A Billionaire Husband and The Substitute Wife - Love Story of Dominic Peterson and Rachel Daley

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In the Daley household, young Rachel's life was akin to a continuous uphill battle. Her mother was relentless in her relentless teasing and torment, and her sister seemed intent on acquiring everything Rachel held dear, including her boyfriend. Yet, the most pressing challenge was the mounting medical bills of her foster mother, Norma—the one soul who had shown Rachel unwavering kindness since her early years and had raised her with a tender heart.

Desperation had driven the Daley family to a rather peculiar arrangement: they agreed to shoulder Norma's medical expenses, but with a caveat. They insisted that Rachel take the plunge into matrimony with Dominic, the illegitimate and seemingly directionless scion of the affluent Peterson family, replacing her sister as his spouse.

As the wedding bells chimed and the ink on their marriage certificate dried, both Rachel and Dominic would soon discover that their newlywed partner harbored a closely guarded secret, poised to shake the very foundation of their union.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
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Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 68 – "Tangled Webs and Twists of Fate"

Rachel's brow furrowed with contempt for Kate's hypocrisy, causing her to raise her voice a notch.

"Enough with the charades, just give me my money. What's the game here? Denial? Well, if that's the case, I'll spill the beans on this sham of a marriage."

Joseph and Kate held their reputation in high regard, and the truth would shatter their facade, exposing their true selves. It would be a devastating blow to their image.

"Alright, Rachel, that's quite enough. Let's cease this argument. Some people have already repaid their debts to us. How about I give you a hundred thousand upfront?" Joseph glanced around, aware of the curious onlookers. He wanted to settle things quickly and return to his business.

He produced a bank card from his pocket and placed it in Rachel's hand. "There's a hundred thousand on this card. I'll send you the PIN later."

Rachel accepted the card silently, thinking that Joseph was more honorable than Kate. Throughout her life, her adoptive father had been indifferent towards her, neither caring for her nor subjecting her to cruelty. While he didn't harbor the same hatred as Kate and Ivonne, his weakness led him to blindly follow their lead, even when they mistreated Rachel.

She looked at the card and nodded, saying, "Okay."

"You'd best leave now. I'll get you the remaining money soon," Joseph said with an apologetic smile.

The one hundred thousand was more than any sum they had given Rachel before. She glanced at Kate, noticing her shock at her husband's actions. Rachel sensed that obtaining more money today was unlikely, so she finally departed.

Kate's eyes burned with rage as she watched Rachel walk away. "Have you lost your mind?" she hissed, pinching her husband's arm. "Your marbles are rolling away! One hundred thousand? Seriously? Why give her so much money?"

Joseph sighed and tried to reason, "What's gotten into you? You promised to give Rachel money earlier. A hundred thousand is far from sufficient."

Kate seethed with anger, her husband's words only fueling her ire. "That's not the point," she sneered. "Rachel is our adopted daughter. We took her in when she was young, provided for her all these years. Marrying Dominic is her way of repaying us for everything we've done. How can she demand money from us? You're too soft-hearted."

Ivonne chimed in, her teeth clenched, "Yeah, Dad, why give that witch any money? You have no idea how she humiliated me at the last banquet!"

Observing the furious mother and daughter before him, Joseph shook his head and entered the club without saying another word.

Kate followed him inside, her determination growing. She felt compelled to put an end to this or else Rachel would keep pestering her for money.

Kate glanced at her phone, an idea suddenly occurring to her. She pursed her lips and dialed a number.

"Good evening, doctor. It's Kate Daley. Is there a patient named Norma Bailey in your hospital awaiting a liver transplant? Yes, that's her. As we discussed earlier, Doctor, your career advancement may depend on my goodwill. Now, I find myself in a bit of a bind and could use your assistance. Would you be willing to do me a favor?"

Moments later, Kate ended the call and took a sip of her black tea. Her red nail polish glistened under the lights.

"Mom, why are you so pleased?" Ivonne descended the stairs and stood beside her mother, curiosity in her eyes.

A faint smile graced Kate's lips. "Well, here's the good news. I have connections with a few people at the hospital. I discreetly arranged for the liver designated for Norma to be given to someone else. Let's see how long that old woman can hold on."

Ivonne, applying lipstick while admiring herself in the mirror, chimed in, "That's fantastic, Mom. That old hag should've kicked the bucket ages ago. She's been surviving on our money for too long, and she's in her eighties. It's high time she exited this world."

Once Rachel returned home, she immediately called the hospital.

Though she hadn't gathered enough money for Norma's medical bills yet, the news of a perfect liver match was a glimmer of hope. Money was hard to come by these days, and Rachel had been juggling her time to earn it. Despite her financial calculations, she hoped to contact the hospital to inquire about the possibility of proceeding with the transplant and settling the balance later.

"Hello, I'm the relative of the patient in need of a liver transplant—Norma Bailey. I'd like to make an inquiry. Has a perfect match liver been found for her, and when can the transplant be scheduled?" Rachel held her phone to her ear with one hand while placing groceries in the fridge with the other.

"Norma Bailey, you said? Please hold for a moment while I check our database. I'm terribly sorry, ma'am. We were just about to contact you. A few minutes ago, our superiors received a call, and the liver can no longer be allocated to her. The patient who had initially intended to donate the liver and proceed with euthanasia has decided to continue treatment. Since there are no other suitable donors, you'll have to wait."

The vegetable Rachel had been holding slipped from her hand as she heard this unexpected news. She stood frozen, as if turned into a statue.

"Why did the donor change their mind? How? Why? No, no... I didn't mean... But..." The shock was overwhelming, rendering Rachel nearly incapable of coherent thought or speech.

Despite her deep desire for the liver to be donated to Norma, she couldn't dictate the potential donor's life or death.

"Are there any other matching livers available?" she asked, desperation lacing her voice.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. We understand your frustration, but there's nothing we can do at this moment. Your relative isn't the only patient on the waiting list for a liver transplant. You'll be contacted when another suitable donor becomes available. Have a good day," the nurse stated before ending the call.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 69 – "Unveiling Deception"

Rachel's legs gave way beneath her, and she collapsed onto the floor in an instant. A lump of pain lodged itself in her throat, threatening to unleash a flood of tears. But something inside her nagged at her, suggesting that the hospital wasn't revealing the whole truth. There was a fishy smell in the air.

Driven by her instincts, she hurried out of the hospital and made her way back to the doctor's office.

"Doctor, may I please meet the patient who was going to donate a liver to Norma Bailey?" Rachel inquired, her voice trembling with nerves.

The doctor, wearing a stern expression, replied, "I'm sorry, ma'am, but it's against the law to disclose patient information or the decisions of potential donors. The patient has the right to continue treatment if they wish. We can't interfere. I cannot assist you any further. Please, you must leave now. I have other patients to attend to."

Despite the doctor's dismissal, Rachel refused to give up. She grabbed the nurse's arm in the corridor and pleaded, "Isn't there any other way? My relative has been waiting for a liver transplant for so long, and her health is deteriorating rapidly. Time is running out. Please, you have to save her life."

The nurse, escaping Rachel's grip, didn't provide any answers and simply advised her to go home and wait. She returned to her duties, leaving Rachel feeling even more helpless.

A wave of despair washed over Rachel as she leaned against the wall, staring into nothingness. Passersby continued on their way, but one patient, who had overheard her conversation, approached her sympathetically.

"Young lady, you should go back home. There's no point wasting time here. I've seen situations like yours before, and they're just feeding you a line about the donor deciding to continue treatment. They probably gave the matching liver to someone with money or connections."

Tears streamed down Rachel's face at these words, and her distress deepened. She asked in a quavering voice, "What should I do now?"

The patient, holding an IV bag, sighed and replied, "In my experience, situations like this often occur when the patient or their family has powerful enemies. Have you made any enemies lately?"

Rachel's gaze sharpened as she contemplated the man's words. It suddenly struck her that she had indeed offended someone today - Kate. Her adopted mother had not only become her sworn enemy but was also the person she had quarreled with just hours ago. Kate had orchestrated the whole situation to avoid giving her money.

A surge of anger coursed through Rachel as she clenched her fists in fury. "Norma's health is deteriorating rapidly, and there's no guarantee she'll still be alive when another donor surfaces. Kate has crossed a line. Since her family has reneged on their end of the deal, I won't keep their secret about this marriage any longer!" she vowed, her face flushing with rage.

Determined, Rachel wiped away her tears and left the hospital, entering the darkness outside illuminated by colorful neon lights.

Meanwhile, at home, Dominic had grown worried. He heard the door squeak and anxiously looked outside, breathing a sigh of relief when he saw Rachel's return.

Inside, he found the fridge open, groceries strewn on the floor, and Rachel visibly upset. Knowing that Rachel was not one to easily succumb to lethargy, he sensed that something had gone terribly wrong.

"Is everything all right? Where have you been?" Dominic inquired with a concerned frown.

Rachel lowered her head and remained silent. Dominic gently took her bag from her and, seeing her continued silence, tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and closely examined her tear-stained face.

Her swollen eyes and reddened nose were clear indicators of her distress. Dominic's heart constricted with worry. "Who hurt you?" he asked in a tender tone, even though his body tensed with anger. He couldn't stand seeing anyone make his beloved wife cry.

"No one... I..." Rachel began but was quickly interrupted by Dominic.

"Don't try to hide it," he urged, using his fingers to lift her chin and make her meet his gaze. Despite his imposing presence, the tenderness in his eyes revealed his deep concern for her.

In response, Rachel threw herself into his arms, overcome by her emotions. Dominic held her tightly, his body stiff with concern.

"What's wrong?" Dominic asked gently, rubbing her back to soothe her. Rachel sniffled and shook her head.

Dominic's comforting, masculine scent enveloped her, making her feel safe and secure. She had never encountered anyone who exuded both strength and comfort simultaneously. His mere presence was irresistibly attractive.

Nestling her face into the crook of his neck, Rachel finally asked in a muffled voice, "Can you accompany me to the Daley family's house? Things have spiraled out of control, and I've decided to put an end to everything."

Dominic furrowed his brows, not fully comprehending the situation, but he agreed to follow her.

Together, they arrived at the Daley family villa, and this time, Rachel was determined to reveal the truth.

The normally arrogant maid displayed a more subdued demeanor, likely due to Dominic's presence. Joseph and Kate couldn't find excuses to dismiss them or shut the door in their faces this time.

"Why are you here at this hour, dear?" Kate inquired with feigned calmness, clearly taken aback by Rachel bringing Dominic along.

"I'm here to settle our outstanding debts!" Rachel declared coldly, wasting no time in revealing the truth. She glanced at Dominic, her eyes gleaming with confidence.

"Dominic, I'm sorry. My adoptive parents and I have deceived you. I'm not Ivonne Daley; I'm Rachel Daley, an orphan adopted by the Daley family when I was a child. I married you as a stand-in for my younger sister," she confessed, pointing at Ivonne, who stared wide-eyed in astonishment. "She is Ivonne Daley, the woman you were supposed to marry."

Joseph and Kate paled in fear, utterly unprepared for this revelation. The unexpected turn of events left them stunned and uncertain.

"What nonsense is this? What do you mean, a stand-in? This can't be true. Don't talk nonsense; you must be drunk. Go home and rest," Kate blurted out, abandoning her composed facade to confront Rachel.

Dominic, however, intervened, seizing Kate's hand to stop her. His expression was inscrutable as he scrutinized Rachel.

"Why did you marry me as a substitute?" he asked, his gaze locked onto Rachel's eyes, searching for answers.

The atmosphere grew icy, and Rachel averted her gaze momentarily before summoning the courage to admit the truth.

"For money. I desperately needed the money to cover medical expenses for someone who raised me," she confessed, her voice heavy with regret.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 70 "Revelations and Red Wine: Unmasking Secrets"

Dominic had never anticipated receiving such shocking information today. As he absorbed the startling truth, his teeth clenched, and his expression grew solemn. The realization that Rachel had married him solely for financial gain left him both irritated and heartbroken. Yet, upon further reflection, he remembered that his own consent for the marriage had been driven by his mother's dying wish. He couldn't deny that he was no different from Rachel in that respect, leading him to believe it would be unfair to judge her.

Even as Dominic locked away his emotions to maintain composure, his thoughts were in turmoil. "Why did Rachel suddenly reveal this? Does she want a divorce? I thought she had genuine feelings for me," he pondered aloud, his jaw tensing and his eyes betraying his anxiety.

Rachel, her long eyelashes lowered, responded calmly, "It's because the Daley family has reneged on their end of the bargain. I've repeatedly requested the promised money, but they've refused. Today, they even redirected the donated liver meant for Norma to someone else. I had no choice but to come clean."

Meeting his gaze with sincerity, she continued, "I'm sorry for deceiving you all this time. If my actions have caused you to resent me, you have the option to divorce me."

"Divorce?" Dominic muttered with a scoff. He knew that divorce was easier said than done, and he had no desire for it. "Do you think I'd be interested in someone like Ivonne?" He stared at Rachel with a strange glint in his eyes before approaching her.

He held her gaze and said affectionately, "Rachel, you seem to know very little about me. Let me make it clear: no other woman can compare to you. You are the only one I want."

Rachel blushed deeply, fiddling with her fingers and avoiding eye contact. Meanwhile, Ivonne, who had been standing on the staircase, erupted in anger upon hearing Dominic's declaration.

Her face flushed with fury as she shouted, "Why? How dare you say that? What makes her better than me? Dominic, I thought you had good taste, but I was clearly mistaken. You're blind and foolish!"

Moments earlier, Ivonne had expected Dominic to divorce Rachel and propose to her. She had no intention of accepting his proposal; her aim was simply to hurt Rachel and reaffirm her superiority.

Ignoring Ivonne's outburst, Dominic gave Joseph and Kate a cold glare and remarked, "Why bother? This substitute marriage was pointless. You should have told me from the beginning that you swapped your daughters. I never had any interest in Ivonne to begin with. She has a tarnished reputation, an unattractive appearance, and a terrible character. No sane man would want anything to do with her, let alone marry her. Rachel is leagues ahead of her."

Joseph and Kate had feared that Dominic would lash out at them upon discovering the switch in brides. To their astonishment, he seemed content with the arrangement, as he held deep-seated resentment towards Ivonne. This infuriated them even more.

Kate sneered with several wrinkles forming at the corners of her eyes as she retorted, "Mind your words, Dominic. Don't be so arrogant just because you're the illegitimate child of the Peterson family. As far as I'm concerned, you're nothing but an unrefined bastard. How dare you speak ill of my daughter in my presence?"

"Save me your nonsense! I see where Ivonne inherited her unpleasant traits from. You're her spitting image. The three of you are a family of vile individuals!" Dominic sneered back.

He then turned to Rachel, who still stood with her head bowed timidly. Gently lifting her chin, he spoke affectionately, "You are truly exceptional. How did you endure them for so long?"

Although Dominic's words were harsh, Kate continued to defend her daughter. "You, you must apologize to my daughter, or you won't leave here today!"

With a murderous expression, Dominic suddenly grabbed a wine bottle by the neck and smashed it on the table. Red wine spilled onto the floor and stained the carpet, leaving the bottle's broken half with sharp edges in his hand.

"No! Mom! He's going to hurt us! Don't let him come closer!" Ivonne, pale with fear, rushed into her room and slammed the door shut.

Fear also gripped Kate as she watched the bottle and the fury in Dominic's eyes. She staggered backward as her heart raced. "My God! Both Rachel and Dominic are insane!"

Dominic took a couple of steps toward them, his eyes devoid of emotion, as though they led to an endless abyss. "Please, Dominic, calm down. Kate, let's not argue with him. We are at fault here. We promised the Peterson family to marry their son to Ivonne many years ago, and we didn't keep our word. He has every right to be angry," Joseph scolded his wife, attempting to appear reasonable and avoid further confrontation.

Dominic discarded the broken bottle, wiped his fingers casually with a tissue, and then turned to the frightened couple. "I can forgive you for deceiving me. Unintentionally, you did me a favor. I'm grateful that Rachel became my wife. However, you owe her money, and you must repay her." He dropped the tissue to the floor, took Rachel's hand, and left the house.

By now, it was late at night, and there were no buses available. Only a few taxis remained on the quiet road. Dominic and Rachel began their journey back, with Rachel crying since they left the Daley family's house. Dominic removed his jacket and draped it over Rachel, holding her in his arms. He was now dressed in only a white T-shirt, which emphasized his muscular physique.

Rachel sniffled and looked up at him, tears glistening under the dim streetlight. "Don't you want to ask me something?" she inquired.

Dominic responded with a soothing voice, "Well, I have a lot of questions. I just don't know where to start."

Wiping away the tears from the corner of her eyes with his thumb, he made a promise to himself that he wouldn't let her cry again. Crying was one thing he couldn't stand, especially when it came to Rachel.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 71 – "Unexpected Bonds"

"When I turned one year old, Joseph and Kate became my adoptive parents. But a year later, Ivonne was born. With their own daughter to care for, they gradually stopped paying attention to me. Norma, a maid in the Daley family, became my true guardian. We lived together in the countryside until I grew up and moved to the city. Joseph and Kate did send some money to Norma each month, but it was hardly enough to cover our expenses, and they never increased the allowance. Norma used her own money to provide for me; she had no family, and I've been taking care of her. She's all I have. Now, things have taken a sinister turn as Kate secretly intercepted the liver meant for Norma's transplant. I don't know when we'll find another donor, and I'm unsure how Norma will cope."

Rachel paused, her voice trembling.

Dominic, ever the gentleman, reached for a tissue from his pocket and handed it to her. Seeing Rachel overcome with sobs, he held her close.

"So, in a fit of anger, you revealed the truth about your arrangement with them?" Dominic asked in a gentle tone, his chin resting atop her head.

He felt a profound sympathy for her. He had always thought of Rachel as a carefree and optimistic woman, but now he realized the heavy burdens she carried.

"Yes," Rachel replied, her voice still tinged with frustration. She leaned against his sturdy chest, almost childlike in her complaints. Dominic found her response endearing.

He hailed a taxi and helped Rachel inside. She clung to him, burying her face in the crook of his neck.

"Don't worry," Dominic comforted her, stroking her hair. "I have many friends. We'll figure something out."

Rachel's head throbbed from her emotional outburst, and sleepiness washed over her. Dominic's embrace provided solace. She nuzzled closer to him, seeking warmth and reassurance.

Silence enveloped them as the taxi sped through the city, the only sound being the rush of the wind.

"I've been lying to you all this time. Aren't you angry with me?" Rachel asked, her fingers entwined with his.

Dominic watched her play with his hand, admiring the delicate blue veins on his muscular hand.

"How can every part of you look so beautiful?" he marveled.

Dominic let her explore his hand while keeping a close eye on her.

The soft, flickering light cast a gentle glow on his face. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and sighed.

"When I first learned of your deception, I was furious. But later, I realized I should be thankful I didn't marry Ivonne. Thankfully, it was you," he confessed, each word igniting fireworks in her ears. Her heart fluttered, and she began to sob uncontrollably.

The pain was overwhelming, her grip on Dominic's tear-soaked T-shirt tightening.

"It's okay. I'm here. It's over now, Rachel," Dominic reassured her. He quickly grabbed a tissue and wiped her tears away, showering her cheeks and lips with comforting kisses.

Rachel looked at him through teary eyes, her nose reddened. She felt incredibly vulnerable, huddled in his arms. She clung to Dominic and poured out her worries, "What do I do now, Dominic? I've severed all ties with my adoptive parents, and Norma's life is in grave danger. I feel utterly alone in this world. Nobody wants me."

Rachel felt abandoned and helpless, living in a world devoid of hope or support. She wasn't naturally optimistic; she had always pretended to be strong and happy to shield herself from the world.

"But you still have me. I'll always be here for you," Dominic assured her, pulling her even closer. His words held a depth of sincerity that warmed her heart.

Rachel pressed her face into his neck, continuing to cry silently. She clung to him as if her life depended on it, wondering when and how she had come to trust Dominic so deeply. At that moment, he was her savior.

He continued to stroke her back gently, providing solace.

After venting her emotions, Rachel leaned against Dominic's chest, her arms wrapped around his waist. She felt drowsy.

As she closed her eyes, Dominic tightened his jacket around her, covering her neck, and planted a tender kiss on the top of her head.

"Forget everything and get some rest."

When Rachel awoke, it was already midnight, and she found herself in her room, indicating that Dominic had carried her inside.

A nightmare had roused her from sleep, and although she wanted to return to slumber, her mind raced with thoughts of Norma. Rachel tossed and turned all night.

The next morning, Rachel emerged from her room with bloodshot, puffy eyes. She took a leave of absence from work and headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth before planning to visit the hospital and check on Norma.

"Your phone is ringing," Dominic called, knocking on the bathroom door as he entered with her phone in hand.

His brow furrowed upon seeing Rachel's weary appearance.

Rachel answered the call, trying to avoid Dominic's gaze, not wanting him to see her in this state.

"Hello, Miss Daley? I'm a nurse from the municipal hospital. I'm calling to inform you that the liver originally intended for Norma Stone is available once again, and the transplant operation will proceed as scheduled."

Initially, Rachel was overjoyed, but then she remembered the unethical actions they had uncovered earlier.

"Didn't you say the patient had decided to continue treatment? What changed?" she asked, suspecting some foul play involving Kate.

The nurse hesitated, her voice filled with embarrassment. "Well..."

Rachel's eyebrows furrowed as she pressed for answers, but the nurse evaded the question. "I just called to inform you that the surgery will proceed as planned."

Rachel hung up the phone, letting out a sigh of relief. After a moment's contemplation, she turned to Dominic.

"How did you manage this, Dominic?"

Dominic casually rubbed the back of his neck, his demeanor nonchalant. "Well, I happen to know a few people working at the hospital."

Rachel scrutinized his face, skeptical of his explanation. After all, she had always perceived Dominic as an ordinary man. How could he have connections more influential than Kate?

Yet, her excitement overshadowed her doubt. She was simply delighted that the crisis had been averted, and she didn't delve further into the matter.

"Aren't you going to work today?" Dominic inquired, his voice muffled as he wiped his face with a towel.

"No, I took the day off. I had planned to go to the hospital, but now it seems unnecessary." Rachel answered, securing her chestnut curly hair into a bun with a rubber band. She smoothed her unruly bangs in front of the mirror, her appearance resembling that of a college student. However, the dark circles under her eyes betrayed her weariness.

"Alright, then. Rest well at home," Dominic playfully tousled her hair before leaning in close, their faces inches apart. In a moment, their lips met, a brief but sweet kiss that left Rachel momentarily stunned.

"I'm off to work," he announced before leaving.

Rachel touched her

lips in a daze. By the time she regained her composure, the door was shut, and the apartment had returned to its silent state.

After breakfast, Rachel slouched on the sofa, her gaze fixed on the television. The weather outside was damp and gloomy, with signs of an impending rainstorm.

Rachel didn't realize when she had dozed off. When she awoke, the living room lights were off, and a football match was playing on the TV.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 72 – "Intimate Conversation"

Dominic lounged on the sofa beside her, bathed in the soft glow of the TV's dim light. The shadows it cast accentuated his chiseled features as he casually tapped away on his phone. Rachel, groggy from sleep, rubbed her eyes and noticed the gray blanket sliding down her shoulders.

"Why didn't you wake me?" she mumbled.

Dominic flashed a gentle smile, handing her a warm glass of milk. "I thought you'd wake up any moment. Drink this and go to your room for a more comfortable sleep."

The room settled into silence. Rachel broke it, grateful, "By the way, thank you for helping last night. Did you get hurt when you broke the wine bottle?"

She'd been preoccupied with Norma's safety and nearly forgot the chaos at the Daley family house. Studying Dominic's face while holding the glass, she found his expression unchanged. He put down his phone and took a sip of beer.

"It's fine. We're husband and wife," he replied, still focused on the TV. "No need to thank me."

Rachel wrapped herself in the blanket, looking at him. The TV's light illuminated her face as she circled her fingers on the glass rim, choosing her words carefully.

"Now that you know I wasn't your intended bride, do you still want to be in a serious relationship with me as my husband?" Dominic stopped drinking and turned to her, his gaze piercing.

"Why do you ask? Do you have someone else in mind?" His tone held a hint of threat, causing Rachel to shiver and quickly shake her head.

"No, that's not what I meant."

Dominic was a remarkable man, and she had no reason to distance herself from him. After a moment, Dominic probed further, "You've consistently refused intimacy since our wedding. Was it because you married me as a substitute? Were you planning to leave?"

Rachel was left speechless. Dominic had been closely watching her every move.

"Well, that was one reason. But I never intended to leave without telling you the truth. I just wanted to find the right moment to reveal everything so we could decide our next steps."

A blush crept onto Rachel's cheeks, unsure why they were suddenly discussing this topic.

"What about now?" Dominic grasped her wrist, his warmth seeping into her skin. He pushed the blanket away, leaning closer, his striking features more manly up close. Rachel clutched the blanket, feeling her heart race.

At such proximity, she noticed his long eyelashes. "I...I'm not ready yet," she stammered. "I have to pay for Norma's surgery, finish my work, and even deal with the eggs that have been sitting in the fridge for two months."

Dominic raised an eyebrow, listening to her random ramblings to divert the conversation.

"How long do you think you can avoid it?"

Rachel cleared her throat, flustered. "You see, Dominic, the money from Joseph and Kate won't cover half the surgery cost. I may have to borrow money from the bank despite the high interest rates."

Dominic slowly released her wrist, his fingers trailing down her hand, entwining their fingers. He kissed her knuckles and smiled, his eyes filled with desire.

"You've said quite a bit. Take a break. Is your throat dry?"

Rachel was taken aback, wide-eyed. A blush crept onto her cheeks as she lowered her gaze and batted her eyelashes. Dominic remained silent, stroking her palm and appreciating her shy demeanor. His smile made him even more handsome, and the desire in his eyes felt intriguing rather than bothersome.

"Tell me something," he continued. "Would you rather take a bank loan than ask me for help?"

Rachel grinned at him, her eyes sparkling. "You're not any better off, Dominic. Even if you have savings, it wouldn't cover the surgery."

Dominic nodded in understanding, leaning back against the sofa. "Come here," he said, extending his hand. Rachel, embarrassed but compelled, nestled in Dominic's arms with a contented sigh. He wrapped the blanket around them.

"Are you cold? Should I fetch a quilt from the bedroom?" The streets outside were dark, and rain began to fall.

"No need," Rachel replied, snuggling closer to him, feeling his warmth. She relaxed, her body responding naturally to his comforting presence.

Suddenly, she widened her eyes, looking at him in realization. "Did you collect the laundry I washed today?"

Dominic nodded. "Yes, I folded and put the clothes in your room."

Speechless, Dominic watched as Rachel became engrossed in the movie. Breaking the silence, he said softly, "From now on, you have me. You don't have to struggle alone."

Rachel gazed out the window, her thoughts distant. "Don't think about a bank loan for now. I'll find a way to get the money. We still have a few days. Let the bank loan be our last resort."

Dominic stroked her cheek, looking into her eyes, his face filled with sincerity. "Trust me. I'm here to help."

Rachel couldn't help but be drawn in by Dominic's handsome face, her heart fluttering.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 73 – The Unraveling of the Daley Family's Reputation

Rachel finally nodded in agreement.

A faint smile spread across Dominic's lips.

He gently held her cheeks and kissed her, their lips entwining.

They were now officially a couple.

As Dominic and Rachel left the Daley family's house, the commotion inside continued. The maid diligently worked to clean the red stains on the carpet, her ears filled with the heated arguments of the family members.

Ivonne, unable to contain her anger, suddenly burst into tears as if she had just experienced a painful breakup.

"How could Dominic do this to me? How could he compare me to that woman? I'm in no way inferior to her! Mom, no one has ever humiliated me like this!" Ivonne exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion.

Joseph, seated and engrossed in his newspaper, couldn't comprehend his daughter's reaction. He couldn't fathom why Ivonne was so distraught.

"Why does she think Dominic would be interested in her? Besides, isn't it better that he doesn't like her?" he thought to himself. If Dominic didn't like Ivonne, it would make it easier for them to marry him off to Rachel instead.

Kate, equally frustrated, shared Ivonne's anger. She had been dreading this day, fearing that Dominic might uncover their secrets and disrupt their lives. However, Dominic's complete disinterest in Ivonne was maddening.

"Stop crying, Ivonne. Your eyes will become swollen, and you won't be able to go out. Dominic is just not worth it. He doesn't deserve you," Kate consoled her daughter, patting her back.

But Ivonne's sorrow only intensified, and in a fit of frustration, she grabbed a teacup from the table and hurled it to the ground, shattering it into pieces.

"He doesn't like me, Mom. He even compared me to that woman. It's the biggest humiliation of my life!" Ivonne cried, her tears flowing freely.

"That's actually a good thing. What would you have done if Dominic had insisted on marrying you?" Kate continued trying to persuade her daughter.

Ivonne calmed down slightly upon hearing that.

"Well, I wouldn't have agreed, of course," she sniffled.

"But I should have been the one to reject him and his proposal. I can't believe he doesn't want me."

"Dominic is not a good man. I've warned you not to let his good looks deceive you. Remember my words. Otherwise, you might fall for the wrong man and suffer," Kate admonished Ivonne.

At that moment, Joseph's phone rang, interrupting their conversation.

Kate picked up the phone and glanced at the screen.

"Joseph, it's a call from the company we're partnering with. Answer it now!" she urged him, nudging his arm.

Joseph, jolted awake from his near slumber on the sofa, cleared his throat and picked up the phone.

"What's the matter? Why are they calling at this hour?" he wondered aloud.

"Hello, Mr. Laverne. What's going on?" he inquired as he answered the call.

The caller was the CEO of one of the companies that the Daley family had a business partnership with.

"Mr. Daley, the senior executives of our company have decided to terminate our cooperation with your company," the CEO informed Joseph.

"Wait, Mr. Laverne, why? What's the reason for this sudden decision? Are you not satisfied with our collaboration?" Joseph asked anxiously, realizing the gravity of the situation. Their partnership was crucial for the Daley family's business.

The CEO's tone remained stoic as he explained, "Mr. Daley, we have heard about your past actions, arranging your biological daughter's marriage to someone else while making your adopted daughter suffer. It's also come to our attention that you owe your adopted daughter a significant sum of money, which you refuse to repay. She has made this matter public, and we cannot ignore it. It appears that you are not a trustworthy person. In our recent shareholder meeting, we unanimously decided to discontinue any further collaboration with your questionable enterprise."

Joseph, feeling the weight of the accusations and their impending consequences, struggled to find words.

Kate, seated beside him, had been eavesdropping on the conversation and was equally shocked to learn about their business partner's intention to sever ties.

"Let me speak to him," Kate said, seizing the phone from Joseph's trembling hand.

"Please, Mr. Laverne," Kate implored in a persuasive tone.

"We must be allowed to explain our side of the story. You can't solely rely on the allegations of others. It is true that we have an adopted daughter, but her recent expose is merely an attempt to extort money from us. She is ungrateful, Mr. Laverne. We raised her as our own, and now she is tarnishing our reputation for her own gain. We would have gladly supported her financially, but we know her well enough to understand that she would squander any funds she receives. This is a family matter, Mr. Laverne, and we are doing our best to handle it. Please understand that personal affairs should not affect our business relationship."

Kate had hoped her words would convince the CEO, but instead, she received a scornful response.

"I disagree. I initiated this investigation precisely because of our ongoing collaboration. I'm appalled that you continue to slander your adopted daughter. I am aware that Rachel asked you for money to fund the surgery of a former maid who served your family. She had no intention of using the money for herself. It seems you and your husband are incapable of honesty. Only a fool would engage in business with you, and I assure you, I am not a fool. Furthermore, the Daley family has been in decline in recent years. The only reason we continued to partner with you was out of respect for the relationship our families shared in the past. Now that trust has been broken, and I have no choice but to sever our ties permanently."

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 74: "Unveiling the Daley Family's Facade"

Kate couldn't contain her disdain as her lips curled into a grotesque expression.

In her mind, they should never have adopted Rachel in the first place! Even as a child, Rachel always seemed to overshadow Ivonne.

Now as an adult, all Rachel seemed to do was rebel against the Daley family.

Kate bitterly regretted the decision to adopt her, wishing she had left Rachel to face the cold world alone.

"No, please don't hang up, Mr. Laverne!" she cried out in desperation.

"Let's continue this discussion. Please, tell me what we need to do to salvage our working relationship." The man on the other end of the line responded with a mocking snort.

"Do you really need me to spell it out for you? Don't you grasp the gravity of your transgressions? Our partnership was built on integrity, something the Daley family seems sorely lacking."

With that, he abruptly ended the call before Kate could utter another word.

Kate's anger boiled over as she slammed the phone down, her teeth gritted in frustration. She couldn't help but vent her mounting frustration.

"Rachel is out to ruin us! Joseph, you better step up and take action before it's too late. Mark my words: if the Daley family goes bankrupt, I'll divorce you and take Ivonne with me. Don't expect me to suffer in poverty with you!"

The memories of the events leading to Rachel's adoption haunted her. She couldn't help but voice her resentment.

"I warned you not to adopt that child, but you wouldn't listen. Your parents accused me of being infertile and made my life a living hell because we were childless. I was forced to adopt that child. She's become a jinx, determined to destroy us. This is all your fault. I've done nothing wrong, so I won't endure this with you!"

Ivonne was blindsided by the news of bankruptcy, her anxious voice trembling as she questioned her mother.

"Mom, what did you just say? We're on the brink of bankruptcy? How is that possible? I thought we were incredibly wealthy."

She had been living a carefree life and was oblivious to her family's financial woes.

The death of Joseph's father had devastated the Daley Group, and Joseph, being a pushover, struggled to run the company like his father had. Senior executives had abandoned ship, leaving him directionless.

He sat in a corner of the sofa like a lost child, unsure of what to do.

After a moment, he weakly asked, "Let's put the past behind us. We can't change what's already happened. What should we do now?"

This question only fueled Kate's anger, and she shot him an icy glare, her hand trembling as it clutched her teacup.

"What else can we do? We have to publicly give Rachel the money, so everyone knows we're honest people."

Ivonne, infuriated, stomped her foot and added, "Do we really have to give her more money? Hasn't that witch taken enough from us? I'm strongly against it. She's always one step ahead of us!"

"If we don't give her the money, what choice do we have? I don't know if Rachel is winning because she has a powerful backer or if we're just cursed. How did Mr. Laverne find out?"

Kate sighed deeply and rubbed the corners of her eyes, the stress causing new wrinkles to appear on her face. She turned her attention to Ivonne and said, "My dear daughter, you must marry a wealthy and respectable man. Rachel's arrogance is driving us insane, but we still have you. You're our only hope. Don't disappoint us. By the way, your relationship with Jason is going well, isn't it?"

Ivonne quickly sipped her coffee to hide the guilt of her lie. She hadn't told her mother that Jason had broken up with her—the same person who had caused her family's problems.

Kate continued to vent her resentment, wiping away tears and saying, "Rachel is an ungrateful wretch! After everything we've done for her, she repays us with treachery. Why did she expose our family's affairs to the public? Does she want me to die of a heart attack or commit suicide to satisfy her?"

Joseph, still in a fetal position, finally spoke up, "I'll give Rachel the money tomorrow and talk to Mr. Laverne about our partnership. Let's see how things unfold."

Kate reluctantly glared at him. Losing the family's fortune was something she couldn't accept, and the thought of poverty terrified her.

With a determined resolve, she thought, 'Rachel, you won't escape unscathed.' Her face transformed from sadness to an expression filled with vengeance.

In the design department of the Larson Group, employees were having breakfast before working hours officially began.

Gerda, munching on her sandwich, curiously asked Rachel, "Why did you take the day off yesterday?"

Rachel, recalling the passionate kiss she shared with Dominic on the sofa the previous night, tried to suppress her grin.

"Oh, well, I had some personal matters to attend to," she mumbled, her thoughts drifting back to their intimate moments.

Gerda raised an eyebrow and glanced at Rachel knowingly. She understood what had transpired.

"Oh, you had a date? Daley, please, control yourself. We're at work now. Don't giggle like a love-struck teenager."

Rachel quickly stifled her smile, embarrassed by her coworker's keen observation.

As they chatted, a commotion downstairs caught their attention. Many employees gathered by the windows, their eyes fixed on something below.

Rachel joined the curious crowd to see what was happening. Her eyes widened as she saw her parents, Joseph and Kate, amidst the spectacle.

She hurried downstairs to confront them, her brow furrowed in confusion. "What are you two doing here?"

To her surprise, Joseph and Kate were dressed in shabby, ordinary clothes, a stark contrast to their usual opulent attire. They looked far from wealthy, appearing more like common peasants who had just finished a day's work on a farm.

Kate's appearance, in particular, made her look significantly older, as if she had aged decades overnight. Her deliberately haggard makeup, dark circles under her eyes, and wrinkled face added to her pitiful appearance.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 75 – "Family Drama Unfolds"

Kate couldn't contain her tears as she dramatically wiped her eyes and took out a stack of cash from a kraft paper bag. She handed the money to Rachel with a purposeful gesture, making sure that all the employees at the Porter Group watched them.

Then, Kate broke down into loud sobs and cried out, "Please, don't come to our home asking for money anymore. We've sold all our possessions just to give you this money. We have nothing left to give you. Please, don't force us. We can't afford to support an adopted daughter like you. We've raised you all these years without expecting anything in return, but you can't treat us like this. We're getting old."

It was evident that Joseph and Kate had come to the Porter Group with the sole intention of tarnishing Rachel's reputation.

Rachel checked the money and realized there was at least three or four hundred thousand dollars in the paper bag. Alongside the money, she had also saved up from selling the possessions she had acquired from them in the past. This money would be sufficient to cover Norma's medical expenses, and Rachel couldn't help but feel relieved.

She wasn't in the mood to engage with her parents any longer and said, "Thank you. If you have nothing else to say, I'd better get back to work."

However, Kate stopped her in her tracks. Rachel tried to pull away, but before she could do so, Kate let out a loud scream and fell to the ground.

Rachel raised an eyebrow, looking down at her mother. "What are you doing, Mom?"

Kate continued her dramatic act, saying, "How can you do this to us, Rachel? You didn't even call us your parents when I gave you the money. Now, you've pushed your mom to the ground. You're an ungrateful daughter! God will punish you. If you have a conscience, tell everyone how we've raised you all these years. But you've forgotten all that. Money is all you need. But we have nothing left to give you. Do you want to take our lives? Will that satisfy your greed?"

Rachel crossed her arms, unimpressed by the theatrics. "You've never been nice to me, Mom. Now that you owe me money, what are you up to? If you have anything to say, go ahead. I'll see what you can do."

"You ungrateful person!" Kate waved her hands in frustration. She continued to cry and pound the ground, capturing the attention of everyone around.

It was now working hours, and several employees were walking in and out of the Porter Group. Hearing Kate's accusations, they cast disapproving glances at Rachel.

"Could she be any greedier?"

"Look at their clothes! Her parents seem to be struggling."

"How can their adopted daughter ask them for money instead of supporting them?"

"It's said that she's adopted. She should be grateful for her parents, not asking for money."

Rachel remained unfazed by the judgmental glances. Since Stephanie had given her permission to leave, she was eager to count the money and make arrangements for Norma's surgery.

She called out to Stephanie, who had arrived, "Everything's fine, Ms. Fisher. I can handle it. I just need a couple of hours off to pay for a family member's medical expenses. I'll be back this afternoon."

Stephanie agreed, and Rachel left the scene, wanting to avoid any further confrontation with her parents. She was focused on her goal of paying for Norma's surgery as soon as possible.

Kate, left alone, continued her act, sobbing loudly and making dramatic gestures. "Rachel treats us like garbage, even though we've raised her as our own. She's an ungrateful girl!"

However, Rachel had already hailed a taxi and rushed to the hospital. She had no intention of wasting her time dealing with Joseph and Kate.

After Rachel's departure, Kate slowly got up from the ground and left with Joseph. Once they were at a distance from the Porter Group, Joseph scolded Kate, feeling humiliated.

"We could have just given her the money without all this drama. It was embarrassing!"

But Kate didn't seem to care. "Oh, Joseph, you should be happy. I'm sure our little performance has tarnished Rachel's reputation. Did you see the looks on the faces of the people there? They all dislike her now. Sooner or later, she'll get fired."

Meanwhile, at the hospital, Rachel had paid the fees for Norma's surgery and confirmed the date of the procedure. She sat down in a chair, feeling a sense of relief now that the financial worries were behind her.

She couldn't help but wonder why Joseph and Kate had returned the money all of a sudden. She leaned against the corridor railing and called Dominic, wanting to discuss this unexpected turn of events.

Outside, the heavy rain had awakened the city, refreshing the surroundings. The cool breeze seemed to bring a sense of renewal to everyone in its path.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 76: "Whispers and Temptations"

Autumn had graced the city with its golden hues, and a crisp breeze rustled through the trees.

Rachel couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and gratitude as she dialed Dominic's number. His deep, resonant voice filled her ear, and a smile played at the corners of her lips.

Dominic occupied his luxurious office, a ray of sunlight streaming in through the expansive windows, bathing his voice in warm light.

His eyes softened, listening intently to Rachel's voice on the other end of the line.

Rachel cut right to the chase, her concern palpable. "I need to ask you something. My adoptive parents unexpectedly returned the money. Did you have anything to do with it?"

Dominic's usually composed demeanor relaxed, and he spoke more openly than usual. "Yes, I played a part in exposing your sister's deceit and your parents' debt. The Daley family values their reputation in the business world, which likely pushed them to settle your debt as swiftly as possible. It was a matter of preserving their image."

Kristian, who happened to be nearby, was taken aback by Dominic's unusual verbosity. Intrigued, he leaned in closer to eavesdrop on the conversation.

On the other end of the line, Rachel wasn't convinced by Dominic's nonchalant explanation. She sensed that there was more to the story. "Tell me the truth. Did it cost you a significant sum of money to make this happen?"

Dominic reassured her, his tone patient and unwavering. "No, not at all. Just a bit of strategic information sharing. You're overthinking it."

Kristian couldn't help but stifle a chuckle, realizing that Dominic's influence was enough to make things happen without financial involvement.

Rachel sighed in response, feeling a mix of gratitude and exasperation. "I know, I know. Stop treating me like a child."

Her life had already been tangled in a web of complications, and now Dominic had become entangled in her family drama.

Dominic couldn't help but smile wryly, a glint of amusement in his eyes. He gestured to Kristian, signaling that he wanted to continue their conversation privately.

Kristian promptly exited the room, leaving Dominic alone.

Dominic leaned back in his chair, musing as he tapped his nose with his finger. "Hmm?" he responded on the phone, his voice lowering to a conspiratorial tone.

"What do you really know?" Rachel asked in a hushed whisper, ensuring no one around her could overhear.

Dominic's tone took on an alluring edge as he replied, "I know that you've been nothing short of amazing."

Rachel's cheeks flushed as desire coursed through her. She discreetly looked around once more before responding, "Is your husband reliable?"

Dominic assured her, "Yes, he is."

With a seductive rasp in his voice, he continued, "Come to my room tonight."

Rachel's body tingled with anticipation. "Why?"

Dominic's voice deepened, filled with longing, "Because tonight, I intend to make you lose yourself in pleasure until the morning."

A delightful shiver raced down Rachel's spine, and she glanced around again, her ears burning. "Stop it! It's still daytime."

Dominic couldn't help but chuckle at her sudden bashfulness. "Why are you being coy all of a sudden, my dear Rachel?"

Rachel sternly reprimanded him, using his full name. "Dominic Peterson, cut it out. I'll cook something delicious for you when I get home."

Despite her protests, her body was already aflame with desire. She hung up the phone and covered her face with her hands, attempting in vain to quell the sensations surging through her.

Later that afternoon, as Rachel returned to her office, her colleague Hilda couldn't help but notice her arrival. With a knowing wink, she initiated a conversation.

"Hey, I heard that the older couple downstairs earlier were your adoptive parents, is that true? The whole office is abuzz about it."

Rachel couldn't avoid the truth. She nodded, and her coworkers, driven by morbid curiosity, stared at her.

Realizing the inquisitive looks, she averted her eyes. "They came for some family matters."

Hilda sensed there was more to the story and offered some advice. "You might want to clear things up as soon as possible. Office gossip has a way of blowing things out of proportion, and rumors tend to spread like wildfire."

Rachel remained silent, taking her seat at her desk. She had anticipated the office chatter, especially after her sister Kate's confrontation earlier that day. Without offering any explanations, she had walked away from the public scene, leaving people to form their own conclusions about her and her family.

The rumors and judgments were inevitable, and Rachel knew she would have to address them sooner or later.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 77 - "Boss, Bites, and a Grocery Store Surprise"

"Concerned for Rachel's distracted state, Hilda gently nudged her with care.

"Why not take the rest of the day off and head back home? It's been the hot topic of discussion all morning. I've heard people complaining and reporting your behavior to the higher-ups, thinking it was unfair to your adoptive parents."

"I appreciate your concern, Hilda, but I saw this coming."

Rachel shook her head with a bitter smile. She had hoped that receiving money from her adoptive parents would put an end to it all.

Despite everything, Kate and Joseph had given Rachel a home, but Kate refused to let her have the money, determined to make trouble for her.

Hilda knew every family had its secrets, but she never expected someone as calm and composed as Rachel to face such hardships.

"How about discussing this with Ms. Miller? It's essential to maintain a good reputation among your colleagues. A tarnished image can harm your career."

Rachel smiled but stayed silent. She knew that's exactly what Kate wanted—to destroy her reputation. Rachel was grateful for her adoptive parents giving her a home, but she wouldn't let Kate slander her like that.

"Don't worry about me," Rachel reassured Hilda, patting her shoulder. "Thank you for your support."

Hilda smiled and returned to her work.

As Rachel pondered how to explain things to her boss, she received a message from Braden.

"The company has been inundated with complaints about you. What happened?"

Rachel's face flushed with embarrassment. She was a bit intimidated by Braden; after all, he was the company's boss.

She quickly briefed him about her conflict with her adoptive parents, unsure if he'd believe her.

Braden didn't question her character. Instead, he asked, "What's your plan?"

"I want to clarify everything, but I haven't figured out how yet."

Rachel hesitated for a while before sending her message, feeling foolish for not having a plan already.

Instead of scolding her, Braden's response surprised her.

"Don't let this affect your work. I'll handle it for you."

Rachel was so shocked that she dropped her phone. How could she trouble her boss with her personal issues? "Thank you, Mr. Porter, but I can handle it myself. This is my private matter," she quickly replied.

However, Braden's profile picture turned gray, and her message was read, but she received no reply.

The temperature had dropped after the heavy rain, and the air had turned cool. As Rachel reached for her keys to open the door, she heard footsteps and the rustling of plastic behind her.

Before she could react, a black shadow enveloped her. Her body tensed, heart racing.

"Oh, God! I hope Dominic is home."

She tried to defend herself with her purse, but the tall figure quickly dodged.

The man's strong frame pushed her against the door, his warm breath against her neck. She felt his rising body heat.

He tucked her hair behind her ear and gently kissed her neck.

"My husband is inside. If you dare touch me, he'll beat you up!" Rachel's voice trembled with fear.

"You have another husband?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Rachel finally breathed a sigh of relief. She turned around and playfully pinched his arm.

"That wasn't funny. I was so scared; my heart was in my throat the whole time."

"I'm sorry. Let's go inside."

Dominic smiled and ruffled her hair, then opened the door. As they entered the apartment, Dominic pulled her close, and they tumbled onto the sofa.

Rachel gasped as he showered her with kisses on her ear and collarbone. Dominic was passionate and forceful.

"I missed you so much. We agreed to spend the night in my room tonight," he said breathlessly.

Rachel couldn't recall agreeing to that plan. "No, I have something important to tell you. Please listen. Braden messaged me again," she said, turning her head away.

Her ears burned, and she felt flustered as she recounted her day at the office to Dominic.

After hearing everything, Dominic buried his face in her neck. "It's good that your boss is willing to help. I'm sure he can handle it."

Rachel couldn't comprehend why Braden was helping her. "I still don't understand why Braden is doing this. I'm a little afraid of him," she confessed.

"You're overthinking it. As the CEO, he's looking out for the company's interests. Maybe he wants to ensure your personal problems don't affect your work. It's a small issue for him."

Rachel glanced at Dominic, puzzled by his calm attitude towards Braden. He was usually possessive, but he seemed more forgiving of Braden. She couldn't quite fathom why.

Dominic looked deep into her eyes and grinned, nibbling her earlobe and wrapping his arms around her. "Didn't you promise to cook a delicious meal for me? Or would you prefer we head to my room first?"

Rachel's eyelashes fluttered, her face turning red. She blinked and playfully pushed him away. "We have nothing in the fridge. Wait for me here; I'll go buy groceries right away."

Dominic pressed close to her, Rachel's legs wrapped around his waist. He took her hand resting on his chest and kissed her fingers. "Forget shopping; I just want to devour you. Will you allow it?"

Rachel blushed furiously. "No, no! I'm still on my period…"

Dominic chuckled, shaking his head. He gently nibbled her lip before finally getting up.

His plain white T-shirt clung to his chiseled abs as he stood up. Rachel quickly composed herself, smoothing her dress.

"Gosh, you're like a playful dog that won't stop biting me," Dominic teased as he looked at her. "How about I accompany you?"

"No, I can handle it myself," Rachel replied, her mind racing and her body tingling. She adjusted her coat and hurriedly left the apartment.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 78 – "The Unwanted Reunion: Unexpected Guests and Unmasking Secrets"

Kate didn’t let go of Rachel even after giving the money to her.

Whenever she thought about it, she would curse Rachel, saying she was the bane of her life and that she wanted to kill her.

The next day, a maid gingerly knocked on the door and handed an envelope to Kate.

"What's this?" Kate inquired.

Kate glanced at the envelope, promptly discarding her face mask while patting the remaining essence onto her cheeks.

"A gentleman handed it to me. He said it's an invitation to a party," the maid replied.

Kate sat up in excitement and snatched the envelope, revealing an invitation from the illustrious Porter Group.

"Joseph! Joseph! You've got to see this!" Kate called out to her husband, waving the invitation with glee.

Joseph, engrossed in birdwatching on the balcony, took the invitation and scrutinized it with a furrowed brow.

"The Porter Group? Something feels fishy. Why would they invite the Daley family to such an affair?" Kate's excitement was precisely why Joseph remained skeptical.

As she gently massaged the residual face essence into her skin, she entertained the idea that it could grant her eternal youth. "You're being overly cautious," she cooed. "Perhaps this is their way of apologizing for our recent drama at their expense."

Kate grinned, lost in thoughts of attending this monumental soirée. But Joseph wasn't as blindly confident; he couldn't shake his doubts about their sudden invitation.

The grand event was set at the opulent Harborview Manor, an exclusive venue for the crème de la crème of society.

Before they departed, Kate meticulously groomed herself, layering her face with two generous coats of foundation, meticulously concealing her fine lines and freckles. Ivonne, too, adorned herself extravagantly.

Such gatherings hosted by the Porter Group were exclusive to the elite, the wealthy, and the influential, and Kate saw it as the perfect opportunity to secure a suitable match for her daughter.

Upon their arrival, Ivonne marveled at the grandeur of the place, exclaiming, "Mom, this place is massive!"

Ivonne squealed with excitement as she looked at the splendid building in awe.


Kate grabbed her arm and leaned closer.

“Stop looking like an ignorant woman and degrading yourself, Ivonne.After all, you are a wealthy diva.Straighten your back and look like a dignified woman.”

Ivonne took a deep breath, held her head high, and tried to look like a majestic queen.

However, the next moment, the smile on her face vanished.

“Rachel is also here!”

All eyes turned to her.

The dark green satin dress clung to Rachel’s slim waist, accentuating her perfect features.

Her chestnut curly hair was coiled up with a wooden hairpin.

Her bangs elegantly swayed as a gust of cool breeze brushed against her.

The light makeup and pink lips seemed to brighten her face.

She looked breathtaking tonight.

Rachel stood out among the women dolled up with copious amounts of makeup and dressed in extravagant clothes.

Even Kate was shocked.

She always knew Rachel was beautiful.

However, the woman somehow looked prettier with every passing day.She was an effortless beauty who exuded a natural charm.

Kate muttered angrily, "Why on earth is she here? I'm tempted to give her a piece of my mind. You have no idea how she humiliated me at the last banquet."

Ivonne seethed, memories of a past party flooding back. She clutched her dress, ready to confront Rachel, but Kate quickly restrained her.

"Exercise restraint, Ivonne. A confrontation now would only tarnish your reputation," Kate warned. Ivonne gritted her teeth and suppressed her anger.

In her youth, Kate had been a social butterfly, dancing through balls and parties, known to many attendees. Engaging with the other guests, she confided, "Things are quite grim, I'm afraid."

"What's wrong?" her fellow partygoer inquired, concerned.

Kate sighed wearily, feigning pity. "It's rather embarrassing, really. You might be familiar with my adopted daughter, Rachel. She's an ungrateful and heartless girl. She siphoned away our family's wealth and now lives carefree, neglecting both me and her adoptive father."

Many guests worked for the Porter Group. "You mean Rachel Daley? We're acquainted with her. She works in the design department and always seemed sweet and well-mannered. I never expected her to be such a villain."

As the conversation gathered momentum, Rachel strolled over, a glass of champagne in hand, her grin inconspicuous.

She gracefully made her way through the opulently dressed crowd towards Kate, her demeanor indifferent.

However, her beautiful eyes, once warm, had now turned cold, harboring years of disappointment and anger. Every time Kate looked at Rachel, she felt an inexplicable urge to borrow her eye-catching gaze.

"Have you ever shown me kindness or warmth? You've tormented and humiliated me my entire life, and now you label me ungrateful? How absurd," Rachel calmly retorted, seemingly impervious to Kate's bitter accusations.

Kate was a gifted actress. She feigned tears, gazing around for sympathy. "We adopted you, raised you with love, and yet you've bled us dry. How does that make you a good daughter?" Kate proclaimed dramatically, gesturing wildly.

Rachel hadn't bothered to defend herself to anyone after her dramatic confrontation with Kate at the Porter Group. Consequently, many present at the party viewed her as an ungrateful daughter, some even capturing the exchange on their phones.

Yet, Rachel remained unperturbed by public opinion. "You abandoned me after Ivonne was born, sending me to live in the countryside with Norma. You never cared for me; she was my sole caregiver. I came to you because she fell ill, and you promised money in exchange for a favor. I upheld my end, but you cheated me. Why are you creating a scene?" Rachel countered.

Kate wiped away mock tears and sniffled dramatically. "Nonsense! You're just spouting lies," she exclaimed. "Our neighbors don't know you, and your countryside neighbors have never seen you. We don't even have a photo together. Think twice before spreading falsehoods. Do you have any proof that we raised you? I don't want to revisit the past, but I appreciate you providing me shelter, despite your disdain."

Had Kate not slandered Rachel in public, the past might never have been mentioned. Rachel had no place she could truly call home – just another spot where she felt abandoned by her "family" all over again.

Kate glanced around helplessly as Rachel brandished her passbook, revealing the meager funds Joseph and Kate had sent Norma over the past two decades. She sneered at Kate, tossing the passbook into her face.

"You bragged about raising me, accusing me of draining your resources. This reveals exactly how much you spent on me – a mere $200 per month for twenty years, not a cent more. Is that what you call 'raising me with every penny you have'? You dine at fancy restaurants with Ivonne, where one meal alone costs more than my monthly allowance. Can't you see the irony here?"

The crowd erupted into commotion

. To most, $200 seemed an inadequate tip, let alone a decent monthly allowance.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
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Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 79 – "Unraveling Family Secrets"

"You're not telling the truth! We provided more than that," Rachel exclaimed with conviction, leaving Kate in stunned silence. Kate clung to her handbag, trying to avoid the incredulous stares of onlookers.

"We've always been so generous with you," Rachel added, rolling her eyes. Kate's lack of response only deepened the mystery of her intense animosity towards Rachel.

Rachel could sense the woman's intense hatred towards her, which dated back to their time living together in the same house. Kate used to berate Rachel for the slightest things, and Rachel would respond with calm composure.

"I never asked you to adopt me, did I?" Rachel's tone remained steady. "But since you did, you have a responsibility to support me. Your wealth far exceeds what you've provided. I struggle to cover basic expenses. I owe everything to Norma, who sacrificed her own savings to raise me. You've done nothing worthy of gratitude."

The crowd around them began to buzz with heated discussions.

"How can she be so heartless? Her manicure costs more than two hundred dollars!"

"With their wealth, they should have taken better care of their adopted daughter. Shame on them!"

Kate's face drained of color, knowing that the truth about the Daley family's financial struggles was on the verge of being exposed. It was something she would never admit.

After a while, Kate weakly defended herself, "We were worried about favoring our biological daughter, Ivonne. If she saw us treating her adopted sister better, she would have accused us of being unfair. And Rachel, you shouldn't have pressured us for more. We adopted you, and you should be grateful."

Rachel calmly placed her glass on the table, her eyes flashing with anger. She couldn't believe Kate was still lying.

"The money wasn't for me; it was to save Norma's life. I didn't force you to give me more; you promised it when I agreed to marry Dominic instead of Ivonne. But you kept refusing. I was only asking for what was rightfully mine."

The audience erupted in outrage.

"How could she?"

"So, they adopted a child but neglected her and gave her so little? They should be sued!"

"How could they ask their adopted daughter to marry as a substitute for their biological one? Poor girl!"

Meanwhile, Dominic observed the scene from a nearby black sofa, sipping his wine as he watched the drama unfold. He had witnessed the entire ordeal.

"I didn't know your wife had such a fiery side. She must give you a hard time at home," Kristian teased, poking fun at Dominic.

Dominic's gaze remained fixed on Rachel throughout the evening. She seemed like a completely different person compared to the woman he knew at home.

"She's usually a sweet, submissive girl at home," Dominic replied, taking another sip of his wine, his eyes slightly clouded.

Seeing Dominic's concern, Kristian reassured him with a smile. "I don't think you need to intervene. Your wife seems perfectly capable of handling this situation."

"I suppose we'll see," Dominic said with a hint of gloom.

Unable to bear the humiliation any longer, Kate dropped her gentle facade and began coughing violently, as if seriously ill.

"Why are you even here? We took you in and raised you. Without us, you'd be homeless. Marrying someone for our sake is the least you could do. Consider it payment for our kindness."

Ivonne, seeing her mother's change in tactics, chimed in, further inflaming the situation.

"How dare you talk back? If it weren't for you, our family wouldn't be in this situation. You've angered my mother. You always prioritize that old maid over your foster mother. Don't you have a conscience?"

Dominic finally stood up from the sofa, drawing everyone's attention. Nobody knew who he was, but his imposing presence demanded attention.

He approached Kate, casting a chilling shadow over her and her daughter. His voice was low and menacing. "Does your kindness give you the right to force your adopted daughter into a substitute marriage?"

Kate recoiled under his intense gaze. Any trace of arrogance she once had had vanished.

"W-what do you mean?" she stammered, her voice faltering.

Dominic sneered. "When my mother's family was wealthy, you clung to her like a parasite. You arranged for your daughter to marry her son, assuming you'd profit from us in the future. But when our financial situation declined, you regretted your decision. You had your adopted daughter marry me instead, fearing for your biological daughter. Was that why you adopted her?"

Dominic's words triggered memories in Kate's mind. Elvira Porter... she hadn't heard that name in a long time. Elvira had been Dominic's biological mother, and her family had been one of the richest and most powerful in the city.

Elvira's pleasant personality had attracted Kate, who came from an ordinary family. Kate had benefited greatly from Elvira's wealth, even suggesting that their children should marry if one had a boy and the other, a girl.

However, when Elvira's financial status declined, Kate had cut all ties, and Elvira passed away years later.

"How dare you accuse me of such nonsense!" Kate responded, though her voice lacked conviction.

Rachel turned to look at Dominic, stunned by the revelations. Dominic had never shared this story with her before.

In the distance, Kristian's heart raced. He sensed that something significant was unfolding, and he knew Dominic's family history was a sensitive topic. Despite their long friendship, there were still aspects of Dominic's family that remained hidden.

The onlookers continued to harshly criticize Kate as the truth began to unravel.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 80 – "Rachel's Curiosity Unleashed: Discovering Dominic's Past"

"Please, someone, remove this elderly lady from our sight! She's been spreading false rumors about her adopted daughter!"

"How shameless! She's nothing but a liar and a hypocrite!"

As more and more people pointed accusatory fingers at Kate, her frustration grew. She was so upset that she had to take a few deep breaths to calm herself down.

In that moment, she couldn't help but wish she could just vent her anger on Rachel. Fortunately, she managed to restrain herself.

She wracked her brain for a way to salvage her reputation, but she found herself unable to counter Dominic's statement. Admitting to her own wrongdoings was out of the question. Her only option was to retreat.

Seeing her mother on the brink of defeat, Ivonne was furious. She opened her mouth to give Rachel a piece of her mind but was stopped by Kate.

"Calm down, Ivonne," Kate whispered to her daughter. "We've lost. It will only get worse if we try to defend ourselves."

Ivonne wrinkled her nose in disdain. "Mom, I can't stand her arrogance! When she lived with us, she never stood up for herself. She deserves some punishment. Who does she think she is, anyway? She's just a woman abandoned by her biological parents!"

Kate's eyes widened, and she hurriedly covered Ivonne's mouth. They weren't in the privacy of their own home, and if Ivonne continued like this, it would only make matters worse.

"We're leaving," Kate declared. They couldn't stay here any longer. As they walked away, Kate clenched her teeth in anger. She was determined not to let Rachel off the hook and vowed to seek revenge.

Once the Daley family of three departed, the commotion died down, and the guests returned to their conversations and festivities.

Rachel was about to approach Dominic when several colleagues intercepted her.

"Daley, you handled that situation brilliantly. If I hadn't seen you confronting those women, I wouldn't have recognized you," Hilda praised with a slice of cake in hand.

"Yes, it was an excellent opportunity to set the record straight," Rachel replied with a helpless smile. She glanced around, trying to find Dominic, but he had turned his back to her and disappeared into the crowd.

A number of employees from the Porter Group were present at the party, and after witnessing the altercation, they now knew the truth. They came over to toast to Rachel's victory.

"We're sorry, Daley. We used to think you were just living off your foster parents' wealth."

"We had no idea your foster family was so awful, pretending to be poor and miserable here while they're actually rich!"

"Yeah, we gossiped about you behind your back without knowing the truth. We're truly sorry."

Rachel offered a faint smile, her eyes softening. She wasn't accustomed to this kind of attention. Surrounded by well-wishers, she politely clinked glasses with everyone.

"It's alright, you guys. It doesn't matter now. Let's just forget about it."

After some time, the crowd dispersed, and Rachel let out a sigh of relief. With the truth revealed to so many people, no one would dare accuse her of ingratitude again.

The party ended well past midnight, and a cold full moon hung in the sky, accompanied by twinkling stars. Luxury cars arranged by the Porter Group awaited to take the guests home one by one.

Rachel and Dominic were also led to a car that would transport them back to their apartment.

During the ride, Dominic sat in silence in the backseat, appearing somewhat melancholic and withdrawn. Rachel couldn't help but steal glances at him.

"What's on your mind?" Dominic asked, his keen perception picking up on her curiosity. He looked at her and rested his elbow on the car window.

Rachel observed his movements, noting his elegant and finely-shaped fingers. As she had spent more time with him, she had discovered various peculiarities about him. He was meticulous in his habits, always taking a shower before bed and upon waking, and he neatly folded his clothes. He enjoyed watching live football games from different countries without subtitles, seemingly understanding them effortlessly.

This led Rachel to suspect that he knew multiple foreign languages.

Nervously clutching the hem of her dress, Rachel gazed at him earnestly and softly inquired, "Could you tell me something about your mother?"

A silence enveloped the car, and even the driver remained silent. Outside the window, the trees swayed in the breeze, their branches whispering like ghostly voices in the night.

Dominic's expression darkened at Rachel's question. "Well, if you don't want to talk about it, forget I asked," she quickly apologized, sensing she had touched a sensitive topic. "I was just curious and didn't mean to offend you."

Turning her attention to the passing scenery outside, Rachel felt disappointed. She wasn't sure what had come over her tonight; perhaps it was the alcohol from the party that had given her the courage to ask Dominic something so personal. To her dismay, her first attempt had failed.

The wind blew through the open window, and suddenly, Rachel felt a warm hand holding hers. She turned to meet Dominic's deep gaze.

"If you wanted to know about my mother, you could have sat closer. How can I tell you without shouting?" Dominic said with a faint smile. Rachel glanced around and realized that she had subconsciously moved away from him, pressing herself against the car window.

Just as she was about to scoot closer, the car came to a stop. They had reached their apartment.

"Already?" Rachel muttered unhappily. Dominic hadn't shared anything about his mother yet.

Noticing her disappointment, Dominic stepped out of the car and wrapped his coat around her shoulders. "Let's take a walk."

The coat was oversized on her, and as she was enveloped in it, only her bright, clear eyes were visible.

Rachel nodded eagerly, her eyes shining. "Okay!"

Together, they walked to the benches in the small park near their apartment. Purple vines adorned the columns, creating a charming atmosphere.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 81 – "An Evening of Fun, Surprises, and Passion: A Night at the Park with Rachel and Dominic"

"Come on, spill the beans already!" Rachel playfully pulled on Dominic's sleeve, her eyes brimming with curiosity, reminiscent of a child yearning for candy.

Dominic's face initially grew serious, but with a heavy sigh, he gave in and began to share his story.

"My mother came from a wealthy family, but their financial situation took a nosedive. She wasn't some mistress as the rumors suggested. My father forced her into a situation that resulted in her pregnancy. At the time, she couldn't oppose him, and he portrayed her as a mere mistress. Her health prevented her from having an abortion, so she ended up giving birth to me."

Rachel tilted her head, studying him. His voice was steady but carried an underlying hint of coldness. Dominic conveniently left out the details of his mother's death, indicating there was more to the story, yet she refrained from probing further. It was evident that his mother held a special place in his heart.

Earlier, to protect Rachel, Dominic had openly discussed his mother in front of a crowd, which touched her deeply. "I have to thank your mother; she raised a remarkable man," Rachel said, smiling as she wrapped her arms around his slender waist and nuzzled her cheek against his chest. His body bore a faint scent of mint, which she couldn't resist inhaling.

Dominic chuckled and rested his chin on her head, his voice a soft, husky murmur. "What's gotten into you? Aren't you afraid I might devour you?"

Rachel's heart skipped a beat. With a sly glint in her eyes, she lifted her head and pressed her lips to his. The serene night seemed to ignite the spark of romance between them, making Rachel feel surprisingly fearless.

They embraced each other in the tranquil park, and Dominic gently lifted her onto his lap. His touch sent shivers through her, and her breath quickened as he caressed her.

Dominic held her neck with one hand, playfully nibbling her lower lip. Being outdoors added an extra layer of excitement. Rachel was apprehensive, yet she yearned for more.

Dominic's grip tightened around her slender waist, their bodies pressing against each other. Rachel wore a long silk dress that caused his body temperature to rise instantly. She panted as Dominic deepened the kiss, his passionate desire growing.

After a while, he eased his hold, and they gazed at each other, both breathless. "Who taught you to kiss like that?" Dominic inquired, planting gentle kisses on her cheeks and eyes.

Resting against his robust chest, Rachel looked up and noticed his Adam's apple moving up and down. "Well, I learned from you. Did I do it wrong?" she replied, her face flushed, touching her warm cheek.

Dominic chuckled and locked eyes with her before leaning in for another kiss. This time, it was tender and pure, lacking the usual hunger. He lightly bit her lower lip and gently sucked on it. Opening his eyes, he observed the passion on her face, realizing how much she relished his kisses. Rachel let out a soft moan and sensually ran her tongue along his lips.

However, as she became aware that Dominic was observing her, she bashfully retreated into his arms. Such gentle kisses were a rare occurrence from Dominic, driven by affection rather than desire. He wrapped his arms around her, resting his head on her shoulder. "Now, I have you," he whispered.

Hearing his muffled voice, Rachel felt an inexplicable warmth in her heart. She tenderly stroked his hair, realizing that they only had each other. "Yes, we have each other," she replied.

Dominic hummed softly as he playfully bit her neck and earlobes. His warm breath against her skin sent pleasurable shivers down her spine. "Stop kissing me. I'm still on my period," she murmured, her cheeks reddening.

Feeling sticky and discomforted due to her raging hormones, she hesitated. "I know. I'm just kissing you. I won't do anything else," Dominic assured her, his desire intensifying with each passing moment.

In one swift motion, Dominic stood up and carried Rachel in his arms. "You're as light as a feather," he commented, his fingers tracing her hip. "You hardly have any flesh on you."

Rachel blushed, her heart racing. She felt self-conscious about their outdoor make-out session and didn't expect Dominic to effortlessly lift her with one hand. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, feeling tiny against his towering frame.

Once they arrived home, they continued their passionate kissing session on the sofa. However, Rachel interrupted, realizing something important. "Wait, wait, I have something important to do."

Dominic groaned, resting his head on her bosom, clearly frustrated but understanding. His body still burned with desire, and he reluctantly stopped kissing her, gently biting her neck.

With Dominic's need for intimacy growing, he stood up and ran a hand through his hair. Rachel nodded in acknowledgment.

As Dominic headed to the bathroom for a quick cold shower, Rachel seized the opportunity to send a message to Braden, who had helped her handle a challenging situation earlier in the evening. She thanked him for his support and informed him of the positive outcome of the party.

Dominic's phone on the table suddenly lit up, catching Rachel's attention. In the dimly lit room, the messages stood out. His phone received two messages right after she had sent hers. Frowning, she looked up at Dominic's phone, wondering about the coincidence and failing to connect the dots between Dominic and Braden.

After his cold shower, Dominic emerged in a white T-shirt and loose track pants, his black hair still damp. Rachel felt his familiar minty scent enveloping her as he hugged her from behind. "Done so soon?" she weakly inquired, feeling somewhat uncomfortable in his embrace.

"Weren't you waiting for me?" Dominic teased, withdrawing his arms and lazily drying his hair with a towel.

Rachel blushed, feeling slightly embarrassed, and defended herself. "I wasn't waiting for you. Anyway, you should check your phone since it lit up twice now. I think you got a few texts." Dominic leaned over and nibbled on her earlobe affectionately, causing goosebumps to form on her neck.

"Hey, stop! Your phone... Do you need me to get it for you?" Rachel asked, her heart racing. Dominic's touch and proximity were causing a whirlwind of emotions, and she wanted to ensure he didn't miss any important messages.

However, before she could stand up to retrieve the phone, strong arms encircled her waist, anchoring her to the sofa. "Stop it! Just give me a minute, will you?" Rachel pleaded, her eyes wide with surprise. She feared Dominic was about to kiss her again, and while the idea excited her, there was some business she needed to attend to first.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 82 – "Incredible Medical Moments and Billionaire Secrets: Rachel, Dominic, and Norma's Hospital Journey"

"What's on your mind? Why is your face so flushed?" Dominic playfully pinched her cheek.

Glancing lazily at his phone on the table, he inquired, "Who are you texting, by the way?"

"Oh, just Braden Porter. He was the one who invited us to the party. Thanks to him, I had the chance to teach Kate and Ivonne a lesson today," Rachel replied, simultaneously sending another text to Braden to express her gratitude.

Dominic quietly observed her, noticing her slightly swollen lips from their earlier playfulness. Then, he got up and turned on all the lights in the room, flooding the apartment with light. Just as he did, his phone lit up again.

"Who's texting you so late at night?" Rachel asked, curiously eyeing Dominic's phone.

However, she didn't make the connection, thinking it was a coincidence. "The owner of the convenience store asked me to come in and restock the store tomorrow," Dominic explained, picking up his phone and noticing that Rachel had sent texts to his business account, which belonged to Braden. After a quick glance, he put his phone away.

At the same time, Rachel saw that the messages she had sent to Braden had been read, but he hadn't replied. Under her breath, she muttered, "Huh? Why didn't he reply?"

Worried that Rachel might connect the dots at any moment, Dominic swiftly scooped her into his arms and carried her to her room. "Ah! What are you doing?" Rachel exclaimed, startled, and grabbed onto his clothes in a panic.

Dominic gently laid her down on the bed, then kissed her passionately. Her unique fragrance intoxicated him, fueling his desire to be with her even more.

He cupped her cheek gently, then climbed on top of her, holding her down. Their kisses grew even more passionate, their tongues dancing together. He even tasted a hint of mint, probably from toothpaste. After what felt like an eternity, just as Rachel was starting to think something might happen, Dominic suddenly pulled away, leaving her breathless and dizzy.

"Get some sleep," Dominic gruffly instructed, gently kissing her ear. His eyes still burned with desire, but he pulled the blanket over her and tucked her in. He kissed her on the forehead and asked, "By the way, when's Norma's surgery?"

Rachel, now cozy under the blanket, looked stunned and blushing as she muttered, "Tomorrow."

"Okay. I'll go with you tomorrow," Dominic reassured her, stroking her hair and giving her one last peck on the forehead before turning to leave. He had kissed her to distract her, but he had almost lost control of himself.

The morning sun filtered through the curtains, carrying a faint scent of disinfectant. It had been a few weeks since Rachel had visited Norma, and she felt guilty about not being able to see her more often. Rachel had been dealing with unfortunate incidents since she started working, which seemed to consume all her time.

Norma's liver transplant surgery was scheduled for 10 o'clock that day, and Rachel still had half an hour to talk with her. "Don't be nervous. You won't feel any pain after they administer anesthesia," Rachel reassured her, smiling as she combed Norma's gray hair.

Norma gently patted Rachel's hand and smiled back. "I have no fear, my dear. I know you're busy with work. You don't have to wait here for me. The nurses in the hospital are very considerate. You need to stop worrying about me."

Tears welled up in Rachel's eyes. She knew Norma was in pain, yet the older woman was smiling to ease Rachel's worry. "Don't worry about me. I'm not a child," Rachel replied with a smile.

Norma suddenly pouted and shifted her gaze toward the door. "That young man has been waiting outside for a long time. Why don't you let him in?"

Rachel turned around and saw Dominic leaning against the corridor railing, occasionally checking on them. She hadn't figured out how to introduce him yet. "Nice to meet you," Dominic greeted as he walked into the ward with a polite smile, dressed in a brown windbreaker. Rachel had never seen Dominic in such attire before, and she was momentarily taken aback.

After a moment's hesitation, Rachel explained, "This is Dominic. Well, you know about the marriage the Daley family arranged for me." Norma was unaware of Rachel's secret and only knew about the arranged marriage and Rachel's existing marriage. Norma's face lit up with a delighted smile as she examined Dominic's face. "Wow, what a handsome young man!" she exclaimed, patting Rachel's hand. "He looks like a good, decent man. Rachel, you are a lucky girl!"

Dominic smiled and checked the wall clock. "It's about time," he said. Rachel's heart raced as she saw the nurses wheeling Norma into the operating room. "She'll be okay, right?" she asked with a trembling voice.

"Yes, everything will be fine," Dominic reassured her, patting her back.

The surgery was a lengthy procedure that lasted all afternoon, and Norma had to remain in the hospital for at least three weeks for observation to ensure her body adapted to the new liver. After the operation, she had to rest in bed, and someone had to take care of her.

"I want to take a few days off and take care of Norma. But I'm not sure if the company will agree," Rachel sighed as she walked out of the doctor's office.

"You should call them and explain your situation. I'm sure they'll understand. It's a reasonable request," Dominic suggested.

"But I've already taken many days off this month," Rachel replied with dejection, her shoulders slumping.

"How do you know if you don't give it a try?" Dominic asked. Rachel sighed and called Stephanie.

"Do you want to ask for leave? No problem at all. How many days do you need? How about two weeks?" Stephanie asked in a serious tone, surprising Rachel.

Rachel had thought Stephanie was mocking her but realized that Braden had spoken to her earlier, and she didn't want to frighten Rachel in any way.

Stephanie didn't know much about Rachel, but she was shocked that the CEO had personally called her, instructing her to approve Rachel's leave. "Well, two days. Is that okay?" Rachel cautiously asked.

"Okay, okay. Sure. Your leave is approved," Stephanie laughed.

Norma recovered well after the operation, and the doctors said she would be discharged soon. Rachel had already taken several days off, but she returned to work and avoided working overtime so she could check on Norma as soon as she got off work. During the day, she hired a nurse to take care of Norma, even though she had initially been against the idea due to financial concerns.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Yeah...I was wondering the same thing. It's already more than three days when Rachel first time mentioned her periods.

Im waiting for some action, let this period end now! 🤣🤣

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 83 – "Rachel's Maple Forest Ordeal: A Terrifying Journey"

Dominic had reluctantly paid a portion of the fee to make it all happen.

Three weeks had passed when Rachel began packing her bags and assisting Norma in her discharge from the hospital.

"Would you like to come live with me, Norma?" Rachel asked.

Norma, however, wore a contented smile as she responded, "Oh, no. I'm accustomed to my rural life. Take me back home; I wouldn't feel comfortable in those big city apartments."

It warmed Rachel's heart to see that her life had improved.

Though Rachel had initially planned otherwise, she couldn't deny Norma's wishes. So, they called for a taxi outside the hospital gate to take Norma back to her countryside home.

Rachel gazed out the window and noticed they were heading in the wrong direction, traversing a desolate path.

"Excuse me, but you seem to be driving the wrong way," Rachel nervously mentioned.

Upon closer inspection, they found themselves in a wilderness, surrounded by endless trees, on an unknown and winding road.

Norma, who knew the way home better than anyone, was also aware of their unfamiliar surroundings.

"This isn't the way to our home! Are you intentionally going in the wrong direction?" Norma anxiously shouted, sensing something was amiss. Rachel promptly reached for the driver's seat.

"Stop the car! We need to get out!" The driver, wearing a mask that left only his eyes visible, glanced at them through the rearview mirror.

But before they knew it, he accelerated abruptly, causing Rachel and Norma to jerk backward. Given Norma's recent surgery, she weakly slumped in her seat, her lips turning pale.

The taxi continued on an unknown path, winding through the mountains. "I told you to stop the car! If you don't, I'll call the police!" Rachel exclaimed, taking her phone from her bag and dialing 911.

"Help! We've been abducted by a taxi driver. I don't know where we are. There's a maple forest in front of us."

The operator replied, "Ma'am, please remain calm. Do you recall the license plate number or any specific details about your location?"

Terrified, Rachel couldn't remember the license plate number and hadn't paid attention to it when they got into the car.

"I don't know... I can't remember. I'm terrified! Please, help me," Rachel stammered, her voice trembling with fear.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. Can you see any landmarks or distinctive features in your surroundings?"

Rachel replied, "No, nothing. It's a remote place, surrounded by mountains and trees."

The driver sneered and ignored Rachel's words. Suddenly, he made a sharp turn, steering the car in a different direction.

As Rachel tried to jump out of the car, her phone slipped from her grasp, and the call was abruptly disconnected.

Rachel pushed herself up and looked out the window, the biting wind slashing her face. She could have easily escaped, but she couldn't leave Norma, who had just been discharged from the hospital, alone in the car.

Rachel took out her wallet, gathered all her money, and angrily tossed it at the driver. "I'll give you all my money, just let us go!"

The driver narrowed his eyes and chuckled, dismissing Rachel's plea. He drove into a grove.

With no other options in sight, Rachel called Dominic immediately. "Dominic, the taxi driver has kidnapped me and Norma. We're in a maple forest, but I don't know the exact location. There's no one around, and it's about an hour's drive from the city..." Rachel's voice quivered as she tried to provide details.

"Do you have anything to protect yourself? Try to escape or negotiate with the driver. I'll be there in 20 minutes," Dominic assured her in a calm but unusually serious tone, providing a sense of comfort.

However, Rachel was too frightened to notice the change in Dominic's demeanor.

Upon hearing Rachel on the phone, the driver slammed on the brakes, causing Rachel's forehead to hit the seat, and she cried out in pain. Desperately, she fumbled in her bag and managed to grasp a pen. Just as she prepared to use it, the driver abruptly opened the door.

"You, bitch! Who are you calling?" he bellowed, grabbing Rachel by the hair and dragging her out of the car, snatching her phone in the process.

"Let go of me!" Rachel screamed in terror, kicking and struggling to break free. However, the driver's strength overwhelmed her, and he easily pulled her out of the car.

Norma wanted to help, but the driver kicked her back into her seat. "You old woman, stay away from me!" he snapped, slamming the door shut and leaving Norma trapped inside.

"Norma!" Rachel screamed as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

As the driver closed the door, Rachel seized the opportunity and stabbed the pen into his hand. "Ouch! Damn it!" he yelled, his face turning crimson as blood dripped from the wound. He quickly pulled out the pen and sucked on his injured hand.

Without hesitation, Rachel made a run for it and dashed into the forest. Enraged, the driver removed his mask, tossed the pen aside, and pursued her with a knife in hand.

Rachel ran as fast as her legs could carry her, eventually emerging from the maple forest into a sprawling green cornfield. The towering cornstalks swayed with the wind, surpassing the height of an average person.

Exhausted from her frantic escape, Rachel bent over, gasping for breath. However, the driver was still hot on her heels.

Realizing she couldn't outrun him, Rachel decided to hide among the cornstalks. The wind rustled the leaves, and the sound of approaching footsteps grew louder and more ominous.

"Bitch, I know you're in here!" the driver menacingly declared, sending Rachel's heart racing.

As the footsteps drew nearer, a gap in the corn leaves suddenly revealed the driver's grinning face, resembling a devil. "I found you, bitch!" he taunted.

Rachel let out a piercing scream, attempting to flee, but the driver grabbed her hair, yanking her out of her hiding place. She fell to the ground with a loud thud.

"You bitch! You shouldn't have made that phone call. And how dare you attack me?!" the driver snarled, angrily dragging Rachel out of the cornfield and forcibly restraining her.

Rachel cried out as pain surged through her body. The driver, his face twisted with lust, drew a knife and ripped open her shirt, his eyes widening at her fair skin.

"Oh!" he exclaimed. "You're beautiful! We can have some fun before I kill you."

Rachel fought back, scratching the man's face and shedding tears of fear. She could taste the metallic tang of blood as it trickled from her mouth.

"Don't even think about touching me. I'll kill you!" she defiantly declared.

In response, the driver slapped Rachel, tearing her shirt further. "You'll regret saying that, bitch. I'll give you a moment to enjoy yourself!"

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 84 – "Dominic's Heroic Rescue and Rachel's Tearful Reunion"

Twenty minutes earlier, in the midst of a conference between Porter Group executives and another high-profile company, Dominic's phone had been persistently buzzing. Initially, he chose to ignore it, but when he finally glanced at the caller ID, his frown eased.

Interrupting the meeting, Dominic raised a hand, signaling a halt. "I'm sorry, but I need to take this call," he announced, answering his phone without waiting for the others to respond.

As Dominic listened to Rachel's voice, his expression darkened. Tension radiated from his body, and a palpable weight hung in the air. Kristian, observing Dominic's tightened grip on his phone and the slight tremor in his hand, asked, "What's wrong?"

Dominic closed his eyes and took a deep breath before responding, "Send all our helicopters to search for a maple forest on the outskirts of the city."

Kristian nodded, understanding that something had happened to Dominic's wife, Rachel.

Shortly after, five helicopters were deployed, scouring the city for a specific patch of woods. Dominic was on one of them, his posture rigid and eyes fixed ahead, struggling to contain his anger.

The radio crackled with Kristian's voice amidst the noise of the propellers. "We've found it. There's a maple forest just outside the main highway into the city. I'm sending you the exact location on your phone."

Dominic cursed under his breath and instructed his pilot to change course. The helicopter executed a sharp turn and raced toward the southeast part of the city.

Meanwhile, Rachel, exhausted from being slapped and running, had little strength left. She gazed up at the sky in despair, thinking she heard the distant sound of an approaching helicopter.

"You bitch, I'm going to hurt you," the driver threatened, his face twisted with evil intentions. He proceeded to use his belt to tie Rachel's hands together.

Before he could secure the binding, someone grabbed him by the shoulder, causing him to tumble backward. Disoriented, he blinked and struggled to regain his composure.

Once his vision cleared, he found himself surrounded by individuals dressed in all black. The driver demanded, "Who are you people?"

However, no one answered him. Instead, one of the men in black advanced, brandishing a knife.

Moments later, an agonizing scream pierced the forest.

Dominic approached a barely conscious Rachel, crouching beside her and gently untying her hands. He then wrapped her in his suit jacket, cradling her close in his arms. "Don't be scared, baby," he whispered.

Rachel, still dazed, initially panicked at his sudden closeness, flailing in his embrace. "Let go of me! Somebody, help! You bastard! If you dare to touch me, I will kill you!" she cried out in desperation.

Dominic firmly held both of her hands and tried to soothe her. Although his voice was calming, his face displayed a stark contrast. His brows were furrowed, lips tightly sealed, and a storm brewed in his eyes.

Dominic carefully carried Rachel to the car, placing her gently on the backseat. The cool early autumn breeze brushed against her flushed cheeks. "Do you know who I am?" he whispered.

Observing Rachel in her vulnerable state pained Dominic deeply. He ran his fingers through her disheveled hair, noticing the prominent handprints on her face and the streak of blood at the corner of her mouth. He dared not touch her face.

Holding Rachel's trembling body, Dominic attempted to reassure her. "It's okay now. I'm here. You're safe. Don't cry."

Rachel clutched the waistcoat of Dominic's striped suit, looking up at him with tears streaming down her cheeks. In that moment, she regained her composure. She threw herself into Dominic's arms, sobbing, "Oh, Dominic, it's really you..."

"Yes, Rachel. It's me," Dominic replied gently. He adjusted the suit jacket he had placed on her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. With their foreheads touching, he kissed her earlobe softly. "Does it still hurt?"

Rachel, unable to answer, continued to sob uncontrollably, burying her face in Dominic's chest. It was as if a ship lost in a violent storm had finally found a safe harbor.

Dominic comforted her, rubbing her back as his men provided tissues. They were astonished to witness their boss, usually stoic and serious, wiping away a woman's tears as though he were consoling a distressed child.

"Your eyes are red and puffy from crying, but you look beautiful no matter what," Dominic whispered, his voice intended only for Rachel's ears. Her teary eyes now filled with anger.

"Calm down, babe. You look good no matter what, even with red and puffy eyes. So stop crying. It hurts me to see you cry," he added, relieved that she had the energy to glare at him.

Meanwhile, Rachel blew her nose and wiped her tear-stained eyes with a tissue. Her nose, cheeks, and eyelashes were reddened, evidence of her recent tears.

"Dominic, did you find Norma? How is she?" Rachel asked, her voice trembling.

Dominic cupped her face, wiping away her remaining tears with his thumb. "Don't worry. I've arranged for someone to look after her."

After Rachel had calmed down, Dominic took her to see Norma, ensuring her safety and well-being in the midst of their emotional reunion.


Martial Arts Master
Sep 17, 2023
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Master Junlee, should we expect some more chapters from you today?

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 85 – "Rachel's Fragile Moments After the Ordeal: Seeking Comfort in Dominic's Arms"

With Norma safely rescued from the car, Rachel couldn't help but worry about her well-being, especially since the driver had kicked her, leaving a bruise on her arm.

"Oh, my God! Are you okay? I'm so relieved that you're safe. I was so worried," Rachel exclaimed as she gently stroked Norma's hair.

Seeing the red marks on Rachel's face, Norma couldn't hold back her tears. "How on earth did this happen?" Rachel's gaze shifted away, unable to provide an immediate answer.

Her curiosity then turned to Dominic and the group of men in black suits that surrounded them. Confused, she tugged at Dominic's sleeve, her eyes filled with apprehension.

"Why are you dressed like that? And where did all these people come from? They look so intimidating."

Dominic, who was impeccably dressed in a formal suit, took a moment to explain, "I had an important meeting with foreign partners today, which is why I'm dressed like this. These are my friends; I asked for their help when I received your call."

He had rushed to Rachel's rescue without changing out of his formal attire.

Dominic's friends, though trembling with fear, nodded and respectfully greeted Rachel, attempting to maintain a friendly façade.

"Hello! Nice to meet you!"

"Our buddy here speaks highly of you. He thinks the world of you."

They were eager to play along, realizing that this situation could benefit them in some way.

Rachel, her face turning red with embarrassment, suggested, "Hello, everyone. Thank you for helping us. How about I treat you all to dinner?"

She felt awkward meeting Dominic's friends under these circumstances, especially with the visible slap mark on her face. She stole a glance at Dominic, her eyes filled with admiration, surprised by his wide circle of friends and connections.

Dominic, draping his arm around Rachel's shoulder, intervened, "That's enough for now. She's feeling a bit shy. Let's focus on getting Norma back home first and arrange for someone to take care of her."

Rachel expressed concern, "I'm not sure if that's a good idea; it might be expensive."

Frowning slightly, she tugged at the corner of Dominic's shirt.

"Well, would you feel at ease leaving Norma alone in the countryside?" he asked, tilting his head.

"In addition, hiring help for household chores won't cost much. We can discuss this further after Norma has had time to recover."

Rachel reluctantly agreed, understanding the importance of ensuring Norma's safety.

As they arrived home, the sun had set, casting a gentle twilight glow. Rachel sat on the sofa, hugging her knees, while the ointment on her face had alleviated some of the swelling.

The sound of running water echoed from the bathroom.

"I've prepared a bath for you. Go ahead and take a bath; it'll help you feel better," Dominic suggested as he emerged from the bathroom, his sleeves rolled up to reveal his strong forearms.

Rachel nodded but wore a blank expression, prompting Dominic to ask, "What's wrong?"

Dominic checked her pulse and pressed his hand to her forehead. "Do you feel any discomfort? You don't look well."

Sensing something was amiss, Rachel finally mustered the courage to speak. "Dominic... Can you accompany me to the bathroom?" she asked in a feeble voice.

The traumatic incident had left her shaken and frightened, and she found solace in Dominic's presence.

Dominic readily agreed, saying, "Of course."

As they entered the bathroom, steam filled the air, and a thin layer of mist clung to the glass. Rachel, removing her dress, noticed that the sound of the zipper sliding seemed louder than usual. She cast a sideways glance at the man beside her.

Dominic's gaze remained fixed on the closed bathroom door, his tall frame making the space feel cramped. He sighed softly as he heard the water spluttering when Rachel stepped into the bathtub.

Submerged in the foamy water, Rachel's face was the only visible part of her, its rosy cheeks and pitiful eyes making her appear more innocent than ever. Her appearance stirred a desire in Dominic that he struggled to contain.

His mouth went dry as he felt passion surge through his veins. He took deep breaths to regain control, realizing that Rachel had seen him in this state before, wearing the same expression every time they kissed.

"I'll be outside the door. Call me if you need anything," Dominic said with a gentle pat on Rachel's cheek before turning to leave.

However, as he was about to exit, he felt a weak grip on his hand. Turning back, he saw Rachel looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Don't go," she implored, a hint of panic in her gaze. She didn't want to be left alone in the bathroom, still haunted by the fear of recent events.

Rachel's eyes filled with tears, and she looked sad and helpless. Dominic couldn't bear to leave her alone in such a vulnerable state.

"Are you sure you want me to stay? You know I'm not a gentleman," he warned, his voice husky with desire. He lifted her into his arms and pressed her against the cold bathroom wall, catching her off guard.

Rachel let out a surprised yelp as Dominic's kiss, though gentle, revealed his intense desire. He deepened the kiss, and their tongues danced together, making Rachel moan with pleasure.

"Um... Dominic, I... I can't breathe," Rachel gasped, her attempt to break free from his grip proving futile. Her breathing became erratic, and a subtle blush colored her cheeks.

"Is this what you want?" Dominic asked, his nose brushing against hers, his dark eyes filled with desire. He nibbled on her chin, his jaw tightening.

Rachel's face grew even rosier, but she refused to release her hold on him. "My... My period is over," she whispered.

Dominic's eyes widened in astonishment as he quickly covered her with a towel. His breathing grew shallow, and he struggled to regain control. "No, this isn't right. You should take your bath. I'll wait outside."

He believed that Rachel's fear had prompted her to say something like that, and he didn't want to take advantage of her vulnerability.

As Dominic turned to leave, Rachel leaned forward and hugged him from behind, and the towel slipped to the floor.

"Please don't go," she whimpered, tears filling her eyes.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 86 – "Kate Daley's Malevolent Scheme Exposed"

Rachel felt like she had momentarily lost her senses. She had allowed her desire to overpower her reason and judgment, but fear wasn't driving her actions. Instead, today's events had made her realize just how much she cared for Dominic and relied on him.

It was the first time Rachel had taken the initiative to get closer to him, and Dominic had been struggling to restrain his desire and attraction to her all along.

Though he was impatient, Dominic tried his best to control his emotions and asked, "You've always stopped me from getting intimate with you. Why do you want it now? What changed?"

Blushing with embarrassment, Rachel admitted, "I... I just think you're a good man, and consummating our marriage doesn't seem like a bad idea." It was a confession of love she had never openly made to a man before.

"I'm afraid you'll regret it," Dominic cautioned, cupping her cheek and planting a gentle kiss on it. "But there's no time for regrets because you initiated this," he added, his hot breath brushing against her skin.

"I won't regret it," Rachel replied, trembling under his touch. Their bodies pressed against each other, and their proximity made her feel bashful.

Unable to contain himself any longer, Dominic lifted Rachel and carried her to the bathtub. He swiftly removed his clothes, revealing his chiseled physique, and hovered over Rachel with his strong muscles flexing.

Rachel's cheeks burned as she couldn't tear her eyes away from him. Her desire coursed through her veins as she admired his perfect figure. Dominic held her in his arms, and they shared a passionate kiss.

Their kiss deepened, and they explored each other's mouths with longing. Naked in the bathtub, they became more fervent and heated, causing bubbles to scatter around them.

Rachel could sense Dominic's growing urgency as his arousal pressed against her abdomen. His eyes, now tinged with desire, bore into her.

"Tell me if it hurts," he whispered, pecking her lips. Overwhelmed with a mix of nervousness and curiosity, Rachel felt his excitement against her.

Suddenly, a phone call interrupted their intimate moment. Dominic cursed under his breath, his voice filled with frustration as the ringing phone disrupted their connection.

"Don't you want to answer that?" Rachel asked, her curiosity piqued.

Ignoring her for a moment, Dominic kissed her earlobe and continued to nibble on it. His hand moved up to caress and squeeze her breast. "Not really," he growled, his patience wearing thin since moving in with Rachel.

Rachel rolled her eyes and snorted, but the persistent ringing phone refused to cease. Dominic finally relented and got out of the bathtub to answer the call.

"What is it? Spit it out!" he snapped into the phone.

The caller was one of his subordinates who had been investigating the kidnapping incident. Dominic's stern voice sent shivers down the subordinate's spine.

"Sir, after interrogating the driver, he confessed that Kate Daley paid him to harm Rachel," the subordinate revealed.

"I see," Dominic responded tersely before hanging up. He turned back to see that Rachel had already left the bathtub, wrapping herself in a bath towel.

"What happened? It sounded serious. You should probably deal with it first," Rachel suggested, concern in her voice.

"That driver was hired to harm you," Dominic replied, his arms encircling her waist. He looked into her eyes and kissed her gently.

Rachel had just finished her bath, and her scent was sweet and refreshing. "What do you want to do?" she asked.

Dominic shrugged, unsure of his next steps. "I suppose I want to confront Kate in person."

Rachel nodded in agreement. "Let me wait outside while you take a shower."

Dominic chuckled, gesturing to his state of undress. "Do you think I can go out like this?"

Blushing profusely, Rachel hastily exited the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

After dressing, Dominic and Rachel headed to the Daley family's villa, accompanied by his men who had the driver in tow.

Upon arriving at the villa, they were met by the same haughty servant who had always mistreated Rachel. However, the sight of the men in black behind Rachel and Dominic made her quickly change her tune.

"Who's there?" the servant inquired, her arrogance replaced by apprehension.

Kate was in her room, leisurely painting her nails while a soap opera played on the TV in the background. She seemed content, humming a cheerful tune.

Just days earlier, Kate had found a recently released ex-convict willing to pretend to be a taxi driver for a substantial sum of money, all part of her sinister plan to teach Rachel a lesson.

The man she had enlisted was desperate for money and had a criminal record, making him the perfect candidate for her scheme. Kate believed he would ensure that Rachel paid dearly for whatever perceived wrongs she had committed.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 87 – "The Daley Family's Pleas and Rachel's Ultimatum"

Kate had devised a plan to assist the man in escaping without anyone tracing it back to her. She had received a message from the man, confirming that he had Rachel in his custody. However, hours had passed without any further updates from the driver, leaving Kate feeling increasingly uneasy.

"Relax, Kate. Just a little longer," she reassured herself, trying to calm her nerves as she painted her nails a bright shade of red.

But suddenly, a commotion erupted in the villa's vestibule, disturbing Kate's solitude.

"What the hell is going on over there? Keep it down, or I'll deduct your salary this month!" Kate shouted in irritation, directing her disdain towards the disturbance. However, her outburst was met with a shaky voice as the servant announced, "Mrs. Daley, Rachel... she's here."

Kate's body went rigid, as if struck by lightning, as she laid eyes on the driver, who was now kneeling on the ground. The color had drained from his face, and his lips were cracked and bleeding, a clear sign of senseless torture.

"Why the hell did you let them in?!" Kate panicked, yelling at the servant.

Wide-eyed and scared, the servant remained silent.

Kate took a deep breath and feigned composure. "What's the meaning of this, Rachel?" she demanded, her tone laced with feigned innocence.

Rachel glared at Kate with intense anger, her chest heaving with rage. Pointing at the driver, she shouted, "He confessed to everything. You hired him to harm me!"

Kate's eyes widened in shock, and she pretended to be taken aback. "What nonsense are you talking about? I don't even know this man! What evidence do you have? If you persist in these accusations, I'll sue you for defamation!"

Rachel, fearless, retorted, "I don't need to show you any evidence. Go ahead and call the police. They'll find the evidence and convict you for me."

Joseph, who had been reading a newspaper on the balcony, was alerted by the commotion in the living room. Confused, he entered the room to see what was happening.

"What are you saying, Rachel? Kate is a kind-hearted woman who couldn't harm a fly. How could she do something so malicious?" he protested.

"Is that so? Do you truly believe she's kind?" Rachel sneered, her voice filled with icy disdain. "How ironic that a woman who can't harm a fly tried to kill me. You should open your eyes and examine the woman standing before you. If you won't admit your crimes, I'll call the police."

Rachel retrieved her phone and began dialing 911. Kate, realizing the severity of her situation, turned pale and her demeanor grew unsteady. She knew better than anyone what she had done, and now that the driver had been caught and forced to confess, she faced the prospect of imprisonment.

Kate's arrogance vanished, and she had no choice but to beg for mercy. She fell to her knees, gripping Rachel's arm, crying and pleading desperately.

"Rachel, I was wrong! I must have lost my mind at the time. Please, let me go this time, for the sake of our family bond. After all, we adopted you and took you in!"

Joseph, shocked by the unfolding events, stood up and pointed a trembling finger at Kate. "What are you saying? Did you really do this?" His anger reached its peak.

"Kate!" he bellowed, slamming his hand on the table. "How could you do something like this?"

The Daley family had always been known for their decency and strong moral values. Joseph had married Kate because she was gentle and obedient, or so he had believed.

Kate wiped her tears and sniffled loudly. "Joseph, I know I made a mistake. I was too disappointed in Rachel, and I lost my mind. I was thinking about apologizing to her now."

Joseph was incredulous. "Unbelievable! Do you think I'm foolish enough to believe you? You were in high spirits all afternoon, even denying Rachel's accusations when she showed up here. What's gotten into you?"

"This is beyond belief! I married you because I thought you were a kind and virtuous woman. When we first adopted Rachel, I knew you were upset and had suffered due to our inability to have a child of our own. I felt sorry for you and never argued with you; I just wanted to make it up to you. But I never expected you to be so heartless."

"Now that Kate has confessed, let the police handle it," Rachel stated with indifference, her gaze fixed on Kate. Joseph, once angry, was now terrified.

"No, Rachel. If Kate gets arrested, it will tarnish the Daley family's reputation. Please, forgive her for the sake of our family's honor. We adopted you, and though we may not have treated you well in the past, I promise things will change."

Joseph stood in front of Kate, hoping to persuade Rachel. Regardless of Kate's actions, she was his wife, and he couldn't bear to see her go to jail. Her arrest would also bring shame upon the Daley family's reputation.

Rachel crossed her arms and sneered. She had always been grateful to them for adopting her, but now she had lost all respect for the couple.

"That's enough!" she snapped, glaring at the two people who were begging and crying for mercy. "Do you think attempted rape is a forgivable crime? It's not something to be taken lightly. Don't you find it unfair to ask for such leniency?"

Rachel had always been appreciative of what they had done for her, but now she felt insulted by their haggling for her forgiveness, thinking she could be bought with money.

"Fine, I won't call the police," Rachel finally conceded. "But in return, I want you to never mention adopting me again. Do you understand? From now on, we have nothing to do with each other. You mean nothing to me."

"What?! Why would you want that?" Kate blurted out, her anxiety evident.

Even though she despised Rachel, she had never considered severing ties with her. After all, Rachel's marriage to Dominic was Kate's best chance to establish a connection with the prestigious Peterson family. Kate had always been scheming about how to benefit from her adopted daughter's husband.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 88 – "The Office Conversations and a New Competitor"

Kate had long awaited the chance to introduce Ivonne to Dominic's brothers, as part of her grand plan to secure a future in the Peterson family for her daughter. That was why she was utterly shocked when Rachel declared her intention to sever ties with the Daley family.

"You hired someone to harm me. Do you truly believe I'm a fool or a pushover? Cutting all ties is the least I want to do!" Rachel seethed with anger, her frustration palpable.

Kate, however, eyed Rachel calculatingly, wondering if she could still manipulate the situation to her advantage. But Rachel had no intention of wasting any more time.

"If you don't agree to my terms, I'll call the police. It's as simple as that," Rachel declared, her resolve unwavering.

Without waiting for a response, she turned to leave, leaving Kate feeling cornered and desperate.

Joseph, on the other hand, was furious and pointed an accusatory finger at Kate. "What were you thinking? Cutting ties should be the least of your concerns now! Why are you hesitating?"

Kate tried to persuade Joseph with pleas, "We've fed and clothed her for years. I can't just let her go like this!" She hoped to continue manipulating Rachel, using the fact that they had taken her in as leverage.

Joseph, however, was beyond furious. "Then go to jail! I don't care anymore, you hopeless woman!"

Their argument continued, with Kate hurling insults and Joseph exasperated by her selfishness. Eventually, Joseph dragged her into the car to prevent her from causing further trouble.

As the car drove away, Rachel finally relaxed. Her shoulders slumped as if she had been carrying a heavy burden, and she sighed in relief.

"It's good that you've finally rid yourself of them. The Daley family won't keep making your life difficult," Dominic commented calmly, wrapping his arm around her waist.

Rachel leaned into his embrace, her face nuzzling his chest, and muttered, "I just don't understand why she always hated me. I never did anything to her."

"It's not your fault," Dominic reassured her, resting his chin on her forehead and gently stroking her back.

Their shadows overlapped on the ground as time continued to move forward.

The next day at the office, Rachel encountered Stephanie, who inquired about her unexpected leave. Stephanie's eyes bore into Rachel, and although her tone was calm, it carried an undertone of scrutiny.

Rachel felt uncomfortable under Stephanie's intense gaze as she explained, "I'm sorry. There was something I had to deal with at home."

Stephanie reassured her, "No need to be so nervous, Daley. I'm not here to interrogate you. I wanted to catch you up on the meeting you missed. The design department is selecting new designers for promotion, and there are only three available positions."

Back at her desk, Rachel found Hilda waiting to chat with her. Hilda mentioned the upcoming intermediate designer evaluation and the fierce competition within the department for the three available promotion spots.

Rachel observed the bustling office and remarked, "It seems like everyone is excited."

Hilda confirmed, "Of course. This is a great opportunity for a promotion, especially with the fall-winter fashion week approaching. Everyone is secretly competing against each other."

Rachel sensed the fierce competition ahead and nervously pressed her lips together.

Hilda continued, "There are only three positions, and many talented designers in our department. Two of them have performed exceptionally well, and it's likely they'll get the promotion. But the third spot is still up for grabs."

“There’s a lot of people in our department.The competition must be tough.”

Rachel pressed her lips nervously, sensing that a fierce battle was about to begin.

While the battle had not yet begun per se, people were already loading their weapons.

“Well, what choice do we have? I know I’m way out of their league, so I’m pretty chill.After all, there are too many strong competitors this year.I feel like I’ll just be cannon fodder out there.”

Hilda sighed bitterly.

Then, she looked at Rachel and her eyes lit up.

“You and Lily might have a chance.”

Rachel's curiosity was piqued. "Lily?"

Hilda explained, "Yes, Lily Chadstone. She's currently studying abroad, so you haven't met her yet."

Rachel's gaze followed Hilda's to a slender woman with short hair, who appeared to be Lily Chadstone.

Lily approached them with confidence, introducing herself to Rachel. "Are you Rachel Daley? It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Lily Chadstone."

Rachel exchanged pleasantries with Lily and noticed that Lily had already regarded her as a potential competitor.

"It's said that the company has a significant project coming up, and many designers will be involved. It will be used as a reference for promotions. I'm looking forward to your performance," Lily said, hinting at the upcoming competition.

Rachel replied with equal grace, "Thank you. I'm also eager to see your designs."

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 89 – "The Laptop Incident and Suspicions"

Rachel secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, she didn’t want to put too much pressure on herself.

Because of the upcoming evaluation, countless designers worked overtime, doing their best for the project.

Rachel was busy taking care of Norma recently, so she had spent less time and energy on work.

So now, she did her best to keep up the pace and finish her work.She hadn’t been with the company for that long, but her outstanding performance had shone a spotlight on her.

In the words of Hilda, the third position was between her and Lily.

The night before the deadline of handing their designs, a lot of the designers were still working overtime.

Rachel looked around and found that all her colleagues were bent over their desks, working hard.She massaged her aching neck and found herself parched.

Just as she stood up to go to the tea room, she found that Lily was standing behind her.

“Do you want to take a break? Here, I just made some coffee. Want some?”

As she spoke, Lily subtly glanced at the laptop on Rachel’s desk.

However, Rachel didn’t notice and gratefully accepted Lily’s offer.

“Sure, thank you.”

Rachel did feel like coffee would be a great pick-me-up.

“No problem.Is this your cup? Let me pour some for you.”

Smiling sweetly, Lily picked up Rachel’s cup.

Suddenly, she lost her grip on the kettle and it fell with a clatter, spilling coffee all over Rachel’s laptop.

Rachel's laptop screen suddenly went dark.

A faint sizzling noise emanated from within, followed by a puff of smoke escaping from the device.

The air filled with the scent of coffee and burnt metal.

Panicking, Rachel rushed to clean the coffee spill from her laptop with some tissues, but it was too late.

When she lifted it, the entire laptop was drenched in coffee and refused to turn on. "Oh, my goodness! I'm so sorry! The coffee was scalding, and your cup was made of plastic, so I accidentally dropped it," she exclaimed.

Lily's hands flew to her mouth, and she continued to apologize profusely. "Let me check if the data on the hard disk can still be recovered."

Frustrated but understanding the accident had already occurred, Rachel didn't know what more to say. She promptly took the laptop downstairs to the Technology Department.

The tech experts carefully removed the hard disk from the laptop and examined it closely.

After a brief moment, they sadly shook their heads, delivering the news to Rachel that the hard disk had been completely soaked and was irreparably damaged.

Standing beside Rachel, Lily once again offered her apologies. "I take full responsibility for this. I promise I will buy you a new laptop."

“This is a company laptop.it’s only right that you pay for it.But all my drawings were in this computer.Now the data is damaged beyond restoration. What are you going to do about that?”

Rachel’s tone was calm, but her eyes flashed dangerously. Lily lowered her eyes, unable to utter another word.It turned out that the woman in front of her wouldn’t be as easy to bully as she thought.

“Why are you so angry? I already said sorry and that I’d take responsibility.Is it really necessary to be so aggressive?”

Lily pulled a long face, as though she was the one who was wronged.

Just then, Stephanie happened to pass by and overheard their conversation.She knocked on the glass door from outside.

“What’s going on? Go outside if you two want to fight.Don’t disturb your officemates,”

Stephanie shot the two women an icy cold look Biting her lower lip, Lily tried to defend herself.

“Ms.Miller, here’s what happened, I’ve been working overtime every day this week and I’m exhausted.On my break, I made myself some coffee and offered Miss Daley here some, but it was too hot that I accidentally dropped her cup.I spilled the coffee on Daley‘s computer, but it was just an accident.I’ll take responsibility for it and buy her a new laptop.”

She especially stressed the fact that she had been working overtime for a week.Her voice dripped with sarcasm, which made Rachel feel that something was wrong.

It sounded like Lily was implying that Rachel hadn’t worked overtime for the past few days, unlike her, Rachel didn’t want to see Lily in a bad light, but now it just didn’t seem like a mere coincidence.

“So what about my design drawings, which were stored in my laptop? How will you compensate me for that?”

Rachel looked at Lily sharply.

“You need to redraw them yourself of course. How can I do that for you? Plus, I’ve already apologized to you.”

Lily raised her chin slightly, but there was no mistaking the indifference in her tone.She reasoned that Rachel could do nothing to her In this stage of the competition, Lily was most likely to be selected for the promotion.

But she had heard from other designers that there was a promising newcomer in the company.It was said that this newcomer was a dark horse and would make for a strong competitor.

Lily had to get rid of Rachel as soon as possible, so she came up with this ploy.

Lily’s indifferent attitude annoyed Rachel.

“I don’t have enough time to redo everything. How can I start over and finish on time when the deadline is tomorrow?” “I can only take responsibility for the laptop.As for the rest, that’s your problem.”

After saying that, Lily turned after the broken Laptop around abruptly and was about to leave.

“Stop right there!” Rachel grabbed Lily’s wrist and forced her to turn around, her eyes seething with anger.

“You did it on purpose, didn’t you? You came to my desk and offered me coffee so that you could deliberately damage my laptop to get rid of my designs!”

“How dare you accuse me of such a crime? Can you prove that I did it on purpose? Plus, I’ve already said sorry a hundred times. What more do you want from me?”

Lily let out a dramatic sigh, as if it were Rachel who had caused all the trouble.

"Well, that's that. It's getting late. Chadstone, you can go back to your desk. Daley, come with me to my office," Stephanie declared.

She shot one final icy glare at the two women before turning and entering her office.

"I'm truly sorry about what happened. Let me take you out for dinner sometime to make it up to you, okay?" Lily gave Rachel a pitiful look before heading back to her desk. However, Rachel couldn't help but feel disgusted.

Lily was such a hypocrite! If it weren't for Stephanie's presence, Rachel felt like she might have given her a piece of her mind.

Inside Stephanie's office, she tried to console Rachel, knowing she was upset. "I understand your frustration, Daley. It does seem like she did it intentionally, but without concrete proof, we can't take any action against her," Stephanie said calmly.

As a seasoned professional in the design industry, Stephanie could easily see through the facade.

"I just feel so unfairly treated, you know? How could she do this to me? We didn't even know each other before this!" Rachel vented her frustration, her lips pursed in unhappiness, her body trembling slightly from anger.

Stephanie let out another heavy sigh. "I've heard rumors about what kind of person Chadstone was before. Anyway, you can take your laptop to the repair shop to see if it can be salvaged. Maybe they can recover the data, and you can still participate in the evaluation."

Stephanie shared Rachel's frustration, as she saw Rachel as the most promising candidate for the promotion in her eyes.

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