An Understated Dominance, Dustin Rhys story. Chapters 1301 and beyond - JUNLEE (aka Jungal2000) English interpretation

Translated by Jungal2000

This is my take on an ongoing Chinese novel by an unknown author. I've never been much of a reader when it comes to lengthy novels, but as soon as I delved into this tale, I was hooked like a fanatic. And I can't seem to stop. Unfortunately, the English version I was following only released three chapters a day, and my appetite for the story was insatiable. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started translating the Chinese text myself. Along the way, I've tried to inject some context into it because Google's translation tends to be too literal.

I've used different names for characters in my translations since they're a result of my own artistic interpretation. I began my translations from Chapter 967, which was posted in a different discussion thread. My aim is to tackle at least 100 chapters a week. However, as much as I love translating and reading this novel, I make sure to reserve my weekends for my family and friends – they're the ones who matter most to me.

The reason for this new thread is that during my two days off, some talented translators have continued where I left off. Their work is already shared and posted in my previous thread. This is fantastic news for readers looking for weekend reads. To avoid any confusion, I decided to create a new thread where I can upload and continue my translations. I'm doing all of this out of love for the story and the enjoyment I get from the process; it makes me feel like I'm a part of the narrative.

For those who are new to this, the best translations are provided by Muhindi Wa Kuchoma, and they are the work of the legendary translator Marina Vitori.

This is the tale of a prince, a legendary Kirin known as Logan Rhys. His life underwent a dramatic change a decade ago when his mother met a mysterious and untimely demise. Fueled by a relentless pursuit of truth, justice, and vengeance, he abandoned his royal palace and adopted the guise of a commoner, going by the name Dustin Rhys. The once-arrogant young prince transformed into a timid and soft-spoken individual, making him an easy target for bullies.

During these ten years, Logan secretly honed his skills and strength, undergoing a profound transformation. However, a recent divorce from his wife, Dahlia Nicholson, after three years of marriage, coupled with a series of life-altering events, pushed him back into action. Slowly but surely, he began to shed his timid persona, reemerging as the formidable figure he once was.

Join us as we follow the journey of Dustin, or Logan, as he strives to surpass, outmaneuver, and overpower entire armies and kingdoms, all through his own determination and bare hands.
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Was Logan ever part of this list at some point? I feel like he was then the events of 10 years ago happened then it got changed/reshuffled. (in before there's even a better list of godly individuals)

I remember the part of the story way before when Dustin's dad went to the clinic with his personal guard/butler (forgot his name) visiting Gregory and Dustin. Though the name Nestor sounds sort of familiar.
Nestor was the person who killed the warrior of other country when they came to kill rufus rhys during his visit to dustin.
That Nestor guy is the one that killed the gods..

The one had Dustin got furious with..

I think he has a something to do with the death of Dustin's mother...
Though the guy seems heavenly with incredible strength..

That nestor was the one rufus called to annihilate the assasins during ambush outside the clinic. I forgot what exactly happened but thats the first appearance of him.
Guys, I am not sure what the confusion is about... I just translated this... Only thing i added was the 'immortal of wine' to Gregory's because he has been introduced to us as immortal of wine during the fight when he used his snotyy naughty.. But in this chapter he was listed as the 'old ghost' by the bureau, and that was the translation, what can i do about it?
Hey bro i already caught upto latest chapter......and this old ghost is different....... gregory was old drunkard whom dustin saved by make the rare medicine and he is drinken maniac of west lucozia but the old ghost is different one ,someone from different sect.......
Hey bro i already caught upto latest chapter......and this old ghost is different....... gregory was old drunkard whom dustin saved by make the rare medicine and he is drinken maniac of west lucozia but the old ghost is different one ,someone from different sect.......
Good that u say that. I will check it again as i have only translated what i can translate. Only thing i add is immortal of wine. But surely ill review. Thank you so much
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It is a Dragonmarsh Unicorn, a more formidable and fierce looking one-horned creature not akin to a gentle western concept of a unicorn. This unicorn is called Qilin (Kirin) in Chinese mythology. It is a beast!
Well that explains it.. for all I thought it was just a plain Unicorn…😅 thanx for the info Dahlia..✌️😁
Well that explains it.. for all I thought it was just a plain Unicorn…😅 thanx for the info Dahlia..✌️😁
Hahaha... western unicorns look different from Chinese unicorn.... So stop that girly imagination of Logan. But i still believe he needs the sex pills before he goes back to Dahlia.
Chapter 1629 What the Heck is Going on?

Bureau of Celestial Intelligence, there's a cool dude who took out a scroll of parchment from his treasure chest. The parchment is labeled with three big words: "World-shaking List!"

This list from Bureau of Celestial Intelligence. It gathers the top-notch strong people from everywhere. It doesn't care about age, gender, or anything else—just pure strength.

Opening the scroll, there are just ten names listed:

1. Dragon Tiger Mountain, Phantom Richards.​
2. Serpentsteel Guild, Spike Lourd.​
3. West Lucozia Blade Sage, Bladeheart Ronin.​
4. Thunderstrike Sword Alliance Master, Nolan Fitzgerald.​
5. Master of the World Society, Darkbane Moore.​
6. Leader of the Mystic Arts Order, Evelyn Morgan.​
7. Lord of Cold Frost City, Cielo Frio.​
8. Director of Martial law bureau, Nate Reynolds.​
9. Master of the Black List, Gregory Jones “Old Ghost” “Immortal of Wine”.​
10. Imperial Eunuch, Nestor Pierce.​

The cool dude checked the list and put a tick next to Nestor's name and another next to Gregory's name.

Suddenly, an intel agent rushes in, handing over a bamboo slip and saying, "Boss, just got word—Cielo Frio, the Lord of Cold Frost City, has left the city!"

The cool dude raises an eyebrow, surprised. Cielo Frio has been in the city for ten years without stepping out, and today, they broke their own rule.

"Where did Cielo Frio go?" the cool dude asks.

"Straight towards Stonia, probably heading to Zenwood," says the messenger.

"Zenwood's Tranquil Temple?" The cool dude quickly catches on and smirks, "Interesting... First Nestor, then Gregory, and now Cielo Frio too. Looks like it's not a good day for Logan!"

Bureau of Celestial Intelligence is known for selling information, and they're always the first to know about important stuff.

Just as they're talking, another messenger rushes in, saying, "Boss, in the direction of West Lucozia, there's a sword light coming at high speed."

"Sword light? Who is it?" the cool dude asks immediately.

"Judging by the sword aura, it should be Blade Sage - Bladeheart Ronin!" the messenger reports.

"Even Bladeheart Ronin is making a move?" The cool dude squints, "If Bladeheart Ronin is out, the one from Serpentsteel Guild won't stay quiet, and Martial law bureau will also make a move. Looking at it this way, the whole world is about to shake."

The World-shaking List, one out of five, is a big deal that has never happened before. The balance of power in the world is about to shift.

At this point, the cool dude seems to figure something out and says, "You two, go tell the Bureau chief right away. It looks like the World-shaking List is going to be reshuffled!"


Meanwhile, inside the Bayhaven, at the Royal Divinity Observatory.

An old, skinny guy with white hair squints at the messy array of prophetic symbols on the table.

"What the heck is going on?"

He's having a hard time wrapping his head around it, so he gives the prophetic symbols another shot, but it keeps spitting out the same outcome.

Now, the old guy's face is really starting to sour.
WTH!!!! with so much powerful individuals moving, Dragonmarsh will surely shake!! Im getting too much excited for this!!..🤩
That Nestor guy is the one that killed the gods..

The one had Dustin got furious with..

I think he has a something to do with the death of Dustin's mother...
Though the guy seems heavenly with incredible strength..
Yeah! I remember him, cant remember his name though, but that dude was strong, even Logan cant penetrate his shield..
Adam Spanner. When you called him Adam wasn't clear.
Good that u say that. I will check it again as i have only translated what i can translate. Only thing i add is immortal of wine. But surely ill review. Thank you so much
I don't think there's any mistake in your translation it's normal for strong martial artist to have multiple nicknames based on their fighting style and personality. Gregory was one of the royal guard of the rhys family if the sword god were rank 3rd it's not surprising to have another member of the royal guard in the top 10 strongest individual.
Was Logan ever part of this list at some point? I feel like he was then the events of 10 years ago happened then it got changed/reshuffled. (in before there's even a better list of godly individuals)

I remember the part of the story way before when Dustin's dad went to the clinic with his personal guard/butler (forgot his name) visiting Gregory and Dustin. Though the name Nestor sounds sort of familiar.
Nah dustin was still weak to be part of this list, but he might manage to enter this list soon after all he had the bead that help in his cultivation and his sword that was among the strongest sword in the series. After this arc he might enter the list
Nah dustin was still weak to be part of this list, but he might manage to enter this list soon after all he had the bead that help in his cultivation and his sword that was among the strongest sword in the series. After this arc he might enter the list
I agree, I think the list is being updated so often so with Logan and Old Gregory still in hiding for the last 10 years, they will not be part of that list how great they may be. With that, I have to edit the list I have posted, I have to correct the 9th one. Ill keep ot Old Ghost as it is not clear to us who that is. My translator here is giving me a wrong indication that its Bangjiu Laoguiand and Gregory is one but I have reviewed enough and it is not the same. Thanks to nik24 for pointing out.
Lets Get That List Translation Straight
1. Dragon Tiger Mountain, Phantom Richards.​
2. Serpentsteel Royal Guardians, Spike Lourd.​
3. West Lucozia Blade Sage, Bladeheart Ronin.​
4. Thunderstrike Sword Alliance, Master, Nolan Fitzgerald.​
5. Master of the World Society, Darkbane Moore.​
6. Leader of the Mystic Arts Order, Evelyn Morgan.​
7. Lord of Cold Frost City, Cielo Frio.​
8. Director of Martial law bureau, Nate Reynolds.​
9. Master of the Black List, Gravis “Old Ghost” Darkmore.
10. Imperial Eunuch, Nestor Pierce.​
Chapter 1630 Welcome Back, Master

"Master, what's happening?"

Behind him, a veiled woman in light gauze speaks up.

She had never seen her master like this.

"Gabrielle, something big is about to happen. I have just foreseen the outcome of the Tranquil Sanctuary incident, and it shows a sign of great calamity. It might seriously affect the fate of the country," the white-haired old man said with a grave tone.

"Affect the fate of the country? Does that mean Logan will die?" Gabrielle's eyelids twitched.

Last night, she specifically reminded him and even gave an amulet, hoping nothing would happen to Logan. Because if he were to die, it would inevitably lead to conflicts and rivers of blood.

"It has nothing to do with Logan. When I talk about the fate of the country, I mean the dragon veins."

The white-haired old man furrowed his brows. "In the Tranquil Sanctuary incident, someone might destroy the dragon veins. When that happens, the fate of the country will be damaged, a great disaster will come, and the entire Dragonmarsh will undergo a drastic change!"

"So serious?" Gabrielle's eyebrows tightened.

As a member of the royal family and a disciple of the Royal Divinity Observatory, she naturally understood the importance of dragon veins. Once destroyed, it would lead to turmoil in the royal family, power transitions, and in severe cases, even a change of dynasty!

"Is there any way to reverse it, Master?" Gabrielle asked again.

"The fate is determined and cannot be changed. From here, we can only go with the flow of destiny," the white-haired old man sighed, shaking his head.

He had tried to peek into the secrets of the heavens, seeking a solution. However, the moment he entertained that thought, his mind trembled as if struck by lightning. It was an omen and a warning from the heavens. If he were to proceed, he would undoubtedly face divine punishment and perish.

"It's a matter of great importance. I have to go back and inform the Emperor. Please, Master, understand," Gabrielle bowed with clasped hands.

"It's a futile effort. Even the Emperor can't change anything," the white-haired old man shook his head again.

"Regardless, I have to try," Gabrielle's gaze was determined.

"Alright, go then."

The white-haired old man no longer stopped her, sighing lightly. "With your auspicious aura, although you can't defy fate, perhaps you can mitigate some losses."

"Thank you, Master."

After a deep bow, Gabrielle decisively turned and left.


Dark Dragon Mountain, inside a magnificent palace.

A stone statue sits cross-legged on the divine altar, enjoying the offerings of incense.

Below the statue, more than ten people kneel in meditation, motionless, as if they had long entered a state of deep concentration.

These are members of the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians, the most mysterious and powerful force in the Dragonmarsh.

Although not numerous, each one is a martial arts master, capable of withstanding a thousand troops.

The Serpentsteel Royal Guardians has always remained hidden, never showing themselves easily, known to only a handful of people. Even many members of the royal family are kept in the dark, let alone ordinary dignitaries.

The Serpentsteel Royal Guardians is not subject to imperial authority; rather, they hold a position above it. They may not interfere in national affairs, but every decision they make must be followed by the Emperor.

To put it bluntly, the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians is the true ruler of the entire Dragonmarsh!


At this moment, in front of the palace, a red spear suddenly begins to vibrate.

The spear's body is surrounded by red light, emitting a dragon's roar as if it could pierce the sky at any moment.


In an instant, more than ten members of the meditating Serpentsteel Royal Guardians open their eyes.

"What's going on? Why is the Patriarch's spear moving?"

"The Red Dragon Fury Spear, the number one spear in the world, has long been divine (immortalised). What could it be that makes it feel a threat? Could someone have invaded the Bayhaven?"

Everyone looks at each other, puzzled.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

While the red spear continues to vibrate, the stone statue on the divine altar suddenly exhibits abnormal changes.

Cracks begin to appear on the surface of the statue, spreading all over in a matter of moments.

After a while, with a "bang," the stone statue suddenly explodes.

Following that, a white-haired, red-eyed old man slowly stands up from the divine altar.

The old man is tall, his expression cold, and his red eyes fiery, exuding a terrifying pressure.

"We respectfully welcome the Patriarch out of seclusion!"

Seeing this, the members of the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians all kneel down and bow, their faces filled with awe.

The white-haired, red-eyed old man is none other than the Patriarch of the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians, the second-ranked powerhouse on the World-shaking List, Spike Lourd!
Chapter 1631 The Dragon Veins

"What's up?"

Spike Lourd shook off the stones on his body and descended from the divine altar.

In his crimson eyes, there was no hint of emotion, as if he were a deity indifferent to everything.

Indeed, for ordinary people, Spike Lourd's presence was no different from that of celestial beings in the sky.

With a snap of his fingers, he could make someone vanish into thin air.

"Elder Ancestor, the Red Dragon Fury Spear just showed signs of disturbance, as if it were provoked by something," a member of the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians reported.


Spike Lourd turned to look at the crimson spear behind him and then made a beckoning gesture.


The crimson spear hummed lightly, rising directly from the ground and landing steadily in Spike Lourd's hands.

Closing his eyes, Spike Lourd carefully sensed and soon got the result.

"So, the Dragon Sparrow Sword has appeared in the world. No wonder you're so excited," Spike Lourd murmured to himself.

Upon hearing this, members of the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians expressed surprise.

"The Dragon Sparrow Sword? Could it be the number most powerful sword in the world?"

"As far as I know, the Dragon Sparrow Sword is currently the personal sword of the Blade Sage Bladeheart Ronin. Could it be that Bladeheart Ronin has arrived in Stonia?"

"Humph! This person really has guts. Without the decree of the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians, he dares to intrude into the territory of Stonia, blatantly defying the authority of the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians!"

Upon hearing about the appearance of the Dragon Sparrow Sword, some were astonished, while others were furious.

The Serpentsteel Royal Guardians held imperial power and controlled major affairs of the country. In front of the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians, anyone and any force had to bow and submit.

Without prior notice from Bladeheart Ronin, he intruded into the territory of Stonia, completely disregarding the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians.

This behavior was clearly a challenge to the authority of the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians.

"You guys stay here and guard the dragon vein. I'll go out and take a look."

Spike Lourd didn't say much. After dropping these words, his figure flashed, turning into a streak of red light and disappearing into the sky.

Once Spike Lourd left, members of the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians didn't idle either. They immediately activated the mountain protection formation to be on guard.

Underneath Dark Dragon Mountain was the dragon vein of the Dragonmarsh and the foundation on which the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians stood.

Dragon veins not only concern the fate of the nation but are also an extremely rare resource.

Being above the dragon vein, the cultivation speed of Serpentsteel Royal Guardians members would greatly accelerate, equivalent to covering a thousand miles in a day compared to the outside world.

In addition, the spiritual energy emitted by the dragon vein had the effect of healing internal injuries and prolonging life.

As long as they absorbed it for a long time, they would live longer and become stronger.

The Elder Ancestor was the best example.

It was precisely because of the blessing of the dragon vein that the Elder Ancestor could become the second strongest in the world.


Meanwhile, in Zenwood.

After driving for two hours, Dustin finally arrived at his destination, Zenwood.

Zenwood was located in a remote area, rarely visited by people.

Along the way, there were hardly any residents to be seen.

There was only one road up the mountain, and the weeds were overgrown, indicating that it hadn't been cleared for a long time.

Dustin stood at the foot of the mountain, looking into the distance. Vaguely, he could see the outline of a sactuary on the mountaintop.

Dustin took a deep breath and followed the path, step by step, ascending the stairs.

Zenwood was extremely quiet, with only occasional sounds of the wind and some insect and bird calls.

Compared to the prosperity of Stonia, this place seemed like another world.
Lets Get That List Translation Straight
1. Dragon Tiger Mountain, Phantom Richards.​
2. Serpentsteel Royal Guardians, Spike Lourd.​
3. West Lucozia Blade Sage, Bladeheart Ronin.​
4. Thunderstrike Sword Alliance Master, Nolan Fitzgerald.​
5. Master of the World Society, Darkbane Moore.​
6. Leader of the Mystic Arts Order, Evelyn Morgan.​
7. Lord of Cold Frost City, Cielo Frio.​
8. Director of Martial law bureau, Nate Reynolds.​
9. Master of the Black List, Gravis “Old Ghost” Darkmore.
10. Imperial Eunuch, Nestor Pierce.​
Nice 👍 by the way any update on 1566? It's still missing i just thought you forgot after all your busy with this new characters appearing
Chapter 1632 Closed-door Cultivation

Dustin encountered no obstacles on his way and ascended directly to the summit of Zenwood, finally stopping at the entrance of a sanctuary.

Above the entrance hung a plaque with a large name: Tranquil Sanctuary.

Tranquil Sanctuary was neither big nor small, quite ordinary. From the external appearance, it seemed to have been standing for quite some time, showing signs of aging.

Who would have thought that the once dominant King of Ashencrest would actually be hiding in this small sanctuary?

Dustin walked forward and lightly knocked on the sanctuary door.

No response.

After a few seconds, he knocked harder.

"Coming, coming."

A childish voice came from inside.

Then, the sanctuary door opened.

A seven or eight-year-old little monk stuck his head out from the crack in the door, looking at Dustin curiously and asking, "Sir, may I ask what's the matter?"

"I got lost in the mountains and happened to see a sanctuary here, so I thought of asking for some water to drink. Is that okay?" Dustin lied.

"That’s okay, it’s fine, Sir, please come in."

The little monk didn't doubt and opened the sanctuary door, inviting Dustin in.

Rarely encountering an outsider, the little monk was very happy, chattering all the way, asking continuously, "Sir, where are you from? How did you come here? There are many jackals and tigers in Zenwood. Luckily, you got lost during the day. If it were at night, it would be dangerous. Sir, are you hungry? There's some vegetarian food in the kitchen. If you don't mind, you can eat and fill your stomach. Oh, by the way, if you don't know the way, I can accompany you down the mountain later."

"Thank you." Dustin smiled faintly.

This little monk was quite interesting.

"Don't be too polite."

The little monk grinned, "Master said that monks should be compassionate. If anyone encounters trouble and we can help, we should help. Saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda."

"May I ask, how many people are there in your Tranquil Sanctuary?" Dustin changed the subject.

"How many people?"

The little monk counted on his fingers and said, "We have the abbot, my master, two senior brothers, and me. So, there should be five of us."

"Among your five, is there a master named Darwin?" Dustin asked again.

"Darwin?" The little monk was stunned, "Sir, do you know our abbot?"

"I don't know him, but I've heard of him." Dustin smiled lightly. "Master Darwin is well-known, and I've always admired him."

"I didn't expect our abbot to be so powerful! No wonder Master and Senior Brothers respect him so much." The little monk was somewhat surprised.

"Could you take me to see Master Darwin? I have some doubts and would like to consult Master." Dustin said.

"No problem, follow me."

The little monk readily agreed, leading Dustin straight to the main hall.

However, when the two reached the entrance of the main hall.

Two burly monks appeared out of thin air, directly blocking Dustin's way.

In their tiger-like eyes, there was a mixture of vigilance and suspicion.

"Please stop, Sir. The main hall is a sacred place, and outsiders are not allowed in!" the round-faced monk on the left said in a low voice.

"I've come to see Master Darwin. I hope the two of you can make an exception." Dustin remained composed.

"The abbot is in closed-door cultivation and doesn't see outside guests. Sir, please go back!" the round-faced monk extended his hand, making a gesture of request.

Dustin remained unmoved and said casually, "If Master Darwin is in closed-door cultivation, then I'll seek an audience with King of Ashencrest—Lord Frederick!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the expressions of the two monks immediately changed.
Chapter 1633 Got the Wrong Place?

"Who are you? What are you doing here?!"

The two monks immediately changed positions, one in front and one behind, blocking Dustin's way.

Their tiger-like eyes were vigilant and alert.

They had secluded themselves for many years, avoiding the world, rarely interacting with outsiders.

Now, a stranger suddenly appeared, and he explicitly wanted to see the King. It was evident that the visitor had ill intentions.

"My surname is Rhys, given name Logan. I've come to pay my respects to King of Ashencrest. I hope you can let me through," Dustin said calmly.


The two monks exchanged glances, becoming even more shocked.

They never expected that Logan, who had disappeared ten years ago, would suddenly show up.

"Lord Rhys, this is a sanctuary. There is no King of Ashencrest here. You've got the wrong place. Please leave!" the round-faced monk said sternly.

"Two Masters, I've come a long way and sincerely want to pay my respects. Why don't you go in and report?" Dustin bowed with folded hands.

"Lord Rhys, don't force us. Our sanctuary is small and can't accommodate such a magnanimous individual as yourself," the round-faced monk said.

"You Buddhists believe in karma. Master Darwin planted the seeds of karma ten years ago. Now, it's time to settle it. Constantly hiding and evading is just self-deception," Dustin declared loudly.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." The round-faced monk coldly said, "Lord Rhys, I'll say it again. Our abbot is in closed-door cultivation and doesn't see outsiders. Please leave!"

"I've said all the good words. If you insist on not letting me through, then don't blame me for barging in." Dustin's expression grew colder.

Regardless, he had to see Frederick today.

"Lord Rhys! This is a sacred place of Buddhism. How dare you act recklessly here?!" the round-faced monk shouted.

"If you don't leave, be careful that we use force to kick you out!" the other monk grew impatient.

"You can try."

Dustin remained expressionless, ignoring them, and directly rushed into the main hall.


The two monks, upon seeing this, immediately became furious, brandishing their fists and attacking Dustin, one from the front and one from the back.

Their energy was vigorous, and their fist techniques were fierce. With each strike, thunderous sounds could be heard.

They were already at the Martial Grandmaster level!


Just as the two sides were about to engage in battle, a loud shout suddenly rang out in the main hall.

Upon hearing the voice, the two monks immediately stopped their fist techniques, no longer daring to act recklessly.

After the voice sounded, a monk in yellow robes walked out slowly from the main hall.

"You two, don't be rude!"

After reprimanding the two, the monk turned to Dustin, clasped his hands together in a gesture of respect, and said, "Greetings, Lord Rhys's visit to Tranquil Sanctuary is our honor. The abbot is aware of your purpose. Please come inside."

With that, he took the initiative to step aside.

"Senior Brother!"

The round-faced monk's expression tightened, and he hurriedly said, "This Lord Rhys's origins are unknown. We must remain on guard."

"This is the abbot's decision. You cannot question it. Step back!" The monk in yellow robes ordered.

"Yes!" The round-faced monk had no choice but to step back.

However, his vigilant eyes remained fixed on Dustin, showing no signs of relaxation.

"Lord Rhys, please."

After a slight nod from the monk in yellow robes, he led Dustin into the main hall.
Chapter 1634 Fortune or Misfortune

The main hall of Tranquil Sanctuary was not large, and there was no magnificent decoration. In the central position, a three to four-meter-high statue of Buddha was enshrined.

Although it looked somewhat simple, the burning incense was exceptionally vigorous.

The area around the Buddha statue was also kept very clean.

At this moment, a slender middle-aged abbot was sitting on a cushion in front of the Buddha statue.

The abbot wore a yellow and red, closed eyes, tapped a wooden fish with one hand, and placed the other hand below his lips, silently chanting scriptures.

He appeared devout.

"Abbot, Lord Rhys has arrived."The monk walked forward and whispered.

Upon hearing this, the abbot, Darwin, finally stopped the motion in his hands, slowly stood up, and greeted Dustin with clasped hands, "Greetings, Lord Rhys, it's been a long time."

"Yes, it's been ten years."

Dustin nodded, then asked, "Should I address you as Master Darwin now, or Your Highness King of Ashencrest?"

"I have severed my worldly ties and taken the Dharma name Darwin. Lord Rhys, you can call me Darwin." Darwin bowed slightly.


Dustin smiled faintly, "Master Darwin, I came here today unexpectedly because I have some things I'd like you to clarify."

"Lord Rhys wants to ask about some old matters from ten years ago, right?" Darwin's mind was clear.

"That's correct." Dustin nodded noncommittally, "Master Darwin, ten years ago, you were not a monk, and you held significant power in the Bayhaven. You should know some inside information. I hope you can speak without reservation and tell me the truth."

"Lord Rhys, what happened in the past is in the past. Why bother clinging to it?" Darwin's expression was complex.

"The past does not cease to exist just because we want to forget it. I'm just seeking the truth. Is there anything wrong with that?" Dustin countered.

"Some truths are better left unknown. Otherwise, it may bring disaster upon you." Darwin cautioned.

"I am prepared, regardless of the consequences, I can bear them." Dustin's eyes were firm.

"Lord Rhys, when will the cycle of revenge end? The events of ten years ago should be let go." Darwin sighed lightly.

"Sorry, but I can't let go of this matter."

Dustin shook his head, "And it's not just me; even Master Darwin, you haven't completely let go. Otherwise, you wouldn't be hiding incognito, living in this sanctuary, chanting sutras day in and day out."

Why would the once glorious King of Ashencrest suddenly become a monk?

In the end, it was nothing more than harboring guilt.


Darwin sighed, his expression becoming melancholy, "You're right. It's all my fault. If I hadn't been so cowardly and afraid of trouble back then, if I hadn't failed in my duty, things wouldn't have turned out like this."

He and King of Theswe, Rufus Rhys, were close friends and had even fought side by side on the battlefield, achieving great feats.

There was a deep bond of friendship between them.

When Rufus was transferred to the border, he noticed something unusual and specifically entrusted him to take care of his wife and children.

In the end, the queen was assassinated, the guards of West Lucozia were killed and injured, and even Logan disappeared without a trace.

As the illustrious King of Ashencrest, a royal relative, he couldn't help in any way.

All he could do was hide in the shadows and watch.

This was his knot, and it was also a lifelong guilt.

Even now, he hadn't forgiven himself.

"Enough, it's fortune or misfortune. As you said, some things should be resolved."

Darwin took a deep breath and finally made up his mind, "Lord Rhys, ask whatever you want to know, and I will tell you the truth."
Chapter 1635 The Serpentsteel Royal Guardians


When he heard Darwin's words, Dustin didn't beat around the bush. He went straight to the point, asking, "Lord Darwin, I've got just one question. Who was the mastermind behind the plot to ambush us back then?"

"Just as I expected."

Darwin nodded, clearly anticipating the question. Instead of answering directly, he threw a question back, "Lord Logan, ever heard of the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians?"

"The Serpentsteel Royal Guardians?"

Dustin squinted slightly, "I've heard a couple of things from my father, but I don't really know much."

"Well, since you don't know, let me fill you in."

Darwin's expression turned solemn, "The Serpentsteel Royal Guardians was established at the beginning of the empire's founding, a powerful organization that stands above imperial authority. Every member inside is a top-notch warrior. Pick any one of them, and they can stand against a thousand soldiers. Especially the current Lord of the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians, Spike Lourd, whose strength is unfathomable. In the entire world, aside from the reclusive old Heavenly Grandmaster of Dragon Tiger Mountain, Phantom Richards, no one can beat him. And, crucially, Spike Lourd is the one who supported the current emperor to the throne. In a sense, the emperor, as the ruler of the nation, is just a puppet controlled by Spike Lourd. Imperial power, the throne, all manipulated in the palms of his hands. That's Spike Lourd, that's the so-called Serpentsteel Royal Guardians."

By the end, a hint of indignation flashed in Darwin's eyes, but more than anything, there was a sense of resignation. As a member of the imperial family and the emperor's younger brother, he understood all too well how terrifying the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians truly was. Not to mention Spike Lourd, even an ordinary member of the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians could do as they pleased above imperial authority.

Unfortunately, they had no room for resistance because anyone who voiced dissent would meet a gruesome end. The Serpentsteel Royal Guardians, ostensibly a protector, had become an uncontrollable force, committing countless atrocities without anyone daring to intervene.

"Master Darwin, are you suggesting that the events of that year are related to the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians?" Dustin quickly caught on.

"That's right."

Darwin nodded, "Back then, Spike Lourd controlled imperial power and set up an assassination plot, intending to bury you and your mother outside the Forbidden City. For this, many powerful members of the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians were mobilized. When I heard the news of your peril, I wanted to lead troops to support, but the people from the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians blocked me at my doorstep. At that time, I was too weak, completely afraid to defy the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians’ orders, so I could only stay holed up in my palace, watching from the sidelines. Logan, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. If I had mustered the courage to lead troops and support you, your mother might not have lost her life. I failed you; I am a sinner."

As he spoke, Darwin's body trembled, and tears welled up in his eyes. These words had been pent up in his heart for too long. He thought that by becoming a monk, reciting scriptures and repenting every year, he could atone for his sins. In the end, it was just self-deception.

"Master Darwin, there's no need to blame yourself. Seeking gain and avoiding harm is human nature."

Dustin didn't place blame; instead, he calmly said, "Even if you had sent troops back then, it wouldn't have made much of a difference. In fact, it might have dragged you into the mess. If it were me, I would have made the same choice."
Chapter 1636 The Truth

Darwin sighed deeply, a look of shame on his face.

He never expected anyone to risk their lives for him, and King of Ashencrest chose silence for his own preservation, which was not wrong in itself.

"Your father saved me multiple times and trusted me so much, but I did nothing. I feel deeply ashamed," Darwin said with a heavy heart.

If Dustin scolded him or hit him, he might feel a bit better. However, the fact that the person in front of him showed no intention of blaming him made him feel even more guilty.

"Master Darwin, I have a question. We had no grievances with the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians, so why did they attempt to assassinate us?" Dustin asked again.

"The reason boils down to four words—power threatens the ruler!"

Darwin sighed with helplessness, "Ten years ago, the power of your West Lucozia Royal Palace was unparalleled, dominating the court and the world. The reputation echoed far and wide. It even overshadowed the imperial power. For the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians, your existence posed a threat to their position, and this was something they couldn't tolerate."

"Just a slight threat, and the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians wanted to exterminate us?" Dustin frowned, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

"Logan, you underestimate the influence of the West Lucozia Royal Palace."

Darwin sighed, "If it were just your father's influence, the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians might endure it or choose to incorporate you. But the problem was, your entire family was too outstanding!"

"Your father, Rufus, a natural talent in leadership, undefeated in a hundred battles, a hero who was titled a king with a hundred thousand elite troops at his command, invincible!"

"Your mother, Princess Leonora, was even more extraordinary, a heroine with astonishing strength. In her thirties, she had already reached the level of a Grandmaster in martial arts, ranking fifth on the world-shaking list, known as the matchless woman in the world!"

"As for you, you are equally extraordinary. With a Kirin protecting you since birth, and possessing a grand aura, you broke through to the Grandmaster realm at the age of fifteen. Your talents are simply extraordinary, unparalleled in ancient and modern times!"

"Each member of your family was more formidable than the last. If you continued to grow stronger, not even the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians could withstand your brilliance. In order to preserve their position and power, the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians staged a tragedy, intending to completely eliminate you and your mother to prevent future troubles. This is the truth you sought!"

After listening, Dustin clenched his fists, his face darkening.

He had always thought that his mother's death was related to imperial power. He never expected that there was a more powerful force behind it.

This force, only because it feared that they would threaten its position and power, resorted to such ruthless measures, causing a bloody tragedy that swept through the entire Stonia.

For the sake of preserving their status, they didn't hesitate to kill thousands of innocent lives.

"The Serpentsteel Royal Guardians!"

Dustin gritted his teeth, a murderous aura emanating from his entire body.

An organization that was lawless and used its power for personal gain didn't deserve to exist!

"Logan, the influence of the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians is too vast, and Spike Lourd is like a godly existence. Many forces in the world are under his control. Even if you know the truth now, you must not act recklessly. Otherwise, the tragedy of the past will happen again." Darwin warned solemnly.

"Thank you, Master Darwin, for the reminder. I know what to do." Dustin nodded.

He took a deep breath, quickly suppressing the anger in his heart.

He had endured for ten years, and waiting for another day or two wouldn't make a difference.

He would plan carefully and strike when he understood the weaknesses of the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians.

"By the way, Logan, there's one more thing I need to remind you."

At this moment, Darwin seemed to recall something and suddenly spoke, "When you were ambushed back then, it was the result of both internal and external factors. According to my investigation, there should have been a traitor among you!"
Chapter 1637 Secretly Watching


Upon hearing this, Dustin couldn't help but frown slightly.

He seemed to have heard similar words somewhere before, but he hadn't paid much attention to it before. Now, hearing it from King of Ashencrest, he had to take it seriously.

"Master Darwin, who is this traitor you're talking about?" Dustin inquired.

"This person is none other than the Grand General of your father's army, Harley Macintosh!" Darwin revealed.

"Uncle Harley? How is that possible? Didn't he sacrifice himself?" Dustin showed surprise.

Harley, as the trusted general under his father, had followed him through thick and thin for many years, and they were as close as brothers. Ten years ago, during their journey to the capital, Harley, as the leader of the guards, had slain numerous assassins on their way. Especially during the chaos in the Bayhaven, he sacrificed himself while bravely escorting Dustin and his mother out of the city.

How could such a heroic and loyal person be a traitor?

"When I learned of this news, I was also very surprised. I even conducted repeated investigations. However, all the evidence pointed to Harley. I don't know why he did it—perhaps he was threatened, perhaps he was persuaded, but there is no denying that he is involved. As for the supposed sacrifice, it was just a ruse. I had someone check later, and Harley did not die. The so-called corpse was a stand-in," Darwin explained with a serious expression.

"Harley? He turned out to be the traitor?"

Dustin's brows furrowed deeply, his fists clenched, and a surge of anger filled him.

He could accept being deceived and betrayed, but he couldn't tolerate being betrayed by someone close to him.

Harley was like a mentor to him, teaching him martial arts and sharing his experience in leading troops.

However, he had never dreamt that such a straightforward and loyal person would turn out to be a traitor.

"Master Darwin, do you know Harley's whereabouts?" Dustin asked again.

"I'm not sure."

Darwin shook his head. "After that incident, Harley mysteriously disappeared. I suspect he changed his name, changed his appearance, and is now hiding under a new identity."

"I understand. I will keep an eye on this matter."

Dustin's face darkened, and he continued, "Master Darwin, apart from this, is there anything else noteworthy?"

"I've said all that needs to be said. I just hope that after you know this, you won't act recklessly. The Serpentsteel Royal Guardians is too powerful, even your father was no match for them. It would be better for you to give up early," Darwin advised with great concern.

The Serpentsteel Royal Guardians had a century-long history, and its influence was deeply rooted.

Not to mention the top-notch experts hidden within it, just the subordinate forces under its command were enough to dominate everything.

"Thank you, Master Darwin, for the reminder. I know what to do."

Dustin nodded and bowed slightly. "I apologize for the intrusion today. Please forgive me, Master Darwin. I will take my leave."

"May you have a safe journey, Lord Logan."

Darwin respectfully returned the gesture.

"Abbot! Something bad has happened!"

Just as Dustin was about to leave, the round-faced monk hurriedly ran in.

"What's wrong?"

Darwin asked calmly.

"Abbot, a large number of soldiers have come down the mountain and surrounded Tranquil Sanctuary! They are full of murderous intent. It seems they were all attracted by our guest!"

"These people came pretty fast."

Dustin raised his eyebrows, not too surprised. He had expected such a scene when he entered Tranquil Sanctuary.

The Serpentsteel Royal Guardians had an astonishing influence, and news naturally spread quickly. Now that his identity was exposed, someone would undoubtedly be secretly watching him.

They intended to use this opportunity to eliminate the threat.

"Guys, guard the mountain gate and try to block these people as much as possible," Darwin ordered.

"Abbot, there are too many people coming up the mountain, and there are even experts among them. We are afraid we won't be able to stop them," the round-faced monk complained reluctantly.

"To delay them for a while is better than nothing," Darwin said.

Chapter 1638 The Secret Passage

The round-faced monk was about to say something, but Darwin raised his hand to stop him. "No need for more words. Go."


The round-faced monk shot a glare at Dustin and left in a hurry.

"Melton, you take Lord Logan down from the back mountain. Ensure Lord Logan's safety," Darwin instructed.

"Abbot, what about you?" Melton, the monk who had once been the chief guard of King of Ashencrest, furrowed his brows.

Before becoming a monk, he had been the chief guard of King of Ashencrest and had followed him in shaving his head and becoming a monk. Over the years, he had never left King of Ashencrest's side.

Now, he was reluctant to leave the King behind and escort an outsider down the mountain.

"I got someone the rest of the team here, I won't be in danger. Hurry, don't waste time," Darwin urged.

"Yes, my Lord."

Melton joined his palms together and agreed. Without saying more, he immediately led Dustin out.

Before leaving, Dustin glanced back at Darwin, who was once again in meditation, chanting Buddhist scriptures.

"Lord Logan, please come this way."

Melton led Dustin into the sanctuary's backyard, opened a hidden door, and walked in first.

Inside the hidden door, it was pitch black, almost impossible to see anything.

Familiar with the path, Melton found two torches in the corner and lit them, illuminating a small area.

Upon closer inspection, Dustin noticed it was a secret passage leading downward.

The passage was long, with no end in sight, and extremely narrow, only allowing one person to pass through.

"Lord Logan, this secret passage leads directly to the foot of the mountain. It's very discreet, and no one outside knows about it. I'll safely lead you out later, but please, do not come again in the future," Melton said as he guided the way.

"Thank you, Master." Dustin was quite calm. "Today, I came to seek answers. Now that my doubts are cleared, I won't disturb the peace of the masters in the future."

"That would be best."

Melton's tone softened.

The two walked along the secret passage, descending further.

After almost half an hour, they finally saw a stone door.

"Lord Logan, the exit is outside. Please."

As Melton spoke, he pressed a switch.


With a resounding noise, the heavy stone door slowly opened.

Warm sunlight poured into the cold and dark secret passage.

After being in prolonged darkness, Dustin squinted his eyes as he adjusted to the light.

Once he got used to it, he stepped out of the door.

Outside, wild grass grew rampant, and there were no visible structures. Even the direction was unclear.

The only certainty was that they were at the foot of the mountain.

"Hahaha... Logan, Logan, you finally came out. We have been waiting for you for a long time!"

At this moment, laughter suddenly echoed.

Following that, a group of masked assassins emerged from the bushes on both sides and quickly surrounded them.

In the blink of an eye, Dustin was encircled by these assassins.

Seeing this situation, it was obvious that they had been waiting for a long time.


Dustin frowned slightly and subconsciously looked back at Melton.

Wasn't it said to be very discreet? Wasn't it said that no one knew about it?

Why did they fall into an ambush?

"Lord Logan, I can't let you endanger the King. If you don't die, the King will be in big trouble. So, I'm sorry."

Melton's voice turned cold as he spoke.

As he spoke, he pressed the switch again.

With a rumbling sound, the heavy stone door descended, completely sealing off Dustin's retreat!
I don't think there's any mistake in your translation it's normal for strong martial artist to have multiple nicknames based on their fighting style and personality. Gregory was one of the royal guard of the rhys family if the sword god were rank 3rd it's not surprising to have another member of the royal guard in the top 10 strongest individual.
But that man is not him.......remenber what the dragon marsh princess said its not like the list is the soul truth of strongest as there may be people stronger but not on the list ..,......just think that the sword immortal wad stronger than the person 2nd in the list bcz list maker didn't have info of his hidden power ........but here old ghost is someone different.........he was there to kill dustin.....why would gregory the drunken maniac would try to kill dustin......and why would he fight with sword immortal of rhys family..........
But that man is not him.......remenber what the dragon marsh princess said its not like the list is the soul truth of strongest as there may be people stronger but not on the list ..,......just think that the sword immortal wad stronger than the person 2nd in the list bcz list maker didn't have info of his hidden power ........but here old ghost is someone different.........he was there to kill dustin.....why would gregory the drunken maniac would try to kill dustin......and why would he fight with sword immortal of rhys family..........
Its been rectified... I am translating without the knowledge of what will come ahead so its like blind driving. Good thing is there are people here that has advanced reading and they have corrected me and it is very much appreciated.
Its been rectified... I am translating without the knowledge of what will come ahead so its like blind driving. Good thing is there are people here that has advanced reading and they have corrected me and it is very much appreciated.

I read that you updated.
Its just the other person was confused that's why i replied him.
You really do great translation that was i was waiting for yours....

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