An Understated Dominance, Dustin Rhys story. Chapters 1301 and beyond - JUNLEE (aka Jungal2000) English interpretation

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Translated by Jungal2000

This is my take on an ongoing Chinese novel by an unknown author. I've never been much of a reader when it comes to lengthy novels, but as soon as I delved into this tale, I was hooked like a fanatic. And I can't seem to stop. Unfortunately, the English version I was following only released three chapters a day, and my appetite for the story was insatiable. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started translating the Chinese text myself. Along the way, I've tried to inject some context into it because Google's translation tends to be too literal.

I've used different names for characters in my translations since they're a result of my own artistic interpretation. I began my translations from Chapter 967, which was posted in a different discussion thread. My aim is to tackle at least 100 chapters a week. However, as much as I love translating and reading this novel, I make sure to reserve my weekends for my family and friends – they're the ones who matter most to me.

The reason for this new thread is that during my two days off, some talented translators have continued where I left off. Their work is already shared and posted in my previous thread. This is fantastic news for readers looking for weekend reads. To avoid any confusion, I decided to create a new thread where I can upload and continue my translations. I'm doing all of this out of love for the story and the enjoyment I get from the process; it makes me feel like I'm a part of the narrative.

For those who are new to this, the best translations are provided by Muhindi Wa Kuchoma, and they are the work of the legendary translator Marina Vitori.

This is the tale of a prince, a legendary Kirin known as Logan Rhys. His life underwent a dramatic change a decade ago when his mother met a mysterious and untimely demise. Fueled by a relentless pursuit of truth, justice, and vengeance, he abandoned his royal palace and adopted the guise of a commoner, going by the name Dustin Rhys. The once-arrogant young prince transformed into a timid and soft-spoken individual, making him an easy target for bullies.

During these ten years, Logan secretly honed his skills and strength, undergoing a profound transformation. However, a recent divorce from his wife, Dahlia Nicholson, after three years of marriage, coupled with a series of life-altering events, pushed him back into action. Slowly but surely, he began to shed his timid persona, reemerging as the formidable figure he once was.

Join us as we follow the journey of Dustin, or Logan, as he strives to surpass, outmaneuver, and overpower entire armies and kingdoms, all through his own determination and bare hands.
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Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 1431 Magical Trick?

"Something special?"

Facing Lucius's meaningful gaze, Dustin's eye twitched twice, feeling a slight numbness in his scalp.

Is this guy really checking my body?

Dustin took a deep breath, gathered his thoughts, and said, "Lucius, I heard that the Fairchild family has made significant advancements in the field of medicine. I have a miraculous external medicine called Jade Dew Ointment. It not only stops bleeding and heals wounds but also removes scars. Once it is released, it can make the Fairchild family incredibly prosperous."

"Trauma medicine?" Lucius picked up his tea cup and took a sip, sounding uninterested. "We have countless medicines like that in the Fairchild family, such as Golden Wound Medicine, which is specifically designed to treat injuries and remove scars. Its effectiveness is far superior to those external medicines on the market."

"I have heard of Golden Wound Medicine, of course, but compared to my Jade Dew Ointment, it still falls short," Dustin said with a smile.

"Oh? You're quite confident?" Lucius was somewhat surprised.

The Fairchild family was a leader in the medical industry. Whether through acquisitions or the development of their own drugs, they were among the top in the industry. Golden Wound Medicine had an excellent reputation and high sales.

Claiming that an unknown product was more effective than Golden Wound Medicine is not realistic.

"It's not about confidence, it's about facts," Dustin replied seriously. "To put it bluntly, the healing effect of Jade Dew Ointment is at least ten times better than that of Golden Wound Medicine."

"What? Ten times?" Lucius's voice rose several decibels in astonishment, and he questioned, "Are you trying to deceive me? Do I look like a fool to you?"

Golden Wound Medicine was already the best external medicine on the market. Claiming Jade Dew Ointment was ten times more effective was almost like making a fool out of him.

"Lucius, please calm down. Whether it's true or not, trying it out is the only way to know for sure."

Dustin smiled and didn't explain too much. Instead, he used the same method as before, cutting a wound on his arm and applying Jade Dew Ointment to it.

After waiting for about half an hour, Dustin wiped off the remaining ointment, revealing his completely healed arm. The previous wound had completely disappeared.

"How is that possible?"

Seeing this scene, Lucius couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Even someone as well-informed as him was shocked by what he was witnessing.

The wound, which had been so long, had disappeared as if it had never existed. The ointment's healing effect was truly astonishing.

Golden Wound Medicine had been developed over many years to achieve its current status. However, the performance of this Jade Dew Ointment completely overshadowed Golden Wound Medicine.

Not to mention ten times better, its efficacy was far beyond that.

It was truly unbelievable!

"So, Mr. Fairchild, are you satisfied with my Jade Dew Ointment?" Dustin asked with a smile.

"Well..." Lucius's face froze.


This ointment not only satisfied him, but it also made all the external medicines on the market look like toys.

It was a complete game-changer.

"Master, be cautious, this could be a trick!" Matilda, who had been observing silently, suddenly spoke up.

"What kind of miraculous medicine is this? I suspect you tampered with it," Matilda said coldly.

In her opinion, Dustin must have used some kind of illusion to deceive them, similar to the tricks used by stage magicians, cutting someone up and then magically making them whole again.

It was all just a deception.

It seems that Miss Matilda can't trust me, so why not try it yourself?" Dustin pushed the Cream to the table.

"Just try it."

Without saying anything, Matilda drew out the knife and scratched her thigh.

As the blade cut across, Matilda's thigh was immediately torn open and dripping with blood.

Chapter 1432 A Guarantee of Life of Luxury and Pleasure

Looking at the wound, you could tell that it was a deep cut.

For an ordinary person, they probably couldn't help but scream in pain by now.

But Matilda remained expressionless from start to finish, not even furrowing her brow, as if she hadn't cut herself at all.

This woman was truly tough as nails!

"I’ll put it on!"

Matilda lifted her foot onto a chair, tore off half of her pants, revealing her smooth and strong thigh that was both pale and powerful.

Then, she scooped out some ointment from a jar and casually applied it to the wound.

And then, something magical happened.

In just a few breaths, the fresh blood at the wound site stopped flowing.

That cool and numbing sensation finally brought a hint of surprise to Matilda's stoic face.

As a martial arts master, she could naturally sense subtle changes in her body.

She had to admit, this ointment was truly extraordinary.

After about half an hour, Matilda wiped it off with a towel.

Sure enough, the previous knife wound had almost completely healed, leaving only a faint red mark.

It was fresh, new flesh.

"Matilda, do you believe it now?" Dustin smiled.


Matilda nodded and then quietly moved aside, holding her knife, and didn't speak any further.

"What do you think, Lucius?" Dustin turned his gaze.

"It's indeed a miracle-worker!"

Lucius smiled in satisfaction. "Although I'm not interested in money, I need to contribute a bit to the family business. Regarding this Jade Dew Ointment, how do you plan to cooperate?"

"In terms of production, I've already arranged a partnership with the Remington family. Lucius, your responsibility will be in sales and promotion, using Fairchild family's connections and influence to make Jade Dew Ointment a bestseller. As for the profit-sharing, we'll go with a 4-3-3 split. The Fairchild family gets 40%, and I and the Remington family each get 30%. How does that sound?" Dustin proposed.

"I thought you might ask for more, but you're not greedy at all," Lucius said with a half-smile.

With Fairchild family's influence, taking 40% was a given, but the offer coming directly from Dustin was another matter.

"In business, honesty and fairness matter. The Fairchild family is contributing the most, so naturally, you should get the lion's share," Dustin replied with a smile.

"Well said! I like you!," Lucius nodded in satisfaction, his smile growing wider.

The intense look in his eyes made Dustin feel a bit uncomfortable.

Is Lucius thinking about something inappropriate?

"Lucius, Jade Dew Ointment may not have a smooth road ahead. We have two competitors to contend with. I hope you're prepared," Dustin shifted the topic at the right time.

"Oh? Who dares to compete with the Fairchild family?" Lucius raised an eyebrow.

"The Torby family and the Stratford family, two of the eight major powerhouses..."

Dustin didn't hide anything and briefly explained the situation.

"I see."

After hearing the explanation, Lucius remained nonchalant. "With the morals of the Torby and Stratford families, it's not surprising they'd resort to such despicable tactics. But you can rest assured, with the Fairchild family backing you, they won't dare to act recklessly. As for the market, there's no need to worry. Our product is excellent and affordable, coupled with the Fairchild family's connections and influence, we'll wipe them out completely."

"With your assurance, I feel much more at ease," Dustin nodded slightly.

"Dustin, let’s keep working together from here forward, and I won't treat you unfairly. I promise to give you a good life!"

Lucius put his hand on Dustin's shoulder and patted it gently, his smile taking on a suggestive tone.

Dustin felt a shiver down his spine and didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Talking business is one thing, but what the hell are you trying to do with your hands and words?

"Dustin, you have a pretty face, tender and delicate. It suits my physical taste perfectly. As long as you agree to my certain demands, I guarantee you'll live a life of luxury and pleasure!"

Lucius appraised him from head to toe, his eyes burning with desire, as if he were admiring a beautiful plaything.


Dustin instantly broke into a cold sweat, feeling his scalp tingling.

Damn it! In the end, I couldn't avoid this, could I?

Chapter 1433 The Most Eligible Bachelor.

"Why are you so nervous? I'm not going to eat you," Lucius pinched Dustin's broad shoulder and complimented, "You look thin, but you feel quite sturdy. Must be one of those people who look skinny in clothes but have muscles underneath, right? Not bad, not bad at all."

Goosebumps covered Dustin's body instantly. He quickly moved Lucius's hand away and said earnestly, "Let's stick to talking about business. If you have any other requests, I won't be able to accommodate them."

"Dustin, I'm doing this for your own good. With the Fairchild family behind you, you'll practically be untouchable in Stonia. It's just a minor sacrifice, nothing major. You should know that most people don't have this kind of ‘opportunity’," Lucius said seriously.

"Let's not, I can't accept that kind of 'opportunity'," Dustin waved his hands repeatedly.

Selling his body was worse than death to him.

"You! You're really living in fortune and oblivious to it. If it weren't for your handsome appearance and talents, do you think I would give you any favor?"

Lucius shook his head and sighed, "Do you know how many people want to be my brother-in-law? You can practically line them up from here to the east side of the city. I'm giving you a chance!"

"Wait a minute!"

Dustin suddenly froze. "What did you just say? Brother-in-law?"

Wasn't he lusting after his body? How did it become about being a brother-in-law?

"Of course."

Lucius said seriously, "I have a total of seventeen sisters. Four of them are already married, leaving thirteen to be married off. They're not getting any younger, and it's my headache as their little brother."

People always said he had been born under a lucky star, but they didn't understand his troubles.

As the family's only son, he had been burdened with great expectations from a young age, so lazing around wasn't an option.

He had to learn so many things every day; luckily, his brain was quite sharp, and he excelled in many areas.

But what worried him most was his sisters' marriages.

First, it had to be a match in social status, then they had to be good-looking, talented, and have a good character.

The requirements were just too many.

The most crucial point was that he wasn't just looking for a brother-in-law, but thirteen of them!

The level of difficulty could be imagined.

So, whenever he had the time, he would look for suitable matches for his sisters.

After observing Dustin just now, he found that he was quite suitable in various aspects, so he had an evil idea to make him his brother-in-law.

"So you mean, brother-in-law?" Dustin breathed a sigh of relief. "You scared me for a moment. I thought..."

"You thought what?"

Lucius was puzzled, then suddenly realized, "Oh~ I get it now. You didn't think I had any ulterior motives towards you, did you?"

"Well..." Dustin felt somewhat embarrassed.

Based on his words and actions just now, it did seem a bit off.

"Is it rumored outside that I have an affinity for men?" Lucius smirked.

"I think it's more like gossip," Dustin wasn't quite sure.

"Well... it's not exactly gossip because I spread those rumors myself," Lucius admitted candidly.

"Ah?" Dustin was momentarily bewildered, not quite understanding.

"You see, being as handsome and talented as I am, coming from an affluent family, and being a big handsome guy, women throw themselves at me every day. It's like catching fish in a river."

Lucius ran his fingers through his hair and said very self-lovingly, "With my good looks, family background, and talents, I'm like the most eligible bachelor. Women line up to get my attention."

"I see," Dustin nodded.

The strange feeling in his heart had finally subsided.

Before, because of Belinda's psychological manipulation and Lucius's behavior just now, it was easy to misunderstand.

Fortunately, they had clarified things face to face, or there might have been some friction in their future cooperation.

Chapter 1434 Best Sales Pitch

"Dustin, just a thought, would you consider becoming my brother-in-law?"

"As long as you marry my sister, the Fairchild family will have your back. You'll have all the support you need, come rain or shine, and you can enjoy a comfortable life every day."

"Plus, my thirteen sisters are all stunning beauties and talented in everything from music, chess, calligraphy, to painting. You won't be at a loss."

Lucius was doing his best sales pitch, playing the role of a matchmaker to the hilt.

" Lucius, you're kidding," Dustin politely declined. "I'm just an unknown young guy. I can't reach for the stars in the Fairchild family."

"No worries, I don't care about that," Lucius said. "As long as I find you appealing, you can be my brother-in-law, and my sisters won't refuse."

Lucius pulled out his phone from his pocket and showed Dustin pictures, introducing each sister one by one. "Come on... take a look. These are all photos of my sisters. Pick one you like, and don't worry about a thing. I'll take care of the rest."

"Huh?" Dustin's lips twitched.

This guy was pitching like he was selling a product. And it was a free one at that, no need to spend any money, just pick and go. Was he in such a hurry?

"What do you think? My sisters are all beautiful, right?" Lucius said enthusiastically. "If you're not satisfied with one, you can have two, as long as you can handle it. I don't mind."

" Lucius, I appreciate your kindness, but I already have a fiancée, so we don't need to discuss this further," Dustin declined politely.

"Fiancée? What's that got to do with it? You don't need to be married," Lucius shrugged. "Is your fiancée even more beautiful than my sisters?"

"Indeed, she's even more beautiful," Dustin nodded.

"Uh..." Lucius's face stiffened, rendered speechless.

This guy, can he even talk?

"Never mind, if you're not interested, I won't insist. Then it’s just not meant to be," Lucius sighed regretfully, looking like Dustin had missed out on a great opportunity.

"Lucius, about the Jade Dew Ointment..." Dustin hesitated.

"Don't worry, business is business, and emotions are emotions. I can separate the two," Lucius said, folding his fan with a flourish. "Once you produce that Jade Dew Ointment, the Fairchild family will fully support it. We'll all make money together. Why not?"

"Lucius, you're truly wise. Let's raise a toast to our prosperous business," Dustin smiled, raising his cup.


Lucius lifted his teacup and clinked it with Dustin's, then downed it in one gulp.

"Oh, by the way, Dustin..."

At this point, Lucius seemed to remember something. He lowered his voice, speaking in a secretive tone. "Besides the Jade Dew Ointment, do you have any other herbal medicines? You know, something that can make a man more... robust."

"More robust?" Dustin raised an eyebrow, then quickly caught on. "You mean, like a sex pill?"

"Shh!" Lucius quickly hushed him with a hand gesture. He whispered, "You get it, that's all that matters. No need to say it out loud. And just so you know, it's not that I can't perform, I just want to be even more impressive, you understand, right?"

"I understand," Dustin nodded with a smile. "There are indeed such medicines, but I don't have any on me. Next time we meet, I'll give you a bottle directly. I guarantee it will make you... impressively unstoppable!"

"Great, buddy! You really get me!" Lucius's eyes lit up, excited. "From today onwards, you're my blood brother! If you ever have any trouble, don't hesitate to come to me!"

Dustin's Jade Dew Ointment was so amazing, so the aphrodisiac should be just as good, right? (Oops censored)...

Heh heh, just thinking about it got him a little excited.

Chapter 1435 The Tripartite Alliance

After reaching an agreement with Lucius, Dustin immediately called Belinda from the opposite private room.

The three of them discussed in detail and signed the relevant contracts.

With this, the tripartite alliance was officially formed.

Over the next two days, Dustin taught the pharmacists how to make Jade Dew Ointment and began the process of rebuilding the Healwell Clinic.

He was running back and forth between two tasks, keeping himself incredibly busy.

Fortunately, with Belinda's help, things quickly fell into place.

On the other hand, progress with the Torby and Stratford families was even faster. The production of Jade Dew Ointment was already in the sales phase.

They even changed the name to "Rejuvenation Ointment," implying the miraculous ability to bring back youth.

Although the "Rejuvenation Ointment" did not meet the standards in terms of its medicinal content, the power of money made these concerns irrelevant.

After a successful marketing campaign, the "Rejuvenation Ointment" from the Torby and Stratford families gained tremendous popularity.

Despite its high price, the response was excellent, especially due to its astonishing healing effects, attracting numerous pharmaceutical distributors.

It even caught the attention of high-ranking military officials.

For soldiers who frequently got injured, this ointment that could quickly stop bleeding and aid healing was an invaluable treasure, capable of saving lives in critical moments.

As a result, various departments within the military took this matter very seriously.

Wave after wave of people flocked to them, and a continuous stream of orders followed.

In just two days, the Torby and Stratford families had accepted a large number of orders, and their business was booming like never before.

Various medical experts asserted that this newly emerged Rejuvenation Ointment would become an unprecedented hit!



Fairchild Pharmaceutical Group's Chairman's office, Dragonhaven (East City).

A smartly dressed, beautiful woman was sitting quietly in her chair, listening to her female secretary's report.

"Chairman Violet, we have investigated it thoroughly. The Rejuvenation Ointment that has suddenly appeared on the market is a product jointly developed by the Stratford and Torby families. Its effects are extraordinary and far surpass the Fairchild’s Golden Wound Medicine."

As she spoke, the female secretary placed the investigation documents on the desk.

Violet looked at them carefully, her eyebrows slightly furrowing. "How could this happen? In just a few days, how could they possibly develop such a good medicine?"

As the eldest daughter of the Fairchild family and the Chairman of Fairchild Pharmaceutical, she was well-informed about the developments of both the Stratford and Torby families. Although they were both prestigious families, they were also competitors. So she had been secretly keeping an eye on their progress.

She had even planted informants in both families.

Regardless of other matters, the research in the field of medicine was something that couldn't be hidden from her.

And this time, she had received no news or information about the Rejuvenation Ointment before its sudden appearance. It was as if it had come out of thin air, which was extremely strange.

"Chairman Violet, what should we do now? Should we try to negotiate with the Stratford and Torby families and see if we can cooperate?" the female secretary suggested.

"It's not that simple," Violet shook her head. "They have clearly come prepared this time. If we actively seek cooperation, we'll probably end up losing a lot. But if we don't cooperate, some of our highly profitable medicines at Fairchild Pharmaceutical will be unable to compete. Our stock prices will plummet, resulting in heavy losses. It's a precarious situation."

"Let me think about it..."

Violet gently massaged her temples, deep in thought.

Choosing cooperation would undoubtedly lead to higher prices set by the Torby and Stratford families, allowing them to take control of Fairchild's market and customers.

Choosing not to cooperate would lead to heavy losses for Fairchild Pharmaceutical, and over time, the market would be consumed, and customers would be taken away.

It was truly a dilemma.

*Ding ding ding...*

At this moment, the phone on the desk rang.

Violet picked up the call and heard a familiar voice, "Chairman Violet, Miss Isabela and Mr. Dominic are here for a visit. Do you have time to meet them?"

Chapter 1436 A Generous Offer

"Please bring them in," Violet replied.

"Of course."

The phone call ended.

A moment later, the office door opened.

Dominic and Isabela entered together, both wearing smiles on their faces.

"Chairman Violet, we hope we haven't come in a bad time," Dominic greeted politely.

Isabela, on the other hand, was more straightforward and casually took a seat on the sofa, showing a leader's posture.

"Mr. Stratford, Miss Torby, I wonder what brings you here today?" Violet asked calmly.

"We didn't come here to give advice, Chairman Violet. We came to discuss business with you," Dominic said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"Business? What kind of business?" Violet feigned ignorance, her expression unchanged.

"Chairman Violet, have you heard about the Rejuvenation Ointment that our Stratford and Torby families have recently developed?" Dominic asked.

"I've heard a little. What about it?" Violet remained composed.

"Now that you've heard of it, it makes things easier."

Dominic smiled meaningfully. "The Rejuvenation Ointment we've developed is a miracle in wound healing. With comprehensive promotion, it will surely surpass all external injury medicines on the market, including your Fairchild’s Golden Wound Medicine."

"Mr. Stratford, you seem quite confident. Although your Rejuvenation Ointment is good, our Fairchild’s Golden Wound Medicine is not lacking," Violet replied.

"It's not confidence; it's a fact," Dominic said with a meaningful smile. "Chairman Violet, you're a smart person. You should understand the difference between the two. It's the trend, and denying it won't change anything."

"So, what is it that you want to discuss, Mr. Stratford?" Violet remained calm.

"Straightforward!" Dominic snapped his fingers and said, "Chairman Violet, our Rejuvenation Ointment will soon dominate the entire market. But for smoother development, I hope we can cooperate with Fairchild Pharmaceutical."

"Oh? What kind of cooperation?" Violet interlocked her fingers on the table, looking as if she were all ears.

"It's quite simple. Both of our families will produce it, and we'll use Fairchild Pharmaceutical's distribution channels to promote it nationwide. This way, the Rejuvenation Ointment can quickly capture a large market share, and we'll all reap huge profits," Dominic smiled.

"That sounds good, but how will the profits be divided?" Violet inquired.

"The internal discussion has been to give Fairchild Pharmaceutical thirt..." Dominic extended three fingers to quote a price when suddenly, Isabela, who was sitting on the sofa, spoke up, "We'll give you ten percent profit."

"Hmm?" As soon as these words came out, Violet immediately frowned.

Dominic's smile froze on his face.

Previously, both families had discussed that to quickly open up the market, it would be best to give Fairchild's family a thirty percent profit share.

They had planned to lower the profit-sharing ratio gradually once they gained recognition in the market.

But now, Isabela had lowered the profit-sharing ratio right at the outset, from thirty percent to ten percent.

This was quite ruthless!

"Miss Torby, are you genuinely interested in doing business?" Violet asked coldly.

"Chairman Violet, ten percent profit is already our limit," Isabela said indifferently. "After all, the Rejuvenation Ointment is jointly developed and produced by both our families, while Fairchild Pharmaceutical's role is solely in sales. Ten percent is quite generous considering you've contributed nothing to its development."

"If you're not sincere about it, then we don't need to discuss cooperation any further!" Violet's tone was icy.

"Chairman Violet, you should think carefully before giving an answer," Isabela said coldly. "If we cooperate, Fairchild Pharmaceutical can still make some profit. If not, you'll be asking for trouble!"

Chapter 1437 Picking a Fight

"Miss Torby, are you trying to threaten me?"

Isabela's aggressive demeanor made Violet's face darken, and her eyes suddenly became sharp.

With Fairchild’s family sales channels and influence in the pharmaceutical industry, cooperating with them at a profit of forty to fifty percent was not a problem at all.

But it also depended on the value of what they were selling.

This woman in front of her had the audacity to come seeking cooperation, yet she acted all high and mighty, completely disregarding the Fairchild family. She not only offered a meager ten percent profit but also dared to make threats.

Did she really think the Fairchild family was an easy target?

"Director Violet, please don't misunderstand. Isabela was just joking with you,"

Seeing that things were taking a bad turn, Dominic quickly tried to defuse the situation while signaling Isabela with his eyes.

Damn! Did this woman take the wrong medication or something?

They had agreed on a thirty percent profit share, and now she was trying to push it down to just ten percent. This wasn't a negotiation; it was downright taking advantage of the Fairchild family!

Furthermore, the Fairchild family was one of the top four influential families, surpassing both the Torby and Stratford families in various aspects. In the field of medicine, they were industry leaders. Picking a fight with such a behemoth was far from a wise choice.

"A joke?" Violet sneered, "I don't think Miss Torby looks like she's joking at all."

"Director Violet, a wise person knows when to seize an opportunity. Ten percent profit is already generous. Our Rejuvenation Ointment is destined to be a hit, and no one can stop it," Isabela said proudly. "If you miss this chance, the losses to your Fairchild family will be immeasurable. I believe you understand the stakes."

The Torby family provided the formula, and the Stratford family handled production and promotion. According to the agreement, the profits from their collaboration were to be evenly split. If they gave the Fairchild family thirty percent, then the Torby and Stratford families would only get thirty-five percent.

This was extremely unfair. The Fairchild family hadn't contributed anything substantial; they were only responsible for sales. Why should they get such a high share?

In Isabela's view, giving the Fairchild family ten percent was already quite generous. She thought even five percent would be kind.

"Since your Rejuvenation Ointment is so remarkable, why bother coming to Fairchild Pharmaceuticals? You can easily find someone else to collaborate with!" Violet retorted coldly.

"Director Violet, we are offering you an opportunity. Most companies wouldn't even have the chance to be agents for our Rejuvenation Ointment," Isabela remained arrogant.

"Thanks, but I'm not interested," Violet declined firmly. "Both of you, I have other matters to attend to and won't be able to see you out."

"Director Violet..."

"No need to say more. Please leave!"

Dominic was about to speak but was abruptly cut off by Violet.

When had the Fairchild family ever been threatened like this? A mere product couldn't threaten their position. At most, it would result in some market losses, and the Fairchild family could easily weather that storm.

"Violet! Do you realize the magnitude of the losses your decision will bring to the Fairchild family? You should reconsider this carefully!" Isabela frowned slightly.

This woman had no shame, indeed!

"Even if the Fairchild family suffers great losses, it has nothing to do with you. If you want the Fairchild family to be your stepping stone, you can forget about it!" Violet said firmly.

"You—!" Isabela was starting to get infuriated. She hadn't expected this woman to be so unyielding, willing to let her company lose money rather than cooperate with the Torby and Stratford families.

Chapter 1438 Begging for Alms?

Too Darn Foolish!

"Oh! Visitors?"

At that moment, Lucius suddenly strolled in with someone.

He held a folded fan, walked with an air of ease, and still had that debonair charm about him.

The female grandmaster, Matilda, followed closely, her sharp eyes scanning for any potential threats.

"Lucius, what brings you here?"

Seeing the newcomer, Violet couldn't help but relax.

"Big sis, haven't had your meal yet, right? I specially got some dishes from the Imperial Palace Cuisine for you. You should try them first."

Lucius took the food box handed over by Matilda and laid out the dishes on the office desk one by one.

Six dishes and a soup, a mix of meat and vegetables, pleasing to the eye and delicious.

"You're really considerate, Lucius. Big sis is glad to have a thoughtful little brother like you," Violet immediately smiled.

All her earlier worries vanished.

With such a thoughtful brother, she felt truly content.

"Big sis, what's the matter with these two guests?" Lucius's gaze shifted to Dominic and Isabela.

As fellow scions of prominent families, he naturally knew them, though not too well.

"It's business-related, but we haven't reached an agreement," Violet explained.

"Are you the young master of the Fairchild family?" Isabela took a couple of steps forward and said boldly, "We've recently developed a miraculous rejuvenation ointment, and it's about to dominate the market. We originally wanted to collaborate with the Fairchild family, but your big sis, regrettably, declined our offer. It's a very foolish decision. I hope you can inform the Fairchild family's top brass to reconsider our proposal."

"Declined to cooperate?" Lucius looked at his big sis and then at Isabela, inquiring cautiously, "How much profit are you planning to give the Fairchild family?"

"We'll offer you ten percent of the profits," Isabela extended one finger.

"How much? Ten percent?" Lucius was taken aback, wondering if he had misheard.

"That's correct," Isabela said matter-of-factly. "The Fairchild family won't need to make any effort, and you'll still get ten percent of the profits. Why wouldn't you take advantage of it?"

"Miss Torby, are you out of your mind? Ten percent? Do we look like we are begging for alms?" Lucius retorted without mincing words.

For the genuine Jade Dew Ointment by Dustin, he received a forty percent profit share. The woman in front of him was offering a mere ten percent for her subpar product. She was seriously underestimating the Fairchild family.

"You... how dare you speak like that?!" Isabela was getting frustrated.

Given her status and beauty, most men would treat her with courtesy and display gentlemanly behavior. But this guy was different—using foul language and showing no manners whatsoever.

"I speak just like this. If you like it, listen; if you don't, get lost!" Lucius showed no patience.

"You... you're insolent!" Isabela seethed.

"This is insolent? I can be even more insolent!" Lucius snapped his fingers and ordered, "Hey, you there, kick these two fools out of here. If they dare to resist, break their legs!"

Chapter 1439 Chance to Eat Their Words

As Lucius gave a command, a group of bodyguards behind him immediately rushed forward and surrounded Isabela and Dominic.

Their fierce and intimidating expressions were like a pack of tigers eyeing two little lambs.

"What do you want? I warn you, don't mess with us. I am Torby's young daughter, and if you lay a finger on me, you will pay a heavy price!" Isabela said with a stern and determined tone.

She didn't expect Lucius to be so unreasonable, ready to resort to violence at the drop of a hat. Dealing with him was much more difficult than dealing with Violet.

"Sir Lucius, don't get worked up. In business, we should be civil about it. There's no need to make a scene," Dominic quickly tried to smooth things over with a forced smile.

Lucius's status was well-known among the elite circles of Stonia, and everyone knew about it. The entire Fairchild family treated him like a treasure, and no matter what mistakes he made, they would unreasonably protect him.

Among all the children of the major wealthy families, no one could compare to Lucius.

In other words, even if Lucius really beat them up today, the Torby and Stratford families wouldn't dare to do anything in retaliation.

"You two come here, acting all high and mighty in my Fairchild’s pharmaceutical company. Do you expect me to be polite to you? Before I lose my temper, you better get out!" Lucius was not mincing his words.

They were competitors, so there was no need to be polite.

"You, Fairchilds! Just you wait!"

"Today, you're ignoring us, but tomorrow, you won't be able to reach our level!"

"When our Rejuvenation Ointment becomes a hit, I will make you regret this!"

Isabela was furious and emotionally charged. She had never been treated like this before, and no one had ever scolded her to her face.

"Fine, fine, I'll wait. I can't wait to see how amazing your Rejuvenation Ointment really is," Lucius sneered.

"Hmph! One day, I will make you kneel and beg for mercy!"

After tossing out these fierce words, Isabela stormed out angrily.

"You've made a wrong decision this time. Take care of yourselves," Dominic said before leaving as well.

Their cooperation had completely fallen apart.

"Ugh, what a bunch of nuisances!"

Lucius spat on the ground in disdain.

"Lucius, although these two are despicable, we shouldn't underestimate them," Violet spoke up, "I've already investigated the situation with the Rejuvenation Ointment. It indeed has the potential to surpass our Fairchild’s Golden Wound Medicine. Once it becomes a hit, it could pose a significant threat to us. You should go and inform Father to make preparations."

"Big sister, don't worry. I don't care about that junk Rejuvenation Ointment. I don't take it seriously," Lucius dismissed it.

"Lucius, you still don't understand the gravity of the situation. To avoid greater losses, we must prepare in advance," Violet's face turned serious.

"Big sister, trust me, I already have a plan."

Lucius smiled slightly and pushed his plate forward, saying, "Your top priority now is to eat well and fill your stomach. Leave the rest to me."

"You? What plan do you have?" Violet was curious.

"To be honest, the Rejuvenation Ointment developed by the Torby and Stratford families is actually a stolen formula, and it's also subpar. Not only does it have poor effectiveness, but it's also costly to produce. Moreover, if used excessively, it can have side effects. We don't need such subpar products," Lucius explained.

"How do you know all this?" Violet was surprised.

"Hehe, the person who possesses the genuine formula has approached me, and we have reached a cooperation agreement," Lucius grinned.


Violet was shocked. "Lucius, you're not joking with me, are you?"

"Sister, how could I joke about something like this?" Lucius said earnestly. "I have personally verified it, and the healing effect of the medicine I have now far surpasses the so-called Rejuvenation Ointment. As long as we vigorously promote it, we can crush the schemes of the Torby and Stratford families, and they won't even have a chance to eat their words!"

Chapter 1440 To Make Money and to Seek Revenge

"Wow... this is amazing!"

Violet's face lit up with joy, and she felt refreshed.

She had just been worried about how to deal with the competition and minimize the losses, but she didn't expect such good news to come so quickly.

The Fairchild family was already a leader in the industry, controlling nearly seventy percent of the pharmaceutical market in Stonia. As long as they had products, they had no trouble selling them. That's why both the Torby and Stratford families had approached them for cooperation to promote the Rejuvenation Ointment. It was inevitable that they couldn't avoid the Fairchild family's influence.

Unfortunately, both families were too greedy and unwilling to compromise, leading to the breakdown of the negotiations. Now, with the unexpected good news brought by her brother, Fairchild Pharmaceutical would no longer be held back. Furthermore, they could use this opportunity to put some pressure on the Torby and Stratford families!

"But wait..."

After the excitement, Violet seemed to remember something and suddenly asked, "Lucius, who are you cooperating with? Is this person reliable? What's their character like? Could there be any hidden agendas?"

"Big sister, no need to worry. I'm not a pushover, how could I be easily deceived?" Lucius reached out and picked up a piece of braised pork from his plate, tossing it into his mouth while speaking. "I've thoroughly investigated it. The person I'm cooperating with is named Dustin, from Millsburg. He's quite well-known locally, skilled both in academics and martial arts, and he's also a great physician. There are no issues with his background or character; he's trustworthy. The reason he's working with me is twofold: to make money and to seek revenge. He possesses a family heirloom prescription that was originally intended for the Torby family. However, the Torbys took the formula and refused to pay him, even threatening his life. He had no choice but to look for protection elsewhere, and he heard about our Fairchild family's strength, so he came to me. And I've tested him; this kid is worth trusting."

Lucius continued to speak while picking up another piece of braised pork, clearly enjoying himself.

"I see."

Violet nodded, and most of her doubts were dispelled. As a big sister, she naturally worried about her younger brother being deceived. But upon careful consideration, although her brother seemed unreliable at times, he had never let her down in crucial moments. Especially when it came to judging people, he had a keen eye. If he trusted this person, there should be no issue.

"Sister, relax and eat your meal. Don't overthink it; the food is getting cold," Lucius urged.

"Okay, I'll eat."

Violet smiled, picked up her bowl and chopsticks, and began to enjoy her meal happily. While eating, she said, "Lucius, if you have the chance, bring this Dustin over for me to meet. Exceptional talents like him should be well-treated in our Fairchild family."

"Big sister, are you interested in him for something more than business?" Lucius suddenly grinned mischievously.

"Huh?" Violet was taken aback.

"Sis, this kid is all right in many ways, but he's just too serious."

Lucius shrugged and said helplessly, "Originally, I thought I could use your beauty to lure him into marrying you and becoming my brother-in-law. But this guy didn't even give it a second thought; he just rejected it outright. He doesn't even give me face."

"...?" Violet's eye twitched.

"Sis, don't worry. I won't give up. For your lifelong happiness, I will definitely persuade him! I'll grab the bull by the horns, and by the time he wants to back out, it'll be too late!"

"Hehe... I'm a genius!"


New member
Sep 26, 2023
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Hey jungle would u mind letting me know how Manny chapters we can expect from you on a daily basis !! 👀 Also I do get it family time is important too .. great work 💟
I'll upload more. will just put my kids to sleep..

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 1441 Like a Time Bomb

At this moment, inside a moving Maserati.

Isabela sat in the back seat, poured herself a glass of red wine, and downed it in one gulp.

Her originally beautiful face was now filled with resentment and bitterness.

"Damn it, those Fairchild siblings! They actually drove us out of their company? I'll make them pay for this!" Isabela exclaimed angrily.

"Isabela, calm down. The Fairchild family isn't easy to deal with. It's not wise for us to confront them head-on right now," Dominic advised.

"Humph! We're both among the Eight Great Wealthy Families. If we combine the strength of our two families, are we still afraid of the Fairchild family?" Isabela was defiant.

"It's not about fear, its about necessity, do we need to?," Dominic shook his head.

Combined, the Torby and Stratford families were indeed stronger than the Fairchild family, but if they were to clash head-on, they would only end up mutually wounded.

"I think it's necessary!"

Isabela narrowed her eyes, saying, "People compete for dignity, and Buddhists compete for an incense stick. Now that we have Rejuvenation Ointment in hand, we can definitely use this opportunity to exert pressure on the Fairchild family!"

"Rejuvenation Ointment can indeed have a significant impact on the Fairchild family, but it won't cripple them," Dominic pondered. "Actually, according to our original plan, we should have cooperated with the Fairchild family first and then, when the time was right, cut ties and seized the Fairchild family's market share. That would have been a more strategic approach."

If not for someone's unilateral decision to push the profit-sharing to the minimum and causing the Fairchild family to react this way, they wouldn't have had to tear up the deal.

"Are you blaming me?" Isabela furrowed her brows.

"No, no, how could I blame you?" Dominic quickly smiled. "It's mainly that Violet and her brother don't know how to appreciate kindness. We offered them a generous deal, giving up ten percent of the profits. But instead of showing gratitude, they were disrespectful and ungrateful. They have no manners!"

"Humph! You know how to talk!" Isabela's expression softened.

"Isabela, speaking of which, I noticed that Lucius seemed quite confident just now. Could it be that they already have a countermeasure?" Dominic suddenly asked.

"Fairchild’s Golden Wound Medicine is nothing compared to our Rejuvenation Ointment. How can they counter us?" Isabela sneered.

After speaking, she suddenly paused, as if she had realized something, and her delicate eyebrows furrowed slightly. "Wait a minute... we seem to have overlooked someone."

"Are you talking about... Dustin?" Dominic quickly caught on.

"That's right." Isabela nodded solemnly. "These past few days have been too busy, and I almost forgot about him. We have the formula for Rejuvenation Ointment, but so does Dustin. If his formula falls into the hands of the Fairchild family, our advantage will be completely gone!"

"Indeed, this kid is like a time bomb," Dominic squinted.

"I asked you to hire a powerful martial expert to deal with him, right? How's that going?" Isabela inquired.

"He's already on his way, and he should arrive tonight," Dominic replied.

"Very well, deal with Dustin as soon as possible to prevent any unexpected developments," Isabela's eyes flashed with a cold light.

"Understood! This time, he won't escape!" Dominic clenched his fist slowly.

In reality, killing Dustin was quite simple; they could hire a skilled assassin. However, considering the family's interests, capturing him alive was preferred. They wanted to extract valuable information from him and exploit his potential before destroying him. In this regard, a master from the Mystic Arts Order was the best choice.


In the Willowbrook District, inside a villa.

Lorenzo lay unconscious on a bed, his whole body pale and emaciated.

His breath was exceptionally weak, like a candle in the wind, ready to extinguish at any moment.

Dustin stood by the bedside, inserting needles into Lorenzo while continuously infusing him with profound internal energy.

Not long ago, Lorenzo's condition suddenly deteriorated, with one foot already in the afterlife. Upon discovering it in time, Dustin had immediately started the rescue, using his powerful internal energy to forcibly extend Lorenzo's life and pull him back from the brink of death.


After half an hour, Dustin let out a long sigh, finally stabilizing Lorenzo's condition.

But at this moment, he was covered in sweat, and his energy had been greatly depleted.

"Dustin, how is it? Is Master Lorenzo all right?"

Chapter 1442 The Third Brother

It wasn't until Dustin stopped and stood up that Elijah finally spoke.

He had been watching from the sidelines, unable to be of much help.

A skilled doctor without the necessary medicinal ingredients was like a clever housewife who couldn't cook a meal. Even with his excellent medical skills, he couldn't cure the disease without the required herbs.

"Uncle ELorenzo is temporarily stable, but I don't know how long this situation can be maintained. We need to gather the medicinal herbs and refine the Bone Cleansing Pill as soon as possible. Only then can we completely cure Uncle Elijah," Dustin said with a solemn expression.

Using internal energy to prolong someone's life could only treat the symptoms, not the root cause. Moreover, as time passed, Lorenzo's condition would become increasingly severe. If they continued like this, there would be no hope.

"It's all my fault. I still haven't found out the whereabouts of the other two spiritual herbs," Elijah said with a guilty expression.

He had a good reputation in the medical world and had thought that he could quickly find the three spiritual herbs through his connections. However, he had been sorely disappointed.

"Don't blame yourself, Doctor Grantwood. Exceptional spiritual herbs are hard to come by. We can only do our best and leave the rest to fate," Dustin sighed softly.

"I hope Uncle Lorenzo can recover soon and enjoy good fortune," Dustin muttered with his hands pressed together.

"Knock, knock, knock..."

At this moment, a faint knocking sound suddenly echoed.

Dustin turned around and opened the door to see Maximus standing outside.

"What's the matter?" Dustin asked.

"Brother Dustin, someone is looking for you outside," Maximus replied.

"Oh? Who is it?" Dustin raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know, but he looks pretty arrogant," Maximus said.

"Let's go outside and take a look."

Dustin didn't say much and directly walked out of the villa.

Outside the villa at this moment.

A black Range Rover was parked at the gate.

A sturdy and rugged-looking young man stood with his arms crossed, leaning against the car door, exuding a cold and aloof aura.

This person was none other than Francis.

"Kid! You finally decided to come out? I thought you were going to be a coward!" Upon seeing Dustin come out, Francis snorted through his nose, appearing quite dissatisfied.

"What are you here for?" Dustin was puzzled.

"What? Have you already forgotten about our duel?" Francis squinted his eyes.

"Duel? Oh... I remember now, there was such a thing."

Dustin nodded and then glanced up and down at Francis. "So, did the Hamilton family send you to fight me?"

"Humph! Of course not me. The person who will fight you today is my third brother!" Francis said proudly.

"Is your third brother very powerful?" Dustin casually asked.

"How powerful? He's not just powerful, he's a recognized martial genius. In the past few years, he even joined the World Society and became a core disciple of the Law Enforcement Hall. His cultivation is earth-shattering. Dealing with someone like you is like killing ants!" Francis sneered.

"Alright, enough talk. Are you saying that the Hamilton family sent your third brother to deal with me?" Dustin asked.

"Of course! He's ready to teach you a lesson today!" Francis said with a grin.

"Okay, let's get in the car then. The sooner we finish, the sooner we can get back to work. I have a lot of things to do," Dustin said indifferently.

This action actually left Francis somewhat stunned.

This kid, isn't he afraid of death?

"Why are you just standing there? Get in the car!" Dustin urged.

"Humph! Don't regret it later!" Francis gritted his teeth.

He got into the car, stepped on the gas pedal, and drove off.

Chapter 1443 You've Got Guts

One hour later.

Francis drove the Range Rover and finally stopped in front of a martial arts gym.

The martial arts gym was quite large, resembling a school, with various facilities and programs available.

In front of the main gate, there was a stone tablet with several large characters engraved on it: "World Martial Arts Academy!"

The World Martial Arts Academy was one of the assets of the World Society.

In the entire martial world, the three most powerful sects were the World Society, the Mystic Arts Order, and the Glenstead Society.

The World Society had disciples spread throughout the world, with a total of one hundred thousand elite disciples.

Moreover, most of them were elites!

Among the three major sects, the World Society had the largest number of disciples and the most extensive influence.

In contrast, the Mystic Arts Order was known for its mysterious and invisible methods of killing, making it a nightmare for everyone in the martial world.

As for the Glenstead Society, they focused on one thing: strength!

Although the Glenstead Society had very few disciples, each one of them was incredibly powerful.

They were true geniuses!

The disciples of the Glenstead Society rarely appeared in public, but whenever they did, they caused a great sensation.

Forty years ago, a major event had shaken the martial world.

A high-ranking member of the World Society had acted recklessly and offended a disciple of the Glenstead Society.

That Glenstead Society disciple, armed with only a sword, had charged straight into the World Society's headquarters.

And with his own strength, he had fought against over a hundred top experts from the World Society.

In the end, the Glenstead Society disciple had died in battle, and over a hundred top experts from the World Society had been killed or injured.

From then on, the Glenstead Society had become famous overnight!

After that, no one dared to provoke the disciples of the Glenstead Society.

The World Society, which had been considered the number one power in the world, had suffered its first defeat and had been forced to write a humiliating chapter in its history.

"Is this the place for the duel?" Dustin stepped out of the car and carefully inspected the "World Martial Arts Academy."

He was quite familiar with the World Society.

Although it was a martial power in the martial world, it had official backing.

After all, to establish and develop in Stonia, it was impossible without the approval of the figure in the Bayhaven (Forbidden City).

No monarch would tolerate uncontrollable sources of turmoil on their doorstep.

"Why, scared?" Francis sneered.

"Scared?" Dustin smiled faintly. "I'm afraid that disciples of your Hamilton family will lose so badly that they won't be able to show their faces."

"Humph! Sharp tongue!" Francis sneered. "If you've got the guts, come inside with me!"

With that, he took a large stride and walked into the martial arts hall.

Dustin followed leisurely with his hands behind his back.

Inside the waiting room of the martial arts hall, Rupert, the fifth young master of the Hamilton, sat in the center, casually sipping tea. On his left and right sides were a group of men and women.

Among them were members of the Hamilton, as well as some elite martial artists from various martial arts schools across the country.

When Dustin entered with Francis, all eyes turned and fixed on him. Everyone had unfriendly expressions, and their gazes were sharp.

"Young man, I didn't expect you to dare come here willingly. I have to admit, you've got guts," Rupert said with a playful smile.

He had already conducted some investigations in the past few days. Dustin hailed from Millsburg, not from West Lucozia. Although he had some influence, it was insignificant to the Hamilton. Therefore, in today's battle, there was no need for any reservations.

"Rupert, it's hard to say who will win or lose. I suggest you don't get too ahead of yourself," Dustin calmly responded.

Chapter 1444 Henglian Technique

"At such a young age, you really don't know your limits," Rupert shook his head. "Understand this, this isn't Millsburg; it's Stonia, a place where hidden dragons and crouching tigers abound. Your mediocre skills won't make much of a splash here."

"Rupert, if you're going to fight, let's get on with it. I'm in a hurry," Dustin said, even yawning as if he hadn't had enough sleep.

Lately, he had been busy with rebuilding the Healwell Clinic, teaching others to formulate the Jade Dew Ointment, and investigating the whereabouts of the Golden Marrow Jade and Ice Heart Lotus. He felt like his legs were about to break from running around so much.

If it weren't for the fact that the Hamilton still had some use, he wouldn't have bothered wasting time here.

"You brat! How dare you!" Dustin's nonchalant attitude instantly infuriated the numerous Hamilton disciples. They had encountered their fair share of arrogant individuals, but they had never seen anyone like Dustin, who completely disregarded the Hamilton.

It was like he didn't know any better!

"Sir Rupert, I can't take it anymore. I want to shut him up!" At this moment, a burly man with bulging muscles suddenly stood up.

He had a fierce appearance, and his physique was even more imposing than Francis's. At first glance, he looked like a mountain of flesh.

This man's name was Lawrence, a member of a branch of the Hamilton. Due to his exceptional talent in martial arts, he had been selected by the Hamilton as a core disciple and received special training.

"Fatso, are you up for it? Don't disgrace the Hamilton," Dustin said nonchalantly.

"Uncle Rupert, this guy has been disrespecting us. If we don't teach him a lesson, how will the younger generation of the Hamilton be able to show their faces in the future?" Lawrence was filled with rage.

"Alright! Let's have you take the lead, and first strip this brat of his arrogance!" Rupert finally couldn't bear it any longer.

"No problem!"

Lawrence grinned and slapped the table, shattering it into pieces. Then, he took large strides toward Dustin.

His vicious gaze seemed like he was about to devour someone.

"Uncle Rupert, does Dustin have a chance against Lawrence? He's quite strong," Francis asked cautiously.

"Don't worry, although Lawrence isn't as skilled as Archibald, he's the strongest among all of you young disciples. Combined with his innate strength, defeating this brat won't be a problem," Rupert said confidently.

"That's right! Lawrence's Henglian technique (Horizontal training) is already at its peak. Ordinary innate experts can't break through his defense. This guy is just going to get humiliated!"

"I heard that Lawrence tear apart a wild bull with his bare hands. I can't wait to see this guy getting torn to shreds!"

The Hamilton disciples were excited and filled with anticipation. Lawrence's innate strength, combined with his Henglian technique, made him one of the top three young disciples in the Hamilton. Dealing with a skinny kid like Dustin would be a piece of cake.

"Look! Lawrence is making his move!"

Under everyone's gaze, Lawrence charged forward like a tank, roaring as he approached.

His arms were like two huge iron hammers, smashing down towards Dustin's head.

If this strike landed, not only a person, even an elephant would be instantly killed!

Just when everyone thought Dustin was doomed.

A loud "thud" sounded as Lawrence, who had just charged forward, was sent flying more than ten meters away as if he had been hit by a train. He crashed heavily into the wall and started bleeding from his mouth and nose, unconscious.

For a moment, the entire venue fell into silence.

Chapter 1445 Altogether Now!

Lawrence had lost, and he had lost badly.

His enormous body had smashed a hole in the wall, with his upper body stuck in it, unable to move. From a distance, he looked like a painting hanging on the wall.


Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene. They stared wide-eyed, their faces filled with shock. When Lawrence had charged aggressively earlier, they had thought he had a surefire victory. They never expected him to be sent flying with just one blow, to the point that they were still struggling to process what had happened.

"What just happened? Did Lawrence... actually lose?"

"How is that possible? Lawrence is so strong; how could he lose to this kid?"

"It must be a fluke! It has to be!"

After a brief silence, the entire scene erupted in astonishment. Nobody had anticipated this outcome. Lawrence, with his innate strength and formidable defensive skills, was practically invulnerable. To see him defeated with just one move was beyond belief.


The tea cup in Rupert's hand fell to the ground, shattering into pieces. The smile on his face completely froze, and he lost his composure.

The situation before him was far beyond expectations. One of the top three talented young members of the Hamilton family had been defeated by Dustin in one move. Was it overconfidence, or was the gap in strength just too vast?

"I knew this kid wouldn't be easy to deal with!" Francis gulped and, recalling his own beating by Dustin earlier, felt a sense of fear.

Their experiences were quite similar, but Lawrence was obviously more severely injured.

It was clear that when Dustin had attacked him earlier, he hadn't used his full strength. What a terrifying individual!

"Size doesn't matter; he's just an easy target," Dustin remarked calmly as he retracted his fist, his facial expression showing no sign of emotion, as if he had done something trivial.

"Kid! What kind of trick did you just use?!" Rupert suddenly slammed his hand on the table, his gaze sharp.

Lawrence's body was practically impenetrable, and it was nearly impossible for someone of the same age to inflict such heavy damage. So, he suspected that Dustin had used some underhanded trick.

"If you win by your true ability, we will naturally acknowledge it. But your performance just now was clearly abnormal," Rupert said coldly.

"If you don't believe me, Sir Rupert, you can send a few more people to try, or you can all come at once," Dustin shrugged.



Upon hearing this, many of the Hamilton family's disciples berated him angrily. They were ready to roll up their sleeves, itching to take Dustin down.

This kid was too arrogant, and he clearly didn't regard them with any respect.

"Kid! You're playing with fire!" Rupert's face darkened, and his gaze became extremely unfriendly.

The Hamilton family was one of the Four Noble Families. When had they ever been provoked like this?

If they didn't make an example out of him today, it would be difficult to gain the respect of others in the future.

"Sir Rupert, let's finish this quickly. I really am in a hurry," Dustin said earnestly.

"Since you want to play with fire and burn yourself, I'll grant your wish!" Rupert snorted and then selected several martial experts from the crowd, ordering them, "You guys go together and show this kid how formidable the Hamilton family is!"

"Yes, sir!"

Several of them immediately stepped forward, heading toward Dustin.

Chapter 1446 Just Joking

Facing a one-on-one battle, they didn't have much confidence, but if they joined forces, they were sure to win.


At this moment, a group of people suddenly walked in through the door of the martial arts hall.

Leading the group was a tall white-haired old man.

The old man was dressed in traditional clothing, and his demeanor was imposing. With every step, he exuded an invisible aura of authority.

This was the natural presence of someone who had been in a high position for a long time.

Beside the old man was a stunningly beautiful woman.

Her features were exquisite, her figure graceful, and she carried herself with an air of regal elegance. Every move she made exuded a queenly demeanor.

This woman was none other than Natasha, who had arrived just in time.

"Bold! Who are you people? How dare you trespass in the World Martial Arts Academy Hall?!" one of the Hamilton family disciples angrily shouted.


Rupert's face changed drastically, and he slapped the Hamilton family disciple across the face. Then, he turned and hurriedly approached the man in Traditional clothing, bowing respectfully and saying, "I greet Duke Duncan Roberts!"

"What? Duke Duncan Roberts?!"

When this was said, the entire scene turned pale. The Hamilton family disciples, who had been arrogant just moments ago, immediately bowed and lowered their heads, looking especially humble.

As the current Duke Duncan, his status and power were extremely high, and he could be considered one of the most influential figures. Even Rupert's own father would show him great respect.

"This is not the Bayhaven; there's no need for such formalities," Duncan said calmly.

"I don't know why Duke Duncan has graced us with his presence. Is there something you need?" Rupert asked with some unease.

Duncan was known for rarely appearing in public; he usually kept a low profile. His sudden appearance here was enough to make people speculate.

"Nothing special. I just came to watch the excitement today. You all can do whatever you were planning to do; you don't need to pay any attention to me," Duncan replied expressionlessly.

"Watch the excitement?"

Rupert's face stiffened, and he became even more uneasy. Duncan was known for his busy schedule, and it was unusual for him to have the time to come here just to watch an event.

Moreover, it was just a fight between a few juniors; why would it draw the attention of Duke Duncan?

Then, as his gaze drifted to Natasha standing beside Duncan, he suddenly realized something.

He almost forgot that Dustin was, in fact, the young man Natasha was nurturing.

Could it be that Duncan had come here to support Dustin?

Could it be?

A mere young man being supported by Duke Duncan to mediate a petty brawl, wasn't that a bit too much?

"Sir Rupert, we agreed to have a friendly match on the stage, isn’t it too much for the Hamilton to gang up against a single opponent?" Natasha said coolly, interrupting the awkward silence.


Rupert wore an embarrassed smile and said, "Miss Natasha, there was a misunderstanding. We were just joking with Dustin."

"Yes, just joking," the Hamilton family members echoed.

With Duncan present, who would dare to act recklessly?

"Humph! Okay, good," Natasha said coldly.

"By the way, why didn't you inform me before coming, husband? What if something had happened to you? How would you explain it?" Natasha scolded Dustin, showing her displeasure.

"It happened suddenly, and I forgot to mention it," Dustin said somewhat guiltily. "Besides, with these people from the Hamilton family, they couldn't hurt me even if they tried."

"That's what you say, but it's not very sensible to take risks on your own," Natasha said with a touch of annoyance.

"I promise I won't do it again next time," Dustin said seriously.

"That's better."

Natasha immediately smiled and then took Dustin's arm, walking over to her grandfather. She introduced, "Grandfather, let me introduce you. This is my husband, Dustin."


Duncan looked Dustin up and down and said meaningfully, "You seem somewhat familiar. Have we met before?"

Chapter 1447 No Turning Back

Duncan's scrutinizing gaze made Dustin feel a sudden surge of invisible pressure. However, in such a situation, he had already expected it and, although surprised, remained composed on the surface.

"I've heard of your name for a long time, Duke Duncan, but I've never seen you in person. Perhaps it's because I have a common face, which is why Your Excellency finds me familiar," Dustin explained calmly without showing any deference.

Over the past ten years, he had undergone earth-shaking changes in terms of height, appearance, and even demeanor. Even his closest friends from the past would not be able to recognize him at first glance.

"Is that so?" Duncan looked Dustin up and down and said meaningfully, "Perhaps."

"Grandfather, Dustin is amazing. He excels in both literature and martial arts, and he's also proficient in medicine. He has helped me several times before. In the entire Stonia, it's hard to find a young talent as outstanding as him," Natasha boasted as she introduced.

When it came to promoting her man, she spared no effort.

"Hehe... Your girl, you're exaggerating a bit," Duncan shook his head with a smile. "Stonia is full of talents, and although this young man has some skills, he still falls short when compared to those top geniuses."

"Grandfather, I know you don't believe it now, but soon you will understand," Natasha said mysteriously with a smile.

She didn't explain further because there were some things that had to be seen with one's own eyes to be truly believed. She was confident that one day, Dustin would surprise her grandfather greatly.

"Alright, let's sit down for now," Duncan said, beckoning everyone to take their seats.

His bodyguards stood on both sides of him, vigilant for any unusual activity.

"Master Rupert, you can begin now," Natasha said with a faint smile, watching as if she was enjoying a show.

"Begin?" Rupert's eye twitched. How could they begin? Even Lawrence had been defeated. In a one-on-one fight, there was no one present who could match Dustin's strength. Unless Archibald arrived in time, today might be a complete disaster.

"Master Rupert, what's the matter? Didn't you want to challenge us? Why no reaction? You're not planning to disappoint my grandfather, who came all this way, are you?" Natasha taunted with a smirk.

"This..." Rupert's face stiffened, and he began to sweat on his forehead. Who could have expected that a friendly match between the juniors would attract the attention of someone like Duncan?

The current situation had already spiraled out of his control. With Duncan present, there was no turning back. They had no choice but to face the situation head-on.

"Who among you wants to go up and spar with Dustin?" Rupert turned his head and looked at a group of Hamilton family members.


The group of people looked at each other, hesitant and uncertain.

Even Lawrence had been defeated. In a one-on-one fight, who could be Dustin's match? Challenging him now would only be an invitation to humiliation.

"What's going on? With so many men in the Hamilton family, isn't there a single one with the courage?" Rupert furrowed his brow slightly.

Losing a fight was one thing, but not even daring to step up was another. The Hamilton family detested failure, but they looked down even more upon cowards.

"Francis, it's your turn!"

Rupert couldn't be bothered to waste time and pointed to Francis, intending to use him as a scapegoat.


Francis was dumbfounded. His eyes widened, and he was at a loss. Damn it, I was beaten up by Dustin just a few days ago, and now I have to go up and get beaten again? Is there any justice in this?

"What's wrong? Hurry up!"

Chapter 1448 Vanished to Thin Air

Rupert glared, "Today is your chance to redeem yourself and overcome your inner demons by defeating Dustin. Your martial cultivation will reach a new level!"

Francis's mouth twitched, he wanted to curse, but he didn't dare. He could only grit his teeth and say, "Uncle Rupert, my injuries from a few days ago haven't healed yet. How about we switch to someone else first?"

"Switch to someone else? Nonsense! It's just a minor injury, nothing serious. Go up there and don't disgrace our Hamilton family!" Rupert sternly ordered.

"Alright... alright."

Francis felt like crying without tears as he reluctantly stepped forward. Originally, he had come to watch a show today, but he had unexpectedly been dragged into it. What kind of situation was this?

"Francis, are you sure you want to spar with me?" Dustin asked with a faint smile.

"Dustin! The men of the Hamilton family never fear battle. Even though I am seriously injured today, I am not afraid of you. Come on!" Francis put on a righteous appearance on the surface but was wailing inside.

Big brother, go easy on me. We have no grudges against each other; there's no need to fight to the death.

"You're indeed a man!" Dustin gave a thumbs up. "I underestimated you earlier. I didn't expect you to have such determination. I admire that!"

"Hmph! Of course!" Francis raised his head proudly, feeling somewhat self-satisfied.

"Rare to find a hero like you. To show my respect for you, I'll go all out in our battle. Let's face it with courage!" Dustin clasped his fists.

"What?!" Francis's legs went weak, and he almost sat down. Big brother, I was just kidding. You don't have to take it so seriously, do you? Even Lawrence, who was impervious to blades and spears, was nearly beaten to death with one punch. If it were me, wouldn't it be even worse?

"Francis, are you ready? I'm going to make a move!" Dustin slowly raised his hand.

"Wait!" Francis's expression changed suddenly, and he hurriedly said, "I suddenly have a stomachache. I need to go to the bathroom to take a dump. After I'm done, we can continue our fight!"

After saying that, he didn't care about the reactions of the people around him and rushed into the restroom.

Dustin smiled wryly, seeing through the ruse.

"Hmph! A lazy ass!" Rupert frowned and expressed his dissatisfaction.

The other Hamilton family members had strange expressions on their faces, and those who were sensible chose to remain silent.

They naturally understood that Francis was deliberately delaying time. With Lawrence's example right before them, no one wanted to go up and seek humiliation. Otherwise, they might lose a hand or a foot, or even their lives.

Right now, their only hope was that Archibald would arrive at the scene soon. Otherwise, Francis might not escape unscathed.

"Master Rupert, hasn't your nephew come out yet? Could it be that he fell into the toilet?" After waiting for a long time, Natasha finally couldn't help but speak.

"What?!" Rupert was stunned and had some difficulty processing this. What did it mean?

"Hey! You, go to the restroom and get Francis out for me!" Rupert furrowed his brow and pointed at a Hamilton family member.


The Hamilton family member didn't dare to hesitate and quickly went into the restroom.

In less than a minute, the Hamilton family member came running back, looking panicked, and shouted, "Fifth Uncle! Something's not right. Francis is missing!"

"Missing?!" Rupert was taken aback, his face showing disbelief. "What do you mean?"

"I just went to the restroom and looked for Francis, but I didn't see him inside. I suspect... he should have run away," the Hamilton family member replied.

"What? Run away?"

Hearing this, Rupert stood there in a daze. He had thought that Francis was just trying to delay time, but he didn't expect this guy to have literally "vanished" into thin air. This was truly embarrassing!

Chapter 1449 Losing the Second Time

Rupert gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and his resolute face was filled with anger.

A member of the honorable Hamilton family had actually run away without even fighting.

This was an immense disgrace!

What was worse, this happened in front of Duke Duncan.

This scandal was a great loss of face for the Hamilton family, a royal family.

"Master Rupert, your nephew is indeed a true hero, adaptable and flexible!" Natasha said with a half-smile and half-sneer.

Rupert's eyes twitched, and his face became particularly ugly.

This was a bizarre shame, indeed!

"Get your nephew Francis back for me! I'll deal with him with our family's rules!" Rupert shouted at the Hamilton family members.


They didn't dare to hesitate and immediately scattered to search for Francis.

They all knew that Francis had caused a major disaster this time, and he would probably be severely punished if he didn't die.

"They say that the men of the Hamilton family are brave and fearless, but today, after seeing them, I'm a bit disappointed," Duncan said indifferently.

He had traveled a long way, only to find that there was no show to watch. It was a waste of time.

"It's because we didn't discipline him strictly. Unfortunately, we have a coward among us," Rupert said awkwardly.

"It doesn't matter," Duncan said with a pat on his clothes, standing up slowly. "Daughter, there's no show to watch today. Let's go back first."

"We can only do that," Natasha nodded.

"Your Excellency, isn't it a bit too hasty to leave right after arriving?" At this moment, a few people suddenly entered the door.

The leader was a tall middle-aged man, thin and weak, with a fair complexion and a scholarly appearance. Behind him were two men and one woman.

Among them, one of them was the one who had just run away to the restroom, Francis.

"Big Brother?"

Seeing the elegant man, Rupert's expression changed, and he quickly stepped forward curiously. "Big Brother, how did you come?"

"When His Excellency the Duke arrives, I naturally have to personally receive him."

Cedric smiled faintly and turned to Duncan, bowing and saying, "This official pays his respects to Duke Duncan."

"No need for so much courtesy, Mr. Cedric." Duncan nodded in response.

Before him stood a first-rank official. Although Mr Cedric's official position was slightly lower than his, he was favored by the emperor and had a promising future.

"Your Excellency, Duke Duncan, you've come quite a long way. Regardless of the outcome today, I hope you can enjoy yourselves," Cedric said with a smile.

Francis, hearing this, felt a lump in his throat. At this moment, he was like a frightened quail, trembling all over.

He had thought he could escape unscathed, but he didn't expect that as soon as he left, his uncle would catch him in the act.

Although his uncle didn't say anything to blame him, the more lenient his uncle was, the more frightened he became.

His uncle always had a gentle and elegant appearance. No matter what happened, he had never lost his temper. However, looking at the entire Hamilton family, including his fifth uncle, everyone was deeply in awe of his uncle.

No one could explain why, but they all feared him.

No one in the Hamilton family dared to contradict his uncle, no matter what he said. Even if he ordered someone to die, they would have to obey.

"Dustin, come at me! Let me experience your strength!" Francis stepped forward and shouted, appearing fearless.

"You've already lost once. Do you want to lose a second time?" Dustin said indifferently.

"Don't waste time talking! Today, it's either you die or I die! Watch my move!"

Francis roared, and without any hesitation, he rushed forward.

Since he couldn't escape, he decided to go all out.

" Firey whirls and Flaming fist!"

Chapter 1450 Secret Tecnique

His fists flew in a flurry, turning into a sky full of shadows and striking fiercely at Dustin.

His punches were extremely ferocious, like a raging storm, sweeping over everything in their path.

As he moved, the sound of roaring wind and thunder filled the air, as if ghosts were wailing and wolves were howling.

"I didn't expect Francis's strength to improve again. Just this move alone should be no worse than Lawrence's."

"The Firey whirls and Flaming fist is the Hamilton family's secret technique. Once unleashed, it can break gold and shatter stones. As long as Francis can seize an opportunity, he might be able to defeat Dustin."


Watching the Firey whirls and Flaming fist, the onlookers were both surprised and hopeful.

Perhaps Francis could create a miracle.


Suddenly, a loud noise shattered everyone's illusions.

Francis's fist hadn't even fully connected with Dustin when it was slapped away by a palm.

The action was as simple as swatting a fly.


Francis's body was sent flying for over ten meters before crashing into a wall, fainting on the spot.


The Hamilton family disciples looked dejected and sighed.

Although they were mentally prepared, seeing Francis defeated so quickly was still hard to accept.

After all, they were the elite of the Hamilton family, and being defeated so easily was truly embarrassing.

"Worthless! He can't even withstand a single move. He's truly brought shame to our Hamilton family!"

At this moment, a young woman behind Cedric suddenly spoke up.

She was dressed fashionably, beautiful in appearance, but her brows revealed a hint of arrogance.

She was Cedric's daughter, Beatrice.

"Is it possible that... my husband is too strong?" Natasha smiled slightly.

"Humph! Look at what you guys can do! Defeating a loser like him is nothing to brag about! The real experts in our Hamilton family haven't even shown themselves yet!" Beatrice curled her lips.

"Is that so? Why don't you bring out your experts so we can see?" Natasha's eyes were challenging.

"Big brother! It's your turn now. You must restore our Hamilton family's reputation!" Beatrice suddenly turned to a young man beside her.

The young man stood with his hands behind his back, his expression calm and indifferent, with a hint of Cedric's demeanor.

This person was the most talented genius in the Hamilton family, Archibald!

"Archibald, go up and play with this young man. Remember, don't go too hard on him," Cedric said calmly.


Archibald nodded and casually walked forward with his hands behind his back.

"That's great! Archibald is finally making his appearance. This kid is doomed today!"

"Archibald is the number one genius in our Hamilton family, much stronger than Lawrence. Dealing with Dustin should be no problem!"

"Come on, Archibald! Teach this kid a lesson and show the might of our Hamilton family's royal bloodline!"


Archibald's appearance lifted the spirits of the Hamilton family disciples, who had been somewhat disheartened earlier.

The momentum that had been somewhat lacking before instantly soared.

As the core figure cultivated by the Hamilton family, Archibald alone occupied more than half of the resources.

His strength was far superior to his peers in the Hamilton family, making him stand out.

In the entire Stonia, there were very few young talents who could compare to Archibald.

In their eyes, as long as Archibald took it seriously, dealing with Dustin would be a piece of cake.

"Hamilton family, Archibald."

With one hand extended, Archibald looked at Dustin with an indifferent gaze. "For the sake of fairness, I'll give you chance to do your first three moves first. Go ahead."
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Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 1451 Shattered

Archibald's tone was calm, and his expression showed no fluctuations.

In fact, one of his hands was still in his pocket, and his actions were full of disdain, as if he didn't even consider Dustin a worthy opponent.

After all, there were very few people who could make him go all out.

The person in front of him, an unknown, clearly didn't belong to that category.

"Let me have three moves? Are you sure?" Dustin raised an eyebrow, a smirk on his face.

It seemed that the geniuses of Stonia were quite confident, boasting without even understanding their opponent's strength. It was hard to tell if it was confidence or ignorance.

"What? Three moves aren't enough for you?" Archibald said indifferently. "Alright, then I'll give you ten moves. If you can injure a single hair on my head within ten moves, you win."

With these words, many Hamilton family disciples burst into laughter.

"Hahaha... Archibald is here to kill, it seems!"

"Starting with ten moves, this is not just underestimation but disdain!"

"It's not surprising that Archibald, as the number one genius of our Hamilton family, is much stronger than Lawrence. Dealing with Dustin should be a piece of cake!"

"Come on, Archibald! Teach this guy a lesson and show the might of our Hamilton family's royal bloodline!"


Archibald's appearance lifted the spirits of the Hamilton family disciples, who had been somewhat disheartened earlier.

The momentum that had been somewhat lacking before instantly soared.

As the core figure cultivated by the Hamilton family, Archibald alone occupied more than half of the resources.

His strength was far superior to his peers in the Hamilton family, making him stand out.

In the entire Stonia, there were very few young talents who could compare to Archibald.

In their eyes, as long as Archibald took it seriously, dealing with Dustin would be a piece of cake.

"Is that so? You have confidence, but unfortunately, you've chosen the wrong opponent."

Dustin smiled faintly. "Since you like to give moves so much, I won't be polite. I hope you don't disappoint me."

With that, he lightly tapped his toe, and his entire body floated lightly into the air before slamming a palm towards Archibald.

"Too weak."

Archibald shook his head, standing still without any intention of dodging.

As Dustin's palm approached lightly, he slowly gathered a protective barrier on the surface of his body.

The protective barrier was semi-transparent and fluctuated with Archibald's breathing, like ripples on the surface of water.


With a loud noise.

When Dustin's palm touched Archibald's protective true energy, the rippling water surface was instantly shattered, like glass hit by a bullet, instantly breaking into pieces.


Archibald's face changed in astonishment.

Before his brain could react, his body had already sensed the danger and made an instinctive dodge.

The palm wind that Dustin had triggered subsequently grazed Archibald's chest, hitting the floor with a resounding impact.


Another explosion.

The hard floor was directly blasted into a deep palm print.

For a moment, debris flew, and cracks spread.

Within a radius of three meters, a pit had been forcefully created.

"Oh my god!"

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

No one had expected that Dustin's seemingly light palm would have such great power.

Not only did it break through Archibald's body protection, but it also blasted the ground into a pit.

If that palm had hit a person, the consequences would have been unimaginable!


Archibald took advantage of his dodge to quickly put some distance between them.

His previously calm expression was quickly replaced by astonishment.

The protective true energy he had just used may have only been at half strength, but it wasn't something an ordinary person could break through.

However, Dustin had easily shattered it, which was beyond his expectations.

Chapter 1452 Breaking Through

This shows that the other person is really strong, probably not much weaker than him.

"What? Weren't you supposed to give me ten moves? Why are you dodging?"

Dustin withdrew his hand, with a smile on his face.

"I told you ten moves, but I didn't say I would stand still and let you hit me!" Archibald looked defiant.

"Dustin, I have to admit, your strength is better than I expected," Archibald said seriously. "Honestly, at first, I didn't think much of you because I didn't think you were worthy of being my opponent. But that last strike just now changed my mind."

"So what?" Dustin asked with a smile.

"So, from now on, I'm going to take this seriously," Archibald said as he slowly took off his coat.

His gaze, from being indifferent at first, gradually became sharp.

"Seriously? Does being serious even help?" Dustin was curious.

But Archibald seemed to ignore him and said to himself, "It's been a long time since anyone made me take them seriously, and you're one of them. Today, if you can lose to me, you can be proud of yourself!"

With those words, Archibald suddenly took a step forward.


A terrifying pressure erupted from his body, like a landslide and a tsunami.

In an instant, the strong winds howled, and the cold air raged.

Everyone felt a heavy weight on their shoulders, as if a giant rock had been placed on them, and even their breathing became difficult.

At this moment, Archibald's hair stood on end, and his robe rustled.

He looked like a god descending, majestic and unparalleled.

"So much power! Has Archibald broken through again?"

"Oh my god! I can hardly catch my breath!"

"A year ago, Archibald was already at the Great Perfection of the Innate realm, and now he's breaking through again. Could he be at the half-step Grandmaster level?"

"No wonder he's the number one talent of the Hamilton family! He's amazing!"

Looking at Archibald's soaring aura, all the members of the Hamilton family were shocked.

They knew Archibald was strong, but they didn't expect him to be this strong.

In just a year, he had broken through again and become a powerful half-step Grandmaster.

In the entire Stonia City, even in the entire Dragonmarsh, reaching this level before the age of thirty was a sign of a true top-tier talent.

"Big brother, did Archibald break through again? When did this happen?" Beatrice was surprised, happy, and curious.

"A while ago, Archibald closed himself off for a few days, and then he broke through," Cedric said with a smile.

"That's great! He broke through so well!" Rupert was thrilled.

Although the Hamilton family had many descendants, compared to the other three major royal families, especially the Spanner family, they had a big gap in quality.

The Spanner family's twin stars were renowned and unbeatable.

So much so that in just a few years, the Spanner family had become the leader of the four major royal families, overshadowing the other three.

Especially the Hamilton family, which had many martial artists, couldn't produce a descendant who could compete with the Spanner family's twin stars.

This made the entire family feel quite frustrated.

However, when Archibald touched the threshold of Grandmaster, things changed dramatically.

As long as he continued to be nurtured, Archibald's breakthrough to the Grandmaster level was just a matter of time.

At that point, with military training and accomplishments, his future achievements would surely rival those of the Spanner family's twin stars.

"Half-step Grandmaster level?" Dustin raised an eyebrow slightly and smiled. "Indeed, you've got some potential, but not that much."

Among people of the same age, Archibald was indeed exceptionally talented.

However, when compared to the truly top-tier talents, he still fell short.

Scarlet Spanner became a Grandmaster at the age of eighteen, and Adam Spanner, with a slight disadvantage, achieved it at twenty.

Archibald, on the other hand, was already twenty-six or twenty-seven, still half a step away from the Grandmaster level.

In this comparison, it wasn't all that impressive.

As for himself, if he remembered correctly, he had already become a Martial Grandmaster around ten years ago, during the turmoil at Bayhaven.

That year, he was fifteen.

Chapter 1453 Giving it All

"Come on, Third Brother! Teach this guy who doesn't know better a lesson!"

Watching the imposing Archibald in front of them, Beatrice cheered and shouted with excitement, joining the crowd's enthusiastic support.

Being from the Hamilton family, she had admired strong individuals since she was young, which is why she had always been around Archibald. In her eyes, only someone like Archibald, a true genius, was worthy of her company.

"Young lady, your little boyfriend seems to be in some danger," Duncan squinted his eyes, saying meaningfully, "Archibald is the number one talent of the Hamilton family, and his strength has greatly increased, becoming a half-step Grandmaster. There are very few among his peers who can match him."

"Grandfather, don't speak too soon. The outcome is uncertain; no one knows how it will end," Natasha said with a smile.

While Archibald was undoubtedly powerful, she still thought he was somewhat inferior to Dustin.


Duncan raised an eyebrow, quite surprised. "Young lady, you seem to have a lot of confidence in this young man."

"Of course," Natasha raised her head proudly. "The man I've set my eyes on can't be lacking."

As long as the Hamilton family didn't use any underhanded tricks and the fight was fair, among the younger generation of the Hamilton family, no one could match Dustin.

"Listening to you, I'm quite curious. If this kid can really defeat Archibald, he might be a talent worth cultivating," Duncan stroked his beard.

"Let's wait and see. I believe he'll surprise you," Natasha smiled.

At this moment, in the center of the arena, Archibald's aura had reached its peak, and his physical condition had reached its peak as well. Faintly, a Grandmaster's pressure radiated from him.

"Dustin, out of respect for you, I will give it my all from now on. If you can withstand my attacks for three minutes, you win!" Archibald declared confidently.

Since touching the threshold of becoming a Grandmaster, he had realized that the whole world had changed for him. Martial artists below the Grandmaster level would no longer pose a threat to him.

"Three minutes is too long. If you can block three of my moves, I'll automatically concede," Dustin retorted.

"Arrogant! I see you won't shed tears until you see your own coffin!" Angrily, Archibald felt disrespected.

He didn't waste any more words; he stomped his foot, and his entire body turned into a blur as he charged directly at Dustin.

"So fast!" The crowd's pupils shrank in amazement. In the blink of an eye, Archibald had crossed a distance of over ten meters, and they hadn't even seen how he did it.

"Firey whirls and Flaming fist!" Without hesitation, Archibald unleashed the Hamilton family's ultimate technique. His fists pushed forward, and countless fist shadows instantly erupted, resembling a mountain collapsing and a tsunami surging, sweeping toward Dustin.

Densely packed and overwhelming, it was impossible to defend against or dodge.

Wherever the fist shadows passed, they produced continuous roars, and the surrounding air was compressed and distorted.

In the eyes of the onlookers, Dustin's body seemed to be twisting, as if he would be torn apart in the next second.

"What a terrifying punch! The power Archibald unleashed with the Firey whirls and Flaming fist is far greater than Francis's by at least ten times!"

"No wonder he's the number one talent of the Hamilton family! When he uses this technique, no one can stop him!"

Many young members of the Hamilton family were stunned by Archibald's earth-shattering punch.

Is this the power of a half-step Grandmaster? It's truly extraordinary.


Amid the onlookers' gaze, Archibald's countless fist shadows struck Dustin solidly.

In an instant, the ground cracked, rocks flew, and dust billowed.

A wave of energy rippled out like a tidal wave, with the point of impact as its center, sweeping in all directions.


The strong wind swept in, and those who were close were forced to retreat repeatedly, unable to keep their eyes open.

Chapter 1454 Full-power Ultimate Technique

Even though it was just the aftermath of the battle, they found it impossible to withstand.

Is it over?

Who could possibly withstand such a terrifying punch?

In that instant of eruption, they all truly saw that Archibald's punch had slammed into Dustin's chest.

Even someone as tough as iron should have melted under the might of a half-step Grandmaster's punch, right?

When the dust settled.

Everyone immediately fixed their gaze on the battleground.

However, the scene before them left them dumbfounded, with faces full of shock.

At this moment, in the center of the arena.

Dustin stood motionless, without dodging or defending. He just stood there quietly as Archibald's fist struck his chest.

His feet seemed rooted in place, not moving a step back.

Only the ground beneath his feet had sunken a few inches, and cracks spread around it.

" this possible?"

Looking at Dustin, who was unharmed, the onlookers were astonished, their faces filled with disbelief.

Archibald's full-powered ultimate technique was actually blocked?

And it was blocked with his body?

What kind of monster is this?

"Oh my God! Is this guy made of iron?"

Beatrice widened her eyes, completely unable to believe what she was seeing.

Archibald was a half-step Grandmaster-level powerhouse. His full-powered punch could shatter gold and split rocks with ease. However, when it struck Dustin, it didn't seem to harm him in the slightest. It was truly unbelievable.

"Who is this kid, really?" Rupert was shocked and curious.

He had originally thought that Archibald would easily win, but now it seemed that things weren't going as expected.


Cedric frowned. Although he didn't say anything, the astonishment in his eyes couldn't be hidden.

To be able to withstand a half-step Grandmaster's punch with his body, this kid's defensive power was incredibly frightening.


Duncan stroked his beard and looked at Dustin with eyes that had clearly changed.


At this moment, Archibald was already stunned.

His fist was still pressed against Dustin's chest, maintaining its striking position.

He had never dreamed that the result would be like this.

Just a moment ago, he hadn't held back at all, intending to settle the outcome with a single blow.

However, when his punch struck Dustin, he was horrified to discover that his fist's power seemed to have dissipated completely.

In this situation, there was only one possibility: the other party's strength was far superior to his own!

And perhaps, he had already reached the level of a Grandmaster!

"Is it over? Now it's my turn."

Dustin smiled slightly and lightly placed a palm on Archibald's chest.

This palm seemed to have no strength at all.

However, the moment it made contact, Archibald was sent flying as if he had been hit by a train, with a loud "bang." He flew more than ten meters away and crashed heavily to the ground, unconscious.

Witnessing this scene, the entire arena fell into silence.

The young members of the Hamilton family who had been full of confidence earlier were now completely dumbfounded. Their eyes were wide, and their mouths hung open in disbelief.

The number one talent of the Hamilton family, a half-step Grandmaster-level powerhouse, had actually been defeated like this?

And he had been defeated by Dustin with a single move, effortlessly crushed.

This was just too unbelievable!

Chapter 1455 Overwhelming Victory

Watching Archibald lying there unconscious from his injuries, everyone was too shocked to speak.

The outcome before them exceeded everyone's expectations.

Although it was hard to accept, they had to admit that Archibald had indeed lost, and he had lost miserably, just like Lawrence and Francis before him.

The prestigious Stonia Royal Family, a military family, had no one among the younger generation who could match Dustin.

It was truly embarrassing.

"Is the outcome clear? Do we really need to continue?" Dustin smiled faintly and looked in the direction of Cedric and Rupert.

To conserve energy and intimidate the Hamilton family, he had chosen to defeat the enemy with one move, achieving an overwhelming victory.

"Who are you exactly? How did you manage to defeat Archibald?" Rupert furrowed his brows, his expression somewhat unpleasant.

Having lost three consecutive battles, the Hamilton family's reputation had been completely tarnished today.

"Is it so surprising that I defeated Archibald? There should be many in Stonia who can defeat him, right?" Dustin said casually.

"You—!" Rupert was taken aback.

Young talents who could defeat Archibald were all extraordinary individuals.

Who were you, an unknown kid, to be able to beat the Hamilton family's highly cultivated genius?

"Clap, clap, clap..."

At this moment, Cedric suddenly applauded and smiled, saying, "Excellent, truly excellent. Today, you've really opened my eyes!"

"Big brother?" Rupert was puzzled and somewhat taken aback.

The Hamilton family had lost face, and you're actually applauding and smiling? Are you crazy?

"Dustin, I didn't expect that at your young age, you already possess the strength of a Martial Arts Grandmaster. It's truly impressive, and the younger generation of our Hamilton family acknowledges your victory wholeheartedly." Cedric said calmly.

"What? This kid is actually a Martial Arts Grandmaster?!" This statement caused a commotion throughout the arena.

The young members of the Hamilton family exchanged surprised glances and were shocked.

Looking at Dustin's age, he was only in his early twenties. To achieve the level of a Grandmaster at such a young age was simply terrifying talent.

"No wonder... No wonder Archibald lost. It turns out this kid is already a Grandmaster-level powerhouse." Rupert was both surprised and suddenly enlightened.

The events had happened so suddenly that he hadn't had time to react.

Indeed, to be able to defeat Archibald, a half-step Grandmaster-level expert, there was no one else besides a true Martial Arts Grandmaster.

"Dustin, I greatly admire your strength and talent. I hope that you can join our Hamilton family and become my son-in-law," Cedric said unexpectedly.

"What?" Dustin was taken aback.

Lure and coax him all you want, but why mention becoming a son-in-law?

"Dad! What are you talking about?" Beatrice blushed, feeling somewhat embarrassed, and stole a glance at Dustin as she spoke.

Since he had defeated Archibald, she had completely changed her opinion of him.

She had always admired strong individuals, and Dustin's strength and talent had won her approval. Furthermore, he was handsome and had a remarkable presence.

If she could marry such a man, it would be a fitting match for her status.

"Dustin, our Hamilton family is one of the four royal families in Stonia, with a rich heritage and a powerful influence. As long as you become my son-in-law, I guarantee that you will be the focus of our Hamilton family's cultivation. I can pave the way for you and make you famous in just a few years, standing at the pinnacle of the world!" Cedric temptingly continued.

Although the Hamilton family had many descendants, there was only one person who could be showcased, and that was Archibald.

However, compared to those top-tier geniuses, Archibald was clearly a step behind and couldn't carry the weight of the Hamilton family.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 1456 Hamilton or Roberts?

If things continued like this, the Hamilton family would inevitably decline, and the prestige of the royal family would not match its reputation. So, in recent years, he had started recruiting young talents with extraordinary abilities. Unfortunately, none of them had met his expectations. It was only when he saw Dustin's performance just now that he immediately developed a liking for him and was even willing to tempt him with power, wealth, and fame.

"Damn! This kid's luck is too good, isn't it? Not only did he gain the favor of the patriarch, but he can also marry a beautiful woman. It's truly a double blessing!" Hearing Cedric's conditions, the onlookers were both envious and jealous.

They were members of the Hamilton family, but each of them had limited resources, and their success depended solely on their own efforts. However, Dustin was different. Once he joined the Hamilton family, he would become the focus of their cultivation, a rising star with great potential.

It was a world of difference from their current situation.

"What do you think? Are you satisfied with the conditions I've offered?" Cedric asked with a smile. Anyone with a bit of ambition should know how to choose.

"Thank you for your kind offer, Lord Hamilton, but for now, I have no plans to join any faction," Dustin politely declined.

"Hmm?" Cedric raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Dustin, by joining our Hamilton family, you'll have a powerful backing. Whatever you do in the future, you'll have great assistance. Why not seize this opportunity?"

"Lord Hamilton, you're being a bit unfair," Duncan suddenly stood up and said seriously, "Dustin is a member of our Roberts family. How can he join your Hamilton family? Trying to win him over like this in front of me is not appropriate, is it?"

"Roberts family?" Cedric squinted his eyes, looking meaningful. "From what I know, Dustin is just an ordinary outsider, not a member of your Roberts family. I don't think I'm trying to win him over."

This old fox clearly saw talent and intended to snatch it away by force.

"Previously, he wasn't, but he is now," Duncan said casually. "This kid and my granddaughter are in love. I've already decided to let them get married in a while. By then, he will naturally become a member of our Roberts family."

"Lord Hamilton, are you trying to break up a loving couple?" Natasha stepped forward and provocatively held onto Dustin's arm. "This is my man, how can I let others have any decision on him?"

"Talking about this is meaningless; it's up to Dustin to make a decision for himself," Cedric said seriously. "Dustin, our Hamilton family is a martial family and is more suitable for you than the Roberts family. By joining us, you'll have a powerful family backing. You can achieve great deeds, be granted titles, and even become a king in the future!"

"Young man, our Roberts family is also good. Whether you choose to enter the court as an official or take the battlefield as a general, our Roberts family can help you," Duncan countered.

The Roberts family had more civil officials, and although they were smart, their martial prowess was lacking. Dustin's arrival was the perfect complement to the Roberts family's weaknesses.

"Dustin! As long as you join the Hamilton family, I'll do my best to satisfy any condition!" Cedric said seriously.

To keep this genius, he was willing to do anything, even if it meant tearing his face off with Duncan.

"Young man, as long as you join the Roberts family, you can get engaged to the Princess tomorrow!" Duncan also spoke firmly.

"Dustin! A man should rise to the occasion, achieve great feats, and women will only slow you down!" Cedric argued.

"Hmph! Don't you understand what it means to 'build a family and establish a career'? 'Building a family' comes first, and 'establishing a career' comes second. Understand the priorities before you speak."

"Nonsense! A man should focus on achieving great deeds and building a career. Women are just accessories. Once you have power and influence, you can find any kind of woman you want."

"Brute! A brute who only knows how to fight and kill. You should know that in this vast world, love is the most important!"

"..." As Cedric and Duncan argued, their dispute grew more heated, and they even seemed a bit frustrated.

This scene made everyone feel awkward.

These were both influential figures who dominated the political scene, and yet they were arguing like they were at a local market. Did they not care about their image at all?

Chapter 1457 Extraordinary Honor and Dilemma

"Two esteemed gentlemen, please stop arguing for now and calm down."

Seeing the situation getting worse, Dustin quickly intervened to mediate.

If they continued to argue like this, the two pillars of the court were likely to start fighting on the spot.

"Dustin, make a choice, will it be the Hamilton family or the Roberts family?" Cedric posed the question.

"Young man, think carefully, for a single misstep may lead to a lifelong regret," Duncan advised, stroking his beard.

At that moment, all eyes were on Dustin.

Such a scene, where two major figures were fighting over someone, was extremely rare.

Although it was an extraordinary honor, it was also a dilemma.

The Hamilton family was a martial family, and Dustin was a Martial Master. Considering his future prospects, joining the Hamilton family would be more suitable.

However, the Roberts family was equally prestigious, and with the influence of Lady Natasha, it would be easier to persuade people.

Most importantly, no matter which side Dustin chose, he would offend the other.

Opportunity and risk went hand in hand.

"Both esteemed gentlemen have been very kind, and I appreciate it, but as I said before, I have no plans to join any faction at the moment, so I can only apologize for that," Dustin politely declined once again.

"What?!" Upon hearing this, everyone looked at each other in disbelief.

You see, whether it was the Hamilton family or the Roberts family, it was like a leap from a carp to a dragon.

Yet Dustin had refused all of them.

Such behavior was simply foolish.

"Dustin, this opportunity today is extremely rare. Are you sure you want to give it up?" Cedric asked in surprise.

"Sure," Dustin nodded.

"Young man, do you know that even if some people break their heads, they still don't have the qualifications to join the royal family? Right now, you have two broad paths in front of you, are you really not going to take one?" Duncan was puzzled.

"I have my own path to follow," Dustin replied.

"Very well, you have aspirations," Duncan nodded with a smile. "Alright, I won't force you. If you ever encounter trouble in the future, feel free to come to me."

He had looked down on Dustin before, but his refusal had made him take a closer look at him.

A man should carve out his own path and rely on himself to grow. Relying on others would easily wear down his ambition and courage.

"Thank you, Lord Duncan," Dustin bowed.

"Dustin, I support your choice. Of course, if you change your mind, you can come to me anytime. The doors of my Hamilton family are always open to you," Cedric said with a faint smile.

"Thank you for your kindness, Lord Hamilton," Dustin bowed again.

"Lord Duncan, I have other matters to attend to. I'll take my leave."

After bowing to Duncan, Cedric turned and left.

Although he hadn't succeeded in recruiting Dustin, he was relieved that Dustin hadn't joined the Roberts family. This way, there was still hope for the Hamilton family. As long as they showed goodwill in the future, there might be a chance to recruit Dustin.

To put it another way, making friends with such a potential talent had countless benefits and no harm.

"Darling, I won't be a third wheel here. You two can chat slowly."

After exchanging greetings with Dustin, Duncan smiled and left.

With her granddaughter around, no one could take Dustin away.

"Honey, let's go eat something."

Lady Natasha smiled sweetly and then linked her arm with Dustin as they walked out of the World Martial Arts Academy.

Today's battle had allowed Dustin to shine in Stonia.

Not only did he defeat many of the Hamilton family's talents, but he also won the approval of his future grandfather-in-law, making it a double victory.

Chapter 1458 Amazing and Excellent Ointment

She believed that it wouldn't be long before Dustin truly made a name for himself!


In the next few days, Dustin was busy.

First, he had to find medicinal herbs for treatment; second, he had to rebuild the Healwell Clinic; third, he had to pay attention to the matter of Jade Dew Ointment.

Of course, he also had to take some time to accompany Lady Natasha for meals and shopping.

Overall, Dustin didn't have much free time.

Fortunately, Jade Dew Ointment was already on the right track.

Under the name of the Remington family, a pharmaceutical company had been established specifically to sell Jade Dew Ointment.

And after promotion and fermentation, it had already become a competitor to the Torby and Stratford families' Rejuvenation Cream.

Due to its lower price and better efficacy, its reputation in the industry had gradually spread.

All that was left was to officially launch it and it would set off a wave of popularity.

At this moment, in the Torby family's council chamber.

Because of the latest news, Winston urgently called an internal meeting.

Present were not only the core members of the Torby family, but also some high-level members of the Stratford family.

"I just heard that the Remington family has developed a new Jade Dew Ointment, and its efficacy is even better than our Rejuvenation Cream, is that true?" Winston asked seriously, and as he spoke, he purposely glanced at Dominic and the others.

"It's true."

A high-ranking member of the Torby family stood up and replied, "I've already investigated, the Remington family's Jade Dew Ointment is truly amazing, with excellent word-of-mouth in the industry, even surpassing our Rejuvenation Cream. Although it hasn't been officially released yet, it's already gaining popularity, and it's a huge threat to our Rejuvenation Cream!"

As soon as this was said, the entire council chamber immediately became agitated.

"How could this be? The Remington family doesn't have a deep background in medicine, how could they develop such a good medicine?"

"Could it be that our prescription leaked? Is there a mole?"

"Damn it! We've invested heavily in producing and promoting Rejuvenation Cream, and now we've encountered a problem at the beginning. What do we do now?"

Everyone was talking at once, and they were all anxious.

You see, they had all invested in Rejuvenation Cream, and they had put a lot of money into it, hoping to make a big profit.

Now that this kind of thing had happened, they were naturally very anxious.

"Quiet down, all of you!"

Winston suddenly slammed the table, startling everyone into silence.

The council chamber, which had just been noisy, immediately fell silent as if no birds were singing.

"Brother Winston, with the Remington family's abilities, it's impossible for them to develop Jade Dew Ointment in such a short time. I guess it's probably Dustin's doing," Sophia suddenly spoke up.

"Dustin?" Winston frowned slightly.

He had already guessed this result.

"Dustin bears a grudge against us, so he wants to use the Remington family's power to retaliate against us. I have to say, this move is very vicious!" Sophia said coldly.

She hadn't paid much attention to Dustin before, so she had left the subsequent matters to Isabela and Dominic.

But she didn't expect that Dustin had hidden a trick up his sleeve, not really handing over the complete formula, but instead giving her an inferior product.

Now that the authentic Jade Dew Ointment was out, the Torby and Stratford families' Rejuvenation Cream seemed somewhat redundant.

If they didn't stop it in time, both the Torby and Stratford families would suffer huge losses!

A nobody like Dustin was actually causing two big families to be in a panic, something that had never happened before.

Chapter 1459 Plans Spoiled

"Hmph! This Dustin is really audacious, he actually dares to openly challenge us, he really doesn't know how to live!"

Winston's face was calm, with a glint of fierceness in his eyes.

During this period, in order to turn Rejuvenation Cream into a bestseller, the Torby family had spared no effort to mobilize all their resources.

Advertisements were everywhere, with bonuses and discounts, and a lot of capital had been invested.

Originally, they had planned to use this opportunity to build their reputation, make money, and expand their network.

But they didn't expect that they had just started and Dustin had spoiled their plans.

It was really disgusting.

"Isabela, didn't I tell you to deal with Dustin earlier? Why is he still alive?"

Sophia suddenly turned her head and looked at her daughter with a somewhat reproachful tone.


Isabela was at a loss for words.

Under her mother's stern gaze, she directly shifted the blame to Dominic: "Actually, it was handled by Dominic."


Dominic's lips twitched and he could only stand up with a stiff smile and say, "Aunt Sophia, I've hired experts to go out in the past few days, but Dustin is too cunning, like a rat, and has never shown himself, so I really can't do anything about it."

He had recently hired many people to track Dustin's whereabouts, but every time there was a clue, the other party would suddenly disappear.

This made it impossible for him to make a move.

"Even a country bumpkin like him can't be dealt with, it's very disappointing to me." Sophia said with a cold face.

Dominic and Isabela both bowed their heads, not daring to retort.

"Randolf, you personally lead the team to investigate and you must bring Dustin back, especially that prescription, you must get it at all costs."

Sophia turned around and instructed the housekeeper.


The Randolf replied and left quickly.

"Sophia, the Remington family already has the prescription for Jade Dew Ointment, just catching Dustin alone might not solve the root cause." Winston reminded.

The threat posed by the Remington family was naturally not comparable to that of a small fry like Dustin.

"Catching Dustin is just the first step, next, we need to combine the efforts of the two families, and focus on suppressing the Remington family, so that their Jade Dew Ointment can't be sold!" Sophia said.

"If that's the case, then we'll have to invest more money and resources," Winston said thoughtfully.

"We can't bear to let the child have no wolf to trap, if we want to dominate the market, we must eliminate all obstacles!" Sophia said coldly. "Th
"We can't bear to let the child have no wolves to hunt. Remington family is nothing more than a small family, not even a big family. With the connections and influence of our two families, it's enough to seal them off!"

"Yes! Seal off the Remington family! Eliminate the hidden dangers!"

Upon hearing this, everyone voiced their support.

You can't use the bow without having an arrow to shoot, and now that it has come to this, no matter what the cost, they must stabilize the situation.

"Good! That's settled!"

Winston slammed the table and said loudly, "The small Remington family actually dares to provoke two big families, really overestimating themselves! This time, I will make sure the Remington family loses everything!"

"That being said, how should we attack?" someone suddenly asked.

"Tomorrow is the Remington family's new drug launch event, I plan to give them a big gift, I guarantee they will remember it for the rest of their lives!" Sophia suddenly smiled.

Seeing this scene, those around her couldn't help but shiver.

Those familiar with Sophia knew that she was not one to speak or laugh lightly.

The last time she laughed like this was when she was killing someone.


The next day, in the early morning.

At the entrance of a subsidiary of the Remington Medical Holdings Consortium.

Belinda was directing his subordinates, busy everywhere.

Today was the day when the new company was officially established, and it was also the best time to release Jade Dew Ointment.

In order to better promote Jade Dew Ointment, she had used all the connections of the Remington family and sent out a large number of invitations.

As long as everything went smoothly, Jade Dew Ointment would become a healing holy medicine that everyone pursued!

Chapter 1460 Preparation for Launch

"Hey hey hey... raise the sign a little higher and place it in a prominent place."

"And the red carpet on the ground, spread it outside."

"Is the lion dance team here? Have them prepare quickly, we're about to open."


Belinda kept shouting, every detail had to be personally reviewed before she could be reassured.

Today, there must be no mistakes, everything must run smoothly.


At this moment, a Maybach suddenly stopped by the roadside.

Following that, Prudence, dressed in a suit, smiled as he got out of the car.

"Dad, you're here."

Belinda stopped what she was doing and immediately went up to greet him.

"How's it going? Is everything going smoothly?" Prudence looked around and admired his daughter's achievements.

"Of course, with me personally in charge, how could there be any problems?" Belinda said confidently with a smile.

"Well done."

Prudence nodded in satisfaction. "I've already talked to a few old friends, they all like your Jade Dew Ointment and plan to come over today to show their support and boost your popularity."

"That's great! Thank you, Dad!" Belinda's face lit up.

Her father's friends were all big shots.

If they could come to support her, it would naturally be icing on the cake.

"I've put all my eggs in one basket this time, whether the Remington family can rise to the next level or not depends on today." Prudence said.

For the matter of Jade Dew Ointment, the Remington family had also invested a lot of resources.

You had to gamble when you had a chance, just like going from a bicycle to a motorcycle.

"Dad, you can rest assured, there won't be any problems!" Belinda said confidently.

With just the strength of the Remington family alone, there might still be a gap, but now with the Fairchild family's help, she naturally had nothing to fear.

"That's good."

Prudence nodded in satisfaction, then looked around and asked in confusion, "Oh, by the way, what about your friend Dustin? As the founder of Jade Dew Ointment, isn't he planning to show up today?"

"Oh, speaking of which, as soon as you mention Dustin, Dustin is here, he's already here." Belinda pointed in a certain direction.

Prudence followed her line of sight and saw a young man in a suit, who looked handsome and was approaching with a smile.

"Young man, you've come at the right time, let me introduce you, this is my dad, your future father-in-law." Belinda blinked her eyes suggestively.

Just as Dustin approached, his smile couldn't help but freeze a little, and the words he was about to say were directly blocked.

This woman was really astonishing, she didn't stop.

"You girl, what nonsense are you talking about? You've scared people off."

Prudence scolded her and then extended his hand to Dustin, saying with a smile, "I'm Prudence, you can call me Uncle."

"Honor to meet you, Uncle." Dustin shook hands and returned the courtesy.

"I heard from Belinda that you're talented in both literary and martial arts, and today, seeing you in person, you do live up to your reputation!" Prudence looked him up and down and said with a benevolent smile.

Good looks, good character, and good abilities, the only thing missing was a good family background.

Of course, if he married into the Remington family, these things wouldn't matter.

"You flatter me, Uncle." Dustin smiled and replied, feeling a little uncomfortable under the scrutiny.

Why did he feel a bit strange?


Just as the three of them were talking, several luxury cars suddenly stopped by the roadside.

The car doors opened and a group of well-dressed men and women got out of the cars, walking over in a grand procession.

However, when Belinda saw the newcomers clearly, the smile on her face completely disappeared, and Prudence also frowned slightly.
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Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score
Jungal2000 Out of curiosity, I have already finished the chinese version till chapter 1709. As chinese version is bit confusing, and now I am waiting for your translations for the past 3 days🥲. You are doing a great work master💯🙌.
What do you think about how this story ranks characters? I'm a bit puzzled by the author's use of 'grandmaster' and 'half-step grandmaster.' Which one holds a higher rank? Dustin mentioned he's a half-step grandmaster before, so does that mean half-step is higher than just 'grandmaster'?

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score
I've got about 50 more chapters on the way. Once I've finished proofreading them, I'll start posting. If you happen to come across any mistakes, typos, or sentences that don't quite make sense, please don't hesitate to give me a heads-up. I'd really appreciate your help in getting those fixed.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
KF Moderator
Jun 4, 2023
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I've got about 50 more chapters on the way. Once I've finished proofreading them, I'll start posting. If you happen to come across any mistakes, typos, or sentences that don't quite make sense, please don't hesitate to give me a heads-up. I'd really appreciate your help in getting those fixed.
Is this a mistake or I don't understand?

Duke Chen or Dunkan? Duke Duncan why call him Duke Chen

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score
Is this a mistake or I don't understand?

Duke Chen or Dunkan? Duke Duncan why call him Duke Chen
Should be duncan for chen in my translations. If i missed let me know where?

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 1461 Poisonous Ointment

"How did they come here?"

Belinda and Prudence exchanged worried glances. Their faces grew serious.

The people who just got off the car were not here to celebrate joyously; they were members of the Torby and Stratford families.

It was clear that these visitors meant trouble.

Dustin, on the other hand, didn't react much, as if he had expected this.

Considering the reputation of the Torby and Stratford families, they would never tolerate the Remington family encroaching on their territory. So, they must have sent people to disrupt the situation.

"Sir Prudence, it's been a while. I hope you've been well," Winston said with a fake smile as he and a group of people walked forward.

"Sir Winston, your presence honors us. Please forgive us for not coming to greet you properly," Prudence replied, also forcing a professional fake smile.

"I heard that your Remington family has recently developed a miraculous healing medicine and is planning to officially sell it today. Is that true?" Winston asked, still smiling.

"It's just some experimentations by the younger generation, nothing worth mentioning," Prudence waved his hand dismissively.

"Sir Winston, you're too kind. Our medicine has a good reputation in the industry, but it's nothing compared to your famous 'Rejuvenation Ointment.' We're just small players," Prudence replied with a smile.

"Since you can't compare, how about you join us? We can all make money together in the future. What do you say?" Winston suggested with a sly look.

Prudence looked a bit troubled. This old fox was trying to take over their research results; he was truly insatiable.

"Belinda, our Torby family is willing to take you in as partners because we respect you. Don't make a mistake by refusing," Isabela said coldly.

"That's right. Wise people seize opportunities. If you contribute the formula for 'Jade Dew Ointment,' we can become close and profitable partners. Otherwise, we might have to resort to other means," Dominic added calmly.

Winston watched silently, smiling but saying nothing.

It's always polite to offer cooperation first. If the Remington family understood the situation and offered some benefits, there wouldn't be any trouble. But if they didn't, there might be a fight.

"What, are you trying to threaten us?" Belinda asked, her face turning cold.

"Threaten you? So what if we are?" Isabela sneered. "Your Remington family is far from being a top-tier clan. How can you compete with our two major families? If you're sensible, hand over the formula right now, and you'll still make some money. Otherwise, we'll make sure you get nothing!"

Belinda frowned slightly, her expression turning unpleasant. Beside her, Prudence's smile disappeared as well.

They had expected things to get unpleasant, but they hadn't anticipated that the Torby and Stratford families would be so confrontational.

"Get nothing?"

At this moment, Dustin suddenly burst into laughter. "Torby family, you really have big ambitions, thinking you can control everything."

"Dustin! So it's you causing trouble!" Isabela's eyes narrowed, and she said coldly, "You ungrateful scoundrel! My Torby family treated you well, and you're betraying us. You not only gave us a inferior formula, but you're also conspiring with the Remington family to undermine our business. You're truly despicable!"

"Ungrateful? Despicable?" Dustin chuckled, as if he was talking to a fool. "Isabela, do you even know what you're saying? I saved your life, saved your grandfather's life, and gave your Torby family a formula that can fill your pockets to the brim.

And what did you do? Instead of keeping your promises and even attempted to murder me to keep the formula all to yourselves. Who's the ungrateful one here?"

Chapter 1462 Arrogance and Cruelty

If I hadn't noticed in time, I might be a dead man right now.

I've helped you many times, but your Torby family repays kindness with enmity and breaks your promises.

I really want to ask, who is truly despicable? Who has a wolf's heart and a dog's lungs?"

The last few sentences were strong and righteous, causing many people around to whisper, and even Winston's face turned dark.

Exposing shady dealings like this in public was indeed embarrassing.

They should have never let Dustin leave the Torby family if they knew it would lead to this.

"You... you're talking nonsense!"

Isabela was getting frustrated. "Dustin! Don't think I don't know that you had ill intentions toward me. When I firmly rejected you, you harbored resentment and sought revenge. You're truly despicable!"

"Ill intentions? Are you even worthy?" Dustin scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Look at your face, look at your figure, what about you is better than Miss Remington? With your arrogance and cruelty, not even a blind man would be interested in you!"

At this, Belinda couldn't help but chuckle.

That was harsh!

For a proud woman, Dustin's words were undoubtedly a dagger to the heart.

"You, you, you... how dare you!"

Isabela was now furious. "You lowly wretch, you peasant! You actually dare to insult me? I'll tear your mouth apart!"

"Guards! Give him a slap!"

Dominic was furious and gave the order.

His fiancee had been insulted, and he felt humiliated.

"You want to fight, huh? I'll accompany you to the end!"

Belinda was well-prepared and whistled.

In the next second, a large number of bodyguards holding electric batons rushed out from the company, nearly dozens of them in total.

These bodyguards were tall and sturdy, clearly carefully selected elites. As soon as they appeared, they surrounded the Torby family members.

Each of them had a fierce look.

"What are you doing? Don't you value your lives? How dare you lay hands on us?!" Dominic angrily reprimanded.

"If you came to celebrate, we would naturally welcome you. But if you're here to cause trouble, don't blame me for not respecting you!" Belinda said coldly.

To prevent any accidents, she had invited many martial artists to maintain order.

If a fight broke out, both sides would likely suffer.


Isabela was about to say something else, but Winston raised his hand to stop her and said calmly, "Sir Prudence, your daughter is truly audacious, daring to attack our Torby and Stratford families. Have you considered the consequences?"

"Sir Winston, our people are only here to maintain order. As long as you don't cause trouble, they won't act recklessly," Prudence said calmly.

"Prudence, I'll give you one more chance. Are you really going to oppose our two major clans for an unknown person like this?" Winston squinted his eyes.

"Dustin is an ally of our Remington family, so his affairs are naturally our concern as well," Prudence replied without changing his expression.

With the arrow already on the string and no way to retreat, the Remington family had no choice but to make a decision.

"Very well! Let's see how capable your Remington family truly is!" Winston sneered. "I want to see today how big your Remington family's ability is!"

Just as he finished speaking, a hearse carrying a coffin suddenly roared to a stop in front of the Remington family's company gate.

Chapter 1463 A Life Taken

The hearse was a black van with the brand name "Horatio" written all over it.

A large white flower was hanging at the front, and on both sides, there were rows of small wreaths.

The words "Funeral Service" were written in white on the vehicle.

As soon as the Remington family saw this, they immediately frowned.

On the day of their grand opening, a hearse arrived at their doorstep. This was not a congratulatory gesture; it was a sign of mourning!

How terribly unlucky!


As the hearse came to a stop, two business cars pulled up right behind it.

As the car doors opened, a large number of people in white mourning clothes quickly poured out.

At the same time, an elegant coffin was carried out and, with a loud "thud," placed at the company's entrance.

"Which one of you is the founder of Jade Dew Ointment? Come out to me!"

At this moment, a middle-aged man in mourning clothes suddenly stepped forward and shouted angrily.

"Who are you people? Why are you bringing this thing here?" Belinda stepped forward and asked coldly.

"Of course, we're here to demand justice from you unscrupulous merchants!" The middle-aged man said with a look of sadness and anger. "The Jade Dew Ointment you sell is clearly poison. My father used it last night and died instantly. You must give us an explanation today!"

As he spoke, he forcefully lifted the coffin lid open.

Inside the coffin lay an elderly man in funeral attire.

The old man was emaciated, his face purple, and there were remnants of black bloodstains on his mouth and nose.

His chest had stopped moving, and his breath had completely ceased.

"Hmph! You better not talk nonsense! Our Jade Dew Ointment has undergone strict testing and is absolutely safe. Your father's death has nothing to do with us!" Belinda furrowed her brow and said.

Trouble had come knocking as soon as they had torn their masks off. It was clear that this was a conspiracy by the Torby and Stratford families.

By poisoning someone to death, they aimed to tarnish the reputation of Jade Dew Ointment.

Once this news got out, whether it was true or false, it would greatly affect sales.

"Still trying to deny it? The evidence is right here!"

The middle-aged man reached into the coffin and ripped off the old man's funeral attire, revealing his emaciated upper body.

There was a dark wound on his chest, surrounded by green ointment residue.

"See this? This is your Jade Dew Ointment!" The middle-aged man pointed at the green ointment and shouted, "My father had only a minor injury to begin with. But after using your Jade Dew Ointment, he was poisoned to death immediately! You unscrupulous merchants are worse than animals!"

"What evidence do you have to prove that it was our Jade Dew Ointment that harmed someone?" Belinda demanded.

"These are the records of our purchase, and this is the coroner's autopsy report. It clearly states that your Jade Dew Ointment killed my father!" The middle-aged man produced various documents, clearly well-prepared.

"These things can all be fabricated and do not count as evidence."

Belinda took a look and threw them on the ground.

"Alright! You unscrupulous merchants, you won't admit to killing someone, huh? I'm going to report you! I'll make sure you rot in jail!" The middle-aged man shouted in anger.

"Everyone, come and take a look! These merchants are so heartless that they don't care about a patient's life, truly devoid of conscience!"

"Hurry, take photos! Let everyone see how despicable these merchants are!"

"Give my father's life back to me! Give my father's life back to me!"

Chapter 1464 Press Chaos

At this moment, a group of mourning family members began to wail and shout.

There were angry curses and tearful pleas, creating a huge commotion that attracted a crowd of onlookers.

Some bystanders who didn't understand the situation began to point fingers and express their disdain. Some even took out their phones to record the scene, ready to share it online.

For a while, the entire scene was in chaos.

Belinda frowned, her face looking grim.

While she knew that someone was going to cause trouble today, she didn't anticipate it would be this troublesome.

They couldn't fight, couldn't argue, and explanations were futile. She was feeling a bit overwhelmed.

"Belinda, I thought your Jade Dew Ointment was some miraculous elixir, but it turns out it's a deadly poison," Isabela suddenly spoke in a sarcastic tone. "Your Remington family, a respected clan, is doing such morally reprehensible things for the sake of money. I'm truly disappointed in you!"

"That's right!" Dominic followed suit, "We sell medicine to save people, to benefit all living beings. But you, on the other hand, have extinguished human lives, acting heartlessly and ruthlessly. You are truly the worst of the worst!"

"This poison must not be allowed to harm people any longer. It must be banned!"

"Ban the Remington family! Ban Jade Dew Ointment!"

The crowd became increasingly agitated, shouting and clamoring, and the momentum was overwhelming.

"Everyone, please calm down."

At this moment, Prudence finally spoke, "The matter has not been investigated thoroughly yet, and it is too early to draw conclusions. We hope that you can give us some time, and we promise that we will uncover the truth!"

"No need for an investigation!"

The middle-aged man shouted angrily, "The evidence is conclusive now, and you can't talk your way out of it! You have only two choices: either a life for a life or voluntarily admit your guilt, publicly apologize, and compensate us for all our losses!"

Upon hearing this, even Prudence furrowed his brow.

Trading a life for a life was naturally impossible, and as for voluntarily admitting guilt and publicly apologizing, it would undoubtedly be walking into a trap.

By then, not only would Jade Dew Ointment be banned, but the entire reputation of the Remington family would suffer a tremendous blow.

Clearly, the other party was aiming for total destruction!

"Sir Prudence, you still have one more chance to make a choice. Will you accept my conditions or not?" Winston spoke at the right time.

"Do you think we'll yield to your demands? It's wishful thinking!"

Belinda flatly refused and said in a stern tone, "Let me tell you the truth. Even if we can't sell Jade Dew Ointment anymore, you won't get the genuine formula!"

"Fine! You brought this upon yourselves!"

Winston sneered and fell silent.

Following him, the Torby family's steward quietly took out his phone and made a call.

Soon, several black business cars parked discreetly around the corner roared to life.

When the car doors opened, a large number of media reporters poured out and immediately surrounded Belinda and her companions, bombarding them with questions.

Cameras, flashlights, and microphones were thrust into their faces.

"Miss Remington, we heard that your Jade Dew Ointment caused a death. Is this true?"

"Miss Remington, is it true that your family, in pursuit of profits, is selling poisonous drugs, committing acts that violate the law? Are you relying on powerful backers for support?"

"Ladies and gentlemen, according to the latest information we've received, a subsidiary of the Remington Corporation is suspected of manufacturing counterfeit drugs, leading to the death of a seventy-year-old man. I will provide you with live coverage..."

The reporters were all talking at once, relentlessly questioning.

In just a few words, they cemented the accusations against the Remington family, and public opinion was overwhelmingly against them.

Belinda was overwhelmed by the flashing lights, feeling dizzy and disoriented, completely unsure of how to respond.

Chapter 1465 Medical Bureau

"Hmph! Daring to challenge us? You're digging your own grave!"

Watching Belinda's frenzied actions, Isabela couldn't help but sneer repeatedly.

In the world of business, which was like a battlefield, the Torby family was well-versed in such dark tactics. In the past, those smaller and less influential forces that didn't know their place and refused to submit to the Torby family had all been destroyed.

It was clear that the Remington family wouldn't be an exception.

"Rumors! It's all just rumors!"

Seeing her daughter unable to withstand the pressure, Prudence decisively stepped forward and said sternly, "I can guarantee the reputation of the Remington family. The Jade Dew Ointment we have developed complies with all regulations and cannot have any problems. Today's incident is purely someone trying to frame us!"

"Nonsense! There's irrefutable evidence now! My father was killed by you!" the middle-aged man shouted.

Following him, a woman cooperated very well, throwing herself in front of the corpse and starting to cry loudly, "Dad! You died so tragically! You lived your whole life doing good deeds and accumulating virtue, but now you've been killed by these unscrupulous merchants. It's really unfair!"

Seeing this scene, cameras clicked incessantly, capturing the woman's tragic appearance in vivid detail.

The clamor at the scene grew more and more intense and had become somewhat uncontrollable.

"An eye for an eye, it's only natural that if you kill someone, you must pay the price. You, the Remington family, must take full responsibility for the man's death!" Dominic began to pour oil on the fire.

"That's right! Our Torby and Stratford families are acting for the country and the people, and we will never allow you, the Remington family, to oppress the virtuous and take advantage of the weak!" Isabela continued to fan the flames.


At this moment, several cars rushed to the scene and stopped by the side of the road.

As the car doors opened, a group of uniformed individuals strode forward with an imposing aura.

Wherever they went, the crowd automatically made way, creating a path.

"Who among you is the founder of Jade Dew Ointment?" the bald-headed man in charge swept his gaze around and had an unfriendly expression.

"I am."

Belinda stepped forward proactively and asked, "May I ask what your instructions are, sir?"

"We are from the Medical Bureau. According to our investigation, your Jade Dew Ointment contains a large amount of harmful substances, which is a serious violation of the law. I announce that your company will be permanently closed, and Jade Dew Ointment will be completely banned from sale!" the bald-headed man declared.


Belinda's expression changed, "Our Jade Dew Ointment has undergone strict testing. How could there be a problem?"

"Whether there is a problem or not is not for you to say. Right now, come with us to assist in the investigation!" the bald-headed man said coldly.

"Sir, the Jade Dew Ointment has already caused a loss of life. All relevant personnel must be arrested, especially that guy!" Isabela suddenly pointed at Dustin and said with a sinister expression, "From what I know, Jade Dew Ointment was developed by him. Now that it has caused someone's death, he should bear the primary responsibility and must be severely punished!"

"Oh? Is that so?"

The bald-headed man's sharp gaze turned toward Dustin, then he waved his hand and said, "Just by looking at his appearance, you can tell he's not a good person. Arrest him immediately!"

With that command, several men in uniforms behind him immediately took out handcuffs.

"Wait a minute!"

Belinda suddenly shouted to stop them, "One person should take responsibility for their own actions. If there's a problem with Jade Dew Ointment, it's my responsibility, and it has nothing to do with outsiders!"

"Belinda, you'd better think carefully. This is a case involving a loss of life. Once you go in, it'll be hard to come out. Is it worth it to take the blame for this guy?" Isabela said with a sardonic tone.

"Hmph! I may not be a good person, but I won't repay kindness with enmity and act like a beast," Belinda retorted.


Isabela's face turned cold, "Fine! You love going to jail so much? Then I'll grant your wish! Arrest her for me and give her a heavy punishment!"

"Arrest her!"

The bald-headed man waved his hand, and Belinda was immediately handcuffed.

Seeing that she was about to be taken into custody, Dustin, who had been observing from the sidelines, finally stepped forward and said coldly, "Wait a moment... I have something to say."

"What? Are you trying to obstruct law enforcement?" The bald-headed man had an unfriendly expression.


Grandmaster & Disciple of Sex Sect
Sep 18, 2023
Reaction score
What do you think about how this story ranks characters? I'm a bit puzzled by the author's use of 'grandmaster' and 'half-step grandmaster.' Which one holds a higher rank? Dustin mentioned he's a half-step grandmaster before, so does that mean half-step is higher than just 'grandmaster'?
Hindi pa Grandmaster si Dustin.
Half step to Grandmaster palang sya
Hindi daw sya nag papa grandmaster dahil parang pinapalalim nya yung foundation nya bago sya mag Grandmaster.

nagiging grandmaster sya kapag ginagamit nya yung family technique ng rhys family


Grandmaster & Disciple of Sex Sect
Sep 18, 2023
Reaction score
ito boss jungal2000, nag stop sya pero kaya nya mga breakthrough anytimeScreenshot_2023_0929_103628.jpg


Grandmaster & Disciple of Sex Sect
Sep 18, 2023
Reaction score
1442 boss uncle lorenzo naging uncle elijah


Grandmaster & Disciple of Sex Sect
Sep 18, 2023
Reaction score
I'm finding this a bit confusing because in one of the chapters, it mentioned Dustin becoming a grandmaster at the age of 10.
Oo nga nakakalito. naging Martial Grandmaster si dustin ng 15 . awit haha

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