An Understated Dominance, Dustin Rhys story. Chapters 1301 and beyond - JUNLEE (aka Jungal2000) English interpretation

Translated by Jungal2000

This is my take on an ongoing Chinese novel by an unknown author. I've never been much of a reader when it comes to lengthy novels, but as soon as I delved into this tale, I was hooked like a fanatic. And I can't seem to stop. Unfortunately, the English version I was following only released three chapters a day, and my appetite for the story was insatiable. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started translating the Chinese text myself. Along the way, I've tried to inject some context into it because Google's translation tends to be too literal.

I've used different names for characters in my translations since they're a result of my own artistic interpretation. I began my translations from Chapter 967, which was posted in a different discussion thread. My aim is to tackle at least 100 chapters a week. However, as much as I love translating and reading this novel, I make sure to reserve my weekends for my family and friends – they're the ones who matter most to me.

The reason for this new thread is that during my two days off, some talented translators have continued where I left off. Their work is already shared and posted in my previous thread. This is fantastic news for readers looking for weekend reads. To avoid any confusion, I decided to create a new thread where I can upload and continue my translations. I'm doing all of this out of love for the story and the enjoyment I get from the process; it makes me feel like I'm a part of the narrative.

For those who are new to this, the best translations are provided by Muhindi Wa Kuchoma, and they are the work of the legendary translator Marina Vitori.

This is the tale of a prince, a legendary Kirin known as Logan Rhys. His life underwent a dramatic change a decade ago when his mother met a mysterious and untimely demise. Fueled by a relentless pursuit of truth, justice, and vengeance, he abandoned his royal palace and adopted the guise of a commoner, going by the name Dustin Rhys. The once-arrogant young prince transformed into a timid and soft-spoken individual, making him an easy target for bullies.

During these ten years, Logan secretly honed his skills and strength, undergoing a profound transformation. However, a recent divorce from his wife, Dahlia Nicholson, after three years of marriage, coupled with a series of life-altering events, pushed him back into action. Slowly but surely, he began to shed his timid persona, reemerging as the formidable figure he once was.

Join us as we follow the journey of Dustin, or Logan, as he strives to surpass, outmaneuver, and overpower entire armies and kingdoms, all through his own determination and bare hands.
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Ei, @King of Dragonmarsh is making his own story line. its like the avengers of Kijiji. You should read
:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: writing that story has awaken my empathy. I feel more for the author in this story or whatever live stories we are reading. Now I understand him or her in the sense of how sometimes it's so difficult to come out with 2 chapters a day, or how the story becomes irrelevant at times, etc. This is a work of mixing unreal imagination and creativity at the same time while keeping the storyline relevant. It's easy to mix imagination and creativity but the difficult part is to keep the storyline staying on it's path while inserting & connecting next plots and twists.
Hahaha 😆 oh my ribs

Anyways I hope you guys find solitude in this. Eat and sleep till the next episode View attachment 3436
Damn this burger must be very tasty :love:.. If I have it, I will not bite it in one seating. I will ask for extra sesame seeds and keep licking and adding new seeds for the whole weekend :ROFLMAO:
lol i literally knew someone would say this but sorry to disappoint you i do not fast read`[skimming and scanning] the novel for juicy details. I really appreciate MASTER JUNLEE effort and we are in debt to him for his unwavering dedication to keep the "light" of the story on. It is true that greediness blinded me and I am sorry for my ungrateful character. I love the story to the extent that it is the only story i read here and i spend 1-3 hours here on this platform. THANK YOU SIR
Don't worry my friend.. we all got blinded at times, especially when our immortal @Gily comes out to feed us with burgers etc. You spending 1-3 hours daily reading only this story tells me that you are not speed reading.. it's surely a slow reading with immersing yourself in all the powers from the story (y). Who knows after few more weeks doing it will get you the chance to have some of Dustin's power into you 😅
It’s really hot 🥵 here but with the help of some spiritual beads am feeling so cool at the same time 😂
What do you the beads with? Can you share how do we man use beads? I know girls can use them to get that 'cool-off', I saw it in porn, but never seen man with it 😅
I was meditating and had some noise opening my eyes found these body fusion cultivators to start a duel , now as an immortal who likes alcohol and fun who ever wins will gain my limb drainage and phatom technic
Hopefully the four chapters will be posted together cuz i don’t think any chapter is posted yesterday

"Good hit! Well done!"

"How dare you cause trouble at Dragon Tiger Mountain? You're asking for death!"

"If the referee hadn't held back, that lightning strike would have turned him to dust!"

The applause thundered, cheers filling the air as Bilwof was blasted away.

A foreign contestant, lurking in the shadows, would've been fine if he stayed low-key. But this guy? From the moment he stepped in, he was all bluster and provocation.

What a beating he deserved.

A mere vampire, thinking there are no warriors in Dragonmarsh?

"Cowardly Dragonmarsh warriors! You dare ambush me? Shameless!"

Bilwof staggered to his feet, his face twisted with rage.

He had planned to make a grand entrance, showing off the might of his kind. Instead, he was caught off guard and suffered a crushing blow.

Of course, he didn't think it was due to his lack of skill, but rather because Jeremy had suddenly attacked, catching him unprepared.

In a fair fight, he wouldn't necessarily lose.

"Hmph! Still daring to shout? If Lord Jeremy hadn't shown mercy, you'd be ash by now!" Aiden scolded angrily.

The opponent's teleportation had caught him off guard. But now that he was prepared, things would be different.

"There's a rule in this competition. If you don't follow it, I'll have to ask you to leave," Jeremy said coldly.


Bilwof was about to explode when a hand rested on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw a man in priest's robes, smiling gently.

It was none other than Father Adam, known as the Dust of Angels.

"Mr. Wolf, don't forget our mission. If you're thrown off the mountain before the fight even begins, how will you explain that to Mr. Vasily?" Father Adam smiled. "Moreover, if you anger the masters of Dragon Tiger Mountain, I can't save you. You've already witnessed the power of their lightning. That's your kind's nemesis."

Bilwof's face turned a series of shades before he bit back his fury.

He loved to fight, but he wasn't stupid. One-on-one, he feared no one, but if swarmed by Dragonmarsh warriors, it would be a different story. Especially Jeremy's lightning, which he had to be wary of.

A single hit might not kill him, but it would paralyze him, leaving him vulnerable. For a master, even a moment's restraint could be fatal.


"Everyone, I apologize. My friend here is new and unfamiliar with the rules. Please forgive us," Father Adam said as he stepped forward, nodding apologetically to Jeremy and his group.

"This time, we'll let it go. But don't let it happen again," Jeremy replied expressionlessly.

"Understood," Father Adam nodded with a smile.

Though Bilwof, standing behind him, remained silent, the murderous gleam in his eyes was unmistakable. He had already decided that no matter who he faced in the ring, he would torture them to death to vent his anger.

"All thirty-two contestants are present. Let's start the draw to determine the match sequence," Jeremy announced, scanning the arena and signaling for a black wooden box to be brought forward.

The box was completely sealed on all sides, with only a bowl-sized hole at the top.

"There are thirty-two numbered balls inside this box. Each contestant will draw one at random," Jeremy explained. "The contestant who draws number 1 will face the one who draws number 32; number 2 will face number 31, and so on. Luck determines your opponent, and no changes are allowed. Cheating will result in immediate disqualification. Now, let the draw begin!"

"I'll go first!" Aiden stepped forward as soon as Jeremy finished speaking, reaching into the black box to feel around.

A few seconds later, he pulled out a transparent glass ball. In the center of the ball was a coin-sized white metal piece engraved with the number "3."

"Looks like my luck isn't bad. I'm in the third match," Aiden announced, raising the glass ball high to display the number to everyone.

For some contestants, fighting earlier was advantageous. Since today’s event would reduce the thirty-two contestants to eight, the first round would determine the top sixteen, and the second round would determine the top eight. This meant that to stand out, one had to win at least two matches.

If the first match was early, there would be plenty of time to recover before the second match. Conversely, if the first match was late, there might be little to no rest before the second match.

In contests between warriors of similar strength, victory often depended on their condition. One with ample energy and one exhausted—naturally, the fresher fighter had a higher chance of winning. Thus, the draw sequence and results significantly influenced the match outcomes.



As Aiden finished drawing his lot, Jeremy's voice echoed, signaling the continuation of the draw.

"I'll go!"

At that moment, George "Black Diamond" Browse strode forward, arrogantly shoving a martial artist aside and plunging his hand into the black box first.

The shoved martial artist frowned, glancing at the bear-like figure of Black Diamond. Eventually, he suppressed his anger. Though physical size doesn’t determine a warrior’s strength, the intimidating aura emanating from Black Diamond was undeniable.

After fumbling inside the box for a few seconds, Black Diamond pulled out a glass ball. Before anyone could see the number inside, he clenched his hand forcefully.


With a crisp sound, the glass ball shattered, scattering fragments everywhere.


Black Diamond spread his hands, laughing loudly. He looked at Aiden with a sinister gaze and said, "Aiden, right? You're out of luck today. Guess what this is?"

He revealed a metal number in his hand. It was inscribed with the number—"30."

Aiden's number was 3, while Black Diamond's number was 30. According to the matching rule, they would face each other in the third match.

"Hmph! We'll see who's really unlucky," Aiden said coldly, his face indifferent. "I've taken down plenty of big guys like you. All brawn and no brain."

Height and muscle meant nothing if they couldn't withstand his blade. Brutes who sacrificed speed and agility for sheer strength were never a threat to him.

"Trash? Hahahaha..."

Hearing this, Black Diamond wasn't angered but laughed even louder, though his eyes flashed with murderous intent. "Good! I hope you keep that arrogance when I smash you into a pulp later."

"Enough talk! We'll see who's better in the ring!"

Aiden dismissed further words with a snort and walked off the platform, his demeanor cold.

Black Diamond sneered, eyeing him like prey.

"Next," Jeremy called out again.

As long as the rules weren't broken and no trouble was caused, he didn’t care if they hurled insults or even spat at each other.

Soon, one competitor after another stepped forward to draw their lots. Some were flamboyant, some were low-key, some revealed their numbers publicly, while others hid them, wary of giving away any advantage.

After all, knowing your opponent's number in advance allowed for better preparation and strategy. Conversely, hiding it meant keeping the element of surprise. Therefore, the smarter ones would not reveal their numbers immediately unless they had absolute confidence in their strength and didn’t fear any tricks.


Take Billy and Vincent, for instance—top contenders on the Whiz List. For them, making it to the quarterfinals was practically guaranteed, as long as they didn't face each other too early.

Dustin drew number "8," meaning he would fight in the eighth match. This number was right in the middle, neither an advantage nor a disadvantage. He didn't mind it at all.

According to the pairing rules, his opponent would be number 25. If he remembered correctly, that should be...

Dustin's gaze shifted to Bilwof, who was fiddling with his glass ball. In the center of the ball, the metal plate was clearly marked with the number "25."

"Interesting," Dustin smirked.

He had fought many battles but had never faced a member of the Blood Clan. Bilwof, with his noble bloodline, was likely to be formidable. This was a perfect opportunity to spar with a Blood Clan elite and familiarize himself with their capabilities. It would be useful if he ever encountered a stronger Blood Clan warrior in the future.


Sensing something, Bilwof looked up, locking eyes with Dustin.

"Kid, did you draw me?" Bilwof sneered, "If so, you're as good as dead. But don't worry, I won't let you die easily. I'll make sure to torture you slowly."

"Idiot," Dustin muttered, returning to his seat.

He despised those who barked before even fighting, unable to assess their opponent's strength and only boasting. It was a miracle that such brainless fools survived this long.

"You'll regret this, kid!" Bilwof snarled, seething with anger.

Having been humiliated by Vincent last night and electrocuted by Jeremy's Thunder Technique, his frustration had reached its peak. He was determined to vent it all on Dustin. He wanted all the Dragonmarsh warriors to understand the true power of the Blood Clan.

"Draws are over, contestants return to your seats."

Once everyone had drawn their lots, Jeremy's voice echoed again. "Now, I will announce the rules of the competition. The arena battles are for martial arts practice, but once on the platform, life and death are at the mercy of fate."

"Today's matches have no restrictions. Surrender or fall off the platform, and you lose."

"Let me offer some advice: while winning is important, your life is more so. If you can't match your opponent's strength, it's wise to concede in time."

"Without further ado, let's start the first match."

"Would contestants number 1 and number 32 please take the stage!"


As Jeremy finished speaking, thunderous applause erupted from the audience.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the contestant with number 1 rose and walked towards the platform. It was a monk dressed in simple grey robes.

The monk, in his thirties, had a sturdy build, wielded an iron staff, and his bald head gleamed brightly under the sun's rays.

"Who would've thought the first contestant would be Ironheart, the Venerable from the Golden Temple? This is going to be exciting!"

The audience quickly recognized the monk. He was Ironheart, a high-ranking monk from the Golden Temple, known as the Reverend Exorcist.

Despite his young age, Ironheart's martial prowess was profound, especially his mastery of the Diamond Body technique, which was said to make him impervious to blades, bullets, and fire. His defenses were nearly impenetrable, and his offensive skills were equally formidable. His Demon-Slaying Staff technique was renowned, having defeated numerous experts. It was no exaggeration to say that Ironheart could challenge opponents above his rank.

"I wonder who Reverend Ironheart's opponent is?"

As the audience speculated, the contestant with number 32 slowly ascended the platform. A Western man, dressed as a priest, with a cross hanging on his chest and a kind smile on his face.

It was none other than Father Adam, also known as Dust of Angels.

"A priest? Seriously?"

"A Western priest in our tournament?"

"Hmph! This priest is obviously in league with that bat. He looks harmless, but don't be fooled by his appearance!"

"No matter what he is, he’s no match for Reverend Ironheart's Demon-Slaying Staff. One strike, and he’ll be dust!"

"This priest is out of luck. Facing Reverend Ironheart, if he doesn’t surrender, he’s in for a world of hurt."

"An outsider daring to challenge in our Dragonmarsh? He deserves whatever he gets!"

The audience was abuzz with comments upon seeing Father Adam. Many exhibited a sense of xenophobia, especially in such a grand competition. Without exception, they all supported Ironheart. For them, it was unacceptable for a foreigner to steal the spotlight in a competition hosted by the Dragonmarsh, as it would be a disgrace.

"Amitabha. I do not wish to harm you. It’s best if you surrender," Ironheart said, shaking his head in disappointment as he looked at the slender Father Adam.

Ironheart represented the Golden Temple and aimed to make a name for himself. His targets were the elite warriors from major sects, not someone like this priest.


As for the unfamiliar priest before him, Ironheart had neither seen nor heard of him. Even a victory against such an opponent would carry little significance.

It seemed the priest was merely here to join the fun and gain some experience.

"Master, there's an old saying in your Dragonmarsh: 'Don't judge a book by its cover.' The match hasn't even begun. How can you be so sure of the outcome?" Father Adam spoke calmly, his expression unchanging.

"I am advising you for your own good. Once the fight starts, I will not hold back," Ironheart replied coolly.

"Master, please show me the splendor of your Dragonmarsh's warriors. I hope you won't disappoint me," Father Adam said, his face serene.

"Very well! Since you are so determined, I shall not go easy on you!" Ironheart's eyes turned cold as he raised his iron staff.

"The contestants are ready. Let the match begin!" Jeremy, the referee, announced before lightly stepping off the platform.

"Please, make your move," Ironheart said, taking his stance.

"After you, Master," Father Adam replied, still smiling.

The two men stared at each other, the tension in the air palpable.

"Reverend Ironheart! Don't be polite with him, just start the fight!"

"He dares to cause trouble in our Dragonmarsh? Teach him a lesson!"

The audience's shouts grew louder, eager to see Father Adam get beaten.

"Prepare yourself. Here I come!" Ironheart shouted, launching himself forward like a tiger. He closed the twenty-meter gap in an instant, his iron staff thrusting towards Father Adam's chest.

The seemingly simple thrust carried immense force, capable of splitting mountains.

Father Adam, however, didn't dodge. He calmly raised his hand and effortlessly caught the iron staff. The formidable energy within the staff dissipated as if swallowed, without causing any ripples.

"Hmm?" Ironheart's brows furrowed in surprise.

He hadn't used his full strength, but even so, it was not something an ordinary martial artist could withstand. Stranger still, his energy vanished without a trace upon contact with Father Adam, as if absorbed by an invisible force.

Without time to ponder, Ironheart twisted his wrist, retracting the staff and using the momentum to swing it horizontally at Father Adam's waist. This strike, brimming with energy, had the power to sweep away armies.
Wow! Interesting fights to look forward to. Father Adam warned Blood Clan Bilwof when he intervened and made peace between Vincent and him that he would be a corpse if he had to fight with Dustin. Here, we are. Bilwof will not easily surrender and won't shut his mouth either. Lara and Liana already despise him so they would want Dustin to get rid of him. Bilwof also has come with bad intention. Any guesses if Dustin kill him or let him live in order to catch the big fish. I also believe Father Adam will easily win and so the big black diamond. Any guesses if Emerald and Kieran will they proceed to second round?

Facing a powerful strike from Ironheart, Father Adam remained unfazed, simply raising his arm to shield himself.


A loud explosion echoed.

Ironheart's heavy iron staff crashed down on Father Adam's arm.

The expected scene of broken bones and flying bodies did not occur. The iron staff, capable of splitting mountains and cracking stones, only caused Father Adam's sleeve to flutter, without inflicting any real harm.

Father Adam stood still, a gentle smile on his face.


Ironheart's pupils contracted in surprise.

If the previous thrust had been a mere probe, then this sweeping blow was a solid strike.

If the opponent had used a grandmaster's energy, it would have been understandable. However, Ironheart did not sense any energy fluctuations from Father Adam.

In other words, the priest had relied solely on his physical strength to withstand the iron staff.

Could this seemingly frail priest be a martial arts grandmaster with a tempered body?

If so, a tough battle lay ahead today.

After all, Ironheart was also a grandmaster with a tempered body.

"I didn't expect that scrawny priest to take such a hit. To withstand Ironheart's iron staff, he's got some skills."

"What's the use of strong defense? He's just a punching bag. Besides, how can a foreigner compare to Ironheart, who has an indestructible body?"

"Exactly. Ironheart is just warming up. Once he gets serious, he'll finish that foreigner in no time."

The brief exchange on stage stirred discussions among the audience.

They were well aware of Ironheart's strength. His profound cultivation and formidable physical power were no secret.

For Father Adam to withstand two strikes without injury proved his unusual strength.

However, this did not change the anticipated outcome.

"Your strength is impressive, but you are still far from defeating me."

Father Adam smiled, "I'll give you three minutes to show your skills. Use everything you've got, or else, after three minutes, you'll have no chance."

Though his words were calm, they carried an air of arrogance, as if victory was already assured.

"Hmph! I don't need three minutes to defeat you. Thirty seconds will suffice!"

Ironheart snorted coldly, his expression turning serious.

He knew the man before him was no easy opponent. To defeat him, he had to give it his all.

"Today, I'll show you the Demon-Slaying Staff technique of our Golden Temple!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, Ironheart leaped into the air, both hands gripping the staff, aiming a heavy blow at Father Adam's head.


Booming thunder accompanied the roar as Ironheart's iron staff burst into a blinding golden light, exuding an incredibly terrifying aura.

Father Adam raised an eyebrow, instinctively sidestepping to dodge.


The golden-light-wreathed iron staff struck the ground heavily, carving a deep, elongated groove into the earth.

The entire hundred-meter-wide arena, forged from black gold stone and as hard as steel, bore the mark of the staff's terrifying power.

Had that blow landed on a person, they would have been pulverized instantly.

Having missed, Ironheart wasted no time, swinging his staff horizontally towards Father Adam's legs.

Enhanced by the golden light, the strike was swift and fierce.

Father Adam lightly tapped his foot, immediately leaping into the air and drifting back gracefully.

"Just what I was waiting for!"

Ironheart's eyes grew cold as he channeled all his energy into the staff.

In an instant, the golden light around the staff intensified, transforming it into a golden dragon that surged towards the airborne Father Adam.

This was one of the killer moves of the Demon-Slaying Staff technique—Golden Dragon Subdues the Demon.

When this move was unleashed, gods and demons alike had to retreat. None could withstand it.

The attack's power multiplied several times over.

Crucially, after the previous two moves, Father Adam was now airborne and unable to dodge, forced to face the attack head-on.


A thunderous crash echoed.

Without surprise, Ironheart's iron staff, transformed into a golden dragon, struck Father Adam with tremendous force.

In the next moment, Father Adam was like a fly swatted from the sky, crashing heavily onto the arena floor.

The hard black gold stone surface was smashed into a human-shaped crater.

Dust and debris flew, energy waves surged wildly.

"Great hit!"

"Stupid foreigner! Now let's see you die!"

The audience cheered and applauded at the sight.

Hit squarely by Ironheart's killer move, even a tank would be shattered to pieces instantly.

The priest must have been reduced to a bloody pulp.


Just as everyone thought the fight was over, the sound of moving rubble caught their attention.

Emerging from the dust cloud, Father Adam walked out nonchalantly.

His body was unscathed, save for a few dust marks.

"This was my favorite outfit. Now you've ruined it. How do you plan to compensate me?"

Father Adam glanced at his slightly torn clerical robe, the smile fading from his face, replaced by a deadly glint in his eyes.

Now he was truly angry, and the consequences would be severe.
I am just curious to know and immortal @Junlee please enlighten me. Is it a cultural thing from where the author comes from, where you always despise the opponent and always feel that you have unadulterated supremacy over the other, without having any clue about the opponent? Or is it more to do with a dire need of show off and then end up biting your own dust? Dustin has been the exception and Kieran also seems to be different as he was respectful and polite. More than Dustin and Bilwof fight, I am curious to see who Abigail is going to face.
I am just curious to know and immortal @Junlee please enlighten me. Is it a cultural thing from where the author comes from, where you always despise the opponent and always feel that you have unadulterated supremacy over the other, without having any clue about the opponent? Or is it more to do with a dire need of show off and then end up biting your own dust? Dustin has been the exception and Kieran also seems to be different as he was respectful and polite. More than Dustin and Bilwof fight, I am curious to see who Abigail is going to face.
hope vincent got abigail and go out early...he's not in the same league as dustin and billy...come on abigail ;)
I am just curious to know and immortal @Junlee please enlighten me. Is it a cultural thing from where the author comes from, where you always despise the opponent and always feel that you have unadulterated supremacy over the other, without having any clue about the opponent? Or is it more to do with a dire need of show off and then end up biting your own dust? Dustin has been the exception and Kieran also seems to be different as he was respectful and polite. More than Dustin and Bilwof fight, I am curious to see who Abigail is going to face.
Oh yes no one is talking about Abigail but am sure would win she’s the second on the witz list
I am just curious to know and immortal @Junlee please enlighten me. Is it a cultural thing from where the author comes from, where you always despise the opponent and always feel that you have unadulterated supremacy over the other, without having any clue about the opponent? Or is it more to do with a dire need of show off and then end up biting your own dust? Dustin has been the exception and Kieran also seems to be different as he was respectful and polite. More than Dustin and Bilwof fight, I am curious to see who Abigail is going to face.
I'm thinking she is paired up with either Kieran or Emerald
Chapter 2503 The Unscathed Father Adam

“What? This guy isn’t dead? How is that possible?!”

“Not only is he not dead, but there isn’t a single scratch on him. This is simply unbelievable!”

“How could this be? Does this guy have some kind of treasure armor?”

“Even if he was wearing treasure armor, that last strike from Master Ironheart should have at least left a mark!”


The audience stared in shock at Father Adam, who stood there unscathed.

That was Master Ironheart’s ultimate move, a strike powerful enough to split mountains and rivers.

Normally, with Father Adam’s physique, he should have been either dead or crippled.

But the bizarre thing was, he was completely unharmed, which was beyond their comprehension.

At this moment, not only were the spectators astonished, but even Master Ironheart began to doubt reality.

Golden Dragon was one of the killer moves of the Demon-Slaying Staff technique.

Once executed, no one had ever been able to withstand it, and it had always worked flawlessly.

He was certain that his strike had landed squarely on Father Adam.

But he couldn’t understand why the opponent wasn’t injured?

Not even a scratch?

What kind of terrifying body did this foreigner possess?

Was he human or demon?

Father Adam raised his voice and asked again, “I asked you, how are you going to compensate for my ruined clothes?”

“I don’t believe you’re invincible!” Master Ironheart roared, charging forward with his staff once more.

Golden light radiated around him, resembling a coiled dragon.

“If you won’t compensate, then you’ll pay with your life!” Father Adam’s eyes turned cold, his previously kind expression morphing into a fierce one.

Black deathly energy erupted from his body, instantly enveloping him.

His once fair skin turned jet black, with scales emerging from his flesh, covering him from neck to toe.

His previously human fingers transformed into sharp claws.

In the blink of an eye, Father Adam became a half-human, half-beast monster.

“Humans... shall die!” Father Adam grinned wickedly.

The next moment, he vanished, reappearing right in front of Master Ironheart.

His sharp claws transformed into blades, stabbing straight at Master Ironheart’s chest.

“So fast!” Master Ironheart’s pupils contracted in fear.

Instinctively, he raised his staff to block.


A metallic clash echoed as Father Adam’s black claws fiercely struck the iron staff, unleashing a terrifying force.


Master Ironheart’s body shuddered, his steps uncontrollably retreating.

His hands, gripping the staff, experienced a brief numbness.

After transforming into his demonic form, Father Adam not only gained incredible speed but also a terrifying strength.

Even a casual strike from him carried deadly force.


Seeing the deep claw marks on his staff, Master Ironheart couldn’t help but frown, a wave of shock surging within him.

His staff was made of black iron, much harder than ordinary steel.

This black iron staff had accompanied him for over a decade, never suffering any damage. Yet just now, with a casual swipe, Father Adam left three nearly one-inch-deep claw marks.

The sharpness of these claws was comparable to divine weapons!


Before Master Ironheart could react, Father Adam swung his claw again, leaving afterimages in its wake.

Master Ironheart couldn’t dodge in time and had to raise his staff to block once more.


Another explosive sound.

Master Ironheart was forced back several meters, and the black iron staff in his hands snapped with a crisp “crack,” unable to bear the force.

The spectators gasped in shock.

A single claw strike could break a black iron staff—what kind of monster was this?!

“Fine! If you insist on close combat, this monk will oblige you to the end!”

Seeing his staff broken in two, Master Ironheart’s temper flared.

He threw away the broken staff, clenched his fists, and his body radiated golden light.

At the same time, he chanted a mantra, causing the golden light to retract and form a set of golden armor on his body.

This golden armor was covered with intricate scriptures, which flowed like tadpoles, appearing alive.

“Holy crap! That’s the ultimate technique of the Golden Temple, the Arhat Golden Armor!”

“Legend says the Arhat Golden Armor is impervious to weapons, resistant to fire and water, and virtually indestructible—it's the ultimate defense!”

“I never thought Master Ironheart had mastered the Arhat Golden Armor to such an extent. No one below the grandmaster level could harm him now!”

“Haha… With the Arhat Golden Armor, Master Ironheart is invincible. I’d like to see what else that half-human, half-demon priest can do!”

The audience, seeing Master Ironheart in his golden armor, was both amazed and delighted.

After all, Master Ironheart already had an invincible body, and with the Arhat Golden Armor’s protection, even a grandmaster-level opponent wouldn’t be able to touch him.

“Demon! Surrender now!” Master Ironheart shouted, his eyes wide with fury, his body radiating golden light like an Arhat descending, exuding an awe-inspiring presence that shook the surroundings.

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I am just curious to know and immortal @Junlee please enlighten me. Is it a cultural thing from where the author comes from, where you always despise the opponent and always feel that you have unadulterated supremacy over the other, without having any clue about the opponent? Or is it more to do with a dire need of show off and then end up biting your own dust? Dustin has been the exception and Kieran also seems to be different as he was respectful and polite. More than Dustin and Bilwof fight, I am curious to see who Abigail is going to face.
Hey, that’s a great question! Here’s the lowdown on why characters in kung fu/action novels often boast and humiliate their opponents:

- Cultural Context:
- Historical Roots: In traditional Chinese martial arts, being confident and showing off was part of the deal. Characters bragging about their skills might just be reflecting this cultural attitude.
- Cultural Norms: It’s kind of a way to establish oneself as a big deal and show dominance. It’s not just about the fight, but also about building a reputation.

- Psychological Warfare:
- Sun Tzu’s Wisdom (The Art of War): Sun Tzu said, “All warfare is based on deception.” So, making an opponent feel small or belittled is a tactic to mess with their head and make them less confident.
- Tactics: By putting the enemy down before the fight even starts, it’s like trying to get inside their head and weaken them mentally.

- Storytelling:
- Adding Drama: This bragging and humiliation also makes the story more thrilling. It builds up the tension and makes the eventual showdown more exciting.

So, while it might seem like showing off or having a big ego, it’s really about strategy and adding drama to the story.

Hope that clears things up!
Thanks a lot immortal @Junlee for the explanation. From where I grew up, i was always taught to respect others and I have seen my dad treating even minors and arch enemies with utter respect. So, in one way it is overbearing to see the constant show off and boasting. But I will have to admit it, it does really builds up the story and it gives a kind of satisfaction to see the boastful ones get humiliated. In this story, Bilwof has no clue who Dustin is or what he is capable of and what he can do to him, and yet his boastful nature has already irked Dustin to an extent that he already called him as an idiot.
quarter final should be dustin, billy, abigail, vincent, father adam, george browse...add two more to that list that im not so sure...i think the pantheon will create havoc during the final between dustin and billy....then nolan, darkbane and evelyn morgan will fight the pantheon with andriy as their leader

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