An Understated Dominance, Dustin Rhys story. Chapters 1301 and beyond - JUNLEE (aka Jungal2000) English interpretation

Translated by Jungal2000

This is my take on an ongoing Chinese novel by an unknown author. I've never been much of a reader when it comes to lengthy novels, but as soon as I delved into this tale, I was hooked like a fanatic. And I can't seem to stop. Unfortunately, the English version I was following only released three chapters a day, and my appetite for the story was insatiable. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started translating the Chinese text myself. Along the way, I've tried to inject some context into it because Google's translation tends to be too literal.

I've used different names for characters in my translations since they're a result of my own artistic interpretation. I began my translations from Chapter 967, which was posted in a different discussion thread. My aim is to tackle at least 100 chapters a week. However, as much as I love translating and reading this novel, I make sure to reserve my weekends for my family and friends – they're the ones who matter most to me.

The reason for this new thread is that during my two days off, some talented translators have continued where I left off. Their work is already shared and posted in my previous thread. This is fantastic news for readers looking for weekend reads. To avoid any confusion, I decided to create a new thread where I can upload and continue my translations. I'm doing all of this out of love for the story and the enjoyment I get from the process; it makes me feel like I'm a part of the narrative.

For those who are new to this, the best translations are provided by Muhindi Wa Kuchoma, and they are the work of the legendary translator Marina Vitori.

This is the tale of a prince, a legendary Kirin known as Logan Rhys. His life underwent a dramatic change a decade ago when his mother met a mysterious and untimely demise. Fueled by a relentless pursuit of truth, justice, and vengeance, he abandoned his royal palace and adopted the guise of a commoner, going by the name Dustin Rhys. The once-arrogant young prince transformed into a timid and soft-spoken individual, making him an easy target for bullies.

During these ten years, Logan secretly honed his skills and strength, undergoing a profound transformation. However, a recent divorce from his wife, Dahlia Nicholson, after three years of marriage, coupled with a series of life-altering events, pushed him back into action. Slowly but surely, he began to shed his timid persona, reemerging as the formidable figure he once was.

Join us as we follow the journey of Dustin, or Logan, as he strives to surpass, outmaneuver, and overpower entire armies and kingdoms, all through his own determination and bare hands.
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abigail is 2nd, vincent is 5th, billy and dustin are tied for 1st, i think it was scarlet and dustins other cousin at 3rd or 4th in no specific order, and then her brother at 6th, the guy in 7th is missing after what happened with the pavillion,i dont know 8th right now, 9 and 10 have already appeared in this tournament
abigail is 2nd, vincent is 5th, billy and dustin are tied for 1st, i think it was scarlet and dustins other cousin at 3rd or 4th in no specific order, and then her brother at 6th, the guy in 7th is missing after what happened with the pavillion,i dont know 8th right now, 9 and 10 have already appeared in this tournament

Current Whizlist should be
1. Dustin /Billy
2. Abigail
3. Daniel Warburton
4. Scarlet
5. Vincent
6. Adam Spanners
7. İgnatius Montgomery
8. Elvin Carr
9. Troy Richards
10. Lander Martin

Troy should be at least 9 currently because he defeated Lander. He can still go up if he defeats Elvin or Vincent.

7th hasn’t been seen but he did not die that day during the siege of Serpensteel Guardian (Pavilion). He retreated.

The one whose fate is unknown is that of former 8th guy of Shaking List called Nate. He was Director of Martial Law Intelligence. He together with 7th guy Cielo Frio and 9th Guy Old Ghost were defeated single handedly by Bladeheart (Bai Ye). So, after fighting with Bladeheart his fate is unknown and he has disappeared from the list.

Then Bladeheart fought “fight to death” match with 2nd guy Spike Lourd (Li Yuwanwu) of Serpensteel Guardian (Pavilion).

That day. 4 guys changed in Shaking list.
2nd and 3rd died
8th fate unknown
10th Nestor (Impreial Guard Eunuch) was killed

Billy Killing Nestor with single Strike shows Billy is already a Top Grandmaster (Supreme Grandmaster)
Even Dustin feels headache to fight with him. Anybody who can take off life of Shaking list guys are top notch grandmaster.

Regarding People’s doubt about Abigail’s physical power.

Abigail Took 3 moves from Divine Bow of Nate (8th guy on the Shaking List) and still did not die. 1 rank higher means there is huge leap in cultivation. Dustin had tough time to get upper hand with Nestor using sky sword and even had to use his family’s secret trick to get little upper hand with Nestor.

Nestor was 10th guy. Now imagine how much powerful should be 8th guy and Abigail took 3 ultimate moves of Nate. That time she had just awakened Phoneix bloodline. She had not even completely adapted to that power. This shows Abigail’s tenacity.

Additionally, in this tournament Black Diamond killed Aiden, Monk easily and Abigail physically pulverized Black Diamond. It’s clearly said that he was way stronger than Bilwolf. Now this feat should clear the doubts of people about Abigail’s strength.
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Before anyone could step into the arena, a blade had already fallen to the ground with a sharp clang. Its edge gleamed fiercely, carrying an aura of dominance.

“That blade looks familiar… I’ve seen it somewhere before.”

“If I’m not mistaken, that’s the Golden Flame Blade—belonging to the Blood Frenzy Sect’s master.”

“The Blood Frenzy Sect Master? Isn’t he too old to be competing in this tournament?”

“As far as I know, the sect master passed the Golden Flame Blade to his most prized disciple—Elvin 'The Raging Fist' Carr, who ranks eighth on the Whiz List!”

As the crowd buzzed with speculation, a shadowy figure shot through the air, following the descending golden blade. With a loud *bang*, the figure landed heavily on the stage, sending ripples through the arena.

It was a man clad in black, his aura cold and foreboding. He looked to be in his thirties, tall and sharp-eyed, with a broken black sword strapped to his back. His presence screamed, “Stay away.”

This was Elvin Carr.

Though many had never seen him before, his name echoed throughout the martial world. Ranked eighth on the Whiz List, Elvin had never tasted defeat since his rise to fame. His swordsmanship was unparalleled, and his cultivation profound.

“This is going to be a headache,” sighed Azalea, sitting among the spectators. Glancing at her number ball, she stood up reluctantly and made her way to the stage.

Though she carried several treasures bestowed by her master, the Grand Sorceress, she wasn’t confident about her chances. These artifacts might work against ordinary masters, but facing someone like Elvin—one of the Whiz List—was an entirely different story.

However, since fate had placed them against each other, she wouldn’t give up easily. At the very least, she needed to display her skills and not let the Grand Sorceress down. More importantly, she couldn’t embarrass the Mystic Arts Order.

“A woman?”

Elvin stood on the stage, his gaze locking onto Azalea as she approached. His brow furrowed slightly. “How boring.”

What he had hoped for was a challenging opponent, someone worthy from the Whiz List—not an obscure female fighter.

Defeating a woman wasn’t something he considered worth boasting about.

“Azalea of the Mystic Arts Order,” she greeted with a polite smile, her hands clasped in a fist salute. Her beauty was captivating, and her demeanor was enchanting, drawing the attention of many men in the audience. Their hearts raced at the sight of her.

There was no denying it—this tournament had drawn many top-tier female warriors, each with their own unique charm. Azalea, with her allure and grace, was like a seductive enchantress.

“I don’t want to fight a woman. Just surrender,” Elvin replied indifferently, his expression unreadable.

To him, a beautiful woman meant little compared to the thrill of wielding his blade.


"Spending time on romance? Better to practice your blade skills a few more times," Elvin thought to himself, indifferent to distractions.

Azalea, however, wasn’t about to back down. She smiled gently, looking as delicate as a spring blossom. "I didn't expect Senior Brother to be such a gentleman, but since I’m already on the stage, surrendering would be a disgrace to my sect. Please, Senior Brother, go easy on me."

Her fragile demeanor made her seem vulnerable, almost pitiable.

"Spare me the act," Elvin responded, his face unmoved by her charm. "If you insist on fighting, don’t blame me for what happens next."

Though he had no desire to fight a woman, he certainly wouldn't hold back once the battle began. Mercy had no place in his nature.

Azalea sighed, lowering her gaze with a pitiful look. "Seems I’ve misunderstood you, Senior Brother. If you wish to fight, then I will humbly accept."

While Elvin remained indifferent, the men in the audience were completely captivated. Some were ready to surrender if they were in Elvin's shoes. Who could bear to hurt such a delicate beauty? Many would have preferred to yield and earn a reputation as a gentleman.

“The fifth match begins now!” the referee, Jeremy, declared without delay.

"Senior Brother, after you," Azalea said softly, making no move to attack, her appearance calm and harmless.

"Fine. Don’t expect me to hold back," Elvin replied. Without further words, he stretched out his hand, and with a sharp *whoosh*, the Golden Flame Blade embedded in the stage flew back to his grasp.

In one smooth motion, Elvin advanced, the tip of his blade dragging across the floor, leaving a long, deep scar as sparks flew from the friction. The sheer force of his presence alone sent waves of tension through the air.

“Petal Storm!” Azalea swiftly raised her hands and, with a flick, unleashed a storm of concealed weapons. *Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh*—hundreds, if not thousands, of darts shot forth from her sleeves, filling the air like a lethal swarm.

Engaging Elvin in close combat would be reckless. She opted to keep her distance and wear him down with her deadly darts, hoping to exploit a weakness when the time was right.

"Hmph! Trivial tricks!" Elvin scoffed. With a swift twist of his wrist, his Golden Flame Blade spun violently in his hand.

Suddenly, a golden tidal wave erupted from his blade, growing taller with each passing moment, quickly reaching over ten meters high. It surged forward like a tsunami, radiating a terrifying sense of pressure.

The swarm of darts crashed into the golden wave and disappeared without a trace, swallowed by the overwhelming force.

Having devoured every last projectile, the golden wave continued its relentless march toward Azalea, its unstoppable power bearing down on her like a juggernaut. The sheer might was awe-inspiring and terrifying all at once.
Current Whizlist should be
1. Dustin /Billy
2. Abigail
3. Daniel Warburton
4. Scarlet
5. Vincent
6. Adam Spanners
7. İgnatius Montgomery
8. Elvin Carr
9. Troy Richards
10. Lander Martin

Previous 10th Cort Main is dead, Killed by Black Diamond.
Troy should be at least 9 currently because he defeated Lander. He can still go up if he defeats Elvin or Vincent.

7th hasn’t been seen but he did not die that day during the siege of Serpensteel Guardian (Pavilion). He retreated.

The one whose fate is unknown is that of former 8th guy of Shaking List called Nate. He was Director of Martial Law Intelligence. He together with 7th guy Cielo Frio and 9th Guy Old Ghost were defeated single handedly by Bladeheart (Bai Ye). So, after fighting with Bladeheart his fate is unknown and he has disappeared from the list.

Then Bladeheart fought “fight to death” match with 2nd guy Spike Lourd (Li Yuwanwu) of Serpensteel Guardian (Pavilion).

That day. 4 guys changed in Shaking list.
2nd and 3rd died
8th fate unknown
10th Nestor (Impreial Guard Enoch) was killed

Billy Killing Nestor with single Strike shows Billy is already a Top Grandmaster (Great Grandmaster)
Even Dustin feels headache to fight with him. Anybody who can take off life of Shaking list guys are top notch grandmaster.

Regarding People’s doubt about Abigail’s physical power.

Abigail Took 3 moves from Divine Bow of Nate (8th guy on the Shaking List) and still did not die. 1 rank higher means there is huge leap in cultivation. Dustin had tough time to get upper hand with Nestor using sky sword and even had to use his family’s secret trick to get little upper hand with Nestor.

Nestor was 10th guy. Now imagine how much powerful should be 8th guy and Abigail took 3 ultimate moves of Nate. That time she has just awakened Phoneix bloodline. She had not even completely adapted to that power. This shows Abigail’s tenacity.

Additionally, in this tournament Black Diamond killed 10th guy Cort Main easily and Abigail physically pulverized him. It’s clearly said that he was way stronger than Bilwolf. Now this feat should clear the doubts of people about Abigail’s strength.
Your knowledge is ethereal
It’s scarlet ! But why ask about 4th? 4th, 6th will not participate in tournament. 4th and 6th are Spanner Twins.

I am thinking 3rd ranking guy who is Dustin’s cousin might appear in this tournament. He is Daniel Warburton (Qin Wushuwang). Warburton is Dustin’s mother surname. He is also mysterious and low profile like Troy Richards.

Till now, we have seen
1- Billy /Dustin
2- Abigail
5- Vincent Chambers
8- Elvin Carr
9- Lander Martin
10- Cort Main (Dead)
Cort Main is really dead? Which chapter was he killed, i dont remember.
Cort Main is really dead? Which chapter was he killed, i dont remember.
its the one who fought the guy who abigail killed, i didnt know he was in the list either but people are saying he is so he must ve been
its the one who fought the guy who abigail killed, i didnt know he was in the list either but people are saying he is so he must ve been
i checked previous chapters and the person black diamand killed was called Aiden. I havent found any clue about Cort Main.
i checked previous chapters and the person black diamand killed was called Aiden. I havent found any clue about Cort Main.
My mistake !! Though Cort Maine is Alive, he is no more in the Whiz list after entry of Troy.
Troy defeated Lander and Lander becomes 10th obviously.

Yeah but Abigail’s physical prowess
- Took 3 ultimate shots from Divine bow of 8th guy in former Shaking list
- Killed Black Diamond who is way stronger than Bilwolf.
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its the one who fought the guy who abigail killed, i didnt know he was in the list either but people are saying he is so he must ve been

Top 8 !!

1. Billy - defeated Dorian (Zen Order)
2. Abigail - defeated Black Diamond
3. Vincent -defeated Victor Steele (Mysterious Sword Sect)
4.. Elias Longfellow - defeated Emerald (Thunderstrike Sword Alliance/Sword Sect)

These guys have Qualified for top 8

5. Elvin Carr will defeat Azalea
6. Troy will defeat Cort Main/Kieran/Unknown
7. Priest Adam will defeat Cort Main/Kieran/Unknown
8. Dustin will defeat Kieran/Cort Main/Unknown

So, Top 8 is decided, more or less.
Only guy who has been defeated from Whiz list is Lander Martin.
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Top 8 !!

1. Billy - defeated Dorian (Zen Order)
2. Abigail - defeated Black Diamond
3. Vincent -defeated Victor Steele (Mysterious Sword Sect)
4. Troy - defeated Lander Martin
5. Elias Longfellow - defeated Emerald (Thunderstrike Sword Alliance/Sword Sect)

These guys have Qualified for top 8

6. Elvin Carr will defeat Azalea
7. Priest Adam will defeat Cort Main/Kieran
8. Dustin will defeat Kieran/Cort Main

So, Top 8 is decided, more or less.
Only guy who has been defeated from Whiz list is Lander Martin.
Troy is yet to fight in this round. We are now only in the fifth match between Elvin and Azalea. We have 3 more fights after this. I even suspect that Father Adam might face Troy, or Troy might face Dustin.
Cort Main is really dead? Which chapter was he killed, i dont remember.
He is not.

Chapter 2566 it says...

Apart from Billy and the other two, there were two more from the Whiz List who made it to the final sixteen: Elvin Carr, ranked eighth, and Cort Maine, ranked tenth.

Elvin Carr, a master of the blade, won his match in just three moves. Cort Maine, known for his mastery of various mystical arts, also easily defeated his opponent.

Including Dustin, there were six experts from the Whiz List among the top sixteen.

Cort is not dead.
Troy is yet to fight in this round. We are now only in the fifth match between Elvin and Azalea. We have 3 more fights after this. I even suspect that Father Adam might face Troy, or Troy might face Dustin.
Troy is yet to fight in this round. We are now only in the fifth match between Elvin and Azalea. We have 3 more fights after this. I even suspect that Father Adam might face Troy, or Troy might face Dustin.

You are absolutely right !

Remaining warriors
Priest, Troy, Kieran, Cort Main, Dustin, Unknown (Still not revealed May be 3rd guy of Whizlist).
could you post the world shaking one too

I got this one if it helps -

Current World-Shaking List /Jingshishi List
1. Cornelius Xuanji (Phantom Richards)​
2. Tyler Xingchao (Nolan Fitzgerald, Sword sect/Thunderstrike Sword Alliance )​
3. Xiao Wuming (Darkbane Moore, Balermo Martial Alliance/World Society)​
4. Mo Hentian (Evelyn Morgan, Mystical Order/Mystic Arts Order)​
5. Dead Ji Yuanzun (Nick Blair, DPP/SRG)
6. Cornelius Yüzen (Spencer Richards. Longhu Mountain/Dragon Tiger Mountain)​
7. Hanshuang (Cielo Frio, Lord of Frost City)​
8. Old Ghost (Gravis Darkmore, Leader of Black List)​
9. Qinlong (Venom Grey, Internal Energy Mountain/Blue Sky Mountain​
10. Logan Rhys/Tyler Xingchao (Dustin Billy May)​

Former World-Shaking List (Before Dustin’s Seige by Serpensteel Dragon Guardian/ Dragon Protection Pavilion)
1. Cornelius Xuanji (Phantom Richards)​
2. Li Yuwanwu (Spike Lourd)- Dead
3. Bai Ye (Bladeheart)- Dead
4. Tyler Xingchao - Nolan Fitzgerald​
5. Xiao Wumin - Darkbane Moore​
6. Mo Hentian - Evelyn Morgan​
7. Hansuang - Cielo Frio​
8. Nate (Director of Martial art Bureau)- Fate unknown
9. Old Ghost​
10. Nestor (Dead)
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One more Clarification- Once there was a discussion if Nestor was one of the protectors of West Lucozia. Nestor was not among the 3 protectors of West Lucozia. Nestor was an Imperial Guard, Eunuch who collaborated with SRG (Dragon Protection Pavilion).

Serpensteel Guardian (SRG) never dared to attack West Lucozia because of those 3. Specifically due to presence of Sword Sage, Bladeheart Ronin.

- Bladeheart Ronin (Bai Ye)
- Drunkard
- ? Who is the 3rd one

As soon as Bladeheart was dead, SRG/ Pavilion tried to takeover West Lucozia. That time SRG/Pavilion Leader was 5th guy Nick Blair (Dead).

Bladeheart and Dustin did not have true Teacher-Disciple tradition but he learned all the arts of Bladeheart except Soul Walk Tech. I wonder if Dustin still has that knowledge.

Similarly, Dustin-Abigail also do not have a Teacher-Disciple tradition but somewhat like Bladeheart-Dustin relation.

That’s why Bladeheart considered Abigail granddisciple and saved her from imminent death after the third strike of Nate (former 8th guy of shaking list). After 3rd strike Abigail was not dead but paralyzed for a while (almost dead).

Funny thing that day was- Dustin fought with 10th guy of list (Nestor) and Abigail fought with 8th guy of list (Nate). Dustin being stronger should have taken Nate right ?


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One more Clarification- Once there was a discussion if Nestor was one of the protectors of West Lucozia. Nestor was not among the 3 protectors of West Lucozia. Nestor was an Imperial Guard, Eunuch who collaborated with SRG (Dragon Protection Pavilion).

Serpensteel Guardian (SRG) never dared to attack West Lucozia because of those 3. Specifically due to presence of Sword Sage, Bladeheart Ronin.

- Bladeheart Ronin (Bai Ye)
- Drunkard
- ? Who is the 3rd one

As soon as Bladeheart was dead, SRG/ Pavilion tried to takeover West Lucozia. That time SRG/Pavilion Leader was 5th guy Nick Blair (Dead).

Bladeheart and Dustin did not have true Teacher-Disciple tradition but he learned all the arts of Bladeheart except Soul Walk Tech. I wonder if Dustin still has that knowledge.

Similarly, Dustin-Abigail also do not have a Teacher-Disciple tradition but somewhat like Bladeheart-Dustin relation.

That’s why Bladeheart considered Abigail granddisciple and saved her from imminent death after the third strike of Nate (former 8th guy of shaking list). After 3rd strike Abigail was not dead but paralyzed for a while (almost dead).

Funny thing that day was- Dustin fought with 10th guy of list (Nestor) and Abigail fought with 8th guy of list (Nate). Dustin being stronger should have taken Nate right ?
Dustin not only fought nestor … in the beginning it was many to one
Regarding levels of masters. It’s Somewhat confusing due to absence of clear grading.

From what I have assimilated
All the guys in Shaking list are Supreme/Ultimate Grandmasters including Dustin and Billy.

Only exception is Phantom Richards who is the only Terrestrial Immortal and has been on no.1 rank for 1000 of years. Only he knew the Soul Walk Technique. Only person who reached Terrestrial Realm could do so.

But when Bladeheart did soul walk who was 3rd guy and never known to have reached Terrestrial Immortal Realm, that made the 2nd guy from SRG Pavilion jaw drop with surprise completely.

Among the Shaking list, rank difference means huge difference in cultivation. Eg: Bladeheart single handedly defeated 3 Guys at once (7th, 8th and 9th guys from the list).

Others in the Whiz list are Grandmasters. But their power also varies according to rank. Eg: Scarlet Spanner once killed a Grandmaster with single kick who was chief of prison where Dustin was imprisoned in the past.

Among the Whiz list guys some are Grandmasters and Some are Great Grandmasters.
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Dustin not only fought nestor … in the beginning it was many to one

We all know he fought against Siege of Martial Artists, 8 Commanders and their Army, Ignatius Montogomerry Alone.
Dustin killed thousands of them. Then came Abigail for rescue and killed 10s of thousands with her poisonous mist flying on Giant Eagle with Dustin.

But After Nestor Appeared. Nestor shot the bird down. Other big shots also started showing up. Then came Bladeheart. Bladeheart took on other big shots.

Abigail kept Martial Artists, Army and 8 Commanders, Ignatius Montogomery away with her poison and kept 8th guy of Shaking List on check. So, basically Dustin and Nestor’s fight was one on one.
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We all know he fought against Siege of Martial Artists, 8 Commanders and their Army, Ignatius Montogomerry Alone.
Dustin killed thousands of them. Then came Abigail for rescue and killed 10s of thousands with her poisonous mist flying on Giant Eagle with Dustin.

But After Nestor Appeared. Nestor shot the bird down. Other big shots also started showing up. Then came Bladeheart. Bladeheart took on other big shots.

Abigail kept Martial Artists, Army and 8 Commanders, Ignatius Montogomery away with her poison and kept 8th guy of Shaking List on check. So, basically Dustin and Nestor’s fight was one on one.
back then it was more-so the bloodline being forced to manifest which allowed her to tank those blows as opposed to now where shes able to harness it to properly apply it within her movements

At this moment, in a corner of the audience stands, Father Adam frowned, his face tense as he stared at the remains of Black Diamond, now reduced to a pulp.

Father Adam knew very well how strong Black Diamond was—far stronger than Bilwof, who had come to sharpen his skills. Black Diamond's extraordinary talents, combined with genetic modifications, had pushed his strength, defense, and speed to the absolute limits of the human body.

In the face of this powerhouse, even martial arts masters from the Dragonmarsh were no match for him.

However, never in his wildest dreams did Father Adam expect Black Diamond to be defeated by a woman—and not just defeated, but pummeled into mush by nothing but her fists.

If he hadn’t witnessed it himself, he would never have believed such a scene.

"What a headache..." Father Adam squinted, his expression shifting unpredictably.

Although he knew this mission would be difficult, he hadn’t anticipated it being this hard. Of the three that had come, only he remained, and the competition was only halfway through. The pressure was immense.

If he simply gave up now, he wouldn't be able to face the Pantheon. His only option was to proceed cautiously, step by step.

The silver lining was that all the top fighters from the Dragonmarsh's elite ranking had already competed, so the next opponents shouldn't be too challenging. If he remained vigilant, advancing to the top eight seemed within reach.

As the arena was cleared and repaired, Jeremy once again raised his voice, announcing, "The fourth match is about to begin. Will Contestant Number 4 and Contestant Number 13 please take the stage!"

As soon as his words fell, Emerald, seated in the audience, immediately grabbed her sword and stood up, walking towards the stage. She was Contestant Number 4.

Having defeated Liana of the World Society earlier and advancing to the top 16, she wondered who her next opponent would be.

"Big sister! You’ve got this!" Ruby cheered from the crowd.

Although making it to the top 16 was already an impressive achievement, advancing to the top eight would not only bring glory but also earn substantial rewards when she returned to her sect.

Once Emerald took her place on the stage, another figure soon followed. A man dressed in black, carrying a sword on his back, walked up.

The man had sharp brows, starry eyes, and a commanding presence, though his aura was slightly less formidable than that of Billy.

"Senior Brother Elias?"

Seeing the man in black, Emerald was momentarily stunned, caught off guard.

To her surprise, her next opponent was none other than her fellow disciple from the Thunderstrike Sword Alliance, Elias Longfellow!

Within the Thunderstrike Sword Alliance, Elias was second only to Billy. His swordsmanship had also reached extraordinary heights, but he kept a low profile, so few knew of his prowess.

His most notable feat was a duel against the sect master, Nolan, in which he managed to withstand three moves without defeat—a testament to his strength.

"Junior Sister Emerald, what a coincidence! I didn’t expect we’d be facing each other," Elias said with a faint smile.


Elias smiled gently and said, "How about we spar like we used to?"

"Spar?" Emerald sighed, shaking her head with a hint of helplessness. "Since joining the sect, when have I ever won against you?"

It wasn’t just about winning—when Elias was serious, she couldn’t even last three moves against him. The gap between their cultivation levels was too vast, and their swordsmanship was on entirely different planes, making any comparison futile.

"Senior Brother Elias, I am not skilled enough. I won’t waste your time. I concede," Emerald said, clasping her fists in a polite gesture, decisively choosing to forfeit.

One must be self-aware, and fighting Elias would only result in a futile struggle.

"Concede? Junior Sister Emerald, that’s not like you," Elias was taken aback.

With Emerald’s stubborn nature, even when facing certain defeat, she typically fought with everything she had.

"This is a tournament, not a sparring session within the sect. Save your energy for the stronger opponents tomorrow," Emerald advised.

At this stage of the competition, it was essential to hold back and not reveal too much. Keeping one's opponents guessing was the best way to increase the chances of victory. Since she couldn’t defeat Elias, there was no need to exhaust him in a pointless fight.

"I see. Thank you for your understanding, Junior Sister."

Elias quickly understood her reasoning and returned her respectful bow.

"Senior Brother, I wish you a stunning victory tomorrow," Emerald said with a small smile before stepping off the stage.

"The 4th contestant has conceded. Contestant 13 is declared the winner!" Jeremy promptly announced the result.

"What? She conceded already? That’s so disappointing!"

"Yeah! She didn’t even put up a fight! Where’s her fighting spirit?"

"When fellow disciples meet in the ring, there’s no need to fight to the death. It’s smarter to conserve energy and send the stronger fighter into the top eight. I think it’s a wise decision."

"To willingly give up a chance to reach the top eight—this woman is really something!"

Emerald’s decision to forfeit sparked a wave of murmurs among the audience. Some criticized her, while others understood her strategy. After all, if she had fought with Elias until both were exhausted, it would only benefit someone else. Since they were from the same sect, it was better to support the stronger one.

This level of selflessness wasn’t something everyone possessed.

"The fourth match is over. Now, for the fifth match, we ask Contestants Number 5 and Number 12 to take the stage!" Jeremy wasted no time and immediately called for the next competitors after the two stepped off the stage.

Just as he finished speaking, a loud "clang" echoed across the arena.

A dazzling beam of golden light shot up into the sky, traveling over a hundred meters before crashing down heavily onto the stage with a resonant "boom."

The audience stared in shock, realizing it was a glowing golden blade!

Never understood this tournament format... If during ranking you are ranked either A (highest tier), B or C (lowest tier), and Tier A is all stupid crazy skilled fighters, what snow flake chance in hell does a Tier B or C have against Tier A?

Yeah win during your matches in Tier B/C Sub-Tournament only to be thrown in with Tier A. Good Luck avoiding death if decide to fight...
I got this one if it helps -

Current World-Shaking List /Jingshishi List
1. Cornelius Xuanji (Phantom Richards)​
2. Tyler Xingchao (Nolan Fitzgerald, Sword sect/Thunderstrike Sword Alliance )​
3. Xiao Wuming (Darkbane Moore, Balermo Martial Alliance/World Society)​
4. Mo Hentian (Evelyn Morgan, Mystical Order/Mystic Arts Order)​
5. Dead Ji Yuanzun (Nick Blair, DPP/SRG)
6. Cornelius Yüzen (Spencer Richards. Longhu Mountain/Dragon Tiger Mountain)​
7. Hanshuang (Cielo Frio, Lord of Frost City)​
8. Old Ghost (Gravis Darkmore, Leader of Black List)​
9. Qinlong (Venom Grey, Internal Energy Mountain/Blue Sky Mountain​
10. Logan Rhys/Tyler Xingchao (Dustin Billy May)​

Former World-Shaking List (Before Dustin’s Seige by Serpensteel Dragon Guardian/ Dragon Protection Pavilion)
1. Cornelius Xuanji (Phantom Richards)​
2. Li Yuwanwu (Spike Lourd)- Dead
3. Bai Ye (Bladeheart)- Dead
4. Tyler Xingchao - Nolan Fitzgerald​
5. Xiao Wumin - Darkbane Moore​
6. Mo Hentian - Evelyn Morgan​
7. Hansuang - Cielo Frio​
8. Nate (Director of Martial art Bureau)- Fate unknown
9. Old Ghost​
10. Nestor (Dead)
If my memory serves me right billy may wasn't included in the world shaking list, it was only Dustin included at the 10th position. The understanding of the world shaking list was people who could provoke nationwide conflicts and decides the fates of millions or the country. If Billy has become the Thunderstrike alliance master then he can be included to the list. Yes, Billy is very strong. But he still doesn't has some power in some situations. Remember how Dustin came to the forbidden city and even the pavillion, even the imperial palace under the command of the pavillion and other major faction had to stop him. Even Nolan received an order to stop him before sending billy.
The ones in the world shaking list are people who have one way or the other been involved in major wars it wasn't about your cultivation altho to be in that list you must be extremely powerful and have significant influence
The ones in the world shaking list are people who have one way or the other been involved in major wars it wasn't about your cultivation altho to be in that list you must be extremely powerful and have significant influence
no its more-so just a name, yes world shakings a part of it but more so having the potential for it than actually having done it, their cultivation and their ability to exert it violently are really the only important points

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