The Dragon Man's Decree - Translated by GILY

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Author: Unknown
Type: Action and Adventure
Posted : 07 October 2023
Status: Ongoing

John White is furious that someone has tried to make an advance on his girlfriend. In the end, he ends up behind bars after his attempt to protect her. Three years later, he is a free man but finds out that that girlfriend of his has married the man who hit on her back then. John will not let things slide. Thankfully, he has learned Focus Technique during his time in prison. At that, he embarks on the journey of cultivation and is accompanied by a gorgeous Miranda. Who would have thought this would enrage his ex-girlfriend?


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
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Thanks a lot. We're here like a family. And i love this environment here, everyone is so nice and supportive.

I'm also grateful for all the wonderful stories and the translations are too awesome here. It's the very least i can do from my end...

Thanks a lot everyone. like the Immortal Gily says, One Love !!!❤️
God bless you for your kind gesture. All these maidens are yoursFB_IMG_1716787726215.jpg
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KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 4147 Immortal’s Bone

John casually concocted a pill for the assessment without using the Divine Cauldron.

All of these individuals were alchemists. If he were to reveal the Divine Cauldron, it would undoubtedly cause an uproar.

It would be troublesome if someone decided to lay claim on his Divine Cauldron.

After John had finished concocting the pill, he didn’t immediately submit it for assessment. Instead, he quietly observed the Doctor- Searching List.

Those symptoms highlighted in red were the ones for which even Medicine God Island had not yet found a cure.

John turned his attention to the first item. Being placed at the top of the list, the patient’s condition was undoubtedly difficult to treat. But what intrigued him the most was the reward offered for this first case.

“Immortal’s Bone? The first reward is actually an Immortal’s Bone? What on earth is that?”

John was staring at the reward for the first ailment listed on the Doctor-Searching List, filled with curiosity.

“Mr. White, the ‘Immortal’s Bone’ is actually the remains of an immortal and is priceless. Although many immortals in the ethereal realm have perished, it’s rare to find any remains. Most simply vanish into thin air. Even if some bodies don’t turn to dust, their corpses decay and become worthless. However, after several thousand years, a portion of the celestial beings’ remains can transform into a crystalline transparency, comparable to a celestial weapon. This is the most valuable type and can even become an immortal’s bone. Such items are incredibly rare and hard to come by. As for the first symptom, we’ve only just observed it. In over a hundred years, no one has ever successfully treated it.”

Seeing that John was clueless, Fourier took it upon himself to explain in detail.

“Immortal’s bone? Crystalline transparency?”

John’s eyes were wide open, his gaze filled with disbelief.

“Kid, are you saying this immortal’s bone is part of my old body?” Vermilion Demon Lord quickly asked John. “Who would’ve thought that thousands of years later, my body would end up as some magical item for these beings of the ethereal realm?”

The Vermilion Demon Lord’s body had been dismembered and scattered.

If all the pieces could be found, he could be resurrected.

This meant that he would no longer have to spend all day within John’s consciousness field.

“It could be possible, but I can’t say for sure. After all, there are quite a few immortals who have fallen from the ethereal realm.”

John hadn’t seen the immortal’s bone, so he had no way of knowing whether it was a part of Vermilion Demon Lord’s body.

“Ask them, ask now.” implored Vermilion Demon Lord anxiously.

John had no choice but turn to Fourier and ask, “Mr. Zaire, do you have any idea who the first patient is? How did they come to possess the immortal’s bone?”

Fourier sized up John before asking with a hint of doubt, “Are you really an alchemist? The information on the Doctor-Searching List is supposed to be confidential. There’s no way they’d just reveal who’s sick. You only get the details after you’ve accepted the task.”

“I’m an alchemist, but I’m not familiar with the Doctor-Searching List. I’ve never paid much attention to it before,” John said with an awkward smile.

If he wanted to find out who the other party was, and whether this so-called immortal’s bone was indeed a part of Vermilion Demon Lord’s physical form, he would have to accept the task.

“Kid, are you confident you can cure the first patient?” asked Vermilion Demon Lord.

“I’m not sure, the information available at the moment is too scant. But judging from what I see, it seems like this person might be suffering from manic episodes. Could they have been bitten by a rabid dog?” John smiled.

“Stop talking nonsense. It’s not as simple as you think. If it were, someone would have found a cure in the last hundred years.”

“Just accept the task, and you’ll find out what’s going on,” Vermilion Demon Lord urged.

“Let me ask what kind of punishment there will be first if I fail to diagnose the illness.” John certainly didn’t dare to accept the task carelessly.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Chapter 4148 Cripple Ones Cultivation

“Mr. Zaire, what would happen if someone took up the challenge but couldn’t manage to heal them?” John turned to Fourier and asked.

“It’s quite simple, you just need to cripple your cultivation,” Fourier explained casually.

“Cripple my cultivation?” John was taken aback. “In the ethereal realm, losing one’s cultivation is akin to being killed, isn’t it?”

“There is a difference, you know. After one’s cultivation is crippled, there’s a high chance they’ll slowly die in fear. That’s far more cruel than killing them outright,” Fourier exclaimed.

Upon hearing this, John furrowed his brow, muttering under his breath, “That’s a bit harsh…”

“Can we really afford to take it easy? The people on the Doctor-Searching List are all highly skilled, and the rewards are substantial. If the requirements aren’t strict, just anyone could take on the task, and those with serious conditions might end up being treated by charlatans, potentially making things worse,” Fourier explained.

John saw the logic in that. With such a large reward, it would be tempting for anyone who came across it.

Without strict penalties, people might take on tasks casually, which would undermine the effectiveness of the Doctor-Searching List.

“John, why are you asking all these questions? Are you planning to take on the task? You mustn’t cause unnecessary trouble.”

Vienna quickly interjected as she heard John inquiring about the Doctor-Searching List.

“Mr. White, the Doctor-Searching List is not a game. Although the rewards may seem generous, it also carries substantial risks. If you’re not completely confident, it’s better not to attempt it.” Sigmund also cautioned John.

“Don’t worry, I was just asking out of curiosity. Once you two are done refining the pills, make sure to register them right away,” John said with a faint smile, addressing Vienna and Sigmund.

The two of them nodded, then, carrying the pills they had prepared, they went to register for the assessment.

Just after Vienna and Sigmund left, John suddenly sprang up and made a beeline for the Doctor- Searching List.

He floated in front of the Doctor-Searching List, silently reading the ailment at the top of the list.

“Who are you? You mustn’t approach the Doctor-Searching List…”

When the people of Medicine God Island saw John running toward the Doctor-Searching List, they immediately voiced their reproach.

At this outcry, many people simultaneously looked up toward John.

“Why are you yelling? This list is specifically for those who need treatment. If I don’t get close, how am I supposed to accept the task?” John shot a glare at the guy who had shouted.

“You’re thinking of taking on a task?” Candle looked up at John. Given John’s youthful appearance, he didn’t seem like someone particularly remarkable.

Moreover, he didn’t know John. The remaining ailments listed on the Doctor-Searching List were extremely complex. Without the expertise of a Supreme Alchemist, one wouldn’t dare to attempt treating them.

How dare John, at such a young age, take on the task?

“What’s the matter? Are you implying only those from Medicine God Island can accept a task?” John asked.

“It’s not that, but the remaining ailments listed on the Doctor-Searching List are ones that even we, the Medicine God Island, wouldn’t dare to tackle lightly. Are you confident you can handle them? You should know, if you casually take on a task, but fail to heal, your cultivation could be crippled.” Candle said to John.

“Of course I know. The list of ailments on the Doctor-Searching List isn’t that challenging anyway. I’ll take on the first task, the reward for this is rather unique.”

John was about to reach out and touch the first ailment.

“Mr. White, don’t be reckless.”

At that moment, Garret let out a loud shout.

John’s skills in array craft were impressive. The fact that he could repair the ancient teleportation array was indeed remarkable.

However, array craft and medical skills were two entirely different matters. Even the most brilliant array master didn’t necessarily excel in medicine.

John was quite capable, not just an array master, but also an alchemist. Given his young age, could he possibly have reached the level of Supreme Alchemist?

After all, a person’s energy was finite; it was impossible for one person to master everything to the extreme.

Garret simply thought that although John was an alchemist, his skills definitely wouldn’t be top-notch. In fact, he wasn’t even close to having the ability to accept a task on the list.

Moreover, taking on the first ailment on the list was practically a death wish.

Garret didn’t want John to meet his doom, so he spoke up to stop him.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 4149 Doctor-Searching List.

“President White, I’m not being reckless. I’ve already examined the symptoms in this list and I’m confident about it.” John addressed Garret.

“Mr. White, there’s something you don’t know. The first patient’s condition isn’t as simple as it seems. Several of us, the presidents, along with two Supreme Alchemists, have come together to discuss and seek a solution, but we’ve had no success. There was also a fifth-level Supreme Alchemist who attempted to cure the first ailment listed. However, he failed in the end, resulting in the loss of all his cultivation. He spent his days drinking his sorrows away, and just a few days ago, he committed suicide. This is no laughing matter, you know. If it weren’t for the significant help I received from you, Mr. White, I wouldn’t dream of standing in your way,” Garret earnestly persuaded.

Everyone else looked at John with astonishment written all over their faces. The fact that he chose to treat the first ailment listed on the Doctor-Searching List was akin to a young calf showing no fear of a tiger.

“Who is this person?”

Intrigued, Werner looked at John and asked.

“Mr. Jaeger, this man was brought over from the Central Region by Aunt Winona. She claims that they are friends. Perhaps he’s an alchemist too” Holly said to Werner with a reverent and respectful demeanor.

“This person is an alchemist, probably without much influence, since he clearly doesn’t know much about the Doctor-Searching List. He even asked me a bunch of questions about it just now. He’s probably just naive, thinking he’s special and wanting to test the waters,” Fourier commented casually.

Just now, John had asked a lot of questions about the Doctor-Searching List, even about the rewards. This clearly indicated that he didn’t have much understanding of the Doctor- Searching List.

Upon hearing that John was a friend brought by Winona, Werner immediately sprang up and approached John.

Upon seeing Werner, Garret immediately greeted him warmly. “Mr. Jaeger…”

Werner nodded in response, then turned to John and said, “Young man, this Doctor- Searching List isn’t something you can just toy with, especially the first ailment. It’s not as simple as you think. Since you’re a friend of Windoline, I can’t stand by and let you walk into danger. It’s better if you go back. If you’re interested in going to Medicine God Island, I can help you pass the assessment. There’s no need for you to take such a risk.”

“Thanks for your concern, Mr. Jaeger. However, I still want to give it a shot. I have faith in myself. Even without the assessment, I believe I can secure a spot on Medicine God Island. Right now, I’m particularly interested in the reward for the first ailment,” John said truthfully.

“Immortal’s bone?” Werner paused for a moment, then chuckled. “It’s often said that an immortal’s bone is as valuable as a celestial weapon. Moreover, consuming it in powdered form is believed to significantly enhance one’s strength. However, grinding it into powder is no easy task, and the bone isn’t as miraculous as you might think.”

“Ground into powder? For consumption?” John was somewhat taken aback.

And thus, Vermilion Demon Lord was enraged.

“Damn it, my bones have actually become a resource for these people to enhance their strength.” Infuriated, Vermilion Demon Lord exclaimed.

“Mr. Jaeger, I needed the immortal’s bone for a different purpose, not for consumption. I appreciate your kindness, though.”

After John finished speaking, he didn’t wait for Werner to respond. He promptly placed his hand firmly on the Doctor-Searching List.

Quickly, a glow emanated from the first ailment. A surge of information flooded into John’s consciousness field through the Doctor- Searching List.

There was comprehensive information about the patient, along with various details about their physical condition.

Seeing John accept a task from the list, both Werner and Garret sighed and then returned to the ground.

Since he had already done it, no one could stop it anymore. All they could do was to see what fate had in store for John.

If he failed, then he would just have to accept that as his fate.

After receiving all the information, John gradually descended to the ground.

By now, John had acquired all the information on the various ailments, and he even had access to the other party’s personal details.

Now, he’d just have to find a cure.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 4150 Asiana Land

Everyone was silently watching John, even Candle was quietly observing. They were all waiting to see what John would do next.

Rumble, rumble…

Suddenly, a series of thunderous rumbles echoed from the horizon, drawing everyone’s attention away from John.

Suddenly, a golden light was seen streaking across the horizon, coming closer and closer. Immediately after, there was a tremor in the void.

A middle-aged man, donned in a purple-golden robe, gradually emerged.

This individual had a broad face, with bright eyes, exuding the authority of someone in power.

Upon seeing the sudden appearance of the middle-aged man, many people instantly gasped in surprise, their breaths becoming notably quickened.

“Who accepted the task and is able to heal my child?” The middle-aged man glanced around and asked.

Although this middle-aged man was merely a projected illusion, his gaze was so intense that many people couldn’t help but tremble under it, some even dared not meet his eyes.

All eyes turned to John, making him the center of attention.

Upon seeing John, the middle-aged man’s brow slightly furrowed.

In his perspective, John was far too young. How could he possibly possess advanced medical skills?

However, since the other party had already made their intentions known, they must possess some level of strength.

“Young alchemist, since you’ve accepted the task, do you think you can find a way to cure my child?” The middle-aged man questioned John.

John gazed at the middle-aged man before him. As it was just a projected image, he couldn’t discern the man’s strength. However, just from his manner of speaking, it was clear that this middle-aged man was undoubtedly an overlord.

“I’ve already thought of a potential solution, but I need to see the patient first to be sure. Also, about that immortal’s bone, can I trust that you’ll truly give it to me once I’ve healed your son?” John turned to the middle-aged man and asked.

The middle-aged man paused briefly, then burst into hearty laughter. “Of course, my word is as good as gold. If you don’t believe me, feel free to ask anyone here. After you heal my son, I’ll immediately hand over the immortal’s bone to you.”

“All right, bring your son over,” John said.

Bernard stared at John as his figure slowly vanished from sight.

After Bernard left, the crowd immediately erupted into chaos.

“Damn, I never would have guessed. The first patient is actually a prince from Asiana Land. This is unbelievable.”

“Prince Cedric is extraordinarily gifted. I heard that many years ago, he had already reached the Ultimate Realm. However, he has been out of the public eye in recent years. Turns out, he’s ill”

“Could it be that Prince Cedric has been practicing some kind of dark art? Has it led him down a path of madness, turning him violent and bloodthirsty?”

“Stop spouting nonsense, watch your words or you might end up dead. There are numerous reasons for someone to become irrationally violent and bloodthirsty, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve gone off the deep end.”

Everyone around was engaged in heated discussions, leaving John utterly bewildered. He had no knowledge of Asiana Land, let alone any details about its prince.

“Wow, who would have thought? The first patient turns out to be a prince from Asiana Land. No wonder he can offer the immortal’s bone as a reward.” Garret let out a soft sigh.

“President White, what is this Asiana Land? And who is this Bernard?” John asked, clearly confused.

Garret glanced at John, wondering if John was really from the Ethereal Realm.

“Mr. White, Asiana Land is a kingdom that covers a third of Azure. While controlling a single lineage or city is a significant achievement for many clans and noble families, Asiana Land rules over more than a hundred cities, making it the most powerful force in the Ethereal Realm,” Garret explained to John.

“Dang, that’s impressive!” Upon hearing this, John was somewhat taken aback. He quickly followed up, “Who exactly is this Bernard that was mentioned just now?”

“This man is the King of Asiana Land, and the individual who had fallen ill must be his son, Cedric,” said Garret.

“What kind of cultivation level is this person at to be able to control such a vast area of the Ethereal Realm?” John asked in confusion.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 4151 No need to dismantle the arcane array

The larger the territory one governed, the more resources one could access.

In the self-serving world of the Ethereal Realm, maintaining control over such a vast area required immense strength; otherwise, it would have inevitably been overrun or taken.

“I’m not sure about the details, but many years ago, Bernard managed to reach the Ultimate Realm in just a short span of a hundred years. This achievement marked him as the youngest prodigy in the Ethereal Realm. I heard his son’s talents surpassed even Bernard, but who would have thought he’d fall ill,” said Garret.

John was deep in thought. Asiana Land seemed to be very powerful. If he truly couldn’t cure them, escaping might prove to be difficult.

“Quick, look… what’s that?”

Suddenly, someone shouted out loud.

Everyone looked toward the horizon, where an unusual beam of light was rapidly approaching.

Soon, as the light drew closer, everyone finally noticed three flying tiger beasts, as massive as mountains, pulling a huge chariot, rapidly approaching.

Bernard was holding the reins of the flying tiger beasts. On top of the carriage was a cage made of thick black iron bars, each one a meter thick.

Surrounding the iron chains were dozens more, all fastened to a man inside.

The man’s eyes glowed a sinister red, his teeth sharp as daggers, making him look like a demon.

The entire carriage was enveloped by an arcane array, surrounded by a shimmering array of multicolored lights.

“Could it be that the person in this cage is Prince Cedric? I heard that Prince Cedric used to be quite the charmer, how did he end up like this now?”

“It’s terrifying. He looks just like a devil…”

“No wonder Bernard offered the immortal’s bone as a reward, he had to save his own son. What a mess this has turned into.”

Upon witnessing the scene before them, everyone couldn’t help but start murmuring among themselves.

“Candle of Medicine God Island pays his respects to King Bernard…”

Upon seeing Bernard’s true form, Candle quickly stepped forward to pay his respects.

Bernard simply hummed in response, his gaze then shifted to John. Subsequently, he said, “Young alchemist, I’ve brought my son with me. Please, proceed with your treatment. As long as you can heal my son, not only will you receive the immortal’s bone, but you’ll also become an honored guest of Asiana Land.”

John glanced at Cedric in the iron cage, then said, “I need to personally inspect him to find the root of the issue.”

“No problem, but my son can be a bit unstable. You’ll need to be careful.”

“I’ll unlock the iron cage and stand guard. Whatever you do, don’t provoke him.”

Bernard was about to dismantle the arcane array surrounding the iron cage when John interjected.

“No need to dismantle the arcane array. If your son gets out of control, without the iron cage and the arcane array to keep him in check, many of the alchemists here will be in danger.”

“If I don’t dismantle the arcane array, how are you going to inspect him?” Bernard was taken aback.

“I have my ways…” John walked up to the iron cage, took a glance at the arcane array, and gently pressed his palm against it.

With a sudden tremor, the arcane array slowly faded.

John climbed into the carriage, and the arcane array reappeared as if by magic.

Everyone’s eyes widened in disbelief.

As alchemists, none of them were familiar with array craft.

John, also an alchemist, surprisingly knew a great deal about arcane arrays. He could effortlessly activate and deactivate them.

Upon seeing the situation, a frown formed on Bernard’s brow, his face taking on a rather displeased expression.

As the saying goes, everyone excels in their own field. Now that John had shown such strong skills in arcane arrays, it implied that his medical abilities might be lacking.

Few managed to master both arcane arrays and medical skills to perfection.

The more John showcased his talent in array crafting, the deeper Bernard’s disappointment grew.

What he wanted was an alchemist to treat his son’s illness, not an array master.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 4152 Poison Pill

At that moment, John was observing Cedric, who was inside the iron cage. Cedric glanced briefly at John before lowering his gaze once more.

At that moment, Cedric was fully conscious, showing no signs of frenzy or bloodlust.

He appeared incredibly haggard. After all, anyone locked up like that wouldn’t feel too great.

“Can you release the aura within you? Try not to suppress it intentionally so I can better identify the cause.” John spoke calmly to Cedric, who was inside the iron cage.

Cedric looked up again, his gaze carrying a touch of pity. “Don’t waste your energy. While I’m not in the mood to kill right now, you might just have a chance to survive if you leave now. My ailment isn’t something you can comprehend.”

“Since I revealed who posted the listing, I have to treat your illness. Otherwise, my cultivation will be ruined.” John shook his head.

“At least you’ll still be alive. However, if you treat my illness, you will die,” said Cedric.

“No need to say more. I believe you’re also suffering from suppressing it. Consider this a moment of indulgence. If you kill me, I won’t hold it against you.” John could tell that Cedric was struggling immensely to keep his inner restlessness under control.

However, John couldn’t accurately diagnose the true cause of the illness if Cedric continued to suppress it.

With a sigh, Cedric began to release the aura within him.

At that moment, John felt an overwhelming aura emanating from Cedric. He’s truly a prodigy. Even under these circumstances, the faint aura he’s releasing is enough to make my scalp tingle a little.

Even though they were separated by iron cages and arcane arrays, the alchemists could feel that overwhelming aura. It was as if they were under constant massive pressure.

“Go ahead and check, but I’d advise you to hurry. Also, make sure you don’t touch me. However, before you proceed, there’s something I need to ask you.” Cedric softly spoke to John.

“What is it?” John was somewhat taken aback. He didn’t understand what Cedric could possibly need from him.

“After the examination, give me a poison pill. I don’t want to live like this anymore.” Cedric’s voice was as faint as a mosquito’s, only audible to John.

John paused momentarily, then responded with a faint smile, “What makes you so sure that I won’t be able to heal you?”

“It won’t work!” Cedric shook his head. “I’ve been treated by more than a dozen alchemists, and without exception, they all died. I don’t want to kill indiscriminately anymore, nor do I want to live in this cage forever. Please, give me a poison pill. Let me die with some dignity.”

Even though Cedric’s eyes had a hint of crimson, his gaze appeared sincere. He didn’t say that casually.

“All right. I promise you that if I can’t heal you, I’ll give you a poison pill.” John nodded in agreement.

A smile appeared on Cedric’s pale countenance. “Thank you.”

Meanwhile, John harnessed his spiritual energy, subsequently forming a white spiritual fog that plunged directly into Cedric’s body.

In just a few moments, John leaped off the carriage.

Cedric was stunned and frowned.

Bernard wore a grim expression. His trust in John waned even further after he saw how quickly John concluded the examination.

Also, earlier, though Cedric and John spoke in a small voice, Bernard heard their conversation.

The reason Bernard remained silent was that he was waiting. He wanted to see what John would do.

If John truly dared to poison his own son, he would not hesitate to execute John without a second thought.

Garret and the others were somewhat intrigued when they saw that John merely gave a cursory glance instead of being detailed with the examination.

“Where is this alchemist from? It’s one thing to reveal who posted the listing, but to not even bother checking thoroughly? Is he playing with his own life?”

“Young people are too full of themselves. It won’t be long before he’ll regret it.”

“Every year, people die from their own arrogance, but this guy might be the first to dare show off in front of King Bernard.”

The crowd was talking about John and mocking him.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 4153 Intermittent Mental Illness

Even Candle shook his head at John’s antics.

With a sigh of affection, Werner commented, “Such a promising individual! It’s a shame he does not know how to be more discreet.”

Werner could tell that John was naturally gifted. It was such a pity that he was so pretentious. Such talent, utterly wasted!

Vienna and Sigmund were visibly anxious. When they saw John hop off the vehicle, they both rushed over to greet him.

If anyone dared to lay a hand on John, they were prepared to risk their lives to protect him.

“Mr. White, don’t you think you should check further?” Garret asked.

“I’ve already done all the checks. I’ve identified the cause of the illness. There’s no need for further examinations.” John replied with a smile.

“You’ve found the cause of the illness so quickly?” Garret asked in disbelief.

In just a few moments, John had already figured out the cause of the illness.

“President White, as an alchemist yourself, you should understand that time does not matter when it comes to diagnosing an illness. The more confident you are about the diagnosis, the more confident you will be about the cure!” John exclaimed.

“Yes, you’re right!” Garret nodded in agreement.

“Do you need my assistance? I brought quite a few magical herbs with me for the Alchemist Fair. If you need them for your alchemy, I’ll gladly give them to you!”

“Thank you, President White,” John replied, “but I have enough of my own. There is no need for more. All I require is a quiet place where I can work on the alchemy.”

“Of course!” Garret said. Then, he turned to Mark. “President Cantor, I hope you can spare the alchemy room at your Alchemist Guild for Mr. White.”

“No problem at all.” Mark nodded in agreement.

Upon witnessing John’s confidence at his diagnosis, Bernard asked, “John, what exactly is the cause of my son’s illness? Over a dozen alchemists have examined him and yet none could provide a clear explanation.”

“Your Majesty, please forgive me, but I can’t disclose that to you now. Once your son has been healed, I’ll explain everything.”

John was keeping Bernard in suspense by refusing to reveal the diagnosis.

Bernard was taken aback by John’s answer, but he nodded and said, “Alright, I’ll be waiting then…”

“John, are you really sure about this?” Vienna asked in a concerned voice.

“Don’t worry,” he said reassuringly. “Just wait for me here. I’ll never do anything that I’m not ‘ certain of!”

John gently caressed Vienna’s head.

Garret brought John to the Azuren Alchemist Guild’s alchemy room.

Once the heavy iron doors of the alchemy room were shut, John’s alchemy work was effectively concealed from the prying eyes of outsiders.

After all, the process of concocting potions was a secret every alchemist held close to themselves.

Inside the alchemy room, John summoned the Divine Cauldron and readied himself to begin concocting the elixir.

“Kid, I can tell you that this guy isn’t possessed by any demonic spirit. His violent, bloodthirsty behavior isn’t caused by any evil entity,” the Vermilion Demon Lord said to John.

The Vermilion Demon Lord could not diagnose illnesses nor did he have any alchemy knowledge. However, he was capable of detecting whether there was a demonic spirit within Cedric’s body.

Some people, when possessed by a demonic spirit, would suddenly become wildly aggressive and bloodthirsty, completely transforming their demeanor.

“Of course I know that. If it was merely a case of demonic possession, it wouldn’t have taken so many years for someone to see through it!” John replied with a smirk.

“So, can you tell me what’s really wrong with him?” the Vermilion Demon Lord asked in curiosity.

What kind of disease could cause a person to suddenly wake up and become manic and bloodthirsty?

“Mental illness…” John said simply.

“Mental illness?” The Vermilion Demon Lord was surprised by his answer. “What do you mean?”

“There’s nothing much to it. It’s just all mental. Cedric isn’t physically ill, but he’s suffering from psychological problems. He was tormented by inner demons which caused a mental disorder. As a result, he would sometimes be lucid, and at other times, he would become violent and bloodthirsty. This condition is also known as ‘intermittent mental illness’,” John explained.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 4154 Two Pils

“Mental illness?” The Vermilion Demon Lord was bewildered. He had absolutely no idea what that meant.

After all, being from the celestial realm, he had strict control over his own consciousness. There was simply no possibility of any mental illness.

Even the most average cultivator would never fall into madness. After all, cultivators were diligent in training their own consciousness.

Only ordinary people could suffer from mental illness. Such a thing could only happen in the mundane world!

Many mental illnesses were caused by a breakdown of the mind under immense mental stress.

That was because ordinary people, having never cultivated their spiritual sense, could not withstand high mental pressure.

The notion of a cultivator being mentally ill was simply impossible.

So, it was surprising that John had diagnosed Cedric, an Ultimate Realm cultivator, with mental illness.

If there had been any other alchemist present, they would have certainly argued against John’s diagnosis.

John begun to concoct the elixir. Soon, two pills rose from within the Divine Cauldron.

Surprisingly, one pill was white and another was black.

“Two types of elixirs… Are you suggesting that this so-called mental illness requires two different kinds of elixirs for treatment?” the Vermilion Demon Lord asked in curiosity.

“Of course not. He only needs one. However, both are effective, and it’s up to him to choose,” John replied with a smirk.

The Divine Cauldron was put away, and the iron doors of the alchemy room slowly swung open.

All eyes were focused intently on John.

“John, how’s it going?” Garret asked anxiously.

“I’ve already prepared the elixir. It’s ready for Cedric to take now. This elixir will cure him completely!” John proclaimed confidently.

“Alright, go ahead and give Cedric the pills,” Garret said to John.

Just as John was approaching Cedric with the pills, he was stopped by Bernard.

“Hold on,” he said. “Before you give my son the elixir you’ve concocted, I want to examine it.”

Bernard was terrified that John might have concocted a poisonous pill for his son.

“Sure!” John handed the pills over to Bernard.

Bernard was no alchemist, so he could not examine the pills himself. Instead, he turned to Mark and Candle and said, “President Cantor, Mr. Candle, I’d appreciate if you could help me identify the ingredients in these pills.”

The two men were surprised by the unexpected honor to serve Bernard. Without hesitation, they immediately clustered around the pills.

Bernard had not asked Garret to help because he noticed that Garret was familiar with John. He was afraid that Garret would be biased.

Mark and Candle studied the white and black pills before them.

They inhaled the scent of the pills, spending quite a while using their spiritual sense to examine the pill.

In the end, both of them exchanged confused glances.

“Excuse me, could you tell me what these two medicinal pills are made of? Is it possible they could cure my son’s illness?” Bernard inquired after a short silence.

Candle licked his lips, appearing as though he was on the verge of speaking, but he held back.

Meanwhile, Mark, standing off to the side, spoke up, “Your Majesty, neither of these pills can treat the condition of manic bloodlust. This white pill contains an ingredient from the Affection-Forgoing Herb, capable of inducing amnesia and wiping out all memories. This black pill, on the other hand, is a poison capsule, and not just any poison capsule, but a high-grade one. Once consumed, it would feel as if a swarm of ants were eating away at your heart, leading to an agonizing death!”

As soon as Mark finished speaking, a surge of violent energy erupted from Bernard. Caught off guard, John was directly flung backwards by this terrifying force.

Everyone else was equally baffled, unable to comprehend what John was up to. Even if he could not provide a cure, why would he give Cedric a poison pill?

Moreover, Cedric was a prince of Asiana Land. Administering poison to him was suicide.

“Poison pill? How could that be possible?”

Garret could not believe that John could concoct a poisonous pill, so he approached the pills to have a look himself.

Even Werner stepped forward to scrutinize the two pills. After all, who would believe that someone would dare to concoct poison pills for the prince of Asiana Land?


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 4155 What was the intention behind concocting the poison pill?

After the inspection, Werner looked at John in disbelief.

Frowning, Garret said in disbelief, “Mr. White, did you possibly make a mistake with the pill? How did you end up concocting a poison pill?”

“This pill is incredibly toxic. I fear there’s no antidote. What were you thinking when you used this poison pill on Prince Cedric? Were you trying to make the Alchemist Guild look heartless and disloyal and make the people of Asiana Land despise us forever?” Mark glared furiously at John and raised his voice.


Upon hearing that it was a poison pill, all the alchemists wore expressions of shock. They didn’t know what John was up to.

If he didn’t know how to treat the illness or couldn’t understand its root cause, he should have just concocted some insignificant pills. Although it wouldn’t cure a patient, it wouldn’t cause any death either!

What was the intention behind concocting the poison pill?

Did John have some kind of issue with the people from Asiana Land?

Bernard grimaced, radiating an intense aura of murderous intent. Although he had eavesdropped on the conversation between his son and John, he never imagined that John would actually dare to concoct a poison pill for his son.

“Brat, what are your true intentions?” Bernard questioned John coldly.

“True intentions?” John gave a slight smile. “My intention is to cure your son’s illness. That’s my true motive.”

“Hmph, how you dare claim that the poison pill you concocted for my son was for curing him?”

“I can see that you’re out to harm my son. I may have never killed any innocent people, but you must die today!”

Bernard’s face was flushed with rage. He was radiating a terrifying murderous intent.

The surrounding crowd’s expressions all changed drastically, and they began to flee in all directions!

“Your Majesty, I believe it must have been an error on Mr. White’s part. He has no reason to harm Prince Cedric. There must be some kind of misunderstanding here, right?”

Upon seeing the situation, Garret quickly tried to assure Bernard.

With the power that Bernard possessed, a mere flick of his hand would be enough to obliterate John!

“Father, this was my idea and no one else’s. It certainly has nothing to do with this young alchemist. Please, don’t harm him.”

At that moment, Cedric, who was inside the iron cage, began to speak!

He had requested John to concoct a poison pill, which his father had now discovered. Since his father wanted to kill John, he couldn’t just stand by and watch. He had to reveal the truth about the whole matter!

Upon hearing Cedric’s words, everyone was briefly taken aback. However, they quickly understood what was going on!

No one could have guessed that Cedric was the one who had actually requested this.

It seemed that Cedric too had been tormented greatly and was wishing for the release of death.

After all, what was the point of living a lifetime locked in an iron cage, shackled by chains?

He would rather be dead. It was likely that John couldn’t heal Cedric. Given Cedric’s specific demands, John had no choice but to agree.

“Cedric, why are you being so naive? I told you that I’ll make sure you get well even if we’re at the ends of the earth. Why seek death just because you’ve temporarily lost your freedom? Even if you were the one who asked for it, I can’t believe this brat dared to actually make you a poison pill. I can’t let him off the hook!”

Bernard clearly knew that Cedric made the request. After all, he had heard the conversation between John and Cedric loud and clear!

“Father, if you truly care for me, then let me die. I’m in so much pain, too much pain…” Cedric pleaded with a pained expression.

Immediately after, Cedric’s eyes suddenly turned blood-red. He opened his mouth wide as a surge of energy exploded from within him.

A chilling roar erupted from his mouth.

Completely consumed by madness, he incessantly rocked the iron cage back and forth.

“Let me out, let me out…” Cedric began roaring like a monster.

Upon witnessing the scene, everyone was dumbfounded. They had not anticipated how terrifying Cedric could be when he had an outbreak.


Golden Dragon True Form
Oct 4, 2023
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Thanks Gily
Chapter 4155 What was the intention behind concocting the poison pill?

After the inspection, Werner looked at John in disbelief.

Frowning, Garret said in disbelief, “Mr. White, did you possibly make a mistake with the pill? How did you end up concocting a poison pill?”

“This pill is incredibly toxic. I fear there’s no antidote. What were you thinking when you used this poison pill on Prince Cedric? Were you trying to make the Alchemist Guild look heartless and disloyal and make the people of Asiana Land despise us forever?” Mark glared furiously at John and raised his voice.


Upon hearing that it was a poison pill, all the alchemists wore expressions of shock. They didn’t know what John was up to.

If he didn’t know how to treat the illness or couldn’t understand its root cause, he should have just concocted some insignificant pills. Although it wouldn’t cure a patient, it wouldn’t cause any death either!

What was the intention behind concocting the poison pill?

Did John have some kind of issue with the people from Asiana Land?

Bernard grimaced, radiating an intense aura of murderous intent. Although he had eavesdropped on the conversation between his son and John, he never imagined that John would actually dare to concoct a poison pill for his son.

“Brat, what are your true intentions?” Bernard questioned John coldly.

“True intentions?” John gave a slight smile. “My intention is to cure your son’s illness. That’s my true motive.”

“Hmph, how you dare claim that the poison pill you concocted for my son was for curing him?”

“I can see that you’re out to harm my son. I may have never killed any innocent people, but you must die today!”

Bernard’s face was flushed with rage. He was radiating a terrifying murderous intent.

The surrounding crowd’s expressions all changed drastically, and they began to flee in all directions!

“Your Majesty, I believe it must have been an error on Mr. White’s part. He has no reason to harm Prince Cedric. There must be some kind of misunderstanding here, right?”

Upon seeing the situation, Garret quickly tried to assure Bernard.

With the power that Bernard possessed, a mere flick of his hand would be enough to obliterate John!

“Father, this was my idea and no one else’s. It certainly has nothing to do with this young alchemist. Please, don’t harm him.”

At that moment, Cedric, who was inside the iron cage, began to speak!

He had requested John to concoct a poison pill, which his father had now discovered. Since his father wanted to kill John, he couldn’t just stand by and watch. He had to reveal the truth about the whole matter!

Upon hearing Cedric’s words, everyone was briefly taken aback. However, they quickly understood what was going on!

No one could have guessed that Cedric was the one who had actually requested this.

It seemed that Cedric too had been tormented greatly and was wishing for the release of death.

After all, what was the point of living a lifetime locked in an iron cage, shackled by chains?

He would rather be dead. It was likely that John couldn’t heal Cedric. Given Cedric’s specific demands, John had no choice but to agree.

“Cedric, why are you being so naive? I told you that I’ll make sure you get well even if we’re at the ends of the earth. Why seek death just because you’ve temporarily lost your freedom? Even if you were the one who asked for it, I can’t believe this brat dared to actually make you a poison pill. I can’t let him off the hook!”

Bernard clearly knew that Cedric made the request. After all, he had heard the conversation between John and Cedric loud and clear!

“Father, if you truly care for me, then let me die. I’m in so much pain, too much pain…” Cedric pleaded with a pained expression.

Immediately after, Cedric’s eyes suddenly turned blood-red. He opened his mouth wide as a surge of energy exploded from within him.

A chilling roar erupted from his mouth.

Completely consumed by madness, he incessantly rocked the iron cage back and forth.

“Let me out, let me out…” Cedric began roaring like a monster.

Upon witnessing the scene, everyone was dumbfounded. They had not anticipated how terrifying Cedric could be when he had an outbreak.


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Sep 24, 2023
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I think Asiana Island could be one of the 13 regiments.
I dont think so will see if thats true in remaining realms there will be very less regiments and hardly one for every two realms if story goes more than celestial


Top level Tribulator - Master of Sex Sect
Sep 19, 2023
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Wonder 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡 to immortal Gily


Martial Arts Master
Oct 6, 2023
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Gily , i think i saw a website with updated chapters. I will just ping it to you so you can translate it. Been having a hard time reading because of the names used. I just found out john white here and the one that i am reading, jared chance is the same 😂


Tribulator - Disciple of Virgin Sect
Gold Villager
Nov 21, 2023
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Thank you Immortal Gily for the update, finally content after reading so many chapters at once. I hope you're doing well.


Tribulator - Disciple of Virgin Sect
Gold Villager
Nov 21, 2023
Reaction score
I think Asiana Island could be one of the 13 regiments.
Maybe you're right, for every realms John usually discovers 2 regiments.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
KF Moderator
Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 4156 Poison Pill Or Memory Loss Pill

Upon seeing his son in such a state, Bernard was filled with heartache. However, he could only step forward and tug at the iron chain helplessly.

He couldn’t let Cedric escape, otherwise all the alchemists present would be in deep trouble.

“Cedric, stay calm, stay calm…” Bernard comforted Cedric.

“Father, let me die, let me die, I’m truly in agony…” Cedric was desperately trying to suppress his restlessness as he pleaded.

However, just as he finished speaking, his expression immediately changed, and he began to struggle desperately.

After what seemed like an eternity, Cedric gradually calmed down. He looked exhausted.

Bernard looked at Cedric, his heart aching with a sense of helplessness.

However, there was nothing else he could do.

“Father… I beg you… Please… Let me die, I’m truly in so much pain!” Cedric pleaded to Bernard.

At that point, living was too difficult for him. Death seemed like a better release!

Bernard gazed at his son, tears slowly trickling down his face. Despite being the Emperor of Asiana Land, a figure revered by countless people, he couldn’t save his own son!

This sense of helplessness aged Bernard considerably in an instant.

Bernard cast a glance at Cedric, then slowly approached John. Although there was still a hint of anger in his gaze, the intent to kill had already vanished.

“Go ahead, all I wish for is that my son won’t suffer any pain when he leaves!”

With a sense of resignation, Bernard accepted Cedric’s fate.

Cedric’s existence was just a torment to Bernard, Cedric himself, and the entire Asiana Land.

“Your Majesty, don’t be too distressed. Perhaps your son will be all right after taking the poison pill. Perhaps, only by confronting death can one find a way out.”

After exchanging a few words with Bernard, John made his way toward Cedric.

Bernard stared blankly at John, not understanding what he meant. However, there was a glimmer of hope in Bernard’s eyes.

Given the state his son was in, perhaps the poison pill in John’s possession could indeed offer a glimmer of hope!

Everyone was looking at John, completely clueless about what he was thinking at that moment. They were even more in the dark about what Bernard had on his mind.

After all, no one could bear to witness their own son swallow a poison pill.

“Prince Cedric, I have two pills here. One is the memory loss pill and the other is a poison pill. If you choose to take the memory loss pill, you will forget your past and lose all your memories. Everything will start anew! However, if you choose the poison pill, it will cause your death through poisoning. However, it will allow you to retain a shred of your soul with your previous memories. You will slowly wander through the Ethereal Realm!”

John offered two pills to Cedric as he spoke.

As Cedric gazed at the black and white pills, he suddenly burst into laughter.

He looked at John with a touch of disbelief and said, “After all these years, you’re the only one who truly understood the root of my ailment. You’re the only one who truly saw me…”

“What is love in this world that commands one to vow their life and death to another? I believe that girl was quite stunning. You are deeply in love with her…” John turned to Cedric and said.

Cedric paused slightly before murmuring John’s words to himself, “What is love in this world that commands one to vow their life and death to another? What a profound statement. We truly did devote ourselves to each other. Now that she’s gone, what’s the point of me living?”

As Cedric spoke, he suddenly pulled out something that resembled a Luminous Pearl from his pocket.

The Luminous Pearl shimmered with a radiant glow, and within it, a girl clad in white was constantly running, her face beaming with joy!

Meanwhile, Cedric was trailing behind her. Both of them appeared so joyful and content.

“This was the last time I saw her as captured in the Luminous Pearl. Every time I regained my senses, I would take it out and reminisce!”

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