An Understated Dominance Chapter 1301 to Chapter 2422 - English Version Translated by NAZMUL

English Version Translated by NAZMUL

An Understated Dominance is a Urban novel for men, telling a story of Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. "An Understated Dominance" delves into themes of ambition, power and the price of success. The novel explores the complexities of relationships and so on.
the kind of battles we love to read somehow straight to the point thanks grandmaster NAZMUL
Chapter 2170: Your opponent is me

"Lion's eyes turned cold, shouting angrily, 'Kill them!'"


Upon receiving the order, over a dozen assassins charged forward without any hesitation, swords at the ready.

These assassins were fast, and their movements exceptionally agile, dodging and weaving, making it challenging to predict their paths.

This unpredictable footwork, specially designed to counter long-range attacks, had become second nature to the assassins after their devilish training.

"Brothers! Attack!"

As the assassins initiated their assault, the hidden martial artists surrounding them also drew their weapons and joined the fray.

"Let's fight them!"

Zion shouted as he charged forward, wielding a bladed folding fan.

Willa and the others followed suit, forming a simple attacking formation.

The sudden ambush caused a brief moment of chaos among the assassins, but they quickly regained control.

They swiftly divided into two groups, one advancing and the other attacking from behind.

The battle erupted instantly.

Only two people remained motionless, silently observing the unfolding events.

One was Dustin, the other Lion, standing on the rooftop.

The two exchanged a gaze across the distance, radiating intense killing intent.

An invisible pressure emanated from both of them, freezing the air within a radius of ten meters.

"Kill, kill, kill! Let these guys taste our strength!"

A young martial artist waved a long knife, roaring incessantly, releasing his pent-up power.

However, in the next moment, a flash of swordlight, and a black-clad assassin passed directly through his side.

Following closely, the young martial artist's body stiffened, eyes wide open, and the knife in his hand dropped to the ground with a clang.

Simultaneously, the young martial artist's head fell, severed from his body.

The battle between the two sides was brutal.

Though the assassins were fewer in number, their strength was superior. Trained to withstand pain and unafraid of death, they unleashed deadly moves with each strike.

On the other hand, the martial artists from Dragon Kingdom were mostly young, lacking in strength and combat experience. They fought with nothing but hot-blooded enthusiasm.

After a short exchange, they quickly found themselves at a disadvantage. The situation was becoming grim.


Seeing this situation, Dustin couldn't help but furrow his brows slightly.

Assassins were typically adept at sneak attacks, but he hadn't expected them to be so proficient in direct combat.

If this continued, the martial artists would soon face heavy casualties.

Without hesitation, Dustin reached out with one hand, magically lifting a nearby longsword, and transformed into a blur, rushing towards the battlefield.

"Kid! Your opponent is me!"

As Dustin moved, Lion also acted.

Suddenly, Lion's figure ascended like a cannonball.

He raised both hands, brandishing a sword, slashing at Dustin from a distance.


A fiery-red sword aura burst forth, leaving a long trail in the air.

In an instant, the entire street lit up.

The sword aura, over ten meters long, resembled a colossal blade reaching towards the sky. With incredible speed, it carried an irresistible momentum, crashing heavily towards Dustin.

"Be careful, Brother Dustin!"

Seeing this, Zion and the others changed their expressions.

They hadn't expected Lion to possess such terrifying strength.

This sword strike seemed capable of destroying the heavens and earth!
Chapter: 2203: A Strange Beautiful Girl

As Dustin and his companions chatted, a commotion suddenly arose not far away.

The bustling crowd instantly scattered, making way for a spacious avenue.

The demeanor seemed as if something dreadful had been spotted.

As the crowd dispersed, a stunningly beautiful girl, accompanied by several mysterious figures dressed in white robes, confidently walked into the arena.

With white hair and eyes, her demeanor was icy and imposing. Just her presence gave off an aura that chilled to the bone.

Within a radius of ten meters, no one dared to approach her.

Each person wore a respectful expression, as if avoiding a venomous snake.

However, when Dustin caught sight of the white-haired girl, he couldn't help but be slightly stunned, showing a hint of surprise.

He hadn't expected to encounter someone familiar here.

"Hmm, strange. That girl is obviously very beautiful, so why does everyone around her look so afraid?" Lana was puzzled.

"She may be beautiful, but if you look closely at the emblem on her clothes, it's the symbol of the Witchcraft Sect," Zion revealed the mystery with a single sentence.

"What? The Witchcraft Sect?"

Lana's eyelids twitched, instinctively shrinking her neck.

Although she had never encountered anyone from the Witchcraft Sect, she had heard plenty of rumors.

As one of the three major sects, the Witchcraft Sect's stance was completely different from that of the Sword Sect and the World Martial Arts Alliance.

In fact, many regarded the Witchcraft Sect as an evil Sect.

On the one hand, it was because the cultivation techniques of the Witchcraft Sect involved constant association with venomous creatures.

On the other hand, it was the conduct of the disciples of the Witchcraft Sect, sometimes righteous, sometimes wicked, completely disregarding the rules of the martial world.

At the slightest provocation, they would annihilate entire families.

Under such rumors, many people were terrified at the mention of the Witchcraft Sect and dared not approach.

Over time, the Witchcraft Sect had become a terrifying existence.

"I didn't expect disciples of the Witchcraft Sect to show up at this martial arts competition. With their presence, our pressure increases even more," Cassius rubbed his chin, lost in thought.

Setting aside the competitors listed on the World Prodigy Rankings, there were already plenty of formidable opponents competing in this martial arts competition.

With the competition from the World Martial Arts Alliance, the pressure was considerable, and now the Witchcraft Sect had emerged as well.

For disciples of the Sword Sect like them to stand out would evidently not be an easy task.

"Cassius, you're mistaken about one thing. That girl is no ordinary disciple of the Witchcraft Sect," Zion said with a smirk.

"Does Brother Zion know her?" Cassius was taken aback.

"If I'm not mistaken, she should be Abigail, the Saintess of the Witchcraft Sect, ranked second on the World Prodigy Rankings," Zion dropped a bombshell.

"What?! The Saintess of the Witchcraft Sect? Second on the World Prodigy Rankings?!"

Upon hearing this, Cassius couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Not only him, but also Willa and Lana, the two sisters, were equally astonished.

They hadn't expected that such a delicate and seemingly fragile girl would have such a high status.

Leaving aside the extent of the Saintess's influence in the Witchcraft Sect, just being second on the World Prodigy Rankings was enough to dominate the entire arena, leaving people in awe.
Chapter 2204: The question arises

"So she's Abigail, much prettier than the rumors."

After the shock, Lana immediately became radiant.

There were only two women on the World Prodigy Rankings: one was Abigail, the Saintess of the Witchcraft Sect, and the other was Scarlet Spanner, the War Goddess of the Dragonmarsh.

These two were her idols and her targets to chase after.

Now, having the opportunity to see one of them, she naturally felt especially delighted.

If they were in a less crowded place, she might have approached for a chat.

But now, with all eyes on them, as a disciple of the Sword Sect, she couldn't casually chat with the Saintess of the Witchcraft Sect.

Otherwise, it might lead to unnecessary suspicion and trouble for both parties.

"I didn't expect the Saintess of the Witchcraft Sect to be so young. I thought she'd be an old lady," Cassius was quite excited.

For him, the top-ranking figures on the World Prodigy Rankings were basically unattainable existences.

Just being able to glance at them from afar was already a great honor.

"Wait... It seems like she's walking towards us."

At this moment, Willa's gaze sharpened, quickly noticing something unusual.

Originally walking by herself, Abigail seemed to have noticed something, suddenly smirked, and then changed direction, walking toward them.

Moreover, her pace was quick, with a hint of impatience.

"Huh, indeed. Why is she coming over here?" Lana looked around but found no one else beside them. Abigail was clearly heading straight for them.

"Could it be that she's attracted by my handsome appearance?" Cassius adjusted his hair and clothes, appearing somewhat excited.

"Senior Brother, stop it. Even if someone could attract the Saintess of the Witchcraft Sect, it would only be Senior Zion, not you," Lana poured cold water on his enthusiasm.

Cassius was indeed somewhat handsome, but compared to Zion, who was a heartbreaker for both men and women, he fell short.

"Everyone, be careful! People from the Witchcraft Sect are not to be trifled with!" Willa furrowed her brows slightly, unconsciously placing her hand on the longsword at her waist.

The Saintess of the Witchcraft Sect, ranked second on the World Prodigy Rankings—these two titles combined brought immense pressure on her, forcing her to be vigilant.

Amidst the astonishment, confusion, and disbelief of everyone present, Abigail hurried over, filled with excitement and surprise, and then plunged into Dustin's arms.

"Uncle! We meet again!"

Abigail sweetly smiled, her big eyes forming crescents.

At this moment, she completely abandoned her previous icy demeanor, becoming lively and adorable, as warm as fire.

However, this scene shocked everyone present.


Cassius froze, the smile on his face completely stiffened.

Lana was also stunned, rubbing her eyes, looking incredulous.

Willa was equally stunned, pulling out her sword halfway, but the result was completely beyond her expectations.

As for Zion, he also wore a look of astonishment.

Even though he was good at predicting things, he never expected Abigail, the Saintess of the Witchcraft Sect, to act so recklessly, throwing herself into Dustin's arms and acting so coquettishly.

So the question arises.

Who exactly is Dustin? How could he be so familiar with the Saintess of the Witchcraft Sect?
Chapter 2205: Secrets of fate must not be revealed

"I... I didn't see it wrong, did I? The Saintess of the Witchcraft Sect actually threw herself into another man's arms?"

"The rumors say the Saintess of the Witchcraft Sect is ruthless and cold-blooded, but now she looks different from what the rumors say."

"Who is that guy? How could he make the Saintess of the Witchcraft Sect act so affectionately? Could he be someone important?"

The sudden turn of events sparked whispers and gestures among the onlookers.

They hadn't expected that the notorious Saintess of the Witchcraft Sect would still have such a pure and adorable side.

She looked no different from an ordinary young girl.

If it weren't for the fact that there were several guardians of the Witchcraft Sect behind Abigail, they would have doubted the authenticity of their identities.


Not only the onlookers but even Dustin himself was startled by Abigail's actions.

After all, he was currently using a disguise, completely different from his previous appearance.

He couldn't understand how Abigail recognized him at a glance.

"Uncle, what's wrong? Are you not happy to see me?" Abigail tilted her head, looking at Dustin with a playful smile.

"It's not that. I just feel... a bit surprised," Dustin touched his face, ensuring that his disguise was flawless, feeling even more puzzled.

"Uncle, no need to touch. I don't even need my eyes to see you. I can smell you from afar. How about that? Isn't my nose amazing?" Abigail pointed to her nose. "The scent on you is very distinctive. I can smell it even from a distance."

"Of course, it's amazing, even better than a dog's," Dustin praised with a smile.

"Uncle, are you complimenting me or mocking me?" Abigail rolled her eyes.

"Just kidding." Dustin smiled and said, "Are you here at Infernal Mountain for the martial arts competition too?"

"The competition held at Infernal Mountain naturally attracts us from the Witchcraft Sect to join and recruit some talented newcomers at the same time," Abigail replied truthfully.

"This competition gathers many outstanding talents, indeed a good opportunity to recruit talents," Dustin nodded.

"What about you, Uncle? You're not just here for fame, right?" Abigail smiled and asked.

"On one hand, I'm here for the fun, and on the other hand, I'm here to do some business on behalf of a friend," Dustin didn't conceal.

"Understood. Secrets of fate must not be revealed!" Abigail blinked mischievously.

As clever as she was, she naturally understood that Dustin's visit to Infernal Mountain this time was not just for the martial arts competition, otherwise, he wouldn't have disguised himself.

"Uncle, are these people your friends?" As Abigail spoke, her gaze shifted to Zion and his companions.

"Yes, they're all new friends I met at Infernal Mountain. Let me introduce you." Dustin reached out his hand and introduced one by one. "This is Zion, the young master of the Harmonious Sect, talented in both civil and military affairs, knowledgeable and versatile, and very enthusiastic."

"Young Master Zion, hello," Abigail smiled slightly.

"Dustin, you're too kind. I'm just an ordinary person who can't reach the heights of nobility," Zion replied with a fist salute, feeling slightly surprised inside because he hadn't revealed his identity as the young master of the Harmonious Sect, but Dustin had seen through it, clearly having understood him earlier.

"These three are elite disciples of the Sword Sect, gifted and extraordinary in martial arts," Dustin continued.
Chapter 2206: A lunatic idea

Dustin continued, "This is Senior Sister Willa, this is Second Senior Brother Cassius, and as for this one, she's Junior Sister Lana."

"I've heard of the fame of the Saintess for a long time. Today, seeing you in person, your reputation is indeed well-deserved," Willa stood up and bowed with a demeanor that was neither servile nor overbearing.

"Sister Willa is too kind," Abigail nodded slightly.

"I...I greet the Saintess." After a moment of hesitation, Cassius hastily stood up and bowed, looking somewhat nervous.

"You are Uncle's friends, so you are my friends too. There's no need to be so formal," Abigail smiled and said, without any airs.

"I'm Lana. Nice to meet you." Lana extended her hand eagerly.

Abigail was not only the Saintess of the Witchcraft Sect but also the second-ranked powerhouse on the World Prodigy Rankings. It was undoubtedly a great honor to be friends with such a person.

"Pleasure to meet you."

Abigail smiled and shook hands with Lana.

However, this gesture made Willa and Cassius slightly uneasy.

After all, the rumored Saintess of the Witchcraft Sect was said to be filled with venom, and physical contact with such a person could be life-threatening at any moment.

"No need to be nervous. We disciples of the Witchcraft Sect are not wolves or tigers. We won't harm people easily," Abigail explained with a smile, seeming to have noticed something.

Willa and Cassius glanced at each other, feeling somewhat embarrassed. It seemed that their little caution couldn't escape each other's notice.

After everyone got acquainted, they all took their seats.

However, with Abigail's presence, Dustin's group undoubtedly became the focus of attention.

Many martial artists were whispering and speculating.

Disciples of the Witchcraft Sect usually kept to themselves, and few dared to approach them.

Someone like Dustin, who was chatting and laughing with the Saintess of the Witchcraft Sect, was indeed rare.

"Uncle, I heard that there are many talented martial artists participating in the competition this time, including some extraordinary individuals. Although you are very strong, it might be tiring to make your way through all the challenges. I have a good idea that can help you win the championship effortlessly; at the same time, it can also help your friends around you achieve a good ranking," Abigail suddenly spoke up.

At these words, Zion and the others immediately became alert.

Their visit to Infernal Mountain this time was to make a name for themselves and gain some fame.

If Abigail really had a way to help them secure a good ranking, it would be perfect.

"Oh? What's your idea? Please share," Dustin smiled.

If he could save some energy, he would naturally not refuse.

"It's very simple. Identify those who pose a threat to us, then secretly poison them, causing their cultivation to be completely destroyed. This way, victory is guaranteed!" Abigail said proudly.

"What? Poison them?!"

Upon hearing this, Zion and the others were directly dumbfounded.

They looked at each other, their expressions stiff, unable to say a word.

What kind of joke was this? Was this considered a good idea?

This was clearly a self-destructive approach!

This martial arts competition gathered elite martial artists from various sects.

If they were to poison these people, wouldn't they offend all the sects?

If the plot were to be exposed, they might not even be able to leave Infernal Mountain alive, let alone participate in the competition.

This was a method that only a lunatic would come up with.
Chapter 2207: A bit... life-threatening

"Abigail? Are you... serious?" Dustin's eyelid twitched, his expression becoming peculiar.

Ever since this girl awakened her bloodline, she had been filled with wild ideas and her behavior had become exceptionally bold. So, he was mentally prepared for certain situations.

However, he never expected Abigail to be so audacious.

On the day of the martial arts competition, she proposed poisoning all the talented disciples from various sects.

Just thinking about such madness made his scalp numb.

One could only say that her way of thinking couldn't be judged by common sense anymore.

"Of course, I'm serious! As long as we poison those threatening opponents, winning the championship will be a piece of cake, right? I'm a genius to come up with such a brilliant idea!" Abigail said triumphantly.

"...," Dustin was speechless.

Zion and the others were even more alarmed, feeling like they were sitting on pins and needles.

After all, Zion's voice was not low, and many martial artists around them could hear clearly.

Many people cast cautious glances at them, and some even drew their weapons.

If they continued discussing this, they would soon become enemies of the martial arts world.

No wonder disciples of the Witchcraft Sect were not very popular. Always resorting to poison, who could stand that?

"Abigail, I think we should forget about this. Since it's a competition, it should be fair. Victory should be achieved through strength alone, without any tricks," Dustin said earnestly.

He deliberately raised his voice to let the surrounding martial artists lower their guard, so they wouldn't draw their weapons.

"Uncle, do you think my idea is bad?" Abigail tilted her head.

"Not bad, just a bit... life-threatening."

Dustin lowered his voice and glanced around, signaling to the others. "They all heard what you just said. If anything happens, none of us will be able to escape. Let's play by the rules and rely on our own strength to win."

"Why be afraid? If anyone dares to disobey, I'll poison them all!" Abigail stared at the surrounding martial artists, completely unafraid.

It was actually some of the martial artists who were frightened by her gaze, looking as if they were facing a formidable foe.

"Alright, alright, girls, don't talk about fighting all the time. Be a bit gentler. After all, you'll have to marry someday," Dustin changed the subject.

"Marry? I'm not getting married! Men are all bad!" Abigail suddenly changed the topic, laughing. "Of course, Uncle, you're the exception. You're the best person in the world!"

"You little rascal!" Dustin shook his head with a helpless smile.

As for Zion and Cassius sitting beside him, they could only exchange a glance and smile wryly.

Saying that men were all bad was quite a blow indeed.

"Abigail, I heard that the insects of your Witchcraft Sect are quite powerful. Can you let me see them?" Suddenly, Lana chimed in, her eyes full of curiosity.

At this moment, she was full of energy and curiosity.

"Our insects come in many varieties. Which one would you like to see?" Abigail smiled and asked.

Generally speaking, people who knew her identity would avoid her at all costs, but the girl in front of her was an exception.
Chapter 2208: Twin Soul Pills

“Any kind will do, preferably something unique,” Lana said excitedly.

"Unique?" Abigail raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Alright, I'll give you a demonstration. But I need two people to cooperate with me, preferably one man and one woman."

"Count me in. As for the other person..."

Lana looked at Cassius. "Senior Brother, it's you. Cooperate with me and Abigail Sister."

"Huh? Me?"

Cassius's expression stiffened, somewhat unexpected.

How did he get dragged into this out of nowhere?

"Senior Brother, this is a rare opportunity to experience something new. Just help me out and satisfy my curiosity," Lana said, her face full of anticipation.

"Is there... any danger in this?" Cassius's eyelid twitched, hesitating.

Who didn't know how terrifying the Witchcraft Sect's insects were? What if he became the guinea pig?

He didn't dare to gamble with his own life.

"Don't worry, you won't die," Abigail reassured him.

But her words clearly lacked persuasiveness.

"Senior Brother, you're so wise and brave, you're not afraid of this, are you?" Seeing Cassius's hesitation, Lana immediately resorted to provocation.

"Who says I'm not brave? Just cooperating, right? Come on, let's give it a try. If I blink, I'm no hero!" Cassius straightened his chest, showing a fearless attitude.

As a man, he naturally couldn't back down in such a situation.

"Alright, let's begin."

Abigail smiled slightly, then reached to her waist and, when her hand emerged again, there were two pills in her palm.

One was black, the other white.

Each pill was the size of a mung bean, looking quite ordinary without any special features.

"Here, this one is for you, and this one is for you."

Abigail handed the black pill and the white pill to Cassius and Lana respectively.

"Sister Abigail, what are these?" Lana asked curiously.

"Eat them, and then I'll tell you," Abigail said with a mischievous smile.

"Okay." Lana nodded and directly swallowed the white pill.

As for Cassius, he hesitated while looking at the black pill in his hand.

"Senior Brother, what are you waiting for? Eat it!" Lana urged.

Cassius took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and finally swallowed the black pill.

"Sister Abigail, can you tell us what this is now?" Lana asked eagerly.

"These are called Twin Soul Pills. After eating them, your lives will be bound together," Abigail explained with a smile. "From now on, the two of you will share the same fate, inseparable."

"Share the same fate? What does that mean?" Cassius was puzzled.

"Exactly as it sounds."

Abigail opened a lollipop and put it in her mouth, vaguely saying, "Simply put, the two of you now share the same life. If one of you dies, the other will die too."
With this revelation, the faces of everyone present changed.
Chapter 2209: Sharing the same fate


Cassius was startled, jumping up from his seat with a look of astonishment on his face.

At this moment, he even doubted whether he had misheard.

Eating this pill meant sharing his life with Lana? That was simply too absurd!

Who would play such a childish game?

In fact, not only Cassius but the others also exchanged glances, secretly shocked.

No one had expected Abigail to pull off such a stunt.

Twin Soul Pills were extremely rare and, if used properly, could even save lives.

However, now Abigail was using them as a performance, binding the lives of Cassius and Lana together.

This joke was a bit too much.

"Sister Abigail, can this Twin Soul Pill be reversed?" Lana swallowed nervously.

If at first, she was curious and excited, now she was nervous and fearful.

She didn't want to share life and death with anyone, even if it was her Senior Brother Cassius.

What if Cassius met with an accident outside? Would she also meet her end?

"Of course not. Twin Soul Pills are consumables. Once activated in the body, they cannot be extracted," Abigail smiled. "From now on, the two of you will be inseparable, sharing fortune and misfortune. Cherish each other!"

"What?!" Lana's face turned pale, feeling like crying but having no tears. "Isn't this... too hasty?"

"What? Don't you want to see something special? Here it is," Abigail innocently smiled.

"Special?" Lana's eyes twitched with bitterness. What kind of special was this? This was clearly playing with their lives!

"Junior Sister! You're so foolish!"

Cassius slapped his thigh in anger, looking frustrated.

If it weren't for Lana constantly clamoring to try it, he wouldn't have risked it.

Now, he had suffered a big loss for no reason and couldn't even complain.

"I..." Lana pouted, knowing she was in the wrong, so she could only choose to remain silent.

"You two don't need to be discouraged. Besides binding your lives together, Twin Soul Pills also have other uses," Abigail continued. "For example, the two of you will develop a psychic connection in the future, making your cooperation more tacit. Additionally, your cultivation speed will greatly increase. If you can cultivate together, it will be even better, achieving twice the result with half the effort. In time, you will surely make a name for yourselves."

Upon hearing this, Cassius and Lana's expressions eased a bit.

Sharing the same fate was now a fact they couldn't change, so they could only accept it.

Fortunately, Twin Soul Pills had many other uses, which was a blessing in disguise for them.

"Big Brother! Over there, I saw it very clearly just now, there's absolutely no mistake!"

At this moment, a group of men in black armor rushed into the competition arena with a menacing aura.

These men were burly, wielding long knives, clearly not to be trifled with.
Chapter 2210: Blizzard Villa

Especially the leader, standing nearly two meters tall, muscles bulging, with a ferocious appearance, he looked like a bandit.

"Hey! Aren't those people from the Blizzard Villa? It seems like they're coming towards us," Cassius quickly noticed something was wrong.

"Blizzard Villa? Are they powerful?" Lana was a bit puzzled.

"In the northwest region, they're considered one of the top forces," Cassius rubbed his chin, contemplating. "But I heard that the former master of the Blizzard Villa mysteriously died recently. They had just finished mourning for him. I didn't expect them to participate in the martial arts competition."

As soon as he finished speaking, the group from the Blizzard Villa had already arrived.

"Demoness! I knew you would be here!"

The leader, a robust man named Mac, suddenly pointed at Abigail angrily. "You refused the road to heaven and forced your way into hell. Today, I will avenge my father!"


Abigail raised an eyebrow, looking at him as if he were an idiot. "Excuse me, who are you? Do I know you?"

"I am Mac, the young master of the Blizzard Villa!" Mac glared fiercely. "My father, Arseny, died suddenly not long ago, killed by the hands of your Witchcraft Sect! As a member of the Witchcraft Sect, you must pay with blood!"

"Blizzard Villa?"

Abigail's face grew cold, her gaze indifferent. "Your father died, what does that have to do with me? If you want to know who killed your father, go find them yourself."

"Humph! Don't try to evade responsibility! None of you disciples of the Witchcraft Sect are good people. You're all wicked demons who commit all kinds of evil deeds. Today, I, Mac, encountered you, and I will avenge my father, acting on behalf of justice!" Mac declared righteously.

"Acting on behalf of justice? Ha... What a nice-sounding phrase," Abigail sneered. "You so-called righteous sects are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites, pretending to be gentlemen while secretly plotting dirty deeds. It's disgusting to watch!"


Mac glared. "Demoness! Your words won't change anything today. If you're smart, surrender now, otherwise, don't blame me for opening the floodgates of slaughter!"

"If you're not afraid of death, go ahead and try. I wouldn't mind wiping out the Blizzard Villa," Abigail said indifferently.

Compared to her innocent demeanor when facing Dustin, she now showed some of the authority and ruthlessness of the Saintess of the Witchcraft Sect.

"Bold demoness! Today, I will destroy your soul! Attack, everyone! Kill!"

Following Mac's furious order, disciples of the Blizzard Villa drew their swords one after another.


Just as the two sides were about to engage in a fierce battle, a thunderous shout suddenly rang out.

The shout was like thunder, rolling in and startling everyone present, freezing them in place.

Especially the disciples of the Blizzard Villa who were about to start, they were all shocked and unable to move.

At the same time as the shout, a middle-aged spiritual priest appeared out of thin air, lightly landing in the middle of both sides.

The spiritual priest wore plain clothes, with an unremarkable appearance, but his strength was unfathomable.

The aura emanating from him was like a mountain, pressing heavily on everyone's shoulders.

No one dared to move.
This is becoming quite interesting now, though the story has been at the same spot for a long time
Thank you Grand Master Nazmul for updating many chapters at once...
Chapter 2210: Blizzard Villa

Especially the leader, standing nearly two meters tall, muscles bulging, with a ferocious appearance, he looked like a bandit.

"Hey! Aren't those people from the Blizzard Villa? It seems like they're coming towards us," Cassius quickly noticed something was wrong.

"Blizzard Villa? Are they powerful?" Lana was a bit puzzled.

"In the northwest region, they're considered one of the top forces," Cassius rubbed his chin, contemplating. "But I heard that the former master of the Blizzard Villa mysteriously died recently. They had just finished mourning for him. I didn't expect them to participate in the martial arts competition."

As soon as he finished speaking, the group from the Blizzard Villa had already arrived.

"Demoness! I knew you would be here!"

The leader, a robust man named Mac, suddenly pointed at Abigail angrily. "You refused the road to heaven and forced your way into hell. Today, I will avenge my father!"


Abigail raised an eyebrow, looking at him as if he were an idiot. "Excuse me, who are you? Do I know you?"

"I am Mac, the young master of the Blizzard Villa!" Mac glared fiercely. "My father, Arseny, died suddenly not long ago, killed by the hands of your Witchcraft Sect! As a member of the Witchcraft Sect, you must pay with blood!"

"Blizzard Villa?"

Abigail's face grew cold, her gaze indifferent. "Your father died, what does that have to do with me? If you want to know who killed your father, go find them yourself."

"Humph! Don't try to evade responsibility! None of you disciples of the Witchcraft Sect are good people. You're all wicked demons who commit all kinds of evil deeds. Today, I, Mac, encountered you, and I will avenge my father, acting on behalf of justice!" Mac declared righteously.

"Acting on behalf of justice? Ha... What a nice-sounding phrase," Abigail sneered. "You so-called righteous sects are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites, pretending to be gentlemen while secretly plotting dirty deeds. It's disgusting to watch!"


Mac glared. "Demoness! Your words won't change anything today. If you're smart, surrender now, otherwise, don't blame me for opening the floodgates of slaughter!"

"If you're not afraid of death, go ahead and try. I wouldn't mind wiping out the Blizzard Villa," Abigail said indifferently.

Compared to her innocent demeanor when facing Dustin, she now showed some of the authority and ruthlessness of the Saintess of the Witchcraft Sect.

"Bold demoness! Today, I will destroy your soul! Attack, everyone! Kill!"

Following Mac's furious order, disciples of the Blizzard Villa drew their swords one after another.


Just as the two sides were about to engage in a fierce battle, a thunderous shout suddenly rang out.

The shout was like thunder, rolling in and startling everyone present, freezing them in place.

Especially the disciples of the Blizzard Villa who were about to start, they were all shocked and unable to move.

At the same time as the shout, a middle-aged spiritual priest appeared out of thin air, lightly landing in the middle of both sides.

The spiritual priest wore plain clothes, with an unremarkable appearance, but his strength was unfathomable.

The aura emanating from him was like a mountain, pressing heavily on everyone's shoulders.

No one dared to move.
Thanks Grandmaster Nazmul 👍😊
Chapter 2208: Twin Soul Pills

“Any kind will do, preferably something unique,” Lana said excitedly.

"Unique?" Abigail raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Alright, I'll give you a demonstration. But I need two people to cooperate with me, preferably one man and one woman."

"Count me in. As for the other person..."

Lana looked at Cassius. "Senior Brother, it's you. Cooperate with me and Abigail Sister."

"Huh? Me?"

Cassius's expression stiffened, somewhat unexpected.

How did he get dragged into this out of nowhere?

"Senior Brother, this is a rare opportunity to experience something new. Just help me out and satisfy my curiosity," Lana said, her face full of anticipation.

"Is there... any danger in this?" Cassius's eyelid twitched, hesitating.

Who didn't know how terrifying the Witchcraft Sect's insects were? What if he became the guinea pig?

He didn't dare to gamble with his own life.

"Don't worry, you won't die," Abigail reassured him.

But her words clearly lacked persuasiveness.

"Senior Brother, you're so wise and brave, you're not afraid of this, are you?" Seeing Cassius's hesitation, Lana immediately resorted to provocation.

"Who says I'm not brave? Just cooperating, right? Come on, let's give it a try. If I blink, I'm no hero!" Cassius straightened his chest, showing a fearless attitude.

As a man, he naturally couldn't back down in such a situation.

"Alright, let's begin."

Abigail smiled slightly, then reached to her waist and, when her hand emerged again, there were two pills in her palm.

One was black, the other white.

Each pill was the size of a mung bean, looking quite ordinary without any special features.

"Here, this one is for you, and this one is for you."

Abigail handed the black pill and the white pill to Cassius and Lana respectively.

"Sister Abigail, what are these?" Lana asked curiously.

"Eat them, and then I'll tell you," Abigail said with a mischievous smile.

"Okay." Lana nodded and directly swallowed the white pill.

As for Cassius, he hesitated while looking at the black pill in his hand.

"Senior Brother, what are you waiting for? Eat it!" Lana urged.

Cassius took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and finally swallowed the black pill.

"Sister Abigail, can you tell us what this is now?" Lana asked eagerly.

"These are called Twin Soul Pills. After eating them, your lives will be bound together," Abigail explained with a smile. "From now on, the two of you will share the same fate, inseparable."

"Share the same fate? What does that mean?" Cassius was puzzled.

"Exactly as it sounds."

Abigail opened a lollipop and put it in her mouth, vaguely saying, "Simply put, the two of you now share the same life. If one of you dies, the other will die too."
With this revelation, the faces of everyone present changed.
Chapter 2210: Blizzard Villa

Especially the leader, standing nearly two meters tall, muscles bulging, with a ferocious appearance, he looked like a bandit.

"Hey! Aren't those people from the Blizzard Villa? It seems like they're coming towards us," Cassius quickly noticed something was wrong.

"Blizzard Villa? Are they powerful?" Lana was a bit puzzled.

"In the northwest region, they're considered one of the top forces," Cassius rubbed his chin, contemplating. "But I heard that the former master of the Blizzard Villa mysteriously died recently. They had just finished mourning for him. I didn't expect them to participate in the martial arts competition."

As soon as he finished speaking, the group from the Blizzard Villa had already arrived.

"Demoness! I knew you would be here!"

The leader, a robust man named Mac, suddenly pointed at Abigail angrily. "You refused the road to heaven and forced your way into hell. Today, I will avenge my father!"


Abigail raised an eyebrow, looking at him as if he were an idiot. "Excuse me, who are you? Do I know you?"

"I am Mac, the young master of the Blizzard Villa!" Mac glared fiercely. "My father, Arseny, died suddenly not long ago, killed by the hands of your Witchcraft Sect! As a member of the Witchcraft Sect, you must pay with blood!"

"Blizzard Villa?"

Abigail's face grew cold, her gaze indifferent. "Your father died, what does that have to do with me? If you want to know who killed your father, go find them yourself."

"Humph! Don't try to evade responsibility! None of you disciples of the Witchcraft Sect are good people. You're all wicked demons who commit all kinds of evil deeds. Today, I, Mac, encountered you, and I will avenge my father, acting on behalf of justice!" Mac declared righteously.

"Acting on behalf of justice? Ha... What a nice-sounding phrase," Abigail sneered. "You so-called righteous sects are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites, pretending to be gentlemen while secretly plotting dirty deeds. It's disgusting to watch!"


Mac glared. "Demoness! Your words won't change anything today. If you're smart, surrender now, otherwise, don't blame me for opening the floodgates of slaughter!"

"If you're not afraid of death, go ahead and try. I wouldn't mind wiping out the Blizzard Villa," Abigail said indifferently.

Compared to her innocent demeanor when facing Dustin, she now showed some of the authority and ruthlessness of the Saintess of the Witchcraft Sect.

"Bold demoness! Today, I will destroy your soul! Attack, everyone! Kill!"

Following Mac's furious order, disciples of the Blizzard Villa drew their swords one after another.


Just as the two sides were about to engage in a fierce battle, a thunderous shout suddenly rang out.

The shout was like thunder, rolling in and startling everyone present, freezing them in place.

Especially the disciples of the Blizzard Villa who were about to start, they were all shocked and unable to move.

At the same time as the shout, a middle-aged spiritual priest appeared out of thin air, lightly landing in the middle of both sides.

The spiritual priest wore plain clothes, with an unremarkable appearance, but his strength was unfathomable.

The aura emanating from him was like a mountain, pressing heavily on everyone's shoulders.

No one dared to move.
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Invariably, we are going to dwell on this infinite mountain for the next 3 chapters. This indeed is boring.
Chapter 2211: Show any mercy

The middle-aged priest's appearance immediately silenced everyone in the martial arts arena.

The entire arena fell into silence.

It wasn't until the middle-aged priest's aura subsided that discussions gradually started to arise.

"Who is that Priest? He looks quite powerful, doesn't he?"

"Of course he's powerful! He's Drake, one of the closed-door disciples of the Old Master!"

"So, he's Drake? I've heard that his strength is unfathomable. Among the Old Master's disciples, he's second only to Marlon. Seeing him today, his reputation is indeed well-deserved!"

"With Drake here to preside over the situation, it seems that there won't be any fighting today."
As everyone pointed and whispered, discussions spread throughout the area.

Today's martial arts competition, hosted by the Infernal Mountain, naturally received special attention in terms of security. If a fight were to break out, it might not just be a conflict between one or two sects, but could escalate into a chaos involving most of the martial world.

After all, in the martial world, alliances were common. One sect called for help, and others would join. If things escalated, it would be difficult to contain.

Therefore, when the disciples of the Blizzard Villa were about to start a fight, Drake immediately intervened to prevent a riot.

"Esteemed martial artists, today's martial arts competition is hosted by the Infernal Mountain. If you want to fight, you can only do so on the stage. Private fights are not allowed. I hope everyone will give face and abide by the rules," Drake first bowed to the disciples of the Blizzard Villa, then turned to Abigail and her group, his attitude very polite, but his words were firm.

"Where did this stinky Priest come from? How dare he block the path of our Blizzard Villa? Has he grown tired of living?!"

Arseny glared angrily, his expression fierce, as if he didn't regard Drake at all.

His arrogant attitude shocked the followers behind him, though. The Blizzard Villa might be powerful, but they hadn't reached the point where they could challenge the Infernal Mountain.

"Young Master, this Priest is Drake, a disciple of the Infernal Mountain. We mustn't confront him head-on," a grey-bearded elder behind Arseny reminded him in a low voice.

For the sake of avenging the old master, Arseny could confront the Witchcraft Sect head-on, but he dared not provoke the Infernal Mountain.

In fact, in the entire Dragonmarsh, there weren't many sects that dared to do so.

"And so what if it's Drake? Whoever dares to obstruct my revenge, I won't show any mercy!" Arseny continued to shout.

"What an idiot," Abigail sneered, too lazy to bother. She calmly sat down, watching the scene unfold. With a Priest from the Dragon Tiger Mountain present, there was no need for her to intervene.

"Young Master! This is the territory of the Infernal Mountain, and there are many powerful sects here. It's not wise for us to cause trouble!" the grey-bearded elder desperately signaled with his eyes.

Although the Blizzard Villa was dominant in the northwest, they couldn't stir up trouble at the Infernal Mountain.

"I'm avenging my father. It's only natural. What's wise or not wise about it? Do you want me to watch as my enemy sits here indifferently?" Arseny angrily retorted.

"This..." The grey-bearded elder was at a loss for words, unable to argue back.
Chapter 2212: Two choices

While the old master was alive, he hadn't thought much of it, merely considering the young master's temperament to be somewhat impulsive. But now he realized that it wasn't impulsiveness, but rather pure foolishness. The young master couldn't see the bigger picture at all.

"This esteemed martial artist, any personal grievances between you should either be settled on the stage or after the competition. You cannot cause trouble here," Drake said indifferently.

"You stinky Priest! What I want to do is none of your business. If you're sensible, get out of my way. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!" Arseny retorted angrily.

The grey-bearded elder twitched at the corner of his eye.

Behind him, the disciples of the Blizzard Villa wiped their sweat incessantly.

They truly didn't know whether to say the young master was too valiant or just plain foolish for daring to confront the Infernal Mountain head-on.

At this rate, in a few years, the Blizzard Villa would likely be finished.

"This esteemed martial artist, if you insist on being stubborn, then I'll have to ask you to leave the Infernal Mountain," Drake's expression turned cold.

"You say I have to leave? Today, I refuse to leave. I don't believe you can do anything to me!" Arseny raised his head defiantly, staring with an air of invincibility.

Hearing this, Drake couldn't help but furrow his brows slightly.

He wasn't someone who easily lost his temper, but Arseny's arrogance and disrespect had already irritated him.

"Come on then! If you want to drive me away, come and try it! I want to see if you have what it takes!" Arseny pointed his long knife, extremely arrogant and provocative.

The disciples of the Blizzard Villa looked at each other, feeling helpless.

As for the martial artists watching from the sidelines, they wore mocking expressions, ready to watch the show.

It had been a long time since they had seen someone dare to provoke the Infernal Mountain like this.

"This esteemed martial artist, I'll say it one last time. Please leave the Infernal Mountain," Drake's expression had become serious.

An invisible pressure erupted from his body.

In an instant, the surrounding wind howled, and sand and stones flew.

"If you want me to leave, fine! But ask my knife first!" Arseny shouted fiercely.

At this remark, Drake finally became angry. Thunder seemed to flash in his eyes, containing the power to destroy the heavens and earth.

"Master Drake, there's no need for you to personally deal with such a scoundrel. Let me handle it," a light voice suddenly echoed through the arena.

Following that, a young Priest dressed in tattered hemp clothes and wearing flip-flops walked out of the crowd.

It was none other than Karson.

Karson dug his nose as he approached Drake, his dead-fish eyes half-closed as if he hadn't woken up yet.

"Master Drake, you can take a break. Dealing with such a guy, I have experience," Karson lazily said.

"Then I'll leave it to you," Drake nodded, quickly calming down his aura.

Given his status, it wasn't quite appropriate for him to personally deal with a junior in public.

But Karson was different. He was ten years younger than Arseny, hardly considered bullying.

"Hey, big guy, I'll give you two choices now," Karson lazily extended two fingers. "First, you leave on your own. Second, I personally throw you out!"
Chapter 2213: Thunderbolt

"First, you can roll out by yourself; second, I'll personally throw you out. Take your pick."

Karson lazily extended two fingers and said.

"Hmph! What do you think you are? How dare you point fingers in front of me? Are you tired of living?!" Mac glared and shouted.

"If you don't leave, then I'll have to take action to help you. But by then, you'll inevitably suffer injuries and spend a year or two lying in bed." Karson continued to pick his nose.

"Dare to threaten me? Do you think I'm easily scared? If you have the guts, try to make a move. I'd like to see how capable you really are!" Mac brandished his long knife, still arrogant.

"The old man said, 'Speak softly and carry a big stick.' I've already spoken kindly to you, but since you don't appreciate it, don't blame me for being impolite."

Karson simply raised his hand and pointed at Mac from a distance: "Thunderbolt."

With just two simple words spoken, a blue lightning bolt suddenly erupted from the tip of his finger, directly hitting the defiant Mac.

The lightning bolt was incredibly fast, arriving in the blink of an eye.

Mac hadn't even reacted yet when he was struck in the chest.


A loud explosion.

Mac's upper body clothes were directly torn apart, and he was sent flying like he'd been hit by a truck, crashing heavily to the ground over ten meters away.

"Young Master?!"

Seeing this scene, the people from Blizzard Villa's expressions changed drastically, and they quickly surrounded him.

As for the warriors watching the scene, they were secretly shocked and amazed.

They never expected that a small Priest from Infernal Mountain would be so powerful that with one Thunderbolt, he could directly defeat the young master of Blizzard Villa.

Although Mac was a bit arrogant, he was still a master at the semi-Grandmaster level.

But to be knocked down with just one blow was truly frightening.

"Sizzle, sizzle..."

Mac lay on the ground, gritting his teeth, his eyes rolling back.

At this moment, his clothes were in tatters, his chest was scorched black, his limbs were paralyzed, and he couldn't move at all.

There were faint flashes of electricity on the surface of his body.

Several disciples of Blizzard Villa, as soon as they touched Mac, immediately recoiled from the electric shock.

"Young Master? Young Master?"

The crowd surrounded him, continuously calling out, but they didn't dare to get too close.

When the electric current gradually dissipated from his body, Mac finally regained consciousness from his paralyzed state.

"What's going on?"

Mac shook his head, feeling bewildered.

Everything had happened so quickly that he hadn't reacted at all before being hit by Karson's Thunderbolt.

Then he briefly lost consciousness and completely forgot what had happened.

"Young Master, you were hit by Thunderbolt just now."

The old man with a goatee pointed to Mac's chest.

Mac looked down and saw that his chest was a mess of flesh and blood, blackened, and he could vaguely smell a unique meaty scent.

In an instant, he was furious.

"Damn it!"

Mac slammed the ground fiercely, and he instantly bounced up, holding his knife and pointing it at Karson. "You despicable Priest! I didn't expect you to be so lowly. Taking advantage of my distraction to launch a sneak attack? Is this the style of your Infernal Mountain?!"

"Sneak attack?"

At these words, Karson couldn't help but smile. "I openly made my move. How could it be considered a sneak attack? But I have to admit, you do have tough skin and thick flesh. After taking my Thunderbolt head-on, you can still stand."
Chapter 2214: A blue lightning bolt

"What kind of nonsense Thunderbolt? Can't even scratch me! The methods of your Infernal Mountain are nothing!" Mac shouted, glaring.

"Just nothing?" Karson flicked the booger he dug out towards the ground, directly piercing a hole with his finger, then said calmly, "I only used ten percent of my strength just now, just to teach you a lesson. If you still don't get it, don't blame me for getting serious."

"Hmph! Stop the damn nonsense! Today, I'll compete with you!" Mac showed no fear, spinning his long knife and charging straight towards Karson.

"Young Master! Don't!" Everyone from Blizzard Villa was terrified, shouting to stop him, but it was already too late.

Mac was already blinded by anger, unable to stop.


Mac roared, gripping the knife handle tightly and chopping down towards Karson.

"So stubborn."

Karson shook his head, then raised his hand and pointed towards Mac's blade from a distance.

A blue lightning bolt instantly shot out, precisely hitting the blade.

With a "clang" sound, the knife in Mac's hand directly snapped, the immense impact shaking Mac all over, freezing him in place.

Before he could react, Karson's finger erupted with blue light again.

The blue light gathered into a ball, rapidly expanding to the size of a basketball, with lightning flashing inside, containing terrifying energy.


Mac's expression changed.

At this moment, he finally felt the pressure, feeling his scalp numb, goosebumps all over his body.

He had a premonition that if he were hit, he would probably be seriously injured.


Without hesitation, Karson lightly pointed towards the blue lightning ball.

The lightning ball instantly shot out, colliding with Mac at an extremely fast speed.

Mac's eyelids twitched, instinctively using the broken knife to block.


A loud noise.

The broken knife was directly shattered by the lightning ball, and the terrifying energy inside erupted.

Mac was like a cannonball, instantly ejected, flying backward for twenty or thirty meters, then crashing heavily into a rock.


Another loud noise.

The huge rock immediately shattered into pieces.

As for Mac, he was lying on the ground, coughing up blood, his body like mud, barely breathing.

His whole body seemed to have broken countless bones.

"Damn it!"

Mac cursed through bloody lips, then his head tilted, passing out on the spot.

"Young Master!"

The people from Blizzard Villa rushed forward, administering medicine and infusing true energy, all in a panic.

"Don't worry, he won't die, but he won't be able to get out of bed for at least half a year," Karson said indifferently.


The old man with a goatee gritted his teeth, wanting to erupt but didn't dare.

He could only have people lift Mac and leave unhappily.

This time, not only Blizzard Villa, but all the sects present deeply felt the power of Infernal Mountain.

Just one Thunderbolt technique was enough to make people look up in awe.

Indeed, only a fool would dare to provoke Infernal Mountain.
Chapter 2215: The competition begins

"After the fight, the work is done. Fifth Senior Brother, I leave it to you here."

After driving away the people from Blizzard Villa, Karson yawned and left in a leisurely manner.

His lazy and sleepy appearance made it seem like he hadn't slept for days to those who didn't know better.

"All martial artists, let me reiterate, since you've come to Infernal Mountain, please abide by our rules."

Drake looked around and spoke loudly, "No matter what grudges you have, settle them on the arena or privately after the match. If anyone dares to cause trouble publicly, we at Infernal Mountain will not sit idly by."

"Master Drake is absolutely right. Whoever dares to break the rules, I, will be the first to disagree!"

"Exactly! Not giving face to Infernal Mountain is not giving face to me. I'll stand here today. Let's see who dares to cause trouble!"

"I say, the people from Blizzard Villa deserve a beating. It serves them right even if they die!"

The crowd spoke enthusiastically, expressing their support for Infernal Mountain.

Anyone who dared to break Infernal Mountain's rules would be their enemy.

Although they were just words, at least the momentum was there.

"Thank you all for your support."

Drake bowed with both hands, then continued, "Now that the time has come, the competition of the first day is about to begin. Let me briefly announce the rules.

The purpose of this martial arts competition is for friendly competition and improvement.

If one party falls off the stage or admits defeat, the other party must stop attacking. Any violation will result in immediate disqualification.

In addition, there are no restrictions on weapons or techniques in this competition, you can freely use them, but malicious killing is prohibited. If the situation is inappropriate, the referee has the right to terminate the match.

Finally, I hope everyone can make friends through martial arts and progress together."

With these words, applause thundered through the venue.

Whether anyone actually listened to the competition rules, clapping was the right response.

"Today is the competition for Group C players. Anyone called out by their number, please go to the corresponding stage for the match. If absent or late, it will be considered a forfeit, and the other player will directly advance to the next round."

"Alright, that's all I have to say. Now, the competition officially begins!"

With no further words, Drake briefly explained the rules and announced the start of the competition.

Soon, the entire venue became lively.

Due to the large number of participants, Infernal Mountain had prepared eight stages in total, with eight matches going on simultaneously.

On each stage, there was a Priest from Infernal Mountain serving as a referee.

With the sound of shouting, people began to climb onto the stages for the decisive battles.

The first three days were all competitions for Group C players. Although they were weaker compared to Group B and Group A, they were still carefully selected elites.

Because those who could sign up for the competition all had the strength to lift thousands of kilograms.

And to reach this level, apart from those with exceptional talent, only martial artists at the innate level could achieve it.

In other words, most of the Group C players were innate martial artists, and they came from various stages of cultivation.
Chapter 2116: A gambling table

"In major sects, innate martial artists are already considered elites. If they are placed in smaller sects, they would be considered as key disciples who are heavily nurtured.

Therefore, even the competitions for Group C players are worth paying attention to.

There might be some extraordinary individuals among them.

Actually, the reason why the major sects are so active is, on one hand, to promote their reputation through martial arts competitions, and on the other hand, to scout potential disciples for the sect.

And the martial arts competition held by Infernal Mountain is undoubtedly the best platform for this.

The world's top genius martial artists will all gather here to determine the best among them.

If they are fortunate enough to recruit one or two of them, it would undoubtedly be a great boost for the sect.

"Everyone, isn't just watching the matches a bit boring? How about we start some betting?" Abigail suddenly spoke up.

"Betting? How?" Lana quickly became interested.

"It's simple. We'll bet on the winners and losers. I'll be the banker, and you all can be the players."

Abigail enthusiastically said, "There are a total of eight stages here. I'll divide them into eight pots. Before the matches start, you can bet freely. You can bet on whoever you like. If you win, I'll pay you double. How about it?"

"That sounds interesting. Shall we play together?" Lana looked excitedly at the people around her.

"Since we're just sitting around anyway, there's no harm in betting a bit." Zion nodded with a smile.

"Count me in!" Cassius raised his hand and said with a smile, "I may not be good at anything else, but my judgment has never been wrong. Just follow my lead!"

"What are the stakes?" Willa asked curiously.

"Gold, silver, jewelry, intensive techniques, divine weapons, as long as it's valuable, you can bet it. I won't refuse anything!" Abigail smiled.

"Then that's great!" Lana smiled brightly, "Sister Abigail, it seems like you're going to lose a lot today."

"As long as you dare to bet, I dare to pay. Besides, my Witchcraft Sect has plenty of treasures." Abigail didn't care at all.

With this statement, everyone's enthusiasm soared.

The Witchcraft Sect was wealthy and generous, second only to the Martial Arts World Alliance. As the Saintess of the Witchcraft Sect, Abigail must have collected many treasures.

For them, this was an opportunity to win big with a small bet.

Seeing everyone's agreement, Abigail immediately ordered her subordinates to start preparing.

First, they brought out eight bowls and lined them up. The bottom of each bowl was marked with numbers from 1 to 8, representing the eight stages.

Then, they prepared some pieces of paper as backup.

Those who wanted to place bets wrote the numbers of the players they favored on the pieces of paper and then threw them into the bowls.

And just like that, a gambling plate was officially completed.

"Come on, the matches are about to start. Get ready to place your bets. Buy in and let go. Luck will determine the outcome."

After everything was prepared, Abigail immediately started shouting.

The attention of many martial artists around was attracted.

Opening a gambling table on Infernal Mountain was indeed a novelty.
Chapter 2217: I'll join in too

Abigail's shouting attracted many curious glances.

Some martial artists who enjoyed gambling became particularly excited and eager to participate.

However, due to Abigail's status as the Saintess of the Witchcraft Sect, no one dared to approach her for the moment.

"Everyone, let me set an example!"

Seeing that everything was ready, Cassius didn't hesitate. He took out a jade pendant and placed it on the table as his bet.

"I'm betting on the player numbered 28 on stage three. I know this person; he's a disciple of the Vigorous Martial Sect and has formidable strength, so his chances of winning are high."

Cassius said, picking up a piece of paper, writing the number 28 on it, and then tossing it into the bowl marked number three.

To ensure fairness, the participating martial artists were randomly assigned opponents, not arranged in order of competition.

The referee called out whoever was up next, and they had to take the stage. If they were absent or late, they would be disqualified.

"Senior Brother is betting on number 28. I'll join too!"

Lana took out a bottle of elixir from her bosom and placed it on the table. She introduced, "This bottle contains a Blood-Replenishing Elixir, which is remarkably effective for treating internal and external injuries."

"Alright, no problem. You can bet anything of value. As long as it's valuable," Abigail smiled.

As the banker, she wasn't afraid of losing money; she just didn't want no one to bet. The more people bet, the more she earned.

"I'll join in too."

Zion opened a sandalwood box, revealing a dazzling ruby inside, which looked quite valuable.

"I'm betting on the player numbered 15 on stage five."

Zion wrote down the number on a piece of paper, then tossed it into the bowl.

For him, winning or losing didn't matter; he was just giving face to the Saintess of the Witchcraft Sect and adding some fun.

Winning would be great, but even if he lost, it would only be a single gemstone.

"No, I don't have anything valuable. Only this."

Willa took out a short sword from her waist and placed it on the table.

The short sword was about a foot long, beautifully carved, with gemstones embedded on it.

"Sister, this is a sword forged from mysterious iron. Are you really willing to bet it?" Lana was somewhat surprised.

"I don't usually need it anyway. I might as well try my luck," Willa said indifferently.

She already had a long sword; this extra short sword was made from the leftover materials when the long sword was forged and didn't have much use.

"Sister, who are you betting on to win?" Lana asked curiously.

"The player numbered six on stage one," Willa answered simply.

"Number six?" Lana looked over and saw a female martial artist, a little puzzled. "Sister, why her?"

"Just a feeling," Willa replied succinctly.

"Ah, well..." Lana was momentarily speechless.

This answer was indeed unassailable.

"Uncle, do you want to join in the fun?"

Abigail suddenly looked at Dustin and smiled coquettishly. "Since you're wealthy, losing a bit won't hurt."

"How do you know I'll lose?" Dustin smiled faintly. "I'm afraid I'll make you nervous if I win later."

"Then let's bet. Who's afraid of who?" Abigail raised her chin defiantly.

Dustin smiled and took out a bottle of elixir from his bosom, placing it on the table. "This is the Tiger Soul Pill, which can enhance physique, elevate cultivation, and help with breakthroughs in realms. I'll use it to bet with you."

"The Tiger Soul Pill? It really is a precious item!" Abigail's eyes lit up, then she asked, "Uncle, who are you betting on?"

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