An Understated Dominance, Dustin Rhys story. Chapters 1301 and beyond - JUNLEE (aka Jungal2000) English interpretation

Translated by Jungal2000

This is my take on an ongoing Chinese novel by an unknown author. I've never been much of a reader when it comes to lengthy novels, but as soon as I delved into this tale, I was hooked like a fanatic. And I can't seem to stop. Unfortunately, the English version I was following only released three chapters a day, and my appetite for the story was insatiable. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started translating the Chinese text myself. Along the way, I've tried to inject some context into it because Google's translation tends to be too literal.

I've used different names for characters in my translations since they're a result of my own artistic interpretation. I began my translations from Chapter 967, which was posted in a different discussion thread. My aim is to tackle at least 100 chapters a week. However, as much as I love translating and reading this novel, I make sure to reserve my weekends for my family and friends – they're the ones who matter most to me.

The reason for this new thread is that during my two days off, some talented translators have continued where I left off. Their work is already shared and posted in my previous thread. This is fantastic news for readers looking for weekend reads. To avoid any confusion, I decided to create a new thread where I can upload and continue my translations. I'm doing all of this out of love for the story and the enjoyment I get from the process; it makes me feel like I'm a part of the narrative.

For those who are new to this, the best translations are provided by Muhindi Wa Kuchoma, and they are the work of the legendary translator Marina Vitori.

This is the tale of a prince, a legendary Kirin known as Logan Rhys. His life underwent a dramatic change a decade ago when his mother met a mysterious and untimely demise. Fueled by a relentless pursuit of truth, justice, and vengeance, he abandoned his royal palace and adopted the guise of a commoner, going by the name Dustin Rhys. The once-arrogant young prince transformed into a timid and soft-spoken individual, making him an easy target for bullies.

During these ten years, Logan secretly honed his skills and strength, undergoing a profound transformation. However, a recent divorce from his wife, Dahlia Nicholson, after three years of marriage, coupled with a series of life-altering events, pushed him back into action. Slowly but surely, he began to shed his timid persona, reemerging as the formidable figure he once was.

Join us as we follow the journey of Dustin, or Logan, as he strives to surpass, outmaneuver, and overpower entire armies and kingdoms, all through his own determination and bare hands.
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Please Grandmaster Jungal2000 give us your priceless elixirs to heal our internal wounds. The battle outside the Tanquili Temple is still not certain. Please grandmaster. 1672 onward; we are waiting. Thank you 🙏
You need a chill pill... I had mine...
Chapter 1683 Spike Lourd's Two Choices

"Spike Lourd?!"

Gazing at the fiery red spear descending from the sky, Bladeheart's face altered as he quickly identified the attacker.

However, the spear's speed and ferocity caught him off-guard, giving him no time to retrieve the Dragon Sparrow Sword. He could only use his finger as a blade, fiercely pointing towards the oncoming red spear.


A loud collision resounded.

Bladeheart's fingertip and the spearhead violently collided, creating a terrifying energy wave that swept outwards.

Then, time seemed to freeze.

Bladeheart stood with his arm raised, a sword-like golden ripple emanating from his fingertip. This ripple battled against the fiery spear, clashing repeatedly. Ripples of gold and red intertwined, bursting forth in a spectacular display.

At the base of the spear, an elderly figure with white hair and red eyes had appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Cold and aloof, he stood atop the spear, gazing down at Bladeheart as if he was a god looking down upon the mortal realm.

It was none other than the Head Master of the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians, the second-ranked warrior on the World-shaking List, Spike Lourd!

"Master Spike?!"

Upon recognizing Spike Lourd, Nate's face lit up with delight.

Since the Elder of Dragon Tiger Mountain (Ranked 1st, Phantom Richards) stepped back from wordly matters, Spike Lourd (ranked 2nd), who's the Guardian of the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians, was definitely the most powerful person around!

While they too were formidable figures on the World-shaking List, compared to Spike Lourd, they were leagues apart. They couldn't even handle Bladeheart, let alone the even more formidable Spike Lourd. But they were fortunate, for they were on the same side as Spike Lourd. With his arrival, the situation had turned in their favor. Despite Bladeheart's incredible abilities, he seemed to be in peril.

"We're so lucky he showed up at just the right moment, or we would've been in big trouble!"

From within his black mist, the Old Ghost expressed his relief.

"I didn't expect this old fox to come out of his seclusion," Cielo murmured from a distance, his face tense. Blood still dripped from the corner of his mouth. From their earlier encounter, he had come to realize that he was no match for Bladeheart.

Now, it all hinged on the duel between Spike Lourd and Bladeheart.

"Spike Lourd, seriously, ambushes? Isn't that kind of shameful for your status? Aren't you worried about people mocking you?" Bladeheart shot back with a casual tone.

"Hmph. Once you're dead, no one will know," Spike Lourd replied, his face impassive.

"Do you think you can kill me?" Bladeheart challenged, undeterred.


Spike Lourd snorted and then, in a sudden move, jumped up, giving a hard stomp to the tail of his spear, the Dragon's Heart Crimson Flame Spear.

A deafening boom followed. The spear further penetrated, forcing Bladeheart's arm to bend slightly. The rocky ground beneath him shattered.

"Dragon Sparrow!"

With a swift motion, Bladeheart drew the Dragon Sparrow Sword, embedded in a boulder, and lunged at Spike Lourd.

"Child's play!" Spike Lourd didn't dodge. Instead, he reached out, freezing the Dragon Sparrow Sword in mid-air about half a meter in front of him.

The sword trembled violently, emitting a soft hum, but couldn't advance any further.

Bladeheart inhaled deeply, channeling his energy into the sword again.

The Dragon Sparrow Sword's vibration intensified, its dazzling golden light bursting forth. The previously immobilized blade started to inch forward, threateningly nearing Spike Lourd's chest.


A hint of surprise flashed in Spike Lourd's eyes.

He hadn't expected Bladeheart to possess such tremendous power, rivaling his own, especially the piercing aura of the sword. Just one hand wasn't enough to control it.

Now, Spike Lourd had two choices: First, to amplify his power and deliver a deadly blow using the Dragon's Heart Crimson Flame Spear, risking injury. Second, to retreat and leverage his advantage, ensuring no chance of a comeback for Bladeheart.

After a moment of consideration, Spike Lourd chose the latter.
Chapter 1684 'Kirin Child' is But a Joke

Spike Lourd swiftly retracted his stance with a kick to his spear's shaft.

The Dragon's Heart Crimson Flame Spear turned horizontally, clashing with the Dragon Sparrow Sword in the air.


A blinding flash followed by a deafening sound erupted as the two legendary weapons made contact. Moments later, each weapon recoiled back to their respective owners.

It was a standoff, with neither gaining an upper hand.

"Spike Lourd, you missed your best chance to defeat me."

Holding the Dragon Sparrow Sword, Bladeheart's aura sharpened, "If you had pressed your attack earlier, I would have been gravely injured or dead. However, you hesitated out of fear, fearing injury, fearing the unexpected. That is your greatest weakness."

There's a saying that the older one gets, the more they fear death.

In Bladeheart's eyes, Spike Lourd's years of seclusion had eroded the heart of a true warrior. No matter his vast cultivation, he couldn't exert his full potential without courage.

"Hmph! Killing you would be child's play. Why risk it?" Spike Lourd retorted, his spear pointed diagonally.

"Really? Let's see if you can back up those words," Bladeheart retorted, lunging forward without another word.

He was outnumbered and couldn't afford to prolong the fight. More reinforcements from the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians were likely on their way. He had to end this quickly, even if it meant risking severe injuries.


As Bladeheart attacked, Spike Lourd met his assault head-on, their weapons clashing fiercely. Their battle was an intense dance of power and agility.

Spike Lourd's spearplay was fierce and unpredictable, resonating with domineering energy. He moved with the grace and power of a deity, almost unstoppable.

On the other hand, Bladeheart's swordsmanship, though sharp, emphasized agility. He leveraged his strengths and neutralized his weaknesses to the fullest during the duel.

Although Bladeheart's cultivation was not on par with Spike Lourd, Bladeheart's determination, courage, and powerful willpower, coupled with his techniques, weapons, and strategies, leveled the playing field.

The outcome was still uncertain.

Meanwhile, at the base of the mountain...

The duel between Dustin and Nestor was drawing to a close. Both were nearly exhausted, showing signs of weariness after their intense battle.

Nestor was slightly better off, protected by his impenetrable golden armor. In contrast, Dustin, pushing himself beyond limits with various desperate moves, relied on elixirs and sheer willpower to stay standing.

Their battle was heading towards either mutual destruction or a stalemate.


Dustin thrust his Sky Sword directly at Nestor's chest.


Suddenly, a massive golden bell, about three meters tall, descended from the heavens, enveloping Nestor and shielding him. The Sky Sword clashed with the bell, producing brilliant sparks but couldn't breach the defense.

Inside the bell, Nestor sneered, "Dustin, I admit you're formidable, pushing me this far. But you still can't kill me. Angry? Frustrated? Yet, just like a decade ago, you can only watch as your loved ones are slaughtered. The so-called 'Kirin Child' is but a joke."

As he laughed mockingly, he failed to notice that Dustin's eyes had turned blood-red with rage.
Chapter 1685 The Forbidden Technique

"You're asking for death!"

Looking at the triumphant and arrogant Nestor, Dustin's eyes were filled with rage, and his blood surged.

At that moment, he had no reservations. Every acupuncture point in his body was activated, and he forcefully invoked a forbidden technique.

Boom, boom, boom...

A series of explosive sounds erupted, and bloody wounds appeared all over Dustin's body.

In the blink of an eye, he was drenched in blood.

The Rhys family's secret technique could indeed amplify one's power, but it came with severe repercussions. Especially when one's body is already strained, the use of this technique could compound one's injuries. If one is not careful, it could even lead to a violent death.

Clearly, Dustin was ready to risk it all.

"You lunatic! Do you intend to drag me down with you?!" Nestor's face changed instantly. His earlier arrogance was quickly replaced by panic.

The Rhys family's technique was indeed a desperate move, a strategy of damaging the enemy significantly even if it meant injuring oneself in the process.

Had Nestor known Dustin would resort to such a tactic, he would have never provoked him. If he had just stalled for a bit longer, Dustin would have exhausted himself.

"Even if I die, I'll make sure you come down with me!" Dustin laughed menacingly, his eyes bloodshot.

Terrifying energy surged from him, increasing in intensity with every moment.


The sword in Dustin's hand, the Sky Sword, began to vibrate wildly. Fierce sword energy continuously assaulted Nestor's protective barrier.

The attacks grew stronger and more relentless.

Crack, crack, crack...

What was once an unbreakable protective barrier began showing cracks under the assault of the Sky Sword.

"What?!" Nestor's pupils shrank as he channeled all his energy to reinforce the barrier. He knew if he couldn't withstand Dustin's final strike, he would be gravely injured, if not dead.

In contrast, if he did hold on, it would be Dustin's end.

The fate of their duel, victory or defeat, life or death, hinged on this one strike.

Crack, crack, crack...

The cracks continued to spread. No matter how hard Nestor tried, the barrier showed no sign of mending.

In mere seconds, the barrier was covered in a web-like pattern of fractures.

"Ah!" Nestor roared in defiance, veins bulging on his face and limbs shaking.

"Quick, help him!" From afar, Ignatius, who was watching the battle, immediately signaled for the experts around him to intervene.

"I dare you to move!" Abigail, prepared for such a move, stepped forward. She threatened with a vial of poison in her hand, "Step forward, and I'll melt you down to a puddle!"

The crowd immediately halted, none daring to advance. They were all too familiar with Abigail's notorious poison and wanted to steer clear.

"Die!" Dustin roared, pushing the Sky Sword forward with both hands.


Nestor's protective barrier finally shattered. The force knocked him backward while the Sky Sword, continuing its momentum, aimed straight at Nestor's chest.


The expected fatal thrust didn't happen. When the Sky Sword met Nestor's chest, it felt as if it had hit steel, not penetrating through. However, the residual force from the blow sent Nestor flying back, crashing into rocks a hundred meters away. Blood gushed from his nose and mouth, his face deathly pale.
Chapter 1686 Beheaded With a Single Strike

It was only now that the crowd noticed that Nestor was wearing a protective armor known as the Black Gold Mail.

Even though the armor was now shattered, it had defended against Dustin's lethal blow at the crucial moment, sparing Nestor's life.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Nestor struggled to get up, coughing up blood.

If it weren't for his rigorous training in the Great Diamond Art, which had given him a stronger physique than regular folks, and his Black Gold Mail, Dustin's strike would probably have killed him.

Still, he was seriously hurt.

Carrying on with the fight didn't seem to be in his favor.

"You scoundrel! Face your fate!" Dustin, without a moment's pause, lifted his sword to strike again.

But as he made his move, his legs gave way beneath him. He nearly stumbled, using his sword to steady himself on the ground. That last strike had sapped his strength entirely.

The side effects of the Rhys family's secret technique were now manifesting. He could barely muster the strength to move even a finger.

Seeing this, Nestor laughed heartily, "Dustin, I thought you were formidable, but it seems you're at the end of your rope. Can't even stand, can you?"

Gritting his teeth, Dustin tried to straighten up, trembling.

"Ha, the Rhys family's technique might be powerful, but the aftermath is brutal. If I'm not mistaken, you're now drained and won't last long," Nestor said, a sinister smile on his face.

Abigail spoke up coldly, "Don't get ahead of yourself. I'm still here!"

Nestor scoffed, "Little girl, you're wounded and you've used up all your poison. We have thousands of soldiers. How many can you really take down?"

"If I were you, I'd retreat now. Or when the elites of the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians arrive, you won't even have a chance to flee."

"Abigail! Leave! I'll hold them off," Dustin said, trying to keep himself from collapsing.

"Uncle, I told you, if we're to die, we die together!" Abigail declared defiantly.

Nestor smirked, "Alright then! Soldiers, kill them now! Anyone who retreats will be punished by military law!"

With that order, the previously hesitant soldiers surged forward.

Suddenly, a white sword plummeted from the sky, embedding itself at the center of the battlefield. As it landed, the sword emitted a powerful energy wave, knocking back hundreds of soldiers, leaving them in chaos.

"Who dares?!" Nestor looked up in alarm.

A young man, shirtless and handsome, descended gracefully. It was none other than Billy May, the roaming champion of the Sword Sect!

Nestor laughed in delight, "Ah, Young Master Billy, perfect timing. Finish off Dustin and claim your title as the number one prodigy of the Dragonmarsh!"

Seeing the newcomer, Ignatius's eyes sparkled with hope. With such a sword prodigy on their side, victory seemed certain.

"Uncle, he's extremely formidable. I don't think we can beat him. What do we do?" Abigail asked anxiously.

"Just run, I'll try to hold him off," Dustin whispered, taking a pill from his pocket and swallowing it, hoping it might give him a last surge of energy.

"Young Master Billy, don't waste any more time. Finish off Dustin now!" Nestor urged.

Billy May frowned slightly and with a swift motion, beheaded Nestor with a single strike.
Chapter 1687 Felt Like a Dream


In an instant, without any warning, a sword light flashed through, piercing through Nestor's neck.

The speed of the attack was so fast that there was no time for a reaction.


Nestor's body trembled, and he froze in place as if turned into stone, completely motionless.

He widened his eyes and stared at Billy May, who was not far away, with a look of shock and disbelief.

He couldn't even dream that Billy May would attack him, especially in such a sudden and unexpected manner.

Up until now, he found it hard to believe.


Weren't they allies?

There was no enmity or grudge between them, so why did Billy May kill him?

Did Nestor's urging annoy Billy May and lead to this fatal outcome?

This guy's temper was too impulsive, wasn't it?


With a muffled sound, Nestor's head separated from his neck and fell heavily to the ground.

His eyes stared like brass bells, and his face was filled with an expression of disbelief.

Even in death, he never expected such an ending.

After barely escaping from the clutches of Logan, he thought he had the situation under control, only to be killed by Billy May with a single sword.

Fate truly played tricks on him.

"What's going on? Did Lord Nestor... die?"

Looking at Nestor, who had been killed by a single sword, everyone was dumbfounded.

Their mouths hung open in shock.

They had thought that Billy May's arrival was like a savior appearing on the scene, but in a blink of an eye, that savior had become a harbinger of death.

A top expert in the Imperial Palace and the tenth-ranked figure on the Astonishing Rankings had been killed by a single sword, and his death was inexplicable. It felt like a dream.

"Why... how could this happen?"

Ignatius was so frightened that his scalp went numb, and she was speechless.

Nestor was the number one expert in the Imperial Palace and a member of the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians with both strength and backing. Billy May had killed him with a single strike without reason. Had he gone mad?

"Uncle... Did I see it correctly? Did that man kill Lord Nestor?" Abigail was shocked and confused, and even the poison vial in his hand almost slipped to the ground.

She couldn't understand the situation before her.

Weren't they allies? Why were they killing each other? Did they have some deep-seated hatred between them?

"You saw it correctly. Lord Nestor... is indeed dead," Dustin replied stiffly, his heart in turmoil.

He had never met Billy May before, and they had no prior relationship. Why did Billy May help him?

"Billy May! Have you gone mad?!" After a brief moment of shock, Ignatius cursed loudly. "Lord Nestor is an official of the court and a member of the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians. How dare you kill him? Do you know what crime you've committed? That's a capital offense! Even if you're a disciple of the Sword Sect, you won't escape death!"

"So many words," Billy May said expressionlessly. He raised his sword and swung it towards Ignatius from a distance.


A sharp white sword energy instantly shot out, breaking through the air.

The sword energy expanded as it encountered the wind, quickly reaching over ten meters in length, like a crescent moon, fiercely slashing towards Ignatius.


Ignatius's pupils shrank, and he immediately raised his sword to defend himself.


With a loud sound, Ignatius's sword was instantly cut in two by the sword energy, and he was sent flying over a hundred meters into the crowd.

Finally, he coughed up blood, his face as pale as paper, unable to even stand up.
Chapter 1688 A Quiet Disciple of the Sword Sect

With just one sword strike, Ignatius was nearly killed.


The crowd gasped in shock.

If people thought that Billy May's killing of Nestor was due to catching him off guard, the recent strike against Ignatius made it clear – this was pure dominance.

Ignatius, known as the strongest of the Stonia's Valiant Four Sons, couldn't even handle a single blow from Billy May. It was a staggering display of the power difference between the two.

Now, everyone realized that among Valiant Four, the seemingly unassuming and quiet disciple of the Sword Sect, Billy May, was the most formidable.

"Those who don't matter, leave."

Billy May spoke softly, but his words reverberated across the battlefield.

The commanders exchanged glances, uncertain of their next move. The challenge posed by the enchantress was tough enough; with Billy May turning against them, their chances of victory had shrunk to nearly nothing.

"Won't leave? Then prepare to die."

Without further ado, Billy May raised his sword again.


A larger and sharper sword beam burst forth, obliterating those in its path.

In moments, a vast swathe of land was cleared, littered with bodies, most sliced in half. The sight was grisly.

With just a single move, Billy May had killed over a thousand soldiers. His prowess sent chills down the spines of the onlookers.


Billy roared, sending out a terrifying aura.

"Retreat! Retreat now!"

The eight commanders were terrified. They urgently commanded their troops, initiating a hasty retreat.

The power displayed by Billy was too fearsome. They all felt that if they stayed, they'd be annihilated. It was better to retreat and face possible punishment later than to perish here.

With Nestor dead and facing the looming threat of Billy, the remaining army fled in disarray.

"Thank... Thank you," Abigail managed a stiff smile, expressing her gratitude to Billy.

Without replying, Billy looked at Dustin, suggesting, "We should leave quickly. The Serpentsteel Royal Guardians's elite forces are nearing."

"Why did you help me?" Dustin asked, puzzled.

"Don't you know who I am?" Billy inquired with a raised eyebrow.

"I know who you are, but I don't understand why you risked everything to help me," Dustin said.

"Your mother, Leonora, is my aunt," Billy revealed startlingly.

"Aunt?" Dustin's face stiffened.

Could this mean that Billy was his... cousin?

"So, you're my... cousin?" Dustin ventured.

"Yes," Billy nodded.

Dustin was momentarily lost for words.

He had never imagined this kind of relationship with Billy. And the question that plagued him the most was - why had he never known about this?

His mother had never mentioned this.
Chapter 1685 The Forbidden Technique

"You're asking for death!"

Looking at the triumphant and arrogant Nestor, Dustin's eyes were filled with rage, and his blood surged.

At that moment, he had no reservations. Every acupuncture point in his body was activated, and he forcefully invoked a forbidden technique.

Boom, boom, boom...

A series of explosive sounds erupted, and bloody wounds appeared all over Dustin's body.

In the blink of an eye, he was drenched in blood.

The Rhys family's secret technique could indeed amplify one's power, but it came with severe repercussions. Especially when one's body is already strained, the use of this technique could compound one's injuries. If one is not careful, it could even lead to a violent death.

Clearly, Dustin was ready to risk it all.

"You lunatic! Do you intend to drag me down with you?!" Nestor's face changed instantly. His earlier arrogance was quickly replaced by panic.

The Rhys family's technique was indeed a desperate move, a strategy of damaging the enemy significantly even if it meant injuring oneself in the process.

Had Nestor known Dustin would resort to such a tactic, he would have never provoked him. If he had just stalled for a bit longer, Dustin would have exhausted himself.

"Even if I die, I'll make sure you come down with me!" Dustin laughed menacingly, his eyes bloodshot.

Terrifying energy surged from him, increasing in intensity with every moment.


The sword in Dustin's hand, the Sky Sword, began to vibrate wildly. Fierce sword energy continuously assaulted Nestor's protective barrier.

The attacks grew stronger and more relentless.

Crack, crack, crack...

What was once an unbreakable protective barrier began showing cracks under the assault of the Sky Sword.

"What?!" Nestor's pupils shrank as he channeled all his energy to reinforce the barrier. He knew if he couldn't withstand Dustin's final strike, he would be gravely injured, if not dead.

In contrast, if he did hold on, it would be Dustin's end.

The fate of their duel, victory or defeat, life or death, hinged on this one strike.

Crack, crack, crack...

The cracks continued to spread. No matter how hard Nestor tried, the barrier showed no sign of mending.

In mere seconds, the barrier was covered in a web-like pattern of fractures.

"Ah!" Nestor roared in defiance, veins bulging on his face and limbs shaking.

"Quick, help him!" From afar, Ignatius, who was watching the battle, immediately signaled for the experts around him to intervene.

"I dare you to move!" Abigail, prepared for such a move, stepped forward. She threatened with a vial of poison in her hand, "Step forward, and I'll melt you down to a puddle!"

The crowd immediately halted, none daring to advance. They were all too familiar with Abigail's notorious poison and wanted to steer clear.

"Die!" Dustin roared, pushing the Sky Sword forward with both hands.


Nestor's protective barrier finally shattered. The force knocked him backward while the Sky Sword, continuing its momentum, aimed straight at Nestor's chest.


The expected fatal thrust didn't happen. When the Sky Sword met Nestor's chest, it felt as if it had hit steel, not penetrating through. However, the residual force from the blow sent Nestor flying back, crashing into rocks a hundred meters away. Blood gushed from his nose and mouth, his face deathly pale.

Damn, so good!!! But I want that Ignatius to be beheaded as well.... Geez! This Billy dude is something! He's not even part of the list yet..
Chapter 1689 Trump Card

Seemingly understanding the doubts in Dustin's heart, Billy explained, "Your aunt had a falling out with the family years ago, so she chose to leave and cut off contact with them. After her death, I went to West Lucozia to pay my respects and reveal my identity to your father. However, it seems he never told you about it."

"I haven't been back for ten years," Dustin said with a complicated expression. He had never known about his mother's past, which explained why he had never returned to her family's home.

Once this matter was resolved, and if he was still alive, it was time for him to pay his respects to his mother.

"Your sword is quite good. Can you give it to me?" Billy suddenly blurted out.

"Huh?" Dustin was taken aback and couldn't make heads or tails of it.

"Looks like you won't."

Billy calmly said, "In that case, let's find an opportunity to have a fight. If you win, you get my sword, and if I win, I get yours."


Dustin was speechless.

What was going on in this guy's head? One moment they were recognizing each other, and the next they were talking about fighting. What was he trying to do?

"Don't worry, I won't take advantage of you. We'll have a fair fight after you recover," Billy said earnestly.

While speaking, his gaze remained fixed on the Sky Sword in Dustin's hand.

As a sword enthusiast, his love for swords had gone beyond desire. To him, a top-quality treasure sword was equivalent to a peerless beauty. Moreover, the more swords he had, the stronger he became.

So every time he encountered a precious sword, he couldn't help but reveal his affection for it.

As with the previous interception of Bladeheart, he had done it for Bladeheart's Dragon Sparrow Sword, but unfortunately, they hadn't fought.


Just as the three of them were talking, there was suddenly a deafening explosion from the top of Tranquil Mountain.

It was earth-shaking and ear-piercing.

After the explosion, numerous rocks tumbled down from the mountaintop.

Fortunately, the Mighty Eight' armies had already retreated, or else there would have been heavy casualties.


Hearing the commotion, the three of them immediately looked up.

On top of the mountain, a spear and a sword were clashing head-on.

The Dragon's Heart Crimson Flame Spear emitted a fiery red light, staining half the sky red, while the Dragon Sparrow Sword gleamed with a brilliant golden light, not falling behind in the slightest.

The spear and the sword began to wrestle with each other, point against point.

In the midst of the golden and red lights, two figures flickered in and out, as if they could disappear at any moment.

"It looks like they're about to determine the winner," Billy muttered to himself as he looked up.

This was a showdown between the most elite experts in the world. After today's battle, whether in the court or in the martial world, there would be a great earthquake.

If Spike Lourd won, the West Lucozia Royal Mansion would lose its power, and there would be no one left to challenge the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians.

If Bladeheart emerged victorious, the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians would lose its main pillar, and the entire court would be in turmoil.

In other words, the outcome of this battle was not just about personal honor, but about the future of the world.

"Uncle, who do you think will win?" Abigail tentatively asked.

"The two of them are evenly matched, and until the last moment, no one can predict the outcome," Dustin said solemnly. "However, Uncle Blade still has a trump card that he hasn't used yet, and that should be the key to his victory."

"A trump card? What kind of trump card?" Abigail was curious.

"I haven't seen it myself; I've only heard Uncle Blade mention it once," Dustin shook his head.
Chapter 1690 Spirit Projection

Abigail silently prayed, "I hope Uncle Blade will triumph."

At the mountain peak:

Spike Lourd, wielding the Dragon's Heart Crimson Flame Spear, had his hair and beard wildly astray, and his tiger-like eyes emitted an intense red glow. Powerful waves of energy surged from within him continuously. The force was so intense that the Dragon's Heart Crimson Flame Spear began to slightly bend, its tip shaking uncontrollably.

In contrast, Bladeheart held his sword with one hand. He was enveloped in a golden aura, seamlessly merging with the Dragon Sparrow Sword.

Both had brought out their full strength for this ultimate showdown.

They both understood that if either of them lost momentum during this strike, defeat would be inevitable.


Their spear and sword clashed continuously, emitting waves of radiant energy. These waves, while visually stunning, possessed devastating power, enough to obliterate any martial master.

After a grueling three minutes of battle, Spike Lourd's spear slowly began to overpower and push back the Dragon Sparrow Sword. It was evident that in terms of individual cultivation, Spike Lourd had the upper hand.

"Bladeheart! You've proven stronger than I expected, but unfortunately, you're still no match for me!" Spike Lourd said with a triumphant smile. "Your energy will eventually deplete, but mine won't. I have the Dragon Vein's protection. As long as I am within Stonia City, I can extract its spiritual energy from beneath the ground to replenish myself. This difference between us ensures my strength only grows in battle!"

He continued, "And let's not even talk about you. Even Phantom Richards from Dragon Tiger Mountain can't outlast me in consumption!"

As the head of the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians, Spike Lourd had cultivated a resonance with the Dragon Vein over years of meditation. Even hundreds of miles away, he could draw energy from the Dragon Vein. Simply put, within Stonia, he was invincible!

"I may not have the same level of cultivation as you," Bladeheart said coldly, "but there's one thing where I surpass you."

"What's that?" Spike Lourd asked, somewhat taken aback.

"I am willing to risk it all. You aren't."

With that, Bladeheart suddenly closed his eyes. His body trembled violently, and the next moment, a translucent figure, an exact replica of Bladeheart, separated from his body. This figure, more ethereal than solid, seemed to be in a spiritual state, intangible and elusive.

"Spirit Projection?!"

Witnessing this, Spike Lourd's face paled in terror, his hand clutching the spear began to tremble uncontrollably.

Nobody understood the terror of Spirit Projection more than him, for it surpassed the capabilities of a Grand Master, a signature move of the Terrestrial Immortal realm.

The only time he had witnessed this was with Phantom Richards of Dragon Tiger Mountain!

But Phantom Richards was unparalleled in the world, a true number one and the only Terrestrial Immortal in Dragonmarsh Empire's history. Even if Bladeheart was incredibly powerful, he shouldn't be on par with Phantom Richards.

"How can this be? How can you project your spirit?"

"No—it's impossible!"

Fear gripped Spike Lourd, leaving him panic-stricken and filled with dread.

Only an unparalleled expert of the Terrestrial Immortal realm would know the method of Spirit Projection.

While Bladeheart was formidable, he was nowhere near his own level. How could he utilize such a mysterious technique?

What's going on?!
Okay, I'll pause from here, will upload the next 30 chapters tom while at work. Gotta help in house chores for now before my wife do a Spirit Projection on me. She's quite a master for that technique.
Chapter 1686 Beheaded With a Single Strike

It was only now that the crowd noticed that Nestor was wearing a protective armor known as the Black Gold Mail.

Even though the armor was now shattered, it had defended against Dustin's lethal blow at the crucial moment, sparing Nestor's life.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Nestor struggled to get up, coughing up blood.

If it weren't for his rigorous training in the Great Diamond Art, which had given him a stronger physique than regular folks, and his Black Gold Mail, Dustin's strike would probably have killed him.

Still, he was seriously hurt.

Carrying on with the fight didn't seem to be in his favor.

"You scoundrel! Face your fate!" Dustin, without a moment's pause, lifted his sword to strike again.

But as he made his move, his legs gave way beneath him. He nearly stumbled, using his sword to steady himself on the ground. That last strike had sapped his strength entirely.

The side effects of the Rhys family's secret technique were now manifesting. He could barely muster the strength to move even a finger.

Seeing this, Nestor laughed heartily, "Dustin, I thought you were formidable, but it seems you're at the end of your rope. Can't even stand, can you?"

Gritting his teeth, Dustin tried to straighten up, trembling.

"Ha, the Rhys family's technique might be powerful, but the aftermath is brutal. If I'm not mistaken, you're now drained and won't last long," Nestor said, a sinister smile on his face.

Abigail spoke up coldly, "Don't get ahead of yourself. I'm still here!"

Nestor scoffed, "Little girl, you're wounded and you've used up all your poison. We have thousands of soldiers. How many can you really take down?"

"If I were you, I'd retreat now. Or when the elites of the Serpentsteel Royal Guardians arrive, you won't even have a chance to flee."

"Abigail! Leave! I'll hold them off," Dustin said, trying to keep himself from collapsing.

"Uncle, I told you, if we're to die, we die together!" Abigail declared defiantly.

Nestor smirked, "Alright then! Soldiers, kill them now! Anyone who retreats will be punished by military law!"

With that order, the previously hesitant soldiers surged forward.

Suddenly, a white sword plummeted from the sky, embedding itself at the center of the battlefield. As it landed, the sword emitted a powerful energy wave, knocking back hundreds of soldiers, leaving them in chaos.

"Who dares?!" Nestor looked up in alarm.

A young man, shirtless and handsome, descended gracefully. It was none other than Billy May, the roaming champion of the Sword Sect!

Nestor laughed in delight, "Ah, Young Master Billy, perfect timing. Finish off Dustin and claim your title as the number one prodigy of the Dragonmarsh!"

Seeing the newcomer, Ignatius's eyes sparkled with hope. With such a sword prodigy on their side, victory seemed certain.

"Uncle, he's extremely formidable. I don't think we can beat him. What do we do?" Abigail asked anxiously.

"Just run, I'll try to hold him off," Dustin whispered, taking a pill from his pocket and swallowing it, hoping it might give him a last surge of energy.

"Young Master Billy, don't waste any more time. Finish off Dustin now!" Nestor urged.

Billy May frowned slightly and with a swift motion, beheaded Nestor with a single strike.
If I remember correctly, celestial pearl gave dustin back all the energy he lost in one of the earlier fights. I wonder what happened with that? 🤔 please correct me if I'm wrong
Okay, I'll pause from here, will upload the next 30 chapters tom while at work. Gotta help in house chores for now before my wife do a Spirit Projection on me. She's quite a master for that technique.
That’s a forbidden teknik in the Imperial Household! Here, take this elixir, the Spirit Dragon Tiger Pill. It’s my secret formula, it enhances certain ability. The result is remarkable. 🥰
Okay, I'll pause from here, will upload the next 30 chapters tom while at work. Gotta help in house chores for now before my wife do a Spirit Projection on me. She's quite a master for that technique.
Hahaha ok that's fine, but please do not cause her to use that technique on you, we don't want to lose these 30 chepters. Thanks as always.
Okay, I'll pause from here, will upload the next 30 chapters tom while at work. Gotta help in house chores for now before my wife do a Spirit Projection on me. She's quite a master for that technique.
Yeah.. stop & rest now. Before she give you the eyes of anger and you end up being banished to the sofa of guests tonight 🤣
Hmm the writer is making Dustin’s character unpopular. Look at this!! With all said about the Kirin Child all this while was just a joke, he couldn’t even kill Nestor, the 10th ranked on the world shaking list when even he did used the the Rhys Family technique? This side of the story is so boring !. The fight is taking too long to finish and it is rendering the novel useless!
Hmm the writer is making Dustin’s character unpopular. Look at this!! With all said about the Kirin Child all this while was just a joke, he couldn’t even kill Nestor, the 10th ranked on the world shaking list when even he did used the the Rhys Family technique? This side of the story is so boring !. The fight is taking too long to finish and it is rendering the novel useless!
You want Dustin to be God?
You want Dustin to be God?
Yes, kind of. He is the main character and all dust thrown on his face now is rendering him powerless. Just look at the new character, upon helping, one would’ve guessed that he was afraid of the repercussions of his true trump card turned out he only admired his sward daring to call for a challenge. This is unimaginable !!!
Yes, kind of. He is the main character and all dust thrown on his face now is rendering him powerless. Just look at the new character, upon helping, one would’ve guessed that he was afraid of the repercussions of his true trump card turned out he only admired his sward daring to call for a challenge. This is unimaginable !!!
I can't help you that way😄🤣
Hmm the writer is making Dustin’s character unpopular. Look at this!! With all said about the Kirin Child all this while was just a joke, he couldn’t even kill Nestor, the 10th ranked on the world shaking list when even he did used the the Rhys Family technique? This side of the story is so boring !. The fight is taking too long to finish and it is rendering the novel useless!
I agree with you. The author has lost focus or track. Dustin as a Kirin Child must be an extraordinary being who can easily deal with even grandmadters no matter their level of cultivation. I think the author must refocus.
That's why I like Evergreen Qin too much. In his novel The Pinnacle of life, the character Alex Rockefeller no matter the situation has always a trump card to defeat the undefeatable

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