A Billionaire Husband and The Substitute Wife - Love Story of Dominic Peterson and Rachel Daley

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In the Daley household, young Rachel's life was akin to a continuous uphill battle. Her mother was relentless in her relentless teasing and torment, and her sister seemed intent on acquiring everything Rachel held dear, including her boyfriend. Yet, the most pressing challenge was the mounting medical bills of her foster mother, Norma—the one soul who had shown Rachel unwavering kindness since her early years and had raised her with a tender heart.

Desperation had driven the Daley family to a rather peculiar arrangement: they agreed to shoulder Norma's medical expenses, but with a caveat. They insisted that Rachel take the plunge into matrimony with Dominic, the illegitimate and seemingly directionless scion of the affluent Peterson family, replacing her sister as his spouse.

As the wedding bells chimed and the ink on their marriage certificate dried, both Rachel and Dominic would soon discover that their newlywed partner harbored a closely guarded secret, poised to shake the very foundation of their union.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 142 – "The Deceitful Toast: Cups of Concealment" 😊

A few onlookers had discreetly stolen glances at the unfolding drama. "I'm sorry," Ivonne murmured, her head bowed. Though fiercely proud, she understood the necessity of apologizing to Rachel if she wished to mend their relationship.

"Did someone say something? Oh, it was you. Are you talking to me or to yourself?" Rachel arched an eyebrow, her gaze challenging Ivonne. She showed no intention of letting Ivonne off the hook easily.

"Don't push it, Rachel!" Ivonne retorted, suppressing her urge to lash out at the arrogant woman before her. Her clenched fists revealed the effort it took to control herself, and her knuckles whitened.

Rachel, feigning indifference, responded, "Well, it's your call. You don't have to force yourself to apologize if you don't want to. Since you think I'm pushing you, I might as well leave now." She grabbed her handbag and acted as if she was about to depart.

"Hold on, Rachel. What's the hurry? You said you didn't hear me, so I'll repeat my apology," Ivonne relented, realizing she needed to compromise.

As Rachel continued to display her arrogance, Ivonne clenched her fists even tighter, her knuckles turning crimson.

Rachel seated herself once more, gesturing graciously for Ivonne to continue.

"Ahem… Rachel, I've come to realize that we were wrong to hurt you. We shouldn't have done those things. I'm sorry. Can you forgive me and my mom? Remember, we're family, no matter what," Ivonne pleaded with a forced sincerity.

Rachel, unimpressed, turned her gaze to the window, saying, "Your words feel empty. I don't sense your sincerity at all. Tell me, do you genuinely believe that these empty words of yours can make up for the years of physical and emotional suffering I endured because of you and your parents?"

"What's your issue, Rachel? I just apologized. What more do you want?" Ivonne snapped, her frustration evident.

"I want a sincere apology, not a perfunctory one!" Rachel retorted, her eyes filled with disdain.

Ivonne knew her apology lacked genuine remorse. Realizing that Rachel had seen through her, she bit her lip and forced herself to apologize again. "I'm sorry, sister. No amount of apologies can make up for what we did to you. But I'll continue apologizing because I've recognized my mistakes…"

The lengthy apology continued, almost numbing Ivonne's lips. Only when Rachel finally nodded in satisfaction did Ivonne stop. Rachel folded her arms and smiled, saying, "It's good that you've acknowledged your mistakes and turned over a new leaf. I'm genuinely happy to see you've changed."

Inside, Ivonne seethed with anger. "Of course, you're happy. Just wait, you'll soon be at my mercy!" she cursed Rachel silently.

With a fake smile, Ivonne gestured towards the coffee on the table. "Thanks for forgiving me, Rachel. Let's raise our cups and celebrate our reconciliation."

Rachel accepted the offer without hesitation. She smiled and picked up her coffee cup. Before taking a sip, she glanced at the distant neon streetlights.

"Look, is that your dad? I thought he said he was busy with work. How come he's out on the street?"

"Yes, he left in the afternoon. How could he be here?" Ivonne was taken aback, her gaze shifting to the window in alarm.

In that moment, Rachel swiftly exchanged their coffee cups. The cups appeared identical, ensuring Ivonne wouldn't notice the switch.

"I don't see him anywhere. Are you sure it's him?" Ivonne inquired after peering outside, her face filled with anxiety.

Rachel, taking a sip of her coffee, responded calmly, "Maybe I mistook someone else for him. The man I saw resembled Joseph and was dressed similarly, but he might not be your father. The dim light could have played tricks on my eyes."

Ivonne's eyes gleamed wickedly as she observed Rachel drinking her coffee. With a bright smile, she proposed a toast, "Let's drink up since we've reconciled."

Their cups clinked, and Rachel, nearly finished with her coffee and oblivious to Ivonne's intentions, responded, "Alright, cheers to reconciliation."

Ivonne plotted silently, "You're almost there. Just a few more moments, and you'll pass out in front of me. Then, it'll be my turn to exact revenge."

Rachel, seemingly lost in thought, remained unaware of Ivonne's scheme. Ivonne reached out, affectionately calling her "Rachel," as if they were truly close. She even brushed Rachel's hand.

The drug was supposed to take effect soon, and Ivonne bided her time. But Rachel's smile vanished, and she folded her arms, her gaze fixed on her foster sister.

"Why did her smile disappear? Why is she staring at me like that?" Ivonne began to feel uneasy under Rachel's piercing gaze. She shifted uncomfortably, avoiding eye contact. 😬

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 143 – "Apologies and Arrogance: The Duel of Ivonne and Rachel" 🌟

Both women remained quiet as Ivonne began to feel a sudden dizziness after a few minutes. She fought to keep her eyes open, rubbing them relentlessly. It was at that moment when she finally sensed something awry, gazing at the silent woman before her.

Noticing the faint smirk gracing the corners of Rachel's lips, a wave of pale realization washed over Ivonne. She had fallen right into a meticulously set trap, orchestrated by none other than Rachel herself.

"Rachel! How could you…" Ivonne intended to rise and unleash her anger but found herself too weak to speak as she slumped unconscious onto the table.

Without wasting a heartbeat, Rachel swiftly shifted her seat closer, exchanging their coats and bags. She donned Ivonne's hat and sunglasses, transforming her appearance.

As Dominic witnessed Ivonne's sudden unconsciousness, he pushed open the glass door and entered with a determined stride. Rachel signaled to him, orchestrating their next moves in tandem.

A concerned waiter noticed Ivonne sprawled across the table, seemingly unconscious. He hurried over to assess the situation.

"Is everything alright, Miss?"

With a natural smile, Rachel reassured the waiter, "No need to worry. My friend just had a stomachache. We're about to take her to the hospital." 😊 She clutched one of Ivonne's arms and beckoned Dominic to assist with the other.

The waiter accepted her explanation without further inquiry, nodding in understanding, and stepped aside to facilitate their exit.

As they left the café, Rachel's mind raced, but no solution presented itself. Suddenly, a black minibus sped towards them from a distance.

The night was late, and the streets were nearly deserted. Rachel stood by the café, gazing at the approaching minibus with trepidation.

The minibus's headlights pierced the darkness, its engine growling as it came to a halt before Rachel. The door swung open, and several men emerged, dressed in black attire, sporting baseball caps and masks. Rachel met the intense gaze of one of the men, the very one who had served her the spiked coffee earlier – the same man Spencer had mentioned.

"Is this her?" The lead man asked in hushed tones.

Ivonne had contacted them on short notice, motivated by monetary gain, with no prior knowledge of her identity. Rachel, dressed identically to Ivonne in the late hour, escaped their scrutiny.

"Where are you taking her?" Rachel instinctively tightened her grip on Ivonne's hand.

The men exchanged knowing glances and burst into laughter.

"Just leave it to us. Give us the money, and consider the job done. We know what to do," the lead man replied succinctly, advancing to take Ivonne.

Rachel involuntarily recoiled as they approached. The men's laughter and hungry expressions revolted her. Doubts crept in, prompting her to reconsider her decision.

The fate these men would mete out to Ivonne seemed too horrific to contemplate. Dominic noticed Rachel's hesitation and, with a curt nod, surrendered Ivonne to the men.

Their laughter grew louder, echoing through the quiet street as they loaded Ivonne into the minibus and shut the door. The engine roared to life, disappearing into the obscurity of the night.

Rachel remained rooted until the minibus vanished from her sight. Dominic scrutinized her face and extended an arm around her shoulders.

"What's troubling you? Still thinking about her? You made no mistake. If not for luck and your wit, you might have been in that vehicle instead of her." 😔 He paused, a sardonic smirk forming.

"Ivonne isn't one to show mercy, unlike you. Had those men taken you, she'd be toasting to your misfortune."

The more Rachel contemplated the peril she had narrowly escaped, the more fear welled up within her. After a moment, she turned to Dominic, suppressing her sympathy and concern for Ivonne.

"Let's head home. I've been occupied all night and haven't eaten." 😌

Dominic was right – Ivonne had set this entire ordeal in motion. She reaped what she had sown, devising a vengeful plan. Rachel couldn't summon empathy for a ruthless woman like Ivonne. 😡

In the suburbs of the city 🏙️

Moonlight bathed the grass and trees in its soft glow, creating a serene ambiance. A man and a woman lay entwined on the lawn, their naked bodies intertwined amid a group of naked men. The woman's face bore a flush of agony, her cries of pain echoing through the night.

Ivonne was jolted awake by the pain, squinting against the dazzling sunlight that assailed her vision. She blinked repeatedly, gradually coming to terms with her surroundings – she was stranded in the wilderness. Panic coursed through her as she realized her utter nudity.

Bruises and whip marks marred her body, and searing pain emanated from her groin. Her memory of the previous night gradually resurfaced.

"Rachel! I'll get my revenge!" Ivonne croaked, anger drying her throat as tears streamed down her face. Ivonne had never been prudish and had her fair share of past liaisons. However, what had transpired that night was a harrowing ordeal for any woman. She felt soiled, repulsed, and above all, furious.

It took considerable effort to clothe herself in her tattered garments and tend to her bruised body. This day marked a nadir in her life, and she would never forgive Rachel for the devastation she had wrought.

Every inch of her body ached, evidence of the brutality she had endured. These men were hardened criminals, specifically selected by Ivonne for her sinister plot.

Initially, Ivonne had planned to film these perverts assaulting Rachel, providing her with damning evidence for blackmail. Unexpectedly, her scheme had backfired spectacularly, rendering her the victim instead. The horrors of that night replayed in her mind – the coarse touch of their foul breath and lingering saliva on her skin.

"Those degenerates! How dare they!" Ivonne screamed, her rage driving her to clutch her hair, her face twisted in fury.

Her cries sent birds scattering in all directions, fleeing the forest in fear.

After an agonizing interval, Ivonne struggled to her feet and limped out of the woods. She reached the opposite side of the road, waving her weary hand in search of a ride. Eventually, a kind soul offered her a lift back home. 🚗

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 144 – 💔 "The Plot Thickens: Charlene's Cunning Counsel"

In the midst of her calculations regarding the remaining Daley family assets, Kate found herself interrupted by the insistent ring of the doorbell. Annoyance etched across her face, she reluctantly pushed herself up from her chair and made her way to the door.

"Who could it be?" Kate pondered, as Ivonne should have been at Shane's place, and unannounced visitors were the last thing on her mind. As she swung open the door, her eyes widened in shock.

"Ivonne!" Her hand instinctively covered her mouth as she beheld the sorry sight of her daughter.

"What happened to you?" she gasped, a mixture of concern and disbelief. Shane might have his flaws, but he couldn't possibly possess the energy to ravage her daughter in such a manner.

"Mom, Rachel set me up! I'm going to get back at that woman!" Ivonne's voice trembled, tears streaming uncontrollably down her cheeks. Her anger had spiraled beyond containment.

In a tearful narration, Ivonne shared the harrowing events of the previous night.

"That woman! How dare she inflict this pain on you? I don't care what it takes; she won't escape unscathed!" Kate's voice dripped venom, her rage apparent.

The following day, Ivonne was admitted to the hospital, bearing the brunt of her injuries.

Charlene received the news from her father.

When she descended the stairs, she spotted her father dining alone in the room. His rare presence at home caught her off guard. "Dad, what's going on? Why aren't you out on a date with your girlfriend today?" Charlene inquired.

"Ivonne is in the hospital," Shane replied casually, his attention elsewhere. "What happened to her? And why are you here? Shouldn't you be with her at the hospital?" Charlene probed curiously.

"Well, I did ask her, but she's reluctant to divulge the details. If you have the time, why don't you pay her a visit?" Shane wiped his mouth and rose from the table, indifferent to such trivial matters. Ivonne was but a plaything to him. Though his interest hadn't waned, it didn't imply any genuine concern for the woman.

Charlene smiled but remained silent. The Palmers shared a common trait – indifference to the feelings of insignificant individuals.

Charlene called Ivonne to uncover the whole story. She couldn't help but shake her head at the sheer recklessness of Ivonne's plan, which had ultimately led to her downfall.

Meanwhile, Charlene was slightly taken aback. She hadn't expected Ivonne's intense hatred for Rachel to manifest in such a drastic scheme. Charlene disdained those who inflicted harm on others, yet she saw Ivonne as a necessary tool to achieve her goals. Charlene believed she had acted within reason, merely causing chaos to separate Rachel from Braden. Ivonne was the true mastermind, and Rachel had to shoulder some blame for provoking her.

Charlene couldn't help but feel a pang of dissatisfaction and frustration at losing Ivonne so swiftly in her game. If Ivonne had at least achieved a pyrrhic victory, Charlene would have harbored less resentment. However, Ivonne's ill-conceived plans had backfired, causing her own demise, while Rachel continued to bask in happiness, unfazed by any repercussions.

"She couldn't be more foolish! I can't believe my father fancies such a dim-witted woman!" After much contemplation, Charlene concluded that both Ivonne and her mother still had their uses. After all, Ivonne was easily manipulated, and both mother and daughter despised Rachel as much as she did. Joining forces with them would facilitate the realization of her goals.

A true entrepreneur seizes every opportunity, and Charlene was no exception.

Quickly changing her attire, Charlene purchased a get-well gift basket and arrived at the hospital to visit Ivonne. "Dad is worried about you too. He asked me to check on you," she remarked, placing the basket on a nearby table while surreptitiously studying Ivonne's condition. Ivonne appeared frail and worn, her limbs swathed in bandages, and faint, bruised marks marred her neck.

Taking Ivonne's hand, Charlene sighed, "How could Rachel be so heartless to let them do this to you?" Fresh tears welled up in Ivonne's eyes.

"Does Mr. Palmer know what happened to me?" she asked, her voice shaky.

"No, I couldn't bring myself to tell him. It could tarnish your reputation," Charlene replied, feigning sympathy as she sat on the edge of the bed.

Ivonne's eyes blazed with anger, "That woman! I want to damn well get even with her!"

She sounded as if her past actions were irrelevant.

"The moment I met you, I knew you weren't a simple woman either. You're kind-hearted and compassionate. You need to devise a perfect plan to deal with such a vindictive woman," Charlene encouraged, fanning the flames of Ivonne's anger.

"What should I do, Charlene? Tell me what to do!" Ivonne pleaded, desperate for revenge. She clung to Charlene, tears flowing uncontrollably.

Charlene concealed her disgust and patted Ivonne's back, "Don't worry. First, focus on your recovery." She saw no rush in driving a wedge between Ivonne and Rachel. Ivonne had acted impulsively without considering the consequences, and Charlene believed she needed grooming first.

Just then, the hospital room door swung open. "I brought some chicken soup for you, Ivonne," Kate entered with a pot of soup in hand, recognizing Charlene as well.

Smiling warmly, Kate addressed Charlene, "Hello, you must be Miss Palmer, right?" 😊

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 145 – "The Art of Deceit: Charlene and Kate's Game"

As the sound of footsteps reached her ears, Charlene turned around and spotted Kate entering the hospital ward.

Prior to this encounter, Charlene had gathered ample information about Kate. Yet, seeing her in person unveiled a different side—a shrewdness that belied her gentle photo. Strands of silver adorned her temple, and her eye wrinkles etched deeper lines, betraying the weight of her years.

"Hello, Mrs. Daley," Charlene gently disentangled herself from Ivonne, rising to greet her guest with a polite nod.

"At last, Miss Palmer, you've graced us with your presence. That merciless woman has wreaked havoc in Ivonne's life. Can you fathom the lengths she has gone to exact her revenge?" Kate clasped Charlene's hands and mourned.

However, Charlene couldn't help but feel repulsed. She had never encountered someone so unreasonable in her life. Ivonne had initiated this turmoil, hiring men to harm Rachel, only to have her scheme backfire.

Despite her disgust and frustration, Charlene concealed her true feelings behind a forced smile. "Worry not. Those who sow the seeds of wickedness shall reap the whirlwind of their actions. Rachel, too, will pay dearly for her transgressions. She shall meet a dire and woeful end." Kate regarded her grimly for a moment, wondering if Charlene was mocking her. At times, she woke up in the dead of night, haunted by the past. Yet, as Kate scrutinized Charlene's countenance, she sensed no mockery; instead, Charlene appeared cheerful and unassuming. Concluding that Charlene was merely a sweet, innocent girl, Kate believed she could win her over by playing the victim.

Taking a seat, Kate proceeded to recount the cruelties and ingratitude inflicted upon the Daley family by Rachel. Charlene listened attentively, aware of Kate's own past misdeeds. The woman had outwitted Joseph, an honest man, manipulating him to do her bidding. Kate had orchestrated numerous nefarious schemes unbeknownst to the Daley family, her vile machinations aimed at ensnaring Rachel in a web of trouble. If it weren't for Dominic's intervention, Kate's malevolence would have prevailed.

Kate was undoubtedly more astute than Ivonne and held the potential to assist Charlene. However, there was a caveat: Charlene couldn't easily deceive her. "Miss Palmer, have you been preoccupied lately? Every family grapples with its share of issues. I've heard about the latest predicament in your family. Mrs. Palmer and the male star made headlines again yesterday," Kate consoled, patting Charlene's hand with a concerned sigh. "By the way, you and Ivonne seem quite close. What are your thoughts on her?" Bitterness welled up in Charlene's throat. She comprehended Kate's insinuation—Kate hoped for Ivonne to wed into the Palmer family. Kate and her daughter both perceived Charlene as a frivolous spendthrift. "As you're aware, rumors about influential families are commonplace. My family oversees numerous entertainment enterprises. Reporters tend to sensationalize matters. My mother maintains a strictly professional relationship with those stars. Please disregard these unfounded rumors," Charlene patiently clarified. 'What a bunch of fools!' Charlene mused, reflecting on Ivonne's audacious belief that she could supplant her mother's position. Charlene's unwavering confidence both rankled and surprised her.

Though Shane had indulged in dalliances with various women, his marriage had always remained steadfast. Charlene's mother hailed from one of the city's wealthiest families, commanding two premier entertainment companies nationwide. She was a resolute, self-sufficient woman capable of sustaining the Palmer family on her own. Shane and his wife had wed for mutual gain, leading separate lives and engaging in extramarital affairs. Nevertheless, their understanding was robust, and their domestic life harmonious.

Throughout the years, regardless of Shane's many paramours, none could pose a threat to his wife or usurp her position, as he wouldn't allow it.

Nonetheless, even though Charlene disdained them, she realized she had to kindle a glimmer of hope within Kate and Ivonne. Kate rubbed her fingers together awkwardly. "I apologize, Miss Palmer. Pay no heed to my words."

"Mrs. Daley, please. I didn't mean to imply any dislike for Ivonne. To be honest, my father has had his share of relationships in the past. However, they were all opportunists. Ivonne is the only one who has genuinely captured my affection. She appreciates my father for who he is, not his wealth," Charlene continued, showering them with praise, hoping to ensnare their hopes.

Her words ignited a spark of hope within Kate's heart. "What do you mean, Miss Palmer?" Kate and Ivonne exchanged glances, riding an emotional rollercoaster.

"My father ceased loving my mother long ago; their marriage is a mere facade. In fact, I'd be doing them a favor by helping them find true love," Charlene lamented dramatically. She knew these were the words Kate longed to hear.

"My father holds you in high esteem," she grinned at Ivonne. "You've been with him for a while, haven't you? I've never seen him so content with any woman before. In fact, it was he who encouraged me to visit you and ensure your well-being."

Both Kate and Ivonne could barely contain their excitement. They exchanged gleeful glances.

"Mr. Palmer rarely broaches his family with me. Each time I inquired, he deflected my questions and grew impatient. Furthermore, he never invites me to significant events. It led me to believe he harbors no affection for me." Charlene continued, weaving a tapestry of deception. She was every bit as cunning as her father, skilled in crafting elaborate narratives.

"I believe you make a valid point," Ivonne lowered her gaze, suppressing a smile. She placed her trust in Charlene's words, envisioning herself as the new Mrs. Palmer.

Kate shared Ivonne's elation. Grasping Charlene's hand, she beamed with joy. "That's wonderful! When Ivonne becomes your father's bride one day, the two of you can look out for each other."

Kate herself had once been the other woman, convinced that all men were susceptible to seduction.

"Mrs. Daley, there's no rush. Marriage is a lifelong commitment, necessitating careful planning," Charlene feigned a smile, masking her disdain for their avarice.

"I concur," Kate nodded understandingly. Indeed, there was no need to hurry.


Grandmaster & Disciple of Sex Sect
Sep 16, 2023
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Chapter 1266: "Apologies and Excuses: Enzo's Regret"

Charlie glanced at him disdainfully and said, "Just call me Mr. Wade."

Enzo was somewhat surprised. In this day and age, there are still people who call themselves 'Mr.'?

Could it be those young masters from powerful noble families?

If that's the case, he had truly encountered a real deity!

Excitedly, he tried to curry favor, saying, "Oh, Mr. Wade, nice to meet you! I'm in the flour business, and we have a flour factory here in Aurous Hill. Maybe you've had our flour before; our brand is called JinFen Flour!"

Charlie furrowed his brow and asked, "JinFen Flour, isn't that the name of a TV drama?"

Enzo, somewhat embarrassed, replied, "Well, we wanted to ride on the popularity a bit. They have 'JinFen' (gold powder), we have 'MianFen' (flour), it's not too different."

Charlie snorted and asked, "Mr. Sun, today is your incoming daughter-in-law's wedding day, why didn't you send a fleet of cars to pick up the bride from her family's house?"

Enzo and his wife exchanged a glance, looking embarrassed and unsure how to respond.

After a moment of silence, Enzo hastily explained with a smile, "Oh, Mr. Wade, you see, we had actually arranged a grand car fleet, but there was a last-minute issue with that fleet, so..."

"Last-minute issue?" Charlie furrowed his brow. "Even if the wedding car fleet had an issue, don't you have a single car at home?"

Enzo, full of regret, said, "I'm truly sorry, Mr. Wade. I was in a hurry and couldn't manage it. We've neglected Erich. I apologize sincerely!"

He hurriedly added, "Mr. Wade, rest assured, once Erich enters our family, we will definitely make it up to her!"

On the sidelines, Callum was overjoyed upon hearing this.

Originally, his parents strongly opposed his marriage to Erich. In fact, earlier in the morning, they were still complaining and even threatening him, saying that even if Erich entered their family, she wouldn't have an easy life.

Unexpectedly, now, with Erich's friend and her husband arriving in two luxury cars, his father's attitude had changed drastically!

Thinking about this, he couldn't contain his happiness and felt even more grateful towards Charlie and Claire.

At this moment, Callum's mother, Linda, pulled Enzo aside and scolded him in a hushed voice, "What nonsense are you talking? Haven't we discussed this before? We absolutely cannot let that woman into our family!"

Enzo hurriedly replied, "Didn't you see that Erich has such influential friends? If we offend them and they hold a grudge, what will we do?"

"Hold a grudge?" Linda scoffed angrily. "I don't care how influential this Wade guy is, but I know one thing for sure: he won't give our family a single cent. Even if our son marries Erich, that Wade guy won't help us out. So why should we give him face like this? Just because Erich knows him, are we supposed to willingly let her become our daughter-in-law?"

Enzo couldn't help but ask, "So what do you mean? Should we cancel the wedding since everyone's already here?"

"Of course, we can't continue!" Linda said indignantly. "The Lawson family must have lost their minds. Even after we humiliate them like this, they still want Erich to marry into our family. It's utterly disgraceful!"

She added, "You better keep quiet and follow my lead. I absolutely won't let this Erich step foot into the Sun family!"

Chapter 1267: "Social Ladder or Family Feud: Linda's Ultimatum"

Linda is a typical egoist.

In anything she does, she only considers one thing: whether it can bring benefits to herself.

If it can benefit herself, even if it's a roadside garbage picker, she would greet them with a smile and put on a show;

But if it can't benefit herself, even if it's the President of the United States, she wouldn't bother to pay any attention.

So even when Charlie and his wife drove a luxury car worth over a hundred million to accompany Erich for her wedding, Linda still hadn't changed her opinion of Erich.

She knew that things like face were all superficial, only tangible benefits mattered.

Even if Erich knew rich friends, so what? Can that money give me a penny? Can she take care of our family business? Can she elevate our family's status?

If she can, then I will naturally treat you with warmth, even treat you like a princess, no problem at all.

But if she can't, you still won't be able to enter the Sun family's gate today.

The reason she arranged this banquet, this grand ceremony, was because she didn't want to directly oppose the marriage and make her son resent her. So, she agreed to hold the wedding first, and then found various ways to pick faults, mock, and ridicule, forcing Erich to give up voluntarily. Then her son couldn't blame her.

Now, she had ample reason to make trouble for Erich, and the biggest reason was, since today is the wedding, why didn't her parents come?

So, she walked up to Erich and coldly said, "Erich, where are your parents? Why haven't they come?"

Erich hurriedly explained, "Auntie, my parents, they... "

As Erich spoke, she couldn't help but hesitate.

In fact, she was very clear in her heart that on the day of her wedding, her parents not showing up was indeed unacceptable. And now that her future mother-in-law was asking this question, she had no idea how to answer.

Seeing Erich remaining silent, Linda scolded, "Oh, Erich, you have quite an attitude, don't you? Just because you know a few wealthy friends, you no longer acknowledge your future mother-in-law? When I talk to you, do you always ignore me?"

Erich quickly waved her hands and explained respectfully, "Auntie, to be honest, my parents are not very happy about this, so they might not come today. Please forgive them!"

"Oh my goodness!" Linda exclaimed angrily, "So, your family still looks down on ours, huh? Your parents are really something, not showing up for their daughter's wedding. Do you think there's anyone in Aurous Hill like them? If this gets out, where will the Sun family's face be?"

Erich's eyes turned red, and she hurriedly apologized, saying, "I'm sorry, Auntie. The situation with my parents is indeed special. They've been unhappy about the dowry issue for a while now, and this morning when I left, they weren't in a good mood, so please forgive them..."

"Not happy?" Linda raised an eyebrow upon hearing this and suddenly scolded, "This is unacceptable! What are the conditions of your family? What are the conditions of our family? You're marrying into our family, that means you're climbing up the social ladder. Your parents are not happy? How come? Do they look down on our family? If they do, then maybe we should just stop you from marrying into our family!"

Chapter 1268: "Tears of Injustice: Erich's Emotional Struggle"

As Linda spoke, tears welled up in Erich's eyes.

Callum, seeing his fiancée humiliated by his own mother, felt uneasy. He hastily said, "Mom! Our marriage is about the two of us building a life together. As long as we're happy, we shouldn't worry about other things. So, please don't dwell on this too much. It's getting late; let's prepare for the wedding and get it done, alright?"

"No, that won't do!" Linda looked at Erich with disdain and said, "I can't help but be upset about this. When they proposed that I marry your father, I've never felt so wronged. They are the ones who married up, not us! Your father and I have been waiting here since early morning, and our relatives and friends from our side have arrived early too. But what about her family? Besides the bride, none of them has shown up! It's clear they look down on us and have no respect!"

Erich quickly tried to explain, "Auntie, you've misunderstood. My parents didn't mean to disrespect you; they are just upset, that's why they didn't come."

Linda replied coldly, "Don't waste time with excuses. Marriage is a significant event in life. You're not an orphan, how can you attend your own wedding without your parents? I've never heard of parents who are alive but don't attend their child's wedding. It's not only a matter of face; it's also inauspicious."

With determination, Linda continued, "Erich, I'll make it clear today. If your parents don't show up, I don't think this wedding should happen!"

Upon hearing this, Erich was on the verge of breaking down. She had overcome her parents' objections and come to attend the wedding with the help of Claire and Charlie. She thought that marrying Callum would be worth it, even if she had to face her family's anger. However, she now realized that her in-laws had many difficulties she hadn't anticipated.

Claire couldn't stand by any longer and said indignantly, "Auntie, do you know how much Erich has suffered and sacrificed to come to this wedding?"

Linda raised an eyebrow and said, "I don't know you, so I don't want to offend you. But let's be reasonable. They are getting married today, and I invited many relatives and friends to join us. However, the bride's family, except for the bride herself, hasn't shown up. Have you ever seen anything like this?"

Claire hurriedly explained, "This is a special situation. Erich's parents indeed have strong objections, and Erich had to make a tough decision to marry Callum."

Linda sneered, "Oh, we can't afford to be lenient in our family. Let me tell you, in traditional weddings, both families need to be present. If the bride's parents don't come, the wedding won't proceed, no matter who says otherwise."

Claire was frustrated. "How can you be like this?"

At this moment, Charlie stepped in and asked Linda with a smile, "Alright, there's no need to come up with so many reasons. We're all adults here. Just tell us, what can make the wedding proceed as planned if Erich's parents don't come?"

Linda chuckled, "It's quite simple. When we look for a daughter-in-law, we expect a match in social status. However, since Erich's family is not well-off, I've been lenient for my son's happiness. But her parents can't look down on us like this. If Erich wants to marry into our family, she should bring a dowry of at least 10 million. Otherwise, there's no discussion."

Upon hearing this, Erich, who had been patient all along, could hardly contain her anger. She never expected that Linda, who had been a constant obstacle between her and Callum, would turn the tables and put all the blame on her family.

Frustrated and angry, she couldn't help but say, "Auntie Linda, if you didn't want me to marry into your family, you should have said so earlier. I wouldn't have begged you like this. But you said yes to our wedding and then constantly hindered it. What exactly do you want?"

Chapter 1269: "A Wedding in Limbo: Tension at the Scene"

Linda herself had never approved of her son marrying Erich.

But the reason she agreed to arrange this wedding was simply to clear her own responsibility as much as possible.

So, when Erich made her family lose face today and made it difficult for them in front of relatives and friends, Linda could use this as a moral high ground to refuse her entry into the Sun family.

This is also a representative style of those clever parents in daily life.

When clever parents have some sort of disagreement with their children, they often try not to give themselves any loopholes.

If it were a firm, unquestionable refusal of their child's decision, the child would undoubtedly resent them in the future if they couldn't overcome this hurdle, perhaps even harboring hatred.

But if approached differently, the result would be much better.

Now, she had already positioned herself on the moral high ground, and her son, Callum, couldn't express his dissatisfaction even if he had any.

Because he had already backed himself into a corner.

If at this moment, he didn't do everything in his power to support Erich, he would be going against the entire Sun family.

With Erich's parents not present, all the Sun family members at the scene felt offended, and Callum could never bear that blame.

Linda's calculations were not wrong.

At this moment, Callum was feeling extremely uncomfortable.

He didn't even know what to do at once.

If he followed his mother's words, this marriage would definitely not happen.

But if he remained silent, how could Erich possibly withstand the pressure of being singled out?

If he sided with Erich, wouldn't that be equivalent to slapping the faces of all the Sun family members?

Claire watched Erich, who was also clearly upset and shedding tears at this moment, and felt deeply resentful, but in this situation, she didn't know what to say either.

No matter how many underlying reasons were behind this, the fact remained that Erich's parents had not come to attend her wedding, which had provided others with a major point of criticism.

If this situation couldn't be turned around, it seemed that this wedding might not happen after all.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became extremely awkward.

Charlie, who had long seen through everything, didn't say a word at this moment. He just coldly watched Linda's performance and had already thought of a way to punish this woman.

Just then, a black BMW X6 pulled up.

The car came to a stop, and a woman in her fifties got out of the driver's seat.

When Linda saw this woman, she greeted her with delight and said, "Sister Lu, how come you're here?"

The woman referred to as Sister Lu was a close friend of Linda's, and her family was quite well-off with a good relationship with the Dorovich family.

The Dorovich family operated several large supermarkets locally, although they couldn't compare to Carrefour or Walmart, they still had a good market in the surrounding counties and suburbs.

Enzo's JinFen Flour had always been popular in the local area of Aurous Hill.

Chapter 1270: "The Dorovich Connection: A Flourishing Alliance"

He had two relatively major sales channels for his flour. One was large supermarkets like Carrefour and Walmart, while the other was chain medium-sized supermarkets like the Dorovich family.

In this flour manufacturing industry, the technical content was relatively low, and the competition was fierce.

There were already many big grain and oil brands in the country, like "Golden Dragon Fish" and "Fulinmen," with strong brand recognition, so their products sold well.

Furthermore, in every city, there were at least several local flour brands.

So, for small brands like his, they could only achieve a certain level of sales locally, making their dependence on sales channels extremely high.

If the sales channels gave him more display space and stocked more of his products, he could make more money.

But if the sales channels didn't provide him with display space or stock his products, then he wouldn't be able to sell any of his flour.

Several local grain and oil brands were eager to establish good relationships with the Dorovich family, as this would allow them to gain more resources and market share from the Dorovich family, significantly boosting their sales and profits.

That's why both Enzo and Linda were working hard to curry favor with this connection.

This was also why Linda was particularly hopeful that her son, Callum, could get together with the daughter of the Dorovich family.

If he married the Dorovich family's daughter and became her son-in-law, would they still need to worry about selling their flour? Perhaps the sales would double in a year or triple in two years.

At this moment, the expression on Sister Lu's face turned somewhat displeased as she looked at Linda and said with frustration, "Linda, are you not considering me a friend at all? Your son is about to get married, and you didn't even tell me. Now you want me to help your son get connected with Mr. Dorovich's daughter? Aren't you setting me up?"

Upon hearing this, Linda quickly pulled Sister Lu aside and whispered, "Oh my dear sister, this is a long story. Let me explain. Today, my son cannot possibly get married."

Sister Lu, feeling annoyed, retorted, "Are you trying to deceive me? The wedding banquet is about to start, and you're giving me excuses?"

Linda explained, "My dear sister, I'm telling you the truth. My son made a foolish decision earlier and chose a girl from a poor family. Her family is as poor as can be, and she's quite cunning. She was determined to marry into our family and, in pursuit of that goal, got pregnant with my son's child. The reason I'm doing all this today is to embarrass her and make her voluntarily give up."

Sister Lu asked, "What if this girl doesn't give up?"

Linda sneered, "In any case, I won't let her into our family. If she doesn't give up, then let her be. It's her problem, and it won't concern our family."

Sister Lu's expression softened, and she nodded, saying, "I was actually looking for you to discuss Mr. Dorovich's family matters."

"What's going on?" Linda suddenly became interested and asked, "What's the situation with Mr. Dorovich?"

Sister Lu lowered her voice and said, "Didn't I tell you that Mr. Dorovich's daughter came back from overseas? She was dating a black boyfriend before. Yes." Linda nodded, "Didn't they break up with that black guy?"

Sister Lu sighed, "They did break up, but just a few days ago, it was discovered that this girl is pregnant... and it's the black guy's child."

Linda was shocked and exclaimed, "What? Pregnant? Is it the black guy's child?"

Sister Lu helplessly confirmed, "Yes! The problem is, this girl is quite stubborn. She insists on keeping the child. You see, Mr. Dorovich only has this one daughter. If she becomes an unmarried mother, where can he show his face?"

Linda mumbled, "Indeed... This is quite a difficult situation."

Sister Lu gave Linda a meaningful look and whispered, "Linda, there's a great opportunity here. Don't blame your sister for not taking care of you."

Linda hurriedly asked, "Sister Lu, what do you mean?"

Sister Lu spoke cautiously, "Mr. Dorovich's wife privately told me that if your son, Callum, is willing to marry her daughter and take responsibility for the child, Mr. Dorovich is willing to provide a dowry of thirty million. Furthermore, half of the shelves in the flour section of his chain supermarkets will be exclusively reserved for your products in the future!"
Junlee it seems like there is a mix up in the story, I see Charlie Wade chapters if im not mistaken

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 146 – "Guardians and Gossips: A Billionaire's Battle"

They knew they had to proceed with caution, especially considering the pitiable sight of Ivonne lying in the hospital bed. "I want to exact revenge on Rachel. She must pay for what she did to Ivonne," Kate declared, her anger palpable.

Seeing Kate's agitation, Charlene contemplated for a moment before voicing her concern, "Rachel is a cunning woman. You must be careful, or she might turn the tables on you."

"My daughter is inexperienced in such matters. She had no idea of Rachel's capabilities. But don't worry, Miss Palmer. We'll devise a foolproof plan before taking action. This time, we won't fail," Kate vowed, her eyes glinting with malice.

After a brief pause, she turned her gaze towards Charlene. Her anger vanished instantly, replaced by a more calculated demeanor. "Miss Palmer, Rachel also works at the Porter Group," she smiled.

"You hold a higher position than her. I wonder if you'd be willing to assist us when the time comes?" Kate sensed that Charlene harbored no affection for Rachel either.

Charlene pursed her lips, pondering the proposition. She intended to use Ivonne and Kate to carry out her plan, avoiding direct involvement if possible. Therefore, she didn't mind aiding them as long as it didn't inconvenience her.

"Hmm... I'll see what I can do," Charlene replied, shaking her head without giving a definitive answer, leaving room for negotiation. With her part done, she rose to her feet.

"Mrs. Daley, I must return to work now. It was a pleasure meeting you," Charlene said as she exited without glancing back. Meanwhile, Rachel gazed at the rising sun, holding a tube of toothpaste in her hand, seemingly lost in thought.

Observing that the toothpaste was about to slip from her hand and fall to the floor, Dominic grabbed her wrist in time. "You've been like this since yesterday," he remarked.

Startled by his voice, Rachel blinked and snapped out of her reverie. "Dominic, what do you think Ivonne is going through right now?" she asked in a daze. She wasn't accustomed to causing harm to others and couldn't shake her concern for Ivonne.

"If you want to find out, I'll inquire this afternoon," Dominic assured as he squeezed toothpaste onto Rachel's toothbrush and ruffled her hair.

"How will you find out without others knowing?" Rachel frowned, guilt gnawing at her.

"I have my ways. I'll update you tonight when I get home," Dominic replied, gazing into her eyes.

That evening, Dominic thoroughly investigated Ivonne's condition before returning home to inform Rachel.

Rachel was busy preparing dinner in the kitchen. When she looked up at Dominic, relief washed over her. "Thank goodness she's still alive." Despite Ivonne deserving punishment for plotting against Rachel, things hadn't taken a severe turn.

However, Dominic remained far from relieved. Both Ivonne and her mother were vindictive individuals, and he knew they would undoubtedly bring chaos into their lives.

"You need to be cautious, Rachel. This is just the beginning," Dominic warned, his eyes narrowing.

"That's what worries me," Rachel admitted with a frown.

"I am her sworn enemy now. She will undoubtedly seek revenge," Dominic noted, noticing panic in Rachel's eyes. He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and rested his chin on her collarbone, his voice soothing, "There's nothing to fear. I'm here with you. Please calm down."

Rachel closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and turned to hug him tightly. Tears welled up in her eyes as she whispered, "I wish I could calm down, but I can't help feeling that I've caused so much trouble."

Now, Rachel wished she could turn back time. She hadn't expected events to unfold this way. Stroking her hair to comfort her, Dominic silenced her with a kiss, causing her to swallow her unspoken words.

Dominic's top priority was to eliminate Ivonne and Kate once and for all.

However, before he could formulate a solid plan, he received a call from Kristian.

"Hey, buddy, I've just learned something. You need to reconsider your plans. Did you know Ivonne is Shane's new mistress?" Dominic's expression darkened instantly. He had heard rumors of Shane's numerous girlfriends, but he hadn't expected Ivonne to be one of them.

"So what? Why should that matter? Doesn't he change mistresses like he changes clothes? Or is he genuinely serious about Ivonne?" Dominic sneered.

"Yes, he changes mistresses frequently, but I can't say for certain if he's truly committed to Ivonne. Nevertheless, the fact remains that she is currently associated with him. You need to be cautious. I've heard Shane pulled some strings to get Kate released from prison. That means he's capable of anything for Ivonne, at least for now. If you intend to take action against them, exercise extreme caution. That's my advice," Kristian urged with seriousness.

Dominic's lips tightened into a grim line as he absorbed this advice. As much as he loathed to admit it, Kristian was right. There was no denying that Shane was a formidable adversary. With his powerful family background and connections established over decades, Dominic doubted if even Braden's identity could stand a chance against such a man.

"Alright, I've heard you. Assign a skilled bodyguard to secretly accompany Rachel wherever she goes," Dominic ordered, his fingers clenching so hard that his arm ached from the tension.

"Make it a female bodyguard."

"Ha-ha! I have to say, my responsibilities have multiplied since you got married. You might need to give me a raise, bro," Kristian jokingly remarked.

Following the call, Kristian initiated the search for a proficient female bodyguard, as per Dominic's instructions. While there were plenty of excellent bodyguards available, finding the perfect female candidate proved challenging.

In the end, a female bodyguard recommended by a professional security organization called Shadow, specializing in training assassins and bodyguards, caught Kristian's attention.

He personally visited the provided address to meet her. The location was well-lit with various training equipment, and about twenty men were engaged in sparring with a woman in dark purple attire. Despite her slight frame and delicate appearance, the woman commanded Kristian's full attention. At first glance, she seemed like someone any man would want to protect. None of her features indicated that she was a skilled fighter.

With a slight frown, Kristian averted his gaze and turned to the man beside him. "I find it rather distasteful that you've allowed this. Don't you have a heart? How can you let twenty men fight such a delicate-looking woman?"

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 147 – "Crab Legs and Condoms: The Billionaire's Blunder"

The man flashed a smile and replied, “Mr. Higgins, please don't let her appearance deceive you. This woman is Nadia Ortiz, the female bodyguard we recommended on the phone. And the men are her students. Despite her delicate appearance, she's more experienced and skilled than many male bodyguards in the industry. You should witness her in action.”

Kristian chuckled as he stared at the unassuming woman before him. "Witness her in action? Are you kidding me? What's there to watch? She seems too frail to be a qualified bodyguard. Those men could break her bones with a single punch!" Suddenly, Nadia halted her training, leaving the sparring area to approach Kristian. "Hey, did I offend you?" Kristian teased.

With one hand behind her back, Nadia gestured for Kristian to come closer with the other hand. But before he could react or speak, she moved towards him like lightning. Everything happened in an instant. Before he knew it, Kristian was on the ground with a loud thud. In a split second, the supposedly delicate woman had effortlessly taken down a six-foot-tall man!

"Ouch!" Kristian exclaimed in pain as he lay on the ground. Nadia dusted her hands and said, "Just so you know, I could handle twenty more men like you with one hand. Let's say you weren't prepared. Would you like to go another round?"

The pain was overwhelming, as if Kristian's spine had been shattered. He bit his lip, struggling to rise to his feet. Waving his hand, he said, "No need. I'm convinced."

Since the incident at the café, Rachel hadn't seen Spencer again. Just when she thought her life was returning to a semblance of peace, she received a call from him. Rachel was still at work and initially hesitated to answer the call. However, Spencer's persistent attempts made it hard to ignore, so she eventually answered.

"Aren't you going to thank me for saving your life the other day, Miss Daley?" Rachel could hear Spencer chuckling on the other end.

While she hadn't liked him before, after what he had done, she now harbored a deep disdain for him. Nevertheless, she acknowledged that she owed him a significant debt. If he hadn't intervened with the coffee incident, she might have been the victim.

"Fine, I appreciate it. What do you want, Mr. Dixon?" Rachel asked, casting vigilant glances around her.

"Hmm... What do I want? How about you drop by my place tomorrow evening?" Spencer bantered.

"Mr. Dixon, please don't tease me. Otherwise, I might just hang up on you."

Spencer's senseless joke was testing her patience. When he realized she was about to hang up, Spencer shifted to a more serious tone.

"Sorry, I was just joking. Don't be mad. Well, how about having dinner with me instead?"

Rachel had no desire to meet Spencer on her own, so she decided to invite Dominic along.

"Alright, I'll treat you to dinner, but I'll choose the time and place," she replied.

"Sure, just send me the details once you've decided." Spencer's smile returned.

That evening, after work, Rachel and Dominic met Spencer at a Japanese restaurant known for its crab dishes. Upon entering, they were greeted by the restaurant's Japanese-themed décor, complete with small bridges, a pond with koi, and rockeries that created a tranquil atmosphere. Spencer sat up straight when he noticed Rachel and began to speak.

"Miss Daley, you're—" Before he could complete his sentence, his expression darkened. Behind Rachel stood a tall man dressed in black, with his eyes concealed by a baseball cap.

Spencer could only discern his aquiline nose and jaw.

"My husband wanted to express his gratitude in person," Rachel said with a smile. She had anticipated this outcome and urged Dominic to take a seat.

"Oh, it's no trouble at all!" Spencer pretended to be fine with it, though he was genuinely uneasy about the man's presence.

Dominic, on the other hand, had worn a stern expression since entering the restaurant. He didn't appear grateful to Spencer at all. Observing Dominic's demeanor, Rachel pinched his arm, prompting him to speak.

"My wife is right. We appreciate your help," he stated politely.

Dominic then picked up a teacup and took a sip. Suddenly, he fixed Spencer with a sharp gaze.

"But if you ever lay a hand on my wife again, Mr. Dixon, I won't show you any mercy."

Spencer raised his eyebrows at Dominic and said nothing. He had already inquired about Rachel's husband. In his eyes, Dominic was just the illegitimate son of the Peterson family, and Spencer believed there was nothing Dominic could do to him. Otherwise, he would have stayed away from Rachel.

Spencer didn't take Dominic's warning seriously, offering only a smile as he raised his glass.

"Don't misunderstand. Rachel and I are just friends—nothing more, nothing less."

Dominic continued to sip his tea and remained silent. He was well aware of what Spencer had in mind. Spencer had been a playboy, and Dominic was certain he wouldn't give up on Rachel easily.

Nonetheless, Spencer wasn't inherently a bad person, and Rachel didn't have any interest in him. Dominic wasn't concerned at this point, as Spencer had saved Rachel's life once before. Given the circumstances, Dominic decided not to take any immediate action against him.

The expression on Dominic's face left Spencer uneasy. He couldn't fathom Dominic's thoughts. At that moment, the waiter served a crab dish, and Dominic picked up a crab leg.

"Try this," he said, placing the crab leg on Rachel's plate while casting a disinterested glance at Spencer.

"Please, Mr. Dixon, help yourself."

With a forced smile, Spencer agreed. He didn't enjoy the meal at all. In fact, he had purchased a box of condoms earlier, anticipating a different kind of evening. Now, it seemed that those plans were off the table. After dinner, the three of them parted ways. Rachel and Dominic were about to head home together.

The Japanese restaurant was located in a high-end shopping mall that featured luxury designer items. As they passed by a jewelry store, Rachel's attention was drawn to the display of new arrivals. There were dazzling red rubies embedded in white gold settings. The fiery rubies had been expertly designed, exuding a sense of wildness in both design and color choice. As a designer herself, Rachel couldn't help but be captivated by the display. She contemplated whether she could translate this design into her clothing line, as it had the potential to create stunning garments.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 148 – "Jewels, Jibes, and Jealousy: Rachel's Retail Rendezvous"

When Dominic noticed Rachel had stopped, he followed her gaze toward the ruby necklace in the store window. The necklace was a work of art and caught his attention.

"Do you like it?" he asked, walking over to join her by the window.

The soft, warm light illuminated Rachel's face, enhancing her already beautiful smile. Her eyes sparkled with admiration, clearly impressed by the necklace. She replied, "Don't you think it's incredibly beautiful? The designer is truly a genius."

However, Rachel was merely appreciating the designer's skill and the necklace's outstanding design. She didn't desire the jewelry as much as she admired its artistry. Besides, it was far beyond their budget, and only the exceptionally wealthy could afford such a piece.

Dominic recalled that Kristian often gave jewelry as gifts to women and surmised that women must be drawn to shiny, sparkly items. Based on this assumption, he deduced that Rachel likely wanted the necklace but was hesitant due to its cost. Dominic maintained his composed demeanor and began devising a plan to purchase the necklace for her without her knowledge. Rachel remained unaware of Dominic's thoughts as she took out her phone, contemplating whether to take pictures of the necklace.

However, a condescending voice interrupted her thoughts from inside the store.

"Miss Daley, you've been standing there for quite a while. Should I ask the manager to permit you to take photos?" The voice belonged to a familiar figure.

Rachel turned around to see who it was, and her heart sank. Standing by the store's entrance was Estela, wearing a stunning navy blue dress and sunglasses. She removed her sunglasses, revealing a bright smile. Her assistant stood behind her, laden with shopping bags. It was evident that Estela had just finished shopping.

"No, thank you, Miss Katalina," Rachel replied with a frown.

She and Estela had not been on good terms since the party. Rachel wanted to avoid any further conflicts, especially because Estela was an influencer affiliated with the Porter Group. Bringing their personal dispute into their workplace would not be wise.

Initially, Estela had no intention of targeting Rachel. She believed Rachel was off-limits since Kristian was dating her. However, once she learned that Kristian was dating someone else, Estela assumed that Rachel had been dumped and considered her fair game.

It was widely known that Kristian never dated more than one woman at a time, even though he was a notorious playboy. Consequently, Estela concluded that Rachel had been cast aside and felt entitled to mistreat her. She sneered and flipped her hair when she saw Rachel's frown, recalling the humiliation she had suffered at the ball.

Estela was momentarily captivated by the man standing beside Rachel. He didn't possess the effeminate handsomeness she typically encountered; instead, his features were strong and chiseled, exuding an air of cold detachment. Yet, there was a hint of reserved confidence in his eyes.

"Wow! Who would have thought that plain Rachel could attract such a handsome man? Both Kristian and this man are incredibly attractive. I wonder how she managed to land them. Humph! Someone like her doesn't deserve such a charming prince!" Estela was bedazzled by the man's looks, but her observation also noted his less-than-impressive attire, leading her to assume he lacked wealth.

"Wow! Rachel scored a handsome man with shallow pockets. She got what she deserved!" Estela thought with a smug smile. She believed that bullying Rachel would be effortless now that she had no one to defend her.

"Oh, Miss Daley. Why rush off so quickly?" Estela put on a patronizing expression as she swiftly approached Rachel in her heels.

The humiliation Rachel had subjected her to at the ball still rankled, and Estela had not yet let it go. Bumping into Rachel today had rekindled her desire for revenge. Estela wanted Rachel to experience the same humiliation she had endured, but magnified tenfold.

Estela's smile and friendly tone were merely a facade to deceive Rachel. She had already begun devising a plan in her head while holding Rachel's arm, preventing her from leaving.

"Actually, I don't need anything from you. I just thought I should help you out since you seem interested in the jewelry here. Come and take a look at some of them. Since I'm a VIP customer here, you don't have to worry. You've probably never been to such an upscale store before, right? Well, today will be different. I'll be your guide in this store."

"Thank you for the offer, Miss Katalina, but I'll have to decline," Rachel responded calmly. She didn't want to engage with Estela, as their previous interactions had been fraught with tension.

"Oh, no! I'm not tired at all," Estela replied with a grin. "Is your concern for me the only reason you're declining, or are you worried that the store attendants might look down on you? Don't worry; I'm here with you, and no one will dare say a word. Let's go!" Estela knew that Rachel wanted to avoid her.

Being the conniving person she was, Estela was eager to witness Rachel's embarrassment after being humiliated once more.

"Alright, you win. Let's do this, Miss Katalina," Rachel reluctantly agreed with a forced smile, taking Estela's arm and entering the store.

"What?" Estela was momentarily taken aback, trying to comprehend Rachel's words. Before she could react, Rachel had already pulled her inside the shop.

The store's interior was extravagant, illuminated brightly despite the dark outside. As they entered, store clerks gathered around them, greeting them with a professional demeanor. Rachel let go of Estela's arm, glanced around while holding her phone, and then intentionally raised her voice.

"Miss Katalina, now that you're here, I can take all the photos I want!" She began taking pictures of the jewelry inside the store.

The expressions of the store clerks immediately shifted, and one of them hurried to intervene. She blocked Rachel's camera with her hand, maintaining a professional smile. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but taking photos of our products is not allowed. Please put your phone away."

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 149 – "From Pauper to Princess: Rachel's Retail Transformation"

Rachel put on an act, pretending to be surprised, and covered her mouth while stealing a glance at Estela. The latter remained frozen in place, completely dumbfounded.

"But Miss Katalina insisted that she's a VIP patron here. She must have mentioned allowing me to pre-photograph the place, right? She's a well-known celebrity. Can't she have that privilege?" Rachel inquired, her voice shaking slightly.

The store clerk glanced over at Estela and responded, "As far as I recall, Miss Katalina has never shopped here before. How could she possibly be one of our VIP customers?"

The shop staff, sharp and attentive, remembered their regular customers well. Estela felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her, and her only desire was to flee the scene.

In truth, the shop assistant was stating facts. Miss Katalina had never set foot in this store and was far from being a VIP.

Furthermore, this was a renowned international luxury jewelry brand, endorsed by A-list celebrities. No one took Estela seriously in this glamorous setting. Her earlier words mocking Rachel had been nothing but bravado. She hadn't expected Rachel to actually come to the store and start taking photos.

The shop clerk shifted her gaze awkwardly towards Estela once more.

"However, our store policy strictly prohibits photography of our products, Miss Katalina. If you find any jewelry you like, you can certainly make a purchase," the clerk politely explained.

"No, thank you. I have more than enough jewelry at home," Estela replied, shaking her head, trying to maintain composure.

All she wanted now was to escape this situation. She knew she couldn't afford any of the jewelry here; they were all well beyond her budget. Her salary was decent, but her extravagant lifestyle left little room for savings. Visiting this store was mostly for window-shopping.

Seeing that Estela didn't appear capable of making a purchase, Rachel put her phone away and nodded, wearing a sardonic smile.

"Oh, really? Then why invite me here to take photos? Why put yourself through this, Miss Katalina?" she quipped.

At this point, Estela felt too ashamed to reply. She clenched her teeth, harboring a deep resentment towards Rachel. This encounter had revealed a side of Rachel she hadn't anticipated – her sharp tongue. Now, Rachel no longer cared about the disdainful look Estela gave her.

Just as they were about to exit the store, Dominic entered. He stood before a dazzling ruby necklace in the display case.

"Do you like it too? Why are you admiring it?" Rachel asked, holding his hand.

"I think it would look exquisite on you," Dominic replied, gazing at her with affection.

"I don't really want it. With that kind of money, we could buy several houses. Let's go home. I'm finished here," Rachel replied, smiling at him. His words were music to her ears.

But before they could leave, a store clerk suddenly intervened.

"Ma'am, please wait."

Rachel looked back at the store attendant, baffled, and asked calmly, "Is there something else?"

The store attendant, now with a polite smile, bowed respectfully. Her attitude had done a complete 180.

"Begging your pardon, Miss, but feel free to take as many photos as you'd like. We also have a stunning collection of classics if you're interested. We'd be delighted to show them to you."

Rachel was taken aback by the sudden change.

Estela, her anger simmering, found herself bewildered.

Rachel pursed her lips and glanced at Dominic. The sudden shift in the store attendant's attitude left her perplexed and unsure.

"What does this mean? Why the change in the rules?" she pondered.

The store attendant's smile grew wider.

She replied politely, "Rules sometimes have exceptions, especially for distinguished guests like yourself."

This explanation only heightened Rachel's confusion.

She thought, "Me, a distinguished guest? Since when? Weren't they treating me like a pauper just moments ago?" Estela, too, was skeptical, believing it was a joke or a misunderstanding. She couldn't fathom Rachel being anything more than an ordinary Porter Group employee.

"What does this mean? Is there a mix-up or something? How did she become your distinguished guest? Are you sure about this?" Estela couldn't hold back her frustration any longer.

Ignoring Estela entirely, the store attendant respectfully motioned for Rachel to join her in the exclusive VIP reception area.

"Welcome to the VIP lounge, Miss Daley. Please have a seat. We'll present our finest classics, and refreshments will be served shortly."

The other employees went about their tasks, paying no heed to Estela's protests.

Some donned black gloves and carefully brought out jewelry classics from the top shelves, displaying them for Rachel and Dominic.

These pieces of jewelry were truly stunning, ranging from gold, silver, diamonds, sapphires, and more. They left Rachel speechless.

When Dominic saw Rachel's awe, he grabbed the jewelry box she had been eyeing and brought it closer.

Rachel leaned in and whispered to him, "I secretly checked the prices of these pieces. They're incredibly expensive. It's not wise to touch them. What if I accidentally break something?"

Rachel had her doubts about the employees and sensed something fishy about their behavior. She worried they might pressure her into buying something if she caused any damage.

Dominic chuckled softly, leaning back on the sofa.

"Don't worry. If anything breaks, I'll cover it," he assured her, warmth in his eyes.

Rachel's heart fluttered at his affectionate gaze, making her feel oddly relieved. "Wow, he's so handsome!" she thought to herself. 😍

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 150 – "Mystique of the 'Ocean': Rachel's Blue Diamond Discovery" 😄

Rachel's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue as her gaze met his.

With her husband's comforting assurance, any lingering hesitation melted away. She gingerly picked up a piece of jewelry, scrutinizing it closely.

At that precise moment, a shop attendant made a graceful entrance, bearing a tray laden with slices of succulent fruits and dainty desserts.

"Miss, have you found something to your liking among our selection? If none of these pieces strikes your fancy, we have an exclusive range available, not yet released to the public. These bespoke creations, though, will require some time for delivery upon placing an order," the shop attendant elucidated while pouring tea for both Rachel and Dominic.

For the umpteenth time in the past half-hour, Rachel found herself astounded. She discreetly pinched her thigh to confirm that she wasn't ensnared in a dream or a fantastical reverie. 😮

"What's going on? Clad in humble attire, I hardly resemble an affluent woman. How does this shop attendant assume I can afford custom-made jewelry?" Rachel pondered in disbelief.

Lost in contemplation, Rachel discerned something peculiar. The shop attendant's gaze was persistently fixated on the wedding ring adorning her finger. It was then that Rachel comprehended the reason behind the staff's deferential treatment.

She delicately traced her ring with her finger, a puzzled expression clouding her features. 😕

"Why is she so captivated by my ring?" she mused, dismissing its significance.

Perceiving the bafflement on Rachel's countenance, the shop attendant cautiously inquired, "Ma'am, are you familiar with the backstory of that ring?"

Rachel subconsciously glanced at Dominic, the ring's bestower. She couldn't fathom a gripping tale behind what she assumed was merely a counterfeit bauble. Consequently, she shook her head and responded, "I'm not."

Inexplicably, Dominic feigned a sudden coughing fit.

"Dominic, are you feeling unwell? Is your throat bothering you?" Rachel fretted, patting his back and proffering a glass of water. 😟💧

"Why did he start coughing all of a sudden?" Rachel puzzled over his odd behavior.

The shop attendant, noticing Dominic's persistent coughing since her conversation began, sought to offer assistance. "We have some cough medicine available in the store. Would you like some, sir?"

Dominic waved it off, reaching for the glass of water on the table and taking a sip. He had been dropping hints to the shop attendant, even going as far as to fake a series of coughs, yet she seemed oblivious. Since the woman wasn't employed by Dominic, he couldn't reveal the truth in Rachel's presence, leading to his mounting anxiety. 😬

The shop attendant's gaze returned to Rachel's ring, and she adjusted her tone. "The blue diamond on your ring is known as the 'Ocean.' It's the most prestigious and renowned piece in our brand's history, steeped in history and value. I heard it was acquired at a considerable price long ago. Never did I imagine I'd encounter its owner today. Possessing it signifies you're an invaluable patron," she articulated with reverence.

Rachel was left flabbergasted by this revelation. Tentatively, she inquired, "Are you absolutely certain it's not a fake?"

She couldn't fathom how Dominic could afford such a high-priced treasure when their financial status was far from opulent. 😯

Additionally, Rachel had observed several counterfeit items in Dominic's possession. Given the advanced state of forgery technology, distinguishing these replicas from genuine articles was challenging. Yet, the shop attendant shook her head and smiled.

"Ma'am, you must be joking. I've spent years working here, and I'm intimately acquainted with our brand's most illustrious creation. I can say with absolute certainty that your ring is authentic. If you have any doubts, feel free to consult a professional jewelry appraiser for confirmation."

Rachel was dumbfounded by the assertion that her ring was genuine. Her thoughts raced back to Dominic's strange behavior—his peculiar winks and sudden coughing fit. Her eyes widened in astonishment as a multitude of questions bubbled to the surface.

Suddenly, Rachel sprang to her feet, her anger surging like a blazing inferno. She slowly exited the store and curtly said, "Dominic, let's return home."

Dominic closed his eyes momentarily, complying with her directive. He was well aware of her capacity for resilience, and he couldn't help but be intrigued by her fiery demeanor. 😌

Meanwhile, Estela had overheard the shop attendant's revelations. She couldn't fathom how Rachel could afford such an extravagant ring.

Estela fumed, crossing her arms and addressing her assistant. "Could Rachel truly be that affluent?"

Her assistant, on the brink of anxiety, stammered, "Estela, have we possibly offended a prominent figure? It's too early to jump to conclusions, but I'm certainly perplexed."

Estela exited the store, only to discover that Rachel and Dominic had vanished. "Who on earth is Rachel, and how did she come into possession of such an extravagant ring?" Estela pondered with bewilderment.

The evening had descended, the clock striking 10 o'clock.

Throughout the journey home, Rachel maintained a resolute silence, leaving Dominic on edge. Upon entering their home, she leaned against the shoe cabinet, fixing Dominic with a steely gaze.

Her demeanor conveyed unmistakable fury. "Dominic, is there something you'd like to confess?" she demanded, her voice deceptively plain.

Dominic was caught off guard by the direct question, aware of its underlying gravity. Nonetheless, he met her gaze with a smile, for he knew that Rachel was much tougher than she appeared. 😏

Her stern demeanor held an undeniable allure for him. Fortunately, he had prepared an explanation in advance. "My mother passed this ring down to me, and I gave it to you as our wedding ring," Dominic calmly elucidated, showing no signs of guilt.

He drew nearer, leaning his elbows against the cabinet beside Rachel, locking eyes with her. "Is that satisfactory?" 😊

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 151 – "A Tale of Two Rings: Rachel's Retail Rebellion"

Rachel didn't appear convinced.

"But you previously mentioned that you had your friend purchase this ring, claiming it was a cheap imitation?"

At the time of Dominic's ring purchase, he hadn't put much thought into it, merely selecting the most valuable option available. Discovering the ring's historical significance was a fortunate turn, enabling him to craft the perfect excuse.

He wasn't being dishonest when he mentioned that his friend had acquired it for him; he had indeed enlisted Kristian's help and considered it a modest gift by his standards.

"Back in the day, before the Peterson family's decline, we were a respected name in Sunhaven." Dominic lightly brushed his nose against Rachel's, tenderly caressing her cheek with his finger.

"Why would I deceive you, my dear? Do you truly believe I could afford such an extravagant ring?" Rachel was well aware of Dominic's mother's Peterson lineage. Nevertheless, she had received a platinum emerald ring from Dominic, under the pretense that it was a cherished family heirloom passed down through generations. This sudden revelation of another priceless heirloom raised doubts in her mind. Rachel worried that Dominic might have acquired the ring through illicit means.

"While it's true I couldn't afford such a ring with my own funds, that doesn't mean there aren't other ways I could have obtained it," she said, her gaze sharp, sidestepping his touch. Her concern lingered, fearing her husband's involvement in some unlawful activity.

"You're overthinking it, honey," Dominic replied in a patient tone. He sensed that convincing her this time wouldn't be simple.

"Your family has handed down quite a collection of jewelry over the generations, haven't they?" Rachel scoffed.

Dominic found himself on the defensive, compelled to spin an intricate web of lies to conceal the initial one.

"Well, after the Peterson family's financial downfall, they sold numerous valuable antiques, paintings, and rare calligraphy amassed over the years. My grandmother had a penchant for collecting precious and exquisite jewelry during her lifetime. She adored them. My grandfather couldn't bear to part with them, so he allowed her to keep them. Upon her passing, my mother inherited her most cherished pieces of jewelry, which she held dear even in her most trying times. Eventually, she passed them down to me, and these two rings were among them."

Dominic opted not to delve into excessive detail; too much information risked exposing cracks in his carefully constructed deception. Nevertheless, he ensured his explanation sounded plausible, with elements of truth intertwined in his narrative. The platinum emerald ring indeed had its origins in his grandmother's collection.

"I see," Rachel responded. "I was truly taken aback by what the store attendant said today. Given our financial circumstances, it seemed implausible that you could afford such an expensive ring. I left abruptly without further inquiry. Something about the situation felt suspicious. In that moment, I feared they might have secretly alerted the police. Thankfully, we didn't encounter any trouble."

Rachel let out a sigh of relief and held her chest, her thoughts still preoccupied with her husband's maternal family. The blue diamond ring in her possession had her wary.

"Dominic, why didn't you share this story with me sooner? I had no idea I was wearing such a valuable ring. Honestly, I believed it was a mere trinket you bought from an ordinary jewelry store. What if I had damaged or lost it? I would have been devastated," Rachel complained, pinching his arm and pouting.

"Isn't it evident why I kept it from you? Rachel, you're so down-to-earth. Tell me honestly, if I had disclosed its true value, would you have agreed to wear it?" Dominic's pupils darkened, his gaze intense as he stared into her beautiful eyes. His mind wandered, and it had been a while since he had been intimate with her. A pleasurable sensation tingled in his groin, a yearning to make love to her.

"Come on, that's not an excuse. Have you forgotten that I asked you to buy an ordinary ring? Why did you insist on giving me such a valuable one without my knowledge?" Rachel glared at him, her eyes wide open. Her expression remained gentle and soft, but she had attempted to remove the ring from her finger as she spoke. Dominic, however, held her hand firmly.

The room's light reflected off the diamond, casting a shadow on his prominent nose bridge.

"I didn't forget what you said at all. It's just that this is your wedding ring, a symbol of our commitment. How could I have chosen something cheap? Remember, you vowed on the altar to be with me until death do us part. You're my wife, and you can't just take it off and return it to me, even if you're uncomfortable with its price. You're mine, now and always," Dominic asserted possessively, his expression deadly serious, a side of him Rachel hadn't seen before.

His words carried a passionate intensity that seemed to etch them into her heart effortlessly. Rachel found his words irresistibly charming, her thoughts no longer dwelling on the past incident with Charlene. Instead, she was captivated by his recent declaration.

Unable to find the right words, Rachel lowered her head, avoiding eye contact with him. An indescribable warmth filled her heart, as if a red balloon was inflating within.

Dominic's words echoed in her mind, causing her cheeks to flush. After a brief hesitation, Rachel took off the dazzling blue diamond ring despite Dominic's objections and placed it in his palm.

Dominic released her hand, gazing at the diamond ring.

"What are you doing?" Rachel pushed his fingers to close around the diamond ring, her smile directed at him.

"The family heirloom must mean a lot to you. Judging by the shop attendant's reaction today, it seems the ring holds more value than we thought. So, I can't wear it."

"I never take back what I've given to others," Dominic replied, his brows furrowing as he met her gaze. Yet, he was relieved that Rachel had ceased to inquire about the ring's origin.

Rachel bit her lip, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

"I'm not returning it to you. I just want you to keep it safe for me. I'll wear it on special occasions. It would be ridiculous to wear such an extravagant ring every day now that I know its true worth."

Dominic had no choice but to stow the ring away, deciding to refrain from gifting Rachel valuable rings for the time being.

"Very well, I'll keep it safe for you. You can wear it whenever you wish," Dominic murmured, his fingers caressing the ring.

"Shall we head to the mall now? You can choose a diamond ring you'd feel comfortable wearing every day, and I'll cover the cost." After a moment's contemplation, Rachel nodded.

"It's already late. How about we go tomorrow after I finish work?" She turned to head back to her room.

Dominic grasped her elbow and brought her to his side.

"Are you playing dumb? Do you recall what I told you?" he inquired, tilting his head towards the bedroom.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Rachel retorted, her cheeks turning crimson. She had clearly heard Dominic's earlier words.

Dominic blocked her path to the bedroom, folding his arms across his chest as he locked eyes with her. "You're not angry with me, so why not return to my room?"

Rachel peered up at him, snorting with disdain. "Since you've lied to me once again, I want to observe your behavior before making a decision. Step aside. I have work tomorrow."

Dominic's expression fell with disappointment. He let out a sigh and stepped aside, allowing Rachel to return to her room.

The following afternoon, after Rachel finished work, Dominic picked her up, and they headed to the mall together.

Rachel didn't desire expensive rings from luxury brands, so Dominic took her to a small jewelry store within the mall.

After inspecting the various rings on display, Rachel eventually settled on a simple ring with a small stone.

"This one," Rachel declared, picking it up with a smile. "I find it beautiful."

Although the ring appeared plain and unadorned, it was comfortable and provided a sense of reassurance. She looked up at Dominic and inquired, "Would you like to choose a matching ring too?"

Rachel's smile melted Dominic's heart. He nodded and selected a matching diamond ring for himself.

Ultimately, Rachel chose a pair of reasonably priced yet elegant diamond rings for them.

However, Dominic felt somewhat uneasy purchasing such modest jewelry, as he was accustomed to higher standards.

"Put it on," Rachel instructed.

Rachel retrieved the ring from its velvet box and slid it onto Dominic's finger. A joyful smile graced her face as she placed her hand beside his, observing the two matching rings gleaming in the light.

Dominic couldn't help but smile at the happiness evident on her face.

As they were about to leave after settling the bill, a woman entered the store. She was dressed in a hat, sunglasses, and a mask, clutching a bag tightly.

Rachel frowned as the woman passed by her. Something about her attire seemed strangely familiar.

She stopped and turned to look at the woman again.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 152 – "Echoes of Elegance: The Daley Family's Desperation"

The moment the mysterious lady entered the quaint shop, she reached into her purse, revealing a collection of exquisite jewelry. It was evident that her visit was driven by a unique purpose. However, her nervous disposition caused a few of the jewelry pieces to tumble clumsily to the floor, creating a surprising but melodious clang.

Startled by the unexpected sound, the woman hastily retrieved the fallen item and delicately placed it on the counter. Alongside it, she unveiled a magnificent pearl bracelet she had just retrieved from her bag.

Dominic, catching Rachel's abrupt stillness, curiously inquired, "Do you know her?"

He followed Rachel's gaze to the mysterious woman standing by the counter.

Rachel hesitated briefly, her gaze fixed upon the stranger, and replied, "Her silhouette bears a striking resemblance to that of my foster mother."

The shop attendant meticulously evaluated the jewelry and, after a moment, made an offer.

"An impressive sum of one hundred thousand dollars," the shop assistant declared.

Finally, the woman spoke up, her tone filled with a mix of frustration and determination as she picked up one of the items on the counter, saying, "It simply cannot be worth a mere hundred thousand dollars. These treasures hold immense value."

Rachel's expression froze as she recognized the woman before her as none other than Kate.

Sensing someone's presence behind her, Kate gracefully removed her sunglasses and shifted her gaze to see who it was. To her astonishment, she found herself locking eyes with Rachel.

In their wordless exchange, Kate felt a profound sense of embarrassment and quickly averted her gaze. Observing Rachel's puzzled expression, she suspected that Rachel might have recognized her.

As a wave of shame washed over her, Kate deeply regretted her decision to pawn her cherished jewelry.

In recent times, the Daley family had faced considerable challenges. Although Ivonne had received some support from Shane, it proved insufficient to sustain the Daley Group's operations.

Moreover, Shane's astute business acumen had already discerned the bleak prospects of the Daley Group. Every time Ivonne approached him for investment, he artfully avoided the topic or offered plausible excuses.

Unable to stand idly by while witnessing the impending collapse of the Daley Group, Kate reluctantly made the decision to part with her personal possessions to bridge the gap in the household's finances.

However, her reputation held immense importance to her. She had started as a modest student, and when she married the affluent Mr. Daley, her newfound fortune stirred envy among those around her. The fear of her financial struggles becoming public intensified, as she was determined to maintain her image. Thus, she concealed her true identity whenever she entered the pawnshop.

Kate had never anticipated crossing paths with Rachel, of all people, in this charming little store. She discreetly lowered the brim of her hat to obscure her features, sneaking occasional glances at Rachel.

Despite Rachel's current confusion, it seemed that she was basking in happiness. Kate couldn't help but wonder about her precious daughter, Ivonne, who had recently been discharged from the hospital. The thought of Ivonne's suffering due to Rachel weighed heavily on Kate's heart.

Kate harbored a deep-seated resentment towards Rachel, her eyes welling with emotion as she clenched her teeth.

Had it not been for Rachel, the Daley family wouldn't have found themselves in these dire straits. But now, Dominic was with Rachel, further fueling Kate's frustration.

She recognized that causing trouble for Rachel at this moment would serve no purpose. Thus, she calmly retrieved her jewelry from the counter and delivered a polite but firm message to the shop assistant, "I've decided not to sell them at this time."

With those words, she left the shop with her handbag tightly in her grasp, maintaining her composure.

As she returned home, her feelings were mixed, but she managed to keep her composure.

Upon entering the living room, Ivonne descended the stairs, her eyes swollen from crying. She threw herself into Kate's arms, tears flowing unabated, and exclaimed, "Mom, I need your help."

Kate felt a surge of concern for her daughter and asked, "Honey, what's going on?"

Ivonne's sobs made it difficult for her to speak coherently. After regaining some composure, she tremulously took out her phone.

Her hands quivered as she said, "Mom, you should see this for yourself. I can't bring myself to watch it again, or I might lose hope."

Ivonne sat down on the couch, covering her ears with both hands, trembling uncontrollably.

Kate's heart ached as she unlocked the phone and played the video. It depicted a group of several men with Ivonne, but the scene was entirely different from what they had initially seen.

"That Rachel! She's behind this! I'll make sure she pays for it!" Kate exclaimed, her rage making it difficult to watch the video any longer.

Ivonne covered her ears, crying miserably, and in a high-pitched voice, she said, "It was those men who sent the video to me. They're blackmailing me with it, Mom. They threatened to publish it online if I don't pay them the money they demanded. Those bastards! I was the one who hired them in the first place!"

Kate tried to maintain her composure, taking a seat next to Ivonne to offer comfort.

"Don't worry, honey. We'll find a way to handle this. So far, you've only shared this with me, right?"

"I didn't dare tell Charlene. I was afraid she might tell Shane. Shane can't see this, or he'll be repulsed by me and leave."

Ivonne cried hysterically, her face clearly visible in the video. The thought of the video going public filled her with dread.

In a city like Sunhaven, any man would be disgusted by the video, especially Shane. No man could accept the idea of their girlfriend being subjected to such a horrific ordeal.

Initially, Ivonne had hired those men for a different purpose, targeting Rachel. She had never anticipated becoming ensnared in her own scheme.

Kate felt a throbbing migraine and asked, "How much are they demanding, Ivonne?"

Ivonne wiped away her tears and sobbed, "One hundred thousand dollars."

Kate assured her, "We'll find a solution to this. It's not an insurmountable amount." 😔🌟

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 153 – "Crashing the Party: A Tale of Tipsy Trouble"

Kate continued with a more serious expression on her face. "But they aren’t upstanding people. They will keep asking us for money, and larger sums each time. We can’t let that happen."

"Aargh! What do we do then? We can’t let them post that video! My whole life will come crashing down if that video gets out!"

Ivonne pulled her hair as she spoke, never having been this desperate before. She was sweating, yelling, and crying hysterically all at the same time. Her current countenance worried Kate to death. She feared her daughter might suffer a mental breakdown because of this issue.

To prevent this, she sighed deeply and said comfortingly, “I won’t let that happen to you, honey. I’ll think of a way to solve this issue before it escalates. Just trust me.”

“You better hurry up, Mom! You better hurry up. Those guys gave me only five days to make up my mind. Time is not on our side, so think of something fast!” Ivonne ordered disrespectfully.

Kate became even more anxious after hearing her daughter’s demand. She tapped her right foot on the floor nervously and thought for a while.

Suddenly, she said, “If we want to solve this matter once and for all, we have to get rid of those men. But how do we go about it? We don’t have any power or money to hire skillful assassins to do the dirty work. Worse still, we can’t ask Shane for help.”

The next second, she snapped her fingers as if she had realized something. She then held Ivonne’s hand and added seriously, “We have to ask Charlene for help.”

“That’s a very bad idea, Mom. What if she tells her father? I don’t trust her concerning something this big. She might not be on our side this time!” Ivonne shook her head vigorously.

“I know we shouldn’t trust Charlene completely, but we aren’t spoiled for choice now. She’s our only option.” Kate had serious trust issues.

But now that she was in a tight corner, she could only hope that Charlene was as nice and kind-hearted as she seemed to be and that she would agree to help them. She put a call through to her immediately.

Charlene thought the matter through after hearing Kate out.

“Hmmm. Should I help these folks? I guess I should. If these blackmailers continue to disturb Ivonne and Kate, they wouldn’t have the time and energy to deal with Rachel for me. My plan would flop again. No, I can’t let that happen. I have to help them.”

“Mrs. Daley, don’t worry. I’m sure there’s a way out. I can help you, but I can only help you investigate those men. Would that be enough for you?”

As much as Charlene wanted to help them, she didn’t want to get her hands dirty. If anyone found out she was involved in such a thing, she would be in big trouble.

Charlene wanted to crush her enemies.

However, she always made her moves discreetly because she had to protect her family’s name. She came from a decent family, so it would be unwise to pull their name into the mud because of such a frivolity.

Kate was surprised by how Charlene readily agreed to help. She was so relieved that she thanked her several times.

It was indeed a big favor that Charlene decided to provide them with valuable information. Charlene immediately contacted her private investigators.

Within two hours, she found out the men’s personal information, plate numbers, and the places they often went to.

Kate and Ivonne followed the men for three whole days.

From their activities, both women were able to gather that the men were jobless and that they slept in their rental apartment until noon.

They were fond of clubbing all night in different nightclubs.

All of them also reeked of alcohol and weed. It was not until the fourth day that Kate found that they often drove home drunk.

This silly behavior of theirs was a weak point.

Kate soon came up with a plan.

“Mom, have you figured out a way to deal with those men? If you haven’t, let’s just pay them off now. We have only one day left. We shouldn’t let the ultimatum elapse without doing anything!” Ivonne was on tenterhooks. She hadn’t been able to sleep well since she got these video clips. Her sleep was plagued with nightmares of her world being destroyed.

Even during the day, she couldn’t concentrate on anything. Kate grabbed her hand, and they went home.

A devilish glint blazed in her eyes at this moment. She said to Ivonne confidently, “Don’t worry, dearie. They won’t live to see the end of tomorrow.”

Without explaining further, she took out her phone and dialed a number. She then commanded, “Send someone to Deep Sea Club tonight.”

Kate hired someone to tamper with the men’s car. It was the dead of night, and so silent you could hear a pin drop.

The men draped their arms over each other’s shoulders for support and sauntered out of the bar drunkenly.

One of them made a suggestion, “I’ll drive. We can take a leisurely drive before we head home.”

A little while later, the car picked up the men from the curb side.

The rest of the men were so drunk that they paid no attention to the driver.

The next day, the sky was bright blue, and the streets were bustling.

Kate had enjoyed a restful sleep. She turned on the TV in a relaxed mood and smiled at what she saw.

A morning news report advised that a group of drunk vagrants had driven while intoxicated and caused a tragic accident.

From the footage played on the news, smoke filled the sky when the fire was eventually extinguished.

The car was battered and in several pieces.

Kate could vaguely make out several dead bodies littering the scene around the burnt car.

All the men had met their demise in this accident.

The place of the accident was located in the suburbs, miles away from the city.

The car had crashed and burned to ashes.

When the policemen arrived at the scene, they were met by the sight of the flaming car and numerous dead bodies.

There was no brake failure discovered.

In the end, the police wrote it off as a simple accident caused by drunk driving.

“Mom, are they really dead?” Ivonne asked from the staircases, dark circles around her eyes.

In the course of just a few days, her face had become haggard because of the stress of the blackmail. Kate heaved a long sigh of relief, motioned the servant to bring the breakfast, and then walked up the stairs to grab hold of Ivonne’s hand.

She pulled her to sit down at the table and said, “Yes, they are dead. Eat a good breakfast first and then put on your makeup. It has been quite a few days since you last saw Shane, isn’t it? Just tell him that you have been feeling under the weather for the past few days. Don’t mention anything else to him.”

Ivonne picked up a sandwich and ate it.

The sandwich looked tantalizing to the taste buds, but she was in no mood to enjoy it.

As a matter of fact, it had been almost a

week since she last met with Shane.

Men like Shane changed women even more often than they changed clothes.

Ivonne feared that some tramp had already stolen Shane away from her during this time.

“What about Rachel? Mom, I can’t let her go for what she had done to me!”

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 154 – "Navigating Office Politics: Strategies for Success in the Design Industry"

Ivonne’s voice was full of unhidden contempt. She had already marked Rachel as her mortal enemy.

“You just need to make sure you keep Shane. I will handle Rachel,” Kate said with a wicked smile while she also ate breakfast.

It had been such a piece of cake for her to get rid of the men who had been blackmailing her daughter. She already had a plan devised in her mind to deal with Rachel.

Kate thought that she could also use a similar trick to deal with Rachel. A simple trick that could be falsified as an accident.

However, since Rachel seldom drove herself, it would be much more difficult to execute this kind of plan.

Kate would have to wait for the opportunity to arise.

Kate decided to call Charlene first.

“Charlene, I have come up with the perfect plan.”

Kate was well aware of the fact that she no longer had many connections so she needed to get help from Charlene.

Charlene didn’t expect that Kate would come up with a plan so quickly, but she was happily surprised.

“That’s great news, Mrs. Daley. Rachel should have been taught a good lesson a long time ago.”

Charlene didn’t press her for too many details. To be cautious, she wouldn’t get herself involved in the details.

However, she would help Kate and Ivonne create the opportunities that they required to carry out their revenge.

It was autumn in Sunhaven. Golden, auburn, and red leaves fell gently from the trees and scattered the streets below.

The sky was overcast and gloomy.

Every person on the street had windbreakers on and walked briskly through the inclement weather.

Rachel peered out of the window, wondering whether there would be heavy rains to follow this foreboding weather.

Stephanie’s usual serious voice suddenly came to her ears.

“See me in my office, Daley.” Everyone cast Rachel a sympathetic look.

Recently, Stephanie had been picking on every designer in the store.

People were starting to wonder if she was perhaps going through menopause.

“Ms. Miller, what can I do for you?”

Rachel recalled the work she had done over the past few days. She had completed every project as scheduled. She couldn’t think of a reason for Stephanie to criticize her.

“You have done a stellar job on the Dixon Bank project. A clothing brand of theirs wants to work with us. Have a look at their proposal yourself.”

Stephanie sat cross-legged in the chair and handed Rachel a document to peruse. Then she lowered her head and continued to look over the design drafts.

“So who will I work with this time?” Rachel said, holding a large stack of documents in her hands.

It was industry norm for there to usually be a chief designer and at least one lower-level co-designer collaborating on one project together. Stephanie raised her eyes, rested her elbow on the table, and said thoughtfully, “Since you have worked with the Dixon before, I am going to let you be the chief designer for this project.”

“But I’m just a mid-tier designer…”

She had never been a chief designer on any project, nor did she qualify for one; which meant that Stephanie was making an exception for her.

This could definitely attract jealousy from her colleagues.

“The Dixon Group made that request from us, so this is final. Well, you may leave now,” Stephanie said in a businesslike tone.

Rachel had mixed feelings about Stephanie.

Sometimes she felt that her supervisor was friendly and nice; other times she felt like she was cold and distant.

Rachel thought about it for some time but still felt uneasy. She called Spencer during her lunch break.

“Mr. Dixon, will you please stop doing this?”

When Spencer heard her voice on the other end of the line, he was initially quite happy. But when he heard the frigid tone in which she questioned him, his heart sank.

“What exactly did I do? Would you do me the courtesy of not accusing me of something before you have ascertained whether I have actually done it?” Spencer responded irately.

“Didn’t you tell Stephanie that you wanted me to be the chief designer on the new project?” Rachel was confused and her tone softened.

“That has nothing to do with me. The clothing brand saw our advertisement on TV and admired the costume design. That’s why they came to you,” Spencer said.

“To put it bluntly, they really appreciate your design.”

Rachel felt an inner sense of achievement and looked like she was over the moon. She finally managed to accept the job with ease.

Elsewhere, Charlene got wind of the news quickly. She had been keeping an eye on Rachel and thought that it was imperative that she didn’t allow Rachel to take on the project.

Rachel hadn’t been working in the Porter Group for too long yet she was already about to become the chief designer of a project.

If she went through with it, she would make a great leap forward in her career.

Charlene didn’t want that to happen.

But she couldn’t get involved directly.

Thinking of this, she grabbed her phone and called one of the executives in the Porter Group, namely Zachary Crawford.

“Crawford, there is a project in the design department. I am privy to the fact that a mid-tier designer is going to be in charge of it. If news of this spreads among the other employees of the company, they will be incensed. You are Miller’s boss. You ought to nip this in the bud,” she said.

Zachary was Stephanie’s superior.

If he had something to say about it to her, she would definitely change her mind.

After a moment’s hesitation, Zachary said, “To be honest, this has happened before, Miss Palmer. Some employees just have outstanding performance, and our company offers them the right opportunity and rewards to help them grow.”

His statement irked Charlene.

“Crawford, I’m not asking for your opinion.”

Zachary had been working in the Porter Group for many years, so he could tell Charlene was up to something. It was most likely the employee had offended her.

Noticing his hesitation, Charlene reminded him, “I helped you once when I was abroad. You owe me a favor.” Zachary was rendered speechless. He was indebted to Charlene.

Besides, she had made a great contribution to the Porter Group.

Although she wasn’t as powerful as Braden and Kristian, she, too, held a significant position in the company.

Therefore, Zachary didn’t dare to offend her.

“Yes, Miss Palmer. I’ll take care of this.”

Zachary sensed something was wrong, but he had no choice but to listen to Charlene. He sighed and went to meet Stephanie.

Stephanie was reviewing the latest design drafts in her office.

Her eyes widened when she saw Zachary.

“Mr. Crawford, you can give me a call if you need anything. Why take the trouble of coming all the way here to see me?” She had already reported to Zachary, and he could summon her to his office if he wanted to say anything.

Stephanie couldn’t understand why he was here.

“I just had lunch, so I thought of dropping by your office on my way back. Well, I heard something this morning and wanted to know more about it.”

Zachary pulled out a chair and sat opposite Stephanie.

It would be too formal and conspicuous to call Stephanie to his office, so he decided to come and meet her in person.

Stephanie studied his face for a moment and nodded earnestly.

“Sure. What do you want to talk about?”

Zachary scratched his chin and went straight to the point.

“I heard you’ve appointed Rachel Daley as the head of the Dixon Group project. Well… the project is very important to us, and Rachel is not qualified to handle it. She has been with us only for a few months. Other experienced designers are still working on the draft. Don’t you think it’s a bit hasty to make her in charge of this project?”

A frown lined Stephanie’s forehead.

“I think Rachel is competent.”

“It doesn’t seem like a good idea to me. I feel it’s a bit unfair to the other designers.”

Zachary shook his head worriedly.

Stephanie could tell that Zachary was firm with his decision.

Besides, he was her superior, so she didn’t bother arguing with him anymore.

“Okay, I’ll appoint an experienced designer to handle this project.”

Hearing that, Zachary nodded and left. Rachel was excited about the new project. She was happily sorting the documents she might need.

Just then, Stephanie called Rachel to her office.

“Well, our superior still thinks you’re a bit inexperienced to handle this project, so we have decided to appoint a more proficient designer to take over the project.”

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
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Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 155 – "From Despair to Delight: Rachel's Journey Through a Day of Surprises"

“I’m sorry. You are capable and talented. I’m sure you’ll get a chance to prove yourself in the future.”

Rachel’s smile vanished, and the excitement in her heart died in an instant.

She lowered her eyes to hide her disappointment.

“I understand. I promise to work harder in the future.”

Stephanie squeezed her shoulder reassuringly.

“I’m sure you’ll achieve something in this industry. It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have told you about it until we finalized the decision.”

Rachel gave a wry smile and left Stephanie’s office.

After taking deep breaths, she returned to her desk and slumped on the chair dejectedly.

Rachel had left, Stephanie instantly called the manager of the Dixon Group.

“What did you say?”

The man blurted out after hearing the news, his voice raised.

“You’re changing the chief designer for our project?”

“I do apologize,” Stephanie said calmly and tried to explain.

“This decision was made by our senior executives. They feel that Rachel’s skills are too mediocre and inadequate, and they don’t really think she’d be able to direct the whole venture properly.”

In truth, Stephanie was pretty annoyed herself. She knew just how talented Rachel was.

Despite being a newcomer, Rachel’s designs were always imaginative and unique.

Stephanie doubted that the newly-appointed chief designer could even come close to filling her shoes.

“Miss Miller, we greatly appreciate Rachel Daley, which was why we decided to cooperate with you in the first place. I kindly ask you to tell your executives that if she is replaced, then our company will terminate this project altogether.”

The manager’s tone was firm and full of resolve.

Stephanie found herself smiling at that.

“I understand. I will convey your sentiments right away.”

She was shaking her head as she hung up, marveling at Rachel’s incredible luck. She wasted no time and headed straight to Zachary’s office.

He looked pretty confused when she walked into the room. Why was Stephanie here again, and so soon? Hadn’t he made himself clear just now?

“Is there anything else?” Stephanie raised her chin and spoke with confidence.

“Yes, Mr. Crawford. I just got off the phone with the manager of the Dixon Group, and he wants me to inform you that they will be terminating the contract if we replace Miss Daley for the project.”

Zachary was visibly dumbfounded. He hadn’t expected the Dixon Group to hold Rachel in such high regard. He sighed and rubbed his temples, unsure of how to proceed.

“I see,” he muttered under his breath.

He hadn’t meant for things to go this far; he was simply doing Charlene a favor.

“Let me speak with the other executives and see how we’re going to handle this. Don’t contact the Dixon Group just yet.” Zachary was walking out of his office the next second, down the corridor, and into an empty stairwell. He called Charlene and repeated Stephanie’s words.

“What should we do now, Miss Palmer?”

He didn’t want to offend anyone, especially someone from the higher-ups.

Charlene was naturally pissed by this development. She silently cursed at the manager of the Dixon Group.

Why the hell would they insist on having Rachel lead the project? Nevertheless, she couldn’t just let it all go up in smoke.

At the end of the day, the interest of the entire company still came before her own.

“Forget it for now. Give them what they want and get Rachel back as chief designer.”

Zachary strode back to his office, where Stephanie was waiting.

He forced a tight smile and said, “We should honor our client’s request. Rachel will still be the chief designer for the project.”

Stephanie nodded and smiled, then left without a word.

Rachel was about to leave for the day when Stephanie called her to her office yet again. She had already been there several times in the past few hours, and she had no idea what to expect this time.

Stephanie beamed at her when she entered.

“You will be in charge of the project with Dixon Group,” she announced, sounding like she had just conquered a battle.

“Are you sure about this, Ms. Miller?” Rachel asked cautiously.

She felt as though her emotions had been taken for a roller coaster ride throughout the day.

“Yes, the Dixon Group stipulated that you will be their chief designer. Otherwise, they’re canceling the cooperation. You are good at what you do, Rachel. You deserve this.”

Stephanie nodded at her in encouragement.

Rachel was still at a loss when she walked out of the room.

A lot had happened, and she didn’t know what to feel anymore.

When she finally processed all that had transpired, the only thing that remained in her heart was joy.

Her first thought was to call Dominic and share the delightful news with him, so she did just that.

“Dominic, let’s have dinner at a restaurant tonight. So much happened to me today, I think I need a sumptuous meal to calm myself down.”

“What would you like to eat?” Dominic had just finished a video conference. He stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, gazing at the scenic night view of the city.

In the horizon, he could see the thousands of lights that brought the city to life.

The window reflected his tall figure in a suit. His hair was combed back neatly. He was looking down, gazing at the city with sharp eyes, as though he was its ruler.

“Honestly, I want to have fish right now, but chicken sounds great too. Oh, and some steak would be amazing! What should we do? I can’t decide…”

Rachel mumbled over the phone.

While she was speaking to him, she sounded like an adorable teenager. A gentle smile appeared on Dominic’s lips as he stared at his watch and replied, “I’m getting off work in a half hour. Wait for me, okay?”

“Yup! I’ll be waiting for you.”

After the phone call, he returned to his seat, but he was no longer in the mood to work. He couldn’t keep his eyes off his cellphone.

This afternoon, Dominic heard about the news that Rachel had gotten replaced.

He had planned to do something about it, but he soon learned that the Dixon Group insisted on having her lead the project. He was really happy for her.

When the thought crossed his mind, he smiled again.

“That’s the woman I love. She’s such a talented designer. She doesn’t even need my help with her career,” he thought.

But Dominic resolved that he had to investigate why exactly Rachel almost got replaced. He shot a cold glance at his assistant and said, “Tell Zachary Crawford to come to my office. Now.”

Not long after, Zachary arrived and stood before Dominic. He was trembling and sweat was running down his back.

“Who told you to replace Rachel Daley this afternoon?”

“Normally, a senior executive like Zachary should be focusing on more important work. Why on earth would he notice Rachel?’ Dominic wondered.

Zachary wiped the beads of cold sweat breaking out on his forehead, unable to look Dominic in the eye. He couldn’t dare tell him that Charlene was the one who asked him to do so.

And because he didn’t want to offend Charlene and the Palmer family, he had to take the blame himself.

“I’m so sorry, Mr. Porter. I just happened to find out that a mid-level designer was set to lead an important project, and I didn’t think it was a good idea. That’s why I interfered. I was merely looking after the company’s best interests. If news of this broke out, the other employees would feel it’s unfair. Not only will this matter hurt Rachel Daley, but it will also damage the company as a whole.”

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 156 – "Texts, Tensions, and Tangled Webs: Drama in the Workplace"

Dominic stood up, towering over Zachary.

When he looked down at the man, the latter was so daunted that a shiver ran down his spine.

“Is that so?” Dominic could tell that this wasn’t as simple as it seemed.

Zachary swallowed the lump in his throat.

“Mr.Porter, it really was my idea.I wouldn’t lie to you, would I?”

“Zachary, you’ve been working here for years.”

Dominic lifted his chin; his eyes, filled with animosity.

“It seems that Zachary plans to keep his mouth shut, but I don’t have any evidence to prove that he’s lying.I can’t punish him, because in all fairness, he gave me a perfect excuse”

he thought He decided not to say another word and just let Zachary go for the time being.

Just as Zachary reached the door, it was opened from the outside.

“Braden, I have a document here that needs your signature,” Charlene said with a calm smile.

The moment she learned that Dominic had called Zachary to his office, she was so nervous.

She feared that Dominic might find out what she had done.

Thus, she came up with an excuse, so that she could see what was going on.

“Mr.Crawford, what brings you here?”

Charlene nudged Zachary, and the latter winked at her, implying that he didn’t rat her out. She heaved a sigh of relief inconspicuously before walking into Dominic’s office, only to find that he was on his phone, seemingly chatting with someone.

There was a rare smile printed on his face.

Dominic high school days.

When she was sixteen years old, she thought Dominic was a cold, emotionless young man who kept everything to himself, living in his own world.She yearned to see him smile.

Now that the dream had come true, it didn’t bring her any joy.

Strangely, she felt depressed.

Any woman would kill to see the smile on his handsome face.

However, the doting look on his face and tender eyes broke Charlene’s heart, because she knew it wasn’t for her, and it probably never would.

Charlene blinked and returned to her senses.She quickly strutted toward Dominic and dropped the file before him, stealing a glance at his phone.

Just then, new messages popped on the screen.

“Dominic, when will you come? I’m starving.”

“Be patient.l’ll be there soon,” Dominic replied.

Charlene had never seen him behave this way before.She knew who Dominic was texting.

After all, who else would he text other than Rachel? Jealousy reared its ugly head.

Charlene clutched the document in her hand.

Dominic’s tenderness and the undisguised love and care in his eyes infuriated her.

Her blood boiled with rage.

After sending the message, Dominic quickly flipped through the document Charlene brought and signed his name.

Seeing that Charlene had no intention of leaving, he looked up at her and said, “Anything else? Hurry up.It’s almost time to get off work.”

Dominic shut down his computer and gathered all his things, preparing to leave.

Charlene guessed that Dominic was hurrying to leave work because Rachel wanted him home.

Judging from the conversation, it looked like he had a date with Rachel tonight.

“You can’t leave now.I heard from the financial department that there is a huge loophole in our overseas capital chain.It’s a critical situation. We have to deal with it right away,” she said, pretending to look anxious.

Originally, Charlene, didn’t plan to mention this issue.She knew how to solve it and didn’t want to bother Dominic.

But she changed her mind and deliberately mentioned it to Dominic to stop him from going on a date with Rachel.

After all, it was obvious Dominic wouldn’t like her regardless of how good she was at work, so why bother? “What exactly happened?”

After a moment’s hesitation, Dominic put down the file and looked at her.He had always trusted Charlene’s working skills and potential.

Dominic knew she was well organized and competent enough to deal with any problems.She wouldn’t turn up to him unless it was a complicated problem she couldn’t solve.

Seeing the anxious look on her face, Dominic thought it was a critical situation.

“Why don’t we go to the financial department and let them tell you more? If we can’t handle it well from here, we might have to go on a business trip abroad to solve the problem.”

Charlene knew Dominic well.He was workaholic and valued the Porter Group above everything else.

After a moment’s hesitation, Dominic nodded.

“You go to the financial department first.I’ll be there in a few minutes.” Dominic took out his phone and sent a short message to Rachel, telling her that there was an emergency at the convenience store and he wouldn’t be able to join her tonight for dinner.

After that, Dominic went to find Charlene and began dealing with the problems.

Rachel’s mind slipped out of focus when she read the message from Dominic.

What had happened? He had already agreed to have dinner with her.

Why did he now suddenly say that he couldn’t make it? “That sucks!”

She put her phone aside and began packing her things up in an unhappy mood.

Hilda noticed that she looked unhappy so she nudged her and said, “We have all heard the exciting news! You’re going to be the chief designer of a project, why do you look so down?”

“I’m not unhappy. You’re just imagining things!”

Rachel pinched Hilda’s chubby face gently and made a face at her.

Regardless of what Dominic had said, she was in a good mood today so she didn’t let it get to her.

Perhaps he really was caught up with some kind of emergency.

When Hilda noticed that Rachel was about to leave, an idea popped into her head.

“It’s your first time in charge of a project. Would you like to celebrate the achievement perhaps? There is a new pizza place downtown.I heard the pizza from there is amazing.Do you want to give it a try?”

Rachel blinked her eyes with confusion.

After due thought, she nodded and said, “Sure, I’m free tonight anyway.”

In any event, it didn’t seem like Dominic would be home any time soon.

Hilda was happy when she heard Rachel’s answer.

But then she replied with a crestfallen expression on her face, “But I don’t know if I have the time to get pizza.I have to finish my last design draft urgently today. That pizza place is really popular, we might have to wait in a queue for a while.”

Rachel was amused by the sad look at Hilda’s face.

She responded, “Take it easy.I’ll got ahead of you and wait in the line, then you can come join me later.How does that sound?” “Rachel, you are an angel from heaven!” Hilda hugged her and kissed her appreciatively.

“I love you so much.”

“Alright, alright.Go finish your design quickly, or the pizza might get cold by the time you get there!” Rachel smiled and said.

Then she lifted up her bag and made her ways to the elevator.

Meanwhile, Charlene was standing on the higher level of the building, waiting for Dominic to complete his perusal of the financial statement.

From her vantage point, she looked through the window and her eyes fell on a woman standing on the roadside.

Judging from the woman’s figure, she guessed that the woman was none other than Rachel.

She seemed to be waiting for a taxi to pick her up.

Kate had asked Charlene to inform her immediately when she saw Rachel get in a car.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 157 – "Riverside Rumble: When Pizza Night Takes a Dive"

Charlene’s phone was a luxury, smart phone sporting a high-definition camera.

Even at a distance, she could take remarkably clear photos of the cars on the road.

She clicked two pictures of the car when Rachel got into it.

The license plate number and the appearance of the car were captured clearly in the photos.

She secretly sent the photos to Kate, together with a text letting her know that Rachel had got into the car and looked like she was headed up north from the Porter Group.

Rachel felt so fortunate that there weren’t too many people in the pizza restaurant tonight and she managed to get a table within mere ten minutes.

Hilda joined her shortly after.

Rachel learnt from her previous experience and decided against the idea of alcohol.

Instead, she just ordered juice.

By the time they had eaten their fill, it was almost ten o’clock at night “Daley, where do you live? My place is up that direction. Would you like to take a taxi with me?”

Hilda burped and asked.

“I live near the company, in the opposite direction to your place.”

With.a smile, Rachel hailed a taxi and asked Hilda to get in it first.

“I will wait for the next one.Send me a message when you arrive home safely.”

After sending Hilda off, Rachel got on another taxi soon.

It was already late at night, but the streets were still bustling in the city.

Rachel felt full and sleepy.She leaned against the car window and noticed the car was driving towards a bridge.

The river was glistening under the moonlight.

The bright, crescent moon was slowly rising higher into the sky.

Just when she was about to close her eyes for some rest, something rather odd caught her eye.She opened her eyes wide and saw an old, beat up truck headed directly towards them.

Before she had a moment to react, the truck hit them head on.

The taxi was knocked over the railing of the bridge, and the two vehicles fell into the river, stirring up a huge wave on impact with the water…

The foamy clouds enveloped the full moon, and the surrounding lights gradually dimmed.

An inconspicuous black Audi stopped near the bridge.

Kate and Ivonne looked straight ahead, their eyes almost popping out of their heads.

They saw the truck hit on the taxi Rachel was sitting in and the two vehicles both tumbled out of the bridge.

Their hearts beat wildly as if time had stopped still.

Ivonne’s fingers trembled with excitement.She pulled Kate’s sleeve and shook her violently.

“Mom, did the two cars both fall into the river?”

Then, she quickly opened the door, trying to get closer to inspect the situation.

Kate shut the door and let out an incredulous gasp.

“Are you crazy? Close the damn door! What if someone sees us?”

“I just want to make sure Rachel is dead.What if that bitch escapes death again?”

Ivonne stomped her foot angrily.

“No.We’ve got to be more patient now.” Kate’s eyes narrowed as she observed the situation around them.

Ever since the last time she succeeded in faking a car accident to get rid of those men who were blackmailing Ivonne, Kate had been thinking about how to deal with Rachel.

Rachel always took a cab or public transportation, so they couldn’t come up with an opportunity to attack her.

Finally, an idea occurred to them.

They finally found a man who was terminally ill — he was counting his days.

They bribed him to hit Rachel’s car.

The driver would die along with Rachel.

After all, dead men told no tales.

There had been several accidents on this bridge before, so everyone would believe this was just an ordinary road accident.

As soon as Kate received the message from Charlene, she took action right away.

On the north side of Porter Group was a plaza.

With the pictures Charlene had sent, Kate successfully found that the taxi had taken Rachel to the pizza restaurant. After waiting for a long time, she finally saw Rachel and her colleague coming out of the restaurant.

As soon as Rachel got into a cab, Kate immediately informed the driver she bribed to chase after Rachel.

The mother and daughter followed the driver, keeping a safe distance from him.

As expected, the truck driver crashed against Rachel’s car.

The two cars flew in the air and plunged into the water.

The loud crash echoed in the air, and calm was restored as the two vehicles sank into the river.

Finally, Kate opened the door and got out of the car; Ivonne followed her.

The two walked to the railing and looked down.

The two cars had tumbled into the river.

The bridge was not high, but the river was flowing fast.

There was no chance of survival.

“I’m sure she is dead by now.” Kate’s eyes sparkled with excitement.

The thorn that had been pricking her heart had finally disappeared once and for all.

No one would oppose their family in the future.

Ivonne let out an.ecstatic growl and spat into the river.

“Bitch! She deserves a crueler punishment than death.She has ruined our family.She should be glad that I didn’t cut her into pieces!”

Seeing that Ivonne’s voice was reverberating across the silent road, Kate immediately stopped her.

“Shut up! Let’s talk about it when we go back.”

Just as they were about to leave happily, the roar of a motorcycle from afar caught their attention.

The vehicle pealed into the air and stopped on the bridge.

The person on the black motorcycle took off the helmet; and her long hair billowed with the breeze.

The woman looked down the bridge, crossed the railings, and jumped directly into the river..

Dominic had hired Nadia to secretly protect Rachel.Her everyday mission was to follow Rachel around and make sure she reached home safely.

Today, after Rachel and her colleague finished dinner and parted way, Nadia followed Rachel in her motorcycle.

Seeing the truck collide with Rachel’s taxi and both vehicles tumble into the river at high speed, Nadia came to her rescue Nadia took off her helmet and jumped into the river without hesitation Rachel was in danger, and Nadia had to save her right away.

Ripples of water exploded on the surface as she plunged into the river., The moonlight penetrated the tranquil, icy river, and the car slowly sank into its deep recesses.

Nadia dove into the water and quickly swam to the window. The windows were locked on either sides.She peered through the window and saw that the car wasn’t filled with water yet.

The driver was stuck in the driver’s seat as the airbag had expanded; his eyes were tightly shut.

Rachel was lying in the back seat.

The huge impact had knocked her unconscious.

Nadia swam around, picked up a stone from the riverbed, and smashed the window.

Then, she slid a hand inside, opened the door, and pulled Rachel out the surface of the water.Her ability was limited, so she could only save one person.

Nadia wiped the water from her eyes.Her pink lips had already turned pale because of the cold water.She was gasping for breath.

Nadia gripped Rachel’s waist and swam toward the riverbank.

Fortunately, Rachel wasn’t heavy, and Nadia had been working out for years.

Otherwise, the two would have drowned in the turbulent river.

Nadia looked around and found that the river was broad, and the tide was growing stronger.

Unfortunately, they were in the middle of the river.

“Miss Daley, can you hear me?”

Rachel was unconscious, and Nadia had trouble waking her up.

Nadia reasoned it was impossible for her to swim to the river bank with the unconscious Rachel on her back.

The flowing current carried them downstream.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 158 – "Peril on the River: Formalities in the Face of Danger"

Nadia tried her best to prevent them from getting isolated.

Fortunately, the water washed them to a sandbar in the river a couple of meters away, so they narrowly escaped death.

Nadia dragged Rachel to the sandbar and scrambled to her feet. She took a deep breath and blew into Rachel’s mouth.

Moments later, Rachel spat out a mouthful of water and began coughing violently.

Her pale lips gradually regained color.

“It’s all right. Any discomfort or difficulty in breathing is absolutely normal because the water got into your lungs,” Nadia said calmly as she gently patted Rachel’s back and looked around for help. It was a quiet night.

They were stuck in the middle of the river, and no one could find them until the sunlight illuminated the surroundings.

After Rachel’s coughing fits ceased, she took a deep breath and braced her trembling body.

Then, she looked at the woman beside her and examined the surroundings.

“Miss, who are you? What am I doing here? What happened?” Rachel didn’t remember anything after the truck hit her. She could only recall the blinding flashlight after which she had passed out.

Dominic forbade Nadia to reveal her true identity to Rachel, so she responded quickly, “Oh, my name is Nadia Garcia. I was on my way home from work. When I passed the bridge, I saw a truck crash against your car and plunge into the river. I come from a family of fishermen, so I’m a good swimmer. I jumped into the river to save you.”

The young lady had a slender physique.

Her benign face and gentle aura gave Rachel the assurance that she wouldn’t harm her…

Rachel’s heart swelled with gratitude.

The fact that she had survived a disaster brought tears to her eyes.

Rachel held Nadia’s hand and sobbed uncontrollably.

“Miss Garcia, thank you for saving my life. I’m forever indebted to you.”

Rachel remembered traversing the high bridge. It was cold, and the river was flowing fast. It was brave of Nadia to dive into the river to save her, ignoring the danger.

After all, she looked frail and delicate.

“You’re welcome.” Nadia tried withdrawing her hand, but Rachel held her in a vice-like grip. Her skin prickled with goosebumps when she saw Rachel’s eyes gleaming with gratitude.

Nadia cleared her throat and forced an awkward smile at her.

“You dove from a high bridge into this treacherous river to save me — a stranger you’ve never met before. If not for you, I would have died today. Even friends and family may think twice before offering help, but you risked your own life to save me. By the way, my name is Rachel Daley. I will properly express my gratitude once we get out of here.”

Rachel couldn’t stop thanking Nadia.

The fact that the woman had saved her despite being a total stranger moved her.

No one had bothered to offer Rachel kindness, let alone save her life. She had always felt lonely and desolate in this world.

Nadia’s face flushed with embarrassment. She bit her lip and looked away guiltily.

After all, she was merely doing her job and didn’t deserve Rachel’s praise and gratitude.

It was winter, and the cold wind whipped them.

They were shivering with cold.

It was freezing, and the two were soaked in water.

They had no place to shelter from the cold.

Rachel sneezed three times in a row. She squatted on the sandbar; her nose had turned red.

“Miss Daley, please hide in the grass or stand behind me. It’s cold here. I’m afraid you’ll fall ill.”

Nadia walked up to Rachel. She looked around worriedly and said, “We have to find a way to ask for help as soon as possible. It’s not even the coldest hour of the day, yet we are freezing. The temperature would drop to zero at around two in the morning. We are soaked, and I’m afraid we might freeze to death if we don’t leave this place soon.”

Upon hearing that, Rachel hurriedly took out her phone.

The water had damaged her screen.

Meanwhile, Nadia’s phone was fully damaged, and she couldn’t even turn it on.

She glanced at Rachel’s phone and said, “I think it might still work. Although the screen is broken, you should be able to make a call.”

If Rachel could get through to Dominic, things would get much easier.

Nadia knew the man who had hired her was very resourceful.

If Rachel asked him for help, he would arrive faster than the resources.

After a moment’s thought, Rachel immediately picked up her phone and called Dominic.

After sending the message to Kate, Charlene returned to Dominic’s office.

Dominic was sitting on the leather sofa, carefully examining the documents, his lips pursed in concentration.

“Braden, how do you think we should deal with this problem?” Charlene sat beside Dominic as a blush flamed her cheeks.

After a moment’s thought, she asked, “Are you hungry? You’ve been studying it for so long and haven’t eaten anything yet. Shall I ask the servants to bring some soup here?”

When they started their business in the past, Dominic seldom ate a full meal because of his busy schedule.

Dominic’s entire focus was on the documents. He carefully read and re-read every word, analyzing every bit of it.

“No need. I want to deal with the problem first,” he grunted impatiently, without taking his eyes off the document.

Dominic was not as familiar with the overseas business as Charlene.

It took him a long time to fully understand the situation Charlene hid her emotions and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

“I’m just worried about your health.”

Seeing that Dominic was silent, Charlene was sensible enough not to disturb him.

Just then, Charlene’s phone vibrated. It was a message from Kate.

Charlene stole a glance at Dominic, walked out of the office, and checked on the message.

“Charlene, Rachel’s car fell into the river, but someone jumped into the water to rescue her. It was too dark out there. I couldn’t see what was going on.”

Charlene immediately deleted the message on her phone. Just as she was about to go back, her phone beeped with a few more messages.

“I guess Rachel might still be alive.”

“Do you have any way to prevent the search and reduce the possibility of Rachel’s survival?” Charlene’s lips curled up into a sneer.

She turned off the phone and put it into her pocket as if nothing had happened.

Both Kate and Ivonne were stupid.

The traffic police usually carried out the rescue operations of road accidents.

Charlene didn’t have the ability to stop it.

Even if she did, she wouldn’t get involved in unnecessary issues and cause trouble for her family.

Charlene quickly rearranged the expression on her face and returned to Dominic’s office.

“You should get some rest. I’ll help you sort out the points you might have missed,” she said softly.

Then, she picked up the files on the desk and sat down to deal with the issue.

Since Dominic didn’t want to talk to her, she decided to silently carry on with work.

“Thank you.” Dominic looked up and massaged his throbbing temples.

“I’ve already read it. It doesn’t seem like a big problem. We’ll discuss it in detail when I come back.” Dominic stood up and went to the bathroom.

Charlene should have thought that it would be a piece of cake for Dominic to deal with this matter even though he didn’t know the overseas market as much as she did.

Her jaw tightened; there was a glint of malice in her eyes.

At that moment, Dominic’s phone on the desk lit up, and Rachel’s name flashed on the screen.

“Damn it! She is still alive!” Charlene sneered. She understood Rachel had called Dominic for help.

Charlene arched an eyebrow and looked at the phone. Her body seemed to react faster than her brain. She quickly hung up the call.

Charlene remained calm the entire time.

Killing someone’s chances of survival didn’t seem like a big deal for her.

To Charlene, it was no different from accidentally stepping on an ant.

Anyway, if Rachel died, only Kate and Ivonne would get caught. No one would suspect Charlene.

A moment later, the bathroom door flew open, and Dominic walked out.

He returned to his seat and glanced at his phone as if something had occurred to him.

A pang of jealousy settled in Charlene’s heart when she saw the concern in his eyes.

He was obviously thinking about Rachel, and probably even wanted to call her. She didn’t want him to think about anyone else when he was with her.

“What’s so great about Rachel?” Charlene thought.

Except for her pretty face, she couldn’t think of any other strong point.

“Are you worried about your wife? Have you planned a date with her? I’m sorry to make you stay and deal with business. Let’s finish it as soon as possible so that you can go back.”

Charlene smiled apologetically and leaned closer to him.

Men liked considerate women, so she decided to distract him without garnering his suspicion.

“By the way, what did you want to discuss with me now?” Dominic didn’t sense anything wrong. He picked up the documents and continued to discuss the problems and loopholes with Charlene.

“You know a lot about the overseas market. I’ve analyzed a few reasons. Have a look at these. Can you find a solution based on this?”

It was getting late. A thick layer of mist enveloped the river.

“What happened? Didn’t you get through?”

Nadia moved around to keep her body warm.

Breath vapor came out of her mouth as she spoke. She frowned and saw that Rachel’s call got disconnected.

Rachel was equally surprised; she didn’t expect Dominic to hang up on her.

He had always picked up her call regardless of the circumstances. Her heart sank with dejection.

“I guess my husband is busy.” Her face turned red with cold as another sneezing fit seized her.

She rubbed her nose and said, “I’d better call the police for help.”

“Hurry up.” Nadia’s teeth chattered.

“I feel your phone might get turned off any time.”

Rachel rubbed her palms together that had turned numb in the cold.

Just then, her phone suddenly turned black.

“Well, you’re right,”

Rachel grunted with frustration and squatted on the ground. Her phone was fully broken now.

Rachel and Nadia tried their best but couldn’t turn on their phones.

They were fully damaged.

“All we can do now is wait for the rescue team to arrive,”

Nadia said, staring at the boundless river and the endless stretch of darkness.

It was a road accident, so the police team would check the river.

However, considering they were washed away and now at the far end of the river, Nadia wasn’t sure if they could find them anytime soon.

However, the cold was the biggest problem at the moment.

The temperature had dropped drastically, and it would get colder with time.

Rachel was trembling. The cold seeped into her skin and was gnawing at her bones.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 159 – "Cold Comfort: Banter in the Frosty Night"

Nadia gently grabbed Rachel by the wrist and helped her up. She said, “Miss Daley, you should take off all your wet clothes so they don’t make you colder. And don’t sit still. Otherwise, you will get frozen easily. Stand up and exercise to generate some heat.”

Rachel had seen movies and heard stories of how people got frozen to death. She didn’t want to end up that way, so she stood upright and took off her coat with difficulty. She suddenly began to feel dizzy.

However, she remained standing.

“Are you sure someone will find us? What if no one comes?”

Rachel’s teeth clattered against each other after she finished asking that question in a weak voice. She was speaking to Nadia because she wanted to remain awake.

Nadia took off her wet coat and wrung it dry.

She then replied, “You need to keep your hope alive, Miss Daley. Someone will definitely come. Look over there.” There were lights on the bridge in the distance. It meant that the rescue team was there already.

But due to their distance, the rescuers couldn’t spot them easily.

They would have to ride a boat towards them before they could be rescued.

Rachel’s hope was dwindling fast as her strength began to fail her. She had just put one of her hands on her waist when she saw Nadia waving her coat above her head.

It was a white windbreaker, so it was a little conspicuous in the darkness.

“We might be stuck here for a long time. You’d better save your strength,” she said in a worried tone.

She was afraid that Nadia would break down before help came.

After all, she had a petite and seemingly weak body.

Nadia didn’t utter a word, nor did she stop waving her windbreaker: This wasn’t the first time someone was mistaking her for a weak woman.

Rachel, like most people, had no idea that Nadia had been training since childhood and that she was much stronger than ordinary women.

With great agility, she continued to wave her coat in the air to attract the attention of the rescuers in the distance. “Not to sound pessimistic, but you are wasting your energy. It’s so dark here. I don’t think they would see the tinge of your coat from there.” Nonetheless, Rachel decided not to stand by and do nothing. She mustered up strength at this moment.

Cupping her hands around her mouth, she shouted, “Somebody help! We are here. Help!”

She called out for help more than a dozen times before her voice became hoarse and she got exhausted.

The sound of the flowing water had drowned her shouts, so it occurred to her that her efforts were in vain.

In the dark night sky, there were only a few stars and a crescent moon.

Time passed by quickly.

The wind blew and the temperature dropped further. The water drops on the grass had already turned to ice due to the cold weather.

Rachel and Nadia were forced to hug each other tightly just to feel a little warmth.

This barely helped Rachel. Her body was an inch away from getting frozen after a few hours.

She was also trembling uncontrollably. She had no strength to talk and move anymore.

Instead, she felt tired and sleepy.

Nadia was stronger than her, so she still had some resistance to the harsh condition they were in. “Miss Daley, please don’t fall asleep. The cold would get into you faster if you do. I believe that the rescue team will be here in an hour.”

When Nadia saw that Rachel was dozing off, she called her name weakly and patted her face to wake her up. She knew from the paleness of Rachel’s face that she might not be able to hold on any longer.

Rachel was unconscious at this time, and her eyelids were frozen shut. She had only her underwear on, and the wind was blowing harshly on her.

Although she could hear Nadia’s voice, she was so weak that she didn’t have the strength to respond.

Before she fell asleep, Dominic’s handsome face appeared in her mind. He was smiling at her. It seemed very real.

Nadia was at her wit’s end now. She had never been in such a difficult situation, so she didn’t know what else to do. She knew that they would both die here if help didn’t come soon. Her hope dwindled when she looked up and saw that the rescuers were still far away from them.

It was well past midnight, but the building of the Porter Group was still lit up on all fours. Up in the CEO’s Office, the fragrant aroma of broth permeated the room.

Charlene slowly wiped her lips and told the servant, “You may take this back now.”

She then turned to Dominic and smiled.

“I’m sorry about that. I guess I’m just used to it.”

“It’s fine,” Dominic replied as he continued to type on his keyboard.

“Take a look at this and see if the plan is feasible after the modifications I made.”

He ignored Charlene’s comment about her habits and all but shut down her attempt to intimate at their shared past.

Back when they had just started their own business, Charlene did like to drink some soup whenever they had to work overtime.

To her credit, she would also ask her servants to prepare a decent midnight snack for the rest of the staff. She was quite finicky like that, but it never affected her work.

Besides, Charlene was already much better than most rich ladies. She leaned over and read his revised plan over his shoulder. She made a point of being meticulous about it and was pleased to find that it was perfect, down to the finest detail.

Charlene glanced at the clock in the bottom right corner of his laptop screen. It was just two in the morning.

This was surprising since she hadn’t expected him to finish the revisions so quickly. She turned to Dominic and grinned.

“You’re still an ace at your job! You managed to itemize the problems and their corresponding solutions in just a few hours. If it were Kristian, it would probably take him until morning.”

Dominic began the process of shutting down his computer and methodically packed up his briefcase.

When he spoke, his tone was cool and business-like.

“Since there is no problem, I will be handing the new plans over to our tech guys as well as the financial department so that they can start working right away.”

He paused then, as a thought occurred to him.

“But Charlene,” he said, his eyes narrowed.

“These are all very simple loopholes. We’ve encountered things like this in the past, some even trickier. You used to solve them in less than two hours. You should have been able to take care of this easily without my help.” Charlene faltered under his piercing gaze.

She took a second to compose herself before answering.

“Well… I’ve been learning a lot about the domestic market recently. I suppose I was overwhelmed by so much work all at once. Come on, Braden. Surely, I’m allowed to take a break every now and then.”

Dominic considered this for a brief moment. She had a point, so he decided to drop the matter and said nothing more.

He grabbed his briefcase and suit jacket. He was done for the night.

Dominic hadn’t even risen from the couch when the door to the office suddenly burst open.

Kristian rushed inside, his forehead beaded with sweat, his eyes wide with panic.

“Dominic! Rachel got into a car accident. The taxi she was in was hit by another car and fell over the bridge. The rescue team is still on the river. We have no way of knowing whether Rachel survived or not.”

“What did you say?” Dominic jumped to his feet.

All the color drained from his face.

He snatched his phone, intending to call his people to lead the search, but then he saw the notification on the screen. He had missed a call from Rachel.

Dominic frowned and tried to put the pieces together.

The only time he had been away from his phone was when he had gone to the bathroom.

Rachel must have called then.

A heavy, suffocating silence fell into the room.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 160 – "Desperate Hours: A Night of Peril"

“What is it, Dominic? Don’t just stand there.We have to do something!”

But Dominic whirled around to glare at Charlene.

He held up his phone to her face and demanded, “Why didn’t you inform me that my wife called?”

Charlene’s heart skipped a beat when she heard Dominic’s serious voice.

Despite the angry expression on his face, she kept her cool and went over to take a look at his phone.She then said with an innocent expression, “What is this? I know nothing about this.Honestly, I didn’t hear it ring because I was engrossed in the files.I would have informed you if I heard it ring.”

Without saying anything further, Dominic checked his call log and saw that his phone had only rung once.

He then pondered, ‘Perhaps Charlene might be telling the truth.It seems like Rachel only called once.It’s possible that she didn’t hear the phone ring”

The clock was ticking fast.

Dominic didn’t have any time to think deeper about it, so he glanced her expressionlessly and walked out of the office with his phone.

The moment he turned his back, the innocent expression on Charlene’s face disappeared.She stomped her foot and bit her lower lip in anger.

Kristian nervously followed Dominic out.

“When exactly did the car accident happen? Why didn’t you tell me as soon as it happened? Don’t you know that this is a serious matter?”

As Dominic walked down the corridor, he dialed a number and placed his phone against his ear.His voice sounded anxious.He also had a sullen expression on his face as if he was trying so hard to suppress his anger.

It was also obvious that he was seriously worried about Rachel.

Kristian hadn’t meant to keep him in the dark.He had only found out about the accident some minutes earlier than Dominic got wind of it.

Nadia, the bodyguard who he had hired to protect Rachel hadn’t returned to the organization for the whole night.

No one could even get in touch with her.It was only when Kristian received that message that he realized that something was wrong.

The GPS tracker on Nadia’s motorcycle indicated that it was parked on a bridge.

Coincidentally, a traffic accident occurred at that same spot a few hours ago.

There were many rescue officials and police officers on the brightly lit bridge at this time.

The scene of the accident was sealed with caution tapes.

There were also five police cars and a fire service truck.

Some meters away, several reporters from television stations reported the news live and even scrambled to get more information.

Some rogue ones wanted to bypass the barricade, but they were stopped by the frowning police officers.

The entire scene was a mess.

Dominic just couldn’t stand by and wait for the police to find Rachel.

He ordered Kristian to immediately call out all the helicopters owned by the Porter Group to conduct an immediate search.

Some minutes later, a dozen helicopters went up the dark night sky.

They flew over the bridge and the sound of propellers filled the almost quiet atmosphere.

Dominic was seated in one of the helicopters.He stared at the missed call on his phone and his eyes darkened.His heart ached severely at this moment.

Even though the government rescue team had been searching for quite some time, they weren’t quick enough.

It took the helicopters only a few minutes to locate the two people who were clinging to each other on the sand bar.

Nadia hadn’t lost consciousness yet, but she was in a terrible state.She could go into a coma any moment from now.

Rachel was frozen in her arms.Her lips were purple and her face was white.She was already unconscious.

Although Nadia couldn’t move now, she kept taking short breaths in order to stay awake.

It was then she heard the sound of helicopters.

When she looked up to the sky, a dazzling light fell on them.

“Sir! Three o’clock! We just found two women at the sand bar!”

The first team who had found them made the announcement and circled the area quickly.

The pilot then controlled the helicopter and moved a safe distance away from the figures.

A rope ladder was let down and some rescuers clambered down quickly.


Nadia murmured when she saw the rescuers who were running towards them.She breathed a sigh of relief and her eyes shut.

The rescue mission was carried out swiftly.

All the helicopters flew back to the helipad.

The helicopter which carried the team that rescued Rachel and Nadia was about to land at this time.Its propeller made a loud noise and the wind messed up people’s hair.

Dominic was waiting impatiently at the helipad.His eyes were bloodshot.He irritably moved the hair strand on his face backward and looked at a rescuer who had just gotten off the helicopter with a blanket in his arms.He strode forward and saw Rachel in the blanket.

Her eyes were tightly closed and her face was deathly pale.

“Thank you.Please hand her over,” Dominic said gratefully and he collected his wife from the rescuer.

The worry that had settled like a boulder in his gut eased up.His expression also softened.

“Take me to Booker’s hospital now,” he ordered one of his drivers.

Dominic had already alerted Booker that he was coming.

As a result, he was already waiting at the gate of the hospital with the medical staff.

They all swung into action immediately after Dominic arrived.

Rachel and Nadia were placed on stretchers and pushed straight into the operation theater.

“You can’t go in, Dominic.Please wait outside.”

Dominic was about to go in with Rachel when Booker placed a hand on his chest to stop him.

When Booker saw that he was trembling with worry, he added assuredly, “I’ll attend to her myself.Don’t worry.” Booker then joined the medical team and asked a nurse to take the two women’s temperature immediately.

Nadia’s temperature was only slightly lower than normal and her pulse was getting steadier by the second.Perhaps it was because she exercised every single day.

On the other hand, Rachel’s condition was bad.

“Doctor Bronson, this patient’s temperature has dropped to 33 degrees centigrade, with symptoms of moderate hypothermia.” The nurse who had just taken Rachel’s temperature raised the alarm.Booker’s face instantly darkened.

He knew that it was only a matter of time for things to get to the degree of severe hypothermia if her temperature wasn’t stabilized immediately.

Worse still, she was still in a coma.

“Quick, prepare sodium chloride injection and glucose injection, and supplement the blood volume to guarantee sufficient heat,” commanded Booker as he put on blue surgical gloves.

Dominic paced about in the corridor for the whole night.He was almost shedding tears because he didn’t know what was going on inside.He was still waiting there at dawn.

It wasn’t until six o’clock in the morning that the door of the operation theater swung open and Booker came out.

He then walked to Dominic, patted him on the shoulder, and said, “Rachel is out of danger now.She has been sent to the ICU. You can go there to see her.”

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 161 – "Sunlight, Shadows, and Suspicious Accidents"

Here's your corrected text:

"Afterward, he stood up from the chair he had been sitting on for a while.

As he was about to walk past Booker, he uttered, 'Thank you so much. I’ve asked someone to buy breakfast for you and your colleagues. An extra bowl of abalone soup was added to yours.'

Without saying anything, Booker hummed a song and rubbed his aching shoulders as he walked away.

Dominic went straight to the ICU and opened the door.

Rachel was lying still on the bed. She had a blue breathing tube on her nose and an IV drip needle in her left hand.

A filled drip bag was hanging on a stand beside her bed. She looked very weak. Her eyes peeled open as soon as Dominic walked into the ward.

When she saw him, she raised a finger and forced a smile.

“You are here,” Dominic walked over and grabbed her right hand.

A thousand words were at the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t get them out.

After kissing the back of her hand very hard, he choked and asked worriedly, “Do you feel pain?” Rachel shook her head slightly.

Although her face was pale and her smile was faint, her eyes were as bright and beautiful as always.

“How did we get rescued?”

Dominic pulled up the quilt to cover her properly.

After keeping silent for a few seconds, he finally replied, “You were saved by the government rescuers.” Rachel stared at him blankly for a while.

All of a sudden, she asked worriedly, “Where is the girl who was with me? How is she doing?”

“Well, she was also admitted to this hospital. She’s in a much better state than you. Don’t worry, okay?” Dominic was utterly appalled by Rachel’s behavior.

Despite her weak state, she still cared about someone else. His heart ached slightly.

Oblivious to the change in her husband’s mood and the thoughts in his head, Rachel continued, “Okay, that’s good to know. I must thank her later. I won’t be alive now if it weren’t for her. She actually jumped into the river to save me.”

“You never cease to amaze me, Rachel. You always put others first. Don’t you know that your condition is serious?” Dominic scolded seriously.

When he saw that Rachel had fallen silent and was staring at him expressionlessly, he added, “I’m sorry for speaking in that tone. But I don’t want you to think about anything now. You have to take a good rest first and get well.”

Rachel was fast asleep, Dominic exited the ward and quietly closed the door behind him.

Kristian was leaning against the wall across the hallway, waiting.

The moment he saw Dominic come out of the ICU, he straightened, smoothed his suit, and walked over.

“How is the investigation going?” Dominic asked after casting his friend a short glance.

“Find whoever is behind this. Get me the names of everyone involved.” His gaze darkened with every word he spoke.

Sunlight filtered through the windows, casting long shadows as the two men strode down the corridor.

Kristian pushed his glasses against the bridge of his nose and answered carefully.

“The drivers of both vehicles died in the accident. The police didn’t discover anything suspicious, either. They ruled it as just another unfortunate incident.”

Dominic stopped walking and narrowed his eyes.

“They’re both dead?” He sneered at the scenery outside.

“How convenient.”

“Well, several rear-end accidents have happened on the same bridge in the last few months. Some drivers said that the lights on the bridge were not bright enough, so sometimes they just misjudged the road conditions.”

Dominic tapped on the iron railing of the corridor as his mind raced.

“It can’t possibly be this simple,” he muttered under his breath. After a moment of silence, he took a deep breath and assumed his usual aloof expression.

“I’ll look into this myself. There are many sides to the story you’re still unaware of. Take care of company matters while I handle this.”

Kristian frowned in bewilderment, but Dominic was already walking into the elevator before he could ask anything.

In truth, Dominic already had a suspect in mind.

After all, Kate and Ivonne didn’t care to hide their desire to have Rachel killed. He wouldn’t put it past them to hire someone to murder his wife.

Dominic took the information Kristian had put together and used it to further investigate the driver of the truck. He paid a visit to the man’s neighborhood and asked around.

“Are you talking about the handicapped guy who drives a truck?”

“Isn’t he supposed to be terminally ill? I heard that his doctor gave him just a few days more to live. Oh! And he has a son who’s currently on the run. A wanted criminal, you see.”

The neighbors weren’t reserved at all, and divulged a lot more than he had originally expected.

“Rumors say that the son went abroad to escape the authorities.”

“What? Where would he get the money for a plane ticket? No, how did he manage to slip past the local police in the first place?” “None of this makes sense.”

Clearly, something fishy was going on beneath the surface.

Following this, Dominic shifted his focus to the son of the truck driver.

Sure enough, the man was wanted for various crimes.

More importantly, he had fled the country not too long ago with someone’s help.

After some more digging, Dominic traced the criminal’s connections to Shane Palmer.

The whole picture was finally taking shape. The mastermind must be Ivonne.

Dominic speculated that she had talked the truck driver into this murder-suicide mission.

In return, she had coaxed Shane into making arrangements for the driver’s son to escape overseas.

The man didn’t have long to live, anyway, so the accident was intentionally fatal so as to leave no witnesses.

And since there was no monetary bribe, the authorities were quick to rule out the possibility of homicide.

They dismissed the case as an ordinary traffic accident.

Dominic had to give Ivonne some credit—it was indeed a good plan.

Dominic thought that he had hit the nail on the head when it came to the veracity of his suspicions.

However, the driver who had caused the accident was now dead, so he couldn’t testify against Kate and Ivonne. He had difficulty finding any solid evidence of a deal between the two sides.

In any event, Shane was sharp-witted and cunning. He would also be very careful with anything he tampered with to ensure no one would easily discover his involvement.

More importantly, Rachel had almost lost her life in this accident.

Dominic really wasn’t in any mood to carefully and thoroughly search for evidence.

He just wanted to be with Rachel, and he already knew who had been behind this anyway.

He didn’t want to waste any more time, so he decided to resort to the simplest, most crude but efficient method available to him.

He sent people from the Shadow Collective organization to deal with it.


Grandmaster & Disciple of Sex Sect
Sep 16, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 161 – "Sunlight, Shadows, and Suspicious Accidents"

Here's your corrected text:

"Afterward, he stood up from the chair he had been sitting on for a while.

As he was about to walk past Booker, he uttered, 'Thank you so much. I’ve asked someone to buy breakfast for you and your colleagues. An extra bowl of abalone soup was added to yours.'

Without saying anything, Booker hummed a song and rubbed his aching shoulders as he walked away.

Dominic went straight to the ICU and opened the door.

Rachel was lying still on the bed. She had a blue breathing tube on her nose and an IV drip needle in her left hand.

A filled drip bag was hanging on a stand beside her bed. She looked very weak. Her eyes peeled open as soon as Dominic walked into the ward.

When she saw him, she raised a finger and forced a smile.

“You are here,” Dominic walked over and grabbed her right hand.

A thousand words were at the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t get them out.

After kissing the back of her hand very hard, he choked and asked worriedly, “Do you feel pain?” Rachel shook her head slightly.

Although her face was pale and her smile was faint, her eyes were as bright and beautiful as always.

“How did we get rescued?”

Dominic pulled up the quilt to cover her properly.

After keeping silent for a few seconds, he finally replied, “You were saved by the government rescuers.” Rachel stared at him blankly for a while.

All of a sudden, she asked worriedly, “Where is the girl who was with me? How is she doing?”

“Well, she was also admitted to this hospital. She’s in a much better state than you. Don’t worry, okay?” Dominic was utterly appalled by Rachel’s behavior.

Despite her weak state, she still cared about someone else. His heart ached slightly.

Oblivious to the change in her husband’s mood and the thoughts in his head, Rachel continued, “Okay, that’s good to know. I must thank her later. I won’t be alive now if it weren’t for her. She actually jumped into the river to save me.”

“You never cease to amaze me, Rachel. You always put others first. Don’t you know that your condition is serious?” Dominic scolded seriously.

When he saw that Rachel had fallen silent and was staring at him expressionlessly, he added, “I’m sorry for speaking in that tone. But I don’t want you to think about anything now. You have to take a good rest first and get well.”

Rachel was fast asleep, Dominic exited the ward and quietly closed the door behind him.

Kristian was leaning against the wall across the hallway, waiting.

The moment he saw Dominic come out of the ICU, he straightened, smoothed his suit, and walked over.

“How is the investigation going?” Dominic asked after casting his friend a short glance.

“Find whoever is behind this. Get me the names of everyone involved.” His gaze darkened with every word he spoke.

Sunlight filtered through the windows, casting long shadows as the two men strode down the corridor.

Kristian pushed his glasses against the bridge of his nose and answered carefully.

“The drivers of both vehicles died in the accident. The police didn’t discover anything suspicious, either. They ruled it as just another unfortunate incident.”

Dominic stopped walking and narrowed his eyes.

“They’re both dead?” He sneered at the scenery outside.

“How convenient.”

“Well, several rear-end accidents have happened on the same bridge in the last few months. Some drivers said that the lights on the bridge were not bright enough, so sometimes they just misjudged the road conditions.”

Dominic tapped on the iron railing of the corridor as his mind raced.

“It can’t possibly be this simple,” he muttered under his breath. After a moment of silence, he took a deep breath and assumed his usual aloof expression.

“I’ll look into this myself. There are many sides to the story you’re still unaware of. Take care of company matters while I handle this.”

Kristian frowned in bewilderment, but Dominic was already walking into the elevator before he could ask anything.

In truth, Dominic already had a suspect in mind.

After all, Kate and Ivonne didn’t care to hide their desire to have Rachel killed. He wouldn’t put it past them to hire someone to murder his wife.

Dominic took the information Kristian had put together and used it to further investigate the driver of the truck. He paid a visit to the man’s neighborhood and asked around.

“Are you talking about the handicapped guy who drives a truck?”

“Isn’t he supposed to be terminally ill? I heard that his doctor gave him just a few days more to live. Oh! And he has a son who’s currently on the run. A wanted criminal, you see.”

The neighbors weren’t reserved at all, and divulged a lot more than he had originally expected.

“Rumors say that the son went abroad to escape the authorities.”

“What? Where would he get the money for a plane ticket? No, how did he manage to slip past the local police in the first place?” “None of this makes sense.”

Clearly, something fishy was going on beneath the surface.

Following this, Dominic shifted his focus to the son of the truck driver.

Sure enough, the man was wanted for various crimes.

More importantly, he had fled the country not too long ago with someone’s help.

After some more digging, Dominic traced the criminal’s connections to Shane Palmer.

The whole picture was finally taking shape. The mastermind must be Ivonne.

Dominic speculated that she had talked the truck driver into this murder-suicide mission.

In return, she had coaxed Shane into making arrangements for the driver’s son to escape overseas.

The man didn’t have long to live, anyway, so the accident was intentionally fatal so as to leave no witnesses.

And since there was no monetary bribe, the authorities were quick to rule out the possibility of homicide.

They dismissed the case as an ordinary traffic accident.

Dominic had to give Ivonne some credit—it was indeed a good plan.

Dominic thought that he had hit the nail on the head when it came to the veracity of his suspicions.

However, the driver who had caused the accident was now dead, so he couldn’t testify against Kate and Ivonne. He had difficulty finding any solid evidence of a deal between the two sides.

In any event, Shane was sharp-witted and cunning. He would also be very careful with anything he tampered with to ensure no one would easily discover his involvement.

More importantly, Rachel had almost lost her life in this accident.

Dominic really wasn’t in any mood to carefully and thoroughly search for evidence.

He just wanted to be with Rachel, and he already knew who had been behind this anyway.

He didn’t want to waste any more time, so he decided to resort to the simplest, most crude but efficient method available to him.

He sent people from the Shadow Collective organization to deal with it.
Thanks for the update

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 162 – "Gone Girl: The Curious Case of Kate's Disappearance"

The Shadow Collective organization was a group of people Dominic had specially trained to protect him and his people from the Klein family.

The Porter Group did decent business, so shady dealings had to be done forcefully by another group of people under the cover of the darkness of the night.

After Rachel had gone over the bridge and into the river as a result of the collision, Kate didn’t hear anything in the news reporting any survivors.She assumed that Rachel must have died.

When she returned to the mansion, she felt refreshed. She suddenly felt like she was back to the days of prosperity and good fortune for the Daley family.She dressed herself up nicely and was in high spirits. She grabbed her bag and headed to the shopping mall.

Since the Daley family had collapsed, she had never squandered money.

To her unwelcome surprise, the first thing she saw on the news on the big screen at the shopping mall was about the car accident on the bridge.

The news gave an update that the two drivers had died but the two women had survived and had been rescued and admitted to hospital for emergency treatment and medical observation.

Frown lines appeared on her face, even though she wore skilfully applied, delicate makeup. She was so disappointed and unhappy that she almost stamped her foot and cursed.

‘How could that bitch be so lucky?’ she lamented.

They had made such an effort to ensure the plan went off without a hitch, yet she somehow still managed to survive.

In any case, there was no point in becoming angry now.

After considering the entire situation for some time, the best she could do was comfort herself that there was no evidence left behind in the accident.

Even if the plan had failed, there would be no consequences for her.

She no longer had any desire to do some shopping and just wanted to take a taxi back home.

Just as she had walked up to the curb side to hail a taxi, a black minibus with tinted windows pulled up before her.

Before she could scream, her mouth and nose were covered and she was dragged into the minibus.

When Kate opened her eyes again, she was scared out of her wits.She was tied up in a small dark room.

Above her on the ceiling, a fan constantly spun around slowly.

A few rays of dim light emanated from the dusty, old globe on the fan, highlighting the specs of dust hanging in the air.

In front of her was a mirror, which was a one-way mirror that was commonly found in an interrogation room.

She could only see herself in the mirror, but she knew that there must be someone behind the mirror watching her.

Kate asked in a trembling voice, “Who… who are you? You want money, right? Give me a phone and ill ask my daughter to give you money right away.”

“Why did you bribe the truck driver to hit Rachel?” A loud and strange voice could be heard in the room.

Kate was shocked and immediately denied it.

“What are you talking about? I don’t understand. had nothing to do with it.”

“It doesn’t matter even if you don’t admit it. We have plenty of time to interrogate you,” the voice said.

The moment the voice stopped speaking, a bucket of ice-cold water was poured directly over her entire body.Dominic’s men had expansive of means for this sort of interrogation.

Kate had been living a comfortable life of luxury for many years, so she couldn’t bear the slightest torture at all.

This kind of endless interrogation was the most torturous.She was alive, but all she could do was struggle in despair.

After a few days, Kate finally admitted what she had done.

“I’ll tell you everything.Please let me go!”

She was covered in bruises.Her mouth was parched and her voice was meek.She knew that her confession would definitely be recorded in a video, but she really couldn’t tolerate the torture a moment longer.

“I did hire the driver to hit Rachel’s taxi…” Kate told the truth, but she omitted the involvement of Ivonne or Charlene.

Kate still wanted to keep Charlene on her side to help Ivonne.She didn’t know what these people would do to her later on.She had to leave something out to make sure Rachel suffered even when she died.

“Did you plan the car accident all by yourself?” Dominic said from where he stood behind the one-way mirror.

It would have been impossible for Kate to have executed this plan all on her own.

“Yes, it was me.I hate Rachel so much.She hurt my entire family,” Kate said with a ferocious look on her face.

Dominic didn’t question her any further.He just said simply, “Turn yourself in.”

Kate suddenly raised her head and asked, “Turn myself in?”

A charge of a double murder was enough for her to be sentenced to death.

Dominic sneered, “It’s up to you.The death penalty can give you a quick death. If you don’t go and turn yourself in, you will only die more miserably.lt’s easy for us to kidnap you again after all.”

Ivonne didn’t notice that her mother was missing until the next day.She had been with Shane in a hotel the previous day.

When she got home and saw that Kate was still not back, she instantly smelled something fishy. She then asked George uneasily, “Dad, where is my mom? It’s so late. Why isn’t she back home yet?”

George harbored inveterate hatred for Kate now that he knew what she had done.Her whereabouts was no longer his business.

With his legs crossed, he glued his eyes to the TV and responded, “Am I your mother’s keeper? I don’t know where she is, and nor do I care!”

Ivonne didn’t have the strength to argue with her father.She just slammed the door and left angrily.

Since she couldn’t get through to her mother or find her, she decided to file a missing person report at the police station But the efforts of the police were also futile.

When they checked the surveillance cameras along the way, they found that Kate was last seen at the shopping mall.

But then she had suddenly vanished out of sight.

The cops blamed this on blind spots and the busy crowd in the shopping mall.

They indirectly told Ivonne that there was nothing more they could do.

Since Ivonne had exhausted all her options, she was forced to ask Shane for help.

“Mr.Palmer, please help me this time.” She burst into tears and was out of breath.

Shane still fancied her for the time being, so he was prepared to do whatever she wanted.

“Hey, don’t cry.Don’t worry, your mother will be found.l’ll ask my men to look for her immediately.” Shane had the best private investigators on his payroll, so he thought this matter was a piece of cake.

Much to his surprise, his men found no trace of Kate after combing the nooks and crannies of the city.

“Do you know if your mother offended someone? My men weren’t able to find any clue.Perhaps one of her enemies is behind her disappearance,” said Shane.

The Palmer family was one of the most powerful families in Sunhaven.

Only a few people could compete with them.

Hot tears welled up in Ivonne’s eyes when she heard this report.

After a long silence, she remembered that Charlene previously said that Rachel had the support of Braden.

She snapped her fingers and said, “Yes, I suspect… I suspect Braden Porter!”

‘I’m sure that man has a hand in this.

After all, Rachel had escaped death by the whiskers.

It seems he’s taking revenge for Rachel because of what happened!’ she pondered.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 163 – "Secrets and Surprises: The Palmer Household Intrigue"

Braden was one of the few people that Shane feared.

He didn’t want to get into his bad books.

At this moment, he reasoned that it wasn’t worthwhile to offend such an important person for the sake of Ivonne.

He said lightly, “Anyway, I’ll continue to help you look for her. That’s the best I can do.”

Ivonne wasn’t born yesterday, so she knew he didn’t want to go all out in helping her.She became more worried after hanging up the phone.

lf Braden had really abducted her mother, he would soon learn that she was also involved in Rachel’s near-death experience.

All of a sudden, Ivonne felt sick.

The feeling of nausea went up to her throat. She rushed to the bathroom and vomited.

What’s wrong with me? Why did I throw up all of a sudden? Was it something I ate?’ She was still trying to fathom why she was nauseous when something dawned on her.

Her monthly period had been delayed for more than two weeks.

Ivonne rushed to the hospital and did a pregnancy test.

The test result showed that she had been pregnant for a month. It was undoubtedly Shane’s child.

Although Shane had ordered her to take contraceptives whenever they had sex, she didn’t obey him because Kate told her not to.

Her mother had said that having a child for Shane would help her become the new Mrs.Palmer.

Ivonne’s joy knew no bounds at this moment.

Her hope to survive this precarious situation was instantly revived.

‘Wow! This is great news.

This baby came at the right time.

I'll use my pregnancy to secure a more stable position in Shane’s life very soon! It’s a known fact that rich and powerful families always attach great importance to the eldest son.Shane only has a daughter now, so he would be glad to have a son.

Something tells me he will shower me with goodies and make me his wife after I tell him that I’m carrying his child. There is no way he will abandon me with this pregnancy, nor will he want me to get hurt. l won’t be in grave danger even if my mother tells Braden that I had a hand in Rachel’s accident”

At the thought of this, Ivonne smiled happily.

Getting married to Shane had been her greatest ambition ever since she started dating him. Now that she was pregnant with his child, she was confident that she was about to clinch the Mrs. Palmer title.

Ever since the day Ivonne found out that she was pregnant, she had begun to inquire about Mrs. Palmer’s current address.

Shane and his wife, Melanie, didn’t live under the same roof. They had been separated for many years.

After a few unlucky tries, Ivonne was finally able to get the address from Shane’s secretary.

On D-Day, she carefully applied some makeup and dressed up. She wore the most expensive cloth and jewelry that Shane had bought for her. She then stood in front of the mirror and stared at her reflection for a long time.

“Wow! I look like a queen.It’s time to begin the quest to take my rightful place.Melanie is an old hag. She will feel inferior when she sees me. In fact, I believe that she wouldn’t dare to stand up to me!”

With this thought in mind, Ivonne became extremely excited. She took the pregnancy test result and walked out of the house with her head held high.

Melanie lived in a luxurious house located on the hillside of the sea.

The beautiful scenery was so unreal that it could be likened to a painting. It always took people’s breaths away.

And Ivonne was no different. She was in awe for a while.

Like the contemptuous woman that she was, she continued to concoct more plans.

“Jeez! This is the dream house I have always longed for! But that old hag is currently living in it. I must coerce Shane to drive her away once we get married. This house is only befitting for a queen like me! Still holding her head up high, Ivonne majestically walked into the house. The first person she saw inside was a middle-aged charming woman who was dressed in expensive

clothes. She was arranging flowers into a vase. The woman’s eyebrows were slightly lowered and her nose and bright eyes looked like Charlene”.

‘This must be Melanie”

Ivonne sized up the woman carefully. She could tell that Melanie used to be a beautiful woman during her youthful days, but she lost her beauty as she got older.

In her pair of high heels, Ivonne walked over majestically and threw the pregnancy test result on the table.

She put one hand on her flat belly and said, “I’m pregnant with Shane’s child. He dotes on me very much. You both have been estranged from each other for years. How about you divorce him now? I don’t want my child to be born out of wedlock. Give Shane a divorce, so I can take my rightful place as the new Mrs.Palmer.”

Melanie glanced at her without uttering a word. She just cut the last tulip and put it into the vase.

Despite the small wrinkles on her face, she still looked peaceful and comfortable. She had an aura of calmness that she had cultivated for many years.

It was as if the news didn’t get to her at all.

Melanie leaned back on the chair and turned to the servant. She then asked calmly, “Why did you let a stranger in?”

Ivonne was surprised by the way Melanie remained unnerved.

She thought the middle-aged woman would be mad at her.

At this moment, Melanie had a mocking smile on her face as if she was staring at a joke.

Afterward, she put the vase on the tea table.

The exquisite design of the tea table was complemented by the fragrant tulips.

Nodding her head in satisfaction, Melanie said to the maid next to her leisurely, “Go and call Shane now. The three of us have to talk face to face.”

This statement took Ivonne off guard.

“She wants to call Shane here? Why is she so confident that he will come? I thought they had separated for years.Is this woman just fibbing?” Several confusing thoughts filled Ivonne’s head.

She felt that her plan was falling through at the very beginning. She hadn’t told Shane about the pregnancy because she had wanted it to be a surprise.

A cold sweat broke out on her forehead as she stared at the indifferent elderly woman in a daze.

“And you, bring a chair for this young lady. She’s pregnant, so she shouldn’t be standing for too long.”

Melanie had just picked up the teacup and taken a few sips of the tea when she asked another member of staff to bring a chair with soft cushion.

When the chair came, Ivonne sat down while trembling in fear. Her heart thumped against her chest while waiting for Shane’s arrival.

“Bloody hell!” A voice boomed from outside about thirty minutes later.

Shane had arrived. His face and eyes were red with fury.

As he walked into the house, his big belly trembled. He was behaving as if he was going to war.

“Ivonne! Didn’t I tell you to take contraceptives?” he bellowed.

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