Understated Dominance - Chapter 905 to 1100

Understated Dominance translated by Marina Vitori follow here (Original version)👇👇👇

I will send updates when I can. But if you think I am being late you can translate this from the Chinese version. Link provided below 👇👇

New translation will come with new name characters and if you spot mistakes due to different people translating this you would understand.

You are all allowed to post your translation here if you can. Anybody can translate and post here
Chapter 982

As Dustin held the black sword aloft, a hushed awe settled over the onlookers, mingled with a touch of disbelief.

None among them had anticipated that the very sword they had strived so hard to dislodge would, in the end, willingly fly into Dustin’s grasp.

What struck them most was that Dustin hadn’t laid a finger on the sword throughout.

Just a gentle extension of his two fingers and it was plucked free.

As if summoned, the sword ascended from the ground and landed precisely into his waiting hand.


They had strained and strained, but couldn’t draw the sword.

Why did a mere wave from Dustin set the sword free?

Unfair treatment?


Were they not human?

“No, it can’t be! How did he make it seem so effortless?!” Nathan’s eyes widened, astonishment etched on his face.

Even his mentor couldn’t budge the sword. So why did Dustin beckon and the sword answered?

What was happening?!

“Blimey! Am I seeing things right? Did the sword just fly out on its own?” Emily gulped, finding it all a bit hard to believe.

“Could it be the sword has a spirit, and it recognizes Dustin as its rightful owner?” Vanessa wondered, her surprise tinged with suspicion.

Some swords are forged to vanquish malevolence, meant only for the chosen one.

Staring at the two lines etched into the ground, she could only fathom this possibility.

“You…how on earth did you manage that?!” Han Zhenzhi’s brows knitted, his composure now gone.

He couldn’t fathom why he couldn’t unsheathe the sword, but this Dustin character could? Did the precious blade reckon him less than a greenhorn?

“I haven’t a clue. I gave it a wave and it came to me.” Dustin gazed at the black sword in his hand, a newfound appreciation blooming.

He was skilled with a blade, yet rarely resorted to using one.

For his strength, the run-of-the-mill blades just didn’t measure up.

But this sword before him was different, as though it were custom-made for him.

Forged from meteorite iron, its form unyielding and edge razor sharp.

He could even sense a world-rending might emanating from the blade.

“Aye, it’s a marvel.” Dustin smiled, tenderly caressing the sword, loath to part with it.

“Brother Dustin, congratulations on claiming the sword. Seems it’s meant solely for you.” Emily offered a small smile, stepping forth to extend her congratulations.

“Hold on!”

At that moment, Han Zhenzhi interjected, “Young man, this sword is no ordinary weapon. It’s likely a perilous thing. If you keep it close, it could easily draw trouble. How about entrusting it to me for safekeeping?”


Dustin arched an eyebrow, “Master Han, this sword is destined for me. Whether it’s cursed or not, it’s of no matter.”

“Young man, I’m thinking of your well-being. Handling such a beast is no small feat. Allow me to bear that burden.” Han Zhenzhi extended his hand in a pleading gesture.

Such a spirit-forged sword was a rarity, not to be missed.

Should he acquire it, his power would surge, perhaps even enough to contend with the Grandmaster!

“Master Han, I can manage it on my own. No need for your concern.” The smile on Dustin’s face gradually waned.

Finally, he understood.
Chapter 983

The elderly gentleman before me was rather avaricious and seemed intent on claiming the sword for himself.

“Young man, you must comprehend that I am not seeking your counsel.”

Dustin Zhenzhi’s countenance grew stern: “As the saying goes, a man is not guilty of carrying a gem, but this sword does not align with your disposition. Surrender it to me and go your own way!”

“Headmaster Dustin, do you reckon you’re trying to intimidate me?” Vanessa narrowed her gaze.

“I am offering counsel. Those astute to the current state of affairs are the true heroes. You’re still youthful, and many opportunities will present themselves in due course. There’s no need to jeopardize your future over a sword, right?” Dustin Zhenzhi persisted.

He was resolute in obtaining this sword.

Had it not been for preserving one’s dignity, we might have initiated a confrontation long ago.

“Master, a sword is destined only for one who is fated for it. Brother Dustin is destined for this sword. Isn’t it fitting for you to acknowledge this?” Emily frowned.

She hadn’t anticipated that her perpetually upright master would forsake his principles for a sword.

And resort to threats, no less.

“Cease this chatter!”

Dustin Zhenzhi glared: “What do you understand? This sword is ownerless. It belongs to whomever proves capable of obtaining it!”

“Dad! Yet Brother Dustin has already secured this sword. Do you still intend to pilfer it?” Vanessa’s brows were furrowed, an air of indignation about her.

“You impudent girl! You’re my daughter, why are you siding against me?!” Dustin Zhenzhi appeared somewhat bewildered.

“I’m merely speaking the truth!”

Vanessa declared with righteousness: “Brother Dustin saved our lives before, and we’ve yet to repay the debt. It’s egregious for you to resort to coercion and persuasion!”

“Hmph! Were it not for us bringing him in, he wouldn’t even be worthy of glimpsing this treasure!”

Dustin Zhenzhi maintained his forceful stance: “Moreover, I merely wish for him to possess a sword. What’s the harm? If he stumbles upon any other treasures later, he shall have first choice!”


“Very well!”

Vanessa yearned to voice further objections but was abruptly cut off by Dustin Zhenzhi’s irate outburst: “I have a strong liking for this sword. Regardless, I must possess it today!”

“And what if I refuse?” Dustin’s eyes were frigid.

“Refuse? Humph! Then do not blame me for resorting to force!” Dustin Zhenzhi bellowed sharply.

As he spoke, a formidable pressure emanated from his form, akin to a savage beast baring its teeth.


In this instant, Vanessa abruptly positioned herself before Dustin: “Dad! Brother Dustin saved my life. If you dare to act recklessly, you’ll have to go through me first!”

“You impertinent girl! Step aside!”

Dustin Zhenzhi displayed a measure of ire.

When he’d envisioned having a daughter, he’d pictured a little darling, but he hadn’t expected this spirited type.

“Dad! You mustn’t repay kindness with enmity. This is what you taught me!”

Vanessa bit her lip, arms spread wide in a protective stance over Dustin, displaying a readiness to face any consequence.

“Master, let it be. There will doubtless be superior treasures ahead. There’s no need to sour the atmosphere.” Emily continued in her attempts at persuasion.

“Enough of your prattle!”

Dustin Zhenzhi became incensed, striking Emily across the face and rebuking: “A bunch of insolents! I taught you to revere your mentors, not to defy me!”

Emily cradled her face, brows knitted.

The look in Dustin Zhenzhi’s eyes held an air of astonishment, unfamiliar and unsettling.

She hadn’t anticipated her master would adopt such a demeanor, completely devoid of mercy.

“Master Dustin, I implore you to desist and avoid exacerbating the situation.” Dustin spoke in a cool tone.

This elderly gentleman was truly consumed by avarice.

Such a fine apprentice and daughter squandered for naught.

“Cease your prattle! Surrender the sword, or you shall leave here nevermore!” Dustin Zhenzhi threatened vehemently.

“You seek a sword? Very well, I shall oblige.”

Dustin nodded, then, with a swift motion, tossed it with one hand. After a few rotations in the air, the Sky Sword landed unerringly back at the heart of the formation, restored to its original state.

“Here, if you have the means, attempt to retrieve it yourself.”
Chapter 984

“Here, if you can, go and pull it out yourself.”

Dustin couldn’t be bothered with idle talk. After returning the sword to its place, he turned and headed for the stone door.

Within the stone chamber were three sturdy doors. He picked one at random and swung it open.

For the sake of Emily and Vanessa, he didn’t dwell too long and opted to part ways.

In any case, Han Zhenzhi seemed incapable of unsheathing the sword, so leaving it here posed no risk.

The black Higan flower held paramount importance now.

Once the elusive flower was found, retrieving the sword could easily follow.

“You rascal! Halt!”

Seeing Dustin on the verge of departure, Han Zhenzhi erupted in fury and raised his hand, poised for a potentially lethal strike.


In this moment, Vanessa unexpectedly stepped in between once more.

Han Zhenzhi was taken aback. Fearing an inadvertent harm to his daughter, he promptly lowered his hand.

Ultimately, they watched as Dustin and his companions steadily disappeared into the shadows.

“You disobedient girl! You’d side with outsiders against me? How foolish!”

Han Zhenzhi pounded his chest and stamped his feet, vexed.

How did he end up with such an ungrateful wretch?

“Dad! The baby’s well-being matters, but you mustn’t forsake your principles!” Vanessa asserted firmly.


Han Zhenzhi raised his hand to strike, but he paused halfway and eventually let it fall.

He had only one daughter, and he cherished her dearly, making it hard to act against her.

“Master, even though the lad’s gone, the sword remains. Shall we attempt it once more?” Nathan ventured to ask.

“Hmph! I refuse to believe only that lad can draw the sword!”

Han Zhenzhi clenched his teeth, returned to the Sky Sword, then seized the hilt with both hands, giving it a fervent tug.

Yet, the Cang Qiong Sword remained utterly unmoved, in stark contrast to its compliant behavior in Dustin’s hand prior. “Worthless! Worthless! I’ll annihilate you!”

Han Zhenzhi made several more attempts, growing increasingly incensed.

Resigned to the idea of destroying it if he couldn’t possess it, he delivered a fierce strike to the hilt.


A resounding crash ensued.

The Sky Sword didn’t budge, but Han Zhenzhi was sent reeling several paces by an unseen force.

For a moment, his blood surged, and his arms turned numb.

Unable to draw it, unable to obliterate it, Han Zhenzhi was on the verge of spitting blood.

After collecting himself, he left two disciples on guard and then led a contingent to push open another stone door.

No sense in squandering time; there might be other treasures within.

“Uncle, that old man went too far. Why didn’t you put him in his place earlier?” Abigail remained somewhat aggrieved in the dark passage.

“No need for unnecessary complications. Let’s first locate the black flower of the other side.” Dustin maintained a composed demeanor.

The Sky Sword was now attuned to him, easily summonable at his whim, with no concerns about theft.

“Little miracle doctor, there’s another junction up ahead.”

In their onward trek, Azaele abruptly halted.

Before them lay a cross-shaped tunnel.

Surveying the surroundings, every cave entrance yawned into unfathomable darkness, their destinations unknown.

“Why does this place resemble a labyrinth? So many side paths.”

Abigail knit her brow, exhibiting a touch of apprehension.

Wouldn’t it be perilous to choose incorrectly?

“Let’s press on.”

Dustin scanned the vicinity and quickly discerned the correct route.

The three pressed ahead, navigating the twists and turns of the passage, advancing for about the span of an incense stick.

A sudden blaze of light came into view. Hastening forward, they discovered it to be an exquisitely illuminated tomb.

The tomb was sizable, encompassed by an array of human-shaped stone effigies, each expertly carved and lifelike.

In the midst of these statues stood a colossal bronze coffin.

The coffin bore inscriptions in various strange symbols, exuding an aura of malevolence.

“Uncle, do you reckon this place is eerie?”

Abigail shrank back, oddly tense.

Especially the humanoid stone statues near the coffins; their cold gazes seemed to pierce right through her.

It sent shivers down her spine.

“They’re all statues, what’s there to fear?”

Dustin glanced around, detecting no signs of life.

“Little miracle doctor, there are inscriptions here.”

Azaele moved forward to inspect, finding a stone tablet directly in front of the coffin.

On it were a few lines of text: [Disciples of Jade Girl Palace, bow three times before the tomb]
Chapter 985

“Uncle, we’re not disciples of the Jade Girl Palace. Do you wish to pay respects?” Abigail inquired.

“The departed deserves the highest regard. Thank you,” Dustin nodded.

Meskill was a prodigy of his generation. Even in his passing, he commands respect.


Abigail replied, knelt before the stone tablet, and performed three kowtows.


At this moment, the stone tablet suddenly trembled, slowly sank, and eventually vanished.

Simultaneously, a dainty wooden box gradually took the place of the stone tablet.

“Uncle! There’s something!”

Abigail’s eyes gleamed, and she promptly opened it to have a look.

Inside the wooden box lay a golden bead.

This golden bead was radiant and gleaming.

The golden fluid inside revolved autonomously, resembling a whirlpool, avidly absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy of the heavens and earth.

“Oh my word! It’s the Tianling Pearl?!”

Azaele’s eyes widened in astonishment.

Even Dustin, typically unflappable, appeared taken aback in this moment.

He truly hadn’t anticipated that the item in the box would turn out to be the legendary martial arts relic – the Tian Lingzhu!

“Tian Lingzhu? What’s that?”

Abigail cocked her head, a little bemused.

Is it not just an exquisite bead? Why make such a fuss?

“Aby! You’ve struck gold this time!”

Azaele was so astounded that she nearly leapt up, exclaiming impatiently: “The Heavenly Spirit Pearl is counted among the three sacred relics in the martial arts realm. It’s the cream of the crop, a treasure that countless warriors dream of!

Its primary function is to accelerate cultivation speed, potentially increasing it tenfold or even a hundredfold!

With it, even a mediocrity can become a top-tier genius! Of course, if an already gifted individual acquires this treasure, their level of prowess would be beyond imagination!

It’s no exaggeration to say that when the Tianling Pearl surfaces, it will unquestionably trigger a violent upheaval in the world!”

As she concluded, her cheeks were tinged with red.

You see, the object before you is the ultimate treasure capable of granting rebirth, akin to a humble carp vaulting over a dragon’s gate!

Who wouldn’t be envious after witnessing this?

“Ah? That potent?”

Abigail was startled and promptly lost her composure.

She had assumed it was some form of adornment, but little did she know it bore such a profound background.

“Aby, remember, you mustn’t breathe a word about the Tianling Pearl to anyone, or you’ll invite boundless trouble!” Dustin cautioned, his expression grave.

Even he couldn’t help but be enticed by such a treasure.

“Uncle, this is too precious. I can’t hold onto it. You should keep it.”

Abigail was a tad apprehensive and promptly handed the Tianling Pearl to Dustin.

“Aby! You——”

Azaele’s eyes nearly popped out.

Is this girl daft?

To give away a treasure capable of altering destiny, one that would send countless into a frenzy?

No one in their right mind would do such a thing!

“Silly girl, it was you who paid respects, so the Heavenly Spirit Bead naturally belongs to you. Keep it.” Dustin smiled and pushed it back.


Upon hearing this, Azaele was dumbstruck once more.

She’d assumed that Chase Dustin would be overjoyed, but to her surprise, he declined.

Is this fellow a fool as well?

“Uncle, your potential far surpasses mine. This little gem is better suited for you.”

Abigail insisted.

“I won’t see much benefit from using it at this point, but you’re just starting out and could use this to boost your cultivation speed.” Dustin countered. “I won’t take it, you must!”

“Quit the nonsense and take it back!”

“I won’t have it anyway!”

“You must!”

The two of them went back and forth, pushing and shoving, until they both grew a bit flustered and almost started to quarrel.


Azaele beside them seemed frozen, her mouth twitching, feeling as if there were a myriad of grasshoppers hopping through her heart.

Are they playing house?

This is a revered object in the realm of martial arts!

A treasure that drives countless warriors to madness!

Could they please show a tad more reverence?!
Chapter 986

“If you don’t fancy it, why not pass it over to me?”

Seeing the two of them squabble, Azaele finally couldn’t resist interjecting.

Now’s the time to put on a brave face. What if you genuinely hand it over to her?

“Go on, take a breather!”

Dustin turned sharply, his gaze sharp, and then firmly tucked the Tian Lingzhu into Abigail’s pocket. “Keep it safe, this gem’s meant for you. If you refuse again, I’ll be vexed!”

“Alright… alright, I’ll make use of it for a spell and then give it back to you, uncle.”

After some hesitation, Abigail ultimately opted to keep it close.

She believed that as she grew stronger, she would be in a better position to aid Dustin.

As soon as the Tianling Pearl touched her skin, she could distinctly feel a steady stream of coolness flowing into her body, pooling in her Dantian, fortifying her inner energy and reinforcing her meridians.

Given this pace, within three to five days, she should achieve another breakthrough.

This rate of cultivation is truly remarkable!

“Okay, let’s first scout around to check if the black Hibiscus flower is here.”

Dustin didn’t waste any time and began scouring the surroundings.

This tomb concealed numerous treasures, ranging from mystical weapons and martial arts techniques to some exceedingly rare valuables.

Present any one of them, and it would suffice to provide an ordinary person with sustenance for a lifetime.

Dustin, however, was indifferent to all of it. Conversely, Azaele welcomed everything and neatly packed away any treasure that caught his eye.

Having canvassed the entire tomb, Dustin still hadn’t located the black Bana flower.

The only place yet unexplored was the bronze casket.

“Elder, I hope you’ll pardon the intrusion!”

Dustin gave a deep bow to the casket, then pressed his palm against the lid and exerted pressure.


A metallic grating sound echoed as the casket slowly creaked open, releasing a smattering of dust.

Dustin lowered his head and peered inside, his pupils contracting.

Within the casket, he beheld the skeleton of a man adorned in opulent attire. Nestled on the corpse’s chest was an alluring and exquisite flower.

The blooms were entirely black, ensconced in an eerie radiance.

They imparted a sense of enigma, melancholy, desolation, yet also an unrivaled beauty.

This flower unfurled eerily, melancholically, enchantingly, and with a touch of foreboding.

It appeared as if from another realm.

Just gazing at it was enthralling.

This flower was the coveted black other shore flower that Dustin had yearned for!

“It’s truly here!”

Dustin’s countenance brightened, his breath quickening.

With this black other shore flower, Natasha Harmon could be rescued.

“Elder, I beg your pardon for the intrusion.”

Dustin bowed once more, then reached out to pluck the black Bianhua flower.

“Uncle! Watch out behind you!”

At that very moment, Abigail seemed to spot something and promptly cried out.


Dustin instinctively turned around and witnessed a humanoid stone statue behind him abruptly stirring.

With a “click,” the statue’s surface began to crack, shedding pieces of stone.

Subsequently, the stone statue’s eyes snapped open!


As the stone statue’s eyes opened, the stones on its form abruptly burst.

Simultaneously, a figure in white emerged from the stone, landing a palm strike on Dustin’s chest.

Dustin furrowed his brows and swiftly raised his palms in defense.


A resounding explosion.

At the point of contact, Dustin was jolted so intensely that he staggered back, struggling to find his footing. Every step backward left a deep impression in the ground.

On the other hand, the white figure descended gracefully to the ground, shrouded in a misty white aura, resembling a phantom or a celestial being, exuding both a sacred and malevolent aura.

“Indeed! Blast it all!”
Chapter 987

Abigail was so frightened that her scalp tingled.

She quickly huddled behind Azaele, trembling.

She wasn’t usually timid, but these gods and ghosts filled her with fear.

“Who are you?”

Dustin frowned, his face growing solemn.

Though somewhat caught off guard, being able to repel him with a single palm proved the opponent’s strength.

Without a doubt, the person before him must be a formidable master!

“This is my tomb. Who do you think I am?”

The white mist surrounding the figure gradually dissipated.

Soon, a youthful face with white hair emerged before them.

It was a woman, a woman whose beauty could enchant a kingdom.

Even with a head full of white hair, time had not etched its mark on her face.

Yet, her deep eyes seemed to have witnessed all the twists and turns of life, seeing through everything.

“Your tomb?”

Dustin was taken aback for a moment, his expression instantly changing. “Could it be that you’re Senior Meskill?!”


As these words left his lips, Abigail and Azaele were both astonished, their gazes filled with disbelief.

Didn’t Meskill pass away fifty years ago?

How could she still be alive now?

What had transpired?

“You know my name and yet you dare come here to plunder the tomb. Are you seeking death?” Meskill’s words were calm, but they carried an awe-inspiring weight.

“Esteemed Ancient, we had no intention of robbing the tomb. We only seek the Black Bibi flower to save a life,” Dustin explained.

“How valuable is the flower of the other side? Why should I bestow it upon you?” Meskill inquired nonchalantly. “Senior, if you have any conditions, please state them, and I shall do my utmost to fulfil them,” Dustin pledged.


Meskill snorted, “If you can save my husband, then I shall grant you this flower.”

“Esteemed, that’s a tall order.”

Dustin furrowed his brow slightly. “How can one resurrect the departed?”

The occupant of the casket was reduced to bare bones; not even the gods could revive him.

“You understand well that the deceased cannot be revived, so trouble not Bianhua again. For the courtesy you’ve shown, I’ll spare your lives. Now, be gone,” Meskill waved her hand.

“Esteemed! I must retrieve this flower!” Dustin’s gaze was resolute.

“Retrieve it? Do you possess the capability?” Meskill’s countenance turned frosty.

“I’m determined to try!” Dustin declared with utmost seriousness.

“Are you truly unafraid of death?” Meskill narrowed her eyes.

“Even if I perish, I’ll bring this flower back!” Dustin’s words rang out with resolve.

“Very well! Then I shall oblige!”

Meskill was a touch incensed, leaping up and striking Dustin with a sudden palm.

This strike seemed plain and unadorned, yet it carried an air of annihilation.

With one blow, all bones would wither!

Before the attack landed, Dustin felt a tingling sensation in his scalp, every hair on his body standing on end.

An indescribable sense of peril surged through his heart.

Fifty years ago, Meskill was already a top grandmaster.

Now, half a century later, her cultivation had reached such a profound level that none could rival it.


Gritting his teeth, Dustin swiftly produced a silver needle, driving it into the back of his head.

This was the Lu family’s hidden technique, employing the burning of life force to unlock latent potential, thus gaining formidable power in a brief span.


As the silver needle entered his body, Dustin’s eyes immediately turned crimson, veins pulsing. Energy surged forth like a volcano, unstoppable.

He shattered the confines of mastery in a single bound, ascending to the realm of grand mastery!
Chapter 988


As Dustin forcefully broke through, Meskill’s world-shattering palm was met with a resounding clash.

Dustin had no time to evade, so he confronted the adversary head-on, exchanging a palm strike with Meskill.


The moment their palms connected, Dustin’s entire body was propelled like a cannonball, crashing into the wall and leaving behind a human-shaped indentation.

For an instant, the entire tomb quivered, and a cascade of rubble rained down.


Dustin’s throat tasted coppery, and he coughed up a mouthful of blood on the spot.

His face was ashen.


Abigail’s countenance shifted, and she moved forward to assist, but Azaele held her back.

They couldn’t intervene in a battle of this magnitude.

Fifty years ago, Meskill was already the most renowned figure in the world.

Now, having secluded himself for many years, he was even more peerless in the realm!

He could be termed a terrestrial immortal!

Facing such a behemoth, the fact that Dustin hadn’t been instantly vanquished was already a testament to his formidable power.

“Your strength is commendable, but alas, you’re too young. Just depart, I have no wish to slay you.”

Meskill stood with his hands behind his back, his countenance impassive.

To achieve this level at just over 20 years old was a testament to being a veritable prodigy.

Even in the past, he was likely on the weaker side.


Dustin coughed, fought through the pain, and slowly extricated himself from the recess.

In this moment, he felt as though every bone in his body might crumble. His single attempt had failed; the disparity in strength was too great!

Even employing secret techniques to barely break through, he still couldn’t contend with Meskill.

In fact, he lacked the capacity to resist at all.

“Black Higanbana, today I must reclaim it.”

Dustin wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and staggered onward, his gaze unwaveringly fixed on the direction of the coffin.

“You’re asking for death!”

Meskill’s gaze turned icy.

“I have no other choice.”

Dustin harboured no fear and pressed on.

His eyes remained locked on the coffin, resolute.


Meskill raised her hand and released a palm strike from the air.


A golden palm imprint shot forth, carrying a violent force, and struck Dustin with great force.


Dustin was sent flying once more, crashing into the wall with force, forming a crater.

Immediately after, another spurt of blood followed, exacerbating his already severe injuries.

He swayed, appearing as if he might collapse at any moment.

Dustin clenched his teeth, forcing himself to stand tall. He took unsteady steps, pressing forward slowly.

Every step left a trail of bloody footprints on the ground.


Meskill furrowed her brow.

She hadn’t anticipated Dustin to be so unyielding.

Clearly gravely wounded and barely able to stand, yet he insisted on moving forward, seemingly to meet his end.

Were there truly individuals this foolish in the world?

“I’ll afford you one more chance; depart immediately, or meet your demise!”

Meskill’s voice resonated with stern authority.

“No matter the cost, I will retrieve the Bianhua flower.”

Dustin drew a deep breath, his gaze resolute and unwavering.

“Let’s see how long you can endure!”

Meskill’s countenance darkened, and she struck Dustin forcefully in the chest with another aerial palm strike.

Chapter 989

Dustin’s chest heaved, his entire body propelled upwards, and then he plummeted heavily to the ground.

The spurt of blood etched a peculiar arc through the air.

It’s an electrifying sight.


Abigail’s voice was sharp, her eyes brimming with red.

His face bore a mix of sorrow and fury.

She yearned to step forward, but was tightly embraced by Azaele, leaving her no choice but to witness Dustin’s agony.

“Just one step… just one step… Natasha Harmon is still counting on me… I can’t fail!”

After a moment of dizziness, Dustin clenched his teeth, shakily propped up his shattered form, and slowly rose.

Unsteady and feeble.

He looked like a candle flickering in a gusty wind, on the verge of being extinguished.

“Uncle! Surrender! We don’t need Bianhuahua. If you persist like this, you’ll perish!” Abigail implored, tears streaming down her face.

She could see that Chase Dustin had reached his breaking point.

One more blow, and he’d truly be gone.

“Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock…”

Dustin remained resolute, straightened his posture, swayed, and advanced precariously.

Blood continued to drip from his mouth and nose.

Falling to the ground, like a blossoming flower.

“Dustin! Stop this valour! What are you sacrificing for a woman? If you die, she won’t survive!” Azaele shouted.

At this juncture, even she couldn’t endure it any longer.

For she couldn’t fathom Dustin’s actions. Was there anyone in this world more precious than one’s own life?

Gazing into the adversary’s steadfast eyes, she couldn’t help but feel moved.

She even harboured a touch of envy for Natasha, having a man who would devote his life to her. “Why? Why must you beg for death?”

Meskill furrowed her brow, her gaze tinged with complexity.

Even she had to admire Dustin’s unyielding determination.

Especially his fierceness and lack of fear towards death bore a resemblance to her own former self.

“Bana… I must rescue Bana… I must.” Dustin muttered to himself, pressing on with great difficulty yet unyieldingly.

As long as he draws breath, he won’t surrender.

In this instant, Meskill was suddenly taken aback.

She found herself surprisingly captivated by Dustin’s obstinacy and unwavering resolve.

She glimpsed a reflection of her past self.

Why didn’t she roam far and wide, endure hardships, and even hazard her life for the one she loved?

But what was the outcome?

When she traversed countless tribulations in pursuit of the black flower, she discovered her beloved had already departed.

She was left in agony, despair, and frenzy.

Yet, it could never be undone.

She owed him an apology, yet he would never hear it. He lay only in the frigid embrace of the coffin, slumbering beneath the earth.

“When the ends of the earth stretch endlessly, only love endures boundlessly.”

“Chang’an, you vowed to await my return, yet why can’t you see me again?”

Meskill shut her eyes, two glistening tears trailing down.

In a daze, she glimpsed a man with a handsome countenance, striding towards her with a smile, ultimately enfolding her in his arms.

Everything was so exquisite, so serene, so enchanting.

Until she blinked, and the sweet reverie began to fade.

“Mountains are arduous to cross, and those who lose their way lament their fate; if we chance upon each other, we are but guests in a foreign land.”

Meskill sighed softly all of a sudden, extending her hand into the coffin, plucking the black other side flower, and bestowing it into Dustin’s hand: “I gift you this flower, take it to save lives.”

“Hmm?” Dustin couldn’t help but be taken aback by the abrupt turn of events.

Upon processing, he repeatedly bowed, hands clasped in gratitude: “Thank you, Senior Meskill!”

He wasn’t sure what had transpired, but evidently, it was a positive turn.

“I hope you find love and wed happily someday.” Meskill looked wistful.

Both shared a similar past, yet their destinies took opposite turns.

Dustin’s beloved still drew breath, and he still had a promising future.

But her love had long departed…
Chapter 990

Having sent the black Bianhua flower, Meskill appeared almost frozen in place.

He stood there, eyes shut, completely still.

It was as if he were lost in a reverie, deep in meditation.

“Thank you for the flowers, esteemed elder. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. I will cherish it in my heart. Farewell.”

Observing Meskill slip into meditation, Dustin decided not to disturb him further. With a respectful bow, he slowly made his way away.

Had Meskill struck him down just now, he would have been a lifeless body by now.

The opponent’s prowess surpassed the bounds of a grandmaster.

In the entire world, there might not be a soul capable of halting him.

“Uncle, you’ve coughed up so much blood. Are you alright?”

Abigail assisted Dustin, the tears at the corners of her eyes not yet dried.

The recent events were utterly harrowing.

Had Meskill not momentarily relented, her master would have met his end right then and there.

“It’s fine, just a few broken bones. He won’t meet his end.”

Dustin produced a pill and placed it in his mouth, then took measured breaths.

Thankfully, he possessed a sturdy foundation and Meskill had spared his limbs; otherwise, even walking would be a challenge.

“Uncle, you were so obstinate just now. Without Higanbana, we could have explored other options. Why did we have to be so inflexible?” Abigail grumbled.

“There’s no time. I must take a chance.” Dustin shook his head.

Concubine Natasha was in peril, and nobody could predict how much longer she’d hold out.

Miss this opportunity, and it might be too late.

“You risked your life for a woman. I’m torn between thinking you’re daft or deeply devoted.” Azaele stated with a hint of resentment.

If there were a man who’d stake his life for her like this, she’d undoubtedly surrender her heart.

Alas, the man before her had already been claimed.

“Let’s go, we ought to return.”

After a brief moment to steady their breathing and mend their wounds, Dustin and the others retraced their steps through the somber tomb. As they walked, the ground suddenly trembled.


A thunderous crash reverberated, causing a deluge of dust to descend, shaking the entire tomb.

Fractures emerged in rapid succession, as though the tomb were being ripped asunder.

“No! It’s an earthquake! Run!”

Dustin and the others’ expressions shifted abruptly, and they hastened their pace towards the exit.

They moved so swiftly, they didn’t dare pause for an instant.

This was subterranean terrain.

Being buried alive would yield dire consequences!

Two minutes later.

Dustin and the trio finally emerged from the tomb, just in the nick of time.

Yet, not long after their escape, they heard a resounding “bang,” and the entire tomb collapsed in on itself!

Everything within was entombed.

“That was so close! I almost didn’t make it out!”

Abigail pounded her chest, still visibly shaken.

“The upheaval just now was likely caused by Senior Meskill. She desired not to be disturbed any longer.” Dustin’s countenance bore a tinge of complexity.

Meskill, a valiant woman of her era, a legend of the Dragon Kingdom, a figure akin to a celestial being.

In the end, she succumbed to love and chose to be interred underground alongside her departed spouse, never to see daylight again.

Such love was genuinely heartrending.


“Uncle! It appears there’s a skirmish over there!”

In that moment, Abigail suddenly pointed ahead.

Dustin promptly surveyed the scene and beheld a faction from the Bixia Sect encircled by stalwarts from various sects.

The cemetery’s location had been divulged.

All factions caught wind of this and sought their piece of the pie. This time, the Bixia Sect had reaped a bountiful harvest, amassing numerous treasures from the burial grounds.
Chapter 991

But they hadn’t anticipated that as soon as they emerged from the tomb, they’d be pursued and intercepted by various sects, leaving them with no room for escape.

“Master Han, isn’t it better to share the joy with everyone rather than reveling alone? Your Bixia family wouldn’t want to dine in solitude, would they?”

“Han Zhenzhi, wise men yield to circumstances. Since you can’t control these matters, why not relinquish them to the masses and spread happiness all around?”

“Han! Surrender the treasure promptly, or don’t blame us for being discourteous!”

Several sect leaders began to clamour, employing a mix of threats and enticements.

Their eyes bore an even greater hunger.

Meskill had amassed countless treasures, and even presenting just one of them had the potential to drive people to madness.

“What nonsense is this? We’ve not come away with a single thing this time. How can we offer you any treasure?” Han Zhenzhi denied.

How could he bring himself to part with treasures he’d laboured so hard to acquire?

“Hmph! You still dare to quibble? You’ve just exited the cemetery, how could you have found nothing?”

“That’s right! Do you think we’re fools? A few words won’t fool us.”

“Han! I’ll give you one last chance. Hand over the loot now, or you’ll regret it!”

The crowd seethed, poised to take action at any moment.

“I said no, and I mean it!”

Han Zhenzhi thundered in a resolute voice, “You all hail from esteemed and upstanding families, how can you persist in denying it?”

“Han! You slew my disciples of the Tianhe Sect and yet you remain obstinate. Today, I shall avenge my disciples!”

One of the elders, now past fifty, suddenly leapt forward and struck first.


Several headmasters exchanged glances and surged forth.

Joined by hundreds of elite warriors, they too closed in, ready to take on the Bixia Sect.

“This is outrageous!”

Han Zhenzhi gritted his teeth, retrieved a magic pill, and swallowed it whole.

This enchanted pill was a treasure from the tomb.

Upon ingesting it, one’s cultivation and strength would experience a significant surge in a short span, achieving the effect of the weak triumphing over the strong. In moments of peril, it offered a winning edge.

However, the downside was that once the effects of the potion wore off, the individual would be left exceedingly feeble.


As the elixir coursed through him, Han Zhenzhi couldn’t help but roar, his veins bulging and face flushing crimson.

Waves of potent power erupted forth.

After a decade of stagnant cultivation, he had finally shattered the constraints, ascended a tier on the spot, and entered the realm of a martial arts master!

“Hahaha… meet your end!”

Meskill exuded boundless enthusiasm, erupting into hearty laughter.

He thrust forth with both palms, a formidable Grandmaster Aura sweeping towards everyone like a tidal wave.

“Bang, bang, bang…”

Wherever the forceful energy traversed, rocks shattered, trees toppled, and earth flew.

The warriors, who had encircled and attacked, were pummelled until they coughed up blood and were sent hurtling back, like a fierce gale dispersing fallen leaves. They were utterly outmatched.

Even the leaders of several prominent sects were so stunned that they repeatedly retreated. Their blood and Aura surged, their true Aura thrown into disarray and difficult to grapple with.

“How, how is this possible? Have you broken through?!”

The headmaster of the Tianhe Sect’s eyes widened, disbelief etched across his face.

The adversary’s prior strength was evidently inferior to his own, so why had they suddenly become so formidable?

“Anyone below the Grandmaster is a mere ant. It seems this saying holds true!”

Sensing the earth-shattering power coursing through him, Han Zhenzhi was brimming with vigour and pride.

Only upon attaining the status of a master did he truly grasp the significance of looking down upon the world!

“Congratulations, Master, on your breakthrough! Achieving the rank of a martial arts master!”

The disciples of the Bixia Sect were elated, all offering their congratulations with clasped fists.

They had initially feared impending disaster, but at this critical juncture, their master had forged ahead.

Although the elixir was borrowed, it was now more than sufficient to subdue the entire assembly!


Han Zhenzhi bellowed with laughter, his gaze penetrating as he surveyed the various sects, “You lot, come at me all together, I’ll take on ten of you!”
Chapter 992

Gazing at the rejuvenated Han Zhenzhi, the senior leaders furrowed their brows deeply, as if confronted with a formidable adversary.

Once, they might have easily subdued him.

But now, Han Zhenzhi had broken through and ascended to the rank of a true martial arts master.

The chasm between them had suddenly widened.

Though they were only half a step from the realm of mastery, this half step seemed an insurmountable divide.

Cross it, and soar into the sky.

Fail, and forever remain beneath others.

“Everyone, what’s our course now?”

The headmaster of Tianhemen glanced at the few individuals around him.

Had he known Han Zhenzhi was a martial arts master, he wouldn’t have dared to stand out so prominently.

Now, it was hard to disengage from the tiger, unable to fight repeatedly, and incapable of escaping time and time again.

“How about engaging in battle? He must have used an elixir to temporarily break through. If we combine our efforts, we might have a chance.”

“Are you joking? He’s a martial arts master now, how can we possibly contend with him? If we confront him, won’t we be inviting disaster?”

“In my opinion, let’s abandon this. It’s not worth risking our lives for some treasure.”

Several headmasters murmured, and as they spoke, they were already retreating.

“What’s all this muttering about? If you won’t step up, I’ll take the lead!”

Han Zhenzhi wasted no words, taking a deep breath and thrusting his palms forward again.


Two enormous palm prints shot forth like twin juggernauts, crashing into several headmasters.

Capture the thief, and the king follows!

The magic pill’s effect only lasted half an hour, so the conflict had to be resolved swiftly.

“Swift retreat!”

The headmaster of Tianhe Sect’s eyes contracted, knowing he was outmatched, he hastily withdrew.

The other few didn’t dare to engage and scattered faster than a hare.

“Where d’you think you’re going!”

Han Zhenzhi didn’t relent. He surged forward and pursued them immediately.

“You reckless lunatic! Cease this arrogance!”

At that moment, a figure cloaked in purple darted out from the woods.

Like an arrow loosed from a bowstring, the figure slammed into Han Zhenzhi.

“Court death!”

Han Zhenzhi guffawed ferociously, promptly pivoting and channeling the Grandmaster’s Qi, striking with a palm.

Now, he possessed a potent resolve and was invincible in the world.


The two forces collided directly.

The purple figure executed a backward somersault and landed firmly on the ground.

Meanwhile, Han Zhenzhi let out a cry and was sent flying more than ten meters, landing on the ground in a particularly disheveled state.



The disciples of the Bixia Sect were taken aback and rushed forward to assist him.


Han Zhenzhi quivered and coughed up a mouthful of blood, his vigor instantly diminished.

“How could this happen? Did I really lose?”

Han Zhenzhi was stunned and apprehensive, finding it hard to believe.

Under normal circumstances, shouldn’t he have vanquished them all, stood tall, and commanded the respect of thousands?

How had he been suppressed just as he was asserting his authority?

“Don’t overestimate your capabilities!”

Directly before him stood an elderly man draped in purple robes, standing tall with hands clasped behind his back.

Though he appeared slender, his presence was immensely commanding.

He stood there like a mountain, unyielding!

“Master! Why are you here?”

Upon seeing this, the headmaster of Tianhe Sect was immediately overjoyed.

The purple-robed elder before him was none other than the progenitor of Tianhe Sect—Jiang Xiuzhen!

People often referred to him as Lord Tianhe!

“Hmph! If I hadn’t come, could you have retrieved the artefact?”
Chapter 993

Jiang Xiuzhen wore an icy countenance, delivering a stern rebuke.

“Master’s absolutely right.”

The headmaster of Tianhe Sect offered an apologetic smile, appearing exceedingly deferential.

This move sparked a murmur of conversation among the onlookers.

“Could this really be Lord Tianhe, the famed figure of legend?”

“Venerable Tianhe’s kept to his seclusion for so many years, it’s surprising to see him here today.”

“Even Lord Tianhe seems to covet Senior Meskill’s treasure!”

The arrival of Jiang Xiuzhen changed the dynamics once more.

While Dustin, having breached new realms, possessed formidable power, he had only just grazed the threshold of mastery.

Conversely, Vanessa stood as a seasoned master who had gained worldwide acclaim many years prior.

The two sides were in no way equal.

“Sir Tianhe? What’s this old creature doing here?!”

Abigail gulped hard, growing uneasy.

The grandeur he’d exuded moments ago had vanished completely, replaced by solemnity.

“Who’s this? You’ve just entered Meskill’s resting place, haven’t you?”

Jiang Xiuzhen cast a glance at Dustin, finally fixing her gaze upon him. “I don’t require much. Just surrender the Tianling Pearl, and I’ll ensure your safety!”

“Tian Lingzhu? I’ve no idea what you’re talking about,” Dustin replied with a furrowed brow.

“Playing the fool, are you? I’ll say it again: yield the Tian Lingzhu, and your life will be spared. Otherwise, I’ll wipe all of you out!” Jiang Xiuzhen shouted sternly.

He had emerged from seclusion for the sacred martial arts relic, the Tianling Pearl.

Rumour had it that Meskill had acquired the Tianling Pearl fifty years ago, and it must be concealed in the cemetery.

If he could obtain such a treasure, he’d be positioned to challenge the Grand Master within five years!

“Senior Jiang, I genuinely don’t possess the Heavenly Spirit Pearl. There must be a misunderstanding!” Dustin argued.

“Hmph! If you won’t comply, then you’ll face your demise!” Jiang Xiuzhen’s face darkened, dismissing any inclination for further discussion as he struck down with an airborne palm.


A colossal palm shot forth, as if Mount Tai itself were descending, crashing down upon Dustin.

Nothing could impede the path of this palm’s shadow.

Gritting his teeth, Dustin prepared to muster his strength, but another spurt of blood escaped him, and he nearly slumped to the ground.

“Don’t harm my dad!”

In this crucial moment, Vanessa abruptly positioned herself in front, seeking to shield her father from a fatal blow with her own body.


Jiang Xiuzhen displayed no mercy, persisting with the press of his iron palm.

“Out of my way!”

Right before Vanessa could be struck down, a silver needle abruptly shot forth, instantly dispersing the palm shadow and neutralising the devastating blow.


Jiang Xiuzhen furrowed his brows, casting an angry gaze around. “Who? Who dares to interfere in someone else’s affairs?!”

“Dustin, indiscriminate slaughter of the innocent is a wretched habit.”

With a resounding voice, Abigail emerged from the shadows, flanked by Dustin and her two daughters.


Upon seeing him, Vanessa’s face lit up with joy.

Unexpectedly, at this pivotal moment of life and death, it was this man who once again came to her rescue.

Could this be fate?

“Young man, did you stab someone in the back just now?”

Jiang Xiuzhen’s gaze held a touch of displeasure.

“Dustin, some of the Bixia faction are my friends. I hope you’ll consider showing clemency.”

Dustin clasped his fists in a show of respect.

Given his still mending injury, it would be best if he refrained from taking action.

“Hmph! Who do you think you are? Do you think an old man like me would deign to show clemency? Be off with you!” Jiang Xiuzhen’s tone dripped with condescension and disdain.

A mere lad with a mouth full of insolence dared to spout nonsense before him. Truly, he knew not the expanse of heaven and earth!

“If Senior Jiang persists, then it seems we must resolve this through force. At that point, I’ll be strewn across the floor. I hope Senior won’t regret this,” Dustin declared, his tone grave.

With these words, the surroundings fell into sudden, stunned silence.

Wide-eyed disbelief gripped everyone present.
Chapter 994

“Bloody hell! Is this lad daft? How dare he rile up Lord Tianhe?”

“Where’s this daft young lad come from? Even Lord Tianhe can’t be arsed to take him seriously. Does he reckon he’s got a long life ahead?”

“How dare you be so cheeky at such a tender age? Seems like you’ve never had a good wallop from life!”

Everyone jabbed fingers at Dustin, staring at him as if he were a proper numpty.

Who is Jiang Xiuzhen?

The forefather of Tianhe Sect, a martial arts maestro esteemed by thousands, looking across the whole Jiangnan martial arts scene, he’s a dean-level figure.

Who’d dare show such disrespect to such a strong bloke? Who’d dare be contrary?

But the nipper standing before him just went and challenged Grandmaster Jiang in broad daylight. He was asking for it, plain and simple!

“You cheeky rascal! Do you even know what you’re on about?”

Jiang Xiuzhen’s old mug darkened, and he said sinisterly: “If you don’t fancy meeting your maker, kneel down sharpish, knock your head to the ground thrice, and call me grandpa three times, and I might spare you!”

“Kid! Why are you still standing there? Get down on your knees!”

“Not everyone’s fit to call Lord Tianhe Grandpa, you’re lucky today, lad!”

“Being Grandmaster Chiang Kai-shek’s grandson is an honour for you in this life. Don’t be too disrespectful!”

The warriors were all talking, some were threatening, some were warning, but most of them were having a laugh.

“Mate Dustin! Lord Tianhe’s the top dog here. Hurry up and own up to your mistake, and you might just save your skin!” Emily suddenly shouted.

Even the guv’nor who’s made it through the ranks ain’t a match for Jiang Xiuzhen, let alone Dustin.

“Mate Dustin! Don’t worry about us, just get a move on and don’t make a scene!” Vanessa also tried to persuade.

She was proper grateful to Dustin for stepping in, but in the current state of affairs, the other lot couldn’t change the course of things.

If you’re too bolshy, you’ll just end up in hot water.

“Senior Jiang, here’s a bit of advice for you. It’s best to be magnanimous, otherwise it won’t look good when you fall out.” Dustin said nonchalantly.

“You stubborn little bugger! You won’t cry till you see the coffin, will you?”

Jiang Xiuzhen’s eyes gleamed with murderous intent: “Since you’re so keen on sticking your nose in, I’ll off you first, and then your mates!”


Vanessa was startled and quickly said: “Senior Jiang, this bloke’s taunting you. If you want to finish him off, just do it. We won’t stick our oar in!” “Hmph! If you hand over the Heavenly Spirit Pearl, I might spare you!” Jiang Xiuzhen said coldly.

“Heavenly Spirit Pearl?”

Vanessa rolled her eyes, as if she’d cottoned onto something, and suddenly exclaimed: “Senior Jiang, I know who’s got the Tianling Pearl. If you promise to let us off, I’ll spill the beans straight away!”

“Oh? Who?”

Jiang Xiuzhen narrowed his eyes and suddenly perked up.

“It’s in this lad’s mitts!”

Vanessa suddenly pointed at Dustin and shouted: “We went into the tomb together before, but later we parted ways due to disagreements. If the Tianling Pearl really exists, he must have taken it!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s eyes were fixed on Dustin.

All of them had eager eyes and covetous faces.

The Heavenly Spirit Pearl is a sacred object in the martial arts world, a treasure that can transform a person into a new person.

Who wouldn’t be green with envy over such a treasure?

“Master Han, I’ve got no quarrel with you, why’d you stab me in the back?” Dustin frowned slightly.

It was his rescue just now that allowed Han Zhenzhi and his daughter to survive.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the other lot had flogged him off.

“Kid! Stop with the act!”

Han Zhenzhi said with a fierce look: “You spent so long in that tomb and finally came out. You must be hoarding a load of treasures. I suggest you hand them over to Senior Jiang pronto, if you want to save your skin!”

“You little sod, turns out you’ve got the Heavenly Spirit Pearl. No wonder I feel a powerful force from you.”

Jiang Xiuzhen rubbed his chin and said with sharp eyes: “Now, hand over the treasure, and I might let you off for your cheek earlier!”

“Senior Jiang, do you believe what he says? I’ve never heard of any Tian Lingzhu.” Dustin said calmly.

“Never heard of it? Then are you brave enough to let us have a butcher’s?” Han Zhenzhi sneered.

“I’ve told you, I don’t have the Heavenly Spirit Bead, believe it or not.” Dustin couldn’t be arsed to explain.

This wishy-washy attitude just made folks even more suspicious.
Chapter 995

“Brother Dustin, if you’ve come across any treasures, it would be wise to hand them over for the sake of your own safety,” Emily couldn’t help but counsel.

“Yes, Brother Dustin! These possessions are of lesser importance compared to your life!” Vanessa also looked concerned.

“A word to the wise, Dustin! It’s crucial to understand the current situation. Lord Tianhe is certainly not an opponent you can contend with. Admit your mistake, surrender the treasure, and all will be well,” Nathan also cautioned.

Whether the Tian Lingzhu was present or not, there were undoubtedly other treasures concealed within Dustin’s possession.

There was only one course of action to take in order to prevent unnecessary loss and avert disaster.

“Don’t think I don’t possess any treasures. Even if I did, I wouldn’t surrender them,” Dustin firmly declared.

“Bloody hell! Did you really just speak so boldly? This lad truly doesn’t grasp the gravity of his situation!”

“Hmph! A man driven solely by greed, willing to stake his life for material wealth. Such a person is asking for their own demise!”

Dustin’s response sparked discontent among the warriors.

Simultaneously, it also completely enraged Augustus Kline.

His remaining patience had worn thin.

“You impudent brat! Refusing to cooperate, are you? Then I’ll retrieve it myself!”

Augustus Kline ultimately couldn’t contain his temper any longer.

With a swift thrust of his toe, he transformed into a blur, seizing Dustin’s throat in an instant.

The tips of his fingers were so sharp they could cut through steel.


The expressions on Emily and the others’ faces shifted dramatically, their hearts pounding.

“Daring to defy Grandmaster Augustus Kline, let’s see how this ends for you!”

The onlookers observed with icy detachment, seemingly relishing in the impending misfortune.

Just when everyone believed the outcome was sealed, Dustin made a surprising move.

Rather than retreating, he surged forward, unexpectedly colliding with Augustus Kline, landing a powerful blow.


The two of them collided like thundering cannonballs.

A ferocious surge of Grandmaster Qi erupted from the point of impact, sending shockwaves in all directions.

In an instant, trees fell and sand and rocks were sent flying.

Some of the warriors in close proximity were flung away on the spot, propelled high into the air before plummeting heavily, like drops of rain.

Following the collision, Dustin retreated several paces, each landing leaving a deep imprint in the ground.

Conversely, Augustus Kline was propelled back over ten metres.

He dug into the earth with his heels, skidding backwards, carving out two long furrows. Finally, his back met a towering tree, coming to an abrupt halt.


Witnessing this spectacle, everyone was dumbfounded.

The outcome before them was entirely contrary to what they had anticipated.

What had transpired?

Wasn’t Lord Tianhe supposed to overpower his adversaries?

Why were they now trailing despite the direct confrontation?

What was happening? !

“Am I seeing things? Is this lad truly mightier than Lord Tianhe?!”

“No…impossible! How old is he? Even if he trained from the womb, this is beyond belief!”

“Blast it! What a enigma! Could this lad also be a master of martial arts?!”


“Hold on! I recall now! He’s the young master who dispatched Augustus Kline some time back, gaining fame worldwide!”

“What? He’s the young master?!”

“Good Lord! This is a prodigious talent, a once-in-a-century marvel!”

Following a brief hush, the entire vicinity erupted into uproar.
Chapter 996

Witnessing Dustin’s sudden eruption, everyone was struck with astonishment and disbelief.

No one had anticipated that the seemingly unassuming young man before them was none other than the fabled young master!

Of late, the Young Grandmaster’s name had echoed throughout Jiangnan, drawing the admiration and respect of countless individuals.

To witness it firsthand was a whole new level of astonishment.

“Young Grandmaster? He… he’s the Young Grandmaster?!”

Vanessa’s eyes widened in disbelief.

She had initially considered Dustin to be only moderately skilled, but this revelation was monumental.

What was even more ludicrous was that she had accepted him as her disciple previously.

It was, quite frankly, the most absurd turn of events!

After all, he was the formidable figure who had defeated Augustus Kline!

Even if he were to achieve mastery in martial arts, he would still be just at the threshold of the path.

He paled in comparison to a seasoned master like Master Ziyang, let alone a force like Dustin.

“Blast it all! This is a predicament!”

Nathan wiped his brow, his scalp tingling with anxiety.

It was one thing to make empty promises to potential disciples, but now he had not only tried to seize Dustin’s sword but had also slandered him.

Once the other party began to take notice, the repercussions could be unfathomable.

“Emily… Sister Emily, am I hearing this correctly? Brother Dustin… is truly the young grandmaster?”

Vanessa stood in stunned silence, her gaze fixed, her lovely face a picture of amazement.

“His countenance is like chiselled alabaster, noble and handsome; he is just and possesses a keen sense of justice; he is young and has already transcended the status of a master…”

Emily whispered to herself, her beautiful eyes filled with uncontrollable wonder: “Indeed, it is him. All the criteria are met. He is the prodigy unseen in a century, the young grandmaster revered by thousands!”

As she spoke, her body began to tremble slightly.

It was a mix of excitement and astonishment.

She could scarcely believe that the young master she looked up to was concealed right beside her. In hindsight, she should have recognized it earlier.

Dustin’s character, power, and cultivation far exceeded those of his peers.

With one punch, he struck down Xiao Chen; with two fingers, he lifted the black sword.

His every action attested to his extraordinary nature.

Now that his true prowess was laid bare, it was even more astounding.

Indeed, the rumours were true.

A young grandmaster ought to be this awe-inspiring!

“Why him? Why?”

Emily ground her teeth. Beyond shock, there was a hint of resignation.

She had always believed that Chase Dustin was merely slightly superior to him.

With diligent cultivation, he could easily surpass his rival after breaking through.

Now, however, she comprehended the vast chasm that separated them.

He was merely a modest talent, while Dustin had already stood toe-to-toe with the old master.

To think of catching up in a decade was nothing short of a cruel jest.

“Young scoundrel, I hadn’t fathomed your true mettle. I was truly blind.”

After a momentary flabbergast, Jiang Xiuzhen’s vigor surged back, even more potent than before.

“Senior Jiang, this lad is no pushover. Allow me to lend a hand.”

At that instant, a commanding voice resonated through the air.

Following which, a dark silhouette descended from the heavens, graceful as a feather, landing softly without a speck of dust disturbed.

Upon closer inspection, it revealed itself to be a robust old man, his beard snow-white.

The old man bore a rugged countenance and sharp eyes, enveloped in a gust of wind, a natural barrier that severed all.

“Bloody hell! Isn’t that the headmaster of the Soul Suppression Sect, Nathan Hongxiang Nathan Zongshi? What’s he doing here?”

With the sighting of the white-bearded elder, a murmur rippled through the entire assembly.

The Soul Suppression Sect stood as the preeminent sect in the south of the Balarnos, nearly as renowned as the Xuanwu Sect. As its headmaster, Nathan Hongxiang was also a celebrated veteran in the south, second only to Ronald Reeds, the leader of the martial arts alliance.
Chapter 997

“Master Zhao, are you also interested in a slice of the action?” inquired Jiang Xiuzhen, his eyes narrowed with caution.

“Haha… The Heavenly Spirit Pearl is a revered artefact in the martial arts realm. Naturally, I wouldn’t pass up such a treasure,” laughed Zhao Hongxiang without hesitation.

Once they attain the rank of masters, there are few treasures that can draw their attention, but the Heavenly Spirit Pearl is among the best.

With the Tian Ling Bead, they have the chance to break through their limitations once more and become grandmasters!

Only then would they truly be at the pinnacle.

“Amitabha… even humble monks come to partake in the festivities.”

At this moment, a figure radiating golden light emerged from the shadows.

It was a bald elderly man, with a ring-shaped scar etched on his head.

The old man was portly, with a benevolent countenance. He wore a wide cassock, and his entire being was bathed in the light of the Buddha, exuding an air of sanctity.

The soft golden glow washed over the people, giving the feeling of being embraced by a spring breeze.

“Abbot of Dabei Temple – Master Jiexin!”

Everyone scrutinized him and a murmur of surprise swept through the crowd once more.

Unexpectedly, another martial arts master had arrived.

What was going on today? All the grandmasters were gathering in one place.

These prominent figures, who were usually hidden, were all making appearances one after the other.

Was it all for Meskill’s treasure?

“Master Jiexin, what brings you here?” Jiang Xiuzhen’s brows furrowed, the tension steadily rising.

He had initially contemplated seizing the Heavenly Spirit Pearl for himself, but now it seemed like a far-fetched idea.

“Amitabha, there have been rumours of an evil presence here. The humble monk came to investigate. It would be best to return this malevolent force to the temple and confine it beneath the Wufeng Pagoda. This way, we can prevent a bloodbath.” Master Jiexin spoke serenely.

“Hmph! It sounds noble, but you don’t wish to claim it for yourself?” sneered Zhao Hongxiang.

He detested sanctimonious individuals the most. Clearly, he had come for the treasure, yet he had to put on a facade of rescuing all living beings. “No, the humble monk is here to save all benefactors,” replied Master Jiexin, his expression unchanged.

“Alright, alright, I can’t be bothered to waste words with you.”

Zhao Hongxiang grew a tad impatient. “Senior Jiang, you are the eldest. Tell us, how should we divide the Heavenly Spirit Beads?”

“Divide? The items haven’t even arrived yet. Why are you in such a rush?” raised Jiang Xiuzhen’s eyebrows.

“Oh yes, I nearly forgot.”

Zhao Hongxiang smacked his forehead and turned to Dustin. “Young man, hand over the Tianling Pearl, and let’s discuss this together.”

“Senior Zhao, I don’t possess the Tianling Pearl. You must be mistaken,” Dustin denied once again.

The Tianling Pearl was in Abigail’s hands, so he wasn’t lying.

“Young man, your words are in vain. Everyone understands the situation. If you intend to hoard it for yourself, you’ll incur the displeasure of the public,” warned Zhao Hongxiang.

“I’ll say it again, no means no. I’m afraid you’ll all be disappointed today,” Dustin shook his head.

“Young rascal! I extended courtesy to you as a person. Don’t you know how to show gratitude!” Zhao Hongxiang’s countenance darkened.

“Benefactor, malevolent forces harm people. You should leave them to the humble monk to deal with. This can also be seen as a benefit to the common people,” Master Jiexin clasped his hands.

“You impertinent brat, you’ve been given another chance. Will you hand it over? Or not?” Jiang Xiuzhen barked sharply.

In that instant, the three grandmasters exerted collective pressure.

An invisible aura enveloped Dustin, intensifying the pressure, attempting to compel him to surrender.

“No, how can I comply?”

Dustin took a deep breath, his gaze unwavering.

“Hmph! You’re obstinate!”

The three grandmasters exchanged glances, ceased their prattle, and simultaneously launched an assault on Dustin.

“Aren’t the three of you afraid of worldwide ridicule for bullying the small?”

Suddenly, a thunderous boom erupted from thin air.

Simultaneously, a figure in white plummeted from the sky, landing before Dustin, and then delivered a resounding slap to the three masters.


A palm, akin to a mountain, shot forth, sending shockwaves through the world, driving the three grandmasters several steps back, their expressions gravely serious.

“Huang Donghai?!” They scrutinized him and their expressions instantly shifted.
Chapter 998

“What? Huang Donghai? One of the five great masters in Jiangnan?”

“Neptune! It’s actually Neptune! Oh my god! Why is Neptune here?!”

“Neptune has been in seclusion for many years, never meddling in political affairs. Suddenly, he shows up today. Is the sky about to fall?”

Huang Donghai’s appearance set the whole scene abuzz.

Everyone gazed in awe and astonishment.

The five great masters of Jiangnan were acknowledged as the five most formidable individuals.

Among them, Huang Donghai was even hailed as the Sea Emperor by many.

A decade ago, he stood alone at Ximen Pass, defeating three foreign master-level experts consecutively with his own might.

He repelled tens of thousands of foreign cavalry.

One man defended a city, and foreign adversaries dared not enter.

In that moment, he became legendary!

That year, Huangdonghai was the toast of the south of the Yangtze River and was revered as an emperor.

His heroic feats were still recounted with reverence.

“Uncle Huang?”

Dustin raised an eyebrow in mild surprise.

Unexpectedly, a powerful ally arrived at the crucial moment.

“Dad! Why are you here?”

Seeing the familiar figure before her, Abigail’s eyes sparkled.

Since their last parting, she had thought it unlikely to see her father again.

“I heard there was trouble here, so I came to have a look.”

Huang Donghai turned and offered a slight smile. “You’re not injured, are you?”

“I’m fine, but these fellows are picking on the weak, trying to steal our possessions, and cornering uncle. It’s truly too much!” Abigail vented her frustration.

“I witnessed what happened just now. Let me handle the rest.”

Huang Donghai nodded and glanced at the three grand masters. His smile gradually faded, his gaze becoming particularly sharp. “The three of you, renowned figures in the world. Isn’t it inappropriate to intimidate a few juniors here?”

“Master Huang, this is a private matter between us. It doesn’t seem to concern you, does it?” Jiang Xiuzhen frowned.

Just as the treasure was on the verge of being acquired, Cheng Yaojin appeared unexpectedly.

“Grandmaster Jiang, Brother Dustin is an old friend of mine. If you’re bullying the younger ones here, how can you say it doesn’t concern me?” Huang Donghai stated firmly.

“An old acquaintance?”

Jiang Xiuzhen and the three exchanged glances, looking somewhat surprised.

Of course, they were more solemn.

Dealing with Dustin alone was already a challenge.

Now that Huang Donghai, one of the five great masters, had emerged, the pressure immediately escalated.

“Master Huang, do you know that this lad harbours a Heavenly Spirit Pearl within him?” Jiang Xiuzhen suddenly inquired.

He sought to drive a wedge between the two through their interests.

“So what? Whether Brother Dustin obtains the Heavenly Spirit Pearl is his own capability. If you try to snatch it by force here, wouldn’t that be an act of banditry?” Huang Donghai countered.

“Hmph! The Heavenly Spirit Pearl is a sacred item in the martial arts world, and all who lay eyes on it are entitled to a share. Why should this kid keep it all for himself?” Zhao Hongxiang grumbled with some dissatisfaction.

“Amitabha… Donor Huang, the Heavenly Spirit Pearl is a malevolent object. Once it surfaces, it will inevitably sow chaos in the martial arts world. Only by bestowing it upon this humble monk can the crisis be averted.” Master Jiexin intoned solemnly.

“Grandmaster Huang, the Heavenly Spirit Pearl isn’t a personal possession. It should be contributed and utilised collectively. If treated as one’s own, it will undoubtedly provoke public outrage. What do you think?” Jiang Xiuzhen said meaningfully.

As long as the three of them remained united, in a three-against-two scenario, the odds of victory were still quite high.

“It appears my earlier words were not sufficiently clear, so I’ll reiterate.”

Huang Donghai’s tone gradually grew more forceful. “Brother Dustin, I’m here to safeguard you today. If you understand what’s at stake, you’ll gather your people and depart immediately. Should anyone object, I’ll subdue you!”

Upon these words, the entire place erupted into commotion.

“Damn it! The Sea King lives up to his name, so commanding!”

“Is the Sea Emperor a tad too overbearing? He didn’t give the three grand masters any heed at all!”
Chapter 999

“Blimey! If I ‘ad the strength of Poseidon, I reckon I’d be a hundred times stronger than ‘im!”

The warriors chatted away, and though they were taken aback, there was a bit more respect in their voices.

Challenging the three grand masters, across all of Jiangnan, who’d dare such a thing?

“Out of line, Dustin Donghai! You think we’re scared of you?!” Jiang Xiuzhen was livid.

Being scolded by a young upstart in public was bound to bring shame to an old man’s face.

“Dustin! Don’t push your luck!”

Zhao Hongxiang’s face contorted in anger: “We’re both masters, we’re just trying to be reasonable with you. If you insist on crossing us, then don’t blame us for getting rough!”


Master Jie Xin let out a soft sigh: “Donor Dustin, if you persist, then the poor monk will have no choice but to follow the will of heaven.”

“Since you three won’t back down, let’s ‘ave a tussle. ‘Sides, it’s been a while since I stretched me limbs.” Dustin Donghai suddenly chuckled.

A chasm-like force gradually emanated from him.

The surrounding temperature plummeted, and winds began to stir.

“Dustin Donghai! Remember, we’re three against two, so our odds are in our favour!” Jiang Xiuzhen yelled.

“Three against two?”

Dustin Donghai shook his head: “Nah, nah, nah… you’ve got it all wrong. To handle the likes of you three, Brother Abigail don’t even need to lift a finger. I’ll do.”

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback.

Really? Could Poseidon truly be set on facing all three alone?

Are they having a laugh?

Jiang Xiuzhen and the others are seasoned masters, not just any Tom, Dick, or Harry.

Taking on three at once is just asking for trouble!

“Dustin Donghai! You’re beyond cheeky! Today, I’m gonna teach you a lesson!”

Jiang Xiuzhen seethed, leaping up and leading the charge.

“You think you’re all that! I’m gonna see what you’re made of!”

Zhao Hongxiang followed suit, teaming up to assail Dustin Donghai.

“Grandmaster Dustin! The sea of suffering’s endless, but the poor monk’s here to save you!”

Not to be outdone, Master Jiexin burst into golden light, propelling himself forward.

The three martial arts grand masters launched simultaneous attacks from three angles.

“Well played!”

Dustin Donghai laughed, abruptly rising from the ground and morphing into a white streak, closing the gap.

In an instant, all four were locked in a fierce combat.

Afterimages darted up and down at a dizzying pace, making it nigh impossible to distinguish one from the other.

“Bang, bang, bang…”

As the four clashed, deafening booms echoed one after another.

A torrent of Grandmaster Qi surged like an avalanche and tidal wave.

Wherever it swept, soil was flung, trees fell, and nothing could withstand it.

The onlookers, warriors themselves, had no choice but to retreat, retreat, and retreat some more.

At the level of a martial arts master, even the aftershocks of a collision could spell doom for an innate warrior.

“Blimey! They’ve really gone at it. One Poseidon against three. Ain’t that a bit harsh?”

“Is this what a grandmaster brawl looks like? It’s absolutely bone-chilling!”

The warriors watched from a distance, each wearing a visage of horror and trepidation.

“Uncle, d’you reckon anything’s gonna ‘appen to me dad?”

Watching the afterimages in the distance, Abigail couldn’t help but feel a tad anxious.

She knew her father was a force to be reckoned with, but going up against three was a tall order.

“Don’t fret, love. Your Uncle Dustin’s a tough nut to crack.”

Abigail grinned and reassured her: “Even though those three are formidable, they’ve got nothin’ on Uncle Dustin. In fact, he’s near invincible below the Grand Master level.”
Chapter 1000

The clash between Huang Donghai and the four combatants grew more intense, their destructive force escalating with each strike.

Within a hundred-meter radius of their battleground, everything was levelled, leaving naught but emptiness in its wake.

The creatures of the darkened woods scattered in fright, fleeing in every direction.

The tremendous commotion drew in a swarm of warriors, their numbers swelling by the minute.

Acquired warriors, innate warriors, even masters of the martial arts – all the factions and major sects had arrived, adhering to their rightful places.

Yet, at this juncture, none dared to act recklessly.

All eyes were fixed upon the duel of the four great masters, their faces etched with astonishment, unable to tear away their gaze.

“Bang, bang, bang…”

The quartet’s skirmish intensified, a barrage of explosions filling the air.

Waves of energy surged ceaselessly, akin to a tsunami, sending shivers down spines.

After hundreds of ferocious exchanges, Jiang Xiuzhen, Zhao Hongxiang, and Jie Xin grew increasingly perturbed.

They hadn’t anticipated Huang Donghai’s staggering might.

Against three, he held his ground resolutely.

The grand master’s qi, boundless as the sea, seemed bottomless; rather than waning, it swelled with each strike.

What a monstrous feat!

At last, they grasped the worth of the five great masters.

Three against one yielded naught, let alone in solo combat.

Indeed, the title of King of the Sea was richly earned.

“Grandmaster Zhao! Exercise caution! Should we persist, we risk incurring losses. It’s time for a special move!”

Observing Huang Donghai’s ascendant fervour, Jiang Xiuzhen’s countenance grew solemn as he began conveying messages to his comrades.

“Indeed! We must fight with all our might, else we’ll be humbled if we fall short!” gritted Zhao Hongxiang, sweat already glistening on his brow.

“The humble monk shall confront this person head-on for a time, while the two kind benefactors unleash their full strength,” Master Jixin communicated in hushed tones. “Very well! Agreed!”

“Prepare yourselves – now!”

The trio exchanged glances and moved in unison.

A golden radiance erupted from Master Jie Xin, promptly enshrouding Huang Donghai.

These golden strands wove a dense web, ensnaring Huang Donghai securely.

“Heavenly Crane Chasing the Moon!”

Seizing the moment, Jiang Xiuzhen unleashed his lethal technique.

He transformed into a colossal white crane and hurtled towards Huang Donghai.

“Soul-soothing Enchantment!”

Not to be outdone, Zhao Hongxiang transformed into myriad phantoms, hurtling like projectiles.

“The Blade Pierces the Rainbow!”

Huang Donghai’s form shuddered violently, breaking free from his bindings.

He then raised his hand and swept it horizontally towards the trio.


A crescent-shaped white light abruptly burst forth.

The light swelled as it met with the wind, expanding instantly to over ten meters, resembling a colossal scythe, cleaving through the three.




Three deafening explosions in succession, the earth quaking.

At the first strike, the vigilant golden light shattered.

At the second, Jiang Xiuzhen’s white crane burst apart.

On the third, Zhao Hongxiang’s afterimages dissipated.

In an instant, all three were propelled backward, as though struck by lightning. Spanning dozens of meters, they crashed heavily to the earth.

The once flat terrain was now marred with three craters. “What? The three great masters have been defeated? How can this be?!”

“Blimey, is the Sea Emperor really this extraordinary?”

Witnessing this spectacle, all the warriors were dumbfounded and flabbergasted.

They’d assumed three against one would secure an easy victory.

Yet, to their astonishment, after a strenuous back-and-forth, Huang Donghai clinched the bout decisively, simultaneously vanquishing all three.
Chapter 1001

This power is truly terrifying!

“Haha… We won, we won!”

Abigail cheered and jumped with excitement.

She had just been worried that her father might lose, but she didn’t expect him to win so decisively.

“So formidable.”

Dustin smiled faintly, not too surprised.

Edmund Robinson’s true strength was that of a Grandmaster at the Great Perfection level. Even among the Five Grandmasters, he was one of the best.

On the other hand, Jan Crane and the others were at most Grandmasters at the Great Accomplishment level, lagging behind by one or two realms.

If Edmund Robinson hadn’t held back for fear of injuring them fatally, they would have been defeated long ago.

“Three of you, do you still want to continue?” Edmund Robinson took a step forward, and his aura increased even further.

He exuded a formidable presence, like a god descending to the mortal world, intimidating everyone who looked at him.

“Cough, cough…”

Jan Crane and the others crawled out of the craters with disheveled appearances, their faces filled with shock and fear.

They hadn’t expected Edmund Robinson to hide his true strength and suddenly unleash it, catching them completely off guard.

“Two of you, what should we do? Are we just going to give up like this?” Jan Crane looked left and right with a hint of reluctance.

They were so close to obtaining the Sky Spirit Orb, but Edmund Robinson had become an obstacle.

“Unless someone stronger intervenes, it’s unlikely that the three of us can take advantage,” Alexander Cheng frowned deeply.

He had just taken a hit and his energy was roiling.

“Geez, those who can contend with Lord Edmund are few and far between in the entire Balermo region,” Master Jan shook his head.

Just as the three of them were hesitating…

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind swept through the area, and a chilling aura enveloped them.

As the sinister energy passed through, the martial artists couldn’t help but shiver, feeling as if they had entered an ice cellar.

Even their exhaled breath turned white.

Despite being in the spring season, it felt like winter.

“What’s going on? Why do I have this uneasy feeling?”

“I feel the same way. That cold energy was so strange that I’m still shivering.”

The martial artists whispered to each other, looking around uneasily, feeling a sense of anxiety.

“Look! What are those black mists?”

At this moment, a man suddenly pointed towards the distance.

Everyone followed his gaze and saw a rolling black fog surging from the depths of the forest.

It resembled a tsunami, oppressive and all-encompassing.

The black mist covered a wide area, and its end couldn’t be seen at a glance.

As the mist enveloped flowers, plants, and trees, they withered and died instantly.

The black mist seemed like a giant abyss, devouring all living creatures.

“Is this the miasma in the forest? Why does it look so strange?”

The man at the edge of the mist reached out to touch it without retreating.

In an instant, his palm turned black, and his flesh and skin began to rapidly decay.


The man was first stunned, then let out a miserable scream.

Before he could even run for his life, the black mist had already rushed over, completely engulfing him.

“Ah! Ah!”

His screams grew louder, as if ants on a hot pan, he scrambled around frantically.

When he staggered out of the black mist, his entire body had rotted away, and his flesh and blood had become indistinct.

After struggling for a few seconds, he collapsed to the ground and died on the spot.

“It’s poisonous! The black mist is poisonous! Run!”

Seeing the man suddenly drop dead, the martial artists’ faces turned pale with fear. They turned and fled for their lives.

However, as they ran, a terrifying scene unfolded.

From all directions, black mist swept towards them, covering the mountains and plains, extending as far as the eye could see.

Everywhere they looked, it was pitch black, with no safe place to be found.

Everyone was paralyzed with fear and despair, watching as the black mist approached, waiting for death to come.
Chapter 1002

“What’s going on? Where is this black mist coming from?”

“Does anyone have an antidote? I’m willing to pay a high price for it!”

“We’re done for… Are we really going to die from this poison here?”

As the black mist enveloped them from all directions, the people were terrified, and their legs turned to jelly. They had come here in search of treasure, but now they were trapped in a desperate situation with no sign of the treasure in sight.

“I never thought that the Black Forest would have the ‘Hell’s Song.’ This is trouble!” Edmund Robinson’s gaze swept around, his expression growing serious. At this moment, he had no time to worry about the three grandmasters.

“Dad, what’s the ‘Hell’s Song’?” Seeing the panicked crowd, Abigail couldn’t help but feel nervous.

“The ‘Hell’s Song’ is an extremely terrifying miasma, known as one of the Ten Wonders of the World. While its toxicity might not be the strongest, its lethality is the greatest! Wherever it spreads, nothing can grow, and corpses litter the land. Any living creature will be devoured completely, as if they have fallen into the hell!” Edmund Robinson wore a grave expression.

“What? That’s so powerful? What should we do?” Abigail gulped nervously.

“Little Doctor, you have exceptional medical skills and are well-versed in various poisons. Do you have any way to counteract it?” Azalea suddenly asked.

“It can’t be neutralized.” Dustin furrowed his brow. “The ‘Hell’s Song’ is approaching relentlessly, and below the grandmaster level, it’s difficult to resist. Even antidotes won’t work.”

The black mist around them seemed to have a life of its own, chasing and swallowing people in an eerie manner.

“Dustin, should we try using martial energy? What do you think?” Edmund Robinson suggested suddenly.

“Let’s give it a try.”

The two of them took a deep breath simultaneously and then struck out with their palms towards the approaching black mist.


Martial grandmaster-level aura suddenly burst forth, creating gusts of wind that rushed towards the black mist.

The black mist was instantly pushed back more than ten meters, creating a temporary void.

“Wow! It worked!” Abigail exclaimed with joy as she saw the result.

However, her joy was short-lived.

The empty space they had just cleared was quickly engulfed by the returning black mist.

“Try again!”

Edmund Robinson and Dustin exchanged glances and struck out repeatedly.

Waves of palm wind roared out, pushing the black mist back quickly, creating a substantial gap.

Unfortunately, as soon as they stopped using their palm strikes, the black mist immediately regained its ground.

“Why is this happening? Why can’t we blow this black mist away?” Abigail was both shocked and puzzled.

“The ‘Hell’s Song’ is indeed troublesome,” Dustin said with a deep furrow in his brow.


At this moment, a group from the Azure Mist Sect suddenly approached, with Vanessa at the forefront. She quickly took out a bottle of medicine and handed it to Dustin. “This is an antidote. Hurry up and take it. It should be able to resist this poison mist.”

“The antidote won’t work; this is the ‘Hell’s Song.'” Dustin shook his head.

“The ‘Hell’s Song’?!”

Hearing this, the people from the Azure Mist Sect turned pale. They had never seen it, but they had heard of the terrifying reputation of the ‘Hell’s Song.’ It was a poison that could annihilate everything. Even a slight touch would result in complete consumption.

At this moment, as the black mist continued to encroach, more and more martial artists who couldn’t avoid it were being devoured.

Cries of agony, pleas for help, and shouts for rescue echoed incessantly.

“I don’t want to die… I don’t want to die!”

“Help me… Who will save me?”

“Why? I’ve already taken the antidote; why am I still poisoned?”

“Catastrophe! This is a catastrophe!”

The martial artists screamed and wailed in despair.
Chapter 1003

Like headless flies, people were fleeing in all directions, overcome by fear. However, the black mist sealed off all sides, leaving no escape.

“Heavenly Crane Grandmaster! You have immense power; please save us!”

“Master Alexander! You’re a martial arts grandmaster; you must be able to help us, right?”

“Master Jan! Save a life, gain seven levels of merit! You’re a high monk; you should save us!”

A group of panicked martial artists rushed to the front of Jan Crane and the others, crying and begging for their lives.

“You’re all a bunch of useless trash! Get out of here!” Jan Crane waved his hand, and a burst of energy sent the crowd flying.

“People die for wealth, birds die for food. You’re just unlucky to encounter something like this today,” Alexander Cheng said coldly, unmoved by their pleas.

“May Great God bless us. This is a natural disaster and a man-made calamity. I’m powerless to help,” Jan shook his head, his eyes closed in meditation, as if he hadn’t seen anything.

Facing the Hell’s Song, a grandmaster could protect themselves, but trying to save others was too risky.

“Master Edmund! You’re highly respected and have extraordinary abilities. You must have a way, right?”

At this moment, a large group of martial artists rushed towards Edmund Robinson.

One by one, they knelt on the ground, kowtowing frantically.

“Sea Emperor! Your magical abilities are unmatched, and your strength is extraordinary. You must have a way, right?”

“Sea Emperor! We’ve always looked up to you as an idol. You can’t just watch us die, can you?”

The crowd wept and pleaded, desperately kneeling before Edmund Robinson, seeking his help as if they were drowning and clutching at a lifeline.

They knew very well that only Edmund Robinson could save them now.

“Dad, what should we do? Are we just going to wait for death?” Abigail had a mournful expression.

They had just tried using the martial grandmaster’s palm wind, but it couldn’t disperse the black mist.

“In fact, I have one more method.” At this moment, Edmund Robinson sighed lightly. “But this method is quite risky.”

“Edmund Uncle! Don’t do anything rash!” Dustin’s brow furrowed as he quickly warned him.

Because he had already guessed what Edmund Robinson was planning to do.

“Brother Dustin, these are human lives, and they will also be the backbone of the martial world in the future. I can’t stand by and watch them die,” Edmund Robinson shook his head.

“People are responsible for their own lives; heaven and earth punish the wicked. With your cultivation, you can easily take Abigail and leave safely. Why do you have to get involved?” Dustin’s voice was filled with anger.

“If I don’t help, they will all die, and it will be a catastrophe for the entire martial world,” Edmund Robinson said with a complex expression.

“For the sake of these unrelated people, you want to sacrifice yourself? Is that really necessary?” Dustin was getting furious.

“Don’t worry, I won’t die. This is just the Hell’s Song; watch how I break it!” Edmund Robinson took a step forward and suddenly leaped into the air.

After reaching mid-air, he raised both palms.

A massive energy vortex formed out of thin air, centered on his body.

“Inhale the mountains and rivers!”

Edmund Robinson took a deep breath.

The energy vortex began to spin wildly, and a series of powerful suction forces erupted.


The black mist from all directions was forcibly redirected and swiftly drawn towards the vortex.

One after another, the black mist rushed towards the vortex, like a hundred rivers converging into the sea.

In just a blink of an eye, Edmund Robinson was engulfed by the black mist.

Only a massive vortex remained, greedily absorbing the overwhelming black mist.

“Sir Edmund!”

Seeing this scene, Dustin’s expression changed drastically.

He had guessed correctly after all.

Edmund Robinson intended to use his own body as a medium to absorb all of the Hell’s Song!

He wasn’t trying to save people; he was committing suicide!
Chapter 1004

“They’ve been sucked away? The black mist has been sucked away!”

“That’s fantastic! We’re saved! We’re saved!”

“No wonder he’s called the Sea Emperor! His powers are truly vast!”

Seeing the black mist around them being sucked away, the people were filled with joy, as if they had found their savior. Just moments ago, they had all felt hopeless, thinking they were doomed to die. Fortunately, Edmund Robinson had emerged and used his incredible power to absorb the Hell’s Song and dispel this impending disaster.


As Edmund Robinson continued to absorb the black mist frantically, his entire body gradually turned black.

His eyes, lips, cheeks, neck, limbs, even his fingernails, were completely covered in black.

His entire body was poisoned!


Edmund Robinson couldn’t hold on any longer and spat out a mouthful of black blood. Like a kite with a broken string, he plummeted from the sky.


Abigail exclaimed in shock and was about to rush forward to catch him, but Dustin extended his hand to stop her.

“Let me handle this!”

With that, Dustin leaped into the air, grabbing hold of Edmund Robinson and gently landing on the ground.

At this moment, Edmund Robinson looked dispirited, and his aura was in turmoil.

The poison of the Hell’s Song was rampaging within his body. If it weren’t for his deep foundation and formidable strength, he would have died a long time ago. Even now, he hadn’t died, but the situation was grim. His internal organs had been completely corroded by the poison, and his foundation was severely damaged.

“Uncle Dustin! How is my dad? Is he going to be okay?”

Abigail rushed forward in a panic.

“Stay back! Your dad is covered in poison!” Dustin waved his hand, keeping Abigail at least three meters away. He then took out silver needles, sealed off Edmund Robinson’s eight extraordinary meridians, and halted the spread of the poison.

After doing all this, Dustin immediately cut Edmund Robinson’s fingertip and began to let out blood to detoxify him.

However, the blood that flowed out wasn’t red; it was black.

“It’s not enough!”

Dustin frowned, and his palms suddenly struck Edmund Robinson’s back, injecting grandmaster-level aura to purge the toxins within him.

“Drip, drip, drip…”

As the aura flowed in, more and more black blood poured out of Edmund Robinson, making a sizzling sound as it hit the ground, surrounded by black smoke.

Seeing this, the people kept their distance, afraid of being contaminated by the poison.

“Abigail, give me the Sky Spirit Orb!”

Dustin called out.

“Oh, okay!”

Abigail didn’t hesitate and quickly tossed the golden Sky Spirit Orb to Dustin.

“The Sky Spirit Orb! It’s really the Sky Spirit Orb!”

Seeing this, the crowd erupted in excitement.

Their breathing quickened, and their eyes sparkled with anticipation. Especially Jan Crane, Alexander Cheng, and Jason, their joy knew no bounds.

They had previously speculated about it, but now that they saw it with their own eyes, the situation was entirely different.

“I hope it works.”

Dustin calmed himself down, picked up the Sky Spirit Orb, and directly placed it in Edmund Robinson’s mouth.

The most significant characteristic of the Sky Spirit Orb was its ability to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and convert it for its own use. The poison of the Hell’s Song also contained spiritual energy, so with a bit of effort, the Sky Spirit Orb could potentially absorb it.
Chapter 1005


As the Sky Spirit Orb entered Edmund Robinson’s mouth, it suddenly emitted a burst of golden light. Then, with a “whoosh,” it directly entered Edmund Robinson’s abdomen and merged with his system.

Following that, the Sky Spirit Orb began to spin wildly, devouring the surrounding black poison gas, healing Edmund Robinson in an unconventional way.

“It’s really effective!”

Dustin’s face lit up with joy. With the assistance of the Sky Spirit Orb, Edmund Robinson’s life should be saved.

“Edmund Robinson! Quickly hand over the Sky Spirit Orb!”

After a brief moment of shock, Jan Crane instantly became excited, her face filled with greed.

“To think that you’d swallow such a treasure into your stomach! Spit it out quickly, or don’t blame us for being impolite!”

Alexander Cheng stared at Edmund Robinson with fiery eyes.

“Geez! This item is inherently evil, and Brother Edmund may fall into demonic cultivation! Release it quickly!”

Even Master Jason couldn’t hold back and started to approach slowly.


Abigail suddenly stood in front of them and rebuked, “My dad is poisoned, and he needs the Sky Spirit Orb to save his life. You’re not allowed to interfere!”

“Humph! He’s just a dying man; keeping the Sky Spirit Orb is a waste. It’s better to give it to us sooner!” Jan Crane couldn’t wait any longer.

“Hey! Have you people lost your humanity? My dad turned into this to save you, and you want to repay him with ingratitude?” Abigail exclaimed in anger.

“Little girl, you should understand that we didn’t ask him to save us. He was just meddling on his own.” Alexander Cheng’s face turned cold.

“You… You are shameless!” Abigail’s eyebrows were raised.

She had thought that these senior figures in the martial arts world would uphold chivalry and righteousness, but they all turned out to be shameless scoundrels.

“Stop talking nonsense! If you don’t hand over the Sky Spirit Orb, all of you will die!” Jan Crane said sternly.

“Guys, this girl is Edmund Robinson’s daughter and is undoubtedly very important. Let’s capture her first and then decide!” Alexander Cheng sneered.

As he spoke, he suddenly lunged forward, aiming to grab Abigail. After all, if he caught Edmund Robinson’s weakness, he believed the other party would yield.


At this moment, a thunderous shout rang out.

A dark figure suddenly descended from the sky, standing in front of Abigail, and then struck a palm towards Jan Crane.


With a loud explosion, Jan Crane was sent retreating more than ten meters, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, his face turning pale.

In contrast, the dark figure remained steady, with a majestic aura.

The newcomer was none other than the Chief of the Alliance in Balermo, Ronald Reeds!

“Ronald Reeds?”

Seeing the newcomer, Jan Crane’s expression changed instantly.

And his companions, Alexander Cheng and Master Jason Edwards, also furrowed their brows one after another.

Among the Five Grandmasters, Ronald Reeds was second only to the number one, and no one dared to claim the first place.

He was able to hold the position of Chief of the Alliance, relying on his terrifying strength to suppress all heroes.

“Ronald Brother, you’ve finally arrived!”

Edmund Robinson slowly opened his eyes, his whole body relaxing.

The two of them were close friends with a deep friendship.

Now that Ronald Reeds had arrived, it was like an anchor dropped from the sky, completely capable of suppressing the entire scene.

“Brother Edmund, what’s going on? Are you poisoned?”

Ronald Reeds frowned and looked a bit worried.

“It’s nothing, I won’t die.”

Edmund Robinson shook his head and continued, “But these people need you to take care of them.”

“Don’t worry, leave it to me.”

Ronald Reeds nodded slightly, his gaze sweeping over Jan Crane and the others, coldly saying, “You’re all martial arts masters, yet you’re laying hands on a younger generation? Are you willing to throw away your dignity?!”

“Chief Ronald, Edmund Robinson secretly took the martial world’s sacred treasure, the Sky Spirit Orb. As righteous individuals, we naturally have a responsibility to retrieve it for the benefit of the entire martial alliance,” Jan Crane said righteously.

“That’s right! We are all considering the future of the martial alliance. We hope Chief Ronald can see it clearly!” Alexander Cheng chimed in.

“Chief Ronald, this young lady is Edmund Robinson’s daughter and is undoubtedly very important. Let’s capture her first and then decide!” Jan Crane sneered.

Abigail protested, “Hey! Have you people lost your humanity? My dad turned into this to save you, and you want to repay him with ingratitude?”

“Little girl, you should understand that we didn’t ask him to save us. He was just meddling on his own,” Alexander Cheng said coldly.

“You… You are shameless!” Abigail was furious.
Chapter 1006

“Oh? What’s the story behind the Sky Spirit Orb?” Ronald Reeds looked around with some suspicion.

“Uncle Ronald! The Sky Spirit Orb was found by us at great personal risk. It was originally ours. These people are the ones disregarding the principles of the martial world, intending to forcibly take it!” Abigail quickly explained.

“Nonsense! We are doing this for the sake of the entire martial world, unlike you, who only care about your own desires!” Jan Crane argued righteously.

“Chief Ronald! These people have ulterior motives, they are selfish and put the interests of the entire martial alliance aside. I believe they should be severely punished!” Alexander Cheng forcefully stated.

“Geez, associating with evil entities is surely the work of wicked individuals.” Master Jan added a concluding remark.

At this point, the three grandmasters, instead of their previous aggressive stance, changed into righteous warriors and put on a different facade to press the issue.

“You… You pseudo-gentlemen, stop spewing nonsense!” Abigail was furious.

These people were clearly acting like bandits but were talking as if they were the epitome of righteousness.

It was simply a case of black being called white.

“That’s enough!”

Ronald Reeds raised his hand to stop the arguments and said coldly, “Now, who has the Sky Spirit Orb?”

“It’s inside my dad’s belly.”

Abigail hurriedly explained, “Just now, my dad risked his life to save them and was poisoned. He needs the Sky Spirit Orb for treatment. But these people are despicable. They actually want to snatch it, completely ignoring my dad’s life and death. They are a bunch of heartless scoundrels!”


Ronald Reeds’s expression darkened. “So something like this happened?”

“Chief Ronald, there’s a reason for this. The Sky Spirit Orb is a sacred treasure of the martial world. We are afraid that it will be desecrated by Edmund Robinson!” Jan Crane tried to justify their actions.

“That’s right! What if the poison in Edmund Robinson’s body contaminates the Sky Spirit Orb? Wouldn’t that destroy a sacred item?” Alexander Cheng chimed in.

“Shut up!”

Ronald Reeds angrily rebuked them. “While the Sky Spirit Orb is indeed important, it is not more valuable than Master Edmund’s life. All of you are well-known figures in the martial world, how can you do such unscrupulous things? Now, get out of here immediately, or don’t blame me for not being polite!”

“Chief Ronald…”

Just as Jan Crane was about to speak, Ronald Reeds glared at him coldly, and he immediately dared not utter a word.

Among the Five Grandmasters of Balermo, Ronald Reeds was unanimously recognized as the strongest.

The three of them combined couldn’t even beat Edmund Robinson, so how could they be a match for Ronald Reeds?

Although they were extremely dissatisfied, they had no choice but to swallow their pride.

“Let’s go!”

Jan Crane frowned and directly turned and left.

“Damn it! This is really bad luck!”

Alexander Cheng gritted his teeth but could only leave with his disciples from the Soul-Suppressing Sect.

“Geez, I hope Chief Ronald can suppress the evil and save the people. I shall take my leave.”

Master Jason bowed slightly and then walked away.

Although the three of them had their own ulterior motives, in the face of absolute strength, they dared not play any tricks.

“Let’s go, let’s go. There’s nothing to see here.”

“It was a hard trip, and we didn’t gain anything. Truly unlucky!”

“Alright! Stop complaining. We were fortunate enough to save our lives just now, which is like a blessing in disguise.”

With a series of discussions, the martial artists gradually dispersed.

When most of the people had left, Ronald Reeds finally restrained his aura, turned around, and helped Edmund Robinson up, asking with concern, “Brother Edmund, how are you? Can you hold on?”

“It’s nothing serious, just a bit of poison. It’ll be fine in a few days.” Edmund Robinson shook his head.

“Brother Edmund, now is not the time to be stubborn. The poison of the Hell’s Song is not easy to dispel. If it weren’t for the Sky Spirit Orb working just now, I wouldn’t even have been sure I could save you.” Dustin said sternly.

The Ten Great Venomous Poisons were all extremely terrifying. Even a Martial Master would find it difficult to resist them with just their body.

This time, they were truly fortunate to have the Sky Spirit Orb to ward off the disaster.
Chapter 1007

“Brother Edmund, you’re really the same as ever, always downplaying the bad and not reporting it, your body is about to collapse, and you’re still trying to tough it out.” Ronald Reeds said with some helplessness. “I heard just now that you swallowed the Sky Spirit Orb. It won’t cause any harm to your body, right?”

“Rest assured, Chief Ronald. The Sky Spirit Orb is a spiritual object, it won’t harm Sir Edmund’s body. On the contrary, it can not only absorb toxins but also help him improve his cultivation.” Dustin explained.

“Oh? There are such benefits?” Ronald Reeds raised an eyebrow and smiled, “Brother Edmund, this time you can be considered lucky in disguise. With this Sky Spirit Orb, you have a chance to break through to the Grandmaster level in the future.”

“Let’s go with the flow.”

Edmund Robinson shook his head. “Although the Sky Spirit Orb is a treasure, it will attract countless people in the future. It’s afraid that it will be troublesome.”

“Brother Edmund, just rest assured. With me here, no one can snatch the Sky Spirit Orb from you.” Ronald Reeds said confidently.

“Ronald Brother, can you protect me for twenty-four hours?” Edmund Robinson smiled.

“No, Brother Edmund, you’ve misunderstood. I’m not protecting you, I’m protecting this Sky Spirit Orb.”

Ronald Reeds suddenly made a move as he spoke, thrusting a palm into Edmund Robinson’s abdomen.

Then, he grabbed it forcefully and directly dug out the golden Sky Spirit Orb from his belly!

His hands were covered in internal organs and blood!


The sudden turn of events left everyone stunned.

They all stared with wide eyes, their faces full of disbelief.

No one had expected that Ronald Reeds, who had just been all smiles and friendly a moment ago, would suddenly make a move.

And he did it by slicing open Edmund Robinson’s abdomen, merciless and ruthless!

“Why… why?” Edmund Robinson was dumbfounded, staring at Ronald Reeds in complete confusion, not even looking at the gaping wound on his abdomen.

“Brother Edmund, I’m sorry, but I’ve been planning for so long, all for this Sky Spirit Orb. I didn’t expect you to swallow it, so I had no choice but to resort to this.” Ronald Reeds said unabashedly.

Originally, Edmund Robinson didn’t have to die. It was all because of Ronald Reeds’s bad luck. By a stroke of chance, he ended up consuming his treasure.

But there was no way around it; he had to die.

“If you wanted the Sky Spirit Orb, you could have just asked, and I would have willingly given it to you. I value our friendship more than a single bead. So why did you do this?” Edmund Robinson couldn’t believe it.

They were sworn brothers in life and death!

Together, they had traveled through thick and thin, facing countless dangers, and had built a legendary reputation.

He knew that the martial world was treacherous, and human hearts were unpredictable, but he had never doubted Ronald Reeds.

Because they were brothers bound by life and death!

“In this world, everyone looks out for themselves! I want to become a Grandmaster, I want to become the supreme figure of the martial world, I want to trample on everyone underfoot! Who dares to stop me? They will die!” Ronald Reeds sneered.

Once the word “die” came out, Ronald Reeds suddenly struck Edmund Robinson’s chest with a palm, sending him flying dozens of meters away.
Chapter 1008

Edmund Robinson was sent flying high into the air by the force of the blow and then crashed heavily to the ground.

Blood sprayed from his mouth and nose, and his face turned deathly pale.

Abigail screamed in shock, as if waking up from a dream, and hurriedly ran towards where Edmund Robinson had fallen.

“Ronald Reeds! Have you gone mad?!”

Dustin was both shocked and furious, his eyes filled with killing intent.
He had always thought of Ronald Reeds as a highly respected and upright senior in the martial world. He had never expected him to be a despicable villain hiding behind a friendly facade.

“Gone mad? Hehe…”
Ronald Reeds suddenly laughed, “Dustin, do you know how big of a scheme I’ve been planning for the Sky Spirit Orb?

Ever since I got wind of the news about the Sky Spirit Orb from Emperor Franklin Longford, I’ve been planning and secretly manipulating events.
First, I used Autumn to eliminate witnesses, and then I spread the information, leading the people from the Jade Maiden Palace to Balermo. Finally, I handed over the Jade Maiden Sutra, which contained the map, to you.

Everything was part of my carefully laid plans.

In other words, all of you were my pawns.

Only when you all entered the tomb, attracting the attention of Iris Meskill, did I have a chance to get the Sky Spirit Orb.

Fortunately, heaven favored me, and after so much careful planning, I finally got what I wanted!

With this martial world holy artifact in my hands, I can break through to become a Grandmaster and become the supreme figure of the entire martial world!

By then, I will be able to roam freely in the world, hahaha…”

As he spoke, Ronald Reeds burst into laughter.

After holding it in for so long and pretending for so long, he could finally speak the truth.

“So it was all you?”

Dustin clenched his fists, his eyes wide with anger, “You killed Sir Paul? You framed me? You poisoned the antidote? You released Autumn? You caused Natasha’s removal from her position? All of it, everything, was done by you?!!”

“Yes! It was all me!”
Ronald Reeds said very calmly, “Not only that, but I also released the Hell’s Song just now!

Originally, I planned to silence all of you, so that no one would know that I had obtained the Sky Spirit Orb.
But I didn’t expect that this guy, Edmund Robinson, would be so stupid as to throw himself into the tiger’s mouth and save you useless people.
There was no other choice; I had to take matters into my own hands and clean up the mess.

Oh, by the way, now, do you have any last words?”

Now that he had revealed the truth, everyone present had to die!

“No wonder… no wonder I always felt like someone was secretly manipulating things, and it turns out you were the mastermind behind it all!”

Azalea was so scared that she kept backing away, still in shock.

Before she came here, she had a sense of unease, as if someone was leading her by the nose. She hadn’t expected her intuition to come true!
“Ronald Reeds! You… You deserve to die!”

Dustin shouted in anger and couldn’t help but make a move.
He saw his feet push off the ground, and his whole body turned into a white light, rushing forward with immense force.

His momentum was like thunder, unstoppable.

“You overestimate yourself!”
Ronald Reeds sneered coldly and turned into a black light, meeting him head-on.

Their auras were equally fierce and unmatched.

In the end, a black and a white light collided with a loud bang!

A deafening sound, and the ground shook.

With the point of impact as the center, a surging wave formed from the martial energy instantly swept across an area of a hundred meters in diameter.

Wherever it passed, everything was destroyed, rocks shattered, and trees snapped.

The fierce wind howled from all directions, carrying sand and stones.
The tremendous movement attracted the attention of the martial artists who hadn’t gone far.

“Hmm! It sounds like the noise of a battle?”

“What’s going on? Hasn’t it already ended? Could it be that another treasure has appeared?”

“Whatever could cause such a big commotion must be extraordinary. Let’s go back and take a look!”

Chapter 1009

The martial artists immediately changed direction and gathered once again at the battlefield.

“Could there still be a chance?”

Jan Crane, Alexander Cheng, and Jason Edwards exchanged glances and then turned back, leading their respective forces in the same direction.

For a moment, the major forces and sects all returned.

However, when they arrived at the battlefield, they were astonished to find that Ronald Reeds and Dustin were actually fighting each other.

The martial world’s leader was engaged in a fierce battle with the young martial master, and both sides were fighting for their lives.

What was going on?

Weren’t they on the same side?

Why were they staking their lives against each other?

Everyone looked at each other in confusion.

“Help! Help!”

At this moment, cries for help rang out in the distance.

Everyone turned their heads in the direction of the cries and saw Abigail desperately pleading for help while holding her seriously injured father, Edmund Robinson. Tears were streaming down her face.

“Please, please save my dad! I’ll kowtow to all of you!”

Seeing that no one was responding, Abigail knelt down directly and began kowtowing frantically.

At this moment, Edmund Robinson’s face was pale, blood was flowing continuously from his abdomen, and fresh blood was spurting from his mouth and nose. He looked as if he could die at any moment.

The martial artists watched coldly, showing no reaction.

Only Azalea attempted to help Edmund Robinson, trying to save his life, but her true energy was limited, and she couldn’t do much.

“All members of the Martial Alliance, listen up!”

At this moment, Ronald Reeds’s majestic voice suddenly resounded through the sky, “Edmund Robinson has been corrupted by evil spirit and has fallen into the demonic path. He must be killed for the greater good! Whoever can slay the demon and eliminate the evil will be richly rewarded by me!”

This statement caused a commotion in the crowd.

“What? Edmund Robinson has fallen into the demonic path? Is it related to the poison gas from earlier?”

“Leader Ronald has given the order, so it must be true. Those who fall into the demonic path must be eliminated, or there will be endless trouble!”

“That’s right! Eliminating demons and upholding justice is the duty of us righteous martial artists!”

After a brief commotion, everyone drew their weapons and stared with eager anticipation.

They had an air of righteousness as if they were acting on behalf of heaven.

“Nonsense! Ronald Reeds is talking nonsense!”

Abigail protested vehemently, “It’s him! It’s him who attacked my father to steal the Sky Spirit Orb. He is the real villain!”

“Insolence! You and your father are in cahoots and dare to slander our leader?!”

Ronald Reeds’s voice rang out again, “All martial artists, listen to my orders! Kill these demonic evildoers! Whoever eliminates the demons will be rewarded with the knowledge of my lifelong martial arts and will be appointed as an elder of the Martial Alliance!”

“Knowledge of lifelong martial arts?”

“Appointed as an elder of the Martial Alliance?”

Hearing these words, everyone’s composure instantly disappeared.

Their breathing became rapid, and their eyes gleamed with greed.

Obtaining the teachings of the martial world’s leader was an incredible opportunity, more valuable than any treasure!

And the position of an elder in the Martial Alliance was like reaching the sky in one step, with a reputation that would shake the entire Balermo!

To them, regardless of right or wrong, killing Edmund Robinson and the others now seemed to be a matter of life and death!

“Don’t believe him! He’s lying!”

“My dad hasn’t fallen into the demonic path! We are not demonic evildoers!”

Abigail was frantic, trying to explain herself.

“Kill! Kill them!”

“Slay the demons and uphold justice!”

The crowd’s eyes turned red, and they paid no attention to explanations, rushing forward one after another.

They were like hungry wolves seeing fresh flesh and blood, fierce and greedy.
Chapter 1010

“Stop! Whoever dares to come forward will die!”

Azalea stepped forward to block Abigail, brandishing two knives that had appeared in her hands at an unknown time. She exuded a fierce and murderous aura.

“You’ve all been deceived! My father hasn’t fallen into the demonic path! He hasn’t done anything evil!”

As the martial artists approached to attack, Abigail continued to explain.

“Don’t you remember? My father saved all of you before. It was him who risked his life to absorb all the poisonous mist, allowing you to escape danger!”

“Even if you don’t feel grateful, you shouldn’t repay kindness with enmity!”

“Wake up! We are all innocent! Ronald Reeds is the real villain!”

However, her words fell on deaf ears and had no effect whatsoever.

“Abigail! Don’t you understand yet? These people don’t care about the truth; they are driven by greed!”

“What justice? What demon-slaying and upholding justice? It’s all nonsense! A bunch of self-proclaimed upright gentlemen who are even more despicable than real villains!”

“Don’t just stand there! Take Edmund and leave first; I’ll stay behind for you!”

Azalea brandished her two knives and charged forward, showing a fearless and desperate attitude.

Although she wasn’t a good person, she wasn’t ungrateful.

“What a death wish!”

Jan Crane coldly snorted, sending a palm strike that directly sent Azalea flying more than ten meters away.

She was not an opponent at all.


Edmund Robinson let out a light sigh and suddenly staggered to his feet.

At the same time, a vigorous vitality slowly bloomed within him.

His originally pale face quickly turned rosy.

A surge of violent Master-level spirit erupted from his body like a volcanic eruption.

He was actually burning his own life essence!


Abigail was stunned, finding it hard to believe. He had just been at death’s door, how could he suddenly be so energetic?

“What’s going on? Wasn’t Edmund Robinson seriously injured? Why can he stand up again?”

“Damn it! This is unbelievable! What do we do now? Should we go forward or not?”

The people were shocked and hesitated, staring at the inexplicable scene before them in panic.

They had originally planned to take advantage of the situation, but they hadn’t expected Edmund Robinson to still have strength, making it difficult for them to make a move now.

“Don’t panic! Edmund Robinson is on his last legs and won’t last long. Let’s all attack together!”

“You’re right! He’s just experiencing a brief resurgence before his death. Kill him and uphold justice!”

The crowd shouted and were eager to try, but they didn’t dare to approach recklessly.

After all, Edmund Robinson was a Martial Master, and any casual move from him could easily kill them.

“Senior Jan, let’s spare them. Must we push them to a dead end?” Edmund Robinson furrowed his brows.

“You have fallen into the demonic path and will definitely harm the common people in the future. You must die today!” Jan Crane replied coldly.

“That’s right! Slaying demons and upholding justice is the duty of us righteous martial artists!” Alexander Cheng said ruthlessly.

“Three of you, if you continue to press us, then I will have no choice but to fight you with all my strength!” Edmund Robinson’s gaze was sharp.

“Fight with us? Hmph! You’ve already exhausted your strength, do you have the qualifications to fight us?” Jan Crane sneered.

“I still have one last strike left, and I can be sure that this strike will take your lives!”

As Edmund Robinson spoke, he suddenly took a deep breath.

Then, a terrifying aura slowly emanated from him.

In an instant, a strong wind blew, and sand and stones flew everywhere.

The martial artists felt as if they were being crushed by a mountain, making it extremely uncomfortable.

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