An Understated Dominance, Dustin Rhys story. Chapters 1301 and beyond - JUNLEE (aka Jungal2000) English interpretation

Translated by Jungal2000

This is my take on an ongoing Chinese novel by an unknown author. I've never been much of a reader when it comes to lengthy novels, but as soon as I delved into this tale, I was hooked like a fanatic. And I can't seem to stop. Unfortunately, the English version I was following only released three chapters a day, and my appetite for the story was insatiable. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started translating the Chinese text myself. Along the way, I've tried to inject some context into it because Google's translation tends to be too literal.

I've used different names for characters in my translations since they're a result of my own artistic interpretation. I began my translations from Chapter 967, which was posted in a different discussion thread. My aim is to tackle at least 100 chapters a week. However, as much as I love translating and reading this novel, I make sure to reserve my weekends for my family and friends – they're the ones who matter most to me.

The reason for this new thread is that during my two days off, some talented translators have continued where I left off. Their work is already shared and posted in my previous thread. This is fantastic news for readers looking for weekend reads. To avoid any confusion, I decided to create a new thread where I can upload and continue my translations. I'm doing all of this out of love for the story and the enjoyment I get from the process; it makes me feel like I'm a part of the narrative.

For those who are new to this, the best translations are provided by Muhindi Wa Kuchoma, and they are the work of the legendary translator Marina Vitori.

This is the tale of a prince, a legendary Kirin known as Logan Rhys. His life underwent a dramatic change a decade ago when his mother met a mysterious and untimely demise. Fueled by a relentless pursuit of truth, justice, and vengeance, he abandoned his royal palace and adopted the guise of a commoner, going by the name Dustin Rhys. The once-arrogant young prince transformed into a timid and soft-spoken individual, making him an easy target for bullies.

During these ten years, Logan secretly honed his skills and strength, undergoing a profound transformation. However, a recent divorce from his wife, Dahlia Nicholson, after three years of marriage, coupled with a series of life-altering events, pushed him back into action. Slowly but surely, he began to shed his timid persona, reemerging as the formidable figure he once was.

Join us as we follow the journey of Dustin, or Logan, as he strives to surpass, outmaneuver, and overpower entire armies and kingdoms, all through his own determination and bare hands.
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Who’s next to fight? 3 and 30? Can’t wait for Dustin’s fight with Biwolf. Will the other Dragonmarsh leaders be able to identify Dustin from his fight?
I was in your shoes too for close to 2 years, remain new villager to new member and nothing changed until I started getting active,
The more active you are on the forum, the more your cultivation grows! You'll be a grandmaster in no time!
Dang, im so late with the news and updates here in the village. I never knew there is a pervert sect already.
Who’s next to fight? 3 and 30? Can’t wait for Dustin’s fight with Biwolf. Will the other Dragonmarsh leaders be able to identify Dustin from his fight?
eh its going to be a filler fight to show the kong guy or something, probably a good week or so before we get any dustin action, god its like if you didnt know this was his story youd forget he was the main character sometimes, honestly the last time he fought someone was the transforming lion goeilla thing way back when, and before that it was the yama sect fodder and before that it was back when margeret was getting the dragons vein and felt like playing along with the kidnappers, i just wish he got to do more stuff, like back when i was binging this
Hahaha.. How bout baby demon @Gily, whats ur opinion with this?
Am good with the demon 😈 master think you 😹🤲
I on the other hand don’t know how I came up with the name demons 😈 master 😹🤲
I am very sure if i has been active on the platform from the start i might have entered the celestial realm 😹😹 anyway it’s all for the best strong foundation solidarity one’s cultivation ✊💪
eh its going to be a filler fight to show the kong guy or something, probably a good week or so before we get any dustin action, god its like if you didnt know this was his story youd forget he was the main character sometimes, honestly the last time he fought someone was the transforming lion goeilla thing way back when, and before that it was the yama sect fodder and before that it was back when margeret was getting the dragons vein and felt like playing along with the kidnappers, i just wish he got to do more stuff, like back when i was binging this
That’s true. I might probably be back in a weeks time to see how the other fights have progressed.
So the story has reached 2522 chapters ! Last time I stopped at 2388. That means I got 134 chapters to read. It’s a nice accumulation for me !!

Keep it up Junlee !! Good job !! I appreciate that ya’ll have persisted this far !!
So the story has reached 2522 chapters ! Last time I stopped at 2388. That means I got 134 chapters to read. It’s a nice accumulation for me !!

Keep it up Junlee !! Good job !! I appreciate that ya’ll have persisted this far !!
No worries! We missed your legendary Solomonic wisdom here, but what can we do? We know and support you in your dual cultivation with @Julia_Natasha

"Grand Sorceress, these... these treasures are far too valuable. I think it’s best if we forget about it."

Azalea felt overwhelmed by the dazzling array of treasures before her.

Previously, when the Grand Sorceress had given her protective charms and Spirit-Gathering Pill, there had already been some dissent. If she were to accept these treasures without reservation, she would surely become a target of resentment among the disciples of the Mystic Arts Order.

"What’s so valuable about them? They were all earned from running gambling houses, so it didn’t cost us a penny. Just take them without any worries. If anyone dares to gossip behind your back, I’ll tear their mouths off!"

Abigail said, glancing around as the members of the Mystic Arts Order quickly averted their eyes, pretending not to see anything.

They were well aware of Abigail’s methods. Since she became the Grand Sorceress, her first act was to cleanse the Mystic Arts Order from within.

Those who had previously opposed her were swiftly dealt with through harsh and decisive measures.

From the elders down to the disciples, anyone who voiced dissent was either imprisoned or killed.

During that initial period, the entire Mystic Arts Order was in a state of fear and confusion.

However, after the Grand Sorceress’s reforms, they were astonished to find that not only had the Mystic Arts Order not declined, but it had seemingly been rejuvenated, attracting many talented disciples.

The sect became more united and focused.

It soon became clear that those eliminated by the Grand Sorceress were nothing more than parasites within the sect.

They had held absolute power and resources for their own benefit, with no consideration for the sect’s development.

Even the most basic promotion paths for disciples were tightly controlled by these people.

Talented disciples with no influence or connections were left without resources and opportunities for advancement.

Meanwhile, mediocre individuals with connections were showered with various pills and magical treasures, leading to severe internal imbalances.

Everything changed after the Grand Sorceress took charge.

Though her methods were ruthless and unyielding, she was fair in her rewards and punishments, earning the respect and awe of all disciples.

Now, in the entire Mystic Arts Order, the Grand Sorceress’s word was law, and no one dared to oppose her.

Because those who did had already met their end.


Azalea was still hesitant.

The Grand Sorceress had been exceptionally kind to her, always giving her the best of everything first. While Azalea could disregard any ill will from others, she couldn’t ignore the potential backlash for the Grand Sorceress.

As the Grand Sorceress, being overly partial to one person might attract criticism from the disciples.

"Alright, alright, don’t refuse. How about this: I’ll just lend you these treasures for now. Once you win the competition, you can return them to me."

Seeing Azalea’s reluctance to accept, Abigail had to offer a different proposition.

Although she couldn’t give them directly, if Azalea won the competition and then received the treasures as a reward, it would be perfectly reasonable. Heh.

"Fine then, I’ll borrow them for now."

With the offer laid out this way, Azalea felt she had no choice but to accept.


If it was just a loan, Azalea felt relieved of any psychological burden.

After the second match ended, the third match soon began.

Judge Jeremy was walking onto the stage, his voice booming: “We will now begin the third match. Please welcome contestant #3 and contestant #30 to the stage!”

As his words echoed, a figure suddenly sprang from the crowd below, performing a series of flips in mid-air before landing steadily on the stage.

It was Aiden Vale, wearing a broad-brimmed hat and carrying a long blade on his back.

As the chief disciple of the Spectral Blade Sect, Aiden was quite renowned in the martial world. His appearance on stage elicited cheers from the crowd.

“Black Diamond! Come up here and meet your end!”

Aiden, brimming with confidence, pointed a finger at the Black Diamond below the stage, his fighting spirit palpable.

The two had previously exchanged their contestant numbers, so they were well aware of each other's identities.

Aiden was irritated by the Black Diamond’s earlier taunting gesture, and now he intended to crush his opponent with overwhelming force on the stage.


Amidst a deep, menacing laugh, the Black Diamond, towering over two meters tall with an exceptionally muscular frame, strode toward the stage with a ferocious expression.

As a battle fanatic, he had endured much, and today he was eager to enjoy himself.

“Meeting me is the greatest misfortune of your life, Dragonmarsh warrior. I’ll show you what hell is like!”

The Black Diamond climbed onto the stage, his shoulders slightly heaving, muscles bulging like black obsidian, glinting with an unusual sheen under the sunlight.

“Hmph! Who are you trying to scare? Just because you’re big? Do you really think I’m afraid of you?” Aiden sneered, showing no fear.

He had dealt with more than his fair share of big brutes before.

Though the Black Diamond’s muscles were intimidating, they only meant he had great strength and sacrificed speed and agility. Strength alone wasn’t enough to win.

With his skills, Aiden could easily make the Black Diamond look foolish.

“Good, very good. I hope you keep that courage when I’m stomping you underfoot later.” The Black Diamond grinned viciously, his expression suggesting he was certain of victory.

“Enough talk! Bring it on if you have the guts!”

Aiden drew his long blade from his back with a fierce aura.

The Black Diamond did not immediately attack but instead glanced at Judge Jeremy.

Still fresh in his mind was the incident with Bilwof; he didn’t want to give his opponent any chance to act out of turn before the match officially began.

“Are both contestants ready?”

Judge Jeremy looked from side to side, and when both men nodded, he declared loudly: “Great. The third match officially begins now!”

As soon as the announcement was made, Aiden sprang into action.


Aiden’s foot pushed off, propelling him forward like a ferocious tiger. His long blade, trailing a blur, was swung powerfully toward the Black Diamond’s neck.

“What’s muscle good for? I’ll just chop you down with one swing!”


Aiden’s speed was astonishing, and his blade struck with the swiftness of lightning.

The crowd below barely had time to react as Aiden closed in on the Black Diamond, his steel blade slashing towards his opponent’s neck.

Though he hadn't yet reached the Grandmaster level, Aiden’s skill was on par with that of a Grandmaster, a fact that fueled his confidence.

The Black Diamond, seemingly unperturbed, stood motionless, failing to react to the attack.

Seeing this, Aiden sneered with cold satisfaction.

This was the weakness of the big brutes: slow speed and sluggish reactions, turning them into easy targets for a well-placed attack.


As expected, Aiden’s steel blade struck the Black Diamond’s neck with a resounding clang.

But soon, Aiden’s smile faded.

The anticipated scene of the blade severing the head did not occur. Instead, the once indomitable blade sparked off the Black Diamond’s body.

It was as if he was cutting through an exceptionally hard piece of ore rather than flesh.

What was more alarming was the lack of any discernible energy fluctuations from the Black Diamond.

In other words, the Black Diamond wasn’t using any protective energy—he was simply relying on his physical toughness to withstand the blow.

“A cultivator of physical prowess?!”

Aiden furrowed his brow, his expression growing serious.

It was clear now that the Black Diamond’s arrogance was not without cause—his strength and defense were indeed formidable and hard to deal with.

However, formidable or not, it wasn’t without its weaknesses. Every cultivator of physical prowess had their vulnerabilities. Once those were found and exploited, victory was within reach.

“Hehehe… Is that all you’ve got?”

The Black Diamond sneered down at Aiden with a look of disdain, as if observing a mere sheep.

Aiden grunted, deciding not to waste words. He prepared to withdraw and look for another opportunity.

However, at that moment, the Black Diamond twisted his neck, clamping the steel blade between his cheek and shoulder.

Aiden tried to pull the blade out, but it felt as if it were trapped in an iron vise, immovable.

“You’ve had your turn. Now, it’s mine!”

The Black Diamond grinned widely, his fist—size of a sandbag—slamming towards Aiden.

It was a simple straight punch, devoid of any flair, but as it was thrown, the air around it crackled with the sound of thunder, distorting in its wake, making the punch exceptionally terrifying.

Aiden’s expression changed as he realized the danger. He dared not withstand it directly and immediately dropped his blade, retreating narrowly to avoid the punch.

The Black Diamond did not press the attack. Instead, he removed the blade from his neck and began munching on it as if it were a snack.

Yes, he was eating it!

The tough steel blade was chewed with a crunching sound, like potato chips. He continued to savor each bite with apparent delight.


In no time, the entire steel blade had been consumed, with only a small portion left.

The spectators below were stunned, their eyes wide in disbelief.

“What the hell is this? This giant is actually eating the steel blade like a snack?!”

“Even if he’s a cultivator of physical prowess, no one trains like this, right? Is this guy even human?”

“A monster! He’s an absolute monster!”

The crowd was in shock.

They had seen many strange things, but never had they witnessed someone eating a steel blade like it was food.

Not to mention how he managed to chew it, the real question was how he planned to digest it.

This clearly seemed beyond human capability.


At this moment, Aiden was also at a loss.

He stared at the Black Diamond, who seemed to be savoring his meal with a look of complete satisfaction.

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn’t have believed that his steel blade was being eaten bite by bite.

It was utterly bizarre!

“The taste is quite good. Do you have any other treasures?”

Having finished the steel blade, the Black Diamond grinned broadly, showing a mouthful of white teeth.

Aiden twitched his eyes, momentarily at a loss for words.

“What, are you scared now? Is this all the spirit of the Dragonmarsh warriors?” The Black Diamond sneered.

“You audacious fool! Do you think some parlor tricks can scare me? I’ll tell you, dream on!”

Enraged, Aiden clenched his fists, assuming a combat stance.

Not only was he skilled with his blade, but his fist techniques were also exceptionally proficient.

While physical cultivators had toughened skin and muscles to resist blade attacks, they weren’t necessarily immune to fists.

Fist techniques were penetrating attacks; with enough mastery, a well-delivered punch could channel powerful true energy through the cultivator’s flesh, affecting internal organs and causing significant damage.

“If you have the guts, come and try!”

The Black Diamond beckoned with a finger, a mocking expression on his face.

He wasn’t in a hurry to win. His goal was to torment his opponent slowly, instilling fear in all Dragonmarsh warriors.

“I’ll see just how formidable you are!”

Aiden roared, propelling himself forward like an arrow from a bow.

His right arm quickly gathered power, condensing a sphere of white light, which he then delivered with lightning speed to the Black Diamond’s chest.


The impact was thunderous.

The Black Diamond remained unmoved, his muscles barely twitching as he absorbed the entire force.

In contrast, Aiden was pushed back several steps by the immense recoil, his arm tingling with numbness.

His face showed terror.

Before he could react, the Black Diamond’s enormous palm was already reaching out to grab him.


The Black Diamond moved swiftly. Before Aiden could react, he had grabbed Aiden by the neck and lifted him up with a single hand, as if he were a mere chicken.

Aiden’s breathing halted, his face turning redder by the second. He struggled wildly, his limbs flailing, but found he could not break free.

The Black Diamond’s grip was like a vice, immovable and unyielding.

“You… are pitifully weak.”

The Black Diamond shook his head, his face full of scorn and disdain.

So pathetic that Aiden couldn’t even withstand a single attack. The worst part was that the Black Diamond had only used a fraction of his strength.

With such a weak opponent, even his interest in torturing him waned.

After all, only strong opponents could excite him, and only by crushing strong opponents could he instill fear in all Dragonmarsh warriors.

Encountering such a disappointment was truly disheartening.

“Cicada Shell!”

In a desperate situation, Aiden quickly formed seals with his hands. His body suddenly shrank, becoming as agile as a boneless cat, slipping out of the Black Diamond’s grasp.

He rolled away and quickly distanced himself, panting heavily as the redness on his face began to fade.


The unexpected turn of events surprised the Black Diamond, his eyes showing a hint of intrigue.

It seemed the opponent was not entirely useless after all. Perhaps there were some special tricks he hadn’t shown yet.

“Big guy, I have to admit, you’re indeed strong to force me to use the Cicada Shell technique. However, it ends here.”

Aiden touched his throbbing neck, his eyes flashing with murderous intent. “Next, you’ll experience the powerful secret technique of the Spectral Blade Sect I prepared this for the finals, but I’ll use it on you now. It might be overkill, but I don’t care!”

With that, Aiden abruptly pulled out a black pill and swallowed it. He then clasped his hands together and chanted a spell rapidly.

Soon, a vague black shadow began to drift out from his body.

The shadow was like smoke, constantly shifting and changing. It finally coalesced into a humanoid shape roughly the same size as Aiden.

Seeing this, many spectators below showed expressions of horror.

“Could this be the Spectral Blade Sect’s secret technique, the Shadow Kill?”

“It’s said that the Shadow Kill technique is incredibly sinister, capable of ignoring defenses and shields to directly attack the soul. If the soul is weak, it can turn a person into an idiot or even kill them instantly. Truly a silent killer!”

“I heard that the Shadow Kill technique was lost due to its difficulty to master, and even the Sect Master couldn’t use it. I can’t believe Aiden has actually mastered it. It seems the Spectral Blade Sect is set to reclaim its former glory!”



The audience below was abuzz with whispers, astonished by the black silhouette hovering above Aiden’s head.

Two hundred years ago, the Spectral Blade Sect was ranked among the top three in the martial world, largely due to its mastery of the Shadow Kill technique. The sect’s leader back then was a formidable figure who could execute this technique with terrifying precision, causing anyone who opposed him to meet an obscure and often fatal end. Even top martial artists were not spared.

After that leader’s death, the Spectral Blade Sect began to decline. The main reason was the extreme difficulty in mastering the Shadow Kill technique, which could easily turn practitioners into idiots if not handled with utmost care.

To this day, only Aiden had successfully cultivated it, signaling a potential resurgence for the sect.

“What is the Shadow Kill technique? Is it really that powerful?”

In the audience, Lara tilted her head, curious.

Gabrielle explained, “The Shadow Kill technique is a secret method for cultivating the soul. It’s extremely powerful. It is said that this technique can directly attack a person’s soul and destroy their mental faculties. Nothing can block it unless the target’s soul is stronger than the practitioner’s. If hit, the victim is doomed!”

“That’s terrifying!” Lara’s eyes widened.

The idea of an attack targeting the soul was indeed unsettling.

“How do you determine the strength of someone’s soul?” Liana suddenly asked.

“It’s hard to determine,” Gabrielle shook her head. “Any technique related to the soul is extremely difficult to master. It requires both innate talent and immense willpower. Otherwise, one might easily fall into madness. In the entire martial world, there are fewer than five practitioners of soul techniques.”

“So, if the Shadow Kill technique is used, doesn’t that make its practitioner invincible?” Liana furrowed her brows.

“Not quite.” Gabrielle shook her head again. “While the Shadow Kill technique is formidable, it does have weaknesses. For one, the practitioner’s body becomes immobile while performing the technique. If you can damage their body, you can disrupt the technique. Generally, practitioners avoid direct attacks due to the risks involved. Right now, Aiden is in a desperate situation, so he has no choice but to go all out.”

“I see,” Liana nodded, relieved. If the Shadow Kill technique were truly unbeatable, the Spectral Blade Sect would become a formidable rival to the martial world.

“Big guy, die!”

Aiden suddenly roared, his hands coming together as he pointed at the Black Diamond from afar with his middle and index fingers.

The black silhouette above Aiden’s head sprang to life, its ghostly form charging forward with an aura of chilling coldness, like a vengeful specter unleashed.
No worries! We missed your legendary Solomonic wisdom here, but what can we do? We know and support you in your dual cultivation with @Julia_Natasha
I had become wisp of soul only after encountering celestial immortals and now I got my physical form back. So, dual cultivation was out of question. 😂😂😂.
Wow! So good to see so many interacting here. Since it is a live page and as we await for the author to update, these interactions can help us to be entertained. The story is not developing as we would have liked and maybe the author likes the story so much that he or she wants to drag the story till they breathe last and even afterwards the story would not have been completed. These fights alone might take about a year, (730 chapters) then the clash with foreign forces and acquiring the second spiral might take about another year. While quite a few active readers have become part time readers, we all have to be grateful to immortals @Junlee and @Gily for their unwavering dedication and hardwork. I am just glad to see the training they both received during their training time in virgin sect is really helping them. I will have to advise my sect members to be more persistent and sincere in their training.
Now things are getting better, do u think these shadow kill will end the match soon or that tank is winning , and only Dustin will be the one to kill the the vampire
Looking to purchase some spirit stones so that I can break through to the next level of cultivation. Any body selling?
Am stagnant in my cultivation too am willing to buy or show me the sect that has is installed and we can just fight our way in demon 😈 master speaking 😹
Wow! So good to see so many interacting here. Since it is a live page and as we await for the author to update, these interactions can help us to be entertained. The story is not developing as we would have liked and maybe the author likes the story so much that he or she wants to drag the story till they breathe last and even afterwards the story would not have been completed. These fights alone might take about a year, (730 chapters) then the clash with foreign forces and acquiring the second spiral might take about another year. While quite a few active readers have become part time readers, we all have to be grateful to immortals @Junlee and @Gily for their unwavering dedication and hardwork. I am just glad to see the training they both received during their training time in virgin sect is really helping them. I will have to advise my sect members to be more persistent and sincere in their training.
Hey I had been to seclusion and now I m back 😂

A black figure darted forward with incredible speed. As it passed, the ground beneath it froze solid, and the air around it thickened with cold. Within a ten-meter radius, everything seemed to fall into a strange, suspended space—time itself appeared to stand still.

A shiver ran down the spine of Black Diamond, and a sudden sense of danger gripped his heart.

Realizing the threat, he didn’t dare to be reckless. Instantly, he summoned all the energy within his body and launched a punch straight at the black figure.


The punch was like a clap of thunder, fast and ferocious.

As his fist shot forward, a red-hot flame-like shadow of his punch burst out, streaking towards the black figure with tremendous force.

But contrary to Black Diamond’s expectations, the red shadow didn’t obliterate the black figure. Instead, it passed through it without any resistance, as if striking nothing but air.


Black Diamond’s pupils contracted in shock. Never had he encountered such a bizarre attack—one that completely ignored the collision of energy. Just what was that black figure?

His shoulders tensed, and every muscle in his body tightened in an instant. A red glow spread across his black skin, forming a protective shield.

With his physical strength, only the top Grandmasters of the Dragonmarsh could hope to injure him.


A cold wind swept by.

The black figure brushed against Black Diamond, passing through him as though it were a ghost.


A searing pain shot through Black Diamond, making him scream in agony.

His hands trembled, sweat pouring down his face, and his dark complexion turned eerily pale.

“What... What kind of trick is this? How can you hurt me?” Black Diamond gasped, his voice a mix of anger and disbelief.

At that moment, his head throbbed with excruciating pain, as if thousands of needles were twisting inside his brain.

This pain was not physical but a deep, soul-wrenching agony that was impossible to resist, unbearable to endure.

“Heh heh heh... So, Black Bigshot, where’s all that arrogance now? Not feeling so tough after getting a taste of Shadow Kill Technique, huh?” Aiden sneered, his eyes cold and ruthless.

The Shadow Kill Technique was his trump card, a move he had intended to use in the championship finals to catch his opponents off guard. But circumstances forced him to reveal it early.

This was also his chance to make a name for himself—brutally.

“I’m going to kill you!”

Black Diamond roared in fury, pushing through the pain as he staggered to his feet and charged at Aiden with wild abandon.

“You're courting death!”

Aiden spat out the words, his hands forming seals. He pointed at Black Diamond once more.

The black figure transformed into a gust of cold wind, silently rushing towards Black Diamond, passing through him once again.


In the next moment, Black Diamond's knees buckled, and he collapsed to the ground. His head felt like it was being split open, and sweat poured down his face as he gasped for breath.

“Ah! My head’s going to explode!”

Black Diamond clutched his head, howling in agony.

The pain was so intense that his body began to tremble uncontrollably. Although his body was tough, impervious to blades or bullets, he was defenseless against this attack that struck directly at his soul.

"Yes! Finish off that black demon!"

"Well done! As expected of the chief disciple of the Spectral Blade Sect!"

"So this is the Shadow Kill Technique? Truly terrifying!"

The audience watched in a mix of shock and awe as Black Diamond, once invincible, now knelt on the ground in utter defeat.

At the start, no one had high hopes for Aiden.

Especially after Black Diamond had consumed the Mystic Iron Blade, they believed Aiden's chances of winning were slim.

But everything changed the moment Aiden unleashed the Shadow Kill Technique.

The tide of battle turned completely.

The once ferocious and unstoppable Black Diamond was now utterly at the mercy of Aiden, unable to fight back at all.

For the first time, the audience witnessed the true power of the Shadow Kill Technique.

It was clear that after two hundred years, the Spectral Blade Sect was destined to rise once more.

"This Shadow Kill Technique is truly extraordinary. For a mere half-step Grandmaster to bring a Grandmaster specializing in body-hardening techniques to his knees—such a feat is rare in the martial world."

In the VIP section, Darkbane narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

If he could acquire the method to master this technique, perhaps he could train a cadre of warriors capable of defeating enemies far above their level.

“What’s this? Are you interested in the Spectral Blade Sect’s secret art?” Nolan sneered, glancing at Darkbane. “Two hundred years ago, many people had the same idea as you, and some even managed to steal the Shadow Kill Technique. But do you know why none of them succeeded in mastering it over the past two centuries?”

“Why?” Darkbane asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Hmph! Why should I tell you?” Nolan smirked, turning away.

Darkbane’s eye twitched in frustration.

“Because the Shadow Kill Technique is a legacy that can only be understood, not taught,” Spencer interjected calmly. “Without the inherited memories and exceptional insight, even if someone obtained the method, they couldn’t succeed in mastering it. So far, over a hundred experts have gone mad or died trying to cultivate it. In the end, no one dares to attempt it anymore.”

“So that’s how it is.” Darkbane nodded, finally understanding the full picture.

He had only heard rumors about the Shadow Kill Technique and knew little of its intricacies.

Now, with Spencer’s explanation, he realized just how complicated—and dangerous—this powerful secret technique truly was.

A powerful secret technique that had been lost for two hundred years was not something an ordinary person could hope to master.

A black figure darted forward with incredible speed. As it passed, the ground beneath it froze solid, and the air around it thickened with cold. Within a ten-meter radius, everything seemed to fall into a strange, suspended space—time itself appeared to stand still.

A shiver ran down the spine of Black Diamond, and a sudden sense of danger gripped his heart.

Realizing the threat, he didn’t dare to be reckless. Instantly, he summoned all the energy within his body and launched a punch straight at the black figure.


The punch was like a clap of thunder, fast and ferocious.

As his fist shot forward, a red-hot flame-like shadow of his punch burst out, streaking towards the black figure with tremendous force.

But contrary to Black Diamond’s expectations, the red shadow didn’t obliterate the black figure. Instead, it passed through it without any resistance, as if striking nothing but air.


Black Diamond’s pupils contracted in shock. Never had he encountered such a bizarre attack—one that completely ignored the collision of energy. Just what was that black figure?

His shoulders tensed, and every muscle in his body tightened in an instant. A red glow spread across his black skin, forming a protective shield.

With his physical strength, only the top Grandmasters of the Dragonmarsh could hope to injure him.


A cold wind swept by.

The black figure brushed against Black Diamond, passing through him as though it were a ghost.


A searing pain shot through Black Diamond, making him scream in agony.

His hands trembled, sweat pouring down his face, and his dark complexion turned eerily pale.

“What... What kind of trick is this? How can you hurt me?” Black Diamond gasped, his voice a mix of anger and disbelief.

At that moment, his head throbbed with excruciating pain, as if thousands of needles were twisting inside his brain.

This pain was not physical but a deep, soul-wrenching agony that was impossible to resist, unbearable to endure.

“Heh heh heh... So, Black Bigshot, where’s all that arrogance now? Not feeling so tough after getting a taste of Shadow Kill Technique, huh?” Aiden sneered, his eyes cold and ruthless.

The Shadow Kill Technique was his trump card, a move he had intended to use in the championship finals to catch his opponents off guard. But circumstances forced him to reveal it early.

This was also his chance to make a name for himself—brutally.

“I’m going to kill you!”

Black Diamond roared in fury, pushing through the pain as he staggered to his feet and charged at Aiden with wild abandon.

“You're courting death!”

Aiden spat out the words, his hands forming seals. He pointed at Black Diamond once more.

The black figure transformed into a gust of cold wind, silently rushing towards Black Diamond, passing through him once again.


In the next moment, Black Diamond's knees buckled, and he collapsed to the ground. His head felt like it was being split open, and sweat poured down his face as he gasped for breath.

“Ah! My head’s going to explode!”

Black Diamond clutched his head, howling in agony.

The pain was so intense that his body began to tremble uncontrollably. Although his body was tough, impervious to blades or bullets, he was defenseless against this attack that struck directly at his soul.

"Yes! Finish off that black demon!"

"Well done! As expected of the chief disciple of the Spectral Blade Sect!"

"So this is the Shadow Kill Technique? Truly terrifying!"

The audience watched in a mix of shock and awe as Black Diamond, once invincible, now knelt on the ground in utter defeat.

At the start, no one had high hopes for Aiden.

Especially after Black Diamond had consumed the Mystic Iron Blade, they believed Aiden's chances of winning were slim.

But everything changed the moment Aiden unleashed the Shadow Kill Technique.

The tide of battle turned completely.

The once ferocious and unstoppable Black Diamond was now utterly at the mercy of Aiden, unable to fight back at all.

For the first time, the audience witnessed the true power of the Shadow Kill Technique.

It was clear that after two hundred years, the Spectral Blade Sect was destined to rise once more.

"This Shadow Kill Technique is truly extraordinary. For a mere half-step Grandmaster to bring a Grandmaster specializing in body-hardening techniques to his knees—such a feat is rare in the martial world."

In the VIP section, Darkbane narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

If he could acquire the method to master this technique, perhaps he could train a cadre of warriors capable of defeating enemies far above their level.

“What’s this? Are you interested in the Spectral Blade Sect’s secret art?” Nolan sneered, glancing at Darkbane. “Two hundred years ago, many people had the same idea as you, and some even managed to steal the Shadow Kill Technique. But do you know why none of them succeeded in mastering it over the past two centuries?”

“Why?” Darkbane asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Hmph! Why should I tell you?” Nolan smirked, turning away.

Darkbane’s eye twitched in frustration.

“Because the Shadow Kill Technique is a legacy that can only be understood, not taught,” Spencer interjected calmly. “Without the inherited memories and exceptional insight, even if someone obtained the method, they couldn’t succeed in mastering it. So far, over a hundred experts have gone mad or died trying to cultivate it. In the end, no one dares to attempt it anymore.”

“So that’s how it is.” Darkbane nodded, finally understanding the full picture.

He had only heard rumors about the Shadow Kill Technique and knew little of its intricacies.

Now, with Spencer’s explanation, he realized just how complicated—and dangerous—this powerful secret technique truly was.

A powerful secret technique that had been lost for two hundred years was not something an ordinary person could hope to master.
Is this the end of this black though guy and a new beginning for the spectral blade sect , can someone remind me who Spencer is my memory is bringing the twin

A black figure darted forward with incredible speed. As it passed, the ground beneath it froze solid, and the air around it thickened with cold. Within a ten-meter radius, everything seemed to fall into a strange, suspended space—time itself appeared to stand still.

A shiver ran down the spine of Black Diamond, and a sudden sense of danger gripped his heart.

Realizing the threat, he didn’t dare to be reckless. Instantly, he summoned all the energy within his body and launched a punch straight at the black figure.


The punch was like a clap of thunder, fast and ferocious.

As his fist shot forward, a red-hot flame-like shadow of his punch burst out, streaking towards the black figure with tremendous force.

But contrary to Black Diamond’s expectations, the red shadow didn’t obliterate the black figure. Instead, it passed through it without any resistance, as if striking nothing but air.


Black Diamond’s pupils contracted in shock. Never had he encountered such a bizarre attack—one that completely ignored the collision of energy. Just what was that black figure?

His shoulders tensed, and every muscle in his body tightened in an instant. A red glow spread across his black skin, forming a protective shield.

With his physical strength, only the top Grandmasters of the Dragonmarsh could hope to injure him.


A cold wind swept by.

The black figure brushed against Black Diamond, passing through him as though it were a ghost.


A searing pain shot through Black Diamond, making him scream in agony.

His hands trembled, sweat pouring down his face, and his dark complexion turned eerily pale.

“What... What kind of trick is this? How can you hurt me?” Black Diamond gasped, his voice a mix of anger and disbelief.

At that moment, his head throbbed with excruciating pain, as if thousands of needles were twisting inside his brain.

This pain was not physical but a deep, soul-wrenching agony that was impossible to resist, unbearable to endure.

“Heh heh heh... So, Black Bigshot, where’s all that arrogance now? Not feeling so tough after getting a taste of Shadow Kill Technique, huh?” Aiden sneered, his eyes cold and ruthless.

The Shadow Kill Technique was his trump card, a move he had intended to use in the championship finals to catch his opponents off guard. But circumstances forced him to reveal it early.

This was also his chance to make a name for himself—brutally.

“I’m going to kill you!”

Black Diamond roared in fury, pushing through the pain as he staggered to his feet and charged at Aiden with wild abandon.

“You're courting death!”

Aiden spat out the words, his hands forming seals. He pointed at Black Diamond once more.

The black figure transformed into a gust of cold wind, silently rushing towards Black Diamond, passing through him once again.


In the next moment, Black Diamond's knees buckled, and he collapsed to the ground. His head felt like it was being split open, and sweat poured down his face as he gasped for breath.

“Ah! My head’s going to explode!”

Black Diamond clutched his head, howling in agony.

The pain was so intense that his body began to tremble uncontrollably. Although his body was tough, impervious to blades or bullets, he was defenseless against this attack that struck directly at his soul.

"Yes! Finish off that black demon!"

"Well done! As expected of the chief disciple of the Spectral Blade Sect!"

"So this is the Shadow Kill Technique? Truly terrifying!"

The audience watched in a mix of shock and awe as Black Diamond, once invincible, now knelt on the ground in utter defeat.

At the start, no one had high hopes for Aiden.

Especially after Black Diamond had consumed the Mystic Iron Blade, they believed Aiden's chances of winning were slim.

But everything changed the moment Aiden unleashed the Shadow Kill Technique.

The tide of battle turned completely.

The once ferocious and unstoppable Black Diamond was now utterly at the mercy of Aiden, unable to fight back at all.

For the first time, the audience witnessed the true power of the Shadow Kill Technique.

It was clear that after two hundred years, the Spectral Blade Sect was destined to rise once more.

"This Shadow Kill Technique is truly extraordinary. For a mere half-step Grandmaster to bring a Grandmaster specializing in body-hardening techniques to his knees—such a feat is rare in the martial world."

In the VIP section, Darkbane narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

If he could acquire the method to master this technique, perhaps he could train a cadre of warriors capable of defeating enemies far above their level.

“What’s this? Are you interested in the Spectral Blade Sect’s secret art?” Nolan sneered, glancing at Darkbane. “Two hundred years ago, many people had the same idea as you, and some even managed to steal the Shadow Kill Technique. But do you know why none of them succeeded in mastering it over the past two centuries?”

“Why?” Darkbane asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Hmph! Why should I tell you?” Nolan smirked, turning away.

Darkbane’s eye twitched in frustration.

“Because the Shadow Kill Technique is a legacy that can only be understood, not taught,” Spencer interjected calmly. “Without the inherited memories and exceptional insight, even if someone obtained the method, they couldn’t succeed in mastering it. So far, over a hundred experts have gone mad or died trying to cultivate it. In the end, no one dares to attempt it anymore.”

“So that’s how it is.” Darkbane nodded, finally understanding the full picture.

He had only heard rumors about the Shadow Kill Technique and knew little of its intricacies.

Now, with Spencer’s explanation, he realized just how complicated—and dangerous—this powerful secret technique truly was.

A powerful secret technique that had been lost for two hundred years was not something an ordinary person could hope to master.
Wow things are getting sweeter now Dustin is going to kill that blood demon in one blow🏃🏃🏃🏃🤸🤸
Wow things are getting sweeter now Dustin is going to kill that blood demon in one blow🏃🏃🏃🏃🤸🤸
Dustin will just use the silver needle given to him to just shoot at him with precision and end the battle easily and just pretended it was a luck on his side to keep his cool
Wow things are getting sweeter now Dustin is going to kill that blood demon in one blow🏃🏃🏃🏃🤸🤸
The problem right now I keep reading the next day chapters a day before it is released on this page

A black figure darted forward with incredible speed. As it passed, the ground beneath it froze solid, and the air around it thickened with cold. Within a ten-meter radius, everything seemed to fall into a strange, suspended space—time itself appeared to stand still.

A shiver ran down the spine of Black Diamond, and a sudden sense of danger gripped his heart.

Realizing the threat, he didn’t dare to be reckless. Instantly, he summoned all the energy within his body and launched a punch straight at the black figure.


The punch was like a clap of thunder, fast and ferocious.

As his fist shot forward, a red-hot flame-like shadow of his punch burst out, streaking towards the black figure with tremendous force.

But contrary to Black Diamond’s expectations, the red shadow didn’t obliterate the black figure. Instead, it passed through it without any resistance, as if striking nothing but air.


Black Diamond’s pupils contracted in shock. Never had he encountered such a bizarre attack—one that completely ignored the collision of energy. Just what was that black figure?

His shoulders tensed, and every muscle in his body tightened in an instant. A red glow spread across his black skin, forming a protective shield.

With his physical strength, only the top Grandmasters of the Dragonmarsh could hope to injure him.


A cold wind swept by.

The black figure brushed against Black Diamond, passing through him as though it were a ghost.


A searing pain shot through Black Diamond, making him scream in agony.

His hands trembled, sweat pouring down his face, and his dark complexion turned eerily pale.

“What... What kind of trick is this? How can you hurt me?” Black Diamond gasped, his voice a mix of anger and disbelief.

At that moment, his head throbbed with excruciating pain, as if thousands of needles were twisting inside his brain.

This pain was not physical but a deep, soul-wrenching agony that was impossible to resist, unbearable to endure.

“Heh heh heh... So, Black Bigshot, where’s all that arrogance now? Not feeling so tough after getting a taste of Shadow Kill Technique, huh?” Aiden sneered, his eyes cold and ruthless.

The Shadow Kill Technique was his trump card, a move he had intended to use in the championship finals to catch his opponents off guard. But circumstances forced him to reveal it early.

This was also his chance to make a name for himself—brutally.

“I’m going to kill you!”

Black Diamond roared in fury, pushing through the pain as he staggered to his feet and charged at Aiden with wild abandon.

“You're courting death!”

Aiden spat out the words, his hands forming seals. He pointed at Black Diamond once more.

The black figure transformed into a gust of cold wind, silently rushing towards Black Diamond, passing through him once again.


In the next moment, Black Diamond's knees buckled, and he collapsed to the ground. His head felt like it was being split open, and sweat poured down his face as he gasped for breath.

“Ah! My head’s going to explode!”

Black Diamond clutched his head, howling in agony.

The pain was so intense that his body began to tremble uncontrollably. Although his body was tough, impervious to blades or bullets, he was defenseless against this attack that struck directly at his soul.

"Yes! Finish off that black demon!"

"Well done! As expected of the chief disciple of the Spectral Blade Sect!"

"So this is the Shadow Kill Technique? Truly terrifying!"

The audience watched in a mix of shock and awe as Black Diamond, once invincible, now knelt on the ground in utter defeat.

At the start, no one had high hopes for Aiden.

Especially after Black Diamond had consumed the Mystic Iron Blade, they believed Aiden's chances of winning were slim.

But everything changed the moment Aiden unleashed the Shadow Kill Technique.

The tide of battle turned completely.

The once ferocious and unstoppable Black Diamond was now utterly at the mercy of Aiden, unable to fight back at all.

For the first time, the audience witnessed the true power of the Shadow Kill Technique.

It was clear that after two hundred years, the Spectral Blade Sect was destined to rise once more.

"This Shadow Kill Technique is truly extraordinary. For a mere half-step Grandmaster to bring a Grandmaster specializing in body-hardening techniques to his knees—such a feat is rare in the martial world."

In the VIP section, Darkbane narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

If he could acquire the method to master this technique, perhaps he could train a cadre of warriors capable of defeating enemies far above their level.

“What’s this? Are you interested in the Spectral Blade Sect’s secret art?” Nolan sneered, glancing at Darkbane. “Two hundred years ago, many people had the same idea as you, and some even managed to steal the Shadow Kill Technique. But do you know why none of them succeeded in mastering it over the past two centuries?”

“Why?” Darkbane asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Hmph! Why should I tell you?” Nolan smirked, turning away.

Darkbane’s eye twitched in frustration.

“Because the Shadow Kill Technique is a legacy that can only be understood, not taught,” Spencer interjected calmly. “Without the inherited memories and exceptional insight, even if someone obtained the method, they couldn’t succeed in mastering it. So far, over a hundred experts have gone mad or died trying to cultivate it. In the end, no one dares to attempt it anymore.”

“So that’s how it is.” Darkbane nodded, finally understanding the full picture.

He had only heard rumors about the Shadow Kill Technique and knew little of its intricacies.

Now, with Spencer’s explanation, he realized just how complicated—and dangerous—this powerful secret technique truly was.

A powerful secret technique that had been lost for two hundred years was not something an ordinary person could hope to master.
Hopefully Black Diamond doesn’t survive this onslaught from Aiden. The Dragonmarsh warriors need to make a statement to the outsiders that they are not pushovers.
Is this the end of this black though guy and a new beginning for the spectral blade sect , can someone remind me who Spencer is my memory is bringing the twin
Spencer is the No.5 on the world shaking list, and the new Master of Dragon Tiger Mountains.

@Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000') is there a posible that we can make an index directory for our list of characters in this novel?

"What's the deal with Black Diamond? He’s getting pummeled by a mere shadow and can’t even fight back. What a disgrace!"

Bilwof sneered with contempt as he watched Black Diamond struggling in the arena.

They always said this giant was strong, with incredible power. Yet, he couldn’t handle a weakling from the Dragonmarsh. Pathetic.

“That Dragonmarsh warrior is peculiar. His attacks are extraordinary—they bypass physical defenses and energy shields, damaging the soul. That’s precisely Mr. Browse’s weakness,” Father Adam said solemnly.

They had expected Black Diamond to win easily, but he had encountered a nemesis. The situation was looking grim.

“Attacking the soul? Isn’t that like our vampire mental control?”

Bilwof dismissed it casually, “It seems impressive, but it’s only effective against the mentally weak. Against a strong opponent, it’s useless. It’s no wonder Black Diamond’s mental fortitude is so poor—he’s even weaker than a human. If it were me, I’d take care of the opponent in no time.”

“This isn’t the time for schadenfreude. If Mr. Browse dies in the arena, it’ll severely impact our plans. We need to think of a way to help him through this crisis,” Father Adam said.

“Simple enough. That human warrior may be mentally strong, but physically he’s pathetic. If Black Diamond can get close, one punch should finish him off.”

Bilwof then changed the subject abruptly, “Of course, given Black Diamond’s current state, whether he can close the distance is another matter.”

“Whether it’s possible or not, it’s worth a try.”

Father Adam stepped forward, his voice low and urgent, and began transmitting instructions to Black Diamond through covert telepathy.

His lips moved slightly, muttering words only audible to those who knew how to listen.

Sensing something, Black Diamond tilted his head slightly, listening intently, though he didn’t turn around.

When he stood up again, there was a glint of madness in his eyes.

“Oh? He can still get up?”

Aiden raised an eyebrow in surprise as he watched Black Diamond slowly straighten up.

If this were a warrior of the same level, after two hits from Shadow Kill, they would have been mentally shattered and immobilized.

Yet, Black Diamond, despite taking two Shadow Kills, was still full of fight.

Indeed, size does have its advantages—at least he can take a beating.

“Huff… Huff…”

Black Diamond gasped heavily, his eyes locked on Aiden.

His legs bent slightly, body lowering, muscles tensing, resembling a tiger poised to pounce.

“Humph! Still trying to resist? You’re asking for death!”

Aiden snorted coldly, his eyes gleaming with murderous intent.


Black Diamond said nothing. Once he gathered his strength, he launched himself forward with a powerful kick. With a loud "boom," the ground cratered beneath him.

He soared through the air like a cannonball, leaving a trail of afterimages.


Aiden’s eyes widened in surprise. Without hesitation, he activated Shadow Kill again, commanding the black silhouette to charge at Black Diamond.

Shadow Kill’s nature meant that a single touch would render the target incapable of fighting.


As the black silhouette approached, Black Diamond didn’t dodge. He channeled all his energy into a single punch.

A red fist-shaped aura, like blazing flames, appeared and smashed toward Aiden with immense force.

“Trivial trick!”

Aiden sneered, directing the black silhouette to intercept and collide with the red aura.


With a sharp sound, the red aura shattered into pieces upon impact, while the black silhouette continued its relentless charge toward Black Diamond.

The silhouette pierced through Black Diamond, who screamed in agony. He collapsed onto the ground, sliding forward for several meters before finally coming to a halt.

He convulsed on the ground, blood pouring from his eyes, nose, and mouth, unable to move.

“Heh… You overestimated yourself. Before my Shadow Kill, you’re just a lamb to the slaughter! Fighting me is like throwing an egg at a rock!”

Aiden laughed triumphantly, reveling in his victory.

As he prepared to bask in the glory and applause, he noticed the audience’s puzzled expressions, as if they had witnessed something unbelievable.


Aiden felt a strange sensation and looked down, his face going pale.

He discovered a black blade protruding from his chest. The blade had no handle, was three fingers wide, and had pierced through from the front of his chest to his back.

Blood dripped steadily from the sharp edge, pooling onto the floor.

“How… how is this possible?!”

Aiden’s eyes widened in disbelief. He couldn’t understand how the blade had ended up in his chest.

Throughout the fight, Black Diamond’s actions had been under his control. He had used Shadow Kill to neutralize the opponent’s punch and then dealt a heavy blow.

Everything had gone smoothly, with no signs of weakness.

He couldn’t fathom where the blade had come from.

Was there someone in the audience who had made a sneak attack?

Aiden looked around, his mouth opening to say something, but suddenly his vision darkened. He collapsed to the ground, lifeless, his final breath escaping him.
I guess there might be cheating but bilwolf won't survive

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