An Understated Dominance, Dustin Rhys story. Chapters 1301 and beyond - JUNLEE (aka Jungal2000) English interpretation

Translated by Jungal2000

This is my take on an ongoing Chinese novel by an unknown author. I've never been much of a reader when it comes to lengthy novels, but as soon as I delved into this tale, I was hooked like a fanatic. And I can't seem to stop. Unfortunately, the English version I was following only released three chapters a day, and my appetite for the story was insatiable. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started translating the Chinese text myself. Along the way, I've tried to inject some context into it because Google's translation tends to be too literal.

I've used different names for characters in my translations since they're a result of my own artistic interpretation. I began my translations from Chapter 967, which was posted in a different discussion thread. My aim is to tackle at least 100 chapters a week. However, as much as I love translating and reading this novel, I make sure to reserve my weekends for my family and friends – they're the ones who matter most to me.

The reason for this new thread is that during my two days off, some talented translators have continued where I left off. Their work is already shared and posted in my previous thread. This is fantastic news for readers looking for weekend reads. To avoid any confusion, I decided to create a new thread where I can upload and continue my translations. I'm doing all of this out of love for the story and the enjoyment I get from the process; it makes me feel like I'm a part of the narrative.

For those who are new to this, the best translations are provided by Muhindi Wa Kuchoma, and they are the work of the legendary translator Marina Vitori.

This is the tale of a prince, a legendary Kirin known as Logan Rhys. His life underwent a dramatic change a decade ago when his mother met a mysterious and untimely demise. Fueled by a relentless pursuit of truth, justice, and vengeance, he abandoned his royal palace and adopted the guise of a commoner, going by the name Dustin Rhys. The once-arrogant young prince transformed into a timid and soft-spoken individual, making him an easy target for bullies.

During these ten years, Logan secretly honed his skills and strength, undergoing a profound transformation. However, a recent divorce from his wife, Dahlia Nicholson, after three years of marriage, coupled with a series of life-altering events, pushed him back into action. Slowly but surely, he began to shed his timid persona, reemerging as the formidable figure he once was.

Join us as we follow the journey of Dustin, or Logan, as he strives to surpass, outmaneuver, and overpower entire armies and kingdoms, all through his own determination and bare hands.
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Natasha and Delilah didn’t know Dustin true identity,the king of dragonmash is not as healthy as before like wise dustin father
King of Dragonmarsh is here talking.. as healthy as ever, still can have 3 to 4 rounds of sex daily at ease. What do you mean "not as healthy"? :ROFLMAO:

In the audience, someone clenched their fists tightly as they watched Azalea reveal her protective spirit treasure.

It was originally his prized possession, and he never expected to lose it in a gamble.

"A gambler's fate is always grim."

"Master Morgan, your Mystic Arts Order really is wealthy, isn't it? Any random disciple can use a protective spirit treasure. Truly enviable," Darkbane commented from the main spectators' seat, his tone probing.

"When it comes to wealth, your World Society is unmatched. Our Mystic Arts Order merely has some reserves," Evelyn replied indifferently.

"Master Morgan, you are too modest," Darkbane chuckled. "But for a young disciple to be valued so highly by you, she must be extraordinary. I look forward to her performance."

"Likewise, your World Society's disciples are impressive," Evelyn replied with a forced smile.

Watching the hypocritical exchange, Nolan couldn't help but scoff.

"In a duel, there's no need for such trickery. Just fight it out!"

"Didn't expect you to have a protective spirit treasure," Crimson said sternly from the arena. "But that treasure can only save you temporarily; it won't help you win. You will still lose to me!"

She knew that protective spirit treasures usually had limited uses, and once their spiritual energy was depleted, they would be ineffective.

In other words, she just needed to intensify her attacks to render her opponent's treasure useless.

It would just be a bit more exhausting.

"Heh... To beat me, we'll see if you have the skill," Azalea smiled slightly.

Her whip started to move like a spirit snake.

Earlier, she had been careless, allowing Crimson to close in and attack. With that lesson learned, she wouldn't give her opponent any more chances in the upcoming battle.

"Take this!"

Crimson charged forward, her spear gleaming coldly as she thrust it at Azalea.

The thrust was swift and precise, seemingly simple, yet adaptable to any situation.

Seeing this, Azalea lashed her whip, aiming it straight at Crimson's face.

Crimson twisted her body, spinning in mid-air like a swimming fish, deftly avoiding the whip and continuing her thrust.

Azalea anticipated this, and with a flick of her wrist, the whip changed direction, wrapping around one of Crimson's legs.

With one hand, Azalea quickly formed a seal, a blue arc of electricity gathering between her fingers.


Azalea's electrified fingers touched the whip, sending a surge of energy through it.


In an instant, the powerful electric arc surged along the whip, coursing through Crimson's body.

She let out a muffled groan, her body convulsing as she became paralyzed, unable to move.

Even her inner energy, the grandmaster's Qi, fell into temporary chaos, making it impossible to harness.

"What the heck! What kind of technique is this? Could it be the Lightning technique/Thunder Magic from Dragon Tiger Mountain?"

"No, the Lightning technique from Dragon Tiger Mountain is much more domineering. Azalea's technique seems to be a rare type of esoteric magic."

"Isn't the Mystic Arts Order known for poison and voodoo? It's strange that she chose to specialize in esoteric magic, taking a different path."

The audience marveled at Azalea's fire and lightning techniques.

The disciples of the World Society, however, were tense.

Although Crimson was very strong, Azalea's methods were too bizarre and unpredictable, making it difficult to defend against her.

They couldn't guess her next move, leaving them at a disadvantage.

"Rivers Converge into the Sea!"

Azalea suddenly raised one hand, her Qi rapidly surging, forming a massive vortex in the air.

In the next moment, countless cups of tea from the audience seats seemed to be guided by an invisible force, rising into the air.

They converged into streams of water, quickly gathering towards the vortex above Azalea's head.

Within moments, hundreds of streams combined into a massive water sphere.

"Drop of Water Turns into Ice!"

Azalea swiftly formed a seal with one hand, then pointed towards the paralyzed Crimson.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…"

Thousands of water arrows shot out from the water sphere.

The most eerie part was that as the water arrows formed, they rapidly froze.

Thousands of water arrows instantly became ice arrows, then rained down on Crimson.

This was an all-encompassing assault. Even without being paralyzed, Crimson would have struggled to dodge, let alone now with her limbs numb.

"Blood Shield!"

Realizing the dire situation, Crimson bit her tongue, spraying blood in front of her.

As her Qi surged, the blood formed a crimson shield in front of her.

"Bang, bang, bansureg, bang, bang…"

Thousands of ice arrows relentlessly struck the blood shield, causing explosive sounds and scattering ice fragments.

After the bombardment, the ice arrows finally dissipated, and the blood shield in front of Crimson began to shatter.

But before Crimson could catch her breath, a second wave of ice arrows was already descending upon her.
The way I see it, with the introduction if azalea, morgan and the likes after forgetting them for so long.. This story might take 5 years to end.

Where is the drunk, the other powerhouses and the other vampire guy that killed a whole army sometime ago??
What is their part in this twist??
I guess we would just have to wait for the author to connect the dots!


Crimson's face turned pale.

At this moment, the numbing effect on her body had somewhat lessened. Seeing the sky filled with ice arrows pouring down once more, she didn't have time to hesitate. She immediately brandished her spear, creating a flurry of afterimages.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

The spear spun like a helicopter blade, whipping up gusts of wind that formed a defensive barrier a yard in front of her.

The falling ice arrows struck the wind barrier, emitting a series of explosive crackling sounds.

However, the impact from the ice arrows pushed Crimson back continuously, making her arms go numb.

She had just used her blood essence to cast a Blood Shield spell, which had drained her significantly. Now, facing Azalea's relentless spell attacks, she was clearly struggling to cope.

"Earth Sink!"

As Crimson was still fending off the ice arrows, Azalea formed a seal and then suddenly squatted down, slamming her palms onto the arena floor.

Immediately, a strange scene unfolded.

The ground beneath Crimson's feet suddenly became soft, like a swamp.

As she retreated, her feet unknowingly sank into the swamp.

The most bizarre part was that this swamp had a strong suction force, constantly pulling on Crimson's legs, making it difficult for her to free herself.

With ice arrows bombarding her from above and the swamp engulfing her from below, Crimson was caught in a dire situation.

"You despicable coward! Only using such underhanded tricks. If you have the guts, face me in a direct fight!"

Crimson was furious.

She was skilled in spear techniques and had rich combat experience. If it were a close-quarters battle, she was confident she could quickly take down her opponent.

But the problem was that Azalea never gave her the chance to get close, always attacking from a distance with spells.

What was most infuriating was the endless variety of attacks. First, it was vines, then flames, then lightning paralysis, then ice arrow bombardment. Now, there was a swamp to contend with, restricting her every move.

Her exceptional spear skills were rendered useless, making the fight incredibly frustrating.

In reality, if it weren't for Azalea's protective spiritual treasure, Crimson would have won long ago. She was so close, yet so unlucky.

"So what if it's underhanded? As long as I can win, any method is fair game."

Azalea said, quickly popping a Spirit-Gathering Pill into her mouth.

She had just used several spells in a row, which also took a toll on her. Fortunately, she had a bottle of priceless Spirit-Gathering Pills (Blue Concentration Pills) with her, allowing her to fight without worry.

All she had to do was keep attacking.

"Ready for this? Here comes another round~!"

With the Spirit-Gathering Pill, Azalea regained her vigor, her internal energy surging once more.

She raised her hand slowly, and in the sky, thousands upon thousands of ice arrows appeared again.

Densely packed, they blotted out the sun.

"You... you scoundrel!"

Seeing this, Crimson cursed in anger.


Using spells continuously was one thing, but having Spirit-Gathering Pills to replenish her energy made Azalea nearly unstoppable.

How was Crimson supposed to fight this?

"Damn it! This woman is relentless!"

"She has a protective spirit treasure and precious Spirit-Gathering Pills. When did the disciples of the Mystic Arts Order become so wealthy?"

The audience below couldn't help but discuss Azalea's tactics. Especially the disciples of the World Society, who were cursing and muttering, their words filled with jealousy and resentment.

The arena was supposed to be a test of strength, but Azalea had created a massive advantage with her treasures and pills.


Ignoring the murmurs around her, Azalea controlled the myriad ice arrows and unleashed them on Crimson again.

With her legs stuck in the swamp and unable to move, Crimson could only swing her spear and channel her internal energy, desperately blocking and resisting the attacks.

Each ice arrow strike made her body shudder and her arms numb. Her spear-wielding speed slowed, and her internal energy was draining rapidly.

Her defense was no longer flawless. Occasionally, an ice arrow would break through and pierce her, creating bloody holes that froze, making her movements more rigid.

Finally, after another round of ice arrows, she was left disheveled and covered in wounds, looking utterly defeated.

On the other side, Azalea didn't stop. She popped two more precious Spirit-Gathering Pills into her mouth, replenishing her energy.

Seeing this, Crimson's eyes twitched, and her heart ached. If only she had a protective spirit treasure or Spirit-Gathering Pills, she could have turned the tide.

But she had neither.

"Let's go again!"

Revitalized, Azalea raised her hand, her internal energy surging as if it cost nothing. At the same time, another dense cluster of ice arrows appeared above Crimson's head.

Seeing this, Crimson was filled with despair.

With the endless barrage of spells and Azalea devouring Spirit-Gathering Pills like candy, who could withstand this?

As the ice arrows were about to fall, Crimson cried out in fear, "Wait! I surrender! I surrender!"

She was gravely injured, her energy depleted, and had no strength left to fight. If she didn't admit defeat now, the next round of ice arrows would either kill or cripple her.

Since there was no hope of victory, it was better to surrender early and avoid more suffering.

"Huh? Surrender? But I just took two Spirit-Gathering Pills and haven't had my fill yet." Azalea looked disappointed.

Had she known Crimson would surrender, she wouldn't have taken the pills. They were expensive, after all, and saving one was a gain.

Seeing Azalea's regretful expression, Crimson's face twitched, and she felt like crying.
It's over a year now since I started reading this novel. When will it ever finish.

How come Ironheart is a half-step grandmaster when those in the final are assumed to be Grandmasters or had lifted the heavy machine during their registration?
Hi there, you have a good eye on detail. Thanks for bringing it up. I agree with you. But with such a long story, some inconsistencies are understandable, and it can be frustrating when details are forgotten. I have many unanswered questions myself, but I'm still reading like nuts. I just really hate it during the introduction of monsters, vampires, and demons, but no choice, I’m already hooked. I staying here because I'm eager to see how things unfold for Natasha, Dahlia, Scarlett, and Dustin in the end. If only we could fast forward through these filler parts!
hey so how do you level up in this thingXD, ive noticed different people have titles in their names, how do i get one, preferably:):) the almighty dragon general in all caps XD
I started reading here with Dustin's story, then with Charlie's and then with John's. Those were the good days. Now, I am all caught up with the latest chapters of all three novels 😭 😞.
However, I still can't rid myself of the word "New" in my title. I started out as new villager, then became new member. I think NEW GRANDMASTER would sound nicer 🙂
I guess I need to be a member of a sect first. In that case, I choose Monk Sect. I was thinking Virgin Sect is also good because I love virgins (only the female specie). That's what it meant, right? 😉😜. But Monk Sect it is.
You really have nice taste, a virgin & a monk. Virgin Sect, don't be blinded by the virgin girls there.. though it is nice to be around them but that's the most you can do as a member yourself. In there you can't touch them 😅

Being a monk is even more suffering than that. You can't even touch yourself as a monk 🤣🤣🤣.


Crimson's face turned pale.

At this moment, the numbing effect on her body had somewhat lessened. Seeing the sky filled with ice arrows pouring down once more, she didn't have time to hesitate. She immediately brandished her spear, creating a flurry of afterimages.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

The spear spun like a helicopter blade, whipping up gusts of wind that formed a defensive barrier a yard in front of her.

The falling ice arrows struck the wind barrier, emitting a series of explosive crackling sounds.

However, the impact from the ice arrows pushed Crimson back continuously, making her arms go numb.

She had just used her blood essence to cast a Blood Shield spell, which had drained her significantly. Now, facing Azalea's relentless spell attacks, she was clearly struggling to cope.

"Earth Sink!"

As Crimson was still fending off the ice arrows, Azalea formed a seal and then suddenly squatted down, slamming her palms onto the arena floor.

Immediately, a strange scene unfolded.

The ground beneath Crimson's feet suddenly became soft, like a swamp.

As she retreated, her feet unknowingly sank into the swamp.

The most bizarre part was that this swamp had a strong suction force, constantly pulling on Crimson's legs, making it difficult for her to free herself.

With ice arrows bombarding her from above and the swamp engulfing her from below, Crimson was caught in a dire situation.

"You despicable coward! Only using such underhanded tricks. If you have the guts, face me in a direct fight!"

Crimson was furious.

She was skilled in spear techniques and had rich combat experience. If it were a close-quarters battle, she was confident she could quickly take down her opponent.

But the problem was that Azalea never gave her the chance to get close, always attacking from a distance with spells.

What was most infuriating was the endless variety of attacks. First, it was vines, then flames, then lightning paralysis, then ice arrow bombardment. Now, there was a swamp to contend with, restricting her every move.

Her exceptional spear skills were rendered useless, making the fight incredibly frustrating.

In reality, if it weren't for Azalea's protective spiritual treasure, Crimson would have won long ago. She was so close, yet so unlucky.

"So what if it's underhanded? As long as I can win, any method is fair game."

Azalea said, quickly popping a Spirit-Gathering Pill into her mouth.

She had just used several spells in a row, which also took a toll on her. Fortunately, she had a bottle of priceless Spirit-Gathering Pills (Blue Concentration Pills) with her, allowing her to fight without worry.

All she had to do was keep attacking.

"Ready for this? Here comes another round~!"

With the Spirit-Gathering Pill, Azalea regained her vigor, her internal energy surging once more.

She raised her hand slowly, and in the sky, thousands upon thousands of ice arrows appeared again.

Densely packed, they blotted out the sun.

"You... you scoundrel!"

Seeing this, Crimson cursed in anger.


Using spells continuously was one thing, but having Spirit-Gathering Pills to replenish her energy made Azalea nearly unstoppable.

How was Crimson supposed to fight this?

"Damn it! This woman is relentless!"

"She has a protective spirit treasure and precious Spirit-Gathering Pills. When did the disciples of the Mystic Arts Order become so wealthy?"

The audience below couldn't help but discuss Azalea's tactics. Especially the disciples of the World Society, who were cursing and muttering, their words filled with jealousy and resentment.

The arena was supposed to be a test of strength, but Azalea had created a massive advantage with her treasures and pills.


Ignoring the murmurs around her, Azalea controlled the myriad ice arrows and unleashed them on Crimson again.

With her legs stuck in the swamp and unable to move, Crimson could only swing her spear and channel her internal energy, desperately blocking and resisting the attacks.

Each ice arrow strike made her body shudder and her arms numb. Her spear-wielding speed slowed, and her internal energy was draining rapidly.

Her defense was no longer flawless. Occasionally, an ice arrow would break through and pierce her, creating bloody holes that froze, making her movements more rigid.

Finally, after another round of ice arrows, she was left disheveled and covered in wounds, looking utterly defeated.

On the other side, Azalea didn't stop. She popped two more precious Spirit-Gathering Pills into her mouth, replenishing her energy.

Seeing this, Crimson's eyes twitched, and her heart ached. If only she had a protective spirit treasure or Spirit-Gathering Pills, she could have turned the tide.

But she had neither.

"Let's go again!"

Revitalized, Azalea raised her hand, her internal energy surging as if it cost nothing. At the same time, another dense cluster of ice arrows appeared above Crimson's head.

Seeing this, Crimson was filled with despair.

With the endless barrage of spells and Azalea devouring Spirit-Gathering Pills like candy, who could withstand this?

As the ice arrows were about to fall, Crimson cried out in fear, "Wait! I surrender! I surrender!"

She was gravely injured, her energy depleted, and had no strength left to fight. If she didn't admit defeat now, the next round of ice arrows would either kill or cripple her.

Since there was no hope of victory, it was better to surrender early and avoid more suffering.

"Huh? Surrender? But I just took two Spirit-Gathering Pills and haven't had my fill yet." Azalea looked disappointed.

Had she known Crimson would surrender, she wouldn't have taken the pills. They were expensive, after all, and saving one was a gain.

Seeing Azalea's regretful expression, Crimson's face twitched, and she felt like crying.
Thank you for these updates
wait is that new, cuz i swear i never I
I was in your shoes too for close to 2 years, remain new villager to new member and nothing changed until I started getting active,
The more active you are on the forum, the more your cultivation grows! You'll be a grandmaster in no time!
I guess I need to be a member of a sect first. In that case, I choose Monk Sect. I was thinking Virgin Sect is also good because I love virgins (only the female specie). That's what it meant, right? 😉😜. But Monk Sect it is.
I guess I need to be a member of a sect first. In that case, I choose Monk Sect. I was thinking Virgin Sect is also good because I love virgins (only the female specie). That's what it meant, right? 😉😜. But Monk Sect it is.
Hi, cultivation grows as you keep engaging in the threads. Keep commenting, keep sharing, and make yourself visible. This is a free platform for everyone. Reading alone will not lead to cultivation in this village, so you have to contribute through interactions at the very least.

Crimson walked off the battlefield, frustration etched on her face. She had lost, and it stung deeply. If it were purely a contest of strength, she knew she could have easily bested Azalea. In a direct confrontation, her chances of victory would be at least eighty percent.

But Azalea had an arsenal of magical tools and elixirs at her disposal, coupled with a variety of unpredictable tactics. It felt like trying to fend off a thousand arrows from every direction with just a single shield. Crimson found herself gradually worn down, her energy depleted bit by bit, until she had no choice but to concede.

It was a bitter pill to swallow.

"Sect Master Moore, it seems that even the disciples of World Society aren't as invincible as they claim," sneered Nolan from the spectator's stand, a rare smile tugging at his lips.

Nolan had been at odds with Darkbane for years, always relishing any opportunity to see his rival falter.

"This is just an unexpected outcome. It doesn't mean much. Besides, your Thunderstrike Sword Alliance might not fare any better," Darkbane replied coolly.

Crimson was one of his prized disciples, and her early exit was a blow to his pride.

"Is that so? Well, let's see who emerges victorious in the end," Nolan said with a faint smirk.

He was eager to see the look on Darkbane's face when Vincent fell to the hands of Billy.

"Ah... I didn't expect things to turn out this way. What a shame," sighed Liana, a note of regret in her voice.

She had believed Crimson's profound cultivation and mastery of the spear would secure her a win. Instead, the defeat had been humiliating.

"Sister Crimson gave it her all. It’s just that the Mystic Arts Order disciple had too many tricks up her sleeve, playing to her strengths while exploiting Crimson’s weaknesses. That's how we ended up with this result," said Lara, shaking her head.

Competitions were unpredictable. Even greater strength didn’t guarantee victory.

"Brother Vincent, Dr. Rhys, it’s all up to you two now," Liana said, glancing around.

The other World Society disciples had already been eliminated before the quarterfinals. Now, only Vincent and Dustin remained. Vincent was almost certain to advance to the top eight, but one strong competitor alone wasn’t enough to showcase the power of World Society.

She hoped that Dustin could also secure a spot in the top eight, capturing another position for their sect.

"I’ll do my best," Dustin nodded slightly.

"Dr. Rhys, I remember you drew number 8, right?" Lara suddenly asked.

"That's right. Why?" Dustin didn’t deny it.

"I’ve carefully observed your opponent—a member of the Blood Clan. You should know by now, the Blood Clan is a particularly troublesome breed of dark creature. Ordinary methods won't easily harm them. Without a special weapon, facing such a monster could be quite dangerous."

As she spoke, Lara pulled out a silver dagger and quietly handed it to Dustin. "I’ve heard that the Blood Clan fears silver. I just had this silver weapon collected. Keep it close, and when the moment is right, deliver a fatal blow!"

"A silver weapon?"

Dustin raised an eyebrow, surprised at Lara’s foresight.


Dustin hadn’t expected Lara to be so meticulous. Not only had she taken note of his opponent, but she also prepared a countermeasure in advance.

“When did you get your hands on a silver weapon, Sister? I had no idea,” Liana asked, blinking in surprise.

“This kind of thing can’t be made public,” Lara whispered. “If that Blood Clan member caught wind of it, they’d be on guard, and we’d lose the element of surprise.”

“True,” Liana nodded in agreement.

“Thanks,” Dustin said simply, pocketing the silver dagger without hesitation.

He had heard similar rumors about the Blood Clan's vulnerability to silver. However, this weakness diminished as their power grew. For high-ranking members like earls and dukes, silver weapons posed little threat. These creatures could even survive decapitation or a destroyed heart, as long as they had access to fresh blood.

Such monsters could be described as nearly immortal.

Of course, that Bilwof wasn’t at the earl level yet. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been beaten so badly by Vincent the previous night.

“Contestant No. 2 has voluntarily forfeited. I now declare Contestant No. 31 the winner!” Jeremy announced as he jumped onto the platform, his voice booming across the arena.

A thunderous round of applause erupted from the audience.

Though Crimson had many supporters, Azalea's stunning appearance, combined with her impressive performance, had won her a large fan base. Her victory now had the crowd celebrating loudly.

Amidst the cheers and applause, Azalea smiled and descended from the stage, returning to the seats reserved for the Mystic Arts Order disciples.

Had it not been for the fearsome reputation of the Mystic Arts Order, many young admirers might have already rushed forward to confess their admiration for her after such a display.

“Well done, Sister Azalea! The Mystic Arts Order has finally had its moment in the sun today!” Abigail praised her warmly as soon as Azalea sat down, showing her support.

“Thank you, Grand Sorceress. My skills are humble, and I didn't have much hope of winning. It was only thanks to the protective artifact and the Spirit-Gathering Pill you bestowed upon me that I was able to turn the tide and bring honor to the Mystic Arts Order,” Azalea replied respectfully, bowing her head slightly.

Although Abigail treated her kindly and even saw her as an elder sister, Azalea was keenly aware of the difference in their statuses. She knew she could never overstep her bounds.

If she allowed herself to become arrogant and overconfident just because Abigail favored her, she would undoubtedly face dire consequences in the future.

“Sister Azalea, your next opponents will be even stronger. The protective artifact and Spirit-Gathering Pill have already been revealed, so it will be difficult to catch anyone off guard with them again. But don’t worry, I have plenty more treasures that can help you. Take a look and choose whatever suits you best,” Abigail said as she swiftly produced an array of exquisite items, laying them out before Azalea.

The display left the nearby Mystic Arts Order elders dumbfounded.

Any one of these treasures could spark a bloody conflict in the martial world. Yet here, in the hands of the Grand Sorceress, they were being handed out like common vegetables at a market.

It was an overwhelming show of generosity!
I guess I need to be a member of a sect first. In that case, I choose Monk Sect. I was thinking Virgin Sect is also good because I love virgins (only the female specie). That's what it meant, right? 😉😜. But Monk Sect it is.
Come to the light brother.. Don't be misled into the dark, you'll be lost forever.
I started reading here with Dustin's story, then with Charlie's and then with John's. Those were the good days. Now, I am all caught up with the latest chapters of all three novels 😭 😞.
However, I still can't rid myself of the word "New" in my title. I started out as new villager, then became new member. I think NEW GRANDMASTER would sound nicer 🙂
I on the other hand don’t know how I came up with the name demons 😈 master 😹🤲

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