The Dragon Man's Decree - Translated by GILY

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Author: Unknown
Type: Action and Adventure
Posted : 07 October 2023
Status: Ongoing

John White is furious that someone has tried to make an advance on his girlfriend. In the end, he ends up behind bars after his attempt to protect her. Three years later, he is a free man but finds out that that girlfriend of his has married the man who hit on her back then. John will not let things slide. Thankfully, he has learned Focus Technique during his time in prison. At that, he embarks on the journey of cultivation and is accompanied by a gorgeous Miranda. Who would have thought this would enrage his ex-girlfriend?


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
Chapter 3916 The Betrayal

As John was engaged in conversation with Catlin, a figure suddenly darted past outside Catlin’s room. “There’s someone outside!”

In an instant, John rose to his feet and pursued the figure. Catlin was right on his heels. She was astonished to find that someone had the audacity to spy on her from outside her room, right here in her palace. It was as if they had a death wish!

The moment John and Catlin started running in pursuit, the shadowy figure unexpectedly collapsed. When John and Catlin caught up, they were surprised to discover that it was actually a woman! The woman was covered in wounds, clearly indicating she had suffered severe injuries.

Upon seeing the woman, Catlin instantly gasped in surprise. “MMzuri?”

“Do you know her?” John asked. Catlin slightly furrowed her brows, saying, “She’s my personal attendant.” John immediately picked up Mzuri and returned to Catlin’s room.

After a thorough examination, John shook his head.

“The injuries are too severe, and her divine soul is damaged. I don’t think I can save her.”

“How could this happen? Who would dare to harm my personal attendant?” Fury was etched deeply on Catlin’s face.

“John, can you wake her up? I need to ask who exactly did this to her.”

“I’ll try!” John nodded, then directed a surge of spiritual energy into Mzuri’s body. Then, he retrieved a rejuvenating pill from his storage ring, gently placing it into the woman’s mouth. A moment later, Mzuri slowly opened her eyes.

Upon seeing that, Catlin hastily voiced her question, “Mzuri, who did this to you?”

“Fox Queen… I-It was Maddox. You need to run. He has teamed up with the Foster family… and was just waiting for you to return so he could make his move against you. I risked my life to tell you this. You need… to leave quickly! Winona didn’t go to gather herbs; she’s being locked up in the water prison! P-Please, run…” After Mzuri finished speaking, her head lolled to the side as she drew her last breath.

Catlin listened to Mzuri’s words, her entire being filled with shock and confusion. She couldn’t believe it – Maddox had actually betrayed her! John stared at Catlin, at a loss for words. As a queen, she had to possess undeniable strength. After all, this was the Ethereal Realm, a place where power was revered, and there were no rules to speak of! This wasn’t the mundane world, where one could ascend to the position of mayor and manage an entire city, not necessarily through true capabilities, but rather through flattery and sycophancy.

Even if the subordinates were highly skilled, it was useless. No one dared to rebel. This was because the mundane world had its set of well established rules, and these rules were designed to keep the common people in line. But in the Ethereal Realm, there were no such rules, and strength spoke louder than words.

“Maddox… I must kill him. I absolutely must!” Catlin roared.

“Fox Queen, if you want to kill me, you better have the skills to do it!” Following a cold scoff, the door to Catlin’s room was kicked open. Maddox had brought along a multitude of guards to surround Catlin’s room.

Upon seeing Maddox, Catlin’s eyes were filled with fury. “Maddox, how dare you betray me?”

“Why wouldn’t I dare? The Foster family and I have already reached an agreement. Once Imperial Fox City joins the Demon Seal Alliance, they will provide us with various resources when the time comes. Did you really think you could continue to rule the entire Imperial Fox City with just the strength of a Seventh Level Tribulator? The only reason I was willing to listen to you was because I wanted to practice dual cultivation with you. In the end, it wouldn’t matter who ended up ruling Imperial Fox City. But after all these years, you wouldn’t even let me hold your hand, and I finally came to understand that you never intend to be with me. If that’s the case, I might as well rebel.”

Pausing briefly, he went on, “Now that I’m a Ninth Level Tribulator, the entire city is mine to command. If you behave obediently, I can ensure you still live a life of luxury. If you refuse to listen, then don’t blame me for not being polite anymore…” Maddox’s expression was twisted into a vicious and smug smile. Catlin looked at Maddox, her fury growing.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
Chapter 3917 Nothing But A Brute

At that moment, Polar and Phoenix rushed over from next door, but Maddox was not afraid. After all, none of these individuals had a higher cultivation level than him.

After hearing Maddox’s words, John laughed and turned to Catlin, saying, “And you said you were amazing? Relying solely on your looks to charm men may work for a while, but over time, they’ll see through it. If you really want to have influence over someone, you need to show your strength.”

Catlin shot John a glare, then huffed out in annoyance, “You’re still making fun of me? Someone is going to take advantage of your woman. Aren’t you angry?”

“What’s there to be upset about? This just shows that my woman is attractive. Many have coveted the women by my side; it’s just a pity that they’re all dead now!”

After John finished speaking, he turned his gaze to Maddox and said, “You’re but a mere Ninth Level Tribulator, yet you dare to lay a hand on my woman?”

Maddox’s brows furrowed, his gaze fixated on John as he repeated, “Your woman?”

“Yep. Your queen is now my woman. Technically speaking, I should be considered the royal consort. Aren’t you going to kneel in my presence?” John said with a playful expression on his face.

“Pah, you’re nothing more than a Fourth Level Tribulator. How could Fox Queen possibly be interested in you? If you dare to spout nonsense again, I’ll skin you alive!” Maddox simply didn’t believe what John had said.

Seeing Maddox’s disbelief, John directly embraced Catlin and kissed her, his hands roaming freely. Yet, Catlin did not resist or avoid him at all.

In an instant, Maddox was absolutely livid!

“Skin me alive? Do you even have what it takes?” After John spoke, his figure vanished in a blink of an eye. Before Maddox could even react, he was struck squarely in the face, sending him flying out of the room! John and the others also stepped out.

Maddox looked at John with an incredulous expression. He couldn’t fathom how a mere Fourth Level Tribulator could have possibly sent him flying with a single slap. The numerous guards surrounding them were also taken aback, their gazes filled with shock.

“Punk, you’re asking for trouble!” Maddox roared in anger, and behind him, the shadowy figure of a grizzly bear seemed to materialize. The bear, with its gaping bloody maw and bared teeth, exuded the overwhelming aura of a Ninth Level Tribulator.

John let out a cold snort. “You’re nothing but a brute, yet you think you can lay a hand on my woman?” After John finished speaking, the dragonic essence on his chest continuously flickered as he unleashed the Power of Dragons. Following that, a Golden Dragon materialized behind John. The Golden Dragon roared, its presence majestic and domineering, causing the surrounding guards to fall to their knees in awe.

Upon seeing that, Maddox’s brows furrowed tightly, a clear glint of fear evident in his eyes. He hadn’t expected that John was actually a Dragonian.

“So what if you’re a Dragonian? That doesn’t change the fact that you’re just a Fourth Level Tribulator. There’s no way you can kill me!” Maddox roared in fury, the shadow of the bear behind him growing larger and larger

“Would it be possible to kill you after adding me to the equation, then?” With a swift turn, Phoenix transformed back into her original form. A colossal phoenix, ablaze with roaring flames, was soaring in the sky! The appearance of the phoenix had everyone in Imperial Fox City kneeling down in reverence.

Maddox was utterly dumbfounded as he gazed upon the fiery creature before him. Before Maddox could even react, the Golden Dragon and the phoenix spewed flames from their mouths, instantly incinerating him on the spot!

Just like that, a Ninth Level Tribulator was burnt to death without even a chance to fight back! It was only at this moment that the multitude of guards realized just how terrifying John, who seemed to be nothing more than a Fourth Level Tribulator, truly was! Maddox had just become a Ninth Level Tribulator, yet his power was not something that John had to worry about. After all, John could hold his own in a battle against an Ultimate Realm Level One. Maddox was easy prey in comparison. Even until his last breath, Maddox couldn’t comprehend how he had met his end nor how Catlin had managed to make such outrageously powerful friends.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
Chapter 3918 I Had Already Decided

Maddox had died, and the remaining guards were pleading for mercy from Catlin. Catlin did not punish the guards. Instead, she went straight to the water prison and rescued Winona. The crisis in Imperial Fox City was resolved just like that, simply and easily.

Maddox’s long- planned rebellion was also instantly thwarted. This was a demonstration of true strength. The very next morning, Catlin had sent someone to the Violet Flame Sect, inviting Dario from the Violet Flame Sect to come over. After all, no one knew whether the Violet Flame Sect truly possessed the technique to merge demonic fires. If there was nothing at Violet Flame Sect, then there was no need for John to make another trip to Violet Flame Sect. Given John’s current status, it wasn’t appropriate for him to be running around everywhere.

“Fox Queen, why did you send someone to invite Mr. Barclay from the Violet Flame Sect? Apparently, there’s been a recent regime change at the Violet Flame Sect. Rumor has it that Mr. Orlando was forced to step down, and a new leader has taken control. During that period, the internal strife within the Violet Flame Sect was at its peak. It would be best for us in Imperial Fox City not to get involved in the affairs of the Violet Flame Sect,” he advised. Winona had assumed that Catlin’s invitation to Dario was to discuss the internal strife within the Violet Flame Sect.

“Has the Violet Flame Sect gotten a new leader?” Catlin was somewhat taken aback. “In such a short span of time, even Violet Flame Sect has undergone a change in leadership. It’s truly unbelievable. But don’t worry, Winona. I’m not intending to interfere with the affairs of the Violet Flame Sect. It’s just that my friend here is interested in mastering the demonic fire. So, we’re inquiring if there’s any technique within the Violet Flame Sect’s teachings that can aid in mastering this flame.”

Upon hearing this, Winona gave a nod of approval. She said, “Violet Flame Sect should have such techniques. After all, they are known as the most powerful sect in Ethereal Realm for mastering fire-related practices.” Catlin didn’t involve herself in the internal disputes of the Violet Flame Sect. However, whether the Violet Flame Sect would share this particular technique, is uncertain. After all, each sect and faction typically keep their techniques exclusive.”

Upon hearing Winona’s words, Catlin’s face revealed her discomfort. She then turned to John and asked, “What if this Violet Flame Sect has a method to merge demonic fires, but it’s not shared outside?”

“That’s not a problem,” he said. “I could just join the Violet Flame Sect and become one of their disciples,” John gave a faint smile and said. It seemed that John had his strategies planned out well in advance. He was aware that the techniques of various sects were typically not taught to outsiders. To learn them, one had to become an inner court disciple.

“You thought joining the Violet Flame Sect was going to be easy? There are tests to pass,” Catlin exclaimed.

“What? Do you think I can’t even pass an inner court disciple assessment?” John asked with a playful tone.

“That’s not the case at all!” Catlin shook her head. Although John was currently only at Fourth Level Tribulator, his true strength was such that even those at the Ninth Level Tribulator were no match for him. Hence, passing the Violet Flame Sect assessment would be a breeze for him.

“Master, if you wish to join the Violet Flame Sect, you must change your appearance and even your name. We wouldn’t want the members of the Violet Flame Sect to turn on you for their own gain once they recognize you,” Phoenix suggested. After all, many people knew by now that the Demon Seal Alliance had spent a century worshipping and eventually slaying John. If the people of the Violet Flame Sect were to discover John’s true identity, John would likely become a prisoner before he even mastered the technique! After all, the century-long offerings to Demon Seal Alliance were incredibly enticing.

“That’s easy to resolve…” John gave a laugh. Following that, he spun around twice, and in an instant, his entire appearance had changed. As for not being able to completely alter his aura, John wasn’t worried. After all, no one from the Violet Flame Sect knew what John’s aura was like.

“Let’s wait until Mr. Barclay arrives, then we can ask him,” he suggested. “If he knows about this technique, considering our relationship, he might just tell us the truth.” Catlin wasn’t too keen on John taking risks by becoming a disciple at Violet Flame Sect. If it were possible to obtain the cultivation technique from Dario, then even if it meant spending a significant amount of resources, it would be absolutely worth it.

As noon approached, Dario arrived. At that moment, Dario’s face bore traces of exhaustion.



Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 3917 Nothing But A Brute

At that moment, Polar and Phoenix rushed over from next door, but Maddox was not afraid. After all, none of these individuals had a higher cultivation level than him.

After hearing Maddox’s words, John laughed and turned to Catlin, saying, “And you said you were amazing? Relying solely on your looks to charm men may work for a while, but over time, they’ll see through it. If you really want to have influence over someone, you need to show your strength.”

Catlin shot John a glare, then huffed out in annoyance, “You’re still making fun of me? Someone is going to take advantage of your woman. Aren’t you angry?”

“What’s there to be upset about? This just shows that my woman is attractive. Many have coveted the women by my side; it’s just a pity that they’re all dead now!”

After John finished speaking, he turned his gaze to Maddox and said, “You’re but a mere Ninth Level Tribulator, yet you dare to lay a hand on my woman?”

Maddox’s brows furrowed, his gaze fixated on John as he repeated, “Your woman?”

“Yep. Your queen is now my woman. Technically speaking, I should be considered the royal consort. Aren’t you going to kneel in my presence?” John said with a playful expression on his face.

“Pah, you’re nothing more than a Fourth Level Tribulator. How could Fox Queen possibly be interested in you? If you dare to spout nonsense again, I’ll skin you alive!” Maddox simply didn’t believe what John had said.

Seeing Maddox’s disbelief, John directly embraced Catlin and kissed her, his hands roaming freely. Yet, Catlin did not resist or avoid him at all.

In an instant, Maddox was absolutely livid!

“Skin me alive? Do you even have what it takes?” After John spoke, his figure vanished in a blink of an eye. Before Maddox could even react, he was struck squarely in the face, sending him flying out of the room! John and the others also stepped out.

Maddox looked at John with an incredulous expression. He couldn’t fathom how a mere Fourth Level Tribulator could have possibly sent him flying with a single slap. The numerous guards surrounding them were also taken aback, their gazes filled with shock.

“Punk, you’re asking for trouble!” Maddox roared in anger, and behind him, the shadowy figure of a grizzly bear seemed to materialize. The bear, with its gaping bloody maw and bared teeth, exuded the overwhelming aura of a Ninth Level Tribulator.

John let out a cold snort. “You’re nothing but a brute, yet you think you can lay a hand on my woman?” After John finished speaking, the dragonic essence on his chest continuously flickered as he unleashed the Power of Dragons. Following that, a Golden Dragon materialized behind John. The Golden Dragon roared, its presence majestic and domineering, causing the surrounding guards to fall to their knees in awe.

Upon seeing that, Maddox’s brows furrowed tightly, a clear glint of fear evident in his eyes. He hadn’t expected that John was actually a Dragonian.

“So what if you’re a Dragonian? That doesn’t change the fact that you’re just a Fourth Level Tribulator. There’s no way you can kill me!” Maddox roared in fury, the shadow of the bear behind him growing larger and larger

“Would it be possible to kill you after adding me to the equation, then?” With a swift turn, Phoenix transformed back into her original form. A colossal phoenix, ablaze with roaring flames, was soaring in the sky! The appearance of the phoenix had everyone in Imperial Fox City kneeling down in reverence.

Maddox was utterly dumbfounded as he gazed upon the fiery creature before him. Before Maddox could even react, the Golden Dragon and the phoenix spewed flames from their mouths, instantly incinerating him on the spot!

Just like that, a Ninth Level Tribulator was burnt to death without even a chance to fight back! It was only at this moment that the multitude of guards realized just how terrifying John, who seemed to be nothing more than a Fourth Level Tribulator, truly was! Maddox had just become a Ninth Level Tribulator, yet his power was not something that John had to worry about. After all, John could hold his own in a battle against an Ultimate Realm Level One. Maddox was easy prey in comparison. Even until his last breath, Maddox couldn’t comprehend how he had met his end nor how Catlin had managed to make such outrageously powerful friends.
What an idiot death 🤣 🤣 🤣


First level Tribulator
Sep 19, 2023
Chapter 3917 Nothing But A Brute

At that moment, Polar and Phoenix rushed over from next door, but Maddox was not afraid. After all, none of these individuals had a higher cultivation level than him.

After hearing Maddox’s words, John laughed and turned to Catlin, saying, “And you said you were amazing? Relying solely on your looks to charm men may work for a while, but over time, they’ll see through it. If you really want to have influence over someone, you need to show your strength.”

Catlin shot John a glare, then huffed out in annoyance, “You’re still making fun of me? Someone is going to take advantage of your woman. Aren’t you angry?”

“What’s there to be upset about? This just shows that my woman is attractive. Many have coveted the women by my side; it’s just a pity that they’re all dead now!”

After John finished speaking, he turned his gaze to Maddox and said, “You’re but a mere Ninth Level Tribulator, yet you dare to lay a hand on my woman?”

Maddox’s brows furrowed, his gaze fixated on John as he repeated, “Your woman?”

“Yep. Your queen is now my woman. Technically speaking, I should be considered the royal consort. Aren’t you going to kneel in my presence?” John said with a playful expression on his face.

“Pah, you’re nothing more than a Fourth Level Tribulator. How could Fox Queen possibly be interested in you? If you dare to spout nonsense again, I’ll skin you alive!” Maddox simply didn’t believe what John had said.

Seeing Maddox’s disbelief, John directly embraced Catlin and kissed her, his hands roaming freely. Yet, Catlin did not resist or avoid him at all.

In an instant, Maddox was absolutely livid!

“Skin me alive? Do you even have what it takes?” After John spoke, his figure vanished in a blink of an eye. Before Maddox could even react, he was struck squarely in the face, sending him flying out of the room! John and the others also stepped out.

Maddox looked at John with an incredulous expression. He couldn’t fathom how a mere Fourth Level Tribulator could have possibly sent him flying with a single slap. The numerous guards surrounding them were also taken aback, their gazes filled with shock.

“Punk, you’re asking for trouble!” Maddox roared in anger, and behind him, the shadowy figure of a grizzly bear seemed to materialize. The bear, with its gaping bloody maw and bared teeth, exuded the overwhelming aura of a Ninth Level Tribulator.

John let out a cold snort. “You’re nothing but a brute, yet you think you can lay a hand on my woman?” After John finished speaking, the dragonic essence on his chest continuously flickered as he unleashed the Power of Dragons. Following that, a Golden Dragon materialized behind John. The Golden Dragon roared, its presence majestic and domineering, causing the surrounding guards to fall to their knees in awe.

Upon seeing that, Maddox’s brows furrowed tightly, a clear glint of fear evident in his eyes. He hadn’t expected that John was actually a Dragonian.

“So what if you’re a Dragonian? That doesn’t change the fact that you’re just a Fourth Level Tribulator. There’s no way you can kill me!” Maddox roared in fury, the shadow of the bear behind him growing larger and larger

“Would it be possible to kill you after adding me to the equation, then?” With a swift turn, Phoenix transformed back into her original form. A colossal phoenix, ablaze with roaring flames, was soaring in the sky! The appearance of the phoenix had everyone in Imperial Fox City kneeling down in reverence.

Maddox was utterly dumbfounded as he gazed upon the fiery creature before him. Before Maddox could even react, the Golden Dragon and the phoenix spewed flames from their mouths, instantly incinerating him on the spot!

Just like that, a Ninth Level Tribulator was burnt to death without even a chance to fight back! It was only at this moment that the multitude of guards realized just how terrifying John, who seemed to be nothing more than a Fourth Level Tribulator, truly was! Maddox had just become a Ninth Level Tribulator, yet his power was not something that John had to worry about. After all, John could hold his own in a battle against an Ultimate Realm Level One. Maddox was easy prey in comparison. Even until his last breath, Maddox couldn’t comprehend how he had met his end nor how Catlin had managed to make such outrageously powerful friends.
I believe some guys eying sex sect girls should learn their lesson 😂😂😂


New member
Jun 22, 2024
Who else is following this beautiful story, THE LAWYER'S ROMANCE IN LAW BY Muhindi Wa KuKuchoma.

Interesting story indeed.



Sep 19, 2023
Who else is following this beautiful story, THE LAWYER'S ROMANCE IN LAW BY Muhindi Wa KuKuchoma.

Interesting story indeed.

Is this good.?


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
Chapter 3919 Join Violet Flame Sect

“Fox Queen, why did you send for me? If it wasn’t for our deep-rooted friendship, I wouldn’t have come. Recently, our Violet Flame Sect has been in a state of chaos, with many matters needing attention!” Dario spoke to Catlin.

“Mr. Barclay, my recent journey to Demonia Mountain proved to be quite fruitful. You were the first one I thought of upon my return.” Catlin spoke up, presenting some resources she had obtained from Demonia Mountain.

Upon seeing this, Dario wore a smile on his face. Without any hesitation, he accepted all the resources presented to him. Afterward, he said, “You’re too polite. Feel free to speak your mind. I know you didn’t seek me out just to give me these resources.”

“Mr. Barclay, you are truly wise. I have a friend who practices fire-based techniques, and has even mastered a few demonic fires. Therefore, I wanted to ask, does your Violet Flame Sect’s technique include a method to integrate these demonic fires?” Catlin asked.

“Cultivation technique to merge demonic fires?” Dario’s brow furrowed slightly before he shook his head. “It seems like we don’t have such techniques in our Violet Flame Sect yet.”

Upon hearing this, Catlin instantly felt disheartened. She had given away so much, and for what? It was all in vain. The Violet Flame Sect simply didn’t possess such a technique. John was at a loss for words.

Even the Violet Flame Sect, renowned for practicing the most powerful fire techniques in both the mortal and Ethereal Realms, didn’t possess such a method. It seemed that it could only exist in the celestial realm. But with John’s current capabilities, it seemed it would take him quite a while before he could ascend to the celestial realm. Moreover, a month later, he was scheduled to duel with Aiden. If John’s power didn’t increase, he likely wouldn’t stand a chance against Aiden.

Just as Catlin was disheartened and John was left speechless, Dario shifted the conversation, saying, “Although our Violet Flame Sect doesn’t possess a method to merge the demonic fires, I’ve heard of demonic fire tribulation. After enduring this tribulation, one should be able to merge the demonic fires.”

“Demonic fire tribulation?” John and Catlin exclaimed in unison, their faces full of astonishment. They were oblivious to what demonic fire tribulation was.

“This kind of demonic fire tribulation involved using the thunderbolt to strike the demonic fires within one’s body. Regardless of the amount of demonic fires, once it had undergone demonic fire tribulation, it would merge together, no longer causing any differentiation.”

“However, this demonic fire tribulation, it’s only something I’ve heard of, never seen myself. Mr. Orlando, it seems like, successfully endured it.” Dario’s words undoubtedly boosted John’s confidence once again. Although John didn’t understand what demonic fire tribulation meant, he nevertheless had a promising start.

“Mr. Barclay, I wonder if it would be possible for my friend and I to meet Mr. Orlando?” Catlin asked. Dario gave an awkward smile and said, “I’m really sorry, but Mr. Orlando is in seclusion and can’t meet with people casually. Besides, your friend isn’t even a disciple from our sect. Even if he did meet Mr. Orlando, it’s unlikely he would teach him anything.”

“I’d like to join your Violet Flame Sect,” John exclaimed urgently.

Dario cast a glance at John, then let out a cold laugh. “Do you really think it’s that easy to join our Violet Flame Sect? You’re merely at Fourth Level Tribulator. It would be quite challenging for you to pass the inner court disciple assessment.”

“I can give it a try,” John said. “We…”

“Mr. Barclay, I have something else for you.” Before Dario could say anything, Catlin once again presented a substantial amount of resources.

Upon witnessing the situation, Dario chuckled and accepted the items, saying, “I can indeed escort you to the assessment. Whether you pass or fail, it all depends on your own abilities. Even as an elder, my words don’t hold the final say.”

“No problem.” John nodded in agreement. “All right, then come with me,” he said.

“If you truly pass the assessment, I will take care of you, out of respect for the Fox Queen,” Dario said to John. “Mr. Barclay, thank you so much.” Catlin quickly expressed her gratitude. Even though she had already cursed him in her heart, this was clearly not out of respect for Catlin, but rather all about the resources Dario himself was after.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
Chapter 3920 Violet Flame Sect…

John instructed Cloud and Phoenix to stay in Imperial Fox City for a while. He then followed Dario to the Violet Flame Sect. The terrain of the central region differed significantly from the southern region, with fewer mountains and mostly plains. As they got closer to the Violet Flame Sect, the temperature began to rise, and a vast expanse of desert came into view. John was puzzled about why the Violet Flame Sect would build their sect in such a harsh desert environment as it seemed too difficult to endure.

Soon, John saw a vast expanse of buildings in the desert, intricately designed and grand. At a glance, he noticed the orderly arrangement of the buildings’ tiers. “Mr. Red, this is the Violet Flame Sect. If you want to become a disciple, you must pass the assessment,” Dario explained.

“See those buildings over there? The closer to the center, the higher the disciples’ ranks. The outermost buildings are for outer court disciples, and you need to start by being assessed as an outer court disciple.”

John, now going by the name Red Bone, furrowed his brow and asked, “Mr. Barclay, do I really have to start from the outer court disciple assessment? Can’t I directly take the inner court disciple test?” If I need to take the outer court test, how long will it take for me to become the senior disciple of Violet Flame Sect and meet Mr. Orlando?

Dario looked at John hesitantly and stammered, “Well, it’s not impossible, but…” John immediately understood Dario’s implication. It was clear he wanted a bribe. Although John found this greedy behavior distasteful, he had no choice since he needed Dario’s help.

John took out some mystical herbs, spiritual stones, and a large bag of purple spirit coins from his storage ring.

“Mr. Barclay, this is all I have right now. Please accept these. Once I become an official disciple of the Violet Flame Sect, I won’t forget your kindness,” John said.

“I just arrived here and am unfamiliar with the place. I’ll need your guidance in the future.” John handed all the items to Dario obediently. Dario’s eyes lit up at the sight of the offerings.

“Mr. Red, you’re too polite. If you need anything in the Violet Flame Sect, just come to me. I’m not an elder for nothing,” he said with a broad smile.

“I have a good relationship with the Fox Queen, and since you’re her friend, of course, I’ll take care of you. Just follow me, and you can skip the outer court disciple assessment.” As the saying goes, “gift blinds the eyes.”

With John’s gifts in hand, Dario became much more agreeable. He and John floated in mid-air as he explained the layout of the Violet Flame Sect.

“See those two large clusters of buildings in the front? Those are for outer court disciples. Only the buildings further in are for inner court disciples. The middle section houses the higher-ups of the sect, and the back is for Mr. Orlando’s family. Since the recent transition between the old and new sect masters, there’s still much to be handled within the sect.”

He added, “For a new disciple like you, remember not to snoop around or offend anyone. Focus on your cultivation, and you’ll eventually get a chance to meet the old sect master.”

“Got it.” John nodded in understanding. The two descended from the sky and entered through the main gate of the Violet Flame Sect. Despite being in the middle of a desert, the interior of the sect had no sand. There were green trees and even small fountains.

The ability to construct such large-scale structures in the desert, complete with green trees and fountains, clearly demonstrated the substantial wealth of the Violet Flame Sect. Dario led John through the Violet Flame Sect without any hindrance.

The outer court disciples guarding the sect’s entrance dared not stop an elder. Dario guided John past two massive building complexes, arriving at the inner court disciples’ area


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
Chapter 3921 Skip the assessment

At that moment, a young man who looked to be in his twenties, wearing a blue robe and a jade crown, walked over.

“Master, why are you back so late? The sect master has sent several messages inviting you to the council hall for a meeting,” the young man said anxiously upon seeing Dario.

“Mr. Morillo has only been in charge for a few days, and there’s already a daily meeting? Can’t we have any personal space?” Dario replied, clearly annoyed.

“Master, keep your voice down and stop complaining. While you were away, Elder Mr. Mateo was punished by Mr. Morillo. The meeting is probably about that,” the young man whispered, glancing around cautiously.

“What? Velez was punished? Why?” Dario exclaimed in shock.

“I have no idea. It’s a secret, and I only overheard some disciples from the council meeting talking about it,” the young man replied.

“I’d better go check on this. How did Velez get into trouble?” Dario said. He was about to head to the council meeting. Suddenly, he remembered John and pointed at him, saying, “Judd, this is Reds Bone, here to join the Violet Flame Sect. Take him for the assessment, and once he passes, let him work under me.”

Judd Trump looked John over and then nodded. “I understand, Master. You should hurry. If you’re late and Mr. Morillo punishes you, it will be troublesome.”

“He wouldn’t dare. I’m not as easy to bully as Velez,” Dario said defiantly, but he quickly ran toward the council meeting. As Dario ran off, Judd smiled and patted John’s shoulder.

“Buddy, you must have given my master quite a bit to bring you directly to the inner court disciple assessment.” John, understanding the hint, promptly took out several purple spirit coins and handed them to Judd.

“Judd, once I join the Violet Flame Sect, we’ll be fellow disciples. I hope you can look out for me.” Judd’s eyes widened in surprise at the coins, then he beamed.

“No problem at all. Everything’s negotiable. I’ll cover for you.” To John, a handful of purple spirit coins was nothing, but for ordinary sect disciples, it was a fortune. No wonder Judd was so excited.

“Red, I’ll take you to the assessment,” Judd said enthusiastically. John had yet to pass the assessment yet, but Judd was already acting as though he had passed.

“Red, don’t worry. The inner court disciple assessment isn’t too strict. As you’re a Fourth Level Tribulator, you’ll pass easily. What does your family do? Why did you come to the Violet Flame Sect? The sect has a lot of rules, but it’s peaceful here. Being in the heart of the desert, we rarely get disturbed, and the climate is perfect for cultivating fire techniques.” Judd kept asking John questions animatedly, but John only responded with brief answers, not engaging too deeply in the conversation.

“Judd, can I ask if it’s possible to skip the assessment altogether?” John inquired.

“Skip the assessment?” Judd was taken aback and then panicked.

“Red, did I say something wrong to scare you off? Don’t worry, it’s really simple. With your strength, you’ll pass for sure. Please, don’t back out.” Judd feared he had frightened John, not realizing it was just a question. For Judd, having a wealthy junior like John as a fellow sect member meant potential benefits. Additionally, since John was personally brought by Dario, if he left, Dario would certainly be displeased with Judd.

“Judd, you misunderstood. I was wondering if I could pay some spirit coins or resources to bypass the assessment,” John quickly explained.


First level Tribulator
Sep 19, 2023
Chapter 3921 Skip the assessment

At that moment, a young man who looked to be in his twenties, wearing a blue robe and a jade crown, walked over.

“Master, why are you back so late? The sect master has sent several messages inviting you to the council hall for a meeting,” the young man said anxiously upon seeing Dario.

“Mr. Morillo has only been in charge for a few days, and there’s already a daily meeting? Can’t we have any personal space?” Dario replied, clearly annoyed.

“Master, keep your voice down and stop complaining. While you were away, Elder Mr. Mateo was punished by Mr. Morillo. The meeting is probably about that,” the young man whispered, glancing around cautiously.

“What? Velez was punished? Why?” Dario exclaimed in shock.

“I have no idea. It’s a secret, and I only overheard some disciples from the council meeting talking about it,” the young man replied.

“I’d better go check on this. How did Velez get into trouble?” Dario said. He was about to head to the council meeting. Suddenly, he remembered John and pointed at him, saying, “Judd, this is Reds Bone, here to join the Violet Flame Sect. Take him for the assessment, and once he passes, let him work under me.”

Judd Trump looked John over and then nodded. “I understand, Master. You should hurry. If you’re late and Mr. Morillo punishes you, it will be troublesome.”

“He wouldn’t dare. I’m not as easy to bully as Velez,” Dario said defiantly, but he quickly ran toward the council meeting. As Dario ran off, Judd smiled and patted John’s shoulder.

“Buddy, you must have given my master quite a bit to bring you directly to the inner court disciple assessment.” John, understanding the hint, promptly took out several purple spirit coins and handed them to Judd.

“Judd, once I join the Violet Flame Sect, we’ll be fellow disciples. I hope you can look out for me.” Judd’s eyes widened in surprise at the coins, then he beamed.

“No problem at all. Everything’s negotiable. I’ll cover for you.” To John, a handful of purple spirit coins was nothing, but for ordinary sect disciples, it was a fortune. No wonder Judd was so excited.

“Red, I’ll take you to the assessment,” Judd said enthusiastically. John had yet to pass the assessment yet, but Judd was already acting as though he had passed.

“Red, don’t worry. The inner court disciple assessment isn’t too strict. As you’re a Fourth Level Tribulator, you’ll pass easily. What does your family do? Why did you come to the Violet Flame Sect? The sect has a lot of rules, but it’s peaceful here. Being in the heart of the desert, we rarely get disturbed, and the climate is perfect for cultivating fire techniques.” Judd kept asking John questions animatedly, but John only responded with brief answers, not engaging too deeply in the conversation.

“Judd, can I ask if it’s possible to skip the assessment altogether?” John inquired.

“Skip the assessment?” Judd was taken aback and then panicked.

“Red, did I say something wrong to scare you off? Don’t worry, it’s really simple. With your strength, you’ll pass for sure. Please, don’t back out.” Judd feared he had frightened John, not realizing it was just a question. For Judd, having a wealthy junior like John as a fellow sect member meant potential benefits. Additionally, since John was personally brought by Dario, if he left, Dario would certainly be displeased with Judd.

“Judd, you misunderstood. I was wondering if I could pay some spirit coins or resources to bypass the assessment,” John quickly explained.
when did John learn how to bypass assessment I hope is not you @Prosper 😂


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 3921 Skip the assessment

At that moment, a young man who looked to be in his twenties, wearing a blue robe and a jade crown, walked over.

“Master, why are you back so late? The sect master has sent several messages inviting you to the council hall for a meeting,” the young man said anxiously upon seeing Dario.

“Mr. Morillo has only been in charge for a few days, and there’s already a daily meeting? Can’t we have any personal space?” Dario replied, clearly annoyed.

“Master, keep your voice down and stop complaining. While you were away, Elder Mr. Mateo was punished by Mr. Morillo. The meeting is probably about that,” the young man whispered, glancing around cautiously.

“What? Velez was punished? Why?” Dario exclaimed in shock.

“I have no idea. It’s a secret, and I only overheard some disciples from the council meeting talking about it,” the young man replied.

“I’d better go check on this. How did Velez get into trouble?” Dario said. He was about to head to the council meeting. Suddenly, he remembered John and pointed at him, saying, “Judd, this is Reds Bone, here to join the Violet Flame Sect. Take him for the assessment, and once he passes, let him work under me.”

Judd Trump looked John over and then nodded. “I understand, Master. You should hurry. If you’re late and Mr. Morillo punishes you, it will be troublesome.”

“He wouldn’t dare. I’m not as easy to bully as Velez,” Dario said defiantly, but he quickly ran toward the council meeting. As Dario ran off, Judd smiled and patted John’s shoulder.

“Buddy, you must have given my master quite a bit to bring you directly to the inner court disciple assessment.” John, understanding the hint, promptly took out several purple spirit coins and handed them to Judd.

“Judd, once I join the Violet Flame Sect, we’ll be fellow disciples. I hope you can look out for me.” Judd’s eyes widened in surprise at the coins, then he beamed.

“No problem at all. Everything’s negotiable. I’ll cover for you.” To John, a handful of purple spirit coins was nothing, but for ordinary sect disciples, it was a fortune. No wonder Judd was so excited.

“Red, I’ll take you to the assessment,” Judd said enthusiastically. John had yet to pass the assessment yet, but Judd was already acting as though he had passed.

“Red, don’t worry. The inner court disciple assessment isn’t too strict. As you’re a Fourth Level Tribulator, you’ll pass easily. What does your family do? Why did you come to the Violet Flame Sect? The sect has a lot of rules, but it’s peaceful here. Being in the heart of the desert, we rarely get disturbed, and the climate is perfect for cultivating fire techniques.” Judd kept asking John questions animatedly, but John only responded with brief answers, not engaging too deeply in the conversation.

“Judd, can I ask if it’s possible to skip the assessment altogether?” John inquired.

“Skip the assessment?” Judd was taken aback and then panicked.

“Red, did I say something wrong to scare you off? Don’t worry, it’s really simple. With your strength, you’ll pass for sure. Please, don’t back out.” Judd feared he had frightened John, not realizing it was just a question. For Judd, having a wealthy junior like John as a fellow sect member meant potential benefits. Additionally, since John was personally brought by Dario, if he left, Dario would certainly be displeased with Judd.

“Judd, you misunderstood. I was wondering if I could pay some spirit coins or resources to bypass the assessment,” John quickly explained.
Money stops all nonsense 🤣 🤣 🤣

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