An Understated Dominance: By Marina Vittori​

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys have been married for three years. After Dahlia achieves rapid success, she decides to end her marriage with Dustin, viewing him as a burden. Little does she know that all her accomplishments were actually thanks to him.

My wife is a CEO, she always hates me for being lazy and wants to divorce me. But she doesn't know that her success is bestowed by me.

“Dustin, here is the divorce agreement prepared by Ms. Nicholson. All you need to do is sign them.”

In the president’s office of the Quine Group, the secretary, Lyra Blaine, placed a piece of A4 paper on the table. A man sat opposite her, dressed in plain clothing.

“Divorce? What do you mean?”

Dustin Rhys was taken aback.

“Do you not understand what I’m saying? Your marriage with Ms. Nicholson is over. You’re not even on the same level anymore. Your existence is nothing but a smear on the president’s reputation!”

Lyra pulled no punches as she spoke.

“A smear on her reputation?” Dustin frowned. “Is that how she thinks of me?”

Back when they first got married, the Nicholson family was in ruinous debt. He was the one who helped them when they were at their lowest point. Now that they were rich, Dahlia Nicholson was ready to just kick him out.

“Something like that.” Lyra poked her chin toward the magazine on the table. A photo of a beautiful woman was printed on the front page. “Look at the headline on this magazine, Dustin. Ms. Nicholson’s net worth has hit one billion in the course of just three years, a feat no short of a miracle. She’s now the most desired woman in Swinton! With all this, she’s destined for greatness. But you, you’re just a regular joe. You don’t deserve her at all. I hope that you’ll see some sense and do the right thing.”

When Dustin remained silent, Lyra frowned.

“I know you’re not happy with this, but this is reality,” she continued. “You might have helped Ms. Nicholson when she was in trouble, but she has repaid you for everything you’ve done for her over the last three years. In fact, you’re the one who owes her now!”

“Is our marriage just a business deal to her, then?” Dustin took a deep breath to suppress the emotions within. “If she wants to divorce me, let her speak to me herself.”

“Ms. Nicholson is very busy. She doesn’t need to trouble herself with such trifling matters.”

“Trifling matters?” Dustin was stunned. Then he laughed bitterly. “Is that so? Is divorce a trifling matter to her? She can’t even find the time to speak to me. Truly, she’s that unattainable now!”

“Dustin, don’t delay this any longer.” Lyra pushed the divorce agreement toward him again. “Just sign here and you’ll get a car and a house as compensation. On top of that, you’ll also get eight million dollars. This is more than what you’ll be able to earn in your lifetime!”

“Eight million dollars is a lot, but…I don’t need it. I will sign the divorce papers if she comes personally. Otherwise, I won’t sign anything,” Duston said coldly.

“Don’t go too far, Dustin!” Lyra slammed her hand on the table. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you. With all her power and resources, Ms. Nicholson can divorce you easily. It’s only because she appreciates her past relationship with you that she’s allowing you to keep your dignity intact. Don’t provoke her!”

“My dignity?” Dustin was a little amused by that. She didn’t even want to speak to him directly to divorce him. What kind of dignity was that? Moreover, if she really did appreciate their relationship, then why was she threatening him now?

“I don’t think we have anything else to talk about, then.”

Unwilling to argue, Dustin stood up and made to leave.

“Dustin Rhys! You—”

Just as Lyra was about to lose her cool, a curvy woman in a long black dress walked in. Her skin was as white as snow, and her features were delicate. Her lofty aura and curvaceous figure made her look like a goddess right out of a painting.

“You’re finally here.”

Dustin felt complicated emotions when he saw the beautiful woman. They had been married for three years, during which they treated each other with care and respect. But this was how it ended. He still didn’t know what he had done wrong.

“I’m sorry for being late, I was caught up with something else.”

Dahlia Nicholson sat down. Her expression was as impassive as ever.

“You certainly are busy, if you need your secretary to help you deal with your divorce,” Dustin said.

Hearing this, Dahlia frowned slightly. However, she did not explain herself. Instead, she said, “Since you’re here, let’s get straight to the point. Let’s end this on a pleasant note. I’m sorry I have to do this to you, so you can have the car and the house, plus eight million dollars as alimony. How does that sound?”

At that, she placed a card on the table.

“Do you really think our relationship can be measured by money?” Dustin asked.

“Too little? That’s alright. Let me know what you want. I’ll give you anything within my power,” Dahlia said placidly.

“I don’t think you understood me. Let me rephrase my question. Are money and power that important to you?” Dustin was truly bewildered.

Dahlia went over to the windows and looked out over the city. There was determination in her eyes when she said, “To me, yes, they’re very important.”

“You’ve earned enough to feed yourself for the rest of your life. Why do this?”

“Dustin, that’s where you and I diverge in philosophy. You’ll never understand what I really want.” Dahlia shook her head in disappointment.

They weren’t just incompatible in status and power; they were also incompatible in their principles. Most importantly, she did not see any hope for the future in him.

“You’re right. How would I know what you’re thinking?” Dustin laughed bitterly. “All I know is to cook for you when you’re hungry, prepare your coat when it’s cold out, and carry you to the hospital when you’re sick.”

“There’s no point in going into this now.” Dahlia’s expression held complicated emotions, but it was soon covered up by determination.

“You’re right.” Dustin nodded without any emotion. “I heard that you’ve been close with the heir of the Nolan family. Is it because of him?”

Dahlia was about to deny it when she gave it a second thought. In the end, she nodded.

“You can say that.”

“Okay. I hope you’re happy with him.” Dustin smiled and signed the divorce agreement without any more hesitation. All he felt now was disappointment. Ironically, today was also their wedding anniversary. There was cruel humor in divorcing him on the day they had gotten married.

“I don’t want the money, I just want that crystal necklace back. My mother left it to me before she died so that I can give it to my wife.”


Dahlia nodded and gave him the crystal necklace.

“From today onward, we will have nothing to do with each other!”

Dustin put on the necklace and left. He had no more gentleness in his expression; all that was left was distant aloofness.

“Did I do the right thing, Lyra?” Dahlia asked hesitantly.

Even though she was the one who asked for the divorce, she didn’t feel happy at all when it was finalized.

“Of course you did!” Lyra nodded. “You have the right to pursue happiness. Dustin does not deserve you at all. He’ll only bring you down with him. You’re destined to be the most powerful woman in Swinton!”

Dahlia did not answer her. As she watched Dustin leave, she felt as if she was losing something precious.
Chapter 603

James‘ death shocked everyone. They couldn’t believe that the man who had been so full of life last night was now dead.

“N–no! It can’t be! How could my brother be dead?” Dahlia shook her head repeatedly, her face full of disbelief. “Please try and save my brother again! I’m willing to pay any price!”

“I’m sorry, but there’s nothing we can do. Our deepest condolences.” The doctor shook his head.

“But how could this be?” Tears streamed down Dahlia’s face, and she staggered backward. She couldn’t believe that her brother had died just like that.

“Oh, James! My son!” Florence wailed in anguish as James‘ body was wheeled out. She burst into tears at the sight of the lifeless body.

She couldn’t believe that her only son, whom she babied endlessly, had died so suddenly. What a tragic outcome!

“Doctor, my nephew was fine yesterday, so why did he die? Did you guys make a mistake during surgery?” Victoria questioned.

The patient suffered a severe head injury that resulted in intracranial bleeding. We’ve done everything we could.” The surgeon quickly explained.

Hearing this, Florence sprung up and swore. “It’s Dustin! That fucker did this! He killed my son!”

“You’re right. James must have died because of Dustin’s violent assault last night. He even hit James on the head!” Julie exclaimed, a sudden realization dawning on her.

“That goddamn bastard! How dare he kill my son! I’ll make him pay!” Florence roared.

“I–it can’t be Dustin!” Dahlia was still in denial.

“Dahlia Nicholson! Your brother is dead! Are you still going to defend that piece of shit?” Florence was furious.

“There must be a misunderstanding. There must be!” Dahlia kept shaking her head, unable to accept this shocking reality.

“Dahlia, it’s true that Dustin did it. We saw the whole thing happen last night.” Julie stated gravely.

“I was there too. This happened because Dustin assaulted James.” Victoria echoed.

“Open your eyes and look at your brother’s body. Look at what that bastard did to James‘ face!” Florence grabbed Dahlia by the collar and dragged her toward James‘ lifeless body. The bruises and swelling on his face that indicated his brutal assault were still clearly visible.

“Why? Why did this happen?” Dahlia sobbed in anguish. Her brother’s death was already a huge blow to her, but the fact that Dustin was the person who killed James hurt her far worse.

Although she wanted to deny this truth, all evidence pointed at Dustin, so she had no choice but to accept it. Now, she was at a loss for what to do.

Why had it been Dustin?

Why did he hurt her brother?

What will happen to her and Dustin?

“Oh God, why are you doing this to me? Why?” Dahlia screamed in her head. She clutched her chest and felt as her heart shattered into a million pieces as she sobbed heartbreakingly.

Dahlia was eventually so overwhelmed that she collapsed, passing out on the spot.

In the afternoon, inside one of the hospital’s wards, Florence and the others had started handling things related to James‘ passing.
Chapter 604

Meanwhile, Dahlia sat alone on the hospital bed with a dull gaze and a haggard face. All the crying had tired her out, and her head was so hazy she felt like a zombie. Today’s blow had completely overwhelmed her.

“Dahlia" Dustin suddenly walked into the room. His tone was concerned as he asked, “I heard you were admitted to the hospital. Which part of your body is the discomfort coming from? Do you want me to take a look at it?”

Unresponsive, Dahlia sat still like a statue.

“What’s wrong, Dahlia?” Dustin waved a hand in front of Dahlia’s face, whose expression remained as emotionless as a lifeless doll. Usually, only devastated people who had lost all hope showed such an expression

Dustin frowned and immediately felt her pulse, only to realize that it was irregular and extremely weak, like a candle that was going to blow out at any moment.

“How did this happen?” Dustin was shocked. He quickly took out his silver needles and began treating Dahlia

A stream of true energy started flowing into her body as more needles pierced her.

“Dahlia, wake up!” Dustin yelled as he kept inserting more needles into her body.

He had no idea what caused her to turn this way, but he did know that if her condition was not treated soon, she was either going to die or go crazy!

“Wake up!”

As he stabbed the last needle into Dahlia’s skin, an abundant stream of true energy flowed out of his body and into Dahlia’s.

It took a moment for Dahlia to come back to her senses and for light to return to her eyes.

“Great!” Dustin let out a breath of relief. He asked worriedly, “What happened, Dahlia? You were-”

Before he could finish his words, Dahlia swiped her hand across his face fiercely, shocking him.

“What?” Dustin frowned and turned to look at her, only to see her trembling as tears filled her eyes.

“Why are you here? I don’t want to see you. Get out!” Dahlia wailed, slapping him again.

This time, however, Dustin caught her hand gently. “What on earth happened, Dahlia?”

“How dare you ask me! Don’t you know what you did?” Dahlia seethed.

“I really don’t. Was there a misunderstanding?” Dustin asked hesitantly.

“Misunderstanding? My brother is dead, yet you tell me there was a misunderstanding?” Dahlia practically roared.

“James is dead?” Dustin paled. “How could this be?”

“You murderer! You killed my brother! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!” Fists rained down on Dustin as Dahlia vented all her anger at him.

“Me? No way.” Dustin was flabbergasted.

“Don’t even try denying it. My brother was hospitalized because of what you did last night. They failed to save him this morning, so he’s dead now!” Dahlia’s face was full of agony.

“Impossible!” Dustin immediately shook his head. “I did slap him a few times last night, but I made sure to control my strength. It was nowhere near enough to kill him!”

Despite his hatred for James, Dustin would never kill the other man. Yesterday’s actions were merely to teach James a lesson, so how could they have caused his death?
Chapter 605

“Don’t make excuses! Your palm prints are all over my brother’s face, and the doctors said he suffered severe head trauma. If you weren’t the one who caused it, who else could it be? Why? Why did you have to hit him so hard? Even if he did something wrong, you shouldn’t have killed him!” Dahlia bawled, her fist pounding on Dustin’s chest.

Although Dustin should be the one in pain, the person who ended up with tears streaking down their face was Dahlia.

“Dahlia, I think that there’s something fishy with James‘ sudden death. Please believe me. I would never kill him!” Dustin responded gravely.

“Believe you? How am I supposed to do that when all evidence is pointing at you?” Dahlia roared. It has been proven that Dustin was the person who hit James, causing the latter to be hospitalized. Doctors have also confirmed that the cause of James‘ death was head trauma.

These answers were concrete evidence that pointed to Dustin as the murderer. So even if Dahlia was willing to believe that this hadn’t been Dustin’s intention, it was an undeniable fact that Dustin had accidentally killed her brother.

“Calm down, Dahlia. We haven’t gotten to the bottom of this incident yet. Please give me some time.” Dustin’s brows were furrowed deeply.

“How am I supposed to calm down when my brother’s dead body is laying in the morgue? Dustin, from today onward, we are over! I don’t want to ever see you again, so get out!” Losing control of her emotions, Dahlia slapped and clawed at him.

There was no way she could ever forgive him for killing her brother, which meant that from now on, they were enemies.

“Take care of yourself, Dahlia. I’ll get to the bottom of this soon.” Realizing that nothing he said. was getting to her, Dustin stopped trying to explain himself and got up to leave.

Instead of leaving, he headed straight to the hospital morgue. To be honest, he wasn’t so confident anymore. Although his strikes hadn’t been too powerful, it was true that he hit James, so there was still a chance that things had gone wrong.

Still, who knew? Maybe James had terrible luck and accidentally fell to his death instead.

Dustin was determined to check things out for himself. He pretended to be one of James‘ family members and entered the hospital morgue. Dustin found the container where James‘ body was being kept and pulled the drawer out, revealing a face that was blue and black. All the marks from yesterday were still clearly visible.

Dustin steeled himself and began examining James‘ body carefully.

“Visible injuries on the face, bloodshot eyes, forceful impact on the forehead, damage to the back of the head, and blood clots in the nostrils. It seems like intracranial bleeding is the cause of his death…” Dustin mumbled to himself, his frown deepening as he realized that James‘ death was indeed caused by head trauma.

Could it be that he accidentally killed the other man?

Dustin’s heart sank at the thought. He was sure that if that were the case, Dahlia would hate him for the rest of her life.

Dustin became lost in thought as he tried to think of what to do next.

Suddenly, Dustin thought of something. He leaned closer and examined James‘ body again, paying more attention to the top of the man’s head this time and carefully combing through each strand of hair.

After a while, he finally found something out of the ordinary.

At the center of James‘ scalp, there was a minuscule black dot hidden in the dense forest of hair. The dot, which was the size of a pinprick, was so small that others could have easily missed it.

Dustin reached out, and a force sucked a black needle the width of a strand of hair out of James‘ head.

“I knew something was wrong.” A shiver ran down Dustin’s back as he studied the black needle in his hand.
Chapter 606

It was obvious that someone was trying to frame Dustin for James‘ death, but who? Was it the Doyle family or the Grant family? Or perhaps someone he had never met before. And why would they do this? Were they trying to turn Dahlia against him?

Dustin stared at the black needle he was holding. He wanted to explain everything to Dahlia but stopped himself. He knew that in her current state, she would never believe him.

Besides, all he had was the needle, which wasn’t enough to prove anything. He would only be able to prove his innocence when he found the real killer.

Just then, the sound of the phone ringing tore through the air. Dustin fished out his phone and saw that it was Nelson.

“Hello? Great timing, Nelson. There’s something I need you to-”

Before Dustin could finish what he wanted to say, a panicked voice rang out. “We’re in trouble, Sir!”

“What’s happening?” Dustin frowned.

“A bunch of martial artists just randomly barged into our dojo and began beating our men up. They are ruthless! Our men have no chance of stopping these people, so please save us!” Nelson pleaded desperately.

“Hang on. I’m on my way!” Dustin hùng up and immediately made his way to the Flame Dragon Dojo. As the gang’s leader, there was no way he could just ignore this.

After half an hour, Dustin finally arrived at the Flame Dragon Dojo, where a bunch of his disciples were sprawled out on the floor.

Foreign martial artists clad in dark clothes had completely taken over the place. Even the Four Guardians, who were fairly strong, were pinned under their feet, unable to move at all, while

Nelson was shaking where he knelt on the ground.

“Sir!” Nelson was overjoyed when he saw Dustin and struggled to stand up. However, he was kicked in the back by a bearded man and fell back onto the ground.

“Are you the leader of the Flame Dragon Gang?” The bearded man rose to his feet slowly, his expression arrogant.

“I am. And who are you?” Dustin asked.

“The name’s Malcom. Bennet Malcom. I’m the Doyle family’s envoy, and I was ordered to capture you.” Bennet answered calmly.

“Bennet Malcom?” The Flame Dragon Gang immediately paled when they heard this. Bennet Malcom, otherwise known as Maniac, was a Divine–level martial artist who also happened to be Terry Doyle’s right–hand man. He was notorious for winning all duels people challenged him with, regardless of his opponents‘ level. His methods were also brutal to the point that his opponents either ended up dead or critically injured, which was why the mere mention of his name was enough to throw Nelson and the others into a state of frenzy.

Besides being insanely powerful, Bennet also had the support of the Doyle family, making him untouchable.

“The Doyle family again?” Dustin raised an eyebrow. “You guys really don’t know when to give up, do you?”

First, it had been Duncan, now, it was their family envoy. They seem to really have their eyes set on Dustin

The Flame Dragon Gang belongs to Mr. Doyle in the first place, yet you killed Harry Hall and took over the gang without permission. Your actions have made Mr. Doyle very angry. He has ordered me to take you in for questioning. You better behave to save yourself from the pain.” Bennet threatened coolly.

“Enough with the chit–chat, Bennet. Arrest that fucker. I want my revenge!” Right then, a young woman with a clenched jaw limped her way out of the crowd.

“It’s you?” Dustin narrowed his eyes as he immediately recognized the woman, who was none other than Maggie Doyle, whom he had met during yesterday’s car accident.
Chapter 607

“Hey, motherfucker. I bet you didn’t expect me to come for you so soon.” Maggie sneered. “I’ve warned you not to cross me, or you’d be dead meat. I bet you’re shaking in fear now, aren’t you?”

As soon as she went home, she ordered her men to look into Dustin and discovered that he was the leader of the Flame Dragon Gang. Her cousin Terry had been the one who was controlling that gang, so how dare Dustin touch that gang!

She immediately went to report her findings to Terry, secretly exaggerating the story, which led to the current situation.

“Wasn’t yesterday’s lesson memorable enough? Why would you ask for another beating?” Dustin. asked nonchalantly.

“A beating? Haha! Look around you. You’re surrounded by martial artists who work under my family!” Maggie yelled.

As the only martial arts family among the Fabulous Five, the Doyle family focused more on security and provided martial arts assistance, which was why despite being the weakest of the five families in terms of wealth, their physical strength was second to none.

"Just because you have numbers on your side doesn’t mean you’ll win.” Dustin shook his head.

I’m not in the mood for bloodshed today, so as long as you apologize, compensate all the damages, and promise not to do this again, I might let this matter slide.”

“Let this matter slide? Pfft!” Maggie burst out laughing. “Bitch, what gives you the right to say that? Your life is in my hands now. You’d be dead if I ordered my men to tear you to shreds!”

“Really? Try it, then ” Dustin spread out his hands, his expression remaining unchanged.

“I guess you’re going to be stubborn till the end. Bennet, destroy him!” Maggie gestured to Bennet and took a seat at the side to enjoy the show.

“Kid, you shouldn’t have offended Ms. Maggie. I was planning to capture you peacefully, but now,

I’ll have no choice but to break your limbs to placate her,” Bennet said frigidly as he trudged forward, his large, imposing frame putting immense pressure on others.

“Sir, Bennet Malcom is a powerful Divine–level martial artist. You’re no match for him, so run!” Nelson, who was tied up, cried.

“What will you guys do if I run now?” Dustin was surprised by Nelson’s loyalty.

“Our lives are nothing compared to yours. Let them do whatever they want!” Nelson answered firmly. From the moment he heard Bennet’s name, he knew that he was doomed.

“As your leader, there’s no way I’d abandon all of you,” Dustin responded calmly.

“Sir, as long as you’re alive, there will always be hope. You’re extremely talented; you’ll reach the top in no time. There’s no need for you to risk your life here!” Nelson shouted. Although Dustin was also a Divine–level martial artist, he was still no match for a seasoned fighter like Bennet. Not to mention, Bennet also had the Doyle family backing him up.

“I don’t deserve to be your leader if I run away in times of trouble.” Dustin was unfazed.

“Sir! Now is not the time to be stubborn. Bennet is far too strong for you to handle. Saving your own life is far more important. Hurry, run!” Nelson panicked.

“Run, Sir! Forget about us!”

“As long as you’re safe, the Flame Dragon Gang can rise again. Our deaths won’t be in vain!”

Influenced by Nelson, the rest of the gang’s disciples began crying out in righteousness.

In the martial world, nothing was more important than loyalty and righteousness. The fact that Dustin was willing to stand up against the Doyle family for them was enough to prove that they had chosen the right person to follow.

“Don’t worry. This big guy can’t do anything to me.” Dustin smiled softly. “Stubborn to the end, I see? Let’s see how long you’ll last!” Maggie sniggered.
Chapter 608

“Hey, kid. You should’ve listened when they told you to run, but unfortunately, it’s too late now. Bennet stepped closer to Dustin. Soon, Bennet was less than 20 feet away from Dustin, which was the best range for an attack. There was no way Dustin could escape from him.

“When did I ever say that I wanted to run?” Dustin retorted calmly.

“Do you still plan to resist after hearing my nickname?” Bennet sneered.

“Resist? No, you misunderstand me. I’m merely going to knock you out.” Dustin corrected.

“Knock me out? Pfft!” Bennet sniggered. “Fine. I’ll give you a chance. I won’t move from this spot. You have three chances to strike me. I’ll let you go if you can make me take even a single step backward.”

His words put a smirk on Maggie’s and the others‘ faces, who were all aware that Bennet’s body was impenetrable. Even those of the same rank as him couldn’t break through his defenses. So everyone was confident that even if Bennet let Dustin attack him thirty times without protecting himself, the former would still be completely unharmed.

“This is interesting. Bennet is going to play a game of cat and mouse.” Maggie smirked.

“The brat is going to make a fool of himself, yet he thinks he’s got the upper hand.”

The martial artists from the Doyle family had their arms crossed and were grinning from ear to ear as they watched on. While Nelson and the others gritted their teeth and clenched their jaws.

Bennet was clearly humiliating Dustin, yet Nelson and the rest of the gang were too weak to fight back.

“Are you sure you want to let me have three strikes at you first?” Dustin suddenly asked.

“Why? Is it not enough? Fine, you can have ten. If that’s still not enough, you can even have thirty.” Bennet sneered.

“It’s okay. Just one is enough.” Dustin smiled softly and suddenly threw an ordinary–looking punch.

“Don’t fall for it, Sir! He’s provoking you!” Nelson yelled.

“Ignorant fool.” Maggie sniggered.

“Things are starting to get good.” The Doyle family martial artists started cheering. They naturally assumed that Dustin was making things harder for himself.

There was an audible thump as Dustin’s fist buried itself into Bennet’s abdomen. However, the latter seemed unfazed; his arms were still crossed as he sneered at Dustin.

“He actually made a move? How foolish!” The Doyle family martial artists giggled jeeringly.

Bennet chuckled. “Are you trying to tickle me with that puny punch of yours? You-”

Suddenly, he paled and looked down as he realized something.

The place where Dustin had struck him had started churning, and suddenly, there was an ear- splitting bang as Bennet’s abdomen exploded, leaving a gaping, bloody hole.

The insane force sent Bennet flying in the air before he crashed heavily into the floor and passed. out on impact.

With a single strike, Dustin had knocked Bennet out!
Chapter 609

Flabbergasted, everyone gaped at Bennet, who landed on the floor defeated with with a crash. None of them
expected someone as powerful as Bennet to be one punch.

Wasn’t he supposed to have an impenetrable body and be insanely strong? How was he defeated so easily?

“I–impossible!” Maggie’s gleeful expression had vanished and was now replaced by aghast.

This was Maniac they were talking about. A revered Divine–level martial artist who was also Terry’s best fighter.

She couldn’t believe that such a powerful person had been defeated by a single punch from Dustin.

“Is this Sir Rhys‘ true strength? He’s terrifying.” Nelson’s eyes were wide open with disbelief.

Bennet was well known for his strength, which made him the best fighter in the Doyle family. He had never lost a single battle and was even strong enough to eliminate the Flame Dragon Gang by himself, yet he had been defeated by a single attack from Dustin. That was incredible!

There was a pregnant pause before the uproar began.

“Holy shit! I didn’t know that Sir Rhys was so strong. Who would have expected him to take Maniac down by himself? He’s awesome!”

“With such a strong leader, I’m sure our gang will go far in the future!”

The Flame Dragon Gang disciples were overjoyed by the outcome and were in awe of Dustin’s strength.

Maniac? Yeah, right! He couldn’t even withstand a single punch from their leader, much less thirty punches.

“How could this have happened? Bennet lost?”

“Who the hell is that guy? How the fuck did he defeat Bennet so easily?”

The Doyle family’s martial artists were terrified by Dustin’s power. They had initially thought that it would be an easy win, never expecting things to turn out like this.

Was this the end of the Doyle family?

“Your men seem a bit weak. Why don’t you test out my strength yourself?” Dustin turned his head, and his gaze landed on Maggie, who stood amidst the crowd.

“W–what?” Maggie paled and stumbled backward, nearly tripping over her feet.

“Protect Ms. Maggie!” The Doyle family’s martial artists immediately surrounded Maggie to keep her safe.

All of them had their guards up, and several men had broken out in a cold sweat. After all, how could they possibly defeat the person who won against Maniac? Still, they had to carry out their duty, so even if they knew they would lose, they had to stand up and fight.

“Seeing how you defeated Bennet, I have to admit that I underestimated you.” Maggie composed herself quickly. “However, my family has tons of people who are way stronger than Bennet. Do you think that you can defeat a bunch of people just because you defeated Bennet?”

The Doyle family was a martial arts family, and each family member practiced martial arts, so nothing would change, no matter how powerful Dustin was.

“So what?” Dustin responded, unfazed.

“I’m very generous. I’m willing to let you go if you get on your knees and grovel for forgiveness. Maggie humphed arrogantly.
Chapter 610

“I don’t think you understand the situation here. You’re the rat in the trap right now, not me.”

Dustin reminded.

The Flame Dragon Gang disciples, who had been suppressed by Bennet earlier, sprung up excitedly now that they had a fighting chance against the Doyle family.

“What? Are you challenging my family?” Maggie yelled.

“So what if I am? Since I’ve already offended your family, I might as well see things to the end. “Dustin retorted fearlessly.

“You!” Maggie seethed. She didn’t expect Dustin to be crazy enough to completely disregard her family.

“Ms. Maggie, this place isn’t safe anymore. We should retreat and regroup.” One of the martial artists next to her whispered.

There was no way they could hold out against so many gang disciples, especially with Dustin around.

Maggie sucked a deep breath and eventually ordered, “Retreat!”

“Who said you could leave?”
With a fierce stomp, true energy burst out, and the Doyle family martial artists were sent flying into the air, causing wails to ring out everywhere.

“Grab them!” Nelson immediately charged forward with his men, finally having the chance to release all the pent–up anger from the humiliation.

“Stop!” Right before the battle broke out, a feminine voice cut through the commotion.

A voluptuous woman clad in black walked in, with a dozen female martial artists following closely behind.

“What?” Dustin frowned. He was taken aback because he knew the woman in black. It was Claudia Doyle, whom he had encountered briefly back in Swinton.

They had first met at Peaceful Medical Center when she and Sheila had been severely injured by Thor Garcia, one of The Four Scoundrels. Back then, Dustin was the one who saved them and killed Thor. Their interactions stopped after he cured Sheila’s odd disease in exchange for the Gozoraberry, so he was surprised to see Claudia here.

“You came at the right time, Claudia. Kill this bastard for me!” Maggie’s eyes lit up, and she cried out happily.

“It’s you?” Claudia was just as astonished to see Dustin.

“Long time no see, Ms. Doyle.” Dustin greeted indifferently.

“Claudia, this man was acting so arrogantly. And he even challenged our family. Take him down immediately!” Maggie jeered.

“Shut your lips!” Claudia shot Maggie a glare, causing the latter to swallow her words.

Maggie had always been terrified of her cousin, and it wasn’t just because of her strength, but because of Claudia’s close relationship with the Murrays. Out of all the youngsters in the Doyle family, Terry was the only one who could control Claudia.

“Dustin, I don’t know what grudge you have against Maggie, but I must bring her back safely today,” Claudia said.

“That’ll be difficult. She stirred up trouble and even hurt my men. I can’t pretend that nothing happened.” Dustin shook his head.

“I am willing to pay you double the compensation for all the damage she caused,” Claudia responded confidently.

“This isn’t about money. Would you be happy if I gave you some money for expenses after slapping you a few times?” Dustin retorted.

“Then, what do you want?” Claudia frowned.

“First, she has to kneel and apologize. She also has to pay a tenfold compensation, as well as slap herself twice to show her sincerity.” Dustin smiled softly.

“Fuck off!” Maggie snapped. “You want me to apologize and slap myself? Who the fuck do think you are?”

‘Dustin, you’re taking things too far!” Claudia growled. “I’m talking to you nicely because saved Sheila before. You’re going to have to suffer the consequences if you keep this up!”
Chapter 611

“Are you threatening me, Ms. Doyle?” Dustin narrowed his eyes, a small smile on his lips.

“I’m just giving you a piece of advice!” Claudia snapped. “Terry is the one who’s protecting Maggie. He won’t let you off the hook if you touch even a single strand of her hair.”

“Terry Doyle?” The Flame Dragon Gang disciple instantly began shaking in fear.

In the martial world, Terry was not only treated as the brightest individual of the Doyle family but was also a powerhouse whose name was on The Heavenly Immortals and stood atop all his peers. There were even rumors that he might be the next leader of the martial arts world.

To sum things up, Terry was a blessed individual who was born into a prestigious family and had the guidance of the most esteemed masters, while potentially becoming the next leader of the martial world

Even meeting just one of those conditions was amazing enough, yet Terry ticked all the boxes. So, who would dare challenge him?

“So what? Does that guy have three heads and six arms or something?” Dustin was unfazed,

“You should ask those around you if you’ve never heard of Terry’s nickname!” Claudia hissed.

“Sir, we can’t afford to offend someone like him. Why don’t we give up this time?” Nelson gulped.

“He’s right. It’s alright if we suffer, but you don’t have to put your life on the line.” The other disciples advised.

If it was Maggie they were up against, they’d still have a winning chance. However, if their opponent changed to Terry, this would just be asking for death.

“You heard that? Everyone in Millsburg knows how strong Terry is. If you surrender now, I can ask him to let this matter go.” Claudia spoke again.

“Hey, Rhys! You better not waste the chance Claudia gave you, or Terry might destroy this place!” Maggie jeered

“Is he that strong?” Dustin raised an eyebrow

“Are you scared now? And here I wondered how tough you were. It turns out you’re nothing but eye candy.” Maggie grumbled disdainfully.

“Dustin, you should consider the situation you’re in Surrendering to someone stronger than you is nothing to be ashamed of. I’ll help you once, but you’re on your own next time. Let’s go, Maggie.” Claudia waved her hand and prepared to leave.

“Hang on.” Dustin moved quickly and blocked the exit. “When did I say you could leave?”

“Are you going to stir up more trouble?” Claudia frowned, annoyed by Dustin. She thought that she’d been kind enough to him, yet he was still being extremely stubborn.

“Hey, don’t be so fucking shameless!” Maggie barked. “If it weren’t for Claudia, did you think I’d let you go so easily? Trust me, if Terry were here, he’d wipe out all of you!”

“That won’t be necessary since I’ll be looking for him myself,” Dustin responded calmly. “I’ll be visiting your family in three days to challenge Terry. We’ll settle all the scores then.”

“What?” Dustin’s words stunned everyone, and they gaped at him in disbelief.

Was he crazy? How could he challenge Terry Doyle, the genius who’s on The Heavenly Immortals? Did he have a death wish?

“Dustin, are you out of your mind? That’s nothing but foolish and suicidal!” Claudia was the first to react. She had only spoken kindly to him because of Sheila. She never expected Dustin to be bold enough to challenge Terry.
Chapter 612

It was like bringing a knife to a gunfight!

“You piece of shit! You’re crazy! Who gave you the balls to challenge Terry?” Maggie cackled. Although Dustin’s behavior had shocked her, she was pleased since she couldn’t wait to see him die in Terry’s hands.

“S–sir, y–you can’t!” Nelson went as white as a sheet, and his knees went weak. Dustin had taken his joke way too far. Challenging Terry was nothing short of a suicide mission.

“Since we already have a grudge against each other, we might rip off the band–aid. Go home and ask Terry if he has the guts to accept my challenge” Dustin shocked everyone once more.

Since the conflict between him and Terry wasn’t just a small issue, it’d be better to just get things over with. Terry was the Doyle family’s sturdy boulder, and Dustin planned to demolish their confidence once and for all!

“Do you have a death wish?” Claudia hissed.

“The outcome is still unclear, so you shouldn’t make assumptions so soon,” Dustin responded calmly.

“How foolish! I hope you don’t regret your actions later on.” Claudia humphed. She had never met anyone as foolish and arrogant as Dustin.

“Nelson, draft out a challenge letter. Ms. Doyle will bring it back with her.” Dustin ordered.

“Are you sure, Sir Rhys?” Nelson was terrified.

“Do I look like I’m joking?” Dustin snapped.

“R–right away, sir.” Nelson groaned and passed the completed letter to Claudia.

“You would have been forgiven for any mistakes made accidentally, but since you brought this upon yourself, you’re doomed.” Claudia shook her head, and she stared at the letter. She was sure that Dustin was a dead man.

“I’ll be waiting for you at home in three days, Rhys! I wonder how you’ll die.” Maggie exclaimed gleefully.

“That’s between me and Terry, but we’ll be settling our score right here and now.” Dustin’s gaze hardened.

“What are you up to? I’m warning you; you better not-” Maggie’s eyes widened, and she was about to threaten Dustin again.

Out of nowhere, Dustin appeared before her and forcefully smacked her across the face twice, causing her to fly backward. Her teeth popped out, and blood from her disfigured face splattered everywhere By the time she landed on the ground, she was completely unconscious.

“Now we’re even.” Dustin clapped his hands together, a satisfied grin on his face. Since Maggie wasn’t willing to slap herself, he thought he would help her do it instead.

“How dare you!” Claudia was pissed. How could Dustin hit Maggie right in front of her?

“Calm down, Ms. Doyle. She won’t die from this.” Dustin responded calmly. “Please also pass a message to Terry that he can just surrender if he’s too afraid to accept my challenge.”

“You’ll regret this, Dustin!” Claudia sneered and left with her people.

“We’re doomed!” Nelson was devastated.

Last time, Dustin hurt one of the Grants, and this time, he challenged Terry Doyle. Who in their right mind would do something like that?

Gosh, their gang leader was insane! The disciples were going to go crazy with worry soon.
Chapter 613

At the training grounds of the Doyle family mansion, ten heavily armed elite martial artists were surrounding an unarmed young man.

The man had long, flowing hair and a handsome face with a sharp gaze. His movements were swift and graceful as he effortlessly evaded the attacks from the ten martial artists with his hands clasped behind his back.

What made him more fearsome were the weights he was carrying. Tied all over his body were a bunch of hefty, dark steel weights that could make even the best Divine–level martial artists struggle. Yet the man seemed completely unbothered by the weights as he toyed with the other fighters. The only person who could do something like this was the Doyle family’s genius, Terry Doyle!

“N–no more, Mr. Terry. We give up.” 30 minutes later, the ten fighters had all collapsed onto the floor, panting and sweating buckets. Each of them was a well–known fighter in the martial arts world, yet even with their combined efforts, they hadn’t even been able to put a scratch on Terry.

“You guys have been getting worse. Today’s training was nothing.” Terry humphed, displeased.

“Sir, we haven’t been getting worse, you just became stronger again.” Someone grumbled.

“Exactly. We were at least on par with you two years ago. But now, we can’t even touch you despite you wearing those weights that weigh over three hundred pounds.”

“It’s only natural since you’re a genius.”

The fighters began singing praises for Terry, but that didn’t make him any happier.

“You bunch of useless things. Scram!” Terry snapped, sending them scampering away in fear.

“How boring. It seems like Tyler Grant is my only rival left in Millsburg.” Terry’s gaze turned determined.

Tyler was a military man, and couldn’t fight in the martial world, which was why his name didn’t appear on The Heavenly Immortals. Still, Terry knew that with Tyler’s strength, the latter could easily make it to the top of the list, so he couldn’t help wondering when they might have the chance to spar against each other.

“Terry!” Just then, a battered Maggie rushed in, crying. Her disheveled looks and unrecognizable face were ghastly.

“What?” Terry’s stare turned chilling, and he took out his blade and pointed it at the newcomer. Who the hell are you? How dare you trespass into our forbidden training grounds!” Startled, Maggie stopped in her tracks and pulled her hair away from her face. “It’s me, Maggie!” “Maggie?” Terry was astonished. “What happened to you?”

“I–I got beaten up!” Maggie’s lower lip quivered before she burst into tears.

“Who would dare to hit you? Did you use my name?” Terry’s face darkened.

“I did, but that only made that person hit me even more!” Maggie cried.

“What? Who is that arrogant bastard?” Terry was angry that someone dared to disrespect him.

“It’s that Dustin guy!” Maggie growled. “I went over to the Flame Dragon Dojo with Bennet to get the gang back, but that guy managed to defeat Bennet and even beat me up! Ugh!”

“He must be quite strong to be able to defeat Bennet.” Terry was surprised. Even among their family’s martial artists, Bennet was one of their best fighters, and the average martial artist would not stand a chance against that man.

“Terry, that guy is out of his mind. After defeating Bennet, he even challenged you! Take a look at this!”
Chapter 614

Maggie handed the challenge letter to Terry.

“A duel in three days?” Terry sniggered after reading the letter. “It seems like I’ve been isolating myself for too long. Even weaklings dare to challenge me now.”

“You have to get even for me, Terry.” Maggie pleaded.

“Don’t worry. I’ll stand up for you!” Terry’s eyes glinted dangerously. “Help me spread the news of this challenge. I want to take this opportunity to scare off the weaklings and show others our family’s strength!”

“Sure!” Maggie immediately got to work.

In less than a day, news about the leader of the Flame Dragon Gang challenging Terry Doyle spread far and wide. Although not many knew who the leader of the Flame Dragon Gang was, they were well aware of who Terry was. Therefore, the news excited over half of the people in Millsburg, especially those in the martial arts world.

Terry was a publicly recognized martial arts genius whose name was on The Heavenly Immortals. Usually, it would be hard to even catch a glimpse of the man, so everyone was thrilled to hear that he accepted a public challenge.

That night, in the Harmon estate.

“What? Dustin is going to challenge Terry Doyle to a duel? Are you kidding me, Dad?” Natasha sprung out of her chair after hearing this.

On the contrary, Hector seemed unfazed as he took a sip of his tea. “The Doyle family made the announcement this afternoon, so it should be real.

“How could this have happened? Why did Dustin suddenly challenge Terry?” Natasha was fearful.

“The grudge between Dustin and the Doyle family has been going on for quite a while. I have a feeling that Dustin is using this chance to send the Doyle family a warning,” Hector said thoughtfully.

“Dustin is being too reckless! Terry Doyle is a genius who is insanely powerful. He isn’t someone who should be messed with. I must talk Dustin out of this!”

Natasha grabbed her phone to call Dustin, but Hector stopped her. “Dustin was the one who issued the challenge. It’ll be extremely humiliating if he goes back on his word now.”

“But that’s better than dying, isn’t it?” Natasha frowned.

“Silly girl. You’re worrying too much.” Hector shook his head with a smile. “You should know him well enough by now. If he wasn’t confident he would win, do you think he would have put his life on the line?”

“I know that, but Terry isn’t just anyone. If Dustin loses the competition, he’ll be dead meat!” Natasha exclaimed worriedly.

Ever since she fell for Dustin, she could no longer think straight when it came to him.

“Alright, stop overthinking.” Hector patted his daughter’s head gently. “If Dustin has the balls to issue the challenge, it just mean that he’s confident in himself. Who knows? He might surprise all of us. We should just watch and see how things turn out.”

Meanwhile, at the Grants‘ mansion, a woman wearing black clothes and a mask with a raindrop design was reporting the situation to Tyler

“Master, I just received news that Dustin Rhys will be challenging Terry Doyle in three days,”

“That’s odd.” Tyler was surprised. Terry is quite a strong person. Where did Dustin find the courage to challenge him?”

“Should I do something about it?” The woman asked tentatively.

“It’s alright. Just keep an eye on things. We’ll go to the Doyle family mansion together then.”

“Yes, master.” The woman lowered her head.

She couldn’t help feeling suspicious. Knowing Tyler’s personality, he usually never cared about minor characters, so there must be something different about Dustin.
Chapter 615

For the next few days, Dustin occupied himself with investigating James’ death. Someone had murdered James and framed him for the former’s death.

Although he didn’t know who the true killer was, he could at least guess their intentions. They wanted to send him a warning, as well as make others turn against him. A stab in the back was always the hardest to anticipate.

Dustin had also tried approaching Dahlia several times, but she still refused to see him. He knew that before the real murderer was revealed, there was no way they could peacefully talk to each other.

On the third morning, Dustin stood at the edge of the battle ring in Flame Dragon Dojo as he studied the black needle.

The needle was forged from dark steel and had been dipped in poison. If the needle managed to prick into a person’s skin, it would cause an instant death, which was why James’ death had been so sudden.

But the question was, “Who did the needle belong to?”


Right then, Nelson barged into the dojo, carrying a copy of the test results.

“Well, how did things go?” Dustin slowly raised his head.

“As you ordered, I swapped James’ body and ordered an autopsy. Here are the results.” Nelson handed the document over politely.

“I knew it.” Dustin wasn’t surprised by the results, which stated that James’ death hadn’t been a natural event.

“Sir, since we have the murder weapon and autopsy, we can prove your innocence,” Nelson said with a smile.

“Things aren’t that simple. Just having these two won’t be enough to regain someone’s trust.” Dustin shook his head.

Even with all this evidence, it wouldn’t be enough to convince Dahlia if he couldn’t catch the real murderer.

“I’ve also looked at the hospital’s surveillance footage. I didn’t find anyone suspicious the night James was hospitalized. It’ll be difficult to find the killer.” Nelson sighed.

“Keep digging. If there weren’t any suspicious outsiders, start looking into the doctors and nurses at the hospital. Go through every person who entered the ward that night” Dustin ordered gravely

“Of course, sir,” Nelson answered, and he immediately started making some calls.

“Oh, right. Today’s the third day, isn’t it? I should visit the Doyle family now.” Dustin carefully put away the black needle and slowly got up.

“Sir, why don’t you give it some thought again? If you lose, your life will be in danger!” Nelson pleaded. Of all people, Dustin had to challenge Terry. This was nothing but suicidal!

“Why do you think I’ll lose?” Dustin had a faint smile on his face.

“I don’t just think so, I know so.” Nelson nodded, his expression serious.

“Aww, have a little faith in me, Nelson.” Dustin patted Nelson’s shoulder and grinned. “It’s just Terry. Watch as I use the Doyle family as a stepping stone for our gang’s success! Come, let’s go to the Doyle family mansion!”

As noon approached, the Doyle family mansion quickly became packed with people as news about the challenge caused a huge commotion. After letting the news brew for the past three days, everyone was hyped up for the battle, and countless elite fighters flocked to the scene, eager to witness Terry’s power.

Even before dawn, tons of people had crowded the Doyle family mansion. And as if they had anticipated this, the Doyle family began selling entrance tickets at a hundred thousand dollars per ticket.

The Doyle family was clearly using this opportunity to make money while showing off their strength.
Chapter 616

In the Doyle family’s training grounds.

“Holy shit! There are so many people!” Ruth was shocked by the amount of people that crowded the vast space. Everywhere she looked, people were talking animatedly.

Fortunately, the Doyle family martial artists were keeping everyone in line.

“Terry is a revered genius. Of course, the spotlight would be on him.” Hector smiled.

“Dad, if he’s that strong, does Dustin have a winning chance?” Ruth asked nervously.

“It’ll be difficult, but not impossible,” Hector answered.

“Hmph! Serves him right for being so stubborn!” Natasha’s words were harsh, but they failed to conceal her worry.

She tried to persuade Dustin to surrender multiple times, but Dustin seemed unbothered.

“It doesn’t matter if he loses. It’s more important that he tries. Besides, losing to Terry Doyle isn’t humiliating.” Hector smiled again. He wasn’t interested in the duel. However, Dustin was going to be his son-in-law, so he had to come and support Dustin.

“Why, fancy seeing you here, Mr. Harmon!” A fancily dressed middle-aged man approached, smiling.

The man was the head of the Doyle family, Phil Doyle. He was also Terry’s father.

“It’s been a while, Mr. Doyle,” Hector responded with a small smile.

“If I remember correctly, you are not a fan of bloodshed, aren’t you? So what are you doing here?” Phil was surprised.

“I had some free time, so I brought my daughters here to watch the show. You don’t mind, do you?” Hector joked.

“Of course not. It’s a pleasure to have you here. Come, have a seat.” Phil led the three of them to the east of the room, where they had a direct view of the battle ring.

Before they settled onto their seats, there was a commotion at the entrance, causing everyone to look.

An old gentleman with white hair entered the area, with several younger people following him. The old man was none other than Paul Hill.

“Oh, my God! Is this for real? Is that Sir Paul?”

“Holy shit! It is Sir Paul!”

“Even a martial arts master is here to watch the show. Today’s duel is going to be amazing!”

Paul caused a stir with his presence since everyone knew that he rarely attended any events. So by coming personally, he was obviously supporting the Doyle family

“Please forgive me for not showing you in personally, Sir Paul!” Phil was overjoyed to see Paul and quickly greeted the older man

“Greetings, Sir Paul.” Hector and his daughters quickly bowed out of respect, as well as gratitude. Hector still remembered how Paul had helped him during the birthday party.

“I’m just here to enjoy the show, so no need to fuss about me". Sir. Paul smiled.

“Please have a seat, Sir.” Phil hurriedly led Paul to the seat in the center. That seat was supposed to be his, but he could only let Paul have it now.

After Paul, other important guests gradually arrived as well, including the guildmaster of Boulderthorn, an elder from Greendust, the guildmaster of Autumn Wind, and other famous fighters.

The battle hadn’t even started, but tons of martial arts elites had already gathered in the arena.
Chapter 617

As it neared the agreed time for their battle, Dustin, Nelson, and several other men walked into the training ground. No matter which direction they looked, people were flocking around every corner In the middle of the training grounds was a large battle ring There were only a few seats surrounding the platform, so most people had no choice but to stand. This naturally meant that those who were sitting were not ordinary people, especially those sitting on the east side, where they had the best view of the arena.

Upon closer inspection, Dustin saw a few familiar faces, including Hector and his daughters, Paul and Patrick Hill, Claudia, as well as Maggie. Others seemed familiar to him, but he couldn’t recall their names.

Dustin turned his attention to those on the west side of the arena, where well–known fighters in the martial arts world sat. Many of them were strong individuals who ranked only second to Paul. “Was it necessary to put on such a huge show for a normal competition?” Dustin was puzzled. “Sir, the Doyle family is using you to show off their strength!” Nelson looked around nervously. Most of the individuals present today were strong enough to get rid of him effortlessly.

“Show off?” Dustin smirked. “You never know who might end up showing off. I hope the Doyle family doesn’t shoot themselves in the foot.”

Nelson smiled tiredly in response, thinking to himself, “Just don’t embarrass yourself too much. As long as you’re alive, our gang can always rise again.”

“You again, Dustin?” Just then, a familiar voice rang out.

Dustin turned his head and saw four familiar faces–Zoey, Adriana, Zeke, and Gordon.

“Gosh, why do we have to run into you everywhere?” Gordon hissed disdainfully.

“Ugh, I should have checked the horoscope today!” Zeke spat on the ground.

“You can always leave if you don’t want to see me.” Dustin sneered.

“Why should we do as you say? Who do you think you are?” Zoey sneered.

“A pretty boy who’s nothing without a woman.” Zeke sniggered.

“You should keep a low profile, Dustin. During the banquet last time, if it weren’t for Mr. Dylan and Lord Xenos, you’d be dead by now.” Gordon humphed

“He’s right. It’s a miracle that you’re still alive after challenging Tyler Grant. You should appreciate your life.” Zeke sneered.

In their eyes, Dustin was incredibly lucky to be alive after challenging Tyler. It was all thanks to Paul and George’s help. Still, luck wouldn’t always be on his side.

“First of all, Dylan had nothing to do with this.” Dustin began calmly. “And just because you’re afraid of Tyler, doesn’t mean I have to be. Please don’t judge me with your dim–witted opinions. It’s ridiculous.”

“Pfft. You’re acting so high and mighty now, aren’t you?” Zeke sneered. “Who do you think you are?

You’re nothing without the Harmon family’s protection”
Chapter 618

“Dustin, you should know where you stand. Don’t think you’re so important just because you’ve met some high–ranking people before. You’re just like salesmen who are always eyeing wealthy people.” Zoey jeered.

For some reason, there were always people who thought highly of themselves despite being nobodies.

“What the fuck are you guys talking about?” Nelson exploded before Dustin had a chance to get angry. If they had been anywhere else, the Flame Dragon Disciples would have killed these people for belittling their leader

“Pfft! You even have bodyguards now? Are you pretending to be a big shot?” Zeke was unfazed, and he was sure that anyone following Dustin wasn’t anyone important either.

“Dustin, you should take good care of your dogs. This isn’t a place they can bark.” Gordon smirked.


“Alright, enough.” Adriana tried to calm everyone. “We’re here to watch the duel, not to fight.”

“Fine. Since Adriana is the one asking, we’ll forgive those idiotic bastards.” Gordon put on a generous font.

Still, Dustin couldn’t care less about them. He would have sent them away with a few slaps if they weren’t Natasha’s acquaintances. He wondered where they learned such vulgar behavior.

“Guys, I’m curious. Who is the leader of the Flame Dragon Gang anyway? How did he find the courage to challenge Terry Doyle?” Zoey suddenly asked.

“Well, I’ve heard about him before.” Zeke immediately chimed in. “I heard that despite his young age, he’s incredibly skilled and is Millsburg’s newest talent. He even defeated Maniac!”

“What? Even Bennet Malcom lost to him? He’s incredible!” Zoey was astonished.

Maniac was well–known in the martial arts world for his impenetrable body, and he could even fight off a hundred opponents by himself. “Of course he is! No one would simply challenge Terry Doyle like that,” Zeke stated proudly.

“I wonder if he’s a handsome fellow. I really want to get to know him,” Zoey said excitedly.

“He’s a mysterious figure who only started gaining fame recently, so although he’s popular, not many people have seen him.” Zeke shook his head.

“Actually, I know who he is,” Gordon suddenly said, adjusting his collar snobbishly.

“You know him, Gordo?” Zeke was surprised.

“I don’t just know him; we’re close acquaintances too. To tell you the truth, he only became the gang leader thanks to my help.” Gordon smiled haughtily.

“That’s surprising! I didn’t know you’d be close to someone like that. You’re awesome!” Zeke gave him a thumbs–up.

“Wow, how do you know so many people?” Zoey’s face was full of admiration.

“Oh, this is nothing.” Gordon pretended to be modest, having mastered the skill of bluffing.

“Have you gotten addicted to bragging? What does our gang leader earning his position have to do with you?” Nelson couldn’t help but retort.

“Who do you think you are to question me?” Gordon’s face darkened.

“Listen up! I’m the assistant leader of the Flame Dragon Gang, Nelson Horst!” Nelson patted himself on the chest before gesturing to Dustin. “And this is the new talent in Millsburg you’re talking about, the Flame Dragon Gang’s new leader!”
Chapter 619

“Flame Dragon Gang’s new leader?” Gordon and his friends glanced at Nelson and Dustin before exchanging looks and then burst out in laughter.

“Pfft! Excuse me, but did you hit your head or something?” Zoey cackled. “Did you just say that Dustin is the gang leader of Flame Dragon Gang, the new talented individual who challenged Terry Doyle? Well, you might as well say that he’s God, then!”

“Who’s this idiot? As if that bastard could possibly be someone as talented as the Flame Dragon Gang’s leader.” Zeke jeered.

“How dare you humiliate our leader! You’re dead meat!” Nelson was pissed. He started to roll up his sleeves when Dustin raised a hand to stop him!

“Forget it. There’s no point arguing with these ignorant fools.” Dustin’s target was Terry, not small fries like them.

“Yeah, right. Do you think you’re so strong?” Zeke smirked.

“Didn’t you just say that you’re the assistant gang leader and he’s the leader? Well, if that’s the case, why don’t I know the two of you?” Gordon quipped.

“He’s right. Gorgon is good friends with the Flame Dragon Gang’s leader. Did you think you’d be able to fool him? How foolish!” Zoey sneered. She was disgusted by Dustin, whom she thought was a fool, and his bragging only worsened the sentiment. A man like that deserved to be a nobody.

“What’s up with the silence? Cat got your tongue? Aren’t you going to answer Gordon?” Zeke taunted.

“You should keep a low profile if you’re useless, Dustin. Having your lie exposed must be embarrassing.” Gordon smirked.

“Ugh! Can’t you guys shut up? You’re so noisy!” Dustin stuck his pinky into his ear, annoyed. Their words didn’t have much effect.

“You-” Zeke was about to snap back when Gordon said, “Forget about it. We should help him keep his dignity, or he might do something crazy out of desperation.”

On the outside, it seemed like Gordon was trying to smooth things over, but in reality, his words were nothing short of an insult.

“Hmph! Arrogant but powerless bastards like you will be taught a lesson sooner or later!” Zeke snapped at Dustin hostilely. If it weren’t for Natasha, he would have ordered someone to teach Dustin a lesson already.

“Hey, look! It’s Terry Doyle!” Someone suddenly shouted.

Everyone turned to see a handsome man dressed in a well–fitted attire emerging from the backyard. The man’s long locks were draped over his shoulder as he marched forward confidently.

The person was none other than Terry Doyle, the person everyone had been waiting for.

“I didn’t know he was so good–looking! Oh, my God!” Zoey’s eyes twinkled.

“Compared to his looks, he’s more famous for his strength. He’s not even 30 years old yet, but he has already made a name for himself through his battles, which earned him a spot in The Heavenly Immortals! This makes him a rare gem in the entire province!” Gordon’s eyes were filled with envy.

“We can only look up to people like him.” Zeke sighed regretfully.

Terry’s appearance hyped the room up once more as people cast gazes of admiration toward him. Even underaged girls boldly screamed their praises for him like he was a superstar.

“Terry Doyle!” An ear–splitting voice suddenly bellowed, and that instantly silenced the crowd.

Immediately after that, a man in a green shirt and hat leaped onto the stage, a long spear in his hand.

“I dare you to fight me!” The man in green pointed his spear at Terry tauntingly.

“How dare you!”

“Arrogant bastard!”

“Stupid man!”

Those from the Doyle family immediately sprung up and shouted.
Chapter 620

The Doyle family members angrily snapped. “Who the hell are you? How dare you make a scene here!”

Three of the family’s skilled fighters leaped onto the stage, glaring at the challenger.

“Hmph, trash like you don’t deserve to know my name. Tell Terry Doyle to accept my challenge!” The man in green pointed his spear at them provokingly.

“Who is this man? He’s such a dick.”

“He must have a death wish to challenge Terry Doyle.

“Tsk, I guess his pride matters more than his life.”

The people in the arena stared at the man and whispered to each other.

“Well, if you want to challenge Mr. Terry, you’ll have to get through us!” The three fighters from the Doyle family drew their swords and charged toward the man.

“Since all of you are so eager to die, so be it!” The man in green tightened his grip on his spear and began countering their attacks.

His astonishing speed made it hard for the three fighters to defend themselves, and one of them quickly found himself at the mercy of the spear. The Doyle family fighter paled and raised his blade to block the incoming blow, but there was a loud clang as his dark steel blade shattered from the force, and the momentum caused the spear to embed itself in his abdomen.

Before anyone could react, the man in green threw the fighter off the platform with a flick of his spear and moved on to the other two fighters. They were no match for him as well, and they ended up sprawled on the floor moments later.

“Holy shit!”

Everyone was shocked. No one expected the man in green to be so powerful.

The three fighters from the Doyle family were much stronger than the average martial artist, yet this man had defeated all three of them effortlessly, easily showing what he was capable of.

“Who’s next?” The man looked around mockingly.

“Get him!” Several Doyle family fighters weren’t happy with the results of the previous match and went forward, taking the chance to deliver the first blow.

The man in green remained unfazed as he countered their strikes mercilessly and threw those men back where they came from in seconds, astounding the crowd with his skills with the spear.

“Anyone else?” The man in green drove the butt of his spear into the ground with a resolute thud, the challenge clear in his tone. “Is this all the Balerno martial artists have to offer?”

His words infuriated the crowd.

“He’s far too arrogant! Someone should teach him a lesson!”

“F*ck, that’s it! Give me my sword!”

“How dare he look down on Balerno martial arts! We’re going to set him straight today!”

Those standing outside the arena, who were initially nothing but onlookers, began crying out in indignation. They didn’t mind him challenging the Doyle family, but to insult the Balerno martial arts? What a pompous asshole!

Thanks to his actions, the crowd was fired up. People began shouting their wishes to join the fight, determined to stand up for Balerno martial arts.
Chapter 621

“Let’s see what you’re made of, kid.” A burly man wielding a broadsword was the first to jump into the ring. His sword, which weighed well over 200 pounds, looked as light as a feather because of his muscular physique.

“Who are you? Do you have a death wish?” The man in green pointed his spear toward the burly man. A look of disdain on his face.

“I’m Toby Hunt, leader of Hollowblades!” In a smooth motion, the man slammed the tip of his blade into the ground, a murderous aura enveloping him,

“Oh, it’s Sir Hunt. No wonder he seemed familiar.”

“Hollowblades is quite a famous guild, and Sir Hunt is known for his sword skills. I’ve heard that he’s so strong he can even cut boulders apart!”

“With Sir Hunt around, that guy’s dead meat!”

“Sir Hunt, please teach that arrogant bastard a lesson and protect Balerno martial artists‘ reputation!”

Everyone showed their support for Toby.

“Hollowblades? What’s that? I’ve never even heard of that name.” The man in green sneered, unfazed by his opponent.

“Cocky brat! I’ll make you realize that there’s always someone stronger than you!” Toby bellowed, and grabbed his sword.

The tip of his blade gouged a path along the platform’s surface as he charged toward the man in green, sparks flying from the point of contact.

“Here I come!” Toby lifted his sword and brought it down heavily, causing a whistling noise as the blade cut through the air. The force he exerted was enough to take down an elephant, much less a human.

“Fool!” Instead of sidestepping, the man in green grabbed his spear and thrust it forward. There was a loud clang as the two weapons collided with each other. Then Toby’s sword flew out of his hands, and he staggered backward from the impact.

Before Toby could process what was going on, the man in green delivered his second blow by jabbing his spear into Toby’s shoulder, and then he flicked Toby off the platform. This meant that with merely two strikes, the man in green managed to subdue Toby Hunt, the leader of Hollowblades.

“Holy shit! Even Sir Hunt is no match for him. He’s a beast!”

Everyone was aghast by what they just witnessed. Toby was a famous martial artist in the martial world; he was especially skilled with his sword, so no one expected him to lose to a young man. “Pathetic!” The man in green humphed. “Are all Balerno martial artists so weak?”

“Arrogant bastard! I’ll teach you a lesson!” Just then, a man in his twilight years jumped into the ring. His movements were swift as he lunged toward the man in green with a pair of twin swords.

“Bang!” Three seconds later, the old man was also sent flying off the platform, blood splattering everywhere.

The crowd fell into stunned silence once more. Weren’t his opponents losing way too quickly?

“Get out of my way! I’ll fight him!”

“And me!”

“Fuck this shit. I’m in too!”

More people clambered to challenge the man in green, either out of anger or to defend their reputations as martial artists.

Still, no matter how many people tried attacking, none of them were a match for the man in green. In fact, most of them were easily swiped off the platform as soon as they got on. It was completely a one–sided battle.

After a while, everyone fell silent as shock and somberness replaced the arrogant shouts earlier.
Chapter 622

If the man had only defeated one opponent, others might have considered it was due to his luck. However, defeating several dozen opponents nonstop could only mean that he was an incredibly powerful individual.

Thanks to that, the man finally earned some recognition from the crowd.

“Who is this guy? He’s so strong!”

“A man dressed in green and good at using a spear? Don’t tell me he’s the person who rose to fame in the martial world recently by challenging strong fighters–Verdant Phantom?”

“What? Verdant Phantom? I heard that even Geoffrey Vaughn, who’s in the top twenty of The Heavenly Immortals, lost to him!”

“He defeated someone as strong as Geoffrey Vaughn? He’s a monster!”

Everyone was shocked to hear his nickname. After all, the name Verdant Phantom had been gathering attention, especially after the man defeated Geoffrey Vaughn. However, since he never appeared in public, few knew what he looked like.

Everyone was surprised to learn that he would show up. They were even more shocked to see him challenging Balerno’s martial arts so openly.

“It’s your turn now, Terry Doyle!” Verdant Phantom lifted his spear and pointed its tip in Terry’s direction, turning everyone’s attention to the latter.

“Verdant Phantom is so strong. I wonder if Terry will win.”

“Terry Doyle is ranked thirteenth on The Heavenly Immortals, while Verdant Phantom was able to defeat someone who’s on the top twenty of the same list. It’s hard to guess who might win.”

“It seems like Terry Doyle finally met his match!”

The crowd gossiped nervously.

“Why? Aren’t you going to accept my challenge? Or do you plan to run away and hide?” Verdant Phantom taunted.

“How interesting.” Terry chuckled and gradually approached the platform. “I don’t know where you’re from, but you should at least let me warm up, right?”

“Warm up?” Verdant Phantom snorted. “You sure talk big for someone who’s about to meet their demise.”

“Because of you? As if.” Terry calmly stood up with his hands clasped behind his back.

“Hmph! I’ve already defeated countless martial artists on The Heavenly Immortals. You’re nothing more than a stepping stone for my journey to reach the top of the list!” Verdant Phantom declared confidently.

No one rebutted his arrogant words after they had witnessed his strength earlier.

“Don’t tell me you think you’re on par with me just because you defeated Geoffrey Vaughn?” Terry smirked condescendingly. “The gap between each rank on The Heavenly Immortals is like a river. Compared to me, those that you defeated are about seven ranks lower than me, and that makes the gap between the two of us as vast as the ocean.”

“Those standards don’t apply to me. With my spear alone, I’ll defeat every single one of you!” Verdant Phantom smirked.

“You sure are a reckless fellow. Well, I hope you don’t disappoint me later,” Terry responded calmly.

“Enough with the chit–chat. Choose your weapon!” Verdant Phantom swung around, exuding a fierce aura.

“My weapon? Pfft. I don’t need one against you.” Terry’s hands remained behind his back, and his nonchalant attitude showed how little he cared about his opponent.

“Since you seem keen to die, why don’t I give you a hand?” With a stomp, Verdant Phantom shot toward Terry with his spear in his grasp.

There was a glint as the spear thrust forward, its movements charged with power thanks to the true energy supplied to it. The unmatched speed and power left everyone in awe.

The tip of the spear tore through the air, leaving a shadow behind. There was even a long gouge on the ground from where the blade had been dragged past.

“What terrifying skills!”

“Terry Dole is in danger now!”

Everyone silently feared for Terry. They also realized that Verdant Phantom had been holding back against them earlier.

In the blink of an eye, the tip of the man’s spear made contact with Terry’s chest. However, to everyone’s astonishment, despite being struck, Terry stood his ground without flinching, enduring the ferocious attack with his body!
Chapter 623

“What?” The scene before the crowd caused their eyes to widen and their jaws to drop in shock.

All of them had witnessed Verdant Phantom’s strength firsthand and saw how ferocious his last attack was, yet Terry had used nothing but his chest to block the blow. Was that even humanly possible?

“How can this be?” Verdant Phantom was shocked. He staggered backward, his face full of disbelief.

He had spent years perfecting that last attack, and no one had ever managed to stop it. Even Geoffrey Vaughn had lost to that attack, so he thought that he’d be able to defeat Terry with the same attack. However, Terry had stopped his attack, which should be strong enough to pierce through armor and cripple someone, with nothing but his body. And Terry was terrifyingly calm about it.

“Is this all you’ve got? How disappointing.” Terry shook his head.

“Don’t be so full of yourself. I don’t believe you’re immune to all physical attacks!” Verdant Phantom gritted his teeth before stabbing Terry with full force.

A mighty stream of true energy flowed out of his body and into his spear, turning its tip bright red.

“Rot in hell!” Verdant Phantom yelled before driving his spear into Terry’s chest.

A loud clang rang out instantly.

Terry seemed unfazed by the attack. On the contrary, the other man’s spear had bent under the force.

“That’s it?” Terry smirked. He grabbed hold of the spearhead and clenched his fist. Metal creaked under his grip as he broke the other man’s spear.

“What?” Verdant Phantom was appalled. He never imagined that Terry would be unscathed after receiving his strongest attack. Their power difference was too great!

“You’re too weak. Go back and practice for a few more years.” Terry threw the bent spear aside and planted a foot into the abdomen of Verdant Phantom, who groaned as his body flew backward before slamming into a wall and passing out on impact.

In the end, Verdant Phantom lost!

“Well done!”

“Woo-hoo!” After a pause, applause and roars of approval rang out. Terry’s strength had earned him the audience’s respect.

Verdant Phantom? So what? And what if that man defeated Geoffrey Vaughn? He had still lost to Terry.

“As expected of Terry Doyle. He got rid of Verdant Phantom so easily.”

“No wonder he’s ranked thirteenth on The Heavenly Immortals.”
Chapter 624

How were they going to win against a monster like Terry?

“What do you think of Terry’s performance, Sir Paul?” Phil was beaming from ear to ear after witnessing his son’s outstanding show.

“Not bad. He’s a talented one indeed.” Paul gave a small smile. “I have a feeling that he will become a Grandmaster martial artist in the next decade.”

Paul’s words shocked everyone. Grandmaster martial artists were extremely rare. Even in Balerno, where several hundred million people resided, there had only ever been five Grandmaster martial artists. And each of them had made a name for themselves with their strength.

Terry’s talent must be truly incredible if Paul was willing to give such high praise.

“You flatter him, Sir Paul. My son might be talented, but he still needs work.” Phil’s words may seem modest, but he failed to hide the grin on his face.

As long as his son became a Grandmaster martial artist within the next decade, the Doyle family would be invincible! In fact, they might very well become a part of the Tremendous Three-no, the Tremendous Four.

“As they say, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Congratulations, Mr. Doyle.” Hector, who was sitting beside them, congratulated them.

Other influential figures clambered to sing their praises, well aware of how strong a Grandmaster martial artist was. After all, the Hill family was only so influential because of Paul, and that was what it meant to be a Grandmaster martial artist.

“Sis, if Terry is so strong, doesn’t that guarantee that Dustin will lose?” Ruth asked worriedly. Terry’s performance earlier had wiped away whatever hope she held.

“If I remember correctly, someone was going to challenge me to a duel today.” Just then, Terry spoke. He surveyed the room, looking for his target.

“Challenge him? After seeing what happened to Verdant Phantom, there’s no way that gang leader would show up.”

“Pfft! Seeing how that guy hasn’t appeared yet, I’m sure he’s retreated with his tail between his legs.”

“If he’s already here, he might as well show his face, right? Rather than hiding like a coward.”

The crowd smirked and began bad-mouthing Dustin, assuming that he hadn’t appeared due to fear.

“Dustin, didn’t you say that you were the leader of the Flame Dragon Gang? Why haven’t you gone up yet?” Gordon’s eyes shot to Dustin, a smirk hanging off his lips.

“Hey, you were talking big earlier. Why are you keeping silent now?” Zoey crossed her arms, sneering.

“Hey, Rhys. Someone’s calling you. You should get up there.” Zeke taunted.

“That’s none of your business!” Nelson shouted with a glare.

“What a bunch of losers! You guys are all bark and no bite. How disappointing.” Zeke ridiculed.

“Where did you find the balls to pretend to be the leader of the Flame Dragon Gang?” Zoey sniggered,

“Don’t tell me you’re scared, Dustin. Where did your courage go? Don’t you have dignity as a man?” Gordon taunted.

“Since you guys seem hell-bent on provoking me, I might as well do as you wish.” Dustin nodded. and turned toward the ring.

“Is that guy really going to go up there?” Zoey was astonished.

Gordon scoffed. “He’s just putting on a show. I bet he’s going to walk into the crowd and then run away.”

“Exactly. If he goes up there, I’ll eat my own shit while doing a handstand!” Zeke smirked. Soon, their smiles dropped when they realized that Dustin had gotten into the ring.
Chapter 625

“No way. He went up?” Zoey and the others stopped smiling as they watched Dustin get onto the arena, their faces frozen in shock.

They never expected Dustin to actually go into the ring, thinking that he was merely bluffing. Still, did he have a death wish?

“Hey, you! Weren’t you going to eat your shit while doing a handstand? Go ahead.” Nelson suddenly spoke.

Zeke stiffened awkwardly. It had merely been an offhanded comment. He never imagined that Dustin would be so bold, so his words were coming back to bite him in the ass.

Zoey suddenly thought of something. “Hang on. Dustin isn’t the Flame Dragon Gang’s leader, is he?

Besides the leader of the Flame Dragon Gang, who else would dare to challenge Terry?

“Impossible! There’s no way a loser like him can be Flame Dragon Gang’s leader.” Gordon immediately protested.

I guess you’re going to keep being stubborn, eh? Well, let me show you.” Nelson sneered before fishing out a badge and slapping it against Gordon’s face.

“You” Just as Gordon was about to start cursing, he took a closer look at the badge and was startled into silence..

The badge belonged to none other than the Flame Dragon Gang!

“Have you finally opened your eyes, you piece of shit? What more do you have to say?” Nelson raised his chin defiantly, rendering Gordon and his friends speechless.

The Flame Dragon Emblem was more than enough evidence, and Dustin’s bold actions only further solidified the fact. However, it was hard for them to accept that the man they had been praising for defeating Maniac was the boy toy they despised.

“Hey, kid. Didn’t you say you were friends with our leader? So, do you know him well?” Nelson sniggered.

Gordon’s face instantly reddened from embarrassment. When his friends turned their gazes toward him, he was so humiliated that he wanted to run and hide. After all, there was nothing more embarrassing than having your lie exposed in public.

“Cat got your tongue? Weren’t you so full of yourself earlier? Say, how does it feel to be exposed?” Nelson taunted.

“You “Gordon gritted his teeth and swallowed his words since he knew that he would only further embarrass himself if he spoke more.

“So what if Dustin is the leader of the Flame Dragon Gang? He’s still going to lose to Terry Doyle!” Zeke humphed disdainfully.

“He’s right. Only an idiot would challenge Terry Dole!” Zoey echoed, finding any reason to retort Nelson.

Gordon smirked. “His biggest mistake was trying to show off. Let’s see how he meets his end later!”

Although he still felt humiliated, the thought of Dustin beaten into a pulp pleased him greatly.

Meanwhile, in the ring, Dustin’s appearance had drawn much attention, and people were eager to see how the show would unfold.

“Are you Dustin Rhys, leader of the Flame Dragon Gang?” Terry’s hands were clasped behind his back as he gave Dustin a scornful look over.

“I am.” Dustin nodded.

“I can’t tell if you’re brave or stupid for challenging me.”
Chapter 626

Terry shook his head with a smile. “Don’t tell me you’re trying to use me to make a name for yourself.”

It wouldn’t be the first time someone did something like that. Terry had encountered many who challenged him in hopes of using their victory to boost their reputation, just like Vardant Phantom. Still, all those people eventually lost to him.

“Let me make this clear. I’m not interested in making a name for myself. I decided to challenge you to save myself the trouble by settling things with your family once and for all,” Dustin answered calmly.

“Settle things with us? And how do you intend to do that?” Terry had a small smile.

“Simple. If I defeat you today, you and your family have to stop meddling in my life,” Dustin answered straightforwardly.

“Defeat me? Pfft!” Terry was surprised by Dustin’s words and burst out laughing. The audience also laughed mockingly along with Terry.

It would be a miracle if Dustin could come out of this battle alive, but to think he could defeat Terry? What an idiot!

“He’s an interesting fellow, but he’s too arrogant.” Phil was unbothered by Dustin’s words.

“Insolent fool. Even Verdant Phantom was easily defeated, so what makes him think that he stood a chance against Terry?” Maggie humphed scomfully.

“I’ve done what I could to stop you, but you wouldn’t listen.” Claudia shook her head. She had only advised Dustin because of Sheila, but Dustin refused to listen and even dared to see his challenge through after watching what happened to Verdant Phantom, so he must be an idiot.

“Sir Paul, do you think Dustin has a winning chance?” Hector asked out of the blue.

“We’ll find out soon.” Paul smiled but didn’t give a straight answer.

“Mr. Harmon, you must be joking. That brat is just a nobody. There’s no way he could win.” Phil smirked.

“Just because he’s not famous doesn’t mean he’s not capable. Since he dared to challenge your son, I’m sure he’s confident in his skills.” Hector protested.

“Since you seem to have faith in him, why don’t we have a bet?” Phil wore a smile.

“What are we betting with?” Hector didn’t refuse.

“I’ve been eyeing your antique pottery for some time now. Let’s go with that.” Phil got straight to the point.

“I must say, you’re quite greedy, my friend. The treasure you picked is worth over three billion dollars. But what will you put on the line?”

“I’m not a narrow-minded person. Even since our family’s founding, we’ve kept an ancient manuscript called the Tempest of the Eighteen Swords’. I’ll bet that. What do you think?”

“But that’s your family heirloom. Are you sure?” Hector was astonished.

“Tempest of the Eighteen Swords” was a book that contained information about a top-grade martial arts sword technique and has existed ever since the Doyle family was established. Usually, only the leader and his heir had the right to read it, while others in the family couldn’t even catch a glimpse of it. In fact, an internal conflict had happened before just because of this book, so it was easy to guess how valuable it was.

“Of course. So, do you agree to the bet?” Phil smiled. He had dared to bet his family heirloom since he was confident that his son would win. And since the winner was certain, he didn’t mind betting on something so valuable when there was no way it would fall into Hector’s hands.

“Since you put such a precious item into the bet, I’ll agree to it. Let’s see who wins.” Hector agreed. readily.

If Dustin lost the battle, Hector would merely lose an antique. However, if Dustin did win, Hector would finally get his hands on a rare sword technique manuscript that could vastly strengthen the shadow guards, thus fueling his entire family’s overall martial arts force.

There was no way Hector was going to let this opportunity slip through his fingers.
Chapter 627

Both Terry and the audience sniggered at what Dustin had said. Everyone assumed that Dustin wouldn’t even be able to withstand three blows, much less defeat Terry.

“What are you laughing at? Is it that funny?” Dustin asked calmly, unbothered by the audience’s attitude.

“What do you think?” Terry’s smile didn’t falter. “Do you really think you’ll win?”

“Why not? Do you think you’re better than everyone else? Why are you naturally assuming that you won’t lose?” Dustin retorted.

“Pfft! I don’t know where you found the balls to ask me that, but it’s fine. I’ll show you how different we are!” Terry beckoned Dustin with a finger and smirked. “Come on. I’ll let you have three shots at me. Let’s see what you’ve got.”

“You better not do that. Last time, Bennet Malcom said the same thing, and he’s still stuck in bed right now.” Dustin reminded.

“Bennet is merely my subordinate. As if he’s a match for me.” Terry feigned a smile.

“Both of you are the same to me since the outcome won’t be any different,” Dustin answered frankly.

“What?” Terry’s smile gradually fell. He had seen many arrogant people like Verdant Phantom, but Dustin was different from them. Dustin wasn’t only reckless and arrogant; he was also looking down on Terry. Dustin’s calm expression and unbothered attitude were infuriating.

Terry couldn’t help feeling like he was being humiliated. How dare a nobody like Dustin looked down on him!

“That idiot! There’s no way Bennet’s skills are anywhere near Terry’s.” Maggie snorted from where she sat.

“He’s too naive if he thinks he can defeat Terry just because he defeated Bennet.” Next to Maggie, Claudia shook her head. If she had to say, Terry was ten times stronger than Bennet, and the difference between Dustin and the former was as clear as day.

“Ha, that bastard is still as arrogant as usual! He still has no idea what he’s gotten himself into.” Gordon jeered.

“The more he pisses Terry off, the worse his outcome will be. He’s just digging his own grave at this point.” Zeke smirked.

“Dustin is not as astute as he needs to be, so it serves him right if he dies today!” Zoey crossed her arms.

Although they finally discovered Dustin’s identity, none of them thought that he had a chance of winning.

“I’ve already given you a chance. Since you don’t seem to appreciate it, don’t blame me for whatever happens!” Terry’s face darkened, and his aura turned murderous.

“Go ahead. I’m curious to see how strong the person ranked thirteenth on The Heavenly Immortals now is.” Dustin beckoned.

When Dustin fought his way to the top of The Heavenly Immortals ten years ago, all of his opponents had been talented and skilled individuals, so he wondered if those on the current list were just as strong.

“You seem eager to die, so I’ll do you a favor!” Terry drew his right hand back and curled his fingers into a claw. Air whirled around and gathered in his palm as his true energy was condensed to form an energy bullet. When the energy bullet finally reached the size of an apple, Terry leaped forward, and there was a loud explosion as the white energy bullet was flung toward Dustin.

Usually, one could gauge a martial artist’s strength based on the size of their energy bullets, and Terry’s happened to be unbelievably sturdy and held massive destructive power.

Dustin’s feet didn’t move an inch despite the incoming attack. Instead, he tilted his head to the side. The energy bullet missed his cheek by a hair’s breadth and slammed into the tree trunk. behind him. The force of the attack sent shivers down the audience’s spine.

“Hmm?” Terry narrowed his eyes when he saw Dustin escape his attack, and he struck out once more.
Chapter 628

There was a loud whoosh as a larger and quicker energy bullet blasted in the direction of Dustin’s chest.

Dustin kept his feet firmly planted on the ground and leaned backward, his back arched. The energy bullet flew over his face and slammed into the same tree. He pushed himself off the ground with one hand and stood back up, unharmed.

Terry frowned. He had thought he’d be able to end this battle easily, yet Dustin had surprised him by dodging his attacks twice.

“If this is all you’ve got, then I have to say, I’m disappointed,” Dustin said nonchalantly..

Hearing this, Terry’s expression hardened in anger. No one has ever treated him with such disrespect and condescension.

“No way. He’s looking down on Terry Doyle?”

“He managed to dodge those two attacks thanks to luck. And Mr. Terry went easy on him, or he would be dead by now!”

“Mr. Terry, don’t go easy on him!” The audience shouted in indignation.

“I was going to let you live, but it seems like that’s unnecessary now.” Terry put one foot in front of the other before springing toward Dustin.

The true energy that burst forth was enough to easily kill those weaker than him without having to touch them. However, there was a flaw in this move. If a person’s opponent is on the same level as them, the attack’s effects were greatly reduced. And since it was impossible to change the trajectory of the blow, their opponents could easily predict their moves and jump out of the way.

Therefore, a battle between Divine-level martial artists meant that fighters must use their bodies to defeat their opponents. In these cases, factors like weapons, skills, and true energy were pivotal to one’s success.

“You’re dead meat!” As soon as Terry got closer to Dustin, he gathered his true energy and threw out a punch. There was a thunderous boom as the air around them started flowing, and a vortex of true energy enveloped Terry’s fist.

The terrifying pressure caused the audience to shudder as they struggled to breathe.

“What a powerful strike!”

“Now that Terry is getting serious, that guy’s doomed for sure!”

“No way! Is that guy going to take Terry Doyle’s attack just like that?”

Just as Terry’s fist was about to land, Dustin finally made a move. Under the crowd’s disbelieving gazes, he stood his ground and threw a punch against Terry’s fist.

“Ignorant fool!” Maggie smirked, pleased.

“He might still have a chance if he ducks, but if he’s going to face the attack head-on, then he’s at dead man.” Claudia shook her head, sure that the winner was Terry.

“Let’s see what happens to you now!” Gordon and his friends gloated and eagerly waited for Dustin to be blown away.

“Mr. Harmon, I’m afraid your guy is doomed.” Phil sniggered.

Hector seemed unbothered by Phil’s words. However, Natasha had gone as white as a sheet. Her fists were tightly clenched as her eyes remained glued to the ring. Would Dustin be able to withstand Terry’s attack at full force?

Finally, the two fists collided with each other. There was an ear-splitting bang as the entire place began to shake. A blast of true energy burst out and spread throughout the place, whipping up shrill winds.

After the onslaught, Dustin seemed completely unscathed, while Terry staggered backward, nearly falling off the stage, shocking everyone.
Chapter 629

Terry staggered back from the impact, his heavy stomps leaving footprints on the solid ground. By the time he managed to stabilize himself, his face was completely pale, despite his rapid. heartbeat. Sweat had formed on his forehead, and the edges of his shirt were frayed. There was even blood dripping from his fist. What a miserable sight.

“What?” The crowd had been stunned into silence. None of them could have imagined that Terry might be at a disadvantage when it came to physical fights. This was unbelievable!

“N-no way! Terry got pushed back?” Maggie was flabbergasted.

Claudia was shocked as well. “I didn’t know Dustin was so strong.” If she hadn’t seen it for herself, she would have never believed that someone managed to withstand Terry’s attack and even came out somewhat victorious.

“I-impossible! How can someone like him be so powerful?” Gordon and the other two were dumbfounded. The scenario they had in their minds was Dustin being destroyed with one punch, so why was he winning against Terry?

“What?” Phil sat up straight, and his expression fell. There was no way his genius son was losing to a nobody. What would become of their family if Terry were to lose? Worse, Phil had made a bet with Hector using “Tempest of the Eighteen Swords, so the consequences would be devastating.

“As expected.” Hector smiled, pleasantly surprised. He knew that there was no way Dustin would recklessly challenge Terry if he wasn’t confident in himself.

Things are getting interesting.” Paul stroked his beard, fascinated. For Dustin to be so skilled at medicine and martial arts at such a young age, Paul was sure that there was more to Dustin than meets the eye.

“Did you see that, Sis? Dustin is winning!” Ruth jumped up excitedly.

“Of course, I saw. I’m not blind.” Natasha heaved a sigh of relief, the smile returning to her face. “I told you he’d win, but you wouldn’t believe me.”

“When did you say that? I can’t remember anymore.” Ruth stared at Natasha quizzically.

“It doesn’t matter.” Natasha glared at her sister, who pouted.

Ruth mumbled to herself, “Are all women like this? Their moods are so unpredictable.”

Back in the arena, Terry coughed as he tried to suppress the energy churning within his body. His expression was terrifying. He felt sorry for himself as the audience criticized him. Ever since he became famous, no one has ever successfully hurt him. Today, however, an accident occurred, and it was a blow to both his dignity and skills.

His reputation would be ruined if he didn’t get rid of Dustin completely.

Abruptly, Terry burst out laughing wildly. “You’re strong; I’ll give you that. I underestimated you earlier. With your capabilities, you could easily make your way into the top twenty of The Heavenly Immortals. Unfortunately, your opponent is me. To tell you the truth, I’ve been hiding my true strength since three years ago as I underwent all sorts of training. So far, none of my opponents have been strong enough for me to want to take off these shackles and use my full
Chapter 630

“Today, I’ll show you how terrifying the power I’ve been saving up for the past three years is!” Terry began removing his clothes, revealing the dark steel weights underneath that covered his body like armor. There were even a few attached to his limbs.

Under everyone’s disbelieving gazes, Terry gradually took off those weights, which landed on the ground with solid thuds that made people shudder.

“Holy smokes, he’s a beast! Who would have thought that he was moving around with several hundred pounds of weight.”

“Usually, it’s hard to even walk with those tied around one’s body, yet he’s been walking normally and even fighting! What a monster.”

“If he’s that strong with limitations, what would happen if he took them off?”

“I can only say that he’s terrifying!”

The audience gossiped, shocked at how strict Terry was with himself. No one would like to wear clothes that weighed a few hundred pounds.

“No wonder Dustin seemed to have an edge over Terry. Terry has been holding himself back. Now that his restrictions are gone, I’m sure he’ll win!” Maggie regained her confidence.

“There’s a reason he’s ranked thirteenth on The Heavenly Immortals.” Claudia couldn’t help but respect Terry. Being a genius was nothing new, but it was always harder to accept when a genius was working harder than ordinary people.

“See? There’s no way Terry would lose. He was just holding himself back.” The smiles returned to Gordon, Zeke, and Zoey’s faces when they found an excuse they could use.

“As expected of my son, he left a card up his sleeve. He’ll win now.” Phil let out a relieved sigh now that the manuscript seemed safe.

“It seems like Dustin will be in trouble again.” Natasha and Ruth’s expressions turned grave once more. They never thought that Terry might be hiding his true strength.

“Much better…” After removing his burdens, Terry began stretching, and a confident smile returned to his face. “To be able to force me to use my full strength, you should be proud to lose to me.”

It took Terry three years to get to where he was, so it was finally time to see the fruits of his labor.

“Don’t speak too soon. This doesn’t change anything.” Dustin shook his head.

“You still don’t seem to understand the situation right now. Without those weights, my speed and power will greatly increase. I’ll even let you in on a secret. Fist fights aren’t my forte-swords are!” Terry opened his palm, and a sword that a servant had been holding onto flew into his palm, instantly strengthening his aura to the point that those standing blocks away could feel it.

“My sword is unbreakable, and today, you’ll have the honor of dying from it. You should be proud!” Terry tightened his grip on the hilt before he sprang toward Dustin, his speed so fast that the naked eye couldn’t follow up and left an after-image.

“He’s so quick!” The audience was startled.

The average martial artist could no longer catch sight of his blade due to its speed, but its murderous quality was enough to frighten them.

“You’re dead meat!” With the aid of his sword, Terry was unstoppable.

Right before the tip of the sword could piece through Dustin’s chest, two fingers reached out to pinch the blade, bringing Terry’s attack to a halt. Instantly, whatever murderous aura there was vanished.
Chapter 631

“What?” Terry was astounded to see that his attack had been stopped. After taking off the weights, his strength and speed would have multiplied tremendously. And to win against Dustin, he even exposed his greatest weapon, his sword. All of this was to ensure his victory against Dustin. However, despite going at Dustin at full force, the latter managed to stop his attack with nothing. but two fingers!

Was Dustin even human?

“I-impossible!” Terry’s eyes widened as he lost his mind. He began swinging his sword at Dustin nonstop, and the force whipped the air in the arena, causing dust to engulf the place.

Terry’s continuous blows brought more gouges to the ground until the floor resembled a spider web.

“Die! You have to die!” Terry roared. His attacks picked up speed and became more lethal.

Dustin, who was unfazed by the onslaught, dodged and avoided Terry’s attacks by twisting his upper body. His feet were still firmly planted on the ground. He would only block attacks with his hands when there was nowhere for him to dodge.

The battle in the ring was getting more intense, yet the audience was completely befuddled.

Due to Terry and Dustin’s high speed, all they could see were shadows and after-images of the two of them. And because of how dangerous Terry’s sword aura was to regular martial artists, the crowd had no choice but to scuttle backward and watch the battle from afar.

“Claudia, I can’t see anything. Can you?” Maggie struggled to identify the two men.

“I can’t either. They are both way stronger than me” Claudia shook her head. She was still a High- level martial artist, and although she was much stronger than the average martial artist. She still had a long way to go compared to Divine-level martial artists. In fact, she was nothing compared. to them.

“Terry should be the one with the upper hand, right?” Maggi asked tentatively.

“Judging from the magnitude of the destruction, it seems like it.” Claudia nodded. “Terry’s sword skill is ruthless, and he also has an ace card-Tempest of the

Eighteen Swords. If he uses that, no one would be able to stop him.”

“Great!” Maggie was thrilled to hear that. Although she didn’t have the right to learn that technique, she had heard of it before. It was the Doyle family’s greatest treasure; it had been. around since the family’s foundation and was to be used as a last resort when someone had been cornered with no way of escaping.

There were rumors that the sword technique in the manuscript increased in power at each level, and so far, no one has ever withstood the last level before.

Maggie believed that as long as Terry used it, he would win the battle easily.

“Fuck. I can’t even tell who’s who anymore.” Zeke stood on tiptoes and peered over the crowd’s head. “Gordon, do you think Terry will win?”

“Of course, he will!” Gordon answered confidently. “Dustin might be skilled, but he’s still a country bumpkin with no power. Terry is different. As the future head of the Doyle family who’s received training from the greatest masters, I’m sure he still has a card up his sleeve that he’s hiding.”

“That’s true.” Zeke nodded his head, relieved. As a martial arts family, the Doyle family had a powerful legacy and many martial arts manuscripts that could help one easily defeat their opponent.
Chapter 632

As long as Terry wanted to, it shouldn’t be hard for him to defeat Dustin.

“Sir Paul, who do you think will win?” Hector suddenly turned his attention to Paul, who sat in the middle.

“The one with a ninety percent chance,” Paul answered with a smile, his eyes crinkling.

“Ninety percent?” Phil smiled. “You’ve got a good eye, Sir Paul. You could tell that my son had an ace up his sleeve, so he should be able to win.”

Phil had been getting worried that his son might lose, but Paul’s words reassured him. As a Grandmaster martial artist, no one would dare question what Paul said, so if Paul said that there’s a ninety percent winning chance, it must be true. Although there was ten percent left, it was more than enough for him.

Paul glanced at Phil, who was full of confidence, but didn’t say anything, a knowing smile on his face.

“Tempest of the Eighteen Swords!” A voice bellowed from the platform as the air turned heavy. Instantly, the entire platform began to shake as cracks spread everywhere.

“Terry is finally going to use his best move! That’s the end of that bastard!” Maggie shouted animatedly.

“One doesn’t use ‘Tempest of the Eighteen Swords unless extremely necessary, but when they do, their opponents will definitely die.” Claudia narrowed her eyes.

“Let’s see what you’ll do now!” Gordon and his friends’ eyes were glued to the ring, not wanting to miss seeing Dustin get defeated.

“Are things finally going to end now?” Phil smirked. Although Dustin had surprised him several times, the man was still no match for his son.

“As long as you withstand this blow, you’ll still have a chance to turn things around. Good luck!” Hector’s fists clenched as he silently prayed for Dustin. Natasha and her sister were also waiting anxiously after hearing that Dustin only had a ten percent chance of living.

“You’ve got to hold on, Sir Rhys! We’re depending on you!” Nelson and his men were worried for Duntin. They knew that if their leader lost, the Doyle family was going to completely get rid of their gang.

“Tempest of the Eighteen Swords’! It’s time for you to die!” Terry shouted. He gathered all his strength into a single strike and swung his blade toward Dustin.


The cracked arena began crumbling. Dust and debris flew into the air, making it hard for people to keep their eyes open.

After some time, the dust finally settled, and only one man was standing among the wreckage- Terry.

“We won!” The Doyle family was overjoyed to see this, and the audience began cheering.

“You’re amazing, Mr. Terry!”

“No wonder he’s ranked thirteenth on The Heavenly Immortals!”

“Today’s battle was eye-opening. He is indeed a genius.”

The audience was grinning widely as they sang praises to him.

Terry smiled from where he stood atop the wreckage. Suddenly, he doubled over and spat out a mouthful of blood before collapsing to the ground.

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