The Formidable Son in Law "Lucas Gray" - Updated by Moh96

Chapter 1: Retiring After Success

The wind whistled, and leaves fluttered.

Lucas Gray pulled his coat together and once again looked at the campground that he had long gotten familiar with, as well as the familiar faces. He clenched his jaw tightly.

“Let's go.”
Lucas turned around and stepped onto the hatch door of the helicopter that had been waiting at the side for a long time.
Behind him were teams of tall, toned, and muscular men standing uniformly in neat rows. Despite having tears in their eyes, they were standing still with their backs straight in the cold wind and raising their hands in unison to perform a standard and reverent military salute.

“Farewell from the Assault Team, Captain!”

“Farewell from the Special Forces, Captain!”

“Farewell from the Logistics Team, Captain!”

Amid the sounds of the helicopter's propeller continuously rotating, the loud yelling sounded consecutively.

It was full of enthusiasm and pride!

“Captain, can you really bear to…” Jordan muttered with reluctance in his eyes as he wiped his tears and closed the helicopter's hatch door.

The wings of the helicopter rotated, and it ascended. The familiar campground and teams were gradually turning into tiny marks on the ground.

Lucas looked away and said with a faint smile, “Everything comes to an end someday. There's no longer a need for me to continue staying here.”

He had stayed on this land for six whole years.

During these six years, Lucas was quickly promoted from a fresh recruit to a general who held great authority after various close shaves with death. The invincible Falcon Regiment under his command firmly guarded the vast territory around the state of Calico.

And Lucas became the most powerful God of War in the eyes of the tens of thousands of members of the Falcon Regiment because of his excellent command ability and combat power.

No one dared to invade Calico anymore, as it was now well fortified. Having achieved success, he could finally retire, even though he was only twenty-eight years old.

The helicopter flew south toward the nearest airport.

Lucas took out an antique pocket watch from his chest, in which was a slightly yellowed photo.
It was a photo of him and a young woman taken six years ago. Back then, he was still slightly immature.

The woman's face was beautiful, delicate, and exquisite. Her lips were pursed stubbornly, and her slanted, crystalline eyes seemed to be staring straight into Lucas's hand through the photo.

The scene that seemed like a farce at that time was still fresh and vivid in his memory.

Lucas smiled bitterly as he began to recall the events from six years ago. At that time, Cheyenne Carter, who had just graduated from college, had already established the Brilliance Corporation with her outstanding bravery and wits, thus making her a gorgeous and famous female CEO.

However, her image was soon ruined.
The young and beautiful CEO with a glamorous appearance actually had a disgraceful private life, as she had had an affair with the company's chauffeur! The media made a big deal out of it and released all sorts of malicious, speculative, and untrue reports.
Cheyenne's image was ruined overnight, and she fell to rock bottom together with her Brilliance Corporation that was thrown into jeopardy.

No one bothered to discover that the truth was that they had actually been drugged.

The masses were only interested in gossip, and the Carters just wanted to cover up the scandal.
In the end, the chauffeur married into the Carters and became her husband.

However, the marriage did not save the image of Cheyenne and the Carters. Everyone mocked and criticized the greatest beauty of Orange County, who used to be the envy of everyone, and made remarks about the penniless chauffeur who was lucky enough to marry into a wealthy family.
The penniless chauffeur was Lucas.

Both of them were well aware of the truth of their marriage.
Soon, Lucas quietly left for the military camp and vowed to make a name for himself so that he would be worthy of the woman who used to be favored by God.
Six years had passed, and he finally returned after achieving success.

Lucas looked at the woman in the photo, his emotions mixed with inexplicable remorse and apology.

He wondered how she was doing after years of being away from her.

“Finally back!” Jordan stretched his back and looked at Lucas, who had a look of nostalgia.

The two of them passed through the crowded Orange County International Airport and casually ordered some fast food at the mall outside the airport.

“Captain… No, I mean, Lucas, your hometown is in Orange County, isn't it?” Lucas casually nodded.
It had been a long time since they left Orange County, and now that they had just returned, there were many things for them to tend to.

“Mommy… I want Mommy…” All of a sudden, a puerile and crisp crying sounded near them.
Lucas stopped in his tracks.
For some reason, the tender crying was tugging at his heartstrings.

Lucas pushed aside the crowd and followed the sound.

There was a little girl standing below a billboard near him and weeping, her face stained with tears.

The girl was about four or five years old and was holding a stuffed rabbit in her arms. Her tiny face was as fine as jade, and tears were welling up in her large, dark eyes. Her small and delicate nose was sniffling because of her crying, and she looked particularly adorable and pitiful, making Lucas's heart scrunch up.

In particular, she seemed bizarrely familiar to Lucas.

At this moment, the girl saw Lucas as well, and she abruptly stopped crying. Her eyes full of surprise, she suddenly leaped toward Lucas and hugged his thigh!

Lucas was stunned speechless and at a complete loss for what to do.

Chapter 2: Take You Back to Washington DC

At the side, Jordan blinked and exclaimed, “Lucas, this kid really looks like you. Since when do you have a daughter? We've never heard you mention anything about it before!”

“Don't spout nonsense.” Lucas was somewhat at a loss. It was the first time in his life that he had ever had a child hug his thigh trustingly and call him ‘Daddy'.

After thinking about it, he squatted down, rubbed the little girl's hair, and said softly, “I'm not your Daddy. You made a mistake. Did you wander off from your parents? I'll take you to look for them.”

Hearing this, the little girl looked at Lucas in shock and suddenly began wailing loudly. “Daddy, you're a bad guy. You don't want me anymore!” Lucas was dumbfounded and at a loss.

After some painstaking effort, he finally managed to cajole her and convince her to go to the service counter of the mall. Lucas informed the service staff about the little girl being lost and gave a thorough explanation before leaving the mall.

When he left, the little girl was bawling her eyes out, almost causing Lucas to cave in.

Unfortunately, he still had important things to deal with. Otherwise, he would have kept her company until her parents arrived.

Soon after they left, a woman hurried to the service counter of the mall and hugged the weeping little girl, extremely heartbroken.

“Amelia, I'm sorry I'm late…”

There was still some lingering fear within her.

Earlier, she had intended to just make a quick trip to the bathroom, but she ended up running into a troublesome client who pestered her for a long time before leaving.

Over the years, she had been cherishing her daughter like she was her life. If anything happened to her daughter…

She didn't dare to think about it any longer.

“Mommy, I saw Daddy just now. But he said that I had mistaken him for someone else… How could I be mistaken? He was Daddy!” the girl exclaimed, her lips pursed and on the verge of tears.

“What?!” The woman's body suddenly stiffened.

Outside the mall, eight tall and burly bodyguards with domineering auras and clad in suits walked toward Lucas and stood still in front of him.

All eyes were on them.

Remaining still, Lucas raised his eyebrows.

“Mr. Gray.” The bodyguards parted to the sides, revealing an old man and a middle-aged man behind them.

The old man, whose hair and beard were white, was around fifty to sixty years old and donning an immaculate suit. He looked smart and energetic. The middle-aged man beside him was also decked out in subtly luxurious designer apparel. It was obvious that they were wealthy.

The old man walked up to Lucas and kept his aged eyes fixed on him. All of a sudden, he bowed to Lucas.

“I'm Chad Kennedy, the chief butler of the Hutton family. I'm here to take you back to Washington DC.”

The indifferent gaze in Lucas's eyes suddenly became sharp!

The Huttons? Taking me back to DC? This must be the greatest joke ever!

He grinned contemptuously. “It's surprising that the prestigious and noble Huttons still remember me. I remember getting kicked out of the Hutton family together with my mother by you people two decades ago. You people said that I'm unworthy of being a Hutton and even warned us not to go near DC again, or else my mother and I would be taught a hard lesson.

“Where in DC are you taking me back to? Or is it that all the Huttons have dropped dead?”

Lucas's voice was full of the endless hostility and anger that he had been suppressing for years.

Kennedy was speechless.

Lucas's words were certainly aggressive and harsh, but he knew that the Huttons had indeed let him down back then.

He let out a long sigh. “No matter what, so many years have passed, and Old Mr. Hutton has gotten on in his years. He just wants to spend time with his children and grandchildren. After all, you carry the blood of the Huttons.” “My last name is Gray, not Hutton.” Lucas continued unwaveringly, “If that nonsense is all you want to say to me, pardon me, but I won't entertain you.” Lucas turned around to leave, but Kennedy hurriedly stopped him. “Mr. Lucas, wait a minute!”

He grabbed a PIN-locked briefcase from the middle-aged man behind him and handed it to Lucas respectfully with both hands.

“This is all the information and the equity transfer letter of the Stardust Corporation, which used to belong to your mother. Now, it's only right for you to take over its operations. Treat it as compensation from the Huttons.”

“Compensation?” Lucas smiled mirthlessly. “The Stardust Corporation belongs to my mother in the first place. The Huttons forcefully snatched it away from her and encroached on it. Even if you didn't return it, I'd snatch it back on my own!

“You snatched someone else's asset, and now you're acting like you're giving it to me out of kindness. Are you still expecting me to be grateful too? How thickskinned! Let me warn you, don't treat me like a fool, and don't provoke me ever again. Or else I'll tear your family apart!”

Lucas pushed the bodyguards away and left with the briefcase.

Staring at his taut back, Kennedy shook his head and sighed. “Ah, he's still as hot-tempered as ever.”

As the chief butler of the Hutton family, Chad Kennedy was well aware that the Huttons had indeed gone overboard back then. However, the situation in Washington DC now was unfavorable, and he had no choice but to think of a way to repair the relationship between Lucas and the Huttons.

Kennedy patted the middle-aged man on his shoulder. “Ethan Sawyer, you're now one of the most prominent figures in Orange County. You ought to do something about the matter regarding Mr. Gray.”

The middle-aged man nodded respectfully. “I managed to achieve what I have today, all thanks to you and the Hutton family. It's only right for me to do this.

Don't worry. I will definitely do my best to help Mr. Gray.”

If there were people who knew the middle-aged man and saw him being very polite and respectful toward Kennedy, they would have definitely been astonished.

Well, because he was Ethan Sawyer, the wealthiest man in Orange County and the business tycoon who owned businesses in several states!

Chapter 3: I'm Back

Lucas was sitting in the backseat of a car with a sullen expression. Kennedy's appearance reminded him of the past that he didn't want to remember.

Back then, he was called a bastard and an illegitimate child at a tender age, and got chased out of his home together with his mother, whose assets and valuables were all seized. He had a high, persistent fever at the time. And while holding him in her arms, his mother knelt by the Huttons' doorstep and pleaded for help, only to hear them say coldly,

“We don't care about the lives of those who are not one of the Huttons.”

Afterward, his mother moved around and brought him to Orange County, where she worked hard to make ends meet. Although life was tough, she managed to raise him to adulthood. However, his mother developed an illness and collapsed after years of toiling and living a strenuous life.

At that time, Lucas had just graduated from college, and his meager wage was a drop in the bucket compared to the hefty medical bills. He swallowed his pride and tried to seek help from the Huttons, only to receive a heartless rejection and harsh mockery and criticism, which made him feel hopeless and resentful toward the Huttons.

Shortly after, he and Cheyenne were drugged, thus resulting in the scandal that spread like wildfire in the entire county. The Carters requested that he marry into their family.

He agreed on the condition that the Carters would lend him fifty thousand dollars for his mother's treatment.

However, by the time he rushed to the hospital with the money, his mother had already passed away.

At that time, Lucas was devastated and felt like a complete failure in life. He failed to save his mother and wasn't worthy of an outstanding girl like Cheyenne either.

To make matters worse, the Carters often mocked him in the past. Lucas decided to leave the Carters and join the military. He swore to make a name for himself so that he could stand proudly beside Cheyenne.

Now, he had returned.

The car sped along the road, and he soon arrived at the Carter residence. Lucas stood outside the courtyard gate that he was familiar with and seemed rather nervous about returning home.

Years ago, he left without saying goodbye, and he didn't know what Cheyenne thought of him now.

Just as he was about to go up and knock on the door, he heard some boisterous laughter coming from outside.

“Mr. Miller, since you're so sincere about Cheyenne, we shall be straightforward. Let's just settle on a date.”

Lucas was stunned. He reckoned that the voice belonged to Karen, his motherin-law and Cheyenne's mother.

“Missus—Karen, you're being too polite. Since we're going to be a family in the future, don't be so formal. Just call me by my name.”

“Sure, sure, you're so young and eloquent. Cheyenne is so lucky to have met you! As her parents, we can rest assured now!”

“However, I heard her former…”

“You mean that good-for-nothing? It's alright. The law states that a missing person can be declared dead after being missing for four years. He's already disappeared for more than six years, so he must have died in some hellhole! If you're still worried, let's go to the court and get a certificate.”

“In my opinion, Cheyenne is brilliant in all aspects, except that her husband, my brother-in-law, is a good-for-nothing.”

“That piece of trash isn't your brother-in-law. From now on, your brother-in-law is Mr. Miller.”

When Lucas heard this, his face turned incredibly gloomy, and he couldn't tolerate it any longer.

He had come back for Cheyenne, and yet he heard her family talking about her remarriage. No matter what, he had to see her to clarify.

Bang! Bang! He knocked on the door.

“Who is it? Coming.” Having settled her eldest daughter's marriage with a wealthy man, Karen was in a good mood, and she opened the door with a gleeful grin.

However, her expression changed dramatically when she saw the person at the door.

“You… you're not dead?” Shock was written all over her face, which seemed to have paled all of a sudden. Her expression was now full of disgust and disdain. This good-for-nothing is back!

Although Lucas's appearance had changed over the years, she could still recognize him, as she would curse him in her head dozens of times each day! “I'm back, Karen,” Lucas said calmly.

“How could you have the cheek to come back, you wastrel?! Don't act so close to me! It's Mrs Carter. Didn't your dead mother teach you any manners!” Karen hollered, her brows furrowed and her hands on her waist. Her saliva almost landed on Lucas's face.

Lucas's heart was suddenly full of fury!

His mother's death would forever be a sore spot in his heart and the reason for his rebellion!

He clenched his fists and repeatedly warned himself not to get physical because the woman in front of him was Cheyenne's biological mother. “What? Do you want to hit me? You're such a jinx. Of all times, you had to come back now. I bet you're bent on making life hard for us!”

“Who's out there?” When Cheyenne's father heard the ruckus, he walked out of the living room too.

When he saw Lucas's face, his eyes widened immediately, and he charged forward with a furious expression in a bid to punch Lucas!

“Bastard, how dare you come back?! Why didn't you die outside?! Huh?” Just as his fist was about to land on Lucas's face, a hand that was as strong as an iron clamp pinched his tightly.

“Old man, you must be tired of living! How dare you try to hit Lucas…” Jordan had been Lucas's subordinate for years and had long treated him as his closest kin. How could he stand by and watch him get humiliated by others?

With an icy-cold gaze in his eyes, he emitted a murderous aura that frightened Cheyenne's father to the point that he turned as pale as a sheet!
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Chapter 1: Retiring After Success
The wind whistled, and leaves fluttered.
Lucas Gray pulled his coat together and once again looked at the campground that he had long gotten familiar with, as well as the familiar faces. He clenched his jaw tightly.
“Let's go.”
Lucas turned around and stepped onto the hatch door of the helicopter that had been waiting at the side for a long time.
Behind him were teams of tall, toned, and muscular men standing uniformly in neat rows. Despite having tears in their eyes, they were standing still with their backs straight in the cold wind and raising their hands in unison to perform a standard and reverent military salute.
“Farewell from the Assault Team, Captain!”
“Farewell from the Special Forces, Captain!”
“Farewell from the Logistics Team, Captain!”
Amid the sounds of the helicopter's propeller continuously rotating, the loud yelling sounded consecutively.
It was full of enthusiasm and pride!
“Captain, can you really bear to…” Jordan muttered with reluctance in his eyes as he wiped his tears and closed the helicopter's hatch door.
The wings of the helicopter rotated, and it ascended. The familiar campground and teams were gradually turning into tiny marks on the ground.
Lucas looked away and said with a faint smile, “Everything comes to an end someday. There's no longer a need for me to continue staying here.”
He had stayed on this land for six whole years.
During these six years, Lucas was quickly promoted from a fresh recruit to a general who held great authority after various close shaves with death. The invincible Falcon Regiment under his command firmly guarded the vast territory around the state of Calico.
And Lucas became the most powerful God of War in the eyes of the tens of thousands of members of the Falcon Regiment because of his excellent command ability and combat power.
No one dared to invade Calico anymore, as it was now well fortified. Having achieved success, he could finally retire, even though he was only twenty-eight years old.
The helicopter flew south toward the nearest airport.
Lucas took out an antique pocket watch from his chest, in which was a slightly yellowed photo.
It was a photo of him and a young woman taken six years ago. Back then, he was still slightly immature.
The woman's face was beautiful, delicate, and exquisite. Her lips were pursed stubbornly, and her slanted, crystalline eyes seemed to be staring straight into Lucas's hand through the photo.
The scene that seemed like a farce at that time was still fresh and vivid in his memory.
Lucas smiled bitterly as he began to recall the events from six years ago. At that time, Cheyenne Carter, who had just graduated from college, had already established the Brilliance Corporation with her outstanding bravery and wits, thus making her a gorgeous and famous female CEO.
However, her image was soon ruined.
The young and beautiful CEO with a glamorous appearance actually had a disgraceful private life, as she had had an affair with the company's chauffeur! The media made a big deal out of it and released all sorts of malicious, speculative, and untrue reports.
Cheyenne's image was ruined overnight, and she fell to rock bottom together with her Brilliance Corporation that was thrown into jeopardy.
No one bothered to discover that the truth was that they had actually been drugged.
The masses were only interested in gossip, and the Carters just wanted to cover up the scandal.
In the end, the chauffeur married into the Carters and became her husband.
However, the marriage did not save the image of Cheyenne and the Carters. Everyone mocked and criticized the greatest beauty of Orange County, who used to be the envy of everyone, and made remarks about the penniless chauffeur who was lucky enough to marry into a wealthy family.
The penniless chauffeur was Lucas.
Both of them were well aware of the truth of their marriage.
Soon, Lucas quietly left for the military camp and vowed to make a name for himself so that he would be worthy of the woman who used to be favored by God.
Six years had passed, and he finally returned after achieving success.
Lucas looked at the woman in the photo, his emotions mixed with inexplicable remorse and apology.
He wondered how she was doing after years of being away from her.
“Finally back!” Jordan stretched his back and looked at Lucas, who had a look of nostalgia.
The two of them passed through the crowded Orange County International Airport and casually ordered some fast food at the mall outside the airport.
“Captain… No, I mean, Lucas, your hometown is in Orange County, isn't it?” Lucas casually nodded.
It had been a long time since they left Orange County, and now that they had just returned, there were many things for them to tend to.
“Mommy… I want Mommy…” All of a sudden, a puerile and crisp crying sounded near them.
Lucas stopped in his tracks.
For some reason, the tender crying was tugging at his heartstrings.
Lucas pushed aside the crowd and followed the sound.
There was a little girl standing below a billboard near him and weeping, her face stained with tears.
The girl was about four or five years old and was holding a stuffed rabbit in her arms. Her tiny face was as fine as jade, and tears were welling up in her large, dark eyes. Her small and delicate nose was sniffling because of her crying, and she looked particularly adorable and pitiful, making Lucas's heart scrunch up.
In particular, she seemed bizarrely familiar to Lucas.
At this moment, the girl saw Lucas as well, and she abruptly stopped crying. Her eyes full of surprise, she suddenly leaped toward Lucas and hugged his thigh! “Daddy!”
Lucas was stunned speechless and at a complete loss for what to do.

Chapter 2: Take You Back to Washington DC​

At the side, Jordan blinked and exclaimed, “Lucas, this kid really looks like you. Since when do you have a daughter? We've never heard you mention anything about it before!”

“Don't spout nonsense.” Lucas was somewhat at a loss. It was the first time in his life that he had ever had a child hug his thigh trustingly and call him ‘Daddy'. After thinking about it, he squatted down, rubbed the little girl's hair, and said softly, “I'm not your Daddy. You made a mistake. Did you wander off from your parents? I'll take you to look for them.”

Hearing this, the little girl looked at Lucas in shock and suddenly began wailing loudly. “Daddy, you're a bad guy. You don't want me anymore!” Lucas was dumbfounded and at a loss.

After some painstaking effort, he finally managed to cajole her and convince her to go to the service counter of the mall. Lucas informed the service staff about the little girl being lost and gave a thorough explanation before leaving the mall.

When he left, the little girl was bawling her eyes out, almost causing Lucas to cave in.

Unfortunately, he still had important things to deal with. Otherwise, he would have kept her company until her parents arrived.

Soon after they left, a woman hurried to the service counter of the mall and hugged the weeping little girl, extremely heartbroken.

“Amelia, I'm sorry I'm late…”

There was still some lingering fear within her.

Earlier, she had intended to just make a quick trip to the bathroom, but she ended up running into a troublesome client who pestered her for a long time before leaving.

Over the years, she had been cherishing her daughter like she was her life. If anything happened to her daughter…

She didn't dare to think about it any longer.

“Mommy, I saw Daddy just now. But he said that I had mistaken him for someone else… How could I be mistaken? He was Daddy!” the girl exclaimed, her lips pursed and on the verge of tears.

“What?!” The woman's body suddenly stiffened.

Outside the mall, eight tall and burly bodyguards with domineering auras and clad in suits walked toward Lucas and stood still in front of him.

All eyes were on them.

Remaining still, Lucas raised his eyebrows.

“Mr. Gray.” The bodyguards parted to the sides, revealing an old man and a middle-aged man behind them.

The old man, whose hair and beard were white, was around fifty to sixty years old and donning an immaculate suit. He looked smart and energetic. The middle-aged man beside him was also decked out in subtly luxurious designer apparel. It was obvious that they were wealthy.

The old man walked up to Lucas and kept his aged eyes fixed on him. All of a sudden, he bowed to Lucas.

“I'm Chad Kennedy, the chief butler of the Hutton family. I'm here to take you back to Washington DC.”

The indifferent gaze in Lucas's eyes suddenly became sharp!

The Huttons? Taking me back to DC? This must be the greatest joke ever!

He grinned contemptuously. “It's surprising that the prestigious and noble Huttons still remember me. I remember getting kicked out of the Hutton family together with my mother by you people two decades ago. You people said that I'm unworthy of being a Hutton and even warned us not to go near DC again, or else my mother and I would be taught a hard lesson.

“Where in DC are you taking me back to? Or is it that all the Huttons have dropped dead?”

Lucas's voice was full of the endless hostility and anger that he had been suppressing for years.

Kennedy was speechless.

Lucas's words were certainly aggressive and harsh, but he knew that the Huttons had indeed let him down back then.

He let out a long sigh. “No matter what, so many years have passed, and Old Mr. Hutton has gotten on in his years. He just wants to spend time with his children and grandchildren. After all, you carry the blood of the Huttons.” “My last name is Gray, not Hutton.” Lucas continued unwaveringly, “If that nonsense is all you want to say to me, pardon me, but I won't entertain you.” Lucas turned around to leave, but Kennedy hurriedly stopped him. “Mr. Lucas, wait a minute!”

He grabbed a PIN-locked briefcase from the middle-aged man behind him and handed it to Lucas respectfully with both hands.

“This is all the information and the equity transfer letter of the Stardust Corporation, which used to belong to your mother. Now, it's only right for you to take over its operations. Treat it as compensation from the Huttons.” “Compensation?” Lucas smiled mirthlessly. “The Stardust Corporation belongs to my mother in the first place. The Huttons forcefully snatched it away from her and encroached on it. Even if you didn't return it, I'd snatch it back on my own!

“You snatched someone else's asset, and now you're acting like you're giving it to me out of kindness. Are you still expecting me to be grateful too? How thickskinned! Let me warn you, don't treat me like a fool, and don't provoke me ever again. Or else I'll tear your family apart!”

Lucas pushed the bodyguards away and left with the briefcase.

Staring at his taut back, Kennedy shook his head and sighed. “Ah, he's still as hot-tempered as ever.”

As the chief butler of the Hutton family, Chad Kennedy was well aware that the

Huttons had indeed gone overboard back then. However, the situation in Washington DC now was unfavorable, and he had no choice but to think of a way to repair the relationship between Lucas and the Huttons.

Kennedy patted the middle-aged man on his shoulder. “Ethan Sawyer, you're now one of the most prominent figures in Orange County. You ought to do something about the matter regarding Mr. Gray.”

The middle-aged man nodded respectfully. “I managed to achieve what I have today, all thanks to you and the Hutton family. It's only right for me to do this.

Don't worry. I will definitely do my best to help Mr. Gray.”

If there were people who knew the middle-aged man and saw him being very polite and respectful toward Kennedy, they would have definitely been astonished.

Well, because he was Ethan Sawyer, the wealthiest man in Orange County and the business tycoon who owned businesses in several states!

Chapter 3: I'm Back​

Lucas was sitting in the backseat of a car with a sullen expression. Kennedy's appearance reminded him of the past that he didn't want to remember.

Back then, he was called a bastard and an illegitimate child at a tender age, and got chased out of his home together with his mother, whose assets and valuables were all seized. He had a high, persistent fever at the time. And while holding him in her arms, his mother knelt by the Huttons' doorstep and pleaded for help, only to hear them say coldly, “We don't care about the lives of those who are not one of the Huttons.”

Afterward, his mother moved around and brought him to Orange County, where she worked hard to make ends meet. Although life was tough, she managed to raise him to adulthood. However, his mother developed an illness and collapsed after years of toiling and living a strenuous life.

At that time, Lucas had just graduated from college, and his meager wage was a drop in the bucket compared to the hefty medical bills. He swallowed his pride and tried to seek help from the Huttons, only to receive a heartless rejection and harsh mockery and criticism, which made him feel hopeless and resentful toward the Huttons.

Shortly after, he and Cheyenne were drugged, thus resulting in the scandal that spread like wildfire in the entire county. The Carters requested that he marry into their family.

He agreed on the condition that the Carters would lend him fifty thousand dollars for his mother's treatment.

However, by the time he rushed to the hospital with the money, his mother had already passed away.

At that time, Lucas was devastated and felt like a complete failure in life. He failed to save his mother and wasn't worthy of an outstanding girl like Cheyenne either.

To make matters worse, the Carters often mocked him in the past. Lucas decided to leave the Carters and join the military. He swore to make a name for himself so that he could stand proudly beside Cheyenne.

Now, he had returned.

The car sped along the road, and he soon arrived at the Carter residence. Lucas stood outside the courtyard gate that he was familiar with and seemed rather nervous about returning home.

Years ago, he left without saying goodbye, and he didn't know what Cheyenne thought of him now.

Just as he was about to go up and knock on the door, he heard some boisterous laughter coming from outside.

“Mr. Miller, since you're so sincere about Cheyenne, we shall be straightforward. Let's just settle on a date.”

Lucas was stunned. He reckoned that the voice belonged to Karen, his motherin-law and Cheyenne's mother.

“Missus—Karen, you're being too polite. Since we're going to be a family in the future, don't be so formal. Just call me by my name.”

“Sure, sure, you're so young and eloquent. Cheyenne is so lucky to have met you! As her parents, we can rest assured now!”

“However, I heard her former…”

“You mean that good-for-nothing? It's alright. The law states that a missing person can be declared dead after being missing for four years. He's already disappeared for more than six years, so he must have died in some hellhole! If you're still worried, let's go to the court and get a certificate.”

“In my opinion, Cheyenne is brilliant in all aspects, except that her husband, my brother-in-law, is a good-for-nothing.”

“That piece of trash isn't your brother-in-law. From now on, your brother-in-law is Mr. Miller.”

When Lucas heard this, his face turned incredibly gloomy, and he couldn't tolerate it any longer.

He had come back for Cheyenne, and yet he heard her family talking about her remarriage. No matter what, he had to see her to clarify.

Bang! Bang! He knocked on the door.

“Who is it? Coming.” Having settled her eldest daughter's marriage with a wealthy man, Karen was in a good mood, and she opened the door with a gleeful grin.

However, her expression changed dramatically when she saw the person at the door.

“You… you're not dead?” Shock was written all over her face, which seemed to have paled all of a sudden. Her expression was now full of disgust and disdain. This good-for-nothing is back!

Although Lucas's appearance had changed over the years, she could still recognize him, as she would curse him in her head dozens of times each day! “I'm back, Karen,” Lucas said calmly.

“How could you have the cheek to come back, you wastrel?! Don't act so close to me! It's Mrs Carter. Didn't your dead mother teach you any manners!” Karen hollered, her brows furrowed and her hands on her waist. Her saliva almost landed on Lucas's face.

Lucas's heart was suddenly full of fury!

His mother's death would forever be a sore spot in his heart and the reason for his rebellion!

He clenched his fists and repeatedly warned himself not to get physical because the woman in front of him was Cheyenne's biological mother. “What? Do you want to hit me? You're such a jinx. Of all times, you had to come back now. I bet you're bent on making life hard for us!”

“Who's out there?” When Cheyenne's father heard the ruckus, he walked out of the living room too.

When he saw Lucas's face, his eyes widened immediately, and he charged forward with a furious expression in a bid to punch Lucas!

“Bastard, how dare you come back?! Why didn't you die outside?! Huh?” Just as his fist was about to land on Lucas's face, a hand that was as strong as an iron clamp pinched his tightly.

“Old man, you must be tired of living! How dare you try to hit Lucas…” Jordan had been Lucas's subordinate for years and had long treated him as his closest kin. How could he stand by and watch him get humiliated by others?

With an icy-cold gaze in his eyes, he emitted a murderous aura that frightened Cheyenne's father to the point that he turned as pale as a sheet!
Jah man, please upload more
Chapter 4: Take The Money and Get Lost
“Stand down!” Lucas hollered at Jordan. “This is a family affair. Go out first.”

Jordan reluctantly but obediently withdrew his hand, glowered at Cheyenne's parents again, and left.

Cheyenne's parents were full of resentment, but they did not dare to get physical with Lucas again.

Jordan's terrifying gaze intimidated them, and they even had some scruples about Lucas.

However, as they looked at Lucas's cheap clothes and calm expression that was almost the same as the past, their worries vanished.

I was thinking too much. A good-for-nothing is still a good-for-nothing! “What are you doing standing at the door? Hurry up and come in, you disgraceful thing!” Karen pushed the door open furiously and entered.

Cheyenne's father humphed coldly, finding Lucas an eyesore.

Lucas followed him and entered the house.

The living room of the Carters' home was very lively at this moment, as it was crowded with more than ten relatives.

Upon sight of Lucas, who came in after Cheyenne's parents, many of them who knew who Lucas was looked puzzled.

“Isn't this… that good-for-nothing? Why is he suddenly back?”

“Who? Is this the good-for-nothing you guys mentioned just now? Didn't you say that he already died?”

“Who knows? He's been missing for so many years. And now that Mr. Miller is going to get engaged with Cheyenne, he's come scurrying back. Who knows what thoughts he's harboring?!”

“He definitely has evil intentions.”
Lucas glanced at the people around him, some of whom used to mock him and some of whom he hadn't met before.

The most striking one was a young man sitting in the center of the couch and gaining the attention of everyone.

He looked around his mid-to-late-twenties and was dressed fashionably, his hair gelled back and his under-eye bags slightly puffy. He was obviously an avid drinker and a lustful person.

He reckoned that he was Mr. Miller, the new fiancé that the Carters chose for Cheyenne, whom everyone else was talking about.
Lucas secretly sneered. They're treating this piece of trash like a treasure? However, Cheyenne was not in the living room, and that made Lucas, who wanted to see her, feel slightly disappointed.

Visibly annoyed, Karen said, “Okay, we can't be bothered to talk to you either. The point of today's meeting is regarding Mr. Miller and Cheyenne's marriage anyway. You came at the right time. This saves us the hassle of getting your death certificate from the courts. When Cheyenne comes home, immediately go get a divorce with her.”

Lucas did not utter a single word.
This group of relatives gathered here suddenly began mocking him sarcastically.

“What? You don't want to get a divorce?”

“Of course he doesn't. It wasn't easy for him to marry the greatest beauty of Orange County and form ties with the Carters. Of course, he's going to cling tightly onto her.”

“How shameless. Doesn't he realize that he can't hold a candle to Mr. Miller at all? He doesn't have any self-awareness!”

“Look at how shabby he is. He's not even worthy of carrying Mr. Miller's shoes! Hurry up and make yourself scarce!”

Cheyenne's father knocked on the table and exclaimed, “I'll be honest. I won't let my daughter suffer together with you! What can a penniless man like you give her? If you still have a conscience, and if you're still a man, have the decency and self-awareness to divorce her. Stop wasting Cheyenne's time and holding her back!”

Lucas closed his eyes and looked unusually composed. “If Cheyenne doesn't want to be with me any longer, she can let me know herself, and I'll divorce her without another word. But you people have no right to make arrangements for us!” he barked sneeringly as he stared at the people around him.

What? This loser says we have no right?! Just as they were about to lose their temper, someone burst into laughter, stopping them from talking.

Mr. Miller seems to be about to say something. Of course, we have to wait for him to finish!

Seth Miller was snuggled up on the couch, fiddling with his Patek Philippe watch and large ring while sizing Lucas up.

“You must be that… someone, right? What have you been doing these past few years?”

Lucas said indifferently, “I was just getting by.”

Seth chuckled again and clapped his hands as he stood up. “I suggest you don't force me to deal with you the hard way. Cheyenne isn't someone a wimp like you deserves. Even a fool knows why you're clinging to the Carters.” He took out a check from his pocket. “Here's a check for thirty thousand. It's enough to support you for several years. Be smart, take it, and get lost, lest you end up with nothing in the end,” Seth threatened.

Lucas reached out to take the check while the others watched in contempt.

“Indeed, he just wants money!”

“A loser is a loser. You've probably never had so much money all your life, huh?!”

“Mr. Miller just had to wave his hand, and this piece of trash took the money readily. Tsk."

A crisp sound filled the air, immediately making everyone stop their mockery as they looked at Lucas in disbelief.

This good-for-nothing tore the check! He tore the thirty thousand dollar check! Is he out of his mind?!

Everyone watched in disbelief as Lucas gently tossed the ripped pieces of the torn check.

“Seth Miller, you're just an outsider. You don't have the right to interfere in our affairs.”

Chapter 5: Meeting Again
“You!” Seth immediately flew into a rage. No one had ever dared to be so arrogant toward him!

The Carters were just as furious as him as they angrily charged forward to surround Lucas, as though they were going to hit him.
Just as the conflict was getting heated, someone pushed the door open and entered.

“W-what's going on?”
Lucas's heart palpitated, and his body stiffened. He had never dared to forget that familiar voice, which was already deeply etched in his mind.

He stood still in place without turning around.

He had imagined and even rehearsed the scene of meeting Cheyenne again countless times in his head. This time, he was here specifically to see her too. But when he heard her gentle voice, Lucas suddenly realized that he didn't know how he should face her.
What should I say to her?

However, Cheyenne didn't quite notice Lucas, who had his back facing the door.

As soon as she entered, she saw a large group of her relatives gathered together and surrounding Seth Miller.

Cheyenne's eyebrows furrowed. Lately, Seth had been declaring his love for her and resorting to all sorts of harassment, annoying her to no end. Just now, she saw Seth's extremely flashy sports car parked near the entrance of her home.

“Why are you here again? I've already said that I won't consider it,” Cheyenne rebuked, looking upset.

“Watch your tone with Seth!” Karen reprimanded before hurriedly saying, “It's good that you're back. Since the courts are still open, hurry up and get a divorce with this good-for-nothing!”

“What?” Cheyenne was feeling confused when the little girl beside her leaped toward Lucas with glistening eyes. “Daddy! Daddy, are you here to see me?” Daddy? Bewildered, Cheyenne shifted her gaze onto the back of the person whom she had neglected. This familiar height and silhouette… She came to a sudden realization and took a step back. It's… him?

Lucas squatted down, reached out, and wrapped his arm around the little girl, who was once again enthusiastically holding onto his thigh. He scrutinized her carefully.
She had thin eyebrows, beautiful glowing eyes, and tiny diamond-shaped lips.

She was obviously beautiful even though her features had yet to develop fully.

So this kid is a Carter.
It turned out that he found her strangely familiar because her features were similar to Cheyenne's.
Could she be… As he thought of a certain possibility, his heart pounded vigorously.

Holding the little girl in his arms, he suddenly felt very close and affectionate with her.

He then took a deep breath, turned around, and looked at the person in front of him, whom he had thought about countless times.

Cheyenne's long hair was draped over her shoulders, and she was dressed in a light gray bespoke business suit, with shock and puzzlement all over her face.
Her beautiful eyes were fixed on the person in front of her.

He was no longer the fresh graduate from six years ago. Although the man in front of her had the same features, he no longer looked young. His face had become chiseled, making him look much more mature and reliable.
Her expression quickly changed from shock to composure. But beneath her composure, there was some anger brewing. Her chest was heaving up and down, and her fingernails were digging into the flesh of her palm.

“Cheyenne, I…”

“Why did you come back?” Cheyenne interrupted. She said agitatedly in a hoarse voice, “After doing that, you left without saying anything. We thought you were dead all this time. What are you back now for?!” She kept her eyes glued on Lucas with hatred.

Back then, the two of them were drugged in a hotel, and it became a scandal that broke out overnight. For the sake of covering things up, the Carters let him marry Cheyenne hastily.

Although the two did not have feelings at that time, Cheyenne decided to spend the rest of her life with him since what was done could not be undone. However, she never expected him to steal fifty thousand dollars from her father and then vanish without a trace soon after they got married.
He's just a thorough liar!

However, she soon discovered that she was pregnant. After hesitating for a long time, she decided to keep the baby. But she did not expect her company to encounter crisis after crisis during the toughest stage of her pregnancy. She was so infuriated that she went into premature labor while someone took advantage and encroached on the Brilliance Corporation.

Whenever Cheyenne thought about the hardship and grievances that she suffered during that time, she felt immense heartache and extreme hatred for the irresponsible and horrendous man who had left without saying goodbye!

“Are you back to jeopardize my life again? What have I done to make you hate me so much that you want to ruin me again and again?” With hatred in her heart, her eyes seemed to be burning with anger as they turned bloodshot.

Although she didn't cry, Lucas was heartbroken to see her like this.
When he left without saying goodbye back then, he had indeed hurt Cheyenne tremendously, and that was something that he would never be able to make up for no matter what he did.

“I'm very sorry.” Filled with immense guilt, this was the only thing he could say even though he knew that his words were useless.
Sensing the tension in the house, the little girl hugged Lucas's neck tightly and shouted, “Mommy…”
Cheyenne closed her eyes and tried to calm herself down because she didn't want to scare her precious daughter. “Why did you leave back then?”

“I left because… I want to become deserving enough to be your husband.” This was truly what Lucas felt. Even though he had good intentions, the way he handled the matter was indeed inappropriate.
Cheyenne sneered, not believing him at all.

“So, why did you steal my father's money before you left?”

“What money?” Lucas was stunned and confused.

Chapter 6: My Daughter
“Don't bother arguing!” Karen immediately screeched.

“You were penniless and had nothing to your name back then. We were kind enough to let you marry into our family and provided you with food and a roof over your head. Yet you stole our money when we let our guards down and absconded!”

Lucas frowned and frantically explained when he thought of something, “No such thing! Back then, I did borrow fifty thousand from William. But I returned it on the same night…”

“Nonsense! You clearly stole it!” Karen interjected harshly before turning to look at Cheyenne's father, William.

“Tell us. Did you lend him the money, or did he steal it?”

“Hmph, he married into our family, so why would I lend him fifty thousand? He obviously stole it and then fled!” William insisted.

“There's such a thing? You're being too nice to him! If I were in your place, I would have long sued him and put him behind bars!”

“Exactly. I only found out about this today. This person is trash!”

“He stole fifty thousand, yet he still has the cheek to come back. Gosh, he's too shameless!”

“Quickly, get a divorce. If he dares not to divorce, we'll sue him!” The relatives of the Carters were flabbergasted.

Lucas sneered in his head. This couple actually fabricated a lie to frame me and accuse me of absconding with their money. Seems like they're out to ruin my reputation before chasing me out.

“Hmph, if I really stole so much money from you, why didn't you say anything or file a police report after I left?”

Lucas looked Cheyenne's parents straight in the eye. Having stayed in the military camp for years, he had developed a menacing aura that was so domineering that the two dared not to make eye contact with him and instead shifted their gazes away.

“Well, we just don't want to air our dirty laundry in public. We helped save your reputation, but you're blaming us instead, you good-for-nothing?” William roared, but it was clear that he wasn't that confident.

“I believe you all know the truth in your hearts.” Lucas didn't say anything else. Trying to threaten me with something fabricated? Impossible. Cheyenne looked at their reactions. Having been brainwashed and fed lies about Lucas absconding with her father's money by her parents for years, Cheyenne had already begun to suspect something. Is it possible that… he really didn't flee after stealing the money back then?

“In short, hurry up and get lost!” Karen rushed forward to knock Lucas forcefully.

Lucas swayed from the impact while the little girl in his arms was frightened to tears by her ferocious and menacing gaze.

She hugged Lucas's neck and bawled loudly. “No! I want Daddy! Don't chase Daddy away!”
Karen chided furiously, “How is this good-for-nothing your father? What are you crying for?! Keep crying, and I'll lock you in the attic!”

The frightened little girl shivered violently in fear and burped as she sobbed, not daring to cry again, her eyes full of terror.

Judging from her reaction… she must have been locked in the attic before! As anger surged in his heart, Lucas glared daggers at everyone with an icy cold gaze that seemed to make the entire living room freeze!

Just as Lucas was about to lose his temper uncontrollably, a pair of hands carried the little girl away from his arms.

Cheyenne kissed her daughter's frightened little face. She was so heartbroken that she was on the verge of tears. “Mother, the last time you locked Amelia in the attic, she was so frightened that she had a high fever for days! Why are you scaring her again now? She's still young, and you're her biological grandmother. Don't you care about her at all?”

“I-I was just frustrated and said that to scare her! I'm not really going to lock her up. Seriously, it's her fault for being so biased toward her father at such a young age…” Karen muttered.

Her voice got extremely soft at the end, but Lucas had sensitive hearing and immediately grasped the keyword.

His heart was thumping fast, and he felt a lump in his throat. Trying to verify something, he asked Cheyenne, “She… Is Amelia… our daughter?” Cheyenne bit her lips tightly. She wanted to shake her head and deny it. But when she saw the expectant gaze in the eyes of her daughter in her arms, she couldn't bring herself to say no.

Amelia had been clamoring for her father, and Lucas was indeed her biological father.

She nodded with a complicated expression.

Now that his vague suspicion had been confirmed, Lucas was inexplicably agitated!

He didn't expect the child who had pounced on him and called him ‘Daddy' during their first meeting at the airport to be his flesh and blood!

The power of genetics is so amazing!

Lucas looked at Cheyenne and Amelia with a tender gaze that contained a tinge of remorse.
He owed them too much!

Lucas curbed his urge to go up and pull them into his arms. He nodded solemnly and promised, “Don't worry. Since I've come back, I won't let you two down again.”

At the side, Karen rolled her eyes and exclaimed, “Hmph, talk is cheap! You're a penniless man who has nothing. You shamelessly came back, and you still want us to feed you? Dream on!”

She poked Cheyenne's arm forcefully, looking like she was expecting better from her. “I'm telling you, go and divorce this good-for-nothing later! Seth has already said that he'll get engaged to you on an auspicious date in the next few days. Do you hear me?”
Lucas's eyes were full of fury, and the temperature around him seemed to plunge several degrees!

Chapter 7: Pink Diamond Pendant
Karen's presumptuous behavior made Cheyenne feel very uncomfortable. “Mother, I've already told you several times that I won't marry Mr. Miller.” She turned to look at Seth.

“Mr. Miller, you come from a privileged family, and there are many girls who like you. I'm already married, and I really don't deserve you, so you shouldn't waste any more time on me.”

Karen was so infuriated that she pinched Cheyenne several times and barked, “Why are you so muddled?! Seth is such an eligible man. You're lucky he fancies you!”
Then she turned to apologize to Seth.

“Seth, we've spoiled Cheyenne rotten. Sometimes, she's thick in the head, so please don't mind her! Don't worry. I have the final say in this household.”

Seth smiled faintly and pretended to be nonchalant. “It's alright, Karen. I believe that Cheyenne will believe in my sincerity one day.”

However, he was extremely displeased. I, Seth Miller, have never been blatantly rejected by a woman before! She's just a married woman. Why is she being so pretentious?! She seriously doesn't know any better. When I win her heart, I'll certainly make her obey me!

He didn't bother taking a single glance at Lucas. To him, Lucas was just Cheyenne's in-name husband and simply an insignificant nobody.
Lucas squinted. How dare he try to court my wife in front of me? Very brazen, eh?

“Mr. Miller is so magnanimous and gentlemanly!”

“Of course, the JW Corporation belonging to the Millers is one of the top few major enterprises of the county, and Mr. Miller graduated from an overseas college. He's well-educated and has a good upbringing. How can someone here hold a candle to him?”

“Haha, from now on, Mr. Miller will be part of our family. We have to learn from him!”

The Carters' relatives praised Seth incessantly, as though Cheyenne had already married him.

Cheyenne frowned and felt even more infuriated and disappointed when she saw how indifferent and unaffected Lucas was as he stood by the side. However, she didn't know that Lucas just didn't want to start an argument with her family in front of her because he didn't want to put her in a difficult spot.

“Okay, okay, get ready for dinner.” Seeing that it was about time, Karen instructed the servants to serve the dishes and arranged for everyone to be seated. But she deliberately alienated Lucas and pretended as though he didn't exist.

Everyone laughed maliciously, waiting to see this loser Lucas embarrass himself.

“Daddy, come sit here!” Amelia's puerile voice was heavenly, and her smile was sweet. She occupied a seat beside her stool and called out to Lucas. Lucas's heart melted a little, as his daughter's obedience and reliance on him made his frustration vanish.

“What are you doing? This seat is reserved for your aunt. If you like that piece of trash so much, get down and stand with him!” Karen rebuked as she picked Amelia up from the stool before tossing the stool onto the ground.

Amelia felt aggrieved, and tears welled up in her eyes.

“Mother, consider the occasion today!” Cheyenne picked her daughter up and placed her on her lap heartbrokenly before glancing at Lucas. She said sternly,
“Sit down.”

Just as everyone sat down at the table, Seth chuckled. “I almost forgot. I haven't wished our little birthday girl a happy birthday.” He took out a beautiful gift box and handed it over. “I hope the little beauty Amelia will like this.”

Lucas was stunned. So it's my daughter's birthday today! I've failed as a father.

His heart was full of guilt.
Amelia thanked him politely and opened the gift box under her relatives' encouragement.
A pinkish-purple gemstone pendant glistened under the light, dazzling dreamily.

“Wow! This is beautiful!”
The women present couldn't help but gasp in amazement. All women were interested in jewelry, especially such a beautiful and alluring gemstone. Seth smiled smugly.

“This is a gemstone I obtained by chance. The pink natural gemstone in the middle is the rarest. After knowing that Amelia's birthday was coming, I specially hired the most renowned jewelry designer in Italy to make it.”

“Pink diamond? I've never seen one before! It's so beautiful!”

“Oh my god! It's such a big natural pink diamond. It must be worth a lot of money!”

“That goes without saying. Mr. Miller's gift will never be cheap. It should cost at least fifteen thousand dollars.”

Seth enjoyed listening to the compliments of the crowd but still remained reserved on the surface.

“Not at all. It only cost about one hundred and fifty thousand.”

“Oh my god! One hundred and fifty thousand dollars!” Everyone inhaled sharply. They were astonished!

“It's just a gift for a child, but it costs one hundred and fifty thousand. Mr.
Miller is indeed very generous!”

“Amelia is so lucky to have such a good father who will dote on her in the future.”

Cheyenne's eyes were full of annoyance. Here they go again. These people just love jumping to conclusions on their own. When did I ever say that I was going to marry Seth?

“Mr. Miller has given her such an expensive gift. What about you? Surely you didn't come empty-handed, did you?” Cheyenne's younger sister Charlotte suddenly asked with raised brows.

The eyes of the crowd immediately focused on Lucas. They were obviously not expecting anything. Instead, they were excited to see him make a fool out of himself.
What gift can this good-for-nothing give? He will probably never be able to afford a gift as expensive as the pink diamond Seth gave!

Chapter 8: What Is Your Agenda?
Lucas had only just learned that Amelia was his daughter, so how could he have prepared a present in advance?

However, he didn't panic. Instead, he removed a bead bracelet from his wrist and handed it to Amelia.

“Happy Birthday, Amelia. Daddy wishes for you to grow up safely and happily.”

Lucas obtained that moonstone bracelet at the border, and his superiors gave it to him as a reward. It looked ordinary, but it was a rare treasure.

Charlotte reached out and snatched the bead bracelet. After taking a glance at it, she snorted with laughter. “Your gift is so shabby! Seth gave her a rare gemstone, and yet you, her biological father, gave her a lousy bracelet. Do you really have the cheek to give it to her?”

Everyone craned their necks and looked over, only to be amused when they finally took a clear glimpse.

This bead bracelet is made of some lousy white wood. It's so light, and every bead looks stained with dirt. It's obviously a poor quality bracelet that no one would buy even at a dollar store!

Everyone burst into laughter, and despite her tender age, Amelia could sense the mockery in their laughter.

Amelia snatched the bracelet away from Charlotte and held it close to her chest. She shouted angrily, “I like this one! I like anything that Daddy gives me!”

Lucas's heart warmed, and he touched her head affectionately. He then put the bracelet on her slender and tender wrist.

Fiddling with the fine, white, and light beads on her wrist, Amelia happily raised her arm and showed it to Cheyenne. “Mommy, isn't it pretty?”

“You're treating lousy wood like a treasure!” Karen pursed her lips disdainfully.

She grabbed the dazzling pink diamond pendant Seth gave, placed it on

Amelia's neck, and then nagged, “Amelia, you're young, so you have no clue. But I'm telling you, this pendant is the good stuff.”

Lucas suddenly reached out to stop Karen and snatched away the pendant before retreating far away from Amelia.

“What are you doing?! Are you committing a robbery?” Karen immediately snapped in a high-pitched voice as she glared at Lucas.

Lucas sneered silently and tightened his grip, crushing the exquisite and beautiful gemstone pendant in his hand.

“Ah! What are you doing?!!” Karen screamed and was on the verge of passing out! That's a precious gemstone worth more than one hundred and fifty thousand dollars!
What has that bastard done?!
The ten-odd people around them were stunned speechless as their cups and chopsticks fell on the table and the ground.

A precious gemstone pendant worth more than one hundred and fifty thousand has been crushed into bits. This good-for-nothing is really brazen!

Seth's expression was incredibly sullen.

It was one thing for the pendant to be ruined, but Lucas's action was a huge insult to him!

With a furious expression and anger in him, he asked, “What do you mean by doing that?”

“Your gift isn't good. Amelia can't wear it,” Lucas said indifferently.
“You!” Seth suddenly sprang up and snapped, “You're a damned pauper! What do you know?! Have you ever seen anything good?” His eyes were full of contempt.

“I haven't seen many good things, but I can identify counterfeit goods,” Lucas said casually with a drastic change of expression.

“I think we all know how rare and precious natural pink diamonds are. The price of natural pink diamonds at jewelry auctions ranges from 1.5 to 4 million dollars per carat, depending on the color. The average price of a medium-grade purplish-pink diamond like the one you gave is averagely priced at 2.5 dollars per carat. The size of that pink diamond you gave her is no less than two carats, meaning that you need at least five million dollars to buy it, yet you only spent one hundred and fifty thousand?”

When Seth heard the word ‘counterfeit' and the figures Lucas listed in his analytical breakdown, his face had already turned hostile. However, how could he admit that he just gave his men a few thousand dollars to purchase a random gemstone to fool them?
He stared at Lucas furiously and seemed to be trying to pierce a hole through him with his gaze.

“You're talking about prices at auctions. What if I managed to get that pink diamond at a good deal?”

Lucas was not afraid of him at all, and he simply spread his palm to reveal the debris. “I'm afraid you must have made a blunder then. A real pink diamond can't be crushed by hand.”

Seth's face turned pale, and he was suddenly speechless.

Everyone knew that diamond was the hardest naturally occurring material in the world, and it was difficult to cut. Who could crush it by hand?

The people around immediately understood that the pink diamond pendant Seth gifted, which left them in envy, was a counterfeit good.

Had someone else given a counterfeit gemstone as a gift, they would definitely mock him. But the person who did so now was Seth. Who would dare to laugh at him?
Seeing Seth's sullen expression, they frantically tried to give him an out.

“Mr. Miller isn't a professional gemstone appraiser, so it's inevitable for him to make a mistake. Why do you have to be so overbearing?”

“Exactly. Besides, even if there's something wrong, it's still a beautifullydesigned gemstone. But you crushed it. You really went overboard!”

“He's just trying to show how capable he is! Psht, this loser gave a lousy wooden bead bracelet. What right does he have to criticize Seth's gift?” Lucas glanced at them coldly.

“If it's just a fake gemstone, of course I wouldn't be bothered. But this thing is made of heinrichite! You guys probably know how much radiation heinrichite emits, right? How can you wear such a thing all the time?”

He glared at everyone with a sharp gaze.

Everyone was dumbfounded and speechless as they avoided his gaze. Some who had just touched the pendant were so scared that they even secretly rubbed their hands against their clothes.

“So…” Lucas glanced at Seth, whose forehead was covered in sweat, and released his domineering aura!

“You gave such a highly radioactive pendant to a five-year-old. What exactly is your agenda?!”

Chapter 9: Expensive Gift List
Seth was so astonished by Lucas's aura that he involuntarily took a step backward. By the time he reacted, he was vexed and infuriated!

He was actually frightened by a good-for-nothing. Although it was only for a moment, it was a huge insult!

Karen yelled at Lucas, “Shut up! What do you know? Even if Mr. Miller made a mistake and bought the wrong thing, it definitely wasn't deliberate! What nonsense are you spouting about radioactivity? A loser like you knows nothing!”
One of the relatives with a beer belly stood up and chimed in,

“Exactly! I've never heard of heinrichite before. How can a good-for-nothing like you know what it is? Don't make up a name and try to fool us with it!”

Lucas's eyes were icy cold. Karen was Cheyenne's mother, so he couldn't humiliate her, but the other relatives were different. He walked toward the relative with a beer belly and said, “Since you're saying that I'm making up stories and that this thing is harmless, try it yourself.”

Lucas handed the diamond debris over and acted like he was about to rub it on the relative with the beer belly.

“Stop, stop! Don't come over!” the relative with the beer belly immediately wailed and retreated, knocking down several chairs in the process. The people around him retreated too as they stared at the debris in his hand with fear, as if they were staring at a ferocious beast.

Chaos broke out in the hall.

Amid the chaotic commotion, Cheyenne, who was currently holding her daughter in her arms silently, smashed a bowl onto the ground, giving everyone a great shock.

She took a deep breath and walked up to Seth. “I'm sorry the pendant you gave Amelia was shattered. I'll compensate you for it.”

Seth remained gentlemanly in front of Cheyenne. Shaking his head, he said, “It's a gift for Amelia in the first place. I didn't expect it to turn into a joke because of my mistake. It's good enough that you don't blame me. How could I make you pay for it? I'll pick out another gift for Amelia to make it up to her.”

“Thanks, but that's not necessary,” Cheyenne politely and distantly declined. Seth wanted to say something, but Cheyenne had already walked past him and went to Lucas's side.

Staring at the debris on Lucas's palm, she glared at him in pique and questioned, “Why are you still holding onto it? Aren't you scared that your hand will be hurt?”
Lucas grinned and obediently followed Cheyenne to the kitchen to clean up and wash his hands.
Seth stared at the two figures with jealousy and resentment in his eyes.

At this juncture, a modified, ostentatious, and luxurious Mercedes Benz Gwagon pulled over at the entrance of the Carters' home, followed by two cars.

Two people alighted from the car and knocked on the door loudly.

“Who is it?!” Karen was extremely frustrated because of the ruckus in the living room, and the knocking on the door just made her feel even more annoyed. She initially thought that she had obtained a precious gemstone worth more than 150,000 dollars from Seth, but it turned out to be a counterfeit. To make things worse, it was highly radioactive too. She had touched the pendant for a long time, and at this moment, she felt extremely uncomfortable.

However, it would be embarrassing to wash her hands in front of Seth. It truly irked her.

She opened the door in frustration and chastised, “What are you knocking for…”

Before she finished speaking, she was frightened by the two bodyguards at the door, who were tall and burly like steel towers. She then fell silent.

After swallowing her saliva, she asked cautiously, “Who are you… looking for?”

“Excuse me, is this William Carter's home?” asked a man in his fifties who looked like a butler.

“Are you looking for my husband?”
Hearing his name, William walked over from the living room. When he saw the person in front of him, he was astounded! Isn't this old man in the black tuxedo Louis Alcott, the chief butler who often follows Ethan Sawyer, the richest man in Orange County, around?

Cheyenne's father hurriedly walked down the steps and bent forward with a smile. “I didn't know it was you, Mr. Alcott. I'm sorry for not welcoming you properly.”

Just as he was about to shake the hand of this famous chief butler, someone beside him interposed abruptly and beat him to it.

Seth grinned as enthusiastically as he could. “What brings you here, Mr. Alcott?

It's a great honor to see you here. Please quickly enter.”

Louis frowned. “Who are you?”

“I'm Seth Miller, and my father is David Miller, who owns the JW Corporation. A few days ago, we…”

“I don't know such a person!” Before Seth could report his family background, Louis retracted his hand coldly and even took out a handkerchief to wipe his hand. He didn't bother looking at him at all.
A second-rate company like the JW Corporation was nothing compared to the Sawyer Corporation.

Seth's face was suddenly red yet pale.

He originally thought he would be able to make some connections with a big shot. But in the end, he was insulted. He felt incredibly embarrassed, especially since it happened in front of the Carters, which he was trying to please. Cheyenne's father dared not speak and simply looked at Louis anxiously, wondering why this big shot was here to look for him

“Are you William Carter?”
Cheyenne's father nodded his head vigorously.

Louis assented and remained silent. He then took out a large wad of a gift list from his chest pocket and handed it over.

Karen's eyes glistened. She hurriedly grabbed it to take a look.
“Moon Palace Real Estate's Luxurious Lakeside Villa!”

“Limited-edition Lamborghini supercar!”

“Ninety percent shares of Venus Apparel!”

“Ninety percent shares of Spring Cloud Hotel!”

“One Glorious Splendor Goldsmith branch!”

“Nine stores in the Golden Wing International Commercial Building!” As Karen looked at the items, her breathing became heavier, and she started reading the items out agitatedly.

In the end, she exclaimed, “There's also a betrothal gift of a million dollars! Oh my god!

She screamed, and her face was as red as a tomato as she pinched Willam's arm tightly. “Hubby, I'm not dreaming, am I?!”

Chapter 10: Get Out of the House
Cheyenne's father, William Carter, winced and grimaced in pain because Karen's sharp nails were digging into his flesh. However, he couldn't whimper in pain because he felt like he was dreaming!
He had his eyes peeled on the red gift list without blinking, as if the hefty gift list would fly away if he blinked.

Louis instructed the two bodyguards to carry a large box wrapped in red silk from the car and place it in the middle of the courtyard. The crowd couldn't take their eyes off the box at all.
After completing his task, Louis didn't stay any longer. But he subtly winked at Lucas, who was standing at the end of the crowd before he left.

As soon as he left, the people present immediately unwrapped the box and removed the lid to reveal large wads of banknotes that were simply bedazzling, as well as a car key, title deeds, and more than ten share certificates.

“Oh goodness. The items in this box are probably worth more than a few million dollars, right?”

“Are you a fool? There's already a million in cash, and Moon Palace Real Estate's Luxurious Lakeside Villa is worth several million. Look at the sports car at the door. It costs at least a couple million!”

“There are so many shares of a goldsmith store and nine stores at Golden Wing. Oh my god! I can't calculate it! This box is worth at least ten million!”

The sounds of gasps of amazement and the gulping of saliva could be heard. “They're all mine! Don't move!” Seeing that someone couldn't resist reaching out to grab something, Karen pounced onto the box and glowered at each of them warily.

At this moment, some relatives finally reacted and realized that the items in the box didn't belong to them!

They instantly looked at Cheyenne's parents with fiery gazes in their reddened eyes, green with envy.
“Uncle William, your daughter is so fortunate!”

“I just heard that they're betrothal gifts. Have the Sawyers taken a liking to Charlotte?”

“That's the Sawyer family, the wealthiest family in Orange County. They're so generous! Charlotte has fallen into a gold mine this time!”

“Why didn't I give birth to such a brilliant daughter? Charlotte, when you get married into the Sawyer family in the future, don't forget to give your uncle a hand!”

Charlotte was so agitated that her face turned beet red.

Which woman hasn't fantasized about marrying into a wealthy family?

Although she wasn't sure when the scion of the Sawyers had taken a liking to her, the fact that they had generously sent such hefty gifts to her family's doorstep meant that he was very fond of her! Charlotte's face glowed with shyness and joy.
Looking at her sister's shy expression, Cheyenne felt envious but happy for her. At the same time, she also felt a little bitter and melancholic, breaking Lucas's heart.
He walked toward Cheyenne and said gently, “Actually, these are all for you.”

“What?” Cheyenne didn't hear what he said clearly because she was distracted. Standing at the side, Charlotte seemed to have heard it. She flew into a rage and shouted,

“What did you say?!”
Charlotte grabbed the key to the sports car and a large stack of title deeds and almost threw them at Lucas's face.

“Look, the Sawyers's scion has merely taken a liking to me, and yet they've already given such hefty betrothal gifts. What about you? My sister has been married to you for so many years, but have you ever given her anything? Not to mention betrothal gifts, the expenses for the wedding banquet and the invitation cards were all paid for by my family back then! If you still have some shame, hurry up and divorce my sister!” Lucas was a little infuriated. He had initially prepared the things that Charlotte was holding for Cheyenne. Not only had she taken them, she even mocked him and rubbed salt into Cheyenne's wounds.

He wanted to make some sarcastic remarks, but Cheyenne hurriedly stopped him.

“That's enough. It's Amelia's birthday today and a joyous occasion for Charlotte. Let's continue eating.”

The knocked-over chairs and broken plates in the living room had been cleaned up long ago. William instructed the servants to serve a few bottles of wine, as he planned to celebrate this joyous event with his relatives.

However, Seth didn't stay. He had already made a fool out of himself by gifting a counterfeit gemstone and getting exposed for it. He was also embarrassed by the hefty gifts given by Louis Alcott and the Sawyers. Thus, he was in a terrible mood and sped off in his fancy sports car.

The people flattered each other, ate, and drank all the way until the afternoon. After everyone left, Cheyenne's parents called Lucas and Cheyenne to the sitting room.
Lucas understood that the real show was about to begin.

Cheyenne's father took a puff of his cigarette and said with an austere expression, “I'm not going to beat around the bush with you. When you got married back then, you were forced into it and had no other choice but to comply because of that incident. And there were no feelings between you two. You've been missing all these years too, and Cheyenne has been staying at home to look after Amelia, whom we are providing for. To the both of them, you're considered dispensable. Your presence doesn't matter to them, but if you're around, we have to provide for you too.”
Those words were harsh, but Lucas couldn't refute.

He had been fighting hard in the state of Calico over the years, and although he achieved great accomplishments, he had failed as a father and a husband to Amelia and Cheyenne.

“I have no excuse for what happened before. But I promise that I will treat them well in the future and fulfill my duties as a father and a husband. I won't let them suffer anymore!”

“Hmph! Trust you to have the cheek to talk about the future!” Karen rolled her eyes in disdain. “What can you achieve with what you have now? How are you going to provide for my daughter and granddaughter? In the future? Are you going to continue to sponge off our family?

“To put it bluntly, people like you are just a burden to our family. You're just a bloodsucking leech! We're not going to provide for you, so hurry up and divorce Cheyenne and get lost!”
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Chapter 11: Let’s Get Divorced

Ignoring Lucas’s expression, Karen continued to berate.

“Do you know how miserable Cheyenne was after you abandoned her and left? She was humiliated and mocked by others because even her incompetent husband left her. She went to the office every day even when she was pregnant and spent all her time slogging her guts out. Later on, she was so angered to the point of going into premature labor. When Amelia was born, she was as tiny as a kitten, and her life was in danger. Old Master took over the company afterward, and he still hasn’t returned it to us yet! Did you know about all of this?

“You ran away as you pleased, and now you want to come back? No way! You have nothing to your name now. What makes you have the cheek to stay?”

Karen was rattling on and on like a machine gun while pointing at Lucas.

As her saliva splattered all over him, he felt extremely uncomfortable.
Back then, he left with the intention to make a name for himself so that people would stop mocking Cheyenne for having a wastrel husband. However, he didn’t know that she was already pregnant with his child at the time, and that she even went through a dangerous labor and painstakingly raised their daughter.

Cheyenne covered her mouth as tears flowed down her eyes. The mere thought about the things that happened back then was agonizing for her. However, she clenched her jaw and stayed silent. She merely shivered a little as she tried to bear with it.

A strong sense of guilt overwhelmed Lucas.
He dropped to his knees and knelt in front of Cheyenne’s parents.
He, the God of War, the mighty and esteemed captain of Falcon Regiment, actually knelt on the ground!

“What are you doing?” Karen was stunned as she moved her body on the chair uneasily.

“I’ve indeed let Cheyenne down over all these years. I failed to fulfill my duty as her husband, and it’s only right that you’re upset with me,” Lucas said in a deep voice.

“The two of you raised Cheyenne painstakingly and let her marry me. You also went through great efforts to take care of Amelia. I will remember your kindness forever.

“I know it’s useless to say anything now. But I hope that I can try my best to make it up to you guys, Cheyenne, and Amelia so that they will no longer suffer in the future.”
Lucas bent forward, and his head hit the ground!


There was a loud sound from the ground, which was evidence of how hard the hit was!

“What are you doing?!” Cheyenne yelled to stop him, anxious and exasperated.

Why did he hit the ground so hard? What if he suffers brain damage?!
Lucas raised his red and swollen forehead and smiled at the beautiful lady squatting down beside him with a worried expression. He gazed at Cheyenne longingly, as though he wanted to keep her etched in his heart forever.
When he was drugged and ended up becoming intimate with her back then, he pitied her for what happened and was stunned by her ravishing beauty. He also admired her virtuous nature.

Her excellence made him develop an inferiority complex, as he was ashamed that he had nothing to his name.

In the few years that he had spent in the campground, he would think of Cheyenne, and her face would appear in his mind whenever he was fighting a tough battle or was overwhelmed with fatigue. He would then grit his teeth and bear with it time and time again.

She was Lucas’s motivation and the person he unknowingly and deeply fell in love with.

However, he decided to let her go if all he brought her was endless misery and pain.

Deep love and complicated emotions surged in his eyes, but he simply gazed at her and said gently, “Let’s get divorced.”

Cheyenne looked at him in disbelief. Immediately afterward, she slapped him hard on his face.

“You came back after so many years, and all you have to say is to ask me for a divorce?

“Yes, we didn’t have any feelings for each other back then, so you could leave for so many years without hesitation. I can’t blame you. I can only blame myself for my bad luck.

“But what about Amelia? Our daughter grew up without a father, and all the children at the kindergarten call her an illegitimate child every day, calling her names and saying that her father doesn’t want her. She comes home crying all the time, and I coax her by telling her that her father is a hero who’s busy all day and will be back soon.

“She finally got to see you, but what about you?! You want to get a divorce? Sure, let’s go ahead! Get lost! Scram as far as you can!”

Cheyenne finally cried out in pain and punched Lucas on his chest as she bawled her heart out, as if she was trying to vent all the grievances she had been holding in during the past few years.

Lucas was greatly distressed.
Without concern for anything else, he pulled the weeping Cheyenne into his arms. Although he had only ever shed blood and not tears, he was now tearyeyed.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry. I’m sorry.” Lucas gently caressed Cheyenne’s shuddering spine and promised, “I won’t leave. I’ll treat you two very well from now on!”

Although they had gotten a great shock when Lucas’s head hit the ground, Cheyenne’s parents were still glad to hear him initiate a divorce. That’s more like it. How can a good-for-nothing be worthy of my daughter?

However, they never expected their daughter to be the one to disagree to the divorce.

Seeing that the two of them were hugging each other and seemed to be reconciling soon, Karen panicked and tried to push

Cheyenne away. “Are you a fool? Let him get lost!”

William pushed Lucas far away too. “Get lost! Hurry up and get lost! You’re not welcome in this house!”
Lucas sighed and had no choice but to leave first.

Chapter 12: Stardust Corporation

However, Lucas was in a better mood now.

He reckoned that Cheyenne probably didn’t want to divorce him for the sake of their daughter. But no matter what the reason might be, it was fine as long as she still wanted to stay with him.

He had long made up his mind and intended to make it up to them in double in the future, in hopes that he would really win her heart over time.

After Lucas left the Carters’ home, Jordan, who had been waiting outside for a long time, caught up with him.

“Lucas, those items given to the Carters were prepared with the help of Ethan Sawyer, the wealthiest man in Orange County. There’s also a letter for you.”

Lucas grabbed the envelope Jordan handed over, opened it, and read it with a playful smile on his face.

“The helmsman of the Sawyer family is interesting. Although I have a deep feud with the Huttons, we can still try using him. Go tell him that I’ve acknowledged his goodwill.”

“Okay, Lucas.”
After running some more errands, Lucas arrived at the office tower of the Stardust Corporation, which was located in the central business district of Orange County.

When he saw the enormous and striking office tower, as well as the familiar logo, his emotions were extremely complicated.

The company was founded independently by his mother, Emma Gray, who was an outstanding, smart, and beautiful woman.
If not for the fact that she had met his father, she would have probably developed her career and become a legendary career woman.

Unfortunately, she had been mistaken about the Huttons all her life. And the company, which she had put all her efforts into developing, was taken away from her. She was humiliated and driven out of the Huttons’ home. As a result, she had to go through great hardships to raise Lucas, but she passed away from excessive fatigue.

Lucas clenched his fist and swore that one day, he would return to the high-upin-the-air Huttons to seek justice for his mother and himself!
At this moment, a fancy metallic red Lamborghini sports car pulled over in front of the Stardust Corporation office tower, after which two beautiful girls alighted from the car.

“Charlotte, you’re so lucky! The scion of the Sawyer family, the richest family in Orange County, has taken a liking to you! He’s truly a rich second-generation heir who owns a massive fortune enough to last him several lifetimes. I’m so envious!”

A short-haired woman wearing the uniform of the Stardust Corporation was touching the shiny, streamlined Lamborghini sports car longingly, full of envy.

“After you marry the scion of the Sawyer family and live in the lap of luxury, don’t forget me, your best friend!”

“Don’t worry. How could I forget you?” said another giggling girl with a fashionable permed hairstyle. She was Charlotte, Cheyenne’s younger sister. She put her hand on the shoulder of the short-haired woman. “I still need your help now! Please cut me some slack during the interview later.”

“Rest assured. I, Julia Bell, am the head of the human resources department, and I’m in charge of recruitment. I told you to come for the interview just to go through the motions, lest someone deliberately picks on me.”

“Hehe, that’s good. When you get off work later, I’ll treat you to a feast!”
The two of them were chatting chummily. As soon as they turned their heads, Charlotte saw Lucas, who was standing at the entrance of the building.

“What are you doing here?” Her face immediately turned sullen, and she charged toward Lucas furiously and questioned, “Hey, you good-for-nothing, are you tailing me? Tell me, what are your intentions?”

Lucas was in a foul mood when he saw her getting out of the Lamborghini he had specially given to Cheyenne.

He hadn’t forgotten the dirty looks the detestable people of the Carter family gave him just now. Hah, is she showing off the gift from me to me?

“Is there something wrong with you?” Lucas questioned hostilely.

“You!” As the younger sister of Cheyenne, who was known as the greatest beauty of Orange County, Charlotte was a self-proclaimed beauty as well. She was popular and often flattered by many. She had never been insulted right in her face before, so she turned beet red in anger.

“Charlotte, who is this?” Julia asked while walking over and sizing up Lucas curiously. This man is quite-looking, and he’s about 1.85 meters tall. However, his clothes seem very simple, and his outfit is probably worth less than 200 yuan.
Charlotte glanced disdainfully at Lucas. “He’s the good-for-nothing who married my sister. A few years ago, he stole fifty thousand dollars from my father, yet he still has the cheek to come back. He even made a huge scene at our home just now. He humiliated Seth Miller and made my sister so angry that she cried.”
Julia’s eyes suddenly opened wide in surprise.

Charlotte’s sister, Cheyenne, was involved in a huge scandal back then, and almost everyone knew about it. Although several years had passed, some people would still talk about it. Julia’s parents often said to her, “Why do you girls try to be so capable? Look at Cheyenne. So what if she became a CEO? Her reputation got ruined in the end, and she was even tossed aside and abandoned by her wastrel husband.”

Therefore, Julia had always imagined Cheyenne’s loser husband to be lewd, sleazy, lazy, stupid, and ugly. She didn’t expect him to be so handsome in person.
But so what if he’s good-looking? He’s useless and incompetent, a total scumbag.

Julia tried to bear with the contempt in her heart and forced herself to smile politely. “Excuse me. I’m sorry, but irrelevant personnel are prohibited from loitering at the entrance of the Stardust Corporation’s office. Please leave.”
Lucas glanced at her and simply strode into the lobby. He couldn’t be bothered to say anything to her.

“Hold it!” Julia hurriedly scurried forward to stop him, feeling a little furious. “Don’t you understand what I said? Don’t go farther inside. Our company won’t receive someone like you!”

Chapter 13: The Chairman’s Arrival

She’s really using a made-up directive to order people around!
Lucas glanced at Julia coldly, causing her to freeze in fear and then take a few steps back after being frightened by his gaze.

“How dare you scare her?” Seeing Julia being intimidated, Charlotte got angrier. “Julia, get security to drive him away!”

A short distance away, a security officer immediately walked over when he noticed the dispute. “What’s wrong?”

Julia pointed at Lucas. “This man here has committed theft in the past, and he’s now trying to barge into our company. I hope the security department will fulfill its duties. Otherwise, don’t blame me for docking your salary! Also, the newly appointed chairman of the company will be coming to the office today. If you don’t receive him properly, you’ll lose more than just your salary. Do you understand?”

After all, Julia was the head of the HR department of the corporation and had considerable authority.
The security officer knew that this was a serious matter as well.

Looking at the burly and tall Lucas, he was worried that he might not be able to stop him alone, so he hurriedly reported the situation over his radio. Soon, Captain Jones of the security team made his way over with more than ten fully-armed security officers.

“Hmph!” Charlotte raised her chin smugly at Lucas as she thought to herself, Serves you right for pestering my sister and me!
With content, she took Julia’s arm and entered the office tower of the Stardust Corporation.

On the other hand, Lucas was surrounded by more than ten security officers.

Captain Jones took a look at Lucas’s cheap clothes, his eyes full of disdain. “Are you going to get lost, or do you want us to help you?”

“Are you not even going to ask me why I’m here?” Lucas asked composedly.

Captain Jones laughed out loud, as if he had heard something extremely ridiculous. “Is it necessary to ask? A pauper like you can’t possibly be here at the Stardust Corporation to sign a contract. Besides, Ms. Bell just said that you’re not allowed to enter the company.”
Lucas snorted coldly. “So you’re not just a mercenary snob but an obedient dog too.”

“What did you say?!” Hearing his words, Captain Jones flew into a rage and waved his hand at the security officers around him. “Damn it! You must be tired of living! Hit him! Hit this bastard!”

The security officers were all ready to attack, while Lucas’s gaze turned colder as he clenched his fists tightly.

If the Stardust Corporation was full of such garbage, he wouldn’t mind getting rid of them.

At this moment, a Lincoln commercial car drove over, and a prestigious man hurriedly got off. When he saw the situation in front of the office, he frowned and said impatiently, “What are you people doing in front of the office?”

As soon as Captain Jones saw the man, he immediately ran forward and bent over to greet him.

“Greetings, Mr. Davis! Mr. Davis, this man came to our company to make trouble. We were about to drive him away.”

Mr. Davis waved his hand in annoyance and instructed, “Quickly chase him away then. The chairman will be coming later, and I don’t want him to see this ruckus.”
Taking his secretary along, he entered the building without even taking a glance at Lucas.

“Hah, Mr. Davis is really a busy man,” Lucas said aloud.
Mr. Davis paused in his tracks and looked over in displeasure.
Captain Jones shuddered and hurriedly yelled at Lucas, “Shut up! You’re not worthy of talking to Mr. Davis! What are you waiting for? Hurry up and get rid of him! Chase him away!”

Mr. Davis turned his head and was about to walk away when he suddenly thought of something and abruptly turned around again.
His neck cracked with a popping sound because of the fast and abrupt twisting of his head.
But at this moment, Mr. Davis could no longer worry so much. He scurried toward Lucas and bent over respectfully with some fear.

“Chairman, you’re here.”
What? Captain Jones instantly froze while the other security officers, who were surrounding Lucas and about to get physical with him, were dumbfounded too. They almost dared not to believe their ears. T-this person is the n-newly appointed c-chairman?

However, when they saw how respectful the general manager, Mr. Davis, was to him, they had no choice but to believe it.

Oh no! This was what everyone thought in their hearts, especially Captain Jones, who was full of so much regret that he wished he could cut his tongue off!

He had just told the chairman to get lost and even instructed his subordinates to throw him out… Oh dear, would it help if he scrammed now?

With a look of dismay, Captain Jones exclaimed, “Chairman, I’m so sorry. I failed to recognize you. I was being too much of a snob and had my nose in the air. Please don’t hold it against me and forgive me!”

Mr. Davis glowered at him with resentment. If not for the nonsense Captain Jones spouted, he wouldn’t have almost missed Lucas and left a bad first impression on him.
Lucas said coldly, “Mr. Davis, I know you’re very busy every day, but you ought to supervise the matters of the company where necessary.”

Mr. Davis wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead. “Yes, I understand. I will fire him right away and educate the other departments.”

Lucas nodded and stopped paying attention to Captain Jones, who was begging for mercy.

It was not that he wanted to be calculative with a security officer. But because the Stardust Corporation was a precious asset left behind by his mother, he did not want it to be tainted by those disdainful things.

The two approached the building one after the other. Mr. Davis was very attentive along the way as he hurriedly pressed the buttons of the elevator while giving Lucas a general overview of the company’s various departments, attracting the attention of countless veteran employees along the way.

Seeing how enthusiastic and kind the general manager, Flynn Davis, was, they reckoned that Lucas must be the newly appointed chairman. Unfortunately, the two of them were walking very quickly, and no one could get a clear glimpse of Lucas’s face.

“Ah, I wonder what that new chairman looks like…” Craning their necks, Charlotte and Julia sighed, finding it a shame that they didn’t manage to see him clearly.

Chapter 14: Sparing His Lowly Life

In the blink of an eye, they reached the chairman’s office on the top floor of the office tower.

Flynn Davis wiped the sofa with his sleeve, which the janitor had already cleaned, and respectfully asked Lucas to take a seat. He then made a cup of tea and served it to him. “I don’t know what kind of tea you like to drink. This is premium quality Dragon Well tea. If you’d like to have something else, I will have someone prepare it immediately.”
Lucas stopped him and stared at him with a mirthless smile.

Soon, Davis could no longer laugh, as he felt extremely stressed by Lucas’s gaze. Sweat began to seep out of his chubby face, droplet after droplet.

He wanted to find a subject to talk about on several instances, but he faltered when he saw the

intimidating gaze in Lucas’s eyes. As time passed, he became even more uneasy.

Lucas threw a folder of documents onto the table, making a sound that gave Davis an enormous shock and almost caused him to spring up from his seat even though it wasn’t loud.

Lucas angled his chin at documents. “Mr. Davis, take a look at it yourself.”

Davis carefully opened the documents and looked at the first two sentences, after which his face turned pale, and he started shuddering.

“Read it out loud,” Lucas ordered calmly.

“I-I…” Davis stammered while sweating profusely and shivering continuously. The content of the documents was outrageous. How could he read it aloud?

“You refuse to read it, right? I’ll read it for you.” Lucas began reading out loud every single word on the documents smoothly, as if he had already memorized it like the back of his hand.

“July 2018. A materials fund embezzlement of two hundred thousand dollars in cooperation with the Hanes Group.

“October 2018. Accepted bribes from Joslyn Building Materials, procured a batch of inferior building materials at a high price, and subsequently paid compensation due to quality problems, causing the company to incur losses of more than a million dollars.

“March 2019…”

Unable to tolerate it any longer, Davis’s knees went weak, and he fell onto the ground with a loud thud. While he knelt on the ground, his face turned as pale as a sheet of paper.

He didn’t expect the young chairman to have gotten ahold of so much incriminating evidence against him as soon as he joined. There were also many pieces of evidence that he had destroyed. He didn’t know where Lucas had obtained them from.

If Lucas wanted to sue him, he would probably have all his assets seized and get thrown behind bars!
“It was all because of a moment of folly that I made such a huge mistake. Chairman, please spare me this time and give me a chance. In the future, I will definitely change my ways and try to recover the losses. I’ll also increase the company’s value!”

“Lucas, should we get rid of him?” Jordan appeared beside Lucas at some point. He suggested a brutal solution as soon as he spoke.
Davis was so frightened that he almost peed his pants!

Lucas was going to take over the position of chairman, and Davis was aware of some of the things of his past. Although he was unclear on the details, he knew that Lucas had taken several lives before. He didn’t doubt the authenticity of these words.

Jordan was really not trying to intimidate him and was instead asking Lucas that question solemnly. As long as Lucas said yes, he would definitely kill Davis on the spot.

He had embezzled so much money and even used lousy materials in a construction project, causing harm to others and damage to the reputation and image of the Stardust Corporation. Even if he died a hundred times, it wouldn’t be too much.

“C-Chairman Gray, p-please spare me! As long as you let me off, I’m willing to do anything you want!”
Lucas glanced at Jordan with some displeasure. “We’re not there now. Don’t kill someone as soon as we return.”

Davis heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this, but he soon heard Lucas’s indifferent voice above his head.

“I can give you a chance, but it depends on you to grasp it. Mr. Davis, you’re a smart man. I’m sure you know what I mean.”
His voice was heavenly to Davis. Overjoyed, he hurriedly exclaimed,

“Yes, yes, thank you, Chairman. I will definitely obey your orders in the future!”

Lucas patted his shoulder and turned around to leave.
After Lucas had left for a while, Davis finally collapsed, his back drenched in cold sweat.

Since Lucas had evidence against him, he had no choice but to obey him.

Besides, the young chairman, Lucas Gray, was not simple. Although his tone wasn’t harsh, his indifference was even more frightening and intimidating, thus making Davis too scared to defy him.

“Lucas, are you going to let that scoundrel go just like that? Are you still going to let him continue being the general manager?” Walking out of the Stardust Corporation office building, Jordan was still full of regret.

“No hurry. I just came back, and I don’t have a particularly suitable candidate in mind. Davis is now in my hands. Besides, he’s quite competent and is familiar with the Stardust Corporation, as well as the forces in Orange County. He can still be in that position for a while. As for the future, it’ll depend on whether or not I can subdue him.

“The Stardust Group has been in the hands of the Hutton family for many years, and the interpersonal relationships are complicated. Let’s wait and see what happens. When we have enough people on our side, we’ll launch a purge and replace the majority of the personnel.”

“Okay, Lucas! I really hope to see that day soon.” Jordan rubbed his fists in anticipation.

Lucas couldn’t help laughing. Jordan was still a little childish, and he liked chaos and getting involved in drama.

“If you stick around with me, you’ll have fewer opportunities to display your talent. You…”

“No, no, Lucas. I know what you want to say. I’ve already said this before when I decided to leave Calico and follow you to Orange County. I’m not interested in building a career or empire. I just want to follow you around. Don’t think of chasing me back,” Jordan frantically said.
Lucas nodded without saying anything else.

“In that case, you should run around more in Orange County and find out more information for me. Especially…” Lucas’s face was completely sullen, and there seemed to be a storm brewing in his eyes. “The person who set me and Cheyenne up six years ago!”

Chapter 15: Shocking Reward

The following day, Cheyenne went to work at the Brilliance Corporation, dressed neatly in a smart attire as usual.
As soon as she entered the office, all eyes were cast on her, be it directly or subtly.

Ever since that incident happened, she was reduced from the chairman to a low-level manager. Thus, there were often strange gazes directed at her.

However, there were more people staring at her today.

Cheyenne was well aware of the reason. She reckoned that the commotion at the Carter residence yesterday had already spread like wildfire because of her blabbermouth relatives.

As she expected, when she entered the conference room, she was greeted with a sarcastic remark.
“Cheyenne, I heard that your useless live-in husband has returned. Why are you here at the office instead of serving him at home today?”

The person who spoke was in his thirties and resting his legs nonchalantly on the conference table.

There was a trace of disgust in Cheyenne’s eyes.

He was her cousin, Bryce Carter, and a few years older than her. He was incompetent yet arrogant and haughty.

Since her family took the Brilliance Corporation away from her, they appointed Bryce as the deputy general manager, thus giving him the chance to suppress her.
Thereafter, he was extremely complacent and would mock her sarcastically or show off to her whenever he saw her.

Seeing that Cheyenne was ignoring him with an aloof expression, Bryce became more aggressive. “I really take my hat off to you for being so thickskinned. You did such a disgusting thing and got berated by everyone, but you still have the cheek to come to the office every day! We’re ashamed and embarrassed for you. Oh, you also gave birth to a bastard. Tsk, tsk.”

“Shut up!” With a furious expression, Cheyenne glowered at Bryce.
She could bear with it if she was being insulted, but she would never let anyone humiliate her daughter!

“Ah, you’re getting angry, huh? Haha, am I wrong?” Bryce turned around to look at the other Carter heirs in the office. Pretending to be innocent, he waved his hands gently and exclaimed, “Everyone here knows that your father is a bastard, and so are you. Your daughter is naturally one too!”
Everyone laughed out loud, not finding his words to be insulting.

They all felt that Bryce was right. Cheyenne’s father, William Carter, was not a Carter and was instead brought over by his mother when she married the senior Mr. Carter. Dominic Carter was magnanimous enough to take him into the family, even though he wasn’t a Carter. He even gave them some annual dividends of the company to support them. This was the best he could do.

Cheyenne was raised because the Carters took pity on her family. Thus, they felt that there was nothing wrong with scolding her.

Overwhelmed with fury, Cheyenne shivered. But before she could even say anything, the door of the meeting room opened again, and a domineering old man with white hair walked in. It was Cheyenne’s grandfather, Dominic Carter, the head of the Carter family.

“Welcome, Mr. Carter Senior!” Everyone stopped laughing and greeted him.

Bryce also stopped behaving nonchalantly and hurriedly went over to hold Dominic’s arm obediently. “Grandpa, have a seat. I’ll make you some tea.”

“No need.” Dominic sat down on the chairman’s seat at the end of the conference table. When he saw Cheyenne standing still with a furious expression, he rebuked sternly, “What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for me to invite you to take a seat?”

Cheyenne gritted her teeth, contained her anger, and sat down near the other end of the conference table.

Dominic glanced at everyone authoritative. “As you all know, the Stardust Corporation settled down in Orange Counter not long ago. The Stardust Corporation itself is a large enterprise with an annual turnover of more than two billion dollars. It is also backed by the famous Hutton family from the capital. I’m sure you all know how powerful they are. As long as we form ties with the Stardust Corporation, we will have a chance to get close to the Huttons. Many companies and families in Orange County are interested in getting close to them. We can’t fall behind!

“In short, the Carter family’s most important task now is to try to get the opportunity to cooperate with the Stardust Corporation!”
All of them looked happy. But when they thought of the Stardust Group’s haughtiness, they didn’t feel confident enough.

“However, the Carter family isn’t considered elite in Orange County. Are we going to be worthy of the Stardust Corporation?”

“We want to do it too, but it’s really difficult.”

Dominic slammed his hand on the table and barked, “I will make things clear now. I will hand over the Brilliance Corporation to anyone who manages to clinch a cooperation with the Stardust Corporation!”

Everyone got into an uproar upon hearing these words.

The Brilliance Corporation was the largest and best-developed company among all the enterprises belonging to the Carters. Ever since it was taken over from Cheyenne a few years ago, many Carters had been eying the Brilliance Corporation. As long as they had a position in the company, their year-end dividends would surge.
However, they knew that they could forget about being the general manager because they knew that that position was meant for the scion, Bryce.

However, Dominic was now willing to offer the Brilliance Corporation in exchange for a cooperation with the Stardust Corporation. He was clearly going to invest a lot of capital!

All of a sudden, everyone’s eyes reddened. They were eager to go to the Stardust Corporation to try their luck and see if they would be lucky enough.

Cheyenne clenched her fists tightly and clenched her jaw.

Chapter 16: Forcing Her to Remarry

Cheyenne had put her heart and soul into running and establishing the Brilliance Corporation. More than six years ago, her family used the excuse of her pregnancy and ailing health to snatch the Brilliance Corporation away from her. Ever since then, they never returned it to her.

She couldn’t let go of the business she had built and returned to work for the Brilliance Corporation when Amelia was one year old. However, despite years of hard work, she was only given a low-level manager post.

Now that Dominic had offered the Brilliance Corporation as a reward, she was obviously upset. But to her, this was also an opportunity for her to snatch the Brilliance Corporation back rightfully!

Bryce stood up and said to Dominic, “Grandpa, I think reaching a cooperation with the Stardust Corporation is not impossible, even though it might be difficult.”

“Oh? Continue.” Dominic was rather kind toward this grandson of his, whom he valued greatly.
Bryce smiled. “Actually, I’ve already made a lot of preparations long before this. I’ve been going around making connections. Although there isn’t a clear answer yet, I believe there will be soon. However, there are some key people whom we have to give expensive gifts to, so…”

“Go to the finance department to withdraw five hundred thousand for preliminary funding later.” Dominic waved his hand nonchalantly.
Bryce was overjoyed and thanked him profusely.

Cheyenne sneered in her heart.
Her cousin had always been incompetent and boastful, so she knew that it was more likely for him to squander the money on having a good time with his friends, who were bad influences.

“However, I’m afraid that this alone is not enough to establish a cooperation with them. As far as I know, there are countless people who want to get close to the Stardust Corporation in Orange County. There are at least a hundred families and businesses that can offer a few million. We’re just one of them, so why should the Stardust Corporation choose us?”
Dominic stroked his beard and nodded. “Continue, Byrce.”

“Therefore, I propose we find a family that is of comparable status or slightly better than ours and join forces with them. In this way, the chances of success will definitely increase greatly. Once we reach a successful collaboration, we will have a say too, and we won’t have to worry about being kicked to the curb by the other family because we are of the same status.”

“Wonderful! Great idea, Bryce!”

“No wonder you’re valued by Mr. Carter Senior. You’re so thoughtful and comprehensive with your thinking. Not only have you come up with a good idea, the countermeasures you’ve thought of are great too. They’ll prevent us from paving the way for others and getting made use of!”

Dominic nodded profusely, showing his satisfaction toward Bryce.

“Which family should we cooperate with?” someone asked.

Bryce looked at Cheyenne with a strange smile full of bad intentions, making her wary and giving her an ominous premonition.

Bryce pointed directly at Cheyenne and said to everyone, “I know Seth Miller of the JW Corporation has been pursuing Cheyenne. Yesterday, he already made it clear to me that as long as Cheyenne agrees to marry him, the cooperation between us and the Millers will be a sure bet.” He smiled.

“What other relationship is closer than marriage?”
Cheyenne’s face instantly paled. She stood up abruptly to refute vehemently, “No!”
Dominic frowned.
Bryce walked toward Cheyenne.

“What’s wrong? The Carters became the laughing stock of Orange County because of your scandal. Our reputation was ruined, causing our development to stagnate. If it weren’t for you, we would be one of the richest families in Orange County now! And we wouldn’t have to cooperate with others to fight for the cooperation with the Stardust Corporation.

“The sins you’ve committed alone have dragged down the entire family, so shouldn’t you be the one to solve them and make it up to us?” Bryce said with a brazen smile.
The others in the conference room looked like they agreed and thought that this should be the case too.

Cheyenne was filled with misery. She was clearly the victim of that incident back then, and her family had already taken away the Brilliance Corporation, the pillar business of the Carters, from her.
Looking at Dominic anxiously, she asked, “Grandpa, I’ve already been married for a long time. How can I marry Seth Miller again?”

Dominic frowned and looked at Cheyenne with a disapproving gaze in his eyes. “I heard that your live-in husband has returned. Good. Go get a divorce later and marry Seth Miller.”

Not expecting Dominic to make her remarry without hesitation, she felt extremely disappointed. She shook her head and refused, “No, Grandpa. I won’t get a divorce or remarry!”

Dominic’s eyes were full of anger as he slammed his hand hard against the table. He shouted, “You’re rebelling! Bryce is right. If it weren’t for you, the Carters would have developed far beyond what we are now, and we wouldn’t have needed this marriage! You should be taking responsibility for this, but you still have the guts to refuse. Do you respect me as the head of the family?!”

“But I was framed and set up back then…” Cheyenne’s eyes were red and full of tears.

“Trust you to have the nerve to mention the events of that year!” Dominic smashed the ashtray on the table onto the ground. He flew into a rage and yelled, “You did such a shameful thing and disgraced the family. In ancient times, you would have been dragged to a pond and drowned by your family!”

Dominic’s sudden loss of anger made everyone in the conference room fall silent.
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Chapter 17: Putting on Airs

Cheyenne could no longer suppress the endless grievances and humiliation in her heart as two streams of tears rolled down her beautiful face.

Unfazed, Dominic glanced at her indifferently and made up his mind. “It’s settled then. Divorce him by the end of today, and I’ll get someone to visit the Millers tomorrow.”

“Who said that it’s settled? You people have no place to interfere in the affairs between me and my wife!” A cold and sharp voice sounded, followed by a tall, burly man emitting an icy cold aura pushing open the door of the conference room and walking straight in.

“Who is this man?”

“I don’t know him. Why did he barge in?”

Cheyenne looked up, and her jaw dropped in disbelief the instant she got a clear look at the person who entered. “Lucas? W-why are you here?”

Everyone watched in shock as Lucas walked up to Cheyenne and wiped away the tears on her face.
“It’s okay. No one can force you to do anything you don’t want to do.”
In a daze, Cheyenne stared blankly at Lucas’s face.

He sounded incredibly confident and firm, as if no one could bully Cheyenne as long as he was by her side.

This made Cheyenne, who had always been facing mockery and taking the blame alone, feel some ripples in her heart.

Having been contradicted, Dominic looked extremely furious.

The younger generation of the Carters didn’t have the guts to do it, let alone a random stranger!
With a stern look in his eyes, he shouted, “Are all the security officers dead? Why did they let some Tom, Dick, or Harry in?! Hurry up and get this person out of here!”
Bryce rolled his eyes. “Grandpa, this is Cheyenne’s good-for-nothing husband who just returned.”
Dominic squinted and sized Lucas up.

He had a vague memory of Lucas, who used to be penniless. In his opinion, Lucas still seemed as poor as ever, even though many years had passed. Just like before, he still didn’t have a decent piece of clothing.

Disapproving of the fact that Lucas only had eyes for Cheyenne and had been ignoring him, the esteemed patriarch of the Carter family, as soon as he entered, Dominic thought, What a scoundrel indeed. He’s so ill-mannered.
He looked at the two of them with growing displeasure in his eyes.
Seeing the anger on his grandfather’s face, Bryce hurriedly took the chance to rub it in.

“Cheyenne, you ignored Grandpa’s words and even instigated your loser husband to barge into the conference room as and when he pleases. He even openly defied Grandpa’s decision. If you have something against us, just say so. You don’t have to get up to these tricks.”

Bryce was generally incompetent, but he was an expert at sowing discord.

Cheyenne hurriedly explained, “Grandpa, I really didn’t know he would come.” She turned her head to look at Lucas and barked furiously, “Who told you to come here? Hurry up and leave!”

She wasn’t being insensitive and was actually well aware that Lucas was speaking up for her. But his presence would only anger Dominic further.

Glancing askance at them in disgust, Dominic said, “Enough. Stop putting on an act in front of me. I don’t care what you guys really think. Anyway, I’ve already decided. Get a divorce, and you, marry into the Miller family.”

After pointing at Cheyenne, he pointed his finger at Lucas and ordered, “You, get lost!”
Cheyenne’s face turned pale. She mustered her courage to speak, but before she could, Lucas had already retorted, “I said, no one can make arrangements for us. You don’t have a say in this.”

Dominic was so infuriated that he sprung up abruptly with exasperation all over his face.
It was his first time being contradicted twice by a junior who, to make matters worse, was a penniless good-for-nothing!

“Okay, great!” Dominic laughed mirthlessly and hollered angrily.

“Seems like I’m too nice. That’s why you youngsters don’t respect me or take me seriously at all!

“You’re just a loser. You only got into the Carter family by sleeping with a woman. If not for you shameless people, the Carters would have developed greatly and become a top-tier family in Orange County! Yet you still have the guts to talk back to me so boldly!”

As though she had been struck by thunder, Cheyenne turned pale and almost lost her balance after being scolded and humiliated by her kin, whom she had always respected.
With an icy cold gaze in his eyes, Lucas stared at Dominic’s face, which was twisted into an angry grimace.

“Aren’t you the one who knows best about the truth of that incident? I’m not as shameless as someone who’s full of lust and yet puts on airs!”

After he learned the truth from Jordan last night, he was exasperated!

The scandal that tarnished Cheyenne’s reputation turned out to be a scheme hatched by the Carters, all for the sake of snatching the Brilliance Corporation away from her!

Their shamelessness and viciousness that spurred them to resort to such underhanded means were truly appalling! Yet Dominic Carter still had the cheek to berate the victims self-righteously. Such a shameless old man!

If not for Cheyenne’s inability to accept the truth, he would have long exposed their true colors.

“You!” Dominic pointed at Lucas, his fingers trembling violently due to his extreme anger and the shock of having his secret exposed. A moment later, he fell backward.

“Grandpa!” Overwhelmed with shock, Cheyenne frantically wanted to dash over, only to be pushed away forcefully by Bryce.

“Get out of the way!” Bryce held Dominic and glowered at Cheyenne menacingly. “Grandpa was provoked by you! If anything happens to him, just wait to face your death!”

Chapter 18: Herculean Task

When Dominic fell, everyone immediately put the blame on Cheyenne.

“Cheyenne, have you long been upset with Mr. Carter Senior, so you deliberately got your husband to come and provoke him?”

“Do you think the Brilliance Corporation will become yours after you anger Old Master and drive him away?”

“Like I said, they’re a family of ingrates. They’ve got such vicious intentions!”


The numerous scoldings were like daggers stabbing into Cheyenne’s heart. She had given so much to the family in the past, only to receive such criticism now.

Dominic took two sips of water and got a grip on himself before glaring at Cheyenne, his eyes full of disgust.

“No matter what, you are largely responsible for the state that the Carters are in today. We must clinch a cooperation with the Stardust Corporation. You either marry Seth Miller and let us join forces with his family, or go and settle the cooperation with Stardust Corporation yourself. Otherwise, you’ll no longer have a place in the Carter family.”

Cheyenne had a bitter look of dismay on her face. Bryce had asked for five hundred thousand dollars for operational funds and had even proposed that she get married to Seth Miller in order to make his plan somewhat feasible. How could she clinch the cooperation all by herself?

“Okay, we’ll go and get the cooperation settled. Mr. Carter, I hope you will keep to your word,” Lucas suddenly said.

Everyone looked at Lucas like he was a lunatic. Does this good-for-nothing not understand how difficult it will be to clinch a cooperation with the Stardust Corporation?

“Wait…” Cheyenne was about to speak when Bryce quickly interrupted her.

“Your loser husband promised it himself, so don’t blame us for forcing you!”

Bryce grinned smugly and looked at Dominic. “Right, Grandpa?”

“Good. Since you took it on yourselves, don’t blame me for being merciless if you fail to complete the task. You have two days to get the contract signed. If you fail, you and your family can scram!”

Everyone looked at them gloatingly, and they immediately started mocking them as soon as Dominic left.

“How ignorant. If it’s that easy to clinch a cooperation with the Stardust Corporation, I would have become the general manager a long time ago.”

“Hah, some people just don’t have any self-awareness. I’m afraid they won’t even be able to enter the Stardust Corporation office!”

“You only have two days. I think you’d better not go to such lengths. I suggest you go home, pack up, and get ready to get lost.”

Bryce’s face was full of smugness as he left with a bunch of people behind him.

“Why did you agree?”

As soon as Lucas lowered his head, he was greeted with Cheyenne’s furious little face.

“I’m actually…” Just as Lucas was about to speak, she gave him a hard and loud slap on his face!

“It’s all your fault! Why did you agree…” After slapping Lucas, Cheyenne broke down and burst into tears.

The anger in Lucas’s chest suddenly vanished amid her tears.

“Do you know how difficult this task is? Do you know that they can’t wait for me to fail to secure a contract and then drive me away?” Cheyenne was crying with immense despair and misery.
Looking at her, Lucas was heartbroken and distressed.

He said softly, “Don’t worry. I’ll help you.”

Cheyenne suddenly raised her head and stared at him with bloodshot eyes.

“How are you going to help me? Do you know people at the Stardust Corporation? Do you know how to build connections and sign contracts? You don’t know anything. How can you help me?!”

She pushed Lucas away and left staggeringly. Lucas followed her quietly until he saw that she had safely returned to the Carter residence before leaving bitterly.
As soon as Cheyenne entered, Karen approached her.

“I heard that good-fornothing made a scene at the office today. What happened? Did he cause any trouble? Why didn’t you keep an eye on him?! Who is he to enter the Carter family?”

Cheyenne waved her hand in fatigue. “I’m exhausted, Mother. Stop asking.”

“Hah. You’re so half-hearted when you answer my questions. You think you’re so good now, huh?”

Cheyenne was extremely annoyed and frustrated. Her grandfather said that she had to clinch a contract within two days. She was now pressed for time to complete this task that was almost impossible to complete. She was so troubled that she felt that her head was about to explode.

If she didn’t sign a contract in two days, her family would be kicked out of the Carter family. If her mother found out, she would definitely kick up a big fuss.

“I still have something to do. I’m going to leave now. Please ask Charlotte to pick Amelia up at the kindergarten later.”

Cheyenne hurriedly washed her face, touched up her makeup, perked herself up, and then dashed out the door.

Time was running out, and she had to hurry up and see the helmsman of the Stardust Corporation. Even though the chances of success were low, she had to do her best.
Soon, a metallic red Lamborghini pulled over at the door, and Charlotte got out furiously.

“Where’s my sister?” she asked as soon as she entered the house.

“Your sister went out. Oh yes, she wants you to help her pick up Amelia later.” Karen was sitting on the couch and putting some cucumber slices on her face while she was talking.

Charlotte yanked her mother’s arm and barked, “Mom! Now’s not the time for a facial!”

She was so angry that her face turned red. “Mom, you have no idea. That loser came to the office today and provoked Grandpa. He even audaciously took on the task of clinching a cooperation with the Stardust Corporation! So many families in Orange County are dying to get acquainted with it. Who are we? This task is impossible to complete!”

“That good-for-nothing is really brazen to have agreed. I’ll give him a piece of my mind when he comes again!” Karen was also infuriated after hearing her words. That good-for-nothing is really a troublemaker who’s bad at everything.

“Mom, the worst is yet to come. Grandpa said that he’s going to kick all of us out of the Carter family if they fail to clinch the contract in two days!”

“What?!” Karen screamed and stood up abruptly, completely ignoring the cucumber slices falling onto the ground.

Chapter 19: Heroic Father

Karen was angry because her personal interests were involved.
“That good-for-nothing is nothing but a jinx! He’s so evil, and he has lost his conscience. I bet he’s here to harm us! Even if he wants to die, he shouldn’t drag us down with him! No! Tell your sister to divorce him immediately so that your grandfather won’t blame us! Quickly, call your sister and tell her to hurry home!”

Karen pushed Charlotte in a moment of panic while Charlotte stomped her feet hard and said, “Mother, it’s useless. Grandpa said that Cheyenne and that loser took on the task together, so they have to complete it. Otherwise, none of us will be spared.”

Karen was so furious that she stomped her feet and cursed at Lucas with all sorts of malicious remarks. After she was done, she started scolding Cheyenne.
Hearing that they would be kicked out of the Carter family, William was no longer in the mood to continue reading the newspaper, as his heart was heavy.

Furthermore, Karen’s screaming and cursing made him feel even more frustrated and annoyed, so he yelled, “My eardrums are going to break from your screaming. You’re so annoying!”

“How dare you be fierce to me?” Karen retorted in an even louder voice after being shocked by William’s outrage.

“At the end of the day, it’s still all your fault! If it weren’t for the fact that you’re not Dominic’s biological son, he wouldn’t kick us out so easily. You’re a useless good-for-nothing too. All you do is snap at me at home! If you have what it takes, go lash out at your father! I’m so unfortunate to have married a loser like you. If we really get kicked out, what are we supposed to do?!” Karen started hollering at William again.

Charlotte was also incredibly frustrated and thought, I can’t stay in this house any longer. She pushed open the front door and drove to the kindergarten to pick up Amelia.

She arrived at the entrance of Sanse Kindergarten. Along the way, in the stylish and luxurious sports car, Charlotte attracted the envious gazes of passersby, lifting her mood greatly.

It was the peak hour at the kindergarten. Charlotte waited at the entrance for a long time, but she didn’t see Amelia, so she entered.

Charlotte saw Amelia in front of a slide and was about to call out to her when she heard the bright and clear voice of a boy.

“You’re a bastard child that nobody wants! Boo!” There was a little boy opposite Amelia, sticking his tongue out and grimacing at her.

Chagrined, Amelia’s face flushed red, and tears were welling up in her eyes. “I have a daddy. My daddy has already come home!”

“Boo, my mommy said that your dad is a rapist and a good-for-nothing who’s going to be arrested by the police. Pew pew! He’s going to be shot dead! You’re a little rapist, so you also have to be shot! Pew pew!” The little boy stretched out his index finger and made a gun sign before rushing forward to poke Amelia.

“Stop it!” Charlotte yelled as she frantically rushed over and pulled Amelia behind her.

When the little boy saw Charlotte, he turned around to run away, only to trip over his own feet and fall to the ground. The boy wailed and bawled out loud.

When Amelia saw Charlotte, she hugged her hard and also cried out loud.

“Auntie, I have a daddy. My daddy is back. He’s a good guy… He’s not like what he said.”

Charlotte felt teary as she heard Amelia crying in her arms.

“Yes, Amelia, be good. Your dad is back, and they won’t dare to bully you anymore.” She gently patted Amelia’s back and consoled her.

“Baby! What’s wrong, baby?” Hearing the crying, a couple immediately rushed over from afar and helped the bawling boy up heartbrokenly.

“Mommy, she hit me!” Upon seeing his parents, the little boy pointed at Charlotte and cried even louder.
The couple immediately glared at Charlotte hostilely. “You’re an adult, but you hit my child. Do you have any shame at all?”

Having been wronged, Charlotte was immediately infuriated. “It was your son who bullied my niece! As soon as I came over, he ran away in fear and tripped on his own. Since when did I hit him?”

The chubby woman in her thirties obviously wasn’t willing to hear Charlotte’s words. She looked up and rushed to Charlotte. “You hit a child, huh? You brazen hussy, try hitting him again in front of me!” She reached out and was about to slap Charlotte.

Charlotte was astonished. She was wearing stilettos and holding Amelia in her arms, so she dared not dodge at all!

Seeing the fat hand about to reach her, Charlotte closed her eyes and stiffened her body while protecting Amelia.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared and grabbed that woman’s wrist!

“Ah! Who are you?” Instead of the pain she expected, Charlotte heard the chubby woman yelling in exasperation.

She carefully opened her eyes and saw a tall figure blocking her.
Charlotte gasped in disbelief.
The sturdy figure was the good-for-nothing Lucas!

Lucas flung the woman’s wrist away and turned around to look at Charlotte and Amelia carefully. He asked concernedly, “Are you alright?”

“Daddy!” Amelia exclaimed in surprise and stared at Lucas with glistening eyes. Just as the chubby woman was about to hit her and Charlotte, her daddy suddenly appeared just like a hero from a cartoon!

Chapter 20: No Rights

Charlotte shook her head with complicated emotions. “We’re fine.”
“Hubby~ Look, both of them are bullying me!” The chubby woman was stopped from hitting them, but she dared not provoke Lucas because he was tall. So she had no choice but to turn to her husband for help.

In the end, she turned around, only to find that her husband was gawking at the youthful and beautiful Charlotte without blinking, making her even more infuriated.

“Vixen! Stop going around seducing men!” She pinched her husband’s shoulder and twisted it forcefully.

“You’re still ogling her, huh? Your wife is being bullied! Are you still a man?”

The bespectacled man finally snapped back to his senses.
He would be kind to the fairer sex, but to a shabby-looking man, he was extremely hostile. He taunted,

“Kid, do you know who I am?”

“Who you are has nothing to do with me,” Lucas said calmly.

He took Charlotte and Amelia along and was all ready to leave, but the bespectacled man dashed forward to stop them. “You want to leave after hitting my wife and child? It’s not that easy!”

“Daddy, we didn’t hit that fatty. He tried to hit me but ran away as soon as Auntie came. Then he tripped himself and fell down.” Amelia hurriedly told her dad what happened. “That fat woman blamed Auntie as soon as she came, and now this man is saying that we hit his son. We didn’t do that!”

“What do you know?! Shut up!” The bespectacled man glowered at Amelia menacingly.

Lucas’s gaze instantly turned cold. How dare he intimidate my precious daughter in front of me? He has a death wish.

Perhaps because Lucas’s gaze was too terrifying, the bespectacled man was a little startled and frightened. But he wasn’t willing to show his weakness, so he reached out to shove Lucas. “What are you looking at? Do you dare to hit me…”
Before he could finish speaking, Lucas kicked him!

“Ah!” The bespectacled man shrieked and was kicked seven meters away before stopping when he slammed into a toy house and made it collapse.

All of a sudden, everyone present was stunned!

After being shocked, the chubby woman screamed and ran over on her high heels. “Hubby, hubby, are you okay?”

The bespectacled man began struggling to get up on his feet. He felt the excruciating pain in his chest, but he realized that the other parts of his body were fine. He almost thought that he was going to die!

Actually, this was the result of Lucas’s mercy. Had he used more force, that man’s ribs and organs would have been crushed.

He just wanted to teach this person who insulted his daughter a lesson, not kill him.

However, the bespectacled man was clueless. After getting up, he glared at Lucas and exclaimed, “Damn it! Kid, just you wait! I’ll kill you!”

He pulled out his cell phone and started shouting.

Seeing that things were going to go awry, the kindergarten principal hurriedly tried to mediate things.

“Ah, this is just a misunderstanding. If things blow up, it’s not going to benefit anyone.”

After shouting something over the phone, the bespectacled man spat arrogantly and taunted, “Hmph, if you dare to hit me, you have to pay the price. Do you think we’re pushovers?”

Seeing that there was no way to settle the issue, Lucas said to Charlotte, “Take Amelia away.”

“Daddy!” Amelia looked at Lucas uneasily and clutched his sleeve.
Lucas looked at his daughter with a gentle smile and stroked her playful pigtails before saying reassuringly,

“It’ll be alright. Follow your aunt home. I’ll be right back.”

Although Amelia was reluctant, she nodded obediently when she saw the gentle gaze in Lucas’s eyes.
After some hesitation, Charlotte said something unexpected that she had never said before. “Be careful.”

However, as soon as she took two steps away with Amelia in her arms, the chubby woman stopped her.

“Hah, don’t you think of leaving. None of you can escape!”
Lucas’s face turned gloomy.

He never intended to hit a woman, but if she hurt Amelia while stopping them, he definitely wouldn’t let her off the hook!
At this moment, several Volkswagen Golfs sped by, almost hitting the large crowd of people in front of the kindergarten to pick up their children. Amid the complaints, more than ten men with tattooed arms opened car doors and dashed into the kindergarten menacingly.

“Boss, we’re here! Where’s that foolish bastard?”

As soon as James Wilson saw the people that he had called arrive, he immediately pointed at Lucas and roared, “It’s this bastard! Damn it! How dare he touch me? Beat him!”
More than ten people immediately stared at Lucas.

The bald man, who was the leader, sized Lucas up and laughed disdainfully. “With his size? I can beat ten of him with no issue! How cocky of you to hit the boss!”
With ferocious expressions, the group of people surrounded Lucas.

“Daddy… Daddy! Ah!” Watching the terrifying men surround Lucas, Amelia was so frightened that she burst into tears.

Charlotte hugged Amelia, her face turning pale in fear too.

There was a cold and hostile gaze in Lucas’s eyes, making the people surrounding him stop in their tracks, as they suddenly felt a strong sense of extreme danger!

Just as Lucas was about to lose his temper, Jordan suddenly appeared to block him. “Lucas, take the kid away. Leave this to me.”

When Wilson saw that Lucas also had someone to back him up, he burst into laughter. What can one person do?

His face twitched, and his smile became even more menacing. “My wife said that none of you are allowed to leave!”

Jordan spat out the gum in his mouth. “You incompetent nobodies aren’t worthy of getting hit by Lucas!”

Chapter 21: Let Him Stay

Lucas stopped looking at those people. Instead, he walked toward Charlotte, reached out to carry Amelia into his arms, and comforted her. “Amelia, everything’s okay now. Don’t be scared. I’ll take you home now.”

“Daddy!” Amelia buried her head in Lucas’s chest and hugged him tightly. Only then did she gradually stop shivering.

Holding Amelia in his chest, Lucas covered her ears with one hand and walked straight toward the gates of the kindergarten.

“Damn it! Are you blind… Ah! ” The bald man leading the team was just about to stop Lucas, but he suddenly shrieked as Jordan sent him flying with a hard kick.
It was followed by continuous cursing and screaming.

Lucas ignored all of them and simply focused on coaxing Amelia, preventing all the uncouth curses from tainting her ears.

From the corner of her eye, Charlotte watched the group of burly tattooed men getting kicked away, secretly frightened. However, she followed closely behind Lucas and only heaved a sigh of relief when they got inside the car.
When she saw Lucas again, she no longer saw him as a good-for-nothing like she used to.

Lucas’s dominance just now, and Jordan, the young man who addressed Lucas respectfully and could beat up so many people…
She was now very curious about what Lucas had been doing during the six years. Why did he seem like a gang leader?

Lucas fastened his safety belt and was just about to start his car when he suddenly thought of something and lowered the car window. He said to Jordan, “Don’t get anyone killed.”

“Yes, Lucas,” answered Jordan, who was having a whale of a time beating them.

Charlotte was speechless. She suddenly felt that he was really scary! However, Amelia didn’t feel the fear that her aunt was feeling because she was gazing at her dad with admiration and awe. Lucas couldn’t help but scratch her little nose gently when he stopped at a red light.

Soon, they arrived back at the entrance of the Carter residence.
Carrying Amelia in his arms, Lucas alighted. But as soon as he turned around, he met Karen’s angry eyes.

“You actually dare to come back? Do you know how huge of a mess you’ve created, you piece of trash?!” Karen cursed and almost poked Lucas in the face with her finger.

Lucas simply moved backward slightly, lest Karen go overboard and poke Amelia instead.
However, Charlotte was overwhelmed with terror, and she hurriedly grabbed Karen’s finger in fear of her provoking Lucas.

“Mom, let’s talk when we’re inside. We’ll talk things over calmly, alright?” She hurriedly went inside the house, shoving Karen along.

“Talk things over calmly? What’s there to talk about with him calmly?! He’s a troublemaker and a jinx who’s going to cause us to get kicked out! We were doing fine without him. But ever since he returned, he has created so much trouble! If I had known earlier, I’d wish for him to die out there!”
Cheyenne happened to come home at this juncture. Seeing her mother scolding Lucas again, she couldn’t help but sigh deeply.
Amelia had finally gotten to see her father, so she couldn’t tolerate hearing him get scolded. Pouting angrily, she exclaimed, “Daddy’s not going to die! Daddy is awesome! Just now, someone bullied me and Aunt Charlotte and even threatened to hit us, but Daddy saved us!”

Shocked by her words, Cheyenne hurriedly asked, “What happened?”
Karen couldn’t be bothered to continue berating Lucas and instead quickly asked about what happened.

Charlotte told them about everything that happened at the kindergarten before saying with lingering fear, “That couple is too disgusting. Not only did they falsely accuse us, but they even tried to beat us without hesitation. If not for…” She paused and stopped herself from saying ‘good-for-nothing.’

“If Lucas hadn’t arrived in time, I would have been slapped by that fat woman! “Later, thanks to his friend’s help, we returned safely.”
Karen gritted her teeth again and started to curse at that couple. The scion of the richest family in the county has taken a fancy to my daughter. What would happen if her pretty face was ruined by that fat woman?!

Cheyenne frowned. “Seems like that person has a significant status. Stay at home for the next few days in case they exact revenge on you.”
“No!” Charlotte and Karen opposed in unison.

Karen naturally hated Lucas like she always had and couldn’t wait to kick him out. On the other hand, Charlotte said no because she was afraid of Lucas.

“Mother, what if he encounters a mishap out there?”

“If he dies, so be it. In fact, it’d be even better because you can then marry Seth,” Karen said nonchalantly.

“Mother! Must you force me like this? If you insist, I can’t stay in this family any longer,” Cheyenne said with a look of displeasure.

“Okay, okay. You’re really something. I’ll stop, alright?” Karen glared at Cheyenne angrily.

“He can stay, but we won’t feed any loafers. He has to pay a monthly rent of fifteen hundred dollars excluding utility bills and daily expenses!” Karen demanded, deliberately making things hard for Lucas. If this good-for-nothing can afford fifteen hundred dollars, pigs will fly! By then, he’ll only have himself to blame when I chase him out!

“Sure. It’s settled then!” Lucas agreed immediately with a gleeful expression.

He merely had to pay fifteen hundred dollars for a chance to spend time with his wife and daughter. What a pleasant surprise!
Fearing that Karen would back out, he immediately returned to the car and took out a thick wad of bills from the bag under the backseat.

“There’s fifteen thousand here for half a year’s rent and utilities. I’ll top it up if it’s not enough.”

Chapter 22: She’s My Wife

Karen didn’t expect that Lucas could really take out so much money on the spot. She stepped forward, grabbed the stack of bills, and took a few of them out while muttering, “Where did this good-for-nothing get so much money? Surely they can’t be fake, right…”

After realizing there were no issues with the bills, she looked at Lucas in bewilderment again. “Where did you get the money? I saw you take it out from the car. You didn’t take Charlotte’s money, did you?”
Charlotte obviously didn’t dare to let her mother continue and frantically pushed Karen.

“Enough, Mom. This money does belong to him. Since you’ve received the money, why do you care where it comes from? I’m hungry. Go make dinner quickly.”
Having received fifteen thousand dollars for no reason, Karen entered the house in a wishy-washy fashion.
Cheyenne breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Lucas, who was holding the joyous Amelia and looking at her with a gentle and expectant gaze. Not knowing what expression to make, she led Lucas upstairs with a solemn expression.
She decided to let Lucas stay at her home entirely for the sake of her daughter.

Soon, Amelia’s gleeful giggling came from the room upstairs.
Karen was whipping a spatula around and making loud, clanking sounds. “She’s so noisy. I really don’t know what’s good about that father of hers. She just loves sticking to him.”

That night, Amelia clamored to go to bed in Lucas’s arms. Being no match for her daughter, Cheyenne had no choice but to place an extra mattress for Lucas in her room.
However, Cheyenne was full of frustration and couldn’t fall asleep for a long time. She was not just vexed about the Stardust Corporation but also about Lucas.
Holding his fast asleep daughter and listening quietly to Cheyenne’s breathing near him, Lucas felt his heart ache.

The two of them each had their own thoughts and couldn’t fall asleep for a long time
The next morning, Lucas got up and went out to call Davis.

At this moment, it was only past six in the morning, and Davis was feeling frustrated because the ringing of his cell phone was disturbing his sleep. When he saw the caller ID, he immediately shuddered and sat up in shock. “Good morning, Mr. Gray.”

“How are the negotiations going with the potential partners of the Stardust Corporation?” Lucas asked calmly.

Davis didn’t expect Lucas to call him bright early in the morning to ask about work. He frantically answered, “There are many companies that want to cooperate with us, such as…”

“Is there anyone from the Carter family?” Lucas interjected.

“The Carters? Oh, yes, yes. A Cheyenne Carter came several times yesterday afternoon, but I haven’t met her yet. After all, the Carters’ company is small and not qualified to cooperate with us.”
After a moment of silence, Lucas said tersely, “Cheyenne Carter is my wife.” Davis could sense the penetrative chilliness in Lucas’s voice over the phone! He immediately panicked and apologized in fear, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Chairman! I didn’t know about that. I’m really sorry. The Carters…”

“Add them to the list. Send them a contract later, but don’t reveal my identity.”

“Yes, Chairman!”
After Lucas hung up the phone, Karen happened to be going out to get milk while stifling a yawn. When she saw Lucas, she immediately questioned with animosity, “What are you doing loitering at the door early in the morning? Are you a thief?”

Lucas didn’t bother with her and helped carry the milk into the house.

After breakfast, Lucas accompanied Cheyenne to send Amelia to the kindergarten and then accompanied her to the Brilliance Corporation.
Cheyenne wanted to refuse because the Carters hated Lucas, and he would only be berated by them if he accompanied her to work. However, Lucas insisted. After staring at him for a long time, Cheyenne had no choice but to give in. She said dejectedly, “Suit yourself.”

When the two arrived at the Brilliance Corporation, Bryce was sitting in the conference room and listening to the loud chatter. Of course, they were gossiping and laughing about Cheyenne, whom he had always disliked.

“Ah, some of you have no idea that some people just like blowing their trumpets even though they’re actually incompetent. Cheyenne Carter made several trips to the Stardust Corporation yesterday, but she didn’t even get to see the general manager. I saw her standing there for a long time on the verge of tears. It’s such a shame she couldn’t even get into the office!”

“Haha, does she think she’s still the former chairman of the Brilliance
Corporation? She’s now just a low-level manager. The Stardust Corporation won’t be impressed with her. However, it might work if she tries to make use of her good looks and sells her body. After all, she’s quite the beauty!”

“Hahahaha, that’s right. But unfortunately, that good-for-nothing got away with her…”


The door of the conference room was kicked open and slammed against the wall with a loud bang, giving everyone in the room a great shock.

Cheyenne was standing outside the door with a pale face while Lucas stood beside her, his expression cold and menacing.

“What are you doing?! How dare you throw a fit at the Carters’ company?!”

Lucas glared at the people in the conference room and was just about to give them a warning, but Cheyenne pulled him back.

“Enough. Don’t cause a stir here.”
Lucas took a deep breath and didn’t say anything.

Seeing that Lucas was ‘chickening out,’ Bryce and the others were about to sneer and mock him, but a senior executive hurriedly walked over.

“The chairman is here with Mr. Wilson. Hurry up and prepare all the documents and contracts. Don’t make any mistakes!”

On the other side of the corridor, Dominic Carter was walking over with a middle-aged bespectacled man. “Mr. Wilson, I haven’t congratulated you on inheriting your father’s legacy. You’re young and promising! Regarding our cooperation…”

Before he finished, the bespectacled man interrupted him and pointed at Lucas, who was standing near the door. Gritting his teeth, he hollered, “It’s you?!”

Chapter 23: You’re Not Qualified

Upon sight of his grandfather entering with a VIP, Bryce tidied up his suit and tie and was ready to greet them with a smile, only to be caught off guard when Mr. Wilson pointed in his direction with exasperation all over his face.

Bryce was puzzled at first. But when he saw Dominic and Mr. Wilson glaring at Lucas, who was beside him, with extremely hostile expressions, he finally realized that the one who had offended Mr. Wilson was the wastrel Lucas!
Lucas squinted and thought, Enemies often meet. The VIP, Mr. Wilson, was James Wilson, the extremely haughty man he had met at the kindergarten yesterday.
Bryce hurried forward and smiled at Wilson subserviently.

“Mr. Wilson, ignore that good-for-nothing. I’ll get rid of him right away! Come on, let’s go to the conference room to discuss the cooperation.”

Wilson flung Bryce’s hand away forcefully and snapped, “Screw that! Is this person one of the Carters? Hah, just you wait and see!”

After issuing the threat, Wilson turned around to leave! Although he wished he could dash forward immediately to kill Lucas and take revenge for what happened yesterday, his chest still hurt from Lucas’s kick, and most of his underlings were still hospitalized. Thus, he couldn’t find anyone to help him take revenge for the time being.

“No, please wait, Mr. Wilson. Let’s talk things over calmly!” Dominic and Bryce panicked and hurriedly tried to hold Wilson back while persuading him.

“That rascal has nothing to do with the Carter family. I’ll get security to come and chase him out now!” Bryce exclaimed.

Wilson slapped Bryce and retorted, “Do you take me for a three-year-old you can fool easily? Why would he be standing in front of the conference room of your company if he has nothing to do with you?”
After receiving a slap from Wilson, Bryce dared not voice his displeasure at all and had no choice but to cover his face while putting the blame on Lucas.

“Mr. Wilson, this loser really has nothing to do with the Carters. If you’re upset, I will get him to apologize and make it up to you now!” Dominic glared at Lucas in disdain and yelled, “How did you offend Mr. Wilson? Hurry up and apologize to him now.”

When Wilson saw how hostile the Carters were toward Lucas, he felt much better. Raising his head high smugly, he sneered, “I don’t care for an apology. If you’re still sincere about cooperating, tell this bastard to kneel down to me. If I’m happy, I’ll consider the matter of cooperation again!”

Without saying a word, Dominic barked at Lucas, “Didn’t you hear what Mr. Wilson said? Hurry up and get your ass here to kneel and apologize.”

Lucas naturally ignored him. He obviously wouldn’t kneel and apologize.

Staring at Dominic and the others coldly, he questioned, “You don’t even know what happened between me and him, but you want me to apologize to him? Besides, didn’t you say that I have nothing to do with your family? Who are you to order me to kneel and apologize to him?”

“You!” Dominic was enraged. “If you don’t kneel and apologize, I will kick your family out!”

Cheyenne’s pupils constricted. Grandpa is threatening to kick us out again. Does he not care about us at all?

Lucas’s face was gloomy as well. Threatening me with that, does he think I’ll be scared?

If he were alone, he wouldn’t bother staying with the Carters at all!
At this moment, a receptionist hurriedly ran over. Panting heavily, he exclaimed, “Mr. Davis of the Stardust Corporation is here. He’s waiting in the reception room downstairs!”

“Stardust Corporation? Mr. Davis is here personally?” Dominic and the other Carters were astonished. Even the haughty Wilson was stunned.

“What are you waiting for? Hurry up and receive Mr. Davis!”

Dominic hurried down with a group of people, but since they didn’t have enough time to wait for the elevator, they decided to go down the stairs.

Seeing that Wilson was following them too, Lucas couldn’t help but sneer.

Cheyenne tugged Lucas and exclaimed anxiously, “Let’s hurry down too!”

In the reception room on the second floor, Dominic stepped forward to greet Flynn Davis. With an enthusiastic smile, he exclaimed, “Mr. Davis, my apologies for failing to receive you well!”

Wilson hurriedly extended his hand. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Davis. I’m James Wilson of the Wilson family that helms the Titanium Corporation…”

Davis glared at him dismissively without extending his hand. “The Wilson family? Titanium Corporation? What nonsense is that?”

Wilson’s expression immediately stiffened.

Although the Titanium Corporation was nothing compared to the Stardust Corporation, the Wilson family was at least at the bottom of the ranks of the first-tier families. Even the Carters had to suck up to them!

Wilson’s face stiffened, and he dared not be hostile toward Davis. Seeing that Lucas and Cheyenne were here too, Wilson found an outlet to vent his anger. He lashed out at Lucas, “You bastard, who let you come? Dominic Carter, didn’t you say that you would chase him out?”
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For those who have read the story, I need your opinion. Should I continue?, And are you finding it interesting
The story is very interesting, the problem is the way you post the story. No paragraph
“Hmph!” Davis humphed and questioned, “James Wilson, helmsman of the Titanium Corporation, you’re so mighty, huh? Who are you to interfere with the matters between the Stardust Corporation and the Carters?”

Chapter 24: Signing The Contract

Wilson paused and dared not speak anymore. It would be bad if he angered Mr. Davis and made the Stardust Corporation and the Huttons who owned it boycott his family.

Davis quickly glanced at Lucas, but he did not go up to greet him and instead pretended not to know him.
Since Lucas wanted to keep his identity secret from the Carters, he had to follow instructions because he was his subordinate.

Davis took out a document and placed it on the desk in the reception room.

Dominic immediately looked over. When he saw the word ‘contract,’ his eyes immediately widened, and he said in a shaky voice, “Contract?”

Davis chuckled. “Yes, this is the strategic cooperation contract drawn up by the Stardust Corporation. Miss Cheyenne Carter looked for me several times yesterday, and I was touched by her sincerity, so I want to give your company a chance to cooperate with us. I have already signed this contract. As long as you have no other objections, you can sign it after taking a look, and it will take effect immediately.”

The Stardust Corporation actually took the initiative to offer them a chance to cooperate!nIt was a godsend!

However, when they heard that they obtained the contract because of Cheyenne, their faces turned grim, and many of them subconsciously glanced at Bryce several times.

Dominic had promised to give the position of general manager of the Brilliance Corporation to the person who managed to clinch the cooperation with the Stardust Corporation.

Now that Cheyenne had clinched the contract, was she really going to make a comeback and become the helmsman of the Brilliance Corporation again?

Bryce looked extremely upset too. He was originally already confident that Cheyenne wouldn’t be able to handle the cooperation with the Stardust Corporation and wanted to take the opportunity to drive her, her good-fornothing husband, and her useless parents out of the family. He didn’t expect her to really clinch the cooperation…

Cheyenne was stunned too. Yesterday, she had asked to see Mr. Davis at the Stardust Corporation office several times but to no avail. In the end, she almost thought that she no longer had any hope. To her surprise, Davis was touched by her actions and even brought the contract to the Brilliance Corporation personally.

Needless to say, Dominic was overjoyed. Without even taking a careful look at the contract, he hurriedly signed his name at the bottom and stamped the Brilliance Corporation’s official seal on it, for fear that Davis would change his mind and withdraw the contract. Having finished the task given by Lucas, Davis felt relieved and turned to leave.

Seeing that the Carters had actually signed a contract with the Stardust Corporation, Wilson felt bitter and infuriated because the Carters were too busy rejoicing, so no one attended to him. He stormed off in a huff.

Having signed the contract, Dominic was extremely pleased. He looked at the joyful Carters in the room and suddenly cleared his throat. “Since everyone is here, I shall announce something.”
Here it comes!

Everyone came to a sudden realization. It seemed that it was time for Dominic to announce the new helmsman of the Brilliance Corporation.

Countless envious gazes were cast at Cheyenne. Even many of those who had mocked her loudly previously began looking at her with we and tried to suck up to her.

If not for the fact that Bryce, the eldest scion of the Carter family, was staring at them hostilely, many of them would have run to Cheyenne immediately to show their loyalty to her.

Cheyenne was extremely excited too, and she was staring at Dominic with glistening eyes.

“I hereby announce that Bryce Carter will be the new general manager of the Brilliance Corporation from today onward. He will be fully responsible for all affairs of the corporation, including the cooperation with the Stardust Corporation. Everyone else must fully cooperate with him!”

After Dominic said this, everyone else was stunned. Lucas’s face turned gloomy, as he didn’t expect Dominic to go back on his word!

After being shocked for a while, Bryce looked pleasantly surprised as he walked over and exclaimed loudly, “Okay, Grandpa! I’ll do a good job and make sure that I don’t let you down!”

The other Carters soon turned their heads over, thinking to themselves that Dominic was just making an empty promise previously. Why would he hand over the company to a granddaughter who wasn’t related to him by blood instead of his biological grandson? They were muddled!

In particular, a few of them who almost wanted to express their loyalty to Cheyenne felt extremely thankful that they didn’t. Otherwise, Bryce wouldn’t have let them off!

“Okay, this is all. You are dismissed. Get back to work.” Dominic turned around to leave.

Unable to tolerate it any longer, Cheyenne chased after Dominic and stood in front of him. “Grandpa! Didn’t you say that you would give the Brilliance Corporation to the person who clinched the cooperation with the Stardust Corporation? Why did you let Bryce become the general manager instead?”

Dominic glared at Cheyenne apathetically. “Are you upset? If not for you, the Carters wouldn’t have become a second-rate family in Orange County. If not for your loser husband offending Mr. Wilson, we would have signed a contract with him too. You’re so incompetent! What right do you have to be indignant?”

Chapter 25: As Long As You Wish

Dominic berated Cheyenne without any mercy, making her feel as though she had been struck by lightning, and her face paled immediately.

Cheyenne didn’t expect that to be the way Dominic had been thinking of her…

Lucas walked to Cheyenne and stared at Dominic indifferently. “You previously said that you would hand over the Brilliance Corporation to whoever clinches the cooperation. Turns out you’re not a man of your word at all.”

Dominic humphed coldly. “Who do you think you are? How dare you question me? I’ll make it clear today. No matter how many contracts Cheyenne Carter secures, I will never hand over the Brilliance Corporation to her! One should know their place!”

After saying his piece, he left with the contract in his hand.

The remaining Carters looked at Cheyenne with a gaze that was worlds apart from earlier.

“Hah, do you still think you can become the chairman of the Brilliance Corporation again? You must be dreaming!”

“At the end of the day, Mr. Carter Senior is wise. He could tell at a glance that she’s a jinx. How can the Brilliance Corporation be handed to her?”

“Bryce is the rightful successor. Some people here are nothing compared to him. How dare she contend with Bryce?!”

“One should know where they stand. Mr. Carter Senior is right!”

“Hahaha, my thoughts exactly. She ought to realize that she can’t hold a candle to Bryce!”

Their mockery was like daggers piercing Cheyenne’s heart.
Cheyenne had founded the Brilliance Corporation singlehandedly with her hard work. Not only did they snatch it away from her, they even berated her like she was the villain coveting the company. They even blamed the family’s poor development on her while ignoring everything she had done for the company, which she had put her heart and soul into.

Bryce walked up to Cheyenne and stared at her pale face with a smug grin, full of a sense of superiority.

“Cheyenne Carter, don’t waste your efforts anymore. From now on, the Brilliance Corporation belongs to me entirely. As long as I’m around, you will never get ahead, and you will have to be at my beck and call. Otherwise, don’t blame me for being nasty to you!”

Lucas suddenly walked over and stood in between the two of them, shielding Cheyenne behind him.

“What are you doing?!” Bryce was instantly displeased. They were standing close to each other, and due to Lucas’s height, he immediately felt a great sense of oppression and reluctantly took two steps backward.

Staring at Bryce with a straight face, Lucas said, “Don’t think that no one knows the sordid things that you did in the past.”

Although Lucas didn’t have much of an expression on his face, Bryce still felt a chill in his heart as he was overwhelmed with fear. Feeling guilty, he said, “What nonsense are you spouting? Damn it! One day, I’ll make sure I kick you out of the family, you trash!” Bryce hurriedly left.

The other Carters left too. Lucas glared daggers at Bryce’s back.
Back then, Bryce was the one who gave Dominic Carter the idea to frame Cheyenne and Lucas so as to snatch the Brilliance Corporation away.

Having done such a disgusting thing, he definitely had to pay the price one day! Lucas and Cheyenne were the only ones remaining in the reception room.

Cheyenne fell helplessly onto the couch with a blank expression and a soulless gaze. At this moment, she looked extremely vulnerable.

“Cheyenne…” Lucas squatted beside her and whispered.

Upon hearing his gentle voice, Cheyenne burst into tears, unable to hold them back any longer. Her tears slid down her cheeks like the beads of a broken bracelet.

Cheyenne looked at Lucas and broke down, weeping silently.
Feeling immense heartache, Lucas reached out to pull her into his arms.

Cheyenne clenched her jaw and sobbed before pounding Lucas’s chest again and again.

“It’s all your fault… It was your fault then… and now too… What am I lacking? How did I offend you?”

Lucas hugged Cheyenne and allowed her to pound his chest continuously, regardless of how hard she was hitting him.

After a long while, Cheyenne finally calmed down. She was sobbing, and her nose had turned red. She wiped the tears on her face and immediately felt embarrassed when she saw the mess on Lucas’s clothes. It had been years since she cried so hard. To make things worse, she was crying in front of Lucas.

“I’m sorry…” It was unclear if she was apologizing for her actions or for dirtying his clothes.

Lucas didn’t bother about that. He asked Cheyenne seriously, “Do you really want the Brilliance Corporation back?”

Cheyenne was stunned for a while. “I don’t want the Carters’ other companies, but the Brilliance Corporation is different. I established it step by step years ago, and I put my heart and soul into every stage of development. It will only be ruined in the hands of those who are incompetent! I just don’t want…”

“Okay, I understand.” Lucas nodded.

“As long as you wish, I’ll get the Brilliance Corporation back for you.”

Chapter 26: Breaching The Contract

“What?” Cheyenne froze, almost suspecting that she had misheard him.

“I said, as long as you wish, I can give you the Brilliance Corporation and even more,” Lucas repeated clearly again, his tone confident and firm.

Cheyenne looked at Lucas with great disappointment in her pretty eyes.

She stood up coldly and said to him, “I can accept that my husband is a mediocre person who isn’t too capable, but I don’t want Amelia’s father to be an empty vessel who does nothing but brag and lie all day.”

Cheyenne stared at him with a deep glance and then left the reception room silently.

Lucas smiled quietly and thought, It’s alright. She’ll find out one day that what I said is true.

He took out his phone and called Davis. “Conquer the Brilliance Corporation immediately. You know what to do.”


The news of Dominic Carter appointing Bryce Carter as the new general manager of the Brilliance Corporation quickly spread throughout the entire company. In less than half a day, all the appointment letters, seals, nameplates, and other miscellaneous items were prepared.

Sitting in a spacious office, Bryce spun around a few times on the swivel chair and laughed heartily.
When Dominic entered, Bryce immediately went up to him.

“Grandpa.” Looking at his grandson, who was clad in an immaculate suit, Dominic nodded in satisfaction.

“Not bad. You do look like a general manager. Bryce, I’m handing the Brilliance Corporation to you now. Train hard and gain more experience. In the future, the entire Carter family will belong to you too.”

Bryce looked euphoric. Actually, he was Dominic Carter’s only biological grandson, and his father had already passed away. It was only a matter of time before the entire family would be handed over to him. He knew that his grandfather wouldn’t hand over the Carter family to those who were not related to him by blood.

However, he still had a grateful look on his face. “Yes, thank you for your trust and for grooming me, Grandpa. I’ll definitely do a good job!”

However, when he thought about Cheyenne, who used to pose a threat to him, Bryce was immediately displeased. So he said to Dominic, “However, Grandpa,
I saw that Cheyenne was incredibly upset over you handing thebBrilliance Corporation to me. I’m afraid she’ll deliberately retaliate against the company and do something to harm the family.”

“If she dares to do that or harbor any ill intentions, I’ll kick her and her family out immediately!” Dominic shouted.

Bryce was at ease. He wished he could chase Cheyenne away immediately.

At this moment, his cell phone on the table suddenly rang. Filled with joy and vigor after assuming his new position, Bryce picked up the phone and asked, “Hello, who’s speaking?”

However, his smile soon stiffened, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was amiss. He even began to stammer.

“W-wait a minute! I-is there a mistake somewhere? How can that be?” The cold sweat on his forehead instantly dripped down.

“What’s the matter?!” Sensing that something was wrong, Dominic immediately snatched the phone away instead of questioning Bryce. Unfortunately, the caller had already hung up.

“What exactly happened?” Looking at Bryce’s face, Dominic knew that something terrible must have happened.

Bryce looked at Dominic anxiously. “It was a call from the Stardust
Corporation, saying that they want to terminate the cooperation with us. They also said that we’ve breached the contract and want us to pay massive compensation! Grandpa, what should we do?”

“What?! How did that happen?” Dominic panicked and stumbled, almost losing his balance and falling onto the ground.

Bryce hurriedly stepped forward to hold him. He was caught off guard by the sudden notification and had to let Dominic make the decision.

“Grandpa, have a seat and drink some tea. How could this happen all of a sudden? The contract was just signed this morning, so how could there be a breach of contract? Something must have gone wrong somewhere!”

“Yes, we’ve just signed the contract, and we haven’t taken any action yet. How is there a breach of contract? Did they mention in what way we breached it?”

“No. They merely stated that there was a breach of contract and that we have to compensate in accordance with the terms. The compensation is a huge sum of money, and we definitely can’t afford it. Why don’t I call the Stardust Corporation again?” Bryce asked.

“Yes, call and clarify with them,” Dominic instructed firmly.
Unfortunately, none of Bryce’s attempts succeeded, as the other party would simply hang up after thanking him for calling. They obviously didn’t want to speak to him in detail.

Dominic was extremely anxious, but he dared not flare up because he was facing the Stardust Corporation.

“Tell everyone to come here for an emergency meeting!” Dominic ordered.

Soon, all the Carters gathered in the conference room. They were initially still smiling gleefully, but as soon as they entered and saw the displeasure on the faces of Bryce and Dominic, they immediately stopped smiling and sat down conscientiously.

Almost all of them were present, except Cheyenne.

Dominic frowned. “Everyone’s here. Bryce, tell them.”

“Yes, Grandpa.” Bryce sat in the general manager’s seat and repeated the news that he heard over the phone once more.
After hearing his words, the Carters were flabbergasted!

Chapter 27: Fabricating Truths

“Really? How did that happen?”

“We just signed the contract with them this morning. How can there be a breach of contract this afternoon? We haven’t done anything yet!”

“Yeah, the Stardust Corporation isn’t playing a trick on us, right?”

“Did they deliberately set us up? But why are they targeting us?”

“They’re really shameless. I thought that the Stardust Corporation was a huge enterprise that wouldn’t resort to such tricks!”

Everyone was babbling continuously in indignation. They thought that it was a godsend opportunity that fell into their laps, but it turned out to be harmful to them. How could they tolerate it?!
Dominic smacked the table and roared, “Enough! I asked you to come here to discuss some strategies and countermeasures, not to listen to your nonsense. Hurry up and think of some solutions. If you don’t have any, shut up!”

The people in the conference room immediately fell silent.

“So, do all of you have nothing to say? Have I been feeding a bunch of garbage?” Seeing that no one was saying anything, Dominic got even more infuriated.

“Um, did we offend someone at the Stardust Corporation? That’s not right either. If we really offended them, Mr. Davis wouldn’t have made it a point to come over to sign the contract with us this morning. In other words, did someone offend the Stardust Corporation after signing the contract?” someone asked carefully.

His conjecture was likely to be true.
Dominic glanced at them coldly. “So, did any of you do something to offend anyone today?”

All the people present felt a cold chill down their spines when they saw Dominic’s gaze and hurriedly shook their heads.

One of the Carters discovered that Cheyenne, who usually acted as cannon fodder when Dominic was furious, wasn’t here and immediately felt dismayed. He started whispering.

“What are you talking about?” Dominic glared daggers at him.
Taken aback, he hurriedly said, “No, I’m just wondering why Cheyenne Carter isn’t here yet. She’s always missing when there’s trouble.”
Cheyenne Carter?

Yes! This must have something to do with her!

Everyone suddenly thought of something, as if they had received a reminder.

“This matter must have something to do with Cheyenne Carter! Mr. Davis of the Stardust Corporation said that he offered the contract to us because of her sincerity.

However, in the blink of an eye, he said that we breached the contract and wants us to compensate. Cheyenne Carter should be the one to resolve this matter!”

“Yes! She was the one who clinched the contract, so she should be the one to solve the problem!”

“Besides, everyone is here for the emergency meeting except her. Is it because she’s deliberately avoiding us? Or is it because she’s done something that goes against her conscience?”

The more the Carters talked, the more excited they got, and there were more and more conjectures.
Bryce smacked his hand on the table and exclaimed, “Ah, I know!”
With a look of excitement, he said to Dominic, “Grandpa, I know! Today, Mr. Davis said that he signed the contract with us only because of Cheyenne’s sincerity. I think he must have taken a fancy to her!

“Previously, you said that whoever can clinch the contract with the Stardust Corporation will take over the Brilliance Corporation. Everyone knows that Cheyenne is bent on taking away the Brilliance Corporation, so she must have tried to clinch the contract by resorting to all means. So…

“So, she must have gone and made some kind of deal with Mr. Davis!”
The more Bryce spoke, the more certain he was of his guess, as if these were not just his wild guesses but truths.

“No matter what, Cheyenne is still the most beautiful woman in Orange County. That’s probably why Mr. Davis decided to sign the contract with us. However, he went back on his word and changed his mind after seeing that you didn’t hand the Brilliance Corporation to her! Mr. Davis must be infuriated. That’s why he suddenly sued us for breach of contract!”

The Carters came to a sudden realization. Yes, that must be the truth! It’s all Cheyenne Carter’s fault!

“Get Cheyenne Carter to come to the office to see me immediately!” Dominic ordered with a hostile expression.

After leaving the office today, Cheyenne went straight home, where she cooped herself up in her room and refused to see anyone. Her phone was on silent mode too.
Karen kept probing, but Cheyenne refused to say a single word.

The events that occurred today and, in particular, Dominic and the other Carters’ attitudes toward her made her feel disappointed.

At this moment, Karen’s phone rang. Seeing that it was a call from Bryce, she immediately picked up.

“Hello, Bryce. Yes, she’s in. You need to talk to her about something urgent?

Okay, I’ll get her to go to the office immediately.”

After hanging up, Karen immediately pounded hard on the door of Cheyenne’s room.

“Cheyenne, hurry up and come out. Your grandfather wants you to go to the office for something urgent!”
Cheyenne didn’t really want to go. but thinking that perhaps there was something important that she had to deal with at the office, she forced herself to get up.

Soon, Cheyenne arrived at the conference room of the Brilliance Corporation and was greeted by a bunch of people staring at her with furious and peculiar gazes.

Cheyenne’s heart dropped. What’s going on? Does it have something to do with me too?

“Cheyenne, I didn’t expect you to be so shameless. Since you’ve hooked up with Mr. Davis to get the contract signed, why did you go back on your word and cause us to be sued by the Stardust Corporation for breach of contract?” Bryce was the first to stand up, and he immediately lashed out at Cheyenne.

Cheyenne was instantly stunned!

Chapter 28: All Sorts of Insults and Humiliation

Hook up? Go back on my word? Breach of contract? What?

“What nonsense are you spouting? Didn’t the Stardust Corporation just sign the contract with us this morning?” Cheyenne asked with a frown, her eyes still red from crying just now.

Bryce humphed coldly. “Hmph, drop the act! Just come clean. Were you the one who caused the Stardust Corporation to sue us for breach of contract and demand compensation? How will it benefit you if the Carters suffer heavy losses?”

Only then did Cheyenne somewhat figure out what he meant. She was extremely astonished too. The Stardust Corporation is suing the Carters for breach of contract? What’s going on?

“Cheyenne Carter, I’m telling you, no matter what shameless conditions you promised Mr. Davis in exchange for the contract, something has gone wrong now, and you have to solve the problem!” Bryce exclaimed sternly while pointing at Cheyenne’s nose.

Cheyenne’s face turned red with exasperation because of what he was implying. “What do you mean shameless conditions? I didn’t promise anyone any conditions.

Don’t slander me. Aren’t you the general manager of the Brilliance Corporation now? You should be the one to solve any problems that arise!”

“Shut up!” Dominic slammed his hand on the table in anger. “Bryce is now the general manager of the Brilliance Corporation, so you’d better talk to him respectfully! Furthermore, are you showing your disgruntlement about my decision this morning?”

Cheyenne clenched her jaw and said after a long time, “No.”

“Say it yourself. What rights do you have to make me hand over the Brilliance Corporation to you? The scandal you were involved in previously has already brought shame to the family and caused us to incur severe losses because of the stagnation of the company’s development. You refused to marry Seth Miller, and today, your good-for-nothing husband offended James Wilson, causing the cooperation with the Wilsons to flop. I thought that you were at least a little useful, but as soon as we clinched the contract with the Stardust Corporation, this happened!”

Dominic stared at her accusingly. “Cheyenne Carter, I’m really disappointed in you.”

Cheyenne felt extremely aggrieved, but she knew that her grandfather was just biased against her and trying to push all the blame to her. No matter what she said, he would just think that she was making excuses.

“No matter what, you have to solve the issue with the Stardust Corporation, or else we will go bankrupt if we really have to compensate a huge sum of money for the breach. Are you going to watch the Brilliance Corporation fold?”

Dominic was well aware of how attached Cheyenne was to the Brilliance Corporation. Previously, he often threatened her with the fate of the Brilliance Corporation too, making her slog her guts out for the company.

This time, he was doing the same thing once again. Cheyenne’s heart was full of misery, but she really could not bring herself to watch the Brilliance Corporation wind up.

She clenched her fist and suddenly raised her head to say to Dominic, “Okay, I can promise to go see Mr. Davis and try to talk him around, but you have to promise me one condition.”

“This is your responsibility to begin with. How dare you make Grandpa promise you a condition?” Bryce immediately chided.

Dominic frowned. “Tell me.”
After taking a deep breath, Cheyenne said seriously, “If I can solve this issue and save the Brilliance Corporation from the crisis, I hope you will return it to me, Grandpa.”

“Don’t even think about it! Impossible!” Before Dominic even spoke, Bryce immediately sprung up as if his tail had been stepped on. What a joke! The Brilliance Corporation already belongs to me. Who is Cheyenne Carter to take it away from me? Grandpa will never agree to it!

“I single-handedly established the Brilliance Corporation. After I gave birth to Amelia, you said you’d help me manage it, but you never returned it to me. I’m just taking back what rightfully belongs to me.” Cheyenne refused to budge as well.

“You!” Overwhelmed with anger, Bryce turned to face Dominic.

“Grandpa, what is she saying? Is she trying to say that we snatched the Brilliance Corporation away from her?! It belonged to the Carters in the first place! Besides, it’s indeed true that she colluded with Mr. Davis with the intention to take the Brilliance Corporation away!”

“You actually have the cheek to say that the Brilliance Corporation belongs to you. You’re so shameless!”

“I was wondering why we got sued for breach of contract right after signing it. It turns out Cheyenne Carter has long colluded with others!”

“Cheyenne Carter, if not for our family’s reputation, would you have been able to establish the Brilliance Corporation? We helped you, but not only are you not grateful, you even have the audacity to say that we stole it from you!”

“Exactly. We worked hard for so many years, and if we hadn’t taken over the Brilliance Corporation, it would have long folded! Such big talk! This company belongs to the Carters!”

The other Carters began pointing fingers at Cheyenne, as if the Brilliance Corporation should have belonged to the Carters in the first place and that Cheyenne was just trying to rob them of their asset.
They were twisting facts!

Cheyenne was infuriated, but there was no way she could outargue more than ten people who lived off of the Brilliance Corporation.

“Enough, all of you!” Dominic roared to stop the commotion going on in the conference room.

Glaring at Cheyenne with a stern gaze in his eyes, he threatened, “I don’t care if you deliberately schemed against us this time or what. Regardless, if you can’t settle this issue with the Stardust Corporation within two days, I will remove your names from the family records!”

Chapter 29: Disowned by the Carters

After Dominic said that, the Carters couldn’t help but look at each other.
It had been a long time since anyone was disowned and kicked out of the family.

Although people placed less emphasis on familial ties these days, and being disowned by your family would not warrant public hate, it was still a serious matter for a major family like the Carters.

After being disowned and chased out of the family, they would no longer be entitled to all the dividends and benefits of the companies owned by the Carters, and even their residence would be confiscated.

After all, being disowned by your family was an extremely embarrassing thing, as it usually meant that you had committed a heinous offense and had a problematic character that caused you to be chased out of the family.

Cheyenne didn’t expect Dominic to threaten her without getting to the bottom of the truth. At this moment, Cheyenne’s heart turned cold.

She had done so much for the family in the past, but what was it for? Was a family like this really worth her effort


Over the next two days, Cheyenne went to the Stardust Corporation countless times and begged to see Flynn Davis but was rejected every single time.

“I’m sorry, Miss Carter. The general manager is busy at the moment. Do you have an appointment with him? If you don’t, I’m sorry, but you can’t see him.”

At a loss, Cheyenne walked out and stood outside the Stardust Corporation office tower, not knowing where to go.

Her slender figure was so thin and fragile that she looked like she was unable to hold on any longer.

Lucas stood on the top floor of the Stardust Corporation office tower and gazed at her figure for a long time, feeling a heartache with misery in his eyes.

“Mr. Gray, are you really not going to see her… She’s your…” Davis asked.

“No, we’ll act according to the original plan. Only when she sees how heartless the Carters are to her can she truly be ruthless and sever ties with them.”

He thought that Cheyenne would only end up getting ruined if she continued to stay in that toxic family where everyone humiliated her and exploited her to no end.

“Cheyenne!” Charlotte hurriedly ran over and hugged Cheyenne with a gleeful expression. “Cheyenne, I just received the notice that I passed the Stardust Corporation’s interview, and I’m now an official employee! This is my nameplate. Don’t worry anymore. I’ll go in and ask Mr. Davis.”

“Charlotte, no!” Cheyenne hurriedly stopped her sister. “You’ve just been recruited, so don’t get involved in this matter, lest it affects your job. That’d be worse! Ah, I haven’t congratulated you on joining the Stardust Corporation yet. Let’s celebrate tonight,” Cheyenne said, forcing herself to put on a lopsided smile.

“Why are you saying this? Cheyenne, I’m not a kid anymore. I can share your burden. Actually, why should you be the one to solve this matter? Grandpa and the others just think you’re a pushover, huh? If I were you, I would just put this matter aside and let them worry about it themselves! What do the company’s risk of winding up and losses incurred have to do with you? Anyway, no matter how much effort you put in, they won’t return the Brilliance Corporation to you!” Charlotte rattled on nonstop like a drum, feeling extremely unjust for her sister.

Feeling terrible, Cheyenne said, “I just can’t stop worrying about the Brilliance Corporation. I don’t want to watch it get destroyed like this.”
Charlotte knew that her sister had always had a strong attachment to the Brilliance Corporation. Stomping her feet furiously, she exclaimed, “In that case, I will ask for you!”

Before Cheyenne could stop her, Charlotte dashed into the Stardust Corporation with her work pass, pressed the elevator button, and rushed straight to the general manager’s office on the top floor. The secretary outside didn’t stop her at all.

“Are you the general manager, Mr. Davis? I have some questions for you.” Charlotte stood in the office and looked at Davis, who was sitting in front of his desk.

“Sorry, Mr. Davis. This new employee isn’t aware of the rules and barged straight in. I couldn’t stop her,” the secretary hurriedly apologized to Davis after glaring at Charlotte.

Ever since he learned that Cheyenne was Lucas’s wife, Davis had investigated some of Cheyenne’s connections and naturally recognized the new employee in front of him to be Cheyenne’s sister.

“It’s okay. You may resume your duties.” Davis waved his hand at his fearstricken secretary.

After the secretary left, he looked at Charlotte and asked, “What do you want to ask me?”

“Mr. Davis, I just want to ask you why you signed a contract with the Carters’ Brilliance Corporation only two days ago, but you sued them for breach of contract this afternoon? I want to know why there is a breach of contract or if the Carters have offended you in any way. My sister has been waiting for you outside the entrance for two days over this matter. Even if you refuse to see her, it would only take a minute for you to send someone to make your intentions clear to her, right?” Charlotte’s heart ached for her sister whenever she thought about Cheyenne, who was on the verge of fainting outside.

“Since you’ve asked, I’ll tell you. Go back and tell the Carters that they have done something wrong and offended someone, so they must bear the consequences,” Davis said.

“Who? Isn’t it you whom they offended?” Charlotte asked in great surprise.

Davis shook his head. “No, that person holds much more authority than me, and I can’t afford to offend him at all, let alone the Carters. That’s all I have to say.”

Chapter 30: Kicked Out by the Carters

Davis’s words put Charlotte in disbelief. The Stardust Corporation had a great reputation in Orange County because it had the support of the Huttons. It was famous, and the companies of the families of all sizes in Orange County dared not offend it and instead vied to cooperate with it.

As the general manager of the Stardust Corporation, someone who held authority in the upper-class circle of Orange County, how could there be someone who had higher authority than him?

Who exactly is that person? How did the Carters offend such a person?
Charlotte was full of doubts as she headed downstairs to tell Cheyenne about the news. “Cheyenne, I just asked Mr. Davis. He said that we didn’t offend him but someone whom even he doesn’t dare to offend.”

She didn’t doubt the truth of Davis’s words. When Cheyenne heard her words, her face turned pale. Someone even more authoritative than Mr. Davis

Cheyenne was in despair. Her motivation to stand there vanished, and her knees grew weak, causing her to almost fall onto the ground.

“Is… the Brilliance Corporation going to be ruined just like that?”

“Cheyenne!” Charlotte hurriedly held her and exclaimed worriedly,

“Don’t force yourself anymore. You’ve already tried your best!”
At this moment, Cheyenne’s phone began ringing.

Cheyenne calmed herself down before picking up. “Hello?”
Bryce asked in a hostile tone,

“Cheyenne Carter, the two days are up. Have you settled the issue with the Stardust Corporation yet?”
Cheyenne’s lips twitched, and she was at a loss for words.

Bryce immediately knew that the matter was not resolved yet and said haughtily, “Hey, you’re incapable, so don’t blame me for being merciless! Just wait to be thrown out together with your family!” He hung up.

Charlotte and Cheyenne looked at each other, both having an ominous premonition.

“Charlotte, let’s hurry home! We don’t know what Bryce might get up to!”

“Yes!” Charlotte nodded and hurriedly pulled Cheyenne into the metallic red Lamborghini. As she sped through the streets to the Carter residence, the sports car roared like a swift bolt of lightning.

Lucas, who was standing on the top floor of the Stardust Corporation office tower, also sensed that something was amiss when he saw how troubled the two of them looked before leaving. Did something happen? He headed downstairs and followed them.

At this moment, Karen was sitting in the living room of the Carter residence and watching TV. All of a sudden, there was a loud bang from outside, giving her a great shock.

“Who’s there?!” Karen walked out of the house in displeasure, only to see a bunch of people standing in front of the courtyard. The fence of their residence had also been pushed away, forming a gap in the ground!

“Which bastard did this?! Are you blind? Didn’t you see the fence here? I’m telling you, if you don’t compensate…”

Karen flew into a rage and cursed in a high-pitched voice with her hands on her waist. She suddenly saw Bryce walking out from behind the crowd while staring at her with a smug expression on his face.
Karen realized that this group of people at the entrance of the courtyard seemed to be the security officers of the Brilliance Corporation, and Bryce had led them here.

“Bryce… what’s going on? Why are they…” Karen spluttered as pangs of panic engulfed her.

Hearing the commotion and sensing that something was wrong, William hurriedly came out of the residence too. “Bryce, what’s going on?”

“Hah, what’s going on? Don’t you know yourselves? Two days ago, Grandpa said that if Cheyenne Carter couldn’t resolve the contract issues with the Stardust Corporation, he would throw all of you out and disown you! Now, time is up. What do you think is going on?”

Karen and William immediately panicked. They had heard about this matter before but didn’t pay much attention to it because they knew that it was Cheyenne who had clinched the contract between the Brilliance Corporation and the Stardust Corporation. They reckoned that it should have been a simple task for her to clarify the misunderstanding and convince the general manager of the Stardust Corporation to cooperate with the Brilliance Corporation again.

They never expected that Cheyenne would fail to resolve it and that Bryce would be so merciless that he would bring his men over to chase them away!

“Throw them out together with all their belongings!” Bryce waved his hand and ordered his subordinates.

“Stop!” William hollered loudly in anger. He looked at Bryce. “Bryce, I’m your uncle. Aren’t you going to take that into account at all?”

“Hmph, you’re just a bastard that Grandma brought into the family. How are you considered my uncle? Back then, Grandpa only allowed you to take on the Carter last name because of Grandma. You took advantage of the Carters and lived in the lap of luxury for a long time. Have you forgotten who you are? People like you and your family should have long been thrown out!” Bryce retorted harshly with derision.
The word ‘bastard’ made William turn beet red, and Bryce’s remarks made him furious, but he was at a loss for a rebuttal.

“Throw them out!”
Hearing Bryce’s command, the security officers dared not be negligent, and they smashed everything they could. While struggling and yelling, Karen and William were dragged away. A huge commotion broke out in the small courtyard.

Cheyenne and Charlotte hurried into their residence, only to be greeted with the chaos.
“All of you, stop!”
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Chapter 31: Throwing His Weight Around

After shouting, Cheyenne hastened over and was instantly furious when she saw her parents struggling and being pulled away by the security officers. She hurriedly stepped forward to stop them.

“Let go! Stop struggling. I have something to say.”

The few security officers naturally knew Cheyenne, but they ignored her. Instead of letting go as they were told, they looked at Bryce to seek his opinion.

“Cheyenne Carter.” He stared at Cheyenne smugly.

“I’ve said long ago that I would definitely kick you and your family of leeches out.”

He stared at Cheyenne’s face in a bid to find some traces of pleading, regret, and agony.

However, Cheyenne simply stared at him coldly and asked mercilessly,
“Are you a dimwit?”

“What did you say?!” Bryce barked furiously!

Looking at Bryce straight in the eye, she said clearly, “Are you a dimwit?

“The fact that I can’t convince the Stardust Corporation to withdraw its decision to sue the Brilliance Corporation means that the Brilliance Corporation will have to compensate it a large sum of money. And the Brilliance Corporation might just go bankrupt as a result. Instead of rushing to deal with this urgent matter, you came to my house to throw your weight around. Don’t you think you’re a dimwit?”

“You!” Bryce was immediately shocked speechless. Besides, he was indeed preoccupied with thinking about how Cheyenne and her family would be kicked out as long as she couldn’t fulfill his grandpa’s demands. However, he didn’t realize until now that Cheyenne’s failure would also mean that the Carters were about to lose a lot of money! Bryce’s face turned pale, and his hand began to tremble.

If the Brilliance Corporation went bankrupt two days after he took over, Bryce would become the laughing stock of the entire Orange County!

“Indeed, you’re brainless,” Charlotte mocked.

“Shut up!” Bryce roared in annoyance and glared at Charlotte. But he suddenly discovered a stylish and luxurious silvery-red Lamborghini parked outside.
Moreover, it was a limited edition one!

It was a sports car worth several million! Bryce glared at them with his eyes wide open. “How dare you people use the Carters’ money to buy such an expensive sports car? I have never bought such an expensive car in my life before!”

At this moment, Bryce was infuriated, as he didn’t expect that Cheyenne’s family would secretly steal so much from the Carters despite looking ordinary and living in an old, shabby house.

Angered by his words, Charlotte barked, “Bullshit! The Sawyers gave this car to me as a betrothal gift. It has nothing to do with the Carters!”
Sawyers? Betrothal gift? Bryce immediately thought of something.

A few days ago, it seemed that someone had indeed told him that the chief butler of the Sawyers, the richest family in Orange County, had made a trip to Cheyenne’s home with a box of money and title deeds and a car because Ethan Sawyer’s son wanted to marry Charlotte.

However, he didn’t believe it at all at that time. Ethan Sawyer’s family was the wealthiest family in Orange County, and their wealth was dozens of times that of Carters. Besides, Charlotte Carter was just the daughter of a bastard and wasn’t as pretty as her sister, Cheyenne. What did the Sawyers see in her?

Thus, he had been extremely disdainful at the time and didn’t believe it at all. He even told that person that even if those items were sent to William Carter’s home, the sender must have made a mistake.

However, the flashy and ostentatious Lamborghini right in front of their home. This was enough to prove that it was true that Ethan Sawyer indeed planned to let his son marry Charlotte Carter, and they even gave her family hefty betrothal gifts!

However, the most important thing now was to get rid of Cheyenne’s family without letting them take away a single cent or the betrothal gifts from the Sawyers!

With a menacing gaze, Bryce ordered the security officers, “Ignore them. Drive the people in there out, and make sure they don’t take anything!”

“How dare you!” Karen shrieked and started shoving the security officers holding her back in a bid to rush back into the house. He must be kidding. My lifelong savings and the large chest of betrothal gifts worth at least ten million dollars are all placed underneath my bed. How can I let that scoundrel Bryce take them away?!

Unfortunately, Karen was only an ordinary middle-aged woman, no matter how feisty she might be. She couldn’t break free from the security officers’ restraint at all.

“Let go of my mother!” Seeing this, Cheyenne and Charlotte hurriedly rushed up to help, but the two of them were just weak women and couldn’t compete with several strong security officers.

Seeing the struggling trio who were furious but rendered immobile, Bryce guffawed loudly.

He went over to them, reached out to grab a tuft of Cheyenne’s hair, and then tugged hard. “Cheyenne Carter, get lost with your shameless family! I’m telling you, I won’t give the Brilliance Corporation to you even if it gets ruined in my hands. Don’t even think about it for the rest of your life!”

Cheyenne glared at Bryce with bloodshot eyes full of fury.
“Hahaha, you’re angry, huh? But what can you do to me?” While laughing, Bryce yanked her hair again haughtily.

“Let go of my sister!” Charlotte was panic-stricken. She tried to move Bryce’s hand away forcefully but to no avail.

“Let go!” Suddenly, a figure leaped over and clamped down on Bryce’s hand as quick as lightning.

“Lucas!” Cheyenne and Charlotte were on the verge of tears when they finally saw Lucas clearly, especially Charlotte, who had witnessed Lucas’s combat skills before. When she saw him, she felt as though she had seen her savior.

Bryce was shocked to have his wrist grabbed, but by the time he saw Lucas clearly, he immediately said derisively in disdain, “What can you do to me? You’re just garbage. Damn it. Let go of me or else…”

Before he could finish, he felt a sharp and excruciating pain in his wrist, accompanied by a loud snap. The pain almost made him pass out!

“Ah! My wrist!” Bryce shrieked at the top of his lungs like an animal getting slaughtered.

Lucas lifted Bryce up by his collar and casually flung him away. Just like that, Bryce, who weighed about eighty kilograms, was thrown out of the courtyard of Cheyenne’s home.
When he landed, Bryce howled in pain again.

Everyone was stunned! The security officers were dumbfounded, and no one remembered to tend to Bryce.
In their opinion, it definitely took an extraordinary person to lift someone of Bryce’s weight up and effortlessly fling him away like a piece of garbage!

Chapter 32: Forced By Kinship

Cheyenne looked at Lucas in great disbelief. It was the first time she saw Lucas’s impressive combat abilities and the first time he came to help her when she was being bullied. All of a sudden, Cheyenne looked at Lucas with a complicated gaze.

The security officers looked at each other in dismay, at a loss for what to do. Logically speaking, they ought to follow Bryce’s orders and throw Cheyenne’s family out. But now, Bryce was thrown out like a dead pig, and they were fearful of Lucas, who looked like someone not to be trifled with.

“Get lost!” Lucas roared.
All the security officers’ hearts palpitated, and they scurried away anxiously.

Bryce was helped up. His other hand was holding his broken wrist, and his head was covered in cold sweat. With a sinister gaze, he threatened, “I won’t let you off! Just you wait!”

They drove away in their cars. Karen’s hair and clothes were in a mess after being yanked around during the chaotic struggle just now. She randomly combed her hair with her fingers. And ignoring her daughters, who had been mistreated, she immediately dashed over to Lucas.

“Who told you to hit Bryce? He’s Dominic Carter’s precious grandson. If you hit him, Dominic Carter isn’t going to let us off. You good-for-nothing, all you do is cause trouble everywhere! If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t have been kicked out by the Carters! It’s all your fault, you jinx! Get lost!” Karen reached out and was about to slap Lucas.

“Mother!” Charlotte hurriedly stopped her.

“Why didn’t you rush out like this when Bryce grabbed Cheyenne by the hair and bullied her? If Lucas hadn’t come and chased Bryce away, Cheyenne would have been bullied badly!”

“Do you think your grandfather will let us off after he beat Bryce up?” Karen questioned.

“All you do is worry about being blamed by Grandpa. Will Grandpa let us off just because Lucas doesn’t hit Bryce?” Angered by Karen’s words, Charlotte flew into a rage.

“Before he came, we were already getting bullied! Do you want us to kneel down in front of Bryce and beg him for forgiveness so that Grandpa won’t blame us?!”

“What does a girl like you know? Bryce and your grandfather are not to be provoked. Otherwise, our family will be kicked out!”

“If we get kicked out, so be it! Who wants to stay with the Carters and get bullied every day?! Anyway, Cheyenne and I can work to earn money to provide for you guys!” Charlotte was extremely disgusted with Bryce and the others.

Cheyenne’s eyes were full of fatigue, and she was extremely exhausted, so she couldn’t help but sway unsteadily.

Lucas rushed forward to hold her.
Cheyenne looked at Lucas with a vulnerable gaze. “I’m so tired. Can I trust you with what you said previously?”

Lucas nodded and said with a gentle yet sharp gaze, “Yes. I said that I won’t let anyone bully you again in the future. As long as you want something, I’ll get it for you.”
Cheyenne closed her eyes, and tears began to roll down her cheeks.

Looking at her tears, Lucas felt heartache. When he thought about how the Carters were bullying her, his expression turned cold.

“Wait for me.” Lucas looked deeply at Cheyenne and then turned around to leave.

After ‘lecturing’ Charlotte, Karen saw Lucas walking out in the blink of an eye, and she couldn’t help but curse.

“Do you see that? He’s the first one to run away after he got us into trouble because he knows that we’ve offended your grandfather and the others! But you still believe him. You guys are foolish!

“We were doing fine before, and Cheyenne was just about to discuss marriage with Seth when he suddenly came and caused such a huge mess! Now that we’re going to be chased away and he’s not going to get any benefits anymore, he immediately decided to flee! How can anyone be so shameless? Previously, he went missing for six years. How long is he going to go missing for this time?

“Cheyenne, take a careful look at this person. Divorce him and marry a better man!”

Karen’s words were like daggers stabbing into Cheyenne’s heart. Can I still trust him? He made promises, but will he really come back again?


Thunder rumbled deafeningly in the sky full of gloomy clouds. In the blink of an eye, it began raining heavily.

The Carters were in low spirits.
“Cheyenne, go and beg your grandfather! Beg him to withdraw his order and not chase us away! If we really get kicked out, how can we secure a foothold in Orange County?” Karen tugged Cheyenne’s arm.

Extremely anxious, Charlotte exclaimed, “Mom! How can you force my sister like this?”

“Cheyenne, your father and I are not very capable, and we’ve been relying on the Carters’ dividends to get by. I’m already old. If we really get chased out now, it’s going to be humiliating. Cheyenne, go and beg your grandfather,” William said to Cheyenne after staying silent for a long time.

“Dad! Why are you acting like this too?! Your pride matters, but so does Cheyenne’s!” Charlotte looked at her father in shock and disappointment.

Cheyenne was extremely upset. She bit her lip hard and stared at her parents. “Fine, I’ll listen to you and go beg them!”

Her eyes turned red, and she got up to dash into the rain, her tears mixing with the raindrops on her face.

“Cheyenne!” Charlotte panicked and was about to dash out, but Karen stopped her.

“Why are you so insensible?!” Karen roared at Charlotte.

Charlotte watched as her thin and weak sister vanished into the rain.

“You guys are too much!” Charlotte hollered at her parents furiously with a look of disappointment. She was so angry that she was about to cry.
Outside the gates of the Carter residence…

“Mr. Carter, are we really not going to let her in? It’s raining so heavily out there…” asked the servant taking pity on the thin and disheveled Cheyenne kneeling outside the iron gates and swaying unsteadily.

“Hmph, she deserves it!” Bryce was sitting in a luxurious and warm hall, appreciating the pathetic state that Cheyenne was in outside the glass window. There was a white bandage around his wrist that was still hurting. Whenever he felt pain in his arm, he would grow even more resentful, and he would feel some joy from staring at the woman kneeling outside.

This is the consequence you have to bear for hitting me! Even though Cheyenne was kneeling outside, he was glad about it!

Upstairs, Dominic Carter was also staring at the figure outside with a straight face, not revealing any emotions at all.

Chapter 33: Take Her Away

The other Carters at the side were staring gloatingly at Cheyenne kneeling outside, as if she was the greatest joke.

“Hah, so what if Cheyenne Carter was a successful career woman who used to be a CEO? She still has to kneel outside our door like a dog and beg us to take her in now, doesn’t she?”

“She still delusionally thought that she could negotiate with Grandpa and snatch the Brilliance Corporation away. She can dream on!”

“She and her family are outright shameless. They’re clearly outsiders, but they’re so thick-skinned!”

“Of course she’d be in trouble for offending Dominic and Bryce. She’s begging for mercy only because she’s getting kicked out now. She deserves it!”

“Well, it’s pointless. They should have been chased out long ago!”

Soon, someone went out with an umbrella and threw a few pieces of paper in front of Cheyenne. She subconsciously tried to grab them, but they were soon blown into a puddle by the wind. As the papers got wet and clumpy, the ink on them quickly faded away.
Staring at Cheyenne expressionlessly, the old butler working for the Carters said, “These are the official papers of disownment. The names of your family members and you have been removed from the Carter family records, and the Carters will announce this soon. You no longer belong to the family, and all your properties, bonuses, and rights to dividends will be deprived.”

A bolt of lightning flashed, reflecting on Cheyenne’s pale face.

Grandpa is really disowning us!
“Why? What exactly did we do wrong for you to do this to us?! Haven’t I done enough for the Carters all these years?” Cheyenne slumped onto the ground and started bawling out loud when she looked at the pieces of paper that had already been mushed up because of the rain.

“This is the decision that Mr. Carter Senior and the other Carters have reached. This gate also belongs to the Carters. If you want to kneel, stay farther away!” the butler said coldly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the butler sensed a terrifying aura land on his body, followed by a tight slap on his face.

“Who are you? How dare you speak to her that way?” Lucas appeared beside Cheyenne, and he had a murderous gaze as he glared daggers at the butler.

If not for the fact that the butler was on in his years, Lucas would have given him more than just a slap.
The butler covered his face in shock and fury. No one had ever dared to hit him on the territory of the Carters. He wanted to call security over. But when his eyes met Lucas’s murderous gaze, he was frightened to the point of choking on his words.
He was certain that if he dared to make a single sound, Lucas would kill him!

Lucas lowered his head and looked at Cheyenne, who was kneeling on the ground, her hair and clothes drenched to the extent that she looked extremely miserable.
She was his woman, and yet she was being abused like this!

Anger brewed in Lucas’s eyes as he glared at the butler before shifting his gaze to the Carter residence behind the metal gates. His icy gaze seemed to be able to penetrate through the rain and glass, casting onto the Carters behind it, including Bryce and Dominic.

“One day, you Carters will regret your decision today and pay the price for it!”

Lucas took off his jacket, wrapped it around the drenched Cheyenne, picked her up in his arms, and then disappeared into the rain.
Shortly after Lucas left, Dominic received a phone call in the room.
The person calling was extremely flustered, and his speech was incoherent. “Chairman, bad news! The Stardust Corporation sent its lawyer and legal team to the Brilliance Corporation to sue us for breach of contract. It has also issued us a lawyer’s letter that states that we have to compensate according to the amount demanded, or it will go through legal procedures to enforce compensation!”

“What?!” Dominic Carter sprung up immediately, turning pale with horror as he dropped the phone onto the carpet.

“Grandpa, what do we do?!” asked Bryce, who had heard everything clearly at the side and was now overwhelmed with anxiety.

With a glum expression, Dominic exclaimed, “Call all the directors to come to the office immediately!”
Soon, a convoy of cars quickly drove out of the gates of the Carter residence and hurried to the Brilliance Corporation.

Dominic and the others hurried to the office too. As soon as they entered, they saw a few people waiting in the reception room on the first floor.

“Hello. It’s been hard on all of you to come here despite the heavy rain.” Dominic hurriedly reached his hand out.

However, the people of Stardust Corporation didn’t intend to be friendly. Instead, they simply took out the legal letter stamped with a bright red seal and handed it to Dominic formally in a businesslike manner.

“You must be clear about the situation now, so I shall cut straight to the chase. Please tell the Brilliance Corporation to prepare the compensation of seventyseven million dollars within three days and credit it to our designated account.”
Dominic shuddered. He wouldn’t be able to raise seventy-seven million dollars even if he sold the entire Brilliance Corporation!

Bryce found it unacceptable too. “We just signed the contract two days ago. We haven’t even started doing anything yet, so how can there be a breach of contract? You people are bullying us on purpose!”
“Shut up!” Dominic immediately hollered to stop Bryce from continuing. They couldn’t offend the Stardust Corporation at this juncture!

Bryce fell silent angrily with an indignant look in his eyes.
“Hmph, do you think we’re bullying you? The reason for the breach of contract is stated clearly in the lawyer’s letter and the contract. Can’t you see for yourself? If you’re illiterate or too lazy to look at it, let our lawyer, Mr. Smith, read it to you and see if we’re bullying you or not.”

Mr. Smith held up the gold-rimmed glasses on his face and pulled out another legal letter and a copy of the contract from his briefcase. He then said politely but distantly to Dominic, “Please listen carefully. Section 36 of this contract stipulates that Party A, the Stardust Corporation, and Party B, the Brilliance Corporation, have reached a consensus to cooperate. During the contract period, Party B must designate Cheyenne Carter as the sole person in charge of the cooperation. If Party B is found to be in breach of cooperation, the contract will immediately become void, and Party B must compensate Party A for the breach of contract with the agreed amount of seventy-seven million dollars.”

Mr. Smith put away the contract and looked at the two of them, who were pale. “Have you heard clearly? Do you need me to repeat?”
Bryce still couldn’t believe it, and he repeatedly instructed someone to retrieve the contract kept in the Brilliance Corporation’s office. Then he turned to the last page and realized that there was indeed such a clause in the contract, which Dominic Carter had signed and sealed.

He confirmed that there was no error, and it was indeed stated so in the contract! The Carters were really in breach of contract!
Bryce fell onto the ground immediately.

Dominic’s knees grew weak. His face turned pale, and he immediately looked like he had aged a lot.

Who would have thought that there would be a clause in the contract that designated Cheyenne Carter as the sole person in charge of the cooperation?!

Chapter 34: How to Compensate?

The head of the group, Mr. Harris, looked at the two of them with disdain.

Over the past two days, the Brilliance Corporation had been troubled over the matter of being sued by the Stardust Corporation. Cheyenne Carter had been staying outside the Stardust Corporation’s office every day in a bid to see Flynn Davis. On the other hand, none of the men of the Carter family showed up.

Since it was stated in the contract that Cheyenne was to be the person in charge, the Carters had to comply and make her the person in charge. However, Harris knew that the Carters immediately appointed Bryce as the general manager of the Brilliance Corporation on the same morning that they signed the contract. On the other hand, Cheyenne left with red and swollen eyes.

He felt that the Carters had no one to blame but themselves for the breach of contract because they had brought it upon themselves.

“Since we have delivered the legal letter, it’s time for us to leave now.”
Harris sorted out the documents and was about to leave when Dominic suddenly grabbed his arm.

“Wait, Mr. Harris! I think this is all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding! I know Mr. Davis must have taken a liking to Cheyenne Carter. It’s alright. I’ll send her over to Mr. Davis immediately. It doesn’t matter what status she’s given. We don’t care about superficial statuses. As long as Mr. Davis is willing to withdraw this legal letter on account of our sincerity and continue to cooperate with the Carters…”

“Fuckk!” Harris immediately cursed, shocked by his shamelessness.
Would an ordinary person give away his granddaughter like she was cargo without any qualms? How could a grandfather say such a thing?

Besides, Cheyenne Carter was not someone whom ordinary people could covet because she was the wife of a big shot. If Mr. Davis heard Dominic’s words, he would definitely be frightened.

Harris interrupted Dominic’s delusion and said sternly, “You’d better not spout nonsense or do anything funny in private.

Otherwise, neither I nor Mr. Davis can save you.”

What does this mean? Even Mr. Davis can’t save us… Is there someone more powerful than Mr. Davis? Could it be that someone more authoritative has taken a liking to Cheyenne?

With a trace of contempt in his eyes, Harris looked at Dominic, who seemed to be lost in thought.
Harris coughed and said, “Of course, as far as I know, the Brilliance Corporation may not be able to afford such a high amount of compensation, so I shall offer you a solution out of goodwill. It’s up to you to consider and decide.”

“Mr. Harris, please tell us!” Dominic hurriedly said.
Harris cut straight to the chase.

“You can use the Brilliance Corporation as a form of compensation and top up another three million dollars.”

“What? We have to hand over the Brilliance Corporation and an additional three million dollars?” Bryce instantly sprung up furiously.

“Shut up!” Dominic stopped Bryce.
Harris ignored him and said with a smile, “Alternatively, you may choose to pay the compensation of seventy-seven million dollars.”
Bryce and Dominic Carter looked rather agitated.

Under the Carters’ management, the development of the Brilliance
Corporation had been substandard and would perhaps have been worse if Cheyenne hadn’t closed some deals every now and then. The Brilliance Corporation was currently valued at less than fifteen million dollars.

Compared to the compensation of seventy-seven million dollars, handing over the Brilliance Corporation and another three million to the Stardust Corporation was definitely much more acceptable.

However, the frustration… made Bryce and Dominic feel like vomiting blood.nThey were in high spirits after gleefully signing the contract, but they ended up with no profits and even had to lose their company and three million dollars. How could they not be upset?
However, none of them expected Cheyenne to be the designated person-incharge as required by the contract.

This made Dominic get the wrong idea.

“Um… Mr. Harris, if we call Cheyenne to come back and appoint her as the person in charge, will we no longer be in breach of contract?” Dominic asked.

When Bryce heard those words, his expression changed. Does Grandpa plan to hand over the Brilliance Corporation to Cheyenne? How can he do that?

However, after he thought about it, he realized that compared to losing the entire Brilliance Corporation, letting Cheyenne take over the company for the time being was still acceptable. We’ll let her manage it for the time being and then take it back from her in the future!

However, to everyone’s surprise, Harris sneered. “Mr. Carter, you must be joking. You have already breached the contract. It’d be useless even if you let Miss Cheyenne Carter come back to be in charge. For example, if you’ve stabbed someone with a knife, do you think pulling the knife out is going to help?”

Dominic was immediately speechless.

He wanted to explain that the two matters were completely different because the Carters’ action did not harm the Stardust Corporation in any way.

If Mr. Davis and the figure of greater authority insisted that Cheyenne Carter be the person in charge, he could just comply!

However, Harris didn’t even bother to give Dominic another chance to speak and said directly, “Of course, I’m just relaying our general manager’s kind suggestion to you. Forget it if you’re not willing to accept. After all, the
Brilliance Corporation’s management has always been mediocre. The Stardust Corporation is not bent on wanting it.”

When Harris looked like he was about to leave, Dominic hurriedly stopped him. “As long as we give you the Brilliance Corporation and three million dollars, the compensation will be considered paid. Is that so?”

“Yes, Mr. Carter. If you’re still worried, we can issue a written agreement to state it in detail.” Harris pointed at the lawyer next to him.
Dominic gritted his teeth and agreed.

“Okay, we agree!”
Soon, both parties signed all the agreements and transfer procedures in the presence of lawyers and a notary.

The Brilliance Corporation officially separated from the Carters.
Bryce felt the pain tremendously. Although they had initially snatched the Brilliance Corporation away from Cheyenne, they had long considered it as their own. Moreover, the large sum of three million dollars was a dent in their bank account.

Dominic felt the same too. But he nonetheless forced himself to smile as he thanked the people of the Stardust Corporation and walked them out.

Well, it couldn’t be helped since the Stardust Corporation was backed by the powerful Hutton family. Although the Carters felt like they had been cheated, they dared not voice their displeasure.

Besides, it was their fault for failing to read the contract clearly!
Ah, who else can we blame?
Gritting his teeth, Bryce exclaimed, “It’s all Cheyenne Carter’s fault! Grandpa, let’s chase them out immediately! I can’t wait any longer!”

Chapter 35: When She Was Sick

Meanwhile, Lucas held Cheyenne, who was drenched in the heavy rain, in his arms along the way back to the Carters’ old residence, where Cheyenne lived.

As soon as the gates were pushed open, Cheyenne’s parents, who had been waiting for news about her, popped up in front of the courtyard.

“How did it go? Did Dominic agree?” This was what they were most eager about. They wanted to see if Dominic Carter would ease up and let them off the hook.

Lucas frowned.nAs soon as the couple saw Lucas entering with Cheyenne in his arms, they were shocked and flustered.

“Cheyenne? What’s the matter with you, Cheyenne?” Karen immediately grabbed Lucas’s arm and shouted sternly, “Tell me! Scoundrel, did you do something to Cheyenne again?!”

“Mother…” Cheyenne opened her eyes feebly and called out.
Noticing that there was something wrong with Cheyenne’s complexion because the area below her cheekbones was flushed, Lucas immediately thought, Oh no. He then carried her into the house.

“Stop! I haven’t let you in yet! I’m asking you a question!” Karen stopped Lucas unrelentingly.

“You’re her mother, so can’t you see she’s sick?” Lucas’s tone was already extremely distant as he stared at Karen coldly. He then bypassed her, walked up the stairs, and carried Cheyenne to her room.
Charlotte scurried over upon hearing them, and she got a great shock when she saw Cheyenne’s appearance.

“Cheyenne, what happened to you?! You were fine just now. How did you get so drenched?”

“Didn’t your father tell you to go beg your grandfather? How did you end up like this? Did Dominic agree?” Karen muttered as she followed them into the room.

“What?! You guys told Cheyenne to go beg Grandpa? Why didn’t you two go yourselves? It’s still pouring so heavily outside! Cheyenne must have fallen ill because she got drenched in the rain!” Charlotte was exasperated.

“What are you saying? She’s the one who made him angry and the reason he’s chasing us out. Of course, she has to go plead with him. There’s no point in us going,” Karen said righteously, only to make Charlotte even more furious.

“Enough!” Lucas interrupted them in annoyance. “The most important thing now is to give Cheyenne a hot bath and a change of clothes. I’ll call a doctor to come over.”
He stood up and looked down at the two women across the room, making them feel oppressed by his staggering height.

“She’s sick now, so I hope you won’t bother her with these things again.”
With that, Lucas walked out of the room.

Karen was dumbfounded for several seconds before finally reacting. This goodfor-nothing actually gave me orders in my own home. He was even acting so domineeringly just now. She even subconsciously felt a little reverent toward him.

“This is infuriating! Who does that good-for-nothing think he is? How dare he talk to me like that?!” Karen was incredibly displeased.

“Okay, Mom, if you can’t take care of Cheyenne, just go out first. Stop bothering her with any more nonsense,” Charlotte said to Karen in annoyance as she helped Cheyenne up, who was running a high fever. “Cheyenne, can you still walk? I’ll help you to the bathroom now.”

Soon, Lucas came back with a bespectacled doctor clad in a white coat.

Staring at Lucas and the doctor with a look of apprehension, Karen gibed, “Where did this doctor come from? Is he a random doctor you found? If you end up causing harm to Cheyenne, I won’t spare you.”
Being doubted for no reason, the doctor glared at Karen scornfully.

“Excuse me, I’m Finn Johnson, the director of the respiratory department of First People’s Hospital of Orange County. If you’re in doubt, you may go to the hospital to check. Please move aside now and refrain from disturbing me while I give the patient a diagnosis.”

“Director? You must be bragging! First People’s Hospital is a first-class hospital, and the doctors working there never conduct consultations outside of the hospital, what more the directors.” Karen was in greater suspicion, and she refused to let them in.

Charlotte pulled Karen aside angrily and protested, “Mom, he’s here to treat Cheyenne. Must you keep acting like this? If you have the time, you might as well go brew a bowl of ginger soup for Cheyenne or bring a warm water bag here!”

Actually, Charlotte was really annoyed with her insensitive parents.

They had forced Cheyenne to go out in the rain to apologize, causing her to end up suffering large bruises on her knees, which Charlotte noticed when she was helping her change just now. Her skin turned pale too, and she had clearly been kneeling in the rain for a long time.
Needless to say, she was kneeling because of their heartless grandfather, who controlled the entire family!

Charlotte was exasperated yet sad for her sister.

Yet her parents didn’t seem to care about the fact that Cheyenne was running a high fever and had gotten her legs bruised from kneeling. They even kept probing about nonsensical issues. Now, they were even stopping the doctor and suspecting if he was a phony. This left her speechless!

If not for the fact that they were her parents, Charlotte would have lost her temper.

Feeling a little guilty because of Charlotte’s angry glare, Karen made her way downstairs in displeasure while still muttering incessantly, “All of you became disobedient after growing up. How dare you be so fierce to me too? You’re a bunch of ingrates.”

Fortunately, Cheyenne’s fever wasn’t too severe, and it basically subsided after she took some medicine and was put on a drip.
By the time Cheyenne opened her eyes again, she saw two pairs of eyes staring at her beside the bed.

“Mommy, you’re finally awake!” Amelia leaped over and kissed Cheyenne on the cheek. “Mommy, you’ve been sleeping because you’re sick. I tried to wake you up, but Daddy said I shouldn’t disturb you from resting. I was so worried!” Amelia laid down beside Cheyenne gleefully while carefully trying not to squeeze her.

Cheyenne gently stroked her daughter’s head and looked at the other person beside the bed, only to realize that it was Lucas. He was sitting on the carpet and looking at her with a tender gaze, his hair and clothes still damp.

At this moment, Cheyenne felt extremely touched as she looked at Lucas.

At that time, she was kneeling in front of the cold iron gates of the Carter residence while everyone looked at her gloatingly through the glass windows like she was a joke. The only person who came out was the old butler, who had given her the proof of her family being disowned and told her to stay farther away.

Her dignity and body were greatly tortured. Cheyenne thought that she wasn’t going to be able to hold on any longer.

At that juncture, someone wrapped a warm jacket around her and put his sturdy arms on her shoulders while taking her away from that overbearing place.

This person was Lucas. Lucas was the one. Cheyenne looked at Lucas very seriously, and for the first time, she felt that he was reliable and even gave her a sense of security.

Chapter 36: Auction Venue

“Chairman, we’ve already obtained ownership of the Brilliance Corporation,” Flynn Davis reported respectfully over the phone.
Lucas assented nonchalantly, not bothered by it because it was within his plan.

“Let me ask you, where can I buy a diamond ring and good quality jewelry in Orange County?” he suddenly asked.

“Uh… There are many gold stores that you can buy jewelry from, but there’s going to be an auction in the Central Art Gallery in the east of the city tonight. I heard that lots of precious jewelry are going to be put up for auction, and the finale piece is an extremely rare diamond ring,” Davis hurriedly answered.

“Okay, I know.”
Tonight, Lucas arrived at the entrance of the Central Art Gallery. After he took two steps, a middle-aged man hurried toward him.

“Welcome, Mr. Gray,” the middle-aged man said warmly with a smile.
Lucas raised his brows and looked at the middle-aged man. He was Ethan Sawyer, the richest man in Orange County.

Although Lucas had a feud with the Huttons, Ethan Sawyer was very interesting, and he greeted Lucas in a friendly manner right from the start. He even gave Cheyenne’s family a large amount of expensive betrothal gifts on Lucas’s behalf.
However, the Carters mistook that the gifts were for Charlotte, and many other misunderstandings arose.

“Mr. Gray, my family happens to be the host of the auction tonight. I’ll take you inside. If we use this passage, no one will notice us.”
Sawyer was smart enough to take Lucas through a secret passage to the private room on the second floor of the auction venue because he knew that Lucas wasn’t willing to reveal his identity.

The private room was well hidden and offered a good view that would allow the auction items to be seen clearly.

Sawyer handed Lucas an exquisite booklet. “Mr. Gray, this is the catalog of items that will be up for auction tonight. Actually, if you see anything that you like, we’ll just deliver them to you.”

Lucas glanced at Sawyer with a half-hearted smile. “Do you think I’m short of money?”

Sawyer froze. He was too eager to form friendly ties with Lucas, but he forgot that Lucas was known as the ‘God of War’ and had power and wealth far beyond his own.

“I won’t bother you then. I hope you enjoy your night. Call me if you need anything. I’ll be in the private room right next to this one.” Sawyer excused himself tactfully.

Soon, the auction officially started.
Lucas did not stand on ceremony and bid on any item that he liked at a high price. Those who wanted to vie with him were defeated by Lucas’s wealth and generosity. Even the last few pieces of extremely valuable jewelry and the large pink diamond ring, the finale piece, were bought by Lucas at a staggering price.

Even Ethan Sawyer, the richest man in Orange County, sitting in the private room beside Lucas’s, couldn’t help but inhale in awe, let alone the others who participated in this auction.

Everyone was discussing who the tycoon who had spent tens of millions of dollars at the auction was. Unfortunately, Sawyer had already taken care of everything, so no one could find out the real identity of this mysterious tycoon.
Although they didn’t know the identity of the tycoon, that didn’t stop them from spreading the word about the sensational event at the auction tonight.

Soon, some wealthy families found out that a megarich tycoon appeared at the auction tonight and spent tens of millions of dollars in the blink of an eye.

He’s so wealthy! The rich have the right to do whatever they want. He spent so much on jewelry. I’m so envious!

At this moment, Lucas was giving Davis a task. “Help me throw a banquet in your name five days from now. Invite all the families in Orange County that are well-to-do. Make sure the guests are served well and raise the standards of hospitality to the maximum. Remember to invite the Carters too.”

Davis hurriedly noted it down. “Yes, Chairman!”

During the next few days, Davis was busy with running the Stardust Corporation and preparing for the banquet, while Lucas concentrated on looking after Cheyenne, who had not recovered from her illness yet. He also spent time nurturing his relationship with his precious daughter, Amelia. Apart from Karen’s occasional mockery, life was rather peaceful.

Bryce, who had been clamoring about kicking Cheyenne out immediately, was overwrought with the matters that cropped up all of a sudden and didn’t have time to go to Cheyenne’s home to chase her and her family away.

“Grandpa, the people of the Unity Corporation just called to say that they’re terminating their cooperation with us. They’re the tenth company that wants to terminate cooperation with us over the past few days. What should we do?” Bryce asked Dominic anxiously.
Since the Carters breached the contract with the Stardust Corporation a few days ago and compensated it with the Brilliance Corporation and three million dollars in cash, the Carters became the laughing stock of Orange County.

Their status had also plunged significantly, and to make matters worse, they had offended the Stardust Corporation. Thus, many of their former business partners decided to cease their cooperation with the Carters.

“This is exasperating. They’re all just a bunch of fence-sitters and cowards! The Unity Corporation used to be worse than the Carters, and they sucked up to us to obtain the cooperation with us, yet they’re dumping us now!” The more Bryce thought about it, the angrier he got. His friends had been treating him and looking at him differently lately. Some of them even gave him the cold shoulder and mocked him sarcastically. He would never be able to stand this!

“Enough. People will always look up to those who are more powerful and despise those who are below them. That’s just how the world is. What’s there to be angry about?” Dominic looked at Bryce and sighed. “The most important thing now is to restore our reputation and make up for the losses that we have incurred.”

“At the end of the day, it’s all the Stardust Corporation’s fault. If we can find a bigger backer than the Stardust Corporation…” At this point, Bryce’s eyes suddenly lit up.

“Grandpa, I have an idea! Do you remember the mega tycoon at the auction a few days ago? I heard that he spent tens of millions at the auction, and someone vaguely saw Ethan Sawyer, the richest man in Orange County, accompanying him. He must be a figure of status! If we can form ties with him, our difficulties will definitely be solved!”
Dominic Carter nodded and smiled approvingly.

“Yes, not bad! As long as we can get in touch with him, everything will be fine! Bryce, I’ll leave this matter to you. Make sure you find a way to get close to this person!”

“Yes, Grandpa. I’ll get someone to find out more. We must get him to stand on our side. Once we do, the Stardust Corporation will be nothing!”

Bryce stopped panicking and raised his head with vigor and confidence, as if he had already seen himself having the support of the powerful figure and was above everyone else in the Stardust Corporation.

Chapter 37: Banquet Invitation

Bryce was about to go out when an assistant hurriedly ran over to him out of nowhere with a luxurious-looking red invitation card that had words embossed in gold on it.

“Chairman, quickly look at this!”
After Dominic grabbed it and took a careful look at the contents of the invitation card, there was a look of joy on his face. He exclaimed,

“Heaven is really blessing the Carters! Bryce, come and take a look. This invitation card alone is embossed with gold. Clearly, the person who sent this invitation must be very wealthy! Although the sender is not stated, he must be extraordinary!”

“Grandpa, I think that this extremely costly high-class invitation was probably sent by the mysterious tycoon who spent tens of millions at the auction the other day! He also sent an invitation to the Carters. Clearly, he must have been paying attention to us and probably even has a good impression of us!
Grandpa, we can be saved this time!”

Bryce was also overjoyed as he held the invitation card in hand and looked at it repeatedly, as if the opportunity for the Carters’ comeback was on it.

“Yes. On that day, you must perform well and strive to make this mysterious tycoon favor our family. Once he does, we no longer have to fear the Stardust Corporation!”

The Carters soon made their people spread the news that their family had received the invitation card, causing some families who were still thinking about severing ties with the Carters to hesitate. There were also some small families, who had not been able to wait to announce terminating their cooperation with the Carters, that hurriedly visited them in a bid to repair their relationship.

All of a sudden, Bryce and Dominic were much more confident.
Soon, it was about time for the banquet.

“I knew that wastrel wouldn’t be up to anything good. He only stayed at home for a few days, and now that I asked him to go fetch some water, he’s gone missing again!” Karen rebuked incessantly with an apron around her waist.

At this moment, a luxurious Bentley pulled over outside the Carter residence, and a chauffeur wearing a black suit and white gloves stepped out of the car.

“Um… who are you looking for?” Karen couldn’t help but be stunned when she saw the chauffeur’s demeanor.

“Hello. I’m the chauffeur sent by Mr. Sawyer to pick Miss Carter up for the banquet at the Intercontinental Hotel.” The chauffeur in the suit bowed respectfully.

Karen was a little stunned for a moment. But she immediately smiled gleefully when she thought of something. “You mean Mr. Ethan Sawyer? You’re here to pick us up for the banquet?”

“Yes, Madam.”

Karen was so elated that she didn’t know where to put her hands.
She knew that over the past two days, many families in Orange County had received a mysterious and posh-looking invitation card. The event the invitation card was for was set for tonight at the Intercontinental Hotel in Orange County.

Due to the fact that the invitation card itself was very posh and those who received an invitation were all members of the upper class of Orange County like the Carters, who showed the invitation off after receiving it, many families of slightly lower status than them hurriedly tried to suck up to the Carters again even though they were initially distant from them.

The power of an invitation card alone was tremendous.

Karen didn’t expect to be invited too. Furthermore, they were invited by Ethan Sawyer, the richest man in Orange County. Could it be that…? At the thought of that possibility, Karen was overwhelmed with euphoria.

Immediately after telling the dignified chauffeur to wait a moment, Karen turned around and dashed into the house and into Charlotte’s room.

“Charlotte, good news! The Sawyers have sent someone to pick us up to go to the banquet!”

Charlotte was playing a video game on her computer. When she heard this, she asked in surprise,

“Banquet? What banquet?”

“Ah, this is the banquet that has been the talk of the town the past two days! This banquet must be held specially for you! It’s the engagement banquet for you and Ethan Sawyer’s son!”

Karen was so excited that she pulled Charlotte up from the computer desk and exclaimed,
“Hurry up and get changed into some pretty clothes! Ah, why do the Sawyers love surprises so much? They should at least inform us in advance so that I can get you a few pretty gowns!”

Charlotte was shoved toward the closet by Karen while still being dumbfounded. “Mom, did you make a mistake? Why is there suddenly an engagement banquet? The Sawyers didn’t send anyone to discuss with us previously either.”
Karen pinched her daughter’s face.

“Silly girl, the Sawyers have already sent their chauffeur to our door, and he’s waiting to send us there. Do you think I would be mistaken? The Sawyers are the richest in the county, and they’re just different. They just like giving us sudden surprises!”

With joy and shyness on her face, Charlotte began changing her clothes under Karen’s urging.
Although she didn’t know what Ethan Sawyer’s son was like, she knew that she’d only benefit from the engagement because he belonged to the richest family in the county. Besides, the Sawyers had even sent such hefty betrothal gifts to them. This was proof of their sincerity!

In another room, Cheyenne was watching some cartoons with Amelia.

“Mommy, where did Daddy go today? Why isn’t he here?” Amelia suddenly turned her head and asked.

Cheyenne was stunned. She reached out to tap her daughter’s upturned nose. “Haven’t you been spending time with your daddy the past two days? Why do you want to see him again even though he’s only been absent for a bit?”

“Yes! I love it when Daddy is at home with you and me. I like it when we’re all together! Just like in the cartoons! It’d be wonderful if I get to see him every day in the future too! Mommy, don’t you think so?”

Amelia’s eyes glistened with joy as she looked at Cheyenne.

Cheyenne was at a loss for words.
Lucas had been staying at home to play with Amelia lately, and he would look at her with a gentle gaze in his eyes from time to time.
However, Cheyenne didn’t know how to face Lucas.

Every time she saw him, Cheyenne would be reminded of when he reached out to pick her up from the puddle of water on that cold rainy day, as well as his warm embrace.
While Cheyenne was in a trance, someone suddenly knocked hard on her door.

“Cheyenne! The Sawyers sent someone to pick us up to attend the engagement banquet for Charlotte and Ethan Sawyer’s son! Hurry up and get dressed. We’re attending it together!”

Cheyenne was extremely surprised. The Sawyers hadn’t sent anyone to their home ever since they sent hefty gifts the previous time. Why was there a sudden engagement? They didn’t know what Ethan Sawyer’s son’s personality was like yet!
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Chapter 38: Showing Off

No matter how surprised Cheyenne was, she hurriedly changed into a decent dress and helped Amelia do so too since the Sawyers’ chauffeur had already arrived downstairs, and Karen had been urging her to hurry up.

Soon, Cheyenne’s parents appeared next to the Bentley with their beautiful daughters and adorable granddaughter.

The chauffeur in the black suit was stunned for a moment. He then hurriedly gestured for the Carters to sit in the back seat of the elongated Bentley.

The Intercontinental Hotel was the most luxurious five-star hotel in Orange County. It was located by the lakeside of Bay Lake and was also right beside the most prosperous business district in Orange County. The hotel belonged to the Sawyers.

At this moment, the main building of the Intercontinental Hotel was fully reserved for the event. And all the prestigious people in the entire county who were invited arrived in luxurious cars, dressed to the nines.

It was the event for comparison between the upper-class echelons, where men would compare their cars, companies, and statuses with each other while women would compare their gowns, jewelry, and spouses.

There were all sorts of judgmental gazes and scrutiny, as well as contemptuous remarks made everywhere at the venue.

In front of the Intercontinental Hotel, Dominic was alighting from a BMW together with Bryce. Compared to the other luxurious cars around, their BMW seemed a little shabby.

At this moment, a Bentley happened to pull over beside them. The doors opened, and Karen stepped out of the luxurious car with a smile on her face.

“Why are you here?” Bryce saw Karen at a glance and rushed forward to question her sternly. They’ve already been kicked out by the Carters, yet they still have the audacity to show up here at this gathering for the upper-class figures of the county!

Karen no longer cared about Dominic Carter. Compared to the Sawyers, the Carters were nothing. Besides, the Carters had already declined greatly after losing the Brilliance Corporation.

“Hey, isn’t this Dominic Carter and his precious grandson? What’s the matter? Were you invited to this banquet too? Forget it. Just take it that we’re kind and gracious enough to let you in on account that we used to be family!” Karen said, pretending to be magnanimous. However, she had a haughty and condescending look on her face.

Infuriated by the look in Karen’s eyes, Bryce hit the roof. This woman used to be like a dog in front of Grandpa and me. How dare she speak to us like this now?!

“Who do you think you are? Let us in? How arrogant! The host of the banquet should be kicking you out first!”

“We are the spotlight of the banquet tonight. The Sawyers are going to announce Ethan Sawyer’s son’s engagement to Charlotte later. You people are just ignorant! Actually, I have to thank you for chasing us out. Otherwise, who can tolerate being pestered by some poor relatives?”

“You must be dreaming, huh? Engagement? How could the Sawyers have taken a liking to your family?” Dominic didn’t believe it at all.

However, Bryce’s heart dropped as he recalled the luxurious Lamborghini he saw at the entrance of Cheyenne’s home previously.

At that time, he was already convinced that they were engaged and was planning to confiscate the betrothal gifts sent by the Sawyers. However, he was interrupted when Lucas suddenly appeared. Next, there was chaos in the family, and Bryce forgot about it for a while. Are… Ethan Sawyer’s son and Charlotte Carter really getting engaged?

Karen loved showing off, especially in front of Dominic, who used to be the head of her family but was now far from comparable to them. She felt that she had to show off in order to vent her anger.

She pointed to the luxury Bentley she just alighted from. “See this? This car was sent by the Sawyers to pick us up and send us here. The Sawyers were generous enough to send us hefty betrothal gifts. They gave us a million in cash alone, as well as a sports car worth several million, a lakeside luxury villa, several Golden Wing International stores, and lots of shares!

“Ah, the Sawyers are so generous and sincere about Charlotte, and the gifts they sent are enough to last Charlotte for a lifetime. They’re unlike someone over here who has never given us anything good in over two decades! Yet you still act like we’ve been given a huge advantage and bully us all the time. Who cares about you people?!”

Karen was obviously directing her remarks at Dominic.

Dominic was so infuriated that his blood pressure went up, and his face flushed. He almost fainted.

“Mom, cut it out.” Cheyenne and Charlotte hurriedly stopped Karen after getting out of the car with Amelia in Cheyenne’s arms.

However, they only glanced at Dominic faintly without paying much attention to the others. Since the Carters had already been so ruthless to them, they obviously wouldn’t have any good feelings for them.

The few of them walked straight toward the hotel, while William, who had been sitting in the car and was too scared to get out when he saw Dominic, also took advantage and got out quietly. He then scurried over to his wife and daughters.

The usher led them to the main table at the front to take their seats.

All the people in the hall looked at them in surprise while discussing softly their identities.

All the prestigious families of the county were invited to the banquet this evening, and only those of significant status could sit at the front tables.

However, they didn’t know who the Carters were.

“Hey, isn’t that woman who’s carrying a kid Cheyenne Carter?”

“The Cheyenne Carter who had an affair with her chauffeur?”

“Yes, it’s her! That scandal was all over the news, and it was the talk of the town. I still remember her face!”

There were many people who slowly began to recognize Cheyenne. After all, the scandal spread throughout the county, and they basically had some impression of her.

However, after recognizing Cheyenne, the people in the hall were even more surprised.

Why is Cheyenne Carter’s family sitting at the main table?

At this moment, Dominic Carter’s family arrived at the entrance of the hotel, but no one received them at all. It was as if the ushers didn’t see them. They simply walked past them to receive the other guests cordially.

Dominic coughed a little uneasily.

Bryce pulled one of the ushers and asked, “Is there no one to receive us? Where will we be sitting?”

Glancing at Bryce coldly, the usher snapped, “There are so many guests here, and I’m very busy. There’s a number on the invitation card. Can’t you see for yourself?”

Chapter 39: The Host of the Banquet

“You…” Bryce was furious because of the usher’s rude reply.

However, he dared not kick up a fuss because the Intercontinental Hotel belonged to the Sawyers, the richest family of the county.

The Carters were lucky enough to receive the invitation. If they were chased out because of a squabble, it would be an enormous loss for them!

The Carters held back their anger, went into the hall, and found their seats.

However, the few of them were in a foul mood, especially because their table was near the door and obviously much smaller than the other ones. The Carters had no choice but to squeeze together.

Unlike the other tables with beautiful, superior-grade tablecloths covering them, the table they were seated at had a simple disposable plastic tablecloth covering it. Their table was empty too. There wasn’t a single glass of water, let alone decorative flowers, fruit platters, and fancy drinks.

Many in the hall cast peculiar glances at them while exchanging pleasantries.

Bryce was in an uncomfortable mood while Dominic couldn’t help but blush in embarrassment, especially when he saw other smaller families that were inferior to the Carters sitting at tables better than theirs.

“Bryce, remember, a little impatience will spoil great plans. No matter what, we have to get in touch with the host of the banquet before anything else! This concerns our comeback. Bear this in mind!” Dominic admonished Bryce, as well as himself.

I must endure this. Once the host of the banquet is here, we will have hope, and we will get back at these people for humiliating us!

Ever since Karen was led to the main table to sit down, she had been enjoying the scrutiny and envious gazes of others. However, she didn’t know many of the guests present and thus couldn’t go and chat with them. She had no choice but to remain seated and wait to see which table Dominic and Bryce would be arranged to.

When she finally saw Dominic and the others being allocated to the shabby little table near the door, Karen almost laughed out loud. This feels wonderful! The Sawyers are indeed worthy of being my in-laws. They must have found out that Dominic Carter and his family used to bully us, so they’re standing up for us now! Impressive!

Karen immediately wanted to go over and mock them, but she was dissuaded by Cheyenne.

Well, it’s Charlotte’s engagement banquet today, and she will soon become the wife of a wealthy man. We’ll also become the in-laws of the richest family in the county. Why should I bother with that group of people? Soon, we will no longer belong to the same world. I’m not going to lower my status like that!

Soon, the banquet officially began.

After a speech to thank the guests politely, the emcee quickly gestured to the side with his hand. “Now, let’s welcome the host of the banquet tonight, Mr. Flynn Davis, the general manager of the Stardust Corporation!”

Accompanied by enthusiastic applause from the audience, Davis walked up to the front of the hall in a poised manner, clad in an immaculate, bespoke suit.

Karen immediately gaped in disbelief. “What… Isn’t this the engagement banquet for Charlotte and Ethan Sawyer’s son? Why is Mr. Davis on the stage?”

“Mom, cut it out!” Realizing the situation, Charlotte immediately understood that her unreliable mother must have made a blunder and mistook something. It was clearly a banquet held by the Stardust Corporation, but Karen mistook it for an engagement banquet! This was too embarrassing!

Fortunately, Karen hadn’t gone around showing off to others yet, or else she’d be extremely ashamed!

The other group of people who were very stunned was naturally Dominic, Bryce, and the other Carters.

They initially thought that the host of tonight’s banquet was the mysterious tycoon who had spent a huge bomb at the auction. And they were thinking that once they got close to him, they would no longer have to fear the power of the Stardust Corporation and could take the chance to make a comeback.

However, they never thought that it was the atrocious Flynn Davis, the one who had schemed against them and taken away the Brilliance Corporation, who had sent them the invitation.

What does this mean?

Did he deliberately invite us here so that he can humiliate us?

The condescending usher just now and this shabby table must have been deliberately arranged for the sake of humiliating us, right?!

Having figured this out, the Carters were infuriated.

“Damn it!” Bryce was the first to feel an urge to stand up and charge over because he couldn’t contain his emotions.

He, Bryce Carter, was the scion of the Carters and had been pampered ever since he was a child. Since when had he ever been humiliated like this?

“Hold it right there!” Dominic Carter hollered to stop him.

“Grandpa, they’re being a huge bully!”

“So what if they bully us? Can we compare to the Stardust Corporation now?

Since we are inferior to others, we have to bear with it even if we get bullied! Once we make a comeback and surpass them, those who once bullied us will naturally kneel down before us!” Dominic’s expression was grim, and his face was trembling slightly too.

“Yes, Grandpa, I know. Once we get the support of the mysterious tycoon, the Carters will definitely make a comeback! In the future, I must take revenge for the humiliation we’ve suffered today!” Bryce exclaimed resentfully before sitting down on his chair.

At this moment, Davis was greeting everyone in front of the hall smilingly. “Thank you all for taking the time out of your busy schedules to attend this banquet hosted by me. I am very honored.”

“Not at all. You’re being too polite, Mr. Davis! It’s my honor to receive an invitation from you!”

“Yes, yes, it’s a great honor to receive an invitation from you for this banquet, Mr. Davis!”

Everyone replied courteously.

Davis smiled. “In fact, there are two main purposes for today’s banquet. I’m sure you’ve heard of the first matter, and that is the Brilliance Corporation will soon be in a long-term strategic partnership with us, the Stardust Corporation. I hope that we will receive your support.”

As soon as he said these words, many of the guests smiled.

A few days ago, the Carters somehow offended the Stardust Corporation and ended up losing the entire Brilliance Corporation. Those who were wellinformed knew about it.

Although Davis claimed that it was a long-term strategic partnership with the Brilliance Corporation, the Brilliance Corporation had actually been acquired by the Stardust Corporation. However, the Stardust Corporation hadn’t reorganized it yet, and thus, it would sound better to call it a partnership.

All of a sudden, countless gazes were cast at the Carters.

On the other hand, the Carters felt a strong urge to disappear from the banquet venue immediately after hearing Davis’s words!

Chapter 40: Wedding Anniversary

Davis’s words and the various ambiguous gazes were like countless slaps on the faces of the Carters, making them blush and feel ashamed.

A few days ago, the Brilliance Corporation still belonged to them…

At this moment, Ethan Sawyer smiled and stood up. “As long as the Brilliance Corporation is willing, the Sawyer Corporation would be glad to cooperate with the Brilliance Corporation.”

Ethan Sawyer, the richest man in the county, had taken the initiative to offer cooperation. The others stood up anxiously too.

“The Jones hope to work with the Brilliance Corporation!”

“The Lawsons too! Mr. Davis, please give us a chance!”

“The Fords as well! If we can cooperate with the Brilliance Corporation, we’re willing to offer ten percent of profit-sharing!”

All of a sudden, families of various statuses made their intentions to cooperate with the Brilliance Corporation known.

For some large businesses, cooperating with the Brilliance Corporation could also make their relationship with the Stardust Corporation closer.

On the other hand, reaching a cooperation with the Brilliance Corporation would be a great opportunity for smaller enterprises that were unworthy of the Stardust Corporation!

Anyway, they could all tell clearly that the Brilliance Corporation was basically going to be a part of the Stardust Corporation.

When the Carters saw this, their hearts were about to bleed in agony. Just a few days ago, the Brilliance Corporation still belonged to them. And now that there were so many opportunities for cooperation, the value of the company would definitely soar. Unfortunately, it no longer belonged to them!

Davis raised his hand and pressed it down a little in the air, after which the guests in the hall soon quieted down and continued listening to him.

“Everyone, I appreciate your recognition of the Brilliance Corporation, and we can discuss our cooperation in detail later. But now, let’s move on to the second agenda of the banquet today.”

“Sure, please go ahead, Mr. Davis!” everyone in the hall said one after another.

“For the second matter, I’d like all of you to witness a loving relationship together with me.”

Davis clapped his hands, and everyone watched in perplexity as the lights in the banquet hall gradually dimmed and the curtains behind Davis were drawn open. The bright spotlight cast on the small hall at the front of the hall, putting all the items on display.


“Oh my god!”

“So beautiful!”

Many of them gasped in awe and surprise.

In particular, all the wealthy women present almost had their eyes glued on the items that they couldn’t shift their gazes away from.

In the small hall behind the curtains, there were dozens of crystal display cabinets with staggered heights, and each of them contained a gorgeous piece of jewelry reflecting in the light and dazzling stunningly.

It would still be normal if there were only one or two pieces of jewelry, but the dazzling rays of light from so many pieces placed together resulted in a stunning visual impact.

In particular, there was a large pink diamond the size of a pigeon’s egg resting against a black velvet background in the display case in the middle, reflecting a dreamy light that was bedazzling.

“Ah! That’s the pink diamond sold at the sky-high price of more than thirty-five million dollars at the auction that night!”

“Oh my god! That pair of precious, superior-grade emerald bangles at the side was one of the few finale items at the auction!”

“And that pendant carved from a whole sapphire was also sold for millions during the auction!”

The crowd got into an uproar because the jewelry on display were all the precious treasures purchased at staggering prices by the mysterious tycoon at the auction that night!

Could the mysterious tycoon that day be Mr. Davis of the Stardust Corporation?!

If that was the case, all of them would have to reevaluate Davis’s status in the Stardust Corporation.

It would be simply too terrifying!

At this moment, Dominic and Bryce turned as pale as a sheet.

They had always pinned their hopes of making a comeback on the mysterious tycoon who appeared at the auction house, but if Davis was that tycoon, what hopes would they have left?

“No, no, I think everyone has misunderstood. These pieces of precious jewelry do not belong to me, and I’m not that mysterious person who appeared at the auction either,” Davis explained.

“The pieces of jewelry belong to a mysterious person who does not wish to be named. They are wedding anniversary gifts for his wife.

“Back then, this young man was incompetent and got married hastily but was unable to give anything to his wife.

“Later, in order to be worthy of his wife, this young man left without saying goodbye and tried to carve a career of his own. He left for several years.

“Now, he has returned. He specially purchased these pieces of rare jewelry at the auction for the sake of making it up to his wife, and he hopes that his wife will accept this token of his.

“So, let us celebrate this couple’s wedding anniversary and also sincerely wish this young man and his wife a lifetime of conjugal bliss!”

After Davis ended his speech, he led the audience through a round of applause.

All of a sudden, the hall was full of thunderous applause.

Although no one knew who the mysterious person and his wife really were, the fact that he could afford to spend tens of millions on precious jewelry and get Davis to help host a banquet for him had to mean that he was a powerful figure.

Many wealthy ladies were staring intently at the beautiful jewelry, refusing to take their eyes off them. They even began to harbor immense envy and jealousy toward the wife of that person whose name they didn’t even know.

Sitting at the main table in the front row, Cheyenne also had a look of envy on her face, not because of the ostentatious jewelry but because of the love and affection that the young man was said to have for his wife.

Suddenly reminded of something, Charlotte said, “Cheyenne, it’s also your wedding anniversary with Lucas, right? Besides, those experiences that Mr. Davis mentioned just now seem quite similar to yours. Could all of this… have been prepared for you by Lucas?” Actually, Charlotte began to become uncertain of her guess.

Although she had seen Lucas’s domineering side at the kindergarten previously, felt that he had been living an extraordinary life during the past few years, and even guessed that he might have killed many, the idea of Lucas spending tens of millions on jewelry was too far-fetched!

At the side, Karen kept her eyes glued onto the dazzling jewelry, wishing she could dash forward to grab them and hold them in her arms. She was also filled with jealousy for the woman who had such a good husband.

At this moment, she happened to overhear Charlotte’s words and couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “What nonsense are you saying? How can that piece of garbage Lucas afford these pieces of jewelry? He will never be able to in this lifetime and the next!”

Chapter 41: You Must Have Made A Mistake
Cheyenne hung her head low gloomily. Of course, she knew that Lucas wouldn’t be able to afford the exorbitant jewelry, and she was just occasionally envious of such relationships.

Noticing that her mother was a little out of sorts, Amelia pressed her soft and tender face against Cheyenne’s face and said softly, “Mommy, don’t be sad. One day, Daddy will buy you those beautiful stones.”

Looking at the nervousness in the large eyes of her daughter, who seemed to be afraid that she might be angry because she hadn’t received any jewelry from Lucas, Cheyenne couldn’t help but pinch her cheeks gently and smile. “Yes, I’ll be waiting.”

At this moment, a woman dressed like a waitress walked up to Cheyenne, bent down, and whispered into her ear, “Miss Carter, sorry to disturb you, but someone is looking for you.”

Cheyenne frowned. “Who’s looking for me?”

The waitress’s voice became even softer. “He said that his last name is Gray.”

Gray? Lucas Gray? Cheyenne thought for a while and realized that Lucas seemed to be the only person she knew with the last name ‘Gray.’

Oh right, our family was invited to the Intercontinental Hotel today, and it was quite an impromptu event. Lucas happened to be away from home at that time, and Mom didn’t want him to tag along to the engagement party because she thinks he’s incompetent, so no one informed him.

Now that Lucas is here, did something happen?

Thinking of this, Cheyenne handed Amelia over to Charlotte and left with the waitress, using the excuse of going to the washroom because she was afraid that her mother might start making a din again after hearing Lucas’s name.

However, the waitress didn’t take Cheyenne outside the hotel and instead led her to an elevator and pressed the button for the top floor.

Seeing the puzzlement and wariness in Cheyenne’s eyes, the waitress smiled and explained, “Mr. Gray is waiting for you on the top floor of the hotel. Rest assured. There are surveillance cameras in the elevator. I won’t lie to you.”

Cheyenne couldn’t resist on the spot, but she was still keeping her guard up.

Soon, they arrived at the top floor of the Intercontinental Hotel.

At this moment, Flynn Davis was giving his last speech in the banquet hall. “I initially wanted everyone to give their blessings to that loving married couple, but the mysterious man is very insistent on keeping a low profile and just wants to spend this unforgettable wedding anniversary with his wife quietly today. Therefore, for the rest of the night, please feel free to help yourselves to the wine and food we’ve prepared and enjoy the entertainment programs. Please enjoy the night.”

The attendants moved about smoothly, serving drinks on a tray, along with pastries, and there was a buffet.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the hall was much more relaxed and lively.

Of course, since all the people present were prominent figures of various industries in Orange County, they naturally didn’t just sit at their tables and eat. They each held a wine glass and went around to socialize with their acquaintances and the people whom they wanted to get to know.

In contrast, the Carters were in an awkward situation because no one came forward to talk to them. Even when Dominic Carter took the initiative to talk to others, they would simply patronize him perfunctorily before leaving and shunning the Carters like the plague, as if they were afraid that the Carters would start pestering them.

Bryce was infuriated when he happened to see Karen and Charlotte chatting merrily with some people near him. Unable to contain his anger any longer, he stormed over.

When he went over, he heard a lady complimenting Karen, “Your daughters are so beautiful. You are so blessed!”

Although that lady didn’t know why Karen’s family was arranged to sit at the front table, she thought that there would be no harm in saying some nice things, for she might be able to build some connections with her!

With this thought in mind, the lady kept caressing the back of Charlotte’s hand, as if she was incredibly fond of her.

Bryce humphed coldly and walked forward. “Some people just like bragging, lying, and flaunting! She even said that her daughter is getting engaged to Ethan Sawyer’s son today, but what happened? Where’s the engagement? Where are the Sawyers?”

Charlotte’s pretty face turned red. Previously, they all thought that the event tonight was an engagement party, but it turned out not to be. She felt really embarrassed now that Bryce exposed the misunderstanding.

Unwilling to seem weak, Karen retorted sneeringly, “Well, at least we get to sit at the main table at the front, while some people can only sit at the door and watch!”

Bryce jumped up as if his tail had been stepped on. “Would you be able to sit here today if not for the Carters? You’re a bunch of ingrates!”

Exasperated, Karen put her hands on her waist and was about to lash out at him, but an attendant walked over and interrupted. “Miss Carter, Mrs. Carter, Mr. Sawyer has specially reserved a private room for you to rest in. Would you like to make your way there?”

Mr. Sawyer? It must be Ethan Sawyer!

Karen was naturally overjoyed because she was planning to ask the Sawyers when they were going to do the engagement officially.

“Yes, of course. Our in-laws are so considerate to have specially prepared a private room for us. We certainly can’t let their goodwill go to waste.” Karen harrumphed at Bryce with disdain. She then took Charlotte and Amelia to the private room on the second floor while everyone watched with envy.

Bryce’s face was pale yet reddened, but he no longer dared to say anything else. He had been repeatedly embarrassed during the party, and he really couldn’t stay any longer!

When Karen and the others arrived at the door of the private room on the second floor, she happened to see Ethan Sawyer passing by with some people.

She hurriedly ran up to greet him. “Hello, Mr. Sawyer!”

After taking a glance at her, Sawyer naturally recognized her to be Lucas’s mother-in-law, so he returned the greeting politely. “Hello, you must be Miss Carter’s mother.”

Karen nodded profusely. “Yes, yes, we are going to be a family soon, but this is the first time we’re meeting each other. This is really…” While grinning widely, she pulled Charlotte over. “This is my youngest daughter, Charlotte. Charlotte, quick, greet your father-in-law.”

Charlotte was extremely shy and embarrassed. Who would give such an introduction? We haven’t gotten engaged yet, and this is our first meeting, but she’s already calling him my father-in-law. How can I bring myself to do that?

After hearing Karen’s words, Sawyer was dumbfounded. Family? In-laws? Father-in-law? What?

Thus, Sawyer asked carefully, “Mrs. Carter, did you make a mistake?”
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Chapter 42: Mistake and Truth

Although Sawyer’s question was hesitant and cautious, Karen didn’t realize it at all. She chuckled and pulled Charlotte toward him. “I didn’t get it wrong. Well, you sent so many expensive engagement gifts to our home for Charlotte previously, and we couldn’t agree more to this marriage! This might seem embarrassing, but I thought that the banquet tonight was for Charlotte’s engagement!”

After thinking about it, Sawyer immediately understood. It turned out that the Carters had gotten the wrong idea!

When Lucas had just returned to Orange County, Sawyer tried to look out for him. On the one hand, because Chad Kennedy, the butler of the Huttons, had requested him. On the other hand, he wanted to get into Lucas’s good books too. So he had specially prepared expensive betrothal gifts for Cheyenne on behalf of Lucas.

But the Carters mistook that Sawyer wanted his son to marry Charlotte.
Sawyer was caught between laughter and tears. “Mrs. Carter, you’ve really made a mistake. I only have a son and a daughter, who are both married.”
Karen was immediately dumbstruck. The wealthy son-in-law she had been looking forward to turned out to already belong to someone else.

Charlotte turned pale too. Since Ethan Sawyer’s son is already married, he can’t marry me. In that case… what’s the matter with those betrothal gifts?
Karen pondered over it, and when she thought of something, her face turned a little sullen.

“Um, Mr. Sawyer, since your son is already married, these betrothal gifts…Your family might be very wealthy, but Charlotte is a young bachelorette. She can’t become your second wife without a proper status.”

Hearing Karen’s words, Charlotte turned pale in shock. She had indeed heard such rumors before. Many wealthy men had several wives at the same time, even though only one of them was rightfully married to them. However, she didn’t want to be in such a relationship!
Sawyer was speechless, as he didn’t expect Karen to think this.

At first, he was thinking of helping Lucas by giving those expensive gifts to make Lucas’s status seem more distinguished. To his surprise, Lucas refused to reveal his identity, so it was hard to give an explanation for the gifts.
After thinking about it, Sawyer said,

“Mrs. Carter, those gifts are actually for your eldest daughter, Cheyenne Carter’s…”

Before he could say the word ‘husband’, Karen screamed in horror. “What? For Cheyenne?! You want Cheyenne to be your second wife? This… Cheyenne is already married and has a child. If your family doesn’t mind, we… Don’t worry. Cheyenne’s husband is a loser. I’ll get them to divorce immediately!”

“Mom! What nonsense are you spouting?!” Charlotte didn’t expect her mother to agree to such an absurd matter of letting Cheyenne become his second wife. She was instantly furious and anxious.

Meanwhile, Sawyer broke out in a cold sweat after being shocked by Karen’s words! Oh my god? Who would dare to let Lucas Gray’s wife become their second wife? Are you sick of living?!

Mrs. Carter is really strange. How could she let her daughter get a divorce and become someone else’s second wife while still rejoicing? I don’t get it!

Sawyer hurriedly stopped Karen and exclaimed, “Mrs. Carter! Hear me out. I meant that those gifts are for your daughter’s husband, Mr. Lucas Gray!

Previously, Mr. Gray did me a big favor, so I wanted to give some gifts to him. There might have been some slip-ups in between that resulted in this misunderstanding.

“Don’t worry. My children are all married. They won’t harbor designs on your daughter!” Sawyer hurriedly put an end to it.

Karen’s face was full of disbelief. Those expensive gifts, the car, and the villa that are worth millions, as well as the shares and cash, are all for that good-fornothing Lucas?

How can that loser be capable enough to get such expensive gifts from the Sawyers?!

However, since Ethan Sawyer said it himself, Karen had to believe it. On the other hand, Charlotte was surprised and came to a sudden realization. Indeed, as she had expected, Lucas was not an ordinary person.

However, at the same time, she felt awkward and embarrassed too. It turned out that those gifts were not for her but Lucas. Yet she was flaunting those things to him previously, and she had even mocked him for being too poor to afford them.

Oh goodness! What was Lucas thinking when I did that?!

Charlotte was ashamed and embarrassed, and so was Karen because she had made a big fuss out of a huge misunderstanding. The two of them did not have the cheek to continue walking into the private room.

At this moment, Cheyenne was standing on the top floor of the Intercontinental Hotel, almost too scared to go forth.

The area of the ground in front of her was covered with vibrant and delicate fresh flowers, as well as green plants and flower pots of staggered heights that created a winding path. There were also romantic lights and balloons. All of this made the entire top floor seem like the most beautiful fantastical world.

At the end of the path, there was a tall figure who seemed familiar yet like a stranger to Cheyenne.

His features, appearance, and figure were all familiar to her, as they were the same as the person who appeared beside her every day.

However, he felt like a stranger because he was wearing a suave white military uniform with a metal shoulder badge in the shape of an eagle feather. He looked handsome, sharp, and suave, completely unlike the person Cheyenne was familiar with.

Seeing that Cheyenne had frozen in place, the man smiled and said in a warm voice, “Cheyenne.”

It’s really Lucas!

My husband, Lucas!

Cheyenne watched as Lucas, who was wearing that valiant white military uniform, stepped onto the winding path paved with flower petals. She felt that she seemed to have slipped into a dream. All of a sudden, she couldn’t tell if it was a dream or reality.

Lucas walked toward Cheyenne while gazing at her. “Back then, I had nothing to my name, and I couldn’t give you a decent wedding nor any gifts. I even caused you to suffer so much, and you’ve been unhappy. Now, I’d like to make it up to you.”

Lucas knelt down on one knee, holding a dazzling diamond ring in his palm. It was the pink diamond ring worth tens of millions of dollars and had caught the attention of everyone just now!

Cheyenne covered her chest with both hands, shocked beyond words.

T-this diamond ring and the mysterious young man Flynn Davis mentioned…

Previously, her younger sister even jokingly said that it might be Lucas, but it looked like it was really Lucas!

“Cheyenne, I may be many years late, but I still want to ask you sincerely. Will you marry me?”

Chapter 43: Give Me A Chance

Lucas knelt down on one knee among the flowers and raised his head to ask, “Will you marry me?”

Cheyenne covered her mouth as her tears rolled down continuously.

Surrounded by romantic flowers and lights and being proposed to by a handsome man with an exorbitant diamond ring was the scene that all women dreamed of.

Complicated emotions surged in Cheyenne’s heart, but she couldn’t say yes. “I’m sorry…”

Her words made a trace of disappointment flash in Lucas’s eyes, and he immediately smiled bitterly. Well, I failed to fulfill my duty as a husband and father for so many years and made Cheyenne bear such a huge burden all by herself. What made me think that I’d be able to make her accept me in such a short period of time?

The exorbitant jewelry and diamond ring were Lucas’s way of expressing his feelings, but he would never think that Cheyenne would agree to his proposal only because of the gifts.

The woman he had adored for so many years was definitely not that materialistic.

Thus, Lucas was already mentally prepared to be rejected by Cheyenne.
However, he still couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable after really being rejected by the woman he fancied, even though he had prepared himself for it.

When Cheyenne saw Lucas’s eyes becoming dimmer, she felt a little dismayed. “Um, I’m really sorry, but I can only think of you as Amelia’s father right now. I don’t see you as my husband yet. I hope you will understand.”

Lucas nodded. He naturally understood that Cheyenne was willing to let him stay with the Carters for the time being only for their daughter’s sake.

When he and Cheyenne got married back then, they didn’t have feelings for each other, and afterward, he left for so many years. Now that he had just returned, Cheyenne definitely wouldn’t fall for him so quickly.

“Do you hate me then?” he asked softly.
Cheyenne was stunned. She thought about it carefully and realized that Lucas hadn’t done anything heinous to her before.

The incident that they were embroiled in was all because they had been set up. Six years ago, Cheyenne’s parents told her that Lucas had stolen the family’s money and left her behind while he absconded.

At that time, she hated Lucas for being an irresponsible liar.

However, on the day Lucas first returned, Cheyenne knew that her parents must have lied. Lucas didn’t steal their money or abandon her on purpose.

Lucas had once mentioned that he left in order to become worthy of her. The fact that he had come to propose to her with a diamond ring worth tens of millions of dollars was the best proof.

Besides, after Lucas returned, he had been accompanying her to deal with the Carters, protecting her, and playing with Amelia. In particular, on that cold and harsh rainy day, it was Lucas who brought her away from that terrifying place and even took care of her when she was ill…

So, to be fair, Cheyenne did not hate Lucas and even had a good impression of him.

However, this alone was not enough for Cheyenne to accept Lucas as her husband.

Cheyenne bit her lower lip tightly and shook her head slightly.

Lucas looked at her gleefully. “Since you don’t hate me, that’s enough. I hope you can give me a chance. I truly want to treat you well. And if you can see my sincerity in the future and feel that you can trust me and depend on me, please don’t turn me down again.”

“Yes.” Cheyenne nodded, feeling slightly relieved.

When she came down using the elevator and returned to the banquet hall on the first floor, Cheyenne felt like she was in a trance and found it unreal.

Lucas’s sudden proposal and the fact that he was the mysterious man who caused an uproar in Orange County…

“Cheyenne! Where did you go? We were worried sick about you!” Karen hurriedly pulled Cheyenne’s arm and dragged her out of the surrealism.

“What’s the matter, Mom?”

“You still have the cheek to ask me? You went to the bathroom for such a long time, and we couldn’t find you! Oh right. It’s your wedding anniversary with Lucas today too. Did that good-for-nothing… not give you any gifts?” Karen asked, keeping her voice low.

Cheyenne immediately remembered all that happened on the top floor just now.

“I’m telling you, that kid Lucas is pretending to be poor in front of us. You have to make him give you more gifts! Don’t let him take advantage!”

Cheyenne was suddenly stunned. Did Mom find out so quickly that Lucas is that mysterious man who appeared at the auction?

Before Cheyenne could ask, Karen continued, “Hmph, you don’t even know, do you? The betrothal gifts that the Sawyers gave to our family were not for Charlotte but a token of gratitude for that good-for-nothing! Funny, isn’t it? Why does that garbage deserve such hefty gifts from the Sawyers?”

Cheyenne blinked and took a long time to react. “You mean that large box of gifts was not for Charlotte but a thank-you gift for Lucas?”

She had only been away for a short period of time, so how could so many things have happened?

However, when Cheyenne saw the look of displeasure on Charlotte’s face, she decided not to pry further. No girl would be comfortable about such a misunderstanding.

The few of them looked for William Carter, Cheyenne’s father, who was already drunk and hiding in a corner of the hall. Then they headed home.
After arriving home, Cheyenne finally listened to Karen’s account of how they met Ethan Sawyer and found out that the gifts were just a huge misunderstanding.

However, Karen certainly didn’t mention that she had almost agreed to let Cheyenne become his second wife. She simply emphasized how much of a pity it was that Ethan Sawyer’s son was already married and that Charlotte had missed the opportunity for a good marriage. She then started criticizing Lucas in front of Cheyenne.

“Cheyenne, your loser husband helped the Sawyers and received so many gifts from them, but he stayed mum about it! How inhumane of him.”
Cheyenne was a little speechless.

“Mom, didn’t you put away all the gifts at home? Actually, since those gifts were for Lucas, you should give them back to him.”

“What?!” Karen screamed. “You want me to return them to Lucas? Impossible! Lucas is our live-in son-in-law, so the things given to him should rightfully belong to us. Why should we return them to him?” As she spoke, Karen poked Cheyenne’s forehead, expecting better from her.

“How did I give birth to such a stupid girl like you? You’re so eager to give away the wealth given to us! I didn’t tell you this for the sake of letting you hand the treasures to that garbage Lucas!”

“What exactly are you trying to say then?” Cheyenne asked, feeling uncomfortable.

“Are you stupid?! Think about it. Since the Sawyers have already said that Lucas helped them a lot, they must have given him more than merely a box of gifts. He must be holding more than that! What he has is yours. You have to hurry and think of a solution to get them from him! Otherwise, you’ll be letting him gain huge benefits when you get divorced in the future.”

Chapter 44: Tempting Wealth

Karen sounded extremely righteous, but Cheyenne couldn’t listen to her words any longer.

“Mom, regardless of how much money Lucas has, it all belongs to him. It has nothing to do with us! Also, I said that I won’t get a divorce. Why do you keep bringing this up?”

After saying that, Cheyenne carried the sleepy Amelia and headed upstairs.

Karen was so infuriated by Cheyenne’s reaction that she was speechless for a long time. She then faced the stairs and yelled in displeasure, “Who am I doing this for? It’s all for you! That good-for-nothing finally has some money now. If you don’t hurry and get it from him before dumping him, what are you keeping him around for? Seriously, you don’t listen to anything I say!”

William, who had drunk too much alcohol, was lying on the couch in a trance. Jolted awake by Karen’s sharp shrieking, he barked in annoyance, “Why are you yelling? You’re too noisy.”

Karen immediately vented her anger on him. “All you do is get drunk and throw a tantrum! You’re so useless! I’m worried sick for this family, and all of you are out to make me angry. I’m so unlucky to have married a good-for-nothing like you…”

Karen was wailing when the door suddenly opened with a loud creak, and Lucas entered.

Since the last time he paid Karen rent, she turned a blind eye and did not stop him from entering the house. Anyway, he wouldn’t do anything to Cheyenne. At most, he would play with Amelia. Apart from criticizing him and scolding him every now and then, Karen would treat him like he was transparent most of the time.

However, things were different now. Since Lucas was so generous as to give her fifteen thousand dollars previously, it meant that he definitely had a lot more cash on hand. But he never mentioned it before. Karen obviously wouldn’t be able to tolerate it.

She just disliked Lucas!

Karen looked up and was just about to scold him, but he simply nodded at the both of them and vanished immediately.
Lucas was gone before Karen could mock him, making her even more infuriated.

“Do you have any manners? Why aren’t you greeting your elders? Hmph, indeed, you’re lowly and ill-mannered! You even hid your personal stash from us. Hah, you’re just a live-in son-in-law who sponges off us. How dare you hide your money from us?! You’ve gone overboard!” Karen was scolding incessantly in the living room and deliberately slamming the broom against the rubbish bin.

Lucas was sitting by the bed in Cheyenne’s room, carefully holding the soundly sleeping Amelia and washing her feet for her. He completely ignored the scolding coming from downstairs.
In the beginning, he would still get angered by Karen’s harsh words. But now, he had long realized that it was not worth getting angry over her words.

But Karen was Cheyenne’s mother after all. So Lucas would treat her with basic respect, but that was as far as it went. However, Cheyenne was utterly embarrassed. Even she found her mother’s words to be terribly callous.

“I’m sorry, my mom… she’s going through menopause, so she’s very illtempered and irritable recently. Don’t take it too hard.” Cheyenne racked her brain to come up with a reason for her mother’s actions.

Lucas smiled and didn’t say anything. Instead, he grabbed a soft towel and used it to wipe his daughter’s feet dry before carrying her to the bed and tucking her beneath the blanket.
After watching Lucas do all of this, Cheyenne felt more and more embarrassed.

A few days ago, she had been running a high fever after being in the rain. Amelia was worried about her but didn’t want to leave Lucas either, so Lucas brought Amelia to the room and slept on a mattress on the floor.

Today, Amelia had already fallen asleep, and the two of them were sharing the same room. So things got awkward, especially since she rejected Lucas’s proposal today.

Seemingly seeing how uneasy Cheyenne was, Lucas suddenly said, “I have something to attend to tonight, so I’ll get going.”

Before she said anything, he left.

Although he also wanted to stay and try to spend more time with her, he knew that they both needed time and that he couldn’t be too eager.

There was no peace in the Carter residence tonight.

During the banquet tonight, the Carters were humiliated in a way that they had never been before.

First, the shameless shrew Karen boasted and humiliated them at the door. Afterward, they ran into the usher who deliberately neglected them and even specially arranged for them to sit at a small and shabby table by the entrance. As a result, they became the laughing stock of all the prominent figures of Orange County!

After that, Flynn Davis of the Stardust Corporation made a speech, and countless families and businesses vied to cooperate with the Brilliance Corporation, which was just like a slap to their face!

The Brilliance Corporation still belonged to them a few days ago! Of course, Cheyenne and Karen’s family irked them the most!

They were the garbage kicked out of the Carter family and had been disowned by them. Yet they managed to form connections with the Sawyers, the wealthiest family in Orange County, and even flaunted to them. They would never be able to tolerate this!

“Grandpa, are we going to let Cheyenne, her sister, and that shameless bitch Karen continue being haughty and trampling all over us?” The more Bryce thought about it, the more infuriated he was as he punched the couch hard.
His right wrist, which Lucas broke previously, was still wrapped in a thick layer of gauze.

In short, he felt that Cheyenne’s family was horrid, and he wanted all of them dead!

Dominic’s face was gloomy too. He had always been controlling, so after becoming the head of the family, he almost couldn’t tolerate any defiance.
After he kicked Cheyenne’s family out, they not only did not live a miserable life, but they even got acquainted with the Sawyers. How could the prideful Dominic Carter accept this?

“Bryce, is it true that their family is going to be the Sawyers’ in-law?” Dominic asked.

Despite being indignant, Bryce nonetheless nodded. “Grandpa, when I went to their home before, I saw Charlotte driving a limited edition luxury Lamborghini that costs at least a million dollars. Besides, I even heard that the Sawyers gave them more than just a sports car. They also gave them a villa, a few stores, and a million in cash. All of the gifts were delivered to them in a box!

Furthermore, at the banquet today, I tried to make things hard for them, but the Sawyers sent someone over to say that there was a private room reserved for them. It seems to be true.”

Dominic stayed silent, but he looked even angrier.

At this moment, one of the Carters suddenly asked, “Those things belong to the Carters, so why should we give them to them?”

Chapter 45: Your Own Money

After saying that, Dominic and Bryce both looked over at this family member.
This Carter hurriedly said, “Think about it. They were still part of the family when they received those gifts, so the gifts can’t be considered as their family’s private assets! Besides, you were kind to have provided for them for decades, so it’s only right for them to show filial piety.”

After figuring out something, Bryce patted his thigh and exclaimed with excitement, “Yes! Those gifts should belong to us. I’ll go get them back from them now!”

Dominic nodded in satisfaction. “If they really become in-laws with the Sawyers, I can let them return to the family as long as they hand over those gifts.”

Bryce recalled how smug Karen looked yesterday and hesitated for a moment.

“Grandpa, what if they don’t agree?”

“Hmph, if they don’t agree, we’ll make them return everything they obtained from the Carters over the years! Perhaps that box of gifts may not be enough to offset all of it. Tell them that clearly.” Dominic smirked.

“Yes, Grandpa. I know what to do.” Bryce left excitedly.

Bright early the next morning in Cheyenne’s home…

William and the others were still having breakfast when Bryce walked in with a group of people, pushed open the courtyard door, and sauntered in.

“Oh, all of you happen to be at home, huh?” Bryce smiled roguishly.
Cheyenne patted the frightened Amelia and stared at these people who barged in with disgust in her eyes.

When Karen and Charlotte saw Bryce, they were both furious as well. “What are you doing here?”

Bryce walked to the middle of the courtyard brazenly. “What am I doing here? If I remember correctly, the house that you are staying in now still belongs to the Carters. What right do you have to question me?”

“So, are you here to chase us away?” Charlotte asked.

Both Karen’s and William’s faces were sullen. Previously, Dominic had already openly driven them out of the Carter family and even disowned them. Now that Bryce was here, they reckoned that he must be here to confiscate their house.

Bryce stared at William and Karen. “Well, Uncle, you grew up with the Carters, and I’ve been addressing you as my uncle for so many years. No matter what, I still care for you. How can I really chase you out?”

William and Karen were shocked by his words. Although kinship was ridiculous to them, Bryce seemed to be saying that he wasn’t here to chase them out. “What do you mean?” Cheyenne asked warily.

She didn’t believe that Bryce and Dominic would care about kinship.
Besides, given Bryce’s hostile attitude toward her in the past, he obviously couldn’t wait to drive her out of the Carter family. How could he come here to say this to them after disowning them?

“What I mean is, Grandpa has decided to rescind his orders on the account that you guys have lived with us for so many years. As long as you give us the gifts from the Sawyers, Grandpa will allow you back into the Carter family,” Bryce said arrogantly.

“Hmph!” Cheyenne sneered. So it’s just for the gifts.

“Don’t even think about it! How can we give the gifts to you?” Karen was instantly anxious.

Staring at her, Bryce said slowly, “Aunt Karen, isn’t that what you told me last night? You said that the Sawyers have taken a liking to Charlotte and gave you a large chest of title deeds, a car, cash, and stores. You’re going to become the Sawyers’ in-laws soon. Surely you don’t care about that petty sum of money?
As long as you hand these things over, Grandpa and I will let you return to the Carter family!”

“That… no…”

When she saw Bryce and Dominic at the banquet last night, she couldn’t help herself and showed off to them. In the end, she found out that it was a huge misunderstanding. Now, she couldn’t tell Bryce that she had made a mistake, but she wasn’t willing to give the expensive gifts to the Carters.

At this moment, Charlotte walked out. “That was a mistake. The Sawyers gave those gifts to Lucas, not us.”
Bryce burst into laughter and gibed,

“Charlotte Carter, do you take me for a fool? Lucas Gray? He’s just a piece of trash. How could the Sawyers give him those gifts out of gratitude? You ought to come up with a less retarded excuse.”

“Those things really don’t belong to us. Don’t think about taking them from us. Since we’ve been disowned, you can take this house back, and we’ll move away. That’s all I have to say,” Cheyenne said coldly.

“Cheyenne, how can you say that?” Karen was displeased, as she couldn’t understand why they had to give the house to them. Since they had lived here for decades, the house should have long belonged to them.

“Hmph, do you think you can just move away? It’s not that easy!” Bryce dropped the pretense and showed his true intentions. He exclaimed fiercely, “I’m not afraid of letting you know. If you really want to leave the Carters, return us all the money we’ve spent providing for you all these years!

“I’ll do a simple calculation for you. William Carter, you have been living with us for more than forty years. We’ll take it that you spend fifteen thousand dollars a year. That means you’ve spent six hundred thousand in total.” Bryce pointed at William.

Before William could speak, he pointed at the others. “And you, Karen, Cheyenne, and Charlotte, all of you have been sponging off us for two to three decades. The three of you have spent up to one-point-four million in total. You’ve also taken away at least five million worth of dividends and benefits from us, and you’ve lived in this house for decades. Considering all the miscellaneous expenses, it won’t be much to ask you for eight million, right?”

Every word Bryce said made William’s and Karen’s faces turn even more distressed. When she heard Bryce’s last sentence, Karen could no longer hold back and screamed, “Eight million dollars?! Is this daylight robbery?! How could we have spent eight million dollars?! Besides, we only get a little more than twenty thousand in dividends!”

Bryce laughed unrestrainedly. “Don’t say I’m making this up. These things are recorded in the company’s accounts every year!

“Anyway, you either pay us eight million dollars now and leave the Carter family, or take out that box of gifts and we’ll let you back in the family. In the future, Grandpa might let Uncle William take over his position. You guys should consider carefully what you want to do!”
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Chapter 46: The Chance to Return to the Family

Cheyenne and Charlotte naturally did not believe Bryce’s words. The Carters had never truly treated them as a part of the Carter family before, mainly because William Carter was not Dominic Carter’s biological son. Thus, Dominic obviously wouldn’t let William take over as the head of the family.

William himself did not believe what Bryce said. He grew up knowing that he and Dominic were not blood-related, and Dominic had at best been kind to him and let him join the family on account of his mother. But after his mother passed away, he no longer enjoyed the same treatment that the direct descendants of the Carter family enjoyed. For example, the direct descendants and relatives would receive almost a hundred thousand dollars each year in dividends, while William and his family would only receive about fifteen thousand.

Therefore, Willian didn’t believe at all that he would be able to assume the position of the head of the family in the future.

However, Karen was already tempted and was considering it in her head quickly.

Although the box of gifts was very valuable, the gifts were meant for Lucas, and she reckoned that he would definitely take them away and gain the support of the Sawyers. So she definitely wouldn’t get to keep the gifts.

In her opinion, it would be better to give them to Bryce, as that would mean that they would at least be able to return to the Carter family. And in the future, she might even get to be the mistress of the family.

Besides, she wouldn’t give all of the gifts to the Carters. The value of all the items in the box was almost fifteen million dollars, and she felt that giving half to the Carters would be enough, as she wanted to keep the remaining half. If Lucas asked the Sawyers to help him get the gifts back, she would just say that the Carters took them away and tell them to look for the Carters!

At the thought of this, the gaze in Karen’s eyes when she looked at Bryce became less hostile, and she seemed rather enthusiastic instead. “Bryce, is what you just said true? Will you let us return to the Carter family as long as I hand that box of things over to you? Will William also have the chance to become the head of the family in the future?”

“Of course. Grandpa said it himself. Aunt Karen, have you decided?” Bryce smiled affirmatively.

Seeing that Karen was wavering, Charlotte couldn’t help but say anxiously, “Mom, do you still believe their nonsense and lies? Have you forgotten how they used to bully us? Cheyenne even got on her knees to beg them, was drenched in the rain, and ended up running a high fever because of it. Have they ever shown any concern? They’re saying these things to us now obviously because they want that box of gifts!”

Cheyenne objected vehemently, “Mom, that box of gifts was meant for Lucas. None of them have the right to decide what to do with them.”

Seeing this, Bryce sneered. “I thought Aunt Karen commands great authority at home, but I didn’t expect both your daughters to disregard you and have no respect for you at all. They keep going against your decisions. Anyway, think through it yourselves. It’s your only chance to return to the family. Once you miss it, Grandpa will never give you a chance again, even if you beg him. You will also have to pay us eight million dollars and not a single cent less.”

Karen immediately became anxious and hurriedly pushed William. “Hurry up and say something! Quickly agree to return to the family!”

William pushed Karen away. “I’m not going back! Cheyenne and the others got bullied so terribly, so what’s the point of going back? If you want to, you can go back yourself!”

To be honest, William had also become completely disappointed in the family.

After being pushed by her husband, who had always obeyed her, Karen flew into a rage and reached out to scratch him. “You useless good-for-nothing, you can’t earn any money at all. If we don’t return to the Carters, how can we maintain a livelihood? How are you going to pay the eight million dollars we owe them?”

The two of them got into a scuffle while Cheyenne and Charlotte hurriedly tried to pull them apart.

Bryce was getting impatient. If not for that box of gifts, he wouldn’t bother talking to them.

“Enough. Don’t put on an act in front of me either. Go and find where the items are.” Bryce cocked his head toward the security officers behind him and immediately headed into the house.

“Wait!” Seeing how the situation was developing, Karen stopped fighting with William and hurriedly rushed into the house to stop them.

She just wanted to give Bryce half of the items. If he moved them away himself, he definitely wouldn’t leave anything for them!

Karen stopped in front of her bed, but her actions gave the security officers a cue. Two of them went forward to pull her away while others lifted the bed and quickly took out two boxes from beneath, one large and one small.

“Hey! These are my belongings!” Karen’s eyes were about to fall out. Lucas’s items were in the large box, but the small box contained her personal stash that she had saved up over the years!

Bryce simply ignored her and took a brief glimpse at the box full of cash, title deeds, and share transfer documents. He was so excited that he couldn’t stop himself from laughing.

He could tell at a glance that the value of these items was more than fifteen million dollars.

Watching the security officers carry the items out of the house, Cheyenne and the others naturally weren’t willing to let them take the things away. But they were just a bunch of weak women, so how could they stop these people?

They didn’t just take away the box of gifts. They also snatched away the Lamborghini parked by the entrance.

“Oh my god. They’re a bunch of bandits!” Karen sat on the ground and patted her thigh while wailing.

“What are you crying for? It’s all your fault! If you didn’t show off in front of them yesterday, they wouldn’t have come here!” William yelled at her.

Karen was incensed. “How dare you yell at me? It’s all because you’re a useless man and a loser!”

Seeing that the two were about to argue again, Charlotte was so infuriated that she shouted, “Okay, stop arguing! The items the Sawyers gifted Lucas have been snatched away. How are we going to explain it to him?!”

“Explain my foot! Bryce Carter and his men were the ones who took those things away anyway. If he has what it takes, he can very well go after the Carters!” Karen didn’t care what Lucas would think. She just felt the huge pinch.

“Oh, by the way, Cheyenne, didn’t Bryce say that he would let us back into the Carter family as long as we gave him those items? Does this mean that we don’t have to leave the Carter family now? Now that he has taken them away, go to your grandfather and inform him about this.” Karen suddenly urged while grabbing Cheyenne’s arm.

Cheyenne shook Karen’s hand off and said coldly, “If you want to go back, go ask them yourself.”

After saying this, she took Amelia’s hand and left.

All the things that the Carters had done before had completely shattered Cheyenne’s heart. She would definitely not go back to the Carter family!

“Hey, you’re defying me, huh?” Karen complained before turning to look at

Charlotte. “Charlotte…”

Without letting her finish, Charlotte interrupted, “Whoever wants to go back can ask themselves. Anyway, I’m not going to go back to that family.” She then left with a look of annoyance.

William ignored Karen and headed back inside quietly with a somber expression.

In the entire courtyard, only Karen remained, sitting on the floor and lamenting endlessly about her miserable life.

Lucas soon caught wind of everything that happened at the residence.

He stared expressionlessly into the distance, the corners of his lips curling up into a faint cold smile. “Since you Carters have a death wish, I’ll grant you your wish.”

Chapter 47: Drastic Change in the Carter Family

Bryce returned to the Carter main residence in the luxurious Lamborghini with the large box of cash, title deeds, and share transfer documents.

The Carters in the main residence gathered around Bryce, amazed and in awe at the luxurious car and the box with assets worth more than fifteen million dollars inside. They praised Bryce incessantly too.

“Bryce is really something. He managed to bring so many things home. The

Carters are going to make a comeback again soon!”

“He’s indeed worthy of being Dominic’s biological grandson. He’s so capable! If

Bryce takes over the family in the future, we can all rest assured!”

“Not bad, not bad. Bryce has always been outstanding since he was a child. He’s definitely cut out for achieving great things. He’s becoming more and more capable now, isn’t he?”

The flattering words and compliments of the Carters made Bryce feel like he was on cloud nine. Dominic was also grinning widely, extremely satisfied with Bryce, his grandson.

“Bryce, you’ve done well. In the future, I can rest assured handing the family over to you.” Dominic patted Bryce on the shoulder.

Bryce hurriedly said modestly, “Thank you, Grandpa. I will definitely work harder in the future and never let you down!”

At this happy moment, a member of the family suddenly dashed in nervously. “Bad news! Something terrible happened!”

“What’s wrong? Why are you so flustered?!” Bryce glared angrily at the person who suddenly ran in and ruined the atmosphere.

“The people from the factories informed us that all the factories belonging to the Carter Corporation have been closed allegedly due to violations during the manufacturing process and rectifications have to be made! The finance department has also received a notice saying that the financial risk of our corporation is too high, so we have to repay all the loans we’ve made by the end of today! Otherwise, we will be sued, and we will have to declare bankruptcy and begin the liquidation procedures!”

This news was a bolt out of the blue and like a bomb instantly dropped on everyone’s head!

Dominic’s expression changed drastically, and he stood up abruptly. “How did this happen?!”

Bryce’s face was also extraordinarily gloomy. “All of this happened too suddenly. Someone must be trying to attack the Carters!”

Since the Carters were in pursuit of maximum profit, it was definitely difficult for them to have factories achieve 100% compliance with all regulations during the manufacturing process. Thus, if someone deliberately tried to check on them, they would definitely succeed. But usually, even if there were inspections, those who were close to the Carters would inform them in advance, and their factories wouldn’t be closed straight away.

Besides, who knew when the rectification would take place?

There would be massive losses incurred and enormous problems resulting from the shutdown of the factories for a day. Besides, they didn’t know how long the shutdown was going to last.

Although the Carters’ businesses hadn’t been flourishing lately, they felt that there must have been more reasons for the bank to demand all loans be repaid within a day.

While Bryce was angry, Dominic thought about it carefully. “Bryce, hurry up and call Mr. Shaw to find out what’s going on in the factories and if it’s possible to get some leeway through connections. Hurry and call the bank too.”

Bryce hurriedly made several phone calls, but unfortunately, Mr. Shaw didn’t answer at all. Furthermore, the bank only gave them cold replies and claimed that the financial risk of the Carter Corporation was proven too high after some assessment, and so the loans had to be repaid.

The news made the Carters look even more dismayed.

Mr. Shaw used to have a very close relationship with the Carters. But this time, he not only did not notify in advance but also refused to answer their calls. Clearly, someone whom Mr. Shaw dared not offend was involved in the closure of the factories this time.

The issue of the bank loans made them even more anxious.

The capital turnover of the Carters was dependent on bank loans to a large extent. The cash they had on hand was far from enough for them to repay the loans, and even if they included the assets that Bryce had just brought home, there still wouldn’t be enough.

After all, of all the items in the box, only the million dollars in cash was usable. The administrative procedures for the title deeds and the luxury car hadn’t been settled yet.

While the Carters were at a loss, they were struck with a greater blow!

The head of the finance department of the Carter Corporation dashed in, his forehead covered in sweat. “Oh dear, Chairman, many partner companies have asked to terminate their contracts with us. We can’t dissuade them at all! Now, there are many people gathered in front of the company, demanding to terminate their contracts with us and for us to pay off our debts!”

Dominic sat down on the sofa with a loud thump, pale as a sheet. “All of you, go and find out who’s the one getting up to such tricks behind our backs!”

After he ordered coldly, the Carters dared not idle about any longer and made countless calls.

“Hello, Mr. Wilson. I’m calling from the Carter Corporation. Our contract with your company… Damn it! He hung up!”

“Hello, Mr. White. I’d like to ask about our contract… Hello? Hello!”

The people in charge of various partner companies immediately hung up after hearing the Carters’ questions.

After great effort, they finally got some information from a company they used to cooperate with often.

“Don’t blame me. The Carters offended a big shot and got us into trouble too,” Mr. Evans said helplessly.

Dominic’s heart dropped, and he hurriedly grabbed the phone. “Mr. Evans, on my account, can you tell me which big shot the Carters have offended?”

Mr. Evans sighed. “Mr. Carter, it’s not that I don’t want to tell you, but I really don’t know. We also received a phone call from someone who said that our company would be in trouble if we didn’t terminate our cooperation with you! Don’t think I’m fearmongering or trying to lie to you. You’ll find out if you ask others.”

Mr. Evans hung up without saying anything further.

Dominic and the other Carters all had dismal expressions.

There was no longer a need to make more phone calls to confirm. The fact that that big shot could cause their factories to cease production and have the bank demand repayment of all their loans within a day meant that they were definitely powerful.

However, even after racking their brains, they still couldn’t figure out how they had offended a big shot.

While remaining silent, Dominic suddenly looked at the box that Bryce had brought home.

The lid of the box was open, revealing the stacks of pink banknotes, as well as the large stack of supporting documents.

Dominic suddenly thought of something and inhaled sharply before slapping

Bryce on his face. “Sinner, it’s all your fault!”

Bryce was dumbstruck by the loud and sudden slap!

It took him a long time to react. Covering his face aggrievedly, he asked, “Grandpa, what wrong did I commit?”

Chapter 48: Seek Her Forgiveness

Dominic pointed at the box furiously. “Are you still clueless? What did you say in front of that family yesterday? Right after you snatched this box of items from them today, our factories had to close, and production lines had to cease for rectification. The bank even demanded repayment of all our loans, and so many of our partner companies are asking to terminate their contracts with us. Think about it. Who did we offend?”

Bryce froze immediately.

After thinking through the events of the past two days, Bryce blinked and asked in disbelief, “Grandpa, are you saying that Ethan Sawyer did these things?”

Dominic said with displeasure, “Who else could it be? It has been quite peaceful at home these days, but ever since you brought your people there to snatch this box from them, terrible things have been happening one after another. This is definitely a warning from the Sawyers because we took away the gifts meant for Charlotte Carter.”

Only then did Bryce realize that the Sawyers had been watching Charlotte’s family!

He covered his hot and flushed face, feeling extremely aggrieved.

He wasn’t the one who suggested going to Cheyenne’s home to snatch the betrothal gifts from them in the first place. Besides, they had all given their approval beforehand. Yet now, they were blaming him.

“Anyway, since you’ve made a grave mistake by bringing this box here, you have to solve this matter.” Ignoring Bryce’s displeasure, Dominic instructed with a stern expression, “Send these items back. You must seek Charlotte’s forgiveness so that the Sawyers will let us off. Otherwise, it’ll be over for the Carters!”

Despite his reluctance, Bryce had no choice but to go and look for Charlotte.

He searched for a long time before finding out that Charlotte had gone to work at the Stardust Corporation today. But unfortunately, he was stopped at the entrance of the Stardust Corporation office, as security wouldn’t let him in.

“My cousin is working in your company. I’m urgently looking for her!”

Remaining unmoved, the security officer said, “You can give her a call and ask her to come out. Anyway, you’re not an employee of our company nor a client, so you are not allowed to go in.”

Bryce was furious.

He had called Charlotte countless times, but all his calls were rejected. He didn’t know if Charlotte had blocked him or not, but he couldn’t contact her at all.

Otherwise, why would he go to the Stardust Corporation to stop Charlotte from leaving?

“Please leave immediately. Do not disrupt the order of our office,” the chief security officer warned.

Bryce was frustrated and anxious. He really wanted to barge in, but he was at the Stardust Corporation office, and he dared not offend them.

At this moment, just as he was about to ignore the security officers and dash into the office building, the eagle-eyed Bryce spotted a familiar figure walking over.

That familiar figure was Lucas!

Bryce was extremely indignant as he rushed forward to stop Lucas. Then he yelled at the security officers, “This person isn’t one of your employees either. Why aren’t you stopping him?”

What surprised Bryce even more was that after the security officers saw Lucas, they actually bowed in unison. “Mr. Gray, welcome.”

Lucas nodded indifferently, glanced at Bryce, and then raised his brows a little.

Since Lucas was stopped by the security officers at the entrance when he came to the Stardust Corporation office previously, the general manager, Flynn Davis, had fired all of them. Afterward, the security officers saw Davis accompanying Lucas to the top floor of the office building and also received orders from Davis that no one was to stop Lucas from entering again.

Therefore, although all of them were clueless about Lucas’s identity, they dared not offend him and were very respectful toward him because they thought that he was at least a client whom Davis valued greatly.

Bryce was almost stunned speechless, but he was still indignant. “What right does he have to enter? He’s just a live-in son-in-law of the Carters, a useless good-for-nothing! Why is he allowed to enter, but I’m not?”

Lucas sneered, unbothered by Bryce.

The chief security officer hurriedly stopped Bryce. “This is the Stardust Corporation. If you want to kick up a ruckus and deliberately cause trouble, don’t blame us for getting nasty!”

Unwilling to concede, Bryce snapped, “You condescending security officers, I’m going to lodge a complaint against you for being biased!”

The chief security officer sneered. “Mr. Gray is an important client of Mr. Davis. Who are you? Hurry up and get lost.”

A few of them came over from the side and surrounded Bryce to shoo him away from Lucas, lest he collided into Lucas recklessly.

“Him? Important client? You guys must have been fooled by this good-fornothing!” Bryce clamored and reached out in a bid to grab Lucas. “Lucas, you loser, get your ass over here!”

Lucas frowned in annoyance while the alert chief security officer immediately said, “Mr. Gray, please go inside and let us handle the matter here.”

Lucas nodded and turned around to leave.

The new chief security officer Davis hired was indeed much more reliable than the previous one.

Behind him, a couple of security officers dragged Bryce far away and then threw him onto the ground.

Lucas broke Bryce’s arm previously, and it hadn’t healed completely yet. After being flung onto the ground, he immediately shrieked in pain, but no one cared about him.

Bryce cursed incessantly. But he didn’t dare go to the entrance of the Stardust Corporation office building again. He had no choice but to stand at a spot far away, all the way until he saw Charlotte coming out of the building after getting off work.

“Charlotte! Just got off work, huh?” Bryce exclaimed affectionately as he approached her.

“What are you doing here?” Charlotte detested Bryce greatly. In the morning, he had just snatched their belongings away. What was he doing again at the entrance of her office?

“Charlotte, it’s my fault for what happened this morning. I hereby apologize to you! Actually, I just wanted to crack a joke with you. I’ve already returned the car and the box of things. I really have!” Bryce swore while patting his chest and feeling immense heartache deep down.

However, Charlotte didn’t buy it at all. “A joke? How amusing. Why don’t I stab you with a knife and then tell you that it was just a joke? Also, we’ve already been kicked out by the Carters, so you’re not my cousin. We have nothing to do with each other anymore.”

Charlotte stepped forward and was about to leave, but Bryce hurriedly rushed forward to stop her. “Charlotte, we are at least relatives. You won’t be so cruel as to leave us in the lurch, right?”

“What do you mean?” Charlotte frowned and looked at him.

Bryce gritted his teeth. “We are all from the Carter family. I know I was wrong for doing what I did in the morning. Please have mercy and let us off, alright?”

Chapter 49: Personal Visit

Bryce’s words caught Charlotte by surprise.

“What’s up with the Sawyers? And what happened to the Carters?”

Bryce looked at Charlotte, unconvinced that she was clueless about what happened. “We’re a family, so there’s no need to pretend, is there? Right after I came home from your place, our factories were forced to close and stop production lines for rectification. The bank even wants us to repay all of our loans by the end of today. And almost all the companies we have cooperations with have asked to terminate their partnership contracts with us. We really can’t hold on any longer!”

Bryce wiped his tears. “I know I was wrong to have taken your gifts, and that’s the reason the Sawyers are offended. I really know my mistakes! Charlotte, please help us beg for forgiveness from the Sawyers and ask them to let us off!”

Only then did Charlotte find out what had happened to the Carters. However, to be honest, Charlotte felt thrilled to see how miserable the Carters seemed to be, according to Bryce.

“Hah, I can only say that you people deserve it. If you keep doing evil, you will end up harming yourselves one day,” Charlotte said without emotion.

“Also, don’t come looking for me. I’ve already said this morning that the box of gifts wasn’t for me but Lucas. Even if you want to get someone to plead for mercy on your behalf, you’ve found the wrong person.”

“You… are you really that heartless?” Bryce glared at Charlotte with a menacing expression.

Charlotte was so frightened that she hurriedly scurried away after saying, “Anyway, don’t come looking for me.”

Bryce stared at her figure from behind with a vicious gaze.

Since Bryce returned home after a fruitless trip, he naturally had to face the music from Dominic.

“Have I been overindulging you? You can’t even get such a trivial matter done right! You’re so disappointing!” At this moment, the Carters were facing a huge crisis, and Dominic was so anxious that he started being hostile to his grandson, whom he usually doted on.

Bryce clenched his fist and tried to argue. “Grandpa, I stayed put at the entrance of Charlotte Carter’s workplace for the entire day, but she refused to budge and even said that those gifts were meant for Lucas, not her. She was obviously just trying to fool me!”

“That’s your problem too! Anyway, if you can’t deal with Charlotte Carter, don’t come back to see me again! Wastrel!”

After being scolded harshly by his grandfather, he turned around and left the house, feeling frustrated and upset.

“Dominic, the Larsons are insistent on terminating their cooperation with our company!”

“Chairman, the president of ICBC Bank refuses to give in, and he insists that we have to repay the loans by the end of today, or we will be sued…”

“We went around trying to raise funds, but to no avail. They all hung up after hearing our names…”

“The Sawyers refuse to communicate with us, and they simply said that they’re in no place to make a decision because Ethan Sawyer is not in town.”

As he heard these pieces of bad news, Dominic’s face grew increasingly downcast, and he couldn’t sit still at all.

After thinking about it, he made up his mind. He decided to swallow his pride and personally go to William Carter’s home.

Dominic’s sudden visit made William and Karen extremely nervous.

Over the years, Dominic had never visited them, and they wondered if this time…

William and Karen didn’t enjoy peace this night as well.

Bright early in the morning, Bryce had brought his men over and snatched away their chest of treasures worth more than fifteen million dollars. Karen wanted her daughters to beg Dominic to let them return to the Carter family. However, they hadn’t returned yet.

In the afternoon, Bryce suddenly returned the box of gifts and the car, claiming to have made a mistake. William and Karen were bewildered, and they wondered what he had up his sleeve.

In the evening, Dominic personally visited them, which was rather rare.

W-what’s going on? Is he here to take back the house or the box of gifts?

Karen and William watched as Dominic entered. They were so nervous that they had no idea where to place their hands.

“Dad, you…” William said carefully.

To his surprise, Dominic was not as austere as he usually was. Instead, there was a smile on his face. “William, it’s been hard on you staying in such a small house. Tomorrow, move back in with us. I’ll pick out a nice house for you.”

William and Karen glared at him in disbelief. Is… Dominic Carter letting us move back in?

The Carters owned a large cluster of mansions where all the direct descendants of the Carter family lived. However, due to the fact that William was not bloodrelated to the Carters, they were singled out and made to live in this old and shabby residence, where they had stayed for decades.

Yet Dominic is asking us to go back now?!

Seemingly thinking that it wasn’t enough, Dominic Carter said, “Moreover, William has been idling at home for such a long time. I’ll arrange for you to take on a role in the company. Go to work tomorrow! Karen, if you’re willing, I can arrange for you to work in the company too. You don’t have to go to the office, but you will be paid accordingly.”

“R-really?!” Karen and William were overjoyed.

To be able to work at the Carters’ company was simply their dream for many years!

Previously, they also wanted to enter the company countless times. But unfortunately, the Carters never gave them the chance.

Today, Dominic visited them personally and even announced such a good piece of news that they had never dared to imagine!

All of a sudden, the two of them felt like they were in a dream. William was gazing at Dominic with tears in his eyes. It turns out Dominic Carter still treats me like his son after all!

At this moment, Cheyenne entered through the door while holding Amelia’s hand.

When she saw Dominic sitting in the living room, she couldn’t help but widen her eyes in surprise, while beside her, Amelia was even staring at him curiously.

Forcing himself to smile kindly, Dominic asked, “Cheyenne, you’re back. This is your daughter, right?”

It was actually funny. Dominic had always disliked Cheyenne and Amelia because of her scandal back then, and he even forbade her from bringing Amelia to the office and the main residence. So this was Dominic’s first time seeing Amelia and talking to her, even though she was already five years old.

“Amelia, quick, greet him. This is your great-grandfather,” Karen hurriedly urged.

Amelia blinked, cowered beside Cheyenne, and said fearfully, “I’m scared of this grandpa.”

After she said that, everyone’s faces turned gloomy.

Chapter 50: Go and Plead for Mercy

When Dominic heard Amelia’s words, he was naturally displeased, as evidenced by his frown.

Meanwhile, Karen and William were afraid that Amelia’s words would make Dominic upset with them.

“Amelia, what are you saying?! He’s your great-grandfather. Quickly greet him properly!” Karen yelled at Amelia.

Amelia gripped Cheyenne’s clothes even more tightly, refusing to go over.

Children were extremely sensitive to the emotions of others. Although Dominic was smiling, Amelia saw the ferocious gaze in his eyes when he was glaring at her and her mom.

Seeing that Amelia refused to go over, Karen grabbed Amelia’s arm and pulled her over. “What’s the matter with you? You’re so young but already so rude. You’re not greeting your elders properly!”

“Mom!” Cheyenne immediately went forward to stop her, overwhelmed with anger. Amelia is still so young. She’s going to get hurt by being yanked so hard!

“She’s being rude to your grandfather. Why aren’t you hurrying to discipline her? Instead, you’re still defending her. You’ve spoiled her rotten!” Karen exclaimed at Cheyenne.

“I remember that we’ve already been disowned by the Carters. How is my grandfather and Amelia’s great-grandfather?” Cheyenne retorted coldly. She then picked Amelia up and headed upstairs.

She was truly speechless toward Dominic Carter.

“Cheyenne, it was indeed my fault for what happened before. It’s also my fault for causing you to harbor resentment toward me. I’m here today to apologize to you. Please forgive me!” Dominic’s old voice sounded from behind.

Cheyenne stopped in her tracks. Since when has Dominic Carter ever apologized to me in such a mellow manner?

She never remembered him ever doing so.

In an instant, all the numerous grievances and mistreatments that she had suffered began surfacing, making her tear up and feel a strong urge to cry her heart out.

Unfortunately, Dominic’s previous actions had long gotten rid of the familial affection she had toward him as a granddaughter. She had also gotten a clear look at his true colors.

The fact that he came to their home today and unexpectedly offered his apologies was really unlike Dominic Carter.

She felt that things were fishy and that he definitely had a hidden agenda.

Cheyenne got a grip on her emotions and carried Amelia upstairs quietly.

“Cheyenne!” Karen called out her name incessantly, but she ignored her and returned to her room.

“Uh, Dominic, I’m sorry. We’ve spoiled Cheyenne rotten, and she’s too insensible. Please don’t hold it against her,” Karen hurriedly explained.

Dominic took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart before waving his hand and pretending to be sad. “I can’t blame her. I’m old, and my days are numbered. I’ve been strict to my children and grandchildren, all for their own good, but who knew… Ahhh!”

Seeing this, William immediately felt heartache and grabbed Dominic’s hand. “Dad, don’t say that. You’re healthy, and the Carter family needs you.”

The loving scene of an affectionate father and his son was taking place in the living room downstairs.

So when Charlotte came home, she was shocked to see the two of them talking to each other affectionately.

She couldn’t help but blink her eyes, wondering if her eyes were playing tricks on her.

“Charlotte, you’re finally back. Your grandfather has been waiting here for a long time!” Karen hurriedly took Charlotte’s hand and walked over.

Dominic’s eyes lit up, and he looked at Charlotte with a heartened look before saying warmly, “Charlotte used to be a little girl. In the blink of an eye, she has already become a beautiful young woman!”

When Charlotte heard this unprecedented praise from Dominic Carter, she was extremely surprised and disgusted at the same time.

“Save it. Just get straight to the point,” Charlotte said hostilely.

“Charlotte, watch your tone with your grandfather. What happened to your manners?” William berated Charlotte with a dark expression. What’s going on today? Dad finally made a trip here to ask us to move back in with the Carters, yet Cheyenne and Charlotte have been so hostile to him. What if he really gets angry?

Charlotte sneered. “Bryce Carter came to look for me this afternoon, and now it’s Grandpa’s turn. You guys can drop the pretense. I’ll get straight to it. I can’t fulfill Bryce’s request, so you’d better look for someone else.”

Karen looked bewildered. “What request? What’s going on?”

William had a furious expression. “What nonsense are you spouting? Your grandpa came here to ask us to go back to the Carter family. He also asked us to move back to the main residence and offered me a job at the Carter Corporation. Your grandpa is being so kind. Don’t upset him.”

William stated what happened explicitly, but he was also warning Charlotte, fearing that she might end up angering Dominic and causing him to change his mind.

After hearing this, Charlotte said sarcastically, “Oh, I see. Grandpa is here to throw a Trojan Horse at us! Indeed, he’s pulling the same tricks as Bryce. He first played the kinship card and then tried to lure me. No wonder he’s your grandson.”

After saying that, Charlotte ignored William’s paling face and continued, “Isn’t this just a trick you’re playing to get us to go to the Sawyers to plead for mercy so that they’ll let the Carters off?”

Karen and William both froze in shock for a moment.

Despite having been directly exposed by Charlotte, Dominic did not seem awkward at all and still continued pretending to be kind. “Charlotte, I know that we have some misunderstandings between us, but we’re still a family after all. I came here today because I’m really worried about you guys. I also have some things to ask of you. I’ve already punished Bryce for what he’s done today, and I guarantee he won’t do it again! Charlotte, just tell the Sawyers to be merciful and let us off! We will definitely treat you well in the future.”

After hearing what Dominic said, Karen and William realized that he was not here to catch up with them and reminisce about the past but to get Charlotte to go to plead with the Sawyers.

He chose Charlotte as his target naturally because he still thought that she was going to marry into the Sawyer family, and he was just trying to make up with them out of convenience.

Charlotte laughed self-deprecatingly. “What makes you think that the Sawyers will forgive you on my account? Who am I to influence the Sawyers?”

Dominic said anxiously, “Aren’t you the fiancée of Ethan Sawyer’s son? The Sawyers did that to us because they’re standing up for you. I just need you to explain to them that this is all just a misunderstanding, and things will be resolved soon.”

Charlotte smiled wryly. “What fiancée? Ethan Sawyer’s son has been married for a long time!”
Gilllllllllly what happened I tried logging in to my page and I was told that my account was suppended why? 😒
It was technical problem it happened to all members here. Its already fixed. It won't happen again.
Chapter 46: The Chance to Return to the Family

Cheyenne and Charlotte naturally did not believe Bryce’s words. The Carters had never truly treated them as a part of the Carter family before, mainly because William Carter was not Dominic Carter’s biological son. Thus, Dominic obviously wouldn’t let William take over as the head of the family.

William himself did not believe what Bryce said. He grew up knowing that he and Dominic were not blood-related, and Dominic had at best been kind to him and let him join the family on account of his mother. But after his mother passed away, he no longer enjoyed the same treatment that the direct descendants of the Carter family enjoyed. For example, the direct descendants and relatives would receive almost a hundred thousand dollars each year in dividends, while William and his family would only receive about fifteen thousand.

Therefore, Willian didn’t believe at all that he would be able to assume the position of the head of the family in the future.

However, Karen was already tempted and was considering it in her head quickly.

Although the box of gifts was very valuable, the gifts were meant for Lucas, and she reckoned that he would definitely take them away and gain the support of the Sawyers. So she definitely wouldn’t get to keep the gifts.

In her opinion, it would be better to give them to Bryce, as that would mean that they would at least be able to return to the Carter family. And in the future, she might even get to be the mistress of the family.

Besides, she wouldn’t give all of the gifts to the Carters. The value of all the items in the box was almost fifteen million dollars, and she felt that giving half to the Carters would be enough, as she wanted to keep the remaining half. If Lucas asked the Sawyers to help him get the gifts back, she would just say that the Carters took them away and tell them to look for the Carters!

At the thought of this, the gaze in Karen’s eyes when she looked at Bryce became less hostile, and she seemed rather enthusiastic instead. “Bryce, is what you just said true? Will you let us return to the Carter family as long as I hand that box of things over to you? Will William also have the chance to become the head of the family in the future?”

“Of course. Grandpa said it himself. Aunt Karen, have you decided?” Bryce smiled affirmatively.

Seeing that Karen was wavering, Charlotte couldn’t help but say anxiously, “Mom, do you still believe their nonsense and lies? Have you forgotten how they used to bully us? Cheyenne even got on her knees to beg them, was drenched in the rain, and ended up running a high fever because of it. Have they ever shown any concern? They’re saying these things to us now obviously because they want that box of gifts!”

Cheyenne objected vehemently, “Mom, that box of gifts was meant for Lucas. None of them have the right to decide what to do with them.”

Seeing this, Bryce sneered. “I thought Aunt Karen commands great authority at home, but I didn’t expect both your daughters to disregard you and have no respect for you at all. They keep going against your decisions. Anyway, think through it yourselves. It’s your only chance to return to the family. Once you miss it, Grandpa will never give you a chance again, even if you beg him. You will also have to pay us eight million dollars and not a single cent less.”

Karen immediately became anxious and hurriedly pushed William. “Hurry up and say something! Quickly agree to return to the family!”

William pushed Karen away. “I’m not going back! Cheyenne and the others got bullied so terribly, so what’s the point of going back? If you want to, you can go back yourself!”

To be honest, William had also become completely disappointed in the family.

After being pushed by her husband, who had always obeyed her, Karen flew into a rage and reached out to scratch him. “You useless good-for-nothing, you can’t earn any money at all. If we don’t return to the Carters, how can we maintain a livelihood? How are you going to pay the eight million dollars we owe them?”

The two of them got into a scuffle while Cheyenne and Charlotte hurriedly tried to pull them apart.

Bryce was getting impatient. If not for that box of gifts, he wouldn’t bother talking to them.

“Enough. Don’t put on an act in front of me either. Go and find where the items are.” Bryce cocked his head toward the security officers behind him and immediately headed into the house.

“Wait!” Seeing how the situation was developing, Karen stopped fighting with William and hurriedly rushed into the house to stop them.

She just wanted to give Bryce half of the items. If he moved them away himself, he definitely wouldn’t leave anything for them!

Karen stopped in front of her bed, but her actions gave the security officers a cue. Two of them went forward to pull her away while others lifted the bed and quickly took out two boxes from beneath, one large and one small.

“Hey! These are my belongings!” Karen’s eyes were about to fall out. Lucas’s items were in the large box, but the small box contained her personal stash that she had saved up over the years!

Bryce simply ignored her and took a brief glimpse at the box full of cash, title deeds, and share transfer documents. He was so excited that he couldn’t stop himself from laughing.

He could tell at a glance that the value of these items was more than fifteen million dollars.

Watching the security officers carry the items out of the house, Cheyenne and the others naturally weren’t willing to let them take the things away. But they were just a bunch of weak women, so how could they stop these people?

They didn’t just take away the box of gifts. They also snatched away the Lamborghini parked by the entrance.

“Oh my god. They’re a bunch of bandits!” Karen sat on the ground and patted her thigh while wailing.

“What are you crying for? It’s all your fault! If you didn’t show off in front of them yesterday, they wouldn’t have come here!” William yelled at her.

Karen was incensed. “How dare you yell at me? It’s all because you’re a useless man and a loser!”

Seeing that the two were about to argue again, Charlotte was so infuriated that she shouted, “Okay, stop arguing! The items the Sawyers gifted Lucas have been snatched away. How are we going to explain it to him?!”

“Explain my foot! Bryce Carter and his men were the ones who took those things away anyway. If he has what it takes, he can very well go after the Carters!” Karen didn’t care what Lucas would think. She just felt the huge pinch.

“Oh, by the way, Cheyenne, didn’t Bryce say that he would let us back into the Carter family as long as we gave him those items? Does this mean that we don’t have to leave the Carter family now? Now that he has taken them away, go to your grandfather and inform him about this.” Karen suddenly urged while grabbing Cheyenne’s arm.

Cheyenne shook Karen’s hand off and said coldly, “If you want to go back, go ask them yourself.”

After saying this, she took Amelia’s hand and left.

All the things that the Carters had done before had completely shattered Cheyenne’s heart. She would definitely not go back to the Carter family!

“Hey, you’re defying me, huh?” Karen complained before turning to look at

Charlotte. “Charlotte…”

Without letting her finish, Charlotte interrupted, “Whoever wants to go back can ask themselves. Anyway, I’m not going to go back to that family.” She then left with a look of annoyance.

William ignored Karen and headed back inside quietly with a somber expression.

In the entire courtyard, only Karen remained, sitting on the floor and lamenting endlessly about her miserable life.

Lucas soon caught wind of everything that happened at the residence.

He stared expressionlessly into the distance, the corners of his lips curling up into a faint cold smile. “Since you Carters have a death wish, I’ll grant you your wish.”

Chapter 47: Drastic Change in the Carter Family

Bryce returned to the Carter main residence in the luxurious Lamborghini with the large box of cash, title deeds, and share transfer documents.

The Carters in the main residence gathered around Bryce, amazed and in awe at the luxurious car and the box with assets worth more than fifteen million dollars inside. They praised Bryce incessantly too.

“Bryce is really something. He managed to bring so many things home. The

Carters are going to make a comeback again soon!”

“He’s indeed worthy of being Dominic’s biological grandson. He’s so capable! If

Bryce takes over the family in the future, we can all rest assured!”

“Not bad, not bad. Bryce has always been outstanding since he was a child. He’s definitely cut out for achieving great things. He’s becoming more and more capable now, isn’t he?”

The flattering words and compliments of the Carters made Bryce feel like he was on cloud nine. Dominic was also grinning widely, extremely satisfied with Bryce, his grandson.

“Bryce, you’ve done well. In the future, I can rest assured handing the family over to you.” Dominic patted Bryce on the shoulder.

Bryce hurriedly said modestly, “Thank you, Grandpa. I will definitely work harder in the future and never let you down!”

At this happy moment, a member of the family suddenly dashed in nervously. “Bad news! Something terrible happened!”

“What’s wrong? Why are you so flustered?!” Bryce glared angrily at the person who suddenly ran in and ruined the atmosphere.

“The people from the factories informed us that all the factories belonging to the Carter Corporation have been closed allegedly due to violations during the manufacturing process and rectifications have to be made! The finance department has also received a notice saying that the financial risk of our corporation is too high, so we have to repay all the loans we’ve made by the end of today! Otherwise, we will be sued, and we will have to declare bankruptcy and begin the liquidation procedures!”

This news was a bolt out of the blue and like a bomb instantly dropped on everyone’s head!

Dominic’s expression changed drastically, and he stood up abruptly. “How did this happen?!”

Bryce’s face was also extraordinarily gloomy. “All of this happened too suddenly. Someone must be trying to attack the Carters!”

Since the Carters were in pursuit of maximum profit, it was definitely difficult for them to have factories achieve 100% compliance with all regulations during the manufacturing process. Thus, if someone deliberately tried to check on them, they would definitely succeed. But usually, even if there were inspections, those who were close to the Carters would inform them in advance, and their factories wouldn’t be closed straight away.

Besides, who knew when the rectification would take place?

There would be massive losses incurred and enormous problems resulting from the shutdown of the factories for a day. Besides, they didn’t know how long the shutdown was going to last.

Although the Carters’ businesses hadn’t been flourishing lately, they felt that there must have been more reasons for the bank to demand all loans be repaid within a day.

While Bryce was angry, Dominic thought about it carefully. “Bryce, hurry up and call Mr. Shaw to find out what’s going on in the factories and if it’s possible to get some leeway through connections. Hurry and call the bank too.”

Bryce hurriedly made several phone calls, but unfortunately, Mr. Shaw didn’t answer at all. Furthermore, the bank only gave them cold replies and claimed that the financial risk of the Carter Corporation was proven too high after some assessment, and so the loans had to be repaid.

The news made the Carters look even more dismayed.

Mr. Shaw used to have a very close relationship with the Carters. But this time, he not only did not notify in advance but also refused to answer their calls. Clearly, someone whom Mr. Shaw dared not offend was involved in the closure of the factories this time.

The issue of the bank loans made them even more anxious.

The capital turnover of the Carters was dependent on bank loans to a large extent. The cash they had on hand was far from enough for them to repay the loans, and even if they included the assets that Bryce had just brought home, there still wouldn’t be enough.

After all, of all the items in the box, only the million dollars in cash was usable. The administrative procedures for the title deeds and the luxury car hadn’t been settled yet.

While the Carters were at a loss, they were struck with a greater blow!

The head of the finance department of the Carter Corporation dashed in, his forehead covered in sweat. “Oh dear, Chairman, many partner companies have asked to terminate their contracts with us. We can’t dissuade them at all! Now, there are many people gathered in front of the company, demanding to terminate their contracts with us and for us to pay off our debts!”

Dominic sat down on the sofa with a loud thump, pale as a sheet. “All of you, go and find out who’s the one getting up to such tricks behind our backs!”

After he ordered coldly, the Carters dared not idle about any longer and made countless calls.

“Hello, Mr. Wilson. I’m calling from the Carter Corporation. Our contract with your company… Damn it! He hung up!”

“Hello, Mr. White. I’d like to ask about our contract… Hello? Hello!”

The people in charge of various partner companies immediately hung up after hearing the Carters’ questions.

After great effort, they finally got some information from a company they used to cooperate with often.

“Don’t blame me. The Carters offended a big shot and got us into trouble too,” Mr. Evans said helplessly.

Dominic’s heart dropped, and he hurriedly grabbed the phone. “Mr. Evans, on my account, can you tell me which big shot the Carters have offended?”

Mr. Evans sighed. “Mr. Carter, it’s not that I don’t want to tell you, but I really don’t know. We also received a phone call from someone who said that our company would be in trouble if we didn’t terminate our cooperation with you! Don’t think I’m fearmongering or trying to lie to you. You’ll find out if you ask others.”

Mr. Evans hung up without saying anything further.

Dominic and the other Carters all had dismal expressions.

There was no longer a need to make more phone calls to confirm. The fact that that big shot could cause their factories to cease production and have the bank demand repayment of all their loans within a day meant that they were definitely powerful.

However, even after racking their brains, they still couldn’t figure out how they had offended a big shot.

While remaining silent, Dominic suddenly looked at the box that Bryce had brought home.

The lid of the box was open, revealing the stacks of pink banknotes, as well as the large stack of supporting documents.

Dominic suddenly thought of something and inhaled sharply before slapping

Bryce on his face. “Sinner, it’s all your fault!”

Bryce was dumbstruck by the loud and sudden slap!

It took him a long time to react. Covering his face aggrievedly, he asked, “Grandpa, what wrong did I commit?”

Chapter 48: Seek Her Forgiveness

Dominic pointed at the box furiously. “Are you still clueless? What did you say in front of that family yesterday? Right after you snatched this box of items from them today, our factories had to close, and production lines had to cease for rectification. The bank even demanded repayment of all our loans, and so many of our partner companies are asking to terminate their contracts with us. Think about it. Who did we offend?”

Bryce froze immediately.

After thinking through the events of the past two days, Bryce blinked and asked in disbelief, “Grandpa, are you saying that Ethan Sawyer did these things?”

Dominic said with displeasure, “Who else could it be? It has been quite peaceful at home these days, but ever since you brought your people there to snatch this box from them, terrible things have been happening one after another. This is definitely a warning from the Sawyers because we took away the gifts meant for Charlotte Carter.”

Only then did Bryce realize that the Sawyers had been watching Charlotte’s family!

He covered his hot and flushed face, feeling extremely aggrieved.

He wasn’t the one who suggested going to Cheyenne’s home to snatch the betrothal gifts from them in the first place. Besides, they had all given their approval beforehand. Yet now, they were blaming him.

“Anyway, since you’ve made a grave mistake by bringing this box here, you have to solve this matter.” Ignoring Bryce’s displeasure, Dominic instructed with a stern expression, “Send these items back. You must seek Charlotte’s forgiveness so that the Sawyers will let us off. Otherwise, it’ll be over for the Carters!”

Despite his reluctance, Bryce had no choice but to go and look for Charlotte.

He searched for a long time before finding out that Charlotte had gone to work at the Stardust Corporation today. But unfortunately, he was stopped at the entrance of the Stardust Corporation office, as security wouldn’t let him in.

“My cousin is working in your company. I’m urgently looking for her!”

Remaining unmoved, the security officer said, “You can give her a call and ask her to come out. Anyway, you’re not an employee of our company nor a client, so you are not allowed to go in.”

Bryce was furious.

He had called Charlotte countless times, but all his calls were rejected. He didn’t know if Charlotte had blocked him or not, but he couldn’t contact her at all.

Otherwise, why would he go to the Stardust Corporation to stop Charlotte from leaving?

“Please leave immediately. Do not disrupt the order of our office,” the chief security officer warned.

Bryce was frustrated and anxious. He really wanted to barge in, but he was at the Stardust Corporation office, and he dared not offend them.

At this moment, just as he was about to ignore the security officers and dash into the office building, the eagle-eyed Bryce spotted a familiar figure walking over.

That familiar figure was Lucas!

Bryce was extremely indignant as he rushed forward to stop Lucas. Then he yelled at the security officers, “This person isn’t one of your employees either. Why aren’t you stopping him?”

What surprised Bryce even more was that after the security officers saw Lucas, they actually bowed in unison. “Mr. Gray, welcome.”

Lucas nodded indifferently, glanced at Bryce, and then raised his brows a little.

Since Lucas was stopped by the security officers at the entrance when he came to the Stardust Corporation office previously, the general manager, Flynn Davis, had fired all of them. Afterward, the security officers saw Davis accompanying Lucas to the top floor of the office building and also received orders from Davis that no one was to stop Lucas from entering again.

Therefore, although all of them were clueless about Lucas’s identity, they dared not offend him and were very respectful toward him because they thought that he was at least a client whom Davis valued greatly.

Bryce was almost stunned speechless, but he was still indignant. “What right does he have to enter? He’s just a live-in son-in-law of the Carters, a useless good-for-nothing! Why is he allowed to enter, but I’m not?”

Lucas sneered, unbothered by Bryce.

The chief security officer hurriedly stopped Bryce. “This is the Stardust Corporation. If you want to kick up a ruckus and deliberately cause trouble, don’t blame us for getting nasty!”

Unwilling to concede, Bryce snapped, “You condescending security officers, I’m going to lodge a complaint against you for being biased!”

The chief security officer sneered. “Mr. Gray is an important client of Mr. Davis. Who are you? Hurry up and get lost.”

A few of them came over from the side and surrounded Bryce to shoo him away from Lucas, lest he collided into Lucas recklessly.

“Him? Important client? You guys must have been fooled by this good-fornothing!” Bryce clamored and reached out in a bid to grab Lucas. “Lucas, you loser, get your *** over here!”

Lucas frowned in annoyance while the alert chief security officer immediately said, “Mr. Gray, please go inside and let us handle the matter here.”

Lucas nodded and turned around to leave.

The new chief security officer Davis hired was indeed much more reliable than the previous one.

Behind him, a couple of security officers dragged Bryce far away and then threw him onto the ground.

Lucas broke Bryce’s arm previously, and it hadn’t healed completely yet. After being flung onto the ground, he immediately shrieked in pain, but no one cared about him.

Bryce cursed incessantly. But he didn’t dare go to the entrance of the Stardust Corporation office building again. He had no choice but to stand at a spot far away, all the way until he saw Charlotte coming out of the building after getting off work.

“Charlotte! Just got off work, huh?” Bryce exclaimed affectionately as he approached her.

“What are you doing here?” Charlotte detested Bryce greatly. In the morning, he had just snatched their belongings away. What was he doing again at the entrance of her office?

“Charlotte, it’s my fault for what happened this morning. I hereby apologize to you! Actually, I just wanted to crack a joke with you. I’ve already returned the car and the box of things. I really have!” Bryce swore while patting his chest and feeling immense heartache deep down.

However, Charlotte didn’t buy it at all. “A joke? How amusing. Why don’t I stab you with a knife and then tell you that it was just a joke? Also, we’ve already been kicked out by the Carters, so you’re not my cousin. We have nothing to do with each other anymore.”

Charlotte stepped forward and was about to leave, but Bryce hurriedly rushed forward to stop her. “Charlotte, we are at least relatives. You won’t be so cruel as to leave us in the lurch, right?”

“What do you mean?” Charlotte frowned and looked at him.

Bryce gritted his teeth. “We are all from the Carter family. I know I was wrong for doing what I did in the morning. Please have mercy and let us off, alright?”

Chapter 49: Personal Visit

Bryce’s words caught Charlotte by surprise.

“What’s up with the Sawyers? And what happened to the Carters?”

Bryce looked at Charlotte, unconvinced that she was clueless about what happened. “We’re a family, so there’s no need to pretend, is there? Right after I came home from your place, our factories were forced to close and stop production lines for rectification. The bank even wants us to repay all of our loans by the end of today. And almost all the companies we have cooperations with have asked to terminate their partnership contracts with us. We really can’t hold on any longer!”

Bryce wiped his tears. “I know I was wrong to have taken your gifts, and that’s the reason the Sawyers are offended. I really know my mistakes! Charlotte, please help us beg for forgiveness from the Sawyers and ask them to let us off!”

Only then did Charlotte find out what had happened to the Carters. However, to be honest, Charlotte felt thrilled to see how miserable the Carters seemed to be, according to Bryce.

“Hah, I can only say that you people deserve it. If you keep doing evil, you will end up harming yourselves one day,” Charlotte said without emotion.

“Also, don’t come looking for me. I’ve already said this morning that the box of gifts wasn’t for me but Lucas. Even if you want to get someone to plead for mercy on your behalf, you’ve found the wrong person.”

“You… are you really that heartless?” Bryce glared at Charlotte with a menacing expression.

Charlotte was so frightened that she hurriedly scurried away after saying, “Anyway, don’t come looking for me.”

Bryce stared at her figure from behind with a vicious gaze.

Since Bryce returned home after a fruitless trip, he naturally had to face the music from Dominic.

“Have I been overindulging you? You can’t even get such a trivial matter done right! You’re so disappointing!” At this moment, the Carters were facing a huge crisis, and Dominic was so anxious that he started being hostile to his grandson, whom he usually doted on.

Bryce clenched his fist and tried to argue. “Grandpa, I stayed put at the entrance of Charlotte Carter’s workplace for the entire day, but she refused to budge and even said that those gifts were meant for Lucas, not her. She was obviously just trying to fool me!”

“That’s your problem too! Anyway, if you can’t deal with Charlotte Carter, don’t come back to see me again! Wastrel!”

After being scolded harshly by his grandfather, he turned around and left the house, feeling frustrated and upset.

“Dominic, the Larsons are insistent on terminating their cooperation with our company!”

“Chairman, the president of ICBC Bank refuses to give in, and he insists that we have to repay the loans by the end of today, or we will be sued…”

“We went around trying to raise funds, but to no avail. They all hung up after hearing our names…”

“The Sawyers refuse to communicate with us, and they simply said that they’re in no place to make a decision because Ethan Sawyer is not in town.”

As he heard these pieces of bad news, Dominic’s face grew increasingly downcast, and he couldn’t sit still at all.

After thinking about it, he made up his mind. He decided to swallow his pride and personally go to William Carter’s home.

Dominic’s sudden visit made William and Karen extremely nervous.

Over the years, Dominic had never visited them, and they wondered if this time…

William and Karen didn’t enjoy peace this night as well.

Bright early in the morning, Bryce had brought his men over and snatched away their chest of treasures worth more than fifteen million dollars. Karen wanted her daughters to beg Dominic to let them return to the Carter family. However, they hadn’t returned yet.

In the afternoon, Bryce suddenly returned the box of gifts and the car, claiming to have made a mistake. William and Karen were bewildered, and they wondered what he had up his sleeve.

In the evening, Dominic personally visited them, which was rather rare.

W-what’s going on? Is he here to take back the house or the box of gifts?

Karen and William watched as Dominic entered. They were so nervous that they had no idea where to place their hands.

“Dad, you…” William said carefully.

To his surprise, Dominic was not as austere as he usually was. Instead, there was a smile on his face. “William, it’s been hard on you staying in such a small house. Tomorrow, move back in with us. I’ll pick out a nice house for you.”

William and Karen glared at him in disbelief. Is… Dominic Carter letting us move back in?

The Carters owned a large cluster of mansions where all the direct descendants of the Carter family lived. However, due to the fact that William was not bloodrelated to the Carters, they were singled out and made to live in this old and shabby residence, where they had stayed for decades.

Yet Dominic is asking us to go back now?!

Seemingly thinking that it wasn’t enough, Dominic Carter said, “Moreover, William has been idling at home for such a long time. I’ll arrange for you to take on a role in the company. Go to work tomorrow! Karen, if you’re willing, I can arrange for you to work in the company too. You don’t have to go to the office, but you will be paid accordingly.”

“R-really?!” Karen and William were overjoyed.

To be able to work at the Carters’ company was simply their dream for many years!

Previously, they also wanted to enter the company countless times. But unfortunately, the Carters never gave them the chance.

Today, Dominic visited them personally and even announced such a good piece of news that they had never dared to imagine!

All of a sudden, the two of them felt like they were in a dream. William was gazing at Dominic with tears in his eyes. It turns out Dominic Carter still treats me like his son after all!

At this moment, Cheyenne entered through the door while holding Amelia’s hand.

When she saw Dominic sitting in the living room, she couldn’t help but widen her eyes in surprise, while beside her, Amelia was even staring at him curiously.

Forcing himself to smile kindly, Dominic asked, “Cheyenne, you’re back. This is your daughter, right?”

It was actually funny. Dominic had always disliked Cheyenne and Amelia because of her scandal back then, and he even forbade her from bringing Amelia to the office and the main residence. So this was Dominic’s first time seeing Amelia and talking to her, even though she was already five years old.

“Amelia, quick, greet him. This is your great-grandfather,” Karen hurriedly urged.

Amelia blinked, cowered beside Cheyenne, and said fearfully, “I’m scared of this grandpa.”

After she said that, everyone’s faces turned gloomy.

Chapter 50: Go and Plead for Mercy

When Dominic heard Amelia’s words, he was naturally displeased, as evidenced by his frown.

Meanwhile, Karen and William were afraid that Amelia’s words would make Dominic upset with them.

“Amelia, what are you saying?! He’s your great-grandfather. Quickly greet him properly!” Karen yelled at Amelia.

Amelia gripped Cheyenne’s clothes even more tightly, refusing to go over.

Children were extremely sensitive to the emotions of others. Although Dominic was smiling, Amelia saw the ferocious gaze in his eyes when he was glaring at her and her mom.

Seeing that Amelia refused to go over, Karen grabbed Amelia’s arm and pulled her over. “What’s the matter with you? You’re so young but already so rude. You’re not greeting your elders properly!”

“Mom!” Cheyenne immediately went forward to stop her, overwhelmed with anger. Amelia is still so young. She’s going to get hurt by being yanked so hard!

“She’s being rude to your grandfather. Why aren’t you hurrying to discipline her? Instead, you’re still defending her. You’ve spoiled her rotten!” Karen exclaimed at Cheyenne.

“I remember that we’ve already been disowned by the Carters. How is my grandfather and Amelia’s great-grandfather?” Cheyenne retorted coldly. She then picked Amelia up and headed upstairs.

She was truly speechless toward Dominic Carter.

“Cheyenne, it was indeed my fault for what happened before. It’s also my fault for causing you to harbor resentment toward me. I’m here today to apologize to you. Please forgive me!” Dominic’s old voice sounded from behind.

Cheyenne stopped in her tracks. Since when has Dominic Carter ever apologized to me in such a mellow manner?

She never remembered him ever doing so.

In an instant, all the numerous grievances and mistreatments that she had suffered began surfacing, making her tear up and feel a strong urge to cry her heart out.

Unfortunately, Dominic’s previous actions had long gotten rid of the familial affection she had toward him as a granddaughter. She had also gotten a clear look at his true colors.

The fact that he came to their home today and unexpectedly offered his apologies was really unlike Dominic Carter.

She felt that things were fishy and that he definitely had a hidden agenda.

Cheyenne got a grip on her emotions and carried Amelia upstairs quietly.

“Cheyenne!” Karen called out her name incessantly, but she ignored her and returned to her room.

“Uh, Dominic, I’m sorry. We’ve spoiled Cheyenne rotten, and she’s too insensible. Please don’t hold it against her,” Karen hurriedly explained.

Dominic took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart before waving his hand and pretending to be sad. “I can’t blame her. I’m old, and my days are numbered. I’ve been strict to my children and grandchildren, all for their own good, but who knew… Ahhh!”

Seeing this, William immediately felt heartache and grabbed Dominic’s hand. “Dad, don’t say that. You’re healthy, and the Carter family needs you.”

The loving scene of an affectionate father and his son was taking place in the living room downstairs.

So when Charlotte came home, she was shocked to see the two of them talking to each other affectionately.

She couldn’t help but blink her eyes, wondering if her eyes were playing tricks on her.

“Charlotte, you’re finally back. Your grandfather has been waiting here for a long time!” Karen hurriedly took Charlotte’s hand and walked over.

Dominic’s eyes lit up, and he looked at Charlotte with a heartened look before saying warmly, “Charlotte used to be a little girl. In the blink of an eye, she has already become a beautiful young woman!”

When Charlotte heard this unprecedented praise from Dominic Carter, she was extremely surprised and disgusted at the same time.

“Save it. Just get straight to the point,” Charlotte said hostilely.

“Charlotte, watch your tone with your grandfather. What happened to your manners?” William berated Charlotte with a dark expression. What’s going on today? Dad finally made a trip here to ask us to move back in with the Carters, yet Cheyenne and Charlotte have been so hostile to him. What if he really gets angry?

Charlotte sneered. “Bryce Carter came to look for me this afternoon, and now it’s Grandpa’s turn. You guys can drop the pretense. I’ll get straight to it. I can’t fulfill Bryce’s request, so you’d better look for someone else.”

Karen looked bewildered. “What request? What’s going on?”

William had a furious expression. “What nonsense are you spouting? Your grandpa came here to ask us to go back to the Carter family. He also asked us to move back to the main residence and offered me a job at the Carter Corporation. Your grandpa is being so kind. Don’t upset him.”

William stated what happened explicitly, but he was also warning Charlotte, fearing that she might end up angering Dominic and causing him to change his mind.

After hearing this, Charlotte said sarcastically, “Oh, I see. Grandpa is here to throw a Trojan Horse at us! Indeed, he’s pulling the same tricks as Bryce. He first played the kinship card and then tried to lure me. No wonder he’s your grandson.”

After saying that, Charlotte ignored William’s paling face and continued, “Isn’t this just a trick you’re playing to get us to go to the Sawyers to plead for mercy so that they’ll let the Carters off?”

Karen and William both froze in shock for a moment.

Despite having been directly exposed by Charlotte, Dominic did not seem awkward at all and still continued pretending to be kind. “Charlotte, I know that we have some misunderstandings between us, but we’re still a family after all. I came here today because I’m really worried about you guys. I also have some things to ask of you. I’ve already punished Bryce for what he’s done today, and I guarantee he won’t do it again! Charlotte, just tell the Sawyers to be merciful and let us off! We will definitely treat you well in the future.”

After hearing what Dominic said, Karen and William realized that he was not here to catch up with them and reminisce about the past but to get Charlotte to go to plead with the Sawyers.

He chose Charlotte as his target naturally because he still thought that she was going to marry into the Sawyer family, and he was just trying to make up with them out of convenience.

Charlotte laughed self-deprecatingly. “What makes you think that the Sawyers will forgive you on my account? Who am I to influence the Sawyers?”

Dominic said anxiously, “Aren’t you the fiancée of Ethan Sawyer’s son? The Sawyers did that to us because they’re standing up for you. I just need you to explain to them that this is all just a misunderstanding, and things will be resolved soon.”

Charlotte smiled wryly. “What fiancée? Ethan Sawyer’s son has been married for a long time!”
getting more interesting
Chapter 51: Siege

After saying that, Charlotte felt extremely aggrieved too.

Which woman had never fantasized about marrying into a rich family, enjoying a privileged life of luxury, and being the subject of envy of everyone?
Charlotte was just an ordinary girl too. So when she suddenly received the huge betrothal gifts from the Sawyers, she was so elated that she didn’t even bother to find out what Ethan Sawyer’s son looked like and what his personality was like.

She had a sense of vanity too. And she was extremely pleased when she enjoyed the praises of her relatives and the looks of envy cast at her by the passersby when she was driving in
her luxurious and comfortable Lamborghini.

She felt that a golden pie had fallen onto her lap and that her life was about to change drastically.

But who would have thought that it was all just a misunderstanding?!

At the Intercontinental Hotel the other day, Ethan Sawyer denied the matter right in her face, making her feel incredibly ashamed and embarrassed.

For the past few days, she had been extremely sad and aggrieved, but there was no one she could pour her feelings out to.

When saying those words in front of Dominic, Charlotte burst into tears, unable to hold them back and contain her sadness any longer.

“Ethan Sawyer’s son is already married?” Hearing this, Dominic was surprised too.

“That’s not right. The words ‘betrothal gifts’ were clearly written on the list. They’re betrothal gifts all right! Did Ethan Sawyer propose on behalf of his son? Or is Charlotte going to be…”

Dominic did not say the words ‘second wife,’ but everyone was clear about what he was implying.

Charlotte didn’t catch what he meant and only heard the words ‘betrothal gifts.’ It turned out that they were really betrothal gifts, but not for her. Instead, they were meant for Cheyenne from Lucas.

Ironically, she even mocked Lucas and said that he would never be able to afford to give Cheyenne such expensive gifts. She even called him a loser and said that he ought to get out of the house. I was such a joke!

Karen rubbed her hands rather awkwardly. “Dominic, those betrothal gifts really weren’t for Charlotte. It was all just a misunderstanding.”

“Misunderstanding?!” Dominic Carter immediately lost his temper. He had already wasted several hours at their home and even got provoked, only to hear that it was all a misunderstanding and that Charlotte was not going to marry into the Sawyer family at all.

He stood up, stared at them with a hostile gaze, and roared, “How could you make a mistake with such an important matter?! Weren’t you very proud and conceited when you bragged about it in front of me before?! Huh? All you do is brag and show off, but you’re so useless at solving problems! You’re a bunch of garbage!

“I’m telling you, you people are the reason for the current situation that the Carters are facing! If you don’t hurry up and find a solution to get the Carters out of trouble, all of you will get it from me!”

In a moment of pique, Dominic left. Karen chased after him and tried to make him stay, only to watch him get inside his car and leave. She was so furious that she stomped her feet nonstop at the door.

William was in a foul mood too. “What are you yelling for? He’s long gone.”

“Do you really think I care about him? just want to ask him if he’s still going to let us move back in and work at the Carter Corporation,” Karen said.

William sneered. “Obviously not! Can’t you tell that he just came here reminisce with us because the Carters are facing a huge crisis, and he wants us to go beg for leniency from the Sawyers?

“If we could have helped the Carters solve this crisis, he might have considered giving us some benefits such as giving us the house and jobs. However, now that we can’t help him, he’s obviously not going to care about us!”

Karen was rendered speechless by William’s snide reremarks. Indeed, if they were not useful to Dominic Carter, he would not even pay any attention to them.

However, William’s words just now gave Karen some inspiration. She clapped her hands and said excitedly, “Right! It’s not impossible. If we can help the Carters solve this crisis, Dominic Carter will definitely be very grateful to us and value us highly. He’ll give us the house and jobs in the company too. He might even hand the entire family over to you!”

William looked at Karen like he was staring at an idiot and gibed, “What are you dreaming about? The Carters must have come to us as a last resort. What makes you think we can solve a problem that so many people can’t? Do you still think we’re in-laws of the Sawyers?

Do you think we haven’t embarrassed ourselves enough?”

Karen actually didn’t feel that she had embarrassed herself in front of Ethan Sawyer back then because it was just a misunderstanding. However, it was indeed a shame that she couldn’t become the Sawyers’ in-laws, and indeed, she didn’t have a say.

The two of them were so focused on complaining that they didn’t even notice that Charlotte had left the house at some point.

Feeling upset and dejected, Charlotte didn’t want to continue staying at home and listening to her parents complain.

However, since she had nowhere else to go, she called her best friend, Sophie Turner.

“Sophie, I feel so terrible. Come out for some drinks with me.”

When Sophie arrived at the bar they agreed to meet at, Charlotte had already downed several glasses of wine and was tipsy.

There were many men next to her, staring at Charlotte without any restraint. From time to time, there would be people coming over to hit on her.

Even after being rejected by Charlotte, they refused to leave and continued surrounding her and flirting with her. Extremely worried for her, Sophie dashed forward to pull Charlotte away.

“Sophie, you’re here! I want to drink.” Charlotte opened her reddened eyes to look at her best friend.

“Okay, we’ll go to my house and drink. Let’s buy more liquor, and you can drink to your heart’s content.” Sophie hurriedly tried to coax Charlotte and helped her out of the bar.

The duo were about to get into the car when a man suddenly rushed out from the side and stopped them at the entrance.

“Charlotte! You must help me! Just go to the Sawyers and put in some good words for us.

It’s very simple! I know I’ve done wrong things before, and I hereby apologize to you! If you don’t help, the Carters will be doomed, and Grandpa will kill me! Just help me out this time!”

Bryce exclaimed anxiously as he grabbed Charlotte’s hand, his breath smelling like alcohol. After being berated and driven out by Dominic in the afternoon, Bryce had some drinks with
a few friends. However, if he couldn’t get Charlotte to agree to beg for mercy from the Sawyers, his grandfather wouldn’t let him step foot back inside the house. Thus, he tracked down Charlotte and tried to stop her again.

“Go away! I already told you, don’t look for me for this matter!” Charlotte opened her eyes and shot Bryce a look of disgust. All of these people keep coming to me, but what’s the point of that? I have nothing to do with the Sawyers!

Bryce went forward and still wanted to say something, but Sophie hurriedly shoved Charlotte into the car, started the engine, and quickly drove away.

Bryce stared at the car from behind with a menacing expression. “Since you’ve decided to be ruthless, then don’t blame me!”

Chapter 52: Abduction

While driving, Sophie looked at Charlotte’s reflection in the rearview mirror and asked worriedly when she saw how unwell Charlotte seemed, “Charlotte, did something happen?”
Charlotte shook her head as teardrops rolled down her cheeks. She wiped her eyes and forced a crestfallen smile.

“Nah, I’m just in low spirits today. I’ll be fine after a while.” Sophie felt that it would be inappropriate to ask further and decided to probe again when they returned home. She felt upset seeing how dejected her best friend was.

While Sophie was driving on a secluded road, a Hummer suddenly sped over from the intersection ahead and collided into the passenger side of her car.


With a loud collision, Sophie’s car was forced to come to a halt as glass shattered all over the place.

Charlotte passed out under the impact.

“Charlotte!” Sophie was feeling dizzy as she anxiously tried to check on Charlotte’s condition while picking up her phone to call the police.

But at this moment, the doors of the Hummer that crashed into her car opened, and several burly men who didn’t seem like decent people opened the passenger door beside Charlotte.

“What are you doing?!” Sophie yelled in horror, but a hand reached in through the window and smacked her on her neck, causing her to pass out immediately.

Meanwhile, several people pulled Charlotte out of the car and carried her into the Hummer.

Soon, the Hummer restarted and quickly disappeared in the darkness of the night.

Amid the dark shadows in the distance, the dim flickering lights lit up a parked car and Bryce’s face, making him look extremely terrifying. “Charlotte Carter, you forced me into this. After you end up in the same state as your sister, I’ll see how you can still be arrogant in front of me!”

The secluded street was empty, and the car, which had been destroyed beyond recognition due to the collision, remained stationary in a corner quietly.

After a while, Sophie regained consciousness, and when she opened her eyes to see the ruined car, she finally recalled what had happened earlier. In a panic, she frantically looked around.

The passenger seat was empty, the car door was open, and there were shards of glass scattered all over the ground. Charlotte was nowhere to be found.


At this moment, Cheyenne had tucked Amelia in at home and was mulling over and over about the things that happened over the past few days. However, there was only silence in Charlotte’s room.

Cheyenne knocked on the door, but there was no sound inside. “Charlotte, are you there?”

She knocked again and turned the knob to open the door, only to see that Charlotte’s room was empty.

She frowned. It’s almost eleven. Isn’t she home yet?

Karen was wearing her pajamas and munching on some snacks in the living room downstairs.

“Mom, where did Charlotte go? Is she not at home?”

“Oh, she’s not?” Karen finally noticed that her youngest daughter was not at home, but she didn’t take it too seriously. She simply said nonchalantly,

“She must have gone to her friend’s.”
Cheyenne was speechless and was about to call her sister to ask when her phone suddenly rang.

When Cheyenne picked up the phone, she heard Sophie crying on the other end. “Cheyenne, bad news! Cheyenne is in trouble!”

Cheyenne’s face instantly paled!

At this moment, Lucas was sitting in the back seat of a Jaguar sedan and listening to Jordan report some information that he had found from asking around lately. All of a sudden, his phone rang. It was a call from Cheyenne.

When he saw that Cheyenne was actually taking the initiative to call him, his face could not help but look gentler as he answered. “Cheyenne…”

“Lucas, Charlotte has been kidnapped. What should we do? Do you have a way to save her?” As soon as the call went through, he heard Cheyenne’s flustered voice.

Lucas’s face grew stern immediately. “Don’t panic. Talk to me slowly. Where did she get kidnapped? Did anyone see?”

Under Lucas’s calm asking, Cheyenne told him everything that Sophie had just told her, including, of course, Dominic’s visit and the fact that Bryce had approached Charlotte twice but was rejected by her.

After hearing her words, Lucas had a vague guess.

He comforted, “Cheyenne, don’t be too anxious. Just stay at home and wait.

Don’t go anywhere. I’m going to search for Charlotte now. I’ll definitely bring her home safely.”

After hanging up, Lucas said to Jordan, who was driving, with a cold and grave expression, “Turn around. We’re going to the Carters’.”

Hearing Lucas’s icy-cold voice, Jordan couldn’t help but feel his heart palpitate.

“Yes, Lucas!”

In the Carters’ main residence…

Dominic was pacing back and forth in a room in frustration.

Usually, he would have long begun resting. But now that the Carters were facing a crisis, he was overwrought and full of anxiety, so he wasn’t the least bit sleepy at all.

Seeing that it was already 11 p.m. and that there was only an hour to go before the deadline for the loan repayment, he felt incredibly flustered. However, he had already resorted to all solutions and tried to contact his old friends for help, but to no avail.

Are the Carters going to be ruined just like that? No, I can’t let that happen!

While Dominic was thinking about how he could send some expensive gifts and have a chat with the director of the bank tomorrow, he heard loud banging, clattering, and some shrieks coming from downstairs.

He immediately flew into a rage. He pulled open the door and yelled, “What’s the commotion about?!”

However, when Dominic saw the situation downstairs, his eyes suddenly widened in horror.

The tall and luxurious gate of the Carter residence had already been deformed from violent kicking, and there were pieces of tempered glass scattered all over the floor. There were also more than ten people lying on the ground, all of whom were Carter family members and security officers.

Only one person stood in the center of the hall, exuding a fearful aura.

“Who are you? Why did you suddenly barge into the Carter residence?”

Dominic’s heart was thumping fast as he mustered the courage to ask.

This person raised his head, revealing a familiar face.

“It’s you?!” Dominic received a great fright, after which he flew into a rage. How dare Cheyenne Carter’s loser husband barge into my home?! Does he really think we’re pushovers?

“Security! Hurry up and get this person out of here!” Dominic hollered.
Lucas remained unfazed.

Jordan stayed outside. Many people had already passed out on the ground.

“Where’s Bryce Carter? Get him to come out,” Lucas said coldly.

Dominic flew into a rage. “Who are you to call my grandson’s name directly, you good-fornothing?”

Before he could finish his words, his vision blurred, and Lucas immediately vanished. In the blink of an eye, he already reached Dominic and was choking him.

“I don’t have the patience to listen to your nonsense. Where is Bryce Carter?!”

Chapter 53: Questioning to Find Her Whereabouts

Lucas was so fast that he appeared at the top of the stairs in the blink of an eye and strangled Dominic Carter.

Dominic was greatly shocked, and he tried hard to move Lucas’s hand away, but to no avail.

“Y-you…” As soon as he started speaking, Lucas tightened his grip on his neck and interrupted him.

Lucas coldly looked at Dominic’s face that was gradually turning red. “I’m going to make things clear first. If anything really happens to Charlotte, the Carters will die along with her!”

For the first time in his life, Dominic felt the threat of death. Facing the stern and grave-faced young man, he felt that his life was in danger!

There was a trace of fear in Dominic’s cloudy eyes!

Lucas flicked his hand, and Dominic immediately slammed into the wall like a rag.

Covering his throat with his hand, Dominic coughed hard several times before he could catch his breath.

He looked at Lucas with his eyes full of resentment and fear.

Lucas glanced at him, and Dominic immediately looked away in fright. “I-I don’t know where Bryce is.”

“Call him and tell him to bring Charlotte back in one piece. If she’s wounded, I’ll kill him!”

“How dare you!” At the door, a woman glared at Lucas furiously. “If a cheap person like you dares to touch Bryce, I’ll kill you…”

Before she could finish her words, Jordan kicked her downstairs and sent her flying far away. She passed out on the spot without even uttering another word.

“How dare you be rude to Lucas. You’ve got a death wish!” Jordan roared furiously.

Lucas was the god in Jordan’s heart, and he would never allow anyone to insult him.

If Lucas hadn’t instructed him not to kill anyone earlier, this woman would have died just now.

Jordan’s fierceness instantly subdued all those still wanting to resist, and they all looked at Lucas with fear in their eyes.

Dominic looked at Lucas’s expressionless face, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then took out his phone to call Bryce with shaky fingers.


At this moment, Bryce was sitting in a club called ‘Luxe’ and smiling lewdly at a burly man with the unconscious Charlotte lying beside them on the couch.

“Mr. Douglas, my cousin is quite pretty, isn’t she?” Bryce asked with a subservient smile.

The person addressed as Mr. Douglas stretched his fingers out and pinched Charlotte’s face.

Feeling the tenderness of her flesh, he nodded in satisfaction. “She’s indeed very beautiful. But kid, you’re really ruthless, huh? You’re willing to give your cousin away.”

“It’s all for you, Mr. Douglas. Besides, this girl is really recalcitrant, and I’m just teaching her a lesson,” Bryce hurriedly said.

If not for the fact that he and Charlotte were cousins in name, and it would be inappropriate if word were to get out, he would have bedded Charlotte right away instead of getting Mr. Douglas to do it.

Anyway, his intention was just to take some explicit photos and videos of Charlotte before using them to threaten her into pleading with the Sawyers for him.

“Hmph, not bad. Don’t worry. As long as this girl serves me well tonight, I’ll definitely offer you some benefits in the future,” said Douglas, acting as if he was showing him some kindness.

“Alright, thank you so much, Mr. Douglas! I won’t get in your way then. Just send me the photos and videos later,” Bryce said gleefully.

“Hurry up and get lost.” After saying that, he eagerly rushed to rip off Charlotte’s clothes. Charlotte suddenly retched and vomited.

She had drunk a lot of alcohol in the bar alone just now, and so she threw up while lying on the couch. Not only did she soil her own clothes, but her vomit also caused the entire private room to be full of the pungent stench of vomit.

“Shit!” Douglas hurriedly dodged in annoyance.

“Mr. Douglas, don’t worry. I’ll get someone to come and clean her up immediately. Please go to another room. I’ll send her to the new room as soon as possible!” Bryce hurriedly got two service attendants to come and take Charlotte away to clean her up.

At this moment, he received a call from Dominic.

“Bryce, where are you? What exactly did you do to Charlotte? Hurry up and bring her back!” Dominic hurriedly yelled as soon as the call connected.

On the other hand, Bryce exclaimed with excitement, “Grandpa, don’t worry. I will complete the task you’ve given me as soon as possible. I’ll get Charlotte to plead with the Sawyers!”

Bryce’s words made Dominic feel like he had plunged into ice while Lucas’s gaze turned icy cold.

“Bastard! Hurry up and bring her back. Do you hear me? Otherwise, both of us will die a miserable death!” Dominic hollered at the top of his lungs.

From the moment Lucas came to his door to ask about Bryce and Charlotte’s whereabouts, Dominic had already had an ominous premonition.

If Bryce really did something horrid to Charlotte, Dominic was certain that Lucas would really kill them!

At this moment, Dominic was truly terrified and could only pray that his grandson hadn’t done anything outrageous yet.

However, Bryce was extremely indignant. He had already reached the crucial point of his plan, and Mr. Douglas was already waiting. He couldn’t just bring Charlotte home.

“Grandpa, Charlotte is with Mr. Douglas at the Luxe. She won’t be back tonight. Just stay out of it. Anyway, I will definitely complete the task and get her to go to the Sawyers!”

After saying that, Bryce hung up directly without waiting for Dominic to continue speaking.

“Hello? Bryce! Bryce!” Dominic shouted into the phone several times and even tried to call him again. Unfortunately, Bryce hung up right away, and he could no longer reach him.

Dominic’s body shivered. He could clearly sense the terrifying aura coming from Lucas.

“Since your grandson is seeking his own death, then you can’t blame me.” Lucas turned around and left.

“Wait!” Dominic was shocked and hurriedly shouted. “Please let him go. He’s still insensible…”

“Insensible?” Lucas turned around and continued in an icy cold voice. “He’s much older than Charlotte and Cheyenne!”

“If anything really happens to Charlotte, wait to collect his corpse!”

Lucas stopped bothering to listen to Dominic’s nonsense and led Jordan straight out of the Carters’ home.

“Head to the Luxe as fast as you can!” Lucas ordered Jordan after getting in the car.

“Yes, Lucas!”

The black Jaguar instantly disappeared into the darkness of the night like a swift cheetah.

Chapter 54: The Luxe

In a certain corner of the lobby on the first floor of the Luxe, Bryce was holding a scantily clad escort. Usually, he would have flirted with her merrily, but today, he was rather distracted.

Bryce reckoned that Charlotte should have already been cleaned and sent to Mr. Douglas’s room by now. But the photos and videos he wanted hadn’t been sent to him yet, so he felt uneasy.
Besides, for some reason, Dominic’s voice made him feel vaguely agitated.

“Damn it! What am I feeling so agitated for?! When I get those photos tomorrow and force that bitch Charlotte to go to the Sawyers to put in a good word for us… Or else the Carters will end up with nothing!”

Bryce clenched his teeth, grabbed the beautiful woman beside him forcefully, and raised his head to down a glass of alcohol.

At this moment, the black Jaguar sped toward the Luxe and came to a halt at the entrance after a sharp drift. Two figures got out of the car and hurriedly stepped into the club.

Bryce happened to be facing the direction of the door, and when he saw Lucas enter, he couldn’t help but be shocked. “Lucas? Good-for-nothing, do you actually have the money to come to a place like the Luxe?”

Then he smiled joyously. “Hmph, does that stupid bitch Cheyenne know that her loser husband is spending her money on fooling around? Tsk, tsk.”

At this moment, Bryce’s phone rang again. It was a call from Dominic. He initially wanted to reject it, but thinking that the task was about to be completed, he decided that it was time to break the good news to him.

“Hello, Grandpa. Don’t worry. The deed is almost done. Once I get hold of the video and photos of Charlotte Carter, we won’t be afraid that she won’t listen to us!”

Dominic froze. When he finally realized what Bryce was thinking, he was so furious that his face flushed. “You bastard! Who told you to do that to Charlotte? Do you really have a death wish?!”

Hearing how furious and anxious his grandfather was, Bryce thought that he must have misunderstood something. So he hurriedly explained, “Grandpa, I didn’t do it. I gave her to Mr. Douglas at the Luxe. After he’s done with her, he’ll send me the videos and photos. This matter will then be completed!”

Previously, with Dominic’s approval, he had also colluded with outsiders to set Cheyenne up. Bryce felt that there must be something wrong this time. Besides, the Carters’ crisis would be resolved soon, and he reckoned that Dominic would be glad about it.

To his astonishment, Dominic was not happy to hear the news and instead lost his temper.

“You’re really going to be the death of me! Hurry up and bring Charlotte back in one piece!”

Bryce said in displeasure, “Grandpa, she’s already been sent to Mr. Douglas’s room. How can I bring her back?”

Dominic was so furious that he almost vomited blood. “Hurry up and leave then! Lucas is rushing over to your side. Don’t let him find you, got it?”

Bryce finally realized that Lucas was not here to have fun but to look for Charlotte. That’s interesting. The Luxe belongs to Mr. Douglas. If Lucas tries to look for Charlotte here, he naturally won’t be able to take her away. Besides, Mr. Douglas will definitely make sure that he won’t be able to bear the consequences of creating trouble here.

Bryce suddenly got excited and exclaimed, “Grandpa, Lucas is already here. Hehe, I have to go and watch the fun. I hope Mr. Douglas beats him into a pulp. I’ll get to take revenge for my broken wrist!”

After saying that, Bryce quickly hung up, eager to see how badly Lucas had been beaten up.

“Hello! Hello!” Dominic yelled while holding his phone and trembling incessantly in exasperation. You’re going to be the death of me! If Lucas nabs him, Bryce will be in huge trouble!
Bryce was Dominic’s only grandson, whom he regarded as the successor of the Carter family. If something were to happen to him, what was he supposed to do?!

While Dominic was anxious, Lucas and Jordan had already rushed straight to the fourth floor of the Luxe, which was the VIP area, but were stopped by several security officers.

“I’m sorry, gentlemen. Only VIP guests of the club can enter this floor.”

Lucas ignored him while Jordan stepped forward and barked, “Where are Brad Douglas and that woman he brought with him?”

The security officers looked at each other. His tone is so hostile. Is he here to create trouble? The burly men at the side immediately surrounded Jordan after hearing his words.

These burly men were professional fighters who worked for Douglas.

Usually, they were in charge of guarding and maintaining order in the Luxe, solving all conflicts here.

They were also the ones who took Charlotte away after crashing into the car in the Hummer.

“Brat, are you here to cause trouble? You should consider where this is!” The burly man, who was the leader, glared hostilely at Lucas and Jordan.

“You’ve got a death wish!” Jordan instantly appeared in front of the burly man like a bolt of lightning. He raised his arm and slapped the man hard on his face.

“Ah!” The burly man shrieked as he was sent flying by Jordan’s slap. He couldn’t get up after a long time, and his face instantly swelled while two of his teeth fell out.

Jordan’s strike was as fast as lightning, and he had applied a lot of force. So these men, who were usually the ones to beat others up, couldn’t help but feel a chill down their spines.

“Don’t you guys know that this club is the property of the Douglas family?” the burly men asked sternly.

“Hmph, we’re looking for Brad Douglas. Where is he?” Jordan questioned.

Seeing that Lucas was losing his patience, Jordan decided not to give them any more chances. He clenched his fists with cracking sounds.

They were both emitting an incomparably terrifying aura, making the burly men too scared to fight them. They simply stood in front of Lucas and Jordan and broke out into cold sweat.

The Carter family was just a small family, and even Bryce, the scion, had to bow down and treat them with respect.

The woman they abducted had gotten kicked out of her family too. How could there be such powerful people looking for her?

As Lucas took a step forward, the burly men immediately felt oppressed, and their hearts began ricocheting violently. They no longer had the intention to resist.

“Mr. Douglas is in the room inside. So is that woman.” The burly men hurriedly spilled the beans, fearing that the terrifying man in front of them would crush them into bits if they were slow.

At this moment, in a luxurious room at the innermost part of the VIP floor, Charlotte was lying unconscious on a bed with a man beside her, staring at her with strong desire in his eyes.

Chapter 55: Tell Him to Come Here

The two attendants had already cleaned up the vomit on Charlotte’s body and changed her into a translucent silk nightgown that accentuated her figure.

At the side, Brad Douglas rubbed his hands and placed a camcorder on the table opposite the bed, with the camera facing Charlotte lying on the large bed.

He then walked step by step toward her while admiring her curves under the nightgown. His breathing became heavier, and the desire in his eyes intensified.

Unfortunately, Charlotte, who was still in a drowsy state and had her eyes tightly shut, was oblivious to the impending danger.

“Hahaha, beautiful babe, I’m coming!” Douglas swallowed a mouthful of saliva and leaped toward Charlotte as soon as he ripped off his pants.

At this moment, the door of the private room was kicked open with a loud bang, throwing the door off its hinges.

Shocked, Douglas turned around and yelled ferociously, “Who is it?!”

The Luxe was his turf, but someone actually kicked his door. This person is too insolent!

In the corridor outside, the two rogues leading the way were even more frightened by Lucas’s kick, so much so that their hair stood on end.

Lucas managed to send the steel door flying with a single kick. If he were to kick them, they would die. They were certain that their bones were much weaker than steel!

Luckily, they were smart enough not to continue going against the two terrifying men!

Lucas quickly glanced around the room and was relieved when he saw Charlotte lying on the bed in a nightgown and Douglas still wearing his briefs.
Fortunately, he had arrived in time, and Charlotte hadn’t been violated.

“Kid, who do you think you are? How dare you come and ruin things for me? Are you tired of living?” Douglas barked while glaring at Lucas gloomily, wishing he could rip him apart.

He was interrupted right before he was about to enjoy a night with the beautiful Charlotte, greatly displeasing him.

In particular, Lucas was creating a huge mess and ruckus on his turf. It was clearly a slap to his face!

“You should be thankful that you haven’t touched her. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be standing here right now,” Lucas said indifferently.

“Damn it! You arrogant bastard!” Douglas raised his hand in fury and smacked a hidden button on the wall. In an instant, about twenty ferocious henchmen charged in with menacing auras.

“Beat these two people! Leave them at their last breaths and then break one of their hands each before throwing them out!”

Seeing that his subordinates had come over, Douglas was extremely conceited. After ordering them, he sat on the couch at the side and began smoking a cigar leisurely.

This was the only fate troublemakers would suffer after creating a ruckus here!

“Hmph, break our hands?” Lucas glanced at the henchmen and remained composed, not fazed at all. He snorted.

“Since you like hands so much, all of you will stay! Jordan, break both their hands!”

“Yes, Lucas!” Jordan exclaimed with excitement in his eyes. It had been a long time since he got to hit someone!
Like a phantom, he instantly appeared beside one of the henchmen. Before they could see Jordan’s movements clearly, the crisp sounds of bones being snapped rang out, followed by miserable cries from the henchman whose wrists had been crushed!

“Ah! My arms!” The intense pain on his wrists caused the tall and burly henchman to kneel on the ground and break out into cold sweat immediately.
Before the shock could appear on the others’ faces, Jordan’s figure reappeared beside another henchman like a bolt of lightning. No one could evade him at all.


Ka-cha! Ka!


The crunching sound of bones being crushed one after another resounded in the room, and the henchmen began wailing one after another.

Finally, someone was so terrified that he wanted to flee, but before he could run away, the terrifying hand of death that was like an iron clamp landed on his wrists and crushed his bones right away.

“Help! Ah!” Their miserable cries rang out one after another.

In an instant, the nearly twenty burly henchmen fell to their knees and began wailing while clutching their broken wrists.

The cigar in Douglas’s mouth had fallen to the ground, and he couldn’t help but shiver, frightened by the scene before him. He no longer felt fearless and bold like he was earlier and was now as pale as a sheet. His lips trembled, and his legs had already turned into jelly.

He could not even utter a word now because Jordan and Lucas were both staring at him coldly.

All of a sudden, Douglas’s phone on the table began ringing.

Lucas took a glance at the caller ID and sneered when he saw the words, ‘Wastrel of the Carters.’ “Bryce Carter?”

“Yes!” Douglas hurriedly nodded frantically.

“Answer the call.”
Douglas dared not defy Lucas’s order and hurriedly reached his trembling finger out to painstakingly press the answer button.

“Mr. Douglas, are you done?” Bryce asked. “Why don’t you send me a few photos? In the future, you can toy with that woman however you like.”

Lucas snorted coldly. Bryce Carter really doesn’t know any better!

Frightened by Lucas’s murderous snort, Douglas immediately fell to the ground. Holding his phone, he wished he could rip Bryce into pieces! Damn it! What a lousy idea from this dog!

Bryce made him kidnap Charlotte and said that it was a special tribute to him, but instead of getting to enjoy sleeping with her, he ended up provoking two horrifying people!

All the henchmen, whom he had spent lots of money on, had their wrists broken before they could even attack.

“Get him to come here,” Lucas ordered coldly.

Douglas was clenching his jaw with resentment. Seeing that Lucas seemed to want to deal with Bryce, he frantically said, “Hurry up and get your ass here.”

After hanging up, Douglas hurriedly begged Lucas for mercy. “I really don’t know anything. That bastard Bryce Carter came to me for help and said that he would let me sleep with his cousin as long as I take some videos and photos of her. Had I known earlier that she’s related to you, I wouldn’t have touched this beautiful girl!”

“Mr. Douglas, are you looking for me…” Bryce’s voice abruptly ceased at the door.

He thought that Douglas had called him up because he was done and was going to give him the photos and videos. But he was dumbfounded by the scene before him!

What did he see?!

The burly henchmen in the room were rolling on the ground while the mighty Brad Douglas was kneeling in front of someone!

And that someone was Lucas!
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Chapter 56: Paying People Back in Their Own Coi

Bryce’s legs instantly went weak, and he knelt on the ground.

Everything in front of him made him suspect that his world had become fantastical. Brad Douglas is actually kneeling in front of Lucas?!

Lucas glanced at Bryce indifferently, as though he was looking at something dead.

He looked back at Douglas, who was lying on the ground. “You said he came to you for help?

In that case, was he the one who instigated you to handle the incident six years ago?”

“Which incident?” Douglas was a bit confused for a moment. Over the years, Bryce had approached him and asked him to do many sordid things. All of a sudden, he couldn’t guess which one Lucas was referring to.

“Cheyenne Carter, the Brilliance Corporation,” Lucas reminded snappily.

“Oh!” As soon as he heard Cheyenne’s name, Douglas instantly remembered and nodded frantically.

“Yes, Bryce made me do it. At that time, he wanted to encroach on the Brilliance Corporation and snatch it away from Cheyenne Carter, so he came to me and asked me to help him get some drugs.

Afterward, due to a freak combination of factors, Cheyenne got involved with a lowly chauffeur. Later on, Cheyenne became pregnant, and Bryce got us to go make trouble. That woman was so angry that she ended up going into premature labor, resulting in them taking over the Brilliance Corporation.”

Douglas was afraid of Lucas and almost immediately answered all the questions asked.

Lucas’s face got increasingly gloomy. At the end, he began glaring daggers while smashing his fists on the wall, causing a large cobweb-like crack to appear on the finely-furnished wall with a pit the size of a basin in the middle.

Douglas instantly fell silent, not daring to continue.

Meanwhile, Bryce’s fear intensified, and he almost got shocked into peeing his pants!

Douglas was clearly terrified of Lucas too!

Lucas and Jordan had clearly attacked the henchmen clutching their broken wrists in the room!

In that case, w-what will happen to me?
At the thought of how much he had been bullying Cheyenne over the past few days, the insults he had hurled at Lucas, the misdeeds he had done to Cheyenne back then, and how he had just tried to set up Charlotte…

Bryce’s heart immediately began ricocheting violently as cold sweat surged out of his body.

He felt a warm and moist sensation in his lower body.

At this moment, Bryce recalled everything that Dominic had said to him over the phone earlier: “Lucas Gray has gone to look for you. Hurry up and leave. Don’t let him find you!”

Now, he finally knew why Dominic gave him this warning. It was because Lucas was really too terrifying!

At this moment, Bryce was full of regret!
He regretted not listening to his grandfather’s warning and not bringing Charlotte back home earlier. He even regretted digging his own grave by provoking and offending Lucas.

“Lucas, I know I did something wrong. Please let me off…” Bryce pleaded spinelessly.

Lucas glared at him coldly and sent him flying with a kick. He slammed against the door frame and immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.

Then Lucas kicked Douglas until he wailed endlessly.

Of course, this was the result of Lucas restraining his strength. Otherwise, both of them would have died long ago.
Lucas obviously wouldn’t let them die, but he didn’t plan to let them off either.

“Hmph, don’t you guys like playing such tricks? Go ahead and have a taste of your own medicine then!” Lucas turned his head to face Jordan. “Carry them both to the room at the side and feed them their own drugs. Remember to record a video.”

Thinking about that image, Jordan couldn’t help but shudder in disgust!
However, in order to deal with such people, they had to pay them back in their own coin!

Soon, Jordan enthusiastically carried both of them to the room next door, bringing with him the camera and the bottle of medicine.

Before long, bizarre sounds of pain mixed with pleasure came from the room next door.

The henchmen on the ground couldn’t help but shiver when they heard the sounds. They didn’t even dare to shriek in pain!

This man is too terrifying!
Soon, Jordan came out with the camera.

“Damn it! It was such an eyesore! I have to wash my eyes when I get back!” Jordan exclaimed with a look of disgust.

“Lucas, what do we do with this?”

“Put it on the internet with their names spelled out. Make sure their faces are in HD.”

“Yes!” Jordan put the camera away excitedly.

The henchmen were frightened. Too ruthless!

Not only did they film such a video and decide to put it on the internet, but they also wanted to make sure their faces were in HD and clearly seen. The two of them were going to be shamed thoroughly, and they would never have the cheek to face others again! Even their families would be disgraced by them!

Lucas looked at the group of horrified henchmen and barked, “Get lost!”

The henchmen immediately stopped rolling around and wailing, as if their pressure had suddenly been released. They hurriedly got up and scrambled out of the room in panic, fearing that Lucas would change his mind if they were too slow.

After everyone was gone, Lucas walked over to the bed. He frowned and draped a large bathrobe over Charlotte’s translucent and revealing nightgown.

Lucas was utterly disgusted by Bryce and Douglas’s behavior!

As men, they actually resorted to using such despicable tricks on women. Not only did they ruin the women, they even recorded videos and photos to threaten them. They were worse than beasts!

Back then, they successfully set up Cheyenne, but something went wrong in between, and Lucas was made to take responsibility for her. Otherwise, Cheyenne wouldn’t have had her company taken away from her due to her premature labor. Instead, she would have had explicit photos taken and used against her. Her life would have been ruined.

Charlotte ended up in such a setup today too. If he hadn’t rushed here in time, she would have really had her body and reputation tarnished by Douglas.

Charlotte might not be able to endure having the explicit photos taken while Cheyenne would be sad for life because of what happened to her sister!

They deserved to be punished harshly!
Taking a deep breath and forcing himself to suppress the anger within, Lucas bent over and pinched Charlotte’s temples skillfully.

This was a method he had learned in the military, which was very effective for awakening unconscious people.

Indeed, after Lucas pressed a few times, Charlotte’s eyelashes fluttered, and she slowly opened her eyes.

Charlotte clearly still hadn’t gotten a clear idea of the situation yet.

The moment before she passed out, she was still sitting in Sophie’s car.

Afterward, something seemed to have rammed into her…

Charlotte blinked, sat up, and then realized that the bathrobe draped over her had already slid off, revealing her translucent nightgown. To her horror, she wasn’t wearing anything underneath!

“Ah!” Charlotte screamed. She covered her chest and slapped Lucas, who was in front of her. “You’re shameless!”

Chapter 57: Heartwarming Family

A trace of anger surfaced on Lucas’s stunned face, but he immediately saw Charlotte picking up her bathrobe anxiously before starting to wail like a child. He instantly curbed his anger.

“You have the wrong idea. I’ll call your sister over.”

“Y-you still have the cheek to call my sister to come… You bastard…”

Lucas didn’t bother paying attention to her again. He simply called Cheyenne and told her the address of the Luxe.

Lucas originally wanted Jordan to go and pick her up, but she had been extremely worried at home for a long time. Now that she had received some news about her younger sister, how could she continue waiting? She simply said that she would call a cab and rush over immediately.

Lucas asked Jordan to wait for Cheyenne downstairs so that she wouldn’t run into some idiots when arriving at the club.

Soon after, Cheyenne rushed up from downstairs under Jordan’s escort.

“Where’s Charlotte?” Cheyenne asked worriedly.

“Inside.” Lucas tipped his head toward the room behind him. Cheyenne dashed in immediately.

“Cheyenne!” Upon seeing her sister, Charlotte hugged her and cried her heart out.

Cheyenne hugged her for a while to comfort her and confirmed that her younger sister hadn’t been violated.

Charlotte finally calmed down and said sobbingly, “Cheyenne, Lucas is a bastard. Just now, he… If I hadn’t woken up, he would have gotten what he wanted! He even had the cheek to call you to come. Cheyenne, you have to leave a scumbag like him!”

Cheyenne was caught between laughter and tears. “Charlotte, there must be some misunderstanding. Lucas came to save you. If it weren’t for him, you would have really been in danger.”

Charlotte was instantly stunned. Before she passed out, she was still in Sophie’s car. And when she woke up again, she saw Lucas right in front of her while she was surrounded by a strange aura. Her clothes had also been changed into a skimpy nightgown…

So she subconsciously thought it was Lucas who brought her here and committed some disgusting acts on her.
Yet it turned out that Lucas was here to rescue her.

“How did I end up here then?” Charlotte hurriedly asked.

Cheyenne told her, in general, everything that happened earlier.

After hearing this, Charlotte clenched her fist fiercely and punched the bed.

Gritting her teeth, she barked, “Bryce Carter! It’s all his fault! I’m not going to spare him!”

However, when she thought about the slap she had just given Lucas, Charlotte felt extremely remorseful. “Cheyenne, I’m sorry. I misunderstood Lucas just now and slapped him…”

“Uh…” Cheyenne was at a loss for words and merely coughed twice. “H-he won’t blame you. Let’s hurry home!”

After they cleaned up and came out, Lucas seemed to be acting as per usual.

“It’s late. I’ll send you guys back.”
Charlotte blushed and followed him together with Cheyenne, feeling grateful yet embarrassed. She wanted to apologize but didn’t know how to, so she felt very complicated.

By the time Lucas drove them to the entrance of the Carters’ old residence, it was already almost midnight.

Karen and William had no idea that Charlotte had been kidnapped and almost violated tonight, so they had already fallen asleep.

Cheyenne looked at Lucas and hesitated for a moment before saying, “Do you want to stay with Amelia tonight? She hasn’t seen you all day today, and she kept clamoring about you before she went to bed.”

Lucas saved Charlotte tonight, but he ended up getting slapped by her because of a misunderstanding. While feeling grateful, Cheyenne felt bad too.
Biting her lip and looking at Lucas, Charlotte suddenly said, “Lucas, just stay.”

Seeing both Cheyenne and Lucas look at her in surprise because of what she said, Charlotte hurriedly turned around and scurried upstairs. “I’m going to take a shower first. You guys rest early too!”
Seeing her reaction, Cheyenne shook her head helplessly.

Soon, the two of them went back upstairs to Cheyenne’s room.

As soon as they entered, Amelia, who was lying on the bed, rubbed her eyes and got up.

“Mommy, you’re back…” When Amelia saw Lucas beside Cheyenne, her eyes instantly lit up in surprise, and she was suddenly awake.

“Daddy!” Amelia leaped into Lucas’s arms happily. “Daddy, where were you today? I didn’t see you all day.”

Lucas stroked her head. “I was busy with something today. It’s so late. Why are you still awake?”

“I was waiting for you, Daddy! Mommy went out too. Mommy, did you go out to find Daddy just now? Is Daddy going to sleep with us tonight?” Amelia blinked her large innocent eyes expectantly.

Cheyenne’s face turned red, and she pretended to be angry. “What nonsense are you saying? It’s late. Quickly go to bed!”

Amelia leaned closer to Cheyenne and touched her face seriously with a look of worry.

“Mommy, your face is so warm. Are you sick again?”

Cheyenne had been running a high fever a few days ago, which had given Amelia a fright.

Hearing Amelia’s words, Cheyenne felt even more embarrassed.

Fortunately, Lucas carried Amelia away.
“Good children have to sleep at night. Otherwise, if you can’t get out of bed tomorrow, you’ll be late for kindergarten!”

Amelia put her arms around Lucas’s neck and smiled. “It’s Saturday tomorrow. I don’t have to go to kindergarten.”

Lucas froze for a moment. Amelia continued, “Mommy, Daddy, take me to the amusement park to play tomorrow! Other children often go there to play with their parents and take a lot of photos. I’ve never played at the amusement park with both of you…”

Amelia’s voice grew softer, but there was some cautious anticipation in her eyes, as if she was afraid that Lucas would turn her down.

Lucas felt heartache and was overwhelmed with guilt too.

His daughter was already six years old, but he had never taken her out to play. He had indeed failed as a father.

He turned his head to look at Cheyenne and asked for advice softly, “What do you say we take Amelia out to the amusement park to play tomorrow?”

“Okay.” Cheyenne agreed with a nod without looking at him.

After hearing this, Amelia leaped with joy and gave Lucas and Cheyenne each a kiss on their cheek. She was as happy as a lark.

Seeing their daughter being on cloud nine over such a simple matter, both Lucas and Cheyenne felt a little upset.

“Okay, cut it out. Go to sleep quickly. If you get up late tomorrow, we won’t be able to go to the amusement park!”

Cheyenne carried Amelia back to the inner side of the bed and covered her with the blanket.

After hearing this, Amelia was so anxious that she hurriedly laid down obediently. “Okay! Goodnight Mommy. Goodnight Daddy! I’m so happy!”

Soon, Cheyenne slept on the same bed as Amelia as usual, while Lucas quietly lay on the mattress on the ground beside her.

The room was silent except for the tender sounds of breathing that made Lucas’s heart grow warmer.

Chapter 58: Danger on the Bridge

Bright early the next morning, many people tapped away on their phones or computers while eating breakfast to catch up with current affairs, only to be shocked speechless by a piece of groundbreaking news. They almost spat out the food in their mouths!

The astonishing images, videos, high-definition faces, titles, and articles that directly exposed the identity of the people involved in a scandal occupied the front pages of countless forums and social media platforms.

All of a sudden, the scandal caused a huge uproar in Orange County. After all, the people involved in the scandal were famous figures with whom many in Orange County were familiar.

“Wow, oh my god! I didn’t expect those two to be so disgusting! They even played with glass?!”

“Tsk, aren’t they the playboys Brad Douglas and Bryce Carter? Everyone knows them. They seemed like decent people, but I didn’t expect them to be so… ugh!”

Countless people were discussing that matter and perceiving the Carter and Douglas families in a different light.

When Dominic saw the images and footage of the news, he shook violently and almost vomited blood!

Bryce… his grandson, whom he regarded as his successor, had done something so unsightly and outrageous that he became the laughing stock of the entire county!

At this juncture, the butler of the Carters walked in and reported softly, “Mr. Carter, Mr.

Bryce Carter has returned, but he doesn’t seem too well…”

Before the butler finished speaking, Dominic immediately lost his temper.

“Tell him to get lost! Get him out of here! From now on, I, Dominic Carter, will have nothing to do with Bryce Carter again!”

At the same time, the esteemed and authoritative patriarch of the prestigious Douglas family was also infuriated as he slapped his hand on a table ferociously.

“Bastard! Everyone in the county knows about your scandal!”

Brad Douglas knelt in front of the old man, not even daring to breathe. However, he still tried to explain.

“Grandpa, I was set up by someone! He beat me up, drugged me, and locked me up with that loser Bryce Carter. He even deliberately filmed those videos and spread them around…”

“Who did it?” The old man was even more furious when he heard this. Anyone who dares to do that to a Douglas must be tired of living!

“It’s Lucas Gray, that useless son-in-law of the Carters!” Brad gritted his teeth. When he woke up last night, he had already looked for Bryce and forced him to reveal the culprit’s identity.

To be toyed like this by the live-in son-in-law of the Carters was his shame!

“Hmph, a loser like him managed to land you in this state. You’re such a disappointment! If you can’t settle this matter, you don’t deserve to be my grandson,” Mr. Douglas Senior said coldly.

Brad hung his head low and clenched his jaw. “Don’t worry. I will definitely get revenge on him!”

A resentful gleam of light darted out of his eyes. Lucas Gray, I must get revenge, or I’m not a human!


At this moment, Lucas was taking Cheyenne and Amelia to the largest amusement park in Orange County.

They first boarded the Ferris wheel, followed by the Viking ship, and lastly the carousel.

Amelia, who was wearing a beautiful princess dress, was smiling elatedly.
She finally went to the amusement park with her parents, just like other kids!

Along the way, she had been holding Cheyenne’s hand with her left hand and Lucas’s hand with her right, with pure bliss written all over her face.

All of a sudden, Amelia stopped and placed their hands together. “Daddy, Mommy, hold each other’s hands.”

Upon his hand coming into contact with Cheyenne’s small and tender hand, Lucas’s heart skipped a beat while she felt helplessly embarrassed.

She was about to retract her hand, but Amelia put their hands together tightly.

“Jamie told me that if Mommy and Daddy hold hands like this, they will soon have a little baby. Daddy, Mommy, hurry up and give me another little brother or sister so that I won’t be an only child!”

Cheyenne’s face instantly turned red, and even her ears reddened. She quickly retracted her hand like she had been electrocuted.

“Children shouldn’t be spouting nonsense!” Cheyenne chided Amelia.

“Huh? Is that wrong? Then how do little brothers and sisters come?” Amelia asked, tilting her head in curiosity.

Looking at her daughter’s innocent and expectant little face, Cheyenne couldn’t resist her at all. She glared at Lucas angrily.

Dumbstruck, Lucas laughed, finding the angry Cheyenne from embarrassment just as adorable as Amelia.

He couldn’t bear to let Cheyenne continue being embarrassed, so he picked Amelia up in his arms and ran forward. “Quick, let’s go watch the dolphin show!”

“Wow! Dolphins!” As soon as Amelia heard that they were going to see dolphins, she immediately forgot about the things she just clamored about.

Cheyenne let out a long sigh of relief. Watching the father and daughter duo running in front of her and laughing happily, she couldn’t help smiling gently.

After playing in the amusement park for more than half the day, Lucas and Cheyenne left together with Amelia, who was reluctant to leave.

Lucas drove Cheyenne and Amelia home in his black Jaguar.

After a day of fun, the three of them became closer.

As the car drove along, Amelia climbed in the back seat and snuggled up to Cheyenne while chattering happily about what she had seen today. Then she said to Cheyenne, “Mommy, when will we go out to play with Daddy again? I’m so happy today!”

Cheyenne pinched Amelia’s little nose.

“We’ve already played for an entire day. Aren’t you tired yet?”

The two of them laughed and played with each other in the back seat while Lucas watched them through the rearview mirror, the corners of his mouth curling into a smile.

Suddenly, Lucas’s gaze turned cold. On the bridge they were on, a Hummer was speeding toward them diagonally from the lane beside them, trying to collide with the black Jaguar! “Be careful! Hold on tight!” Lucas exclaimed. He floored the gas pedal while turning the steering wheel, revving up the Jaguar and speeding off, avoiding the Hummer by a close shave.

On the other hand, the Hummer couldn’t brake in time because of its enormous momentum and thus crashed directly into the bridge railing and then into the river below.

“Are you guys alright?” Lucas immediately turned around to check on Cheyenne and Amelia after pulling over to the side of the road.

Scared soulless, Cheyenne hugged Amelia tightly and had turned as pale as a sheet from the fright. In contrast, Amelia hadn’t realized the danger they were in just now and was simply shocked because she thought that Lucas had braked in an emergency.

Luckily, both of them had their seat belts securely fastened and were not injured.
With lingering fear, Cheyenne turned around, looked at the destroyed bridge railing, and asked softly, “What’s the matter with that car?”

Lucas shook his head, pretending to be thankful to have escaped the close shave with death.

“No idea. Maybe the brakes broke. It was so close to hitting our car.”

Looking at the vast river worriedly, Cheyenne said, “I wonder how the driver is doing.” They were on the bridge and couldn’t see what was going on in the river below.

“Someone over there has already called the police. The police and rescue teams should be arriving soon. We’d better go first, or the road will be closed later,” Lucas said.

Cheyenne nodded. She hugged her daughter tightly, feeling fortunate.
Lucas restarted the car, but this time, his eyes were ice cold.

Chapter 59: Creating a Ruckus

Lucas knew very well that this was definitely not an accident, but rather, someone had deliberately tried to crash into them to kill them!

Given the size and speed of the Hummer just now, they would have either been pushed to the edge of the bridge or knocked over and dropped into the river below if Lucas hadn’t reacted quickly and dodged early!

If he were alone, he could still escape from the danger. But there were two vulnerable females in the car!
They were also the two people he loved the most!

They were his weakness, and no one was allowed to touch them!

A figure dived silently into the river below the bridge and swam to the Hummer that was gradually sinking into the water. He then punched the window to break it and pulled the driver out.

After swimming to the shallow waters hundreds of meters away, the figure finally dragged the driver, who was about to drown and suffocate, ashore.
The figure was Jordan, Lucas’s right-hand man!

Jordan turned the driver’s body face up and stepped on his stomach.

Immediately afterward, a large amount of river water mixed with mud and sand surged out of the driver’s mouth and nostrils.

The driver came to and coughed violently, coughing up the water in his stomach.

After the driver was almost done, Jordan stepped hard on his stomach and questioned, “Speak. Who put you to it?”

The driver just had a near-death experience. As he stared at Jordan towering above him, his face turned even paler. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You still don’t want to come clean, huh?” Without hesitation, Jordan picked up the driver by his collar and pressed his head toward the water. “If you don’t say anything, you can stay inside!”

Watching the icy-cold river water getting closer and closer to him, the driver, who just experienced drowning, immediately shrieked in terror and began struggling.

However, Jordan was pressing his hand hard against the driver’s neck, rendering him unable to struggle. Seeing that his head was about to be pressed into the water again, the driver no longer cared about anything else. He simply broke down and started yelling loudly.

“Ah! I’ll speak up! Please spare my life…”

Teary-eyed, the driver begged for mercy.
Jordan pulled his head up slightly with one hand and ordered, “Speak!”

“I-it was Mr. D-Douglas. Brad Douglas was the one who instructed me to hit that car!”

Lucas sent Cheyenne and Amelia back home and watched the two of them enter the house, but he didn’t stay behind.

“Lucas.” Just as Lucas was about to drive away, Cheyenne suddenly called out to stop him.

“Do you have something to do now?” Cheyenne asked hesitantly.

Lucas nodded. “Yes, I have some trivial matters to handle.”

“You were the one who did those things to the Carters recently, right?” Cheyenne asked, her jaws clenched.

Since Cheyenne asked, Lucas did not intend to hide it from her. He nodded.

“Yes, but they deserve it.”

Cheyenne hesitated for a while but nevertheless said, “Can you let them off? They must have learned their lesson from what happened lately.”

It was not that Cheyenne was being a saint, but rather, she had grown up with the Carters after all, and those people used to be her relatives. She still cared about their kinship and didn’t want to take things too far.

Lucas looked at Cheyenne affectionately and nodded. “Okay.”
When Lucas was driving and halfway into his journey, Jordan called. “Lucas, the culprit is really that bastard Brad Douglas!”

“Hmph, as expected!” Lucas snorted coldly. He stepped on the gas pedal and sped to the Luxe maniacally. Seems like Brad Douglas hasn’t learned his lesson yet!

Lucas wasn’t fazed by the fact that Douglas was a member of a first-tier family that commanded great power among the gangs in Orange County.

Anyone who dared to harm the two people he cherished the most and put them in danger deserved to die!

At this moment, Douglas was sitting in the Luxe with a menacing expression.

The incident last night made him utterly embarrassed and even left him in great pain, especially in his private area. He couldn’t even sit properly without feeling agony.

“Mr. Douglas, that bastard must be dead now. Even if he didn’t die from the collision, he must have died from drowning. Our people also deliberately created some obstacles on the road so that the rescue vehicles wouldn’t be able to get there in time,” said an underling.

“Hah! It was too easy for him! I heard that his beautiful wife, Cheyenne Carter, was also in the car. It’s quite a pity she died with him. Otherwise, it’d be nice to toy with the former greatest beauty of Orange County!” Douglas gibed as he puffed out a mouthful of a cigar.

“Haha, Mr. Douglas, you can get any kind of woman you want. The one yesterday is Cheyenne’s sister. She’s quite pretty too. If you’d like, I’ll get her immediately!” A few of his underlings were hurriedly trying to curry favor with him.

“Haha, good! Yesterday, that bastard messed things up for me and even incurred my wrath! I must get that woman over here again to vent! Let’s see who’ll try getting in my way again!”

Douglas began laughing without restraint while the people around him egged him on.

At this moment, the black Jaguar stopped at the entrance of the Luxe.
Lucas stepped out of the car, and Jordan, who had been waiting at the side, immediately greeted him. “Lucas, tell me what to do!”

Luxe looked up at the luxurious Luxe clubhouse with an icy cold gaze.

“Smash it!”

Upon receiving the order, Jordan immediately charged forward without hesitation and kicked the exquisite door and the stone monument with the word ‘Luxe’ carved on it, smashing them into pieces!

The flying stone debris smashed against the huge tempered glass door with a loud bang, and glass shards scattered all over the floor.

The numerous people in the club were frightened by the sudden noise and started screaming loudly.

Several security officers and henchmen immediately came over. “Who are you people? How dare you make trouble at the club?!”

“Get lost!”

All they received in response was a series of sounds of things breaking.
Jordan broke a stool leg in his hand and smashed everything in sight.

He smashed the opulent bar counter!
He smashed the wine cabinet full of famous and expensive alcohol!

He smashed the dazzling chandelier!
He smashed the tables, windows, chairs, and other furniture!

Everyone in the club frantically scurried out shrieking.

“Damn it! These two are here to cause trouble! Just beat them to death!” a henchman as burly as a tower immediately hollered. More than ten of his subordinates rushed over from all directions.

Lucas snorted coldly. Brad Douglas’s twenty-odd henchmen got their wrists broken yesterday and definitely can’t make it to work today. He probably hired these backup goons from somewhere. They really don’t know any better.

Jordan charged forward and shuttled through the people as quick as a phantom. In less than a moment, ten-odd people had their wrists snapped just like those yesterday!

One of the henchmen scrambled into the private room where Douglas was and exclaimed in a fluster, “Bad news, Mr. Douglas! The two people from yesterday are here again!”

Chapter 60: Paying the Price

Hearing his underling’s report, Douglas immediately stood up and asked with a glowering expression, “What did you say? Are you sure it’s those two from yesterday?”

The underling nodded profusely in horror. “Yes, it’s those two from yesterday. I wouldn’t recognize them wrongly! They’re currently smashing the things in the main hall of the first floor, and the guests are terrified.”

Douglas kicked the coffee table furiously, but he accidentally touched his hidden injury, making him fly into a rage. “Didn’t you say that Lucas Gray was knocked off the bridge? Why is he still alive?”

The one who came to report the matter earlier didn’t seem too well, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. “He indeed… fell into the river. We saw from afar that he fell off the bridge and plunged into the river. The rescue teams rushed over, but they were stopped.”
Bam—Douglas slapped the underling hard on the face.

“Bullshit! If he really plunged into the river and drowned to death, are the ones here creating trouble ghosts? You trash!”

Douglas was just celebrating the fact that he had killed Lucas and took revenge. But now, they were here slapping him in his face!

“Let’s go. Gather everyone and go down with me. I refuse to believe he can defeat us!” Douglas exclaimed as he hurried downstairs with a furious and menacing expression.

At this moment, the people in the hall below were all badly bashed up by Jordan, and broken glass, wine bottles, ceiling lights, and shattered debris of furniture covered the ground. The initially luxurious hall was smashed and ended up looking like a garbage dump.

Today, Douglas had just hired more than ten henchmen, but they were all currently rolling in pain on the ground with broken wrists!

Seeing this, Douglas was overwhelmed with exasperation. Those bastards!

“Damn it! Beat them!” Hearing Douglas’s order, his underlings behind, who were all holding steel rods and weapons, immediately charged forward.

“Hmph, you must have a death wish!” Before Lucas said anything, Jordan picked up a chair and rushed over.

His movements were far quicker than Douglas’s underlings. Before the underlings’ weapons could hit him, the leg of Jordan’s chair had already slammed onto their wrists and thighs.




With Jordan’s fast and accurate hits, the dozen or so people who rushed up all shrieked in pain miserably as they dropped their weapons and started rolling on the ground, clutching their wrists and thighs and wailing loudly.
Seeing this, Douglas became terrified and furious.

The ten-odd people holding weapons actually failed to even harm Lucas in the slightest. Instead, they were beaten up by the other party!

“Stop! Lucas, what exactly are you trying to do?” Douglas gritted his teeth and glared at Lucas while the fear and horror in his heart surged again like yesterday.

“What do I want to do? Aren’t you aware of what you got someone to do today?” Lucas looked at Douglas with an icy cold glare.

On that bridge today, his wife and daughter had had a close shave with death. How could Lucas let Douglas off easily?

Douglas suddenly choked.

He had sent someone to run over Lucas and his wife and daughter with a car, but his plan failed, and Lucas was now at his door and seeking revenge. This was totally out of his expectations.

Facing Lucas’s icy cold eyes, Douglas subconsciously took a few steps back.

“There must be some misunderstanding somewhere. Actually, there’s no unresolvable feud between us. Why don’t we sit down and have a good talk? What do you think?”

Despite saying that, Douglas didn’t really plan to bury the hatchet.

He would never forget the shame Lucas had brought him last night! He would never spare Lucas!

When they sat down to chat, he would have someone spike Lucas’s drink and then get his subordinates to make him have a taste of his own medicine!

Once he was done taking revenge, he would make him vanish forever!

Lucas sneered and glanced at Douglas in disdain, as if he had seen through his thoughts.

“Have a good talk? Who are you to do that with me?!”

Lucas gripped the wine bottle on the table next to him and fiercely smashed it on Douglas’s head.


With a crisp sound, the bottle shattered and cut open Douglas’s head. Crimson blood began gushing out from the top of his head.

After being stunned for a while, Douglas touched his bloodied head andbglowered at Lucas furiously. “You… How dare you…”

“Hmph, you’d better remember this. If you dare to provoke me and the people I care about again, I’ll definitely make your life a living hell!” Lucas kicked Douglas in his knees, twisting his legs into a warped angle, and made him tumble out far, far away.

Without being able to utter a single word, Douglas passed out.

Everyone in the room was scared into silence, not daring to breathe a single word as they watched Lucas and Jordan leave. Too terrifying!

Only when the figures of these two people had completely disappeared did someone from the Luxe quickly take Douglas to the hospital.


Soon, Brad Douglas’s father, Gordon Douglas, hurried to the hospital.
When he saw his son, whose head was wrapped in bandages and legs were covered with casts, Gordon Douglas was infuriated.

In Orange County, no one had ever disrespected the Douglas family or had the guts to beat his son so badly!
“Find him! Get someone to find him! I must take revenge and kill him!”


At this moment, Lucas was already on his way back to the lakeside villa with Jordan.

He was covered in blood just now, so he didn’t want to go back to the Carters, lest Cheyenne and Amelia saw the state he was in.

Thinking about Cheyenne’s request for him to let the Carters off today, Lucas called Flynn Davis and gave him some instructions.

After taking a shower, Lucas stood by the railing on a balcony and looked at the sparkling lake outside with a bitter smile.

Previously, he proposed to Cheyenne at the Intercontinental Hotel but was turned down by her. Later on, he revealed his identity to her and wanted to return the Brilliance Corporation to her.

Unfortunately, Cheyenne refused to accept it.

Cheyenne had always had a strong backbone and wasn’t willing to accept favors for nothing. She merely said that she would go to the Brilliancen Corporation, but she hoped to work her way up to her former position from the bottom.

Cheyenne was determined, so Lucas had no choice but to give in.
This was how kindhearted, intelligent, and independent the woman he loved was.

The following morning, Dominic Carter, who had stayed up all night, suddenly received an excellent piece of news.
The Brilliance Corporation, which the Stardust Corporation had snatched away, suddenly gave the Carters an offer to become the guarantor of their debts and even decided to sign a cooperative contract with them!
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Chapter 61: Treat You to a Meal

When a member of the family came in to report the good news, Dominic was so excited that his fingers began trembling. He asked profusely, “Really? Are you not lying to me?”
The family member nodded agitatedly. “Yes! The Brilliance Corporation has really decided to cooperate with us, and they have already sent someone over to sign the contract with us. Our factories are also back in operation. And the bank has decided to give us some leeway for the loan repayment because the Brilliance Corporation has decided to be our guarantor. They’re no longer going to apply for compulsory execution!”
“Good!” Dominic was so excited that he rubbed his hands together. The Carters’ crisis would be resolved!
At this moment, another family member hurried in. “Good news, Mr. Carter Senior! The companies that previously terminated their partnerships with us have called to resume their cooperation with us!”
“Great! Wonderful! The Carters have finally gotten through this ordeal!” Dominic’s face reddened in excitement.
All the Carters were overjoyed after surviving this calamity. God knows how hard it had been for them the past two days. They almost wanted to leave the family and find their own way out!
“Bryce deserves credit for this matter!” A woman’s voice suddenly sounded. It was Bryce Carter’s mother, Sarah Hadley.
At the mention of Bryce, Dominic’s face immediately turned gloomy again. “Don’t mention that sinful bastard in front of me! That impudent bastard acted presumptuously and got embroiled in a scandal that embarrassed us greatly!”
Sarah began pouting aggrievedly. “Dominic, you know very well that someone set Bryce up. If that loser Lucas Gray… hadn’t spiked Bryce’s and Brad Douglas’s drinks and even filmed a video of them, they wouldn’t have ended up like that. Besides, if Lucas hadn’t suddenly gone to create trouble that day, the crisis the Carters faced might have been resolved two days ago.”
With a few words, Sarah blamed everything on Lucas and reminded Dominic of the horror he experienced when Lucas broke into the Carters’ main residence and strangled him.
He was now full of fear and hatred toward Lucas.
Sarah Hadley looked at Dominic’s face and continued, “Bryce was chased out of the family, and he’s very upset too. Yesterday, he was going around running errands for the Carters. Doesn’t he deserve any credit?
“Also, Bryce is your only grandson after all. It’s right for you to be angry with him, and you can teach him a lesson as much as you’d like, but can you really bear to drive him out of the family?” Sarah pretended to wipe her tears.
Dominic felt conflicted as well.
Bryce was his only direct descendant, and he would definitely take over the family in the future. Yesterday, he chased Bryce out of the family only because of a moment of folly, but he mainly wanted to teach Bryce a lesson and did not really want to disown him.
Seeing Sarah keep pleading for mercy and several other family members also helping him, Dominic sighed and agreed. “Okay, since you’re all pleading for him, I’ll give him another chance. But if he creates any trouble or disgraces the family again, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”
“Yes, definitely! I’ll also take Bryce in hand and make sure he listens to you!” Sarah agreed frantically with a joyful expression.
On the other hand, after hearing Dominic’s decision to let him return to the family, Bryce simply felt that that should have been the case anyway.
He was Dominic Carter’s only biological grandson, and the entire family would be handed over to him in the future, so how could Dominic really drive him out?
Lucas is too despicable! He went against me and ruined things for me. He even made me become the laughing stock of the entire county!
Bryce swore that he would never let Lucas off easily!
While the Carters were immersed in the joy of the family crisis being over, no one knew that it was only because Cheyenne had asked Lucas to give them a way out on account that they used to be family.
Otherwise, the Carters would have long fallen apart.
However, neither Lucas nor Cheyenne thought of letting the Carters find out the truth.
At this moment, Lucas suddenly received a phone call, and the person who called was surprisingly Charlotte.
“Um… are you free now? I’d like to treat you to a meal!” Charlotte’s voice was shaky, and she clearly felt uneasy.
Lucas burst into laughter. Of course, he knew why Charlotte wanted to treat him to a meal out of the blue. He had saved her that day, but she got the wrong idea and even slapped him.
After Cheyenne explained it to her, Charlotte had been feeling very embarrassed and conflicted. She wanted to thank him and apologize to him, but in the end, she was too shy to say anything.
She should have mulled over it for a long time before finally calling him.
Lucas smiled. He did not intend to hold it against Charlotte. “There’s no need to treat me to a meal…”
Before Lucas finished, Charlotte quickly interrupted him, “I’ll book a private room and be waiting for you at Lion Restaurant.”
After saying this, she hung up the phone.
Lucas was caught between laughter and tears. How can she insist that I let her treat me to a meal?
Nevertheless, Lucas arrived at Lion Restaurant at noon.
The relationship between him and Cheyenne had finally become less strained, and Charlotte mattered a lot to Cheyenne. So no matter what, Lucas had to give in to Charlotte.
Lion Restaurant was a long-established restaurant in Orange County, and it was famous for being the go-to place for banquets held by businessmen and ordinary patrons.
As soon as Lucas got out of his car, he saw Charlotte waiting for him not far away. When she saw him, she finally heaved a sigh of relief, as if she was scared that he wouldn’t come.
Lucas walked over and touched his nose. “Actually, there’s really no need to do this.”
Charlotte glared at him. “Since I said that I’d treat you to a meal, I have to honor it. I can still afford to treat you to a meal.”
Lucas was instantly dumbfounded and speechless.
Well, Charlotte was actually not an annoying girl, but she was childish and arrogant.
Lucas did not blame her for it. As they were about to enter the restaurant, a voice suddenly sounded from the side. “Huh? Charlotte, it’s really you!”
Gazing at Charlotte, a young man walked over with a gleeful expression. There was a woman with bouncy, curly hair standing close beside him. They were obviously very intimate with each other.
Charlotte’s expression instantly changed when she saw the man. Afterward, she held onto Lucas’s arm somewhat uneasily and smiled radiantly at the couple in front of her. “Ah, it’s you, Declan. I didn’t expect to run into you here.”
Lucas was caught by surprise when Charlotte suddenly held onto his arm. But afterward, Lucas felt Charlotte turning stiff.
It seemed that there was some history between her and this man.

Chapter 62: Coincidental Encounter in the Restaurant

Declan Adams was tall and seemed to be around his mid-twenties. His features were handsome, and he dressed fashionably. Although he was a man, he put a lot of effort into skincare, and he looked just like the young heir of a well-to-do family.
The long-haired woman next to him was about the same age as him. Her face was covered in exquisite makeup, and she was decked out in luxury designer labels such as Gucci, Chanel, Hermes, and others. She was beautiful at first glance, but unfortunately, her face was too plastic. She had obviously had cosmetic surgery on her eyelids and jaw.
Declan’s gaze lingered on Charlotte’s arm for a second, after which he smiled and held onto the shoulder of the woman beside him. He introduced, “This is my wife, Estelle Brooke.” Estelle snuggled up to Declan and sized Charlotte up. “Well? Introduce Charlotte…”
Sensing Estelle’s vague jealousy, Declan hurriedly put his hand on her waist to comfort her.
“She’s Charlotte Carter, my schoolmate from college.”
Hearing Declan introduce her in this manner, Charlotte couldn’t help but bite hard on her lower lip.
“Ah, so it’s Charlotte Carter! I heard Declan mentioning before that there was a schoolmate from college who had been courting him for years, but he never agreed. I didn’t expect it to be you.” Estelle said these words smilingly and casually pretended to reveal a large diamond ring on her ring finger.
Charlotte’s smile stiffened.
She did like Declan Adams back in college, but she felt mocked when his wife said it to her face and in such a sarcastic tone.
It was worse especially because even Declan seemed conceited.
Charlotte was about to say goodbye when she heard Declan say, “It’s a coincidence today. Estelle and I happen to have booked a private room here for a meal. You two should also come along. After all, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other.”
After glancing at Declan, Estelle said, “Yeah, the Lion is the most famous and established restaurant in the city. It’s noon now, and it’ll be hard to get a private room. Let’s eat together. Declan and I will be bored if it’s just the two of us.”
Charlotte was about to decline because she had already booked a private room long ago, but Lucas suddenly nodded. “Sure then.”
Charlotte immediately panicked. But since Lucas already spoke and agreed, she could not refute him in front of them. So she could only pinch Lucas’s arm secretly.
However, Lucas kept a straight face and wasn’t bothered by it at all.
Soon, a waiter ushered them to a room on the second floor.
After they were seated, Declan grabbed the menu and handed it to Estelle. “Estelle, see if there’s anything you’d like. You can order first.”
Estelle grabbed the menu smilingly, but she chided Declan, “Our guests are still here. How can I order first?” She glanced at Charlotte and Lucas but remained still, not intending to hand the menu over to them.
“We’re former classmates. What’s the point of being so formal with each other? They won’t mind, right?” Declan held Estelle’s waist as he kissed her forehead affectionately. He was directing his last question at Charlotte and Lucas.
“Back in the day, Charlotte used to bring me my meals for several months when she was courting me. She never missed my breakfast or lunch. Unfortunately, I didn’t reciprocate your feelings and shared the food with our classmates. Charlotte, you don’t hold it against me, do you?” Declan chuckled.
Charlotte squeezed her own fingers tightly under the table, almost digging her nails into her flesh.
She had once spent a lot of time and effort bringing food for him with her utmost sincerity. Every day, she would get up early just to cook for him, no matter rain or shine. Yet she ended up becoming a laughingstock.
Charlotte remained silent. Controlling her emotions was already extremely tough.
Seeing the sullen expression on Charlotte’s face, Estelle giggled provocatively and coquettishly. “However, I really have to thank Miss Carter for being so nice to my husband. I also have to be thankful that Declan didn’t give in to your pursuit. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have gotten together and be living such a blissful life.”
Declan held Estelle in his arms gently. “It’s my honor to be able to marry you.”
The two of them were showing their affection for each other like nobody’s business while
Charlotte clenched her jaw and said, “I wish you conjugal bliss.”
Estelle suddenly seemed to realize that there were outsiders around, so she sat up straight shyly. “Fortunately, you’ve found your better half too, Miss Carter. Are you married yet? How may I address this man beside you?”
Charlotte tried to calm herself down before saying calmly, “Not yet. His name is Lucas Gray.”
“Oh, hello, Mr. Gray. We’re both about the same age, so you don’t mind me addressing you as Lucas, right?” Declan chuckled.
Lucas glared at Declan with a mirthless grin.
It had been long since anyone talked to him in such a condescending manner. Besides, he was a few years older than Declan, but Declan talked down to him so haughtily.
Not at all bothered if Lucas minded it or not, Declan continued to ask in an arrogant tone,
“Lucas, where do you work now?”
Lucas smiled. “I was a soldier for a few years, but I’m now a freelancer.”
Hearing this, Declan’s and Estelle’s eyes were full of disdain.
On the other hand, Charlotte glared at Lucas. Why do you have to be so honest?!
“Freelancer? You mean unemployed?” Estelle gibed, then covered her mouth while giggling.
“Lucas, that’s not right. As a man, how can you loaf around? You don’t want to be sponging off your wife, do you?”
“Ah, I really do.” Lucas nodded seriously, as if he found that a great idea.
Declan was instantly at a loss for words.
He found Lucas handsome and sophisticated at first, but he didn’t expect him to be an incompetent wastrel.
Charlotte must regret not winning my heart and marrying a handsome and competent man like me. Declan was getting ahead of himself while thinking about it, and he even felt a tremendous sense of superiority.

Chapter 63: Untitled

Having confirmed that Lucas was a good-for-nothing, Declan could no longer be bothered to continue talking to him. He turned to look at Charlotte and asked, “Charlotte, what are you doing now?”
Charlotte was already sick and tired of Declan’s attempts to show his superiority and answered indifferently, “I just joined the Stardust Corporation not long ago.”
“Hey, that’s such a coincidence.” Declan clapped and laughed out loud. “I’m in town this time to talk about the cooperation with the Stardust Corporation. I’m old friends with Mr. Davis, the general manager of your company. I’ll put in a good word for you in front of him and ask him to look out for you, lest a low-level employee like you have a tough time climbing the corporate ladder.”
Declan waved his hand and leaned backward proudly, as if he had already gotten Flynn Davis to arrange for Charlotte’s promotion.
Estelle was a little displeased and glared at Charlotte. “Declan may be kind enough to help you, but you have to work hard too. Don’t depend entirely on him. Otherwise, it might be difficult for Declan to broach the topic with Mr. Davis even though they’re close. Don’t you agree?”
Her tone was derisive, and she made it sound as though Charlotte was pestering Declan to help her get promoted.
Charlotte did not have a good temper, and she could tolerate this for such a long time entirely because of her former crush’s sake.
At this moment, she couldn’t tolerate it any longer and sneered. “Did I say that I wanted you to help? I will earn my promotion with my own efforts. I don’t need you to worry about it.”
Having been retorted by Charlotte out of the blue, Estelle immediately looked at Declan aggrievedly. “Hubby, we were just being kind by offering to help. Why did she say that?”
With a gloomy expression, Declan patted Estelle’s back to comfort her. He said with a frown, “Charlotte, I only offered to help you on account that we used to be classmates. Even if you refuse to accept my goodwill, you don’t have to be so hostile.”
Charlotte was almost going to laugh out of anger.
At this moment, a waiter knocked on the door of the private room and walked in.
“Excuse me, everyone. Today, we will be receiving a distinguished guest, so we won’t be able to serve you for the time being. I’m extremely sorry. As compensation, all your orders will be on the house today, and we will also gift you a few discount coupons,” the waiter spoke courteously and handed over a small goody bag that had exquisite packaging.
Although the waiter apologized, it was obvious that he wanted them to leave immediately.
Declan flew into a rage and shouted, “You’re trying to drive me away? Do you know who I am? Get your manager to come here!”
“Excuse me, sir. This is our manager’s intention. Everyone has to leave, no matter who. Please pardon us for the convenience,” the waiter said in a respectful tone. However, his attitude was firm.
“Hmph, I just don’t believe it. What kind of distinguished guest can make us leave? If you don’t tell me clearly, I will smash this restaurant!” Declan pointed at the waiter furiously.
However, his movements were too large, and he accidentally knocked over a wine glass at the edge of the table, causing it to fall onto the ground with a loud bang.
The crisp sound of glass shattering immediately spread.
Declan stiffened.
He was actually just issuing a verbal threat. A renowned and established restaurant like the Lion was definitely backed by a powerful figure. How could he afford to provoke them?
“What’s going on?” A middle-aged man wearing a tag that said ‘Restaurant Lobby Supervisor’ pinned on his chest came over with a frown on his face.
The waiter hurriedly pointed at Declan. “Mr. Jones, you wanted us to clear the rooms, but this gentleman here isn’t willing to leave. He wants to know which guest is here, and he accidentally broke the wine glass in the midst of throwing a fit.”
The manager, Mr. Jones, glanced at Declan and said aloofly, “I’m sorry, Sir. But Mr. Ethan Sawyer is treating his guests to a meal in our restaurant today. In order to prevent him from being disturbed, everyone else has to leave. I hope to seek your cooperation.”
“Ethan Sawyer?” Declan was flabbergasted. Ethan Sawyer was the richest man in the county, and he owned businesses in several states. Even those from outside Orange County had heard of him.
Compared to Ethan Sawyer, Declan Adams was nothing.
In fact, if possible, Declan wanted to stay behind, as that might give him the opportunity to have a good talk with the richest man in the county. It would be even better if he could become friends with him.
Unfortunately, he probably would have no chance of getting close to Sawyer since he was hosting some guests and wanted the restaurant to be cleared.
Declan hurriedly stood up and smiled. “I’m so sorry. Had I known earlier that it was Mr.
Sawyer, we would have left long ago. I’ve created such a mess.”
He put his arm around Estelle’s shoulders and said to Charlotte and Lucas, who were still sitting, “Charlotte, Lucas, what are you waiting for? Didn’t you hear that we have to make way for Mr. Sawyer?”
Charlotte looked at Declan, whose smile had become humble and deferential. She couldn’t help but feel infinite disappointment. Is this the person I carried a torch for, for such a long time back then?
“Hmph.” However, Lucas remained in his seat and even sneered in amusement.
“Are you still not going to get up? We’ll be in trouble if we offend Mr. Sawyer!” Declan couldn’t help but holler angrily when he saw Lucas sitting still in his seat.
“Is that so? Is Ethan Sawyer kicking up such a big fuss over a meal?” Lucas remarked as he held a wine glass playfully.
Panic-stricken and furious, Declan said, “You actually have the audacity to call Mr. Sawyer by his full name. He’s the richest man in the county, and his assets are unimaginable. If you don’t respect him, you’re going to implicate us, you fool!”
Estelle said impatiently, “Why are you wasting your breath on them? Let’s hurry and leave. If they end up offending Mr. Sawyer, that’ll serve them right!”
Declan didn’t go on any longer and simply glared at Lucas coldly before taking a few more looks at Charlotte’s pretty face. “Forget it. We have said what we should say. If you don’t know any better, don’t blame us. Let’s go.”
Holding Estelle’s hand, he was just about to leave when a few people coincidentally came upstairs at this moment.
They were Ethan Sawyer and his friends, whom the restaurant manager was personally showing the way for.
With some joy and surprise, Declan hurriedly greeted them and bowed. “Hello, Mr. Sawyer…” Isn’t this a Godsent opportunity for me to get close to Ethan Sawyer?
Sawyer frowned. Whenever he was walking, he would often be approached by random strangers trying to get close to him.
The restaurant manager at the side was about to step forward to pull Declan away, but all of a sudden, Sawyer saw a familiar figure through the open door of the private room.
“Mr. Sawyer, I…” Declan wanted to say something, but…
“Get lost!” Sawyer had no time for him now. He simply pushed past Declan and hurried into the private room.

Chapter 64: Blind

Declan was caught off guard and began stumbling away, but he definitely didn’t dare to get angry. As soon as he regained his balance, he saw a person standing behind Sawyer, and his eyes lit up.
“Mr. Davis! You’re here too…” Declan hurriedly greeted Flynn Davis.
“Shut up!” Davis similarly pushed past him. Without even looking at Declan, he hurried into the private room.
Sawyer rushed into the private room and looked at Lucas, who was sitting on a chair. He smiled and bowed. “I never expected to run into you here today, Mr. Gray. It’s such a coincidence. I happen to be treating some friends to a meal here today. Please grant me the honor of having a meal with you.”
Davis greeted too. “Hello, Mr. Gray.”
He almost addressed Lucas as chairman, but he held it back because he recalled Lucas’s instructions not to reveal his identity.
Lucas looked at Sawyer and Davis and grinned mirthlessly. “Mr. Sawyer, you booked the entire restaurant for yourself just for a meal. I don’t dare to stay.”
Sawyer was puzzled. “Booked the entire restaurant? Who said that?”
The manager at the side immediately shuddered, thinking that his plan to cozy up to Ethan Sawyer by bootlicking had failed.
The manager stood up and smiled. “I was just scared that others might ruin your mood, but I didn’t know that this gentleman here is your friend. I’m very sorry!”
The restaurant supervisor at the side also turned pale in shock. Actually, it was considered a common practice of their restaurant. Ethan Sawyer was the big boss of the restaurant, and since he was hosting some guests, the staff drove everyone away.
However, he didn’t know that one of the guests he had driven away was Ethan Sawyer’s friend. This is horrible!
The waiter who came over to clear the room was so scared that he started shuddering in fear and was on the brink of tears.
He was just a waiter, and these things had nothing to do with him…
“Mr. Sawyer, I’m very sorry…” The supervisor hurriedly bowed and apologized to Lucas.
However, Sawyer directly interrupted him, “Enough. Since you’ve offended a distinguished guest, you’re fired. Go collect your salary and leave!”
The manager and supervisor wanted to plead for leniency. But when they saw the stern expression on Sawyer’s face, they were too scared to say anything and had no choice but to hang their heads low and go to the HR department to handle the procedures.
Meanwhile, the waiter really felt like crying.
“Forget it.” Lucas waved his hand. “They just assumed that that was what you wanted. I wasn’t offended either.”
With a look of embarrassment, Sawyer said smilingly, “I will instruct them to pay more attention in the future and never repeat such a mistake again.”
After that, Sawyer glared at the three people in front of him, “What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and thank Mr. Gray. If he hadn’t spoken up for you, you would have lost your jobs! Remember, don’t do such things again in the future. I’m not that demanding!”
Hearing Sawyer’s words, the restaurant manager, the supervisor, and the unlucky waiter hurriedly bowed to Lucas and thanked him. “Thank you for being so generous, Mr. Gray! Thank you so much!”
This scene made Declan Adams and Estelle Brooke, who were standing at the entrance of the private room, stare wide-eyed at them!
None of them expected that Ethan Sawyer, the richest man in Orange County, and Flynn Davis, the general manager of the Stardust Corporation, would actually swallow their pride in front of Lucas.
They tried to fire the manager and supervisor because they thought that they had offended Lucas. However, the staff were saved by Lucas’s words.
How can he be an ordinary person? Declan felt that he was dreaming.
In particular, a few minutes ago, he still treated Lucas as a loser who was just sponging off a woman. He even talked to him condescendingly.
Thinking of this, Declan wanted to give himself a few slaps!
“Um… Mr. Gray, I’m so sorry for offending you just now. Please let me off on Charlotte’s account and pardon me for my ignorance.” Declan Adams bowed to Lucas carefully.
Seeing her husband stooping so low, Estelle couldn’t help but be furious. However, she also knew that someone who could make Ethan Sawyer and Flynn Davis stoop low too must be extraordinary and reckoned that she probably could not afford to provoke him.
At the thought of this, Estelle glared at Charlotte with jealousy and resentment. What right does this woman whom my husband doesn’t want have to find a boyfriend who’s even more impressive than Declan?
After hearing Declan’s words, Lucas smiled. “I’m just a jobless man waiting to sponge off a woman. How can I compare to you, Mr. Adams, who’s so close to Mr. Davis of the Stardust Corporation?”
As soon as Declan heard this, he broke out in a cold sweat.
Earlier, he had blindly bragged in front of Charlotte and Lucas, saying that he had a good relationship with Davis and would help Charlotte talk to him so as to help her get promoted. However, the truth was that Davis didn’t know him at all!
The worst thing was that Davis was right here! Wouldn’t his lie be exposed then?
As he had expected, Davis looked at Declan in bewilderment and asked with a frown, “Who are you?”
These three simple words were like a loud slap on Declan’s face!
Declan’s face began to heat up, and he hurriedly said, “Mr. Davis, I’m from the Sunshine Corporation, and I’m here in Orange County to discuss the cooperation with your company…”
Davis had long heard what happened. He also understood that Declan must have offended Lucas and even deliberately bragged about being close to him. Someone like him wants to cooperate with the Stardust Corporation? He can forget about it!
Davis interrupted Declan, “The Stardust Corporation will not cooperate with you. From now on, we will reject all business dealings with you! Please leave.”
Declan immediately stiffened.
But at this moment, Sawyer added, “The same goes for the Sawyer Corporation. From now on, we will refuse any cooperation related to the Sunshine Corporation!”
The two big shots spoke at the same time and turned down all cooperations with the Sunshine Corporation, making Declan frightened speechless!
This time, he came to Orange County on his family’s orders to sign a cooperation agreement with the Stardust Corporation to expand the business scope of the Sunshine Corporation to Orange County.
When his family finally handed the task to him, he was full of confidence, thinking that he would definitely be able to clinch the deal with his good looks and even expand into Orange County.
However, before he did anything, he was condemned and declined by Flynn Davis, the general manager of the Stardust Corporation, and Ethan Sawyer, the richest man in Orange County, all because of this incident!

Chapter 65: Proposing on the Street

Declan’s face was pale. He had completely foiled the matter regarding the cooperation. How could he face the people in the company when he returned?
Hearing this, Estelle panicked too. “You guys can’t be such bullies! Mr. Davis, you clearly promised to cooperate with our company prior to this, which is the reason we rushed all the way here. How can you go back on your words?”
Davis frowned impatiently. “When did I promise to cooperate with you?”
Estelle said indignantly, “When my father called your company a few days ago, you clearly promised to consider cooperating with us!”
When Davis heard that, he was irked yet amused.
He didn’t remember promising to cooperate with the Sunshine Corporation, but it turned out that they had taken to his excuse, which was just a common response given to all companies.
Thinking of this, Davis lost interest in arguing with the ignorant Estelle. He simply beckoned the waiter to bring them out.
Feeling indignant, Estelle wanted to say something, but Declan hurriedly stopped her and dragged her out of Lion Restaurant.
“Why are you stopping me? I haven’t suffered this kind of mistreatment since I was a child!” Estelle slammed her Hermes bag against the floor and threw a tantrum.
“Ah, I’m doing this for your own good. If you keep prodding and end up pissing off Flynn Davis, the Sunshine Group will be in huge trouble too. Your father might be implicated as well,” Declan said as he picked up Estelle’s handbag and patted the dust off of it for her.
“He’s not as impressive as you make out to be. He’s just the general manager of a company in Orange County. What’s the big deal?!” Estelle was agitated.
“Hey, pipe down!” Declan hurriedly pulled Estelle to the side, fearing that others might hear what she said.
After looking around and realizing that there was no one around, he whispered into Estelle’s ears, “If it’s just Flynn Davis alone, it’s not a big deal. But the Stardust Corporation is not simple at all. It’s backed by the Huttons, one of the eight wealthiest families of the capital! You should have heard of how powerful and rich they are.”
Estelle had obviously heard of the Hutton family, who were well-known in the country.
She finally knew what the consequences of offending Davis were, and she couldn’t help but be a little terrified.
However, Davis was not in the mood to hold it against a small fry like her now.
Davis and Sawyer were standing in front of Lucas with respectful smiles and trying to persuade him to have a meal with them.
However, Lucas shook his head and declined. “No thanks. I’m having a meal with my friend here. You guys go ahead.”
Since Lucas refused, Davis and Sawyer naturally couldn’t stay behind any longer. Instead, they ordered the restaurant staff to prepare all the signature dishes as quickly as possible and send them to the private room where Lucas and Charlotte were.
Soon, various colorful delicacies that smelled heavenly were delivered to Lucas and Charlotte.
Charlotte looked at the sumptuous spread on the table, but she didn’t move her fork and knife.
After seeing that scene just now, she had a ton of questions for Lucas, but she didn’t know where to start.
“Didn’t you say you want to treat me to a meal? The dishes have been served. If you’re not going to dig in, I will.” Lucas didn’t care what was on Charlotte’s mind and instead just started eating casually by himself.
Charlotte picked up her utensils and began eating, but the thoughts in her mind made the food seem bland and tasteless.
Charlotte began to think about the details of events that occurred after Lucas’s return.
She thought of the large chest of expensive betrothal gifts that the Sawyers had delivered to her home and the fact that Ethan Sawyer said later on that they were thank-you gifts for Lucas.
Just now, Ethan Sawyer and Flynn Davis were obviously polite and subservient to Lucas, as though… Lucas was their superior. But was that possible?
Another incident was when they were at the kindergarten, and Lucas and Jordan displayed their terrifying combat skills. They even looked like they had killed and witnessed bloodshed before, as they could break limbs and fight without hesitating.
The day before yesterday, Lucas also saved her at the Luxe, and when they finally left, the security officers in the club looked at Lucas with horror and fear in their eyes.
What kind of a person is Lucas?
What exactly did he do during the years he was missing?
Charlotte was so absorbed in her own thoughts that she didn’t notice that she had been staring at Lucas for a long time.
After having his fill, Lucas wiped his mouth with a napkin. Then he realized that Charlotte was still staring at him blankly with her fork in her hand.
With raised brows, he knocked on the table. “Why do you keep staring at me? Do I have food on my face?”
Only then did Charlotte suddenly snap back to her senses. Her face turned red, and she hurriedly lowered her head to polish off the food on her plate.
Unfortunately, she didn’t even put any food on the plate and was just pretending to eat to hide her embarrassment.
“There are so many dishes in front of you. Do you prefer eating air?” Lucas asked in bewilderment.
“It’s none of your business!” Charlotte hollered, angry because of her embarrassment.
After that, Charlotte suddenly felt that she and Lucas were finally back to the way they were before, and she felt a sudden sense of relief.
Forget it. No matter who he is, it’s enough as long as he treats Cheyenne and our family well.
In the afternoon, Lucas drove to the Brilliance Corporation to pick up Cheyenne from work.
Although Cheyenne was very familiar with the Brilliance Corporation, and there was no need for her to be ferried to and fro, Lucas still wanted to do his best to fulfill his responsibilities as a husband.
After waiting outside the Brilliance Corporation for a while, Lucas saw Cheyenne coming out with a crowd and was about to walk up to her…
All of a sudden, a man dressed fancily rushed forward and knelt on one knee in front of Cheyenne.
“Seth Miller?” Cheyenne was stunned beyond words.
Seth raised the diamond ring nestled in a box in his hand and gazed at her affectionately. “Cheyenne, I genuinely adore you! So much has happened at home lately, but I still can’t forget you! I think about you all day, and I even dream of you at night. Every day has been so bittersweet for me!
“So, I’ve decided to propose to you. Cheyenne, marry me! I will definitely bring you happiness!”
Many staff of the Brilliance Corporation and passersby surrounded them upon the sight of the street proposal. They started taking photos and cheering loudly, “Say yes! Marry him!”
Cheyenne was so furious that her face turned red, and she snapped, “Seth Miller, what are you trying to do? I’ve already told you I’m married. I have a husband and a daughter. I won’t marry you!”
Huh? He’s proposing to a married woman on the street?
That’s exciting!
More and more people started crowding around them, and many of them even began imagining countless versions of horrible storylines.
Chapter 66: Overbearing Bully

Overwhelmed with exasperation, Cheyenne clenched her fists so tightly that her knuckles turned white.
She wanted to walk away directly, but she couldn’t do so at all because of the gossipy crowd surrounding them.
“I know, but your husband is a thorough wastrel. After going missing for so many years, he’s still a good-for-nothing who’s worlds apart from me! I’m different. I’ll definitely treat you well. I can give you what he can’t! That person isn’t worthy of you at all! I’m thousands of times better than him!” Seth exclaimed loudly, wishing he could undermine Lucas as much as possible.
“Enough! I don’t want to hear you talk anymore! Do you know him? What right do you have to say anything about him?” Cheyenne retorted coldly, full of disdain toward Seth for thinking that he was thousands of times better than Lucas.
Seth couldn’t hold a candle to Lucas, but even if he was really better than Lucas, it had nothing to do with her.
At this moment, Cheyenne’s eyes widened in surprise because Lucas was squeezing through the crowd and walking toward her step by step.
“Why are you here?” Cheyenne looked at him in surprise.
“Lucas Gray!” Seth glared at the uninvited guest hostilely, completely forgetting that Lucas was Cheyenne’s rightful husband.
“I’m here to pick you up to go home.” Lucas looked at Cheyenne and handed her a ring made out of grass. “I saw this along the way, so I made you one.”
It was a small ring woven of thin strands of green grass with a small purple flower in the middle.
The crowd craned their necks and looked over, after which they couldn’t help but burst into laughter.
“Oh my god! Do people still weave rings out of grass these days?”
“That’s so lowly! If he can’t afford a diamond ring, he should at least buy a gold ring or a platinum ring, right? A glass ring is worthless!”
“No wonder this man said that he’s thousands of times better than the other man. It really seems to be the case!”
“It’s such a huge difference. This man proposed with a diamond ring that’s at least a few carats, while the other proposed with a grass ring. Oh my god. Any woman would know who to choose!”

But to everyone’s surprise, Cheyenne reached out and grabbed the grass ring Lucas handed her and put it on her finger.
“I like it a lot. Thank you!” She smiled at Lucas radiantly.
“What? That woman actually chose the grass ring!”
“Are you serious? Is there really a woman in this world who would choose a grass ring over a diamond ring? I don’t believe it!”
“Tsk, what a beautiful yet silly girl. Why didn’t I meet her earlier? Ah, such a pity! That rascal got an advantage!”
All of a sudden, everyone looked at Cheyenne like they were looking at a fool before looking at Lucas in envy!
This rascal is too lucky!
Ignoring the bizarre gazes on him from the people standing around them, Lucas took Cheyenne’s hand and walked away.
Boiling with fury, Seth glared at the two of them from behind and watched them leave.
“Lucas Gray! You loser, I won’t let you go!” Seth barked while gritting his teeth.
Lucas and Cheyenne got into the car and headed to the kindergarten to pick Amelia up.
Upon seeing her parents picking her up together, Amelia grinned widely and sprinted toward them. “Daddy! Mommy!”
Lucas walked forward, picked Amelia up, and held her in his arms.
Cheyenne originally wanted to say that Amelia was already six years old and didn’t need to be carried all the time, but when she saw how happy and excited Amelia was, she couldn’t bring herself to say it.
Amelia had been looking forward to having a father for a long time, and now that she finally got closer to him, Cheyenne decided to just let them be.
The three of them got into the car and headed home.
Throughout the journey, Amelia couldn’t contain her excitement and chattered incessantly about the new things that happened at school today. Although they were just some childish things, both of them were happy to hear her talk about them.
Lucas was smiling, but he suddenly noticed that Cheyenne did not look too well. She was frowning slightly and seemed to be out of sorts. She only returned to her senses when Amelia shook her hard.
Lucas inwardly frowned and asked seemingly casually, “Did something happen at the office today?”
“Huh?” Cheyenne was in a trance again, and she finally realized that Lucas was asking her a question.
Hanging her head low, she stroked Amelia’s head and tried to seem relaxed. “Nothing. Everything’s going well.”
Seeing her reaction, Lucas was even more certain that something must have happened to her at the Brilliance Corporation.
However, he didn’t state it explicitly. Upon returning home after dinner, Cheyenne said hesitantly, “I have to go out to do something. I’ll be home late.”
Lucas was a little surprised because Cheyenne almost rarely went out at night. She didn’t like shopping or socializing, and she would spend most of her free time at home with Amelia, apart from the occasional overtime.
“Where are you going? I’ll give you a lift,” Lucas offered.
Cheyenne shook her head. “No, it’s alright. I’ll get a cab. Stay home and accompany Amelia.”
Lucas gazed at her and nodded.
After Cheyenne left, Lucas immediately called Davis.
“Find out what happened to Cheyenne at the Brilliance Corporation today and inform me right away.”
Davis shivered. “Yes, Mr. Gray!”
Lucas had always been very concerned about matters involving Cheyenne. Davis dared not be negligent as he hurriedly instructed his subordinates to find out.
As a result, when the details of the matter were reported to him twenty minutes later, Davis turned pale.
Even Davis was irked and angry after reading it. What more Lucas, who cared a lot about Cheyenne?
Davis carefully told Lucas what happened. And just as he expected, Lucas flew into a rage and almost crushed his phone into pieces.
“Um… Mr. Gray, I’ll order them to handle it immediately and cancel that task for Miss Carter, alright?” Davis asked carefully.
“That’s not necessary. It’s too late.”
Lucas hung up with a gloomy expression and hurriedly said something to Amelia before rushing off somewhere.
Lucas’s gaze was cold. After he made Davis acquire the Brilliance Corporation, he had merely fired all the Carters who were employees instead of conducting a purge.
Yet someone was now bullying Cheyenne!
The place Cheyenne was going tonight was a company named Heaven Media, a famous company helmed by Brad Douglas’s father!
The task Cheyenne received was to discuss cooperation with Heaven Media. If she failed to complete it, she would be kicked out of the Brilliance Corporation!

Chapter 67: His Last Name Is Douglas Too

Cheyenne was just a low-level employee who held little authority and did not have a say at the Brilliance Corporation now. So she couldn’t decline the task at all.
Heaven Media was supposedly a film and television media company, and the company had signed many small-time artists. But in reality, it had failed to produce any decent films or television productions. The artists were more like escorts specialized in maintaining the social connections of Heaven Media.
Therefore, the office building of Heaven Media had extremely tacky decor. It was currently nighttime and thus even livelier than usual in the office. The small-time artists could be seen entertaining clients in every corner. Their behavior was frivolous and seductive, and the office seemed more like a nightclub.
Cheyenne frowned from the moment she stepped into the Heaven Media building.
But when she thought about the fact that she was here to discuss cooperating with Heaven Media, she had no choice but to look away and pretend not to see what was happening.
She walked straight to the front desk and inquired, “Hello, is Mr. Douglas available? I’m Cheyenne Carter from the Carter Corporation, and I’m here to discuss our cooperation with him.”
The woman at the front desk scanned Cheyenne from head to toe with obvious contempt in her eyes.
“Mr. Douglas is available. Come with me,” the receptionist said, as if she was already used to such matters. She then led Cheyenne to a private room upstairs.
As soon as the door was pushed open, the pink and purple walls and lights almost blinded Cheyenne.
Cheyenne stood at the door of the private room without going in and looked at the receptionist in confusion. “Um… I’m here to talk about business. Shouldn’t we go to an office for the discussion?”
The decorations and the facilities inside the room made it look just like a sordid entertainment joint, giving her a bad feeling.
“Is Miss Carter here? Come in,” said a domineering voice.
The receptionist gestured for Cheyenne to enter. “Mr. Douglas is waiting for you inside. Miss Carter, please.”
Cheyenne took a deep breath, bit the bullet, and entered the room in a dignified gait.
There was a middle-aged man of about fifty years old with a checkered shirt sitting on the couch. His hair was slightly sparse, and despite the smile on his face, he didn’t seem very affable or approachable.
He was Gordon Douglas, the chairman of Heaven Media and Brad Douglas’s father.
When he saw Cheyenne enter, a flash of amazement appeared in his eyes.
“Haha, Miss Carter, I’ve heard a lot about you. You’re worthy of being the greatest beauty of Orange County!” Gordon stood up and extended his hand toward Cheyenne.
Cheyenne extended her arm politely and shook his hand. “Hello, Mr. Douglas.”
She was about to let go, but she realized that Gordon was still holding her hand tightly. In fact, he even grazed his thumb against her hand.
“Indeed, you look even more beautiful up close in person. They all say that women look even more beautiful under the light. That’s indeed true.” Gordon chuckled with his eyes glued to Cheyenne’s face.
Cheyenne frowned, thinking that Gordon Douglas had already crossed the line.
“You’re being too polite,” Cheyenne said calmly while retracting her hand.
If not for the cooperation, Cheyenne wouldn’t even have bothered to talk to him. She would have long opened the door and left.
“Mr. Douglas, I’m here today mainly for the cooperation between the Brilliance Corporation and your company. As you know, the Brilliance Corporation and the Stardust Corporation reached a long-term strategic partnership a few days ago. Enterprises and companies of various sizes have extended their invitations to us to seek cooperation. I won’t say much about the development prospects of the Brilliance Corporation. We hope to achieve win-win cooperation with the major companies. What do you think?” Cheyenne said politely in a businesslike manner.
During the banquet two days ago, the Brilliance Corporation became a famous company in the county with whom everyone vied to cooperate.
In fact, the cooperation invitations of the various companies were already enough. There was no need for her to specially go to Heaven Media to discuss.
After all, there were many companies wanting to cooperate with the Brilliance Corporation, and if Heaven Media rejected them, it would be their own loss.
“Haha, I know what you mean, Miss Carter. The Brilliance Corporation is now very famous!” Gordon sat down on the couch again, leaned back against it, and pointed to the seat beside him. “Have a seat too, Miss Carter.”
Cheyenne frowned inwardly and sat down on the other couch beside the coffee table.
Gordon Douglas acted as if he didn’t see it at all. He picked up two glasses of champagne from a tray nonchalantly and gave one to Cheyenne.
“Miss Carter, you came here personally to discuss cooperating. Of course, I have to discuss it with you on your account. You want to cooperate? No problem! We can sign the contract in a bit! Let’s toast to our happy cooperation!” Gordon said straightforwardly.
Cheyenne was a bit surprised. She initially thought that the cooperation would definitely fail, but she didn’t expect him to agree so quickly.
Seeing the wine glass being handed to her, Cheyenne grabbed it and clinked her glass with
Gordon’s. “Thank you, Mr. Douglas. Here’s to our happy cooperation!”
Gordon laughed and finished the champagne in one gulp. “I’ve downed my glass. Miss Carter, help yourself.”
Since Cheyenne couldn’t turn him down, she could only drink it. Fortunately, it was not high in alcohol content.
Gordon grinned. “I heard that you’re married, Miss Carter, and your husband is a live-in sonin-law.”
Cheyenne frowned slightly, not knowing why he suddenly brought up this matter. Nevertheless, she nodded to express assent. “I didn’t expect you to have heard about my personal life.”
Gordon propped himself up with his hands on the couch. “Of course. Your husband is very capable!”
Cheyenne was confused by his answer. Does he know Lucas?
Cheyenne only just realized that Lucas was an extraordinary person during the banquet a few days ago. Based on what Gordon said, she wondered if he was friends with Lucas.
Cheyenne asked, “Mr. Douglas, are you friends with my husband?”
Hearing this, Gordon suddenly burst into laughter, as if he had heard a funny joke. “Hahaha. Friend? Of course not! Miss Carter, do you still remember what happened at the Luxe the day before yesterday?”
At the mention of the Luxe, Cheyenne obviously remembered everything that happened that day. Charlotte was abducted by Bryce, brought to the club, and almost violated… Wait!
The person who colluded with Bryce to abduct Charlotte was Brad Douglas!
He’s a Douglas too!

Chapter 68: Showing Up at the Door

Cheyenne was overwhelmed with shock for a long time before asking, “Mr. Douglas, what is your relationship… with Brad Douglas?” Gordon smiled. “He’s my incompetent son.”
Cheyenne suddenly clenched her fist.
This chairman of Heaven Media in front of her was actually the father of Brad Douglas!
Since Gordon asked about Lucas, he definitely knew who Lucas was!
Gordon continued, “It’s because of your capable husband, Lucas, that my unfilial son has become the laughingstock of all of Orange County! Miss Carter, what do you think I should do in return?”
Gordon’s wry and insincere smile made Cheyenne feel a chill run down her spine.
If Cheyenne still didn’t understand by now that he wasn’t intending to discuss cooperating with her, she would be a huge fool!
“No!” Recalling the half cup of champagne she just drank, Cheyenne stood up abruptly, her expression drastically changed.
However, as soon as she stood up, she felt dizzy and couldn’t even stand straight.
“You!” Cheyenne glowered at Gordon furiously. But before she could even finish saying anything, she blacked out and fell onto the couch.
“Hmph.” Standing beside the couch, Gordon looked down at Cheyenne, who had already passed out because of the medicine, and a vicious and sinister expression appeared on his face. “Lucas Gray, you’ve hurt my son and tarnished his reputation, so you’ll have to pay the price!”
On the way, Lucas sped as fast as he could in his Jaguar, rapidly weaving through the traffic. It took him less than twenty minutes to reach the Heaven Media office building.
It had been more than half an hour since Cheyenne had left.
He couldn’t reach Cheyenne on the phone, so he didn’t know if she was safe currently.
If anything really happened to Cheyenne, he would definitely make everyone in the Douglas family die with her!
Lucas’s gaze was cold, and he had a murderous aura as he kicked the door of the Heaven Media office building with all his might.
“Hey! Who are you?” The pretty receptionist stood up in a flustered manner and retreated.
However, Lucas was already standing right in front of her. “Did a woman named Cheyenne come here earlier? Where is she now?”
Lucas’s gaze was horrifying, and he looked like he wanted to devour someone. The receptionist was so frightened that she started shuddering in shock. However, she dared not speak up. Mr. Douglas specially brought that woman named Cheyenne to the private room. They’re definitely still doing the deed now. I’m just a receptionist. How can I let someone go and stop them?
Lucas’s patience was running thin, and he kicked the marble table at the side. The solid marble table immediately shattered into bits like tofu before collapsing in the middle!
The pretty receptionist’s body was shaking violently, and she was so frightened, her legs turned weak. She fell onto the ground, petrified with fear. He kicked the solid marble table and managed to make such a big hole in it. If he kicks me…
At this moment, she could no longer care about how terrified she was of Gordon Douglas. The man in front of her was too terrifying!
“S-she’s upstairs… in the private room…” the receptionist said while shivering, suddenly finding the cold aura even more terrifying.
Lucas left the front desk, leaving the horrified receptionist behind, and walked directly toward the stairs.
“Who dares to create trouble here in Heaven Media?” A bunch of security officers rushed out to stop Lucas.
“Hmph, tell Gordon Douglas to come out!” Lucas didn’t take those insignificant security officers seriously at all.
“How dare you call the chairman by his full name!” the captain of the security officers hollered as the security officers surrounded Lucas.
The manager of Heaven Media hurriedly ran upstairs and reported from outside the private room, “Mr. Douglas, a young man has barged in and demands to see you and Miss Carter! He’s very proficient in fighting, and I’m afraid our security officers won’t be able to stop him!”
“Oh?” Gordon knew who had come as soon as he heard it, and a playful smile appeared on his face.
“Tell him to come up. I’ve prepared a big gift for him here!”
The manager hesitated slightly. But as he thought about the means that Gordon Douglas usually resorted to, he answered respectfully, “Yes, Mr. Douglas!”
The manager rushed downstairs and was ready to ask the security officers to stand down, only to realize to his horror that not a single security officer in the lobby could stand!
The manager felt his blood turn cold. Facing Lucas’s icy-cold gaze, the manager felt like he was about to collapse onto the ground.
“M-Mr. Douglas w-would like you to go up-upstairs,” the manager stammered, his teeth chattering due to his fear.
At this moment, Lucas’s aura was too terrifying. A single glance was scary enough to make him shiver.
After shooting him a hostile glance, Lucas headed upstairs.
Jordan appeared at the door behind him, holding a person’s ankle like this man was a dead dog drenched in blood. He dragged him through the door and followed Lucas upstairs without saying a word.
The manager pressed his body against the wall and only heaved a sigh of relief and sat down after the two walked past him. His heart pounded rapidly as he looked at the trail of blood left behind on the floor.
After Lucas and Jordan went upstairs, many small-time artists and rich clients, who had been hiding and watching, finally started whispering to each other.
“This is the business of the Douglases. Who dares to be so brazen as to create trouble here?”
“Those two are just too young and have a death wish!”
“Exactly. The Douglas family is powerful and has connections with all the gangs. Even we don’t dare to mess with them. Those two youngsters probably won’t even know how they died!”
As the discussion got heated downstairs, Lucas and Jordan had already arrived upstairs.
The door of the private room opened. Gordon was sitting on the leather couch nonchalantly. Upon seeing the two of them, he narrowed his eyes and sized them up. Hah, just two young punks. How dare they beat my son so badly?!
Gordon snapped his fingers, and a muscular and burly man more than two meters tall waked over from the side and stood next to him.
When the muscular man walked, the floor of the room trembled slightly. He was clearly trying to intimidate Lucas and Jordan.
However, Lucas did not even bother glancing at the tall and muscular man in front of him. Instead, he stared at the couch beside Gordon.
Cheyenne was lying on the couch. Fortunately, she was fully clothed, and there were no other traces on her body.
The tension in Lucas’s heart finally eased up.
“You should be glad that you didn’t touch her. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to sit here and talk to me now.” Lucas glared coldly at Gordon.

Chapter 69: Smashed With a Single Punch

Hearing this, Gordon smiled. “Young man, you’re very arrogant, huh?! However, I didn’t touch her precisely because I was waiting for you to come. I want you to see that scene with your own eyes! Watching your woman being violated and destroyed while you’re unable to do anything must be wonderful, wouldn’t it?!”
The murderous intent in Lucas’s eyes intensified. Initially, he wanted to be lenient with Gordon Douglas, but it now seemed unnecessary.
“Damn it! Old dog, what are you saying?!” Jordan flew into a rage and immediately wanted to charge forward to kill Gordon, but he was stopped by Lucas.
“I’m not as arrogant as you two. You abducted someone and drugged them. You guys seem to like this trick a lot. I wonder how your son felt when he got a taste of his own medicine. Do you want to have a try too? In any case, you’ve got a candidate here, so I might as well fulfill your wish.” Lucas narrowed his eyes as he glanced at Gordon and the muscular man beside him.
“Kid, you’re very gutsy!” Gordon was stunned for a moment but soon started laughing again despite his anger. “You’re just a live-in son-in-law of a lowly family. You’re a useless loser. Where did you get the courage to speak to me like that?! The Douglas family is well respected in the county. You’re not afraid of dying, huh?”
“The Douglas family is nothing.” Lucas sneered disdainfully, not taking the Douglas family seriously at all. “Also, you’re wrong. You’re the one who has a death wish. Who gave you the courage to touch my wife?”
“You’re on the brink of death, and you’re still so sharp-tongued, huh? I’ll see if your bones are as tough as your mouth!” Gordon sneered sinisterly and was about to beckon the muscular man beside him to make a move when…
“Jordan, what are you waiting for? Deliver the big gift we prepared for him,” Lucas shouted.
“Yes, Lucas!” Hearing his order, Jordan immediately flung the man he had been dragging along, and the bloodied body rolled toward Gordon. He was completely motionless, and it was unclear if he was alive or not.
Gordon glanced at the pathetic figure. His limbs had been broken, and he was lying limply on the ground. His face was also battered with bruises, and his flesh was badly mangled with blood all over the place, so much so that he was unrecognizable.
Gordon sneered and looked at Lucas and Jordan. “Where did you get this man from? Are you trying to scare me? I’ve been mingling among gangs for decades. I’m not that easily intimidated.”
Jordan couldn’t help but snicker and mock. “Old dog, you’d better open your dog eyes and take a good look. Otherwise, it’ll be the end of your family lineage.”
“What do you mean?” Gordon furrowed his brows.
“Don’t you have eyes? Can’t you see for yourself? There you go.” Jordan pointed his chin at the hideous figure.
Gordon lowered his head and pressed his foot against the bloodied figure on the ground. Then a familiar-looking gold pendant tumbled out.
Startled, Gordon hurriedly took a closer look. Indeed, there was the word ‘Douglas’ engraved on the pendant. It was the gold pendant his son had been wearing ever since he was a child!
Looking at the bloodied figure in front of him, he began to find him more and more familiarlooking, so familiar that his heart palpitated.
Gordon stood up abruptly and roared furiously, “Brad!”
Jordan grinned and said to Lucas, “Lucas, I’ve beaten him to the point that his old man can’t even recognize him.”
Lucas smiled. “Good job. I’ll reward you later.”
Gordon grimaced in rage. When he heard their words, he was so furious that he turned hysterical. “Good, great! You two brats, I must kill you! I’ll make sure you die without a complete corpse!”
Gordon hollered at the tall, muscular man beside him, “Go, beat them until they die! I’ll give you one-and-a-half million dollars! I want you to crush their bones and make them wail and repent!”
“Yes!” The burly and muscular man clenched his fist, and the sounds of his bones cracking immediately filled the air.
He took a few steps forward, and the entire ground of the room quaked a few times.
However, Lucas glanced at the muscular man calmly and said to Jordan, “I’ll leave it to you.” Without looking at him anymore, he walked toward Cheyenne.
After being ignored, the muscular man roared and raised his fist to punch Lucas hard on his head.
If the punch really landed on his head, it would definitely be smashed into bits!
Lucas remained calm, as if he didn’t notice the punch coming at him.
“Hmph, you’ve got a death wish! Wade is a king of underground boxing, and he can blow your head into pieces with a single punch! Let’s see how you can keep being arrogant!” Gordon’s lips twisted into a smirk, as though he could already see Lucas’s head getting smashed.
At this moment, a figure flashed out, and a faster fist slammed against Wade’s fist. With a loud bang, the muscular Wade was forced to retreat several steps.
At the same time, Wade shrieked in pain.
His right hand was hanging in front of his body at an extremely unnatural angle, and his right arm was quivering violently. His fingers and wrists were all broken!
Gordon’s eyes widened in disbelief.
Wade was a combat expert he had hired at a high price. With his fists alone, he had already crushed the heads of countless people.
Gordon Douglas paid this high price all for the sake of killing Lucas and taking revenge for his son.
However, not only did Wade fail to hit Lucas with his punch, he had the bones of his fingers and wrists broken by Jordan’s punch. How could Gordon stand it?!
In fact, he was already prepared to get Wade to beat Lucas Gray and then make him watch Cheyenne Carter get violated to appease the hatred in his heart.
Now, all his plans were foiled!
In contrast, Lucas ignored it. He simply walked to Cheyenne, picked her up in his arms, and then turned around to leave.
He didn’t want Cheyenne to stay in such a dirty place any longer.
“Hold it!” Seeing that Lucas was about to take Cheyenne away, Gordon obviously wasn’t willing to take it lying down.
“If you guys dare to step out of here, I will kill you immediately. Do you believe it?” Gordon grimaced.
All he heard was Lucas’s derisive sneer. “Hmph!”

Chapter 70: I Don’t Want to Die

“Hmph, what are you being arrogant about? You’re just a live-in son-in-law. So what if you have an impressive brother? Do you dare to touch me? Moreover, if the Douglases want to kill you, it’ll be a piece of cake!” Gordon hollered.
Jordan rushed forward and slapped Gordon on his lips. “How dare you be so arrogant in front of Lucas? I’m going to hit you!” How dare he threaten Lucas. He must have a death wish!
Gordon was dumbfounded by Jordan’s sudden slap. In the decades of his life, he had never been hit on the face before, especially not by a good-for-nothing’s sidekick!
Gordon was so furious that he wished he could kill the two of them immediately! Unfortunately, the expert he hired had his hand crippled.
“How dare you beat up the future successor of the Douglas family! There’s no need for your family to exist anymore!”
He thought that Lucas would be scrupulous and fearful, but Lucas simply laughed nonchalantly after hearing his words. “Do as you please. But you’re just throwing your weight around because of your family’s prestige. Do you think the Douglas family is a big deal? If your family is destroyed, do you think you’d still have the right to be so arrogant to me?”
“Haha, you want to destroy the Douglas family? You can dream on! Even the richest man in the county wouldn’t dare to say that he could destroy my family, let alone a loser like you!” Gordon looked at Lucas like he was a fool.
Lucas smiled, not wanting to speak anymore.
The Douglas family was insignificant to him.
It was a piece of cake for him to destroy the Douglas family.
Carrying Cheyenne in his arms, Lucas was about to leave when Gordon suddenly pulled out a Bergmann–Bayard automatic pistol and pointed the muzzle at him.
“Like I said, if you dare to leave this place, I will kill you immediately! Put her down! Or else don’t blame me for pulling the trigger!” Gordon shouted, appearing rather hysterical.
His plan for today was to avenge his son by making Lucas watch Cheyenne get violated. Before reaching his goal, he would not let them leave!
Besides, Jordan had just slapped him!
How could he, Gordon Douglas, stand such an insult?!
Now that he had his pistol in hand, he no longer feared anything.
Even if Lucas and Jordan were impressive fighters, they wouldn’t be faster than a bullet.
Lucas was really annoyed at this moment.
Since Cheyenne was safe and sound, he originally planned to let Gordon Douglas off with a light punishment. However, he didn’t expect him to be so ignorant. Since he has a death wish, I won’t be merciful to him!
Lucas glanced at the Bergmann–Bayard automatic pistol that Gordon was holding, but he wasn’t fazed by it at all. “Do you think you can shoot me with that tiny pistol?”
Lucas’s disdainful attitude irritated Gordon even more.
Gordon held up the pistol and said in annoyance, “What are you pretending for? I don’t believe you can dodge a bullet! If you put that woman down and kneel in front of me, I will consider giving you a way out. Otherwise, this pistol will shoot all three of you dead! I’ve been involved with gangs for a long time, so it’s not like I haven’t killed anyone before!”
It was clear that Gordon was threatening him.
Lucas remained unfazed. “If you have what it takes, you can try shooting me. If you can’t kill me, all the members of the Douglas family will die with you!”
Lucas’s tone was brimming with cold killing intent, and the temperature around him abruptly plummeted.
Lucas could not tolerate the fact that Gordon repeatedly tried to violate Cheyenne in front of him.
“Great! I gave you a chance! You’re the one who wants to die!” Gordon gritted his teeth with a menacing expression. He raised the pistol and was about to pull the trigger to shoot Lucas.
“Wait! Don’t shoot!” Wade, the muscular man at the side, suddenly interrupted. He glanced at Lucas with scruples and tried to stop Gordon.
“What? Do you want to betray me? Don’t forget. I paid you to be here, even though you were totally useless!” Gordon barked while glaring at Wade with reddened eyes.
Now, he just wanted to kill Lucas, and whoever stopped him would be his enemy!
“No, you can’t kill him at all! Do you think a gun is invincible? You won’t even hit him. And once you shoot, he won’t let you off. He won’t let me off either. I don’t want to die here!” Wade exclaimed with a frown.
“Hmph, I don’t believe it! You’re a useless good-for-nothing, and he’s just pretending to be powerful, yet you’re so scared. You’re such a coward! Get lost. I must kill him!” Gordon roared furiously.
Wade shook his head regretfully. “Since you insist on ignoring my advice, don’t blame me then.”
Before Wade finished speaking, he suddenly dashed at Gordon and strangled him from behind with his uninjured left hand.
“W-what are you doing!?!” Gordon panicked. He never expected Wade to bite the hand that fed him!
At the same time, both Lucas and Jordan were also a little surprised.
“Like I said, I just want to live. If you had shot, they definitely wouldn’t have let me go. If you refuse to take my advice, I’ll have to kill you first!” Wade tightened his grip on Gordon’s neck, causing the latter to choke and his eyes to roll backward.
The fear of death instantly surged in Gordon’s heart. At this moment, he no longer cared about taking revenge or restoring his pride. He just wanted to survive!
“Stop… I… I will listen… to you…” Gordon struggled to say a few words in a muffled voice.
Wade felt a tingling sensation on his wrist and subconsciously let go of Gordon.
He looked over in horror, only to see Lucas staring at them with a straight face and Jordan fiddling with the Bergmann pistol.
Jordan had grabbed the pistol in Gordon’s hand just now in an instant. Even Wade didn’t see how he actually moved!
Wade had no idea what struck his wrist either… In short, he didn’t get a clear glimpse despite having sharp vision.
This could only mean that Jordan’s combat skills were far superior to his!
If they really wanted to kill him, he’d never be able to escape!
After Gordon escaped from a close shave with death, his legs and feet went limp, and he collapsed onto the ground while covering his neck and panting heavily.
The threat of death had overwhelmed him with fear!
Chapter 71: Loyal Follower

After finally catching his breath, Gordon raised his head and saw that the pistol originally in his hand had somehow ended up in the hand of Jordan, who was opposite him.
At this moment, Jordan was pointing the muzzle at him and threatening to pull the trigger.
Gordon was stunned to the point of turning pale and sweating profusely. His body stiffened, and he dared not move at all, fearing that he might upset Jordan and cause him to pull the trigger and shoot him.
“Hah, weren’t you very arrogant just now? Is that all the guts you have?” Jordan sneered while looking at Gordon with disdain.
Gordon’s face turned red, but he no longer wanted to retort.
Suddenly, Wade did something that no one expected.
He suddenly knelt on one knee facing Lucas and bowed. “I, Wade Spartan, would like to pledge my allegiance to you. Please grant me permission to follow you!”
As soon as he said that, Gordon was dumbfounded, and he looked at Wade in disbelief.
As Wade’s employer, he was naturally aware of his origins. Wade was a king of underground boxing and known to be ruthless and unforgiving. There had been many times where he severely injured the opponents who challenged him in the ring.
Wade deserved his title as a king of underground boxing, and the price of hiring him once was hefty.
Now, such a strong man was actually kneeling in front of Lucas and asking to pledge allegiance to him!
Gordon felt like he was dreaming.
Lucas asked with slightly raised brows, “Why?”
Wade said seriously, “You are very strong. Although you didn’t make a move, I can feel that your aura is even more terrifying than the aura of the man beside you. I want to be the follower of a mighty figure!”
Lucas smiled. “That’s your reason. But why should I keep you by my side?”
“I can do anything you command, be it murder or arson. As long as you want me to, I will do it and ensure that it won’t cause you any problems!” Wade promised. This was what most people paid him to do anyway.
However, this was of no appeal to Lucas.
“I’m not interested,” Lucas declined without hesitation.
Not only was he not interested in murder and arson, but even if he were, he wouldn’t employ Wade.
“Um… I can be your bodyguard and protect you or protect the people around you,” Wade hurriedly said after some thought.
This statement made Lucas tempted.
He naturally did not need Wade to be his bodyguard. But Cheyenne and Charlotte had been getting into trouble lately, and things would have been different if they had someone to protect them.
As a king of underground boxing, Wade naturally had passable combat proficiency.
Although his bones had been broken by Jordan, he could still withstand it. Besides, the quick actions and reflexes he exhibited when he threatened Gordon meant that he was a smart man.
Lucas wasn’t afraid that he would betray him like he betrayed Gordon either. After all, for someone as strong as Wade, he would never betray someone stronger than him.
The only thing that he had to consider now was Wade’s background. If someone was deliberately trying to plant Wade beside him as a snitch, he naturally couldn’t keep him around.
Lucas thought about it and nodded. “I can consider it. I’ll look for you in the future.”
Overjoyed, Wade exclaimed, “Okay! Thank you, Mr. Gray!”
Gordon, who had seen everything, was extremely frustrated.
The thought of the expert he had hired at great cost deciding to betray him and defect to his enemy made him feel like vomiting blood.
“Wade, are you sure you want to betray me?” Gordon turned to Wade and said angrily.
But Wade smiled indifferently. “Betray? You must be mistaken, Mr. Douglas. I’m not your subordinate, and I haven’t received any money from you, so how can it be considered betrayal?”
Gordon was so furious that he started trembling. However, he really didn’t know how to retort.
Previously, he and Wade had agreed to settle the payment after completing the matter. It was true that Wade had not received a single cent from him yet.
Gordon gritted his teeth. “You! Don’t you regret your choice! If you choose that good-fornothing, you will be an enemy of the Douglases! Do you think you can stand up to us? We can always hire another group of experts!”
Lucas was tired of hearing these threats from Gordon. “You keep mentioning your family. Do you really think your family is that impressive? Without your family, you’d be nothing, Gordon Douglas!”
Gordon flew into a rage and shouted, “Hmph, you’re just a boor who beats others all the time. How would you know how horrifying my family is? The Douglas family is a first-class family in Orange County, and we are incredibly wealthy and well-connected. We can crush you with just a finger! When the time comes, and the Carters are annihilated, you will regret what you’ve done today!”
Hearing these words, Jordan deliberately pretended to be frightened and wrapped his arms around himself. “What should we do? Lucas, I’m so scared!”
Seeing this, Gordon stood up from the ground and held his head up high proudly. “Hmph, you’re scared, huh? It’s not too late to regret it! Leave that woman behind, kneel down in front of me, and kowtow three times, and I’ll consider sparing you!”
“Kowtow my ass! Dream on, you idiot!” Jordan immediately stopped pretending and walked up to kick Gordon to make him wake up.
“Forget it.” Lucas glanced at Gordon coldly like he was looking at a dead man. “When the
Douglas family falls, he won’t be able to be arrogant anymore.”
After saying this, Lucas stopped caring about Gordon and left with Cheyenne in his arms.
Jordan and Wade hurriedly followed behind him.
With a burly and muscular man like Wade behind them, when they left the Heaven Media office, no one dared to step forth to stop them at all.
Gordon was the only one who failed to get anything after painstakingly setting everything up. He even got angered and had to see his son dragged to him, all battered with bruises.
Gordon was enraged. He yelled at his men to call for an ambulance to take Brad to the hospital while smashing everything in the room to vent his anger.
Meanwhile, Jordan followed behind Lucas and asked, “Lucas, seems like that idiot won’t give up. Why didn’t you teach him a lesson so that he won’t dare to get any funny ideas?”
Wade hurriedly chimed in, “I can make him disappear from this world tonight if you’d like!”
Lucas shook his head with a smile on his lips. “No, we don’t have to do that. If we want to get rid of them, wouldn’t it be more interesting to make them kill themselves?”
Wade suddenly shuddered, thinking to himself that he had made the wisest choice of his life by not choosing to be Lucas’s enemy!

Chapter 72: Seize Everything

Lucas chose not to send Cheyenne back to her home because it’d be inappropriate since she was unconscious. In order not to make the Carters worry, he brought Cheyenne back to his residence in Orange County, Pearl Lakeside Villa.
On the way, Lucas called someone and said briefly, “Make the Douglas family disappear from Orange County within three days.”
“Yes!” Hearing Lucas’s voice, the person on the other end dared not be negligent at all.
At this moment, the Douglas family still had no idea that a calamity was about to strike them.
Gordon Douglas’s father, Hugo Douglas, was the patriarch of the Douglas family.
Although he had long ago handed over the major businesses owned by his family to his sons and no longer tended to them, he would occasionally ask about them.
At this moment, Hugo was lying relaxedly on a comfortable couch and flipping through newspapers.
When he saw the piece of news titled ‘The Stardust Corporation has settled a cooperation for a key project in Orange County’ in bold on the financial section of the newspaper, he took off his presbyopic glasses and sighed with some envy.
“The Douglases have been trying hard to clinch that project for such a long time, but we were never successful. The Stardust Corporation managed to get it instead. The Stardust Corporation is really something!”
Next to him, a man in his late forties grabbed the presbyopic glasses from Hugo, wiped them carefully, and put them into a glasses case. He then said, “It is indeed. The Stardust Corporation may have just settled in the country a short while ago, but its development is rapid. Not only do the businesses of various sizes in Orange County want to cooperate with it, but it even managed to clinch all the key projects. It’s really impressive!”
The middle-aged man was Hugo Douglas’s eldest son and Gordon Douglas’s elder brother, Chris Douglas.
Hugo watched Chris’s movements and smiled. “Put the glasses there. A servant will come to put it away later. Why do you bother doing that?”
“It’s not much trouble. After I pack them, it’s convenient for you to use them the next time.” Chris smiled. He had always been filial and took care of all of Hugo’s needs. He would do everything he could personally as far as possible and would not let others help.
“Since the Stardust Corporation has such great potential, why don’t we try cooperating with it?” Chris asked.
Hugo Douglas sighed. “Why? When the Stardust Corporation announced that it was looking for a partner in Orange County, we immediately sent someone over. Everything was going well previously, but two days ago, the Stardust Corporation suddenly changed its mind and gave us the cold shoulder.”
“W-what’s going on? Have we offended the Stardust Corporation in any way? Or is it so arrogant and lofty that it is looking down on us?” Chris frowned.
Hugo Douglas sighed. “Who knows? Anyway, we haven’t found out yet. Chris, when you have time, go and get in touch with Mr. Davis, the general manager of the Stardust Corporation. Try to ease our relationship with the Stardust Corporation and find out where the problem lies. Try to find some opportunity to cooperate with it too.”
“Yes, Dad. I’ll surely deal with Mr. Davis. Rest assured,” Chris hurriedly agreed.
“Yes, you’re definitely someone I can trust.” Hugo Douglas patted the back of his eldest son’s hand and nodded in satisfaction. “By the way, how’s the matter with Gordon and Brad going?”
Hearing his question, Chris smiled. “It should be fine. Yesterday, Gordon asked me to introduce a competent hitman to him. It’s a king of underground boxing who’s rather ruthless. He can deal with that insignificant Lucas Gray easily. They should have already taken revenge by now.”
Hugo nodded. “Okay, that’s good. How can we get bullied by that brat and let him get away with beating Brad so badly? If we don’t get revenge, won’t anyone dare to take advantage of us? However, you have to be careful. Don’t let Gordon go overboard. Don’t create extra trouble.”
“Okay, I know, Dad. Don’t worry. Gordon is my brother. I’ll certainly help him.” Chris nodded with a smile.
At this moment, someone from the Douglas family hurried over and exclaimed anxiously, “Bad news, Mr. Douglas Senior. Heaven Media, the Luxe, and several other entertainment joints and bathhouses have been seized!”
“What?!” Hugo stood up in shock, and his expression changed. “What’s going on? Why were they seized all of a sudden?”
The family member stammered, “Someone reported us and… they found some illegal items in the companies… Some of our artists have also exposed us and said that we forced them… Anyway, they found a lot of evidence against us!”
Chris suddenly stepped forward, grabbed him by the collar, and hollered furiously, “Didn’t I tell you long ago to hide those things that shouldn’t appear? Aren’t those artists under strict control? Why did they suddenly sue us?”
“I-I don’t know…” The family member looked at Chris, whose face was twisted into an angry grimace, and he was so scared that he started shivering in fear and was on the verge of tears.
“Oh dear, oh no…” Hugo muttered to himself as he thumped himself onto the couch.
The Douglases’ businesses were more or less related to the entertainment and sex industries. They were the mainstay of the family.
Of course, they could not operate these businesses openly. So on the surface, they were known as media companies and entertainment joints. But in private, they had a lot of dirty dealings.
Due to the Douglases’ extensive network of connections, they managed to escape the strict regulations and purges. However, they were nabbed out of the blue and accused with plenty of evidence against them today. This was simply unprecedented.
Besides, once all their misdeeds were exposed, it would absolutely result in a huge uproar, and the Douglases would definitely suffer huge losses even if they didn’t collapse!
Chris calmed down a little and said resentfully, “Dad, there’s definitely something wrong! If it was just one company and something terrible was exposed, we can blame it on our carelessness. But it’s absolutely not a coincidence that so many have been affected! Someone must be deliberately trying to harm us!”

Chapter 73: Douglas Family Conference

Hugo nodded. Chris was right. There had to be more than meets the eye!
If they didn’t resolve it properly, the Douglases would suffer heavy losses!
“The situation is urgent. Call everyone over immediately for a meeting to discuss countermeasures!” Hugo shouted.
Soon, all the direct descendants of the Douglas family and the top executives of the companies were all gathered in the Douglas family mansion.
Almost all of the companies under the Douglases’ name had been seized. These people had naturally heard of it since it had blown up to such a huge extent. Hugo Douglas even called for a meeting late at night. It was definitely because of that matter.
Hugo sat in the middle of the couch and looked around at the dozens of people standing in the living room. His eyes narrowed. “All of you, tell me the truth. Did you do anything to offend a big shot recently?”
As soon as Hugo spoke, he asked about this matter, and everyone started guessing that the Douglases must have offended a formidable figure of status, which led to the crisis. However, most of their businesses were illegal, so who knew if they had unintentionally offended someone?
For example, two years ago, a Douglas saw a beautiful girl dressed in simple and normal clothes, so he resorted to some means to get her to one of their companies, only to find out later that she came from an extraordinary family. In the end, the Douglases suffered enormous losses, had to apologize, and ended up owing many people favors in order to get the woman’s family to let them off.
Moreover, that was only because the woman didn’t get hurt too badly. Otherwise, the Douglases wouldn’t have been able to settle it so easily.
Of course, they didn’t get involved in such things often, and since the last incident, Hugo had also taught them a hard lesson.
However, slip-ups would happen every now and then. Who knew when they might have offended someone?
All of them shook their heads in unison.
“I don’t know. I’ve been behaving lately and haven’t done anything to offend anyone!”
“I haven’t either!”
“Me too. I didn’t offend anyone.”

Hugo narrowed his eyes as he looked at them threateningly. “I want to hear the truth! If I find out someone is lying to me, you’ll be kicked out of the family immediately!”
Hearing this, everyone panicked. But after racking their brains for a long time, they still couldn’t think of an instance where they had offended someone.
At this moment, Hugo suddenly noticed that someone was missing—Gordon Douglas.
“Where’s Gordon? Wasn’t he informed of the meeting?” Hugo questioned while looking at Chris with displeasure.
Chris hurriedly said, “I was about to report to you. But since everyone is gathered here for the meeting, I can’t say it out loud…”
Hugo’s face turned gloomy. “Speak. We’re all family, so there’s nothing you have to hide.”
Chris glanced around at the crowd listening attentively and sighed. “Gordon is in the hospital now. He has a broken toe and has suffered some injuries. Brad is also severely injured and is being resuscitated in the hospital…”
“What?” Hugo was astonished. His son and grandson had landed in the hospital, and Brad had even reached the point where he had to be resuscitated…
“Who did it?” Hugo asked with an angry expression.
Chris shook his head. “I don’t know. Gordon was really angry and didn’t say anything.”
At this moment, a Douglas suddenly said, “Gordon and Brad suddenly got injured tonight, and all our businesses were seized. Could there be any connection between the two?”
These words made everyone frown and sink into deep thought.
Indeed, if Gordon Douglas and Brad Douglas offended some big shot outside, got severely injured, and even caused all of the Douglases’ businesses to be seized, that would make sense!
Everyone turned to look at Hugo, who was exasperated. “Drag that sinful son back here at once!”

In Pearl Lakeside Villa, Orange County.
Flynn Davis called Lucas. “Mr. Gray, according to your instructions, all of the Douglases’ companies and joints have been seized. All the evidence has been collected, and there is no way they can deny it. This time, the Douglas family definitely won’t survive.”
Lucas expressed approval and said, “Good. I want them to perish for good.”
Davis hurriedly said, “Don’t worry about this. I’ve had people prepare a lot of evidence and photos, as well as videos of the victims’ complaints, all of which have been uploaded on the internet. It caused a massive uproar online and also attracted the attention of many departments. This time, even if the Douglases’ have wide connections in Orange County, it will definitely not help.”
Hearing this, Lucas was pleased.
Many of the nasty things that the Douglases did were challenging the law and going against ethics and morals. Once their dirty deeds were exposed, it would definitely result in outrage and public discussion. Even if the Douglases tried to suppress it, it would be to no avail.
“Has the matter over at the Brilliance Corporation been investigated?” Lucas suddenly asked.
“Yes, I was just about to report it to you. The person who sent Miss Carter to discuss the cooperation with Heaven Media was Jane Harper, Miss Carter’s former assistant and the current deputy head of the business department. As far as I know, she tried to make things difficult for Miss Carter several times today. Should we get rid of her?”
With an ice-cold gaze, Lucas said, “No, don’t fire her yet. I still need her for something.” Sacking her right away would be giving her an easy way out.
“Yes, Mr. Gray!”
Lucas put away the phone and glanced at the large bed at the side.
Cheyenne was lying on the bed, sound asleep.
She would frown at times and seemed to be unable to sleep peacefully.
Gordon Douglas had given her a strong sleeping pill. As long as she slept well, she should be awake by tomorrow morning.
Lucas walked to the side of the bed, bent over, and gently stroked Cheyenne’s forehead.
“I won’t let those who tried to harm you, including the Douglas family and Jane Harper, off. Sleep in peace,” Lucas whispered gently into Cheyenne’s ear.
As if she heard Lucas’s voice, the frowning Cheyenne in her sleep gradually stopped frowning and relaxed.
In the Douglas family mansion…
Gordon still had gauze wrapped around his toes and was helped into the hall.
Everyone waiting in the hall turned to look at him.
Gordon immediately saw Hugo in the middle. He quickly strode forward with a look of grief in his eyes, as though he had suffered great mistreatment.
“Dad, you have to help me! That rascal almost killed Brad, and he kept threatening me. The fighter I hired even turned against me and defected to him. If I weren’t lucky enough, I wouldn’t even be able to see you now!” Gordon exclaimed while pointing to the bruises on his neck.
However, Gordon didn’t hear the words of comfort he was expecting and instead received a loud slap on his face by Hugo.

Chapter 74: Punished Using the Family Laws

Gordon was dumbfounded by the sudden slap, and it took him a long time to react. Covering his face with his hand, he exclaimed, “Dad, why did you hit me?!”
Hugo said coldly, “Hit you? I really wish I could kick you to death! You son of a bitch, tell me, what have you done out there?!”
Gordon was naturally displeased. “What could I have done? I’ve been staying in the office! When I was bullied, you didn’t even ask the doctor about my condition. You just blamed me!”
Hugo barked angrily, “Hmph, you’re still trying to defend yourself, huh?! If you hadn’t fooled around outside and offended someone you can’t afford to offend, would we be facing this crisis today? Things have already gotten to this point, but you still won’t tell me the truth, huh?”
Chris tried to knock some sense into him. “Gordon, who have you offended? Just tell us.
Don’t provoke Dad any further. If you tell us, we can also come up with a solution for you!”
Chris’s words made Gordon lose his temper, and he vented all his anger on him. “Sure, I was wondering why I’m getting blamed and accused by everyone as soon as I came home. You must have been fanning the flames and deliberately trying to frame me! Chris, you’re just afraid that I’ll compete with you for the position of successor, so you deliberately set me up in front of Dad and the rest of the family, didn’t you?”
Hearing his words, Hugo became even more exasperated, and his blood pressure rose.
“Sinful son! Sinful son! If you still don’t repent, don’t blame me! This is the death of me!
Someone, punish him with the family laws! I must kill this unfilial son!”
“What? Family laws?” Gordon immediately widened his eyes in disbelief.
Only when a few family members moved a bench over and a burly man walked toward Gordon with a wooden mace did he believe Hugo!
His father was actually using the family laws against him!
Families like the Douglas family with a rich heritage would often have some family laws for constraining the behavior of the members.
However, people nowadays rarely used their family laws to punish their members.
The Douglas family’s most-used punishment tool was the terrifying mace that would form holes in your body. It was horrifying!
Seeing that two more family members were coming to take him and tie him to a bench under the order of Hugo, Gordon was terrified out of his wits and no longer cared about anything else. He immediately knelt in front of Hugo and begged for forgiveness. “Father, I was wrong! I won’t dare to disobey you anymore, and I won’t quarrel with Chris either. Please don’t punish me using the family laws! If you’re upset, you can scold me a few more times or slap me a few more times!”
Hugo looked at Gordon with a straight face and reprimanded, “Then tell me honestly what you’ve done and which big shot you’ve offended to cause our family to suffer such a great calamity.”
Gordon really wanted to cry. “Father, I really didn’t offend any big shot. I’ve been in the business for decades, so what kind of person could I have offended? Why would I be so ignorant as to offend a big shot? What’s wrong with the family? What calamity? I just came back. No one told me about it!”
Hugo waved his hand, and Chris stepped forward. “Just half an hour ago, all of our companies, clubs, bathhouses, and more were all seized, and there’s a lot of evidence against us. If we can’t find out which bigwig we’ve offended, our family will be destroyed!”
Gordon was shocked on the spot. He asked in disbelief, “How is that possible?! Our family has deep roots in Orange County, and we’ve established a wide network of connections long ago. Who would disregard our status and directly seize all of our companies?”
Looking at his son, Hugo roared coldly, “You think it’s impossible? Would we deliberately scare you with this kind of thing?! The most important thing now is to think carefully about who you offended!”
Gordon immediately panicked, but a word that Chris said just now appeared in his mind.
Right. Why does this word… sound so familiar?
Do you think the Douglas family is a big deal? If your family is destroyed, do you think you’d still have the right to be so arrogant to me?
Lucas had said these words to him with a sneer. Gordon was immediately reminded of it, but he was in disbelief.
“No… Impossible… How can he have the ability to destroy my family… That’s impossible!” Gordon’s eyes glazed over as he muttered to himself continuously.
After hearing his words, Hugo immediately grasped his main point. He narrowed his eyes and stared at Gordon. “Who are you talking about?”
Gordon blinked and looked at Hugo as though he was having a nightmare.
“I-it’s Lucas Gray, the son-in-law of the Carters. He beat Brad, so I nabbed his wife and wanted to get back at him. But he has an underling who’s a good fighter. He even threatened me by saying that he would destroy the Douglas family, but how is that possible? The Carters are a powerless third-rate family, and he’s a wastrel! Besides, he was the one who beat Brad badly and almost made the fighter I hired kill me instead…”
Gordon was rather muddled, but his words allowed everyone to get a clear idea of what happened.
Hugo kicked Gordon hard. “Indeed, the trouble was caused by you!”
After getting kicked, Gordon fell to the ground and shrieked in pain when his fractured toe hit the hard floor. However, facing Hugo’s rage, he could only explain, “But Dad, Lucas Gray is really a good-for-nothing! This must be a coincidence!”
“Good-for-nothing? Coincidence? You’re just a fool!” Hugo hollered angrily while looking at
Gordon with a resolute gaze. “Serve him the family punishment! Break his legs!”
“No, don’t, Dad! Please spare me!” Gordon panicked and begged loudly for mercy.
A few family members got the hint from Chris’s gaze. They went forward, pulled Gordon on top of the bench, and tied him with his face facing down. Then they hit him hard on his thighs with the mace.
“Ah!” The loud shriek of misery resounded in the Douglas family residence.
Hugo closed his eyes, unable to bring himself to watch this scene. However, the incessant cries made his face twitch.
“Dad, look, why don’t we spare Gordon? He didn’t do it on purpose…” Chris persuaded.
Hugo opened his eyes abruptly, and his gaze became firm again, “No, we must make Gordon go through the punishment! Take him with you tomorrow to see Lucas Gray to apologize. You must obtain his forgiveness!”
“Yes, Dad.” Chris agreed with a faint but peculiar glint in his eyes.

Chapter 75: Because I Like It

The next morning, Cheyenne’s eyelashes moved slightly, and she, who had slept through the entire night, slowly opened her eyes.
However, she didn’t wake up to the warm bedroom she was familiar with but a luxuriously decorated room completely new to her.
Cheyenne’s heart dropped. The last image she saw before losing her consciousness was the scene of her discussing the cooperation with Gordon Douglas of Heaven Media last night. After which, she downed a glass of champagne and then…
Have I…
Cheyenne’s expression changed drastically, and she screamed with her head in her hands!
The door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and a figure hurriedly rushed in. “Cheyenne, what’s wrong?”
Hearing Lucas’s familiar voice, tears welled up in Cheyenne’s eyes, and she immediately jumped into his arms. She hugged him tightly and burst into tears.
Lucas hurriedly embraced Cheyenne in his arms and patted her back to comfort her. “It’s alright. Nothing happened to you. You accidentally took some strong sleeping pills, which is why you slept until now. Nothing else happened. Don’t be afraid.”
After hearing this, Cheyenne finally returned to her senses from her extreme horror. She carefully sensed her body, and it seemed to be alright.
“But… I remember Gordon Douglas and that glass of champagne…” Cheyenne suddenly shivered at the thought of that scene.
“It’s okay. I rushed over yesterday and brought you home in one piece. That bastard Gordon Douglas will also be punished. You don’t need to be afraid anymore.” Lucas comforted Cheyenne warmly.
It was extremely normal for women to be flustered and terrified after encountering something like that.
After being comforted by Lucas, Cheyenne slowly regained her composure. Only after a while did she realize that she was hugging Lucas tightly.
“Ah.” Cheyenne hurriedly let go of him and turned away to wipe the tears off her face. She suddenly felt extremely embarrassed and shy. I actually took the initiative to jump into his arms and cry. How embarrassing!
Looking at Cheyenne’s back, Lucas could see that her tiny ears were already red even though he couldn’t see her expression clearly.
Lucas burst into laughter and coughed. “Um, I brought you back here last night, and it wasn’t convenient for me to help you change out of your clothes. There’s a bathroom in the room and some women’s clothes in the closet. Go and take a shower, and then come have breakfast.”
After saying this, Lucas went out and considerately closed the door after him.
Only after Lucas left did Cheyenne lift her hand and pat her warm cheeks while subconsciously smiling.
Cheyenne looked around the spacious and luxurious room and saw a huge floor-to-ceiling window with a balcony facing the south. To the east, there was a large closet the size of the wall.
Cheyenne leaped off the bed and opened the closet.
To her surprise, the closet was mostly filled with women’s clothes, and half of it was filled with clothes for little girls. There were very few men’s clothes.
The women’s clothes were all in her size while the children’s clothes were in Amelia’s size, all of which were exquisitely crafted and fashionable. Most of them were custom-made designer clothing by major luxury brands.
There was also a plethora of accessories such as handbags, shoes, hats, etc. It was simply a luxurious and impeccable closet that most women dreamed of owning!
Cheyenne suddenly figured out that all of this was prepared by Lucas for her and Amelia.
It turned out that Lucas had secretly prepared a lot of things by himself while she was clueless.
Previously, he wasn’t making empty promises when he swore that he would treat Cheyenne and Amelia well.
For some reason, Cheyenne suddenly felt her nose getting a little sore and a strong urge to cry.
After showering, she changed into a light yellow dress and walked out of the room, only to be stunned speechless by the exquisite decor in the luxurious villa.
The stairs were made of pure crystal, and there was a spacious and lofty dome, a chandelier inlaid with colorful gemstones, and elegant and exquisite antique artifacts. The entire villa was as lavish and opulent as a beautiful palace.
Looking at everything in astonishment, Cheyenne was suddenly at a loss for words.
Does all of this belong to Lucas?
“All of this belongs to us and Amelia. This is our home,” Lucas said softly with a smile as he walked toward Cheyenne.
Cheyenne’s face once again reddened, and she glared at Lucas. “I’m not your family.”
However, her flare wasn’t deterring or hostile. Instead, it was rather cute.
Lucas knew that Cheyenne would get shy easily, so he didn’t say anything else and brought her to the dining room.
The furnishings in the bright and open dining room were gorgeous and opulent. There was also a large floor-to-ceiling window facing outside, which allowed her to see the clear lake outside. The gentle breeze was blowing in slowly and caressing her face, making her feel relaxed and at ease.
Cheyenne saw that the table was covered in a snowy white tablecloth and a large spread of dishes on it.
There was fragrant porridge, sweet corn, fried eggs, crab sandwiches, and two glasses of milk.
Lucas pointed at the crab sandwich. “Sorry, I’m not good at making sandwiches, so these are store-bought and reheated. Don’t mind it.”
Cheyenne was even more shocked when she heard this. Pointing at the sumptuous breakfast spread, she asked, “You made all of this?”
Lucas nodded. “I don’t cook often, so my culinary skills are mediocre. Try them and see if they’re to your liking. If not, I’ll cook something else.”
Cheyenne was really speechless now.
After seeing Lucas’s wealth, she originally thought that some servants or cooks had prepared breakfast. But to her surprise, Lucas cooked everything himself!
A man who didn’t cook much actually whipped up a sumptuous feast for her. He was even worried that she might not like it and wanted to prepare a new set.
She was definitely touched.
At this moment, Cheyenne was overwhelmed with complicated emotions. She was feeling bittersweet.
“Why are you doing all of this for me?” Cheyenne asked, sobbing.
Lucas smiled. “Because I like you, so I want to treat you well.”
Cheyenne had no idea that Lucas had been carrying a torch for her for more than six years.
During his time in the army, Lucas managed to overcome those hardships and dangers time and time again because he kept himself going by thinking of Cheyenne until he reached where he was today.
After six years, his feelings for her had turned into love.
He, the God of War Lucas Gray, was willing to do so much for Cheyenne all because of his love for her!
Chapter 71: Loyal Follower

After finally catching his breath, Gordon raised his head and saw that the pistol originally in his hand had somehow ended up in the hand of Jordan, who was opposite him.
At this moment, Jordan was pointing the muzzle at him and threatening to pull the trigger.
Gordon was stunned to the point of turning pale and sweating profusely. His body stiffened, and he dared not move at all, fearing that he might upset Jordan and cause him to pull the trigger and shoot him.
“Hah, weren’t you very arrogant just now? Is that all the guts you have?” Jordan sneered while looking at Gordon with disdain.
Gordon’s face turned red, but he no longer wanted to retort.
Suddenly, Wade did something that no one expected.
He suddenly knelt on one knee facing Lucas and bowed. “I, Wade Spartan, would like to pledge my allegiance to you. Please grant me permission to follow you!”
As soon as he said that, Gordon was dumbfounded, and he looked at Wade in disbelief.
As Wade’s employer, he was naturally aware of his origins. Wade was a king of underground boxing and known to be ruthless and unforgiving. There had been many times where he severely injured the opponents who challenged him in the ring.
Wade deserved his title as a king of underground boxing, and the price of hiring him once was hefty.
Now, such a strong man was actually kneeling in front of Lucas and asking to pledge allegiance to him!
Gordon felt like he was dreaming.
Lucas asked with slightly raised brows, “Why?”
Wade said seriously, “You are very strong. Although you didn’t make a move, I can feel that your aura is even more terrifying than the aura of the man beside you. I want to be the follower of a mighty figure!”
Lucas smiled. “That’s your reason. But why should I keep you by my side?”
“I can do anything you command, be it murder or arson. As long as you want me to, I will do it and ensure that it won’t cause you any problems!” Wade promised. This was what most people paid him to do anyway.
However, this was of no appeal to Lucas.
“I’m not interested,” Lucas declined without hesitation.
Not only was he not interested in murder and arson, but even if he were, he wouldn’t employ Wade.
“Um… I can be your bodyguard and protect you or protect the people around you,” Wade hurriedly said after some thought.
This statement made Lucas tempted.
He naturally did not need Wade to be his bodyguard. But Cheyenne and Charlotte had been getting into trouble lately, and things would have been different if they had someone to protect them.
As a king of underground boxing, Wade naturally had passable combat proficiency.
Although his bones had been broken by Jordan, he could still withstand it. Besides, the quick actions and reflexes he exhibited when he threatened Gordon meant that he was a smart man.
Lucas wasn’t afraid that he would betray him like he betrayed Gordon either. After all, for someone as strong as Wade, he would never betray someone stronger than him.
The only thing that he had to consider now was Wade’s background. If someone was deliberately trying to plant Wade beside him as a snitch, he naturally couldn’t keep him around.
Lucas thought about it and nodded. “I can consider it. I’ll look for you in the future.”
Overjoyed, Wade exclaimed, “Okay! Thank you, Mr. Gray!”
Gordon, who had seen everything, was extremely frustrated.
The thought of the expert he had hired at great cost deciding to betray him and defect to his enemy made him feel like vomiting blood.
“Wade, are you sure you want to betray me?” Gordon turned to Wade and said angrily.
But Wade smiled indifferently. “Betray? You must be mistaken, Mr. Douglas. I’m not your subordinate, and I haven’t received any money from you, so how can it be considered betrayal?”
Gordon was so furious that he started trembling. However, he really didn’t know how to retort.
Previously, he and Wade had agreed to settle the payment after completing the matter. It was true that Wade had not received a single cent from him yet.
Gordon gritted his teeth. “You! Don’t you regret your choice! If you choose that good-fornothing, you will be an enemy of the Douglases! Do you think you can stand up to us? We can always hire another group of experts!”
Lucas was tired of hearing these threats from Gordon. “You keep mentioning your family. Do you really think your family is that impressive? Without your family, you’d be nothing, Gordon Douglas!”
Gordon flew into a rage and shouted, “Hmph, you’re just a boor who beats others all the time. How would you know how horrifying my family is? The Douglas family is a first-class family in Orange County, and we are incredibly wealthy and well-connected. We can crush you with just a finger! When the time comes, and the Carters are annihilated, you will regret what you’ve done today!”
Hearing these words, Jordan deliberately pretended to be frightened and wrapped his arms around himself. “What should we do? Lucas, I’m so scared!”
Seeing this, Gordon stood up from the ground and held his head up high proudly. “Hmph, you’re scared, huh? It’s not too late to regret it! Leave that woman behind, kneel down in front of me, and kowtow three times, and I’ll consider sparing you!”
“Kowtow my ***! Dream on, you idiot!” Jordan immediately stopped pretending and walked up to kick Gordon to make him wake up.
“Forget it.” Lucas glanced at Gordon coldly like he was looking at a dead man. “When the
Douglas family falls, he won’t be able to be arrogant anymore.”
After saying this, Lucas stopped caring about Gordon and left with Cheyenne in his arms.
Jordan and Wade hurriedly followed behind him.
With a burly and muscular man like Wade behind them, when they left the Heaven Media office, no one dared to step forth to stop them at all.
Gordon was the only one who failed to get anything after painstakingly setting everything up. He even got angered and had to see his son dragged to him, all battered with bruises.
Gordon was enraged. He yelled at his men to call for an ambulance to take Brad to the hospital while smashing everything in the room to vent his anger.
Meanwhile, Jordan followed behind Lucas and asked, “Lucas, seems like that idiot won’t give up. Why didn’t you teach him a lesson so that he won’t dare to get any funny ideas?”
Wade hurriedly chimed in, “I can make him disappear from this world tonight if you’d like!”
Lucas shook his head with a smile on his lips. “No, we don’t have to do that. If we want to get rid of them, wouldn’t it be more interesting to make them kill themselves?”
Wade suddenly shuddered, thinking to himself that he had made the wisest choice of his life by not choosing to be Lucas’s enemy!

Chapter 72: Seize Everything

Lucas chose not to send Cheyenne back to her home because it’d be inappropriate since she was unconscious. In order not to make the Carters worry, he brought Cheyenne back to his residence in Orange County, Pearl Lakeside Villa.
On the way, Lucas called someone and said briefly, “Make the Douglas family disappear from Orange County within three days.”
“Yes!” Hearing Lucas’s voice, the person on the other end dared not be negligent at all.
At this moment, the Douglas family still had no idea that a calamity was about to strike them.
Gordon Douglas’s father, Hugo Douglas, was the patriarch of the Douglas family.
Although he had long ago handed over the major businesses owned by his family to his sons and no longer tended to them, he would occasionally ask about them.
At this moment, Hugo was lying relaxedly on a comfortable couch and flipping through newspapers.
When he saw the piece of news titled ‘The Stardust Corporation has settled a cooperation for a key project in Orange County’ in bold on the financial section of the newspaper, he took off his presbyopic glasses and sighed with some envy.
“The Douglases have been trying hard to clinch that project for such a long time, but we were never successful. The Stardust Corporation managed to get it instead. The Stardust Corporation is really something!”
Next to him, a man in his late forties grabbed the presbyopic glasses from Hugo, wiped them carefully, and put them into a glasses case. He then said, “It is indeed. The Stardust Corporation may have just settled in the country a short while ago, but its development is rapid. Not only do the businesses of various sizes in Orange County want to cooperate with it, but it even managed to clinch all the key projects. It’s really impressive!”
The middle-aged man was Hugo Douglas’s eldest son and Gordon Douglas’s elder brother, Chris Douglas.
Hugo watched Chris’s movements and smiled. “Put the glasses there. A servant will come to put it away later. Why do you bother doing that?”
“It’s not much trouble. After I pack them, it’s convenient for you to use them the next time.” Chris smiled. He had always been filial and took care of all of Hugo’s needs. He would do everything he could personally as far as possible and would not let others help.
“Since the Stardust Corporation has such great potential, why don’t we try cooperating with it?” Chris asked.
Hugo Douglas sighed. “Why? When the Stardust Corporation announced that it was looking for a partner in Orange County, we immediately sent someone over. Everything was going well previously, but two days ago, the Stardust Corporation suddenly changed its mind and gave us the cold shoulder.”
“W-what’s going on? Have we offended the Stardust Corporation in any way? Or is it so arrogant and lofty that it is looking down on us?” Chris frowned.
Hugo Douglas sighed. “Who knows? Anyway, we haven’t found out yet. Chris, when you have time, go and get in touch with Mr. Davis, the general manager of the Stardust Corporation. Try to ease our relationship with the Stardust Corporation and find out where the problem lies. Try to find some opportunity to cooperate with it too.”
“Yes, Dad. I’ll surely deal with Mr. Davis. Rest assured,” Chris hurriedly agreed.
“Yes, you’re definitely someone I can trust.” Hugo Douglas patted the back of his eldest son’s hand and nodded in satisfaction. “By the way, how’s the matter with Gordon and Brad going?”
Hearing his question, Chris smiled. “It should be fine. Yesterday, Gordon asked me to introduce a competent hitman to him. It’s a king of underground boxing who’s rather ruthless. He can deal with that insignificant Lucas Gray easily. They should have already taken revenge by now.”
Hugo nodded. “Okay, that’s good. How can we get bullied by that brat and let him get away with beating Brad so badly? If we don’t get revenge, won’t anyone dare to take advantage of us? However, you have to be careful. Don’t let Gordon go overboard. Don’t create extra trouble.”
“Okay, I know, Dad. Don’t worry. Gordon is my brother. I’ll certainly help him.” Chris nodded with a smile.
At this moment, someone from the Douglas family hurried over and exclaimed anxiously, “Bad news, Mr. Douglas Senior. Heaven Media, the Luxe, and several other entertainment joints and bathhouses have been seized!”
“What?!” Hugo stood up in shock, and his expression changed. “What’s going on? Why were they seized all of a sudden?”
The family member stammered, “Someone reported us and… they found some illegal items in the companies… Some of our artists have also exposed us and said that we forced them… Anyway, they found a lot of evidence against us!”
Chris suddenly stepped forward, grabbed him by the collar, and hollered furiously, “Didn’t I tell you long ago to hide those things that shouldn’t appear? Aren’t those artists under strict control? Why did they suddenly sue us?”
“I-I don’t know…” The family member looked at Chris, whose face was twisted into an angry grimace, and he was so scared that he started shivering in fear and was on the verge of tears.
“Oh dear, oh no…” Hugo muttered to himself as he thumped himself onto the couch.
The Douglases’ businesses were more or less related to the entertainment and sex industries. They were the mainstay of the family.
Of course, they could not operate these businesses openly. So on the surface, they were known as media companies and entertainment joints. But in private, they had a lot of dirty dealings.
Due to the Douglases’ extensive network of connections, they managed to escape the strict regulations and purges. However, they were nabbed out of the blue and accused with plenty of evidence against them today. This was simply unprecedented.
Besides, once all their misdeeds were exposed, it would absolutely result in a huge uproar, and the Douglases would definitely suffer huge losses even if they didn’t collapse!
Chris calmed down a little and said resentfully, “Dad, there’s definitely something wrong! If it was just one company and something terrible was exposed, we can blame it on our carelessness. But it’s absolutely not a coincidence that so many have been affected! Someone must be deliberately trying to harm us!”

Chapter 73: Douglas Family Conference

Hugo nodded. Chris was right. There had to be more than meets the eye!
If they didn’t resolve it properly, the Douglases would suffer heavy losses!
“The situation is urgent. Call everyone over immediately for a meeting to discuss countermeasures!” Hugo shouted.
Soon, all the direct descendants of the Douglas family and the top executives of the companies were all gathered in the Douglas family mansion.
Almost all of the companies under the Douglases’ name had been seized. These people had naturally heard of it since it had blown up to such a huge extent. Hugo Douglas even called for a meeting late at night. It was definitely because of that matter.
Hugo sat in the middle of the couch and looked around at the dozens of people standing in the living room. His eyes narrowed. “All of you, tell me the truth. Did you do anything to offend a big shot recently?”
As soon as Hugo spoke, he asked about this matter, and everyone started guessing that the Douglases must have offended a formidable figure of status, which led to the crisis. However, most of their businesses were illegal, so who knew if they had unintentionally offended someone?
For example, two years ago, a Douglas saw a beautiful girl dressed in simple and normal clothes, so he resorted to some means to get her to one of their companies, only to find out later that she came from an extraordinary family. In the end, the Douglases suffered enormous losses, had to apologize, and ended up owing many people favors in order to get the woman’s family to let them off.
Moreover, that was only because the woman didn’t get hurt too badly. Otherwise, the Douglases wouldn’t have been able to settle it so easily.
Of course, they didn’t get involved in such things often, and since the last incident, Hugo had also taught them a hard lesson.
However, slip-ups would happen every now and then. Who knew when they might have offended someone?
All of them shook their heads in unison.
“I don’t know. I’ve been behaving lately and haven’t done anything to offend anyone!”
“I haven’t either!”
“Me too. I didn’t offend anyone.”

Hugo narrowed his eyes as he looked at them threateningly. “I want to hear the truth! If I find out someone is lying to me, you’ll be kicked out of the family immediately!”
Hearing this, everyone panicked. But after racking their brains for a long time, they still couldn’t think of an instance where they had offended someone.
At this moment, Hugo suddenly noticed that someone was missing—Gordon Douglas.
“Where’s Gordon? Wasn’t he informed of the meeting?” Hugo questioned while looking at Chris with displeasure.
Chris hurriedly said, “I was about to report to you. But since everyone is gathered here for the meeting, I can’t say it out loud…”
Hugo’s face turned gloomy. “Speak. We’re all family, so there’s nothing you have to hide.”
Chris glanced around at the crowd listening attentively and sighed. “Gordon is in the hospital now. He has a broken toe and has suffered some injuries. Brad is also severely injured and is being resuscitated in the hospital…”
“What?” Hugo was astonished. His son and grandson had landed in the hospital, and Brad had even reached the point where he had to be resuscitated…
“Who did it?” Hugo asked with an angry expression.
Chris shook his head. “I don’t know. Gordon was really angry and didn’t say anything.”
At this moment, a Douglas suddenly said, “Gordon and Brad suddenly got injured tonight, and all our businesses were seized. Could there be any connection between the two?”
These words made everyone frown and sink into deep thought.
Indeed, if Gordon Douglas and Brad Douglas offended some big shot outside, got severely injured, and even caused all of the Douglases’ businesses to be seized, that would make sense!
Everyone turned to look at Hugo, who was exasperated. “Drag that sinful son back here at once!”

In Pearl Lakeside Villa, Orange County.
Flynn Davis called Lucas. “Mr. Gray, according to your instructions, all of the Douglases’ companies and joints have been seized. All the evidence has been collected, and there is no way they can deny it. This time, the Douglas family definitely won’t survive.”
Lucas expressed approval and said, “Good. I want them to perish for good.”
Davis hurriedly said, “Don’t worry about this. I’ve had people prepare a lot of evidence and photos, as well as videos of the victims’ complaints, all of which have been uploaded on the internet. It caused a massive uproar online and also attracted the attention of many departments. This time, even if the Douglases’ have wide connections in Orange County, it will definitely not help.”
Hearing this, Lucas was pleased.
Many of the nasty things that the Douglases did were challenging the law and going against ethics and morals. Once their dirty deeds were exposed, it would definitely result in outrage and public discussion. Even if the Douglases tried to suppress it, it would be to no avail.
“Has the matter over at the Brilliance Corporation been investigated?” Lucas suddenly asked.
“Yes, I was just about to report it to you. The person who sent Miss Carter to discuss the cooperation with Heaven Media was Jane Harper, Miss Carter’s former assistant and the current deputy head of the business department. As far as I know, she tried to make things difficult for Miss Carter several times today. Should we get rid of her?”
With an ice-cold gaze, Lucas said, “No, don’t fire her yet. I still need her for something.” Sacking her right away would be giving her an easy way out.
“Yes, Mr. Gray!”
Lucas put away the phone and glanced at the large bed at the side.
Cheyenne was lying on the bed, sound asleep.
She would frown at times and seemed to be unable to sleep peacefully.
Gordon Douglas had given her a strong sleeping pill. As long as she slept well, she should be awake by tomorrow morning.
Lucas walked to the side of the bed, bent over, and gently stroked Cheyenne’s forehead.
“I won’t let those who tried to harm you, including the Douglas family and Jane Harper, off. Sleep in peace,” Lucas whispered gently into Cheyenne’s ear.
As if she heard Lucas’s voice, the frowning Cheyenne in her sleep gradually stopped frowning and relaxed.
In the Douglas family mansion…
Gordon still had gauze wrapped around his toes and was helped into the hall.
Everyone waiting in the hall turned to look at him.
Gordon immediately saw Hugo in the middle. He quickly strode forward with a look of grief in his eyes, as though he had suffered great mistreatment.
“Dad, you have to help me! That rascal almost killed Brad, and he kept threatening me. The fighter I hired even turned against me and defected to him. If I weren’t lucky enough, I wouldn’t even be able to see you now!” Gordon exclaimed while pointing to the bruises on his neck.
However, Gordon didn’t hear the words of comfort he was expecting and instead received a loud slap on his face by Hugo.

Chapter 74: Punished Using the Family Laws

Gordon was dumbfounded by the sudden slap, and it took him a long time to react. Covering his face with his hand, he exclaimed, “Dad, why did you hit me?!”
Hugo said coldly, “Hit you? I really wish I could kick you to death! You son of a bitch, tell me, what have you done out there?!”
Gordon was naturally displeased. “What could I have done? I’ve been staying in the office! When I was bullied, you didn’t even ask the doctor about my condition. You just blamed me!”
Hugo barked angrily, “Hmph, you’re still trying to defend yourself, huh?! If you hadn’t fooled around outside and offended someone you can’t afford to offend, would we be facing this crisis today? Things have already gotten to this point, but you still won’t tell me the truth, huh?”
Chris tried to knock some sense into him. “Gordon, who have you offended? Just tell us.
Don’t provoke Dad any further. If you tell us, we can also come up with a solution for you!”
Chris’s words made Gordon lose his temper, and he vented all his anger on him. “Sure, I was wondering why I’m getting blamed and accused by everyone as soon as I came home. You must have been fanning the flames and deliberately trying to frame me! Chris, you’re just afraid that I’ll compete with you for the position of successor, so you deliberately set me up in front of Dad and the rest of the family, didn’t you?”
Hearing his words, Hugo became even more exasperated, and his blood pressure rose.
“Sinful son! Sinful son! If you still don’t repent, don’t blame me! This is the death of me!
Someone, punish him with the family laws! I must kill this unfilial son!”
“What? Family laws?” Gordon immediately widened his eyes in disbelief.
Only when a few family members moved a bench over and a burly man walked toward Gordon with a wooden mace did he believe Hugo!
His father was actually using the family laws against him!
Families like the Douglas family with a rich heritage would often have some family laws for constraining the behavior of the members.
However, people nowadays rarely used their family laws to punish their members.
The Douglas family’s most-used punishment tool was the terrifying mace that would form holes in your body. It was horrifying!
Seeing that two more family members were coming to take him and tie him to a bench under the order of Hugo, Gordon was terrified out of his wits and no longer cared about anything else. He immediately knelt in front of Hugo and begged for forgiveness. “Father, I was wrong! I won’t dare to disobey you anymore, and I won’t quarrel with Chris either. Please don’t punish me using the family laws! If you’re upset, you can scold me a few more times or slap me a few more times!”
Hugo looked at Gordon with a straight face and reprimanded, “Then tell me honestly what you’ve done and which big shot you’ve offended to cause our family to suffer such a great calamity.”
Gordon really wanted to cry. “Father, I really didn’t offend any big shot. I’ve been in the business for decades, so what kind of person could I have offended? Why would I be so ignorant as to offend a big shot? What’s wrong with the family? What calamity? I just came back. No one told me about it!”
Hugo waved his hand, and Chris stepped forward. “Just half an hour ago, all of our companies, clubs, bathhouses, and more were all seized, and there’s a lot of evidence against us. If we can’t find out which bigwig we’ve offended, our family will be destroyed!”
Gordon was shocked on the spot. He asked in disbelief, “How is that possible?! Our family has deep roots in Orange County, and we’ve established a wide network of connections long ago. Who would disregard our status and directly seize all of our companies?”
Looking at his son, Hugo roared coldly, “You think it’s impossible? Would we deliberately scare you with this kind of thing?! The most important thing now is to think carefully about who you offended!”
Gordon immediately panicked, but a word that Chris said just now appeared in his mind.
Right. Why does this word… sound so familiar?
Do you think the Douglas family is a big deal? If your family is destroyed, do you think you’d still have the right to be so arrogant to me?
Lucas had said these words to him with a sneer. Gordon was immediately reminded of it, but he was in disbelief.
“No… Impossible… How can he have the ability to destroy my family… That’s impossible!” Gordon’s eyes glazed over as he muttered to himself continuously.
After hearing his words, Hugo immediately grasped his main point. He narrowed his eyes and stared at Gordon. “Who are you talking about?”
Gordon blinked and looked at Hugo as though he was having a nightmare.
“I-it’s Lucas Gray, the son-in-law of the Carters. He beat Brad, so I nabbed his wife and wanted to get back at him. But he has an underling who’s a good fighter. He even threatened me by saying that he would destroy the Douglas family, but how is that possible? The Carters are a powerless third-rate family, and he’s a wastrel! Besides, he was the one who beat Brad badly and almost made the fighter I hired kill me instead…”
Gordon was rather muddled, but his words allowed everyone to get a clear idea of what happened.
Hugo kicked Gordon hard. “Indeed, the trouble was caused by you!”
After getting kicked, Gordon fell to the ground and shrieked in pain when his fractured toe hit the hard floor. However, facing Hugo’s rage, he could only explain, “But Dad, Lucas Gray is really a good-for-nothing! This must be a coincidence!”
“Good-for-nothing? Coincidence? You’re just a fool!” Hugo hollered angrily while looking at
Gordon with a resolute gaze. “Serve him the family punishment! Break his legs!”
“No, don’t, Dad! Please spare me!” Gordon panicked and begged loudly for mercy.
A few family members got the hint from Chris’s gaze. They went forward, pulled Gordon on top of the bench, and tied him with his face facing down. Then they hit him hard on his thighs with the mace.
“Ah!” The loud shriek of misery resounded in the Douglas family residence.
Hugo closed his eyes, unable to bring himself to watch this scene. However, the incessant cries made his face twitch.
“Dad, look, why don’t we spare Gordon? He didn’t do it on purpose…” Chris persuaded.
Hugo opened his eyes abruptly, and his gaze became firm again, “No, we must make Gordon go through the punishment! Take him with you tomorrow to see Lucas Gray to apologize. You must obtain his forgiveness!”
“Yes, Dad.” Chris agreed with a faint but peculiar glint in his eyes.

Chapter 75: Because I Like It

The next morning, Cheyenne’s eyelashes moved slightly, and she, who had slept through the entire night, slowly opened her eyes.
However, she didn’t wake up to the warm bedroom she was familiar with but a luxuriously decorated room completely new to her.
Cheyenne’s heart dropped. The last image she saw before losing her consciousness was the scene of her discussing the cooperation with Gordon Douglas of Heaven Media last night. After which, she downed a glass of champagne and then…
Have I…
Cheyenne’s expression changed drastically, and she screamed with her head in her hands!
The door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and a figure hurriedly rushed in. “Cheyenne, what’s wrong?”
Hearing Lucas’s familiar voice, tears welled up in Cheyenne’s eyes, and she immediately jumped into his arms. She hugged him tightly and burst into tears.
Lucas hurriedly embraced Cheyenne in his arms and patted her back to comfort her. “It’s alright. Nothing happened to you. You accidentally took some strong sleeping pills, which is why you slept until now. Nothing else happened. Don’t be afraid.”
After hearing this, Cheyenne finally returned to her senses from her extreme horror. She carefully sensed her body, and it seemed to be alright.
“But… I remember Gordon Douglas and that glass of champagne…” Cheyenne suddenly shivered at the thought of that scene.
“It’s okay. I rushed over yesterday and brought you home in one piece. That bastard Gordon Douglas will also be punished. You don’t need to be afraid anymore.” Lucas comforted Cheyenne warmly.
It was extremely normal for women to be flustered and terrified after encountering something like that.
After being comforted by Lucas, Cheyenne slowly regained her composure. Only after a while did she realize that she was hugging Lucas tightly.
“Ah.” Cheyenne hurriedly let go of him and turned away to wipe the tears off her face. She suddenly felt extremely embarrassed and shy. I actually took the initiative to jump into his arms and cry. How embarrassing!
Looking at Cheyenne’s back, Lucas could see that her tiny ears were already red even though he couldn’t see her expression clearly.
Lucas burst into laughter and coughed. “Um, I brought you back here last night, and it wasn’t convenient for me to help you change out of your clothes. There’s a bathroom in the room and some women’s clothes in the closet. Go and take a shower, and then come have breakfast.”
After saying this, Lucas went out and considerately closed the door after him.
Only after Lucas left did Cheyenne lift her hand and pat her warm cheeks while subconsciously smiling.
Cheyenne looked around the spacious and luxurious room and saw a huge floor-to-ceiling window with a balcony facing the south. To the east, there was a large closet the size of the wall.
Cheyenne leaped off the bed and opened the closet.
To her surprise, the closet was mostly filled with women’s clothes, and half of it was filled with clothes for little girls. There were very few men’s clothes.
The women’s clothes were all in her size while the children’s clothes were in Amelia’s size, all of which were exquisitely crafted and fashionable. Most of them were custom-made designer clothing by major luxury brands.
There was also a plethora of accessories such as handbags, shoes, hats, etc. It was simply a luxurious and impeccable closet that most women dreamed of owning!
Cheyenne suddenly figured out that all of this was prepared by Lucas for her and Amelia.
It turned out that Lucas had secretly prepared a lot of things by himself while she was clueless.
Previously, he wasn’t making empty promises when he swore that he would treat Cheyenne and Amelia well.
For some reason, Cheyenne suddenly felt her nose getting a little sore and a strong urge to cry.
After showering, she changed into a light yellow dress and walked out of the room, only to be stunned speechless by the exquisite decor in the luxurious villa.
The stairs were made of pure crystal, and there was a spacious and lofty dome, a chandelier inlaid with colorful gemstones, and elegant and exquisite antique artifacts. The entire villa was as lavish and opulent as a beautiful palace.
Looking at everything in astonishment, Cheyenne was suddenly at a loss for words.
Does all of this belong to Lucas?
“All of this belongs to us and Amelia. This is our home,” Lucas said softly with a smile as he walked toward Cheyenne.
Cheyenne’s face once again reddened, and she glared at Lucas. “I’m not your family.”
However, her flare wasn’t deterring or hostile. Instead, it was rather cute.
Lucas knew that Cheyenne would get shy easily, so he didn’t say anything else and brought her to the dining room.
The furnishings in the bright and open dining room were gorgeous and opulent. There was also a large floor-to-ceiling window facing outside, which allowed her to see the clear lake outside. The gentle breeze was blowing in slowly and caressing her face, making her feel relaxed and at ease.
Cheyenne saw that the table was covered in a snowy white tablecloth and a large spread of dishes on it.
There was fragrant porridge, sweet corn, fried eggs, crab sandwiches, and two glasses of milk.
Lucas pointed at the crab sandwich. “Sorry, I’m not good at making sandwiches, so these are store-bought and reheated. Don’t mind it.”
Cheyenne was even more shocked when she heard this. Pointing at the sumptuous breakfast spread, she asked, “You made all of this?”
Lucas nodded. “I don’t cook often, so my culinary skills are mediocre. Try them and see if they’re to your liking. If not, I’ll cook something else.”
Cheyenne was really speechless now.
After seeing Lucas’s wealth, she originally thought that some servants or cooks had prepared breakfast. But to her surprise, Lucas cooked everything himself!
A man who didn’t cook much actually whipped up a sumptuous feast for her. He was even worried that she might not like it and wanted to prepare a new set.
She was definitely touched.
At this moment, Cheyenne was overwhelmed with complicated emotions. She was feeling bittersweet.
“Why are you doing all of this for me?” Cheyenne asked, sobbing.
Lucas smiled. “Because I like you, so I want to treat you well.”
Cheyenne had no idea that Lucas had been carrying a torch for her for more than six years.
During his time in the army, Lucas managed to overcome those hardships and dangers time and time again because he kept himself going by thinking of Cheyenne until he reached where he was today.
After six years, his feelings for her had turned into love.
He, the God of War Lucas Gray, was willing to do so much for Cheyenne all because of his love for

Chapter 71: Loyal Follower

After finally catching his breath, Gordon raised his head and saw that the pistol originally in his hand had somehow ended up in the hand of Jordan, who was opposite him.
At this moment, Jordan was pointing the muzzle at him and threatening to pull the trigger.
Gordon was stunned to the point of turning pale and sweating profusely. His body stiffened, and he dared not move at all, fearing that he might upset Jordan and cause him to pull the trigger and shoot him.
“Hah, weren’t you very arrogant just now? Is that all the guts you have?” Jordan sneered while looking at Gordon with disdain.
Gordon’s face turned red, but he no longer wanted to retort.
Suddenly, Wade did something that no one expected.
He suddenly knelt on one knee facing Lucas and bowed. “I, Wade Spartan, would like to pledge my allegiance to you. Please grant me permission to follow you!”
As soon as he said that, Gordon was dumbfounded, and he looked at Wade in disbelief.
As Wade’s employer, he was naturally aware of his origins. Wade was a king of underground boxing and known to be ruthless and unforgiving. There had been many times where he severely injured the opponents who challenged him in the ring.
Wade deserved his title as a king of underground boxing, and the price of hiring him once was hefty.
Now, such a strong man was actually kneeling in front of Lucas and asking to pledge allegiance to him!
Gordon felt like he was dreaming.
Lucas asked with slightly raised brows, “Why?”
Wade said seriously, “You are very strong. Although you didn’t make a move, I can feel that your aura is even more terrifying than the aura of the man beside you. I want to be the follower of a mighty figure!”
Lucas smiled. “That’s your reason. But why should I keep you by my side?”
“I can do anything you command, be it murder or arson. As long as you want me to, I will do it and ensure that it won’t cause you any problems!” Wade promised. This was what most people paid him to do anyway.
However, this was of no appeal to Lucas.
“I’m not interested,” Lucas declined without hesitation.
Not only was he not interested in murder and arson, but even if he were, he wouldn’t employ Wade.
“Um… I can be your bodyguard and protect you or protect the people around you,” Wade hurriedly said after some thought.
This statement made Lucas tempted.
He naturally did not need Wade to be his bodyguard. But Cheyenne and Charlotte had been getting into trouble lately, and things would have been different if they had someone to protect them.
As a king of underground boxing, Wade naturally had passable combat proficiency.
Although his bones had been broken by Jordan, he could still withstand it. Besides, the quick actions and reflexes he exhibited when he threatened Gordon meant that he was a smart man.
Lucas wasn’t afraid that he would betray him like he betrayed Gordon either. After all, for someone as strong as Wade, he would never betray someone stronger than him.
The only thing that he had to consider now was Wade’s background. If someone was deliberately trying to plant Wade beside him as a snitch, he naturally couldn’t keep him around.
Lucas thought about it and nodded. “I can consider it. I’ll look for you in the future.”
Overjoyed, Wade exclaimed, “Okay! Thank you, Mr. Gray!”
Gordon, who had seen everything, was extremely frustrated.
The thought of the expert he had hired at great cost deciding to betray him and defect to his enemy made him feel like vomiting blood.
“Wade, are you sure you want to betray me?” Gordon turned to Wade and said angrily.
But Wade smiled indifferently. “Betray? You must be mistaken, Mr. Douglas. I’m not your subordinate, and I haven’t received any money from you, so how can it be considered betrayal?”
Gordon was so furious that he started trembling. However, he really didn’t know how to retort.
Previously, he and Wade had agreed to settle the payment after completing the matter. It was true that Wade had not received a single cent from him yet.
Gordon gritted his teeth. “You! Don’t you regret your choice! If you choose that good-fornothing, you will be an enemy of the Douglases! Do you think you can stand up to us? We can always hire another group of experts!”
Lucas was tired of hearing these threats from Gordon. “You keep mentioning your family. Do you really think your family is that impressive? Without your family, you’d be nothing, Gordon Douglas!”
Gordon flew into a rage and shouted, “Hmph, you’re just a boor who beats others all the time. How would you know how horrifying my family is? The Douglas family is a first-class family in Orange County, and we are incredibly wealthy and well-connected. We can crush you with just a finger! When the time comes, and the Carters are annihilated, you will regret what you’ve done today!”
Hearing these words, Jordan deliberately pretended to be frightened and wrapped his arms around himself. “What should we do? Lucas, I’m so scared!”
Seeing this, Gordon stood up from the ground and held his head up high proudly. “Hmph, you’re scared, huh? It’s not too late to regret it! Leave that woman behind, kneel down in front of me, and kowtow three times, and I’ll consider sparing you!”
“Kowtow my ***! Dream on, you idiot!” Jordan immediately stopped pretending and walked up to kick Gordon to make him wake up.
“Forget it.” Lucas glanced at Gordon coldly like he was looking at a dead man. “When the
Douglas family falls, he won’t be able to be arrogant anymore.”
After saying this, Lucas stopped caring about Gordon and left with Cheyenne in his arms.
Jordan and Wade hurriedly followed behind him.
With a burly and muscular man like Wade behind them, when they left the Heaven Media office, no one dared to step forth to stop them at all.
Gordon was the only one who failed to get anything after painstakingly setting everything up. He even got angered and had to see his son dragged to him, all battered with bruises.
Gordon was enraged. He yelled at his men to call for an ambulance to take Brad to the hospital while smashing everything in the room to vent his anger.
Meanwhile, Jordan followed behind Lucas and asked, “Lucas, seems like that idiot won’t give up. Why didn’t you teach him a lesson so that he won’t dare to get any funny ideas?”
Wade hurriedly chimed in, “I can make him disappear from this world tonight if you’d like!”
Lucas shook his head with a smile on his lips. “No, we don’t have to do that. If we want to get rid of them, wouldn’t it be more interesting to make them kill themselves?”
Wade suddenly shuddered, thinking to himself that he had made the wisest choice of his life by not choosing to be Lucas’s enemy!

Chapter 72: Seize Everything

Lucas chose not to send Cheyenne back to her home because it’d be inappropriate since she was unconscious. In order not to make the Carters worry, he brought Cheyenne back to his residence in Orange County, Pearl Lakeside Villa.
On the way, Lucas called someone and said briefly, “Make the Douglas family disappear from Orange County within three days.”
“Yes!” Hearing Lucas’s voice, the person on the other end dared not be negligent at all.
At this moment, the Douglas family still had no idea that a calamity was about to strike them.
Gordon Douglas’s father, Hugo Douglas, was the patriarch of the Douglas family.
Although he had long ago handed over the major businesses owned by his family to his sons and no longer tended to them, he would occasionally ask about them.
At this moment, Hugo was lying relaxedly on a comfortable couch and flipping through newspapers.
When he saw the piece of news titled ‘The Stardust Corporation has settled a cooperation for a key project in Orange County’ in bold on the financial section of the newspaper, he took off his presbyopic glasses and sighed with some envy.
“The Douglases have been trying hard to clinch that project for such a long time, but we were never successful. The Stardust Corporation managed to get it instead. The Stardust Corporation is really something!”
Next to him, a man in his late forties grabbed the presbyopic glasses from Hugo, wiped them carefully, and put them into a glasses case. He then said, “It is indeed. The Stardust Corporation may have just settled in the country a short while ago, but its development is rapid. Not only do the businesses of various sizes in Orange County want to cooperate with it, but it even managed to clinch all the key projects. It’s really impressive!”
The middle-aged man was Hugo Douglas’s eldest son and Gordon Douglas’s elder brother, Chris Douglas.
Hugo watched Chris’s movements and smiled. “Put the glasses there. A servant will come to put it away later. Why do you bother doing that?”
“It’s not much trouble. After I pack them, it’s convenient for you to use them the next time.” Chris smiled. He had always been filial and took care of all of Hugo’s needs. He would do everything he could personally as far as possible and would not let others help.
“Since the Stardust Corporation has such great potential, why don’t we try cooperating with it?” Chris asked.
Hugo Douglas sighed. “Why? When the Stardust Corporation announced that it was looking for a partner in Orange County, we immediately sent someone over. Everything was going well previously, but two days ago, the Stardust Corporation suddenly changed its mind and gave us the cold shoulder.”
“W-what’s going on? Have we offended the Stardust Corporation in any way? Or is it so arrogant and lofty that it is looking down on us?” Chris frowned.
Hugo Douglas sighed. “Who knows? Anyway, we haven’t found out yet. Chris, when you have time, go and get in touch with Mr. Davis, the general manager of the Stardust Corporation. Try to ease our relationship with the Stardust Corporation and find out where the problem lies. Try to find some opportunity to cooperate with it too.”
“Yes, Dad. I’ll surely deal with Mr. Davis. Rest assured,” Chris hurriedly agreed.
“Yes, you’re definitely someone I can trust.” Hugo Douglas patted the back of his eldest son’s hand and nodded in satisfaction. “By the way, how’s the matter with Gordon and Brad going?”
Hearing his question, Chris smiled. “It should be fine. Yesterday, Gordon asked me to introduce a competent hitman to him. It’s a king of underground boxing who’s rather ruthless. He can deal with that insignificant Lucas Gray easily. They should have already taken revenge by now.”
Hugo nodded. “Okay, that’s good. How can we get bullied by that brat and let him get away with beating Brad so badly? If we don’t get revenge, won’t anyone dare to take advantage of us? However, you have to be careful. Don’t let Gordon go overboard. Don’t create extra trouble.”
“Okay, I know, Dad. Don’t worry. Gordon is my brother. I’ll certainly help him.” Chris nodded with a smile.
At this moment, someone from the Douglas family hurried over and exclaimed anxiously, “Bad news, Mr. Douglas Senior. Heaven Media, the Luxe, and several other entertainment joints and bathhouses have been seized!”
“What?!” Hugo stood up in shock, and his expression changed. “What’s going on? Why were they seized all of a sudden?”
The family member stammered, “Someone reported us and… they found some illegal items in the companies… Some of our artists have also exposed us and said that we forced them… Anyway, they found a lot of evidence against us!”
Chris suddenly stepped forward, grabbed him by the collar, and hollered furiously, “Didn’t I tell you long ago to hide those things that shouldn’t appear? Aren’t those artists under strict control? Why did they suddenly sue us?”
“I-I don’t know…” The family member looked at Chris, whose face was twisted into an angry grimace, and he was so scared that he started shivering in fear and was on the verge of tears.
“Oh dear, oh no…” Hugo muttered to himself as he thumped himself onto the couch.
The Douglases’ businesses were more or less related to the entertainment and sex industries. They were the mainstay of the family.
Of course, they could not operate these businesses openly. So on the surface, they were known as media companies and entertainment joints. But in private, they had a lot of dirty dealings.
Due to the Douglases’ extensive network of connections, they managed to escape the strict regulations and purges. However, they were nabbed out of the blue and accused with plenty of evidence against them today. This was simply unprecedented.
Besides, once all their misdeeds were exposed, it would absolutely result in a huge uproar, and the Douglases would definitely suffer huge losses even if they didn’t collapse!
Chris calmed down a little and said resentfully, “Dad, there’s definitely something wrong! If it was just one company and something terrible was exposed, we can blame it on our carelessness. But it’s absolutely not a coincidence that so many have been affected! Someone must be deliberately trying to harm us!”

Chapter 73: Douglas Family Conference

Hugo nodded. Chris was right. There had to be more than meets the eye!
If they didn’t resolve it properly, the Douglases would suffer heavy losses!
“The situation is urgent. Call everyone over immediately for a meeting to discuss countermeasures!” Hugo shouted.
Soon, all the direct descendants of the Douglas family and the top executives of the companies were all gathered in the Douglas family mansion.
Almost all of the companies under the Douglases’ name had been seized. These people had naturally heard of it since it had blown up to such a huge extent. Hugo Douglas even called for a meeting late at night. It was definitely because of that matter.
Hugo sat in the middle of the couch and looked around at the dozens of people standing in the living room. His eyes narrowed. “All of you, tell me the truth. Did you do anything to offend a big shot recently?”
As soon as Hugo spoke, he asked about this matter, and everyone started guessing that the Douglases must have offended a formidable figure of status, which led to the crisis. However, most of their businesses were illegal, so who knew if they had unintentionally offended someone?
For example, two years ago, a Douglas saw a beautiful girl dressed in simple and normal clothes, so he resorted to some means to get her to one of their companies, only to find out later that she came from an extraordinary family. In the end, the Douglases suffered enormous losses, had to apologize, and ended up owing many people favors in order to get the woman’s family to let them off.
Moreover, that was only because the woman didn’t get hurt too badly. Otherwise, the Douglases wouldn’t have been able to settle it so easily.
Of course, they didn’t get involved in such things often, and since the last incident, Hugo had also taught them a hard lesson.
However, slip-ups would happen every now and then. Who knew when they might have offended someone?
All of them shook their heads in unison.
“I don’t know. I’ve been behaving lately and haven’t done anything to offend anyone!”
“I haven’t either!”
“Me too. I didn’t offend anyone.”

Hugo narrowed his eyes as he looked at them threateningly. “I want to hear the truth! If I find out someone is lying to me, you’ll be kicked out of the family immediately!”
Hearing this, everyone panicked. But after racking their brains for a long time, they still couldn’t think of an instance where they had offended someone.
At this moment, Hugo suddenly noticed that someone was missing—Gordon Douglas.
“Where’s Gordon? Wasn’t he informed of the meeting?” Hugo questioned while looking at Chris with displeasure.
Chris hurriedly said, “I was about to report to you. But since everyone is gathered here for the meeting, I can’t say it out loud…”
Hugo’s face turned gloomy. “Speak. We’re all family, so there’s nothing you have to hide.”
Chris glanced around at the crowd listening attentively and sighed. “Gordon is in the hospital now. He has a broken toe and has suffered some injuries. Brad is also severely injured and is being resuscitated in the hospital…”
“What?” Hugo was astonished. His son and grandson had landed in the hospital, and Brad had even reached the point where he had to be resuscitated…
“Who did it?” Hugo asked with an angry expression.
Chris shook his head. “I don’t know. Gordon was really angry and didn’t say anything.”
At this moment, a Douglas suddenly said, “Gordon and Brad suddenly got injured tonight, and all our businesses were seized. Could there be any connection between the two?”
These words made everyone frown and sink into deep thought.
Indeed, if Gordon Douglas and Brad Douglas offended some big shot outside, got severely injured, and even caused all of the Douglases’ businesses to be seized, that would make sense!
Everyone turned to look at Hugo, who was exasperated. “Drag that sinful son back here at once!”

In Pearl Lakeside Villa, Orange County.
Flynn Davis called Lucas. “Mr. Gray, according to your instructions, all of the Douglases’ companies and joints have been seized. All the evidence has been collected, and there is no way they can deny it. This time, the Douglas family definitely won’t survive.”
Lucas expressed approval and said, “Good. I want them to perish for good.”
Davis hurriedly said, “Don’t worry about this. I’ve had people prepare a lot of evidence and photos, as well as videos of the victims’ complaints, all of which have been uploaded on the internet. It caused a massive uproar online and also attracted the attention of many departments. This time, even if the Douglases’ have wide connections in Orange County, it will definitely not help.”
Hearing this, Lucas was pleased.
Many of the nasty things that the Douglases did were challenging the law and going against ethics and morals. Once their dirty deeds were exposed, it would definitely result in outrage and public discussion. Even if the Douglases tried to suppress it, it would be to no avail.
“Has the matter over at the Brilliance Corporation been investigated?” Lucas suddenly asked.
“Yes, I was just about to report it to you. The person who sent Miss Carter to discuss the cooperation with Heaven Media was Jane Harper, Miss Carter’s former assistant and the current deputy head of the business department. As far as I know, she tried to make things difficult for Miss Carter several times today. Should we get rid of her?”
With an ice-cold gaze, Lucas said, “No, don’t fire her yet. I still need her for something.” Sacking her right away would be giving her an easy way out.
“Yes, Mr. Gray!”
Lucas put away the phone and glanced at the large bed at the side.
Cheyenne was lying on the bed, sound asleep.
She would frown at times and seemed to be unable to sleep peacefully.
Gordon Douglas had given her a strong sleeping pill. As long as she slept well, she should be awake by tomorrow morning.
Lucas walked to the side of the bed, bent over, and gently stroked Cheyenne’s forehead.
“I won’t let those who tried to harm you, including the Douglas family and Jane Harper, off. Sleep in peace,” Lucas whispered gently into Cheyenne’s ear.
As if she heard Lucas’s voice, the frowning Cheyenne in her sleep gradually stopped frowning and relaxed.
In the Douglas family mansion…
Gordon still had gauze wrapped around his toes and was helped into the hall.
Everyone waiting in the hall turned to look at him.
Gordon immediately saw Hugo in the middle. He quickly strode forward with a look of grief in his eyes, as though he had suffered great mistreatment.
“Dad, you have to help me! That rascal almost killed Brad, and he kept threatening me. The fighter I hired even turned against me and defected to him. If I weren’t lucky enough, I wouldn’t even be able to see you now!” Gordon exclaimed while pointing to the bruises on his neck.
However, Gordon didn’t hear the words of comfort he was expecting and instead received a loud slap on his face by Hugo.

Chapter 74: Punished Using the Family Laws

Gordon was dumbfounded by the sudden slap, and it took him a long time to react. Covering his face with his hand, he exclaimed, “Dad, why did you hit me?!”
Hugo said coldly, “Hit you? I really wish I could kick you to death! You son of a bitch, tell me, what have you done out there?!”
Gordon was naturally displeased. “What could I have done? I’ve been staying in the office! When I was bullied, you didn’t even ask the doctor about my condition. You just blamed me!”
Hugo barked angrily, “Hmph, you’re still trying to defend yourself, huh?! If you hadn’t fooled around outside and offended someone you can’t afford to offend, would we be facing this crisis today? Things have already gotten to this point, but you still won’t tell me the truth, huh?”
Chris tried to knock some sense into him. “Gordon, who have you offended? Just tell us.
Don’t provoke Dad any further. If you tell us, we can also come up with a solution for you!”
Chris’s words made Gordon lose his temper, and he vented all his anger on him. “Sure, I was wondering why I’m getting blamed and accused by everyone as soon as I came home. You must have been fanning the flames and deliberately trying to frame me! Chris, you’re just afraid that I’ll compete with you for the position of successor, so you deliberately set me up in front of Dad and the rest of the family, didn’t you?”
Hearing his words, Hugo became even more exasperated, and his blood pressure rose.
“Sinful son! Sinful son! If you still don’t repent, don’t blame me! This is the death of me!
Someone, punish him with the family laws! I must kill this unfilial son!”
“What? Family laws?” Gordon immediately widened his eyes in disbelief.
Only when a few family members moved a bench over and a burly man walked toward Gordon with a wooden mace did he believe Hugo!
His father was actually using the family laws against him!
Families like the Douglas family with a rich heritage would often have some family laws for constraining the behavior of the members.
However, people nowadays rarely used their family laws to punish their members.
The Douglas family’s most-used punishment tool was the terrifying mace that would form holes in your body. It was horrifying!
Seeing that two more family members were coming to take him and tie him to a bench under the order of Hugo, Gordon was terrified out of his wits and no longer cared about anything else. He immediately knelt in front of Hugo and begged for forgiveness. “Father, I was wrong! I won’t dare to disobey you anymore, and I won’t quarrel with Chris either. Please don’t punish me using the family laws! If you’re upset, you can scold me a few more times or slap me a few more times!”
Hugo looked at Gordon with a straight face and reprimanded, “Then tell me honestly what you’ve done and which big shot you’ve offended to cause our family to suffer such a great calamity.”
Gordon really wanted to cry. “Father, I really didn’t offend any big shot. I’ve been in the business for decades, so what kind of person could I have offended? Why would I be so ignorant as to offend a big shot? What’s wrong with the family? What calamity? I just came back. No one told me about it!”
Hugo waved his hand, and Chris stepped forward. “Just half an hour ago, all of our companies, clubs, bathhouses, and more were all seized, and there’s a lot of evidence against us. If we can’t find out which bigwig we’ve offended, our family will be destroyed!”
Gordon was shocked on the spot. He asked in disbelief, “How is that possible?! Our family has deep roots in Orange County, and we’ve established a wide network of connections long ago. Who would disregard our status and directly seize all of our companies?”
Looking at his son, Hugo roared coldly, “You think it’s impossible? Would we deliberately scare you with this kind of thing?! The most important thing now is to think carefully about who you offended!”
Gordon immediately panicked, but a word that Chris said just now appeared in his mind.
Right. Why does this word… sound so familiar?
Do you think the Douglas family is a big deal? If your family is destroyed, do you think you’d still have the right to be so arrogant to me?
Lucas had said these words to him with a sneer. Gordon was immediately reminded of it, but he was in disbelief.
“No… Impossible… How can he have the ability to destroy my family… That’s impossible!” Gordon’s eyes glazed over as he muttered to himself continuously.
After hearing his words, Hugo immediately grasped his main point. He narrowed his eyes and stared at Gordon. “Who are you talking about?”
Gordon blinked and looked at Hugo as though he was having a nightmare.
“I-it’s Lucas Gray, the son-in-law of the Carters. He beat Brad, so I nabbed his wife and wanted to get back at him. But he has an underling who’s a good fighter. He even threatened me by saying that he would destroy the Douglas family, but how is that possible? The Carters are a powerless third-rate family, and he’s a wastrel! Besides, he was the one who beat Brad badly and almost made the fighter I hired kill me instead…”
Gordon was rather muddled, but his words allowed everyone to get a clear idea of what happened.
Hugo kicked Gordon hard. “Indeed, the trouble was caused by you!”
After getting kicked, Gordon fell to the ground and shrieked in pain when his fractured toe hit the hard floor. However, facing Hugo’s rage, he could only explain, “But Dad, Lucas Gray is really a good-for-nothing! This must be a coincidence!”
“Good-for-nothing? Coincidence? You’re just a fool!” Hugo hollered angrily while looking at
Gordon with a resolute gaze. “Serve him the family punishment! Break his legs!”
“No, don’t, Dad! Please spare me!” Gordon panicked and begged loudly for mercy.
A few family members got the hint from Chris’s gaze. They went forward, pulled Gordon on top of the bench, and tied him with his face facing down. Then they hit him hard on his thighs with the mace.
“Ah!” The loud shriek of misery resounded in the Douglas family residence.
Hugo closed his eyes, unable to bring himself to watch this scene. However, the incessant cries made his face twitch.
“Dad, look, why don’t we spare Gordon? He didn’t do it on purpose…” Chris persuaded.
Hugo opened his eyes abruptly, and his gaze became firm again, “No, we must make Gordon go through the punishment! Take him with you tomorrow to see Lucas Gray to apologize. You must obtain his forgiveness!”
“Yes, Dad.” Chris agreed with a faint but peculiar glint in his eyes.

Chapter 75: Because I Like It

The next morning, Cheyenne’s eyelashes moved slightly, and she, who had slept through the entire night, slowly opened her eyes.
However, she didn’t wake up to the warm bedroom she was familiar with but a luxuriously decorated room completely new to her.
Cheyenne’s heart dropped. The last image she saw before losing her consciousness was the scene of her discussing the cooperation with Gordon Douglas of Heaven Media last night. After which, she downed a glass of champagne and then…
Have I…
Cheyenne’s expression changed drastically, and she screamed with her head in her hands!
The door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and a figure hurriedly rushed in. “Cheyenne, what’s wrong?”
Hearing Lucas’s familiar voice, tears welled up in Cheyenne’s eyes, and she immediately jumped into his arms. She hugged him tightly and burst into tears.
Lucas hurriedly embraced Cheyenne in his arms and patted her back to comfort her. “It’s alright. Nothing happened to you. You accidentally took some strong sleeping pills, which is why you slept until now. Nothing else happened. Don’t be afraid.”
After hearing this, Cheyenne finally returned to her senses from her extreme horror. She carefully sensed her body, and it seemed to be alright.
“But… I remember Gordon Douglas and that glass of champagne…” Cheyenne suddenly shivered at the thought of that scene.
“It’s okay. I rushed over yesterday and brought you home in one piece. That bastard Gordon Douglas will also be punished. You don’t need to be afraid anymore.” Lucas comforted Cheyenne warmly.
It was extremely normal for women to be flustered and terrified after encountering something like that.
After being comforted by Lucas, Cheyenne slowly regained her composure. Only after a while did she realize that she was hugging Lucas tightly.
“Ah.” Cheyenne hurriedly let go of him and turned away to wipe the tears off her face. She suddenly felt extremely embarrassed and shy. I actually took the initiative to jump into his arms and cry. How embarrassing!
Looking at Cheyenne’s back, Lucas could see that her tiny ears were already red even though he couldn’t see her expression clearly.
Lucas burst into laughter and coughed. “Um, I brought you back here last night, and it wasn’t convenient for me to help you change out of your clothes. There’s a bathroom in the room and some women’s clothes in the closet. Go and take a shower, and then come have breakfast.”
After saying this, Lucas went out and considerately closed the door after him.
Only after Lucas left did Cheyenne lift her hand and pat her warm cheeks while subconsciously smiling.
Cheyenne looked around the spacious and luxurious room and saw a huge floor-to-ceiling window with a balcony facing the south. To the east, there was a large closet the size of the wall.
Cheyenne leaped off the bed and opened the closet.
To her surprise, the closet was mostly filled with women’s clothes, and half of it was filled with clothes for little girls. There were very few men’s clothes.
The women’s clothes were all in her size while the children’s clothes were in Amelia’s size, all of which were exquisitely crafted and fashionable. Most of them were custom-made designer clothing by major luxury brands.
There was also a plethora of accessories such as handbags, shoes, hats, etc. It was simply a luxurious and impeccable closet that most women dreamed of owning!
Cheyenne suddenly figured out that all of this was prepared by Lucas for her and Amelia.
It turned out that Lucas had secretly prepared a lot of things by himself while she was clueless.
Previously, he wasn’t making empty promises when he swore that he would treat Cheyenne and Amelia well.
For some reason, Cheyenne suddenly felt her nose getting a little sore and a strong urge to cry.
After showering, she changed into a light yellow dress and walked out of the room, only to be stunned speechless by the exquisite decor in the luxurious villa.
The stairs were made of pure crystal, and there was a spacious and lofty dome, a chandelier inlaid with colorful gemstones, and elegant and exquisite antique artifacts. The entire villa was as lavish and opulent as a beautiful palace.
Looking at everything in astonishment, Cheyenne was suddenly at a loss for words.
Does all of this belong to Lucas?
“All of this belongs to us and Amelia. This is our home,” Lucas said softly with a smile as he walked toward Cheyenne.
Cheyenne’s face once again reddened, and she glared at Lucas. “I’m not your family.”
However, her flare wasn’t deterring or hostile. Instead, it was rather cute.
Lucas knew that Cheyenne would get shy easily, so he didn’t say anything else and brought her to the dining room.
The furnishings in the bright and open dining room were gorgeous and opulent. There was also a large floor-to-ceiling window facing outside, which allowed her to see the clear lake outside. The gentle breeze was blowing in slowly and caressing her face, making her feel relaxed and at ease.
Cheyenne saw that the table was covered in a snowy white tablecloth and a large spread of dishes on it.
There was fragrant porridge, sweet corn, fried eggs, crab sandwiches, and two glasses of milk.
Lucas pointed at the crab sandwich. “Sorry, I’m not good at making sandwiches, so these are store-bought and reheated. Don’t mind it.”
Cheyenne was even more shocked when she heard this. Pointing at the sumptuous breakfast spread, she asked, “You made all of this?”
Lucas nodded. “I don’t cook often, so my culinary skills are mediocre. Try them and see if they’re to your liking. If not, I’ll cook something else.”
Cheyenne was really speechless now.
After seeing Lucas’s wealth, she originally thought that some servants or cooks had prepared breakfast. But to her surprise, Lucas cooked everything himself!
A man who didn’t cook much actually whipped up a sumptuous feast for her. He was even worried that she might not like it and wanted to prepare a new set.
She was definitely touched.
At this moment, Cheyenne was overwhelmed with complicated emotions. She was feeling bittersweet.
“Why are you doing all of this for me?” Cheyenne asked, sobbing.
Lucas smiled. “Because I like you, so I want to treat you well.”
Cheyenne had no idea that Lucas had been carrying a torch for her for more than six years.
During his time in the army, Lucas managed to overcome those hardships and dangers time and time again because he kept himself going by thinking of Cheyenne until he reached where he was today.
After six years, his feelings for her had turned into love.
He, the God of War Lucas Gray, was willing to do so much for Cheyenne all because of his love for her!
Chapter 76: Carter Corporation

When Cheyenne heard what Lucas said, her face was full of shock. She didn’t expect him to confess that he liked her.

All of a sudden, Cheyenne was flustered. She only raised her head to say to Lucas apologetically after a long while, “I don’t feel that way about you yet. I’m so sorry…”

Lucas shook his head and said softly, “It’s okay. It’s my business that I like you. You don’t need to feel pressured. Just treat me as an ordinary suitor. If you think I’m not too bad, and you take a liking to me someday in the future, I’d feel fortunate. However, if you still don’t think I make the cut in the end, I won’t force it.”

Hearing Lucas’s kind and understanding words, Cheyenne was even more at a loss for words. She gripped the tablecloth with her fingers, overwhelmed with a complicated mood.

Seeing this, Lucas smiled and changed the subject. “Don’t think too much. Have breakfast before it gets cold.” As he spoke, Lucas pushed the bowl of porridge toward Cheyenne. “Okay.” Cheyenne picked up the spoon.

Soon, breakfast ended with a calm and peaceful ambiance.

After breakfast, Lucas intended to drive Cheyenne to work at the Brilliance Corporation, but she asked hesitantly, “Can I drop by the Carter Corporation first?”

“Of course.” Lucas nodded without saying much or asking the reason.

Soon, the two of them arrived outside the entrance of the Carter Corporation.

Cheyenne looked at the familiar signboard from inside the car, and a complicated look appeared in her eyes. But in the end, she opened the door and got out of the car.

“Hey! Isn’t that the woman who got chased out by the Carters? How does she still have the cheek to come to our office?”

As soon as Cheyenne got out of the car and regained her balance, a sarcastic voice sounded. It belonged to Bryce Carter.

Cheyenne glanced at Bryce with an icy gaze, not wanting to speak a single word to him at all.

Ever since Bryce colluded with Brad Douglas to abduct Charlotte and bring her to the Luxe for him to defile her, Cheyenne’s hatred for Bryce grew to the extreme.

But he was still standing fine in front of her and asking her how she had the cheek to show up here. The person who was truly thick-skinned and disgusting was Bryce!

At this moment, Lucas got out of the driver’s seat and stared at Bryce indifferently.

The glance instantly made Bryce’s body turn cold. He immediately recalled the scene of him being frightened by Lucas to the point of peeing in his pants. He even thought about the disgusting incident that happened between him and Brad Douglas after Lucas drugged him. The mere thought of it made him feel unbearable pain.

“Y-you’re not dead yet?” Bryce took two steps backward in horror. But when he remembered that this was at the entrance of the Carter Corporation, he immediately felt more courageous and began glaring at Lucas while gritting his teeth.

After Lucas did that to him and Brad on that day, Brad clearly said that he would never let Lucas go, that he would make Lucas die a miserable death!

For this reason, Bryce bore with the pain in his body and waited excitedly for two days. But why is Lucas Gray still alive and kicking? Has Brad Douglas not started executing his plan for revenge yet?

Cheyenne said to Lucas, “I’d feel disgusted if I talk to him again! Let’s go look for Grandpa.”

Hearing this, Bryce immediately blocked the two of them. “Hmph, you want to go inside the Carter Corporation office? Forget about it! You have already been kicked out and disowned by the family. You have no right to enter our family’s company again!”

Hearing this, Cheyenne sneered. “If you don’t want the Carters to make a comeback, go ahead and stop me for all I care. When Grandpa finds out, you’ll just have to bear the consequences.”

“What do you mean by that?” Bryce immediately asked.

Cheyenne took out a document from her bag. “This is the letter of intent for the Brilliance Corporation’s plan to cooperate with the Carter Corporation. If you don’t need it, I’ll leave immediately.”

A letter of intent to cooperate with the Brilliance Corporation?! Bryce’s eyes suddenly widened as he stared at the document in Cheyenne’s hand.

“How did you get this? Where did you get it?” Bryce said eagerly as his eyes burned with zeal, wishing he could snatch this document from Cheyenne immediately.

A few days ago, Flynn Davis had invited several families to attend the opulent and grand banquet, during which he even announced that the Stardust Corporation would soon reach a long-term strategic partnership with the Brilliance Corporation. Many were envious of the Brilliance Corporation instantly rising high and gaining the favor of countless companies of all sizes.

The current Brilliance Corporation was on a completely different level from what it used to be when it was under the management of the Carters.

Now, a single letter of intent of cooperation from the Brilliance Corporation would be enough to make many small and medium-sized families vie with each other for it, let alone a small family like the Carters who had just overcome a crisis.

Cheyenne raised the document in her hand. “I’m now working at the Brilliance Corporation, and I’m also responsible for the cooperation with the Carters. If you decline on behalf of the Carters, then forget it.”

Bryce naturally didn’t dare to say that he didn’t want it, even though he didn’t want to see Cheyenne at his family’s office ever again.

However, if he really refused, his grandfather would never let him off after finding out!

While feeling frustrated, Bryce stared at Lucas, who was beside Cheyenne, and suddenly laughed. “Haha, Lucas, do you think that Cheyenne will willingly marry you just because you’re following her around?”

Lucas retorted with a raised brow, “That’s between me and her. It’s none of your business.”

“Hahahahaha!” Bryce suddenly guffawed loudly with a hostile and evil gaze. “Hmph, this woman has long slept with many men. Back then, she went to hook up with Flynn Davis in order to clinch the cooperation with the Stardust Corporation. She must have slept with a random man again to get the Brilliance Corporation back. You’re just an idiot who thinks that Cheyenne will accept you because you’re so devoted!”

Cheyenne turned red in fury and snapped, “Bryce Carter! What nonsense are you saying?! Don’t think everyone is as dirty and obscene as you are!”

“Hah, am I wrong? The Brilliance Corporation was taken away by the Stardust Corporation, and all the Carters who worked there have been sacked except for you. Isn’t that proof? Don’t be so shameless!” Bryce gibed sarcastically as he stared at Cheyenne.


She slapped Bryce hard on his face!

Chapter 77: Aston Brooke

Bryce really deserved to be slapped for smearing her!

After being slapped, Bryce looked at Cheyenne in disbelief.

Throughout the years, he had gotten used to bullying Cheyenne. But he never thought that she would dare to slap him! “Damn it! Bitch, you actually have the audacity to…”


Before Bryce could finish, another loud slap landed on his face!

Unlike Cheyenne’s slap, the second slap was extremely hard, and it sent Bryce flying immediately. He even spat out a few teeth stained with blood.

In merely a few seconds, half of Bryce’s face was swollen like a pig’s head, and he was in so much pain that he couldn’t speak at all.

The gaze in his eyes when he faced Lucas was full of horror and regret.

He had clearly seen how terrifying Lucas was in the Luxe, yet he still provoked him.

Lucas walked up to Bryce and looked at him coldly. “Don’t let me hear you insulting her again, or else I’ll be giving you more than just a slap.”

Bryce inhaled sharply and glared at Lucas furiously.

Lucas managed to knock out a few of his teeth with a single slap. It was obviously more than just a gentle slap.

Of course, people like Bryce would not understand he would die if Lucas had really hit him mercilessly!

Both of them ignored Bryce, who was lying on the ground, and immediately entered the Carter Corporation office.

At this moment, Dominic was entertaining a distinguished guest on the top floor of the Carter Corporation.

The guest was in his thirties, and his hair was neatly combed and tidied. He had a warm smile on his face and looked rather refined and easygoing.

All smiles, Dominic was holding a contract that he had just signed, and even the wrinkles on his face were stretched out. “Mr. Brooke, you’re young and promising. It’s a great honor for us to cooperate with the Solar Corporation!”

Dominic praised the young man incessantly.

With a smile on his face, the young man said, “Nah, we are at ease cooperating with an established family like yours. It will be a pleasure working with you!”

“Hahaha, yes, yes, it will be a pleasure. From now on, I will be counting on you, Mr. Brooke!” Dominic Carter chuckled.

“You may call me just Aston. You’re an elder, so you don’t have to be too formal with me,” the young man, Aston Brooke, said.

His respectful and humble behavior was to Dominic’s liking.

Aston Brooke was from the Brilliance Corporation. Although he was not from Orange County, his family’s status in Orange County was not to be belittled.

“I shall call you by your name then.” Dominic Carter chuckled and then pointed at a beautiful girl with exquisite makeup. “Scarlet, hurry and pour some tea for Aston.”

Scarlet stood up and picked up the cup of tea in front of Aston shyly. “Aston, I’ll go replace a cup of tea for you.”

Aston quickly declined. “I shouldn’t trouble this pretty lady. By the way, she is?”

Actually, he had already seen the beautiful woman sitting next to Dominic as soon as he entered the conference room and already knew his intentions. However, he had been feigning ignorance and thus waited until now to ask this question.

Dominic smiled. “She’s my incompetent granddaughter. Her name is Scarlet Wright. She’s very young and only twenty-years years old. After hearing that I’ll be discussing cooperation with you, she insisted on coming.”

“Grandpa! I’m not young!” Scarlet Wright protested as she subconsciously glanced at Aston with affection in her eyes.

Aston found it hilarious, but he didn’t show it at all.

The Carters were a small third-rate family. Aston obviously wouldn’t choose to marry her and form a union with them.

However, Scarlet looked rather pretty with makeup, and Dominic was obviously using her to get close to him. It would be a waste to turn her down. Anyway, there would be no harm in toying with her.

“Miss Wright is so innocent, pure, adorable, and pretty. It’s no wonder that she’s your granddaughter! I bet an excellent girl like her must have many suitors, right?” Aston said with a smile.

Hearing the compliment, Scarlet lowered her head shyly. “No, I’ve always been single!”

Aston laughed, pretending not to understand the meaning of her words. “The men here don’t seem to have good taste. How could they not pursue such a beautiful girl like you? They’re so useless.”

Dominic laughed. “Scarlet is young and doesn’t know much about such things. Aston, it happens that you’ll be staying here for a few days, so why don’t you let Scarlet take you on a tour around the city?”
Aston inwardly laughed at Dominic’s eagerness, but he didn’t decline and instead looked at Scarlet with a warm smile. “I’ll have to trouble you then, Scarlet.”

Hearing the change in Aston’s tone and the fact that he started addressing her by her first name instead, Scarlet couldn’t help but be overjoyed.

At this moment, an assistant knocked on the door and entered to report to Dominic, “Mr. Chairman, Cheyenne Carter is here and says she wants to talk to you about something.”

Dominic furrowed his eyebrows and said impatiently, “Can’t you see that I’m entertaining an important guest here? Tell her to go away. I don’t want to see her, and there’s nothing I have to say to her.”

Aston was immediately interested when he heard Cheyenne’s name.

In the past, Cheyenne was known as the greatest beauty of the county. And even Aston, who was from a different county, had heard of her, especially after her scandal. It was the talk of the town in several cities.

Aston was rather curious about the former greatest beauty of Orange County and wanted to see her.

Thus, Aston interjected to stop Dominic. “It’s okay. Since we’ve already settled on our cooperation, I won’t get in the way of you meeting someone else. You don’t have to mind my presence. Go ahead with the meeting.”

Hearing his words, Dominic immediately instructed the assistant to let Cheyenne come in.

The moment Cheyenne walked into the conference room, a flash of amazement appeared in Aston’s eyes.

Although Cheyenne was no longer the most delicate and beautiful girl in her early-twenties, she was still as gorgeous as ever. Aston couldn’t take his eyes off her.

She’s really worthy of being the greatest beauty of the county! Aston Brooke was amazed.

Lucas entered after her and immediately frowned when he saw Aston staring straight at Cheyenne without blinking. He quickly stood in front of Cheyenne and blocked her.

Chapter 78: Rejecting the Opportunity

As soon as Dominic saw Cheyenne and Lucas enter, he immediately turned gloomy.
“If you have anything to say, hurry up and say it. Leave immediately after you finish,” Dominic said coldly without hiding the disdain he had for them.

Although Cheyenne had already prepared herself for this, she still felt rather uncomfortable.

She had always respected Dominic, but now, he was cold and indifferent toward her as though they were strangers.

No, they were even more distant than strangers.

Bearing with the unhappiness, she handed the letter of intent to Dominic. “Grandpa, I’m here to deliver a letter of intent on behalf of the Brilliance Corporation today. You may take a look first.”

Dominic was shocked to hear her words. Looking at the letter of intent in her hand with great enthusiasm, he was about to reach out and take it, but he suddenly suspected something. “Your family has been disowned by the Carters, so why would you be so kind as to send a letter of intent to us? Could there be some conspiracy in this?”

The gaze in his eyes was full of suspicion when he looked at Cheyenne.

Cheyenne had good intentions when she decided to personally deliver the letter of intent of cooperation to the Carters because she still had some affection for the family she grew up with. This was also the reason she told Lucas to let them off.

However, Dominic’s apprehensive attitude was like a dagger piercing through her heart.

At this moment, Scarlet, who was at the side, suddenly spoke up. “Cheyenne, stop pretending! Previously, you returned with a signed contract with the Stardust Corporation, but that resulted in greater issues and caused Grandpa to have to give up the Brilliance Corporation to someone else in order to overcome the crisis. Now that you’ve brought another contract here, who knows what trap there might be?”

Filled with jealousy, Scarlet stared at Cheyenne’s pretty face, which all women were jealous of, and continued sarcastically, “Also, you’ve got really incredible means. I heard that the Brilliance Corporation sacked all the Carters, but you’re the only one who still has a stable position there. Tsk, tsk, you’re truly impressive. Which senior executive do you have close ties with?”

Scarlet’s sarcastic tone and ambiguous words left a lot to the imagination.

Cheyenne was exasperated. She rarely saw Scarlet and had never offended her before, yet Scarlet was full of animosity toward her.
Cheyenne naturally did not know that it was because Aston Brooke was obviously attracted to her and had gawked at her fondly when she entered just now, causing Scarlet to be hostile and jealous.

Lucas sneered. “Indeed, you people like projecting your filthy thoughts onto others. How amusing!”

“You! What do you mean?!” Scarlet was so infuriated by Lucas’s hostile remark that her face became flushed.

At this moment, Bryce walked into the conference room while covered his swollen cheek.

As soon as he saw Dominic, Bryce immediately leaped over, disregarding his image. He roared, “Grandpa! You have to do something for me! Look at my face! It’s so swollen, and I’ve lost a few of my teeth too. It’s all because of these bastards Lucas Gray and Cheyenne Carter! He had the audacity to bully me at the entrance of our office! Grandpa, you can’t let him off this time!”

Bryce’s complaints were somewhat slurred and vague because he had lost a few teeth.

When Dominic saw his grandson’s face that was as swollen as a pig, he was immediately furious.

He could teach his grandson a lesson, but others had no right to hit his grandson!

In particular, Cheyenne and Lucas, who had been kicked out of the family, were even more unfit to hit his grandson!

Looking at Dominic’s enraged face, Cheyenne hurriedly explained, “It was Bryce who…”

“Shut up!” Dominic hollered. “You people are in no place to discipline my grandson! Hurry up and get out!”

When Lucas saw Dominic reprimanding Cheyenne unreasonably and mercilessly, his face turned angry too. “In that case, I hope you won’t regret your decision.”

After saying these words indifferently, Lucas turned to face Cheyenne. “Since they don’t appreciate it, forget it. Let’s go.”

Cheyenne was furious and aggrieved. But when she saw Dominic’s aged face, she couldn’t bring herself to be ruthless and do it.

“I-I’ll ask you one last time. Do you want to see this contract with the Brilliance Corporation?” Cheyenne gritted her teeth.

“No, take it away! It must be something to fool Grandpa! Who believes you?” Scarlet looked extremely annoyed.

“Hmph, are you being hypocritical to make us thank you? Dream on! Even if you kneel down and beg us, we won’t look at it!” Bryce exclaimed with disdain. “You shameless couple, hurry and get lost!”

Lucas’s eyes glinted with a murderous light, and he kicked immediately Bryce.

Bryce’s body went flying like a potato sack, and he passed out soundlessly after slamming against the wall.

“Bryce!” Dominic was shocked and rushed over to check Bryce’s condition. Only after seeing that Bryce was still breathing and had merely fainted did he feel less worried.

Dominic turned his head and glared at Lucas viciously. “Lucas Gray! You’re being overboard!”

He then stared at Cheyenne coldly. “Great, Cheyenne Carter, you brought your good-fornothing husband here to show off, didn’t you? Letter of intent from the Brilliance Corporation? Haha, do you think I’ll be grateful to you for that and even let your family reunite with the Carters? You must be dreaming!

“If it weren’t for you, Brilliance Corporation would still belong to us. There wouldn’t have been a need for you to come here and talk to us about this damned cooperation.

“If it weren’t for the fact that you were still useful to the family, I would have kicked you out long ago! I’m telling you, I won’t let you come back to the Carters, so just give up!

“From now on, you aren’t allowed to step foot into any of the Carters’ properties again! Get lost now! Get lost!”

Dominic pointed at the door in fury while looking at Cheyenne menacingly, as though he was going to devour her.

Dominic’s words and the look in his eyes made Cheyenne feel as if a million daggers were piercing through her heart, and she immediately burst into tears.

Scarlet mocked, “Stop crying, you hypocrite. Others might think that we’ve bullied you! You’re so shameless.”

Lucas stayed silent and simply watched them coldly.

If Cheyenne hadn’t been pleading for them time and time again, the Carters would have long been eradicated from the county, much less have the chance to say those harsh things to Cheyenne. These people aren’t worthy of what Cheyenne has done for them!

Chapter 79: The Douglas Family’s Apology

“Forget it, Cheyenne. You’ve already done enough for them. They just don’t know any better. From now on, regardless of their outcome, it’s all because of their own choices,” Lucas said.

“Who are you talking about? Hmph, Cheyenne Carter, don’t think I don’t know that your father is not even Grandpa’s biological son. You don’t belong to the Carter family. You’re just a bunch of bastards! Hurry up and get lost,” Scarlet barked at Cheyenne with her hands on her hips. However, she forgot that she was not a Carter either.

Cheyenne looked at Dominic bitterly. “Grandpa, do you think so too? Have you never treated me like your granddaughter?”

Dominic snorted. “Scarlet is right. Your family is not related to the Carters at all. I’ve raised you for decades, and it’s more than enough! What are you waiting for? Get lost!”

Large drops of tears rolled down Cheyenne’s cheeks, and she smiled crestfallenly while taking a deep look at Dominic. She then took a step back and said, “I understand.”

After saying this, she turned around and left without any further hesitation.

Lucas looked at Scarlet, who seemed to be smug about chasing away her enemy, and Dominic’s old and gloomy face and sneered. “How pathetic. You people will never know what you’ve missed.” He left the conference room as well.

Lucas’s words were puzzling for Scarlet and Dominic, but the way he looked at them as if he were looking at fools made them feel extremely furious and frustrated.

At this moment, a Carter hurriedly ran over and announced loudly, “Bad news. Some people from the Douglas family are here!”

When Dominic heard this, his heart palpitated violently. “Which family is that? Are they here to create trouble for us?”

“It’s the Douglas family in Orange County that owns an entertainment company and clubhouses. The chairman, Chris Douglas, is here personally with a person who’s bleeding profusely. It looks really intimidating! They must be here to create trouble. What should we do?” that Carter asked anxiously.

The Carters are really unlucky to be encountering trouble one after another!

They had just survived a crisis that almost caused them to go bankrupt and start liquidation two days ago. And now, the Douglas family was here at their doorstep. What’s going on?

At this moment, Dominic was astounded and confused. The Carters had never cooperated with Chris Douglas before, and yet he was here to look for them while bringing an injured person with him. What exactly could it be about?

Dominic was anxious. But as the head of the Carter family and the person with the final say, he had to go out and meet them, regardless of whether their intentions were hostile or not.

“Go. Hurry up and follow me to see what’s going on.” Dominic hurriedly excused himself from Aston and headed downstairs with the support of that Carter.

Aston smiled with interest and said to Scarlet, who had been sticking to him, “Let’s go down and take a look too.”

“Sure, Aston!” Scarlet unsurprisingly quickly agreed.

When they hurriedly took the elevator to the lobby downstairs, they happened to see a scene that took them aback.

Chris Douglas was bending over and bowing deeply to someone while saying in a clear voice, “Mr. Gray, I’m very sorry! My younger brother Gordon has done something wrong and offended you. We’ve already broken both his legs, and we’re now here to apologize to you and ask for your forgiveness!”

The person opposite Chris was clearly Lucas, who had just gone downstairs!

Chris’s subservient actions and speech were undoubtedly astonishing for the Carters, and they thought that they were hallucinating!

The Douglas family was a first-class family in Orange County. They were wealthy and powerful and owned countless entertainment joints in the county. And Chris Douglas, the eldest son of Hugo Douglas, was almost confirmed as the next successor of the family.

Such a big shot was actually bending over and apologizing to the loser Lucas! They even broke Gordon Douglas’s legs in order to show their sincerity to him!

“Oh my god!”

Is this world too magical? Or am I still dreaming?

The Carters dared not believe it at all.

Scarlet opened her mouth wide and looked at Lucas in disbelief.

Beside them, Aston looked at Lucas with some interest in his gaze. What… kind of a person is Lucas Gray? Is he really that legendary son-in-law loser?

At this moment, Lucas looked at Chris, who was bending forward and bowing to him, and then at Gordon, who was lying on a stretcher and covered in blood. His flesh was badly mangled, and he was in so much pain that he turned pale while his forehead was covered in cold sweat. However, Lucas didn’t feel anything.

He felt that the Douglases had brought it upon themselves.

Putting aside the fact that Gordon had attacked Charlotte, Cheyenne, and him several times, the Douglases owned several sordid businesses and often engaged in dirty deeds. This alone had already decided that their misdeeds would be exposed one day and that the family would collapse.

Although Lucas did order Davis to destroy the Douglas family, the various pieces of evidence that led to the crisis that they were facing were all real, and there was no fabrication involved.

Seeing that Lucas wasn’t responding, Scarlet suddenly thought of something. “Mr. Douglas, did you get the wrong person? You should be apologizing to Mr. Brooke, not Lucas Gray.”

Scarlet pointed to Aston beside her.

However, what she thought was a kind reminder didn’t sit too well with Chris, and he shot her an icy-cold gaze. “Shut up! Who are you to insult Mr. Gray?!”


Before Scarlet could recover from the shock, one of Chris’s followers came over and slapped her hard in her face.

Scarlet was incredibly embarrassed, and she quickly clutched her face and stood still with tears in her eyes, not daring to make another sound.

When Dominic saw this scene, his face trembled a little, but he did not dare get justice for his granddaughter in front of Chris Douglas. So he could only pretend not to see.

On the other hand, Aston caressed Scarlet’s back and comforted her quietly. She immediately whimpered and leaned close to him.

If not for the fact that there were so many people there, she would have buried her head in his chest and cried her heart out!

However, Lucas didn’t feel that Chris was sincere in apologizing and merely thought that he was putting on a show.

He was about to leave, but beside him, Cheyenne suddenly said softly, “Lucas, just let them off.”

Chapter 80: It’s Mr. Brooke

Since Cheyenne had spoken up, Lucas would naturally give in on her account.

Besides, he didn’t necessarily need the Douglas family to disappear completely from Orange County.

Lucas said coldly, “If not for my wife’s kindhearted nature, I definitely wouldn’t have spared your family. However, you must remember that if you provoke my family and me or commit those heinous acts again, your family can just wait to perish!”

Chris bowed repeatedly and thanked him. “Thank you for your magnanimity. We will remember your kindness!”

Lucas looked at Chris. “Aren’t you going to leave?”

“Yes, we will leave immediately!” Chris Douglas instructed his men to take Gordon, who was on the stretcher, and left in a hurry.

After glancing at Dominic and the others, Lucas left with Cheyenne.

The Carters were left dumbfounded.

Dominic couldn’t believe that Lucas, whom he thought was a good-for-nothing and had kicked out of the family, could actually speak to Chris Douglas so impolitely and even make him be so afraid and subservient toward him.

At this moment, Scarlet stared at the backs of Cheyenne and Lucas, who had gone far, and suddenly said in disdain, “Hmph, how dare that loser continue to pretend and deceive the Douglas family? Once they find out the truth, they won’t let him off!”

Dominic frowned. “What do you mean?”

Scarlet humphed coldly. “Lucas is a loser who doesn’t even have a job. How could he possibly make the Douglases stoop so low and apologize to him? He must have used someone else’s identity!”

Dominic nodded. He would rather accept this reason than believe that the loser Lucas was actually that capable.

“I was just saying that they must have made a mistake just now. The person they want to apologize to should be Aston, right?!” Scarlet turned to look at Aston and blinked.

Aston smiled calmly. “Some time ago, we did have a conflict with them. But I don’t know if they’ve made a mistake or were really planning to apologize to Mr. Gray today.”

Aston didn’t confirm anything or admit that Chris was here to apologize to him.

In fact, the Brookes did not have any business dealings with the Douglases at all, and they had never offended him either. However, he decided to play along since this silly woman had already said so.

“I knew it!” Scarlet exclaimed happily when she heard Aston’s words, which vaguely seemed to be admittance. “Hmph, Chris Douglas actually didn’t appreciate it and made his subordinate slap me. When he realizes his mistake later and comes to apologize to you, you mustn’t forgive them easily!”

Despite finding it amusing, Aston stayed composed and said indignantly, “Okay. When they come, I will make them apologize to you, Scarlet.”

Scarlet burst with joy. This means that Aston thinks I’m someone important!

Dominic was extremely satisfied too. Although the Brookes were from another county, there was no reason to limit business to just one county.

For example, Aston Brooke was now in Orange County to cooperate with the Carters, and he could even obtain the apology of a top family in the county. Clearly, the Brookes had great potential for development.

If the Carters could form ties with the Brookes, their future development would become much better!

Aston Brooke is a nice young man. If Scarlet marries him, we’ll be in-laws, and our ties will be even stronger!

As Dominic thought of this, his impression of Aston got even better. He said to Scarlet, “Scarlet, don’t bother with anything else for the next few days and just focus on accompanying Aston. Lead him around the county.”

Scarlet naturally agreed happily.

“That’ll be troublesome.” Aston thanked him politely, but he was well aware of what thoughts they harbored. Hah, since they took the initiative to come to me, I won’t stand on ceremony.

Meanwhile, Lucas was driving Cheyenne back to the Brilliance Corporation.

However, Cheyenne was silent along the way, and she looked extremely upset, making Lucas’s heart ache.

But that was a thorn in Cheyenne’s heart, and Lucas couldn’t counsel her or anything. He could only let her get over it on her own and understand that it wasn’t worth having any negative emotions because of the Carters at all, much less sadness or misery.

Lucas parked his car outside the entrance of the Brilliance Corporation. After seeing Cheyenne enter the office, he picked up his phone and called Flynn Davis to say a few words to him.

The fact that Aston Brooke had been staring at Cheyenne just now and seemed to be interested made Lucas feel rather worried.

Of course, what he was worried about was Cheyenne’s safety and security. If he were to be just like Seth Miller, Cheyenne would be embroiled in even more trouble.

Soon, Davis returned the call. “Mr. Gray, we’ve checked it. That person is Aston Brooke, who is from a top family in another county. They own several businesses, the largest of which is the Solar Corporation. Estelle Brooke, whom we met in Lion Restaurant, is Aston Brooke’s sister.”

When Davis said this, Lucas immediately remembered that vile couple, Estelle Brooke and her husband, Declan Adams.

“I don’t want to see any of the Brookes’ businesses in Orange County. Do as you deem fit,” Lucas said calmly into the phone.

“Yes, Mr. Gray!” Davis immediately agreed.

With the power of the Stardust Corporation in Orange County today, he didn’t have to take a family from another county seriously. As long as they released some news, the Brookes would naturally be unable to find any decent business partners in Orange County.

Lucas was about to hang up when he suddenly remembered one more thing. “By the way, one more thing. Spare the Douglases, but do what you should for the offenses they committed.”

“Okay. I know, Mr. Gray. I’ll carry out your instructions accordingly,” Davis said respectfully.

Chris Douglas took Gordon Douglas, who had broken legs and was lying on the stretcher, to the hospital instead of heading straight home.

“After all, your legs are severely injured. You need to recuperate well in the hospital for a while.” After completing the administrative procedures in the hospital, Chris said these words to Gordon with a nonchalant expression.

“Hmph, you must be very smug now! I made a mistake and got beaten, yet you acted all capable and competent in front of Dad. Do you think you can undermine me just by doing that?” Gordon glared at Chris with a gloomy gaze.

“Haha, you’re reading too much into things.” Chris chuckled coldly and turned around to leave.

“Hey! Chris Douglas, stop right there!”

Behind him, Gordon yelled loudly, but Chris didn’t even turn around as his eyes gleamed peculiarly. This good-for-nothing Gordon Douglas will soon hold no value. There’s no point in holding it against someone who’s about to die.
Chapter 81: Brad Douglas’s Death

In the hall of the Douglas family’s main residence, the phone beside Hugo Douglas, who had been anxiously waiting for news, suddenly rang.

“How is it?” Hugo asked impatiently as soon as the call connected.

“Good news! Apart from the Luxe, Heaven Media, and three entertainment joints and bathhouses ordered to cease operations permanently, the other companies are allowed to resume operations. However, we have to pay a large fine…” said a Douglas on the other end of the line.

“That’s good. The fine doesn’t matter. The Douglases can still afford to pay it!” Hugo said in a much more relaxed tone. The tension of his face also eased up.

Although he had lost several lucrative companies, which were pillar businesses of the corporation, it was much better than having the entire Douglas family be wiped out!

As long as they were given some time to operate their businesses, they would slowly recoup their losses sooner or later. At most, they would just change the names of their companies.

Hugo hung up the phone in high spirits. The family members gathered around him immediately looked at him expectantly.

“Has the matter been resolved?”

“There’s hope for our family, right?”

“Has Chris settled everything? Is that person no longer going to pursue the matter?”

Facing their anxious and expectant gazes, Hugo nodded slowly and said with a smile, “Yes, we’ve safely overcome our crisis this time!”

In an instant, the ten-odd Douglases immediately looked relieved, and they praised Chris incessantly.

“Chris is really reliable and capable. He’s only been out for an hour or so, and the matter has already been settled!”

“He’s really worthy of being the next successor. He’s really not bad!”

“Of course. That goes without saying. After all, he has Hugo’s genes. Like father, like son!”

Hugo smiled while listening to them praising Chris, but his heart was gloomy.

In particular, he wanted to sneer when he heard them saying things like Chris was definitely competent because he was his son.

It was because the eldest son, Chris Douglas, whom they were singing praises about, was not actually Hugo Douglas’s biological son but the bastard child from an illicit affair between his wife and another man!

If it weren’t for the fact that Hugo was vying for the position of the patriarch of the family back then and needed a successor to increase his chances, he would never have allowed this bastard child, Chris Douglas, to survive!

Previously, Hugo showered Chris with praises on several occasions in public and even said that he was going to be the successor of the Douglas family, all because he wanted Chris to think that he valued him so as to ensure that he would be devoted to working for the family.

He thought that Chris would finally have a taste of how it felt to pave the way to success for others when he finally handed the family over to his biological son, Gordon Douglas!

Hugo felt that all of that was what Chris and his shameless mother owed him!

At this moment, Chris happened to have just arrived home. As soon as he entered the mansion, he was surrounded by many enthusiastic Douglases, who kept praising him endlessly.

“Chris, the fact that we can overcome the crisis this time is all thanks to you!”

“Yes, if it weren’t for you, how could our family’s crisis be resolved so quickly?”

Chris was stunned. But he soon smiled and said humbly, “Not at all. It’s only right for me to do this for the family. Besides, I also took advantage of our family’s name and prestige to get the matter resolved by fluke. Actually, Dad and all of you are the ones who deserve the credit!”

Hugo patted Chris’s shoulder warm-heartedly. “It’s no wonder you’re my son. Well done!”

Chris hurriedly lowered his head.”It’s all because you taught me well, Dad. It’s all thanks to your glory!”

The two of them looked at each other and smiled, looking like an affectionate pair of father and son.

“Hey, where’s Gordon? Didn’t he come back with you?” Hugo asked when he suddenly noticed that Gordon wasn’t around.

With a glint in his eyes, Chris answered warmly, “I saw that Gordon’s legs were severely injured, and I was scared that his condition might worsen, so I sent him to the hospital. Although his injuries didn’t really hurt his muscles and bones since we were just putting on a show for Lucas Gray, he’s still quite badly injured. So I thought that it’d be better to let Gordon recuperate well in the hospital for a while.”

“Okay, good to hear.” Hugo nodded and left.
However, he had no idea that Chris was staring at him with an icy-cold gaze from behind. Hmph, old fogy, are you thinking of making use of me to bring success to your son? I’ll see how you’re going to play mind games with me when your only biological son and grandson are dead!

After walking to a corner where no one was around, Chris dialed a certain number and made a call. “Okay, those two wastrels can be killed now. But remember to make sure they die in the hospital and don’t leave any evidence behind.”

Gordon and Brad Douglas were both hospitalized because they were seriously injured. The Douglases had just gone through a crisis, so their power had been greatly reduced. They were also all overwrought with overwhelming matters to handle. And they trusted him even more than before as well.

It was the perfect opportunity!

Besides, he could blame the deaths of Brad and Gordon on Lucas.

Not anyone could tolerate having to stoop low and bow to someone else like Chris had done at the Carter Corporation today!

The following day, the news of the sudden deaths of both Gordon Douglas and Brad Douglas in the hospital spread like wildfire throughout the county!

The Douglas family was considered a prestigious family in Orange County. And the deaths of the two direct descendants of the family naturally sparked numerous discussions and speculations in the county.

Cheyenne also heard the news, and her expression changed immediately.

When she saw Lucas again, she asked him hesitantly, “Brad Douglas and Gordon Douglas both died in the hospital yesterday. Have you heard about it?”

“What? Both of them died?” Lucas was rather surprised. He went out with Jordan early in the morning and indeed did not know about it.

Cheyenne looked at Lucas for a long time, unsure of what to say.

Lucas suddenly laughed. “Why are you looking at me like that? Do you suspect that I killed them?”

Cheyenne shook her head, well aware that Lucas shouldn’t have done such a thing even though she knew that he was capable of it.

Looking at Lucas worriedly, she said, “In that case… you have to be more careful. Brad
Douglas’s death is reportedly due to complications caused by an infected wound, and Jordan… was the one who inflicted it. I’m worried that the Douglases might blame it on you.”

Chapter 82: Death by Infection

Hearing her words, Lucas smiled and looked at her tenderly. “Don’t worry. The injuries we inflicted on Brad Douglas weren’t severe enough to be fatal. Even if they try to investigate, they won’t be able to associate it with me, so I won’t be in trouble.”

Cheyenne finally felt much less worried, but she nevertheless reminded Lucas, “Anyway, you should be more careful.”

“Yes, I will,” Lucas answered with a smile.

After Cheyenne left, a cold expression appeared on his face.

There was definitely more to the double deaths of Brad Douglas and Gordon Douglas!

If no one provoked him, he wouldn’t care to interfere with the family matters of the Douglases.

However, if someone was foolish enough to try to blame the matter on him, he wouldn’t be merciful and would simply chop off his hand! He was no saint after all.

At this moment, the Douglas residence was all black, and the two large black lacquered wooden coffins were placed in the middle of the hall, surrounded by countless white wreaths.

The Douglas family was a top family in Orange County. Since such a huge incident happened all of a sudden, there were naturally many guests. Regardless of whether they were close or not, they would all have to attend and offer parting words to the deceased. They would also have to show their respect and then comfort the Douglases.

Hugo sat beside the hall and stared at the two coffins in front of him with a deadpan expression. He wasn’t moving at all and was acting as if he couldn’t hear or see anything happening around him. His face, which was still rosy and healthy previously, seemed to have aged more than ten years overnight.
The two coffins in front of him were those of his only son, Gordon Douglas, and his only grandson, Brad Douglas. However, they would never open their eyes again.

At the thought of this, tears rolled down Hugo’s face.

This scene made the countless guests who came to offer their condolences sigh with emotion.

Anyone would be upset and grief-stricken to lose their son and grandson at an old age.

Fortunately, he had his eldest son, Chris Douglas, who could carry on the family bloodline.

At this moment, Chris also looked like he was grief-stricken and had tears in his eyes as he received the comfort and condolences from the guests on behalf of the Douglases. Sometimes, when something struck a sour note in him, he would weep and feel overwhelmed by the misery of the deaths of his younger brother and nephew.

All of a sudden, all the people who came to offer condolences felt emotional, as they could tell that the Douglas brothers shared a close relationship with each other.

However, after everyone left in the dead of the night, Chris looked at the two large coffins in the hall, and his mournful expression was now replaced by the derisive smile of a victor.

On the second day after the burial of Brad and Gordon, Hugo finally came out of his bedroom and regained some of his vitality.

However, Hugo had gray hair and a hunched back. His eyes were also emanating a sharp glint, making everyone’s heart jump.

All the Douglases waited in the hall, not even daring to breathe.

Hugo sat down on a chair in the hall, looked at everyone, and said slowly, “A few days ago, my son, Gordon, and my grandson, Brad, both passed away in the hospital due to a severe infection of their wounds.”

Hugo’s voice was hoarse. As soon as he said these words, a middle-aged woman dashed out, fell onto the ground, and started crying miserably. “Hugo! You must avenge Gordon and Brad! They died a wrongful death, but the scoundrel who killed them is still alive and well. You can’t let him off easily! You must make him pay for it!”

The middle-aged woman was none other than Brad’s mother and Gordon’s wife.

Having lost her husband and son in one night, she was about to lose her mind!
In particular, she had also heard that they had been badly beaten because they had offended Lucas Gray! Even after they had been hospitalized, he still wasn’t willing to let them off and ended up killing them! Or so she thought.

Brad’s injuries were serious but not fatal, and the same went for Gordon’s. So it was impossible for them to die in the hospital overnight!

While the woman wept miserably, the Douglases started discussing endlessly.

Almost all of them agreed that there was something fishy about the deaths of Brad and Gordon.

Although they didn’t feel much for the overbearing and haughty Gordon and the loafer Brad, who was often up to nothing good and only knew to cause trouble, they were still the core members of the family. Yet they were both killed by such brutal means, so they felt fearful and insulted.

Everyone looked at Hugo, hoping that he would issue orders to find the scoundrel who bullied them and then kill him without anyone knowing to avenge the deaths of the two Douglases!

However, to everyone’s surprise, not only did Hugo not promise to find the culprit to avenge Brad and Gordon, but he even looked at them sullenly and said austerely, “From now on, no one is allowed to talk about the deaths of Brad and Gordon. Otherwise, don’t blame me for being merciless and punishing you with the family laws!”

Hugo’s words left all of them astonished!

He’s actually threatening us with the family laws in order to suppress this matter!


Could it be that the culprit behind this is so powerful that even Hugo doesn’t dare to mess with him?

“No! You can’t do that. You clearly know that they were both murdered! How can you not avenge them?!” the middle-aged woman yelled, unable to accept this result.

“Shut up!” Hugo barked and glared at the middle-aged woman. “Are you turning a deaf ear to my words? Now that my son is gone, I can let you leave the family if you want!”

“I…” The middle-aged woman was so frightened by Hugo that she started convulsing with fear, not daring to air her grievances.
She had now lost her husband and her son and could only live the rest of her life depending on Hugo. If she provoked him and ended up getting kicked out by him, her life would be miserable!

Hugo stood up and looked around at the crowd in the middle of the hall. “Did all of you hear what I said? If I find out that anyone talks about this again, don’t blame me for not warning you beforehand!”

Chapter 83: Swallowing His Pride

Under the compelling gaze of Hugo, all the Douglases did not dare to look at him as they hurriedly hung their heads low and chorused in unison, “Yes, Old Sir!”

“One more thing.” Hugo looked at the white mourning fabric that hadn’t been cleared away yet with a grief-stricken expression.

“Gordon and Brad have just been buried, so don’t change the arrangements in the house too soon. Also, everyone in the family is forbidden from entertaining and socializing for the next one week, or else you will be disowned!” Hugo said austerely, making their hearts drop.

Having just lost his closest kin, it was only normal that Hugo wouldn’t want to see them laughing and having a whale of a time. However, if they had to cease all entertainment activities, their entertainment joints would also have to close for a week, which would result in a huge loss!

Besides, the Douglases had just suffered an enormous loss, so this loss would be even more severe.

Everyone wanted to give their opinion. But looking at Hugo’s expression, they could only stay silent.

After the family members left, Hugo called Chris to his study.

Standing in front of Hugo with his hands by his side and looking down, he looked just like a filial son.

Hugo stared at Chris and seemed to be trying to detect something from his face.

No matter how thick-skinned Chris might be, he couldn’t stay calm because he had a guilty conscience.

“Dad, why did you ask to see me?” Chris asked while looking at the oppressive gaze in Hugo’s eyes.
Hugo looked away and expressed assent, as if he had been interrupted from his trance. “Do you know why I said that in the hall just now?”

He was referring to his orders for everyone not to discuss the deaths of Brad and Gordon Douglas.

In fact, Chris was confused about it too.

His men had killed Gordon and Brad, and he even planned to make an issue out of their deaths and then put the blame on Lucas Gray so that he could avoid suspicion. No one would suspect that he had killed his younger brother and nephew.

In fact, even the middle-aged woman, Gordon’s wife, had heard about the deaths of her husband and son from someone Chris sent.

He reckoned that Hugo would definitely agree to the request since he was grief-stricken over the demise of his son and grandson.

However, he never expected that Hugo would choose not to confront Lucas and instead order all the family members not to bring it up again.

Chris lowered his head and hid the emotions in his eyes as he said respectfully, “I don’t know. But Dad, you’ve always been wise, so I reckon there must be a reason for your decision.”

Hugo sighed. “Gordon and Brad are my biological son and grandson, so of course I want to avenge them. However, we can’t openly go around saying that Lucas Gray killed them. First, we don’t have any concrete proof, and secondly, we might alarm him and cause him to flee. By then, it would be difficult to seek revenge.”

Chris nodded in a moment of epiphany and exclaimed, “Dad, you’re so wise! It indeed isn’t time for us to announce this yet. We should get rid of Lucas Gray when his guard is down!”

“Yes! The murderer is Lucas Gray, and we can roughly confirm that. Even if he wasn’t the one, he was still the one who beat up Gordon and Brad. We have every right to look for him!” Hugo gritted his teeth.

Immediately afterward, Hugo reached out and patted Chris on his shoulder. “Chris, you’re my only son now. I’ll hand over the task of killing Lucas Gray and avenging Brad and Gordon to you! After you complete it, I will convene a meeting and hand over the position of the successor of the Douglas family to you in public!”

Hugo’s eyes were full of an inscrutable menace.
Lucas Gray was not to be trifled with, and since his biological son was dead, there was no need for the bastard child Chris Douglas to continue living either! Besides, the murderer might really be Lucas, but it could also be the ingrate Chris!

If the two of them were to be at odds with each other, they could just kill each other! Regardless of which one of them died, it would be good!

Only then could he avenge Gordon and Brad!

When Hugo thought of that scene, his hands began trembling.

Suddenly, he heard a loud sound.

Chris burst into laughter!


Chris was just like an obedient dog in front of him, yet he suddenly laughed after hearing that Hugo was going to hand over the position of successor to him.

Hugo was shocked, and soon, he was furious.

He had clearly just said that no one was to laugh or chatter for the sake of mourning Brad and Gordon. Yet Chris was laughing!

“What are you laughing about?!” Hugo flew into a rage and glared at Chris.

“Haha, Dad. You mean that if I don’t seek revenge on Lucas Gray, you won’t give me the position of successor, right?” Chris asked with a smile.

Hugo found his action peculiar and frowned. “Of course not. You’re my only son. Who else would I hand it to but you?”

“Haha, who knows? I’m not your biological son. How could you hand the family over to me?
I’m afraid you must be thinking about how to kill me, right?”

Chris was still smiling, but in Hugo’s opinion, he was like a terrifying demon!

“What nonsense are you babbling about?” Hugo roared with shock and fear within him. When did this bastard find out?

Or has he always been pretending all this while? Has he been pretending so well that I thought he was an obedient dog, and he’s only showing his true colors now?
All of a sudden, Hugo’s heart was full of horror and anxiety.

“Hah, you should know whether or not I’m babbling nonsense.” Since he had already revealed his true colors, Chris saw no need to pretend and walked toward the couch to sit down calmly.

“You just want me to deal with Lucas Gray and end up getting injured too. It’s best if we both die, right?”

Chapter 84: Another Funeral

Chris’s words made Hugo take a few steps back in astonishment, almost falling onto the ground.

Hugo stared in shock and horror while pointing at Chris Douglas, his fingers trembling violently, barely able to utter a complete sentence.

“You… you…”

My plans and thoughts have been seen through by this scumbag?!

“You, get lost! Get out of my house immediately! I will never hand over the family assets to a bastard like you!” Hugo hollered while pointing at the door.

“Hah, it’s too late.” Chris didn’t move at all. Instead, he smiled even more joyously. “I didn’t want to take action so soon at first, but you forced me into this.”

Hearing his words, Hugo acutely sensed danger. “What do you mean?”

Chris smiled and clapped his hands. A stranger with neatly combed hair, donning a gray suit and gold-rimmed glasses, pushed open the door to the study and walked in.

“Who are you? Who let you in? Get out!” Hugo barked furiously.

The matter had already escalated beyond Hugo’s control. And in fact, he even felt a strong sense of crisis.

The stranger didn’t pay attention to Hugo and instead walked straight to Chris, bent low, and bowed. He then took out a document from his briefcase and laid it on the coffee table in front of him respectfully.

“Mr. Douglas Senior, this is the will that I have prepared according to your instructions. I have already verified that everything has been signed by you. Now, you only need to have to sign the last page with your thumbprint,” the stranger said to Hugo.

Hugo widened his eyes in disbelief. Immediately afterward, he flew into a rage. “Bastard! Since when did I ever make a will? When did I ever verify it with my signature? This is all just tricks you’re playing! This will doesn’t belong to me! It has no legal effect at all!”

“I’m going to go look for someone. This document is fabricated. It doesn’t count! I’m going to kick you out of the family, you bastard!” Hugo began to panic.

His unfilial son had already brought out a fabricated will. Who knows what he might do next? Hugo was bent on immediately leaving to look for security and the other family members to kick him out!

At this moment, there was a loud thump on the back of Hugo’s head.

Hugo slowly turned around and saw that Chris had smashed his head with an ashtray. His lips were trembling, but he couldn’t even utter a single word. Afterward, Hugo slowly began crumbling forward.

Chris walked to Hugo’s side, squatted down, and said softly, “You can now go and reunite with your precious son and grandson. Don’t worry. I’ll politely accept the entire Douglas family.”

Hugo’s throat moved a few times, but he still couldn’t say a single word in the end. His pupils dilated as blood flowed out from the back of his head, forming a huge pool of blood on the ground.

“Oh no! Someone, come here! Dad accidentally slipped and fell! Hurry and call an ambulance!” Chris began yelling anxiously in the study.

The Douglases were in chaos again.

Soon, the Douglases, which had just held two funerals, held their third one.

Within a short span of a few days, three significant figures of the family died, one after another.

The news took all of Orange County by storm.

Countless people were privately discussing the Douglas family’s successive deaths over the past few days, and countless speculations spread throughout the county.

However, at this juncture, Chris had already successfully become the new head of the Douglas family after the funeral ceremony.

As the only living son of Hugo Douglas and holding the will left by him before his demise, coupled with the public statements he made about making Chris Douglas the successor, Chris Douglas was able to take over the position as the head of the family smoothly and successfully. No one raised any doubts.

The changes in the Douglas family naturally caused a tremendous uproar in the county.

Some people who had been harmed by the Douglases, such as Charlotte, were stunned upon hearing the news. Charlotte sneered. “Hah, this is karma! The Douglases committed too many disgusting misdeeds, and now Heaven won’t spare them either. All three of them have dropped dead!”

In the Carter main residence, after Dominic heard the news and felt astonished, he gave it some careful thought. He then grinned merrily and quickly called his granddaughter Scarlet Wright over.

“Scarlet, have you heard about what happened to the Douglases?” Hugo Douglas asked.

Scarlet nodded. “Yes, they’re just out of luck! But that has nothing to do with us, right?”

“Haha, silly child.” Dominic rubbed his hands happily. “Think about it. The Douglases specially came to apologize to Mr. Brooke, but they mistakenly apologized to that scoundrel Lucas Gray instead. Next, their family members died one after another. Haven’t you figured out the key point?”

Feeling puzzled, Scarlet thought about it for a while before coming to a sudden realization. “Grandpa, I understand! It must be because they offended Mr. Brooke!”

“Shh! Keep your voice down. Just keep it to yourself, and make sure you don’t tell anyone about it, lest you bring trouble to Mr. Brooke. Understood?” Dominic instructed sternly.

With glistening eyes, Scarlet covered her mouth and nodded repeatedly. “Yes! Don’t worry, Grandpa! I will definitely keep my lips sealed and not cause trouble for Aston!”

“Speaking of which, how are you and him progressing? Are you confident?” Dominic asked.

At the mention of this, Scarlet began to look uneasy. She had been accompanying Aston for the past few days. Aston was physically attractive and a good sweet-talker as well. They had long advanced to home run.

Hearing her grandfather’s question at this moment, Scarlet blushed and said smugly, “Don’t worry, Grandpa. We… are progressing well. He promised to discuss our marriage with his elders when he returns to LA after some time.”

“Hahahaha, not bad, not bad! You’re indeed worthy of being my granddaughter. Impressive!” Dominic was overjoyed as he clapped his hands. “Scarlet, you must hold on tight to Aston. Once you’re married, you’ll be the most prestigious lady of a wealthy family, and the Carters will rise to the peak again thanks to them. We will become your most reliable maiden home!”

Meanwhile, Cheyenne was still feeling uneasy and full of mixed emotions after hearing about the deaths of the Douglases!

Chapter 85: Cheyenne Gets Hit

Within a few days, all three members of the Douglas family’s direct line of succession died.

To the world at large, Brad and Gordon Douglas had passed away because of health complications caused by their infected injuries, while Hugo Douglas fell down at home because he was too grief-stricken and knocked the back of his head, thereby unfortunately passing away.

However, many didn’t believe this.

Cheyenne didn’t believe it either, especially since a conflict had just broken out between Lucas and the Douglases because of Charlotte and her just a few days ago. Yet they died a few days later.

This made it hard for Cheyenne to believe that this really had nothing to do with Lucas.

Thus, she was feeling extremely complicated. On the one hand, she didn’t want to believe that Lucas would be ruthless enough to kill them for the sake of revenge. But on the other hand, the facts left her with no choice but to doubt him.

So when Lucas came to pick her up from work at the entrance of the Brilliance Corporation office, Cheyenne decided to voice her doubts, as she couldn’t endure the torment in her heart. “Did you cause the deaths of the Douglases?”

When Lucas heard this, his hand stiffened. Then he drove to the roadside to pull over and stepped on the brakes.

“Cheyenne, are you suspecting that I killed those people?” Lucas asked bitterly.

Cheyenne bit her lips. “I don’t want to suspect you either. But you did have a conflict with the Douglases because of what happened to me and Charlotte. Moreover, I haven’t heard of them offending anyone lately apart from you. I know you definitely are capable of doing this, but I don’t want you to go too far and commit such illegal acts.”

He smiled bitterly. “Am I an immoral devil who kills others without feeling anything in your eyes?”

Pinching her palm, Cheyenne looked at Lucas. “Does that mean that their deaths really have nothing to do with you?”

He looked into her eyes solemnly and nodded. “I do have the ability to kill them, but I wasn’t the one who did this. If I did, I’d admit to my own doings. But since I didn’t, I won’t. The Douglases aren’t worthy of my intervention.”

Cheyenne realized that she had indeed misunderstood him.

Since Lucas had the ability to destroy the Douglas family at any time, there was indeed no need for him to take their lives.

“I’m sorry. I-I was just worried that you did something impulsive…” she apologized. After all, anyone would be displeased to be suspected of being a murderer.

“It’s okay. I understand. Don’t worry.” Lucas nodded, well aware of what she was worried about. She was just afraid that he might step on the wrong path of no return and didn’t want Amelia to have such a terrifying father.

However, her concerns were completely unnecessary because he was extremely clear what his bottom line was. Besides, he wouldn’t dirty his hands easily.

After hearing what Lucas said, Cheyenne finally felt relieved.

The following morning, Cheyenne went to work. As soon as she entered her office, Jane Harper walked over and threw a pile of documents onto her desk before she could even turn on her computer. Jane ended up knocking over Cheyenne’s cup, but fortunately, there was no water in it.
“Convert the data in these documents into tables and statistical reports. Make two sets of slides. I need them for the meeting at nine-thirty later,” Jane ordered while frowning in annoyance.

Cheyenne sorted out the documents scattered all over the desk. There were about fifty documents, which cumulatively were half the thickness of a dictionary. She flipped through them, only to see that there were all sorts of data tables and some scribbling on them.

Cheyenne subconsciously frowned.

It was nearly 8:30, only an hour before the meeting.

The thick stack of documents would require a long time to process, and she even had to consolidate them into a single data table and then turn them into presentation slides. Putting the data into tables alone would require at least two days.

Getting all of it done in an hour was an absolutely impossible task!

“Ms. Harper, the time is too tight. I’m afraid I won’t be able to get it ready in time. Do you have the original digital spreadsheets of this information? If you do…”

Before Cheyenne could finish, Jane snapped hostilely, “Are you a good-for-nothing? I can’t even get you to do a simple task. Can’t get it ready in time? Do you come to the office every day just to muddle through? You should have been fired long ago!”

Cheyenne took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the anger welling up in her chest.

Jane Harper was clearly making things difficult for her on purpose!

It wasn’t the first time either.

From the day Cheyenne rejoined the Brilliance Corporation and started working from the bottom, Jane had already requested to transfer Cheyenne over to her department.

Initially, Cheyenne thought that she was just being grateful and trying to take care of her.

When Cheyenne was still in the Brilliance Corporation as the chairman of the board of directors, Jane was just an ordinary fresh graduate. Due to her humble family background and the fact that Cheyenne saw her getting bullied on several occasions in the office, Cheyenne took pity on her and made an exception to promote her to her personal assistant.

Although she took on the role of an ordinary assistant, being the assistant of the company’s chairman meant that she was treated completely differently from ordinary assistants. Thus, with Cheyenne’s help, Jane propelled to a high position, and her status and salary skyrocketed too, making many envious.

However, after the Carters took away the Brilliance Corporation from Cheyenne later, Jane did not talk to her much when she saw her around and even avoided her.

Cheyenne thought that Jane was just worried that she might be implicated and offend the Carters if they saw her talking to her.

However, Cheyenne never thought that Jane would ask to have her transferred to her department just so she could torture her every day by giving her arduous tasks that were impossible to finish. She reprimanded Cheyenne all the time and was actually the one who forced her to go to Heaven Media by threatening to have fired.

By giving Cheyenne such a thick stack of documents and a Herculean task that was impossible to finish, Jane was also deliberately trying to humiliate her and make things difficult.

At the thought of this, Cheyenne no longer wanted to try to complete the task. She looked at Jane and said, “Ms. Harper, I don’t think I’ve ever treated you poorly in the past. Why do you have to torture me intentionally like this?”

Cheyenne thought she was communicating calmly. But to her surprise, as soon as she finished speaking, Jane suddenly raised her hand and slapped her across the face with all her might!


Chapter 86: Jane Harper’s Death

Jane’s merciless slap landed hard on Cheyenne’s face, making her cock her head toward the side. And soon, Cheyenne’s entire cheek became swollen.

This loud slap stunned everyone in the office, and they all stopped what they were doing and looked over.

“Hmph, I was clearly just briefing you on the tasks you have to do as per normal, but you said I’m intentionally torturing you? I’ll let you feel what it’s like to be tortured. Do you understand now?” Jane Harper stared at Cheyenne arrogantly with a smug expression on her made-up face.

“Tell me yourself. Since you came to work under me, how many tasks have you completed?
You hand them to me late every single time. How much of my time did you waste?
“When I sent you to negotiate with the Douglases previously, it was already a sure bet, yet you messed things up. You’re so useless!

“Today, I asked you to make data tables and slides. Is this very difficult? Anyone can do such a simple task, and yet you’re being so adamant about complaining that you can’t finish it. Are you much more noble than others?

“Hmph, Cheyenne Carter, do you think you are still the same high and mighty chairman of the board? Wake up. You’re just a lowly staff. If you can’t even do such a simple thing, you can get lost! The Brilliance Corporation won’t feed someone useless like you!”

Jane’s voice was very loud as she reprimanded Cheyenne incessantly, causing the other staff from other departments to look over.

If they only heard her accusations, those who didn’t know what really happened would definitely think that Cheyenne’s incompetence was why she failed to complete such a simple task and think that she was deliberately trying to stall for time.

However, none of them knew how arduous these so-called simple tasks that Jane handed to Cheyenne every day really were. During this period of time, Cheyenne had been spending her nights doing work at home until midnight just so she could complete these tasks and hand them to her the following morning.

However, even then, Jane still accused her of deliberately procrastinating and handing them to her late.

Jane was obviously making things difficult for Cheyenne, and she even slapped her. Yet she twisted facts and spoke with so much gusto that the people in other departments felt that she had every right to reprimand Cheyenne. They thought no one would want a lousy employee like Cheyenne, who was incompetent yet sly, lazy, and often slacked off.

As for some employees in this department, they were naturally clearer about the details. However, Cheyenne Carter was merely a junior employee, while Jane Harper was a deputy manager of the business department. Naturally, no one would want to stand up for Cheyenne and end up offending Jane.

Cheyenne covered her flushed face while her heart was full of anger and grievances. She clenched her fists tightly.

“Are you still not convinced? Hmph, forget it. Since you can’t even do a simple task like drawing up a table, go and pour me a cup of hot water and bring it to my office. Don’t tell me that you can’t even pour a cup of water! What are you waiting for? Get to it now!” Jane hollered sternly.
Her face red and swollen, Cheyenne clenched her teeth. Then she went to the office pantry and brought a cup of hot water over.

The water Cheyenne poured was not pure boiling hot water but lukewarm water that was just right for drinking.

When Cheyenne returned with this cup of water, she heard some people in the office gathered around Jane sucking up to her.

“Ms. Harper, you’re so impressive. You’re so young, and you managed to become a deputy manager. You’re so young and pretty, and you’re really capable too. I’m so envious!”

“That’s right! Ms. Harper is so much better than that bitch Cheyenne Carter! If not for the fact that she had the support of the Carters previously, she wouldn’t be fit to carry Ms. Harper’s shoes!”

“Ms. Harper, your skin is so good. How do you take care of your skin? You look so much better than other girls in their twenties! My sister went abroad on a business trip and brought me a set of skincare products, but I don’t use them at all. Why don’t you try it out for me?”

“Haha, how can I accept it?” Jane said. However, she grabbed the gift bag of skincare products. When she saw the large stack of money in it, her smile became even more radiant.

“The Grange Corporation’s project is not too bad. I will let you be in charge of it,” Jane said to the young woman who gave her the gift.

The young woman was instantly overjoyed and thanked her repeatedly. The project with the Grange Corporation had a huge profit margin, and she pondered for a long time but couldn’t figure out why it didn’t get accepted. Under the guidance of others, she finally understood the trick.

Indeed, after she sent a gift package worth more than ten thousand dollars, she managed to clinch the project!

Although she felt the pinch of giving such a hefty gift, she would be able to recoup her losses soon if she managed the project well.

The young woman was on cloud nine. The others looked at this scene with envy and jealousy while thinking about the profitable projects that they could work hard on.

Cheyenne was outside and could not see what was inside the gift bag. But she felt that Jane’s behavior was very inappropriate.
However, she couldn’t say anything. As long as the young female colleague insisted that it was a normal gift between women, no one could find an issue with it.

“Ms. Harper, here’s the water you wanted.” Cheyenne handed the glass of water to Jane.

“Okay.” Jane Harper glared at Cheyenne indifferently. Then she grabbed the glass of water and took a sip.

Before the water touched her lips, Jane Harper’s face turned furious, and she splashed the water at Cheyenne’s face. “How can I drink such hot water? Are you trying to scald me?!”

Cheyenne took a step back, and the water missed her face but splashed onto her clothes. Water dripped down, and she looked extremely distressed.

Fortunately, Cheyenne had added some cold water. Had the hot water scalded her, she would have definitely suffered severe burns!

Even if Cheyenne had a good temper, she couldn’t tolerate it now. “Jane Harper, I’ve had enough of your nitpicking! If the water were really hot, weren’t you worried that it would have scalded me?”

“Hmph, did you get scalded?” Jane Harper raised her head disdainfully. “Cheyenne, you’re used to being a pampered heiress, aren’t you? You couldn’t even get a glass of water properly. You’re a good-for-nothing! How dare you call me by my full name? Are you sick of your job? Go to the HR department and submit your letter of resignation. I won’t stop you!”

Cheyenne looked at Jane coldly. “Do you think you can order me around and bully me however you want just because you’re my manager?”

Chapter 87: Super Promotion

Cheyenne’s face turned sullen, and her aura became austere, instantly reminding Jane of the time when she was just a fresh graduate and was full of awe toward Cheyenne. She had even developed a sense of inferiority then.

However, Jane soon got rid of this feeling. She was now a deputy manager at the Brilliance Corporation, while Cheyenne was just a junior employee subordinate to her. Cheyenne was at her beck and call.

Jane looked at Cheyenne with contempt. “Yes! Do you still think that you’re the lofty chairman you used to be and that I’m still your assistant? Now, I’m your manager, and you have to do whatever I tell you. You have to bear with all the scoldings and beatings that I give!
“I know you still harbor thoughts of going back to the management level and climbing to the top of the Brilliance Corporation, but those are merely your delusions!

“I’m telling you, as long as I’m here, you will never get a chance to be promoted. You will stay at the bottom as an ordinary employee for the rest of your life, and you will never be able to climb up again!”

Jane hollered at Cheyenne with a menacing expression. She was furious and envious of her!

How could Cheyenne Carter be so lucky as to be born into a wealthy family and have such a beautiful face? She even became the chairman of the company at such a young age and possessed everything that everyone is envious of.

Why did I have to be so lowly and inferior in front of her while she did me favors and bestowed kindness?

Now, Cheyenne Carter has finally fallen from her pedestal and become far worse than me. I, Jane Harper, will step all over her and never give her the chance to climb up again!

Cheyenne found it really ironic. Jane was now a deputy manager, but she managed to get to that position because of Cheyenne’s help. Yet Jane was now throwing her weight around and putting on airs in front of her. She even swore to condemn Cheyenne and undermine her!

In that case, all her previous thoughts were just overly naive and righteous.

Thinking of this, Cheyenne took a deep breath and glanced at Jane coldly. “Is that so? Keep your eyes wide open. I hope you will never regret it!”

After saying this, Cheyenne stopped looking at Jane and the others in the office, who had peculiar expressions. She headed straight to the washroom to change out of her wet clothes.

Soon, everything that happened in the business department office was reported in detail.

Flynn Davis didn’t dare to be negligent when it came to Cheyenne’s affairs. He not only sent someone to pay attention to Cheyenne’s actions in the company but also reported these matters to Lucas as soon as possible.

When Lucas heard that Jane had openly humiliated Cheyenne, slapped her, and even splashed hot water on her in front of everyone at the office, an icy-cold gaze appeared in his eyes, and he was on the verge of killing someone. She’s merely a deputy manager of the business department, and yet she has the audacity to insult Cheyenne.

Previously, Jane was the one who forced her to go to Heaven Media to discuss the cooperation with it, but he hadn’t had the time to deal with her yet. Now, she was getting worse!

On the other end of the line, Davis seemed to be able to sense the coldness coming from Lucas. He was so nervous that he didn’t dare to breathe deeply at all.

“Conduct a thorough investigation on Jane Harper. Since she has received bribes openly in the office, she definitely can’t be clean. Find out all the dirty deeds that she has done over the years, sort out the evidence, and report her to the police,” Lucas said coldly.

“Yes, Mr. Gray! I’ll send someone to check it out right away, and I’ll make sure to do a careful job!” Davis hurriedly answered.

At this moment, a text message was sent to Lucas’s phone. It was from Cheyenne.

Lucas hurriedly opened it and smirked after reading the content clearly. This silly girl has finally figured it out.

Before ending the call with Davis, Lucas ordered, “I want to make Cheyenne the general manager of the Brilliance Corporation. Go draft the official documents now and announce it before noon. I want everyone in the Brilliance Corporation to hear it!”

Davis was astonished, but he immediately answered, “Yes, Mr. Gray! I’ll get to it immediately!”

He was shocked naturally because he knew that Cheyenne had previously rejected Lucas’s proposal to directly make her the chairman of the Brilliance Corporation, as she wanted to start from scratch. However, he was also clear about what Jane had just said. Now, Cheyenne’s choice was the most appropriate approach.

“Get someone to spread the word and say that the company is likely to promote Jane
Harper to the position of the director of the business department.”

“Um…” Davis was a little confused why Lucas wanted to promote someone like Jane Harper, but he quickly figured it out and wanted to curse himself for being so silly.

Since Jane had the audacity to bully Cheyenne, how could Lucas still promote her? By releasing the news, he just wanted her to become conceited. The higher she stood, the harder she would fall!
“Okay, I understand, Mr. Gray!” Davis acknowledged and proceeded to get to it.

Lucas sat on the couch and looked at the message Cheyenne sent on the screen. “Can I be the general manager?” He felt heartache, but he was heartened too. This silly girl has finally decided to depend on me.

Soon, an assistant of the HR department rushed to the office of the business department and said to Jane smilingly, “I specially came back to congratulate you. Ms. Harper, you’ll be promoted soon!”

Hearing this, Jane was overjoyed, and she frantically asked, “Really? Am I really going to be promoted? I’m going to be appointed manager?”

She had been in the position of deputy manager for some time, and her former boss, a Carter, had already been given the sack some time ago. Jane thought that the position would naturally be given to her. To her surprise, she finally received the news after such a long time!

Jane smiled, and the employees around her were also about to congratulate her on her promotion. But the HR assistant shook her head. “No, you’re not going to be promoted to a manager.”

Jane Harper froze, and everyone around her was at a loss for words. Since it was a
promotion, how could it not be to a manager?

“Congratulations, Ms. Harper. You’ll soon become the director of the business department!” the HR assistant exclaimed, panting heavily.

Jane Harper was overwhelmed with joy, as if she had won the lottery!

Being promoted from a deputy manager to a department director was a super promotion!

Chapter 88: New General Manager

Jane was incredibly excited about soon becoming a director, so much so that she was at a loss for what to say.

“Wow. Congratulations, Ms. Harper!”

“Congratulations, Ms. Harper. You are going to be promoted to director! In our company, you’re the only one who could become a director at such a young age!”
“Ms. Harper, please take care of us in the future!”

“Let’s treat Ms. Harper to dinner tonight to celebrate her promotion!”

The staff of the business department all gathered around Jane and praised her incessantly.

Jane Harper was brimming with joy, and she couldn’t hide her smugness.

“Tonight, I’ll treat you all to dinner. Let’s book two private rooms at Lion Restaurant. I’d like to thank you all for the trust you’ve had in me and for taking care of me all this while! In the future, we will also continue to work together to make our business department expand and become stronger!”

Although the official promotion appointment letter hadn’t been released yet, Jane was already full of vigor and had the demeanor of a leader.

When they heard that Jane intended to treat them to dinner at Lion Restaurant, all the colleagues began cheering gleefully. “Ms. Harper, you’re so generous!”

“We definitely won’t lose out by working under Ms. Harper!”

At this moment, Cheyenne, who had just changed into a clean set of clothes, entered.

Jane pointed at Cheyenne. “Let’s all go to the Lion tonight, but this person is not welcome.”

As soon as they heard her words, everyone looked at Cheyenne gloatingly.

Jane was now about to be promoted to the director of the business department, while Cheyenne was still just a junior employee.

If they ended up offending Jane Harper, there would definitely be severe consequences.

Cheyenne Carter is going to have a hard time from now on.

Well, unless she leaves the company after realizing that she can’t stand it anymore…

They were all pragmatic people. Seeing how much Jane detested Cheyenne, so much so that she wouldn’t even let Cheyenne take a few days off, no one wanted to take the risk of offending her. Thus, they simply undermined Cheyenne.

“Hmph, even I feel disgusted by Cheyenne Carter’s pretentiousness, let alone Ms. Harper!” “Exactly! Whenever Ms. Harper orders her to do something, she procrastinates and gives all sorts of excuses for her failure to complete it. Ms. Harper is too kind. If it were me, I would have already fired her!”

“She acts like an heiress just because she used to be family with the Carters! The Brilliance Corporation has long been taken away from her, and she’s not even part of the Carter family anymore since they’ve already chased her out. She’s all alone now. I wonder what dirty tricks she’s using!”

“Hmph, Ms. Harper is right! Tonight is a celebratory dinner for your promotion to director.
How could we let someone come and ruin the atmosphere?”

Cheyenne’s face turned gloomy. Jane Harper is actually going to be promoted to the director of the business department?

This was something she was unaware of.

However, Cheyenne was not worried at all because she knew that the owner of the Brilliance Corporation was Lucas. And she reckoned that he should be aware of the things that Jane had been doing. He was probably just giving her a false sense of joy.

Cheyenne wasn’t interested in the celebratory party either. Even if Jane invited her, she wouldn’t go.

She was just disappointed that the business department that she had single-handedly developed had already changed drastically after six years of poor management by the Carters.

The majority of the people still here were all bootlickers.

Facing this group of people lashing out at her with harsh and malicious remarks because of Jane, Cheyenne looked at them coldly and humphed. “I hope you will have an enjoyable celebration banquet tonight.”

“Hah, are you being sour because Ms. Harper didn’t invite you?”

“Hahaha. We’re going to an expensive restaurant for a meal tonight thanks to Ms. Harper, while Cheyenne can only go home and cook for her loser husband! Hahahaha!”

“Hahahaha. I forgot Cheyenne Carter had a loser husband! But now that she has been kicked out by the Carters, she might also be chased out by the company. By then, I wonder if her loser husband will still want her!”

“Hahaha, yes, exactly. After all, he just sponges off her. Once Cheyenne stops providing for him, I wonder what’s going to happen to them!”

They started insulting her one after another.

In the past, Cheyenne might still feel embarrassed. But now, she just felt that they were a bunch of clowns.

Without saying anything, she turned around and left to prepare for her future plans after becoming the general manager.

Initially, Cheyenne had turned down Lucas’s offer to hand over the Brilliance Corporation directly to her and wanted to climb up the ladder with her own efforts so that others would be convinced that she truly had what it takes.

However, everything that happened made Cheyenne understand that even if she was outstanding and hardworking, she would never be able to advance because of Jane Harper.

Cheyenne had also figured something out.

Her ultimate goal was to take back the Brilliance Corporation and purge all the bad practices and unscrupulous employees. She wanted the Brilliance Corporation to become healthy and full of vigor, restoring it to what it used to be.

Trying to gain the recognition of others was not the right thing to do.

As long as Lucas approved of her and she had the ability to improve the Brilliance Corporation, that would be enough.

Soon, before noon, a shocking piece of news spread to the ears of every employee of the Brilliance Corporation.

A new general manager had already been appointed and would be arriving at the office in the afternoon. At that time, all the employees of the Brilliance Corporation, except those who were out of town on business trips, would have to go to the first floor of the office to meet the new general manager!

Once the news came out, countless people began to talk about it.

Since the Brilliance Corporation was taken away by the Stardust Corporation more than ten days ago, the former general manager, Bryce Carter, was kicked out, and the remaining Carters were also sacked. Thus, there were many vacant positions.

However, except for the temporary assignment of the deputy general manager to take care of the company affairs, no other vacant positions had been filled.

In particular, the top position of general manager had been vacant for a long time. Many people had also been guessing if someone would be transferred over to fill the position or if a staff of the Brilliance Corporation would be promoted.

To be honest, they would prefer an internal selection within the Brilliance Corporation so that everyone would have a fair chance. Besides, they were all old acquaintances, and there would be more room for discussion.

“Have you heard? Who is the general manager this time? Is it someone from elsewhere or someone from our company?” someone asked.

Chapter 89: Jane Harper’s Dreams

“Who knows? I asked the HR department, and they all said they received an order from the higher-ups not to spread the word. They only said that we’ll know in the afternoon.”

“So, it’s pretty confidential, huh?”

Jane was also part of the gossiping team.

She had just received the news today that she would be promoted to a director and that the newly appointed general manager would be coming soon. Thus, she had to do her best to leave a good impression on the new general manager to get into his good books. It’ll be best if the new general manager is a young and handsome bachelor!

Jane believed that with her competence and beauty, she might be able to marry the general manager in the future if she could win his favor!

That would be much more powerful than the authority she would have as the director of the business department!

Jane imagined how much power she would enjoy after she married the general manager of the Brilliance Corporation and how everyone would have to bow down to her. If she were good at convincing him, the Brilliance Corporation would be in her control!

By then, Cheyenne Carter would be nothing!

Jane was overjoyed, and when she turned around to look at Cheyenne, who was typing on her computer in the corner, she suddenly felt a strong sense of superiority. So what if the Brilliance Corporation used to belong to you? Soon, it will become mine!

As she thought of this, an arrogant expression appeared on her face, and she strutted smugly toward Cheyenne’s desk in her heels. She raised her hand and unplugged the cable connected to Cheyenne’s computer.

Cheyenne had just completed some project proposals and personnel transfer files and uploaded them to her cloud drive. However, she hadn’t finished some spreadsheets yet, but the computer screen suddenly went black.

She looked up to see Jane standing in front of her with an arrogant and condescending expression, holding the power plug in her hand. A few ill-intentioned staff out to watch a good show surrounded them.

“What are you doing?” Cheyenne frowned and looked at Jane, who had obviously unplugged the power cord on purpose.

“Watch your tone with Ms. Harper!” Before Jane could say anything, a person with heavy makeup intervened and was eager to teach Cheyenne a lesson.

Cheyenne didn’t even bother paying attention to such a person and simply stared at Jane to see what tricks she was playing.

“Tsk, I don’t even know what you’re pretending to be busy for. The new general manager will be here soon. Did you know?” Jane Harper said leisurely after dropping the power cord.

“And?” Cheyenne asked, leaning back against her chair.

Seeing how unconcerned and nonchalant Cheyenne was, Jane was furious. Why does this woman always act as if she is so high and mighty?

Jane decided that she didn’t want to fire Cheyenne so soon. She wanted to keep her around so that she could make her watch her become the wife of the general manager and take away the Brilliance Corporation!

“What are you pretending for? Who doesn’t know that you were the chairman of the Brilliance Corporation in the past, but the Carters took it away from you later? You were then given a powerless junior position, and you even competed with Bryce Carter for the position of general manager. But unfortunately, that old man would rather choose that wastrel Bryce than make you the general manager.

“You must be disappointed, huh? There’s going to be someone else taking the position of general manager. Does that make you sadder?” Jane Harper said with a smile, deliberately out to upset Cheyenne.

“Ah, poor you! You used to be the high and mighty chairman of the board, but now you can only huddle in a corner of this office. You must be terrified, aren’t you?”

“Hahaha! Certain people just get better and better the higher they climb, while the lives of some just get worse with time. This is life!”

“I really advise certain people to recognize their own abilities sooner and know where they stand, lest they keep on dreaming!”

“Exactly! She got driven out by her family and even married a loser husband. She’s stuck with her burdensome daughter too, so she will never make a comeback!”

Cheyenne looked at the hideous faces around her coldly without many emotions.

Soon, these scumbags who just liked to suck up to powerful people would be driven out of the Brilliance Corporation.

At about three in the afternoon, a gray Mercedes-Benz commercial car pulled over at the Brilliance Corporation office entrance, and a refined middle-aged man got down from the backseat. He was James Denning, Flynn Davis’s secretary, who often followed him around.

The deputy general manager of the Brilliance Corporation, Lawrence Cayman, had long been standing at the door. He immediately walked toward the car. “Mr. Denning, you’re here.”

“Hello, Mr. Cayman.” Denning stretched his hand out to shake Cayman’s hand.

After an exchange of pleasantries, Denning asked, “Have they been notified?”

“Yes, they were all notified in the morning. We’re just waiting for you to announce it.”

He had naturally been notified of the arrangements in the morning since he was the interim deputy general manager. However, he didn’t dare to tell outsiders.

Who could have guessed that the person who would become the general manager of the Brilliance Corporation would be that someone?

As Denning arrived, all the staff in the Brilliance Corporation immediately put down what they were doing and hurried to the large conference room on the third floor, which could accommodate more than a thousand people.

Ever since they received the notice this morning, the administration department had already set up the large conference room. All the management staff had been arranged seats according to their position and status in the front row of the conference room. And the other employees sat at the back according to their departments.

Jane hesitated for a moment but soon sat on a seat in the first row.

Her official appointment letter had yet to be issued, so she was technically still a deputy manager for now and wasn’t qualified to sit in the first row.

However, she thought that since her promotion was already a sure bet, a moment sooner or later would make no difference.

Besides, Jane thought that she would only be able to leave a good impression on the new general manager and impress him with her good looks by sitting in the first row.

Seeing Jane Harper sitting in the first row of seats reserved for those in upper management positions, several other directors next to her frowned in puzzlement. But they didn’t end up saying anything.

Now, there were already two people on the podium in front.

One was Lawrence Cayman, the Brilliance Corporation’s interim deputy general manager, and the other was James Denning, the secretary who was transferred over from the Stardust Corporation.

The seat with the ‘General Manager’ nameplate was still vacant.

Who could the mysterious general manager be?

Everyone was eager to find out!

Chapter 90: Cheyenne Gets Promoted

Soon, the meeting officially began.

The deputy general manager, Lawrence Cayman, first made a simple statement before saying, “I’m sure all of you here have already heard of the news of the new general manager of the Brilliance Corporation. Now, let’s have Mr. James Denning of headquarters announce the appointment of the new general manager. Everyone, let’s give him a round of applause!”

Clap! Clap!

After the warm applause, Denning picked up the appointment letter and read it aloud solemnly. “Miss Carter is hereby appointed as the general manager of the Brilliance Corporation. She will be responsible for handling all the daily affairs of the Brilliance Corporation for a term of ten years!

“The terms in this letter have been approved by the head office, the Stardust Corporation, after the relevant procedures. It shall take effect immediately from the date of its reading.

“May I invite the new general manager, Miss Cheyenne Carter, to the stage to deliver a speech for everyone!”

As soon as Denning said this, everyone subconsciously began applauding.

However, everyone below the stage had bewilderment and shock written all over their faces.

The new general manager is Cheyenne Carter?

The Cheyenne Carter we know?

But isn’t Cheyenne Carter already down and out? Why did she suddenly become the general manager of the Brilliance Corporation?

If it isn’t her, could it be someone else with the same name? But this name isn’t common.

Compared to other people’s bewilderment and shock, Jane, who was sitting in the first row, was simply dumbfounded and astounded!

She couldn’t believe that Cheyenne Carter would actually become the general manager of the Brilliance Corporation all of a sudden!

Something must have gone wrong!

“Impossible… It must be someone else with the same name… It must be someone else…” Jane muttered softly while clenching her fists tightly. She then looked at the podium anxiously.

The crisp and clear sounds of high heels knocking against the ground sounded from behind the podium.

Subsequently, under the gaze of countless people, Cheyenne, dressed in an elite business suit, slowly made her way to the podium in an elegant and dignified gait. She then walked to the empty seat in the middle and sat down.

The gold ‘General Manager’ nameplate in front of Cheyenne was glistening under the light.

At this point, Jane could no longer deceive herself.

The new general manager that she had been eagerly waiting to see was actually Cheyenne Carter!

Layers of cold sweat surged out of her body. She was shivering all over, and her body was quivering incessantly.

She even sat in the first row of seats for those with upper management positions. Every time she looked up, she could see Cheyenne’s solemn gaze, and it was as though Cheyenne was glaring daggers at her and exposing her to the public.

At this moment, Jane felt humiliated and endless remorse.

However, Cheyenne did not even look at Jane once.

She sat in the general manager seat on the podium and spoke with a calm expression and tone. She made some brief statements about the current situation and the future development direction of the company.

After all, Cheyenne had single-handedly developed the Brilliance Corporation, and now that she became the general manager again, she feared nothing at all. Her speech was clear, and she was eloquent, professional, elegant, composed, and sophisticated. The people below all recalled the way she used to be when she was the CEO.

As for Jane, she had been sweating profusely below the stage, causing all her makeup to be smudged. She was too flustered to notice what Cheyenne was saying.

“Okay, this is the end of today’s meeting. I hope we will all strive to make the Brilliance
Corporation better under Miss Carter’s lead!”

With Cayman’s closing speech, everyone applauded loudly, and Jane finally returned to her senses.

Seeing Cheyenne stand up and walk toward the conference room exit accompanied by Cayman and Denning, Jane hurriedly wiped a handful of cold sweat from her face and ran after her. “Miss Carter, please wait!”

Countless people below the stage were watching with their eyes wide open, waiting to see what Jane would say to Cheyenne.

After all, Jane despised Cheyenne, and almost everyone in the company knew this, especially since many had witnessed the scolding in the morning.

With an icy-cold gaze, Cheyenne looked at Jane scurrying toward her with her eyeliner and makeup all smudged. There was no derision in her eyes or the thrill of having taken revenge. There was nothing but extreme indifference. “What’s the matter?”

“Um… Miss Carter, we were planning to hold a promotion celebration for me at Lion Restaurant this afternoon, weren’t we? I’d like to invite you to come to tonight’s dinner to congratulate you on becoming the general manager of our Brilliance Corporation!” Jane Harper smiled brightly, as if all those things that happened between her and Cheyenne didn’t exist.

Cheyenne had to admit that she had a high EQ, or rather, she was extremely thick-skinned.

Jane also extended her invitation to Cayman and Denning. “It’s rare for all the leaders to be here. I wonder if you will allow me the honor to have dinner with you.”

Jane deliberately made a playful action that she thought was charming, but she had no idea that she looked extremely revolting with her smudged makeup.

Cheyenne sneered. “How can I qualify to attend your promotion celebration party? I still have to go home to accompany my loser husband, lest he abandons me!”

These were the sarcastic remarks that Jane mocked Cheyenne with earlier. And now that Cheyenne was using them against her, Jane’s face stiffened, and she grew speechless.

Denning frowned and stayed silent. He didn’t know the woman in front of him, but he reckoned that she should have offended Cheyenne Carter, so he wasn’t kind to her at all.

Cayman also frowned as he grasped the main point in Jane’s words. “What promotion?”

As the interim deputy general manager of the Brilliance Corporation, he was naturally very familiar with the recent personnel transfers, and he knew that Jane Harper was a deputy manager in the business department.

Jane ruffled her hair and hurriedly laughed. “Well, the company is going to promote me to the director of the business department! I really have to thank Mr. Cayman and Miss Carter for your trust in me!”

Cayman frowned. “You’re just a deputy manager. How could you be promoted straight to director? Also, who told you about the promotion? How come I don’t know?”

Jane was dumbstruck.

Cayman’s words made her heart drop, and she had an ominous hunch.

“Kate… from the HR department… she came to tell me this morning…” Jane stammered.

Cayman sneered. “Are you new to corporate? There wasn’t an appointment letter, but you believed it just because someone said so? You’re so brainless!”

After saying this, Cayman stopped paying attention to Jane and instead hurriedly turned around and quickly caught up with Cheyenne.

Jane was immediately embarrassed. Cayman obviously meant that she wasn’t going to be promoted to director and that there was never a promotion for her!

In an instant, all eyes were on her!
Chapter 91: Arrested

After being shamed and scolded by the company’s deputy general manager and causing such a huge misunderstanding, Jane felt incredibly embarrassed, and she couldn’t help but turn red and hot.

But at this moment, a clueless colleague hurried over from behind, and she said to Jane deferentially, “Ms. Harper, I’ve just reserved a private room at the Lion for the celebration party tonight. Should we invite Cheyenne… uh, Miss Carter too?”

This colleague’s words were like a sharp knife piercing Jane’s heart once again.

“Hah, what’s there to celebrate? Ms. Harper isn’t getting promoted at all. This is a misunderstanding!”

“Before there was even an official appointment letter of promotion, Ms. Harper happily said that she wanted to treat us to a meal. We thought it was real, but it turns out there’s no such thing at all!”

“I bet it’ll be hard for Ms. Harper to be promoted again now that Miss Carter has become the general manager!”

“Hah, promotion? I bet she won’t be able to stay in the company for long!”

Those who were still sucking up to Jane in the morning had now completely changed their attitudes after seeing that she had no hope of promotion. Meanwhile, Cheyenne Carter, whom she had just severely humiliated in the morning, had become the general manager. They felt that Jane’s good days had come to an end, so they started mocking her instead.

Only by condemning Jane could they make Cheyenne forgive them for their offensive behavior prior to her promotion!

The colleague who gave Jane a set of expensive skincare products and an envelope of money was overwhelmed with regret, and she immediately made Jane return it. “Ms. Harper, sorry, but I suddenly remembered that I was just showing you that set of skincare products this morning. I wasn’t meant to be a gift, so you’d better return it to me!”

Facing the drastic change in the attitudes of her colleagues, Jane’s face turned pale.

The feeling of being surrounded by her colleagues and hearing their snide remarks was something that Cheyenne used to experience all the time. But now, it was Jane’s turn. Cheyenne was pleased.

“Don’t be too arrogant! Even if I’m not being promoted, I’m still a deputy manager and your immediate superior! Are you people sick of your jobs?

“Cheyenne is now our general manager, but I used to be her assistant, and we’re on good terms with each other. We can always bury the hatchet, and I’ll be valued highly by her! Are you people so certain that I won’t be promoted? If I make a comeback one day, I won’t let a single one of you off!” Jane was extremely assertive as she glared at them coldly with narrowed eyes.

When she said that, many people’s hearts began to palpitate while their eyes began to get shifty.

While some of them were regretting their decision to make a stand too soon, a police siren resounded, and a police car pulled over at the Brilliance Corporation office entrance. A few police officers walked out and headed toward Jane.

After showing Jane the warrant and their identification documents, a police officer said sternly, “Are you Ms. Jane Harper? We received a call from your company. You are being charged for abuse of authority for personal gains, embezzlement of company assets, selling confidential intellectual property belonging to the company, and bribery. Please cooperate with our investigation and come with us to the police station!”

The words of the police officer were like a thunderbolt that stunned all the employees speechless, making them stared wide-eyed at the scene.

Jane turned pale and began to lose control of herself.

“No… You are making false accusations! I didn’t do…” Jane Harper denied incoherently. Suddenly, she dashed outside and tried to flee.

However, two police officers soon pressed her to the ground, then handcuffed her and took her away.

After Jane was taken away while crying and the sounds of the police siren vanished, the people around snapped back to their senses and began cursing loudly.

“Oh my god! I didn’t expect Jane Harper to be such a person. She’s done so much evil and is now being taken away by the police. She really deserves it!”

“Hmph, I’ve known for a long time that she isn’t a good person! She tries to coerce us into bribing her all day, and she treats me hostilely like I owe her whenever I don’t bribe her!”

“She’s really brazen too. She’s so ugly, and she tries to take everything she can! She’s the scum of our company!”

“Hah, she even said she would treat us to a meal to celebrate her promotion. Tsk, this is retribution! She only has herself to blame for being so complacent and bullying Cheyenne so badly. She thought she was such a big shot!”

“Yes, exactly!”

If Jane were still here now, she probably would have died from being infuriated by these insults and mockery!

The matter of Jane Harper being taken away by the police for further investigation caused an uproar in the Brilliance Corporation and gave many something to talk about.


Cheyenne’s promotion to the general manager of the Brilliance Corporation soon spread throughout the city.

Previously, the Brilliance Corporation became the company that many wanted to cooperate with because of its close ties with the Stardust Corporation. Thus, the new general manager of the Brilliance Corporation would naturally attract a ton of attention.

Moreover, Cheyenne was the founder and used to be CEO of the Brilliance Corporation. And now, she had once again risen to the position of general manager. She immediately attracted countless discussions and speculations, causing her to become the talk of the town.

As the former owner of the Brilliance Corporation and the people who kicked Cheyenne and her family out, the Carters naturally received this news very quickly.

In addition to their extreme shock and surprise, the Carters were visibly upset.

“I never thought that that bitch would become the general manager of the Brilliance
Corporation! She’s too lucky, huh?”

“Hmph, she must have used some dirty tricks to climb up to that position!”

“Hah, didn’t she collude with Flynn Davis previously to set us up and snatch the Brilliance Corporation back?”

“Now I remember. This must be a scheme they hatched long ago! They planned to first take the Brilliance Corporation away from us before promoting that bitch! So heinous!”

“Damn it, that bitch! Two days ago, she pretentiously came to the Carter Corporation to assert her dominance!”

The Carters gathered in the hall were viciously cursing at Cheyenne, making malicious remarks about her out of resentment and jealousy.

Bryce clenched his jaw and grimaced in extreme rage.

He used to be the general manager of the Brilliance Corporation, but Cheyenne Carter had now snatched it away from him!

Bryce looked at his right hand that was in a cast due to her loser husband breaking his wrist.

I, Bryce Carter, swear that I will never let Cheyenne Carter and her husband off!

Chapter 92: The Carters’ Discussion

At this moment, Dominic Carter’s figure appeared in the middle of the hall with his granddaughter Scarlet Wright beside him.

The righteous indignation of the people subsided a little as they stood up respectfully to greet Dominic.

Dominic waved his hand. After sitting down in the middle seat, he looked at the crowd. “Seems like you already know.”

“Yes!” Everyone nodded. Immediately afterward, some impatient family members stood out and exclaimed, “Grandpa, this is so infuriating. What right does that bitch…”

“Shut up!” Dominic coldly interrupted and said in a low voice, “I didn’t call you here to listen to this useless nonsense! The truth now is that Cheyenne Carter has already become the general manager of the Brilliance Corporation. Do you guys have anything to say about this? I want to hear something constructive.”

Dominic’s last sentence made many people who wanted to stand up and express their opinions retreat silently.

Constructive things? What kind of constructive thing can we say?

Surely, he’s not expecting us to go snatch the Brilliance Corporation back from Cheyenne Carter and hand it over to him, right?

“Bryce, tell us what you think,” Dominic suddenly said to Bryce.

Being the first to be named, Bryce raised his head angrily with a resentful look on his face that hadn’t faded yet. “Grandpa, I think there’s definitely something wrong with Cheyenne Carter!”

Dominic Carter frowned. “Tell us what issues there are.”

Bryce stood up. “Previously, Cheyenne Carter and Flynn Davis colluded to snatch the Brilliance Corporation away from us under the pretext of us breaching the contract. I doubt anyone would believe that they weren’t in cahoots.

“In any case, let’s put this matter aside. Let’s talk about the latter matter. All the Carters have been chased out of the Brilliance Corporation, while Cheyenne is the only one left. That’s enough to show that she’s still involved with the C-suites of the Brilliance Corporation, or even the Stardust Corporation.

“According to the information I found out, Cheyenne Carter was slapped hard on her face by Jane Harper, her former assistant and a deputy manager of the business department. She even had hot water splashed onto her, so it’s safe to say she was in a miserable state.”

This was something that Dominic hadn’t heard before.

With glistening eyes, Dominic asked, “What happened later?”

“Later, the Brilliance Corporation allegedly spread the news that there would be a new general manager soon. In the afternoon, Cheyenne was suddenly appointed as the general manager of the Brilliance Corporation, while Jane Harper, who had bullied her, was handcuffed and brought away by the police in front of everyone!”

Bryce’s words were indeed insider news that many of the Carters hadn’t heard before. All of a sudden, they were all ears.

At this moment, Scarlet, who was standing beside Dominic, suddenly spoke up. “I know! This must be because Cheyenne Carter and one of the senior executives of the Stardust Corporation have long been in an illicit relationship, but something happened later. Maybe she disobeyed, so he forced her to comply by bullying her.

“So today, she couldn’t tolerate it any longer and made another deal with that person to regain her position as the general manager. That former assistant who offended her was naturally accused and then arrested!”

Although Scarlet’s imagination was dark and vulgar, it was still somewhat logical. And her words immediately made all the Carters present believe that it was the truth.

Dominic nodded in approval. “It seems the truth is just as Bryce and Scarlet have said. However, no matter what means Cheyenne used to rise to the top, she is now the general manager of the Brilliance Corporation, and we can’t let go of this opportunity for nothing. As long as she is still carrying our last name, she must make some contribution to the Carters.”

Everyone seemed to approve, and they immediately found it a pity that Dominic had kicked Cheyenne and her family out previously.

Otherwise, they would have been able to directly ask Cheyenne to return the Brilliance Corporation to the Carters.

Even if the Stardust Group didn’t allow it, they would still be able to get the Brilliance Corporation from her and let Cheyenne be the general manager in name.

Unfortunately, Cheyenne was no longer a member of the Carter family, so she definitely wouldn’t be that obedient and compliant.

The Carters sighed in their hearts.

Dominic looked at Bryce. “Bryce, when Cheyenne came over a few days ago, didn’t she say she wanted to cooperate with the Carters on behalf of the Brilliance Corporation? Now that she has become the general manager herself, she must hold greater authority. Go look for her and talk to her about our cooperation with the Brookes.”

“Me?” Bryce was stunned. But he immediately raised his arm in the cast and rejected, “No,
Grandpa. Cheyenne hates me to the core. If I go to her, she’ll definitely treat me harshly!”

Dominic’s face turned dark. “Does your pride matter more than the family’s future?
Speaking of which, if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have disowned Cheyenne and her family. Since you offended her prior to this, you have to beg for her forgiveness now! Only when she forgives you will it be possible to bring benefits to the Carters again. Do you understand?”

Bryce immediately had a bitter expression.

It was obvious what Dominic meant. In fact, he even blamed the disowning of Cheyenne and her family on Bryce.

He wants Cheyenne Carter to come back while undermining me! Bryce was full of displeasure, but he didn’t know what to say to retort against him. He could only exclaim, “I won’t go!”

“You’re rebelling!” Angered by his words, Dominic pointed at Bryce and berated, “Throwing a tantrum? Do you think you’re a child?! Bryce Carter, I’m telling you, you have to make this trip even if you don’t want to! Otherwise, don’t think of coming back again!”

After saying that, Dominic waved his sleeve and left.

Everyone in the hall looked at Bryce with a hypocritical smile.

“Bryce, just bear with it for the sake of the family!”

“Yes, we will all remember your contribution to the family. Even if that woman comes back, you are still the only successor in our hearts!”

“Yes, Bryce, press on!”

Bryce could tell the insincerity in their hypocritical and meaningless words. They all wanted that bitch Cheyenne to come back!

“Get lost! All of you, get lost!” Bryce hollered at them in rage.

Chapter 93: Begging Her at Her Place

Seeing Bryce’s sudden rage, the Carters remained silent and left awkwardly.

However, when Bryce was no longer nearby, they naturally started criticizing him for his incompetence, poor character, and lack of manners. They all said that the family should be handed over to one of the distant relatives.

In the empty hall of the Carter home, only Bryce and his mother, Sarah Hadley, remained.

Holding onto Bryce’s shoulder, Sarah said heartbrokenly, “My son! It’s been hard on you! Since your grandfather told you to go look for Cheyenne Carter, do it.”

Bryce broke free from her and yelled, “Mom, you are my mother! Are you going to force me to go look for that bitch and bow down to her to ask her to come back too? What about my feelings? Do you care about my feelings at all?”

Bryce’s eyes were red. Making him apologize to Cheyenne was akin to stepping on his dignity. It was a massive insult!

Feeling heartbroken, Sarah looked at Bryce. “Silly child, you are my son. How could I, as a mother, harm you? However, you’re the only direct heir of the Carters, and the person who will inherit the family’s legacy is you. As the head of the family, you have to learn to be patient!”

“Look at your grandfather. Do you think he really wants to go back on his word and get that bitch to come back again even though he already kicked her out? But given the current situation, your grandfather has no choice but to bear with it. Do you think your grandfather is impressed by that bitch? No, he just wants to make use of her to create value for the Carters.

“Once she loses her value, your grandfather will immediately toss her aside! Everything that belongs to the Carters will only belong to you in the end. So what’s the big deal about bearing with this grievance for a while?”

After Bryce listened to her words, his eyes suddenly lit up as he came to a sudden realization. At the same time, he was full of vigor. “Yes, Mom, I know! Okay, I’ll go look for Cheyenne now. Even if she hits me and scolds me, I’ll definitely bear with it!”


It was currently already evening. Lucas had driven Cheyenne and Amelia back to Cheyenne’s home and stayed behind as well.

Although Karen would still mock him from time to time, Lucas simply ignored her and didn’t take it to heart. In fact, he would even give her some expensive gifts sometimes, which made her stop making malicious remarks.

William wasn’t at home as usual. Lucas didn’t know what he was doing these days, as he would come home late every day.

Thus, Karen, Cheyenne, Charlotte, Amelia, and Lucas were the only ones at the dinner table.

They had just begun eating when they heard knocking on the door outside the courtyard.

“Who’s there?” Karen muttered with a frown, displeased at being interrupted while eating.

Lucas put down his cutlery. “I’ll go take a look.”

As soon as he opened the courtyard door, he saw Bryce carrying a gift box and with an extremely unnatural smile that he was obviously forcing himself to put on.

“Uncle…” As soon as Bryce spoke, he realized that something was wrong. The person standing at the door was Lucas Gray! Bryce’s wrist in the cast began to ache even more. “What are you doing here?”

Lucas raised his eyebrows and retorted, “My wife and child live here. Why can’t I be here?”

Bryce walked back into the yard. “Move aside. I need to see Cheyenne Carter for something.”

However, Lucas insisted on standing at the door and blocking Bryce from entering. “Cheyenne is now the general manager of the Brilliance Corporation. Not everyone is qualified to see her.” Lucas slammed the door shut.

The door almost hit Bryce’s nose, and he was so infuriated that he almost wanted to curse out loud. But at the thought of his agenda and his mother’s admonishments, he took a deep breath and curbed his anger.

Damn it! He’s just a live-in son-in-law! What’s he being so smug for?! When Cheyenne dumps him one day, I’ll see what he has to say about qualification!

Seeing Lucas return alone, Cheyenne asked, “Who’s outside?”

“Bryce Carter,” Lucas answered without hiding anything.

Cheyenne and Karen looked at Lucas in shock. “Why is he here?”

Lucas said indifferently, “I guess he’s looking for you for something. Previously, you were kind enough to bring the Carters a cooperation agreement, but they made fools of themselves and chose to decline. Now that you’re the general manager of the Brilliance Corporation, they naturally want to come to you again to talk about cooperation or something else that’s beneficial to the Carters.”

He had long seen through the Carters’ condescending, snobbish, and mercenary characters.

“What? Cheyenne, you’ve become the general manager of the Brilliance Corporation? When did that happen? Why didn’t you tell me?!” Karen looked at Cheyenne in disbelief.

Charlotte looked at Cheyenne gleefully. “Cheyenne, you’re amazing! You actually became the general manager of the Brilliance Corporation again so soon!”

Cheyenne glanced at Lucas and coughed awkwardly. “I was appointed just before the end of the day at work. I haven’t had time to tell you about it.”

Karen was so excited that she grabbed Cheyenne’s hand tightly. “You should have told us this great news as soon as you got home! I’ll cook some more dishes. Let’s celebrate! Hahahaha! General manager, you’ve finally become the general manager again!”

Karen was smiling sweetly while Charlotte held onto Cheyenne’s other hand and said smilingly, “Cheyenne, treat us to a meal tomorrow!”

They were both grabbing Cheyenne’s hands tightly, and she was immediately caught between laughter and tears. “Sure, let’s go out for a feast tomorrow!”

After saying this, Cheyenne looked at Lucas, somewhat apologetic.

In fact, Lucas had given the position of general manager to her. It was just a pity that Lucas’s status was special, and she wasn’t able to reveal it to make her family change their minds about Lucas.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At this moment, the loud knocking came from the door again, accompanied by Bryce shouting. “Uncle, Aunt, Cheyenne, it’s me! I really need to see you! Please open the door!”

Bryce’s yelling was exceptionally loud, and Cheyenne immediately frowned. “Why hasn’t he left yet?”

Karen and Charlotte also hated Bryce and didn’t want to see him at all.

Lucas frowned.

If they ignored Bryce, he would definitely keep knocking on the door and yelling, kicking up a ruckus.

After thinking about it, Cheyenne looked at Lucas. “I think we’d better let him in and talk things out.”

“Alright.” Lucas nodded and walked out of the living room.

Soon, Bryce followed Lucas in.

Chapter 94: Bryce Kneels

Seeing Bryce walk in, everyone looked at him with indifference and disgust, and no one said anything.

Bryce chuckled. He walked toward Karen and handed over the gift box he was carrying. “Aunt Karen, this is a diamond bracelet that I specially bought. It happens to suit you, so I’m here to deliver it to you. I hope you’ll like it.”

Upon hearing that he had brought a diamond bracelet, Karen, who was initially sulking, hurriedly took the gift box, her eyes bright. While unwrapping the gift box, she bragged to
Bryce, “You’re here to see Cheyenne, right? Cheyenne is now the general manager of the Brilliance Corporation!”

Feeling as though his chest had been stabbed, he gritted his teeth and quickly said, “Yes, I also happened to hear the good news, so I’m here to congratulate Cheyenne!”

Cheyenne humphed coldly, not believing that Bryce was genuinely happy for her.

As expected, Bryce added, “I’m also here to relay Grandpa’s goodwill. He said that he made his previous decision too hastily, so he would like to have you guys return to the Carters. The large family villa is ready for you!”

Karen was immediately overjoyed. “Really? Is Dominic willing to let us return to the Carters? He even prepared a villa for us too?”

“Of course. Grandpa even…”

Cheyenne couldn’t stand listening to it anymore and interrupted him. “Since the Carters have driven us out, there’s no need for us to go back. You don’t need to try cajoling us with those words either. Just tell me directly. What is the purpose of your visit?”

Bryce smiled ingratiatingly. “Cheyenne, we’re family. Is there a need for this? Let’s let bygones be bygones and start afresh, alright?”

Cheyenne sneered. Let bygones be bygones and start afresh? You’re making it sound casual.

“If you came here just to say this nonsense, then you can leave. I have nothing to say to you.” She stood up.

Bryce hurriedly stepped in front of Cheyenne. “Also… didn’t you say previously that the Brilliance Corporation wants to cooperate with the Carter Corporation? Now that you’re the general manager, shouldn’t you put the cooperation… on the agenda sooner?”

Cheyenne figured it out. Bryce’s purpose in visiting was indeed as Lucas guessed.

Bryce was here to talk about cooperation, and perhaps he would even ask for more benefits for the Carters since Cheyenne was now the general manager.

Cheyenne looked at Bryce with derision. “Yeah, I did go to the Carter Corporation with the Brilliance Corporation’s letter of intent to cooperate with you previously, but what did you do? Trust you to have the cheek to come and ask me this now.”

Bryce once again felt like he had been slapped.

Bearing with the humiliation, he lowered his head and apologized in a manner that he thought was extremely sincere. “It was my fault. I misunderstood you that time. Cheyenne, I hereby solemnly apologize to you! I came here today with such sincerity because I wish to gain your understanding, and I hope you will forgive me for being a bad cousin! You can hit me and scold me all you want. I just hope you can give the Carters another chance!”

Lucas watched Bryce pretend and stayed silent.

Cheyenne clenched her jaw, feeling extremely uneasy about Bryce’s apology because she wasn’t used to seeing him lower his pride.

She had already given up on the Carters, but Bryce’s behavior made her hesitant.

It was not that his words had touched her, but the Carters were the ones who raised her after all, and there was something that she couldn’t bear to let go of.

Seeing the hesitant look in Cheyenne’s eyes, Bryce gritted his teeth and knelt directly in front of her!

Everyone was shocked after hearing the loud thump.

Charlotte, who had been standing at the side quietly, almost spat out her drink.

Karen was wearing the diamond bracelet that Bryce had given her, and when she saw this, she was so dumbfounded that she was at a loss for words.

Lucas sneered, folded his arms, and continued to watch the show.

After being shocked, Cheyenne immediately said, “W-what are you doing? Hurry and get up!”

“No.” Bryce continued kneeling on the ground, hanging his head low to hide the humiliation and indignation in his eyes. However, his voice was full of misery. “Cheyenne, believe me. I really want to apologize to you and beg for your forgiveness! Now the Carters’ situation is getting worse day by day. Reaching a cooperation agreement with the Brilliance Corporation is really very important to us. Please give us a way out on account that we used to be a family! If you don’t agree, I’d rather die here!”

Bryce forced himself to cry, and his eyes turned red.

Cheyenne was startled. “What are you doing?! If you don’t get up, I will never agree to cooperate with the Carters!”

Hearing her words, Bryce hurriedly stood up. “Fine, fine, I’ll listen to you! Cheyenne, does this mean that you agree to cooperate with the Carters?”

Cheyenne looked at Bryce with a complicated expression. “This is the last time I’m going to help the Carters. You guys better behave yourselves. Don’t do anything overboard again and just manage your company properly. I won’t go back to the family, and we don’t need to have any extra dealings from now on.”

Hearing this, Bryce became even happier. He just wanted Cheyenne to agree to cooperate and finish the task he was given. It was even better for him that Cheyenne didn’t want to go back to the family because that meant that no one would compete with him for the position of successor!

“Okay, I understand. Cheyenne, I thank you sincerely on behalf of Grandpa and the Carters! I won’t force you, but the doors of the Carters will always be open for you. If you ever come back one day, you will always be welcome.”

Even Bryce was touched by his own mushy words.

But after he left, he started to look jealous and disdainful. Hmph, as long as I’m around, that bitch can forget about coming back to the family!

Lucas stared at Bryce until the latter disappeared into the night. Only then did he look away.

Cheyenne had chosen to give the Carters another chance, and Lucas didn’t have any objections. However, if Bryce and the Carters hurt her again, they shouldn’t blame him for being nasty!

Chapter 95: Cheyenne’s Father Gets Drunk

Only after Bryce left did they continue with dinner, which he interrupted just now.

After washing and cleaning up, Charlotte returned to her own room while Karen sat downstairs in the living room, watching some television while fiddling with the diamond bracelet she just received.

Lucas took Amelia upstairs to Cheyenne’s room, where he played with her merrily.

During this time, Cheyenne raised her wrist several times to look at her watch. She would also look downstairs from time to time, looking rather worried.

“What’s the matter?” Lucas asked softly as he placed a drawing book in front of Amelia.

“Oh, it’s nothing. I’m just a little worried about Dad. It’s so late, and he hasn’t returned yet. He won’t pick up my calls either. I don’t know where he went,” Cheyenne said softly.

Lucas thought about it and said, “Do you want me to send someone to look for him?”

Cheyenne naturally knew that he was capable of doing so, and he’d definitely deploy a lot of people to search. “That’s not necessary for now. Maybe Dad is at his friend’s place. He might be back soon.”

As she spoke, loud knocking on the door came from downstairs, and William’s drunken yelling resounded. “Open up! Hurry up and open the door!”

After that, Karen started shrieking loudly in a sharp voice, “You jerk! Where did you get drunk at before coming home? Why don’t you just drink yourself to death outside! Your body stinks and reeks of alcohol. I won’t help you!”

Next, there were loud sounds of someone falling and things getting smashed.

“Oh dear!”

When Cheyenne and Lucas heard this sound, they both hurriedly got up and rushed downstairs.

Charlotte also opened her door and sprinted downstairs.

“You damned jerk! You’re already so wasted, but you’re still holding a bottle of wine. Are you really out to kill yourself and make me a widow? Bastard, get up! I’m so unlucky to have married a man like you!” Karen was standing by the door downstairs and howling loudly.

William had fallen onto the ground, and the bottle of wine in his hand had been broken. There were shards of glass strewn all over the floor.

Cheyenne and Lucas rushed to help him up. Cheyenne tried to get the remaining half bottle of wine from William. But he suddenly waved the bottle in his hand and clamored, “I-I’m not drunk! One more bottle!”

The sharp bottle almost cut Cheyenne’s hand.

“Watch out!” Lucas called out as he reached out to clamp down on William’s wrist, immediately making him let go of the bottle of wine that he was gripping tightly.

In a drunken stupor, William was still murmuring incessantly. And from time to time, he would flail his arms about to stop Lucas from holding him down.

Fortunately, Lucas was strong enough to hold William down and move him toward his and Karen’s room.

“You’re making such a din and creating a mess in the house as soon as you came back. You might as well not come back and just die outside!” Karen cursed.

Charlotte couldn’t stand it any longer. “Mom, cut it out! Dad is already so drunk. He can’t hear you even if you scold him. Let’s deal with this mess! Cheyenne and Lucas will take Dad to your room. Mom, go bathe Dad and help him change out of his clothes. And I’ll clean up the glass shards on the floor. We’ll split up the work!”

Amid Karen’s incessant cursing, they finally took care of the drunken William and laid him down on his bed.

When Lucas and Cheyenne returned upstairs again, Amelia jumped into Lucas’s arms immediately. “Mommy, Daddy, Grandpa is… so scary!”

Amelia had seen William yelling loudly and flailing his arms about when she was upstairs and was frightened by his behavior.

Lucas rubbed Amelia’s little head and comforted her gently, “It’s alright. Grandpa had too much alcohol. He’ll be fine tomorrow. I’m here. Don’t be afraid.”

Amelia finally nodded. She then raised her head and looked at Lucas worriedly. “Daddy, you won’t be like Grandpa and drink so much later, right?”

Lucas suddenly burst into laughter and said softly, “No, I won’t act like that.”

Amelia finally relaxed and laid in Lucas’s arms.

Suddenly, someone screamed from downstairs. “William Carter, you bastard! How dare you hit me? I’ll fight you!”

Frightened, Amelia immediately shuddered and clutched the corner of Lucas’s shirt tightly. “Daddy… I’m scared.”

Lucas hurriedly held Amelia in his arms and comforted her.

Cheyenne immediately headed downstairs after hearing the scream.

“Who are you yelling at, huh? You’re nothing to me! Karen Turner, you’re nothing to me! Stop shouting at me and calling me a loser. Hah, what are you then? You were so clingy and submissive toward me when you knew that the Carters were rich back then. Now you think I’m a good-for-nothing?” William’s eyes were red as he hollered and pointed at Karen’s nose.

“You jerk! Bastard! I must have been blind to marry you! Yeah, I decided to be with you then because of your money and because I thought you were Dominic Carter’s son! So what? I have the guts to admit to it!”

“What about you? You’re just an illegitimate son who’s not blood-related to the Carters and got kicked out like a dog! Have I ever lived in luxury throughout my marriage to you?” Karen yelled in a sharp voice.

Seeing both of them cursing at each other, Cheyenne hurriedly rushed toward them and grabbed Karen’s arm, for fear that they would start fighting again. “Dad, you’ve had too much to drink. You’d better get some rest! Mom, Dad is just saying those words in a drunken stupor. Don’t stoop to his level.”

To Cheyenne’s surprise, when William saw her in a daze, he immediately flared up and cursed, “You’re such a jinx! Forget it if the company was snatched away, but you married such a loser and made yourself a laughingstock! If not for you, we wouldn’t have been chased away by the Carters. I’m left with nothing now! It’s all your fault!”

After being lashed out at by her father, Cheyenne felt aggrieved and miserable, and she immediately teared up. “Dad, how could you say that to me? It wasn’t my fault…” “Stop arguing!” William raised his hand to slap Cheyenne.

“Stop it!” Lucas immediately appeared beside Cheyenne. He grabbed William’s wrist and glared at him. “No one is allowed to hit her, including you!”

Chapter 96: Incessant Arguing

Lucas’s shouting and the pain in his wrist instantly made William sober up as he shrieked.

When Cheyenne recovered from her shock and saw the look of agony on her father’s face, she couldn’t help but exclaim, “Lucas, he’s my father! Let go of him!”

Lucas just wanted to stop William from hitting Cheyenne, and now that William was much more sober, he naturally wouldn’t do anything to him.

He was about to let go when Karen suddenly said, “No! Lucas, hurry up and throw him outside. I don’t want him here!” She pointed to the door.

Cheyenne had another headache. “Mom, forget it. It’s already so late. Where can you dump Dad? What if something happens to him?”

“I don’t care! Even if he dies out there, I don’t want to see him in this house again!” Karen screamed in exasperation.

Lucas was speechless. He naturally wouldn’t throw William outside. Instead, he just let go of the latter’s wrist.

“Damn it! You punk, remember this!” William hollered hostilely after breaking free and sobering up. However, he was extremely displeased by Lucas’s act of clamping down his wrist.

After saying this, he stumbled back into his room and laid down.

Meanwhile, Karen was also infuriated because Lucas didn’t throw William out like she had ordered. “Fine, you’re disobeying me too, huh? If you won’t throw him out, get lost yourself! Get lost! You’re not allowed to stay in this house anymore! Scram!” She pointed at the door.

Lucas was extremely speechless.

Being caught between the two of them made him feel extremely vexed. But he had to bear with it since they were Cheyenne’s parents.

“Mom, what are you trying to do now? Why do you have to vent your anger on Lucas after fighting with Dad?” Cheyenne questioned, trying to stay patient.

“Hah, Cheyenne, don’t be so biased to this man. Men are all jerks! Lucas Gray is a good-fornothing just like your father! He has no job, no income, and he lives like a loser every day! He still has the audacity to drink every day and take it out on me when he’s drunk. I’ve really had enough of this!” Karen cried out loud.

“I’m doing it for your own good. Quickly find a rich man and marry him. Stop being with this good-for-nothing. Life is torture if you continue living like this!”

While sniffling, Karen wept and complained. She suddenly pointed at Lucas and continued, “Look at you. What did you get after you married this good-for-nothing? Did he do anything for you? Has he given you anything? You were alone throughout your pregnancy. And you painstakingly delivered Amelia, took care of her, and raised her. Where has he been all these years? He doesn’t deserve you at all, and he doesn’t deserve to be a father at all!”

Lucas laughed bitterly in his head. He indeed owed Cheyenne for failing to fulfill his duty as a husband and father. He couldn’t rebut her.

Cheyenne wanted to tell Karen that Lucas had done a lot for her and gave her a lot of help lately. He even made her the general manager. He wasn’t a good-for-nothing.

However, she couldn’t say anything.

After Karen cried and threw a huge tantrum, she soon got tired and returned to her room.

Lucas obviously wouldn’t get lost like she told him to.

After going upstairs and once again holding his worried daughter in his arms to comfort her, he suddenly developed the idea of taking Amelia away from this home.

The atmosphere here was indeed rather terrible.

William liked throwing drunken fits while Karen would curse and hurl vulgarities all day. They tended to get into heated fights too.

Tonight, Amelia got frightened several times.

If she continued living in such an environment where she was frightened every single day, it would be bad for her upbringing.

However, this was just Lucas’s thought.

Cheyenne cherished Amelia like she was her life, and she wouldn’t let him take her away easily. Besides, if Cheyenne left with him as well, she would definitely worry about her parents, and there was no way he could bring them too.

It was the weekend the following day.

William was still lying on his bed and sleeping after a drunken night.

As soon as Karen saw Lucas, she recalled that he had disobeyed her last night and pulled a long face again, treating him with hostility.

Karen stopped sulking only when Cheyenne said that she would take all of them out for a feast in the afternoon while Charlotte said some nice things in between.

Soon, it was noon. Cheyenne had long booked a private room at the Hera Hotel. They were all dressed to the nines and ready to go. But they suddenly discovered that William had left the house again, and they didn’t know where he went.

“Uh, I’ll give Dad a call,” Cheyenne said.

Karen barked furiously, “What for? Since he likes going out and wandering about, leave him be. Don’t ask him to come along!”

Cheyenne hesitated for a moment and agreed.

Lucas drove them to the entrance of the Hera Hotel.

It was the lunchtime peak hour and thus difficult to find a parking space. Cheyenne told the impatient Karen to go in with Charlotte and Amelia while she and Lucas would look for a parking spot.

“Okay, then we’ll go in first and order some food.” Charlotte agreed and went into the hotel with Karen and Amelia.

By the time Lucas and Cheyenne found a suitable parking spot and parked their car, almost seven or eight minutes had passed.

Just as they were entering the hotel, they heard a familiar voice coming from behind. “Hey, isn’t that Cheyenne?”

Lucas and Cheyenne turned around and looked over, only to see Aston Brooke and Scarlet Wright walking over.

Lucas frowned slightly while Cheyenne nodded with barely any expression.

Previously, at the Carter Corporation, Scarlet had said a lot of harsh things to Cheyenne, so Cheyenne disliked her even though she was her cousin.

“Scarlet, are they your friends?” Aston’s eyes lit up as soon as he saw Cheyenne, but he deliberately pretended not to know who they were.

Seeing that Aston seemed to have forgotten about meeting Cheyenne, Scarlet was obviously pleased. She laughed. “She’s my cousin, Cheyenne Carter. She has just been appointed the general manager of the Brilliance Corporation. The one next to her is her livein husband.”

Aston’s eyes glistened. She’s become the general manager of the Brilliance Corporation? That’s even better!

Chapter 97: Uninvited Guests

With a gentlemanly smile, Aston walked up to Cheyenne and held his hand out politely. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Carter! I am Aston Brooke from LA, and my father is the general manager of the Solar Corporation, Shaun Brooke. Have you ever heard of us?”

Aston’s smile was reserved and conceited. After all, the Brooke family was a top family with great fame and reputation.

However, Cheyenne said indifferently, “I’m ignorant. I’ve never heard of you and your father.”

With that, she ignored Aston’s attempt to shake her hand and turned around to enter the hotel.

Aston’s hand was left hanging in mid-air, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

Lucas looked at him coldly and entered with Cheyenne.

After meeting twice, Lucas noticed there was strong desire and ambitiousness in Aston Brooke’s gaze when he looked at Cheyenne.

He had previously instructed Flynn Davis not to let any of the Brookes’ businesses appear in Orange County. But now it seemed that they were still moving about in Orange County happily.

Seeing the way Cheyenne and Lucas were ignoring Aston, Scarlet was overwhelmed with fury. “Aston, they were verboard! How dare they ignore you? I must teach her a lesson!” Just as she was about to rush toward Cheyenne, Aston grabbed her wrist to stop her. “Wait! Don’t provoke her.”

Scarlet suddenly pouted and said angrily, “Aston, you’re defending that bitch Cheyenne Carter? You don’t have a crush on her, do you? I’ve told you, this woman got to her current position through dirty means!”

He took her hand and laughed. “Why would I have a crush on her? I just thought that you should still be polite to her since she’s now the general manager of the Brilliance Corporation and your cousin too. You’re the only one I adore. Aren’t you clear about how I’ve been treating you the past few days?”

As he spoke, Aston pinched Scarlet’s waist flirtatiously.

“Ah, you’re so annoying! We’re outside!” Scarlet looked at Aston coquettishly as she snuggled up into his arms.

These days, the two of them had been spending a lot of time with each other and had gone all the way. They were in the honeymoon period of their relationship.

Aston smiled nonchalantly, knowing that coaxing Scarlet was easy since he could tell that she was only after his money. Once he said a few words to cajole her and promise to marry her in LA, she would be submissive to him again.

Aston was an expert at romance, and he had long mastered this skill.

Soon, he entered the hotel with Scarlet in his arms.

At this moment, Lucas and Cheyenne had already met up with Karen, Charlotte, and Amelia in the private room. Apart from William, everyone was here.

As soon as they entered, Amelia pounced on them and happily held their hands as she led them to their seats.

Pretending to be jealous, Charlotte teased with pouted lips, “Amelia, you’re so naughty. You forgot all about me as soon as you saw your daddy and mommy.”

Amelia smiled shyly and scurried over to kiss Charlotte’s cheek.

Karen was dressed ostentatiously today, and she had deliberately styled her hair at a salon nearby. She was wearing a dark green dress and a top-quality diamond bracelet.

This diamond bracelet was naturally not the one that Bryce gave her yesterday but one of the pieces that Lucas had bought at the auction.

At the time, Lucas wanted to give all that valuable jewelry to Cheyenne. But unfortunately, she refused.

Afterward, Lucas picked out this bracelet and gave it to Karen to shut her foul mouth up.

Actually, Karen was quite pretty when she was silent. After all, she had to have good genes in order to give birth to such beautiful daughters, Cheyenne and Charlotte.

But unfortunately, whenever Karen spoke, she would be cursing or arguing with someone most of the time, ruining her image.

Just when they were having fun and playing, someone knocked on the door of the private room.

Thinking that it was the service staff, Charlotte said, “Come in.”

To their surprise, the person who pushed open the door of the private room was not a waiter but Scarlet Wright and Aston Brooke, whom Lucas and Cheyenne had met at the entrance.

Charlotte questioned hostilely, “What are you two doing here?”

She had always disliked Scarlet, her cousin who often humiliated and insulted her since they were children. Scarlet liked calling Charlotte an outsider and a shameless bastard. Charlotte used to burst into tears after being mocked and scolded by her.

Scarlet didn’t bother being polite and pulled Aston to the table. “What a coincidence. Aston and I happen to be here for lunch today too, and we ran into Cheyenne at the entrance. We thought that we should come over and join you guys for lunch. Well, the more, the merrier!”

She looked at Aston sweetly and smiled coquettishly. “Oh, right, I almost forgot to introduce you. This is my boyfriend, Aston Brooke, the heir of the famous Brooke Family from LA. We’re getting engaged soon. Today’s meal will be on us!”

Charlotte watched coldly as Scarlet showed her boyfriend off and pursed her lips in disdain.
“No thanks. We can still afford to pay for a meal. We don’t need you to be worried about it! Besides, this is our family lunch. Why are you interfering? I don’t want to eat with you. I lose my appetite whenever I see your face!”

“You!” Scarlet was furious, as Charlotte’s words made her feel a little embarrassed in front of Aston.
Scarlet couldn’t help but tug Aston’s clothes to have him stand up for her. She hated them too, and if Aston hadn’t said that he wanted to come and form a good relationship with them, she wouldn’t have come!

Unfortunately, what Scarlet wished for did not happen. Aston’s eyes were glued onto the beautiful Carter sisters. How could he have the time to bother about Scarlet?

Lucas stared at Aston coldly while Cheyenne and Charlotte were similarly displeased about the uninvited guests. Karen was the only one who kept staring at Aston with a gaze of satisfaction ever since she heard his family background.

Aston Brooke is handsome and looks decent. Although I’m not too clear about his family, he’s definitely the scion of a rich family, and that makes him a good candidate for a son-inlaw. It’ll be a good choice to let either Cheyenne or Charlotte marry him!

Karen had long ignored Aston’s girlfriend, Scarlet Wright.

Chapter 98: Poor Person

“You are… Mr. Brooke, right?” Karen looked at Aston with an intense gaze.

Aston hurriedly bowed. “Hello, Aunt Karen. You can just call me Aston.”

Aston’s action made Karen’s heart flutter with joy. Look, what a good choice for a son-inlaw. He’s so polite, modest, and addresses me so dearly. He must have asked around about us, and he’s probably already taken a liking to my daughter.

However, if Karen knew that Aston knew her only because Scarlet always referred to her as ‘Karen the Shrew’ whenever she cursed at their family in front of him, she would probably look a lot less gratified.

The more Karen looked at Aston, the more pleased she was with him. She pointed at a chair in front of her. “Okay, I won’t stand on ceremony then. Aston, come have a seat.”

“I’ll be imposing on everyone then,” Aston said politely as he pulled Scarlet to sit down on the chair beside him.

Seeing this scene, Charlotte was furious. “Mom, this is a family meal to celebrate Cheyenne’s promotion to general manager. Why are you letting them stay?”

Karen poked Charlotte’s forehead and chided, “You stupid girl!”
Looking at Charlotte’s displeased face, Karen couldn’t say anything more and simply said with a smile, “We’re all relatives. There’s nothing wrong with having a meal together. Besides, since it’s a celebration, the more, the merrier!”

Charlotte was already extremely upset. But since they already sat down, she couldn’t chase them away and could only stay in her seat furiously.

Karen could no longer bother to appease her daughter. She simply stared at Aston and kept bombarding him with questions about his age, marital status, family, etc.

Beside him, Scarlet immediately sulked. Even a fool could tell what Karen’s intentions were.

She had already introduced Aston as her boyfriend just now, yet Karen was still doing this. Does she think I’m non-existent?

Scarlet was furious. She was about to lose her temper and throw a fit, but Aston squeezed her fingers under the table to hint her not to do anything.

Scarlet endured her anger. Charlotte wasn’t a fool either, and she had already figured out what her mother was trying to do.

To be honest, Charlotte didn’t have a good impression of Aston Brooke at all. Although he looked polite, he had been gawking at Cheyenne ever since he entered, which was to Cheyenne’s repulsion. She could tell at a glance that he was a flirtatious person.

Even if he weren’t Scarlet’s boyfriend, Charlotte wouldn’t want to date him, as she wasn’t attracted to him at all.

“Enough, Mom. What are you asking so many questions for? What does it matter to us what someone’s boyfriend’s family is like?” Charlotte interjected in displeasure.

“Leave me be. Why can’t I even ask?” Karen rolled her eyes at Charlotte. She muttered softly, “It is still uncertain whose son-in-law he will be in the future.”

Scarlet had a sharp sense of hearing and immediately lost it when she heard these words. She stood up abruptly and said to Karen hostilely, “Don’t think I don’t know what thoughts you’re harboring. Aunt Karen, he is my boyfriend. Will you please respect yourself?”

“Hey, I’m your aunt. Is that the tone you should have when you’re talking to me? You’re so rude! How did your mother teach you? You don’t know how to respect your elders at all! After you get married in the future, how will you respect your elders? If I were Aston, I would have dumped you a long time ago!”
Karen had never lost an argument before. Besides, her daughter was now the general manager of the Brilliance Corporation, so she definitely wouldn’t take a little girl like Scarlet seriously.

Scarlet was so furious that her face flushed red, and she wished she could scratch Karen’s detestable face with her hands.

However, Karen’s family was here, and she wouldn’t have it easy if she hit or scolded her.
She could only grab Aston’s arm and exclaim aggrievedly, “Aston, I can’t stand it anymore. They’re being bullies! Let’s go!”

However, Aston shook off her hand and said with a frown, “It’s true that you were wrong just now. Hurry up and apologize to Aunt Karen.”

“What? You want me to apologize?” Scarlet gaped in disbelief. “Why should I apologize? She knows you’re my boyfriend, but she kept asking those questions. She’s the shameless one who’s trying to sow discord between me and my boyfriend. What did I do wrong?”


He slapped her hard on the face.

Scarlet cocked her head to the side and covered her face while looking at Aston in astonishment. “You actually hit me?”

Aston looked at Scarlet coldly. “You were rude to your elder, but you’re still unrepentant. You really disappoint me too much! The wife I want to marry will never be someone like you who doesn’t know how to behave properly. Let’s break up and never have anything to do with each other from now on!”

Scarlet trembled and immediately burst into tears as she stared at Aston in disbelief. “You actually want to break up with me?”

These days, Aston had been very nice to her, and in fact, when they were at the door just now, they had even talked about marriage. However, she never would have thought that he would actually hit her and even break up with her just because of a small argument.

“Yes. Aunt Karen is right. She’s your aunt, but you were so disrespectful to her. You won’t respect my family’s elders if you marry me in the future. I really don’t dare to marry you since you have such a terrible character,” Aston said righteously.

When Scarlet saw Aston’s cold expression, her heart quivered as she finally realized that Aston wasn’t joking and really meant it when he said he wanted to break up with her!
Scarlet panicked. She had given herself to Aston long ago and was so close to marrying him. Her grandpa Dominic and her family were pleased about it too. If Aston broke up with her now, she’d be really embarrassed to face others.

“I’m sorry, Aston, I was wrong! I just care about you too much, and I was so furious that I spoke to my aunt rudely. I didn’t mean to disrespect my elder! I’ll apologize to her right away. Please just forgive me this time!” Scarlet hugged Aston and bawled pitifully.

However, Aston did not compromise and simply pushed her away. “Get lost!”

Scarlet was wearing high heels, and after being pushed, she lost her balance and fell onto the ground.

But Aston did not even look at her and instead said to Karen apologetically, “Sorry, Aunt Karen. I’m sorry for being a killjoy today. Cheyenne, Charlotte, I’m sorry too. I will definitely visit you and make up for it one day.”

After saying this, he looked at Cheyenne and Charlotte, then turned around and left.

Seeing Aston leaving, Scarlet, who was wailing on the ground, could no longer worry about anything else and got up to chase after him. “Aston! Aston, wait for me!”

Chapter 99: Conditions For Reconciliation

Only after Scarlet chased after Aston and disappeared entirely did they recover from the shock and momentary speechlessness.

In the end, Karen sighed. “I didn’t expect Aston to be so respectful toward his elders. This sets him apart from those rebellious scions. Hmm, he’s a fine young man.”

Cheyenne and Charlotte were astonished to hear this.

“Mom, is there something wrong with you? You think such a person is good? He slapped Scarlet and pushed her over a trivial matter. He obviously has violent tendencies.” Charlotte was dumbfounded. Scarlet actually still panicked and chased after a domestic abuser. Her brains must be fried!

“What do you know? Aston may have hit Scarlet, but that’s because she made a mistake. If she didn’t have a foul mouth, would he have hit her? Besides, he just slapped her and gave her a little push. How is that considered violent?” Karen disagreed.
“You can’t judge a man based on that alone. Look, Aston is so good-looking, and he’s decked out in designer clothing. He’s clearly the scion of a wealthy family. It’s normal for him to be a little hot-tempered. Besides, he’s so respectful toward his elders, and I can tell he obviously has a good character. If you can marry him, you won’t have to worry for the rest of your life!”

Charlotte flew into a rage and snapped, “Who would want to marry someone like him?! He’s just rich, and you’re singing such high praises of him. If that’s not considered violent, what is? I don’t want to marry a domestic abuser. I’m afraid you’d still be praising him endlessly even after he beats me to death!”

“Hey girl, what are you saying? If you’re obedient, why would he hit you? Besides, what’s wrong with him being rich? Do you want to marry a penniless loser like Lucas too?” Karen retorted, thinking that her daughter was worrying for nothing and making up nonsense. She insulted Lucas out of nowhere too.

Charlotte humphed in disdain. “Forget it. That guy clearly had a girlfriend, but he kept gawking at me and Cheyenne lecherously as soon as he entered. He’s obviously a jerk. Lucas is so much better than him!”

Seeing Charlotte repeatedly retort, Karen was immediately furious. “Charlotte Carter! Are you out to anger me? How can this loser hold a candle to Aston?” Karen pointed her bright, red-lacquered fingernail at Lucas.

Lucas touched his nose speechlessly. I’ve merely been sitting here quietly. How did I provoke her?

“His family is rich, that’s all. How can that scoundrel compare to Lucas?” Charlotte retorted indignantly. “In terms of looks and height, Lucas trumps him. In terms of meticulousness, Lucas is way better because he helps Cheyenne to the food and pours her water. That man simply sat there and waited for Scarlet to serve him. In terms of character, Lucas is obviously far better than him. Lucas never ogles other girls. Mom, will you stop being so superficial? You’ve only seen that man once. How much do you know about him?”

Karen was suddenly at a loss for words. Then she hollered furiously, “Forget it! I’m not going to talk to you anymore, wretched girl! You’re really going to be the death of me. I’ll teach you a lesson after I come back from the washroom!”

With that, she glowered at Lucas and Cheyenne before leaving the private room.

Cheyenne poked Charlotte’s forehead. “It’s not like you don’t know what Mom’s temper is like. The more you refute, the angrier she gets.”

“I did that just to make her change her opinion of my brother-in-law, Lucas.” Charlotte pouted, feeling wronged.

Hearing Charlotte call Lucas her brother-in-law made Cheyenne feel extremely embarrassed. She looked at Lucas quietly as her ears turned red.

“I know you have good intentions, but by doing this, you’re only going to make Mom pick on Lucas even more.”

“Huh? Seriously?! What should we do then?!” Charlotte was immediately nervous.

“Forget it. When Mom comes back later, don’t say much to her. If she says anything that irks you, just pretend you didn’t hear it,” Cheyenne said, feeling helpless.

Meanwhile, Scarlet kept running after Aston, all the way to the parking lot. She only caught up to him when he reached his car.

“Aston, don’t break up with me, okay? I’ll make up for my mistakes immediately. I really will! Please give me another chance! I don’t want to break up with you…” Scarlet was weeping so badly that her makeup smudged.

With a trace of disgust, Aston suddenly thought of something and smiled. “You don’t want to break up? Sure. But from now on, you have to do whatever I want you to. Otherwise, you can get lost now.”

Hearing that there was still a chance, Scarlet nodded profusely. “Okay! I promise I’ll obey you from now on and do whatever you tell me to do.”

“Really? Don’t just pay lip service and forget your promise today when I tell you what to do in the future.” He looked at her skeptically.

“No, no, no, I can swear! I’m willing to do whatever you say!” She hurriedly promised, fearing that he wouldn’t believe her.

“You don’t have to swear. No one will believe such things. I’ll let you do one thing now. If you can do it, I will believe that you’re sincere.” A peculiar smile appeared on his face.

Scarlet frantically nodded in agreement. “Okay, Aston. I’ll definitely try my best to do whatever you tell me to!”

“Okay, in this case, I want you to get either Charlotte Carter or Cheyenne Carter into my bed,” Aston said slowly.
“What!?!” Scarlet was stunned, not expecting him to make this request. How could she get another woman into her boyfriend’s bed…

She couldn’t even tolerate it when Karen tried to sow discord between her and him just now. How could she be willing to get another woman to get intimate with him?

Moreover, his request broke her heart.

Scarlet was suddenly overwhelmed with complicated emotions.

“What? You can’t even do that? You were lying when you made that promise to me just now then. In that case, we have nothing more to say to each other.” Aston sneered and reached out to open the car door.

“No! Wait!” Scarlet grabbed his wrist with a look of panic.

If she agreed, she would still be Aston Brooke’s girlfriend, and she might get to marry him in the future. If she disagreed, he would immediately dump her, and she would no longer have a choice.

Scarlet clenched her jaw and said miserably, “Okay, I agree to your request. However, you’re just going to sleep with them, right? I’m still going to be the one you marry, right?”

“Of course, silly girl. I’m just going to toy with them. You’re the one I love the most.” Aston smiled gently as he touched Scarlet’s hair.

Chapter 100: Mother-in-Law Gets Hit

In the private room of the restaurant, they were almost done eating, but Karen hadn’t returned yet.

“Why isn’t Mom back yet? Could something have happened to her?” Cheyenne said worriedly.

Finding that something amiss too, Charlotte stood up and said, “I’ll go check.”

She walked out of the private room and crossed a corridor. She was about to go to the washroom when she suddenly realized that there were a lot of people gathered in the corridor and there seemed to be a fight.

“You’re trying to run, huh? I’m telling you, if you don’t pay up today, I won’t spare you!” a woman shrieked in a shrill, high-pitched voice.

Charlotte frowned in displeasure and was about to continue walking toward the restroom when she suddenly heard an extremely familiar voice.

“Oh, please! A wench like you is trying to extort me? Dream on! Do you know who my daughter is?”

It was her mom’s voice!

Charlotte was shocked and immediately stopped in her tracks. Her mom had gotten into an argument with someone again!

There were many onlookers, and she couldn’t squeeze her way through. So she ran back into the private room and yelled, “Bad news! Mom got into an argument with someone again! There are a lot of people surrounding them!”

“What?” Cheyenne was astonished. She stood up and was about to dash out…

Lucas hurriedly pulled Cheyenne to stop her. “I’ll go take a look. You stay here and accompany Amelia.”

Cheyenne bit her lip. She was indeed quite worried about her mom, but she also knew that she couldn’t leave her daughter alone in the room. Besides, Lucas was a man and would definitely be able to handle the situation better than her. “Okay, you go then! The most important thing is to bring her back here.”

Actually, she was just worried that it was her mother who caused the argument in the first place.

“Okay, don’t worry.” Lucas walked out with Charlotte following closely behind him.

When they arrived, the commotion was louder.

After Lucas squeezed through the crowd with Charlotte, they saw a chubby woman raising her hand and slapping Karen on her face.

“Oh my god! You wench, how dare you hit me?!” Karen would never let herself be a disadvantage. She immediately raised her hand and grabbed the woman’s hair. In an instant, they got into a messy scuffle.

“How dare you hit my mother!” Charlotte shouted furiously and rushed forward to grab the woman by her clothes. She even slapped her a few times on behalf of her mother, making the woman wail in pain incessantly.
The lobby manager rushed forth with some security officers and finally separated the three women.

The three of them looked rather disheveled.

Karen deliberately styled her hair today, but it was now a total mess, and there was a red palm mark on her face.

Charlotte’s clothes were also messy, and there was a long scratch on the back of her hand.

The one who had it the worst was the chubby woman opposite her. It was hard for her to move about nimbly because of her body size, so she had suffered numerous hits from Karen and Charlotte. Her cheeks were red and swollen after being slapped, and her hair was all messed up too.

“Dear customers, please talk things over calmly and don’t resort to violence,” said the hotel lobby manager, trying to mediate the situation.

The chubby woman gritted her teeth and stared at Charlotte and Karen. She took out her phone and exclaimed, “Damn it! Daring to slap me? Just you wait!”

As soon as the call got through, the chubby woman started bawling and complaining about being bullied. She then told the person on the other end to send some people over quickly.

When Karen saw that some people were really going to come, she couldn’t help but feel a little scared.

After Charlotte took a closer look at the chubby woman’s face, her heart dropped, and she knew that trouble was coming.

She was too focused on helping her mother slap the woman that hadn’t paid attention to see who she was assaulting.

Now that Charlotte recognized the woman’s identity, she secretly lamented in distress. Of all people, why did she provoke this woman?

At the side, Lucas had also long recognized the chubby woman to be the same one who almost hit Charlotte and Amelia at the kindergarten previously.

The woman’s husband was James Wilson, whom he had seen again at Dominic’s place. Wilson had even tried to make Lucas kneel down and apologize to him.

He reckoned that she should have called Wilson to bring his men over.

Enemies always meet.

Meanwhile, Charlotte also quietly told Karen about this woman. “This woman is Sharon Hart, the wife of James Wilson, the owner of the Titanium Corporation. I almost got hit by the two of them when I went to the kindergarten to pick Amelia up before. Thanks to Lucas rescuing us, we got away unharmed.”

As soon as Karen heard the Titanium Corporation, her face turned pale because she knew that it belonged to the top-tier Wilson family!

Oh my god! This fat woman I just hit is James Wilson’s wife! What do I do now?! Karen’s legs were trembling as she quickly said, “What are we still standing here for? Let’s run away!”

She pulled Charlotte along. But as soon as they ran for a bit, Sharon stopped them. “Hmph, now you’re scared and want to flee, huh? Let me tell you. It’s already too late! Since you two bitches had the audacity to hit me, be prepared to suffer my retaliation! If I don’t beat you two into a pulp later, I won’t be Sharon Hart!” Having found someone to help her, Sharon was naturally arrogant.

Karen was terrified. She was the type to bully the weak and fear the strong. Previously, she had the guts to yank Sharon’s hair and curse her out because she didn’t know her identity yet. Now that she did, she obviously wouldn’t dare.

Looking around in panic, she suddenly caught a glimpse of Lucas and immediately ran and hid behind him, regardless of the fact that she often called him a good-for-nothing.

“Oh? So you have an accomplice! Don’t worry. I won’t let any of you shameless idiots off!” Sharon barked smugly while glaring at Lucas as well as Charlotte and Karen behind him.

Lucas’s expression turned dark. “Mind your language. If you’re going to continue being so foul-mouthed, I won’t go easy on you even if you’re a woman.”

Karen was so infuriated that she poked Lucas’s back and chastised, “Are you out of your mind? Loser, don’t drag us down even if you have a death wish!”

After saying this, Karen poked her head out from behind Lucas and said to Sharon deferentially, “Excuse me, Madam… It was all just a misunderstanding just now. I’m sorry! I’m really sorry! Please be magnanimous and let us off!”

Seeing Karen stooping low and submitting to her, Sharon immediately raised her head and laughed out loud. But she looked extremely terrifying because of her swollen face and large red lips.
After she was done guffawing, she said to Karen sneeringly, “Hmph, are you scared now that I’ve called people over? Weren’t you very haughty and arrogant just now? You two slapped me so hard, but you want me to forgive you after a simple apology? Dream on!”
Chapter 101: Charlotte Is Sad

Seeing how hostile Sharon Hart was being, Karen gritted her teeth and looked at the beautiful diamond bracelet on her wrist.

Lucas had given her that bracelet a short while ago, but Karen simply tossed it into her drawer without even looking at it. Only when Bryce gave her another one last night did she put the two bracelets together and compare them. She found that the one Lucas gave her had higher clarity and better quality. It was her first time wearing it today. But she didn’t expect this incident to happen at all.

Karen removed the bracelet and handed it to Sharon reluctantly after taking a few glances at it longingly.

“Since you like this bracelet, I’ll give it to you as compensation.”

Sharon’s eyes lit up. She snatched the bracelet and put it on her wrist. After some time, she finally remembered to control her expression and said sulkily, “It’s not that I’m asking you to give the bracelet to me. It’s just you compensating me for damaging my bracelet just now. Understand?”

Lucas frowned slightly.

Karen didn’t know much about jewelry, but Lucas knew its value clearly since he had personally bought it at the auction. The bracelet was of superior quality and had been auctioned off at a final price of more than 1.5 million dollars.

Lucas couldn’t help but wonder what happened between Karen and Sharon, which resulted in Karen having to compensate her with such an expensive bracelet.

Seeing that Sharon had accepted the bracelet, Karen hurriedly smiled. “Yes, it’s my duty. Well, you’ve already accepted the bracelet, so can we get going now?”

Upon hearing her words, Sharon sneered. “Hah, you wish! I just said that this bracelet is merely compensation for damaging my bracelet. The slaps you and that bitch next to you gave me aren’t going to be settled so easily! Well, how about this? I was slapped by you two five times. I won’t be excessive. Just ten slaps will do. Let me slap you ten times, and I’ll spare you.”

“Um…” Karen immediately looked conflicted while Charlotte’s expression changed drastically.

Wouldn’t my face be badly hurt after ten slaps? Karen didn’t hesitate for long before quickly pulling Charlotte to the side. “Charlotte, you were the one who slapped her just now, so just let her slap you back. Ten slaps will be over quickly.”

Charlotte stared at her mother in disbelief, her eyes wide open. “Mom, what are you saying?”

At the thought of the fact that Sharon had already called people over, Karen hurriedly urged Charlotte, “Just let her slap you ten times, and she’ll let us go! It’s your fault. Why did you slap her just now? Hurry up and go over to let her slap you. I’ll get you a hot towel to rub your face with when we get home later. I guarantee it won’t leave a mark.”

Karen spoke ‘benevolently’, having considered everything thoroughly.

However, Charlotte was on the verge of crying out of infuriation. “Mom, you’re pushing me to get slapped by someone? I slapped her just now only to help you. How can you blame it on me?”

“Did I ask you to help me slap her?” Karen asked righteously before pushing Charlotte toward Sharon in fear that the latter’s people would rush over.

The onlookers couldn’t help but start discussing among themselves.

“Oh my god. Is she her biological mother? She got into a fight with someone, and her daughter came to help her, yet she’s now pushing her daughter out to get slapped!”

“I really take my hat off to her. Mothers would generally choose to protect their daughters if someone wanted to slap them ten times. Even if not, they would share the burden with their daughters. Who would get their daughter to take all the slaps?”

“She’s such an oddball. Since she said that ten slaps won’t hurt, why doesn’t she take it for her daughter? Anyway, the other woman didn’t specify who she wanted to slap.”

“Exactly. She’s too ruthless! If I were her daughter, I’d leave her alone.”

The voices of the people discussing were rather loud, so Charlotte and Karen could hear them.

Charlotte’s heart was full of sadness, but Karen simply pretended as though she didn’t hear them.

“It seems that you’re not willing! When my husband comes and sees that I got hit so badly by you two bitches, it won’t be as simple as ten slaps,” Sharon threatened while touching the bracelet on her wrist.

Upon hearing this, Karen panicked and pushed Charlotte forward. “What are you waiting for? Hurry up and let her slap you so that we can leave!”

Unable to contain her emotions, Charlotte immediately burst into tears and looked at her mother with disappointment and sorrow in her eyes.

She clenched her jaw and looked up at Sharon. “Fine, slap me all you want. But let me tell you, don’t think you’re that powerful. You’re just putting on airs because of the Wilsons! If your family falls one day, let’s see if you can still be arrogant and smug!”

“Bitch! How dare you curse my family? I’ll beat you up!”

Overwhelmed with fury, Sharon raised her arm to slap Charlotte hard on her face.

If this slap were to land on Charlotte’s face, it would definitely ruin her pretty features!

Charlotte kept her eyes tightly shut, ready to take the slap.

Now, getting slapped was no longer a big deal to her. Karen’s behavior just now was like a dagger that stabbed her hard in her heart, making her feel deeply saddened and disappointed.

Just as Sharon’s slap was about to land on Charlotte’s face, a hand quickly reached out to grab Sharon’s wrist.

Lucas glared at Sharon coldly. “Since you’ve already taken the bracelet, don’t go too far. Who are you to slap my sister-in-law?”

Charlotte suddenly widened her eyes and looked at the figure in front of her in shock.

It was the second time that Lucas had stood in front of her and saved her from Sharon’s slap.

Lucas had already saved her thrice, including the incident at the Luxe.

When he mentioned that she was his sister-in-law, she felt touched and teared up even more.

Her biological mother threw her under the bus and forced her to get slapped by someone. But Lucas stood up for her to defend her against the harsh slap.

“My wrist… Let go of my wrist!”

Lucas was clamping down on Sharon’s wrist with so much force that she couldn’t move it at all. She cursed, “You loser! If you don’t let go, I’ll make sure my husband breaks your hand!”

Lucas roared angrily, “You have a foul mouth, so you need to be taught a lesson!”

With a loud smack, he slapped Sharon’s face.

Chapter 102: Past and Current Feuds

The impact of the hard slap made Sharon cock her head to the side, her face even more swollen than before. There was even blood dripping from the corners of her mouth.

The people around them immediately gasped and exclaimed in shock.

They didn’t expect Lucas to really slap her with so much force.

However, no one criticized him for using so much force or for slapping a woman. They had all witnessed Sharon’s behavior from the beginning and felt that she deserved it. She hurled vulgarities and even insulted someone else’s parents. Who would be able to stand that?

“Ah! Who told you to slap her?” Karen dashed toward Lucas and gave him a hard slap on his face before berating menacingly, “Loser, do you know who she is? I painstakingly got her to agree to let us off, but you slapped her again. You deliberately want to give us a hard time, don’t you? You’re such a jinx!”

Then Karen hurriedly ran to Sharon, bowed, and apologized. “Ah, Madam, we really didn’t mean to offend you. This good-for-nothing just has a death wish. You can do whatever you want to him later, but please don’t blame us. We don’t know him. We have nothing to do with him!”

Sharon spat a mouthful of blood on Karen’s face and hollered, “Idiot! Do you take me for a three-year-old? You’re telling me that you’re not related to him? Who would believe you?! Don’t worry. None of you will get away! I won’t let any of you off! Just wait to die!”

Sharon covered her stinging cheek and barked hysterically in rage.

Karen was furious yet terrified. She could only vent all her anger on Lucas as she pounced on him and started hitting and pinching him. “It’s all your fault, you good-for-nothing! It’s your fault! Do you have something against us? You just had to come and harm us, huh? Hurry up and apologize to her! Ask for her forgiveness even if you have to kneel on the ground! Do you hear me?”

“Enough!” Unable to tolerate it any longer, Charlotte forcefully pulled Karen’s hand away from Lucas’s arm.

“Mom, you’re always like this. You like bullying the weak, but you fear the strong! We’re getting bullied by outsiders, yet you want us to give in and allow myself to get slapped. What’s wrong with Lucas defending me? Why do you have to force him to get on his knees and apologize to someone else? Since you’re so capable, why do you have to make your family members take the blame?”

Infuriated, Charlotte glared at Karen with bloodshot eyes. She had really had enough!

“Y-you wretched girl…” Karen was enraged by Charlotte’s words, and she was just about to snap back at her, but she suddenly heard a gloomy voice.

“Who had the audacity to slap my wife?” The voice belonged to a bespectacled middle-aged man who was leading more than ten burly men over. When the surrounding people saw this, they immediately scattered and stood far, far away from them, for fear that they might get implicated.

Karen was so frightened that she started shivering, and her legs turned into jelly.

Oh, no! That woman’s husband is here, and he even brought so many people over. We’re dead meat!

What should I do?!

“Hubby, you’re finally here! I almost got bullied to death!” Sharon immediately leaped into James Wilson’s arms and bawled loudly as if she had been mistreated.

Wilson took a look at his wife’s reddened, swollen face and the disheveled state that she was in and flew into a rage.

It wasn’t as simple as a slap on his wife’s face. It was an insult to him and his family!

“Okay, okay, don’t cry. Tell me who exactly had the guts to slap you, James Wilson’s wife? I’ll kill him!” Wilson said with a menacing expression.

Sharon raised her head and was about to point out the three people in front of her. But to her surprise, Karen suddenly interjected, “Mr. Wilson, I know who slapped your wife!”

Ignoring the reactions of the people around her, she stretched out a finger and pointed at Lucas. “It was him! He was the one who slapped your wife just now and even caused her to bleed! He’s inhumane!”

Not only was Charlotte shocked, but even Sharon was dumbfounded and couldn’t recover from it for a moment.
Lucas sneered in his heart. If not for the fact that Karen was Cheyenne’s mother, he would have long stopped tolerating her.

The people observing from afar found Karen’s behavior extremely shameless.

Karen was actually the one who started it, yet she made her daughter take Sharon’s punishment. Now, she even identified her son-in-law as the one who hit Sharon and shirked all responsibility.

What a weirdo!

Wilson followed the direction that Karen was pointing in and immediately recognized Lucas when he saw his face. He exclaimed in shock, “It’s you?!”

Previously at the kindergarten, Wilson was kicked by Lucas while his underlings were all hospitalized after Jordan beat them up. Since then, he had been holding a grudge against Lucas.

Previously at the Brilliance Corporation, Wilson tried to use Dominic Carter to suppress Lucas and make Lucas get on his knees to apologize to him but failed to do so. In the end, he even got humiliated by Flynn Davis of the Stardust Corporation and was kicked out.

He hadn’t gone to settle scores with Lucas yet, but Lucas had already slapped his wife and provoked him!

There was now a new feud on top of the previous one. Wilson was glaring at Lucas with immense hatred. He really wished he could get someone to kill him!

When Karen saw that Wilson was focusing all his attention on Lucas and that the matter seemed to no longer have anything to do with her, she hurriedly pulled Charlotte over and whispered, “Let’s hurry up and go while all the attention is on that loser!”

Charlotte shook off Karen’s hand and looked at her with utter disappointment. “Mom, how can you do that? He’s your son-in-law and my brother-in-law!”

“So what? He can only blame himself for getting himself into trouble. If we don’t leave now, it will be too late in a moment!” Karen retorted as she reached out to grab Charlotte’s hand again.

“I’m not leaving. If you want to leave, you can go ahead yourself.” Charlotte dodged Karen and instead walked to Lucas. Although she didn’t say anything more, she let her actions do the talking, showing her intentions to stay behind and bear the burden together with Lucas. “Silly girl, you’re going to be the death of me!” Karen was exasperated by Charlotte’s disobedience. “Forget it. If you won’t leave, I’ll go by myself.”

Then Karen really ran away on her own.

The people who were watching from afar immediately couldn’t tolerate it any longer.

“This woman really left her daughter and son-in-law behind to flee on her own! I’ve truly gotten an eyeopener!”

“There are peculiar people everywhere. We’ve broadened our horizons today. Such people really exist in this world, tsk!”

“She was the one who caused the trouble, and now she’s the first one to run away. This is absurd!”

Wilson didn’t bother to pay attention to Karen and kept his eyes glued to Lucas. Pointing at the ten-odd muscular men behind him, he smiled arrogantly and roared, “Hahaha, it just so happens that we ran into each other today. We’ll settle scores for everything! Don’t worry! I won’t kill you!”

Chapter 103: The Power of a Kick

“What do you want then?” Lucas asked fearlessly. In fact, he even seemed interested.

Wilson looked at Lucas and then at Charlotte standing beside him. After licking his lips, he said blatantly, “You either let me toy with that woman next to you for a day and I’ll spare you, or let me break an arm and a leg of yours before I throw you out. Pick one yourself.”

Wilson ogled Charlotte. What a beautiful babe. I’ve been thinking about her ever since we met at the kindergarten.

He didn’t expect today to be the perfect chance for him to get what he wanted!

There was obvious disgust in Charlotte’s eyes. The way Wilson was gawking at her was repulsive. She couldn’t help but grab Lucas’s clothes and stand behind him.

After hearing what Wilson said, Lucas chuckled. “So, you’re giving me two options?”

“Hahaha, not bad! I, James Wilson, am also a dignified figure in Orange County, so I naturally can’t be too petty.” Wilson feigned being magnanimous and kind. His underlings even praised him for his generosity by giving Lucas an option.
Lucas smiled indifferently. “Unfortunately, I don’t want to choose either of them.”

Wilson’s face darkened as he hollered, “Punk, don’t go overboard! You only had the upper hand at the kindergarten because you had a subordinate with great combat skills. But you’re alone now, while I have more than ten men on my side. Let’s see how arrogant you can be!”

After Wilson said this, the more than ten ferocious men stepped forward again.

Lucas didn’t care at all. He said indifferently, “In terms of arrogance, I’m far inferior to you. Why don’t I give you two options as well? One, take your men with you and get lost. I’ll take it that nothing happened. Two, I’ll beat you guys up and then get someone to carry you away. Make your choice.”

“Hahahaha! Kid, you’re too arrogant! You’re the first person who has ever dared to speak to me like this!” Wilson burst into laughter.

“Oh? Is that so? You seem to have said the same thing previously, but your underlings ended up in the hospital. I wonder if they’ve been discharged yet,” Lucas said, infuriating Wilson.

Wilson was incensed.

Previously, his underling failed to harm Lucas in the slightest and even ended up getting into a fight with Jordan, who caused them to be hospitalized. After that, Wilson had no choice but to spend a bomb on medical fees and compensation fees.

It had simply been a massive insult to him!

Yet Lucas was now provoking him again. Wilson felt that Lucas had thoroughly humiliated him!

“Damn it! Since you have a death wish, I’ll fulfill it! All of you, hit him hard!” Wilson roared furiously. The ten-odd burly men behind him immediately surrounded Lucas.

When the people watching from afar saw that a huge fight was about to break out, they screamed. Some even called the police, while others whipped out their phones to take videos.

Charlotte’s heart began pounding rapidly when she saw how aggressive they were.

What should I do?

Lucas is all alone. Can he really beat so many people?

I-if Lucas loses, his limbs will be broken, and I won’t be able to escape either…

What should I do?

Just as Charlotte was breaking out in cold sweat because of how terrified she was, a warm and dry hand grabbed her clammy hand.

Charlotte looked up and saw that Lucas was still extremely calm, as if he didn’t take these people seriously at all.

Charlotte’s rapidly-beating heart immediately became calmer, and her feelings of fear faded away.

Lucas took one of Charlotte’s hands and dashed up to the ten-odd burly men in front of him.

Wilson originally thought Lucas would be scared out of his wits. But to his surprise, Lucas still had an indifferent expression. He immediately became furious because it seemed that Lucas didn’t feel threatened by them at all.

“Beat him up! When we go back, each of you will receive a bonus!” Wilson shouted.

These men’s eyes immediately glistened.

James Wilson was the general manager of the Titanium Corporation belonging to the Wilsons and was thus extremely wealthy. All the bonuses he gave out were at least five figures and above!

The burly men were already unhappy about Lucas’s composure, and now that they had the large reward as motivation, they leaped toward Lucas with all their might to beat him up.

“Ah!” Charlotte screamed in fright as her tiny face turned pale.

Just as the fist of the first person who rushed at the front was about to land on Lucas, Lucas raised his leg, turned sideways, and launched a flying kick at him.

The burly man was sent flying away with a loud thud.

Accompanied by his cries of misery, the burly man’s body was like a cannon that collided into the other ten-odd burly men behind him and likewise caused them to fly!

In less than a second, all the burly men were rolling around on the ground and wailing miserably.

The scene made the jaws of the numerous people around them drop.
This was a scene that was possible in cartoons, and almost no one could do it in real life!

It was an instant defeat!

A total instant defeat!

He defeated more than ten people at once!

Wilson was in utter disbelief, his eyeballs about to fall out!

Previously, he had also received a flying kick from Lucas at the kindergarten and was thrown several meters away, but he didn’t feel any pain after getting up.

However, Lucas’s kick today made all his underlings crippled!

This kick caused several fractures in each of them.

How terrifying!

Wilson’s heart was full of terror.

He suddenly felt that Lucas had probably spared him at the kindergarten. Otherwise, there was absolutely no way he would still be standing here alive and well.

If Lucas had wanted to, he could have killed him!

At the thought of this, Wilson broke out in cold sweat.

He completely forgot about taking revenge and restoring his pride!

Beside Wilson, his wife, Sharon Hart, had horror written all over her red and swollen face as she watched the scene in disbelief.

Lucas pulled Charlotte and walked directly to Wilson. “Did you say that you want my sisterin-law to accompany you?”

Chapter 104: James Wilson Wimps Out

Lucas asked that question monotonously, his emotions unreadable.

However, when Wilson heard it, he was scared soulless.

He hurriedly shook his head like a rattle drum and denied. “No, no, no, I wouldn’t dare to! I-I was just joking. Ahem, just joking! I definitely wouldn’t dare!”

“Oh, really? Just now, you also said that you want to break my arm and leg, didn’t you?” Lucas glanced at Wilson.

Wilson broke out in cold sweat and wished he could slap himself. “I-I just like spouting nonsense. Don’t take it to heart!”

Seeing how terrified Wilson was, Charlotte was really surprised and relieved. She stole a glance at Lucas and quietly looked at her hand that he was holding. Her heart was full of bliss and a strong sense of pride.

“Well, your wife just hit my sister-in-law and mother-in-law and even snatched her bracelet away. What are you going to do about that?”

Lucas’s voice suddenly turned calm, but Wilson still felt that he sounded like a demon.

Now, Lucas was obviously in a more powerful position than him, and it was up to Lucas to settle scores with him.

Wilson gritted his teeth and pulled the dumbfounded Sharon over from the side. Without hesitation, he slapped her twice, making her swollen face even redder.

“Bitch! It’s all your fault! Hurry up and apologize to Mr. Gray!” Wilson kicked Sharon’s knee, causing her to drop to her knees immediately.

Sharon usually liked to take advantage of Wilson’s power to throw her weight around. Occasionally, she would be coquettish with him too. If he hit her under normal circumstances, she would definitely cry and throw a tantrum.

However, now that he was really infuriated and looked like he wanted to kill her, she was appalled and hurriedly rushed to apologize to Lucas. Begging for mercy, she pleaded, “I’m sorry! Mr. Gray, it’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have been so rude to you or called someone to take revenge on you. Please forgive me!”

Tears covered Sharon’s chubby face that was already red and swollen. Her hair was messy, and she was now kneeling on the ground and pleading with tears. She looked extremely distressed.

Lucas was not the type to abuse his authority and bully others. To be honest, she didn’t get any advantages from them either.

“What exactly happened between you just now? How did the fight start?” Lucas asked.
Sharon instantly blushed and seemed conflicted and at a loss for words.

Seeing this, Wilson kicked her again. He urged, “Mr. Gray is asking you a question. Hurry up and answer him truthfully.”

Sharon said hesitantly, “I saw your mother-in-law’s bracelet in the bathroom just now… and I thought it was very pretty. I liked it very much, so I wanted to buy it from her. But she wasn’t willing to sell it to me. She even called me a… fat bitch and said that the bracelet wouldn’t look good on me. I was infuriated and made her knock into me. My bracelet broke, so I made her compensate for it with hers. We then… got into a fight.”

Sharon felt her face burning up, partly because she had been slapped and partly because she felt embarrassed about apologizing.

On the other hand, after Wilson heard Sharon’s account, his face turned increasingly gloomy, and he wanted to kick her a few times.

The Wilsons were a prestigious family in Orange County, and they owned all sorts of precious jewelry. Yet James Wilson’s wife tried to cheat another woman out of her bracelet. It was a huge embarrassment to the family!

At this moment, Wilson felt a burning pain in his face. He was extremely embarrassed!

In particular, the peculiar gazes around him made him feel awkward.

“You bitch! Have I not bought you any bracelets and jewelry? I spend millions of dollars every year on you. Are you that superficial? You tried to snatch someone else’s belonging just because you took a liking to it. You’re so embarrassing!”

Wilson was so angry that he slapped Sharon’s head a few more times, causing her to cry out loud.

Lucas frowned. “That’s enough.”

Only then did Wilson stop and say, “Mr. Gray, I failed to take her in hand, and that’s why she did such a thing. I’m really sorry. I’ll make sure she apologizes to your mother-in-law!”

Lucas glanced at him coldly and took Charlotte away without another word.

James immediately pulled Sharon, who was petrified and sitting still on the ground, and followed behind Lucas.

The group of burly men were still rolling and wailing on the ground, while the onlookers had already evaded far away.

Meanwhile, Karen seemed extremely flustered after running back to the room alone.

Cheyenne couldn’t help asking anxiously, “Mom, what just happened? Where are Lucas and Charlotte? Why didn’t they come back with you?”

Karen tried to act as if nothing had happened. “Oh, they just went to foot the bill and told us to wait for them at the entrance.”

Cheyenne didn’t believe it. “Mom, you basically didn’t eat anything. Why did they foot the bill so quickly?”

Karen waved her hand impatiently. “I’m full. Let’s hurry up and leave!” While speaking, she hurriedly tried to grab Cheyenne and Amelia. She even glanced at the door of the private room from time to time in fear that those people might charge in.

Cheyenne became more and more suspicious, feeling that there was something amiss about her mother’s behavior!

“No, Mom. Where exactly did they go? I’ll give them a call and ask.” Cheyenne took out her phone from her handbag to call Charlotte and Lucas.

“I told you they’re waiting for us outside! Why do you have to call them?!” Karen’s expression changed drastically as she tried to snatch Cheyenne’s phone.

Suddenly, the door of the private room opened, and Lucas and Charlotte walked in.

Seeing that they were in one piece and didn’t look like they had been beaten, Karen wanted to ask them about it. But she suddenly saw James Wilson and Sharon Hart following them in!

“Oh my god!” Karen was so frightened that she started shuddering. She immediately sprung up and hid behind Cheyenne as she spluttered, “Don’t come over!”

Karen suddenly stretched out her hand and pointed at Lucas. “This good-for-nothing is the culprit! If you want to settle scores, go to him. It has nothing to do with me!”

Cheyenne would be a fool if she still couldn’t tell that there was something wrong. She held Amelia tightly in her arms and asked, “What exactly happened?”

Chapter 105: Can’t Afford To Provoke Him

Charlotte looked at Karen, who was hiding behind Cheyenne and Amelia, with a look of disappointment on her face. “Cheyenne, Lucas, I finally found out today what kind of a person my mother is. I’m so disappointed.”

Cheyenne frowned and looked at Charlotte in puzzlement.

Suddenly, James pushed Sharon hard and hollered, “Hurry up and apologize to his motherin-law.”

At this moment, Sharon Hart’s nose was swollen, her hair was unkempt, and there was some blood at the corners of her mouth. She looked miserable and pitiful.

Cheyenne watched in bewilderment while Karen was shocked and puzzled. Sharon took off the superior-grade bracelet and handed it back to Karen. “I’m sorry. I was at fault just now, and I ended up causing so much trouble because I took a liking to your bracelet. I’m sorry. I’ll return the bracelet to you. I hope you will forgive me.”

Karen looked at the scene in front of her in astonishment, almost suspecting that she was dreaming. The esteemed and honorable wife of James Wilson is apologizing to me and even returning the bracelet to me?

Karen blinked several times and looked at Sharon and the bracelet in front of her, unable to wrap her head around the situation.

Cheyenne was astounded, and her face gradually turned solemn.

She was intelligent and had sensed that there was something wrong with her mother’s expression just now. She reckoned that something must have happened, and the appearance of the two strangers further confirmed her doubts.

Charlotte’s words had caught her attention too.

Just as Cheyenne wanted to ask, Karen suddenly snapped out of her daze, took her bracelet back from Sharon’s hand, and put it on her wrist again.

Although she didn’t know exactly what had happened, the chubby woman Sharon had indeed bowed and apologized to her!

Karen wanted to sneer, but she decided to keep her mouth shut when she thought about Sharon Hart’s and James Wilson’s identities.

“Okay, it’s all over now. You two should get going,” Lucas said to Wilson and Sharon indifferently after she returned the bracelet.

As soon as Wilson heard that Lucas had decided not to pursue the matter, Wilson was overjoyed, and he hurriedly thanked Lucas before pulling Sharon away.

As soon as they left the hotel, Sharon covered her face with a menacing expression and barked, “I must kill those bitches!”


Wilson immediately slapped Sharon again!

The loud slap instantly dumbfounded her.

“Hubby, why did you hit me?” Sharon was aggrieved.

Wilson glared at her ferociously with a terrifying and murderous light in his eyes. “Hit you? I wish I could kill you! Bitch, you’re a wastrel. All you do is cause trouble for me all day long! If not for the fact that you’re the mother of my child, I would have driven you out long ago!

“Listen up! This is the last time I’m going to tolerate anything like this! If I find out that you’ve caused trouble again and provoked another big shot, I will kill you!”

Sharon shivered in fright due to Wilson’s murderous threat.

She originally thought that he was just acting in front of Lucas and would get back at him after this.

But to her surprise, Wilson really took Lucas as a big shot whom he couldn’t afford to provoke and had to avoid!

“Okay, Hubby. I know I was wrong! From now on, I’ll definitely be obedient and not create trouble for you again!” Sharon hurriedly promised. Actually, she wasn’t a fool either. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have married Wilson.

However, she really didn’t understand. In her opinion, Lucas was just an incompetent man who definitely wouldn’t be able to beat a bunch of men all by himself, even if he was good at martial arts. She couldn’t understand why Wilson was afraid of him.

After hearing Sharon’s question, Wilson glared at her again. “Are you a fool? If he was just good at kicking hard, why would I be wary of him? Can’t you tell? He held back today and the other day at the kindergarten. If he really wanted to, he could have easily killed us!

“How can we afford to provoke such a terrifying person? Anyway, I’ve already warned you. If you have a death wish, don’t implicate me, got it?” Wilson warned Sharon with an insidious expression.

When he thought about the power of Lucas’s kick just now and how effortlessly he did it, his heart turned cold.

Besides, Wilson was worried about something else, which he didn’t tell Sharon.

Ever since Wilson and his underlings suffered a big loss under Lucas and Jordan at the kindergarten and failed to get back at Lucas in the Brilliance Corporation the next day, Wilson had sent some people to investigate Lucas’s background.

However, he barely managed to find any information. He merely found out that Lucas was a fresh graduate who had worked as a chauffeur at the Brilliance Corporation before marrying Cheyenne. His background was very ordinary, except for the fact that he had gone missing for six years. But little was known about what he had done in those years.

Lucas was now very different from what he was like six years ago.

For example, he had terrifying martial arts skills that even Wilson was afraid of.

This meant that Lucas was definitely not as simple as he seemed on the surface!

After Wilson and Sharon left, there was a peculiar vibe in the private room.

They were no longer in the mood to eat. After paying the bill, Lucas drove them back to the Carter residence.

Along the way, the atmosphere was somber.

Amelia just had a full meal and was now a bit sleepy, so she leaned on Cheyenne and dozed off.

Charlotte was hanging her head low quietly and pondering about something.

Karen subconsciously leaned backward with her phone in hand and seemed to be texting someone. From time to time, she would burst into laughter and say words like ‘fat woman’ and ‘apologize’.

Cheyenne frowned, but she stopped herself from asking any questions.

When they arrived back home, Lucas carried the fast-asleep Amelia back upstairs while Cheyenne finally asked Karen, “Mom, tell me the truth. What happened at the restaurant? Why did James Wilson and his wife come to our room to return your bracelet and apologize to you?”

Karen said nonchalantly, “Well, that woman wanted my bracelet. But she was taught a lesson by her husband, so she gave it back to me!”

Cheyenne didn’t believe it at all. “When they came, you just said that it was Lucas’s fault and wanted them to hold Lucas responsible. What happened?”

Karen questioned in annoyance, “What do you want to ask? Your loser husband caused trouble by hitting that woman! Then that woman called her husband. He almost got me in trouble. If not for the fact that Mr. Wilson was magnanimous, we would have died.”

“Mom, that’s enough!” Charlotte finally couldn’t help but lose her temper when she heard her mother’s nonsense.

Chapter 106: Shameless Mother

Glaring at Karen with reddened eyes, Charlotte yelled in endless disappointment, “Mom, how exactly did Lucas offend you that you have to turn the facts upside down like this? You were the one who brought everything that happened today upon yourself! Sharon Hart wanted to buy your bracelet, and you could have just turned her down. But why did you have to insult her and get into a scuffle?!

“When I saw you get slapped, I went forward to help you. But I didn’t expect you to chicken out after finding out Sharon Hart’s identity. It doesn’t matter that you were scared, but why did you have to force me to let her slap me? Have you ever spared a thought for my feelings?

“Besides, Lucas was just trying to help us by slapping that woman. How can you push all the blame onto him? If it weren’t for Lucas, I probably would have been disfigured by that woman now!

“Also, how can you say that it’s because of James Wilson’s magnanimity that we were let off the hook? Ridiculous! You abandoned us and ran away on your own. You didn’t see anything at all, so how can you say that?!

“There were so many of them. If it weren’t for Lucas, I-I probably wouldn’t have been able to make it back here. I would have long been bullied to death by James Wilson! How dare you twist the facts and blame everything on Lucas while calling James Wilson magnanimous?! You’re just babbling nonsense! You’ve gone overboard!”

Recalling what had just happened, Charlotte was furious and aggrieved as tears rolled down her cheeks freely.

She felt aggrieved for herself and Lucas! Why is Mom doing this to us?!

After hearing Charlotte’s complaints, Cheyenne finally figured out what had happened and was looking at Karen with astonishment written all over her face. “Mom, you actually made Charlotte allow herself to get slapped by someone else? She’s still just young! You even left them alone, ran back to the room, and urged me to leave with you. Were you planning to ignore Charlotte and Lucas and leave them be?”

Cheyenne was anguished, and she could hardly believe that her mother would do such a thing.

However, Charlotte would never lie to her about such things.

“Shut up! Now that you guys are capable of feeding yourselves, you know how to teach me, huh?” Being questioned by her two daughters, Karen lost her temper and yelled at them with her hands on her waist. “What do you know? They’re the Wilsons, a top family in Orange County. How can we afford to provoke them? What can I do? You blame me for pushing Charlotte out to be slapped, but she’s still young and can take a few slaps. I’m already old. Do you still expect me to get slapped? You two are unfilial!”

Karen scolded righteously and even blamed Cheyenne and Charlotte for being unfilial for not helping her take the slaps.

Charlotte was speechless. With a self-deprecating smile, she said, “Yeah, I’m your daughter, so I deserve to be pushed out by you to get slapped by someone else, right? Okay, I’ll take it that I’m unlucky to have a mother like you. But after you ran away, you don’t even know what happened, so why did you talk nonsense in front of Cheyenne? Why did you say that James Wilson was kind and magnanimous? Do you know what he asked for?”

“Hmph, what could he have asked for? He couldn’t have asked for you to sleep with him, could he? If that’s what he asked, you might as well have agreed. You’re much prettier than that fat bitch. You’d replace her sooner or later!” Charlotte didn’t expect Karen to find it a shame that she didn’t agree to Wilson’s request.

Charlotte dared not believe that her mother wanted her to sleep with someone else and become a mistress in order to get ahead!

“Hahahaha! I really can’t believe that such shameless words came out of my mother’s mouth! What do you take your daughter for? Can anyone toy with me just because they’re rich? Mom, do you have any shame?” Charlotte hollered furiously.

Infuriated at being ridiculed by her daughter in such a relentless way, Karen immediately flew into a rage and slapped Charlotte on her face. “You’re so rebellious! How can you talk to your own mother like that?”

After being slapped, Charlotte cocked her head toward the side. But she soon turned her head back and glared at Karen furiously while biting her lower lip.

“Still indignant, huh? You need to be slapped more!” Karen raised her hand again.

“Enough!” Cheyenne grabbed Karen’s wrist. She was so exasperated that her face was flushed, and she glowered at Karen scornfully. “Charlotte is right. You don’t deserve to be a mother at all!”

The words Karen said just now made Cheyenne flabbergasted!

She was extremely disappointed in her mother.

Cheyenne shook off Karen’s hand indifferently and turned around to hold Charlotte’s hand. She then headed upstairs without looking back.

Upset by her daughters’ attitudes, Karen sat on the floor again, slapping her legs and crying. “Oh my God! I’ve worked so hard to raise you two, and this is how you treat me! You’re so unfilial! I’m so unlucky to have raised such daughters! God, what did I owe them in my last life?”

Karen bawled for a while, but no one came downstairs to comfort her.

What was the point of singing a one-woman show without an audience?

Karen got up from the ground and stared at the top of the stairs while gritting her teeth. “It’s all that good-for-nothing’s fault! If it weren’t for him, Charlotte and Cheyenne wouldn’t have done this to me! Lucas Gray, just you wait and see!”

Cheyenne took Charlotte back to her own room and accompanied her for a while.
Comforting her, she said, “Forget it. That’s just what Mom is like. It’s not the first time she’s acted like this. Just take her nonsensical words as nothing, or else you’ll really be infuriated.”

Charlotte nodded with tears in her bloodshot eyes. “Yeah, I got it. I’d like to be alone for a while. Please go back to your room.”

Cheyenne sighed and wiped her eyes before returning to her room.

Inside the room, Lucas had already tucked Amelia into bed and was sitting quietly on the carpet, waiting for her.

“Lucas, Charlotte told me everything that happened. Thank you on behalf of Charlotte, and also, I apologize on behalf of my mother,” Cheyenne said apologetically while looking at Lucas.

Lucas smiled and shook his head. “No, they’re your family members, so that makes them my family members too. You don’t have to apologize on their behalf.”

Cheyenne was touched and overwhelmed with inexplicable guilt. “Actually, you clearly have great power and wealth, and you could have just stayed in your luxurious mansion where no one would boss you around. You’d live better than you are now…”

Lucas interrupted her and said gently but firmly, “However, you guys aren’t there. To me, wherever you and Amelia are is my home.”

Chapter 107: Cocktail Bar

After crying in her room for a long time, Charlotte left home with reddened eyes.

Upstairs, Lucas frowned and took out his phone to send a text.

Charlotte strolled aimlessly on the streets. Actually, she didn’t know where she was going. She simply didn’t want to continue staying in that house.

She initially wanted to call her best friend, Sophie, but when she thought of what her mother had done, she found it hard to talk about it.

While wandering around, Charlotte saw a bar called the Cocktail Bar down the street and suddenly felt a strong urge to drink. If I get drunk, I won’t be in so much agony, right?!

Charlotte walked into the bar, ordered an entire bottle of Martini, and sat in a corner where she started drinking by herself, unaware of how much attention a beautiful woman like her was attracting.

A refined and gentlemanly-looking young man in his thirties with a specially-concocted cocktail in hand sat down elegantly on the seat opposite Charlotte. “Beautiful lady, are you alone?”

Charlotte raised her head and glanced at him. She was not impressed by his gesture and demeanor at all. Instead, she snapped with extreme annoyance in her eyes, “Get lost.”

The young man was slightly stunned, and he immediately smiled in a way that he thought was more charming. “Don’t be so aloof. Since we’re fated to meet each other, why don’t we have a drink together? Let me introduce myself. My name is Logan Hale. This bar belongs to me.”

Charlotte was so annoyed that she snapped furiously, “Don’t you understand English? I told you to get lost!”

As she spoke, she splashed the liquor in her glass onto the young man’s face.


“How brazen!”

“Logan, are you alright?”

Immediately afterward, several people stood up at a table nearby and gathered around them.

They were all Logan’s friends, who were sitting nearby and having some drinks. They were the ones who egged him to go over and hit on Charlotte.

They thought that with Logan’s handsome good looks and charming aura, the beautiful Charlotte would definitely be attracted to him. But they didn’t expect her to be so bold as to splash liquor onto him!

Logan wiped a handful of liquor off his face, waved his hand, and told his friends not to act rashly while maintaining his gentlemanly and polite smile. He chuckled. “Ah, beautiful lady, I just want to get to know you better. Must you be so ruthless?”

Charlotte also felt that she was a bit impulsive. After all, Logan had just come over to strike up a conversation, which was a very common occurrence in bars. She had merely overreacted because she was in a bad mood.

“I’m sorry. I was in a bad mood just now. I didn’t mean to lash out at you,” Charlotte apologized politely.

“Haha, it’s a great honor to hear that from you. I guess we know each other now,” Logan teased. He then turned around and shouted to the bartender, “Go and bring the red wine that I’ve been cherishing for years!”

“Yes, Sir!”

Soon, the bartender came over with an ice bucket containing a bottle of red wine.

Charlotte frowned slightly. She didn’t want to drink with a stranger. “Sorry. I appreciate your kindness, but I have to go home.” She stood up and picked up her handbag to leave.

However, Logan stopped her smoothly. “Hey, don’t be in such a hurry to leave. You just splashed liquor on my face, but I’ll let the matter rest if you let me treat you to a drink. How does that sound?”

Logan poured two glasses of red wine and raised one of them in front of Charlotte.

Charlotte regretted her decision.

There were all sorts of people in bars, and she was now alone facing Logan Hale, who was the bar owner and had the company of his friends.

She probably wouldn’t be able to leave the bar today if she didn’t drink this glass of wine. Charlotte gritted her teeth and looked at Logan. “I can leave after drinking this glass of wine, right?”

“Of course. Just drink this glass.” Logan smiled.

“Okay.” Charlotte grabbed the wine glass and said to Logan, “Sorry for offending you just now.”

She brought the glass to her lips and was about to down it when a hand suddenly reached over from the side and grabbed her wrist.

Charlotte was shocked. She immediately turned around to look, only to see a muscular and wide chest.

Only when she raised her head did she see a tall, muscular man who looked like a tower in front of her.

She immediately inhaled sharply while everyone else gasped in shock.

The burly man who suddenly appeared was over two meters tall, and he exuded a terrifying aura.

Standing tall, he was like a mighty and ferocious beast who made others shudder in fear.

“You can’t drink that.” Just as everyone was extremely astonished, the muscular man suddenly let go of Charlotte’s hand and cautioned her.

Charlotte couldn’t process his words immediately. But Logan’s face had already turned gloomy, and he narrowed his eyes. “Who are you?”

The burly man glanced at Logan and said indifferently, “You don’t need to care who I am.
But you shouldn’t have spiked Miss Carter’s wine.”
“What?!” Upon hearing this, something dawned on Charlotte, and she dropped the glass of wine in her hand, causing it to fall to the ground and shatter. The dark red liquor immediately spread on the carpet.

“Y-you spiked my drink?! You’re so shameless and despicable!” Cheyenne yelled at Logan while shivering continuously.

“Haha.” Logan chuckled. “Beautiful lady, do you know this person in front of you? Do you believe everything he says?”

Logan saw clearly the astonishment and bewilderment on Charlotte’s face when she saw the muscular man. Obviously, she didn’t know who he was either.

After hearing what Logan said, Charlotte was indeed a little confused. One was a complete stranger, while the other was a stranger she just met a minute ago. Unsure of who she could trust, she had no choice but to look at the two of them with an uncertain gaze.

At this moment, the tall and burly man suddenly said, “My name is Wade. Mr. Gray sent me to protect you.”

Mr. Gray? Is he talking about Lucas? Charlotte was startled!

Chapter 108: Thank You, Lucas

This tall, muscular man, Wade, was the very same boxing expert Gordon Douglas had hired to deal with Lucas.

Ever since Wade realized how terrifying Lucas was when they were in Heaven Media, he righteously defected to Lucas and took on the duty of protecting the people close to Lucas.

At the time, Lucas didn’t agree. After all, he hadn’t investigated Wade’s origin and motive clearly then and naturally wouldn’t send Wade to go close to the people dear to him.

After all the information he obtained and the observations he made during this period of time, Lucas confirmed that Wade was a reliable person he could hire. So when he saw Charlotte leaving the house alone in low spirits earlier, he texted Wade and asked him to go and protect Charlotte.

Charlotte was elated to hear that the burly man named Wade was here to protect her.

But she was now also extremely cautious and didn’t dare to trust any stranger easily. She asked apprehensively, “Who is this Mr. Gray you mentioned?”
Wade smiled. “Mr. Lucas Gray. Miss Carter, if you don’t trust me, you can call Mr. Gray and ask about it.”

After receiving Wade’s confirmation, Charlotte immediately felt relieved.

Charlotte had long confirmed that Lucas was not an ordinary person, and she knew that he was definitely capable of sending such a tall and burly bodyguard to protect her at lastminute notice.

Logan frowned after hearing their conversation.

He had finally taken a liking to a woman and specially concocted the drug, yet his plans were foiled just as he was about to get what he wanted. How could he be happy?

“Let’s leave,” Charlotte said as she shot Logan a look of disgust. Anyone who tries to drug people is a scumbag!

“Hah, you can’t leave so easily after ruining my mood.” Logan couldn’t be bothered pretending to be a refined gentleman anymore. He simply walked toward the couch and sat down suavely.

After he said this, over ten hostile-looking burly men clad in security officer uniforms suddenly surrounded them.

They were obviously not ordinary security officers but a group of well-trained fighters!

Charlotte became nervous. Although she knew that Wade was sent by Lucas to protect her and should also be an expert, he was alone and facing so many people, so Charlotte felt a little worried.

However, there was no fear on Wade’s face. He merely said to Charlotte calmly, “Miss Carter, just stand behind me, and don’t move.”

“Okay!” Charlotte nodded, feeling a little less nervous after seeing Wade’s calm expression.

Looking at Wade’s calm expression, Logan smirked and snapped his fingers.

Instantly, the burly men pounced at Wade.

“You’ve got a death wish!” Wade hollered while swinging his hard and massive fists at them!

“Ah!” The first burly man in front was sent flying and knocked over several tables and couches, making the patrons of the bar scream.
The first burly man laid in the middle of a pile of broken liquor bottles while covering his face and wailing incessantly. His cheekbones had probably already been shattered!

There was some horror on the faces of the remaining burly men. This tall and muscular man is really ruthless!

However, they were all hired fighters who had to take on the fight. They didn’t believe that they couldn’t defeat the outnumbered Wade!

The security officers swarmed up. Some of them held liquor bottles and smashed them at Wade.

Wade smiled contemptuously. I am a king of underground boxing. How could I be beaten up by some bar fighters?

Wade didn’t pull any fancy moves and merely waved his fists. The men started howling in terror. Soon, the ten-odd burly men were sent flying, creating a huge mess in the bar.

After all the fighters fell to the ground, there was no one left to stop Wade and Charlotte.

Seething at Logan, Wade left the bar with Charlotte.

Seeing the mess in his bar and the fighters rolling on the ground and shrieking in horror, Logan was overwhelmed with fury.

Someone had recklessly caused a huge mess on his turf. How could Logan take it lying down?!

Logan roared ruthlessly, “Go find out who that woman and Lucas Gray are! I want to hear about it within three hours!”

After finally escaping from the bar with Wade, Charlotte heaved a huge sigh of relief.

She didn’t expect to encounter such a thing when she went to the bar to take a breather while in low spirits.

Fortunately, the person Lucas sent had saved her. Otherwise, the consequences would have been unthinkable!

Charlotte was full of lingering fear. And there were also countless doubts within her.

For example, she wondered how Lucas found such a tall, brawny, and powerful person to protect her. And she was extremely curious about what other abilities Lucas was hiding too.

Unfortunately, the tall man in front of her didn’t seem like a talkative person. Moreover, he was more than two meters tall, extremely muscular, and had a menacing aura, so even Charlotte dared not ask him.

Soon, Wade escorted Charlotte back to her home.

When Charlotte went upstairs, she bumped into Cheyenne, who wanted to speak to her.

“Did you just go out to drink?” Cheyenne couldn’t help but frown when she smelled the alcohol reeking from Charlotte.

“Yes.” Charlotte nodded honestly. Just as Cheyenne was frowning and about to say something, Charlotte quickly interrupted her and assured her with a serious expression. “Cheyenne, I know I shouldn’t have done that! I will never go to a bar on my own again in the future!”

“…” Cheyenne looked at her sister promising seriously and could only shake her head and sigh. “I’ll hold you to your word. Don’t go to such places again in the future. You’re a girl. It’s dangerous out there!”

“Yes!” Charlotte nodded profusely like a chick.

In the past, she would be unconcerned when Cheyenne persuaded her not to go to bars because the world was full of thugs. But after the incident today, she decided to behave herself and take Cheyenne’s advice.

After Charlotte went into her room, she hesitated for a moment before sending Lucas a text. “Thank you, Lucas!”

When Lucas opened this text, Cheyenne happened to be next to him and coincidentally saw the sender. “Did Charlotte text you?”

Lucas nodded. But for some reason, Cheyenne suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Chapter 109: No Breakfast

Charlotte was in the room just next door. If she really wanted to say something to Lucas, she could have just come over to say it to him in person. Why did she choose to text him instead?

“Charlotte thanked you? What did you do for her to thank you?” Cheyenne asked in bewilderment while suppressing the strange feeling in her heart.

Lucas didn’t want to make Cheyenne worried, so he didn’t tell her that Charlotte almost got herself into trouble at the bar just now and instead said calmly, “I don’t know either. She’s probably just thanking me for helping her in the restaurant at noon.”

“Oh. In that case, I also have to thank you properly.” Cheyenne didn’t think much about it anymore after hearing his answer.

Lucas had indeed helped Charlotte a lot in the afternoon. Otherwise, Charlotte’s face might be swollen now, and she might have even been disfigured.

Lucas smiled. “She’s your sister, and we’re a family. You don’t have to be so polite with me.”

When Cheyenne heard Lucas say the word ‘family’, her heart trembled, and she couldn’t help but be at ease.

Cheyenne lowered her head, not knowing what to say, but the tips of her ears were flushed.

Seeing the coy expression on Cheyenne’s beautiful face, Lucas felt his heart skip a beat.

All of a sudden, both of them fell silent and simply sat quietly in the room. The ambiance was serene and heartwarming.

The next morning, when Lucas, Cheyenne, and Amelia went downstairs, they saw Karen sitting at the dining table and wolfing down a sandwich.

“Good morning, Mom.”

“Good morning, Grandma!”

They greeted Karen politely.

Seeing Cheyenne and the others come downstairs, Karen ignored their greetings and remained silent, as if she didn’t see them at all.

Cheyenne furrowed her eyebrows slightly. When she took Amelia to the kitchen to get breakfast, she found that there was nothing but an unwashed empty pan.

“Mom, where’s breakfast?” Cheyenne stood in the kitchen and raised her voice to ask.

“None for you guys! If you have what it takes, go make your own breakfast! I’m not going to serve you!” Karen finished the last bite of her sandwich and tossed the empty plate onto the table with a loud clang.

Amelia got a great shock while Cheyenne was infuriated.

They used to hire a helper to cook their meals, but Karen didn’t want to pay the high wages, so she often picked on the helper and ordered her around. Afterward, the helper quit.

Karen then offered to take care of their meals instead, in exchange for a few thousand dollars from both her daughters.

Yet Karen now quit and even acted as if Cheyenne and the rest had been taking advantage of her.

As soon as Charlotte came downstairs, she also heard what her mother said. She was furious to find out that Karen had cooked breakfast for herself but not for them.

“Mom, Cheyenne and I have to go to work, and we don’t have time to cook breakfast in the morning. When we wanted to hire a helper, you were the one who said that we should give you the money instead and that you would cook for us. What are you doing now?” Charlotte said in exasperation.

“I have every right to take your money! I raised you two, and now that you can work and earn money, shouldn’t you be filial to your mother? As for your meals, hmph, weren’t you guys very capable yesterday? Why should I cook for you and feed you well only to receive your rude treatment?” Karen retorted furiously with her eyes wide open.

At the end of the day, she just wanted to have authority over the people in this family and let them know that anyone who defied her would not have any cooked meals!

Cheyenne and Charlotte were both furious and disgruntled.

Karen was clearly the one who had gone too far yesterday, yet she was now accusing them of being unfilial.

When Charlotte thought about what happened yesterday, she suddenly flew into a rage and retorted, “What kind of a mother are you? Ever since we were kids, you only reprimanded us and threatened us. Did you ever take care of us?

“When Cheyenne and I were little, you went out every day to play cards with your friends and never came home after leaving in the morning! Cheyenne and I were left alone at home all the time, all hungry and uncared for!

“If it weren’t for Grandma, who was still alive at the time and would bring us food when she came to see us every now and then, we would have long starved to death!

“Later on, Cheyenne started to learn how to cook when she was around seven or eight because if she didn’t, we would have starved to death! And you? You ignored it when you saw how Cheyenne had scalded her hands trying to cook, and you even made her do all the cooking and household chores from then on. You only hired a helper after she started working and didn’t have time to cook. How many times have you cooked all these years?

“We said that we wanted to hire a helper, but you thought it was a waste of money and wanted us to give you the money instead. But now, you’re threatening us with our meals. You treat us with a horrible attitude every now and then too. If that’s the case, there’s no need for us to give you money in the future!”

After Charlotte finished retorting angrily, she picked up her handbag to leave.

Karen’s face was flushed yet pale after hearing Charlotte exposing her past. But after hearing that Charlotte wouldn’t give her money in the future, she suddenly panicked. “Charlotte, I was wrong to say that. I’m not deliberately giving you a bad attitude. I promise to cook for you every day!”

Unfortunately, Charlotte didn’t turn around at all and left without any hesitation.

Cheyenne watched coldly, extremely disappointed with her mother.

“Let’s go too.” After Cheyenne finished speaking, she took Amelia’s hand and walked toward the door with Lucas.

Karen was anxious again. If Cheyenne left and stopped giving her money too, what would she do?

“Cheyenne, you’ve always been the most obedient. Are you going to throw a tantrum at me too?” Karen tried to play the sympathy card.

Cheyenne looked at her disappointedly. “Mom, I’m not throwing a tantrum with you. It’s the other way around. I’m exhausted. We’ll get going.”

After Cheyenne said this, they left, ignoring Karen’s attempt to make them stay.

Karen stood alone at the door, staring at the empty courtyard distractedly.

Chapter 110: Phony Old Friend

Karen didn’t care about the fact that she had disappointed her daughters and was merely worried that she would no longer be able to get money from them again in the future.

At the thought of that possibility, Karen was perturbed, frustrated, and regretful.

Actually, Karen had enough money to spend. But she liked stashing away her own money and then trying to get money from her daughters for her own expenses. Only then would she feel comfortable.

Karen stood at the door for a long time, seemingly pondering something.

Meanwhile, Cheyenne, Lucas, and Amelia had a sumptuous breakfast at a bistro.

After breakfast, Lucas first dropped Amelia off at the kindergarten before sending Cheyenne to the Brilliance Corporation.

“I’ll go handle some matters and pick you up in the evening after work,” Lucas gently said to Cheyenne while in the driver’s seat.

“Ahem, actually… you don’t have to send me to and from work every day. If you’re busy, I can go back by myself.” Cheyenne felt embarrassed about troubling him.

She knew that Lucas was the owner of the Stardust Corporation and kept his identity mysterious. So she reckoned that he must be busy all the time. But regardless of his busy schedule, he had been driving her to and from work on time every day, making her feel touched but apologetic for taking up so much of his time.

Lucas smiled. “It’s alright. I’m not that busy. It makes me glad to be able to send you to and from work every day. You should get going.”

Only after seeing Cheyenne enter the company did Lucas drive away.

Even after stepping into her office, Cheyenne still felt a burning hot sensation in her face.

After finishing some daily work, her new assistant, whom she recommended herself, knocked on the door. “Miss Carter, there’s a person downstairs looking for you. He claims to have an appointment with you today.”

Cheyenne was surprised. After thinking about it, she found that she didn’t have an appointment with anyone today. She couldn’t help but frown. “Did he say which company he’s from? What is his name?”

“No, he just claimed to be an old friend of yours and that you would know once you meet him,” the assistant said anxiously.

In fact, when encountering such people who didn’t disclose their names, the assistant would usually not report it to Cheyenne. However, the assistant was new to the job and didn’t know her temper well. So he decided to report the matter to her because he was worried that that man might really be an old friend of hers.

“Old friend?” Cheyenne was puzzled.

Actually, she didn’t have many close friends, especially since many of them distanced themselves from her when she was down and out during the past six years.

Thus, Cheyenne couldn’t guess the identity of this ‘old friend’.

However, instead of speculating and making wild guesses, she decided to just let the man come to her office so that she could see who he was.

“Forget it. Bring him over then,” Cheyenne said.

Soon, the assistant led a young man in an immaculate suit in.

When Cheyenne recognized the man’s face, she immediately frowned, her face turning sullen.

The young man smiled at Cheyenne gracefully. “Miss Carter, nice to meet you again.”

Cheyenne raised her brows and sneered. “When did I become an old friend of yours? I don’t even know what your name is.”

The smiling man was none other than Aston Brooke, whom Cheyenne had met twice and whom Scarlet Wright had deliberately tried to show off to her.

He seemed like a gentle and refined wealthy man, but he actually slapped Scarlet in front of them yesterday and even pushed her onto the ground.

No matter how superior his family was, Cheyenne was extremely disdainful toward men who hit their girlfriends.

Besides, despite the man in front of her looking rather gentle and mild-mannered, the gaze in his eyes was often unsettling.

Cheyenne’s attitude could be considered hostile, but Aston was still smiling as he said, “Miss Carter, you are being overly distant. We’ve met a few times before after all. Let me introduce myself again. I am Aston Brooke from LA. I’m here today because I really want to talk to you. Miss Carter, are you interested in cooperating with the Brookes?”

Based on Aston’s behavior at this moment alone, he could really be considered a gentleman. He wasn’t arrogant but was instead eloquent, and he would naturally form a good impression on others.

Unfortunately, Cheyenne didn’t feel good about it.

Although Cheyenne still didn’t feel good about Aston, she naturally couldn’t decide things based on his personality after he mentioned cooperating since she was the general manager of the Brilliance Corporation. She asked patiently, “Cooperation? I’d like to hear more about it.”

With a proud gaze in his eyes, Aston said, “The Brookes may not be from Orange County, but our family is one of the most powerful ones in LA, and we own many businesses. In particular, the Solar Corporation has developed very well in recent years. We would like to expand our market scope and develop some of our businesses in Orange County, so we’re looking to cooperate with a company in Orange County that’s on par with us.

“After my observations during this period of time, I think that although your company isn’t considered a first-class enterprise at the moment, it has great potential for future development. Miss Carter, as long as you’re willing to cooperate with us, I guarantee that with the help of the Solar Corporation, the Brilliance Corporation will definitely become stronger. Well, at least it will be much better than it is now.”

Aston smiled, looking proud and smug. In fact, he even seemed condescending.

It was as if the Brilliance Corporation was gaining a huge favor by being able to work with the Solar Corporation and even had to rely on it.

Even a first-tier family of Orange County wouldn’t be that arrogant in the Brilliance Corporation!

Cheyenne looked at Aston with interest. “As expected of someone from another city, you seem not to know much about the Brilliance Corporation’s current development situation.”

Aston was stunned.

He originally thought that after he announced his family’s name and proposed cooperating with the Solar Corporation, Cheyenne should be overjoyed to accept cooperating with him.

However, Cheyenne didn’t seem glad at all.

Besides, her words made Aston have an ominous hunch.

“Oh, is that so? Miss Carter, please enlighten me.” The smile on Aston’s face was on the verge of vanishing.
Chapter 111: Refusal to Cooperate

“Mr. Brooke, have you ever heard of the Stardust Corporation?” Cheyenne didn’t answer Aston directly and instead asked this question.

Aston nodded. “I’ve naturally heard of the famous Stardust Corporation. After all, its market value and influence are ranked at the top among the well-known enterprises in the US. Besides, the Stardust Corporation has the support of the Huttons, a powerful family in DC, and their power can’t be underestimated. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that the Stardust Corporation is the most influential company in Orange County.”

Cheyenne smiled. “Mr. Brooke, since you know how powerful the Stardust Corporation is, do you know that the Brilliance Corporation has already reached a long-term strategic partnership with the Stardust Corporation, which will begin in the near future?

“Besides, the Brilliance Corporation is also in preparation to sign various business contracts with the Sawyer Corporation belonging to Ethan Sawyer, the richest man in Orange County. To be honest, we aren’t short of cooperation objects, but we have to pick our partners wisely because there are so many to choose from.

“Under such circumstances, do you still think that the Solar Corporation, a foreign enterprise without any roots in Orange County, has any competitive advantage to convince us to cooperate with you?”

Cheyenne’s words completely broke Aston’s prideful heart!

Although Aston had gained some understanding of the current situation of some enterprises in Orange County, the people of the Brilliance Corporation were definitely clearer about its current development situation.

Thus, Aston had tried to find out about the Brilliance Corporation from Scarlet Wright.

However, the Brilliance Corporation once belonged to the Carters and had been developing poorly under their management. And as soon as they lost the Brilliance Corporation, the performance of the Brilliance Corporation soared, especially with the support of the Stardust Corporation and the Sawyer Corporation. It managed to win the favor of countless companies of all sizes in the county, thus allowing its market value to increase countless times overnight. And there were numerous companies that wanted to cooperate with the Brilliance Corporation.

Faced with this situation, the Carters were feeling sour.

In particular, Cheyenne even managed to make a comeback and become the new general manager of the Brilliance Corporation, making Scarlet even more furious and jealous. So she wouldn’t say anything nice about the Brilliance Corporation.

Scarlet made the Brilliance Corporation out to be a perennial family business that suffered losses every year. She said that many managerial positions were vacant as a result of poor management after the takeover. She even claimed that there was internal corruption, strife, power struggles, bribery, and all sorts of other disreputable vices in the company.

In particular, Scarlet also informed Aston about Jane Harper’s arrest, further reinforcing her point.

The reason Aston went to Cheyenne today to talk about cooperating wasn’t that he had his eyes on the potential of the Brilliance Corporation. It was purely because he wanted to take this opportunity to get close to her and eventually find a way to make the Brilliance Corporation a springboard for the Brookes to expand into Orange County.

Moreover, Aston had already tried to cooperate with larger companies before going to the Brilliance Corporation, such as the Stardust Corporation and the Sawyer Corporation that Cheyenne had mentioned. However, he was turned down by all of them.

Aston felt that Brilliance Corporation was his second-best choice and that he was doing it a favor by offering it the opportunity to cooperate with him. He thought that Cheyenne should be grateful to him.

However, her words just now were a huge blow to him.

Cheyenne directly expressed her disdain for the opportunity he offered.

“I didn’t expect the Brilliance Corporation to be so powerful. I’ve failed to find out enough. Pardon me,” Aston apologized with a wry smile.

He continued, “In fact, since the Brilliance Corporation is also seeking competent cooperative partners, why don’t you consider the Brookes? After all, we are very competent and capable. If we cooperate together, we’ll definitely reach a win-win cooperation! In the future, if Brilliance Corporation wants to develop its market in LA, we can also provide a lot of support to make things more convenient for you. What do you think, Miss Carter?”

Cheyenne thought for a while and felt that what he said did make some sense. “I’ll consider your offer to cooperate, Mr. Brooke. However, forming a cooperation agreement is very important after all, and it isn’t up to me alone. How about this? I’ll contact you if we confirm that we’d like to cooperate with your family.”

“Okay, I’ll be waiting for good news. This is my business card. Please contact me when the time comes.” Aston handed his business card to Cheyenne and pretended to be gentlemanly before getting up to leave.

After he left, Cheyenne immediately gave Lucas a call and told him about Aston Brooke coming to seek cooperation with the Brilliance Corporation.

After all, Lucas was the person who was really in charge of the Brilliance Corporation.

He simply answered, “Turn him down. We will reject all cooperation with the Brookes.”

Although Cheyenne didn’t quite understand why he rejected the Brookes so resolutely without hesitation, since he had already made a decision, she naturally wouldn’t disrespect his opinion.

Afterward, Cheyenne tossed the business card Aston gave into the shredder.

When it was time to get off work in the afternoon, Lucas drove over as usual to pick up Cheyenne from work before driving to the kindergarten to pick Amelia up.

During the journey, Lucas suddenly said, “If Brooke comes again, just chase him out straight away and don’t let him get close to you.”

Cheyenne was stunned. Only after a while did she realize that Lucas was referring to Aston Brooke, who came to see her this morning.

Cheyenne disliked Aston too, but she was still puzzled about why Lucas detested him that much. She asked curiously, “What did that person do to make you hate him so much?”

“He’s a hypocrite who looks gentlemanly and refined on the surface but is actually a playboy and a philandering scumbug who has cheated on and toyed with many women. He even caused the deaths of many women. He has an ulterior motive for trying to get close to you, so you should be careful,” Lucas said seriously.

Cheyenne was stunned. She could vaguely feel that Aston wasn’t a good person, but she didn’t expect him to be such scum and even caused the death of others.

“How did you find out about this?” Cheyenne asked in bewilderment.

Lucas didn’t say that he had already had someone investigate Aston clearly from the moment they first met and Aston gawked at Cheyenne with an evil gaze.

Instead, he turned to Cheyenne and asked, “Do you still remember that Charlotte used to court a boy when she was in college?”

Chapter 112: Secret Plotting

Cheyenne was naturally very clear about that matter.

At that time, Charlotte fell in love with a senior in school. And being a young girl, she was extremely infatuated with him and would bring him food and beverages every day. She had given all her gentleness and affection to him.

However, he didn’t cherish Charlotte’s sincerity and left her hanging. He even wanted her to sleep with him.

Charlotte was nervous and terrified. But in the end, she decided to tell Cheyenne about it and ask for her opinion. Cheyenne told her to turn him down, the main reason being that Cheyenne felt he wasn’t trustworthy at all.

As expected, after Charlotte turned him down, that senior soon hooked up with another girl, making Charlotte so heartbroken that she wept for two whole weeks.

While Cheyenne was feeling upset for her sister, she also felt thankful that Charlotte didn’t get violated by such scum.

After hearing Lucas suddenly mention this matter, Cheyenne nodded. But at the same time, she was rather bewildered too. “How did you find out about that matter? What does this have to do with Aston Brooke?”

Lucas drove steadily while saying, “When Charlotte treated me to a meal previously, we happened to run into that man and his wife, who even threw her weight around in front of Charlotte. I also happened to find out then that that man’s wife, Estelle Brooke, is this Aston Brooke’s sister.”

Cheyenne still didn’t know about this matter yet, so she hurriedly asked about it.

After hearing Lucas’s brief explanation about what had happened that day, Cheyenne suddenly yelled furiously, “That’s too much! Even if Charlotte was blind and liked him, how long has it been since then? Why did they have to humiliate Charlotte? Their characters are incorrigible! We definitely won’t cooperate with the Brookes!”

At this moment, Amelia, who was leaning on Cheyenne’s body, raised her head and said with a look of determination on her tender face, “Anyone who bullies Aunt Charlotte and Mommy are bad guys!”

Cheyenne was immediately caught between laughter and tears as she rubbed Amelia’s nose affectionately. “We’re adults, and you’re a child. What do you know?”

Amelia puffed up her cheeks. “I know things! I also know that Grandma bullied us this morning and didn’t cook us any food for breakfast either.”

Cheyenne coddled Amelia. “Grandma was just in a bad mood today. Don’t hold it against her, Amelia. Let’s have a huge feast for dinner tonight!”

The tantrum her mother threw in the morning had upset Cheyenne, so she didn’t want to go home tonight and face Karen’s hostile attitude.

Thus, the three of them decided to have dinner at a famous restaurant before heading home.

As soon as they entered the house, Karen welcomed them with a smile, which seemed abnormal. “You guys are finally home! It’s been a busy day. You’re all exhausted, right? Come. I’ve prepared a huge spread of your favorite dishes! Hurry up and wash your hands before coming to eat!”

Cheyenne said indifferently, “No thanks, we’ve already had dinner outside.” While speaking, she brought Amelia upstairs.

“Huh? Why did you eat outside? The food served in restaurants isn’t as hygienic and delicious as the food I make,” Karen hurriedly exclaimed.

Unfortunately, Cheyenne didn’t pay any attention to her and went straight into her room to help Amelia take a shower and change into a fresh set of clothes.

Soon, Charlotte returned.

Karen hurriedly called out to her. “Charlotte, you’re back from work? Come have dinner. I’ve already whipped up a huge spread of dishes. We’re waiting for you!”

Charlotte glanced at Karen coldly. “How can an unfilial daughter like me be fit to eat the food you cook? Go ahead yourself.”

After saying this, she also went straight to her room.

Seeing that her two daughters had ignored her, Karen was overwhelmed with fury and so angry that she gnashed her teeth.

Normally, Cheyenne and Charlotte would never dare to treat her with such a hostile attitude. And if they did, she would just tell them to take it or leave it!

But what she was most worried about now was that they would stop eating the food she cooked and stop giving her money. Despite being infuriated, she had no choice but to bear with it.

Karen stood alone in front of the table covered with dishes, hanging her head low, looking extremely lonely.

Lucas sighed in his heart. He walked over and said with a smile, “Karen, your culinary skills are just so wonderful that I could smell the aroma from outside. Have you eaten yet? Let me accompany you to eat dinner.”

Lucas was just about to get some utensils.

But to his surprise, Karen immediately raised her head and hollered with a look of menace and annoyance, “All you do is eat! Are you the embodiment of Gluttony? I didn’t cook this food for you! I’d rather feed it to dogs than let you have any, you good-for-nothing! Get lost!”

After saying this, Karen dumped all the food into the rubbish bin right in front of Lucas.

Lucas was speechless.

Before returning home, Lucas had already had dinner with Cheyenne and Amelia at a restaurant. He offered to eat with Karen only because he took pity on her for the consequences she had to suffer for her actions. He also decided to give her an out on account that she was his mother-in-law. Besides, he also wanted to ease the strain on their relationship.

However, he never expected her to respond in such a hostile manner, as if he was really asking her for food.

Although Lucas had long known what kind of a person Karen was, she never failed to lower the bottom line in his heart.

Forget it. There’s no need to sympathize with someone like her. Lucas turned around and headed upstairs.


Lights were on, and the night had just begun. The nightlife at entertainment joints was the liveliest.

While driving, Aston said to Scarlet impatiently, “Why did you ask me out? How are you managing the task I gave you? Don’t blame me for not reminding you. If you can’t do what I want you to, get lost before it’s too late.”

Scarlet clenched her teeth with some grievances in her eyes. But when she thought about the life she would enjoy after marrying a wealthy man in the future, she felt that the mistreatment was nothing compared to it.

Scarlet looked at Aston and smiled in a bid to please him. “Aston, don’t worry. I asked you out today precisely because of what you want. You said you would marry me if I could get either Cheyenne or Charlotte Carter to sleep with you. Does it still count?”

Aston narrowed his eyes. “Of course. Why? Did you make progress?”

Scarlet hurriedly nodded. “Yes! As long as you act according to plan, I can guarantee that you’ll get what you want tonight!”

Chapter 113: Setting up a Scheme at the Poker Table

Aston was excited. He hurriedly reached out to hold Scarlet in his arms, no longer as indifferent and cold as he was earlier. He exclaimed with a smile, “I’ll hold you to your word!”

Soon, under Scarlet’s guidance, Aston parked in front of a high-end club called the Opulence.

As soon as he entered, he saw a magnificent plaque with a golden border hung in the middle of the lobby, with the words ‘Opulence Is Eternal’ written on it. There were people leaving and entering the lobby, all flushed with excitement and clamoring incessantly. “Today, I must show off my skills and win big!” The clubhouse was obviously extraordinary.

Aston wasn’t familiar with this place because he didn’t live in this city. But Scarlet knew her way around and soon brought him to a hidden elevator where she pressed the button for the fifth basement.

As soon as the elevator door opened, he was greeted with a dazzling gilded door and two bellboys opening the door respectfully, revealing an extremely spacious, crowded, and boisterous hall.

Only then did Aston realize that this was actually a crowded underground gambling den.

This was naturally a prohibited practice. But this club was powerful enough to secretly set up such a large and extremely obscure den, making it difficult for investigations to take place.

Aston instantly seemed very interested. But of course, his main purpose tonight was not to gamble but for those two tempting beauties.

“Why did you bring me here? Those two women don’t seem like people who would appear in such a place.” Aston looked at Scarlet sullenly.

“Aston, don’t be impatient. Come with me first.” Scarlet took Aston’s hand and led him to a card table in a corner.

There were several players seated at the card table, and a bunch of other players were surrounding them and watching the fun.

“Hahahaha! William Carter, you’re out of luck today. It’s not even nighttime yet, but you’ve already lost all your money?”

“Can you still go on? If you have no more money, leave quickly. Stop hogging the seat and wasting my time! I want to play a few more games!” another poker player chimed in in annoyance.

There was a middle-aged man sitting opposite Aston with a pale face. He had lost all his chips.

Facing the crowd’s constant urging and the heavy loss of his chips, the middle-aged man was reluctant to give up. So he gritted his teeth, took out a diamond bracelet from his pocket, and placed it on the table. “This is a fine bracelet that my wife spent close to eighty grand on. Now… I’ll sell it for forty-five grand. Anyone who wants it can take it!”

“William Carter, you must have stolen this bracelet from your wife. You’re going to be in trouble when you go home!” someone teased.

“Cut the crap. Forty-five thousand dollars, does anyone want it?” William ignored these remarks and simply looked at the people around him with reddened eyes.

The diamond bracelet was beautiful and obviously of good quality.

However, this place was a gambling den after all, not a jewelry store or an auction. The bracelet wouldn’t fetch a high price.

“This bracelet seems mediocre, and you took it at the last minute too. Who knows if it’s real or not. I’ll give you fifteen hundred if you’re selling it,” one of the players said with disdain after taking a look at the bracelet.

“That’s… too little. I bought it for close to eighty grand! Forget it. I’ll sell it to you for thirty grand!” William said, gritting his teeth.

“Fifteen grand at most. Take it or leave it. If you don’t want to sell, get lost with your bracelet,” the other person said impatiently.

Someone at the side chimed in, “It’s just a lousy bracelet. You’re going to suffer a huge loss by paying fifteen grand!”

“Exactly. This thing should fetch less than five grand.”

“Okay! You can have it.” William made up his mind and shoved the bracelet to him.

The other person was quick to toss 15,000 dollars worth of chips to him after accepting the bracelet.

At the side, Scarlet was staring wide-eyed at the beautiful bracelet. She sighed regretfully after the person stowed the bracelet in his pocket.

“Did you bring me here to stare at other people’s things? We’re not here because you want me to buy you that bracelet, right?” Aston questioned hostilely.

Scarlet snapped back to her senses and shook her head hurriedly. She whispered to Aston, “No, no, how could that be possible? Aston, look at the middle-aged man who sold the bracelet. His name is William Carter, Cheyenne and Charlotte Carter’s father. I heard that he’s been indulging in gambling lately and has lost a lot of money.

“And Aston, did you realize that everyone at this table is obviously in cahoots? Only that fool
William Carter still isn’t aware. At this rate, he’ll keep losing until he has nothing left.”

Aston nodded. Outsiders tended to have a clearer view of the situation. He hadn’t stood here for too long and could already tell that something was fishy. Yet William Carter, who was involved in the situation, was completely unaware of it and was bent on recouping his losses.

However, how would that be possible?

Aston suddenly had an idea and immediately understood Charlotte’s words. “Are you… planning to have me help him after he loses?”

“Yes! After he loses it all, lend him some money. He will definitely continue to lose and then have no money to pay you back. At that point, he’ll have to get money from his daughters. But as far as I know, Cheyenne doesn’t have much money, so she definitely can’t pay for him. Since she can’t afford it, you’ll have every right to take his daughter as compensation!
By then, it will be up to you to sleep with her as often as you’d like,” Scarlet said with a sinister smile.

At the thought of that scene, Aston immediately became excited. But he was still rational enough and asked in doubt, “What if she doesn’t agree?”

“If she doesn’t agree, she’ll have to give you back the money immediately. But can she afford it? She’ll have no choice but to agree! Besides, she’s not a good person anyway. Who knows how many men she’s slept with? Otherwise, how could she become the general manager of the Brilliance Corporation? Don’t worry. She will definitely agree!” Scarlet guaranteed with certainty.

Hearing this, Aston stopped worrying and narrowed his eyes to look at William, whose eyes were bloodshot. It was as if he could already see the scene of Cheyenne having no choice but to submit to him unwillingly. The corners of his mouth curled into a sinister smile. He was bent on getting what he wanted.

Chapter 114: Unable to Afford

Soon, just as Scarlet expected, William quickly lost all his chips again, leaving the spot on the table in front of him empty.

William widened his eyes in shock. He almost didn’t dare to believe that he had lost the chips he obtained in exchange for Karen’s bracelet in such a short time.

He was indignant, but unfortunately, he no longer had anything else of value with him that he could sell.

“Can one of you lend me some money? I will definitely win and recoup my losses. I promise I’ll return the money immediately after I win!” William suddenly turned his head and looked at his fellow poker players at the table, as well as those surrounding the table.

“Who would be so foolish to lend you money? You promised to pay me forty-five hundred after borrowing three thousand from me two days ago, but you didn’t return me anything!”

“Exactly! You still owe the Opulence seventy-six thousand dollars. Don’t think we’ve forgotten. Who would dare lend you money?” the people around said with contempt.

Gamblers often thought that they could win the next round and recoup their losses, but they often ended up losing even more terribly. And the more they lost, the more obsessed they became. But they were often unaware of it.

Seeing that the people around him weren’t willing to lend him any money to recoup his losses, William panicked, and his face became flushed. No amount of begging would help.
Suddenly, someone said from behind him, “I can lend you three hundred thousand dollars!”

His voice was like heavenly music to William’s ears. He turned around and saw a dashing young scion standing behind him. It was the same man who offered to lend him 300,000 dollars!

Needless to say, this person was Aston Brooke.

Like a famished person who finally saw food, William immediately leaped toward Aston.

Aston smiled indifferently. “However, you must pay me back, including interest, 380,000 dollars tonight. Otherwise, you will have to put everything that you have or are related to on the line.”

“Sure, no problem!” William agreed without even thinking.

In his opinion, as long as he had 300,000 dollars as capital, he would be able to win several times that amount. So 380,000 dollars wouldn’t be a problem for him at all!

William didn’t even think about how he would be able to pay back the 380,000 dollars if he lost because he felt that it definitely wouldn’t happen!

He was certain that he would break out of his losing streak and start winning!

Seeing William’s bloodshot eyes, Aston stayed silent and immediately got William to sign an IOU for 380,000 dollars. Then he took out a bank card from his wallet and handed it to Scarlet to have her exchange for 300,000 dollars worth of chips.

When William saw the pile of chips in front of him, his fingers trembled with excitement.

After gambling for such a long time in this clubhouse, it was his first time touching so many chips. He reckoned that he would definitely win!

William’s eyes were red as he shouted, “Come on, let’s continue! It’s my turn to recoup my losses next!”

With so many chips in hand, William gained confidence and started betting larger stakes than before while the crowd egged him on.

It didn’t take long for the chips in front of William to get fewer and fewer. In less than an hour, he lost all 300,000 dollars worth of chips!

Aston looked at the money he had lent and lost, feeling a peculiar sense of joy.
William’s face paled. Seeing that the chips in front of him had once again been pushed to others, his heart was almost going to explode, and his eyes were bloodshot.

He abruptly turned to look at Aston. “Hey, if you lend me another three hundred thousand, no, two hundred thousand, I will definitely win back all the money! I will return you every single cent that I promised to return!”

William simply pinned all his hopes on Aston.

But this time, Aston shook his head. “Sir, I’ve already lent you three hundred thousand, and you’ve lost everything. But you still have the cheek to ask me to lend you more money. What do you have that you can return to me? We’re not related to each other, and I was already kind enough to lend you so much money. Everyone, don’t you agree?”

The people around them immediately agreed. “Yeah, this young man has nothing to do with you. He was already kind and generous enough to lend you so much money in one go! William Carter, don’t be ungrateful!”

William was anxious and overwrought. When he suddenly saw Scarlet beside Aston, he hurriedly pointed at her. “She’s my niece! That makes us relatives, right? Lend me another two hundred thousand, and I definitely won’t go back on my word!”

Scarlet had been standing beside Aston for a long time, and she was also the one who exchanged the chips for William just now. But William had been staring at the chips and only noticed her now.

Aston feigned looking surprised and looked at Scarlet in shock. “What? This man is actually your uncle?”

Scarlet rolled her eyes at William. “I don’t have such an uncle who doesn’t return the money he owes yet still has the cheek to borrow money from others. I don’t know this person at all!”

Willian suddenly became anxious and tried to pull Scarlet’s arm. “Scarlet, how can you say you don’t know me? I’m your uncle, William Carter! When you were a child, you often came to our place to play!”

Aston stopped William, no longer as cheerful as before. Instead, his face turned gloomy as he glared at William. “I took pity on you when I saw that you lost a lot of money. I didn’t expect you to be such a person. You’re even trying to lie and say that she’s your relative. In this case, pay me back the 380,000 dollars that you owe me now!”

As Aston spoke, he slapped the IOU that William just signed onto the table in front of him. “William Carter, you actually tried to falsely claim that someone else is your relative! She doesn’t even know you. Besides, even if she does, you can’t just write off your debt merely because she’s your relative.”

“Exactly! Hurry up and return the money! 380,000 dollars isn’t a small amount!”

“Can he afford that? He’s already lost all his money. I bet he doesn’t even have a thousand dollars!”

“Hahaha, since you can’t afford it, don’t take the loan! You were so bold when you bet so much money just now!”

The surrounding poker players were all chattering continuously, making William so anxious that he started sweating profusely.

380,000 dollars was a massive amount of money that he obviously couldn’t repay.

If he had so much money, he wouldn’t have to sneakily steal Karen’s bracelet to sell!

Chapter 115: Paying the Ransom

William had no choice but to look at Aston pleadingly and beg, “Hey, I’ll definitely pay the money back! Please give me a few days’ grace. Once I get money from my wife, I will repay you immediately, okay?”

William remembered the chest of betrothal gifts that the Sawyers had sent them. Although the Sawyers later said that it was a mistake and that they weren’t betrothal gifts but a thank-you gift for his loser son-in-law, Karen had never returned it to Lucas but instead secretly hid it somewhere.

When I go back, I have to force Karen to tell me where the money is hidden. Then I’ll just siphon half of the cash to repay Aston Brooke.

“No, you must return it to me now. You’ve already stated on the IOU that you have to return the money by midnight today!” Aston insisted vehemently.

What a joke. I didn’t lend him the money for charity. This was the moment that Aston had been waiting for. The fact that William couldn’t return the money was the very reason he could make William trade his daughter to repay the debt so that he could get what he wanted.

William was extremely anxious, but at this moment, a decent-looking man wearing the special uniform of the manager of the Opulence led several burly men over and said to William, “William Carter, you still owe us four hundred and fifty grand. It’s time to pay it back!”

When William heard these words, he immediately yelled in exasperation and horror, “What?! Since when did I owe you four hundred and fifty grand? I only borrowed seventy-six!”

The decent-looking manager of the Opulence said, “It’s true that you borrowed seventy-six thousand dollars at first, but the interest rate is stated on the IOU. If you deny and refuse to pay the money, don’t think of leaving the club alive!”

The club manager waved his hand, and a burly man stood out immediately and kicked William in the thigh.

William screamed as he immediately collapsed to the ground. He clutched his thigh and wailed hysterically.

The people around him took a few steps back, but there was no fear on their faces. Instead, they all looked as though they were used to seeing people like this and gloating.

In this gambling den, it was common practice for people to be beaten up for failing to pay their massive debts.

Watching this scene from the side, Aston frowned.

These people suddenly coming out to collect their debt was probably going to disrupt his plan.

William was now utterly horrified. When he borrowed money previously, he knew that the interest rate was very high. But he thought that he would soon be able to repay it, so he hadn’t taken it seriously. However, he was now terrified because debt collectors came.

However, he would never be able to repay 450,000 dollars!

William kneeled on the ground and hugged the club manager’s thigh. “Sir, please just give me a few more days. I promise I’ll go to my mother-in-law immediately after I get home and repay you as soon as I get the money!”

“You’re asking for a few days’ grace? Do you take us for a charity?”

The club manager lifted his foot and kicked William with all his might. Although he looked civilized, he was actually extremely ruthless. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have become the manager of this club.

He bent down, grabbed William’s hair, and said with a menacing expression, “If you don’t pay the money today, I’ll chop both your hands off. If you don’t pay tomorrow, your feet will be gone too. Do you understand?”

William was so frightened that he shuddered incessantly and almost peed his pants!

However, he also knew that this was a rare opportunity. He nodded frantically. “Yes! Yes! I’ll definitely pay you back today! I promise! I’ll call my daughter right now and get her to bring the money!”

At this moment, Cheyenne was teaching Amelia to draw at home while Lucas watched the both of them with a tender gaze and a smile on his lips.

Cheyenne’s phone began ringing, breaking the silence in the room.

When she saw that the caller was her father, she was a bit surprised. As soon as she answered, she heard his horrified and impatient voice. “Cheyenne! Hurry and bring money here to save me! Or else, I’m going to get my hands and feet chopped off!”

Cheyenne’s face changed drastically, and she stood up abruptly. The first thought in her mind was that her father had been kidnapped!

Cheyenne hurriedly asked, “Dad, where are you? What’s going on?”

William’s phone was in the hands of another person, and an unfamiliar voice sounded from the other end. “You’re William Carter’s daughter, right? You have an hour to prepare. If you don’t come with the money in an hour, his hands and feet will be severed. Don’t blame me then!” Then the man hung up before Cheyenne could even say anything.

Holding the phone, Cheyenne froze on the spot, her face paling and her body turning cold.

Seeing that Cheyenne didn’t seem well, Lucas hurriedly held her shoulders and asked, “What happened?”

Cheyenne held onto Lucas’s wrist as if she had found a pillar of support. Her eyes turned red, and she was on the verge of tears. “Lucas, my father is in trouble! That person just said that my father owes the Opulence club a few hundred thousand. If we don’t return the money in an hour, they will… chop off his…”

Considering the fact that Amelia was still present and she was afraid of scaring her, Cheyenne gritted her teeth and fell silent. However, Lucas immediately figured out what she meant.

Such clubs were entertainment joints in name, but in fact, they were more like sordid places. If they said that they were going to chop off someone’s limbs or kill them, they would definitely do it.

“But how can my father suddenly owe so much money? He just goes out to drink and play poker. How can he owe so much money? Lucas, do you think my father got kidnapped?” Cheyenne asked anxiously and distractedly.

Lucas patted Cheyenne’s back to comfort her and said gently, “Don’t worry. Since they’re asking you to bring money to the club to get him out, it shouldn’t be an abduction.”

Actually, Lucas had already made some guesses. Recently, William had been going out early and returning home late in a drunken stupor every day. Sometimes, he wouldn’t come home at all. Something must have happened outside. He didn’t know if William had been lured there or gone there out of his own accord. But in any case, the debt definitely wasn’t simple.

“Um, my father…” Cheyenne was extremely anxious.

Lucas comforted her. “Don’t panic. Stay at home with Amelia. I’ll go take a look.”

Chapter 116: Give Me an Explanation

After hearing what Lucas said, Cheyenne immediately said anxiously, “No, what if you go alone and encounter danger too?”

Lucas smiled. “Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. I’ll definitely bring your father home in one piece. Trust me.”

Lucas was incredibly confident, and Cheyenne was much more relieved when she thought about the unknown power that he had. However, she still gritted her teeth and said worriedly, “You still have to be careful.”

“Okay, don’t worry.” Lucas nodded and then turned around to leave.

Cheyenne watched his tall figure gradually vanish below the stairs with inexplicable emotions.

At some point, she had somehow begun getting a sense of security from Lucas, as he would be the first person she thought of whenever she was in danger.

After hearing that her father had suddenly fallen into such a terrifying situation just now, she was scared out of her wits. But Lucas’s words put her mind at ease. All her fear and anxiety vanished after hearing him comfort and reassure her. It was as though as long as Lucas was here, someone would accompany her to deal with any problems.

“Mom, where did Dad go? Did something happen to Grandpa?” Amelia looked up.

Cheyenne wiped away her tears and hugged her daughter. “It’s alright, Amelia. Don’t worry. Daddy is a hero, and he’ll definitely bring Grandpa home.”

“Yeah! Daddy is really a hero!” Amelia hugged Cheyenne, and her beautiful eyes were full of pride and faith in Lucas.

Soon, a black Jaguar shuttled through the traffic in the city and pulled over at the entrance of the Opulence. Lucas got out.

On the surface, the Opulence seemed to be just an ordinary entertainment joint. But Lucas already knew that this was just its facade.

He didn’t bother wasting any time. After entering the lobby, he said to a waiter, “I’m here to collect someone. Please go and inform them.”

The waiter was no stranger to this process. There were no changes in his expression as he asked, “Who are you paying ransom for?”

“William Carter.”

After relaying the message through the intercom, the waiter said to Lucas, “Okay, Sir. Please come with me.”

The waiter led Lucas to a hidden door, which was obscure and inconspicuous. If there were no ushers, it would be difficult for anyone to discover it. The walls and decorations here were all full of hidden contraptions.

The waiter directly pressed the elevator button to go to the fifth basement. Before long, the elevator door opened, and a golden door appeared in front of Lucas.

When he pushed open the door, he saw a noisy and boisterous scene inside the spacious hall with various poker tables surrounded by many people. Their eyes were all bloodshot.

Lucas had long guessed that William had been brought to a gambling den by someone and thus ended up owing such a large amount of money in such a short period of time.

Everything happening before him was just a confirmation of Lucas’s guess.

The waiter led Lucas directly to the poker table in the innermost area.

There were people around the poker table and someone kneeling on the ground with a bruised nose, not daring to move an inch at all. He was none other than William Carter!

Lucas’s eyes turned icy-cold as he walked forward to hold William’s shoulders and help him up.

“Who is this kid?” The club manager, Joe Daniels, frowned in displeasure while looking at Lucas.

The burly men had hostile gazes in their eyes, and with a single command of Daniels, they would immediately rush forward to take Lucas down.

The waiter who brought Lucas in hurriedly bent down and said, “Mr. Daniels, he came to pay William Carter’s ransom.”

Daniels sized Lucas up. When he saw the calm expression on his face and his not-somuscular body, he couldn’t help but sneer. “Kid, you’re pretty bold.”

When Scarlet saw Lucas, she rolled her eyes hard and gibed, “This good-for-nothing is surprisingly here. It seems that Cheyenne won’t come.”

Aston had a gloomy expression as he glared at Scarlet. “Is this what you promised me?”

Scarlet felt extremely aggrieved. “Aston, you can’t blame me for this. I didn’t expect the club to suddenly force William Carter to repay the money today and ruin our plans.”

Aston snorted coldly and remained silent. He would have never expected such an urgent matter to crop up, let alone Scarlet.

When William saw Lucas, he immediately grabbed his hand as if he had found a straw to clutch onto. “You’re finally here! Lucas, you brought the money, right? Hurry up and pay them! Or else they’ll chop off my hands and feet!”

He was really frightened just now, afraid that Cheyenne couldn’t convince Karen to give her the money. He was also terrified that the people of the clubhouse would get impatient and really chop his hands off.

They had beaten him up and made him kneel on the ground, so he did as he was told compliantly, not daring to breathe at all.

Now, Lucas finally appeared!

Daniels, who looked quite decent and civilized, didn’t bother to say any nonsense. He simply crossed one leg over the other and said slowly, “The total you have to pay is 830,000 dollars.
Once you pay, you can take him away. Otherwise, you two will have to stay here. Don’t blame us for being unkind after you lose your hands and feet.”

Lucas glanced at Daniels. “I’ve naturally already prepared the money. However, your people hit my father-in-law and made him kneel here for such a long time. Shouldn’t you be giving me an explanation too?”

Hearing Lucas’s words, the people around him froze for a moment before bursting into laughter.

Looking at Lucas as if he had just heard a joke, Daniels said with derision, “Explanation? What do you want me to explain? Come on, let’s hear your family background and see if you’re qualified to ask for an explanation!”

Scarlet burst into laughter. “Mr. Daniels, don’t be fooled by this good-for-nothing. He’s just a penniless orphan. What family background can he have?”

Before Scarlet finished laughing, she suddenly felt a piercingly cold and frightening gaze land on her. She shivered, stopped laughing, and subconsciously hid behind Aston.

How can this loser Lucas have such a terrifying gaze?!

Chapter 117: Shameless Father-in-law

Upon seeing Scarlet become frightened by a single look from Lucas, Aston was immediately displeased. He shouted, “What? Did Scarlet say something wrong? You’re just a good-fornothing who has nothing to his name. You’re very brazen, huh? It’s such a shame that the greatest beauty of Orange County married a loser like you!”

When Daniels, the club manager, heard this, his eyes lit up. “I heard that Cheyenne Carter, the former greatest beauty of Orange County and gorgeous CEO, got involved with a lowly chauffeur of the company and even had footage of her with that man in a hotel exposed, causing a huge uproar. Later on, she had to marry the chauffeur. You aren’t that chauffeur, are you? William Carter, I didn’t expect you to be the father of the most beautiful woman in Orange County! I couldn’t tell at all!”

Scarlet snorted and snapped in disgruntlement, “Greatest beauty? She’s just a bitch with a pretty face who climbed to the top by sleeping with men!”

Lucas looked at Scarlet with a murderous aura in his eyes.

Suddenly, a figure appeared beside Scarlet and slapped her twice, hard and loud, immediately sending her flying into the poker table behind her. After a series of loud sounds, the chips on the table scattered all over the floor.

“Since you have the audacity to talk nonsense about Cheyenne, you deserve to be slapped!” Jordan glanced at Scarlet, who was on the ground and couldn’t get on her feet for a long time. He then turned around to look at Lucas with a straight face.

Although he had suppressed his anger and didn’t use too much force, his slaps still ruptured the corners of Scarlet’s mouth and made her cheeks red and swollen.

This scene took everyone aback and made them dumbfounded!

No one saw clearly where this person had come from!

Moreover, it was apparent that he was someone who had been following Lucas.

The expressions of all the people changed drastically. And at this moment, the angriest person was, without a doubt, Aston Brooke.

Although Aston was just toying with Scarlet and didn’t have any feelings for her, she was still his current woman after all. Now that she had been sent flying with two slaps, it was more than just two slaps but also an insult to him!

“You have the guts to hit my woman, huh? Punk, do you know who I am?” Aston stared at Jordan with a threatening gaze.

To his surprise, Jordan was even more arrogant than him. He rolled his eyes and retorted, “Don’t you yourself know who you are? Fancy you asking me instead. Are you an idiot?!”

“You!” Aston was furious. He felt a strong urge to dash forward and beat Jordan into a pulp.

Lucas glanced at Aston coldly before scanning his surroundings and saying in an icy-cold voice, “If anyone dares to speak ill of my wife from now on, it won’t be as simple as two slaps.”

Aston was about to say a few more words, but as soon as his gaze met Lucas’s chilly and frightening eyes, he immediately felt his heart turn cold. He could no longer say what he wanted.

The others even felt an indescribable power emanating from Lucas’s body, and they were too terrified to speak.

Lucas looked back at the club manager, Joe Daniels, and said indifferently, “Let’s continue where we left off. My father-in-law got bullied by you. How do you plan to explain this to me?”
Daniels suddenly began applauding. Although Lucas was thin, he had been maintaining a calm expression and even gave off a terrifying might, making it hard for Daniels to get a clear understanding of his background.

Although Scarlet and Aston just said that Lucas was a useless good-for-nothing, Daniels had been working for the club for years and had a discerning eye. His intuition told him that Lucas was not an ordinary person or a good-for-nothing like they said.

Daniels remained silent while William broke out in a cold sweat because of how frightened he was. He tried to punch Lucas while shouting, “Who do you think you are? How dare you ask for an explanation from Mr. Daniels? Are you tired of living? Hurry up and give him the money for the ransom. I’m alright now. I don’t need you to stand up for me!”

Lucas could already guess William’s reaction, but he didn’t take it to heart and simply stared at Daniels calmly, waiting to hear his explanation.

“Damn it! You loser, you’re going to be the death of me! I told you not to make things hard for Mr. Daniels. Even if you’re courting death, don’t drag me down!” William hollered at Lucas furiously before turning around to smile at Daniels deferentially. “Mr. Daniels, please don’t blame me! I don’t know what’s wrong with this loser today. He actually had the guts to create trouble here! I… I apologize to you. Please don’t take it to heart. If you must, blame this loser! You can beat or scold him if you want!”

Daniels immediately had a playful look. This is hilarious. He’s standing up for his father-inlaw, but his father-in-law is shirking responsibility and letting an outsider hit his son-in-law. How amusing and ridiculous.

Although the onlookers felt that Lucas was overestimating himself if he thought that he could beat Daniels and ask for an explanation, they were full of disdain for William.

People like William were cowardly, stupid, and inhumane.

Some even secretly thought Lucas shouldn’t have come to William’s rescue and let him learn his lesson by having his hands and feet chopped off.

Looking at Lucas in derision, Daniels said, “Your father-in-law himself isn’t even bothered, so do you still want to ask me for an explanation?”

Lucas nodded lightly with a straight face. “Yes. It’s his business that he doesn’t want an explanation. I want one.”

Hearing his words, William was even more furious. He reached out to slap Lucas, only to have Jordan grab him and hold him down.
“Let go of me! I’m your father-in-law. I don’t believe that you have the guts to get someone to hit me,” William roared furiously.

Jordan pursed his lips. If not for the fact Lucas had long instructed him not to harm Cheyenne’s parents, he would have crippled William!

“Jordan, take him home first,” Lucas suddenly said with a frown.

“Okay, Lucas!” Jordan immediately obeyed the order and carried William away by his collar.

“Wait, you haven’t paid yet. Now, none of you can think of leaving!” Daniels shouted. The few burly men around him immediately blocked Jordan and William.

William was so scared that he was shaking and didn’t dare to move.

But the next second, almost everyone’s eyes widened, nearly unable to believe what was happening in front of them!

Chapter 118: Ocean of Money

Jordan sneered. He didn’t take these burly men in front of him seriously at all and was still holding William’s collar in one hand and standing still on the spot. He suddenly put his right leg forward and swept it, immediately kicking the six burly men in front of him far, far away. They then crashed on the ground after smashing through numerous poker tables.

Daniels’s pupils constricted. He couldn’t control himself any longer as he looked at everything in front of him in shock.

If Jordan had only sent one person flying away with a single kick, Daniels would find it reasonable, as that could be done easily by a strong person.

However, sending six six-foot-tall men flying with one kick and rendering them immobile was something beyond the abilities of an ordinary person!

Some of the henchmen who heard the commotion and hurried over were sent flying before they could even step close to Jordan.

Jordan looked as though he was taking a leisurely stroll, ignoring all the henchmen while walking along the way and dragging William, who seemed to be on the verge of peeing himself, to the elevator.

“Lucas, I’ll take this… person back with me.” Before leaving, Jordan didn’t forget to say goodbye to Lucas, and he almost called William a fool.
Lucas nodded indifferently.

When Jordan vanished in the elevator with William, Daniels and the surrounding crowd finally recovered from their shock

Daniels looked at Lucas with scruples and inquisitiveness. “Who are you?”

The young man with impressive combat skills is clearly this Lucas’s subordinate. He followed his instructions without any questions.

He was more like Lucas’s underling.

If an underling was already this terrifying, how frightening would Lucas be?

Lucas smiled indifferently. “Didn’t they already tell you? I’m just a live-in son-in-law.”

Lucas’s indifference made Daniels feel even more wary of him.

“Hey… your father-in-law borrowed money from us and hasn’t repaid it after more than ten days, but we only gave him a beating. That’s already showing him enough mercy. As long as you repay the money he owes with interest, I won’t hold it against you for injuring our men. How does that sound?”

Daniels’s words shocked everyone present.

The young man beside Lucas just now had injured more than ten burly henchmen of the Opulence and even caused a huge ruckus. Yet Daniels was willing to let go of it just like that.

“Don’t worry. We’ll talk things out one by one. I’ll pay you back what he owes,” Lucas said sneeringly.

Daniels could tell what Lucas was driving at. The money William owed would naturally be paid back, and likewise, Daniels would also have to give Lucas the explanation he wanted.

At the thought of this, Daniels couldn’t help but frown. Seems like this punk isn’t going to stop here!

Aston suddenly said, “Your father-in-law still owes me 380,000 dollars. Don’t forget.”

Lucas glanced at Aston. “Don’t worry. I’ll pay you every single cent.”

Although he did not know why Aston Brooke and Scarlet Wright appeared here, how they even became William’s debtor, and what their role was in the incident today, he knew clearly who to hold accountable and who to settle scores with.

Suddenly, the golden door swung open again, and a tall, gigantic, and burly man over two meters tall entered.

Many inhaled sharply and took a few steps back because the tall man was not to be trifled with.

If they were to provoke him, he could easily punch them dead!

With a solemn expression, Daniels looked at the man coming. He couldn’t recognize him, but he hoped that he wasn’t here to create trouble… Otherwise, Daniels wouldn’t be able to handle it alone.

To his surprise, after the burly man entered, he walked directly toward Lucas, bowed, said respectfully in front of everyone, “Mr. Gray, I’ve already prepared the money according to your instructions.”

Daniels’s pupils constricted again. Is this tall and burly man Lucas Gray’s underling too?

Lucas nodded and looked at Daniels again. “Have you thought about what explanation you’re going to give me?”

Daniels gritted his teeth. “Let’s compromise and give each other a way out instead of making things hard for each other. We’re not afraid of you. If things get out of hand, you’ll be at a disadvantage too! Since you’ve already brought the money, hurry up and pay it back!”

Lucas understood what he meant and nodded at Wade. “Bring the money.”

“Yes, Mr. Gray!” Wade acknowledged and grabbed his phone to make a call.

After Daniels heaved a sigh of relief and thought that Lucas had yielded, he suddenly heard a dull thud coming from above him, and then the entire floor started shaking violently.

“What’s going on?”

“Oh my god! Is it an earthquake?”

“Damn! Let’s hurry upstairs! If there’s really an earthquake, we’re going to be buried alive!”

“Hurry up and get out of the way! Let me go up first!”

All of a sudden, chaos broke out in the hall, and many people were fleeing to go upstairs.
Some even took advantage of the chaos and shoved some chips into their arms.

Daniels was stunned as well, but he dared not force all these people in the hall to stay in place. After all, those who were here to play were all big shots, and if they were trapped in the basement, he wouldn’t be able to account for it.

Daniels hollered to get a few people to hurry up and check on the situation while having people escort these guests from the safety stairs quickly back to the lobby on the first floor.

However, when these people returned to the first floor and saw the lobby, everyone inhaled and widened their eyes in shock.

There was a truck in the middle of the spacious and luxurious lobby, blocking the entire exit.

The roll-up door of the truck opened, and a large pile of countless coins began to pour out from the truck.

The entire lobby turned into an ocean of glittering coins!

Chapter 119: Succumbing and Apologizing

Countless shiny coins poured down, turning the hundreds of square meters lobby into a sea of coins that was impossible to traverse.

This scene was extremely shocking and indescribable!

Daniels was astonished, and an indescribable sense of horror surged in his heart.

To be able to get around 800,000 dollars worth of coins delivered within an hour was definitely not something that ordinary people could do!

Even Daniels’s proprietor, the owner of the Opulence, could never do it!

Aston was also looking at Lucas and everything in front of him in utter astonishment.

He had always thought that Lucas was just an ordinary live-in son-in-law of the Carters and that he was unworthy of Cheyenne.

Even when he saw the Douglas brothers apologizing to Lucas, he still felt that there must have been some misunderstanding in between. He even implied to the Carters that the apology was meant for him.

However, everything Lucas did today made Aston feel that he had misjudged and that Lucas was not as simple as the loser that the Carters made him out to be.

“There’s a total of 830,000 dollars worth of coins here. One of you gets 450,000, and the other gets 380,000. Get your shares yourselves,” Lucas said indifferently.

Daniels smiled awkwardly. “Ah, you are really… generous.”

At the side, Aston hurriedly said, “Mr. Gray, it was all a misunderstanding before. Since I now know that Mr. Carter is your father-in-law, how can I still have the cheek to ask you for the money? Just take the money as a gift.”

If William were still there, he would have been overwhelmed with joy after hearing Aston’s words.

However, Lucas was not like William, and he didn’t take the 380,000 dollars seriously at all. Of course, he wouldn’t accept Aston’s ‘kind intentions’.

“What do you have to do with my family? Mr. Brooke, are you so generous that you’d easily give away 380,000 dollars to anyone? If that’s the case, I reckon everyone here is blessed. How many people can you give money to?” Lucas sneered.

After Lucas said that, the numerous people in the surroundings stared at Aston with intense gazes in their eyes, as if they were hoping that he would really give them 380,000 dollars.

Aston coughed and hurriedly said, “Mr. Gray, you must be joking. I was merely thinking that since we are relatives, there’s no need to bother about that money.”

When Scarlet saw how polite Aston was to Lucas, she interjected in disgruntlement, “Aston, why are you being so polite to him? Cheyenne’s family was kicked out of the Carters a long time ago, and we are no longer relatives with them. Why should we give them 380,000 dollars for no reason? Besides, this good-for-nothing even got a truck full of coins here. He’s obviously out to make things hard for us. He’s too mean!”

Scarlet was shallow and failed to realize how terrifying Lucas was.

“Shut up!” Aston roared furiously. He raised his hand and slapped her face ruthlessly. “Is Mr. Gray someone a bitch like you can insult as you please? You’re just a brainless and shameless bitch. You’re so stupid that there’s no cure for you! Hurry up and get lost. I don’t want to see you again! You want to marry into the Brookes? Dream on!”

Scarlet’s face was already swollen after Jordan slapped her twice. Now that Aston had slapped her again, her face became even more swollen and now resembled a pig’s head.

Hearing Aston’s insults, many of the people present burst into laughter.

However, not many sympathized with Scarlet.

They felt that she deserved to be slapped.

Scarlet was about to lose control of her emotions. Aston saying that she couldn’t marry him made her flustered.

She rushed forward to hug his thigh while weeping miserably. “Aston, don’t abandon me! I’ve already given everything I have to you! I came here today to help you…”

“Shut up, bitch!” Aston immediately slapped Scarlet several times again to interrupt her, causing her mouth to bleed. He even kicked her hard to vent all his anger.

Scarlet Wright, you brainless woman! You almost said that the reason we’re here at the Opulence tonight is to trick William Carter and help me hook up with Cheyenne and Charlotte Carter. You almost let the cat out of the bag.

If Lucas Gray finds out, I’ll die!

I almost got killed by this bitch!

“Mr. Gray, this woman has been pestering me. From today onward, I have nothing to do with her anymore. Please don’t misunderstand me,” Aston hurriedly said to Lucas after interrupting Scarlet.

Lucas snorted coldly. These two are just dogs biting each other. He wasn’t interested in them at all.

He turned to look at Daniels. “As I said earlier, we’ll settle one thing at a time. I’ve returned you the money my father-in-law owes, with interest. Now, it’s your turn to give me an explanation.”

Daniels was immediately exasperated.

He thought that since he had already given Lucas an out, Lucas would drop the matter. However, he brought it up again.

The explanation Lucas wanted was undoubtedly for Daniels to atone and apologize for injuring and humiliating William.

But if Daniels really did that, it would be a shame on him and the Opulence.

However, when Daniels saw Lucas’s calm and composed expression that seemed to contain terrifying power, as well as the burly man beside him and the pile of coins, Daniels unclenched his fists.

“Sorry, Mr. Gray. I failed to train my subordinates well and caused your father-in-law to be injured. In order to express our apology, we won’t take any of the money that Mr. Carter owes, and we’ll treat it as compensation for him instead. What do you think of that solution?” Daniels said through gritted teeth.

Discretion was the better part of valor.

Seeing how adamant Lucas was being, Daniels knew that this matter wouldn’t blow over without some bloodshed.

Daniels did think about beating Lucas into submission. But Wade and Jordan crippling more than ten henchmen previously made Daniels realize that Lucas was definitely not someone who could be subdued by force. Lucas might even kill them too!

Who would dare to provoke such a terrifying man?

Daniels’s submissive apology immediately left everyone around them in shock!

chapter 120: I’ll Go Look For Him

Although Daniels looked civilized and refined, he was extremely ruthless, and it was common for him to break the limbs of those who created trouble in the club. This was the reason why Daniels could become the manager of the club at such a young age.

However, Daniels actually swallowed his pride and bowed down to the young man in front of him, who was in his twenties and didn’t seem that strong.

What is the background of this young man?!

Lucas glanced indifferently at Daniels, who was smiling deferentially. “No matter what you think, I’ll state things clearly beforehand. If anyone dares to create trouble for me and the people around me in the future, they should think about whether they’re tired of living or not.”

His tone was calm, but his words made Daniels’s heart hammer violently. He immediately got rid of his evil thoughts. “Yes, Mr. Gray. Don’t worry. We won’t do anything out of line.”

Lucas glanced at him and then turned around to leave, with the tall and burly Wade following closely behind him.

Aston originally wanted to try sucking up to Lucas, but when he saw how uninterested Lucas seemed, he was smart enough not to chase after him.

Of course, he didn’t take the 380,000 dollars worth of coins on the ground either.

Regardless of who Lucas was trying to deter, Aston was truly astounded, and he was already reevaluating Lucas’s status and purpose in his mind.

The people left in the Opulence looked at the coins in the lobby before looking at each other, at a complete loss for words.

A service supervisor of the club came up to Daniels and whispered to him, “Mr. Daniels, are we… just going to let that arrogant punk go?”

“If you have what it takes, go and catch him then.” Daniels glowered at him. The latter was instantly speechless and flinched.

They had all witnessed the scene just now. If they really went to nab Lucas, who would be able to defeat him?

“Use your brains and think about it properly. Who are those people around him? All of us will never be able to defeat his subordinate even if we work together! How are we supposed to nab him?” Daniels glared at his brainless underling. “What are you waiting for? Hurry up and get someone to pack up the coins on the ground. They’re worth 830,000 dollars after all! Okay, now go placate the customers and ask them to continue gambling.”

“Prepare a check for 450,000 dollars and some gifts. Get some people to come with me to apologize to William Carter.”

“What? Mr. Daniels, do you still intend to apologize to them?” The supervisor was astonished. He thought that Daniels was just making a casual remark and would send someone to apologize to William.

“Duh! Do I have a choice? You brainless fools are useless! That guy’s subordinates are so powerful, and you guys are trash compared to them!” Daniels berated. His underlings lowered their heads, not daring to make a single sound.

At this moment, Jordan was bringing William back home.

William thought Jordan wouldn’t dare to do anything to him since he was Lucas’s subordinate, so he started insulting Jordan and called him an ill-mannered brat who was as rude as Lucas.

Jordan was overwhelmed with fury. If not for Lucas’s instructions, he would have long beaten William up!

After they finally reached the residence, Jordan tossed William at the door and turned around to leave without looking back. He felt that taking another glance at William would be tainting his eyes.

Cheyenne, who had been waiting upstairs worriedly for a long time, immediately rushed down after hearing the commotion downstairs. By the time she arrived downstairs, she happened to see William cursing incessantly as he entered the house.

“Dad, are you okay?” Cheyenne rushed forward and held William’s arm. She scrutinized him and found that although his face was a bit bruised and swollen, and some footprints were on his clothes, he fortunately had no severe injuries. However, it was obvious that he had been beaten up.

Only now did Cheyenne put her mind at ease and look at the door again. She found that there was no one else. Her father had come home alone.

“Dad, where’s Lucas? He didn’t come back with you?” Cheyenne hurriedly asked.

William snorted coldly and barked in anger, “You’re asking about him? He probably got beaten to death. He deserves it!”

Cheyenne’s heart sank. She was flustered and furious as she hurriedly grabbed William’s hand. “What exactly happened? Dad, you owed someone hundreds of thousands of dollars. If Lucas hadn’t brought the money to save you, you wouldn’t have been able to come back now! How can you say that about him?! How is he now?”

“What hundreds of thousands?” Karen also happened to come out of her room, just in time to hear Cheyenne. She immediately glared at William and hollered, “Make yourself clear! What hundreds of thousands of dollars?!”

Too anxious to hear her mother’s interrogation, Cheyenne shook William’s arm vigorously. “Dad! How is Lucas?”

“Hmph, I told that loser to just return the money to those people, but he insisted on standing up for me. Now, he’s in trouble. The Opulence isn’t somewhere he can show off.

“When I left, there were a whole bunch of people surrounding him. He might just be dead now! He really deserves it for being stupid!”

William’s tone was full of anger, displeased because Lucas had refused to heed his advice. He simply said that Lucas deserved to be killed, not considering at all that Lucas had gone to a place like the Opulence and confronted those people for the sake of saving him.

“How did that happen…” Cheyenne’s heart was full of disappointment and pain. At the thought that Lucas was likely in danger, she felt as though her heart was being stabbed by a million knives. In particular, her father’s cold and merciless words made her feel miserable!

If she hadn’t let Lucas go to save her father, he wouldn’t have encountered such danger at all!

Warm tears rolled down her cheeks.

“No, I have to go look for him!”

In her panic, Cheyenne no longer cared about anything else and ran straight out barefoot.



Cheyenne ignored the shouts coming from behind her and dashed out of the door, only to knock into someone and fall into their embrace.

Hey Moh96,

Firstly, I wanna appreciate the kind of work that you are doing is just amazing. And I as a reader really captivated by this story and I have been patiently for sometime for the next chapters. So I just wanna ask when will we get to see some more chapters?

And again thanks for this amazing novel.
Chapter 121: Chasing Barefoot

Cheyenne shrieked in shock and violently pushed the person in front of her away.

But she suddenly heard a familiar voice. “Cheyenne, it’s me.”

She immediately looked up with tears in her eyes and saw that the man was none other than Lucas.

Cheyenne sobbed and hugged Lucas tightly as tears continuously rolled down her cheeks, soon drenching Lucas’s clothes.

Lucas was at a loss for words, especially when he felt Cheyenne’s warm tears seeping into his clothes. “Cheyenne, what’s the matter? Your father should already be home, shouldn’t he?”

“You… It’s great that you’re back! Dad just said that you got beaten to death, and it scared me so badly…” Cheyenne buried her head in Lucas’s chest while sobbing. She only felt relieved and at ease when she could feel his heartbeat.

Lucas was stunned for a moment before figuring out that Cheyenne had rushed out so anxiously because she was worried about his safety.

A warm current surged in his heart. He gently put his hand on her shoulder and said in a tender voice, “Don’t worry. I was in the army for years. Such a situation won’t be much trouble for me.”

At this moment, Cheyenne remembered the things Lucas had told her before. Lucas was indeed very powerful now, and ordinary hooligans wouldn’t be able to lay a finger on him. She was just extremely concerned about him, and in her moment of panic, Lucas was all she was worried about.

Realizing that she was still hugging Lucas tightly, Cheyenne immediately let go as though she had just received an electric shock and took two steps back. Her face was flushed, and she felt extremely shy and embarrassed.

A tender smile appeared on Lucas’s face, and a sweet feeling emerged in his heart when he saw how concerned she was.

But the next moment, he frowned because he saw that she was walking on the cement road without any shoes, baring her snow-white feet.

“Why aren’t you wearing shoes?” Lucas asked in a deep voice.

“Ah!” Cheyenne lowered her head and realized that she had dashed out of the house barefoot and was now stepping on the cold and rough concrete pavement.

Her glistening toes curled up. Cheyenne felt shy and embarrassed and didn’t know what to say.

Lucas understood how she felt and was extremely touched.

He extended his arms and picked Cheyenne up in his arms.

Cheyenne was caught off guard and shrieked. “What are you doing?! Hurry up and put me down. What if someone sees us?!”

Her face flushed, she pushed at Lucas’s arms. She looked ashamed and full of complaints, and she didn’t notice how nervous she had become as her heartbeat increased rapidly. However, she wasn’t angry at all.

Lucas smiled gently and said softly, “It’s okay. You’re not wearing shoes, so it’s hard for you to walk. We’ll reach home soon.”

“Cheyenne!” Charlotte exclaimed from behind with an anxious look. She was holding a jacket and a pair of shoes and had clearly chased after Cheyenne.

Upon seeing Lucas, Charlotte exclaimed in surprise, “Lucas! You’re back too! Great!”

Only then did Charlotte realize that Lucas was carrying Cheyenne in his arms bridal style. She couldn’t help but gape in shock.

Cheyenne was already feeling extremely uncomfortable with Lucas carrying her in his arms in the first place. But now that her sister had run into them, she felt even more awkward. She struggled and insisted that Lucas put her down. “Charlotte, good that you’re here. Quickly pass my shoes to me.”

“O-oh!” Charlotte hurriedly handed over the shoes, but Lucas snatched them away.

Lucas didn’t embarrass Cheyenne and put her down before squatting down and laying the pair of shoes on the ground.

Cheyenne hurriedly put on her shoes but was stopped by Lucas calling out softly, “Don’t move.”

He then held her ankle and wiped away the dirt on her sole with his sleeve. Only then did he help her put on the shoes.

Lucas was serious and gentle, as if he was handling a precious treasure, causing Cheyenne’s heart to skip a beat. She parted her lips but was at a loss for words.

Standing at the side, Charlotte looked at Lucas squatting on the ground and gently wiping away the dirt full of envy.

As soon as the three of them headed back inside, they found Karen and William in a heated argument, naturally because of William’s debts.

“William Carter! I really can’t live with you anymore. You’re usually a good-for-nothing who does nothing but eat and sleep. And you need me to serve you all the time too. But now, you’ve actually picked up gambling behind my back! You even ended up losing hundreds of thousands of dollars. You’re bent on making us go bankrupt, aren’t you?!

“You damned loser, you deserve to be struck by lightning! What did I do to end marrying a loser like you? Oh my God, why don’t you just drop dead outside?!”

Karen was infuriated with William getting into debt of hundreds of thousands of dollars behind her back. She would have to shoulder it too because they were married! She was indignant about being implicated by him!
“Let’s get a divorce! I can’t spend another minute with you! Let’s get divorced immediately!” Karen screamed.

William was extremely annoyed by her scolding and hollered in exasperation, “You bitch, all you do is scold me! I’m fine now, aren’t I? Your incessant scolding and cursing is the reason for my bad luck! You want a divorce? Go ahead. Who’s afraid? If I divorce you, I might become lucky! You’ll regret it then!”

The two of them were arguing nonstop when Charlotte, Cheyenne, and Lucas came in.

Seeing that Lucas was safe and sound, not missing any limbs and without a single bruise, William was astonished. But he soon turned around in anger, not wanting to deal with this son-in-law who refused to listen to him.

Karen was stunned too. She muttered, “Didn’t you say that good-for-nothing was already killed? Why is he back again? I really can’t get rid of him!”

Seeing her parents’ reaction, Cheyenne was furious. Charlotte was displeased too, as she felt unjust for Lucas.

At this moment, a BMW suddenly stopped at the entrance of their home, and three people alighted. Seeing that the door was open, the three of them walked in.

Karen was extremely irritated. When she saw the strangers coming in, she barked furiously, “Who are you people? Can’t you see that this is someone’s house? Hurry up and get lost!”

After William saw the people who entered, his heart was about to fall out of his chest. He paled, and his legs turned into jelly.

When he heard Karen’s scolding again, he was so frightened that he almost peed in his pants. He raised his hand and slapped her. “Shut up! You must have a death wish!”

Chapter 122: Moving Out

Immediately afterward, William hurriedly walked up to the young man taking the lead, bowed, and said in a shaky voice, “Mr. Daniels! You’re here at such a late hour. I-is it because that loser didn’t pay you enough money? Don’t worry. I’ll tell him to return all the money to you immediately! He also offended you earlier, so you’re free to punish him as you wish! Please don’t hold it against me and my family!”

Karen had already guessed that they were the debtors whom William owed hundreds of thousands of dollars to. She heard William say that the people of that club were brutal and ruthless enough to kill and chop off people’s limbs!
She hurriedly pointed her finger at Lucas. “Sirs, the person you’re looking for is right there. Please don’t involve us! Besides, he’s going to divorce my daughter soon. Once he does, he will have nothing to do with our family anymore!”

When Cheyenne and Charlotte saw that the people of that club had actually come to look for them, they panicked and wanted to tell Lucas to run away.

But when they heard their parents’ words, they were instantly about to explode in exasperation.

Not only did they put all the blame on Lucas, but they also drew a line between Lucas and themselves to make these people deal with him.

“Dad! Mom! Lucas was the one who brought Dad home. How can you treat him like this?”

Seeing how eager William and Karen were to draw a line between themselves and Lucas, Daniels looked at them with contempt. Seems like this stupid couple still doesn’t know what kind of person their son-in-law is. Otherwise, they definitely wouldn’t talk to him like that.

Daniels walked toward Lucas, Cheyenne, and Charlotte. Despite feeling scared, the sisters mustered their courage to stand in front of Lucas righteously. Keeping their guards up and looking at Daniels warily, they said, “What are you doing? What happened today has nothing to do with him!”

Lucas was stunned, not expecting the two women to suddenly stand out and shield him.

Apart from feeling surprised, Lucas was touched.

William and Karen were terrified of Daniels and his men, while the sisters, who had obviously guessed Daniels’s identity, still dared to stand in front of him to protect him. Their bravery and loyalty were rare!

Lucas gently patted Cheyenne’s and Charlotte’s shoulders and said with a smile, “Don’t worry. It’s alright.” As he spoke, he walked out and stood in front of Daniels.

Smiling, Daniels took out a check from his pocket and respectfully handed it to Lucas with both hands. “Mr. Gray, I’m really sorry for accidentally hurting Mr. Carter in the clubhouse earlier. This check for 380,000 and these supplements are compensation for Mr. Carter.”

Daniels’s words immediately made all the Carters dumbfounded. They almost couldn’t believe their ears.

To their further surprise, Lucas said calmly, “The apology and compensation aren’t for me.” “Yes, Mr. Gray! I’m so muddle-headed. Hahaha.” Daniels chuckled and bowed to Lucas apologetically.

Everyone watched in shock as Daniels walked to the dumbfounded William, bowed, and apologized again. He then stuffed the check into William’s hand.

Daniels then glanced at the two young men he brought behind him.

Without saying a word, these two young men kneeled directly in front of William and bowed. “I’m sorry, Mr. Carter. We shouldn’t have hit you. Please forgive us!”

Astonished, William was at a loss for words.

Daniels was a formidable figure in the Opulence, but he actually brought his men here to apologize. It seemed like something that would happen only in dreams!

William stood still on the spot, dumbfounded. He dared not believe it at all. However, Karen became brazen after hearing about the money, and she immediately snatched the check away from William.

Looking at Daniels, who seemed refined and harmless and even apologized to them politely,
Karen immediately stopped feeling as nervous as she was just now and said haughtily, “Hmph, we’ll accept your apology this time. But if you dare to get physical with William again, we won’t let it go so easily! What are you waiting for? Scram.”

Daniels looked up at Lucas, waiting for his instructions.

After all, he came here mainly to apologize to Lucas to convince him to drop the matter. He didn’t take William and Karen seriously at all!

Lucas nodded slightly. Only then did Daniels feel relieved and leave with his underlings.

After seeing Lucas nod and only then did Daniels leave, William finally came to a sudden realization.

In fact, William was not always foolish. He could tell that Daniels was here to apologize only because of Lucas.

The fact that Lucas came back from the clubhouse in one piece was strange too.

William glanced at Lucas before turning around to go back to his room.

But as soon as he entered, he grabbed the check from Karen’s hand and shouted, “This is compensation for me. Why are you snatching it from me? When I was beaten up by them, you didn’t say you were going to save me, bitch. Didn’t you just say you want a divorce? Do you still want a divorce now?”

“Damn it! How can you be so self-righteous even though you gambled and lost so much money?” Karen immediately rushed forward and started screaming at him.

But this time, no one went forward to stop the fight.

Charlotte even seemed displeased. “Hah, they’re arguing all day. I really can’t stand it anymore.”

Cheyenne felt the same way too, especially since they would really scare Amelia.

After Lucas and Cheyenne returned to her room, they saw Amelia all huddled up and shivering in a corner.

Cheyenne gently lifted the duvet and called Amelia’s name. As soon as she did, Amelia pounced on her and grabbed her neck with tears in her eyes. “Mommy, I’m scared…”

Cheyenne and Lucas were heartbroken to see this, and they immediately pulled Amelia into their arms. Patting her on her back to comfort her, Cheyenne said, “Don’t be scared. Daddy and Mommy are home now. You don’t have to be scared anymore!”

“Daddy… Mommy, you two… weren’t at home, and Grandma and Grandpa kept arguing. It was so scary!” Amelia wailed while tugging their clothes.

The two of them comforted Amelia for a long time before she stopped crying and slowly dozed off.

Seeing how frightened their daughter was, the two of them were extremely upset.

Cheyenne suddenly said, “Lucas, let’s move out!”

Chapter 123: Pestering

Cheyenne stroked the loose strands of hair on Amelia’s forehead and said seriously, “I’ve thought about it for a long time now. I really don’t want Amelia to continue living in such a rowdy environment where she develops negative emotions every day. Amelia is so scared and frightened all the time, and I think it’ll greatly affect her growth and character. I want her to live a happy life full of bliss and laughter.”

Upon hearing what Cheyenne said, Lucas was immediately overjoyed. He had had these thoughts previously too, but he was worried that Cheyenne might not bear to leave her parents, so he had been holding himself back. “Okay, let’s take Amelia to my lakeside villa tomorrow.”

Cheyenne was about to nod, but she suddenly said, “What about Charlotte? If we move out, she’s going to be all alone here. She’ll definitely be upset.”

Lucas wanted to say that it would be better to let Charlotte move to the lakeside villa together with them, but he thought about it and felt that it was inappropriate.

Besides, given Charlotte’s character, she would definitely not be willing to move in with them.

Lucas thought about it and said, “Why don’t all of us move together? The villa is huge, and there are several wings. We can just live in separate wings. When they argue, we won’t hear it either.”

The floor area of the lakeside villa was enormous, and there was only one villa in the entire Pearl Lake area.

Actually, it was more like a manor with several buildings, gardens, pools, docks, and all sorts of amenities.

Cheyenne shook her head. “Even if we live separately in the same villa, my parents will still get in a tizzy during huge fights. I’d like to think about it.”

“Sure. Let me know after you’ve made up your mind,” Lucas said.

He was well aware of Cheyenne’s concerns, which were mainly regarding William and Karen.

Cheyenne and Charlotte were really unlucky to have such parents.

The next morning, Lucas sent Cheyenne to the Brilliance Corporation and then drove to the Stardust Corporation to handle some matters.

Lucas just got out of his car outside the office when he heard a familiar and angry voice. “I said I have to get to work. Stop wasting my time here!”

It was Charlotte.

Lucas looked over and saw a small group of people gathered at the entrance of the Stardust Corporation. Charlotte appeared extremely annoyed, and she wanted to head inside, but a young man of about 25 years old reached out to stop her.

Lucas narrowed his eyes. He knew who this man was. It was Declan Adams, the scumbag whom Charlotte once carried a torch for in college and the husband of Aston Brooke’s sister.

At this moment, Declan was obviously pestering Charlotte.

“Charlotte, you used to like me so much. I believe your feelings for me wouldn’t fade so soon. You must still harbor feelings for me now, don’t you? In that case, why can’t we start over afresh?” Declan said, looking like a devoted man.

Charlotte had a look of disgust. “Declan Adams, did you forget that you got married a long time ago? How dare a married man like you talk about starting over afresh with someone else? You’re so shameless! You have no shame, but I do! Besides, I was blind to have had a crush on you in college. What makes you think I’m still fond of you?”

Declan insisted like a devoted lover. “Charlotte, I know you’re only saying those things out of pique. You obviously still like me. The gaze in your eyes when we met last time can’t fool me! Don’t worry. Just give me some more time. I will divorce that woman and marry you! This time, I will never let you down, and I promise I’ll treat you well! Please say yes!”

While speaking, Declan reached out to grab Charlotte’s hand.

“Show me some respect!” Charlotte screamed furiously and took a few steps back to dodge.

“I’ve already said that I stopped having feelings for you long ago and that I have no intention to marry you at all! If you keep pestering me like this, I’m going to call security!” Charlotte was so enraged by Declan’s shamelessness that her face was flushed.

“No, I know you’re angry that I didn’t choose you back then. Don’t worry. I promise that you’re the only one I will marry in this lifetime. You are mine!” Declan reached out to grab Charlotte again.

Charlotte was incensed, but to a lunatic like Declan, nothing she said would help. She wanted to leave, but he kept stopping her.

The people gathered around them were all the office staff, and they thought it was just a young couple’s fight. So, apart from pointing fingers and gossiping, no one went forward to intervene.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Charlotte and shielded her from Declan.

“Get lost! If you pester her again, I won’t be polite!” Lucas sneered.

After being stopped, Declan shouted in displeasure, “Don’t be so nosy!” But he soon realized that the person who stopped in front of him was actually Lucas!

As soon as Charlotte heard Lucas’s voice, she felt that she had found a savior and hurriedly tugged the hem of his clothes. She said to Declan, “Did you hear that? My boyfriend told you to get lost! Otherwise, he’ll teach you a lesson!”

Declan glared daggers at Lucas. “Like I said, you’re just trying to spite me on purpose. I checked long ago. Lucas Gray isn’t your boyfriend but your sister’s good-for-nothing loser husband.”

“You!” Charlotte was about to argue with him again when she heard Declan calling Lucas a good-for-nothing.

Lucas raised his hand to stop Charlotte. “Go to work. Let me handle this.”

Seeing that it was indeed getting late, Charlotte could no longer bother with this. She simply nodded to Lucas and entered the Stardust Corporation office building.

Declan wanted to chase after her, but Lucas stopped him. He had no choice but to watch Charlotte vanish into the building.

“Damn it! Lucas Gray, I won’t spare you since you’ve ruined my plans!” Declan glowered at Lucas.

“Haha, you’re already married, but you’re here to pester another woman. I wonder what’s going to happen to you when your wife and the Brookes find out about this,” Lucas said coldly.

Declan panicked and immediately snapped at Lucas, “You loser, how dare you threaten me?!”

Chapter 124: Take the Dog Away

Lucas kept the same expression and said, “If you hadn’t come to pester Charlotte shamelessly, I wouldn’t bother with your stupid affairs. But if you dare to get any funny ideas about Charlotte, don’t blame me for being nasty.”

Declan burst into laughter. “Hah, who do you think you are? What right do you have to poke your nose into my business? I can do whatever I want. What are you going to do about it?”

Lucas sneered. “It seems that you really need to be properly disciplined by the Brookes.”

Declan flew into a rage.

Although Declan was not exactly considered a live-in son-in-law when he married Estelle Brooke, it was true that his family was far inferior to hers. If not for the fact that Declan looked like a handsome dandy and managed to charm Estelle, he would have never gotten the chance to marry the daughter of a first-tier family.

It was also true that this was the reason the Brookes looked down on him, and he could never hold his head high in front of them. Lucas’s words had truly struck a sour chord within him.

“Hmph, you yourself are just a live-in son-in-law. What gives you the right to say that to me? At least, I’m still the son-in-law of the Brookes. But what about you? You’re not even worthy of carrying the Brookes’ shoes!”

Lucas didn’t continue spouting any nonsense and instead whipped out his phone to make a call. “Go inform the Brookes in LA that one of their dogs is on the loose and barking in front of the Stardust Corporation. Tell them to come and take this idiot away within ten minutes, or else they shouldn’t blame me for being merciless.”

Declan grimaced in rage. How dare he call me a dog on the loose?! He even called me an idiot!

He thought Lucas was definitely just pretending to be calling someone. He didn’t believe that Lucas would be able to order the Brookes around.

“You are the dog. Your entire family are dogs…” Declan was just about to continue cursing, but Lucas suddenly punched his mouth, causing him to retreat several steps before falling hard onto the ground. He was bleeding from his mouth and at a loss for words.

Staring at Declan with a gloomy gaze as if he was looking at a dead person, Lucas berated, “Watch your language. If I find out that you’re pestering Charlotte again, I will definitely make you regret living in this world!”

After saying this, Lucas glanced at him coldly and then turned around to leave without looking back.

Behind him, Declan covered his numb and bleeding lips while looking at Lucas with a gaze full of resentment. “Lucas Gray, just you wait! I’ll get someone to kill you. I’ll see if you can still be so arrogant with me!”

At this moment, a Mercedes-Benz commercial car sped over and pulled up at the entrance of the Stardust Corporation. Aston Brooke walked out and looked around at the surroundings anxiously.

Soon, he saw Declan sitting on the ground with blood flowing out of his mouth.

In an instant, Aston realized who the person who caused trouble at the Stardust Corporation was.

Aston stepped forward, grabbed Declan’s collar, and lifted him up from the ground. “You’re causing trouble because you’re living too comfortably, huh? Who told you to come to the Stardust Corporation to cause trouble? Why are you here?”

Then he slapped Declan mercilessly.

Declan’s originally handsome face immediately became swollen, and his mouth was full of fresh blood. He looked extremely disheveled and no longer as suave as earlier.

Only now did Declan realize that Lucas had really called the Brookes and got Aston to come over.

Declan didn’t dare to say that he was here to pester Charlotte. If he did, Aston would definitely cripple him right then and there!

Declan spluttered, “I-I just happened to run into a f-former college schoolmate here and cchatted with her, but her relative suddenly dashed out and beat me up. My teeth were almost knocked out! Aston, you must avenge me!”

Declan started complaining to Aston.

Aston shot Declan a look of disgust. If Estelle hadn’t fallen for this dandy’s good looks, a loser like him would never be fit to be a part of the family!

“Enough! Put away your sissy tricks. I’m not Estelle. Stop being so disgusting. Tell me honestly. What exactly did you do here just now? I can tell you, Grandpa personally called me and asked me to come to the Stardust Corporation to pick you up. If you don’t give me an explanation, get your ass back to LA and explain to Grandpa!”

Declan was instantly frightened. Apart from Aston, the person he was most afraid of was the patriarch of the Brooke family, the elderly Mr. Brooke. If he had to explain to the elderly Mr. Brooke, he would be dead meat!

Besides, a single call from Lucas actually managed to alarm the Brookes and get the elderly Mr. Brooke to send someone to take him back.

“He’s just a lowly live-in son-in-law!” While Declan was thinking this to himself in astonishment, he subconsciously said it out loud.

“What lowly live-in son-in-law? Who exactly did you offend?” Aston grasped the main point immediately.

“He’s just… a little loser. I’m certain that he definitely isn’t a big shot!” Declan exclaimed.

Aston immediately slapped Declan hard on his face.

“Loser? Who can be more of a loser than you? If not for Estelle’s sake, I would have killed you long ago! Tell me, where is that person? Go and apologize to him now. You might still make it! Otherwise, you can go back to the Brooke family and die!”

Someone who could make Grandpa instruct me to come here and bring Declan back must be a big shot. Only a fool like Declan would call him a loser.

Declan pointed at the entrance of the Stardust Corporation and said sulkily, “He went in.”

Aston inhaled sharply, wishing he could slap Declan to death!

He had been in Orange County for such a long time, all for the sake of expanding the family’s business to Orange County, but to no avail, unfortunately. Among the companies that the family wanted to cooperate with the most, the Stardust Corporation was one of them. As long as they could reach a cooperation agreement with it, the Brookes would develop better.

However, Aston had already tried to contact Flynn Davis of the Stardust Corporation several times, only to be rejected. There was no chance for them to meet at all.

Aston was still thinking of a way to get close to the Stardust Corporation, yet Declan foiled all his plans. This time, he offended a big shot of the Stardust Corporation!

Aston glowered at Declan resentfully and barked, “You’re so incompetent! If you don’t make it up to him later and seek his forgiveness, you’d better get lost from the Brooke family!”

Chapter 125: It’s Actually Him

At this moment, Lucas had already entered the Stardust Corporation office and was sitting in the CEO’s office on the top floor with Flynn Davis standing beside him cautiously.

“Mr. Gray, do you have any instructions for me today?” Davis asked respectfully.

Although Lucas was the chairman of the Stardust Corporation, he left it to Davis to handle most of the company affairs and rarely showed up at the office unless it was for some major matters.

Lucas said with a sullen expression, “I remember telling you before that I don’t want to see any business belonging to the Brooke family in Orange County. However, now I’ve heard that they’ve found some partners to gain a foothold in the county.”

As soon as he heard Lucas questioning about this matter, Davis’s heart sank, and a helpless and bitter smile appeared on his face. “Mr. Gray, I gave instructions for this matter, but the Stardust Corporation is not the only corporation in Orange County. Although everyone is showing us respect on account of the Huttons… the Stardust Corporation is not deeprooted in Orange County, and there are many things that we can’t control even if we want to!”

Lucas fell silent.

Indeed, just as Davis said, the reason that the families in Orange County were scrambling to cooperate with the Stardust Corporation and sucking up to them was not necessarily because of the power held by the Stardust Corporation. But because they wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of cooperating with the Stardust Corporation to forge closer ties with the Huttons.

After all, the Stardust Corporation had moved to Orange County not long ago. Its power alone was not enough to make everyone fearful.

After the news of the Stardust Corporation’s refusal of any cooperation with the Brookes spread, many businesses and enterprises declined to cooperate with the Brookes in order to show their support for the Stardust Corporation. However, there were countless businesses in Orange County, and there were definitely some that would agree to cooperate with the Brookes for the sake of the huge profits promised.

In addition, the Stardust Corporation had just been returned to Lucas from the Huttons not long ago, and many of the projects that had been operating well were all taken back by the Huttons, leaving Lucas’s Stardust Corporation much weaker than it was before. This was also the reason that many gradually began to be contemptuous toward it.

“It seems that we’re still too laid back. We have to speed up in our progress and reach a point where no one can underestimate us,” Lucas said with great determination as a sharp glint appeared in his eyes.

Moreover, it wouldn’t only be in Orange County. One day, he would visit the Huttons in Washington DC and make sure they returned everything they owed him and his mother!

Davis’s heart was burning with zeal and fervor as he answered loudly, “Yes, Mr. Gray!”

At this moment, an assistant knocked on the door and asked for some instructions outside the door. “Mr. Davis, two people claiming to be from the Brooke family in LA would like to see you regarding something important. Would you like to see them?”

When Davis heard that it was the Brooke family of LA, he immediately frowned. “No! Tell them to get lost immediately.”

Lucas had just been upset because of the Brookes, yet they were now here. If Lucas were to misunderstand that he had something to do with the Brookes, he would be in trouble.

But after hearing what they said, Lucas suddenly interjected, “No, tell them to come up.”

Soon, Declan and Aston arrived at the top floor of the Stardust Corporation and were brought to the chairman’s office.

Aston was quite surprised. As far as he knew, the spokesman of the Stardust Corporation was the general manager, Flynn Davis. And no one knew the exact identity of the chairman except for a few insiders of the company. He was extremely mysterious.

The assistant brought us directly to the chairman’s office. Does that mean we’re going to meet the mysterious chairman? He wondered.

All of a sudden, Aston felt extremely agitated and excited but also regretful and uneasy.

Under normal circumstances, Aston would be overjoyed to meet the person with the highest authority in the Stardust Corporation and get closer to him.

However, he was here today with Declan to apologize to the big shot Declan offended. At this moment, he actually ran into the chairman, making things awkward, and he reckoned that it would worsen his first impression of them.

Who would have a good feeling about an outsider who offended their subordinate?

At the thought of this, Aston glowered at Declan and put the blame on him.

The assistant knocked gently on the door and said respectfully, “Mr. Gray, Mr. Davis, the Brookes are here.”

“Let them in,” Davis said calmly.

The assistant pushed open the door and invited both Aston and Declan in.

As soon as they entered the chairman’s office, Aston noticed the two people at the desk in front of him. One of them was a middle-aged man in a suit standing at the side. He was none other than Flynn Davis, the general manager of the Stardust Corporation, whom Aston had met once.

The other man sitting on the large and spacious chair beside him looked extremely familiar. It was…

Aston was astonished. He stared at Lucas for a good few seconds before recognizing who he was!

He was incredibly shocked. Even though Aston had seen a lot of the world and had dealt with all sorts of people, giving him impeccable communication skills, he was so shocked that he was almost disoriented. He gaped and stared at Lucas, at a complete loss for words.

Aston wasn’t a fool, and he had been raised as an elite of the Brooke family, so he was quite knowledgeable. Seeing Davis standing at the side while Lucas was sitting, he knew that the chairman was none other than Lucas!

Lucas turned out to be the mysterious chairman of the Stardust Corporation, something Aston never expected!

Thinking about how he had gotten into several conflicts with Lucas before and even tried to plot against Cheyenne, Aston felt a cold chill down his spine, and he broke out in cold sweat.

As soon as Declan saw Lucas sitting at the desk, he immediately reached out and pointed at him. “Aston, I swear I only got into a minor conflict with this good-for-nothing just now. I didn’t offend any big shot!”


Aston slapped Declan hard again and snapped, “Fool!”

Chapter 126: As Stupid as a Pig

At this moment, Aston really wished he could kill his brother-in-law, who was as stupid as a pig!

Anyone with a clear mind would have associated Lucas’s identity with an extraordinary figure after seeing him in the chairman’s office.

Only a fool like Declan would have a death wish and have the audacity to call him a good-fornothing.

They had already offended Lucas, and they were here to apologize to him. Furthermore, Davis finally gave him the chance to meet him, yet Declan added fuel to the fire and foiled his plans. He was truly a dimwit!

The more Aston thought about it, the angrier he got. He raised his hand and couldn’t resist the urge to slap Declan several times in a row. “Now that things have come to this, you still have the audacity to speak ill of Mr. Gray! You imbecile! Are you brainless or blind? You have repeatedly offended Mr. Gray. What are you waiting for? Hurry up and kneel down to apologize to him.”

Aston kicked and punched Declan mercilessly, causing the latter to bury his head in his hands and beg for mercy. He had already been slapped swollen earlier, and now that there was blood all over his face, he looked extremely hideous.

Declan felt aggrieved and mistreated. Why is Aston hitting me and forcing me to kneel and apologize to Lucas Gray?

But while being beaten up badly by Aston, Declan had no choice but to bear with the humiliation and kneel through gritted teeth. “Mr. Gray, I’m sorry…”

Seeing how reluctant Declan was, Aston slapped him hard on his head again and ordered, “Apologize and reflect on yourself! If Mr. Gray doesn’t forgive you, you will remain here on your knees! Grandpa has already said that if you can’t satisfy Mr. Gray, you’ll die, you goodfor-nothing!”

Declan immediately shuddered in fear. He could tell that Aston was not putting on a show for Lucas but was serious about it! If he couldn’t get Lucas to forgive him, the Brookes would really kill him!

At the thought of this, Declan shivered from head to toe and thumped himself down onto the ground. “I’m sorry, Mr. Gray. I was too ignorant and offended you. I’m just a dimwit. Please be kind and forgive me. Please don’t hold it against me!”

This time, Declan’s apologetic attitude was much more sincere than before.

Lucas had been watching them indifferently. He didn’t even frown when Declan was beaten by Aston to the point of bleeding.

At this point, Lucas finally smiled calmly and looked at Aston. “You’re not considered stupid, but do you know how he offended me just now?”

Aston shook his head. Although he had questioned Declan downstairs, Declan said that he met his college classmate and chatted with her briefly. But Lucas soon dashed forward to hit him. However, it was obvious that Declan was lying.

Why would someone of Lucas’s status beat up the foolish Declan for no reason?

“Find out what happened clearly before you come and apologize to me.” Lucas leaned back on the large chair and looked at Aston composedly.

Aston dared not delay any longer. He picked Declan up by the collar and hollered, “Speak up! What exactly happened? How did you offend Mr. Gray? If you lie, I’ll kill you right now!”

Aston was giving out an intense murderous intent. Declan was so frightened that he shivered and no longer dared to hide anything. He came clean about everything that happened between him and Charlotte at the door, followed by his conflict with Lucas.

After hearing this, Aston got even angrier as he glared daggers at Declan, wishing he could strangle him to death immediately!

This loser actually had the audacity to pester another woman behind my sister’s back! And the woman is actually Lucas Gray’s sister-in-law!

This fool has a death wish!

Furious, Aston grabbed the ashtray on the coffee table next to him and smashed it against Declan’s head.

At this moment, he really wanted to kill this useless idiot!

“Stop!” Davis suddenly shouted to stop Aston. “We don’t care what you want to do to him, but don’t make trouble in the Stardust Corporation and dirty our place!”

Jolted awake by the loud shout, Aston finally recovered from his outrage and hurriedly put down the ashtray in his hand, bowed, and apologized, “I’m sorry, Mr. Gray, Mr. Davis. I was just too angry, and I almost alarmed you two. I’m so sorry!”

Lucas raised an eyebrow. “Now that you know what happened, what do you plan to do?”

Aston thought for a moment and said decisively, “In order to express my apology and compensate you, my family and I are willing to leave Orange County and never step foot into the county again unless we have your permission!”

Aston was quick to declare this, but he was already feeling the pinch.

For the sake of expanding their businesses to Orange County, the Brookes had done a lot of work and spent many resources to finally open up a small market. But it seemed it would have to be for nothing.

The fact that a phone call could make the elderly Mr. Brooke send Aston Brooke to placate the furious Lucas meant that he was not to be provoked.

If the market was gone, they could choose to expand to another place. But if they provoked Lucas, he couldn’t imagine the consequences.

After hearing what Aston said, Lucas suddenly smiled. “In fact, I am a person who won’t offend others unless they offend me. If you touch my family, I’ll pay it back to you ten-fold!

“You two had the guts to harbor designs on my wife and bully my sister-in-law. According to my usual practice, there’s no way I would let you two still live in the world.”

The cold sweat on Aston’s body instantly drenched his clothes, and his calves were trembling.

He thought that he had hidden his designs on Cheyenne very deeply. The plan he had intended to execute at the Opulence yesterday fell through, so he was still somewhat fortunate. But now, Lucas’s words clearly told him that Lucas had long seen through his lewd thoughts and was now thinking of killing him!

As for whether Lucas could really take his life, Aston didn’t doubt it at all.

Based on what happened at the Opulence yesterday, the two experts who followed Lucas could easily kill him without letting others detect anything!

Aston reached out and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He forced himself to calm down before saying reluctantly, “Mr. Gray, since you’ve said that, you’ve probably changed your mind, right? What are you planning to do to us now?”

Chapter 127: Pledge Allegiance to Me

“No, don’t kill me! If you kill me, you’ll be breaking the law!” Declan was beaten into a pulp by Aston, and it took him a long time to sober up slightly. He then heard Lucas saying that he wouldn’t spare their lives, making him howl loudly.

Lucas frowned with some annoyance in his eyes while Aston immediately kicked Declan hard. “Shut up! You disgraceful thing, get lost back to LA and reflect on yourself. You’re not allowed to leave your home again!”

As soon as Declan heard this, he was relieved and hurriedly pushed the door open to scurry out.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Gray. We will teach him a good lesson, and he won’t appear in front of you or create trouble for you again in the future,” Aston hurriedly said, for fear that Lucas would be angry again.

Lucas had never taken a small fry like Declan seriously anyway. He simply said right away, “It seems that you and your grandfather aren’t fools, so I’ll cut straight to the chase. I can help your family expand your business into Orange County and even bring you huge benefits that you can’t imagine. However, I want your family to pledge allegiance in exchange.”

Lucas’s words were totally beyond Aston’s expectations. Lucas Gray isn’t planning to punish us and chase us out of Orange County but is instead offering to provide some benefits for us? Does this mean he wants to cooperate with our family?

Aston was overjoyed. If he could cooperate with the Stardust Corporation, which was backed by the Huttons, it would undoubtedly bring enormous benefits to the Brookes!

However, what does he mean by pledge allegiance?

“Mr. Gray, what do you mean by pledge allegiance?” Aston asked cautiously. If he could have the support of the Huttons because of the Stardust Corporation, that would be wonderful!

Lucas chuckled. “I mean that I want the Brookes to pledge allegiance to me.”

Aston’s eyes widened in shock as he looked at Lucas’s indifferent expression.

Afterward, Lucas said some things to him that made Aston look even more astounded. The plans that Lucas mentioned were just too brazen and insane!

Moreover, Lucas’s identity was a shock to him.

Aston felt as though he was being struck by consecutive bolts out of the blue, making him dizzy and putting him at a loss for words.

“Okay. I know that this is something that you don’t have a say in. You can relay my words to your grandfather and let him come to a decision. It’s up to you to decide if you want to pledge allegiance to me or be at odds with me.” Lucas narrowed his eyes and waved his hand, signaling that Aston could take his leave.

Aston hurriedly left the Stardust Corporation office, still clad in his clothes drenched in sweat.

The things that Lucas said just now were too important. Although the choice seemed simple, it concerned the future fate of the Brookes!

Since Aston was in no place to make a decision, he immediately drove back to LA to break the news to his grandfather!

After Aston left the chairman’s office in a hurry, Davis couldn’t help but ask worriedly, “Mr. Gray, what if Aston Brooke goes to the Huttons and tells them about what you just told him… Wouldn’t that put you in a disadvantageous position?”

Lucas shook his head. “No, they aren’t that stupid. If the Brookes really snitch on us, that would mean that they choose to be at odds with me. The Huttons might not necessarily give them many benefits, but they would have to face my wrath. They wouldn’t dare to take such a risk.

“Besides, even if they decide to snitch, what can the Huttons do to me?” Lucas said with a domineering aura. Although the Huttons were feared by many in DC, they were insignificant to Lucas.

Davis soon recovered from the shock. Lucas was a member of the Hutton family in the first place. And in fact, on the first day he returned to Orange County, Chad Kennedy, the head butler of the Huttons, had looked for Lucas and asked him to go back to DC and take over the Hutton empire. However, Lucas declined without hesitation.

Therefore, Lucas did have the right to be disdainful toward the Huttons.

Davis was unclear about Lucas’s abilities, but he knew that Lucas definitely had the ability to fulfill his plan!

“In a while, tell some enterprises to get connected to the Brookes and agree to cooperate with them. We’ll consider it a little bit of goodwill I’m giving them.”

After giving some instructions, Lucas suddenly recalled something. “Furthermore, Charlotte’s character and aptitude are pretty good. Try to train her well as soon as possible and get her ready to take on an authoritative position.”

Lucas was now short of staff, especially ones he could trust. Besides, Charlotte was Cheyenne’s sister, so he definitely trusted her. He believed that she would be of great help to him as long as she was trained and groomed well.

“Yes, Mr. Gray!” Davis agreed with a nod.

While Lucas was going downstairs to leave the office, he ran into Charlotte.

“Lucas, are you alright? I just saw that bastard Declan Adams entering the office with Scarlet’s boyfriend and going to the top floor to see the general manager. They didn’t make things hard for you, did they?” Charlotte asked worriedly.

Charlotte had seen how powerful Lucas was, and thus she wasn’t worried that the scumbag would be able to do anything to him. But if others got involved in nitpicking on Lucas, it would be hard to say.

“It’s okay. The man next to Adams just now actually happens to be his brother-in-law. Adams got beaten up badly just now, and he won’t dare to pester you again,” Lucas said smilingly without explaining much.

Feeling relieved, Charlotte exclaimed, “Serves him right! He’s already married, but he’s still so shameless. He deserves to be beaten to death by his wife’s family!

“But why are you here, Lucas?” Charlotte asked in puzzlement after rejoicing.

“I just happened to come over to talk to Mr. Davis for some matters,” Lucas said.

“You know the general manager?” Charlotte was even more surprised.

Lucas said casually, “Well, I got to know him some time ago, and we have some ties with each other. If you encounter any trouble in the company or get bullied by anyone, just go to him. Don’t stand on ceremony.”

Charlotte immediately understood. Then she joked, “Sure, I’ll throw my weight around in the future by using your name!”

At this moment, her colleague came and said to Charlotte, “So you’re here. Mr. Davis is looking for you. He would like you to go to his office.”

Startled, Charlotte pointed at her nose in disbelief. “Me?”

“Of course. Is there someone else named Charlotte Carter in our company? Hurry and go,” the colleague urged.

Chapter 128: I Want to Rely on Myself

Charlotte suddenly became a little uneasy.

She was just talking to Lucas about Flynn Davis, and moments later, she was asked to go to the latter’s office to discuss something. She was just a new employee and didn’t know what they could discuss.
Lucas smiled. “Don’t worry. It won’t be anything bad.”

Thinking that Lucas just said he was acquainted with Davis, Charlotte felt less worried and headed to Davis’s office upstairs.

“Mr. Davis, were you looking for me?”

In fact, when facing Davis, Charlotte was still slightly unnatural because some time ago, she had rushed into his office on the first day she joined the Stardust Corporation and even scolded him for the sake of the Carters and Cheyenne. So whenever she saw Davis, she would feel embarrassed.

“Charlotte, come and have a seat.” Davis pointed at the couch opposite him politely. He even poured a cup of tea for her and placed the cup beside her hand.

Charlotte immediately felt very surprised and flattered, and she quickly stood up to thank him.

“Charlotte, I asked you to come here today mainly because I saw your good performance in the company. Hence, I would like to groom you by having you be my assistant and helping me manage the daily affairs of the company,” Davis said without too many pleasantries.

Charlotte was instantly shocked.

To be Flynn Davis’s assistant, that is, the assistant to the general manager, she would definitely enjoy huge authority that ordinary people couldn’t have. In fact, it was rare for a newbie like Charlotte to be given such a high position.

Charlotte was surprised. But after some thought, she quickly understood what was going on. “Are you doing this in consideration of my brother-in-law?”

Lucas had just mentioned to Charlotte about his relationship with Davis. And now, Davis actually said that he would have her become his assistant and train her. This was the only explanation that sounded reasonable.

Davis was slightly surprised. “Has he… told you everything?”

“Yes, Lucas just told me that you two are close friends who got to know each other in the past, so you’d take care of me on his account.”

Davis almost thought that Lucas had already told her that he was the chairman of the Stardust Corporation. It seemed that he didn’t reveal anything. He nearly exposed him just now.
“Ahem, that’s right. I do have a close friendship with him, and he has given me a lot of help. Without him, I wouldn’t be who I am now. Of course, I want to promote you to be my assistant not entirely because of my ties with him. You are quite competent and have great potential.”

Charlotte thought about it for a while before shaking her head slightly. “Thank you for giving me this opportunity, Mr. Davis. I just joined the company, and I’m still a greenhorn. If I suddenly take on the position of assistant to the general manager, many people would have opinions, even if they don’t say anything. I don’t think I can do it myself either… Still, I have to thank you for your kindness.”

Charlotte’s polite refusal was quite a bit of a surprise to Davis. Most people would be overjoyed to hear about a sudden promotion, yet Charlotte actually considered seriously if she was really competent enough for the job.

“Actually, you don’t have to worry too much. I don’t have just one assistant. After you come, I will have someone teach you everything until you are familiar with the entire daily operations of the company.

“You don’t have to worry about the opinions of others. This is my decision. If anyone dares to gossip, I will fire them immediately.” Davis persuaded as much as he could. After all, it was a task that Lucas had given him.

Moreover, after some consideration, Davis thought that he could train an assistant if he wanted, and there was no need for her to worry about anyone criticizing her.

After all, she would be his assistant, and she only needed to be responsible to him, regardless of other people’s opinions.

Charlotte shook her head profusely. “Mr. Davis, I know you mean well, but I still want to get promoted and get what I want based on my own ability. Otherwise, I would feel uneasy.

“Besides, I can learn a lot by starting from a low level. If my ability becomes good enough for me to be promoted one day, I will definitely come to you,” Charlotte said with a smile.

Seeing how insistent she was, Davis couldn’t force it any further. “Okay then. Since you want to stay at the low levels to gain experience for now, I’ll give some instructions later to let you get involved in more projects. That shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

“No problem, Mr. Davis! I guarantee that I will complete every task I’m given!” Charlotte replied with a confident smile.

Meanwhile, Aston rushed back to the Brooke family in LA as quickly as he could. The first thing he did when he got home was to race to the room of Andrew Brooke, the head of the family.

“Why are you in such a hurry?” Andrew asked. Seeing how much of a hurry his grandson was in, he couldn’t help but frown. “Is there something wrong with the matters in Orange County? Did you fail to perform the task I gave you well?”

Aston hurriedly shook his head. “I followed your orders and apologized to the person Declan Adams offended. However, there’s another major matter that concerns the future development of our entire family!”

“Is that so?” Andrew had his interest piqued by Aston’s words, and his face became solemn. “Quickly tell me. What is it?”

Aston immediately told Andrew in detail about Lucas’s identity, as well as his plans and requests.

Astonished, Andrew said, “Lucas Gray is actually the chairman of the Stardust Corporation in Orange County and a descendant of the Hutton family in DC?”

Aston nodded. “That’s right. If he hadn’t told me his identity with the general manager of the Stardust Corporation present as a witness, I wouldn’t have believed it. Lucas Gray keeps a low profile in Orange County, and almost no one knows his true identity. They only think he’s a live-in son-in-law. His father-in-law also always calls him a good-for-nothing. It’s apparent that even his wife’s family doesn’t know his identity.”

“Yet he chose to tell you his identity, and he even told you about his plans without restraint. That just goes to show that this Lucas Gray is bold, and he isn’t worried that we might leak his secrets,” Andrew said in a deep voice while stroking his beard.

Aston hurriedly nodded. “Yes, he doesn’t seem scared that we might snitch on him at all. He even wants us to pledge allegiance to him. Grandpa, what are your thoughts on this?”

Chapter 129: The Brookes’ Choices

“Pledge allegiance?” Andrew scoffed. “If he can represent the Huttons or join the family in the future and let us be bound to him, it would be a great opportunity for us. However, he only has one company in Orange County now, and yet he wants to go against the Huttons. I bet he doesn’t know any better. He wants us to pledge allegiance to him? Is he worthy?”

Full of disdain, Andrew thought, He’s just a greenhorn in his twenties, but he has such a massive appetite. He wants to take over the Brooke family? He ought to consider his own abilities before thinking about it!

“Grandpa, does that mean we’re going to turn down cooperating with him?” Aston rubbed his hands.

In fact, ever since Lucas raised that request, the Brookes had three choices.

If they chose to agree, the Brookes would be subordinate to Lucas, and they would have to stand on the same side as him. Furthermore, they could also open up a vast market and expand their businesses into Orange County with his help. If he gained control over the Hutton family in the future, the Brookes would benefit too.

If they refused, the Brookes would no longer have anything to do with Lucas in the future, and it would be even more difficult for them to expand their businesses to Orange County. They would have no choice but to look for another market.

Of course, there was a third option. And that was to look for the Huttons in Washington DC and try to cozy up to them by disclosing Lucas’s plans to them so that they could deal with him. However, this option would mean making enemies with Lucas, and they might not necessarily gain benefits from the Huttons. This option would really do more harm than good.

Actually, Aston was inclined to reject the first option, as Lucas was about the same age as him. He was definitely unwilling to let the entire Brooke family pledge allegiance to Lucas and be subordinate to him. So what if he was the chairman of the Stardust Corporation? It was given to him by the Huttons.

But to Aston’s surprise, Andrew shook his head and said, “No, you go and tell him that the Brooke family is willing to submit to him.”

“Grandpa?” Aston looked at Andrew in bewilderment. “Didn’t you just say that he isn’t worthy?”

With glistening eyes, Andrew said, “We’re just going to tell him that to let the Brookes develop well in Orange County and gain a firm foothold. When he goes against the Huttons in the future, we will sit it out and reap the spoils. If he wins, we will really submit to him. If he doesn’t, we’ll have nothing to do with him!”

It suddenly dawned on Aston what his grandfather’s plan was. Indeed, elders are sharper and wiser! If we submit to Lucas Gray on the surface, the Brookes won’t have anything to lose, and we can even profit greatly! He will only become our tool!

If Lucas is really bold enough to go against the Huttons in the future, he will be courting death, and the Brookes will be able to retreat unscathed without any losses. If he wins by chance, we will have a bright future as his great helper!

It was a perfect decision that would bring no harm to them!

“Grandpa, what a wonderful move! I take my hat off to you!” Aston said with heartfelt admiration.

“Hahaha, I’ve lived for many more years than you have after all. Just take your time and learn from me.” Andrew smiled proudly while stroking his beard.

Suddenly, Aston’s phone rang. It was a call from the person in charge of his business in Orange County. “What? Really? That’s great! Okay, follow up closely and draft all the contracts to be signed with them. I’ll sign them when I return!”

With fervor, Aston hung up and turned to say to Andrew, “Grandpa, good news! Our people in Orange County have just received invitations to cooperate with several companies! Previously, these companies all rejected us, but now they’ve extended an invitation to cooperate with us. Seems like we’re going to expand our businesses into Orange County soon!”

After thinking about it, Andrew immediately understood the catch to it. “It seems that Lucas Gray is quick to take action. He’s expressing his sincerity and showing us what he’s capable of!”

It took Aston a long while to recover from his shock and realize that the contracts came about because of Lucas!

The companies that had rejected the Brookes before had naturally done so because of Lucas’s influence. And now that Lucas intended to take the Brookes under his wing and wanted to show goodwill to them, they would definitely offer to cooperate with them. Lucas Gray is indeed powerful!

Seemingly interested, Andrew said, “It seems that this kid is indeed a bit interesting. Since he’s smart enough to know what to do, we shouldn’t let his good intentions go in vain. Aston, go back to Orange County now and set up the Solar Corporation branch in Orange
County. Invest five million dollars and give Lucas Gray a portion of the shares. However, the Brookes must own 51% of the shares and possess the right to operate and make decisions, got it?”

After thinking about it for a while, Aston understood Andrew’s intentions. He smiled brightly. “Don’t worry, Grandpa. I will definitely make the most out of him!”


That afternoon, Lucas received a package of documents that Aston asked Davis to send him. It contained several contracts and equity transfer documents. It stated clearly that 49% of the shares of the Solar Corporation branch in Orange County would be transferred to Lucas.

“Mr. Gray, it seems that the Brookes are smart enough to know what to do. They’ve given you nearly half of their company’s shares. They seem to be sincere,” Davis said.

“Hehe, do you really think they’re generous enough to give me such a big gift for no reason?” Lucas sneered and slammed the documents against the table.

Davis was puzzled as he flipped through them before asking, “Is there… anything wrong with the shares?”

Lucas said, “There’s nothing wrong with them, but this company is just a newly established shell company. There’s nothing valuable except the registered capital. The Brookes are merely trying to use us to secure a foothold in Orange County.”

Davis finally realized that the Brookes seemed to be giving Lucas a huge present on the surface. But in reality, they were just trying to make use of the power of Lucas and the Stardust Corporation to bring more profits to them.

“That sly old fox Andrew Brooke must have been the one who came up with this idea! They made themselves look magnanimous on the surface but are out to reap all the benefits. It seems the Brookes aren’t that honest.” Lucas sneered. “Since they’ve already made their choice, they shouldn’t blame me for being unkind to the Brooke family in the future.”

Chapter 130: Amelia Encounters a Mishap

Lucas could tell clearly that the Brookes were only agreeing to submit to him on the surface, but in reality, they were just out to use his influence and power to strengthen themselves.

In fact, it wasn’t difficult to guess their mindset. They merely thought that Lucas’s current ability was not enough for him to compete with a big family like the Huttons.

In their eyes, the Stardust Corporation was merely doing well in Orange County because of the prestige of the Huttons. Once Lucas chose to go against the Huttons in the future, he wouldn’t have the slightest advantage or chance of winning at all. They felt that he was just being delusional by thinking that he could win against a family that was far stronger than him.

Lucas’s other identity could not be easily exposed, so there was no way he could use it as deterrence either.

However, Lucas wasn’t worried. He still had enough time to make both the Stardust Corporation and the Brilliance Corporation quickly expand into astonishing enterprises. By then, he would have greater chips.

At five in the afternoon, Lucas went to the entrance of the Brilliance Corporation as usual to pick Cheyenne up after work. But at this moment, he received a text from Cheyenne. “Lucas, I’m very busy today. I have to work overtime until late at night. Please go and pick Amelia up first.”

Lucas imagined the scene of Cheyenne being busy in the general manager’s office attentively and couldn’t help but shake his head helplessly. He tapped away on his phone to reply. “Okay, got it. I’ll send Amelia home and pick you up again at night. Take care of your health. Don’t tire yourself out.”

By the time Lucas drove to the kindergarten, it was the peak hour for parents to pick their children up after school.

He looked at the entrance of the kindergarten for a while but didn’t see Amelia, so he asked a teacher at the door, “Hello, is Amelia still inside?”

During this period of time, Lucas had been fetching Amelia home from the kindergarten every day, so the teacher knew who he was. Hearing his question, the teacher couldn’t help but ask in bewilderment, “Huh? Amelia’s aunt came to pick her up ten minutes ago. Haven’t you guys discussed it?”

“So her aunt came to pick her up today. I really didn’t know. Sorry to trouble you!”

Lucas turned around and walked back to his black Jaguar. He was about to open the door to get in and go home, but he suddenly felt that something was amiss.

Logically speaking, he and Cheyenne had been going to pick Amelia up every day, and he knew that Charlotte wouldn’t pick her up without telling him. Besides, Cheyenne had texted him to tell him to pick Amelia up, so he reckoned that she wouldn’t have told Charlotte to pick her up instead.

At the thought of this, Lucas immediately picked up his phone and called Charlotte. “Did you pick Amelia up at the kindergarten just now?”

Charlotte was a little stunned. “No, I’m busy with some things in the office now, and I haven’t gotten off work yet. Lucas, do you want me to go pick up Amelia? I’ll be there as soon as I finish packing up.” On the other end, there was the sound of someone typing on the keyboard. Clearly, she was still in the office.

Lucas’s heart stopped for a moment. He felt as though he had fallen into an ice cellar. An icycold aura abruptly emanated from his body, and there was also a terrifying glint in his eyes.

“Lucas?” Charlotte asked when she didn’t hear him reply.

Lucas took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and tried to calm himself down. Trying to sound as calm as possible, he said, “Oh, since you’re still busy, go ahead and continue with what you’re doing. I’ll go pick Amelia up.”

Lucas turned around and took a big step toward the teacher just now. “Miss Moore, did you just say that Amelia was picked up by her aunt? Are you sure it was her aunt?”

Miss Moore thought about it. “Yes, it was Amelia’s aunt. Amelia even addressed her that way. But it wasn’t Miss Charlotte Carter. I even verified with her, and she made a phone call right on the spot. Your wife indeed sent that lady to pick Amelia up. That’s why we let her take Amelia away.”

Lucas’s face got gloomier, and Miss Moore couldn’t help but feel a little unsettled. “Mr. Gray, is… is there something wrong?”

Lucas clenched his jaw and asked, “Does that woman have long, curly hair and some abrasions on her face? Is there a mole on her right eyebrow too?”

Miss Moore nodded. “Yes. She was wearing a mask at first, but she took it off later. The corners of her lips and her face were red and swollen, but she claimed that it was because of a food allergy. But the mole on her eyebrow was rather striking, so I still remember it very clearly.”

Lucas was instantly overwhelmed with fury as his face became enraged.

The person who had come to take Amelia away was undoubtedly Scarlet Wright!

Scarlet was extremely hostile and malicious toward him and Cheyenne. Previously, at the Opulence, she even got slapped and abandoned by Aston Brooke because of Lucas. Since then, she hated Lucas to the core. She definitely had evil intentions for taking Amelia away from the kindergarten!

At this point, even Miss Moore sensed that something was wrong. She hurriedly asked, “Is… there something wrong with that woman’s identity?”

Lucas didn’t have the time to explain anything to her. He turned around right away and strode toward his car. At the same time, he took out his phone and made a call. “Go and find out where Scarlet Wright is right now! Deploy everyone at all costs!”

Lucas was extremely furious, and he was full of a terrifying and murderous aura. It was the first time since he returned to Orange County that he wanted to get someone killed so badly!

If something really happened to Amelia, he would definitely make Scarlet Wright’s life a living hell!


At this moment, Scarlet had no idea about Lucas’s fury. She was currently sitting in a private room of a bar and glancing at a young man in his thirties sultrily while leaning against him flirtatiously.

“Mr. Hale, you promised that you’d help me take revenge! I almost got disfigured!” Scarlet’s face was coated with a thick layer of foundation and concealer to hide the swelling of her face.

When she thought of how she had been hit and abandoned mercilessly by Aston in the Opulence, resentment and anger filled her eyes. She hated Lucas tremendously!

Furthermore, after being slapped by Jordan, she even got slapped and kicked by Aston.

However, Scarlet dared not look for trouble with Jordan now and simply pinned all the blame on Lucas!

The young man next to Scarlet put his arm around her and groped her a few times. “Scarlet, rest assured. Anyone who bullies my woman is insulting me too! I will definitely take revenge for you!”

This man was Logan Hale, the owner of the Cocktail Bar who tried to drug Charlotte previously!

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