The Lawyer’s Romance in Law

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The Lawyer’s Romance in Law

Novel The Lawyer’s Romance in Law is an amazing story about a young woman Elias Winters and rich people Amanda Bailey. After being secretly married for a year, Elias Winters brought his mistress home but was confronted by his wife, Amanda Bailey, who presented him with a positive pregnancy test. Falsely accusing her of infidelity, he vowed never to see her again. Four years later, Amanda returned to the country as a successful barrister, causing Elias to cling to her and beg for reconciliation. He even went as far as kneeling in the rain, seeking her forgiveness. However, Amanda remained unmoved. It was then that their child rushed out and asked about Elias. He was shocked because he had always believed that she had aborted the child. To his surprise, the little one standing before him was a spitting image of himself!
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Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 320 I Will Avenge Mommy

“Erm…” Amanda didn’t know how to explain, especially when faced with Aiden’s innocent and curious eyes.

The man sitting on the couch was laughing and he had a doting smile that made it seem like he was watching a good show.

Amanda stuttered and stumbled as she was unable to find the right words to say.

Aiden became even angrier when he saw Amanda like this. “Mommy, don’t be afraid. Did Daddy bite you? If he did, I will avenge you.”

Amanda was dumbfounded. It was true that Elias bit her, but she was curious about how this little guy was going to avenge her.

“So, how are you going to avenge me?” She was just curious and asked a simple question, but she didn’t know that this sentence completely ignited Aiden’s anger.

Without saying a word, Aiden turned around and pounced into Elias’ arms.

Elias was still smiling as he watched his son suddenly pounce on him, and instinctively caught him.

Then, this little guy mercilessly opened his small mouth and bit down on Elias’ neck.

Elias was first startled, then let out a muffled groan. This brat was really ruthless as he bit quite hard which almost caused Elias to bleed.

Amanda was stunned when she saw this scene and really didn’t expect her precious son to be so brave. He was so cool.

He lifted Aiden and put him on the ground. “You little rascal, do you have to be so ruthless?”

Aiden stood on the carpet as he looked proud and let out a cold snort. “You bit my mommy, so it serves you right! Nobody is allowed to bully my mommy! Not even you!”

Amanda was almost moved to tears. He was truly her obedient son, and she didn’t dote on this little brat for nothing.

“Baby, I was just joking with you. Daddy didn’t bite me. It was a mosquito.” She walked over and picked up her son as she was afraid that Elias would hit Aiden the next moment.

“Mommy, you’re lying. Daddy bit you. He admitted it!”

The little guy was stubborn. He was convinced that it was Elias who had done it, even though it was indeed Elias.

Elias raised an eyebrow. “When did I admit it?”

Did he… admit that he had bitten Amanda’s neck?

Aiden snorted again. “Silence means acquiesce. Mommy said so.”

Elias was speechless as he silently looked at Amanda.

Amanda, deeply embarra*sed, hoped the ground would open up and swallow her right now. She left the

bedroom while carrying Aiden as she did not want to witness any possible domestic violence from Elias. While Elias was sitting there, he let out a chuckle.

He reached out and touched his bitten neck. Today, he was quite “lucky. He had been slapped by Amanda. and bitten by his son, both of whom were the most important people in his life. But what could he do about it? He could only endure it.

Aiden, who was taken away by Amanda, threatened Elias coldly, “I’m warning you, Daddy, if you dare to bite Mommy’s neck again, I’ll bite you to death!”

“All right, all right. That’s enough!” She really wanted to cover her son’s little mouth. He was starting to get ahead of himself.

She carried Aiden and left the bedroom. As soon as she stepped out, she bumped into Rosie, who was being blocked by bodyguards from coming up.

“Get out of my way! I want to go up! Who do you think you are? What right do you have to stop me?!”

After hearing the sound of the door opening, Rosie immediately looked up and saw Amanda coming out while carrying her child.

Their eyes met, and everyone present fell silent.

Amanda didn’t have the mood to deal with Rosie right now. She just looked at Rosie meaningfully and planned to leave with her son.

As they passed by each other, Rosie’s state of mind shattered because of Amanda’s appearance at this moment… Amanda’s hair was messy and her clothes were unbuttoned and wrinkled….

Amanda clearly had an intimate encounter!

Furthermore, Rosie had been making a fuss for several hours and the bodyguards had been blocking her from entering. In other words…

“What were you doing in Eli’s room?!” Although she had already guessed it, she couldn’t help but ask.

Amanda didn’t say a word. She just wanted to leave with her son. However, Rosie stepped forward and tried to grab her arm, only to be firmly stopped by the bodyguards.

“Miss Momsey, please stop causing trouble. Mr. Winters will only punish us if he finds out.” The bodyguard spoke honestly.

At this most inappropriate moment, Aiden spoke up. “Daddy bit Mommy’s neck! Daddy is a bad guy, and you’re a bad guy too. You’re all bad people. I don’t like you both!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Rosie’s eyes were filled with shock, and then tears welled up.

She should have thought of it earlier. Elias and Amanda had done everything. Otherwise, how could this child have been born?

Amanda covered her son’s little mouth and whispered, “Aiden, shut up!”

After saying that, she quickly carried him downstairs and left.

Rosie’s restlessness also subsided. The bodyguards looked at her silently calming down and breathed a sigh of relief. If she had barged in, Elias would definitely not spare them.

She stared at Amanda’s figure as she clenched her fists, and her gaze was filled with intense hatred.

Rosie sat motionless in front of the dressing table throughout the whole night while staring at her reflection in the mirror, and no one knew what she was thinking.

She didn’t even eat dinner. The maid brought her meal and said, “Miss Momsey, please eat something. Otherwise, we won’t be able to explain it to Mr. Winters.”

“Get out! Get out!”

Rosie knocked over the tray of food, causing the delicious dishes to scatter on the floor.

The maid was so frightened she dared not even clean up the mess. She just turned tail and ran away.

The maid ran outside and furtively wiped her tears. Another maid happened to pa*s by and could tell that something was wrong.

“I don’t know why Mr. Winters brought her back. She, a mere freeloader, is more difficult to serve than Mr. Winters himself.”

“You said it. She’s always refusing this and that and loves throwing tantrums. She’s not even a member of the Winters Family. Why should we suffer like this?”

“You’re right. I’m going to complain to Mr. Winters. It’s no use telling Mr. Jones. He’ll just tell us to endure it.”

“I’m going too. Whoever wants to serve her can continue serving her. I don’t want to.”

The two maids were about to go and complain to Elias. At that moment, the door was forcefully pulled open, and Rosie walked out. “Stop right there!”

The two maids froze in place as they were too scared to speak or even look up.

“If the two of you dare to speak ill of me in front of Eli, I’ll make sure to pull your tongues out!” Rosie’s fierce expression made her look like a wicked witch.

The two maids were frightened and quickly lowered their heads in silence. After exchanging a glance, they nodded in agreement and tried to escape.

However, Rosie grabbed them and said. “I’m warning you, if you dare to say a single bad word about me in front of Eli, I’ll make sure you beg for mercy and wish for death!”

“We won’t… We won’t…” The two maids were immediately frightened to tears.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 321 Why Are Your Ears Red?

“Scram! I don’t want to see your faces!” Rosie was filled with anger and had nowhere to vent, so she unleashed it on the innocent maids.

She just wanted to know what set Amanda apart from other women. Why did Elias fall head over heels for her, to the point of marrying her and even having a child together?

In the past, the women around Elias were just as beautiful as Amanda, but he didn’t seem interested in them at all.

Rosie had treated those women cruelly and drove them away from him, yet he never said a word.

Why was it that when it came to Amanda, they directly got married and had a child?

Furthermore, Rosie wasn’t even allowed to touch Amanda and Aiden.

Could it be that Elias had truly fallen in love with this woman named Amanda? Was he helplessly and uncontrollably in love with her?

The jealousy in Rosie’s heart overflowed like a river. She wished she could make Amanda and Aiden disappear from the world!

In the dining room.

It was dinner time again, and Elias was waiting for Amanda and Aiden to come, but they were nowhere to be seen.

“Go and see why they haven’t come to eat yet.”

He looked at Colette who was nearby.

Colette hesitated and answered, “Miss Bailey said that she wants to take Mr. Aiden away. If you don’t agree, she won’t come out to eat and you’ll have to eat alone.”

Elias frowned. Amanda was using a hunger strike as a threat?

Even if she refused to eat, what about their son? Was Aiden not going to eat either?

It seemed that the mother and son had come to an agreement.

Elias stood up slowly and walked toward the exit of the dining room. He instructed Colette, “Prepare a meal and send it to Aiden’s bedroom.”

“Yes, Mr. Winters. Please wait a moment.”

Inside the room.

Amanda was discussing with Aiden. “When your daddy comes up later, we need to be on the same page.”

Aiden blinked his grape-like eyes. “Mommy, why do we need to be on the same page?”

She was speechless. She almost forgot that he was just a three-year-old child. She had to be careful with her choice of words.

She continued, “If your daddy doesn’t let us leave, we’ll throw a tantrum. You’re good at that. I need you to behave well. If we manage to go out, I’ll buy you a cake.”

“Okay!” As soon as he heard the word “cake,” his eyes lit up. He had been on a strict diet in the hospital recently, and the restriction on his food intake was taking a toll on him.

Suddenly, footsteps could be heard outside the door.

The two of them exchanged glances, and Amanda whispered, “Quick! Sit properly. Your daddy is coming. Remember what I just told you. Behave well so that we can have cake tonight. Understand?”

“Yes. I remember! Don’t worry, Mommy!”

Aiden had a confident look on his face, which reassured Amanda.

The door was pushed open, and the mother and son put on serious faces as they intended to show Elias who was in charge.

Elias walked in while carrying a tray, and the aroma of the food filled the room.

Aiden couldn’t help but swallow his saliva. His little stomach was getting hungry.

However, Amanda glared at him and whispered, “Hold it in, Aiden. Once we’re out, I will take you to eat something delicious.”

Elias placed the tray on the coffee table and looked at the mother and son murmuring to each other. He couldn’t help but ask, “What are you two whispering about?”

“Nothing! Hmph! Mommy and I don’t want to talk to you!” Aiden put on a defiant yet adorable expression. Elias chuckled softly. “Is that so? What did I do wrong to make both of you not want to talk to me?”

“Let us leave. We want to get away from here. Mommy doesn’t like it here. She doesn’t like the food here. Daddy, you’re a terrible man who doesn’t care about Mommy’s feelings. I hate this kind of man the most. Aiden blurted out everything Amanda had taught him in one breath, but his adorable appearance had people having the urge to pinch his cheeks instead.

Amanda, who was standing by the door, turned her back to the man and gave her son a thumbs up.

Good job! He managed to remember about 80 percent of what she taught him. That was already pretty good.

Aiden showed a proud smile as if he was showing off to Amanda. Mommy, am I amazing?

At this moment, Elias glanced at the piping hot meal. “Your mommy doesn’t like the food here, but what about you? Do you like it? Are you not liking it just because she doesn’t like it? Or did she teach you to say that?”

Aiden was confused by Elias’ words.

He blurted out without thinking, “Of course, it’s Mommy who taught me to say that!”

As soon as he finished his sentence, Amanda was speechless. This little brat was really innocent. Elias successfully tricked him with just a few words.

“What’s wrong, Mommy? Did I say something wrong?” Aiden looked perplexed.

“You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s my fault.” She gritted her teeth.

Elias watched her as she turned away and chuckled. “Amanda, don’t teach our child to lie. If you have something to say, say it yourself. You’re audacious to use this little brat as a messenger.”

Despicable scumbag.

Amanda turned her body around and looked at the man sitting on the couch. “Anyway, I want to take our son and leave this place. He doesn’t want to stay here either. Let us go.”

“Have you taken a shower?”

Only now did Elias notice that Amanda had changed her clothes and her hair was damp. She had a bare face as if she had just finished bathing.

However, the marks on her neck became even more visible which caused him to sinile.

“What do you care? I don’t want to see you right now!” She turned her head away. Every time she looked at this despicable man, she was reminded of the intense and relentless moments they had shared for the past few hours. She felt like she was going crazy.

As she undressed in the bathroom moments ago, she caught sight of herself in the mirror. She was covered in countless hickeys. Each one served as a reminder of the pa*sionate entanglement between her and Elias.

As she indulged in her thoughts, her ears involuntarily reddened.

Elias looked at her flushed ears and asked, “Why are your cars turning red? Are you reminiscing about. something? Is it making you excited?” Amanda was shocked.

She turned around and glared at the man in front of her. “Shut up! Are you crazy? Can’t you see that Aiden is standing right here?”

“So what? He’s just a little brat. He doesn’t understand anything.” Elias leaned back.

“Elias, you’re a shameless and despicable person!”

If it weren’t for their son being present, she really wanted to pounce on him and bite him. She wanted to make him shut up forever!

However, he only laughed even more heartily. “Now that your body is covered in hickeys, who are you planning to show them to?” Amanda was surprised!

Once again, his words completely shattered her sense of values. He was truly shameless to the core.

“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” She bent down and covered Aiden’s ears.

As they continued their verbal spar, Aiden stood on the side while looking up at them for quite some time

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 322 Stay Away From My Son!

Aiden furrowed his brows and looked at his mommy, then at his daddy, and asked in a childish voice, “What are you both talking about? Why can’t I understand anything? Are you trying to bully me?”

Elias chuckled and gestured with his finger. “Come here. I will tell you.”

“Elias! How dare you!” Amanda felt like her brain was about to suffocate. Was this man crazy? What nonsense was he going to tell their child?

Before she could stop Aiden, he had obediently sat on the couch next to Elias.

Elias lowered his head and said something in Aiden’s ear, and Aiden nodded. He looked like he understood.

“What did you say to Aiden? Do you have no shame?!” Amanda’s heart started racing.

She quickly went over and pulled her child behind her as if she was hiding him from a ferocious beast.

Elias leisurely leaned back on the couch. “Eat your meal, and I’ll tell you.”

“Are you threatening me?”

“Aren’t you threatening me too? It’s tit for tat. Anyway, you won’t be able to leave tonight. Take your meal. I need to go to the study and take care of something. When I come back, both of you will be in trouble if I see the meal still intact.”

After speaking, he slowly got up and left the bedroom.

It wasn’t until the door closed that Amanda realized what Elias had said. She almost laughed out of anger.

She and her son had agreed to threaten Elias, but now he had turned the tables on them.

Suddenly, the sound of rumbling came from the bedroom.

She looked at her son behind her. “Aiden, are you hungry?”

Aiden smiled sheepishly. “Mommy, let’s eat. I’m really hungry.”

After speaking, he ran to the coffee table and picked up his fork and knife to eat. It seemed like he had really been starving.

She felt unwilling, but there was nothing she could do. She couldn’t let her son go hungry, especially since he had just undergone surgery and needed to recover.

She sat on the couch and helped her son with his meal and fed him.

“Aiden, what did your daddy tell you? Can you tell me?” She was still curious about what that despicable man had said to Aiden. If he dared to say anything inappropriate, she wouldn’t let him off the hook.

Aiden said while eating, “I’ll tell you after you finish your meal.”


Why is this kid talking like Elias?
Chapter 321 Why Are Your Ears Red?

“Scram! I don’t want to see your faces!” Rosie was filled with anger and had nowhere to vent, so she unleashed it on the innocent maids.

She just wanted to know what set Amanda apart from other women. Why did Elias fall head over heels for her, to the point of marrying her and even having a child together?

In the past, the women around Elias were just as beautiful as Amanda, but he didn’t seem interested in them at all.

Rosie had treated those women cruelly and drove them away from him, yet he never said a word.

Why was it that when it came to Amanda, they directly got married and had a child?

Furthermore, Rosie wasn’t even allowed to touch Amanda and Aiden.

Could it be that Elias had truly fallen in love with this woman named Amanda? Was he helplessly and uncontrollably in love with her?

The jealousy in Rosie’s heart overflowed like a river. She wished she could make Amanda and Aiden disappear from the world!

In the dining room.

It was dinner time again, and Elias was waiting for Amanda and Aiden to come, but they were nowhere to be seen.

“Go and see why they haven’t come to eat yet.”

He looked at Colette who was nearby.

Colette hesitated and answered, “Miss Bailey said that she wants to take Mr. Aiden away. If you don’t agree, she won’t come out to eat and you’ll have to eat alone.”

Elias frowned. Amanda was using a hunger strike as a threat?

Even if she refused to eat, what about their son? Was Aiden not going to eat either?

It seemed that the mother and son had come to an agreement.

Elias stood up slowly and walked toward the exit of the dining room. He instructed Colette, “Prepare a meal and send it to Aiden’s bedroom.”

“Yes, Mr. Winters. Please wait a moment.”

Inside the room.

Amanda was discussing with Aiden. “When your daddy comes up later, we need to be on the same page.”

Aiden blinked his grape-like eyes. “Mommy, why do we need to be on the same page?”

She was speechless. She almost forgot that he was just a three-year-old child. She had to be careful with her choice of words.

She continued, “If your daddy doesn’t let us leave, we’ll throw a tantrum. You’re good at that. I need you to behave well. If we manage to go out, I’ll buy you a cake.”

“Okay!” As soon as he heard the word “cake,” his eyes lit up. He had been on a strict diet in the hospital recently, and the restriction on his food intake was taking a toll on him.

Suddenly, footsteps could be heard outside the door.

The two of them exchanged glances, and Amanda whispered, “Quick! Sit properly. Your daddy is coming. Remember what I just told you. Behave well so that we can have cake tonight. Understand?”

“Yes. I remember! Don’t worry, Mommy!”

Aiden had a confident look on his face, which reassured Amanda.

The door was pushed open, and the mother and son put on serious faces as they intended to show Elias who was in charge.

Elias walked in while carrying a tray, and the aroma of the food filled the room.

Aiden couldn’t help but swallow his saliva. His little stomach was getting hungry.

However, Amanda glared at him and whispered, “Hold it in, Aiden. Once we’re out, I will take you to eat something delicious.”

Elias placed the tray on the coffee table and looked at the mother and son murmuring to each other. He couldn’t help but ask, “What are you two whispering about?”

“Nothing! Hmph! Mommy and I don’t want to talk to you!” Aiden put on a defiant yet adorable expression. Elias chuckled softly. “Is that so? What did I do wrong to make both of you not want to talk to me?”

“Let us leave. We want to get away from here. Mommy doesn’t like it here. She doesn’t like the food here. Daddy, you’re a terrible man who doesn’t care about Mommy’s feelings. I hate this kind of man the most. Aiden blurted out everything Amanda had taught him in one breath, but his adorable appearance had people having the urge to pinch his cheeks instead.

Amanda, who was standing by the door, turned her back to the man and gave her son a thumbs up.

Good job! He managed to remember about 80 percent of what she taught him. That was already pretty good.

Aiden showed a proud smile as if he was showing off to Amanda. Mommy, am I amazing?

At this moment, Elias glanced at the piping hot meal. “Your mommy doesn’t like the food here, but what about you? Do you like it? Are you not liking it just because she doesn’t like it? Or did she teach you to say that?”

Aiden was confused by Elias’ words.

He blurted out without thinking, “Of course, it’s Mommy who taught me to say that!”

As soon as he finished his sentence, Amanda was speechless. This little brat was really innocent. Elias successfully tricked him with just a few words.

“What’s wrong, Mommy? Did I say something wrong?” Aiden looked perplexed.

“You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s my fault.” She gritted her teeth.

Elias watched her as she turned away and chuckled. “Amanda, don’t teach our child to lie. If you have something to say, say it yourself. You’re audacious to use this little brat as a messenger.”

Despicable scumbag.

Amanda turned her body around and looked at the man sitting on the couch. “Anyway, I want to take our son and leave this place. He doesn’t want to stay here either. Let us go.”

“Have you taken a shower?”

Only now did Elias notice that Amanda had changed her clothes and her hair was damp. She had a bare face as if she had just finished bathing.

However, the marks on her neck became even more visible which caused him to sinile.

“What do you care? I don’t want to see you right now!” She turned her head away. Every time she looked at this despicable man, she was reminded of the intense and relentless moments they had shared for the past few hours. She felt like she was going crazy.

As she undressed in the bathroom moments ago, she caught sight of herself in the mirror. She was covered in countless hickeys. Each one served as a reminder of the pa*sionate entanglement between her and Elias.

As she indulged in her thoughts, her ears involuntarily reddened.

Elias looked at her flushed ears and asked, “Why are your cars turning red? Are you reminiscing about. something? Is it making you excited?” Amanda was shocked.

She turned around and glared at the man in front of her. “Shut up! Are you crazy? Can’t you see that Aiden is standing right here?”

“So what? He’s just a little brat. He doesn’t understand anything.” Elias leaned back.

“Elias, you’re a shameless and despicable person!”

If it weren’t for their son being present, she really wanted to pounce on him and bite him. She wanted to make him shut up forever!

However, he only laughed even more heartily. “Now that your body is covered in hickeys, who are you planning to show them to?” Amanda was surprised!

Once again, his words completely shattered her sense of values. He was truly shameless to the core.

“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” She bent down and covered Aiden’s ears.

As they continued their verbal spar, Aiden stood on the side while looking up at them for quite some time

They were truly a father-and-son pair. Even their tone of speech was the same.

Amanda pursed her lips. “Can’t you tell me now? I’m just curious and want to know what your daddy said to you. Don’t worry. I will keep it a secret.”

“Eat your meal and I’ll tell you.”

Why was it always the same phrase? This little brat might be small, but his temper was not. He was becoming more and more like his father.

Amanda pouted and asked, “Can’t you tell me?”

“I’ve already said it. Daddy said, ‘Eat your meal and I’ll tell you.” Aiden couldn’t help but roll his eyes. He was getting tired of repeating himself, but his mommy still didn’t seem to understand.

Amanda was completely speechless.

Fine. I admit that I had overthought it. Elias, that jerk, is truly wicked.

Fortunately, he hadn’t said anything inappropriate. After she thought about it, she figured Elias wouldn’t stoop so low as to utter such things.

She continued to feed her son.

As Aiden opened his mouth to eat, he stared at the hickeys on her exposed skin and asked, “Mommy, did Daddy bite you here too? Why are there marks here as well?”

Amanda didn’t want to talk about it and just wanted to let this topic pa*s. I need to stop talking about this with Aiden. Even lying would make her blush.

However, Aiden persisted. “Mommy, I’m talking to you. Why are you ignoring me? Did Daddy bite you here too?”

“No. It’s mosquito bites,” she casually replied.

He looked surprised. “Mommy, are they super big mosquitoes? They bite just like Daddy! It’s so amazing!”

Amanda was speechless.

Her innocent child was so naive. She wanted to quickly change the topic.

She was truly speechless.

One hour later.

Amanda and Aiden were taking a stroll around the estate to help digest their meal.

“Don’t run, Aiden. Take it slow.” Amanda followed behind her son with a worried expression. After all, the doctor had advised against letting the child engage in strenuous activities for the time being.

Then, she saw Rosie walking toward them.

Rosie stopped in front of Aiden and bent down to say something to him.

Amanda couldn’t help but furrow her brows and quickly walked over. She heard Rosie saying, “I want to apologize on behalf of your daddy, okay? Your daddy misunderstood you last time, but I will make it clear to him…”

She immediately pulled her son behind her and looked at Rosie while saying, “Stay away from my son!”

“You” Rosie was about to retaliate angrily, but when she saw Elias walking not far behind Amanda, her expression immediately turned into one of grievance.

“What did I do wrong? Why are you like this? I just wanted to talk to Aiden for a moment. It’s not like I did. anything to harm him…

As Rosic spoke, tears started streaming down her face. She made it look as if Amanda had bullied her.

Amanda was speechless at Rosie’s hypocritical and exaggerated act. Which play was she trying to stage now?

Aiden peeked out from behind Amanda and said, “I don’t need you to apologize on behalf of my daddy, you ugly woman! I didn’t do anything wrong! Ugly woman! Bad woman!”

At that moment, Elias’ deep voice came from behind. “Aiden, you shouldn’t speak like that. His voice carried a tone of reprimand.

Amanda was slightly taken aback and finally understood the play Rosie was trying to stage. It turned out she had noticed Elias approaching, so she put on an act.

This woman was truly cunning and two-faced. She was able to shed tears so easily.

“Such a waste that you’re not an actress with your acting skills. Aren’t you tired after pretending to be -crazy all these years?” Amanda couldn’t be bothered to play along with such a woman.

She took her son’s hand and was about to leave.

However, Rosie pitifully wiped her tears and forced a smile. “I’m fine, Eli. Don’t scold Aiden anymore. He’s just a child, and he’s upset with us today, so it’s normal for him to say a few harsh words to me. I don’t mind.”

“Aiden, you should be more polite in the future,” Elias said to Aiden.

Upon seeing his father defending that woman, Aiden became angry and snorted coldly. “I hate you! Hmph!

After speaking, he pulled Amanda’s hand and walked toward the villa.

Amanda also didn’t want to stay here anymore. She let her son lead her away and glanced back at Elias” cold gaze. It seemed like he was getting angry.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 323 Elias! Are You Still a Man?

Rosie looked at Amanda’s back as she left and her heart was secretly happy, but she still pretended to be aggrieved and guilty on the surface. “Eli, what are you waiting for? Go after her and help me explain. I really don’t have any malicious intent. I just felt that Aiden looked too cute and wanted to tease him a little. I…”

“Okay. I know.”

Elias’ tone grew cold, tinged with a hint of impatience. He was about to catch up with Amanda, but then he remembered something and turned back to Rosie. “How is your recovery going?”

Rosie’s heart tightened.

While his words appeared to show concern for her, they actually carried an undertone of urging her to leave.

Was this an attempt to drive her away? Was it because of that mother and son again?

Rosie couldn’t help but clench her fists. She whimpered with teardrops still in her eyes, “Eli, I understand what you mean. I’ll let my brother pick me up and I’ll leave tonight. I don’t want to cause you any more trouble. After all, it seems like Amanda and Aiden don’t like to see me. I’m sorry that my presence made them all unhappy. I’m going to go and call my brother right now.”

After saying that, she turned around and was about to leave.

Elias felt a twinge of guilt, but he didn’t call out to Rosie because if she stayed here, Amanda and Aiden would have to leave.

There was no way for them to stay here at the same time.

Although Rosie had saved Aiden’s life, Elias had no other choice. He could only find another way to make up to her.

Rosie walked away for a long time without hearing him call her name. Her anger grew stronger and fiercer. He was indeed very heartless.

Even after she sacrificed herself to save his son, he still treated her coldly.

Rosie could only walk toward her residence with lingering resentment, but did she really have to leave just like that? After all that she’d done to get into the Winters Family? If she just left like this, she was afraid that she wouldn’t have had the chance to have close contact with Elias again.

No way!

She had to find a way to stay.

Inside the living room.

Elias was sitting on the couch surrounded by an air of gloominess. He held a cigarette between his lips while appearing somewhat conflicted.

At that moment, Amanda and Aiden came down from upstairs. Aiden was clamoring to go home while expressing his reluctance to stay here any longer

Amanda saw Elias sitting there at a glance as she walked downstairs. She was about to speak when he preempted her.

“Taylor will come to pick up his sister later. You and Aiden should go back to bed.”

Amanda was speechless.

She couldn’t help but feel like they were driving Rosie away, as the words made it seem as if she and Aiden were responsible for Rosie’s departure.

Upon further reflection, she realized that Rosie had donated bone marrow to Aiden, and Rosie was only here to enjoy the hot springs for a few days. It seemed heartless to chase Rosie away like this.

“We didn’t intend to drive her away. It’s just that Aiden isn’t adjusting well here. I’ll take him to stay at Northern No. 1 for a few days. Let Rosie continue enjoying the hot springs here.”

Amanda wanted to add a few more words but realized that anything she said at this point would sound insincere, thus dropped the idea.

She truly didn’t like Rosie being close to Aiden. Even though Rosie had saved his life, Amanda couldn’t shake off the feeling that the woman harbored ill intentions.

Hopefully, it was just her overthinking.

“I’ll have Rosie go somewhere else to enjoy the hot springs. After all, I won’t have any further dealings with her in the future. Instead, I’ll be spending the rest of my life with you and Aiden, so your feelings matter more,” Elias said truthfully.

Amanda didn’t know how to respond to his words.

At that moment, the butler approached and said, “Mr. Winters, Mr. Momsey is here. He looks furious. It seems like he wants to seek justice from you.”

Right after the butler finished speaking, Taylor’s voice sounded. “Elias Winters! Are you even a man? You rejected my sister countless times before, and now that she has given up on pursuing you and even saved your son’s life, you can’t even tolerate her staying at your place for a few days? It has only been two days and you want to chase her away? You’re not even a man!”

Taylor stormed into the living room and shouted at Elias angrily.

Aiden was scared and hid behind Amanda, who instinctively protected him and covered his ears with her hands.

Elias remained calm and extinguished his cigarette in the ashtray. He stood up and spoke in a deep voice. “Take your sister back with you. Kadi Club is also part of the Winters Family’s property. She can enjoy the hot springs there for free for a lifetime.”

Taylor was dumbfounded. Did this se mbag not understand his intentions? Would a lifetime of free hot springs solve everything?

“Do you even understand what I’m saying? Are you pretending to be clueless? Is this just about the hot springs? Is this how your family treats a life-saving benefactor? No wonder each one of you meets your comeuppance and meets a tragic end. Don’t you reflect on it at all? Aren’t you afraid that your son will face retribution?”

Taylor was losing his mind. Elias was heartless to the extreme.

His words, however, completely ignited Elias’ anger. In the next second, he threw a punch at Taylor, knocking him to the ground.

Immediately, Aiden screamed in fear and started crying.

However, Elias didn’t stop there. He tightly gripped Taylor’s throat while gritting his teeth as he said, “I dare you to say it again! If you curse my son one more time, I’ll take your life!”

“Cough… I’m just stating the facts! The Winters Family has already faced retribution, but you still haven’t repented for your actions. This is divine retribution! Serves you right!

Taylor’s mouth was filled with blood from the beating, but he remained stubborn and defiant as he was determined to have the last word.

Amanda was also frightened, but she picked up Aiden and tried to comfort him. However, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t calm him down.

The fight continued unabated on the other side.

Amanda looked at Miriam, who was standing at the side. “Miriam, take the child out and try to calm him down.”

Miriam nodded and went over to hold Aiden in her arms. Then, she quickly left the horrible ‘battlefield.

“Stop fighting! Stop it!”

Only after Aiden was carried away did Amanda have the opportunity to step forward and try to intervene, -but no one paid any attention to her.

At this moment, Rosie approached and witnessed the scene while bursting into tears. “Taylor! Stop! Don’t hurt Eli! Taylor! I’m begging you!”

Taylor couldn’t care less at this point after having taken so many beatings. Naturally, he fought back.

Finally, Taylor seized the opportunity. Just as he was about to strike, Rosie suddenly opened her arms and stood in front of Elias.

Everyone present was stunned.

Taylor looked at his sister in front of him and roared, “Get out of my way! Let me teach this scum a lesson! He’s using you. Now that his son is fine, he wants to kick you out. What is there to like about such a person? Get out of my way!”

“No! Taylor, I’m begging you. Stop fighting. Eli has his reasons.” Rosie’s acting skills were impeccable as if she were a seasoned actress with years of experience. Onlookers who knew nothing of the situation would surely be moved by her dedication and sincerity.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 324 Stay Out of Men’s Affairs

“Reasons? What reasons? He simply wanted to use you to save his son! Why can’t you see through this?! Now that he’s happy with his woman and child, he wants to chase you away, and you’re still speaking up for him!” Taylor was about to explode out of rage. After all these years, his sister hadn’t changed a bit.

She had said she wouldn’t pursue Elias anymore, but every word she spoke was in defense of Elias. How could she claim to have let go?

What a load of rubbish!

Taylor finally realized that his sister had fallen for Elias in this lifetime.

The atmosphere became extremely tense.

Rosie angrily shouted at Taylor as tears streamed down her face, “I want to! It’s none of your business! I’m willing to give everything to him, even if he’s using me! I want to! I want to! I want to!”

Her words stunned Taylor.

Even Elias, who was being shielded by Rosie, was taken aback, as well as Amanda, who stood beside them. Elias felt a sense of shame and pulled Rosie aside. “Step aside. Stay out of men’s affairs.”

Rosie was pushed to the side. As she stumbled and almost fell to the ground, Amanda quickly caught her.

“Are you all right?”

“I’m fine. Taylor! Stop it!”

Rosie instinctively pushed Amanda away with a look of disdain, causing Amanda to take a few steps back.

Meanwhile, Elias noticed this scene and tried to reach out and support Amanda,

Taylor became even more infuriated at the sight of this. Seizing the opportunity while Elias was defenseless, he threw a punch at Elias’ face.

“How dare you push her away! Do you have no conscience? If it weren’t for Rosie, your son would be in the morgue by now!” No one could talk sense into Taylor now. After years of frustration, he finally had an outlet for his anger.

He remembered when he almost knelt outside the Winters Family’s residence, begging Elias to see his sister. Yet Elias didn’t even let him in the door. The humiliation was unbearable.

Elias wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and retaliated. He threw a punch back at Taylor.

Rosie let out a shrill scream. “Ahh! Taylor, stop it! Stop hitting Eli!”

Her scream was deafening to everyone present.

The chaotic scene gave Amanda a splitting headache. Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore and walked between the two men, shouting furiously, “Stop it!”

Elias halted his impending punch when he saw Amanda, and Taylor also stopped.

Amanda nervously closed her eyes because she had seen the two men’s fists about to descend upon her.

However, nothing seemed to happen after she waited for a while.

She slowly opened her eyes while breathing a sigh of relief. Then, she spoke. “Enough! Stop fighting! It’s my fault. This is all my fault.”

Amanda looked at Elias. “I taught your son to say those things. In truth, it was because I didn’t want to stay here. Now that everything is fine, there’s no need to chase Rosie away.”

After saying that, she turned to Taylor beside her. “I’m sorry. It was my fault. Your sister saved Aiden’s life, and we shouldn’t have been so ungrateful. I sincerely apologize to both of you and hope you can forgive me. I also hope that Rosie can stay and recover before leaving. I want to see her leave healthy. Please agree to it.”

She bowed sincerely to Taylor and Rosie while expressing her remorse.

In fact, it seemed that all this conflict had originated from her. Taylor’s hurtful words earlier had also inspired her.

Even if Amanda didn’t like Rosie and even if Rosie harbored suspicions, Rosie had willingly donated her bone marrow and saved Aiden, who was suffering.

So, at the very least, she couldn’t casually doubt Rosie.

Elias remained silent with a grim expression on his face, while Taylor was at a loss for what to do due to Amanda’s intervention.

Rosie cursed in her heart, What a shameless woman. She’s so good at pretending.

However, she had to act like a gentle and virtuous lady. She feigned a look of grievance and innocence as she said, “Amanda, you don’t have to do this. It was all my own choice. I…”

“No need to say more. It’s my fault. Please stay. I apologize on behalf of Aiden for his impolite words and sincerely hope you will stay,” Amanda said each word deliberately.

Late at night.

Amanda didn’t leave tonight. Instead, she chose to stay in the estate because Aiden couldn’t be comforted no matter what she did.

After a long time of soothing him, he finally fell asleep. However, Amanda couldn’t sleep and went out to the balcony to get some fresh air.

She felt a great sense of oppression in her heart. Although she had shown her magnanimous side, she felt deeply frustrated.

To be honest, she still couldn’t completely let down her guard against Rosie.

Just then, she heard faint footsteps behind her and couldn’t help but turn around. At that moment, she already knew who it was.

“Why aren’t you sleeping?”

Amanda smiled and replied, “I couldn’t fall asleep, so I came out to get some fresh air. What about you? Why aren’t you sleeping?”

Elias walked over to her side and followed her gaze to the sparse stars in the night sky. “I couldn’t fall asleep either.”

After a while, he shifted his gaze back to her profile. “You didn’t have to do that. If you don’t like her, you don’t have to force her to stay. I can arrange for her to go somewhere else. There are plenty of places for her to enjoy hot springs.”

Amanda suddenly spoke while looking at the stars. “Do you believe in retribution?”

Elias did not reply.

He detested hearing that word the most. What was retribution?

He clenched his fists by his sides and lowered his gaze slowly. “What are you trying to say?”

“Nothing. I just find some things quite miraculous. So many people have gone through bone marrow matching, yet only Taylor and Rosie’s bone marrow were successful matches. Perhaps it’s fate.”

Elias frowned unhappily. “Fate?”

What was fate? Wasn’t it just another word for retribution?

Elias sneered. “Are you trying to tell me this is retribution?”

Amanda looked at him and shook her head. “No. I think this is an opportunity for reconciliation given to us by fate. In life, there’s no need to create so many enemies for ourselves, especially when you have someone dear, someone important to you, that you have to protect. So, let’s seize this chance.”

If it were the old her, she wouldn’t believe in such things and would go against it, but now that she had Aiden, all she wanted was to protect the health, safety, and happiness of the people most important to her.

After hearing her words, Elias gradually loosened his tightly clenched fists.

Ever since he learned about Aiden’s existence, he had restrained his temper a lot. He also wanted to create a healthy environment for his child to grow up in.

Perhaps… Amanda had a point.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 325 A Happy Family of Three


Taylor couldn’t help but feel irritable. “What’s the point of you still sticking around? Can’t you see that Elias still has no interest in you?”

Rosie, on the other hand, was sitting at the dresser while studying her face in the mirror. I haven’t taken good care of my skin during those years in the sanatorium. Seems like my skin has lost some of its elasticity. “You go back, Taylor. Don’t worry about me. I’ll take good care of myself, and besides, I won’t get hurt staying here.”

Taylor replied, “I’m begging you to leave, you silly girl! What’s the point of insisting? That Amanda lady did beg you to stay, but it was clear at a glance that she wasn’t willing to say that! We, the Momseys, aren’t such shameless people! Come on, let’s go!” Then, he stepped forward and grabbed her hand in an attempt to take her away.

To his great dismay, Rosie drew her hand back from his. “Taylor, I’m begging you, too. Can you leave now? I just want to stay here, even if I’d only get to see Eli a few more times a day like this.”

“You’re hopeless! I don’t care about you anymore! Don’t call me for anything from now on, you ingrate! You only know how to side with someone else instead of your own brother!” Looking frustrated, he furiously turned around and left her bedroom, slamming the door shut with a loud bang as if to vent his anger.

Rosie, however, smiled at her own reflection in the mirror. She caressed her face, saying, “What a top- notch actor you are! It’s time to take care of your skin, though.” She had seen Amanda’s skin up close while being helped by her tonight. It’s so fair and radiant and has such a delicate feel to it; no wonder Eli is infatuated with her. Is there a man who dislikes women with peach-and-cream skin? But now that I can finally stay by Eli’s side. I guess there won’t be anyone to shoo me away anymore.

The next morning, Rosie sat in the dining room early, awaiting the others to come together for breakfast. Soon, she heard the muffled sound of approaching footsteps, which she knew must belong to Elias. She didn’t even have to guess who it belonged to.

And sure enough, the man slowly entered her line of sight, whereupon she put on a rehearsed sweet smile. “Good morning, Eli.”

“Uh-huh. Good morning.” Elias was more or less surprised to see her.

A maid pulled out the dining chair for him to sit down. Soon, an American breakfast was served and placed before him. “Mr. Winters, here is the American breakfast you asked for.”

The dining room was quiet except for the sound of the man’s knife and fork clinking against his plate. Neither of them spoke; Elias had nothing much to say to Rosie, whereas Rosie had no idea what to say despite wanting to speak to him.

She was about to break the silence when Aiden’s energetic, childlike voice suddenly rang from outside. I’m so hungry, Mommy-so hungry that I could eat a horse!”

In an instant, the man’s frosty, good-looking face warmed at this adorable voice. A doting smile sprang to his lips; he put down his knife and fork and looked back to watch Amanda and their son walk into the dining room.

The mother and son talked and laughed as they entered the dining room, only to see Rosie sitting there. Amanda was startled for a moment, but she quickly composed herself and greeted her. “Good morning, Miss Momsey.”

Rosie was smiling the whole time. “Good morning, Amanda.”

Amanda turned to say to Aiden, “Aiden, say good morning to Miss Rosie.”

“No, I don’t want to! Humph!” With a haughty look on his face, the boy clambered onto his dining chair. Then, he picked up a piece of bread and shoved it into his tiny mouth.

Amanda smiled helplessly.

Rosie said with a smile, “It’s okay. Aiden is still angry with me, but it’ll be fine once his anger has subsided.”

The maid came over, asking, “Miss Bailey, what would you and Mr. Aiden like to eat for breakfast? Would you prefer a traditional breakfast or a Western one?”

“A traditional breakfast, please. I’d like to eat some dumplings. Can you bring Aiden a bowl of congee and a soft-boiled egg?”

“Sure, Miss Bailey. I’ll bring them right away.”

After the maid had left, Amanda put the bib on Aiden and said to him tenderly, “Take your time when eating your congee later, you got it? Don’t let it burn your tongue.”

“Mm-hmm. Mommy, I want to eat dumplings, too.”


Aiden then cast a glance at the breakfast placed before Rosie before curling his lips in disgust. “Looks tasteless at a glance,” he remarked. Then, he took a fancy to the breakfast placed before Elias, which he stared at greedily with puppy-dog eyes. “Daddy, is your bacon delicious? Can I have a bite of it?” he said. while drooling in an adorable manner.

Amanda took a tissue to wipe the corner of his mouth. “Look at you! You’re drooling.”

Elias smiled without saying a word. Spearing a piece of bacon with his fork, he brought it to Aiden’s lips. upon which the little boy opened his mouth and swallowed it. “It tastes so good! I want more of it!”

“Hmm, all of this is yours.” Elias pushed his plate over to Amanda.

Amanda frowned. “Don’t let him eat so much for breakfast. Otherwise, when he gets to kindergarten later, he won’t be able to eat much for lunch, and then he’ll soon be hungry in the afternoon.”

Elias rea*sured her in a deep voice, “It’s okay. Just tell the teacher to fix him an extra meal in between.”

The family of three was having a good time together in perfect harmony. Compared to them, Rosie seemed like such a fifth wheel sitting at the dining table; she even had the feeling that she was making a fool of herself.

The smile slowly faded from her face as she watched the family of three. Here I am, sitting here while being ignored as if I never existed… She had fantasized countless times that if she and Elias were to marry, they would give birth to an adorable child, and the three of them would be together as a family… And now, she finally saw the scene. However, she wasn’t the woman of the house, nor was the child her own.

She bit her lower lip, looking resentful as her grip began to tighten on her glass of milk. Losing control of her emotions, she squeezed her gla*s tighter and tighter. The next thing she knew, the glass of milk slipped from her hand and dropped on the floor, breaking to pieces with an ear-piercing crash that drew everyone’s attention.

Only then did she come to her senses. Immediately, she resumed her gentle and weak demeanor. “Sorry, it slipped out of my grasp just now. I’ll clean it up,” she apologized and was about to get up to pick up the gla*s shards on the floor.

Elias frowned. “Don’t move. Let them clean it up instead.”

“It’s okay. There aren’t many broken pieces, anyway.” Rosie stooped to clean up the mess, only to let out a of pain. Her finger was cut, and blood was oozing from it

Hearing her cry, Elias stood up; he walked over to her and saw her bleeding finger. “Don’t move anymore. Let them clean it up.” He pulled her up from the floor before instructing Miriam, “Go treat Miss Momsey’s wound.”

“Yes, Mr. Winters.” Miriam stepped forward to reach for Rosie’s hand, only to be met with a look of disgust from the lady. Startled, she withdrew her hand, saying, “Miss Momsey, let’s get your wound treated, or it’ll get infected.”

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 326 My Brave Little Boy

Only then did Rosie follow Miriam out of the dining room.

Amanda watched them leave. Even though she thought Rosie’s act was deliberate, she nonetheless said to Elias, “Won’t you go take a look?”

However, Elias chose to return to his seat and continue with his breakfast. “It’s just a cut on the finger. It’s not a big deal,” he replied. A cut finger doesn’t require me to keep my eyes on it.

“You’d better go take a look,” urged Amanda. In reality, she could tell that what Rosie really needed was the man’s attention.

Elias wasn’t willing to go at first. However, now that she had urged him twice, he had not choice but to get up to go and take a look.

Aiden commented with a haughty expression, “Humph! A cut finger doesn’t hurt that much. I didn’t even cry when I cut my finger last time, nor did I have medicine applied to it. It healed the next day.”

Amanda couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. She tickled his nose, complimenting him, “What a brave little boy.”

“That’s of course! I’m gonna protect you when I grow up, Mommy,” replied Aiden with at smug-looking face before he took a bite of the dumpling in his hand.

Amanda looked at her son’s chubby little face, which seemed to have rounded out somewhat. after a few days of rest and recuperation in Winters Estate. “Aiden, are you nervous about going to kindergarten today?” Her son had been in the hospital for so many days, after which he returned and spent about half a month recuperating in Winters Estate. She was really worried that he might have a hard time getting used to kindergarten.

“I’m not nervous! I want to play with other kids. It’s been a long time since I played with. them. Mommy, I kind of miss them.”

Amanda patted his head with a smile. “Good to hear that.”

After breakfast, Amanda and Elias planned to send Aiden to kindergarten together.

“Hurray! Time to go to kindergarten!” Aiden had never looked forward so much to going to kindergarten before. Amanda used to have to cajole him into going to kindergarten, and he would cry about not wanting to go.

She looked at him in the back seat with a smile. “You’re so well-behaved now. You never wanted to go to kindergarten before-even when I coaxed you.”

“I want to go to kindergarten! It’s much more fun than in the hospital, which wasn’t fun at all. I hate being in the hospital, and I don’t want to go there anymore.”

Both Amanda and Elias, who was driving, fell silent at his words. During this time, they had thought up

all kinds of excuses to coax the boy into staying a few more days in the hospital. Over time, Aiden began to know what had happened, especially in the later period, when his condition worsened and he spent every single day in pain and suffering. Luckily, he received a bone marrow transplant from Rosie at this point. Otherwise, there was no telling how much longer his pain and suffering would continue.

The boy cheered excitedly along the way, making so much noise that his adult parents had helplessness written all over their faces. After sending him to kindergarten, they got back into the car. “Where do you want to go? I’ll take you there,” suggested Elias.

Now that Aiden had been discharged from the hospital, Amanda was suddenly at a loss for what to do. The renovation of her studio had previously been put on hold due to Aiden’s hospitalization. After thinking for a while, she said, “Can you take me to Central Tower? I’m gonna continue with my studio’s renovation.”

Elias wanted to tell her that she didn’t have to work that hard. However, he thought better of it and drove her there without saying a word.

On their way there, Amanda got a phone call from Jack. Ring! Ring! She glanced at the caller ID before answering the phone. After hesitating for a moment, she said, “Mr. Allegra, what can I do for you?” Although she was already aware of their blood relationship, she really couldn’t bring herself to call the man “Father.”

Jack was clearly disappointed on the other end when he heard her call him Mr. Allegra. Nevertheless, he asked, “Is it okay if we go see Aiden this evening?” He and Edith had been very polite with Amanda, always asking for her permission whenever they wanted to see Aiden.

Amanda smiled. “Yeah, it’s okay, but we’re now staying at Winters Estate. You and Mrs. Allegra can come right over.”

“Alright, see you this evening,” said Jack before hanging up.

This didn’t sound like a phone conversation between father and daughter at all.

“Who was it?” asked Elias.

“It was Mr. Allegra. He wants to come to see our boy.”

Elias darted a glance at her. He suggested impa*sively, “Mm-hmm. Why don’t we invite them. to stay and join us for dinner?”

Amanda neither agreed nor objected to this.

Soon after that, night came, shrouding the whole city of Imperia in darkness.

Jack and Edith were ready to arrive at Winters Estate with their younger daughter Stephanie. However, when their car reached the gate of the estate, a figure appeared from nowhere, startling everyone.

A look of panic spread across her face the moment she made out who it was. It was actually Crispin! He was pounding on the car window, saying something that they couldn’t hear very well.

Stephanie hurriedly explained, “Dad, Mom, I really have no idea how he found us here! It wasn’t me who told him about this!” She was totally freaking out; she didn’t want to lose favor with her parents anymore. My standing in the family has become much lower since Amanda showed up. And now, if my image in their mind’s eye is ruined because of Crispin, how am I going to live the rest of my life?

Strangely, however, Jack wasn’t angry this time. He rolled down the car window, saying, “Get in the car. We’ll talk later.”

Both Stephanie and Edith were surprised.

Crispin was also startled for a while; he really never expected Jack to speak to him so affably all of a sudden.

“What’s the matter? You don’t want to get in?” asked Jack.

Crispin nodded vigorously. “Yes, I want to get in! Thank you, Mr. Allegra.” Then, he opened the pa*senger side door and got in.

Seeing Crispin get in the car, Stephanie turned as pale as a sheet. She felt so embarra*sed, she wished the ground could open and swallow her up.

Crispin looked back at her with infatuation. “Steph—”

As soon as he called out her name, however, he was stopped by Jack beside him. “Why don’t you save what you have to say until we get inside?”

All Stephanie felt was humiliation; not only that, but she had lost face right in front of Winters Estate. Why wouldn’t Crispin go away? And Elias is going to see this later on… Oh, God! I’m better off dead instead! Why would I end up with a man like him, who sticks to me like gum on my shoe? How irritating! At the moment, she no longer had any good feelings for him at all. She just wanted to find an excuse to get rid of him, but she didn’t want to get labeled as a bitch.

On the other hand, Amanda and Elias had been waiting in Winters Estate’s reception room, while Aiden had changed into loungewear and was playing with toys beside them.

The scene was as harmonious as it could be.

Sitting on the couch, Elias smiled unconsciously while watching the scene. Wouldn’t it be nice if we weren’t divorced and if all of this was true…

Just then, Boris came over to him. “Mr. Winters, Mr. and Mrs. Allegra has arrived, along with Miss Allegra. By the way, there’s a man following them from behind whom I don’t recognize.”

“Uh-huh, okay. You may go now,” said Elias before slowly getting up to get ready to greet the Allegras.

Amanda stood

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 327 Announce Your Existence to the Public

A moment later, the Allegras were brought into the reception room by the maid.

Elias said in a deep voice, “Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Allegra.”

Jack complimented with a smile, “Your estate truly deserves to be called little Imperia. We almost lost our way around here.”

Stephanie was also taken aback by the size of Winters Estate. She had always heard about. how magnificent the estate was, but it wasn’t until she was here that she was finally able to see it for herself. What a big place! It’s like a palace.

Edith, however, was in no mood to admire the architecture of this place. As soon as she entered the living room, her gaze shifted toward Amanda. She was only wishing that Amanda would call her “Mom,” but on second thought, it was a bit of a luxury to wish for.

“You flatter me, Mr. Allegra.” Elias’ lips curled into a smile.

Amanda had been listening to their exchange of pleasantries. After a long hesitation, she eventually said to the couple, “Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Allegra.”

Jack and Edith’s expressions froze for a second at the distant manner in which she called them. They knew that this kind of thing couldn’t be rushed, but their hearts sank when they heard her call them in such a cold and formal way.

Jack turned his attention to Aiden, upon which his expression changed instantly. He teased the boy dotingly, asking, “Aiden, are you happy that your grandpa came to see you?” As he spoke, he handed over the toy he had brought with him. “Here’s the toy your grandma and I bought for you. Do you like it?”

“Wow, it’s so cool! I love it!” Aiden paid no attention whatsoever to the change in mood. between the adults. Carrying the new toy in his arms, he trotted aside to play with it right away.

Only then did Amanda notice a man standing behind Stephanie, who looked unfamiliar to her and whom she didn’t recognize. Standing on tiptoe, she leaned closer to Elias’ ear, asking, “Who is that guy behind Stephanie?”

Elias also tilted his head toward her ear, whispering, “He’s the man she loves so much that she can’t live without.”

Oh… I see, thought Amanda.

Perhaps the couple didn’t feel anything about such a natural and intimate gesture, but it didn’t go unnoticed by the Allegras, especially Stephanie, whose heart was burning with jealousy as she watched this. The guy who was supposed to be my fiancé has now become my brother- in-law! How can anyone put up with this?

“Mr. Allegra, why did you get him here as well? Do you have something you’d like to announce?” asked Elias, guessing Jack’s intentions correctly.

Playing toys with Aiden, Jack replied with a smile, “Yeah, I do have something to announce. Aren’t you inviting us for dinner? We’ll talk about it over dinner later on.”

“Well then, let’s get ready for dinner,” said Elias before leading Amanda out of there.

At this very moment, Stephanie was a bundle of nerves, wondering if her father was going to criticize her again at the dining table later. Is Dad gonna scold Crispin and me again?

Crispin also thought he was going to get scolded. He clasped Stephanie’s hand, saying, “Steph, I’m here with you, and we’ll face this together. I won’t leave you suffering alone anymore.”

However, Stephanie silently withdrew her hand from his.

Crispin’s heart skipped a beat at her response. What does that mean? Is this woman getting cold feet? I’ll never give up after finally getting this far. I must become Jack Allegra’s son-in-law!

At dinner time, everyone took their seats at the large dining table in the dining room. They were at Winters Estate, and Jack wasn’t sitting at the head of the dining table either. However, he was the oldest of everyone here, and this made him appear as though he were the master of the house.

Elias and Amanda sat together with Aiden seated between them. They looked just like a family.

On the other hand, Stephanie reluctantly seated herself next to Crispin.

Everyone was silent; none of them dared to speak.

Elias also chose to keep silent, though he was supposed to play host to others now that they were on his turf. He knew that Jack must have come today because he had something important to announce.

The adults could remain silent forever, but not little Aiden, whose stomach was already rumbling. He demanded, “Mommy, I wanna eat! I’m starving!”

Elias said, “Mr. Allegra, why not let Aiden go ahead and eat first? He’s really hungry, and besides, he’s still recovering at the moment.” He had shown Jack enough respect by asking for the latter’s opinion despite them being at his estate.

Accepting the favor, Jack replied with a smile, “Yeah, just go ahead and eat your fill. my little grandson. Don’t starve yourself.”

Amanda picked up some food and put them on Aiden’s plate.

Aiden picked up the food with his hand and ate them right away. He didn’t care what the adults were thinking. Whatever they’re thinking, it’s fine as long as I don’t get starved.

Jack picked up his gla*s of red wine and took a sip of it, seemingly summoning his emotions. “It’s quite rude of me to take care of my family’s affairs at your place today, Elias. I’d like to apologize to you in advance. I hope you don’t mind.”

Elias replied, “Don’t mention it, Mr. Allegra. Without your participation, Winters Enterprise wouldn’t have gotten to where it is today.”

Jack nodded before turning to look at Stephanie and Crispin across the dining table.

Seeing that he was about to talk about herself and Crispin first, Stephanie couldn’t help but plead, “Dad, I was wrong! I won’t be headstrong anymore, and I’ll obey you in everything. Can you please don’t talk about this anymore? I really have-”

However, Jack cut her short before she could finish her speech. “No, that’s not it. What I’m trying to say is this: if you two really love each other, I won’t stop you anymore. Just be together as you two please. When you want to get married, I’ll throw a wedding for you.”

Stephanie was shocked by his words. Did Dad have too much to drink? But he took only a sip of his drink!

Sitting next to her, Crispin was simply beside himself with joy. He grabbed her hand, saying, “Steph, this is great! Mr. Allegra sees our love for one another, and he’s approved of it!”

Stephanie looked all dumbfounded. Dad actually approved of it! I wanted to use his objection as an excuse to reject Crispin, and yet he actually approved of it? “Dad… you didn’t have too much to drink, did you?” She was so stupefied, she wasn’t able to come to her senses for a long while.

Jack smiled. “Your mom and I have been thinking and reflecting a lot these days, especially after your sister was found. Aiden’s illness this time also made us realize that in reality, it’s fine as long as you all are happy. Who doesn’t want to do what they love in their lifetime? So, your mom and I have decided to give you and Crispin our blessing.”

Edith also looked at Stephanie with a smile. “Are you happy about this? It took me a long time to talk your father into agreeing to it.”

Stephanie had no idea how to express her bitterness at this moment. But I don’t want to marry Crispin anymore! she screamed inwardly.

Crispin nearly dropped to his knees and kowtowed. He said with tears of excitement, “Thank you so much, Mr. Allegra! I promise that I’ll make Steph happy. I’ll love her for the rest of my life!”

“Mm-hmm. Good to hear that,” replied Jack before turning to look at Amanda. “And now, let’s move on to the next topic. Amanda, we’re planning to announce your existence to the public. I want everyone to know that my eldest daughter Amelia has been found.”

His words came as a bolt from the blue to Stephanie, whose jaw nearly dropped when she heard this.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 328 I Agree

Before everyone realized what Jack had just said, Stephanie was the first to blurt out, “Why?!” Are you so eager to announce Amanda’s existence to the world?! Wouldn’t that diminish my standing even more in the future?

She had clearly sensed that her parents were more or less turning her loose, to the point. where they didn’t even care if she was dating a poor guy like Crispin. Instead, they were completely focused on Amanda. Is it because Amanda is dating Elias Winters, the scion of the most prestigious family, and has even borne a child for him? So, Mom and Dad really don’t care about me anymore… She was thoroughly disappointed. How could this happen? As soon as my sister showed up, I got completely forgotten. Does that mean all the love and affection I have received over the years will be taken away from me?

Jack frowned. “Why? Your sister has returned, so she should have the status of a member of our family, of course. She’s a daughter of the Allegra Family, after all.”

Stephanie argued, “But… The outside world doesn’t know about her existence. Wouldn’t it be strange to suddenly announce it like this?” In any case, she didn’t really want her father to announce Amanda’s existence to the public.

Crispin’s face also turned serious. I initially courted Stephanie for her status as the only daughter of a wealthy family. But now, things have changed with the addition of a sister. Doesn’t that mean my future inheritance will be halved?

At last, Edith said calmly, “There’s nothing strange about it. We’ll just announce it truthfully. It was our negligence in taking care of your sister in the past that resulted in her being lost. Now, we should acknowledge her existence.”

Even Mom said so! Stephanie felt completely ignored. My life is only going to get worse from here, I suppose.

On the other hand, Amanda was sitting there, remaining silent the whole time.

Elias turned to ask her, “Amanda, what do you think?”

Hearing this question, Jack and Edith turned to look at Amanda nervously, fearing that she would disagree. After all, she hadn’t called them “Dad” and “Mom” voluntarily until now.

Amanda simply watched Aiden eat his meal without saying a word. Actually, she didn’t really feel the need to be addressed as the eldest daughter of the Allegra Family. However, it seemed that everyone was eager for her to return to the family, except for Stephanie, whom she could tell wasn’t too welcoming toward her.

After what felt like an eternity, just when Stephanie thought she might refuse and was rejoicing in secret, Amanda said, “I agree.”

As soon as these words left her mouth, Jack and Edith heaved a sigh of relief. The weight on their hearts was finally lifted. Edith couldn’t help but say, “That’s great! Let’s set it for the end. of this month, then.”

“I have no problems with that.” Amanda picked up a tissue and wiped the grease from the corner of Aiden’s mouth.

Elias stared at the side of her face with a slight frown. His gaze was inscrutable, as if he couldn’t figure out what she was thinking.

Stephanie’s inner delight was shattered. She actually agreed! From now on, my standing in the Allegra Family will likely be in jeopardy. I’ll no longer be the pampered and spoiled young daughter of the family! “I’m going to the washroom.” She made up an excuse and left.

Crispin got up and hurried after her.

Watching the pair leave, Amanda slowly said, “Seems like Steph doesn’t really want me to come back.”

“How is that possible? She’s just being childish and unable to accept it for a moment. Don’t worry about her. Come on, let’s eat,” replied Jack perfunctorily. Then, he began eating to mask the awkwardness of his younger daughter suddenly leaving the dining table.

In the washroom, Stephanie stood before the sink, looking at herself in the mirror while trembling all over with rage. I know I have no right to stop my sister from coming back, but… why have Mom and Dad stopped caring about my feelings ever since she appeared? Everything used to revolve around me in the past.

The next moment, tears welled up in her eyes. She was filled with grievances that she could express to no one.

Suddenly, Crispin pushed the door open and came in.

“Who let you in? Get out!” Stephanie quickly wiped away her tears. This was the first time she had ever lost her temper at Crispin.

Crispin was also taken aback, but then he thought it might just be her spoiled temper. Just bear with it for the sake of the infinite, bright future. “Don’t be sad, Steph. I understand how you. feel. Your parents might’ve ignored you for the time being, but when everything returns to normal, they’ll still love you just the same.” He reached out to wipe her tears away.

Stephanie tried to dodge him, though. The more she thought about this, the more indignant she felt. Why did Amanda end up with Elias Winters, who has good looks, a good physique, and lots of money, whereas I only ended up with a penniless guy?

Comparisons were odious. Without the contrast with Amanda, had Elias not entered her world, she might’ve thought that Crispin was fine. She might even want to marry him and have children with him, and she would have no problem eloping with him.

But now, she didn’t want to anymore. She just didn’t want to. We’re both daughters of the Allegra Family. Why could Amanda end up with such an outstanding one-of-a-kind man, while I only ended up with Crispin? Now that I think about it, he seems like an ordinary person who could be found everywhere; there’s nothing special about him. “Crisp, I feel like Mom and Dad are punishing me. I don’t want to think about getting married for now. I’m not even in the mood for a relationship…” She was on the verge of saying she wanted a breakup, but she couldn’t bring herself to say it.

Crispin immediately gathered himself. Even a fool could understand what that meant she wants a breakup! There was no way he could let that happen. I’ve worked so hard to get to this point. How can I give up easily? “Steph, I didn’t mean to pressure you. If you don’t want to think about it for now, then we won’t. I can wait for you, and I’ll always do. Please don’t say something like this, okay? It really hurts.”

Seeing how devastated he looked, Stephanie felt even guiltier. I’ve let this man down. But the truth is, I really don’t like him anymore.

All of a sudden, Crispin said, “Steph, you don’t want your sister to return to your family, right? Perhaps I can help you with it.”

“You’ll help me?” Stephanie was really curious. How is he going to help me?

Crispin replied, “Mm-hmm, I’ll help you. I’d do anything for you as long as you don’t break up with me, okay? Please, Steph, I can’t live without you.”

Stephanie was lost for words. Her guilt worsened. How can I hurt such a nice guy? Actually, if he had dated an ordinary girl, he could’ve lived a happy life. What went wrong was that he met me. “Crisp, you don’t have to do this for me. This is a matter within our family, so you don’t have to get involved in it. My dad doesn’t like you in the first place, and if he discovers what you’re doing, he’ll surely make you suffer for it.”

“I’m not afraid. I’m willing to do anything for you, Steph.”

At this moment, Stephanie was deeply moved. However, even after being moved, she still didn’t want to marry Crispin.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 329 I Really Will Bite You

Meanwhile, Rosie was having dinner alone because she had no one to dine with her. Poking in boredom at the food in her bowl, she asked the maid next to her, “What kind of dinner party are they having over there? Why can’t I be a part of it?”

The maid replied, “It seems that somebody from the Allegra Family has come over to see Mr. Aiden. That’s why they’re having dinner together.”

“The Allegra Family? You mean Jack Allegra?”

“Yes, it’s him.”

Rosie had absolutely no idea about the cause and effect behind this. Puzzled, she asked, “Is Jack Allegra on such good terms with the Winterses? Why would he come over to see that little brat? What does that boy have to do with him?” The Jack Allegra she remembered wasn’t a kind and amiable person; he was calculating in every way and as treacherous and cunning as a fox.

Glancing behind her to ensure no one was around, the maid whispered, “I listened for at moment just now. Miss Bailey seems to be a daughter of the Allegra Family, and they’re discussing which day to announce it to the public.”

Rosie nearly jumped to her feet in shock. “What?! What did you say?! How could Amanda Bailey be a daughter of the Allegra Family?!” Amanda Bailey is the Allegra Family’s daughter? Isn’t she the daughter of that penniless gambler? How could she be the Allegra Family’s heiress? I remember that Stephanie Allegra, the heiress of the Allegra Family, is still in school. How could she have already given birth to a child?

The maid shook her head. “I don’t know the details, but from what they were saying, it didn’t sound like a joke. That would explain why the Allegras came to see Mr. Aiden. If Miss Bailey is indeed their daughter, Mr. Aiden would be their grandson.”

All of a sudden, Rosie felt somewhat panicked. Her biggest source of pride had been her family background, which matched that of Elias perfectly, while Amanda was just a slum- born ugly duckling who wasn’t even good enough to stand by his side. If Amanda is really a daughter of the Allegra Family, her family would be of a higher cla*s than mine! Wouldn’t that make her and Eli a perfect match made in heaven? She stood frozen in place, unable to come to her senses for a long time. Didn’t God make me a bone marrow match for that little brat to help me? Why would He give that temptress such a big surprise?

After dinner, the Allegras sat in the garden for a long while before leaving.

Aiden had fallen asleep in Amanda’s arms and was carried back to his bedroom by Miriam to sleep. At this moment, only Amanda and Elias were left in the garden. The moon shone brightly, while the scent of flowers filled the air.

It had been a long time since they had enjoyed such a peaceful and comfortable atmosphere. In the past few weeks, their nerves had been stretched thin. They had been in a constant state of tension and panic, feeling as though their hearts were going to give out on them.

Amanda gazed up at the pitch-black night sky as a gentle breeze caressed her soft, long hair. “It’s been a long time since we’ve been in such a state of mind.”

The man beside her seemed to have had a few drinks. He was tipsy, his gaze unfocused as he stared at her profile. “Why did you agree to it? I remember that you didn’t seem to want to return to the Allegra Family before.”

Amanda raised the corners of her mouth to form a smile. “You probably didn’t look into it before, but Stephanie was part of the reason why I went missing as a child. Even an idiot can. see that she doesn’t want me to come back, so I’ll come back despite her wishes.”

Stephanie? thought Elias. Indeed, he hadn’t looked into how Amanda had gone missing all those years ago. He had only taken that photo of Stephanie to surmise what she would’ve looked like as a grown-up.

“It’s getting late, and I’m sleepy. Time to go to sleep,” said Amanda before standing up. She was about to leave with no desire whatsoever to pay any attention to the man behind her.

However, Elias protested, “Don’t you care about me anymore? I’m a bit wasted, and I need. you to help me up.” His voice was deep and seductive, with even a hint of flirtation. Of course, only Amanda could hear him speak in such a voice because it was only in front of her that he would reveal his true self.

Amanda let out a sneer before turning to look at him. “No, you don’t need me. I won’t put my head in the lion’s mouth anymore. Go back on your own by leaning against the wall.”

Elias was speechless. A lion’s mouth? Am I that scary? His eyes narrowed. Leaning back in his rattan chair, he raised his chin slightly, asking, “Am I that scary?”

“What do you think? I’m covered in hickeys you left behind! What do you think about that?!” replied Amanda, growing angrier as she spoke. Now that nobody was around, she really wanted to bite this man. Because of him, she dared not wear any revealing clothes in front of her son. She had to cover herself up because this man had left his marks all over her body in a domineering fashion!

To her dismay, however, Elias burst out laughing in a cheerful voice, eyeing her up and down. as if undressing her with his gaze.

This made Amanda deeply uncomfortable, as though she had been taken back to the night when the man had pressed himself on top of her. “Don’t look at me! Stop it!” She covered her chest with her arms.

Elias laughed even harder, though. “So what if I’m looking? Are you gonna bite me?”

“Do you

think I wouldn’t dare to do that?! Just you wait, Elias Winters!” Amanda flipped out at once. After glancing around to make sure that nobody else was there, she instantly lunged at the man.

However, Elias’ good-looking face had fondness written all over it. In a laid-back manner, he opened his arms, welcoming his woman into his embrace.

Jumping into his arms, Amanda bit fiercely into his shoulder until she heard a muffled of pain from him. Her lips curled into a smile. Good that you know it hurts. However, just as she was about to get up and leave, the man’s long arm tightened around her slender waist, while his other hand pressed her head to his chest.

Struggling in vain, she swore furiously, “Let go of me!”

The man’s voice was charmingly husky. “Keep on biting if you want. It doesn’t hurt that much. In fact, it makes me more sober.”

Amanda replied, “I think you’re crazy. I really will bite you to death!”

“Just admit it-that you can’t really go through with it. You can’t bring yourself to be cruel to me,” said Elias with a laugh, totally unconcerned by her warning.

Amanda bit into his other shoulder without saying another word. This time, she didn’t hear him groan; he seemed to have prepared himself for this. She then bit into his shoulder a few more times, only to hear him say in a seductive voice, “How about we go back to our room to bite each other? It’s not safe here; someone might see us.”

“Elias Winters! Don’t you have any sense of shame?! Even I’m embarra*sed by you!” chided Amanda. How can he still behave like this despite already being a father? How dare he actually flirt with me! Pushing him away abruptly, she got up and ran away, looking like a princess fleeing. in a panic.

This time, instead of stopping her, Elias watched her disappear into the distance with at smile. He murmured softly, “So you really are a princess, huh…” I’ve got to work even harder to be a good prince, then. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be good enough for this princess, he thought. I have to speed up the process of regaining control of my company. Tomorrow, I have to talk to Jack Allegra about this. This sly old fox is so absorbed in reuniting with his daughter. He’d better not forget about battle for power.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 330 It’s Not a Secret

Tonight, while some were having a good sleep, others were staying awake all night. Rosie, for instance, was pacing back and forth in her room, unable to calm down.

Now, not only Stephanie, but Rosie also didn’t want Amanda to return to the Allegra Family. If Amanda officially returns to the Allegras and becomes their daughter, I’ll have even less of a chance of winning Eli’s heart. In fact, I’ll never stand a chance at all!

“What should I do… What should I do?! What on earth should I do?!” She hadn’t a clue what to do. She was biting her nails in anxiety, so anxious her nails were about to bleed. The thing was, it seemed that Elias still had little interest in her. I’ve made such a huge sacrifice, yet all I get in return is him not disliking me.

Unable to sleep at all, she came to the estate alone, wanting to speak to Elias, though she had no idea what she wanted to say.

As luck would have it, she ran into a slightly inebriated Elias walking toward her along the way.

Elias’ gaze was vacant, but he wasn’t too heavily drunk. “Why are you coming out here in the middle of the night instead of sleeping?” He stopped in his tracks, looking at Rosie, who looked all flustered as if she had something on her mind.

Seeing him at this moment, Rosie felt both excited and torn. She stammered, “I… I am… kind of having trouble falling asleep.”

If it were Amanda, Elias might have asked why she was having trouble falling asleep. However, since it was Rosie, he didn’t really care and simply replied, “Oh,” and was about to brush past her.

Just when he brushed past her, Rosie grabbed his sleeve, saying, “Wait a minute, Eli.”

Elias frowned slightly while looking down at her hand gripping his sleeve. “Let go of me.”

She immediately let go before putting on an expression that looked as innocent as a little rabbit. “Sorry.”

The man seemed rather impatient. “What do you want to say?”

Rosie hemmed and hawed again for a while. “I heard a rumor, and I’m wondering if it’s true. I heard the servants say that Amanda is a daughter of the Allegra Family. Is that true?”

Instead of answering, Elias stared at her with a frown.

Rosie added with an embarra*sed smile, “It’s probably just the maids spreading rumors. I might’ve misheard it, too. I just wanted to let you know. If it’s false, you have to discipline those servants lest they go around spreading false-”

Before she could finish her sentence, he replied, “It’s true, and it’s not a secret. We’re going to make it public. Soon, the whole world will know that Amanda is the Allegra Family’s long- lost eldest daughter.”

Rosie stood frozen in place after listening to the man’s speech. It was one thing to hear it from the maid, but hearing it directly from Elias was another. So, Amanda really is the daughter of the Allegra Family!

“Do you have any more questions?” asked Elias again.

Gathering her wild thoughts, Rosie shook her head with a smile. “That’s great! If that’s the case, no one will say that you and Amanda aren’t compatible anymore. You two will no longer have to keep your marriage a secret.”

These words sounded as awkward and unwilling as they could be.

Without saying a word, Elias walked toward the villa, leaving Rosie to stand there alone while watching the man’s tall and good-looking figure disappear. This is getting even harder to deal with now… Amanda has too many trump cards up her sleeve, doesn’t she? Not only is she Eli’s ex-wife, but she’s also the mother of his son and Jack Allegra’s long-lost daughter… God is clearly helping that seductress in every way! So, what’s the point of me donating my bone marrow? To get the three of them together as a happy family? The more I think about this, the madder I’m getting!

Amanda was staying in Winters Estate these days. She didn’t have a problem with Rosie’s presence anymore; instead, she was slowly getting used to it.

Aiden’s health was also improving day by day. He was always capering around, which made her sigh with relief. After that, she started busying herself with work again. As for the dinner. party at the end of the month, she left the preparations to Jack. Her only responsibility was to show up at the party by then.

She was looking at the interior design drawings when Elias called. She answered the phone with her free hand, asking, “What’s the matter?”

“I had an evening dress tailor-made for you to wear at the dinner party at the end of this month. Try it on when you’re free this evening. I’ve texted you the address.”

“Okay, I got it.” She smiled without turning him down.

For a long time, the man on the other end didn’t hang up. He seemed to want to say something more, but eventually, he decided against it and ended the phone call.

After hanging up the phone, Amanda continued to focus on the design drawings.

Just then, a man came in. “Excuse me, are you Miss Amanda Bailey?”

Amanda looked up at him. This guy looks so familiar… Where have I seen him before? “Hi… May I know who you are?”

“Hi, Miss Bailey. I’m Crispin Coyote, your sister Stephanie’s boyfriend.”

Oh… right. He’s the man whom Stephanie loves so much she can’t live without. Amanda put down the design drawings in her hands. She got up and walked over to him, asking, “How can I help you?”

Crispin replied, “I’d like to talk to you. Do you have a moment right now?” He made the bold move of coming here directly because there were only a few days left until the dinner

party at the end of the month. Once Amanda’s existence was announced to the public that night, it would be too late for him to take action.

Talk to me? About what? Amanda lifted her wrist to check the time. It seems to be time for lunch. “Well, in that case, we can have lunch together,” she suggested.

Crispin nodded with a smile.

The two of them thus went to a nearby restaurant and casually ordered a few dishes. In case, they weren’t really here to eat.

Amanda, however, was genuinely curious about what this Crispin guy wanted to discuss with her. “Now can you tell me what you’d like to talk to me about, Mr. Coyote? I’m all ears.”

Crispin took a sip of his tea before saying, “Things have been quite difficult for Steph and me. Before Mr. Allegra found you, the Allegras focused all their attention on Steph, so they objected to our relationship no matter what. But things are different now. Ever since you appeared, Mr. Allegra has changed. He’s started to support our relationship, which I’m happy about. Still, I’m worried because his affection for Steph seems to have waned. Steph has been feeling a bit down, too.”

So, he’s concerned about me coming back and competing for attention? Amanda smiled without saying a word while gesturing with her eyes for Crispin to continue.

Crispin continued, “Miss Bailey, do you understand the depth of our feelings for one another? It’s true that we’re seriously ill-matched in terms of social position, but we had this chemistry between us, and so we couldn’t help falling in love with each other-

Before he could finish his speech, Amanda toyed with her teacup, saying, “How can I not understand? Before I knew Jack Allegra was iny biological father, I had also lived in a slum. Do you know how much I’ve suffered during my secret marriage to Elias? Elias and I were even more incompatible than you and Stephanie.”

Instantly, Crispin was rendered speechless, unable to respond.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 331 Such Maliciousness at Such a Young Age?

Amanda looked at the speechless man and glanced at the table full of dishes. She had lost her appetite.

She already knew the purpose of Crispin’s visit. It was simply to prevent her from returning to the Allegra Family and to prevent her from taking away the love that belonged exclusively to Stephanie.

“Is there anything else you want to say? If not, I’ll leave. You can eat the dishes at this table. Don’t let them go to waste.”

Amanda picked up her bag and was ready to leave, but Crispin grabbed her wrist.

She looked at his hand with disgust, and he instinctively let go. “I’m sorry. I apologize. Miss Bailey, please don’t leave yet. I still have something to say.”

“Speak up. I’m in a hurry.” She glanced at her watch and pretended to be busy.

Crispin picked up his teacup and took a sip. Amanda did have a strong presence and she didn’t seem like someone who grew up in the slums.

“Miss Bailey-”

“Did Stephanie send you to find me?”

Once again, she interrupted his words. She couldn’t stand men who beat around the bush, perhaps because she was used to Elias’ straightforward and blunt way of speaking.

Crispin gathered his courage. “Miss Bailey, do you have any issues with your sister?”

“Why do

you say so? When did I show any signs of having issues with her?”

“I can tell that you’re not very enthusiastic about your sister, Stephanie.” He decided to be completely frank. After all, he had to pa*s this test. Otherwise, Stephanie would never believe him.

He had come this far, and it was already difficult enough to get Jack’s approval. If he was rejected by Stephanie at this point, all his efforts would be in vain.

Amanda smiled but remained silent. She picked up her teacup and took a sip before speaking slowly, “I don’t like her very much. So what? If you have something to say, just say it directly instead of beating around the bush.”

“Miss Bailey, can you not return to the Allegra Family?”

Upon hearing this, Amanda paused for a moment and then smiled. “What’s the reason? Also, Mr. Coyote, don’t you think you’re meddling too much? Do you think you’re already the son-in-law of the Allegra Family? Whether I return to the Allegra Family or not is not something you should be concerned about, right?”

Crispin was overestimating himself. Who did he think he was? “I love your sister, and I don’t want her to be unhappy. So…”

“So, you don’t want me to return to the Allegra Family? What kind of reasoning is that? You’re the one spoiling her. Why should I spoil her as well? Crispin, get your mind straight.”

Amanda couldn’t stand it anymore. It felt like she was talking to a lunatic.

After paying the bill, she got up and left. Crispin sat at the dining table as he watched her retreating figure, and suddenly let out a sinister laugh. He muttered under his breath, “I have advised you nicely. Since it has come down to this, don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

Elias was sitting at his desk, signing documents at the Winters Enterprise.

At that moment, there was a knock on the office door.

Without looking up, he said, “Come in.”

Yacob entered the office, directly sat on the chair opposite Elias, and waited for Elias to finish his work before reporting.

However, Elias continued signing while saying, “Just tell me.”

Only then did Yacob straighten up. “Well, I’ve been investigating these past few days and it’s not easy. I only managed to find a little bit of information. The Allegra Family has changed. several maids, and they’ve also changed several butlers. I found out from a retired butler who served in the Allegra Family a few years ago.”

Elias stopped signing and looked up at Yacob while waiting for him to continue. He was going to listen carefully to this part.

“This old man said that when the young lady from the Allegra Family went missing years ago, Stephanie also went missing. The whole family was searching for the children. In the end, Stephanie returned on her own, but the young lady from the Allegra Family was still missing. Later, Stephanie slipped up once and told the butler that she asked her sister to take her out, but she went back on her own without caring about her sister.”

Elias leaned back in his chair and squinted his eyes. Such maliciousness at such a young age?

Yacob rested his arms on the desk and leaned forward. “I’m saying that Stephanie’s behavior

at the dining table that day was unusual. It seemed like she didn’t want Miss Bailey to return. to the Allegra Family for fear that Miss Bailey would take away the love that belonged to her.”

“Is the information reliable?”

“It should be. This butler served the Allegra Family for many years. He said he watched both. children grow up. Stephanie had always been spoiled and willful since she was young. She always complained that her parents favored her sister. Amelia, on the other hand, is timid. and weak. She didn’t know how to defend herself every time she was framed by Stephanie. In that aspect, she’s quite similar to Miss Bailey, who had a hidden marriage with you. She indeed has a timid and cowardly character.”

So, Amanda decided to return to the Allegra Family just to see Stephanie cry?

If that were the case, Amanda’s disappearance years ago would be closely related to Stephanie, but could a young girl really be so malicious?

“Mr. Winters, what are you thinking?” Yacob asked as he saw Elias remained silent for a while.

Elias replied, “I’m thinking if Stephanie was really that malicious at such a young age.”

“Mr. Winters, some children have inherent wickedness. It needs to be corrected through education, but even with education, it doesn’t guarantee a good outcome. Considering Stephanie’s character, I don’t find it surprising that she would do such things. Look at how happy the entire Allegra Family was when they found Miss Bailey. They were practically celebrating, except for Stephanie, who pulled a long face and looked gloomy.”

Just then, Elias sat up straight. “Arrange a meeting with Stephanie. I want to talk to her.”

“If you question her now, she definitely won’t admit it. Maybe she even forgot about the things she did when she was young. After all, she was so little back then.” Yacob shrugged.

However, Elias instructed him coldly, “Just go and make the arrangement. No more nonsense.”

“All right. Understood.”

In the evening, Yacob came to pick Stephanie up from the Allegra Family. She looked surprised.

“You’re here to take me to see Elias? For what reason?” Ever since her sister was found. Elias hadn’t bothered with her. Why did he suddenly want to see her?

“You’ll find out when you get there. Mr. Winters is waiting for you.” Yacob simply conveyed. the message.

Though Stephanie had a hint of suspicion, she still got into Yacob’s car. She just wanted to see what Elias wanted from her.

Yacob drove her to a seaside villa. Where is this place? I’ve never been here before, she wondered.

The car slowly came to a stop in front of the villa. Yacob got out and opened the car door for her. “Miss Allegra, this way please.”

“Where is this?” Stephanie asked.

“Oh. This is one of Mr. Winters’ properties. He rarely stays here, but he comes here to enjoy the view and such for a few days when he’s mentally and physically exhausted.”

She paused for a moment, then got out of the car. She glanced at the peculiarly built villa and couldn’t help but feel curious about what it looked like inside.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 332 You’re Different, Your Thoughts Are Malicious

Stephanie walked into the villa with curiosity in her heart, while Yacob remained motionless outside the car.

She was puzzled as she turned back and asked, “Aren’t you coming in with me?”

Wasn’t Yacob always by Elias’ side? Why was he standing outside waiting now?

Yacob lazily leaned against the car, crossed his arms, and replied, “There’s no need. You’ll come out later, and I have to drive you back. Besides, you can’t do anything to Mr. Winters, so there’s no need for me to go in.”

His disdainful tone indicated that he didn’t even regard Stephanie as important.

She snorted coldly, then turned and walked into the villa.

Inside the villa, there was no one in sight. Is Elias not here?

She looked around, but she couldn’t locate Elias, so she couldn’t help but call out, “Elias? Are you here?”

At that moment, footsteps sounded from upstairs. She involuntarily looked up and saw Elias in a black suit standing by the railing, looking down at her with a serious expression, as if contemplating something.

Elias took a step forward and descended the stairs slowly.

Stephanie began to feel a little nervous. She swallowed hard and her voice trembled slightly as she said, “Your bodyguard said you wanted to see me.”

He walked down the stairs toward the living room and replied, “Please have a seat. There are some matters I need to discuss with you.”

She tightly clasped the hem of her skirt with her hands. Her body was stiff as she walked over and sat on the couch.

The atmosphere was tense, and the entire villa was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop.

It had to be said that Elias had a formidable presence that made her unable to lift her head to meet his gaze. She didn’t even dare to take a breath.

After what seemed like a long time, Elias finally spoke. “Amanda is returning to the Allegra Family. Do you not welcome her?”

Stephanie suddenly raised her head and instinctively retorted, “Who said that? I’ll beat the crap out of the person who said that! We searched for my sister for so many years, and now that we finally found her, of course, I welcome her back!”

He smiled and remained silent, but his gaze was fixed on her, which made her even more nervous.

“Why are you smiling? Don’t you believe me? We’re about to hold a recognition banquet for her. Isn’t that enough to satisfy her? Do you still have to come and test me? You really treat your ex-wife well!”

Her words became incoherent. She didn’t even know what she was saying. Cold sweat started to form on her forehead, layer by layer.

Elias’ voice sank. “Why are you so nervous? I haven’t said anything yet.”

“I’m not nervous! I’m just defending myself against your slander and attempts to sow discord!” she retorted angrily.

Elias laughed and leaned back. “It’s just the two of us here now. Let’s be honest. The truth is, you quite dislike your sister. The disappearance of your sister years ago was also related to you, wasn’t it?”

“You’re talking nonsense! Who told you that? Who is spreading rumors?!” Stephanie became so agitated that she shot up from her seat, as if someone took a jab at her sore spot.

Elias ignored her emotional outburst and continued, “You were only three or four years old back then, and your sister was six years old at most. You insisted on going out to play, so she took you out. As a result, the entire Allegra Family realized that you two were missing. They searched for both of you all day until the evening when you appeared in the sight of the adults alone, but your sister was nowhere to be found. Isn’t it too much of a coincidence?”

Her face turned pale, and cold sweat dripped down to her chin. Her breathing became rapid. and shallow.

How did Elias know about this? Who was the one that told him? There were only a few people who knew about it, and the servants and butlers in the Allegra Family had been changed multiple times.

“What do you mean by that? Do you think that I intentionally caused my sister to go missing when I was only three or four years old? Don’t you think your speculations are ridiculous? How old was I back then? I was scared! I didn’t even know what happened! Now, I don’t remember what happened back then or why my sister and I went out. Do you think it’s reasonable to accuse me of such things? What do you have against a three- or four-year-old child?”

Stephanie trembled with anger, or perhaps it was guilt because she was the only one who knew what really happened.

When she was young, she always felt that everyone revolved around her sister. They praised her for being well-behaved and understanding, while she was always the one being scolded.

She genuinely wished that her sister would disappear so that everyone’s attention would be focused on her alone, and they would dote on her.

She swore that she never intended for her sister to go missing, nor did she have that capability.

She begged her sister to take her out secretly to play, so the two of them crawled through a doghole and sneaked out. However, she quickly became tired and cried incessantly, so her sister, left with no option, had to carry her on her back.

After walking for an indeterminate amount of time, they got lost. Her sister, deciding to take a break, placed her down before she leaned against a tree trunk and fell asleep.

In the evening, the entire Allegra Family went out searching for them. In fact, the two sisters. hadn’t gone far. They had short arms and legs to begin with, and thus couldn’t have wandered too far. They were lost in the woods outside the villa area.

Her sister was too exhausted and slept deeply. Because of that, she didn’t hear the voices of the adults.

Stephanie, on the other hand, heard them and followed the sound, leading the Allegra Family to find her and bring her back home. However, she had completely forgotten about her sister.

She did have a moment of selfishness back then. She didn’t want her family to find her sister. Since then, her sister had truly disappeared from the world, as if she had vanished.

Afterward, the attention of everyone in the Allegra Family was completely focused on her. They treated her like a rare treasure and protected her as if she was the most precious thing.

When she was brought back home, no matter how her family members asked, she refused to tell them where her sister was. She only said she had forgotten and didn’t remember.

Over the years, Stephanie had carried a deep sense of guilt while enjoying the love and favor from her family, as if it was only natural.

She hoped her sister was living well in some corner of the world, but she didn’t want her sister to come back because her sister would take away her parents’ love from her.

Stephanie now regretted giving that photo to Elias. She thought her sister would never be found, but she turned out to be Amanda!

If she had known that Amanda was her lost sister, she would never have allowed Elias to take that photo.

“Other children might not, but you’re different. Your thoughts are malicious.” Elias’ sudden remark interrupted Stephanie’s chaotic thoughts which caused her mind to buzz.


He used the word “malicious” to describe her when she was only three or four she really malicious?

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 333 How Much Does This Man Love Amanda?

“You actually call me malicious?! Why?!” Stephanie was rather shocked. Is that the kind of woman I am to this guy?

Elias let out a snort of contempt. “Why, you ask? You know full well what you’ve done, and I can’t be bothered to ask. That being said, from now on, if you dare to lay a finger on Amanda and her son again, I’ll never let you get away with it! Remember this: I won’t forgive you, even if your father begs me on his knees!”

Stephanie retorted, “What makes you a*sume that I had something to do with my sister going missing back then? You don’t have any evidence of it! What makes you think I’m malicious and would lay a finger on her and her son?! And besides, even if you won’t let me get away with it, so what? What can you do to me, anyway?!” She was as mad as a hornet. This guy is simply unreasonable, accusing me without any substantial evidence and even warning me in advance! This is an absolute insult to me!

He stood up and strode up to her, causing her to step back repeatedly in fear. “What are you doing?!” she asked.

Elias unceremoniously grabbed her by the collar. “I’ll let you know what it means to suffer a fate worse than death. Try it if you don’t believe me,” he said, throwing her onto the couch before turning to leave the villa.

Stephanie fell onto the couch, her face as white as a sheet. For a long time, she didn’t come to her senses; a chill ran down her spine, and a cold sweat broke out on her palms. A fate worse than death… He actually said that! Just how much does he love Amanda?! Does she matter that much to him?!

At last, she couldn’t bear it any longer. She stood up and turned to look at the tall man who was about to walk out the door, yelling furiously, “If you love her that much, why did you divorce her?! Didn’t you divorce her because you didn’t love her anymore?!”

The man paused for a moment, but he didn’t answer her question, nor did he even glance. back at her. Instead, he continued stepping out the door. I don’t need to explain to anyone whether I love Amanda or not.

“Elias Winters, you unreasonable lunatic!” Stephanie picked up one cushion after another. from the couch, hurling them onto the floor.

Just then, Yacob came in and caught one of the cushions she threw. He said with a smile, “Let’s go, Miss Allegra. It’s getting late already. Don’t you have a date with that Crisp guy? Now that there’s nothing getting between the two of you anymore, why not make the most of this time to get lovey-dovey?”

Stephanie hurled another cushion at him. “Who the hell do you think you are?! How dare you come here and mock me!”

Yacob nimbly dodged it while still maintaining his carefree demeanor. He replied with a laugh, “It’s true that I’m a nobody, but I’m better than someone who was so malicious at the age of four as to make her sister go missing just to compete for attention. Tsk, tsk. If this were a palace drama, you’d at least make it to the final episode.”

“You b*stard! What nonsense are you talking about?! Get lost! Get the hell out of here! I don’t want you to give me a ride!” Stephanie’s eyes rounded with rage. Why does even this fucking bodyguard know about this?!

He shrugged before tossing the car keys onto the couch. “That’s fine. You think I’d be happy to give you a ride? Here, take the car keys and drive yourself back. The car isn’t worth much, anyway. You may consider it a gift from Mr. Winters.” Good thing that I don’t have to give her a ride. It’s nice to have some free time. He turned around and left without the slightest hesitation.

Stephanie was left alone in this seaside villa, listening to the echoes of her own angry voice and the sound of the waves. Even the sound of the wind blowing on the sea seemed to be mocking her for being malicious.

In Winters Estate…

Night came. After bathing Aiden, Amanda carried him back to bed and helped him change into his pajamas. Then, after telling him stories for a long time, she finally got this little brat to sleep.

She slowly tiptoed out of the room in light footsteps. Relieved that she could finally get some rest, she rubbed her neck, which was somewhat sore from constantly looking down at design drawings these past few days. As soon as she raised her head, she came face to face with Elias, who was still in his suit. He had probably just returned.

“Is Aiden sleeping already?”

“Yeah, he just fell asleep. Have you had dinner?” she asked.

Elias replied, “Not yet, but I’ll go down to eat after taking a shower.”

“Oh… I’m going back to my room, then,” said Amanda before preparing to leave. Before I knew it, things had become awkward again between us.

He grabbed her wrist, though.

Amanda looked up with a frown. “Is there anything else?”

Elias asked, “Have you really decided to return to the Allegra Family? Maybe things are fine as they are now. Once your identity is made public, there’ll be a lot of inconveniences. You’ll no longer be able to be yourself as much as you want, and you’ll be constrained by your social status.” He looked dead serious, as if giving her a piece of sincere advice. I’ve always been constrained by my status as the scion of the Winters Family since I was born. I could never be myself. Does Amanda have to go through the same thing now?

Amanda replied, “No one can restrain me. After my identity is made public, I’ll still be myself, though you might not have it easy. Those tabloids will certainly dig up the fact that you and I have been secretly married. They’ll make up all sorts of stories about it, and you might go from being a dreamboat to a sc*mbag.” After all, countless ladies on the internet. idolized him as the nation’s heartthrob. They would never have imagined that Elias was already married and divorced with a three-year-old son.

Elias let out a snort of disdain. “I don’t care. I don’t live for them. I have my own things to do.”

“Same here,” replied Amanda with a faint smile.

He slowly released his grip on her hand, after which she walked toward her room. He realized that she had indeed grown up and changed a lot; she was very different from the woman he had secretly married all those years ago. The present Amanda was unflappable and perfectly capable of handling things on her own. For some reason, a sense of danger crept over him. He felt that this woman didn’t need his protection anymore, which left him. feeling frustrated.

Soon, it was time for the dinner party at the end of the month to formally introduce Amanda as a daughter of the Allegra Family. Jack was so excited; he had the most luxurious hotel ballroom reserved to host the dinner party and invited friends from all over the world. to witness this occasion.

As Amanda was sitting at the dresser wearing makeup, she suddenly laughed at herself in the mirror.

Selina, who was helping her with her dress, asked, “What are you laughing at? Today is a big day for you! All eyes are on you as you turn from a Cinderella into a real princess-no, you’ve always been a princess. You’re returning to your rightful home.”

Amanda replied, “I was laughing because this party is even grander than when I got married. All I did back then was get my marriage certificate, and I hadn’t even met Elias in person, and yet I became the Winters Family’s daughter-in-law just like that. That being said, I never got to enjoy the privileges of being the daughter-in-law of a rich family for a single day. I never even had a wedding before my divorce.”

“Amanda, why don’t you stop mentioning those unhappy things? Elias is bending over backward to please you now, and you won’t even respond to him,” said Selina in an attempt to divert her attention. After all, it was such a joyful occasion.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 334 Amanda Has Disappeared

Amanda smiled but didn’t say anything.

At that moment, Crispin entered the lounge.

Not having even an ounce of good feelings toward this man, Amanda didn’t even want to spare him a glance.

However, Crispin didn’t mind her attitude and sauntered in with a smile. “Miss Bailey, please come out. Mr. Allegra and the others are waiting for you.”

Amanda let out a snicker and turned to look at him. “You didn’t want me to return to the Allegra Villa, so why are you kindly asking me to come now?”

She was being sarcastic, but she didn’t know that Crispin had ill intentions.

He still wore a smile on his face and ignored her deliberate provocation. He looked at Selina, who was standing by the side. “Could you step out for a moment, Miss Yaleman? I have something I would like to privately discuss with Miss Bailey.”

Selina gave him a once-over. “What is it that you can’t say in front of me? Or are you trying to do something to Amanda?”

“What nonsense are you spouting? I am her sister’s boyfriend and her future brother-in-law. How could I possibly do anything to her?” Crispin acted as if he didn’t care about their casual guesses.

At that, Selina retorted, “Then, why do you want me to leave? Just say it in front of me.”

Meanwhile, Amanda didn’t say anything to make Selina leave. It was obvious that she wanted Crispin to get straight to the point.

“Alright, then. Miss Bailey, I owe you an explanation. I was impulsive that day. Please forgive my audacity. It was because I love your sister too much and just wanted her to be happy. So… I’d like to apologize to you. I won’t do anything so foolish again.”

Crispin seemed very sincere, and anyone would be moved by his apology.

Amanda was the exception-she couldn’t even be bothered by his speech. “That’s not necessary. I only ask for you to stop meddling in our family affairs, Mr. Coyote.”

“Thank you for forgiving me. By the way. Mr. Allegra asked you to come out quickly. Take the elevator on the left. It seems like he has prepared a surprise for you. I don’t know the details, but you’ll find out once you head over

Crispin’s smile remained plastered on his face.

Amanda smoothed out her hair and glanced at Selina. “Let’s go. We should leave.”

However, Selina wasn’t one who liked attending such events; she probably felt that she didn’t fit in.

“Amanda, I think I’ll pa*s on this one. Maybe I’m too small-minded to feel comfortable in this setting. It’s fine. I’ll go back first.”

Amanda could understand the woman’s feelings and didn’t want to force her to do something she didn’t like. “You should go back first and rest up. No need to wait for me.”

“Sure thing.”

And so, Amanda followed Crispin out of the rest area and headed toward the banquet hall.

When they reached the elevators, Crispin took her to the one on the left, saying, “This Miss Bailey.”

“What surprise could it be?” Amanda couldn’t help but ask.

“I’m not sure either. Mr. Allegra didn’t tell me. He only told me to take you on this elevator.”

Amanda wondered if Jack had prepared a gift for her, or maybe a huge bouquet outside the elevator. Those were the only surprises she could think of. Otherwise, what else could it be?

After entering the elevator, Crispin stood behind her before the smile on his lips slowly disappeared.

However, at this moment, Amanda didn’t know what she would later face. The elevator descended floor by floor, and she waited for the moment when the elevator doors would open.

The elevator doors slowly opened with a ding, Crispin suddenly mentioned, “You should head over first, Miss Bailey. Turn right after you exit the elevator on the left. I think I left my phone in the rest area earlier. I have to go get it.”

Amanda didn’t heed his words and walked straight out of the elevator. Is the banquet hall on this floor? Why is it so empty and quiet? And where is the surprise? I don’t see anything.

It wasn’t a disappointment, just curiosity about what surprise Jack had prepared.

Amanda followed the direction Crispin had pointed in search of the banquet hall. Instead, she found a long corridor where nothing could be seen.

In the next second, a handkerchief suddenly extended from behind her and covered her mouth. She started to struggle, but before she could even scream, she was knocked unconscious and fell into the arms of the man behind her.

Two men then carried the unconscious Amanda on their shoulders. They first entered at room, and soon after, the two of them walked out of the room while dragging a large suitcase with them.

Amanda was hidden inside.

Meanwhile, everyone was waiting for Amanda to appear in the banquet hall, but there was no sign of her.

At this point, Crispin had quietly returned to Stephanie’s side.

Jack was starting to lose his temper. “Why hasn’t she come yet? Surely she is not having second thoughts?”

“Just wait a bit longer. Women take time to get ready, and it’s not even time yet.” Edith spoke up for Amanda. She knew that Amanda might be struggling internally and perhaps feeling conflicted. She didn’t want to rush her.

Stephanie, however, didn’t say anything despite the discontent written all over her face. Just why does Amanda have such a grand ceremony waiting for her after she comes back?

“Is this even necessary? Hmph!” she softly grumbled.

When Crispin heard that, he leaned close to her and whispered, “Don’t worry. Amanda won’t be able to come tonight. No one will know she exists.”

After all, the matter hadn’t been announced yet, and the guests invited tonight had no idea. Jack was going to announce that they had found his eldest daughter. The guests thought that this was just an ordinary party.

Stephanie’s eyes widened instantly as she looked at Crispin, who was behind her, and lowered her voice. “Did you do something?”

“Hush…” Crispin simply signaled for her to be quiet.

Stephanie’s heart raced, and she felt a sense of inexplicable panic. What exactly did Crispin do? Why can’t Amanda come? Did he hide her somewhere?

Endless possibilities flashed through her head. Her mind was a tangled web, so much so that she couldn’t make out what they were saying.

When Amanda still hadn’t arrived after a while, Jack couldn’t hold it in anymore. He turned to Edith and urged, “Go to the lounge and see what’s going on. Check if she is feeling unwell.”

He also didn’t want to believe that Amanda had suddenly changed her mind. He knew that she was not that kind of person.

Edith then nodded and left the banquet hall.

Beside them, Elias narrowed his eyes, wondering why Amanda hadn’t arrived. After all, she wasn’t one who would change her mind at the last minute. Did something happen?

He took out his phone and dialed her number, but no one answered no matter how times he tried. Her phone was turned off when he called her again. What’s going on?

He had a feeling that something was wrong. Turning around, he was about to go to the lounge and check on Amanda when Edith came back in a fluster. She blurted out in a voice. filled with anxiety, “What should we do, Jack? Amanda isn’t in the lounge. I can’t find her anywhere! Where could she have gone?”


New member
Jun 22, 2024
Chapter 313 A Match Made in Heaven

Rosie took careful bites and chewed slowly like a prim and proper lady.

While Aiden’s parents tended to his meal, Aiden’s eyes remained fixed on Rosie. No one knew what he was staring at.

Rosie lifted her eyes and saw the little boy staring at her.

She smiled gently and said sweetly, “Why are you staring at me, Aiden? Is there something on my face?”

Aiden asked earnestly. “Do you not have a home, Miss Rosie? Why are you staying at my daddy’s house? Aren’t Mommy and I the only ones who can stay at Daddy’s house?”

All was silent around the dining table.

Rosie’s smile froze awkwardly. She didn’t know what to say.

Amanda quickly stuffed some food into Aiden’s mouth. Have some soup. Why are you talking so much?”

Rosie didn’t think that he would say such a thing. Where did he learn how to say such things?

Evidently, Rosie directed her hatred at Amanda. She didn’t think those words would come out of a three- year-old’s mouth. It must have been his mother who taught him to say that.

“It’s because-”

Rosie was about to respond when Elias cut her off. “Aiden, Miss Rosie’s health is a little frail right now because she saved your life, so she needs to rest and recuperate. She’s only staying here for a while. She’s not moving in. Understand?”

Aiden listened in all seriousness and asked, “That means she’ll leave after a while, right?”

“That’s right,” Elias replied without hesitation.

Rosie felt a little hurt. He doesn’t want to keep me around at all. It’s almost as if he’s eager to chase me out.

Aiden brightened up and clapped cheerfully. That’s good. Only Mommy and I can stay at Daddy’s house, right?”

Elias chuckled and answered patiently. “That’s right. You and Mommy are the only ones who can stay here forever if you want to.”

Amanda was speechless. What is this man doing? He knows full well that the child is just saying nonsense, so why is he agreeing?

Meanwhile, Rosie felt as if she were sitting on needles. She felt like an outsider observing the happy family of three.

She couldn’t take another bite, so she found an excuse to leave.

“You guys carry on, Eli. I feel a little dizzy all of a sudden so I’m going back to my room for a nap.”

Rosie got up without waiting for Elias to respond.

Though to be fair, Elias didn’t even bother looking at her. He simply continued to feed his son.

It was Amanda who sensed what Rosie was feeling. She watched as Rosie left before asking, “Do you really think that Rosic doesn’t have her eyes on you anymore

“I don’t know, but either way, I’m not interested in her, Elias replied indifferently.

Amanda kept reading stories to Aiden. It was quite late at night before the little boy finally fell asleep.

Elias was lying on the other side of the bed and Aiden lay between the two adults. Aiden clutched both their clothes with his fists as if to lock them up beside him.

Once he was finally asleep, Amanda exhaled in relief.

She set the book down on the bedside table and gently pulled away from Aiden’s grip before slowly climbing out of bed.

Elias also nudged his shirt out of Aiden’s grasp and gave the boy a toy to cuddle with instead.

Amanda crept out of the bedroom and Elias followed her out.

Once they were out of the room, Amanda piped up. “Why did you follow me out? Stay with Aiden. I’ll drive home by myself.”

“It’s already so late. Must you go back? Why don’t you just stay here for the night?” Elias stuck his hands in his pockets. He wanted her to stay but he didn’t want to force her.

Amanda rolled her eyes. “It’s a matter of principles. I said I’m leaving so I’m leaving.

They walked out of the house and waited for the driver to bring the car around.

Elias stood behind Amanda and stared at her thin frame. She was knackered out by everything that happened lately. She stayed with Aiden all day and night.

Neither one of them knew that Rosie was standing on the balcony of a bedroom on the third floor and staring down at them.

Under the night sky, the attractive man and woman looked like a match made in heaven. They looked like the subjects of an oil painting.

Rosie kept staring until her fists clenched tightly. She bit her lip and marched back inside the room. She was afraid that she would feel the urge to rush down and slap Amanda if she remained out there looking. at them.

At last, the driver brought the car around. Amanda was waiting to leave.

As soon as the driver got out, Amanda quickly swooped into the car. However, she didn’t drive off at once. She lowered the window and looked at the man outside.

“Make sure you stay beside Aiden the entire night,” she reminded worriedly. “Don’t ever leave his side. I’ll come over first thing in the morning.”

“Why bother? You can just stay here. Isn’t it tiring for you to travel back and forth?” Elias was concerned about her health.

She barely got any rest throughout all those days at the hospital, and she was still running around right now. Her body wouldn’t be able to take it.

“It’s fine. I can take it.”

The window went back up and Amanda drove off.

Elias stood and watched as the lights from the car disappeared into the distance. His heart fell hollow.

He didn’t know when it happened, but Amanda held an important place in his heart now. It pained him to see her leave.

He slowly turned back around and headed into the house. He needed to stay with Aiden who would probably be upset if he woke up and found Amanda gone.

“Argh! Die! Just die!”

Rosie flew into hysterics again. She shoved all the things off the vanity table, and they all shattered loudly.

A maid heard the commotion and rushed in. “What’s the matter, Miss Momsey? What happened?

“Get out! Get out! I don’t need you!” In the dark room. Rosie was acting as if she had gone mad. She lashed out at the maid.

The maid wanted to switch on the lights but she was trembling in fear thanks to Rosie’s furious screeching. She didn’t know what to do, so she turned around and fled the dark room.

Rosie used the moonlight that came in through the window to look at herself in the mirror. Her reflection looked a little eerie and terrifying.

“After all these years, you’ve gotten uglier. Eli is even less interested in you now. You need to think of something! Are you just going to sit by and let everything slip away?” Rosie shrieked at her reflection.
Thank you for continuing the story

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