any of this and continued to sip his tea.

His inaction only made Yelei even more unhappy.

In another context, she would have verbally berated him until he was speechless.

“Look! The guest of honor is here!”

At this moment, someone shouted.

Everyone turned their heads to see Trent Harmon and several core members of the Harmon family walking in with their heads held high.

Instantly, everyone stood up to greet them, congratulating Trent Harmon on becoming the new patriarch.

The atmosphere in the room soared to its peak.

Yelei and Chenquan were eager to get closer, but because of their low status, they couldn’t squeeze in, so they could only watch from a distance.

“Is that Dylan Harmon, the second young master of the Harmon family? He is a fine gentleman, with extraordinary grace!”

Yelei watched his tall figure, her eyes shining with excitement.

Dylan Harmon came from a prominent family and was exceptionally talented. Among the many young talents in the provincial capital, he was one of the top ten.

He was the dream lover of many young girls, including her.

“I heard that Dylan Harmon is now a high-ranking officer in the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, and he is also a subordinate of the Red Tassel War God. His future is truly limitless!” Zilan also looked admiringly.

Such a big shot was beyond her reach.

“If I had half of Dylan Harmon’s excellence and prospects, I’d be over the moon.” Chenquan sighed softly, his face full of envy.

Although his family had some money, compared to Dylan Harmon, he was still a far cry.

“Even if Dylan Harmon is outstanding and has great prospects, it’s useless.”

Dustin stood up slowly, his eyes full of killing intent. “Because right now, he’s a dead man!”
Chapter 1048

Dustin’s sudden exclamation rang out like a thunderclap, instantly seizing the attention of those around him. Three pairs of eyes turned toward him, curiosity mingled with a hint of bewilderment.

The onlookers wore expressions ranging from peculiar to flabbergasted as if they had just witnessed a magician pull off an unexpected trick.

“Hey! What on earth are you blabbering about? Who’s this ‘dying man’ you’re talking about?” Ye Lei inquired, casting an appraising glance up and down Dustin. Her face contorted into a more pronounced expression of disdain.

She couldn’t help but think, “Is this guy acting like a complete buffoon?”

“Youngster! Are you implying that Dylan Harmon is on his deathbed? Are your unkind words a result of jealousy, acknowledging his superiority?” Chen Quan raised an eyebrow suspiciously.

“Humph! If you’re incapable, that’s one thing, but having the gall to begrudge others for their talents? Truly repulsive!” Ye Lei crossed her arms, her expression dripping with contempt.

She harbored a strong aversion to individuals with petty, envious mindsets.

“Kid, if you’ve got any courage, why not say it louder? Spewing negativity behind someone’s back won’t earn you any hero points,” Chen Quan sneered.

“That’s right! If you’ve got guts, why not challenge Dylan Harmon head-on instead of skulking in the shadows? There’s no difference between that and being a coward!” Ye Lei scoffed.

Though Zilan remained silent, she couldn’t help but shake her head discreetly. She was growing increasingly weary of Dustin.

Unperturbed by their comments, Dustin reached for a wine bottle on the table and held it up, weighing it thoughtfully.

“Dylan Harmon!”

Suddenly, Dustin boomed with a commanding presence that sent ripples of astonishment through the entire gathering.

“Who dares utter my name with such audacity?!” Dylan Harmon’s head snapped in the direction of the voice, his gaze was as sharp as a blade, sweeping the area with fierce determination.

And just as all eyes turned to focus on this tense standoff, a wine bottle hurtled through the air with uncanny precision, colliding squarely with Dylan Harmon’s head.


The deafening sound of the impact reverberated through the room as the wine bottle shattered, showering Dylan Harmon in crimson liquid. Stunned and unsteady, he reached up to touch his throbbing head, only to find his fingers coated in blood.


This unexpected turn of events left everyone in shock.

No one had anticipated that, amid this highly anticipated event, someone would dare to disrupt the peace within the Harmon family.


At this moment, Ye Lei, Chen Quan, and Zilan stood frozen in disbelief.

Their eyes widened as if they couldn’t believe what they had just witnessed: Dustin had picked up a wine bottle and smashed it onto Dylan Harmon’s head.

The perplexing question loomed large: How could he dare?

Who was Dylan Harmon?

He was an heir of the affluent elite, a high-ranking military officer in the prestigious Tiger Leopard Cavalry, and the future rising star as a young general. He was unquestionably the cream of the crop in the entire Jiangnan region!

Daring to provoke such an influential figure—wasn’t that tantamount to courting disaster?

Did this reckless guy have a death wish?

“You… Do you dare to strike Dylan Harmon? Have you lost your mind?” Ye Lei’s voice wavered between shock and anger.

She had provoked Dustin earlier, convinced that he wouldn’t dare to speak up.

But what had just happened?

Not only had he spoken up, but he had also acted even more audaciously by smashing a wine bottle onto Dylan Harmon’s head.

“Kid! You’ve got some serious guts! You’re in deep trouble now!” Chen Quan swallowed hard, his gaze fixed on Dustin as if he were a madman.

To avoid getting embroiled in the situation, he promptly distanced himself, ensuring the Harmon family wouldn’t mistakenly associate him with the incident.

“I should’ve known better than to sit at this table.”

Zilan, observing the growing crowd of curious onlookers, couldn’t help but retreat slightly.

Her disdain for Dustin had intensified.

This guy was an unbridled troublemaker, and anyone who associated with him seemed destined for misfortune.

“Dustin! So, it’s you, young man!”

Dylan Harmon’s eyes remained locked onto Dustin, his countenance darkening by the second.

Similarly, Trent Harmon, Jacob Harmon, and their entourage wore expressions of seething anger.

On this day, Dustin had crashed the party uninvited and had caused a scene in the midst of the Harmon family’s grand event. It was as if he were delivering a resounding slap to the face of the entire Harmon family!

“Dylan Harmon! Today, I’ve come to claim your life!” Dustin proclaimed boldly, his words echoing with unwavering determination.
Chapter 1049


“Daring to cause trouble in the Harmon family? I think you’ve had enough of living!”

After a brief moment of astonishment, the guests in attendance erupted in anger, their voices resounding with righteous indignation. They clenched their fists, ready to make a statement.

Hearing the commotion, Harmon family guards swiftly moved in to surround the area.

“Are you worthy of my life?” Dylan Harmon’s face darkened. “If your bodyguard were here, you might have a slight chance. But with you, a waste like you, daring to be so arrogant in front of me? You’re simply seeking death!”

Even though he had been reprimanded by Old Zhang earlier, Dylan Harmon was brimming with confidence when facing Dustin.

Among his peers, besides the monstrous talent that was Tyler Grant, who could compare to him?

“Youngster! Today is the day I ascend to the position of clan leader. I don’t want bloodshed. If you’re sensible, surrender now!” Trent Harmon bellowed.

He knew Dustin had some skills and had formed some kind of faction. However, in comparison to the Harmon family, it was nothing.

Moreover, he had the support of the Grant family now.

“Dylan Harmon is destined to die today, and anyone who dares to obstruct me will receive no mercy!” Dustin declared coldly.

“Hmph! You’re truly shameless!” Trent Harmon seethed. “Someone, apprehend him!”

“Wait!” Dylan Harmon raised his hand to stop them, a cold smile curling on his lips. “Uncle, dealing with this kid doesn’t require involving everyone. I alone am sufficient!”

“Big Brother, let them resolve their grievances themselves,” Jacob Harmon calmly advised.

Publicly ganging up on Dustin might result in accusations of bullying the weak.

A one-on-one duel, even if it ended in someone’s death, wouldn’t invite the same level of criticism.

“Very well, I’ll leave this kid to you,” Trent Harmon patted Dylan Harmon on the shoulder.

“Uncle, rest assured. Watch how I torment him,” Dylan Harmon exuded self-assuredness, then turned his provocative gaze toward Dustin. “Dustin, I dare you to engage in a life-and-death battle with me. Whether you win or lose, it’s a matter of life and death!”

“What’s there to fear? After all, you’re the one who’s going to die,” Dustin’s eyes were icy.

“Listen, everyone! He has agreed to a life-and-death duel. If he gets beaten to death later, don’t blame me!” Dylan Harmon smirked, then gestured to clear the area.

“Who dares to challenge Dylan Harmon? He doesn’t know his place!”

“Dylan Harmon is a true innate master and a high-ranking officer in the Panther regiment. He’s trained in the art of killing. This kid won’t last three moves.”

“Daring to cause trouble in the Harmon family? He deserves whatever comes to him!”

The crowd buzzed with comments, pointing fingers and nodding heads in agreement.

Their gazes, directed at Dustin, were akin to those fixed on a dead man walking.

“Hmph! A poor loser actually dares to challenge Dylan Harmon, a true prodigy? He’s like a mantis trying to stop a chariot!” Ye Lei sneered.

“To seek the limelight, this kid is willing to throw his life away. Utter foolishness!” Chen Quan sneered with disdain.

“Ignorant fool!” Zilan sighed softly.

In their eyes, Dustin’s actions were undeniably suicidal.

“Dustin, come on then, let me see what you’re made of!” Dylan Harmon beckoned arrogantly, dismissing Dustin entirely.

“Very well!” Dustin wasted no time, taking swift strides forward before suddenly lunging with a punch.

There was no overwhelming aura or terrifying pressure—just an ordinary, unassuming strike.

“Is that all?”

Watching the seemingly light punch, Dylan Harmon shook his head with a mocking smile. He extended a single finger in a pompous manner and lightly pressed against it.

He intended to win gracefully, basking in the applause of the onlookers.




In the instant their contact met, three distinct sounds resounded.

First, Dylan Harmon’s finger snapped.

Second, Dylan Harmon’s arm was fractured.

Third, Dylan Harmon was launched like a cannonball, crashing heavily into the wall, blood spewing from his mouth and nose as he lost consciousness on the spot.

For a moment, the entire room fell eerily silent.
Chapter 1050

Looking at Dylan Harmon, who lay on the ground like a dead dog, everyone was stunned.

A high-ranking officer of the Tiger Leopard Cavalry, an outstanding genius, had just been defeated like this?

What was going on?

People exchanged bewildered glances; their shock evident.

They had thought this battle was a foregone conclusion, with Dylan Harmon dominating the entire time.

But unexpectedly, with just one exchange, Dylan Harmon had fallen.

The difference was quite significant.

“Did I… Did I see that right? Dylan Harmon actually lost?” Chen Quan widened his eyes, finding it hard to believe.

He had thought Dustin was seeking death, but he hadn’t anticipated that he was hiding his true strength.

“How is this possible? He… he… How could he be so powerful?!” Ye Lei’s face was filled with astonishment, and her lips trembled.

She couldn’t accept that an ordinary, impoverished person like Dustin could defeat a prodigy like Dylan Harmon.

“My goodness! Is he that strong?” Zilan covered her mouth in surprise, her eyes filled with disbelief.

She had initially thought Dustin was putting on airs, even being somewhat reckless. Now, she understood that he truly had the skills to back it up.

“I didn’t expect this kid to be so skilled!”

Trent Harmon had a stern face, his brow furrowed.

While he had witnessed Dustin’s medical expertise, he didn’t know much about his martial abilities.

“My son, defeated with just one punch?”

Jacob Harmon stared in disbelief, struggling to accept what he had just witnessed.

It was one thing to lose to Tyler Grant, but to be unable to defeat Dustin?

Was this humiliation for real?

Ignoring the astonishment of the onlookers, Dustin stepped forward, grabbed Dylan Harmon’s leg, and began dragging him out.

His demeanor resembled someone dragging a dog.

Dylan Harmon used his face to create a long trail of blood on the ground as he was forcibly pulled.

“Beast! Release my son!”

Jacob Harmon finally reacted, angrily shouting.

But Dustin seemed oblivious to it all, continuing to drag Dylan Harmon.

The reason he hadn’t killed Dylan Harmon was that he wanted him to kneel before Lin Juan and apologize.

“Someone! Kill this brat for me!”

Jacob Harmon roared in anger, immediately ordering the guards to encircle Dustin.

Soon, a large number of Harmon family guards swarmed in.

The surrounding guests scattered in fear, trying to avoid getting caught in the crossfire.


Once they identified the target, the Harmon family guards rushed forward.

Dustin remained expressionless, raised his hand, and flicked it, sending numerous silver needles flying.

“Swish, swish, swish…”

With a series of piercing sounds, the approaching Harmon family guards fell one after another, none of them escaping unharmed.


Seeing this scene, the guests were once again shocked.

Everything had happened so quickly that they hadn’t had a chance to fully comprehend what was going on.

They had only seen Dustin wave his hand, and the Harmon family guards had all fallen.

It was truly bizarre.

After dealing with the first group of guards, Dustin didn’t stop. He continued to violently drag Dylan Harmon and walked directly out of the reception hall.

“Someone! Get more hidden guards out here!”

Trent’s face was dark as he ordered, “Today, no matter what it takes, we must capture this brat. Otherwise, the Harmon family’s reputation will be utterly destroyed!”

Publicly causing trouble in front of so many people, kidnapping Dylan Harmon—Dustin’s actions were undoubtedly a trampling of the Harmon family’s dignity.

If they didn’t make an example of him, what face would the Harmon family have left to show the world?
Chapter 1051
As Trent’s command echoed through the halls, all of the Harmon family guards and hidden forces poured out en masse.

In an instant, the entire family was in an uproar.

“Quick! Surround him, don’t let this kid escape!”

“Damn it! He dares to act recklessly in the Harmon family, he must be tired of living!”

People and horses from all directions gathered, each brandishing weapons and emanating a menacing aura.
As soon as Dustin had left the reception hall, he found himself encircled.
There were at least two hundred people, their eyes locked onto him.
Most of them were Harmon family guards, with a few elite covert operatives and some soldiers from the Dark Panther Cavalry.
These soldiers were all trusted subordinates of Dylan.
As a senior officer, he had around a hundred or so people under his command.

“Dustin! Release my son now! Otherwise, you will die today!” Jacob shouted angrily.

“Kid! You are surrounded, there’s no way out. Release the person, and I might consider sparing your life!” Trent Harmon threatened.

“I only want Dylan’s life. All unrelated people, get out of my way!” Dustin said with a stern face.

“Kid! You’re oblivious to your impending doom. Open your eyes and look around. Who calls the shots here!” Trent Harmon declared loudly.

Now, the Harmon family had guns and manpower. Dealing with a single brat was a piece of cake, wasn’t it?
After all, even if Dustin was formidable, could he stop bullets?

“Although he defeated Dylan, he still can’t escape from the Harmon family.”

“I have to admit, this kid has some skill, but it’s a pity he’s outnumbered.”

“He dared to intrude into the Harmon family singlehandedly; even if he dies, it’s his fault!”

As they watched Dustin being surrounded, the guests couldn’t help but discuss.
Challenging an entire aristocratic family alone seemed like a fantasy.

“Humph! What use is martial prowess? He’s just a brute. Even though his fists are strong, he can’t make waves in the face of absolute power!” Ye Lei said, crossing her arms and displaying an arrogant expression.
In her eyes, Dustin was just a martial artist, skilled perhaps, but ultimately insignificant.

“Exactly! What’s the point of being strong? Can he run amok just because he’s skilled in combat? It’s just a pipe dream!” Chen Quan scoffed, rather disdainful.
Although Zilan remained silent, she didn’t have high hopes for Dustin’s situation either.
With so many Harmon family members armed to the teeth, who could withstand that?

“Look at you people, all surnamed Harmon. Today, I don’t want to start a bloodbath, so you’d better scram while I haven’t laid a finger on anyone!” Dustin’s fierce gaze swept around like an awakening demon.
If it weren’t for considering Natasha’s feelings, he would have already slaughtered the Harmon family.

“You beast! You won’t realize your impending death until you see your coffin!” Trent Harmon was furious, signaling a few marksmen, “Take him down!”

“Bang, bang, bang…”
Before the words had even left his mouth, gunshots rang out.
Five bullets were fired from various directions toward Dustin.
Dustin acted decisively, grabbing Dylan’s hair and using him as a human shield.
Two bullets missed, but the remaining three struck Dylan.

The pain from the gunshot wounds jolted Dylan out of his unconscious state.

“Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot!” Jacob belatedly shouted, trying to stop the shooting.

Otherwise, Dustin might be unharmed, but his son would be dead.

“You bunch of idiots! Can’t you aim properly?” Trent Harmon was exasperated.

They had finally had a chance to kill Dustin, but it had been wasted in vain.

“Who? Who the hell shot me?!” Dylan’s eyes widened in anger and agony as he looked at the bullet holes on his body.

He was shot three times for no reason, who can stand this?

“Dylan, it was just an accident, not in the way.”

Trent Harmon said with a serious face: “Come again, uncle promises, this time it will not be missed, you endure it, and it will pass soon.
Chapter 1052
“Ah? More?”
Hearing this, Dylan was so startled that he shuddered, almost jumping up. “Uncle! Bullets don’t have eyes; please don’t shoot recklessly!”
Damn it!
If they continued like this, he would be killed by his people before Dustin even got to him.
Besides, a formidable innate expert already had the ability to dodge bullets.
How could he be so easily shot?

“Big brother! Stay calm! Dylan’s life is the priority!” Jacob was also terrified and quickly tried to appease the situation.

He was genuinely afraid that Trent Harmon might lose his temper and open fire indiscriminately. By then, his son would definitely be riddled with bullets.

“I care about Dylan’s safety, but if we don’t eliminate this kid, how can our Harmon family face anyone?” Trent Harmon frowned.

“This kid is quite powerful. We should bring in a skilled expert.” Jacob whispered.

“Skilled expert? Where can we find one on such short notice? I say we rush him together and cut him down with chaos. That way, we won’t make a mistake.” Trent Harmon made a slashing motion with his hand.

“Big brother, let me talk to this kid first. If we can resolve this without fighting, it’s for the best.” Jacob spoke softly.

“You have three minutes. Deal with him,” Trent Harmon temporarily suppressed his murderous intent.

“No problem.”

Jacob nodded, then turned his gaze towards Dustin and said loudly, “Dustin, stop this now. You can’t escape from the Harmon family today. But as long as you release my son, I can guarantee that you won’t die.”

“Dustin! Can you hear me? Release me now, or you’ll have nowhere to bury your corpse!” Dylan threatened fiercely.

Although he had been defeated by Dustin, it didn’t mean he would back down.
In this world, what use was physical strength alone?
Without power and influence, wouldn’t one eventually be trampled on?

“Everyone must be responsible for their actions. If you do wrong, you must pay the price. Today, no one can save you,” Dustin said coldly.

“Dustin! Don’t try to act tough here. You’re trapped now, and if you dare to touch me, it’s a dead end!” Dylan sneered.

He had experienced all kinds of situations.
A little incident like this couldn’t intimidate him.
Moreover, he was surrounded by Harmon family soldiers. What did he have to fear?

“A dead end?”

Dustin snorted coldly and suddenly made a move. With two crisp sounds, he directly snapped Dylan’s arm.


Dylan let out a miserable scream, his face contorted in pain, sweat pouring down.
His arm had been broken before, and now the other one was twisted. Both hands were useless.

“How do you like my technique, Bone-Splitting Hand?”

Dustin looked down from a position of advantage, his eyes filled with indifference.

“You bastard! How dare you touch me? You’re dead! I will tear you apart!” Dylan roared in anger.

Dustin had no time for words. He kicked him again.


Dylan’s knee shattered, and he fell to the ground.
His screams grew even louder.

“Beast! You’re a beast! How dare you touch my son? I’ll dismember you!” Seeing this scene, Jacob’s eyes went red, and he erupted in fury.

How could he endure watching his son’s hands and knees be broken?

“Kill him!”

Trent Harmon didn’t hesitate and gave the order to kill.
He had been impatient for a while, and now was the perfect opportunity.


Just as everyone was about to rush forward, a group of henchmen suddenly rushed into the entrance of the Harmon family.
A mass of people, hundreds in total, surged in like a black tide.
Chapter 1053

All of these enforcers were dressed in black, with red cloth strips tied around their heads, and the symbol of a Kirin displayed proudly on their chests.
They were unmistakably disciples of the Kirin Gang!

“Surround them all!”

Cornelius took the lead, kicking aside several people blocking the way and directing the disciples of the Kirin Gang to encircle all of the Harmon family members.
In terms of armed forces, the Kirin Gang, which had integrated elite members from the four major gangs, far outnumbered the Harmon family.
When they swarmed in like a dark wave, the scene was incredibly intimidating and instantly subdued the situation.
The onlookers retreated in fear as if avoiding snakes and scorpions.

“Who are you people? How dare you trespass in the Harmon family!”

Seeing the approaching crowd, Trent Harmon couldn’t help but shout in anger.

“It’s the Kirin Gang! They’re from the Kirin Gang!”

Someone from the Harmon family exclaimed.

“What? The Kirin Gang?!”

With these words, many people’s faces changed.
Although the Kirin Gang had been founded not long ago, its reputation had already spread throughout the entire provincial capital.
As a gang formed by the union of the four major gangs, the Kirin Gang was naturally extraordinary. In addition, they had some mysterious experts backing them, making them as formidable as a tiger with wings.
In terms of power, they even surpassed the five major aristocratic families!

“Who dares to act recklessly in front of our gang leader?!”

Cornelius, accompanied by several hall masters, strode forward menacingly to stand behind Dustin and support him.
Numerous Kirin Gang disciples also gathered around.
Although they didn’t say a word, their attitude spoke for itself.

“You… are you actually the leader of the Kirin Gang?!”

As they looked at Dustin, the Harmon family members were all in shock and amazement.
They had heard some rumors about the Kirin Gang and understood the gang’s strength.
However, no one had anticipated that the behind-the-scenes master of the Kirin Gang would turn out to be the inconspicuous and impoverished young man, Dustin!

“My goodness! This guy has such a huge background?!”

Chen Quan’s eyes widened in shock, his face full of disbelief.
He had thought Dustin was just a poor guy, but it turned out he was quite something.
At the age of twenty-something, he had become a dominant figure in the region. It was truly astonishing.
Thinking back to his own actions earlier, he felt a creeping sensation on his scalp and was filled with fear and trepidation.

“H… how is this possible? He’s dressed so shabbily; how could he be the leader of the Kirin Gang?!”

Ye Lei stammered, wearing an incredulous expression.
After all, the Kirin Gang now controlled the entire underground power in the provincial capital and had established its own rules.
They truly wielded immense influence, having the power to manipulate everything.
The rumored leader of the Kirin Gang was a legendary figure, an underground emperor ruling the entire provincial capital!
She couldn’t believe that such a top-tier big shot turned out to be a young man who dressed modestly and seemed ordinary.

“We all made a huge mistake!”

Zilan swallowed hard, her face filled with regret.
If they had just made a little effort earlier, maybe they could have changed their fate.

“No wonder… no wonder he dared to make trouble here. It turns out he was well-prepared!”

Trent Harmon furrowed his brows, looking somewhat unsightly.
Judging by the numbers alone, if they were to fight, the Harmon family had a very low chance of winning.

“We must take Dylan with us today. Anyone who dares to obstruct us, don’t blame me for killing without blinking an eye!”

Dustin’s icy gaze scanned the surroundings, and anyone who met his eyes lowered their heads in silence.

“Dustin! Leave yourself a way out for the future. Don’t make things too extreme!” Jacob shouted in a deep voice.


Dustin snorted, “Consider it my restraint, for the sake of Natasha. Otherwise, every one of you would be dead by now!”
Chapter 1054

“Certainly! You think you can be so arrogant just because you’re the leader of the Kirin Gang?” Jacob glared and shouted, “Even if you are, do you think you can dominate the world? Don’t forget, my son is a senior officer of the Dark Panther Cavalry!”

“You’re absolutely right!” Dylan grinned maliciously, “I have the Scarlet Warrior as my commander in the Dark Panther Cavalry. If you dare to kill me, you’ll be digging your own grave!”

“Young man! Hold on for a moment!”

Trent Harmon said with a grim face, “If you release Dylan, we won’t pursue this matter any further. But if you insist on going to war, my Harmon family won’t back down!”
Although the Kirin Gang was powerful, the Harmon family was not to be trifled with either.
With decades of development and a vast network of allies, they had support from all directions.
To put it bluntly, if the Harmon family faced trouble, support would come from all sides.

“I don’t care who your backers are, I don’t care about your background. All I have to say is that Dylan must die!”

Dustin suddenly reached out, grabbing Dylan’s neck and lifting him up forcibly.
If they couldn’t take him out, then he would have to die here.


Dylan felt his breath being cut off and his face turned red.
A sense of impending death began to creep over him.


At this moment, a sharp shout rang out.
Following that, Kate, dressed in luxurious clothing, led a hundred or so people and rushed in energetically.
All of these people were elites from the Grant family, with two groups of Wolf Guards among them, making them a force to be reckoned with.

“Kate? You’ve finally come!”

Seeing this scene, Trent Harmon’s face brightened as if he had seen a savior.
Since following Tyler, Kate’s position in the family had soared. Even Trent Harmon, the patriarch, had to consider her opinions.

“Daughter, your timely arrival gives me peace of mind,” Trent Harmon breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the Harmon family might not be a match for the Kirin Gang on their own, with the addition of this elite force from the Grant family, the situation was completely different.

“Kate! Save me!”

Dylan struggled and hoarsely shouted.

“Young man! Don’t get too arrogant!”

Kate was imposing, her gaze sharp, displaying the demeanor of a big sister.
After hearing about the incident with the Harmon family, she immediately led her team here in the nick of time.

“Is this accident related to you?” Dustin suddenly asked.

“What accident?” Kate furrowed her brows.

“If it has nothing to do with you, then leave.” Dustin was blunt.



“Arrogant brat! How dare you be disrespectful to the young lady? Today, I will teach you a lesson!”

Dustin’s words immediately infuriated the Grant family members.
Especially an emaciated old man behind Kate, who became inexplicably agitated. Without saying a word, he flew up and reached out to grab Dustin. “You brat! Accept your death!”

“Get lost!”

Cornelius leaped up, delivering a powerful slap to the emaciated old man’s chest. The old man let out a miserable cry and was sent flying more than ten meters away, landing in a nearby lotus pond.
His life or death was uncertain.


The sudden turn of events made the Grant family members look serious.
The emaciated old man who had just attacked was a high-level expert invited by the Grant family.
But now, with just one exchange, he had disappeared. Wasn’t this too exaggerated?

“He couldn’t withstand a single blow!”
Chapter 1055
Cornelius patted his sleeves and stood behind Dustin again.

“Young man! Today is a great day for my father’s rise to power. I warn you not to act recklessly here!” Kate shouted sternly.

As of now, she was completely different from before. As the young lady of the Grant family, she had the authority to mobilize more than half of the Grant family’s resources and power.
This privilege was bestowed upon her by Grant Tyler and was a symbol of her rapid rise.

“So what if I act recklessly? Can you people stop me?” Dustin remained indifferent.

“If the Harmon family can’t handle it, what if we join forces with them?”

A resounding voice came from the entrance.
Everyone turned to look and saw a group of spirited warriors marching in.
These warriors were dressed in uniform clothing, all strong and sturdy, exuding an imposing aura.
Their powerful presence made the onlookers subconsciously step back, feeling an inexplicable sense of fear.

“It’s the Hill family! The elite warriors of the Hill family!”

“What’s going on? Why did the Hill family get involved?”

“Judging by this formation, it should be the most elite force of the Hill family!”

Once the situation became clear, the crowd began to buzz with discussion.
No one had expected the Hill family to intervene at this critical moment.
The Hill family was an ancient martial family, and most of its members were martial experts.
In terms of combat power, this force was far superior to the elite forces of the Grant family.

“Dustin, how do you think the Kirin Gang will fare if we add our strength to the mix?”

A middle-aged man in elegant clothing walked out of the crowd.
Behind him were the members of the Hill family, led by Troben Hill

“Who are you?”

Dustin narrowed his eyes slightly.

“I am Winter Hill, second in line in my family.”

Winter Hill spoke indifferently, “You’ve caused chaos in our Hill family, deaths and injuries everywhere. Shouldn’t you give us an explanation?”

He had been developing in Yanjing and hadn’t expected such a major incident to occur in his family in just a few days.
Helpless, he had to give up the assets he had developed in Yanjing and return home to take charge.

“The blame for the former leader’s death has already been placed, and the culprit is someone from your own side. As for the specific details, you should ask your elder brother,” Dustin replied.

“Hmph! If it weren’t for your interference and meddling, our Hill family wouldn’t have suffered such heavy losses. With a simple sentence, you want to evade responsibility. Do you think that’s possible?” Winter Hill’s face darkened gradually.

“This instigator! He killed my father and harmed my family. We are irreconcilable with you!” Troben Hill roared.

The memory of his father’s death had always been vivid in his mind, and he had nursed a grudge against Dustin for a long time.
However, due to Dustin’s overwhelming strength, he hadn’t had the opportunity to seek revenge.
Now, with his second uncle returning to take charge of the situation and the support of the Harmon family and the Grant family, he felt that the time for revenge was at hand.

“So, you’re choosing to stand with the Harmon family and oppose me?” Dustin frowned slightly.

“That’s right! You’re a scourge, and everyone must unite to eliminate you!” Winter Hill declared loudly.

“Hahaha… Good!”

Trent Harmon couldn’t help but burst into laughter. “Thank you for your support, Brother Xia. We will definitely repay this favor in the future!”
With the addition of the Grant family and the Hill family, even if Dustin had extraordinary abilities, he would have no way out today.

“Even the Hill family has arrived. It seems this guy is in trouble!”

“The Harmon family, the Grant family, and the Hill family, two top-notch families and one powerhouse, three major families joining forces. In the entire provincial capital, who can resist them?”

“The Kirin Gang is in dire straits today!”

“Hmph! Even if he’s the leader of the Kirin Gang, so what? Offending so many major forces, he’s destined to be crushed into pieces!”

The successive changes in the situation had caused the guests to discuss animatedly.
Especially with the addition of the Hill family, the entire situation had changed dramatically.
At this moment, everyone was convinced that Dustin had no way to turn things around.
Chapter 1056
“Faced with the siege of three major forces, even a newly established underground emperor can only sit and wait for death. This guy is doomed today!”
In the crowd, Chen Quan sneered, inexplicably pleased.

“They say you should keep a low profile in life. He’s so arrogant, he deserves to die!”
Ye Lei crossed her arms, seemingly gloating.

Due to her initial prejudice, she had a deep dislike for Dustin, so she couldn’t wait for him to have a stroke of bad luck.

“It seems like there’s no way out now,” Zi Lan shook her head.
In such a large-scale situation, she could only watch from a distance and didn’t even have the qualifications to approach.

“Young man! You’re already a turtle in a jar. I warn you to surrender immediately!” Trent stood with his hands behind his back, regaining his calm and composure.

“Dustin! Don’t struggle in vain anymore. You have no chance of winning. Surrender honestly!” Kate said with a dark expression.

Today, no matter what, they wouldn’t let Dustin off easily.

For a scourge like him, he had to be killed to prevent future troubles.

But before that, they needed to rescue Dylan first.

Captured by Dustin, Dylan suddenly grinned, “Dustin, oh Dustin, what’s the use of being the leader of the Kirin Gang? Even if you can fight, so what? Look around you, they’re all my people. How can you compete with me? If you’re sensible, kneel down and kowtow to me to admit your mistake. That way, I might consider sparing you.”

“Spare me? Hmph…”

Dustin’s face remained indifferent. “Do you really think these people can save you? If I want to kill you, no one can stop me!”

“Keep pretending! Keep pretending! It seems you still don’t understand what it means to be outnumbered!” Dylan shouted.

The appearance of the elite of the Hill family made up for the lack of martial experts. Now, they completely dominated the Kirin Gang in all aspects.

“So what if there are more people? They’re just a bunch of uncoordinated individuals, completely useless.” Dustin was not polite at all.



Upon hearing this, many warriors rebuked him.
They all clenched their fists, trying to teach Dustin, who didn’t know the height of the sky and the depth of the earth, a lesson.
They had all been carefully selected as elites, and now they were called a bunch of uncoordinated individuals, which naturally made them very unhappy.

“This guy is too arrogant, right? He doesn’t even take the central pillars of the three major forces seriously.”

“Hmph! This guy is just a big mouth. He’ll be beaten back to his original form soon.”

“At such a young age, he really doesn’t know the height of the sky and the depth of the earth!”

In the face of questioning, Dustin did not speak, but simply raised his hand and made a gentle wave towards the front.


A half-moon-shaped master’s aura burst out directly from his body, like a large knife, sweeping over the heads of the crowd, and then cleaving into a fake mountain beside the pond.

Chapter 1057
With a loud bang, the entire ten-meter-tall artificial mountain shattered into pieces, turning into ashes. The entire pond was split in two, and even the water inside briefly exhibited a phenomenon of temporary diversion, like a block of tofu cut by a knife.
It was extremely shocking!
Seeing this scene, the entire venue fell into silence.
Everyone’s eyes widened in disbelief.
From dozens of meters away, a single hand chop had directly destroyed a rock-made artificial mountain and split the entire pond in half.
Was this still a human being?!

“I… I didn’t see it wrong, did I? This guy is really a Martial Arts Master?”

“Wait a minute! I remember now! There’s a young Martial Arts Master who has been making a name for himself in the martial world recently. Could it be him?”

“Oh my god! What kind of monster is this guy? He’s in his twenties and he’s already a Martial Arts Master. It’s too terrifying!”

After a brief silence, the surrounding area buzzed with discussion.
Shock, astonishment, fear, and awe, various expressions were on display.
Especially Ye Lei, Chen Quan, and Zi Lan were dumbfounded.
They never dreamed that Dustin still had this identity.
A Martial Arts Master was an unattainable existence for them.
They didn’t even have the qualifications to look up to him.

“How… how is this possible?!”

Trent’s face was full of shock, and he couldn’t laugh anymore.
Who could have predicted that this seemingly ordinary guy would actually be a powerful Martial Arts Master?
This was trouble!
In fact, not just Trent.
At this moment, everyone from the Harmon family was shocked and couldn’t believe it.
This blow was too great for them.
If it was just the leader of the Kirin Gang, it wouldn’t be a big deal, but if you added the identity of a Martial Arts Master, the significance was completely different.
For ordinary people, a Martial Arts Master was a completely different level of existence, aptly described as unassailable.

These so-called elites, so-called experts, were indeed powerless in front of a Martial Arts Master.

“How is it now? Do you still think there’s anyone who can save you?”

Dustin looked down at Dylan from above, his eyes filled with indifference.
He wanted the other party to taste what fear and despair truly meant.

“You… how could you…”

Dylan’s face was full of fear, trembling all over, and he was so scared that he couldn’t even speak.
He never dreamed that the little guy he used to look down on would turn out to be someone he needed to look up to.
And most importantly, if a Martial Arts Master wanted to kill him.
Who could stop it?

“Trent, do you have anything else to say?”
Dustin raised his head slowly and scanned his sharp gaze across the crowd.
Trent’s face stiffened, and he couldn’t speak a word.
Although they had the assistance of the Grant family and the Hill family, they still had no chance against a Martial Arts Master.
If they tried to stop him, they would only suffer heavy casualties.

“I’m taking Dylan away. If anyone has any objections, please come forward.”

Dustin swept his gaze around, and anyone who made eye contact with him lowered their heads in silence.
Who would dare to challenge a Martial Arts Master head-on? Wasn’t that seeking death?

“I object!”

Suddenly, a thunderous voice rang out in the air.
Chapter 1058

“I object!”

“How does it matter even if he’s a Martial Arts Master? Can he cover the sky with one hand?”

Accompanied by a majestic voice, a middle-aged man dressed in military uniform, with a burly physique, stepped forward first.
The man had a commanding presence, an imposing figure with an air of dominance. As he strode forward, he exuded an awe-inspiring aura that made people dare not meet his gaze.
Not only that, behind the middle-aged man were heavily armed elite soldiers.
These soldiers wore face masks, black armor, carried long knives at their waists, and emitted an air of solemnity and killing intent.
They looked magnificent and awe-inspiring, as if they were a battle-hardened army that had seen countless battles.

“General Zhao!”

Seeing the middle-aged man, Dylan couldn’t help but be overjoyed, as if he had seen a savior
The despair in his eyes had been replaced with hope once again.

“He’s here, he’s finally here! A big shot has arrived!”

Jacob was both surprised and delighted, his expression filled with excitement.
Just a moment ago, he thought his son was beyond saving, but reinforcements had arrived just in time.

“Oh my god! Isn’t this General Zhao, Zhao Weiwu? Why did he come here?”

“Just asking humbly, is General Zhao very powerful?”

“Nonsense! General Zhao is one of the Four Great Generals of the Dark Panther Cavalry. His status is second only to the Scarlet Ribbon War God. He commands an army of ten thousand soldiers and is known to be an unrivaled force in the region!”

“Wow! That’s impressive!”

“When General Zhao leads the troops, we’re in for a show!”

When General Zhao Weiwu entered, the entire venue erupted in commotion.
In the Dragon Nation, there were five elite armies, each guarding a different region, and the Dark Panther Cavalry was one of them.
The supreme commander was the Dragon Nation’s strongest female war god, Zhao Hongying.
Beneath her were four great generals, each of them was undefeated in battle and renowned far and wide.
Especially Zhao Weiwu, not only was he incredibly powerful and a brilliant tactician, but he was also a member of the same clan as the Scarlet Ribbon War God and held in high esteem.
Within the Dark Panther Cavalry, he was second to none, commanding the respect of all.
As long as he gave the command, thousands of elite soldiers would rush to his side.
In the face of gods, even Buddhas would be defeated.

“So this is the big shot that the Cao family invited today, indeed extraordinary!” Trent’s spirits were lifted.

“With General Zhao here, we don’t have to fear even if he’s a Martial Arts Master!” Kate couldn’t hide his joy.

“Even General Zhao came to support us. It seems that Dylan is highly regarded in the military!” Huangfu Xia showed pleasant surprise.

“Hmph! Let’s see how this kid ends up today!” Huangfu Xiong sneered.

The appearance of General Zhao Weiwu instantly changed the entire situation.
Previously, due to their fear of Dustin’s strength, no one dared to act rashly.
Now it was different, with General Zhao Weiwu and the elite troops of the Dark Panther Cavalry, they could completely suppress Dustin.
After all, in the face of a military force, no matter how powerful someone was in the martial world, they couldn’t compete.

“General Zhao! Please save me! This guy wants to kill me!”

Seeing General Zhao Weiwu approaching, Dylan immediately began to cry for help.

“Don’t worry, with me here today, no one can harm you.”

General Zhao Weiwu took big strides forward, his sharp gaze piercing Dustin as he coldly said, “What are you waiting for? Do you see my presence? Release him immediately!”

“General Zhao Weiwu, is it?” Dustin replied indifferently. “I advise you not to meddle in this, to avoid getting yourself into trouble.”

“Arrogant! How dare you address General Zhao by name! It seems you’re tired of living!” A vice general of the Dark Panther Cavalry shouted sternly.

“Young man, speaking to me like this, do you know what the consequences will be?” General Zhao Weiwu narrowed his eyes, his gaze turning unfriendly.

“General Zhao, this young man is a Martial Arts Master, you should not underestimate his strength,” Jacob reminded from the side.

“So what? He’s just a martial world nobody, not worth mentioning at all!” General Zhao Weiwu snorted.

A Martial Arts Master was indeed powerful, but they could only fight against a few hundred or a few thousand people at most.
Chapter 1059
And he had command of a hundred thousand troops!
No matter what kind of martial arts master he was, he would be obliterated instantly.
That was the power of an army!

“Kid with the surname Lu! Do you hear me? Your so-called prideful strength is insignificant in front of General Zhao. If you don’t want to be riddled with bullets, you better surrender right away!” Dylan grinned.

With General Zhao leading the way and the backing of the Dark Panther Cavalry, what did he have to fear?
Even if he was a Martial Arts Master, would he dare to confront the army head-on?

“Zhao Weiwu, I’ll warn you once again, take your men and leave now, or don’t blame me for not giving face to the Zhao family,” Dustin said coldly.


General Zhao Weiwu furrowed his brow. “A martial world nobody dares to threaten me? Are you looking for death?”

“I’m giving you a chance. Otherwise, once we start fighting, you won’t have the chance to regret it,” Dustin warned.

“Start fighting?”

General Zhao Weiwu was momentarily stunned, then burst into laughter. “Kid! Have you not understood the situation? You’re completely surrounded, and with one command from me, all of you will be turned into hornet’s nests!”

“You’d better not push me,” Dustin squinted his eyes.

“Push you? What can you do?”

General Zhao Weiwu sneered, “Do you really think that a Martial Arts Master is invincible? Once my hundred thousand troops march, I can turn you into dust in an instant!”

“That’s right! With a hundred thousand Dark Panther Cavalry, no one in the world can resist!”

“Martial Arts Masters are indeed formidable, but in the face of an army, they can only bow their heads!”

Many people chimed in, echoing General Zhao Weiwu’s sentiments.
In their view, individual martial prowess could not compare to true political power.
No matter how skilled someone was, they still feared bullets and artillery.

“Kid! I’ll count to three!”

General Zhao Weiwu raised three fingers. “After three, if you haven’t surrendered, don’t blame me for unleashing a massacre!”




As soon as the three words fell, Dustin’s figure suddenly flashed, appearing right in front of General Zhao Weiwu.

They stood face to face, only half a meter apart.


General Zhao Weiwu’s pupils contracted. He wanted to retreat, but Dustin grabbed him by the neck, immobilizing him on the spot. “If you dare to make a move, I’ll kill you first.”
General Zhao Weiwu felt his breath stall, his face turned red, and his entire body seemed to be electrocuted. He couldn’t move and could only let himself be at Dustin’s mercy.


“Release General Zhao at once!”

This sudden turn of events startled everyone.

Especially the soldiers of the Dark Panther Cavalry, who raised their guns and aimed them at Dustin. But due to the hostage, they didn’t dare to shoot recklessly.

“Kid! How dare you hold General Zhao hostage? You have a death wish!” General Zhao Weiwu sternly scolded.

“Ten thousand Dark Panther Cavalry, no one can resist! Even if you’re a Martial Arts Master, you can’t contend with a hundred thousand troops!” General Zhao Weiwu declared.

“That’s right! A Martial Arts Master is indeed formidable, but against an army, they can only bow down!” Many people echoed this sentiment, finding it reasonable.

In their eyes, personal martial prowess couldn’t compete with the might of a real army.

“Kid! I’ll count to three!”

General Zhao Weiwu raised three fingers. “After three, if you haven’t surrendered, don’t blame me for unleashing a massacre!”




As soon as the three words fell, Dustin’s figure suddenly flashed, appearing right in front of General Zhao Weiwu.

They stood face to face, only half a meter apart.


General Zhao Weiwu’s pupils contracted. He wanted to retreat, but Dustin grabbed him by the neck, immobilizing him on the spot. “If you dare to make a move, I’ll kill you first.”
General Zhao Weiwu felt his breath stall, his face turned red, and his entire body seemed to be electrocuted. He couldn’t move and could only let himself be at Dustin’s mercy.


“Release General Zhao at once!”

This sudden turn of events startled everyone.
Especially the soldiers of the Dark Panther Cavalry, who raised their guns and aimed them at Dustin. But due to the hostage, they didn’t dare to shoot recklessly.

“Kid! How dare you hold General Zhao hostage? You have a death wish!” General Zhao Weiwu sternly scolded.

“Ten thousand Dark Panther Cavalry, no one can resist! Even if you’re a Martial Arts Master, you can’t contend with a hundred thousand troops!” General Zhao Weiwu declared.

“That’s right! A Martial Arts Master is indeed formidable, but against an army, they can only bow down!” Many people echoed this sentiment, finding it reasonable.

In their eyes, personal martial prowess couldn’t compete with the might of a real army.

Chapter 1060
“Zhao Weiwu, do you still want to meddle in this?” Dustin gradually increased the pressure on his fingers, digging into the flesh.

At that moment, Zhao Weiwu found it increasingly difficult to breathe, and his heart pounded like a drum.

“Kid! I warn you not to act recklessly!” Zhao Weiwu gritted his teeth, pretending to remain calm. “Taking a Three-Star General as a hostage is a grave crime. Even if the military can’t catch you, don’t forget about the Martial Suppression Bureau. If you harm me, they will never spare you!”

The Confucian scholars use words to break the law, and the chivalrous use force to violate the prohibition. To manage martial artists, the government established a mysterious organization—the Martial Suppression Bureau!
The Martial Suppression Bureau was filled with talents, and its power was immense. It was an insurmountable mountain for martial artists from all over the world.
Although the Martial Suppression Bureau usually didn’t interfere in martial world affairs, whenever a martial artist dared to kill innocents or harm high-ranking officials, the Martial Suppression Bureau would step in immediately to eliminate the threat.
At that time, not only Martial Arts Masters but even Grandmasters standing at the pinnacle of the world would be hunted down by the Martial Suppression Bureau!
For martial artists, the Martial Suppression Bureau possessed absolute deterrent power!

To the point where it made people’s faces turn pale.

“Are you threatening me? Do you think I won’t dare to kill you?” Dustin’s eyes gradually turned icy.

“I’m just reminding you not to dig your own grave!” Zhao Weiwu spoke righteously. “You have achieved so much at such a young age, which is no easy feat. Given time, I believe you will rise even higher. But if you violate taboos, not only will your future be ruined, but you will also attract fatal consequences. Think carefully.”

“So, are you going to stop me?” Dustin’s expression remained cold.

“Understand this, I’m giving you a chance. If you leave now, I can promise not to pursue this further. But if you insist on being stubborn, there’s only a path to death!” Zhao Weiwu declared sternly.

In front of so many people, especially as a general of the Dark Panther Cavalry, he had to show enough dignity. Even if he was held hostage, he couldn’t show any fear.

“Zhao Weiwu, I don’t want to waste any more words with you. You have only two choices now: die or get lost!” Dustin was becoming impatient.

“Kid! Don’t challenge my bottom line!” Zhao Weiwu clenched his teeth.

“I’ll count to three,” Dustin said in a deep voice. “After three, if you don’t agree to leave, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

As the countdown continued, Dustin’s fingers gradually tightened, squeezing Zhao Weiwu’s neck. Zhao Weiwu began to struggle frantically, his eyes rolling back.

The fear of death began to creep over him.
Several times, he wanted to beg for mercy, but out of pride, he gritted his teeth and endured it.

“General Zhao, hang in there! This kid is just trying to scare you. Don’t fall for it!” Trent tried to boost Zhao Weiwu’s morale.

“That’s right! Your status is noble, and he wouldn’t dare to act recklessly!” Jacob hastily echoed.

“Kid with the surname Lu! General Zhao commands a hundred thousand troops. If you dare to harm him, you’re digging your own grave!” Dylan roared.


Dustin paid no attention and continued to exert pressure. Zhao Weiwu began to struggle madly, his eyes twitching.
In a way, if Zhao Weiwu were to die, it would be a good thing for them. As the murderer, Dustin would undoubtedly be pursued by the Dark Panther Cavalry and even attract the attention of the legendary Martial Suppression Bureau.
At that time, they could rest easy.

“General Zhao! Don’t worry, even if you really die, we will definitely avenge you!” Dylan declared righteously.


Zhao Weiwu’s eye twitched a few times, and he almost couldn’t help but burst into curses.
The man was already dead, what good was vengeance?


As the final countdown began, Dustin’s figure suddenly burst with a terrifying killing intent.
Zhao Weiwu shivered all over, feeling death closing in on him, like falling into an abyss.
At that moment, he was absolutely sure that the person in front of him was really willing to kill him!

Chapter 1061: The Rescue

General Wesley was about to speak when he was interrupted by Trent’s frantic shout, “Quick! Fire! This kid wants to kill Gen Wesley; shoot him with your rifles!”

They were so impatient that they were afraid General Wesley would beg for his life.

“Click! Click!”

The soldiers of the Dark Panther Cavalry immediately unlocked their rifles and loaded their bullets upon hearing the order.

“Who the f**k gave you permission to open fire? You hit me!” General Wesley was taken aback and immediately shouted, doing his best to stop them.

Otherwise, before Dustin will die, he would have been riddled with bullets.

“Bang, bang, bang…”

Under Trent’s eye signals, several of Harmons’s hidden gunmen in the crowd finally fired several shots.

If they could hit Dustin, it would be great, but if they missed and accidentally killed General Wesley, they could claim that they were too anxious to save him and it was an accident.

Then they could put all the blame on Dustin, which would be a win-win situation for them.


At the sound of gunfire, Dustin had already made evasive movements, taking General Wesley with him.

Unfortunately, General Wesley’s large build caused him to be shot in the buttocks.

Blood spurted out.

“Dammit! Who the f**k told you to open fire? I’ve been hit!” General Wesley roared in anger.

The soldiers of the Dark Panther Cavalry looked at each other but didn’t see anyone who had opened fire.

“It was Harmon’s men who shot in secret.”

Dustin said casually, “They were planning to kill you and then shift the blame to me. Now, are you still going to help them?”

“Harmon’s men?”

General Wesley’s face darkened, and he suddenly turned his gaze towards the Harmon family members.

“Gen Wesley! Don’t listen to this kid’s nonsense! He’s trying to sow discord!”

Trent’s eyelids twitched, and he quickly spoke up to defend himself.

“That’s right! We’re saving you! It’s this kid who wants to kill you!”

The Harmon family members quickly echoed, fearing retaliation.

General Wesley gave several of them a fierce glare before turning back and saying, “Kid! I admit defeat today. I won’t interfere in your affairs anymore!”

“Gen. Wesley! You can’t!”

“You are one of the four generals of the Dark Panther Cavalry; how can you bow down to a nobody from the martial world?”

“That’s right! A real man should be willing to fight to the death!”

The Harmon family members’ faces turned pale, and they hurriedly tried to persuade him.

Without General Wesley’s presence to suppress Dustin, how could they contend with a Grandmaster?

“Shut up, all of you!”

General Wesley roared angrily, “Don’t think I don’t know what you guys are up to. You want to use me as a pawn? It’s not that easy!”

If he died valiantly in battle, he wouldn’t be afraid.

But if he were used, leading to his death for no apparent reason, that would be too unjust.

“Gen. Wesley! I’m your subordinate! Are you really going to watch me die?” Dylan Harmon was starting to panic.

“Dylan, I can’t save you today, but I promise that if this kid dares to kill you, I will avenge you!” General Wesley said solemnly.

With fewer people today, directly confronting a Martial Arts Grandmaster was clearly not a wise move.


Dylan Harmon was dumbfounded.

Why did these words sound so familiar?

“It seems that no one can save you today. Follow me to hell.”

Dustin suddenly grabbed Dylan Harmon’s leg and forcefully dragged him towards the main gate.

Wherever he went, no one dared to stop him.

Even Gen Wesley couldn’t stop him; who else would dare to approach and court death?

“Save me! Is there anyone to save me?”

Dylan Harmon was in a panic, shouting for help and looking terrified.

He knew very well that once Dustin dragged him away, he would undoubtedly die!

Just when Dylan Harmon was on the verge of despair, a clear and ethereal female voice suddenly rang out at the gate.

“Scarlet Warrior “Goddess of War” is here!”
Chapter 1062: Arrival of the Scarlet Warrior “Goddess of War”

“Scarlet Warrior “Goddess of War” is here!”

When the clear female voice rang out, the entire scene suddenly fell silent.

Everyone instinctively turned their gaze towards the entrance, their eyes fixed on the approaching figure.

Soon, in the gaze of the crowd, a woman dressed in a red martial outfit, carrying a green-hilted longsword, walked in with a leisurely and graceful stride.

The woman had silver short hair and a stunning appearance that could topple nations.

She was breathtakingly beautiful!

Every move and gesture she made carried a sense of nobility, valor, and an imposing presence.

Especially her eyes, proud, indifferent, and disdainful of everything.

She looked like a goddess looking down on all living beings.

The person who had arrived was none other than the most powerful female War Goddess in the Dragonmarsh—Scarlet Spanner!


After a brief silence, the entire scene erupted into commotion.

“Scarlet Warrior “Goddess of War”! It’s really Scarlet Warrior “Goddess of War”!”

“My goodness! I never expected even the Scarlet Warrior “Goddess of War” to come here. Today is truly an eye-opener!”

“It’s said that Scarlet Warrior “Goddess of War” is a beauty beyond compare, absolutely stunning. Seeing her in person, it’s clear that her reputation is well-deserved!”

“So beautiful! So majestic! Truly the most powerful female War Goddess in our Dragonmarsh!”


As they looked at the approaching Scarlet Spanner, everyone was both shocked and excited.

They had never dreamed that they would be able to see the famous Scarlet Warrior “Goddess of War” in person here.

She was a prominent figure at the pinnacle of the Dragonmarsh!

The goddess in the hearts of billions!

A truly unstoppable presence!

She was also the idol and pride of almost all women!

In the past, they could only catch glimpses of the Scarlet Warrior “Goddess of War”‘s glory on television.

But now, they could see her with their own eyes, which was a tremendous honor!

At this moment, no one dared to act recklessly; they all stood quietly in their places.

While filled with awe and tension, most people were also filled with curiosity.

After all, the Scarlet Warrior “Goddess of War”, a figure of this caliber, rarely made public appearances. Most of the time, she stayed at the border.

How could she suddenly appear here?

Who had the prestige and influence to invite the Scarlet Warrior “Goddess of War”?

“Great! Even the War Goddess has arrived! Now my son finally has hope!”

After the shock, Jacob Harmon was ecstatic, as if he had seen a savior.

“I didn’t expect Dylan to be so important that he could invite the Scarlet Warrior “Goddess of War” in person. Our Harmon family is truly blessed!”

“Dylan is indeed the most outstanding person in our clan. Even the Scarlet Warrior “Goddess of War” values him so highly. In the future, he will definitely rise to great heights!”

“Our Harmon family has produced a dragon!”

Trent, leading the Harmon family members, cheered and were extremely excited.

It was as if they had already seen the ladder to the sky, and as long as they climbed it, they could directly step into the heavenly throne!

“Kid! The Scarlet Warrior “Goddess of War” is here, and now you’re finished!”

Trent’s gaze shifted to Dustin, and he sneered repeatedly, as if he were looking at a dead man.

“Hmph! In front of the War Goddess, even if you’re a Martial Arts Grandmaster, you’re still just waiting to die!”

Kate Harmon crossed her arms, looking cold and proud.

“Kid! You had a chance earlier, but you didn’t know how to cherish it. Now, it’s too late for regrets!”

Jacob Harmon was invigorated, his spirits high.

“Haha!… Dustin, oh Dustin, even though you’re the leader of the Kirin Gang, and even a Martial Arts Grandmaster, it doesn’t matter now that the War Goddess is here. Even if you have the ability to reach the heavens, you’re still facing certain death! Want to kill me? Try again in your next life!”

Dylan Harmon laughed maniacally and was utterly arrogant.

Just moments ago, he had been in despair, but with the arrival of Scarlet Spanner, he was suddenly filled with hope and had regained his confidence.

Dustin was indeed very powerful, and his reputation as a Young Martial Arts Master was awe-inspiring.

However, in front of Scarlet Spanner, all of that was not worth mentioning.

As the most powerful female War Goddess in the Dragonmarsh, Scarlet Spanner was not only skilled in leading troops into battle but also had terrifying personal strength.

Looking at the entire Dragonmarsh, among her peers, she was unparalleled.

It was rumored that Scarlet Spanner had become a Martial Arts Grandmaster at the age of eighteen.

After many years of battle and countless trials, she had taken the heads of over five Martial Arts Masters. Now, she was even more unbelievably powerful!

Such a peerless existence, who in the world could stop her?
Chapter 1063: Settling the Score

“This guy is finished! Stirring up the Scarlet Warrior “Goddess of War” will cost him his life, even a hundred lives wouldn’t be enough!”

“All I can say is that this person is extremely unlucky. He just happened to run into his nemesis, with no place to escape.”

“To be able to die at the hands of the “Goddess of War” is something to be proud of.”

Many people’s eyes were focused on Dustin.

Among them were pity, sympathy, lamentation, and even a hint of schadenfreude.

Scarlet Spanner was the commander of the Dark Panther Cavalry, and Dylan Harmon was a senior officer in the same unit.

They instinctively thought that Scarlet Spanner had come to rescue Dylan Harmon.

As for Dustin, although he was very powerful, he was far from being able to compete with Scarlet Spanner.

This was an undeniable fact, and there was no reason or argument to be made.

Because she was Scarlet Spanner, an invincible legend!

“Madam! Why did you come?” Wesley Whitman was the first to greet her, a mix of joy and confusion in his expression.

Wasn’t she supposed to be dealing with the situation in Stonia?

Why did she come here?

“General, what’s going on here?” Scarlet asked coldly.

“Madam General, I was invited to a banquet today, but I didn’t expect someone to cause trouble halfway, even using force to hold me hostage. Fortunately, you arrived in time, or the consequences would have been unimaginable!” Wesley said respectfully.

“Oh? Who held you hostage?” Scarlet’s expression remained unchanged.

“It’s him!” Wesley pointed at Dustin, looking somewhat indignant.

“Hmm?” Scarlet turned her gaze towards him, her brows furrowing slightly.

In her proud eyes, there was a hint of surprise.

She had just arrived in Millsburg and had originally intended to go directly to find Dustin. When she heard the report that there was a disturbance here, she had come over on a whim.

She hadn’t expected to encounter Dustin so coincidentally.

Was this fate?

“Madam General! It was this man who held me hostage, and he even intended to commit violence in public!” Wesley continued to complain.

“Madam General! Save me! Please save me!” Dylan Harmon struggled free and crawled to Scarlet’s feet, sobbing and pleading, “I’m a senior officer of the Dark Panther Cavalry, and I’m also your subordinate.”

“This guy bullies people with a bit of power, acts arrogantly and oppressively, not only bullying the innocent but also saying that he wants to kill me. It’s outrageous!”

After speaking, he banged his head on the ground several times, and his crying and tearful appearance made it seem like he was telling the truth.

“Why did he want to kill you?” Scarlet Spanner asked coldly.

“Ah?” Dylan Harmon was taken aback for a moment and didn’t react.

At this time, wasn’t she supposed to be defending him(Dylan)?

Why was she suddenly asking this question?

“I’ll speak for him…” Dustin spoke directly, “He hired an assassin to kill people, harmed the innocent, and became an accomplice. He has crossed the line, so I want him to pay with his life.”

“Nonsense!” Dylan Harmon’s face changed slightly, and he said angrily, “I didn’t do anything. You’re making up a story!”.

“So, you’re saying you didn’t do anything wrong?” Scarlet Spanner’s expression grew colder.

“Yes, madam! Please, don’t listen to his crap!”

Dylan began to defend himself, “I am a member of the Dark Panther Cavalry and have always followed our code and ethics. How could I do something so outrageous?”

“Furthermore, I am your subordinate. I can vouch with my life that I have not violated the law!”

“If I have lied even a little bit, I swear to die right away!”

“Madam! Are you willing to believe a stranger like him rather than me?”

“If you really don’t believe me, then let me die with a clear conscience!”

His words were passionate and heroic, showing a great deal of sadness.

His excellent acting skills almost moved himself to tears.

Haha, I’m acting so well, I can easily manipulate you, Dylan thought.

“To die with a clear conscience, is that so?” Scarlet Spanner said coldly, “Alright, then I’ll fulfill your wish.”

Without any hesitation, Scarlet Spanner drew her longsword and beheaded Dylan Harmon with a single stroke.
Chapter 1064: The Scarlet Warrior “Goddess of War”’s Decision


Dylan Harmon’s head suddenly dropped like a ball, rolling on the ground for a couple of rounds.

His eyes stared wide, like bronze bells, his face filled with disbelief.

He hadn’t expected to be killed, and he certainly didn’t anticipate that Scarlet Spanner would be the one to do it.

What was supposed to be his savior had become his disaster.


This sudden turn of events left everyone in shock.

Their expressions were as if they had seen a ghost.

What just happened?

As the commander of the Dark Panther Cavalry, wasn’t the Scarlet Warrior “Goddess of War” supposed to stand up for Dylan Harmon? Why did she kill him instead?

Wasn’t this a mistake?

“Dead… he’s dead?”

The Harmon family members widened their eyes, their minds frozen.

“Why did this happen? Why did the Scarlet kill Dylan?”

Kate wore a shocked expression, struggling to believe it.

“No… it can’t be…”

Jacob Harmon stood there like he’d been struck by lightning, unable to accept what had just happened.

He even began to doubt his own eyes, thinking he must have seen something wrong. How could something so absurd occur?

At this moment, no one remained calm.

The unexpected scene had left them all baffled.

When they saw Scarlet, they had initially assumed that Dustin was about to face disaster.

Who would have thought that the first victim would be Dylan?

Moreover, throughout the process, Scarlet Spanner had acted without reason or excuse, not even hesitating for a moment.

She had simply beheaded him as if she were slaughtering a chicken or a dog, with swift and decisive efficiency.

But this bewildering act left people questioning.

Was she executing him merely because he mentioned he’d “die with a clear conscience”?

That was way too absurd, wasn’t it?

“What are you doing, Madam?” Wesley Whitman, who stood nearby, also found himself trembling, his entire body shivering.

Dylan Harmon’s severed head happened to roll to his feet.

The sight of Dylan Harmon’s unavenged death sent shivers down his spine.

“Of course, I’m cleaning house. What else?” Scarlet Spanner wiped her sword clean with a piece of cloth, the bloodstains making a “swish” sound as they were wiped away.

“Cleaning house?” Wesley Whitman’s mouth twitched as he tentatively said, “Madam, did you misunderstand something? Dylan Harmon was an officer of our Dark Panther Cavalry. He was known for his honesty and competence. It seems like he didn’t do anything wrong. Is it appropriate to kill him like this?”

When someone is killed, there should be a reason, right?

You can’t just raise your sword and kill someone without any explanation. It’s too arbitrary.

“How so? Didn’t you hear him just now? This man hired an assassin, committed acts of violence, and harmed the innocent. Shouldn’t he die?” Scarlet Spanner said indifferently.

“But these are just his one-sided words, not enough to prove his guilt,” Wesley Whitman insisted.

“I believe him, and that’s enough,” Scarlet Spanner said plainly.


Wesley Whitman was momentarily stunned and didn’t react.

Was this an explanation?

Wasn’t it too hasty?

“Wesley Whitman, as a general, for not disciplining your subordinates well and allowing him to commit acts of violence, you have a negligence and dereliction of duty. When you return to duty, your rank will be demoted by one level, and you will spend three months in solitary reflection.”

“Madam, I…”

Wesley Whitman was taken aback, attempting to explain himself but was interrupted by Scarlet, “Don’t say any more. If you keep talking, I’ll assign you for kitchen duties.”

Wesley Whitman instantly fell silent, not daring to speak further.

He looked like he had lost his parents, his face full of sorrow.

If he had known this would happen, he wouldn’t have spoken up for Dylan Harmon.

Now, not only had he gained no advantage, but he had also been demoted by one rank.

Who could he complain to now?
Chapter 1065: A Baffling Turn of Events

“Arrest all those involved in today’s disturbance and conduct a thorough investigation,” Scarlet Spanner commanded, ordering the members of the Harmon family to be bound one by one.

This action left people bewildered once again.

What was going on?

Wasn’t the one causing the disturbance Dustin and the Kirin Gang? Why were the members of the Harmon family being arrested?

The assailant wasn’t apprehended, but the victims were.

What was happening here?

“Madam, we’re innocent! We’re innocent!” After a brief moment of confusion, the Harmon family immediately began to plead, their voices filled with desperation.

“Madam, we didn’t do anything wrong. Why are you arresting us?” Kate Harmon was both shocked and fearful, quickly questioning.

“Yes, Madam! We’re all innocent. If you want to arrest someone, it should be that guy, Dustin!” The members of the Harmon family all began to plead, appearing panicked.

They were all in shock, as they hadn’t done anything wrong, yet they were about to be arrested for no apparent reason.

“If you’re innocent, I will investigate each of you, and there will be a conclusion afterward. Take them all away,” Scarlet Spanner said, uninterested in further discussion, and forcefully led them away.

Anyone who dared to incur her wrath would likely face consequences as well.

“Innocent! We’re innocent!” Amidst a chorus of wailing, the members of the Harmon family were all taken away.

The members of the Grant family, the Hill family, and all the other guests present could only watch in silence, none of them daring to speak up for fear of being arrested alongside them.

Given Scarlet Spanner’s display of dominance, anyone who dared to speak out would probably be sent away with them and share the same fate.

As for the ultimate fate of the Harmon family, they could only leave it to destiny.

“Those unrelated, leave now!” Scarlet Spanner scanned the surroundings and spoke again.

“Hurry, let’s go!” The crowd didn’t dare to hesitate and immediately dispersed.

No one dared to look back, not even to retrieve their lost shoes.

“This guy is really lucky. He escaped another disaster!” In the crowd, Summer Hill glared at Dustin with resentment and a face full of unwillingness.

“There will be a chance. Someday, I will avenge your father,” Summer Hill patted his nephew’s shoulder, then led the martial artists to leave.

He still had an ace up his sleeve, prepared to deal with Dustin.

However, Scarlet Spanner’s appearance disrupted his plans, so he could only temporarily withdraw and plan for the future.

“Brother Logan!” As soon as everyone left, Scarlet Spanner immediately put away her cold demeanor.

She approached Dustin with a delighted expression, resembling an enthusiastic fangirl, and showed a youthful, cheerful side that contrasted with her usual cold and resolute demeanor.

Of course, her tenderness was always reserved for Dustin alone.

“Little sis, you’re back so soon. Is everything in Stonia taken care of?” Dustin smiled slightly.

He habitually patted Scarlet Spanner’s head, behaving very affectionately.

However, it was this gesture that left Wesley Whitman dumbfounded, staring in astonishment.

What was going on?

Was I seeing things?

Could there actually be someone in this world daring enough to pat the head of the Scarlet Warrior “Goddess of War”?

Most importantly, not only did she not get angry, but she also seemed to be enjoying it.

Do you know that even the God of War Adam Spanner didn’t receive this kind of treatment?

Who exactly was this guy in front of me?!!
Chapter 1066: The Mysterious Relationship

At this moment, Wesley Whitman was completely unsettled.

It was quite evident to him that Scarlet Spanner and Dustin had known each other for a while, and their relationship seemed to be more than just good. It was beyond his comprehension.

Scarlet had been known for her ruthless and cold-blooded nature, her ability to make tough decisions on the battlefield, and her reputation for being stern and unapproachable. She maintained an air of aloofness and rarely showed her emotions, whether to family, friends, or subordinates. However, now she not only smiled but smiled brilliantly, as if she were an entirely different person.

At this moment, Wesley Whitman couldn’t help but wonder if his superior had been possessed by some spirit or under a spell.

Why else would she be smiling?

Or perhaps this guy in front of him had used some kind of magic to enchant her?

“Everything in Stonia has been taken care of, and we’ve killed a few scapegoats. It should quiet things down for a while,” Scarlet Spanner replied truthfully.

“That’s good,” Dustin nodded with a smile. He then said, “You’ve just arrived in Millsburg. Have you eaten yet?”

“Not yet,” Scarlet Spanner shook her head.

“Come on, let me take you to grab something to eat. We can chat while we eat,” Dustin suggested.


Watching the two of them leave, Wesley Whitman’s heart was in turmoil.

When had his superior become so gentle?

“Georgia!” Wesley couldn’t help but be curious and grabbed Scarlet’s female deputy.

“What is it?” Georgia furrowed her brows slightly.

“That guy from earlier, who is he? Why is he so close to the boss?” Wesley Whitman tentatively asked.

“Why do you care so much? Some questions are better left unanswered,” Georgia rolled her eyes and walked away.

“Bridget?” Wesley turned to another female deputy.

Bridget was even more straightforward. She snorted and walked away without a word.

She was playing the “ice queen” role to the hilt.

Wesley Whitman swallowed hard, feeling even more uneasy.

Could it be that he had offended some big shot?

Inside the mansion of the Grant family:

“What? The entire Harmon family has been arrested?” Upon hearing the report from his confidant, Tyler Grant was somewhat surprised. “What’s going on? Wasn’t today the day the Harmon family was supposed to rise to power? Why would they be arrested for no reason?”

“I don’t know the details yet, but it’s said that the order came directly from the Scarlet Warrior “Goddess of War”,” the confidant reported.

“Scarlet Spanner? How did she end up here?” Tyler Grant furrowed his brows slightly.

In the entire Dragonmarsh, there weren’t many people who could make him wary, and Scarlet Spanner happened to be one of them.

He had to admit that the woman was his superior in various aspects.

“Scarlet came here this time with minimal equipment. It doesn’t seem like she’s here for official business. It’s very likely that the Harmon family inadvertently offended her,” the confidant said.

“A bunch of idiots!” Tyler snorted disdainfully. “Out of all the people to offend, they choose to offend that woman. Truly foolish!”

“Young Master, should we use our connections to try and get the Harmons released?” the confidant asked tentatively.

“There’s no need to get involved in that woman’s mess just for these useless pawns. Let them fend for themselves,” Tyler coldly replied.

After all, the members of the Harmon family had always been nothing more than pawns to him.

Since the pawns were no longer useful, they could be discarded.

“Young Master, if we lose our puppets, how will we deal with the treasure map situation?” the confidant inquired.
Chapter 1067: Good News and Bad News

During lunchtime, Dustin and Scarlet Spanner found a window-side table at the Rose Restaurant. They sat down to eat and chat.

“Logan, do you want me to kill those who have offended you?” Out of the blue, Scarlet Spanner asked with a serious tone while eating.

Dustin couldn’t help but laugh at her question. “They don’t deserve to die. Just detain them for a few days and let them suffer a bit.”

While Dylan deserved to die for crossing certain lines, the other members of the Harmon family, though guilty, didn’t warrant such a severe punishment. Moreover, Dustin had to consider the feelings of Natasha. These people were, after all, her relatives.

“Alright, I’ll spare their lives then,” Scarlet Spanner nodded.

To her, if killing a few people could make Dustin happy, it was a small price to pay.

“Logan, I remember your birthday is in a few days, right?” Scarlet Spanner suddenly brought up.

“Yeah, I almost forgot about it if you hadn’t mentioned it,” Dustin realized. He didn’t really care about birthdays. In previous years, he would just have a meal, maybe some drinks, and occasionally get a birthday cake, nothing extravagant.

“Logan, how do you plan to celebrate your birthday this time?” Scarlet Spanner was curious.

“Most likely just a meal and a birthday cake, as usual,” Dustin replied indifferently.

“Is that it? No way!” Scarlet Spanner objected. “Your birthday has to be grand. This time, I want to throw a big birthday party for you!”

“You don’t need to go to such trouble. I prefer to keep it low-key,” Dustin declined.

“No trouble at all. In the past, you always had lively celebrations for your birthday, and this time should be no different,” Scarlet Spanner insisted.

“Past is past, and now is now. There’s no need for anything extravagant,” Dustin shook his head. “My dear, I appreciate your kind intentions, but let’s skip the big birthday party.”

“Alright, if you insist,” Scarlet Spanner agreed, not wanting to push him too hard. “But I’ll invite some friends over to celebrate with you. Is that okay?”

“That’s fine,” Dustin smiled and nodded.

“Great, it’s settled then,” Scarlet beamed with joy.

They continued to enjoy their meal and conversation, creating a harmonious atmosphere.

However, during their lunch, Dustin received a call from Samuel Franklin, who had both good and bad news to share.

“Mr Rhys, I have both good news and bad news. Which one would you like to hear first?” Samuel Franklin inquired.

“Start with the bad news,” Dustin replied.

“The bad news is that someone posted a bounty on you yesterday, and the reward is as high as 10 billion,” Samuel Franklin revealed.

“Who is it?” Dustin raised an eyebrow.

The last time there was a bounty on him, it was from Edwin Hummer. It was only after Dustin killed Edwin Hummer that the bounty was lifted.

“Mr Rhys, you know our rules. I can’t disclose the identity of the employer. I can only assure you that my people won’t take action,” Samuel Franklin quickly distanced himself from any involvement.

“Alright, tell me the good news,” Dustin changed the subject.

“The good news is that we’ve located the Cherusia that you’ve been searching for!”
Chapter 1068: Seeking an Audience


As soon as he heard this, Dustin instantly became alert and raised his tone. “Where is it?”

He had been eagerly looking for this particular spiritual herb. With it, he could refine the Longevitium.

“To be honest, this item is in the possession of the Murray Family,” Samuel Franklin explained. “Tomorrow is Gen Christopher Murray’s birthday, and someone has gifted him the Cherusia as a birthday present. Whether you can obtain it or not depends on your abilities, Mr Rhys.”

“Alright, if the information is accurate, I will pay the corresponding reward,” Dustin said with excitement.

As long as he could find the Cherusia, he was willing to pay any price for it.

“No need for a reward. According to our previous agreement, you owe me a favor. When I encounter trouble, I hope Mr Rhys can help me,” Samuel smiled.

“As long as it doesn’t violate my principles, it’s a deal,” Dustin readily agreed.

“Hehe, Mr Rhys,good luck then.”

After a brief conversation, the call ended.

“My dear, I have some matters to attend to. Please return to your accomodation, and I’ll visit you some other day,” Dustin said as he got up to leave.

“Logan, is there trouble? Do you want me to help?” Scarlet Spanner was curious.

“No need. I can handle it myself. Go back to your hotel, and rest up,” Dustin replied.

He gently patted Scarlet Spanner’s head before waving his hand and taking his leave.

After leaving the Rose Restaurant, Dustin first prepared an expensive gift and then headed straight to the Murray Family’s residence.

Gen Christopher Murray was an old general who had once fought on the battlefield. Although he had retired, his status in the military was as high as Grandmaster Paul Hill’s reputation in the martial world. Both were influential figures with disciples and followers all over the place.

Ten years ago, they (Dustin and General Christopher) had some interactions, and their relationship was quite good. Dustin had always wanted to pay a visit as a junior, and now was the perfect opportunity.

He wanted to wish him a happy birthday and, more importantly, inquire about the Cherusia.

Although it might seem impolite to barge in like this, Dustin didn’t have the luxury of time. The Cherusia was too important to him, and he would do whatever it took to acquire it.

Half an hour later, Dustin arrived at Murrays’ residence.

The residence was surrounded by high walls and had a solemn and dignified atmosphere. In front of the main entrance were two vermilion-painted doors, and on either side stood two imposing stone lions.

Soldiers in full armor formed two rows on either side of the entrance, all with upright postures and sharp gazes.

“Could you please announce my visit? I would like to see General Murray,” Dustin said to the leading soldier as he approached.

“Do you have an invitation?” the soldier asked in return.

“I came in a hurry and didn’t bring an invitation,” Dustin replied.

“If you don’t have an invitation, I’m sorry, but I can’t let you in,” the soldier stated.

“Could you make an exception?” Dustin insisted.

“This is our rule. Visitors must submit an invitation to verify their identity and wait for approval before meeting with the general,” the soldier explained.

“Is there any flexibility in this matter?” Dustin pressed.

“It’s a rule. Visitors must first submit an invitation, stating their identity, and then wait for verification before they can meet with the general,” the soldier replied, unyielding.

“The head of the general is a prestigious one, and numerous people come here daily. If everyone could meet with him, it would be too overwhelming,” the soldier added.

“I understand,” Dustin said, realizing he couldn’t persuade the soldier.

At that moment, several black cars suddenly stopped in front of the gate.

The car doors opened, and Shiela Murray, followed by several young men and women, got out. Among them were Chase Johnson and Vivian.

“Dustin, you’re here?” Shiela Murray ran over joyfully, her face full of surprise.
Chapter 1069: The Horse Race

“Oh, I’m here to visit General Murray,” Dustin replied with a faint smile.

“Hmph! What a joke!” Vivian curled her lips with a disdainful look.

Ever since the band-aid incident, she had been holding a grudge against Dustin. But she had to admit that he indeed had some abilities.

On that day, when she was hospitalized with a gunshot wound, she had just discovered that she had lung cancer. Fortunately, it was detected in time, and under the influence of a generous compensation, her condition was stabilized.

“Grandpa has gone out for a bit and won’t be back for a while. Why don’t you come in, have some tea, and sit down? I have a few questions I’d like to consult with you,” Shiela Murray said without giving Dustin a chance to decline. She grabbed his arm and led him toward the entrance of the general’s residence.

“Shiela, didn’t we agree to go practice horse riding at the racetrack?” Vivian reminded.

“Oh, right! I got a little too excited just now and almost forgot,” Shiela replied.

She looked at Dustin and tentatively asked, “Dustin, how about we go to our family’s racetrack? When my grandpa comes back, I bring you to him. What do you think?”

“No problem,” Dustin agreed with a smile. He wasn’t disappointed by the change in plans.

“Great! Let’s go to the racetrack!”

Shiela Murray smiled sweetly and then led the group, including Dustin, to the back of the general’s residence.

“Chase, judging by the way Shiela looks at him, it seems she’s quite interested in this guy. You should be cautious,” Vivian whispered.

“Hmph! A martial artist without power or influence can never be worthy of Shiela,” Chase Johnson replied with disdain. “Even if she has a favorable impression of him, the Murray Family would never agree to it. They are not in the same league. No matter how hard he tries, he can’t fit into our circle.”

“That’s true,” Vivian said, nodding in agreement.

Although Dustin had decent martial arts skills and some medical knowledge, it was still far from enough.

As the most favored granddaughter of General Murray, and as the future wife of someone important, there were three criteria that had to be met:

1. A distinguished family background.
2. Great potential.
3. Outstanding abilities.

Dustin, an unknown martial artist, clearly didn’t meet these criteria.

The Murray Family’s estate was quite extensive, encompassing the surrounding mountains and waters within a ten-mile radius, all under its jurisdiction.

After walking for about ten minutes, they arrived at a private racetrack located at the foot of the mountain behind the general’s residence.

The racetrack was home to over a hundred horses, most of which were high-quality breeds. All members of the Murray Family could come here to train or participate in horse races. Some exceptional individuals even had their own valuable steeds.

Shiela Murray was very familiar with this place. She called over the person in charge of the racetrack and led everyone into the stables to pick out horses for riding.

The stables were spacious and well-kept, with each horse housed in a separate stall. Due to regular cleaning, the stables were exceptionally clean, and there was a faint aroma of smoked wood.

“Dustin, how about this horse?” Shiela Murray led Dustin to a white horse with a height of about 1.5 meters.

The white horse had a perfect physique, with a slender neck, graceful limbs, thin skin, fine hair, elegant posture, and light and graceful strides. It was a beautiful sight to behold.

“Not bad. It’s indeed a fine horse,” Dustin nodded appreciatively.

“Hehe, this horse is named Henry. It’s my exclusive ride. Whenever I have time, I come here to see it,” Shiela Murray introduced proudly. “Dustin, you must not underestimate Henry. It’s a sweat-blood horse, and every time our family holds a horse race, it always wins the championship and has never lost.”

As soon as she finished speaking, a discordant voice suddenly rang out at the entrance of the stables.

“Never lost? Hmph! Today, I’ll make you lose for the first time!”
Chapter 1070: The Horse Race


Everyone turned to look in the direction of the voice and saw a group of young men and women leisurely entering the area.

Leading the group was a woman dressed in a black vest and black riding boots. She had a beautiful appearance, a slim figure, and an arrogant demeanor that made her seem aloof.

As she walked in, she held the reins of a shiny black steed, which looked powerful and majestic.

“Morgan Murray?” Seeing the newcomer, Shiela Murray couldn’t help but furrow her brows.

Morgan was the daughter of her eldest uncle and had a tendency to clash with her often. This had become even more pronounced since her father had become the head of the family, as she no longer felt the need to be considerate.

She frequently looked for trouble, making things difficult for Shiela Murray.

“Shiela, I heard you bragging just now, saying that Henry has never lost. I couldn’t help but laugh,” Morgan sneered. “In the past, you won those championships because everyone let you. Do you really think you’re that great? Don’t make me laugh!”

“You’re talking nonsense!” Shiela’s face darkened, clearly irritated.

“Nonsense?” Morgan continued to taunt. “If you don’t believe me, then let’s have a race. Let’s see if your Henry is as good as you claim or if my Black Dragon is superior.”

Shiela hesitated. While she would readily accept challenges involving money or other items, she needed to think carefully when her beloved steed was at stake.

Henry had been with her for six years, and she had come to regard it as a friend. She was naturally reluctant to part with it.

“What’s the matter? Are you scared?” Morgan continued to provoke. “If you’re too afraid, then don’t brag in the future to avoid embarrassing yourself!”

“You…” Shiela was angered, gritting her teeth. “Fine! Let’s race! I don’t believe I’ll lose to you!”

“It’s a deal! I hope you won’t regret it!” Morgan coldly smiled.

“What’s going on here?” Just then, three more people entered the stables.

There was one man and two women.

The man had an imposing appearance, a tall figure, and bore a slight resemblance to Morgan.

The other two women were both incredibly beautiful, whether it was their appearance, figures, or temperament, they were outstanding.

“Hmm?” Dustin raised an eyebrow in surprise when he saw the newcomers.

He noticed that the two women who had entered were none other than Dahlia and Victoria Sterling!

As Dustin’s gaze swept over, Dahlia’s eyes met his. Their eyes locked for a moment, but neither of them spoke.

Dahlia furrowed her brows slightly, her expression somewhat peculiar. She hadn’t expected to run into the insurance salesman again.

On the other hand, Victoria had yet to notice Dustin’s presence. Her gaze remained fixated on the white horse, Henry, and she appeared to be filled with longing.

As an equestrian enthusiast, she couldn’t help but covet such a top-quality steed.

“Brother, you’re here?” Morgan smiled as she saw the man. “I just made a bet with Shiela on a horse race, with our precious steeds as the stakes. What do you think?”

“Oh? A horse race?” Garrett Murray’s eyes lit up, and he chuckled. “Since you’re all so interested, I’ll be the referee.”

“Sounds good!” Morgan readily agreed.

“Shiela, what do you think?” Garrett turned to Shiela.

“Garrett has always been fair, so it’s fine,” Shiela Murray nodded.

“Great! Get ready, everyone.”

Garrett smiled and said, “Friendship first, competition second. Let’s not ruin our relationships over this.”

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