Blind Date Turned Proposal by Mr. Adeel

Description of Novels
Mr Adeel
Title: Blind Date Turned Proposal Ra Genre: Romance
Language: English Read Online Pages: Ongoing

On the day of the blind date, the man turned out to be fat, short, and greasy! What could she do but run? Josie Warren was about to escape when the man at the next table stopped her. Why was this man so familiar? He… he was her immediate superior, Dexter Russell, a rich tycoon worth millions! What he said next surprised her immensely. “Josie, what about marrying me?” Marriage? Had Dexter been crushing on her for years? Did he set up this blind date to accidentally bump into her? Only highly skilled hunters would appear like prey. So why not! He had the looks and the money, after all. Josie acted on it instead of thinking about it. “Sure! Let’s get married! I will do as you wish and
Chapter 362 Do You Have Any Questions


“I was terrified as he reached for my bra. I grabbed an alcohol bottle from the side and hit him over the head. He started bleeding onto my skirt and all over my hands. When the police came, I explained to them that it was an act of self-defense, but no one believed me.”

It was Arnold who flew all the way to help her.

Summer started to chuckle. “This was the lowest point in my life. It was a narrow escape from death, so I’m no longer afraid of anything now.”

“Dex, I don’t mind at all,” she stammered with a strong alcohol scent lingering. “I love you a lot, and I don’t care if you have a wife.”

Dexter imagined Josie’s profound eyes growing with contempt and exasperation.

He fell silent

Summer had a lot to drink and wouldn’t stop prying on him, “Have you known her for a long time?”

“Yes,” Dexter muttered indifferently, without any intention of continuing the conversation.

The conversation finally came to an end.

The driver peeked through the rearview mirror and noticed his boss’ eyes were icy cold, with a look of disdain masking his face.

“Summer came here because of Dexter. It was late, and the both of them were seated on the sofa at the hospital. “She ruined his reputation, and he was infuriated. He gave the Olsen family an ultimatum, so they sent Summer to London,” Arnold explained indifferently.

“Summer had wanted to return to Wavery the past few years, but Dexter wouldn’t let her return. He didn’t want her here.”

“Then how did you get her back?”

“Well, some things are best kept secret.” Arnold’s lips curled into a knowing smile. “I wouldn’t be his rival if I hadn’t had such capabilities.”

Anderson took Josie back to Mason Garden. That night, Dexter did not return home. His driver informed them that Dexter would be sleeping elsewhere, alone.

Josie trusted Dexter. He had called to inform her, so she knew he was telling the truth.

Wavery was becoming warmer as summer approached. After one month, Josie had fully recovered, and Anderson could finally leave Mason Garden.

Josie returned to work at the Russell Group. Even without her, the design department had been functioning smoothly.

Josie had lost weight, and her personality had become more reserved. Alice couldn’t help but ask, “Jo, are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine. Why do you ask?”

Do You Have Any Questions

“Nothing. I saw you walking from afar, and I can’t believe how much you’ve changed.”

Josie chuckled softly.

For the past month, Josie had been working remotely without affecting the progress of her work. Now that she was back in the office, most people were surprised to see her.

After work, Josie went to the Carter Group. Arnold had a press conference at the Carter Group,

She saw Summer at the press conference. Summer was typing at the back of the hall, her hair tied back in a bun.

She was a skilled and gorgeous woman with outstanding charisma.

Summer was surprised to see Josie at the event.

She politely nodded at her with a smile, but her demeanor was distant and cold.

Josie was well aware of the rumors that had been circulating about Summer and Dexter for the past month.

Everyone was talking about how differently Dexter treated Summer.

Josie had only seen Dexter a few times in the past month, and they hadn’t had a chance to speak.

The lady in the white blouse, do you have any questions?” the speaker on stage suddenly asked into the microphone.

Josie was the only one wearing white in the audience, so everyone’s attention immediately turned to her. She lifted her head slightly, feeling confused by the situation.
Chapter 363 To Anger Her

Everyone’s eyes were on her.

Josie snapped out of her daze after three seconds. It was a Q&A session.

“Hello, Mr. Carter. The Carter Group is a top corporation in the current market, and its style aligns with the CEO’s personal visions and goals. If the CEO steps down, will the Carter Group continue to be led in such a manner, and will it go against the Russell Group once the partnership ends? That’s all for my question. Thank you.”“”

The question was both controversial and interesting.

Everyone at the press conference noticed the change in her demeanor as she asked it. She began sounding nervous, but by the end of her question, she had calmed down and sounded confident

Arnold, who was on the stage, chuckled softly before asking. “What’s your last name?”

Why is he acting? “You can call me Ms. Warren,” she replied.

“Ms. Warren, you have an outstanding question. However, this is not the appropriate forum for me to answer it I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.”“”

Arnold had an interesting way of avoiding the question. He had managed to keep her dignity intact while also avoiding answering the question himself.

The audience gave a polite chuckle.

Josie rubbed her nose and forced a smile. She held a grudge against him but knew she had to be professional.

Suddenly, the realization dawned upon her. Many reporters were present, and she had forgotten that the forum was being broadcast live.

Back at the Russell Group, the executives were also watching the forum. They were impressed by Arnold’s answer, but they were also amused by Josie’s reaction. They found her adorable, and they couldn’t help but laugh.

The secretary coughed behind Dexter, signaling for everyone to keep their composure. They all turned to look at the man at the end of the table, who was sitting with his hands clasped together, his leg on the table, and a stern look on his face. His eyes were cold and distant.

Arnold sent Josie home when she left the forum.

They had grown closer since their last conversation and were now friends.

“Why did you choose me just now!” Josie asked.

“To anger her,” Arnold replied. It was clear who he was talking about.

Josie was unfazed. She might not even care about you, she said, just like how Dexter doesn’t care about her.

Arnold chuckled without replying to her

Josie froze in the doorway of her bedroom, her eyes widening

She turned on the lamp, and Dexter glanced at her side of the bed. He wanted to reach out and touch her, but she curled into a ball, avoiding his touch.

His hand lingered on the dented part of the bed where she had slept, his palm warm from her body heat.

He glanced at his watch. It was two in the morning.

Josie was sent home by another man at this late hour. She’s getting bolder by the day.

Is she sleep? The corner of his lips lifted into a smirk as he walked into the bathroom. He was surprised to see the clothes Josie had changed out of.

They were filled with the scent of alcohol, even smoke.

Josie occasionally drank a little alcohol, but she never smoked.

His anger boiled over as he immediately pulled her up from her bed.

She cried out in pain and grabbed his wrist, but he flung her hands away. She fell onto the bed, knocking on her head. Josie looked up in fear as he knelt on one knee beside her, his face inches from hers. His hands were raised, and she knew they were meant for her.

His hands hovered in mid-air as if he had finally regained his senses. After a moment, he reached out and gently cupped Josie’s chin in his hands. His chilling smile sent a shiver down her spine. “You stole the show today, Mrs. Russell,” he said.
Chapter 364 Punishment

Josie shoved him away. “Leave!” she demanded, her eyes flashing with anger.

But she had no say in their relationship. “Leave?” he sneered.

His hands were inches away from her chest.

Her pajamas fell open with a slight tug on the knot of her belt. She was pushed onto the bed, her hands pinned above her head by the man’s strong grip. His lips were like fire on her neck, leaving two red marks in their wake.

It wasn’t a kiss but a vicious bite.

Josie’s face twisted in disgust as she raised her arms to slap Dexter, but he easily pinned her down. “Have you gone insane?” she yelled.

In the dim light, she noticed that he wasn’t wearing their wedding ring.

Dexter loosened his grip and followed her darting eyes. “You must like Arnold Carter,” he said, his voice deep and menacing.

Josie felt a surge of anxiety pin her into place as she froze.

The man’s voice dripped with venom as he continued. “Have I mistreated you??

Without a moment’s hesitation, he ripped off her pajamas and roughly fell on top of her.

The next day.

It was raining outside. The view from the balcony was obscured by a thick mist that covered the mountains in the distance, and the sound of raindrops beating on the leaves was deafening.

The weather forecast predicted that the thunderstorm would last for another week.

Josie lay in bed, covered by a rumpled blanket that exposed her bare shoulders. She stared at the wall in daze, lost in thought. After a few moments, she sighed and got up, slowly making her way to the bathroom.

A slight movement made her whole body ache as if her bones had been shaken apart and roughly put back together. Her forehead furrowed into a deep scowl as she felt the pain.

He went three rounds with her while she was awake, but she was eventually knocked out.

When she woke up the next time, she could only feel her body aching all over. The man was gone, and a bitter emptiness coiled around her heart.

The rainy weather made the room feel suffocating, so she went downstairs for her meal. When the maids saw her, they all averted their eyes, sighing as they pitied her.

Josie felt like she was gasping for air. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself

down. Her phone buzzed, and she answered the call.

“I finally reached your her colleague’s voice rang through the phone. “What happened, Josie? Why were you fired?”

She opened her eyes with a start.

Josie felt a chill run down her spine. “What are you talking about?” she asked, her voice shaking. “I wasn’t fired.

“I just saw the notice on the office bulletin board,” her colleague uttered. “It says you were let go.”

Josie’s stomach churned as she glanced around the room. Her eyes landed on the car keys on the table. They must be Dexter’s. She snatched them up and darted into the garage. “Explain slowly,” she called our as she turned the engine on. T’m on my way to the office.”

She felt like fate had dealt her a cruel hand.

The sky seemed to be falling in on her.

“The stock market took a turn within an hour of opening, and the whole market is in chaoL’

Josie’s hands started to tremble on the steering wheel.

She scrolled through her contacts, contemplating whether she should make the call. Suddenly, her phone rang. It was Arnold.

“Are you okay?” Arnold asked worriedly.

Josie forced a tight-lipped smile as she shook her head. “I don’t think so.”

The Carter Group was also caught up in the mess, but Arnold seemed unruffled. He continued in a calm voice. “Your man is intriguing. As expected from Dexter.”

He had caught on quickly,

Josie’s smile faltered. Her body still ached, and she felt exhausted.

Her stomach churned, and she ran to the bathroom to vomit. Tears welled up in her eyes.
Chapter 365 In Trouble

“Are you on your way to the Russell Group?” Arnold asked indifferently.

“If I had known, I wouldn’t have dragged you into this mess,” Arnold continued. Josie slowly lifted her head, her temples still pounding. She used a napkin to wipe her mouth, then took out her lipstick and applied it. As she did, her face slowly began to brighten.

She shouldn’t have crossed the line with Dexter.

“How’s the situation?” she asked.

Arnold frowned as he scanned the stock market report. This doesn’t look good,” he observed. The problem is more complicated than we thought. It’s not just the Carter Group that’s being targeted Small and medium-sized businesses all over Wavery are being affected. The whole market is in trouble.”

Josie could never have imagined that Dexter would go to such lengths to get back at her. “What about the Carter Group?” she asked, her voice trembling.

“We’re taking emergency measures to address the stock market problem, but Dexter’s decision also affects his subsidiary companies, including the team led by Wyatt,” Arnold said urgently.

Josie felt her head pounding. He must be out of his mind. “Tell me what I have to do, she demanded,

“Dexter must be stopped. This stock market cannot continue to crash. I’ll send you a file with the affected businesses later.”

The phone call ended. Josie knew she couldn’t drive to the office, so she immediately called Moses, “Where are you?”

He was stunned to hear her voice. She hadn’t been to the office lately, so he was on a break at home.

“I’m surprised to hear from you. I thought you’d already fired me.

“Stop the nonsense. Come to Mason Garden and pick me up.

After packing her things. Josie opened the file on her phone. She saw that Wyatt’s team was on the list of companies affected by the stock market. Dexter had announced their independence from the corporation, but seeing them go through such trouble was a pity

Moses arrived shortly after. Josie got into the car but didn’t answer when he asked where they were going The car idled outside the gates of Mason Garden,

Josie finally made the call to Wyatt. After a long ring, he picked up. “Josie?”

His voice was weak and weary. He sounded exhausted.

“How are you doing?”

“The company was about to be listed, but now the stock market is in chaos. A foreign company has offered to buy us out at a high price

Josie’s eyebrows furrowed at the news. “Your opponent is the Russell Group

“What does that have to do with me?” Wyatt asked, his voice sharp.

There was a long pause before he continued, Josie, I’m starting to think this is all a scheme.”

Josie felt a pang of guilt at Wyatt’s words. She closed her eyes and asked, “Where are you? I’ll go over to


She shouldn’t have angered him. She was finally starting to understand how important her position as Mrs. Russell was.

Wyatt told her his location, and she instructed Moses to take her there immediately,

The e-commerce business attracted mostly young and passionate individuals. Everyone at Wyatt’s office was whispering and discussing, clearly having encountered a problem..

Josie walked inside the office, guided by Wyatt’s assistant. “Wyatt,” she called as she entered his office.

As soon as the door opened, her heart sank. She saw two people inside, one of whom she recognized as the woman who had been seen with her husband in the past month.

Summer was dressed professionally and had a file in her hands. When she saw Josie enter the room, her eyebrows raised, and her lips curled into a wide smile.

The room fell silent.
Chapter 366 May I Speak With You for a Moment

Josie halted her steps. Wyatt stood up from his seat, surprised to see Josie. He was about to greet her but hesitated as Summer was around.

“Take a seat,” he spoke indifferently. “Summer, you can continue.”

Summer placed the files on the table and explained, “A foreign company has decided to buy all your stock. While they are in the process of doing so, I recommend that your team develop a policy for your shares. You could prioritize your trusted aides with your dividends. If you are unable to prevent your company from being taken over, you could also bring your opponent down by repaying your outstanding debt early. This would create a financial crisis for the company that is trying to take over yours.”

Wyatt didn’t say a word, clearly deep in thought, as he mulled over what Summer said.


stood lost in thought, her gaze drifting over the plants on the windowsill,

Summer continued, “There is another option. You could try to find out who is behind this and find a supporter to buy your company’s shares. They could then go against your opponent and artificially inflate the price of the company. This would not only help your company, and…”

Wyatt interjected, “Summer, if we follow this plan, our company could go bankrupt before we have a chance to defeat our opponent.”

Summer tilted her head.

“I could ask my father to support you, but even with his resources, we may not be able to defeat them without outside help. It will take time to find out who is behind this.“

Summer nodded. “Your concern is understandable. I will do my best to help you overcome this. I need a little more time to think it over.”

“Thank you, Summer. The information you brought me today was very useful.”

Summer chuckled. “You’re like a brother to me. I don’t need thanks for helping the family.”

Wyatt’s shifty eyes and restless posture were evidence enough of the awkward position he was placed under.

She turned to leave but paused beside Josie with a smile. “Ms. Warren, may I speak with you for a moment?”

Josie took a deep breath, pursed her lips, and nodded at Wyatt.

“I wasn’t sure what you like, so I got both of us Americano.” Summer passed her a cup of warm coffee from the cafe downstairs. Her slender fingers were adorned with beautiful nail art.

Josie glanced at her bare fingers. She couldn’t have any nail art, as she needed to work on designs.

“Thank you”

“I didn’t add any sugar” she said. “I assumed you and Dexter have similar tastes, so I ordered his usual.” Summer’s black hair framed her face as she smiled, her eyes curving into crescents, accentuating her

May I Speak With You for a Moment

classically beautiful appearance.

“I like it very much. Josie said with a warm smile. She bent her head to take a sip of her coffee, and Summer noticed the bruises on her neck. She froze, her heart pounding.

I’m glad you like it. While I was away, you took care of Dexter. In the future, if you want anything. I’ll do my best to give it to you. She spoke with a resolute voice and took Josie’s hand. “After the incident at the factory, I knew you were a good person.

Josie didn’t return her smile and slowly pulled her hands away. “I believe you’d be safe no matter what happens, with your great luck and Dexter’s protection. It had nothing to do with me.”

Summer remained collected despite Josie’s hostility. She spoke with an innocent air, “But you were hurt. I hope it didn’t affect you too much.”

Josie stared at her, a shiver running down her spine. She was no ordinary woman if this woman could control Arnold for all these years.

“Don’t worry: I mean you no harm, even though you are Dexter’s wife.” Summer took a sip of her coffee and leaned back in her chair. Her eyes were unwavering as she continued, “I know you won’t be wearing that title for much longer.”

Josie couldn’t help but scoff at her confidence. “How can you be so sure of yourself?”
Chapter 367 He Doesn’t Want To Return Home

Despite Dexter’s recent mistreatment, including causing the stock market to crash, Josie knew he wouldn’t divorce her if she didn’t bring it up

*Dexter told me you married him to make Grandpa happy,” Summer said, her eyes gleaming with


Josie felt her heart swell in her chest. “He told you?”

He even shared this deep secret with Summer

“Yes, he told me everything,” she said, her eyes scanning Josie’s expression.

Josie realized that she didn’t want to put up against her anymore. “Yes,” she said, “we’ll get a divorce when the time is right. But Ms. Olsen, I need you to be patient for now.”

Summer’s eyes widened in surprise and disbelief. “That’s what he told me as well,” she said, her voice calm and composed as she laid her hands on the table.

She had expected this response from him, but hearing it from Summer made her heart sink.

“I thought you would be difficult to deal with, but you’re much more reasonable than I expected,” Summer smirked. “Ill be waiting patiently for the day you and Dexter get divorced. Even after your divorce, you won’t lose out if you’re on my side. After all, I am the heir to the Olsen fortune.”

She carried herself with an air of arrogance that was expected of a wealthy young lady.

“Alright,” Josie said, the bitterness of her coffee lingering in her mouth.

Summer’s affluent family background was her biggest asset, unlike Josie, who had nothing but a sick father. Josie had also recently lost her job as the director of the design department. She had accepted the reality that Summer was a better fit for Dexter than she was and that she had no chance of winning against her.

She would rather live in peace than share the title of “Mrs. Russell.

After Summer left, Josie returned to Wyatt’s office with a grave expression. “How did it go?” Wyatt asked, concerned.

Josie forced a smile. “How else could it go? She couldn’t bite me.”

Wyatt sighed. There have been rumors circulating for the past month that..

“I know,” Josie interrupted as she sat on the sofa. “Let’s talk about your situation. Dexter wasn’t targeting you. You can still ask him for help, right?”

Wyatt sat down across from her and scowled. Josie, do you remember what Dex said when our company became independent? He wanted us to take full authority, so we’ll be held accountable for any problems

we face.

Josie recalled the conversation. “But he’s your brother.

“We’re not biologically related,” Wyatt reminded her.

They shared a knowing look. They didn’t need to say it out loud to know the truth.

“Tundresand” Josie nodded. She walked over in Wyatt and pamed him on the shoulder. Til do my best to

As she turned to leave Wyant called out. “Josie, I’ve abys looked up to Dex as my role model. I wanted to

him. The Revell Family has a rule that you must return home if you fail go back”

her spine She felt even more

ry for Wyatt when she

she hadn’t gone against Dester yesterday, be might not have gone to

his passion and uch lengths.

After having Wyn’s office, she headed towards the Russell Group Moses approached her cautiously: “1 besed you were fired.”

Jossed her eyebrows. Do you have to rub it in?”

Moses fell silent, unsure how to respond

Compared to everything che that was happening, losing her job was relatively minor

Suddenly, her phone rang. It was Arnold who gave heran address. Come over for lunch”

Ton my way to the Russell Group

“”“Visu don’t have to go there anymore.”
Chapter 368 Marriage

Josie didn’t understand what Arnold meant by his cryptic message, but he assured her she would understand when she arrived.

The restaurant was located in the city center.

Arnold looked dashing in his gray suit, while Josie’s face was pale and drawn in comparison. After he placed his order, he pointed at her face and said, “You look exhausted. Please get some rest.”

Josie was exhausted, but she was feeling better than she had this morning. She hadn’t had a chance to rest since the chaos broke out.

“I don’t have time to rest,” Josie said, her head in her hands.

Arnold glanced down at her blouse, which was slightly exposed, and saw the bruises on her neck. He narrowed his eyes and asked, “Did he hit you?”

Josie immediately covered her neck with her hands. “No,” she uttered softly.

Arnold caught on to what had happened. When their food arrived, Arnold helped Josie to cut fter steak before handing it to her. “Thank you,” she muttered.

“Why did you call me out here?” Josie asked. She knew she shouldn’t be seen with Arnold, as it would only anger Dexter further. But after everything that had happened, she didn’t think this would make any difference.

“You’ll know soon enough, Arnold said with a smirk.

A sweet voice rang out across the room. “Arnold!”

Josie looked up and saw a woman approaching them. Her pale, delicate skin gleamed in the distance, and her chestnut brown hair framed her soft features. She wore flats, and her overall appearance was gorgeous, exuding an elegant aura.

Before Josie could start guessing who it was, she noticed the man standing beside the woman.

He was tall and broad-shouldered, with profound yet cold features. He exuded a unique charisma.


Josie gripped her fork tightly, trying to control the trembling in her hands.

They were about to approach their table.

“Eileen, come over here,” Arnold insisted.

The woman called Eileen met eyes with the man beside her and slowly walked over to their table. Arnold grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto his lap.

“Why are you here?”

Josie stared at the man who stood still a few feet away. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her racing heart. She could see the corner of his lips lift in a smirk as he turned and walked away.

Eileen’s voice was soft and gentle. She looked over at Josie and asked, “Who is she?”

Arnold’s voice softened when he spoke to Eileen. “She’s a friend of mine. We bumped into each other here and decided to have lunch together. Why are you here today?” He ran his fingers through her hair as he spoke.

Josie nodded at Eileen in greeting and continued to eat her steak. Knowing that she looked frail and exhausted, she was confident no one would mistake her to be Arnold’s partner.

Eileen wrapped her arms around Arnold’s neck and whispered, “I wanted to find you, but I saw Dexter downstairs, so I decided to have lunch with him instead?”

Her face was pale and soft, like a porcelain doll.

She was undeniably attractive.

Arnold pinched her waist and smiled. If that’s the case, you can go ahead. Call me when you’re done, and I’ll take you home.”

Eileen nodded and gave him a peck on the cheek. As she stood up, Arnold pulled her back and passionately kissed her.

Before Josie could ask any questions, Arnold curtly explained, “She’s Eileen Shaw, the only daughter of Nigel Shaw from Laxir Corporation. They’re considering marrying their daughter into the Carter Group.”

Josie’s eyes widened. “You’re going to marry her to save the Carter Group?”
Chapter 369 Vomit

“Let’s put this meeting on hold,” Arnold said, avoiding her question. “I didn’t know she was friends with


After all, it’s unsurprising that a woman of her social standing would know Dexter

“What about Summer!”

He seemed unfazed as he answered. She’s none of my business anymore”

Josie wouldn’t believe him. “Why did you call me here today!”

“You won’t find Dexter at the Russell Group headquarters, but you will find him here.”

So, this was his plan all along.

Josie didn’t know how she would stand up against Dexter. As the CEO, he could fire her from her director position at any time. She also had no say in his aggressive actions on the Carter Group.

She felt a sense of dread in her chest, suffocating her since she met eyes with him.

Josie felt so anxious that she thought she was going to be sick. “I have to use the restroom,” she stood up and excused herself.

There were a few private rooms on the way to the restroom. Josie scanned around but didn’t find Eileen or Dexter in any of them.

Josie splashed some water on her face to wake herself up.

She looked in the mirror and saw that she looked terrible. Her eyes were dull and lifeless; her skin sunken and dry, a clear sign of over-exhaustion. Her appearance was no match for Eileen’s.

Josie walked out of the washroom, head down, contemplating whether to go home and take a rest. She was tired, and her head was starting to ache.

“Ah.” Josie bumped into someone’s rock-solid chest and felt her head spinning. She stumbled backward but was caught in time by the person’s large, strong hands.

Josie felt her heart racing in her chest. As she slowly gained footing, her gaze fell on the familiar jaw. Her eyes lifted slowly_

Josie was frightened, and her eyes grew wide. She gazed upon his face with a sense of anxiety creeping

within her.

“What are you doing here?”

The man loomed over her, his voice low and menacing. I see you’re clearly attracted to him, and you’re not going to let his willingness to be a bootlicker stop you from getting close to him.”

He sneered as he emphasized the word “bootlicker, dripping with contempt and condescension

Josie’s face tightened with annoyance, and her pupils flared red. She wanted to smack him across the face with her bag. “Dexter, that’s enough, she warned through gritted teeth.

He gripped her wrist tightly and pulled her close, his voice full of venom. “Arnold wants the Laxir

Corporation to help the Carver Cup, vight? But how much power shoes he have without his shares? The won’t be able to marry her right away so this will all be for nothing”

Jose clenched her fists and raised her hands to slap Dexter Dexter she cried

But he was too strong for her

Jose’s eyes filled with tears

The realization finally dawned upon her. Dexter’s aim all along was to leave Arnold between a rock and a hard place

It was either the fall of the Carter Group or Arnold getting married. Either way, Dexter would wis

A i

pict scheme to bring fold down

He grabbed her wrists and held them tightly

Josie was quivering with anger, but she didn’t know how Dexter’s heart sank when he saw Arnold slicing the steak for her and how she uncharacteristically let her guard down around him.

Josie tried to break away, but her stomach churnest, and she felt bile rising in her throat. She covered her mouth and bent over slightly, her face pale. Dexter’s eyes widened in shock at her sudden behavior She quickly dashed towards the restroom and vomited into the sink.

Dexter followed behind her, his heart swelling as he looked at her in her vulnerable state

The corner of his mouth turned down in a grimace as he watches Josje retch into the sink. He wanted to reach out and comfort her, but his hands hovered in the air, frozen He didn’t have the right to touch her


Josie felt better after a while. She turned on the faucet to wash her hands, and as she lifted her eyes, she met the indiscemible gaze of the man who had followed her inside. “Why

Josie lifted the corner of her lips. “Why are you here!”

The man’s lips quivered. Josie felt her heart stop, and her vision flashed black. She collapsed to the floor,


“Jostel” he shouted.
Chapter 370 Fainting

Josie never expected to see Manhew under these conces

He was dressed in

his al professional and große demes her stomach Does it will hurt here?

gely pressed

it Seeing her wak


Nitti, Josie felt embarrassed. She raised her swim to cover her eyes and spoke in

Seeing him, Josie

Matthew’s expression stiffened as

tiffened as he glanced at the

glanced at the m waiting outside the ward. Dexter’s eyes were dark and impenetrable, making it difficult to discern his thoughts

In a low voice, Matthew advised. You fainted because of exhaustion, and your body is too weak. You need su take better care of yourself. The vomiting was likely caused by irregular eating habits recently prescribe some medicine for you. Rest well and stick to a light diet”

As Matthew turned to leave, Josie grabbed the edge of his clothes and asked, “Matthew, when can I leave here

She still had an TV drip attached to her wrist.

Just one more bottle of nutrition. “he adjusted the drip speed for her while asking. “What happened? Did something go wrong?”

Josie forced a smile and nodded, “Since you’ve examined me, you should be able to guess what happened

The scar on her waist remained, not fully healed yet.

She deliberately didn’t use the ointment given by Lao Sun. She wanted to remember this shame on her


Manhew pursed his lips. Just now, he saw Dexter rush in carrying her. Matthew was startled by the terrifying darkness that filled in his eyes.

He unbuttoned Josie’s clothes and saw bruises, kiss marks, and the scar on her waist, piecing together the general picture.

Dexter’s voice resonated from above, “Matthew, you’re her friend. Can I trust you?”

Ignoring the bitterness creeping in him, Matthew simply nodded.

Arnold and Eileen followed along. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, Arnold wouldn’t have believed the man that acted so ruthlessly in the market was the same man that anxiously carried Jose to the hospital

Let’s go. Arnold pinched the woman’s soft and delicate hand, his eyes distant and ethereal “Les them solve their own problems, okay?”

Eileen’s eyes were amber, resembling a car’s “Alright”

“Will you be working overtime tonight? Dad wants us to go home for dinner

She held onto Arnold’s hands Sensing the coldness in his eyes, she looked at him pleadingly

Revealing a distant smile on his face, he caressed her chestnut-colored hair “Okay, I’ll send you home first.”

“Then I’ll “Then I wait for you at home, and we can go together later

Arnold accepted the arrangemem. Don’t tire yourself out. Rest well.”

After resting for a while. Josie thought everyone had left She finally removed her arm from her eyes and opened them slightly. To her surprise, she saw a man standing beside her bed, his expression at cofil as wearing intently at her

Josie revealed a startled expression but quickly regained her composure, looking indifferent.

Dexter, as if guessing her thoughts, calmly spoke, “You were the one who kept holding onto my clothes, not allowing me to leave

Josie was taken aback, and seeing his unwavering expression, she realized he wasn’t joking

“Thank you, her expression unchanged. “But I don’t need you here anymore.”

Dexter raised an eyebrow slightly. “Are you biting the hand that saved you?

Josie felt annoyed. She detested his mocking tone and besides, if it weren’t for him, she might not have fainted in the first place.

She turned around to leave, but after taking just a couple of steps, she noticed that the needle she had just pulled out caused a sudden gush of blood, covering her hands. Startled by the blood, the man hurriedly approached, taking her to the bathroom to clean up before calling Matthew inside.

Josie impatiently struggled, saying. “Let go of me.”

He forcefully pressed her back onto the bed, revealing a wave of hidden anger. “Don’t move!”
Chapter 371 Exploiting Marriage for Publicity

Josie was temporarily subdued by his intimidating temper, and she had no choice but to calm down

Matthew came in to help Josie with the wound, but when he tried to continue the drip, she forcefully pulled her hand back and said in a rigid tone, “Matt, sorry, but I feel like I’m fine now. I want to leave the hospital immediately.

Matthew instinctively looked at Dexter, as if he was inquiring his opinion.

He now understood that Josie’s decision would be irrelevant when Dexter was there.

Josie stared back at the man obstinately. “I have many things to do. I’m not as fragile and dramatic as Mr. Russell thinks.

Dexter’s gaze turned cold as he replied, “Sure, but I guess that as soon as you step outside, you’ll start vomiting and faint again”

Josie kept silent because she indeed still had the urge to vomit.

“You’ve lost your job. What else is there for you to be busy with?”

This remark made Josie glare at him, her beady eyes ablaze with fury, and the tense atmosphere persisted. Matthew intervened, trying to defuse the situation. Josie, there’s no rush. It won’t hurt to finish the drip before leaving the hospital.”

Seeing that Josie had stopped moving, he took the opportunity to reinsert the needle into her vein. The sudden pain made Josie involuntarily groan.

A dark bruise formed where the needle had just been inserted.

She didn’t notice, but at the same time, Dexter furrowed his brow, his reproachful gaze falling on


For the rest of the time, Josie lay back on the bed, closed her eyes, and pretended to sleep. She didn’t want to see or speak to the man in her room.

Her phone kept vibrating in her pocket, but she didn’t dare answer it.

“Why, are you feeling annoyed? “An intimate breath suddenly washed over her as warm fingertips touched her face, slithering like a venomous snake. She couldn’t help but tremble. You’ve been with me for so long, yet you still don’t know how to handle unexpected events.”

Sure enough, it was him! She thought

He knew that Bryce would deliberately do this

The man’s large hand suddenly withdrew, and his voice turned cold. “I’ll give you a suggestion. Go to the media now and announce our marriage. Perhaps Carter Group will be saved.

The news of the mysterious woman married to Dexter being Josie would undoubtedly cause a sensation. By using the media, public opinion would be pushed to a climax.

After a long period of silence that felt like half a century, Josie finally opened her eyes. She responded sharply, “Unlike you, I don’t resort to using marriage as a publicity stunt”

Dexter’s expression remained cold, without a trace of emotion.

“Anyone in the whole world, but you can say that I’ve married you for a publicity stunt.”

She stiffened.

He took out his phone, answered a call, and then walked out of the ward. His cold and ruthless figure seemed to be telling her that his presence in the hospital meant a last chance for her, but since she didn’t accept it, he no longer needed to show any mercy.

He couldn’t see it, but when he mentioned publicly announcing their marriage to the media, a dark cloud descended over her eyes.

Once the news of Dexter’s marriage was exposed, it meant that all the protection he had given her before would no longer exist.

Josie took a deep breath, unsure what to make of the suffocating feeling deep in her heart.

She scrolled through her contacts for a long time but couldn’t find a suitable person. Finally, she hesitantly called Laura, who was surprised when she picked up the phone. “Josie?”

“Can you come to the hospital to pick me up?”

Josie couldn’t believe that in the vast city of Wavery, she didn’t have a trustworthy friend to rely on.

Every person she had known for so long had some connection to Dexter.

Not long after, Laura appeared in the VIP ward and was startled to see Josie covered in injuries. “Wow, where did you get into a fight?”
Chapter 372 He Thought You Were Pregnant

Josie didn’t say much, her face turning pale and unsightly.

As she was leaving the hospital, she ran into Matthew. It seemed that Dexter had already left, and Matthew stood with his hands in his pockets, saying casually, “He thought you were pregnant.”

The man, who had always been calm and composed, had shown signs of panic not long ago. However, when he heard that it was only due to a stomach issue causing the vomiting, his disappointment was evident. He awkwardly asked Matthew, “No need for an ultrasound?”

Matthew was momentarily stunned. “Oh, no need. It’s just a stomach issue.”

Matthew didn’t dare to look at Dexter’s expression. He already knew that the man’s love for Josie had reached a certain level-a level where he wanted to have a child with her.

“I only faintly heard some rumors about you two. What happened? Did you and Dexter have a fight?”

Laura asked as Josie sat in the passenger seat of the car.

Josie took out her phone and scrolled through her call history, most of which were calls from her colleagues at work. “He maliciously attacked the Carter Group, not even sparing Bryce.”

Laura glanced at her. “Summer has been looking for you.”

“Yeah, Miss Olsen that looks so pure and innocent. If I were a man, I would also fall for her charm. “Josie selectively replied to some text messages, including one from Alice.

“From the looks of it, you’re going to be on the opposite side of Dexter, “Laura said.

“I have no choice. Josie knew she didn’t have the power to resist, so she could only do her best. Then, she suddenly remembered and asked, “Is Summer the successor of the Olsen family? Why isn’t it Zach Olsen?”

At the mention of this, Laura’s expression darkened slightly. “You don’t know, do you? The Olsen family favors their daughters, especially their youngest daughter. Plus, Zach’s abilities aren’t outstanding enough. Everyone assumes that Summer will be the future successor.”

“It’s strange. Usually, it’s the eldest son who inherits the family business. The Olsen family doesn’t seem to have favoritism over male descendants.”

“There’s a hidden story behind it, “Laura said, not elaborating further.

Alice received Josie’s reply and immediately called her. “What’s going on? Why did they fire you just like that? Did you go talk to the boss?”

Not only did she not talk to him, but she also had a fight with the “boss.”

“It’s okay. It’s just a job. I won’t starve.”

Seeing Josie’s nonchalant attitude, Alice was puzzled. “This isn’t like you, Josie. Did you read today’s financial news?”


He Thought You Were Pregnant

“It has nothing to do with you, right?”

Josie felt guilty for a moment. “What… What does it have to do with me?”

“You scared me. I thought there might be some connection between the two. I’ve overheard two of the managers talking in the pantry today, and they mentioned that the amount a foreign company was offering to acquire the Bryce team is between one billion and two billion.”

Josie almost choked on her own saliva. “Is that true?”

“That’s what I heard, but I’m not sure either. Why do you look so surprised?”

“No, it’s nothing. Thank you, Alice. Please keep an eye on the design department. “Josie gave her instructions and hung up the phone. She then told Laura, “Take me to Bryce’s place.”

Laura turned the steering wheel. “Okay.”

After Bryce got married, his personality became much more subdued, which made Josie somewhat unaccustomed. “Is everything alright at the Olsen family?”

“Don’t ask.

It seemed that things weren’t going well.

Josie put away her curiosity and decided to drop the subject. She told Bryce about the approximate amount of the acquisition. He was elated. “This is crucial for us. Knowing the approximate amount gives us a way to deal with it.”

Josie smiled. “How about I stay and face it together with you? After all, Dexter has fired me, and I have nothing to do now.”
Chapter 373 Food Delivery

“This isn’t a good idea.”

“I’ve already made up my mind.”

Although Josie knew nothing about finance, she decided to stay and assist the team members voluntarily without receiving any salary.

From that day on, she started receiving frequent anonymous food deliveries.

The team was busy, and Josie practically lived in the office. Whenever she felt tired, she would take a nap on the sofa and wake up to find her colleagues arriving. She would immediately start the morning meeting, and it was at this time that the food delivery would arrive like clockwork. Breakfast consisted of porridge and side dishes, enough for everyone in the office.

Although it was nothing fancy, the food tasted surprisingly delicious-refreshing and flavorful. Everyone praised the food one after another, assuming that Josie had ordered the delivery.

Little did they know that with just one bite, Josie could tell it was the skilled cooking of the head chef from Mason Garden.

She remembered the cold expression of the man at the hospital yesterday, and with a crisp sound, she forcefully put down the small spoon and stopped eating.

But the food deliveries didn’t stop at breakfast. Lunch and dinner arrived punctually, and there would even be afternoon tea after lunch, accompanied by a bouquet of flowers, as well as medicine and ointments, all exquisitely prepared.

Josie expressed her thoughts through her actions. She did not touch the food once and poured it all into the trash can.

The person responsible for delivering the meals had a bitter expression and quietly said to her, “Madam Russell, if you don’t eat, I won’t be able to explain it when I go back. Mr. Russell will be unhappy with


It was the same trick again. Josie thought. She stubbornly continued to do as she pleased.

As time went on, not only did the employees notice the situation, but even Bryce asked, “Is there a man pursuing you, Josie?”

Josie rolled her eyes. “You’re overthinking this.”

She really wanted to scold that man. Her finger hovered over the dial pad, but she couldn’t press any numbers.

She didn’t return to Mason Garden. If she really needed a place to spend the night, she would go to the hospital and sleep on the sofa in her father’s ward.

The next day, Josie was late. As she was leaving, she thought that she must have missed breakfast. However, when she opened the door, the delivery person was standing outside the ward.

Josie felt like cursing.

“When are you all going to stop monitoring me? “she exclaimed without looking back.

The delivery person wore a bitter expression. “Mrs. Russell, we’re just following orders.”

Josie didn’t even turn her head. “Go back and tell your boss that if he really wants me to eat, he should come and deliver it himself.”

After informing Bryce about the acquisition amount, Josie began discussing her own plan with Arnold. “I received reliable information that the funds they are using for the acquisition range from ten to twenty billion. In the short term, Bryce has very limited funds available, and there will be a shortfall of around ten billion.”

After a brief pause, she continued, “I want to borrow this money from you. Bryce has agreed to use all his Russell family shares as collateral.

On the other end, Arnold was accompanying Eileen to make mango mousse. His hands were covered in flour, and he had put his phone on speaker mode on the table.

He remained silent for a long time, and even Eileen, an outsider, could sense the urgency in the woman’s voice on the other end of the call.

After finally finishing with the flour, Arnold put it aside and washed his hands before saying, “Using the majority of your shares as collateral and winning the battle, achieving complete victory. Have you thought about what will happen if the counter-acquisition fails?”

He spoke lightly, “Once it fails, it won’t be as simple as losing everything. Bryce won’t be able to repay these debts in his lifetime. And if I backstab you and compete with the acquiring party, you will soon become a part of my assets.

“Is it worth it, Josie? Have you thought it through?”
Chapter 374 Thwarting Dexter’s Schemes

Exercise caution when interacting with him.

While Eileen remained oblivious to their relationship, her intuition nudged that Arnold had a genuine affinity for this woman.

Josie’s silence encapsulated the weight of desperation, a silent plea amid her risky gamble.

“I… I won’t allow Dexter to have it his way.”

She wouldn’t hold back after he had mercilessly crushed her dignity.

The volatile economic state in the current market and the financial constraints from the Carter Group had left Josie in a predicament. Yet, she refused to let Dexter claim victory and turn her into a mockery.

Arnold offered another suggestion, “You know your husband better than anyone. Since he started targeting Carter Group, the Russell Group has been in disarray. You could advise Wyatt to sell the company at a good price and venture into a new industry with the funds. Who knows, it might lead to a better outcome.”

Josie immediately refuted the suggestion and asserted, “No way. This is Wyatt’s first venture, and he will never agree to bankruptcy or selling it.”

She was determined to face any situation with Wyatt.

Arnold’s brow slightly furrowed as he asked, “Are you doing this for Wyatt, or is it about your personal vendetta against Dexter?”

Josie clenched her fist, her eyes darting elsewhere.

Eileen was peeling a mango with a firm grip on the knife when Arnold abruptly snatched the knife and the large mango from her.

She pursed her lips and wrapped her arms around his waist. Arnold kissed her forehead and then turned to Josic, who was still waiting, and said, “Since you’ve made up your mind, bring the contract and come to my house to sign.”

“Your house?”

Arnold blurted out his address and said, “Eileen is feeling a bit under the weather, so I’m staying home with her.

Josie nodded and replied. “Yes, it is getting colder.”

There was a momentary pause in the conference room as Dexter sneezed.

After the project team dispersed, Ivy entered the room with a stack of photos and began, “Sir…”

Dexter casually closed his laptop, stretching his long fingers, and a photo fell from his grasp. Ivy peered at the barren autumn through the windows, shivering in the cold.

Toming Dester’s Schemes

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Chapter 375 My Heart Belongs Elsewhere

A wave of dismay washed over Josic, and the fleeting excitement dissipated. The contract in her hands now felt like a sizzling hot plate, too precarious to handle. Lost for words, she stammered. “This…”

This could be serious if caught red-handedly.

Arnold shrugged it off, “If things go wrong. Eileen will step in.”

Has she been used?

Josie was stunned for a while. “She seems to like you a lot,” she finally murmured.

Arnold remained indifferent, slowly capped his pen, and answered coldly. “My heart belongs to someone else.”

Josie chose not to probe further. “It seems I have no choice but to go all out, even if it means risking everything for this billion-dollar deal.”

The room fell into a long and deep silence.

A gentle rapping on the study door broke the silence as Eileen’s soothing voice chimed in, “Are you finished? The mousse is ready to be served.”

A gentle smile etched on Arnold’s lips as he cordially invited Josic, “Stay and have a meal before you go.” Arnold’s mood changes rapidly and dramatically, displaying an intense and unpredictable temperament. Taking a moment to observe her surroundings, she paused and appreciated the house’s spotless cleanliness and meticulous arrangement. The prevalence of pink-colored items throughout added an undeniable touch of adorableness and charm.

Wyatt was shocked after signing the contract and immediately questioned Josie about the source of the money. Without hesitation, Josie disclosed all the details.

Wyatt’s skepticism dissipated, and he enquired, “Josic, how did you and Arnold meet?”

… in some unexpected circumstances.”

Without prying further, Wyatt asked curtly, “Did he send those meals and flowers?”

Josie’s agitation grew as she gazed at the freshly delivered bouquet of roses.

She deliberately tossed the bouquet into the trash bin and said nonchalantly, “The news of Arnold’s rumored engagement to a wealthy heiress is causing quite a commotion. You’re reading too much into it.”

Her eyes caught sight of a card nestled among the blooms. Her mind flickered, momentarily enticed to reach out and uncover its secrets. But she restrained herself, resisting the urge to pick it up and uncover its


Josie inadvertently left her laptop in Mason Garden as she left hastily after the meal.

Lost in her thoughts, she checked the time and assumed Dexter would still be engaged in the meeting

discussing the Carter Group.

She drove off hurriedly in Wyatt’s car. As a foreign vehicle approached Mason Garden, the security guards were prepared to intercept it. However, their surprise grew as the car window lowered to reveal Josie. They exclaimed, “Madam…”

Josie made a conscious effort to park her car discreetly, but despite her best intentions, she was inevitably


The wistful dusk of autumn awakens a sense of solitude.

Josie handed the car keys to the servant and stood by the staircase leading to Mason Garden’s interior.

She glanced at the servant and innocently asked, “Can I go upstairs to get something?”

The servant looked bewildered and answered, “Madam, you don’t need to ask me.”

She is Mrs. Russell, after all.

Josie chuckled wryly as she hurried upstairs, finding the master bedroom untouched. The balcony revealed the pitiful state of the neglected potted plants, their soil dry and foliage on the verge of wilting.

Josie glanced around, unable to find her computer in its usual spot. She searched fruitlessly, considering going downstairs to look for it. Suddenly, a solemn and commanding voice trailed along the corridor. “Why does Mrs. Russell sneak around like a thief when returning home?”

Josie stood still as she peered down to see Dexter seated on the sofa downstairs. His gaze held a mischievous allure, and a cold smile graced his lips.

Josie felt a chill run down her spine as fear and embarrassment enveloped her.

Had he been there all this time?
Chapter 376 Fever

She closed her eyes momentarily and met his gaze. “I returned to retrieve my belongings,” she stated firmly.

Dexter ascended the stairs and stopped before her. “Just tell me what you need, and I’ll bring it to you,” he assured succinctly. There was a menacing intensity in his gaze.

Josie trembled as he drew closer but shook off the tremor and asserted, “My laptop.”

“Where are your keys?”

Little did she know that Dexter was informed of her arrival in Mason Garden.

Her head throbbed, and she retorted. Forget about it.”

As she turned, her wrist was seized. “Mason Garden isn’t a place you can simply stroll in as you like,” a voice chided.

The grip on her wrist was intense. Her body lurched backward and fell into Dexter’s arms. It was a moment frozen in time.

Dexter was slightly agitated as Josie’s complexion grew unusually pale.

The creases on his forehead deepened as he swiftly carried her, carefully placing her onto the soft mattress in the master bedroom. Josie’s mind raced as the haunting memories of that fateful night resurfaced. “Get out!” she roared.

She wrestled against his grasp, but he held her hand firmly. He scorned. “I have no intention of having sex with a sick woman.”

Josie’s initial shock subsided, but an underlying discomfort persisted.

Dexter rose abruptly, pacing the bedroom before swiftly going down the stairs.

Josie crumpled onto the soft bed as the balcony door clicked shut, catching whiffs of his lingering scent that danced in her nostrils. Her head spun relentlessly as if being pulled into a swirling vortex.

A pang of regret washed over her for not taking the medicine that Dexter had sent earlier. The drip’s efficacy had faded away.

With a pounding headache and sore eyes, Josie realized she might be coming down with a cold. Her eyelids were heavy, and she slowly drifted away to sleep.

Dexter hurriedly fetched the medical kit and found Josie curled up and asleep. He shook her in panic, Josie, wake up.”

“Josie, open up,” said Dexter as he slid a thermometer into her mouth.

Half asleep, Josie complied.

Dexter’s eyes briefly flickered to her wrist, where scars from the previous injection were still visible.

No more needles for her.

Dexter gingerly prepared and administered the medicine to her as her brows furrowed in bitterness.

Julie came into the room with a bowl of hot soup and carefully served, “Sir, here you go.”

Dexter gently wiped Josie’s mouth with a tissue and muttered, “Leave it.“

Josie felt his every gesture was tender and delicate, as if she were his most cherished treasure.

“Dexter…” she murmured faintly.


“Did you spend time with Summer this past month just to make me jealous?”

It was a presumptuous question, but Josie mustered the courage to address the pressing question. Fully aware of its potential implications, she had genuine intentions and earnestly sought a path forward for their struggling marriage.

Dexter put down the bowl and said indifferently. “Do you want to hear the truth?”

Her heart sank.

“Not entirely.”

So, he had ulterior motives with Summer.
Chapter 377 Accept the Defeat

Josie was finally awake.

“The Olsen family has their eyes on you now,” Dexter said wearily, and his eye bags weighed on, “I must do something about this.”

There was anguish in his voice.

“It’s all for me, right?”

The evening’s golden hues streaked into the bedroom, glowing on Josie’s complexion. Her eyes sparkled like radiant jewels.

Dexter’s gaze lingered, his expression distant and unfocused.

“Is that how you see it? To protect me?” Josie’s voice trembled, and her frustration simmered. “I can look after myself, Dexter. You don’t have to sacrifice yourself to protect me.”

“Josie, Dexter’s voice turned sharp as he looked her in the eye. “Do you truly believe you can handle this on your own? You’re only confident because Arnold is there to support you. Take him out of the equation, and what are you left with?”

Josie was aghast, but it was the truth – what would she do without Arnold?

“Arnold never meant to help you anyways.”

Dexter’s words pierced through Josie once again. However, she couldn’t reveal that Arnold had lent her billions of dollars for the project.

“Dexter, I can’t help but question your sincerity. It seems like everything you do is motivated by self- interest. And please, let’s not even get started on Arnold.”

His face hardened, and he let out a cold, mocking laugh.

The phone buzzed and interrupted the tension in the room. Dexter swiftly answered, “Go ahead, speak, as his eyes lingered on Josie.

“Mr. Hudson took the highway as expected. The checkpoint was guarded by numerous officers, resulting in the exposure of the entire truck’s cargo.”

Hudson? He’s with Arnold. Her face blanched with a sinking realization.

Dexter’s eyes remained fixed on her. “Arnold seems to think I would be waiting for them on the highway.”

“This is quite strategic of you. Closing down Arnold’s nightclubs will make this summer a tough one for


Chill ran down her spine as she listened.

No way-Dexter had it all under his thumb.

Josie swiftly got out of bed, her breath quickening. Dexter ended the call and watched her somberly as she

hurriedly composed herself. Josie confronted him, “Did you ever think about Wyatt when executing these plans? He’s your brother and played a role in the Russell Group. How could you let him become the scapegoat?”

“I can tame even the wildest beasts,” Dexter reiterated.

“So, you could do whatever you want.”

Dexter remained silent as he brought the laptop upstairs and placed it before her.

“Are you sure you wanna leave?” he said condescendingly.

Josie snatched the laptop, her eyes flashing with contempt. “Jerk!” she spat, turning on her heels and storming downstairs, Dexter’s warning was brushed aside as she drove away in Wyatt’s car.

She tried calling Arnold, but there was no answer. Dexter’s cunning tactics had cornered Arnold, forcing him to choose between his marriage and the Carter group.

Arnold finally returned Josie’s calls. The days followed were filled with relentless dedication as she poured her resources into supporting Wyatt, preparing for the impending battle..
Chapter 378 Crashed

The meals were still sent on time but without flowers.

Josie had a few consecutive meetings. She discussed with Wyatt and overseas leaders the list of employees to lay off. The company’s articles of association were also amended, which gave them more protection from the reverse takeover.

They thought the reverse takeover meeting went well, but no one expected that Wyatt’s stocks would hit the limit down price the next day. Josie quickly sensed something unusual after learning for the past few days. “Check if the overseas company dumped their stocks.”

Her colleagues quickly confirmed her theory.

After pondering calmly, Josie guessed that Dexter didn’t know she had one billion as assistance from Arnold. If Arnold didn’t tell Dexter about it… she had a loophole.

They were short-selling.

She immediately informed Wyatt’s trader. “Keep an eye on the stock market. We will buy as many stocks as the overseas company dumps.”

The trader was hesitant to go up against them so forcefully. “Are you sure?”

She had no way out.

The overseas company and Wyatt kept selling and buying shares for the next few days. The stock market was steady, and it also instilled confidence in most of the stock investors. When the stock market closed this week, the overseas company had dumped five billion in stocks. They shorted all of Wyatt’s outstanding shares. Although he was in heavy debt, he had won the battle.

Wyatt’s team stared at the exact numbers and breathed a sigh of relief. Someone hit the table, and the entire office was fired up.

Josie looked at the rising and falling numbers on the computer screen. They had salvaged the situation. The worry she had in her heart disappeared.

Thankfully. Thankfully they didn’t know Josie had one billion from Arnold. She had managed to defeat them…

But Wyatt sent over a stack of report forms and seemed to have much on his mind. “If the stocks continue to fall when the market opens next week, we will lose everything.”

Josie looked up. “They don’t have any funds left, and the market is stable. How can it fall?”

Wyatt still felt uneasy, but he nodded. “I hope so.”

Josie sensed his worry. She had complicated feelings and joked, “You’ll treat us to a meal next week if everything goes well, right, Mr. Wyatt?”

Someone in the office immediately exclaimed. “I second that!”

Wyatt smiled. “Of course.”

The stock market was calm the following week. Economists’ predictions failed, and the overseas company was silent. They were under much suspicion.

Wyatt finally calmed down and told his team to choose a restaurant. Josie smiled. “I won’t join you. I’m going to meet Arnold and personally thank him.”

Arnold also received the news and looked for her on his own accord. “Don’t celebrate yet. Wait for it to stabilize

Josie didn’t care. Before she could refute it, she was suddenly interrupted by Wyatt’s call. She said, “I’m going to take this. It’s from the company.”

When she answered the call, Wyatt’s tense voice was heard. “It’s over… The stocks suddenly fell… We crashed.”

They were in a crisis now, and his voice trembled.

Josie suddenly froze and stood on the spot. Her eyes widened. “What did you say?”

The Russell Group building stood tall and mighty behind her, but it was as though the building would. collapse at the next second.

It was a capitalistic dream.

Josie frantically rushed to the office and was met with Wyatt’s defeated gaze. “We really crashed.”

It was as though Josie had been hit. She felt slightly dizzy. She was unprepared for such a situation.
Chapter 379 You’re Vicious

Her ears buzzed when she looked at the numbers that had fallen dramatically. She opened her mouth in a daze. “How much did each stock lose?”

Such a brutal bolt from the blue threw everyone off their feet.

Wyatt said, “Continue buying

Josie gritted her teeth. She said reluctantly, “But we…. have no funds left.”

They couldn’t do anything to retaliate…

Wyatt shook his head in disbelief. “No. Didn’t they say it’s only two billion?!”

They quickly realized that last week’s closely-fought battle on the market was only a smoke screen….. There was a shell company on the surface, and another company was secretly buying stocks before short-selling it today….

They were deceived….

The funds they had purchased were far more than two billion…

Josie was no longer in the mood to think about whether Alice had tricked her or if someone had taken advantage of Alice.

She had been dealt a heavy blow. It hurt, but it sobered her up.

Someone rushed in and said to Wyatt, “Let’s liquidate… If we delay………”

If they dumped their stocks now, outsiders would take advantage and buy them cheaply. After that, if there were no position in the market with the shares they had, Wyatt wouldn’t even be able to file for bankruptcy…

No matter what, Wyatt had lost the battle in the financial world.

Not only Wyatt but also Josie.

Someone had deceived her and taught her a lesson. It was like a slap in her face.

Josie’s personal cell phone rang at this time. She was startled. It was an unknown caller. She slowly answered the call.

The buzzing in her ear continued, but the man’s cold voice was distinct. “How do you feel?”

“It was you.” Josie was expressionless, but it was what she had expected. Her knuckles turned white as she held her cell phone. “You’re despicable.”

“You’re naïve.” Dexter snorted coldly and ruthlessly. It was as though he was disciplining a rebellious teenager. “Didn’t Arnold teach you? When I started the tug of war with you in the market, you should have guessed it wasn’t as simple as a hostile takeover, but you poured in all your capital. That was stupid.”

His straightforward yet taunting words swirled in her mind. Josie shut her eyes forcefully and slowly crouched down. She tried hard to calm her breathing.

She was a joke to him.

You’re Vicious

Someone stormed into the office and suddenly said, “Stop buying. Liquidate!”

Wyatt glanced at him and signaled for him to leave. After that, Wyatt walked to Josie and wrinkled his brows as he made a suggestion. “Is there a way for Arnold to continue giving us…”

Before he finished his sentence, the voice in Josie’s cell phone was fired up. His voice was cold and dangerous. “You must not know I’m now playing chess with Eileen Shaw’s father from Laxir.”

Their last hope was gone.

Josie already knew what she and Arnold had to face in the future other than today’s terrible situation.

She chewed on her fingernails and gritted her teeth as she said coldly, “You’re vicious.”

After a minute, Dexter’s emotionless voice was heard. “Not as vicious as you, Josie Warren.”

She was dumbfounded.

“If you understood me better and didn’t look for Arnold, or if you stopped thinking of escaping, such a thing wouldn’t have happened today.”

“If you had accepted my flowers or even hesitated to glance at them, you would have realized that my detailed plans of what I would do to Carter Group were written on the card in the flowers. If you looked at it, you could have turned the tide.”
Chapter 380 Don’t Do Anything Silly

“Do you think I wanted to make a move against you? It’s your fault. You disappointed me. You didn’t even look at the flowers before you threw them into the trash.”

The call suddenly ended.

The dial tone rang in Josie’s ears.

She felt cold.

Wyatt reached out to pull her up, and she held on to his arms tightly. Her legs felt slightly numb, and her gaze was empty.

At that moment, in Laxir’s chairman’s office.

Mr. Shaw instructed people to keep the chess set. He poured a cup of tea for his guest and smiled as he praised Dexter. “You play well, Dexter.”

Dexter was arrogant and wouldn’t undervalue himself before his elders. He smiled indifferently. “You flatter me, Mr. Shaw.”

Mr. Shaw nodded, satisfied. He sighed. The more Mr. Shaw looked at the handsome man before him, the more Mr. Shaw liked Dexter. He couldn’t help but say, “Eileen has always told me she likes you. I thought….

He thought Eileen would get together with Dexter, and the two families would be connected by marriage. It was an excellent opportunity. Although Laxir wasn’t inferior, it couldn’t compare to Russell Group. As for Dexter’s wealth, it was…

Dexter understood what Mr. Shaw meant. He continued smiling. “Eileen treats me as an elder brother.” Mr. Shaw had second thoughts. That’s right. There are many women around Dexter….

But he wasn’t satisfied with Arnold at all. Arnold had misappropriated funds without permission for a woman and used them to go up against Dexter!

He now knew Dexter’s purpose for coming, and he asked, “Did you hear the news about Carter Group’s stocks hitting the limit down price?”

The man silently glanced at the clock. “It’s settled that the overseas company will acquire Carter Group. Arnold can’t save the company.”

Mr. Shaw felt slightly sad. Dexter had rarely done such things in recent years.

A soft knock was heard at the door. Mr. Shaw glanced at the door and said impatiently, “Come in.”

Two young men looked at each other bitterly from a distance, neither yielding.

Arnold took the initiative to reach out his hand and shook the hand of the man sitting at one side. “Dexter is here too.”

Dexter smiled warmly. “Arnold.”

After they greeted each other, Arnold sat at one side.

Mr. Shaw had an awful expression, but he had no other way. He had to back off. This was the person his beloved daughter had feelings for.

But Dexter couldn’t be pushed around. If Wavery was a kingdom, he was the king.

Although Dexter called Nigel ‘Mr. Shaw, Dexter was doing Nigel a favor by meeting him.

“You’ve been liberal with money, Arnold. I heard that while Wyatt’s stocks hit the limit down price, the price rose by one billion, Dexter said as he sized Arnold up.

Dexter’s malicious gaze was devious. He couldn’t underestimate Arnold’s recent ploys to stabilize Carter Group’s finances.

Dexter trusted his and Josie’s foresight.

“How can I do nothing when my friend is in trouble?” Arnold said thoughtfully.

“You were too impulsive. Weren’t you afraid that Carter Group would be involved?”

“Didn’t you involve your cousin, Dexter?” Arnold sneered. “You’re more vicious than I am. Perhaps Wyatt will never know that the person who destroyed him was his cousin.”

Dexter didn’t say anything. He glanced at the time while buttoning his cuffs. “It’s late. I must leave.”

Mr. Shaw rose. “Take care.”

Dexter shook hands with him again and smiled meaningfully. “I hope Laxir won’t do anything silly in the future.”

Arnold didn’t express how he felt after the attack today. He said calmly. “Let me send you off.”
Chapter 381 In Debt

Dexter left the office first. Mr. Shaw pulled Arnold’s sleeve and warned him. “We’ll talk about this next time. Be careful what you say and how you act around him!”

Arnold didn’t answer. He adjusted his sleeve disdainfully.

In the private elevator, both men had imposing demeanors. Arnold had a dark expression, and he tried to regain control.

“You’re so ruthless against your wife, Dexter. A debt of one billion. It will destroy her.”

Dexter had a cold smile. “The market is always moving. I can’t go easy on her, even if she’s my wife. Furthermore, wasn’t this caused by you taking the initiative, Arnold?”

His voice was cold and sarcastic.

The media went mad.

The central business district was filled with reporters. They wouldn’t give up unless they got a picture of the high-level executive’s dejected expression.

Josie stayed in the office. She drew the curtains and cut herself off from the rest of the world.

She couldn’t panic. She had to calm down and think about what had gone wrong. Even if she couldn’t solve it, it was good to reflect on it deeply.

Just as Dexter had said, she was foolish in many ways. If this were a graded exam, she would have failed.

The assistant sent a message. Up to this time, Wyatt was in a debt of two billion.

Josie went to see Dexter in the end.

Three hours before the market commenced trading the next day, she finally opened the tightly shut office door before the sun rose. Josie looked into Wyatt’s worried eyes and nodded lightly to express that she was alright. After that, she walked to one side and dialed a familiar number.

At that moment, the office floor was lit. No one could sleep. They stared at the stifling numbers on the computer and pondered how they should deal with it a few hours later.

They finally saw Josie. Her frail figure seemed extremely weak, but her appearance unexpectedly encouraged them.

The other party seemed to have been waiting for her call. It rang shortly before the call was answered. It was silence on the other end.

Josie stared at her pale reflection in the glass and slowly said, “I want to see you

The other party said sternly, “Half an hour. Russell Group.”

Wyatt’s office wasn’t far from Russell Group, and the latter wasn’t as brightly lit as the former. Russell Group’s employees were much more relaxed. No one was working overtime at Russell Group, and the building was pitch dark. Josie’s neck was sore from looking up at the facility. She seemed to see scattered lights on the highest floor.

It was too high up. He was too far away.

Even his secretary wasn’t around at such a time.

Dexter sat in his office, and LED screens showed the surveillance monitors. He narrowed his eyes as he watched the petite woman enter his private elevator. It rose slowly. He couldn’t see her expression, but he had a good idea.

She must have been biting her lower lip and looking extremely reluctant.

Just as he had expected.

The door with the smart sensor opened slowly. Dexter slowly looked up, and astonishment streaked across his face.

Josie’s eyes were bloodshot, and she seemed unbelievably haggard.

Josie didn’t greet him. She sat across from him, and her gaze was indifferent. “State your conditions.”

He didn’t move. He looked at Josie carefully and taunted her. “Are you pleading with me so brazenly?”

Josie glared ferociously at the man and tried to restrain herself. But she couldn’t help but gnaw on her lips. “Dexter Russell!”

He suddenly roared, “Stop!”

She was startled. It was a while before she understood what Dexter meant. She slowly stopped biting her lips.

After that, there was an intense silence between the two.

A bottle of whiskey was on his desk, and his transparent glass was half full. His ashtray was empty.

He hadn’t smoked, but alcoholic fumes surrounded him.

There were even alcohol fumes in the air. Josie was slightly intoxicated just by breathing it in.
Chapter 382 Negotiation

Josie undoubtedly caved under such silence.

+5 Bonus

She broke the silence with a strained voice. “So your true purpose wasn’t Carter Group. It was Wyatt.”

Dexter was playing with his wineglass with his bony hands. “Once Yanis’ process was done, it was only natural to recover the value.”

He had deliberately let go and given Wyatt authority but wouldn’t let Wyatt truly occupy the market. He had tormented Wyatt to reclaim the power.

Josie took a deep breath. “Wyatt’s company can’t go on the market, and he agreed to allow the overseas company… no, to let Russell Group into the board of directors. We will let you into the general shareholders’ meeting, but you can’t touch his position. His position must be safe.”

Dexter was raising his glass to his lips, and he paused. The corners of his lips twitched, and he said contemptuously, “When the market opens tomorrow, the stock prices will continue to drop. The shares he owns will become a worthless sheet of paper. What leverage do you have to make demands?”

After that, he finished his drink.

The strong alcohol went down his throat violently.

Josie’s hands by her side clenched tightly. He had really pushed them into a corner.

She took a deep breath and suddenly raised her head. Her bitter gaze turned into a firm one. She restrained her voice from trembling. “I’m not discussing this with you on behalf of Wyatt.”

The man raised his brows slightly. He didn’t expect what she would say next. “I’m sitting here as your wife.”

Dexter’s heart stopped. He was momentarily taken aback.

“I’m begging you to let them go.”

From Josie’s strong demeanor, he never thought she would suddenly arm-twist him. She pulled the rug from under him…

She looked down and felt extremely humiliated. She hadn’t wanted to use such a way to plead with him.

But if she didn’t… She didn’t know how ruthless the man would be.

Of course, she wasn’t confident Dexter would be moved because of what she said.

What will he say? Will he say that work and personal matters can’t be intertwined? Or will he ridicule me for being naive again?

Josie was prepared, but she never thought the man would put the wineglass down. It made a sound in the quiet room. He said indifferently. “Since Wyatt has given up other seats, I can allow him to stay on the board. The brands under his banner will still be cohesive. I promise they won’t be torn apart and relocated to other companies.”

The light cast a dim shadow on the man’s face. Even his side profile was handsome.

She had successfully pulled the rug from under him.

This was Dexter’s most significant concession.

She was still silent. Dexter stared at the haggard woman, and his hardened heart suddenly softened. His throat rumbled.

Josie said, “I need time to think about it.”

Dexter glanced at his watch and said. “The market is opening in two hours. You can go in and rest.”

Rest in his break room.

She had been there many times.

Josie turned him down firmly. She walked out of his office and called Wyatt.

She told him the situation, and he didn’t say anything for a long time. He suddenly said, “Josie, I was too


Josie shut her eyes.

“It doesn’t matter… Do as you wish.”

Wyatt had yielded. This was the reality. Life went on. He had to do anything to survive if he didn’t want to be eliminated from the rat race.

Arnold could no longer give them more funds because he could barely fend for himself. With the current situation as a precedent, other venture capital investment companies couldn’t help them out. Wyatt experienced the hypocrisy of the world in the past few days.

Josie always thought she could be an equal rival to Dexter, but she never expected to be at the end of her road at such an early stage.

She returned coldly to the harsh office, and her expression was indifferent. “I will arrange for a contract to be written. We can sign it before the market opens for trading.”

In the end, they were defeated by Russell Group.

What the man had done in this trade war could be considered a master class.

When she was turning to leave, the man behind her called out to her. “Wait a moment!”

Josie suddenly stopped. Her legs were slightly weak from being in heels for so long.

Dexter stood up slowly and walked to her one step at a time. The closer he got, the more she shivered.

His lips brushed her ears. “Remember to come back for dinner tonight, Mrs. Russell.”

Josie restrained herself from slapping him.
Chapter 383 Owing A Favor

Dexter didn’t personally sign the contract. The supposed leader from the overseas company was scht instead.

When Josie faced Wyatt’s team, she saw how disappointed they were and felt upset. She forced a smile and consoled them. “Don’t worry. We will still have opportunities in the future.”

She looked at Wyatt again. He hadn’t shown up for a few days. Even though there was a solution to their problem, he must have felt bad too.

What else could they do?

“What a close call. How tragic,” Laura said on the phone to Josie as she looked at the news on the Internet.

The articles were poorly written. Some ridiculed Wyatt’s company for being small, so it wasn’t a pity to be acquired.

Some media took photos of Josie’s side profile as she left under the protection of others. It didn’t make many waves because no one knew who she was. When Dexter’s secretary saw it, she quickly instructed the public relations team to take it down.

Josie had a splitting headache and didn’t want to say a word.

Laura followed the situation and didn’t think it was a big deal. She laughed lightly as she asked, “Did you cheat on Dexter to make him like this?”

Emotions finally stirred in Josie. “I cheated? Have you not seen his rumored partners?”

“Oh, that’s right.”

Josie wanted to hang up.

Laura sensed Josie was in a bad mood and stopped teasing her. “Don’t worry. When I can finally use the Olsen family’s power one day, I’ll help you make a comeback.”

Laura was vowing solemnly, and Josie couldn’t help but laugh. She couldn’t bear to tease Laura. “Alright. I’ll wait for you to rescue me.”

“But since we’re talking about it, where does the Olsen family’s power lie?”

“You know who your enemy is but don’t know your enemy’s power,” Laura told Josie that her family’s debt was immediately cleared after she married Zach. The family had substantial financial resources and had been rich for generations. “Wavery’s most valuable ports and land areas belong to the Olsen family.”

Josie understood. Russell had previously told her the Russell family owned a lot of land in Wavery. The Olsen family must have owned half of what remained.

Laura didn’t tell Josie certain things because she feared Josie would be angry.

She didn’t understand the business world, but she knew that if Josie revealed it to the media and admitted to being Mrs. Russell, it would be payback to Dexter. Then, regardless of the response, Arnold would have the opportunity to catch a breath. Perhaps he could even…. overcome the malicious acquisition.

But Laura didn’t do so. Even when Dexter suggested it to Josie, she didn’t want him to make their marriage public.

It seemed like Josie had decided not to let the outside world know she was connected to him.

Josie didn’t contact Arnold. He sent her a message of his own accord. You don’t have to contact me for the time being. I will deal with it.

He didn’t mention the one billion at all…

She made a mental note. Not only did she owe Arnold money, but she also owed him a huge favor.

She didn’t return to Mason Garden.

Even if she wanted to return, she couldn’t do it now. Even if she failed, she couldn’t let Dexter see her as a joke.

Heaven on Earth was as lively as usual. No matter what was happening outside, it could be forgotten in Heaven on Earth. Everyone could just indulge in worldly pleasures.

Josie kept drinking. It was as though she felt nothing and desperately wanted to get drunk.

It attracted Calvin’s attention.

He frowned when he looked at her. “What happened? Did Dex bully you?”

Josie put down her glass heavily and pointed with her finger. She wanted to say something but couldn’t say a word.

Calvin guessed that she wanted to swear.

He couldn’t convince her, so he wondered if he should call Dexter.
Chapter 384 The Drunk Woman

But Josie snatched Calvin’s cell phone away fiercely. “Don’t call him. I have no relationship with him!”

Before she could finish speaking, someone tapped the back of her head hard. At the next moment, she fell into a familiar yet warm embrace.

The man’s deep voice rang above her. “You can go.”

Calvin smirked. He took his cell phone back and sighed silently. It seems like she’s completely lost.

Josie was drunk and narrowed her eyes as she sized up the man. She didn’t care how nasty an expression he had when she clearly saw who it was. “You’re here.”

Dexter crouched down and carried her to the VIP room. He restrained his anger and wanted to splash water on her to wake her up.

The woman moved limply and muttered tauntingly, “I forgot this place is yours.”

Her voice softened, and she said weakly, “Do you think lowly of me?”

The man slapped her hands away and threw her on the soft bed. He went into the bathroom silently. He took a towel from the cupboard out of habit and rinsed it with warm water. He went to her and carefully wiped her face while holding her in his arms.

After a while, she seemed to have fallen asleep. It was quiet.

Just as Dexter was about to get up, the woman suddenly pulled a corner of his shirt and threw up directly on him…

Dexter was flabbergasted.

His temples twitched under the dim light, and he was close to gritting his teeth. Josie did this on purpose. She definitely did this on purpose.

“Josie Warren!” She looked innocent, and she looked at him with an inebriated gaze. Her big eyes looked miserable.

At that moment, Dexter’s temper disappeared. He shut his eyes as he was resigned to clean her again.

In the end, he took an hour to clean both of them.

Josie had fallen asleep, and he had tied her hair up messily. A few strands fell on her sleeping face. Her face was simple yet beautiful without makeup. She looked very demure when her eyes were shut and when she wasn’t making a fuss.

Dexter quietly lay beside her after turning off any electronics that could wake her. He embraced her gently.

But he couldn’t fall asleep for a long time.

She was inebriated tonight. Dexter didn’t know how she would react when she woke up and saw him the following morning.

Time passed slowly.

“Why don’t you understand me?” He asked softly. Only his voice was heard in the large room.

Josie woke up in the wee hours of the night, extremely parched because she had drunk too much. Josie subconsciously reached out to the bedside table, but it was empty. She woke up in a panic and got up to turn on a table lamp when she came to her senses and realized she wasn’t in Mason Garden…

Dexter would often leave a glass of water for her at Mason Garden.

When Josie thought about it, she sobered up suddenly and shook her head ferociously.

And at this time.

“What are you doing?”

The voice was sleepy and slightly hoarse. It made her heart race.

Josie was taken aback. She turned. “Why are you here?!”

Dexter woke up and opened his eyes calmly. His gaze was frightening. He glanced at her slightly disdainfully as she pulled the covers to her chest. He mocked her softly. “Who do you think helped you shower and change your outfit?”

Josie flared up. She raised her hand and wanted to slap the nonchalant man. “You’re really shameless!”

Dexter caught hold of her hand precisely and pulled it back. She fell into his arms.

It hurt slightly when her face bumped into his warm chest. She felt the vigorous beating of his heart.
Chapter 385 Etched with His Name

Josie knew she couldn’t escape him, so she started berating and swearing at him. After a while, she looked up bravely when she didn’t hear any response from him. She was met with the man’s quiet and solemn expression.

She was enraged by him, and she was livid. She had utterly forgotten all the manners he had taught her over the past year with some difficulty.

Josie knew she had lost all self-control, but it didn’t elicit his response. Josie was dejected and mumbled softly. “You really have the nerve to appear in front of me. Aren’t you afraid I hid a knife on me?”

She was capable of doing such a thing.

Dexter composed himself. At the next moment, he leaped on her and loosened her belt. “Don’t get angry. It’s not good to go to bed angry.”

Josie dodged him in surprise and avoided his kiss.

The man suppressed his strength and leaned back slightly as he quietly observed how the woman struggled even when in desperate straits.

She was like a bee that had fallen into the water and was trying her best to flutter and climb ashore, but her wings were getting heavier as they were soaked by the water… She could no longer fly… In the end, she would just give up.

He was doing the same thing with Wyatt.

As a tyrant in the business world, it was easy for him to acquire a company. This woman had tried everything to redeem it, but what was the result?

He liked seeing the energy slowly die out in others.

Like right now.

The woman had no strength left to struggle.

She looked at him boldly. “If you dare touch me today, I’ll have a knife on me tomorrow!”

“Oh?” Dexter’s warm kiss landed precisely on her pink lips. “Try me.”

She stopped struggling, and she felt cold. She didn’t know if she was feeling disappointed.

This feeling brought out hidden malice in Dexter’s heart. He suddenly held her face, and his eyes were filled with hatred. “Did you do it with Arnold!


Josie’s expression froze. After a long time, the corners of her lips twitched. “What did you say?”

His hands lingered on her body, and all he smelled was the alcohol fumes on her. His emotions haunted him late at night, and he knew he couldn’t retract certain things if he said them.

“That one billion. Where did it come from if you didn’t pay a price?”

Josie understood. After a moment, she sneered. “… So that’s how you think of me.”

Her heart sank.

Why do I feel this way? I should stoop to his level and taunt him, but why is it so hard to hear such a


Dexter’s hands paused. She quickly composed herself when he looked at her and answered him calmly. “I think it’s worth it. One billion for only one night. As you know,


Dexter’s grip tightened, and his gaze was furious. He wanted to strangle her.

ell, it was worth

Josie retorted with a smile, “Aren’t you the same? How many women have you ow few years? Let’s drop the formalities. We either lead our separate lives, or we should divorce!”

She had removed her ring from her finger. Her bare fingers showed that she was free!

Dexter was livid. “Divorce? Dream on. Over my dead body!”

He suddenly pulled down her nightgown, and his fingers stopped on her graceful body. “Do you think you’re good enough for Arnold?”

“Here, here, and here!”

“My name is etched on you!”

He jabbed his fingers into her body, and Josie couldn’t help but groan. After that, a tear slid out of the corner of her eye. She was humiliated.
Chapter 386 Buying Medicine for Him

She suddenly resisted violently, and Dexter was caught off guard. As she was kicking frantically, she hit him in the abdomen. He groaned in pain, and Josie freed herself from his grip. She recklessly picked up the table lamp on the bedside table and raised it, wanting to smash it on his head.


He hit the lamp away with his backhand, which shattered against the wall.

The partition wall fell apart, and the shattered glass from the table lamp rebounded on them. Dexter’s gaze froze, and he carefully protected Josie with his hand against the glass fragments that were about to fall on her face.

A drop of fresh blood fell on her face.

It burned.

Josie’s heart beat fiercely. She saw nothing but bright red amidst the chaos. What came after was dead silence.

The man reached out to wipe the blood from her face, Josie came to her senses at his warm touch and pushed him away viciously. She got out of bed, and Dexter fell. He only managed to maintain his balance when he supported himself with both hands on the floor covered in glass shards…

He hung his head and stopped chasing after her. He clenched his fists silently while the glass remnants pierced his hands. Blood fell on the floor in big drops. It was a shocking scene.

Josie’s eyes widened. She knew he was hard on himself, but didn’t it hurt….

At that moment, she suddenly realized that there was no way that this man, who could kill her, would be tenderhearted toward her. He thought he had a tough life and wanted everyone to perish in an inferno with him.

He was always his own hero…

Josie adjusted her nightgown slowly and looked at him for a while before she slammed the door.

She left.

Dexter gave up all thoughts of chasing after her. As he hung his head, his feelings were incomprehensible. His black hair drooped, and the dim light made the invincible man seem miserable.

She left without hesitation in the end.

He tried to get up and clean the place, but he couldn’t move at all.

He was slightly tired.

At this time, a wave of regret washed over him. Should I not have been so ruthless? I should have let her be as long as she stays by my side.

So what if I keep her by my side when she’s so listless? This isn’t the person I like.

He suddenly heard footsteps. It sounded like hers.

pair of beautiful legs.

He saw Josie, who had returned.

stood among the glass shards. As Dexter slowly looked up, he saw a

She towered above him and looked down at him coldly. Her hair, which he had tied up for her, had become messy and seemed slightly comical.

She was holding a bag weakly.

Dexter’s eyes lit up. At that moment, he suddenly forgot what the two had argued about, his grudges, and the pain he was feeling inside.

Josie panted ruggedly, and her expression was stiff. There was no other emotion on her face.

He slowly opened the bag.

Gauze, cotton swabs, painkillers, aspirin…

The still night was silent.

She crouched down and bandaged his wound. She was focused and stared intently at his bloody hands as various emotions surged in her heart.

He looked at what she was doing, and his cold gaze was directed elsewhere…

He thought of how resistant she was… and how tenderhearted she was now…

“Get lost.”

A cold voice suddenly crept into her ears. It swept past her ears like a chilly winter breeze.

Josie was cold from going out in a nightgown at night, and her fingers were white from the icy weather. When she heard what he said, she froze while holding the gauze. She looked up at the temperamental man, astonished.

Dexter’s gaze slowly met hers. “Did you hear me?”
Chapter 387

You Two Look Quite Well-Matched When Walking Together Chapter 387 You Two Look Quite Well-Matched When Walking Together

Josie paused for a split second before she threw everything in her hands on the floor. She pushed his injured hand away forcefully. She touched his sore spot, and he could feel his wound starting to bleed again.

As she turned to leave, she looked at him for the last time loathingly.

He suddenly grabbed her wrist, and she heard him say coldly, “Don’t try to blackmail others emotionally like me. You’ll never master it.”

After spending time together for a year, was this man’s patience and cautiousness emotional blackmail?

Because he was good at it, he could tell with one glance that Josie had returned because of human nature.

Josie was incensed and tried to break free, but he suddenly held her tightly. She lost count of how often she had gritted her teeth at him. “Let go of me!”.

Dexter’s coarse fingers caressed her left hand and felt her bare ring finger. He used the same force to push her hand away, and his voice turned cold. “I want to see a proposal on Wyatt’s team’s future development on my table tomorrow.”

Josie ran from him, and her heels made loud sounds on the floor. She walked past the mess, and before she slammed the door and left again, the last thing she heard was, “Don’t forget that we haven’t divorced. You better control yourself.”

It seemed to be taunting her. Josie understood it.

She passed by the pharmacy she had bought medicine from, and the girl on duty was leaving work. The girl shut the door and bumped into Josie when she turned, and her eyes lit up. “Ah?”

Her smile froze. She could tell that Josie didn’t seem to be in good shape.

Josie glanced at the girl and nodded at her. She couldn’t express anything else. She warmed her arms with her hands because of the cold.

The girl watched in a daze as Josie walked further away. Josie seemed like a nomad.

A few days later, Wyatt’s team merged into another corporation. All the profit from the various research and development projects under their banner was also absorbed. Russell Group employees were spreading rumors that Wyatt couldn’t manage a company properly, and Russell Group had to tidy up his


Little did they know that Dexter had caused the mess.

Josie assisted Wyatt in dealing with various matters, and he had been feeling bad. I’m sorry, Josie. I wouldn’t have dragged you into the mess without my inadequacy. I will think of a way to repay the debt.”

“It’s one billion. How are you going to repay it?”

“I asked my father to lend me some money before the mess occurred.”

Josie understood that it must have been a significant sum.

“So your father…”

You Two Look Quite Well-Matched When Walking Together

“Is very angry.” Wyatt smiled bitterly.

“Did you look for….,” Josic asked tentatively, “Dexter?”

“I’m too embarrassed to look for Mr. Russell. He entrusted the team to me, but I messed everything up,” Wyatt said.

Josie understood half the situation. So Wyatt still didn’t know who the mastermind behind the scenes was. Dexter had caused much trouble.

She was out of a job now, so she could help him a little. It was somewhat related to her, so she had to take responsibility.

“Josie, I’ll be going to ask for financing soon. Can you come with me to a social engagement tonight? But of course, I’ll ask Mr. Russell in advance,” Wyatt added.

“You don’t have to tell him. I’ll come with you.” Josie’s expression didn’t change, and she lied. “He agreed for me to help you regarding this.”

After she said that, Wyatt wasn’t worried.

The social engagement was at Mandarin Oriental.

But Josie never thought that Summer would be the person to greet them.

“You’re here?” Summer was in a long, white dress as usual. Her dress swayed when she walked, and she looked very dignified. She smiled and said, “You two look quite well-matched when walking together.”
Chapter 388 Skillful

Her intent was malicious. Wyatt smiled courteously and awkwardly. “Josie is loyal and agreed to come with me.

“She’s loyal.” Summer glanced at Josie with an incomprehensible expression. “Am I not loyal? My dad has been waiting for you for a long time.”

When Wyatt heard it, his footsteps quickened. “How could I make Mr. Olsen wait for me? Let’s head in.” Summer and Josie looked at each other before Summer answered, “Let’s go.”

Before entering the private room, Summer walked with Josie and said in a low voice, “Was the one billion from Arnold?”

Josie wrinkled her brows. She couldn’t ignore the question. “Sort of.”

Summer looked at Josie strangely, as though she thought it was unimaginable. “I can’t bear to see him in trouble. Don’t involve him in this.”

Josie found it peculiar. “You’re very kind to someone you don’t love, Ms. Olsen.

She suddenly understood why Summer had captivated Arnold for so many years. It must have been because Summer often played hard to get.

Summer snorted coldly and meaningfully.

Her father, Mark Olsen, had a social engagement at Mandarin Oriental today. Wyatt seemed to have found an opportunity at the last minute and only had twenty minutes to talk to Mark.

Summer opened the door and said sweetly, “Father. Wyatt is here.”

Josie followed behind Wyatt, and she looked up through the dim light. She searched the crowd and looked at the seat of honor, which sat a poised and earnest middle-aged man. Although he looked aged, she could tell he was experienced through his demeanor alone.

A smile was in the corners of his lips, and his gaze was shrewd. His eyes were kind yet perceptive.

Mark glanced at Wyatt before his gaze quickly fell on Josie. He had an awful expression.

It was as though Josie was electrocuted. She frowned. She was sure she had never met Mark, but for some reason, he looked familiar, as if she had previously met him,

“Mr. Olsen, this is a little something from me. Thank you for this opportunity.” Wyatt had gone forward to greet Mark. Wyatt had always been good at socializing.

Mark talked to Wyatt politely. Other times, he spoke softly to his daughter by his side. It seemed like he loved Summer a lot.

“I know who you are. You’re Dexter’s cousin. You look quite young.”

“Yes. I graduated from college this year.”

“Sum told me you want to discuss a project?”

Dexter signaled for Josie to bring the information forward. “This is one of the projects we’re currently

pursuing. It has the potential to develop, and the due diligence has been done. It will be a strong contender in an uninhabited market.”

Mark flipped through the information. They didn’t know how much he had absorbed, but his finger suddenly stopped on a page. “I think this name has appeared in the recent prominent merger and acquisition. Josie Warren?”

Josie, who had been standing and listening at the side, immediately looked up and forced a smile at Mark. “I’m Josie Warren, Mr. Olsen.”

She couldn’t say, that’s right. I singlehandedly destroyed the project.

Mark narrowed his eyes and looked closely at her with the light. “You’re pretty capable.”

She smiled. “You’re too kind.”

You must be skillful enough that Carter Group gave up one billion.”

Josie’s smile froze. It seemed like the entire upper social circle in Wavery knew that she had messed up a massive project, and Arnold had chipped in one billion for her.

Summer laughed out loud. “Father, I’ve researched Wyatt’s project. They’re developing new technology and can dominate ninety percent of the market’s shares if it succeeds. I think it’s worth investing in

Mark closed the information and threw it lightly on a table. He looked very authoritative. “Don’t show me. projects without a hundred percent certainty. You may leave.”
Chapter 389 Allies

Summer’s expression changed. Her gaze met with Wyatt’s, and he immediately went forward. “Mr. Olsen, we have reached the final stages of technology development for this project. Once it passes all the necessary tests, it will become the leader in the industry.”

Mark spread his hands. “Even if I believe you, how do you have the nerve to make such a solemn vow and show it to me without a definite result?”

Wyatt had an awful expression, and Summer immediately cried, “Father!”

Mark sighed, and his tone softened. “I’ve heard of your ability, and your talent is rare, but you’re too young. You’re not as experienced yet. You should learn from your cousin.”

Wyatt’s expression darkened when Mark said it, and even Josie’s heart sank. Under such a circumstance, Wyatt would be upset regardless of who had made such a comparison.

“You’re right, Mr. Olsen. This is valuable advice. I will amend the proposal later. I hope we can meet again.” Wyatt was dignified and restrained.

Mark nodded, satisfied. When he got up to leave, he added, “Send my regards to your father.”

Wyatt nodded.

Summer left with Mark to another private room. That was his primary social engagement.

Wyatt fell on the couch and seemed defeated. He smiled bitterly, “Josie, will I never be as good as Mr. Russell?”

“Of course not. Mark is right. You’re still young, and you haven’t experienced much. You’ll be like Dexter when you’ve gone through what he has.” Josie comforted him kindly.

Josie had a poor impression of Wyatt when she first met him. She had felt that he was a respectable yet devious man. But now, he appeared pure and innocent. When comparing Dexter and Wyatt, the former seemed less upright.

“Don’t feel disheartened. I’m going to the washroom.”

Josie left the private room and went to the washroom to reapply her lipstick. During this time, a figure appeared behind her. It was Summer. “Tell Wyatt not to think about this anymore. Tell him to go home and enjoy his life.”

Summer didn’t have a breathtaking appearance. She looked like a quintessential good girl, but her ladylike temperament made her seem dignified.

“Excuse me for asking, but since that’s the case, why don’t you enjoy your life, Ms. Olsen?”

Summer stared at her. “I’m the only successor of the Olsen family. I can’t enjoy my life even if I want to, but it’s different for Wyatt.”

Summer’s perpetual condescension was irritating.

Josie closed her lipstick when Summer reached out to stop her. “Aren’t you prepared to work hard? One billion is a big sum.”

Josie stood still. “Are you going to help me, Ms. Olsen?

“Of course. We’re allies, aren’t we?”

Summer handed Josie the gift bag in her hands. “There’s an outfit inside. Change into it and look for my father.

Josie didn’t take it from her. “Why?”

“You look like someone I knew.” Summer sized Josie up meaningfully. “But you can’t go to him in such an


It wasn’t a revealing outfit. It was just a long, light-green dress. After changing into it, Josie looked like a girl next door, seeming pure and gentle. It fit her just right.

Josie felt slightly apprehensive. She didn’t know if she should believe what Summer had said. But this was her only way out since she couldn’t do anything else. It was futile to count on Dexter.

She took a tray from a waiter, opened the private room door, and walked in. It wasn’t as dazzling and depraved as she had expected. It smelled of alcohol and cigarettes. The big shots were imposing as they talked business at the poker table. They turned when they heard a noise.
right outfit was a breath of fresh air among the dull crowd.

Everyone watched as she carefully walked to Mark’s side and poured a glass of wine for him. “Here’s your drink, Mr. Olsen.“

Her fingers were slender, and her hair fell when she bent down to pour him wine. She was very seductive, and everyone else looked on curiously. They thought her attempt was futile because Mark wouldn’t be deceived.

But surprisingly, Mark was lost in thought as he stared at her face. The corners of his mouth were tense, and his eyes seemed to twitch.

“It’s you?”

Josie feigned ignorance. “Have we met, Mr. Olsen?”

Perhaps Mark could see clearly because this private room had better light. But he scarcely realized that Josie wasn’t confident. She didn’t know who she looked like and why Summer was so sure. Meanwhile, Mark was, indeed, stirred.

“Stay.” Mark picked up the wineglass and sipped it. His expression was ambiguous.

Everyone else admired the woman. She was more than she seemed.

“It’s your turn, Mr. Olsen,” someone said as they read the room.

Mark sized up the cards and asked Josie, “What do you think?”

“Me?” Josie laughed lightly. “I don’t know how to play.”

“You can decide. It’s on me if I lose. Mark had an imposing demeanor when he said it.

Josie looked at his cards and chose to play the Jack of Hearts. Everyone laughed when they saw it. “Mr. Olsen, we must kindly accept your offering today.”

Mark wasn’t angry. He smiled as he pushed his casino tokens out.

Josie sensed something wrong and said softly, “I’m sorry, Mr. Olsen.“

“No harm. Have a seat.”

When the game ended, everyone was smart and started a new game in another corner. Only Mark and Josie were left. She didn’t dare to sit down and hurriedly said, “Mr. Olsen, if I may be so bold, I followed you because I hope you can reconsider Wyatt’s project. I’ve looked at it, and it’s a sure bet. It’s a good opportunity.”

Mark was playing with the wineglass in his hand, and his eyes never left her face. His lingering gaze made her feel uncomfortable.

He finally spoke after a long time. “Were you the one that got into the accident with Sum at the factory?”

He knows. Josie nodded. “Yes.”

“No wonder.” Mark suddenly realized and laughed lightly. “It’s no wonder Dexter was so bold despite all


Despite All Odds

At this time, Josie said, “Mr. Russell did it for Ms. Olsen. It had nothing to do with me. You’ve misunderstood, Mr. Olsen.

As Summer’s father, he should have been happy that Josie said such a thing about his daughter.

“No.” Mark lifted his hands. “He did it for you. You deserve it.”

Such sudden affirmation made Josie freeze. She didn’t understand what Mark meant and poured him another glass of wine. She was trying to figure out who she looked like.

Is it Leanne? But her age when she had gone missing doesn’t tally with Mark.

“You were also involved when Russell and Carter Groups faced off against each other.” Mark quickly guessed why the dispute had occurred, and Josie didn’t know how to answer.

“It was a fight between two great companies. I’m a nobody.”

“Whose side are you on?”

Mark asked her a tricky question. Josie had no way to lie as he observed her. She thought of a middle ground. I’m an insignificant person. I’m naturally on the stronger side. Wyatt was clearly sacrificed in the fight between the two big shots, so I’m willing to fight for him.”

“You’re quite transparent. Mark had a satisfied smile. He sighed softly and said, “Tell him I’ll invest in the project.
Chapter 391 Like a Late Friend

Josie was slightly in a daze. She didn’t understand why Mark agreed so readily.

“If I may be so bold, Mr. Olsen, what moved you?”

Mark lifted his head slightly and sized her up with the light. “Aren’t you happy that I’m investing?”

“I am, but I don’t understand.”

The corners of his mouth twitched, but he didn’t avoid her question. “You resemble a late friend.”

As it turned out, it was really because of this.

Josie was smart. At such a stage, she could only accept it wholeheartedly. Everything would be alright if they had the money. She didn’t mind that she looked like his late friend. She would even be willing to act as that person.

“It’s my honor to resemble your late friend, Mr. Olsen. She revealed a smile.

Josie wanted to ask who the late friend was, but she felt it was too pushy to ask, so she didn’t. She indistinctly felt that Mark was different from Summer,

She bowed slightly, and Mark was calm. It was a tender yet affectionate scene as they looked at each other. Although Mark was older, he was dignified. She almost forgot his age.

Dexter opened the door of the private room and witnessed such a scene.

“I’m sorry for being late.” Many people noticed him when his unique magnetic voice sounded.

Josie froze when she saw Dexter. She could no longer smile.

Mark was still playing with the wineglass and had a thoughtful gaze.

Dexter greeted a few people before he walked to Mark. He took off his coat and gave it to a waiter before sitting down. “You’re here too, Mr. Olsen.”

Mark nodded. “Wyatt looked for me today.”

He was so straightforward. For a moment, Josie didn’t know in what capacity she was standing next to Dexter, and she didn’t know how to react.

Dexter glanced at Josie. She didn’t know for whose benefit he said it. “I’m sorry for troubling you. Wyatt slipped up while Arnold and I were contending. I will deal with it. I never thought he would look for you.”

What a hypocrite. Josie thought to herself.

“It’s alright. You’re both from a younger generation. It’s only natural for me to guide you.” Mark straightened up and stretched.

At this time, Dexter changed the topic to Josie. “Did you come with Wyatt?”

Josie glanced at Mark. “Yes, Mr. Russell.”

“Mr. Olsen doesn’t usually meet with people so easily. He was being polite today. Don’t be so rude next time.” Dexter’s fingers touched the wineglass lightly, and the warning tone in his voice was evident. “It’s not


good to think too highly of yourself.”

Josie silently endured his admonishing. “I understand.

“Why do you have to be so harsh to your employees? You’re being too rigid, Dex.” Mark looked closely at Josie again. “I think this girl is pretty good.”

Even if Josie was slow to react, she could feel his affection. She subconsciously avoided it.

“She’s still young. Don’t take offense, Mr. Olsen.” Dexter quickly added before he said to her, “Come here.”

Josie hesitated for a moment but walked to him. For some reason, she felt very secure at that moment. “I naturally won’t mind if you manage your relationships well.”

A subtle smile was in the corner of Mark’s mouth.

In a split second, Josie understood it. Although he was kind to her today, she couldn’t compare to Summer, his biological daughter.

As it turned out, he knew her identity but didn’t say anything. It seemed like everyone else was doing the same. It was as though she wasn’t Mrs. Russell if no one acknowledged it.

Josie sobered up when she realized it.

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