An Understated Dominance: By Marina Vittori​

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys have been married for three years. After Dahlia achieves rapid success, she decides to end her marriage with Dustin, viewing him as a burden. Little does she know that all her accomplishments were actually thanks to him.

My wife is a CEO, she always hates me for being lazy and wants to divorce me. But she doesn't know that her success is bestowed by me.

“Dustin, here is the divorce agreement prepared by Ms. Nicholson. All you need to do is sign them.”

In the president’s office of the Quine Group, the secretary, Lyra Blaine, placed a piece of A4 paper on the table. A man sat opposite her, dressed in plain clothing.

“Divorce? What do you mean?”

Dustin Rhys was taken aback.

“Do you not understand what I’m saying? Your marriage with Ms. Nicholson is over. You’re not even on the same level anymore. Your existence is nothing but a smear on the president’s reputation!”

Lyra pulled no punches as she spoke.

“A smear on her reputation?” Dustin frowned. “Is that how she thinks of me?”

Back when they first got married, the Nicholson family was in ruinous debt. He was the one who helped them when they were at their lowest point. Now that they were rich, Dahlia Nicholson was ready to just kick him out.

“Something like that.” Lyra poked her chin toward the magazine on the table. A photo of a beautiful woman was printed on the front page. “Look at the headline on this magazine, Dustin. Ms. Nicholson’s net worth has hit one billion in the course of just three years, a feat no short of a miracle. She’s now the most desired woman in Swinton! With all this, she’s destined for greatness. But you, you’re just a regular joe. You don’t deserve her at all. I hope that you’ll see some sense and do the right thing.”

When Dustin remained silent, Lyra frowned.

“I know you’re not happy with this, but this is reality,” she continued. “You might have helped Ms. Nicholson when she was in trouble, but she has repaid you for everything you’ve done for her over the last three years. In fact, you’re the one who owes her now!”

“Is our marriage just a business deal to her, then?” Dustin took a deep breath to suppress the emotions within. “If she wants to divorce me, let her speak to me herself.”

“Ms. Nicholson is very busy. She doesn’t need to trouble herself with such trifling matters.”

“Trifling matters?” Dustin was stunned. Then he laughed bitterly. “Is that so? Is divorce a trifling matter to her? She can’t even find the time to speak to me. Truly, she’s that unattainable now!”

“Dustin, don’t delay this any longer.” Lyra pushed the divorce agreement toward him again. “Just sign here and you’ll get a car and a house as compensation. On top of that, you’ll also get eight million dollars. This is more than what you’ll be able to earn in your lifetime!”

“Eight million dollars is a lot, but…I don’t need it. I will sign the divorce papers if she comes personally. Otherwise, I won’t sign anything,” Duston said coldly.

“Don’t go too far, Dustin!” Lyra slammed her hand on the table. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you. With all her power and resources, Ms. Nicholson can divorce you easily. It’s only because she appreciates her past relationship with you that she’s allowing you to keep your dignity intact. Don’t provoke her!”

“My dignity?” Dustin was a little amused by that. She didn’t even want to speak to him directly to divorce him. What kind of dignity was that? Moreover, if she really did appreciate their relationship, then why was she threatening him now?

“I don’t think we have anything else to talk about, then.”

Unwilling to argue, Dustin stood up and made to leave.

“Dustin Rhys! You—”

Just as Lyra was about to lose her cool, a curvy woman in a long black dress walked in. Her skin was as white as snow, and her features were delicate. Her lofty aura and curvaceous figure made her look like a goddess right out of a painting.

“You’re finally here.”

Dustin felt complicated emotions when he saw the beautiful woman. They had been married for three years, during which they treated each other with care and respect. But this was how it ended. He still didn’t know what he had done wrong.

“I’m sorry for being late, I was caught up with something else.”

Dahlia Nicholson sat down. Her expression was as impassive as ever.

“You certainly are busy, if you need your secretary to help you deal with your divorce,” Dustin said.

Hearing this, Dahlia frowned slightly. However, she did not explain herself. Instead, she said, “Since you’re here, let’s get straight to the point. Let’s end this on a pleasant note. I’m sorry I have to do this to you, so you can have the car and the house, plus eight million dollars as alimony. How does that sound?”

At that, she placed a card on the table.

“Do you really think our relationship can be measured by money?” Dustin asked.

“Too little? That’s alright. Let me know what you want. I’ll give you anything within my power,” Dahlia said placidly.

“I don’t think you understood me. Let me rephrase my question. Are money and power that important to you?” Dustin was truly bewildered.

Dahlia went over to the windows and looked out over the city. There was determination in her eyes when she said, “To me, yes, they’re very important.”

“You’ve earned enough to feed yourself for the rest of your life. Why do this?”

“Dustin, that’s where you and I diverge in philosophy. You’ll never understand what I really want.” Dahlia shook her head in disappointment.

They weren’t just incompatible in status and power; they were also incompatible in their principles. Most importantly, she did not see any hope for the future in him.

“You’re right. How would I know what you’re thinking?” Dustin laughed bitterly. “All I know is to cook for you when you’re hungry, prepare your coat when it’s cold out, and carry you to the hospital when you’re sick.”

“There’s no point in going into this now.” Dahlia’s expression held complicated emotions, but it was soon covered up by determination.

“You’re right.” Dustin nodded without any emotion. “I heard that you’ve been close with the heir of the Nolan family. Is it because of him?”

Dahlia was about to deny it when she gave it a second thought. In the end, she nodded.

“You can say that.”

“Okay. I hope you’re happy with him.” Dustin smiled and signed the divorce agreement without any more hesitation. All he felt now was disappointment. Ironically, today was also their wedding anniversary. There was cruel humor in divorcing him on the day they had gotten married.

“I don’t want the money, I just want that crystal necklace back. My mother left it to me before she died so that I can give it to my wife.”


Dahlia nodded and gave him the crystal necklace.

“From today onward, we will have nothing to do with each other!”

Dustin put on the necklace and left. He had no more gentleness in his expression; all that was left was distant aloofness.

“Did I do the right thing, Lyra?” Dahlia asked hesitantly.

Even though she was the one who asked for the divorce, she didn’t feel happy at all when it was finalized.

“Of course you did!” Lyra nodded. “You have the right to pursue happiness. Dustin does not deserve you at all. He’ll only bring you down with him. You’re destined to be the most powerful woman in Swinton!”

Dahlia did not answer her. As she watched Dustin leave, she felt as if she was losing something precious.
Chapter 663

“The sole survivor?” Dustin and Natasha exchanged a look of surprise. It was truly astonishing to them that the Dark Lord was also a Harmon! And not only that, but one from the same ancestry! No wonder he knew so many of their secrets.

“The three branches stemmed from the same ancestry, but due to the Dark Lord’s selfishness, he went so far as to harm his kinsmen. How inhumane!” Natasha slammed her hand on the table out of frustration. She was even more irked after learning about the truth. She could have been more understanding if their current predicament had been caused by some deep grudge between both parties, but to think it was all because of a treasure map? The Dark Lord actually assassinated members of the Harmon family for so many years, all for a mere map? He was extremely deranged! “Men’s greed is endless. The temptation of the treasure is immense, and the Dark Lord will never back off till he gets his hands on them,” Hector said.

“One of the three branches has already disappeared, which means that a part of the map is missing. Even if the Dark Lord manages to obtain our part of the map through all his vile schemes, what use has he of it? Isn’t it pointless?” Natasha asked coldly. The Dark Lord would not be able to find the treasure with an incomplete map. From how Natasha saw it, he was only caught up in his wishful thinking.

“The Dark Lord has been blinded by greed. He has long since lost all sense of rationality. When you become the next leader of the family, I’ll personally hand our part of the map to you. When the time comes, you must protect it to the best of your ability,” Hector said solemnly.

“No, you hold on to your position as the patriach. I’m not interested in it.” Natasha waved her hands dismissively. The treasure map was no doubt troublesome. If she were to take over, she could only begin to imagine the problem she’d have to deal with.

“Alright, we’ll discuss this in the future. I don’t want to force you into anything, either. The most pressing matter at hand is to defeat the Dark Lord Hector continued after a pause, “For the next three days, just stay put in the Harmon estate. Don’t go running around lest we get singled out. I’ll hire some skilled martial artists to back us up. If the Dark Lord shows up, he’ll be walking straight into our trap.”

“No matter the price, we must get ahold of the Dark Lord this time round to put an end to things!” Natasha narrowed her eyes, a cold glint flashing in them.

The Dark Lord had placed huge pressure on the Harmon family and needed to be dealt with as soon as possible. However, the problem was that he hid himself too well and never revealed his identity. Now that the chance finally presented itself, the Harmons were definitely not going to let it pass without taking action.

“Mr. Harmon…” Just then, Jack entered after knocking on the door.

“What is it?” Hector looked up at him.

“Someone has requested to meet you, sir. They claim to be disciples of the Invincible Guardians.”

“The Invincible Guardians?” Hector was pleasantly surprised. “They’re here so soon? Quick, show them in.”

“Yes, sir, Jack said and swiftly left.

“Dad, who are the Invincible Guardians? Why have I never heard of them?” Natasha asked, curious, “The Invincible Guardians is a huge guild in Glenstead. However, they prefer to keep a low profile, and since you’re not a part of the martial world, it’s only natural that you’ve never heard of them before,” Hector explained.

“Did you invite them here?” Natasha probed.

“Yes, I have some connections with the guild master of the Invincible Guardians. After I learned about the Dark Lord’s intentions last night, I immediately contacted him. Never expected them to be here so soon, though,” Hector chuckled.

The Invincible Guardians were well-known in the martial world. Though they were few in number, every one of their members was a genius of exceptional talent. With their help, Hector felt the Harmons would stand a greater chance of going against the Dark Lord.

“Mr. Harmon, they are here.” As they were conversing, Jack returned with three people behind him. Two young women and a young man, all wearing white attire with a long sword on each of their backs. Their gazes were sharp, and they carried themselves with extraordinary demeanor.

“Caelus Amos, senior disciple of the Invincible Guardians, at your service, Mr. Harmon!” The young -man in white greeted Hector the moment he came in through the door.

However, when his gaze fell on Natasha, his eyes lit up.

“What a beauty! She’s incredibly beautiful!” he thought.
Chapter 664

As expected of the number one bombshell on the Beauty Ranking!

“Maria Dunham, second disciple of the Invisible Guardians, at your service, Mr. Harmon!”

“Ivy Dennis, third disciple of the Invisible Guardians, at your service, Mr. Harmon!”

The two girls in white also introduced themselves.

“Alright, alright. You’ve all come at the right time. Come have some tea.” Hector smiled gently, motioning for Jack to serve the tea and pastries.

“Mr. Harmon, we heard you’re in trouble, so we’re here on our master’s orders to lend a hand. If you need anything, just let us know. We promise to help you handle it with ease!” Caleus said confidently.

“The three of you must be exhausted from such a long journey. Please get some rest first. We can discuss this tomorrow. Oh, by the way, why haven’t I seen your master?” Hector asked, changing the subject.

Just three disciples from the Invincible Guardians were obviously not enough. It was best if a few elders or even the leader stepped in..

“Don’t worry, Mr. Harmon. My master and his colleague will be here in two days,” Caelus replied. “Great.” Hector secretly let out a breath he had been holding.

“Actually, something small like this doesn’t even require my master and his colleague to step in. No matter what it is, I can slay it with just one slash!” Caelus shrugged, and a longsword immediately appeared on his back. He grabbed it with one hand, gripped the hilt, and slashed down on a chair about ten feet away.

The sword glinted, and the wooden chair split into several pieces.

“Amazing swordsmanship, Caelus!” Maria and Ivy said in unison, gasping in shock. The external manifestation of true energy was a sign of a divine-level martial artist. To be able to cast such a quick and fierce aura in his early thirties was truly no small feat.

“Mr. Harmon, what do you think of my sword?” Caelus smiled slightly with a hint of pride. As he spoke, he even snuck a glance at Natasha as if to say, “Did you see how cool I was?”

“Not bad. You have accomplished a lot at a young age, surpassing your peers. You even outdo your master when he was your age,” Hector said, nodding with a smile.

“Heh, so long as I’m here, nothing will dare come close to the Harmon family,” Caelus boasted. As the most senior disciple of the Invincible Guardians and the future successor to the leader role, he was the cream of the crop among the youths in Glenstead in terms of both talent and skills.

“With the Invincible Guardians here, I definitely feel more at ease.” Hector smiled:

“Mr. Harmon, actually, there’s another reason I came today,” Caelus said, moving to a different topic.

“Oh? What is it?” Hector’s smile didn’t waver.

“I heard that you have two daughters as beautiful as the flowers blooming outside, Mr. Harmon, and they are yet to be married. Thus, I wanted to ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage!” Caelus didn’t beat around the bush.

The moment those words left his mouth, Hector and the two others were stunned. They had invited the Invincible Guardians to go against the Dark Lord, so how did the topic turn to marriage?

“Caelus, I think it’s too sudden to be talking about marriage, considering how we just met,” Hector said.

“You and my master are old friends. We should be strengthening our ties. If that means marriage, I would be open to it.” Caelus laughed.

“Caelus, is this your idea or your master’s?” Hector asked.

“My master will fully support my decision. So long as you give your nod of approval, Mr. Hector, this is a done deal,” Caelus said, brimming with confidence.

“Well…” Hector hesitated.

“What’s the matter? Could it be that you look down on me, Mr. Harmon? You don’t think I’m worthy of becoming your son-in-law?” Caelus narrowed his gaze. With his status, he more than deserved to marry the daughter of a wealthy family.

Not to mention, if he simply gave the word, countless excellent girls would come looking for him. “It’s not like that at all, Caelus. It’s just rather sudden. I’d have to ask my daughters’ opinions,” Hector said, trying to avoid giving an answer.

“There’s no need for such trouble. I’ll ask her myself.” Caelus turned around, his eyes blazing, and said, “Ms. Natasha, I’ve heard so much about you. The moment I saw you today, my heart fell for you. Will you marry me?”

Natasha was first caught off guard. Then, she coldly spat out, “Get lost!”
Chapter 665

“Get lost!” Natasha’s answer was simple and direct.

The smile on Caelus’ face froze. He had never thought she wouldn’t even try to spare his feelings. After all, he was the senior disciple of the Invincible Guardians and a universally acknowledged martial arts genius. No matter where he went, people kissed the ground he walked on, and no one dared look down on him.

But today, of all days, when he tried to ask for someone’s hand in marriage, all he received in response was a simple “Get lost!” His reputation was going down the drain.

“Natasha, don’t be rude!” Hector chastised. He then said regretfully, “Caelus, my daughter impulsively spoke out of turn. Please don’t take it to heart.”

Caelus was the senior disciple of the Invincible Guardians, after all. He had to show him some form of respect.

“Mr. Harmon, I consider myself a handsome and exceptionally talented man. I don’t think it’s a tall order to become your son-in-law. Now, I’m sincerely proposing to your daughter, and this is the attitude I get in return?” Caelus frowned slightly.

“This is a misunderstanding, Caelus. Actually, my daughter is already betrothed. All I can say is that you two are not destined to be,” Hector explained, shaking his head.

“Betrothed? To whom?” Caelus was taken aback.

“To this young man next to me, Dustin.” Hector gestured toward him.

In an instant, everyone’s eyes were drawn to Dustin.

Dustin’s mouth twitched. The only choice he had was to go along with it. At this point, no matter whether it was real or not, he couldn’t expose the bluff.

“Dustin?” Caelus narrowed his eyes slightly. The moment he stepped through the door, he noticed.this man. At first, he simply thought Dustin was an ordinary disciple of the Harmon family. Never in a million years did he think the man was Nathasha’s fiancé.

Caelus peered at him closely. Besides being somewhat good-looking, there was nothing outstanding about him. He dressed ordinarily and gave off an aura of ordinariness. He seemed to be the farthest thing from a powerful martial artist, and he didn’t have the energy that young talent should have.

His entire being screamed average.

“Mr. Harmon, I don’t understand. In what way is this guy worthy of your daughter?” Caelus said, not hiding the disdain on his face. How could a mediocre young man like Dustin be put on par with the senior disciple of the Invincible Guardians?

“Dustin is talented in both medicine and martial arts. And he’s way better than you. Why wouldn’t he be worthy?” Natasha piped up suddenly.

There was always going to be that arrogant bastard who liked to look down on others.

“Talented in both medicine and martial arts?” Caelus snorted coldly. “Fine. Since he’s so impressive, why don’t we have a duel?”

“How do you want to compete?” Dustin said indifferently.

“It’s simple. Let’s follow the example of our ancestors and have a martial arts battle. The winner will get Natasha’s hand in marriage!” Caelus raised his head slightly.

Dustin said nothing, instead turning to look at Natasha. Although he was certain he could win, he didn’t agree with treating women as objects to be won, so he had some concerns.

“What, are you scared? If you are, then just forfeit,” Caelus said with a cold laugh.

“Isn’t it just a fight? Fine, we agree!” Natasha replied.

At that moment, Hector suddenly slammed his hand on the table and shouted, “This is ridiculous! The enemy hasn’t appeared yet, but we’re already starting to tear each other apart. This is unacceptable!”

“Dad, that bastard”

“Enough!” Hector raised a hand, interrupting Natasha. Sternly, he said, “Do not bring up the martial arts battle again. If you youngsters are brimming with energy, you can go outside and run a few laps!”

It was one thing to bicker, but if a fight broke out, things would get complicated. One side was the young man that he had his eyes on, while the other was the Invincible Guardians. No matter who won, it would be unfavorable to the Harmons.

Before the big enemy appeared, any internal conflict would just be an opportunity for the Dark Lord to take advantage of.

“Caelus, you must be exhausted from the long journey. Go get some rest. We can talk about it later, Hector said lightly.

“Yes.” Seeing that Hector was upset, Caelus couldn’t refuse. After all, Hector was on good terms with his master. He had to show him respect, at the very least.

“Jack, please take our three guests to the guest wing and show them the Harmons’ hospitality,” Hector instructed.

“Please follow me.” Jack bowed and escorted them out.

“You got lucky today, punk. However, you won’t be this lucky next time.” Caelus shot Dustin a cold glare before leaving with the two young women.

“Dad, why do I feel like you’ve invited wolves into our house?” Natasha said meaningfully.

“These are special circumstances. Let’s put the interests of the whole above anything else. Now, we need the power of the Invincible Guardians, so let’s not turn them against us,” Hector reminded them.

“If he doesn’t get on my nerves, there won’t be a problem.” Natasha arched an eyebrow.

“You…” Hector shook his head helplessly. “Enough You two should head out. I still have things to attend to.”

The two nodded. They quickly said their goodbyes without saying much.

After leaving the study, Natasha specially arranged a luxurious guest suite for Dustin, complete with a hot bath.

To put it nicely, a private bodyguard would get special perks.

Dustin wanted to turn it down at first, but he couldn’t stand the pleading and pestering, so he decided to stay for now. His main concern was Natasha’s safety.

The Dark Lord could attack at any time. Considering his treacherous tricks, he could easily take out several people at once. If he didn’t stay by Natasha’s side protecting her and something ended up happening to her, he’d regret it for the rest of his life.

Dustin practically lived in the Harmons’ home for the next few days. In his spare time, he gave martial arts training to Abigail or went flower viewing with Natasha. Occasionally, he’d call Nelson to ask about the results of the investigation.

Something to rejoice about was that Nelson had already identified the culprit-a resident doctor at the hospital. After committing the murders, the resident fled to escape punishment. The Flame Dragon Gang and the Charging Tiger Gang were pursuing him.

Capturing the culprit was only a matter of time. Once they caught him, it would be clear who the mastermind was.

Three days later, on New Year’s Eve, large, fluffy snowflakes descended from the sky, covering the ground in a layer of white.

Houses everywhere were brightly lit to welcome the new year, except the Harmons’ home. The Harmon estate was heavily guarded, with outposts everywhere. In order to catch the Dark Lord, Hector had gone all out and invited a large number of martial arts experts to protect their home. Among them were several notable figures.

The Harmons’ armed forces had strengthened greatly. However, it came with a downside, the entire courtyard was a mix of good and bad people impressive, why don’t we have a duel?”

“How do you want to compete?” Dustin said indifferently.

“It’s simple. Let’s follow the example of our ancestors and have a martial arts battle. The winner will get Natasha’s hand in marriage!” Caelus raised his head slightly.

Dustin said nothing, instead turning to look at Natasha. Although he was certain he could win, he didn’t agree with treating women as objects to be won, so he had some concerns.

“What, are you scared? If you are, then just forfeit,” Caelus said with a cold laugh.

“Isn’t it just a fight? Fine, we agree!” Natasha replied.

At that moment, Hector suddenly slammed his hand on the table and shouted, “This is ridiculous! The enemy hasn’t appeared yet, but we’re already starting to tear each other apart. This is unacceptable!”

“Dad, that bastard…”

“Enough!” Hector raised a hand, interrupting Natasha. Sternly, he said, “Do not bring up the martial arts battle again. If you youngsters are brimming with energy, you can go outside and run a few laps!”

It was one thing to bicker, but if a fight broke out, things would get complicated. One side was the young man that he had his eyes on, while the other was the Invincible Guardians. No matter who won, it would be unfavorable to the Harmons.

Before the big enemy appeared, any internal conflict would just be an opportunity for the Dark Lord to take advantage of.

“Caelus, you must be exhausted from the long journey. Go get some rest. We can talk about it later, “Hector said lightly.

“Yes.” Seeing that Hector was upset, Caelus couldn’t refuse. After all, Hector was on good terms with his master. He had to show him respect, at the very least.

“Jack, please take our three guests to the guest wing and show them the Harmons’ hospitality,” Hector instructed.
Chapter 666

“Please follow me.” Jack bowed and escorted them out.

“You got lucky today, punk. However, you won’t be this lucky next time.” Caelus shot Dustin a cold glare before leaving with the two young women.

“Dad, why do I feel like you’ve invited wolves into our house?” Natasha said meaningfully.

“These are special circumstances. Let’s put the interests of the whole above anything else. Now, we need the power of the Invincible Guardians, so let’s not turn them against us,” Hector reminded them.

“If he doesn’t get on my nerves, there won’t be a problem.” Natasha arched an eyebrow.

“You…” Hector shook his head helplessly. “Enough. You two should head out. I still have things to attend to.”

The two nodded. They quickly said their goodbyes without saying much.

After leaving the study, Natasha specially arranged a luxurious guest suite for Dustin, complete with a hot bath.

To put it nicely, a private bodyguard would get special perks.

Dustin wanted to turn it down at first, but he couldn’t stand the pleading and pestering, so he decided to stay for now. His main concern was Natasha’s safety.

The Dark Lord could attack at any time. Considering his treacherous tricks, he could easily take out several people at once. If he didn’t stay by Natasha’s side protecting her and something ended up happening to her, he’d regret it for the rest of his life.

Dustin practically lived in the Harmons’ home for the next few days. In his spare time, he gave martial arts training to Abigail or went flower viewing with Natasha. Occasionally, he’d call Nelson to ask about the results of the investigation

Something to rejoice about was that Nelson had already identified the culprit-a resident doctor at the hospital. After committing the murders, the resident fled to escape punishment. The Flame Dragon Gang and the Charging Tiger Gang were pursuing him.

Capturing the culprit was only a matter of time. Once they caught him, it would be clear who the mastermind was.

Three days later, on New Year’s Eve, large, fluffy snowflakes descended from the sky, covering the ground in a layer of white.

Houses everywhere were brightly lit to welcome the new year, except the Harmons’ home. The Harmon estate was heavily guarded, with outposts everywhere. In order to catch the Dark Lord, Hector had gone all out and invited a large number of martial arts experts to protect their home. Among them were several notable figures.

The Harmons’ armed forces had strengthened greatly. However, it came with a downside; the entire courtyard was a mix of good and bad people

At that moment, a family meeting was being held in one of the conference rooms. All of the core members of the family had gathered there. As the patriarch, Hector sat at the head of the table, while Trent and Jacob sat on his left and right, respectively.

“Hector, when tonight draws to a close, the year will end. Didn’t you say before that the Dark Lord would come? Why hasn’t he appeared yet? Could your information be wrong?” Trent was the first to speak.

“The source of the information shouldn’t be fake. All in all, everyone needs to be careful,” Hector said seriously.

“Could the Dark Lord have found out that there’s an ambush and decided not to come?” Jacob rubbed his chin.

The Harmon family had invited so many martial artists to help. Right now, their home could be compared to a lion’s den. If the Dark Lord was smart, he wouldn’t barge in recklessly.

“It’s nothing out of the ordinary if he doesn’t show up.” Dylan suddenly spoke up. “With me here, would the Dark Lord dare to act out of line?”

When the others heard him, they all nodded in agreement. The current Dylan was nothing like the old Dylan; not only was he extremely talented, but he also had the Scarlet Warrior backing him. No matter how strong the Dark Lord was, he’d have to think it over.

“Considering the Dark Lord’s personality, he wouldn’t give up easily. We can’t let our guards down, Hector warned.

“Hmph, it’s better if the Dark Lord doesn’t show up. If he does, I’ll lop his head off and release all the pent-up hatred!” Dylan spat fiercely.

As soon as he said that, one of the Harmon family guards suddenly ran inside in a panic. “Sir, it’s bad! A fight broke out outside!”
Chapter 667

“A fight?” Upon hearing that, Hector got to his feet. Is the Dark Lord here?”

“Perfect timing! Everyone, come with me to kill the enemy!” Dylan shouted with vigor. “Kill!”

The Harmon family members all slammed the table in front of them and hopped to their feet, aggression rolling off of them.

“You’ve got it wrong!” The Harmon family guard quickly explained, “It’s not the Dark Lord; it’s the martial artists we invited. They got into a conflict and are now fighting in the ballroom.”

“Huh?” When everyone heard that, they frowned. They had all thought that the great enemy had descended on them, but it turned out to be an internal fight amongst their own. All their excitement and vigor had been for nothing.

What a waste of emotion.

“Come, let’s go take a look!” Without another word, Hector led everyone out of the conference room. If internal conflicts were not handled properly, it could very likely end in greater disaster.

At present, the Harmon family home’s ballroom was filled with martial artists eating and drinking together. It looked like people of all sorts of backgrounds and teachings were there-gazing across the room, there were burly, fierce-looking men, stout dwarves; poison experts with snakes crawling all over their bodies; swordsmen with swift auras; and monks holding golden wands. There were also inhumane-looking humans, unghostly ghosts, and peculiarly dressed fellows. At that moment, Dustin, Natasha, Ruth, Edmund, and Abigail walked in. Their appearance attracted a lot of attention; the three gorgeous women were especially eye-catching.

“Natasha, are these the external help that Dad invited? Why do they look so weird?” Ruth looked around with a strange expression on her face. Besides a handful of regular people, the rest were rather odd.

“The Dark Lord is an expert in the mystic arts. It would be difficult to fight him with normal martial arts. These strange people are our best options,” Natasha explained.

“I see.” Ruth nodded.

“I don’t quite like the way they’re looking at us,” Abigail suddenly piped up.

“Ms. Natasha, let’s take a seat first,” Edmund said with a smile.

It was New Year’s Eve; the Harmon family had specially thrown a banquet in the ballroom to host all the guests. However, these guests didn’t look like nice people.

As soon as they sat down, a group of martial artists with impressive waistlines walked over. “Oh, I didn’t think I’d be able to see such beauty here.”

The leader was a bearded man naked from the waist up. He was buff, muscular, and had a thick bush of chest hair. When he got close, they could smell the pungent odor coming from his armpits. “Hey, beautiful. Seems like we’re fated to meet. Are you interested in drinking a few glasses with me?” The bearded man regarded the women up and down, not even disguising the desire in his eyes.

“Not interested,” Natasha declined.

“Gorgeous, in the martial world, having more friends always trumps having more enemies. Don’t you think so?” The bearded man flashed the knife tucked in his belt. His words and actions carried a hint of threat.

“You stink, so please keep a distance from me. Don’t ruin our meal,” Natasha remarked coldly.

“Do I smell? Why do I not smell it?” The bearded man raised both his arms and sniffed his armpits. Instantly, his body odor filled the air. Everyone frowned at the stench. “Beautiful, I don’t think you know. That’s the smell of a true man!”

“That’s right! The heavier a man’s scent, the stronger he is. You should appreciate it.” “Hahaha…”
Chapter 668

The muscular men at the back began to poke fun. All of them were behaving brazenly, leering at them.

“Ms. Natasha, why don’t we leave for now? These people look difficult,” Edmund advised quietly, shrinking into himself.

“Why are you panicking, Dad? This is the Harmons’ home. What kind of trouble are they capable of kicking up here?” Abigail glared. She’d always looked down on her father’s cowardly tendencies, always recoiling at the most minor things. Was he even a man?

“You’d better get out of my sight while I’m not angry yet,” Natasha said, her expression cold as ice.

“Oh, you’re pretty feisty! I like it.” The bearded man rubbed his chin. “Unfortunately, beautiful, those two wusses next to you can’t be your knights in shining armor.” As he spoke, he glanced at Dustin and Edmund. One was a much younger man, and another was a wrinkled old geezer. They were nothing to fear.

“Just me alone is enough to fight you!” Abigail said, slamming her palm into the table and jumping to her feet. Having been through Dustin’s training the past few days, her abilities had improved by leaps and bounds, which greatly boosted her confidence.

“Gorgeous, I’ll play with you, but I’d rather do it in bed,” the bearded man said, grinning sleazily.

“You-” Abigail was furious and humiliated. She was about to get violent, but Edmund stopped her.

“Abigail, don’t be rash. Harmony is of utmost importance.”

“You’re always like this. Can you grow a pair?!” Abigail frowned.

“I just don’t want you to get hurt,” Edmund said lamely.

“I don’t need your concern. Go away!” Abigail pushed her father aside and swung her fist at the bearded man’s face. She was going to teach these lechers a lesson.

There came a dull noise. The bearded man had easily caught Abigail’s full-powered punch without sustaining any injury.

“Huh?” Abigail’s expression changed. She finally realized that these people were far from ordinary.

“Beautiful, at your strength, your blows are nothing more than an itch for me. Take my advice and save your energy.” The bearded man grinned.

After he spoke, the other men behind him burst out into guffaws. They looked like a pack of hungry wolves setting their eyes on several sheep

At that moment, a furious roar rang out, “You scum of the martial world, let go of that young lady!”

Three young, upright-looking martial artists finally stood, denouncing the bearded man’s actions.

“Oh, does someone finally dare to save the damsels in distress?” The bearded man smirked coldly, pulling the knife out of his belt.

“We should always help one another, but you’re over there bullying a few women. You call that a skill? Fight us if you dare!” one of them yelled.

“My knife never cuts those who are nameless. You, tell me your names!” the bearded man said.

“Listen up. We’re the White Stag Trio!” the three of them shouted in unison.

“The White Stag Trio? What the hell is that? I’ve never heard of you,” the bearded man said disdainfully.

“How dare you look down on us? You’ve got a death wish!” Upon hearing that, the three martial artists flew into a rage. Without another word, they brandished their daggers.

One side wanted to save the damsels in distress, while the other wanted to show off.

“You’re in over your head!” The bearded man snorted coldly. Alone, he went up to fight the trio.

There was a series of metallic clanging. The bearded man was practically a tiger foraging into a herd of goats-he was unstoppable. After several rounds, he had cut everyone to the ground. The White Stag Trio was defeated!
Chapter 669

The White Stag Trio? Heh, you’re nothing but clowns,” the bearded man said disdainfully. He kicked the three of them and sent them flying.


All the martial artists were shocked to see the three of them severely hurt and coughing up blood. Although they weren’t exactly top dogs, they were still well-known in the martial world. Otherwise, the Harmons wouldn’t have invited them.

However, even with the three’s combined forces, they couldn’t withstand a few moves from the bearded man. It was far from anyone’s expectation

This clearly proved how powerful he was.

“Just who are you?” The White Stag Trio were both surprised and afraid.

“Listen up, I am the Glenstead Hoodlum, Marlon Cobb!” the bearded man said arrogantly.

“Marlon the Hoodlum?!”

Everyone was shocked to hear that, especially the White Stag Trio.

Marlon was a divine-level martial artist. He was extremely well-reputed in Glenstead. Because of his strength and ruthlessness, he gained the nickname “Hoodlum.” People cowered at the sound of his name.

If they had known who he was, they wouldn’t have stepped forward and said anything.

“Who would’ve thought that even Marlon would be here? The Harmons seem to have invited a whole lot of experts.”

“Marlon the Hoodlum is a heinous criminal. I can’t say if inviting someone like him here is a good or bad thing

The martial artists began to titter.

Although Marlon was strong, his personality was horrible. He didn’t abide by the principles of the martial world at all. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to call him the scum of society.

After defeating the White Stag Trio, Marlon shifted his gaze to Natasha and the other women. Hey beautiful, I don’t think anyone is going to stand up for you anymore. What do you say? Do you want to go back to my room and have a good time?”

Finally, he was going to get lucky tonight.

“Asshole, you are too presumptuous!” At that moment, three people suddenly walked through the door. A man and two women, all dressed in white with swords strapped to their backs. They appeared so dignified that they took everyone’s breath away.

It was none other than Caelus, Maria, and Ivy!

“Oh, two more bombshells?” Marlon ignored Caelus and eyed Maria’s and Ivy’s bodies. The two women were beautiful and had slim figures. Their hair was neatly secured with a hairpin. The modest hairstyle made men want to dominate them

“Marlon, you already have three gorgeous women serving you. Why don’t you leave these two newcomers to us?” one of Marlon’s lackeys said, laughing sleazily.

“No problem. After all, we’re brothers. Good things are meant to be shared. You can pick which one you want. I want you to have a fun time,” Marlon said heroically.

“Thank you, Marlon!” His lackeys brightened.

“I like that one with the big chest. Don’t even think about fighting over her!”

“That one has a great butt. It looks super bouncy.”

The lackeys pointed at the women while making all sorts of comments as if they were just toys.

“You shameless thugs, I’ll cut your tongues out!” Maria and Ivy were infuriated. They pulled their swords out of their sheaths and charged toward Marlon and his lackeys.

As elite disciples of the Invincible Guardians, they had never experienced such humiliation before. If they didn’t teach these bastards a lesson, they couldn’t look anyone in the eye again.

“Come at me!” Marlon grinned, swinging his fist. The three of them began sparring.

Maria and Ivy were exceptional swordswomen. They were also skilled at fighting side-by-side with their sharp and swift techniques. They performed move after move so quickly that it just seemed like a blur to everyone else.

On the other hand, Marlon’s attacks were far simpler. He used both his hands as weapons to fend off their swords. He was not falling behind.

The women had excellent swordsmanship, but there was a significant power gap between them and Marlon.

Marlon was a divine-level martial artist, while the two women were only high-level martial artists. Sometimes, a gap like that could stretch into a chasm.
Chapter 670

Maria and Ivy gave it their all. In the end, after almost thirty exchanges, Marlon still found a chink in their armor and dealt a blow to each of them.

The two women staggered back from the impact, and blood came out of their mouths. Instantly, they couldn’t even muster any internal energy.

“Not bad!” Marlon grinned. He looked like he was still riding the high.

“You’re shameless!” The two humiliated women flew into a rage. They wanted to attack again, but Caelus raised a hand to stop them!

“That’s enough. You two are no match for him. Allow me.”

“Caelus, this asshole is utterly shameless. You need to teach him a lesson!” the two women said indignantly.

“Don’t worry. Leave it to me.” Caelus leveled a cold gaze at Marlon. He slowly unsheathed the sword on his back.

Maria and Ivy bit back their anger and stood off to one side.

“Punk, you want to play the hero and save those damsels in distress? Are you capable of doing that? Don’t regret it when I smash all your teeth in, Marlon sneered.

“I’ll defeat you in less than ten moves,” Caelus said arrogantly.

“Ten moves? Heh, is your head okay? If you were one of the Heavenly Immortals, I might have some reservations. Where did a nameless pipsqueak like you find the courage to say such outrageous things to my face?” Marlon laughed coldly.

“You don’t believe me? Then try me.” Caelus beckoned with his finger.

“Fine! I want to see what you can do!” Marlon was getting a little angry. He brandished his blade and slashed it down on Caelus’ head.

Caelus’ expression remained calm. He raised his sword in response.

In an instant, the room was filled with the glinting of swords. Bursts of energy filled the room.

Everyone else took a step back, putting space between them and the fight. They were afraid that they might get hurt.

“Miss, that bearded guy is really strong. Can your fellow disciple handle it?” Abigail asked out of the blue.

From the earlier battles, one could tell that Marlon hadn’t used his full strength.

“Hmph, Caelus is the senior disciple of the Invincible Guardians. He’s extremely talented and strong. It will be a piece of cake for him to take down that scum!” Ivy said with confidence.

“That’s right! Just watch closely. Watch how Caelus scares off the enemy!” Maria said arrogantly.

“I hope so,” Abigail muttered to herself.

While they were talking, the spar had progressed rapidly. After a few blows, Caelus thrust his sword violently, hitting Marlon’s blade. There was a clang, and the sword broke.

Following the momentum, the sword pierced Marlon’s shoulder. The broken end of the sword fell to the floor.

Marlon’s expression changed. He staggered backward from the impact, wobbling on his feet.

“Marlon!” The lackeys were shell-shocked. They immediately helped Marlon up. They’d never thought that the unbeatable Marlon would actually be defeated today. Even less so at the hand of a young swordsman.

“Who are you? How is your swordsmanship so sharp?!” Marlon said with a dark look.

“I am the senior disciple of the Invincible Guardians, Caelus!” Caelus swung his sword, shaking off the blood. He was in his element.

“The Invincible Guardians?” Marlon was shocked.

The Invincible Guardians were a well-known guild in Glenstead. Although they were few in number, they were all elite fighters. Among all the guilds in Glenstead, the Invincible Guardians were in the top ten!

An ordinary martial artist like him couldn’t afford to piss them off.

When he returned to his senses, Marlon lowered his head in apology. “Caelus, I didn’t know who you were. Please forgive me for offending you.”

“Kneel and apologize,” Caelus said with an arrogant expression.

“Huh?” Marlon frowned. He hesitated, but he still fell to his knees with a thud.

He clearly showed what it meant to know when to surrender.
Chapter 671


When Marlon knelt on the ground, his lackeys all seemed aggrieved. Although Caelus was very strong, if they all fought him together, they would have a shot at winning.

They couldn’t understand why their leader would kneel in front of everyone. If this incident got out, their reputation would be done for

“Don’t let me see you all again. Get lost!” Caelus snorted coldly.

“Let’s go!” Marlon said nothing more and immediately fled with his lackeys. He didn’t dare stay a second longer.

“Amazing! What an amazing fight!”

“As expected of the senior disciple of the Invincible Guardians. He’s truly impressive!”

“In less than ten moves, he defeated Marlon the Hoodlum! It’s truly admirable!”

All the martial artists in the hall began to clap and cheer.

Marlon had a notorious reputation. After seeing him pick on women today, they were furious at him. It was just that none of them dared to fight him due to his strength.

Now that Caelus had taken down Marlon the Hoodlum, they rejoiced and praised him.

“Did you see that? That’s how strong Caelus is. Now do you still dare question h
im?” Ivy raised her head pridefully. She had felt a little unhappy because of Abigail’s doubt earlier.

“Ms. Natasha, when you were in danger, Dustin didn’t so much as say a word. Yet, Caelus stood up for you and defeated your harasser. I think it’s clear who is better.” Maria turned around to look at Natasha. She sounded a little proud.

“Hmph, what’s so impressive about that? Dustin is not any weaker than your senior disciple!” Ruth said indignantly.

She had witnessed Dustin defeat Terry with her own eyes during the fight with the Doyle family.

Caelus’ skills were far from average, but there was still a gap between him and Terry. Naturally, he wouldn’t be able to beat Dustin, either.

“Heh, if he’s really that strong, then he wouldn’t have shrunken back into his shell earlier.” Maria snickered coldly.

“Exactly! In the face of danger, he’d actually let a woman stand in front of him. He’s a worthless excuse for a man!” Ivy sneered.

“You” Ruth was suddenly at a loss for words. She turned around and said huffily, “Dustin, say something!”.

“What’s there to say? It’s meaningless to fight over this.” Dustin shrugged.

“Hmph, if you don’t have the chops, then just say so. There’s no need to sound so high and mighty. What a joke!” Caelus leaned over, not forgetting to make a snide remark.

“Sure,” Dustin said indifferently. He didn’t bother to give a real response.

“It seems like you now know the gap between us. It’s like heaven and earth,” Caelus said pridefully.


“Ms. Natasha is well-respected and noble. Someone like you shouldn’t try to ride on her coattails. If you know better, you should stay away from her


“Only a god among men like me is worthy of Ms. Natasha.”


“Hey, can you respond with something else?!” Caelus was starting to get irritated.

Fuck, after all that, all he could say was “sure.” No one could stand that.

“Sure,” Dustin said. He opened his mouth wide and increased his volume.

“You fucking-” Caelus flew into a rage. Just as he was about to blow up, the door was kicked open with a bang.

Immediately after, a group of mysterious masked men walked in, led by a tall man in a cloak.

As soon as he entered, he removed his mask to reveal a sinister face. He was completely bald-no hair, eyebrows, or facial hair. His complexion was deathly pale, his lips were purplish, and his cheeks were sunken.

Even more strangely, his eyes were blood red. He looked as scary as a ghost.

“Heh, I didn’t expect the Harmon family to invite a ragtag bunch of trash. How disappointing!” The pale man swept his gaze over his surroundings. He laughed coldly.

“Who the fuck are you? How dare you act so atrociously here?!” a burly man in the crowd shouted angrily.

“Hmm?” The pale man tilted his head and turned to the burly man. He reached out to grab the air in front of him.
Chapter 672

The burly man’s expression changed drastically. His body began involuntarily moving toward the pale man at high speed, as if there was an invisible rope pulling him forward.

All his struggles were in vain.

Finally, his throat ended up in the pale man’s grasp

“You” The burly man was terrified. He opened his mouth, but before he could get a word out, the pale man clenched his fist.

There was a crack. The burly man’s head fell to the side, and he died instantly.

“Ah!” Everyone was horrified by the gruesome sight. The pale man had simply grabbed a man and killed him.

That move was frankly frightening.

“Don’t panic, everyone. With Caelus here, no one would dare act out of line!” Maria said, trying to calm everyone down.

“What unorthodox magic is this? How dare you act so boldly here?!” Caelus took two steps forward. His gaze was sharp and aggressive. The sword on his back began to vibrate slightly, as if ready to spring free from its sheath at any moment.

“I am the senior disciple of the Dark Lord, Gray Ghoul.” The pale man tossed the burly man’s corpse aside.

“Gray Ghoul? It’s Bloody-Eyed Gray Ghoul?!” Everyone was scared senseless.

Bloody-Eyed Gray Ghoul was infamous in the martial world. He specialized in killing and robbing, often using cruel methods. If he appeared, then things usually ended in complete annihilation!

Back then, several upstanding martial arts tried to prganize ambushes several times to eliminate this scourge.

All of them ended in failure.

Afterward, all those involved in the ambush would receive revenge. They were hunted to the ends of the earth and died gruesome deaths. No one dared to ambush Gray Ghoul ever since.

Gray Ghoul had also vanished for some time.

However, no one expected him to turn up there.

“He’s finally here?” Natasha narrowed her eyes.

After three days on high alert, the Dark Lord finally attacked.

“So what if that’s Bloody-Eyed Gray Ghoul? He’s just a wayward martial artist. What’s the worst he could do?” Caelus said coldly.

“That’s right! We have power in numbers, and with Caelus here, what do we have to fear?!” The martial artists pulled out their weapons, ready to strike.

After all, the Harmon family had invited them there to ambush the Dark Lord and his minions.

Since they’d taken the money, they had to do the work.

“Heh, it’s nothing but an overly ambitious effort.” Gray Ghoul smirked coldly. “Today, all of you here will die!”

“How wildly arrogant! Watch me cut your head offf” Caelus pulled out his sword and swung it in Gray Ghoul’s direction.

The force of this attack was terrifying. His sword was unstoppable, like a sun ray penetrating the sky.

“What a strike! That’s the senior disciple of the Invincible Guardians for you!”

“Once Caelus attacks, even Gray Ghoul would die an untimely death!” Everyone let out gasps of surprise.

“Dustin, that move was the result of twenty years of training. Could you fend against that?” Ivy gloated while looking at Dustin.

“Ms. Natasha, watch closely. Once Caelus eliminates Gray Ghoul, you’ll finally understand who’s the god among men!” Maria said arrogantly.

As soon as Maria finished speaking, Gray Ghoul finally made a move. In the face of Caelus’ sharp attack, he didn’t try to dodge. Instead, he threw a punch head-on.

His fist hit the point of the sword with a terrifying force.

There was a loud blast. The moment they came in contact with each other, Caelus’ sword was instantly obliterated. It exploded into pieces.

At the same time, Gray Ghoul’s iron fist continued with its momentum and slammed into Caelus’ chest.

Caelus grunted. It was as if he’d been hit by a truck. He was sent flying almost fifty feet before crashing heavily into the floor, spewing blood everywhere.

In an instant, everyone fell deathly silent.
Chapter 673

When everyone saw that Caelus had gotten sent flying from a punch, they were stunned.

This was none other than the senior disciple of the Invincible Guardians, a highly powerful martial arts genius. The same person who defeated Marlon the Hoodlum with just a few moves.

However, Gray Ghoul defeated a strong warrior like him with a single punch. It was unthinkable!

“How could this be? Caelus lost?”

“Who would’ve thought that Gray Ghoul would be sa formidable? He defeated the senior disciple of the Invincible Guardians in one move. That’s horrifying!”

“Shit, if even Caelus is no match for Gray Ghoul, would any of us be able to hold against him?”

Right now, everyone was shocked and afraid. They all began to back out.

Caelus was already extremely strong, but Gray Ghoul was even more terrifying.

More importantly, he wasn’t alone. He had so many lackeys, and none of them was ordinary.

There was no way around sheer force in numbers.

Ivy’s and Maria’s snapped out of their daze, and their expressions changed. “Caelus!”

They helped the injured Caelus to his feet. Then, they fed him a healing tablet.

“This bastard is too strong. Hurry, contact our master!” Caelus wobbled shakily on his feet. He pressed a hand against his chest, his face full of terror.

Gray Ghoul’s punch had completely obliterated him. He wasn’t able to fend it off at all. The power gap between them was far too wide.

Right now, the only way to subdue him was if his master and his master’s colleague stepped in.

“The senior disciple of the Invincible Guardians is nothing. Since you have the courage to step forward, then you should die.”

After that punch, Gray Ghoul had gotten the upper hand. Unforgivingly, he threw another punch into the air.

There was a loud whoosh. The huge burst of true energy transformed into a giant shadow fist, flying straight at Caelus.

“Caelus, move!” Maria and Ivy pushed Caelus aside. Then, they raised their swords against the shadow fist.

A loud blast erupted. The two women’s swords broke, and they flew backward. They were severely injured and coughing up blood.

They couldn’t even withstand one attack.

“Maria! Ivy!” Caelus’ expression changed. He was enraged. However, he was not powerful enough. He was helpless.

“Hmm, what a close relationship between guild members!” Gray Ghoul grinned. He loved seeing these upright martial artists put up a last fight.

“Gray Ghoul, I’m warning you, don’t do anything crazy!” Caelus yelled sharply. “We are from the Invincible Guardians. If you dare lay a hand on us, you will incur the wrath of the entire Invincible Guardians!”

“There are a lot of people who want to kill me. Adding the Invincible Guardians wouldn’t make a difference,” Gray Ghoul said. He showed no fear.

“I know you’re very powerful, but listen, my master is coming. Leave now, and you may be able to avoid trouble. Otherwise, once my master gets here, you’ll all be dead!” Caelus threatened.

“Heh, by the time the leader of the Invincible Guardians makes it here, you’ll already be dead.” Gray Ghoul laughed coldly. He beckoned with his hand. “My dear disciples, hurry and slaughter every last person here. We still have more important matters to attend to.”

“Yes!” The group of masked killers dressed in black pulled out their blades. Then, they charged forward like a swarm of bees, prepared to wreak havoc.

At that moment, there was the glint of a sword blade. The few masked killers at the very front couldn’t dodge in time; their heads were chopped off, causing blood to spew everywhere.

Shocked, the others came to a stop. They surveyed their surroundings vigilantly.

-That slash just now was so fast to the point they couldn’t even react.

“Who did that? Who was that attacking from the shadows?!” Gray Ghoul’s face darkened. He swept his gaze left and right.

“It was me.” Dustin stepped out from the crowd, wielding a broken sword.
Chapter 674

Instantly, everyone turned to look.

“How dare you kill Nightshade’s disciples!” Gray Ghoul glared at Dustin.

“If you stop now, I’ll let you die in one piece,” Dustin replied. His calm words ticked everyone off.

“Who the fuck does he think he is?”

“Does he have a death wish? How could he openly challenge Gray Ghoul?”

“He’s just an idiot trying to show off.”

The martial artists sneered at Dustin disdainfully Gray Ghoul was notorious for being so strong that even Invincible Guardians was no match for him. So, where did a nobody like Dustin find the balls to challenge that man?

“You better not act tough, Dustin. Even Caelus lost to him. What makes you think you have a winning chance?” Ivy jeered.

“She’s right. Your skills are pathetic!” Maria echoed

“Just because he lost doesn’t mean I will. Piss off.” Dustin snorted.

“What?” His words irked Caelus. “Who the fuck do you think you are, Rhys? How dare you look down on me! I might have lost to Gray Ghoul, but I can still beat you!”

“Oh, shut up. You can’t even stand right now.” Dustin retorted without turning around.

“You f” Caelus gritted his teeth. If he hadn’t been severely injured, he’d already be setting Dustin straight by now.

“We’re only trying to warn you. If you don’t listen, you’ll have to face the consequences.” Ivy frowned.

“Hmph! Stubborn bastards like him won’t listen. Let him die!” Caelus snarled. He couldn’t wait for Gray Ghoul to kill Dustin.

“You’ll let us die in one piece?” Surprised, Gray Ghoul laughed. “It’s been a while since someone spoke to me like this. Do you even know who I am?”

“It doesn’t matter. You only have two choices right now. You either give in or die,” Dustin stated. coolly.

“Insolent fool! It’s time for you to die!” Gray Ghoul was finally angry.

He drew his sword and brought it down heavily on Dustin’s head. There was a loud hum as a violent light burst forth from the blade. It tore through the room and shook the furniture. The onlookers’ hearts stopped out of fear.

“My, what a ferocious attack!”

“Is this Gray Ghoul’s real strength? How terrifying””

“No one would be able to withstand that attack!”

The martial artists in the room were frightened by the strength of Gray Ghoul’s attack.

“Weren’t you dying to show off? Let’s see what happens now!” Caelus sneered.

“Shit!” Ivy and Maria sighed silently. Even Natasha and the others began to fear for Dustin’s safety.

Just then, Dustin made his move. With a flick of his wrist, a beam burst forth from his sword. It pushed past Gray Ghoul’s attack and split his blade in half before piercing his body in one fluid. motion


Gray Ghoul’s body stiffened before his head rolled off his shoulders. It landed on the ground with a thud, smearing blood all over. The commotion stunned the crowd into silence.
Chapter 675

The entire hall had gone silent as everyone gaped at Gray Ghoul’s head in disbelief. It all happened so fast that they didn’t have time to process everything. No one expected Dustin to kill the invincible Gray Ghoul in mere seconds and with just a single strike.

“I-Is this for real? He killed Gray Ghoul?”

“He ended Gray Ghoul with one strike. Who is this monster?”

“What terrifying sword skills he has. Since when did someone like him exist?”

After finally realizing what had happened, the crowd burst into whispers. Gazes of shock, dismay, and disbelief were shot toward Dustin.

They thought it was the end for Dustin when they saw Gray Ghoul swinging his sword at him. But not only did Dustin survive, he even defeated Gray Ghoul effortlessly. How terrifying!

They also realized that the choices Dustin had so proudly laid out earlier had come true. “I-impossible! How is that guy so strong?” Caelus’ eyes widened in disbelief. He always viewed Dustin as a weak nobody who was no match for the notorious Gray Ghoul.

“Who knew that he’s actually so strong?” Ivy and Maria exchanged shocked looks.

Even Caelus had lost to Gray Ghoul. If Dustin could cut Gray Ghoul down with a single strike, didn’t that mean he was more powerful than Caelus?

The two ladies couldn’t help feeling embarrassed for their rude words earlier. They never thought they’d be looking down on someone far stronger than them.

“I knew he was powerful!” Abigail jumped excitedly

“He’s awesome!” Ruth’s eyes twinkled, just as in awe of the man as Abigail was.

“That’s my man!” Natasha smirked proudly. She’d been worried when she saw Gray Ghoul’s attack. Fortunately, Dustin was strong enough to come out of it unscathed.

After a few seconds, Gray Ghoul’s decapitated body gradually toppled to the floor with a thud. It caused a cloud of dust to rise into the air.

“Gray Ghoul!” the group of masked killers exclaimed furiously. They never imagined that this invincible man would meet his demise so suddenly

“How dare you kill him! You’re dead meat!”

“Everyone, we shall wipe out the Harmon family to avenge Gray Ghoul!”

Battle cries echoed as each of the masked killers fished out a black ball and smashed it into the ground.

One by one, the balls burst apart on impact, and black fog wafted into the air.

“Watch out for the poison!” one of the martial artists cried out.

Everyone else immediately paled. They covered their mouths and noses frightfully.

“Natasha, lead everyone out of here. I’ll take care of this!” Dustin swung his sword. A burst of light parted the poisonous gas, drawing a safe path.

“Hurry up!”

Natasha hurriedly gathered Mr. Robinson and the rest and ran out. She knew that they’d only be a burden to Dustin if they stayed behind.

“Caelus, we should run too!”

Ivy and Maria quickly lifted Caelus and followed Natasha. With their current condition, their best bet was to run away to stay alive.

As soon as they walked out of the door, the poisonous gas engulfed the room once more. Several martial artists tried to run away but were swallowed by the gas and began wailing in anguish.
Chapter 676

By the time they emerged, those people’s skins had begun to rot. Pus oozed from their skin, and blood trickled out of their mouths. They were going to die soon.

“Go after them! Don’t let them get away!” Two of the masked killers went after Natasha and the others. However, before they could even get past the door, a flash of light sliced their heads off cleanly.

“I’m your opponent.” Dustin stood in front of the door regally, holding a broken sword. Even the poisonous gas seemed afraid to go near him.

“Kill him! We need to avenge Gray Ghoul!”

With a loud cry, the killers charged toward Dustin. They utilized everything from weapons to poison and curses.

“None of you will escape today!” Dustin humphed before joining the fray, starting the bloody battle. Meanwhile, in the gardens, Natasha and everyone else were running in the blizzard. They left trails of footprints on the snowy ground.

“None of them seemed to have caught up to us. We should be safe now.” Ruth was panting after running for so long.

“Ms. Natasha, Caelus has been severely injured. We need to stop somewhere safe and treat his wounds as soon as possible,” Ivy said.

Natasha turned and saw Caelus, who was as white as a sheet. He was struggling to keep himself upright.

“Let’s go to the meeting room. Our elite guards are having a meeting there.” She immediately decided

“Let’s go.” Just as everyone began to move, a bunch of large, round men emerged from the bushes. They were led by Marlon Cobb.

“Hello there, darlings. Where are you guys heading?” Marlon smirked as he gave the ladies a look over.

“Marlon, why aren’t you helping when someone has infiltrated the place?” Natasha yelled.

“Help? Well, rather than hustling with those people, I’d much rather hustle with you girls.” Marlon wore a sickening grin.

“How dare you!” Caelus exploded. “Marlon, you better scram, or I’ll mess you up!”

“You?” Marlon sneered. “I might be afraid if you were uninjured, but you can’t even save yourself right now. How are you going to fight me?”

“I might be injured, but I can still get rid of you!” Caelus snarled.

“Really? Well, let’s see how strong you are now.” Marlon suddenly threw a punch.

“You!” Caelus tried to stop the other man, but his movements only aggravated his injuries. He began to vomit blood, then collapsed.

“I haven’t even touched you yet. What a loser!” Marlon sneered.

“You better not play around, Marlon! The Invincible Guardians won’t let you off the hook!” Ivy yelled.

“If I kill all of you, how would others know?” Marlon retorted, unfazed by her threat.

“You wouldn’t!” Maria glared.

“But we’ll definitely have some fun before killing you guys” Marlon sneered viciously before signaling to his men. “What are you guys waiting for? Hurry up, the two chicks from the Invincible Guardians have been waiting for so long.

“Thanks, Marlon!” His subordinates immediately lunged toward Ivy and Maria.

“Let’s give it our all!” The two ladies gritted their teeth and faced the men’s attacks head-on However, they were quickly subdued and forced to the ground. Although they were skilled fighters, they weren’t able to use their full strength due to their injuries Eventually, they lost.

“We’re coming, darlings!” The men sneered. They yanked at the ladies’ clothes. Maria and Ivy shrieked in terror. They had never experienced something like this in their lives.

“Stop!” Caelus roared. He was powerless to do anything. He could only watch those men put their dirty hands on his allies.
Chapter 677

“Stop, you fucking mongrels!” Abigail yelled. She could not stand the sight of Ivy and Maria being assaulted by those beasts any longer.

“Awe, don’t rush us, darling. You’ll get your turn after we’re done with these two.” The men grinned sickeningly. Their predatory gazes were glued to Abigail.

“You’re taking things too far!” Abigail was furious and unsheathed her dagger. She charged toward the men. The men were taken off guard. They couldn’t steer clear of her attacks quickly enough. Her blade left several cuts on them as they jerked backward.

“How dare you interrupt our fun! We’ll fuck you first!” The men were pissed. They were about to draw their swords, but Marlon stopped them.

“Woah, how can you guys treat a lady like that?” He approached Abigail with a small smile. Honey, you should queue up if you want your turn with us.”

“Fuck off, or you’re dead!” Abigail threatened.

“Awe, don’t be like that. I mean no harm. Just hand me that dagger. It’s too dangerous for you.” Marlon smiled and extended his hand.

“Fuck off!” Abigail swung her arm. The sharp edge of her blade left a gash on Marlon’s palm.

“Hmm?” Marlon’s smile hardened, and his face darkened. “There’s a limit to my patience. You should be grateful for my offer!”

“Abigail, don’t be reckless!” Mr. Robinson hurried over. He put himself in front of his daughter, smiling apologetically. “Sir, my daughter is young and foolish. Please forgive her.”

“Forgive her?” Marlon sneered. “She cut me just now, so what should we do now?”

“W-we’ll pay!” Mr. Robinson withdrew the twenty million dollar check he had gotten from Felix earlier. He carefully handed it over to Marlon.

“Not too shabby.” Marlon accepted the check and stuffed it into his pocket.

“Since we’ve already paid for your injuries, could we leave now?” Mr. Robinson smiled sheepishly.

“Leave? Who said anything about leaving?” Marlon smirked. “Did you think twenty million dollars. would be enough? What do you take me for?”

“Sir, we should take care of this issue peacefully. Let’s be forgiving and understanding when necessary.” Mr. Robinson lowered his head.

“I don’t mind letting you guys go, but you’ll have to please me first.” Marlon pointed at his shoe. and ordered, “My shoe has gotten a little dirty. Kneel and clean it.”

“Hey, you better not go overboard!” Abigail snapped Dying with dignity was much better than enduring humiliation. Being forced to kneel and clean someone’s shoe was nothing short of humiliating.

“I’m not forcing you to clean it.” Marlon shrugged.

“I’ll do it.” Mr. Robinson nodded repeatedly. Then, he fell to his knees.

“What are you doing, Dad? Get up!” Abigail frowned.

“It’s fine. It’ll be over in a second.” Mr. Robinson smiled sheepishly. He rolled up his sleeves and began carefully cleaning Marlon’s shoe.

“You!” Abigail’s blood boiled. She didn’t understand how her father could be such a huge coward “Pfft! You sure are a wonderful pet.” Marlon smiled and patted Mr. Robinson’s head.

“Sir, your shoe is clean now. Why don’t you take a look?” Mr. Robinson lifted his head and forced a smile. But, he remained where he was.

“Good job. You can leave now.” Marlon nodded with a smile.

“Thank you, sir!” Mr. Robinson beamed and grabbed his daughter’s hand. “Let’s go, Abigail!”
Chapter 678

“Let me go!” Abigail flung her father’s hand aside angrily. “You might be a coward, but I will never bow down to them like you do!”

She could leave now, but what about Natasha and the others? Was she supposed to abandon her friends and run away? She could never do that!

“Abigail, as long as you’re alive, there’s always a chance for you to seek revenge!” Mr. Robinson advised.

“You can leave if you want to, but don’t tell me what to do!” Abigail snapped cooly. She despised her spineless father; he bowed down to others no matter what.

He had never once acted like a man. Others had made fun of her all her life because of his timid actions. Therefore, she’d sworn that no matter what, she would never lose her dignity!

“Stop being so stubborn, Abigail. Let’s go!” Mr. Robinson tugged at Abigail anxiously.

“I told you not to tell me what to do! Scram!” Abigail shoved her father, and the man fell to the ground.

Marlon grinned at the sight. “You should have listened to your father, darling. You wouldn’t have been able to escape, but it would have been fun to watch you two try.”

He never planned to let them escape in the first place. He was merely playing a game of cat and mouse.

“I knew you were up to no good!” Abigail clutched her dagger and tried to stab Marlon. As long as she could defeat that man, they would all be safe.

“What a fool.” Marlon shook his head. Then, he planted his foot into Abigail’s chest.

Abigail grunted as the force threw her backward Blood trickled out of the corner of her mouth. For a moment, she was immobile.

“Since you like using force so much, why don’t we start with you?” Marlon slowly approached her with a leering grin. He wanted to take her clothes off.

Mr. Robinson was instantly alarmed. Falling onto his knees before Marlon, he begged, “Please forgive her, sir! She’s just a child. I beg you!” He bowed deeply.

“Fuck off, you old shit!” Annoyed, Marlon kicked Mr Robinson aside.

“Sir!” Mr. Robinson clambered back to his knees. Please let my daughter go! I’ll do anything you want!”

“Are you fucking deaf? I told you to piss off!” Marlon kicked Mr. Robinson again, harder this time.

The older man grunted as he flew backward. Still, he staggered to his feet and lunged toward Marlon. He held the other man’s calf, begging, “Please, sir! Please don’t hurt my daughter!”

“You’re dead meat!” Finally losing his temper, Marlon planted a furious kick on Mr. Robinson’s back.

Mr. Robinson threw up blood that dyed the snow red. However, he refused to let go of Marlon’s leg.

“Just die already, you old coot!” His stubbornness ticked Marlon off, who planted kick after kick on his back. Each kick caused Mr. Robinson to throw up blood. Still, his grip never loosened.

“Fuck off!”

Furious, Marlon aimed his last blow at Mr. Robinson’s head. He kicked it like a football. Immediately, Mr. Robinson went flying and crashed into a tree. He was bleeding profusely.


“Mr. Robinson!”
Chapter 679

Abigail, Natasha, and the others were devastated. They knew that the force Marlon used was enough to kill his opponent. Even the strongest martial artist would have died on the spot from that attack. There was no way Mr. Robinson was fine.

“That piece of shit dirtied my clothes.” Marlon tried to dust the blood off his pants legs, disgusted. “I’ll kill you!” Abigail howled. She grabbed her dagger and charged toward Marlon.

Marlon sneered and grabbed her wrist, effectively pressing her onto the ground.

“No one’s going to interrupt us now, honey. Let’s do it here.” Grinning perversely, he tore off her jacket, exposing her voluptuous figure.

“Fuck off!”

Abigail slammed her knee into Marlon’s groin with all her might, her eyes bloodshot.

“Aargh!” Marlon wailed. His face was twisting in pain. “You bitch! How dare you harm me! I’m going to kill you!” He pulled out his sword and swung it toward her.

The blade was going to slice through her, but a bloody hand appeared from nowhere and grabbed the tip of the blade.

“Huh?” Marlon lifted his head. The person who stopped his attack was Mr. Robinson! However, he seemed like a completely different person.

This Mr. Robinson was no longer timid and fearful, Instead, he was cold and ruthless.

“How are you still alive?” Marlon’s expression sobered.

“Why did you have to push me?” Mr. Robinson sighed. “Couldn’t you have just let this matter slide?”

“What the hell are you talking about, old man?” Marlon frowned uneasily. He realized that the air around the older man was slowly shifting.

“I’ve already given you a chance, but you didn’t appreciate it, so don’t blame me.” Mr. Robinson tightened his grip slightly, and Marlon’s sword instantly shattered into a million pieces. At the same time, a burst of energy exploded out of him. It rippled through the wind and caused snow to whirl up. Even the plants around them began to sway and shake as if they were marveling at his strength.

Mr. Robinson inhaled deeply, and all the joints in his body cracked. He gradually absorbed all the natural essence surrounding him into his body. Soon, he became so powerful that it was hard for others to even look him in the eye.

“W-who are you?” Marlon scrambled backward in terror. He never expected the timid old man to undergo such a drastic change. Now, Mr. Robinson was like a ferocious dragon who had just woken up from his deep slumber. A mere peek at the man was enough to send shivers down one’s spine.

Marlon had met countless masters in his lifetime, but Mr. Robinson was the scariest person he had ever seen. In fact, Mr. Robinson might even be considered a god at this point-a being who stood higher than any human.

“You shouldn’t have hurt my daughter.” Mr. Robinson shook his head. He pointed in Marlon’s direction, and without warning, the man’s body exploded like a balloon. Marlon died in an instant.
Chapter 680

“What?” Everyone gaped incredulously at the bloody mist that used to be Marlon.

Marlon was a Divine-level martial artist strong enough to take all of them down effortlessly. However, a finger was all Mr. Robinson needed to kill him. How terrifying! Was this really the cowardly old man they all knew?

“Run!” Once they got over the shock, the group of large men spun around and began to flee. They had no idea what had happened, but they knew Mr. Robinson was far stronger than expected. Marlon had been killed easily, so there was no way they’d stand a chance against that man.

“You shouldn’t have done all that if you were afraid of dying.” Mr. Robinson waved his hand casually, and the men immediately burst apart. They turned into a bloody mist.

“Uh…” Everyone was shocked by the sight, especially Abigail. Her eyes were wide open. She couldn’t believe that her cowardly father had suddenly turned so strong.

“Wow, he really kept his skills well hidden!” Dustin, who had just arrived, gaped at Mr. Robinson. He always thought he had a good eye. However, he never realized such a strong individual had been hiding under his nose this entire time.

“Mr. Robinson? Is that really you?” Natasha asked hesitantly, astonished.

“I apologize for scaring you, Ms. Natasha.” Mr. Robinson lowered his head. He quickly returned to how he was earlier. However, no one could look down on him anymore.

“Dad, how…” Abigail was at a loss for words. She couldn’t understand why her father would hide his powers and let others walk all over him.

“I’m sorry for deceiving you all these years. I wanted you to grow up as an ordinary person, but I didn’t expect things to turn out like this.” Mr. Robinson sighed. He knew how dangerous the martial world was, so he hoped his daughter could stay out of it. Alas, things didn’t always go as planned.

“Who are you? Why are you so strong? And why did you lie to me?” Abigail fired questions rapidly. Her head was completely blank at the moment.

“It’s a long story. I-” Mr. Robinson began.

Suddenly, a group of people emerged from the snow ahead. It was the rest of the Harmon family. The Harmon family’s strongest fighters, which consisted of hundreds of Harmon family elite guards and aids, were being led by Hector.

“Natasha, Ruth, are you girls alright?” Hector asked as he and his group braved the blizzard and trudged toward them. He stared at the bright red snow fearfully.

“We’re fine. We ran into some bastards earlier, but fortunately, Mr. Robinson was around.” Natasha forced a smile.

“Mr. Robinson?” Hector was taken aback. He surveyed the mess in dismay. After all, the pieces of flesh littering the ground could only have been caused by using powerful true energy to blast the bodies apart.

It would take at least a Divine-level martial artist to do that. Mr. Robinson was merely a servant in had ever seen. In fact, Mr. Robinson might even be considered a god at this point-a being who stood higher than any human.

“You shouldn’t have hurt my daughter.” Mr. Robinson shook his head. He pointed in Marlon’s direction, and without warning, the man’s body exploded like a balloon. Marlon died in an instant.

“What?” Everyone gaped incredulously at the bloody mist that used to be Marlon.

Marlon was a Divine-level martial artist strong enough to take all of them down effortlessly. However, a finger was all Mr. Robinson needed to kill him. How terrifying! Was this really the cowardly old man they all knew?

“Run!” Once they got over the shock, the group of large men spun around and began to flee. They had no idea what had happened, but they knew Mr. Robinson was far stronger than expected. Marlon had been killed easily, so there was no way they’d stand a chance against that man.

“You shouldn’t have done all that if you were afraid of dying.” Mr. Robinson waved his hand casually, and the men immediately burst apart. They turned into a bloody mist.

“Uh…” Everyone was shocked by the sight, especially Abigail. Her eyes were wide open. She couldn’t believe that her cowardly father had suddenly turned so strong.

“Wow, he really kept his skills well hidden!” Dustin, who had just arrived, gaped at Mr. Robinson. He always thought he had a good eye. However, he never realized such a strong individual had been hiding under his nose this entire time.

“Mr. Robinson? Is that really you?” Natasha asked hesitantly, astonished.

“I apologize for scaring you, Ms. Natasha.” Mr. Robinson lowered his head. He quickly returned to how he was earlier. However, no one could look down on him anymore.

“Dad, how…” Abigail was at a loss for words. She couldn’t understand why her father would hide his powers and let others walk all over him.

“I’m sorry for deceiving you all these years. I wanted you to grow up as an ordinary person, but I didn’t expect things to turn out like this.” Mr. Robinson sighed. He knew how dangerous the martial world was, so he hoped his daughter could stay out of it. Alas, things didn’t always go as planned.

“Who are you? Why are you so strong? And why did you lie to me?” Abigail fired questions rapidly. Her head was completely blank at the moment.

“It’s a long story. I-” Mr. Robinson began.

Suddenly, a group of people emerged from the snow ahead. It was the rest of the Harmon family. The Harmon family’s strongest fighters, which consisted of hundreds of Harmon family elite guards and aids, were being led by Hector.

“We’re fine. We ran into some bastards earlier, but fortunately, Mr. Robinson was around.” Natasha forced a smile.

“Mr. Robinson?” Hector was taken aback. He surveyed the mess in dismay. After all, the pieces of flesh littering the ground could only have been caused by using powerful true energy to blast the bodies apart.

It would take at least a Divine-level martial artist to do that. Mr. Robinson was merely a servant in us, he would pant after running a few steps.
Chapter 681

“Hurry! Let’s head over to the banquet hall!” Hector ordered immediately.

“No need. I’ve taken care of it.” Dustin emerged from the darkness. His white clothes were stained red as some murderous air lingered on him.

“That’s good.” Hector sighed in relief before asking, “Dustin, did you catch sight of the Dark Lord?”

“Not yet?” Dustin shook his head.

“As long as the Dark Lord is alive, our family will be in danger. All members of the Harmon family, listen up! Split yourself into groups of five and root him out!” Hector commanded.

“There’s no need for that. I’m already here.” Just then, a sinister voice spoke out.

Everyone turned and saw a man standing proudly on the gazebo nearby. He wore a black cape and a mask that covered half of his face. The air surrounding the man was so poisonous that the ring of plants around him had already withered. Even the snow that fell on his body turned black.

“The Dark Lord?” The Harmon family instantly had their guards up and their weapons drawn. The past few years have traumatized them. They couldn’t see or catch him, so they had to be constantly on guard against him since his methods were always baffling. He was skilled in poison, curses, and witchcraft and could easily kill someone undetected. His skills made it extremely difficult to anticipate his next move.

The Harmon family couldn’t help but feel a little scared. They could finally meet this nightmar in person.

“You’ve finally shown yourself.” Hector narrowed his eyes, his expression grim. Knowing the Dark Lord’s personality, the man must have something up his sleeve if he was willing to show himself today.

“We should end things now. It’s been a long time coming, after all.” The Dark Lord sniggered. “You have two choices right now. You either hand over your treasure, or your entire family will perish!”

“Our family will perish? Because of you?” Hector humphed. He prepared well just to fight against the Dark Lord. However, dealing with the man would have been difficult if he had been hiding in the dark. Now that the Dark Lord had shown himself, they could finally take him down!

“I can deal with all of you myself!” The Dark Lord clasped his hands behind his back, his clothes dancing in the air.

“How dare you!”

“Insolent bastard!”

The Harmon family cried out angrily. The Dark Lord was feared for his mystic arts. So, the Harmon family had nothing to fear as long as everything came down to a battle of the fists.

“Move out of the way! I’ll deal with him!” Dylan stood forward and swore, “You’ve harmed our family for years, Dark Lord! Today, you will pay for your sins with your blood!”

“Foolish brat.” The Dark Lord humphed disdainfully

“How dare you look down on me! Go to hell!” Dylan drew his blade and leaped into the air. With a powerful swing, he brought his sword down with all his might.

There was a whistle as the force melted the snow in its path and headed toward the Dark Lord,

“What a powerful swing!” The Harmon family watched the battle animatedly. As the genius of the family, the time Dylan spent on the battlefield completely changed him. His sword was much more powerful than it once was.

“Oh, my genius boy!” Jacob watched his son proudly. Defeating the Dark Lord would make Dylan the family’s hero.

“Tree Flicker.” With a snicker, the Dark Lord struck out with his palm. A shadow phased through Dylan’s sword and planted itself into the young man’s chest.

“Aargh!” Dylan wailed as he collapsed onto the ground. He spurted blood everywhere.
Chapter 682

“What?” Everyone was shocked as they watched Dylan land on the ground. The way he had leaped into the air tricked everyone into thinking that he had a winning chance against the Dark Lord. However, his opponent was able to get rid of him effortlessly, shocking the crowd.

“Dylan!” Jacob paled. He rushed over to hold his son up.

“I slipped, Dad…” Dylan forced out before his head fell to one side as he passed out. Jacob was tongue-tied. He couldn’t believe how stubborn his son was.

“How could he act so foolishly when he’s so weak? Does the Harmon family have no one else to send?” At the gazebo, the Dark Lord sneered at them scornfully.

“Don’t be cocky. We’ll deal with you!” A voice was heard as nine people emerged from the group of people. There was a mix of men and women, as each of them were powerful fighters well-known in the martial world. Without doing much, they gave off immense pressure on those around them.

“To tell you the truth, these are skilled martial artists we hired. With them around, you’ll meet your end no matter what tricks you use!” Trent declared, pleased.

“You better surrender if you don’t want to die!” Hector shouted.

The Harmon family called upon many martial artists for help, but most of them were nothing but smokescreens. Their true trump card was actually these nine fighters.

“Pfft! I can get rid of these nine pests easily.” The Dark Lord sniggered, unfazed.

“Insolent bastard!” His answer pissed off the nine fighters.

They were well-known fighters in the martial world and were confident they could each take on the Dark Lord by themselves, much less as a team

“Guys, on my mark, let’s get rid of this evil man!” An elderly man shouted as he sprung toward the Dark Lord, sword first. “Kill him!”

The remaining eight fighters followed closely behind, each using their best skills to fight the Dark Lord Blades glinted, and gusts of wind rippled through the air as the trees and bushes around them were sliced down. Even the freshly laid snow had evaporated.

“With those skills, no wonder they’re the best fighters around.”

“With those nine people attacking him at the same time, there’s no way he can avoid their assault!

“Since he dared to invade our house, let’s make sure he never leaves!”

The Harmon family watched intently as the nine fighters surrounded the Dark Lord, eagerly waiting for the latter to be shredded into pieces.

“What a bunch of losers.” The Dark Lord chuckled before striking outward with both palms. There was a loud rumble as the two fighters closest to him were flattened into human pancakes. The Dark Lord then spun around and did the same to the two fighters behind him, killing them instantly.

Within seconds, nearly half of the nine fighters were dead.

While the Dark Lord was busy with the four fighters, the remaining five rushed toward the Dark Lord and swung their swords fiercely.

Sharp clangs rang out as their weapons hit the Dark Lord’s body. As if they had hit solid steel, sparks flew from the points of contact.


The five fighters’ eyes widened in shock, and they paled. When they tried to jump backward, they realized that the true energy surrounding the Dark Lord’s frame had glued their weapons to his body like a magnet.

“Who gave you the courage to fight me with those measly skills? You guys must have a death wish!” The Dark Lord’s body shook, and a gust of terrifying true energy burst forth.
Chapter 683

As if they had been struck by a train, the remaining five fighters were brutally thrown backward and landed in a pile of snow.

Some died, while others were severely injured, and none of them were able to stand up again.

“What? The nine fighters lost?” The Harmon family was devastated to see that the skilled fighters they spent a hefty amount to hire hadn’t even been able to touch a hair on the Dark Lord’s head.

“Who’s up next?” The Dark Lord stood at the same gazebo, and he peered down at those useless fools.

“Even those nine fighters lost to him. There’s no way anyone could win against him.” The Harmon family exchanged fearful glances, none of them daring to step forward. Was this the end of the Harmon family?

“The two of us will have some fun with you, Dark Lord.” Suddenly, a grave voice broke the silence.

Everyone turned to see two shadows emerging from the sky, nimbly making their way toward them. They moved as stealthily as a cat, making it hard for others to spot them.

“They’re awesome!” Everyone was amazed by the two men, who moved past the trees and toward the Dark Lord.

As they approached, everyone finally realized who the two elderly men were.

“Master Herman! Sir Leon!” Caelus was overjoyed to see them.

“They’re finally here!” Ivy and Maria cheered at the new arrivals, who were none other than the leader and assistant leader of the Invincible Guardians, Herman, and Leon Delgado.

“You’re finally here.” Hector and the rest of the Harmon family heaved sighs of relief. Now that the leader of the Invincible Guardians was here, the Dark Lord couldn’t do too much damage. After all, these two men were martial artists who were close to becoming grandmasters.

“I hope you can forgive us for arriving late, Hector. Herman lowered his head respectfully.

“Of course. Having you two here is already a godsend.” Hector smiled. Things had seemed quite bad earlier, but fortunately, there hadn’t been much real damage.

“Let’s not waste time. We’ll take care of things from here.” Herman turned around to face the gazebo. “Dark Lord, you’ve committed grave sins Bold of-you to not surrender yourself now that the two of us are here!”

“No wonder you guys weren’t afraid. You had the Invincible Guardians protecting you.” The Dark Lord narrowed his eyes.

“If you’re scared, you better kneel and apologize right now. We might spare your life that way.” Leon bellowed.

“Scared? Pfft! Guilds like yours always like to bully people with numbers. How strong can you be? I challenge you to a one-on-one fight!” The Dark Lord taunted.

“Why would I need Herman’s help to deal with the likes of you?” Leon snorted.

“You better remember what you just said.” The Dark Lord’s gaze darkened, a sinister smile on his face.

“Hold on!” Dustin suddenly called out. “Sir Leon, you’re no match for him on your own. You have to work together if you want to have a winning chance”

“Nonsense!” Leon glared at him. “I’m nearly a Grandmaster martial artist. I can take care of this fat Divine-level bastard easily!”

“I’m just giving you a piece of advice. Even animals give it their all when catching prey much weaker than them, so there’s no need to risk it,” Dustin responded.

“Shut up! How dare a stupid brat like you tell me what to do! Step aside!” Leon was pissed that Dustin would question his capabilities.

“What?” Dustin frowned, and his expression turned cold. “If you insist on doing things your way, forget I said anything.”

He only gave that piece of advice because of the Harmon family, but since Leon refused to listen to him and even insulted him, he might as well just turn a blind eye.
Chapter 684

“Hmph, foolish brat!” Caelus glanced at Dustin and sneered. “What would a stupid pig like you know about Sir Leon’s strength? You could never even hope to reach his level!”

“Dustin, Sir Leon is a semi-Grandmaster. You shouldn’t talk about things you don’t know. Others might laugh at you,” Ivy grumbled in displeasure.

“She’s right. You should watch how Sit Leon takes his opponent down!” Maria echoed. All of them saw Dustin as someone who liked to talk others down to make himself feel good. The Dark Lord might be a powerful person, but he was still a Divine-level martial artist, which was nowhere near the level of a semi-Grandmaster.

“Let’s hope things turn out the way you’re hoping they will,” Dustin simply responded. He’s said everything he needed to say. If he said anymore, he would just make a fool of himself.

“Sir Leon, I think he’s right. If you’re too scared to fight me alone, you can ask your leader to join the battle. Otherwise, you might suffer an embarrassing loss,” The Dark Lord taunted, aware that guilds like these cared more about their pride than anything else.

As he expected, Leon was furious at his words. “Yeah, right! Killing you is a piece of cake. I don’t need anyone’s help! Here I come!” He jumped into the air and unsheathed the long sword behind his back. Clutching the sword with one hand, he thrust it toward the Dark Lord at an incredible speed.

“His sword is so fast and powerful!”

“No wonder he’s a semi-Grandmaster. He’s so strong!”

The crowd marveled at his strength. They had never seen someone as strong as Leon.

“You’re doomed!” Leon bellowed, and his sword shone as his attack increased in power.

“Foolish bastard.” The Dark Lord chuckled coldly before swinging his hand, which was curled into a claw

This caused Leon’s blade, which was less than twenty inches away, to stop mid-air. The sword trembled violently but didn’t move at all.

“How is that possible?” Leon was shocked. Before he had time to react, the Dark Lord reached out and struck Leon’s chest with his palm. Immediately, blood spewed from Leon’s mouth, and he flew backward.

“Go to hell!” The Dark Lord took advantage of this opportunity and struck again. A huge shadow in the shape of a palm hit Leon hard.

“Leon!” Herman paled. He quickly drew his sword to counter the Dark Lord’s attack. There was a loud bang as the two attacks clashed before the shadow palm disappeared.

Herman reached out to catch Leon when the Dark Lord suddenly fused with the shadows and slammed into him.

“You must have a death wish!” Furious, Herman brandished his sword. Instantly, thousands of shadow swords appeared. They trapped the Dark Lord from all directions and then flew in the Dark Lord’s direction. However, they didn’t seem to affect the Dark Lord, who was able to phase
through the shadows and counter with another strike.

“Oh no!” Herman’s eyes widened, and he instinctively raised his sword to block the oncoming onslaught. The blade shattered on impact, and the Dark Lork quickly followed up with another strike to Herman’s chest, crushing the man’s bones and causing him to cough up blood. Herman flew in the air before crashing into the ground, head-first.
Chapter 685

It had only taken the Dark Lord two seconds to defeat Herman and Leon.

“What?” Everyone exclaimed, flabbergasted. No one had expected the two semi-Grandmasters to lose so terribly to the Dark Lord.

“Master Herman!” Terrified, Caelus, Ivy, and Maria dashed toward their mentor. Herman and Leon were severely injured; they bled profusely from their noses, and they couldn’t get back onto their feet

“How is this possible? The leader of the Invincible Guardians actually lost?” The Harmon family couldn’t believe their eyes. The two semi-Grandmasters had been their final trump card, and they’d thought they’d have a winning chance against the Dark Lord, yet the latter had eventually won, which begged the question: if the Dark Lord was stronger than Herman and Leon, which Harmon family member would stand a chance against him?

“If the two of you had come at me together, you could have won against me. Unfortunately, your confidence and pride blinded you.” The Dark Lord peered down at them.

“A aren’t you just a fully developed Divine-level martial artist?” Herman gasped, clutching his chest.

“How was I going to lure you out if I didn’t hide my true strength?” The Dark Lord chuckled. Although he had been confident that things would turn out in his favor, he still didn’t want to take any risks.

“You treacherous and shameless bastard!” Jacob swore.

“Nothing matters as long as I can win.” The Dark Lord grinned. “Also, aren’t you curious as to why I finally decided to show myself after all this time hiding?”

“Why?” Hector asked uneasily.

“I’ve been biding my time and building my strength” The Dark Lord puffed out his chest. Actually, I’ve already evolved into a Grandmaster martial artist!”

His words shocked everyone, causing them to break out in a cold sweat. There were many skilled fighters in the martial world. However, it was rare to find anyone so strong. Countless geniuses spent all their lives trying to break that barrier and evolve.

Herman and Leon were the perfect examples. Although they were semi-Grandmasters who were halfway to becoming Grandmasters, the gap they had yet to fill was so profound that they’d been stuck at their current level for the past decade and still hadn’t seen any improvements. Therefore, it wasn’t an exaggeration to say that becoming a Grandmaster was near impossible.

Everyone finally understood why Herman and Leon had lost. Their opponent was a Grandmaster! “Shit! We’re doomed!”

“How are we supposed to fight against such a strong opponent?”

“That’s the end of our family!”

The Harmon family wore devastated expressions. The opponent they were facing was a Grandmaster, which meant they had no chance of winning and could only let the Dark Lord do as he pleased.

“You’ve lost, Hector. I’ll let you guys live if you hand over the treasure.” The Dark Lord
commanded. He was powerful enough to crush the entire family.

“Knowing you, you won’t let us go even if we hand over the treasure.” Hector shook his head.

“You don’t have a choice in this matter.” The Dark Lord smiled coldly. It was true that he hadn’t been planning to let any of them go since obtaining the treasure map and getting rid of the Harmon family had been his target from the start.

“Since we’ll die no matter what, we might as well die honorably.” Hector took a deep breath. He suddenly raised his hand and shouted, “All Harmon family members, listen up! Draw your weapons and fight!”

This kind of events will not be posted on the current date
Chapter 686

“Draw your weapons and fight!” Hector bellowed, his determined gaze psyching the rest of the family up.

“Fuck, let’s do this!”


The Harmon family yelled and drew their weapons. Their conflict with the Dark Lord had been going on for years, and there was no way he would let them go easily. So, they might as well give it their best shot if they were going to die.

“You pests dare challenge me? You will all die!” The Dark Lord’s expression hardened. “Hector, since you’re being so stubborn, I’ll turn this place into a bloodbath today!”

He slowly pulled his hand back before slapping the ground harshly. Instantly, the ground shook, and snow exploded everywhere. A huge shadow palm fell from the sky and onto the Harmon family members, making it hard for them to breathe or even move. They realized that when their opponent was a Grandmaster martial artist, they couldn’t even run if they wanted to.

“Hmm…” Dustin frowned. He was just about to make his move when a pebble shot toward the shadow palm. There was a bang as the dark cloud dispersed.

Freed from the attack, the Harmon family began panting.

“Who the hell did that?” The Dark Lord studied the people around him with a sharp glare. He might have only used less than a third of his powers, but it was still more than what regular martial artists could withstand.

“Why do you insist on killing everybody? Can’t you just forgive them?” With a sigh, Mr. Robinson emerged from the crowd.

“Mr. Robinson?” Everyone was shocked. They never expected a family servant to stand up for them when things got rough. Alas, it wasn’t enough. Everything was useless when faced with a Grandmaster.

“Who are you? How dare you stop me!” The Dark Lord glared at the older man.

“I owe the Harmon family a debt, so I hope you could be generous enough to let them go.” Mr. Robinson requested politely.

“Hmph, who are you to talk to me like that?” The Dark Lord shouted.

“Come on, you come from the same family, so why do you have to fight them like this? You should stop now.” Mr. Robinson’s tone was grave.

“And if I don’t?” The Dark Lord narrowed his eyes, which glinted murderously.

“I’ll have to try and stop you then,” Mr. Robinson replied seriously.

“You stubborn, old thing!” The Dark Lord snarled. He launched himself forward and thrust his palm at Mr. Robinson’s chest. The devastating force was so strong that it ripped through the air, causing the snow around them to evaporate and the trees around them to explore.

“Watch out, Mr. Robinson!”

“Dad, duck!”

People cried out from the crowd. However, Mr. Robinson seemed to have frozen up in fear.

“Shit, he’s a goner!”

“No one can stand the attack of a Grandmaster.” Everyone shook their heads, sighing silently.

Mr. Robinson’s courage was commendable, but he was still far too weak to save them. With a loud bang, the Dark Lord’s palm landed on Mr. Robinson’s chest.

Just as everyone thought that Mr. Robinson would be injured and die on the spot, a miracle happened. The small figure withstood the attack perfectly and without moving.
Chapter 687

“How is that possible?” Everyone’s jaws dropped. Even Herman hadn’t been able to withstand a single strike from the Dark Lord, so how was the feeble old man still standing?

“I-is this really happening? Mr. Robinson blocked the attack with his body?” Jacob’s eyes were wide.

“Holy shit! When did he become so powerful?” Trent gulped, his face stunned in disbelief. Although Hector didn’t say anything, the shock was written all over his face.

“I didn’t know there was someone so strong in the Harmon family!” Herman and Leon were secretly in awe. Even if the Dark Lord hadn’t used all his might, his attack was still more than what most people could withstand.

“What?” The Dark Lord staggered backward, flabbergasted. He had used eighty percent of his strength just now, yet Mr. Robinson had blocked his attack like it was nothing.

“You should stop now.” Mr. Robinson shook his head, a clear warning in his eyes.

“Shut up! I’m going to kill you!” The Dark Lord’s gaze hardened. He took out a red ball and flung it at Mr. Robinson, which exploded midair.

“Watch out! That’s Demon Fire! It can burn anything and kill you instantly!” Hector paled and cried out a warning.

Demon Fire was an infamous weapon in the martial world. Anything it touched would immediately turn into ash, and its killing power was incredible.

Mr. Robinson was unfazed by the flame. With a gentle puff, a strong gust of wind raked by, putting the fire out instantly.

“What…” Hector was taken aback. How did such a terrifying weapon get put out so quickly? Was this even humanely possible?

“How is this possible?” The Dark Lord paled. Demon Fire had been his trump card. It was so powerful that even Grandmasters would have a hard time defending themselves, yet Mr. Robinson had blown it out so easily. How terrifying!

“You’ve had your turn. Now, it’s mine.” Mr. Robinson slowly raised his hand and pointed.


The Dark Lord’s body slammed backward with tremendous force, blasting through trees, a fake hill, and the gazebo before eventually crashing into the snow somewhere back, unconscious.

“Holy shit!” Everyone was stunned and tongue-tied into silence. The Dark Lord, who was a Grandmaster, someone countless martial artists yearned to become, had been defeated by a single attack from Mr. Robinson. That’s incredible!

“W-who are you?” The Dark Lord staggered to his feet. His hair was tousled, and blood trickled out of his nose and mouth. He looked as though he would collapse at any moment.

“Michael Robinson,” his opponent answered frankly

“M-Michael Robinson?” The Dark Lord paled and stammered, “Y-you’re Michael Robinson, one of the five ultimate grandmasters in Balerno?”
Chapter 688

“Michael Robinson?”

As soon as everyone heard the name, their jaws dropped in shock. Michael Robinson, one of the five ultimate grandmasters in Balerno, was just as renowned as Paul Hill and was a legendary figure with an amazing reputation

Ten years ago, he single-handedly defended Westward Fortress by himself. He defeated three foreign ultimate grandmasters and repelled tens of thousands of enemies from breaking in. With him alone as defense, his opponents hadn’t been able to step a single foot in, and this battle had made him famous. In a short year, word of his achievements spread far and wide, making him known as one of the strongest people in Balerno.

No one expected the same person, who had gone missing for years, to suddenly appear here as an ordinary family servant. It showed that one should never judge a book by its cover.

“Mr. Robinson is the Grandmaster Michael Robinson? How is that possible?” Hector was dismayed. Michael Robinson was their family’s ultimate trump card. His father had once told Hector that a distress signal could only be sent when the entire family was on the brink of destruction. However, never in his dreams did he expect such a legendary figure to be hiding right under his nose, blending in well with everyone else.

“No wonder Mr. Robinson was so strong.” Natasha was astonished. Being able to kill Marlon by pointing at him and defeating the Dark Lord with a single strike was more than enough to prove Michael’s identity.

“How unexpected!”

“With his capability, no wonder he’s such a legendary figure.”

“I can’t wait to brag about being served by a Grandmaster before!”

The Harmon family was excited after finding out the truth, their views of Michael turned respectful. No one expected the timid servant, who was full of smiles, to be one of the five ultimate grandmasters in Balerno.

“Dad…” Abigail was at a loss for words, her head blank. She still couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that her father was such an important figure.

“It must have taken you a long time to reach such a level. I don’t want to kill you, so stop now,” Michael stated calmly. No one dared to look down on him after what had just transpired.

“As a Grandmaster myself, I doubt you can kill me!” The Dark Lord gritted his teeth in displeasure.

“You should know that there are strong Grandmasters, and there are weak ones. You’re still a fresh Grandmaster, so it wouldn’t be difficult to get tid of you.” Michael shook his head.

“Cut the crap! I’ll kill you today!” The Dark Lord bellowed, black fog bursting forth from his body.

“Watch out, sir. He’s going to go all out!” Herman warned.

Almost immediately, the Dark Lord made his move. With a powerful stomp, he shot in the opposite direction like a rocket. H-he had run away!

the five ultimate grandmasters in Balerno?
Chapter 689

The Dark Lord snuck away giddily, praising himself for his quick thinking that saved him from his death. There was no way he could have won against a monster like Michael. Only an idiot would have challenged that man.

After getting over the scare, the Dark Lord thought of something and smiled. “So what if my opponent is the legendary Michael Robinson? I still got away. He’s just a piece of trash!”

Suddenly, his grin froze as he sensed danger coming from behind. He instinctively turned around to see a beam of light shooting toward him at lightning speed.

“Aargh!” The Dark Lord shrieked in terror. He immediately used all his energy to form a shield. However, the barrier shattered as soon as it touched the light, which pierced his body. He howled in pain as he fell out of the sky and into the bushes.

“Great job!” The crowd cheered. They thought that the Dark Lord would get away once more, but all it took was for Michael to throw his sword like a javelin to take the Dark Lord down.

Just as they were basking in the happiness of defeating the Dark Lord, there was a red flash of light as the injured Dark Lord sprung up and dashed away rapidly, disappearing in a flash.

“A Blood Shield?” Michael was taken aback.

Blood Shield was a type of rare black magic. It drew energy from the user’s life force and allowed the user to have sudden bursts of strength and speed, which was extremely effective for both fighting and running away. However, it came at a cost. Each time a person used this technique, ten years of their life would drain away. Using a Blood Shield when injured was even worse, so even if that person didn’t die afterward, their fighting skills would drop significantly, and there was no way they could remain a Grandmaster anymore.

“He didn’t die. What a pity.” Hector sighed.

“That lucky bastard!” Trent gritted his teeth angrily

“The Dark Lord has been injured. He won’t get far. Men, go after him immediately!” Jacob ordered, leading the Harmon family’s elite guards. Everyone was aware that if they let the Dark Lord slip away today, the man would retaliate tenfold in the future.

“Mr. Robinson-I mean, Sir Robinson, thank you so much for helping our family today!” Hector lowered his head respectfully.

“Thank you, Sir Robinson!” Natasha and the rest of the family followed suit.

Mr. Robinson was no longer the timid old man they all knew. Instead, he was the renowned -Grandmaster-Michael Robinson!

“Don’t mention it. Mr. Harmon Senior helped me before, so I’m just repaying the favor,” Michael answered kindly as usual. However, his gaze was conflicted as it swept over Abigail. He had tried to keep his daughter safe by hiding his identity. Unfortunately, the truth had still come to light. If he became Michael Robinson once more, things would only become more troublesome.
Chapter 690

Amidst the heavy snowfall, a figure in black dashed on frantically, ignoring the fierce winds. Blood trickled out of his wounds and dripped onto the fresh snow beneath him.

“That piece of shit. He nearly killed me! Thank God I used Blood Shield, or I’d be dead meat by now! " The Dark Lord gritted his teeth, only letting out a sigh of relief when he saw that no one was on this trail, his face still ashen.

Michael’s final attack had been so strong that it had pierced his protective barrier and even managed to cut through his ametrine armor, leaving a deep gash on his back. If it weren’t for that armor, he’d be dead by now. No wonder so many people feared the five Grandmasters. Fortunately, he managed to survive, and he even got some shocking information.

The Dark Lord wheezed and coughed out blood as he dragged his battered body toward his hiding spot. After ten minutes, he finally reached a hidden area in the courtyard.

“Who are you?” Several masked women jumped out, firmly clutching swords.

“It’s me.” The Dark Lord unveiled himself.

“Master?” The women immediately lowered their heads.

“Where’s Azalea?” The Dark Lord croaked.

“She’s standing guard in the hall,” one of the ladies answered.

“Keep an eye out for danger,” the Dark Lord reminded before heading over to the hall.

Meanwhile, Azalea was intently observing a wooden jar. She watched, amused, as a poisonous scorpion and centipede fought furiously.

“Azalea!” Just then, the doors opened, and the Dark Lord tottered into the room.

“Yes?” When Azalea saw the man, she paled and rushed over. “Master! What happened? Who did this to you?”

“Michael Robinson was helping the Harmon family, so I lost.” The Dark Lord scowled.

“Michael Robinson, one of Balerno’s Grandmasters?” Azalea frowned. “Didn’t he disappear years ago? What’s he doing here?”

“He was hiding his identity, so no one knew who he was. Today’s just my unlucky day.” The Dark Lord sighed. He thought he’d finally be able to destroy the Harmon family after becoming at Grandmaster, yet Michael’s sudden appearance nearly cost him his life. He must have the most rotten luck!

“As long as you’re alright, we’ll have many more chances to take revenge. Let me treat your injuries.” Azalea immediately got to work, swiftly applying medicine and patching the man up. However, his internal injuries would require constant medication before they could heal.

“I might have lost this time, but at least I’ve obtained a valuable bargaining chip,” the Dark Lord mused.
Chapter 691

What is it?” Azalea asked curiously.

“You’ve heard of the Mystic Arts Order, haven’t you?”

“Of course. It’s the greatest dark faction of all time. It’s even on par with Stonia’s Celestial Alliance, “Azalea answered.

The Mystic Arts Order was a mysterious faction. Despite having only a few disciples, everyone in the group was trained in the mystic arts as well as martial arts. And because of their ruthless way of killing their targets discreetly, they quickly became the strongest dark faction of all time.

“I used to be part of the group,” The Dark Lord said wistfully. “I might not have been the brightest disciple there, but I was still a talented individual with a bright future. However, I was kicked out after committing a crime.”

“Do you still wish to return there?” Azalea asked.

“Of course.” The Dark Lord nodded. “That place is like heaven to people like us. It’s filled with numerous secret arts and is home to many powerful fighters. If I can get back in, I’d be far stronger than I am now!”

“You sound like you have a plan.” Azalea watched her mentor.

“You’re such a smart girl.” The Dark Lord smiled softly. “Michael Robinson is my ticket to return to the Mystic Arts Order. Do you know who his wife is?”

“No.” Azalea was puzzled.

“Their Grand Sorceress, Katherine Hunter!” The Dark Lord revealed.

“The Grand Sorceress?” Azalea was astonished. The Grand Sorceress was the successor of the Mystic Arts Order and stood higher than anyone in the group. Most of the time, the leader would keep themselves hidden from the world outside, so the responsibility of taking care of the order would fall onto the Grand Sorceress’ shoulders.

“Hang on…” Azalea suddenly recalled something. Didn’t the Grand Sorceress die a long time ago?”

“Katherine Hunter might be dead, but she has a daughter.” The Dark Lord smiled sinisterly. “Very few people know that she gave birth to a daughter after eloping with Michael Robinson. The leader of the order only discovered this after tracking Katherine down a decade later. To prevent their daughter from being taken away, Katherine and Michael fought against the order, and Katherine died during the battle. Michael then immediately fled with his daughter and hid– himself from the world. I didn’t expect myself to discover this secret today.”

Azalea finally understood what the Dark Lord was implying. “Master, do you intend to trade this information with the Mystic Arts Order so that they accept you again?”

“Bingo!” The Dark Lord smiled. “Since Katherine died, Michael Robinson’s daughter naturally became the next Grand Sorceress, and the Mystic Arts Order would do anything to get their hands on her.”

“I see…” Azalea’s eyes lit up. “We sure hit the jackpot today.”

Exactly! As long as we bring the Grand Sorceress back to the order, they will worship us endlessly,” the Dark Lord boasted. He laughed manically before he began to cough violently.

“Are you all right?” Flabbergasted, Azalea quickly comforted the Dark Lord.

“Michael managed to injure me earlier, and I was forced to use Blood Shield. I only have ten percent of my power left.” The Dark Lord wiped the blood off the corner of his lips. “But that’s nothing. As long as I can bring the Grand Sorceress back to the Mystic Arts Order, I’ll recover in no time. I’ll be stronger than ever!”

“I can’t believe you’re letting me know such a huge secret.” Azalea was touched.

“You’re my favorite disciple and like a daughter to me. What’s a little secret? As soon as I secure a position in the order, I’ll make sure to promote you too!” The Dark Lord smiled.

“Master, thank you so much. I don’t have anything to repay you with, so please accept my small gift.” Azalea lowered her head.

“What is it?” The Dark Lord inquired. Before he had time to react, a sharp dagger pierced his chest, shocking him.

“Here you go.” An evil smirk appeared on Azalea’s face.
Chapter 692

“Ugh…The Dark Lord was stunned. With his eyes wide open, he looked at the knife in his chest, then up at the smirking Azalea. His pale face was a mix of shock, disbelief, and confusion. It happened so suddenly that he still hadn’t registered that he had been stabbed.

“W-why?” The Dark Lord asked in disbelief. He never expected his most beloved disciple to kill him.

“Your skills have greatly plummeted since you’re seriously injured, rendering you defenseless.

Today is the best day to kill you.” Azalea smiled. “By the way, I applied some Tranqurin on my blade. You’re just like a little lamb waiting to be sacrificed now.”

“I’ve treated you well. Why would you betray me? Just when have I ever treated you badly?” The Dark Lord trembled, blood dripping from the corners of his mouth.

“You’ve never treated me badly. In a way, you’ve been quite kind to me. However, you still have to die,” Azalea said plainly.

“Why why? Why!” The Dark Lord’s emotions surged as he grabbed Azalea’s hand, and his eyes turned red as he roared, “I’ve treated you like my daughter since you were young. The other disciples have yet to receive such an honor. Why would you do this?”

Azalea slapped his hand away, her expression growing colder by the second. “You want to know why? Fine, I’ll tell you. It’s because you killed my parents!” The Dark Lord froze at her words, his eyes betraying his shock.

“Why are you silent now?” Azalea scoffed. “15 years ago, on New Year’s Eve, you led a group of men in the middle of the night, broke into my house, and slaughtered my entire family. My father was killed at your hands, while my mother was violated to death. I watched as you, beasts, massacred
the people close to me! I could never forget, nor will I ever forget, those horrifying scenes!

“I endured 15 years of humiliation, all to find an opportunity to kill you! However, you were too strong, and you got suspicious easily. I never felt confident enough to make a move. That was why I tried my best to please you in every way, lowering your guard slowly. Finally, I succeeded. It’s been 15 years! I’ve waited exactly 15 years for this opportunity!” By the end of it, Azalea was seething.

Nobody knew how she endured those 15 years. She hid right beside her enemy, putting on a fake smile and acting thoughtful throughout the day. However, she had endless nightmares at night, never getting a peaceful night’s sleep. Every night, to prevent herself from sleeping talking, and revealing her identity, she sealed off her acupoints, rendering herself mute.

For 15 years, she was extremely cautious and walked on thin ice, for she knew that once her cover was blown, it would not only put an end to her plans for revenge but also put her in a situation worse than death. Fortunately, after 15 years of waiting, determination, and hard work, she finally had a chance at revenge.

“H-how did you find out? Who told you?” The Dark Lord’s lips trembled. It was true that he slaughtered the Larsons back then. However, when he stormed into the final room and saw the little girl asleep on the bed, his heart was stirred with compassion. The little girl reminded him of his late daughter. Since he hadn’t exposed his identity, he made a bold decision. He killed all of them taking her under his wing. He never expected mself would lead to such a calamity.

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