"Dragon Son-in-law" a.k.a. Millionaire Son-in-law, Charlie Wade Story. Translated by Junlee (aka Jungal2000)

Charlie Wade is a househusband son-in-law whom everyone looks down upon. However, unknown to them, his true identity is that of the young master from a top-tier family. Those who once belittled him will eventually kneel before him, trembling with fear and calling him "Master!" ...

The MC is Charlie Wade, and there's this girl Claire Wilson. They're in this savage clapback novel called "Ultimate Dragon Honcho", penned by this dude Ye Gongzi. Everyone knew Charlie Wade was the son-in-law of the Wilson family. Like, Grandpa Wilson legit pulled this broke boy outta nowhere and made him marry his grand daughter/princess, Claire. But bro's got no skills, no dough 💸, and Claire had to deal with so much BS 'cause of him. He even had the nerve to ask for money during Grandma Wilson's big party, making Claire hella embarrassed 😳. They kicked Charlie Wade out, but then plot twist! 🌀 Some butler dude shows up. Turns out, Charlie Wade's actually from the uber-rich Wade clan. The butler's like, "Come home, fam." But since his parents were, like, done dirty by the Wade fam, he's like "Nah." But he did take his grandpa’s black card loaded with 10 billion. 💳💰 #MicDrop

Author: Charlie Wade
Category: Urban Fiction
Status: Ongoing
Last Updated: October 18, 2023
Last edited:
Hello guys, here's a message for everyone following this thread:

I will be sharing 10 additional chapters of this story shortly to meet my weekly posting goal. Following that, I won’t be committing to any posts for the next four weeks, as I plan to dedicate most of my time to my family and friends during my holiday break in 🇵🇭 . I might share a few updates here and there if time permits, but please understand that this won’t be my main focus during my time off. Thank you for your understanding, and let’s stay connected! Don’t forget to explore other stories available here on Kijiji. Stay safe and keep enjoying! 🤟
The immortal Monk going into seclusion. I know the results already 😃 😃 😃
Hello guys, here's a message for everyone following this thread:

I will be sharing 10 additional chapters of this story shortly to meet my weekly posting goal. Following that, I won’t be committing to any posts for the next four weeks, as I plan to dedicate most of my time to my family and friends during my holiday break in 🇵🇭 . I might share a few updates here and there if time permits, but please understand that this won’t be my main focus during my time off. Thank you for your understanding, and let’s stay connected! Don’t forget to explore other stories available here on Kijiji. Stay safe and keep enjoying! 🤟
😅 do you need some sex sect lady’s to accompany you just tell me how many you need I’ll be at your service
Hello guys, here's a message for everyone following this thread:

I will be sharing 10 additional chapters of this story shortly to meet my weekly posting goal. Following that, I won’t be committing to any posts for the next four weeks, as I plan to dedicate most of my time to my family and friends during my holiday break in 🇵🇭 . I might share a few updates here and there if time permits, but please understand that this won’t be my main focus during my time off. Thank you for your understanding, and let’s stay connected! Don’t forget to explore other stories available here on Kijiji. Stay safe and keep enjoying! 🤟
Master Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000') , Before you setoff for vacay, please clarify if biting finger falls under the jurisdiction of sex and finally the dragon has awakened.
Chapter 2316: The Weight of Secrets

Charlie’s deepest gratitude toward Claire came from the fact that, after all these years of marriage, she never once looked down on his apparent origins.

After all, for a man who lost both parents at the age of eight, grew up in an orphanage, held only a high school diploma as his highest formal education, and had no material possessions—by any measure, he was far from an ideal husband.

And yet, the most beautiful woman in Aurous Hill had married him without a single complaint. Not for a few months or a year—but for four years.

In these four years, countless people had tried to persuade her, even pressure her, to divorce him. Yet, she never wavered. Not once.

For this alone, Charlie felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude toward her.

Recently, Charlie had been considering confessing his true identity to Claire, but each time he thought about his unresolved vendetta, the mystery of his parents’ deaths that still hung over him, he hesitated.

All he had uncovered so far was the existence of an anti-Wade alliance.

Back when his parents were still in Eastcliff, this alliance had indeed targeted them in many ways. However, in Charlie’s childhood memories, his parents didn’t leave the Wade family solely because of the alliance. The real reason was a heated argument between his father, Drake, and his grandfather, Claudius.

After that explosive disagreement, his parents decided to leave the Wade family and move to Aurous Hill to live a more ordinary life.

But soon after arriving in Aurous Hill, his parents tragically died in an accident.

Charlie had never believed that it was merely an accident. He was certain that someone was behind their deaths—though he had no clue who it could be.

First, he wasn’t sure if the Wade family was an enemy or an ally.

Second, he didn’t know what role the Salvador family had played in all this.

And lastly, he remembered Stephen Thompson mentioning that his father had offended the powerful Rothschild family, which dominated Europe and America. Could it have been the Rothschilds who orchestrated his parents’ deaths? Charlie had no way of knowing for sure.

It felt like he was surrounded—wolves in front of him, tigers behind, and a monstrous beast lurking across the ocean. Though Charlie had gained some strength, he still felt like he was walking on thin ice.

The Wade family, with its visible and hidden assets combined, was worth at least trillions of yuan.

The Salvador family, not only wealthier than the Wade family but also more powerful in general, had taken some serious hits recently but was still far from being counted out.

A fortune in the trillions may seem like a fantasy to most, but on a global scale, it was far from extraordinary.

For context, the world’s wealthiest individuals, like Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, had personal assets exceeding a trillion yuan. And that was only the public figure—no billionaire ever reveals the full extent of their wealth. What’s public is often just the tip of the iceberg.

As for the Rothschild family, they were like giants—so wealthy they could rival nations.


For a century, Europe and North America have been rife with rumors about the Rothschild family.

Some say they control half of Europe, others claim they wield authority over not just half of Europe but also half of America. Their influence is pervasive across the Western world. The most profitable banks, the most lucrative oil companies, the largest shipping conglomerates, and even the biggest military-industrial corporations all trace back to them.

The railways that fueled the industrial revolution in the West also fell under their dominion, and precious resources like gold and diamonds are their traditional forte.

Rough estimates suggest that the Rothschild family’s total assets exceed several trillion dollars.

In other words, a Rothschild’s wealth is more than ten times that of the Wade family.

Even more daunting is their immense political influence. As a historic Jewish family, their impact on Western politics is profound. Most of Wall Street’s major players are Jewish, and the very lifeblood of America seems to lie in their hands. Such a family could even orchestrate conflicts between nations behind the scenes.

Compared to such families, Charlie’s current assets and power seem insignificant.

The thought of revealing his identity now could trigger an unimaginable storm.

Given these circumstances, Charlie found it difficult to share his true feelings with Claire. He felt he should first uncover the truth behind his parents’ deaths, determine whether the Wade family was an ally or adversary, and clarify if there was a deep-seated enmity between his family and the Rothschilds.

Unaware of her husband’s internal turmoil, Claire was happily munching on fruit and said dreamily, “Honey, if I can secure this project, you won’t have to bear so much pressure in the future.”

Charlie replied earnestly, “I don’t feel much pressure myself. Earning money is still quite easy for me. So, you shouldn’t stress about it. If this project is too tiring, don’t push yourself too hard. Just preparing for the bid is exhausting enough. If you actually win it, it might be even more demanding.”

Claire smiled, “A little fatigue is okay. We can’t turn down opportunities just because they’re exhausting. If the company grows stronger, I can delegate more work and focus on management. That way, it won’t be as tiring. The hardest part is when you’re running a studio—being both the boss and the worker means doing everything yourself.”

Charlie nodded in agreement, “Indeed. The worst is when you have to juggle two roles at once.”

Claire gave a gentle smile and said, “Don’t worry about me. I need to continue working on these designs. You should head to the bedroom and rest. Let me know if you need anything.”

Charlie said, “Alright, dear. You get back to work. I won’t disturb you. Call me if you need anything.”


Meanwhile, Alan, brimming with excitement, was busy calling everyone Charlie wanted to invite. Most of these people were old acquaintances and friends, so reconnecting with them was effortless. Each call relayed the news, and everyone was thrilled beyond measure.

Charlie had only made such a large-scale medicine donation once before.

On that occasion, everyone had been grateful for the miraculous medicine they received.


This time, as Charlie planned another large-scale medicine donation, his friends were overjoyed.

Samuel, who was in Sea City, was so excited about Charlie’s invitation that he immediately had Gian an old friend from the orphanage, drive him to Aurous Hill overnight. Samuel owned several properties in Aurous Hill, so he decided to settle in for the night to avoid any potential delays the next day.

He valued this opportunity highly, considering how rare it was.

The only person who had not yet been informed was Doris from the Emgrand Group. It wasn’t that Alan had forgotten her; rather, he simply didn’t have her contact details.

Before Charlie took over Emgrand Group, Doris had been the vice-chairman. Unlike many in Aurous Hill’s high society, she wasn’t from a prominent family or a wealthy second-generation. She was a capable and self-made professional who had climbed the ranks through her own efforts.

Therefore, she didn’t mix much with the city’s so-called elite.

While she was acquainted with people like Isaac, George, Alan, and Sarah, she wasn’t particularly close with them. Isaac and George had long formed a tight circle around Charlie, treating him with great respect due to their admiration for his abilities.

So, Alan called Charlie, saying respectfully, “Master Wade, I’ve notified almost everyone. Everyone is available except Doris. She’s quite low-key, and I don’t have her contact details. Could you possibly provide me with her number?”

Charlie replied, “Forget it. I’ll call her directly.”

After ending the call with Alan, Charlie dialed Doris’s number.

When the call connected, Doris answered respectfully, “Chairman, how can I assist you?”

Charlie raised an eyebrow slightly. Normally, Doris would call him “Young Master” in private, but since it was after work hours, why was she calling him Chairman now? Perhaps she was in a situation where she couldn’t speak freely?

Thinking this, Charlie replied politely, “Vice-Chairman York, I wanted to ask if you’re free tomorrow evening. I’m hosting a dinner and would like to invite you.”

Doris hesitated for a moment and said apologetically, “Chairman, I’m afraid I can’t confirm my schedule right now. Could I get back to you tomorrow?”

Charlie, curious, asked, “Vice-Chairman York, is something wrong?”

Doris responded awkwardly, “No, Chairman. It’s just that we have some guests at home that I need to entertain, so...”

Charlie smiled gently and said, “Alright, let’s touch base tomorrow. If it’s inconvenient for you, it’s not a problem. We can arrange another time.”


At this moment, in the inpatient department of Aurous Hill People's Hospital.

As the top comprehensive hospital in Aurous Hill and the entire province, it was perpetually crowded, regardless of the time. No matter which department, the beds were always occupied. Many patients were even waiting at home for a chance to be admitted.

In the nephrology intensive care unit, a man in his fifties lay unconscious on a bed, covered in tubes and monitoring equipment.

Next to the bed sat a middle-aged woman, who resembled Doris by about fifty percent.

Outside the intensive care unit was a small lounge and a family rest area. Given that this was one of the best intensive care units, the interior was similar to a hotel suite.

In the lounge stood a young man and woman. The woman was Doris, the vice-chairman of the Emgrand Group. Facing her was a blonde man with a hooked nose.

Doris had just ended the call with Charlie when the blonde man, who went by Walter, spoke with a smile in somewhat accented Mandarin, “Doris, I see that your father’s condition can’t wait much longer. With China’s strict laws against organ trading, no one else but me can find a matching donor for your father.”

Doris looked at him with a desperate plea, “Walter, I’m asking you as an old classmate. Help me make a connection. I’ll pay double for the kidney you’ve arranged in the U.S. Anything extra will be your commission. Can you help?”

Walter smirked, “Doris, do you really think I’m going through all this trouble just for a markup?”

He then spoke with exaggerated seriousness, “Doris, I’ve had feelings for you since our school days. Back then, I wasn’t financially independent and hadn’t taken over the family business. My family didn’t approve of me pursuing a foreign woman, and I didn’t dare to chase you under their watch...”

He chuckled triumphantly, “But now, I’m married and have just been sent to oversee business in China. They can’t control me anymore!”

“And my family is committed to entering the Chinese market. I might be here for at least ten years…”

Doris frowned and asked, “Walter, what are you trying to say?”

Walter placed his hand over his heart, feigning a pained expression, “Doris, if I can’t have you in the next decade, how lonely and desolate will I be?”

Doris replied coldly, “Walter! For the sake of our old friendship, I’m asking you to be respectful.”

Walter gave a dismissive smile and said, “Sorry, but I’m the type who prefers to be direct.”


“Doris, as long as you’re willing to leave Emgrand Group, join my company as my vice-chairman and lover, I’ll immediately arrange for my private jet to deliver the kidney. Agree today, and your father can have a new kidney tomorrow. What do you say?”

“You’re shameless!” Doris gritted her teeth and said angrily, “Walter, this is no different from extortion! And you’re already married with children—how can you do this to your wife and kids?”

Walter shrugged and replied indifferently, “For someone like me, marriage is just a family obligation. My family dictates who I marry, and as long as I marry the women they choose, they won’t interfere with my personal life.”

He sneered, “As for the children, it’s even less of a concern. They’re still young now, but when they grow up, I’ll teach them that money is everything. They’ll understand why I’m like this.”

Walter then remembered something and added quickly, “Oh, and if you become my lover, you’ll also need to bear me a child. I don’t like using any contraceptives, and I’ve always wanted a mixed-race child. Unfortunately, my family’s tradition insists on pure bloodlines, which is a headache…”

He laughed triumphantly and said, “But, if it’s a child born out of wedlock and doesn’t involve inheritance issues, they’ll turn a blind eye and won’t pursue it too much.”

Doris was furious and shouted, “Walter, I can’t believe you’re such a shameless scoundrel!”

Walter laughed heartily, “Come on, Doris, we’re adults here. What’s the use of shame? Look at those who preach virtue every day—they’re often the most corrupt.”

“If you come work for me and use your real estate experience and confidential information from Emgrand Group to help expand our market in China, I’ll offer you double the salary of Emgrand Group and an additional five million annual bonus!”

“With this, you’d earn around ten to twenty million a year!”

“And if you can secretly drain Emgrand Group’s assets and help me acquire it for less than fifty billion, I’ll give you a hundred million in one go!”

“Even better, our offices will only be separated by a wall. We can discreetly create a hidden door between the two rooms, so I can visit you whenever I want during work hours. Isn’t that perfect? Aren’t you tempted?”

Doris took a step back, bypassed Walter, and opened the door, shouting, “Walter, I don’t want to see you. Get out of here now!”

Walter smirked and said, “Doris, I can leave anytime you want, but your father’s condition seems to be worsening quickly. I advise you to think carefully about my offer.”

Doris gritted her teeth and said, “I won’t consider it! Stop daydreaming and get out, or I’ll call the police right now!”

Walter held up his hands in a gesture of surrender and said, “OK, OK, don’t get so worked up. Although your father’s condition is severe, you still have about a month to think it over. I’ll be in Aurous Hill for a while. If you change your mind, feel free to contact me!”

With that, he straightened his suit jacket, winked at Doris provocatively, and said with a grin, “Darling, I’ll be leaving now.”


Doris watched the departing figure with trembling fury, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably.

Two years ago, her father had developed severe nephritis. Due to his RH-negative blood type, finding a compatible kidney had been nearly impossible.

Despite her own efforts to be a donor, she wasn’t a match.

By a stroke of luck, her relatives in Southeast Asia found a compatible donor who agreed to a compensated donation. Doris spent one million RMB to secure the kidney for her father.

She had hoped that, with proper care, the transplanted kidney would extend her father’s life by at least two or three decades.

But she never imagined that just two years later, her father's transplanted kidney would suffer a severe rejection reaction, with kidney function rapidly declining.

Before the New Year, her father was in stable condition. However, after the holiday, he was hospitalized due to acute kidney failure.

The doctors couldn’t determine the cause of the kidney failure, and it was irreversible. The only option was to find a new kidney source and perform another transplant as soon as possible.

With time running out, Doris raised the offer to five million RMB. Even with such a high price, finding a suitable kidney quickly proved impossible.

Walter, a former classmate from her studies abroad, had learned of her plight and offered to help her find a kidney through the black market in the United States.

Today, Walter arrived to inform Doris that a suitable kidney had been found, and the donor was a young, healthy man.

But before Doris could rejoice, Walter revealed his true nature, presenting a series of exorbitant demands.

At this moment, Doris felt utterly despondent.

She knew that finding a suitable kidney in such a short time was nearly impossible...

In her moment of despair, she recalled an event from when she attended Sarah's birthday party. Charlie had produced a rejuvenation pill, which Samuel purchased for an astronomical 2 billion RMB. It was said that this pill could cure all ailments and work miracles.

Unfortunately, twenty billion was far beyond Doris’s means.

Her income was substantial, but as a high-ranking employee, her total assets barely reached one hundred million RMB. How could she ever hope to afford a 2-billion-dollar pill?


At that moment, the door to the inner room was gently pushed open.

A middle-aged woman emerged and asked, “Doris, has Walter left?”

This woman was Doris’s mother, Helen.

Doris quickly wiped away her tears and turned to face her mother, nodding. “Yes, Mom, he’s gone.”

She immediately asked, “Mom, how is Dad?”

Helen sighed. “He’s still the same, hasn’t woken up.”

Seeing Doris’s recent tears, she quickly stepped forward and asked with concern, “Doris, why are you crying? What did Walter say to you? Didn’t he say he found a kidney source? What else did he say?”

Doris sighed and spoke softly, “He found a kidney, but he wants me to work for him and become his lover...”

“What?!” Helen’s eyes widened in shock. “Isn’t he an old classmate of yours? How can he be so shameless?”

Doris shook her head in resignation. “I didn’t expect him to become like this after a few years since graduation.”

Helen quickly suggested, “Can’t we offer him more money? If the kidney costs two million, we’ll give him four or even six million. As long as he helps us find the kidney and ensures the transplant can happen in time, we’ll be willing to sell everything we have!”

Doris shook her head solemnly. “Walter’s father is a well-known real estate tycoon in the U.S. His family’s wealth is in the hundreds of billions. He wouldn’t care about our money...”

Helen burst into tears, feeling helpless. “What should we do... Your father’s RH-negative blood type is as rare as a panda’s blood, found in one in hundreds of thousands. Finding a match with the same blood type, a compatible organ, and someone willing to donate is nearly impossible...”

She sighed deeply and cried, “The doctor said... the doctor said that with your father’s condition, he can last at most three more months. If we don’t find a kidney source by then, not even a deity can save him!”

Doris, with a pained expression, nodded. “Mom, please don’t cry. Give me a little more time to find a kidney...”

Helen, struggling to control her anxiety, sobbed, “The doctor said your father’s condition can only wait another twenty days at most. If we still can’t find a kidney in twenty days, even if we do find one by then, his body won’t be able to handle the surgery...”

Doris nodded seriously. “Mom, don’t worry. I’ll do everything I can to find a solution...”

Helen nodded faintly, unable to stop her tears.

Doris softly said, “Mom, stay with Dad for a while. I’ll go outside for a breath of fresh air.”

“Alright, go ahead...”

Doris left the ward and made her way to the hospital’s courtyard downstairs. It was already night, and the weather was cold, with few people around.


She pulled a pack of cigarettes from her pocket, took out one, and fumbled with a lighter, pressing it anxiously until the flame appeared. She then lit the cigarette.

In the dim light, her face looked particularly haggard.

With the cigarette lit, Doris lightly bit the end and took a deep drag. The quietness around her allowed her to hear the distinct crackle of the tobacco burning.

Doris rarely smoked and didn’t enjoy it much. However, the exhaustion and stress from her relentless work had led her to this moment. Smoking a cigarette now provided a brief respite.

As the smoke billowed from her finely shaped nostrils and the nicotine stimulated her brain, she couldn’t help but let two lines of hot tears fall.

Her mind replayed her mother’s words repeatedly.

There were only twenty days left to find a suitable kidney for the transplant.

If a match wasn’t found within those twenty days, her father’s condition would deteriorate to the point of no return.

At that stage, his body would be so weakened that even the anesthetics for surgery might be too much for him to handle, let alone a major organ transplant...

It was reminiscent of late-stage cancer patients in old age.

In summary, it was twelve words: "Extremely weak body, very severe condition."

Surgery? The body can’t withstand it.

Chemotherapy? The body can’t handle it either.

In the end, the only option left would be palliative care.

In other words, giving up on treatment and using painkillers to ease the patient’s suffering in their final days.

Her father was only in his fifties. For Doris, accepting that her father would pass away so young was unbearable.

Yet, the chance of saving him now seemed as hopeless as a distant dream.

As the cigarette burned down, she automatically lit another, her mind once again turning to Walter’s demands.

At the same time, a choice presented itself to her mind.

Choice A: Agree to Walter’s demands, exchanging her father’s chance of survival.

Choice B: Refuse Walter’s demands, and helplessly watch her father slip away.


Doris was consumed by a deep anguish, facing the most brutal decision of her twenty-plus years of life.


Meanwhile, Walter sat in a luxurious Rolls-Royce, just leaving the People's Hospital.

Walter, full name Walter Hogsworth, was an American from a well-known real estate family in the United States.

Years ago, he and Doris were classmates, and he had always harbored feelings for her. However, at that time, Walter was still under his family’s watchful eye and felt it was too risky to openly pursue an Asian woman.

But now, Walter was a transformed man. He had amassed significant power and resources within his family and expanded his business into China’s real estate market. This success had given him the confidence to act boldly.

The first thing on his list was to re-conquer his old classmate, Doris York.

This was not only because he had lingering feelings for her but also because Doris had achieved great success at the Emgrand Group. Her abilities and deep understanding of China’s real estate industry had earned her high recognition.

For an American entrepreneur like Walter, who was new to the Chinese market, having Doris on his team would provide immense advantages and help him avoid numerous pitfalls.

Moreover, Doris held significant value due to her knowledge of all the confidential information at Emgrand Group.

While real estate might seem straightforward—just building and selling properties—it actually involves a vast amount of confidential information.

Large real estate companies often have insights into city planning and development directions, such as potential future developments or planned transit expansions. This information is incredibly valuable.

Furthermore, every piece of land and every project undergoes a bidding process, and the details of these bids are core secrets. Leaking them could cause substantial financial losses.

Walter’s plan was to bring Doris into his fold, extracting the confidential information she knew about Emgrand Group, and then systematically draining the company. His ultimate goal was to dominate the entire Aurous Hill market.

At this moment, Walter gazed at a photo of Doris on his phone with a smug smile, muttering to himself, “Doris, this time, I will conquer you completely and thoroughly!”


The next day, Charlie went out and bought several purple sandalwood jewelry boxes to package the pills he was preparing to give away that evening. Since the pills were considered life-saving remedies by everyone, it was essential to have an appropriate presentation.

On his way back home with the jewelry boxes, Charlie received a call from Isaac.

As soon as the call connected, Isaac's excited voice came through. "Young Master! The verdict on the old house's illegal fundraising case came down this morning!"

"Oh?" Charlie quickly asked, "What’s the verdict?"

Isaac replied, "The verdict was life imprisonment for the defendant, and all assets were confiscated to repay the creditors. This means that all his assets, including the old house you’ve been watching, will now enter the judicial auction process."

"Great!" Charlie immediately instructed, "Old Chen, sign me up. I want to participate!"

Isaac said, "Don’t worry, Young Master. I’ve already registered under my name as a driver. Since that house is one you and your parents once lived in, I worried that if your name appeared on the bidder list, someone might deduce your identity. So, I took the liberty of registering myself. Please don’t be upset!"

Charlie sighed, "I hadn't considered that. Register under your name then. We must win that house, no matter what."

Isaac chuckled, "Don’t worry, Young Master. That old house is already listed as a protected building and is almost worthless. The starting price is only 880,000. I doubt anyone will compete with you for it. Even if there is competition, we should be able to secure it even if the price goes up to two or three million."

"Good," Charlie relaxed, asking, "When does the auction start?"

Isaac responded, "It’s scheduled for next Monday at 10 a.m."

Charlie asked, "Will the auction be held at the court or online?"

Isaac explained, "Judicial auctions are mostly conducted online now for transparency. I’ve already registered and paid the bidding deposit. You just need to place your bid on the judicial auction website next Monday morning."

"Alright!" Charlie smiled slightly and praised, "Old Chen, you’ve handled this excellently. Thank you for your hard work."

Isaac replied, "Young Master, you’re too kind. It’s just a small task."

Charlie reflected, "For you, it may be a small task, but for me, it’s of great significance."

With that, Charlie felt a pang of sorrow. Although his parents had been gone for nearly twenty years, thinking of them still brought him deep pain.


At the same time, in the Klein family estate.

Marissa, who had been keeping an eye on the old house that Drake owned, learned from the old housekeeper about the upcoming auction.

She immediately told the housekeeper, "Uncle Wang, please register me for the auction. I want to participate!"

The old housekeeper nodded, "Yes, Second Miss. I’ll arrange for someone to sign you up."

Marissa said, "Thank you, Uncle Wang. I’ll go make a call in my room."

The old housekeeper agreed, "Understood, Second Miss."

Marissa hurried back to her room, pulled out her phone, and called Virtuoso.

She knew Virtuoso had gone to Australia, but she hadn’t been in touch with him for a few days. Virtuoso, feeling despondent and ashamed, had not reached out to Marissa or his children.

At this moment, Virtuoso was sitting at the edge of a cliff next to the sea, staring blankly at the ocean below.

With the support of all the ceremonial hostesses, Wendy successfully took her first step in taking over Shangmei Events Planning Company.

She worked late at the company, barely catching the last bus home. Exhausted, she dragged her tired body back to the luxurious villa at Thomson Elite.

Ever since Wendy started working, the Wilson family had just managed to scrape by without starving. While they couldn't afford to provide Madam Wilson, Noah, and Harold with regular meals of vegetables and meat, at least they could steam a pot of plain white rice to stave off hunger.

When Wendy returned home, Madam Wilson had just finished serving Noah and Harold their rice. Now, she sat alone, mixing hot water with half a bowl of rice, sprinkling in some salt before eating quietly by herself.

Seeing Wendy come back, Madam Wilson couldn’t help but complain, "Wendy, why are you so late today? I’ve been taking care of your father and brother all by myself, and I’m completely worn out. You should have come home earlier to help me."

Feeling guilty, Wendy apologized, "Sorry, Grandma. I had a lot of work at the company, so it took longer than I expected."

Madam Wilson frowned in dissatisfaction, "Aren't you just a ceremonial hostess? Once the job is done, you should take your pay and come home. How could it drag on this late?"

From the bed, Harold chimed in, "Yeah, Wendy, I was really craving some pork and preserved egg congee today. I thought you'd earn enough to buy half a pound of pork and a couple of preserved eggs, but we’ve been waiting until now..."

Noah, lying next to Harold, sighed heavily, "Wendy, your dad's been having muscle cramps these past few days. The pain is unbearable, and it’s taking forever to subside. It seems like I’ve been severely malnourished and low on calcium. Can you get me a box of calcium supplements?"

Seeing her father and brother looking so pitiful, Wendy’s heart ached. She really wanted to tell them everything about her day—that Charlie had given her a great opportunity to manage a company with a salary of ten thousand yuan a month.

But remembering Charlie’s advice to keep things quiet and avoid unnecessary complications, she swallowed her words. Instead, she said, "Dad, Brother, just hang in there a bit longer. The company has promoted me to a management position, and I’ll be earning ten thousand yuan a month now. Tomorrow, I’ll ask finance to advance me half of the month's salary. We’ll definitely improve our living situation."

Noah’s eyes lit up, "Wendy, are you serious? You’ve really become a manager?"

Harold quickly added, "Wendy, are you really getting ten thousand yuan a month?"

Wendy nodded earnestly, "Yes, it’s true. I’ll be earning ten thousand yuan a month."

As she spoke, she pulled out the latest iPhone that Charlie had bought her, her heart filled with gratitude, "The boss even noticed I didn’t have a phone for work, so he bought me one as a gift."

"What?!" Harold exclaimed excitedly, "Sis, you’re really going places! A phone worth more than ten thousand, and your boss just gives it to you? He’s incredibly generous!"

Madam Wilson, sitting nearby, was so moved that her eyes filled with tears. Choking up, she said, "Wendy, if you can really bring in ten thousand a month, that’s over three hundred a day! With that kind of money, life is going to get a lot easier for all of us!"

She started calculating out loud, "Right now, pork is about twenty yuan a pound, and plain rice is around three yuan a pound. For the four of us, a pound of pork and two pounds of rice a day, plus some vegetables, would only cost seventy or eighty yuan. If we add in some milk to help with the calcium, a hundred yuan would be more than enough. Noah and Harold could even get some medicine to speed up their recovery. Even if we spend another hundred a day, we’ll still have a hundred left over!"


Tears streamed down Harold’s face as he said, “Grandma, I can finally eat meat every day…”

“Yes…” Madam Wilson sighed and continued, “Once you and your father recover, you can both find jobs. We don’t expect to make a fortune, but if the two of you can earn five or six thousand yuan a month each, we’ll be doing fine. At that point, our family income will be fifteen or sixteen thousand yuan a month, and that’s when our hard times will really be over!”

Hearing this, Wendy felt a deep sense of melancholy.

She thought to herself, "The Wilson family wasn’t always wealthy, but we had assets worth tens of millions, maybe even billions… Back then, we would easily spend tens of thousands of yuan each month just on food."

"But despite that, no one was ever satisfied. Everyone wanted more, constantly trying to climb higher socially…"

"Now, after everything we’ve been through, my family’s expectations for life have plummeted dramatically."

"They used to be unhappy no matter how good the food was, but now, as long as they can eat meat once a day and save a little money, they think it’s the best life they could hope for…"

"Though it’s heartbreaking to think about, it’s also painfully ironic."

As these thoughts crossed her mind, the image of Charlie appeared in Wendy’s head. She reflected, "People like Charlie are truly grounded. Even in the hardest of times, he lived with humility and perseverance. And even after becoming the respected Master Wade in Aurous Hill’s upper class, he remained true to himself, living a simple life with Claire."

Moved by these thoughts, Wendy quietly took out her phone and added Charlie on WeChat.

At that moment, Charlie had just finished eating when Alan Ward called him. As soon as Charlie answered the call, Alan respectfully said, “Master Wade, Dianne told me that you asked me to host a banquet for everyone at my house. I was wondering when it would be convenient for you?”

Charlie replied, “Today is Thursday, so let’s schedule it for Friday evening. How does that sound to you?”

Alan, full of respect, said, “My time is entirely flexible. Everything is up to your schedule, Master Wade.”

“Great, let’s settle it for Friday evening then. Please help me invite everyone,” Charlie instructed.

Alan quickly responded, “Master Wade, let me confirm the guest list with you to make sure it's correct.”

“Go ahead,” Charlie replied.

Alan listed the names: “First, there’s Miss Walker and Old Master Walker from the Walker family. Then, we have Dr. Simon Thorpe, followed by Mr. Isaac Craven, Sea City’s richest man Samuel Turner, Lord Orvel Heller, George from the White family, and Lorden Weigard from Mystical Labs.”


Charlie said, “Don’t forget to invite Doris York, the Vice Chairman of the Emgrand Group.”

Alan immediately replied, “Of course, Master Wade. I’ll give Vice Chairman York a call shortly.”

Charlie said, “Thanks for arranging everything.”

Alan, filled with respect, responded, “Master Wade, there’s no need to be so polite with me! Just let me know if you need anything, and I’ll take care of it.”

Charlie gave a small nod and smiled, “I’ll come by a few hours early to give Dianne some guidance and bring you a small gift.”

Hearing this, Alan was so excited his voice trembled slightly. He realized that Charlie might be offering him a Rejuvenation Pill, and overwhelmed with excitement, he blurted out, “Master Wade! I can’t thank you enough!”

Charlie chuckled, “No need to thank me. Let’s leave it at that, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Absolutely, Master Wade. See you tomorrow!”

After hanging up the call with Alan, Charlie noticed a notification in his WeChat contact list—a new friend request.

When he opened it, he saw that it was from Wendy. He accepted the request without hesitation.

Immediately after, Wendy sent a message: “Brother-in-law, I’ve settled everything at the company. About 300 event hostesses have agreed to work with us. Just wanted to update you!”

Charlie was a little surprised by the number and thought she must have done a pretty good job. He replied, “Very well, keep up the good work.”

Wendy quickly responded, “Thank you, brother-in-law. I’ll give it my best!”

She followed up with another message: “Brother-in-law, I have a small request…”

Charlie asked, “Go ahead.”

Wendy hesitated before saying, “Brother-in-law, there are a lot of expenses at home right now. Would it be okay if I got half a month’s salary in advance?”

Understanding that she must be facing some difficulties, Charlie agreed readily and replied, “No problem, just let the finance department know.”

Wendy immediately sent a grateful emoji and said, “Thank you so much, brother-in-law!”


Charlie didn’t have too many thoughts about Wendy. Initially, he had only wanted to help her a little and give her some money to get through her current difficulties, as she seemed genuinely remorseful for her past mistakes.

However, after discovering that she had been bullied, and seeing how Jack and Sharon were taking things too far, Charlie couldn’t help but have the urge to rid the world of such scoundrels. As a result, he handed over Jack's Shangmei Events Planning Company for Wendy to manage.

That said, Charlie still had some reservations about Wendy. He decided that while she would manage the company, she could only receive a monthly salary of ten thousand yuan. This restriction was put in place to limit her earnings and power, ensuring that she stayed grounded and focused on her responsibilities, rather than getting carried away like before.

Wendy, however, wasn’t thinking that far ahead. She was deeply grateful for how much Charlie had helped her and was simply determined to do her best to manage the company well.

Adopting a “less said, the better” approach, Charlie didn’t bother telling his wife, Claire, about this matter. Besides, Claire had been extremely busy lately. After dinner, she headed straight to the study to continue her work without wasting a moment.

Claire was currently preparing for the bidding process to renovate the Emgrand Group’s six-star hotel. She was at a pivotal point in her career, with a remarkable drive and determination to succeed. She had expressed to Charlie how much she wanted to share the financial burdens of the family.

Seeing his wife working overtime even after her regular work hours, Charlie couldn’t help but feel a bit of heartache for her.

So, he washed some fruit and brought it upstairs to the study.

In the study, Claire was fully engrossed in drafting design plans on her computer. Charlie, not wanting to startle her by suddenly appearing, cleared his throat softly to get her attention.

“Ahem, Claire.”

Claire looked up and saw Charlie, smiling warmly, “Hubby, what brings you here?”

Charlie walked over, placed the fruit on the desk, and said, “I brought you some fruit. You should eat more. Spending so much time in front of the computer exposes you to radiation. Eating fruit and getting more vitamins can help mitigate that.”

Claire beamed sweetly, “Thank you, hubby!”

She picked up the largest, ripest strawberry from the fruit plate, but instead of eating it, she held it up to Charlie’s mouth and playfully said, “Hubby, you eat this one!”

Charlie chuckled, “I’ve already eaten. You have it. Don’t worry about me.”

Claire pouted, pretending to be upset, “If you don’t eat it, I won’t eat either.”

She then muttered in mock annoyance, “You won’t even eat it when I’m offering it to you? That’s really hurtful…”

Hearing this, Charlie quickly opened his mouth and not only took the strawberry, but he also gently bit down on two of Claire’s fingers, making her giggle as he playfully held her fingers in his mouth.


"Ah!" Claire exclaimed in surprise, realizing that Charlie had playfully ambushed her. Feigning shock, she said, "Oh no! I kindly fed the puppy, and the puppy bit me!"

Charlie let go of her fingers, still chewing on the strawberry, and mumbled, "Oh really? You’re calling your husband a puppy? Then what does that make you?"

With a proud hum, Claire replied, "If you’re the puppy, then I’m clearly the puppy’s owner!"

Charlie laughed, "If I'm a puppy, then you're the bone I'm holding in my mouth."

Claire chuckled, "Who compares people to bones? That’s such a weird analogy..."

Charlie, now more serious, responded, "Don’t you know how fiercely a puppy protects its food? Once a bone is in its mouth, nothing—absolutely nothing—can make it let go. If anyone dares to try, it’ll fight tooth and nail!"

Claire was touched by Charlie's sincerity. Feeling a little shy, she softly said, "Well then, I suppose I’ll have to be that bone for you to hold on to."

Charlie laughed heartily and said, "Don’t just talk, have some fruit!"

Claire nodded, picked up two more strawberries, and fed one to Charlie before taking a bite from the other herself.

Charlie glanced at her computer screen and noticed the massive design draft she was working on. Unable to hold back his curiosity, he asked, "Wife, are you designing this entire project by yourself?"

Claire explained, "Not exactly. Right now, I’m just creating a rough draft. For the bidding process, we don’t need an extremely detailed design—just an outline that shows the general concept."

"When it comes time to submit the bid, we’ll present this design along with a detailed renovation budget. But since my studio is still small, we’ve all been working nonstop. I’m handling the design drafts, while others are focusing on coordinating material suppliers and calculating the costs. That’s the truly daunting part—connecting with over a hundred suppliers and managing thousands of different items."

Charlie nodded, feeling concerned. "Don’t overwork yourself. Remember to balance work and rest."

Claire smiled, "Don’t worry. It's just a few more days. Once we submit the bid package, it’s all up to the Emgrand Group’s internal review. If we win the bid, I’ll immediately expand the team. If we don’t, it’ll still be good practice."

With determination, she added, "If this project succeeds, you won’t have to work so hard and carry the entire burden of supporting our family."

"Our expenses have grown so much, especially the annual property fees for the villa, which are in the tens of thousands. And that’s just the beginning."

"I’ve been reinvesting most of my studio’s profits to scale up, so I haven’t been able to contribute much to the household finances. That’s why I’m determined to win this project and help ease the burden."

Charlie knew Claire’s character well. She never cared much about money and had few material desires when it came to daily life. Her current drive to succeed was purely for the sake of their family.

With a heartfelt tone, he softly said, "Wife, thank you."

Claire, in turn, seriously replied, "I should be the one thanking you. For so long, you’ve been the one holding everything together, while my parents and I have only added to your burden..."

Charlie quickly interjected, "What are you talking about? It's a husband's duty to provide for the family. Remember the first three years of our marriage, when I didn’t make a single penny? All I did was cook, clean, and do the laundry, and you never once complained. How could I mind taking on more now?"

Claire smiled gently, her words full of sincerity, "What’s most important is that we continue to understand and support each other, just like we always have. That means more than money. Back then, even though you didn’t earn anything, you took such good care of me and the house. That was far more valuable than any income."

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