The Dragon Man's Decree - Translated by GILY

Author: Unknown
Type: Action and Adventure
Posted : 07 October 2023
Status: Ongoing

John White is furious that someone has tried to make an advance on his girlfriend. In the end, he ends up behind bars after his attempt to protect her. Three years later, he is a free man but finds out that that girlfriend of his has married the man who hit on her back then. John will not let things slide. Thankfully, he has learned Focus Technique during his time in prison. At that, he embarks on the journey of cultivation and is accompanied by a gorgeous Miranda. Who would have thought this would enrage his ex-girlfriend?
Chapter 4171 - 4173

Mark’ words hung in the air, plunging everyone into a deep silence.

“We can’t take this lightly,” Mark warned, his eyes glinting with greed as he surveyed the room. “If we succeed, the rewards will be immense! But if we fail, those of us who have allied with the demon cultivators will likely be expelled from the major Alchemist Guilds and could even lose our lives!”

The expressions on everyone’s faces grew incredibly solemn as they grasped the gravity of the situation.

All the Alchemist Guilds had stringent rules, and any conspiracy with demon cultivators could lead to dire consequences.

Yet, the promise of immense rewards acted like a devil’s whisper, persistently stirring their hearts and tempting them to take the risk.

“Ladies and gentlemen, besides the resources of the Medicine God Island, don’t forget about John. This guy is worth a hundred-year offering to the Demon Seal Alliance.” Mark’ voice echoed with persuasive fervor.

“Can you even begin to grasp the vast resources accumulated over the hundred-year offering to the Demon-Seal Alliance? Profit drives people to madness and obsession, igniting a flame in the depths of their hearts that’s impossible to extinguish. In this world, who would risk their life without the lure of personal gain? Who would dare to take chance? Look at the opportunity before us-it’s an unimaginable advantage! The resources of Medicine God Island are like a mountain of treasure. If we can claim them, we could achieve unprecedented success! And consider John, who bears the weight of the hundred-year offering to the Demon-Seal Alliance. Imagine the wealth of rare herbs, the myriad of mysterious cultivation techniques, and the countless magical items that could drastically enhance our power! With such assets, we could command respect across the Ethereal Realm!”

He continued, “Profit is the cornerstone of power and the wellspring of glory. With these resources in our grasp, we could wield control over others’ lives and destinies. We would no longer be mere pawns at the mercy of others, but instead, we would become the rulers who command everything! We must pursue these benefits with relentless determination. Rules and morality become trivial in the face of such immense gains! As long as we succeed, what can those accusations and criticisms do to us? If we fail, we will face the consequences with dignity. But if we succeed, we will revel in wealth and honor, earning admiration and respect from all! Glory and power are the driving forces behind our ambitions. Let’s seize this opportunity with unwavering resolve, for the sake of profit and without reservation!”

There was no doubt that Mark was a charismatic and eloquent speaker, wielding an incredible power to persuade the crowd.

The crowd’s breathing grew slightly faster at the thought of the Demon Seal Alliance’s century-long offering. The stakes were nothing short of unimaginable wealth.

For these alchemists, access to such resources would mean mastering advanced medical skills, which, in turn, would elevate their status and power.

“Asiana Land wouldn’t dare to touch us as long as we succeed, even if we were to eliminate John. After all, the most skilled alchemists in the Ethereal Realm are right here,” Mark continued.

“If anything were to happen to us, I fear the entire Ethereal Realm might never find another group of senior alchemists.”

Mark’ words stirred a storm of emotions among the crowd.

Deep within, they wrestled with the conflict between desire and fear, weighing the potential rewards against the risks.

“President Surrey, I’m with you.” Ernesto was the first to break the silence. “I’m ready to fight alongside you!”

His face was set with unwavering resolve as if he had pushed all doubts aside.

Vincent soon echoed, “Count me in as well. As the saying goes, the bold may be devoured by their greed, while the timid are left wanting. Besides, after this Alchemist Fair, the Zupakie and Weaver families are sure to come after us. We might as well strike first!”

As soon as Ernesto and Vincent voiced their support, the rest of the crowd quickly followed suit, each affirming their readiness to stand with Mark and take decisive action.

Seeing the fervor and unanimity in the room, Mark allowed himself a satisfied chuckle, his eyes gleaming with triumph.

“Very well. We’re all in this together now,” Mark declared. “It’s time to make a blood oath.” He let a single drop of his blood essence fall into the wine cup before him.

The others followed suit, each adding a drop of their own blood essence to the cup before downing the wine in a single gulp, sealing their vows with a shared commitment.

Meanwhile, Sue from the Laurent family, also the president of Medicine God Island, lay wide awake, unable to find rest.

He stood before the window, gazing out at the full moon and the ceaseless waves crashing ashore, lost in deep contemplation.

Beneath Sue’s feet, a swarm of golden beetles moved about, their faint glow casting a subtle shimmer.

These beetles, a unique species native to Medicine God Island, were Sue’s cultivation.

Originally black, the beetle’s shell had turned golden over time. This transformation occurred due to its constant exposure to the mist produced from the potion brewing by the Medicine God on Medicine God Island.

A single bite from a golden beetle was already formidable, and the combined strength of a swarm was truly astonishing.

“Dad, it’s late. You should get some rest,” Candle said softly as he entered his father’s room, noticing the persistent light.

He stepped carefully among the golden beetles crawling across the floor, which seemed to part and create a clear path with each of his steps.

Sue, still gazing out the window at the moonlit waves crashing on the shore, spoke with a hint of anxiety in his voice. “Candle, do you think we’ll make it through this ordeal?”

“Dad, hundreds of alchemists have arrived, representing the most prominent medical families. Even four of the five regional Alchemist Guild presidents are here. I don’t believe the Sky Slasher Sect would dare to cause any trouble,” Candle said reassuringly.

“Their attempts to intimidate us are nothing more than bluster. With their mediocre medical skills, even if we were to surrender Medicine God Island to them, they would still be unable to grasp the legacy left by the Medicine God.”

“Don’t worry too much, Dad,” Candle continued, trying to offer comfort. “As the saying goes, different situations call for different actions. We’ll take it one step at a time.”

After hearing this, Sue responded with a wry smile and turned to look at Candle. “Candle, do you also think that the reason I’m holding the Alchemist Fair on Medicine God Island is to rally these alchemists against the Sky Slasher Sect?”

“Isn’t that your intention?” Candle sounded puzzled.

“Of course not.” Sue’s gaze grew resolute and profound. “I genuinely wanted to use the resources of Medicine God Island to benefit all the alchemists in the Ethereal Realm. It would be even better if someone could unlock the secrets of the Medicine God’s legacy.”

Candle stared blankly at his father, a storm of complex emotions churning within him.

Sue paced slowly, continuing, “The Ethereal Realm has far too few alchemists, and only a handful possess truly exceptional medical skills. Most cultivators are obsessed with their quest for immortality, and none are willing to dedicate themselves to mastering the medicine skills.”

His voice was laced with helplessness.

“Dad, I had no idea you felt this way,” Candle said, a note of concern in his voice. “But are we prepared to face the risks involved?”

“So what if there are risks?” Sue interrupted. “If I can make even a small contribution to the alchemists of the Ethereal Realm, then I’ll feel my life has not been lived in vain. We absolutely cannot let the Sky Slasher Sect, with their impure intentions, get their hands on the Medicine God’s legacy. If they inherit it, they would undoubtedly bring immense disaster to the realm of mortals.”

Candle fell silent for a moment before speaking. “Dad, I understand now. I’ll fully support your decision.”

Sue placed a reassuring hand on Candle’s shoulder. “Max, there are many factions with hidden agendas at this Alchemist Fair. We need to tread carefully, but we must never lose sight of our original purpose.”.

Candle nodded firmly. “Dad, I promise I will protect Medicine God Island and ensure that the Alchemist Fair goes smoothly.”

The moonlight bathed them in a soft glow, highlighting their resolute figures. Yet, beneath the serene surface of Medicine God Island, dark and ominous currents were stirring, heralding an impending crisis.

Meanwhile, Mark and his companions were meticulously crafting a more detailed plan.

“We must figure out a way to control all the key points of Medicine God Island. We can’t let any information leak out,” said Mark.

“There are quite a few people around John, so capturing him won’t be easy,” someone voiced their concern.

“Hmph, we could catch them off guard by striking at the Alchemist Fair.” A fierce glint flashed in Mark’ eyes. “In the ensuing chaos, no one would have time to worry about anyone else.”

Everyone nodded in agreement, approving Mark’ plan.

Meanwhile, on the other side, the Zaire and Weaver families were secretly observing the unfolding situation. They were not oblivious to the subtle maneuvers of Mark and his associates.

Having spent so many years in Sparta, they could guess a thing or two about what was on Mark, the Boucher family, the Dupont family, and the others’ minds!

That evening, Ernesto and Vincent had secretly visited Mark’ residence. There was undoubtedly a clandestine secret they didn’t want to be known!

The Zaire and Weaver families were plotting to take over the Boucher and Dupont families.

Similarly, there was no way that the Boucher and Dupont families didn’t harbor intentions to absorb those two families!

Despite their seemingly jovial encounters usually, they secretly wished the worst for each other!

“It seems the Alchemist Fair won’t be happening smoothly this time,” Waylon, the head of the Zaire family, commented.

“We can’t afford to be careless; we must be well-prepared,” stated Dylan, the head of the Weaver family.

Even though they were now aware of Mark’actions, they believed it was directed only at their two families. Little did they know, Mark was actually targeting all the alchemists in the Ethereal Realm!

The entire Medicine God Island was shrouded in an atmosphere of tension. Various forces were subtly vying for power, waiting for the right opportunity to surface.

On the eve of the Alchemist Fair, the atmosphere on Medicine God Island became increasingly tense.

The alchemists were all making their final preparations for the upcoming fair, while those with nefarious intentions were scheming in the shadows, plotting how to achieve their ambitions.

Sue was bustling about, darting between various locations to ensure all the preparations were indeed in order.

At the same time, Candle led his family’s disciples in reinforcing the island’s defenses.

Meanwhile, Mark and the others were busily finalizing the last details. Their eyes were filled with anticipation and anxiety, as if they were about to embark on a life-or-death gamble.

Time flew quickly, and before they knew it, it was time for the Alchemist Fair to begin!

The entire Medicine God Island was buzzing with activity as everyone was brimming with excitement.

Yet beneath this wave of excitement, what kind of scheme was hidden, no one knew.

As dawn was just breaking, all the alchemists gathered at the foot of Cauldron Peak, where a high platform had been erected.

Whatever the case, a simple opening ceremony was still necessary for the Alchemist Fair.

The area surrounding Cauldron Peak was shrouded in a dense white mist that seemed to perpetually emanate outward, much like how steam wafted from cauldrons during alchemy.

However, this white mist was not some spiritual fog, but rather a deadly poison!

The rumor was that it was all to safeguard the pills within Cauldron Peak.

Given that Cauldron Peak used to be where the Medicine God did his alchemy, it was certain that many leftover pills would still be there!

However, this white mist was not a permanent feature. As the sun rose, the mist would gradually dissipate.

At that moment, atop the elevated platform was a sea of people. The presidents of the Alchemist Guilds from four regions, along with the heads of several medical families, were all seated there.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Medicine God Island. I’m overjoyed that the Alchemist Fair is being held on our island this time. Every expense incurred here will be covered by us, the Laurent family. Moreover, there are several awards, which will add a bit of fun while you all exchange ideas and learn from each other! The mountain behind me, bearing the likeness of a cauldron, is known as Cauldron Peak. Legend has it that it was the very cauldron used by the Medicine God that ultimately transformed into this grand mountain! The Medicine God met his end within the confines of this mountain, where numerous pills he crafted still remain! Whether you will find any of them all comes down to individual destiny. There’s even the Medicine God’s legacy. If anyone can comprehend it, it would be a blessing for our Ethereal Realm. And with that, I now declare the Alchemist Fair has begun!”

Following Sue’s loud proclamation, a series of cannon fire resounded, accompanied by applause so thunderous it was near deafening!

Many alchemists were deeply touched by the generosity displayed by Medicine God Island.
Mark, John is not a chicken ok, if not you wouldn't be the one to target him. Like he died long time. It's a shame your greed is going to end your life soon.
John is already sixth level tribulator. He possess so many magical and sacred items. He has also so many tricks under his sleeves. Just curious to know how this expedition to Medicine God Island is going to benefit him. I am sure he will tactfully overcome all the hurdles and then proceed to Asiana place to claim the Immortals bones. I just hope that it is the bones of vermillion demon lord. Since John already has phoenix, Caitlin and Vienna with him, he should not covet any more from the virgin sect for now. I am sure king Bernard and prince Cedric might be benevolent and offer him more so that they can tempt John to stay with them. But knowing John, he would not stay longer as he still has the fight with Aiden. But regarding bedding more virgins, only masters like emeka, xavier, Prosper and King can answer.
John is already sixth level tribulator. He possess so many magical and sacred items. He has also so many tricks under his sleeves. Just curious to know how this expedition to Medicine God Island is going to benefit him. I am sure he will tactfully overcome all the hurdles and then proceed to Asiana place to claim the Immortals bones. I just hope that it is the bones of vermillion demon lord. Since John already has phoenix, Caitlin and Vienna with him, he should not covet any more from the virgin sect for now. I am sure king Bernard and prince Cedric might be benevolent and offer him more so that they can tempt John to stay with them. But knowing John, he would not stay longer as he still has the fight with Aiden. But regarding bedding more virgins, only masters like emeka, xavier, Prosper and King can answer.
I'm divided in the immortal bone. Though I would wish the bone to be Vermilion's, I also have hope that Vermilion will stay longer within John's consciousness field.
John is already sixth level tribulator. He possess so many magical and sacred items. He has also so many tricks under his sleeves. Just curious to know how this expedition to Medicine God Island is going to benefit him. I am sure he will tactfully overcome all the hurdles and then proceed to Asiana place to claim the Immortals bones. I just hope that it is the bones of vermillion demon lord. Since John already has phoenix, Caitlin and Vienna with him, he should not covet any more from the virgin sect for now. I am sure king Bernard and prince Cedric might be benevolent and offer him more so that they can tempt John to stay with them. But knowing John, he would not stay longer as he still has the fight with Aiden. But regarding bedding more virgins, only masters like emeka, xavier, Prosper and King can answer.
Haha just remember this John is sex sect members and all we want to see is John bringing more members and making sex sect known everywhere that’s the goal John can’t stop bringing members just know that 😂😋
Can someone reminds me of what happened to Mila in the battlefield? It looks like part of my consciousness field has been erased from that scene 😔
Can someone reminds me of what happened to Mila in the battlefield? It looks like part of my consciousness field has been erased from that scene 😔
She was violated by a group of people. It was gruesome and very sad. John killed all those bastards later. But he could not do much to erase her memory that time. I am not sure if it was Caitlin or somebody else, but they helped to erase that part tragic part of memory so that she could live somewhere.
She was violated by a group of people. It was gruesome and very sad. John killed all those bastards later. But he could not do much to erase her memory that time. I am not sure if it was Caitlin or somebody else, but they helped to erase that part tragic part of memory so that she could live somewhere.
I tried to search for the chapter but the search option here is limited to the few resent posts (chapters) only. It can't reach older posts.
This is bonest. Only the Immortals like Gily and Junlee can relate 🤔🤔🤔
Both immortals have gone quiet for some days now.. we know Junlee is on holidays, I hope all is well with Gily🤞. I hope he will appear soon with the count of trees he had transformed for his cultivation.
I think gily can compare that boner to his own hahahha big like baobao tree
anyway i think that is a game and i realy want to play hahahahahah
What's in your mind? What do you want to play with? Are we talking about the same thing? :eek:

Hmmm.. it's getting clearer now why in the past you have said you don't want to get married :unsure:
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Checking up on you, Immortal Gily. Hope you are doing fine
Thank you brother. I had busy days. I haven't posted here as the site am following also hasn't posted.

There are other sites with the story ahead, but I have hard time adjusting to names.

I promise to post
Thank you brother. I had busy days. I haven't posted here as the site am following also hasn't posted.

There are other sites with the story ahead, but I have hard time adjusting to names.

I promise to post
Please is it possible to share the link to those sites?
Thank you brother. I had busy days. I haven't posted here as the site am following also hasn't posted.

There are other sites with the story ahead, but I have hard time adjusting to names.

I promise to post
The slow movements in updates from our immortals, Gily and Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000'), turns out to be a blessing in disguise for my own 'novel'. I have more time to write and the story is moving quite smoothly in the past few days. For those who have not seen the story, you can head there and have a look (link below). So far only emeka and Ruthless have been following me there. Thanks to them, they advised me to add more spice on the fighting scenes and now I am trying to do just that. Keep the critics alive because it will help to make that novel and my writings better.. so does the first original novel produced in our beloved KijijiForums better. May that will be the first of many more original novels to come out from us all in this lovely place. Hats off to Hakimu and Gily for the encouragement given to me in my writing journey here.

P/S: I guess it is the first, my apology if it is not 🙏

What's in your mind? What do you want to play with? Are we talking about the same thing? :eek:

Hmmm.. it's getting clearer now why in the past you have said you don't want to get married :unsure:
Hahahah so can you explain what are you taking about
may be am missing something from my dirty mind

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