The Dragon Man's Decree - Translated by GILY

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Author: Unknown
Type: Action and Adventure
Posted : 07 October 2023
Status: Ongoing

John White is furious that someone has tried to make an advance on his girlfriend. In the end, he ends up behind bars after his attempt to protect her. Three years later, he is a free man but finds out that that girlfriend of his has married the man who hit on her back then. John will not let things slide. Thankfully, he has learned Focus Technique during his time in prison. At that, he embarks on the journey of cultivation and is accompanied by a gorgeous Miranda. Who would have thought this would enrage his ex-girlfriend?


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
Chapter 3909 - 3910 Fierce Battle

In just an instant, the massive phantom was swallowed whole by the tiny Celestial Devourer, revealing Aiden’s true body. Aiden was taken aback, but John’s Sacred Light Fist had already arrived before his eyes. There was simply no time for him to dodge.

Boom! Aiden took a solid hit from John and was sent flying backward, spewing fresh blood from his mouth. In his wildest dreams, he had never thought that such a situation would arise.

Upon seeing the situation, Dean immediately panicked. He leaped up and swung a palm toward John. The imprint of his palm solidified, overwhelming John.

Upon seeing the situation, Silver instantly leaped into the air. The temperature around them plummeted drastically. With a single strike of her palm, she directly shattered the frozen imprint of Dean’s palm. It was only then that John was spared from harm. Otherwise, if Dean had hit him, John would have undoubtedly been injured, if not killed.

“Kill them!” As Dean engaged in a duel with Silver, Denzel let out a fierce shout. In an instant, everyone surged upward. They had already prepared themselves and were unleashing waves of spiritual energy. The Miller family members had also taken action at the same time.

Just as a chaotic battle was on the verge of erupting, a ripple ran through the void. Following that, a figure materialized in mid- air. Upon seeing the newcomer, Aiden was instantly filled with excitement.

“Father!” It was a projection of Robin. He was probably aware that Aiden’s group visited Lunarius Palace for revenge, which had caused him to worry and come over.

“Denny, you’ve been too careless. You’re my only son left. What will I do if something happens to you? Go on and do what you need to do now. I’ll hold everyone else off,” Robin addressed Aiden. After hearing his father’s words, Aiden nodded enthusiastically. However, at that moment, Silver looked terrifyingly grim, her eyes filled with an icy look. She could still handle a single Dean, but she couldn’t fend off two opponents at the same time.

Although Robin was merely a projection at that moment, his strength was likely no less than that of Ninth Level Tribulator.

“I’ll hold off this old geezer!” Miles Spicer bellowed in rage. Following that, a surge of grey aura swelled within him, materializing into a massive claw that lunged directly at Robin.

Silver, with a mere wave of her hand, unleashed a surge of frost energy and created two icy pillars, targeting Dean. The chaotic battle had commenced in an instant, with countless auras flying all over the place and various magecrafts intertwined. The heavens and earth seemed to tremble amidst the chaos of the battle. The entire southern region appeared to be affected. In the void, continuous flashes of space-time rifts emerged.

The entire Demonia Mountain trembled as countless individuals stared intently in the direction of Lunarius Palace. Over a thousand cultivators engaged in a fierce battle. The air was thick with the palpable pulsations of spiritual energy. Every punch thrown and sword drawn by the cultivators was accompanied by a tremendous surge of spiritual power as if threatening to tear apart the very fabric of the universe. Their figures danced swiftly across the battlefield, elusive as specters. Each clash sparkled with dazzling bursts of energy, illuminating the entire battlefield.

The magical items and spiritual tools of the cultivators danced in the sky. Some streaked across the skies like shooting stars, others bore down with the weight of a massive mountain, while a few flickered uncertainly, as elusive as phantoms. Every clash of the magical items sent out a deafening boom, causing the ground to tremble.

The radiance of the magical items intertwined, creating a dazzling sea of light that enveloped the entire battlefield. The cries, roars, and incantations of the cultivators echoed back and forth, merging into a fervent symphony of battle. Their faces were etched with resolve and madness, each pair of eyes shimmering with a fiery glow as if they were ready to unleash all their power.

On the battlefield, dust was swirling while smoke filled the air. Each time a cultivator fell, a burst of blood blossomed, staining the land a vivid red.

However, those cultivators seemed tireless. They repeatedly picked themselves up and charged forward until they were completely drained of energy. A cultivator, brandishing a long sword, its blade shimmering with a cold light, moved like the wind, deftly weaving through the crowd of enemies. His swordsmanship was fluid and seamless, at times fast as lightning, at other times gentle as a willow’s flutter. Each swing of his sword stirred up a fierce gust, forcing the surrounding enemies to retreat several steps.

Meanwhile, another cultivator was brandishing a massive battle axe. His strength was remarkable, and every swing of his axe seemed to have the power to shake the earth. The battle axe traced fierce arcs in the air, stirring up currents that whipped the surrounding dust into a frenzy, creating a chaotic battlefield. Two cultivators crossed paths in mid-air, their sword and axe clashing with a deafening crash that seemed to make even the sky tremble. The shockwave produced by the collision rippled outward, forcing the surrounding cultivators to back away continuously. Around that area, the battles involving other cultivators were just as intense.

A few people had unleashed powerful spells, harnessing the energy of heaven and earth to create a sea of fire, an area of ice, or a storm of lightning, submerging their enemies within. Some relied on their exceptional agility, moving freely among the enemy ranks, seeking out vulnerabilities to deliver a fatal blow.

On the battlefield, the radiance of various spells intermingled, creating a dazzling tapestry of multicolored light. Within that curtain of light, the figures of the cultivators were faintly discernible, their every clash filled with thrill and excitement. As the battle raged on, more cultivators died. Many cultivators had managed to preserve their souls. Subsequently, under the leadership of Tessa, the members of Soul Demon Sect urgently began to reconstruct those cultivators’ physical bodies.

John watched as those cultivators died, his eyes reddening with intensity. The least I can do for the cultivators who died today is to kill Aiden! Aiden’s eyes were also blazing red. At that moment, both sides were caught up in a frenzied rage.

“Die!” John and Aiden had transformed into streaks of light, fiercely colliding with each other. At that point, they were intent on killing each other, leaving no room to back down.

Just as John and Aiden were about to collide, suddenly, it seemed as though everything around them had come to a halt. Following closely, a voice, seemingly from beyond the heavens, slowly echoed, “I’ve been in seclusion for centuries, and on the brink of my ascension to immortality, I’m disturbed by a band of ignorant brats. It’s downright outrageous. Do you all think because I haven’t shown my face for centuries, you all can just disregard me?”

Following that, an elder in a grey robe, with his hands behind his back, stood above the void. Everyone felt a sudden tightness in their chest, causing them to tumble down from mid-air.

Even Silver collapsed, her breath labored under the oppressive force, left with no choice but to kneel on one knee.

“Mr. Reyers?” Robin’s projection looked at the grey-robed elder in front of him with a sense of terror.

“You weren’t cultivating honestly, yet you brought out your spirit to join the fray. Return to whence you came.” The elderly man in the gray robe waved his hand lightly. A powerful surge of violet energy was unleashed from his hand, and in an instant, Robin’s projection vanished into thin air. At that moment, Robin, who was in seclusion, spat out fresh blood, his face ghastly pale.

“To think Mr. Reyers made an appearance. Damned it!” Robin wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. It seemed that all the time he had spent in secluded cultivation was a waste.

Back in Lunarius Palace, everyone felt the overwhelming pressure that shook the heavens and the earth. The void itself was trembling, accompanied by the howling of fierce winds. Many practitioners with low cultivation levels had already been rendered unconscious due to that overwhelming pressure.

Many of the cultivators were bowing their heads, shivering in fear. Even Dean and Silver, both of whom were Ultimate Realm Level One cultivators, paled with fear. Their eyes were filled with dread, and they dared not meet the gaze of Oskar.

John strained to lift his head, his gaze fixed on Oskar. He was eager to see what a person who governed such a vast region truly looked like.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
Chapter 3911 The Wager

John noticed that Oskar appeared to be nothing more than an ordinary-looking old man. However, the aura of authority Oskar exuded was not forced but rather naturally radiated from within him.

Oskar glanced toward John, causing John to lower his head subconsciously. Due to the overwhelming pressure casually exuded by Oskar, John felt as if he were under the weight of a mountain. He couldn’t help but tense up, resisting with all his might. The gaze of Oskar lingered on John for quite some time. His gaze slowly drifted away, then he spoke in a nonchalant tone.

“I don’t care about the reasons for your fights, but if you dare to engage in a large-scale battle again, you’ll all be dead.” Everyone was shaken, a chill running down their spines. Several cultivators were so terrified that they lost their wits, scared to death on the spot. Fortunately, their divine souls were still intact. As long as their physical bodies weren’t damaged, they could resurrect.

“Man, he’s impressive. He’s not even a true immortal yet and is only an Immortal Realm cultivator, but he’s already so formidable. Just wait until I find all my remains and restore my physical body. When that day comes, I’ll be far more impressive than him.” Vermilion Demon Lord wore an expression full of envy. At that moment, he too yearned to show off.

Back in the day, he had never given a second glance to those low-ranking cultivators. Ethereal Realm was merely a battleground for a demon lord like Vermilion Demon Lord. Demon lords like him simply didn’t care about the survival of those cultivators there, nor did they ever consider showing off in front of those cultivators. After all, when two powerful immortals engaged in a duel, they would always choose a lower-level plane. Even if they shattered the plane they had a fight in, they simply didn’t care. Ordinary cultivators inhabiting those planes were merely ants to those immortals, so even if those cultivators died, the immortals wouldn’t care. It was the survival of the fittest, and without strength, no one would care if someone survived or not.

“Shut up, and don’t cause me any trouble. I don’t want to die. You can talk about it when you’ve fully recovered and regained your strength.” John cautioned Vermilion Demon Lord. If I upset this Oskar, I’d probably die to a single slap of his! However, John’s worries were unnecessary. With the dissipation of the oppressive aura, Oskar had already departed. It wasn’t until Oskar had been gone for quite some time that everyone dared to rise and lift their heads slowly. With the oppressive force gone, everyone finally exhaled in relief.

At that moment, although both parties were glaring at each other in anger, not a single person dared to make a move. Even Oskar, who hadn’t shown his face for centuries, was provoked. Thus, if anyone dared to cause trouble again, Oskar would likely destroy them.

Resentfully, Aiden looked at John, but he dared not make another move. Moreover, he had taken a punch from John and was injured. Thus, he knew it was not the right time to retaliate. He was also incredibly worried when Robin’s projection vanished and was concerned that his father might be hurt. After all, if one were injured during that crucial period of secluded cultivation, it would mean all previous efforts had truly been in vain.

“Brat, you got lucky today, but don’t expect your luck to hold out forever. If you dare, meet me at the martial arts arena in Southedge City in a month’s time. If you have the guts to face me, I’ll be waiting for you. However, if you don’t, the Miller family will hold Lunarius Palace accountable.” With gritted teeth and an icy gaze, Aiden spoke. Even though he previously hadn’t given a second thought to John, at that moment, he proposed a wager to the later.

“Of course, I dare. A month from now, you won’t stand a chance against me.” John was brimming with confidence. He firmly believed that in a month’s time, he wouldn’t need to worry about Aiden’s Ultimate Realm Level One power.

“Good, you’ve got guts. I’ll be waiting for you.” After finishing his piece, Aiden dramatically exited, taking everyone from the Miller family with him. The battlefield, which was just recently in chaos, had become significantly quieter.


Golden Dragon True Form
Oct 4, 2023
Chapter 3911 The Wager

John noticed that Oskar appeared to be nothing more than an ordinary-looking old man. However, the aura of authority Oskar exuded was not forced but rather naturally radiated from within him.

Oskar glanced toward John, causing John to lower his head subconsciously. Due to the overwhelming pressure casually exuded by Oskar, John felt as if he were under the weight of a mountain. He couldn’t help but tense up, resisting with all his might. The gaze of Oskar lingered on John for quite some time. His gaze slowly drifted away, then he spoke in a nonchalant tone.

“I don’t care about the reasons for your fights, but if you dare to engage in a large-scale battle again, you’ll all be dead.” Everyone was shaken, a chill running down their spines. Several cultivators were so terrified that they lost their wits, scared to death on the spot. Fortunately, their divine souls were still intact. As long as their physical bodies weren’t damaged, they could resurrect.

“Man, he’s impressive. He’s not even a true immortal yet and is only an Immortal Realm cultivator, but he’s already so formidable. Just wait until I find all my remains and restore my physical body. When that day comes, I’ll be far more impressive than him.” Vermilion Demon Lord wore an expression full of envy. At that moment, he too yearned to show off.

Back in the day, he had never given a second glance to those low-ranking cultivators. Ethereal Realm was merely a battleground for a demon lord like Vermilion Demon Lord. Demon lords like him simply didn’t care about the survival of those cultivators there, nor did they ever consider showing off in front of those cultivators. After all, when two powerful immortals engaged in a duel, they would always choose a lower-level plane. Even if they shattered the plane they had a fight in, they simply didn’t care. Ordinary cultivators inhabiting those planes were merely ants to those immortals, so even if those cultivators died, the immortals wouldn’t care. It was the survival of the fittest, and without strength, no one would care if someone survived or not.

“Shut up, and don’t cause me any trouble. I don’t want to die. You can talk about it when you’ve fully recovered and regained your strength.” John cautioned Vermilion Demon Lord. If I upset this Oskar, I’d probably die to a single slap of his! However, John’s worries were unnecessary. With the dissipation of the oppressive aura, Oskar had already departed. It wasn’t until Oskar had been gone for quite some time that everyone dared to rise and lift their heads slowly. With the oppressive force gone, everyone finally exhaled in relief.

At that moment, although both parties were glaring at each other in anger, not a single person dared to make a move. Even Oskar, who hadn’t shown his face for centuries, was provoked. Thus, if anyone dared to cause trouble again, Oskar would likely destroy them.

Resentfully, Aiden looked at John, but he dared not make another move. Moreover, he had taken a punch from John and was injured. Thus, he knew it was not the right time to retaliate. He was also incredibly worried when Robin’s projection vanished and was concerned that his father might be hurt. After all, if one were injured during that crucial period of secluded cultivation, it would mean all previous efforts had truly been in vain.

“Brat, you got lucky today, but don’t expect your luck to hold out forever. If you dare, meet me at the martial arts arena in Southedge City in a month’s time. If you have the guts to face me, I’ll be waiting for you. However, if you don’t, the Miller family will hold Lunarius Palace accountable.” With gritted teeth and an icy gaze, Aiden spoke. Even though he previously hadn’t given a second thought to John, at that moment, he proposed a wager to the later.

“Of course, I dare. A month from now, you won’t stand a chance against me.” John was brimming with confidence. He firmly believed that in a month’s time, he wouldn’t need to worry about Aiden’s Ultimate Realm Level One power.

“Good, you’ve got guts. I’ll be waiting for you.” After finishing his piece, Aiden dramatically exited, taking everyone from the Miller family with him. The battlefield, which was just recently in chaos, had become significantly quieter.
I only hoped his cultivation level would have increased by that time. I also noticed something John is beginning to become overconfident and a little bit boastful of his powers.


Golden Dragon True Form
Oct 4, 2023
I think somethings are becoming omitted in this story, like John focus technique has the ability to absorb black mist, malicious spirits, phantoms, and other types of negative energy but why can't he absorb Aiden's own.


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 3906 Daisy, My Daisy

Aiden’s body gradually disappeared into the black mist, and the whole world around him began to darken. A dark aura completely engulfed John from all sides.

In the face of the rampant dark mist, the golden glow emanating from John flickered incessantly, akin to an unpredictable candle flame in the apocalypse. The golden dragon roared incessantly as though it intended to drive back the surrounding darkness. Everyone was on edge, watching intently.

At that moment, they could no longer see John and Aiden, let alone sense the aura of those two. The dark mist isolated the space John and Aiden were in, creating a small pocket in the world. With a flick of his wrist, John summoned the Divine Bow into his hand. Then, he drew back the bowstring, and an arrow materialized on the Divine Bow. John had utilized the Divine Bow, but he dared not be careless. After all, Aiden had also unleashed his full strength.

“Hmph! Do you think a mere broken bow can harm me?” Aiden’s eyes were filled with a thick, murderous intent as he scoffed. Harrowing roars echoed around the black mist.

Upon realizing that Aiden didn’t know what the Divine Bow was, John felt an overwhelming surge of elation well up within him. At that point, he had utilized the Divine Bow, yet no one outside could see it. Thus, his possession of the Divine Bow remained undiscovered. Even if Aiden could see John’s weapon, he was unaware that the bow was the Divine Bow. Hence, John had no need for any concerns.

As John drew the Divine Bow, the Dragon Bell was spinning above his head, ready to block any incoming attacks for him at any moment. Had it not been for the injury suffered by Daisy, the sword spirit of the Dragonslayer Sword, the sword would have remained John’s most prized weapon. Without the support of Daisy, John’s Dragonslayer Sword was merely an ordinary divine weapon. Thus, when John encountered a formidable opponent, he had no choice but to resort to the Divine Bow. However, the fact that he couldn’t use that powerful weapon in public deeply frustrated him.

John drew back the Divine Bow, and upon the arrow he had formed, flames ignited.

Whoosh! The moment John released his grip, the arrow took flight, transforming into a myriad of arrow lights in mid-air. Meanwhile, John was hot on the heels, heading toward Aiden.

Seeing that John did not flee at the sight of his full might and even dared to continue the battle, Aiden revealed a cruel smile.

“John, is this all you’ve got?” After Aiden finished speaking, he instantly transformed into a cloud of black mist, heading toward John. Accompanying him was a multitude of malicious spirits, formed from the black mist, baring their teeth and claws as they launched their attack. It was evident that Aiden was determined to go head-to-head with John. After all, with the power of Ultimate Realm Level One, if one were to fight against a Fourth Level Tribulator cultivator and still needed to dodge, that would be utterly embarrassing.

Boom! Countless beams of arrow light clashed with the innumerable malicious spirits. One by one, the malicious spirits were vanquished, their roars fading into the void.

Meanwhile, streaks of arrow light vanished into the darkness. The golden dragon atop John’s head was ceaselessly roaring, spewing flames that engulfed the relentless, malicious spirits one by one.

John relentlessly fired arrows with his bow while Aiden continuously summoned malicious spirits to launch an attack by waving his hands. The two individuals were steadily closing the gap between them while combating each other.

“Do you intend to fight until we’re both out of aura and then clash with nothing but raw physical strength?” It seemed Aiden had realized John’s intentions.

“You don’t dare to fight with me physically?” John spoke in a tone dripping with sarcasm. In reality, John had that plan in mind. After all, Aiden possessed the strength of Ultimate Realm Level One. Though John wasn’t afraid of fighting with Aiden using the various auras in his body, he wasn’t entirely confident of his victory. If he could fight without using his aura and relying solely on the pure strength of his physical body, he was confident he could win against Aiden. After all, John’s body had undergone countless refinements.

“Hmph! There are countless ways I could use to destroy you, but you won’t have the luxury to choose. You want to fight me with physical strength, but I simply refuse to go along with that! Sure, I’m the heir of a prominent family, but I’m not a fool. I won’t fall for your tricks.” Surprisingly, Aiden ceased his charge toward John.
Whether you ceased your charge or not, you'll feel the wrath of the Golden Dragon


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
I think somethings are becoming omitted in this story, like John focus technique has the ability to absorb black mist, malicious spirits, phantoms, and other types of negative energy but why can't he absorb Aiden's own.
One thing you are forgetting is that, John needs so much to go up a level. Focus Technique won't be of much now that he requires ten times resources.

What's the point of using focus Technique is the resource are just insignificant


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 3911 The Wager

John noticed that Oskar appeared to be nothing more than an ordinary-looking old man. However, the aura of authority Oskar exuded was not forced but rather naturally radiated from within him.

Oskar glanced toward John, causing John to lower his head subconsciously. Due to the overwhelming pressure casually exuded by Oskar, John felt as if he were under the weight of a mountain. He couldn’t help but tense up, resisting with all his might. The gaze of Oskar lingered on John for quite some time. His gaze slowly drifted away, then he spoke in a nonchalant tone.

“I don’t care about the reasons for your fights, but if you dare to engage in a large-scale battle again, you’ll all be dead.” Everyone was shaken, a chill running down their spines. Several cultivators were so terrified that they lost their wits, scared to death on the spot. Fortunately, their divine souls were still intact. As long as their physical bodies weren’t damaged, they could resurrect.

“Man, he’s impressive. He’s not even a true immortal yet and is only an Immortal Realm cultivator, but he’s already so formidable. Just wait until I find all my remains and restore my physical body. When that day comes, I’ll be far more impressive than him.” Vermilion Demon Lord wore an expression full of envy. At that moment, he too yearned to show off.

Back in the day, he had never given a second glance to those low-ranking cultivators. Ethereal Realm was merely a battleground for a demon lord like Vermilion Demon Lord. Demon lords like him simply didn’t care about the survival of those cultivators there, nor did they ever consider showing off in front of those cultivators. After all, when two powerful immortals engaged in a duel, they would always choose a lower-level plane. Even if they shattered the plane they had a fight in, they simply didn’t care. Ordinary cultivators inhabiting those planes were merely ants to those immortals, so even if those cultivators died, the immortals wouldn’t care. It was the survival of the fittest, and without strength, no one would care if someone survived or not.

“Shut up, and don’t cause me any trouble. I don’t want to die. You can talk about it when you’ve fully recovered and regained your strength.” John cautioned Vermilion Demon Lord. If I upset this Oskar, I’d probably die to a single slap of his! However, John’s worries were unnecessary. With the dissipation of the oppressive aura, Oskar had already departed. It wasn’t until Oskar had been gone for quite some time that everyone dared to rise and lift their heads slowly. With the oppressive force gone, everyone finally exhaled in relief.

At that moment, although both parties were glaring at each other in anger, not a single person dared to make a move. Even Oskar, who hadn’t shown his face for centuries, was provoked. Thus, if anyone dared to cause trouble again, Oskar would likely destroy them.

Resentfully, Aiden looked at John, but he dared not make another move. Moreover, he had taken a punch from John and was injured. Thus, he knew it was not the right time to retaliate. He was also incredibly worried when Robin’s projection vanished and was concerned that his father might be hurt. After all, if one were injured during that crucial period of secluded cultivation, it would mean all previous efforts had truly been in vain.

“Brat, you got lucky today, but don’t expect your luck to hold out forever. If you dare, meet me at the martial arts arena in Southedge City in a month’s time. If you have the guts to face me, I’ll be waiting for you. However, if you don’t, the Miller family will hold Lunarius Palace accountable.” With gritted teeth and an icy gaze, Aiden spoke. Even though he previously hadn’t given a second thought to John, at that moment, he proposed a wager to the later.

“Of course, I dare. A month from now, you won’t stand a chance against me.” John was brimming with confidence. He firmly believed that in a month’s time, he wouldn’t need to worry about Aiden’s Ultimate Realm Level One power.

“Good, you’ve got guts. I’ll be waiting for you.” After finishing his piece, Aiden dramatically exited, taking everyone from the Miller family with him. The battlefield, which was just recently in chaos, had become significantly quieter.
Oskar definitely knew John's identity that's why he left.


Golden Dragon True Form
Oct 4, 2023
One thing you are forgetting is that, John needs so much to go up a level. Focus Technique won't be of much now that he requires ten times resources.

What's the point of using focus Technique is the resource are just insignificant
Aiden's phantom is not insignificant infact he had to beg the celestial devourer to help him


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
Chapter 3912 The Ambush

After quite a while, everyone finally came to their senses. The sudden appearance of the governor immediately plunged everyone into a state of deep thought.

“Everyone take a two-day rest at Lunarius Palace. As for those who were injured, I’ll make it my priority to prepare the pills as quickly as possible. Soul Demon Sect would also hasten the physical body restoration of the remaining soul cultivators!” John announced to the crowd. “Thank you all…” Silver greeted everyone present with a bow. Although these individuals had initially targeted John, they had indeed sustained injuries, and even made sacrifices, in their efforts to protect Lunarius Palace.

“Ms. Silver, there’s no need for formalities. Please take extra care in settling everyone in! I need to recover as quickly as possible. This battle has taken a huge toll on me!” John had followed Aiden into battle, exhausting nearly every ounce of their energy and vitality! He had to recover as quickly as possible, and then find a way to elevate himself to a new cultivation level within a month. If I don’t improve, judging by my current abilities, I’m afraid I won’t be so lucky when competing against Aiden. By then, there was no guarantee that the little Celestial Devourer would show up, and even the governor might not make an appearance.

“Go ahead, don’t worry about things here. I’ll take good care of everyone,” John assured Silver. Silver gave a slight nod. After arriving at the back courtyard of Lunarius Palace, John subsequently sat cross-legged in his room, restoring the various energies within his body, especially the three kinds of demonic fires within him. At this point, the demonic fires within John had significantly weakened.

As John was recuperating, he continuously nurtured those three types of demonic fires.

At the same exact moment, thousands of miles away at the headquarters of Demon Seal Alliance. The leader, Havoc, sat in his chair with a cold and stern expression. “Mr. Benji, John White has been causing quite a stir in the southern region. He’s even leading thousands of disciples into the fray alongside the Miller family. The entire Demonia Mountain was nearly obliterated, signs of collapse were evident in the void of the southern region. Finally, the governor of the southern region was drawn out, and only then was the conflict quelled,” Harvey reported to Havoc.

“What? The southern region’s governor has shown himself?” Havoc’s eyebrows furrowed.

“Centuries have passed. I thought they had ascended to the celestial realm long ago. I didn’t expect them to still be in the realm of mortals.” Havoc felt a pressure within him. He had established the Demon Seal Alliance, spreading its influence across the entire Ethereal Realm. However, his aim was not to slay demons and vanquish evil, but to rule over Ethereal Realm. What he desired was to control the entire celestial realm, not just a single region! Now that the governor of the southern region had emerged, Havoc’s ambition to dominate the entire Ethereal Realm might not be so easy to realize.

“Notify all regional powers. John must be eliminated without mercy. As soon as he leaves the southern region, he must not be allowed to survive.” Havoc gritted his teeth as he spoke.

In the southern region, the various clans were relatively harmonious, and the power of Demon Seal Alliance happened to be the lowest in the southern region. The southern region had the highest concentration of Demonic Cultivators. However, even the Demon Seal Alliance didn’t dare to recklessly slaughter these cultivators on the Demonia Mountain of the southern region. All they could do now was wait for John to leave the southern region, then they could finally corner him.

“I understand!” Harvey nodded in agreement.

“Also, regarding the Miller family from the southern region, see if we can collaborate. I want you to personally handle the discussions. John has managed to rally thousands of cultivators in the southern region. We mustn’t underestimate this man,” Havoc added.

“Good!” Harvey nodded again, then proceeded to say, “Mr. Benji, we’ve recently sent out several groups of Demonic Cultivators, but none of them have been successful in eliminating John. Astonishingly, some have even been persuaded to switch sides by John. Should we continue to send Demonic Cultivators after him?”

“No more, these guys are all hypocrites. They’re not genuinely submissive, none of them are willing to give their all.” Havoc casually waved his hand and said. The envoys dispatched from the Soulless Hall, not only failed to eliminate John, but now they had all become John’s accomplices.

“I’m off to alert the various factions, then I’ll head to the Miller family in the southern region to discuss a collaboration.” After Harvey finished speaking, he turned around and left.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
He will. They might even become jealous of John as John is the chosen one. He is also yet to find out about the other regiments. So it is going to be interesting. But before that John will have to deal with Demon Seal Alliance and then rescue Miranda.
we shall see


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
Chapter 3913 Take A Look

Two days swiftly passed by. At Lunarius Palace, John’s body had also mostly recovered, with three kinds of demonic fires hovering before him, each bursting with distinct flames. Compared to two days ago, these three types of demonic fires had clearly become much stronger.

The three types of demonic fires are impressive in their own right, but if they could be merged, it would be perfection. John gazed at the three types of demonic fires before him and let out a soft sigh. Each type of demonic fire was powerful in its own right, yet they could not be fused.

Although the three demonic fires resided within John, they were found within the fire nascence star. However, the three demonic fires couldn’t merge. If they could blend with the Power of Three that John had merged, it would be perfect. After all, the fusion was bound to result in something formidable.

“Mr. Vermilion, do you know how to merge different types of demonic fires?” John turned to Vermillion Demon Lord and asked. After all, he was a great demon lord, worldly and experienced, so John reckoned he should know better.

“How would I know? You should ask Fire Demon Lord or Fire Spirit Lord. They might have the answers!” Vermillion Demon Lord said.

“They’re all at celestial realm. How am I supposed to ask them?” John was at a loss for words. Realizing he wouldn’t be able to get answers out of Vermillion Demon Lord, John simply got up and walked out.

“Mr. White, have you recovered?” Dahlia had been waiting outside the door all along. Upon seeing John emerge, she hurriedly asked him a question.

“Right, I’m fine now.” John nodded.

“Prepare the mystical herb for me immediately. I need to concoct some pills and then distribute them.”

“All sorts of mystical herbs have been prepared by Ms. Silver in advance. We’ve been waiting for your recovery, Mr. White,” Dahlia said.

John nodded, then began to concoct the pills. In just half a day, John had managed to concoct over a thousand pills and distribute them. Inside the grand hall of Lunarius Palace, everyone was gathered together. Now that the matter had been resolved, the others were planning to leave as well. After all, everyone had been mobilized. If any other sects or prestigious families harbored ill intentions at this time, their home base would be done for.

“Mr. White, if there’s nothing else, we should head home. We can’t leave our homes unattended, you know.” Denzel spoke to John.

“Right, it’s been several days without anyone around. Let’s not give people something else to worry about,” Chase also chimed in.

“I’ll take you guys back,” John said.

“Polar has an airship. This way it’ll be faster!” After John finished speaking, he looked at Silver and said, “Ms. Silver, the Miller family probably wouldn’t dare to mess with Lunarius Palace for a while. This is the perfect opportunity for Lunarius Palace to develop as much as possible.” With the acquisition of the polar stone mine, all Lunarius Palace needed was time for it to rapidly grow and flourish.

“Aren’t you going to stay a few more days?” Silver asked, a hint of reluctance in her eyes. Gently holding John’s hand, Silver fought back the tears that were on the brink of spilling out. Her fondness for John was truly growing by the day. Had it not been for the heavy responsibility of overseeing Lunarius Palace, she would have given herself to John a long time ago. Silver desired to be John’s woman.

“I’ve been in the southern region for such a long time. It’s about time go back to check on things. Besides, it’s not like I won’t be back. In a month, I’ll return and give that Aiden a piece of my mind!” John said with a laugh.

“Okay, then. Take care on your journey,” Silver finally said and let go of John’s hand.

“By the way, I wonder if you know where I can find a technique to merge the demonic fires?” John recalled that his three types of demonic fires couldn’t merge, so he consulted Silver.

“Merging the demonic fires?” Silver was taken aback, then shook her head, “We all practice frost-based cultivation techniques, so I have no idea where one could find techniques to merge demonic fires. However, you could try asking the sects that practice fire-related cultivation techniques. They might know something,” she suggested. “However, it seems that in the entire southern region, only the Miller family practiced the fire-related cultivation techniques.”

Upon hearing this, a slight frown creased John’s forehead. He couldn’t possibly go to the Miller family to ask, and it was also impossible they would tell him anything.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023

Chapter 3914 Imperial Fox City

“Mr. White, Violet Flame Sect from the central region also practices fire-based techniques, and throughout the entire Ethereal Realm, their fire techniques are probably the strongest. Moreover, Violet Flame Sect is located at the very heart of the Ethereal Realm, where it’s perpetually sweltering. Surrounded by deserts, it’s an ideal place for cultivating fire-based techniques. They might even know how to create demonic fire,” Miles Spicer said while following John.

“Violet Flame Sect?” John had never heard of this sect before, nor was he familiar with any of its members. Would they just readily share their techniques if he were to ask them outright?

“Mr. White, we could go to the Max residence and ask my Uncle Lawrence. Perhaps he has some connections with this Violet Flame Sect!” Polar noticed John’s dilemma, so he spoke up.

Upon hearing this, a light sparked in John’s eyes. He had completely forgotten about the Max family! However, every time John thought about visiting the Max residence, he couldn’t help but recall the Max sisters, Linden and London. After all, that was John’s first time sleeping with twin sisters.

At that moment, Catlin spoke up. “Forget about going to the Max residence; just ask me. I’m acquainted with an elder from Violet Flame Sect.”

“How did you come to know each other?” John asked curiously.

“Mr. White, Fox Queen is quite renowned in the central region. There’s no one in the entire region who doesn’t know about Imperial Fox City,” Monkey Archon chimed in from the side. Upon hearing this, John was immediately taken aback as he looked at Catlin in surprise.

“You stay in the central region?”

“Of course, what else did you think? That we were all in the southern region? The southern region alone couldn’t possibly accommodate five of the three kings and four archons,” Catlin said with a laugh.

John thought about it and realized it made sense. Although the southern region was vast, having five out of the three kings and four archons residing there was bound to create conflicts. The northern region was a good example as there were only Yuri and Lucas there, yet they still had to secretly wrestle for power.

John nodded and said, “All right, there’s no time to lose. Let’s go now!” After bidding farewell to Silver, John and his companions departed on their airship. Then, throughout the journey, the airship began dropping everyone back home.

Once they reached Blood Spirit Valley, Denzel, along with Miles Spicer, Malik, and the others, disembarked from the airship. At that point, only John, Phoenix, Catlin, and Polar remained. As John gazed upon the endless expanse of Demonia Mountain, he was filled with deep emotion. His journey to Demonia Mountain this time had been quite fruitful! Not only was he now a Fourth Level Tribulator, but he had also tamed a small Celestial Devourer. Moreover, he had even obtained the soul remnant of the great demon lord, Vermilion Demon Lord! Besides that, he had obtained demonic fire soul essence, the Infinitus Token, grasped time nascence, and mastered Blazing Stride… He even found out news of Baal, Old-Geezer, and Daddy-O!

The airship gradually moved further away, and soon, Demonia Mountain was engulfed in white mist. John’s eyes were filled with reluctance.

Seeing John in that state, Phoenix approached and teased him lightheartedly, “Master, seeing you so upset, could it be that you’re missing your beloved Ms. Silver? It seems like you two haven’t slept yet, right? Could it be that that’s exactly why you miss her even more?”

“I think he’s missing Ms. Summers. Didn’t you see when he left? Poor Ms. Summers was crying as if her world was ending,” Catlin piped up.

John glanced at Catlin and Phoenix, giving them a slight smile.

“What’s the matter? Are you two feeling jealous?”

“Pfft, jealous? With the number of women you have, if I were the jealous type, I would be a green-eyed monster by now.” Catlin rolled her eyes.

John, on the other hand, took Catlin and Phoenix by the hand, leading them into the airship’s cabin. The sounds of playful commotion could be heard shortly after. Polar, piloting the airship, had long since grown used to their antics and was unfazed. After all, it would take two full days for the airship to reach Imperial Fox City. Given such a long duration, it was impossible for John to remain indifferent in the presence of two beautiful women. It wasn’t until the airship reached the skies above Imperial Fox City that John, accompanied by Catlin and Phoenix, finally emerged from the room. There was no denying John had incredible stamina!


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
Chapter 3915 The Banquet

Upon seeing John step out, Cloud informed him, “Mr. White, we’re almost at Imperial Fox City!” John nodded, then moved closer to the porthole. Indeed, a city had appeared before him.

The city was vast, its expanse not any smaller than that of Imperial Beast City. Catlin, her legs aching slightly, walked over and asked with a smug expression, “Well, what do you think? My city isn’t small, is it? From now on, you will be the master of this city!” Catlin leaned against John’s shoulder, gazing down at Imperial Fox City as she spoke.

John had never imagined that Catlin, a Seventh Level Tribulator, could actually conquer such a vast expanse of territory. The airship gently descended onto a plaza in Imperial Fox City. A large group of beastmen had gathered around, seemingly very unfamiliar and curious about the airship.

“Move away! Everyone, move aside…” Following that loud roar, a squad of soldiers clad in armor charged forward, encircling the airship. One of them, donned in a golden helmet and gripping a longsword, was warily watching the airship.

Pointing at the person wearing the golden helmet, Catlin explained, “This is my guard captain, Maddox!” John glanced at Maddox and casually remarked, “He’s stronger than you. Do you really think he’d willingly let you boss him around?”

“Hehe, and that’s why I’m amazing,” she said. With a smile, Catlin instructed Polar to open the airship’s cabin door. Upon seeing the cabin door swing open, Maddox instantly became alert. However, when he recognized it was Catlin descending, his eyes instantly lit up.

“Fox Queen, you’re back!” Maddox hurriedly stepped forward, assisting Catlin as she descended.

Upon witnessing the scene, those around immediately fell to their knees, exclaiming in unison, “Long live Fox Queen!” Noticing John and the others appeared somewhat stunned, Catlin urged with a smile, “Come on down, you guys!”

John, accompanied by Polar and Phoenix, finally disembarked from the airship.

“Fox Queen, who are these people?” Maddox watched John and his group, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.

“They are my friends!” Catlin replied. Maddox didn’t say anything else but instead ordered his men to prepare the carriage to return to the palace. Catlin’s palace was far more lavish than Yuri’s. After all, females loved beautiful things!

That evening, Catlin hosted a grand party for John, Polar, and Phoenix. There was no doubting Catlin led a luxurious life in Imperial Fox City. After all, as the queen of the city, she ruled supreme. She could do whatever she wanted here.

At the banquet, Catlin turned to Maddox and asked, “Maddox, while I was away, did anyone from the Foster family cause any trouble?”

“Fox Queen, the Foster family hasn’t caused any trouble. They seem to be preparing for something these past few days and have been gathering their forces. I think they’re searching for someone named John White. I heard that the Demon Seal Alliance issued a Decree of Execution, and they’re even willing to reward a hundred- year offering. Right now, the entire Foster family is preoccupied with this matter. I even heard that an elder from the Demon Seal Alliance personally visited the Foster family, likely regarding the same matter,” Maddox said.

Upon hearing this, Catlin subtly glanced at John, then asked, “Where’s Winona? I haven’t seen her since I returned.”

“Winona has been out of town for quite a few days now, gathering herbs. She should be returning soon!” Maddox responded.

Catlin simply nodded, choosing not to say anything further. After the banquet had ended, John, driven by curiosity, turned to Catlin and asked, “What’s the connection between you and the Foster family? And who is this Winona?”

“The Foster family is considered a prominent clan in the central region. Moreover, they are a vassal family of the Demon Seal Alliance. They have attempted to collaborate with my Imperial Fox City on numerous occasions. However, I have never agreed. The Demon Seal Alliance is no good, and now that they’ve issued a Decree of Execution on you, there’s no way I’ll collaborate with them. As for Winona, she’s a maid who has been with me since my childhood. She took care of me, and what’s more, her medical skills are quite impressive,” Catlin meticulously explained.


First level Tribulator
Sep 19, 2023
Chapter 3915 The Banquet

Upon seeing John step out, Cloud informed him, “Mr. White, we’re almost at Imperial Fox City!” John nodded, then moved closer to the porthole. Indeed, a city had appeared before him.

The city was vast, its expanse not any smaller than that of Imperial Beast City. Catlin, her legs aching slightly, walked over and asked with a smug expression, “Well, what do you think? My city isn’t small, is it? From now on, you will be the master of this city!” Catlin leaned against John’s shoulder, gazing down at Imperial Fox City as she spoke.

John had never imagined that Catlin, a Seventh Level Tribulator, could actually conquer such a vast expanse of territory. The airship gently descended onto a plaza in Imperial Fox City. A large group of beastmen had gathered around, seemingly very unfamiliar and curious about the airship.

“Move away! Everyone, move aside…” Following that loud roar, a squad of soldiers clad in armor charged forward, encircling the airship. One of them, donned in a golden helmet and gripping a longsword, was warily watching the airship.

Pointing at the person wearing the golden helmet, Catlin explained, “This is my guard captain, Maddox!” John glanced at Maddox and casually remarked, “He’s stronger than you. Do you really think he’d willingly let you boss him around?”

“Hehe, and that’s why I’m amazing,” she said. With a smile, Catlin instructed Polar to open the airship’s cabin door. Upon seeing the cabin door swing open, Maddox instantly became alert. However, when he recognized it was Catlin descending, his eyes instantly lit up.

“Fox Queen, you’re back!” Maddox hurriedly stepped forward, assisting Catlin as she descended.

Upon witnessing the scene, those around immediately fell to their knees, exclaiming in unison, “Long live Fox Queen!” Noticing John and the others appeared somewhat stunned, Catlin urged with a smile, “Come on down, you guys!”

John, accompanied by Polar and Phoenix, finally disembarked from the airship.

“Fox Queen, who are these people?” Maddox watched John and his group, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.

“They are my friends!” Catlin replied. Maddox didn’t say anything else but instead ordered his men to prepare the carriage to return to the palace. Catlin’s palace was far more lavish than Yuri’s. After all, females loved beautiful things!

That evening, Catlin hosted a grand party for John, Polar, and Phoenix. There was no doubting Catlin led a luxurious life in Imperial Fox City. After all, as the queen of the city, she ruled supreme. She could do whatever she wanted here.

At the banquet, Catlin turned to Maddox and asked, “Maddox, while I was away, did anyone from the Foster family cause any trouble?”

“Fox Queen, the Foster family hasn’t caused any trouble. They seem to be preparing for something these past few days and have been gathering their forces. I think they’re searching for someone named John White. I heard that the Demon Seal Alliance issued a Decree of Execution, and they’re even willing to reward a hundred- year offering. Right now, the entire Foster family is preoccupied with this matter. I even heard that an elder from the Demon Seal Alliance personally visited the Foster family, likely regarding the same matter,” Maddox said.

Upon hearing this, Catlin subtly glanced at John, then asked, “Where’s Winona? I haven’t seen her since I returned.”

“Winona has been out of town for quite a few days now, gathering herbs. She should be returning soon!” Maddox responded.

Catlin simply nodded, choosing not to say anything further. After the banquet had ended, John, driven by curiosity, turned to Catlin and asked, “What’s the connection between you and the Foster family? And who is this Winona?”

“The Foster family is considered a prominent clan in the central region. Moreover, they are a vassal family of the Demon Seal Alliance. They have attempted to collaborate with my Imperial Fox City on numerous occasions. However, I have never agreed. The Demon Seal Alliance is no good, and now that they’ve issued a Decree of Execution on you, there’s no way I’ll collaborate with them. As for Winona, she’s a maid who has been with me since my childhood. She took care of me, and what’s more, her medical skills are quite impressive,” Catlin meticulously explained.
hope John will not put this beast city into trouble


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 3915 The Banquet

Upon seeing John step out, Cloud informed him, “Mr. White, we’re almost at Imperial Fox City!” John nodded, then moved closer to the porthole. Indeed, a city had appeared before him.

The city was vast, its expanse not any smaller than that of Imperial Beast City. Catlin, her legs aching slightly, walked over and asked with a smug expression, “Well, what do you think? My city isn’t small, is it? From now on, you will be the master of this city!” Catlin leaned against John’s shoulder, gazing down at Imperial Fox City as she spoke.

John had never imagined that Catlin, a Seventh Level Tribulator, could actually conquer such a vast expanse of territory. The airship gently descended onto a plaza in Imperial Fox City. A large group of beastmen had gathered around, seemingly very unfamiliar and curious about the airship.

“Move away! Everyone, move aside…” Following that loud roar, a squad of soldiers clad in armor charged forward, encircling the airship. One of them, donned in a golden helmet and gripping a longsword, was warily watching the airship.

Pointing at the person wearing the golden helmet, Catlin explained, “This is my guard captain, Maddox!” John glanced at Maddox and casually remarked, “He’s stronger than you. Do you really think he’d willingly let you boss him around?”

“Hehe, and that’s why I’m amazing,” she said. With a smile, Catlin instructed Polar to open the airship’s cabin door. Upon seeing the cabin door swing open, Maddox instantly became alert. However, when he recognized it was Catlin descending, his eyes instantly lit up.

“Fox Queen, you’re back!” Maddox hurriedly stepped forward, assisting Catlin as she descended.

Upon witnessing the scene, those around immediately fell to their knees, exclaiming in unison, “Long live Fox Queen!” Noticing John and the others appeared somewhat stunned, Catlin urged with a smile, “Come on down, you guys!”

John, accompanied by Polar and Phoenix, finally disembarked from the airship.

“Fox Queen, who are these people?” Maddox watched John and his group, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.

“They are my friends!” Catlin replied. Maddox didn’t say anything else but instead ordered his men to prepare the carriage to return to the palace. Catlin’s palace was far more lavish than Yuri’s. After all, females loved beautiful things!

That evening, Catlin hosted a grand party for John, Polar, and Phoenix. There was no doubting Catlin led a luxurious life in Imperial Fox City. After all, as the queen of the city, she ruled supreme. She could do whatever she wanted here.

At the banquet, Catlin turned to Maddox and asked, “Maddox, while I was away, did anyone from the Foster family cause any trouble?”

“Fox Queen, the Foster family hasn’t caused any trouble. They seem to be preparing for something these past few days and have been gathering their forces. I think they’re searching for someone named John White. I heard that the Demon Seal Alliance issued a Decree of Execution, and they’re even willing to reward a hundred- year offering. Right now, the entire Foster family is preoccupied with this matter. I even heard that an elder from the Demon Seal Alliance personally visited the Foster family, likely regarding the same matter,” Maddox said.

Upon hearing this, Catlin subtly glanced at John, then asked, “Where’s Winona? I haven’t seen her since I returned.”

“Winona has been out of town for quite a few days now, gathering herbs. She should be returning soon!” Maddox responded.

Catlin simply nodded, choosing not to say anything further. After the banquet had ended, John, driven by curiosity, turned to Catlin and asked, “What’s the connection between you and the Foster family? And who is this Winona?”

“The Foster family is considered a prominent clan in the central region. Moreover, they are a vassal family of the Demon Seal Alliance. They have attempted to collaborate with my Imperial Fox City on numerous occasions. However, I have never agreed. The Demon Seal Alliance is no good, and now that they’ve issued a Decree of Execution on you, there’s no way I’ll collaborate with them. As for Winona, she’s a maid who has been with me since my childhood. She took care of me, and what’s more, her medical skills are quite impressive,” Catlin meticulously explained.
Thank you very much Immortal Gily.


Eight Level Body Fusion Realm - Virgin Sect
Sep 17, 2023
Thanks Immortal Gily. Since the resources are lacking in Levi and Dustin story, this is where we get all our energy to move ahead with our cultivation.


First level Tribulator
Sep 19, 2023
Thanks Immortal Gily. Since the resources are lacking in Levi and Dustin story, this is where we get all our energy to move ahead with our cultivation.
yeah I have John here take care of the new sex sect members and immortal Gily have done great help for the sex sect as expected of immortal elders of sex sect 🙌🤗😉😋

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