"Dragon Son-in-law" a.k.a. Millionaire Son-in-law, Charlie Wade Story. Translated by Junlee (aka Jungal2000)

Charlie Wade is a househusband son-in-law whom everyone looks down upon. However, unknown to them, his true identity is that of the young master from a top-tier family. Those who once belittled him will eventually kneel before him, trembling with fear and calling him "Master!" ...

The MC is Charlie Wade, and there's this girl Claire Wilson. They're in this savage clapback novel called "Ultimate Dragon Honcho", penned by this dude Ye Gongzi. Everyone knew Charlie Wade was the son-in-law of the Wilson family. Like, Grandpa Wilson legit pulled this broke boy outta nowhere and made him marry his grand daughter/princess, Claire. But bro's got no skills, no dough 💸, and Claire had to deal with so much BS 'cause of him. He even had the nerve to ask for money during Grandma Wilson's big party, making Claire hella embarrassed 😳. They kicked Charlie Wade out, but then plot twist! 🌀 Some butler dude shows up. Turns out, Charlie Wade's actually from the uber-rich Wade clan. The butler's like, "Come home, fam." But since his parents were, like, done dirty by the Wade fam, he's like "Nah." But he did take his grandpa’s black card loaded with 10 billion. 💳💰 #MicDrop

Author: Charlie Wade
Category: Urban Fiction
Status: Ongoing
Last Updated: October 18, 2023
Last edited:

The captain, trembling with fear, pleaded with Charlie, “Big Brother, if I follow your orders, can you spare my life?”

Charlie nodded, promising, “If you cooperate fully, I’ll let you live. I might even arrange a new identity for you, so you can start fresh.”

The captain, overwhelmed with gratitude, immediately replied, “Big Brother, I’ll do whatever you say!”

Charlie smiled with satisfaction, “Good. Then follow my instructions to the letter.”

He paused for a moment before adding, “Since Harrison has set up an emergency plan, just tell him that Raven was killed by his plan.”

Charlie whispered a few more details into the captain’s ear.

The captain nodded rapidly, then grabbed his satellite phone, extended the long antenna, and dialed Harrison’s number.

At that moment, Harrison was at his home in Eastcliff, anxiously awaiting news.

As soon as the call connected, Harrison asked, “What’s the situation now?”

Earlier, after Raven had been subdued by Charlie, the captain had reported the situation, so Harrison was deeply worried about any unexpected developments.

Following Charlie’s instructions, the captain said, “Sir, Miss Raven was struck in the heart by an arrow from Mr. X’s crossbow, and she’s dead now…”

Harrison pressed, “Are you certain Raven is dead?”

The captain hurriedly confirmed, “Yes! We all saw it ourselves. After Miss Raven was hit by the crossbow bolt, she died within seconds from the poison.”

Harrison quickly asked, “What about her body? Is it still with that man?”

The captain replied, “The body was thrown into the sea by that man. We were worried he might come after us, so we decided to retreat…”

“Retreat?!” Harrison roared angrily, “How dare you leave before retrieving Raven’s body? Who told you to retreat? The Japanese are waiting, and you’ve left me with nothing to tell them!”

The captain awkwardly said, “Sir, that man is too powerful. We couldn’t fight him. If we hadn’t retreated quickly, he would have killed us all…”

Harrison, grinding his teeth in fury, snapped, “I don’t care about that. You need to go back and find Raven’s body, even if you have to search the seabed. If the Japanese don’t get her body, I’ll hold you responsible!”

The captain urgently replied, “Sir, Miss Raven is dead. What use is her body to the Japanese now?”

Harrison shouted, “I had a deal with the Japanese police. Everything done tonight was just for show! Whether Raven is dead or alive, the Japanese must get her back to give their citizens an explanation!”

He added, “You must find Raven’s body and deliver it to the Japanese at the agreed location! If you mess this up, I swear I’ll take your life!”

Hearing this, Raven was struck as if by lightning.

Her face turned pale, and tears streamed down uncontrollably.

She couldn’t believe that her own grandfather would want her dead.

If it hadn’t been for the man in front of her, she would have been killed by the poisoned crossbow bolt long ago!


At this moment, the captain hurriedly said, “Sir, I’ll set off immediately and make sure to find the body and deliver it to the Japanese Self-Defense Forces!”

Harrison replied, “If you can’t handle this, don’t bother coming back!”

“Understood, Sir!”

The captain quickly agreed, then hung up the phone. Turning to Charlie, he pleaded, “Sir, if Harrison finds out I deceived him, he’ll have me torn to shreds…”

Charlie calmly reassured him, “Don’t worry. As long as you follow my instructions, I’ll keep my promise.”

Charlie then added, “You and your men will come with me to Aurous Hill tonight. Once there, I’ll arrange for you to stay in a completely safe place. You’ll live in hiding until I deal with the Salvador family. After that, you’ll be free to resume your lives openly.”

Hearing this, the captain was overjoyed. He dropped to his knees, kowtowing and saying, “Sir, we’ll rely on you for everything from now on!”

The other men also knelt in agreement.

The fact that Charlie was willing to spare their lives filled them with immense relief and gratitude. They were more than willing to follow Charlie’s orders.

Charlie then turned to Raven and said, “So, little beauty, wasn’t I right? Harrison never planned to rescue you. It was all just a show for your benefit.”

Raven’s eyes were swollen and her earlier defiance had vanished. With a pallid face and a hint of confusion, she asked, “But I still don’t understand one thing. Why would he put on this show for me? Whether I die at sea or get captured by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, there’s no way I could leave Japan alive. What’s the point of all this deception?”

Charlie shrugged and replied with a smile, “When it’s a show, there’s never just one audience. Besides you, there might be others who need to see this performance, like your maternal family.”

Charlie continued, “I don’t know who your maternal family is, but given that you’re Virtuoso’s illegitimate daughter, they must have some power.”

“If the Salvador family doesn’t save you, your maternal family would feel disheartened. But if the Salvador family goes all out to save you and still fails to bring you back alive, your maternal family, while saddened, would at least appreciate the effort made by the Salvador family.”

“You’ve worked for the Salvador family before, so you should understand what it means to put on a show and be insincere.”

Raven quickly realized the truth.

Charlie’s words were like a revelation.

She thought to herself, “Although the Salvador family is the most powerful economic family in the country, they rely heavily on the Stormrider Family for combat strength.”

“The Stormrider Family is one of the four great martial arts families in China. Due to my parents’ relationship and my own status as an illegitimate daughter, the bond between the He and Salvador families is very close.”

“The Stormrider Family’s experts are almost all working for the Salvador family.”

“So, Harrison’s show is meant to be seen by the Stormrider Family, demonstrating that the Salvador family has done everything possible to save me.”

“This would greatly earn the Stormrider Family’s favor and make them even more loyal to the Salvador family.”

As she understood this, Charlie smiled and said, “Little beauty, have you ever heard of an interesting story?”

Raven asked instinctively, “What story?”


Seeing the curiosity on Raven's face, Charlie smiled slightly and said, "This story is about a rich second-generation heir who wanted to pursue a beautiful woman. However, this heir was quite stingy and didn't want to spend too much money on her. So, he pretended to tell her that he would buy her a Ferrari."

"He then bribed a Ferrari salesman to play along with his act."

"When he took the woman to see the car, the salesman told them that there were no available cars and they would have to place an order first. The heir, in front of the woman, pretended to put down a one million yuan deposit and received a contract."

"The woman thought the Ferrari was a sure thing and ended up spending the night with the heir."

"After succeeding, the heir immediately went back to the salesman, got the deposit refunded, and gave the salesman a twenty thousand yuan tip."

"The woman, unaware of the scheme, didn't know that the contract was fake. The heir never intended to buy her a Ferrari; he just went through the charade to sleep with her."

"The price of a Ferrari can be four or five million yuan, but the heir only spent twenty thousand yuan in total to achieve his goal. Twenty thousand compared to five million is less than one percent!"

Raven blurted out, "Why are you telling me this story?"

Charlie smiled, sighing helplessly, "You are indeed very beautiful, but you're astonishingly naive!"

Raven felt a bit angry but didn't dare show it in front of Charlie. She could only ask like a disgruntled child, "Can't you explain more clearly?"

Charlie nodded and said seriously, "The story of the heir pretending to buy a car is the same as the Salvador family's fake rescue plan!"

He continued, "Look, if the Salvador family really wanted to bribe the entire Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and the Japanese Self-Defense Forces to rescue you alive, it wouldn't be impossible, but the cost would be extremely high!"

"Considering the gravity of the situation, everyone involved would need a substantial amount of money to take such a risk. I estimate it would take at least a billion dollars to get through the various levels of the Japanese judicial system, customs, and the Self-Defense Forces!"

"But, if they only pretended to rescue you without actually letting you leave Japan alive, it would cost far less. Just like the car-buying story, the actual expenditure would be less than one percent of the expected cost!"

Hearing this, Raven felt deeply shaken, her worldview collapsing in an instant. Though reluctant to believe Charlie, she wasn't a fool.

Harrison's intention to kill her had already been indirectly confirmed by himself over the phone. It was a done deal.

Charlie's story and his assessment of the Salvador family's actions were spot on. It perfectly matched the overall situation.

At that moment, Raven felt utterly desolate. Having shed too many tears already, she found herself unable to cry anymore.

Seeing that she had lost hope, Charlie smiled slightly and said, "We can't stay here for long. We need to leave Japan quickly while the Self-Defense Forces are still unprepared."

He then called out the crew members on his boat, pointed to the captain and crew of the Salvador family's boat, and instructed, "You guys, take these crew members to the lower deck and clean up the deck."


Takehiko’s crew quickly followed the instructions.

At that moment, Sarah walked onto the deck and asked Charlie in surprise, “Master Wade, were these people after me?”

Charlie shook his head. “No, they were after me.”

Seeing Raven, who was motionless with a crossbow bolt in her leg, Sarah was even more astonished. She hurriedly asked, “Master Wade, who is this woman?”

Charlie glanced at Raven and smiled slightly. “This young lady was an enemy before, but I don’t think she is anymore.”

Then he raised an eyebrow at Raven and asked with a smile, “Isn’t that right, young lady?”

Raven felt a wave of embarrassment and anger. Though she had seen the true colors of the Salvador family and Charlie had indeed saved her life, she still couldn’t muster much goodwill toward him.

After all, it was Charlie who had reported her and her companions to the Japanese Self-Defense Forces. Many of those companions were members of the Stormrider Family, just like her, some even her senior brothers and cousins.

However, while her animosity toward Charlie had lessened with the revelation of the truth, she still didn’t know how to respond to his question and stubbornly turned her face away.

Seeing her sullen expression, Charlie couldn’t help but chuckle. “Young lady, the Salvador family doesn’t know you’re still alive, nor that you’re in my hands. So, you’ll have to follow my instructions and return to Aurous Hill with me and the others.”

Raven instinctively replied, “I’m not going to Aurous Hill with you!”

Charlie laughed, “You’re on my boat and don’t want to come with me. Are you planning to get off now?”

Raven suddenly felt flustered. She thought bitterly, “I have nowhere to go. If I don’t go with this guy, I’ll just wait here for the Japanese to catch me. To them, I’m a heinous criminal, and if I fall into their hands, I’ll surely die.”

“And I can’t return to my country on my own.”

“Not only because I can’t navigate the vast sea by myself, but even if I did return, I’d still fall into the Salvador family’s clutches.”

“The captain just called Harrison, telling him I was dead. If I go back alive, the Salvador family will immediately realize the captain lied to them.”

“They would also know their malicious plan has been completely exposed!”

“At that point, they’d do everything they could to kill me to keep their secrets.”

“Now, my only chance is to follow this man back to Aurous Hill.”

“He’s strong enough to take me back quietly, and he can definitely outsmart the Salvador family.”


At this moment, Raven’s only thought was to stay alive and uncover the truth behind everything.

Despite her intense hatred for the Salvador family, she still harbored a faint hope. She wished that if this scheme was solely orchestrated by her grandfather, Harrison, and her father, Virtuoso, was unaware or also deceived, it would bring her some comfort.

However, if her father was involved, she would sever all ties with the Salvador family.

With this in mind, Raven looked at Charlie and pleaded in a low voice, “I can go to Aurous Hill with you, but can I call my mother first? She needs to know I’m alive, or she will be very worried.”

Charlie immediately replied, “No.”

Raven was taken aback. She had desperately begged Charlie just to inform her mother of her safety, but Charlie flatly refused.

Annoyed, she asked, “Why not? Even if the entire Salvador family wants me dead, my mother would never be involved.”

Charlie replied coldly, “You must understand, a mother’s reaction to her daughter’s death versus knowing her daughter is alive is entirely different.”

“If your mother believes you’re dead, she’ll show genuine grief, and the Salvador family won’t suspect anything.”

“But if you tell her you’re alive, she’ll find it hard to act like she’s truly lost you. The Salvador family will notice something’s off.”

Then, with a knowing smile, Charlie added, “After all, the Salvador family can be ruthless. You exterminated the Matsumoto family, and Harrison tried to have you killed in Japan. Who knows if he would harm your mother to eliminate all threats?”

Raven felt deeply ashamed hearing this. She had indeed been brainwashed, believing that the Salvador family's interests were paramount and inviolable. She had always dealt harshly with the Salvador family’s enemies.

However, the massacre of the Matsumoto family was not her decision but her father, Virtuoso’s. The Matsumoto family had almost killed Virtuoso’s children, which enraged him, leading him to order Raven to eliminate the entire Matsumoto family.

Now, realizing that the Salvador family was equally ruthless to her, Raven felt a mix of anger, shame, and regret. If she had known the Salvador family was like this, she would never have served them so loyally.

At this moment, she recognized how one-sided and naive her perspective had been.

She inwardly berated herself, “Raven, you’ve been such a fool! All these years, besides killing, you’ve hardly learned or understood anything. You almost dragged your mother down with you.”

“That man is right. If my mother knew everything, she would likely confront the Salvador family immediately. Even if she held back, the Salvador family would easily notice any slip-up, putting her in danger.”

Thinking this, she looked at Charlie and obediently nodded, saying in a muffled voice, “Alright, I’ll listen to you.”

Charlie acknowledged her response and said, “I’ll have someone take you to the cabin to rest. Your wound has stopped bleeding. I’ll remove the crossbow bolt and detoxify you later.”

Raven nodded lightly. After a moment of hesitation, she bit her lip and whispered, “Thank you.”

Charlie nodded and instructed his ship’s captain, “Come with me to the other ship. We’ll set it on a different course at full speed to divert attention.”

The captain, trembling with fear, pleaded with Charlie, “Big Brother, if I follow your orders, can you spare my life?”

Charlie nodded, promising, “If you cooperate fully, I’ll let you live. I might even arrange a new identity for you, so you can start fresh.”

The captain, overwhelmed with gratitude, immediately replied, “Big Brother, I’ll do whatever you say!”

Charlie smiled with satisfaction, “Good. Then follow my instructions to the letter.”

He paused for a moment before adding, “Since Harrison has set up an emergency plan, just tell him that Raven was killed by his plan.”

Charlie whispered a few more details into the captain’s ear.

The captain nodded rapidly, then grabbed his satellite phone, extended the long antenna, and dialed Harrison’s number.

At that moment, Harrison was at his home in Eastcliff, anxiously awaiting news.

As soon as the call connected, Harrison asked, “What’s the situation now?”

Earlier, after Raven had been subdued by Charlie, the captain had reported the situation, so Harrison was deeply worried about any unexpected developments.

Following Charlie’s instructions, the captain said, “Sir, Miss Raven was struck in the heart by an arrow from Mr. X’s crossbow, and she’s dead now…”

Harrison pressed, “Are you certain Raven is dead?”

The captain hurriedly confirmed, “Yes! We all saw it ourselves. After Miss Raven was hit by the crossbow bolt, she died within seconds from the poison.”

Harrison quickly asked, “What about her body? Is it still with that man?”

The captain replied, “The body was thrown into the sea by that man. We were worried he might come after us, so we decided to retreat…”

“Retreat?!” Harrison roared angrily, “How dare you leave before retrieving Raven’s body? Who told you to retreat? The Japanese are waiting, and you’ve left me with nothing to tell them!”

The captain awkwardly said, “Sir, that man is too powerful. We couldn’t fight him. If we hadn’t retreated quickly, he would have killed us all…”

Harrison, grinding his teeth in fury, snapped, “I don’t care about that. You need to go back and find Raven’s body, even if you have to search the seabed. If the Japanese don’t get her body, I’ll hold you responsible!”

The captain urgently replied, “Sir, Miss Raven is dead. What use is her body to the Japanese now?”

Harrison shouted, “I had a deal with the Japanese police. Everything done tonight was just for show! Whether Raven is dead or alive, the Japanese must get her back to give their citizens an explanation!”

He added, “You must find Raven’s body and deliver it to the Japanese at the agreed location! If you mess this up, I swear I’ll take your life!”

Hearing this, Raven was struck as if by lightning.

Her face turned pale, and tears streamed down uncontrollably.

She couldn’t believe that her own grandfather would want her dead.

If it hadn’t been for the man in front of her, she would have been killed by the poisoned crossbow bolt long ago!


At this moment, the captain hurriedly said, “Sir, I’ll set off immediately and make sure to find the body and deliver it to the Japanese Self-Defense Forces!”

Harrison replied, “If you can’t handle this, don’t bother coming back!”

“Understood, Sir!”

The captain quickly agreed, then hung up the phone. Turning to Charlie, he pleaded, “Sir, if Harrison finds out I deceived him, he’ll have me torn to shreds…”

Charlie calmly reassured him, “Don’t worry. As long as you follow my instructions, I’ll keep my promise.”

Charlie then added, “You and your men will come with me to Aurous Hill tonight. Once there, I’ll arrange for you to stay in a completely safe place. You’ll live in hiding until I deal with the Salvador family. After that, you’ll be free to resume your lives openly.”

Hearing this, the captain was overjoyed. He dropped to his knees, kowtowing and saying, “Sir, we’ll rely on you for everything from now on!”

The other men also knelt in agreement.

The fact that Charlie was willing to spare their lives filled them with immense relief and gratitude. They were more than willing to follow Charlie’s orders.

Charlie then turned to Raven and said, “So, little beauty, wasn’t I right? Harrison never planned to rescue you. It was all just a show for your benefit.”

Raven’s eyes were swollen and her earlier defiance had vanished. With a pallid face and a hint of confusion, she asked, “But I still don’t understand one thing. Why would he put on this show for me? Whether I die at sea or get captured by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, there’s no way I could leave Japan alive. What’s the point of all this deception?”

Charlie shrugged and replied with a smile, “When it’s a show, there’s never just one audience. Besides you, there might be others who need to see this performance, like your maternal family.”

Charlie continued, “I don’t know who your maternal family is, but given that you’re Virtuoso’s illegitimate daughter, they must have some power.”

“If the Salvador family doesn’t save you, your maternal family would feel disheartened. But if the Salvador family goes all out to save you and still fails to bring you back alive, your maternal family, while saddened, would at least appreciate the effort made by the Salvador family.”

“You’ve worked for the Salvador family before, so you should understand what it means to put on a show and be insincere.”

Raven quickly realized the truth.

Charlie’s words were like a revelation.

She thought to herself, “Although the Salvador family is the most powerful economic family in the country, they rely heavily on the Stormrider Family for combat strength.”

“The Stormrider Family is one of the four great martial arts families in China. Due to my parents’ relationship and my own status as an illegitimate daughter, the bond between the He and Salvador families is very close.”

“The Stormrider Family’s experts are almost all working for the Salvador family.”

“So, Harrison’s show is meant to be seen by the Stormrider Family, demonstrating that the Salvador family has done everything possible to save me.”

“This would greatly earn the Stormrider Family’s favor and make them even more loyal to the Salvador family.”

As she understood this, Charlie smiled and said, “Little beauty, have you ever heard of an interesting story?”

Raven asked instinctively, “What story?”


Seeing the curiosity on Raven's face, Charlie smiled slightly and said, "This story is about a rich second-generation heir who wanted to pursue a beautiful woman. However, this heir was quite stingy and didn't want to spend too much money on her. So, he pretended to tell her that he would buy her a Ferrari."

"He then bribed a Ferrari salesman to play along with his act."

"When he took the woman to see the car, the salesman told them that there were no available cars and they would have to place an order first. The heir, in front of the woman, pretended to put down a one million yuan deposit and received a contract."

"The woman thought the Ferrari was a sure thing and ended up spending the night with the heir."

"After succeeding, the heir immediately went back to the salesman, got the deposit refunded, and gave the salesman a twenty thousand yuan tip."

"The woman, unaware of the scheme, didn't know that the contract was fake. The heir never intended to buy her a Ferrari; he just went through the charade to sleep with her."

"The price of a Ferrari can be four or five million yuan, but the heir only spent twenty thousand yuan in total to achieve his goal. Twenty thousand compared to five million is less than one percent!"

Raven blurted out, "Why are you telling me this story?"

Charlie smiled, sighing helplessly, "You are indeed very beautiful, but you're astonishingly naive!"

Raven felt a bit angry but didn't dare show it in front of Charlie. She could only ask like a disgruntled child, "Can't you explain more clearly?"

Charlie nodded and said seriously, "The story of the heir pretending to buy a car is the same as the Salvador family's fake rescue plan!"

He continued, "Look, if the Salvador family really wanted to bribe the entire Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and the Japanese Self-Defense Forces to rescue you alive, it wouldn't be impossible, but the cost would be extremely high!"

"Considering the gravity of the situation, everyone involved would need a substantial amount of money to take such a risk. I estimate it would take at least a billion dollars to get through the various levels of the Japanese judicial system, customs, and the Self-Defense Forces!"

"But, if they only pretended to rescue you without actually letting you leave Japan alive, it would cost far less. Just like the car-buying story, the actual expenditure would be less than one percent of the expected cost!"

Hearing this, Raven felt deeply shaken, her worldview collapsing in an instant. Though reluctant to believe Charlie, she wasn't a fool.

Harrison's intention to kill her had already been indirectly confirmed by himself over the phone. It was a done deal.

Charlie's story and his assessment of the Salvador family's actions were spot on. It perfectly matched the overall situation.

At that moment, Raven felt utterly desolate. Having shed too many tears already, she found herself unable to cry anymore.

Seeing that she had lost hope, Charlie smiled slightly and said, "We can't stay here for long. We need to leave Japan quickly while the Self-Defense Forces are still unprepared."

He then called out the crew members on his boat, pointed to the captain and crew of the Salvador family's boat, and instructed, "You guys, take these crew members to the lower deck and clean up the deck."


Takehiko’s crew quickly followed the instructions.

At that moment, Sarah walked onto the deck and asked Charlie in surprise, “Master Wade, were these people after me?”

Charlie shook his head. “No, they were after me.”

Seeing Raven, who was motionless with a crossbow bolt in her leg, Sarah was even more astonished. She hurriedly asked, “Master Wade, who is this woman?”

Charlie glanced at Raven and smiled slightly. “This young lady was an enemy before, but I don’t think she is anymore.”

Then he raised an eyebrow at Raven and asked with a smile, “Isn’t that right, young lady?”

Raven felt a wave of embarrassment and anger. Though she had seen the true colors of the Salvador family and Charlie had indeed saved her life, she still couldn’t muster much goodwill toward him.

After all, it was Charlie who had reported her and her companions to the Japanese Self-Defense Forces. Many of those companions were members of the Stormrider Family, just like her, some even her senior brothers and cousins.

However, while her animosity toward Charlie had lessened with the revelation of the truth, she still didn’t know how to respond to his question and stubbornly turned her face away.

Seeing her sullen expression, Charlie couldn’t help but chuckle. “Young lady, the Salvador family doesn’t know you’re still alive, nor that you’re in my hands. So, you’ll have to follow my instructions and return to Aurous Hill with me and the others.”

Raven instinctively replied, “I’m not going to Aurous Hill with you!”

Charlie laughed, “You’re on my boat and don’t want to come with me. Are you planning to get off now?”

Raven suddenly felt flustered. She thought bitterly, “I have nowhere to go. If I don’t go with this guy, I’ll just wait here for the Japanese to catch me. To them, I’m a heinous criminal, and if I fall into their hands, I’ll surely die.”

“And I can’t return to my country on my own.”

“Not only because I can’t navigate the vast sea by myself, but even if I did return, I’d still fall into the Salvador family’s clutches.”

“The captain just called Harrison, telling him I was dead. If I go back alive, the Salvador family will immediately realize the captain lied to them.”

“They would also know their malicious plan has been completely exposed!”

“At that point, they’d do everything they could to kill me to keep their secrets.”

“Now, my only chance is to follow this man back to Aurous Hill.”

“He’s strong enough to take me back quietly, and he can definitely outsmart the Salvador family.”


At this moment, Raven’s only thought was to stay alive and uncover the truth behind everything.

Despite her intense hatred for the Salvador family, she still harbored a faint hope. She wished that if this scheme was solely orchestrated by her grandfather, Harrison, and her father, Virtuoso, was unaware or also deceived, it would bring her some comfort.

However, if her father was involved, she would sever all ties with the Salvador family.

With this in mind, Raven looked at Charlie and pleaded in a low voice, “I can go to Aurous Hill with you, but can I call my mother first? She needs to know I’m alive, or she will be very worried.”

Charlie immediately replied, “No.”

Raven was taken aback. She had desperately begged Charlie just to inform her mother of her safety, but Charlie flatly refused.

Annoyed, she asked, “Why not? Even if the entire Salvador family wants me dead, my mother would never be involved.”

Charlie replied coldly, “You must understand, a mother’s reaction to her daughter’s death versus knowing her daughter is alive is entirely different.”

“If your mother believes you’re dead, she’ll show genuine grief, and the Salvador family won’t suspect anything.”

“But if you tell her you’re alive, she’ll find it hard to act like she’s truly lost you. The Salvador family will notice something’s off.”

Then, with a knowing smile, Charlie added, “After all, the Salvador family can be ruthless. You exterminated the Matsumoto family, and Harrison tried to have you killed in Japan. Who knows if he would harm your mother to eliminate all threats?”

Raven felt deeply ashamed hearing this. She had indeed been brainwashed, believing that the Salvador family's interests were paramount and inviolable. She had always dealt harshly with the Salvador family’s enemies.

However, the massacre of the Matsumoto family was not her decision but her father, Virtuoso’s. The Matsumoto family had almost killed Virtuoso’s children, which enraged him, leading him to order Raven to eliminate the entire Matsumoto family.

Now, realizing that the Salvador family was equally ruthless to her, Raven felt a mix of anger, shame, and regret. If she had known the Salvador family was like this, she would never have served them so loyally.

At this moment, she recognized how one-sided and naive her perspective had been.

She inwardly berated herself, “Raven, you’ve been such a fool! All these years, besides killing, you’ve hardly learned or understood anything. You almost dragged your mother down with you.”

“That man is right. If my mother knew everything, she would likely confront the Salvador family immediately. Even if she held back, the Salvador family would easily notice any slip-up, putting her in danger.”

Thinking this, she looked at Charlie and obediently nodded, saying in a muffled voice, “Alright, I’ll listen to you.”

Charlie acknowledged her response and said, “I’ll have someone take you to the cabin to rest. Your wound has stopped bleeding. I’ll remove the crossbow bolt and detoxify you later.”

Raven nodded lightly. After a moment of hesitation, she bit her lip and whispered, “Thank you.”

Charlie nodded and instructed his ship’s captain, “Come with me to the other ship. We’ll set it on a different course at full speed to divert attention.”
Charlie Wade, the true Dragon among men. Raven is now added to the list of maidens, hope you start doing the needful 😀😀😀


The captain nodded quickly in agreement.

Meanwhile, the six individuals thrown into the sea by Charlie had all drowned. Some of their bodies had already started sinking to the ocean floor.

Charlie took the captain to the opposite yacht, where the captain set the course. Afterward, Charlie instructed him to return to their boat. Charlie then turned the yacht's engines to full power, and it sped away.

Sarah, watching from the deck, called out worriedly, “Master Wade…”

Before she finished her sentence, she saw a figure leap from the speeding yacht in a perfect arc, landing gracefully in the water. It was Charlie, who then swam back to their boat effortlessly.

Concerned, Sarah grabbed a towel and, as Charlie climbed aboard, handed it to him. “Master Wade, dry off quickly and take a hot bath to avoid catching a cold,” she urged.

Charlie smiled. “It's fine. I'll just change into dry clothes.”

He then instructed the captain, “Let's set sail immediately and head for international waters.”

“Understood, Mr. Wade!” The captain nodded. “You should change your clothes; we’ll set sail right away.”

Charlie returned to his cabin and changed into clean clothes. The crew put his seawater-soaked clothes into the washer-dryer, ensuring they’d be clean and dry in a few hours.

At this moment, Raven was in a large bedroom on the first floor. With her meridians sealed by Charlie earlier, she could only sit on the sofa, unable to move.

Charlie knocked politely before entering the room. “How are you feeling?” he asked.

Raven, feeling awkward, replied, “I’m… I’m alright.”

She then asked, puzzled, “Can you tell me how you did it?”

Charlie frowned. “Did what?”

Raven asked, “How did you instantly clear the toxins from my body and stop my bleeding? And I don’t understand why my movement is so restricted.”

Charlie replied calmly, “You practice martial arts, so you should know about internal energy, right?”

Raven nodded seriously. “I know about internal energy, but this seems to go beyond that. Martial artists train to enhance their physical strength and power, but your internal energy seems to work within my body, too. It’s… amazing.”

Charlie chuckled arrogantly. “My internal energy and yours are entirely different. As the ancients said, ‘How can a firefly compete with the sun and moon?’ If my internal energy is the sun and moon, then yours is just a firefly.”


In Chinese martial arts, the accumulation, circulation, and utilization of internal energy have always been emphasized. Concepts such as the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, Qi sinking into the Dantian, the Great Circulation, and the Small Circulation are all based on these principles.

The overall logic of spiritual energy is similar to that of internal energy, with the most significant difference being that spiritual energy can be externalized.

No matter how powerful internal energy is, it remains confined to the body. A master of internal energy might be able to kill a thousand-pound bull with a single punch or even a full-grown elephant, but they cannot kill a mouse from a distance.

The fundamental reason for this limitation is that internal energy cannot be externalized.

In essence, internal energy is just an entry-level, lower-grade version of spiritual energy.

Spiritual energy, on the other hand, is far superior, almost incomparably so.

The difference between the two is like that between primates and humans.

Though primates share over 99% of their DNA with humans, the disparity between the two remains vast and insurmountable.

No matter how intelligent a chimpanzee is, it can never become human.

There is an unbridgeable gap between the two.

Among Chinese martial artists, those who can master internal energy number in the tens of thousands.

However, among these tens of thousands, none have successfully converted internal energy into spiritual energy.

If it weren’t for the assistance of the Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture and the earlier spirit stone, Charlie would never have been able to form spiritual energy within his body, no matter how many Rejuvenation Pills he consumed.

This is a true great fortune, one that an ordinary person might never encounter in several lifetimes.

Charlie, of course, would not divulge the actual situation to Raven, but the comparison of the firefly to the sun and moon left her profoundly shocked.

She murmured to herself, “So his internal energy has reached a higher level. No wonder his power is so overwhelmingly strong, and he could save my life so effortlessly. This surpasses the martial arts I know by far.”

Charlie continued, “Although the toxins in your body have been completely cleared, your wound is still open. I will remove the crossbow bolt and then clean the wound.”

Raven glanced at her leg wound. The crossbow bolt had nearly pierced through her entire thigh. She felt a wave of embarrassment, thinking, “I’m still wearing black tight pants, but if he has to treat my wound, he’ll have to either remove or tear my pants…”

“But this area is rather private…”

Noticing her embarrassment, Charlie first thought, “Maybe I should let her handle it herself. As a professionally trained assassin, she should be quite skilled at treating such wounds.”

However, another thought quickly followed, “This woman is as wild as an untamed horse, with ruthless and cunning ways. To make her obedient and docile from tonight onwards, I must first shatter her pride!”

With this in mind, Charlie said coldly, “Come, let me help you to the single recliner. Lie down, and I’ll treat your wound!”

Raven hesitated, stammering, “I… I’d rather do it myself. Could you give me a pair of pliers, some antiseptic, and bandages?”

Charlie, expressionless, responded, “It’s not impossible for you to treat it yourself. However, the thigh is rich in blood vessels. When you pull out the crossbow bolt, the wound will bleed profusely. If the wound has severed an artery, removing the bolt carelessly will open the wound and could be life-threatening. Furthermore, if a nerve is damaged, you might end up with a permanent disability.”


Raven knew that she could handle ordinary wounds, but dealing with an arterial injury would indeed be challenging for her. If a nerve was damaged, it could lead to permanent sequelae, which would definitely impact her strength.

Thinking of this, Raven hesitated, unsure whether to let Charlie help.

Given Charlie’s superior skills, he would undoubtedly handle her injury more reliably than she could herself.

Seeing her struggle internally, Charlie decisively said, “Alright, stop wasting time. Your life is more important than anything else. Besides, you don’t want your leg to be crippled, do you? A pretty girl walking with a limp would be quite an eyesore.”

With that, he reached out his hand towards Raven and said firmly, “Come, I’ll help you to the recliner.”

Seeing Charlie’s unyielding demeanor, Raven felt a sudden surge of shyness and hurriedly said, “I can do it myself.”

She tried to push herself up with her hands, but found she couldn’t muster any strength in her arms.

Charlie, seeing her struggle, calmly said, “Don’t bother. I’ve temporarily sealed your meridians, so you won’t be able to use your strength.”

Raven, somewhat terrified, reluctantly extended her hand towards Charlie, murmuring, “Then… please help.”

Charlie grasped her delicate, cool hand and helped her up.

This was the first time Raven’s hand had been held by a man, and her heart pounded with nervousness.

She had grown up practicing martial arts under her mother’s guidance, with no time for relationships or even interactions with boys.

Now, being held so intimately by a man made her feel flustered.

Charlie helped her to the recliner, had her lie down gently, then locked the chair’s rocking function. “I’m going to cut your pant leg open,” he said.

Hearing this, Raven blushed deeply, her heart filled with a mix of shame and despair. “Is he really going to cut my pants? That means my entire thigh will be exposed to him!”

Before she could fully come to terms with Charlie’s decision, he had already picked up a pair of scissors and cut along the entry point of the crossbow bolt, removing her entire pant leg.

Raven felt a sudden chill on her right leg and saw her long, slender leg completely exposed, causing her to cover her face in embarrassment.

Charlie hadn’t expected Raven’s leg to be so beautiful, even more so than any woman he knew.

This was likely due to her martial arts training from a young age.

Her leg was not only long and straight but also had subtle muscle definition, rivaling and even surpassing that of supermodels. It was an exceptionally rare and perfect leg.

Seeing Charlie staring at her leg, Raven felt a mix of embarrassment and slight anger. She thought, “This man may be powerful, but he doesn’t seem much different from those lecherous men.”

With a hint of anger, she asked, “What are you looking at?”

Charlie looked up, smiled calmly, and said frankly, “I’m looking at your leg. It’s very beautiful.”


Raven was taken aback by Charlie’s candid admission of looking at her leg.

His openness left her somewhat at a loss for how to react, dissipating the anger she felt towards him.

Initially ready to scold Charlie, Raven found herself unsure of what to say next. The faint anger in her heart faded away with his straightforward acknowledgment.

Feeling embarrassed, she glanced at Charlie and then turned her head away, shyly murmuring, “If you’ve seen enough, please help me with the treatment.”

Charlie nodded, smiling, “Alright, let’s start the treatment.”

Instinctively, Raven asked, “Have you seen enough already?”

Realizing how inappropriate her words were, she hurriedly corrected herself, “I didn’t mean it that way. I just meant, if you’re ready, we can begin.”

Despite her words, she felt a tinge of disappointment in her heart.

Charlie chuckled, “A doctor must prioritize the patient. While your leg is indeed beautiful, I need to treat your wound first.”

He placed one hand on Raven’s thigh and picked up a pair of pliers with the other. “The crossbow bolt has barbs. I’ll have to cut it from the tail and then pull it out from both sides. It might hurt a bit, so bear with it.”

Raven nodded slightly, “Go ahead. I can handle it.”

Charlie carefully clipped the crossbow bolt with the pliers, then grabbed its head, saying, “Alright, I’ll count to three and then pull it out. Get ready.”

Raven quickly agreed, “Okay!”

Charlie nodded, “Here we go. One, two—”

Before he could say “three,” Raven felt a sharp pain in her leg and screamed, “Ah! It hurts! You said you’d count to three! Why did you pull it out at two?”

Charlie smiled, “I like to catch people off guard. If I had counted to three, you might have reflexively tensed your leg, making it worse.”

With tears of pain in her eyes, Raven complained, “You can’t just surprise me like that. It hurt so much, and I wasn’t prepared at all.”

Charlie chuckled, “You’re a seasoned killer. Can’t you handle a bit of pain?”

Feeling wronged, Raven replied, “This kind of wound hurts more than a gunshot.”

Charlie smiled faintly, “The pain is just temporary. Now it’s over. I’ll clean and disinfect the wound, apply some anti-infection medicine, and then bandage it. That should do the trick.”

Raven nodded and asked, “You’re not going to use alcohol for disinfection, right? That would hurt even more.”

Charlie waved his hand, “Alcohol isn’t suitable for wound disinfection. I’ll use iodine. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt as much as alcohol.”

Raven breathed a sigh of relief. She watched as Charlie took a bottle of iodine, soaked a clean cotton ball with it using metal tweezers, and gently applied it to her wound.

Iodine is excellent for wound cleaning and disinfection and is much less painful than alcohol.


Watching Charlie carefully treat her wound with tweezers, Raven felt a growing sense of goodwill towards this once infuriating stranger.

Curious, she asked, “Hey, I still don’t know your name!”

Charlie smiled slightly, “Does my name really matter to you?”

Feigning annoyance, Raven replied, “Of course it matters! I still haven’t settled the score with you for tricking me last time!”

Charlie nodded, “Well, I tricked you because your act of exterminating the Matsumoto family was too extreme. As a Chinese, you should know our ancestors’ principle: not involving innocent family members. Didn’t you understand that?”

Feeling a bit guilty, Raven said, “I was just following orders. The family head demanded the Matsumoto family pay the ultimate price, so I followed his orders and led the team to annihilate them.”

Charlie asked, “When you say family head, do you mean Virtuoso or Harrison?”

Raven softly answered, “Virtuoso.”

Charlie sneered, both disdainful and self-mocking, “Virtuoso, that old bastard, sure is lucky. By sheer coincidence, I ended up saving his son and daughter, Cameron and Camilla. And today, I save his illegitimate daughter too. This is ridiculous!”

Raven exclaimed, “What? You saved Cameron and Camilla?!”

Charlie nodded, clearly displeased, “Yes, I did save them. At the time, I didn’t know they were Virtuoso’s children. If I had known, I wouldn’t have saved them!”

Raven couldn’t help but ask, “Do you have a deep hatred for him?”

Charlie looked at Raven seriously, “I have an unresolvable enmity with him!”

He continued, “I’ve said before, one day, I’ll make him kneel before me, begging for my forgiveness, crying for my mercy. And then, I might chop off his head or maybe forgive him. His fate will depend on his own actions!”

Charlie didn’t yet know the extent of Virtuoso’s involvement in his parents’ deaths. From the information he had, Virtuoso indeed opposed his father at every turn, even forming the infamous Anti-Wade Alliance.

However, it was still unclear how directly connected the Anti-Wade Alliance was to his parents’ deaths.

In Charlie’s estimation, three parties were responsible for his parents’ deaths: the Wade family, the Salvador family, and Europe’s Rothschild family. He just hadn’t figured out which one bore the most responsibility.

Raven was stunned by this revelation and cautiously asked, “Can you tell me what exactly happened between you and him?”

Charlie responded flatly, “You don’t need to know the details.”

Disappointed, Raven nodded and then asked, “Can you at least tell me your name?”

Charlie said calmly, “My surname is Wade, and my name is Charlie.”

Raven muttered to herself, “Surname Wade, named Charlie? Could it be…”

She stared at Charlie, eyes wide with realization, and exclaimed, “Are you from the Wade family?!”

The captain nodded quickly in agreement.

Meanwhile, the six individuals thrown into the sea by Charlie had all drowned. Some of their bodies had already started sinking to the ocean floor.

Charlie took the captain to the opposite yacht, where the captain set the course. Afterward, Charlie instructed him to return to their boat. Charlie then turned the yacht's engines to full power, and it sped away.

Sarah, watching from the deck, called out worriedly, “Master Wade…”

Before she finished her sentence, she saw a figure leap from the speeding yacht in a perfect arc, landing gracefully in the water. It was Charlie, who then swam back to their boat effortlessly.

Concerned, Sarah grabbed a towel and, as Charlie climbed aboard, handed it to him. “Master Wade, dry off quickly and take a hot bath to avoid catching a cold,” she urged.

Charlie smiled. “It's fine. I'll just change into dry clothes.”

He then instructed the captain, “Let's set sail immediately and head for international waters.”

“Understood, Mr. Wade!” The captain nodded. “You should change your clothes; we’ll set sail right away.”

Charlie returned to his cabin and changed into clean clothes. The crew put his seawater-soaked clothes into the washer-dryer, ensuring they’d be clean and dry in a few hours.

At this moment, Raven was in a large bedroom on the first floor. With her meridians sealed by Charlie earlier, she could only sit on the sofa, unable to move.

Charlie knocked politely before entering the room. “How are you feeling?” he asked.

Raven, feeling awkward, replied, “I’m… I’m alright.”

She then asked, puzzled, “Can you tell me how you did it?”

Charlie frowned. “Did what?”

Raven asked, “How did you instantly clear the toxins from my body and stop my bleeding? And I don’t understand why my movement is so restricted.”

Charlie replied calmly, “You practice martial arts, so you should know about internal energy, right?”

Raven nodded seriously. “I know about internal energy, but this seems to go beyond that. Martial artists train to enhance their physical strength and power, but your internal energy seems to work within my body, too. It’s… amazing.”

Charlie chuckled arrogantly. “My internal energy and yours are entirely different. As the ancients said, ‘How can a firefly compete with the sun and moon?’ If my internal energy is the sun and moon, then yours is just a firefly.”


In Chinese martial arts, the accumulation, circulation, and utilization of internal energy have always been emphasized. Concepts such as the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, Qi sinking into the Dantian, the Great Circulation, and the Small Circulation are all based on these principles.

The overall logic of spiritual energy is similar to that of internal energy, with the most significant difference being that spiritual energy can be externalized.

No matter how powerful internal energy is, it remains confined to the body. A master of internal energy might be able to kill a thousand-pound bull with a single punch or even a full-grown elephant, but they cannot kill a mouse from a distance.

The fundamental reason for this limitation is that internal energy cannot be externalized.

In essence, internal energy is just an entry-level, lower-grade version of spiritual energy.

Spiritual energy, on the other hand, is far superior, almost incomparably so.

The difference between the two is like that between primates and humans.

Though primates share over 99% of their DNA with humans, the disparity between the two remains vast and insurmountable.

No matter how intelligent a chimpanzee is, it can never become human.

There is an unbridgeable gap between the two.

Among Chinese martial artists, those who can master internal energy number in the tens of thousands.

However, among these tens of thousands, none have successfully converted internal energy into spiritual energy.

If it weren’t for the assistance of the Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture and the earlier spirit stone, Charlie would never have been able to form spiritual energy within his body, no matter how many Rejuvenation Pills he consumed.

This is a true great fortune, one that an ordinary person might never encounter in several lifetimes.

Charlie, of course, would not divulge the actual situation to Raven, but the comparison of the firefly to the sun and moon left her profoundly shocked.

She murmured to herself, “So his internal energy has reached a higher level. No wonder his power is so overwhelmingly strong, and he could save my life so effortlessly. This surpasses the martial arts I know by far.”

Charlie continued, “Although the toxins in your body have been completely cleared, your wound is still open. I will remove the crossbow bolt and then clean the wound.”

Raven glanced at her leg wound. The crossbow bolt had nearly pierced through her entire thigh. She felt a wave of embarrassment, thinking, “I’m still wearing black tight pants, but if he has to treat my wound, he’ll have to either remove or tear my pants…”

“But this area is rather private…”

Noticing her embarrassment, Charlie first thought, “Maybe I should let her handle it herself. As a professionally trained assassin, she should be quite skilled at treating such wounds.”

However, another thought quickly followed, “This woman is as wild as an untamed horse, with ruthless and cunning ways. To make her obedient and docile from tonight onwards, I must first shatter her pride!”

With this in mind, Charlie said coldly, “Come, let me help you to the single recliner. Lie down, and I’ll treat your wound!”

Raven hesitated, stammering, “I… I’d rather do it myself. Could you give me a pair of pliers, some antiseptic, and bandages?”

Charlie, expressionless, responded, “It’s not impossible for you to treat it yourself. However, the thigh is rich in blood vessels. When you pull out the crossbow bolt, the wound will bleed profusely. If the wound has severed an artery, removing the bolt carelessly will open the wound and could be life-threatening. Furthermore, if a nerve is damaged, you might end up with a permanent disability.”


Raven knew that she could handle ordinary wounds, but dealing with an arterial injury would indeed be challenging for her. If a nerve was damaged, it could lead to permanent sequelae, which would definitely impact her strength.

Thinking of this, Raven hesitated, unsure whether to let Charlie help.

Given Charlie’s superior skills, he would undoubtedly handle her injury more reliably than she could herself.

Seeing her struggle internally, Charlie decisively said, “Alright, stop wasting time. Your life is more important than anything else. Besides, you don’t want your leg to be crippled, do you? A pretty girl walking with a limp would be quite an eyesore.”

With that, he reached out his hand towards Raven and said firmly, “Come, I’ll help you to the recliner.”

Seeing Charlie’s unyielding demeanor, Raven felt a sudden surge of shyness and hurriedly said, “I can do it myself.”

She tried to push herself up with her hands, but found she couldn’t muster any strength in her arms.

Charlie, seeing her struggle, calmly said, “Don’t bother. I’ve temporarily sealed your meridians, so you won’t be able to use your strength.”

Raven, somewhat terrified, reluctantly extended her hand towards Charlie, murmuring, “Then… please help.”

Charlie grasped her delicate, cool hand and helped her up.

This was the first time Raven’s hand had been held by a man, and her heart pounded with nervousness.

She had grown up practicing martial arts under her mother’s guidance, with no time for relationships or even interactions with boys.

Now, being held so intimately by a man made her feel flustered.

Charlie helped her to the recliner, had her lie down gently, then locked the chair’s rocking function. “I’m going to cut your pant leg open,” he said.

Hearing this, Raven blushed deeply, her heart filled with a mix of shame and despair. “Is he really going to cut my pants? That means my entire thigh will be exposed to him!”

Before she could fully come to terms with Charlie’s decision, he had already picked up a pair of scissors and cut along the entry point of the crossbow bolt, removing her entire pant leg.

Raven felt a sudden chill on her right leg and saw her long, slender leg completely exposed, causing her to cover her face in embarrassment.

Charlie hadn’t expected Raven’s leg to be so beautiful, even more so than any woman he knew.

This was likely due to her martial arts training from a young age.

Her leg was not only long and straight but also had subtle muscle definition, rivaling and even surpassing that of supermodels. It was an exceptionally rare and perfect leg.

Seeing Charlie staring at her leg, Raven felt a mix of embarrassment and slight anger. She thought, “This man may be powerful, but he doesn’t seem much different from those lecherous men.”

With a hint of anger, she asked, “What are you looking at?”

Charlie looked up, smiled calmly, and said frankly, “I’m looking at your leg. It’s very beautiful.”


Raven was taken aback by Charlie’s candid admission of looking at her leg.

His openness left her somewhat at a loss for how to react, dissipating the anger she felt towards him.

Initially ready to scold Charlie, Raven found herself unsure of what to say next. The faint anger in her heart faded away with his straightforward acknowledgment.

Feeling embarrassed, she glanced at Charlie and then turned her head away, shyly murmuring, “If you’ve seen enough, please help me with the treatment.”

Charlie nodded, smiling, “Alright, let’s start the treatment.”

Instinctively, Raven asked, “Have you seen enough already?”

Realizing how inappropriate her words were, she hurriedly corrected herself, “I didn’t mean it that way. I just meant, if you’re ready, we can begin.”

Despite her words, she felt a tinge of disappointment in her heart.

Charlie chuckled, “A doctor must prioritize the patient. While your leg is indeed beautiful, I need to treat your wound first.”

He placed one hand on Raven’s thigh and picked up a pair of pliers with the other. “The crossbow bolt has barbs. I’ll have to cut it from the tail and then pull it out from both sides. It might hurt a bit, so bear with it.”

Raven nodded slightly, “Go ahead. I can handle it.”

Charlie carefully clipped the crossbow bolt with the pliers, then grabbed its head, saying, “Alright, I’ll count to three and then pull it out. Get ready.”

Raven quickly agreed, “Okay!”

Charlie nodded, “Here we go. One, two—”

Before he could say “three,” Raven felt a sharp pain in her leg and screamed, “Ah! It hurts! You said you’d count to three! Why did you pull it out at two?”

Charlie smiled, “I like to catch people off guard. If I had counted to three, you might have reflexively tensed your leg, making it worse.”

With tears of pain in her eyes, Raven complained, “You can’t just surprise me like that. It hurt so much, and I wasn’t prepared at all.”

Charlie chuckled, “You’re a seasoned killer. Can’t you handle a bit of pain?”

Feeling wronged, Raven replied, “This kind of wound hurts more than a gunshot.”

Charlie smiled faintly, “The pain is just temporary. Now it’s over. I’ll clean and disinfect the wound, apply some anti-infection medicine, and then bandage it. That should do the trick.”

Raven nodded and asked, “You’re not going to use alcohol for disinfection, right? That would hurt even more.”

Charlie waved his hand, “Alcohol isn’t suitable for wound disinfection. I’ll use iodine. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt as much as alcohol.”

Raven breathed a sigh of relief. She watched as Charlie took a bottle of iodine, soaked a clean cotton ball with it using metal tweezers, and gently applied it to her wound.

Iodine is excellent for wound cleaning and disinfection and is much less painful than alcohol.


Watching Charlie carefully treat her wound with tweezers, Raven felt a growing sense of goodwill towards this once infuriating stranger.

Curious, she asked, “Hey, I still don’t know your name!”

Charlie smiled slightly, “Does my name really matter to you?”

Feigning annoyance, Raven replied, “Of course it matters! I still haven’t settled the score with you for tricking me last time!”

Charlie nodded, “Well, I tricked you because your act of exterminating the Matsumoto family was too extreme. As a Chinese, you should know our ancestors’ principle: not involving innocent family members. Didn’t you understand that?”

Feeling a bit guilty, Raven said, “I was just following orders. The family head demanded the Matsumoto family pay the ultimate price, so I followed his orders and led the team to annihilate them.”

Charlie asked, “When you say family head, do you mean Virtuoso or Harrison?”

Raven softly answered, “Virtuoso.”

Charlie sneered, both disdainful and self-mocking, “Virtuoso, that old bastard, sure is lucky. By sheer coincidence, I ended up saving his son and daughter, Cameron and Camilla. And today, I save his illegitimate daughter too. This is ridiculous!”

Raven exclaimed, “What? You saved Cameron and Camilla?!”

Charlie nodded, clearly displeased, “Yes, I did save them. At the time, I didn’t know they were Virtuoso’s children. If I had known, I wouldn’t have saved them!”

Raven couldn’t help but ask, “Do you have a deep hatred for him?”

Charlie looked at Raven seriously, “I have an unresolvable enmity with him!”

He continued, “I’ve said before, one day, I’ll make him kneel before me, begging for my forgiveness, crying for my mercy. And then, I might chop off his head or maybe forgive him. His fate will depend on his own actions!”

Charlie didn’t yet know the extent of Virtuoso’s involvement in his parents’ deaths. From the information he had, Virtuoso indeed opposed his father at every turn, even forming the infamous Anti-Wade Alliance.

However, it was still unclear how directly connected the Anti-Wade Alliance was to his parents’ deaths.

In Charlie’s estimation, three parties were responsible for his parents’ deaths: the Wade family, the Salvador family, and Europe’s Rothschild family. He just hadn’t figured out which one bore the most responsibility.

Raven was stunned by this revelation and cautiously asked, “Can you tell me what exactly happened between you and him?”

Charlie responded flatly, “You don’t need to know the details.”

Disappointed, Raven nodded and then asked, “Can you at least tell me your name?”

Charlie said calmly, “My surname is Wade, and my name is Charlie.”

Raven muttered to herself, “Surname Wade, named Charlie? Could it be…”

She stared at Charlie, eyes wide with realization, and exclaimed, “Are you from the Wade family?!”
Hahaha this Charles sure knows how to disappoint me why not enjoy this Raven after going through her pants 😏🙄

As Raven recognized his origin, Charlie smiled slightly and said calmly, "Yes, I can be considered a member of the Wade family, or rather, I used to be a member of the Wade family."

Raven pondered for a moment, muttering, "You used to be a member of the Wade family, which means you're no longer with them."

She then looked at Charlie with a shocked expression and said, "The Wade family isn’t particularly flourishing, and I’m familiar with every direct descendant. If you’re no longer with the Wade family, then you must be..."

Her voice trailed off, and Raven was instantly struck with an overwhelming realization.

Staring at Charlie in disbelief, she exclaimed, "Among the direct descendants who left the Wade family, there was only one Drake, but he died over twenty years ago. Could it be... are you his son?"

Charlie's expression turned serious as he affirmed, "Yes, I am Drake's son, Charlie!"

"Oh my god!"

At this moment, Raven felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

Even though Drake had died before she was born, his name still echoed in her ears.

Moreover, she knew about her father Virtuoso's past with Drake.

She was aware that Drake had been her father’s greatest rival in life.

She also knew that the most significant blow her father had ever suffered also came from Drake.

Back then, whenever anyone in Eastcliff mentioned Drake, it was always with immense praise and admiration.

In contrast, when they spoke of Virtuoso, there was always a tinge of regret in their expressions.

Many lamented that Virtuoso was born at the wrong time because Drake's brilliance completely overshadowed him.

The saying "Living in someone's shadow." perfectly described the relationship between the two men.

Raven also knew that her father had not only been overshadowed by Drake throughout his life, but even his wife was one of Drake's most devoted admirers.

At that time, her father had desperately pursued his current wife, but she had been deeply in love with Drake.

A line from an ancient poem aptly described Virtuoso's situation then: "I gave my heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon shone on the ditch."

In essence, Virtuoso’s wife had only married him out of despair after failing to win Drake's heart.

Thus, Virtuoso had always lived in Drake's shadow.

To put it simply, Charlie's father, Drake, was the person Virtuoso hated most in his life.

Raven knew all these past events very well, but she had never dreamed that one day she would meet Drake's son.


What she couldn't have imagined was that she would end up sharing so many stories with him.

At this moment, even her right leg was resting in his hands.

Reflecting on this, Raven suddenly felt that fate had played a cruel joke on her.

She couldn't help but think to herself, "All my life, I’ve wholeheartedly served the Salvador family, even willing to give my life for them."

"But I never dreamed the Salvador family would betray me like this, almost costing me my life."

"And this Charlie, a descendant of the Wade family, our family’s mortal enemy, and the son of Drake, my father Virtuoso’s arch-nemesis, was the one who saved me at the crucial moment. The irony is overwhelming."

Charlie, noticing Raven’s complex expressions, couldn’t resist teasing her, "What’s wrong? Did finding out I’m from the Wade family ignite your hatred for us?"

Raven quickly waved her hand, flustered, "It's not what you think. If I’d known you were from the Wade family before today, I would have hated you even more."

Sighing deeply, she continued, "But now I see things clearly. To the Salvador family, I’m just a tool, one they can sacrifice at any moment. They never truly cared about me, their illegitimate daughter."

With a bitter smile, she added, "My father has always been terrified his wife would find out about my existence. For him, my death would be a relief, as it would erase all evidence of his betrayal. He wouldn’t have to worry about his beloved wife discovering the truth."

Charlie looked at her with some sympathy and said, "Don’t be too sad about it. If you think about it differently, this could be a good thing. At least now you see their true colors, and you haven’t suffered irreparable harm. It’s better to realize this now than to suddenly understand it right before your death, right?"

Raven nodded lightly, her eyes reddening with tears. She whispered, "Young Master Wade, thank you for saving my life without holding a grudge. If the roles were reversed, and you were the one being killed in front of me, I probably wouldn’t have had the same generosity to save you."

Charlie said seriously, "Of course, you wouldn’t. Not only would you not save me, but you’ve also been trying to kill me."

Raven felt deeply ashamed, lowering her head and softly said, "It was foolish of me. I’ve always thought about serving the Salvador family and my biological father, without ever considering what they thought of me."

Charlie asked, "What are your plans now?"

Raven, somewhat surprised, asked, "Young Master Wade, aren’t you planning to take me to Aurous Hill? Are you changing your mind?"

"Yes," Charlie nodded. "I do plan to take you to Aurous Hill. But to be clear, I still don’t fully trust you."

He continued, "So, after we get to Aurous Hill, I won’t grant you immediate freedom. I’ll keep you under watch until I’ve settled my affairs or until I’m certain you’re completely trustworthy."

Raven nodded repeatedly without hesitation, "I completely understand. If I were you, I wouldn’t trust me either."

With a slightly bitter smile, she added, "Young Master Wade, I’ll be a burden to you from now on."

"But don’t worry, I, Raven, have always kept my word!"

"From now on, I won’t defy you or harm you or anyone around you."

"And once we’re in Aurous Hill, I’ll follow your instructions completely."

"After all, you saved my life."


Charlie had decided to save Raven because he saw that the Salvador family intended to kill her. Following the principle of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," he resolved to rescue her.

As long as Raven held a grudge against the Salvador family, she could become a valuable ally in Charlie's future vendetta against them. If managed correctly, turning Raven into a loyal subordinate was not out of reach.

To win someone over, the most crucial step is to make them indebted to you. And in this world, nothing carries more weight than a life-saving debt.

Charlie's plan was to take Raven back to Aurous Hill, hide her safely, and then observe the Salvador family's next moves. As for seeking revenge with Raven’s help, there was no rush. Charlie preferred to strike only when thoroughly prepared, aiming for a devastating blow, not just a superficial wound.

After further treating Raven's injuries and bandaging her wounds, Charlie said, "Alright, the wounds are mostly dealt with. Our ship will be at sea for another 30-plus hours, so rest well in your room. If you need anything, just call the crew."

Raven nodded lightly, expressing her gratitude, "Thank you, Young Master Wade."

Charlie waved his hand dismissively, "It's just a small favor. No need to be so polite."

With that, he carefully lowered her long right leg and said, "Rest now, I'll leave."

Raven hurriedly offered, "Young Master Wade, let me see you off."

"No need," Charlie replied calmly. "You should rest."

He remembered sealing Raven’s meridians earlier and added, "I temporarily sealed your meridians with my internal energy. I'll unblock them now, but you must be cautious. Avoid vigorous movement with your injured right leg and keep it dry. If you need to bathe, cover the bandaged area with a plastic bag."

Raven nodded obediently, "Understood, Young Master Wade. Please help unblock them; it’s hard to move without strength."

Charlie lightly touched her ankle, withdrawing the energy he had left in her body.

Raven instantly felt her sealed meridians open, marveling at Charlie’s prowess, "With just a flick of his fingers, he controls my meridians. His skills are unbelievably powerful. Thankfully, he didn’t intend to kill me; otherwise, my life would have been in his hands."

Standing up, Charlie said, "It's done. Rest now. I'm leaving."

Raven hurriedly escorted him to the door, respectfully saying, "Take care, Young Master Wade."

Deep down, Raven truly admired Charlie. It wasn't just his formidable strength but also his remarkable identity. As the powerful heir of the Wade family and son of Drake, he indeed deserved her respect.

At that moment, the ship carrying Charlie had already left Japanese territorial waters and entered international waters. Meanwhile, the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force had finally reached the predetermined location to intercept the Salvador family’s vessel.


As the yacht appeared on the radar screen, the captain of the Maritime Self-Defense Force laughed and said, "Damn, after all this waiting, these bastards finally showed up!"

His deputy, standing nearby, chuckled, "Captain, capturing Raven this time would definitely be a major achievement, right?"

The captain nodded, "Of course! Raven is Japan's most wanted criminal. Bringing her back, dead or alive, is a huge accomplishment!"

Rubbing his hands with excitement, he added, "Try not to shoot. We need to capture her alive!"

Soon, the yacht on the radar was less than a nautical mile from their ambush point. Several patrol boats of the Self-Defense Force had gone completely silent, with engines off, transponders disabled, and all lights out, waiting to ambush the target.

As the target approached, the captain ordered, "Begin the capture!"

Instantly, six patrol boats turned on their searchlights, illuminating the unmanned yacht. The captain used a loudspeaker to shout, "Attention, vessel ahead! This is the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force. Stop your engines and prepare for inspection!"

According to the plan, the target vessel should have started to slow down. However, to the captain’s surprise, the yacht continued sailing toward them at full speed.

He quickly shouted again, "Attention, vessel ahead! You are surrounded. Surrender and raise your hands. If you refuse, we will take enforcement action!"

The yacht kept moving forward without slowing down.

The captain, frustrated, yelled, "I warn you, if you do not shut down your engines immediately, we will open fire!"

The yacht ignored his warning, continuing on its path.

Seeing the yacht about to break through the encirclement, the captain was puzzled, "What the hell are they doing? Weren't they supposed to stop when we called out?"

His deputy couldn't help but ask, "Captain, are they trying to escape?"

The captain, enraged, shouted, "Who knows! These guys are unreliable. Chase them and force them to stop!"

The six patrol boats quickly pursued, surrounding the yacht and slowly closing in.

As they approached, someone shouted, "Captain, there seems to be no one on that yacht!"

"What?! No one?!"

"That's right," the man confirmed, "I can see clearly through the binoculars. There's no one in the cockpit or on the deck!"

The Self-Defense Force captain trembled, cursing, "Damn it! Did the Salvador family pull a fast one on us?!"

Realizing the trick, he immediately ordered, "Force it to stop and search it thoroughly!"

The patrol boats, faster than the yacht, soon had it tightly surrounded, completely immobilizing it. As the vessels stabilized around the yacht, several armed Self-Defense Force members boarded it to investigate.

Upon inspection, the yacht was indeed empty.

The captain, slapping his thigh in anger, cursed, "Those Salvador family bastards! It looks like their cooperation was a ruse. They used this to distract us and smuggle Raven away! They have some nerve playing us like this!"


Harrison, the old fox, certainly has some tricks up his sleeve. This time, he pretended to rescue Raven without spending much money because the entire Japanese Self-Defense Force was his cast of free actors.

To understand why the Japanese Self-Defense Force willingly cooperated with Harrison for free, we need to go back to when Raven and other Salvador family experts were captured.

Back then, Raven and her team annihilated the Matsumoto family, bringing shame to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. As they attempted to escape from Osaka, the Japanese Self-Defense Force intercepted and captured them just as their plane was about to take off. This incident significantly boosted the reputation of the Self-Defense Force, while the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department was heavily criticized for their incompetence.

Prior to this, the reputation and social standing of the Japanese Self-Defense Force in Japan were not particularly high. After Japan's defeat in World War II, the public's respect for the military had diminished considerably.

Realizing that capturing Raven had greatly enhanced their social standing, the Japanese Self-Defense Force enjoyed the newfound attention and praise, and they were eager to achieve more significant accomplishments.

Harrison, astute as ever, noticed the public's admiration for the Self-Defense Force and inferred that they enjoyed this newfound respect. He then arranged for intermediaries to communicate with the top brass of the Self-Defense Force, proposing a collaboration for a grand performance.

The plan was straightforward: the Self-Defense Force would help Raven escape, only for the Salvador family to lead her into a trap prepared by the Self-Defense Force. By capturing Raven again, the Self-Defense Force would earn even greater recognition from the public.

The initial plan involved allowing Raven to escape after being handed over to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, making it appear that the Self-Defense Force had no involvement in her escape. This way, when Raven was recaptured, the Self-Defense Force could claim all the credit while the police were left to face the public's ire.

When the prisoners escaped, the Self-Defense Force would intercept them at sea, staging a media spectacle. This would make it seem like the Self-Defense Force captured the criminals at Osaka Airport, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department botched the transfer, and then the Self-Defense Force stepped in to clean up the mess.

This scenario would allow the Self-Defense Force to come out looking heroic on both ends, while the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department would be seen as inept.

For these reasons, the Japanese Self-Defense Force agreed to cooperate with Harrison's plan unconditionally, aiming to recapture Raven and solidify their reputation as national heroes.

Harrison's cunning didn't stop there. He not only roped the Japanese Self-Defense Force into his plan, turning them into a powerful ally, but he also deceived Raven and the entire Stormrider Family.

The Stormrider Family, deeply concerned about Raven's safety, was grateful to Harrison after he promised to rescue her. Now that the Salvador family had indeed rescued Raven from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, the Stormrider Family felt indebted to Harrison.

Little did the Stormrider Family know that Harrison was merely staging a play for them. His true plan was to rescue Raven from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, only to hand her over to the Japanese Self-Defense Force.

As Raven recognized his origin, Charlie smiled slightly and said calmly, "Yes, I can be considered a member of the Wade family, or rather, I used to be a member of the Wade family."

Raven pondered for a moment, muttering, "You used to be a member of the Wade family, which means you're no longer with them."

She then looked at Charlie with a shocked expression and said, "The Wade family isn’t particularly flourishing, and I’m familiar with every direct descendant. If you’re no longer with the Wade family, then you must be..."

Her voice trailed off, and Raven was instantly struck with an overwhelming realization.

Staring at Charlie in disbelief, she exclaimed, "Among the direct descendants who left the Wade family, there was only one Drake, but he died over twenty years ago. Could it be... are you his son?"

Charlie's expression turned serious as he affirmed, "Yes, I am Drake's son, Charlie!"

"Oh my god!"

At this moment, Raven felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

Even though Drake had died before she was born, his name still echoed in her ears.

Moreover, she knew about her father Virtuoso's past with Drake.

She was aware that Drake had been her father’s greatest rival in life.

She also knew that the most significant blow her father had ever suffered also came from Drake.

Back then, whenever anyone in Eastcliff mentioned Drake, it was always with immense praise and admiration.

In contrast, when they spoke of Virtuoso, there was always a tinge of regret in their expressions.

Many lamented that Virtuoso was born at the wrong time because Drake's brilliance completely overshadowed him.

The saying "Living in someone's shadow." perfectly described the relationship between the two men.

Raven also knew that her father had not only been overshadowed by Drake throughout his life, but even his wife was one of Drake's most devoted admirers.

At that time, her father had desperately pursued his current wife, but she had been deeply in love with Drake.

A line from an ancient poem aptly described Virtuoso's situation then: "I gave my heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon shone on the ditch."

In essence, Virtuoso’s wife had only married him out of despair after failing to win Drake's heart.

Thus, Virtuoso had always lived in Drake's shadow.

To put it simply, Charlie's father, Drake, was the person Virtuoso hated most in his life.

Raven knew all these past events very well, but she had never dreamed that one day she would meet Drake's son.


What she couldn't have imagined was that she would end up sharing so many stories with him.

At this moment, even her right leg was resting in his hands.

Reflecting on this, Raven suddenly felt that fate had played a cruel joke on her.

She couldn't help but think to herself, "All my life, I’ve wholeheartedly served the Salvador family, even willing to give my life for them."

"But I never dreamed the Salvador family would betray me like this, almost costing me my life."

"And this Charlie, a descendant of the Wade family, our family’s mortal enemy, and the son of Drake, my father Virtuoso’s arch-nemesis, was the one who saved me at the crucial moment. The irony is overwhelming."

Charlie, noticing Raven’s complex expressions, couldn’t resist teasing her, "What’s wrong? Did finding out I’m from the Wade family ignite your hatred for us?"

Raven quickly waved her hand, flustered, "It's not what you think. If I’d known you were from the Wade family before today, I would have hated you even more."

Sighing deeply, she continued, "But now I see things clearly. To the Salvador family, I’m just a tool, one they can sacrifice at any moment. They never truly cared about me, their illegitimate daughter."

With a bitter smile, she added, "My father has always been terrified his wife would find out about my existence. For him, my death would be a relief, as it would erase all evidence of his betrayal. He wouldn’t have to worry about his beloved wife discovering the truth."

Charlie looked at her with some sympathy and said, "Don’t be too sad about it. If you think about it differently, this could be a good thing. At least now you see their true colors, and you haven’t suffered irreparable harm. It’s better to realize this now than to suddenly understand it right before your death, right?"

Raven nodded lightly, her eyes reddening with tears. She whispered, "Young Master Wade, thank you for saving my life without holding a grudge. If the roles were reversed, and you were the one being killed in front of me, I probably wouldn’t have had the same generosity to save you."

Charlie said seriously, "Of course, you wouldn’t. Not only would you not save me, but you’ve also been trying to kill me."

Raven felt deeply ashamed, lowering her head and softly said, "It was foolish of me. I’ve always thought about serving the Salvador family and my biological father, without ever considering what they thought of me."

Charlie asked, "What are your plans now?"

Raven, somewhat surprised, asked, "Young Master Wade, aren’t you planning to take me to Aurous Hill? Are you changing your mind?"

"Yes," Charlie nodded. "I do plan to take you to Aurous Hill. But to be clear, I still don’t fully trust you."

He continued, "So, after we get to Aurous Hill, I won’t grant you immediate freedom. I’ll keep you under watch until I’ve settled my affairs or until I’m certain you’re completely trustworthy."

Raven nodded repeatedly without hesitation, "I completely understand. If I were you, I wouldn’t trust me either."

With a slightly bitter smile, she added, "Young Master Wade, I’ll be a burden to you from now on."

"But don’t worry, I, Raven, have always kept my word!"

"From now on, I won’t defy you or harm you or anyone around you."

"And once we’re in Aurous Hill, I’ll follow your instructions completely."

"After all, you saved my life."


Charlie had decided to save Raven because he saw that the Salvador family intended to kill her. Following the principle of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," he resolved to rescue her.

As long as Raven held a grudge against the Salvador family, she could become a valuable ally in Charlie's future vendetta against them. If managed correctly, turning Raven into a loyal subordinate was not out of reach.

To win someone over, the most crucial step is to make them indebted to you. And in this world, nothing carries more weight than a life-saving debt.

Charlie's plan was to take Raven back to Aurous Hill, hide her safely, and then observe the Salvador family's next moves. As for seeking revenge with Raven’s help, there was no rush. Charlie preferred to strike only when thoroughly prepared, aiming for a devastating blow, not just a superficial wound.

After further treating Raven's injuries and bandaging her wounds, Charlie said, "Alright, the wounds are mostly dealt with. Our ship will be at sea for another 30-plus hours, so rest well in your room. If you need anything, just call the crew."

Raven nodded lightly, expressing her gratitude, "Thank you, Young Master Wade."

Charlie waved his hand dismissively, "It's just a small favor. No need to be so polite."

With that, he carefully lowered her long right leg and said, "Rest now, I'll leave."

Raven hurriedly offered, "Young Master Wade, let me see you off."

"No need," Charlie replied calmly. "You should rest."

He remembered sealing Raven’s meridians earlier and added, "I temporarily sealed your meridians with my internal energy. I'll unblock them now, but you must be cautious. Avoid vigorous movement with your injured right leg and keep it dry. If you need to bathe, cover the bandaged area with a plastic bag."

Raven nodded obediently, "Understood, Young Master Wade. Please help unblock them; it’s hard to move without strength."

Charlie lightly touched her ankle, withdrawing the energy he had left in her body.

Raven instantly felt her sealed meridians open, marveling at Charlie’s prowess, "With just a flick of his fingers, he controls my meridians. His skills are unbelievably powerful. Thankfully, he didn’t intend to kill me; otherwise, my life would have been in his hands."

Standing up, Charlie said, "It's done. Rest now. I'm leaving."

Raven hurriedly escorted him to the door, respectfully saying, "Take care, Young Master Wade."

Deep down, Raven truly admired Charlie. It wasn't just his formidable strength but also his remarkable identity. As the powerful heir of the Wade family and son of Drake, he indeed deserved her respect.

At that moment, the ship carrying Charlie had already left Japanese territorial waters and entered international waters. Meanwhile, the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force had finally reached the predetermined location to intercept the Salvador family’s vessel.


As the yacht appeared on the radar screen, the captain of the Maritime Self-Defense Force laughed and said, "Damn, after all this waiting, these bastards finally showed up!"

His deputy, standing nearby, chuckled, "Captain, capturing Raven this time would definitely be a major achievement, right?"

The captain nodded, "Of course! Raven is Japan's most wanted criminal. Bringing her back, dead or alive, is a huge accomplishment!"

Rubbing his hands with excitement, he added, "Try not to shoot. We need to capture her alive!"

Soon, the yacht on the radar was less than a nautical mile from their ambush point. Several patrol boats of the Self-Defense Force had gone completely silent, with engines off, transponders disabled, and all lights out, waiting to ambush the target.

As the target approached, the captain ordered, "Begin the capture!"

Instantly, six patrol boats turned on their searchlights, illuminating the unmanned yacht. The captain used a loudspeaker to shout, "Attention, vessel ahead! This is the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force. Stop your engines and prepare for inspection!"

According to the plan, the target vessel should have started to slow down. However, to the captain’s surprise, the yacht continued sailing toward them at full speed.

He quickly shouted again, "Attention, vessel ahead! You are surrounded. Surrender and raise your hands. If you refuse, we will take enforcement action!"

The yacht kept moving forward without slowing down.

The captain, frustrated, yelled, "I warn you, if you do not shut down your engines immediately, we will open fire!"

The yacht ignored his warning, continuing on its path.

Seeing the yacht about to break through the encirclement, the captain was puzzled, "What the hell are they doing? Weren't they supposed to stop when we called out?"

His deputy couldn't help but ask, "Captain, are they trying to escape?"

The captain, enraged, shouted, "Who knows! These guys are unreliable. Chase them and force them to stop!"

The six patrol boats quickly pursued, surrounding the yacht and slowly closing in.

As they approached, someone shouted, "Captain, there seems to be no one on that yacht!"

"What?! No one?!"

"That's right," the man confirmed, "I can see clearly through the binoculars. There's no one in the cockpit or on the deck!"

The Self-Defense Force captain trembled, cursing, "Damn it! Did the Salvador family pull a fast one on us?!"

Realizing the trick, he immediately ordered, "Force it to stop and search it thoroughly!"

The patrol boats, faster than the yacht, soon had it tightly surrounded, completely immobilizing it. As the vessels stabilized around the yacht, several armed Self-Defense Force members boarded it to investigate.

Upon inspection, the yacht was indeed empty.

The captain, slapping his thigh in anger, cursed, "Those Salvador family bastards! It looks like their cooperation was a ruse. They used this to distract us and smuggle Raven away! They have some nerve playing us like this!"


Harrison, the old fox, certainly has some tricks up his sleeve. This time, he pretended to rescue Raven without spending much money because the entire Japanese Self-Defense Force was his cast of free actors.

To understand why the Japanese Self-Defense Force willingly cooperated with Harrison for free, we need to go back to when Raven and other Salvador family experts were captured.

Back then, Raven and her team annihilated the Matsumoto family, bringing shame to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. As they attempted to escape from Osaka, the Japanese Self-Defense Force intercepted and captured them just as their plane was about to take off. This incident significantly boosted the reputation of the Self-Defense Force, while the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department was heavily criticized for their incompetence.

Prior to this, the reputation and social standing of the Japanese Self-Defense Force in Japan were not particularly high. After Japan's defeat in World War II, the public's respect for the military had diminished considerably.

Realizing that capturing Raven had greatly enhanced their social standing, the Japanese Self-Defense Force enjoyed the newfound attention and praise, and they were eager to achieve more significant accomplishments.

Harrison, astute as ever, noticed the public's admiration for the Self-Defense Force and inferred that they enjoyed this newfound respect. He then arranged for intermediaries to communicate with the top brass of the Self-Defense Force, proposing a collaboration for a grand performance.

The plan was straightforward: the Self-Defense Force would help Raven escape, only for the Salvador family to lead her into a trap prepared by the Self-Defense Force. By capturing Raven again, the Self-Defense Force would earn even greater recognition from the public.

The initial plan involved allowing Raven to escape after being handed over to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, making it appear that the Self-Defense Force had no involvement in her escape. This way, when Raven was recaptured, the Self-Defense Force could claim all the credit while the police were left to face the public's ire.

When the prisoners escaped, the Self-Defense Force would intercept them at sea, staging a media spectacle. This would make it seem like the Self-Defense Force captured the criminals at Osaka Airport, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department botched the transfer, and then the Self-Defense Force stepped in to clean up the mess.

This scenario would allow the Self-Defense Force to come out looking heroic on both ends, while the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department would be seen as inept.

For these reasons, the Japanese Self-Defense Force agreed to cooperate with Harrison's plan unconditionally, aiming to recapture Raven and solidify their reputation as national heroes.

Harrison's cunning didn't stop there. He not only roped the Japanese Self-Defense Force into his plan, turning them into a powerful ally, but he also deceived Raven and the entire Stormrider Family.

The Stormrider Family, deeply concerned about Raven's safety, was grateful to Harrison after he promised to rescue her. Now that the Salvador family had indeed rescued Raven from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, the Stormrider Family felt indebted to Harrison.

Little did the Stormrider Family know that Harrison was merely staging a play for them. His true plan was to rescue Raven from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, only to hand her over to the Japanese Self-Defense Force.
Thanks very much Immortal Junlee.

As Raven recognized his origin, Charlie smiled slightly and said calmly, "Yes, I can be considered a member of the Wade family, or rather, I used to be a member of the Wade family."

Raven pondered for a moment, muttering, "You used to be a member of the Wade family, which means you're no longer with them."

She then looked at Charlie with a shocked expression and said, "The Wade family isn’t particularly flourishing, and I’m familiar with every direct descendant. If you’re no longer with the Wade family, then you must be..."

Her voice trailed off, and Raven was instantly struck with an overwhelming realization.

Staring at Charlie in disbelief, she exclaimed, "Among the direct descendants who left the Wade family, there was only one Drake, but he died over twenty years ago. Could it be... are you his son?"

Charlie's expression turned serious as he affirmed, "Yes, I am Drake's son, Charlie!"

"Oh my god!"

At this moment, Raven felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

Even though Drake had died before she was born, his name still echoed in her ears.

Moreover, she knew about her father Virtuoso's past with Drake.

She was aware that Drake had been her father’s greatest rival in life.

She also knew that the most significant blow her father had ever suffered also came from Drake.

Back then, whenever anyone in Eastcliff mentioned Drake, it was always with immense praise and admiration.

In contrast, when they spoke of Virtuoso, there was always a tinge of regret in their expressions.

Many lamented that Virtuoso was born at the wrong time because Drake's brilliance completely overshadowed him.

The saying "Living in someone's shadow." perfectly described the relationship between the two men.

Raven also knew that her father had not only been overshadowed by Drake throughout his life, but even his wife was one of Drake's most devoted admirers.

At that time, her father had desperately pursued his current wife, but she had been deeply in love with Drake.

A line from an ancient poem aptly described Virtuoso's situation then: "I gave my heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon shone on the ditch."

In essence, Virtuoso’s wife had only married him out of despair after failing to win Drake's heart.

Thus, Virtuoso had always lived in Drake's shadow.

To put it simply, Charlie's father, Drake, was the person Virtuoso hated most in his life.

Raven knew all these past events very well, but she had never dreamed that one day she would meet Drake's son.


What she couldn't have imagined was that she would end up sharing so many stories with him.

At this moment, even her right leg was resting in his hands.

Reflecting on this, Raven suddenly felt that fate had played a cruel joke on her.

She couldn't help but think to herself, "All my life, I’ve wholeheartedly served the Salvador family, even willing to give my life for them."

"But I never dreamed the Salvador family would betray me like this, almost costing me my life."

"And this Charlie, a descendant of the Wade family, our family’s mortal enemy, and the son of Drake, my father Virtuoso’s arch-nemesis, was the one who saved me at the crucial moment. The irony is overwhelming."

Charlie, noticing Raven’s complex expressions, couldn’t resist teasing her, "What’s wrong? Did finding out I’m from the Wade family ignite your hatred for us?"

Raven quickly waved her hand, flustered, "It's not what you think. If I’d known you were from the Wade family before today, I would have hated you even more."

Sighing deeply, she continued, "But now I see things clearly. To the Salvador family, I’m just a tool, one they can sacrifice at any moment. They never truly cared about me, their illegitimate daughter."

With a bitter smile, she added, "My father has always been terrified his wife would find out about my existence. For him, my death would be a relief, as it would erase all evidence of his betrayal. He wouldn’t have to worry about his beloved wife discovering the truth."

Charlie looked at her with some sympathy and said, "Don’t be too sad about it. If you think about it differently, this could be a good thing. At least now you see their true colors, and you haven’t suffered irreparable harm. It’s better to realize this now than to suddenly understand it right before your death, right?"

Raven nodded lightly, her eyes reddening with tears. She whispered, "Young Master Wade, thank you for saving my life without holding a grudge. If the roles were reversed, and you were the one being killed in front of me, I probably wouldn’t have had the same generosity to save you."

Charlie said seriously, "Of course, you wouldn’t. Not only would you not save me, but you’ve also been trying to kill me."

Raven felt deeply ashamed, lowering her head and softly said, "It was foolish of me. I’ve always thought about serving the Salvador family and my biological father, without ever considering what they thought of me."

Charlie asked, "What are your plans now?"

Raven, somewhat surprised, asked, "Young Master Wade, aren’t you planning to take me to Aurous Hill? Are you changing your mind?"

"Yes," Charlie nodded. "I do plan to take you to Aurous Hill. But to be clear, I still don’t fully trust you."

He continued, "So, after we get to Aurous Hill, I won’t grant you immediate freedom. I’ll keep you under watch until I’ve settled my affairs or until I’m certain you’re completely trustworthy."

Raven nodded repeatedly without hesitation, "I completely understand. If I were you, I wouldn’t trust me either."

With a slightly bitter smile, she added, "Young Master Wade, I’ll be a burden to you from now on."

"But don’t worry, I, Raven, have always kept my word!"

"From now on, I won’t defy you or harm you or anyone around you."

"And once we’re in Aurous Hill, I’ll follow your instructions completely."

"After all, you saved my life."


Charlie had decided to save Raven because he saw that the Salvador family intended to kill her. Following the principle of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," he resolved to rescue her.

As long as Raven held a grudge against the Salvador family, she could become a valuable ally in Charlie's future vendetta against them. If managed correctly, turning Raven into a loyal subordinate was not out of reach.

To win someone over, the most crucial step is to make them indebted to you. And in this world, nothing carries more weight than a life-saving debt.

Charlie's plan was to take Raven back to Aurous Hill, hide her safely, and then observe the Salvador family's next moves. As for seeking revenge with Raven’s help, there was no rush. Charlie preferred to strike only when thoroughly prepared, aiming for a devastating blow, not just a superficial wound.

After further treating Raven's injuries and bandaging her wounds, Charlie said, "Alright, the wounds are mostly dealt with. Our ship will be at sea for another 30-plus hours, so rest well in your room. If you need anything, just call the crew."

Raven nodded lightly, expressing her gratitude, "Thank you, Young Master Wade."

Charlie waved his hand dismissively, "It's just a small favor. No need to be so polite."

With that, he carefully lowered her long right leg and said, "Rest now, I'll leave."

Raven hurriedly offered, "Young Master Wade, let me see you off."

"No need," Charlie replied calmly. "You should rest."

He remembered sealing Raven’s meridians earlier and added, "I temporarily sealed your meridians with my internal energy. I'll unblock them now, but you must be cautious. Avoid vigorous movement with your injured right leg and keep it dry. If you need to bathe, cover the bandaged area with a plastic bag."

Raven nodded obediently, "Understood, Young Master Wade. Please help unblock them; it’s hard to move without strength."

Charlie lightly touched her ankle, withdrawing the energy he had left in her body.

Raven instantly felt her sealed meridians open, marveling at Charlie’s prowess, "With just a flick of his fingers, he controls my meridians. His skills are unbelievably powerful. Thankfully, he didn’t intend to kill me; otherwise, my life would have been in his hands."

Standing up, Charlie said, "It's done. Rest now. I'm leaving."

Raven hurriedly escorted him to the door, respectfully saying, "Take care, Young Master Wade."

Deep down, Raven truly admired Charlie. It wasn't just his formidable strength but also his remarkable identity. As the powerful heir of the Wade family and son of Drake, he indeed deserved her respect.

At that moment, the ship carrying Charlie had already left Japanese territorial waters and entered international waters. Meanwhile, the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force had finally reached the predetermined location to intercept the Salvador family’s vessel.


As the yacht appeared on the radar screen, the captain of the Maritime Self-Defense Force laughed and said, "Damn, after all this waiting, these bastards finally showed up!"

His deputy, standing nearby, chuckled, "Captain, capturing Raven this time would definitely be a major achievement, right?"

The captain nodded, "Of course! Raven is Japan's most wanted criminal. Bringing her back, dead or alive, is a huge accomplishment!"

Rubbing his hands with excitement, he added, "Try not to shoot. We need to capture her alive!"

Soon, the yacht on the radar was less than a nautical mile from their ambush point. Several patrol boats of the Self-Defense Force had gone completely silent, with engines off, transponders disabled, and all lights out, waiting to ambush the target.

As the target approached, the captain ordered, "Begin the capture!"

Instantly, six patrol boats turned on their searchlights, illuminating the unmanned yacht. The captain used a loudspeaker to shout, "Attention, vessel ahead! This is the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force. Stop your engines and prepare for inspection!"

According to the plan, the target vessel should have started to slow down. However, to the captain’s surprise, the yacht continued sailing toward them at full speed.

He quickly shouted again, "Attention, vessel ahead! You are surrounded. Surrender and raise your hands. If you refuse, we will take enforcement action!"

The yacht kept moving forward without slowing down.

The captain, frustrated, yelled, "I warn you, if you do not shut down your engines immediately, we will open fire!"

The yacht ignored his warning, continuing on its path.

Seeing the yacht about to break through the encirclement, the captain was puzzled, "What the hell are they doing? Weren't they supposed to stop when we called out?"

His deputy couldn't help but ask, "Captain, are they trying to escape?"

The captain, enraged, shouted, "Who knows! These guys are unreliable. Chase them and force them to stop!"

The six patrol boats quickly pursued, surrounding the yacht and slowly closing in.

As they approached, someone shouted, "Captain, there seems to be no one on that yacht!"

"What?! No one?!"

"That's right," the man confirmed, "I can see clearly through the binoculars. There's no one in the cockpit or on the deck!"

The Self-Defense Force captain trembled, cursing, "Damn it! Did the Salvador family pull a fast one on us?!"

Realizing the trick, he immediately ordered, "Force it to stop and search it thoroughly!"

The patrol boats, faster than the yacht, soon had it tightly surrounded, completely immobilizing it. As the vessels stabilized around the yacht, several armed Self-Defense Force members boarded it to investigate.

Upon inspection, the yacht was indeed empty.

The captain, slapping his thigh in anger, cursed, "Those Salvador family bastards! It looks like their cooperation was a ruse. They used this to distract us and smuggle Raven away! They have some nerve playing us like this!"


Harrison, the old fox, certainly has some tricks up his sleeve. This time, he pretended to rescue Raven without spending much money because the entire Japanese Self-Defense Force was his cast of free actors.

To understand why the Japanese Self-Defense Force willingly cooperated with Harrison for free, we need to go back to when Raven and other Salvador family experts were captured.

Back then, Raven and her team annihilated the Matsumoto family, bringing shame to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. As they attempted to escape from Osaka, the Japanese Self-Defense Force intercepted and captured them just as their plane was about to take off. This incident significantly boosted the reputation of the Self-Defense Force, while the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department was heavily criticized for their incompetence.

Prior to this, the reputation and social standing of the Japanese Self-Defense Force in Japan were not particularly high. After Japan's defeat in World War II, the public's respect for the military had diminished considerably.

Realizing that capturing Raven had greatly enhanced their social standing, the Japanese Self-Defense Force enjoyed the newfound attention and praise, and they were eager to achieve more significant accomplishments.

Harrison, astute as ever, noticed the public's admiration for the Self-Defense Force and inferred that they enjoyed this newfound respect. He then arranged for intermediaries to communicate with the top brass of the Self-Defense Force, proposing a collaboration for a grand performance.

The plan was straightforward: the Self-Defense Force would help Raven escape, only for the Salvador family to lead her into a trap prepared by the Self-Defense Force. By capturing Raven again, the Self-Defense Force would earn even greater recognition from the public.

The initial plan involved allowing Raven to escape after being handed over to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, making it appear that the Self-Defense Force had no involvement in her escape. This way, when Raven was recaptured, the Self-Defense Force could claim all the credit while the police were left to face the public's ire.

When the prisoners escaped, the Self-Defense Force would intercept them at sea, staging a media spectacle. This would make it seem like the Self-Defense Force captured the criminals at Osaka Airport, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department botched the transfer, and then the Self-Defense Force stepped in to clean up the mess.

This scenario would allow the Self-Defense Force to come out looking heroic on both ends, while the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department would be seen as inept.

For these reasons, the Japanese Self-Defense Force agreed to cooperate with Harrison's plan unconditionally, aiming to recapture Raven and solidify their reputation as national heroes.

Harrison's cunning didn't stop there. He not only roped the Japanese Self-Defense Force into his plan, turning them into a powerful ally, but he also deceived Raven and the entire Stormrider Family.

The Stormrider Family, deeply concerned about Raven's safety, was grateful to Harrison after he promised to rescue her. Now that the Salvador family had indeed rescued Raven from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, the Stormrider Family felt indebted to Harrison.

Little did the Stormrider Family know that Harrison was merely staging a play for them. His true plan was to rescue Raven from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, only to hand her over to the Japanese Self-Defense Force.
The Salvador family better get prepared for what's coming
Charlie is still a virgin i can tell. This man only knows how to fight
That's why I don't know why he calls himself dragons among men's while he haven't even enter that hole that qualifies real men's

In the world of high-stakes maneuvering, the art of making everything seem effortless while slashing costs is a skill in itself. For the Salvador family, this was a win-win.

But fate, it seems, had other plans.

In the heart of Eastcliff, Old Master Salvador eagerly awaited news from Japan. He was hoping for a successful capture of Raven by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces.

His anticipation was interrupted by an urgent call from a high-ranking Japanese official.

"Mr. Matsushima, have you captured Raven yet?" Old Master Salvador asked cheerfully as he answered the phone.

"Captured my foot!" came the furious response from the other end. "Why was there no one on the boat you arranged? Where the heck is Raven now?!"

Old Master Salvador's face went pale. "What do you mean, no one on the boat?!"

"Exactly that," the voice on the other end snapped. "There’s not a soul aboard!"

"What?" Harrison was instantly on edge. "I was just informed that everything was under control. How could they suddenly disappear?"

"How should I know?!" the official barked back. "We waited at the designated spot until we finally saw the target vessel, but there wasn’t even a ghost in sight!"

The official's voice turned threatening. "Listen, Harrison, if you don’t hand over Raven soon, don’t blame us for what happens next!"

Panicking, Harrison begged, "Mr. Matsushima, there must be some misunderstanding. I implore you to immediately dispatch the Maritime Self-Defense Force for a search!"

The official’s tone was icy. "We simply don't have the resources for such a large-scale search at the moment. If you can retrieve Raven, that would be ideal. But if you fail, the Japanese government will place all the blame for her escape squarely on the Salvador family!"

Desperation crept into Harrison’s voice. "Mr. Matsushima, rest assured we will do everything possible to find Raven and return her safely!"

"Remember, Harrison," the official growled, "you have only a few hours. If Raven isn’t captured by dawn, you’ll face the consequences!"

After the call ended, Harrison's face turned a deep shade of red with rage.

He summoned his most trusted aides and demanded, "What on earth happened with Raven?!"

His aides looked equally baffled. "Master, we’re still trying to reach anyone involved in this operation. It’s highly suspicious that no one can be contacted. The situation doesn’t look promising."

Harrison's face tightened. "Get in touch with everyone who participated in tonight’s operation immediately. We must find Raven at all costs! If she’s truly gone, the Japanese government will undoubtedly blame the Salvador family for orchestrating this escape. If that happens, the Salvador family will lose the entire Japanese market!"

The Salvador family’s ties to Japanese businesses were not confined to maritime transport; they had investments across various industries. A diplomatic blunder could spell disaster, seriously affecting all their Japanese ventures.

At that moment, Harrison knew that if things weren’t handled swiftly, the Salvador family would face catastrophic losses.


The Salvador family and the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force had launched a frantic search around Tokyo Bay for Raven. However, the vast expanse of the ocean with no clues made the search seem like finding a needle in a haystack.

While the Self-Defense Force scoured the waters in a frenzy, Charlie’s yacht had already left Japan. The vessel was now heading towards China, and after a night’s voyage, had covered about a third of the journey.

As dawn broke, the first light of the sun appeared on the eastern horizon. Despite the frigid winter temperatures, Charlie, dressed in a simple outfit, stepped out onto the deck.

The yacht sailed westward, so Charlie stood at the stern, watching the sunrise in the east. The rising sun cast its reflection on the sea, creating a dazzling display of shimmering red light—a breathtaking sight that calmed the mind.

Though Charlie appreciated the beauty of the sunrise, his thoughts were preoccupied with his future.

He had never considered leaving Aurous Hill before, but now he felt a growing conviction that he would eventually have to leave the city he had known for over a decade to go to Eastcliff and pursue his life’s goals.

Uncovering the truth behind his parents’ deaths was only the first step. After meeting with Marina and having a falling out, Charlie was determined to reclaim what rightfully belonged to his father.

As a descendant of the Wade family, Charlie believed that even if the family assets were divided equally among his four siblings, he should receive 25% of the total. Given that his father had single-handedly built the Wade family’s fortune to its current scale, Charlie felt he deserved a larger share.

The Wade family’s assets were worth trillions. A conglomerate like Dihao Group and an additional ten billion in cash might not even amount to 5% of the Wade family’s wealth. The remainder should be returned in full to the Wade family.

This wasn’t out of greed; Charlie was determined that his father’s rightful share should not end up with someone like Marina. More importantly, Charlie wanted to avenge his parents.

The Wade family could not escape their share of the blame for what happened to his parents, but the Salvador family’s open opposition and establishment of the so-called Anti-Leaf (Anti-Wade) Alliance were well-known in Eastcliff. In Charlie’s eyes, the Salvador family was his primary enemy.


He considered the Salvador family’s actions against the Wade family unforgivable and was determined to make them pay dearly. Although Charlie had initially planned to build up more strength before confronting the Salvador and Wade families, their recent actions had thrust them into his life, making it clear he needed to prepare to face them head-on.

With Raven now in his possession and having narrowly escaped death at the hands of the Salvador family, she could potentially be a significant asset in his campaign against them.

While lost in thought, Charlie heard footsteps approaching from behind. Turning around, he saw Sarah wrapped in a thick down jacket walking towards him.

Upon noticing Charlie’s gaze, Sarah smiled slightly and asked, “Master Wade, why are you up so early?”

Charlie smiled back. “I’ve gotten used to early mornings. I haven’t really slept in for years.”

He then inquired, “And you? With everything that’s happened these past few days, you should be resting. Why are you up so early?”


Sarah smiled, smoothing a few stray locks of hair from her temple, and said, “I was indeed quite tired and wanted a good rest, but I couldn’t bear the rocking of the boat, so I came up for some fresh air.”

Charlie asked with concern, “Feeling seasick?”

Sarah nodded, offering a small smile. “It’s not too bad.”

She moved closer to Charlie, leaning on the railing and gazing at the rising sun. “The sunrise over the ocean is truly beautiful. This is the first time I’ve ever seen the sunrise at sea.”

Noticing the worry and tension on her face, Charlie called out, “Sarah.”

Sarah turned to him quickly. “Master Wade, what is it?”

Charlie asked, “Is something troubling you?”

After a moment’s hesitation, Sarah nodded slightly and said earnestly, “I’m worried about my grandfather’s condition and unsure how to handle everything when we return.”

Charlie replied seriously, “You don’t need to worry about how to handle things when you get back. I’ll make sure everything is arranged. As for your grandfather’s condition…”

He paused briefly before continuing, “Let’s go back to the cabin. I’ll use the satellite phone to call Orvel and check on him.”

Sarah nodded quickly. “Alright, Master Wade!”

The two returned to the cabin. After obtaining the satellite phone from the captain, Charlie dialed Orvel directly.

When Orvel answered, he asked, “Hello, who am I speaking to?”

Charlie replied, “Orvel, it’s me.”

Orvel responded respectfully, “Master Wade, why did you change your number?”

Charlie explained, “I’m using a satellite phone now.”

He then asked, “By the way, how is Elder Walker?”

Orvel replied promptly, “The doctor said Elder Walker may have suffered brain damage and is showing symptoms of dementia. The situation isn’t very optimistic, but it’s not life-threatening. I’ve been staying at the hospital with him as you instructed, so you don’t need to worry about his safety.”

Charlie acknowledged with a sound of understanding and asked, “What about Benjamin and Ryan? Have they made any moves recently?”

Orvel said, “It looks like they’re preparing to hold a board meeting. With Miss Walker missing and Elder Walker suffering from dementia, the Walker Group is leaderless. They’re planning to activate the emergency measures for the board meeting, with Benjamin stepping in as the interim chairman of the Walker Group.”

Charlie inquired, “Oh? Do you know when and where the board meeting will be held?”

Orvel answered, “It’s scheduled for the day after tomorrow at 10 AM at the Walker Group headquarters. They’re also holding a press conference at 11 AM to announce the major resolutions of the board meeting and have invited numerous media outlets to cover it.”

Charlie understood that Benjamin was preparing to legally and openly secure the position of head of the Walker family and chairman of the Walker Group.

In Benjamin’s view, with current threats being minimal and Elder Walker now suffering from dementia, there was little to worry about. For him, the most important thing now was to take control of the Walker Group and quickly liquidate assets.

Charlie smiled calmly and said, “Orvel, please get a few invitations to the press conference from Benjamin. Let him know I, Charlie, will personally attend to support them!”


After a day and night of sailing, Charlie's yacht finally docked smoothly at the port in Shanghai.

The yacht arrived at 9 AM Eastcliff time, leaving only an hour and a half before the Walker Group board meeting began. This timeframe was just enough for a helicopter flight, so Charlie wouldn’t make it in time for the board meeting. However, he could still attend the subsequent press conference.

Along with Charlie, Sarah, Raven, and a few crew members from the Salvador family disembarked. Additionally, the vice president of Nippon Steel, Kazusaki Hashimoto, was bound tightly and escorted off the boat.

As the helicopter soared towards Aurous Hill, Benjamin entered the largest conference room of the Walker Group.

Inside, several shareholders and board members, including Benjamin’s son, Ryan, were already present, seated with a mixture of anticipation and tension.

When Benjamin entered, everyone stood to greet him.

Ryan was the first to speak, “Good morning, Chairman!”

The others quickly followed suit, greeting in unison, “Good morning, Chairman!”

Benjamin adjusted his glasses, offering a modest smile. “We’ve worked together for many years, and you all know I am a meticulous person. Since Miss Sarah is still missing, I’m only an acting chairman. Once Miss Walker returns safely, she will resume her role as the chairman of the Walker Group.”

The room buzzed with polite agreement. Legally, as long as Sarah was alive and hadn’t been ousted, she remained the chairwoman. Benjamin was merely acting in her stead and would step down once she returned.

Benjamin sighed, “I’ve pressured the Tokyo Metropolitan Police repeatedly, strongly protesting their domestic security and demanding they find Miss Walker’s whereabouts quickly. Unfortunately, they’ve made no progress.”

He continued, “While we could wait indefinitely, from a business perspective, the Walker Group can manage a few days without a chairman, but it cannot go months or even years without a true leader!”

“That’s why I’ve called this meeting—to activate the Walker Group’s emergency plan. We will temporarily remove Miss Walker from her position and elect a new chairman to lead the company!”

“This is the only way to reassure our investors and shareholders. Don’t you agree?”

Ryan nodded first, voicing his agreement. “With Chairman Walker’s whereabouts still unknown and widespread speculation about her death, we cannot provide strong evidence that she is still alive. This has greatly diminished market confidence and caused our stock price to plummet. If this continues, the Walker Group will suffer severe losses.”

He raised his voice, “Therefore, I support the acting chairman’s decision to elect a new chairman to lead the company!”

The room erupted in discussion, with many shareholders whispering among themselves. They were primarily concerned with the future of the Walker Group.

While they had great respect for Sarah’s capabilities and believed she could elevate the company further, the current situation was highly unusual. Sarah’s fate was uncertain, not due to her abilities, but because her whereabouts were unknown.


If the waiting continued endlessly, not only would their patience wear thin, but also that of the investors and shareholders. The Walker Group would face severe losses.

After careful consideration, they reluctantly agreed with Benjamin’s proposal. They believed that appointing a new, permanent chairman was the best way to stabilize the situation.

One shareholder spoke up, “I support the acting chairman’s proposal.”

“Me too!”

Seeing this, Ryan’s spirits lifted. He quickly added, “Let’s vote on this now. There are seventeen people present today. If more than eight agree to elect a new chairman, we’ll pass the proposal and proceed with the voting process.”

He stood up and declared, “I’m the first to support the election of a new chairman!”

Benjamin, with a serious expression, added, “As the initiator of this proposal, I also agree.”

Another voice rose, “I agree too!”

“Count me in, I agree!”

Ryan nodded, “Great, that makes four!”

“I agree!”

“Me as well!”

As more people expressed their agreement, Ryan’s excitement grew.

Soon, the number of people supporting the proposal reached nine.

With seventeen people, the critical threshold for the vote was eight votes and nine votes. Eight votes would not be enough, as it would not constitute a majority. But with nine votes, it exceeded half, thus passing the proposal according to the rules.

Ultimately, fourteen people agreed to the proposal.

Benjamin cleared his throat and announced, “Since fourteen members have agreed to elect a new chairman, I now officially declare that Miss Sarah’s position as chairman is temporarily suspended. We will proceed with the election process for a new chairman!”

Ryan clapped enthusiastically, keeping a mental note of the three who had not supported the proposal, thinking, “These three fools have no insight. Once my father becomes chairman, I’ll make sure they regret this!”

At this moment, one of the dissenters spoke up, “Everyone, since Chairman Sarah’s situation is uncertain, we need a contingency plan while we suspend her position.”

Ryan glared at him and asked coldly, “Justin, what do you mean by a contingency plan?”

The man, Justin Cruz, replied, “If Miss Sarah is indeed deceased, the new chairman will take over as planned. However, if Miss Sarah is still alive and we’ve elected a new chairman, will she be able to reclaim her position once she returns? In other words, will the newly elected chairman voluntarily step down if Miss Sarah returns?”

The room fell silent as everyone processed this new twist. Justin’s question had introduced a critical issue into the proceedings.

In the world of high-stakes maneuvering, the art of making everything seem effortless while slashing costs is a skill in itself. For the Salvador family, this was a win-win.

But fate, it seems, had other plans.

In the heart of Eastcliff, Old Master Salvador eagerly awaited news from Japan. He was hoping for a successful capture of Raven by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces.

His anticipation was interrupted by an urgent call from a high-ranking Japanese official.

"Mr. Matsushima, have you captured Raven yet?" Old Master Salvador asked cheerfully as he answered the phone.

"Captured my foot!" came the furious response from the other end. "Why was there no one on the boat you arranged? Where the heck is Raven now?!"

Old Master Salvador's face went pale. "What do you mean, no one on the boat?!"

"Exactly that," the voice on the other end snapped. "There’s not a soul aboard!"

"What?" Harrison was instantly on edge. "I was just informed that everything was under control. How could they suddenly disappear?"

"How should I know?!" the official barked back. "We waited at the designated spot until we finally saw the target vessel, but there wasn’t even a ghost in sight!"

The official's voice turned threatening. "Listen, Harrison, if you don’t hand over Raven soon, don’t blame us for what happens next!"

Panicking, Harrison begged, "Mr. Matsushima, there must be some misunderstanding. I implore you to immediately dispatch the Maritime Self-Defense Force for a search!"

The official’s tone was icy. "We simply don't have the resources for such a large-scale search at the moment. If you can retrieve Raven, that would be ideal. But if you fail, the Japanese government will place all the blame for her escape squarely on the Salvador family!"

Desperation crept into Harrison’s voice. "Mr. Matsushima, rest assured we will do everything possible to find Raven and return her safely!"

"Remember, Harrison," the official growled, "you have only a few hours. If Raven isn’t captured by dawn, you’ll face the consequences!"

After the call ended, Harrison's face turned a deep shade of red with rage.

He summoned his most trusted aides and demanded, "What on earth happened with Raven?!"

His aides looked equally baffled. "Master, we’re still trying to reach anyone involved in this operation. It’s highly suspicious that no one can be contacted. The situation doesn’t look promising."

Harrison's face tightened. "Get in touch with everyone who participated in tonight’s operation immediately. We must find Raven at all costs! If she’s truly gone, the Japanese government will undoubtedly blame the Salvador family for orchestrating this escape. If that happens, the Salvador family will lose the entire Japanese market!"

The Salvador family’s ties to Japanese businesses were not confined to maritime transport; they had investments across various industries. A diplomatic blunder could spell disaster, seriously affecting all their Japanese ventures.

At that moment, Harrison knew that if things weren’t handled swiftly, the Salvador family would face catastrophic losses.


The Salvador family and the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force had launched a frantic search around Tokyo Bay for Raven. However, the vast expanse of the ocean with no clues made the search seem like finding a needle in a haystack.

While the Self-Defense Force scoured the waters in a frenzy, Charlie’s yacht had already left Japan. The vessel was now heading towards China, and after a night’s voyage, had covered about a third of the journey.

As dawn broke, the first light of the sun appeared on the eastern horizon. Despite the frigid winter temperatures, Charlie, dressed in a simple outfit, stepped out onto the deck.

The yacht sailed westward, so Charlie stood at the stern, watching the sunrise in the east. The rising sun cast its reflection on the sea, creating a dazzling display of shimmering red light—a breathtaking sight that calmed the mind.

Though Charlie appreciated the beauty of the sunrise, his thoughts were preoccupied with his future.

He had never considered leaving Aurous Hill before, but now he felt a growing conviction that he would eventually have to leave the city he had known for over a decade to go to Eastcliff and pursue his life’s goals.

Uncovering the truth behind his parents’ deaths was only the first step. After meeting with Marina and having a falling out, Charlie was determined to reclaim what rightfully belonged to his father.

As a descendant of the Wade family, Charlie believed that even if the family assets were divided equally among his four siblings, he should receive 25% of the total. Given that his father had single-handedly built the Wade family’s fortune to its current scale, Charlie felt he deserved a larger share.

The Wade family’s assets were worth trillions. A conglomerate like Dihao Group and an additional ten billion in cash might not even amount to 5% of the Wade family’s wealth. The remainder should be returned in full to the Wade family.

This wasn’t out of greed; Charlie was determined that his father’s rightful share should not end up with someone like Marina. More importantly, Charlie wanted to avenge his parents.

The Wade family could not escape their share of the blame for what happened to his parents, but the Salvador family’s open opposition and establishment of the so-called Anti-Leaf (Anti-Wade) Alliance were well-known in Eastcliff. In Charlie’s eyes, the Salvador family was his primary enemy.


He considered the Salvador family’s actions against the Wade family unforgivable and was determined to make them pay dearly. Although Charlie had initially planned to build up more strength before confronting the Salvador and Wade families, their recent actions had thrust them into his life, making it clear he needed to prepare to face them head-on.

With Raven now in his possession and having narrowly escaped death at the hands of the Salvador family, she could potentially be a significant asset in his campaign against them.

While lost in thought, Charlie heard footsteps approaching from behind. Turning around, he saw Sarah wrapped in a thick down jacket walking towards him.

Upon noticing Charlie’s gaze, Sarah smiled slightly and asked, “Master Wade, why are you up so early?”

Charlie smiled back. “I’ve gotten used to early mornings. I haven’t really slept in for years.”

He then inquired, “And you? With everything that’s happened these past few days, you should be resting. Why are you up so early?”


Sarah smiled, smoothing a few stray locks of hair from her temple, and said, “I was indeed quite tired and wanted a good rest, but I couldn’t bear the rocking of the boat, so I came up for some fresh air.”

Charlie asked with concern, “Feeling seasick?”

Sarah nodded, offering a small smile. “It’s not too bad.”

She moved closer to Charlie, leaning on the railing and gazing at the rising sun. “The sunrise over the ocean is truly beautiful. This is the first time I’ve ever seen the sunrise at sea.”

Noticing the worry and tension on her face, Charlie called out, “Sarah.”

Sarah turned to him quickly. “Master Wade, what is it?”

Charlie asked, “Is something troubling you?”

After a moment’s hesitation, Sarah nodded slightly and said earnestly, “I’m worried about my grandfather’s condition and unsure how to handle everything when we return.”

Charlie replied seriously, “You don’t need to worry about how to handle things when you get back. I’ll make sure everything is arranged. As for your grandfather’s condition…”

He paused briefly before continuing, “Let’s go back to the cabin. I’ll use the satellite phone to call Orvel and check on him.”

Sarah nodded quickly. “Alright, Master Wade!”

The two returned to the cabin. After obtaining the satellite phone from the captain, Charlie dialed Orvel directly.

When Orvel answered, he asked, “Hello, who am I speaking to?”

Charlie replied, “Orvel, it’s me.”

Orvel responded respectfully, “Master Wade, why did you change your number?”

Charlie explained, “I’m using a satellite phone now.”

He then asked, “By the way, how is Elder Walker?”

Orvel replied promptly, “The doctor said Elder Walker may have suffered brain damage and is showing symptoms of dementia. The situation isn’t very optimistic, but it’s not life-threatening. I’ve been staying at the hospital with him as you instructed, so you don’t need to worry about his safety.”

Charlie acknowledged with a sound of understanding and asked, “What about Benjamin and Ryan? Have they made any moves recently?”

Orvel said, “It looks like they’re preparing to hold a board meeting. With Miss Walker missing and Elder Walker suffering from dementia, the Walker Group is leaderless. They’re planning to activate the emergency measures for the board meeting, with Benjamin stepping in as the interim chairman of the Walker Group.”

Charlie inquired, “Oh? Do you know when and where the board meeting will be held?”

Orvel answered, “It’s scheduled for the day after tomorrow at 10 AM at the Walker Group headquarters. They’re also holding a press conference at 11 AM to announce the major resolutions of the board meeting and have invited numerous media outlets to cover it.”

Charlie understood that Benjamin was preparing to legally and openly secure the position of head of the Walker family and chairman of the Walker Group.

In Benjamin’s view, with current threats being minimal and Elder Walker now suffering from dementia, there was little to worry about. For him, the most important thing now was to take control of the Walker Group and quickly liquidate assets.

Charlie smiled calmly and said, “Orvel, please get a few invitations to the press conference from Benjamin. Let him know I, Charlie, will personally attend to support them!”


After a day and night of sailing, Charlie's yacht finally docked smoothly at the port in Shanghai.

The yacht arrived at 9 AM Eastcliff time, leaving only an hour and a half before the Walker Group board meeting began. This timeframe was just enough for a helicopter flight, so Charlie wouldn’t make it in time for the board meeting. However, he could still attend the subsequent press conference.

Along with Charlie, Sarah, Raven, and a few crew members from the Salvador family disembarked. Additionally, the vice president of Nippon Steel, Kazusaki Hashimoto, was bound tightly and escorted off the boat.

As the helicopter soared towards Aurous Hill, Benjamin entered the largest conference room of the Walker Group.

Inside, several shareholders and board members, including Benjamin’s son, Ryan, were already present, seated with a mixture of anticipation and tension.

When Benjamin entered, everyone stood to greet him.

Ryan was the first to speak, “Good morning, Chairman!”

The others quickly followed suit, greeting in unison, “Good morning, Chairman!”

Benjamin adjusted his glasses, offering a modest smile. “We’ve worked together for many years, and you all know I am a meticulous person. Since Miss Sarah is still missing, I’m only an acting chairman. Once Miss Walker returns safely, she will resume her role as the chairman of the Walker Group.”

The room buzzed with polite agreement. Legally, as long as Sarah was alive and hadn’t been ousted, she remained the chairwoman. Benjamin was merely acting in her stead and would step down once she returned.

Benjamin sighed, “I’ve pressured the Tokyo Metropolitan Police repeatedly, strongly protesting their domestic security and demanding they find Miss Walker’s whereabouts quickly. Unfortunately, they’ve made no progress.”

He continued, “While we could wait indefinitely, from a business perspective, the Walker Group can manage a few days without a chairman, but it cannot go months or even years without a true leader!”

“That’s why I’ve called this meeting—to activate the Walker Group’s emergency plan. We will temporarily remove Miss Walker from her position and elect a new chairman to lead the company!”

“This is the only way to reassure our investors and shareholders. Don’t you agree?”

Ryan nodded first, voicing his agreement. “With Chairman Walker’s whereabouts still unknown and widespread speculation about her death, we cannot provide strong evidence that she is still alive. This has greatly diminished market confidence and caused our stock price to plummet. If this continues, the Walker Group will suffer severe losses.”

He raised his voice, “Therefore, I support the acting chairman’s decision to elect a new chairman to lead the company!”

The room erupted in discussion, with many shareholders whispering among themselves. They were primarily concerned with the future of the Walker Group.

While they had great respect for Sarah’s capabilities and believed she could elevate the company further, the current situation was highly unusual. Sarah’s fate was uncertain, not due to her abilities, but because her whereabouts were unknown.


If the waiting continued endlessly, not only would their patience wear thin, but also that of the investors and shareholders. The Walker Group would face severe losses.

After careful consideration, they reluctantly agreed with Benjamin’s proposal. They believed that appointing a new, permanent chairman was the best way to stabilize the situation.

One shareholder spoke up, “I support the acting chairman’s proposal.”

“Me too!”

Seeing this, Ryan’s spirits lifted. He quickly added, “Let’s vote on this now. There are seventeen people present today. If more than eight agree to elect a new chairman, we’ll pass the proposal and proceed with the voting process.”

He stood up and declared, “I’m the first to support the election of a new chairman!”

Benjamin, with a serious expression, added, “As the initiator of this proposal, I also agree.”

Another voice rose, “I agree too!”

“Count me in, I agree!”

Ryan nodded, “Great, that makes four!”

“I agree!”

“Me as well!”

As more people expressed their agreement, Ryan’s excitement grew.

Soon, the number of people supporting the proposal reached nine.

With seventeen people, the critical threshold for the vote was eight votes and nine votes. Eight votes would not be enough, as it would not constitute a majority. But with nine votes, it exceeded half, thus passing the proposal according to the rules.

Ultimately, fourteen people agreed to the proposal.

Benjamin cleared his throat and announced, “Since fourteen members have agreed to elect a new chairman, I now officially declare that Miss Sarah’s position as chairman is temporarily suspended. We will proceed with the election process for a new chairman!”

Ryan clapped enthusiastically, keeping a mental note of the three who had not supported the proposal, thinking, “These three fools have no insight. Once my father becomes chairman, I’ll make sure they regret this!”

At this moment, one of the dissenters spoke up, “Everyone, since Chairman Sarah’s situation is uncertain, we need a contingency plan while we suspend her position.”

Ryan glared at him and asked coldly, “Justin, what do you mean by a contingency plan?”

The man, Justin Cruz, replied, “If Miss Sarah is indeed deceased, the new chairman will take over as planned. However, if Miss Sarah is still alive and we’ve elected a new chairman, will she be able to reclaim her position once she returns? In other words, will the newly elected chairman voluntarily step down if Miss Sarah returns?”

The room fell silent as everyone processed this new twist. Justin’s question had introduced a critical issue into the proceedings.
Life is unpredictable 😏

Benjamin and his son, Ryan, were deeply displeased by Justin's remarks.

Their true aim was to permanently remove Sarah from the board of the Walker Group. Regardless of whether she was dead or alive, they wanted her entirely out of the picture.

However, they had not anticipated that, despite Sarah's prolonged disappearance, there would still be board members concerned about her and advocating for her.

Justin's words quickly resonated with the others.

Many members voiced their agreement, leaving Benjamin and Ryan furious but unable to show it. After all, the rest of the board had no inkling of their plot against Sarah.

Publicly, they had to show a facade of regret and concern for the Walker Group's future, even if it meant reluctantly appointing a new chairman.

So, when Justin suggested waiting for Sarah’s possible return, even though Benjamin and Ryan internally disagreed, they couldn't express their true feelings.

Any objection from them would raise suspicions about their motives. If anyone began to suspect their involvement in Sarah's misfortune in Japan, it could lead to disastrous consequences for them.

Grinding his teeth, Benjamin finally spoke, "I believe Mr. Cruz is correct. Since we are deciding to elect a new chairman to oversee things, we must also prepare for Sarah’s possible return."

He continued, "I propose that whoever we elect as the new chairman must agree to step down unconditionally and return the position to Sarah should she return safely. Does anyone have any objections?"

Everyone nodded in agreement. In the subsequent vote, all seventeen members raised their hands in favor.

Benjamin seethed inwardly, thinking, "This is like planting a ticking time bomb for myself. Who knows if Sarah is dead or alive? If she returns, all my efforts will have been for nothing."

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Benjamin thought, "The best solution now is to sell off assets quickly to mitigate any potential fallout."

He then addressed the board, "Let's proceed to the next vote. We need to elect a new chairman from among us seventeen members. Everyone has the right to vote and be voted for, with each member casting one vote. The candidate with the most votes will become the new chairman."

He added, "Given the importance of this decision for the Walker Group, we will conduct a recorded vote to prevent any backdoor dealings."

At this, the board members exchanged uneasy glances. While a recorded vote was fair, it also brought a significant risk: retribution.

If one voted for candidate A but candidate B won, candidate B might harbor a grudge and create problems for those who didn't support them.

Dealing with such a vengeful person could be a nightmare, even many years later.

Faced with this situation, no one felt entirely at ease.


Ryan earnestly supported, "I also agree with a recorded vote. Only a recorded vote adheres to the principles of openness, fairness, and justice."

He raised his hand, saying, "To set an example, I nominate Mr. Benjamin Walker as the new chairman of the Walker Group and cast my vote for him."

Benjamin smiled slightly, "Since every member of the board has the right to vote and be voted for, I will also vote for myself! I believe I can lead the Walker Group through these challenging times and achieve new heights."

Immediately, others began to voice their support, "I also vote for Mr. Benjamin!"

"Count me in!"

Ryan calmly stated, "In that case, Mr. Benjamin has already received four votes. Let's proceed with the rest of the voting."

The remaining board members whispered among themselves. Seeing that Benjamin had already gained the upper hand and considering the risk of retribution in a recorded vote, they all decided to cast their votes for him as well.

Soon, Benjamin's vote count reached nine, securing his position as the new chairman.

The few remaining members who hadn't voted yet realized the outcome was inevitable. Whether they voted for him or not wouldn't change the result. Not voting for him might lead to future troubles.

Thus, everyone cast their votes for Benjamin.

In the end, Benjamin received all seventeen votes.

Ryan announced, "Since everyone has voted, Mr. Benjamin Walker is now the new chairman of the Walker Group. Let's all give him a round of applause!"

He led the applause, and everyone else followed suit.

Benjamin, with a humble expression, waved his hands and solemnly said, "I am aware of my capabilities. While I may be competent, I am not as good as the former chairman, Ms. Sarah Walker. However, since I have been elected, I will uphold the principle of 'taking responsibility when in position' and dedicate myself to the future development of the Walker Group. I will not shirk my duties."

The others quickly applauded in agreement.

Benjamin smiled calmly, "Since we have elected a new chairman, let's move to the press conference hall."

"I have already invited some media and informed them that we will announce the new chairman today."

"We will hold a press conference shortly to make the board's decision public, reassuring our investors and shareholders. Any objections?"

Having elected Benjamin as the new chairman, there were no objections to attending the press conference.

Everyone agreed readily.

Benjamin, full of emotion, said, "Ah! Reaching a consensus so quickly is a huge boon for the Walker Group. I believe our stock price will soar after the press conference!"

He then put on a serious face, "However, everyone must be cautious. Do not use these few minutes before the press conference to engage in any stock market shenanigans. If anyone is found guilty of insider trading and the Securities and Exchange Commission comes knocking, I will not show any mercy!"


Benjamin’s selfless stance instilled a sense of awe among the shareholders.

The stock market is ever-changing, and those who have insider information can make huge profits. Thus, preventing insider trading is particularly challenging.

For instance, if a listed company plans to collaborate with a larger multinational corporation, once this news is made public, the stock price of the listed company is bound to surge.

Ordinary people, unaware of the company's internal workings, cannot capitalize on such insider trading opportunities. However, the company's senior executives, who are privy to these discussions, can.

If they deliberately buy large quantities of their own company's stock before the price rises, and then sell it at the peak after the announcement, they can make substantial profits.

Although this method seems like easy money, it clearly violates the Securities and Exchange Commission's regulations. It is standard insider trading. If caught, not only will the illegal gains be confiscated, but hefty fines will be imposed, and in severe cases, legal responsibility may be pursued, including possible imprisonment.

Despite the risks, many still choose to gamble for substantial profits.

Whether a listed group can curb internal misconduct is crucial to its long-term success.

By emphasizing the prohibition of insider trading right from the start, Benjamin conveyed a firm message: no one in the Walker Group is allowed to engage in any illegal operations, and everyone must earn their money legitimately.

This declaration also bolstered his authority among the members to some extent.

Meanwhile, the Walker Group's press conference hall was filled with invited media representatives.

Everyone was keenly interested in the Walker Group's recent developments, especially following the news of the disappearance of their chairman, Sarah, in Japan. The media was eager to learn about the rescue efforts and the Walker Group's next steps.

The media's intuition had already led them to speculate that the Walker Group would likely announce the new chairman at the press conference today.

No company, especially a listed one like the Walker Group, can function leaderless for long.

Although the press conference hadn't started yet, the journalists were already buzzing with speculation.

A local TV reporter whispered to a provincial TV journalist, "I heard that the old master of the Walker family, due to the shock, has developed dementia. Now, the only strong pillar left in the Walker family is the eldest son, Benjamin. So, I guess the new chairman will most likely be him."

The provincial journalist replied, "Could it be Ryan, the old master's eldest grandson? Since the old master had already passed the position to the younger generation with Sarah, the Walker Group might choose another young leader."

The local reporter considered, "If that's the case, today's announcement could also name Benjamin's son, Ryan, as the new chairman."

Just then, a Walker Group staff member stepped up to the stage and spoke into the microphone, "Media friends, please wait a moment. Our board has reached a consensus and made a significant decision. Shortly, our board members will attend the press conference to announce the details."

The reporters perked up, eagerly anticipating the arrival of the board members.


At this moment, the helicopter carrying Charlie, Sarah, and others had reached the outskirts of Aurous Hill City.

Since the helicopter also had Raven and several other Salvador family crew members on board, Charlie first directed the helicopter to Shangri-La Hotel.

Isaac had already prepared several highly private top-floor rooms for Raven and the Salvador family crew members to stay in.

However, Charlie wasn't entirely comfortable with them yet, so he instructed Isaac to keep these people under surveillance.

At Shangri-La, Raven and the others would receive comprehensive and detailed service, including meals and accommodation. However, all phones and external communication methods in their rooms were cut off, as Charlie temporarily prohibited any contact with the outside world.

Raven understood that Charlie was still wary of her, so she had no objections to this arrangement.

After settling Raven and her group, Charlie, Sarah, and Kazusaki took the helicopter to the Walker Group.

Meanwhile, at the Walker Group, Benjamin had just concluded the board meeting. As the meeting adjourned, he told everyone, "Take a ten-minute break in your offices. After that, we’ll head down to hold the press conference."

Everyone got up and left, and Benjamin walked back to his Vice Chairman's office, with Ryan following behind.

Father and son paused involuntarily as they passed by Sarah’s Chairman’s office.

Benjamin glanced at the “Chairman’s Office” sign on the door, his eyes filled with eager anticipation.

He thought to himself, “After the press conference, I’ll move into this Chairman’s office immediately! Not only is it spacious, but it also faces the Yangtze River with stunning views through its large floor-to-ceiling windows. It’s far better than my current office!”

With this thought, Benjamin said to Ryan, "Ryan, come to my office."

Ryan nodded, "Alright, Dad."

The two entered Benjamin’s Vice Chairman’s office, where Benjamin said, "By the way, Ryan, Isaac mentioned that Charlie would be attending our press conference."

"Charlie?!" Ryan asked in surprise, "Dad, is Charlie back?"

Benjamin replied, "It seems so from what he said."

Ryan smiled, "Looks like he didn’t find any trace of Sarah in Japan."

Benjamin sneered, "Finding her isn't that easy. The deep mountains and forests of Nishi-Tama District are almost like a primitive jungle. Sarah’s body might have already been eaten by wild beasts."

Ryan nodded but then expressed concern, "Dad, Charlie was close to Sarah. I’m worried he won't let this go easily. What if he continues to investigate?"

Benjamin dismissed the concern with a wave, "Let him investigate! He can do whatever he wants! Charlie might have some influence in Aurous Hill, but he’s nothing in Japan. If he can uncover anything, I’ll chop off my head and give it to him!"


The longer Sarah remained missing, the more at ease Benjamin felt. He believed that with time, the likelihood of Sarah being alive diminished significantly.

Ryan, however, was not as carefree as his father. He whispered nervously, "Dad, Charlie is quite resourceful. We need to be cautious and ensure he doesn't see through us."

Benjamin nodded, "Naturally. Our task is to put on a convincing act."

Ryan continued, "Dad, I've been feeling uneasy these past few days. Where could Sarah have gone? How can she just disappear without a trace, neither dead nor alive?"

Benjamin sneered, "I think it's highly likely that Sarah is already dead. Her body just hasn't been found yet."

Ryan quickly asked, "How can you be so sure?"

Benjamin replied calmly, "Everything follows a probability. When someone goes missing, the highest probability of finding them is within the first 12 hours. If they aren't found within those 12 hours, the chances of finding them drop significantly."

"If more than 24 hours pass, the probability of finding them decreases by at least half."

"If more than 48 hours pass, the chance of finding them is less than 25%."

"And as time goes on, not only does the chance of finding them become slimmer, but their survival rate also drops."

Continuing, Benjamin said, "You've probably seen trending topics on Weibo about missing persons. Some people go out for a run and suddenly vanish; others take a taxi somewhere and are never seen again."

Ryan nodded, "Yes, those trending topics come up frequently."

Benjamin went on, "In most cases, if the person isn't found quickly, the outcome is usually grim. Often, even with the entire internet helping to search, the result is the discovery of a corpse after some time."

"So, given that Sarah has been missing for so long, it's likely she's already dead."

"And once someone is dead, they can never testify against us. Plus, we didn't kill her ourselves; Kazusaki arranged for her to be killed. It's difficult to trace it back to us. If trouble arises, Kazusaki will bear the brunt first. As long as he stays out of trouble, we're safe. If he does get into trouble, we just need to flee immediately."

Ryan finally relaxed, smiling, "In that case, we need to maintain contact with Kazusaki and keep track of his daily activities."

Benjamin nodded, "You're right. Kazusaki is like our signal tower. If he starts to falter, it means we're in danger too. If he stays safe, we can continue to be at ease."

With that, Benjamin took out his phone and called Kazusaki.

The call connected quickly.

Kazusaki, who often traveled the world for business, had a global roaming service that allowed him to stay connected no matter which country he was in.

Benjamin and his son, Ryan, were deeply displeased by Justin's remarks.

Their true aim was to permanently remove Sarah from the board of the Walker Group. Regardless of whether she was dead or alive, they wanted her entirely out of the picture.

However, they had not anticipated that, despite Sarah's prolonged disappearance, there would still be board members concerned about her and advocating for her.

Justin's words quickly resonated with the others.

Many members voiced their agreement, leaving Benjamin and Ryan furious but unable to show it. After all, the rest of the board had no inkling of their plot against Sarah.

Publicly, they had to show a facade of regret and concern for the Walker Group's future, even if it meant reluctantly appointing a new chairman.

So, when Justin suggested waiting for Sarah’s possible return, even though Benjamin and Ryan internally disagreed, they couldn't express their true feelings.

Any objection from them would raise suspicions about their motives. If anyone began to suspect their involvement in Sarah's misfortune in Japan, it could lead to disastrous consequences for them.

Grinding his teeth, Benjamin finally spoke, "I believe Mr. Cruz is correct. Since we are deciding to elect a new chairman to oversee things, we must also prepare for Sarah’s possible return."

He continued, "I propose that whoever we elect as the new chairman must agree to step down unconditionally and return the position to Sarah should she return safely. Does anyone have any objections?"

Everyone nodded in agreement. In the subsequent vote, all seventeen members raised their hands in favor.

Benjamin seethed inwardly, thinking, "This is like planting a ticking time bomb for myself. Who knows if Sarah is dead or alive? If she returns, all my efforts will have been for nothing."

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Benjamin thought, "The best solution now is to sell off assets quickly to mitigate any potential fallout."

He then addressed the board, "Let's proceed to the next vote. We need to elect a new chairman from among us seventeen members. Everyone has the right to vote and be voted for, with each member casting one vote. The candidate with the most votes will become the new chairman."

He added, "Given the importance of this decision for the Walker Group, we will conduct a recorded vote to prevent any backdoor dealings."

At this, the board members exchanged uneasy glances. While a recorded vote was fair, it also brought a significant risk: retribution.

If one voted for candidate A but candidate B won, candidate B might harbor a grudge and create problems for those who didn't support them.

Dealing with such a vengeful person could be a nightmare, even many years later.

Faced with this situation, no one felt entirely at ease.


Ryan earnestly supported, "I also agree with a recorded vote. Only a recorded vote adheres to the principles of openness, fairness, and justice."

He raised his hand, saying, "To set an example, I nominate Mr. Benjamin Walker as the new chairman of the Walker Group and cast my vote for him."

Benjamin smiled slightly, "Since every member of the board has the right to vote and be voted for, I will also vote for myself! I believe I can lead the Walker Group through these challenging times and achieve new heights."

Immediately, others began to voice their support, "I also vote for Mr. Benjamin!"

"Count me in!"

Ryan calmly stated, "In that case, Mr. Benjamin has already received four votes. Let's proceed with the rest of the voting."

The remaining board members whispered among themselves. Seeing that Benjamin had already gained the upper hand and considering the risk of retribution in a recorded vote, they all decided to cast their votes for him as well.

Soon, Benjamin's vote count reached nine, securing his position as the new chairman.

The few remaining members who hadn't voted yet realized the outcome was inevitable. Whether they voted for him or not wouldn't change the result. Not voting for him might lead to future troubles.

Thus, everyone cast their votes for Benjamin.

In the end, Benjamin received all seventeen votes.

Ryan announced, "Since everyone has voted, Mr. Benjamin Walker is now the new chairman of the Walker Group. Let's all give him a round of applause!"

He led the applause, and everyone else followed suit.

Benjamin, with a humble expression, waved his hands and solemnly said, "I am aware of my capabilities. While I may be competent, I am not as good as the former chairman, Ms. Sarah Walker. However, since I have been elected, I will uphold the principle of 'taking responsibility when in position' and dedicate myself to the future development of the Walker Group. I will not shirk my duties."

The others quickly applauded in agreement.

Benjamin smiled calmly, "Since we have elected a new chairman, let's move to the press conference hall."

"I have already invited some media and informed them that we will announce the new chairman today."

"We will hold a press conference shortly to make the board's decision public, reassuring our investors and shareholders. Any objections?"

Having elected Benjamin as the new chairman, there were no objections to attending the press conference.

Everyone agreed readily.

Benjamin, full of emotion, said, "Ah! Reaching a consensus so quickly is a huge boon for the Walker Group. I believe our stock price will soar after the press conference!"

He then put on a serious face, "However, everyone must be cautious. Do not use these few minutes before the press conference to engage in any stock market shenanigans. If anyone is found guilty of insider trading and the Securities and Exchange Commission comes knocking, I will not show any mercy!"


Benjamin’s selfless stance instilled a sense of awe among the shareholders.

The stock market is ever-changing, and those who have insider information can make huge profits. Thus, preventing insider trading is particularly challenging.

For instance, if a listed company plans to collaborate with a larger multinational corporation, once this news is made public, the stock price of the listed company is bound to surge.

Ordinary people, unaware of the company's internal workings, cannot capitalize on such insider trading opportunities. However, the company's senior executives, who are privy to these discussions, can.

If they deliberately buy large quantities of their own company's stock before the price rises, and then sell it at the peak after the announcement, they can make substantial profits.

Although this method seems like easy money, it clearly violates the Securities and Exchange Commission's regulations. It is standard insider trading. If caught, not only will the illegal gains be confiscated, but hefty fines will be imposed, and in severe cases, legal responsibility may be pursued, including possible imprisonment.

Despite the risks, many still choose to gamble for substantial profits.

Whether a listed group can curb internal misconduct is crucial to its long-term success.

By emphasizing the prohibition of insider trading right from the start, Benjamin conveyed a firm message: no one in the Walker Group is allowed to engage in any illegal operations, and everyone must earn their money legitimately.

This declaration also bolstered his authority among the members to some extent.

Meanwhile, the Walker Group's press conference hall was filled with invited media representatives.

Everyone was keenly interested in the Walker Group's recent developments, especially following the news of the disappearance of their chairman, Sarah, in Japan. The media was eager to learn about the rescue efforts and the Walker Group's next steps.

The media's intuition had already led them to speculate that the Walker Group would likely announce the new chairman at the press conference today.

No company, especially a listed one like the Walker Group, can function leaderless for long.

Although the press conference hadn't started yet, the journalists were already buzzing with speculation.

A local TV reporter whispered to a provincial TV journalist, "I heard that the old master of the Walker family, due to the shock, has developed dementia. Now, the only strong pillar left in the Walker family is the eldest son, Benjamin. So, I guess the new chairman will most likely be him."

The provincial journalist replied, "Could it be Ryan, the old master's eldest grandson? Since the old master had already passed the position to the younger generation with Sarah, the Walker Group might choose another young leader."

The local reporter considered, "If that's the case, today's announcement could also name Benjamin's son, Ryan, as the new chairman."

Just then, a Walker Group staff member stepped up to the stage and spoke into the microphone, "Media friends, please wait a moment. Our board has reached a consensus and made a significant decision. Shortly, our board members will attend the press conference to announce the details."

The reporters perked up, eagerly anticipating the arrival of the board members.


At this moment, the helicopter carrying Charlie, Sarah, and others had reached the outskirts of Aurous Hill City.

Since the helicopter also had Raven and several other Salvador family crew members on board, Charlie first directed the helicopter to Shangri-La Hotel.

Isaac had already prepared several highly private top-floor rooms for Raven and the Salvador family crew members to stay in.

However, Charlie wasn't entirely comfortable with them yet, so he instructed Isaac to keep these people under surveillance.

At Shangri-La, Raven and the others would receive comprehensive and detailed service, including meals and accommodation. However, all phones and external communication methods in their rooms were cut off, as Charlie temporarily prohibited any contact with the outside world.

Raven understood that Charlie was still wary of her, so she had no objections to this arrangement.

After settling Raven and her group, Charlie, Sarah, and Kazusaki took the helicopter to the Walker Group.

Meanwhile, at the Walker Group, Benjamin had just concluded the board meeting. As the meeting adjourned, he told everyone, "Take a ten-minute break in your offices. After that, we’ll head down to hold the press conference."

Everyone got up and left, and Benjamin walked back to his Vice Chairman's office, with Ryan following behind.

Father and son paused involuntarily as they passed by Sarah’s Chairman’s office.

Benjamin glanced at the “Chairman’s Office” sign on the door, his eyes filled with eager anticipation.

He thought to himself, “After the press conference, I’ll move into this Chairman’s office immediately! Not only is it spacious, but it also faces the Yangtze River with stunning views through its large floor-to-ceiling windows. It’s far better than my current office!”

With this thought, Benjamin said to Ryan, "Ryan, come to my office."

Ryan nodded, "Alright, Dad."

The two entered Benjamin’s Vice Chairman’s office, where Benjamin said, "By the way, Ryan, Isaac mentioned that Charlie would be attending our press conference."

"Charlie?!" Ryan asked in surprise, "Dad, is Charlie back?"

Benjamin replied, "It seems so from what he said."

Ryan smiled, "Looks like he didn’t find any trace of Sarah in Japan."

Benjamin sneered, "Finding her isn't that easy. The deep mountains and forests of Nishi-Tama District are almost like a primitive jungle. Sarah’s body might have already been eaten by wild beasts."

Ryan nodded but then expressed concern, "Dad, Charlie was close to Sarah. I’m worried he won't let this go easily. What if he continues to investigate?"

Benjamin dismissed the concern with a wave, "Let him investigate! He can do whatever he wants! Charlie might have some influence in Aurous Hill, but he’s nothing in Japan. If he can uncover anything, I’ll chop off my head and give it to him!"


The longer Sarah remained missing, the more at ease Benjamin felt. He believed that with time, the likelihood of Sarah being alive diminished significantly.

Ryan, however, was not as carefree as his father. He whispered nervously, "Dad, Charlie is quite resourceful. We need to be cautious and ensure he doesn't see through us."

Benjamin nodded, "Naturally. Our task is to put on a convincing act."

Ryan continued, "Dad, I've been feeling uneasy these past few days. Where could Sarah have gone? How can she just disappear without a trace, neither dead nor alive?"

Benjamin sneered, "I think it's highly likely that Sarah is already dead. Her body just hasn't been found yet."

Ryan quickly asked, "How can you be so sure?"

Benjamin replied calmly, "Everything follows a probability. When someone goes missing, the highest probability of finding them is within the first 12 hours. If they aren't found within those 12 hours, the chances of finding them drop significantly."

"If more than 24 hours pass, the probability of finding them decreases by at least half."

"If more than 48 hours pass, the chance of finding them is less than 25%."

"And as time goes on, not only does the chance of finding them become slimmer, but their survival rate also drops."

Continuing, Benjamin said, "You've probably seen trending topics on Weibo about missing persons. Some people go out for a run and suddenly vanish; others take a taxi somewhere and are never seen again."

Ryan nodded, "Yes, those trending topics come up frequently."

Benjamin went on, "In most cases, if the person isn't found quickly, the outcome is usually grim. Often, even with the entire internet helping to search, the result is the discovery of a corpse after some time."

"So, given that Sarah has been missing for so long, it's likely she's already dead."

"And once someone is dead, they can never testify against us. Plus, we didn't kill her ourselves; Kazusaki arranged for her to be killed. It's difficult to trace it back to us. If trouble arises, Kazusaki will bear the brunt first. As long as he stays out of trouble, we're safe. If he does get into trouble, we just need to flee immediately."

Ryan finally relaxed, smiling, "In that case, we need to maintain contact with Kazusaki and keep track of his daily activities."

Benjamin nodded, "You're right. Kazusaki is like our signal tower. If he starts to falter, it means we're in danger too. If he stays safe, we can continue to be at ease."

With that, Benjamin took out his phone and called Kazusaki.

The call connected quickly.

Kazusaki, who often traveled the world for business, had a global roaming service that allowed him to stay connected no matter which country he was in.
Benjamin and Ryan, it's a pity you are in a mess with the dragon who hasn't indulged in dual cultivation before. You guys are doomed
Probably need to take a few weeks off, so that when I return there will be some serious reading material. The story keeps getting better and better, but reading daily, it somehow gives me a feeling that I am watching 5 minutes from a show and then pause for a day - not to mention weekends (takes a week for an episode), LMAOOO.. Anyways, thank you so much for keepin us up to dat, Grandmaster Junlee 🙏

Benjamin and his son, Ryan, were deeply displeased by Justin's remarks.

Their true aim was to permanently remove Sarah from the board of the Walker Group. Regardless of whether she was dead or alive, they wanted her entirely out of the picture.

However, they had not anticipated that, despite Sarah's prolonged disappearance, there would still be board members concerned about her and advocating for her.

Justin's words quickly resonated with the others.

Many members voiced their agreement, leaving Benjamin and Ryan furious but unable to show it. After all, the rest of the board had no inkling of their plot against Sarah.

Publicly, they had to show a facade of regret and concern for the Walker Group's future, even if it meant reluctantly appointing a new chairman.

So, when Justin suggested waiting for Sarah’s possible return, even though Benjamin and Ryan internally disagreed, they couldn't express their true feelings.

Any objection from them would raise suspicions about their motives. If anyone began to suspect their involvement in Sarah's misfortune in Japan, it could lead to disastrous consequences for them.

Grinding his teeth, Benjamin finally spoke, "I believe Mr. Cruz is correct. Since we are deciding to elect a new chairman to oversee things, we must also prepare for Sarah’s possible return."

He continued, "I propose that whoever we elect as the new chairman must agree to step down unconditionally and return the position to Sarah should she return safely. Does anyone have any objections?"

Everyone nodded in agreement. In the subsequent vote, all seventeen members raised their hands in favor.

Benjamin seethed inwardly, thinking, "This is like planting a ticking time bomb for myself. Who knows if Sarah is dead or alive? If she returns, all my efforts will have been for nothing."

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Benjamin thought, "The best solution now is to sell off assets quickly to mitigate any potential fallout."

He then addressed the board, "Let's proceed to the next vote. We need to elect a new chairman from among us seventeen members. Everyone has the right to vote and be voted for, with each member casting one vote. The candidate with the most votes will become the new chairman."

He added, "Given the importance of this decision for the Walker Group, we will conduct a recorded vote to prevent any backdoor dealings."

At this, the board members exchanged uneasy glances. While a recorded vote was fair, it also brought a significant risk: retribution.

If one voted for candidate A but candidate B won, candidate B might harbor a grudge and create problems for those who didn't support them.

Dealing with such a vengeful person could be a nightmare, even many years later.

Faced with this situation, no one felt entirely at ease.


Ryan earnestly supported, "I also agree with a recorded vote. Only a recorded vote adheres to the principles of openness, fairness, and justice."

He raised his hand, saying, "To set an example, I nominate Mr. Benjamin Walker as the new chairman of the Walker Group and cast my vote for him."

Benjamin smiled slightly, "Since every member of the board has the right to vote and be voted for, I will also vote for myself! I believe I can lead the Walker Group through these challenging times and achieve new heights."

Immediately, others began to voice their support, "I also vote for Mr. Benjamin!"

"Count me in!"

Ryan calmly stated, "In that case, Mr. Benjamin has already received four votes. Let's proceed with the rest of the voting."

The remaining board members whispered among themselves. Seeing that Benjamin had already gained the upper hand and considering the risk of retribution in a recorded vote, they all decided to cast their votes for him as well.

Soon, Benjamin's vote count reached nine, securing his position as the new chairman.

The few remaining members who hadn't voted yet realized the outcome was inevitable. Whether they voted for him or not wouldn't change the result. Not voting for him might lead to future troubles.

Thus, everyone cast their votes for Benjamin.

In the end, Benjamin received all seventeen votes.

Ryan announced, "Since everyone has voted, Mr. Benjamin Walker is now the new chairman of the Walker Group. Let's all give him a round of applause!"

He led the applause, and everyone else followed suit.

Benjamin, with a humble expression, waved his hands and solemnly said, "I am aware of my capabilities. While I may be competent, I am not as good as the former chairman, Ms. Sarah Walker. However, since I have been elected, I will uphold the principle of 'taking responsibility when in position' and dedicate myself to the future development of the Walker Group. I will not shirk my duties."

The others quickly applauded in agreement.

Benjamin smiled calmly, "Since we have elected a new chairman, let's move to the press conference hall."

"I have already invited some media and informed them that we will announce the new chairman today."

"We will hold a press conference shortly to make the board's decision public, reassuring our investors and shareholders. Any objections?"

Having elected Benjamin as the new chairman, there were no objections to attending the press conference.

Everyone agreed readily.

Benjamin, full of emotion, said, "Ah! Reaching a consensus so quickly is a huge boon for the Walker Group. I believe our stock price will soar after the press conference!"

He then put on a serious face, "However, everyone must be cautious. Do not use these few minutes before the press conference to engage in any stock market shenanigans. If anyone is found guilty of insider trading and the Securities and Exchange Commission comes knocking, I will not show any mercy!"


Benjamin’s selfless stance instilled a sense of awe among the shareholders.

The stock market is ever-changing, and those who have insider information can make huge profits. Thus, preventing insider trading is particularly challenging.

For instance, if a listed company plans to collaborate with a larger multinational corporation, once this news is made public, the stock price of the listed company is bound to surge.

Ordinary people, unaware of the company's internal workings, cannot capitalize on such insider trading opportunities. However, the company's senior executives, who are privy to these discussions, can.

If they deliberately buy large quantities of their own company's stock before the price rises, and then sell it at the peak after the announcement, they can make substantial profits.

Although this method seems like easy money, it clearly violates the Securities and Exchange Commission's regulations. It is standard insider trading. If caught, not only will the illegal gains be confiscated, but hefty fines will be imposed, and in severe cases, legal responsibility may be pursued, including possible imprisonment.

Despite the risks, many still choose to gamble for substantial profits.

Whether a listed group can curb internal misconduct is crucial to its long-term success.

By emphasizing the prohibition of insider trading right from the start, Benjamin conveyed a firm message: no one in the Walker Group is allowed to engage in any illegal operations, and everyone must earn their money legitimately.

This declaration also bolstered his authority among the members to some extent.

Meanwhile, the Walker Group's press conference hall was filled with invited media representatives.

Everyone was keenly interested in the Walker Group's recent developments, especially following the news of the disappearance of their chairman, Sarah, in Japan. The media was eager to learn about the rescue efforts and the Walker Group's next steps.

The media's intuition had already led them to speculate that the Walker Group would likely announce the new chairman at the press conference today.

No company, especially a listed one like the Walker Group, can function leaderless for long.

Although the press conference hadn't started yet, the journalists were already buzzing with speculation.

A local TV reporter whispered to a provincial TV journalist, "I heard that the old master of the Walker family, due to the shock, has developed dementia. Now, the only strong pillar left in the Walker family is the eldest son, Benjamin. So, I guess the new chairman will most likely be him."

The provincial journalist replied, "Could it be Ryan, the old master's eldest grandson? Since the old master had already passed the position to the younger generation with Sarah, the Walker Group might choose another young leader."

The local reporter considered, "If that's the case, today's announcement could also name Benjamin's son, Ryan, as the new chairman."

Just then, a Walker Group staff member stepped up to the stage and spoke into the microphone, "Media friends, please wait a moment. Our board has reached a consensus and made a significant decision. Shortly, our board members will attend the press conference to announce the details."

The reporters perked up, eagerly anticipating the arrival of the board members.


At this moment, the helicopter carrying Charlie, Sarah, and others had reached the outskirts of Aurous Hill City.

Since the helicopter also had Raven and several other Salvador family crew members on board, Charlie first directed the helicopter to Shangri-La Hotel.

Isaac had already prepared several highly private top-floor rooms for Raven and the Salvador family crew members to stay in.

However, Charlie wasn't entirely comfortable with them yet, so he instructed Isaac to keep these people under surveillance.

At Shangri-La, Raven and the others would receive comprehensive and detailed service, including meals and accommodation. However, all phones and external communication methods in their rooms were cut off, as Charlie temporarily prohibited any contact with the outside world.

Raven understood that Charlie was still wary of her, so she had no objections to this arrangement.

After settling Raven and her group, Charlie, Sarah, and Kazusaki took the helicopter to the Walker Group.

Meanwhile, at the Walker Group, Benjamin had just concluded the board meeting. As the meeting adjourned, he told everyone, "Take a ten-minute break in your offices. After that, we’ll head down to hold the press conference."

Everyone got up and left, and Benjamin walked back to his Vice Chairman's office, with Ryan following behind.

Father and son paused involuntarily as they passed by Sarah’s Chairman’s office.

Benjamin glanced at the “Chairman’s Office” sign on the door, his eyes filled with eager anticipation.

He thought to himself, “After the press conference, I’ll move into this Chairman’s office immediately! Not only is it spacious, but it also faces the Yangtze River with stunning views through its large floor-to-ceiling windows. It’s far better than my current office!”

With this thought, Benjamin said to Ryan, "Ryan, come to my office."

Ryan nodded, "Alright, Dad."

The two entered Benjamin’s Vice Chairman’s office, where Benjamin said, "By the way, Ryan, Isaac mentioned that Charlie would be attending our press conference."

"Charlie?!" Ryan asked in surprise, "Dad, is Charlie back?"

Benjamin replied, "It seems so from what he said."

Ryan smiled, "Looks like he didn’t find any trace of Sarah in Japan."

Benjamin sneered, "Finding her isn't that easy. The deep mountains and forests of Nishi-Tama District are almost like a primitive jungle. Sarah’s body might have already been eaten by wild beasts."

Ryan nodded but then expressed concern, "Dad, Charlie was close to Sarah. I’m worried he won't let this go easily. What if he continues to investigate?"

Benjamin dismissed the concern with a wave, "Let him investigate! He can do whatever he wants! Charlie might have some influence in Aurous Hill, but he’s nothing in Japan. If he can uncover anything, I’ll chop off my head and give it to him!"


The longer Sarah remained missing, the more at ease Benjamin felt. He believed that with time, the likelihood of Sarah being alive diminished significantly.

Ryan, however, was not as carefree as his father. He whispered nervously, "Dad, Charlie is quite resourceful. We need to be cautious and ensure he doesn't see through us."

Benjamin nodded, "Naturally. Our task is to put on a convincing act."

Ryan continued, "Dad, I've been feeling uneasy these past few days. Where could Sarah have gone? How can she just disappear without a trace, neither dead nor alive?"

Benjamin sneered, "I think it's highly likely that Sarah is already dead. Her body just hasn't been found yet."

Ryan quickly asked, "How can you be so sure?"

Benjamin replied calmly, "Everything follows a probability. When someone goes missing, the highest probability of finding them is within the first 12 hours. If they aren't found within those 12 hours, the chances of finding them drop significantly."

"If more than 24 hours pass, the probability of finding them decreases by at least half."

"If more than 48 hours pass, the chance of finding them is less than 25%."

"And as time goes on, not only does the chance of finding them become slimmer, but their survival rate also drops."

Continuing, Benjamin said, "You've probably seen trending topics on Weibo about missing persons. Some people go out for a run and suddenly vanish; others take a taxi somewhere and are never seen again."

Ryan nodded, "Yes, those trending topics come up frequently."

Benjamin went on, "In most cases, if the person isn't found quickly, the outcome is usually grim. Often, even with the entire internet helping to search, the result is the discovery of a corpse after some time."

"So, given that Sarah has been missing for so long, it's likely she's already dead."

"And once someone is dead, they can never testify against us. Plus, we didn't kill her ourselves; Kazusaki arranged for her to be killed. It's difficult to trace it back to us. If trouble arises, Kazusaki will bear the brunt first. As long as he stays out of trouble, we're safe. If he does get into trouble, we just need to flee immediately."

Ryan finally relaxed, smiling, "In that case, we need to maintain contact with Kazusaki and keep track of his daily activities."

Benjamin nodded, "You're right. Kazusaki is like our signal tower. If he starts to falter, it means we're in danger too. If he stays safe, we can continue to be at ease."

With that, Benjamin took out his phone and called Kazusaki.

The call connected quickly.

Kazusaki, who often traveled the world for business, had a global roaming service that allowed him to stay connected no matter which country he was in.
said Chaos after Charlie take a step in to the office

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