An Understated Dominance Novel: Chapter 994 to 1320 Chinese Version

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Chapter 967
The big-mouthed man didn't stop at all and directly gave Yan Tao a facelift, which made him completely different!

The problem is that Yan Tao is the young master of the Jiuding Sect and has a distinguished status.

It is said that one person is inferior to ten thousand people.

Is this guy crazy? !

How dare he? ! !

"Stop! Stop it!"

Shen Yao finally couldn't stand it anymore and quickly stopped her.

But at this time, Yan Tao was already bloody and unconscious.

"Brother Dustin! Now you are in big trouble!"

Shen Yao groaned and quickly helped Yan Tao up, giving him medicine and pinching him, trying to wake him up.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Yan Tao was really beaten, something would happen.

Then not only Dustin, but also the entire Bixia Sect would suffer Yan Song's crazy revenge.

"Dustin! We shouldn't sit together with you. You've done us a lot of harm this time!"

Shen Chong was angry and panicked at the same time.

What the hell!

Why did you meet such a madman?

Regardless of Yan Tao's status or the power of the Jiuding Sect, if he is caught, he will be beaten.

It’s absolutely crazy!

"Brother Dustin! If you hit Yan Tao, disaster will come soon. Run away quickly, otherwise it will be too late!"

Han Yi was very nervous. As she spoke, she grabbed Brother Dustin's arm and tried to pull him out.

It turned out that the other party was motionless and completely unresponsive.

"Who dares to hit my son?!"

At this moment, an angry shout suddenly exploded at the door.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man with a majestic face and a powerful aura came in with a group of warriors.
The leading man is surprisingly the leader of the Jiuding Sect and the number one master in Youzhou—Yan Song!

"It's broken, it's broken! Master Yan is here!"

"Master Yan is so angry that no one in the entire Youzhou can withstand it!"

"Hmph! How dare you hit Mr. Yan? Let's see if you survive!"

Yan Song's appearance caused a commotion.

The onlookers took a few steps back, fearing that Chi Yu would be harmed.

Many people were gloating over the misfortune, looking at Dustin as if they were looking at a dying person.

"It's over! I can't even run away now..."

Han Yi's face turned pale and she was in despair.

She was still thinking about fighting for Dustin's chance of survival, but in the end she still didn't have time.

" seems there is no hope."

Shen Yao sighed, with a little more sympathy in her eyes.

Yan Song personally took action, which meant that Dustin would die or not.

"What a disaster!"

Shen Chong shook his head, with a bitter look on his face.

Dustin is dead, but they will also have to suffer the same fate, and they will inevitably be taught a lesson.

"Dad! You are finally here!"

After being rescued, Yan Tao wailed, staggered and fell in front of Yan Song, hugging his thighs and crying: "If you come a little later, I will be beaten to death! Look, look How has my face been beaten into shape? You must make the decision for me this time!"

"Who is it? Who dares to hurt you like this?!"

Looking at Yan Tao's face that was swollen into a pig's head, Yan Song was furious.

After so many years in Youzhou, no one has ever dared to hit his son.

who is he?

The leader of the Jiuding Sect!

The number one master in Youzhou!

Martial Alliance Elder!
Who wouldn’t be able to nod, bow, and salute?

Anyone who dares to challenge his authority in public is simply asking for death!

"Dad! It's that boy!"

Yan Tao pointed at Dustin and said with a look of resentment: "He was the one who beat me just now! He also made all kinds of noises, saying that you have a vain reputation. That's bullshit. It's just too much!"

"You dare to scold me? That's so presumptuous!"

Yan Song's face darkened, and his sharp eyes swept over.

However, when he saw Dustin's face clearly, he couldn't help being frightened and almost collapsed to the ground.


How did you meet this plague god? !

As an elder of the Martial Alliance, he saw clearly the grandmaster battle some time ago.

The man in front of me is a terrifying existence that has defeated Venerable Ziyang!

Not to mention scolding him, even if he was given a hard fight on the spot, he would not dare to say a word.

Chapter 968
"Now we're in trouble!"

Looking at the cold-faced Dustin, Yan Song, known as the number one master in Youzhou, was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat.

It was really unlucky to meet such a plague god.

You're not going to get beaten today, are you?

"Dad! Why are you still standing there? Beat him! Beat him to death!"

"Today I want to make this kid understand what it means to kill yourself by striking an egg against a stone!"

Yan Tao's face was full of ferocity and he kept shouting.

"Shut up!"

Yan Song's expression changed, and he slapped Yan Tao hard on the face with his backhand.


Yan Tao was beaten so hard that he staggered and was completely stunned.

The few remaining teeth also popped out, and the face that was originally swollen into a pig's head became even more unsightly.

"Dad? You...why did you hit me?"

Yan Tao's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

You know, from childhood to adulthood, he has always been a treasure in the palm of your hand.

Usually my father doesn’t even say a harsh word. What happened today?

You actually slapped him in public?

are you crazy? !

"What's wrong with beating you? Shouldn't you be beaten?"

"Relying on the majesty of the Jiuding Sect all day long, I act arrogant and domineering outside, bullying men and dominating women, and ruining my reputation!"

"Today, I must teach you a lesson!"

Yan Song yelled and cursed, and slapped Yan Tao twice, knocking Yan Tao to the ground.

Then, still not relieved, he started punching and kicking.

The moves are ruthless and show no mercy.
Yan Tao was beaten until he wailed and screamed repeatedly.

With that posture, those who didn't know it thought there was some deep hatred between the two.


The sudden change made everyone dumbfounded.

Everyone was dumbfounded and shocked.

According to their assumptions, Yan Song came with a large group of troops to stand up for Yan Tao and teach the perpetrators a lesson.

Why are you beating your own son now?

And he beat him so hard.

what's the situation?

"What happened to Master Yan? Did you take the wrong medicine?"

"Who knows? Master Yan is famous for protecting his enemies. Why does he seem to be a different person today?"

"It's too cruel! How can this be a lesson to my son? This is clearly just venting resentment!"


Seeing Yan Tao being beaten violently, everyone whispered, feeling surprised, stunned, and at the same time somewhat pitiful.

It was okay to be beaten severely by Dustin before, but now he is beaten by his own father. It is really miserable.

The problem is that Yan Song dotes on his son very much.

Anyone who dares to provoke him will have his hands and feet cut off, or he will be killed on the spot.

Today, he went out of his way and beat his son like a dog. It was really weird.


At this moment, Han Yi, Shen Yao, Shen Chong and the others were all confused.

He stood there blankly, a little at a loss.

When they saw Yan Song, they thought they were in for a big disaster.

As a result, things took a turn for the worse. Not only did Yan Song not cause trouble for them, he also taught his own son a lesson.

When did Sect Leader Yan, who used force to conquer others and was all about himself, become so reasonable?

"Master! Stop fighting. Stop fighting. If you fight again, you will die!"
After coming back to his senses, a group of Jiuding Sect disciples began to break up the fight, allowing Yan Tao to save his life.

"Hmph! This domineering traitor deserves to be beaten to death!"

Yan Song looks like he hates evil as much as he hates his enemies, and he will kill his relatives out of righteousness.

As he said this, the fists and kicks in his hands finally stopped.

If the fight continues, I'm afraid something will really happen.

"Fellow martial arts comrades, today's incident is due to my poor discipline, Yan. Here, I will show everyone my fault."

Yan Song turned around and bowed deeply to Dustin and others to express his apology.

Dustin had no expression on his face and accepted it very calmly.
Chapter 1077: The Humiliating Race

Her voice instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

You see, this ice-cold beauty had been silent since entering the racetrack. She had always maintained an attitude of keeping people at arm’s length, making everyone afraid to approach her.

Now, she was unexpectedly siding with Dustin, which was quite surprising.

“Dahlia, why are you helping this guy?” Victoria looked puzzled.

For someone with a cold personality like hers, this behavior was clearly out of character.

“I’m purely curious. I want to see where his confidence to win this horse race comes from,” Dahlia replied nonchalantly.

That’s what she said, but deep down, she felt something odd. Just now, she almost blurted out and instinctively defended this stranger.

It was rather strange.

“Well, since Dahlia is interested, let’s give this guy a chance,” Garrett said politely, smiling.

“Thanks to Dahlia’s support, I’ll give you a chance to lose. Get on your horses!” Morgan mounted Black Dragon, looking down at Dustin with disdain.

With a one million wager handed to them on a silver platter, they were more than happy to oblige.

Dustin gave Dahlia a meaningful look but didn’t say anything. He swung his leg over and climbed onto the dwarf horse.

As the two horses stood side by side, Dustin’s head only reached Morgan’s shoulder, making him almost two heads shorter.

“Hmph! This guy dares to participate? Truly overestimating himself!”

“Using a woman’s money to gamble, how shameless!”

The crowd whispered among themselves, and their gazes towards Dustin were filled with disdain.

It was obvious that he was going to lose, yet he insisted on participating, making a fool of himself.


After the two contestants were prepared, Garrett, acting as the referee, shouted, “Begin!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Morgan urged Black Dragon forward, and the horse shot out like an arrow, incredibly fast.

On the other hand, Dustin remained calm, holding the reins and leisurely moving forward on the dwarf horse.

His posture didn’t resemble a horse race at all; it looked more like a leisurely stroll.

“What is this guy doing? Why is he walking instead of running? Start running!”

“No matter how fast he runs, he can’t compete with Black Dragon. I think he knows he’s going to lose and is deliberately performing poorly.”

Seeing Dustin riding so slowly, the crowd couldn’t help but point and ridicule. There was scorn, disdain, and mockery in their words, but above all, there was disgust.

Being unable to compete was one thing, but not even trying was another matter altogether. It was entirely about his attitude.

“Dahlia, look at this guy; how despicable!”

Victoria was displeased. “You kindly helped him, and this is how he behaves? He deserves to sell insurance for the rest of his life!”

“Some people will always be mediocre,” Garrett said with a mocking smile.

Dahlia furrowed her brows and remained silent. Her gaze gradually turned cold, and she felt a strange sense of disappointment.

“Shiela, do you see this? This guy is just seeking attention!”

Vivian was indignant. “He doesn’t mind embarrassing himself, but we’re embarrassed!”

“Hmph! He’s so shameless to use a woman’s money for gambling!” Chase scowled.

Shiela bit her lip, her expression complicated.

She didn’t understand why Dustin would deliberately perform poorly.

“Ha-ha-ha… Hey there, can you go faster? I can’t wait any longer!”

After running for a while, Morgan turned around and saw that Dustin was far behind. She stopped her horse and deliberately taunted him.

Dustin remained unfazed. He continued to ride the dwarf horse at a slow pace, gradually closing the gap.

“Hurry up! Run faster! Come on!” Morgan urged continuously, behaving as if she were playing with a cat and mouse.

After several repetitions of this, the onlookers burst into laughter, as if they were watching a clown.
Chapter 1078: The Unexpected Turn

“Come on, come on… Come and catch me!”

“Go faster… A little faster!”

Morgan rode Black Dragon, running intermittently and occasionally looking back to mock Dustin.

She didn’t take Dustin seriously at all; instead, she began to playfully toy with him.

At the height of her amusement, she even circled around the dwarf horse while riding Black Dragon.

Under the suppression of bloodline superiority, the dwarf horse was trembling with fear, and it slowed down even further.

“Ha-ha-ha… Doesn’t this look more like a leisurely walk than a horse race?”

“Who said it didn’t? It’s like being taken for a stroll by Morgan; it’s completely lacking in spirit, so embarrassing!”

Morgan’s group of friends didn’t hold back in their mockery.

“No good horse, no skill, and yet he dared to challenge Morgan? Truly ignorant!” Vivian sneered.

“Just a jumping clown. If this trash wins, I’ll eat s***!” Chase sneered.

“A grown man, humiliated by a woman riding on his head, if I were him, I’d probably find a hole to crawl into. It’s too embarrassing!” Victoria mocked.

She had been holding a grudge since she was slapped earlier, and Morgan’s actions now helped her vent her frustration.

“Ms Dahlia, you shouldn’t have sympathized with such a mediocre person,” Garrett said sarcastically.

“It’s just a million; let’s consider it entertainment,” Dahlia said expressionlessly.

“That’s true.”

Garrett nodded ambiguously, then shouted to Morgan, “Morgan, stop playing; it’s not fun anymore. Let’s end it.”


Morgan responded and turned to look at Dustin. “Hey, you, I’m not playing with you anymore. Enjoy eating my dust from behind!”

With that, she spurred Black Dragon forward, heading straight for the finish line.

Throughout the race, Dustin had been riding in a leisurely manner, as if he were completely uninvolved.

Just when everyone thought the outcome was certain, something unexpected happened.

While Black Dragon was running, for some unknown reason, it suddenly neighed and lifted its front hooves high in the air.

Morgan, who had been overconfident, was thrown off the horse and fell to the ground, covered in dirt.

“What’s going on? Did she make a mistake?”

This sudden turn of events startled everyone.

No one had expected Morgan to encounter an accident just a hundred meters away from the finish line.

“Black Dragon! What are you doing? Why did you suddenly stop?”

Morgan, struggling to stand up, looked a bit annoyed.

She hadn’t even touched the reins, but Black Dragon had suddenly stopped, catching her off guard.

Fortunately, she hadn’t fallen too hard and was able to get up and continue racing.

Dustin rode the dwarf horse leisurely and approached slowly.

“Hmph! I fell, so what? I can still beat you.”

Morgan glared at him and got back on her horse.

“Is that so? Then good luck to you.”

Dustin smiled faintly and continued riding at a leisurely pace.

“Black Dragon! Charge!”

Morgan shouted, urging her horse to speed up in an attempt to leave Dustin behind and win the race.

However, her command had no effect at all.

Black Dragon remained rooted in place, visibly agitated and unwilling to move forward, as if it were afraid of something ahead.

“Black Dragon! Charge! Charge!”

As Dustin slowly overtook her, Morgan grew increasingly desperate. She kicked and urged her horse desperately, but Black Dragon simply refused to budge.

“Hey! Can’t you move even a little?”

Morgan was furious. She pulled out her riding crop and started whipping Black Dragon, putting a lot of force into each strike.

Black Dragon neighed in distress but still refused to move forward.

Then, to the astonishment, disbelief, and shock of the onlookers, Dustin, riding the dwarf horse, strolled past the finish line without much effort.

From start to finish, he barely ran and won the race with exceptional ease.
Chapter 1079: The Unexpected Outcome

However, it was extremely strange.

“How is this possible? The dwarf horse actually won against the Black Dragon?”

“What’s going on? Can this even happen?!”

“What’s Morgan doing? Why didn’t she just sprint directly? What’s with all the dawdling?”

After Dustin won, the entire arena was in chaos.

Everyone wore expressions of shock and disbelief, finding it difficult to accept.

Before the race began, they were all confident that Morgan would win.

Indeed, the race had played out that way, with Black Dragon dominating the entire time.

However, no one had expected that, at the last moment, Black Dragon would suddenly have an issue and refuse to run.

What was this?

A strike?

Throwing a tantrum?

“We won, we won! Big Brother Dustin won!”

After a brief moment of shock, Shiela immediately cheered and celebrated, her face beaming with joy.

She hadn’t even dreamed that Dustin, who had chosen a dwarf horse, would actually win.

It was truly miraculous!

“This guy is so lucky; he won for no reason.” Vivian was somewhat displeased.

“Darn it! Why? Why can a dwarf horse win?” Chase was both unwilling and jealous.

If he had known it would be so easy to win, he would have taken the opportunity to show off earlier, not only gaining recognition but also earning Shiela’s favor. It would have been a win-win situation.

“Why is this? He can win by walking the whole way; isn’t that too exaggerated?”

Victoria’s eye twitched, and she couldn’t remain calm.

She had hoped to see Dustin lose and humiliate him.

Now, things had turned around, and he had won.

“It’s strange,” Dahlia said with an unusual look in her beautiful eyes.

She didn’t understand why Dustin had remained calm and composed the entire time, as if he had anticipated this outcome.

“Morgan was really careless. She should have finished the race earlier. There was no need to play cat and mouse; it’s like lifting a stone to smash her own foot!”

Garrett furrowed his brows and looked displeased.

If she hadn’t kept stopping and starting, she could have easily won.

Now, she had lost, and it was a huge blow to her reputation.

A top-breed horse couldn’t even beat a dwarf horse. If news of this spread, how could she face anyone?

“Morgan, it seems your tough horse isn’t that great after all.”

After reaching the finish line, Dustin rode the dwarf horse slowly back.

There was a faint smile on his lips, which seemed mocking and full of amusement.


Morgan gritted her teeth, extremely angry.

She had a stomach full of anger and nowhere to vent it, so she dismounted and took out her riding crop, hitting Black Dragon with all her strength.

The sound of the whip cracking rang out, and she was merciless.

“Damned beast! It’s your fault I lost the race!”

“I told you to move! I told you not to hold me back! Watch me beat you to death!”

“You beast! You’ve ruined my reputation!”

Morgan lashed out at Black Dragon while venting her anger.

Black Dragon was neighing in distress, becoming increasingly restless.

Unable to endure it any longer, it kicked her in the face.


Morgan was sent flying five or six meters away, crashing heavily to the ground. She was knocked unconscious on the spot.

Her jaw shattered, teeth fell out, blood sprayed from her mouth and nose, and her entire face was disfigured, looking extremely horrifying.

Black Dragon’s kick exemplified the concept of karma.
Chapter 1080: The Offer


Watching Morgan being kicked away, everyone’s expressions changed dramatically.

No one had expected Black Dragon to suddenly kick like that.

Even from a distance, they could hear the sound of bones cracking.


Garrett exclaimed in shock and ran over to Morgan in a state of extreme nervousness.

After flipping her over and taking a look, he was instantly stunned.

Morgan’s entire face was disfigured, almost beaten to a pulp.

It was horrifying to look at, making one’s scalp tingle and heart race.

Although he had some medical knowledge, it was limited to things like resetting dislocated joints. There was no way he could treat an injury like this.

“Quick! Call a doctor!”

After coming back to his senses, Garrett repeatedly shouted.

Everyone snapped out of their daze and immediately got busy.

In no time at all, the severely injured Morgan was carried away, along with Garrett and his entourage, who hurriedly left.

However, before leaving, Garrett cast a malicious glare at Dustin, his heart filled with resentment.

“This is terrible! She was kicked several meters away, and her face is completely destroyed. Can it even be saved?”

“This is her own fault. If she had lost, she should have accepted it. Why did she whip Black Dragon? It’s like digging her own grave.”

“Now it seems that the dwarf horse isn’t bad after all. At least it can’t kick anyone in the face.”

Shiela’s friends whispered to each other.

They had long been fed up with Morgan’s attitude, but because of her status, they had never dared to confront her.

Now, seeing her get kicked by a horse, they couldn’t help feeling a little schadenfreude.

“Shiela, I’m returning Henry to you.”

Dustin brought the white horse Henry back to Shiela.

“Thank you so much, Big Brother Dustin! You’re amazing!”

Shiela smiled sweetly, extremely excited.

She had developed a bond with Henry, and now that she had gotten it back, she was naturally very happy.

“Hmph! What’s so great about it? It’s just luck.” Chase was a bit sarcastic.

“That’s right! In this round, I could have gone up!” Vivian chimed in.

“Then why didn’t you?” Dustin asked.

“I… I…” Vivian was left speechless. She hadn’t gone up because she was afraid of losing.

Who could have imagined that a dwarf horse could actually beat Black Dragon? It was beyond belief!

“How did you do it?”

At this moment, Dahlia suddenly approached, curiosity in her beautiful eyes.

“What did I do?” Dustin pretended not to know.

“Black Dragon suddenly stopped. Wasn’t that because you were up to something?” Dahlia asked tentatively.

She was suspicious because Dustin had remained calm and composed the whole time, as if he had been confident of this outcome.

“Miss Dahlia, meals can be eaten casually, but words cannot be spoken carelessly. It was Morgan’s own arrogance that caused her to lose control of Black Dragon. What does it have to do with me?” Dustin shrugged.

He naturally couldn’t admit to anything like that.

“Is that so?”

Dahlia looked deeply into Dustin’s eyes and didn’t continue to ask. Instead, she took out a business card and handed it over. “I see that you’re a talented person. Working as an insurance salesman is beneath you. If you’re interested, you can come to work at my company.”

As soon as this statement came out, many people showed surprised expressions.

Especially Chase and a few other men, who were even more jealous.

Damn, what has this kid done to make this cold beauty take such a liking to him?

You have to know that this woman is a big shot that even the Sterling’s family heiress (Victoria) has to curry favor with.
Chapter 1081: Confrontation with Max

“Thank you for your offer, Miss Dahlia, but I’ll pass,” Dustin said, shaking his head, declining to take the business card.


Dahlia raised an eyebrow, somewhat surprised. “Are you sure you don’t want to consider it?”

It was rare for someone to reject her, and especially so decisively, without any hesitation.

“No, I’ve decided. Selling insurance suits me just fine, and I’m not used to working in a big company,” Dustin politely declined again.

“Hey! Do you know how many people would give anything for an opportunity like this, just to get into my sister Dahlia’s company? This is your chance, and you’re rejecting it so casually!” Victoria arrogantly remarked.

As the adopted daughter of Lord Montgomery, even the aristocrats in Stonia would show her respect. An insurance salesman like Dustin had no right to refuse her.

“Opportunity knocks only once, and you’ve missed your chance for a meteoric rise,” Chase sneered, looking at him as if he were an idiot.

When the goddess herself extends an invitation, and you turn it down, it’s simply foolish.

“Alright, alright, let’s not talk about this anymore. I’m hungry. Let’s go back and have something to eat,” Shiela intervened, trying to change the subject.

Dustin wasn’t swayed by her beauty, and she was relieved.

Although she was very pretty, in the presence of someone like Dahlia, she had no advantage at all and would even be overshadowed.

She was quite satisfied with the current outcome.

After leaving the racetrack, the group returned to the Murray residence. However, as soon as they entered the main gate, a middle-aged man blocked their way.

This man was tall and imposing, and just standing there, he exuded a strong aura.

He was Max Murray, the current head of the Murray family.

“Uncle?” Shiela’s smile froze when she saw the man.

She had always been somewhat afraid of this stern uncle of hers.

“Where were you all just now?” Max asked sternly, his hands behind his back.

“We went to the racetrack for a while. Why?” Shiela replied.

“So, it was your actions that led to Morgan being injured by a horse?” Max questioned.

“That was just an accident. It had nothing to do with us,” Shiela quickly explained.

“An accident?”

Max snorted, “Black Dragon is well-trained. How could it suddenly turn on its master? I suspect you had a hand in this!”

“Uncle, we really didn’t do anything. It was Morgan’s own issue,” Shiela tried to clarify.

“Shut up!”

Max glared at her and said, “As the head of the family, I say you’re guilty, so you are! You dared to harm my daughter in secret? You’re truly heinous!”

“Guards! Arrest all of them for me!”

“Anyone who dares to resist will be shot on the spot!”

With his command, a large number of armed soldiers rushed out from both sides and quickly surrounded the group.

The atmosphere immediately became tense.
Chapter 1082: Fierce Confrontation

“Uncle! Please don’t act recklessly! They are all my friends!” Shiela exclaimed, startled, raising her hands to shield her friends.

“Hmph! A bunch of dubious characters; just looking at them, I can tell they’re up to no good. Step aside!” Max snapped.

“I won’t let you! They’re all innocent! You can’t harm them!” Shiela argued passionately.

“Lord Max, we didn’t do anything wrong; this is all a misunderstanding!” Vivian quickly explained.

“Yeah, yeah! It was just an accident that Morgan got injured, and it had nothing to do with us!” the others chimed in, sounding panicked.

With Max in power and his reputation for decisiveness, if they fell into his hands, it wouldn’t end well. Even if they didn’t die, they’d likely suffer greatly.

“Still trying to talk your way out of this? If it weren’t for your tampering, how could Black Dragon suddenly go berserk? Do you take me for a fool?” Max said sternly.

Based on the information he had received, there were two suspicious points in this incident. First, Black Dragon was a well-trained warhorse; how could it lose to a small horse? Second, Black Dragon had never behaved aggressively or disobeyed orders before, so why did it suddenly attack its rider? These raised doubts in his mind.

“Wait a minute! Lord Max Murray, if someone is really at fault here, it must be him!” At this moment, Chase Johnson suddenly pointed at Dustin and started accusing him. “Just now, he raced against Morgan and even won. He has the strongest motive!”

“That’s right! I thought it was strange at the time, and now that I think about it, this guy is indeed suspicious. He must have harmed Morgan!” Vivian echoed, fervently agreeing.

“Lord Max, you should arrest him. We have nothing to do with this!” the others added frantically.

At this point, the truth didn’t matter; they just wanted to distance themselves from the situation and avoid trouble.

Otherwise, they would undoubtedly suffer if they were caught.

“It’s you!”

Max’s sharp gaze soon settled on Dustin. “You won the race just now, didn’t you?”

“I did win the race, but your daughter’s injury was her own fault, and it had nothing to do with me,” Dustin replied calmly.

While he had indeed employed some tactics to stall Black Dragon momentarily, he hadn’t intentionally harmed anyone. The blame lay with Morgan for her impulsive actions, which provoked Black Dragon.

“Her own fault?” Max’s face darkened even further, and he sneered, “Very well… very well! You really did it, didn’t you? Men, come and grab this lad for me! We’ll use torture to extract a confession!”


Four armed soldiers immediately stepped forward, raising their rifles, ready to apprehend him.

“Stop! Don’t come any closer!” Shiela suddenly drew a knife and stood in front of Dustin, declaring, “If any of you dare to make a move, don’t blame me for not being polite!”

The four soldiers exchanged glances and hesitated, not daring to approach her.

As the beloved granddaughter of the old general, Shiela held a high position in the family.


Max shouted, “Shiela! You dare to shield this murderer!?”

“Dustin is not a murderer, and you have no evidence to arbitrarily arrest him!” Shiela argued firmly.

“Evidence? Hmph! My word is evidence enough!” Max declared confidently, “Once I subject him to severe torture, he’ll confess. Move aside!”

“No!” Shiela remained resolute.


Max’s anger flared, and he delivered a heavy slap across Shiela’s face.


The blow sent Shiela stumbling, her fair and delicate face quickly swelling.

“Hmm?” Seeing this, Dustin couldn’t help but furrow his brows.

He hadn’t expected Max to be so unreasonable and to strike even his own niece.

“Get out of the way, or I’ll arrest you too!”
Chapter 1083: Family Discussion

Max remained composed, his gaze hostile.

“No, I won’t!” Shiela clenched her lips, refusing to give in.

“You—” Max raised his hand, intending to strike her, but Dustin grabbed his arm and coldly warned, “If you dare to act recklessly again, be prepared for me to break your hand!”


“Release Sir Murray!” The surrounding soldiers approached, their rifles aimed menacingly at Dustin’s head.

“Stop!” At this moment, a loud voice suddenly resounded from outside the door.

Everyone turned to look and saw a middle-aged man with a heroic appearance and a beautiful woman accompanying him, striding in energetically.

These two people were none other than Shiela’s parents, Caden and Lily.

“Big brother, what exactly did our daughter Shiela do to make you point a gun at her?” Caden asked sternly, his face cold.

He had witnessed the earlier slap clearly.

“Big brother, do you think that our Shiela is the culprit?” Caden squinted his eyes.

“Shiela isn’t, but all her friends, including this lad, are under suspicion, especially this boy!” Max pointed at Dustin.

“It’s you?” Caden looked over, his brow furrowing involuntarily.

He remembered their encounter in Swinston; they had clashed over the Gozoraberry Fruit. Later, his father had unexpectedly removed him from the position of Family Head.

So, he held a deep aversion toward Dustin.

“What? Second brother knows him?” Max examined Dustin up and down.

“I’ve met him once, but I wouldn’t say we know each other,” Caden replied calmly. “Big brother, when Father returns, he will see what you’ve done. If he finds out, he’ll blame you. If you trust me, let me handle this. If there is someone plotting behind the scenes, I will definitely find the culprit and avenge Morgan!”

With a meaningful glance at Dustin, Caden added, “You better cooperate.”

After a brief hesitation, Max nodded reluctantly. “Fine, I’ll give you face this time. I’ll let them go for now, but you better provide an explanation soon.”

“No problem,” Caden agreed with a slight nod.


Max waved his hand, and with a group of soldiers in tow, he left in haste.

Although he didn’t care much about Caden, he dared not escalate the situation further, especially if his father found out.

“Lily, take Shiela and her friends to rest for a while. I have something to discuss with Dustin,” Caden instructed his wife with a meaningful look.

“Shiela, don’t worry. It’s just a conversation; there’s no need to be nervous,” Lily reassured her daughter with a smile before leading the group inside.

“Lad, what’s your real purpose in getting close to my daughter?” Caden inquired directly.

“You’ve misunderstood. Shiela and I are just friends,” Dustin replied calmly.

“Just friends?”

Caden snorted. “If you were just friends, would my daughter go to such lengths to protect you?”

“Shiela has a good personality; she stands up for her friends. What’s wrong with that?” Dustin countered.

“Kid, don’t think I don’t know what you’re up to.”

Caden gave Dustin a piercing glare. “I’ve seen many like you, trying to climb higher by latching onto someone else. Just so you know, you’re not qualified! If you’re smart, stay away from my daughter. Understand that I saved you just now; at the same time, I can destroy you!”
Chapter 1084: Confrontation

“Caden, are you trying to threaten me?” Dustin’s smile slowly faded as he listened to the harsh words.

He had never liked Caden from the beginning, considering him to be a person who lacked integrity, someone who was unreliable.

“If you heed my advice, it’s a warning; if you don’t, it’s a threat,” Caden openly admitted without any hesitation.

“Let me make it clear once more, Shiela and I are just ordinary friends. Between you and me, it’s best that we keep our distance,” Dustin calmly stated.

“Young man, it seems you haven’t quite understood yet.”

Caden coldly snorted. “With your kind of personality, do you really think you can be friends with my daughter? Are you even qualified? Please, take a look in the mirror and reflect on your character. The threshold of our Murray family is not something you can reach.”

What was once a threat had now turned into open humiliation.

“Caden, don’t overestimate yourself. Your pride is not worth mentioning in my eyes,” Dustin retorted.

“Humph! You may not have much ability, but you certainly have a big mouth. Do you truly believe I can’t deal with you?” Caden’s eyes flashed with a cold light.

“I advise you not to act recklessly. You might regret it,” Dustin warned.

If someone doesn’t offend me, I won’t offend them. If someone offends me, I will definitely respond.

“Young man, no one has ever dared to speak to me like this before. Since you’re so ungrateful, don’t blame me for turning hostile!” Caden declared, his face cold. “People, come here! This guy plotted against Morgan, causing her severe injuries that landed her in the hospital. We now have irrefutable evidence. Seize him for me!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the group of soldiers stationed at the door immediately turned around and surrounded Dustin.

“Are you trying to slander me?” Dustin furrowed his brows.

“I gave you a chance, but you didn’t appreciate it. Now, it’s too late for regrets!” Caden sneered.

Seeing the soldiers approaching, Dustin waved his hand, and a row of silver needles shot out.

“Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh…”

In the next moment, all the soldiers froze in place, unable to move, as if they had been hit by a petrification spell.


Seeing this, Caden couldn’t help but look surprised. “You do have some skills. No wonder you’re so arrogant. However, you’ve met your match today!”

With that, he suddenly made a move, reaching out with a claw-like hand. His fingers were as hard as iron, shiny and black, clearly carrying a potent poison.

As he extended his claw, a black mist swirled around him, emanating a bone-chilling cold.


Dustin’s pupils contracted, and he quickly dodged to the side, while shouting, “Wait! Are you practicing the Soul-Devouring Technique?”

“What’s the matter? Are you scared now?” Caden sneered. “I’m even more formidable than you thought. It seems you’re just a coward who fears evil. Do you really think I believe your nonsense?”

“Kid, don’t think I’m afraid of your words.”
Chapter 1085: Caden’s Surprise

“Dustin, the Soul-Devouring Technique is a shortcut method, only practiced by those who have no other choice. If you continue practicing like this, you’ll die sooner or later!” Dustin solemnly warned.

“Nonsense! I’m in great shape now, stronger than ever before. Even if a thousand soldiers are in front of me, I’m not afraid in the slightest!” Caden boasted.

“Strength is only superficial. Right now, you’re already gravely ill. If you persist in your foolishness, you’ll harm yourself and others!” Dustin cautioned.

Practicing the Soul-Devouring Technique, if it led to a sudden death, it might even be considered a fortunate outcome. The real danger lay in going insane, with unpredictable consequences.

The first to suffer would be those around the practitioner, like friends and family.

You never knew when Caden might go mad and end up killing Shiela.

“Young man! Don’t babble any more nonsense. Even if you speak like a sage today, I won’t spare you!” Caden sneered, preparing to attack again.

Just as Dustin was about to counterattack, a gunshot suddenly rang out from outside the main gate.


At the sound of the gunshot, both of them instinctively stopped their movements.

Turning their heads in the direction of the sound, they saw an elderly man with graying hair, a robust figure, and several subordinates walking towards them with their heads held high.

The elderly man had a square face, a stubble of beard on his chin, and his imposing aura exuded a strong sense of killing intent.

This was none other than General Christopher Murray, the Dragonmarsh’s General and Defender of the Nation!


Seeing the newcomer, Caden instantly lost his temper, standing meekly to the side with an expression of respect.

“What’s going on? Fighting in front of the house? Aren’t you afraid of being laughed at?” General Murray asked sternly.

“Dad, this guy secretly harmed Morgan, and I was about to apprehend him for questioning,” Caden explained with a lowered head.


Christopher looked at Dustin. “Young man, you look somewhat familiar. What’s your name?”

“The humble servant Dustin, and I greet General Murray,” Dustin respectfully greeted him.


Christopher’s eyes lit up, and he laughed heartily. “So it’s you, young man. I knew you looked familiar.”

“Dad, do you know him?” Caden asked, somewhat bewildered.

“This young man saved Shiela’s life. Don’t you remember?” General Christopher Murray scolded him, displeased.

“Oh, right.”

Caden remembered, feeling a little embarrassed.

“This young man has treated our family for illness, and we paid him for his services. So, we don’t owe him anything,” Caden explained with a stiff expression. “Besides, this guy harmed Morgan. If I don’t capture him, I won’t be able to explain it to Big Brother Max.”

“Is Morgan dead?” General Christopher Murray asked.

“Not dead, but…” Caden wanted to stir up more trouble, but he was interrupted by Christopher’s impatience. “If she’s not dead, then that’s fine. Why so much nonsense? If Max has any objections, let him come find me!”


Caden was taken aback. Why had his father suddenly changed so much? His own granddaughter had been harmed, and he didn’t seem to care?

“What are you standing there for? Get out of the way!”

General Christopher Murray pushed Caden aside and then hooked his arm around Dustin’s shoulder, smiling mischievously. “Young man, you’ve come a long way. Let’s have a few drinks tonight!”


Seeing the two men walk away, Caden stood still, somewhat dazed.

What was going on? Had he seen a ghost today?
Chapter 1086: General Christopher Murray’s Request

Under General Christopher Murray’s cordial invitation, Dustin eventually entered an antique study room. As fragrant tea was served, the two men began their conversation.

“Young man, more than ten years have passed in the blink of an eye, haven’t they? Compared to the past, you’ve truly undergone a remarkable transformation!”Christopher marveled as he examined Dustin from top to bottom.

Ten years ago, Dustin had been known as the Dragonmarsh’s number one young genius, arrogant and unruly.

Now, he was reserved and low-key, a complete transformation.

“It’s been ten years since we last met. General Murray, you still exude the same grandeur, and your charisma remains as captivating as ever,” Dustin complimented.

“Hahaha… I’m already an old man with one foot in the grave. Where’s the grandeur in that?” Christopher laughed and shook his head. “Young man, they say trouble never comes alone. Did you suddenly visit because you have something on your mind?”

“Let me be honest. The reason I came this time is to pay my respects to you, General, and also to request your assistance,” Dustin got straight to the point and placed a prepared gift on the table.

“Oh? Tell me more,” Christopher said with a smile as he took a sip of tea.

“I’ve heard that someone has given you a Cherusia (Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom). This item is of great importance to me, and I’m willing to pay a high price to purchase it. I hope you can bear the pain of parting with it,” Dustin respectfully requested.

“A Cherusia (Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom)?” Christopher raised an eyebrow slightly. “I didn’t expect you to be so well-informed. However, such treasures are extremely rare. What do you plan to offer in exchange?”

“General Murray, please name your price, and I will do my best to fulfill your request,” Dustin inquired.

“Young man, have you gotten married?” General Christopher Murray asked with a smile.

“I was married once, but I’m divorced now,” Dustin replied honestly, finding the question somewhat strange.

“That’s good, that’s good!” General Christopher Murray chuckled. “What do you think of my granddaughter, Shiela?”

“Shiela?” Dustin was taken aback. “She’s a very kind and gentle young lady. Moreover, she values loyalty and friendship.”

“As long as you say that, I’m relieved,” General Christopher Murray said with a smile. “Both of you are talented individuals, and you seem to like each other. Why not set a wedding date soon? I’d like to hold my great-grandchild.”

“What?!” Dustin almost choked on the tea he had just sipped. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “General, are you… joking?”

“Life’s major events should not be taken lightly,” Christopher said seriously.

“Sir, you seem to have misunderstood. I don’t have romantic feelings for Shiela. I see her as a little sister,” Dustin explained, feeling somewhat awkward. How had they ended up discussing this topic?

“Don’t you like Shiela?” Christopher raised an eyebrow.

“Shiela is a wonderful young lady, but I only regard her as a sister,” Dustin shook his head.

“Well, well, there’s no need to force anything. She’ll remain your little sister,” General Christopher Murray sighed lightly, sounding regretful.

He knew that his granddaughter had feelings for Dustin, and he had wanted to matchmake them to have an outstanding son-in-law.

However, things didn’t always go as planned.

“Thank you for understanding, General Murray,” Dustin said, feeling somewhat embarrassed. They had started by discussing a business transaction, but somehow, they had veered off course.

“Let’s not dwell on this any longer. No need for formalities. You’re here for the Cherusia, right? I’ll have someone fetch it for you,” General Christopher Murray said straightforwardly, gesturing to an elderly servant by the door.
Chapter 1087: Visit from Tatsuharu Nakamura

The servant quickly understood and left the room. Before long, another servant returned, holding a delicate wooden box.

“Young man, here’s your item,” General Christopher received the wooden box and handed it over to Dustin.

Dustin carefully opened the box, and a unique fragrance immediately wafted out. Inside the wooden box lay a colorful spirit mushroom.

Cherusia was only the size of a palm, exquisitely beautiful, resembling a perfect work of art. Under the illumination of the light, it displayed seven different colors, like a dream, incredibly captivating.

“It really is a Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom!” Dustin’s face lit up with joy. He stood up and bowed deeply to General Christopher Murray. “I’m extremely grateful to General Murray for parting with it.”

“I don’t need this item, so there’s no harm in giving it to you. It might even earn me a favor,” General Christopher was quite generous.

“General Murray, I can’t thank you enough. If there’s anything I can do for you in the future, please don’t hesitate to ask,” Dustin said, grateful for the precious gift.

“Enough of the formalities. Later, you can accompany me and have a few drinks,” Christopher said nonchalantly.

“Alright, I’ll make sure to enjoy a good drink with you tonight!” Dustin smiled. Then, as if he had remembered something, he suddenly said, “By the way, General, there’s something I need to remind you about. I recently received some information that there may be some mischief on the day of your birthday. You should be prepared.”

It was something he had heard from Samuel Franklin earlier, and his visit today had raised concerns about it.

“It’s not something new. Every year, these vermin find ways to trouble me. I’ve gotten used to it,” Christopher said nonchalantly.

As the protector of the Dragonmarsh and a veteran of countless battles, he had made many enemies both within and outside the country. Numerous people wished for his death and plotted various assassinations and ambushes. Over the years, he had seen it all.

Why would he fear life or death?

“As long as General Murray is aware,” Dustin replied with a nod, not elaborating further.

At General Christopher Murray’s level, he must have skilled individuals protecting him. Ordinary people wouldn’t be able to get close to him.

“Sir, there is a distinguished guest outside who wishes to see you,” a steward suddenly entered and respectfully reported.

“Distinguished guest? Who is it?” General Christopher Murray asked indifferently.

“The visitor is a noble from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, Tatsuharu Nakamura,” the steward replied with his head lowered.

“Tatsuharu Nakamura? Is it Tatsuharu’s grandson? Why is he here?” General Christopher Murray was somewhat puzzled.

“I heard that Tatsuharu Yamamoto was not in good health and urgently needs a high-quality spirit medicine to prolong his life. Tatsuharu Nakamura has come for the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom,” the steward truthfully reported.

“Hmph! Does that old dog Tatsuharu deserve to use the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom? Tell him to scram!” General Christopher Murray’s expression turned cold.

“Understood,” the steward didn’t dare to say more and quickly left the room.

“That guy Tatsuharu Yamamoto dares to covet the treasures of the Dragonmarsh? Let him eat shit!” General Christopher Murray said with disdain.

He didn’t care about Tatsuharu Yamamoto or his family’s request.
Chapter 1088: Tatsuharu ‘s Request

In a luxurious courtyard within the general’s residence, a young man dressed in fine clothing and with a slender build was drinking tea with Caden.

” Nakamura, I wonder what brings you here today?” Caden smiled and poured a cup of warm tea for the young man.

“Thank you,” Tatsuharu Nakamura politely accepted the tea and then said, “I’ve heard of your reputation, Lord Murray, and I came today mainly to make your acquaintance.”

He spoke in the Dragonmarsh’s language, albeit with a peculiar accent.

” Nakamura, I suspect your intention goes beyond mere pleasantries,” Caden replied with a meaningful look. “If you have something to say, please speak openly. We can be frank with each other.”

“Sir Murray, you are indeed straightforward. I won’t beat around the bush,” Tatsuharu Nakamura said, bowing slightly. “I came here today to pay my respects, but unfortunately, General Murray was too busy to meet me. If you could, Sir Murray, I hope you can put in a good word for me.”

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and one of his subordinates brought over a long wooden box.

The wooden box was about four feet long, and when opened, it revealed a magnificent katana.

Tatsuharu Nakamura picked up the katana with his fingers and presented it respectfully to Caden, explaining, “Sir Murray, this is one of our country’s ten renowned swords, the ‘Rai Setsu.'”

“This sword cuts through iron like mud, incredibly sharp, and it’s said to possess the power of lightning.”

“One swing of this sword is unstoppable, a treasure that countless samurai in our country dream of possessing.”

“Of course, a sword like Rai Setsu can only be matched by heroes like Sir Murray. Please accept it.”

Seeing the katana offered by Tatsuharu Nakamura, Caden’s eyes lit up, and his breathing became somewhat hurried.

He had heard of the name Rai Setsu before. As one of the most famous swords in the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, its value was beyond measure.

Since he had improved his strength after practicing the Devouring Soul Technique, he had been in need of a suitable weapon. The appearance of Rai Setsu was undoubtedly a gift from heaven.

“Pal, you’re too polite. I feel unworthy of such a treasure,” Caden said, though his hand instinctively reached out to accept the katana.

“As long as you like it, Sir Murray.”

Tatsuharu Nakamura smiled faintly.

“Pal, besides paying respects to my father, you must have something else in mind, right?” Caden inquired after accepting the katana.

If he had come here just to meet and greet, there would have been no need to offer such a valuable treasure.

“Sir Murray, you are perceptive. I won’t hide it from you,” Tatsuharu Nakamura said, smiling. “I heard that General Murray possesses a Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom, an extremely rare and valuable spiritual medicine. I am highly interested in it, and I would be most grateful if Sir Murray could help me obtain it. I have a substantial reward prepared.”

“So, you came for the medicine?” Caden nodded. “No problem at all. It’s a small matter. You can consider it done.”

Everyone in the family knew that General Christopher Murray didn’t care for material possessions. Any treasures he obtained were usually distributed to the younger generation as rewards.

As long as he asked, getting a medicinal herb like the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom should be straightforward.

“With your assurance, Sir Murray, I can rest easy,” Tatsuharu Nakamura said, relieved.

“Mrs. Hargrove, please inform my father. Tell him that the Cherusia is of great importance to me, and ask him to grant my request,” Caden instructed a nearby elderly woman.


Mrs. Hargrove nodded and then left. However, when she returned, her expression appeared somewhat solemn.

“Madam, did you settle it so quickly? What about the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom?” Caden asked with a smile.
Chapter 1089: A Sinister Plot

“Sir Murray, your dad has already given away the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom,” Mrs. Hargrove shook her head.

“Gave it away? To whom?” Caden’s smile froze.

“To a young man named Dustin,” Mrs. Hargrove answered truthfully.

“What? Given to that kid?” Caden’s expression turned ugly.

He couldn’t believe that such a precious treasure had been given to a nobody like Dustin. Caden thought it was absurd.

Even though Dustin had saved Shiela’s life, he had already rewarded him generously. There was no need to be so kind to him.

“Can it be retrieved?” Caden was unwilling to accept this.

He had just made a promise in front of Tatsuharu Nakamura, and now it seemed that there was a problem.

“You know the master’s personality. Once something is given away, it cannot be taken back,” Mrs. Hargrove replied.

“Damn it! What did that kid Dustin do to deserve such a treasure?” Caden was frustrated.

Tatsuharu Nakamura then asked, “Who is Dustin? How did he earn General Murray’s favor?”

“He’s just a nobody who happened to save my daughter’s life. That’s why he earned my father’s favor,” Caden explained.

“In that case, does it mean that I have no chance to obtain the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom?” Tatsuharu Nakamura’s eyes narrowed.

“It’s not necessarily impossible…” Caden’s eyes gleamed with cunning. “Pal, even if we can’t get it openly, we can obtain it secretly. Dustin is just a weakling, and with the power of the Tatsuharu family, taking the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom from him should not be difficult, right?”

“Take it?” Tatsuharu Nakamura raised an eyebrow. “But isn’t he on good terms with General Murray? Will my actions offend General Murray?”

“You don’t need to worry about that. Neither of us needs to speak of this plan, and no one will know,” Caden said with a meaningful smile. “Furthermore, my father is just interested for the time being. He won’t go to war over a worthless young man. So, Pal, please proceed without worries. I’ll cover for you, and there won’t be any problems.”

“Oh? Is that so?” Tatsuharu Nakamura was tempted. “Since Sir Murray says so, I’ll take the risk.”

“Pal, wait for the right moment to strike. And if you manage to obtain the treasure, it’s best if…” Caden didn’t explicitly state his intentions but made a throat-slitting gesture.

Since Dustin didn’t appreciate their kindness, it might be better to eliminate him.

“Sir Murray’s request will be followed. I’ll take my leave now.”

Tatsuharu Nakamura nodded and then stood up, bowing respectfully before leaving with his two guards.

“Mrs. Hargrove, keep this incident to yourself. Do you understand?” Caden glanced at her meaningfully.

“I understand, my lord.”

“Very well, I’ll continue my cultivation. Wait outside, and do not let anyone disturb me,” Caden ordered.

Once Mrs. Hargrove left, he concealed the nameless sword Rai Setsu carefully and then sat down on the bed to begin his silent cultivation.

Soon, a layer of dark energy began to surface on his body. This dark energy was sinister and cold, causing the room’s temperature to plummet.

It felt like an ice cellar, freezing to the bone.

As he continued to cultivate, Caden’s body suddenly began to tremble, and large beads of sweat formed on his forehead. His face contorted in pain.

In the next moment, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his entire body collapsed, unconscious.
Chapter 1090: Medical Center Reunion

The next morning, Dustin made some simple arrangements for Zypher Lodge and immediately took a car to Swinston.

With the Cherusia in hand and all the required medicinal herbs gathered, everything was ready. All that was left was to refine the Longevitium (Life-Prolonging Pill).

Dustin had to hurry and fulfill his promise before the Old Drunkard’s (Gregory) life ran out.

After a car ride that took most of the day, Dustin finally arrived at Peaceful Medical Clinic.

The clinic was as peaceful and tranquil as usual.

The Old Drunkard was sprawled out on a recliner, reeking of alcohol. Caitlin, busy as always, was either cleaning or cooking, keeping the clinic in perfect order. Meanwhile, the sword fanatic Maximus was practicing his swordsmanship in the courtyard.

Compared to his previous fast-paced sword techniques, Maximus now focused on slow and precise movements. Although it looked ordinary, his sword energy was restrained and hidden, reaching a whole new level of power.

Clearly, during this time, Maximus had made great strides in his cultivation.


Just as Maximus was deeply immersed in his sword practice, a silver needle suddenly shot out and aimed for his chest.

Maximus’s eyes widened, and he swiftly turned around, slashing the silver needle with his sword, precisely hitting its tip.


The silver needle was deflected and disappeared into the ground.

“Who’s there? Show yourself!” Maximus pointed his sword at a large tree.

“Hehe, it’s been a few months, and I didn’t expect your progress to be so significant.” Dustin walked out slowly from behind the tree, a smile on his face.

Being able to shoot a silver needle that accurately could only be achieved by an extraordinary innate martial artist.

“Dustin?” Maximus was initially puzzled, but his expression turned into joy. “Haha… you’ve finally returned!”

He threw his long sword aside and gave Dustin a bear hug.

“Alright, alright, two grown men hugging each other, isn’t that a bit inappropriate?” Dustin looked at them with a weird expression.

“Caitlin, come out and see who’s back!” Maximus shouted into the house.

“Mr Rhys!”

Caitlin rushed out, her face filled with surprise. “Mr Rhys, when did you come back? Why didn’t you notify us in advance?”

“I just got back.”

Dustin smiled faintly. “How have you all been during this time?”

“We’ve been doing well, living peacefully with food and drink,” Caitlin replied with a smile. To her, this peaceful life was a dream come true.

“Brother Dustin, I’ve made another breakthrough in the past three months, and with the guidance of Senior Drunkard (Sir Gregory), my swordsmanship has improved significantly. I can make rapid progress now!” Maximus proudly reported.

“I can see that,” Dustin nodded in satisfaction. While Maximus was still at the Semi-Grandmaster level, his actual combat power could already contend with those at the Grandmaster level.

He was a sword genius who could fight above his weight class.

“How is the Old Drunkard doing?” Dustin asked.

“The Old Drunkard is still the same, getting drunk every day,” Maximus said helplessly.

“I’ll go take a look.”

Dustin smiled and entered Peaceful Medical Clinic.

The Old Drunkard lay sprawled out, his hair messy, and he reeked of alcohol. Drool dripped from the corners of his mouth, a typical drunkard’s appearance.

“Old Drunkard, wake up. Dustin is back,” Maximus said as he shook the Old Drunkard.

“Old Drunkard? Old Drunkard?!”

Maximus applied more force, but there was still no reaction.

“Let me try.”

Dustin bent down and whispered in the Old Drunkard’s ear, “Old Drunkard, the priceless Daughter’s Red wine you’ve been collecting for so many years has been stolen by someone.”

As soon as these words were spoken, the Old Drunkard suddenly opened his eyes wide and sprang up. His entire being was filled with anger as he shouted, “Who? Which bastard dares to steal my wine?”

He looked around with a vigilant gaze, even revealing a hint of killing intent.
Chapter 1091

It wasn’t until he saw Dustin’s half-smiling face that he finally came to his senses and said angrily: “You cheeky rascal! You’ve nothing better to do after a meal, eh? Let’s go cool off!”

After saying that, he slumped back onto the recliner and prepared to doze off.

“Alright, no napping, there’s business to attend to.”

Dustin retrieved two wooden boxes and placed them on the table respectively. They held the Millennium Green Lotus and the Qicai Ganoderma: “This time, we’ve had a good haul in the provincial capital. The last two top-notch elixirs have been gathered and can be brewed now. The longevity potion.”

“Oh? So swiftly?”

The tipsy man lazily sat upright: “I thought I wouldn’t last a few more days, but I didn’t expect you to gather all the elixirs so quickly. You’re truly fortunate!”

“Quit the chit-chat and bring out those previous elixirs.” Dustin urged.

“Alright, alright, let me fetch them for you.”

The inebriated man stretched himself, then started to rummage through the boxes and cupboards. After some struggle, he finally located all the elixirs in his collection.

“Maximus, stand guard at the door and make sure no one enters.” Dustin turned around and commanded.


Maximus responded, then fetched a stool and sat at the door, holding his sword with both hands, keeping a vigilant eye on his surroundings.

“Wan’er, gather some herbs for me.”

Dustin penned a prescription and handed it to Lin Wan’er.

Everything about Ping An Medical Clinic was fine, but business was slow, and medicinal supplies were even scarcer.


Lin Wan’er obediently nodded and swiftly departed.

Before long, she returned, panting, with an assortment of medicinal supplies.

“From this point on, I’ll be in seclusion for an indeterminate period. No one should disturb me until I emerge.”

With this advice, Dustin turned around and entered the medicine room.

Upon entering, he didn’t rush to prepare the elixirs, but retrieved an ancient tome and began to study it intently.

The Renewing Life Pill, formally known as the Nine-Turn Renewing Life Golden Pill.

As per records in ancient texts, it possesses the power of rejuvenation and even the ability to revive the deceased. It stands as the sole sacred medicine capable of countering the five declines of heaven and man.

However, for a century, no one has successfully concocted it.

Firstly, the ingredients are exceedingly hard to come by, and secondly, the process is immensely challenging.

Though Dustin wields masterful alchemical skills, he remains uncertain.

To prevent mishaps, he found himself poring over the prescription repeatedly.

Once he confirmed its accuracy, Dustin meditated in place for a stick of incense.

He only began preparing the elixir when his energy and spirit returned to their prime state.

Even though it was his maiden attempt, his movements were remarkably deft, devoid of any hesitation.

Due to the alchemical process, he’d mentally rehearsed it countless times.

The flames surged, and the scent of herbs wafted through the air.

Dustin commenced the systematic addition of various medicinal ingredients into the alchemy furnace. Concurrently, he employed his true energy to regulate the intensity of the fire.

Alchemy demanded precision; every detail could spell success or failure.

The age of the elixir, the methodology of refinement, the quality of the alchemy furnace, the temperature within the furnace, the sequence of ingredient addition, and the elusive element of luck.

All these factors bore upon the final product.

For Dustin, there was no room for error. A slight misstep might nullify all his prior efforts.

Especially for a sacred remedy like the Life-Sustaining Pill, perfection was imperative.

Time flowed steadily.

All the medicinal components had melded within the alchemy furnace.

Now came the most pivotal and challenging stage: allowing the elixir to take form.

Dustin rested his hands on the stove, managing his fervour with care.

Unbeknownst to him, beads of sweat formed on his forehead, and he expended a monumental amount of energy.

Inside the alchemy furnace, the mixture began to boil.

The lid vibrated with a resonant hum.

A distinctive fragrance gradually permeated from within.

“Success or failure hinges on this moment!”

Dustin drew in a deep breath and pushed forward with both palms.

His true energy surged forth like a raging tide.

The flames beneath the furnace suddenly soared, evidently approaching the critical juncture.

Just as Dustin waited with bated breath, the pill furnace exploded with a resounding “bang.”
Chapter 1092


Staring at the erupting alchemy furnace, Dustin’s expression shifted, instantly replaced by nervousness.

Just one point away, merely a whisker’s breadth from success.

Why? Why did it suddenly detonate?

Could it be that after toiling so long, everything was for naught?

“No… impossible!”

Dustin shook his head, sweat pouring like rain.

He was unwilling to fail and could not fathom the outcome before him.

He began to sift through the shattered alchemy furnace, clutching every trace and morsel of medicinal residue.

In this moment, he resembled a ravenous wolf foraging for sustenance in the wilderness, fierce and desperate.

After turning and overturning, his expression suddenly froze.

A glimmer of gold had suddenly surfaced at the bed of the medicinal residue.

This golden touch, in contrast to the surrounding medicinal remnants, was akin to a beacon in the dark, gleaming with unparalleled brilliance.

After a brief stupor, Dustin tentatively extended his hand, gingerly clearing away the medicinal residue surrounding the golden hue.

Bit by bit, inch by inch, with trepidation and anticipation, he slowly pushed aside all traces of the medicine dregs.

At last, a complete golden elixir lay plainly before his eyes.

This golden elixir was exquisite and translucent, warm and smooth, resembling gold, sparkling and resplendent.

Alongside it wafted a revitalizing medicinal fragrance.

“It’s… it’s done?”

Dustin’s eyes widened, a mix of astonishment and elation sweeping over him: “Hahahaha… it’s done! I’ve mastered the refining!”

He laughed heartily, his spirits soaring.

The explosion just now had nearly driven him to despair, but he hadn’t anticipated this miraculous turnaround; in the final moments, the Life-Extending Pill had taken form.

The painstaking search for so many top-quality elixirs had not been in vain.

“Old sot!”

Dustin booted open the medicine room door, cradling the life-sustaining pill in both hands as he strode out with fervour: “Behold this, my friend!”

Upon hearing the commotion, the drunkard, clutching a bottle of wine, swiveled around and was instantly stupefied: “****! Are you truly a whiz-kid? I thought it was all mere tomfoolery.”

The Life-Extending Pill, as chronicled in ancient tomes, might alleviate the symptoms of the five declines of heaven and man, but it was largely deemed a legend.

Who could say if it was fact or fiction? Could it indeed succeed?

Thus, at the outset, he held no hope whatsoever.

Yet now, gazing at the extraordinary golden elixir before him, he was immediately agitated.

“With this life-extending pill, it might just abate your five degenerations of heaven and man. Give it a whirl.” Dustin extended the golden pill.

“No need to hurry, no need to hurry. In such a momentous occasion, a drop of the good stuff is in order.”

The drunkard rubbed his hands and made his way to the vegetable plot behind the infirmary.

There, he picked up a spade and began excavating in a specific corner.

After some digging, he eventually unearthed three sealed flasks of wine.

These were vintages treasured by connoisseurs for years, hardly ever touched. Now, it was time to let them bask in the light once more.

“My darlings, have you missed me? Hehehehe…”

The drunkard grinned, gleefully hoisting one of the flasks, then returned to the main chamber.

The instant he unsealed the wine flask, a potent bouquet of wine permeated the air.

Inhale deeply, and it was invigorating and intoxicating.

“Come, come, today’s a day for celebration, so I’ll treat us all!”

As the drunkard spoke, he produced three thumb-sized pocket wine glasses.

Then, he took out a wine spoon and carefully poured a few drops into each glass.

Not a drop was wasted.

Dustin furrowed his brows at the sight. Was this old coot afraid of poisoning us?

“Don’t stand on ceremony, help yourselves, drink as you please!”

The drunkard spoke with such confidence that after filling the three small glasses, he simply cradled the wine flask and started to guzzle with gusto.
Chapter 1093

There’s absolutely no plan to top up the glasses for the three of them.


The trio of Dustin exchanged bewildered glances.

In the end, the bottle of fine wine was drained, not a drop left.


After imbibing, Senior Drunkard burped, feeling invigorated and in splendid fettle.

Once content, he picked up the life-sustaining pill and swallowed it in a single gulp.


The moment the life-sustaining pill passed his throat, it transformed into surges of golden energy, swiftly permeating through his limbs and bones.

These energies held potent vitality, akin to a spring of life, ceaselessly nurturing the drunkard’s body.

His once desiccated meridians began to regain vitality, bit by bit.

His pallid visage gradually brightened, a golden light seeming to shimmer in his cloudy old eyes.

Limbs, internal organs, skin, muscles, and body hair started to shift gradually.

At this juncture, Senior Drunkard’s dilapidated physique was akin to dew after a prolonged drought, avidly soaking up the vigorous vitality within the golden energy.

As time ticked by, the drunkard’s white locks slowly darkened, and the wrinkled skin became smooth and supple.

Bones and muscles were fortified to a considerable degree.

Certain internal injuries and maladies vanished without a trace.

The entire being appeared entirely reborn, akin to a withered tree blooming anew in spring.

“What an astonishing medicinal effect!”

Witnessing the rejuvenated maniac, Dustin and the other three were dumbfounded.

The potency displayed by the Life-Sustaining Pill wasn’t merely about healing ailments and injuries; it resembled a metamorphosis, breaking free from a cocoon and emerging anew.

The erstwhile alcoholic, feeble, lethargic, hunched figure now seemed like a dying old soul.

The inebriated maniac at this moment stood taller, appeared younger, and exuded a stronger aura.

His entire presence had undergone a qualitative shift.

Without making a move, simply standing there emanated a palpable sense of dominance.

“Hahaha… exquisite!”

The alcohol enthusiast laughed and stretched, joints crackling like sizzling beans.

One had to acknowledge that the Life Renewing Pill was genuinely miraculous, deserving of its legendary status.

Not only did it alleviate the symptoms of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man, but it also granted him a renewed lease on life.

What a monumental surprise.

“Old drunkard, how do you feel?” Dustin asked cautiously.

“What’s there to say? It’s marvellous, of course!”

Sensing the robust vitality coursing through his body, he beamed so wide his mouth might touch his ears: “A life-sustaining pill not only saved my life, but also unblocked my eight meridians. Though not quite as formidable as my prime, it’s seventy percent there now.”

“That’s splendid, truly splendid. It’s wonderful that you’re on the mend.”

Dustin let out a long breath, finally feeling the weight lift from his heart.

The effort was not in vain. After toiling for so long, he had finally fulfilled a long-held aspiration.

After curing the old drunkard’s terminal ailment, it was time to avenge his mother.

He not only aimed to challenge the preeminent master within the estate, but also to unearth the truth of that fateful year.

Regardless of who was pulling the strings or what their background entailed, he wouldn’t relinquish easily.

One day, he would offer the head of the puppeteer behind the scenes as tribute to his departed mother!

“Jingle Bell…”

At that moment, the mobile phone’s ringtone chimed in.

As Dustin answered, Shiela’s voice came through urgently:

“Brother Dustin! This is dire!”

“My father is gravely injured and in a critical state. All the doctors are at a loss. Only you can save him now!”

“Please, I implore you, save my father!”
Chapter 1094

In the afternoon.

In the provincial capital, within a dedicated ward of Dongjiang Hospital.

Caden lay unconscious on the bed, his face as pale as parchment, his breath feeble, his heartbeats slow, and his body chilled.

At a first glance, he appeared lifeless.

A team of experts and professors occupied the ward, murmuring, deliberating over the condition and devising treatment strategies.

Yet, after an extensive discussion, all the experts and professors found themselves stumped, unable to proffer a solution.

Lily, Shiela, Vivian, and Chase Johnson could only stand aside, their worry palpable, but unable to offer any aid.

“Dr. Jiang, what is the state of my husband? Can he be treated?”

Observing the prolonged discussion with no discernible progress, Lily finally broke her silence.

“The ailment from City University is peculiar. We scoured medical references, but couldn’t identify corresponding symptoms. We’re at a loss.” Dr. Jiang, the most senior physician, shook his head, conveying his regret.

This was a condition they had never encountered before, complex and confounding, leaving them momentarily helpless.

“What? If you can’t save him, who can?” Lily fretted.

She had reached out to Yaowang Valley earlier, but Yaowang was currently out of town and wouldn’t return for some time. As for the elders dispatched by Yaowang Valley, they too were at a loss.

“I propose it may be best to travel to Yanjing and employ external expertise. There’s a concentration of elites and renowned physicians there. You might find someone of substantial capability.” Dr. Jiang suggested.

“In this situation, I’m unsure if time allows.” Lily furrowed her brow.

“No need for concern, I’ve already secured the services of a prodigious healer.”

At that moment, Garrett entered abruptly.

Trailing him was a middle-aged man clad in a coat with thinning hair.

The man was accompanied by two aides, each bearing sizable medical kits.

“Allow me to introduce Mr. Michio Yamada from the Golden Crow Kingdom. When Shiela was kicked by a horse and faced near-certain demise, it was Mr. Yamada who mended him. His proficiency in medicine borders on the miraculous!” Garrett conveyed with deference.

“Yamada Michio? The renowned healer from the Golden Crow Kingdom?”

“That’s right! I pursued my studies in the Golden Crow Country, and fortuitously encountered Mr. Yamada. He’s indeed a marvel!”

“It seems that with Mr. Yamada’s arrival, Lord Shiro may find salvation today.”

Yamada Michio’s presence caused a stir in the entire ward.

Numerous physicians displayed expressions of awe, as if beholding an idol.

Though the Golden Crow Kingdom may not be vast, its strides in medicine surpass even those of the Dragon Kingdom.

Many doctors in the UK were striving to study abroad in the Golden Turtle, as the prospects were golden, ensuring high demand upon their return.

They would stand head and shoulders above their peers.

“A miraculous healer?”

Upon seeing the guest, Lily couldn’t contain her joy, and implored swiftly: “Mr. Yamada, please save my husband. Regardless of the cost, we are prepared to pay!”

Yamada Michio appraised Lily, a sudden spark in his eyes, desire kindling within.

He hadn’t anticipated that the women of the Dragon Kingdom would be so striking, and still exude charm even after childbirth.

“Mr. Yamada, let’s proceed with the examination,” Garrett interjected.

“Very well, let me begin my assessment.”

Yamada Michio withdrew his gaze discreetly, then approached the hospital bed, meticulously assessing Caden’s condition.

After a short while, he spoke with confidence: “The patient became agitated while practising Qigong, resulting in disrupted meridians and obstructed qi and blood flow. For ordinary physicians, it’s a terminal ailment, but for me, it poses no difficulty.”

Upon hearing this, a wave of elation washed over everyone.

“Mr. Yamada is truly a miraculous healer. He diagnosed the symptoms at a glance. Truly astounding!” Chase Johnson lauded.
Chapter 1095

“The doctors in Longguo really aren’t up to much. We struggled for a good while, but it was all in vain. We had to turn to Mr. Yamada for help,” Vivian sighed.

“Absolutely! They’re all a load of rubbish, not a patch on Mr. Yamada,” many members of Garrett’s family began to flatter.

So many experts and professors from Long Kingdom had gathered, but they were all stumped.

Yamada Michio, however, saw the clue in passing. That was the gap.

“Mr. Yamada, since you know how to treat it, please help me quickly,” Lily urged, a touch of anxiety in her voice.

“Fetch me my medicine.”

Michio Yamada gestured to his two assistants, indicating them to place the medicine box in front of him.

He opened it, rummaged through, and finally took out a black medicine bottle.

“This is called Jinyu Decoction. It’s made from 108 precious medicinal ingredients. It’s specifically designed to clear the meridians and regulate the qi and blood flow. It’s highly effective!”

Michio Yamada said with pride, “Once the patient takes this medicine, they’ll wake up safely in less than three minutes, and everything will be fine. However, I must warn you, it’s a bit pricey.”

“How much?” Lily inquired, cautiously.

“Three hundred million,” Michio Yamada stated, astounding everyone.

“Three hundred million?”

Upon hearing this, a group of doctors from Long Kingdom were dumbfounded.

Is he trying to rob us?

Three hundred million for a bottle of medicine? Isn’t that excessively exorbitant?

“No problem! As long as my husband can be cured, I’m willing to pay!” Lily asserted without a moment’s hesitation.

While three hundred million was no small sum, she could still manage it.

When weighed against her husband’s life, money and other considerations paled in significance.

“Very well, since Madam is so willing, let’s get started.”

Yamada Michio smiled slightly, then helped Caden up, opened the medicine bottle, and prepared to administer the medicine.

“If you take this medicine, Caden won’t last three days!”

Suddenly, a cold voice rang out from the doorway.


Everyone turned towards the sound to see Dustin, dusty and disheveled, entering.

Upon receiving Sheila Murray’s call, Dustin hurried back to the provincial capital.

Of course, accompanied by the three old tipplers.

The Ping An Medical Center was temporarily closed, and the three old tipplers were directly accommodated at Fengyu Villa.

“Dustin, you’ve arrived!”

Sheila Murray’s eyes sparkled as she rushed forward to greet him.

“Luckily, we got here in time, otherwise it would have been a catastrophe.”

Dustin cast a sharp-eyed glance at Michio Yamada and asked, “Aren’t you from the Golden Crow country? To make a quick buck, you’re willing to abandon your conscience and even disregard the lives of your patients. Do you deserve to call yourself a doctor?”

“How dare you!”

Upon hearing this, Garrett bellowed angrily, “Who do you think you are? How dare you speak to Mr. Yamada in such a manner?”

“Absolutely! Mr. Yamada is the miracle-working doctor of the Golden Crow Kingdom, his medical skills are truly extraordinary. Why are you making a fuss here?” Chase Johnson looked disgruntled.

“Hmmph! I really don’t know what to say!” Sheila Murray retorted, her expression cold.

“And who might you be? Do you even have the right to question me?”

Michio Yamada frowned, clearly unhappy.

“Did I say something wrong?”

Dustin said icily, “Your golden jade soup is, in itself, a paltry concoction. The ingredients are worth only a few quid. Yet, you have the audacity to ask for 300 million quid. What’s more, your medicine doesn’t even cure the ailment. It might offer a brief respite, but once taken, the patient is guaranteed to perish!”

As soon as these words left Dustin’s lips, Yamada Michio’s expression shifted dramatically.
Chapter 1096

“You… you’re talking nonsense!”

Michio Yamada, now exposed, feigned composure on the surface, but his eyes betrayed a hint of fluster.

Though I’m loath to admit it, Jinyu Soup is indeed very affordable, costing only a few hundred pounds.

Naturally, with his reputation and medical expertise, even a few hundred pounds worth of medicine can be sold for a small fortune.

“Nonsense? Then, are you willing to come with me to test the medicine?”

Dustin persisted, moving forward step by step. “If I’m correct, your Jinyu Soup likely contains ingredients akin to stimulants. Despite its first-aid benefits, it’s at the cost of the patient’s well-being. People like you—your intentions merit condemnation!”

“Nonsense! I am the esteemed healer of the Golden Crow Kingdom, someone you ought to look up to. How dare you defame me? I command you to apologise to me immediately!” Yamada Michio retorted angrily, his face flushed.

“Apologise? Do you truly deserve it?” Dustin snorted coldly.

“You’re not going to apologise, are you? Very well! Then I won’t treat you, and you can fend for yourself!”

Yamada Michio, angered and embarrassed, prepared to depart with the medicine box in hand.

“Mr. Yamada!”

Upon seeing this, Garrett swiftly pulled him back, offering an apologetic smile. “Don’t be vexed. This individual is irrational; he comprehends nothing. Don’t dignify him with a response. Saving lives is paramount.”

“Yes, Mr. Yamada, lives are at stake. Only you can remedy this ailment!” Everyone tried to persuade him.

“Dustin! You’d be wise to hold your tongue! Should you dare to speak nonsense again, I’ll promptly show you the door!” Garrett spun around and thundered.

“Dustin! Who granted you the audacity to show disrespect to Mr. Yamada? Instantly admit your transgression and apologise to Mr. Yamada!” Vivian interjected.

“Quite right! Apologise at once!” Chase Johnson chimed in.

At this moment, nearly everyone glared at Dustin with ire and considerable dissatisfaction.

From the moment he stepped in, he was met with an array of doubts and accusations, and even Michio Yamada was nearly driven to leave.

How deplorable!

“Everything I say is true, why should I apologise?”

Dustin spoke with indifference. “This sort of doctor whose primary concern is money can’t genuinely heal. Just let him go. I’ll cure this ailment myself.”

“You? Who do you think you are? Dare you compare yourself to Mr. Yamada?” Garrett’s countenance turned stern.

“Hmph! Doctors in the Dragon Country are a lot of rubbish! They excel at treating minor ailments like colds and fevers, but in the face of stubborn maladies, only a prodigious healer from the Golden Crow Kingdom, like Mr. Yamada, can address them with ease!” Vivian expressed her disdain.

“As we all know, the medical expertise of the Golden Crow Kingdom far surpasses that of the Dragon Kingdom. The two are no longer on the same level. With your meagre medical prowess, you’re not even fit to carry Mr. Yamada’s shoes!” Chase Johnson added scornfully.

“You lot have been kneeling for so long that you can’t even stand upright, isn’t that so?”

Dustin surveyed the assembled group and said icily, “Allow me to enlighten you. The medical knowledge of the Golden Crow Kingdom traces back to traditional Chinese medicine, which was passed down from the Dragon Kingdom. What they learned, they learned from us, and I’ve merely gleaned a fraction of it.

To vie for the finest medical minds, ten Golden Crow Kingdoms wouldn’t suffice!

It’s fine for you to be short-sighted and show favouritism towards foreign lands, but please, don’t use your ignorance to denigrate the doctors of the Dragon Kingdom!”

Upon hearing this, some of the doctors from the Dragon Kingdom in the vicinity suddenly perked up.

They nearly couldn’t resist applauding.

Being labelled as trash to their face was bound to irk them, but now they felt vindicated.

“So what if the Dragon Kingdom passed on the knowledge? The Golden Crow Nation’s youth surpasses us in practice. They’ve already elevated their medical expertise. It’s true our Dragon Kingdom isn’t on par with the Golden Crow Nation. Is it so difficult to acknowledge others’ excellence?” Vivian held her head high.

“Exactly! Talents from the Golden Crow Kingdom are scattered worldwide. How many from our Dragon Kingdom can boast the same?” Chase Johnson looked contemptuous.

From their standpoint, Chase Dustin was clearly playing games.

Even if he falls short, he persists in belittling others.

What a narrow-minded attitude!

“A bunch of myopic individuals.”

Dustin shook his head. “If you have the time, broaden your horizons and see how vast the Dragon Kingdom is. Don’t sit here gazing at the heavens, spouting flattery. Stand up and be counted!”

Upon hearing this, Vivian and the others’ expressions froze, replaced by a mixture of anger and embarrassment.
Chapter 1097

Just as he was about to speak, Dong Yulan’s voice cut through the tension: “That’s enough! Now is not the time for arguing about these matters; saving lives is of paramount importance!”

“Indeed, Brother Dustin, please save my father!” Shiela chimed in quickly.

Despite Yamada Michio’s esteemed reputation, her trust leaned more towards Dustin.

Dustin was ready to step forward, but Garrett halted him firmly: “Human lives are at stake, and we can’t afford to act recklessly. This illness must be treated by Mr. Yamada.”

“I’ve said it before; he won’t cure it. He’ll only bring harm to others,” Dustin responded, his tone icy.

“If even Mr. Yamada can’t cure it, then what chance do you have?” Caden turned his gaze suddenly to Lily and said, “Second Aunt, you should be the one making this decision. Do you have faith in Dr. Yamada, or do you trust this individual?”

Lily hesitated for a moment. She had witnessed Dustin’s remarkable medical skills before; they had successfully cured her daughter’s peculiar ailment. However, Michio Yamada was a renowned miracle doctor with decades of experience and expertise that likely surpassed Dustin’s.

For the sake of caution, she chose to place more trust in Yamada Michio.

“Mom, Sister Shiela is incredibly skilled. Treating this disease won’t pose a problem for her!” Chase Johnson suddenly spoke up.

“Shiela, it’s your father’s life at stake. How can you entrust it to an unknown junior? If something goes wrong, who will take responsibility?” Garrett frowned.

“Indeed, Shiela, this accusation seems quite unreliable. Mr. Yamada is more experienced,” Vivian added, attempting to persuade her.

“Mr. Yamada possesses exceptional medical skills; he can definitely cure the disease. If it were this guy, Uncle Caden would be in jeopardy!” Chase Johnson cautioned.

As the arguments continued, Shiela’s confidence wavered. She was naturally soft-spoken, and with everyone’s opinions swirling around, her faith began to waver.

“Madam, you wouldn’t want anything to happen to your husband, would you?” Michio Yamada said with a meaningful tone.

Lily hesitated once more before turning to Dustin, apologizing, “Younger sister, you’ve made quite the effort, but please allow Mr. Yamada to treat him.”

“Madam, I’m not seeking recognition, but Michio Yamada won’t be able to cure him at all. In fact, it might worsen his condition. Please reconsider,” Dustin implored, his expression grave.

Despite his lingering animosity toward Caden, he was willing to help for the sake of Shiela and Old General Murong, provided the Murong family put their trust in him.

“Younger sister, Mr. Yamada is well-respected, highly skilled, and very confident. I believe he can cure this illness,” Lily responded with certainty.

“Are you absolutely certain about this?”

Dustin furrowed his brow slightly. “Once Yamada Michio takes action and exacerbates his condition, I may not be able to save him.”

“I am sure,” Lily affirmed, her tone resolute. “Younger sister, please step outside and allow Mr. Yamada to work without any hindrance.”

With these words, she had effectively issued an order to have the guests removed.

“Did you hear that? Clear out and make way!”

“Hmph! How dare an unknown individual challenge Mr. Yamada? She truly overestimates her capabilities!”

The onlookers wore expressions of sarcasm and disdain.

“I hope you won’t come to regret this.”

Dustin took a deep breath, turned, and left without uttering another word. She had said all that needed to be said and attempted to convince all who needed convincing. She no longer cared whether Caden lived or died.
Chapter 1098

“Brother Dustin!”

As Dustin left, Sheila felt a surge of panic and quickly followed him, her guilt evident in her voice. “Brother Dustin, I’m terribly sorry. I didn’t expect Mr. Yamada to show up. It’s all my fault. Please don’t be angry.”

“Shiela, I’m not upset. From a medical perspective, I also wish for your father’s recovery. It’s just unfortunate that my expertise isn’t trusted,” Dustin shook his head.

He had given her numerous warnings, and if people failed to appreciate his advice, he couldn’t force his way in.

“Brother Dustin, I believe in you, but…” Sheila hesitated.

At home, her parents made the decisions, and as their daughter, she had no say.

“It’s alright, Sheila. You should go back to the ward. I’ll step outside for a coffee. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me,” Dustin smiled, giving her a reassuring pat on the shoulder.


Sheila nodded and retreated into the ward, feeling a pang of guilt for inconveniencing him.

“Sheila, why are you so concerned about that man? Just let him go. What’s the fuss? Is an insurance agent even worth your attention?” Vivian began to sow discord as Sheila returned.

“Exactly! With Mr. Yamada here, we don’t need that man to do anything,” Chase Johnson added, casting a disdainful glance towards the door.

“Mr. Yamada, no one will hinder your work anymore. Please proceed with the treatment,” Lily urged.

“Very well, since you are so sincere, I will assist you once more,” Yamada Michio replied with an air of mystery. He opened the black medicine bottle and administered the brewed gold and jade elixir to Caden.

Afterward, he retrieved silver needles from his medical kit and skillfully inserted them into Caden’s acupuncture points. After several consecutive insertions, he finally stopped.

“My acupuncture technique also has the added benefit of clearing blockages and improving Qi and blood flow. Combined with the priceless Jinyu Decoction, I guarantee a complete recovery for the patient!” Michio Yamada declared confidently.

“In that case, that’s wonderful,” Lily said with a hint of nervousness, her eyes fixed on Caden lying in the hospital bed.

The Jinyu Decoction worked swiftly. Caden’s pallid complexion gradually regained color and radiance. His weak breath grew strong and robust. The monitor’s readings steadily returned to normal.

In just a few minutes, Caden’s ECG, blood pressure, pulse rate, and body temperature all stabilized. Though he remained unconscious, his condition was no longer critical.

“It’s working, it’s working! The patient’s vital signs are back to normal, and he’s completely stable!”

“Mr. Yamada truly is extraordinary. With just a few injections and medications, he saved a terminally ill patient. It’s incredible!”

“A miraculous doctor! He’s a miracle worker!”

The sight of Caden’s recovery filled everyone with excitement and admiration. Moments ago, many doctors had been at a loss, but as soon as Yamada Michio intervened, Caden was on the path to recovery. His medical expertise was truly remarkable!

“Second Aunt, Sheila, am I right? With Mr. Yamada here, Second Uncle will undoubtedly recover,” Garrett exclaimed with a smile.

“Mr. Yamada is truly exceptional, and our family is immensely grateful,” Lily said, her face reflecting her astonishment.

Previously, Caden had lain on the brink of death, his body cold and his breathing feeble. Now, he appeared rejuvenated, with rosy cheeks and vitality, as if he had been reborn.

“Choosing Mr. Yamada to treat his illness was the wisest decision you could have made. Otherwise, the patient wouldn’t have made it through the day,” Michio Yamada said confidently, lifting his head with pride.

“Absolutely, Mr. Yamada’s medical skills are unparalleled,” Garrett praised.

“Compared to Mr. Yamada, the doctors in the UK are utterly inept. There’s simply no comparison in their abilities. It’s shameful that these local doctors prefer to pose rather than admit their limitations. They deserve to be scorned,” Chase Johnson declared, disdain etched across his face.
Chapter 1099

The expressions on the faces of some experts and professors in the ward turned particularly sour upon being exposed to the peculiar atmosphere of the group.

While their medical skills may not rival those of Yamada Michio, they are still considered top-notch professionals. It’s truly grating to be belittled by their fellow countrymen.

However, everyone present held esteemed positions, and none dared to provoke a confrontation. They could only bow their heads and feign ignorance.

“Mr. Yamada, when do you expect my husband to regain consciousness?”

Lily inquired cautiously.

Despite the vital signs returning to normal, the fact that her husband remained in a coma was understandably concerning.

“Fear not, your husband will naturally awaken after I remove the silver needles.”

Yamada Michio reassured with a confident smile, swiftly extracting all the silver needles.

As the last needle was removed, Caden’s body suddenly convulsed.

After a few moments, his eyes snapped open, a hint of bloodshot red gleaming—

“Awake, he’s finally awake!”

A wave of joy swept through the room upon this sight.

“It’s all thanks to Mr. Yamada! He speaks, and it happens. Truly commendable!” Garrett commended.

“A miraculous healer, truly extraordinary. He surpasses those lackluster doctors like Long Guo by leaps and bounds!” Vivian and the others chimed in with their praises.

“Thank you, Mr. Yamada. You shall forever be our family’s savior!” Lily expressed her gratitude.

“I specialise in treating various challenging and intricate ailments. This condition posed no difficulty for me.” Michio Yamada looked visibly pleased.

As he spoke, he accepted a moist towel from his assistant and meticulously wiped his hands.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Caden’s eyes were rapidly reddening in the hospital bed, his entire countenance contorted.


Caden suddenly bellowed, leaping from the bed.

In that moment, his face was a mask of wild ferocity, veins bulging, an image of madness that was especially unnerving.

From his mouth and nose, a trickle of dark blood oozed slowly.


The sudden turn of events left everyone startled.

“Mr. Yamada, what’s happening? My husband was perfectly fine just moments ago.” Lily’s anxiety was palpable.

“There couldn’t be any side effects, could there?”

Puzzlement spread through the room.

“Do not panic, everything is within the bounds of normalcy, and he’ll be alright shortly.”

Yamada Michio feigned composure, though privately he wondered if the medication had been too aggressive, potentially causing the patient to become unhinged.

“Mr. Yamada, what should we do now? Something’s not right with my husband.” Lily’s worry intensified.

“Minor setbacks, let’s not make a fuss. Allow me to remedy the situation with a single needle.”

Michio Yamada exuded confidence as he produced a silver needle and inserted it at Caden’s brow.


Caden roared, lightning-fast, seizing Michio Yamada by the neck and slamming him against the wall.

Those bloodshot eyes bore a look of sheer madness.

“Wait! Let’s talk this through…”

Michio Yamada gasped for breath, momentarily panicked, about to plead for mercy.

Yet, in an instant, Caden applied force and snapped his neck.

“A snap!”

Michio Yamada’s head tilted, life extinguished on the spot.

Rest in peace.
Chapter 1100


Seeing Michio Yamada’s sudden death, everyone was stunned.

Everyone’s eyes widened with horror on their faces.

No one expected that Caden would suddenly go crazy and kill Michio Yamada instantly without any warning.

Kill with one blow!

how so?

Aren’t you talking about a small problem?

Isn’t that a normal phenomenon?
Isn’t it said that one shot can determine the outcome?

What’s going on with this horse riding? ?

“ah–!” Caden roared, grabbed Yamada Michio’s body and swung it suddenly.

Yamada Michio hit the wall hard, creating a crater, and then his body slowly slid down like a puddle of mud.

“Mr. Yamada!”
Everyone woke up from a dream, terrified.

Especially Vivian and Chase Johnson, their faces were full of sadness and heartache, as if their parents were dead.

“Quick! Hold down Uncle Er!”
Murong Gaochao reacted quickly and quickly ordered his people to surround him, preparing to capture Caden alive.

However, Caden went crazy, disowned all his relatives, and became extremely irritable.
However, his strength is amazing and unstoppable.

Anyone who comes close will be knocked away, and there is no enemy at all.

“Brother Dustin! Don’t hurt anyone!”

“Dad! Please wake up, we are all your relatives!”

Lily and Sheila Murray kept shouting, trying to wake up Caden.

However, their voices did not have any effect. Instead, they attracted Caden’s attention.

“Die! Die to me!”
Caden roared and rushed towards Sheila Murray.

Its claws are like knives, and the energy between its fingers can cut through steel.

Ordinary people will die if they touch it.

“Brother Dustin! No!”
Lily’s expression changed drastically, and she rushed towards Sheila Murray, trying to block the fatal blow for her daughter.

Just when life was about to happen, at the critical moment, a silver needle suddenly shot out.

“call out!”
The silver needle shot from outside the door, like a bolt of lightning, directly hitting Cadens neck.

Caden froze and froze on the spot.
His fingers, which were strong enough to crack open stones, finally settled on three centimeters from Sheila Murray’s throat.

It’s hard to make any progress.
Sheila Murray was already frightened and stood there blankly, without responding for a while.

On the other hand, Caden looked ferocious, his eyes were red, and he was breathing heavily.

Although he was immobilized by the silver needle, he was still struggling wildly, so much so that his whole body began to tremble.

“Xue’er!” Lily reacted quickly and quickly pulled her daughter into her arms, trying to stay as far away from Caden as possible.

“As expected.”
At the door of the ward, Dustin slowly walked in with a cup of coffee.
He did not leave directly because he was worried that Yamada Michio would be self-defeating and cause Caden to go crazy and lose control completely.

By then, everyone in the ward will be in dire straits.

“Brother Dustin! Are you back?”
Sheila Murray’s face was filled with joy, as if she had seen a savior.
The novel has been amazing thus far. At least I was able to see something different from the normal routine where Dustin would just be dominating. There are strogner guys @The Royal Pavilion. Men mount. Warriors that are heaven and earth stronger than Logan Rhys, the Kirin! Characters like Uncle Bai Ye who thought Dustin all his swords skills, Feng Hangyu, Wu Anshyu, all on the shocking list of Immortals. At around chapter 1600 upwards, it was a totally different world dominated by others rather than Natasha's fiancé. Good read so far.
Please take note of the following names:
Huang Donghai=Edmund Robinson
Lei Wanjun=Sir Reed Ronald
Huangfu Longteng=Sir Paul
Lao Zhang=Cornelius
Concubine Cao Xuan=Natasha
Xuan Fei= Ms Natasha
Medicine King Qiao Antai =Dr. Watkins
Xiao Hongye=Azalea
Huang Yinyin=Abigail
Lu Chen=Dustin
Many thanks. It helps a lot!
The novel has been amazing thus far. At least I was able to see something different from the normal routine where Dustin would just be dominating. There are strogner guys @The Royal Pavilion. Men mount. Warriors that are heaven and earth stronger than Logan Rhys, the Kirin! Characters like Uncle Bai Ye who thought Dustin all his swords skills, Feng Hangyu, Wu Anshyu, all on the shocking list of Immortals. At around chapter 1600 upwards, it was a totally different world dominated by others rather than Natasha's fiancé. Good read so far.
Spoiler alert ⚠️ don't spill so much👋
Good read indeed
Chapter 1101

“If I don’t return, you’ll be in danger,” Dustin cautioned.

With a flick of his finger, another silver needle shot out.

Caden, who had been struggling moments ago, was now completely immobilized, unable to move a muscle.

“Dear brother, you have medical skills, don’t you? Please help my husband,” Lily implored.

“I’m sorry, I’m not as knowledgeable as Mr. Yamada. It would be best to seek treatment from him,” Dustin replied calmly.

“Mr. Yamada?” Lily glanced at the lifeless body in the corner, her expression twitching with embarrassment.

If Michio Yamada could truly cure this, he wouldn’t have lost his life.

“Dear brother, it was my fault before. I’m genuinely sorry. I hope you won’t take it to heart,” Lily offered a sincere apology.

She knew Chase Chase was capable, but compared to Michio Yamada, his reputation fell short.

Initially, she had made an ill-judged decision.

Now that Michio Yamada was gone, Dustin was their only hope.

“Garrett, my dad has lost his senses. Please save him,” Sheila pleaded, her eyes filled with desperation.

“For your sake, I’ll take action again,” Dustin nodded slightly.

He owed old General Murong a favour, so he couldn’t refuse to help.

“Thank you, Dustin!” Sheila’s relief was palpable.

“Vivian, you don’t seriously believe Dustin can cure you, do you? Even Mr. Yamada was helpless, so why would he be able to do it?” Garrett interjected, unable to hold back any longer.

“Quite right! If we let this fellow attempt a cure, who knows what might happen,” Chase Johnson added, his trust in Dustin wavering.

“I’m worried that if this chap treats Caden improperly, who will be held accountable?” Chase chimed in.

“It’s already reached this point; it can’t get much worse,” Lily shook her head.

Her husband had lost his senses, and if he wasn’t treated promptly, his life could be in jeopardy.

“Vivian, you can’t think like that. Safety comes first. We can’t risk Caden’s life,” Garrett implored earnestly.

“Yes, Lily, even the miracle workers from the Golden Crow Kingdom couldn’t do anything. What can these subpar doctors from the Dragon Kingdom accomplish? Don’t be deceived!” Vivian advised with sincerity.

“Having said all that, do any of you have a better idea?” Lily inquired, her brow furrowed.

“Er…,” as soon as those words left her mouth, several people fell into an awkward silence.

They were just talking; how could they provide a better solution?

“Since you can’t offer any help, kindly be silent and don’t disrupt Dustin’s treatment!”

Lily’s tone turned sharp, her dissatisfaction evident.

She knew full well that these individuals were merely looking down on Dustin and deliberately causing trouble.

It didn’t matter before, but now a life hung in the balance, and she would not tolerate anyone sowing discord here.

“Dustin, please.”
Seeing the others fall silent, Lily gestured for Dustin to proceed.

“Before I begin treatment, I’ll need everyone else to leave so as not to disturb my concentration.”

As Dustin spoke, he turned his gaze towards Vivian and the rest. “Don’t linger; that’s right, all of you, out.”

“What? You want us to leave?”
After a moment of surprise, Vivian’s anger flared up. “Who do you think you are? Why are you making demands here? You really have some nerve!”

How could a mere insurance agent have the audacity to shout at her?

“What Dustin means is what I mean. Do any of you object?” Lily’s expression remained icy.

Vivian’s face froze, her confusion apparent.

This turn of events was not what she had anticipated.

“Alright, let’s step outside. I’d like to see what miracles he can work!”
Garrett huffed, finally turning to leave and thus saving face for Lily.

“Dustin! You’d better be able to treat this ailment, or you’ll bear the consequences!”

With those stern words, Vivian, Chase Johnson, and the others swiftly exited the ward.

Yet, given their stature, they felt indignant at being ushered out by an insurance seller.
Chapter 1102

Without the interruption of flies, Dustin stunned Caden with a knife and began to treat him seriously.

It was because of Caden’s practice of evil exercises that his life was overdrawn, his meridians were damaged, and his internal organs were destroyed.

Coupled with the stimulation of Michio Yamada, the situation became more serious.

Now Caden’s whole body was like an over-inflated rubber ball. If he wasn’t careful, he would suddenly explode.

Dustin could only prick the acupuncture points with silver needles to calm his qi and blood first, and then use his true qi to unblock the blocked meridians and repair some damaged places at the same time.

In the follow-up, drug treatment is also required.

Time is passing little by little.

The silver needles in Dustin’s hand kept falling on Caden one after another.

First the head, then the chest, and finally the abdomen.

From top to bottom, they were densely tied, directly turning Murong City into a hedgehog.

After applying the needle, Dustin spread his fingers and began to play lightly on the silver needle like playing a piano string.


As Dustin flicked his fingers, a large number of silver needles began to tremble and rotate. Wisps of Xuanqing’s true energy followed the silver needles and quickly poured into the acupuncture points of Caden’s body.

This situation lasted for about a stick of incense.

When Dustin sweated slightly on his forehead, he finally stopped delivering Qi.

Finally, with a wave of his hand, Dustin took all the silver needles into his pocket instantly.

“Is this the end?”

Lily frowned slightly, a little unsure.

Caden was still lying on the hospital bed, seemingly unresponsive.

“I was just knocked unconscious. It will take a while to wake up.”

Dustin took out a pen and paper, wrote a prescription and handed it to Lily: “Follow this prescription and boil three bowls into one bowl. Drink it for seven days and you will basically be cured.”


Lily took the prescription and took a look at it, then ordered someone to get the medicine.

“By the way, there’s one more thing.”

As if thinking of something, Dustin seriously warned: “Murongcheng practiced Soul Devouring Kungfu, which led to his madness and almost died suddenly. When he wakes up, he must be told not to practice this kind of evil kung fu again, otherwise If the condition relapses, it will be hard for gods to save you!”

“Understood, I will advise him carefully.”

Lily nodded seriously.

“Okay, my mission has been completed, I won’t stay here for long, take my leave.”

Dustin greeted politely and prepared to get up and leave.

“Brother Dustin, I’ll give it to you.” Shiela said quickly.

“No, take good care of your dad here. If you have any questions, you can contact me at any time.”

Chase Lu smiled slightly, then turned around and went out.

After a while, Garrett and his party returned to the ward.

“Second Aunt, I just saw that Dustin has left. Is it possible that Second Uncle’s illness has been cured?” Garrett asked tentatively.

“Probably.” Lily was a little unsure.

“Since it’s been cured, why hasn’t the person woke up yet?” Garrett asked.

“Aunt Yulan, are you being deceived? That guy is obviously playing tricks, knowing he can’t do it, so he took the opportunity to sneak away.” Vivian looked wise.

“It’s very possible! I’ve seen a lot of charlatans like this. They will do whatever it takes to get money!” Chase Johnson said with some indignation.

“Don’t talk nonsense! Brother Dustin is not a liar!” Shiela was a little unhappy.

“Xue’er, you are too naive and don’t understand what makes people’s hearts evil.” Garrett shook his head.

“Yes, Xue’er, don’t be deceived by Dustin’s sweet words. If he is really capable, why didn’t he cure Uncle Cheng?” Vivian asked.

“My dad has recovered from his illness. He will wake up after a short rest.” Shiela argued with reason.

“Hmph! Do you believe this kind of nonsense? If Uncle Cheng wakes up today, I will jump off the roof of the hospital!” Vivian vowed.

As soon as these words came out, Caden, who was sleeping on the hospital bed, suddenly opened his eyes as if he had a feeling.
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