A Billionaire Husband and The Substitute Wife - Love Story of Dominic Peterson and Rachel Daley

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In the Daley household, young Rachel's life was akin to a continuous uphill battle. Her mother was relentless in her relentless teasing and torment, and her sister seemed intent on acquiring everything Rachel held dear, including her boyfriend. Yet, the most pressing challenge was the mounting medical bills of her foster mother, Norma—the one soul who had shown Rachel unwavering kindness since her early years and had raised her with a tender heart.

Desperation had driven the Daley family to a rather peculiar arrangement: they agreed to shoulder Norma's medical expenses, but with a caveat. They insisted that Rachel take the plunge into matrimony with Dominic, the illegitimate and seemingly directionless scion of the affluent Peterson family, replacing her sister as his spouse.

As the wedding bells chimed and the ink on their marriage certificate dried, both Rachel and Dominic would soon discover that their newlywed partner harbored a closely guarded secret, poised to shake the very foundation of their union.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 90 – "The Power Outage and Lily's Desperation"

"Alright, I'll give it a try," Rachel reluctantly agreed. Since her superior had suggested it, she had no choice but to set aside her grievances.

After leaving the office, Rachel quickly took her laptop to the repair shop.

"It was soaked in coffee, and the hard disk is damaged. I'm sorry, but I can't retrieve the data for you," the technician at the shop said after a brief inspection, shaking his head.

He casually tossed Rachel's laptop aside and added, "Are you considering getting a new one? We have some cost-effective second-hand computers available."

Rachel declined with a heavy heart, though she had anticipated the outcome. She retrieved her laptop and left the shop feeling dejected. It had taken her a long time to complete that series of drafts, and even if she had to redo them, it would take at least a day to finish everything.

The work needed to be submitted by tomorrow morning, and with only a few hours left before the deadline, attempting to redo it seemed futile. By the time Rachel returned home, it was already 12:30 in the morning, and she felt utterly defeated.

She entered her dark living room quietly. Suddenly, the lights flicked on, illuminating the entire apartment. Rachel raised her hand to shield her eyes from the sudden brightness, squinting.

Dominic was leaning against the wall near the door, arms crossed over his chest. His brow was slightly furrowed, lips pressed into a thin line, and his sharp, dark eyes bore into hers.

"Why are you so late?" he inquired, his tone tinged with impatience.

Rachel, exhausted both physically and mentally, simply replied, "I had to work overtime today. There's a competition at our company."

She let out a weary sigh and headed straight to her room, without even sparing a glance at Dominic.

Dominic's heart sank as she didn't acknowledge his presence. He hadn't waited up all night just to hear such a curt response.

Dominic wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder.

“Spend some time with me,” he said, nestling his face in the crook of her neck.

Dominic wanted to kiss her and make out with her.He couldn’t let his wait end in vain.

After all, he was a shrewd businessman.

“It’s already late. Aren’t you sleepy?”

His warm, steady breath blowing against her skin made Rachel restless.Her heart was crashing in her chest.

She turned around.

Seeing Dominic’s handsome face, Rachel stood on tiptoe and pecked him on the lips.

A blush painted her cheeks.

“Well, I had to submit my designs for the competition by tomorrow morning.Unfortunately, one of my colleagues splashed coffee on my laptop.! just don’t have anything to submit now because the laptop broke down.I’m actually very upset about it.Can we talk tomorrow?”

Dominic pursed his lips as he thought about it.

“Did your colleague splash coffee on your laptop on purpose, or was it an accident?”

Rachel didn’t want to talk about it.She felt annoyed to even think about Lily.

“Her intentions don’t matter to me anymore.I have lost all my drawings, and it sucks.I put a lot of effort into it, you know.”

Rachel’s shoulders slumped with exhaustion.She had been busy all week designing for the project, but a cup of coffee had ruined all her efforts.

The expression on Rachel’s face answered Dominic’s question.

“Oh, don’t beat yourself about it.It doesn’t matter if you don’t get selected this time.After all, you had just joined the company.” Dominic rubbed her hair comfortingly.

Seeing the disappointment on her face, he kissed the corner of her lips.

“There will be plenty of opportunities in the future.”

“Hmm.” Rachel nodded.

It was Lily’s arrogance that irked her, and she hated the woman for destroying her hard work.

However, Dominic’s kisses made her forget all about her work problems.

She was mesmerized by the man, who wrapped her with his love and warmth.

Dominic pressed her against the wall and kissed her until the two got breathless.

“Since you can’t submit the design tomorrow, sleep early tonight.”

Rachel’s lips were numb, and the burning trails of his touches made her dizzy.

Dominic somehow managed to wake up the wild side of her.

Rachel went to bed, replaying the kisses in her head over and over again.

The next morning, Lily went to Rachel’s table with breakfast.

However, Rachel was still mad at her.She scowled at her and looked away.

“I thought about what happened yesterday again.Sorry I might sound harsh last night, but I was simply angry and hurt that you misunderstood me.Anyway, I bought you this sandwich and chocolate.Let’s just forget what happened yesterday, please.”

Lily placed an exquisite box of chocolates on Rachel’s desk.

Although she sounded sincere, the complacency in her eyes was unmissable.

“This brand is very expensive.I don’t think you’d have tasted their chocolates before. They are delicious.” Although Lily was smiling at her, Rachel somehow felt the woman was disgusting and hypocritical.

Rachel put the chocolate aside and ignored Lily.

Just as she was about to sit down, the lights on the entire floor went off, and darkness engulfed them.

“Gosh, is it a power outage?” someone exclaimed.

It wasn’t working hours yet, and most employees had just arrived at the company.

Therefore, the power failure only caused a commotion but didn’t affect their work in y any way.

“Contact the staff downstairs, and ask them to check the circuit.”

“Oh, thank God, I didn’t start my work.Otherwise, my designs would have been gone.”

A moment later, the employees were asked to take the day off because of the power failure.

The entire building had no power supply.

Stephanie walked out of her office and clapped her hands to get the attention of the people who had just come to work, looking around with confusion.

“We have just called the maintenance personnel to fix the problem. They said it would take a day to repair, so you all can go home.And considering the unexpected power outage, we are extending the deadline of the project. You can submit your design drafts tomorrow morning. The meeting will also be scheduled tomorrow.”

All the employees clapped and cheered.

“Great! Then, I can go on a date with my boyfriend today!”

“Much needed day off! I need to go back home and sleep well.I have been working overtime for the past few days, and I am exhausted.”

Everyone happily packed their things, ready to go back home.

Hilda nudged Rachel’s arm excitedly.

“Hey, Daley, you are so lucky! You will have time to redo the design since we’re allowed to submit the drafts tomorrow.” “Yeah.I’ll go home and start working on it right away.”

Rachel grabbed her bag, grinning happily.She couldn’t believe her luck.

It was a great opportunity to prove herself.

Hilda had heard a little about what happened between Rachel and Lily yesterday.

Although she was not at the scene, her colleagues were gossiping about it all morning.It seemed like a serious problem, after all.

“One day is enough.Don’t exhaust yourself.By the way, Lily has done the same thing in the past as well.Last year, during the evaluation process of intermediate designers, one of our colleagues encountered a similar situation.Lily had damaged her work as well.Fortunately, that girl had a backup.So Lily didn’t succeed.”

Rachel cast a scornful glance at Lily.It turned out the woman was a repeat offender.

All employees were happy except for Lily.She stood there dumbfounded as if struck by a lightning.

Lily was stunned.She gritted her teeth and ran to Stephanie.

“Didn’t you say that today was the last day to submit the design? How could you suddenly extend the deadline? It’s unfair!” Lily grew impatient as she saw all the employees happily leave the company.

After all, the power outage had ruined her plans.

Lily had deliberately damaged Rachel’s laptop.She thought even buying a new laptop for the company would be worth the effort if she could defeat Rachel and get a promotion.

One day was enough for Rachel to redo her work, and she couldn’t let that happen.

“Our superiors have asked us to take the day off,” Stephanie said calmly.

“There is a problem with the circuit.We can’t do anything about it.The entire company is out of power.How will they submit the drafts, and how will we check them without even one computer that works?”

“Can’t you just ask the maintenance personnel to speed things up a little?” Lily insisted.

She couldn’t give Rachel so much time.Otherwise, she wasn’t sure she could get this promotion.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 91 – "Designs and Distractions: A Day of Creative Chaos"

Stephanie possessed a rather clear understanding of Lily's actions.

Unfortunately, she disliked it when her subordinates resorted to tricks to outshine their colleagues the most.

Stephanie arched an eyebrow and folded her arms.

"If you're so concerned," she said with impatience, "why don't you take care of it yourself? If you succeed, I'll acknowledge your contribution." Lily blinked, rendered speechless.

But Stephanie wasn't finished yet.

She added, "Since you were the one who damaged the laptop last night, you need to reimburse the company for the property loss as soon as possible."

With that, she turned and headed in Rachel's direction.

Computers played a vital role in their work as designers, and the Porter Group had spared no expense in providing them with cutting-edge tools.

All in all, the repairs would amount to at least a month's worth of Lily's salary.

She glared at Rachel, her hands clenched in frustration.

It annoyed her to think that she'd have to part with a substantial sum of money without accomplishing anything.

Meanwhile, Rachel was preparing to leave, satisfied that the issue had been resolved.

To her surprise, Stephanie intercepted her.

"Hurry back to redo your drafts. Our meeting is scheduled for ten tomorrow morning," Stephanie noted, glancing at her watch.

"You still have twenty-four hours. I'm looking forward to your designs."

"Yes, Ms. Miller. I'll get back to work right away."

Rachel left with a broad smile on her face.

Upon arriving home, Rachel headed straight to her room and immersed herself in her drafts.

The window was open, allowing a gentle breeze to rustle the white lace curtain.

A beam of sunlight streamed into the room, illuminating her desk where she was diligently working on her designs.

Rachel casually twisted her long hair into a messy bun and used a pencil to secure it in place.

This was undoubtedly more demanding than preparing for her final exams in university.

It felt like a race against time, with ideas flowing faster than her hands could capture them.

Eventually, the daylight faded, and rain began to fall.

When it finally subsided, the leaves outside glistened with moisture, and the earthy scent of damp grass hung in the air.

A knock interrupted her concentration.

"Come in," Rachel responded automatically, her eyes still glued to the computer screen. She didn't turn around as footsteps approached her.

"You've been in here for nearly a day. Aren't you hungry?" Dominic entered with a steaming bowl, placing it on the wooden table across the room.

"Thank you. Just leave it there. I'll eat later. I still have a lot to finish."

Rachel gave him a grateful look before returning to her work. Dominic was dressed casually in a gray shirt and loose linen trousers, his tousled black hair framing his face.

"I'd like to stay. Don't worry, I won't disturb you. Carry on with your work. Can I read these books?" Dominic pocketed one hand and idly ran his fingers along the spines of her books.

From his slightly hoarse voice, it was evident he had just woken up.

"Of course, you—," she paused, realizing something. The books were in Russian or Greek, and she couldn't read them at all.

Rachel finally turned to Dominic. "Can you read these? They're foreign books."

Dominic leaned against the bookshelf, his curls falling over his forehead. A faint smile played on his lips.

"No, I can't, but some of them have illustrations."

But, of course, he could read them. He had a talent for languages from a young age and had learned dozens from around the world.

"Alright," Rachel replied casually, turning her attention back to her screen and resuming her digital pen work.

Dominic picked up a book and started flipping through the pages. "By the way, why are you home all day? Shouldn't you be at the office?"

Rachel's face lit up at the question. "Well, there was a power outage at the company, and surprisingly, it worked in my favor. They extended the deadline to tomorrow, so I got an extra day off. I'll be able to catch up on my schedule and make some last-minute refinements to my designs."

"That's quite lucky," Dominic commented with a smile. "What about you? Why aren't you at work? Did the convenience store experience a power outage too?"

Dominic turned another page with a small smile. "I'm just a part-time worker with flexible hours. I happened to have the day off."

"I see," Rachel said, still immersed in her work. "Alright, enough talking. Let me finish this quickly."

Dominic walked out of the room, leaving her to concentrate on her designs.

Soon, the light drizzle ceased entirely, replaced by the occasional drop falling from leaves into puddles on the ground.

The air became warm and humid after the rain, causing Rachel to sweat profusely.

When Dominic returned, it was already dusk. "What's this, Rachel?" he asked, looking serious. "You didn't touch the noodles I brought for lunch."

This time, he was carrying a plate of what appeared to be meatballs, setting it on the table and folding his arms.

Dominic cast a pointed glance at the bowl of cold, soggy noodles, then back to Rachel, who had been immersed in her work.

It was only then that Rachel remembered he had brought her lunch.

"Sorry, I forgot," she admitted sheepishly, glancing at the wall clock, which now read six in the evening.
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Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 92 – "Dinner and Desire: An Evening of Affection"

Rachel didn't experience any hunger pangs at all. Moreover, she didn't have much time to spare for a meal. She pressed her lips together, casting a cautious glance at Dominic.

"I'd prefer to eat later. I need to finish my drafts first." Dominic raised an eyebrow.

Before she knew it, he had seated himself in the chair next to her.

"You can't just skip meals," he gently chided.

"Here, I've prepared these small, bite-sized balls combining grains, vegetables, and fish. They should be convenient for you to eat while you work. It won't take up too much time."

Rachel set her pen down and observed the somewhat dubious-looking balls on the plate. They didn't quite resemble balls at all, perhaps due to Dominic's enthusiastic shaping.

Nonetheless, he looked rather charming in his black T-shirt and floral apron.

"Open your mouth."

The sound of the spoon against the porcelain plate filled the room as he scooped out a ball and held it up to Rachel's lips.

"I can feed myself," she mumbled, her cheeks turning a shade of pink.

But she obediently opened her mouth anyway. Dominic couldn't help but chuckle.

"You little fibber," he teased.

"It's your fault! You fed me first!" Rachel retorted playfully between bites.

A smile tugged at the corners of her lips, her eyes filled with amusement.

"Sure, sure," Dominic replied, uninterested in prolonging the argument. He scooped out another ball and presented it to her once she had finished the first.

"Why are you being so thoughtful today?" Rachel asked as she devoured the second ball, touched by his consideration.

His kindness was genuinely endearing.

"Wasn't I always thoughtful?" Dominic countered, leaning forward with a playful glint in his eyes.

Rachel giggled before planting a gentle kiss on the corner of his mouth.

"You've always been the best."

Dominic leaned closer, catching Rachel's chin and brushing his lips against hers, restraining the urge to deepen the kiss. He nibbled at her lower lip, gently tugging on it, and then pulled away.

Rachel hadn't completed her work yet.

"Eat your dinner first. How many drawings do you have left?"

Dominic wiped her soft, pink lips with his finger, letting it linger for a moment. His eyes darkened with desire, but he tried to quell his longing.

In a daze, Rachel stared at the screen and counted.

"Well, three more designs left. I also need to color a few drawings. It'll take several hours."

"Alright, finish up so you don't have to stay up all night," Dominic said, ruffling her hair before standing and turning on all the lights in her room.

He then walked to the wooden table and picked up the bowl of now-cold noodles. Looking down at Rachel, he raised his chin, motioning towards the meatballs.

"Finish your dinner. I'll check later. The bowl should be empty."

Just as he started towards the door, he paused for a moment, casting a sidelong glance at her.

"Well, I'm home tonight. If you need any help, just call me."

"Got it," Rachel nodded, biting her pencil.

An involuntary smile played on her lips as she looked up and saw Dominic's back. Her heart fluttered at the mere sight of him.

The chalky full moon hung high in the sky, its light streaming into the house like a gentle river. The trees swayed in the breeze, and the distant sounds of cars could be heard from time to time.

After dinner, Rachel felt invigorated and active. She finally completed all her designs before midnight.

After saving the last drawing, she tossed her pencil aside, jumped to her feet, and dashed out of the room excitedly.

"I'm back!"

A football match played on the TV.

Dominic reclined on the sofa, sipping his beer. He glanced at her and remarked, "Miss Daley, look at the dark circles under your eyes. Don't you want to sleep?" Rachel had been stressed all day, and now she finally felt relaxed. She leaped over to Dominic and beamed with excitement.

"I'm very happy right now. How can I fall asleep?"

"Well, should I take you downstairs to set off some firecrackers for a bit of celebration?" Dominic rested his hand on her leg, took a sip of beer, and smiled as he looked at her.

Rachel jumped up on the sofa, dancing around. "I won't go. What if someone complains? I'll celebrate right here at home."

She waved her hands gleefully. Dominic found amusement in watching her bounce around on the sofa.

Suddenly, Rachel wrapped her arms around his neck from behind and pressed herself against his strong back.

"Thank you, Dominic," she whispered, resting her chin on his shoulder. Her voice held tenderness and affection.

Dominic's body tensed at her touch. He encircled her waist with his arms, struggling to resist the urge to take Rachel to bed. He kissed her temple and spoke softly, "Are you trying to seduce me?" Dominic could feel his desires stirring.

"I'm not..."

Embarrassed, Rachel blushed and squirmed in his embrace. As she moved, she felt his arousal pressing against her.

Dominic continued to pepper her face with kisses, trailing towards her lips. Finally, he gently parted her lips and explored her mouth, his actions growing more passionate. Rachel moaned in pleasure, her face turning crimson.

Dominic pinned Rachel down on the sofa and nibbled at her earlobe, squeezing her buttocks playfully.

"You've been a very naughty girl!" Rachel shot him an indignant glare.

"No, you're naughty!"

"Alright, alright. I was just teasing," Dominic chuckled, getting up. "If you can't sleep, let's watch the game together," he suggested, picking up the remote from the table.

A gentle night breeze wafted through the window, and the moon hid behind the clouds. Rachel rested against Dominic's chest and watched TV. After a few minutes, her eyes grew heavy, and she yawned, drifting off into peaceful slumber.

Observing Rachel's steady breathing, Dominic turned off the TV, kissed her forehead, and gently carried her to her bedroom.

The alarm clock blared on the bedside table. Rachel rolled over in bed, stretching before opening her eyes, a wide grin spreading across her face. She was in a splendid mood today.

Dominic sat nearby, eating a sandwich and glancing at his phone casually. When she entered the room, he looked up and greeted her with a smile.

"You're finally awake."


Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 93 – An Unexpected Elevator Encounter"

Rachel stretched and let out a tired yawn.

After freshening up in the bathroom, she grabbed a slice of bread and prepared to head out.

"I'm heading to the company now," Dominic announced as he put on his jacket and followed her.

He gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder and led her towards the door.

"I'll walk you out," Rachel said, looking up at him with a smile, her heart warmed by his handsome face.

Upon reaching the company, Rachel noticed Hilda rushing to finish her sandwich.

"The meeting is about to start. I'm going to be late."

"We still have ten minutes, don't we?" Rachel replied with a smile as she made her way to Stephanie's office.

There, she submitted all the designs she had completed the previous night.

"You're surprisingly quick," Stephanie teased her.

The meeting kicked off promptly at ten in the morning.

All the submitted designs were neatly piled up on Stephanie's desk.

"I've reviewed all the designs you've submitted, and I must say, everyone has shown great progress," Stephanie addressed the designers in the conference room, her gaze piercing.

"However, I must remind you all once again: at Porter Group, we encourage healthy competition. If you want to outshine your fellow designers, let it be through your skills and strengths. We do not tolerate any underhanded tactics."

Many designers had been working late the previous evening and had witnessed the incident with Rachel's coffee-splashed laptop. Others had heard about it from their colleagues. It was clear who Stephanie was referring to.

All eyes turned unanimously towards Lily, who clenched her fists, her face flushed with embarrassment and frustration.

After the meeting, private conversations buzzed with gossip about the incident.

"Lily's in trouble this time. She's made a terrible impression on Stephanie, and her future here doesn't look bright."

"That's true. Now that Rachel has submitted her designs on time, Lily's chances of winning the competition are slim to none. I'm curious to see how she'll handle this."

Lily was infuriated. She intentionally bumped into Rachel as she stormed out of the room, but Rachel chose not to engage with her and returned to her desk to continue working.

"Did the company provide you with a new laptop?" Hilda inquired, peering at Rachel with curiosity.

"Wow, it looks expensive. I'm envious," she added.

"It's because my previous laptop got ruined when coffee was spilled on it. There's nothing to envy, really. I lost all the data I had on the old one, and it might take a while to recover it," Rachel sighed, resting her chin in her hand.

Rachel didn't leave the office until midnight, long after her colleagues had gone home. The city sparkled with bright streetlights as she gazed out from the Porter Group building. She entered the elevator, engrossed in checking her messages on her phone.

As the elevator doors closed, Rachel suddenly noticed a man inside with his back turned to her, and her eyes widened in surprise.

The man bore an uncanny resemblance to Dominic.

Rachel rubbed her eyes, attributing her confusion to a long day at work.

The man was impeccably dressed in an expensive suit, which left Rachel puzzled.

"Why would Dominic be here in such formal attire?" she wondered. "It's probably Braden; he does resemble Dominic," she thought, squinting her eyes in an attempt to get a better look from behind.

Inside the elevator, Dominic fidgeted nervously. Just moments earlier, he had intended to take the private elevator from his office, but he discovered that it was still undergoing repairs.

The previous day, he had instructed Kristian to cut off the electricity supply to the entire Porter Group building for a full day. Unfortunately, despite the power being restored, his private elevator had malfunctioned.

The maintenance team had been working on it all morning, and it still wasn't operational. With no other choice, Dominic reluctantly took the regular elevator.

Given the late hour, he didn't expect to encounter any other employees. However, as he reached the floor of the design department, the elevator abruptly stopped, and to his surprise, Rachel entered.

Startled, Dominic shrank back, keeping his back turned to her.

Fortunately, Rachel was engrossed in her phone and didn't seem to notice him.

Rachel assumed it was Braden and considered leaving the elevator immediately. However, the doors closed before she could do so, trapping her inside with the mysterious man.

Reluctant to be impolite, Rachel decided to stay in the elevator with him. She figured they would only be together for a minute or two.

The elevator was silent, and with each passing second, the sound of their breathing seemed to grow louder.

Feeling it would be rude to ignore his presence, Rachel ventured a greeting. She glanced at the man's back and softly said, "Good evening, Mr. Porter," her voice barely above a whisper.

"Hmm," came the curt response. Dominic deliberately lowered his voice, hoping to avoid being recognized.

Rachel frowned; his voice didn't have the warm tone of Dominic's. It seemed artificial and condescending.

Dominic would often hold her close and whisper sweet words in her ear, sending shivers down her spine. In contrast, Braden's voice was flat and lacking in charm.

As she thought about Dominic, Rachel couldn't help but miss him even more. The man in the elevator remained silent, not bothering to acknowledge her further.

Rachel soon realized that Braden's demeanor was quite different from what she had expected. He had been the one initiating conversations with her online, yet now, he didn't seem interested in engaging at all.

On second thought, his aloofness made sense. After all, he was the owner of the Porter Group, while Rachel was just a designer. Perhaps this was how a president interacted with employees.

The elevator fell silent again, and Rachel checked her phone to see that it was already midnight. She wondered why Dominic hadn't sent her any texts or calls.

"Is he still busy working at the convenience store?" she pondered, stealing a glance at Braden. He was a tall man with broad shoulders, a straight posture, and a strong back, much like Dominic. His expensive suit accentuated his well-built physique.

Maybe Braden, too, had a penchant for running and working out.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 94 – "Stuck in the Elevator with the CEO"

Rachel found herself in an elevator with a mixture of emotions. She couldn't help but wonder if she should break the awkward silence between her and Braden, who was usually just a chat away online.

As they reached the fifth floor, Rachel considered making her escape from the uncomfortable situation. She thought to herself, "After all, this might be the last time we ever meet."

However, just as she was lost in thought, the elevator abruptly jerked to a halt, plunging them into darkness. Rachel was immediately concerned and exclaimed, "What happened? Why did the elevator stop?"

The sudden halt caught her off guard, and she no longer cared about Braden's presence. She reached out to touch the elevator's buttons, accidentally brushing against Braden's hand in the process.

"Sorry," she heard Braden's deep voice apologize.

Their hands had accidentally touched as they both tried to press the buttons. "It's okay," Rachel stammered. "I was just trying to press the emergency button."

Frightened by the unexpected situation, Rachel withdrew her hand and sensed that Braden was standing behind her. After a brief pause, Braden spoke, "I believe there's been an issue with the circuit since the power outage yesterday."

He proceeded to press all the buttons, including the emergency one, but there was no response. Rachel, growing anxious, asked, "What should we do now? Should we call for help?"

Rachel glanced at her phone, contemplating making the call, but hesitated. She thought it might be better for Braden, as the CEO of the Porter Group, to make the call, knowing that their situation would be taken more seriously.

Braden, understanding her hesitation, took out his phone and made the call himself. After briefing the situation to the authorities, he reassured Rachel, "Don't worry. The maintenance team will arrive shortly."

Rachel, still feeling uneasy, hugged her bag and said, "Okay."

The presence of the CEO in the elevator with her provided some comfort. She believed that the company would take swift action to ensure their rescue. However, the darkness that surrounded them began to suffocate her.

The darkness triggered memories from Rachel's childhood when she was mistreated. She remembered how her mother, Kate, used to lock her in a dark cabinet whenever she was bullied by her sister, Ivonne. Although Rachel wasn't claustrophobic, the darkness brought back painful memories.

As they both remained in the dark elevator, neither of them spoke. The silence weighed heavily on Rachel, and she finally suggested, "How about I turn on the flashlight on my phone? It's quite dark in here."

But before she could do so, Braden firmly gripped her wrist and advised, "Don't waste your phone's battery."

He couldn't allow her to turn on the flashlight and potentially discover his true identity. Dominic Peterson, who was actually Braden Porter, had to keep his secret hidden. He was unsure how Rachel would react if she found out the truth.

Sensing something amiss, Rachel said, "Well, since help is on the way, I think we'll be out soon. Besides, you're the CEO of this company, Mr. Porter. I'm sure they'll come to rescue you promptly."

Braden replied, "Just in case."

Rachel's doubts began to dissipate, and she decided to comply with his request. They both stood silently in the darkness, and Rachel made a mental note to explain the situation to Dominic once they were out.

The silence in the elevator persisted, with only the rhythmic sound of their breathing breaking it. The awkwardness became unbearable for Rachel, and she decided to initiate a conversation. She asked, "Mr. Porter, do you usually work late?"

Braden's response was curt, "It depends."

Rachel continued, feeling a bit embarrassed, "I haven't had the chance to meet you before, but you've been very supportive since I started working here. Thank you for everything."

"You're welcome," Braden replied.

Rachel, trying to maintain the conversation, inquired, "By the way, why did you take the regular elevator?"

Blushing with embarrassment, Rachel felt like she was talking too much. She had learned to navigate Braden's unpredictable moods and behaviors, and he seemed aloof in person compared to their friendly online chats.

Braden, now Dominic, was unaware of Rachel's thoughts and tried to remain silent to avoid raising suspicion. He didn't want to complicate matters further.

Suddenly, there was commotion outside the elevator, and Dominic's phone vibrated. A voice on the other end informed him that the rescue team had arrived but was facing challenges due to the elevator being stuck between two floors. They assured him of their efforts and apologized for the inconvenience.

Dominic responded, "Okay, hurry up," as Rachel observed his demeanor. The elevator remained eerily quiet, and she couldn't help but notice the aura of fear and respect that surrounded Braden Porter, the CEO.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 95 - "A Tense Elevator Rescue"

"Mr. Porter? We're going to attempt to open the elevator door. Please step back and ensure there's no one near the door," a voice from outside the elevator advised.

Braden acknowledged the voice and promptly retreated to a corner.

Outside, there was a commotion as maintenance personnel worked on prying open the elevator door with various tools.

Time passed, but it appeared they were making little progress. Suddenly, the elevator jolted violently.

Rachel screamed, her heart sinking into her stomach.

The abrupt movement caused her to lose her balance.

Just as she felt herself about to hit the floor, strong arms reached out and caught her in the darkness.

With a low grunt, Braden hoisted her up and held her close.

Rachel's back pressed against the wall, while Braden's body pressed against hers. He leaned in until his lips brushed against her ear.

Rachel could feel his warm breath on her exposed skin.

Despite his rescue, Braden's actions left Rachel more uneasy than the elevator's shaking. She instinctively tried to pull away.

"Mr. Porter, please release me. I can stand on my own," she panicked, attempting to push Braden away. However, the elevator suddenly shook even more violently.

"Don't move!" Braden commanded, gripping her shoulder firmly.

His voice was low yet steady, possessing the power to snap people back to reality.

Rachel managed to regain some composure, enough to steady herself. She was still nervous, her heart racing uncontrollably. She disliked physical contact with men.

Dominic was an exception. He always exuded a mature and dependable aura, making Rachel feel safe and secure. He possessed a commanding presence that made anyone in his vicinity appear weaker.

Strangely, Braden evoked similar feelings in her.

Even in the darkness, she sensed that the man before her was trustworthy and reliable.

For some reason, he reminded her of Dominic. She hugged herself protectively, maintaining a distance from Braden.

The elevator continued to shake for another ten seconds before finally coming to a halt.

Braden held Rachel so tightly that she broke into a cold sweat.

Her dress was damp, making her extremely uncomfortable.

Finally, a sliver of light pierced through the crack in the elevator door.

The rescue team had managed to pry the door open slightly.

Raising her head, Rachel softly asked, "Can you let go of me now?"

"Oh, right. I'm sorry," Braden's tone was somewhat rigid. He quickly released Rachel and took a step back to create some space between them.

Simultaneously, Rachel, still on edge, retreated to the farthest corner of the elevator.

Leaning against the opposite wall, Braden let out a silent sigh. He rubbed his temples and squinted at Rachel in the darkness.

"I apologize. I didn't mean to alarm you. I just wanted to ensure your safety."

"It's okay. Thank you. I was genuinely scared earlier," Rachel replied between deep breaths.

While she wasn't offended by Braden's actions, they did catch her off guard.

After all, her boss didn't strike her as the kind of person who would treat a woman this way.

When he held her in his arms moments ago, his movements were natural, as if he had done it many times before.

"Are you frightened of me?" the man in the darkness suddenly inquired.

Dominic, still feeling the tingling sensation from touching Rachel in the elevator, sensed her body had stiffened. She appeared frightened.

Whenever they kissed, she usually went limp in his arms. But now, she was acting differently.

"Well, a little. But Mr. Porter, I don't hold it against you. It was just all so sudden."

Although they were somewhat friendly, Rachel didn't dare to tell Braden to keep his distance. He was her boss, after all. To continue working at the Porter Group, she had to swallow her pride and show him the respect he deserved.

Nevertheless, she was perplexed by Braden's behavior.

Was he interested in her? No, that couldn't be it.

Rachel frowned in the darkness, wondering if she was overthinking things. Regardless, she couldn't quite grasp what kind of person Braden was.

As she pondered, Braden remained silent, and a hush enveloped the elevator.

Suddenly, a grinding noise emanated from the elevator door, and light flooded in.

The rescuers had finally succeeded in prying the door open! Several fully equipped rescue workers in orange uniforms extended their hands towards them.

"Grab onto us!" Rachel squinted in the sudden light.

Before her eyes could adjust, Braden stepped behind her and said, "You go first."

He placed his hands under Rachel's arms and effortlessly lifted her from behind, passing her to the rescuers.

The rescuers quickly helped Rachel out. The scene outside was chaotic.

A group of people, mostly Porter Group employees, had gathered in front of the elevator.

They had likely rushed over upon hearing news of their CEO's accident.

"Daley, are you alright? It's almost 1 o'clock; your family must be worried sick!" Kristian's friendly face appeared before Rachel's eyes. He pushed her toward the exit without hesitation.

Before Rachel could protest, she found herself pushed out of the gate.

"Well, I suppose I should head home now, Mr. Higgins," she said, deliberately turning to face Kristian with a smile. She figured Braden must have been rescued from the elevator by now. She wanted to seize the opportunity to catch a glimpse of what he looked like; she had always been curious about the CEO of the Porter Group.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 96 – "Late-Night Conversation"

But she struggled to get a glimpse of Braden amid the crowd, with Kristian's towering presence obstructing her view.

Rachel craned her neck in an attempt to see past Braden's broad back as he was escorted away by a group of men dressed in black suits. Yet, throughout the ordeal, she never caught even a glimpse of his face.

"Daley, what are you staring at?" Kristian inquired, his charming eyes following her gaze as he smirked mysteriously. "Were you trying to catch a glimpse of Braden before he left? It's a shame he departed so abruptly."

Rachel felt a pang of guilt and quickly averted her gaze. "No, no, Mr. Higgins, please don't tease me."

Eager to end the conversation, she turned to leave. "I should be going now, Mr. Higgins."

Kristian offered kindly, "Let me drive you home; it's getting quite late." Unbeknownst to her, he had been tasked with ensuring her safe journey home.

Rachel hesitated, unsure if it was appropriate for him to accompany her at this late hour. "No, thank you. I don't think it's necessary, Mr. Higgins. Besides, my home is just a short walk from the company."

Kristian gave her a reassuring smile and respected her decision, "You seem to think I'm some kind of threat, but alright, Daley. Stay safe."

With that, Kristian returned to the building, keeping his promise to Dominic. He quickly arranged for a discreet bodyguard to shadow Rachel, only feeling at ease when he received confirmation that she had reached home safely.

Rachel arrived home around half past one in the morning, silently entering her apartment. The ticking of the wall clock was the only sound in the quiet space. To her surprise, the breakfast sandwich she had left on the table earlier remained untouched, and there was no sign of beer bottles.

She slipped into her slippers and made her way to the living room, softly calling out, "Dominic?"

It was late, and she wondered if he was asleep in his room. She contemplated knocking on his bedroom door but decided against it to avoid waking him up. Instead, she quietly opened the door and peeked inside, only to find his room empty.

Rachel frowned and decided to wait for Dominic to return. She wasn't feeling particularly tired, given the events of the evening. She heated up her sandwich in the microwave and settled on the sofa, watching TV as she mulled over her encounter with Braden in the elevator.

Twenty minutes later, she heard the sound of the door unlocking. Dominic entered, dressed in a simple white T-shirt under a black windbreaker. His handsome features were accentuated by his prominent nose.

Rachel, still munching on her sandwich, looked up at him and asked, "Why are you so late?"

Dominic explained, "It was a night shift; a colleague was running late, so I covered for him for an extra half-hour."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but acknowledge his growing skill in deception.

Rachel continued, "Do you have night shifts often? I didn't realize you could stay up this late regularly."

Dominic shrugged off his coat and sat beside her. "What are you eating? It smells delicious." He reached over to grab a bite of her sandwich and playfully pinched her.

With a raised eyebrow and a smile, he added, "You're always up late. Why are you concerned about my late hours?"

Unable to come up with a response, Rachel remained silent, feeling a tad embarrassed. Dominic was right; she often worked late and arrived home past midnight.

Changing the subject, she said, "By the way, something happened today." She recounted the elevator incident with Braden, feeling a sense of responsibility to inform Dominic.

She was also curious about his reaction, as she had perceived him as remarkably tolerant of her boss's behavior. If Braden's actions hadn't provoked Dominic, she would find it rather perplexing.

Dominic rubbed his forehead, his lips pressed into a thin line. When he learned about Rachel's panic in the elevator, he disregarded logic and rushed to protect her, even if he was Braden at the time.

In such a perilous situation, he wanted to ensure her safety, even if it meant risking his own identity. But his thoughts were clear; he needed to address the issue.

Rachel, awaiting his response, urged, "Why are you so quiet? Say something!"

Dominic's silence left her perplexed and concerned. Was he like a robot, showing no emotion despite what she had just revealed? The lingering question in her mind was whether he truly cared about her.

"Calm down," he finally spoke. "I'm just considering how to handle Braden. I can't merely reprimand him for being stuck in an elevator with you. I need to think this through carefully."

Dominic's serious expression alarmed Rachel. She worried that his actions might complicate matters for her. "What do you plan to do? I hope you won't act rashly, Dominic. Braden is the CEO of the Porter Group, and we can't afford to offend him."

Dominic chuckled softly. "Don't worry. I know what I'm doing. I'll have a conversation with him."

Rachel's eyes widened in surprise. "How? You can't just walk into his office! I can't even do that."

Dominic shrugged confidently. "I'll figure it out. I have connections. I'm sure I'll find a way." Although he maintained a calm exterior, Rachel couldn't shake the feeling that Dominic's actions might lead to trouble.

Witnessing her worried expression, Dominic reassured her with a warm smile and leaned in to kiss her. "You wanted me to do something about it, right? Now that I've told you my plan, you seem concerned. Don't worry, Daley. I've got it under control."

Rachel confessed softly, "I just wanted to know if you care about me."

She looked up into his eyes, her delicate eyelashes fluttering. "So, how do you plan to talk to Braden?"

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 97 – "The Bachelor Billionaire: Dominic's Awkward Revelation"

A mysterious smile curled Dominic's lips.

"You're quite the tease," Rachel whispered playfully, her pouty expression hiding the satisfaction bubbling in her heart.

Though there existed a vast social divide between Dominic and Braden, Dominic's fearless attitude in approaching Braden indicated his deep concern for her.

Seeing the woman in his arms finally break into a wide grin, Dominic breathed a sigh of relief. He had managed to extricate himself from a sticky situation.

However, another question loomed over him—what should he do next? The following day, at the Porter Group, Dominic decided to delegate the problem to Kristian.

As Kristian racked his brain, he went through three packs of cigarettes. After extinguishing the last cigarette butt, he quipped, "I won't sugarcoat it. What you're trying to do is no walk in the park. Convincing your wife won't be easy."

"You won't be allowed to leave work until you come up with a solution today," Dominic retorted, his eyes narrowing with resolve.

"Damn! Well, thanks," Kristian scratched his head and slumped into the sofa, deep in thought.

Suddenly, a spark of inspiration lit up in his eyes. "Aha! I've got an idea. You might want to consider giving me a raise for being so brilliantly smart."

He flashed Dominic a mischievous grin and rubbed his hands together.

"I have a brilliant solution that could resolve all your problems once and for all, provided you're willing to go along with it." Dominic's pen, poised over an unsigned document, hesitated.

"What do you mean?" Kristian smirked knowingly.

"Just tell your wife that Braden is gay and only attracted to men. That way, she'll think he has no interest in her, and your problems will vanish." Dominic's grip on the pen nearly snapped it in half.

Gritting his teeth, he shot Kristian a deadly glare. "You want me to pretend to be gay?" Kristian erupted into unrestrained laughter, the mirth lasting quite a while.

Finally catching his breath, he leaned back against the sofa, looking at his friend with feigned innocence. "What else can you do? You want to help your wife using Braden's identity, but she won't accept Braden's generosity. As her husband, you can't stay indifferent while knowing Braden's making advances on her."

With a sly smile, Kristian added, "When you say those words to her, make sure you've got a straight face."

Dominic put down the pen and leaned back in his chair, his frustration evident. After a prolonged silence, he reluctantly admitted, "I suppose it's the only choice."

Kristian's grin widened, clearly pleased that his idea had hit the mark. He casually took a sip of tea, placed the cup on the table, and smacked his lips.

"See, I told you I'm a genius. Who else could come up with such a crazy yet potentially effective idea? Now you won't have to go through all the trouble." Dominic sneered, "Only you would concoct such an absurd plan, but it's a double-edged sword."

Kristian sighed dramatically and whined, "I worked hard to solve your problem, and you say this to me?"

Truth be told, Dominic considered Kristian's idea practical. Even if Rachel believed Braden was gay, it wouldn't change much. When he revealed his true identity later on, the misunderstanding would naturally dissolve. Nevertheless, he couldn't shake off the awkwardness. It would have been easier if someone else could break the news to Rachel.

But now, he had to confess himself that he was attracted to men—an uncomfortable task for any straight man, let alone the formidable CEO of the Porter Group. Kristian continued to smile and winked at him.

"I've got another idea. Tell Rachel that Braden has erectile dysfunction. Even if he was interested in her, he wouldn't be able to do anything about it."

Kristian was a mischievous man with a bag full of tricks. Though born into a family of successful businessmen, he stood out as the odd one, often seen as cunning and crafty.

Dominic retorted, "I think you'll be the one facing erectile dysfunction soon."

Kristian waved his hand dismissively and chuckled. "Alright, alright, no more jokes. I think the first solution is better, considering our predicament. It's our only option."

Dominic remained silent, but his dark expression spoke volumes.

Early autumn had arrived in Sunhaven City. The once-green leaves had started turning shades of yellow and orange. Days grew shorter, and by the time people finished work, the sun had dipped below the horizon.

When Dominic returned home that day, Rachel wasn't there. He opened the refrigerator, grabbed an ice-cold beer, and downed it in one go. Crushing the can, he leaned against the refrigerator, his eyes filled with anxiety.

Dominic had no idea how to initiate the awkward conversation with Rachel. Just as he pondered, the door swung open.

Rachel entered, her eyes lighting up when she saw him. "You're home early today!" she exclaimed with delight.

As she spoke, she unloaded the fruits and vegetables she had bought into the fridge. Seeing something amiss in Dominic's expression, Rachel turned to him with concern.

"Why the long face? Is something wrong?"

Dominic took a deep breath to steady himself. His jaw clenched, and his eyes grew even more serious. "So, I managed to contact Braden. Though we didn't meet in person, we had a phone conversation."

Rachel's eyes widened with disbelief. She asked curiously, "How on earth did you manage to reach him?"

She was already pleased that Dominic had promised to speak with Braden, but contacting the President of the Porter Group seemed almost impossible, even for an employee like her.

Dominic's slippers squeaked as he crossed the apartment to the sofa. He lowered his gaze and said, "I have my ways."

"Alright then. What did he say? Was he hostile?" Rachel asked cautiously.

Following Dominic to the sofa, she refrained from sitting down, sensing his distress. Dominic rubbed the back of his neck, his lips forming a straight line. After a lengthy pause, he finally forced out the words, "You don't need to worry about Braden anymore. He's not interested in women."

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 98 – "Secrets, Suspicion, and a Splash of Celebration: Rachel & Dominic's Whirlwind Week!"

Rachel's eyes widened, and she instinctively covered her mouth in shock.

"Wait, are you telling me that Braden is gay?" She exclaimed, her curiosity piqued as she settled down beside Dominic on the sofa. She couldn't help but tug at his sleeve, eager for details.

"How did you find out? You can't just spread rumors like this, Dominic. Braden is a high-profile figure, and we can't take this lightly."

Dominic closed his eyes briefly, trying to alleviate the pounding in his head. He gently held onto Rachel's hands to keep her from pulling at his sleeves and pulled her into a comforting embrace.

"He confided in me himself. Please, promise not to tell anyone."

"Really? That's surprising! He never seemed gay to me."

Rachel was still processing the unexpected news. She shook her head in disbelief but felt relieved that she no longer had to worry about their encounter from the previous night.

So, it turned out that her boss was gay.

"Braden also mentioned that he values you highly and that his actions were not motivated by romantic feelings. You can relax now," Dominic explained, a hint of helplessness in his voice.

Rachel was still in shock, looking up at Dominic and noticing the complexity in his eyes. Suspicion crept into her heart.

Braden was the president of a powerful corporation. How had Dominic managed to have such a candid conversation with him? Could Dominic be fabricating this story to put her at ease?

"Wait a minute, Dominic. I hope you're not making this up. If Braden really is gay, why would he confide in someone like you? He could have simply said he wasn't interested in me. Why reveal his sexuality to you?"

Rachel's suspicion grew as she voiced her concerns.

Dominic had anticipated this reaction and was ready to respond. "I asked him directly if he was pursuing my wife. He strongly denied it. Perhaps he wanted to clear up any misunderstandings to avoid unnecessary trouble, so he shared his secret. Besides, if he truly is straight, why lie to me about his sexuality?"

Rachel acknowledged the logic behind his explanation but couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. Her intuition told her that there was more to the story, even if she couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was.

"Forget it, Rachel. Be relieved that Braden has no romantic interest in you. Dominic treats you well; that should be enough," she told herself.

"I know you wouldn't lie to me; it's just... It's hard to believe. Such groundbreaking news naturally raises questions. But now that you've explained everything, I trust you," Rachel assured him, wrapping her arms around his waist and smiling up at him.

"Good," Dominic sighed with relief and gently ran his fingers through her hair.

When his gaze fell upon her slightly parted lips, a sudden urge overcame him.

"I want to kiss you," he whispered, leaning in to capture her lips in a passionate kiss.

A few days later, the design drafts Rachel had submitted were approved. On Friday, she received an email from the company, confirming her promotion to an intermediate designer.

"Wow! You should treat us to a celebratory meal!" Hilda playfully suggested, raising her eyebrows at Rachel.

Colleagues who were close to Rachel joined in the cheers and congratulations.

Rachel's face lit up with happiness. "Of course! You're all invited."

Excitement filled the air as they considered the idea. "How about tonight? It's Friday, and we don't have work tomorrow. We can party all night long!"

"Sounds perfect! What kind of cuisine are you in the mood for? I'll make a reservation," Rachel replied with a gentle smile, eager to get to know her colleagues better outside of the workplace. She had never dined with them before and saw this as a great opportunity.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 99 – "Drunken Revelations and Unexpected Heroes: Rachel and Dominic's Night Out"

Hilda couldn't contain her excitement as she made a dining suggestion, "How about that amazing Korean barbecue place we tried last time? It's family-owned and offers the most delectable dishes in the entire city!"

Rachel, no longer burdened by financial concerns, hesitated briefly and then agreed, "You're right, Hilda. It's a bit pricey, but it's worth it. Let's go ahead and book a table. I don't often treat you all to dinner."

Having recently received a promotion and a raise, Rachel had the financial flexibility for occasional indulgences.

After securing a reservation at the restaurant, Rachel sent a message to Dominic, informing him of the dinner plans. Shortly after, her phone rang, and it was Dominic on the line.

"Who's joining you, Rachel? A male or a female companion?"

"Well, it's mostly my female colleagues. There's one guy, but he's already taken," Rachel explained in a hushed tone.

Dominic seemed to complain, "Why are you whispering? Are you afraid of being overheard?"

Perplexed, Rachel asked, "Are you trying to hide our relationship from others? Are you ashamed of me?"

She couldn't fathom his intentions.

"I'm just used to keeping my voice down in the office with so many people around," Rachel replied, glancing around the bustling company bathroom, a place frequently visited by others.

Dominic didn't elaborate, simply continuing to tap a pen idly on the table, showing no intention of ending the call.

"Alright, I'll hang up then," Rachel said, eager to return to work.

Just as she was about to end the call, Dominic confessed, "I miss you, Rachel. What should I do?"

His voice was tinged with emotion, catching Rachel off guard and causing her cheeks to flush. She was at a loss for words.

"Why are you stammering?" Dominic chuckled.

"Okay, I'm hanging up now. I won't disrupt your work." Rachel stared at her phone's black screen, confused by Dominic's cryptic statement.

She couldn't decipher its meaning. Rachel finished work late in the evening, with darkness settling outside. She and her colleagues decided to take a taxi home.

As she packed her bag, her attention was drawn to a royal blue gift box resting on her desk.

"Congratulations on your promotion! I picked this up downstairs. Don't refuse it; it's not extravagant," Markus said, placing the box on her desk and awaiting her response.

Rachel reluctantly accepted the gift, deciding to reciprocate by inviting Markus to join them for dinner since he had given her a gift.

"Thank you, Mac. By the way, we're heading to a barbecue place. Why don't you join us? Don't decline, or I won't accept this gift," Rachel proposed.

Markus smiled as a small grin appeared on his handsome face. They enjoyed a delightful dinner together in a warm and lively atmosphere.

Hilda ordered a crate of beer and consumed most of it, her face reddened by the alcohol.

"Daley, come on! I've already finished twelve bottles, and you haven't even emptied one. That's not fair!" Hilda playfully urged Rachel to drink more.

"Alright, I'll help you finish these bottles," Rachel agreed, eager to join the fun.

In the spirit of camaraderie, she opened two bottles of beer, downing one in a single gulp, momentarily forgetting her low tolerance for alcohol.

"Awesome! It looks like Hilda has met her match tonight. Daley, show her who's boss! Nobody can outdrink her. You have to represent us!" Their friends cheered excitedly.

Rachel giggled, downing three bottles of beer and letting out a loud burp. "Yeah! I'm going to beat her!"

Concerned by her flushed face and unsteady posture, Markus whispered in her ear, "I think that's enough. You seem a little tipsy."

Rachel brushed off his concerns, insisting she was fine. Her steps were unsteady as she tried to stand upright.

"Nonsense!" she slurred. "I'm not drunk! I must outdrink Hilda today! No one can challenge me!"

The party continued into the early hours of the morning. Hilda and Rachel ended up quite inebriated, while the others who hadn't participated in the drinking competition continued to eat and chat.

Realizing that Rachel was thoroughly intoxicated, they decided to call it a night. Co-workers banded together to help the two women out of their seats and escort them outside.

"Hey, what should we do with these two? They're completely wasted," one colleague remarked.

Markus glanced at the still unconscious Rachel and cleared his throat.

“I’ll send Daley home.”

“Oh yeah, you and Rachel went to the same university, right?”

One of their colleagues asked with a mischievous glint in her eye.

Markus just smiled.

“Yes, we were schoolmates.”

He was not particularly good-looking, but he always looked neat, and had a calm and gentle demeanor that made people feel safe around him.

it didn’t hurt that he was tall and had broad shoulders, too.

Hilda opened her eyes then, and grinned.

“I heard that you two are close.Didn’t you stand up for her when Nikolas deliberately targeted her?”

“Aren’t you supposed to be drunk?‘ Everyone had turned to Hilda in surprise, and couldn’t help but admire her seemingly indestructible tolerance to alcohol.

"I was just pretending," Hilda admitted with a smirk. "Daley can be so stubborn. She knows she can't handle her alcohol, but she insisted on trying. If I hadn't acted like I was drunk, she'd have kept going until she needed to be rushed to the ICU."

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 100 – "Intoxicated Hearts and Midnight Encounters: Rachel and Dominic's Unexpected Reunion"

"Well then, let Markus take her back. We can leave it all up to him," they decided collectively.

After reaching an agreement, they each hailed their respective taxis and went their separate ways.

Markus glanced at Rachel, who leaned against the restaurant's wall.

The early autumn breeze had a chill to it, especially at this hour.

Markus took off his coat and draped it over Rachel's shoulders, then placed an arm around her waist to help her reach the curb. His embrace was gentle and devoid of any ulterior motives. He simply wanted to ensure Rachel got home safely and perhaps spend a bit more time with her along the way.

He slung her purse over his shoulder and guided Rachel towards the street.

It wasn't an easy task, as he seemed to be carrying dead weight.

All the movement must have roused her, as Rachel began to groan.


Markus leaned closer and brushed her disheveled hair away to find her struggling to open her eyes. She seemed to be sleep-talking, and her lips pursed as he tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Are you feeling okay? Is there any discomfort?"

"Shh, I just want to get some sleep," Rachel mumbled, seemingly still in a half-dreaming state. She reached up with her delicate fingers to scratch her nose.

Before he knew it, she had nestled into a comfortable position in his arms and was sleeping soundly against his chest.

"Alright, sleep well," Markus whispered, unaware of the broad smile on his face at that moment. He had momentarily forgotten that Rachel was already married.

Soon after, he hailed a taxi and managed to get Rachel into the backseat with some difficulty before sitting down beside her.

"Please take us to this neighborhood," he instructed the driver.

Markus only knew the name of Rachel's residential area but had no idea which apartment building or unit she lived in.

The taxi sped through the night.

During the ride, Markus remained still and tense.

Rachel's head rested on his shoulder.

After a while, he heard her muttering softly.

He lowered his head, gazing at her delicate face.

"What? Could you repeat that? I didn't catch it clearly," he asked.

Rachel sighed, her eyelashes fluttering slightly. "I said, why haven't you kissed me yet?"

Markus felt his cheeks warm up. He cleared his throat and took a deep breath.

"Do you even know who I am?"

He was just a man with genuine feelings for her.

"Why are you taking so long to kiss me?" Rachel placed her hand on his other shoulder and pulled him closer, sounding playful and coy.

Markus leaned in, his hand resting gently on the small of her back. He traced the curve of her cheek with his forefinger, pausing as his intense gaze landed on her lips. A muscle in his jaw twitched as he hesitated.

His heart raced as he moved closer to Rachel.

"Dominic..." Rachel mumbled softly, shattering the intimate moment.

Markus's eyes instantly lost their warmth. He stopped abruptly and sat upright, his lips curling into an awkward half-smile.

Outside the window, the light illuminated his face, revealing a hurt expression. He suppressed his emotions and adjusted the coat on Rachel's shoulders.

"It's okay. Go back to sleep."

He turned his head and stared out of the window.

The Korean restaurant where they had dinner was quite far from Rachel's home. When they arrived, it was already past midnight.

The moon hung in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the surroundings.

Rachel, in her intoxicated state, seemed unaware of her actions. Her arms dangled out of the coat as she waved her hands. Her loosely buttoned shirt slid off her shoulders, revealing her cleavage and collarbones.

"Ugh, this is uncomfortable. My back hurts a lot."

"Hey, Rachel, don't move. You're home now."

Markus's throat felt dry. He carefully adjusted the coat, ensuring it covered Rachel completely, except for her flushed face.

"Hurry up and carry me upstairs. I'm so sleepy," Rachel said as she leaned back and slumped onto the back seat of the taxi as soon as Markus got out.

Markus tried to help her out of the taxi, but Rachel didn't seem to cooperate. Instead, he leaned forward and lifted her out.

Just as he was about to set her down, a strong force pulled Rachel from his arms.

"What the heck?" Markus looked up and saw a robust figure standing in front of him. The dim streetlight created long shadows, making Dominic appear like a towering mountain, almost blocking out the bright moon.

"You were holding her so tightly!" Dominic sneered, his droopy eyes radiating anger as he stared at Markus. Then, he shifted his gaze to the woman in his arms, a deep frown forming on his forehead as he tightened his jaw.

"You've misunderstood. I'm just here to drop Rachel off," Markus hurriedly explained.

Dominic paid him no heed and gently set Rachel down, wrapping his arm around her shoulder to help her stand steadily.

"Do you even know how to walk? Why are you asking others to carry you?" he scolded her.

"Ouch!" Rachel yelped in pain as she felt her shoulder being squeezed.

The pain jolted her into partial sobriety. When she opened her blurry eyes, she found herself looking at Dominic, who seemed to be seething with anger.

His sharp gaze felt like bullets aimed at her.

Rachel shuddered in fear.

"Are you awake now?" Dominic sneered as he adjusted her disheveled clothing.

"Can you stand on your own?"

His sharp words and the anger in his eyes served as a rude awakening for Rachel. She nodded and tried to balance herself, standing beside Dominic. She desperately attempted to regain her composure.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 101 – "The Tipsy Tango: Unraveling the Night's Drama"

Markus took a deep breath.

"Mr. Peterson, please understand, Rachel had a bit too much to drink during dinner. I wanted to make sure she got home safely. Nothing untoward happened," he explained, hoping to clear any misconceptions.

Dominic's imposing presence made Markus feel insignificant, and his explanation seemed to make things even more tense.

Dominic, looking cold and indifferent, responded, "Only those with something to hide feel the need to explain themselves, Mr. Dunlop."

With one arm wrapped around Rachel, who swayed like a marionette, Dominic added, "We'll discuss this later," and then he led Rachel away.

As Rachel walked ahead, Dominic suddenly lifted her by the waist, placing her over his shoulder.

"Dominic!" Rachel's eyes widened with horror. She screamed and hit his back, but he continued walking, unresponsive to her protests.

Dominic maintained his stony silence throughout the journey.

Upon reaching the elevator, he unlocked the door, and without a word, he deposited Rachel on the sofa.

"Can you please allow me to explain?" Rachel implored, her voice trembling as if on the verge of tears.

Her head spun, and she felt a strong urge to vomit.

"Alright, explain," Dominic leaned forward, resting his hands on either side of the sofa, peering into her eyes.

Rachel hugged her knees, avoiding his intense gaze by staring out of the window.

Dominic gently grasped her chin, making her meet his eyes.

"I received a promotion and a salary increase. Markus gave me a gift to celebrate, so I invited him to dinner. I had too much to drink, and I had no idea he'd ended up driving me home. Nothing happened between us," Rachel confessed, tears rolling down her cheeks and landing on Dominic's knuckles.

Dominic appeared like a ferocious beast, ready to devour Rachel whole.

"Is that all? Why didn't you mention inviting him when we spoke on the phone? Did you lie to me?" Dominic's tone was calm, but his icy demeanor was palpable.

"Well, he gave me the gift after our call. I invited him spontaneously as a gesture of thanks. I forgot to inform you," Rachel weakly defended herself.

"You were quite intoxicated," Dominic remarked with a hint of sarcasm.

"How can you be sure that nothing happened during the car ride?" Rachel asked timidly, her fear preventing her from retorting.

Her shoulders quivered as more tears welled up in her eyes.

"You have a low alcohol tolerance. Why did you drink so much?" Dominic handed her a tissue from the table and gently wiped her tears.

Despite his gentleness, Rachel couldn't help but shiver.

The room was dimly lit, with half of Dominic's face concealed in shadows.

"Well, I was happy. I was having fun with friends, and the good times made me drink without much thought," Rachel replied, curling up and hugging her knees, wishing she could escape Dominic's piercing gaze.

Dominic withdrew his hand, leaving two faint red marks on her cheek.

Rachel had delicate skin, and even a slight pinch left visible imprints on her flawless face.

"I called you multiple times, and you didn't answer. Were you ignoring me?" Dominic stood up, grabbed her phone, and tossed it beside her.

Rachel furrowed her brow, noticing a series of missed calls from Dominic.

"I was drunk, and my phone was on silent. I didn't realize it. It wasn't intentional," Rachel explained, her voice filled with desperation, in stark contrast to Dominic's harsh tone.

"Do you think I'm a fool? Six hours without checking your phone? Are you going to tell me you didn't even glance at it after leaving work?" Dominic's narrowed eyes burned with frustration as he envisioned Markus holding Rachel in his arms.

"Damn it!" he cursed and pushed Rachel against the sofa. He began tugging at her dress, threatening to tear it apart.

"Dominic! What are you doing? Get your hands off me!"

Terrified, Rachel recoiled from his touch, stepping backward until she felt the sofa's arm against her back, leaving her cornered.

Dominic had the advantage in size; he could overpower her in an instant. She pushed against him, but his chest felt like an unyielding wall.

He wedged himself between her legs, pressing his knee against her thigh to restrain her.

The next moment, Dominic's hot hand slid down her abdomen and toward her crotch.

"Nothing happened between you two, right? So, what are you afraid of?" He leaned in, nibbling her delicate earlobe.

"Since you seem oblivious to potential dangers around you, I might have to teach you a lesson."

"How dare you? Stop touching me!"

Rachel's face drained of color, her eyes reddened and teary.

Dominic's eyes exuded a raw, insatiable hunger, promising danger and excitement that hung heavily in the air.

"Don't you like my touch?" he growled menacingly. "You must really be having an affair with that man."

"It's not like that! I'm just... scared," she stammered, realizing too late that she had said the wrong thing.

Dominic lunged forward, continuing to strip her of her clothes. She could feel his undeniable arousal beneath his trousers as his fiery lips trailed kisses from her ear to her neck.

"Let me go!"

"Stop, Dominic. I'm not ready. I don't want this. Please, come to your senses..."

Rachel cried out desperately, struggling against his relentless advances.

His eyes spoke of a fierce, uncontrollable hunger, and she knew he would consume her for the entire night.

For a while, they battled over her clothing, but Rachel was no match for his strength.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 102 – "Passion, Regret, and the Midnight Wait"

Dominic displayed an unwavering determination that seemed unyielding. Rachel grappled with her emotions, struggling to accept his intense desires, but she couldn't help but be apprehensive in that moment.

Despite Rachel's pleas, Dominic remained resolute, and he began to remove his ebony shirt. Soon, he was engrossed in exploring her body, leaving a trail of sensual kisses and nibbles.

Electric sensations surged through Rachel's being, even though she protested, "No! Stop!"

Her screams intensified, and she shielded her face with trembling hands. It was distressing enough that she was terrified of Dominic, yet her body involuntarily responded to his advances.

"Release me, you scoundrel!" Rachel implored.

Dominic had already disrobed and was on the verge of silencing her with another passionate kiss when he noticed the look of sheer horror on her face.

He abruptly halted.

Rachel's hair was disheveled, and her eyes were wide with terror. Tears flowed down her flushed cheeks.

"Damn it..." Dominic muttered through clenched teeth.

He glanced down at himself, took a deep breath to regain his composure, and promptly zipped up his pants. Retrieving Rachel's shirt and bra from the floor, he handed them to her before wordlessly retreating to his bedroom, slamming the door behind him.

Rachel stared at the crumpled garments in her arms, still in a state of shock. It took her a considerable amount of time to collect herself. She glanced at Dominic's closed bedroom door, biting her lip to stave off her tears.

She knew without a doubt that her husband was seething with anger this time.

Gradually, she dressed herself, acknowledging her own mistakes. Nevertheless, she couldn't help but feel that Dominic's reaction had been excessive. She was innocent, and Markus had done nothing untoward.

"Can't I converse with another man just because I'm with Dominic now?" she whispered under her breath as she fastened her shirt.

Tears streamed down her face as she stood up and contemplated returning to her own bedroom. But she lingered outside Dominic's door for a long while.

Rachel even pressed her ear against the door, straining to hear any sounds from within. However, the room remained eerily silent.

She clenched her fist, almost on the verge of knocking on the door, but ultimately decided against it. What could she possibly say to him upon entering? Dominic was still furious, and she had only just managed to escape him. Going inside would be like willingly stepping into a trap and enduring another round of questioning and confrontation.

"Rachel, you're such a coward," she chided herself for her hesitation.

Rachel paced around the living room for some time, occasionally casting glances at Dominic's bedroom door. "Should I take the initiative and apologize to Dominic?" she pondered.

However, they had never experienced a confrontation like this before, leaving her uncertain about whether to extend the olive branch. After all, Dominic had also been harsh and impolite towards her earlier.

Stretching out on the sofa, clutching a pillow, Rachel gazed at the closed bedroom door. "You have to come out at some point. Then we can talk."

She sighed and buried her face in the cushion, determined to stay awake. Rachel wanted to be ready when Dominic emerged. She held onto the cushion and waited, but her eyelids grew heavier, and she eventually succumbed to sleep.

The next morning, the blaring horn of a car downstairs jolted her awake. Believing she was still in bed, Rachel stretched and rolled over, only to awkwardly tumble onto the carpet. She winced in pain as her back protested.

Thankfully, the carpet cushioned her fall, preventing any serious injury. Rachel rubbed her head and sat up, nursing a throbbing headache. Her stomach churned, and her temples pulsed as though she were being drilled.

She sat on the sofa, gazing blankly at the wall, uncertain about what to do. As the fog in her mind lifted, she noticed a blanket draped over her.

A bowl of steaming porridge and hangover pills sat on the coffee table nearby, making her mouth water. She stared at them in a daze.

Suddenly, she stood up and rushed to Dominic's room. "Dominic? Are you in there?"

There was no response as she turned the doorknob and peered inside. The empty room was immaculate, with an open window and billowing dark blue curtains. It was evident that Dominic had left.

Rachel's heart sank as she closed the door and turned away. It was Saturday, and Dominic had not returned home all day. At nine in the evening, Rachel sat on the sofa, fixating on the clock. She felt an unexplainable discomfort, as though a heavy weight burdened her heart, suffocating her spirit.

With a deep breath, she dialed his number, unable to bear the silence any longer. She wanted to ask when he would return. "Hello? Dominic, it's me."

Rachel struggled for words, feeling awkward as soon as she spoke. She knew Dominic must have her number saved; there was no need for introductions. It appeared Dominic was in a quiet location, with the sound of wind and car horns in the background.

After a moment, she heard him sigh. "I have to restock tonight. I'll be late," he replied in a cold tone.

"Well, I'll wait for you," Rachel said, her heart sinking. She pursed her lips, her gaze falling to her toes peeking out from her slippers, uncertain of what else to say.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 103 – "The Midnight Intruder: Uninvited and Unwelcome"

Dominic lapsed into silence once more.

Rachel could hear his rhythmic breathing, accompanied by the faint sounds of a man calling Dominic from afar, though she couldn't quite make out the conversation.

"It's alright. No need to wait up for me. Go to bed early," he said calmly before disconnecting the call.

A sense of unease settled in the pit of Rachel's stomach as she gazed at her phone's screen.

His tone had carried an unsettling chill. She aimlessly wandered around the living room, eagerly awaiting Dominic's return.

It felt like navigating a minefield.

Rachel cast her gaze out the window into the dark night.

When the clock struck ten, a soft knock echoed from the door.

Thinking that Dominic had finally returned, Rachel sprang up from the sofa and hastily opened the door.

"Why didn't you take your key?"

She greeted the visitor with a wide grin, but it froze on her face when she realized the man was a stranger.

"What can I help you with, sir?" The man was tall and robust, possibly in his early forties, and despite being in his pajamas, he exuded an air of strength. He examined Rachel up and down with an inquisitive gleam in his eyes.

His face brightened, and his grin widened.

After a moment's pause, he touched his nose and said, "Hello, I live downstairs. Have you noticed any water leaking from your apartment? It's been dripping into my room, disrupting my sleep."

"A leak? I don't think so. No one has used our bathroom tonight."

Rachel's eyes involuntarily darted towards the bathroom, and her guard instantly went up. It seemed like the man had concocted an excuse to enter her home.

She attempted to close the door, but he placed his foot on the threshold, preventing her from doing so. The man grinned at Rachel, revealing yellowed teeth stained from cigarettes.

"Are you certain there's no water leakage? My room is flooded because of it. Miss, would you mind if I take a quick look at your bathroom? If there's any leakage, I can fix the faucets for you."

Rachel tried her best to block the door, her politeness wearing thin.

"If you want to inspect it, you can come back tomorrow. My husband will be home soon, and seeing you here might cause unnecessary misunderstandings."

"I'll just take a quick peek to check for any water leakage. It won't take long. No misunderstandings, I promise. Let me in. My room is flooded, do you understand? Or was this deliberate?"

The man forcefully pushed the door open and peered inside. His eyes widened when they landed on Rachel, her pretty face and ample curves catching his attention.

"What are you doing? Believe it or not, I'll call the police right now!" Rachel bit her lip, trying to close the door, but the man had already squeezed his way in.

Alone and outnumbered, Rachel couldn't effectively handle the situation.

Seeing Rachel's distress, the man lowered his voice.

"I get it, I get it. No need to worry. I've met women like you before. There are plenty of girls working around here."

He smiled as if he had deciphered her concern.

"And in the building across the street, there are plenty of women who are involved with wealthy men. Name your price. Let's have a chat in your place!"

"Are you out of your mind? I'm married! When my husband gets back, he'll definitely deal with you for harassing me." Rachel's eyes reddened with anger and fear, regretting her misfortune at being alone in this situation while Dominic was away. Her breath quivered.

Rachel recalled the chauffeur Kate had hired previously, who had also leered at her with lustful intent, treating her like a commodity for sale.

"Why that look? Are you ashamed?"

An obscene smile crept onto his face as he leered at Rachel.

The man was drawn to Rachel's innocent appearance. His desire intensified.

She was unlike the women he had encountered before, who carried themselves with a certain brazenness.

Unable to contain himself, the man lunged at her.

"Get out!"

Rachel grabbed a high-heeled shoe from the cabinet and hurled it at him.

The man shielded his face and shouted, "Damn you! You bitch! How dare you hit me?"

Seizing the opportunity, Rachel darted into her bedroom, locked the door, leaned against it, and took deep breaths.

Before she could react, a thunderous thud shook the door, followed by a barrage of curses.

"Open the door, you bitch! I'll teach you a lesson when I get in! How dare you hit me? I'll kill you!" Rachel's heart raced, and terror paralyzed her, leaving her unsure of what to do.

The man seemed determined to break in. Rachel knew the flimsy lock on her bedroom door wouldn't hold for long.

She scanned the room for something to defend herself with. Her gaze fell upon the bedside table lamp.

Quickly unplugging it, she clutched the lamp tightly and hid behind the wardrobe.

The doorknob twisted frantically, and the lock was on the brink of giving way.

Rachel's back was drenched in sweat, causing her thin shirt to stick to her skin.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 104 – "Rescue in the Night: Protecting What's Mine"

Out of nowhere, a loud noise echoed from outside, and a beam of light invaded the bedroom as the door swung open.

Rachel held her breath and anticipated the intruder as the door burst open. However, nobody entered.

Outside, Rachel heard shuffling sounds and muffled grunts.

Soon after, the house returned to its usual quietude. She gripped the lamp so tightly that her knuckles turned white. Her palm grew sweaty, almost causing her to drop it.

Rachel's heart raced, her throat dry.

Her plan was to use the lamp as a weapon against the intruder. She hoped to incapacitate him by striking his head. Moments later, a tall figure emerged outside the room and pushed the door ajar, causing it to creak on its hinges.

A towering silhouette advanced toward her.

Rachel instinctively picked up the lamp, closed her eyes, and hurled it in the intruder's direction.

However, instead of the expected shouts or cries, there was silence. Rachel cautiously opened her eyes to find the man had caught the lamp.

"Don't... Don't come any closer! If you take one step closer, I'll defend myself," Rachel warned through gritted teeth, attempting to conceal her fear.

Her heart was pounding, but she pretended to be brave.

"Defend yourself? Can you do that?" Dominic's deep voice resonated through the dimly lit room. The absence of light concealed his features, leaving Rachel unable to discern his expression.

Yet, his voice dripped with anger.

"Dominic?" Rachel was still in shock.

As Dominic drew nearer, she instinctively lunged at him, her voice quivering, her legs giving way.

Dominic caught her and gently placed her on the bed. Frowning, he examined her body for any signs of injury, lifting her clothing to ensure she was unharmed.

"Are you hurt? Did he touch you?" Dominic inquired.

Rachel's face turned crimson. She quickly adjusted her attire and shook her head. She wrapped her arms around his waist, seeking solace against his chest.

Dominic tied her disheveled hair into a ponytail, brushing away loose strands that clung to her face. He pulled her closer, pressing his cheek against her ear, taking a deep breath.

"It's all my fault. I should have returned home earlier," he muttered, stroking her back.

Rachel's heart raced as Dominic's masculine scent filled her nostrils. Her face reddened further.

Rachel finally regained her composure and pushed him away.

But Dominic refused to release her. She wiped away her tears with the back of her hand, sniffling loudly.

"Why did you come back so late? Do you have any idea what time it is now? Why don't you move out if you don't want to be here?" Rachel vented her frustration.

The breeze entering through the window made Dominic's thin shirt cling to his muscular physique. He pursed his lips and nodded, allowing Rachel to express her displeasure.

"Well, it's my fault." It took a while for Rachel to calm down.

Gradually regaining her senses, she peered out the door, her eyes glistening with tears. She nestled in Dominic's arms and studied the stubble on his jaw.

"Where is that man? What did you do to him?"

"I've tied him up outside," Dominic replied.

His brows furrowed, his eyes blazing with anger as he stared at Rachel. He questioned, "How did you get involved with such a repugnant man?"

"What's wrong with you? You make it sound like I intentionally seduced him," Rachel retorted, her eyes widening.

She struggled to free herself from his grip. Dominic, accustomed to addressing his subordinates, found it challenging to switch between roles.

Rachel was delicate and sensitive, still shaken by the incident. Consequently, he held her tightly.

"I'm sorry I said the wrong thing. Scold me or berate me if you wish, but please don't be angry," he implored. Cupping Rachel's cheeks, he planted a tender kiss on her.

"Dominic... Stop it. Deal with this man first!"

Rachel grumbled as she tried to wipe away the traces of his kisses, but Dominic held her firmly. She requested that he take her to the living room.

Dominic smiled and stood up, with Rachel holding onto his arm as they proceeded to the living room. Her eyes widened when she saw the man bound to a chair.

Dominic had rendered him unconscious, and his face bore the evidence with bruising.

"Should we call the police now? What should we do?" Rachel asked in a trembling voice, her fear of the man still very much present.

Dominic glared at the intruder, his jaw clenched in anger. He appeared as a protective beast guarding his territory, ready to unleash his fury upon anyone threatening his woman.

"No, I have a better plan," Dominic declared, reaching for his phone to send a message.

"What do you intend to do?" Rachel asked, attempting to catch a glimpse of his phone screen, but Dominic's height made it impossible.

"Honey, leave it to me. I'll arrange for someone to handle this situation." Dominic gently stroked her hair and planted a soft kiss on her cheek.

Rachel was unaware of the icy coldness in his eyes.

"Don't go too far," she muttered.

Rachel didn't know Dominic's exact intentions, but she believed the man would be safer with the police than facing Dominic's wrath.

Nonetheless, the intruder deserved consequences for invading her home and attempting to harm her.

Rachel couldn't shake off the image of the man attacking her, which had terrified her. She trusted Dominic and had no intention of showing mercy to the animalistic assailant.

Approximately ten minutes later, several burly men arrived to escort the intruder away.

Rachel kept her gaze fixed on the floor, concealing her emotions.

Dominic understood her habit of avoiding eye contact to hide her feelings.

"Why do you always look at the floor? Is there something precious down there?" Dominic's demeanor softened.

He shut the door and pulled Rachel into a tight embrace. "You have to be vigilant at all times. Danger can find you even at home. I called you so many times last night, but you didn't answer any of my calls. Do you realize how worried I was?"

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 105 – Midnight Conversations and Pillow Talk

Dominic was a rugged man, yet he treated Rachel with kindness and gentleness.

"I understand you were upset last night because... because you care about me."

Rachel found herself entranced as she gazed into Dominic's deep, beautiful eyes. Being with him always left her breathless, making it difficult for her to think clearly.

Dominic's tender touches and soft kisses transported her to another world, as if he had cast a spell on her.

Rachel leaned her neck, closing her eyes as Dominic's warm breath brushed against her skin.

"Of course. Who else should I care about if not you?"

Dominic's eyes lingered on her loose shirt, and he planted a gentle kiss on her neck.

"What skincare products do you use? You smell amazing."

"Let's be serious. We need to talk about what happened yesterday."

Rachel wanted to push him away, as his kisses were driving her wild.

Rachel was no longer stubborn, understanding Dominic's concern.

"I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. I promise I'll check my phone more often and won't get so drunk when I go out with friends," she assured him in a soft voice.

Dominic clicked his tongue and shook his head.

"Is that all you want to say after thinking about this?"

Realization dawned on Rachel. She closed her eyes and nodded.

"I'll also try my best to avoid having dinner with Markus again. We're a couple, and I'd never cheat on you, Dominic. Besides, Mac is actually a good guy; he had a great reputation in college."

Dominic scoffed at her comment, pulling Rachel closer and gently nipping her collarbone.

"That's because you're too naive. Markus is just pretending to be kind and gentle. You haven't seen his true colors yet. But never mind, just stay away from him. Let's not let this happen again."

Dominic was privy to the secrets of the Dunlop family, who all had impressive careers and good reputations, but a few knew about their secret business dealings. Dominic couldn't trust anyone from that family.

Rachel was unaware of this, and her opinion of Markus wouldn't change just because Dominic disliked him. But she didn't want to argue with Dominic right now; she had no idea what he might do if he got angry again.

"Okay, let go of me. I need to check the bedroom door. It was just broken earlier."

Rachel immediately headed to her room, finding that the lock had been tampered with. She attempted to close the door from inside, but it wouldn't latch properly.

A gust of wind from outside blew the door open once more.

"The lock is broken. We'll have to call a locksmith in the morning," Dominic noted, glancing at the wall clock.

"All right, let's do that first thing in the morning."

Rachel's shoulders slumped as she realized it was past midnight. She glanced at Dominic and tugged at the door frame.

"It's late; we should get some sleep."

Dominic touched his nose, wanting to say something but choosing not to. He nodded and returned to his room. It was a windy night, with the autumn air hot and humid. The creaking of the door in the breeze added to the eerie atmosphere.

Rachel climbed into bed but couldn't fall asleep. The sound of the wind outside made her uneasy. She tossed and turned, burying her face in the quilt.

She felt restless, and her thoughts kept returning to the unsettling encounters with the man who had knocked on her door earlier and the driver who had approached her in the cornfield. Both incidents had left her deeply scarred.

The repeated incidents of harassment had left her feeling unsafe. She broke into a cold sweat as fear enveloped her.


Wrapped tightly in the quilt, Rachel stared at the door, longing for the safety only Dominic could provide. She couldn't help herself.

Gripping the quilt, Rachel bit her lip and hesitated for a long while. Finally, she slipped on her slippers, clutching her pillow as she made her way to Dominic's room.

The early autumn air was damp, with lingering moisture. All the lights in the living room were turned off.

Rachel knocked on Dominic's door twice, and to her surprise, it immediately swung open. If not for the glass of water in Dominic's hand, she might have thought he had been waiting for her to knock.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Dominic had broad shoulders that tapered to a V at his waist. He wore a white tank top and loosely hanging trousers without a belt, making her heart race.

Leaning against the door frame, he took a sip of water and smiled knowingly when he saw the pillow in her arms.

Rachel lowered her head. "I'm a little scared," she admitted, hugging the pillow tightly.

With a single glance at Rachel, Dominic understood why she was there.

"Do you want me to sleep with you in your room?" he offered.

After a moment's contemplation, Rachel looked up at him and nodded. "Yes."

"Wait a moment." Dominic ruffled her hair and disappeared into his room, returning shortly in pajamas with a gray pillow in hand.

"Let's go," he said, smiling.

Rachel blushed with embarrassment as she followed him to her room. "Okay."

The trees outside danced wildly in the breeze, casting long shadows into the room. Moonlight streamed through the window, providing the only source of light.

Rachel lay stiffly on the bed, staring at the white ceiling, clutching the quilt tightly. Meanwhile, Dominic lay on his side of the bed, his back turned to her, blocking the moonlight.

Rachel remained wide awake despite lying on the bed for a long time. She turned her head to look at Dominic.

"Dominic, are you asleep?" she whispered.

Dominic shifted, propping himself up on his palm to look at her. The dim light outside outlined his face, making his deep black eyes shimmer.

"No," he replied.

"Can we talk for a while?" Rachel asked.

She was wrapped in the quilt, revealing only her flawless face.

Dominic chuckled, leaning closer to her. He was a tall, muscular man with a powerful presence.

Before Rachel knew it, he lifted her into his arms, embracing her tightly. Dominic leaned in, placing soft kisses on her earlobe and cheek as he spoke.

"So, what would you like to talk about?"

Rachel's skin tingled with goosebumps from his gentle kisses. She placed a hand on his chest, maintaining a safe distance.

Dominic didn't know much about part-time jobs; his own job was quite prestigious.

"I don't have any specific job. I do whatever needs to be done and whatever I feel like doing," he shrugged nonchalantly.

"Honey, we're a real couple now," he said, caressing her neck gently. "From now on, why don't we sleep in the same room?"

Rachel bit her lip and made a soft hum, neither accepting nor refusing his suggestion. In Dominic's arms, she felt safe, like he was her protective shield.

Relaxing in his embrace, her body slowly relaxed, and her eyes grew heavy.

"I'm getting a little sleepy," she mumbled, stifling a yawn.

"We hardly talked about anything, and you want to sleep?" Dominic teased.

Rachel had closed her eyes, and her breathing had become even.It looked like she had drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

Dominic couldn’t help but smile at her. He wondered when he could make love to his wife.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 106 – A Debt Unveiled – Countryside Conundrums

The morning sun streamed through the window, rousing Rachel from her slumber. The howling wind from the previous night had vanished, leaving a scattering of leaves on the ground.

Dominic, groggy-eyed, stretched as he joined the waking world. Sunlight sharpened his chiseled features, lending a gentle aura to his appearance. He pulled Rachel closer and inquired about her plans for the day.

Rachel, however, was still wrestling with the unanswered question from the previous night. She feigned sleep to delay her response, unable to shake off the unease that had gripped her heart.

"It's Sunday," Dominic suggested, his arms wrapped around her. "Why don't you sleep in a bit longer?"

Suddenly, it dawned on Rachel. "Oh, gosh, today's Sunday! I almost forgot. I can't sleep; I have something important to do."

She extricated herself from Dominic's embrace and made a hasty escape to the bathroom, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"What's the matter?" Dominic inquired, following her into the room. His tousled hair and the lines of sleep on his face somehow made him even more handsome.

"I'm planning to visit Norma. I haven't seen her since she was discharged from the hospital," Rachel replied, averting her gaze.

Dominic, ever supportive, offered to accompany her. "Alright, let's go together. I'm free today."

Norma's residence was nestled in the countryside, surrounded by majestic mountains. To reach her house, they had to traverse bumpy terrain, with Dominic carrying bags of fruits and health drinks.

As they disembarked from the bus, Rachel led the way, eventually pointing out Norma's quaint old house. "That's her house. We arrived just in time for lunch. Maybe I can lend her a hand."

Dominic observed the small, tile-roofed house in the distance; it was simpler than he had anticipated. However, a small yard outside was graced by a blooming osmanthus tree, filling the air with a sweet fragrance and creating a picturesque scene.

"I used to sit under that Osmanthus tree and do my homework," Rachel reminisced, her face lighting up with nostalgia. "The flowers have just started to bloom. We should come back in two weeks when they're in full blossom. Norma used to make sweet treats with those flowers when I was little."

Dominic, despite his usual aversion to the countryside, found himself captivated by the story and the peaceful surroundings. The two continued chatting as they approached the small yard.

Rachel smiled and pushed open the gate. "Norma, I'm back!"

But there was no warm welcome awaiting them. Instead, the sound of tableware crashing and Norma's distressed cries reached their ears.

"Damn it! You old witch! You've signed the document; hand over the money!"

"If you don't pay up, I'll take your shabby house!"

"Destroy everything! That's what happens when you don't settle your debts!"

Alarmed, Rachel rushed into the house and was confronted by a group of imposing men, wielding bats and clubs. They had invaded the home while Norma was in the midst of preparing a meal.

Norma, cornered beside the stove with a knife in hand and vegetables strewn across the floor, appeared terrified. From where she stood, Rachel could only see Norma's gray hair and her deeply lined face.

In desperation, Norma staggered backward, gripping the knife tightly with trembling hands, pointing it at herself. "If you keep pushing me, I'll have no choice but to end it all!"

"We won't push you that far, you old hag," one of the burly men sneered, putting out his cigarette on the floor.

The situation was dire, and the tension in the room was palpable. Rachel decided to step in. "What's going on here?"

The men turned to face Rachel, meeting her steely gaze. She stood her ground, placing herself between them and Norma.

"We're here to collect a debt from this old woman. She owes us three hundred thousand dollars," the strong man declared, his plump face twisted with disdain.

Rachel's brow furrowed as she glanced at Norma, who avoided eye contact and stared at the floor.

"What debt? Why does Norma owe you money?" Rachel questioned, her voice laced with concern.

The man's grin revealed yellowed teeth as he explained, "Well, it seems Norma never told her family about her debt. You see, this woman here..."

"Enough!" Norma interrupted, her eyes filled with guilt as she silenced the man.

Rachel was determined to unravel the truth. "What are you doing here, Rachel? You should leave. This doesn't concern you," Norma urged.

But the men had other plans and surrounded Rachel, preventing her escape. "You won't leave today!"

Norma's debt was revealed to be a staggering three hundred thousand dollars, a sum that Rachel couldn't fathom. She knew that Norma was frugal and wouldn't have spent such a colossal amount on healthcare products, even if she had it.

"Show me the documents," Rachel demanded, and the muscular man handed her a file. She skimmed through the complex legal jargon, struggling to understand the contents. However, Norma's signature and fingerprint were unmistakably present on the pages.

Dominic, now joining the scene, asked, "What's going on?"

Rachel continued to read the documents and frowned. "They claim that Norma borrowed money from them for medicines and health products. She owes them three hundred thousand dollars. But I don't see any evidence of this. What kind of healthcare products could be that expensive?"

The situation was becoming increasingly complicated, and Rachel felt helpless. She couldn't afford to pay off such a debt, and the evidence presented was dubious at best.

"Give me the documents," the muscular man ordered one of his subordinates, who promptly handed them over. Rachel scrutinized the papers, searching for any discrepancies. The documents contained Norma's signature and fingerprint, but their authenticity remained in question.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 107 – A Helping Hand and a Shared Room

Rachel let out a deep sigh and passed a bunch of papers over to Dominic.

"I just can't wrap my head around this. All these terms and conditions," she murmured in frustration.

Dominic scanned the documents and spotted Norma's signature at the bottom. The paperwork revealed that Norma was in debt to these individuals, owing a staggering three hundred thousand dollars.

"Did you go through this carefully? I wasn't making it up. Hand over the money! Norma is quite elderly. You wouldn't want us to harm her, would you?" The burly man leaned casually against the kitchen counter, occasionally eyeing the stick in Dominic's hand.

"I honestly don't have that kind of money right now. Can you please give me some time? I'll find a way to borrow the money and settle the debt," pleaded Dominic.

Rachel was bewildered, unsure of what had transpired or why Norma was in such a predicament. All she could do was try to convince the men to leave for the time being.

"I've heard your side of it. Tell me, how long are we talking about here? You can't expect me to wait indefinitely," the muscular man retorted, spitting on the floor with a disrespectful air.

Yet, his gaze occasionally darted nervously towards Dominic, who stood there firmly clutching the stick. Something about Dominic left the man feeling uneasy, making him question just who this man was.

Despite his years in the underworld, he had never encountered someone as imposing as Dominic. Dominic's well-defined muscles gave off the impression that he might be a trained fighter.

"What about a week?" Rachel suggested after a brief pause.

Seeing Rachel's willingness to cooperate, the burly man scratched his head, stealing glances at Dominic once more. A shiver ran down his spine, and he cleared his throat awkwardly before finally nodding.

“Okay, I’ll give you a week’s time.” He then waved at the men behind him.

“Pack your things.Let’s leave!”

“What? What’s the matter? You were determined to get the money today.”

“You didn’t behave like this before.”

The strong man stole a glance at Dominic again and cast a reproachful look at his men.

“Shut up! It doesn’t seem like the right time.Didn’t you see the helper standing behind that woman?” After they left, Rachel anxiously held Norma’s hand.

“What’s going on?” Norma rubbed her temples and let out a weary sigh.

"A few days ago, a group of people came to sell me health care products. They seemed so enthusiastic. At first, I thought I'd give them a try, but they talked me into buying their products. When I told them I had no money, the salesman asked me to sign some papers, saying I could get the products for free. I was so confused; I didn't understand what was happening. Some other villagers had also signed the agreements, and they seemed fine. These people kept pressuring me, so I signed. Then, a few days ago, a large group of people barged into my house, claiming I owed them money. But I've never borrowed money from anyone. When I asked them about it, I found out the salesman had deceived me into taking out a loan. Now, I owe them three hundred thousand dollars, including the interest. I still can't figure out why I owe them so much money."

Rachel took a deep breath as the throbbing in her temples intensified.

"It looks like you've been conned by a bunch of fraudsters. They introduced you to the products and tricked you into signing those documents. The villagers you mentioned might be in on it."

These fraudulent organizations often targeted vulnerable, elderly individuals who lived alone, just like Norma. She was an easy mark, especially given her limited education and unfamiliarity with legal documents.

Norma was left dumbfounded, struggling to find words. It took her a while to come to terms with her error. She had always been cautious and never made hasty decisions. Now, she felt like a burden to Rachel.

"Leave this to me. They won't get any money from me," Norma finally spoke up, determination in her voice. She managed to rise from her seat, clutching her cane for support.

Rachel held Norma's arm and assured her, "We'll find a solution, don't worry. You're not alone in this."

Tending to the hotpot, Rachel broached a topic with Dominic once they were out of earshot.

"I think it might not be safe for Norma to stay here alone. I'm considering asking her to move in with us."

Rachel hesitated, studying Dominic, her husband, for his opinion. After all, it was his rented house, and she wanted to hear his thoughts before making any decisions.

“You rented the house, so it’s up to you.!’ll listen to whatever you say,” Dominic replied, arching his eyebrow.

He playfully dropped the stick he'd been holding, a faint smile playing on his lips.

"That's very considerate of you." However, Rachel couldn't help but notice the mischievous glint in his eye. She nudged his shoulder, suspecting he had something up his sleeve.

"What's with that smirk on your face? What are you plotting?"

Dominic feigned a cough, gazing at Rachel with amusement. "Don't act like you have no idea. We only have two bedrooms. If Norma moves in, you'll have to share my room. We're married, after all, and it's only natural that we sleep together."

Rachel's eyes widened in surprise. She had been so preoccupied with Norma's situation that the thought of sharing a room with Dominic hadn't crossed her mind until he mentioned it. A faint blush tinged her cheeks.

"Is that so?" she retorted playfully. "Are you suggesting I sleep on the couch?"

Dominic had anticipated her response and smirked. "Well, wouldn't it look suspicious if we didn't share a bed? We are married, after all."

Rachel opened and closed her mouth a few times, at a loss for words. Dominic did have a point.

The two of them packed up Norma's belongings and brought her to the city, even though Norma was initially hesitant.

"I feel uneasy about moving to the city," Norma admitted. "You two just got married, and I don't want to be a burden. Besides, you both have jobs and will come home tired. I don't want to trouble you. I'm not used to city life either. The tall buildings and wide roads frighten me. I won't be able to chat with my friends from the village anymore."

"I'm not asking you to stay with us permanently," Rachel reassured her. "Just for now, so we can avoid those debt collectors. Once the issue is resolved, we'll send you back home."

Norma sighed, ultimately agreeing to the plan despite her reservations.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
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Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 108 – Nighttime Tensions and Secrets Unveiled

After their return to the apartment, Rachel decided to move her personal items from her room to Dominic's.

Norma, with a hint of concern in her voice, asked, "Why are you moving your things? Are you two sleeping in separate rooms even though you've been married for so long? Did something go wrong between you two?" She squinted at Dominic, who was busy cooking in the kitchen.

Rachel couldn't help but smile at her friend's curiosity. "No, everything's fine. I've just been working late hours recently, so I didn't want to disturb Dominic's sleep when I come home late at night. That's why I chose to sleep in a separate room. Norma, you must be exhausted from the long ride. Would you like to take a nap in the bedroom?"

Norma's worried expression eased. "That's good to hear. I was worried that he might not be treating you well." Her smile, accompanied by the usual wrinkles around her eyes, returned. "Alright then, don't overexert yourself. I'm old, and I live a simple life."

Rachel moved her clothes into Dominic's room to make space for Norma in her own. Suddenly, she felt a strong grip around her waist.

Dominic chuckled, and they playfully tumbled onto the bed. Rachel let out a surprised yelp.

"Why didn't you announce yourself before barging in? Stop it, Norma is in the next room," she whispered.

"My room is soundproof," Dominic mumbled, nibbling her collarbone. He pressed his body against hers, and his loose black shirt slipped, revealing his sculpted features and stubble, which made Rachel weak in the knees.

His intense gaze sent shivers down her spine. He held her firmly, making her unable to move.

Rachel whimpered, her heart racing. "Not now, Dominic! Let go of me," she pleaded, fearing that Norma might overhear.

Dominic, clearly aroused, seemed ready to pounce on her. It would be embarrassing if Norma heard them.

"Stop it! I need to discuss something important with you. We have to figure out how to help Norma."

At that, Dominic finally released her. He kissed the corner of her lips and leaned back on the bed's headboard, lost in thought.

"Well, Norma's situation is quite complex. I've read the documents she signed, and they seem legitimate. We can't prove that Norma was deceived or forced to sign. Even if we take it to court, I doubt we'd win."

Rachel sounded anxious. "What do you mean? We can't afford that kind of money. It's three hundred thousand dollars! I've just started working, and my income won't cover the debt. I don't have much savings. That's why I asked the Daley family to help with Norma's medical expenses. Coming up with three hundred thousand dollars is a nightmare. I don't know what to do."

Dominic stared at the ceiling. "Well," he finally said after a deep breath, "since winning the case is impossible, I believe our only solution is to dismantle the fraudulent gang."

Rachel was taken aback. "What? How is that even possible? Neither of us has the power or means to do that. If we were that influential, we wouldn't be struggling to find the money in the first place."

Dominic turned to look at her. He knew that Braden could easily solve this problem. However, mentioning Braden first might raise suspicions, so he kept it to himself.

He smiled and pinched her cheek. Seeing that Rachel was still upset, he pulled her into his arms.

"Don't worry. I'll talk to my friends. Some of them have dealt with fraudulent groups before. I'll ask for their advice. You don't have to stress about it."

That night, due to Norma staying in the other room, Rachel and Dominic had to share a bedroom. After dinner, while Dominic was taking a shower, Rachel paced nervously around his room. She didn't want to share a bed with Dominic, but there wasn't even a sofa where she could sleep.

"What are you doing? Do you need my help?" Dominic strolled out of the bathroom, wearing gray linen pajamas with a towel draped over his shoulder. He casually ran his fingers through his damp hair as he observed Rachel.

Rachel was taken aback by his handsome appearance and went stiff. "Nothing," she replied awkwardly. "Why can't you just tell me?"

Dominic smiled, his eyes sparkling. Without pressing her further, he sat on the bed and began drying his hair with the towel.

"I can sleep on the floor…" Rachel suggested, avoiding eye contact, her face flushed with embarrassment.

Dominic chuckled. "What are you talking about? We're a married couple; we can share a bed." He put the towel away and lay down on the bed, resting his head on his arms. He glanced at the pillow next to him. "Come on, get some sleep already. Don't worry; your husband can control himself."

Rachel, relieved, said, "Oh, okay. I'll take a shower first though."

The night sky was clear, filled with countless stars. After her shower and drying her hair, Rachel lifted a corner of the quilt and slipped into bed beside Dominic. The bedsheet had a faint hint of mint.

Dominic lay on his side, facing the blank white wall. A quiet stillness enveloped the room as Rachel gazed out of the window, her body rigid with nervousness.

For what felt like an eternity, the two lay in silence. Finally, thinking Dominic had fallen asleep, Rachel cautiously turned over. Just then, Dominic made a subtle movement, as if preparing to get out of bed.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 109 –"Debts, Defenders, and Covert Companions"

In a twist unknown to Rachel, Dominic had been smoldering with longing all along.

With her lying beside him now, everything felt different.

Their eyes met, both wide awake, and they understood each other's restlessness.

A shared smile passed between them.

"Where are you off to?" Rachel inquired.

Dominic slipped into a black windbreaker over his pajamas and whispered, "Norma's probably asleep by now. I'm going to the balcony to get some fresh air. You go ahead and rest."

"Alright," Rachel agreed, not dwelling on it too much. With Dominic gone, she had the bed all to herself, finally able to find some peace.

True to his word, Dominic took a cold beer and some work documents to the balcony after a while.

Once he finished his drink, he returned to the bedroom. Rachel had drifted off to sleep on his side of the bed, clutching the quilt tightly. One of her slender legs peeked out from under the covers.

"You sleep so recklessly," Dominic chuckled softly as he tucked her in properly. He lingered, gazing at her sleeping form for a while before lying down beside her.

Monday morning arrived.

Ever since moving into Dominic's bedroom, Rachel had been feeling anxious. This morning, she overslept and was running late for work.

After a hasty wash-up, she rushed out with a piece of toast in hand.

"Wait up!"

Dominic, donning a black baseball cap and a gray hooded sweatshirt over a white T-shirt, caught up to her and offered to carry her bag. "What? Why? Aren't you going to work today?"

Rachel tried to catch her breath and questioned him, secretly pleased by his company.

Dominic stood at the landing, waiting for her. He lowered his head, his hat concealing his eyes, and his prominent nose and charming smile gave him an enigmatic air.

"Those debt collectors might show up again. I just want to make sure you get to work safely."

"It might be too much trouble for you. What if you're late for work? They won't find out where I work; I haven't given them any personal information," Rachel said, attempting not to burden him. She reached for her bag, but Dominic raised his hand, slipping the strap of her shoulder bag over his head. He put his arm around her waist and escorted her out of the apartment building.

"Why are you doing this? I asked for a day off today," Rachel said, looking at him helplessly, resigned to the situation.

As they reached the pedestrian lane across from her office, they saw a commotion outside the building.

The group of loan sharks who had come demanding money from her had displayed banners at the building's entrance.

Bright red words adorned the banners:

"Rachel Defaults On Her Debt."

"Pay Off Your Debt!"

Maybe the thugs had visited Norma's house first but found no one there, so they came here instead.

"How did they find me here?" Rachel stood frozen, too stunned to move. Despite not revealing any personal details, these individuals seemed resourceful, possibly going out of their way to discover where she worked. The recent incident with Kate had undoubtedly worsened her reputation, and this trouble would only make it worse.

"Who's this Rachel, and why does she keep causing problems?" a passing female colleague read the banners and furrowed her brow. "I'm not sure, but I heard she works in the design department. Her foster parents caused a scene here a few days ago. I wonder what's happening now," another woman chimed in, crossing her arms with a sneer.

"She's always preaching about repaying debts, but now she's the one in debt. What a hypocrite!" a stout woman nearby added. Rachel's expression darkened, and she considered confronting these gossipers, but Dominic held her back. He grasped her wrist and led her to a corner, speaking calmly.

"Don't. If they realize you're here, they won't let you into the building, and it will only complicate matters."

"Let go of me! I need to explain or it will affect my work!" Rachel struggled to free herself from Dominic's grip, looking up at him desperately.

Dominic sighed and pulled her aside, speaking gently, "Now is not the right time."

Rachel shook her head stubbornly. "This is different from the Kate situation. This involves usury. If I don't clarify, it'll imply guilt. People passing by will spread rumors throughout the company!"

Exhausted and defeated, Rachel's shoulders slumped. "The company's board must already know about this. These people might even attract the media, tarnishing the company's reputation. They might ask me to resign..."

"No, they won't. The Porter Group is massive, and the board has bigger concerns. Besides, you didn't borrow the money; these scammers are just troublemakers. Come on, what are you afraid of?" Dominic reassured her, squeezing her hand.

"How do you know that? You're not the CEO of the Porter Group." Rachel realized Dominic was trying to comfort her, and it worked. She managed a faint smile, raising the hand holding Dominic's.

"Let me go first. I can't skip work because of this," Rachel said.

"Wait," Dominic said, lowering his cap to obscure his eyes. He glanced toward the Porter Group's gate.

Puzzled, Rachel wondered what he was waiting for. Shortly after, a group of security guards emerged from the building.

"What are you doing here? Do you know where you are? This is the Porter Group's property!" the head security guard declared sternly.

Defiantly, the men with banners glared at the security guards and shouted, "Rachel is an employee here, and she owes us three hundred thousand dollars! We're waiting for her here! Any problem with that? We're not disturbing your work."

The security guards armed themselves with electric batons and approached.

"I don't care who she owes money to. You can't cause a scene here. If you persist, we'll have to remove you from the premises," their leader retorted. Several security guards proceeded to tear the banners from the gate and forcibly remove the troublemakers.

The onlookers scattered, and once the coast was clear, Dominic finally released Rachel's hand. He returned her bag and patted her shoulder.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 110 – "Whispers of Compassion and Unveiled Mysteries"

"Feel free to head inside. I'll pick you up later, after work."

"Please be cautious, Dominic. If those ruffians know where I work, they might also know where I live. They could be waiting to ambush you at home." Rachel held onto his arm, her expression filled with worry.

"Don't worry, they won't dare to try that."

Dominic's voice was resolute as he gazed into the distance, his face displaying a cold determination. He gently patted her head and then turned away, disappearing into the bustling crowd.

Suppressing her anxiety, Rachel quickly entered the Porter Group's building.

Behind her, a woman sneered and whispered to her friend as they waited for the elevator. "That's definitely her. Where has she been hiding all this time? Now that those people are gone, she suddenly emerges as if nothing happened."

"She was probably waiting for the security guards to escort those people away. My guess is she must have taken a loan and doesn't want anyone here to know," the man beside her added.

Rachel chose not to engage in an argument with them. Instead, she turned and decided to take the stairs, determined to focus on her work. As she finally reached her desk, her colleagues seemed unusually quiet. Hilda, known for her constant chatter, was strangely silent today. Rachel's coworkers glanced at her briefly before returning to their tasks. An eerie calm seemed to pervade the office, as if an impending storm threatened to disrupt her life. Rachel had always been sensitive, and she could sense the strange atmosphere surrounding her. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves, and settled down to begin her work.

Time passed quickly, and before she knew it, it was noon.

At that moment, Rachel's phone chimed, delivering a message from Braden that acted as a stark reminder of the situation she had been trying to forget.

"I heard today's incident might be connected to you." Rachel's heart leaped into her throat.

What could she possibly say to him? Her situation had once again become the topic of discussion in the office.

Rachel bit her lip, hesitating for what felt like an eternity. A few minutes later, her phone chimed once more.

"Respond!" Braden's message conveyed his frustration.

"Yes, Mr. Porter. I apologize for the trouble. Some scammers deceived a family member into taking out a loan, and I've been dealing with the issue. I'll do my best not to cause any inconvenience to the company," Rachel replied, hoping that Braden would understand her predicament.

Businessmen typically prioritized their interests above all else, and she prayed that Braden would show mercy and forgiveness. However, this time, Braden didn't respond as quickly as he usually did.

Rachel anxiously checked her phone for new messages, each minute feeling like an eternity.

After five long minutes, her head started to spin. Thankfully, she hadn't rushed to request Braden's assistance. She had considered explaining her situation to him, hoping he might offer a solution. After all, he had the means to resolve the problem effortlessly.

But the thought of asking for his help made Rachel feel ashamed. She didn't know Braden well; he wasn't a friend or a relative. She hadn't even seen his face. He was her employer, and he had no obligation to help her. Relief washed over Rachel when she finally received another message from Braden.

"Don't dwell on it. Focus on your work. The company will handle this matter."

"What does he mean? Is he going to help me resolve the issue?" Rachel couldn't believe her eyes. She read and reread the messages, unable to comprehend why Braden was willing to help her once again.

Most bosses wouldn't be this compassionate towards an employee. Braden was a shrewd businessman, and Rachel had assumed he would prioritize the company's interests above all else. Yet, he seemed to be different from the rest.

"Is there some connection between Braden and me that I haven't discovered yet?" The idea felt absurd. "But wasn't Braden supposed to be gay? Why is he going to such lengths for me?"

Braden didn't provide any further details after assuring Rachel that the company would handle the problem. She had no clue how he intended to resolve the issue, and she didn't dare to ask.

That evening, Rachel packed her belongings once the office had emptied.

As she left the building, she received a brief message from Braden: "Problem resolved, and the debt has been forgiven." Rachel's eyes widened in shock as she read the message.

She then composed herself, wiping the sweat from her forehead. If they had resolved the matter through legal means and the scammers were sent to jail, Norma would still be liable for the debt since she had signed a legitimate contract. However, Braden was now informing her that the company had resolved the issue and the debt had been forgiven.

Although Rachel was unsure about the details of how Braden had handled the scammers, she knew it must have been through unconventional means.

The debt had been a heavy burden for Rachel for a long time. Witnessing how effortlessly Braden had taken care of the problem once again highlighted his immense power. Dealing with scammers in a single day was no small feat. It reminded Rachel of past events.

Yet, she couldn't fathom why a powerful man like Braden continued to assist her repeatedly. She was just an employee in his company, worlds apart from him, and he had no obligation to help her.

This thought gnawed at Rachel's mind, and she felt indebted to Braden. Moreover, he lived a life of luxury. What could she possibly offer him as a token of her gratitude?

Rachel was lost in thought, standing at her doorstep, pondering Braden's actions.

Upon entering her home, the inviting aroma of food greeted her. Dominic had improved as a cook, becoming quite skilled after studying recipes from cookbooks. Rachel rolled up her sleeves and approached him. Dominic's back, his broad shoulders and height, bore a striking resemblance to Braden's.

"Do you need any help? Where's Norma?" Rachel inquired, scanning the kitchen.

"She's gone dancing with the other elderly ladies downstairs. She said we should eat first. Dinner is almost ready. Can you set the table?" Dominic replied, busy ladling out soup from the pot.

It was a simple gesture, yet Dominic executed it with style, exuding a sense of majesty.

As they sat down to eat, Rachel found herself stealing glances at Dominic from time to time. He not only looked handsome but also carried himself with an air of distinction. She couldn't help but wonder if Braden possessed similar traits.

Rachel immediately shook her head and focused on her meal, dismissing the intrusive thoughts. She was letting her imagination run wild. How could she compare Dominic to Braden?

"What's on your mind? You seem distracted," Dominic said, resting his chin on his hand and studying her.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 111 – "The Curious Case of Braden's Benevolence"

Rachel savored a spoonful of her soup, her head gently shaking as she contemplated. After a brief moment of hesitation, she finally voiced her thoughts, "You know, the whole issue with the fraudsters, it's all sorted out now. Well, Braden handled it."

Dominic, his eyes locked on her, inquired with curiosity, "Is that why you seem so preoccupied?"

Rachel couldn't help but express her puzzlement, "I just can't wrap my head around it. Why would a complete stranger extend a helping hand out of the blue? It's been on my mind, and I think it's high time I asked Braden why he's going out of his way for me."

An uneasiness had nestled itself within her heart.

Dominic, while tidying up the table, attempted to ease her concerns, "I think you might be making too much of it. Braden is a man of influence, and dealing with such issues is probably a routine for him. Don't overanalyze it." As he noticed Rachel finishing her meal, he stood up and began clearing the table.

Rachel, however, wasn't entirely convinced, "I'm not so sure about that. Even if it's routine for him, he still had to delegate tasks to his team. I'm just a regular designer, Dominic. Why would he go to such lengths for me? Braden is a businessman, and if there's no ulterior motive behind his actions, why would he make decisions that could potentially result in substantial losses?" Suddenly, Rachel rose from her seat, her eyes fixed on the man busying himself at the sink. "Dominic, is there something you're not telling me?"

Dominic, while appearing composed, couldn't deny the rapid beating of his heart.

Rachel was sharp, and keeping secrets from her wasn't a simple task.

He hoped to alleviate her worries and make her accept his help without further scrutiny.

"You're overthinking this. It wasn't easy for me to meet him the last time. He is the president of the Porter Group, after all. I can't just meet him whenever I want," Dominic explained, reaching for a can of beer in the fridge. He popped it open and took a long sip while leaning against the fridge. He stole a sidelong glance at Rachel.

"Braden operates on a different level. People like him always have a game plan. We can hardly fathom his intentions. Maybe he sees you as an asset to the company, and that's why he's being friendly. Helping you could be an investment that pays off handsomely in the future." Rachel took his words with a pinch of salt, her gaze studying his face.

Dominic's expression remained inscrutable, leaving her uncertain if he was being honest or concealing something. She opened her mouth to speak but hesitated. Dominic sensed her lingering doubts. He sighed and joined her.

"I truly think you're overthinking this. Your boss values your contributions, and I doubt there's any hidden agenda. You should be proud of yourself."

Rachel finally admitted, "I just want to know the truth. Dominic, please, tell me. Even if you've met Braden without telling me, I won't be upset." She gripped Dominic's arm and looked at him intently.

Dominic had always been a resolute man, someone others considered sophisticated. No one in the business world could decipher his thoughts, but his judgment was unerring.

Dominic discerned Rachel's suspicions, "You're imagining things. It wasn't easy for me to meet him the last time. After all, he is the president of the Porter Group. I can't just meet him casually." Dominic gently rubbed her back, his hand sliding down to massage her waist.

"Stop overthinking this." Leaning closer, he whispered in her ear, "The issue is resolved, and you should be happy. There's no need to dwell on it. Do you want to rest for a while? I'll take care of the dishes, babe."

Rachel pursed her lips and fell silent. Dominic's soothing words and actions had a calming effect on her. After all, she was drawn to him.

"Alright, you can go ahead," she finally relented.

Dominic breathed a sigh of relief, giving her a peck on the corner of her lips before heading to the kitchen. Rachel felt a bit tired; she hadn't slept well since moving into Dominic's room. She stretched her aching back and watched Dominic, who was diligently washing the dishes. An involuntary smile graced her lips.

Dominic was not only charming but also unafraid of household chores. It was easy to fall for someone like him.

However, as she thought about something, her smile froze.

Dominic sensed her intense gaze and chuckled. "Are you making sure I'm washing these dishes properly?"

But Rachel remained silent. Frowning, Dominic turned to look at her. She stood by the kitchen door, her gaze fixed on him.

"Dominic! What's your connection with Braden?"

Dominic let out a startled gasp, nearly dropping a bowl. He took deep breaths, struggling to regain composure.

"I'm just an illegitimate child of the Peterson family. How could I possibly have any kind of relationship with the CEO of the Porter Group?" Dominic completed his task of cleaning the last dish, drying it meticulously, and placing it in the cabinet above his head. Then, he grabbed a kitchen towel to wipe his elegant fingers. Rachel felt uncomfortable as she stared at his handsome face. Her doubts seemed to grow with each passing moment.

The more she pondered, the more she believed there was a connection between Dominic and Braden. Braden was an attractive man, and Dominic had nothing to lose in such a relationship. Rachel's face reddened.

She rested her hands on her hips and glared at him. "Are you two hiding something from me? Is Braden gay? Is that why he isn't interested in me? And is he helping me because I'm with you?"

Dominic's eyes darkened as he approached her. Rachel instinctively stepped back, raising her hand to halt his advance.

"Don't come closer. I need to collect my thoughts." She was still trying to piece it all together.

Dominic had informed Rachel that he had talked to Braden, which had fueled her doubts. It seemed suspicious because he shouldn't have had an opportunity to talk to Braden. Dominic not only contacted him but also learned his sexual orientation.

Rachel couldn't help but wonder if there was a special bond between Dominic and Braden. Moreover, Dominic didn't strike her as someone who wasted time idly. He had an air of mystery about him. It made sense that Braden might have feelings for him.

Rachel's suspicions seemed increasingly plausible.

Dominic's heart raced in his chest as Rachel scrutinized him with suspicion, her emotions ranging from doubt to confidence, disgust, and sympathy. The mixed reactions only added to his confusion.

Dominic lifted Rachel, tossing her playfully over his shoulder, disregarding her protests.

"What on earth is going through your mind?" he asked, patting her rear. Rachel was taken aback when he finally set her down. He cupped her face and kissed her.

"Drop that suspicious look. It's a real turn-on."

Rachel snapped out of her trance and shot him a glare. Dominic could be dominating, exuding an air of authority. Anyone would be captivated by him.

But her thoughts soon returned to her suspicions.

Dominic's lips curved into a smile as he whispered, "You're imagining things, my love. There's nothing between us."

Rachel, however, remained unrelenting, "What do you really think of Braden?"

Dominic scratched his nose, attempting to hide his frustration. "Well, he's a fine businessman."

Rachel arched an eyebrow, unconvinced by his response. His evasion only irked her further.

"Don't think you can fool me with that innocent act. I know something is going on between you two." 😅

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 112 – "Mind Games and Mysterious Glances"

Dominic had been artfully dodging the question, a sly grin dancing on his lips. He'd already masterminded a scheme with others, fooling her once before. And Dominic, well, he was a master of deception, his poker face a fortress. It left her second-guessing his every word, unsure if he was spinning tall tales or not.

"What?" Dominic feigned innocence, his eyes locked onto hers.

Rachel mustered a smile, summoning her patience. She had to play the waiting game, biding her time until Dominic slipped up.

"Oh, it's nothing," she replied playfully. "Just pulling your leg. I'm off for a shower." She pursed her lips, gently pushing Dominic away.

Unyielding in her quest for answers, Rachel made a silent vow to observe Dominic and Braden closely in the days to come. She was determined to uncover the truth.

Emerging from the shower, Rachel draped a towel over her still-damp hair. She proceeded to blot her locks dry, her cheeks sporting a rosy hue from the steamy bathroom, lending her the appearance of a ripe, blushing peach. Her eyelashes clung together slightly from the moisture, giving her eyes a captivating doe-like allure.

Dominic, observing her every move, couldn't help but recall a memory. It was like that time he'd spotted a wild cat by the roadside on a rainy day. The little feline had possessed the same wide, innocent eyes.

His gaze fixed on her, he noticed that Rachel was scrutinizing him as well. A subtle furrow creased his brow.

"Is she trying to read my soul?" he wondered.

Dominic leaned back into the sofa, maintaining his composure. Finally, he broke the silence with a low, measured tone, his voice dripping with seriousness. "Let's skip the charades and get to the point."

Though his tone was typically nonchalant, this sudden shift towards seriousness sent shivers down Rachel's spine.

"Oh, it's nothing," Rachel responded with a tinge of guilt, averting her gaze as she retreated to her bedroom, towel still in hand.

Before disappearing into her room, she couldn't help but cast one last lingering glance in Dominic's direction.

"Wow, those are some shapely glutes," she mused inwardly, her eyes glued to the view.

But Dominic's deep voice broke her reverie, halting her in her tracks.

"I forgot to ask, do you have any plans for our honeymoon?" Dominic contemplated the idea of spicing up their lives from time to time. And, of course, he wanted to shower Rachel with the world's finest offerings.

Rachel hesitated briefly, acknowledging the appeal of the idea. Yet, the demands of her work, recently back on track, made a getaway impossible anytime soon.

"Thanks, but I'm swamped with work these days, so a trip isn't in the cards," she explained, her gaze focused on the night beyond the window. Dominic, however, closed his eyes, pressing his fingers to his temple. For the first time, he found himself unable to decipher Rachel's thoughts.

Had he erred in some way? At ten in the evening, Dominic received a text from the subordinate assigned to investigate the fraud ring. Surprisingly, they had pinpointed the mastermind.

Frowning, Dominic tossed his phone aside and absentmindedly played with an empty beer can, his thoughts drifting. He stepped onto the balcony, resting his arms on the railing.

In his loose pajamas, he appeared slimmer and less imposing. It had now become apparent that the Daley family had targeted Norma because they couldn't touch Rachel directly. Attacking Norma was a way to undermine Rachel. A dangerous game was afoot.

Dominic sneered into the night, his voice cutting through the darkness like a knife. "The Daley family has been living way too comfortably lately."

His phone call was the harbinger of consequences.

The next second, he dialed a number.

"Those Daleys have gotten too complacent," he muttered as he played with the can tab.

His cold words reverberated in the night.

Kate had a vendetta. Her previous attempt to harm Rachel had failed spectacularly. Now, she was determined to take revenge.

The Daleys had raised Rachel, but now it was time for the dog to bite its master.

Still, Kate had learned from her past mistakes. She was keeping her emotions in check, executing her plan through intermediaries, ensuring her true role remained concealed.

When she heard about the havoc the fraudsters were causing in Rachel's company, she couldn't hide her delight. These men were ruthless, and they would go to great lengths for money.

Even if they couldn't destroy Rachel, they could tarnish her life and reputation.

Kate had always been irked by Rachel's knack for playing the innocent victim. But now, she believed the world saw through that façade, and Rachel's days of prominence in the Porter Group were numbered.

A triumphant smile danced on Kate's lips. This time, she had no intention of contacting the fraudsters directly; the less she was involved, the better.

Then, one day, news flashed on her TV screen. The police were cracking down on multiple fraud rings. Though Kate couldn't confirm if her hired group was included, unease gnawed at her.

She recalled her previous hire's fate, causing her to break into a cold sweat.

Kate abandoned her previous plan and reached for her phone. She dialed the number of the fraud group, but there was no answer.

Panic washed over her, and she slumped onto the sofa.

Meanwhile, Joseph, flipping through a newspaper, commented on the ongoing crackdown on fraud groups. His gaze fell on Kate, who looked uneasy.

"Did you get yourself into trouble again?" he inquired with a raised eyebrow as he answered his own phone.

Kate's spine tingled as she eyed Joseph warily.

"What? No, everything went smoothly. Why are you canceling our investment agreement now? We had an agreement," Joseph pleaded, his voice trembling.

The man on the other end sighed softly. "Well, we haven't signed the contract yet. You should focus on your own affairs. Don't come to us in the future."

The finality in the man's tone left Joseph bewildered.

With his heart sinking, Joseph made a call of his own. The Daley family had been living too comfortably, and now they faced a reckoning.

Joseph's business partners were distancing themselves rapidly, willing to pay hefty penalties to sever ties with the Daleys.

Joseph's face paled as he realized the gravity of the situation. He couldn't fathom why his partners were deserting him.

"We've been friends for years. Can't you at least tell me what's going on?" Joseph's voice quivered.

"I'm sorry, but I can't. You've offended a powerful man, but I don't understand why. Reflect on your recent actions. Have you made any enemies?" the man on the other end advised before ending the call.

Joseph racked his brain, unable to recall any recent clashes with influential families who might seek to ruin him.
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Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 113 – "When Trouble Knocks on the Daley's Door"

Joseph wore a heavy, troubled expression after ending the call.

Judging from his phone conversations and demeanor, Kate sensed that the Daley family's business was in turmoil, much like before.

"Joseph, what's happening?" Kate approached him, gripping the handle of an intricately carved sandalwood chair, her hand trembling with worry.

In response, Joseph shot her a withering look and slammed his fist on the wooden table nearby.

"Have you done something again?" he growled.

"They're claiming we've offended someone influential. All our partners are canceling their collaborations with us," Kate replied, avoiding the truth.

Ever since Joseph had discovered her involvement in hiring a criminal to harm Rachel, he had become distant and cold.

She couldn't reveal that she had once again conspired against Rachel.

"Why do you always suspect me when things go wrong? I've been at home all day, under your watchful eye. I wouldn't risk anything reckless," Kate defended herself, her knuckles whitening as she clutched the chair, masking her fear and guilt.

Joseph reluctantly accepted her explanation. He had been keeping a close eye on her, so it seemed unlikely she had acted impulsively.

Unbeknownst to him, though, Kate was far more cunning and vindictive than he could have imagined. She had her ways of executing her schemes without arousing his suspicions.

"Alright, I'll apologize to our partners and find a way to resolve this issue," Joseph replied, his anger evident. He picked up his coat from the chair and prepared to leave.

"Stay home and don't stir up any trouble," Kate urged, following him with her bag in hand. "Joseph, I'll accompany you. I can't let you face this alone; we're a team, remember?"

The Daley family's business was on the brink of collapse as all their partners severed ties. Over the next three days, Joseph and Kate grappled with the chaotic situation, leaving Joseph drained. He even contemplated declaring bankruptcy, but the business was their ancestral legacy, and he couldn't bear to see it crumble under his watch.

"Don't worry. The Daley family business has stood for generations. We'll bounce back once this crisis is over," Kate reassured him, though she couldn't fathom who was orchestrating their downfall behind the scenes.

Regrettably, she had no time to investigate further.

The day after Joseph and Kate had finally dealt with the company's problems, the police arrived at their doorstep, seeking Kate.

"Mrs. Daley, you are a suspect in several crimes. We have evidence, and we need to take you in for questioning," an officer declared.

"What's happening, sir? There must be a misunderstanding. My wife wouldn't commit any crimes," Joseph interjected, attempting to halt the police.

However, doubt clouded his voice, and he regretted his marriage to Kate. She seemed to attract trouble wherever she went, dragging him down with her.

But Joseph couldn't abandon her; her arrest would disgrace the Daley family.

"Your wife is suspected of bribery, attempted murder, illegal business transactions, and more. If you want more details, we can discuss them at the station," the officer responded, approaching Kate and handcuffing her, her eyes wide with shock.

As the cold handcuffs touched her skin, Kate screamed and struggled, her legs trembling.

"No... I'm innocent! I didn't do any of this! Joseph, help me!" she pleaded, her hairpin falling to the ground as she fought against the handcuffs. Two officers had to restrain her as she continued to resist.

"We need to take her now," the officer insisted. Joseph, feeling lost and betrayed, finally spoke.

"I have nothing to say," he said, waving them away.

"Joseph, let me explain! They're accusing me of crimes I didn't commit. Think of everything I've done for this family. I'm Ivonne's mother, for God's sake!" Kate shouted hysterically, tears streaking her face.

As the police prepared to take Kate away, a woman entered the room, her heels clicking loudly on the floor. She reeked of alcohol, smoke, and perfume.

"What did my mother do? Why are you arresting her?" Ivonne inquired, bewildered and torn between her mother and the police.

The police ignored her and proceeded to escort Kate into the waiting vehicle.

Confused and worried, Ivonne rushed to her father, who had collapsed on the sofa, his face pale.

"Dad, what's happening? Why did they arrest Mom?" Ivonne asked, seeking answers.

Joseph, struggling to comprehend the situation, responded bleakly, "It's over."

"This is the end of the Daley family."

The wall clock's loud ticking seemed like a warning from fate, signaling that judgment day had arrived.

Ivonne sat down with her father and listened to the grim details of their recent trials.

"What? Is that even possible?" Her world crumbled, and she dropped her bag to the floor, slumping onto the carpet.

"So, we're broke?" Ivonne's primary concern was money; she couldn't fathom losing her luxurious lifestyle. She scanned the room and all the expensive possessions they would have to part with.

"It's not as dire as it seems. We'll manage, but we can't live extravagantly anymore," Joseph reassured her, masking his own anxiety.

The Daley family's wealth had dwindled to almost nothing, and Joseph would need to find a job after paying his employees' salaries.

"Find a job?" Ivonne's eyes widened in horror. She had been living a life where people catered to her every whim in her father's company. Working for someone else was unthinkable, and this sudden twist of fate terrified her.

"Dad, don't worry. I'm here with you," Ivonne said, taking a deep breath and standing up.

"I'll find a solution." She held Joseph's hand, sitting by his side.

"Ivonne, your mother set a poor example. I don't want you to follow in her footsteps. Money isn't everything. We can still lead a peaceful life. Once you find a stable job, you can meet an honest, trustworthy man, start a family, and find happiness," Joseph advised, hoping for a better future. 😌🌟

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 114 – "Ivonne's High-Stakes Gamble"

In the face of constant challenges, Joseph learned a valuable life lesson. He shifted his perspective, easing the burden on Ivonne, all in the pursuit of what was best for his daughter.

However, Ivonne had different dreams in mind for her life. She didn't want to settle down with an honest, dependable man; an ordinary life simply didn't appeal to her.

"Dad, that's not what I desire," Ivonne firmly asserted. She was resolute about her aspirations and didn't want to waste time arguing with her father. She stood up and made her way upstairs with her bag, determined not to just sit around and hope for a brighter future.

After all, youth and beauty weren't everlasting.

Ivonne had been frequenting parties recently, meeting numerous affluent men in the process. Yet, none of these eligible bachelors seemed interested in anything beyond a one-night stand. None were looking for a genuine, committed relationship.

However, one individual appeared different. She reached into her bag and retrieved his business card.

In bold letters, the name 'Shane Palmer' was emblazoned. He was the head of the Palmer family, a name synonymous with wealth and status.

Ivonne's brows furrowed. She had never envisioned herself getting involved with someone like Shane.

Shane was a middle-aged man in his fifties, hardly Ivonne's usual type. Moreover, he was married and had a son.

Ivonne had no desire to be a mistress. Though she had a string of past boyfriends, her ultimate goal was to marry into wealth and live a life of luxury, always seeking handsome companions.

The thought of being with an older, married man didn't sit well with her.

Nevertheless, the Palmer family was one of the city's most influential and prosperous clans, and Ivonne was growing increasingly desperate to secure a wealthy partner.

Ivonne bit her lip as she pondered her options. She hadn't anticipated the Daley family's financial downfall.

Setting aside her pride, she began to contemplate her future. The prospect of struggling in poverty seemed far less appealing than being with a middle-aged married man. She reluctantly acknowledged that she needed the support of a wealthy man to maintain her lavish lifestyle, and Shane seemed like the perfect choice.

Ivonne decided to put her reservations aside and just go for it. She picked up her phone and called Shane, inviting him to dinner.

Shane was drawn to Ivonne's youth and beauty, and he readily accepted her invitation.

Dinner was merely a pretense; he had been waiting for a chance to get closer to her.

To his surprise, Ivonne, who had initially rejected his advances, now appeared eager to see him.

"It seems like you've been facing some difficulties, Miss Daley," Shane remarked, taking a sip of his wine. He was astute and sensed that Ivonne was going through a tough time.

"You're quite perceptive, Mr. Palmer," Ivonne smiled, having learned how to captivate men from Kate. She understood that she needed to work hard to maintain her position as his mistress, or risk being discarded after a single night of pleasure.

Shane didn't beat around the bush. He smiled and slid a room key card toward her.

"Miss Daley, if you ever need anything, you can visit me in this room. I've reserved it for a whole year."

Ivonne chuckled and subtly flirted with him, signaling her willingness to engage in their arrangement. And so, they entered into a mutually beneficial relationship.

Meanwhile, Rachel caught wind of Kate's arrest while watching the morning news.

The Daley Group had gained some notoriety in Sunhaven.

Norma emerged from the kitchen and called Rachel for breakfast. Observing her staring at the television, Norma commented, "They should have apprehended her a long time ago! Since elder Daley's passing, the family and its business have been spiraling downward."

"But, Norma, the company has been functioning without Grandpa all this time," Rachel responded with a reassuring smile, dismissing the television.

Norma scoffed, "The Daleys have committed many wrongs over the years. Perhaps it's time for them to face the consequences."

Rachel grabbed Norma's shoulder and rose from her seat. "Let's not dwell on it. We have no ties to the Daley family anymore. It's all in the past."

Having severed all connections with the Daley family, Rachel had resolved to move forward. However, Norma, being older, couldn't help but nag Rachel.

She sat down, continuing to watch the news. "I wonder who's responsible for this."

Rachel took a sip of milk and shook her head. "I have no idea. Kate has a long history of misdeeds, so I'm not surprised. Besides, the Daley family was already on the brink of collapse. It was only a matter of time before they faced financial ruin."

Rachel had no desire to dwell on their misfortunes and quickly finished her breakfast. She had distanced herself from the Daley family and was uninterested in their affairs.

Observing that Rachel was preparing to leave for work, Norma stopped her. "Rachel?" She cleared her throat and continued, "Now that the debts are settled, I think it's time for me to return to the village. City life doesn't suit me; I prefer the countryside."

Norma missed the simple, serene life of the village, where people lived without the hustle and bustle of city life. In the past, her neighbors would invite her over for dances, but as a slow learner, she had been excluded. Life in the countryside brought her happiness and peace, where she could tend to her vegetables and raise chickens and ducks to pass the time.

Rachel grabbed her coat and regarded Norma. "Can't you stay a few more days with me? Living alone in the countryside can be challenging. I plan to purchase a house nearby once I've saved enough money. You could move in with me, wouldn't you?"

Norma hesitated but ultimately replied, "Well, there's no one to tend to my vegetables. I must return; otherwise, they'll wither in the fields."

Rachel sighed and agreed, "Alright, I'll arrange for a taxi to take you home after work."

It was nearly eleven in the evening when Rachel returned home after dropping Norma off at her place.

As she opened the door, strong hands encircled her waist from behind. Before she could react, she was pressed against the wall, and Dominic began unbuttoning her shirt.

His breath came in heavy pants, and his body radiated with desire.

"Let's go to my room. I want you," Dominic whispered urgently.

"Dominic, I'm a bit tired," Rachel replied. She was exhausted after the long journey. 😊

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 115 – "Leave and Love: Dominic Chooses Rachel"

Dominic's passionate kisses sent tingles down her spine. There wasn't even time to flick on the light switch; Dominic had her locked in his warm embrace.

Slowly, he opened his eyes and pressed his chest against hers, his gaze smoldering with desire.

"Relax and let me handle everything," his voice oozed with lust.

"It's getting late, and I have work tomorrow. Now that Norma's gone, I should head back to my room," Rachel turned away and gently pushed him.

"How about next time? I'm really exhausted right now." Rachel's lingering doubts about Dominic's relationship with Braden still troubled her. She now had suspicions that Dominic might be gay or at least bisexual, and she couldn't give herself to him, knowing her boyfriend had another boyfriend.

However, Dominic remained unaware of Rachel's inner turmoil. He simply wanted to make their relationship official by making love to her, wanting their first time to be memorable and special.

But Rachel had a point; it was better to save it for another moment when both of them were free and ready.

Dominic playfully nibbled her earlobe and whispered, "Alright, I'll let you off this time, but promise you'll sleep in my room."

Before Rachel could respond, he cupped her face and kissed her passionately. His desire to be close to her was undeniable.

The news of the fraudsters' arrest went viral on the internet, clearing up all rumors surrounding Rachel.

The following morning, as Rachel headed to work, she unexpectedly encountered Markus in the elevator. He held a massive box in his hands.

"Mac, are you leaving?" Rachel asked in surprise.

Markus shook his head and gave a bittersweet smile. "I'm being transferred to our Mamont branch. They've appointed me as the new department director."

The Mamont branch was a growing city with lower property prices than Sunhaven, indicating great development potential. While Markus couldn't work at the company headquarters anymore, it was still a promotion, and Rachel genuinely believed it was a good opportunity for him to shine within the Porter Group.

"It happened so suddenly; I had no idea. HR informed me just yesterday, and Mr. Porter himself gave the order," Markus scratched the back of his head, glancing at Rachel with anxiety.

Rachel's curiosity was piqued, especially when she learned that Braden might be involved in Markus's transfer. The pieces of the puzzle started fitting together, raising doubts about the true nature of Dominic and Braden's relationship.

Markus continued, "To be honest, I'm not thrilled about the promotion. I don't want to move to another city."

Rachel saw Markus's unease and tried to downplay her own suspicions. "Mamont isn't that different from Sunhaven. It might take some getting used to, but I'm sure you'll do great."

Back at her desk, Rachel noticed the design department buzzing with excitement. Hilda shared a notice from the chat group, announcing that the Porter Group would be hosting a masquerade ball for employees, and Braden was attending.

This was the perfect opportunity for Rachel to bring Dominic along, potentially putting the two men in the same room, allowing her to unravel their relationship.

Later that evening, when she asked Dominic about the masquerade ball, his eyes sparkled with anticipation.

"A masquerade ball?" Dominic asked with enthusiasm.

He had been doing push-ups on the balcony and now stood, a sheen of sweat glistening on his toned body.

"It's on Saturday night," Rachel replied, her cheeks flushed.

Dominic considered for a moment, then said, "I'm working the night shift at the convenience store that day, but I can pick you up after the party."

Rachel persisted, "Can't you trade your shift with someone? All my colleagues are bringing their partners."

Dominic's reaction only fueled her suspicion. "Then, I won't go either. Everyone at the ball will have a partner, and I'd feel left out."

Rachel suddenly had an idea. "Or maybe one of my male colleagues can accompany me."

Dominic frowned and quickly changed into a black T-shirt, sitting next to her. "I didn't say I can't ask for leave," he admitted, taking her phone.

Rachel, however, didn't get the response she expected. "Will you come with me or not?" she pressed, her eyes fixed on him.

Dominic smiled and handed her the phone. "I'll call the convenience store and request leave."

His desire to accompany Rachel to the ball had become more important to him than anything else.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 116 – "A Costume Conundrum at the Porter Party"

Dominic decided to switch between his two identities.

That way, he could hit two birds with one stone.

After all, he didn’t have to show up as Braden for too long.

On the evening of the party.Dominic and Rachel arrived at the venue hand in hand.

Everyone was wearing a mask.

In addition to its own employees, the Porter Group had also invited some of its partners in the entertainment circle.

Fashion models from Fashion Week and female soap opera stars also graced the event.

However, the light in the banquet hall was dim, and they all had masks on their faces.

Recognizing even the most well-known people seemed like a difficult task.

Rachel strolled around the dance floor. She wanted to find Braden.

“I need to go to the bathroom.”

Dominic let go of her wrist and broke out of the crowd.

Rachel nodded and secretly followed him to the bathroom.

The light was brighter here.

Rachel’s eyes were fixed on Dominic, so she didn’t notice the woman walking toward her.

The woman bumped against Rachel, almost spilling the wine on her beautiful, long dress.

“Ah! Are you blind? Don’t you have eyes?”

“The woman bellowed in rage.

“I’m sorry.I’m looking for someone,”

Rachel said as her eyes continued to search for Dominic.

The woman was also wearing a mask, but she still looked like a regal beauty.She was wearing an elegant dress, and her assistant accompanied her, so Rachel concluded the woman was a celebrity.

However, her eyes widened when she saw the woman’s light green silk dress.

They both were wearing almost the same outfit.

The woman turned to look at Rachel as well.She froze for a brief second, then her eyes narrowed into slits.

‘Is she a celebrity, too?’ Rachel was a gorgeous woman, but not in the way that most women in showbiz were.

She wasn’t the type to turn heads at first glance, but her charms never failed to make a lasting impression on everyone she met.

Needless to say, this quality of hers attracted jealousy from other women inasmuch as it inspired admiration in most men.

Estela Katalina shot Rachel a look of displeasure, which only darkened when she realized that they were wearing an almost identical evening dress as hers—the same style, in the exact same color.

And it looked far more beautiful on Rachel.

Estela glanced at her assistant pointedly. The girl understood the message at once, and she proceeded to point a finger at Rachel.

“Hey, you!” she snapped in an arrogant tone.

“Who the hell do you think you are? You almost bumped into Miss Katalina just now.Hurry and apologize.”

Rachel’s brows furrowed.

“You said ‘almost’, so I haven’t really done anything to her, have 1? Why should I apologize?” The assistant sputtered, obviously taken aback.

“How dare you—Where are your manners? Well, whatever! Go and change your clothes.Don’t you see that you’re wearing the same dress as Miss Katalina?”

Rachel cocked her head to the side, wondering what the fuss was all about.She didn’t think it was a big deal at all.

Granted, the woman was a star, so it was understandable that she wouldn’t be keen on having anyone wear the same outfit to the same event.

If only they had asked her nicely, then Rachel would have gladly obliged.

Unfortunately for them, she wasn’t the type to tolerate rude and presumptuous people.

“Why should I change?” Rachel countered.

With that, she turned on her heel, intending to continue her search for Dominic.

But the assistant suddenly grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her back forcefully.

“Which company are you from, you ungrateful bitch? Do you have any idea who she is? She is the Estela Katalina! You can never afford to offend her, not even in your dreams!” Rachel glanced sideways at the actress.

She was tall and slender, with dark and shiny curls framing her delicate features.

Rachel was all too aware of Estela’s identity.

In addition to being a popular star of their age, she was also the new face for the Porter Group’s clothing business.

Estela wore a butterfly-shaped mask which covered half her face, so Rachel didn’t recognize her just now. She didn’t look half as pretty nor sexy as she did on the screen.

Maybe it was because of her heavy makeup, but she was looking particularly tacky.

Rachel shook off the assistant’s hold and stared straight at Estela.

“I am not an actress, but a designer for the Porter Group. And I am not changing my clothes. I can wear whatever I want; you have no right to give me orders. If you’re so bothered by the similarity, then you can go and change yourself.”

The assistant huffed, and she began to roll her sleeves up, ready to teach Rachel a lesson.

“You! You’re just another employee of the company; how dare you act so arrogant? Don’t blame me for punishing you, since you brought this upon yourself!” The air around them crackled with tension.

Estela instantly stepped between them.

“Watch yourself,” she chided her assistant.

“We must not ruin Mr.Porter’s party on account of this nobody.Let it go.” She gripped the girl’s hand and gave Rachel a sneer.

“My assistant was being impulsive just now.Let me put it bluntly. Your dress is just a knockoff, right? The details are very different from the ones on mine.It wouldn’t be good for you to wear such a cheap imitation to this kind of party.I’m afraid you will only embarrass yourself if you insist on wearing it for the rest of the event.”

Rachel looked down at her dress. It was one of the articles of clothing that Braden had asked her to keep.

“lm not wearing a knock-off,” she argued.

She knew that Braden would never give her something fake.

Estela sighed heavily, as though she felt sorry for the poor Rachel. She straightened the bead drops on Rachel’s evening dress for her and smiled.

“Then show me the label on the collar of your dress. I’m good friends with the designer of this dress, so I’ve seen it before. The logo on the label should be embroidered in gold thread.” Without hesitation, Rachel showed her the label. Sure enough, the thread was not golden, but purple and silver. The assistant took one glance at it and burst into peals of laughter.

“See? And you had the audacity to argue with me! You said that your dress isn’t a fake, but look at the evidence. You’d better change into another dress, sweetheart. You’re just a regular employee. How on earth did you expect me to believe you could afford a dress worth hundreds of thousands of dollars?”

There were other female guests who were headed to the ladies’ room. When they heard the quarrel, they couldn’t help but prick their ears.

“Oh, look! It’s Rachel!” The women exchanged glances and smiled. They were all keen to see Rachel make a fool of herself.

After what had happened with Rachel’s foster parents and the usury lenders, Rachel had become a hot topic in the Porter Group lately.

Just then, ladies’ room’s door swung open and Stephanie strode out. She was wiping her fingers carefully with a tissue in her hand.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 117 – "Rachel's Detective Mode: The Men's Room Mystery"

As she spotted the label on Rachel's outfit, Stephanie's eyes widened with amazement, and she couldn't help but express her surprise.

"Daley, is this the exclusive spring dress from Supreme Chic's limited edition?" Stephanie's question left Rachel puzzled, as she had no clue about the brand or the dress.

"Is it... expensive?" Rachel couldn't help but wonder, hearing the mention of a "limited edition." She couldn't believe Braden's generosity.

"Absolutely! It's not only expensive, but it's also incredibly hard to get your hands on, even if you have the money," Stephanie replied with a chuckle, her eyes sparkling.

Turning her attention to Estela, who stood before her, Stephanie nonchalantly tossed her crumpled tissue into the trash can. "Miss Katalina, what a surprise to see you here! Wearing something so ordinary, dear? You're a star; you should be flaunting something more exquisite. Couldn't you have borrowed a high-end dress? You know, I have connections with Supreme Chic's designers."

Estela had been unusually quiet ever since Stephanie arrived. Stephanie held quite a reputation in the fashion industry, and Estela, even as the Porter Group's brand spokesperson, didn't want to offend her.

Feeling embarrassed, Estela tried to change the subject feebly, saying, "Ms. Miller, it's nice to see you again."

"Indeed, it's been a while," Stephanie replied dryly before putting on a smile and turning her attention to Rachel.

"Daley, as a designer, you should be aware of what you wear. Your outfit is genuine, and because it's a limited edition, the fabric and style have been enhanced. There are only five of these in existence, and they are worth a fortune, reserved for top VIP customers."

Stephanie was ostensibly explaining to Rachel, but her true intention was to put Estela in her place. She had crossed paths with Estela before and hadn't liked her from the beginning, finding her arrogant. She couldn't just stand by and let Estela bully her colleague.

Both Estela and her assistant were left speechless, as was Rachel. She took a deep breath to calm herself, surprised by the lavishness of the dress Braden had given her.

Estela felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment, her thick layer of foundation unable to conceal her reddened face. Without saying a word, she turned to leave, but before she could storm away, Stephanie halted her.

"Where are you off to, honey? I heard the designer of that dress is here tonight. Weren't you friends with her? How about we go talk to her?" Estela's heart raced, as she had been bluffing earlier. She couldn't even borrow a decent dress for the party, so how could she possibly know the designer?

"No, thanks. I have something urgent to attend to," Estela forced a smile and turned away again. She had to escape this situation.

But before she left, she cast one last glance at Rachel. At first, she hadn't recognized her and assumed she was an easy target. Now, it seemed she had made a mistake. Observing that the onlookers had dispersed, Stephanie decided to let Estela go.

"Alright then. Oh, and Estela, a word of advice—change out of that basic dress. You're a celebrity; don't you think you should outshine Rachel, a 'regular employee,' as you put it?"

"Okay. Thanks for the advice, Ms. Miller," Estela replied, concealing her anger. She couldn't deny the extravagant nature of Rachel's dress.

Maybe Rachel wasn't just an ordinary employee after all. Unable to say more, Estela walked away with her assistant, determined to change her attire in one of the stalls.

She clenched her teeth, seething with resentment toward Rachel.

"What are you looking for?" Stephanie asked Rachel curiously as she seemed to be searching for something.

"Nothing really... Anyway, thank you for your help, Ms. Miller," Rachel replied gratefully.

Stephanie shrugged casually, offering a small smile before departing. Rachel remained in place, waiting outside the men's room.

Dominic had been inside for quite some time, and just as Rachel contemplated calling him, the lights in the hallway suddenly dimmed, leaving only a bright spotlight illuminating the stage. The audience erupted in applause, directing their attention to the tall figure on stage.

Rachel could tell from the silhouette that it was Braden, clad in a black mask and a stylish suit. Facing the audience, he delivered a brief opening speech.

"Last but not least, enjoy the evening." As soon as he finished, the lights went out again, and Braden descended from the stage, disappearing behind the black curtain. Curious about where he had gone and whether he would stay for the ball, Rachel couldn't help but wonder.

Now that Braden had left the stage, she turned her gaze toward the men's room door. Dominic had yet to emerge, and her patience was wearing thin. She decided to call him, and after several rings, he finally answered.

"Dominic, are you alright? Why haven't you come out yet?"

"Sorry, I've got an upset stomach. I'll need a bit more time, but I think I'm almost done," Dominic responded with difficulty, sounding uncomfortable. There was only one entrance and exit for the men's room, so Rachel didn't suspect anything.

"I'll wait for you outside the restroom."

After a brief pause, she added with concern, "If you're feeling unwell, should I find some medicine for you? Perhaps you ate something bad. Do you have diarrhea?"

However, she couldn't recall anything unusual about their shared meal that day.

"No, it's alright. Just wait for me; I'll be out soon." With a barely audible sigh, Dominic hung up the phone. Rachel idly played with her phone when a tall and imposing figure suddenly appeared before her.

It was Braden, wearing a black mask that concealed his eyes and nose, revealing only his mouth and dark eyes.

Rachel was startled, nearly gasping, but she quickly composed herself.

"Good evening, Mr. Porter."

She couldn't help but wonder how Braden had managed to approach her so silently. He seemed to glide like a ghost. Without a word, Braden nodded in acknowledgment and headed into the men's room.

Rachel sensed that something was amiss.

Dominic was still inside. She dialed his number again, unaware that inside the men's room, Braden had just entered the adjacent stall, hastily changing his attire.

As Dominic was about to remove his pants, his phone rang once more. In a rush, he hastily put his pants back on without fastening them and retrieved his phone from his suit pocket, answering the call.


"Why did it take you so long to pick up the phone?" Rachel's voice was laced with suspicion.

"I was washing my hands, so I couldn't answer right away," Dominic responded, his forehead glistening with sweat as he lied.

"Alright then, hurry up." Without waiting for a response, Rachel ended the call.

Several minutes later, Dominic finally emerged from the restroom. Rachel circled around him, inspecting his attire. Squinting in suspicion, she asked, "What took you so

long? And why are your clothes all wrinkled?"

The creases on Dominic's suit were evident, and when Braden had gone into the restroom earlier, it had taken Dominic some time to answer the phone. Could something have transpired between them inside?

As this thought crossed her mind, Rachel frowned deeply. She subtly probed, "Did you run into Braden in the restroom? He went in just before you."

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 118 – "Rachel's Bathroom Vigil: A Porter Group Puzzle"

Dominic had a feeling that Rachel had something on her mind, though he couldn't quite decipher it. Whatever it was, he knew it wasn't good. So, with a charming smile, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, hoping to divert her attention to the dance floor.

Would you like to grab a bite to eat?"

"I'm not hungry yet. But really, Dominic, you didn't see Braden?" Rachel inquired persistently as Dominic tried to steer her away from the men's restroom.

She kept glancing back at the bathroom door, which didn't escape Dominic's notice. He halted and asked, "What's caught your eye?"

Rachel took his hand and guided him back toward the bathroom. "Why the rush? I just found out that the clothes Braden gave me are incredibly expensive. Let's wait for him to come out so I can properly thank him."

Dominic sighed inwardly, feeling somewhat helpless. He reluctantly followed Rachel back to the men's room, unsure of how to handle the situation.

After glancing at her phone, Rachel furrowed her brow and gazed at the bathroom door. "Braden has been in there for quite a while. Why hasn't he come out?"

For a moment, Dominic was at a loss, but then an idea struck him. In a hushed tone, he whispered, "Everyone's staring. How about you send him a 'thank you' message? You don't need to keep an eye on the men's room; people might get the wrong idea."

Only then did Rachel realize that passersby had been giving her odd looks, likely because she seemed to be guarding the door.

"Alright, I'll send him a message," she conceded.

With her phone in hand, she typed out a message to Braden, and as expected, Dominic's phone buzzed with a notification. He refrained from checking the message, leaving it unread.

Rachel sent two messages, both of which remained unread. Shouldn't Braden check his phone in the restroom? Why were her texts ignored?

"I'm starting to worry. Do you think something's wrong? Should we ask the staff to check on him?" Rachel turned to Dominic with a concerned expression. "What if he's in trouble?"

Dominic closed his eyes and massaged his temples. Judging by Rachel's determination, it seemed she wouldn't leave until she saw Braden emerge safely.

Just in the nick of time, Kristian appeared.

"Why are you two lingering outside the men's room?" Kristian unbuttoned his suit jacket and smiled politely. As he moved to enter the restroom, Rachel stopped him.

"Mr. Higgins, Mr. Porter has been in there for quite a while, and I'm getting worried. Could you please have someone check if he's okay?" Panic was evident on Rachel's face, her eyes wide with concern. Kristian glanced at Dominic, who was discreetly winking at him, and quickly grasped the situation. He struggled to find a solution.

"Alright, I'll arrange for someone to check on him," Kristian said finally.

A plan formed in his mind. "Would you like to meet the new face of the Porter Group? I heard the design department is already preparing for the winter collection."

Kristian maintained a forced smile, though internally, he was nervous. If he couldn't extricate Dominic from this predicament swiftly, his job might be in jeopardy.

Rachel, however, was serious when it came to work. After some contemplation, she turned to Dominic and held up her phone.

"I'll go with Mr. Higgins. I'll call you later." Dominic smiled warmly and nodded. Expressing his gratitude with a glance, he exited the hall and slumped into a chair.

Kristian promptly led Rachel to the center of the ballroom, where a bar counter was bustling with people dressed in elegant attire, engaged in lively conversations.

Kristian scanned the crowd and his eyes lit up. He gestured to a woman sitting in the far corner of a booth. In the dim lighting, she approached them with a bright smile.

Estela confidently walked over to them. When she realized Rachel was accompanying Kristian, her expression shifted dramatically. Rachel greeted her politely, but her eyes betrayed a hint of tension. Kristian, unaware of the previous encounter between the two, introduced them.

"This is Estela Katalina. She's quite renowned, having starred in various TV dramas and commercials."

With a composed demeanor, Rachel extended her hand to Estela. "Nice to meet you."

"Rachel Daley is a talented designer, and we're about to kickstart our winter collection. Estela, if you have any ideas or suggestions, please share them with Rachel," Kristian suggested, grinning, though he noticed the awkward atmosphere. Estela appeared disgruntled, while Rachel's behavior seemed peculiar.

"Have you two met before?" Kristian inquired, raising an eyebrow. He had initially intended to leave them to converse after the introduction, assuming they might find common ground as women. However, it was clear he couldn't simply walk away now. Estela was known for her arrogance, which put Rachel at a disadvantage.

"We crossed paths in the restroom earlier," Rachel replied dryly, attempting to avoid conflict.

Rachel had nothing to fear; it was Estela who had initiated the confrontation, and Rachel had done nothing wrong. Yet, she didn't want to escalate the situation with a celebrity.

Estela rolled her eyes and adopted a sneering tone. She had been worried earlier that Rachel was connected to some influential family, given the high-profile guests at the event. Hence, she had been cautious during their previous encounter. Now that she knew Rachel was merely a Porter Group employee, she assumed Rachel had borrowed the designer dress from the company, and Estela let her guard down.

"Yes, we met earlier. She certainly left an impression on me," Estela replied sarcastically, her tone dripping with condescension.

Kristian arched an eyebrow, sensing the tension in the air. He had initially hoped the two women might engage in a friendly conversation, but it seemed otherwise.

"Is there something between you two?" Kristian asked, maintaining a straight face as he grabbed a champagne glass from a passing waiter's tray. Now that Kristian had brought it up, Estela felt emboldened.

"Mr. Higgins, I do have some ideas, but your designer seems to lack manners," Estela retorted, her voice laden with sarcasm.

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