A Billionaire Husband and The Substitute Wife - Love Story of Dominic Peterson and Rachel Daley

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In the Daley household, young Rachel's life was akin to a continuous uphill battle. Her mother was relentless in her relentless teasing and torment, and her sister seemed intent on acquiring everything Rachel held dear, including her boyfriend. Yet, the most pressing challenge was the mounting medical bills of her foster mother, Norma—the one soul who had shown Rachel unwavering kindness since her early years and had raised her with a tender heart.

Desperation had driven the Daley family to a rather peculiar arrangement: they agreed to shoulder Norma's medical expenses, but with a caveat. They insisted that Rachel take the plunge into matrimony with Dominic, the illegitimate and seemingly directionless scion of the affluent Peterson family, replacing her sister as his spouse.

As the wedding bells chimed and the ink on their marriage certificate dried, both Rachel and Dominic would soon discover that their newlywed partner harbored a closely guarded secret, poised to shake the very foundation of their union.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 119 – "Fashion and Frustration: Estela's Quick Change of Heart"

Rachel began, "Mr. Higgins, that's not—" but Kristian silenced her with a raised hand. He didn't want to hear Rachel's explanation, knowing that Estela would only badmouth her. Playing the fool, Kristian said, "Rachel is still young and inexperienced. Estela, remember when you were like that before you matured and gained more experience? Why can't you be more understanding of our new employee?"

Estela's anger flared up at his words. She pointed accusingly at Rachel and cried out, "Mr. Higgins, you have no idea what happened! She was wearing a dress similar to mine, and your designer had the audacity to ask me to change!"

Estela tilted her chin arrogantly, fully expecting Kristian to take her side and put Rachel in her place.

Kristian, sipping his champagne, casually assessed Estela's dress. "I think the dress you were wearing earlier didn't suit you. You look much better in this one."

Estela was left speechless. She never expected to hear such words from Kristian, known for his charm and smooth ways. Although he hadn't openly insulted Estela, it was evident he sided with Rachel.

In Estela's mind, only one possibility remained: Kristian was either dating Rachel or planning to ask her out. She couldn't help but glance at Rachel's dress again, wondering if it was a gift from Kristian.

Estela then turned her attention to Rachel, acknowledging her beauty and considering Kristian's interest in her. "You're right, Mr. Higgins," she forced a smile at Rachel, her eyes no longer domineering. Though unhappy, Estela needed to maintain a good relationship with Kristian. "This dress does look better on you than it did on me, Miss Daley."

"Thank you, Miss Katalina," Rachel responded, detecting the underlying sarcasm in Estela's words. She was amazed at how quickly Estela had changed her demeanor. Rachel couldn't help but think Estela would excel as an actress.

Kristian didn't add more to the conversation, taking another sip of champagne and glancing toward the dance floor. Dominic was approaching the hall. Kristian averted his gaze and looked at Estela.

"You two carry on," Estela said, not interested in further conversation with Rachel. She disapproved of women who advanced their careers through seduction. But she couldn't afford to alienate Kristian, so she put on a polite facade.

"Did Mr. Higgins give you this dress?" Rachel shook her head, explaining, "The company hosted a dinner party last time, and my evening dress got stained. So, he lent me this dress." However, Estela remained skeptical. She assumed Rachel was hiding her relationship with Kristian, thinking she was just his mistress.

Estela raised an eyebrow, continuing to doubt Rachel's words. "Right, of course," she replied, insincere. Kristian had brought Rachel here as a distraction to ease off on Dominic.

Seeing Estela's suspicion, Kristian quickly intervened, "Estela, why the curiosity? Don't jump to conclusions." He didn't want any more misunderstandings, especially with Dominic present. "Let's not spoil the evening."

Estela returned to her booth without saying more.

"Shall we head back, Mr. Higgins, or check on Mr. Porter?" Rachel, who had no interest in speaking with Estela from the beginning, wanted to avoid her. She disliked Estela for what happened earlier.

"Mr. Porter is fine. He's busy with work and has already left," Kristian replied, pretending to be engrossed in his phone.

Rachel checked her phone and saw a reply from Braden: "You're welcome."

The message was concise. With a final glance around the banquet hall, Kristian concluded that Dominic was no longer at risk of being exposed.

"I'm sorry, but I need to help my girlfriend with something. Shall I walk you to your husband?" Kristian asked with a smile, gesturing towards the exit. After a brief consideration, Rachel nodded and followed him into the garden.

Dominic sat on a bench outside, holding a glass of wine, his legs crossed. Kristian didn't linger and left after escorting Rachel to her husband.

Rachel, with a disappointed expression, plopped down on the bench opposite Dominic. She had come here for nothing, unable to see Dominic and Braden together.

"It's too noisy in there," Dominic explained softly, taking a sip of his wine as the music in the ballroom dwindled. He felt a sense of relief as the party came to an end.

The Porter Group had arranged for cars and chauffeurs to take guests home. Andy, disguised as the driver, opened the door for Dominic.

Rachel sat in the backseat, her gaze fixed on the window. She remained quiet and dejected during the drive.

Despite her attempts to distract herself, she couldn't stop thinking about Dominic and Braden's relationship. She occasionally glanced at Dominic, considering whether to ask him directly but ultimately decided against it. Such a question wasn't easy to broach, and she couldn't be sure Dominic would tell her the truth.

Dominic sensed that something troubled Rachel since their garden encounter. However, he believed she still didn't know that he and Braden were the same person. Otherwise, she would have confronted him there and then. Dominic reached over and closed the window on her side, creating a slight tension in the car that prompted Andy to slow down.

Dominic then pulled Rachel into his arms and asked, "Is something bothering you? Is there something you'd like to ask me?" He always wanted to understand her thoughts, especially when she seemed distant. They had grown closer, but he couldn't shake the feeling that Rachel had erected a barrier between them. Occasionally, she'd recoil from his touch, making him wonder what was truly on her mind.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 120 – "Rachel's Imagination Runs Wild: The 'Braden' Mystery"

Rachel cozied up to his snug embrace, pondering her dilemma. After a brief moment of hesitation, she decided it was time to end her endless rumination and directly address the issue with him.

"You and Braden... Are you..." Her voice barely above a whisper, Dominic had to lean in closer to catch her words.

"Are we what?" he inquired.

Summoning her courage, Rachel pulled back slightly, locking eyes with Dominic. "Are you two in a romantic relationship?"

Dominic was caught off guard, choking on his own breath in shock. He loosened his grip on Rachel, covering his mouth as he coughed uncontrollably. His face turned a shade of crimson, and his ears burned hot.

Andy, equally taken aback by Rachel's question, momentarily lost control of the steering wheel. The car veered off the road and nearly collided with a tree before he managed to regain control. Andy thumped his chest and bit his lip, trying to compose himself.

"Where on earth did you get that idea?" Dominic asked incredulously.

Rachel blushed, still holding onto her conservative and innocent nature. Broaching this topic made her uncomfortable. She lowered her gaze, fidgeting with her fingers nervously.

"When you mentioned seeing Braden, you made it sound like you two were very close. And remember the big argument we had about Markus? Shortly after that, he got transferred to Mamont. I heard Braden had a hand in it, but what could be the reason for that sudden change?"

Dominic sighed helplessly. "Have you considered that it might all just be coincidental?"

"Please, there can't be so many coincidences happening around me in such a short time. Braden has also helped me countless times at the company. I just mentioned the issue with Norma, and he took care of it immediately. Is that still a coincidence?" Rachel was getting increasingly anxious.

The more she articulated her suspicions, the more convinced she became of her own theory. "Besides, you said Braden wasn't interested in women, so it can't be because he's attracted to me. So why would he go to such lengths for my sake?"

Dominic had to admit that Rachel was making a compelling case. He struggled for a moment, unable to come up with a counterargument. Andy glanced at them through the rearview mirror, suppressing a chuckle. He silently applauded Rachel for her vivid imagination.

"You've got it all wrong. It's not what you think," Dominic finally said, rubbing his nose in frustration. He wracked his brain for a plausible explanation, but nothing came to mind. Rachel thought he was being dismissive, which only made things worse.

"Why don't you just clarify things for me, then?" she demanded.

"Also, you and Braden spent quite some time together in the men's bathroom earlier. You were right there when he went in, weren't you? You stayed there for quite a while!"

Rachel's mind was already spinning with images of the two men in an intimate embrace, and she couldn't bear to contemplate the possibilities any further. Dominic blinked at her, torn between admiration for her imagination and frustration at his own predicament.

"I didn't see Braden," he admitted, cursing Kristian under his breath for going along with that ridiculous plan. It was like shooting himself in the foot.

Rachel let out a deep sigh, refusing to believe a word he said. She slumped back in her seat, staring out of the window. They had arrived in their neighborhood by now, and the car came to a stop in front of their apartment building.

Without wasting any time, Rachel flung open her door and rushed inside, leaving Dominic watching her retreating figure. She stormed into their home and angrily tossed her mask into the trash, feeling upset for reasons she couldn't quite explain. Despite their intimacy and closeness, she felt like she knew nothing about Dominic.

He entered a few moments later, having removed his suit jacket and casually draped it over his arm. Dominic discarded it to the side and walked over to Rachel, pulling her into his arms. His expression was serious, his voice firm as he said, "I promise you, it's not what you think. I can't explain everything right now, but you have to trust me when I say you're mistaken."

Rachel weakly attempted to break free from his embrace, but she ultimately gazed up at him. He didn't appear to be lying, but she couldn't completely shake her doubts.

"How can I trust you?" she challenged.

Dominic's eyes darkened, and he leaned in closer until their breaths mingled.

"I can prove it to you," he whispered.

The smoldering desire in his eyes made Rachel swallow hard. Without warning, Dominic lifted her up and carried her into the bedroom.

The next thing Rachel knew, her back was against the mattress, and his warm, solid body pressed against hers.

Dominic grasped her thighs, wrapping her legs around his waist as he pinned her wrists above her head. With one hand holding them in place, the other ventured down to her chest, gently squeezing her soft flesh as he nibbled on her lower lip.

"I can prove to you right here, right now, that I'm only interested in women," he murmured, his voice dangerously low.

"I can prove it whenever you want. I'm just not sure if you can handle it." 😉💕

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 121 – "The Billionaire's Dilemma: Love vs. the Late-Night Buzz"

Rachel startled, her heart racing. She instinctively clenched her knees together as she sensed an intense warmth between her thighs, growing more pronounced by the moment.

"No need to prove anything, Dominic. I trust you," Rachel blurted out, hastily turning her head to dodge his kiss. Her cheeks flushed, and her body temperature seemed to soar.

Women always had a soft spot for confident, assertive men.

Dominic released his grip on her wrist and instead planted a tender kiss on her cheek. He leaned in closer and gently touched her earlobes.

"Was your doubt because we haven't been intimate yet?"

Rachel stammered, "It's not that... Wait, I... I need to use the bathroom."

Nervously, she attempted to rise, but Dominic held her firmly against the bed.

"Do you really think you can escape from me? Don't change the subject. You thought I might be interested in men, didn't you? I'll prove my attraction to you right here and now," Dominic declared with a mischievous grin, leaning closer.

Rachel's heart pounded in her chest. She wasn't prepared for this moment.

She crossed her arms over her chest as if bracing herself against him, her eyes welling up with unease.

"Just give me a moment. I need to change out of this dress. It's quite expensive, and I can't risk ruining it," she pleaded.

"Alright," Dominic said, touching her chin with a smile. He withdrew and stepped back. "I'll wait for you."

Rachel hurried to her wardrobe, grabbed the first outfit she could find, and dashed into the bathroom. As she closed the door behind her, she breathed a sigh of relief.

In front of the mirror, she noticed her cheeks had turned a delightful shade of red. She covered her face and turned away, overwhelmed by her emotions.

Rachel remained in the bathroom for quite some time, applying body lotion to her skin. About ten minutes later, she cautiously opened the latch and peered out.

The room was eerily quiet. She carefully pushed the door open and stepped out.

Dominic was nowhere to be seen in the bedroom. She glanced into the living room and spotted him on the balcony, engaged in a phone call.

Rachel sighed with relief, sneaked back into her room, and nestled under the blanket.

Dominic returned a few minutes later, his mood clearly soured by the phone conversation. He closed the door and saw Rachel cocooned under the blanket.

Dominic decided to take a quick shower.

When he emerged from the bathroom, he found Rachel lying on the bed, her eyes closed, appearing to be fast asleep.

She didn't move, but her eyelashes trembled slightly, as if she were trying to keep her eyes shut.

Dominic knew she was feigning sleep, and it made her uneasy.

"Rachel?" he called, gently patting her shoulder to test her reaction.

Rachel didn't respond, pretending to be fast asleep and oblivious to his presence.

Checking the bedside clock, which read eleven at night, Dominic realized they had plenty of time. He used the remote control to close the automatic blinds, offering Rachel some privacy.

Rachel watched as the blinds descended slowly, her eyes wide. She remained stiff as a board on the bed.

With a rustling sound, Dominic lifted the covers and joined her, positioning himself with one arm supporting him. He straddled her thighs with his strong, lean legs, his fingers tenderly brushing her hair and spreading it across the pillow.

"Are you truly asleep?" Dominic inquired, his hand gradually snaking around her waist and descending her leg, his voice taking on a low, enticing tone. "How do you manage to keep your legs tightly closed if you're asleep?"

His words prompted Rachel to press her thighs even closer together, resisting his advances.

"If you continue, I might have to slip my fingers in. You know you can't resist me," Dominic added with a sultry edge to his voice. He playfully blew on her ear before placing his lips against her sensitive skin.

"No," Rachel blurted out before she could stop herself, her voice trembling. "Dominic..."

He was intimidating her, though she couldn't deny her desire.

Rachel crossed her arms, shielding her chest, feeling embarrassed by her own actions. Dominic chuckled softly, understanding her inner conflict.

He pinched her cheek affectionately and kissed her gently, a reassuring kiss that conveyed his understanding.

When he pulled away, he asked, "Are you still scared?"

Rachel shook her head, her cheeks burning as Dominic grinned.

"In that case, let's enjoy some kisses for a while, shall we?"

Dominic cradled her face in his hands and leaned in for another kiss, longer and more passionate this time.

Rachel relished his kisses, her arms instinctively wrapping around his neck, drawing him closer.

However, in the next moment, she flinched and pushed against his shoulders.

"Dominic! Stop tickling my belly; I'm very ticklish!"

Dominic laughed and gave her another peck, no longer playing games. He loomed over her, his desire now impossible to contain.

He swiftly discarded his pajama bottoms, asking, "Can I enter you now?"

While he posed the question, he was already grinding his groin against hers.

Rachel hesitated, biting her lower lip. Dominic took advantage of the pause to remove his pajama top.

"We have the entire night ahead of us. Why don't we make the most of it?" he suggested.

Rachel had no reason to refuse. They had resolved their misunderstandings, so there was no need to hold back.

"Okay," she whispered timidly, her voice barely audible, but Dominic heard her.

He needed no further encouragement. In one fluid motion, he pushed up her nightgown, revealing her shapely breasts. A rush of heat surged between her thighs, and her heart raced in anticipation.

Dominic sensed her readiness and reached for the nightstand, fumbling to retrieve a box of condoms he had bought after confessing his feelings to Rachel. Little did he know that he wouldn't need them until now.

Just as he finally managed to grab the box, his phone began buzzing insistently on the nightstand.


Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 122 – "The Multifaceted Dominic: Rachel's Growing Dilemma"

Dominic let out an annoyed growl. He'd already been interrupted by a phone call once, and he wasn't keen on letting it happen again. With determination, he reached for his device, intending to hang up and silence it completely.

"Who's calling?" Rachel inquired, curiosity piqued as she sat up, peering over his shoulder at the phone's screen that displayed the caller as "1D."

"Charlene Palmer," a woman's name that raised Rachel's eyebrows.

Rachel wrapped herself in a blanket and sat on the bed, her flushed face still evident. Using her teeth, she pulled a black rubber band from her wrist and tied her hair into a messy bun.

An uneasy feeling washed over her. Charlene was clearly a woman, and although Rachel had been living with Dominic for a while now, he had never mentioned any women, especially not this Charlene. She had never gotten the sense that he had any particularly close relationships with women.

Moreover, the fact that this woman was calling him late at night indicated a special connection with Dominic. He knew Charlene was returning from abroad, but they hadn't expected a call at this hour.

"She's an acquaintance. I think she's calling about something," Dominic explained briefly, his focus still drawn to Rachel's presence beside him. Her body felt incredibly soft, as if it had no bones at all. Despite her petite stature, every touch sent shivers of pleasure through Dominic's body as he explored her smooth skin.

Dominic couldn't hold back his desire any longer and leaned in to kiss her again, but Rachel pushed him away.

"Why haven't you ever mentioned her before? Why is she calling you late at night?" Rachel asked, tilting her head to the side.

Dominic wrapped his arm around Rachel's shoulder, attempting to reassure her. "She's living abroad now, and it's morning there. She's probably just caught up in work and forgot about the time difference." Charlene was known for her dedication to her job, often neglecting her personal life.

But Rachel sensed there was more to this story. Dominic's explanation didn't feel entirely honest.

"Shouldn't you call her back? She might have something important to say." Dominic wasn't in the mood to chat with Charlene; he was more interested in continuing their intimate moment. However, he realized that not calling her back would only fuel Rachel's suspicions.

"Alright, I'll call her now," Dominic relented, picking up his phone and dialing Charlene's number. The background on the other end was noisy.

Charlene was in California on her annual vacation, fresh from a short trip.

"What took you so long to answer my call? Were you swamped with work?" Charlene's voice brimmed with enthusiasm.

"It's eleven in the evening here in San Francisco," Dominic replied, pulling Rachel closer to him. Her pout and sullen expression only ignited his desire to kiss her; she looked utterly adorable. He leaned in and gently bit her lip once more.

"What's going on?" he asked, eager to wrap up the conversation.

"I'll be back next week, right? I want to bring you a gift. Anything specific you'd like, but nothing too expensive, okay? I made some money on my last project, but Kristian took his share."

"No, thanks. If that's all, I'll hang up," Dominic replied curtly, his mind elsewhere.

"Alright, we'll catch up when I'm back. I haven't seen you guys in ages," Charlene said before ending the call. She knew Dominic well enough to realize he wasn't in the mood to chat at the moment.

Dominic put down his phone, but Rachel still appeared unhappy. She had overheard Charlene's voice on the other end of the line and could only make out the part where Charlene mentioned wanting to catch up with Dominic.

"She called to let me know she's coming back," Dominic explained, pulling the blanket away and burying his head in Rachel's bosom, peppering it with kisses.

"Shall we continue? I'm so aroused; it's uncomfortable," Dominic murmured. But Rachel was no longer in the mood for intimacy. She subconsciously pushed him away and asked, "Are you two close?"

Charlene seemed like an accomplished woman who had studied and worked abroad. Furthermore, she wanted to meet Dominic as soon as she returned, which seemed quite significant.

Dominic sensed Rachel's unease. He realized that their intimate moment had come to an end.

He moved away from Rachel and settled on the bed, drawing her close to him. "We haven't kept in touch for a while," he admitted, his gaze fixed on the ceiling. After a brief pause, he added, "She also works at the Porter Group as a senior executive. She's been focused on expanding the overseas market. You'll probably meet her when she returns."

Rachel sprang up from the bed, looking at Dominic in shock. "How do you know the senior executive at the Porter Group?"

"She was my high school classmate," Dominic replied casually, resting his head on Rachel's arm.

"High school classmates? So, you've known each other for a long time. Which school did you both attend?" Rachel asked, studying his face.

The dim, warm light of the small table lamp accentuated Dominic's features.

"Sunhaven High," Dominic replied, shrugging nonchalantly. Considering his current identity, he couldn't reveal much more.

"My teachers used to say it's one of the best schools in the city," Rachel mumbled, lowering her head. Only children from wealthy and influential families attended Sunhaven High, and they all had exceptional intelligence and academic achievements.

Ordinary people couldn't compete with them, and Rachel fell into silence, a strange feeling settling in her heart.

Dominic and Charlene had known each other since high school and had stayed connected ever since. Rachel sensed there was a close bond between them, and the fact that Charlene had risen to become a senior executive at the Porter Group only added to her intrigue. She must have been remarkable from the start.

Rachel couldn't help but wonder if Dominic had ever had feelings for her.

"What's on your mind?" Dominic frowned, noticing that Rachel seemed preoccupied. Rachel picked up her nightgown from the floor, put it on, and lay back on the bed.

"Why have you never mentioned her before?"

"She's not a significant part of my life, so I didn't see the need to talk about her," Dominic said, pinching her cheek and meeting her gaze.

"I'm not particularly close to her," Rachel replied, turning her head away. She couldn't determine the extent of their relationship. However, she chose to trust Dominic's words. She rested on the bed and covered her face with the blanket, a multitude of emotions swirling within her. Dominic seemed to harbor numerous secrets, and for some reason, he was reluctant to share them with her.

He remained an enigmatic figure, concealing aspects of himself from her. Rachel felt as though she couldn't truly understand him, and he only allowed her to see the side of him that he wanted to reveal. Dominic appeared to lead multiple lives, and Rachel struggled to uncover what lay beneath the façade he presented to the world.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 123 – "Intimate Moments and Hidden Histories: Rachel's Quest for Truth"

Rachel's heart sank, and she felt like an outsider once more. The idea of getting close to someone who refused to reveal his true self didn't sit right with her.

"Well, it's getting late. I'm going to sleep," she mumbled, turning away from him.

Despite her words, Rachel was wide awake, her mind buzzing with countless thoughts that disrupted her peace. She pressed her lips together and stole a glance at him, secretly hoping that Dominic would open up. Yet, he remained silent, his only response being a sigh as he lay down beside her.

As Rachel listened to the rhythmic ticking of the clock, her racing heart gradually calmed. Suddenly, Dominic moved closer behind her, his chest gently pressed against her back as he embraced her.

Dominic rested his chin on Rachel's shoulder and gazed at her delicate pink earlobe. An unusual silence filled the room, bathed in the soft, dim glow of a table lamp.

"Do you want to know more about my past?" Rachel heard his voice rumbling against her back as his fingers traced patterns on her silky nightgown.

"Don't push yourself if you're not ready to talk about it," Rachel mumbled. She wanted him to share everything, but only if he genuinely wanted to. Forcing him to do so wouldn't make sense.

"I've never been in a romantic relationship with her, as you may think," Dominic said, his gaze fixed on the closed blinds as he reminisced about the past.

Charlene was in the same high school class as Dominic and Kristian. At the time, the three of them belonged to influential families, bonding over shared hobbies that naturally forged their friendship.

When Dominic decided to venture into business, Charlene chose to relinquish the opportunity to take over the Palmer family's business and instead co-founded the Porter Group with him. Given the intertwined connections between the Palmer and Peterson families, Charlene had some knowledge of Dominic's background, including his dual identity as Braden Porter and Dominic Peterson.

Their friendship deepened as they faced numerous challenges and obstacles together. Dominic had always considered Charlene an excellent business partner and a reliable friend. However, he had never harbored romantic feelings for her.

But one day, Kristian, inebriated and candid, dropped a bombshell.

"You're a heartless man!" he complained, taking another swig of wine.

"Charlene gave up her family's business to help you start this company—to help you realize your dreams. Yet, you've never acknowledged her feelings. Truth be told, Charlene is smitten with you. She's intelligent and beautiful. Why don't you give it a chance?"

Perhaps it was because Kristian had already divulged Charlene's feelings to Dominic, but a few days later, Charlene herself confessed her love to him. Dominic, however, wasn't romantically interested in Charlene and gently turned her down.

Charlene was a pragmatic woman, so she applied for a transfer and embarked on an overseas mission to expand the Porter Group's reach. She spent three years abroad.

Now, Dominic came back to the present, nestling his head against the curve of Rachel's neck with a clear conscience. He had never been romantically involved with Charlene, and he believed three years had likely brought changes to their situation.

Charlene might have fallen in love with someone else by now, while Dominic himself was now married to Rachel. The surprise of Charlene's sudden return aside, the successful completion of the overseas business venture naturally signaled her return.

However, Dominic understood that Rachel and Charlene would inevitably cross paths at the Porter Group. To avoid unnecessary complications, he had openly shared everything he could about Charlene with Rachel. Yet, there were still certain secrets he couldn't fully disclose.

Rachel was understandably upset, but Dominic couldn't reveal his true identity as Braden just yet.

"I want to know everything about you and Charlene," Rachel expressed her desire.

"You know, Dominic? It feels like I never truly know you," she muttered.

"I'm sorry I can't tell you everything right now due to my background," Dominic responded with regret. "But I promise to reveal everything one day."

With a tender embrace, Dominic held her close, as though he wished to merge her into his very being. He closed his eyes, reminding himself not to reveal too much, as unpredictable dangers still loomed, and he couldn't involve Rachel in his mess.

Dominic held her tightly, and Rachel found it hard to breathe. She tried to wriggle free from his grasp, but Dominic anchored her in place, even slinging a leg around her to ensure she couldn't escape.

"I'm having trouble breathing!" Rachel protested, kicking her legs in an attempt to free herself.

"But you're still angry with me," Dominic mumbled, drawing her even closer.

Rachel could feel his warm breath against her skin, sending shivers down her spine and making it difficult to think clearly.

"Goodness, you're squeezing me so tightly. I can hardly speak," she gasped for breath.

But then, a sudden realization dawned on Rachel—Dominic was the illegitimate son of the Peterson family. The circumstances surrounding his mother's death remained a mystery to everyone, and admitting his true identity must have been difficult for him.

Rachel empathized with the setbacks he must have faced since childhood, understanding that he held many secrets.

While still unhappy that Dominic was keeping something from her, Rachel couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"Well, it's a bit unsettling to know that you're still in contact with your high school friend but haven't mentioned a word about her to me. She's an exceptional woman, after all."

Considering Dominic's family background, Rachel sympathized with him. She wanted clarity on this matter once and for all.

Seeing that Rachel had stopped resisting, Dominic held her closer and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"She's not my type," he assured her, then nipped at her neck and slid his hand under her dress.

"I only want you," he whispered into her ear.

"Don't play games. I can give you some time, but you must promise to tell me everything—soon, and no more secrets," Rachel insisted, slapping his hand away and moving a safe distance from him.

Despite feeling sorry for Dominic, a part of her still harbored concerns about his relationship with Charlene. She couldn't allow herself to be intimate with him until he shared all his secrets.

Dominic chuckled and rolled back to his side of the bed, knowing Rachel well. Trying to seduce her when she wasn't in the mood would only push her further away.

Dominic was resolute in his plan. He needed to resolve the issues surrounding the Peterson family as quickly as possible. Rachel was the most important person in his life, and he didn't want to continue deceiving her.

However, he grappled with a multitude of concerns. Exposing his true identity to Rachel before resolving the underlying problems could potentially put her in danger.

With these heavy thoughts on their minds, both of them soon drifted off to sleep.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 124 – "The Weight of Unexpressed Feelings"

The following morning, Rachel yearned to speak with Dominic but struggled to find the right words. It felt as if an invisible barrier had arisen between them.

As Dominic brushed his teeth, he contemplated ways to alleviate the tension. He was determined not to let Charlene come between them and disrupt their life together, as he envisioned a future with Rachel.

"How about I pick you up tonight?" Dominic thought it would be a good idea to take her out for dinner.

Rachel, just about to leave for work, didn't want to be away from him either. She was about to agree when Dominic's phone rang. She glanced at the screen and raised an eyebrow.

"You should pick her up and have dinner with her. You two haven't seen each other in ages," Rachel said, her tone edged with sarcasm, before slamming the door and departing.

Sighing, Dominic answered the call. It was Charlene.

"Braden, I've arrived at the airport. The driver isn't here. Can you please come and pick me up?"

Dominic rubbed his nose, gazing out the window. "Weren't you supposed to be back next week? I'm quite busy right now. I'll arrange for someone to pick you up."

Charlene overheard his words and replied casually, "Well, surprise! It's okay if you can't make it. I'll figure it out myself."

Despite her attempt to sound cheerful, disappointment was evident in her voice.

"Are you free tonight?" she asked expectantly. "We haven't seen each other in three years. Shall we meet today?"

"I'm not free tonight," Dominic replied, recalling Rachel's recent departure in frustration. "Maybe next time."

"You always say that you have to tell me what you mean by 'next time.' I haven't seen you in three years. Can't I even ask you out for dinner? Is that too much to ask?" Charlene grumbled, her patience wearing thin.

She had always been forthright about her feelings, and Dominic's constant rejection had begun to wear on her.

"I'm really busy tonight. Besides, you'll be at the company tomorrow. I'll see you there," Dominic replied.

"We can catch up then," Charlene conceded, understanding Dominic's reluctance.

The smile on Charlene' face faded as she hung up the phone. It had been three years, but Dominic hadn't changed a bit. She clutched her phone and stared into the distance, feeling the weight of unrequited love.

Only she knew the pain of loving someone deeply and receiving nothing in return. Her feelings for Dominic had developed during their high school years. She had chosen to start a new business with him instead of taking over her family's business, standing by him during their struggles.

Later, when Dominic's business had taken off and he became Braden Porter, CEO of the Porter Group, Charlene confessed her love, but he had rejected her. She had been devastated and left the country, hoping he would regret his decision and chase after her. But he had never reached out during those three years.

Charlene assumed Dominic had rejected her to focus on his family and career, and now that the Porter Group was thriving, she hoped he would reconsider their relationship, especially since she had become more successful herself.

However, Dominic seemed even more distant now, unwilling to engage with her. Charlene couldn't help but feel hurt by his continued rejection.

The next morning, Charlene arrived outside the Porter Group's building in her car. As she gazed at the magnificent structure, she marveled at how much had changed in the three years since she had left Sunhaven. Tall buildings filled the streets, and the Porter Group had transformed into a thriving enterprise with thousands of employees.

Kristian, whom she had known for years, greeted her, and they reminisced about their teenage days. However, Braden was absent.

"Where's Braden? How is he?" Charlene inquired as they entered the company.

"You're heartless, Charlene. I know you're eager to see him, but you left without a goodbye. I'm right here in front of you, and you're asking about him. That's hurtful," Kristian said with a frown, a hint of jealousy in his voice.

Charlene chuckled, understanding Kristian's feelings. "Come on, Kristian. I know your lovely girlfriends take good care of you. Anyway, how is Braden?"

"He's a free spirit. After all, he is..." Kristian caught himself before revealing too much. He knew the intricacies of the situation between Dominic and Charlene and believed it was best for Dominic to share his marital status himself.

Kristian pouted and gestured towards the Porter Group's building. "You'll see him in a few minutes. Why don't you find out for yourself?"

Charlene smiled and entered the building.

The top-floor conference room of the Porter Group was bustling with people. It was elegantly decorated, and all the senior executives had gathered to welcome Charlene back, including Braden. He sat at the head of the table, his charisma and exceptional appearance making him stand out.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 125 – "Secrets, Marriages, and Unfinished Business"

Charlene easily spotted him in the crowd. Three years had passed, but Braden still had the power to make her heart race. Charlene had a late night and jet lag to deal with, but the excitement of seeing Braden made her instantly energized. She had spent hours getting ready and felt confident about her appearance. All the senior executives approached Charlene, and she politely greeted them before making her way to Braden.

"Long time no see, Braden," Charlene said with a smile, clinking her glass with his. She wished she could hug him and express how much she missed him during the past three years.

A faint smile played on Braden's lips as he took a sip of his wine, his gaze distant, as if lost in thought.

"You must be tired after the long journey. Welcome back," Charlene said, taking a seat beside him. She had hoped Braden would show interest in her personal life and inquire about her experiences over the past three years. However, he remained silent, sipping his wine.

Braden's indifference left Charlene heartbroken. "It's been three years since we last met! Don't you have anything to say to me?"

Setting down his glass, Braden finally looked at her. "We've made significant profits in the overseas market this time, and the company has decided to reward you for that."

Charlene raised an eyebrow, her eyes filled with anticipation. "I certainly don't work for free. What's my reward?"

"During the meeting with the senior executives, we decided to give you a promotion, a raise, extra shares, and a bonus. We value your contributions," Braden replied calmly. Charlene felt a tightening in her jaw, thoroughly disappointed.

To Charlene, Braden saw her as an outstanding employee, not the woman who longed for his love and care. "You haven't changed at all," she murmured, her disappointment evident.

Looking down at her wine glass, Charlene couldn't conceal the sadness in her eyes. Dominic glanced around the room and checked his watch, then stood up and adjusted his suit jacket.

"It's getting late, and I still have work to do. Enjoy the party."

He had only attended the event out of formality, as Charlene's return was a significant occasion that required his presence.

Charlene couldn't hide her surprise. "Oh, you're not finished for the day?" She had only just started talking to him and didn't want him to leave so quickly.

Dominic frowned slightly at her offer, though his tone remained polite. "This party is all about you. There's no point in you disappearing during an event held in your honor."

With Dominic's departure, Charlene could only watch with dejection. Once he was out of sight, she downed her wine glass in one go.

"Didn't have a pleasant conversation?" Kristian asked, taking a seat beside her.

"He didn't update you on what's been happening with him lately?"

With a bitter smile, Charlene picked up the wine bottle and poured herself another glass. "How could we catch up in just a few minutes? He said he was busy with work and left so quickly."

Kristian raised an eyebrow and sighed. "I know you came back for Dominic, but there's something you need to understand."

Charlene realized the seriousness in his tone and paused. She knew what he was going to say.

"You're going to tell me to give up on him, aren't you?" Charlene sneered.

Kristian chuckled humorlessly and shook his head. "I haven't finished talking yet. I'm not telling you to give up, but I want you to understand something. If you act carelessly, it might affect more than just your relationship with Dominic."

Charlene thought for a moment before asking, "Does he have a girlfriend?"

She told herself it would be okay if he did. Dominic was an exceptional catch, and there was no way someone as brilliant as him would remain single for years.

"He's married," Kristian stated bluntly.

Charlene was struck by this revelation, and her eyes filled with tears. How could Dominic have gotten married without her knowing?

"Why haven't I heard about this?" Charlene demanded.

"I've been keeping tabs on his every move, even while you were abroad," Kristian replied.

Charlene had never paid much attention to Braden's other identity as an illegitimate son. She had always seen him as the CEO of the Porter Group.

"What exactly happened?" Kristian proceeded to recount the circumstances that led to Dominic and Rachel's marriage.

"He cares about his wife," Kristian emphasized. "I'm telling you this because I don't want you to overstep your boundaries. If you do, you might ruin your relationship with Dominic, and there may be no way to mend it."

Charlene struggled to hide her shock and pain, but her emotions got the better of her. She covered her face with her hands and took deep breaths, trying to calm herself.

Kristian, uncertain of what to say, patted her lightly on the shoulder. "Take your time to process this. You're not a child anymore; you should know what to do."

As Kristian turned to leave, Charlene asked one more question, her voice filled with sadness. "Does his wife know that Dominic and Braden are the same person?"

"No, she doesn't," Kristian replied. "You must keep that secret and not reveal it to Rachel. Dominic doesn't want her to know about his association with the Porter Group. You understand the consequences if you reveal his secret."

"Does he really love her?" Charlene asked, still struggling to come to terms with the situation.

"Stay out of it. He has his reasons. You should stop meddling," Kristian warned.

Charlene, her heart heavy, watched Kristian leave. She couldn't help but think, "I met him first! I've known him for so many years!"

Kristian sighed helplessly and turned back to her. "It doesn't matter who came first. Stop overanalyzing everything. You have a lot of work to do today. Forget the past and move on. People can change a lot in three years. Don't dwell on the past, Charlene."

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 125 – "The Hidden Truth: Dominic's Double Life"

Charlene easily spotted him in the crowd. Three years had passed, but Braden still had the power to make her heart race. Charlene had a late night and jet lag to deal with, but the excitement of seeing Braden made her instantly energized. She had spent hours getting ready and felt confident about her appearance. All the senior executives approached Charlene, and she politely greeted them before making her way to Braden.

"Long time no see, Braden," Charlene said with a smile, clinking her glass with his. She wished she could hug him and express how much she missed him during the past three years.

A faint smile played on Braden's lips as he took a sip of his wine, his gaze distant, as if lost in thought.

"You must be tired after the long journey. Welcome back," Charlene said, taking a seat beside him. She had hoped Braden would show interest in her personal life and inquire about her experiences over the past three years. However, he remained silent, sipping his wine.

Braden's indifference left Charlene heartbroken. "It's been three years since we last met! Don't you have anything to say to me?"

Setting down his glass, Braden finally looked at her. "We've made significant profits in the overseas market this time, and the company has decided to reward you for that."

Charlene raised an eyebrow, her eyes filled with anticipation. "I certainly don't work for free. What's my reward?"

"During the meeting with the senior executives, we decided to give you a promotion, a raise, extra shares, and a bonus. We value your contributions," Braden replied calmly. Charlene felt a tightening in her jaw, thoroughly disappointed.

To Charlene, Braden saw her as an outstanding employee, not the woman who longed for his love and care. "You haven't changed at all," she murmured, her disappointment evident.

Looking down at her wine glass, Charlene couldn't conceal the sadness in her eyes. Dominic glanced around the room and checked his watch, then stood up and adjusted his suit jacket.

"It's getting late, and I still have work to do. Enjoy the party."

He had only attended the event out of formality, as Charlene's return was a significant occasion that required his presence.

Charlene couldn't hide her surprise. "Oh, you're not finished for the day?" She had only just started talking to him and didn't want him to leave so quickly.

Dominic frowned slightly at her offer, though his tone remained polite. "This party is all about you. There's no point in you disappearing during an event held in your honor."

With Dominic's departure, Charlene could only watch with dejection. Once he was out of sight, she downed her wine glass in one go.

"Didn't have a pleasant conversation?" Kristian asked, taking a seat beside her.

"He didn't update you on what's been happening with him lately?"

With a bitter smile, Charlene picked up the wine bottle and poured herself another glass. "How could we catch up in just a few minutes? He said he was busy with work and left so quickly."

Kristian raised an eyebrow and sighed. "I know you came back for Dominic, but there's something you need to understand."

Charlene realized the seriousness in his tone and paused. She knew what he was going to say.

"You're going to tell me to give up on him, aren't you?" Charlene sneered.

Kristian chuckled humorlessly and shook his head. "I haven't finished talking yet. I'm not telling you to give up, but I want you to understand something. If you act carelessly, it might affect more than just your relationship with Dominic."

Charlene thought for a moment before asking, "Does he have a girlfriend?"

She told herself it would be okay if he did. Dominic was an exceptional catch, and there was no way someone as brilliant as him would remain single for years.

"He's married," Kristian stated bluntly.

Charlene was struck by this revelation, and her eyes filled with tears. How could Dominic have gotten married without her knowing?

"Why haven't I heard about this?" Charlene demanded.

"I've been keeping tabs on his every move, even while you were abroad," Kristian replied.

Charlene had never paid much attention to Braden's other identity as an illegitimate son. She had always seen him as the CEO of the Porter Group.

"What exactly happened?" Kristian proceeded to recount the circumstances that led to Dominic and Rachel's marriage.

"He cares about his wife," Kristian emphasized. "I'm telling you this because I don't want you to overstep your boundaries. If you do, you might ruin your relationship with Dominic, and there may be no way to mend it."

Charlene struggled to hide her shock and pain, but her emotions got the better of her. She covered her face with her hands and took deep breaths, trying to calm herself.

Kristian, uncertain of what to say, patted her lightly on the shoulder. "Take your time to process this. You're not a child anymore; you should know what to do."

As Kristian turned to leave, Charlene asked one more question, her voice filled with sadness. "Does his wife know that Dominic and Braden are the same person?"

"No, she doesn't," Kristian replied. "You must keep that secret and not reveal it to Rachel. Dominic doesn't want her to know about his association with the Porter Group. You understand the consequences if you reveal his secret."

"Does he really love her?" Charlene asked, still struggling to come to terms with the situation.

"Stay out of it. He has his reasons. You should stop meddling," Kristian warned.

Charlene, her heart heavy, watched Kristian leave. She couldn't help but think, "I met him first! I've known him for so many years!"

Kristian sighed helplessly and turned back to her. "It doesn't matter who came first. Stop overanalyzing everything. You have a lot of work to do today. Forget the past and move on. People can change a lot in three years. Don't dwell on the past, Charlene."

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 126 – "A Love Triangle Unfolds: Money, Power, and Secrets"

Kristian buttoned up his suit jacket, turned around, and left.

Charlene stared into the distance for a long time and finally calmed down.Her mind was elsewhere.She couldn’t accept the fact that Braden was married.

Therefore, she tried her best to convince herself that she still had a chance with him.

Charlene knew Braden better than anyone else.She had known him since high school.

Considering he married Rachel as Dominic Peterson and didn’t want her to know his real identity as Braden Porter, Charlene felt he hadn’t really accepted Rachel as his wife.

After all, Rachel was just an ordinary employee of the company without any family background.She didn’t deserve Braden at all.

As the CEO of the Porter Group, Braden needed a wife who could match his status.

Charlene felt she was the ideal match for Braden.

Not only could she aid in the development of the Porter Group, but her family could also support Braden.She believed Braden had married Rachel only because he needed to fulfill his mother’s final wish.

Charlene’ heart became light, and she saw a ray of hope.

Braden was the most important man in her life.She had loved him for so many years, and it had turned into an obsession.She couldn’t just let go of him and move on.

After the welcome party, several senior executives showed Charlene around the Porter Group.

“Miss Palmer, this is our executive department, and that’s the HR department.The design department is upstairs.Let me take you there,” one of the senior executives offered.

‘Design department?’ Charlene’ eyes lit up.

Kristian had told her that Rachel Daley worked in the design department.

“Let’s go to the design department.Mr.Higgins told me that all our designers are talented.I want to meet them.” Charlene smiled gracefully.

She couldn’t wait to meet Braden’s wife.

The senior executives led her to the design department. The employees of the design department knew Charlene well. They all stood up and greeted her.The originally quiet office turned lively.

Charlene smiled and shook hands with every employee who greeted her as she walked through the crowd.She stopped and looked at a beautiful woman standing behind a chair.

Their gaze locked, and Charlene could sense the hostility and vigilance in her eyes.

‘This must be Rachel.’

Rachel had been thinking about Charlene ever since Dominic told her about this woman.

Charlene worked for the Porter Group and was about to return from abroad, which meant they would be seeing eachother often “You don’t look well today. Didn’t you sleep well last night? Today is a big day. Cheer up!” Hilda patted Rachel’s shoulder

The two had become close again after the news about the fraud group got televised.

Rachel felt it was normal for Hilda to misunderstand her after hearing the rumors because the two had become friends only after Rachel joined the company. After all, Hilda didn’t Rachel well enough.

“Big day?” Rachel looked listless.

“Miss Palmer is finally returning to the company today after three years abroad. She is a legend. I heard she and Mr. Porter had started the company together — she was one of the core founding members. Later, she left the country to explore the overseas market. She is only about four or five years older than us. I admire her a lot!” Hilda adored Charlene and spoke at length about her, oblivious to the look on Rachel’s face.

Rachel’s lungs constricted. It felt as if a giant rock was sitting on her chest.

She sounds like an amazing woman,” she said, forcing a smile.

When Rachel returned to her desk, she heard everyone talking about Charlene.

Just then, the glass door of the department flew open, and everyone unanimously turned around.

A graceful woman walked in, surrounded by all the senior executives of the company. A beautiful smile graced her lips, revealing her pearly teeth. She was wearing a simple black suit paired with exquisite makeup. She looked calm and confident with an air of authority.

Rachel’s colleagues gasped in awe as she walked in.

But somehow, Rachel didn’t like Charlene. It was probably because she felt insecure about her relationship with Dominic. As everyone admired her, Rachel couldn’t help but look at herself. She was dressed in plain clothes and wasn’t wearing any makeup. She didn’t bother to even put on lipstick before coming to work.

All of a sudden, she felt dwarfed.

After greeting the other employees, Charlene walked toward Rachel, sizing her up. Suddenly, she was on her guard. It was not because of how beautiful Rachel was.

However, there was something in her eyes. She looked innocent yet enchanting. Her eyes seemed to have the power to lure anyone, Charlene’ heart leaped to her throat. She was the princess in her family who always got everything she wished for. She had always been proud, yet she somehow felt inferior around Rachel.

Today, she had worn an expensive outfit and styled herself to perfection to impress Braden. However, Rachel looked breathtaking even without any makeup. Charlene knew she wouldn’t be able to compete with Rachel if she brought her style game on.

Charlene’ heart sank. No wonder Kristian kept telling her how important Rachel was to Braden. After all, no man could resist a beautiful woman like her.

Out of caution, Charlene decided not to meet Rachel. Instead, she walked to Stephanie’s office and smiled at the employees along the way

“Miss Palmer. I didn’t expect to meet you again after three years.” Stephanie smiled and stood up to shake hands with Charlene.

“I was busy with work, so I couldn’t come out to welcome you. Please forgive me.” Charlene let go of her hand and sat cross- legged on the leather chair opposite Stephanie.

“Well, I don’t like occasions like these, anyway. I’m glad you didn’t come out. Otherwise, the place would get too crowded.” Stephanie smiled.

“Are you here to talk about work with me? Stephanie knew that Charlene was in charge of the marketing department before.

“I heard the design department has witnessed rapid development in the past few years after I left. Our designs are a huge hit all over the country. I came to see what everyone’s been talking about.” Stephanie nodded in understanding and briefly reported their current situation to her.

“When did she start working here?” Charlene asked, flipping through Rachel’s designs. Her face bore no expression.

‘This is our new designer, Rachel Daley. She has incredible talent, and all her designs are unique. She has contributed a lot to our company. Mr. Porter appreciates her work, and I also think she is an asset to our company.”

Charlene remained silent. Stephanie was a picky woman. if she praised Rachel, it meant the woman was indeed talented.

Charlene dejectedly put down the drafts. Rachel seemed like a bigger threat now. Not only was she beautiful but seemed like a bundle of talent as well. It wasn’t surprising that Braden wanted to hone her talent.

Charlene couldn’t help but wonder if Braden was really serious about being with this woman.

“Okay. I should leave you to your work.”

The moment Charlene left the office, the smile on her face disappeared. She had to somehow separate the two before Rachel knew the truth. He and Rachel were worlds apart.

The woman was born into an ordinary family, which meant money and power could easily lure her. Charlene felt Rachel would never let go of Dominic if she knew he was the CEO of the Porter Group.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 127 – "Rachel's Jealousy: Stirring the Green-Eyed Monster"

In the twilight hours after work, Charlene had made plans for dinner with her friend, Spencer Dixon, the dashing scion of the Dixon family and an embodiment of wealth and charm.

Yet, he carried a notorious reputation as a city playboy, leaving a trail of hearts broken in his wake. Spencer was a master of seduction, effortlessly ensnaring any woman he desired.

But his liaisons never lasted more than three months, and his phone conversations with the women he left behind often brimmed with impatience, such as his terse words to a persistent married lover who claimed to be carrying his child.

Charlene couldn't help but wrinkle her nose in disdain, privately thinking that she'd have nothing to do with Spencer if not for their family ties. He had a knack for manipulating women into his embrace.

As Spencer settled into their dinner outing, Charlene couldn't help but comment, "You haven't changed a bit. One day, you'll face the consequences of all this."

Had it not been for their familial connection, she wouldn't associate with Spencer at all. He had enticed too many with his charm.

Spencer, however, was unfazed by her attitude. He shed his coat, poured her a glass of wine, and inquired with a smile, "What brings you out, Charlene? It's been three years."

"Nothing special," Charlene shrugged nonchalantly. "I just thought it was high time we caught up."

Spencer was clearly delighted to be in the company of such a beautiful woman, and they engaged in light-hearted conversation. As the evening progressed, Charlene cleverly shifted the topic to women, knowing it would capture Spencer's interest. She casually mentioned Rachel, lavishing praise upon her.

"How gorgeous is she?" Spencer asked, his curiosity piqued. "Do you have any pictures?"

Charlene displayed a photo of Rachel at work, and Spencer's eyes widened as he examined every detail of her exquisite face.

"Wow! 'Pretty' is an understatement. She seems innocent," he remarked.

Charlene, in a bid to massage his ego, retrieved her phone. "Well, she's even more stunning in person. But, unfortunately, she's married. I doubt you'll have a chance."

Spencer's eyebrows shot up, already relishing the challenge. "Oh, really?"

"What if I could make it happen?" Charlene teased, fully aware of Spencer's determination to conquer Rachel. She played along, masking her true intentions. "If you succeed, I'll introduce you to all the beautiful women I know. I can't wait to see how you'll win her over."

Meanwhile, after receiving accolades from others all day long, Rachel returned home feeling somewhat dejected. In the kitchen, Dominic was busy preparing dinner, and upon hearing her arrival, he walked over from the stove, a custard bowl in hand.

"What would you like for dinner tonight? How about some pasta?" he offered.

Rachel set her bag down and cast a glance at him. He wore a gray shirt and comfortable slippers, a well-worn apron hugging his frame.

He exuded the air of a devoted family man, but instead of feeling grateful, a hint of unease crept into Rachel's heart. She couldn't help but wonder if he had cooked for another woman in this same loving manner. Perhaps he had treated Charlene in such a way before, and the multitude of thoughts disrupted Rachel's peace.

With a glare, she brushed past Dominic and headed to the bedroom. "Make whatever you want. I'll eat separately."

She slammed the bedroom door behind her, leaving Dominic standing in the living room, staring at the closed door.

He knew that Charlene' presence had likely stirred up jealousy in Rachel, a sign that she cared deeply. At first, he found her jealousy endearing, but it had now taken a more toxic turn, driving a wedge between them. Dominic was torn, wanting to explain to Rachel that he and Charlene had never been close, yet he hesitated, fearing that reopening the topic would only fuel her insecurity.

The situation had become a precarious balancing act, and the night grew colder.

Rachel took a quick shower and curled up under a blanket, facing the window. Then, a rustling sound reached her ears. Recognizing it as Dominic, she closed her eyes, feigning indifference. Dominic had converted her old bedroom into storage, making it impossible for her to return.

Gently, Dominic lifted the blanket and joined her on the bed, resting his head on his arm. The bed creaked beneath his weight.

A heavy, oppressive atmosphere hung in the room. Dominic turned to glance at Rachel, but she moved away, creating a safe distance between them beneath the blanket. He sighed, weary and defeated. Rachel's demeanor was cold and aloof, and he dared not provoke her further.

Rachel had a restless night's sleep. The next morning, she walked to the office in a daze. Their new apartment was conveniently located just blocks away from her workplace. However, the usual route was under construction, forcing Rachel to take a different path.

The Sunhaven autumn was dry, and the golden leaves of the ginkgo trees lined the quiet street. Rachel paused to admire their beauty when a screech of tires pierced the air.

Startled, she turned to see a car hurtling towards her, leaving her no time to react. She fell to the ground in fear.

Miraculously, the car screeched to a halt just inches from her. As she prepared to get up, a hand extended towards her.

"Ma'am, I'm so sorry," the man behind the wheel apologized. "I was on the phone and didn't see you. Are you hurt?"

Rachel, still in shock, looked up to see a concerned and incredibly handsome man.

"I'm fine," she stammered, brushing dust from her clothes. "Thank you."

"Miss, your ankle looks scraped. There might be other injuries too. Let me take you to the hospital for a check-up," he insisted.

Rachel hesitated, aware of her impending workday, but finally agreed. "Alright, but I can't afford to be late. I'll just get some band-aids on the way."

The man introduced himself as Spencer Dixon, offering to drive her to a nearby hospital. His extravagant car and expensive attire gave away his privileged background, but Rachel couldn't be bothered to inquire further.

"No, thanks. I'll manage," Rachel declined, turning away. Spencer's haughty introduction had put her off. She believed him to be a conceited playboy who thought the world revolved around him.

"Could I at least have your number? I'd like to make it up to you with a meal," Spencer persisted, his charm oozing.

Rachel's irritation grew, but she managed a polite smile. "I appreciate it, but I'm leaving now."

She walked away, leaving Spencer behind. She was not interested in his wealthy family or his advances. His arrogance was a turn-off, and she couldn't help but feel that he was a womanizer who flattered every woman he fancied.

Spencer, however, wasn't one to give up easily. He continued to follow her, hoping to win her over. He had never been turned down before, and he relished the challenge.

Rachel's patience wore thin, and she finally stopped, facing him. "I'm fine, sir. Please stop following me."

Spencer persisted, asking for her phone number, and Rachel reluctantly shared it. But her impression of him remained unchanged—cocky and self-absorbed.

As she finally left, Spencer couldn't help but smile to himself. It had always been this easy in the past. Women from ordinary backgrounds often fell for him after seeing his fancy car. His charm never failed.

But Rachel was different. She didn't seem to care about his wealth or status. Spencer was intrigued, finally meeting a woman who was worth the chase. 😏

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 128 – "The Chase Continues: Spencer's Determination to Win Rachel"

Rachel brushed aside her earlier encounter with Spencer, considering it a mere fleeting moment, and resumed her duties. However, that evening, as Rachel exited the company building, her surprise knew no bounds when she spotted Spencer's sports car parked right at the gate.

Her colleagues couldn't help but gossip as they witnessed Spencer emerging from the vehicle.

"Hey! Who's that guy? Wow, he's quite the looker!"

"Is he waiting for his girlfriend? He seems like Spencer Dixon!"

"Spencer Dixon from the famous Dixon Bank?"

Rachel found herself at a loss for words. Her first instinct was to slip away unnoticed, but Spencer had already spotted her and was making his way toward her.

"Miss Daley, you seemed occupied this morning. Care to join me for dinner now?" Spencer approached her with the confident air of a true gentleman, his flannel suit casually draped over his arm.

Rachel couldn't hide her irritation at his self-assured demeanor. She halted in her tracks, studying him closely.

"How do you know my name?"

Spencer casually slipped his hands into his pockets, locking eyes with her.

"It's a simple secret, one I'd love to share over dinner."

"Sorry, but I'm short on time," Rachel retorted through clenched teeth.

As the setting sun cast a warm, orange glow on her face, it accentuated her natural beauty, making her look enchanting even without makeup.

Spencer couldn't help but soften in response to the anger he detected in Rachel's eyes.

"Miss Daley, don't fret. I simply want to give you these," he said, extending the gifts toward her.

"I don't want them, Mr. Dixon. Please stop pestering me; it's getting rather distasteful!" Rachel pushed the bouquet away firmly, her frustration getting the better of her.

She assumed that Spencer would take the hint and back off, especially given his privileged background. But to her surprise, Spencer reappeared the next morning outside the Porter Group building, holding a large bouquet of roses.

Rachel noticed a driver nearby with boxes of expensive gifts, and without hesitation, she made a swift retreat. However, Spencer intercepted her before she could vanish. His expression softened upon seeing the fiery determination in her eyes.

"Miss Daley, don't worry. I just want to give you these," he repeated, offering her the gifts.

"I don't want them, Mr. Dixon. Please, stop pursuing me; it's quite repelling!" Rachel responded bluntly, shoving the bouquet aside.

Her anger was now impossible to contain. As Rachel stormed away, Spencer couldn't help but burst into laughter. He found her even more endearing when she was angry. Little did Rachel know that her persistent rejections were only fueling Spencer's determination to win her over. Spencer had always been drawn to challenges, especially those that seemed out of reach. With a sigh, he tossed the bouquet into a nearby trash can.

There were countless strategies to win a woman's heart, and Spencer was certain he'd find one that would work on Rachel.

However, repeated failures taught him that constant persuasion wouldn't sway her. He needed a different approach—one she couldn't refuse.

A sly smile crept onto his face as he reached for his phone and dialed a number.

"Yes, it's Spencer. I need you to create new uniforms for our bank staff. Assign the project to Porter Group and have their best designer handle it."

Spencer had never been one to accept defeat easily.

This time, he was determined to make Rachel his.

Tension continued to linger between Rachel and Dominic.

One day, following a routine senior executive meeting at Porter Group, Dominic asked Kristian to stay behind.

Kristian had already anticipated that Charlene's return would complicate matters between Rachel and Dominic. However, he couldn't fathom how Rachel had discovered Charlene's presence.

After all, Dominic should have been adept at concealing the truth.

"Well, Charlene called me one night, and Rachel saw it. She inquired about her, and I told her everything," Dominic revealed with intensity. Kristian's smile vanished in an instant.

Dominic and Rachel's relationship now hung by a fragile thread. Kristian sighed wearily and rubbed his temples.

"No one wants secrets in their relationship, especially when they involve someone of the opposite sex. You need to connect with her."

He seated himself on the couch, legs crossed, and let out a heavy sigh.

"Women tend to get jealous easily. You have to soothe her fears."

"I've tried explaining it to her. I'll reveal my past to her soon, but the timing isn't right," Dominic responded, his expression darkening.

"I'm not skilled at comforting women. I've always used force to achieve my goals. But women prefer men who are kind and gentle, don't they?"

Kristian raised an eyebrow, thinking that Dominic might finally be grasping the issue at hand.

In the meantime, Kristian had cautioned Charlene to steer clear of Rachel. The two had been friends since high school, and based on his knowledge of Charlene, she wouldn't cause any trouble.

"It's not just about Rachel being jealous. You must understand that she's upset because she knows you're hiding something from her," Kristian advised. "She won't forgive you unless you reveal the truth. Furthermore, women tend to overthink. Without details, she's likely imagining the worst."

"You know I have no feelings for Charlene," Dominic sighed, a man of few words who saw no need to explain himself.

"What's the point of me knowing that?" Kristian patted his shoulder.

"You need to make her believe it. But I doubt she'll trust you until you come clean about everything you're hiding."

Dominic reclined in his chair, closed his eyes, and let out a tired sigh. He realized that the tension would persist until he shared the truth with Rachel.

The next day, upon arriving at the company, Stephanie informed Rachel that a client had requested her to be the lead designer for a new project.

Even though it was a relatively small project, Rachel was thrilled to be a part of it.

After all, she had just embarked on her career, and such opportunities didn't come by often. She eagerly organized her documents, getting ready to meet the client.

Rachel's heart skipped a beat when she pushed open the meeting room door. To her astonishment, Spencer was seated on the couch, sipping coffee. He looked up and grinned when he saw her.

"My apologies, wrong room," Rachel blurted out, hastily closing the door and taking a deep breath.

"Miss Daley, is this how you treat your clients? It's not very professional," Spencer remarked, a hint of mockery in his voice.

Rachel clenched her teeth and pushed the door open again, forcing a smile.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Dixon. I thought you were here to meet with another designer." Spencer smiled back, pouring her a cup of coffee and sliding it in her direction.

"No need to be nervous. I'd never mix business with personal matters. I chose you because I believe you're an exceptional designer." 😊

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 129 – "Boundary Setting: Rachel's Rules of Engagement"

Rachel couldn't hide her disappointment when she spotted Spencer, but she managed to put on a polite smile.

"Well, Mr. Dixon, what are your thoughts on the bank uniforms? They're typically quite formal. If you don't have any specific preferences, we can work on a design based on our standard template," Spencer took a sip of his coffee, lounging on the sofa.

"I trust your judgment, Miss Daley. How about I give you a tour of Dixon Bank first? It'll help you understand our company culture," he suggested, making Rachel check her phone impatiently.

"Of course, please share the address, Mr. Dixon. I can find my way there," Rachel replied, a touch of annoyance in her voice.

Spencer rose and walked towards the door. "I believe it's best if I personally guide you," he remarked, studying her expression.

Rachel had no choice but to accompany him, and he drove her to Dixon Bank, showing her around.

Later, he insisted on driving her home and even invited her to dinner. "We've got some time. How about sharing a meal with me? There's a classy restaurant nearby, and their food is exquisite," Spencer suggested, steering the car.

"Thank you, Mr. Dixon, but no. My husband is expecting me," Rachel replied irritably, gazing out of the window. She was no longer the naive girl who couldn't decipher people's intentions. Rachel was well aware of Spencer's relentless pursuit and his ulterior motives.

Spencer glanced at her hand and was surprised by the impressive, sparkling ring adorning her finger, resembling a costly blue diamond. He couldn't fathom how an ordinary employee could afford it but assumed it was a fake. Regardless, he didn't mind dating a married woman. He never let anything deter him when he set his sights on something.

"Such a lovely hand deserves a more exquisite ring. There's a jewelry auction in the city next week. Would you like to join me and pick out a ring you fancy?" Spencer smiled, placing his hand on hers.

"Please, Mr. Dixon, maintain your composure!" Rachel rebuffed his advances, giving him a stern look.

Spencer withdrew his hand, thinking, "How ungrateful."

He had never considered taking a woman to a social event, fearing people would think it meant something serious. Yet, inexplicably, he wanted to take Rachel with him now. He was determined to impress her.

Rachel couldn't avoid Spencer, given their professional relationship, but she made every effort to keep their interactions strictly business. She rejected Spencer's invitations to go shopping or pick out a ring. When he crossed the line, she knew how to set boundaries. Most of the time, she ignored him and only discussed work matters.

After nearly a week of struggle, Spencer admitted defeat. Rachel had proven immune to his charms and flattery.

"Damn it!" he muttered, kicking the gifts Rachel had returned and slumping onto the sofa in frustration. He had never encountered a woman who remained impervious to his advances. Yet, his repeated failures only fueled his determination to win her over. Spencer downed the glass of red wine and declared, "Rachel, I will win your heart!"

Charlene had been preoccupied with Porter Group matters since her return from abroad, striving to impress Braden and become a better partner. She hoped Spencer would succeed in winning Rachel's heart. A week had passed, and Charlene was curious about their progress.

Having faith in Spencer's charm, she invited him to dinner at a nearby restaurant to catch up.

Spencer arrived an hour late, looking worn out and frustrated.

"Why the long face? Is something wrong?" Charlene asked, trying to lighten the mood.

Spencer sighed, "That girl you mentioned is a tough nut to crack."

"What? You couldn't win her over?" Charlene inquired, her surprise evident.

"I tried everything, but she's not falling for it," Spencer said, picking up the menu and tossing it aside. "But it doesn't matter; she's quite intriguing."

Charlene couldn't help but smile, relieved that Spencer still held an interest in Rachel. She decided to take matters into her own hands since her initial plan had failed.

Their collaboration with Dixon Bank was reaching its final stages. One afternoon, as Rachel hurried out of the office with drawings in hand, she collided with someone, spilling coffee on her dress.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I was engrossed in these documents. I didn't see you," a woman's voice apologized.

Rachel brushed off the incident but was horrified when she looked up. With everything going on with Spencer, she had almost forgotten about Charlene. She had hoped to avoid meeting her too often.

"Are you Rachel Daley?" Charlene's eyes sparkled as she smiled. "Did you know that Dominic and I are acquainted? I recently discovered he's married to you. I'm sorry about your shirt. Would you like to come to my office and change into something else? I have plenty of clothes in my closet." 😊😕👗

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 130 – "Rachel's Mind in Turmoil: The Unanswered Questions"

Rachel found herself being gently pulled away by Charlene before she could react. Her curiosity was piqued, and she reluctantly followed Charlene to her office. There was a part of her that wanted to uncover the truth about Charlene's connection to Dominic.

As Rachel emerged from Charlene's office wearing her new outfit, Charlene couldn't help but admire her and commented with a smile, "Blue suits you so well, just like Dominic's favorite color."

Rachel, in the midst of buttoning her shirt, was taken aback by Charlene's remark. She asked, "Are you two close?" while trying to keep her emotions in check.

Charlene gazed out the window before responding, "We were high school classmates and good friends."

After a brief pause, she admitted, "I don't know if Dominic has mentioned this, but I had feelings for him. I even confessed my love a couple of years ago."

Rachel froze, her shock evident. She looked at Charlene, her emotions running wild.

Seeing Rachel's reaction, Charlene quickly reached for her hand and said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. It's all in the past. Hasn't Dominic told you?"

Rachel, still stunned, asked, "No, were you two in a relationship?" Suspicion crept in; she felt that Dominic had been hiding something about Charlene all along.

Charlene shook her head and let go of Rachel's hand, saying, "It's in the past. Let's forget about it. It won't do any good to dwell on it now. Dominic is married, and I only wish the best for both of you."

Charlene's words left Rachel curious and slightly jealous. The ambiguity of Charlene's response only fueled her suspicions about the nature of her relationship with Dominic.

"You said it's in the past, so why won't you tell me?" Rachel inquired, trying to hide her frustration.

Charlene maintained a calm demeanor but couldn't hide the sadness in her eyes. She responded, "No, I don't want to talk about it. Please don't take my words to heart. Let's move on. Dominic is married, and that's what matters now."

Rachel stormed out of Charlene's office, her thoughts in turmoil. She had always suspected that Dominic was hiding something from her, and Charlene's revelations had only intensified her doubts.

Later, Spencer invited Rachel to celebrate the successful design finalization. As she accepted, she couldn't help but recall Charlene's smug expression.

"Okay, I'll meet you soon," she told Spencer. The evening held a sense of excitement, and Spencer had booked a table at an upscale restaurant with guest rooms conveniently located upstairs.

Spencer picked up Rachel and drove her to the hotel. Unbeknownst to them, Kristian and his girlfriend also arrived at the same hotel. Kristian, spotting Spencer with Rachel, grew anxious and immediately called Dominic, warning him of the situation.

Dominic, who had been focused on improving his relationship with Rachel, rushed out of his apartment to join them.

Kristian relayed his concerns to Dominic, saying, "Dominic, come to the Sandy Hotel right away. Your wife is in danger!"

Dominic, concerned, hailed a taxi, thinking, "This is all my fault. I thought Rachel wouldn't give Spencer a chance, and I didn't want to interfere with her first big project."

As Kristian observed them at the restaurant, he grew increasingly uneasy. Rachel and Spencer seemed to be enjoying each other's company, and it left him with a sense of foreboding.

Dominic hung up the phone and headed to the hotel, determined to intervene. The hotel room's soft lighting created a romantic atmosphere, and Spencer was eager to impress Rachel with his charm, dressed in an elegant suit.

But Rachel's mind was elsewhere; she absentmindedly stared out the window. Spencer tried to grab her attention, waving his hand in front of her face.

"What would you like to eat? The steak here is exceptional, Miss Daley. This is the third time I'm asking," he said with disappointment creeping in.

Rachel's thoughts were consumed by other matters, and she replied, "Order whatever you like. I don't have a preference."

Spencer couldn't help but notice her lack of enthusiasm and asked, "What's on your mind? You seem preoccupied. Maybe I can help."

Rachel responded with a simple, "Nothing," but her mind was far from settled.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 131 – "A Husband's Unrelenting Love: Dominic's Resolve"

Rachel wasn't one to share her thoughts with strangers, especially when it came to her less-than-stellar opinion of Spencer. So, she decided to keep her worries to herself.

Spencer drummed his fingers on the table, about to speak, when Rachel's phone erupted from her bag with an intrusive ringtone.

"Sorry, I need to answer this," Rachel said, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear as she fished out her phone.

"Why on earth is Dominic calling me now?" she grumbled, her anger still smoldering within her.

Speaking to Dominic was the last thing on her mind at that moment. Rachel answered the call with a cold tone, "I'm having dinner with a client. I'll call you back later."

She abruptly hung up before Dominic could utter a word. The abrupt busy tone on Dominic's end left him in a momentary state of shock. He hadn't expected her to react so harshly, and his heart sank as he clutched his phone tightly.

"Can't you drive any faster?" he snapped impatiently, the tension inside the car escalating instantly.

Sensing Dominic's mood, the driver's palms grew sweaty, and he dared not disobey. He pressed down on the accelerator and expertly maneuvered through the traffic.

Meanwhile, in the restaurant, a waiter had just served the dishes at Rachel and Spencer's table.

The aroma was tantalizing, and the colorful dishes looked irresistibly tempting. However, none of this appealed to Rachel, who had lost her appetite due to her seething anger. She absentmindedly stabbed at her steak, seeking an outlet for her frustration.

"Ouch! That hurts!" Spencer exclaimed, clutching his chest.

It was only then that Rachel snapped out of her anger-induced haze. She glanced at Spencer, puzzled. "What's wrong?"

Spencer gestured toward her plate of steak, a playful glint in his eye. "I'm just defending the steak on your plate. If it could talk, it would say, 'Ouch! That hurts!'"

Rachel rolled her eyes, but her anger was slowly dissipating. She examined her plate and noticed several bright-red marks amidst the crispy brown exterior of the steak.

Spencer abandoned his playful banter, set aside his utensils, and swapped their plates, then began cutting her steak into manageable pieces. He looked up at her with a warm smile and urged, "Come on, have a bite to eat, dear. Fill your stomach first, and we can talk about whatever's bothering you later. You can't let this delicious steak go to waste. I promise you'll love it."

Despite Spencer's effort to coax her into eating, Rachel still found it hard to indulge her appetite. Her anger had left her with no desire to eat.

"Oh, I see. Why don't you just eat both servings since it's so amazing?" she replied, resting her chin on her hand and sighing.

It finally dawned on Spencer that something was truly amiss with her. He put down his cutlery and reached for a glass of wine.

As he poured the wine into his glass, he inquired gently, "Care to share your thoughts with me? What's bothering you? How about we drown your sorrows in a glass of wine?"

Spencer was crafty, knowing that alcohol could easily affect women. He thought, 'If I can get her tipsy, it will be easier to persuade her to accompany me upstairs. She might fall for it.'

Covering the rim of her glass, Rachel eyed him warily. "I'm sorry, but I can't drink."

She had a low tolerance for alcohol and knew she tended to misbehave when she drank. She had learned her lesson from past experiences and was determined not to repeat them.

"Why not? Afraid of getting drunk?" Spencer suggested slyly, his eyes gleaming.

Rachel shook her head, "No, it's not that. I have a stomach issue, so I can't risk it."

With that, she gently pushed the wineglass back toward Spencer, initiating a silent standoff over the glass.

But suddenly, someone snatched the wineglass and downed its contents in one gulp.

"I'm her husband, so I'll have that for her," Dominic declared, placing the empty glass firmly on the table.

His eyes were as sharp as an eagle's in the dimly lit room, and his features appeared even colder and more profound. He fixed a piercing gaze on Spencer, leaving him visibly startled.

Dominic didn't say a word, but his imposing presence was enough to convey that he was a formidable figure. Spencer, while no saint, wasn't foolish enough to challenge Dominic in public.

Dominic then pulled Rachel up from her seat and commanded, "Let's go."

Spencer's plan to manipulate the situation suddenly seemed hopeless. Rachel shivered as the cold night wind hit her, making her teeth chatter.

"You said you were with a client. This is a hotel. Why are you here?" Dominic questioned, a hint of a sneer in his tone.

Rachel was a stubborn woman, and not only was she angry with Dominic, but she was also annoyed by his condescending tone. She shook off his hand and smoothed her disheveled hair, which the chilly night breeze had tousled.

After fixing her hair behind her ears, she faced Dominic with determination. "Mind your words, Dominic. While this may be a hotel, it comes with a restaurant downstairs. Spencer reserved a table for us, and we were just having dinner. Nothing more. Did you catch me doing anything inappropriate?"

Dominic realized he had been too harsh when he saw how angry his wife was becoming. He softened his tone and fixed his gaze on her. "You should have informed me beforehand. Hanging up the phone without giving me a chance to explain – how do you think that makes me feel?"

Rachel lowered her gaze, her eyes focused on the ground. The warmth in Dominic's eyes and his gentle tone made her feel guilty.

"I understand, but it's not a casual dinner. It's a work-related meeting. Spencer and I will be collaborating in the future, so I can't avoid seeing him," she replied, her voice tinged with resignation.

Dominic's eyes never left her, and he continued in a softer tone, "I get that, but you could have at least let me know. You didn't have to hang up on me. How do you think that made me feel?"

Rachel sighed, realizing that her actions had caused unnecessary tension between them.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 132 – "Dominic's Pained Solitude: A Night of Regret" 🔥

Rachel's anger, which had been subsiding, flared up again at Dominic's last statement.

"Humph! Look who's talking about feelings!" she seethed silently. "Yes, I had dinner with Spencer in a fit of annoyance. I admit I was wrong not to inform you, but what makes your actions any different? After all, you concealed your past with Charlene from me. Why is it such a big deal that I had dinner with my client? How dare you criticize me? Oh, please!" Her mind was a whirlwind of fury as she mulled over the situation, and the image of Charlene's affectionate face when talking about Dominic only fueled her anger.

In the next moment, she couldn't contain her emotions any longer. She raised her fiery eyes to meet Dominic's gaze and shouted indignantly, "Spare me your moral high ground, Dominic. You have no right to guilt-trip me. You deliberately kept details about Charlene vague. I'm your wife, yet you never told me she confessed her love to you before! Not once did you mention her feelings for you. So why are you so concerned about who I have dinner with? Answer me!"

People moved in and out of the hotel, glancing at the couple and exchanging whispers among themselves. They thought it was a typical lovers' quarrel, so none of them intervened.

Dominic was momentarily rendered speechless. After a while, he furrowed his brow and replied, "Yes, it's true that Charlene once confessed her love to me. But I didn't have any feelings for her, so I rejected her immediately. If she still hasn't moved on, how is that my fault?"

All of this dated back to their high school days, and, in Dominic's eyes, Charlene's love confession was a trivial matter that shouldn't have escalated into a fight within their marriage.

"It happened years ago. I didn't tell you because I was worried it would upset you more. Let's not argue over this," Dominic said, removing his jacket and placing it on Rachel.

Rachel responded with a cold snort and lowered her gaze, feeling somewhat powerless. She despised being kept in the dark, wanting to know every detail about her husband, no matter how insignificant. But Dominic always had reservations, failing to understand how it pained her each time he withheld such information.

Her heart ached inexplicably at being left out, a feeling she had endured throughout her life. Growing up as the adopted daughter of the Daley family, her opinions were seldom considered. She was consistently ignored, and decisions were made that often worked against her interests. The same had happened with her biological parents, who had abandoned her without a second thought, disregarding how she would survive in the world.

All these experiences left Rachel craving to be taken into account when decisions were made.

"I know so little about my husband, but Charlene knows his favorite colors and his likes and dislikes. She was by his side for years. Oh, Lord!" The thought of this caused Rachel's heartache to intensify.

Sensing her ongoing sadness, Dominic wrapped his arms around her and gently patted her back. He inquired, "Who told you about it?"

Rachel's head throbbed painfully, and her face turned pale. Painful memories haunted her, causing a lump to form in her throat. In frustration, she pulled away from Dominic, removed his jacket, and handed it back to him before replying with a pout, "Charlene told me herself."

Dominic accepted the black jacket and frowned slightly, well aware of Charlene's personality.

He thought, "Why would she do something so foolish? Perhaps I wasn't too paranoid in keeping her a secret. She might have caused more harm if I had been upfront with Rachel from the beginning."

With that, Rachel walked away without looking back.

Dominic hurriedly followed her, grabbing her wrist along the way. "Even if you're angry, you shouldn't have gone to dinner with Spencer. He's a notorious scoundrel in Sunhaven. If I hadn't come here tonight, do you know what he might have done to you?"

Rachel struggled to free her hand from his grasp but couldn't escape Dominic's strong hold. She glared up at him and retorted, "It's none of your business! Stay out of it. Our marriage is just a business arrangement, and we're merely making do. You have no right to interfere in my personal life."

Rachel didn't mind living alone; she longed for a peaceful life without unnecessary complications. Her plan was to earn enough money to bring Norma from the countryside, as Norma was the only person who genuinely cared about her, despite her gentle and sweet appearance. Deep down, she was tougher than anyone.

Dominic froze, silently releasing her wrist. Rachel crossed the street, hailed a taxi, and didn't once glance back at him.

She knew Dominic was probably angry with her for her harsh words, but she believed that the person he truly loved was back. She saw herself as an outsider and believed it was time for her to step back.

Upon returning home, Rachel moved all the belongings Dominic had left in her room back into the living room. She then gathered her own belongings from Dominic's room and returned to her own room. She no longer wanted to share a room with him.

When Dominic returned home and saw that Rachel had moved back into her room and locked the door, he wandered aimlessly around the living room. Another cold, lonely night awaited him. Despite his anger and frustration, he refrained from expressing it, realizing that he was the source of their problems.

Dominic contemplated knocking on Rachel's door but ultimately clenched his fist and decided against it. He retreated and sank onto the sofa, letting out a weary sigh. His pride wouldn't allow him to beg her to speak to him, and he feared that doing so would only worsen the situation and intensify her anger. He had no choice but to exercise patience and wait for Rachel to cool down. She appeared visibly upset and angered.

Dominic believed it would be best for both of them to take a break and then have a calm discussion. He knew Charlene was the root cause of their problems and decided to speak to her first. A whirlwind of thoughts consumed him as he took a deep breath, headed downstairs, and dialed Charlene's number.

"Hey, I thought you were busy," Charlene exclaimed with surprise. "Why are you calling at this hour?" She had just returned home from work.

"I'm not calling just to say hello. I want to ask you something," Dominic replied coldly.

"What's wrong? Did you have a fight with Rachel?" Charlene inquired, feigning innocence.

"She's upset," Dominic grunted.

"I apologize; I didn't mean for this to happen. You know me," Charlene whined innocently.

"She asked about us and our past, and I couldn't simply walk away from that conversation. It would have been impolite. However, I made it clear to her that while I once had feelings for you, it's all in the past. You're married now, and I only wish you both happiness. I didn't anticipate that Rachel would argue with you over such a trivial matter. I thought she was a reasonable woman."

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 133 – "A Heart Locked Away: Misunderstandings and Jealousy"

Charlene had already prepared her defense for when Dominic inevitably questioned her. She aimed to make it appear as if she had done nothing wrong, attributing their problems to Rachel's shallowness. Charlene intended to shift all the blame onto Rachel. However, the phone call she received left her feeling uneasy.

It became apparent that Dominic had genuine concern for Rachel. He had called her late at night just to discuss the situation.

Dominic didn't immediately doubt Charlene's honesty. He knew her well enough to understand that she wouldn't concoct a false story and risk getting caught if he asked Rachel to confront her. Charlene was known for her boldness and straightforward nature, unlikely to create problems in their lives intentionally.

Nevertheless, doubts lingered in Dominic's mind. His intuition hinted that there might be more complexity to the situation than met the eye. He was sure Rachel wouldn't be jealous without reason.

"Why are you silent?" Charlene sensed Dominic's skepticism and sighed. "Should I talk to Rachel tomorrow and clarify everything? I'm truly sorry; I didn't..."

"No, thanks," Dominic replied with a hint of unhappiness in his tone.

Charlene's heart sank. It appeared that Dominic harbored suspicions about her.

The chilly wind was giving him a headache.

Understanding a woman's thoughts could be an insurmountable challenge.

Dominic felt that keeping Rachel away from Charlene might be the only solution to their problem. However, unlike Markus, Charlene held significance in the Porter Group as the daughter of the Palmer family. Dominic, as the CEO, couldn't simply dismiss her.

"Charlene, please focus on your own affairs," he advised, massaging his throbbing temples. "Stay out of our personal matters."

Just then, he heard rustling behind him. Dominic turned around and found Rachel standing there, her dress ruffled by the cold wind. Tears welled up in her eyes as she gazed at him.

An hour earlier, Rachel had intentionally made noise while moving her belongings back to her room, hoping to get Dominic's attention. When he didn't respond, her anger flared. She had slammed the door, expecting him to stop her and explain everything.

Part of her held onto the hope that it was all just a misunderstanding, and Charlene was merely Dominic's former classmate. Rachel had waited for a long time, but there had been no sound from outside.

Rachel eventually made her way to the bed and slumped down, frustrated by her lack of decisiveness. She had stormed off as if she didn't care, but deep down, she couldn't stop thinking about what was going on in Dominic's mind. She buried her face in her pillow.

The night was silent.

As Rachel stirred in her sleep, she felt as if someone were watching her. She quickly opened her eyes and turned on the light, only to find no one else in her room. The pristine white blanket remained undisturbed.

Rachel realized no one had been watching her sleep, and Dominic hadn't whispered sweet words in her ear while she slept. She sat up and massaged her temples.

"Why hasn't Dominic bothered to explain himself? Was I right with my suspicions?" Rachel couldn't shake the smug expression she had seen on Charlene's face. They surely had a history.

The more she dwelled on it, the angrier she became. Finally, unable to bear it any longer, she got up from the bed. She knew that sitting in her room, ruminating, was futile. The only way to resolve the issue was to confront Dominic.

But Rachel was hesitant and lost her determination as soon as she left the bedroom. She walked through the living room as if nothing had happened, pretending that she was merely getting a drink of water.

To her surprise, the living room was empty. "Where is Dominic?" She furrowed her brows and tiptoed to his room, but he wasn't there either.

Rachel was furious. She couldn't believe that Dominic had left without informing her.

Grabbing a bottle of beer from the fridge, she walked out onto the balcony. The cold breeze brushed against her, and as she peered down, she spotted Dominic in the garden below, talking on the phone.

Rachel grew suspicious. "Why would he need to go outside to answer the phone? Is he trying to keep me from knowing who he's talking to?" Rachel rushed downstairs, approaching Dominic from behind.

The cool night breeze caused the tree shadows to dance beneath the streetlamps, and Rachel could clearly hear Dominic's voice. He mentioned Charlene's name and urged her not to interfere in their matters.

"What does he mean? It looks like they indeed share a history—a past they can't forget." Rachel's heart sank, and countless thoughts and possibilities swirled in her mind. Her vision blurred, and she froze, unable to take another step. It seemed that Charlene had been telling the truth, and Dominic hadn't bothered to explain himself probably because he didn't truly care about Rachel. A wave of shame washed over her; she felt foolish for defending Dominic.

Rachel wiped her tears, turned around, and hurriedly returned inside, consumed by jealousy. Suddenly, she broke into a cold sweat, and her body trembled.

"Rachel!" Dominic was shocked to find her there. He quickly ended the call and rushed after her. In that brief moment, he had seen the sadness on her face—it was as if she had been blindsided by a devastating blow.

Rachel paid no heed to him, making her way to the elevator while keeping her head down to conceal the tears streaming down her cheeks.

Though Dominic hurried, he couldn't reach the elevator before its doors closed. He pressed the button repeatedly, but they remained shut.

The elevator had already ascended. Dominic realized that his wife had misunderstood the situation this time, and he desperately wanted to speak with her before things spiraled further.

In a rush, he took another elevator back to their floor.

However, upon entering their home, he found that Rachel had locked herself in her room again.

The house was eerily silent.

Dim moonlight spilled onto the windowsill, giving the appearance of normalcy.

"Rachel, please open the door. We need to talk," Dominic implored, knocking on the wooden door with his clenched fist, pressing his ear against it. But he heard nothing from the other side.

He tried turning the doorknob, but the door remained locked.

"Rachel, please believe me. I'm not unfaithful. I have no relationship with Charlene. We only discussed her work on the phone earlier. Please open the door so we can resolve this," Dominic pleaded, hoping that a well-intentioned lie might be better than telling the whole truth. He disliked lying to her, but it seemed he had no other choice at the moment.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 134 – "Sweating Out the Angst: Rachel's Cold Turned Hot"

There was still no sound from the room, so Dominic wasn’t sure if Rachel heard him or not.

“Rachel, I know you are awake.Please open the door.Please,” he said in a pleading voice.

Never had he begged anyone like this before.

For Rachel, he was ready to set aside his pride and beg profusely.

Dominic knocked and begged a few more times, but he got no response.He leaned against the door helplessly.His figure cast a shadow over the living room.

By midnight, Rachel still didn’t say a word, nor did she open the door.

Dominic knew better than to leave this time.

The matter would only escalate if he did, so he just lay on the sofa all night.

Time passed by quickly.

Soon, the bright sunlight peeped through the curtains and reflected in the living room.

Dominic hadn’t slept a wink throughout the night.His mind had been teeming with several thoughts.He stood up from the sofa and stretched.

Afterward, he put on an apron and prepared breakfast.He hesitated for a while, but he mustered the courage to knock on Rachel’s bedroom door again.

“Good morning, Rachel.I’ve made breakfast.Do you want to have some?”

A deafening silence was the only response he got.

Dominic paused and glanced at the clock on the wall.

It was already nine o’clock in the morning.

Today was a workday.Rachel was very punctual.She never liked to go late to work.No matter how tired she was, she always woke up early and rushed to work.

Dominic knew she would be late if she didn’t come out of the room now.! didn’t receive any leave application from Rachel. This means she didn’t intend on taking a day off.

“What could be keeping her inside? Does she really plan to ignore me?” he pondered.

Worry set in at this moment.His eyes darkened and he took a deep breath.

Afterward, he knocked on the door heavier than before.

He asked loudly, “Rachel, why aren’t you up yet? Is there anything wrong?”

Again Rachel didn’t respond to him even after he knocked severally without wasting time, Dominic took a snap gun and pried the lock open.He then rushed into the room after over the door.Rachel was still in bed.Her forehead was covered in sweat.She looked sick.

Dominic dug her out of the blanket and held her in his arms.He brushed her hair off her cheeks.

It was then he saw that her face was pale.

“Rachel, do you feel sick?” He looked at her worriedly.

Rachel knitted her eyebrows and mumbled something inaudibly.It was as if she was having a nightmare.

Dominic put his hand on her forehead.She was burning up.Her high temperature proved that she was down with fever.

Dominic quickly took out a coat from the wardrobe and helped Rachel put it on. He then carried her in his arms and was about to go to the hospital. It was at this moment Rachel woke up. Her vision was blurry, so she rubbed her eyes hard. The light in the room was just too bright and it shone in her eyes. She couldn’t see Dominic’s face clearly, but she could make out his outline.

Rachel frowned and she wanted to say something, but her throat was too dry. Her body was weak at this moment. More so, she felt dizzy and there was a sharp pain in her head. It was as if someone had hit her temple with a blunt weapon.

Although she couldn’t remember what Dominic had said outside her door last night, she knew for sure that he had just made the usual silly explanation.

Last night was the height of it all for Rachel. She had never been that angry before. She couldn’t help but think that her marriage with Dominic would be hanging by a thread soon. What happened made her so sad that she didn’t know what to do.

Rachel had run directly into her room, locked the door, and thrown herself on the bed. The memories of her miserable childhood flooded her mind at that moment. She recalled how the Daley family had maltreated her and how she ended up getting married to Dominic “God, why do I have to suffer every time? My childhood had been terrible. The Daleys treated me like an outcast for many years. I never had a stable place to call home until I got married to Dominic. But my little happiness is about to be taken away now that Charlene is back. Why do I have such illluck?”

Rachel had thought about her predicament and questioned God for so long that she didn’t know when she dozed off. All she remembered was that the wind had been so strong that it rustled the leaves on the trees.

She had fallen asleep without covering herself with the blanket. In the middle of the night, she woke up because of the cold. Her nose was stuffy and her mouth was dry. She felt so dizzy and her eyes hurt from crying too much. Judging by the dehydration and her stuffy nose, Rachel knew she had caught a cold. She wanted to go out to drink hot water or take some medicine from the cabinet. But when she was about to open the door, she hesitated.

Something told her that Dominic was on the other side of the door. She didn’t want to see him because she knew he would pester her to give him a listening ear.

Talking things out wasn’t on her mind at that time, so she laid back on the bed. She decided to cover herself with the blanket and continue to sleep. She thought she would recover from the cold by tomorrow if she sweated all night.

But her expectation was just a pipe dream. She got the opposite of what she had expected. The simple cold seemed to develop into a fever by the time she woke up.

Rachel was still mad at Dominic. She hit his chest weakly because she didn’t want to be in his arms. She managed to get off him even though her legs felt wobbly.

Dominic slapped his forehead frustratedly. He then grabbed her wrists and pulled her close.

“Please, don’t be stubborn now. I have to take you to the hospital.”

In the blink of an eye, he carried her on his shoulder, wrapped both of his strong arms around her waist, and took her out of the room.

Like a child who was about to throw a tantrum, Rachel resisted with all her strength. But he was too strong for her.

She had no choice but to give up after a while. In this way, Dominic took her out of the house.

When he got to the roadside, he quickly hailed a taxi and told the driver the name of a private hospital. Dominic didn’t let go of Rachel even after they got into the car. With his arms wrapped around her, he began to talk to her.

“How do you feel, Rachel? Do you feel very feverish?” He gently wiped the beads of sweat on her forehead with his soft fingers.

There were worry lines on his forehead, but a glint of tenderness shone in his eyes. Dominic’s jaw formed a beautiful arc as he lowered his head.

All of a sudden, he stared deeply into Rachel’s eyes as his dark eyes continued to glisten. He then gave her a warm kiss on the top of her nose. The high bridge of his nose rested just above her forehead at this time.

A warm feeling filled Rachel’s heart immediately. She didn’t know how to react to his kiss, so she closed her tired eyes again. She also didn’t want to look at him while he stared at her like that.

The ride to the hospital took only a few minutes. Carrying his wife in his strong arms, Dominic rushed to the inpatient department and went through the necessary procedures.

He then took her to the assigned ward and laid her carefully on the bed. Shortly after, a young man who was dressed in a clean white gown and a light blue mask came in. He seemed to be a doctor in this hospital. He was tall and thin, with charming eyebrows and eyes.

There was a very light red mole under one of his eyes. He looked very gentle and delicate, but something about him made people afraid of him. The mole wasn’t scary, so it was hard to pinpoint what exactly made him terrifying.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
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Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 135 – "Warm Rays and Cold Hearts: A Quiet Moment"

The hospital room was upscale, boasting a beautiful ambiance and cutting-edge medical equipment. Rachel couldn't help but worry about the potential cost of treatment here, as she wasn't financially well-off. Despite not having many expenses at the moment, her financial situation wasn't extravagant.

"No, I can't stay in this hospital. How will I cover the bill? Dominic isn't wealthy, so who will pay? Besides, I'm not seriously ill. All I need are some over-the-counter cold medications."

With this resolve in mind, Rachel decided to leave. She tugged gently at her husband's sleeve and whispered, "Dominic, why didn't you take me to a regular hospital? It seems like treatment here will cost a fortune. Although I don't have financial pressures, I can't afford to spend so much money. Let's figure out how to leave."

Rachel spoke in hushed tones to prevent the doctor who had just entered the room from overhearing. She realized that it might not be appropriate to leave once she had been admitted to the ward.

Dominic looked at her affectionately, gently stroking her head. He reassured her, "Don't worry, Rachel. It won't be as expensive as you think. Besides, the doctor here is a friend of mine. He'll give us a significant discount. Let him treat you, okay?"

"Is he really your friend?" Rachel raised an eyebrow skeptically, finding it hard to believe.

After all, doctors in such high-end private hospitals were usually not ordinary acquaintances.

When Dominic nodded with sincerity in his eyes, Rachel couldn't help but wonder about his connections. It seemed that he had ties with influential individuals from various walks of life, all surpassing his own status.

"I must admit, my husband seems to be quite resourceful. He has connections that reach far beyond his part-time job. Something doesn't add up!" Rachel mused, feeling perplexed. However, her illness prevented her from dwelling on it further, and she decided to hold her questions for later.

Dominic left the room briefly, telling the doctor, "I'll leave her to you, Booker. I need to attend to something. It won't be long. Please take good care of her."

Dr. Booker Bronson wore a displeased expression as he examined Rachel, skipping the usual questions most doctors asked.

"Uh... sir, can you please tell me what's wrong with me?" Rachel stammered.

Booker responded with an irritated glare, causing her heart to skip a beat.

It appeared that her question had upset the doctor, and she feared she might be in trouble. She swallowed hard and looked away, her eyes filled with fear.

"Nothing serious. You've caught a cold. I'll prescribe some medicine for you," Booker replied casually, jotting something down on his clipboard.

Rachel remained silent as he set up a drip for her. He then gathered his tools and left the room, encountering Dominic in the hallway. Dominic was carrying a bowl of porridge and appeared concerned.

"How is she? Is it a severe illness?" Dominic asked anxiously.

Booker removed his mask, revealing a handsome but pale face, as if he hadn't seen the sun in a long time.

"It's just a common cold. Whether it's serious or not doesn't matter. She'll recover with antibiotics. By the way, why did you bring her to me? Do you know how busy I am with my research?" Booker grumbled.

Dominic raised an eyebrow and retorted, "Enough with the complaints. Just do your job. Your research can wait until my wife is better. Moreover, I specifically asked for you because I believe in your expertise. Don't disappoint me."

Booker was annoyed by Dominic's flattering words mixed with audacity, and he rolled his eyes in irritation. If he had the strength to do so, he might have engaged in a physical altercation.

"Prevention is better than cure. If you're so concerned about your wife's health, take better care of her to prevent illnesses. Don't interrupt my research again, or we'll have a problem," Booker warned, glancing at the porridge in Dominic's hand before departing.

Dominic chuckled, watching Booker leave. He then entered the ward and told Rachel, "The doctor said you should stay here for a day so he can monitor your condition."

Rachel turned her head away defiantly and replied, "I don't want to stay here for a minor illness. I'll be fine with some medicine and a drip. Just take me home."

Dominic shook his head, indicating he wouldn't comply. He placed the bowl of porridge, garnished with chopped green onions and eggs, on the over-bed table.

"You haven't eaten since last night, and medications work better with food. Please, have some porridge," he urged, stirring the warm dish gently. "And please, don't stay angry."

The tempting aroma of the porridge wafted through the air, and Rachel's empty stomach rumbled audibly. Despite her lack of appetite due to her bad mood, her hunger couldn't be ignored.

"I don't have an appetite. Just leave it there," she said, pointing to the bedside table before turning to her side and closing her eyes.

Dominic understood her mood and didn't press the matter further. He sat on the bed, gazing at her pale face with a somber expression. His sadness was evident as he watched her quietly.

The nurse who had administered Rachel's medication glanced at Dominic as she left the room. She couldn't help but think, "This patient is giving this man the cold shoulder. She's lucky to have such a gentle and handsome caretaker. I can't help but feel sorry for him."

Outside, the sun was shining, casting its warm rays on trees and lush grass, creating a picturesque scene reminiscent of a movie.

Rachel slowly opened her eyes and found Dominic looking at her intently. The room was so quiet that the slightest sound could be heard, creating a somewhat uncomfortable atmosphere between them.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 136 – "A Fruitful Gesture of Love"

When Dominic realized that Rachel wasn't going to break the silence, he sighed and said, "You have to believe me, Rachel. My call with Charlene didn't mean anything else. I just wanted to warn her against sowing discord between us. That's all." Hearing these words, Rachel snorted and looked out of the window. 😒🪟

"I don't want to hear it, Dominic. It's your fault that she can't get over you."

"I've made it clear to Charlene that I can't be with her, but she's still stubborn. I really wish I could take drastic measures to cut her off. However, I can't do anything to her because she's the daughter of the Palmer family and has such a high position in the Porter Group. The only thing I can do is to continue warning her."

Dominic was telling the truth. His hands were tied concerning this matter. 🤷‍♂️

Even with the identity of Brandon, he couldn't do anything to Charlene. They had known each other for a long time and even started their own business together.

Thus, he couldn't sever ties with her just like that.

Although Dominic didn't dare to tell Rachel this, he felt that Charlene was a capable and mature woman. He tried to look past the fact that she was into him. 😌

As a businesswoman, she was decisive in dealing with things and always made decisions for the benefit of everyone. She didn't seem to be a bad person to him.

It wasn't until this moment that Rachel looked back at him.

"Dominic has a point there. He's only the illegitimate child of his father and has no social status. He doesn't have the power to go against someone that important. Even if he tried, it would cause a great rift between him and his family," she pondered reasonably. 🤔

"I understand where you are coming from, but it's just that I feel you aren't honest with me at all," Rachel looked dispirited.

The feelings she had for Dominic were getting stronger by the day. She wanted to get close to him. But it seemed like every time she tried, he would try his best to drift away from her. 😔

And she didn't like that.

"Rachel, the time is not right. Please wait a little longer. When everything is settled, I'll gladly tell you whatever you want to know."

Dominic's face was gloomy, and his eyebrows were slightly furrowed. He seemed to be extremely hesitant, but his tone was also very serious. 😟

Rachel saw that a thousand unsaid things swirled in his eyes. She also knew that he was serious about this promise. She nodded her head and finally looked at him.

With tears welling up in her eyes, she said, "Dominic, I'll wait." 😢

Now that she was calm, she began to think of the recent happenings. She knew that Charlene had deliberately talked about Dominic to make her jealous. It occurred to her that she would only be fulfilling Charlene' greatest desire if she fell out with Dominic.

Dominic leaned over and whispered in her ear, "We're good then, right?" 😉

His deep voice made Rachel shiver, and goosebumps rose on her skin. She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Don't push your luck."

"Well, what more would it take? I've been out in the cold for days, and it's been so long since I last kissed you."

Dominic's gaze fixed on her lips as he said this. He braced his arms on either side of her waist, careful not to touch the infusion tube attached to her hand.

Rachel stiffened as he tried to draw closer. If she just let him off after a bout of flirting, he might think she was an easy woman.

"There's something I want to ask you," she said, her tone chilly.

"Did Charlene ever have a boyfriend while she was abroad?"

Considering her background, Charlene was more than worthy of a match with the most outstanding man any city had to offer.

There was a distinctly huge gap between her social status and Dominic's, so why was she so devoted to him? This question was burning a hole in the back of Rachel's mind, but she didn't want to ask Dominic directly for fear of hurting his self-esteem.

Dominic blew out a small sigh and pulled back.

It appeared that he wouldn't be able to kiss his wife this time, either.

"We didn't stay in contact after she left, so I never really had a way of knowing."

Rachel seemed to relax at that, but she didn't seem particularly pleased at all. She glanced at the fruits sitting on the side table and pouted. 🙁🍏

"I'd like to eat some fruit." Dominic followed the direction of her gaze and smiled. 😊

"Anything for you, honey."

As he said so, he was already walking towards the table. He picked up an apple and the paring knife that came with the fruits.

Rachel wasn't entirely mollified just yet, and he was more than happy to attend to her needs, no matter how trifling they were.

His deft fingers went to work on the apple.

Soon enough, a long, winding strip of apple peel was dangling from his hands.

Rachel watched him in silence.

This charming man was just so damn good at everything he did.

Dominic sliced the peeled apples and put them in a plate, carrying it back to the hospital bed.

"You should eat some porridge, too. It should have cooled down to the perfect temperature by now." A blush crept into Rachel's cheeks. 😳

In a bid to hide it, she huffed and reached for the plate of apple slices, only for Dominic to pull back and hold it high above her head.

"Won't you call me honey first?" 😏

"Forget it, then! You can eat those yourself!"

Rachel shot him a glare before scoffing and turning away.

Dominic's lips stretched into a knowing smile. He placed the plate on her lap, then reached out and squeezed her burning earlobe.

Before she could tell him off for it, he had already stolen a peck on one of her rosy cheeks. 😘

"I was just teasing. You can't even take a joke, my grumpy little wife. Take your time. I'll be outside, so just holler if you need anything."

And then he was striding across the room and out into the corridor outside, closing the door behind him.

Dominic was so infuriatingly smooth, and he could always drive her to a loss without much effort. Rachel looked down at the plate on her lap and began to eat. He was treating her so well.

If she had to be honest, she didn't have the heart to make things more difficult for him.

Luckily, Rachel wasn't seriously ill. Her fever broke on the same day, and she was discharged the next morning, all cleared to return to work.

The moment she was back in the office, she tried to come up with the most ideal way to deal with Spencer.

Rachel didn't have to ponder too long, however, because Stephanie soon sent her a notice saying that Dixon Bank had changed their representative. 😊

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 137 – "Charlene's Dilemma: Balancing Schemes and Caution"

Spencer was no longer in charge of the project, and Dominic didn't seem particularly concerned about it initially. However, when he noticed that Spencer had asked Rachel out with an obvious ulterior motive, he decided to discreetly intervene to keep Spencer occupied with other issues, diverting his attention from harassing Rachel.

"Spencer has been replaced by someone else. You can rest assured now," Kristian reported the latest developments to Dominic. He suggested, "Why don't you just cancel the project altogether? It would help you avoid further trouble, wouldn't it?"

"There's no need for that. I just want to prevent Rachel from contacting him. Also, I don't want to ruin her project. She's putting her all into it. Creating trouble for Spencer will ensure that he won't have time to keep in contact with Rachel," Dominic replied as he perused the document in his hands, his expression serious.

A few minutes later, he signed the document, and Kristian collected it, ready to leave. He asked, "I think you should resolve this matter soon. It would put an end to the constant arguments between you and your wife. By the way, have you two made up?"

"Yes, for now we have. She's not angry with me anymore. Please keep an eye on Charlene for me. It seems like she's up to something. If she does anything suspicious, don't hesitate to inform me," Dominic hesitated for a moment before making this request. He didn't want to say it outright, but he believed it was wise to do so, and Kristian understood what he meant.

With a slight frown, Kristian inquired, "Why do you want me to keep tabs on her? Is there a misunderstanding? Charlene is not that kind of woman."

They had a long history together, so Kristian subconsciously defended Charlene. In his eyes, she could do no wrong. Dominic shot him a glare, choosing not to respond further. This sent a shiver down Kristian's spine, and he quickly exited the room, thinking, "Dominic was so intimidating just now. Anyway, it's between him and Charlene. I should watch my words next time."

It took Rachel a week to complete the design of the new uniforms for Dixon Bank employees. The project had originally been suggested by Spencer as a way to get closer to Rachel. Stephanie accompanied Rachel to Dixon Bank to finalize the details.

During the journey, Stephanie commented, "Daley, I think you could become a project leader in the near future." She had always had an eye for talent.

Her compliment wasn't mere flattery; Stephanie genuinely believed that Rachel had great potential.

"Really? This is my first independent project," Rachel replied, taken aback by the praise. Becoming a project leader was no small achievement, and very few in the design department had achieved it within such a short time.

"It's your first, but I believe it won't be your last. Trust me, you've got what it takes. The management won't overlook your talent," Stephanie continued to shower Rachel with praise as she drove.

Meanwhile, Charlene received a call from Spencer.

"What's the Porter Group up to? Why does it seem like you're deliberately targeting the Dixon family? Are you trying to start a war?" Spencer was furious as soon as he answered the call.

"Hey, calm down with the accusations. I haven't caused any trouble for you. I suggest you look for Braden," Charlene calmly explained. She had learned about the sudden issues Spencer was facing and how he had to divert his attention to solve them, allowing Rachel to continue with the project. She also knew that Braden was intentionally protecting Rachel.

"Damn it!" Spencer cursed from the other end of the line.

He had heard about the mysterious CEO of the Porter Group, Braden. Although he had never met him in person, he knew not to underestimate a man like him. Now, all he could do was vent his frustration with curses.

"I apologize for my outburst. Please, can you do me a favor? Can you find a way to ask Rachel out?" Despite all the setbacks, Spencer didn't want to give up. His infatuation with Rachel was consuming him, and he couldn't stop thinking about her. Charlene, on the other hand, was a stubborn woman but had to tread carefully after Dominic's stern warning.

"I'd love to help, but I'm currently swamped with work. I've just returned to the country and have a lot to catch up on. Please, don't contact me anymore. It could get me into trouble if people connect us," Charlene replied before hanging up. She had decided to reduce her contact with Spencer.

Charlene had initially incited Spencer to pursue Rachel to create a rift between Dominic and his wife, but her plan had failed. She had also failed to make Dominic dislike Rachel in any way. Every part of her grand scheme had fallen apart, and Charlene couldn't help feeling disheartened.

After finishing work, Charlene went to a restaurant for dinner. Just as she placed her order, a familiar face appeared before her.

It was Shane Palmer, her father, who was here for dinner with a much younger woman.

Charlene rested her chin on her hand, observing her father's new girlfriend, who was undeniably beautiful. Shane had a penchant for women much younger than him.

Such things were common in wealthy families, and since Charlene's mother didn't mind, Charlene didn't either. After all, Shane had been a good father, and Charlene liked him. He always indulged her, and she always got what she wanted.

Noticing that Ivonne, Shane's girlfriend, was constantly looking back, Shane smiled and gently caressed her flawless face.

"What are you staring at? You seem like you want to say something but are hesitating," Ivonne remarked.

"Mr. Palmer, does that woman know you?" Ivonne asked gently. Shane turned around, and his smile froze when he saw Charlene. He quickly averted his gaze and stood up.

"Let's go and say hi to her."

Before Ivonne could react, Shane pulled her towards Charlene. Charlene arched an eyebrow and looked at Ivonne before a slow smile crept onto her face.

"Good choice, Dad," she playfully teased. 😄

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 138 – "Friendship, Foes, and a Future with Palmer"

Ivonne was initially taken aback. She had never been involved with a married man before, and meeting Shane's daughter, who was around the same age as her, added an extra layer of awkwardness to the situation. She lowered her head in embarrassment.

Shane, trying to ease the tension, smiled and waved his hand at Charlene. "That's my daughter, Charlene. She just returned from abroad. And this is Ivonne Daley," he introduced with a warm smile.

Charlene looked at Ivonne and greeted her, "Hello, Miss Daley." She then suggested, "Have you placed your order? Since we're all here, why don't we have a meal together?"

Judging from his expression, it was clear that Shane adored his daughter. He unbuttoned his collar, loosened his tie, and took a seat.

Seeing that Shane had already sat down, Ivonne had no choice but to sit next to him. Charlene engaged in conversation, saying, "I noticed your last name is Daley. It reminds me of a girl in our company, Rachel Daley."

Charlene was skilled at conversation and ensured there was no awkward silence.

Ivonne forced a smile and replied, "She used to be my sister, but my parents kicked her out of the Daley family."

Ivonne's words seemed to pique Charlene's interest. She leaned in and asked, "Really? Well, there were some negative rumors about her in our company. Could you tell me more about her?"

Ivonne proceeded to share a litany of complaints about Rachel, embellishing her faults and exaggerating her shortcomings.

Charlene, listening carefully, concluded that Ivonne held a deep grudge against Rachel. Ivonne didn't appear to be particularly clever, which made Charlene believe she might be easily manipulated.

"Really? I had no idea Rachel was like that. I used to like her. It's quite surprising to hear what she's capable of," Charlene commented, shaking her head as if disappointed.

Ivonne added, "You should be careful around Rachel. She's a vindictive woman." She held Charlene's hand as if she were a caring step sister.

Charlene suppressed a chuckle and nodded, playing along, "Thank you for the warning. I believe I can handle her. After all, I have an advantage over her."

Ivonne continued, "Oh, absolutely! I mean, how could I compare you to Rachel? You're Mr. Palmer's daughter, after all. You must be far more capable than my good-for-nothing sister." She smiled, happy that Shane's daughter liked her.

After their meal, Shane accompanied Ivonne to a hotel. Ivonne was his new girlfriend, primarily serving his physical desires whenever he desired. She was submissive to him, which pleased him immensely.

Ivonne had convinced Shane to use his influence to help get Kate out of prison. The Daley family had gone bankrupt and could no longer afford their luxurious villa, so they were now living in a smaller villa, not as extravagant as their previous home but still better than ordinary apartments.

When Kate noticed Ivonne returning home that day, she wiped away her tears and hid her sadness. Prison life had taken a toll on her, making her look much older. Her face was wrinkled, her eyes were sunken, and dark bags hung beneath them. Her once dark curly hair now had streaks of white.

"How did it go with Mr. Palmer today?" Kate asked anxiously as she took Ivonne's bag. Since the Daley family's downfall, Kate had been desperate and saw Shane as their ticket out of poverty. She had trained Ivonne in seduction and manipulation, encouraging her to hold on to Shane at all costs.

Ivonne, tired and annoyed, complained, "How do you think it went? I had to endure that old man, even though he was so annoying. He's weak and terrible in bed, but he kept talking like he was some stallion, asking me if I was enjoying myself. I had to fake it the entire time."

Recounting the experience only fueled Ivonne's frustration. She had never been with a man as old as Shane before, and now she felt like she was no different from the prostitutes in nightclubs.

Kate waved away her complaints, patting her comfortingly. "Stop complaining, dear. It's always like this at the beginning, but you'll get used to it."

Kate was experienced in such matters, having used excessive seduction to win over Joseph. Back then, Joseph had been engaged to another woman, but Kate had managed to snatch him away. She had eyes on a bigger prize for Ivonne – becoming Mrs. Palmer.

Ivonne, however, had a throbbing headache just thinking about it. Shane hadn't taken her to meet his daughter; they had simply met coincidentally.

"My mother has no idea what Shane is like. I've been submissive to him for a long time, but I don't think being with him is worth it. Despite his generosity, he doesn't make any big promises, let alone guarantee that he'll help me and my family. He's not like other sugar daddies who go the extra mile to make their girlfriends comfortable. Worse still, I can't figure him out at all."

Ivonne then recalled her conversation with Charlene. "Mom, it seems like Shane's daughter works at the same company as Rachel. She doesn't like Rachel either."

Kate's eyes lit up at the news. She clapped her hands and exclaimed, "That's great! You should try to befriend her. After all, they say the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Talk to her about Rachel. If you two can unite, you can defeat your common enemy and secure your future. Seize this opportunity. Being her friend will also increase your chances of becoming Mrs. Palmer soon!"

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 139 – "Manipulation Unveiled: Charlene's Strategy"

Ivonne was determined to get along well with Charlene, and it seemed that Charlene was more than willing to play along with her. After their initial meeting in the restaurant, Charlene frequently took Ivonne out for lunch and shopping, showering her with luxury items and showing her a glamorous lifestyle.

"You don't have to save money for my dad. He is a wealthy man, after all. Besides, you're still young. Now is the time to enjoy life," Charlene reassured Ivonne, holding her hand as they entered a luxury store and selected several Birkin bags.

Ivonne, who had always indulged in a decadent lifestyle, wanted to maintain a humble and sweet demeanor in front of Charlene. However, hearing Charlene's words made her feel like she had finally found a friend who shared her views on life.

"You're absolutely right. Girls should pamper themselves. But Mr. Palmer always thinks I'm wasting money," Ivonne replied with a pout.

"My father doesn't care how much I spend. He's never said no to me and has given me everything I want. He believes I deserve the best, which is what all fathers want for their daughters. But I also know he fears that I might end up marrying a poor boy. If he thinks you're spending too much money, I'll talk to him about it. After all, we're practically family now. And if you ever feel awkward or embarrassed, just consider me your best friend. I don't really know anyone here since most of my friends are abroad. But I liked you the moment I saw you. We clicked instantly," Charlene grinned, continuing to charm Ivonne.

As expected, Ivonne fell for Charlene's sugar-coated words. "Okay, we're best friends from now on," Ivonne agreed, trusting Charlene wholeheartedly and sharing everything with her.

The two of them spent the morning shopping, and afterward, they found a perfect French bistro for lunch. During their meal, Ivonne confided in Charlene about Kate being in jail for attempting to harm Rachel and the Daley family's decline. Charlene quickly deduced that Braden had been Rachel's secret guardian angel all along.

"By the way, you mentioned that Rachel is the reason your mother is in jail. Do you believe Rachel is capable of orchestrating all this? Do you need my help to uncover who is truly behind it?" Charlene asked, pretending to sympathize with Ivonne.

"Can you do that?" Ivonne's eyes widened with excitement.

"Of course, it's no big deal. Our family has connections with several influential figures in the city," Charlene assured her.

While Charlene couldn't directly involve herself in this plan for fear of Braden finding out, she could drive a wedge between Ivonne and Rachel, manipulating the former to ruin Rachel's life.

A day later, Charlene summoned Ivonne for another meeting.

"Your family's problems seem to be connected to Braden Porter, the CEO of the Porter Group," Charlene disclosed, handing over all the evidence to Ivonne.

"What? But why would he be involved? We have no connection to him," Ivonne exclaimed. While she didn't know much about Braden, she knew he was one of Sunhaven's most successful entrepreneurs.

Charlene feigned deep thought, saying, "You received punishment right after something happened to Rachel. Do you think that's just a coincidence?"

Ivonne's frown deepened as she considered Charlene's words.

Sensing that her plan was working, Charlene continued, "Well, here's something you may not know. As a senior manager at the Porter Group, I've heard that Braden has been taking a special interest in Rachel. I don't like to gossip, but we can't help but wonder. Do you think Rachel might be involved with Braden? Maybe he's infatuated with her, so he had your mother imprisoned for trying to harm her."

Ivonne gripped her teacup tightly, her knuckles turning white, and her jaw clenched as she seethed with anger.

"That wench is definitely capable of it! You're right, Charlene. She must have slept with Braden. That's why he sent my mother to jail. He wanted to impress her! Or maybe she asked him to do this for her!"

"Rachel sounds like a terrible person," Charlene said with a disgusted expression. "How ungrateful she is! Your family adopted her, raised her, and now she's hurting you like this. She's truly vindictive."

"That's not even the worst of it," Ivonne added fuel to the fire. "She grew up in the countryside, so she has all sorts of nasty habits. Our family is unfortunate to have adopted such a vicious monster."

Ivonne's resentment toward Rachel grew stronger, and she wished to exact her revenge immediately. Charlene pretended to calm her down, not wanting her to make any hasty decisions.

However, Ivonne was no longer in the mood for shopping and quickly left with her shopping bags. Charlene, sitting back in her chair, picked up her cup of black tea and took a sip, her gaze fixed on Ivonne. A slow, satisfied smile spread across her face as she realized that her manipulation had taken root.

Ivonne stormed back to her villa, her face burning with anger. Kate sensed that something was amiss.

"What happened? Why do you look so angry? Did you have a fight with Shane?" Kate asked anxiously.

"No, I'm just a little tired. I want to go upstairs and rest," Ivonne replied as she headed upstairs. However, she stopped and turned back to look at Kate.

"Mom, why did you adopt Rachel? Look at what that bitch has done to our family."

Kate sighed and explained, "I didn't want to adopt her. It was all because of your late grandfather."

Unable to contain her rage, Ivonne rushed upstairs. As she passed Joseph's room, she noticed him napping. An idea suddenly flashed through her mind. She secretly took Joseph's phone and sent a message to Rachel, asking her to meet Joseph.

In her message, she claimed that Joseph wanted to apologize to Rachel on behalf of Kate and asked if she would meet him at a cafe. It was a desperate move, but Ivonne felt she had no other options. She and Kate had fallen out with Rachel, and only Joseph remained on good terms with her. Ivonne gritted her teeth, her anger and hatred toward Rachel intensifying with each passing day.

After sending the message, Ivonne waited anxiously for a response from Rachel. She considered sending a more sincere message, fearing that Rachel might ignore her initial attempt. However, just as she reached for the phone to compose another message, a response from Rachel appeared on the screen. Ivonne put the phone down, closed the door behind her, and headed out with a look of pure rage in her eyes. She was determined to bring about Rachel's downfall once and for all.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 140 – "Rachel's Decision: Fight or Flee?"

Rachel found herself in the middle of a delightful lunch with her coworkers. 🍽️

"Daley, your phone has been ringing non-stop. Someone must really want to talk to you," Hilda noted between bites of her beef noodles. Her keen observation skills had caught Rachel's phone ringing amidst the lunchtime chatter.

Rachel, engrossed in the conversation, hadn't noticed her phone's persistent buzzing. She quickly picked it up and discovered a message from Joseph, apologizing and proposing to meet up in person. Rachel hesitated for a moment.

Joseph had always been good to her, often coming to her aid when Ivonne bullied her. He certainly wasn't as vindictive as Kate or Ivonne. Joseph had a kind, easygoing nature, and it wasn't surprising that he reached out after their falling out.

After careful consideration, Rachel composed a response, agreeing to meet Joseph at a café of his choice. She made her way there as soon as the workday ended.

As Rachel waited at the café, she noticed Joseph was running late. The appointed time had long passed, and she decided to order a cup of coffee as the sun began to set. She contemplated giving Joseph a call, but her attempt went unanswered. Rachel resolved to wait for ten more minutes; after all, traffic during rush hour could cause delays.

Her thoughts were interrupted when a waiter brought her coffee. The aroma was enticing, and Rachel was about to take a sip when someone intervened.

It was Spencer.

Rachel couldn't determine when he had arrived, but he casually slid into the chair across from her, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

"I strongly advise against drinking that," Spencer cautioned, taking the cup from her hands and placing it on the table with a resounding clink.

Rachel frowned. "What do you mean?"

Spencer's sudden appearance always gave her a headache. She hadn't expected to deal with him again, especially after their companies' collaboration had ended.

In truth, she didn't anticipate Spencer's continued interest in her. Rachel attempted to stand up, but Spencer blocked her way, bracing his hands on either side of her, his imposing figure hovering over her.

The scent of his cologne enveloped her, unlike Dominic's cool and refreshing scent.

"What are you doing? Back off, or I'll scream!" Rachel challenged, feigning bravery but unable to hide the panic in her eyes. Spencer chuckled softly.

"I was genuinely concerned for your safety. The waiter who served you is a wanted rapist with a criminal record. Did you want him to harm you? If so, please, go ahead."

"Why should I believe you?" Rachel scoffed, her opinion of Spencer not being favorable.

"Fine, dine if you don't believe me. Drink it, I don't care," Spencer retorted, clearly affected by Rachel's hostility.

Rachel began to wonder if someone had set a trap for her.

"Did someone set a trap for me?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Spencer, more experienced in the ways of the world, understood the darkness that could lurk in people's hearts.

"It's just a hunch, but considering the situation, it appears he was well-prepared. People like him don't make random moves. Were you here to meet someone specific, or did you come on a whim?"

Rachel hesitated. "I'm waiting for my adoptive father here."

Spencer's smile was calculating. "You're awfully sure of his intentions, considering you're only his adoptive daughter."

"I received a message from him, asking to meet here. But it was just a text, and I'm not entirely certain it was from him."

Rachel's suspicions narrowed down to two people: Kate or Ivonne, who could have sent the text using Joseph's phone.

Spencer ran a finger along the rim of a glass, still smiling. "Any clues?"

Rachel sighed. "I think I know who's behind this. Thank you for your help."

She stood up to leave but then sat back down, contemplating her next move. Spencer was taken aback by her sudden change in plans.

"Is something wrong? Do you want to spend more time with me?" Spencer inquired, but Rachel ignored him.

Rachel had reached her limit with Kate and Ivonne's relentless efforts to harm her. It was time to fight back. She scanned the café discreetly.

The café was quiet, and the streets outside appeared normal. Rachel suspected that Kate and Ivonne might be watching her from a concealed location. If she didn't drink the coffee, they might reveal themselves, thinking she would leave due to Joseph's absence.

Rachel tapped her foot nervously and texted Dominic, a man she knew to be strong. 💪

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 141 – "What a Coincidence!"

Rachel had placed her trust in him, finding solace in his protective presence.

Spencer couldn't help but feel puzzled by Rachel's sudden change of demeanor. It was as if she had flipped a switch, going from thanking him earnestly to a distant gaze.

"What could be more crucial than your safety? If you truly wish to spend time with me, we could find a private space to talk all night," he proposed, taking her wrist with the intention of leading her away.

But Rachel's response was unwavering, her determination shining through. "I must confront the mastermind behind this trap. I appreciate your recent help, Mr. Dixon, but our paths should diverge here."

Spencer furrowed his brow, his concern evident. Despite her resolve, Rachel appeared fragile, and he couldn't help but doubt her ability to handle the situation alone.

"Are you certain you can manage this on your own?" he asked.

Her eyes flashed with determination as she replied sharply, "It's not your concern."

Rachel had made her decision. Despite cutting ties with the Daley family, she was determined to put an end to the repeated troubles caused by Kate and Ivonne, showing them she was no pushover.

Spencer sighed in frustration, realizing he was breaking his own rule of not meddling in others' affairs multiple times within an hour. "How can I simply leave you to face this alone? We can't predict what might happen if you pursue this course."

Rachel narrowed her eyes and took a deep breath, eventually calming down. "Stop interfering. Don't you have your own intentions toward me?"

Spencer chuckled at her suspicions. "You do have a low opinion of me, don't you? Yes, I am interested in you, but I have my principles. I would never resort to drugging someone. If I had nefarious plans, I wouldn't have warned you in the first place. I could have just let you drink that coffee and then intercepted you once you were unconscious."

Rachel blinked, considering his words. They made sense, and while she still had reservations about Spencer, she saw that he wasn't one to play dirty tricks on others.

In any case, his reasoning helped put her at ease. "Thank you for your concern, but I'll manage. I've already called my husband to come pick me up. I suggest you leave now; it won't end well if he sees you. He misunderstood our last encounter."

Spencer's interest was piqued at the mention of Rachel's conflict with her husband. He was a patient man, and if bold advances didn't work, he was willing to bide his time.

"Very well," he conceded, buttoning his suit jacket and offering a friendly smile. "If you ever feel unsafe, Miss Daley, don't hesitate to call me. I'd be happy to be your bodyguard when needed."

He handed her a business card before walking away, secretly pleased with the progress he had made today. Rachel, on the other hand, barely glanced at the card, leaving it on the table without a second thought.

As the café's music shifted to a melancholic tune, Rachel ordered a coffee for Joseph. This time, a waitress attended to her, bringing a sense of relief.

Night fell, and the city's towering buildings cast long shadows. A woman in a black windbreaker and red high heels stood between two buildings, her enormous sunglasses concealing her identity.

Ivonne, hidden in the shadows, watched Rachel at a café across the street, her heart pounding. She was anxious about the man who had interrupted Rachel just as she was about to drink the coffee. Who was he? Ivonne wanted to rush over and ensure Rachel drank the coffee.

Luckily, the man eventually left, and Rachel ordered another coffee. Ivonne felt frustrated, stomping her foot in irritation. She noticed Rachel taking out her phone and making a call, presumably to Joseph. Ivonne had taken Joseph's phone with her in secret to prevent him from discovering her plans.

Since her calls went unanswered, Rachel sighed and stood up to leave. But Ivonne couldn't let her escape; her plans were at stake.

She rushed into the café to confront Rachel, determined to make her drink the coffee. As Rachel pretended to gather her belongings, Ivonne grew anxious and appeared before her, trying to act casual.

"What a coincidence! What are you doing here?" Rachel asked, feigning surprise.

Ivonne grabbed her wrist, pretending to be hesitant. "Dad asked me to meet you. He's been occupied with work and couldn't make it today. He wanted me to apologize on his behalf."

She forced Rachel to sit down and continued, "He said he wanted to apologize in person for his disdain towards you and your mother. Will you accept the apology?"

Rachel stirred her coffee, looking coldly at Ivonne. She couldn't trust her one bit. "Okay, go ahead and apologize."

Ivonne had not expected the tables to turn this way. Her intention had been to make Rachel suffer, but now she found herself apologizing in public at a crowded café.

Customers were everywhere, and this wasn't how she had envisioned her plan unfolding. 😬😠😳

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