The Dragon Man's Decree - Translated by GILY

Author: Unknown
Type: Action and Adventure
Posted : 07 October 2023
Status: Ongoing

John White is furious that someone has tried to make an advance on his girlfriend. In the end, he ends up behind bars after his attempt to protect her. Three years later, he is a free man but finds out that that girlfriend of his has married the man who hit on her back then. John will not let things slide. Thankfully, he has learned Focus Technique during his time in prison. At that, he embarks on the journey of cultivation and is accompanied by a gorgeous Miranda. Who would have thought this would enrage his ex-girlfriend?
Chapter 4157

“She was a good girl. Although she wasn’t particularly gifted or powerful and she didn’t come from a prominent background, she was kind. Unlike those cultivators in the Ethereal Realm, she didn’t have the ambition to ascend into immortals. I’ve been surrounded by countless women, but only when I’m with her do I truly experience joy and warmth!”

The more Cedric said, the gentler his gaze became.

At that moment, Cedric no longer exhibited any signs of frenzy or bloodlust.

After he finished speaking, he picked up the poison pill and tossed it directly into his mouth without hesitation.

“I can face death, but I can’t bear to forget her. I have to go find her. Thank you for liberating me. If there’s another life, I’ll repay you then!”

Cedric looked at John with deep gratitude.

“There’s no need to talk about the next life. You’ll have the chance to repay me!”

With that, John turned around and stepped down, leaving Cedric bewildered and confused about what he just said.

But soon, Cedric felt as if his whole body was being scorched by flames. He felt like he was about to explode!

He knew that the poison pill had taken effect!

Cedric didn’t bellow and yell. Instead, he sat cross-legged in the iron cage, silently awaiting death!

Before long, Cedric’s consciousness became increasingly hazy. He felt like he could almost see the girl that he cherished so dearly.

Bernard looked at his own son, his heart filled with immense pain.

John walked up to Bernard and said softly, “Your Majesty, as I’ve mentioned before, only by confronting death can one find a way out. Although it’s a poison pill, it’s also a pill that can untangle his inner turmoil. Actually, Prince Cedric isn’t ill at all. It is simply that his longing has grown so intense that it has led to an alteration in his consciousness and resulted in a split of his personality. To put it precisely, he has dissociative identity disorder, which is considered a form of mental illness!”

“Mental illness?” Bernard slightly furrowed his brows. “Love sickness?”

“Does your son have a girl he’s particularly fond of?” John inquired.

Bernard nodded and explained, “Yes, he was very fond of a girl. However, this girl comes from an ordinary family, with no power or influence. Besides, her cultivation level is also not up to par. Since she can’t offer any assistance to Cedric, I didn’t approve of them being together. In order to get Cedric to give up, I told him that the girl had already passed away so that he wouldn’t keep pining for her.”

“So, the girl isn’t dead?” John asked.

“Yes, she isn’t dead. She has been living in Azure all along,” Bernard replied.

“That’s fantastic! My poison pill only temporarily prevents him from losing his mind. If the girl isn’t dead, the only one who can fix the problem is the one who created it. If you want your son to fully recover, only that girl can make it happen!” John said.

“So, it turns out my son’s illness was all because of that girl. I never realized he was so deeply in love with her. Ah, it was all due to my foolishness. Why did I try to interfere? I almost caused his death. Now that Cedric has eaten the poison pill, isn’t he going to die?”

At that moment, Bernard began to develop some trust toward John.

“Of course not. Even though the poison pill has the power to end a life, everything in this world has its counterbalance. My poison pill was designed specifically to counteract mental fragmentation. Given Prince Cedric’s abilities, the poison pill will undoubtedly cause him some harm, but it certainly won’t be fatal,”

John reassured Bernard.

As soon as John finished speaking, Cedric suddenly spat out a mouthful of fresh blood. Immediately after, he was tormented by an agonizing headache, his eyes turning an intense, fiery red.

Stunned, everyone looked at John. Given Cedric’s current condition, it seemed like the poison pill had taken effect. They doubted he would survive!

After violently spewing a few mouthfuls of fresh blood, Cedric suddenly collapsed!

In a rush, Bernard quickly moved forward to unlock the iron cage and carry Cedric out of it.

After around thirty minutes, Cedric came to his senses surprisingly. Although his aura had noticeably weakened, the violent and restless energy was gone!
Chapter 4158 Could it be possible that the poison pill could cure illness?

Upon seeing that Cedric was not only alive but also awake, everyone’s faces were filled with astonishment.

They couldn’t believe that he survived the poison pill. Judging from the recent situation, Cedric was undoubtedly doomed!

Could it really be possible that the poison pill could cure illness?

Everyone present were alchemists, so they obviously knew that poison pills couldn’t cure diseases. Yet, when John gave Cedric the poison pill, Cedric didn’t die. Instead, the wild energy that had been emanating from him disappeared!

As a matter of fact, this poison pill had been inspected by many and was indeed confirmed to be poisonous.

“How could that be possible?”

Finding it hard to believe, Mark darted forward and released a surge of spiritual energy into Cedric’s body.

Moments later, Mark stepped back looking dumbfounded.

“Is he… Is he really cured?”

Mark appeared somewhat dazed.

Garret, Werner, Candle…

A crowd of alchemists gathered around and began to examine Cedric’s health!

They were eager to know if Cedric had been successfully treated.

If John had truly managed to find a cure, they could certainly learn a thing or two from him.

After all, the purpose of the Alchemist Fair was to provide a platform for numerous alchemists to come together and learn from each other.

Bernard was standing at the side and observing his own son, who was being scrutinized by everyone around him as if he was an exhibit.

“It’s strange, truly strange. How can a poison pill possibly cure an illness?”

Werner looked at John incredulously and asked respectfully, “Mr. White, can you possibly enlighten me on how you managed to accomplish this? Of course, every alchemist has their own ultimate skill. It’s okay if you don’t want to share yours…”

Werner knew that every alchemist had their own ultimate skill. Even at the Alchemist Fair, where everyone shared and learned from each other, no one would reveal their ultimate skills.

“Mr. Jaeger, to be honest, it isn’t any ultimate skill. It’s just that I’ve encountered this type of illness before, while you all haven’t!” John said with a faint smile.

In the mundane world, there was no shortage of mental illnesses. They came in every shape and form!

There were plenty of people with dissociative identity disorders like Cedric.

There were even people who would be a man one moment and a woman the next. It was not at all unusual.

However, this type of illness was quite rare in the Ethereal Realm, which was why many physicians had never encountered it and did not know how to treat it!

“Mr. Jaeger, has my son truly recovered?” Bernard asked Werner in disbelief.

After all, Bernard could trust Werner’s reputation.

“Your Majesty, it is indeed true that Prince Cedric has recovered under my examination. He no longer carries the aura of bloodlust. Although his internal energy has weakened slightly, this is not a significant issue!” Werner said,

Bernard looked at John and expressed his gratitude agitatedly. “Young lad, thank you. I will always remember what you’ve done today!”

After Bernard finished speaking, he quickly helped the confused Cedric to his feet.

Upon opening his eyes, Cedric found himself surrounded by a crowd. Various auras were circulating within his body and thoroughly examining his physical condition.

Up until then, Cedric was still utterly confused, unsure whether he was dead or alive.

Bewildered, Cedric looked at Bernard and asked, “Father, am… am I still alive?”

“Son, you’re alive. You’ve recovered. Everything is all right now. It was all my fault. I shouldn’t have forcibly separated you and Scarlet. I lied to you. Miss Scarlet isn’t dead, she has been living in Azure all along.”

Recalling John’s advice, Bernard hurriedly told Cedric the truth.

Upon hearing this, Cedric was completely taken aback. After a long moment, tears welled up in his eyes. “Father, please don’t lie to me. Is it true that Scarlet isn’t dead?”

“She isn’t dead, she really isn’t. Once we get back, I’ll let you marry Ms. Scarlet. After all these years, I’ve come to understand that all this talk about matching social status and prominent families are all nonsense. As long as you’re doing well, nothing else matters. I promise I won’t interfere with your love life anymore.”

Bernard was filled with regret. Had it not been for John’s successful treatment of his son, he would have been consumed by self-loathing!
Chapter 4159 Golden Token.

Bernard had selfishly sacrificed his son’s feelings all for the sake of his own ambitions.

Cedric was overwhelmed with emotion. Suddenly, he turned to John and knelt down!

After all, Cedric was a noble prince. It was inconceivable for him to kneel before someone so easily!

However, at that moment, Cedric knelt down before John!

He didn’t kneel down because John had saved his life. To him, his own life didn’t matter!

The reason he knelt before John was because John had facilitated his union, enabling him to be with the woman he loved.

“Prince Cedric, you mustn’t…”

Upon seeing the situation, John quickly rushed forward to help Cedric up.

Everyone around was filled with immense envy when they saw Cedric kneeling before John. If John made a small request at that moment, there was no doubt that Bernard would agree without hesitation!

In the future, he was destined to be an honored guest of Asiana Land too.

“Young lad, you saved my son. You deserve his respect. Starting from today, you are the honored guest of Asiana Land. Whenever you choose to visit Asiana Land, you are free to come and go from the palace as you please.”

Once Bernard finished speaking, he presented John with a dazzling golden token.

When everyone saw the token, they were green with envy. Possessing such a token meant that John could freely move in and out of Asiana Land. Besides, it meant that he had immense power!

However, John did not immediately reach for the token. This was because what John truly desired was not the token, but the immortal’s bone.

What if I take the token and they decide not to give me the immortal’s bone?

Bernard saw through John’s apprehensions and chuckled. “Young lad, hold onto this token. The reward listed on the Doctor-Searching List will still be yours. It’s just that I don’t have the immortal’s bone with me now. I’ll have to fetch it for you!”

Upon hearing Bernard’s words, John awkwardly chuckled as he accepted the token.

“I have faith in Your Majesty’s character!” John said with a laugh.

“Young lad, I’m still unaware of who you are. Do you mind letting me know?” Bernard asked.

“My name is John White…” John revealed his own name.

“John White?”

Bernard was taken aback.

Many alchemists were taken aback too, as the name was all too familiar to many!

After all, many people were aware of the person who had a hundred-year offering bounty on his head by the Demon Seal Alliance.

“So, you’re the same John who is being hunted down by the Demon Seal Alliance with a hundred-year offering?” Bernard questioned.

“Your Majesty, how do you know about that?” John asked back, but this also meant admitting his own identity.

Seeing John admit it, many had a greedy look in their eyes. How they wished they could rush up right then and there to apprehend John!

The hundred-year offering from the Demon Seal Alliance was an unimaginable wealth of resources!

John could also sense the greedy gazes amidst the crowd.

However, John was not afraid. Since he had the courage to reveal his identity and admit it, he had nothing to fear!

“I believe this matter has become common knowledge in the Ethereal Realm. How will I possibly not know about it? Yet, you had the audacity to publicly admit your own identity. That took some guts. Aren’t you afraid?”

Bernard was rather curious, wondering why John dared to reveal his own identity.

Among the many people present, quite a few were after the hundred-year offering from the Demon Seal Alliance.

“There’s nothing to fear. Different situations call for different action.” John appeared extremely composed.

“You’ve got spirit! Since you saved my son today, let me present you with another gift!”

After finishing his statement, Bernard leapt up. Hovering mid-air, he looked down at everyone and declared, “Since everyone is here today, I want to announce publicly that John White will be under the protection of Asiana Land. From here on, John will be an honored guest of Asiana Land.

I don’t care if you’re from the Demon Seal Alliance or anyone else. If you dare lay a hand on John, don’t blame me for turning hostile! I advise you all not to lose your lives for the sake of an unreal hundred-year offering. If you’re dead, no amount of resources will be of any use!”

After he finished speaking, Bernard slowly descended.
Chapter 4160

Bernard’s words left the alchemists in shock. After all, Bernard’s words were worth more than gold.

The Demon Seal Alliance sought to kill John, but now, Asiana Land was going to protect him.

The strength of Asiana Land was in no way inferior to that of the Demon Seal Alliance.

It was just that their spheres of influence differed.

Asiana Land was situated in Azure, occupying vast tracts of land and controlling dozens of cities, while the Demon Seal Alliance had expanded its influence throughout the Ethereal Realm.

Their power was everywhere!

Considering the extent of influence, the reach of the Demon Seal Alliance was significantly larger!

However, Asiana Land was an autocracy, with Bernard wielding absolute control and authority.

On the other hand, the Demon Seal Alliance was merely a coalition formed by various forces from different places.

When it came to loyalty and unity, the Demon Seal Alliance couldn’t compare to Asiana Land.

Since both parties had their strengths and weaknesses, they were pretty evenly matched.

The two parties who had no conflict previously now found themselves in direct confrontation due to John.

The Demon Seal Alliance sought to execute John, while Asiana Land stood in defense of John.

Now, anyone contemplating the idea of killing John to obtain the hundred-year offering from the Demon Seal Alliance would have to think twice.

Many alchemists present who harbored this idea had to suppress their thoughts because they knew they couldn’t afford to provoke Asiana Land.

They didn’t want to end up dead after earning the hundred-year offering!

Bernard was well aware that many people present were plotting against John, which was why he made such a statement.

The aim was to intimidate everyone present.

Upon hearing Bernard’s words, a sense of relief washed over Garret.

He was aware of John’s identity, but he wouldn’t do anything to him just for the sake of the hundred-year offering from the Demon Seal Alliance.

However, with so many people present, he couldn’t guarantee that others wouldn’t be tempted by the hundred-year offering from the Demon Seal Alliance!

Now that Bernard had released his statement, many people would have likely dismissed their ideas.

Having achieved his goal, Bernard gave John his address and departed with Cedric.

He gave John the time to collect the immortal’s bone as per the address.

“His Majesty is indeed magnanimous. With this move, John has the entire Asiana Land backing him up.”

“Let’s see who will dare to mess with John now…”

“What a stroke of great fortune for him to be recognized by His Majesty and to successfully cure Prince Cedric’s illness at such a young age!”

“That means he’s capable. Despite Prince Cedric’s years of seeking medical help, there hasn’t been a cure until today.”

People were engaged in animated discussions about John, their conversations filled with nothing but envy!

“John, I didn’t realize you are the one the Demon Seal Alliance has been plotting to kill with a hundred-year offering. You must be extraordinary enough to cause the Demon Seal Alliance to make such a decision. I wanted to ask you, what exactly was the cause of Prince Cedric’s illness? I also tried to investigate his condition, but I was at a loss,” Werner said to John.

Even if John was unwilling to disclose his treatment methods, he could at least discuss the cause of Cedric’s illness, right?

John explained, “Mr. Jaeger, Prince Cedric wasn’t sick at all. His illness was entirely due to lovesickness. He was deeply in love with a girl, but they couldn’t be together. Moreover, he learned that the girl had already passed away. Thus, this longing built up over time, causing his consciousness to become disoriented!”

After pausing for a while, John continued, “He is a kind-hearted man and never one to resort to senseless violence. However, the anguish of yearning in his heart had no outlet for expression. And so, over time, two distinct personalities emerged. One was normal, while the other was wildly aggressive and bloodthirsty, finding release through acts of violence.

In other words, there existed another completely different version of himself in his consciousness. He had become frenzied and bloodthirsty, yet that was still him, not the influence of some other demonic soul. The poison pill I made was meant to annihilate the other self residing within Cedric’s sea of consciousness. It was precisely because this other self was eliminated that his internal energy weakened.”
Chapter 4161

“I’ve truly never heard of this illness you speak of. It seems I still have a lot to learn. Initially, I had no intention of attending the Alchemist Fair, finding it a waste of time since it was nothing more than a place where Supreme Alchemists fished for fame. But now, I’ve changed my mind. I can’t keep living with my old mindset. Thank you very much!”

Werner gratefully patted John on the shoulder.

Initially, he had no interest whatsoever in the Alchemist Fair.

However, that changed because the latter’s appearance made him realize just how little he knew, the illness John spoke of unheard of to him.

“Well, we have something to learn from everyone, Mr. Jaeger. Aside from having to improve your medical skills, you also need to put some effort into matters of the heart. I believe that Winona can see your efforts,” John said with a laugh.

Werner was momentarily taken aback, but he then broke into a grin. “I will.”

Subsequently, he warned, “But you also need to be careful. After all, a hundred-year offering by the Demon Seal Alliance is incredibly tempting. Even with King Bernard’s protection, there will always be those who will take risks when a great reward is at stake. You must stay on guard!”

Although John had Asiana Land as his backing, there was no absolute guarantee that no one had him in their sights.

“Thank you for the reminder, Mr. Jaeger, I’ll be on my guard.”

John gave a nod.

“It’s best you leave as soon as possible, Mr. White. Before setting off for Medicine God Island, it’s advisable not to simply wander around!” Garret stepped forward and urged John to leave.

After all, many people were there, and no one could be certain that nobody had John in their sights.

If someone were to suddenly make a move against him, it would be downright impossible to guard against.

Thus, John returned to the Weaver residence with Vienna and Sigmund.

Holly and Fourier followed suit.

Holly wasn’t particularly concerned about John’s identity, but she was quite curious about the lovesickness John mentioned.

At the end of the day, every girl hoped to have a man who was completely devoted to her.

“Fourier, if I were to suddenly disappear, would you contract lovesickness like Prince Cedric?” Holly asked Fourier upon returning to the Weaver residence.

“Of course! Without you, my life would be meaningless!” Fourier asserted affectionately, holding her hand.

When Holly heard that, her lips curved into a smile. She nestled against him contentedly.

Looking at the couple, John chuckled helplessly, for he wasn’t optimistic about their relationship.

Perhaps Holly had feelings for Fourier, but the latter certainly didn’t have much affection for her.

To put it bluntly, their union was nothing more than a merger of interests.

For the sake of both families, they were brought together in a marriage alliance.

Once interests were thrown into the mix, the relationship would no longer be pure.

Nonetheless, that was an individual choice, and he had no right to question anything.

During his stay at the Weaver residence, John did not venture out. Instead, he took Garret’s advice to heart and remained hidden.

Over the past few days, he practiced the integration of divine markings and demonic markings continuously. Although he was still clueless about what exactly the Heaven and Earth Array was, he needed to work hard since Divinus had already said that he was the only one who could break the array.

“We’ve been notified about the departure to Medicine God Island, Mr. White.”

Three days later, Sigmund informed John that they could set off for Medicine God Island.

Only then did the latter emerge from his room and head toward Sparta’ square with him.

By then, a crowd of alchemists had already gathered there.

All of them had passed the assessment, but they had Werner to thank. If it weren’t for him, likely more than half of them there wouldn’t have been able to go to Medicine God Island.

Following Mark’ command, the alchemists began queuing according to their respective regions.

John chose to join Garret’s Central Alchemist Guild straight away. Vienna and Sigmund also positioned themselves within the ranks of the same.
Chapter 4162

Werner was also there, but he joined the ranks of the Weaver family. Surprisingly, Winona was present as well.

That made it clear that they must have reconciled. All the alchemists fell in. There were also a few wandering cultivators who stood together in groups of twos or threes.

Subsequently, everyone began heading toward the port outside Sparta. A fleet of spirit ships were parked neatly at the harbor, all sent by Medicine God Island.

After boarding, they began to slowly set sail for Medicine God Island.

Following a voyage of approximately seven to eight hours, Medicine God Island in the near distance became distinctly visible.

Numerous alchemists eagerly flocked to the bow of the ship, their eyes fixed on Medicine God Island in front of them.

After all, many had only heard of the place but never actually been there. John gazed at Medicine God Island. It was not particularly vast, but it was several times larger than Sparta.

However, when compared to the expansive space of tens of thousands of miles that was the Ethereal Realm, it wasn’t considered all that extensive.

Medicine God Island was lush with greenery, with an abundance of birds and beasts soaring in the sky!

As they drew closer, the buildings on the island became distinctly clear.

They were grand and magnificent, far surpassing the opulence of those in Sparta.

In fact, they were even more solemn and majestic than those of Azuren Alchemist Guild.

The entire Medicine God Island was seemingly shrouded in celestial air, giving off an ethereal vibe. It was as if it were a spiritual island.

At the heart of the island stood a mountain peak reminiscent of a cauldron, its summit towering into the skies. At its foot were several smaller hills resembling the legs of a cauldron.

Upon seeing that peculiar mountain peak, the alchemists couldn’t help but exclaim in awe.

They all felt that nature had supernatural workmanship, wondering how a mountain peak could be of such a shape.

“This mountain peak is known as Cauldron Peak. Legend has it that it’s Medicine God’s cauldron where Medicine God crafted various pills. Later, Medicine God fell, and the entire cauldron turned into a mountain peak. There are many pills crafted by the Medicine God himself on this mountain. But as for whether you can find them, it depends on your capabilities.”

Candle walked to the front and introduced Cauldron Peak loudly.

While listening to his words, everyone gasped in amazement. Regardless of whether Cauldron Peak was Medicine God’s cauldron, its shape was strikingly similar. It was supernatural workmanship by nature, an incredible coincidence.

As the spirit ships docked, the alchemists disembarked. Only then did they truly realize the vastness of Medicine God Island. Innumerable alchemists bustled about, creating a lively atmosphere.

There were also many other cultivators strolling all around Medicine God Island, proof that the island was not inhabited solely by alchemists.

Additionally, there was a distinct dividing line in the architecture of Medicine God Island, whereby the architectural style on either side was somewhat different.

“This is West Neighborhood Street, the most famous area on Medicine God Island. This place is not just occupied by alchemists. There are many businesses here as well. Medicine God Island was once a barren land. But after all these years of development, it has now flourished. Many cultivators come to live on Medicine God Island for a variety of reasons. This island has been by no means inferior to Sparta ages ago,” Candle declared with great pride.

Everyone’s perception of Medicine God Island completely changed at that moment. The barren and desolate landscape they had expected was nowhere to be seen.

Contrarily, Medicine God Island had a bit of a utopian feel to it. If it were truly necessary, one could come and start a new life there.

Candle personally led everyone around, arranging accommodations for them. He even thoughtfully prepared mystical herbs and pills for them all.

The number of alchemists visiting Medicine God Island this time was no longer few, so the fact that Medicine God Island prepared so many things for them made it clear that they had invested much money in it.

Nevertheless, that certainly elevated the status of Medicine God Island in their hearts. After the fair this time, it was likely that many would want to stay.
Chapter 4163

Once the alchemists had settled their accommodations, many went out to explore the island.

Medicine God Island was nothing short of a tourist attraction, complete with mountain peaks, forests, and even beaches and seas.

If it were in the mundane world, it would undoubtedly be a popular tourist destination.

John, Vienna, and Sigmund also left their accommodations and began to stroll around the entire Medicine God Island.

There were quite a few businesses across the entire island, but most of them involved things related to alchemy.

Some individuals held signs seeking medical advice, willing to exchange various magical items for treatment.

They probably were incapable of posting a listing on the Doctor-Searching List, so resorted to such a method in hopes of catching the attention of alchemists and consequently receiving treatment.

“I truly didn’t expect Medicine God Island to be so lively. I had always thought it was a deserted island,” Vienna remarked in surprise as she looked at the street vendors on both sides of the dividing line.

“Indeed. I’ve also heard of Medicine God Island quite a while ago, but it used to be a place of exile for alchemists who cultivated demonic techniques. Now, it has become so prosperous, no longer the desolate island it once was,” Sigmund also lamented.

John chuckled. After all these years of development, the transformation of Medicine God Island was astounding, so it would seem that Candle’s father was undoubtedly a man of great stature.

At the very least, he had to be an expert in governance and management to have transformed Medicine God Island into what it was presently.

Be it ordinary cultivators or alchemists, everyone surprisingly conducted themselves well. Even the street vendors on both sides of the dividing line were well-behaved. There were no signs of anyone making trouble.

Generally speaking, many of those roaming the streets were Tribulator cultivators, fond of a good fight. Yet, these same individuals dared not do so on Medicine God Island.

That made it evident that the rules on Medicine God Island were strict, effectively keeping the island’s inhabitants in check.

The variety of goods sold by the street vendors on both sides of the dividing line was simply astounding. After all, the people there came here were from all over the Ethereal Realm. It was no wonder that the architectural styles were different.

Nonetheless, most of the people there were looking for medical treatment in exchange for a reward.

“Your granddaughter is suffering from delirium, old man. If I were to cure her, I’m afraid it would cost you at least ten purple spirit coins. Yet, you’re only offering some lousy medicinal herbs as a reward! Are you taking me for a fool? You look like an alchemist too. Don’t you know that?”

While John was strolling down the street with Vienna and Sigmund, he suddenly heard a roar of great dissatisfaction from a near distance ahead.

“Exactly! He’s taking others for a fool. If he doesn’t have anything to offer as a reward, he can use his granddaughter instead. I must say, this young lady is quite appealing with her lovely looks.”

“She’s pretty good-looking, but she looks a bit mad. That’s a total turn-off!”

A crowd of people were gathered there, criticizing an elderly man and his granddaughter.

At that moment, the elderly man started with his face a picture of embarrassment, “I am also an alchemist, fellow cultivators. Regrettably, I’m incapable of treating my granddaughter. I’ve been here for a long time, and I truly have nothing much to offer. All I have are these worthless medicinal herbs. If anyone can cure my granddaughter, I am willing to do everything and anything.”

A near distance away, John promptly froze upon hearing that voice. Immediately after, his brows furrowed.

Initially, he had no intention of meddling in other people’s affairs and planned to bypass the crowd. But upon hearing the elderly man’s voice, he came to an immediate halt.

“What’s the use of you doing everything and anything? If I can cure your granddaughter, would it be acceptable for her to spend a few nights with me?”

“My sentiments exactly. If she’ll spend a few nights with me, I can help to treat her.”

“I can also do so. On top of that, I can even persuade someone from the Laurent family on Medicine God Island to help treat her.”

The crowd began to clamor, In reality, perhaps the number of people truly capable of curing the elderly man’s granddaughter was few.

“Come, let’s go over for a look.” John headed over with Vienna and Sigmund.

“An acquaintance of yours, Mr. White?” Sigmund asked.

“The voice sounds familiar, but they can’t possibly be here, right?”

With his brows furrowed, John quickened his pace.
Chapter 4164

“Fellow cultivators, we are all alchemists here. I hope you can be mindful when speaking. If any of you can cure my granddaughter, I will surely repay you for it. If you can’t, I’d appreciate it if you’d leave instead of spouting nonsense here!”

The elderly man’s face went as black as thunder.

He could not possibly remain unperturbed when someone insulted his granddaughter in such a manner.

“Get out of the way! Move…”

At just that moment, five burly men pushed through the crowd and made their way to the center.

“Who is so impressive, ordering us to steer clear?”

“Whoa! Isn’t that the Five Fighters of South Neighborhood? I’d better keep my distance.”

“What are these five guys doing here? They’re not alchemists. Nor do they know how to treat illnesses.”

“Who knows? Just don’t offend them.”

Everyone quickly cleared a path for the five burly men.

The elderly man’s expression also changed subtly when he noticed the sudden appearance of five burly men. Quickly packing up his stall, he grabbed his granddaughter to leave.

Anyone who had spent some time on Medicine God Island knew of the Five Fighters of South Neighborhood.

The five men were engaged in every form of wickedness and weren’t alchemists at all yet managed to thrive on Medicine God Island.

It was for no other reason than the presence of many cultivators who were not alchemists on Medicine God Island. They were all arranged to reside in the South Neighborhood.

The Five Fighters of South Neighborhood, on the other hand, controlled the entire South Neighborhood with their capabilities.

Nevertheless, they were perceptive and didn’t dare to offend the Laurent family. On the contrary, they contributed significantly to the management of Medicine God Island on behalf of the Laurent family. As a result, not only were they not banished from the island, but they were appreciated by the island president instead.

With that, they became even more brazen, running roughshod over Medicine God Island.

However, they only dared bully wandering cultivators who were new to Medicine God Island. As for the original inhabitants of Medicine God Island and those associated with the Laurent family, they didn’t dare to mess with them at all.

“Why are you leaving as soon as you see us, old man? Weren’t you seeking help to cure your granddaughter’s illness? We can help!” Ace, the leader of the Five Fighters of South Neighborhood, said as he seized the elderly man directly.

“You’re not alchemists, so how could you possibly cure my granddaughter? We’re not interested anymore!”

The elderly man shook his head. He attempted to struggle but found himself completely unable to break free from Ace’s grip.

“We’re not alchemists, but we know plenty of them. I can help you find one to treat your granddaughter’s illness,” Ace offered with a wicked grin on his face.

“What exactly do you want?” the elderly man asked, forcefully suppressing his anger.

“You’re asking the obvious, old man. Naturally, we want your granddaughter to spend some time with us. I discerned long ago that your granddaughter is far from innocent, so just drop the act,” Ace said with a laugh.

“Haha… It’s already good enough that we don’t mind. She’s just used goods. What’s the point of acting pure?”

The other members of the Five Fighters of South Neighborhood burst into hearty laughter.

The elderly man was furious, downright enraged, his eyes blazing scarlet.

“I’m going all out with you five monsters!”

With a roar, the elderly man shot his hand out at Ace.

Ace was momentarily stunned. Then, he suddenly unleashed a burst of spiritual energy. Like a tidal wave, it sent the elderly man flying right away.

At that very moment, a figure instantly leaped into the air and caught the elderly man.

“Are you okay, Old Mr. Dutch?” John asked softly after catching the elderly man.

It turned out that the elderly man was Milan, who went to Demonia Mountain with John, and the girl was his granddaughter, Mila.

After Mila was violated on the Celestial Battlefield, Milan left with his granddaughter.

But never had he expected them to have come to Medicine God Island.

“M-Mr. White…”

At the sight of John, tears instantly streaked down Milan’s weathered face.

Looking at him, John also felt deeply moved. It had only been a short time since they parted ways, but the man seemed to have aged significantly.

Then, there was Mila, who was once a bubbly girl. Yet, she seemed unhinged right then, muttering to herself, her eyes vacant.
Reading updates on this story makes me feel like I'm soaring high in the sky inside a giant bubble, where nothing else matters around me. But when I reach the end of the update, it's as if that bubble suddenly bursts, and I find myself plummeting down, helplessly free-falling into an endless abyss. The ground rushes up to meet me, leaving a hollow ache in my chest, longing for the next update to lift me back up again 😅
Thanks a lot immortal Gily for the resources. Even though John may be pervert expert and sex demon, one of the things we all like a lot about him is that he goes out of his ways to help his friends and associates. Just like how immortals Gily and @Junlee does not get tired of providing us with resources, John has been resourceful.
Reading updates on this story makes me feel like I'm soaring high in the sky inside a giant bubble, where nothing else matters around me. But when I reach the end of the update, it's as if that bubble suddenly bursts, and I find myself plummeting down, helplessly free-falling into an endless abyss. The ground rushes up to meet me, leaving a hollow ache in my chest, longing for the next update to lift me back up again 😅
That's how captivating the John's story is
Thanks a lot immortal Gily for the resources. Even though John may be pervert expert and sex demon, one of the things we all like a lot about him is that he goes out of his ways to help his friends and associates. Just like how immortals Gily and @Junlee does not get tired of providing us with resources, John has been resourceful.
Yes, with all the kindness of our immortals in here to give us these nice stories to read, I hope I will not need for John's black pill to stabilize my consciousness field in order to reduce the longings and not to think too much about the stories while doing other things 😅
Chapter 4164

“Fellow cultivators, we are all alchemists here. I hope you can be mindful when speaking. If any of you can cure my granddaughter, I will surely repay you for it. If you can’t, I’d appreciate it if you’d leave instead of spouting nonsense here!”

The elderly man’s face went as black as thunder.

He could not possibly remain unperturbed when someone insulted his granddaughter in such a manner.

“Get out of the way! Move…”

At just that moment, five burly men pushed through the crowd and made their way to the center.

“Who is so impressive, ordering us to steer clear?”

“Whoa! Isn’t that the Five Fighters of South Neighborhood? I’d better keep my distance.”

“What are these five guys doing here? They’re not alchemists. Nor do they know how to treat illnesses.”

“Who knows? Just don’t offend them.”

Everyone quickly cleared a path for the five burly men.

The elderly man’s expression also changed subtly when he noticed the sudden appearance of five burly men. Quickly packing up his stall, he grabbed his granddaughter to leave.

Anyone who had spent some time on Medicine God Island knew of the Five Fighters of South Neighborhood.

The five men were engaged in every form of wickedness and weren’t alchemists at all yet managed to thrive on Medicine God Island.

It was for no other reason than the presence of many cultivators who were not alchemists on Medicine God Island. They were all arranged to reside in the South Neighborhood.

The Five Fighters of South Neighborhood, on the other hand, controlled the entire South Neighborhood with their capabilities.

Nevertheless, they were perceptive and didn’t dare to offend the Laurent family. On the contrary, they contributed significantly to the management of Medicine God Island on behalf of the Laurent family. As a result, not only were they not banished from the island, but they were appreciated by the island president instead.

With that, they became even more brazen, running roughshod over Medicine God Island.

However, they only dared bully wandering cultivators who were new to Medicine God Island. As for the original inhabitants of Medicine God Island and those associated with the Laurent family, they didn’t dare to mess with them at all.

“Why are you leaving as soon as you see us, old man? Weren’t you seeking help to cure your granddaughter’s illness? We can help!” Ace, the leader of the Five Fighters of South Neighborhood, said as he seized the elderly man directly.

“You’re not alchemists, so how could you possibly cure my granddaughter? We’re not interested anymore!”

The elderly man shook his head. He attempted to struggle but found himself completely unable to break free from Ace’s grip.

“We’re not alchemists, but we know plenty of them. I can help you find one to treat your granddaughter’s illness,” Ace offered with a wicked grin on his face.

“What exactly do you want?” the elderly man asked, forcefully suppressing his anger.

“You’re asking the obvious, old man. Naturally, we want your granddaughter to spend some time with us. I discerned long ago that your granddaughter is far from innocent, so just drop the act,” Ace said with a laugh.

“Haha… It’s already good enough that we don’t mind. She’s just used goods. What’s the point of acting pure?”

The other members of the Five Fighters of South Neighborhood burst into hearty laughter.

The elderly man was furious, downright enraged, his eyes blazing scarlet.

“I’m going all out with you five monsters!”

With a roar, the elderly man shot his hand out at Ace.

Ace was momentarily stunned. Then, he suddenly unleashed a burst of spiritual energy. Like a tidal wave, it sent the elderly man flying right away.

At that very moment, a figure instantly leaped into the air and caught the elderly man.

“Are you okay, Old Mr. Dutch?” John asked softly after catching the elderly man.

It turned out that the elderly man was Milan, who went to Demonia Mountain with John, and the girl was his granddaughter, Mila.

After Mila was violated on the Celestial Battlefield, Milan left with his granddaughter.

But never had he expected them to have come to Medicine God Island.

“M-Mr. White…”

At the sight of John, tears instantly streaked down Milan’s weathered face.

Looking at him, John also felt deeply moved. It had only been a short time since they parted ways, but the man seemed to have aged significantly.

Then, there was Mila, who was once a bubbly girl. Yet, she seemed unhinged right then, muttering to herself, her eyes vacant.
Thank you very very much Immortal Gily. John the Golden Dragon, wooow..
It’s seems like John have more to do in this medicine god island immortal Gily 🫡🫡🫡
Thanks a lot for the updates Immortal Gily. you are awesome!!! 😁👌🏻😍😊
Chapter 4164

“Fellow cultivators, we are all alchemists here. I hope you can be mindful when speaking. If any of you can cure my granddaughter, I will surely repay you for it. If you can’t, I’d appreciate it if you’d leave instead of spouting nonsense here!”

The elderly man’s face went as black as thunder.

He could not possibly remain unperturbed when someone insulted his granddaughter in such a manner.

“Get out of the way! Move…”

At just that moment, five burly men pushed through the crowd and made their way to the center.

“Who is so impressive, ordering us to steer clear?”

“Whoa! Isn’t that the Five Fighters of South Neighborhood? I’d better keep my distance.”

“What are these five guys doing here? They’re not alchemists. Nor do they know how to treat illnesses.”

“Who knows? Just don’t offend them.”

Everyone quickly cleared a path for the five burly men.

The elderly man’s expression also changed subtly when he noticed the sudden appearance of five burly men. Quickly packing up his stall, he grabbed his granddaughter to leave.

Anyone who had spent some time on Medicine God Island knew of the Five Fighters of South Neighborhood.

The five men were engaged in every form of wickedness and weren’t alchemists at all yet managed to thrive on Medicine God Island.

It was for no other reason than the presence of many cultivators who were not alchemists on Medicine God Island. They were all arranged to reside in the South Neighborhood.

The Five Fighters of South Neighborhood, on the other hand, controlled the entire South Neighborhood with their capabilities.

Nevertheless, they were perceptive and didn’t dare to offend the Laurent family. On the contrary, they contributed significantly to the management of Medicine God Island on behalf of the Laurent family. As a result, not only were they not banished from the island, but they were appreciated by the island president instead.

With that, they became even more brazen, running roughshod over Medicine God Island.

However, they only dared bully wandering cultivators who were new to Medicine God Island. As for the original inhabitants of Medicine God Island and those associated with the Laurent family, they didn’t dare to mess with them at all.

“Why are you leaving as soon as you see us, old man? Weren’t you seeking help to cure your granddaughter’s illness? We can help!” Ace, the leader of the Five Fighters of South Neighborhood, said as he seized the elderly man directly.

“You’re not alchemists, so how could you possibly cure my granddaughter? We’re not interested anymore!”

The elderly man shook his head. He attempted to struggle but found himself completely unable to break free from Ace’s grip.

“We’re not alchemists, but we know plenty of them. I can help you find one to treat your granddaughter’s illness,” Ace offered with a wicked grin on his face.

“What exactly do you want?” the elderly man asked, forcefully suppressing his anger.

“You’re asking the obvious, old man. Naturally, we want your granddaughter to spend some time with us. I discerned long ago that your granddaughter is far from innocent, so just drop the act,” Ace said with a laugh.

“Haha… It’s already good enough that we don’t mind. She’s just used goods. What’s the point of acting pure?”

The other members of the Five Fighters of South Neighborhood burst into hearty laughter.

The elderly man was furious, downright enraged, his eyes blazing scarlet.

“I’m going all out with you five monsters!”

With a roar, the elderly man shot his hand out at Ace.

Ace was momentarily stunned. Then, he suddenly unleashed a burst of spiritual energy. Like a tidal wave, it sent the elderly man flying right away.

At that very moment, a figure instantly leaped into the air and caught the elderly man.

“Are you okay, Old Mr. Dutch?” John asked softly after catching the elderly man.

It turned out that the elderly man was Milan, who went to Demonia Mountain with John, and the girl was his granddaughter, Mila.

After Mila was violated on the Celestial Battlefield, Milan left with his granddaughter.

But never had he expected them to have come to Medicine God Island.

“M-Mr. White…”

At the sight of John, tears instantly streaked down Milan’s weathered face.

Looking at him, John also felt deeply moved. It had only been a short time since they parted ways, but the man seemed to have aged significantly.

Then, there was Mila, who was once a bubbly girl. Yet, she seemed unhinged right then, muttering to herself, her eyes vacant.
Thanks Gily for the update. Very fulfilling.
Chapter 4165 - 4167

“Come with me, girl. I can treat for your illness.”

Ace stepped forward and seized Mila’s arm, ready to whisk her away.


Just then, a large hand suddenly swung over.

Caught off guard, Ace was slapped squarely in the face.

“If you dare touch her again, you’re dead,” John warned, his gaze icy cold.

“Damn it! You dared hit me?”

Ace wore an icy expression, his eyes wide in disbelief and brimming with rage.

Vienna and Sigmund moved behind John, upon which the latter instructed, “You two keep a close watch on Ms. Dutch. Don’t let anyone near her!”

John was fearful that with so many people eyeing Mila like a piece of meat, someone might seize advantage of the chaos to be handsy with her when a fight broke out later. That would be disastrous.

Given her current state, it was clear that she was delirious and not in her right mind. Thus, even if someone were to advantage of her, she wouldn’t resist.

“Okay!” Both Vienna and Sigmund nodded.

Although they had no idea about the relationship between John and the elderly man and young girl, they would obey since the man had spoken.

Ace cast a glance at John. Realizing that the latter was nothing more than a Sixth Level Tribulator cultivator, he roared furiously, “You’re merely a Sixth Level Tribulator cultivator. Yet, you dare meddle in affairs that are none of your business!”

After he had said that, he shot his hand out at John, determined to exact revenge for the slap he suffered earlier.

The aura of a Top Level Tribulator burst forth from him. But when his hand was just inches away, John reached out and seized his wrist directly.

At that, he was taken aback. He wanted to retract his hand but found that it wouldn’t budge at all.

“Ahh!” Ace immediately let out a sharp cry.

All it took was slight pressure from John’s finger, and his arm felt as though it had shattered, the pain excruciating.

Upon seeing that, the other members of the Five Fighters of South Neighborhood hastily shouted, “Let go of him! Hurry up and do it now! Otherwise, we’re going to end you!”

They were likewise Top Level Tribulators. Their auras burst forth, the look in their eyes menacing and ruthless.

At that, the crowd around them promptly scattered, not daring to offend the Five Fighters of South Neighborhood.

Seeing that, Misho quickly said to John, “Mr. White, thank you for stepping in. But you should leave now and not get involved any further. You’re no match for them.”

Misho knew that the man stood no White against the Five Fighters of South Neighborhood when they were Top Level Tribulators.

Being a Sixth Level Tribulator, John could not possibly defeat five Top Level Tribulators.

“Old Mr. Dutch, I’m certainly getting involved in this matter today. Don’t be afraid.”

After John had finished speaking, he tightened the grip of his hand. In an instant, Ace’s arm was broken.

“Ahh! Kill him! Kill him!” Ace bellowed.

Upon seeing that, the other members of the Five Fighters of South Neighborhood charged toward John in unison.

Even a cultivator who had just broken through to Ultimate Realm would not dare to go head- to-head with five Top Level Tribulator experts.

However, John didn’t show the slightest hint of fear. His aura burst forth in an instant, and strong winds raged around him.

Everyone was stunned.

A Sixth Level Tribulator cultivator wants to battle five Top Level Tribulator cultivators? This is a joke, right?

But judging from John’s demeanor, he didn’t seem to be joking.

Just as a battle was about to erupt between the two parties, a cold bark suddenly pierced the air. “Freeze! Do you have a death wish to fight on Medicine God Island?”

Several figures swiftly approached, landing between John and the Five Fighters of South Neighborhood.

“Do the five of you not know the rules? How dare you unleash your aura for a massive showdown? Were you hoping to destroy the entire street?” an enforcer in green castigated the Five Fighters of South Neighborhood coldly.

“I plead innocent, sirs. It was this kid who struck first, breaking my arm. We were left with no choice but to retaliate,” Ace explained, lifting his arm that was broken by John.

Upon seeing that Ace was indeed injured, the enforcer in green turned his gaze to John. He swept a cold glance over the latter and said, “You fought in the neighborhood and even injured someone, so come with me now. You must be locked up for a few days!”

“I’m to be locked up just because you said so? Who do the lot think you are? I did injure that guy’s arm, but aren’t you going to ask why? Not only did those few monsters assault someone in the middle of the street but also harassed a young girl. Even if I had taken their lives, it wouldn’t have been well within reason, much less merely having broken his arm. As soon as you arrived, you wanted to arrest me. Well, we shall see if you have what it takes.”

John showed the hasty enforcer no respect at all.

These men are undoubtedly from the Laurent family. After all, the Laurent family is the most powerful entity on the entire Medicine God Island. On top of that, Candle’s father is the island president. Consequently, the Laurent family’s subordinates become utterly arrogant!

“You’ve got some nerve, even daring to insult the enforcers of Medicine God Island. It seems like you are completely unaware of the rules here.”

Upon seeing John act so arrogantly even with those from the Laurent family, Ace promptly broke into a smirk.

Now, these enforcers won’t let him off the hook without us having to even lift a finger!

Sure enough, the few enforcers’ brows furrowed, and they promptly surrounded John.

On Medicine God Island, no one had ever dared speak to them in such a manner.

Facing off the few enforcers, John didn’t appear the slightest bit fearful.

“Is this guy an alchemist who just came? He doesn’t even know the rules.”

“Isn’t he just courting death to dare to insult even the enforcers on the island?”

“I bet he doesn’t yet know that this Medicine God Island belongs to the Laurent’s, and these people are from the Laurent family.”

“Get ready to watch the show. With the sudden influx of alchemists on the island for the Alchemist Fair this time, there are bound to be some rule-breakers.”

When the crowd saw that the few enforcers were gearing up to make a move against John, all of them gleefully stepped aside to watch the show.

Conversely, that scared the daylights out of Misho.

He had been on Medicine God Island with Mila for a while then, so he naturally knew the rules on the island, more so aware that the enforcers were not to be trifled with, for they were all from the Laurent family.

“He’s new to the island and unfamiliar with the rules, Mr. Enforcers. Please don’t take offense at him!”

While saying that, Misho took out all the medicinal herbs and valuable items he had on him.

He wanted to bribe them so that they wouldn’t make a move against John.

However, the enforcer in green merely cast a casual glance at his offerings before nonchalantly knocking him to the ground.

“You take us for beggars that you tried bribing us with some trash, old man?” the enforcer in green snarled in great irritation.

Frowning, John helped Misho to his feet.

He then fixed the enforcers with a cold stare and said, “What else do you do besides bullying the weak? I’m going to teach the lot of you a lesson today so that you know that even lackeys need to know their limits.”

“D*mn it! You must be sick of living!” Livid, the enforcer in green geared up to make a move against John with his men.

“Stop!” Following an angry shout, a figure emerged from seemingly out of thin air.

“At your service, Mr. Candle!”

Upon seeing the newcomer, the few enforcers immediately knelt down.

It turned out that it was Candle, the young master of the Laurent family, who had arrived.

“Mr. Candle!”

The Five Fighters of South Neighborhood also approached him with obsequiousness written all over their faces when they saw him.

He was the son of the island president of Medicine God Island, so probably no one on the island dared to cross him.

Candle, however, didn’t even spare the Five Fighters of South Neighborhood or the enforcers a glance. Instead, he looked at John and asked, “Are you okay, Mr. White?”

“I’m fine!” John nodded.

“It was my remissness that led to my subordinates almost having offended you, Mr. White. I wonder what exactly happened that got you so angry, Mr. White?”

Candle was incredibly courteous toward John.

All things aside, John successfully treated Cedric, making him an honored guest of Asiana Land. Bernard himself also personally declared that the man was under his protection.

Moreover, John held Asiana Land’s token in his hands. As long as Candle wasn’t foolish, he wouldn’t offend the man.

After all, Asiana Land was the biggest force in Azure. Its influence alone spanned nearly one- third of the entire continent.

A paltry Medicine God Island could not possibly compare to Asiana Land.

Upon witnessing Candle’s unexpected courteousness toward John, everyone was stunned.

That went doubly for not only the enforcers but also the Five Fighters of South Neighborhood kneeling on the ground.

All five men wore blank expressions, their faces a picture of disbelief.

They couldn’t comprehend what exactly was happening.

He’s merely a Sixth Level Tribulator cultivator! How could have Candle so polite to him? Could it be that he has a great force backing him up?

Following that thought, a cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of the Five Fighters of South Neighborhood in an instant.

At that moment, Misho also looked at John in shock.

He couldn’t fathom how the latter had the young master of Medicine God Island show him such respect when he had never visited the secluded Medicine God Island before.

What on earth is going on here?

“These five men acted tyrannically and threw their weight around. I merely intervened a little to stop them, but unexpectedly, these few enforcers wanted to arrest and lock me up without even asking for the full story!” John said mildly.

Candle was naturally aware of the character of the Five Fighters of South Neighborhood, knowing that they were the type to throw their weight around. However, they were capable of working for the Laurent family, so he turned a blind eye to it.

But right then, they had offended John. There was no way he could turn a blind eye to it anymore.

“Of everyone you could have messed with, you dared offend Mr. White, huh, you bunch of scoundrels? He’s an honored guest of Asiana Land. It was none other than him who cured Prince Cedric. King Bernard has decreed that anyone who dares to cross him shall be killed without mercy!” Candle reprimanded the Five Fighters of South Neighborhood.

Upon hearing that John cured Prince Cedric had was even an honored guest of Asiana Land, all five men were so frightened that they instantly fell to their knees.

Everyone also finally understood why Candle was so courteous to John, a mere Sixth Level Tribulator cultivator.

It turned out that the latter had the backing of Asiana Land. Hence, it was only natural for him to treat the man with utmost politeness.

“We were ignorant and deserve nothing less than death, Mr. White.”

The Five Fighters of South Neighborhood prostrated themselves profusely.

The few enforcers also trembled all over, scared witless.

If they had known that John had Asiana Land as his backing, they would never have dared make a move against him.

Even if they were slapped, they wouldn’t dare retaliate, much less scold him.

“If you’re still angry, Mr. White, these guys are all yours to deal with!” Candle said, pointing at the enforcers and the Five Fighters of South Neighborhood kneeling on the ground.

In other words, a mere word from John could determine their fates anytime.

Nonetheless, John could discern Candle’s intention.

The latter didn’t want them to die and only said that to afford him sufficient respect in public.

Thus, John played along, saying, “I’ll let it slide today. I just hope you’ll be stricter with them in the future!”

He didn’t do anything, let alone kill them.

“Absolutely. Once I go home, I will definitely enforce stricter discipline!”

Candle gave a nod.

Subsequently, he led them all away.

Those who initially wanted to watch the show all went up to John.

Given that the man was able to cure Prince Cedric’s illness, they reckoned that his medical skills had to be extraordinary.

Many people sought John’s help for medical treatment, even offering generous rewards.

Some wanted to get an in with John, hoping to build a rapport with him.

After all, he had the backing of Asiana Land. Being able to make friends with him was tantamount to having a strong backing.

The sight of the chaotic crowd gave John a headache, and he had no choice but to quickly leave with Vienna, Misho, and the others.

He brought Misho and Mila back to his own accommodations straight away.
Thanks immo Gily for the resources. Seems the island is already filled with perverts. Everyone is a pervert until the real one arrives and here comes John. Feels like home 🤣
That suit your sect better haahah
Chapter 4168 - Chapter 4170

“What exactly is going on here, Old Mr. Dutch? Why are you both on Medicine God Island here? And what happened to Ms. Dutch?” John asked Misho in puzzlement after returning to his accommodations.

Sighing softly, Misho replied, “You might not know this, Mr. White, but once we left the Celestial Battlefield, Mr. Rambo and the others left. Yet, my granddaughter has been mentally unwell ever since. She keeps muttering about something, and sometimes, she acts a bit crazy… I’ve sought help from many people to treat her, but none could cure her. In the end, I had no choice but to try my luck on Medicine God Island. I’ve been here for over ten days now. Regrettably, I don’t have any valuable items to offer as a reward, and no one has been willing to treat my granddaughter. If I hadn’t bumped into you today, Mr. White, I truly can’t imagine what might have happened!”

He was profoundly grateful to John.

“Didn’t Ms. Dutch already have her memories erased by Catlin back then? Why is she still like this after that part of her memory has been wiped out?”

John was downright puzzled.

From the looks of Mila, it’s clear that she’s in such a state because she’s traumatized and can’t handle the mental stress! Generally speaking, cultivators possess immense mental energy.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to project their spiritual sense to survey their surroundings. Compared to ordinary people, the mental energy of cultivators is far more powerful, by hundreds or even thousands of times. Logically speaking, with such tremendous mental energy, she shouldn’t have been driven to insanity just because of a slight trigger.

“I’m not sure either. Maybe the memory erasure wasn’t thorough, and there are still remnants of those painful memories in Mila’s consciousness field.”

Misho himself didn’t know the reason. If he did, he might have already found a cure long ago.

“I’ll help Ms. Dutch take a look, then.”

After John had said that, he promptly channeled a surge of spiritual energy into Mila’s body.

The surge of spiritual energy entered Mila’s consciousness field straight away.

In an instant, Mila abruptly snapped. She began yelling and screaming.

Upon seeing that, John shot his hand out and knocked Mila unconscious.

Subsequently, he frowned deeply because he had already detected her past tragedy from her consciousness field.

Even though Catlin had erased that part of Mila’s memory, it was simply too deep-seated for her.

Despite having been erased, the memories imprinted in her consciousness field still remained.

That was why she gradually began to recall that unbearable past.

Any girl would go insane after having been sexually assaulted by dozens of men in a row.

After John was done, he looked at Misho gravely.

“How is my granddaughter, Mr. White? Can she be cured?” Misho quickly asked.

“Ms. Dutch’s experience on the Celestial Battlefield was too truly traumatic for her, Old Mr. Dutch. To erase only those memories is just too difficult. If we want her to recover now, we can only erase all her memories. Only then can she recover. But at that time, she won’t recognize anyone anymore. You’ll have to guide her slowly,” John said.

While listening to that, Misho gazed at Mila silently, an intense turmoil brewing within him.

What will the point be when Mila won’t even recognize me then? Yet, I can’t bear to see her live her life in delirium either!

After a moment of hesitation, he finally gritted his teeth and concurred, “Alright. That’s the only way now!”

“I’ll try my best to retain Ms. Dutch’s fundamental memories, but I can’t guarantee complete success, Old Mr. Dutch!”

John had never helped anyone erase their memories before, so he couldn’t make any promises.

“Go ahead and do it, Mr. White. No matter the outcome, I’ll be able to accept it!” Misho said with great trust.

John gave a nod. Following that, a burst of golden light radiated from the palm of his hand and enveloped Mila completely.

Erasing the memories of an ordinary person was simple, but to do the same to a cultivator’s memories in her consciousness field was an extraordinarily challenging feat. It was extremely draining.

Several hours later, John finally stopped, completely drenched in sweat:

“I’ve already erased Ms. Dutch’s memories, Old Mr. Dutch. We’ll only know whether I managed to retain her most fundamental memories when she wakes up!”

After he had finished speaking, he plopped down onto the chair.

He was truly exhausted, drained to the core.

At the sight of John so weary, Misho looked at him with gratitude written all over his face. “Thank you, Mr. White. Regardless of whether Mila recognizes me, I will always be there for her!”

At just that moment, Mila slowly opened her eyes.

Seeing that Mila had awakened, Misho anxiously went over in a hurry. He was uncertain if his granddaughter would still recognize him.

When Mila caught sight of her grandfather, she called out softly, “Grandpa…”

Upon hearing that, Misho instantly murmured an acknowledgment in delight, tears escaping his eyes uncontrollably.

“Why are you crying, Grandpa? Where are we?” Mila asked while helping to wipe his tears away after getting up.

“I’m fine. I’ll take you home right away!”

Misho was simply overjoyed to see that his granddaughter still recognized him.

John also breathed a sigh of relief. Since Mila’s most fundamental memories are intact, there’ll be no need for Old Mr. Dutch to guide her slowly.

“I can’t thank you enough, Mr. White!”

Having said that, Misho fell to his knees before John.

“Don’t mention it, Old Mr. Dutch!”

John quickly held on to him, stopping him from kneeling down.

“Who is this, Grandpa? Why do you want to kneel before him?”

Mila looked at John blankly, unable to comprehend why her grandfather wanted to kneel before a young man like him.

“Mila, this is Mr. White, a savior of our family. He…..”

Misho was just about to introduce John to Mila when John interrupted him, saying, “Perhaps it’s best not to tell Ms. Dutch too much, Old Mr. Dutch. Just let her remember whatever she can, lest she gets lost in her memories.”

Upon hearing that, Misho quickly zipped his mouth.

“Where are you both headed next, Old Mr. Dutch? If you have nowhere else to go, you’re welcome to stay here. Anyway, there’s plenty of room,” John offered.

“Thank you, Mr. White. I’m planning to take Mila back home. I won’t take her roaming around anymore in the future,” Misho replied.

“That’s good. The world is fraught with danger, so a safe and stable life takes precedence.”

John let out a soft sigh.

The perils of the Ethereal Realm are a thousand or even a million times worse than those of the mundane world! In the Ethereal Realm, there are no set rules to speak of. Power was everything! In the mundane world, there are legal constraints at the very least, so it won’t be that chaotic.

Misho then left with Mila. Meanwhile, John consumed a huge amount of pills and even set up a spiritual energy collection array. He needed a good rest before he could recover fully.

While John was resting, the only three-story building in the area where they resided was brightly lit even though it was already late at night.

It was the accommodation prepared by Medicine God Island for the president of the Azuren Alchemist Guild, Mark. No matter what, there was no denying that he contributed significantly to the Alchemist Fair on Medicine God Island this time.

In the living room, Mark sat quietly. Across from him, there were about a dozen people seated.

They were all heads of the various medicinal families.

Among them were two of the four great medical families in Sparta, the head of the Boucher family, Ernesto Boucher, and the head of the Dupont family, Vincent Dupont.

Those of the Zaire and Weaver families were nowhere to be seen.

Everyone wore a solemn expression, their eyes fixated on Mark before them.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m sure you already know why I gathered all of you here today. The Alchemist Fair this time is certainly not as simple as it appears on the surface. To be honest with you, half of us who came might likely all die on Medicine God Island here.”

After a moment of silence, Mark began to speak slowly.

Everyone was stunned by Mark’ remark, yet no one voiced their thoughts.

Mark continued, “Whether it’s the Alchemist Guild or the top families, there’s always been a constant struggle-both in the open and behind the scenes. Both Mr. Boucher and Mr. Dupont from Sparta are surely aware of this. With the Zupakie and Weaver families now united through marriage, even the esteemed Mr. Bellamy has joined the Weaver family. And let’s not forget John, who suddenly appeared out of nowhere and was brought in by Windoline, despite her having left the Weaver family decades ago. It was clear that the power of the Weavers and Zupakies surpassed any other prestigious families. In time, they will soon take over the Boucher and Dupont families. Maybe it’s time for a shake-up at the Alchemist Fair. I doubt Medicine God Island invited everyone here just out of kindness. From what I’ve heard, the Island was under threat, which is why they were so determined to host the Fair there.”

Someone in the crowd began to question Mark. “President Surrey, what’s going on? Why didn’t you tell us if you knew about this? Why did you still tell us to come to Medicine God Island?”

“Who would dare risk offending the Medicine God Island, though? I don’t think anyone dares to underestimate its power!” another person chimed in.

“Is Medicine God Island under threat? Are they using us as their shield?” everyone asked in utter confusion.

“President Surrey, what mind game are you playing? We all trust you, so there’s no need to keep us in suspense,” demanded Ernesto, the head of the Boucher family.

Vincent, the head of the Dupont family, echoed, “That’s right. We’re in this together now. There’s no need to hide anything from us anymore.”

“Do any of you know about Sky Slasher Sect?” asked Mark.

“Of course. It’s well-known for its expertise in medical skills and arcane arrays, isn’t it?” someone answered.

“The Sky Slasher Sect is nothing more than a den of tricksters. Their medical skills are superficial at best. However, I must admit, their expertise in arcane arrays is indeed impressive,” another person said. “If my memory serves me right, this Sky Slasher Sect is a Demonic Cultivation sect, right?”

The crowd started sharing their thoughts.

“President Surrey, what’s the connection between Sky Slasher Sect and Medicine God Island? Is Medicine God Island under Sky Slasher Sect’s threat?” Ernesto asked.

“That’s right,” Mark replied, nodding. “The Sky Slasher Sect knew that Medicine God Island was where the Medicine God had fallen. They aimed to seize control of the island. In response, Medicine God Island offered substantial resources to host the Alchemist Fair, gathering us all in one place to help resist the Sky Slasher Sect’s advances!”

Everyone was somewhat baffled. Some asked in confusion, “President Surrey, how did you find out about all this? Did someone from Medicine God Island inform you?”

“Of course not!” Mark shook his head. “I knew about this because I’ve been collaborating with the Sky Slasher Sect!”

As soon as these words were spoken, an uproar instantly erupted among the crowd.

Some people even abruptly rose to their feet, staring at Mark in disbelief. “President Surrey, you’re not a Demonic Cultivator, aren’t you?”

“Of course not,” he denied. “What makes you think only demon cultivators can ally with the Sky Slasher Sect? I’ve brought you all here secretly for a reason. When the time comes, we’ll join forces with those within the Sky Slasher Sect. Eventually, we’ll take control of Medicine God Island and its resources. No one else will dare to claim an equal share. As for the other alchemists, if they understand the situation, we’ll bring them into our fold. If they don’t, they’ll face the consequences. By then, we’ll be the only ones with the medical expertise in the Ethereal Realm. No matter how formidable the other sects are, they’ll have no choice but to seek our aid.”

Mark’ eyes sparkled with greed.

The position of president of a small Alchemist Guild from Azure could never satisfy his ambitions. What he truly yearned for was dominion over the entire Ethereal Realm.

He sought to master the medical skills of the Ethereal Realm. Once he achieved his goal, he would have access to any resource he desired!
Chapter 4171 - 4173

Mark’ words hung in the air, plunging everyone into a deep silence.

“We can’t take this lightly,” Mark warned, his eyes glinting with greed as he surveyed the room. “If we succeed, the rewards will be immense! But if we fail, those of us who have allied with the demon cultivators will likely be expelled from the major Alchemist Guilds and could even lose our lives!”

The expressions on everyone’s faces grew incredibly solemn as they grasped the gravity of the situation.

All the Alchemist Guilds had stringent rules, and any conspiracy with demon cultivators could lead to dire consequences.

Yet, the promise of immense rewards acted like a devil’s whisper, persistently stirring their hearts and tempting them to take the risk.

“Ladies and gentlemen, besides the resources of the Medicine God Island, don’t forget about John. This guy is worth a hundred-year offering to the Demon Seal Alliance.” Mark’ voice echoed with persuasive fervor.

“Can you even begin to grasp the vast resources accumulated over the hundred-year offering to the Demon-Seal Alliance? Profit drives people to madness and obsession, igniting a flame in the depths of their hearts that’s impossible to extinguish. In this world, who would risk their life without the lure of personal gain? Who would dare to take chance? Look at the opportunity before us-it’s an unimaginable advantage! The resources of Medicine God Island are like a mountain of treasure. If we can claim them, we could achieve unprecedented success! And consider John, who bears the weight of the hundred-year offering to the Demon-Seal Alliance. Imagine the wealth of rare herbs, the myriad of mysterious cultivation techniques, and the countless magical items that could drastically enhance our power! With such assets, we could command respect across the Ethereal Realm!”

He continued, “Profit is the cornerstone of power and the wellspring of glory. With these resources in our grasp, we could wield control over others’ lives and destinies. We would no longer be mere pawns at the mercy of others, but instead, we would become the rulers who command everything! We must pursue these benefits with relentless determination. Rules and morality become trivial in the face of such immense gains! As long as we succeed, what can those accusations and criticisms do to us? If we fail, we will face the consequences with dignity. But if we succeed, we will revel in wealth and honor, earning admiration and respect from all! Glory and power are the driving forces behind our ambitions. Let’s seize this opportunity with unwavering resolve, for the sake of profit and without reservation!”

There was no doubt that Mark was a charismatic and eloquent speaker, wielding an incredible power to persuade the crowd.

The crowd’s breathing grew slightly faster at the thought of the Demon Seal Alliance’s century-long offering. The stakes were nothing short of unimaginable wealth.

For these alchemists, access to such resources would mean mastering advanced medical skills, which, in turn, would elevate their status and power.

“Asiana Land wouldn’t dare to touch us as long as we succeed, even if we were to eliminate John. After all, the most skilled alchemists in the Ethereal Realm are right here,” Mark continued.

“If anything were to happen to us, I fear the entire Ethereal Realm might never find another group of senior alchemists.”

Mark’ words stirred a storm of emotions among the crowd.

Deep within, they wrestled with the conflict between desire and fear, weighing the potential rewards against the risks.

“President Surrey, I’m with you.” Ernesto was the first to break the silence. “I’m ready to fight alongside you!”

His face was set with unwavering resolve as if he had pushed all doubts aside.

Vincent soon echoed, “Count me in as well. As the saying goes, the bold may be devoured by their greed, while the timid are left wanting. Besides, after this Alchemist Fair, the Zupakie and Weaver families are sure to come after us. We might as well strike first!”

As soon as Ernesto and Vincent voiced their support, the rest of the crowd quickly followed suit, each affirming their readiness to stand with Mark and take decisive action.

Seeing the fervor and unanimity in the room, Mark allowed himself a satisfied chuckle, his eyes gleaming with triumph.

“Very well. We’re all in this together now,” Mark declared. “It’s time to make a blood oath.” He let a single drop of his blood essence fall into the wine cup before him.

The others followed suit, each adding a drop of their own blood essence to the cup before downing the wine in a single gulp, sealing their vows with a shared commitment.

Meanwhile, Sue from the Laurent family, also the president of Medicine God Island, lay wide awake, unable to find rest.

He stood before the window, gazing out at the full moon and the ceaseless waves crashing ashore, lost in deep contemplation.

Beneath Sue’s feet, a swarm of golden beetles moved about, their faint glow casting a subtle shimmer.

These beetles, a unique species native to Medicine God Island, were Sue’s cultivation.

Originally black, the beetle’s shell had turned golden over time. This transformation occurred due to its constant exposure to the mist produced from the potion brewing by the Medicine God on Medicine God Island.

A single bite from a golden beetle was already formidable, and the combined strength of a swarm was truly astonishing.

“Dad, it’s late. You should get some rest,” Candle said softly as he entered his father’s room, noticing the persistent light.

He stepped carefully among the golden beetles crawling across the floor, which seemed to part and create a clear path with each of his steps.

Sue, still gazing out the window at the moonlit waves crashing on the shore, spoke with a hint of anxiety in his voice. “Candle, do you think we’ll make it through this ordeal?”

“Dad, hundreds of alchemists have arrived, representing the most prominent medical families. Even four of the five regional Alchemist Guild presidents are here. I don’t believe the Sky Slasher Sect would dare to cause any trouble,” Candle said reassuringly.

“Their attempts to intimidate us are nothing more than bluster. With their mediocre medical skills, even if we were to surrender Medicine God Island to them, they would still be unable to grasp the legacy left by the Medicine God.”

“Don’t worry too much, Dad,” Candle continued, trying to offer comfort. “As the saying goes, different situations call for different actions. We’ll take it one step at a time.”

After hearing this, Sue responded with a wry smile and turned to look at Candle. “Candle, do you also think that the reason I’m holding the Alchemist Fair on Medicine God Island is to rally these alchemists against the Sky Slasher Sect?”

“Isn’t that your intention?” Candle sounded puzzled.

“Of course not.” Sue’s gaze grew resolute and profound. “I genuinely wanted to use the resources of Medicine God Island to benefit all the alchemists in the Ethereal Realm. It would be even better if someone could unlock the secrets of the Medicine God’s legacy.”

Candle stared blankly at his father, a storm of complex emotions churning within him.

Sue paced slowly, continuing, “The Ethereal Realm has far too few alchemists, and only a handful possess truly exceptional medical skills. Most cultivators are obsessed with their quest for immortality, and none are willing to dedicate themselves to mastering the medicine skills.”

His voice was laced with helplessness.

“Dad, I had no idea you felt this way,” Candle said, a note of concern in his voice. “But are we prepared to face the risks involved?”

“So what if there are risks?” Sue interrupted. “If I can make even a small contribution to the alchemists of the Ethereal Realm, then I’ll feel my life has not been lived in vain. We absolutely cannot let the Sky Slasher Sect, with their impure intentions, get their hands on the Medicine God’s legacy. If they inherit it, they would undoubtedly bring immense disaster to the realm of mortals.”

Candle fell silent for a moment before speaking. “Dad, I understand now. I’ll fully support your decision.”

Sue placed a reassuring hand on Candle’s shoulder. “Max, there are many factions with hidden agendas at this Alchemist Fair. We need to tread carefully, but we must never lose sight of our original purpose.”.

Candle nodded firmly. “Dad, I promise I will protect Medicine God Island and ensure that the Alchemist Fair goes smoothly.”

The moonlight bathed them in a soft glow, highlighting their resolute figures. Yet, beneath the serene surface of Medicine God Island, dark and ominous currents were stirring, heralding an impending crisis.

Meanwhile, Mark and his companions were meticulously crafting a more detailed plan.

“We must figure out a way to control all the key points of Medicine God Island. We can’t let any information leak out,” said Mark.

“There are quite a few people around John, so capturing him won’t be easy,” someone voiced their concern.

“Hmph, we could catch them off guard by striking at the Alchemist Fair.” A fierce glint flashed in Mark’ eyes. “In the ensuing chaos, no one would have time to worry about anyone else.”

Everyone nodded in agreement, approving Mark’ plan.

Meanwhile, on the other side, the Zaire and Weaver families were secretly observing the unfolding situation. They were not oblivious to the subtle maneuvers of Mark and his associates.

Having spent so many years in Sparta, they could guess a thing or two about what was on Mark, the Boucher family, the Dupont family, and the others’ minds!

That evening, Ernesto and Vincent had secretly visited Mark’ residence. There was undoubtedly a clandestine secret they didn’t want to be known!

The Zaire and Weaver families were plotting to take over the Boucher and Dupont families.

Similarly, there was no way that the Boucher and Dupont families didn’t harbor intentions to absorb those two families!

Despite their seemingly jovial encounters usually, they secretly wished the worst for each other!

“It seems the Alchemist Fair won’t be happening smoothly this time,” Waylon, the head of the Zaire family, commented.

“We can’t afford to be careless; we must be well-prepared,” stated Dylan, the head of the Weaver family.

Even though they were now aware of Mark’actions, they believed it was directed only at their two families. Little did they know, Mark was actually targeting all the alchemists in the Ethereal Realm!

The entire Medicine God Island was shrouded in an atmosphere of tension. Various forces were subtly vying for power, waiting for the right opportunity to surface.

On the eve of the Alchemist Fair, the atmosphere on Medicine God Island became increasingly tense.

The alchemists were all making their final preparations for the upcoming fair, while those with nefarious intentions were scheming in the shadows, plotting how to achieve their ambitions.

Sue was bustling about, darting between various locations to ensure all the preparations were indeed in order.

At the same time, Candle led his family’s disciples in reinforcing the island’s defenses.

Meanwhile, Mark and the others were busily finalizing the last details. Their eyes were filled with anticipation and anxiety, as if they were about to embark on a life-or-death gamble.

Time flew quickly, and before they knew it, it was time for the Alchemist Fair to begin!

The entire Medicine God Island was buzzing with activity as everyone was brimming with excitement.

Yet beneath this wave of excitement, what kind of scheme was hidden, no one knew.

As dawn was just breaking, all the alchemists gathered at the foot of Cauldron Peak, where a high platform had been erected.

Whatever the case, a simple opening ceremony was still necessary for the Alchemist Fair.

The area surrounding Cauldron Peak was shrouded in a dense white mist that seemed to perpetually emanate outward, much like how steam wafted from cauldrons during alchemy.

However, this white mist was not some spiritual fog, but rather a deadly poison!

The rumor was that it was all to safeguard the pills within Cauldron Peak.

Given that Cauldron Peak used to be where the Medicine God did his alchemy, it was certain that many leftover pills would still be there!

However, this white mist was not a permanent feature. As the sun rose, the mist would gradually dissipate.

At that moment, atop the elevated platform was a sea of people. The presidents of the Alchemist Guilds from four regions, along with the heads of several medical families, were all seated there.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Medicine God Island. I’m overjoyed that the Alchemist Fair is being held on our island this time. Every expense incurred here will be covered by us, the Laurent family. Moreover, there are several awards, which will add a bit of fun while you all exchange ideas and learn from each other! The mountain behind me, bearing the likeness of a cauldron, is known as Cauldron Peak. Legend has it that it was the very cauldron used by the Medicine God that ultimately transformed into this grand mountain! The Medicine God met his end within the confines of this mountain, where numerous pills he crafted still remain! Whether you will find any of them all comes down to individual destiny. There’s even the Medicine God’s legacy. If anyone can comprehend it, it would be a blessing for our Ethereal Realm. And with that, I now declare the Alchemist Fair has begun!”

Following Sue’s loud proclamation, a series of cannon fire resounded, accompanied by applause so thunderous it was near deafening!

Many alchemists were deeply touched by the generosity displayed by Medicine God Island.
So many chapters at once, loving it, thank you Immortal Gily
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